#corinthians bios
iesserafim · 9 months
random bios
fulana de tal disse uma coisa ciclana disse outra mas e como isso afeta o newjeans?
mico kpoper pagar de torcedor de futebol kkk eu sendo micosa assistindo um jogo do corinthians com o sunghoon
papai o que sao scrobbles? sao mostros terriveis filhao..
vcs podem ate acha que eu to bem.. podem ver eu dando risada, mas so deus sabe como que ta a mente do palhaçao aqui..
oii amiga vc esqueceu de parar de me seguir no spotify
mae noq vc se inspirou pra escolher meu nome? isso nao é assunto pra hoje cream soda da silva
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henryrocky · 11 months
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°. 💥 \\ Jk Corinthiano
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dixyoong · 1 year
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c-celest · 1 year
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trevas, emos e jungkook tá?
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can-of-pringles · 5 months
i keep thinking about that little crossover fic I wrote with Lee being found by the Corinthian and Prometheus
Like... imagine them taking Lee back to their little house and she ends up meeting Mary Hospitality? And they become friends? Like Lee helps her decorate the house and make it look nice and in return Mary gets shark designs on her skirt and tries her damndest to create a TV (it's... sort of there, and she can only make it when Lee's around since her imagination helps).
Imagine Lee and Mary becoming like pseudo-sisters and part of the reason Lee gets so comfortable with the Dreaming world. Mary can't leave (or at least it's difficult) so when Lee goes out with Prometheus and Corinthian sometimes she'll try to bring something back or at least tell Mary stories of everything they did that night. Mary puts an extra room on the house and helps Lee make it look like the bedroom she'd want to have. Lee tries to get her to make a Blåhaj to snuggle with, and Mary tries her best (again, not quite there, but close enough)
It also got me thinking about some angst, like what if the Corinthian still got Cereal-Conventioned in the AU? He leaves for a bit to the Waking World (maybe to take revenge on Tessa like he promised Lee) and just doesn't come back, Prometheus and Lee try to look for him but he's gone. Lee's basically lost another parental figure, Mary's struggling to understand it since she's such a young/new dream, and it's basically Prometheus' first time dealing with loss on that scale so they're internally falling apart even as they try to comfort Lee and Mary (since that's what they do).
Especially since like... Lee and the Corinthian were still at each others' throats pretty much constantly, the teasing and griping Does Not Stop, so Prometheus would be super surprised and caught off-guard when Lee starts grieving.
Wow... it would be such a good place for Lee, and her bonding with them especially Mary.
Oh the angst :( ouch
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clockwork-reveries · 7 months
Do Corinthians Feel Pain?
Does Bruno Mars is gay? Anyways, it depends. Corinthians will at the very least feel uncomfortable if they are hurt (as in, their skin is breached/torn, a wire is pulled, etc.) depending on the severity, the discomfort will cloud their mind and their systems in a way that a person may react, (distress, fear, anger.), but unless it's really horrible, then they are able to control how they react.
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nightmarecountry · 9 months
Severen would be absolutely enthralled if he ever got to see Corinthian’s mouth eyes.
“What’cha can bite and taste with them things?” Staring in open delight.
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it's rare that someone isn't frightened by him: if not by the reveal of his eyes, then by his mere presence. a nightmare walking the earth is an unnatural thing, and his presence makes the world go a little strange; the Collectors, for instance...
so when he meets someone fearless of him--well. here, he thinks, is an opportunity. humans are all he wants, and severen isn't that anymore... but he was once, and the Corinthian can smell it. good enough.
"i can. and what i can taste with these," he tells him, twirling one of his knives in his right hand, his smile pleasant, "depends on you."
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betterdcyz · 2 years
the carrd is done
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Tuesday May 17th 2022 🔯 Read 1 Corinthians 14 🔯 Prophecy and tongues 🔯 💜💜💜🔯🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 . . . .Link to full text in bio . #joelosteen #joelosteenpodcast #tdjakes #tdjakesministries #bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #gospel #gospelmusic #jesus #church #baptistchurch #lakewoodchurch #morningprayer #dailybible #dailybibleverse  #dailybibleverses #bibleverse  #bibleverses #biblequotes #bibleverseoftheday #christianquotes #bibleversedaily #dailyscripture #dailybible #dailyverse #dailyverses #biblescriptures #biblegram
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virgo-dream · 11 months
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i wanted to post these only when they're aaaall finished, but I still got to colour the Corinthian and export him with all the flags... anyway this is what i've busied myself with this weekend lol sandman pride bbys!!!
these are originally intended to be discord emojis, but i'm figuring out a way to place them on my bio here on tumblr or just upload them on my pinned post with my flags 🏳️‍🌈✨
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pupkou · 2 months
somebody with all sorts of jesus stuff in their bio and reblogs just followed my ***** kink blog and.. i don’t feel like the Corinthians would approve of that man
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henryrocky · 1 year
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› Taekook Corinthianos ░▒░
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study-with-aura · 22 hours
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Wednesday, April 24, 2024
I was not sure if this was going to get posted tonight or not. The internet has been acting funny, and I think it's a DNS problem since the speed is nearing 100 Gbps, and it was any website loading that was timing out. I changed the DNS, and that seems to have helped. I wonder what is causing it to act up.
