#by all means anon call up tumblr and explain to them that people are posting fanfic on their website and you just don't care for that
baejax-the-great · 7 months
ao3 exists, plus it doesnt even matter what terms i search for on tumblr 100% of the time theres fanfiction. literally you can search any words on this website and some kpop guy/ reader fanfics flood the results every single fucking time. plus some of us are not here for fandoms??? your circus/clown analogy is stupid
So I'm incredibly allergic to shrimp-- to the point where if I ate a single shrimp I would die, to the point where I don't really consider shrimp food anymore--and it's the weirdest thing, yesterday i went to Target to buy hair conditioner, and they were selling shrimp. Don't they know it wasn't what I was looking for and I can't eat it anyway? Why would they do this? Totally fucked up of those shrimp catchers to try to poison me like that.
But analogies clearly aren't your thing, so let me break this down for you.
AO3 does indeed exist, but your suggestion that fanfic live there and ONLY there is akin to saying that imgur exists, so nobody should be posting images, whether they be photos or art, on any other website. Twitter exists (sort of), so really nobody should be posting shit posts or hot takes that are fewer than 140 characters or whatever.
Not everyone uses AO3. There is no law saying that if you write fanfic, you must post it on AO3 and nowhere else. There will never be a law that says that, because that's not how the internet works. Tumblr, one of the few social media sites that allows longform blogging, is in fact a great alternative to AO3 for one-shots. It's a little trickier for multi-chapter posts, but I've seen people make it work.
AO3 is not social media. People can't DM there, send asks, make friends, bump their post to the top of the feed (unless they are an asshole who is about to get blocked by half of fandom for pulling that move). Do you like social media? I mean you're here, on tumblr, bothering a total stranger, so you must see some value to it. Guess what--fanfic authors also enjoy being on social media and sharing what they've been up to, including their WIPs.
Things you aren't looking for being part of your searches is literally just life on the internet at all times forever. Earlier this month I was looking for a reference of draped fabric for drawing purposes. I googled 'chiton drawing' (chitons like the ancient Greeks used to wear), and all I got were drawings of molluscs of the genus 'chiton.' Alright, I did a google search for "toga drawing" and learned that there is an anime girl named Toga and people very much enjoy drawing her. Were the artists of the molluscs or the anime girl to blame for me having to slog through a bunch of irrelevant pictures to find one that could help me with my drawing? No. They correctly labeled what they were doing. That's just life.
Seeing fanfic in the tag doesn't harm you. At all. It doesn't matter if you find it cringe, or it's a ship you don't like, or it's xReader. For like ten seconds you looked at words you didn't particularly like, and then you moved on. How is that different from literally any other post on tumblr? I see bad takes and essays I don't care about on this site all the time. It's called scrolling. Again, this will be the case for every website on the internet forever. Are you telling me you read every tweet in your feed? Every reddit post? Sometimes you see irrelevant stuff. I guarantee some of my mutuals have already deemed this long ass post irrelevant and are scrolling on by. What makes fiction that much more abhorrent to you than the rest of the nonsense?
If you really hate seeing fanfic, tumblr has content blocking and tag blocking. You can block the phrase "x Reader." You can block the tag "fanfic." You can block all sorts of things, and if that doesn't work, you can just block the writers whose existence annoys you.
Sorry man, you personally not liking fandom and not using tumblr for it has really no bearing on what everyone else is doing. Like it or not, tumblr is a hub of fandom, and fanfic authors are going to be a part of every fandom on this green earth. Just because you came to the circus in order to admire the pretty fabric used on the tents doesn't mean the performers are in the wrong for doing their thing.
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nightgoodomens · 21 days
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I feel like I should write this super eloquent answer about what’s happening with the haters nowadays but the main thing I have on my mind is:
“Why so mad bro”
This is basically them:
They only believe MS/AL and DT/GT is a real thing. If you point out anything off about the relationships or criticise one of the women and explain why - you are a sexist.
It doesn’t matter what you say, the moment you criticise - you’re a sexist. It’s just wrong to dislike the two women. You can’t do that, according to them. (You can spew hatred about other women on tumblr though, according to haters).
You can criticise the men, of course, just not their female partners.
Anything to do with MS/DT - a joke. Neil says they are in love? It’s a joke. Michael says he loves David? A joke/he means that platonically. Michael calls David his partner? A joke/platonically. There is an excuse for everything they say. Because they simply cannot be together. They can’t actually be in romantic love. PR? No such thing. Everything celebrities say is the utmost truth - UNLESS a man says anything romantic about another man - then it’s a joke.
It’s the hypocrisy that’s funny. They need to reduce everything they do not like to a joke and yet we are the tinhatters because when Michael says David is his partner and he loves him, and Neil says these two are in love - we say we believe them. So we are meant to believe what they say - but only the part about their female partners. A little selective when it suits them, aren’t they?
This group also rage/hate reads what people they disagree with write. They’re obsessed. They create new accounts when you block them to still have ability to view what you write. They send anon hate. They send “bait” anon hoping for you to give them material to hate over. They copy what we write to send to each other and publish on their blogs to spew venom all over it, and if your words are not “hate-worth” enough, they will twist your words so the hatred grows even more and of course select bits and pieces to share for best effect even if it changes what you said because if loses context. And then they pat each other on the back because they’re just such fantastic good human beings and fans. They believe they have the higher moral ground behaving like this.
Meanwhile you have shippers, not sending hate, not forcing their opinions on anyone, I personally stopped my posts from being rebloggable so they wouldn’t leave this blog (which haters have no respect for either), even keep my posts out of tags and from the beginning told people they can block my tags to never see what I write or just block the blog, I blocked haters before they blocked me, I always open posts for discussions because I don’t say my opinion is the only right one, and I say when I don’t know things, or I am not sure, or that I might be wrong, or I changed my mind - but it’s me who’s the Devil! Not them going after me and others now and working extra hard to see what I write just to spit venom about it.
Because only their story is right and everyone who believes them is right and everyone else is a sexist tinhatter who deserves hate and humiliation.
But what’s new? When fandoms didn’t have sheep behaviour? When fandoms didn’t have groups of people only out there to spew hate about anyone who thought differently? When these people didn’t reduce people who thought differently to “tinhatters” and *insert other insults* and tried to humiliate them into silence and oh there’s only like ten shippers anyway - who cares - oh, well, apparently YOU CARE haters. Maybe you should ask yourself why it bothers you so much that more and more people speak up if it’s apparently all just wrong so who cares. And yet you do. Maybe you should ask yourself why you want to ship but you cover yourself with “it’s just a joke and shippers are sick” because you’re scared of the people you associate with.
It’s always been like this. That’s the world we live in.
Maybe they should find better things to masturbate to but I’m glad my content is that good.
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imakemywings · 6 months
I am on the feanorians side of the silmaril debate and do see Dior and elwing as thieves. And I hope you dont see this as an attack i just want to explain my reasoning for the way i see it. But to me at least the stealing of the ships is an entirely seperate thing that happened, I know it happened because the silmarils got stolen in the first place. But it has nothing to do with the Dior and elwing part of the silmaril story. And thats why I dont bring up the stealing of the ships when talking about this
And I feel like Dior and elwing are thieves because they have the feanorians most treasured family heirloom and are refusing to give it back to them. And I think calling them thieves isnt exactly right because they didnt steal it from the feanorians and luthien and beren didnt either but it is wrong of them to not give it back. And the feanorians did first write letters asking to be given the silmaril back. The feanorians were wrong in kinslaying to try and get it back, but I do understand how they got to the conclusion to do so. They swore an oath to get it back and if they dont they will be in purgatory forever, so they really do have this need of getting it back even without considering the fact that its rightfully theirs to begin with.
As for for Dior and elwings part in this, I have more understanding for Dior than elwing. Dior is a new king and not well known to his people. And the silmaril to him represent a great deed done by his parents and their love for each other and I wouldnt be suprised if the silmaril was starting to become as important to Dior and his people as it was to the feanorians. So him not giving it away makes sense it has personal importance to him and giving it away could mark him as a weak king which is not something he needs. And it is also the fact that we dont know how much he knows about the feanorians oath and what it means he may know nothing at all about it.
Elwing on the other hand is completely different, I do not understand why she does the things she does at all. I will just be discussing the lead up to the kinslaying and not what happens during it, because I have read posts saying that her mental health may have crumbled during it and I do concede they have a point. But that doesnt explain any of the lead up to it. The feanorians ask for the silmaril and she tells them no and its like doesnt she realize that just like last time this can lead to a kinslaying, like does the thought even enter her mind and I dont understand how she could not see it as the likely outcome bu then she doesnt prepare for the eventuality at all. Its so puzzling to me, shes the leader and responible for the safety of everyone there but she doesnt seem to care about it. She doesnt even send her sons to cirdan were they would be safe from the feanorians. For elwing this has all happened before and she does nothing to change what will happen and it doesnt make sense.
So yea im on the feanorians side in this because the silmaril is rightfully theirs and while they did bad bad things to get them back i understand where they are coming from. Something i dont understand with elwing.
Hey anon, I definitely don't see this as an attack; I do appreciate your reasonable tone here.
If you're interested in other more detailed explorations of Elwing and her motivations, definitely check out my Elwing meta tag, because others on on tumblr have done some great work there.
