#cockles fiction
haley-harrison · 9 days
tbh the main cause of shipping wars is that jackles is too good at his job. Man has convincing chemistry with most of his coworkers, so depending on which scenes you focus on, you can gather a convincing argument for your ship of choice.
like if you look just at the first three seasons, j2 have such insane chemistry you have to be blind not to notice. (case in point, even my mother, who is otherwise a normal 62-y-o was like 'well that's not a normal brother relationship'). add the lack of significant alternative options, and it's clear why the early days had so many wincest shippers. Like, duh. You see two hot guys who look at each other with adoration (and lip-licking), brain's gonna ship. Fiction isn't reality anyway.
However, then comes s4. Now, I think Misha is awesome and funny and great, and obviously he and Jensen hit it off. Enough that it shows on screen. That said, the script was still written as Kripke intended, which is that Sam and Dean are obsessed with each other.
Because it's a fact, that Kripke read Siken's Crush, and also On the Road, and wrote Sam and Dean very much under that influence. And if you read either of those, you know they're about gay lovers.
So. There's a conflict between the script (which is samdean coded), and the acting (where jenmish actually gets more and more intense with time).
And the thing is, both sides of the fandom have solid 'evidence' on why their ship is (practically) canon. And it sucks to see people actually fight and insult each other.
I am a multishipper: I have an OTP but I see the appeal of other pairings and occasionally read those too. And I wish we could all see that plurality of opinions is good. Fiction is meant to be discussed, there isn't one correct answer.
At the end of the day, we're here to have fun with this trash show (affectionate), so maybe let's do that without judging?
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rocksalt-and-pie · 7 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size and feel free to put your vote in the tags and/or elaborate! (But please be nice to each other!)
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jessybarnes · 10 months
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myfandomrealitea · 11 months
I'm curious.
Are there any RPF 'ships' that you are absolutely, wholly, without a doubt convinced have either fucked, are fucking, dated or are dating in secret?
(Excluding obviously celebrities who are confirmed to have been hooking up, dating, ect. I'm talking about the proper experience of having no tangible confirmation they are/have, but You Know.)
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kel-b · 2 years
Your description of the wrestling match at the beginning sounds like something you find in a fanfic, sounds quiet intriguing. Are you taking any cockles fic requests?
Afternoon anon.
Lots of fanfic questions today, lol. 😋 I actually had to go back and reread my OP and you are right, it does sound like something you would read in a fic. I didn't even pick up on it when I went over my response before posting it either. But with that said, as much as I love seeing the hubbies in their element together and enjoy reading fics about them, I do not write cockles. It's a rule I set in stone when I decided to give fanfiction a second try...
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ok is it just me or is cockles a really weird ship? like, not sure if you noticed, but I'm pretty sure Misha and Jensen are uncomfortable with being shipped. their characters are one thing, but themselves? if I was being shipped with one of my best friends I'd be really awkward. not to mention, they're both married?? it's like people still shipping Frerard. it's just weird. be respectful of other people, famous or not.
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tenthmuseondine · 2 months
The Back Pearl of Braavos and 16th century Venetian Fashion:
There is a common consensus among fans that Braavos - a city sited on a group of small islands that are linked by bridges and walkways, divided by canals, channels and waterways of varying size - is heavily inspired by Italian mercantile/maritime republics, of which Venice is the most famous.
Furthermore, the canal-based, inter-connecting island architecture is not the only similarity between Braavos and Venice; both cities are famed for their courtesans.
Indeed in 16th century, Venice was famed for its many elaborately dressed and coiffed courtesans; Veronica Franco (1546–1591) is a famous example! She developed her position in Renaissance Venetian society as a cortigiana onesta (Honest Courtesan), known for her notable clientele, feminist advocacy, literary contributions, and philanthropy.
Her fictional parallel in ASOIAF could be Bellegere Otherys II - one of the famed courtesans in Braavos (the other being Daughter of the Dusk). We know Bellegere comes from a family of courtesans, bearing the title of Black Pearl of Braavos - a moniker borne by a descendant of Bellegere Otherys I, the first Black Pearl, a pirate queen who became a mistress of Aegon IV Targaryen.
The eldest bastard daughter of King Aegon IV and Bellegere, Bellenora Otherys, became a courtesan under the same name. Bellenora's descendants became courtesans as well, each eventually bearing the name "Black Pearl".
We can also assume that Bellegere is rather wealthy, owning her own barge and servants to pole her to trysts and when purchasing three cockles from Arya, who is disguised as Cat of the Canals, paying ten times what the cockles are worth. This wealth is directly reflected in her clothing!
