#ceo seulgi
luxora · 1 year
Red Velvet -> {CEO AU} -> Co-parenting
Requested: No
Group: Red Velvet
Genre: Angst. Fluff.
Warnings: Mentions of infidelity. Mentions of joint and sole custody. Some swearing.
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Joohyun couldn’t help but glare at the offending sound of her work phone on her desk, disturbing the peaceful bubble that she had created for herself as she worked through the new designs that had finally been submitted to her by the architects. She silently marked the the design she was currently reviewing before she leaning over and plucked the phone off its body, bringing it to her ear with an annoyed huff.
“Bae speaking.”
“Where the fuck were you?”
The sound of her spouse immediately shot ice through Joohyun’s body, shock quickly filling her as the sound of your voice tingled through all her sense, making her suddenly sit upright in her desk chair despite already having a perfect posture.
“Who else?” You hissed from your side of the phone, a the sound of something dropping following your words, causing you to let out a curse before you huffed again. “Where the fuck were you?”
“What do you-”
“Areum waited for you for three hours Joohyun! Why the hell didn’t you pick her up from school!”
Joohyun’s eyes widened at your words, her head snapping to the large clock she had in her office wall, the blood draining from her face as she realized the clock hands were three places ahead of the time she had intended to leave to pick up her daughter from school. She then looked back at her desk, finally realizing the large amount of paperwork that was covering her desk. She couldn’t even see the surface of her clear, glass desk, she couldn’t even see a glimpse of her dark mahogany flood through her desk.
“I...Y/N...” She had started, her mind flurried in multiple thoughts as she tried to think of a reasonable explanation for her to be forgetting your and her daughter at school, but then you interrupted her with a scoff.
“Let me guess, got caught up in work again? Did that work include a blonde with long legs and a tight pencil skirt?”
Joohyun immediately ducked her head, her own body almost shriveling up on its own from the implication of your words. She couldn’t help but bite down hard on her bottom lip, her mind flashing back to the time when she lost control over her life and then eventually did lose it when you had found out about the ‘work’ which was keeping her from coming home to you and Areum.
“...Nothing of the sort happened Y/N. I can promise you that.” She said, her hand tightening into a fist as she stared into her lap. She heard you scoff.
“Yeah right.”
“I fired her Y/N. Nauen is not-”
“I don’t want to hear that bitch’s name Joohyun. I don’t care if you are or not fucking her. I just want you to be fucking there for Areum.”
“I am there for her!” Joohyun suddenly exclaimed, defensiveness immediately filling her as she thought about her beautiful 9-year old daughter, her dark hair as soft and sleek as her own, while her eyes were large and bright like yours. She was the perfect combination of both of you, although Joohyun did like to think she looked a little bit more like her. Areum certainly was Joohyun’s baby twin when she was a newborn.
“And yet today I got a phone call in a middle of a meeting from our crying daughter, begging me to pick her up because Mommy had forgotten her again. Are you telling me that is you being there for her?”
Joohyun didn’t know what she could say to rectify the situation. She messed up again, and she had promised herself the last time she had forgotten about Lia that she would not do it again. She had promised you, telling you that it would the literal last time she would forget. And yet she just proved once again that her word hardly meant anything anymore. It most definitely did not mean anything to you anymore.
The face of her daughter filled her head, her beautiful eyes filled with tears, along with her puffy cheeks being painted with the salty drops as she called you, heartbreak obvious in her voice because Joohyun was unable to fulfill her maternal responsibility to be there to pick her up during a difficult time. Her actions had already caused so much hard to Lia, and she was only making it worse through small actions like this.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” She heard you scoff on the other side of the phone.
“Yeah, sure.”
“I am! I am sorry Y/N, I will make it up to her. And to you.”
“How? By making yet another empty promise? Forget it Joohyun, I am not going to keep breaking Areum’s heart like this anymore.”
The way that you had said that made Joohyun’s blood freeze in her veins. Joohyun subconsciously tightened her grip on her work phone as she swallowed the building bile in her mouth as a means to try steady herself from the oncoming scenarios that were filling her head in reaction to your phone.
“What do you mean by that?” She asked carefully, trying to not show the building nerves that were climbing up her throat. She heard you huff on the other side.
“I’m changing the agreement. I want sole custody.“
“No.” Joohyun immediately answered, her body unable to remain still at your words as she shot up from her seat and began to pace away from her desk, her nails digging into her palm as she tightened her fist. “You can’t do that. I won’t allow it.”
You scoffed again.
“You are not in the position to suddenly stop things from happening.”
“You can’t take Areum from me. I can make it up to her.”
“Until you do it again to her! Face it Joohyun, you can’t be there for Areum, I can!”
“I can be there for her! And for you!”
Desperation and outrage was clawing at Joohyun’s chest, making itself obvious in her voice as she slammed her hand against her her cabinet which happened to contain the alcoholic beverages she would at times share with business associates when they worked late on designs, or with you when the two of you were still...together.
“Stop living in a delusion Joohyun. You can’t and you won’t.”
“She’s my daughter!”
“Our daughter, but as of late she has just become mine.”
Joohyun gritted her teeth tightly, pressure building up behind her eyes while her bottom lip began to tremble. She could not stand this conversation any longer. Joohyun grabbed her bag without a second of hesitation and darted out her office, uncaring of the work she left on her desk. She just needed to get to you and Areum, she needed to get this sorted out.
“I’m coming over. I need to set this straight with you. And Areum.”
“Joohyun, don’t you even think about-”
“I am doing it Y/N! I won’t lose the two of you any more than I already have!”
Joohyun hung up the phone and hurried into the elevator, slamming her finger against the ground floor level repeatedly until the metal doors closed. She needed to get to you as soon as she could. She could not lose Areum or you any more than she already has. She has to make it up to the two of you, most particularly Areum.
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... It was too awkward.
Seulgi and you had yet to share a single glance with one another as the two of you sat in the principle’s office, both of you with your legs and arms crossed as you waited patiently for the principle to return from his brief meeting outside with his secretary. Seulgi couldn’t help but tap her fingers against her arm, trying to keep her mind somewhat occupied in order to avoid starting a conversation with you which could lead to two different directions: tears or screams.
Even though she was given some kind of small warning that you were going to be in attendance of the private meeting too by her secretary, she still found herself vastly unprepared in seeing you face-to-face, especially since you still looked as beautiful as the day you had kicked her out your and her shared apartment. Even when furious, you were delightfully beautiful, but Seulgi could not stand the distance between the two of you. The two of you had been married for over ten years, and a little extra during your dating years, but now it was as if there was an invisible abyss between the two of you, pulling you further and further away from one another.
When the principle eventually returning to his office, Seulgi couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief because the silence in the room would finally be put to an end. Seulgi readjusted her sitting position to appear more straight and controlled, waiting expectantly for the principle to start speaking as he took a seat and looked at the both of you.
“Mrs and Mrs Kang, lovely to see the two of you albeit I wish it had been under different circumstances.”
You immediately stiffened at the principle’s addressing of you, immediately making Seulgi tense defensively at your reaction, especially since the two of you have hardly made your separation known to the public. The two of you were in a fickle position, having being partners in marriage and business and it was not exactly easy for the two of you to separate yourselves entirely from one another, especially since both your and Seulgi’s families business merged when the two of you had married. While it was previously believed that the two of you had married for the sake of the merge, it was quite the opposite as the two of you had genuinely fallen in love before the idea of marriage was brought to the table.
But then things quickly became mucked up between the two of you when the business got in the way of the marriage.
“So do we.” You had answered in return, answering for the both of them as Seulgi made no effort to acknowledge the principle. She instead offered him a nod, prompting him to clear his throat before he laced his fingers together and placed them on top of his desk.
“Right, so as you might have been informed by my secretary, there was a small...incident that involved your son and another student.”
“An incident?’ Seulgi asked, crossing her legs and fixing the principle with a fixed look. He nodded.
“Yes, it appears that your son and his classmate were caught in a verbal argument before its escalated into a physical fight.”
“A fight...with Jinyoung?”
You were shocked at the news, your voice making it very obvious. Seulgi glanced at you and noticed your jaw was slightly ajar, your posture much straighter than before. Seulgi couldn’t help but share in your shock. Jinyoung was such a quiet boy, it was very unlike him to become aggressive and get into a fight.
“Yes ma’am. As you know, our school has a zero-tolerance for violence. I am afraid that this incident risks for Jinyoung to possibly be suspended, or even expelled.”
Seulgi’s eyes widened at the principle’s words, uncrossing her legs adn leaning forward on the edge of her seat.
“Surely that is a bit severe for a small fight between two children.” Seulgi started, but the principle fixed her with a look.
“It was not small Mrs Kang. Your son and his classmate disrupted the class entirely, one of their female classmates were even hurt in the incident because of their physical exchange. I cannot treat this lightly.”
“I understand that, but you cannot treat it so severely that our eight year-old son always has a permanent record all because of something that was said between him and his classmate.” Seulgi retorted, her eyes narrowed as she continued to stare at the principle. “What was the argument about anyway?”
The principle did not have an answer for her, his face becoming blank and then slightly a bit sheepish, telling Seulgi immediately that he had not bothered to investigate the fight any further aside from the exchanging of blows and injuries caused by it. And it seemed that you noticed it the same time as Seulgi did, because you mirrored Seulgi’s stance, staring at the principle with a more intense look.
“Are you telling me that you did not bother to find the reason behind the fight? We know our son and we know that he would never do something like this unless he was provoked. You are threatening to suspend or expel our son without a probable cause? Should we call our lawyer and have then investigate this matter instead?”
Even though Seulgi believed that perhaps threatening the use of their family lawyer was rather bold, she did not undermine you as she let you do what you did best, play the bad-cop persona that you were born to play. Between the two of you, you were always the one who would never mince words. Your intentions come very clearly to others, and the principle could very much tell what you were insinuating.
“Mrs Kang, surely that would not be necessary-.”
“You are threatening the future of my son, I believe it is very necessary.”
“I...I will have their homeroom teacher followup on the reason behind the argument. Please...let’s not escalate it further than it needs to be.”
“We will give you until tomorrow to give us a solid answer, otherwise you will expect a call from our lawyer.”
You stood up from your seat with a harsh glare on the principle, Seulgi mirroring your actions and not sparing the principle a single glance before she marched towards the door and opened it, stepping aside to let you exit the office first before following after you. She slammed the door shut with enough force to emphasis her aggravated point, a smile crawling along her face as she turned to look at you.
“Nicely done.”
“I won’t let him bully us into letting Jinyoung get expelled. I won’t.” You hissed, turning around to look at her, your body slightly trembling due to your anger. Seulgi nodded at you.
“I know you won’t, you are a fierce lioness, you will go for the kill against anyone who messes with your cub.”
“Damn straight.” You answered, a resolute look in your eyes as you instantly agreed with her.
A few moments of silence passed between the two of you before you suddenly licked your lips and then sighed, tucking behind a loose strand of hair behind your ear before looking at Seulgi with a slightly tired look.
“We will need to talk to Jinyoung.”
“Yeah, we do.” Seulgi agreed, tucking her hands in her pockets and swaying on the spot for a few moments before looking at you from under her lashes. “Can I...should we meet at a cafe or something? I think I should be there when we talk.”
“...yeah, lets do that.” You agreed, giving a small nod at Seulgi’s suggestion, making the businesswoman relax.
Seulgi couldn’t even remember the last time the three of you were in the same room together. Despite the obvious distance between the two of you, you have both tried to shield Jinyoung from the impending disaster between you and her marriage, but deep down, Seulgi feels that Jinyoung knows a lot more than he should. Seulgi not being in the family home is proof enough for the young boy to realize there were issues between his two parents, and Seulgi has been hoping to put off the conversation for a while. 
“Alright, um...do you want to pick up Jinyoung and I find a suitable cafe for the three of us? I can send the location.”
“Alright...see you in a few then?” Seulgi asked carefully, which you responded with a nod. “Great.”
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Seungwan had not expected to receive a phone call from you so late in the night but she answered it nonetheless, having promised you that she will always answer a message or phone call from you no matter what, something which she had fulfilled before, during, and after the marriage. She was groggy with sleep but she was suddenly awake when she heard your sobs on the other side of the phone, her body shoot up from the mattress at you distress.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?”
“S-Seugwan...i-its Areum. S-She is in the hospital.”
Ice immediately filled Seungwan’s veins at those words, her whole body freezing on the spot as her heart literally dropped to her stomach. Seungwan was surprised that she managed to keep her voice steady as she spoke to you.
“Y/N, what happened? Why is Areum in the hospital?”
“I...she was...she woke up screaming and s-sad her stomach was hurting. I-I drove her to the hospital and...and they suspect it is her appendix.”
“Okay, are you still at the hospital?’ Seungwan asked, leaping out of her bed and rushing to her closet to get some decent clothes.
“Alright. Stay there. I am heading over now.” She said, tugging on a pear of jeans and grabbing a hoody before hurrying out of her bedroom. “Just stay calm. I’m on my way.”
Seungwan hung up the phone and quickly grabbed her car keys before rushing into her garage and leaping into her car. She probably broke about a dozen traffic laws driving to the hospital but Seungwan did not car as she parked and then hurried in the hospital, nearly biting the receptionists head off when she uttered your and Areum’s name before being directed to the waiting area for operations. Seungwan immediately caught sight of you as you were pacing along the floor, you being dressed in your pajama pants and a hoody, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Seungwan...” you rasped when you eventually caught sight of her, a sob leaving your lips as you reached for her, collapsing into her arms when Seungwan eventually reached you.
Seungwan didn’t hesitate wrapping her arms around you as you began to sob in her chest, your body trembling as you tightly gripped at her hoody, grabbing handfuls of the material. Seungwan did not say anything, she simply held you as you let out all your stress and fear, the smell of your apple shampoo filling her sense, almost calming her down as she closed her eyes and reveled in it.
Even though the two of you had divorced two years ago, the two of you made an effort to still be there for Areum even though the two of you were neither married. The two of you had married young, far too young to understand the struggles that came with marriage and the effort it took to make it work. The two of you were best friends who had fallen in love and then decided to runaway from your small-town homes to make a life in the city. The two of you struggled a lot adjusting to the city life, the two of you getting into pretty intense fights, but the two of you tried to make it work, eventually establishing a business together that eventually progressed into something much bigger than the two of you ever anticipated.
The two of you loved each but sometimes love is not enough to maintain a marriage. Areum had been an attempt to bridge the distance between the two of you but it did not work. The fights got worse and eventually the fights were affecting Areum, which led to the two of you that the best course of action for the two of you and for Areum was to get divorced. Seungwan won’t lie and say it was an easy decision, she wanted to make it work, but she knew that it was the best thing that could be done for the family, even if it meant that she could not fall asleep in your arms.
Seungwan still loved you even now; therefore, she found no problem in you soaking her hoody in your tears because you obviously needed someone to be your pillar of support right now, especially since your and her daughter was in the middle of an operation to deal with a burst appendix.
“It will be okay Y/N. It will be okay.” She cooed, rubbing the back of your head while her other arm was wrapped around your waist. You sobbed further in her chest.
“I...It just came out of nowhere. S-Seung,,,she was in so much pain.”
“She’s a fighter Y/N, she will be fine. I know she will be.”
“S-She was screaming so much-”
“Shhh, shhh, don’t think about that now. Think about her getting better.”
Seungwan had no idea how long she stood in that waiting area with you in her arms but she did not care. You were stressed and scared enough as it is, she could sacrifice her comfort to give you the much needed comfort that she was capable of providing. Eventually she managed to convince you to take a seat in the area, holding your hand tightly in hers while the two of you waited for any further notice regarding Areum.
“S-Seung...” You whispered, your fingers gripping Seungwan’s hands tightly as you stared at her with tearful eyes. She turned to you. “I-I’m so scared.”
“Shh, Areum will be fine. She is our daughter, she will be fine.” Seungwan comforted, raising her other hand to stroke your cheek, eyes soft and supportive as she tried to ease your fear.
Your bottom lip trembled but your leaned into her touch, closing your eyes as you soaked in the warmth she provided you before looking away, fixing your eyes on the operation door, waiting for a doctor or a nurse to come out and call out for you and Seungwan. Seungwan squeezed your hand and waited beside you, similarly looking at the door and waiting for someone to call for the two of you, her own bundle of nerves building up within her as she waited for news on Areum.
While she wanted to cry and stress herself, she knew she couldn’t because that would send you into a further panic. She needed to be the strong one right now between the two of you, and she will happily be it because it was both what you and Areum needed.
When a doctor eventually came out of the operation door and called out Areum’s name, both you and Seungwan leapt to your feet and hurried to the doctor, hands interlock as the two of you took comfort from one another.
“Areum, how is she? Is our baby okay?” You demanded, eyes wide with tears still obvious with them. You looked about ready to interrogate the man, almost reaching out to grab him if it wasn’t for Seungwan tugging you back to give a respectable distance between themselves and the doctor. The doctor gave Seungwan a thankful look before looking at you, a small smile on his face.
“Everything will be alright with your daughter ma’am. It was close but we managed to remove the appendix successfully. She sustained no further injuries. She will make a full recovery.”
Relief immediately flooded Seungwan from the news, but it was more ovbious on your body as you literally deflated in front of both Seungwan and the doctor. You turned to Seungwan and all but wrapped her in a tight embrace, a relieved sob leaving your lips as you nuzzled your face in her shoulder.
‘She’s alright.” You rasped, a smile on your face which made Seungwan smile as she hugged you back just as tightly.
“Of course she is, she’s our daughter after all.” Seungwan’s smile widened at the sound of your chuckle before she turned to look at the doctor. “Can we go see her?”
“Of course, if the two of you would like to follow me.”
You pulled away from Sengwan and wiped at your eyes, obviously trying to erase your evidence of crying but without any success. But neither you or Seungwan cared as the two of you walked after the doctor, hands still entwined to go greet Areum.
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The tension between the two of you could be cut with a knife, both of you standing off like two countries about to go off to war but the only thing that could be lost was the relationship between the two of you which was bad enough as it is. Sooyoung’s eyes flickered to your partner on your far side, them having being strategic enough to make sure they would not be within punch distance from Sooyoung.
But then again, Sooyoung had pretty long limbs. She will be able to reach if she really wanted to.
Better not.
“Y/N.” She said politely, not pointedly not addressing your partner’s name despite it being ingrained in her mind after she heard you screaming their name from your and her bedroom when she arrived home early from a business trip.
“Sooyoung.” You greeted back, glancing back at your partner before looking back at her. “You look well.”
“Thank you.”
Neither of you said anything else, simply locking eyes for a few long moments before Sooyoung took her seat beside you, internally hissing at the close contact she was being forced to endure for at least an hour at her children’s school play. You clearly your throat and shifted, accidentally bumping Sooyoung with your elbow before whipping back to look at her.
“Don’t mention it.”
“So um, Sooyoung, how is your-”
“I am already forced to endure your presence at my children’s concert, do not make it worse by actually speaking to me.” Sooyoung hissed at your partner, flashing them a glare so cold that she would not be surprised if icicles had been shot into your partners chest.
Your partner immediately shrunk back into their seat, looking away with a frightened whimper while you turned to glare at her, your hand entwined with your partner’s tightening protectively.
“There is no need for you to be so rude Sooyoung.”
“Oh, am I being rude? My apologies, I meant to be more restrained, but you know how one usually acts when there is an annoying mosquito around...you just have to squash them before they get arrogant.”
“Listen Sooyoung, I know that this isn’t ideal, but-”
“Yes I agree. This isn’t ideal. This is our son’s and daughter’s school play and you decided to bring your damn side piece, fully knowing that I was going to attend. I know that you struggle in the thinking department, but I would have liked to think you had at least a bit of common sense.”
Your gritted your teeth angrily at Sooyoung, not daring to argue back because you knew that she was hitting the nail right on the head. It was true, it was stupid of you to bring your partner to the school play while knowing Sooyoung was going to attend. Areum and Jinyoung had asked for both of you to attend, the twins wanting to have both parents in attendance and even though things have fallen apart between you and Sooyoung, both of you were making a decent effort to be there for your children. But your partner had started to become rather...needy in the sense that they wanted to be more involved with the twins.
So you had purchased them a ticket...to the consequence that you infuratied Sooyoung with their presence.
“...Can you at least be civil.” You asked, making Sooyoung scoff in response.
“As long as they don’t utter a single word, I will be the politest woman in the world.”
“Don’t ruin this for Areum and Jinyoung.”
“You have already ruined it by bringing them here. You just better not bring them to the play dinner, otherwise I really will make a fuss.”
“You wouldn’t do that to the twins.”
“And yet you just accused me of ruining things now for them. I am a woman who has nothing to lose Y/N, I am the more dangerous one between the two of us. be careful.”
Sooyoung’s warning may appear vague to others but it was obvious to you. Since you were the one who had the affair, you were not the one who had the power to make the major decisions. You were lucky enough that Sooyoung agreed to joint-custody between you and her. Even though she was furious by your infidelity, she was kind enough to grant you the same opportunity as her to spend time with the twins. But she could easily take it away if she wanted to, especially since she was always watching your partner with a critical eye when near the twins.
“...I’m sorry, just...just please let’s not make a scene.”
“I won’t as long as your stupid toy doesn’t utter a single sound.”
Sooyoung always pointedly would discuss things with you involving your partner right in front of them, uncaring if it was making them feel invisible or not. They had purposefully wrecked Soooyung’s marriage with you, encroaching on you despite your marriage status. But you were just as equal to blame as they were, you had allowed yourself to be seduced into another person’s arms when Sooyoung was out working to support the family.
