#classic lit recs please
v0id-bl0gs · 10 months
I think people should start recommending me books that describe very little but also a lot
(Reading is hard but I like it)
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nerdalmighty · 7 months
What are your top picks for your favorite Good Omens fanfics? 👀
Oh my dear AnnTickwittee, THANK YOU for this ask. There are a bunch of great ones out there but here are some I've loved recently! Also, everyone PLEASE feel free to leave more recs in comments or reblogs or tags! I LOVE a good fic!
Weirdly, most of my faves were written before S2 premiered - PLEASE recommend me some good S2 stuff, and ones you'd consider staples in the GO fandom - I've missed out on a LOT of great content - help me find it/catch up! (Note: All fics listed below are COMPLETE and feature happy endings.)
1. The Rose and the Serpent by @brightwanderer | Rating: M | Status: Complete | Chapters: 12 | Word Count: 55,795 | Published: 2020-05-31 | Completed: 2020-08-15
Summary: AU, retelling of “Beauty and the Beast”. Quite honestly, sending Aziraphale off into the forest to be held hostage by a giant snake in a cursed castle isn’t even the worst thing Gabriel’s ever done to him, and at least it means a change of scene. But then neither the snake nor the castle turn out to be quite what he’s expecting…
My Review: Fave fave FAVE at the moment! I discovered this one from this tiktok, fully thinking it was going to be a silly little romp and was instead met with beautiful prose, adorable banter, and moments that literally made me go "AWW" out loud (which I NEVER do). I meant to read a few chapters per night before bed and then accidentally read the whole thing in one go. I stayed up until 4am reading and then woke up 4 hours later STILL thinking about it. Aziraphale is the perfect lead in this one, with Crowley as the wily yet lovable snake that lives in a cursed/enchanted castle with some familiar faces. CLASSIC pining ensues. The author does a great job of world building and character development and I find myself wishing I could read it again with fresh eyes. It's beautiful and adorable and I can't recommend it enough. Favorite quote: "'I love him,' he said. 'Let me in.' And the gates swung open before him."
2. a lighthouse (burning) by @books-and-omens | Rating: M | Status: Complete | Chapters: 12 | Word Count: 108,477 | Published: 2022-03-26 | Completed: 2023-06-13
Summary: In good weather, one can see the lighthouse at the Rock from the shore: a dot on the horizon, a distant star flashing red and white and red again. It’s been dark for a fortnight, of course—ever since the incident that every newspaper had breathlessly written about, that the paper-boys on the corners had shouted themselves hoarse over. This is where Aziraphale is headed: it is his duty, after all, to find out what happened, to make sure that the beacon can be safely lit once again. He does not expect Crowley to follow him to the windswept isle, to the lonely lighthouse at what could just as well be the edge of the world. Crowley follows him anyway.
My Review: THIS ONE! This one is a good old fashioned mystery! The humans believe this lighthouse is haunted, especially since its last three keepers vanished without a trace, but Aziraphale and Crowley know that can't possibly be the case. As such, they decide to investigate for themselves. It's an adorable slow burn period piece that had me weeping at certain points with twists and turns abound, and I really liked how the author handled the mystery and lore! Deep lore is tough to do convincingly and I found myself believing everything the author said. I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I KIND OF clocked what the author was going for with their mystery. Their explanation for everything was far better than anything my monkey brain could have come up with. Also that S2 ep of OFMD that featured a lighthouse in the beginning came out after I read this fic and I got all giddy thinking about Aziracrow here. I literally don't think I'll ever see a lighthouse again and not think of this gorgeous fic. EDIT: Also, here's a YouTube video that appeared in my recommended shortly after I read this. It's super interesting that disappearances like this have happened in real life 😱
3. If We've Got Nothing (We've Got Us) by @kedreeva | Rating: G | Status: Complete | Chapters: 4 | Word Count: 19,897 | Published: 2019-06-17 | Completed: 2020-03-02
Summary: Two months after the failed apocalypse Aziraphale finds the first dark feather growing in his wings. A story about middle grounds, ineffable plans, and what happens when the world doesn't end.
My Review: Another fic I found on Tiktok. The edit itself was so gorgeous I decided to give it a go and was not disappointed. It was written before S2 was even announced so it takes some liberties with fanon (Crowley was Raphael in the canon of this world, etc), but it's a lovely, relatively quick read. Crowley and Aziraphale are on their own side, finally, and soon, others join their ranks. All while God watches from afar. The prose is beautiful and I come back to the tiktok all the time (I saved it onto my phone lol). It was also fun to go back and rewatch the tiktok after reading and realize that the editor stitched together parts from each chapter into something new and amazing. It's not a romantic fic, not in the way the others are; it cares more about the aftermath of an apocalypse and shades of gray and how the universe came to be in the first place. I love the POV of God reminiscing on creation and thought it was very well written. Absolutely loved this one! (@anntickwittee, this was the fic I was referring to in the tags of this post, which is probably what prompted you to leave this ask in the first place! 😊)
4. All That's Best of Dark and Bright by @hope-inthedark | Rating: T | Status: Complete | Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 5,648 | Published: 2020-06-22
Summary: When Crowley drops a bomb on a church, Aziraphale falls in love with him. This should be a secret, but unfortunately, Aziraphale's never been much good at keeping them.
