#but yeah obviously some things i didn’t like but overall good series
gucciwins · 2 years
acotar series was really good and now i want to keep reading fantasy books
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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Got a request for Mingyu! I see that y’all really like this series since I got many many requests for the other members, I’ll write them as fast as I can! Thank you for the support! ♥
Mingyu overall kinda seems like a flirt
he is very confident with his looks, and knows how to make people’s hearts flutter
a big gentleman!
in the end i think he flirts but without noticing it
he’s just very polite, maybe a bit too much, so people think he flirts
so when he held the elevator door for you, you thought he tried to flirt
his lovely smile and confident look made it seem like it
you were really attracted to him (because who wouldn’t be?) but didn’t show it, he had an almost playboy energy so you didn’t show your interest
he didn’t care about your impression of him, he was just being nice and polite :’)
you both discovered later that you worked in the same agency
so you saw each other a lot (mostly in the elevator because you had similar work shifts)
its when he saw you for the 3rd time that he started talking to you, mingyu being his extraverted self, he had to talk for a bit
with time and conversations you discovered how gentle and caring he actually is, far from the image of him that you created
so you both got close, and you feelings started to grow, his did as well
he had a crush on you since the beginning of your friendship, you had a comforting vibe and were interesting to talk with, just enough for him to grow fond of you
obviously the members noticed this weird lovey-dovey aura around you both, and mocked mingyu, then encouraging him to talk about his love for you
i think mingyu is a big romantic, so to ask you to be his s/o, he took you out on a date in a big chic restaurant
you both looked so good together, people in the restaurant thought you were about to get married
he told you he loved you, you told him the same thing back and bam, relationship
once you got in a couple, i think mingyu would make things really fast
like he knows you’re the one, and doesn’t want to wait to get things done
so he asked if you could live together after a week of dating
also talked about having a kid after a month of dating
if it bothers you just tell him, and he will slow his excitement down, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable
if it doesn’t bother you then that’s great lmao
wants to show off with you, your whole relationship
WILL buy matching clothes and accessories
if you go out together you HAVE to wear some matching stuff, if you refuse then he pouts and gives you the silent treatment
loves cooking for you, cleans the appartment, washes your clothes
he likes to take care of everything around you just to make sure it’s really well done BY him
loves to spoil you
*brings a big plushie home* “oh this? yeah hum well there was a discount and christmas is soon so pre-christmas gift” *hands it to you*
(christmas was in 3 months)
loves to binge watch series and movies with you, invites the members for movie nights sometimes
but it ends up with them complaining about you both “cuddling too much” on the couch
he really makes sure you and the members get along
it’s really important for him that 2 of his most important things in life get along
so he brings you to practice with him sometimes, in the backstages of promotion showcases, and many other places with the members
but don’t give them too much attention of mingyu will pout
now now now mingyu and physical touch??
this man has always a hand on you -and sometimes on your ass-
takes your hand in his, hes so tall yours looks small af
likes to grab you and carry you around
you didn’t shower? *carries you on his shoulder to take you to the bathroom*
also bear hugs!!!!♥
when in bed hes also glued to you for the whole night
he just won’t let go
spicy/smutty part below :)
Mingyu in bed? huh
a confident b*tch really
he knows hes attractive and he knows you’re madly attracted to him
a noisy man as well
grunts and moans a lot
messy kisses >>
holds your ass during the whole make out part
hes just an ass man
loves your thighs as well
loves it when they tighten around his head when he goes down on you
really really likes it when you take care of him as well, despite him being a big dom
when hes horny he’ll ask for a blowjob 
will moan very loudly ♥
doesn’t have a preference on where you have $ex tbh
see the elevator, where you guys met at the agency?
well,, y’know
he likes the risk ;)
before living together he wouldn’t mind keeping his bedroom dorm’s door slightly open
so the members can hear as well :)
wouldn’t mind a threesome, as long as its with someone you both trust
likes to experiment tbh, but he refuses age-play and anything that has to do with blades
overall he’s just the best in bed :D
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koichi-nomura · 2 months
You mentioned absolutely adoring "Ask Her A Question" from My Fair Hatey for a lot of reasons. Was that partially exaggeration, or do you actually have an analysis to dish out?
Much love!
Yeah definitely some exaggeration lol and it’s basically just the sound of it, I adore all the songs on there but judging purely by how they sound, (not the narrative purpose) of all of them that one’ my favorite.
Voice acting is incredibly important to me, across all my favorite shows that’s the first thing I think about, I’m obsessed with line delivery and with identifying voices (I pride myself in being the best out of my siblings at identifying who’s voice it is first lol), so the main thing for me really is that Wander has my favorite voice in the series, his singing is so nice and it’s interesting how (for this song at least) he doesn’t do it with a lot of volume or anything, it’s relatively calm for him. He’s half-singing half-talking too and his line delivery is amazing. You can hear the giddiness in his voice at some parts, he does it so well lol. And his accent and the inflections he puts on certain words I love it. Namely his “ab-out:”
I can’t explain why I’m so interested in voices (probably just autism again) but along with comedy, art, and animation it’s one of my favorite things.
I’ don’t know a ton about music other than “this sounds good to me, this doesn’t” but I’m still very opinionated on it, my enjoyment of music tends to be more based on unique singing voices and variability in the music. Some cartoons have very lazy, uninteresting soundtracks and Wander is definitely not one of them, even if you’re talking about just the normal soundtracks, not the songs. it’s great how each if the main characters have their own background themes and even some sung theme songs lol. I can’t tell you what I like about specifically the music of “Ask Her a Question” I just know that I really like it.
In a narrative sense it’s obviously fun seeing Wander’s philosophy on romance and watching Hater go along with it lol. For the story overall I think it’s meant to be pretty significant that Hater would be interested in someone else enough to ask about their opinions, we saw how terrible he was on “The Date”.
The animation is visually interesting as usually with a lot of great stretching from Wander.
This is also my favorite kind of musical; “everyone knows they’re signing” instead of “nobody’s actually singing, they’re just conveying the emotions and storytelling through song for the audience’s eyes only.”
Woy in general is just exemplifies all the ways I would love to do things if I could create a cartoon;
The music is spectacular, so is the voice acting, the voice actors can sing instead of needing stand-in singers, the character designs are so recognizable, I love everyone’s names (‘Major Threat’ is such stupid and funny wordplay lol), the characterization is so good and interesting for everyone (infinitely kind characters are my favorite tho) the comedy is great and I like a lot of the gags but what’s especially great is the character-driven comedy; jokes that are funny just because the characters have funny personalities and interactions. The animation is spectacular too, I’m usually not at all a fan of flash animation but they utilize it in such a way that I didn’t used to know it was flash, the squash and stretch they do with the characters is so fun and interesting without looking grotesque or unappealing, they just look silly (there’s so many moments where it’s too fast to really get a grasp on what’s happening and if you look at it frame by frame it’s super impressive).
Sorry for rambling, this is what happens when I get questions and no character limit, much love back!! :]
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l0ve-bug-m1les · 11 months
Spider-Band With a S/o Who Hyperfixates on Things Hard
Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, and Pavitr Prabhakar (separate) x Gn!Reader
Warnings: None! (Except my attempt at British talking—)
Summary: Really what the title says—
A/n: This is actually an idea i had when i first fell into the spider verse fandom but didn’t have anyone to talk to about it. Glad ya’ll picked this one! Enjoy!! Also lmk if any of ya’ll wanna be on a tag list!! I know i don’t write all that much but still—
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Miles Morales 🌻🎧🌻
Bby is here for it
Always listening to what you have to say and never complaining
I have a feeling he’d be just as excited as you even if he’s got no clue what you’re talking about
He’d try to get into your interests with you no matter how outlandish they may seem
(I mean he’s basically a spider what’s so weird about fnaf lore—)
Definitely draws you things based off of the subject
“You said they were your favorite, right?”
Is always sending you memes and funny videos about your interest
Asks you for updates on your interest if it’s a series
Holds you when something bad happens and you’re sad
“Shh, shh…Hey, at least they existed, right?—Oh, no that made it worse—“
Going back to rambles, he’s always listening but maybe not always looking at you
But trust me
That boy could recite what you say perfectly
He just likes to listen while he works or draws
Has definitely made a mural of you and him in the world together (used it as a date spot. It’s true, he told me)
20/10 boyfriend
(I mean they all are but like—)
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Hobie Brown 🎸⚡️🎸
Will spend hours learning songs related to your interest
But then he’s like
“What? Oh, i been knowin’ this song, luv. What’re ya on about?”