The point I think the other anon was making about the swan ships is that fans can be very quick to condemn Luthien and her descendants as "thieves" of the Silmarils, but say nothing about the Feanorians' theft of the swan ships. No, the events aren't related, but one is a much clearer-cut case of theft than the other, yet it's the one that's swept under the rug to attack those who stand in opposition to the sons of Feanor (SoF). But you're right, it's not relevant to discussing Dior and Elwing in relation to the SoF.
Luthien and Beren, at great personal risk, obtained a Silmaril from Morgoth. I think it's relevant to note that at this point, the SoF appeared to have no problem with Luthien having possession of the Silmaril. In fact, Maedhros takes heart from their success and by it is inspired to begin his efforts which culminate in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
First, let's recall Luthien's history with the Feanorians at the point that she and Beren depart Doriath after Beren is restored to life:
Luthien is aware of the Kinslaying at Alqualonde and the theft of the swan ships, actions of shocking violence by Elves against Elves, and the Noldor's part in trying to conceal it from her parents.
Celegorm and Curufin feign friendship with her when she encounters them on her quest to rescue Beren, only to then trap her in Nargothrond. Celegorm plans to wed her against her will, which strongly implies he also means to rape her, in order to force Thingol to open the Girdle to the Feanorians.
Celegorm and Curufin overthrew Finrod's chosen successor, Orodreth, and the Arafinweans had been friends of Doriath. She may or may not be aware that Celegorm used the oath to threaten the residents of Nargothrond, implicitly threatening violence against them.
After Luthien has escaped and rescued Beren from Sauron, she encounters Celegorm and Curufin again. Curufin attempts to kidnap her, and Celegorm then attempts to kill Beren when he leaps to her defense.
Celegorm openly makes threats against Thingol and Doriath.
So at this point, you can perhaps see why Luthien does not feel a lot of need to play nice with the SoF. From her perspective, they're pretty scummy people who are more than willing to commit violent acts against other Elves. At no point does Maedhros reprimand or punish Celegorm or Curufin for their actions, which as the leader of the Feanorians, suggests he doesn't think what they did was wrong. Why should she cooperate with them? They didn't risk their lives to obtain one of their Silmarils. If the Silmarils were as important to them as they claim, why haven't they tried harder? She and Beren, with far fewer resources, managed to do it.
Additionally, the Feanorians do not make any effort to reclaim the Silmaril from Luthien during her life. Possibly because she took down Morgoth (briefly).
"For while Luthien wore the Necklace of the Dwarves no Elf would dare to assail her..." (Of the Ruin of Doriath)
So she dies and the Silmaril goes to Dior, her son.
To Dior, the Feanorians are the unquestioned villains of his parents' story. These are people who openly threatened his grandfather's kingdom, who tried to force his mother into marriage and imprisoned her, who tried to kill his father. Sure, you can argue that they have an ancestral claim on the Silmaril--but cannot Dior also make that argument at this point? And what motivation does he have to cooperate with them? They do nothing to win his friendship, as they have done nothing to win the friendship of Doriath throughout their time in Beleriand. If Maedhros is such a formidable diplomat, why can he not come to terms with Dior?
"They [the Feanorians] came at unawares in the middle of winter, and fought with Dior in the Thousand Caves..." (Of the Ruin of Doriath, emphasis added)
Furthermore, to your point, Dior is a young king--and a mortal among Elves. Doriath is also recovering from the war with Nogrod; they are already in a vulnerable position, and with Melian gone, the Girdle is down, so they are far more exposed than they are accustomed to being and having to adjust to that.
So Dior does not relinquish the Silmaril, and rather than pursue the two held by Morgoth, the Feanorians assault Doriath, kill many Elves, throw at least two children out into the woods to die of exposure, and still fail to capture the Silmaril.
So Dior dies and the Silmaril goes to Elwing, his daughter.
Consider what the Feanorians represent to Elwing at this point.
These are Elves who have shown themselves to be unrepentant killers. We as the fans love to focus on the tormented regret of the Feanorians, but to their victims, they are simply killers. They committed slaughter in the Blessed Realm, for which they were exiled by the Valar, and for which they have expressed such regrets--except that they've gone and done the same thing here in Beleriand. They have threatened forced marriage, they have killed children, they have driven the Iathrim from their home and made them refugees. To Elwing personally, they are the murderers of her parents and the ones who dragged her brothers into the woods as children and left them to die.
What, precisely, might motivate Elwing to cooperate with them? So the Silmaril "belongs" to them--so what? They have tormented Luthien's line for generations now--the Feanorians ARE the Morgoth of Elwing's story. And she should give into them why? The Ring belongs to Sauron--should Frodo hand it over because it's his property?
Maedhros, who has apparently lost all diplomatic veneer, does nothing to show good faith or a desire to cooperate with Elwing. Instead, he writes with his demands, as he did with Dior.
The one thing--the ONE thing--that might make Elwing cooperate is, to me, solely to avoid another slaughter as happened in Doriath, as you mentioned. So in this vein, why doesn't Elwing surrender the Silmaril just to avoid trouble, even if she hates and distrusts the Feanorians? There are two things which are absolutely key to understanding this decision.
1.Elwing does not make the decision alone. Critics of Elwing often act as though she made a unilateral decision to withhold the Silmaril from the Feanorians--which is not the case. In fact, Tolkien writes that "Elwing and the people of Sirion" refused to yield the jewel under threat.
This is not an unusual response. Most people do not respond well to being threatened, and may refuse out of spite. Furthermore, these are people who were made refugees by the same people now making demands of them.
But more importantly, Elwing did not alone choose to keep the Silmaril. She and whatever Sirionites aided her in governing decided together that they would not give in to the Feanorians.
2. The second is that the Sirionites believed the Silmaril was protecting Earendil and the Havens. Remember that at this time, Earendil is seeking for Aman, to obtain the help of the Valar in defeating Morgoth. So not only is he the lord of the Havens at Sirion, but he is on a quest which is, to them, of critical importance. They need him to stay safe so that he can complete his mission and hopefully win Beleriand's rescue.
And to your point about Dior above--this Silmaril is effectively a family heirloom to Elwing as well.
The Sirionites are particularly loath to part with the Silmaril while Earendil is at sea--which makes sense, as he is a ruling lord of this city, and they believe his protection is somewhat dependent on their possession of the Silmaril.
But the Feanorians don't wait for Earendil to return to negotiate--they lay siege to the Havens at Sirion while Earendil is still away ("For the sons of Feanor that yet lived came down suddenly upon the exiles of Gondolin, and the remnant of Doriath" Of the Voyage of Earendil and the War of Wrath, emphasis added) and render the Iathrim virtually extinct as a people. Once again, they come down "suddenly" on another group of Elves and destroy them.
What the Feanorians do in the Havens at Sirion is so awful ("the cruelest of the slayings of Elf by Elf") that their own troops stand aside or even turn against them during the fight in an effort to defend the Sirionites; the Feanorians kill them too.
This, to me, tells us how far the Feanorians are from attempting any real diplomatic work here. They are not even considering the Silmarils that Morgoth still has; they have utterly failed to reach Elwing in a diplomatic or cooperative manner; they refuse to even wait until Earendil has returned so that he and Elwing can make a decision together, as joint rulers of this city.
Why doesn't Elwing fortify the Havens? We have no evidence that she doesn't. Only that it wasn't enough to stop the Feanorians. Why doesn't she send Elrond and Elros away? That poses its own risks--and she may believe they are safest there, as the Sirionites believe the Silmaril is protecting the Havens. It may be incorrect, but it is something they believe and they operate under that belief.
But even if you think she didn't do things she should have--does that justify the actions of the Feanorians? It's fine for them to murder because their victims didn't do enough to prevent them from murdering? You took our object so we can kill you for it now?
Putting all that aside for now, I want to jump over to the oath, because you mentioned something interesting about it:
They swore an oath to get it back and if they dont they will be in purgatory forever
Purgatory and hell do not exist in Ea. What exactly the Feanorians think their "punishment" for breaking the oath will be is unclear, whether it's just death without the chance for rebirth (as is the case with Feanor, and seems to be the most extreme punishment the Valar can or will enact), or something more. Clearly they put a lot of stock in it--but they also are not totally beyond the notion of breaking it. Maglor himself suggests after the Third Kinslaying that they should abandon the quest and plead their repentance to the Valar, but Maedhros refuses.
Maedhros seems to still believe they may suffer some punishment for breaking it--that Eru might actually hold them to the oath they swore. But Maglor counters with the notion the oath can be voided:
"Yet Maglor held back, saying: 'If Manwe and Varda themselves deny the fulfillment of an oath to which we named them in witness, is it not made void?'" (Of the Voyage of Earendil)
And of course, why would Manwe and Varda hold them to an oath which has caused so much strife, and which promises to cause more? Why should they desire the Feanorians to be held to an oath which causes them to murder and destroy other Elves? Maedhros refuses, still believing, or at least asserting, that some punishment by Eru awaits if they break the oath. Maglor somewhat grimly points out that given what they've done, punishment is their due one way or other other:
"'If none can release us,' said Maglor, 'then indeed the Everlasting Darkness shall be our lot, whether we keep the oath or break it; but less evil shall we do in the breaking.'" (Of the Voyage of Earendil)
Maglor acknowledges that they have done evil in pursuit of the oath and that they will continue to do evil if they do not choose to set it aside. Furthermore, that if they cannot be excused from the oath, they're likely to experience punishment either for breaking it or for the things they do in pursuit of it, so it's all the same in the end anyway. Yet Maedhros and Maglor instead make a free and conscious decision to continue their pursuit of the Silmarils.