My Review: A one-shot expanding on the 1941 minisode (2019) BEFORE the S2 minisode canonically expanded on it. Recap: Aziraphale's just realized he's in love with Crowley (thank you Michael Sheen for that AMAZING acting choice) and this fic is the author's interpretation of what might have happened after the show cut away from the burning church. I was floored by how many parallels made it from this fic into the actual show both directly and indirectly (Aziraphale says "Not as such" at one point and I'm pretty sure I burst into tears and/or yelped loudly). It's got a good bit of angst to it, the same kind from S2 that makes you scream "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! HE'S RIGHT THERE!" with a happy ending that helped heal my shattered heart. I definitely cried reading this one (affectionate). It's extremely fluffy at the end which EYE LOVE, so if that's your thing, I highly recommend! Favorite Quote: "'I’m afraid I’m quite terribly in love with you,' Aziraphale said unceremoniously. Crowley, who had been in the process of sitting up, promptly fell off the sofa."
5. the two shepherds of uruk by lupinely | Rating: E | Status: Complete | Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 24,963 | Published: 2023-10-09
Summary: After Aziraphale goes back to Heaven with the Metatron, Crowley reflects. And 4,400 years ago in 2407 BC, in the city of Uruk in ancient Sumer, he and Aziraphale fall in love with humanity, and each other. - “What are you doing here?” asked Aziraphale. Crowley lifted an eyebrow and felt himself start to smile. “I should ask you the same. What are you thinking, coming here with your wings out and the blessed light of Heaven raining down upon you? You’re scaring the mortals.” Aziraphale blushed. Crowley dutifully looked away. It felt disrespectful not to.
My Review: This one-shot is a love letter to history and humanity. I think I found it on twitter? Unfortunately I don't have a link to the tweet or the author's tumblr. What I really love about this one is that the author adds footnotes like the original Good Omens book does. You can absolutely feel the love and care that went into writing and researching for this particular fic, which I can really appreciate as a fellow writer. (For all my Bildad the Shuhite stans out there, this story takes place after, but the vibes are VERY SIMILAR. If you even care.) Crowley and Aziraphale are in Uruk to keep an eye on the humans as they try to build a structure tall enough to reach God (the Tower of Babel). Theoretically, they can both return to their respective sides, but opt to stay on earth (with each other) for 10 years to watch the construction unfold. Pining ensues, NSFW ensues, and as the author puts it, "now featuring Aziraphale as a little country girl tending her sheep ♥" I highly recommend if you want to be sucked into another time period/biblical story and feel MANY different feelings (with a happy ending!)
I have more bookmarked that I could absolutely recommend if anyone is interested, but these 5 are just the ones that have stuck out to me the most recently!! Believe me, I could go ON, but this post is long enough for now.
If you DO read any of these, please chat with me about them, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Happy reading!
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therealrichardpapen · 10 months
Can I have some classic lit recs…make me feel like Henry please <3
Oh, this would be my pleasure, my dear friend!
Caligula by Albert Camus (It's a play about Caligula)
Oresteia by Aeschylus
Coriolanus and Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare. Coriolanus speaks about men's hubris and how pridefullness brings your downfall, while Titus Andronicus, well, I'll let you discover it by yourself:))
Marcus Aurelius, amazing works regarding stoicism
Seneca, letters to Lucilius, another great stoic
Petrarca's letters to classical authors
Ovid, the roman writer exiled by Augustus to the Black Sea, at Tomis, part of the Kingdom of Thrace (now Constanța, Romania), where he kept writing.
Bacchae by Euripides
Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz (a nobel awarded historical fiction about the life in Nero's Rome, written by a Polish writer)
Sappho, but I suggest finding a good translation with footnotes as her works have been barely maintained, and some of her poems are literally one word long.
Beyond good and evil by Nietzsche
Crime and Punishment by Dostoievsky (I won't add more as I recently conducted a full ass campaign here on how and why this book is worth it)
E.M. Cioran, A short history of decay, The demiurge, The troubles with being born. He is a bit of a nihilist. Romanian philosopher that wrote mostly in French
Machiavelli, The prince. This should be a good introduction into Machiavellism
The sacred and profane by M. Eliade is also worth a try
I believe there's no point in mentioning the Iliad and the Odyssey since everybody knows them by now. Hope you'll have fun!
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bulldyke-rider · 4 months
Book recs, please, ladies.