You opened your mouth to say something but you stopped with the stage hall suddenly darkened, an indication that the play was about to start. Sooyoung noticed you glance at her one last time but she purposefully ignored , instead fixing her attention on the stage as she readied herself in slight anticipation to watch her son and daughter perform in the school play.
She noticed you turn to your partner from the corner of her eye but she ignored it. You were not the focus tonight, Areum and Jinyoung were, and so she was going to keep it that way. They had asked for the two of you to attend and be peaceful with one another, and she was going to carry out that wish, even if it meant she had to deal with the presence of the person who stole her wife.
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The words were so taunting to her as she stared at the document that you had slid to her on the kitchen counter, the glasses of wine that she had poured for the two of you remaining untouched as you watched Yerim read through the first page of the document you had drawn up with your lawyer. Yerim remained unmoving, inaudible, and completely withdrawn.
“...I refuse.”
Yerim looked up from the paper to look at you, her eyes resolute with determination while you simply sighed, shaking your head as you turn your back and took a few steps away from her, walking over to the kitchen sink to try gather your thoughts. Yerim stood up from the kitchen stool, her eyes locked on your back as she walked around the kitchen counter.
“We can make it work Y/N. We can go to a counselor, sort out our issues, we can-”
“Our issues are not something that some stranger can just fix Yerim.” You said, not bothering to look back at her but you words were as sharp as a knife.
Yerim continued to walk towards you but she stopped when you raised your hand to stop her, your fingers tense and straight as you held them in the air for a few moments before returning them back to your crossed arms. You were staring out the kitchen window at the clear night sky, the stars shining brightly in the galaxy above, being the only witnesses to the unfolding scene,
“Just sign the papers.”
“I am not signing away Jinyoung.” Yerim snapped, not taking another step forward but also not retreating.
 She was not just going to sign away her newborn son or wife. She has also been skilled at fixing problems and this should be no different. The two of you have gotten into fights before, but never to the extent that you were offering her divorce papers. The document’s existence had completely knocked her off her feet and she was trying to stand up again.
“You’re not signing him away. We can share custody.” You reasoned, still staring out at the kitchen window. Yerim scoffed.
“I basically am. I am giving away half my rights and time with him. He is my son, I am entitled to have him in my home.”
“He is just as much my son as he is yours and you are not entitled to anything.” You finally turned around to look at her, your eyes blazing with an unsaid anger that made Yerim pause in her retort. She had never seen such a fire in you, not even in your and her past arguments. “We decided together to have a baby, and yet you have forced your entire idea of a legacy of him without even consulting me.”
“Is this about the camp? Because I can-”
“This is not about the damn camp Yerim.” You said, marching towards the businesswoman and pressed a sharp finger into her chest, your teeth bared like an animal as you glared at her. “This is about you forgetting the fact that we had a baby because we wanted to start a family, not for you to build a little soldier to honor that stupid legacy that your family has always been obsessed with.”
Yerim couldn’t help but scowl at the mention of her family, you obviously know how much of a sensitive issue they were to the businesswoman. After all, she was forced into business by her father and then pressured to marry by her mother. She was fortunate enough that they had deemed you an acceptable match for her as a her wife, but lately it seemed that a tension had developed between the two of you, especially after you had discovered to be pregnant. She had assumed it was simply because of pregnancy blues or whatever came with it, but now it has seemed to escalated from moody moments to a full-scale separation.
“Don’t bring my family into this. This is about us.”
“Yes, exactly. This is about us and what is best for us, something which you seem to have deemed yourself to be the only one capable of making such decisions!”
You whipped yourself away from Yerim again and started to walk away, only for Yerim to stop you by gripping you by the arm. She tugged you back and forced you too look at her by grabbing you by the soldiers.
“Stop walking away from me! Where is all of this coming from?!” She demanded, urging you to answer her, only to be met with you pushing her away from you, making Yerim stumble into the kitchen counter behind her. You let out a frustrated huff before threading your fingers in your hair and tugging.
“This is coming from the fact that you believe that everything that you say is law! I am feeling suffocated Yerim! I want out!”
“Out? Out of what?”
“Out of this damn marriage!” Your eyes were blazing as you screamed at her, your eyes resembling hot coals as you removed your hands from your hair and instead tightened them into fists by your side. “I am sick of feeling like I am a prisoner on parole with an ankle bracelet! You and your family are suffocating me! I want want to leave!”
“Where is all of this coming from? Did my mother speaker to you? My father?”
Your silence immediately answered her question, making a blaze of fury appear in her body as she walked back to you and grabbed you hand, her other hand cupping your neck and urging you to look at her.
“Y/N, listen to me, just tell me what my parents aid and I will-”
You grabbed Yerim’s hands and forced them off you, taking a few steps backwards to make space between the two of you. You shook your head and turned around, leaning on the kitchen sink for support, ducking your head down to recentre yourself before finally speaking again.
“I am exhausted Yerim. I just want this all to end.”
“Listen Y/N.” Yerim started, taking steps towards you, desperation clawing up her throat and threatening to burst but she tried her best to center herself. She swallowed thickly before reaching out to you again, her hand placing itself on your shoulder. “We can sort through this together. We...we can go away somewhere, we can...we can just...be. Please baby, please don’t force us into this.”
“...I am not the one who forced us into this.’ You finally said, turning around and forcing Yerim’s hand to drop from your shoulder. Your eyes had a deep sadness in them which had previously been masked by the anger from the argument, exhaustion mixed with it. “I am the one who decided to finally address it.”
“I know that you feel the same Yerim. You just have been too proud to admit it.”
“I have not been to proud about anything. Y/N, we just need to-”
Yerim was interrupted by the sound of the baby monitor, the cries of Jinyoung echoing in the kitchen, matching the cries that were coming upstairs from the nursery. You sighed in exhaustion before turning away, heading towards the staircase. “I’ll get it.”
“Please Yerim, I beg of you...just sign it and let me free.”
You finally exited the kitchen, leaving Yerim behind in a stunned silence with a broken heart in the company of a set of documents which had completely wrecked the perfect life that she had previously believed that she had.
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authorhjk1 · 4 months
Welcome party
Kang Seulgi X Bae Irene X Male Reader
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Stop it already."
You chuckle, making your co-worker's thighs quiver. Your warm breath makes her squirm in her seat.
"I didn't have breakfast."
Her voice is interrupted by a deep moan. Your tongue flicks against her clit, making it difficult for her to concentrate on the task at hand.
"Why can't you eat breakfast like a normal person?"
A long lick along her folds makes her pussy lips glisten with spit and her arousal.
"I'm eating right now."
You dive back into your first meal of the day.
"You're supposed to eat food. Not pussy."
Her thighs press against your head as you suck on her clit. It seems she likes it more than she can admit.
When the two of you joined the company together, four years ago, you both had this sexual tension. It only took you a couple of weeks, before the two of you started to fuck everywhere. The bathroom, on your desk after everyone was gone, on her desk, on your boss's desk, even on set.
But, who could blame you?
With a woman like this?
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How could you not?
Well, it all slowly came to a hold about a year ago. The two of you weren't able to see each other often, since you were positioned in different departments. And the minor inconvenience that she had a boyfriend.
But as soon as she broke up with him, she was all over you again. You talked about the good old times. One thing let to another...
And here you are. Kneeling under Bae Irene's desk, devouring her pussy like it's your last day on earth.
"The boss is gonna be here soon."
You don't answer, digging your fingers into the soft skin of her thighs.
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The two of you recently started working together, which means you are sitting in the same office. True to the older days, you both came in way too early.
Which exposes the fact that Irene is currently putting up an act. You know that she would never miss out on an opportunity like this.
"So sweet."
You mumble between licks, making Irene cover her mouth with one hand. No one else is here, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
"Have you always been this good?"
"I've had years of practice, remember?"
All the things you learned about her body seem like muscle memory to you. It has only been two weeks since the two of you got back at it again. And yet, Irene told you that you had sex more often than she had during the whole year, while she was in a relationship.
"That naughty tongue of yours... Fuck!"
Despite being older, Irene loves how you take care of her like this. Her pussy is dripping wet by now, the chair slowly starting to get stained.
"10 more minutes. She is gonna be here by-oh god!"
You interrupt her again. While your hands knead her full thighs, you suck on her clit, letting your tongue flick against it occasionally.
"I don't take that long."
Your cocky response makes Irene grin. She can't see you, but she reaches for your head, pushing your face further into her pussy.
And before your boss comes in, Irene's body freezes in her chair. As if someone pressed the pause button. You can't see her face, but you know her eyes and mouth are wide open. A silent moan leaving her mouth, her back as straight as it can be.
A moment later, she crashes down. Falling into the backrest, her legs quiver and shake.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"
With one last sigh, her body calms itself. You have one last lick, making her flinch, before you wipe her juices off your face.
Why would you eat pancakes or bread for breakfast, if you can just feast on this pussy?
"What do you think?"
You sit across the older woman's desk, nodding at her question.
"I think it would be a good idea."
"Of course you do."
You chuckle, while leaning back into the chair.
Because you are working for a small company, your boss is everyone's boss. Around a hundred people are currently part of the production company "Seongwan designs".
You and Irene have been there from the beginning. Naturally, the two of you have the highest positions, after your CEO Miss Kim.
"Are you almost done with editing by now?"
You smile.
"Yeah. It's gonna be a good MV."
Seongwan designs is offering something that not many companies would. Producing music videos for entertainment agencies. It was a risky move at first, but now, you have a lot of projects. Even from the big three.
"I haven't heard the song yet, I'm too busy. Is it good?"
"It's Twice. How can it not be good?"
Miss Kim nods.
"Of course."
She reaches for three slim portfolios.
"These are our new employees. I know you have a lot on your hands. But so do Irene and I. Would you mind?"
"No problem, boss. I will show them around."
"Great. Irene is currently on set?"
"What's her theme for Itzy's new comeback? She hasn't reported it to me, yet."
"It's Christmas themed."
You and Irene have a lot of liberties, but Miss Kim occasionally wants to check in on you. It's her company after all.
You lose your train of thought as you stare at her. You always thought that there is no one who could rival Irene's beauty. And yet...
After pulling yourself together, you introduce yourself, before the three new employees do the same.
Your eyes are glued to her face, when it's finally her turn.
"I'm Kang Seulgi. I will do my best. Please take care of me."
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She bows respectfully.
You already catch the man, who just introduced himself, staring at her.
Since you and Irene are not in any kind of relationship, you imagine yourself having some fun with Seulgi after this tour.
The way she looks is incredible. Her long black hair has blue highlights in it, making her look a little more fierce. Her smile makes her look adorable. But her stare? Fuck. She almost looks evil.
Her white crop top is exposing her beautiful midriff and her small waist. Her chest looks just as good.
Her shorts are barely long enough. Her legs are covered by a pair of fishnets and her big, black boots.
The imprint on her shirt and the bear on her waist make her look cute. But the fishnets, shorts and boots make her look dangerous.
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The combination is too much for you.
"And this is where we usually eat lunch." You end the tour by showing them the cantina. It's a small one, because a lot of the crew are working on different sets and locations. It's never completely full and looks kinda cozy.
"What a coincidence."
You check your watch.
"It's lunch time."
You chuckle, while pointing behind you.
"Help yourself."
Seulgi smiled at your joke, which makes your heart skip a beat. If you could just have her for lunch...
You shake your head as you turn around to follow them.
While you wait in line, you get a call from Irene.
"Grabbing lunch?"
"What's on the menu?"
"Oh, damn. Can you save me some?"
"Sure. See you."
You hang up as it's your time to order. Having worked with her for four years, you know exactly what side dishes she likes to eat.
"Two servings please."
Once you got the food, you blindly follow the one in front of you. Seulgi. It wasn't even intentional. And yet you find yourself sitting next to her, at the table with the two new guys. You catch both of their uneasy eyes.
"Relax, guys. While we are in this room, I'm not your boss. Eat up."
You watch them reaching for their chopsticks.
"For how long have you been here, sir?"
You glance at Seulgi, before reaching for your own.
"Four years. Right from the beginning."
"Wow. You must know a lot about producing."
"There is always more to learn."
You are a very humble person, despite being the second most important person in the company. Well, if you don't count Irene.
Speaking of the devil, you see her entering the cantina. You weren't able to "catch up" with her this morning. You regret it even more, when you see what she is wearing.
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If you would have declined to show the new ones around yesterday, you would know what Irene is wearing underneath that dress of hers. But you are sure you're going to find out soon enough.
You great each other as usual, before she takes one of the plates off your tray. The food does look delicious and you can't wait. You were nice enough to wait for her.
"How is it going with Itzy?"
Despite looking at Irene, you can almost feel Seulgi's eyes widen. You've gotten to know her better over the last hours. She seems to be a pretty gentle and curious person.
"We are managing."
"That sounds like a delay."
You wait for Irene to finish chewing on the rice cake in her mouth.
"No shit, Sherlock. We had to do the group dance scene like a thousand times."
You are used to her bickering, after all, you are not the one she is mad at.
"But you got it now?"
"Yeah. But we are behind on schedule."
It's silent for a moment as you and Irene eat your food.
"M-May I ask a question?"
You turn to Seulgi.
"Sure. What is it?"
Your reassuring smile gives her confidence.
"Why is it so bad, if you can't keep the schedule? It's not your fault, right? Shouldn't their company deal with it?"
"You are way to naive."
Irene dismisses her by waving her hand, before reaching for the glass of water in front of her. You decide to explain further.
"You might think so, Seulgi. But their company doesn't. They usually have a release date set already. And if we don't meet their expectations, it's our fault. It doesn't matter, if their idols mess up."
"I see."
Seulgi nods, before returning to her food.
You give Irene a quiet glare, to not let her frustration out on the new employees.
The older woman glares back at you.
"Stop looking and eat."
You roll your eyes.
Irene quickly uses her chopsticks to steal your boiled egg.
She grins at you, before putting it into her mouth.
"Please. You can have mine, sir."
You see Seulgi's egg in between her chopsticks.
"It's alright, Seulgi. Thank you though."
"Please, I insist."
You nod awkwardly, letting her put her egg into your bowl.
If you would've looked up, you would have seen Irene's disapproving glare.
Yes, the two of you aren't in a relationship. But she can't help but feel weird by the way Seulgi treats you. She is the one you are supposed to fuck after all.
Making sure you know that as well, Irene moves her foot underneath the table.
You look at her as you feel her shoe rub against your crotch.
"I want you so bad right now."
Irene captures your lips with hers.
"You are some needy slut, you know that?"
"Shut up and kiss me."
The two of you stumble into the bathroom.
Since it's right next to your office, you both work in one room, there aren't many people who use it. Irene's reputation of being a little cold keeps them away. Which makes the bathroom a great place for eating your dessert.
Irene's warm lips taste like the Tteokbokki she just ate. Her tongue explores your mouth, searching for your own.
You feel her hand undoing your belt as your right one sneaks around her waist.
"Praise me."
She mumbles into your mouth as your pants drop to the floor.
"You're so fucking hot."
You say between breaths, before kissing her again.
"I love how small your waist is."
Emphasizing your point, you place your second hand on it as well.
Irene sighs as she takes off your boxers.
"Your pussy is the tightest I've ever had."
You make her moan by kissing her neck.
"Your skin is soft and tasty."
You just say whatever comes to mind.
Irene is stroking your cock, while the two of you keep making out.
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"I love how your thighs wrap around my head, when I eat you out."
Irene moans, remembering yesterdays morning.
"Tell me how good I suck your cock."
She bites your lip as she strokes your cock, making it hard.
"I think you need to show me first."
Irene pulls away, a naughty grin on her face.
She drops to her knees, your cock right in front of her.
"How can I resist?"
She licks your shaft, closing her eyes.
"That cock of yours."
She sighs, almost to herself. You could think she starved for days by the way she starts to give you head.
Her lips wrap tightly around your tip, before Irene bobs her head up and down. Her tongue is pressed against the underside of your cock, playing with your tip, whenever she pulls away.
"You are amazing."
You feel her smile around your cock.
Irene let's her lips glide along the length of your shaft a couple times more.
"This tastes so good."
She kisses around your tip, before licking up your precum.
"I might get addicted."
True to her words, her blowjob increases in pace once more.
Irene places her hands on your thighs, ready to face fuck herself onto your cock. You reach out to put her hair behind her ears.
Gag after gag escapes her mouth as Irene starts to go up and down your shaft with an incredible pace. You don't know why she is so aggressive today, but you love it.
It only takes a short amount of time for her mouth to make you weak. You weren't lying when you told her she is amazing. She really is good at this.
You can't believe her makeup is still intact as she uses her mouth to pleasure you. Irene becomes sloppier by the second. Some of her spit is already staining the tiles she is kneeling on.
"Fuck. You are so good at giving head."
You sigh as Irene just won't stop devouring your cock.
"I-I want to fuck you."
Her work makes you stutter already. But only those words can make her stop.
You haven't fucked her since yesterday. That's a long time already. You finally want to feel her pussy again.
Irene let's your spit covered cock fall out of her mouth.
"Make me scream."
That's all she says before you pull her up.
For the hundredths time since you two work together, you bend Irene over the sink. That position alone makes her short dress ride high enough to expose her cheeks.
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"How could you wear something like this? People could think this is actually see through."
You reach underneath her dress to knead her right cheek.
"Don't talk. Just give it to me."
You reach for her center, ready to slide her underwear down her creamy legs, but you instead touch her naked pussy.
"You really are a slut."
Irene rises her head to look at you through the mirror.
"I'm not. You are the only guy I fuck."
You raise an eyebrow. You don't have anything exclusive going on and you expected Irene to be able to fuck anyone she wants.
"I only dress like this so you can give me a good pounding whenever I need one."
You grin, knowing what she means. You see Irene's naked body pretty much everyday. There is nothing the two of you haven't done with each other yet.
With your wet dick in your hand, you push inside Irene's tight snatch. Her own saliva is lubricating your cock enough for now.
"Oh gosh. This never gets old."
She sighs as you push further. Your cock slowly fills up her pussy. It's unbelievable how tight Irene is. For a moment, you wonder if your new co-worker is just as tight...
Irene's moan brings you back to reality, when you bottom out inside of her.
"Fuck, that's it."
She sighs in disappointment.
"I wish we had more time, but I only have a couple of minutes."
She locks eyes with you through the mirror.
"Fuck the stress out of me. Hurry up."
You gladly start to fulfill her request.
Deep and hard thrusts push Irene's hips into the sink. Her hands hold onto the edges, her knuckles slowly start to turn white.
She hisses through her teeth, enjoying how deep you are inside of her.
As you continue to fuck her, you start to increase your pace. As you fuck the stress out of her, Irene's hair starts to become a mess in her face. Her volume increases. The sound of your hips meeting her cheeks echo through the bathroom.
"Fuck me harder!"
Her tight pussy makes it difficult to last very long. You feel her flexing her muscles, trying to make you cum as fast as possible.
Your hands glide from her waist towards her shoulders. After brushing her hair away, you take hold of them, using your grip to pull Irene's full body against you.
"Oh gosh!"
Irene loses her grip on the sink, reaching behind her to hold onto both of your arms. Taking a step forward, you are almost lying her onto the sink, her face mere inches away from the mirror.
You see mist form on the glass surface as moan after moan escapes her mouth. Keeping your pace, you feel her getting closer.
You know all the signs by now. The way she furrows her eyebrows, the way she bites her lip, the way her moans sound. They all tell you that Irene can't keep this up for much longer.
Her hair keeps swinging wildly in front of her face as you take her from behind. How often did the two of you do this? Right here? Probably at least five times in the last two weeks.
"Make me cum! Hurry up!"
You almost have to chuckle. How is she still able to worry about her schedule? Pressing your lips together, you use more force to thrust into her.
By now, Irene's head shakes uncontrollably with ever push and pull.
If she is still able to scream, you aren't fucking her hard enough.
It only takes a couple more of your powerful thrusts, until you can finally convince her body to climax.
As always, Irene seems to be frozen. Her mouth hangs open, her glassy eyes stare at you through the mirror.
A moment later, her knees buckle, a deep moan escapes her lips, and Irene almost falls to the ground.
You keep her standing, letting her stay in this position, bend over the sink.
"I'm close, too."
She smiles to herself, slowly getting on her knees.
You watch as she starts to take your shaft into her mouth again. Her mouth replaces her pussy, sucking her own juices off your cock.
"Fuck, Irene."
You groan, feeling your orgasm approaching. The combination of her pussy and mouth is something no one can resist. Not even you. Eve though this is almost an everyday occurrence.
You cup Irene's right cheek with your hand as she looks up at you. She does look a little more relaxed, although you expect her to call you tonight. The rest of her day is going to be stressful as well.
The thought of fucking her again and the way Irene's tongue swirls around your tip, finally makes you cum.
"You are so good at that."
You are barely able to mumble those words, before you unload inside her mouth.
Irene hums in satisfaction, waiting for you to finish. Once your eyes are focused again, you watch her gulp down your cum.
"You are turning me into an addict, you know?"
You laugh as you help her up.
"Cum is good for your health. That's a scientific fact."
Irene chuckles as you pull your pants back up.
"I call you."
With that, your co-worker is gone.
You scratch your head as you go over the documents and scripts. Something is missing. Where did you put the script for the next dance video? You sigh in frustration, sometimes you hate that you can be messy. You definitely put it on your desk earlier. Right?
You get up, looking around the office. Or is it in of the shelves?
You start to go through them, looking for Twice's dance video script. It's supposed to be released together with the MV. The shooting for the music video is done, but you have to start with filming the dance video. The girls are coming over tomorrow.
Or maybe one of the stylists took it to prepare their outfits? You hate it, when people just take your stuff.
"Bloody hell."