Say for instance, you dive deep into an artist or band
Obviously, Hobie’s gonna ask you about them
But would never ask you for your favorite songs because he’s “Too busy writing his own”
So he just pays really close attention to the songs you talk the most about
(As i previously stated, he learns them all and plays it off)
When you figure it out he’s just like:
“Took ya long enough, luv”
He also listens to your rants about whatever it is (much like Miles and everyone else here but shhh)
But here’s why he stands out
This man can keep up
He can and will remember all about it, and basically know about much as you do
Steals things from stores that are from the series or whatever it is
“Hobie, how’d you get this?” “It was on display and i knew you’d love it.” “Wow! I thought you didn’t buy things from brands..” “…” “You stole it…”
You’re too busy loving whatever it is to stay mad
(But we all knew you weren’t mad)
If you think your interest is cringey then you’re WRONG
“But it’s for kids—“ “And? So what?” “Well…uhm….hm.” “Yeah. Thought so. Now keep goin’, I’m invested.”
(But also in general, bby. Love what you love and come to me if anyone says it “weird” or “cringey”. I’ll beat them up bestie<33)
All in all, a king<33
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Gwen Stacy 🩰🥁🩰
I’m gonna be honest
She is lost
Even if you go over things twenty times she still won’t get it
And that’s okay!
She takes notes and tries to keep up
Definitely proud of herself when she gets a detail right
“And then—“ “Wait, wait. Let me guess…He…he burned the pizzeria down, right” “Uhm—yeah, actually!” “*insert proud face*”
(Woah look at the trans flag colors^^^)
Definitely binge watches or reads your interest and learns as much as she can
She keeps a notebook full of her notes that she refers back to whenever you two are on call
She played it off as writing down some notes for school
But one day, she asked you to grab her suit from inside her drum set, and you found the notebook
It caught your eye because it had the name of your interest on it and you were like:
“Hey, Gwen? What’s this?” You showed her the notebook
I wish you could see my vision
When i tell you Gwen stood there for a good minute
I mean she stood there for several
She just admitted to it and was all red and fidgety
Since this is her world, she was cast in mostly pink and red hues and the space around her fluttered yellow
You end up going through it with her, and talk about your favorite bits
Overall? She deserves several gold stars and cookies
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Pavitr Prabhakar 🍵☀️🍵
Bby is here for it
Whenever you get excited he’s excited
When you’re on the verge of tears he’s already crying
He is your favorite character’s number one supporter
He’s always going on and on with you about your interests
Because unlike the others, he manages to actually get into whatever it is you’re talking about and not just keep up
It’s honestly a skill of his
I feel like Pav also has special interests that he dives deep into
Deep deep
Same as you so you two get along well :D
He’s always looking for the newest content and sending it to you always
“Hey! They said the next episode would be released next Tuesday!! :DDD” “There’s a new theory for the last volume!”
It’d be cute if that’s how you met and became friends
You spend sleepovers diving into your shared and separate interests with eachother
You know what’d be funny?
If he also info dumps onto the villains he fights
Hear me out
Pav tying up a villain who tried to rob a place and just going
“Yeah, so me and my partner have a theory for why—“
And the villain is just like
But they’d never say that because it’s Spider-Man
All in all, your number one hype man and best friend :]
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farfromstrange · 1 year
WORDLE | Matt Murdock x OFC
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | AO3
Pairing: Matt Murdock x OFC
Summary: Eliza and Foggy play Wordle and things to a little out of hand. But what else do you expect to happen between two people who are more competitive than professional athletes when it comes to playing games?
Warnings: None. Some suggestive language maybe, but overall humor & fluff. Not proof-read. Just found this again after 5 months.
Word Count: 1.5k
A/n: This is a draft that’s been sitting here for a very long time. The idea just popped into my mind after i lost 5 times in a row BECAUSE OF ONE LETTER so yeah, have fun ig. I’ve written it with my OC’s name so I can’t exactly say you can read it like a reader insert, but you can still read it even when you haven’t read the series and don’t exactly want to. If you do though, the links are above. Enjoy!
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“Franklin Percy Nelson! If you put a ‘j’ instead of a ‘y’ we’re no longer friends!”
“I’m gonna put the ‘j’. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”
Eliza’s voice boomed across the small office. Pretty sure at this point, even the neighbors were aware of their heated discussion.
The official Wordle.org page was the reason that the pair sat crammed over Foggy’s laptop on that particular morning. Eliza admitted that it was her idea. She found out about the game on social media. Everyone was playing it and she thought, why not? The worst thing that could happen was an extended vocabulary.
Foggy chose to play with her simply because he was competitive and he couldn’t stand Eliza winning all by herself. He heard her curse in Matt’s office earlier that day after her boyfriend left her to fend for herself – the good friend he was, he asked her what was wrong. All she did was show him the page. That was enough for Foggy to drag her into his office and pull up the page on his laptop.
Thirty minutes later, neither of them got any work done, but at least they’d won about fifteen rounds. The times they failed stood heavy on the piece of paper they used to keep score. Mostly, it was Foggy’s fault. Eliza didn’t take criticism on that. One letter always made them lose, and it was often Foggy’s choice to form the finishing word.
That’s how they ended up in this position. Eliza swore this was the last round to make an even twenty. Foggy agreed, telling her that he knew what the word would be. She’d never doubted anyone this badly before. His judgment was questionable, especially while playing games, and she was so not willing to lose the last round because of him.
Half of the boxes on the page were colored in yellow while the bottom line shone bright green. Only one gray letter remained.
“It’s obviously mayor,” Eliza insisted.
“Why?” Foggy challenged.
“Because I said so, duh!”
“That’s not a viable argument!”
“It is because I’m smarter! It’s ‘mayor’! They always choose the less obvious solution. ‘Major’ is too obvious.”
“No, it’s not. See?” he put the word down. “This is gonna work, trust me.”
Eliza slapped his hand away from the enter button. “Don’t you dare!” she hissed.
“Bet!” He pulled his hand away.
“Foggy, yes!”
She spun his chair around quickly, pushing him away from the desk. He yelped as he rolled across the room.
“It’s ‘mayor’, end of story!” She typed the word into the row.
Foggy came rolling back, catching her hands in the act. “IT’S NOT!” he said.
“IT IS!”
“You are insufferable.” He caught her by the waist. She struggled in his grip, hands tied to her sides. “How does Matt put up with you?”
Eliza hit him with her elbow directly into the ribs and said, without even missing a beat, “You’ve obviously never had sex with me.”
Foggy’s arms dropped. “EW!” he squeaked. “You are so gross!”
“Trust me, it’s phenomenal. Like my Wordle skills.”
“You can’t compare Wordle to sex.”
“Yes, I can, and I will.” Her finger ghosted dangerously close over the enter button. He rolled over her foot with his chair. She stumbled aside.
“Stop it, it’s not ‘mayor’!” he said. “It’s ‘major’! Do you even know what that means?”
“Yeah, I’m in a relationship with Matt,” she retorted and butted her hip against his chair.
“What?” Foggy asked.
“Yeah, because-“
“Who’s talking about our sex life?”
The horror in their eyes as they stared at Matt in the doorway was something he would’ve loved to frame.
Eliza’s hair was all disheveled, Foggy’s cheeks flushed. They kept each other rooted on the spot, neither of them willing to let the other gain access to the laptop.
Matt put his hands on his hips. “What’s going on?” he asked. “What’re you guys doing?”
“Nothing,” they said in unison.
“That’s not what it sounded like.”
“We were just… talking,” Foggy told him.
Matt tried hard to keep himself from smirking. “So you weren’t yelling at each other?”
“No,” he scoffed, “why should we?”
“I don’t know, I think I heard my name being dropped. I’m not sure about the context though,” he titled his head in Eliza’s direction. “Sweetheart, care to elaborate?”
He was just teasing her and she knew it. She knew Matt like the back of her hand. He was well aware of what this was about, yet she still blushed like a fool at the way his voice dropped into something that could only be described as mockery.
She did what she knew best. “Matthew Michael Murdock, get your head out of the gutter!” And she copied his stance perfectly.
He shifted on his feet. “Says the one who was talking about my-“
“MAYOR!” she pressed the enter button as Foggy was trying not to listen to the conversation.
He gasped in shock. “YOU-“ the confetti exploded at their victory. “BITCH!”
Matt’s jaw tightened. “What did you just call her?” he asked.
“Dude, you’re not part of this conversation. Stay out of it.”
“Excuse me?”
