#but that wouldn't make much sense XP
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
Yogurt Progress 1
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So, I decided to incorporate the alien theme after all~ Those “flowers” are actually feelers that help him sniff out fresh strawberries. (Meh, I’m still working on the backstory).
My shitty phone camera doesn’t really capture that there’s a little glitter on the petals. I think a little silvery sparkle helps with the alien theme, so I might add more silver-toned glitter when I start the face (hopefully I’ll have the energy to do it tomorrow). I also moved the strawberry horns a lot more forward from the original horns’ position because they really weren’t visible when he’s facing forward. As a display piece, it’s pretty important that all the important details are visible from the front.
After the face is in place, then I can add the “icing” details, and I think that’ll be it. I still haven’t found any fabric that I think works for the bib, so either I might not make it or I’ll make a totally different neck accessory. Whatever I decide to do, I just hope I can come up with something better than a bow tie, because literally every plush I’ve made so far has had one (yes, Neapolipuppy got one too. I should post update pics of them XP).
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muffinsin · 5 months
Hi again muffin. Could you do a happy/smutty sequel to some of the angsty s/o died to whatever with them being revived by the cadou as is I remember correctly the sisters were all dead when they turned so it wouldn't be too far past the point for an s/o to be saved using it. Also please with the s/o keeping their memory just happy sisters with safe cadou'ed beloveds murdering anyone who looks at their partners wrong.
Again Thank you.
Hiya! Did I get myself a nickname?👀XP
Actually did something similar here, of the reader being revived and the sisters getting clingy :)
Let’s get into this, we need some happy endings after the angst! :)
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
She’s head over heels when the cadou implant works and you are brought back to life
Alive. In her arms. Holding her as she holds you. She thought she would never feel it again
She is immensely protective and eager to learn of your new abilities
Also, she barely leaves your side for quite a while. She hopes you don’t mind, though
She is quick to teach you: now it means kill, or be killed
And she will not lose you again
She basks in your warmth, and frankly: is quite flustered around you when you simply have a more powerful aura due to the cadou infecting you
If you grow taller than her due to your transformation, this absolutely is a way to fluster her as well
She’s very eager to learn with you, and support you
Though she is also protective as it comes to your transformation: it’s fresh, and she wants you to be careful. She knows the sensation of feeling unstoppable all too well
She doesn’t want you dying on her purely out of recklessness
If you must feast on blood, she will only bring you the finest. If not, she will ensure you get enough food to sate your hunger
Bela is, aside from being happy you’re back, thrilled at another thing that has been on her mind:
Eternity together
She is so happy to spend the rest of her life with you
She can’t help but get ahead of herself, imagining weddings and such, a future an eternity away of the two of you still together
What is more beautiful than that?
She does not share these thoughts just yet, but is sure to show her love to you every day
In bed, she is absolutely a fan of your enhanced senses and such
More strength to your body? Prepare for her to explore your new limits, bringing orgasm after orgasm or edging for hours until you beg the sweet blonde
To tease you with all the sounds and scents you can hear now-
Her cunt squelching from her wetness,
Her heartbeat quickening,
Her gasps and moans louder and more defined, her own blood pumping
On the submissive side, she absolutely screams in delight when you use your newly acquired strength on her
She is yours, utterly, and you are hers. And everybody who messes with what is hers regrets it bitterly
Every maid glancing at you the wrong way is dragged to the dungeons, never to be seen again
Secretly, she loves when you are possessive/protective and harm, or even murder those looking at her wrong or with a little too much desire
Every intruder who dares come into the castle is slain. Should you not be grossed out by this, she will bathe in their blood with you
The first thing you feel upon waking up, is Cassandra’s weight against you, her arms tightly around you
“How dare you make me worry about you!”
She’s emotional and she hates it. She absolutely will not show you that she has been crying, instead opts for hiding in your neck
You smell different- it excites her, and she immediately asks for a taste
She can’t help it, really
The cadou enriches your blood further. She’s already loved it, but now? She’s shamelessly moaning into your head every single time she has a taste. It tastes so good, and can really get her going
She will not stray from your side for a while, and is eager to test out your new abilities as soon as possible
If you require blood, she is even more thrilled
This means you get to hunt with her!
Cassandra is by no means sappy or a romantic, cheesy lover, but hunting together? It’s the utter definition of romance to her
She loves the mere thought of it, and must hold back from immediately dragging you outside to do so
Upon hunting together, she feels so many things. Pride, eagerness, arousal
It turns her on endlessly to watch you kill and she will need relief- fast and hard, against a tree or on the ground even- she cannot wait until you return to the castle
Aside from this, she is so proud to have an infected lover
She doesn’t want to lose you to mortality. Never. It’s one less thing to worry about
Cassandra will often ask you to join her in the dungeons
She will only pout as normal if you refuse, and ask for extra time spent together later on,
Should you join, the brunette will ramble on and teach you all her ways
Together, you explore your mutation
Cassandra enjoys blood baths and will often ask you to join now that you are infected- it’s so good for your skin, she agues. You’re unsure if this is true or just something she says to lure you into the large pool of blood
She pounces on you at the first possible chance, giggling happily
You’ve only been dead for a short while, until the cadou set in, but still…
Your little love bug missed you dearly!
She grins and kisses you, then draws back in surprise at your changed scent and taste
She likes it!
She’s so giddy and clingy, and especially enthusiastic when she finds out about your enhanced strength and senses
This redheaded fly-mutant will insist you carry her the majority of the time of your first few days back
She still loves being carried afterwards, of course, and will often ask you to do so
She immediately serves you the finest of foods- everything, unsure of what your taste will be like
Will you be like her family? Craving blood?
She’ll have bowls and glasses prepared with the finest one, picked by her and (don’t tell😬) stolen from her Mother’s personal collection
Or will you be like Lord Heisenberg and Beneviento and prefer food as you’ve had it?
Not an issue! She’s brought you the finest meals from the duke that even have her stomach growl
She’s excited to see you be more enduring now
She can finally play a little more rough with you!
Of course, she will also be quite emotional for a while, and extremely protective
Have you been killed by a lycan, she will offer you to go for revenge. She knows a small lycan camp just in the forest near the castle…
She wants to show you the mutts haven’t got anything on you anymore. They’re prey, if anything.
She likes to taunt them with her sister and wants to show you they’re no threat anymore
In bed, she is absolutely thrilled to try out new things
Your strength for one. She urges you to take it out on her- she knows she can take it, and is eager to
She wants to feel your hand slapping against her ass cheeks and wants to howl in pain from the amount of force used
Eagerly, she asks you for the same treatment with a strap on/when filling her
She is delighted to explore your body again, over and over again, and is tempted to brat even more than she does at times, eager for punishments
When someone glances at you for too long, she immediately snaps
You’re hers! They have no business looking at you. Perhaps, it would be more merciful to send her poor victim to the cellar once she’s done with them…
When she notices you kill or harm for her, she is flustered. She thinks it’s romantic, unsurprisingly. She’s always wanted a little unhinged monster all to herself! For this to be partly implemented in your personality due to the cadou is exciting to her
She knows, for eternity, you will always have each other. As she likes to say:
You’ll be together, forever
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valsnonsense · 2 months
Heir Grape of Pop
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".........what? Did you want me to say something? Fuck off."
Parents: Queen Poppy and King Branch
Siblings: Choco (Elder Sister), Vanilla (Elder Sister), Strawberry (Elder Sister), Apple (Brother), Oran (Brother), Lemon (Brother), Lime (Brother), Blueberry (Brother), Iris (Younger Sister)
Age: 18
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: AroAce
Genre: Heavy Metal/Black Metal/Rock
Voice Claim: Andreas Clark (Self Deception)
The final and youngest of the Rainbow Brothers. Quiet, judgemental, wearing a perpetual resting bitch face, Grape is by far the grumpiest of their family. Stuck in that emo phase they never grew out of (Uncle Floyd is so proud).