You grumble as you walk out of your office.
Reaching the floor beneath yours, you look around the big room. Around thirty desks. Half of them are occupied, all of them have at least one shelf standing behind them. You groan internally. You still have to finish editing.
As your eyes wander through the room, they get caught up on the person who is sitting a few meters away. Maybe she can help you find it.
You asked Seulgi to go through some old footage after lunch, hoping she could gather some useful information for future projects and maybe even learn something.
You call her, while walking towards her desk.
Her eyes seem to be glued to the screen, her complete being indifferent to everything that's going on around her. Including you.
You are only a few steps away. You see that she has taken some notes on a piece of paper, but the pen is lying on the desk now. She is biting her nail. It looks like she is watching something way too interesting.
"Kang Seulgi."
She almost falls out of her chair, when you call her name. Standing right beside her, you see how her cheeks flush red.
A look at her monitor makes you swallow hard. She must have taken the wrong video tape out of the material room. Miss Kim keeps the old tapes on the right side. And the security footage on the left. Seulgi seems to have picked up the wrong kind of video.
A video of you to be exact. Well, you aren't the only one in it. The other person is actually sitting on your lap. You see yourself in your own chair, your pants around your ankles.
No other than Bae Irene is riding your cock like crazy, her hips slamming down onto you.
You curse Miss Kim for unnecessarily keeping all of the old security footage.
You look at Seulgi. Her eyes are wide open in shock. Her innocent face is red with either shame or arousal. You are not sure yet.
Glancing at the monitor again, you see the time stamp. Seulgi must have watched this for at least half an hour by now.
You turn the video and monitor off, before walking away. Not turning around, you hear Seulgi's hurried footsteps. The two of you pass by the cantina, follow two different hallways, until you find yourself in the underground parking lot.
Finally turning around, you see Seulgi standing there. Her fingers are intertwined in front of her as she looks down, a coy look on her face.
"I-I'm sorry, sir. I must have picked the wrong one."
"And you only figured this out thirty minutes in?"
"N-No. I-"
"Did you like watching it?"
You see Seulgi bite her lip, but she shakes her head.
"I was just about to turn it off, sir."
You take a step closer. Her vanilla sent was covered by the smell of food during lunch, but you can now freely enjoy her smell.
"You only watched, right?"
"Y-Yes, sir."
"Then what is that?"
You point at the center of Seulgi's shorts.
She gasps, before covering it with both hands, without even looking down.
There is nothing there. But it confirms your assumption. If Seulgi did more than just watch...
"I spilled some water earlier. It was a mistake."
Seulgi bows.
"It's alright."
You put your hands in the pockets of your pants, which seems to relax her a little. Looking around, you confirm that there aren't any cameras around.
"Take them off."
Seulgi looks at you. Completely bamboozled.
"Take off your shorts."
Your eyes meet and Seulgi can't do anything but nod.
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You watch as she starts to undo her belt, before opening the buttons. She looks down, trying to avoid eye contact.
Her waist looks even smaller as Seulgi pulls down her shorts. You see that her black panties are darker in the front.
"What do you think about me, fucking Irene?"
As you ask her, you let a finger slide behind her waistband.
Seulgi's breath hitches. She looks down at what you are doing, until she finally answers.
"I-I liked it."
"What did you like?"
Your finger glides along the smooth skin right above her snatch.
"I liked h-how often you made her cum."
Your finger reaches her clit, when she says the last word.
"Are you prepared to cum right here?"
Seulgi opens her mouth to protest, but you circle around her clit. A moan comes out instead, which makes her cover her mouth immediately.
"Don't be shy. No one is here."
You take her hand off her mouth with your own.
"I've seen how you looked at me today. I'm not surprised."
Seulgi looks away, unable to admit that she was actually checking you out.
"I've meet more than enough girls like you."
Your hand moves a little lower, your finger slowly parting her lips. You feel Seulgi's wetness slowly coating your finger.
"You all think it's fun to seduce your boss, until he makes you his sex toy."
You slip your finger inside her as you say the last word.
Seulgi's wide open eyes look up at you. Her cheeks are still red, now definitely because of arousal.
"Then, you all want to stop. Because you think so highly of yourself."
You move your finger slowly. In and out.
Her body is reacting to your touch. Your other hand is now reaching for her top, your palm slightly presses against her right chest.
"You think, you could have any man you want, don't you?"
Seulgi is unable to speak. She never expected you to dominate her like this. She feels dirty, but good. Your finger makes her rub her thighs together.
"Do you want the truth?"
You wait a couple of moments, your finger moving in and out, until Seulgi nods.
"A woman like you is only good for one thing. Her body."
You inch closer, kissing her neck. Your warm breath gives her goosebumps. She doesn't step back, her feet feel like they are glued to the ground.
"You can't have any man you want. You can only have one man. One man, whom you belong to."
Irene wasn't the first woman you slept with, so you have enough experience to judge Seulgi's character. Although she acted modest, her outfit was definitely not. She visibly liked the attention from your co-workers. And yet, she gave you her egg during lunch. She couldn't keep her eyes off you.
You expected her to be innocent on the outside, while she is dirty and slutty on the inside. Your judgment finally turns out to be true.
Seulgi still doesn't talk back to you. She only moans quietly, her thighs rubbing against each other.
"That means, I can use you however I see fit."
You knead her breasts over her top, making Seulgi gasp.
"When, where and how."
To emphasize your point, you insert a second finger into her needy cunt.
"Do we understand each other?"
Seulgi sighs heavily as she feels both of your fingers move inside of her.
You are not very dominant with Irene, partially because she is quite dominant herself. But you like to be in charge. Just like this. Since you can't really do that with Irene, Seulgi will have to suffice.
"Answer me."
She finally nods. The young woman finally admits to her slutty side. She knows that this is how it should be.
"I will count down from ten now."
You start increasing your pace, after curling your fingers upwards inside of her.
"If you cum too early or too late, there are gonna be consequences."
You don't even have to ask if she understood anymore. Seulgi is already nodding, pressing her lips together.
Seulgi holds onto your arm, trying to stand upright.
Your other hand is still playing with her chest above her top, switching from left to right.
A cute whimper escapes Seulgi's mouth.
Your move your fingers inside of her, feeling how wet she is becoming.
Seulgi is moaning freely by now. She has stopped caring, only enjoying the pleasure that radiates from her center.
Her hips buck forward, her body starting to get out of control.
Seulgi is trying her best to make herself cum by thinking about what she watched. She wishes she could be the one, bouncing in your lap.
She imagines how big your cock must be, the camera didn't have a good angle. Irene was always blocking the view.
Seulgi feels her body heating up, her cheeks are flushed red. Her eyes are closed as she whimpers loudly.
She feels how you cup her breasts as you finger her. Both sensations make her stumble towards the edge.
"Oh goooood!"
Seulgi moans loudly as she shakes, her pussy contracting around your fingers.
Her orgasm is quite different from Irene's. While the older woman feezes, Seulgi moans and shakes, cuming wildly on your fingers.
You shut her up by kissing her, finally tasting those lips that look so inviting.
Seulgi is barely able to react as her body moves on its own.
You lick your fingers as if you just ate something sticky. Seulgi's pussy juices definitely are delicious.
Entering your office, you see Irene sitting in her chair.
"Back already?"
She turns around.
"Yeah. Where were you? One of the stylists came by to return your script. It's on your desk."
Your mood is too good to be annoyed that someone took your stuff without asking.
You walk past her to get to your own chair.
"Am I actually going to see you tonight, or are you gonna ditch me again?"
You raise and eyebrow at Irene's question.
"I know you are an workaholic. Especially while editing."
You roll your eyes.
"Don't worry, I will be there tonight."
Irene nods.
She suddenly stands up to look at you above her monitor.
"Or are you getting tired of me?"
The sudden change in her voice makes you shake your head. As if Irene is suddenly sad.
"Of course I'm not. How could I grow tired of a woman like you?"
Irene gives you a weak smile.
"Well, I'm not getting any younger."
You chuckle.
"Neither do I. But you are still one of the hottest women I've ever seen."
She looks around the room, clearly not knowing how to respond.
"Well, thank you."
You see her fidgeting with a piece of paper.
"Is it about what we are doing then? Has the sex with me become too boring?"
You shake your head.
"Maybe we should switch it up a little."
You lean back in your chair, raising an eyebrow.
Irene shrugs her shoulders.
"What haven't we done so far?"
You think about it for a while.
"I think we are just missing something new."
You look up, when you hear Irene break the silence.
"You use all my holes on a regular basis. I make you cum, you make me cum. We tried domination and everything."
You remember how it felt, being tied up to the chair in her apartment. Irene didn't hold back that night. She did everything she wanted with you, without you being able to resist.
"We did it in public, here, and on set."
She continues on with her list.
"We used toys and all. What are we missing?"
"Wy don't you google it?"
You ask jokingly.
To your surprise, Irene sits back down.
"Good idea."
You chuckle. You've known her for four years and she keeps surprising you.
"I did some research."
You look down at Irene. Her head is resting on your naked chest. You play with her hair as the two of your recover from your recent activities.
Irene shuffles around a little, putting one of her legs over yours. She can feel the cream pie you left in her ass, slowly oozing out. Her ass is still sore, which makes it a little uncomfortable.
"There is some stuff we didn't try yet."
"I'm listening."
"We never did something with like... other people, you know?"
"Other people?"
You wonder if you would be able to share Irene. Of course she is beautiful enough for two guys. But you don't know how you would feel, fucking her together with someone else. It already felt weird, knowing that she slept with her boyfriend, while they were together.
"You mean, you want two guys to fuck you?"
You feel Irene's hand glide over your abs as she paints lazy circles with her fingers.
"Not necessarily. Although it could be nice."
It dawns on you a moment later.
"Another woman?"
Irene hits you.
"Don't sound too excited."
You chuckle, patting her head.
"Are you sure?"
Irene nods.
"Why not? It's not like I'm not gonna get anything out of it."
"Do you have someone in mind?"
You wait for Irene to think about it.
"A certain co-worker comes to mind."
You feel your cock harden, thinking about Seulgi.
You pretend to be oblivious.
"Seulgi. The one who keeps drooling while looking at you."
"Don't exaggerate."
"I'm not."
She raises her head and turns it towards you.
"I heard her, when I left work. She was in the bathroom downstairs, getting herself off by thinking about you."
You laugh.
"I'm serious. I didn't even have to go inside. I was able to hear her moan your name as I walked by."
"Can't blame her."
Irene sighs in annoyance.
"Don't think too highly of yourself."
You lie your hand back on her head, making Irene lie down on your chest again.
"So, how do you want to approach her? Just ask?"
She shakes her head.
"I think it's not that easy."
You think about how you fingered Seulgi in the parking lot. It kinda was.
"We should come up with a good strategy."
The two of you think about it for a while.
Two days later
You stop your car, taking a look at the cozy hotel. It has old-fashioned Korean style.
After getting out and walking closer, you see Irene coming out from the front door.
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"You are late."
You simply reply, before the two of you walk towards the entrance.
"Is Seulgi already here?"
The two of you told Seulgi that the whole company is gonna throw a welcome party for the new co-workers. Of course, Seulgi wanted to come and even asked if you would be there as well.
You are now seeing her walking towards the two of you.
"Hi, sir."
"Hello, Seulgi."
You greet her.
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The two of them wear big boots, which doesn't get past you unnoticed.
"Look at that dress of hers."
Irene whispers as Seulgi walks in front of you two.
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"I bet she is hoping she is gonna get lucky tonight."
"Let's make sure we even surpass her expectations."
"It seems like they are all running late."
Irene says as the three of you "wait" for the others.
You are all sitting in a small room around the table on the ground. Seulgi is sitting next to you, while Irene sits across from you.
You like how she is dressed. She left her white fur coat behind and is now wearing a white top, that shows off her shoulders. Her brown skirt is partially see through. The tie at the front is practically begging you to pull on it. The combination of the skirt and her black, knee high boots makes her legs look longer than usual.
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Seulgi lost her down jacket as well. She is definitely wearing this blue, skin tight dress on purpose. Because she is sitting cross-legged, the hem has moved up her thighs. You only have to glance down to get a glimpse at her white panties.
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You place a hand on Seulgi's naked thigh. She shivers at your touch, her panties slowly becoming damp. Your hand slowly moves up and down her thigh, occasionally moving the hem of her dress up even further.
Irene starts a conversation with Seulgi. The latter is unable to respond properly.
"Are you alright?"
Irene "notices" that Seulgi is acting a little awkward.
"I-I'm fine."
She manages to say, closing her mouth quickly, before a moan escapes.
The two continue their conversation, while you begin to rub Seulgi's pussy through her panties. They slowly start to become transparent due to her juices.
Irene pretends to be oblivious to Seulgi's moans. The younger woman isn't able to keep quiet anymore.
After you and Irene decided to make Seulgi the lucky girl who gets to sleep with the two of you, you came up with a plan on how to seduce her.
"If you go to the bathroom now and record a video of you fingering yourself, I'm gonna fuck you tonight."
You stop moving your hand as you speak through your teeth, making Seulgi think that Irene is still in the dark.
Seulgi sighs at the lack of your touch, before hurriedly excusing herself.
The two of you watch your new co-worker rush to the bathroom.
"I wanna see how she looks when she cums."
You chuckle at Irene's words.
Pulling out your phone, you see that Seulgi is video calling you. You pick up and position the phone, so that you and Irene can watch, without Seulgi knowing.
You hear her moan and mewl. She has already gotten rid of her panties and is now sitting on the closed lit of a toilet.
Her fingers move in and out of her pussy, making her juices drip down her thighs.
"What do you think about making her beg for it?"
"What do you mean?"
The two of you watch Seulgi.
"We planned on you fucking her and me coming in. Why don't we switch that up?"
"Sure. When do you want to-"
"I don't want to do it upstairs."
Irene gives you a knowing look as you feel her hand rest on your crotch.
You place your phone on the table as you see Irene crawl towards you. She starts to unbutton your pants to the sounds of Seulgi fingering herself in the bathroom.
Her cute moans seem to turn on Irene just as much as they turn you on. The older woman's head is already resting above your cock. She can be quite quick to get rid off your pants, when she wants to.
Her lips feel as good as they always do as she wraps them around your tip. You caress her naked shoulders, feeling the smoothness of her skin.
Judging by the volume of Seulgi's moans, you can confidently say that she is close to orgasm. You hear her saying your name once in a while. It makes you push Irene's head further down. She hums, acknowledging your need for more pleasure.
While you enjoy Irene's blowjob, you hear Seulgi finally reaching her orgasm. With a shriek, she cums all over her fingers, almost dropping her phone. Her legs quiver and her chest is moving up and down at a very quick pace.
It almost has the same rhythm as Irene's head as she keeps sucking you off.
"Seulgi is done."
You inform Irene, waiting for her decision on what to do next.
She straddles your lap, slightly lifting her skirt in the process. She shows off her lack of underwear, grinning proudly.
"Fuck me."
She slowly lowers herself onto your cock.
You groan as you penetrate her pussy, gliding inside her entrance.
You fucked Irene in the bathroom just this morning. And yet, here you are again, feeling her weight on your lap as she sinks down to take in all of your cock.
You start to pepper her naked shoulders with kisses as Irene slowly begins to ride you. It's more sensual than usual. Instead of bouncing up and down, she circles her hips on top of you.
When Seulgi slides the door open, her eyeballs almost fall out of their sockets. She can't believe what she is seeing, her mouth wide open.
You are still sitting next to the table, your back now turned towards her. Irene is sitting in your lap, grinding against you, while rotating her hips. Seulgi sees that your pants are gone.
"Hello, there."
Irene greets her as if she just came in for work in the morning.
Seulgi is unable to process what is going on.
Irene wants to say something, but your cock grazes her g-spot in that moment. A moan comes out of her opened lips.
Seulgi is still standing in place. She is too shocked to stay or to leave. She doesn't know what she is supposed to do. The two of you look so fucking hot. But you are still her boss...
"You want his dick so bad, don't you?"
Irene starts to speak up, her tone dripping with lust.
"You can't though. This is all mine."
She locks eyes with Seulgi, while grabbing a fistful of your hair. She makes you lick her shoulders, while she keeps moving on top of you. You are more than happy to taste that porcelain like skin of hers.
Seulgi mumbles inaudible words.
"W-What? H-How?"
"Tell me how bad you want him to rail you. Maybe I will give you a chance."
Seulgi is still standing in the door, completely bamboozled.
What is she supposed to do?
"Fuck, your pussy is so tight."
You can't help but groan. You don't even do it to lure Seulgi in. It's just a fact.
"Your cock is just so big. It splits me open."
Irene moans. You don't know if she is exaggerating, but you think she told you this a couple of times already.
Seulgi can't help but let her hand slide over her dress. Because it's so tight, she doesn't even need to lift it to rub over her clit.
"You are such a slut, Kang Seulgi."
Irene mocks her as she keeps grinding on your cock.
"Wearing that slutty dress, thinking (y/n) would fuck you."
She let's out an evil laugh.
"You don't get any of his cock, until you beg for it. Like a good little whore."
Seulgi has been thinking about this, since you made her cum two days ago. Is she really this kind of woman? What would her parents say to all this? She only met you two days ago. But her bosses are now asking her to beg. Is this really where she wants to work? Shouldn't she just quit? Isn't this sexual harassment?
But for some reason, her snatch still responds. As if Seulgi's body needs this. She knows it's wrong and yet, she finds herself kneeling on the wooden floor.
"Please, let me have some cock, sir. Please."
Seulgi whines, hoping to convince you quickly.
Maybe this kind of work environment wouldn't be so bad. Getting fucked by her boss on a daily basis? Seulgi can't say no to that.
You turn your head, seeing Seulgi kneel on the floor. Her hands are rubbing her naked thighs. She is obviously desperate, despite just cuming in the bathroom. She is hesitant to touch herself, not sure if Irene would scold her for it.
Irene let's out another moan, slowly starting to go up and down on your cock instead of just grinding her hips.
"I knew you are slut."
She takes your glass and spills the contents onto the wooden surface of the table.
"Clean that up. Maybe you are lucky."
Her empty promises make Seulgi hesitate. Her boss is making her clean up the table, just so she can sleep with you?
"Use your tongue, cutie."
For a moment, Seulgi is disgusted. She would never clean the table with her tongue. But the way Irene calls her cutie, makes Seulgi feel something different. Similar to what she feels when you order her around, but not quite the same.
She finally crawls forward, kneeling right behind you. Irene takes her hand off your shoulder, holding Seulgi's chin in her hand.
"You would do anything for you boss's cock, wouldn't you?"
A glance at your face makes Seulgi nod. If she could be the one in your lap...
Irene pushes her head downwards. Seulgi sticks out her tongue, feeling the numbing taste of the alcohol. Why do you have to drink whiskey? Seulgi hates it's taste. And yet, it makes you even more attractive in her eyes.
She now closes them, trying her hardest not to flinch as she laps up the brown liquid.
At the same time, Irene keeps riding your cock. She is visibly turned on by ordering Seulgi around. Her pussy feels wetter than usual. And tighter. The view of her naked shoulders make her look extremely sexy. You can sometimes see a hint of her pussy, sliding down the length of your cock, through her skirt.
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Looking to the side, you have to gulp as you see Seulgi, almost bend over the table. Her ass looks so good in that dress. The white lace hem is slowly riding up her thighs and you are able to see a glimpse of her soaked panties. They are practically see through by now.
The view is almost too much for you. Adding Irene's constant riding to it, slowly starts to overwhelm you.
You can't help but place a hand on Seulgi's ass. You knead her cheeks through the blue fabric, enjoying their fullness. She moans into the table as she is about to finish cleaning.
"Spank the shit out of her."
Irene whispers into your ear.
By now, it takes a lot of willpower to raise your hand. Your body urges you on to just get a hold of Irene's hips and make her go faster. It's screams for release, but you manage to hold back.
A loud shriek echoes through the room, when your hand meets Seulgi's right butt cheek. She never expected to be spanked. It's more out of shock than pain, but she shrieks yet again, when you hit her left cheek.
"Take daddy's spanking, baby girl."
Irene moans in Seulgi's direction, before letting her head roll back. It exposes her beautiful throat. You start to kiss that spot, slightly pressing against it.
Without even looking, you give Seulgi another set of spanks. She moans loudly.
"Please more, daddy. Spank me so much, until you are satisfied. Just please, let me have your cock."
You are surprised that Seulgi is calling you daddy, without Irene having to tell her to do so.
Even Seulgi doesn't know what has come over her. The pain in her ass cheeks makes her pussy wet.
"More begging."
You feel Irene slowly coming to an hold. She knows your body we'll enough to not make you trip over the edge. She slowly starts to get off you, her slick pussy leaving your cock drenched with her juices.
"Now that your tongue is warmed up, you can eat my pussy. I will let you have some cock afterwards."
You and Seulgi both notice that Irene left out the word maybe. The younger woman nods eagerly. Is this her final task?
The two of you watch Irene, quickly getting rid off the last two glasses and the small plate of egg rolls. She sits down on the edge of the table, right in front of Seulgi's face.
You scoot back, the room is a little small. Seulgi dives underneath Irene's skirt, aiming her tongue at her pussy. For a while, you are just content with watching.
Irene combs through Seulgi's hair as she eats her out. You hear the noises the younger woman makes and Irene's moans.
Your gaze lands on Seulgi's ass. That dress of hers just looks so good on her.
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You can't hold back anymore.
Kneeling down behind Seulgi, you hike up her dress. A little is already enough for you to see her full ass. Sliding her panties to the side, you start to eat her out.
Seulgi's pussy tastes delicious. A little different from Irene, but still delicious.
