#crash course history of science
super-oddity · 1 year
*slaps hood of car* the mtels have nothing on these bad boys and the 2.0x speed button
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Open Access Resources
To kick off the project, here is a master list of open source archives, organizations, and other educational projects. I will frequently add to this over time and will gladly accept suggestions for more. These aren't in any organized order, they're just added as I think of them or are informed of more.
Disclaimer: I can't guarantee that everything in this master list will be totally accessible to everybody due to a disability, and I apologize if there is anything that isn't. If you notice an accessibility issue, or any other issues with what's on this list, tell me and I will add a disclaimer under it or fix it if it's an issue from me.
Everything on here is free, though.
Project Gutenberg (www.gutenberg.com)
Project Gutenberg is a completely volunteer-run online library founded by Michael Stern Hart in 1971. He was the inventor of e Books and believed in making books as easily accessible and distributable as possible. The website has over 70,000 public domain digital books and they add more very often. There are options to read their books on the website browser, through multiple downloadable file types, in plain text, without pictures, and some even have human or machine narrated reading options. There are many books on the website that are not in English or have non-English translations. You never need an account or are required to share any of your personal information with them to access anything on the website.
Open Library (www.openlibrary.org)
Open Library is another digital archive of online eBooks available for free. It is part of the broader Internet Archive. They share a similar goal of uploading every book published for easy and free access. Some of their books are public domain and others aren't. The ones that aren't you need to borrow from the site, either for one day or 14 hours depending on if the book is fully borrow-able or not. All the books they have also have audio versions, and their open access books are downloadable in either PDF or e Pub form. You need an account to borrow books from them, but not to read their open access books.
Crash Course (www.thecrashcourse.com)
Crash Course is a YouTube channel founded by Hank Green and John Green in 2012, initially created through the YouTube Original Channel Initiative and has since branched out into it's own company funded by community donations on Patreon. As stated on their website, "[The people at Crash Course] believe that high-quality educational videos should be available to everyone for free." They make fast-paced, easily understandable and processable educational videos on a broad range of topics ranging from science to humanities. They have over 45 published courses to date which include topics above a high school or primary school level. As far as I'm aware, all of their videos have closed captions and you don't need to have the ability to see the videos to understand any of their courses. They also have videos in Spanish and some directed towards children.
SciShow (www.scishow.com)
SciShow [pronounced Sigh Show], like Crash Course, was also founded by Hank Green in 2012 as part of the YouTube Original Channel Initiative. It's very similar to Crash Course, but they cover scientific topics exclusively. They have three separate YouTube channels currently alongside the original Sci Show channel: Sci Show Space, Sci Show Psych, and Sci Show Kids. Each respectively focuses on astronomy, psychology, and kid's content. The first two aren't currently making videos anymore, but they still have all their videos up on those channels. Most of their content is centered around more obscure topics that many people don't understand, have misconceptions about, or haven't heard of. Like Crash Course, I believe their videos all have captions and don't require the video footage to be seen in order to understand, but I would need somebody to verify that for me to say for sure. Unlike Crash Course I believe their videos are often shorter and more condensed because they don't normally cover broader topics.
Unfuck Your Habitat (www.unfuckyourhabitat.com)
Unfuck Your Habitat is an open source website full of information about cleaning and tips for doing so. The website has a strong focus on making cleaning easier for people that are mentally ill, physically or mentally disabled, or have a lot of trouble cleaning for personal or environmental reasons.
Their way of approaching things is very blunt and simple, and they use language that isn't complicated or confusing. It could potentially come off as not being serious, which some may like and some may not. They curse a lot so if you don't like cursing you might have a problem with it.
It's full of text based articles and as far as I'm aware there isn't any option for audio. Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with how screen readers work yet so I can't say for sure if it's possible to use one on their website. They also have two books written by Rachel Hoffman with similar names:
Unfuck Your Habitat: You're Better Than Your Mess
Cleaning Sucks: An Unfuck Your Habitat Guided Journal for Less Mess, Less Stress, and a Home You Don’t Hate
You need to pay for those, though, and I don't know if they have audio book versions or if you can read them with a screen reader.
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thecrashcourse · 1 month
Premiering today at 12 pm ET: the first ever Crash Course Lecture! Join us and guest lecturer John Green in the live chat as we learn about the history and science of #tuberculosis and how we can #StopTB
Crash Course Lectures are individual long-form videos that dive deep into a topic in a multidisciplinary way. As always at Crash Course, we embrace curiosity. We hope learners of all kinds enjoy these lectures, and that you are inspired to continue learning about the topic even after the video ends!
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polarfarina · 2 years
I like Hank a lot more than John, Hank has a way better handle on how to exist on the internet in a public space. John is very grizzled from his experience with his tumblypoos and never seemed to recover from The Event That Took Away Post Editing. But also Hank slips up sometimes when he tries to be sarcastic about experiences only someone as rich and fortunate as someone like him could relate to, and that reminds me not to trust him. The vlog brothers, as eternal and pervasive as they are, are annoying.
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valiantcoffeelove · 1 month
Studytube / productivity YT channels
Youtube's interface is literally designed to keep you hooked for hours with content algorithm figured you'll like but is not necessarily good for you so I decided I want to make a shortcut to content I actually want to watch. Enjoy༄ ( comment your own recs I might add)
☑️ General / Studying / Productivity
Elizabeth Filips
Ruby Granger
Dakota Warren
mar fortuno
The Bliss Bean
Lydie & Hazal
James Scholz / jay skullz / jvscholz
Han Zhango
Rosie Crawford
Yoora Jung
🧠 Stem
Tibees² (math & physics??)
