#civic hall
redux-pain · 8 months
chapter 12: Civic Hall
広岡トモヨがブツブツと 何かボヤキながら近づいてくる。
Tomoyo Hirooka is mumbling to herself as she walks by.
I don’t feel good...
/Hirooka Tomoyo came up, muttering and grumbling about something./
[HIROOKA:] Ugh, I feel terrible...
ほんと、アイツ、 何のつもりなのさ……。
What the hell is he trying to do, anyway?
Everytime... I hate him!!
[HIROOKA:] I swear, what is that thing up to...
Day in and day out! It's pissing me off!
は~、いったいアタシが なにしたのさ……。
Smiling like a pervert!
Haah... what did I even do?!
[HIROOKA:] Always with that creepy stare!
*sigh* What have I done to deserve this?!
アンタには関係ないけど、 グチの一つも言いたくなるってものよ。
最近このあたりに、薄気味悪いネコが ウロウロしていてさ……。
You’re unrelated, but I wanna complain to someone.
A creepy cat has been hanging around here.
[HIROOKA:] This has nothing to do with you, but I need to vent to someone.
Lately there's been this weird cat hanging around here.
ああ~、思い出しただけで 気味悪い……。
His face is all squished.
I don’t even wanna re- member it!
[HIROOKA:] Its face is all... flat and squished...
Ah, I don't even like remembering it....
[NOTE: This sounds ominous, but googling 顔がつぶれてて turns up pictures of regular Persian and Himalayan cats with silly flat faces, so I think it's just describing Mint's general appearance.
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(Although when we actually see her, she looks more like a standard Siamese with a pointy face.)]
そいつが、こっちをジ~と 見つめるんだよ。
会館の入り口あたりに座ってね、 追い払おうとしてもムダ!
That cat stares at me...
He sits at that entrance. I can’t force him away!
[HIROOKA:] It just stares at me.
It sits by the hall's entrance and I can't shoo it away no matter how hard I try.
怖いってものを知らないの かしらね……。
棒を持っていっても、 逆に近づいてくるんだから!
He has no fear...
I go after him with a stick and he comes over to me!
[HIROOKA:] It's like it doesn't know the meaning of fear...
I pick up a stick and it actually comes closer!
今から市役所に行って、 どうにかしてもらわなきゃ!
I hate that cat!
I’m gonna go to City Hall & have them do something.
[HIROOKA:] Oh, I can't stand it!
I'm going right over to City Hall to make them do something!
強い恐れの思念。 その猫を思い出したのか、 広岡トモヨは顔をしかめ、 何度も頭を振っていた。
I’m gonna go crazy.
A strong Shinen of fear. As Tomoyo Hirooka remem- bers the cat, she shakes her head & makes a face.
[HIROOKA:] This is driving me straight to a nervous breakdown.
/A powerful Thought of fear. Remembering the cat, Hirooka Tomoyo made a face and shook her head back and forth./
化けネコ Ghost Cat Bakeneko
気味の悪いネコに対する、 怒りと嫌悪感の混じった 思念に、かすかに恐怖の 感情が入っている。
A Shinen that has disgust and anger towards the cat. It also contains some fear.
A Thought containing anger and revulsion towards a disturbing cat. There's also a small amount of fear.
What’s with that cat?
Looks creepy
Staring at me
...What's with that cat?
So creepy
Staring right at me
Like it’s cursing me
I’ve done nothing bad
Like it's putting a curse on me
I haven't done anything wrong
Why are you staring?
I’ll kill you one day
Yeah that’s right
Don’t mess with me
Why are you staring?
I'll give you a walloping one of these days
Yeah, that's right
Don't mess with me
うざい奴ら Annoying Losers Annoying Bastards
金銭欲と欲望にまみれた思念。 自分の思い通りにならない 事で憤りを感じている。
A Shinen of greed and desire. A feeling of anger if things don’t go as planned.
A Thought coated with avarice and desire. She's angry that things aren't going her way.
The Civic Hall’s mine
You watch
It’s insured
The Civic Hall belongs to me
Just you watch
It's insured
Where’s my insurance?
Everyone laughs at me
Ignorant girl
Where's that insurance money?