“You know what,” Eliza said, glowing like a glow stick with her smile wider than anything else, “I may be a bitch, but at least I’m the winning bitch.”
“How is it ‘mayor’?” Foggy asked. “It’s supposed to be ‘major’, that’s not fair. I feel betrayed!”
“Boohoo, go cry about it to your mommy. You just can’t deal with the fact that you lost.”
“We need to play another round.”
“No, we don’t. You’re just a bad loser.”
“I’m not! This was obviously rigged. You probably used your powers to trick me. Ah-ha!”
Her eyes widened. “You take that back!”
Matt looked between them, rubbing his forehead in exhaustion. “What did I just walk into?” he asked.
Eliza slapped the laptop shut. “The end of our friendship,” she said.
“You’re breaking up with me?” Foggy pouted.
“Yeah, I am.”
“No, I’m breaking up with you. You cheated!”
“I didn’t cheat!”
“Then the game cheated.”
“That’s not even a thing!”
“Who are you to judge that? Did you program the thing?”
“No, but-“
They didn’t even realize that the door had closed again.
Matt distanced himself from the office. He walked by Karen on his way to his own quarters.
“What’s going on in there?” she asked him. “I only hear yelling.”
He only sighed, “Can I get a refund?”
“For what?”
“My girlfriend.“
Karen laughed. “Why, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he said, “just realized that I’ve got a weird one.”
The door flew open. Eliza peaked her head around the corner. “I heard that,” she said.
“That was intentional,” Matt retorted. This time, he couldn’t help the smile growing on his lips.
Her eyes narrowed. Next thing he knew, she’d grabbed his hand and pulled him into his office.
“Are you going to murder me?” he asked.
“Worse,” she smirked sheepishly.
“Oh boy.”
“You’re gonna play wordle with me.”
“What’s that?”
She pecked his lips. “Oh, you’re gonna love it.”
“Something tells me I’m not.”
He listened to her type in the password to his laptop, fingers eager and determined.
“Come here or I’m not having sex with you for a week,” she said. Her words sounded so sweet but the threat was obvious – and to some, that might not even have been a threat, but to Matt, it sounded like the end of the world.
He loosened his tie quickly, rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt. “What are we playing again?” he asked.
She pushed him into the office chair, making herself comfortable on his lap. He grunted at her weight on his still sore body. The second she tried to leave though, he pulled her back in. Her warmth was almost comforting to his injuries.
“Wordle is like a workout for your mind, you know? You gotta guess a five-letter word by typing other words. You’ve got five tries. The letters that are in this word will show yellow if they’re in the wrong position and green if they’re in the right position. You gotta get the last word right or you lose. I’ll tell you what color they are, of course, since you can’t see them, but you get the gist.”
He buried his nose in her neck. The words passed by him, only the sound of her voice filled his ears. “Hmm,” he hummed against her.
“Are you even listening to me?” she asked.
“What’s the first word then?”
“That’s four letters, Matt. Take it seriously! This is an important game.”
“What if we lose?”
“Then I’m gonna be very sad,” she said.
He couldn’t help but kiss the pout on her lips away. “I wouldn’t want that.”
“Then will you play with me?”
“Sure, sweetheart. Let’s play Wordle.”
“Fucking finally! I just know you’re far more competent than Foggy will ever be.”
“Don’t let him hear that,” he chuckled, “But I do agree.”
She kisses him, her lips tilted up into the most adorable smile. “You ready?” she asked.
He tightened his hold around her, burying his nose deeper into her neck before agreeing, “Let’s do this.”
“Good choice.”
“I love you,” he said.
“And I love you.”
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snapscube · 2 years
You might have said this before, but what happened to the SnapStreams format? Did you just end up deciding to replace it with the style of stream highlights you've been doing lately? If so, that's fine obviously, I was just kinda curious on what happened to the format
Initially it was put on hiatus as Sophie was in need of some time off to deal with life stuff. After a while, she reached out to me and explained that the time off would most likely need to become an official stepping away from the SnapStreams editor position. Of course I was fully supportive of both decisions, but I didn’t really have a backup plan at the time so it kinda just ended up being the case that SnapCube majorly slowed down for a bit, as not only were SnapStreams defunct but Let’s Plays had also been moved over to SnapCube 2. After a while longer, I was inspired by the many MANY Jerma985 highlight compilations and stream edits I started to get into at the time and I thought “I’d like to try this out for my own streams and see if I can maybe get some eyes on my own stuff this way :)”
So the idea in Summer of 2021 became:
- I would hire an editor to create edits of individual streams that could be uploaded to SnapCube and uniquely branded so as to best keep engagement up and allow myself to be creative with upload style again. This would happen weekly, which is in most cases a wonderful balance based on my average stream consistency and the needs of SnapCube as a channel. Ellie applied for this position and was ultimately chosen.
- I also wanted to, alongside the individual edits, re-utilize the SnapStreams branding for monthly super compilations of the absolute best stream bits throughout a month. I offered this position to Tracey, who initially applied for the first position but was enthusiastic to try this other idea out as well and accepted the role.
This structure worked for a couple of months but, as you can probably assume based on the shockingly few episodes of this new take on SnapStreams that were uploaded, ran into some hiccups. Namely, only a couple months into the new run I started to deal with some serious fatigue and mental health struggles that prevented me from finding enough energy to stream at a consistent rate. The amount of footage that Tracey was able to compile in a single month was hardly up to the length standard we had agreed on, through no fault of her own, so we experimented with trying to keep up with the goal by combining the last couple of months into a single compilation. The problem with that though is that this plan suffered from some scope creep we did not anticipate and ended up just becoming way too stressful.
Not to mention, honestly, people weren’t really responding to this new version of SnapStreams. All the episodes performed way below expectation and it didn’t really have the audience draw that I was hoping it would. It was nice for those who already cared, but the new version of the series was supposed to act as a bit of an investment into allowing more people to discover my streams and possibly tune in live sometime, which you can’t do if the only people watching are mostly the ones who already watch. So, Tracey and I had a few discussions about how we wanted to move forward and I made the call to basically call it quits on SnapStreams for good.
So, yeah, TL;DR: SnapStreams as a video series is basically done, I can’t see a future where I have any reason to bring it back based on how well the current structure is working out for the main channel. I think it’s overall a positive thing though. it was exactly what it needed to be for a time, and though the revival wasn’t the success I was hoping for, it gave me a chance to work with Tracey, who is an incredibly skilled and thoughtful editor, and we’re actually gonna be working together to develop another idea in the next couple of months I’ve been wanting to try for a bit: a dedicated short-form SnapCube clip channel for the trendy sites like TikTok and YouTube :) which I’m excited about!!
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radiodread · 1 year
So the Given manga ended today, and I felt like airing out my opinions on the last chapter and the series as a whole. Spoilers galore, possibly controversial opinions, and other stuff in a long essay below the cut.
Starting with what I thought of the last chapter: weakly executed but highly unsurprising that it was. A lot of things were left unsaid and unresolved, most of them issues pertaining to one of the main characters, Ritsuka. Remember back in one of the early chapters when Yayoi told Akihiko that “Ritsuka hasn’t been eating or sleeping properly, he’s just absorbed in his music”, a scene that was also kept in the anime’s fourth episode? Yeah, that. It’s been hinted at since then that he still doesn’t sleep well (like when he showed up at Hiiragi and Shizusumi’s school having finished the demo, heavily implying that he’d stayed up all night given the erratic look and vibe he gave off.
Then there’s his insecurities re: himself, Mafuyu, and his relationship with Mafuyu that were seemingly blown away once again by music. Music will always be there to save the day! Absolve all of these people of their responsibility to sort things out like normal people do, instead they just play some music and all is well again. Like magic! Wow. (This was sarcasm, by the way.)
Speaking of which, Mafuyu still never told Ritsuka anything about Yuki. Absolutely nothing. All this time, I felt like he had a responsibility to do so since Ritsuka was dragged into this mess first by Mafuyu who naïvely seemed to think that starting to date someone new would make him magically get over Yuki, yet it seemed to only make it worse and thus it made Ritsuka have to suffer. Then Ritsuka was dragged deeper into it by Hiiragi and Shizusumi who told him a few things about Yuki that Mafuyu should’ve been the one to tell Ritsuka, not Mafuyu’s childhood friends who didn’t know Ritsuka and also weren’t as close to Yuki as Mafuyu was.
The icing on the goddamn cake was the end of the chapter, was Mafuyu saying to Ritsuka “when we get back, let’s do it”. And it only just now hit me that this was the exact same thing Yuki told Mafuyu on the beach. Minus the bathroom bit.