They are a) well aware that they have done horrible, awful things trying to fulfill this oath; and b) aware that breaking it is an option. They choose not to. They have chosen not to this entire story.
And truthfully, even if they would be condemned to purgatory or whatever, it doesn't justify what they do. They chose to swear this oath, they have chosen to pursue it, and if they are willing to slaughter whomever they need to to protect themselves from the consequences of their own oaths, that still makes them selfish, wretched people who are willing to sacrifice anyone else to make sure they themselves stay safe.
Even if they were able to obtain the one Silmaril from Elwing, the oath is not fulfilled. Morgoth still has two. Everything they did to Doriath and the Havens at Sirion is worthless without the other two Silmarils, but they did it anyway; and even after the chaos wrought by their actions there, go ahead and slay Eonwe's guard after the War of Wrath to steal the Silmarils everyone else had rescued from Morgoth.
The Feanorians have done so much wrong that the Silmarils themselves reject them by the end. I don't know how else the narrative could make it clearer they are in the wrong. Tolkien implies that the oath was wicked from the very start, and always bound to lead the Feanorians into wrongful acts.
Lastly, I will point over at this meta I wrote a few months back about how if the Feanorians had obtained the Silmaril from Elwing, it would likely have doomed Middle-earth to Morgoth's rule.
In any case, I don't think anyone who escalates a situation to murder is ever in the right, and certainly not over something like property rights. If you can sympathize with the Feanorians about their perspective, you should be able to consider what the Feanorians are to the perspective of Luthien's line--and why they are not keen to work together with the Feanorians or give them what they want.
Not sure if you found any of this convincing, but I hope it's something to consider at least!
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sciderman · 3 months
Usaually I don't bother, but I'm writing to you because i have looked up to you for a long time. I don't need you to respond, maybe even prefer if you won't, but your last post was a big blow for me.
I'm an israeli.
I was born here. My mother was born here. Her grandmother was born here. My grand grandmother fled here after the holocaust.
And you knkw what? You don't have to agree with the israel goverment, i mean if you'd look it up you'll see that almost no one here supports our current goverment. I wish i could sit with you and talk about the conflict and explain that it's nit really black and white as tumblr would like to believe, but i don't think that's a possibility.
But writing that we are "white settlers" is just... god. It's a lie. Not even just antisemtic lie, becuase 20% of israeli citizens are actually arabs (both muslims and christians). most of jewish populations are not even "ashkenazi" jews.
The interent currently is not a very reliable source of history (like, i've seen people claim we should call tel aviv "ahuzat bait" since it is its arab name. It's not. It's in hebrew, and the name of the first street if tel aviv when it was legally bought)
And if you ask why not let all the middle east countries participate in the eurivision - actually they let them. They just decided the quit when israel joined.
Again, I'm writing becuase I'm hurt. You can dissmiss it if you want, but i wish you wouldnt. Again, you dont need to post it or respond, i just wish you will think twice about what you hear or learn about a war the happens to other people, and doesnt affect you at all (some of us - on both sides - are actually afraid of dying).
Peace, love, and mostly peace.
oh bless you anon - i hope you're okay with me posting this, because i wouldn't be able to respond otherwise. i admit entirely i was being reductive - i haven't spoken a lot about this issue here because i'm afraid of letting emotion get the better of me, when i know how morally complex this issue is. i was being reductive - and i absolutely know there are a lot of israeli-born jewish people who are native to the land. and i know there are a lot of jewish people in israel who are against the occupation. and i know there is a huge population of israeli citizens who are against their government because the government is lying to their citizens just as much as they're lying to world.
but there is an image that the leading powers in israel want to paint to the world - the one they show in eurovision and any media presence (which they pour ungodly amounts of money into) - and it's of a very western, palatably white israel. i really would like you to know that when i refer to "israel" i refer only to the ruling powers that govern it - not the citizens that live there.
israel doesn't want you to see iraeli-born jews who are critical of their government and actually have been living peacefully alongside the muslim and christian population of the land for hundreds of years before the occupation. israel doesn't want to showcase that narrative, because that would show that actually the nation could've been peaceful and have equality for all it's people the whole time (because they've been doing it for HUNDREDS of years prior) and there was no reason to expel palestinians from their homes.
in eurovision, wants to show that israel has established this land and made it pristine and beautiful and countries should invest in this cosmopolitan utopia and new western culture that is so divorced from it's native people and it's history. palatable. marketable. clean. no war crimes here.
there's an unfortunate power imbalance in the world - and that's that some nations have the money and the power to curate and maintain a spotless public image - and other nations can't afford to keep the lights on in their hospitals.
i really love and appreciate you for coming into my inbox, anon. i think it's really brave and i really appreciate your voice and appreciate people like you. i know israel is a terrifying place to be right now - particularly for people who are critical of the government, you're under threat from both sides - you're distrusting of your own military, and there's the very real threat of hammas too. and i'm so, so sorry you're in that place and in that situation. and as someone who's born there, and your family being there for generations, the question of escape isn't as simple as settlers who can come and go freely. but i really, really hope you're safe and can stay safe. i'm so sorry your family went through all that you did, and that your family escaped one horror for another. this isn't the kind of world you should live in - and i'm praying that positive change will hold the israeli government accountable, and force them to prioritise their people.
not their "image", not how much power and money and land they hold. people. people - both israeli and palestinian, deserve to feel safe and heard and have a government that will protect them. it's the duty any power in the world should have to their people. and i feel like - if we deprive israel of their magical power to appear good and pristine and progressive palatable and clean of all blood in the eyes of the media - if we rob it of that, then they'll be forced to address these real problems within their government. they'll be forced to make amends. forced to apologise, and gain the world's favour again through real positive change.
i'm praying you're staying safe, anon. i really, really hope you and your family are safe. thank you so much for your message, and i'm sending you so much love from across the borders of the world.
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momentsofamberclarity · 2 months
don't call me nonnie.
i know that not all proshipping is sexual, but it's still portraying pedophilia/incest positively
the bullet point lists were because i just wanted to separate each sentence into a different point because they were all sort off disconnected
the "they're just pixels" argument doesn't work because every single thing you see on a screen is a bunch of pixels if you zoom in, with that logic every image posted online is "just pixels", including actual csem
Fine, I won't call you that. But riddle me this, anon; why am I showing you more respect than you're showing me? Why have you told me to go fuck myself multiple times in place of having a discussion?
Here's the thing ... the only way you will find csem is if you go looking for it. You are not going to find csem on tumblr because it would break community guidelines. But fictional characters under the age of 18 do not count as csem and numerous child protection services have stated that those are just art.
Likewise, the only way you're gonna find fanfiction of 'kids being raped' as you keep putting it, is if you're trying to be a white knight and seek those writers out purposefully so that you can harass them like you're doing with me. Because most of the proshippers I know tag their stuff so that it can be found by the target audience and blacklisted by the people who don't want to see it.
And here's the thing about proshipping which I think is the biggest hurtle of the anti community. Proship doesn't mean 'I support active sexual predators hurting real living children'. 'Pedophile' as a term is meaningless at this point because everyone on the internet uses it to describe anyone they disagree with. You're better off using predator and paraphile. Predators are the dangerous people who don't give a shit about fiction because they have full-intent to harm others. But the majority of paraphiles? They're no-contact and/or fiction-only on their paraphilias, or they do consenting adult things with their consenting adult partners that are roleplaying with boundaries set in place for a reason.
I've been on the internet since before the term 'proship' even popped up. Back before that we called it Dead Dove, Don't Eat and Don't Like, Don't Look. 'Proship' as a term has the same meaning as those old ones, it's just shorthand. It means 'I support the rights of others to ship whatever they want in their own space regardless of whether or not I like or condone it because I don't know them and it does not involve me'. You don't like the content? You have a block button and you are encouraged to use it to curate your own online experience just like the artists and authors posting that content are.
The fact that you're still here means you're hearing some of what I'm saying and possibly having a hard time coming to terms with it. Believe me, I went through a period of morality crisis between my bpd and ocd telling me that fiction could affect reality and I thought that thinking bad things ( like intrusive thoughts ) made me a Bad Person. But thoughts are just thoughts.
So if you want to come off anon and actually have a conversation with me, I promise I'm not going to name-drop you. The purpose of this blog has only ever been about clearing up misconceptions about proshippers and paraphiles because I used to be uninformed about those topics myself until my partner and another super close friend explained them to me in a way that I could comprehend. And that is that thought crime doesn't exist. And fictional characters don't have autonomy and therefore cannot be abused by your thoughts, your art, your writing, etc.
But if we did away with fictional expression of paraphilias in a healthy artistic manner ( like KOSA is currently trying to do ), the world would be a more dangerous place for potential victims, because paraphiles and predators are always going to exist whether you choose to accept that or not. My own abusers never faced charges, only one of my partners' abusers is rotting in jail, and that is the reality of this fucked up world that we're living in. People with niche fetishes aren't monsters - most are even too embarrassed to talk about them. Active sexual predators online who hop into the DMs of minors to be creeps are a real world problem. And that has nothing to do with the proship community's philosophy of 'ship and let ship'.