They're taking me for a fool
Some ignorant woman
Just watch
Yeah, that’s right
I’ve got an idea
Wait and see
Yeah, that's right
I've got the master plan here
That idiot torched it
I’m the victim
Where’s my money?
That idiot torched it
I'm the victim
Where's my money?
[Ghost Cat + Annoying Losers =]
保険金サギ Insurance Fraud Insurance Fraud
自身の欲望が叶えられない事 によって、強いイラ立ちと憎 しみが生じている。
If their whims are not granted, a strong anger and hatred is formed here.
Anger and hatred formed as a result of not getting what she wants.
I’ll curse you
Like that cat
Stare them down
That's it, I'll curse 'em
Just like that cat
Stare 'em all down
Take what I want
Just watch
Take what I want
Just watch
I have many plans
Maybe torch it myself
Or involve my parents
I’ll get it done
Plenty of ways to do it
I could torch it myself
Or maybe get my parents to do it
I'll get it done right
世は全て どん欲な心が支配する
All bow before Me
Greed runs the World
The Hand of Darkness
The ignorant prostrate themselves before me
Greedy hearts control this whole world
The tendrils of darkness... pull me under....
[NOTE: It seems like this was translated as "Hand of Darkness" because in the script files, it comes directly after a Silent that I believe is from Mika in chapter 20, and that one mentions a "hand of light".]
関係の無いアンタに グチばかり言っちゃってさ。
だけどさ、アンタって不思議な人 だわね……。
Oh, sorry...
It’s got nothing to do with you, I guess.
But you’re really a mysterious person, huh?
[HIROOKA:] Oh, sorry.
Here I go complaining when it's got nothing to do with you.
But you're really someone very mysterious...
アンタと喋っていたらさ、 心や体がすっとしてくるんだよ。
I feel relaxed when I talk to you.
Why don’t you start a religion?
[HIROOKA:] I feel refreshed body and soul whenever I talk to you.
What would you think of starting a religion?
男前だし、絶対成功すると 断言できるわ。
もしその気になったら、 私に相談してちょうだい。
You’re handsome, too, I think you’d be a success.
Let me know if you’re interested.
[HIROOKA:] You're handsome, too. I know you'd be a success.
Let me know if you're interested.
その関係の知り合いは、 たくさんいるから紹介するわ。
I have lots of friends like that, I’ll introduce you.
See you later.
[HIROOKA:] I have a number of friends in that line of work that I can introduce you to.
See you later.
ああああ、気分悪いったら ありゃしないよー!
あたしは行かなきゃならない ところがあるんだからさ!
Aaaah, I just feel so crappy!
Get outta my way.
I have places I have to be!
[HIROOKA:] Oooh, I feel awful!
Outta my way!
I've got places to go!
どうやらあの女は、 彼氏を犯罪に巻き込も うとしているようだ。
彼氏といっても女から 愛情は少しも感じられ なかった。
She’s trying to get her lover into trouble.
I don’t feel any love in her at all.
[ATSUKI:] So apparently she's trying to frame her boyfriend for a crime.
Boyfriend he may be, but I didn't feel any trace of affection from her.
保険金という言葉が 心にあったことから、 あの女が何を考えてい るかうかがい知れる。
捜査とは直接関係ない が一応報告しておくほ うがいいだろう。
From the words insurance money it’s clear what she’s doing.
Should probably report her just in case.
[ATSUKI:] Since the words "insurance money" were on her mind, I can tell what she's planning.
This isn't related to our search, but I should report it just in case.
潜在的な犯罪者とでも言えば いいのかしら?
どの街にも一人は必ず居る タイプの人間ね……。
So she’s like a ”hidden criminal” I guess, huh?
There’s at least one in every town, like her...
[NOLA:] So she's a potential criminal, shall we say?
Every town must have at least one of that type, I suppose...
常に社会に対して不満を持ち、 打算的で、知能は高い。
人をダマしたり、裏切ったりする ことに罪悪感を持たない。
Hates society, calculating, intelligent.
Doesn’t mind lying to or betraying people.
[NOLA:] Selfish, clever, and never satisfied with the world.
Feels absolutely no guilt about lying and betraying people.
たいてい小さな悪事を働くことで 満足するんだけど、
サイレントに感染していたと なると問題は別ね。
わかった、こちらの方でも 気をつけておくわ。
Usually they’re satisfied with just small crimes,
but if they’re infected by Silent, it’s different...
