#controlling their feelings for too long
lulupen2023 · 1 year
My very first BellDom fic 8/23
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If someone is reading I'm happy, if they leave a sign, any sign, well, I'm happier ;)
Do you want to meet a Matthew who sees conspiracy everywhere (oh wait, this is not big news!) and is so fond of his trolley that he treat it like a sort of puppy? Do you want to meet a Dominic in love with… himself (and with Matt, too, of course!)? And do you want to meet a Chris who wants to prove to the world he's the most masculine guy ever… but is unavoidably attracted by every… female hobby? This is what you'll find in this story, among lots of BellDom and… craziness!
Summary of the chapter: Matt has got a theory..
Chapter VIII : A Matter of Reverse Psychology
The morning after Chris doesn't exactly seem to be Mr Good Mood. It's not due to the fact that they had to get up tremendously early, in order to catch the flight to Cleveland. He is not bothered by getting up early, besides he's happy to have the chance to go sightseeing in the town, as much as it is possible to have a good sightseeing in just a couple of days.
He is not bothered by taking the umpteenth plane; he's more than accustomed to that. Just like Matt, Dom and even Tom when he's with them, Chris isn't scared by flying at all. Quite the contrary, with time he learned how to turn the plane in a kind of further bed and that solves the problem of getting up too early.
He even totally agrees with the changes of their playlist, since he's the one who suggested most of those changes. He's not even melancholic or sad due to the fact that he's far away from home, because he finds helpful the very long phone calls between him and his wife and sometimes, with his kids too, at least the kids old enough to speak. He knows that it's nothing like being with them physically, but at least it's a contact. Besides, he has set up things very wisely, not to lose any of the important events in his family, such as birthdays, anniversaries and stuff like that.
What is really pissing him off is to walk through the airport with his two friends, who are arranged in such an absurd way that he's ashamed to be seen with them and he's even more ashamed to declare that they are his best friends. Not in that moment, at least.
Dom decided to wear his very showy bright pink jeans, matched to a bright pink T-shirt as well, which can be seen from his half open black coat. After all, his outfit has a very specific goal: to match the famous trolley that Matt allowed him to borrow, honouring his given word.
Well, Dominic really seems some kind of living pink, sugared almond, that's why Matthew is devouring him... with his eyes.
But Chris doesn't even seem to notice that, since he's to busy wondering how the hell the blond manages to be so full of energy even at such a cruel time of the morning... if it already can be call morning, that's it.
As a matter of fact, Dom keeps running from one side to the other of the airport, stopping just to stare at a mirror, a shop-window or any kind of surface that manages to even barely reflect him, with a huge grin plastered on his face, as enthused as a kid that after much insistence gets the toy he has dreamed about and he does nothing but play with it.
Indeed, if on the one hand he's busy admiring him, on the other hand our poor Matthew is very anxious about his 'toy', especially every time that the blond tosses it around with total carelessness.
< Oh no, if he carries it on this way it will end up losing a wheel! And should I be supposed to spend the next four journeys in such an apprehensive state? No way! > Matt ponders, but just like Chris, right now he doesn't have enough power to react or warn him about being more careful.
Matt's outfit is quite acceptable; although he managed to discover God only knows where a T-shirt that gathers all together at least five different layouts and something like one thousand and two hundred forty-five colours. And he also displays it with pride and fierceness through his half open coat. Besides, if his very normal blue-jeans miss the goal miserably, it's the famous golden hat he's wearing that makes him scarily eccentric.
"Oh my god, Dom! So you weren't kidding at all when you told me you had found the clone of that horrible thing!" Chris exclaims, looking at the blond in a blaming way, taking advantage of the fact that he has finally stopped.
"Yes, it's great! Now that I've got it again nothing and nobody will ever take this marvellous hat away from me!" Matt perjures, setting it better on his head.
< Don't be so sure about that. I've already managed once to get rid of that silly thing and make you believe that you had simply lost it, so I can do that twice! > Chris evilly plots in his head and then he turns to him again.
"I understand that it's still quite dark, but the airport has a lot of sidelights, landing lights, hazard lights and stuff like that, so there was no need to put that street lamp on your head!" he makes fun of him. "Ah-ah, witty boy. Truth is that you're just envious..." the fierce owner of that absurd thing strikes back. "Envious of what? Haven't you realized yet that you look like a rabbi in a damn glamour version? It's not remotely chic, it's not trendy, it's not a vintage accessory. It's totally trash, thumbs-down!" Chris makes him notice.
"What the hell are you talking about? Confess, you stole Kelly's fashion magazines again, don't you dare deny it!" Dom makes fun of him, but the fact that Chris has a guilty look makes the others understand that the blond is right. And the most worrying thing is that he doesn't do that to look at the pin-ups, no. He really cares about the magazine articles!
"Anyway, my dear manqué stylist, I couldn't care less of what you think about my outfit. I don't follow fashion, I'm a trendsetter!" Matt declares proudly. "Lucky for us, no one follows your fashion!" Chris strikes back pungently. "Words from Mr. Grey! You seem almost allergic to colour!" Matt strikes back as sharp as well.
"He's right, buddy. You used to be more colourful before, but now... you are way too serious!" Dom adds. "I'm just perfect the way I am. Anyway, I can't take style advices from a rabbi and a sugared almond!" Chris grumbles and the others pretend to be insulted.