I'm a classic lit girl, and I don't give a fuck about genre
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oatbrew · 1 year
tags you're it
mostly psycho-pass, joseimuke, (j)rpgs, and video games, lit, vibes, and some misc romance-adjacent stuff. maybe writing and some art. 
i don’t tag everything but i will tag content/trigger warnings so drop me a line. i also collect tropes/themes:
#god’s not dead; she’s just very tired. catch-all religion, spirituality, and mythology
#they used to shout my name; now they whisper it. prophets, martyrs, and made heroes
#après moi le déluge. witch grandma à la strega nona and/or neighbor who communes with goats and that old dead guy who lives in your cupboard
#those who do and those who don’t. cyberpunk, machines who dreamed themselves into sentience, (non)binary states
#upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand. decaying empires, beasts slouching towards bethlehem, and crumbling concrete in the backstreets of the city
#tragedy is clean. it’s restful. it’s certain. the ontology of tragedies, loop storytelling, doomed endings, and good old-fashioned classics
#half daughter / half apology. kind of an ‘about me’ tag— mixture of queer-ing, gender-ing with monster theory and being slightly off from that mental illness luv <3
#diaspora blues. soul-weary homesickness when home doesn’t resemble home anymore
#whatever walked there walked alone. ghosts, hauntology, places that are born rather than built
#romance novels are good actually. because they are!!! also featuring romance novels that i’ve recently read
#💌. future love letters for me and you <33333
#growth. revisit and repeat
#provocations. other food for thot
#footnotes. arbitrary to-read list, mostly history or critical theory/activist texts
fandom-specific things:
#secondhand smoke. tsunemori akane and kougami shinya from psycho-pass (this is THE blog essentially)
#hawya. my fic, “here, and where you are”, a shinkane pride and prejudice/regency au
#pp. psycho-pass meta, memes, discussion, etc.
#sims. my long lifespan sims 4 playthrough ft. shinkane and their descendants
#daybreak. zayne (and his variants) and mc (named "aurora chen" in-game) from love and deepspace.
#one single thread of gold. artem wing and rosa/mc (named “elle finch” in-game) from tears of themis
#got your six. shepard and garrus vakarian from the mass effect series because no universe exists where one is without the other
#shepard. my mass effect oc, augustine jane shepard. she’s a pinay earthborn sole survivor with a paragade streak.
#if he is not the word of god. god never spoke. tomas ortega and marcus keane from the exorcist
#please picture me in the weeds. five and viktor from the umbrella academy, and the loving oroborous of the apocalypse that is their family.
#there was the poetry. a dot ham and a dot burr from hamilton. yeah i know
#jm. catch-all liveblogs/notes for all my joseimuke playthroughs
#tme. my book, the moon eaters, which is magical realism set in contemporary los angeles with elements of filipino mythology! really love this novel, hope to write it someday
#for a rainy day., #drafts. prompts, ideas, fic fodder/memes, and works-in-progress
#notes., #fic rec. media reviews, notes, and recs
#weekly reads. my round-up/reviews for what i read the past week
#audio. mostly showtunes, my middle school emo phase, etc. that i downloaded from limewire
#🇵🇭. philippines and filipino diaspora-related art/text
#gif., #edit. non-fic/art related things i’ve made
#reply. answered asks/replies
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miriamundertale · 10 months
hi heres my current reading list for manga. still being updated. post is very very long so under a readmore. images are only if i have specific screencaps to help the big spam
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I guess it goes here now wtf. Curious where it goes but im not upset if it turns away from what i like. The last miura chapter was an ok open ending for me
Black clover
i originally started reading this due to it feeling like a good example of shounen as a genre with the good and the bad, and for a while was going to say its my "if you want to understand the genre just read it" rec but one piece has been here. just here 4 fun now
Bocchi the Rock!
Ill be blunt just watch the anime. I enjoy reading the manga but its pretty classical mid. mainlining shots of kikuri until the spinoff lands jokes on you im already blasted
Bocchi the Rock! Gaiden: Hiroi Kikuri no Fukazake Nikki
Hiroi spinoff This woman is too pathetic for her own good [redacted for public safety]
Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu
Im caught up, rough start but very fun overall and good horny art. hard to complain
Boku wa Kimitachi wo Shihai suru
This is one of my "this is blatantly porn" reads but its got some good fucked up elements that make it fun. i also pr it so woo
Boy's Abyss
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i fucking love this. Its about to hit its head climax wise and the degree of fuckness in it makes me excited for every release also chaco is impeccable
Bungou Stray Dogs
its pretty ok so far. i think its hilarious its made people go back and read classic lit
Chainsaw Man
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God i love act two. Asa is the best possible followup to denji and seeing her and denji interract is going to make the inevitable fujimotofication of the story even more fun
Hazure Skill "Kage ga Usui" o Motsu Guild Shokuin ga, Jitsuha Densetsu no Ansatsusha
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Yeah ik long name. its an isekai lite aka the whole "this is an isekai in all but including the start of an isekai" genre thats popped up lately. its very charming and gorgeously drawn
Heavenly Delusion
in terms of post apocalyptic stuff it stands out and winds up pretty fun. the art isnt something wild but stands out with its own charm
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Henjo is hornybait with fucked up age gap, so a very boring and tread upon category, but the target audience is clearly less the horny 20 year olds hunting high school girls and more the high school girls who think they can pull. An important part of the manga ecosystem.