OK, I’ll keep my eyes open on here.
[NOLA:] They're usually satisfied with petty crime...
...but it's a different matter if they're infected with Silent.
Okay, I'll keep an eye out here.
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hepdenerose · 2 months
Wood Top Heritage
A patchily sunny mid-February Sunday, we walked through the park beginning to bloom with almonds and cherries, up to Wood Top, in search of new lambs. On the ascent, recent research enabled us to place the long-gone Victoria Mill and the station warehouse and further up, to speculate on the origin of the farmhouse. Date stamped 1657, tall arched doors either side signified it started out as a…
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johnbrace · 11 months
Planning Appeal (DAY 6 (EVE)) Wirral Council refusals of 7 planning applications by Leverhulme for residential development in the greenbelt
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prfm-multiverse · 6 months
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The PTA Hall Tour 2023 ends on November 18 at the Okinawa City Civic Center in Okinawa. Most of the previous set lists can be checked here. They're bascially the same except switching the first encore track.
Since the tour is almost over and it's already an open secret. Yes it's true. Sweet Refrain and Toumei Ningen were live performed for the first time in full. Ten and eight years after the release. Both tracks were performed at every venue.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 years
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Children playing at Civic Virtue Triumphant Over Unrighteousness, a sculpture group on the Angelina Crane Fountain outside City Hall, ca. 1925. (Considering that Tammany Hall ruled the city government at the time, this has to be taken as a joke.) Created by sculptor Frederick William MacMonnies and architect Thomas Hastings, and carved by the Piccirilli Brothers, the sculpture was later moved to Queensborough Hall.
Photo: UPI/Bettmann Archive/Getty Images
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smeagles · 1 year
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Civic Hall, Wolverhampton 11.1.2005 | Shari Black Velvet
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homestuck--edits · 1 year
hey!! i feel bad coming in and requesting so much stuff, so if you dont want to do it, its fine! could i possibly get a talksprite of my oc aontwi with a damara base? she is a limeblood if that helps! thank you so much for all your hard work!
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her :))
-mod davesprite
#mod davesprite#homestuck#talksprite edit#talksprite edits heart heart#anyway had comp today#i wasnt allowed to participate but i have a fun story abt finding a place#so last year we hosted at the college which we could do because they had the security guard there on saturdays#this year they didnt meaning wed have to pay his salary for the time he was there#unfortunately we recieve 0 district funding#so we had to find a new spot. tried to go to the ymca#held one comp there (my last one uh. Ever. but we did the best weve ever done !!)#and then this time. six days before competition. they said wed have to pay 50 bucks an hour to compete there again. its a 9 hour competition#so we had to find somewhere else. which i was tasked with#i called: hospital‚ pud‚ civic center‚ city hall‚ local lumber company‚ library‚ tax place‚ senior center‚ fire department‚ and six churches#oh local bus company also#anyway finally person from tax place recommended a coffee shop downtown thatd charge 75 bucks a day for a decent size room#so me n gf went down to check it out. unfortunately theyre only open five hours a day. for a six hour competition. so they couldnt do it#our last options were... visit more churches. the cops ? and... that was all. so we went to get coffee#coffee shop that gave me my cute lemon bracelet :DD! so anyway was complaining to the store owner abt not having a place. and she went#oh would here work? and i went uh. yeah? is it okay if we bring computers? and how long are you open?#she said yeah the computers are fine and we can be open as long as you want ! and i went oh okay. so how much do we have to pay#because wed be occupying the whole place all day. and she said oh no worries :)) free !. and . holy shit. so she called her daughter#who stayed like three hours late today. unpaid. for us to compete#fucking insane this coffee shop has done more for us than the school district has ever. and it was great!!#a lil cramped but cozy and also Coffee. we spent probably 200 bucks on coffee altogether?? hope it was profitable for them they were so nice#gave some of us free stuff fucking insane honestly#also shoutout to the dairy queen for not killing us for walking in with 67 dollars and going give us all the chicken strips this will buy#it was 44 btw. and they gave us a free burger some guy named alex made. i dont know why they did but they wouldnt take no for an answer#anyway im not in a good mood but fuck dude i love local business. i also got a tiny palm reading book to carry around :>
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captivemuses · 1 year
So the case I was there to do jury duty for ended up getting dismissed at 10:30 so I unsurprisingly went straight home. I’m gonna go sleep for a couple hours since I didn’t sleep well last night and then get some stuff done around my room and the house. If I can just get my clean clothes put away and my Genshin prints hung up then I’d be satisfied. So I’m aiming to get both those things done and then I’ll be on my computer for the rest of the day!