Lydie & Hazal (medschool vlogs)
Veritasium (pop science)
Simon Clark (pop science)
Han Zhango (math)
TedEd (it has everything I dunno)
🗨️ Linguistics & languages
Steve Kaufmann (the OG)
Lindie Botes (mainly kr, cn, jp)
Tanya Benavente (mainly it, es, gr)
Zoe.languages / Zoe的中文频道 (cn, jp, kr)
TedEd German
TedEd Japanese
TedEd Mandarin
🖼️ Art & art history
The Canvas
Behind the Masterpiece
Great art explained
📉 Economics
Unlearning economics
Economics - Crash Course (playlist)
The Financial Diet
〰️ Other / idk
Study Hall
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A crash course in some vocabulary
Archaeology, like all sciences, has a lot of specialized jargon we use to talk about pottery. To make sure everyone’s on the same page, here’s a list of some common terms I’ll be using, what they mean, and how to pronounce them.
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Ware: A broader term for a technological/cultural tradition in pottery. Typically, construction method, color, clay type, temper type, and paint type are what defines a “ware.” So Chuska Gray Ware is unslipped, usually unpainted gray clay with crushed black basalt temper. Roosevelt Red Ware is red-slipped clay with sand temper and carbon-based paint. Hohokam Buff Ware is unslipped or cream-slipped buff-colored clay with coarse sand temper, created using a paddle-and-anvil forming method and painted with red paint.
Type: Within a ware, a type is a more narrowly specific decorative style. Roosevelt Red Ware has multiple types within it, such as Salado Red (unpainted red-slipped), Pinto Black-on-red (black paint on the red in a specific radially symmetric interlocked hatched-and-bold pattern), Pinto Polychrome (same decorative style but on a white-slipped interior field), Gila Polychrome (red exterior, white-slipped interior, a usually-broken black band around the rim, black painted designs in a two- or -four-fold symmetry), Tonto Polychrome (bolder and less symmetric black-and-white designs on a red field), Cliff Polychrome, Dinwiddie Polychrome, Nine Mile Polychrome… different stylistic variations on the Roosevelt Red Ware technological/visual core. You can read more about categorizations here.
A note on naming conventions: Pottery in this archaeological tradition tends to have a two-part name: a location where it was first defined and described, and a colorway. Wares tend to be “[Broad location or broad cultural group] [Color] Ware”; types tend to be “[Specific site] [paint color]-on-[clay color].” So within Tusayan White Ware is Flagstaff Black-on-white.
Gila: A river in southern Arizona and a bit of New Mexico, and a lizard and a polychrome type named after it. Pronounced hee-la.
Hohokam: An archaeological term for a Native American cultural group that lived in southern Arizona and northern Sonora, defined by traits like red-on-buff pottery, massive canal systems for field irrigation, and platform mounds. It comes from the O'odham-language word huhugham, “ancestors.” They are the ancestors of the modern Tohono O’odham and Akimel O’odham people (it’s a little bit more complicated than that but that’s basically the case.)
Mogollon: An archaeological term for a Native American cultural group from central New Mexico, eastern Arizona, and northern Chihuahua. Most iconic trait is the elaborate range of corrugated and smudged pottery. Named after the Mogollon Rim, the geological formation that marks the edge of the Colorado Plateau and a drastic change in geology and climate in the northern Southwest and the southern Southwest. Along with the Ancestral Pueblo, the Mogollon culture are ancestors of modern southern Rio Grande and Zuni pueblos. Pronounced moh-guh-yon.
Olla: A water jar with a wide body and narrow neck. Pronounced oy-ya.
Polychrome: Pottery that is three or more colors (poly+chrome), most often meaning red, white, and black.
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A Tonto Polychrome olla. Southeastern Arizona, 1350-1450.
Pueblo: A collective term for Native people of the Southwest US (particularly in the Rio Grande river watershed, but also Hopi and Zuni) who share cultural traits and history—most immediately notably, a tradition of living in square adobe houses in large villages, which are also each called pueblos. Ancestral Pueblo is the term for the archaeologically-defined cultural group that share these similar traits and are, generally, from the northern half of New Mexico and Arizona, and a southern strip of Colorado and Utah. The Ancestral Puebloans were formerly called “Anasazi” but that has fallen out of favor due to pushback from modern Pueblos. Also, each modern Pueblo prefers to be called a Pueblo rather than a tribe in most cases—so you say the Pueblo of Acoma, the Pueblo of Ohkay Owingeh, Picuris Pueblo, Taos Pueblo, the Pueblo of Zuni, etc.
Temper: Non-clay bits that are added to natural clays to make them easier to work with. When you buy clay from a store now, it’s already mixed and processed and ready to use. When you find clay out in nature, it’s almost never so easy. Typically, you have to mine/harvest clay from riverbanks or cliffsides, and it’s hard and dried; then you have to grind the hard clay up into fine particles, and mix them with water. But natural clays are often puddly and don’t always hold together well, so you add temper, something hard and grainy to make your wet clay stick together more easily and make it good to work with! Temper can be sand, ground-up rock, ground-up shell, or even ground-up bits of other broken pottery. What different people used as temper is one defining feature of a pottery ware and pottery tradition.
Sherd: A broken bit of pottery. NOT shard. When it’s pottery, it’s “sherd.”
Slip: Very runny wet clay. It’s used to help attach clay pieces together, but more pertinently here, plain-colored pots are covered with an even layer of bolder-colored clay slip to get the desired color pot.
Smudging: A decorative style that potters made during the firing stage. They would have open pit-fires for firing their pottery, and cover the desired part of the pot with a layer of charcoal or ash. This creates a carbonized, reducing environment—that is, a lot of carbon, and little oxygen. This creates a smooth, inky black finish on the completed pot.
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A Starkweather Smudged bowl. Mogollon, western New Mexico, AD 900-1200.
Vessel: Another word for pot, basically. Means a ceramic container of some sort. Bowls, jars, ladles, pitchers, mugs, etc are all vessels; effigies and statuettes are not.
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
Tumblr keeps crashing each time I send this so I gotta be quick: do have any tips on how to study biology (college is not an option atm)
Oh boy! I will do my best!
I've listed the basic irl resources for biological information first, followed by some online resources.