Grape doesn't really have a "job" in the traditional sense. They perform in a band called The Fallen Angels, a heavy metal/black metal band that primarily performs in Volcano Rock City, staring as the lead vocalist and guitarist. Ever since Grape met Auntie Barb, they were taken by the music of the Rock Trolls.
Grape is a bit of an artist in their spare time, mainly making graffiti works around Volcano Rock City. They love how over the top and expressive spray paint can be, and can often be found wandering the streets looking for empty spots to paint.
As stated above, Grape is 100% a rock troll. You wouldn't catch this one dead singing any pop song (unless their brothers pester them into it). Their rock scream can be heard across stadiums. They hardly ever use a mic to sing, they're that loud.
Despite their generally unapproachable appearance, Grape does care deeply for their family and friends, and will pick fights with trolls ten times their size if someone messes with them. They will bite you.
Grape currently resides in Trollstopia along with their family, but can also be found frequently in Volcano Rock City.
Fun Facts!
- Grape's band, Fallen Angels, consists of himself, two Heavy Metal Trolls, one Techno Troll, and a Remix Troll. Grape met them all in Trollstopia, and they bonded over their shared love of loud music.
- Grape is a secret Mama's baby. They may act like they're all apposed to affection, but Grape will NEVER turn down a hug from Mama Poppy. And Goddess help you if you disrespect their Mama.
- Grape does A LOT of ringpops at shows. After a set, Grape and their bandmates will go to party after party and just get hammered. Grape has started several fights in moshpits before.
And that's the last of the sextuplets!! Grape is very much ur typical emo artist who screams out their feelings. The personal protege of Floyd.
Grape has a lot more piercings under, which we'll see in the family portrait xP
Voice Example: Fight Fire With Gasoline (Self Deception)
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Not real evidence, but another thing that I think strengthens the narrator theory for me anyway is this.
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Image description: Four screenshots from Undertale, from the Undertale Text Project (link here).
The first two are from the boss fight against Asriel when he's transformed into the Angel of Death, his goat head with long horns atop a floating, legless, triangular body with long clawed hands in gloves and giant, rainbow-colored wings spread out that are shifting colors. Face scrunched up, he's wailing and shouting, "So, please… Stop doing this… And just let me win!!!"
The next two screenshots are from much earlier in the game: the first is in the tutorial fight against the Dummy in the Ruins, which the player has spared. The narration reads, "You won! You earned 0 XP and 0 gold." The final screenshot is from killing an enemy. The player is LV 4 and the narration reads, "You won! You earned 100 XP and 140 gold. Your LOVE has increased."
End description.
The whole game, the narrator has cheered us on most any time we win an encounter with a monster, whether we fought or spared. The only exception is when we beat the boss at the end of the area, again whether that is sparing or killing (eg Toriel, Papyrus) - there is no narration when a boss encounter has been won. The only exception ironically is if you spare the injured Flowey after the Photoshop Flowey fight: the narration simply says, "Flowey ran away." (If you kill him however, the narrator says nothing, as with the result of every other boss fight.)
(Tangent: The Doylist explanation for this is probably that these are the main characters and their words to us when defeated is supposed to be what sticks, so having the narration say "Yay, good job! You got this from that!" might break up the mood in a way Toby didn't want. The narration for "Flowey ran away" is used instead to drive home how pitiful he's become with his tearful reaction to the Mercy spam.)
It just feels like something Toby would do, ya know? Asriel, the antagonist, pleading with Chara, the narrator who's been letting us win the whole game, to let him win. And then, even though they were jabbering excitedly earlier in the fight, they stay silent and say nothing back to his pleas, perhaps because they know he's talking to the wrong person and won't be able to hear them anyway (Frisk is the one he's fighting, not them), or perhaps because they can't bring themself to say anything else after the flashbacks (the narrator does fall silent suddenly after the flashbacks; the reality of it all hitting home for Chara and choking them up?). And of course, with the narrator saying nothing back, Asriel then ends up "losing" as he cries and has his change of heart.
Thematically, it's just too cool that, along with everything else, it makes it really hard for me to believe that Toby didn't intend NarraChara.
It would also make sense as a game the two used to play and perhaps the reason Chara is so quick to start narrating everything for us. Asriel has his Absolute God of Hyperdeath character the narrator is quick to recognize and describe, after all, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was a game they played: Chara the DM describing the world and enemies around Asriel as he, the hero of the story, ventures forth and battles enemies. Drawing their stories, recording their games with the camera. Flowey, the one-time hero of the story, turned villain, wants to keep playing but can never hear their voice again. And Chara, now reduced to just their voice, never able to speak to their friend again and now fated to narrate the real-life, life-or-death adventures of strangers in different worlds (with the silver lining that they at least seem to enjoy Frisk's and Kris' company).
It's also interesting to consider in light of this from Chara themself.
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Image description:
Six screenshots from Undertale, again courtesy of the Undertale Text Project, all from the scene at the end of the Kill All run where Chara speaks directly to the player. The first image is a choice the player has to "Erase" or "Do Not." After the player chooses Do Not, Chara says, "No...? Hmm... How curious. You must have misunderstood." And then, in all-caps with their smile still unchanged but their eyes turned hollow and black, they say, "Since when were you the one in control?"
End description.
The only time Chara, our otherwise plucky faithful narrator, won't let you win. They deny you winning in a much more brutal way than the sad silence they give Asriel on Pacifist, and should you do Pacifist again after this, they make sure to snatch that victory from you too.
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dnallohleoj · 8 months
So there was a post that was shared a couple days back talking about how People are talking about Godot and completely ignoring Unreal and that the reason for that was because Unreal could easily decide to do the same thing in the future if Unity makes good money off it, even if they implode afterwards.
I apparently didn't bookmark it because I was gonna reply to them directly but now I can't find it so... of course that's how it go. But anyway, while I can't say this with 100% confidence, I don't think we have to worry about Unreal following suit, and citing that as the reason Unity devs specifically are switching to Godot feels like a complete misread of the room to me.
Unity supporters always preferred it to Unreal because of how lightweight it is out of the box, and because it supported more than one programming language. In the same way Unreal makes it easy for an artist with little programming knowledge to jump in and start making a game, Unity allowed Programmers with little artistic sense to jump in and start in a way that Unreal actively gets in the way of.
Also, In order to make a game in Unreal for low target hardware, there are a million settings and features you have to go in and turn down or shut off completely, and if you want it to run on a Windows XP-era laptop, you'd basically need to rewrite the shaders in the source code. Unity's the engine you used if you want to be able to show Grandma what you do for a living. Grandma will basically never be able to run an Unreal game. Incidentally, Unreal also requires more of the computer running it, so it requires a much larger hardware investment upfront.
At the moment, Godot is as lightweight as Unity was, even if that's partially because it's missing a ton of features due to how new the engine is. THAT's why there's such a conversation surrounding Unity to Godot. Anyone who needed Unreal is already using Unreal, and existing Unreal devs aren't exactly affected by something Unity's doing.