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metrocentric · 2 years
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Epping Forest District Council civic offices, Epping
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Tuning the Yamaha C1x Grand Piano at Wolverhampton Civic Hall for the Christmas concert featuring the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestr.
#cbso #yamaha #yamahac1x #piano #pianist #music #pianotuner #pianotuning #wolverhampton #WolverhamptonCivicHall
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redux-pain · 2 years
chapter 10: Civic Hall
今捜索中です。 もう少しお待ち下さい。
Did you find Atsuki?
We’re still looking. Give us a little more time.
[HIROOKA:] Did you find him yet?
[COP:] Our search is still underway. Please give us a little more time.
[NOTE: Either the TL was on autopilot and mistook アイツ for アツキ, or this was so short that it looked like part of another scene—seriously, this is a REALLY short exchange to have to open up a whole new file for.]
==== 辺り一面に焦げ臭い 匂いが立ち込めている。
その中でヒロオカが警官に 何かを心配そうに聞いていた。
Something smells like it’s burning.
Hirooka is talking to a cop and sounding worried.
/The whole area was shrouded in the smell of something burning.
In the midst of it all, [Atsuki] overheard Hirooka talking about something to a cop. She sounded worried./
---- あいつがこの市民会館に 火をつけた事は確かなのさ。
ええ、ですから今現在、 その人物を捜索しております。
I’m sure it was him who set this place on fire.
Yes, we’re looking for him right now.
[HIROOKA:] I'm sure he's the one who set the Civic Hall on fire.
[COP:] Yes, we're looking for him right now.
---- 目撃情報も多数上がっています。 ご安心を。
We have many witnesses. Don’t worry.
That’s good, then...
[COP:] We have plenty of witnesses. Don't worry.
[HIROOKA:] Well, that's good...
---- 本当にあいつは信じられないね。
市民の大事な場所に火をつける なんてさ。
I can’t believe him.
Setting fire to our precious Civic Hall....
[HIROOKA:] I can't believe him.
Imagine setting fire to a place that's so important for our citizens...
---- 何てバチ当たりな事するんだろうね。
私がちょっと冷たくしたからって、 火をつける事もないのに……。
He deserves to be punished.
Just because I was a little bit cold to him...
[HIROOKA:] Of all the low-down things to do!
There's no reason to go lighting fires just because I went a little cold on him...
あんな奴は、さっさと捕まえて、 死刑にでもしてやりゃいいんだ。
He had no right to do this.
He should be arrested and given the death penalty.
[HIROOKA:] He's lucky I'm not the type to hold a grudge.
I hope you arrest him immediately and give him the death penalty.
---- …ははっ、まあ捜査の方は 順調ですので、ご安心ください。
あらっ、そう? 警察の人は頼もしいからいいね。
Heh, well the investigation is going well, don’t worry.
Oh really? Policemen are so manly, how great!
[COP:] ...Ha ha. Well, our investigation is going well. Don't worry.
[HIROOKA:] Oh, really? I love you police officers. You're so reliable!
---- 市民のために汗水働いて、 本当に尊敬するわ。
おっと! それでは私は 署に戻って報告をして参ります。
Working hard for the people, I respect that.
OK, I’ll get back to the station & file a report.
Excuse me!
[HIROOKA:] Working hard for the common people. I really respect that.
[COP:] Well! I'd better get back to the station and make my report.
---- あらっ、どうしたんだい? また私に会いに来たのかい?
だけど、残念だね~。 今ちょっと忙しくてね。
Oh, what’s up? You come to see me again?
But how unfortunate, I’m really busy now.
[HIROOKA:] Oh? Oh what's up? Here to see me again?
Well, too bad. I'm busy right now.
---- まあ、でも折角来てくれたんだ。
何か用件があるなら、 パパっと聞いておくれよ。
But you did come all this way.