You make her moan into Irene's cunt, which makes the older woman moan in return.
Their lewd sounds fill the room as you pleasure Seulgi and she pleasures Irene.
After having climaxed just a couple of minutes ago, Seulgi's pussy is still sensitive. You can feel it by the way she keeps grinding against your face. She is desperate and needy.
It takes you little effort to make her orgasm. Years of experience with Irene make it easy for you to know how to eat out Seulgi properly.
Seulgi's loud moan is muffled by Irene's pussy as she cums on your face. Her legs shiver and her back starts sagging.
When you finally get back up, your eyes meet Irene's. Without words, you are able to tell her that you can't hold yourself back much longer. She nods in understanding.
"Are you ready to be daddy's office slut, baby?"
Seulgi nods, her face buried inside Irene's snatch.
"Tell me how often you want him to fuck you."
Seulgi lifts her head to look at Irene.
"Everyday, please. I don't care where, or who watches. I just need that cock."
You are surprised at Seulgi's cravings. She has never even seen your cock in real life. Only on the tape from security. How did Irene make her so desperate?
"In the morning, during lunch, after work. I don't care as long as he fucks me, please."
Seulgi turns her head to look at you over her shoulder.
"Please, daddy. I will be an obedient toy for you. Just give me your cock, please."
You align your cock with her dripping wet cunt.
An unbelievably deep, lustful moan leaves Seulgi's mouth. As if she has waited for this for months. She feels your cock spreading her pussy lips apart, penetrating her further and further. You feel even bigger inside of her than she expected. She struggles with your girth, realizing that Irene wasn't exaggerating earlier. You really are tearing her pussy open.
She whines, wanting you to stop, but wishing you would keep going at the same time.
"Make her take all of your cock at once."
Irene raises her chin to see what's going on behind Seulgi.
You keep pushing deeper, until you finally bottom out inside of Seulgi for the first time. She moans and mewls, trying her best to adjust to your size.
"What are you waiting for?"
Irene eggs you on as she plays with her own pussy, Seulgi unable to keep eating her out.
"She is yours. It doesn't matter if she can take it or not. She has to."
For a moment you hesitate, but a look at Seulgi's ass makes you move. You pull out of her quickly, before slamming yourself back inside.
"Oh god!"
Seulgi almost screams. Irene enjoys Seulgi's wide open eyes as you start to fuck her.
Both of their moans must be audible outside. A lot of people must be complaining already. But you don't care.
Experiencing the tightness of Seulgi's pussy makes you forget the rest of the world. She is so wet and tight, making you feel like you are in heaven.
Your thrusts become quicker and harder, the longer you are inside of her. Seulgi's moans increase in volume, while Irene keeps fingering herself.
"Take that cock, honey."
She mumbles in Seulgi's direction, almost too far gone to further degrade the younger woman.
"Take that cock like the whore you are."
You doubt that Seulgi even heard her, her own moans too loud.
"You're tearing me open, daddy! You're so big, daddy!"
It only took you two days to turn Kang Seulgi into your personal slut. You wonder what the future brings.
You imagine yourself, sitting at your desk, while Seulgi kneels underneath, sucking you off. But one thing is for sure, this is not gonna be your last threesome with Irene and Seulgi.
The older woman's body freezes as she finally reaches her own climax. She didn't expect to cum this hard. But she is now unable to hold herself back, after degrading her new co-worker.
And Seulgi? Seulgi's head is only filled with one thought. How hard you fuck her pussy. She is unable to think about the future. She is even unable to think this over. Her mind is in a state of pure bliss as you take her from behind.
Your hands hold her small waist, pulling her back towards you with every thrust you do.
You see another message pop up on her phone. Seulgi's parents are asking her for the third time now, when she is coming to Christmas dinner tonight. Little do they know, what their cute little daughter is doing now.
In fact, Seulgi is being quite naughty. Even on Christmas. You swipe the notification away, focusing back on recording.
Seulgi is kneeling on her knees in front of you, doing what she seems to love. Sucking you off.
Her red and white Christmas outfit almost got her in trouble at work.
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Luckily, you are her boss, which means you took Seulgi into your office giving her a little "talk".
She is now at your place, enjoying your cock, instead of being at her parent's for dinner. You are sitting in one of your comfortable chairs, recording Seulgi's every move. Your Christmas tree in the background really matches Seulgi's outfit.
You tear your eyes off the display, when you hear Irene coming in. She changed into a similar outfit after coming here.
The older woman leans down to capture your lips with hers.
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This might become the best Christmas of your life.
Pushing Seulgi aside, Irene straddles you. The younger girl knows better than to complain. She got her fair share of your cock earlier at work. Celebrating the special day, you decided on taking Seulgi's ass, while she was bend over Irene's desk.
The latter has inserted your cock into her pussy and is now riding you. It is definitely her favourite position. It gives her more control over the situation and degrades Seulgi even more. Because Seulgi isn't allowed to ride your cock. She is only here to be used.
You hand her her own phone after finishing the recording, focusing on Irene on your cock. Seulgi gets wet at the fact that she now has something this sexy, but dangerous on her phone.
She watches Irene bouncing in your lap, letting her hand rub her pussy, waiting for her turn to feel your cock.
You spend the rest of the day in both of their pussies, already excited for what's to come tomorrow.
You discovered what Irene did to Seulgi after you fucked her ass. She inserted a butt plug into the younger girl's ass. Now that you remember, you tell Seulgi to turn around. Once she does, you pull up her dress, spreading her ass cheeks apart. The sight almost makes you drool. The metal fits perfectly between Seulgi's cheeks. Something seems to be engraved into it.
"Daddy's play thing"
Hi everyone!
I hope you enjoyed the second story. I apologize for the bad quality of Seulgi's pictures and the lack of pictures of Irene in that outfit, but I was unable to find more or better ones.
This took me a little longer, being almost 10k words long. I think this is the most words I've written at once. Sorry for the slight delay, compared to last time.
1K notes · View notes
bangtanflirt · 8 months
(Un)natural Instincts (Part 1)
I'm finally showing up in tags again woohoo! 🥳 Thank you guys for your patience!
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angst, fluff, smut
Pairings: OT7 x Fem Reader, Human CEO Reader, Human Assistant Yoongi, Wolf Hybrids Joon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kook.
Basic premise: You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
Part 1 > Part 2
General Warnings: Hybrid abuse and lab experimentation, hybrids as second-class citizens/owned property, future smut (Minors DNI, 18+ content)
Specific Warnings: needles, torture collars, misogyny in the workplace, probably very inaccurate business talk (pls suspend disbelief lmao)
The day starts off as typical as any other, with your assistant bringing you your morning coffee. You mindlessly take a sip while scrolling through your emails, except what welcomes your lips isn’t the usual Americano, but some Iced Matcha abomination—disgustingly too sweet for nine o’clock in the morning. You look up, ready to give Assistant Min a piece of your mind, but instead see a woman in his place.
“Who are you?”
The woman flashes you a nervous smile, hands fiddling in front of her stomach.
“Yoongi-ssi had an emergency, so I’m filling in. I’m the new hire, S—”
“I don’t care what your name is, this isn’t my coffee order. Bring me my Americano before my first meeting.”
“I’m so sorry! I was taking orders for all the executives, so I got confused. I’ll bring it asap!”
She runs off, feet clicking with each hurried step of her heels.
You toss the unnaturally green drink in the trash, annoyed at the setback in your morning routine. After shooting a quick "Are you okay?" text to Yoongi, you're back to your work.
Emails pile up in your inbox as they do every morning, mountains of classified information that you need to comb through before your 10am meeting. It’s tedious, but it’s the family business after all. Your grandfather started Shin Investments in the forties, and your dad took the business to new heights when he took over, now with your parents retired and on some island in god-knows-where, it’s up to you to make sure the company doesn’t lose its footing in the venture capitalist industry.
It's twenty minutes later when your Americano does arrive. Your eyes narrow into slits upon holding the cup in your hands.
“It’s lukewarm.”
“Oh my god, I apologize! Mr. Han stopped me on the way here, briefing me about what to prep for the afternoon meeting. I did not mean to take so long! I’ll heat it up and bring it back.”
You wave your hand dismissively.
“No need. You’re fired.”
The woman almost stumbles on air at your words, catching her balance quickly.
“Miss Shin p-please..I really need this job! I won’t make a single mistake from now on!”
“Too late.” You reach for the cup, the second one of the day to end up in the trash. “Please leave before I call security. I have work to do and no caffeine to help me.”
She doesn’t leave, but rather falls to her knees, waterworks in full effect. You let out a irritated huff.
“Please! Please, I need this!”
You don’t pay the commotion any attention, used to such scenes happening in your office by now. You simply dial security.
Your receptionist watches the new girl get dragged out, eyes sympathetic as she’s tossed right in front of the front desk.
“She-she fired me…all for a cup of coffee…I’ve worked so hard to get into this company and she just…for a fucking cup of coffee!”
Mascara stains a black rim around her eyes.
“I’m so sorry Seulgi-shi. You don’t deserve that.”
“M-maybe I should go beg for a second chance after some time has passed? What if I come back in the eve—”
“You’ll be wasting your time. That would’ve worked with the previous bosses…but Miss Shin is as tough as it gets. It’s unfortunate, but I’ve seen countless people get fired for less than a cup of coffee—dragged out here just like you.”
You overhear the conversation, as the security guard didn’t properly close the door on their way out. You can’t say it makes you feel all that good, crushing some fresh-faced new hire’s dreams, but it sends a message. You knew what you had to do once the company was signed over for you—how you had to conduct yourself to survive. The world of venture capitalism was cutthroat to say the least, and still considered “not women’s business” by many. The sad reality was that, if you wanted to be taken seriously, you’d have to be feared—because respected was rarely an option. So, you play your role well and let the rumor mill do the rest, so everyone knows not to mess with the ruthless bitch of a CEO at Shin Investments.
You walk into the meeting room and the vibe immediately changes: the once lively room of everyone asking each other how their weekends went turns silent enough to hear a feather fall.  Only sound is that of your red-bottoms click-clacking and earrings jingling. You take your seat, motioning for the standing executives to do the same. They can tell you’re more irritated than usual, and that could easily mean a demotion with one wrong move.
“Everyone’s here so let’s jump into it: where are we with HoloPad?”
“We’re at the audit stage ma’am.”
The tension in the air is palpable.
“Th-there’s been some—erm—gap in the books. They are working on fixing it right now.”
“So they’re cooking the books?”
“I-uh-I wouldn’t say—”
“Calling it something else isn’t going to change the fact that they’re cooking the books Mr.Choi. Call off the deal.”
The executives stare at each other with dumbfounded faces, hushed complaints erupting at the table.
“But ma’am…the CEO is the heir of Jun Tech…it’s not advisable to ruin our relationship with them.”
A bunch of others chime in with the same sentiment, and you have the room of men turned against you as usual.
“Is that so Mr.Choi? Do you really advise me to invest millions into a venture that can’t even provide proper financial records? All to avoid making the Jun family angry? Mind I remind you that this is a business, not a family drama?”
“It’s just—”
“And all of you who agree with Mr.Choi here…don’t think I don’t notice the new watches on your wrists. Can’t be a coincidence, can it? Everyone who wants to continue with the deal happening to buy the newest Jun Tech watches at the same time?”
Five people, including Choi, scramble to take off their watches, heads down in shame.
You let out a hollow laugh. “You all are too dumb to even be bribed properly, I can’t believe it! Anyways, I expect five letters of resignation on my desk by tomorrow morning. This is me extending my grace for all the work you’ve done in the company so far, but if you don’t voluntarily leave, I will not hesitate to disgracefully remove you.”
That’s the last thing you say before click-clacking your heels out the room, not missing the outbursts of “bitch” and various other insults blaring from the other side of the door as soon as you leave.
It’s moments like these when you just want to call your father and have him step in to help, but you can’t. You can’t be seen as a fragile little daddy’s girl in a room full of bloodthirsty businessmen. You keep your composure until you’re in the comfort of your office, where you let yourself decompress for a minute. Only a minute, though, because your receptionist is soon knocking at your door to remind you of a charity event tonight—a reminder that would’ve come from the temporary assistant if you had not fired her an hour before.
The charity auction seems standard, with the usual crowd flaunting off their rare pieces of art and jewelry under the guise of doing something good. You’re not in a place to judge too much, considering you’re also here doing the same thing. You are the only one who seems to see how ridiculous it all is though, for the little that’s worth.
“Y/N! Long time no see!”
You’re immediately swept up into various groups of people wanting to “catch-up” (aka keep in your good graces for their next business venture).
Yup. A typical day.
Until Kang Byung-hun approaches you with that same condescending smile he gives you at every event. He’s a short, plump man, a little bit older in age than your father, and he’s a complete pain in your ass. The not-so-subtle jabs during formal dinners, gossiping behind your back, and overall misogynistic world-view makes you want to tear out your hair every time you see him.
“Mr.Kang!” You say in the cheeriest tone, smiling wide. He’s a pain, but he’s got a lot of influence, and you’d be an idiot to dismiss that.
“Ah Y/N. I see you’ve done yourself up for this event. On the lookout for a husband, are we?”
You keep your smile through gritted teeth.
“Just looking my best for the noble cause, sir.”
“I’m sure.”
The wait staff comes around with wine at just the right time, because god knows you can’t deal with this without at least some alcohol in you.
“Oh, I actually do have some business with you. Are you down to talk in private a bit later?”
“Why wait? Let’s talk now.” You’d rather just get it over with.
“It requires some preparation. Have to make a few calls and get some things here. I was going to put on a nice presentation in your office, but now’s a good as time as any!”
“Sounds good sir.”
What you wouldn’t give to just go home, take off these uncomfortable heels, and just face-plant on your soft bed right now. But nope, you have to wait around for this jack-ass to put on his little show. As much as he dismisses you, Kang Byung-hun is no idiot when it comes to business. Whatever his newest idea is, he knows Shin Investments is the best option for financing—especially in the bad state of the market right now.
So an hour before the party is supposed to end, you get a tap on your shoulder by Kang’s assistant, and promptly follow her to one of the spare rooms at the venue. Kang sits with a glass of champagne in hand, flashing a smile that you can’t stand. You take a seat across the circular table.
“We already exchanged pleasantries earlier, so I’ll just cut to the chase. I just got the patent for a new piece of revolutionary technology, and I’d like for Shin Investments to finance the project.”
“What type of technology are we talking?”
“How aware are you with the current market for hybrids, Y/N?”
You shrug nonchalantly. Honestly, the topic of hybrids makes you uncomfortable, as you think of it as unethical to own anything even remotely human, but you keep your personal preferences to yourself.
“I know it’s a booming industry, especially in the last three years. And I know the market is big for training tech right now.”
“Precisely!” He beams. “Training technology is in high demand. You saw how much of a hit the snake hybrid calming diffuser by Pet Armor was. Sold out in minutes! Not to mention raised the demand for snake hybrids in general. That’s when I knew I had to get in on the action and expand to the hybrid market.”
“So is that what it is? Is Pet Paradise launching its own diffuser? For a different type of hybrid?”
He shakes his head, “Nope. You know how I like to do things big, Y/N. A new hybrid diffuser is too small of a scale. What we’re creating will change the hybrid market forever.” He ends with a snap of his fingers, to which his assistant takes cue.
Before you can even process what’s going on, a leashed wolf hybrid is brought into the room.
Your attention immediately goes to the bulky metal collar around his neck, filled with buttons and stats.
“Meet Jungkook, one of the hybrids we’re beta-testing on. That magnificent thing around his neck is the Obedience Collar, and it’s going to blow your mind.”
You feel sick, dinner threatening to come up your throat the sight. The boy looks no older than twenty-one, and has more fear in his eyes than you thought possible. He’s trembling, eyes trained on the floor, trying to make himself small in the big room.
“Now, it’s no secret that wolf hybrids are amongst the hardest to train, that’s why they make the perfect subjects for this,” his assistant hands you an iPad as he talks, “first, I’d like for you to watch a video of Jungkook before he started wearing the Obedience Collar.”
You reluctantly click play, seeing the wolf hybrid with so much life in his eyes. Life and anger. He’s growling and punching his way through a team of researchers, thrashing around for his dear life.
“What a violent and unsophisticated creature he used to be!”
You have to consciously unclench your fists, making sure not to show your true feelings. It’s excruciating to sit there and listen when all you want to do is see how Kang would like it if a group of strangers got their hands on him like that.
“But now, with Pet Paradise’s newest invention, he’s the most timid little thing you could own!”
“A shock collar? Hybrid shock collars are already a thing, Mr.Kang.”
Your voice shakes slightly, and you hope no one notices.
“No no, that’s not what this is. A shock collar is a good training tool, of course, but it’s not the most efficient way to train a hybrid. If you swipe on that iPad, you’ll see the design of this collar is far advanced.”
So you hold your breath and swipe.
And whatever you’re expecting, it’s worse.
This isn’t a normal collar by any means, as proven by the product shots. The inside is lined with thin needles, which you can’t see as they are quite literally jammed into Jungkook’s neck right now.
Holy fuck.
“You see, Y/N, the Obedience Collar works from the inside. The collar is supplied with our newly developed synthetic hormones, which are injected into the bloodstream through the needles. The hormones are specifically structured to work with the DNA of most mammal hybrids, and can even make something as unruly as a wolf hybrid behave. The changes take effect within fifteen minutes of collaring! There’s a little hormone pack in the back of the collar,” he motions for Jungkook to turn around, and the boy obeys instantly, showing the rectangular box in the back of the collar, “those will need to be refilled every six months—which we’ll sell separately, so the business model is more than sustainable. Isn’t this a gold mine of an opportunity?”
Keep calm Y/N. Breathe. Compose yourself.
“Very impressive stuff,” you force out, “but I’m not sure Shin Investments is the right fit for this project. Wouldn’t you want a partner more familiar with the hybrid market?”
“Tsk tsk tsk, Y/N. What kind of venture capitalist is afraid of diversifying their portfolio? You can’t survive this industry if you only play in familiar territory—your grandfather and father both know this very well. Besides, I heard a rumor that the deal with Jun’s son won’t be going through. I’m sure the board members are having low morale right now…so why not appease them with an even better deal?”
You can’t stand the way he chastises you. What you can’t stand even more is that, from a business perspective, he’s making sense. You know a lucrative business when you see one, and this is definitely one of those. And as unintuitive as it seems, it’s all legal. Hybrid abuse isn’t really a thing the government concerns itself with, which is why the only real law is not to intentionally kill one, and even that is enforced loosely. There’s no rules being broken, no shady deals, just a proposal as legal as the meeting you had two days ago where a start-up pitched their new smart fridge. Except this time it’s not a smart fridge you’re discussing, it’s the life of a very scared and no doubt in pain hybrid, that’s standing less than five feet away from you.
Kang sees the gears in your head turning as you find any way to refuse this deal for a rational reason. So he starts playing his game of mind-chess once again, a game he’d mastered since before you were even born.
“Look, I’ll be frank with you. If you were any other woman, I wouldn’t even consider bringing this deal to you. Because we both know most women tend to be too emotional to do good business. But you’re not like that—hell, you’ve got more backbone than half the men at this party. So, what’s stopping you?”
There it was. The emotional card. The thing you were most concerned about, how showing even one ounce of emotion could be blown out of proportion because of your gender. You’ve worked too damn hard to create your reputation, and that’s why the next words out of your mouth spill before you can even think about it.
“You’re right, I was being too cautious. Let’s start with the proper procedures during work hours.”
Shit. He got you. Checkmate.
The man’s face erupts in the sleaziest grin possible.
“Perfect! You won’t regret this, it’s going to be big! In fact, I have one more surprise for you!”
You raise your brows, not needing anymore fucking surprises tonight.
“It’s Jungkook! He’s yours for the month!”
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head at that statement.
“Excuse me?!”
“It’s a token of our appreciation. You get to be the first ever person to own a hybrid with an Obedience Collar! You can see first-hand how remarkable the technology is. There’s five others from his pack that we can continue our tinkering on, so one less won’t hurt us. Don’t worry, the synthetic hormone part is fully developed, we’re just trying to make the collar look sleeker.”
It’s not uncommon nor unethical for you to be gifted prototypes. Businesses love giving you a taste of what you’re putting your money into, as a way to give you confidence in the product and maybe even open up possibilities for a bigger investment. But you’d never thought someone would give you a fucking hybrid.
You almost open your mouth to decline, saying something along the lines of not wanting the responsibility of a hybrid…but then something comes over you. You realize that declining means sending Jungkook back to the lab—and you just can’t bring yourself to do that. The damage you’re going to be doing by investing in this collar is going to be devastating as it is, no doubt making you the indirect torturer of many hybrids to come, but in some twisted sense of morality—you want to at least save the one in front of your eyes. Maybe even pretend that you have some good left in you.
“Thank you. I’d love to take him.”
The car ride back is silent and tense. Jungkook hasn’t said a single word, much less lifted his head to even look at you. He’s still trembling in the passenger seat. You have zero clue how to approach the situation. It’s not like you can take off the collar, as it’s a prototype with data still being transferred to the lab. You agreed to take him home to give him a better life, but you haven’t exactly thought far enough ahead as to how; judging by how scared he is right now, you know this isn’t going to be easy.
It's midnight when you reach home, and all you want to do is sleep. But you can’t yet, not until Jungkook is settled in. You lead him to a spare bedroom; it’s incredibly spacious and practically decorated for royalty, with a king-sized bed right in the center.
“This is where you’ll be staying.”
You see his head lift up for the first time, doe eyes scanning the room in disbelief.