I've got a strong Animalia bias, so apologies that I don't have any botany-specific sites for you. 😔
I'm sure there's some stuff I'm forgetting. I'll add on to this if I think of anything!
If there's anything specific you need help finding a reliable biological resource for, let me know and I will try my best to help find you something!
Finding primary sources (stuff written by the scientists who did the research [i.e. a journal article]) is always very good, but reliable secondary resources (someone else summarizing other people's research [i.e. Wikipedia page, book]) can be very valuable as well.
Meatspace Resources
I would highly recommend checking to see if there is a Nature Park in your area! Nature parks often have volunteer programs and/or free educational opportunities. In my experience, naturalists are always very excited to meet new people interested in learning about local ecology!
There's also Zoos and Aquariums of course, although I know they cost money and are typically geared more towards kids. I'm lucky to live near some nice ones. Maybe check if there are any special programs happening at Zoos/Aquariums in your area (by checking their website[s]), where you might learn more than you would on a normal day trip.
Plus natural history museums, which usually have rotating exhibits so that you can keep learning new things when you come back! They also have more of an all-ages vibe than Zoos in my experience. Once again dependant on if there's one near you, and not free.
Last but not least: the local library, although obviously not every published book is a flawless resource. Still, might be interesting to poke around! There's usually some sort of digital search catalogue to make finding things easier. Libraries are fun :)
Online Resources
Jstor is GREAT. Not all jstor articles are open access/free, but some are! And you can set a search filter to show you only things you can access.
One good way to find out what experts have written for other experts about biology: search a species name or biological concept or type of experimental study, etc. etc., in jstor's journal articles. I've linked a search for journal articles "I can access" containing the word "biology" as an example.
The website layout can feel a little obtuse at first but I think if you fiddle around with it a bit, it's not too bad to figure out? Feel free to kick my ass if I'm wrong djgjkeg
Wikipedia is actually a very good place to introduce yourself to a lot of biological concepts. I would recommend checking out some of the sources yourself if you can-- usually at least some of them are free, and that can introduce you to new free resources for learning more (today I discovered bugguide.net!). Often they will link you to jstor.
But biology-focused wiki pages have a pretty good track record for Correct Information in my experience. The only issue I've run into is there being too little information sometimes.
Pubmed is a really good resource to read biomedical scientific papers for free if that interests you at all! Reading scientific papers is a really important skill and I think you can pick up a lot just by diving in and googling words you don't know.
A well-designed experiment is replicable (that is, you can understand from the paper how they set things up to the point that you could do it yourself, given the resources). It's also important to pay attention to sample size. The more times you replicate any process in an experiment, the more likely you will be able to identify what the most common result really is, and why.
Fishbase is a website I was introduced to in my icthyology class to find info about different fish species :) It kind of just dumps all the info on you in a big text wall, but many pages include great details about life cycle and diet that might go unmentioned on wiki pages.
I've never used bugguide.net before today, but so far it seems solid and like it has a lot of good info. I assume it is similar to fishbase but for bugs
I used both of these for university classes at some point. I didn't use them much, so there may be issues I don't know about.
In my experience though they were solid resources, if a little confusingly worded at times. Bouncing between the textbooks and wikipedia tended to help me.
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lfcslut · 1 year
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on the table
joe gomez x reader
words: 2.8k
request: hey, i love your writing! could i please request a really smutty one with joe g please? maybe an enemies to lovers where she's the club medic or physio or something like that and they really don't get on... until the tension boils over one day into an explosive and absolutely incredible hate fu*k (maybe in the treatment room?!)🤭🤭🤭 x
warnings: 18+ ONLY! smut smut smut. hate fucking, enemies to lovers (almost?), degradation kink, name calling (whore, slut), unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, size kink, choking, slapping, spanking, hair pulling, biting, mentions of ghosting. this is filthy and i apologize.
Being the club medic for Liverpool Football Club had been your childhood dream. Growing up, you loved football, but you also loved science, and what better way to combine the two than to go into sports medicine? You had worked so hard for so many years to make it here. All of the long nights spent studying, the exams that you had suffered through, the hours of clinical experience that you had needed - it was all worth it because you were now at your favorite club, doing your dream job. There was just one exception… and that exception came in the form of a certain player named Joe Gomez.
You and Joe had history. A year ago, while you were still in school, you had run into him on a night out in the city. The two of you had immediately hit it off. He was just your type - tall, muscularly built, with thick curly hair - and it didn’t hurt that he played for your favorite club either. You went home together that night, and you had to admit, you kind of fell for him. He was kind and sweet, and he even took you out for a proper date the next day. The two of you dated for a few more weeks and you had even met each other’s friends. Then, one weekend, Joe had to go out of town for an away game. You expected to hear from him as soon as he got back into town, but days turned into weeks, and before you knew it, Joe Gomez had turned into nothing more than another fling from your past. 
You were hurt. Being ghosted is never fun, but this one hurt more than usual - especially considering that your “situationship” had only lasted a few weeks and had never been defined. You just figured that he had met someone else, or that he had simply moved on to his next conquest. You should have known better than to mess with footballers, you thought to yourself. You had to admit that you hadn’t really bothered to reach out to him either. You were never the type to chase or to beg. You were of the belief that if a man wanted you, he would put in the effort to have you. At least that’s what you told yourself as you sulked around your house for a few days, avoiding all the questions from your girlfriends about how it was going with that Liverpool player you’ve been seeing. 
So, a year later, when you were hired by Liverpool, of course the thought of having to work with Joe had crossed your mind. You had figured that by now, it would all be water under the bridge. As it turned out though, old wounds still burn when you rub salt in them. 
By now, you had been working at Liverpool for a few months, and somehow, you and Joe had not even exchanged a single word. He barely even looked at you, to be honest. At first, you wondered if perhaps he didn’t remember or recognize you. But from the way he continued to avoid you at all costs, you knew that he did in fact remember you - and that for some reason, he was the one angry with you. You were a little surprised by this. After all, he had been the one to ghost you, not the other way around, right? Regardless, you realized that if he wanted to avoid you, then you would do the same to him. You assigned one of your assistants to him and hoped that this meant you would never have to speak to Joe again. 