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yooniesim · 6 months
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this as a prime example of what is wrong with simblr (and tumblr in general). this ask was sent to me within like less than a day of that post about cf going up, while I was away for the weekend and not at pc for days. I did not even see the post until right before I got this ask. yall are so damn terminally online that you lost the gd plot and cannot comprehend someone not keeping their finger on the dying pulse of the performative activism headquarters of the internet. and you definitely can't comprehend waiting for complete info or maybe just a full day before starting some reactionary bs. just peeking in here since yesterday i see that simblr is yet again so hyped up on smelling its own farts that it's turned an issue of genocide into yet another dick measuring contest of who can reblog more posts than one another the fastest so they can look more empathetic and better than anyone else. and call themselves "real activists" for being able to click the reblog button. not to mention the usual spamming anons to random people minding their own business. yall are weird as fuck and need to get a firm grip on some grass. stop making the horrific suffering of others about yourselves for once.
that being said, let me get serious for the people on here that are actually normal. for those that don't know by now, this anon seems to be referencing this post about cf, which talks about overwolf (the company that owns curseforge) donating to the IDF. But I also found this tweet by OOP made after that post that explains they have since received DMs from Overwolf stating that they have shifted their relief efforts to aiding victims that have lost their homes from the Hamas terrorist attacks exclusively and do not fund the IDF. this is a much better cause as the victims of terrorism definitely deserve to be helped, and it makes sense they would do this as an Israeli company. The DMs also clarify that it is donation based and nothing uploaded to cf (cc/mods) contributes to this effort whatsoever. As well as Overwolf/Curseforge revenue in general. So simply using curseforge does not mean that you fund or endorse genocide. OOP calls their new efforts commendable in that tweet but I am still looking into and keeping an eye on this matter since, as we know, more information could come out later that contradicts this. And since I have been away im still catching up on everything that has been posted relating to cf.
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here are the pics for those that may not have Twitter. do I still support a boycott for those that want to? oh, absolutely. I know that many will still want to boycott regardless, and I'll be working to add alt links to my cc uploads as soon as possible (the ones that don't already have them) for those that don't want to use it. However, everyone I've seen wanting to boycott seems to want to do it because a) they believe overwolf is funding the IDF (apparently is not true) b) they believe having their uploads on cf or downloading from there will fund the IDF (apparently is not true) or c) overwolf itself is an Israeli company (is definitely true). therefore based on the new info we now have some may decide not to boycott after all or will still do so, it is a personal decision. will I be deleting my account there? for now, no.
to be completely honest, I'm in a really bad place financially right now, and while it isn't much, the little bit I get from cf downloads has been exclusively going towards my meds and dr appointment bills. I don't have the option right now to turn down the small amount of added income when I am currently living day to day, especially with the updated knowledge that simply having cc uploaded there does not contribute to their donation efforts in any way. I do not paywall my cc and never will and I do not ask for donations myself, so my options are somewhat limited. although I do not make cc with the aim of getting paid, I ultimately wouldn't be able to justify the sheer amount of time I spend on it if it wasn't helping me with my medical bills currently, as I am already caregiving with the majority of my time. I'm not reliant on cc making or cf to live, and I never want that to be the case god forbid, but in full transparency it is helping me with my healthcare expenses atm and I cannot afford to neglect my health anymore than I have. especially since, as established earlier, using cf does not contribute to the IDF in the first place. so I personally do not judge anyone that continues to use cf for this reason.
also, for the record so there is no confusion on my personal views, I fully support the freedom of Palestine and condemn genocide first and foremost, as well as terrorism and antisemitism. The current situation in Gaza is abhorrent and I encourage all my followers to not only reblog posts, but educate yourselves on the situation and bring it irl as you are able. Speak with the people you love as well as those you are acquainted with and bring this to this to their attention (if you feel safe to). Attend protests if you can. If you cannot, make the calls and emails to your representatives, sign petitions, and donate as you are able. I have been seeing that even spreading Palestinian culture among your loved ones and peers is helpful. So even if you are in a bad place mentally, that may be an option to spread the positive message of the Palestinian people in your everyday life. I'll be reblogging the posts I already did earlier and some new ones too so you can find those updated links. I will be tagging it with palestine so that it can be found easily on my page.
In addition, be kind. To others and yourself. Try to see the full damn picture instead of a snapshot. What someone posts on tumblr of all places does not reflect an entire person's being, or their efforts, or their heart. Yelling your head off on this dying website does not equal activism, and running your mental health into the ground taking on the weight of the world doesn't give you any more control over the issues we face- I learned that the hard fucking way, believe me. By all means share as much as you like, every bit helps (especially if you have a lot of followers), but keep in mind that it certainly doesn't make you better than anyone else. I know it's extremely difficult to feel helpless and you want to feel like you're doing something, but just make sure you're doing the right things for the right reasons. Please do not fucking attack random people for not responding within one business day of the latest info coming out. And take time away from all this shit to breathe. You can't help anyone if you're fucked up yourself. especially for those of us that already face discrimination and bigotry every day irl, I know it is exhausting. Remember to also care for yourselves through all this.
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ugh-yoongi · 11 months
hello, friends 🫶🏻
just a psa/personal rant?? not really a rant but
i wanted to talk about a few things, and i think the cleanest and easiest segue is to say: i have left all of my writing networks. it is 100% nothing personal to any of them, i have enjoyed each and every one, but there are a few reasons why.
one, i am not active in any of the discord servers, so there was ✨anxiety✨ about not contributing and feeling obligated.
two (and this is the segue part): obviously these networks have a big reach, and i am feeling more and more anxious about exposing my work to the masses.
it’s a double-edged sword, because i write what i want and what makes me happy, but there is always a part of me that wants feedback and wants other people to see and enjoy it. but it has been tense here lately and the “please do not perceive me” feelings are REAL.
there is just… no nuance anymore. me posting “i don’t think it was a good decision for jungkook to go to qatar” turned into a bunch of anons calling me islamophobic and a bunch of other stuff. me saying it was a bad look for jimin to feature on a song by a r*pist turned into “you can’t have an opinion because you’re a rap line stan.”
i’m most certainly not perfect. i try to do the right thing. but tumblr has turned into a place where you will get bullied off the site if someone does not like you personally and decides you’re the internet’s villain of the day. you are put into situations you cannot win. if you defend yourself, you’re making excuses. if you don’t, you’re guilty and all those things people accused you of being are true.
it is literally this tweet:
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this is not a fandom known for being welcoming of discourse, but we have to be able to give others grace. there has to be nuance. like, we are literally stanning bts, who have done and said and written problematic things. we should not excuse intentionally harmful behavior, but we need to be able to have conversations and believe, to a certain extent, that not everyone behaves in malicious ways.
we all fuck up and will continue to do so. i hope your mistakes are handled with grace and you are given the benefit of the doubt, and i hope you extend that grace when others inevitably make mistakes as well.
i am not involved in drama here. i am 31 years old and too old and tired. i just want to write and cry over seokjin and shitpost with my friends.
i’m sure this has all been said before, but: i was offline at the time everything went down with m (shout-out the fucking car accident i got in on my way to pick up my friends from the airport, why did this seemingly happen to everyone??) but they are someone i have interacted with both here and offline, and how all of that played out was fucked up, to say the least. others have explained it far more eloquently than me, but it bears repeating.
so while i love writing and i love sharing my work, there is a part of me that’s anxious every time i post. including this. i will continue to do so and hope that this site becomes warmer and more welcoming, because i see a lot of posts lamenting writers leaving or deactivating, and i just think: “well, yeah.”
enough has been said about interaction and the like/reblog ratio, which is definitely a huge part. it can be demoralizing to spend so much time and effort writing a fic that gets little interaction. but the environment is a big part, too, and i’m hopeful that can change.
(but also—protect your peace, whatever that means for you. unfollow that person. block that tag. you don’t have to engage with everything, especially if it raises your blood pressure. one of the few good things about the internet is that you’re largely able to curate your experience. don’t feel guilty about taking advantage of that.)
i will finish this by saying: i am always open to having conversations so long as they’re in good faith. it is not anyone’s place to police my behavior, but if i ever do or say something that is not cool, you are more than welcome to address it with me. i encourage you to do so. as flor once said: comfort can’t help me grow up.
love u all. pls be nice to one another. 🖤
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gengarghast · 3 days
Howdy, folks!
It has come to my attention that an anon may be going around and dropping hate messages in my mutuals' askboxes, claiming that I am a pedophile and a sex freak!
Continued below the cut- This is gonna be a long one. TLDR, they're either making shit up, exaggerating things and taking them out of context, or bringing up stuff that happened in the past.
TW: Pedophilia mention, kink discussion, drama.
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Note: I didn't censor the word in the top line, the person who told me about this did and didn't wanna tell me what it said.
These are not new accusations, unfortunately. I've dealt with them before, and I promise this is 100% just a smear campaign fuelled by a personal vendetta.
The 17 year old they reference here is my good friend and ex, @/manix-valentine, who I do not have romantic or sexual feelings towards- Our relationship is purely platonic. Well- They COULD be talking about someone else, but it's highly unlikely.