The Summer Hikaru Died
the art style is really evocative and i do love me some weirdly fucked up yaoi. good recent pickup
Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon
kinda slippin on this one. it feels like a bit that they abandon quickly but i do love my vampire media
Houseki no Kuni
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Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o
I read this out of this fucked up interest in how the mangaka spends the majority of this horny isekai not worldbuilding but game designing the rules of this isekai. Its such a weird focus of priorities
Ishuzoku Reviewers
fun concept fun art horny is fun fuck you
Jahy-sama wa kujienai!
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Jahy is going to abolish capitalism
Please someone pick this up again please if you need an editor i will fucking do it just reach out
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
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This manga is fuckin gorgeous tbh. I think its close to its endgame and im excited to see how it goes
fuck you shut up fuck you i thought it would be funny. its pretty ok shounen. needs more homoeroticism though
Kemono jihen
Its a fun read and i like a lot of the character designs. It holds me pretty solidly at least
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
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Dramaid is watching someone with immense talent at writing domestic slice of life work REALLY hard at learning how to draw tits
The vampire dies in no time
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I thought this was gonna be yaoi but instead its nothing but pathetic characters i absolutely love. Really good stuff
Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete
This is an arguably porn read but is fun and is fucked up yuri so am i really at fault for reading it?
How is this not more popular. Great concept. Really striking art. Solid writing. I barely see anyone talk about it. Might be due to the really uninteresting anime adaptation
My hero academia
i just want to see this train crash
Natsume Yuujinchou
I love the show and the mangas no exception. Really enjoyable and yuki midorikawa's style is pleasant on the eyes
Noss and Zakuro
this is insanely cute on every level. you agree.
One piece
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Its fucking real lads
One Punch Man (webcomic)
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Welcome to gremlintown (we got an update :D)
One Punch Man (Manga)
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thank god were free from garou arc
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Oshi ni Amagami
i like my funny vampire stories and this is a fun vampire neet one
Oshi no ko
i am committed to this idc about the outcome
Ousama Ranking
IMPLYING ANYONE EVER DOES 70-155 LMAO SORRY I LIKE READING THE MANGA cant believe you made me watch the anime. tl the missing chapters please
Please Give Me Your Blood, I Will Serve You In Gratitude
Miriam "Trashy Vampire Manga Fan" Undertale
Record of Ragnarok
i needed something trashy and fun and this does it
Rent a Girlfriend
my least defensible read. its garbage. i hate it. its horrible trash and i read it purely out of some weird revival of the author attempt to understand miyajima innately and emotionally through his work
Sakamoto days
Im sorry it took me this long to hop on. I wasn't familiar with your game.
Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
This manga gives me severe dysphoria and yet i keep reading it. well not rly because its kinda gotten mega boring
Shingeki no Eroko-san ~Hen na Oneesan wa Danshikousei to Nakayoku Naritai~
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Continuing her streak of having the biggest mind ever, yoshiru konogi pops off with the manga targeted towards pathetic 30 year old women who want a high school boy to a massive degree
Shojo null
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Art is cracked and the energy is utterly hogwild. I love the "no actually please torture your oppressors" vibe so far
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im so happy im getting updates again. anime was good despite low budget. excited for s2 yes yes yes
Skip and loafer
The art style is so lovely and its a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of the romance ive been reading lately
Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
Its fun fuck you. The seasonals in 2022 had a great selection of source materials and bisque doll slams it out of the park
Sousou no Frieren
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the severe nature of how much this goes will never be beat.