"Hey, how can it be that now Dominic has got that ridiculous thing?" the bassist wonders, pointing at the pink trolley. "First, my trolley is anything but ridiculous; it's the perfect marriage between aesthetics and practicality!" the frontman points out, scowling at him. "They better divorce as soon as possible, then!" Chris mutters.
"Hey, I heard you!" Matt snaps, scowling at him even deeper. "Actually, I wanted you to hear me!" the other strikes back as Dominic listens to them silently, moving his head from one friend to the other, like he was watching a tennis match.
"Second, if he carries it this way, I don't think that Dom will keep it for long ..." the singer goes on, scowling at the drummer who backs off frightened.
"Third... Uhmm... let's say that Dom and I made a deal ..." he explains as the blond confines himself just to nod.
< That's it, I knew that! They keep doing things without me. Today is a deal, tomorrow it could be a whole concert; it's only a step forward. And maybe with a bassist who has their same too coloured style or even worse! Chris, boy, you gotta keep your eyes wide open if you don't want them to make a fool of you! > the more and more paranoid Chris figures out as they go to the check in.
No matter how Chris has summoned himself to keep his eyes open, after half an hour since the plane took off, he already keeps them very closed, deeply asleep after he found the most comfortable position in his seat.
When he's in that state nothing can wake him up. Matthew and Dominic know that very well.
"What do you say, is he already in his irrecoverable phase?" Dom whispers to Matt. "Let's check it out" the other answers in the same way, and then he starts talking louder, with a clear pronounce.
"The bass is the most senseless instrument ever and whoever plays that is even more senseless!" he states, as they both turn to their friend who hasn't showed any slightest reaction and keeps sleeping soundly.
"Yes, he is in the irrecoverable phase!" the frontman declares, satisfied.
That confirmation is enough for Dom to get up and reach the seat next to Matt. After all the plane is flying peacefully, there are no disturbances.
Chris is in the middle but it doesn't seem to be an insurmountable obstacle to Dom. Basically, Chris doesn't seem to be insurmountable to him, since he bypasses him without scruples, not even when he accidentally kicks his knee. After all, he's pretty sure that his friend wouldn't wake up even if he walked on him!
"Here we go!" he exclaims with a grin when he gets close to Matt. "And now tell me what did you mean last night!" he exhorts him, sitting down. "Ok, let's resume: we think that Chris wants to leave the band, don't we?" the brunet asserts. "Correction: I quit thinking that. It's you who insist!" the blond clarifies. "I have got my reasons to insist. He says that we all must be united, always, because this is the only way to make our band work, otherwise it would be the end." Matthew reminds to him.
"And this is the exact moment that I gave up understanding you!" Dom rolls his eyes. "Give me a minute and I'm sure you'll resume understanding me. I was saying... considering that it seems that there are no problems at all and we've just imagined the whole thing..." "But? Because I'm sure there's a 'but'..." the blond interrupts him. "But..." Matt goes on and Dom smiles victoriously, happy for guessing right. "... Psychology teaches us that it's not so easy!" he states.
"What's the matter with psychology now?" Dom frowns. "It's a matter of reverse psychology. That's how it works: you say something in order to get the contrary effect from your interlocutors. It's used mostly with children, but it doesn't mean that it can't be very effective even with adults..." the brunet explains. "Oh, boy! I'd have never thought of that!" the other admits, stunned. "You know, after something like six years with a psychology expert like Gaia, I've also learnt something about it. You have no idea of how many times she used that on me, but now she can't trick me anymore!" Matt admits.
"I guess so. Well, if what you say it's true, then... oh my god, Chris wants to leave us for real!" the blond gets alarmed. "Yeah, but we won't allow him to do that." the other declares firmly. "How?" the blond frowns again. "It's simple. The only way to fight reverse psychology is to use reverse psychology as well! Does Chris want to leave us? Fine, we'll make him believe that we don't care, because he's not that indispensable for us" Matt explains with a smirk. "Bells, you're a genius!" the blond praises him. "Yes, I know that. Sometimes I think I was born with way too many talents!" the brunettes pretends to brag. Or maybe he doesn't pretend at all.
"I need to train a little bit to get accustomed to this reverse psychology thing. Let's see if I understand..." Dom thinks out loud, skimming Matt's left arm with his fingers and staring deep into his eyes. "Now you must not jump on me, you must not hold me into your arms and mostly you must not kiss me as if it was the last day of our lives!" he imposes to him, resolute.
Matthew has to muster all his self-control up not to obey to that subliminal command. "Please, Dom, don't tempt me..." he murmurs. "Anyway, yes, I see you've already learnt very well how to use reverse psychology!" he adds, moving prudently away from him.
"Speaking of 'last day of our lives', well, this will really be the last day of your life if you don't treat my trolley better next time!" he warns him immediately after. "After all, I can't figure out why I've already lent my trolley to you when I haven't borrowed your pants yet!" he adds, bothered. "Just because, my dear, if you want to take off my pants, you must follow my rules!" Dom explains, but when he sees the dumbstruck look in Matthew's eyes he realizes what he has said and its possible double entendre. "Uh! Wait, no! I meant just my green pants! And I meant 'take off ' just as 'to borrow'!" he hurries to clarify.