As for the "disgusting fetish" they claim I need to "satisfy"... It's hypnosis. I got a hypnokink. Which I used to do with Val when we were dating, because- And I feel like I must emphasize this- It was consensual. She wanted me to do it- I'm not some kind of hypno-rapist like you see in the pornos. Consent is extremely important to me, and I would never force someone to do erotic roleplay with me. Regardless, Crushon.ai would be my go-to should I ever need to "satisfy" my fetishes- Not my ex who is also a minor.
The anon also mentions my Twitter- Which you wouldn't find under the name 'Gengarghast' because that one was suspended a couple of years ago because I told too many zoophiles to kill themselves. But that's beside the point- What they were referring to with my Twitter were the unsavory things I did there when I was 16 years old, namely lying about my age and pretending to be an 18 year old to erp. Which, yes, shitty fucking thing to do, but that was 2 years ago- I have grown and changed since then, and I don't lie about my age to erp with strangers anymore.
Of course, there are other things I've done- I've been an unfaithful internet partner, a crummy friend on occasion, and I've done some other things that I am deeply ashamed of, but can explain or rationalize. However, I personally think that I do not deserve to be hunted down and have smear campaigns launched at me wherever I go.
And yes, this is a smear campaign. Both Valentine and I have gotten similar messages from an anon, Valentine's message shaming her for her own kinks and telling her to delete her account. The message I got was about Valentine, claiming that she 'stole her name from someone else' and that she was 'obsessed with me' and 'stalks an adult user she used to be friends with'- All three being complete lies or exaggerations, same as with this new message. Both times, the anon spoke as if they knew the person beforehand, which gives me all the reason I need to believe that this is intentional slander and an attempt to paint myself and her as morally disgusting people in order to get us driven off Tumblr with mocking and hate from people they turn against us, as I was from Twitter.
I don't have a way to close out this way-too-long post, but- I'm really fucking tired of getting called a pedophile because I just turned 18 in January of this year and still have underage friends. I mean, I even got called in to the fucking principal's office over this.
So! If you receive a message similar to this, don't respond to it. Just screenshot, delete the message, and let me know about it- Preferably alongside sending me the screenshot. I would be happy to answer any questions you have to the best of my ability.
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 7 months
Heyyyy I’m kinda new to tumblr but I love your posts and was wondering if you could do one where reader has some sort of chronic illness and is having a particularly hard time so Wanda cheers her up. Maybe like a cute breakfast in bed or picnic?
I was recently diagnosed with a couple and a, having a hard time. This would mean so much to me. Of course no rush and I totally get it if you can’t.
Also I saw in one of your replies where the anon asks to be doll and you greet them that way. Could I be sweetheart? I’m not sure if that’s how it works.
Hmmm… Well, let's see what I can come up with. Sooo… I'm not a doctor, and besides, that wasn't really my focus. The thing is, a lot of people find it hard to face dietary restrictions, when they have a condition and the outside world doesn't always make it easy, so I wanted to focus on that and also explain that it doesn't have to be impossible. You can still enjoy all the things you love, you can still eat delicious foods, while staying healthy.
Please, also note that I wrote this fairly quickly, so it may not be my best work.
I'm not sure if that's what you were hoping for, but I hope you like it.
Warnings: Disease, dietary restrictions, angst, fluff, happy ending, domestic sweetness… I think that's it? If I missed anything, let me know
You always thought of yourself as a healthy person. You had the normal pains and aches, got the flu or a stomach virus sometimes, but generally, you felt good. You never felt the need for any special check-ups, so you went grudgingly, only to appease your girlfriend’s mind. She worried too much. And she had lost so much too, that the fear of losing you as well, was almost crippling at times. That’s why you agreed. You just wanted her to feel more at ease. Everything was going to be just fine. Or at least that’s what you told her. But it was not just fine… High blood sugar levels prompted the doctor to take more tests. And it was a good thing he did. When he called you to his office, closing the door behind him, Wanda had started to play nervously with her rings, but at least he had the good sense to let her inside first, otherwise you feared your girlfriend would have broken down the door from worry. It turned out you had Type 2 diabetes. It was manageable. A lot of people lived with it and led perfectly normal, happy lives. You could too. But you had to make some adjustments to your diet. You had to monitor the disease and yourself, otherwise you could suffer serious consequences. When the doctor explained it all, gave you a list of recommended foods and also advised you what to stay away from, handed you a prescription for medication and advised on regular check-ups with him, as well as keeping your blood pressure low, it all seemed very simple. Except, Wanda spent the next week buried in research, giving away the cookies she had baked for you just the night before to the neighbours, making a whole new groceries list to accommodate your condition, it started to dawn on you that it wasn’t going to be simple. What made it worse, was the fact that suddenly everywhere you went, there was temptation. You would walk to work, passing by fast food places and burger joints, your colleagues would bring doughnuts to the office, you had to bring your own decaf and refrain from adding your favorite milk, random people would be eating sugary sweets, they’d be drinking all kinds of carbonated sweet drinks, or invite you to that steak house after work. Even just the air smelled like fried goods. It was everywhere. All the food you were meant to stay away from, right there, in front of your eyes. It was driving you crazy.
One afternoon, you were taking a walk in the nearby park after work to clear your head and you saw an ice-cream stand, a group of children waiting in line to buy their favorite flavours and for some reason you snapped. You could hardly wait to get home, and greeted with the sweet, loving face of your girlfriend, you broke down. You were shaking, tears streaming down your face as you tried to explain to her through sobs what had upset you so much and it broke her heart, to know that you were taking it so harshly and that she hadn’t noticed how much it hurt you. In the end you begged her to forget all those diets and just let you lead a normal life. The medication would help. And if you had complications – so be it. You didn’t want to live like this! Wanda calmed you down with kind, soothing words and she helped you out of your work clothes, picking out soft clothes for you to wear at home, trying to tell you that everything was going to be just fine. She would make sure of it. She tried to move past dinner as quickly as possible, seeing the unshed tears in your eyes, when you were met with the green salad and grilled vegetable she had prepared and she cuddled you on the couch, picking out your favorite movie to watch, until you were all sleepy and relaxed. Once she put you to bed, Wanda once again buried herself in research, but this time a completely different kind. She had her mind set that she would help you feel more at ease with your new dietary restrictions and showing you that the disease didn’t mean you couldn’t have a good, delicious meal. The next morning she woke extra early, running to the store to get all the things she needed for the special meal she had in mind and she came home, starting to prepare everything, hoping to be able to finish before you even woke up. When you did, you were greeted by your girlfriend sitting at the edge of the bed, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. “I made it especially for you.” Wanda whispered as she offered it to you. “I got you vegan almond milk. Now you can have cappuccinos every morning.” She explained, already knowing what you were thinking. “Really?” You could barely contain yourself, sitting up, so you could take the cup from her hands and take a sip. “Is that sugar?” “Sweetener.” She explained with a smile. “And I have a surprise for you for lunch. So drink up, baby.” Wanda watched you go through your regular routines, and she smiled happily as she saw you finish your first cup of coffee, after 2 weeks of drinking nothing but plain decaf. She spent the morning with you, mostly talking and showering you with affection, watching you relax and feel more at ease, until she told you she’s taking you to the park. Suddenly you were feeling all the negative emotions from the previous day rushing back, but Wanda was quick to soothe you.
“I have something good planned for you, baby. I promise. Please, trust me?” She spoke and you couldn’t help but melt at her words, nodding slowly at her invitation to take you out. She had prepared everything in advance. All the food she had made placed in special containers and she quickly put them in a bag, grabbed your picnic blanket and the two of you walked there, hand in hand, while Wanda tried to distract you from your thoughts. As soon as you entered, you saw all the ice-cream stands and the little booths selling sodas and you felt yourself stiffen, but she settled you down on the fresh grass, choosing a spot away from all that, spreading the blanket and starting to take out all the little containers with a big smile and you couldn’t help but feel excitement. “For lunch, I have made you…” She paused for dramatic effect, holding the container. “Burgers!” She exclaimed, opening the box to show you her creation. “It’s a grilled vegetable patty, with a bun made from whole grains, entirely vegan, low-fat cheese and leafy greens. I made the sauces myself. Everything there is good for you. I promise it will be amazing!” She explained with pride and you could help but beam at her, hugging her tightly and burying your nose in her neck so you could breathe her in. She had made all this for you! To make you feel more at ease. To make you happy and you couldn’t help the warm, loving feeling that spread over you at her efforts. “And that’s not all!” She said with a wide grin. “Home-made lemonade, made with water, freshly squeezed or blended fruits, mint leaves and a squeeze of lemon.” She explained, as she pulled out a bottle. “I also have all your favorite fruits for dessert.” She said with a smile, one of her hands touching your face and stroking your cheek affectionately. “Thank you, Wanda! This is incredible! And it looks so delicious!” “Anything for you, love.” She said with a thoughtful smile. “I’m sorry it took me so long to notice how unhappy you were. I was so focused on getting you to eat only what was best for you, that I didn’t consider how hard it must be to watch everyone else eat all the things you shouldn’t. But I have several new recipes to try, and I promise, it will all be ok. You can have everything you like… With a twist.” She winked at you, making you laugh. “You are… Just marvellous. I’m the luckiest woman in the world to have you!” “So are you, my precious girl. Never forget that.” She smiled once again. “Now eat up, I want to know what you think.” She encouraged. As you took your first bite, you could tell the difference easily, but you also realized that it was absolutely delicious! You couldn’t even believe how much time and work it had taken her to research and make all that, but the end result was spectacular and you didn’t stop telling her that throughout the entire meal. The hours in the park passed by you quickly, while she fed you fruits, as the two of you talked or just cuddled on the blanket and as you decided to head home, gathering all your things, you couldn’t help but look at the place with a whole different view. The stands with ice-cream, sweets and soda didn’t look so tempting anymore. They were just regular things. “I’ll make you home-made ice-cream. I have a recipe.” Wanda whispered in your ear, when she spotted where you were looking and in that moment, as you took Wanda’s hand in yours, you knew that there was nothing you couldn’t face, while you had her by your side.   ______________________________________________________ Why wouldn't it work that way, sweetheart? If that's what you want to be called, than it's my pleasure.