COULD Unreal decide to copy the Unity per-download model down the line? Yes, and there'd be little any indie dev could do to stop it. But that's the thing - People love to say Epic got as big as they did due to Fortnite, and that may be partially true, but realistically, Epic Games gets a cut of the sales from nearly every AAA bestseller from the past decade, and increasingly, that includes foreign games. Do you really think all those major corporations, many of whom still also own and maintain in-house engines, would hesitate to drop Epic if they decided they were going to implement a similar per-install fee? You think it's bad for the indie who sold tens of thousands of copies and earned $200K? How do you think the Square Enixes and the RGGs and the Respawns and the BioWares who sell tens of millions and clear $200M+ are gonna feel seeing that $2M+ fee get tacked on when Epic's already getting 5% of every sale? No, it's not gonna affect their bottom line as much, but at that level, they HATE paying other people! Just on principle!
AAA studios would also collectively have the power to say, "yeah, we're not paying that for games made before that went into place" and Epic absolutely could not afford to take each and every one of them to court.
Again, could still happen, would still be devastating for the indies affected, Wouldn't even put it past Epic to implement a different policy for its existing corporate partners, I'm just saying, I have my doubts.
And that's also in part because Unreal's royalty model is less hostile than Unity's to begin with. As far as I can tell, Unity expects you to upgrade to their pro plan when your game makes $100K, which is currently $2.5K-4.5K/yr, on top of the per-install fee. A clean royalty would have been less painful. Unreal, on the other hand, doesn't start collecting their 5% royalty fee until after your game's made $1M, and I've seen estimates saying the runtime fee could amount to a 15% royalty, all said and done. Again, all subject to change at the whims of people who don't care about us in the slightest, but Unity has been making itself more expensive to use for mid-budget games over the past few years anyway. Unreal has not followed suit.
I cannot stress enough here, I do not believe Epic is on your side. There's just a LOT of additional factors to consider which makes the likelihood of them copying Unity's ill-advised fee seem pretty slim.
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mobolanz · 5 months
Saw you'd like to get some asks in your inbox (I am a bit late, sorry D:) and the following question automaticlly came to my mind: If Evelyn, Cecille and Mia were just human likes us, living on planet heart, who do you think you'd like to be friends with the most? Any that you would avoid being friends with? 👀
Ohhh that's an interesting question!
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Tbh I'd probably dismiss the who I'd avoid part because had they been unlikeable to me I wouldn't have indulged so much in their characterization to begin with. (Off topic: after noticing some parallels with him, Evelyn made me like a male character from another anime I initially disliked intensely! Like wow xD). Even flaws wise or what might be deemed unlikeable to others, it's strongly influenced by struggles I myself had so if anything it'd make me relate and want to help them out in whatever way possible. Or I'd at least acknowledge in cases like Evelyn's it's mostly out of good intent and people are already pretty harsh about it so no need to be a hypocrite on my part of add gasoline to the fire.
For Evelyn I'd quote here: I’ll have to say my immediate response is a yes. In fact I don’t see why not. She’s very polite and got a strong sense of respect empathy and consideration overall Non-judgemental outlook when approaching others it’s only natural to treat her the same if you’re close enough. Very self aware and observant too. Plus even if the approach would be flawed in one way or another I’d personally still appreciate it knowing she means well. So I’ll have to say yes, I don’t see any particular thing I personally would dislike in having a person like her around 🤧💞
In fact, with someone like that I'd be surprised anyone even chooses to mistreat and it's as if they're purposely looking for tidbits to get upset over. So you could imagine my surprise were I to find out her family biological and adoptive alike fall to that category. I actually would love to listen if she does want to open up about it without fear of it leaking to unwanted people. Like that's the least I could do if anything. She'd have done the same.
For Cecille, in earlier drafts like I mentioned in previous her and Evelyn were originally sisters , and not holding any sense of resentment whatsoever even after their ties were cut,,, so I figure that in villainy-free normal life she'd be pretty much that, if anything the sort of bond I'd have wanted around too. Mostly introverted and intimidating still but once being close with her one can overlook that 😆😆😆 (plus she'd probably understand my recent case of Somniphobia and say something that'd probably ease it xP )
Mia's turn! Ah yes the character that embodies everything that is my taste in beauty and obsession with small details. We could be talking for hours on what we find pretty, especially jewelry, and maybe even some painting sessions!:3 also makes the easiest one to figure what to get her for a gift/ what gifts to expect from her.
So this is pretty much it :3
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cursedvibes · 11 months
you!!! you get it!! yuki's entire existence feels like such a slap to the face for the spvs. shes the only one that escaped n has a ct but she still ended up fighting n dying for tengens sake, despite building up herself from the ground (i dont think the higher ups wouldve rly empathized with her situation, most definitely made it wayy more difficult to deal with, if geto n gojo had such a hard time she prolly got much worse 💀). i wonder what it wouldve been like to hear all the spv xP but alas we can only hope gege remembers this bit....yeah honestly i wish we got more drama out of their interactions n a bit of yukis own childhood instead of choso crying abt his brothers for the nth time 😭 pls tell me more abt the thoughts u have abt those two its always nice to read see ur thoughts (me who has read every single kenjin fic on your ao3 😁😁😁) the tengen situation rly showed who all read the manga n who all just saw the pictures n came up with their on hc for the situation 💀
Thank you for reading my fics <3 it means a lot to me
Well, we don't know if she's the only SPV with a CT, but I'm sure it's why she was able to escape. Riko doesn't seem to have one and that might be one of the reasons why Tengen saw her as an ideal candidate. We don't know about the other two that got merged, but it would make sense for Tengen to choose the ones that would have less means of defending themselves. The Heian one might've had one because that was probably still more of an experimental phase and she might have had less options, unlike now where there are multiple popping up in one generation and she picks the ones with characteristics she likes most and who probably also have a closer match.
So Tengen most likely knew Yuki's CT, but didn't tell the higher-ups, since Kenjaku got their help, but couldn't find it out. They basically promoted her to special grade based on mission results and I assume a good word from Tengen. That might've also helped her break through the glass ceiling of misogyny. As we see with Maki, it really doesn't matter how skilled you are, you can only advance as far as they let you and if you're a woman or they don't like you for some other reason, you're not getting anywhere. But she had her results to show off and what Tengen says goes, so they couldn't protest. It's impressive that she managed to keep her CT and status as former SPV a secret for so long, although the foreign missions definitely helped there.
I'd also like to have a bit more background on Yuki. Did she have the same religious upbringing as Riko? She was likely groomed into a sacrificial mindset too, so what made her be able to resist that? Did Tengen wait too long and teenage hormones ruined it for her? Just natural instincts? She is very rebellious in general after all. How did her first meeting with Tengen go down? So many questions that will likely never get answered. But that also means there is no limit for how we can imagine it all happening.
It's a real shame that Tengen and her intentions and past never really got questioned by anybody besides Kenjaku. Yuki has her complaints, but she ultimately doesn't do anything about them. Gojo suggested at one point to kill Tengen if she wants to force the merger with Riko, but apparently completely forgot about that once Toji came into the picture. He was so close to the root of the problem, but then didn't act on it. Riko would've died anyway, even if Toji wasn't around, just in a different way. And even if they managed to rescue Riko, it would've been some other kid that got sacrificed in her stead.
Mind you, I don't think Gojo could ultimately do anything against Tengen, certainly not at 16. He wouldn't even be able to touch her and she knows the capabilities of six eyes users better than everyone else. But I feel like an effort should have been made. The issue should be addressed. There could've been a lot of interesting stuff between Tengen and him too. After all, she also created him to make him protect her, so if he went against that, that would be a nice source of conflict. But I don't think he knows about his purpose and will likely never find out about it.