“It’s late so we’ll talk more tomorrow, but for now sleep here. I don’t have nightclothes for you yet, so just sleep in what you’re wearing for the night. There are water bottles on the nightstand if you get thirsty. Do you need anything else before I head to bed?”
He adamantly shakes his head no, prompting you to exit. However, right as you’re about to walk out the door, you hear rumbling. More specifically, his stomach is rumbling. You turn back around.
“You’re hungry, aren’t you?”
No response.
“If you’re hungry, you need to tell me.”
Those words seem to turn some gears in his head, as he utters his first words of the night.
“I’m hungry Miss.”
It catches you off guard how quickly he gets the words out, much different from the no-speaking rule he had enacted on himself up until now.
That’s when the realization hits you.
If you’re hungry, you need to tell me.
It sounds like a command, and that damn Obedience Collar is sure to make him comply.
You let out a defeated sigh before guiding him to the kitchen. Your cook has already called it a day, so you prepare one of the few things your tired brain can handle—frozen waffles. You toss them into a toaster, drizzle some syrup, and pile on a generous amount of whipped cream before pushing a plate in front of the awestruck boy.
“Eat up.”
With the eagerness in which he digs into the plate, you’re sure he’d be the same way without the direct command.
And that’s how your first night with Jungkook goes, with you making sure he’s fed and in his bed before heading to your own. You notice he’s trembling a little less. Baby steps.
A/N: If you're liking this fic, please let me know! I love and appreciate every interaction!
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twice-inamillion · 3 months
The Company
Interlude 1
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Smut and Story Building 
1,185 Words
(A small timeskip. Will be introducing some new characters and imporant events) 
It’s been a couple of months since you and Jessica hooked up. The weekend was one of many nights that the two of you spent together. At first, she made the excuse of visiting IU and Taeyeon and would try to get a quick one before meeting them. You know her trick and obviously didn’t reject the offer. Instead, you made sure to pump a load or two before she left to meet her friends. 
With two confirmed groups for the company, you took some time to get to know them without exposing your position as CEO. You came up with a false position as a trainer/staff to better know some of the trainees before their official debut. 
Your assistants were fine with the idea since it gave you a chance to be involved in their bi-weekly evaluation process, but not most felt that way. There were some staff that were a bit stressed by your presence by having the CEO breathing down their back. You assured them that they could act normally and that your focus was on the trainees.
After the first week, their stress disappeared due to how involved you were with the trainees. They enjoyed watching you become a backup dancer, even cheering you as you took off your shirt. 
“Wow, such a hot body!”
You turned around to catch the person who yelled that but only saw the girls holding their laugh. 
“Alright, let’s end this here. Good job, girls,” says one of the female trainers. 
You return to the seats and grab a towel to wipe yourself off. Through the large room-sized mirror, you see someone eyeing you, biting her lip as you dry your face. 
“Jennie unnie, let’s go. We need to head out and get to class,” says the girl next to her. The girls gather their bags and rush out the door. 
“CEO nim, sorry for the rude comment the girls made. I’ll talk to them later today,” says the female trainer.
“Don’t worry about it. They’re just being playful. No harm done.”
“Thank you for being so understanding.”
“Also, what's the girl’s name again?” pretending not to know her.
“Her name is Kim Jennie, aka Jennie.”
Later that day, while waiting in the cafeteria line, you get a feeling of someone eyeing you and notice it’s Jennie sitting across the room with four other girls. You grab your food, take your tray to an empty table, and begin eating. That feeling of someone watching you continues throughout lunch, even as you pass by them to return your tray. 
You change your outfit, return to your office, and pull up the group’s file:
Group A:
Kim, Jisoo
Kim, Jennie
Cho, Miyeon
Park, Chaeyoung 
Manobal, Lisa
Group B:
Kang Seulgi
Son Wendy
Park Joy
You look at Jennie’s file and see numerous comments stating that she has an ‘It girl” factor based on her looks, language, rapping skills, and stage presence. Many state they have hopes for her in the group. You look at her pictures and videos from her evaluations and can’t help but want to get to know her. After much thinking, you decide to make her your new toy as you close her file.
You leave the practice room, walk towards the hallways, and see Irene. You stop, look through the window slot, and see her together with her future girl group. You watch as she stands in front of the group, plays the music, and gets into formation. 
“They’re good. Irene chose some good members.” 
You take out your phone and take a quick snap but forget to turn off the flash; Irene turns her head and sees your apologetic face. She runs to the door and opens it, yelling at you to go away. You run and turn the corner, laughing out loud as some of the staff members look at you with worried expressions, as they have never seen the CEO act this way. 
Throughout the next week weeks, you notice Jennie throughout the company or calling you to move some furniture around when the rest of the members are not around, and you’re surprised by the way she talks to you so comfortably, “Oppa, can you move that over there? Is to heavy for me” as she pouts. “Sure, don’t worry about it” carrying some heavy boxes from one corner of the living room and into another. You tell yourself that you shouldn’t have played the staff role since you’ve been busy recently, but you can’t blow your cover, so instead, you suck it up for a bit longer. 
“Here, that’s it. Anything else?”
“No.” She comes close to you and touches your biceps, “You’re so strong, oppa. Do you work out a lot?”
“I do work out a bit here and there” as you flex your muscles. She claps and says, “Wow, does that mean you’re strong?”
You pick her front her waist with much ease, making her yelp from the surprise, and say, “Wait, what are you doing?” You spin her around once, then hear the door open and see the other four members enter the apartment. Immediately, you put her down, and the both of you pretend that nothing happened, but the girls see Jennie’s reaction and can’t help but laugh. 
“Alight, I’ll take my leave if there is nothing else for me to do.” 
“Jennie, don’t you want to say goodbye to oppa?”
Jennie turns red and covers her face from the teasing of her members as you exit their apartment. 
You get a phone call and see that it's from Jessica. When you answer the phone, you can hear her upset, almost crying. “Jessica, what’s wrong?” There is a short silence and a cry until she finally speaks up, “Can you pick me up?” Worried you let her know that you’ll be there in a couple of minutes in front of her apartment. 
When you arrive, you see that she is waiting by the entrance of the building with a small suitcase and bag. She comes in a hurry, so you quickly open the door and load her items inside. You arrive at your apartment and settle her things down; you offer her something to drink as she sits on the couch. “Would you like something to drink?” She gives it some thought and eventually says, “I think I’ll go for a tea.” You’re surprised by her choice since she normally gets some wine whenever she visits. 
You hand over the drink and sit next to her, asking her what’s wrong and why she’s so upset. She breaks down and says repeatedly that it’s not fair. “What do you mean by it’s not fair? What happened?”
“The company and the girls are kicking me out of the group.” 
“What? Why?”
Jessica stands up and undoes her thick coat, revealing a small bump. In a panic, you say, “Are you…”
She nods and says, “Yeah, I’m pregnant with your child.”
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gukiefics · 11 months
Neo boyfriend at your doorstep; lch🐻; trailer
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Pairing: Sex worker!haechan×CEO Reader
Synopsis: Your bestfriend and crush for 15 years is getting married and of course he invited you to his destination wedding at Vegas. But since he never saw you with anyone, he tried set up a date for you for which you immediately declined, giving him a fake excuse that you are seeing someone. Now you are stucked with a double date the next weekend and with your imaginary partner. With stress and fear over taking your mind, you came across two girls talking about a website which rents partners to people. After eavesdropping them, you decided to try out and rent a boyfriend...but you accidentally choose yourself a sex worker.
Warning: Sexual content, offensive language, oral play (both m & f receiving), switch!haechan (leaning more towards dom), switch!reader(more towards sub), role play, public sex.
Words: 15k and counting
The story, the characters, places and even their age is purely made from my imagination and is completely fiction, if not stated and I have no negative feelings towards any character I used in the story. The storyline is without a doubt mine and if the story is similar with any other work, then it is purely a coincidence because this story is made up solely from my imagination.
7pm; Jung fabric clothier ; Seoul
"Sarah, Thank you for bringing the files. You are dismissed to go home now." She nodded and bowed goodbye and went out of your workspace. A phone rang disturbing you. "What is it?" "Ma'am, Mr. Kim is here to meet you." "Send him in."
The said man entered the room and you rolled your eyes. "Kim Doyoung, don't." "What!? I didn't even say anything. " He pouted. You rolled your eyes again and set your eyes on the bright computer screen. "Listen girl, you have been my bestfriend for 15 years now. You are an important person in my life. How could you be absent for my wedding!?"
He glared. You sighed. "Listen Doyoung, I have an important meeting that week and I didn't even confirmed my absence. I just said, I will barely able to come-" "See! that's the problem. You should be very much confirmed! I mean it's your bestfriend wedding! Right now you are the only person who knows our wedding date. So you listen carefully Miss Jung Y/n you are surely coming to my wedding and I am not taking any excuses. If you failed to be present, I will not tolerate it and will give you the very worse punishment." He stick his tongue out and teased at you.
You chuckled. "As you wish Mr.Kim." you did the same as him. Doyoung smiled wide. "Ok enough working for today. I am throwing a bachelor's party and you are the VIP guest there. Go home, get changed and be there at sharp 9pm." He gave you the invitation pass. You gasp in disbelief. "Why am I knowing about this the last minute?" "Cause I know you will decline it, if I told you earlier. " He smirked and you shook your head in astonishment. 
"Hurry up, I will see you at the party." Doyoung said and left. You sighed. "This jerk." You huffed and pack your stuffs and left. The whole journey from your office to your home was not the best.
Kim Doyoung, this man has been your bestfriend and your crush for the past 15 years. He was your brother's friend. No you didn't meet each other because of your brother but of a camp. He was the captain of your camp team and the 10 year old you was so fascinated to see such 14 year old boy who was so responsible and charismatic. The bunny like features of him was a bonus. You both bonded well in the camp and when you came to know that he was your brother's friend, you guys started to spend time with each other alot. Along the years, your admiration for him turned into something more. The 16 year old self was very excited to confess your feelings to him but all of that excitement crashed down when he introduced his girlfriend, Kang Seulgi. She was sweet as an angel and very beautiful. Their relationship stayed strong for six years and now they are getting married. You are happy for him but the 16 year old girl inside you was dying to see the man she liked, soon going to belong to another woman forever. That's the reason you wanted to escape from the marriage ceremony but this man is absolutely a hinderance to that.
Preparing yourself for the party, you looked at yourself at the mirror. A black short dress, minimal makeup and knee boots, satisfied with your outfit for the party, you look for your car keys. "Woof! Woof!" Your 6 months old puppy barked. "Oh kiki, I will come as soon as possible ok?" You kissed his nose and he licked licr cheeks in return. You giggled at his cute gestures and passed him to your neighbour, who was quite delighted to see kiki. "Kiki, don't trouble aunty too much. " he barked back. "I apologise for asking to look after him this late Jennie. I appreciate your kindness." Jennie shook her head. "Nonsense, I love kiki Y/n, now I have kiki along with kai and kuma to give me company." Both of you exchange hugs as goodbye and you left for the party.
8:47pm; Hotel Skylark; Gangnam; Seoul.
You reached the hotel, where Doyoung threw his party. "Ok Y/n, be strong and positive. " you chanted these words as you pace towards the hotel till the party floor. Oh, did I mention that Doyoung is a social extrovert? As soon as you entered the hall, you can hear the loud music and people chattering. There were people all around the floor. You mentally thanked god that it was not a teenage party. Of course there was wine, alcohols etc. But people have the standards enough to be drunk and makeout here and there. It was a decent party. Although all these reasons, you still loathed the party. Why? Because of two main reasons, 1. People, 2. You saw Doyoung and Seulgi acting all lovely dovey with one another. 
You tried reaching Doyoung but all in vain, cause people blocked your way to converse with you and stuff. Oh my god why did he have to call all his high school friends? "Oh my Y/n, is that you?" You turned towards the owner of the voice. "Renjun? Hey nice to meet you!" You exchanged hugs. Renjun was your classmate and a close friend. You guys lost contact after high school. "Great! It's been so long. What's up with you? Btw you look stunning." "Oh thank you, don't need to flatter me though." 
"Doyoung hyung is finally getting married huh?" He analysed your face. He knew about your crush towards Doyoung. "Yeah. But hey don't look at me like that, I am moving on. I am fine." You smiled bitterly. "You know, you don't have to pretend towards me y/n. But hey if you are really moving on. That's good." You nodded. You saw Doyoung coming towards you. "Y/n! Glad you could make it." Seulgi hugged you tight. Doyoung smiled wide. "Of course, I made her come after pursuing so hard." Doyoung giggled and you rolled your eyes. "Well enjoy the party! I will go now, need to pee bad." Seulgi pouted before rushing towards the washroom.
"Y/n you are looking damn good. I am so sure many are going to fall for you in one sight." Doyoung winked. 'Well it's not like you are going to.' You shook your inner words. "Oh anyways, can you see that guy at the bar stand." You gazed towards where Doyoung pointed. A tall, lean guy having same bunny features as him was at your sight, he was sipping a wine and was chatting with his friend. "Yeah, what about him?" You raised your eyebrows. "What do you think about him?" You frowned. "What?" Doyoung repeated the same question. "No idiot, I meant why? I don't know, he's handsome and cute I guess." "That's great then. He's Na Jaemin, my cousin. He's kind of into you. Want me to set him up with you?" You widened your eyes at his proposal. Renjun too, had the same reaction. "Oh my Doyoung, why?" "Oh come on Y/n, I want you to be happy. And also I want to see you with someone before I get married. You know I don't want you to be left out. You are the only person who's not in a relationship or involved in any."
You shook your head. That's great that you are just moving on and your crush is trying to set you up with someone else but his words kind of hurted you and your ego. "What!? You don't like him? No worries, the other guy there, he's Lee Jeno, he is pretty much handsome too-" "No Doyoung, I don't want to set myself with someone. " You whined. "Yeah hyung! Give her some time, before you drop these kind of bombs." Renjun voiced out his opinion. Doyoung glared. "Why Y/n? Don't you want to be happy with someone or have intimate relations with someone.  Oh don't tell me you are a lesbian, don't worry I got tons of female friends too! Y/n, look the reason I am doing this is because of your happiness. You are always alone, engrossed with your work. I can't take care of you all the time and I feel bad. You don't eat proper meals and I am always the one to force you to eat meals, and etc."
"Doyoung, look I know you are worried and don't worry much about me anymore cause I am not a kid and I am taking proper meals now. And plus, I am seeing someone." Your last words shocked everyone who heard you. "You do!?" Renjun was the one who asked you first after everyone was quiet. You quickly nodded. "Well if you do, how come you never told me?" Doyoung narrowed his eyes already suspicious. "Well, I have been seeing him for the past few weeks and we aren't official yet that's why. But trust me! He is a real gentleman and very sweet." You faked laughed. You tried your best to convince him and he was about to ask more when Seulgi called him. He excused himself and went to the host platform. 
"So everyone, we all know me and Doyoung are getting married! Woohoo!" The crowd howled with excitement. "So after discussions and discussions, taking so many risks, we have decided to get married on the 18th of June in Vegas! So everyone present here is invited. Please be present to give us wishes and your blessings. We will be expecting you all." The crowd was overjoyed with the news. People congratulated the couple and they very much accepted that with equal enthusiasm.
"You aren't actually seeing anyone, are you?" Renjun asked you, which you nodded honestly as in no. "I mean don't you think it's kind of quick for me to that, I mean I am trying my best to move on. I don't want to get indulged in love right now." He sighed. "Don't stress much, the right man will come along with right time." He assured you, which also did a calming effect on you
The night went on with merry making sounds. Fortunately Doyoung didn't ask more about your fake date. But he did give you the look of I will love to meet him someday. Or should I say asap? Because the news spread to Seulgi and now you are stuck with a double date next weekend. Now great! You pulled your own leg. How will you find yourself a fake boyfriend in 7 days? You share the same company of friends as Doyoung so you can't ask them for this favour. He knows all your employees. In fact Doyoung knows every person you know. You felt like crying. 
What am I gonna do now?
The thought circulates your head as you walk around the toilet cubicle. But you soon stop when you heard some girls talking.
"Girl I am telling you, I had the best date ever. This website gave the best fake boyfriend ever. All my colleagues were jealous seeing him. Oh my goodness, he was so hot but so sweet!!" They squealed. You rolled your eyes but continued eavesdropping them. "Can you tell me the name of the website? I want to try it so bad!!!" "Sure, it's neo date on your doorstep.com . I am telling you, once got one you will never regret it. It's safe too! It's 400$ per day. It was so worth it."
You are so sure, god is favouring you right now. It's your only hope now and you are not going to let it go in vain. Thanking god, you made your way out of the washroom, suprisingly the two girls talking. You smiled widely at them and left. "What's up with her?" "I don't know, she's drunk maybe."
Welcome to neo date on your doorstep
Which purpose?
Blind Date
Temporary partner
Sex partner
Warning; Once chosen, cannot switch. No cancellation. Once cancel, cannot order again.
You choose the temporary boyfriend, even though sex was tempting because you haven't got laid in months, you still choose it. Guess everyone is right, you are a boring girl.
Thank you for choosing, please fill your name, address and phone number and duration you want to keep your order. 
Name: Jung Y/n
Sexuality: Straight,Female    Age: 25
Address: xxxxx
Phone number: xxxx-xxxx
Duration (max: 5months): 2 days
Thank you for your co-operation. Your order will arrive this Saturday at 9 am.
Caution: You cannot return your order before the estimate time
You smiled in satisfaction. Finally you are going to sleep a sound sleep without the recent stress, i.e., finding a fake boyfriend. Thank goodness it was weekend, you are going to sleep all day! The massive headache you had because you drank alot just to reduce your stress minimised a bit. Just then you heard your phone beep indicating a notification. You checked it and it was from the website.
Miss Jung Y/n,
Your order info:
You choice: Sex partner
Name: Lee Haechan
Sexuality: Straight, Male      Age: 27
Speciality: finger play, oral
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omegamannn · 2 months
The Omega Library 8/10
Oh My Girl Arin -Darkbloom -Fault Yooa -Shangri-la
Purple Kiss Yuki -The house of mori Red Velvet Wendy -Valentine's Roulette -Ignite -I heard you're married -Best lollipop ever! -Impatience -The Beginner's Guide to Great-Looking Abs in Just 10 Minutes -Enkindle -Secret's out -Untitled Seulgi -Idol Competition feat. IU -Welcome party feat. Irene -In love like we were -Amnesia: (3) Cyber Monday -Queen of hearts -Haul-lelujah -Click -Christmas Present Irene -The strongest man alive -Amnesia -Manner Matters -Exposed Addiction Yeri -Taming her -Lust Joy -Photoshoot STAYC Isa -Diamond Eyes -The naughty list -Mary Jane -Personality Switch Seeun -Competition Sieun -Hush -Noise
TripleS YooYeon -Crush SohYun -New Girl -Friday the 13th -Cruise -An Unexpected D-day -qu'est-ce que tu dirais? Twice(1/2) Multiple Members -Queen of Hearts -On the dance floor -You can watch, but you can't touch -Flashing lights -Part and parcel -Conviction -Toy -Apart of the plan -After Concert -Trying for more -Different type of garage -Live to serve -When worlds collide -Live to serve Nayeon -Nayeon's First Night -Nayeon's Morning Sex -Bunny breeder feat. Eunha -Caught -Happy Endings -Loyalty, royalty, and death by exile -Exclusive -Late Present -Room 922 Mina -Everything is sweeter with you -Mina's Adventure -Mommy Mina's Punishment -The CEO's good boy -Cuckqueen -Just friends? -Rainy days with Mina -Mommy's little boy -House of balloons -Day off pt. 1 -Connections -Money's little boy -Milk coffee -Night club darkness -Homemaker -Stargazing -I got you, boss Momo -Sharing Momo -Mail order maid -Good as gold -Powertrip -All mine -High and dry -Momo in the studio -Momo and The Scent In The Dance Room -Crazy stupid love -Lost Chapter - Impurities pt. 1 -All Mine -Mornings with you -Caiju Clean-Up Crew
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d-dalladalla · 2 years
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
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Fuckboy Ryujin Headcannons (1)
Fuckboy Ryujin Headcannons (2)
Alpha!itzy finding another alphas scent on you
First meeting with Ryujin
Gp!Yeji being ridden by Dom!reader
Fwb!Ryujin x female reader
Perv!Itzy react to sex scene in M/V
Perv!Ryujin and Yeji helping you stretch
Reader catching gp!yeji masturbating
Makeup sex w/ Ryujin
Ryujin and you getting caught by Yeji
Mafia!Itzy car sex
Short haired Ryujin
Ryujin helping you work out
Perv!Itzy giving reader a massage
Reader being the girls toy
GP!Itzy blowjob in recording studio
Alpha!Ryujin nsfw headcannons
Ryujin x Yeji’s younger sister(2)
Ryujin getting teased about your relationship
Dom!Ryujin soft smut
G!P Yeji / Ryujin getting a lapdance
Jealous Chaeryeong
Some Ryujin headcannons
Jealous Ryujin headcannons
2Shin fucking reader in dance studio
Perv!Itzy reacting to readers nipple piercings
Ryujin teaches the girls
Ryujin x reader dirty talk
Alpha!Itzy seeing their pup for the first time
Ryujin reaction to fem reader using her safeword
Perv!Ryujin headcannons
Jealous Alpha!Itzy
Gp!Yeji getting caught masturbating by fem reader
Morning after headcannons w/ Ryujin
Alpha!Itzy sharing O!Reader
CEO!Ryujin and Secretary!Reader
Sub Alpha!Ryujin
Ryujin x 6th reader
Ceo!Ryujin hearing reader talk behind her back
Alpha!Ryujin accidentally knotting fem reader
Roadtrip w/ Ryujin
Helping Alpha!Ryujin with her rut
Jealous g!p Yeji / Ryujin
Alpha!Ryujin breeding kink
Alpha!Yeji accidentally knotting reader
Fuckboy Ryujin
gp!Itzy gangbang
7 minutes of heaven w/ Ryujin
Jealous Dom Ryujin
Perv!Itzy reacting to readers shirt riding up in their sleep
Perv!Itzy w/ 6th member
Long distance gf Ryujin
Alpha!Chaeryeong accidentally knotting O!Reader
First time w/ Ryujin
Mile high club w/Ryujin
Jealous Ryujin headcannons
gp!Ryujin getting hard over reader dancing
Jock!Ryujin x Nerd!Reader
Gp!Yuna teaching reader
Alpha!Itzy backstage bjs
Alpha!CEO Ryujin
Rose / Ryujin x reader
Jock Ryujin x female reader
Alpha!Itzy eating out fem reader
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Alphas!Rose and Jennie (1) (2)
Alpha!Rose headcannons (1) (2)
Alpha!Blackpink getting head for the first time
Rose / Ryujin x reader
Alpha mafia blackpink x rival gang O!reader
Alpha!Jennie domestic headcannons
Alpha!Rose accidentally knotting O!Reader
Alpha!Blackpink accidentally knotting O!Reader
Alpha!Jennie headcannons
Alpha!Blackpink seeing their pup for the first time
Red Velvet
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Alpha!Irene x O!Reader
Jealous Irene headcannons
CEO!Alpha Irene x Secretary O!reader
O!Irene headcannons
Alpha!Joy and Alpha!Seulgi fucking Alpha!Irene’s little sister O!reader (2)
Alpha!Irene breeding kink
CEO Alpha!Irene x O! secretary reader
A!Joy x O!reader
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Alpha!Nayeon headcannons (2)
Alpha!Jihyo helping readers with her first heat
Alpha!Nayeon discovering O!reader is pregnant
Cock warming Alpha!Nayeon
Alpha!Twice first BJ
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Alpha!Loona first BJ
THis took so long omggggggggg
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lovelaetter · 1 year
dubcon with stressed ceo!seulgi who just wants to fill you up with her cum 😵‍💫😵‍💫
you working for her as a secretary but isn’t really a real job, just an excuse for her to have you close — but the others definitely don’t know about your relationship —, and she calls you one random day and you’re ready for her to be her lovey self, saying she just missed you and wanted to see your pretty face but the moment you’re inside her room she’s on you, kissing and tugging at your clothes, not giving you proper time to think. you try to protest, talk to her, but she’s focused on the task of fucking you…
not long before you’re bend over her ask as she slams her hips against yours, not caring if there’s someone outside that can listen to all the skin on skin sounds and you failing to cover up your noises. comes inside you and stays there, breathing, and just then talks to you… and is like “sorry..”, which you don’t mind cause yeah, it was good. she helps you clean up though and explains that she was stressed and needed to forget about it for some minutes.