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First of all, weird callback. Second of all, cheap way to end it all off. I’ve felt since a long time ago that Kizu has gotten tired of the series and that’s why the story quality has dwindled drastically. But this just felt like her shrugging and saying “let’s just get this shit over with”. Which is a bit of an insult to the people who followed this series religiously either from the start or decided to tag along somewhere during its run.
One thing that also really irked me was the whole bit that happened after Hiiragi and Shizusumi came into Given’s room after their live performance post-debut. How Hiiragi says that Ritsuka “sometimes belongs to SYH” and how Ritsuka obviously didn’t even know this was a thing (isn’t this also a bit of a red flag, where his management goes behind his back and approves something in his stead?), and wasn’t gung-ho about it once it sunk in but agreed to do it anyway because he’s such a good fucking boy and I’m so upset on his behalf that it kind of paves the way for people to take advantage of him now that he’s a professional musician. Mafuyu and Ritsuka still clearly have things to sort out given how Mafuyu was jealous and aggravated when Hiiragi yapped about stealing Ritsuka from them and how Given had to do better to steal their man back. Unsurprisingly, communication is still lacking in the Given manga overall, and that’s where it’s also left unresolved at the very end. 
(Remember when Haruki said that music was [all about] communication?)
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(Yeah, me too.)
((Yes, I absolutely scrambled across the floor like a deranged crab to get the first volume out of my bookshelf to find this exact page. Dedication™))
There’s not much for me to say about the other characters in the series since they got their so-called “happy endings”. I’m very glad for Ugetsu that he got his happy ending, that he seems happy, like he’s moved on. In the promo art for the last chapter, there’s a mystery person standing next to Ugetsu, and while nothing is obviously confirmed- maybe he has a new love in his life? 
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In any case, he certainly looked happy in the last chapter and in previous chapters where he’s appeared since his breakup with Akihiko, and he arguably got the best ‘ending’ out of all of them. Haruki and Akihiko are moving in together which felt like a logical next step for them, and I’m glad things worked out for them. As for Shizusumi and Hiiragi... who the hell knows. Their entire arc was a mess, the way they got together screamed non-con and BL tropes galore. Holy cow. Yeah. Anyway!
As for the series overall, I’m struggling nowadays to form a single, coherent opinion. I really loved it up until chapter 19 when Akihiko sexually assaulted Haruki (that was basically where Kizu started picking up those BL tropes that at least I thought she would steer clear of... silly me) but then I still loved how he redeemed himself and how that arc ended. Then after chapter 28, things just went downhill for me and I haven’t liked the series as much at all since.
I heavily disliked the Hiiragi arc because of how it introduced things and then glossed them over, that so-called “sex scene” between Hiiragi and Shizusumi that I personally would call something else, the way Ritsuka’s entire character was shoved into the nearest bin (it seriously made me think that Kizu is the first mangaka I’ve stumbled upon who really hates the main character of her manga so much that she takes everything out on him as a result - whew!) and how he then just never got any sort of proper resolution to his story. I liked the first half of the manga, I guess, so in the end my opinion stays pretty wobbly. I’ve never shied away from admitting that I’m heavily Ritsuka-biased and I’ll stay that way. The boy deserved so much better than what he got and that’s one of my major takeaways, unfortunately. For a series that I once really liked, this certainly feels like a disappointing end.
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novainthevoid · 1 year
Reposting this as one full long post because I was thinking about it again and I still think it’s relevant
School For Good and Evil Spoilers
Not to be discourse on main or anything but the school for good and evil isn’t queer baiting because Agatha and Sophie don’t get to together, it’s queer baiting because of the way they’re literally revealed to be sisters in the third fucking book after ALL the stuff they’ve been through and done for one another. Idk I’m a big proponent for strong platonic relationships but god they came across as not only queercoded but in some way queer with one another.
To clarify, I don’t think Sophie and Agatha should’ve ended up together. In fact, I quite like their og ending (ie, the third book ending). They had a relationship that was codependent at the best of times and downright toxic at the worst. I think the best ending for them both was to be able to grow as people separate from one another while still maintaining their friendship. I would have indulgently liked to see them get together at some point, but ultimately I like the direction the story went and felt the way it ended was narratively satisfying.
THAT BEING SAID, the sisters thing still bothered me. Not only did it not feel super relavent (outside of possible narrative symbolism between the girls and Rafal and Rhian) but more than anything it felt like a cop out. A final gotcha moment to keep people from being able to ship the girls at all. I don’t think this was done intentionally or with any malice, but regardless after the way the girls acted and treated one another throughout the entirety of the series, it bothered me that it was boiled down to “oh they’re sisters lol.”
In a way, it felt like more of a dig at platonic relationships than it would have been if they’d gotten together. Because it was like they weren’t *allowed* to feel that strongly for one another if they weren’t either in love romantically or “fated together” by something like familial ties. They narratively did not need to be long lost sisters. Any benefit that could have come out of that I feel was lost due to how late it came and how little was done with it.
No matter how unintentional it may have been, I don’t think it’s wrong to call the school for good and evil queerbait. It is definitely a complex situation. But making the girls canonically sisters felt less relevant overall and more like a cop out. A way of saying, “see! Their relationship is obviously familial! No other feelings can be said and if you do it’ll be incestuous!” Again, I don’t think that was the intent but it’s what came across.
So yeah. SGE isn’t queer bait because it didn’t let Agatha and Sophie get together. It can be called queerbait, however, for pushing these girls to hell and back together only to introduce a narrative plot point that completely blocked any other interpretations of their relationship.
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0poole · 1 year
I’ve never hated a movie this much in a long time
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 made me so mad that I'm breaking this random rambling blog out of retirement
I'm seriously the "enjoy everything" guy. I'm not really interested in Marvel much at all anymore, but I do honestly expect to go to a Marvel movie and have a good, simple time. But like… for some reason this one feels like a special kind of bad. I guess that's because the solution to all my genuine problems was so close.
The ONE thing I genuinely, honestly believe is an issue is that this movie isn't about Rocket enough. Everything else is stylistic junk I should've expected to have an issue with, cuz of course modern Marvel art style is just, like, awful (because it's not fully animated). But I swear
Here's the pitch: Keep all of Rocket's flashbacks as is, and keep the overall current time throughline of the crew trying to save him, but SERIOUSLY cut them down. Like, a lot a lot.Pretty much any time any form of Rocket (near-dead or young) was genuinely good content. Obviously super grim and intense for a Marvel movie, but I feel like something like that was basically guaranteed to be his backstory anyway, so I was actually hoping to see it through. Also, Floor (spider bunny) was so utterly perfect that I honestly might buy a plush of her (him? them?) and thus end up fuelling the very thing I'm criticizing in this post but I can't help it, they were a seriously amazing design. And I even have a disagreement with some of the criticism, I'm hearing from multiple (2) places that people (two people) didn't like how the main villain was so utterly despicable that they didn't like it, while I actually like him. Maybe it's my character designer brain both liking purple and also his tacked-on skinface. His weird eccentricness was really fitting for someone who believed he was god. I think the only reason he felt so despicable was because he was abusing animals, while I think if he was just your average planet-conqueror he would either be a little fun or boring. I also really liked the line someone (I think Quill) said where his crew were basically responsible for certain whole civilizations across the universe, and that they would actually call them gods.
The problem was everything in between these scenes. They tried to make this a Guardians movie when it really should've been a Rocket Raccoon movie. And yeah, I get that they wanted to call it a Guardians movie, but they still made it so much of Rocket's movie that every random interpersonal conflict not involving Rocket just felt like filler junk. I guess the fact that I knew these conflicts would be resolved by the end of the movie made them feel like petty squabbling in the moment. It's even worse with Quill and Gamora, because I honestly thought Gamora was straight-up dead from the Infinity War junk, but I guess she's just back now, minus her memories? I used to think I understood what was going on with the whole Marvel Cinematic Multiverse but I guess now I have to admit I'm out of the loop. Was there some series that established what happened to her that I heard nothing about? I don't remember one but there also have been like dozens coming out and being announced a month so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Same goes with the Soviet space dog, although that was clearly meant to be a much less deep character so I could excuse it then. I do like the prospect of the Guardians as characters being more like a rotating cast instead of a set group. 