All of your hopes of getting through your entire career at Liverpool without interacting with Joe Gomez came to a crashing halt one day when your assistant called out with the flu. As soon as Kevin had called you that morning, sniffling and coughing and apologizing for not being able to come in, you knew that you were fucked. Joe had been out of training for several days with a small hamstring injury that he had picked up in a match. He was scheduled for a follow up today, and now that Kevin was out, you would have to be the one to take it. Fuck, fuck, fuck, you thought to yourself when you looked at the schedule that morning. What were you going to say to him? A nervous knot had been forming in your stomach all morning and you could barely concentrate on any of your other appointments. By the time afternoon rolled around, you were hoping that Joe would cancel or reschedule, but sure enough, you heard a knock on the door at exactly 1PM. 
“Oh,” said Joe as he entered the exam room and saw you. “It’s you.” 
It’s you? Those were his first words to you? You wanted to roll your eyes but stopped yourself.
“I thought I had Kevin again today,” he said, casually sitting down on the exam table. 
You cleared your throat, still not making eye contact with him. “Um, no. Kevin called out sick.” 
“That’s a shame.”
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes while you pretended to look up his scans on the computer. Finally, you realized that you needed to say something or the two of you would be sat here for a long time. 
“So. I’ve looked over your scans. How’s your hamstring doing?” You asked, pretending to be busy on the computer so as to not have to look him in the eyes.
“It’s fine,” shrugged Joe. “It doesn’t even really bother me much anymore. Hopefully I’ll be back in training by the end of the week.” 
“Good. I agree with you. I’ll sign you off to come back to training on Friday.” 
Silence fell over the room again. You shifted in your seat. You knew that you had to bring up the elephant in the room or else it would eat you apart. 
“Joe, I-” 
“Just stop. I know what you’re going to say,” Joe cut you off before you even had a chance to speak. “You did a pretty shitty thing, Y/N, I’m not gonna lie.” 
You were so taken aback that it took you a few moments to collect your thoughts and respond. “I did a shitty thing?” You gawked at him. “What about you?”
“Me? What the hell did I do?” Joe asked, and you could tell from the look on his face that he was genuinely surprised at the possibility that he had done anything wrong. 
“You ghosted me! You went away to Brighton and I never heard from you again!” 
Joe stared at you with a confused expression on his face before responding. “Excuse me? It’s not like you bothered to reach out to me, either.” 
You couldn’t believe this. How could he possibly be turning this around onto you? “You know, if you had just owned up to it and apologized, we could have moved past this, but this is really low, even for you,” you muttered angrily, getting up from your chair and beginning to walk towards the door. You weren’t going to sit around and be gaslit by this idiot. 
“Wait, wait,” Joe reached for your arm. “Maybe we should talk about this.” 
Your stomach somersaulted when he touched you, and to your surprise, you didn’t pull away from him. “There’s nothing to talk about!” you said angrily. “Clearly you’re unable to realize that you were the one in the wrong!”
“I think you’re the one who needs to realize that, sweetheart,” responded Joe, a hint of a smile creeping up on his face now, which only aggravated you even more. You turned to face him, so that you were now standing only a few inches away from him. Even as you were fuming, you couldn’t help but think about how he would look with his arms around you and his tongue shoved down your throat right now. 
“Don’t call me that,” you muttered. 
“Why not?” Joe now grinned, his grip on your arm tightening, and he pulled you in slightly closer to him. His eyes tracked down to your lips and lingered for a moment before coming back up to your eyes. “If I remember correctly, you used to love it when I called you that.” 
To your surprise, you inched even closer to him. “Yeah, used to are the key words here.” By this point, your faces were nearly touching, and you held your breath for a moment before Joe pulled you closer to him and crashed his lips into yours. You moaned into his mouth as his tongue pushed past yours. The kiss was wet and hot and messy. You would be lying if you said that you hadn’t thought about this exact moment whenever you would pass him in the halls or watch him during a match. You had never thought that it would be here though, in the exam room, with people walking by threatening to walk in on you at any moment.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed against him. You could feel his hardened member rubbing against your crotch. After a few moments, Joe pulled away and you both looked each other up and down. He put his thumb to your mouth and you opened up immediately, gently sucking on his finger as you stared into his eyes. He groaned at the sight. “That’s a dirty mouth you’ve got on you, babe. Don’t have much to say now though, do ya?” He chuckled, and you felt the rage bubble back up again. 
“Fuck you,” you said, and without thinking about it, you bit down on his thumb. 
“What the fuck,” Joe exclaimed, immediately removing his thumb from your mouth. “Oh darling, you’re gonna wish you hadn’t done that,” he said, his eyes darkening. “Turn around.” 
You did as you were told. Joe grabbed your hips and positioned you so that you were face down on the exam table. You flinched as your body touched the cold surface.
Joe leaned against you and brought his lips to your ear.  “Gonna fuck you over this table like the dirty little whore that you are,” he whispered in your ear. You could feel his dick rubbing against you, and the wetness in your core grew. He pulled your hair away from your eyes and gave it a little tug, which made you moan. 
You could feel yourself panting heavily with anticipation as you felt Joe move down your body until he reached your ass. He began to pull your skirt down, and you quietly thanked yourself that you had chosen nice underwear this morning. 
“Did you wear these panties for me, baby?” he asked, and you rolled your eyes. “You wish,” you scoffed at him. You immediately regretted this though, as you felt his hand come down and spank your ass, causing you to let out a yelp.
“What did you say?” You were silent, your ass still stinging where his hand had landed. “That’s what I thought.” He grinned and went back to pulling your panties down, before balling it up and putting it in his pocket. He then took a finger and swiped it up and down your folds before bringing his finger to his mouth. “You taste so sweet.” 