"She was so lovely that the lamps seemed to burn brighter when she passed. She had dressed in a low-cut gown of pale yellow silk, startling against the light brown of her skin. Her black hair was bound up in a net of spun gold, and a jet-and-gold necklace brushed against the top of her full breasts." (TWOW, Mercy)
The aforementioned "low-cut gown" immediately brings to mind the 16th century gowns worn by Venetian courtesans!
Look at this art print of a Venetian Courtesan (Cortigiana Veneta) published by Pietro Bertelli in 1591.
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Notice the incredibly low and exposed neckline of the gown!
It is important to mention, however, that not only courtesans dressed this way. Venetian noblewomen of the 16th century also bared their breasts in keeping with the fashion of the day.
For example, look at this art print of a Venetian Bride (Sposa Veneta), also by Pietro Bertelli. There is virtually no difference; perhaps that is why the civic authorities decried the courtesans' deliberately misleading resemblance to 'honest women.'
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In some portrayals, the Venetian woman's neckline opens almost immediately below the breast!
In Dress of Venetian Women (Habiti delle Donne Venetiane) ca. 1591–1610, the engravings done by Giacomo Franco show ornately dressed courtesans and respectable women, all of whom sport very low cut bodices.
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In the second plate we see a depiction of parentado, or the ritual presentation of a bride to her relations. Here, a bride in a richly embroidered dress wearing pearls and a bejeweled crown is presented by her ballerino, a dance instructor who prevented the woman from toppling over in her chopines, or platform shoes.
In conclusion, in depicting Bellegere Otherys - the Black Pearl of Braavos - I would most definitely illustrate her wearing a gown inspired by 16th century Venetian dress (worn by both courtesans and noblewomen). She'd look rather striking I think.
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heradion · 4 months
Destiel ≠ Cockles
Shipping Destiel is ok, but Cockles is not. Here are my thoughts on this.
Ok I think it is important for someone to post this because I've seen a lot of posts shipping Misha and Jensen or 'Cockles' as they would call it. Let's be clear, I ship Destiel, aka Castiel and Dean NOT Misha and Jensen.
Here are some things which are NOT okay, and some of ya'll should stop doing.
Cockles is NOT Destiel. Destiel is the shipping of the characters Dean and Castiel played by Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins respectively. They are simply characters played by them, it DOES NOT mean that it attributes to their working relationship/friendship in real life.
It is extremely disrespectful to their families and super weird for the actors themselves and it may affect their friendship in real life due to excessive fan shipping where all of their actions or interactions are put under a microscope for everyone to assess.
2. Destiel is fictional. Destiel is fictional and based on their character's interactions on screen, Cockles on the other hand is REAL LIFE, It is NOT okay to ship actors in real life who have wives and families, and saying they have a "special bond" aside from their family. It is weird to them. Cheering them on at any physical contact on stage is weird, they are JUST friends, or just co-workers.
3. Showing fanart about Destiel. This might be an unpopular opinion, but showing inappropriate fanart of the two characters is still borderline awkward for the actors to see, such as them embracing naked or being overtly sexual is just extremely weird for them to see. Do not push it on their faces and make it out to be them being homophobic when they just don't want to see themselves or the character they play in an inappropriate manner.
Post your art on tumblr for others to see and appreciate but it is a little weird for the actors to see themselves in that manner.
Lastly, Don't go around making assumptions that Misha or Jensen are homophobic or hate Destiel just because they have a different opinion or don't talk about it. They don't owe you their support and can very well chose not to talk about this if it is something that has gotten them hate in the past.
These are characters they play, the storyline is written by someone else, not everything is in their control. Quit blaming them for not talking about it as we don't know what is going on behind the scenes. For all we know, they've been told not to talk about Destiel openly or are uncomfortable about giving their opinion on it as it may get twisted or even make the writers of the show look bad.
Joking about their friendship and having fun like they both did recently at Jibcon 11 is different from actively shipping them and wanting them to be together or that they are closeted and "in hiding".
Feel free to retweet or comment your thoughts on this.
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imightdance · 4 months
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eddielala · 1 year
February, 26 2023:
Destiel is still semi canon.
Cockles is canon.
Jenmishdee is canon.
Who expected that a fucking real ship would be confirmed before a fictional one. 😂
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chaoticwistfulness · 2 months
they give the performances of their lives by playing dean and cas being nervous, eager, awkward, and endearing all at the same time. destiel goes canon. in both tongues. in english even.
the gag reel's very different: comfortable kisses, flirty kisses, tender kisses... at some point after a kiss they both turn and stare at the camera a la dean in fan fiction and laugh
cockles goes canon (or does it?) no one is deranged enough to ever ask them about it. they keep dropping hints and making innuendos and being *Like That* at cons
we'll never really know. all's well in the desticklesverse
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unkindledangell · 3 months
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Well... I'm Leann. Jumped into the fandom late, Tumblr too. Just wanted a space to throw out my thoughts, doodles, drawings and other stuff. English isn't my first language.