(Also the whole concept of the Yondu-tech with the whistling and the arrow and such is still one of the coolest character design traits ever. I still will keep that much true to my heart)
But yeah anyway, not only did I really not care about most of the "important" stuff happening with the current-time shenanigans, the fact that they had the usual Marvel jokiness about it half of the time really caused some serious tonal whiplash at some points. Like, in the flashback where Purple Guy (I don't remember his name if he had one) shoots all Rocket's buddies to death and as Lila utters her last dying wish to see the sky it still cuts back to the random group banter of the other characters just being goofballs amidst the chaos. Seriously? We just witnessed the most traumatizing event in a cartoon animal's life, where his friends were murdered right before his eyes by his captor, and we still go back to that? Can't we just have some kind of emotional parachute? Maybe like a cutaway to some little trinket Rocket kept around that reminded him of them? Or at least Groot watching over the holograms they had in that meatball they stole so we can share the emotions with one of the characters?
And really, the thing that really capped it all off with the worst possible ending was the fact that Rocket didn't fucking murder the Purple Guy. What kind of catharsis is that? He literally could've just held the gun to his head and shot him dead, but I guess for some reason the Guardians have this bullshit pathos to bad guys, even though they just DON'T. They murdered dozens of random soldiers to get to where they were, BUT FOR SOME REASON THE SOLE CAUSE OF IT ALL DESERVES TO LIVE (or die ambiguously in a ship explosion, still is bullshit). Purple Guy deserved all the pain and suffering he inflicted on not only Rocket but literally all of his creations, even his lackeys, and yet for some reason they couldn't just shoot him. And not even that, but they (Nebula) clearly didn't have an issue stabbing that Sovereign guy in the heart. Was somehow terrorizing their town more bad than destroying an entire planet of your own creation? And the worst part is that Rocket was kind of defeatist about it too, like he sounded like he wanted to shoot him, but thought his buddies would be mad at him, even though his buddies were the ones killing everyone to save him. Quill literally said verbatim to Groot "Okay you can kill them all now" and then jumped off a ship to drive one of the scientist guys into the ground to scoop out his fucking brains. And even Groot, the guy who seems like he should be the most pacifistic of them all, fucking launched his arm into one of the experiments' throats to gore him from the inside with his spiky branches. Are you fucking kidding me? Even I was like "This is the shit they would rather show kids instead of a naked boob?" 
Seriously. A boob on screen would send this up to like an R rating nowadays, but apparently that, or multiple situations where one of the experiments' heads gets torn off, or their body gets sliced in half, or idk maybe a guy shooting fucking innocent little animals keeps it at a safe family film rating. Shit's like a normalized Liveleak video. 
And one last thing before I get to the less important stuff, Quill had the audacity to be the fake out death at the end when Rocket was clearly the only emotional core of the movie. It would've been so much more impactful if Rocket was the one who nearly died there. We saw his trauma all over screen, he saved his (other) animal buddies, and if doing so nearly cost him his life that would've been so much more impactful. Plus, the fact that he's not the mainest of the main characters also means there's a small chance he might actually fully die there. AND let's not forget the fact that in like the first or second movies, the exact same thing happened to Quill before and literally all they had to do to save him was to put a helmet on him. How could no one on their whole spacefaring colony have some sort of helmet to just throw out to him? Like this is turbonerd-critic-who-cares-way-too-much-about-plot-holes territory but I'm genuinely annoyed at that scene. I think it pisses me off because it wasn't just some throwaway detail in the past movies, it was the biggest deal because I think it was like Gamora or Yondu or someone who passed over their only helmet to save him, so the fact that that's how you help someone dying in the vacuum of space being so present in this series and they just completely ignored it just shows serious lack of care on whoever chose that to be the case's part. 
I feel like I should leave it at that for the serious stuff, but I obviously have a lot of random stylistic annoyances that are obviously just par for the course and I really shouldn't be angry about but I still am so
The simplest one is the music, and I feel like this annoys me more because my dad specifically actually really likes music choices like this. I realized this about him when we watched Lightyear and he was explicitly disappointed that Starman wasn't directly in the movie even though it was in all the trailers. He said something like "Movies need to have good music in them" which in principle I agree with, but the fact that he basically meant it as "Movies need to insert more classic songs into their movies" kind of annoys me honestly. I can actually like it in the first Guardians movie since back then it was a unique vibe for superhero stuff to have, but now it's so beaten down that I am really just over it. Really here specifically I have no right to be annoyed since it is truly a part of the Guardians brand, but yeah it is annoying. I do want movies to have good music, but good ORIGINAL music. Like either songs made for the movie (Sunflower and What's Up Danger, again Spiderverse does it right) or actually, somehow, make a score that actually has any degree of staying power at all. Between the "Oh I remember that song haha!" moments was still the most generic "I'm a movie" drivel. It almost made the emotional climaxes for anything besides Rocket's backstory feel really overblown because of how hard they tried to make the music carry the very shallow emotional weight of all of it. And the funny thing is that I do actually know an example, and it's Unicorn Warriors Eternal. Only 3 episodes so far and it's already one of the best cartoons I've seen, and it manages to have a completely original score that doesn't sound like it's trying to be a standalone track you buy the single for, and still matches the tone of the scene its all used for too. There have been multiple points where I've been taken aback at the score being both catchy in its own right but being really good and fun for the goofy scenes its used in. Modern cartoons are still the pinnacle of stories honestly I swear
And I guess I'm basically just going to be saying that all again because this has officially been the worst of both CGI and Practical Effects at the same time. Neither are good. Both suck. Both were terrible in this movie. Every fantastical property ever should be fully animated (or at least have impressive artistry on display like Dark Crystal or something, even though I still don't really like Dark Crystal).
The most hilariously bad part was unfortunately a part of Rocket's backstory, in the weird evolution chambers the purple guy made, where he puts in a completely normal, real animal, presses a button, and the animal turns into a crazy CGI fest transformation sequence, then literally a guy in an animal mascot costume. I can't believe it. Did no one in the editing bay look at that and think "That's what we're going with? Really?" And here's the solution: Just do it with CGI. This is where practical effects completely suck ass. Shit looked like one of the classic TMNT movies. Even if the CGI wouldn't nearly be animated correctly to truly mimic real life, it would've at least not looked pathetic. Stupid is better than pathetic. And Rocket and all the cyborg experiments are CGI anyway, as is everything else in the movie, so like… was it to save money? Do they not have money anymore? What's the point of me buying a Floor plush if they're just gonna pull trash like this?
The iffy part was with the humanoid animals in the suburb on Counter-Earth, because I truly got the joke (weird animal people in a super generic American landscape), but it still was almost too ridiculous to even get the joke good enough. I was so close to enjoying it, but I still think it would've been better if they all were extra weird in the way only CGI could provide. Think about it, a weird blob monster with like 5 malformed legs, 3 arms, a melted face, but in a polo t-shirt and khakis mowing a well-pruned lawn would've been so much better. Not just someone who's clearly just a human with a lot of makeup and plastic on their face. Or, in this case I feel like they were adapting an exact moment from the comics, and I can only imagine that moment was so much better then because of the stylistic way you can represent these people. This is a big case where my catchphrase of "animate everything" Actually makes so much more sense 
And the last case is of course with everyone else. I'm still making it a mission statement of my own sci-fi universe-sprawling world to have plenty of body types that aren't just "human but with weird face parts." And I'm extra mad here because there was ONE background character that was exactly what I wanted, in between all the random humans with face paint. It was when the Ravagers first boarded the ship and Gamora came out, one of them was this weird mouthless serpent guy with Dr Strange powers who speaks in visualizing emoticons with magic. First of all, the fact that he uses normal ass emojis was actually funny and I liked it, but aside from that when he first came on screen I was seriously like "WHO IS HE????" because I'm so not used to any character being that cool looking. Again, this is what CGI can do right. It can show you weird monsters that actually look interesting and show diversity in this world which is supposed to take into account every single species that exists across every planet ever. Man, if only there were a show that took place exclusively in space that was expertly animated and character-designed to actually represent all the weirdness that can happen across the univer--Oh wait it exists it's Wander Over Yonder my favorite show of all time funny how that works anyway
The last bit was all the suits and stuff all the guard people were wearing, especially on that fleshy starbase thing. My mom put it perfectly, where it feels like the era of sci fi in things like Sharkboy and Lavagirl or Spy Kids 3D where they just look so stupid and goofy. Back then, it's charming because it was a product of the time. Now, it just looks dumb. The whole location was made to show like how flesh can be bent to their whim or whatever, right? Why not make it so their armor is much more obviously fleshy, and also directly attached to their skin instead of being an obvious suit they just put on? That would be much more fitting.