Either way, I would've liked more skepticism of Tengen in general. Kenjaku brings up right to Yuki's face that there is something very important about the Culling Game that Tengen has been keeping from them, but nobody fucking listens to them. It's so frustrating. Megumi also brings up that they should maybe not 100% trust Tengen, but nothing comes off it. The kids get so caught up in their plans and the opponents that keep popping up around them, that they forget who put them in this situation in the first place. That's how Tengen likes things to go I guess. Make people just forget about her and that's how she keeps getting away with it. And she relies a lot on the influence she established early on.
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mantleoflight · 28 days
//Thinking about how Guardians would counter Jedi/Sith force use and I think the only thing they'd be able to use to counter a Force Choke would actually be to use Strand to duplicate the move of "do it and I bring us both down" or to break their concentration.
//I bring up Strand bc Strand flows with life like a river, so it'd only make sense that it would flow with the Force the same way.
//So even though most guardians wouldn't be able to use the force, they'd still be able to defend themselves against the telekinesis stuff.
//I think the Guardians would rely very much on the "KILL IT BEFORE IT GETS A CHANCE TO KILL US." strategy. Which, considering how devastating they are in general, would be pretty effective (which is probably why "pre-emptive strike" has been their go-to strategy for a lot of the Destiny series XP)
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crusherthedoctor · 10 months
4, 39, 40 :D
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
The first one is obvious… Sonic himself! Wouldn't make sense to spend so much time on a Sonic fic if I didn't care about his universe. That said, I don't intend to pull an Archie with the lore. Stellar focuses on its own story and setting that just so happens to partially incorporate one previous bit of lore, in a similar manner to what SA1 did with the backstory introduced in S3&K. There are some mild references to other lore, but never in a way that tries in vain to wrap it all together in a neat little bow.
The environments are also largely inspired by that of previous Sonic locales. Mostly from non-mainline installments, since for various reasons (being on a handheld ala Advance/Rush, being a racer ala Riders/Rivals/Sonic R, being on motion controls ala Storybooks), they didn't have the same level of freedom as those in the main games, meaning there's a lot to expand on and make something new out of.
The other major influence for environments and aesthetics is, you guessed it, Spyro. I make no secret that le purple dragon has helped shape up the world of Viridonia aesthetically, but unlike fans who think Sonic should be little more than Furry DBZ, or IDW making random anime references that don't work, there is some thought put into it, and never at the expense of the Sonic universe's own identity. I think both worlds are very similar in aesthetics anyway, so if I see something in Spyro that makes me think "Wow, that would be so cool to see in Sonic!", I then think of how to translate it in a form that benefits Sonic's world, as opposed to wondering why the square doesn't fit in the round hole.
For the mystic entities that are tied to the Ethereal Zone, since they each have different powers, shapes and colours, I got the idea to base each of them on a different mythological creature for a subtle thematic resonance despite how otherwise different they are from each other. They're not one-to-one like the creatures they're inspired from mind you, they're definitely Sonicy interpretations (eg: the fire-themed one is a mix between a phoenix and a feathered serpent ala Quetzalcoatl, since I wasn't sure if making it a phoenix straight-up would make it sound too similar to Ifrit from Rivals 2), but I thought it'd be a fun twist on the giant monster schtick… though it helps that all of them are controlled via Time Eater-esque cybernetics by a certain round chum. Going out of control? Upstaging Eggman? In a Crusher fic? Not happening, son.
And speaking of the doctor, obviously I've took notes from many of his game portrayals, with S3&K's determination, SA1's dickery, and Forces' cunning being three of the biggest examples. But another influence for my interpretation of the doctor is the Mother 3 portrayal of Porky Minch: specifically, how he is clearly working towards a big end goal, yet is also simultaneously setting up seemingly unrelated projects all over Viridonia, playing its population (save Trudy) for fools, and overall treating the island as though it's his personal playground. This is not a Mephiles situation however: all of this does turn out to play a part in his endgame. He just happened to plan it out in a way that can also feed into his ego and hedonism in the meantime.
And Trudy… is Trudy. There were some mild influences for certain aspects of her design, but her personality pretty much grew upon itself as I built on her. I wanted to create a character that was mellow, but still fun and quirky, and could still bounce off Sonic and Co without being seen as "the boring one" or "the nag who can't be bothered with Sonic". I also find an appeal in shy characters finding the courage to do things they'd never expect themselves to do, so y'know.
There are other bits of inspiration I could mention, which includes concepts that are neither Sonic or Spyro-related… but I don't want to spoil more than necessary for now. XP
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
Note: This is a slightly older draft of the moment in question, so there might be some minor differences in the final one.
Sonic grew concerned by her stunned reaction, hoping that he didn't offend her. "You don't mind it, do you?"
"No, of course not. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's just…" Her right hand clutched the fingers of the other, subtly squeezing them in the process. Her vision was directed at a nonspecific pile of red leaves not too far away from them. This all seemed so silly. There was really no justification for this. No excuse for her to treat such a thing with the kind of awe reserved for being within the presence of an omnipotent. And yet…
"No one's… no one's ever given me a nickname before…"
Sonic appeared to be puzzled by this, which was then followed by him exchanging a brief glance with Tails. His lifelong pal simply gave him a shrug in response.
"If it's any consolation," the fox piped up, with a faint hint of a smirk morphing on his face. "Some of his nicknames are better than others."
"Hey!" Sonic playfully raised his arms in defense, which did nothing to hide his sheepish grin. "So what if they can get a little simple! If she doesn't like it, I can totally drop it! If I have to get my head around the right pronunciation of her name, then so be it!"
"No, it's… it's nice," she insisted softly. A gentle smile slowly found itself on her face as well. "It's an honor, truly. You can call me that if you want to."
"You sure?"
A simple, meek nod was what he received, and it was at this point that her eyes shifted once more. After what appeared to be some hesitance, they gained the courage to meet with Sonic's own.
Sonic's eyes held onto their shared gaze for a couple of seconds, before he turned to Tails again. The fox only gave another shrug, this time to suggest that there was no further reason to debate the matter. After a silent understanding between the two heroes, the hedgehog nodded triumphantly.
"Well then," he announced, with a wink for his new friend. "I guess it's truly Trudy from now on!" As he gave a characteristic thumbs up, she could only continue smiling at the display, and her ears lowered ever so slightly. This was all so very sudden for her even now, but if they sincerely value her company and assistance, then maybe... maybe... it wouldn't hurt to keep tagging along with them.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I wouldn't be fussy, since I'd be grateful for any moments, or environments, that they decided to portray.
But if I had to pick one… I suppose a certain confrontation between Trudy and Eggman would be awesome. Or a certain heart-to-heart between Trudy and Sonic. :>
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greypetrel · 11 months
Iron Bull and I’m pretty sure you said Tolkien too?? If so, Elrond and Tommy Bombadilly —Koko
Hi Koko!
Somehow I knew you would have been asking Bull xP Just a sixth sense! And yes I said Tolkien to! :3
The Iron Bull:
First impression: I remember I was caught for the character design, the visible imperfections and how he's not canonically handsom... And yet he counts as he is. After the design, I was... A little taken aback by him admitting that oh yes he's a spy and he will spy on you. Like... What? Are you sure you want to tell me, man? xD Instant interest.
Impression now: I know he has flaws and that by all means he's the one person you shouldn't be trusting in all the games. But, he's the huge mom friend, which is also why he's so good at what he does if you ask me. I think he's the better liar because he will admit he's lying... And still will make you forget he is. But yeah, I haven't yet played with a character who wouldn't save the Chargers, and so he could go and live his best life free of being the biggest mother hen ever.
Favorite moment: He brought Dorian's handkerchief for him because he knows he would have forgotten. Big mother hen. No, also the way he just looks at Krem after his personal mission and just... "Never mind, you're doing fine". Basically, whenever he lets himself show he's a big big softie. Also him carrying Sera on his shoulders in battle, yelling "Mayhem!".
