#callahan lore
ramyeonguksu · 11 months
hiii, I know this may come up as pretty but I wanted to know if you are willing to share some facts about Callahan. I love his design and the little description of him and I want to know more about him skdkfmfldkf
Oh my god someone who actually cares about him..... More than I do DSFHJKSDHFJK HE'S LOCKED IN MY BASEMENT COLLECTING DUST ASJDKF
Hmm what do I share about him
Callahan has a habit of Never Referring To Anyone By Their Actual Name, because he has a horrible tendency of seeing people as just like, character tropes? If that makes sense?
Example titles he's given to other people (try to guess who he's talking about lmao):
"May I observe you for a moment, my solitary swordsman?"
"Investigating me, are you, retainer of shadows?"
"Truly, you have a way with words, my vulpine casanova!"
It's only when he develops strong feelings for someone is when he'll like start referring to them by their actual name because he cares about them more
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paprscissrs · 2 years
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i realized i didnt share this piece with you guys! i've been watching tina and foolish more recently ^^ <3
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ghostly-groves · 2 months
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zorishy · 2 months
Symphony of Gods and Dreamers AU/DSMP Rewrite
🟢 DSMP (sorry for bad grammar, this was mostly just me vomiting my ideas onto the post)
My DSMP rewrite makes the world so much bigger and full of life than canon.
The arctic empire from SMP earth exists, hypixel is a whole kingdom, the bear SMP exists and that’s where Niki is from, the wreckage of tales from the SMP locations can be found in the woods, places from fanfics such as the blue valley are very important to the story. The story takes place over a much longer period of time, the L’Manberg revolution alone lasts several years! Dream is like 50! He was an adult before Wilson was even born. Tommy and Tubbo had families before being adopted by Philza, but they were killed by Dream’s armies in their quest to conquer the world. Dream stole the revival book from Kristin decades ago.
Dream is a tyrant and a cult leader with armies and followers dedicated to his mission to control as much of the world as possible. The DreamSMP is a continent that Dream has discovered and, at the beginning of the events of the server, it has small townships spread around the woods that are full of people gathering resources for colonies. The original L’Manberg members were followers of Dream who had begun to question his power.
Las Nevadas is not just one street with some restaurants and a casino! It’s a massive fucking city with hundreds of thousands of citizens, they have communities and schools and farmer’s markets, It’s the first city in the SMP with paved roads! Snowchester is a cosy little college town up north surrounded by mountains. Students from schools in Snowchester and Las Nevadas go on field trips to L’Manberg and Eret’s castle. The center of the SMP is this huge historic town kept in top condition by volunteers dedicated to preserving the history of the land.
Kinoko Kingdom was built by natives of the SMP and can be found deep within the forest. The people of the kingdom have myths and legends of a time when dragons and demons and gods roamed the earth. When Sapnap showed up, being half demon, they worshipped him and made him their ruler.
There is an entire cult that worships DreamXD! every few hundred years XD selects a member of his cult to give godhood to (Techno, Foolish, and Callahan are amongst those selected). DreamXD is older than the universe itself and has witnessed the rise and fall of countless worlds. Several SMP members were gods in their past lives and knew XD personally (some relationships were more positive than others). That’s why XD is so infatuated with George and so hateful of Bbh.
Characters like Puffy, Antfrost, and Sam are just single individuals who are members of entire original species. Ranboo was born a prince in the end but his people were driven out. The nether was accidentally discovered by cultists and legend says that’s where the demons came from.
My vision of the SMP has grown far beyond a Minecraft roleplay. I wish I could tell you everything but that would take way too long to write. For now I’m just focusing on Wilson and the other tropesonas. I can’t possibly talk about every single character and that makes me mad. Maybe in the future I will go into more detail on sbi and DreamXD.
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sharkshenanigans · 2 years
Annyone remember that one time Foolish killed a god? Yeah, me neither.
Foolish: Oh he's freezing. Oh, he's shivering!
Karl: Shiver me timbers.
Foolish: *hits Callahan*
Foolish: *hits him again*
Foolish: *actually kills him*
Foolish: *shocked laughing*
Karl: *absolutely stunned*
Corpse: Oh noo.
Corpse: That's another one for the god, if you know what I'm saying.
Callahan (in chat): you have made a big mistake
FoolishG left the game
Foolish: *hysteric windexx laughing*
Karl: I've never seen Callahan die before. That was actually kind of shocking. I don't- I don't know why that- Oh my god.
Foolish: Callahan please let me back on! Please!
Karl: Did you ban him? (2x)
Foolish (still laughing): Let me, just let me back on!
Karl: Callahan banned Foolish. It's over!
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toaster-fire-art · 8 months
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I really want a mullet. No particular reson why.
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This is going to be the censored version there are more but I'm back into OCs taking up my every waking thought :]
Red is mine but Nate belongs to my dearest @novabobaa <333 Mwah mwah mwah
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patchesjam · 2 years
bbh’s alternative ending to the egg lore LMAO
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bee-dot-exe · 2 years
From Bad's Instagram. He has such a way with words. I never saw it coming.