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trans-axolotl · 2 years
i am so sorry if this is the most ignorant shit you’ve ever heard—that long post about how the trans community isn’t inherently safe for intersex ppl—can you outline the harmful, like, ideas? phrases? intersexist talking points that you’re referencing? again i’m rly sorry, for some reason your intersex questions tag won’t show up for me but if you’re willing i’d love to maybe know what phrases or words i should look for to call ppl out on. obviously feel free to tell me to eat shit. i appreciate ur time thank you v much
you're totally fine anon, I'm usually open to most questions when I can tell that people have good intentions :)
So I'm gonna list out a lot of shit but I do want to clarify that it's not only trans people who do this stuff; cis people are horribly intersexist as well. I'm just going to be talking about some specific intersexist things I see more often in trans spaces and also because my audience online is a lot of trans people.
A huge thing is I see a lot of trans people saying that they "want to be intersex" or "wish they had an intersex body." This is an issue for a lot of reasons, because it feels fetishistic, is ignorant of what intersex actually is, ignores the fact that being intersex means you're going to face a lot of oppression, and generally contributes to stereotypes that intersex is like some mythical third sex where you perfectly have a mix of all your characteristics in a gender-affirming way.
Faking being intersex. I haven't seen this shit as much online in a while but this honestly was a kind of big issue in some of my online circles like 5 years back and I still see it popping up every now and then. I don't think I need to explain why this is bad.
Literally just using slurs. I see wayyy more dyadic trans people than I should saying "hermaphrodite" when that is not a slur that dyadic trans people can ever reclaim.
Saying stuff about "AFAB bodies" or "AMAB bodies" or generally talking about sex assigned at birth and assuming that means people have certain body parts or experiences. Not all people who were AFAB have a uterus, not all people who were AMAB have a penis. Generally, I see a lot of trans people making generalizations about the "transmasc or transfem experience" in a way that doesn't leave room for intersex trans people who have different experiences with transition or different ways of understanding their trans identity. Acting like AGAB tells you anything more than what is assigned at birth is a problem, because it excludes intersex people who have different bodies, sex characteristics, lived experiences, all that.
Saying really harmful shit about our bodies, whether that's about body hair or genitalia or our voices, or anything. I've had a lot of dyadic trans people say weird shit to me that I think they think is complimenting me but is just really fucked up. People make weird offensive comments about my body hair and will just say a lot of invasive stuff about my body that is not their business. Asking invasive questions about my genitalia, demanding to know what's in my pants, that sort of stuff.
Specifically harassing a lot of intersex people of color and saying racist shit to them when they speak about intersex topics. This is something I've seen a lot irl and also on tumblr, and people specifically have targeted intersex poc on here and said really racist shit to them if they call people out for saying intersexist stuff.
Getting involved in intracommunity discussions about whether or not intersex is LGBTQ and ignoring intersex people when we speak on it. Our relationship to the LGBTQ community is intersex people's business and we all have a lot of different thoughts on it, and too many trans people speak over us on that.
On the flip side, always leaving us out of conversations where we are relevant (like reproductive rights, lgbtq bills, some types of discrimination, medical abuse, stuff like that)
Only bringing up intersex people when they're arguing with transphobes. Way too often i only see people bringing up intersex issues when its like "Take that transphobes! People with XXY chromosomes exist so you're wrong!" And it's like yeah, that's true, but it's shitty when y'all only bring us up when we're a convenient talking point and then don't know shit about what our activism is, what issues are important to us. It feels exploitative to only use our issues when convenient for you and then not pay attention to us the rest of the time.
Currently a lot of people are ignoring the way transphobic bills are also intersexist. People don't realize that all the things they're saying about "It's so easy for cis kids to get hormones, why is it so easy for cis kids but it's hard for trans kids!!!" is ignoring the fact that most of the cis kids who are "easily" getting hormones are intersex kids who are put on hormones in a way that is often coercive and is trying to "cure" being intersex. All these transphobic bills have specific exceptions to enable intersex medical abuse and it isn't cis people being lucky, it's intersex people being abused.
In general, trans community will ignore intersex exploitation when it's convenient. This one I'm less mad about because I don't think that even a lot of intersex people know this, but the history of how gender-affirming surgery and transgender clinics have been created in the US is really not great. Like obviously gender-affirming surgery is great and I want gender clinics to exist and trans healthcare to be easily accessible, but a lot of transgender healthcare was borne out of intersex medical exploitation. Look up John Money and the John Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic for a particularly bad example. This isn't trans people's fault at all, of course, but what is an issue is when I see trans people unquestionably celebrating doctors who invented trans surgeries, or celebrating the birth of gender clinics without critically understanding the horrible history some of these places have.
Acting like being intersex makes it easier to be trans, or would make it easier to get hormones or be respected by cis people. Most of the trans and intersex people I know have gone through so much shit. I went through hormonal conversion therapy because i was trans and intersex, which was literally so fucked. Because I was both trans and intersex, they did a lot of fucked up medical abuse to try to turn me cis and dyadic, and it did not make medical transition at all easier, it made it harder. That's why it can hurt so much when trans people say that being intersex makes being trans easier, because it fucking doesn't.
Also, I've seen a lot of dyadic trans people lately acting really hostile towards intersex organizations that are advocating for an end to intersex surgery because they think it's going to limit access to trans surgery. Dyadic trans people do not get to fucking say that we should stop advocating for ending intersex genital mutilation because it's "not the right time politically." It's always fucking necessary to be advocating to end IGM, and if there was a specific issue with a specific policy that intersex orgs were advocating for that would make it difficult for trans people to get surgery, that would be important to bring up, but most people I've seen saying that stuff are just saying that we shouldn't talk about it at all.
Not educating themselves on intersex issues. Most trans people I know have no clue what intersex is, what our major activist issues are, what the major intersex org for their country is, what the legal landscape of intersex rights is in their country, stuff like that. I'm not saying that trans people all have to be experts on specific intersex intracommunity debates, intersex history, intersex politics, but I do think that dyadic trans people do need to do the bare minimum of education.
Honestly? This is a little more personal but I know so many intersex people who have had bad experiences in their relationships. A lot of dyadic trans people can get weirdly jealous of their intersex partners, which is fucked up when you consider the fact that the things they are jealous of are things that cause us systematic exploitation and abuse. I know a lot of dyadic trans people who also just...trying to think of how to put this. Who are really not considerate partners during sex for some unique needs that intersex people have during sex. Again not a issue unique to trans people but something that I know happens in like most intersex people's relationships so it's good for trans people to be aware.
In general, the way a lot of trans people talk about and think about biological sex is counterproductive to intersex justice. Biological sex is a social construct. Sex isn't real, in terms of there's no reason sex is tied to gender, and also no reason that we've decided some body parts are now all linked together in a specific way that for some reason is going to be sorted into two categories. Chromosomes and genitalia are not some special body part that is entirely different than like, your kidney or your stomach. Biological sex is not real and the sex binary is not real and I see a lot of people talking about stuff like "male" or "female" is a real category that means anything. There is so much diversity and variation of sex even within dyadic people, and I see a lot of trans people clinging to biological sex in a way that is really apparent and also pretty harmful.
This got kind of long but these are some things that really bother me. I also left out most of the overt stuff like actual hate crimes and assault because I think that most people can recognize that as intersexist when that's happening. Again, I don't want to make it seem like it's only trans people doing this shit, but this is the stuff that I am seeing a lot specifically in trans community and some stuff that has some unique dynamics from trans people. And I think that trans people a lot of times will say things about "how close our two communities are" and "how much our issues overlap" when in reality they don't, and most dyadic trans people aren't putting in the work to build solidarity with trans intersex people. Cis intersex people also aren't putting in the work to build solidarity with trans people either, to be fair, and I'm really mad at them too, but I'm talking about this from the perspective of a trans intersex person who's already existing here in these spaces. other trans and intersex people feel free to add on.
okay to reblog.
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rosethreeart · 2 months
Hey so I’ve been made aware that a user known as doodlin-moons / irl-Romano has been spreading rumors about me. And I would like to clearing that they are absolutely NOT true.
So I’m just gonna quickly debunk them under the cut cause this might get long:
First off Moons is acting as if this was a recent post that I made and that I am currently vaguing them. It’s a post I made from literally fucking September, which means they’ve been holding onto that screenshot for just as long. I also only made this post in response to them coming onto MY post about my dislike for spamano asking what was wrong with it, and when I called them out for knowing damn well why it was wrong (cause they used excuses for why they shipped it after I politely explained) and blocked me for it (which started this whole fucking thing they’ve been holding this grudge since September) . So in reality they’re getting mad at MY response for something they antagonizing me over.