Too bad that a question is already about to pop in his interlocutor's mind. "So, do you mean that to take off all your pants there aren't any rules to follow?" Matthew winks at him, scratching lightly the rubberized baby blue drawing on Dom's pink t-shirt. "Just one rule: follow your instinct!" Dom provokes him, arranging better his golden hat with both of his hands.
"Damn! We are doing it again!" the blond figures out. "Doing what? Oh, shit, yeah, we're doing it again. I suggest to quit!" the brunette reacts and, even if not so willingly, they manage to take their hands off each-other.
"Instead, I suggest to talk about it, once for al!" the blond strikes back. "This is not the proper time..." "What? We are on a private flight, where the only witness is almost in a coma. There couldn't be a more proper moment!" Dom makes him notice. "The place is proper, ok, but not the time!" Matthew answers, unable to restrain a long yawn.
"C'mon, Dom, it's 7:15 am. I guess I've already faced enough important topics for now. So, I'd like to follow Chris' example" the brunette admits, stretching out. "Do you mean that we are not an important topic?" his interlocutor pouts. "Quite the contrary, we are the most important one. That's why now I can't face it in the proper way. We'll talk about that in hotel, I give you my word!" he guarantees.
Dominic smiles, but then he pouts again, just like a spoiled kid and what he says confirms this comparison. "But I'm getting bored! What can I do in the meantime?" he complains. "I don't know. Maybe it could be the proper time for you to plot that famous time machine you are obsessed with!" Matt jokingly advices him. "Yeah, it could be a good idea..." Dom ponders, but then he stares intently at him. "Anyways, tell me, if I really managed to plot a time machine, would you like to erase all what happened since that fateful day at your house?" he asks him seriously. "Never." Matt answers seriously as well, although he's already half asleep. "But now what I'd really like to do is sleep..." he adds, getting more comfortable on his seat.
"Wait, I got it! You don't wanna sleep at all; it's a matter of reverse psychology once again!" Dom exclaims, enlightened. "No, no bloody psychology, it's the truth. Now, please, be a good boy ..." the other slurs, with closed eyes.
Dom gets up and reaches his seat again, a little bothered. At least this time he doesn't kick the poor Chris.
< Note to myself: I must take a decision for the next flight: to take some tranquillizers, so I can follow their example or... to make them take some pep pills, so they can keep me company! >
I hope you'll find it funny and like it,
Let me use the reverse psychology 'this ' Matt loves so much: DON'T tell me what you think about this chapter! :D
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bluespiritshonour · 2 months
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here's 18-19 year old aang sketches. been hearing aang is ugly discourse—no he ain't. he was just 12.
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triaelf9 · 2 months
hey folks who interact with creative works online! just a tiny PSA
If you don't like a character, that's totally fine! If you have a different reading of a situation in a show & have issues with stuff that's going on, that's also fine.
What is NOT fine is to ACTIVELY SEEK OUT fans of the characters you don't like and talk shit about them, the characters they have feelings about, or the content they've posted b/c you, Freddy McHatesalot really needs to tell everyone how much you dislike a...fictional character.
You are totally welcome to consume content in your own space in whatever way you see fit. It is disrespectful of the fandom space to try to drag other people into your space and interact with you if they don't want to. And dunking on a character in writings or art of them is fucking rude as hell to the person who put work into into the creation they made out of some feelings they were having.
Also. side note, it is possible to enjoy a character who is Wrong About Some Things or Isn't Doing The Right Stuff In The Right Situation. Sometimes it's possible to like a character and disagree with them, and shitting on people b/c you can't see what they see in a character is pretty trash garbage and is 90% of why I just make silly little art for me and my own silly feels and hope folks get a chuckle or some enjoyment out of it too.
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lady-charinette · 1 year
Rei shooting himself in his dominant arm, most likely permanently injuring most if not all of his nerves so he could effectively only use his left hand.
Rei most likely not being able to play any video games anymore, his main coping mechanism and hobby throughout the show, something he did in the beginning to the point of neglecting to take care of Miri and doing house chores.
Rei most likely, after extensive physical therapy and relearning how to use his right hand as his dominant one, trying to find other stuff he could turn into hobbies except gaming.
Rei most likely finding true joy in not just playing games himself, but watching others play them.
Watching Miri and Kazuki battle it out in the kid friendly and later on more action video games together and having fun and bonding over how bad of a sore loser Papa Kazuki is and how well Rei taught Miri how to play by supporting her with tips from the sidelines.
Rei most likely finding that, even if he can't play himself, he enjoys watching his loved ones play his video games in his stead because he gained something so much more to hold dear in his heart by losing his arm.
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sigh. pray for me once more I've slipped up in dealing with my sinful thought processes and temptations
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muzzleroars · 2 years
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war & peace (i)
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willyhoos · 24 days
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bro has been in the timeloop for so long he has begun to view his friends deaths as obstacles instead of tragedies😭😭😭💀
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odessastone · 2 days
Think I’m gonna have to force myself to take a break from this game. After going on a 12 game losing streak a week or two ago, I’ve ended up in some gutter hell where half the players literally don’t know how to play the game (never touching the payload, standing off to the side shooting some distant enemy while the red team takes the point, etc.) and the other half are smurfs going 30-0 with supposedly like 45 minutes on the game. I’m not good enough to solo carry my way out of this hell, so I’m just getting sucked deeper and deeper into the mire with no light at the end of the tunnel. In the past week I’ve been hovering around a 27% win rate.