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ghostlynimbus · 9 months
how the fuck did phil callahan somehow end up tagged as a participant in every event in my timeline how how how
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imagines-babes · 1 year
Black out days (Dsmp)
Hey, im back. So I wanted to try out this idea I had. So I hope you do enjoy this. This is about c!y/n and involves the explosion. Y/n view and who she is a little. The song today is Black Out Days by Phantogram.
Other list Masterlist
My name is y/n. I live in the Kinko kingdom alongside Karl, Sapnap, George, and Tina. I was one of the founders alongside Dream, George, and Sapnap. Then later we meet Alyssa and Callahan. We 6 together. We were versed the mobs or the raids. But soon more visitors came and Dream offered them a home. Then Alyssa left one day only saying it was her time. Then Callahan. It was back to us 4. Then war came. L'Manburg. Mexican LManburg. Dream Xd. Pogtopia. Lives lost. Ghost. Manburg. Finding the end portal. Dream in Prison. Book of Revival. Book of Death. Dream escaping. There is more but too much to recall each little thing. Sapnap would come to my house and would punch the wall. He had a whole building to do that but somehow he comes here. Like tonight.
He came rushing in starting to punch my wall as I started to run downstairs. He punches a specific spot when he is angry, frustrated, sad, or sacrificed. It s near the picture between him, George, Dream, Alyssa, Callahan, and me. I glanced at him and then at the wall. His punches were harder than ever before. He warned me that if he were to bleed on that wall stop him. Stop him from breaking his hands. The closer I looked the bandages he had around his knuckles were turning red.
"Sapnap comes on ," I rush towards him trying to get a hold of his fist. I didn't care for my well-being. I didn't care if my hands were to be broken or my face to bleed. I tried to go between the wall and him. His face is red. His nose is running. The tears of his eyes fell down to the floor. This Sapnap. He's different from all the other times he punches the wall. This one was heartbroken, sad, and disappointed. As if the world is ending.
I glanced to the side of the wall to see the picture of everyone on the floor. The glass for it was broken. He heard the sound. He stopped punching that wall. He turned to see the frame broken. Kneeling down to hold it up showing all of our faces happy. Together. Before anyone came to our home and them leaving. To turn back the photo seeing the signature.
'Always Together'
That quote is a lie. That quote is like a promise and that promise is broken. That quote brought chaos. Everyone said a version of that quote. All it gave is pain, wars, and death. Nothing comes out to be okay or fine. Everything gets ruined. 'Always together,' gets ruined even if you are the last one to try and bring everyone together.
Crying in front of anyone shows weakness.
That is what I lived by. If you cried in front of someone that is how they get you. They see you at your bottom. They know your weakness. And my weakness is a fucking photo of 6 friends conquering this world. My weakness is in my hand and someone is here to see it. To see me cry over a photo. 'Why is the photo a weakness? That's a stupid weakness' many would ask. But that photo brought me peace. That photo made me feel like I had a home. That photo made me remember that memory and one day that we all will be friends again.
Feeling someone touch my cheek. To see Dream in front of me with a smile. His real smile. Not the mask. He looked younger. He pulled to me into a hug. This is the dream I remember. Somehow I only remember this dream. I tried to think of another memory but nothing. Turning my head to see everyone there. Sapnap and George yelling about something dumb. While further behind them Alyssa with Callahan. This is the moment I wanted. This is the moment I dreamed of. All of us being together. "Why are you crying y/n?" all I did is brought him back to a hug. He wanted to ask more questions but nothing. Sapnap and George watch the two. Y/n broke the hug and ran to Alyssa making her fall over. Her tears went down Alyssa's shoulder. Missing her. Slowly the boys would be joining the hug.  They all hug her.
Author pov
Alyssa was a sister to her and when she left y/n broke down. The only one who saw her like that was Callahan. He couldn't take it when she would cry so Callahan tried to convince y/n to leave. But she couldn't do it at least not now. That's when he left. She was afraid of what would happen to the three. Sometimes she wishes she did leave. But she stayed with her gut feeling and stayed. Y/n was broken. She betrays Sapnap and George by working with Dream. Then betrayed Dream helping Tommy and Tubbo escape his madness. She had guilt while betraying the three men she loved very deeply.
Now y/n after seeing them she was free. Free from pain. From guilt. From betrayal. She was free and her friends were there. This is her peace.
What y/n didn't know was that they died along with the explosion that appeared that day tubbo sent the missle while Tommy talked to dream and punz in that prison.
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ramyeonguksu · 8 months
Hey there! I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering what 24 from the FE3H OC ask list would look like for Hillevi and Callahan?