Spy x Family
Its good and thats Fine. no clue whats going on with the manga it feels like i get maybe an update every 5 months
The Dungeon That Kills All Adventurers
another dowman sayman banger who could have predicted this
To Your Eternity
TYE is enjoyable though i think its kinda suffering from jojofication. i think it deserves an ending soon
Usuzumi no Hate
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i refuse to believe this is this mangakas first work. this is fucking incredible. gorgeously drawn with an incredible concept. read now
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You
the type of peak that could only exist to those willing to brave their own doubts. a work of art that will only exist for those strong enough to resist their hearts saying "cringe"
The Case Study of Vanitas
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who could have predicted gay vampires are good
Why are we once again in a world where people are not translating kino by one
Vinland Saga
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Man this grew on me fast. I picked it up not expecting a lot and got the world with it
Witch Hat Atelier
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At this point it feels like im very obviously drawn to pretty stuff but honestly its a really good read. Qifrey and olruggio should kiss already
Yorashi Ni warau
I cannot get over the art still, fucking gorgeous, the story hasnt really gotten stuck in my craw like some other things but the art genuinely makes up for it
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Yotsuba is one of the mangas of all time
zom 100
this is one of those "i saw the start of a genre trending and assumed one of the main firestarters would be bad" stories and im glad i was wrong. it's very charming in a kinda fun childish way
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philzokman · 1 year
also guess who’s travelling and needs fic recs again 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
omgomgogm IM SO GLAD U ASKED :D i haven’t been reading much fanfic due to exams and illness and also bc i got Reallt into classical literature for a while shit is so hype but i have a few :D
purple - skk
pink - sskk
red - death note
1. the irreplaceable things by blowingyourmind
‘Dazai was introduced to two very important figures in his life that night, One being the dog he nearly ran over, and the other being the fiery redheaded veterinarian who coddled said dog’
THIS SHIT IS INSANE !!! INSANE I TELL U!!!!! au where dazai (pm boss) falls in love desperate hatred!!! for vet chuuya and it’s so ☹️☹️ like the main romance is adorable the side plots are fucking insane (there’s a dog ring ???????) (atsushi does stand up comedy for about three paragraphs KFHAKDHD) it’s genuinely a fucking ride. the authors also really good like even when there are the occasional mistakes it’s Very clear what they mean and i definitely wouldn’t say it removes anything from the story at all HIGHLY recommend KFHSJSHD
2. He’s got a dream by blowingyourmind
‘soukoku tangled au’
i…havent read this yet (a very common theme on this list KDHSH) BUT !!! it’s i think going to be the next fic i read :D it’s a tangled au. A TANGLED AU. SOBS. BREAKS DOWN. THEOWS MYSELF OFF A CLIFF !!!!!!! and it’s written by the same author as rec one who i already love sososo much it looks very cool KFHAKDHD
3. yokohama public high school - almost as crazy as their pep rallies by blowingyourmind (SIDE NOTE: i did not realise all of these were by the same person LFMAODJSH WHOOPSIES (ive been very out of the fanfic loop recently </3))
‘The story of how Chemistry teacher Dazai Osamu fell helplessly for coach Nakahara Chuuya, and the student body's many attempts to get them together.’
again i. haven’t actually read this BUT ITS A TEACHER X TEACHER AU. SOBS ONCE MORE. BREAKS DOWN ONCE MORE. THROWS MUSELF OFF A CLIFF ONCE MORE !!!!!!!!! i fucking love teacher x teacher aus they’re so hype oml KFHSJSH same author as the other two which i. didn’t realise. BUT. i mean it’s a good author what can i say LMFAOHDHSSH anywho it looks sick
4. would kira have gay sex? by itiaskia
no description needed KDHAKSH fun fact! this fic was the catalyst for me pursuing an english lit degree. take that in for a moment LFNAKDHDHSH it’s like 200 words long and idk i think most ppl have read it by now but it makes me giggle FJSHJDDH
5. collide by onizenmaru
‘All it takes is one chance meeting and Atsushi's life slowly becomes tangled up in Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's.
‘This has to be some kind of cosmic joke.’
i haven’t read this fic either😔 but it seems good !!!! it’s also on my reading list but it seems really really sick :D i’m pretty sure i’ve read some of the authors other works too but i might be wrong KDHSJSDH within the like two paragraphs of scanning i did i also saw an ‘oh. oh’ moment but idk what it was about LFMAODJSHDH but the writing seems really good from what i’ve seen :D
anywho!! hope u enjoy so sorry the list is predominantly fics i haven’t read + one crack fic that’s like 2 words long LMFAODJDH this is more of a ‘what am i reading now + what am i going to read!’ list rather than recs but i hope u enjoy them anyways :D if u read any please keep me updated omg i love talking about fics AND TALKING TO U :D KFJAKDHDH i’m going to sleep now (i’m not) BUT ENJOY :D
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ceilidho · 10 months
ceilidh please give me your ranking of Mariana Zapata books 🙏 mayhaps even some romance recs you’ve enjoyed… ily queen <3
yes for sure!!! i've actually only read "gracie and the grump" and "luna and the lie" and i vastly preferred the latter of the two. i need to read the rest of her books but man....600 pages a book is a LOT.
for romances....i tend to prefer very simple romance books lmao, like with not a lot of plot. i get my plot needs from literary fiction (i have a BA/MA in english lit, long time love of mine), but i prefer a simple, juicy romance. so i really adore KU writers like ella goode, mink, jessa kane, kati wilde, alexa riley, etc. i loooveee zoe blake for dark romance.