Idea for a story: As for Dorian, I'd love love love to write, sooner or later, some expansion of this ficlet and expand that dynamic. I'd also seriously love to read something about him and Krem learning to work together. Some Chargers origin story.
Unpopular opinion: Again, he's another character who doesn't betray you, in my opinion. Even if you sacrifice the Chargers, in Trespasser... He told you from the start he was a spy working for the Qun, right? He was always very open about him being Ben Hassrath, Gatt told you he was called "Liar". You know he lies. As much as you know that Varric lies. Bull's just better at making you forget but... Is it really a betrayal if you were told whose side he was really on from the start? If you were really told he never liked the Tal Vashoth as a concept, if you ask him about Seheron? Not a betrayal, you just forget he was never on your side, if you cut away the one reason he had to change his loyalties (yes I'm including if he's in a romance with either the Inquisitor or Dorian. I like his character so much because a romance is not enough to make him change his mind and become something he clearly say he hates. His men, the life he build for himself, relationships he grew in years are, and if you take that away... He may call you Kadan, you're still just one person and love is not enough on its own.)
Favorite relationship: Him and the Chargers, hands down. They were collectively his way to express himself and find himself and heal after the Horrors, and he's just... I don't know you can see he struggles to give back what he got and it's just so precious.
Favorite headcanon: Plus size, soft bellied Bull still lives rent free in my head. As above, Bull the mama hen taking care of the inner circle. I also still remember Bull the HR manager in Skyhold that @shivunin devised and I had to draw and... Yes.
First impression: I remember I was suspicious of him at first because I already saw the Matrix, and he was the villain, so at 9 I thought that he must have been evil there too. xD
Impression now: I have distinct opinions on book and movie Elrond. I love the first trilogy dearly, but amongst the choices they did I like less and less, the "Let's make Elrond a helicopter dad" is the one that leaves me MEH. But that's on me, the "star-crossed lovers" is a trope that I have extremely little patience for. Still the way he just looks at Aragorn in Minas Tirith, moved and in happy tears... Aaaaaw. I love him I LOVE HIM. and I love how he was written in Rings of Power, give me more Elrond content please, he has so much to give as a character, think of what he has seen!
Favorite moment: The patience and restraint he showed in not kicking Isildur in the volcano with a vengeance. Respect, bro, I would have tossed the jock right into cursing his name and calling him for the asshole that he is. And in Rings of Power, the heart-to-heart talks he has with Durin.
Idea for a story: More Elrond being the weird uncle for Durin and Disa's children. More Elrond dealin with three children on his own. More Elrond and Elros dealing with what the fuck happened to his parents Oh ok now mom is a seagull that's... fine.
Unpopular opinion: I like a lot how he was portrayed in Rings of Power. Yes included his haircut, let him have his Patrick Schwayze phase.
Favorite relationship: Him and Arwen and him and Durin.
Favorite headcanon: We all know he's a big softie when it comes to his children, right? And to children in general. I picture Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen doing shenanigans when they were little, and him... Just sighing and telling them to go to their room, totally unable to even go as far as grounding them. Arwen looked at him with those big blue eyes and he just... Couldn't do anything else.
Tom Bombadil:
First impression: Hey dol, Merry dol! / Ring a dong dillo 🎶 I think I wasn't really understanding what was going on, but I was 9 and I enjoyed the little shenanigan with this weird person who had a wife he loved and sung a catchy song. I didn't question him that much.
Impression now: Still as above, I like him being there, just to show the Hobbits that the world isn't all dark and evil, there is something good to fight for. LOTR is about hope and finding hope when everything around you is dark, and he just does that. If you just go with the flow and don't question him much, take him as just "a quirk", there are some lovely descriptions to be found and a lovely, lovely way to see nature. (which again, is such an important theme in Tolkien's work!)
Favorite moment: That fucking catchy song stays in my head for LONG. Right now I'm humming it. Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo! 🎶
Idea for a story: A meeting between him and the Ents. Which will be... 1000 pages of nothing at all. But come on. It'll be fun.
Unpopular opinion: As above, he's not evil incarnate and pointless in the story. He's a moment of breath with the purpose to remember that the world isn't all scary and that there is some mystery to behold, that doesn't require an explanation, that would make everything worse if he was explained.. There's good and there's light... And there's always something to look at in wonder in the world.
Favorite relationship: He and Goldberry are the ultimate couple.
Favorite headcanon: I think I read somewhere a theory according to whom he's really a Valar? I think he was Aule and Goldberry Yavanna in disguise? Well, Tom Bombadil a Valar is an headcanon I stan. I don't remember where I read it or if my brain made it up right now, but still. (... I could keep the idea for my fic tho. MMMMMH.)
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savebatsfromscratch · 8 months
No.19 I Try Not To.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50962858
Words: 2,056
Cws: Stalking, psychological horror, mentions of murder and guns
Notes: This is a DIRECT continuation of this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38582931 It will NOT make sense if you haven't read it.   You don’t have to read it as a “cannon” continuation of that fic, but oh well.
Also, not to ruin the mood of anything, but I listened to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW5W-MEvr5w the whole time writing this. xP
Prompt: No. 19: “I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me.” Floral Bouquet | Psychological | “I’m not as stupid as you think I am.”
Alfred stammered out a gasp, ducking under Russia’s arm and stumbling a bit away from the desk. In his shock, he had managed to get away from him, but it was only when he felt that gloved hand on his wrist did he choke a response out of himself.
“I try not to,” he whispered, staring down at the office floor as if it was the creature that was holding him in place. He heard Russia begin to chuckle, and America whipped his head up to look at him, his throat suddenly hot with anger. He yanked his hand away. Fuck the thirty minute rule, his employer wasn’t getting him back at the office until next workday at the earliest. He was going home.
“You don’t scare me,” America sneered, sticking his tongue out at Russia, who at least had the decently to look mildly taken aback by his defiance, “And don’t bother checking up on me later, I’ve done quite enough work for the day,”
He marched over to the door, doing his best not to sprint the short distance it took to get there as lingering terror crawled down his back. Thankfully, Russia, still clearly shocked, did not chase him, instead choosing to stand rooted in place as the gentle light of the sunset and the harsh glow of the false stars shone down on him.
Days had passed since that interaction, and life had gone on as normal for America. Drove to work in his good ‘ol chevy, had a nice lunch at the town diner (he was really getting into their cheeseburgers recently, believe it or not), and slaved over pages and pages of useless paperwork. Yes, he was living the life. Fake stars on the ceiling, window curtains open, feet kicked up on the desk. It was everything he could have asked for.
His life was so normal, in fact, that he almost forgot about that meeting with Russia.
No matter how much America tried to act like things were fine and normal and that he was okay, things just kept proving him wrong. When his first client had knocked on his office door the next day after, he had jumped a little in his seat, half expecting Russia to be back to finish whatever job he had started. Of course, it wasn't Russia, just another super boring client meeting, and he kicked himself for his caution. If Russia wanted to get him, he would have done it already, wouldn't he?
Still, America found himself looking behind his shoulder more often than normal, half expecting a gun pointed at his head the moment he turned. He still found himself packing a weapon of his own in his bag, you know, just in case. He still found himself jumping at small sounds and locking the door during his last thirty minutes at work. He didn't even care if it wasn't allowed, there was no way he was going to be following something that might get him killed.
His coworkers were beginning to notice, raising eyebrows when he shivered at their hands on his wrists, or whispering behind his back when he looked up at the sound of his human name. (He didn't use it so much these days, even compared to his extremely sparing use of it before Russia had met up with him.) It wasn't even just a lie anymore, it was an invitation to that which he did not want.