You moaned, inching your ass out against him, desperate for more. “Such a desperate little slut, aren’t you?” he chuckled again. He brought his mouth down to your pussy and licked you up and down once. “And so fucking wet for me, too.” 
You groaned as your pussy clenched around nothing. You were tired of all the teasing - you just wanted something inside of you - his fingers, his tongue, his cock - anything. Joe could tell that you were annoyed, but unfortunately for you, this only seemed to amuse him even more. “You need me that bad, baby?” 
“Please just fuck me,” you muttered under your breath, too ashamed to say it any louder. 
“Oh, I will, darling. But first, let me taste this pretty little pussy.” And with that, you felt his tongue suck on your clit, and you let out a small scream. You knew that you had to be quiet - your next appointment wasn’t until later in the day, but you could still hear people walking around outside. After licking you up and down, he pushed a finger inside of you, and you had to bite down on your first to prevent yourself from screaming.
“Fuck, baby, did you feel how easily that slipped in?” His eyes were glued to your pussy, mesmerized at how slippery you were, as his finger curled and hit the spot where you needed him the most. 
“More, please,” you uttered, barely able to get the words out in between your stifled moans.
“You ready for another finger, baby?” You nodded eagerly and he shoved another finger inside of you. “Then fucking take it. Take my fingers like you’re gonna take my cock.” You could hear your pussy squelching as he pumped his fingers inside of you. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna- I’m close-” You were too drunk off of the pleasure to feel embarrassed at how quickly you were about to come. 
“That’s right, fucking come for me. Come all over my fingers, baby.” His words brought you over the edge to your climax. Your toes curled and your pussy pulsated around his slender digits as he continued pumping through your high. 
“Fuck, baby, you made a mess,” said Joe as he looked down at the wetness dripping from your core. You were too busy coming down from your high to process what he was saying. “Turn around for me now and get your sexy ass onto this table.” You did as you were told, climbing onto the exam table, facing him this time. Joe pulled his shorts and his boxers down, and you let out a whimper when you saw how hard and big his dick was now. He stroked it lazily, precum glistening at the tip, and you felt your mouth open instinctually. 
“You want this?” he asked you, and you felt your pussy clench. “Stick out your tongue,” he whispered, and you did as you were told. Joe gathered some saliva in your mouth before spitting onto your tongue. You held your tongue out for him to see and he groaned. “Such a pretty sight. Now swallow for me, love.” You obliged. “Good girl.”
He lined his dick up against your slit, teasing you for a second by sliding it up and down. You moaned, done with all of his teasing, and he let out a small chuckle before slipping inside and bottoming you out with one thrust. 
“Fuck, Joe!” you screamed, forgetting where you were momentarily and that any one of your coworkers could probably hear you right now. “You’re so fucking big.”
“Am I?” he said, grabbing your hair tightly behind your head and looking down to watch his dick disappear inside you. “Fuck, look at that, baby. Look at how pretty your pussy looks taking my dick.” Your pussy squeezed him tight and your hands instinctively went up to his chest, pulling his shirt up. You ran your hands up and down his chiseled chest. He let go of your hair to grab onto your hips, giving himself more leverage to fuck into you, his balls slapping against you as he moaned about how wet and tight you felt around him. 
“God, you’re so fucking filthy. Who’s fucking you this good?” 
You couldn’t speak for a second, and when you didn’t answer him immediately, he brought his hands to your neck and wrapped them around your throat. “I asked you a question,” he said, slapping you once across the face.
“You are, Joe. You’re fucking me so good.” 
“That’s right, baby. Let everyone know how good you’re being fucked right now.” 
The sound of his cock going in and out of your pussy together with your moans were so loud that you were almost certain that anyone who walked by would be able to hear you right now. The thought of being caught at any minute should have frightened you, but instead it just turned you on even more. You felt the knot in your lower stomach tighten. Feeling your pussy clenching around him, Joe leaned in deeper, taking your face in his hands and bringing it close to his. “You gonna come for me, baby?” You nodded eagerly and he brought your lips to his, engulfing you in a sloppy kiss. 
“Then come, baby. Come all over my cock. I wanna hear you screaming my name.” And that was exactly what you did. He fucked you through your high and you felt his dick quiver inside of you as he reached his climax, too. “Fuck, I’m coming,” he said as he shooted his load inside you, his hot cum painting your walls. He continued fucking you until you were full to the brim with him before you both collapsed onto the exam table. 
“So…” said Joe once the two of you had come down from your high. “Maybe I should take you out to dinner?” 
“In your dreams, Gomez.”
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askbohemiancompany · 3 months
Lief @Apolly: "Say, that thingy you were in before you woke up. What was that?"
With his usual nosy face, he looked over the Jirachi.
This hybrid was interesting to put it mildly. Apolly almost mistook him for a celebi until they got a better look. Still, the question. Apolly needed to get back on track.
"Oh that. That is an alloy we are given to allow us steel types to heal from injuries. The other use is that it helps protect us if we come in on a violent landing," the jirachi wanted to try and do a demonstration, but they were struggling to think on a way to show it.
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Needing to stop whatever this guy was going off about, Apolly flung some of the alloy she came in with. Instead of latching around like a symbiote, a sphere was forming around him. Underneath It All, a chair formed, allowing the tide colored psychic to sit in comfort like a recliner stuck in one position.
"There is only room for two pokemon at max. Three small ones if you are lucky. If you think We Will Fall Together, think again."
Upon Apolly swiping upward then swiftly down on the outside of the shell, the alloy began to slowly build speed, until it rocketed out of the atmosphere.
"Keep a close eye on the meteor. It is always fun to Watch It Crash, make sure you notice the speed."
Despite the descent being slowed down by the alloy doing its job of absorbing the friction, the alloy returned to Earth with a Big Crash. It looked like it Didn't Let Him Down Gently. If you need to explain some boring science, it was always great to End It On This.
"And he is no worse for wear! Not a scratch on him!"
After that demonstration, Apolly held a confident smile and pose, with one thought coursing through their enhanced brain.