my goal as a writer is to mesh my more literary/poetic style with like classic romance because they're my two loves :))
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frogincowboyboots · 1 year
HI, here's my intro and all the stupid stuff that takes up too much space in my brain :D
i am borderline obsessed with films, books, poetry, art, and ngl at this point am basically epicurean
a guillermo del toro enthusiast and if you tell me you hate his films it will most likely cause me to cry
currently studying classical civilisation, english lit, and film (and have a love hate relationship with them all)
PLEASE give me book and film recs -- I LOVE THEM
FAV BOOKS: on earth we're briefly gorgeous - ocean voung, the bell jar - sylvia plath, stardust - neil gaiman
FAV FILMS: but i'm a cheerleader, pans labyrinth (this film takes up 99% of my brain), boy, us, loving vincent, midnight in paris (fuck woody allen tho), amelie
music wise i LOVE led zeppelin, bowie, fleetwood mac, nina simone, fiona apple, deftones, but also am always desperate for new music recs too
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ok moots which book do i buy next. also please give me book recs im currently on a classics + queer lit (fiction + nonfiction) kick again
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soopsiedaisies · 2 months
hii!! for the "i'm not from the us ask game" (which is so interesting btw)
4, 5, 11 and 23
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dw, i’d almost entirely forgotten about it!!! 💀
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
Stamppot rauwe andijvie, always.
Andijvie is a bitter leaf-vegetable related to endives (its latin name is cuchorium endivia). I can’t find any references on it being eaten anywhere other than the Netherlands but please correct me if I’m wrong about that lmao. You can boil/blanch it, but generally we eat it raw. It’s (in my humble opinion) fantastic in ‘stamppot rauwe andijvie’, which is basically just mashed potatoes, chopped andijvie, some spices, and (usually) thick, baked-dry bacon bits. Some people also add cheese, if they finish it off in the oven like a casserole. We tend to add smoked sausage as well.
5. favourite song in your native language?
(choosing was hard) my favourite song is probably Het Regent Zonnestralen by Acda en de Munnik (‘It’s Raining Sunbeams’). I keep coming back to it.
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Omg I don’t actually read a lot of Dutch books anymore, but I suppose Harry Mulisch! He was a Dutch icon and a tremendously prolific author.
Books I enjoyed by Mulisch are Twee Vrouwen (Two Women), a tragic queer romance that plays with the Orpheus and Eurydice myth (opinions on it are… mixed), and De Ontdekking van de Hemel (The Discovery of Heaven), which is considered a masterpiece (it is) and I really… can’t describe it, largely because it’s so long and so much. But it’s beautiful nevertheless.
Some general lit recs (of which there are English translations):
I also really, really enjoyed De Engelenmaker by Stefan Brijs, a Flemish author—‘The Angel Maker’ in English. Creepy and intriguing and wonderful. Brijs sets an incredible tone. Love stuff that plays with hubris.
The other one is a classic and also has a movie: Het Gouden Ei (The Golden Egg) by another Dutch icon, Tim Krabbé. It’s a short thriller and an easy read. Totally recommend it.
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?
Beer lol. Can’t go wrong with beer here. There’s some spirits too: jenever (the ancestor of gin), a variety of kruidenbitters (spice & herb liquor, very flavourful), and my beloved advocaat (an almost custard-like liquor made of egg(yolk)s, condensed milk, sugar or honey, and an eau de vie).
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roosterforme · 3 months
as an arts and humanities girly i can’t explain enough how much i love your new series! love love love the 2 STEM baddies but truly i struggled to relate to their stories, bob and his classics professor have my whole heart already 😭😭
Hi arts and humanities nonny! Welcome to my STEM-minded nightmare. I'm laughing over the fact that I found the research for Sugar and Jessica to be so much easier than the research for Anna's story. I'm really happy you're enjoying this one though! Anna has been through a lot, and I'm excited to keep digging a little deeper with her.
But since this is right up your alley, please send me book recs for what Anna should be teaching this semester in her lit classes!
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sciolists-libellum · 4 months
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Asra // 22 // handles the tech side of things here
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MA English Lit. (Almost done, so so close [to fighting my university])
Areas of interest
○ Non western literature (esp African lit)
○ Classics ( Shouldn't have read Hardy or Plath during lockdown)
○ Poetry (nature poetry, my beloved)
○ Vampires 🧛‍♂️ ♥️ (Pls talk to me about Carmilla, I can be normal, I promise)
○ Horror (I'd like to fight Stephen King)
○ there are others but I'm blanking now :/
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Other things I am completely normal about
○ Languages (currently learning Spanish and Japanese and trying to not forget Afrikaans)
○ Anime! Feel free to give me recs ( currently watching Apothecary Diaries)
○ My dogs (most beloved ever, my precious children)
○ Growing things (I have illegally downloaded a plant before and will do so again :3)
○ Food! (Measure spice with your heart)
○ Coding and Programming (extremely amateur)
○ Art ( Van Gogh my beloved, Picasso my beloathed)
○ Music (Please don't ask me about pop music, that's Haleth's department)
○ I want to say gaming, but I have only really played Hollow Knight
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You can also find me @anime-academia
Feel free to come say hi!
dividers are from @saradika
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lord-of-the-weird · 6 months
Hello it is SRS once again wahoo baby!❄️☃️ sorry in advance for long ask just so many thoughts! Feel free to just answer one or two questions if u want :)
Armadillos in the backyard! That’s wild idk if I’ve ever seen one in person. Do they really curl up in balls inside their shell or is that a myth from childhood?