❗Sastieler, also multishipper. Everything's gonna be properly tagged, but yeah, that includes Sastiel, Wincestiel, Debriel, Bean, Wincest
❗Angel/Angel ships (Cabriel, Balthastiel...)
❗RPF Cockles/Mishalecki/Padackles. Even if I like their relatiohships, I respect their real lives and real relationships. I keep my speculations to myself.
If you don't like, just scroll. I don't want drama or hate, just here to share and post content.
Characters are fictional and fiction is just that: fiction.
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cocksley-and-catapult · 5 months
saw the "id like to inform you that i am incredibly horny about your fictional characters" anon ask and it got me thinking
how do people think like this
yall ALREADY have characters that are heavily in porn, and that are also made for porn, so why do we need to take OTHER ONES and fuck THEM up . yknow what im sayin Cockle Cat?
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sailorsally · 5 months
So if you believe that cockles is real real do you think that Misha lied when he came out as straight? Or Jensen is his exception or he is a straight guy that fucks men occasionally?
Every now and then I have to say that everything I write on here is for funsies and a speculation TM. I am content with not having a definite answer, schrödinger's cockles works just fine for me.
What matters to me is that they genuinely love each other so much. The nature of their love is less important. And also impossible to know, unless they outright comment on it.
I have no idea who these men fuck irl, I only know who they fuck in my maticulousy constructed cockles universe. The f in rpf stands for fiction after all.
But also, what am I? A politician?
They love each other but it's purely sexual.
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blanketforcas · 5 months
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seenthisepisode · 6 months
early 2021 spn destiel tumblr simulator
canondestiel reblogged castielscock follow
i did NOT have a "destiel goes explicitly romantically both sided canon BUT in spanish and THEN misha collins tries to set things straight while in a middle of a divorce on a thanksgiving day" on my bingo list but here we are i guess?!
#the cw sniper's aim was right between his eyes probably
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slickdean reblogged blowjobdean
WHY LA VERDAD????? NO DESPAIR???? #TheySilencedThem #CoWards
#tinfoil hat and clown shoes stay on honk honk
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endgamehandprint reblogged willowdestiel follow
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know your herstory ;)
#he was always on our side!!!!!!
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deancascanon reblogged 11052020
not jensen ackles talking about blue green flannel 😭 go off heller king 😞✊
come onn this was on accident and i love the guy but he is at best indifferent to the concept to destile
he was literally asked for permission to film the confession scene. and he gave his blessing so shut up
#destile 😭
#while i think he was maybe not into destiel at the beginning he was an enjoyer of it in the later seasons #because the concept of kissing misha or whatever wasn't scary anymore it was but an everyday routine for him <3 #cockles
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robertsingerhater follow
after years of hatecriming and queerbaiting i am done. i am so officially done. i will never watch another cw show. we shouldn't be giving them any money or recognition. in these few easy steps i will explain how it's best to boycott w*lker and what hashtags to use on twitter on the special time at the special date:
--------------------------Read More---------------------------
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lgbtcasdean reblogged impalasexx
"the original ending was something that i feel would be much better explored in fan fiction anyway" MISHA WHAT DID YOU FUCKING MEAN BY THAT
he also talked about rainbow wings ;_; OH MY GOD what if they are iridescent?!?!?
swiftieenatural follow
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gabrielsamrowena follow
so first they say the bloody handprint was sp8's idea, then they say it was just something that came to them on the spot and then jensen admits it was his idea only to later contradict it and say it was misha's idea???? what is the fucking truth can someone write a tell-all memoir that turns into an hbo documentary already i NEED to know EVERYTHING
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cocklesdreams reblogged mishasjensens
help me and @cockkless were trying to figure it out and we listened to the scene 4647 times and analyzed it frame by fram WHAT DID HE SAY are we hearing things
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#he filmed the scene. he filmed it. he fucking did that. the insane motherfucker did that because he knew. #right? #he had to know that this scene will get buthcered in the end. that the most important stuff won't be in teh final cut #apart from castiel's i love you of course but i guess he might have thought this might be cut too??? #what the absolute hell was going on that set that day
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angelstouch reblogged submissivedeans
there is another online con this weekend and i will be livestreaming it here <333
#but also if they mention the plane accident again i will kms and stop streaming <3 ask destiel questions or else 🔪🔪🔪
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whylamp reblogged milfrowena
samswig follow
do we think that the rogue translator and cw sniper ever explored each oth- [I AM BEING FORCIBLY DRAGGED OUTSIDE] [GUNSHOTS ARE HEARD]
no but i bet the no homo intern and the cw twitter intern did tho <3
#if you remember the no homo intern you might be entitled to financial compensation . few people know that :)
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