If I can help you with something, tell me quickly.
[no issues]
==== [TALK:]
なんだい? 何か用があるんじゃないのかい?
What? Do you need something?
---- [TALK x 3:]
何をモジモジしてんだい? はっきり言いっておくれよ。
What’re you squirming for? Hurry up & talk.
[HIROOKA:] Why so bashful? Hurry up and talk.
Hm? What is it now?
こう見えても何かと忙しいさ。 パパッと頼むよ。
I’m actually busy, you know. Hurry up.
[HIROOKA:] I might not look it, but I'm a busy woman. Hurry up.
ああ、見ての通り、 アイツに放火されてね。
本当にとことんダメな ヤツだね~
As you can see, he torched the place.
What a bastard, seriously...
[HIROOKA:] Yes. As you can see, he's responsible for the fire.
He really is rotten to the core...
---- 私に相手にされなくなった途端 これさ。
でも、これでキレイさっぱり 切れたから良かったとも言えるね。
広岡の心に ドス黒い思念が 浮かび上がった。
All because I stopped paying attention to him.
Well at least now I don’t have to see him anymore.
A black Shinen rises inside Hirooka’s heart.
[HIROOKA:] The second I stop paying attention to him, this happens.
But in a way, it's a positive. Means a clean break for me.
/A dark Thought rose up in Hirooka's mind./
グズの恋人 Stupid Lover Stupid Putz Boyfriend
何者かにダマされたのか、 ねっとりと絡みつくような 恨みと怒りの感情が思念と なって現れている。
A Shinen filled with hate and anger, maybe due to being lied to.
Feels like someone might've tricked her. Sticky, coiling feelings of anger and resentment are materializing as a Thought.
Such trouble
Arson? Undue resentment?
He's really done it now
Does he have it in for me?
---- 相手しただけ感謝しろ
Should be thankful
What a loser
It’s a waste
He should be grateful I went out with him
A loser like that
He doesn't deserve me
---- 金は全てしぼり取った
もう用無し 警察で変な事を言わないか
I got all the money No more use now
Will he talk to cops?
His money's all dried up
No more use to me now
Wouldn't say anything funny to the cops, would he?
---- 後で様子を見に行く
Gotta check later
Gotta shut him up
Sweeten him up
Men are all stupid
I'll have to check on him later
Gotta keep him quiet
A few sweet words will do it
Men are idiots
それじゃあ、捕まったら 会いにでも行ってやろうかね。
Maybe I’ll go visit him once he’s arrested.
I want an apology.
[HIROOKA:] Well, maybe I'll go see him once he's arrested.
I want an apology.
Heh heh.
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fall23iksection · 7 months
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The program for the new building includes a construction of the new market, a high quality commercial area and a supermarket, and as well as a large civic center, a public space for community activities and celebrations.
The juxtaposition of spaces evokes the typological model of the great Italian Renaissance buildings, which consists of a large communal hall over the market, a public space of great capacity with direct access from outside.
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johnbrace · 11 months
Planning Appeal (DAY 6 (EVE)) Planning Inspectorate - appeal of Wirral Council refusals of 7 planning applications for residential development in the greenbelt by Leverhulme Estates
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arc-hus · 1 year
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MAC Centre, Belfast - Hall McKnight
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unicornheadnebula · 8 months
The Tammany Machine And The Evolution of Machine Politics
The “Tammany Machine,” also known as Tammany Hall, was a powerful and notorious political organization that operated in New York City for much of the 19th and early 20th centuries. It played a significant role in shaping the city’s politics and had a reputation for corruption, patronage, and machine politics. Here are some key points about the Tammany Machine: Origins: Tammany Hall was founded…
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antifainternational · 4 months
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January 13 - Global Day of Action for Palestine
Here is a list of protests in solidarity with Palestine for January 13th. If there's no protest on saturday near you, take a look at this site (where we got this list from) to see if there is one near you on another day.