And I'll make this the last thing, I actually loved that fleshy place. I am a BIG proponent of meatbending, or whatever term you want to use, both in general but especially in a more normal, nonhorrific light. When they were sawing into the walls of that place and lifted up the removed core I was disgusted, but in an intrigued kind of way. And I was blown out of the water when they walked around inside, and not only were the nonorganic parts still cool looking and unique, but the sheer design potential of decorative flesh was extremely cool to see. I was especially interested in the fact that they shaped plants out of flesh, which was hilarious, but even things like one of the spy cameras being a giant eye, and a floating flesh blob thing leaking plasma-like goop. I LOVE that. I want more of it. Make that one yelling Spongebob meme in your head but with flesh tech or whatever, it's seriously cool and rarely done. 
Anyway that's it whatever time to get back to the stuff I actually like, like damn that new Pokemon series is kinda aiming to be pretty good ngl
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azsazz · 7 months
answering this one here too because cc spoilers :)
I like CC for different reasons than I like acotar, for example in CC I feel like a lot of the friendships/relationships felt more organic to me. Like Danika was not a good person but she and Bryce were good friends. Also Bryce and LeLe felt like real friends to me, same with Ruhn and his friends. I feel like Feyre’s friendship with Mor for example is really forced, everyone says their best friends but I feel like they barley interacted in the books? And I feel like no one respects Feyre’s leadership as much as Rhys’s (honestly I feel like the ENTIRE ic dynamic is weird af and an attempt to write close friends that kind of fell flat.) Mor gives me more pick me energy than Bryce but I see how you think that.
i did like lele a lot, and yeah, their relationship was a good one. i agree that feyre and mor didn't really interact. it does feel a bit forced also with the fact that obviously her and rhys are mates so who's going to actually say something if they don't like her? also mor is rhys' only family so she kind of doesn't have a choice to be feyre's friend
also I feel like Hunt gets unnecessarily picked on bc he’s boring but he’s one of the only SJM males that didn’t do some sketchy shit with his partner in some way. (Ik the synth deal but that didn’t really happen to Bryce) I haven’t read it in a while but nothing comes to the top of my head besides like them being mean to each other in the beginning
i do like hunt, i'll give sjm that. he's a good man.
Examples: Rhys had the dancing and the pregnancy (which Ik Rhys stans like to explain away but I still think it’s messed up). Cassian didn’t defend his mate and took Nesta on a week long hike where she physically collapsed from malnutrition and exhaustion bc she told feyre the TRUTH. Rowan punching Aelin in the face etc.
rhys has def done some questionable things. like yeah we can all get mad at fucking tamlin for wanting to keep feyre safe in his house when he knew they weren't out of the woods yet and worse was coming. and yeah, he went about it the wrong way but he was terrified for her? he didn't know what he was going? and rhys literally locked her in a fucking bubble while she was pregnant? yeah she could roam around but if that were me i'd feel suffocated as fuck? like its not really that different.
sjm loves talking about how her fmc's are so strong and stuff but she glorifies all the men they can do no wrong
CC had terribly world building, but let’s be honest SJM hasn’t had good world building since TOG and even that is sometimes questionable, but I think the relationships between characters are better and the individual emotions of the characters feel more human to me in some aspects.
Idk that’s just my opinion of the two books. Overall I still do think ACOTAR is the better series of the two, and the cross over is def a cash grab. But sometimes I feel like the good parts of CC get overlooked bc of shitty world building
that's def a fair point. i got so lost in trying to figure out what the fuck was going on i couldn't even focus on the relationships, i'll admit that!
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skye-huntress · 8 months
I’m in Love with the Villainess Reaction
Episode 2
Back to the results of the exams. Since the scoring system wasn’t designed to handle the measurements from Rae’s results, she didn’t place in the overall exam results. Claire can’t win their bet if she doesn’t have a score to beat.
As Rod says, if Rae’s affinity was higher than Exceptional, she would have broken the reading device. The only explanation is she has higher affinity scores for more than a single element. The assumption she is a dual-caster is accurate, but there are tri-casters and quad-casters, but those are even rarer. Plus, having more than one aptitude doesn’t guarantee your affinity scores are high for all elements. Even among other dual-casters, Rae is pretty special for having Exceptional affinity for both elements.
Claire, you’re in no position to judge Rae. You knew a commoner would be at a severe disadvantage during the tests and didn’t expect Rae to have a chance a placing high. That’s exactly why you chose the exams for your challenge in the first place. It was an underhanded strategy that Rae just happened to know would backfire on you. How she knew is the question you should be asking.
As for the request, you can tell by Rae’s tone and expression that she is once again being very serious and sincere. Claire was too worked up last time to notice but I think this was the first time she started to see the real Rae. It’s clear she doesn’t know what to make of this different side of Rae or her unusual request, which is at odds with everything she thinks she knows about her.
When I first read this scene in the manga, it wasn’t hard to figure out what Rae was doing, even without knowing any of the specifics. She’s trying to change Claire’s fate. Claire herself can’t understand since she doesn’t know her life is following a certain “narrative”, one that places her in a losing role.
A bit late for the OP. It’s been five minutes already.
I’d really like to have a look at the Head Maid’s notes about Rae (after they’ve been translated, obviously). Might be good for a laugh.
I don’t remember if I made many guesses on what went on between Rae and Dole during their private chat but I was curious to see what others think now.
Some seem to think that Rae blackmailed Dole, but thinking about it, I agree with some others saying that just wouldn’t be possible. Dole is the third most powerful man in the kingdom with wealth, resources and connections. Rae is just a commoner who knows more than she should.
Thinking about it, it only makes sense if Rae made some sort of deal with Dole, or better yet, got on his good side somehow, otherwise he wouldn’t have let her leave the room alive. One of the first things he said to Claire afterwards was that they could trust Rae.
Okay, yeah, I admit, ogling Claire’s body while helping her change clothes is definitely moving into some questionable territory. On the other hand though, this is kind of the expectation at this point. It’d feel disingenuous if we pretended Rae wasn’t like this.
I like that Lene is trying to find a balance between those two, telling them off if either of them goes too far.
It didn’t feel like the manga properly explained why Rae chose to miss during the magic tool exam, but this explanation makes sense. She hoped to avoid “triggering Rod’s route”, which makes sense given how much she hates him, but she made a miscalculation. A video game can’t tell whether you miss on purpose or not, but Rod is far more observant than Rae expected. In the end, her plan to avoid getting his attention ended up backfiring in a spectacular fashion.
Play with fire, you’ll get burned. The mean girl trio were trying to tease Rae with comments about Claire feeding her treats like some pet, but Rae is still the master of this game.
There comes a point where all yuri series must address the issue of public baths, and again, with Rae, we have to keep within expectations while trying not to go too far. I promise this isn’t a regular thing, either because they don’t show it, or Rae manages to learn some restraint.
It should be clear by this point that Claire doesn’t believe Rae when she says she loves her. At first, she seemed to think it was all part of her teasings, but now she starting to see sides of Rae that are conflicting with her general impression of her. Now she’s less sure of herself and what she believes. I don’t blame her, this is 100% on Rae.
I like Rae and I think I’ve got a good grasp on her character and why she acts the way she does here. What she’s doing isn’t the best way to go about things but it makes sense for her current mindset at this moment.
One last note, I noticed a lot of people wondering why Claire has a bunkbed. Everyone in the dorms has a roommate, regardless of status, but in both the main novels and manga, there is no mention of Claire having a roommate. According to a spinoff novel that follows Claire’s perspective, the truth is she has a roommate… but she is invisible!!! I swear, sometimes it feels like the author’s making this stuff up as they go. Regardless, I doubt there are any plans for Catherine to be included in the anime, there’s more than enough going on already.
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thesungod · 1 year
Okay, so I read more and apparently Small Bob is there which is nice. But apparently, Damasen is bones? Because or regeneration stuff and there is no way of saving him? (Unless they retcon it in the future 2343th book and then someone else goes to Tartar Sauce to get Damasen back....?)
I liked Nemesis, ngl, she rocked and she's one of my fav goddesses in the overall series. And I liked Hypnos, though i don't get why they retconned Morpheus' job in the first series? Either they forgot (which they did probably) or that they just kinda went for a random retcon. I laughed my ass off when Nico said his mother's Bianca di Angelo. And yeah, apparently Will has inherited Apollo's plague powers albeit they were not shown to be that strong? But he still affected the primordial goddess of Night... so... how are you gonna call that weak.
Some disliked how Nico came out to the whole Camp, but i liked the part where his coming out encouraged other campers. Yes, this is obviously Greek camp and there are already many lgbt Greek heroes both in myths and from the past but it would be different for a lgbt kid to come out in today's world, even if they are tied to the Greek demigod world, you know what i mean?