I'm Cool. Hella Good even.
The alien's question almost slipped Apolly's mind, especially after all of that wind up to the question. They thought the other alien was just going to devolve into a skat breakdown.
"Oh the most interesting paradox I have seen is the Fourth Expansion. This was when arceus began to appear across the multiverse. Universes old and new suddenly had arceus slotted into history as if they created everything before they came into being. It gave the illusion of that every World Is New. It opened my eyes to things I cannot forget."
@ask-team-misfit and @askdeoxys
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kivaember · 2 months
starting that sulla oneshot i'd been thinking about writing for a while.... the one that'll eventually become sulla/walter... turned sulla into a farm boy that became a pilot BECAUSE WHY NOT
anyway wip under the cut hehe
Despite being a Rubiconian born and raised, this was the first time Sulla had ever stepped foot within the vaunted halls of the Xylem. 
It had a legendary history, one that had likely been embellished after a thousand retellings over the course of nearly two centuries. While its glitzy high-rises and cutting edge laboratories would make most think otherwise, the Xylem had once been a dingy, beaten up old colony ship that had landed on Rubicon-3 by mistake, its trajectory altered by a defective navigational AI while the human colonists and crew were placed into stasis for the decades long journey. No one had complained, though, as their original destination had been a planet deemed barely habitable, whereas Rubicon had been a lush paradise from the moment the colonists had stepped off their junker of a spaceship. 
That was all ancient history, though, and the Xylem Sulla visited definitely wasn’t the original colony ship. That had been built on a starvation budget, with inferior materials that shouldn’t have survived the journey, according to science and had basically fallen apart the moment it had (crash)landed. This Xylem had been rebuilt from the ground up, modelled after the original but improved and scaled up by a hundred, with its internal stasis warehouses replaced with laboratories, hydroponic farms and other amenities that the intellectual elite enjoyed in the technocracy that ruled Rubicon. 
After all, while Earth still toiled under its outdated and cannibalistic corporate oligarchy, Rubicon enjoyed an enlightened and liberal society where scientific and technical achievements were exalted, and the greedy chase for profits scorned. 
(Or, so they said officially. Sulla knew that in reality they weren’t much different from the UEG and its corporate vassals - they just hid it under a bright and pleasant veneer.)
It was certainly different to Sulla’s hometown of Ebla, which was less of a town and more of a very ambitious village, surrounded by great fields of rye and barley, and vast, rolling plains of grazing grass. The ‘breadbasket of Belius’, Ebla was known as, and Sulla could’ve continued the family business along with his two brothers, but he had wanted more for himself, had looked up at the vast blue skies and wanted to soar, so had joined the Pilot Corps for the Rubiconian Militia. He’d returned to Ebla a few times since then, but not as much as he should’ve. 
Either way, it was the polar opposite to Xylem’s urban skyline. The only patch of nature to be seen were aggressively organised parks or pavement trees, and there weren’t many birds either, anything that could serve as a perch adorned with cruel metal spikes. It made the whole thing seem rather unsettling to him, but Sulla supposed that the scientific elite probably didn’t like being reminded overly much of nature. They were violating it on a daily basis after all. 
Which circled back to the reason why he was here in the first place.
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December 30, 2023
DEC 31, 2023
One day short of his first 100 days in the White House, on April 28, 2021, President Joe Biden spoke to a joint session of Congress, where he outlined an ambitious vision for the nation. In a time of rising autocrats who believed democracy was failing, he asked, could the United States demonstrate that democracy is still vital?
“Can our democracy deliver on its promise that all of us, created equal in the image of God, have a chance to lead lives of dignity, respect, and possibility? Can our democracy deliver…to the most pressing needs of our people? Can our democracy overcome the lies, anger, hate, and fears that have pulled us apart?”
America’s adversaries were betting that the U.S. was so full of anger and division that it could not. “But they are wrong,” Biden said. “You know it; I know it. But we have to prove them wrong.”
“We have to prove democracy still works—that our government still works and we can deliver for our people.”
In that speech, Biden outlined a plan to begin investing in the nation again as well as to rebuild the country’s neglected infrastructure. “Throughout our history,” he noted, “public investment and infrastructure has literally transformed America—our attitudes, as well as our opportunities.” 
In the first two years of his administration, when Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress, lawmakers set out to do what Biden asked. They passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan to help restart the nation’s economy after the pandemic-induced crash; the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (better known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) to repair roads, bridges, and waterlines, extend broadband, and build infrastructure for electric vehicles; the roughly $280 billion CHIPS and Science Act to promote scientific research and manufacturing of semiconductors; and the Inflation Reduction Act, which sought to curb inflation by lowering prescription drug prices, promoting domestic renewable energy production, and investing in measures to combat climate change.
This was a dramatic shift from the previous 40 years of U.S. policy, when lawmakers maintained that slashing the government would stimulate economic growth, and pundits widely predicted that the Democrats’ policies would create a recession. 
But in 2023, with the results of the investment in the United States falling into place, it is clear that those policies justified Biden’s faith in them. The U.S. economy is stronger than that of any other country in the Group of Seven (G7)—a political and economic forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, along with the European Union—with higher growth and faster drops in inflation than any other G7 country over the past three years. 
Heather Long of the Washington Post said yesterday there was only one word for the U.S. economy in 2023, and that word is “miracle.” 
Rather than cooling over the course of the year, growth accelerated to an astonishing 4.9% annualized rate in the third quarter of the year while inflation cooled from 6.4% to 3.1% and the economy added more than 2.5 million jobs. The S&P 500, which is a stock market index of 500 of the largest companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges, ended this year up 24%. The Nasdaq composite index, which focuses on technology stocks, gained more than 40%. Noah Berlatsky, writing for Public Notice yesterday, pointed out that new businesses are starting up at a near-record pace, and that holiday sales this year were up 3.1%. 