I’m not usually the type to get frustrated at games, I play OW because I enjoy the characters above all. But this is the least fun I’ve had with the game in 8 years.
Has anyone else ever experienced this? I feel like I’ve been sent to the Overwatch equivalent of Hell!!
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rainymoodlet · 9 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[ A Coffee Break ]
Part 3 of 5 ☕️
#when the host known for his smile isn't smiling :) can you tell i watch too much anime mwahaha#ts4#ts4 screenshots#ts4 gameplay#ts4 challenge#ts4 bachelor challenge#;kmik#sim: daniel#||#that damn word...#daniel is Always Fine. he's been Fine for a very long time.#and he's starting to become Not Okay with just Being Fine and there's a lot of unfinished guilt and unhealed wounds to go with that#he /wants/ to find love and i think part of him feels selfish for that - or rather he doesn't really recognize what its like to want for#himself outside of what it can do for his family or friends.#you notice he can barely handle himself when it comes to his self-disgust - he has great self control but he was very much unable to NOT#snap at the tv under his breath with some smarmy shit about why his walls are smart and actually okay and for the Greater Good#when in reality let's be real he's still a young boy in survival mode and his family got to run away - they got to leave in the night#they got to wait in fear and realize their father wasn't coming to hurt them. they got to slowly heal and move on and hope for daniel's#return. whereas i think dan's life stopped the day he was sent away and everything else is just extra. confetti. 'we died in france and#everything else is just extra' etc. etc. peaky blinders reference#look at me givin spoilers in the tags bc im impatient fhdsjff this is all going to come up im just BUSTING TO THE GILLS with dan lore that#i feel i cant properly present at all dfkfhdskj#but yeah dan looks Mean As Fuck when he's not smiling and especially when he's angry - he unfortunately... looks a lot like his dad :(#idk if his eyes cut as sharply as i imagine they do but to me i'm like OOF felt that in my CHEST SIR#dropping this absolutely randomly bc i'm a monste rdskfjhfk i love you all so much and thank you for your patience!!!!
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
My very first BellDom fic 7/23
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If someone is reading I'm happy, if they leave a sign, any sign, well, I'm happier ;)
Do you want to meet a Matthew who sees conspiracy everywhere (oh wait, this is not big news!) and is so fond of his trolley that he treat it like a sort of puppy? Do you want to meet a Dominic in love with… himself (and with Matt, too, of course!)? And do you want to meet a Chris who wants to prove to the world he's the most masculine guy ever… but is unavoidably attracted by every… female hobby? This is what you'll find in this story, among lots of BellDom and… craziness!
Summary of the chapter: Matt and Dom have something to worry about…
Sorry, I've tried anything but there's nothing to do, sometimes the format of this chapter gets odd and the text begins where it shouldn't... I hope you'll manage to read it anyway
Chapter VII: It's Not Helping At All
Once their show is done, as they head towards the backstage , Muse comment the crowd's reaction, and they seem pretty satisfied.
"I was sure there would be a cold silent, broken just by some murmurs, such as 'who the fuck are these people? '. Instead, they smiled, clapped their hands.. and * sang *!" Matthew exults.
"Yeah, and not only the chorus of the most famous hits. Someone knew even 'Take a Bow ' or 'City of Delusion' !" Chris exults.
"Plus, I don't think it was just my imagination, but I heard some of them saying three or four times calling us by name. not simply the band name, I mean our personal ones!" Dominic exults.
"I guess it's one more step towards our conquer of the States!" Matthew states, enthused.
"Well, don't rush things, it's just a small part of New York, it's too soon to jump to conclusion... " Dom makes him notice.
"Yes, but it was a positive start, we shouldn't underestimate that... " Matt comments.
"What do you think, Chris?" Dominic calls for him, but he gets no answers.
"Chris?" Matt calls for him, with the same result.
They look behind their back, turn again and take a look all around the room, realizing that their friend is nowhere to be found.
"Oh my, someone kidnapped him!" Dom gets alarmed.
"How the hell can you think that?" Matt wonders.
"I don't know why ... but I've been thinking about kidnapping all day long.. " the other justifies.
"So, tell me, how could that happen? First, we're not alone.. " Matt makes him notice, pointing at two technicians who are bringing there their instruments, after taking them from the stage.
"Who assures you that it's not them the kidnappers and theirs is just a cover?" Dominic observes.
"Ok, let's say it's true, my dear Sherlock Holmes wannabe, can you explain why the hell did we notice nothing. Since we were here with him?" Matthew puts him in trouble.
Dom meditates for a while and then he seems to be enlightened.
"The technicians kidnapped him, we tried to stop them, but we failed. Then, after taking him away, they brought time back with the machine that I was supposed to invent .. that's why we remember nothing about that!" the blond explains, but the most worrying thing is that he seems very convinced of what he's saying.
Matthew looks at him in a mix of confusion, concern, sympathy and.. fear.
"Maybe Chris had some point with that comment about illicit drugs. And the worst thing is that you didn't even offer, you, egoist!" the brunette pretends to scold him.