AHHH I am SO happy to hear you enjoyed some of the Beatles songs! That genuinely made my day :) I would also love some song recs!!! What have you listened to in the past year that you’d recommend? And yea I’m pretty much just a rock listener lmao but for sure d looking to expand my taste!!
Thank you! Yes my Hanukkah has been excellent. It’s one of my very favorite holidays! Ok mini explanation of Hanukkah: the story is basically, “The Greeks tried to kill us but we beat them instead yay!! However they totally also trashed our temple and only left one jar of oil :( BUT WAIT the menorah we lit magically stayed lit for 8 days on barely any oil omg!” There are a ton of traditions incorporated into the holiday, like lighting candles for 8 days (one more each night) and eating foods fried in oil. Much fun!
Ooh that sounds fun! What Christmas traditions do you have? my friend who celebrates Christmas recently asked me as a Jew to try and explain what I thought the Christmas story was and the results were so amusing.
Wait that’s so cool that you’ve started crocheting! I feel like everyone I know has just taken that up. I don’t have a specific project in mind but I’d love to make some kind of shirt or sweater for myself? My roommate is an excellent knitter so I’ll be drawing on her advice frequently lol. What are you crocheting??
Ok I like cannot make myself read nonfiction (unless it’s about classic rock lmao, but even then just barely). I really love mysteries and magical realism! My favorite author is Haruki Murakami (basic I’m sorry). ALSO favorite animal is dogs and favorite Beatle is John (I could rant about his genius for hours). OK FAREWELL MUCH LOVE -SRS
hiya babe!
and YES ARMADILLOS CAN CURL UP! just not the ones where i live😭 there’s only two species that can curl into a ball the brazilian three banded and southern three banded armadillo the former is a lazarus species! (wrongly thought to be extinct) sorry i will take any and every excuse to info dump about animals😁
let’s see i think the three top bands that i’ve listened to most of this year are måneskin, foo fighters and the bee gees! here are a few of my favorites please do not feel any pressure to listen to them!
they’re semi new a band from Italy and good portion of their songs are in Italian and they have a really good rock sound!
foo fighters:
the sky is a neighborhood
waiting on a war
i know they’re pretty popular but i’ll give you a little information because a lot of people don’t seem to actually know much more than just their hits :( their lead singer Dave Grohl was nirvana‘s drummer! I highly recommend his book ‘the storyteller’ especially the audio version of him narrating it on youtube! Plus Dave and Taylor Hawkins’ (former friend drummer until his untimely death last year) had such a wonderful friendship! i love watching videos of them together♥️🥺
bee gees:
how deep is your love (easily my most played 45!)
how can you mend a broken heart
honestly how they still continue making music after the death of disco is such an amazing an interesting story! in short a DJ named Steve Dahl started a riot after destroying a dumpster of disco records in the middle of a baseball game in ‘79 which kick started the death of disco after that no one would play Bee Gees music because they were “too disco” so instead they wrote songs for and with other singers so they could continue doing what they loved!
sooooo sorry for the info dump😅
aaaaaaaa! so glad you had a great holiday! i am semi familiar with that story but seeing as i learned it from tv i wasn’t sure how accurate it was😅 thank you so much for telling my about it!!!
well my family puts up a real christmas tree, decorate gingerbread houses and we put lights on the house! among other things like christmas breakfast and exchanging gifts on the 25th + opening christmas pajamas on the 24th!
oh my😂 i’m sure christmas could be quite confusing for someone who didn’t grow up with it especially since the way most people celebrate christmas is a combination of celebrations many cultures!
a shirt and/or sweater would be so cool! and having someone who already knows how to work with fiber projects i’m sure would help greatly! i wish you all the luck and i’d love you hear about your progress when you start! i’m *trying* to make a possum :)
omg i completely understand about the nonfiction thing glad i’m not the only one!😅 magical mystery realism sounds so cool! actually i’m not sure that i heard of that author i’ll have to look them up!
oooooh dogs!!!! do you have a favorite breed? and feel free to rant about john or music in general anytime!!!!
do you watch movies much if so do you have a favorite one? or tv show? and do you collect anything?