Unemployment has remained below 4% for 22 months in a row for the first time since the late 1960s. That low unemployment has enabled labor to make significant gains, with unionized workers in the automobile industry, UPS, Hollywood, railroads, and service industries winning higher wages and other benefits. Real wages have risen faster than inflation, especially for those at the bottom of the economy, whose wages have risen by 4.5% after inflation between 2020 and 2023. 
Meanwhile, perhaps as a reflection of better economic conditions in the wake of the pandemic, the nation has had a record drop in homicides and other categories of violent crime. The only crime that has risen in 2023 is vehicle theft.  
While Biden has focused on making the economy deliver for ordinary Americans, Vice President Kamala Harris has emphasized protecting the right of all Americans to be treated equally before the law. 
In April 2023, when the Republican-dominated Tennessee legislature expelled two young Black legislators, Justin Jones and Justin J. Pearson, for participating in a call for gun safety legislation after a mass shooting at a school in Nashville, Harris traveled to Nashville’s historically Black Fisk University to support them and their cause. 
In the wake of the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Supreme Court decision overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that recognized the constitutional right to abortion, Harris became the administration’s most vocal advocate for abortion rights. “How dare they?” she demanded. “How dare they tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body?... How dare they try to stop her from determining her own future? How dare they try to deny women their rights and their freedoms?” She brought together civil rights leaders and reproductive rights advocates to work together to defend Americans’ civil and human rights. 
In fall 2023, Harris traveled around the nation’s colleges to urge students to unite behind issues that disproportionately affect younger Americans: “reproductive freedom, common sense gun safety laws, climate action, voting rights, LGBTQ+ equality, and teaching America’s full history.” 
“Opening doors of opportunity, guaranteeing some more fairness and justice—that’s the essence of America,” Biden said when he spoke to Congress in April 2021. “That’s democracy in action.”
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dual-fantasy · 4 months
FANON SVETLANA. FROTHS AT THE MOUTH. can people please be for real for a Second. like mike shes actually kind of a bad person but cause shes a strong woman the mind of a total drama fan can only comprehend her being motherly. I think she should also be allowed to try and kill scott. shes equally as cool and awful as mike. if not more. in my dream post total drama au shes just worst because she deserves to be. I think vito is easily one of the funniest total drama characters hands down. everything about him even just in canon is fucking hilarious. the italian superstrength of course isn't realistic but it's the funniest thing to me. especially since most of the total drama fandom doesn't even question it hes just like that. he has a bunch of random skills nobody knows about. he probably doesnt either. anne marias car gets fucking wrecked like crumpled into a compact silver ball its shocking she made it out. he fixes it in 10 minutes with his hands and a plastic fork that survived the crash. hes completely and utterly stupid but only at common things to know. he cant do algebra but he can name every invasive insect species in history documented and otherwise. him and anne maria date for like a year after total drama but he leaves her for cars and men. he tries to help cameron work out once and it goes horribly wrong cameron gets hurt in ways nobodies ever been hurt before. doctors scientists priests etc are all dumbfounded. same thing happens when he brings cameron to literally just sit and watch him work at the mechanics. nobody even knows how he got hurt he just did. camerons not allowed within 50 feet of something metal anymore cause itll get him violently injured in a way that defies all science and god. anne maria is also underrated and so fucking funny. she records it every single time mike and scott fight. she encourages it. she bets at least ten dollars on mike. i think jomaria is so real but in ways nobody else understands. they show up to the Scike Fights together those are dates to them. svetmaria as well but in an awful gritty girlfailure way. my person headcanon(??) is that the reset button was completely made up. mike wanted off the show and it was the only way to get chris to leave them alone. once he was off the show he became so much cooler. but stereotypical cool bully kid in a movie kind of cool(think like... leather jacket) and nobody has the heart(and healthcare) to tell him that it doesn't actually look cool. most of his shirts are stained with Scott Blood. he acts like the type of guy to smoke but he tried it once and almost died. coughed and choked for at least an hour. the same with drinking he acts like he does but he needs emotional support to take a shot. when he actually gets drunk(after crying and gagging 10 times) hes just stupid and pathetic. he learns how to speak up for himself and he gets into fights but hes a loser boyfailure at heart. he rants to brick about a stupid pirated movie hes been watching while he washes the Scott Blood out from under his nails. he is the crywank and mccafferty boy ever but not in a sad way. just in a way you have to understand. Grave Dog
I have a lot of thoughts about the treatment of women in total drama. I'll probably make a whole post about it but it's actually kinda sickening that so many fans still treat women the way they do. fanon Svetlana is my 13th reason I stg. she should be worse. she should be strangling people. she should be biting and clawing and kicking. I love her. she deserves it.
Vito is literally the funniest total drama character I think. his entire existence is so funny to me. the Italian superstrength is an extra funny concept because the fandom doesn't question it, but also the contestants don't either. they all just accept that sometimes Vito can do stuff. randomly. he knows how to make like every poison ever and also he cannot fucking count. the car crash concept is so funny to me too. she brings it to him and it's fucking destroyed and they all look away and he's already fixed it. he does leave her for cars and men. he gives me grease (1978) energy but if grease was a little bit more faggoty and rocky horror picture show (1975). the Cameron concept made me burst out laughing. literally fucking incredible. Cameron gets hit by a car family-guy Brian-fucking-dies style while Vito is driving his dumbass convertible that's made out of cardboard, mod podge, and a tin can.
I also think that Manitoba smith is hilarious to me. it might just be the Australian in me but he means everything to me. he's canonically married? noone talks about that? he mentions his wife? when what who where why? and also I think he knows a lot about genuine Australian culture that noone should know unless they've been to Australia. he has literally never left Canada but he knows everything. he says "I'mgunna run down to wollies to snag lamingtons n a Bundaberg, wunna want?" and everyone stares at him like he's fucking insane. he warns everyone of dropbears. he calls them Zooper doopers. literally noone knows where he got this from.