and since i love some sub!seulgi, better if one day you do the same to her, walking inside her room in the middle of a very important call just to blow her, a little revenge as she ruined your clothes that day. watch how she suffers to not make any suspicious sounds while your mouth is around her… sigh, thinking about her ending the call and losing it completely, begging to cum :(
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(6) 970 days: mahogany red
Myoui Mina x reader
Part of the series: Palette
Previous chapter: (5) 1005 days: roseate pink
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970 days.
It has been a month since the incident at Karina's, and her condition has deteriorated significantly.
What began as occasional vomiting had progressed to frequent nosebleeds and constant fatigue. Her eyes were vacant, and her memories were a jumbled mess. Even the simplest tasks, such as clicking the camera shutter, now required a Herculean effort from her weakened body.
You tried and failed, to talk to her about the pink teddy bear, about her possible soulmate. She would always rebuff your efforts and shake her head in defeat whenever you brought up the topic. Not even the CEO, Irene, could persuade her to take action to prevent further harm. Everyone was worried, but it's challenging to save someone who doesn't want to be saved.
You were growing more and more frustrated as Karina sat slumped at her desk, pretending to edit already finished photos from the JYP shoot.
“Please just tell me!” You yelled in desperation, desperate to help her.
Haerin flinched at the sound of your raised voice.
“Too loud, unnie.” She whispered.
You patted her arm in apology, and said in a softer tone, “I just want to help, Karina.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Karina replied weakly, “I have to get this edited before we leave for JYP later.”
“They. Are. Already. Edited” You said firmly, turning off Karina's monitor and turning her around to face you.
You and Karina were supposed to present the photos to JYP's management team and CEO, Park Jin-young, in person later this afternoon, as Seulgi and Irene were in Japan for another filming. Karina's condition was pretty bad, so you decided to take Haerin along as backup.
Karina stubbornly refused to speak, staring at you in silence.
Finally, you blurted out, "Is it Ryujin?"
You had been worrying about her for a month and couldn't take it anymore.
Karina's face drained of color, confirming your suspicion.
"Is that why you tried to get your tattoo removed on the day we had the ITZY shoot?"
Karina slowly nodded and said softly, "I always knew it was Ryujin. Even before the shoot. Her face was plastered all throughout Korea, I couldn't walk anywhere without seeing her face.”
She put her hands in her face, “Even on social media, she was there. And her being your friend didn't help. Whenever you mentioned her, I would die a little inside."
“I-I’m sorry.” You muttered. “I didn’t know.”
"I know, I'm not blaming you," she said with tears in her eyes. "I'm just trying to tell you my side. All that is bearable, you know? I could just close my eyes and pretend I didn't feel anything. But seeing her in person that day really drove me insane. I felt all these feelings that I couldn't control, and I didn't want that. So I tried to get my tattoo removed."
She glanced at her tattoo. The wound never healed and was still profusely bleeding, as if it were a reminder of what she did.
"It's already too late anyway," she said, her voice low.
You quickly shook your head at this, mind running for a way to solve this situation.
“What if…” you hesitated, “what if I introduced you to her? Just a small gathering, you don’t have to tell her anything.”
Karina quickly shook her head. “I don’t want to burden her.”
“You won’t be!” You quickly interjected. “Ryujin has always been waiting for her soul mate to find her.”
You could tell Karina was hesitant.
“I won’t say anything to her about the connection. I promise,” you begged. “If you choose to fade away, at least fade away comfortably. Having your soul mate near you lessens the symptoms, and I’m sure you want to befriend her at least.”
Karina looked up at you and Haerin, uncertainty in her eyes. You gave her an encouraging nod, and Haerin did the same enthusiastically.
"Fine. Only because I can't stand throwing up at the smell of food," Karina relented stubbornly. "And just... don't tell her anything."
“I swear.” You sighed in relief.
Finally some progress.  Ryujin would most definitely kill you if you knowingly let her soul mate die.
“Love you!” You kissed Karina on the forehead and headed out the door. “Meet us at the front door in twenty.”
Haerin, daring to do the same, cautiously leaned over and kissed Karina’s head too before sprinting away.
“Yah! Kang Haerin!” You heard Karina yell from her office behind you. “What was that?”
“A kiss.” The cat-like girl called back.
“Shouldn’t you be at school today?” Karina called out again.
“I skipped.” Haerin whispered next to you as you two continued to walk away.
“What?” You stopped to look at her. “You told me you had a half day.”
“I lied.” She ran.
The drive to JYP was quiet. Karina was fast asleep in the backseat, while you and Haerin traveled in silence, with her gazing out of the window.
Karina was tough, and her unwavering loyalty to her promises was what concerned you. A few months after meeting each other, you and Karina made a vow to live without any boundaries or limitations. You both viewed the soul mate bond as a curse and as a form of incarceration, entwining your destinies with those of others and confining you within set boundaries. However, observing Karina in such pain, you started to question if your initial ideas might be wrong. Maybe giving in to the connection wasn't so bad compared to enduring the symptoms?
Haerin was singing softly to herself, making waves with her hand as she tried to avoid the lampposts as you drove by. The kid had grown on you, and you started to care for her like a little sister. Her stares had toned down a bit, and she had started to share some of her thoughts with you. You enjoyed her talkative side, albeit her thoughts were a bit odd sometimes. You also got into a habit of buying frog or cat-related things for her whenever you went out.
“Can you grab my phone and text Ryujin for me?” You asked the singing girl.
She nodded and looked at you patiently for the next steps.
“Can you tell her that I’ll be going to her company for a meeting, and ask if she can meet up after?”
Haerin typed furiously on your phone before sending the text.
Your phone dinged as you pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car with Haerin.
It was from Ryujin, and honestly, you weren’t surprised by the outcome.
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The three of you stood in front of the towering building of JYP, waiting for one of the people from the management team to let you in, as a sense of nerves coiled within you.
As you spoke to the security, an excited voice called out your name.
You turned around and were met with Nayeon waving excitedly.
“Long time no see, Nayeon-ssi.” You quickly bowed, with Karina and Haerin following suit.
“There’s no need to be so formal.” Nayeon waved her hand good-naturally, “What are you guys doing here?”
“We have a meeting with your management team and Mr. Park about the photo shoot.”
“I’m also on my way there! I didn’t know you were the one who was going to present.” Nayeon nodded understandingly and motioned to security to let you in. “I’ll take you guys there.”
As Nayeon led you down the luxurious hallways, your eyes couldn't help but wander at the extravagant decor. You were awestruck by the plush velvet carpet underfoot and the golden elevator doors that opened to the 12th floor.
Nayeon chattered away about their upcoming comeback, but your thoughts couldn't help but stray to the thought of seeing Mina again. The burning sensation of your tattoo indicated that you were close to the girl. You quickly wiped your sweaty palms on your skirt and tugged at the collar of your blouse in nervousness.
The anticipation of what was to come was almost too much to bear.
“Don’t worry,” Nayeon reassured you with a warm smile. “Our management team is really nice.”
As she led the way down hallway after hallway, you couldn't help but feel like you were in a maze, with posters of every JYP group adorning the walls at every turn. Your heart pounded louder and louder with each step, and Karina seemed to weaken by the second. Haerin subtly wrapped her arms around the tall girl for support.
Finally, Nayeon stopped in front of a towering set of doors, wishing you good luck before she slipped inside.
You stared at the rich, mahogany red doors as you tried to gather your wits. The dark color made you feel like an outsider in this sophisticated world of glamour and fame. The thought of facing one of the most influential people in the K-pop world was enough to make your legs weaken. But with Karina's weak pat on your shoulder and a nod of encouragement, the three of you pushed open the doors and walked into the large meeting room.
. As you entered the room, your heart rate skyrocketed at the sight of Park Jin-young and the other stern-looking managers seated around a long table placed in front of the stage. 
You quickly scanned the room, and saw that the idols were all seated in the back. Your eyes met Ryujin’s, and she gave you a thumbs up in encouragement. You didn’t have time to locate the Twice members, but your irregular heartbeat indicated that Mina was also in the room.
The presentation began, and you and Karina took turns presenting the photos. Karina's tiredness started to show, and Haerin had to support her for the latter half of the presentation.
However, the management team seemed satisfied with the photos, and even Park Jin-young applauded after seeing the group photos. As the final photos were shown, the three of you bowed, and the management team gave nods of approval as they left the room one by one, with Park Jin-young leading the way.
You felt a wave of relief wash over you as he warmly shook your hand.
As soon as the management team left the room, Karina excused herself, her face pale and covered in cold sweat. The presentation had taken a toll on her, and she was close to throwing up.
You tried to accompany Karina to the bathroom, but she insisted that you had to stay for a while longer out of respect. It wasn’t until Haerin promised you that she would take good care of Karina and notify you if she needed help, that you let the two girls walk unsteadily out the door.
Still filled with worry, you stood by the doors and bowed as the idols left distractedly.
Dahyun and Chaeyoung pulled you in a hug when they arrived in front of you.
“You guys did great!” Dahyun exclaimed.
“Thanks, Dahyunie.” You ruffled her curly hair.
“You have got to teach me photography.” Chaeyoung said, squeezing your cheeks with her warm hands.
Before you could respond, a teasing voice that made your heartbeat go into a frenzy said, “Please teach me how to paint first.”
Mina had arrived, followed closely by the rest of the Twice members. She was dressed in casual jeans and a beige long-sleeved shirt, but still managed to pull it off, taking your breath away. Any willpower left in you completely flew out the window at the sight of her.
“Umm..I..” you stammered, “y-yeah, no problem!”
Chaeyoung snorted at your comment. She had caught on about your crush on Mina, but little did she know it was way more than a crush.
Unsure of what to say next, the two of you stood in awkward silence.
You couldn't help but steal a glance at her, noticing the way her hazel eyes sparkled in the light. Her gaze was on you, making your heart skip a beat.
You quickly looked away and studied the mahogany red doors again as if they were the most interesting thing in the room. The color seemed to be warmer than what you saw earlier before, almost more alive. It was as if Mina's calming presence was affecting everything around her, turning even the color of the doors into something softer and more inviting, making you feel as if you belonged.
Ryujin suddenly whispered loudly behind you. “Ask for her number, you stupid idiot.”
The ITZY girls had also arrived, and were listening in on the dead conversation between the two introverts.
Yeji slapped Ryujin on the arm, scolding her for being rude.
“Oh, um, can I have your number?” You asked awkwardly “So we can arrange a date... I mean, a time for the painting lessons, if that's okay?”
You peeked at Mina again, who was still smiling her gummy smile at you.
“I'd like that.” Mina ran her hands through her wavy hair and extended her hand.
You stared at her in confusion.
Did she want you to shake her hand?
Your phone?" Mina chuckled, amused. She was growing more confident at your reactions, and the idea of getting to know you better intrigued her.
"Right, sorry." You mumbled, feeling like a fool.
The girls around you burst into giggles as Mina typed in her number and handed it back to you.
“You'll text me today?" Mina persisted, her tongue caught between her teeth as she grinned.
"Ye-" you were caught off guard by a panting Haerin bursting through the doors.
Her large eyes were wide in panic as she ran over to you.
"Wha-" You caught sight of her white shirt, stained with droplets of red.
"Karina," was all she said as she grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the room.
You ran down the long hallway, following Haerin to the bathroom, the urgency of the situation palpable.
Karina was lying on the floor, her right sleeve completely soaked with blood, and her nose bleeding profusely, staining her blouse with dark red.
“What happened?” You urgently asked Haerin, as you crouched down and gently shook Karina’s shoulders.
“She was throwing up when she suddenly started to bleed from her nose.” Haerin was sobbing, “And then she just collapsed.”
Just then, Ryujin and Mina burst into the bathroom, followed closely by the rest of the Twice and ITZY members. They gasped in shock at the sight of so much blood, with Ryujin almost turning green.
“Ryu, call an ambulance.” You threw your phone over to her and she immediately started dialing.
“I’m sorry, I tried to wake her.” Haerin was full-on weeping, her voice wavering.
“Shh, it’s okay.” Yeji pulled the shorter girl into a comforting embrace.
You started to pull up Karina's sleeves to work on stopping the bleeding. She was bleeding an alarming amount from her tattoo, with the blood pooling onto the floor in a large puddle. As you finally managed to roll up Karina's drenched sleeve, you drew in a sharp breath in shock.
Her tattoo had somehow managed to get even worse; the numbers had transformed into deep cuts into her veins, reaching all the way to the bone.
A loud ripping sound came from beside you, and you saw Mina had torn off the entire sleeve of her own shirt.
"Use this," she said as she passed you the fabric. "Tie it tightly to stop the bleeding."
You quickly wrapped the soft cloth around Karina's arm, tying it tightly to reduce the blood flow. The flow lessened immediately.
"Thank you," you let out a sigh of relief, turning slightly to look at the woman crouching next to you.
Mina gave you a soft smile and gently wrapped her arm around your shoulder, "She's going to be okay." The warmth of her body and steady breathing brought a sense of calm washing over you.
You would've had a major heart attack at her gesture if you weren't so worried about Karina. You thanked your lucky stars that you chose to wear a buttoned-up shirt today, as it prevented any skin-to-skin contact with Mina.
“Y/N, the ambulance is almost here.” Jihyo called from outside the door, snapping you out of your thoughts.  
You clumsily tried to lift Karina in your arms, but her weight and your shaken hands made you stumble.
“Here. Let me.” Ryujin crouched down and effortlessly scooped up Karina in her arms, as if she weighed nothing.
The group rushed downstairs, footsteps echoing in the empty halls.
With a burst of urgency, Ryujin laid Karina on the ambulance cot and the paramedics quickly took over. As the ambulance drove away, Ryujin stood frozen, feeling a strange sensation course through her body.
An electrifying shock as her skin came briefly into contact with Karina’s. It was a fleeting moment, like a tidal wave upon the shore and retreating back into the depths.
But before she could process the feeling, it was gone.
Ryujin slowly turned around to face you.
And the both of you stood there, motionless.
Droplets of dark mahogany red were scattered across your clothes,
somber and heavy, as if foreshadowing the weight of the truth that was at the tip of your tongue.   
But the look in her eyes already conveyed it all.
She knew.
Previous chapter Next chapter
A rollercoaster of emotions for this one. Promise there will be a bit more fluff for the next chapter!
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luxora · 2 years
Red Velvet -> {CEO AU} -> You want a divorce
Requested: Yes
Group: Red Velvet
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Swearing. Divorce stuff. Some violence.
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As a successful businesswoman, Joohyun was no stranger of paperwork, in fact, she was often swamped with it as she personally oversaw everything that happened in her company, which has essentially caused her to be stuck in her office for long hours through the days, at times for more than three days in a week. Arriving at her office early in the morning, she was already swamped with paperwork and she barely worked through half of it through the morning when her assistant had walked into her office with a solemn look, a manila folder in their hands. She nodded absentmindedly at the pile on her desk.
“Just place it on the top, I will get to it later.” She said, returning back to the document she was currently reading. But her assistant's voice made her pause.
“Ma’am, I think it is best that you read it now.” They said careful, placing it right in front of Joohyun instead of on the pile, their gaze intense as they stared at Joohyun with a serious look. “Y/N came in and told me to give it to you.”
“Y/N?” She repeated, frowning as she looked at the folder, confused of why her spouse would be dropping off to her assistant and not bringing it directly to her. Her assistant nodded, stepping away from her desk and bowing respectfully before leaving the office, unable to bear witness to what was going to happen once Joohyun opened the folder.
Deciding to shift her attention to the document that her spouse had handed to her assistant, she took her letter opener and easily cut the folder open before tugging out the documents that were in it. The second that she read the title of the document, all the blood in Joohyun’s body froze.
‘Petition for Divorce’
While her eyes moved across the typed lines of the document, her mind was not taking it in. Joohyun felt like she was witnessing her body from an outside perspective, simply staring at the back of her head while she held a tight grip on the documents which you had already signed and now awaited for her own signature to join yours. But instead of a signature of proof for happy matrimony, it was a signature for the confirmation of a divorce, one which she was not going to give.
You knew what kind of woman you were marrying when the two of you had gotten engaged and eventually married, you vowing to always support her in her aspirations, and to always be that constant support that she needs and knows she can back on. You were her loyal spouse and caring parent to her children, a terrific partner in all aspects, her perfect match, and yet here you have had divorce papers dropped off, not even bothering to see Joohyun yourself.
Slamming the papers down, she immediately searched for your phone and dialed your number, bringing it to her ears as she anxiously waited to hear your voice.
“This is Y/N-”
“Y/N! Just what is this-” Joohyun began, her fingers clawing at the document, only for her to be interrupted by your voice.
“-I can’t answer the phone right now. Please leave a message after the beep.”
The automatic beep sound of a voicemail ringed in Joohyun’s head, making her immediately hang up to only try call again, desperation filling her chest and clawing its way up as she once again was met with your voicemail. She hanged up and tried again, and again, and again, and again, until she eventually realised that you were purposefully ignoring her calls.
Joohyun shot up from her desk, grabbing her phone and bag before hurrying out of her office, making her assistant jump from the sudden opening of her door, her eyes wild and on them in an instant.
“Where is Y/N?” She demanded, not giving her assistant an option to even try stutter out a lie. But they immediately shook their head.
“I don’t know, they just came here and dropped off the folder-”
“How long ago was that?” She demanded, her nails digging into the side of the door frame as she stared at them impatiently, all aspects of her composure lost as desperation was evident on her face. Her assistant couldn’t help but flash a look of sympathy at her.
“About ten minutes, they didn’t say where they were going though-”
“Home. They will be going home.”
To your and her children. Since Joohyun made more than enough money for the both of you, you decided to be a stay-at-home parent in order to care for your and Joohyun’s two beautiful children. But the fact that you had left just to deliver a divorce folder to Joohyun without even meeting her meant that you had been thinking about this for a while, as well as planning it. Joohyun immediately marched for the elevator.
“I’m going home.” She stated, reaching the elevator and violently pressing the button until it finally opened. Her assistant managed to stumble after her with shocked eyes.
“But your meetings-”
“Cancel them.” She ordered just as the elevator doors closed, Joohyun immediately stabbing the underground parking button before she slammed her fist against the side of the elevator, a choked sob leaving her lips as she trembled in frustration and fear as she felt the elevator move. “Y/N...”
She couldn’t accept this, she just couldn’t. The two of you needed to talk, she needed you to see reason, this did not just come out of nowhere, she needed to understand why you wanted to separate from her. She couldn’t lose you or the kids, she just couldn’t.
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When Seulgi entered the bedroom after saying goodnight to the kids, even though they had fallen asleep long before Seulgi eventually arrived home, she could feel the cold temperature of the room. The air was full of tension, and it certainly did not help that you were apparently waiting for her to join her, already dressed in your pajamas, however they way that you were sitting on the bed reminded her of the many business people she has to deal with when it came to intense negotiations. Your body was tense and unyielding, a terrifying sight to look upon despite the polka dot pajamas that you were wearing. Seulgi couldn’t help but gulp nervously as she closed the door behind her.