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werewolfenthusiast · 9 months
i mean this in the least antagonistic way ever bc i literally study english and it IS hard to escape the white/euro/uscentrism but there are sooo many canonized capital-c Classics that fall outside that category: kazuo ishiguro ‘remains of the day’, yukio mishima ‘spring snow’, salman rushdie ‘midnight’s children’, arundhati roy ‘the god of small things’, and chinua achebe ‘things fall apart’, gabriel garcia márquez ‘one hundred years of solitude’. these works give a good idea of what’s literary/canonized and taught in schools without ever having to center a white or american perspective 🫶
yes that was my entire original point! the classics genre is an entire world wide and i think so many people just look at this little array of us/uk lit that has been analysed to hell and back and go “well this is boring so that means all classics are a waste of time” which to say that about literally any genre is wild because do you know how many books there are ?? and also i think a lot of people will try to read a classic just to read a classic instead of looking for something that actually interests them and then are surprised when they don’t enjoy it. you don’t even need to read classics like read whatever the hell you want but please just learn to say i personally am not a fan of this genre usually instead of just saying the whole thing sucks. i normally don’t like romance and fantasy books but i would never say every single romance and fantasy book is awful and boring because that would be stupid and fundamentally untrue.
and like i don’t study this we don’t really study this in NZ high schools this is just something i do for fun. i just hate overarching statements and lack of nuance to an utterly intolerable degree.
tangent aside thank you very much for those recs i will take a look, i know i definitely missed a lot cause i was just recommending off the top of my head and i didn’t want to recommend anything i hadn’t actually read
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anytimebitchess · 10 months
Nat 🫶✨ asked for book recs 🫴📚🌷🤍🩷😻✨
🙃 a random 🍑 book that u might like :
Rouges by Patrick Radden 🫨✨
🫣 a book i read recently that u might like because the same discussion can also be applied to futbol?
Monsters by Claire Dederer
🙌 ⚽ if you haven't read this classic futbol related book :
Soccer in Sun and Shadow by Eduardo Galeano
🥹 a friend recommended me this recently but it wasn't rly my kind of book, but I get why people like it, and im passing on the rec to u in case u don't like the ones I like 🥹🙌🤍 :
Chilean Poet by Alejandro Zambra
🤡 this is what I like instead :
Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges
💀 and this too :
Death with Interruptions by José Saramago
🤗 just one more :
Last Evenings on Earth by Roberto Bolaño
🫢 and lastly, another random 🍑 book that I like that u might too :
Islands of Abandonment by Cal Flyn
Enjoyyy 🤍🤍🤍🌷✨✨✨ let me know what kind of books u like too 🫶🐈⚽✨
OMG THANK YEWw…🥰🫂✨💓🫶🏼💯
Your taste>>>😵💓✨⚠️
I haven’t gotten much into Spanish or South American literature, but I’ve heard that it is amazing! 😍 when I’ll see some of these books at the bookstore, I’ll definitely check them out and buy them 😄🤞🏼💯🫶🏼💛💖 There was a point in my life where I mostly read Russian lit…🌚 that was an experience😵‍💫 I especially love Russian short stories or poetry🤭💯
My recs for you (in no particular order) 🤭📚✨💯
Independent People - Halldor Laxnes (the most Icelandic book in existence, I love it so much because it talks shit about Icelanders hihi 🤭)
The Bear and The Nightingale - Katherine Arden (this book is ideal to read during winter time, the story is so captivating and I really love the main character and the folklore aspect of the story)
The Left Hand Of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin (feminist sci-fi anthropology book 🫶🏼)
Feed - M.T Anderson (a sad reality of what the internet and technology might do to us…😵‍💫😗✌🏼)
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë (this book hit me harder than driving straight at a brick wall 200km/h. I cry like a baby every time, idk why. Jane is so relatable!)
Goodby to Berlin - Christopher Isherwood
Season of Migration of the North - Tayeb Salith (This book is so chaotic, it’s a vibe)
The Art of Loving - Erich Fromm
Love Is a Mixtape - Rob Sheffield (the music recs in this book >>>🫠)
Cosmos - Carl Sagan (therapy)
My Inventions and Other Writings - Nikola Tesla
Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How - Brian Klass (this book is so good I might love non-fiction because of it…not possible! But this book is so GOOD!)
Orlando - Virginia Wolf
The Spire - William Golding (it’s kinda boring and dry, but after reading it it sticks with you on how ego can consume people)
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath (woman written by a woman, also this will make you depressed)
Project Hail Mary - Andy Wier (FUNNY ASS BOOK + it’s very needy)
Master and Margarita - Mikhali Bulgakov (a masterpiece 🙀💗✨💯)
Eugene Onegin - Alexander Pushkin (poetry)
Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakiami ( perfect example of women written by men)
And for my go-to comfort read is always the Shatter Me series (Aaron Warner is the love of my life, period 💍💯✨💗), or ACOTAR. I also like to re-read the Little Prince, Peter Pan or The Grest Gatsby when I don’t know what to read lol.
This are so many recs 🥵🤓 but I have lot more 🤭😭 I read quite a lot🌝 There are also many books, which I like, but haven’t yet been translated into English 😅🥲
Hope some of my recs would interest you 🤲🏼🤓🤗💞✨
IF anyone who wants to send in more recs, please do! 🤲🏼💖☺️🤓
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