Today was good, long but good. I had trouble sleeping last night. Insomnia periods are not fun, so I hope I am not slipping into one again. Every now and then I will wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to get back to sleep for another hour, which is not good because normally I would get 8.5 hours of sleep without that. With that, that sleep time drops to about 6 hours! That is not healthy!
Saying of such, I am going to get ready for bed now. Pray that I can sleep well!
P.S. If you look at my biology section below, you will see a link to a YT video on the video I had to watch for Bio today. It is informational but quite disturbing at the same time. You have to watch it to the end. If you are looking for something that will make you go "what just happened?", I recommend watching it. If you know anything about that particular organism, you will understand it, but it is still questionable.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Properties of Triangles Review + honors review
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Units 22-24 vocabulary + read a biography about Theodore Roosevelt + read more on Theodore Roosevelt + read the beginning of Theodore Roosevelt's First Annual Address + took a quiz on Much Ado About Nothing (100%) + completed a page of timed writing on a play topic
Spanish 2 - Presented my clothing "design" presentation to my dad + reviewed preterit, imperfect, present, and future verb tenses
Bible I - Read Matthew 5
World History - Wrote a short essay on how the interference of the Soviet Union and the United States impacted Korea, Cuba, and Vietnam
Biology with Lab - Watched a very weird video lecturing on protists + looked at a protist image gallery + finished up my experiment + finished typing up my formal lab report
Foundations - Read the definition of truthfulness + completed next quiz on Read Theory + finished writing my speech (last day for writing/speech presentation on Friday)
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Khan Academy - Watched World History Unit 6: Lesson 11 (parts 6-7) + completed High School Geometry daily mastery challenge
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War episode 7
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 161-196 of Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross
Chores - None today
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (1 Corinthians 10)
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xgodricx · 9 months
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𝕲𝖔𝖉𝖗𝖎𝖈 𝕮𝖔𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖚𝖘!
I mean that what the heathen sacrifice is offered to demons and not to God, and I don't want you to have fellowship with demons. You cannot drink from the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; they cannot partake of the Lord's table and the table of demons. 1 Corinthians 10:19-21.
A jornada até ardare não foi nada fácil, mas os 500 mil anos neste mundo ensinaram muito para Godric. este é conhecido pelas ruas como demônio (príncipe do inferno) e é do inferno. o conselho está de olho nele e já percebeu que é  amigável e mentiroso, será que é verdade? de qualquer forma é melhor ter cuidado, nunca se sabe o que um belo rosto esconde!
Em meio às entranhas do mitológico e aterrador Inferno, surge a figura lendária de Godric, um dos príncipes do submundo. Ele é tido como um ser de uma primeira geração de demônios, criado após Lilith. Godric é, portanto, um dos primogênitos e um dos mais poderosos ao lado do seus irmãos, ou coisa parecida.
Desde tempos imemoriais, seus olhos amarelos brilham com uma intensidade diabólica que reflete o passado sombrio manchado por sangue. Reza a lenda que, em sua juventude demoníaca, Godric desafiou os céus e derramou o sangue de muitos anjos em uma batalha épica contra as hostes celestiais. Seu poder era inigualável, e sua sede por dominação era insaciável.
Contudo, ao longo dos milênios, Godric experimentou transformações profundas. A eterna vida no o levou a reflexões sobre a natureza de seu ser e sobre sua própria existência. A maldade inerente aos demônios começou a ser questionada em seu íntimo, e sementes de dúvida foram semeadas em sua mente ardente. Essa mudança de perspectiva o levou a uma jornada de autodescoberta e autoconhecimento.
Em sua busca por respostas, Godric iniciou um exílio interno, isolando-se dos demais príncipes do Inferno e empreendendo uma busca solitária por compreensão e redenção. Nas profundezas daquele reino tenebroso, ele buscou entender sua própria essência, além das manipulações e corrupções que o cercavam.
À medida que sua jornada interna avançava, Godric também testemunhou a dor e o sofrimento infligidos aos mortais pelos demônios. Ele percebeu que, embora fizessem parte do reino das sombras, havia um equilíbrio necessário entre o Céu e o Inferno para garantir a continuidade do cosmo.