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Second: Moons is trying to spread the lie that I’m transphobic even to go as far as lie about who this anon is. I would also like to clearing that I do not support anon or their belief and that I do find transphobia to be vile and I speak up about it when I see it.
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Also anyone who’s ever blocked an anon knows that tumblr just gives you an error sometimes when you do that. I would also like to note that if that person WAS me I would not have been able to even take this screenshot.
I would also like to clarify that I have not and will not harass people online. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to understand that me complaining and expressing my discomfort with a user on my own blog, untagged mind you, isn’t harassment. But this shit sure fucking is :). I also literally only reported Neon once. So idk where they’re getting this “spam report” idea from especially cause I know tumblr doesn’t give a fuck if you do spam report and if anything I think it makes them less likely to hear you out.
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Also you complain about having a stalking problem but tell me why you liked one of my posts from all the way back in September :)
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Also I would like to state that I understand that trans people CAN be transphobic however this user also expressed transphobic views stating their dislike for trans people and accusing random people (including myself and a mutual of mine) of being terfs, without any actual evidence. I would like it to be known that this mutual is a very vocal supporter of the trans community she’s just a “free the tits” type of radical feminist(like what the term used to mean).
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deliriously-drawing · 4 months
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Hello Anon! Sorry about the super late replay! (´~`ヾ) I’m going to assume when you say you want to know more about the 2p world you were referencing the post where I said I need to create a whole post about how 2p toonz and 1p toonz are “Angels” and “Demons”
But before I dive into that let me answer the second part. Yes I’m positive 2p boys have their own names since some awesome peeps here on tumblr have told me them when I have asked before but I can’t remember all of them of the top of my head.
I do remember is that 2p Wildcat has the name Zipcat (゚ヮ゚) the rest of the boys I don’t remember (´~`ヾ)
I tend to just refer them to their original names because I kept forgetting what names the Fandom would use when referring to the 2p boys lol
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So! As much as it would be funny if Cartoonz was a legit Demon/Angel in the 1p/2p world my brain wanted like a more Syfy element to explain why certain people have abilities that range from physical skills and to what other may consider supernatural.
So! In my headcanon on how exactly these two exist can possibly exist in the gang au that is like the main setting for 1p/2p these two are actually Aliens…. Yes aliens. Let me explain.
This isn’t meant to be like a slander of religion or what not, I just thought it’ll be a cool idea that your traditional alien and demon were actually aliens.
In the 1p/2p world humanity was created by two different Alien species fucking around on a planet and wanting too see what will happen if they created a creature made in their image but without any of their abilities. Hence the birth of humans, those humans called the species that had red skin, horns and tails Daimōn meaning “spiritual being that influences a person’s character.” And for those with blue skin, wings and a hallow they called them Angelus meaning “a messenger , those who are guardians.”
They called them this because at the beginning the Daimons would be the ones trying to influence the new species to explore new things, feel new emotions and experience others to observe how they would react to certain circumstance.
While the Angelus would be the ones to set certain standards, make them question their actions and to look at the results, try to make them think before they act. And helped them with any problems that might pop up.
At the beginning both these specifics of aliens worked together but over time they started to argue with each other for having different view on which direction to lead this new species. In the end it started a fight and humans caught in the middle. Over time humanity view on Daimons shifted to view them as pure evil becuase they blamed their actions on them. “They’re the ones who encouraged me to follow my desire, they’re the ones who said to ignore what other say and do what I wished. It’s thier fault for the fighting, it’s their fault for the temptations” and they view Angelus as their savior “they helped me with my problems, if I devote myself they will help me be safe, if I follow certain rules I shall prosper, they saved us from the fighting”
Both species of aliens eventually stopped fighting and agreed to leave humans be and check back every 100 years to check on their progress of things but to not interfere.
but this rule was broken by a select few who wanted to poke at humanity to see how they react.
In the case of 1p Cartoonz who is a Daimon (Demon) he was at earth watching how humans could be kind one second and vicious the next. He actually stumbled across Delirious who was a thief and a small time gangster fighting to feed himself but got caught in a bigger gang scheme and ended up being shot and dumped in an alleyway for dead. Cartoonz made a deal with him because he wanted to see what will happen if an ordinary human who got double crossed and thrown under the bus had abilities of the supernatural kind.
In the case of 2p Cartoonz who is a Angelus (Angel) he was sent to earth by his council to bond with a baby to learn how to experience Empathy and Remorse because unfortunately for 2p Cartoonz and his society he was born with traits of a psychopath who could not understand or feel empathy, guilt or love towards another. So bonding with a baby would help him experience these emotions from new born to adult hood. Of course 2p Cartoonz hated this idea and when he heard stories about 2p delirious who others called a lifeless machine, an emotionless attacked dog, he decided to create a bond with him because it would be far more exciting than following a baby around being an invisible figure who couldn’t interact with anything or anyone.
the rest is history lol. Of course this information is subject to change if I feel that some details need to be changed but overall this is the setting in regards to demons and angels for me.
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doberbutts · 2 years
hey uh i. saw your post on transandrophobia and. wanted to ask you about your version about what the man who coined that term was into because uh. every other source has been less than trustworthy.
of course, i couldn't possibly require someone to explain something to me because I'm too afraid to look into it myself so if itd be too much of a bother then i apologize.
Well it's not really 'my version' because I don't actually know or speak to Saint 🤷‍♂️
But I did investigate the source of the claims and:
Saint was talking about omegaverse and used the shorthand a/b/o to refer to the au genre without the slashes. Which unfortunately bears a striking resemblence to an anti-aboriginal slur used in Australia. Which unfortunately Saint was resistant initially when an aboriginal person protested the use of the term. The context was clear that Saint was not even talking about Australian race politics whatsoever, he was talking about how some trans mascs find omegaverse fics to be very fetishizing and triggering, and words can be spelled the same and mean entirely different things. Said blogger was not satisfied and began saying that Saint was anti-indigenous and specifically anti-black since many aboriginal people view themselves as and call themselves black.
Two black bloggers caught wind of the callout and started harassing Saint, block-dodging when he blocked them for being annoying, sending anons and dms and being increasingly aggressive on his posts. These bloggers are notorious for denying POC their identities and they did call him white several times before being corrected that he is, in fact, not white. At some point he posted saying Biden's Juneteenth announcement was too little too late and an empty gesture (which I agree btw as a black man myself, literally I don't even get paid holiday pay for it and my job is proceeding as normal so what did it actually accomplish besides lip service and more annoying bank holidays???) and they started accusing him of speaking over black people and when he blocked them *again* for that it was that he won't listen to black people.
Aka tumblr's worst whisper down the lane session because now he's dubbed as a 'violently antiblack racist' when what he did was... use an acronym that also can be a slur if the context isn't 100% clear.
In the midst of all this the original blogger that took issue with him also found his password-protected nsfw roleplay blog where he was engaging in kink-heavy roleplay with a trans woman partner. The kinks were misgendering, forced masc, cnc, and detransition with the trans woman receiving. According to a later explanation by Saint, it was *her kink* that he was performing for her, and he stopped long before being "found out" because it was becoming uncomfortable for him to continue.
In any case, it was an example of someone screenshotting someone else's private, consensual sex life that they shouldn't have seen in the first place let alone put in front of a huge audience (with minors included) in the format of a callout. Whether or not you agree with his sexual preferences is not up for debate here: the heart of the matter is that people are mad that he had ultimately consensual sex with his partner because it's not the kind of sex they think people should be having. In other words it's this meme:
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Except instead of Jesus it's 'judgemental assholes on the internet digging through your private life looking for something to be mad at you about'.
Lastly there's new discourse floating around that he 'admitted to being a terf' which is actually kind of hilarious because uh, no he didn't. And also a result of tumblr's worst whisper down the lane session because that's an [untrue] accusation about a DIFFERENT trans guy who once said that he discovered the feminist spaces he occupied as a minor prior to finding out he was trans were not trans friendly, and he left those spaces once he found out, but it gave him insight to how terfs become radicalized because the first instance of the word 'trans' in their discourse was also the only red flag he got before he got out. So... it's not even about Saint at all even though people are saying it's him, and the guy it IS about is also being wildly misrepresented.
Again, that's not 'my version' that's 'I reviewed the facts of the case and the verdict is: it's all very stupid'. I did at one point ask for further proof of any of this than what I could find and basically just got 'source: trust me it really happened' so 🤷‍♂️
Come on folks. I'm black. Why would I have anything to do with a guy who is *actually* anti-black?
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retirement-home-rumble · 10 months
just caught up on this tournament and I do want to say that you definitely are biased towards that one tie bc you reblogged the post multiple times saying you wanted a tie; so it’s not just tagging it “in this house we love tiesweeps” that makes people think you’re biased. also people saying “it’s not that serious, it’s just a tumblr bracket” goes both ways - like if it’s not that serious and we’re all just having fun then why should anyone care that the votes actually say it should NOT be a tie? like, weren’t you pretty “seriously” invested in this specific poll being a tie, enough to make an exception to the existing rule?
at the same time it literally would have been at most two votes that decided it (sorry to the other anon but their math was wrong). only 968 or 969 out of 1896 would show up as 51.1%. and while I am not in favor of tiesweeping it personally, it is your poll and you should do what you want & what makes you happy. but if you have thousands of people voting in these polls then you have to expect that a decent number of them might be upset if you do make that choice rather than following the rules.