The book had its good sides but the writing still kinda sucks, and I get that this is written for middle aged kids, but if I can still read PJO without any problem but feel jarring reading this book... idk man maybe the writing itself isnt that great? I will still like the parts that i enjoyed and point them out, but i will still criticize the book and its writing. Maybe there could have been more editing in the book and less retcons and the writing could have been better.
totally right anon. pjo still holds up and this… really didn’t, but there was still some good stuff.
as for Nico coming out to the Camp, i have mixed feelings. for me, it just feels crazy how Nico is apparently the first out gay person in the pjo universe lol. i thought he felt that way, not that it was actually true💀. i really really thought Will was already out when he and Nico met in BoO, but that’s a minor thing. i’m only shaken because it ruined my long time headcanon of Will being the first out queer person Nico meets etc etc.
i guess that’s Apollo lmao
it feels like a stretch to say Will has plague powers. he has weak seasonal flue power. he has hay fever power. he has headache-the-day-after-a binge-drink power. i love him <3
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ghostly-cabbage · 1 year
you guys got another one to read/reread alex rider bc of ttb.
i binged the show and am on the third book. the thing is i distinctly remember the end of scorpia and beginning of ark angel (alex getting shot nearly through the heart and then trying to escape something? while in recovery) but that is the only thing i remember after the first book. but it has been something like over 10 years since i read these. speaking of: i did not know there were so many books now?! and apparently anthony is still writing new ones?! though really hoping the 2000’s mmm 😐 moments will fade as the books go on… especially the fatphobia around smithers, and the low key racist stereotypes and side comments. i was questioning myself if i was just looking too far into it thinking that mrs stellenbosch was a transphobic character until the line “she looked like a man in drag” and went yep. fuck she is. now i don’t think any of this was malicious or even on purpose but rereading books you enjoyed as a kid now as an adult really reminds you how it was in the 2000s.
but the show is good and doesn’t have those problems. however, did anyone else notice it’s all the women in special operations that are concerned about alex? obviously mrs jones but i do like her character in the show. but also it was the women in wolf’s crew that spoke up about torturing alex. the other man didn’t say anything. but overall i am appreciating more diversity.
i have so much more to say about the show and the books but i should stop rambling. anyway, ttb is sooooo good and i am eagerly awaiting the next chapter and all those to come. alex rider and danny phantom is such a niche crossover but it works! and the scp stuff? absolutely perfect. you don’t happen to have links to any other scp x dp stuff do you? art or fics.
ps. idk wtf tumblr’s spacing is doing. i’m hoping it evens out when i send this ask and you don’t have to see the large, awkward, uneven gaps between paragraphs
Heheheheh welcome back to the Alex Rider brain worms!! I myself never read the books as a kid and it was totally Fin's doing pspsps'ing kkachi and I into AR (More specifically into an AR fanfic series called of Madness and Mammals, which I read all of without any canon knowledge and it was fantastic dfghjkl After that I started reading the books and then we watched the show!)
As for the 2000's moments..... yeah unfortunately there are some stuff in the early books that aren't great. Though Fin does tell me that the later books do in fact get better about that sorta thing. (i'm still not completely caught up) Some character details just feel so mean spirited and ignorant. I think it's something that was more run of the mill back then but also a symptom of a greater problem as a whole in the "spy fiction" genre. (From what I hear a lot of the Bond books and earlier movies are just so racist and sexist etc, and I think AR was meant to be a "Bond but for tween boys")
As far as the show goes, I think it does a really great job in fixing a lot of the issues the books had, both with plot, tone, and yes the diversity! I think what you pointed out about the women in the Department being sympathetic to Alex is really interesting and I hadn't realized that until you pointed it out! I think that, while Jones and Snake are more vocally sympathetic, I do think the people in the department all care about Alex in... different ways. Wolf's aside with Jones after the K-unit interrogation in Ep two I think proves that he was just as uncomfortable as Snake. I think that her speaking out and reaffirming his own feelings was just the push he needed so say "fuck our orders". There's also the fact that, even if people in the department seem concerned, just like in the books, they still never do anything to actually stop what's happening. They care, but they more or less remain complicit. Never pushing the envelope enough to endanger their own positions even if they know how wrong using a child is. Simple answer for this being that if they did there wouldn't be a show/book series so like asdfghjkl but it's fun to Think about! 👀  I'm so glad that you're enjoying TTB! It's been such a labour of love from the three of us! When we watched the AR show finally we were honestly so shocked. AT that point we'd already started panning TTB and so we were thrilled that the show was tonally so close to what were aiming for. The AR straight up dips into horror at times and its sense of atmosphere is so top notch. When we were approaching this crossover it really was the fact that Canon AR and SCP mesh well together that makes it work so well. It's very much the glue for this crossover! That and we started off characterizing TTB!Danny using a lot of my hcs for SWWDF!Danny and so pushing that even further in the horror/SCP direction was easier than trying to use a base-canon Danny. I think that trying to crossover Canon AR with Canon DP without it just being a fun crackfic would be pretty difficult. bc lets be honest they both can be so cheesy and ridiculous (affectionate) As for knowing of more dp x scp stuff, sadly I do not : (( I know awhile back there was people making a bunch of dp x scp memes, but those don't really have much plot per se. However, maybe if anyone does know they can slap them in the replies of this or I can make a new post to put out some feelers!
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tharizdun-03 · 11 months
Love Live! Sunshine!! Season 2: EP 9-13 Watchthrough
#9: "Awaken the Power"
Hell of a performance, one of the best in Sunshine so far.
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ultimately, ruby's little arc here didn't really add any depth to her. and for all of her growing independent from her sister, it's ironic that their performance (i'm guessing partly metaphorical) still had to include their sisters and the other girls singing and dancing too.
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ultimately, ruby's little arc here didn't really add any depth to her. and for all of her growing independent from her sister, it's ironic that their performance (i'm guessing partly metaphorical) still had to include their sisters and the other girls singing and dancing too.
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speaking of that trio, look at how their colors match.
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#10: "Finding a Way to Shine"
god, sunshine is BACK in full force after a slightly middling stretch. this is how you fucking do it.
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Hell yeah, stand your ground, girl. Get that dough.
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In the next Love Live entry, I'd want a girl a bit like Leah. Reclusive, a bit abrasive, a bit antisocial. You know, someone with a bit more of a bitter quality to them. I think that'd be a fun dynamic to add to the mix.
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also, good on sunshine for actively using saint snow outside of being rivals.
three girlfriends. watching the sunset. really close to each other cause they are gay.
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where are they even? i dunno, but it's pretty.
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dia's pretty hairpins
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I think one of the crazy good things (so many to choose from) about K-On (mainly S2+movie) is that it never really indulges in its own sappyness except like that one big episode and maybe the ending. It's otherwise almost never that sad. Sunshine managed to achieve that here.
Love Live, historically, (aka, imo) indulges far too much in its own melodrama, which completely butchered the original love live s2 ending for me, but they really achieved it here, and it reminded me of k-on. getting emotion out of you without getting too into it.
obviously, k-on isn't the only show that does it, but since sunshine, and love live overall, is very similar to k-on as a whole, the comparison is what naturally popped into my head. maybe unnecessary, but hey, that's what you get with me.
#11: "Uranohoshi Girls' High School"
i'm gonna miss these girls a lot
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i didn't need these two holding hands tho. and no it's not just because i'm possessive about my ships, but i genuinely think that from a corporate perspective they're trying to give moments for everyone's OTPs and i'd rather they commit for the characters rather than the audience
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hat said, besides that one moment, sunshine is doing a remarkably better job at ending things. original s2 ending felt so overdone and was such an obvious set up for the movie that they had to milk after the series became such a big hit, but this feels respectful.
i loved how we checked in on every character. Dia's fangirling, Ruby being a bit more courageous, Kanan and You entertaining the kids, Hanamaru trashing Yohane but still helping her indulge in her make believe, Mari being a bit more openly vulnerable than usual, etc.
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i think one of the great things about Sunshine, compared to the original series, isn't just that them not being able to save the school is a more mature way of exploring the impermanence theme, but we also actually know just how much this school meant to the community here.
luckily we're getting a fantasy spin-off, so i'm seeing these girls shortly again in one way or another, but it still won't be the same once i finish it tomorrow.
#12: "Sea of Light"
what do you know, turns out sunshine manages to avoid over-indulging itself in its own pathos unlike the original series. i've had some quibbles with season 2 of sunshine, but it's ending things remarkably well.