That which he would not come away from in one piece.
America kept busy with paperwork, trying to keep his mind off the terror that he knew was swirling just under the surface of that focus. He kept busy with his life, cleaning his house, painting is white picket fence a new, brighter shade, shining the metal of his car until the red was almost as reflective as the newly cleaned radio disk on his roof. He kept busy with his food, grilling burgers for all the little kids in his neighborhood in his freetime. (Though hosting parties wasn't usually his thing.)
Maybe he was trying to act perfect. Maybe he was just trying to keep a sense of normalcy in his life.
But mostly he was trying to act like he was safe.
Even though he hadn't seen Russia in days, he wasn't naive enough to think that he was safe from whatever awful plan the man had had in mind for him. He'd had a long enough history as an immortal to know that they weren't the kind of monster to lose focus on a target. Hell, he'd been exactly in Russia's position a few times in the past, and he knew that, if he were in that place now, he would only be biding his time for the next best time to strike.
Missing the first strike wasn't that big of a deal, America knew that nations found just as much fun in the chase as they did in the payoff. Of course he knew! There was a reason he liked the energetic drag of a close game of baseball. That slow, almost painful wait for what you wanted was half of the pleasure of seeing it done.
He was no better than a cat playing with a mouse, and America knew that Russia was much the same.
He shivered as he sat in his armchair, trying to relax after a long day of work, but ultimately failing. He was technically still on call for the company, so he couldn't focus on much more than sitting there, waiting for his phone to ring or his doorbell to ding. 
It was torture, but not the fun kind that came with the chase of a kill.
He turned his face to the clock on the wall, watching as its fancy hands slowly ticked around the glowing surface of its face. In the moment, the normally trivial metronome sound of the thing seemed much more important, almost like it was his lifeline, in some weird way.
In the fireplace, a fire roared, but America couldn't help but tune out the sound of the flames as he stared at the smiling face of the clock. Just a few more minutes and he would declare his job done. Just a few more minutes and he could go to bed. And just a few hours from then, he could be back to work, distracted again from the worries that bound him in place.
Tick, tock, tick, tock...
He adjusted his glasses, taking a shaky breath as the world blurred and unblurred in the corners of his vision.
Not too much time now.
Unfortunately, it was right then that the phone rang.
It was a controlled, expected sort of sound, but that didn't mean it didn't send dred scuttering down his spine. If this were a regular sort of week, America probably would have laughed, cursed his bad luck with his clients, and picked up the phone, but something deep inside him seemed to be screaming a warning that that was not what he was dealing with here. 
He continued to listen to the phone, watching it jolt around in its holder as it fought for his attention.
He counted, one, two, three... somehow hoping that the phone would calm down and leave him alone, but knowing that it wasn't going to happen. He knew he had to answer this. Getting fired wasn't anything like what he wanted to do at the moment. No, he had far too much to worry about without adding money to the list.
America picked up the phone.
“Hello?” he asked, “A. Jones here, what's your issue?”
The line was silent.
”Hello?“ he asked again, fighting the sting of panic as he spoke into the phone. It was pretty common for people to miss the first part of what he said to them over the phone, he had no reason to be scared, right? ”Can you hear me?”
He heard a click, and the phone went to static in his hand.
America stood up sharply, dropping the phone as if it was the fire warming his face, instead of that in the fireplace.
“Okay,” he told himself, feeling his heart jumping around in his throat as he gave the room a quick sweep with his eyes, “Okay, time's up,”
He stepped forward awkwardly, almost disjointedly, but stopped abruptly. Where could he go? He was safest at home, wasn't he? Russia knew his workplace, but he hadn't shown up at his home yet, right? This was as good a place as any, right?
He headed back to his chair, sitting slowly and purposefully. He tried to reason with himself. Someone could have called the wrong number and not wanted to cause a fuss. His phone could be broken and not have transferred his speech to the caller (it had happened before, after all). Maybe he hadn't been professional enough and the caller had thought they were mistaken with their choice in number.
He tried to be calm, tried to act normal, tried to forget. It was fine. He was fine. It was a coincidence, that was all.
America picked up a newspaper, trying to focus on those swimming words on the page rather than his rushing heart. He didn't need to be this panicked. He was okay. He was safe. (But deep down, America knew that was not true.)
Still, he kept reading, gradually feeling his heart slow and his fear fade as he got more and more into what he was reading. The stocks, the newest sports, the ups and downs in local law. He knew it was important, it was the little bits and pieces that made him,  /him/, after all, how could it not be?
The doorbell rang.
Clear and sharp through his home, cutting through the calm that he had forced into himself as if it was some easily discontinued brand of paper. (And then laughing as it disintegrated around his newly shaking hands.)
Should he answer it?
The doorbell rang again.
It couldn't be a good idea to answer it, right?
A hand rapped on his door.
If that was his boss, America would definitely be in trouble for not answering.
The knocking increased in intensity.
America stood up and began to walk towards the door. He was probably just being paranoid. What would make him any more of a target than one of his leaders anyway? Why the Hell would Russia choose this time of night to knock, after all of those days of complete nothing from his end?
The knocking ended, and muffled footsteps could be heard as the person who had been knocking walked away and down the driveway.
America tried to reason with himself. If that was his boss, he only had a little time to open the door before he had lost his chance to talk. (And Lord knew his bosses always wanted to talk.) His hand floated right above the doorknob as his mind rushed and raced.
What was the likelihood that that was what he thought it was? In a safe neighborhood like this?
The lock clicked, and America peaked outside.
At first he didn't see anything strange. (Though the lack of a car in the driveway probably should have immediately alerted him to the fact that it hadn't been his boss out there.) Just his quiet road, a few kids playing in the yard across the street, a nice man from the book club walking his dog down the road, and a truly gorgeous sunset glow still hanging in the cloudless sky above.
America moved to open the door a little further, but it caught on something on his doorstep. He took a step back, wondering what the blockage had been. Had that been the postman with a really late package delivery? Maybe someone had remembered to return something to him?
He looked down, and his heart jumped into his stomach.
There, smudged on his doorstep, was the telltale yellow of the petals of a sunflower. And, among them, a small note, with familiar cursive writing scrawled on the white paper. America dropped to his knees, his hands shaking as he reached for the note.
His breath came fast.
On the paper was a simple question. “How about now?” It asked, “Do you still try?”
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Thinking more about PokeSpe Legends Arceus (yes, that's what I'm going to be calling this idea and AU now. I couldn't think of anything better XP ) and now I'm feeling conflicted over who ends up in the past and has to deal with all the frenzied Noble Pokemon and space/time rift stuff, and who stays in the present/future and is trying to bring their friend(s) home.
Core to this idea has always been that one of the first things that happens is that after their friend(s) goes missing, Emmet pops up with a lead and then joins the kids' party as they travel around and try to find a way to either go to the past, or to otherwise bring their friend(s) home... But not before Emmet kicks their asses in a 2v1 trainer Double Battle! A theme that I think would be good to explore would be that of cooperation. Ever since one of their friends has gone missing, the other two of the Diamond, Pearl, Platinum trio are unable to work harmoniously together anymore. This is reflected in battles that the two end up having against Emmet throughout the story. The first time, they are entirely dysfunctional and Emmet easily sweeps them. By the end of the story, they're actually able to beat Emmet, showing how their relationship has improved and grown. Emmet, being a Double Battle specialist is actually a great teacher when it comes to the kids learning how to better work together and cooperate. All of this inclines me to want two of the kids to be in the future/present while one is in the past... But who?