It's a looong list so it's under the cut here:
ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13, 5 pm, Parliament House. Info: http://www.afopa.com.au/afopa-events/2024/1/13/global-day-of-action-for-palestine
ALTONA BEACH, VIC, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13, 11 am, Altona Beach (Kites for Palestine). Info: https://bukjeh.org/etn/fly-a-kite-for-gaza/
CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Garema Place. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1Tmi9jyT6x/
DARWIN, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13, 5 pm Nightcliff Foreshore. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C13PZfQyx6P/
GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13, 3:30 pm, Surfers Paradise Esplanade. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1vvY_kpjkM/
HOBART/NIPALUNA, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Davey Street in front of Grand Chancellor. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/877061687400715/
LAUNCESTON, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13, 12 pm, Civic Square. Info: https://friendsofpalestinetasmania.org/
MOSS VALE, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13 (Weekly), 1 pm, Leighton Gardens, 127 Argyle St. Info: https://apan.org.au/event/weekly-moss-vale-vigil-for-peace-justice-in-palestine/
MPARTNWE, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13, 9 am, Cars meet at Telegraph Station, 9:30 am Bikes meet at Snow Kenna Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C10iKLbSjU-/
NEWCASTLE, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Newcastle Museum. Info: https://facebook.com/events/s/protest-end-the-genocide-in-ga/351713430807807/
PORT MACQUARIE, AUSTRALIA – Sat Jan 13, 10 am, Oxley Beach (Kites for Gaza). Info: https://apan.org.au/event/port-macquarie-fly-a-kite-for-gaza/
GRAZ, AUSTRIA – Sat Jan 13, 4 pm, Grazer Hauptbahnhof. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1xAHAstgtj/
SALZBURG, AUSTRIA – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Alter Markt
VIENNA, AUSTRIA – Sat Jan 13, 3 pm, 1070 Platz der Menschenrechte. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C12dm9itpPv/
WIENER NEUSTADT, AUSTRIA – Sat Jan 13, 2:30 pm, Herzog Leopoldstr. 32 beim BORG.
BRUGGE, BELGIUM – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Burg. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1413973119327402/
GHENT, BELGIUM – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Stadshal. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1xNF3Drkr4/
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL – Sat Jan 13, 2:30 pm, MASP. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1uPIywL3Ch/
COBOURG, ON (CANADA) – Sat Jan 13, 11 am, Victoria Hall (every Saturday). Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1050719572872023/
WINNIPEG, MB (CANADA) – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Winnipeg City Hall. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C12TvRUgZr5/
COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – Sat Jan 13, 5 pm, Sundbyoster Plads to Amagerbro Station. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C141sIFsEyb/
HALIFAX, ENGLAND – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Savile Park (Kites for Gaza). Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1rcDm1M-bN/
HALIFAX, ENGLAND – Sat Jan 13 (every Saturday), 1 pm, Wilkos on Southgate. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C14Vb4wMgI_/
HEBDEN BRIDGE, ENGLAND – Sat Jan 13 (every Saturday), 3 pm, Roadside Rally, Holme St; 4 pm, Vigil, St. George’s Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C14Vb4wMgI_/
LEEDS, ENGLAND – Sat Jan 13, 12:30 pm, Leeds Becket University to City Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1zmlUvMtUE/
LONDON, ENGLAND – Sat Jan 13, 12 pm, Bank Junction. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1uiCejM9U7/
NELSON, ENGLAND – Sat Jan 13 (every Saturday), 1:30 pm, Nelson Bazaars. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1745872575916888/
NOTTINGHAM, ENGLAND – Sat Jan 13, 12 pm, St Peter’s Church. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/895516721895213/
SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND – Sat Jan 13, 10:30 am, Ellesmere Green. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C131K5OqywW/
HELSINKI, FINLAND – Sat Jan 13, 3 pm, Central Railway Station. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1zWU7JtCWt/
LYON, FRANCE – Sat Jan 13, 2:30 pm, Place des Terreaux. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C12BHiDoyBT/
PARIS, FRANCE – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Republique. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C12Kx3hIFnC/
TOULOUSE, FRANCE – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Jean Jaures to Arnaud Bertrand. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1wtkVPiTaC/
AACHEN, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 3 pm, Hauptbahnhof
AUGSBURG, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 3 pm, Moritzplatz