Refer to Questions for people with FE3H oc's, in no particular order:
24. What is their fondest most treasured memory?
For Hillevi, it's certainly the first time she ever flew on a pegasus! It's definitely something I'll expand upon once I reach that part in the fic but tl;dr it's the first time she's seen the world from such a high level and not only is the view super beautiful but it just feels so liberating for her
As for Callahan, I think it was when he wandered into a snowy forest for the first time! It was definitely dangerous for a minor noble kid to just walk around unsupervised but the scenery of the place really just awed him so much that he wanted to be able to capture it in his writing somehow. I think that's another contribution to his writing addiction hehe
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stzainin · 2 years
as long as we get to see callahan I don't care if all dsmp characters get possessed by an egg and kill each other
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aceghosts · 1 year
1, 3, 9, 11, 23, 37, 39, 54, 55, and 83 for Riley and Ingo
Mika, thank you for sending these in! I'm still kind of working on Riley and their relationship with Ingo, so some of these might change in the future. Also, I'm putting this under a cut because it became longer than expected.
How did they first meet?
Riley and Ingo met as teenagers on their League journey, specifically after Ingo and Emmet defeated the first gym. Ingo and Emmet did not have a good impression of Riley, who was just straight-up trash-talking the twins. After the first gym, they became something of a rival to both Ingo and Emmet.
About halfway through the league journey, the twins and Riley take out a couple of bad guys while having to rely on each other. Managing to get themselves out of it, Riley apologizes to the twins about how they’ve been treating them. At that point, Riley’s relationship with the twins starts to change, and by the end of the league journey, Riley is best friends with them.
Who kissed who first?
Riley. Ingo is the first one to confess that he likes Riley, but they kiss him shortly after the confession. What can Riley say? They had been wanting to kiss him for a while.
Who is more inclined to be jealous or possessive?
Riley. They don’t get super possessive or jealous as they trust Ingo, but if someone isn’t taking his polite rebuttals, Riley will step in.
Who is the most physically affectionate?
Riley, definitely. They like to cuddle and think it’s adorable when Ingo gets flustered. He adores affection from Riley, but it's just a little bit much at times. Plus, Ingo is pretty affectionate himself.
(Even when the two were just friends, Riley was pretty physically affectionate with him, and vice versa.)
What do they do when they’re bored and together?
Battle. Both are hardcore trainers with a love for battling and seeing how much the other person has grown, especially if one *cough* Riley *cough* has been away for a while. Otherwise, they split their time between watching train documentaries and cuddling, or Riley finding some way to pull the pair into some unexpected adventure.
In Hisui, when the two were bored and Riley needed a break from working on the Pokedex, they would hang out a lot with Sneasler and her kittens.
Thoughts on PDA(Public Displays of Affection)?
Both are fine with PDA and even enjoy it. Ingo just asks that Riley keeps it appropriate when they come to visit the Battle Subway as he is working. That usually means keeping it to hand-holding or a quick kiss on the cheek.
Would they ever get married?
Ingo would definitely like to, but Riley has doubts about marriage. They would spend the rest of their life in a heartbeat with Ingo, but they don’t want to break his heart. Riley is the type of person who gets a little cagey if they stay in one place too long, which is why their job involves a lot of traveling. They’re scared that he might decide that isn’t something he wants to put up with and leave.
Haven’t actually decided if the two do get married.
What do others think of them dating?
Emmet is both relieved and happy. He’s been waiting for them to get together for foreverrrr! Plus, it makes Emmet happy to see two of his favorite people in the world happy. He really hopes things work out for Ingo and Riley, but that doesn’t stop from him teasing the couple.
Elesa and their other mutual friends feel the same way Emmet does: relieved to see the pair together. They also hope that things work out for the duo.
Riley’s siblings (who I don't have names for yet) are happy to see them together. They’ve always liked Ingo and think he is a nice guy. Riley’s parents are less enthusiastic. They see Ingo as another reason why Riley won't come back to their small hometown, where they think Riley should be. (That wasn’t going to happen, even before Riley met Ingo.)
Their Pokemon teams are really happy to see the two together. Riley and Ingo’s teams work well with each other, and the other trainer has always gotten well along with the other person’s team. Most excited are Ingo’s Chandelure, and Riley’s Bisharp, Stabby. Chandelure has always liked Riley, especially since Riley gives great scritches and feeds them treats when Ingo isn’t looking. Stabby, meanwhile, has two moods for people: Stab (affectionate) and Stab (derogatory). With Ingo, they’re very soft and not stab-happy. Riley jokes that they think Stabby likes him more.
Are they a super sappy couple?
Riley and Ingo would say no, but everyone would loudly say ‘Yes’ over them. Anytime, the pair look at each other, it’s with a sappy, lovestruck look in their eyes. It’s better than the pining, at least.
Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?
Both. Riley’s casual yet fond teasing of Ingo makes him smile. Meanwhile, Ingo’s sincere enthusiasm always makes Riley smile, especially when he is going on about something he really loves.
[OTP Asks]
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hopalongfairywrens · 2 years
Why was Callahan driving the bus?? 😭
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
setantii tertius was just like that one tumblr post that went “game of thrones but it’s realistic and these lords have maybe one horse and a band of thugs each”, but with battlemechs
well, until one “mad dog” cullen callahan came along with his weird prototype mad cat
no wonder everyone wanted to kick his ass or have him on their team
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hopalongfairywren · 2 years
Ok before I didn't really care about kinoko kingdom being blown up but then I remembered c!Tina and c!Callahan and sort of c!Eryn live their so now I will lose my shit if they explode.
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