Whatever happens Diamond and Pearl must not be on a team together in one time while Platinum is on her own in the other. They're best childhood friends. They're closer than two peas in a pod. They have a shared dream and a standup routine together! Even if the two got amnesia, I can't imagine there being any substantial conflict between the two that could last the duration of the story and wouldn't be solved immediately. And besides, Diamond and Pearl are perfectly fine with Platinum going out and doing her own independent thing when she needs to while the two of them continue to stick together. This wouldn't be much different from that. They just have about 150 years keeping them from one another! (Though actually, I think that Diamond and Pearl would trust Platinum to figure out what's going on and be able to get herself home, though they are certainly still going to try finding a way to the past for themselves to try and help!)
My gut tells me to go with Pearl and Platinum in the present while Diamond gets sent to the past. I think that this works better from a thematic standpoint. As each of the kids takes after one of the Lake Spirits, Diamond who represents Emotion being in the past to get people to understand and become friends with Pokemon while also quelling the frenzies of the Nobles actually makes a lot of sense (add to that the fact that the balms are basically snacks and like... Yeah, Diamond would do that. Quell the frenzies of these massive Pokemon by having a picnic with them). Diamond's absence meanwhile is felt by Pearl and Platinum as they tend to butt heads as their emotions run high and there is no one to mediate between the two. I can easily see the kind of tension and conflicts that Pearl would have with Emmet as their personalities clash. Emmet could never fulfill the kind of role that Diamond had in this dynamic, and Pearl may not realize it, but he may slightly resent Emmet for that... But on the other hand, Diamond would be terrible at trying to complete the Pokedex, even if he knows that completing it is his ticket home, and I really have no idea what kind of arc to give him. Like, does Diamond really need to grow that much...? He's a pretty fulfilled character. And also where I can immediately see the kind of dynamic that Pearl and Platinum would have with Emmet, I don't know what kind of dynamic Diamond would end up having with Ingo, nor what they could do for one another to grow into better more fulfilled people.
Meanwhile I think that Pearl being sent to the past and Diamond staying in the future/present could be more emotionally resonant. Pearl and Emmet actually have a fair bit in common in terms of personality, so Pearl would do a lot to remind Ingo of Emmet, even if he can't remember his brother. Meanwhile I imagine that a lot of Emmet's arc has him trying to figure out his own emotions and how to deal with them, while also learning how to be more considerate of others and their feelings. Diamond could do a lot to help him out with that! But then again, the dynamics of the future/present party would probably be less interesting as Emmet can very much fulfill the role that Pearl did in their group. Also I have no idea what the dysfunction between Diamond and Platinum would be that's making them work together so poorly.
So yeah... I'm struggling! >.< I have no idea how the main characters should be divided, and I haven't even gotten to the pros and cons of Platinum possibly being in the past with either of the boys! I'm conflicted and would love some suggestions... So what do you think, fellow PokeSpe readers!?
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skaruresonic · 11 months
Since you're the best SA2 fan, what's your favourite level music for each character? :>
SA2 has such unique track names for its OST <3 Sonic - Other than "Escape From the City," which is ofc a classic, Sonic's level themes don't strike me as particularly strong compared to the others. If I had to choose, I'd probably pick Pyramid Cave's "Keys the Ruin":
Certain songs in the SA2 OST have a very Bond-film groove to them, particularly in stages where you have to infiltrate a highly-fortified base (Iron Gate; Pyramid Cave; Security Hall) so naturally I gravitate towards them. :P
Tails - Prison Lane's "This Way Out." The drummer went so hard on that one xP
Eggman - It's difficult to choose just one, though for the opposite reason it's difficult to choose a single Sonic level theme. His level themes are decent at worst. Iron Gate's "Remember Me? M.F.M." has a certain Bond-movie swag, perfect for setting the mood to breach a maximum-security military facility. It also cleverly employs a wah-wah pedal to make the electric guitar sound like it's literally saying Eggman's name - how cool is that?
Sand Ocean's "Way to the Base" is decent and conveys the stage's overall mood well enough, but I honestly don't have a whole lot to say about it. Ditto for Weapons Bed's "Crush 'Em All" and Cosmic Wall's "Soarin' Over the Space."
Lost Colony's "Trespasser" perfectly sets the mood for exploring the ARK's dark, abandoned underbelly. I love how quietly the song begins, with a plethora of beeps and electronic chirps, as if to suggest the colony's general systems are still alive, if dormant.
An excellent remix:
Rouge - Security Hall's "I'm a Spy," baby! B)
Shadow - White Jungle's "Rhythm and Balance" is unique for a number of reasons.
It can't be forgotten that White Jungle marks the first time Shadow has explored the natural world on Earth: much of his surroundings are foreign to him. One of his idle animation quotes suggests that this unfamiliar location unsettles him ("Fog... doesn't bother me"). If it truly didn't bother him, he wouldn't have felt the need to point it out. The noticeable pause between "fog" and "doesn't" would imply the same. This sense of disorientation is reflected in the song's dreamlike quality. The lyrics are muffled, as though heard from underwater, or perhaps blunted by the roar of the nearby waterfall, contrasted by harsh record scratch and the barking of an unknown animal off in the distance. Cryptic lyrics like "Hurry through the unexplored land, not scared at all, are you scared of something?" reinforce Shadow's possible fear of the unknown, in tandem with his will to eliminate any obstacle in his path. What also makes this track very interesting imo is the fact that it is the only vocal track in which Shadow is directly addressed by another voice. Typically, his vocal themes are sung from his POV, but the sudden intrusion of another voice telling him "Shadow, don't make me upset" and "you are hiding something" introduces an additional layer of fridge horror. Who is becoming upset? Eggman? Shadow? Is this Gerald's reprogramming at work? "Rhythm and Balance" suggests Shadow is experiencing cognitive dissonance. It complements the previous cutscene in which he decides to save Rouge despite her being a "troublemaker," as well as introduces Shadow's internal conflict in an incredibly subtle manner: "I don't wanna hear you."
Knuckles - Aquatic Mine's "Dive into the Mellow" is a genuinely relaxing tune that I've often fallen asleep to. To quote a YouTube commenter, it sounds like something you'd hear on Adult Swim at 3 in the morning xP
Fun fact: it's also one of a handful of tracks on the DC disc that you had to download off the internet, as it wasn't natively included in the extras music menu. If you want to listen to it in the DC version, you have to actually play the stage. Death Chamber's "Deeper" deserves an honorable mention, too, for the interesting imaginary conversation in the chorus between Knuckles and Sonic:
Idk, I find it a little sad that Knuckles had to imagine Sonic, like... basically treating him with a little more decency? While there's always the possibility Knuckles is daydreaming because he's irritated that Sonic saddled him with this dangerous task without asking for his input, something tells me there's more to it than that. The overall vibe I get is that Knuckles wants Sonic's help and for Sonic to be a little more sensitive to his struggles, but he's too proud - or "stubborn," as the song puts it - to admit it. I find it interesting how the song almost implies Knuckles wishes Sonic were maybe a little more emotionally mature? Because Daydream!Sonic offers to help Knuckles recover the ME because he knows how much "it means to [Knuckles]" and to find the base keys together, despite their differences: "I don't think [our beef] is the point right now, Knuckles." In reality, however, Sonic buttered him up to go hunt for the keys because his lazy ass couldn't be bothered Knuckles is the "world's greatest treasure hunter" >.> Look, SA2!Sonic is a decent portrayal, but also, like. He could have stood to be a little nicer to Knuckles at certain points, imo
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Seriously, though, I have to wonder what you're even here for if you want Eggman to reform and be redeemed. We already have his archetype in the form of Gerald. Why don't people want to use Gerald? (Gerald's cool, can you tell I think so? xP) But I mean, you knew from day one that Eggman was selfish, greedy, apathetic, and rotten to the core, so why are you clamoring for him to become something he's not? Are you not entertained by bad men? Must suck to be you, then. xP
That's what I've been asking for so long. People say they're fans but don't like that he's evil and want him to have a nice side/not be so bad or even be entirely changed and/or redeemed and I don't understand it. He's the main villain of the series, "evil" is literally supposed to be one of his main descriptors to define his whole character. It shows in everything he does with his plans and goals, it's supposed to be evident within all his core traits, it's what fuels his methods and motives, and most of the series' stories wouldn't have happened without him and his evil specifically.