BERLIN, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Neptunbrunnen. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1uWAoUMYgr/
BRAUNSCHWEIG, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Schlossplatz 1
DUSSELDORF, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Hauptbahnhof
FRANKFURT, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 1:30 pm, Hauptwache. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1xJbX7tDbH/
FREIBURG, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 3 pm, Konzerthaus. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1wmG5TKy0H/
JENA, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Holzmarkt. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C15Gvxyse7n/
KIEL, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Bootshafen
MAINZ, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Hauptbahnhof
MUNICH, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Odeonsplatz. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1vDFzfsviF/
SAARBRUCKEN, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 3 pm, Landwehrplatz
STUTTGART, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 5 pm, Schlossplatz. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1uhwaBs1OB/
TUBINGEN, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Holzmarkt. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1uiIwVooMj/
ULM, GERMANY – Sat Jan 13, 3 pm, Marktplatz
CARRICK-ON-SHANNON, IRELAND – Sat Jan 13, 3 pm, The Bridge. Info: https://www.ipsc.ie/protest/emergency-protests-for-palestine-around-ireland
CORK, IRELAND – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Grand Parade
DERRY, IRELAND – Sat Jan 13, 12 pm, Derry Waterside Train Station. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/379355981136459/
DUBLIN, IRELAND – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Garden of Remembrance. Info: https://www.ipsc.ie/protest/emergency-protests-for-palestine-around-ireland
SKIBBEREEN, IRELAND – Sat Jan 13, 12:30 pm, Aldi Carpark. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/884577173028746/
FIRENZE, ITALY – Sat Jan 13, 2:30 pm, Corteo da Piazza dei Ciompi.
NAPOLI, ITALY – Sat Jan 13, 3 pm, Piazza Garibaldi. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C11jF13IMfk/
ROME, ITALY – Sat Jan 13, 3 pm, Via dei Fori Imperiali to Largo Corrado Ricci. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C12TtZUNVDn/
SEOUL, KOREA – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Zionist embassy. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1wWJ2WJvMn/
GUADALAJARA, MEXICO – Sat Jan 13, 4 pm, Rambla Cataluna to Plaza de la Liberacion. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C13FY23uHH_/
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – Sat Jan 13, 4 pm, Angel to US Embassy to Zocalo. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C126FgtOh2y/
TIMARU, NEW ZEALAND – Sat Jan 13, 2:30 pm, Face of Peace, Caroline Bay. (Kites for Gaza). Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/351982744232340/
WHANGAREI, NEW ZEALAND – Sat Jan 13, 10 am, Town Basin. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1062868608192188/
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Museumplein. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C14bgz6skSe/
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – Sat Jan 13, 5 pm, Dam Square to Museumplein. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C15I-anI-lc/
LEEUWARDEN, NETHERLANDS – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Leeuwarden Station. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1rgX_OoVe4/
ZWOLLE, NETHERLANDS – Sat Jan 13, 3:30 pm, Starbucks station. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C11cUhjsyFd/
OSLO, NORWAY – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Youngstorget to Zionist Embassy. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/876776784142252/
LIMA, PERU – Sat Jan 13, 3:30 pm, Plaza 27 de noviembre, San Isidro – Parque Kennedy. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1r3BHZrSSM/
PORTO, PORTUGAL – Sat Jan 13, 3:30 pm, Praca da Batalha. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C14UrYhs-hB/
PORTO, PORTUGAL – Sat Jan 13 (every night), 10 pm, Camara Municipal (Vigil). Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1mWoJ0srwr/
BUCHAREST, ROMANIA – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Universitate to Victoriei. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C11qxxuIlKe/
CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA – Sat Jan 13, details TBA. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1tsmB2ojCq/
TIMISOARA, ROMANIA – Sat Jan 13, details TBA. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1tsmB2ojCq/
EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Foot of the Mound. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1od7QsNlCM/
INVERNESS, SCOTLAND – Sat Jan 13, 12 pm, The Spectrum Centre. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C15ggmFtNyg/
ORKNEY, SCOTLAND – Sat Jan 13 (every Saturday), 1 pm, St Magnus Cathedral Steps. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/899757958430523/
CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Mandela Glasses, Sea Point Promenade. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C14N2xlqjyK/
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA – Sat Jan 13, 11 am, US Consulate, Sandton. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C13qpzSNbYt/
KNYSNA, SOUTH AFRICA – Sat Jan 13, 9 am, N2 C/O Main Service Rd and Wagtail St, Sedgefield, Western Cape. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/910931826901335/
A CORUNA, GALICIA, SPAIN – Sat Jan 13, 5 pm, Praza de Lugo. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C14lQvascZx/
BETERA, VALENCIA – Sat, Jan 13, 5 pm, Ayuntamiento de Betera. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1ISqjUN2ir/
COMPOSTELA, GALICIA, SPAIN – Sat Jan 13, 12 pm, Praterias. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C14lQvascZx/
MOLINA DE SEGURA, SPAIN – Sat Jan 13, 12 pm, Plaza de Ayuntamiento. Info: https://twitter.com/LibreRegion/status/1743912944612540608
VIGO, GALICIA, SPAIN – Sat Jan 13, 12 pm, Porta do Sol. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C14lQvascZx/
KARLSKRONA, SWEDEN – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Klaipedaplatsen. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/7004450806289059/
KRISTIANSTAD, SWEDEN – Sat Jan 13, 2:30 pm, Stora Torget. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C15GIWbNI_K/
MALMO, SWEDEN – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, St Knuts Torg. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1348ATC6Uq/
VARBERG, SWEDEN – Sat Jan 13, 11 am, Varbergs Torg. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1piXtgLGYj/
BASEL, SWITZERLAND – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Theaterplatz. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1m6lOxLDI-/
EUGENE, OR (US) – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Federal Courthouse, 405 E 8th Ave. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1jOAiXiUJ0/
FORT COLLINS, CO (US) – Sat Jan 13 (every Saturday), 3 pm, Old Town Square Stage. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1n9pmNOGFd/
FORT WAYNE, IN (US) – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, MLK Bridge.
KALISPELL, MT (US) – Sat Jan 13, 12, Main and Center by Depot Park (Every Saturday). Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1puNa1ucrm/
KANSAS CITY, KS (US) – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Granada Park, Roeland Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C10Y27LJ1EO/
LANGLEY, WA (US) – Sat Jan 13, 11 am, Bayview Rd and Hwy 525. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/373235975254744/
MIAMI, FL (US) – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, University Metrorail Station. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C15V1BXLyc-/
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Sat Jan 13, 12 pm, NE Corner 5th Ave and 44th St, Brooklyn. (Vigil, every Saturday). Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0KsY8PvCwp/
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Sat Jan 13, 5 pm, Bryant Park Library Steps. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C145mA_Jido/
OAKLAND, CA (US) – Sat Jan 13, 5 am, West Oakland BART, Port Shutdown for Palestine. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1qpwPaLsLY/
OLYMPIA, WA (US) – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Heritage Park, 5th Ave SW. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1xUYlRPtRc/
PETALUMA, CA (US) – Sat Jan 13 (every Saturday), 12:30 pm, Petaluma Blvd and East Washington. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/362661229552435/
PORTLAND, OR (US) – Sat Jan 13, 6 pm, Protest Michael Rapoport, Helium Comedy Club, 1510 SE 9th Ave. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1nDhO7vNM4
SACRAMENTO, CA (US) – Sat Jan 13, 1pm, State Capital, West Steps. Info: https://sac4palestine.org/january-3-2024-solidary-rally-with-national-march-on-washington/
SAN DIEGO, CA (US) – Sat Jan 13, 11 am, Plaza de Panama, Balboa Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C13b08grRj2/
ST PAUL, MN (US) – Sat Jan 13, 2 pm, Western District Police Dept to MN State Capitol. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C12sMuQJHeh/
VIROQUA, WI (US) – Sat Jan 13, 11 am, Main St and Decker St, Weekly Vigil by Driftless Solidarity. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1fWWvKNJlI/
WASHINGTON, DC (US) – Sat Jan 13, 1 pm, Freedom Plaza, 1325 Pennsylvania Ave NW Info: https://march4gaza.org
BUSES ACROSS THE COUNTRY to this national march from CT, FL, IL, IN, MA, MI, MO, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, VA and WI – get at the website
PRE-RALLY – WASHINGTON, DC – Sat Jan 13, 7 am, National Mall. Info: https://twitter.com/_FRFP_/status/1742706175114661946
HEALTH CARE WORKERS MARCH – Sat Jan 13, 10 am ,Dept of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Ave SW. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C10DXDiADMK/
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