“Hello.” She said, attempting to ease the tension, but failed miserably as you stared at her intensely.
“Glad that you finally made it back home.” You said, any joy about Seulgi returning home being nonexistent in your tone, which made her tense in caution.
“I’m sorry, the event took longer than expected.” She said, tugging off the jacket that she had worn to the event and slowly folding it over the chair of her vanity table while keeping her eyes on you. You shrugged.
“That’s alright, I expected you to come home late. You usually do, especially since it is about a super important business event.” you said with an icy smile, your tone like freezing acid which made Seulgi shiver and form a stone of dread in her stomach.
You were naturally a very bright and warm person, but the way that you were talking to her right now, there was nothing warm about it. You were cool and detached, not a hint of affection in your voice as you spoke to her, which was the opposite of how you usually were with Seulgi. She didn’t like how distant you felt to her, despite only being a few meters away from each other in the bedroom.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come home late-”
“Of course you don’t mean to, but you do anyway and you say that you are sorry. You are always sorry, and yet the same thing always happens, and then you apologize again, and again, and again.” You repeated, an empty laugh leaving your lips as you shook your head. Suddenly feeling restless, Seulgi unbuttoned the top two buttons of her shirt, hoping that it can help her with her breathing as she continued to look at you from the bed, unsure on what to do or say which could make you feel better, or at least have you warm up to her again.
“I’m sorry-” She started, but you just raised your hand in the air, halting Seulgi from her apology.
“Stop. Just stop.” You said, your voice firm and yet it sounded so tired, so exhausted, and Seulgi snapped her mouth shut as she watched you shake your head, slumping it down as you looked at your lap and sighed, dropping your hand to the leg. “Jinyoung had gotten 100% on his math test by the way, he brought it home with him.”
Seulgi immediately brightened at the news. Even though the two of you seemed to be fighting, arguments always seemed to cool down whenever the two of you brought up some good news about your kids, so hope filled her as you brought up your and her son’s achievement.
“Oh that’s wonderful! He studied so hard for it.” She said, pride evident in your voice. You only nodded.
“Yes, he worked really hard. It turns out taking him to those extra lessons have helped him.” You said, tugging at your pajama pants leg before continuing. “And Areum has passed her audition for the ballet studio. She heard the results today.”
Seulgi paused, her eyebrows furrowing at the news. Ballet audition? She did not recall such a thing occurring. “Ballet audition?” She questioned, which you nodded to.
“Mhmm, the one that I took her to two weeks ago, when you suddenly had an emergency meeting with one of your investors.” You said, bitterness evident in your tone as you glanced up and looked at Seulgi, the CEO herself feeling guilt in the pit of her stomach as she faintly recalled asking you to take Areum in her stead.
“O-Oh, I-”
“The two of them were so happy, they wanted to have a big family dinner tonight to celebrate their big achievements. But guess who had to break it to them that you couldn’t attend because you were busy with yet another company event.” You said, making Seulgi swallow thickly.
“And the sad thing is, they didn’t seem that surprised, they had asked if I could maybe convince you to have dinner with us, but I knew that was futile because you have raged about how important tonight was.”
“I...I would have-”
“No you wouldn’t have, you have never pulled out of a business event, not even for us. Your family.” You hissed at the word ‘family’, your body shooting up from the bed so sharply that it made Seulgi jump at the sudden action.
Your body was trembling, but not from the cold, your arms were crossed and you were so tense that she was certain that you were as hard as a rock with how tightly tensed you were. You were clenching your jaw so hard that she could swear that she could hear your teeth cracking from the intense applied pressure of your jaws. Seulgi helplessly wrung her hands together, almost like a school girl would when they would explain their actions to a headmistress.
“I’m sorry, next time I will try-”
“There isn’t going to be a next time.” You hissed, your eyes deepened into a glare, which made Seulgi freeze on the spot.
“W-What do you mean?” Seulgi said, actually feeling scared with how you just phrased your sentence. Your glare intensified for a brief second before you let out a frustrated sigh, shaking your head and closing your eyes as you controlled yourself before opening them again and looking at Seulgi with an empty expression, an expression which scared Seulgi more than anything.
“I want a divorce.” Seulgi stopped breathing.
“I want sole custody of the kids.” Her eyes were burning.
“And we won’t be living here anymore, we will find a new home.”
And she broke.
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Seungwan had hoped that you and her could have sorted things out tonight. She had the children dropped off at a friends house for a sleepover, and she had planned to spend the entire evening with you. She was going to prepare a nice dinner for the two of you, perhaps watch a movie or two, and if things went according to plan, hopefully become tangled in the sheets with a wonderful makeup love-making. She was fully prepared to sort out the tenseness between you and her which has been lingering for the past while, and she had hoped that she could finally have some peace in her home again.
She was dead wrong.
The two of you have fought before, but never to this extent. While she had prepared dinner for the two of you and set up the table for a supposed romantic dinner, her intentions of sorting out the problem evaporated, and instead the two of you have gotten into a screaming match that she was surprised that the neighbours haven’t called the police for how loud the two of you were screaming at each other.
“Its the same thing over and over! You don’t give a damn about this family!” You screamed, standing across the dining room table while Seungwan was on the other side, her jaw tightly clenched.
“I don’t give a damn? Would I be working day and night at the company if I didn’t give a damn about this family?”
“Don’t try use us for an excuse of why you are always stuck at the office! We have more than enough of everything, and yet you still continue to keep yourself away from us!”
“Well if I wasn’t the only one who was working in this family, then I could-”
“Don’t you fucking dare try pull that card!”
The glass came flying at Seungwan’s face, and she quickly ducked in order to avoid getting hit by it. The glass shatter red behind her on the wall, and it caused the both of you to freeze as glass shards showered the wooden floor. Seungwan knew that it was a low blow, bringing up the fact that she was the only one working between the two of you. It was not like you didn’t have a job when the two of you met and eventually got married. You actually were a business owner yourself, not on such a large scale like Seungwan, but you had a business, and you enjoyed working in it. But when the two of you decided to have kids, Seungwan suggested that you were to remain at home instead, since she was the one that made the most money between the two of you.
You didn’t want to, at first. You enjoyed working, and even though you were eager to have a family with Seungwan, you didn’t want to live a life of doing nothing. But eventually Seungwan managed to convince you, and you became a full-time parent with the children, caring for them while Seungwan worked, and you have been doing it for years. But it seemed that you have reached a boiling point, and all of your pent up frustration has just burst through the dam and was hitting Seungwan at full force.
“I’m sorry, I-” Seungwan began, feeling the need to apologize for bringing up the job card, but you cut her off.
“No. I don’t want to hear it.” Seungwan looked at you and saw how...over it you looked. Like you were simply too exhausted to continue this conversation, your hand covering your face as you just stood and breathed heavily on the spot, trying to gather yourself again. Seungwan tried to gather up the pieces of the broken conversation.
“Listen, I know things have been tense for a while, but we can work it out-”
“No Seungwan, we can’t. Not anymore.” You said, shaking your head as you dropped your hand from your face and looked at her, your exhaustion now evident on your face, and a certain glint of emptiness in your eyes which made Seungwan pause in her movements. You gazed at her with an empty expression before speaking again. “I’m done.”
“Done? Done with what?” She asked, caution filled in every aspect of Seungwan as she looked at you. You lifted your hands in the air, hands out as if trying to offer her something.
“With everything. I’m...just done. I can’t do this anymore.”
Seungwan didn’t like the way that you said that, with alarm bells ringing in her head, she cautiously walked around the table and headed towards you, eyes never leaving yours. “What do you mean Y/N?”
She was not that far from you anymore, a few more steps and she was in front of you, cautiously reaching out for your hand, only for you to pull them out of her reach. You took two steps back to maintain a distance, your expression empty.
“Our marriage.” You whispered, your voice just sounding so broken that it immediately cracked Seungwan’s heart in half at the sound of it, along with what you said.
“No Seungwan. I can’t wait any longer. I can’t wait for you to realize that you are no longer a part of this family anymore. I can’t wait for you to arrive in the early hours in the morning, only to leave later again without even saying goodbye. I can’t wait anymore, and neither can the kids. We are done.”
No. This wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go. The two of you were supposed to make up, not break up. The two of you have gone through rough patches before, but the two of you have managed to get through them together. There is no way that you possibly wanted her out of your life, out of her children's’ lives.
“So Y/N, we can work this out.” She begged, stumbling forward and trying to grab you, to just touch you and tug you closer so that she could hold you, to just let you know that she was there. But the way that you were looking at her, it was as if she was invisible.
“No we can’t Seungwan. Not anymore.”
“Please Y/N, just let me-”
“I’m going to sleep in the spare room. Please don’t bother me.” You said, not wanting to hear another word from Seungwan as you walked away from her, leaving her in the dining room in a broken mess as she crumbled on top of the dining room table, her legs unable to support her any longer.
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She was late. Again. But this was different from all the other times that she has been late. The words that you had said to her before she left earlier that evening was repeating on a loop in her head as she broke about a dozen of traffic fines driving home, fear and panic filling her entire mind and body as she tried to get home as fast as she could.
“9 pm. If you arrive any minute later than that, then I understand your priorities clearly.”
She had promised you that she would come home in time, that she was taking her marriage and her family seriously, that work will not come in the way of her family. She had promised you that, and with the years that the two of you have been married, she expected you to know that she would honour her promises.
But of course the conference had to drag on longer than it shoulder have, and that she could not escape.
You understood how important the conference was, how big it was for her company and her entire business career, and yet you made your intentions clear to her on the buildup of the night on where you were standing in your marriage with her. The fights have been more frequent, the two of you have become more distant, and the children...they began asking if the two of you were going to divorce.
Divorce...who on earth would expect an eight and six year old to know what that word meant? And to think that they understood what it meant, it made Sooyoung terrified on what was going through your mind and what you have been saying to the children and to others when she was at the company. No children at that age should even be bringing that word up, and yet her two children were, and she immediately sought out the only source which made them become familiar with the word. She still recalls that dead stare you gave her when she mentioned it to you.
“So it is only when our children asks about it, you come to realize the problems that we are having? Just what do you think is going to happen to us if this continues?”
She has been working a lot, far more than usual, and it has been like this for a while, but she promised that it would soon ease up. That was a year ago, and now you have eventually become fed up with the constant waiting for Sooyoung’s return home and the excuses you need to make to the children when they asked where their mother was. So tonight you gave Sooyoung the last and final warning and chance that she had to keep a grip on her family and to make everything work out.
‘Make it home by 9pm tonight’, if she didn’t make it...
She didn’t know what you had planned, she was too scared to ask you when you had told her, and the whole night she has been going through the many possible scenarios which could be acted out. She needed to make it on time, she had to prove to you and her children that she was going to be there for you and them, that she was going to be there in the family.
When she caught sight of her house, she pressed her foot hard on the pedal, speeding up even more before she roughly parked in the the driveway before stumbling out of the car, not even bothering to turn off the engine as she sprinted for her house. She shot through the front door, hurrying through the house as she called out to you.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
As she ran through the house, Sooyoung was switching on the lights. The body of the house was pitch dark and each time she lit up each room and was met with emptiness, her panic increased tenfold. Her breathing was getting uneven, and her voice was becoming broken and shaky as she kept calling out to you and her children, receiving no answer in return as she hurried upstairs.
She stumbled into her children’s rooms, and was met with no children. They were empty. Her panic increased even more and she all but sprinted in breaking speed to her and your bedroom, slamming the door open and switched on the light.
You weren’t there, and neither was the children, and when she stepped further into the bedroom, her entire body shaking, trying to gather up her thoughts, she noticed something on the bed. With timid steps, she walked to the bed and when she caught sight of the documents, she let out a sob. She shakily reached out and picked up the golden wedding band which was always around your finger no matter the time of day.
“No...no, no, no, no, no, no.” Sooyoung sobbed, collapsing on the bed as tears dripped off her face and onto the bed sheets, her hand covering the documents and scrunching them them in her hand in her desperation as she began to sob heavily on the bed, the word ‘Divorce’ driving a knife through her heart, along with your signature at the bottom of the document. “Please no, please...please let this be a dream.”
This was a nightmare, it had to be, and she will wake up soon to it. She will wake up with you next to her, stroking away the tears with your fingers and pressing comforting kisses to her temple and forehead as you calmed her down. The two of you will then be joined later by your two children, jumping on top of the two of you as they said their ‘good mornings’ laughing and cuddling like one big happily family in your and Sooyoung’s king-sized bed.
But she wasn’t dreaming. She could feel the emptiness of the house weighing down on her shoulders, all because of her inability of fighting for her family and leaving the meeting without a care of it. The reality of her choices was represented by the bright red numbers of the alarm clock on your side of the bed taunting her.
10:15 pm
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“Stop. Just stop!” Yerim screamed, grabbing your hands as they were pulling all of your clothes out of the wardrobe, heading towards the suitcase which was already half-filled with all of your stuff. You ripped them out of Yerim’s grip.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You screamed, shoving past her and heading to the suitcase, Yerim hot on your heels as you dumped the clothes in the bag. Yerim immediately inserted herself between you and the bag, her hands on your shoulders as she tried to push you away from it.
“Y/N listen to me-”
“No, how many times have I told you no! I have had enough. The kids and I are done with you!”
Yerim was desperate to salvage her relationship with her, especially with how viciously the two of you had fought earlier today. You have told her time and time again that she has been working too hard, or rather for too long, and was becoming so distant from the family, even suggesting that she has forgotten that she has a family. Of course she would never forget you and her two children, the three of you were everything for her, and yet you believed she no longer cared.
Today’s fight was different from other fights, while it was the same because it was due to Yerim missing out on the event planned for your and her son, the one which has been planned for months on end, and yet she had forgone it due to an emergency which popped up at work. She was going to make it up to you and her son, knowing that she messed up given how upset both of you were when she finally arrived home.
You had tossed the word ‘Divorce’ at her today, freezing her in her tracks when you uttered it. Fortunately the kids were at school, being taken by the family driver, so they were not being witness to this horrid fight, but Yerim felt like she was way out of her depth, especially since her spouse was threatening her with a divorce.
“We are not going to do that. We are not going to do that.” She had informed you. Despite all the fights the two of you have had, and how horrid of a partner and parent she has been to you and her children, she would never in a million years desire a divorce from you
She told you that the two of you were going to work it out, that she was going to go to work and allow the air to settle between the two of you before sorting it out again later today. But when Yerim had arrived at her company, she felt a sick feeling of dread in her stomach, and she could not bear it any longer as she eventually decided to return back home, something telling her that it was necessary.
And when she arrived, she walked in on your packing up the kids luggage, and now continuing with your own, which she was trying to stop.
“Just listen to me!” Yerim demanded, tears streaming down her cheeks as she desperately tried to stop you from your movements, to just get you to pause and realize just what you were trying to do. But you were not listening her, you shoved her hard by the shoulders.
“No! No, I am always listening to you. The kids and I, we are always listening to you, listening to your excuses and reasons of why you can’t be with us! We are done with you!”
Tears were streaming down your cheek too, dripping to the floor, and you did not bother to wipe at them because they were just easily replaced with new tears. Yerim has always hated seeing you cry, and all she wanted was to wipe them away, to apologize and tell you that everything was going to be okay.
But you would not let her.
“No you’re not. We can work this out, we can be a family-” Yerim tried, desperate to just...fix this, but you were adamant that she couldn’t.
“No we can’t! We are broken, now let us leave and move on!”
“I can’t let you leave! You and the children, you are my life!”
“Just stop with the bullshit Yerim! If we were, you wold have been there for all of us. But you weren’t. You left us Yerim! You left us!”
“Baby please!” Yerim eventually could not handle it anymore. She dropped to her knees and clasped her hands together in desperation, begging, begging for the love of her life. “Please don’t go, I-I will do better! I will sell the company, I will do whatever you want! Just please listen to me! Stay!”
Yerim has never looked or felt so small before, it was a foreign feeling, for both you and herself, but it did not matter. You mind was made up. Even though Yerim was practically begging for you to stay, to just remain by her side and try sort this out together, even being offered the possibility for her company life to be out of the family’s life forever, you knew that it was impossible.
“No Yerim. We’re done. We’re leaving.”
Yerim clawed and clung to you, begging and pleading for you to change your mind, helplessness overwhelming her, there was no possibility of reconciliation. She has caused her own downfall for her family, and she could blame no one but herself.
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hardsr · 2 years
enemies to lovers bodyguard seulrene au where bodyguard!seulgi and ceo!irene can’t stand each other but irene can’t help the worry she feels every time seulgi gets hurt:((
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dcllsvalley-a · 5 months
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( layout ib : @/stcpidcupid )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . MEET THE MEMBERS OF VALLEY OF THE DOLLS !
Are you a new Toymaker who wants to learn the Valley of the Dolls members? Are you trying to pick a bias? Well, you're in luck! Here is where you can learn about the prettiest dolls of STARBORN CREATIVE and REDRUM RECORDS!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . GWAN SUN-HUI, known professionally as SUNHUI, was born on April 27th, 1995 in Changwon, South Korea. Ever since she was little she was surrounded by music as she was raised in Seoul, South Korea since she was two years old. Both her parents are in the music and entertainment industry, her mother is a producer for one of Korea's biggest music companies, SM Entertainment, while her father is the voice of a well-known Korean music radio show. Growing up she did involuntary training from her mom in hopes that Sunhui would be able to debut and rise to stardom. She was around 15 when she had a falling out with both her parents who kept telling her she had no talent and wouldn't make it anywhere in the entertainment industry; ultimately they forced her out of the house. She then got a job at a small cafe where she met NOA who had told her about REDRUM RECORDS auditioning. The words of her parents echoed in her head as she booked an audition with the motivation to prove them wrong.
FULL NAME › Gwan Sun-Hui
BIRTHDAY › April 27th, 1995
BIRTHPLACE › Changwon, South Korea
POSITION ›  Sub Vocalist, Main Rapper, Sub Dancer
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Thanatophobia (fear of death) + Aichmophobia (fear of sharp objects in general) / Trypanophobia (fear of sharp objects in a medical setting)
FACE CLAIM › Kim Bora / SuA (Dreamcatcher)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . LEE NOA, known professionally as NOA, was born February 12th, 1996 and is the youngest of four children. Growing up, she typically got whatever she asked for as her parents are wealthy CEOs of a joint tech company in the United States and South Korea. She originally went to a prestigious arts academy in the United States as she lived there for six years to live with her father after her parents got divorced. When she turned 17, she returned to South Korea to spend a few years with her mother and brothers. During her first few months back, she had seen promotions for auditions for an entertainment company REDRUM RECORDS and decided to audition while not telling her family as she believed she wasn't going to be chosen.
BIRTHDAY › February 12th, 1996
BIRTHPLACE ›  Busan, South Korea
NATIONALITY ›  Korean-American
ETHNICITY › Korean-American
POSITION ›  Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Somniphobia (fear of sleep) + Taphophobia (Fear of being buried alive / suffocation)
FACE CLAIM › Kang Seulgi (Red Velvet)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . YOON HYOJIN, known professionally as LILITH, was born on April 15th, 1997. As the oldest sibling of four children, and because her parents were not around much due to constantly traveling for work, she and her siblings learned to care for themselves and each other. In 2017, all four siblings traveled to New York, USA, in order to finish their studies closer to their parents. While there, Hyojin learned about STARBORN CREATIVE and auditioned for the United States branch of the company. After only one year of training, Hyojin moved back to South Korea with her siblings and soon debuted in Valley of the Dolls.
FULL NAME › Yoon Hyojin
ENGLISH NAME › Sidney Yoon
BIRTHDAY › April 15th, 1997
BIRTHPLACE › Anyang, Gyeonggi, South Korea
NATIONALITY › Korean-American
POSITION ›  Leader, Main Dancer, Lead Rapper
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Chronophobia (fear of time) + Chronomentrophobia (fear of clocks)
FACE CLAIM › Kim Hyunjung / Seola (WJSN)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . BAE WILLOW, known professionally as WILLOW, was born on May 10th, 1999. As an only child born to a working class family, she was spoiled as much as her parents were able to provide for her. After seeing EXID perform Up & Down, she decided to become an idol and auditioned for STARBORN CREATIVE in 2015. She trained there for three years before debuting in Valley of the Dolls.
FULL NAME › Bae Willow 
BIRTHDAY › May 10th, 1999 
BIRTHPLACE › Seoul, South Korea 
TRAINING PERIOD › Three years 
POSITION › Main Vocalist, Main Visual 
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Achluophobia (fear of darkness) + Claustrophobia (fear of being in constricted, confined spaces) 
FACE CLAIM › Lee Gahyeon (Dreamcatcher)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . QIAN BIYA, known professionally as BIYA, was born on November 19th, 1999. She was the only child that her parents had after years of trying. Growing up, her family was never in a good standing financially. She was homeschooled for the majority of her education as her parents couldn't afford to send her to a proper school for her education. It wasn't until she turned 15 that she started taking up small jobs around her city in order to help her family with payments. A small clip of her singing was uploaded and she was eventually contacted by BIGHIT talent scouts and trained under the company after being told she would be paid well if she joined. After three years, with no advancements, she left the company quietly and joined XECOMPANY, now named REDRUM RECORDS where she trained for a little over a year and debuted as one of the six members of VALLEY OF THE DOLLS.