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i really feel the need to stress how SO MUCH of the reason the impending ending works so much better here is because of Chika and her struggles. Honoka felt like a caricature in comparison, it's insane how good Chika has done the narrative here.
instead of all the crying and songs, we get a melancholic but not overbearing penultimate episode. hopefully the actual finale keeps that up as well. i have reason to think so, but the s1 finale didn't quite frankly.
#13: "Our Own Shine"
aww, we get to see all the outfits they've ever worn for each of their concerts and their respective locations for the final performance.
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the song very much reminds me of the final song from the original love live movie, and both are coincidentally my favourite songs from each respective series. altho it makes me curious what the sunshine movie has in store.
happy for her
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and ofc they performed the opening at love live. it was such a cool twist in the original series that i don't mind that they reuse it.
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oh my god they confirmed my poly headcanon. chika has confessed to riko and vice versa, you has confessed to chika and vice versa, and now you and riko have confessed to each other. wish we got more of this this season.
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i mean, that was just a great finale, i thought.
lots of great callbacks, like yohane falling out of the tree. lots of small emotional moments like the grafitti, our first years closing their club room door together, all of them closing the school gate together, chika walking through the abandoned building hearing the past
it didn't feel right to take the movie directly afterwards so i'm gonna do that tomorrow, but safe to say that the staff seems to have learned from the original series where they put in like three performances after each other, lots of crying, and then a cliffhanger for the movie
sunshine's movie will basically just be a victory lap for the series, spending some fun time with the characters again, and honestly i can do with that instead of more pathos cause i think we did everything we could here and i'm happy. keep the low-key tone going.
Overall Thoughts:
Love Live Sunshine!! Season 2 was really good. The comedy is very sharp and the cast as delightful as ever. I think this season wasn't as supremely structured as S1, plus some subplots and cross-ship contamination were less to my liking, but no major drawbacks. Ended well.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
Hi! I just remembered like two asks you received some time ago, i wanted to squeeze in but I forgot 😅 It was about My Only 12% and the work of New and Wabi Sabi in general… Lmao.I so agree with you. This is not a read, but I am not a fan at all. And even of Earth k either. Nothing personal but all of those things mentioned don’t have any… spark. And so when I saw your anon saying they liked New’s produced shows I was shocked bc it is very often not the case, but it’s nice to see there are shoes for everyone (... is that even a saying??)
And about Between Us, I’m not excited at all tbh but ig it’s a good thing. That way I can be ‘surprised’ by it. But UWMA was soooo long ago. I loved it! back then, but since then I changed my ‘views’ you know ? And my liking of certain types of shows. Like if I watch it now… I think I’ll somewhat like it but really I will see just the negatives. I guess it really is about the production of it all (BUT not JUST that obviously. Not everything is bc of ONE man). And I know I’m probably THE ONLY ONE on this but, I get tired of seeing the same pairings over and over and over again. Like Fluke and Ohm, or Boun and Prem. Like it’s kind of always the same… atmosphere to the ships. To be clear, I didn’t see Win and Team in Even Sun, but they kind of have the same… monotony, and same with Ohm and Fluke. The more they have a series together, the less I feel it.
And I only feel that with that studio I realized. Bc I like Jimmy and Tommy, they acted with different vibes in remember 15. And also Off and Gun bdhcnd NOT ME! Need I say more haha.
So what I got from this is that I don’t like wabi sabi studio in its entirety, at all 😂😂 That's sad but yeah. They used to announce stuff and I'll get excited. But after 7 project ...😬 And I tried again with M12% but hm:/ So I guess I'll keep clear of this company. They have good premise but bad execution in my opinion.
And please I’m not trying to be rude, I’m sorry if I come off that way. I’m not the acting or prod. police. But I just see people from time to time talking abt (some of) it, but never really do it. So I just shared my opinion with you bc you seemed to have shared opinions with me. And obviously it’s totally fine if you agree just 2% of my GIANT rambling. 
It’s okay if you don’t engage with this <3 
I think you’re coming back soon from Thailand right? Enjoy the rest of your trip <33
hi anon!
lol that's okay. and I completely agree with everything.
for me wabisabi is just kind of a homogenous soup of cringe lol idk. uwma was good and everything that came afterwards wasn't. Their shows are all the same at this point and as long as New is directing them, it will stay that way lol. Not a fan of his directing style at all, which worked back in 2018 but not in 2022. The only reason I liked star and sky was the cast + plot but it definitely could've been better with a different director. But that's just my opinion.  
The issue with them recycling their actors and giving them the same roles over and over again definitely goes hand in hand with that. Now I know gmmtv kind of does the same but the difference is they have a much bigger range of shows and actors so you can't compare the two imo. BounPrem definitely have that monotony issue you mentioned, more than OhmFluke. Fluke has a big range and is doing well, Ohm not as much lol. But for me, they still work better than BP overall. Like Even Sun was weird enough to be funny but BP were the same in that too. Comparing them with mii2 and offgun is a lost battle because they're polar opposites lol.
And I agree, my views and preferences on shows have changed over time too. I think that's normal. In 2018 I thought LBC was high cinema which......no comment lmao. And I still consider uwma good today but definitely not as much as back then. I guess the more shows come out, the more picky we get which is fine.
But yeah all in all I don't think I'll ever watch a wabsabi production again unless they change their concepts lol. I'll take a look at between us because who knows, but if that sucks then bye bye. There are shows out there that deserve more attention than them. 😬
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thebonerpit · 1 year
I need to talk about Dragon Age Absolution because yeah I’m late to the party but I finally watched it...
First of all, I can’t get over the utter ridiculousness of Hawke failing to kill not one but TWO villains. Like. what the FUCK lmfao. This poor man/woman. And poor Varric too, holy shit. But I am a bit confused because Varric was viscount of Kirkwall at the end of DAI right? Was this already happening and he somehow just didn’t notice?? (There was also some weird timeline fuckery with Hira saying her family was killed by Venatori when she was a small child but now she’s at least 20 and the Venatori didn’t even exist until DAI. DA4 cannot be 15+ years later, that would be bananas.)
I was kind of spoiled for the Meredith reveal but I didn’t know she was fully aware and talking and controlling red lyrium templars?!?!?! I thought she was just gonna be the red crystal and that artifact was going to wake her up but I guess she’s already awake, so maybe it’s to give her a body again? IDK IDK.
Unfortunately I didn’t love Miriam. She’s just the type of character I don’t generally like... kinda 2edgy4u y’know? I mean she’s basically a female Fenris but the difference is we had a whole-ass game to get to know him and see his personality emerge and see him work through his trauma but this entire series was over SO fast that I never felt like I knew her at all. I knew Hira was going to betray them because there was absolutely no fucking way Fairbanks was the real traitor and if you played Inquisition you probably knew that too. It sucks he died but at least he wasn’t a bastard. Oh and speaking of Hira I just find it so funny that she was like “yeah I asked the Inquisition to go WAR with Tevinter and they said NO can you believe?!” and I’m like YES I can believe, what the fuck? Are you kidding me?? You think the Inquisition - who are already being scrutinized and accused of being power hungry and are dealing with mountains of other things - are going to start a war with one of the most powerful nations in Thedas? I have to laugh.
Rezaren had the personality of a piece of wet bread and I was zero percent interested in his whiny shenanigans. Although I do appreciate how he thought that keeping the reanimated corpse of his dead slave around to chat to every now and then was NORMAL. Horrific. I actually really liked Tassia though! Because for almost the entirety of DA we’ve sort of been told that Tevinter templars are weak as kittens and are basically pointless, but Tassia was a certified boss swinging that hammer around. It was weird that we never saw her use any templar abilities though (unless I missed it?) so maybe that is sort of frowned upon in Tevinter.
The real winners here are OBVIOUSLY Lacklon and Roland omg babessssss. Roland was by far my fave character. Optimistic and heroic with just the right amount of sass so he wasn’t boring. Qwydion was... ugh ok I am on the fence with her. There were a lot of parts where I really did like her but imho they just made her a BIT too silly. Like running away screaming from the demons... girl... you’re a badass mage, what the hell was that?!
Anyway overall I give it a solid 7/10. I think I was just so excited to see something new in the DA world again /sobs, so I can overlook some of the faults. I am both terrified and excited for DA4 because I thought we would be mostly dealing with Solas and his bullshit but now we have Meredith + red templars invading Tevinter which is already struggling to repel constant Qunari invasions?? Things are not looking good for Tevinter tbh and if that means something bad happens to Dorian I will RIOT.
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