"First, I didn't take any bloody thing. And second, you're already illicit on your own!" the other strikes back promptly, and then he notices that his interlocutor is absorbed in his thoughts, as if another hypothesis is about to pop in his mind.
And that's what happens for real.
"You know.. the kidnapping thing isn't so absurd after all.. But it's not due to a blackmail, it's due to a sabotage. I bet the five dark whelps did it, because, after seeing our brilliant performance , they are rightly afraid of going on the stage and looking like the newbie they actually are. So, they took our bassist away to prevent us from performing in the other dates!" Matt deducts, and he also looks worryingly convinced of what he states.
"Damn you, Bells, why the hell do you see conspiracies everywhere?" Dom rolls his eyes.
"Because conspiracies *are * everywhere!" the other simply strikes back.
"And how do you explain the fact that we didn't noticed that at all?" the blond interrogates him.
"Maybe that odd machine you keep blathering about exists for real.. " the other supposes and they both look kind of anguished .
One of the technician approaches to them.
"Excuse me, I couldn't help haring you.. " he exclaims.
Dominic stress at him, doubtful and disbelieving , ready to call the police if there's the need. Also Matthew stares at him, trying to figure out if the technician is one of the My Chemical Romance, disguised due to what he thinks that is a mission of sabotage.
The technician is a little scared by their inquisitive looks, but he goes on anyway.
"I was saying.. don't take that as an offence, but.. are you aware of the idiot things you say? Maybe you didn't notice, but truth is that your friend just happened to go out to have a walk.. " he explains to them and they both seem to be relieved.
"After all, that was the most obvious explanation, how can it be that you didn't even consider that ?" he adds, looking at them as if they escaped from a mad house.
"The most obvious explanation are so boring.. it's not fun to consider them!" Matthew shrugs.
"Well, that's not a good reason for even thinking of taking into consideration what looks like a kind of sci-fi romance.. of a bad quality, too!" the man strikes back.
"Hey, no one asked for your opinion, why don't you come back doing your job? I already know what car your colleague has got, it wouldn't take me so long to find even yours!" Dominic warns him, waving the precedent key as if it was the most terrifying weapon of the world.
"Yeah. And I could smash a guitar on that!" Matt adds.
Scared not by their threats, but mostly by their mental sanity that seems not to be so stable, the technician prudently leaves, coming back to his colleague.
"So, Chris just took a walk.. "Dom comments.
"Yes, but it's so unexpected and out of the blue.. " the other observes.
"And without even warning us. Almost as if he was.. bothered.. " the blond adds.
"Oh my god, no! Maybe he's sick of us and wants to leave the band!" Matthew gets alarmed.
"I guess you're right. And maybe the phone call with Kelly, this afternoon.. was just a cover. Maybe he's already trying to contact another band!" Dominic gets alarmed.
And as they both concentrate in order to find a solution to what they already consider a colossal drama, taking a look around they realize that they have another reason why they can get alarmed, seriously. The technicians finished setting their instruments and left in order to set the ones of the main band and that will take them a lot.
So now Dominic and Matthew are all alone in a big room.
"Oh, no! We're alone... again!" Matt observes.
"Yes, but you know it doesn't have to be a dangerous thing every time.. " Dom comments.
"Yeah. Just because we happened to get way too close to each other twice, three times or four ones.. Gee, how many times did it happen?"
"Don't ask me that. I lost the count!" the other rolls his eyes.
"But this time it won't happen!" he states resolutely, immediately after.
"Damn right. We can be left alone.. without any worrying consequences.. " the other nods.
They can lie to each other with their words as much as they please. Too bad that they can't do that with their eyes, and it's enough just one look for them both to realize that.
Dom glances at his drums and gets closer to it.
"This atmosphere is getting too tense. And do you which is the best way to give vent to the tension? To play a little.. " the blond declares, drawing out the drumsticks from the rear pocket of his jeans and starting to hit the several parts of the instrument.
Matt approaches to him, staring at him without saying anything, but the other notices that and stops.
"What?" he wonders, kinda disturbed.
"Nothing. It's just that you're so cute when you're all engrossed into playing.. " Matt admits.
"This is not helping .. " Dominic warns him, blushing against his will.
"But it's the truth.. " the other insists, approaching to his guitar.
"Anyway, you're right, we must do something to release the tension.. " he goes on, wearing the strip of his guitar.
"Are you going to play a little bit, too?" the other asks him naively.
"Not exactly.. " his interlocutor smirks.
"Well, I'm going to quit, too, then.." the blond announces, ready to get up.
"No, way, sit down again!" the brunette summons him.
"But.. if you don't want to play.. then I don't understand why you want me to.. " Dom protest but then realization hits him.
"Aren't you going to... " he figures out, without even finishing the sentence.
"Hell yeah I am!" the other announces, backing off as much as he needs to take one run-up.
"Am I wrong or aren't you the person who got very concerned for his guitar? You'll end up scratching it or leave a dent on it." Dom makes him notice. " That's not the point. The other people must treat my guitars carefully, I can do whatever I please with them!" he points out. "Plus, it won't be anything that our dear Manson guy can't repair!" he shrugs.
"I don't think it's a good idea.. " the blond tries to make him reason.