FULL NAME › Qian Biya
BIRTHDAY › November 19th, 1999
BIRTHPLACE › Shanghai, China
ETHNICITY › Chinese 
TRAINING PERIOD › Three years [BIGHIT] ; One and a Half Year [XECOMPANY]
POSITION ›  Lead Vocalist, Fake Maknae, Center, Sub Rapper
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Monophobia (fear of being left alone) + Scopophobia (fear of being watched / stared at)
FACE CLAIM › Ning Yizhuo / Ningning (aespa) 
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( tw. mentions of running away + faking one's death, implied grooming )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . TATIANA JANG, known professionally as TATI, was born as Esperanza Jinsol Jang in Cancún, Mexico, to a happy couple and two older siblings on September 20th, 2001. Growing up, she aspired to be like her older sister Reyna and repeatedly followed her to her dance lessons. There, she met a teacher, Darío Hernández, who constantly showered her with praises and ideas to run away from home with him to South Korea, where he told her they could become famous. Despite her parents' (rightful) suspicions, Esperanza listened to Darío, faking her death by leaving behind a set of clothes near a river before running away to Korea with Darío under the name Tatiana in 2015.
Once arriving to Korea, Darío had her work at a restaurant to help pay for their shabby apartment, while he taught classes at a dance studio nearby. She later started busking on the streets and was eventually scouted by STARBORN CREATIVE. Despite the substantial amount of money that was promised, Darío refused to let her go, threatening to leave her stranded in Korea without money if she left him. Tatiana escaped in the middle of the night and begged STARBORN CREATIVE for a place to stay as she trained, which they gave and had Darío arrested and extradited back to Mexico; however he refused to speak of Tatiana and her whereabouts.
Tatiana trained for three years under STARBORN CREATIVE before debuting in the girl group Valley of the Dolls as the maknae, main vocalist, and dancer of the group Tati, still under her false name.
FULL NAME › Tatiana Jang
BIRTHDAY › September 20th, 2001
BIRTHPLACE › Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico
NATIONALITY › Korean-Mexican
POSITION ›  Maknae, Main Vocalist, Dancer
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Philophobia (fear of falling in love)
FACE CLAIM › Park Sujin / Swan (Purple Kiss)
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soyeonsbabygirl · 4 months
CW: Mentions of a mental Breakdown, Cheating, and overall very big issues that Jia has
Jiyoung had always believed she was a nice person.
She grew up with a good childhood, her parents loved her and they even let her go to New Zealand at one point for further studies. She of course knew they only said yes since Yeojin her oldest more responsible and mature sister was going, along with her cousin Jennie, even little Sooyoung was going with them which Jia didn't mind. She’d rather not leave Sooyoung alone anyways, even when Sooyoung left going back to China, Jiyoung still stayed with Yeojin and her cousin. Maybe she should’ve gone back with Sooyoung….maybe then none of this would’ve ever happened.
Jiyoung who was only 17, waited. Being in New Zealand gave her opportunities China wouldn’t have been able to give her. She wasn’t really as good as speaking Chinese like Sooyoung and her dad despite being Chinese-Korean. But that wasn’t her fault, Korean just ended up being her first language. She had been a big fan of few Kpop groups, often singing along to the songs she would hear Yeojin play.
She would spend hours trying to learn the choreography to any of the songs she would see, it was no secret she loved Kpop. Without her sister Yeojin, she would’ve never found out about Kpop. Jiyoung looked up to her older sister, she was proud of her for being accepted by an acting agency in Korea. Yeojin had always loved acting so she would be a perfect actress.
But really…..it was Yeojin that was perfect, gorgeous face, fluent in both Korean, Chinese, and English , naturally good at school, everyone loved her, hour glass figure, smart, responsible, and naturally mature. Jiyoung wanted to be like her, but her dreams were different. She signed up for dance lessons and eventually became top of the class, she taught herself piano as well singing along to it as she would create her own melodies.
Eventually she was spotted by a scout for SM, they encouraged her to audition. She was beyond excited which led to where she was now. SM had flown her out to Korea after she passed the audition in New Zealand, now it was time for her to audition in front of the CEO.
She was nervous but it was no shock she had passed with flying colors, within a month of being at company she had made it into SM rookies. Her parents were upset she hadn’t talked to them about this but still supported her nonetheless, she became friends with a girl who shared a name with her younger sister, as well as meeting a girl who had come all the way from Canada. She had noticed Seulgi before Seulgi had even noticed her, I mean when you’re in the same entertainment for 4 months you're bound to notice someone.
Jiyoung was especially known for a distinct feature, her long hair, her dance style, and creating her own songs. Every evaluation Jiyoung would pass. She felt like she was perfect…like her sister. Only thing is Jiyoung had a girlfriend. She met her through her cousin Jennie, Kim Minji. Minji was gorgeous to Jiyoung always knowing what to say and how she was feeling. She and Minji would often sneak out alongside her and Sooyoung the trainee who shared the same name as her younger sister who became her best friend. Minji was perfect, everything anyone could ever want in a girlfriend. But maybe she was too perfect…too perfect for someone like Kim Jiyoung.
After being the highest ranking trainee well known among SM rookies and practically the whole industry, you can imagine people’s surprise when Jiyoung left SM. The announcement made multiple headlines and no one knew why. People were bound to be confused when a girl who had been training for half a year and was rumored to debut as either a soloist or a girl group that SM had been wanting to debut all because of her, a girl who had wrote and produced so many songs for the already existing groups, a girl who had the best voice out of all the trainees in her training group and could easily hit whistle notes like it was nothing whilst still having a siren like voice. Rumors speculated which were so ridiculous they would make Jiyoung scoff.
If they had known that a month prior her and Kim Minji her girlfriend of 2 months had broken up, it was Jiyoung’s choice. Minji was too perfect for someone like her, the relationship bored Jiyoung or at least that's what she told herself. Jiyoung didn’t deserve Minji’s love. That was what she believed but she never told Minji that, only telling the girl she needed to focus on training the girl nodded understandingly and the two remained friends. Jiyoung tried to distract herself but she couldn’t. Everything felt like it was too much, when she ended up coming in second in her evaluation that was when she couldn’t do it.
Here she was now, looking in the mirror. She had dropped out of an entertainment that would’ve helped her to achieve her dreams, leaving her friends, and so many other things behind. She had already joined another entertainment and passed the audition, but no one knew that yet. Other than her older sister. The worst thing about this whole thing was what netizens said about her. She knew what netizens had to say about it since she would sometimes spend hours reading their comments, the positive ones supporting her were sweet but there were more negative ones aimed at her, those are the ones that caught her attention.
Those fucking bastards who had nothing better to do but comment on what Jiyoung decided to do with her life. Saying she had wasted her potential, calling her ungrateful, and so many other hateful words. Jiyoung looked at herself in the mirror not even realizing she was crying or when she grabbed the scissors. Everything was a blur but at the end of it, her long hair that she was complimented on for years gone now stopping at her shoulders. Now Jiyoung felt control.
SIXTEEN was a blur to her. She had gone on the survival show after her second year of being under JYP. Many netizens recognized her as the girl from SM rookies and were shocked at the 180 of her appearance. She became popular for her looks quickly. Her vocals paired with Jihyo, Sana, and a girl named Chaeyeon apparently brought many to tears.
People loved how she was able to create mainly her own material and execute it flawlessly. Her rapping also impressed people. Despite being more known for her vocals she was an amazing rapper. She would always rank first when it came to rapping on the show surprising many who only saw her as a vocalist. She had also started dating another girl named Yoo Siah around this time.
She didn’t know what it is but something about the girl attracted her, and she loved that. She had dated a Source Music trainee briefly last year for at least 3 and a half months. She couldn’t remember what was wrong with that relationship but both girls had mutually decided to break up. Which was good since the relationship bored Jiyoung by the 3rd month but again she still remained friends with the girl.
Jiyoung would watch as young girls got eliminated, some were the same as her younger sister Sooyoung if not younger. Jiyoung found herself wondering about her little sister who had also decided to become an idol. Jiyoung was angered by this screaming at her younger sister making the younger girl cry. Jiyoung didn’t mean to make the younger girl cry, she's her baby sister after all. She doesn’t want little Sooyoung to go through the same thing she did and what was worse was that Sooyoung was younger than her. Jiyoung apologized a few days later but made a mental note to look after her sister in this industry.
Jiyoung didn’t expect herself to cry as much as she did when she saw Momo someone she grew close with in the entertainment get eliminated. A river of tears made their way down Jiyoung’s face as she cried watching her leave, maybe that's why Siah broke up with her. Because she was too weak. Oh well. I guess Jiyoung was too weak for Siah to love her. Jiyoung decided she would use a different name as her stage name. She gave a slight smirk to the crowd making everyone scream as she prepared to speak. “I’m Jia, the 8th Member of twice.” Once again Jia had regained control.
The girls had just had a Japanese debut a month ago, Jia and Seulgi had been dating for 8 months now. Jia’s hair was long because Seulgi liked her with her hair long. They had been revealed after 6 months of dating, but neither cared. whoever the anonymous source was that got pictures of her and Seulgi making out needed a fucking life.
Jia loved the way Seulgi kissed her as if she was the only girl in the world. The way Seulgi’s hands would hold her waist pulling her closer. She got hate for dating Seulgi and being a lesbian overall but she didn’t care. She had Seulgi that was all she needed and cared about. Sure there would be days Seulgi would ghost her not talking to her for days sometimes weeks, but she trusted Seulgi. Seulgi would never hurt her.
She tells Jia all the time that she loves her, Jia really felt herself falling in love with Seulgi too. Seulgi had met Jia’s parents which her exes had never even come close to, her sisters though Sooyoung was nicer to her than Yeojin according to Seulgi, even posted her on her story. She truly was in love with her.
Though Seulgi would be on her phone for hours whenever they hung out and when Jia asked her about it, it would make Seulgi upset as if Jia was in the wrong for even daring to ask. “It’s like you don’t fucking trust me.” “Don’t you love me baby?” “if you love me you would trust me.” “I thought we talked about this. Stop being annoying.” Jia would apologize feeling bad for having upset her girlfriend. Even when Seulgi acted like this , Jia still loved her.
When Seulgi would ditch her to hang out with Joy or Irene she didn’t question it since it’s just group bonding. Besides whenever they had sex Seulgi was able to help Jia forget about it all. Possessive, loving, and rough sex was her favorite thing about Seulgi. Seulgi would come back from ghosting her or being late to a hangout or date and not even say a word immediately kissing Jia.
Hands trailing over her body as she flung Jia’s clothes off. She would run her finger over Jia’s spider tattoo on her lower hip. She would grope Jia’s tits that could barely fit in Seulgi’s hands from how big they were. No matter how Seulgi fucked Jia she would always mutter “I love you” and “you're mine” against Jia’s skin. Jia belonged to Seulgi, and Jia knew she was hers forever….
Jia’s blood ran cold as she opened as message from a random number. She watched video and it was clear who it was. Seulgi and Irene were fucking. their faces were in it, their moans were heard, along with Seulgi screaming Irene’s name. Jia couldn’t stop the screams and tears she let out as everything stopped around her. She fell to her knees having a full breakdown not even registering Jihyo and Nayeon comforting her.
They held her in their arms trying to calm her down which seemed to only make the girls screams worse. Chaeyoung had called Joy who was Jia’s best friend. Surely she could help calm her down right? when she answered she was on speaker and Jia heard the words she would never wanna hear from her best friend. “We’re not fucking friends. I was never her friend. She’s not worth it.”
Jia stopped crying briefly to stare at the phone in shock along with Chaeyoung, Momo and Sana who had just entered the room standing at the doorway, Jihyo and Nayeon whose faces were filled with anger as they stared at the phone in disbelief. After 4 seconds more tears fell from her eyes as she sobbed loudly, shaking slightly as well.
She couldn’t breathe and every touch despite it being comforting also felt almost like ice making Jia scream more. Tzuyu the maknae of the group who hated seeing Jia like this called her younger sister. Sooyoung arrived quickly rushing to her sister. Nayeon and Jihyo moved and Sooyoung held her older sister in her arms.
Jia’s screams and sobs could be heard throughout the whole dorm. Sooyoung who was only 18, had never heard her sister scream or seen her cry like this. Her screams and sobs were heard by everyone in the dorm as she clung to her baby sister being the only one to provide Jia with the comfort she needed.
It has been a month since Jia and Seulgi broke up. a month since Joy was no longer her best friend. Jia felt empty. She felt like no one could love her. Only person that did was Seulgi, she showed her the side of her no one else had seen. She loved her everyday and this is what she got in return? Fuck that. Fuck Kang Seulgi. Fuck Bae Joohyun. Fuck Park Sooyoung. She acted like a shitty friend from the start of her and Seulgi’s relationship anyways. She had turned cold and distant and barely making time to even respond to Jia’s call. The girls were about to have a Christmas comeback, Jia still had her long hair, the long hair that Seulgi loved her in. The same hair she would run her fingers through, the same hair she would tell Jia is when she looked her prettiest. Jia looked in the mirror scissors in hand, she needed to regain control. She cut her hair just above her shoulders slightly by 5 centimeters. She was not anyone’s anymore. She cut her hair severing Seulgi’s hold on her. She was no longer Seulgi’s Jia. She was Kim Fucking Jia and she belonged to no one but herself.
That was all then, but let’s talk about now. This was now: it had been 2 years since the breakup and Jia hasn’t dated anyone else since only having flings. She makes it clear what they are when she starts sleeping with someone and if they fall in love, that's their fault. That had nothing to do with Jia.
Some of them respected that, others disappointed, and then some would cry. She had just ended her recent Fling with Vivi from Loona 2 months ago. Nothing wrong with the girl, she just bored Jia and she felt Vivi falling in love with her so she broke it off before it could be anything else. Jia had made a huge name for herself in the industry.
She spoke 5 languages fluently soon to be 7, She was the 3rd most biased member, known for her producer skills, vocals, and rapping, people loved the way she danced claiming there was a certain sexiness to it, then there was her iconic “10 minutes” solo stage she did. She has the titles Nation’s Vixen, Women Attractor, China’s Golden Voice, and Daughter of YSL. She is known for being an ambassador for Ferrari, Jimmy Choo, and YSL.
Jia knew this and was proud of herself. She knew she was unlovable so she wasn’t perfect like her older sister but she wasn’t Yeojin. She was Kim Jiyoung. Despite all of this and the way Jia is……Nayeon, Momo, Dahyun, and Jihyo couldn’t help but be the first ones to fall for her.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! We will see more of Jia since she is slowly becoming my new obsession more than Sooyoung. Feel free to ask me anything you have about Jia and this chapter.
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twice-inamillion · 5 months
Potential Idols for “The Company”
BlackPink: Jisoo Jennie Rose Lisa
Twice: Nayeon Jeongyeon Momo Sana Jihyo Mina Dahyun Chaeyoung Tzuyu
Haeum Lee (Jihyo’s Sister)
Itzy: Yeji Lia Chaeryoung Yuna Ruyjin
Le sserafim: Sakura Chaewon, Yujin, Kazuha
IVE: Yujin, Wonyoung, Rei, Gaeul, Liz
Nmixx: Sullyoon, Haewon, Bae
Hyuna (I know you said 3rd and 4th gen but she’s still relevant)
Gong Seungyeon (Jeongyeons sister)
Hirai Hana (Momo’s sister is a member of a prominent dance team in Japan so she could be part of the Japanese branch and a group choreographer and backup dancer)
G-idle: Shuha Miyeon, Minnie, Yuqi
Seohyun (shes still a prominent actress)
Aespa: Karina, Winter, Ningning, Giselle
New jeans: Minji, Danielle, Hanni
Kepler: Bahiyyih Chaehyun and the rest
Momoland: Nancy Yeonwoo
Cignature: Jewon
mamamoo: hwasa solar moonbyul wheein 
Alice- Sohee
Ex-izone: hyewon minju yena Chaeyeon
Red velvet: Irene joy Wendy yeri seulgi 
Fromis 9 in particular Saerom Chaeyoung and Jisun
Seol in-ah (Business proposal)
Go Youn Jung (Alchemy of Souls)
Kim ji-eun ( could be fun because her and ryujin look like sisters)
Bae Suzy
exCLC Seungyeon Yeeun and Sorn
WJSN Yeoreum
WOO!AH! Nana
Sunmi and Tayeon as senior for younger idols and trusted associates of the CEO
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pinkbrries · 11 months
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》 BIRTH NAME: hirata hanan (平田花南)
》 STAGE NAME: hannah
》 REASON OF HER NAME: she’s an only child, so her parents think of her as a blessing of the heaven, haneul in korean means “heaven/sky”
》 NICKNAMES: ann | annie | han han | double h | hananie | ace | nct’s golden girl 
》 BIRTH DATE: oct 4th, 2000
》 PLACE OF BIRTH: san francisco, california
》 ZODIAC SIGN: libra
》 ETHNICITY : japanese-american 
》 LANGUAGES: english (native), japanese (fluent), korean (fluent), spanish (conversational), french (basic), cantonese (learning)
》 HEIGHT: 1.66 cm || 5’2
》 EDUCATION: school of performing arts (SOPA) 
》 FACE CLAIM: kazuha (lesserafim)
》 EMOJI: 🌸
》 ROLE MODEL(S): boa, seulgi (rv), exo, ty&ten (nct), lisa (bp), taemin (shinee), CL (2ne1), dpr ian, dpr live, ikon. 
》 POSITIONS: main dancer, main rapper, visual. 
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YG entertainment: 2013 - 2016
SM entertainment: 2016 - present
dance practices/comeback stages/events (background dancer for various yg artists)
ten – dream in a dream (dance practice)
sm station season 3 – colde “loss” mv
sm station season 3 – chanyeol “ssfw” mv. 
henry lauv – “i luv u” mv. 
seoul fashion week. 
inkigayo (MC along with Mingyu and Song Kang)
law of the jungle. 
high school rapper. 
the return of superman. 
hello counselor. 
boss in the mirror. 
happy together. 
good girl. 
amazing saturday. 
drama: “lovestruck in the city.” 
drama: “nevertheless”
kingdom: legendary war (MC along with tvxq’s changmin)
street woman fighter (MC along with Kang Daniel) 
》 DEBUT DATE: jan 6, 2017 
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Hanan was born in San Francisco, California. Only daughter of a successful business woman and his father being CEO of his own company, Hanan would have to move and live in different countries since early age until her parents decided on settling down in New York; there, she would start taking ballet lessons. 
Hanan would always excel in every school assignment, and her former classmates would refer to her as “the triple treat: beautiful, smart and kind.” It’s after a ballet winter showcase that she gets scouted by YG, an agent reaching out to her parents telling them she had potential. Her dad was reluctant to let her go and be a trainee, while her mother told her that she supported whichever decision she made. 
She became a trainee at the beginnings of 2013 under YG. Hana trained for three years under YG, even getting contemplated to debut as a Blackpink member, but ultimately Hanan didn’t make the cut. 
While being a trainee, she also kept practicing ballet.
Months before blackpink’s debut, she parted with YG on good terms and decided on staying in Seoul for a while to try her luck, eventually getting scouted by SM entertainment. 
On january 6 2017, Hanan made her official debut with NCT under the stage name “Hannah”.
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jayflrt · 7 days
ur mind so so smexy the way u plot these, literally on the edge of my seat as i study for a test BUTTT i tried figuring out who tapped who && if theres a chance that hoon can get in:
sungjin —> yn
theres two theories why i think sungjin chose yn, its bcos of jay lowke if he has an inkling that jay likes yn he can screw over hoon which is kinda far fetched cus how could sungjin know but theres a possibility
theres more potential in yn && can light up hoon even more in a weird twisted way —> its fucked up yes and possibly screws up hoon BUT imagine ending up as a ceo in ur fams company without having to go thru the order!
commonality i do think hes trying to mentally manipulating hoon which is thru his ex gf (question: does hoon still has feelings for yn?)
jennie: TBA — assuming she hasnt chosen anyone, im betting its hoon
jaehyun —> hee
i agree w gigi & jay that hee was most likely trying to screw over jay, to an extent, unintentionally however i do think hee is threatened by jay cus 1) was able to catch the attention of the love of his life in a matter of months when he knew her forever 2) suddenly was accepted in the old money scene when it took such a long time for him
joshua —> my wild guess that he chose sunoo! instinct with no evidence or theory as to why HAHA**
jeonghan —> jay
tbh i expected it bcos from the scenes you provided, it seemed like jay was socializing w jh more && i think him not really prioritizing jh’s seat kinda made him more authentic to jh if that made sense
irene —> karina? im only basing this because irl theyre leaders in sm ents girl groups BAHAHAHAHAH
wonwoo —> gigi
seulgi —> ningning
this what made me think as to irene tapping karina or karina mentioned who tapped her & i forgot
minghao: na
baekhyun: na
sehun: na
jisoo —> changmin
doyeon—> yeonjun? idt he mentioned who tapped but ik he was sleeping with one of them && theyre the same age irl so maybe im not that far of
** sunoo’s could be joshua - minghao - baekhyun - sehun & u mentioned eunseok is also part of who got tapped
correct me if im wrong w the canon taps but yeah ! my theory is that hoon will get tapped but thru unexpected means
omg no YOUR mind is sexy like this analysis????? WHOA! also i hope your test went well ml !! 🫶 actually i can confirm some of these for you since the new chap is coming out soon + not exactly hiding some of these LMFAO
i can't give much about sungjin away, though your theories are v good 🫣 but i can confirm that hoon does still have feelings for mc !! he's just trying to respect the breakup but he definitely isn't over it yet
also,, i actually did have irene tap karina and seulgi tap ningning LMFAOOO saw right through me there 😭 also yes yeonjun was sleeping with doyeon ! 🫣
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