I've also always been wondering why people won't just give Gerald love for being the exact things they wish Eggman would be. Sure he didn't have a lot of screentime (but recent events show that the fandom doesn't seem to need that or even much development at all when it comes to certain other things so I don't see how it would be a problem for them ahem) But personality and motives wise, he's exactly what people want Eggman to be. A guy who had good intentions of caring and wanting to help others but losing his way, snapping after a tragedy and wanting to do something so evil for it, but ultimately having actions that end up helping to redeem him in people's eyes in the end.
And I love Gerald because that's actually the kind of character he was created to be. People think I hate characters that are capable of both good and evil like Gerald but I just don't like when people say Eggman can do the same. Gerald has that type of interesting complexity that isn't forced randomly out of nowhere. Even though you hardly even get to see him on screen, you can tell it's real and it doesn't feel fake, it doesn't have you scratching your head wondering how it can make sense, it manages to make a real impact and the story telling was done well without them needing to do much.
It's something Eggman doesn't need and doesn't work for him because his true personality is his evil side, he doesn't have Gerald's goodness in his heart or intentions, he doesn't have desire to help people or the ability to care for anyone other than himself, nothing bad is known to happen to make him this way. Being a genius that's strikingly similar in appearance to his grandfather is enough, he doesn't have to be the exact same in personality too come on now. It would lessen the impact that Gerald's character has and makes my point about how it's boring and no longer fun when repeated over and over for every character even more.
It's way more interesting and compelling to me when acknowledging their similarities but also their vast differences. I like how tragic it is that Eggman is an evil selfish horrible person despite having the same intelligence and abilities to do good for the world and help people, which he could do easily if he wanted to follow in his grandfather's footsteps in personality rather than just skill from an academic perspective, but specifically chooses to be evil instead- while his grandfather was kind and really had good intentions and selflessness and a lot of love for those he cares about in his heart.
Trying to draw parallels between them in specific places where they don't work isn't deep and impactful and emotional, it just feels forced and is pretty boring in comparison to the above. What's great about Eggman is that he isn't so predictable, that despite his admiration of Gerald he's still a terrible deeply evil person, and despite Gerald's death, he isn't said to be involved in his reasons to take over the world like that. He's an egomaniac that does everything all for himself and nobody else, he knows he's evil and he acknowledges it and is proud of what he has accomplished in it.
I wish Gerald got more appreciation and the real true evil Eggman would be accepted too, instead of missing the point of what's great about them separately and in comparison with their similarities and vast differences, rather than trying to make them into the same person beat for beat. Pure evil asshole men like Eggman are entertaining and interesting exactly the way they are. Him being a real bastard that can be so dark and serious one minute and a silly cheeky menace the next is great and already gives range and fun, he's far from a boring unlikable character just because he's genuinely evil!
But yeah I love them both for very different reasons overall and wouldn't want them to the same and I don't get why other people seem to. They're both lovable as they are, the way they were really created to be.
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
Here's a divisive one - Renata Alde.
Oooooo this is a good one! 👀 (yay we got one!! 🎉🎉*throws streamers* /jk)
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(have some screens from Rai's runthrough since I didn't have decent recording/screenshotting software way back at the time I did Vano's run waaayy back in god-knows-what-year (probably like 2019 now hahaha), so I don't have any (that I know of) from Vano's run, sadly xP)
Renata was definitely an...interesting, one for Vano. While she might be a "Sith" in every other sense of the word, I definitely class Vano as what the game canon I guess, would call a Light Sith. So while Vano definitely went in there with her saber drawn, she absolutely only killed people who came at her first. (this, unfortunately, included whatshisface, Renata's bodyguard)
But after Renata sort of apologised and offered to co-operate? Va was all ears. She didn't like Duke Kendoh one bit either (and why would she the dude's a fucking creep 😖) so Va was...surprisingly sympathetic to her plight. She ended up telling FimRess to butt out and leave Renata alone, and kept her promise to deal with Kendoh without dragging Renata over there (Kendoh was not amused, but Vano gently reminded him who the more powerful Sith was in that situation and if he wanted to throw FimRess' life away fine but he "wouldn't be getting another Sith once the Dark Council hears about this" -- she was bluffing of course, but Kendoh didn't know that -- if he kicked off again) They parted ways after Renata told her about where to find Jaesa and probably didn't speak much after that for the rest of the class story, though I do like the idea of Renata maybe making some minor cameos as an Alliance contact or informant of some sort, later on down the line! <3 I'd imagine it'd be nice to know what's going on in the Core Worlds and Va is definitely the type of person to see no issue in "calling in a favour from an old acquaintance". Provided that Renata behaves herself of course. Poor Vano cannot take another attempt on her life after Quinn, Valkorion and then Theron too hahaha
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tiredassmage · 1 year
Ship meme: Shay and Minfilia? Btw I love your OCs
Roblox oof, I'm sorry this one took me a hot minute, but!!! Thank you so much??!!!! None of them pay rent, but that's the power of love <3 lol
(send me a ship suggestion for my ocs & I'll give you thoughts! For free!)
So, context: Shay is not unfamiliar with keeping temporary company, and it's likely those kind of arrangements he only recently sort of tapered off on when he's meeting the Scions. Shay... isn't exactly big on commitment, lol - and while he sure has his reasons based on his history, he's also... hellaciously stubborn and not very good at coping mechanisms, to be entirely fair to his choices - which is to say, they're not always healthy. Or good.
Which is a long-winded set-up for - he probably wouldn't have been looking at Minfilia. I'd definitely never thought of it, but... now that you've mentioned it - she's got a lot of what ultimately draws him to Airi - she's passionate, she's dedicated to her ideals, she's caring, and (to call out an amazing friend with a Minfy x WoL ship) particularly @ffxivbabey writes her with a sense of humor Shay could warm to.
He is... kind of a disaster, tbh? He's withdrawn and errs on the callous side on appearances, but Minfilia's almost notoriously patient and can almost stubbornly believe in the pc's potential, I feel. While she's one of many that adorns you with accolades for your work, I don't think she's quite as naive as appearances may first seem. Minfilia's good at searching for the best in people and situations earnestly - a quality almost necessary to make anything lasting and deep with Shay. He's a bit of a fixer upper, if you'll allow me the metaphor. xD
In short, you're onto something, I think! It'd ask a lot of patience from Minfilia (from anyone, tbh), but she's of the right qualities to make it work. She's even the right brand to temper some of the harsher edges of his cynicism - something Shay ultimately admires in others, despite how stubborn he is to bend.
They're both... incredibly dedicated, however, lol. They'd possibly butt heads over Shay's protective and sometimes possessive streak. She's the kind of person that'd stick something out though, I think, and make Shay work through things instead of running off from his problems, so it's definitely got potential. She'd definitely tease him about his need to be the protective, brooding knight though. xP
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