"But I do. C'mon, it will distract us. It will be fun. Besides, we haven't done that for ages!" the brunet insists. "Yeah, but we're not on stage.. and there's not even any crowd!" the drummer makes him notice. "Who ever told you that I did that for the crowd?" the front-man raises one eyebrow.
"But I do. C'mon, it will distract us. It will be fun. Besides, we haven't done that for ages!" the brunet insists. "Yeah, but we're not on stage.. and there's not even any crowd!" the drummer makes him notice. "Who ever told you that I did that for the crowd?" the front-man raises one eyebrow.
"Matt, I've already told you not to.." "Too late, I'm already doing that!" he cuts him off, making a noteworthy jump and then he smashes against the drums, crashing the several parts on the floor and involving even its owner in the fall.
"Matt, I've already told you not to.." "Too late, I'm already doing that!" he cuts him off, making a noteworthy jump and then he smashes against the drums, crashing the several parts on the floor and involving even its owner in the fall.
Despite some bruises, the two guys find the situation kind of exhilarating and burst out laughing. Matt tries to get up, but Dominic has a better idea.
"You, stubborn mad guy, you'll pay for what you did to my poor drums!" he hurls towards his friend, keeping his arms behind his head and pinning him on the floor.
"After all, it's just a bunch of scrap iron and there's no so much difference between the noise it made now and the one it makes whenever you play it!" Matt teases him on purpose, managing not only to get free but also to switch the roles.
"Hey, that's unfair!" Dom protests and he's pinned by Matt much more than he was by him.
"What? The things I did or the things I've said?" the other sneers.
"Both of them.. " Dom admits, until they both realize something unexpected.. something that wasn't supposed to happen.
If they found the situation exhilarating before, now it seems that they find it also very, very, *very * pleasant.
And it's enough just a mutual and sudden bulge under the belt of their jeans for them to get the feared confirmation.
"Shit!" Matthew exclaims.
"Shit!" Dominic echoes him.
"What the hell is going on?" the first wonders.
"Whatever it is, it's not helping at all!" the blond states.
They both keep silent, staring at each other for a bunch of seconds, without any attempt to move.
"We should better get up.. " the blond suggests.
"Yes, we should. But I don't want to do that.. " Matt admits.
"And I don't want you to do that.. " the other admits, as they exchange the umpteenth dangerous look.
"Do you realize that it's something damn insane and blameworthy ?" the brunette murmurs, and the only fact that he's murmuring it shows how much he is not finding it negative at all.
"Do you realize that I couldn't care less?" Dom murmurs, taking advantage of his interlocutor's temporary distraction enough to set his arms free and wrap them around his neck.
"Neither could I.. " the other confesses, feeling the sudden urge to establish a contact with those soft lips once again.
He bents over him, in order to make their mouths skimmer , but a noise at the door make them startle and quit that romantic purpose.
"Guys, you must get out with me, because I've found.." Chris exclaims, getting in all cheerful, but he stops abruptly when he sees Matt and Dom laying on the floor, one upon the other , in the middle of what remains of the drums and a dented guitar with the 'e' chord broken.
"I can't believe it. Did you play the fight.. again?" he comments, shaking his head. "Uh, yeah.. the fight.. right.. " Matt blathers, getting up, wishing that that 'collateral effect ' of that contact could fade out before Chris notices that.
"You know.. it was just a way to will the time away.. " Dom adds, mirroring both of Matt's actions and hopes.
"What were you talking about?" Matt asks him with nonchalance. "I found outside, at the barriers, a group of fans that came here just for us!" a grinning Chris explains, and since he's so excited it's practically impossible that he could notice anything else.
"Really?" Matt looks for confirmations. "It's the truth. And the fact that I found them already outside proves that. they couldn't care less about the headliners! And the coolest thing is that they're not fans who followed us from London. No way, they're just Americans!" the other informs them, more and more excited.
"Alright! One score for us, in spite of the Living Dead!" Matt exults. "It's fantastic! Well, the least we can do is to go outside and say thanks to them properly.. " Dom suggests.
"That's why I called you. C'mon, hurry up and reach me at the gates with the fans, they deserve it!" Chris smiles, ready to go, but he turns one last time.
"Hey, guess what they said? They said that they like * all of us * , * without any exceptions* , it would be enough just * one member missing * and it wouldn't be the same anymore, the * band * wouldn't work anymore. It works only if * we all stay together *!" he keeps underlining the concept, before leaving.
"So, I guess we were wrong. Chris is not going to leave the band!" Dom comments, very relieved, as both he and Matt clean out that mess.
"You're kidding, aren't you? Chris gave us the worst answer ever!" Matt protests, very alarmed. "But.. he said that we must remain together.. all of us!" Dom makes him notice, kind of puzzled. "Exactly!" the other underlines the fact.
"Damn you, Bells, is there any absurd, recondite and odd reason why what you're saying has at least a semblance of logical sense?" Dom stares at him, more and more confused, as he massages his temples, afraid that he's about to have a terrible headache.
"Yes, there is, but now there's no time for explanations. We'll talk as soon as we have the chance. Now we must go.. " the other comments, walking towards the door.
Dominic follows him, but then he stops. "What?" Matthew asks him, turning to him. "When will we ever talk about what's going on between you and me?" the blond wonders, a little bit insecure.
Matt gets closer to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll find time even for us.. " he whispers, with a sweet smile and a look plenty of promises.