I mean as to your first point, I reblog all propaganda I see, no matter what side it's for. Sure I miss some, but I try my best to get all of them. So along that same vein, if a post gets a lot of propaganda, of course I'm gonna be reblogging it a lot. It just so happened that most of the propaganda that one was getting was for a tie. If there had been tons of people reblogging it with anti tie propaganda, then I would have been reblogging that just as much.
Also, as to me saying I wanted it to tie: I have literally stated that I want as many polls to tie as we can. I also reblog all polls that are close to a tie when it's down to the last few hours, just to give people the chance to tie it if they want.
So combine those two points together, and it just happened to be that after I reblogged that post with the last call for a tie, that it got reblogged a lot by others. So of course I would then reblog their propaganda. And since it's been stated that I'm biased towards all ties, I don't think it's exactly fair to say I was biased specifically towards this one tie. Like if any others were close enough, I would have been just as invested.
Idk. I guess I just don't get people acting like I'm not allowed to be invested in and have fun rooting in my own tournament? When I make it perfectly clear that I love ties, maybe don't act surprised when I get excited about a potential tie?
Even then, I wouldn't have even said anything if it wasn't, as admitted by you, decided by less than 2 votes. I understand that some people could be upset by this, but it was a weird situation and it's impossible to please everyone.
I put out that second poll to try to make it as fair as possible. I've also been trying to share both sides of this (posting asks with people explaining their opinions about it and reblogging the propaganda against the tie) so that everyone can make their own choice. Yes I said I personally would like them to tie, but I didn't force anyone to vote. Everyone has their own agency here. I said I would honor the results of that poll, and people have voted for them to be allowed to tie.
Anyway, sorry for the long rambling answer. This whole situation has just been a bit exhausting and I really don't want to lose interest in this blog because, before this, I was having the most fun I'd had in forever. I felt like I actually had a purpose.
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shallyne · 1 year
All Our Lives - Feysand Writing Circle
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I'm Shallyne and a few days ago I posted that I'd like to create a Feysand Writing Circle, and I'd like to a explain a few things.
How did this idea form?
A few months ago, I posted a little poem for an incoming fic called "All Our Lives" but maybe some of you realized I didn't continue this idea. The reason wasn't that I disliked the idea then but I had so many ideas and the overall idea has so much potential and my brain created half a fic and then jumped to the next idea. A few weeks ago I started playing with the idea to start a writing circle and when I stumbled upon All Our Lives again, I thought this was an amazing opportunity.
What is the original idea of All Our Lives?
The original idea was to create a fanfiction which chapters were pretty much just oneshots. Every chapter is Feysand in a different universe. The idea was that all the oneshots are Feyre and Rhysand in a different lifetime, their souls always finding back to each other.
How can I participate in this Writing Circle?
You got an idea and want your story to be part of the All Our Lives writing circle? That's amazing, I'm so glad! It's not hard, you just click on the title of this post or -> here <- and you will be transferred to the AO3 Feysand Writing Circle collection. There you can add your fic to the collection.
But you don't have an AO3 account or want to stay anonym? This is not a problem at all! You can send me your fic in my ask box or send me a message here on Tumblr, where I will give you my email-address to send me your fic. I will then post it on my account but of course I will mention you, or say that it was send by an anon, to post.
What are the rules?
The rules are simple!
Every fanfiction in this Writing Circle will be a oneshot
There is no time limit
The word count is up to you
Every oneshot will play in a different universe
Stay respectful to other participants! You don't have to like every idea but that doesn't mean you need to tell them.
What do you mean with "universe"?
When I say different universe I mean that the fics are supposed to play outside of the canon acotar universe. You are free to chose from almost any universe, as long as it's not harmful to any group of people. For example: Book Universes (Throne of glass, Howls Moving Castle, Classics, Shatter Me, The Cruel Prince, etc.,), Show and Movie Universes (MCU, Gilmore Girls, Peaky Blinders, Burlesque, 50 first dates, Back to the Future, Wizard of Oz, etc.,), different time periods (Medieval, the Renaissance, Victorian, ancient Greece) or decades (20's, 50''s, 60's, 80's, 90's 00's), or even universes that you don't have a name for but so not play in the canon acotar universe (Modern AU, Regency AU, Angels, Demons, Mermaids, etc.,)
What is not allowed?
Canon acotar Universe
Another main couple (see something else?)
Something else?
Yes! So, you can include every other character, from the acotar or SJM universe, and any other ship but the main couple will always be Feysand. The whole story is about them and finding each other in all their lives, so writing around another couple would be pointless for this Writing Circle.
When will the Writing Circle begin?
Technically, you can already post whenever your ready. I would not take your fic down if you want to do that, it's allowed but if you want a direct date, I'd like June 1st as a starting date
I can't tell you when I will be able to contribute but I will be so excited to see your fics, my friends! Everyone is welcome and I hope you will participate!
Your question wasn't answered yet?
Then please don't shy away from sending me an ask or send me a message so we can find an answer
You can always find this post linked on my pinned post
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heraldofcrow · 1 year
Ok, I’m just gonna say some things real quick.
Finding out that it truly was one anon harassing my friend Fantomette for literal weeks (and me, though you’d never know because I don’t acknowledge it, nor give a damn), AND finding some pretty solid evidence about who this person really is…
Just…my God.
It was obvious enough already, I guess, but now we essentially “confirmed” it, and I find it really draining to know this person just sits comfortably in the tumblr Bloodborne fandom and is really this callous and manipulative. We are dealing with the Logarius of this fandom, haha.
I’m genuinely angry, and that’s rare. I don’t care about petty dramas and squabbles in fandom. I don’t get involved. I really don’t care. That’s why I don’t respond to harassment. I moved passed my “internet drama addict” phase a long time ago. It’s just easier to breathe when you don’t bother with things you have no real control over. You deal with enough online bullies and go through enough abusive “cyber” relationships, and it eventually wakes you up to see the obvious. It’s just an endless cycle of immature behavior.
But just this once, and mainly because I feel the need to clear it up, I will explain something.
I am aware that there has been drama in this side of the Bloodborne fandom. I wasn’t there when it happened, but I caught up on it and observed. I know who was involved, and I know who basically “won” the favor of the broader public—if you can even call this diminished fandom that.
Here are my simple thoughts on it all.
I don’t consider it my problem or business. I don’t care.
To initially avoid conflict, I have reached out to people and had private conversations that some harassing anon would never know about. I have clarified and worked out some of the really important issues that people are concerned with. There are details and elements of this story that no one even knows except me, and you wouldn’t because even some of the people that were involved are no longer around.
From this gathering of insight, I have chosen who I trust and who I believe. I listened to both sides of the story. That was all I ever needed to do, and really all anyone would ever need to do in a situation like this.
Direct communication is so important. You never get anywhere complaining about someone to yourself or your friends. It takes some minerals, but going straight to a person and confronting them is actually the most powerful and effective thing you could do. God forbid you even sort out the problem without getting others involved.
For me, I did what I felt I needed to do and was able to feel confident in my choices about to approach a conflict-torn fan group.
And guess what? It doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter to anyone. Why? Because aside from this post, you will never see me address or engage in this debacle. My blog is a safe space for everyone, and I mean everyone. No matter your identity or your PROBLEMS. You can have serious issues and talk to me and be my friend. I don’t mind at all. You can also feel safe to be my friend if you have a specific background or identify a certain way. I will show only love and support. I don’t hold judgements against people in general. It isn’t my nature.
If you are a bully? Manipulative? Cruel? If you repeatedly promote something violent or extremely harmful on your blog? I may withdraw in quietude and not associate so much, but that’s for MY mental health. It’s also to protect the mental health of my friends. I won’t spread that type of rhetoric or hate. I won’t even speak about it.
I am a journalist. I deal with controversy and human depravity on a regular basis. It’s my bloody day job. It weighs me down. I get easily depressed by it. That’s personal.
That won’t effect you or anyone else on my blog, because I use this blog to engage strictly in fandom. You won’t see me post about anything else related to life beyond the realm of casual entertainment. No intercultural crises, no politics, no social commentary, no current events. This blog simply isn’t for that. It’s my break *from* those exact issues.
I need this, and I won’t have it ruined. Fandom drama be damned.
I don’t care even if I make some theory post and get condescending vague-posts clearly in response to it literally a day later. Go for it, kids! I’m gonna keep sharing my ideas, and I will not start debates over it. I’m too tired for that.
This is my nest, and it’s where I’m going to hang out. If who I choose to befriend and speak to upsets you, even if you don’t have the full story or you are judging my entire character/belief system based on that interaction, that’s fine. Block my blog. Forget about me. If it makes you feel safer, then do it.
I’m going to live my own life, and that does not include catering to the particular needs of strangers in online fandoms. Harsh maybe, but I’m sure you can handle that.
My mutuals and friends deserve this same level of freedom, respect, and security. So anon…or rather person that we know is watching us and acting as a peaceful neighbor in the same fandom…you have your first and only acknowledgement from me. Go away from us, and leave my friends alone. I promise you’ll breathe a bit easier if you forget us.
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