Seus olhos amarelos, outrora símbolos de uma natureza malévola, agora refletiam uma alma atormentada em busca de redenção. Essa busca não era fácil; ele teria que enfrentar muitas provações, principalmente daqueles que viam sua transformação como uma ameaça à ordem estabelecida.
personalidade: Ele gosta de se ver como o representante da dualidade intrínseca à natureza humana e demoníaca, um ser que desafia convenções e que busca seu próprio entendimento em um mundo repleto de sombras e luz. Mas a verdade é que Godric possui uma ambição incansável e uma sede inata por poder, em sua juventude, sua natureza era dominada por um desejo de conquistar e subjugar, mas esse traço foi evoluindo à medida que sua busca por redenção avançava. A mudança de perspectiva de Godric ao longo do tempo o coloca em constante conflito interno. A dualidade entre sua natureza demoníaca e sua busca por compreensão e redenção o leva a confrontar suas próprias contradições, e sua lealdade aqueles que viveram por séculos ao seu lado. Apesar de sua origem demoníaca, Godric desenvolveu uma compreensão incomum das dores e lutas dos mortais. Essa empatia é uma das principais razões pelas quais ele se distanciou de certos aspectos cruéis do reinado infernal e tentou amenizar o sofrimento das almas condenadas.
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roselise · 8 months
Why is 1 corinthians 16:14 your favorite verse?
Hello there ! . ˚ ♡
How are you today, my friend? What a nice ask this is — this made me smile c:
You’re referring to the verse in my bio I believe?
(“Do everything in love” — 1 Corinthians 16:14)
Hm I’m not sure if it’s my favorite! It is something I try to remember though :’)
Because I ask myself often: Did I love? Is this love? Am I doing this out of love?
That probably sounds easy . . but what about when you’re hurt? Or mistreated? Or wronged? Even then I must still remember to love ♡
(“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy’. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” — Matthew 5:43-44)
Genuine love heals & gives us hope — we must *always* love!
Of course as an imperfect human I will stumble at times, but God will help see me through anything & I trust Him :D
What about you? Do you have a favorite verse or one that you like to remember ?? I’d love to hear! ♡
Sending warm hugs & all my happiest thoughts! I pray that you take care & have a beautiful day ~ !! XO
🧸 ♡ . ˚ * . 🌸 ʚ🤍ɞ
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orsialos · 2 years
Khaîre, and welcome! If you've found my blog you are probably a Hellenic Polytheist or pagan. I'm touched you'd want to join my humble corner of the internet.
About Me
Rabidly Pro-Choice, Pro-Universal Healthcare, and a Trans Rights Activist
This blog is strictly 18+. Mature content is sometimes posted and I am not responsible for making sure my followers are not underage
My asks are always open, although responses may be delayed. I am using this blog less frequently than previously, but am still around!
Side blog (all things HelPol with a dash of other religions) (inactive atm)
Search my tags - just add the tagged word or phrase @ the end of the url (sorry loves, I'm not sure why tumblr won't make this the default when using the search feature). Suggested search tags in my bio
Hellenic Polytheist Practices
Devotee of Lady Aphrodite
Main Worship - Ares, Demeter, & Hestia however I respect and honor all the Theoi
Hellenic Polytheist for ~ 6 years; Lycian & Boeotian Reconstructionist (dash of Corinthian and Kyprian too)
εὐσέβεια (eusebeia): reverence and loyalty to the Theoi
κᾰθᾰρμός (katharmos): ritual purity/cleanliness
Χάρις (kharis): giving to the Theoi so that they may return their blessings
ἀρετή (arete): realization of personal excellence and potential
ξενία (Xenia): Hospitality and giving to those less fortunate
Master List - Hellenic Polytheism Resources
Chthonic Aphrodite (not mine)
Ares, Aphrodite, & Harmonia theory
On Her Birth - Hesiod's Theogony
Aphrodite, the Many Faced
Aphrodite Areia (not mine)
Communicating with Aphrodite (and the other gods)
Thoughts about the historical origins of Aphrodite (not mine)
Aphrodite & Persephone - frenemies, or much ado about nothing?
Quick introduction to Aphroditus (trans Aphrodite) (not mine)
Ares - More than a stereotypical war god
Ritual Binding of Ares
Researching Ares - where to start
Festivals & Calendars
Thesmophoria (Festival) (WIP as of 8/22)
The Adeia (new festival for Demeter courtesy of Aurora)
The Adeia - my version for Demeter & Ares
Unnamed Festival in honor of Ares - WIP (currently researching)
Developing a calendar (not mine)
More calendar advice (not mine)
Resources & Recommendations
Hellenic Phrases & Sayings (not mine)
Research sites (not mine)
Hellenic Polytheism General Info
Ritual Purity (not mine)
On Miasma (not mine)
Kharis / The Beggar & the Oracle of Delphi
What is Eusebeia? (not mine)
Why Personal Devotion Matters (not mine)
Hellenic Prayers (not mine)
Hellenic phrases for prayers & worship (not mine)
Incense in Ancient Greece (not mine)
Master List - My Devotionals & Poems
to Aphrodite, my beloved Mother
Her Heavenly Grace
Delicate Adonis
Loud-roaring Aphrodite
Delicate Adonis is Dying (not mine but I love it so much)
the beloved of The Laughter Loving Goddess
to Ares, (with love and hope)
Other Deities
a journey with Demeter Anêsídôra
for Gaia, from the garden bench
a humble prayer for deliverance from sickness
Kore, a mournful ode
for Apollon
Personal / misc
Icarus and I
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