They walk though the corridors, reaching the gates, as that 'us' echoes in Dom's mind as the warmest word he has ever heard.
The fight is something they really did.
I hope you'll still like it, but fell free to tell me anything, as always !
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
After learning about the video game "CONTROL" and watching Julia LePetit-Drawfee play it, I have amended my views on brutalist architecture.
I used to think that brutalist architecture was a completely miserable and hideous style of architecture to expect human beings to exist in or around, with absolutely no acceptable applications.
But NOW I think that brutalist architecture is a completely miserable and hideous style of architecture to expect human beings to exist in or around, which is actually quite suitable for a visually striking video game about a living building that fucking hates you and is actively trying to kill you and everyone in it. ✅ ✅ ✅
I'm being silly but tbh anyone who disagrees with me can go ahead and spend 10 years commuting in the dingy gray concrete brutalist dimness of the DC metro system and then fucking get back to me.
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smolsix · 10 months
-blows dust off this blog-
Little Nightmares III, huh???
I was trying to avoid being excited about it because no solid release date and 2024 could be a few months from now or a year from now and Idk how long I can handle being so fuckin hyped for this game YEEHAW
so here are my thoughts, if you wanted to know
FIRST OF ALL, i am so glad that after we saw LTNM II we thought it'd be co-op but it was just an AI, that we finally get co-op! AND ONLINE TOO, i spent the first day worried it'd be shared screen same room situation since i wasn't trying to get my hopes up but then I realised I can just.. google it.. AND IT IS!!! ONLINE!! IDK WHO I AM GONNA PLAY IT W FIRST AAAAAAAA
anyways, you can definitely tell it's a new studio working on this game, the world feels mostly the same but the character designs themselves are definitely stylistically similar, but not the same. With Six especially, the MC designs were very simplistic and realistic but used colour (or for Mono, a single design quirk being the bag) to stand out against their backgrounds and against the enemies which are largely neutral colours. But these new ones feel... "over designed"? On their own they definitely aren't, but in comparison to Mono, Six, Seven, and even NPCs like the flashlight girl, they have a lot more going on (especially the little wrench kid, Idk which one is Alone and which one is Low yet btw OOP)
Despite it being a new studio and you can tell, new puzzles and environments, they're still doing their best to have the OGs vibes and whatnot to feel familiar, namely in the trailer they bring back the fuses, and the additional gameplay video there's a short scene with an environment with all the shelves you can find in LTNM 1s gnome section (the one with the cart that is affected by the Maws swaying).
But regardless, it still feels different enough my brain is still nervous about it. I also feel In A Way about Tarsier having LTNM II explode and their franchise getting the attention it deserves, only to have it stuck with Bandai and now it's going to likely explode again and they aren't involved. Idk how anyone on that team feels about it, but if it were me omg.
Also the only boss we've seen so far (i hope they add more and i def want some to be a surprise so im not gonna assume this is the only one for now) feels... out of place? it has the design qualities of a LTNM boss, but the size of it makes it more of a spectacle than a warped/corruption of an adult. All the previous bosses fit in their environment, we are the small ones and they are scaled to the world around them. This is the first time, outside monster Six who imo is a bit of an outlier anyways due to her circumstances, we're getting a boss who is this huge and doesn't even fit their own environment. I hope we get a lore reason for this in some way, because currently the boss doesn't have the same vibe as the others and it's throwing me off a bit. Don't get me wrong, it'll be terrifying, but looking at the picture as a whole they are sort of out of place for me rn. I don't hate the bitch either, I'm not gonna be like omg get rid of it or change it, but it does strike me as odd seeing it for now.
And yes the tall man is too tall for a lot of things, but he's not THAT big. He's more like yer tall guy who hits his head off doorways, which happens irl anyways LMAO
Little Nightmares primarily tries to capture the feeling of being a small child and how everything is big and scary, but a doll that huge is out of the realm of reality set up for us already. It's gone from scary corrupted animal to godzilla, if that makes sense.
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meltlilies · 3 months
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"Actually, this is kind of stupid."
"You're the one I had so much 'tension' to release and offered to help me with it. At least here my neighbors won't be able to hear me have a one sided conversation whenever I slip up." He takes Johnny by the digital hand, more of a suggestion for him to move in time with V, than actually dragging him anywhere.
"Mm, fair enough."
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"Think you might be the first physical solo act here, kid."
"I'm sure plenty of people come here to watch bad BDs, Johnny. Why worry about it?" It's awkward, positioning himself in such a way that he won't just fall over because there's no physical purchase on the other man, his fingers passing through code that half scatters into nothing upon impact. "Let's just...enjoy the moment. Before we get dragged into more nonsense."
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" M'all yours V, just like always."
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pinkyjulien · 11 months
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🟨 Then n' Now - High Voltage edition ⚡
Yoinking @arcandoria's idea and making one of those before/after post focused on the babies💛 motivated by AND motivating @elvenbeard to do the same 😌🤏
This will be both a VP and Modding journey 👉
▶ December 2020
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━ "No mods, we die VP like men!"
AKA open up PhotoMode and get as close as you can to your fav, playing with angles while getting the camera stucks in the surrounding 80% of the time and trying to make the characters look at each others in a "natural" way 👀
▶ early 2021
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━ "I learned how to app swap and I cannot be stopped"
I got into modding because/thanks to Mitch 🤠 and the first thing I did was to .app swap him into all of the romance scenes 😩🤏 My BIG MODDER GOAL back then was to have Him and Valentin in the panzer scene, meaning I needed to find a way to:
Swap Valentin into Panam's place
Swap Mitch into V/Player's place
Unlock the camera / have a true free-roam experience
and also remove all of the HUD and green filter
I was just a tiny dude with Big Dreams 👀
▶ first half 2021
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━ "I can change clothes now! AKA OOC-fest"
Looking back at some of the stuff I did before legit gives me so much icks now 💀 the joy and freedom of being a simp with fresh modding power, you just Do Stuff because You Can! Who cares if the character turns extremly OOC, right? keeping them for the memories 🤭
▶ first half 2021
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━ "ReShade? What's a ReShade"
My first month of playing around with Reshade! Everything was way too saturated, too bright or too dark- but it was new and exciting! Experimenting with more swapping, more photomode-posing 🤏
▶ July 2021
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━ "the Modding High"
Camera unlocks, Player Replacer, FixSwaps, Bi River trick, Blur Remover, Facial expressions for V, Swap to Everyone... my peak as a modder still to this day ngl
I achieved all I ever wanted, did the mods I needed to be able to smooch Mitch and have my canon panzer scene 🧡 (cannot showcase it here on Tumblr for hornyjail reason)
The "bi river" trick was involving CyberCat, an old save editor software that allowed you to swap V presets! You had to launch the romance scene with River as a fem V, then save at the start of it using the "Save Anytime" mod, edit your save file by swapping in your Male V preset, and Voila~ you had a Masc V in the River scene :D
▶ August 2021
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━ "Custom poses Fever"
...and the first true love kisses!
Searching and modding your first poses swaps, then spawning the blorbos in game, timing the expressions and animation correctly and... having them "kiss for real" for the first time 🥺😩 ouugghh IT HITS! It hits so good!
From there, the rest of 2021 was focused on playing around with custom poses and exploring my own canon; giving new canon-compliant appearances to Mitch and Valentin, doing VP comics... also exploring some AUs and doing special occasion outfits, like Halloween!
▶ 2022
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━ "I can create my own story"
I focused a lot on my own canon in 2022, via comics and photoset exploring what happens to both Mitch and Valentin's respective past and shared future together
Modding was also a big part of the year! There wasn't any big breakthrough other than the scenerid extract for custom poses, which allowed me to finally use the amazing tender animations from the Judy scene in my boys tent 🤭
▶ 2023
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━ "Still here"
There will always be new exciting way of exploring and creating content for my babes- the knowledge of custom made poses allowing us for even more angst, tenderness, passion!
and I'm looking forward to it all 🥺🧡
Those years's been a whole creative journey~ and it's thanks to those two, my blorbos, my beloved stinkies, that I'm the modder and photographer that I am now!
Who knows where they'll take me next 💛😊
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quirinah · 3 months
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oomf was talking about this combi and I remembered the season 25 episode where they interact for like 30 seconds. and then i got progressively more invested
#quirinahdraws#WHATEVERRRR *exploding*#nintama#nintama rantarou#忍たま乱太郎#rkrn#nanamatsu koheita#tachibana senzou#i don’t know if i actually do ship them romantically but it’s a very fun idea to think about#Listen Listen Listen. Can anyone hear me. i just think koheita is way smarter than he looks (crazy person)#BUT REALLY. he’s quite knowledgeable and he’s very sincere and good and reading people but he’s also super intuitive#and makes most of his decisions on the spot based on how he reads a situation and how he feels so he’s difficult to keep up with#it would just be fun to see senzou whos also really smart! but likes being in control and looking unflappable and perfect#falling for a guy who he can’t read but who’s super sincere and encouraging nevertheless… (forlorn)#HE SAW THROUGH SABUROU’S DISGUISE OF SENZOU IN THE 5TH YEARS VS 6TH YEARS ARC CAN ANYONE HEAR MEEEEE (is dragged offstage)#こへ仙#kohesen#but i think they would be a fun duo nevertheless! I can’t write dialogue but i saw someone way long ago talking about how it would be fun t#see senzou as the planner/espionage kind of strategist and koheita as the guy who gets in and gets stuff done…#OR PLANNING TOGETHER I can’t write dialogue but I like to think about koheita already having assessed the circumstance and just#cooking up a plan on the fly…#I do think senzou is kind of like monjirou where he’s a little bit of a softie at heart but he isn’t around koheita all the time like monji#so it might be fun to see him more flustered/being unable to read kohe….i want to see them get along too…. (crazy person)#digital
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bigdumbbambieyes · 1 year
i heard the Lolita 1997 audio that’s Dolores screaming at Humbert and immediately imagined:
Billy being caught with Steve by Neil and immediately losing it, yelling and taunting his father for his gayness, for the way he loves a boy when he isn’t supposed to, watching the way Neil’s face turns red and his father is so close to snapping because Billy’s disrespect and disappointment is reaching new heights
so in the height of his breakdown, Billy screams through tears and a raw, trembling voice, as if he’s begging, ‘murder me! murder me like you murdered my mother!’
and if it weren’t for Steve, Billy would’ve died that night
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