I agree that the reset button was the only way to get Chris to leave him alone. noone wanted to get brought back so they decided that they would just. lie. and get off of the show. Chris didn't know it was fake he did literally no research whatsoever. chef knew it was fake but he didn't say anything because he understood the want to get off the show.
Anne Maria is soooo underrated it's insane. her elimination was actually iconic. even tho it's a fake diamond she could still sell it for a pretty decent price. it's a massive fucking jewel she could still scam someone with it. it's amazing actually. she means everything to me. jomaria so real they watch mike beat the shit out of Scott. Anne Maria is running bets and jo is charging admission to watch. they make so much money. also I believe in jo/Anne Maria/Svetlana. they beat up scott together. I love them.
mike is such a poser he's literally amazing. his shirts are all stained with blood (mainly Scott's) but if he ever tried to drink vodka he would shrivel up and die. he is the lightest weight ever. brick is holding his hair back while he's vomiting and threatening Scott (who hasn't been there for 10 minutes) after he took a singular shot. he is literally the worst and my personal favourite. Jo helps him wash blood out of his jeans while he's gossiping with Anne maria. I completely understand the McCafferty and crywank guy he's also the front bottoms and modern baseball. you're so real always
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romanceclub-lovers · 4 months
✨ Alexander Jester answered a few questions:
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Part 1
Question: While going through MB (Victor) and LOW (Kazu), I noticed that you used your favorite quote “If you are afraid, don’t do it, if you do, don’t be afraid...”, paraphrasing it a little. Will it be in Psi?)
Or maybe Kay already had it, for example. I just haven't read this thread yet
Answer: Frankly, I didn’t do this intentionally. Whether there will be anything in the story remains a surprise.
Question : Is it possible that in the Psi universe people found information about old religions and secretly created small religious communities? Would this be punishable by the main Church?
Answer: I think it would have been stopped.
Question : What did Ivo do when he went to events with orgies? Did he sit on the sidelines with a stoic face or did he simply leave the event? For some reason I don’t see anything more
Answer: History is silent about this.
Question : Are there museums with preserved works of art in the Center? Which masters' works would you like to save from the storm?)
Answer: There are museums. The more masters, the better.
Question : Do you think that some of the characters in your stories have anything similar to you in their personality or appearance?
Answer: Of course, for many people, including me.
Question : I really like Jonas, a favorite favorite in RC. So I would like to buy a pillow/dakimakura with him.
Is there a chance that Romance Club will start releasing such merch? Who should I contact for this?
Answer: For questions about merch, please contact the official app platforms.
Question : Alexander the Jester, why don’t you give spoilers?
Answer: For three main reasons. First, the screenwriter is prohibited from doing this. There are official app platforms for spoilers. Secondly, I don’t consider it acceptable for myself to look for the line between where the information is insignificant and where there is already a full disclosure of part of the story. I don’t make exceptions because it’s impossible to derive a rule. Third, I don't like to spoil the surprise.
Question : Since the release of the story, the question has been tormenting me: why did you decide not to translate shit?
Answer: When displaying the spoken language, I find it illogical to translate all slang foreign words. When conveying, for example, the colloquial speech of a modern person, it is quite appropriate to use the Anglicisms “cringe” or “crash”, “vibe”. Words with 18+ translations are excluded. The appearance of the Russian “pancake” in New Paris is less organic than the Anglicism “crap”, since the latter are found in many languages. Part of the audience finds it difficult to accept unfamiliar words, even existing ones. Therefore, we had to abandon the use of the authentic analogue of “massaraksh”.
Question : Why is it that on the symbolism of the Church (if I understand correctly) there is a circle and a square with diagonals, while the square extends slightly beyond the boundaries of the circle?
Answer: The symbol of the Unity Church is an interpretation of the "Vitruvian Man", which, in turn, reflects the tenets of the Unity Church. The square is a symbol of materiality - science. The circle is a symbol of the spiritual - faith.
Part 2
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Question: It’s interesting to know how you feel about the “non-canon” portrayal of your characters, and whether it’s worth sharing “alternative interpretations” with you.
your stories (non-canon pairings, time/place setting, etc.)? Or maybe you won't like this?
Answer- I'm interested. I have a positive attitude. This is creativity.
Question: Last time you said that the release of two episodes was due to your vacation. And now I’m sincerely at a loss as to why there are two episodes. I hope that everything is fine with you and this is not due to personal reasons.
Answer- One update with two episodes was related to vacation. Naturally, I had to work in it too. The second update was due to a decrease in my efficiency. The same standard actions, for example, editing, description of technical documents. tasks took longer. More than 110 chapters without long breaks, and the general uneasy surrounding environment, unfortunately, still took its toll. I did not consider it advisable to speed up due to less elaboration of the chapters.
Question: At least theoretically, you could complete someone else’s story, would you take it up? Considering that the short story is almost completed and, apparently, you will already have to work with the vision of the plot component of the previous author, since there are only 6 chapters left until the end. We are talking about the story "Path of the Valkyrie".
Answer- Of course, I would not have succeeded as organically as the original author, however, technically it is possible.
Question: Psi is already in its third season, and we are quietly approaching the finale. So I want to ask, do you have any thoughts about your new story? Like, what kind of genre will it be, the theme of the story, etc.?
Answer- Yes, I have.
Question: Jester, please tell me the new feature “thanks to the developers” with diamonds at the end of the series - what exactly does this affect? Will you and your Psi team be given a bonus to your salary? Or, for example, does it only affect the story's popularity report? I would like to understand who and how we support with this action. If, of course, you have information on this matter and you are allowed to talk about it. Thank you. And if you have already given 150 diamonds and restarted the series, will the same enrollment be considered the second time or do you need to take a different choice in order for something to work for you? During a diamond rush, such a choice is probably useless?
Answer- I will answer in a little more detail, since there were many related questions.
The "Thank the Devs" choice affects the story and team in exactly the same way as any other paid choice. The popularity of a story is determined solely by the number of readings. It is not connected at all, or is connected only indirectly, with other historical indicators. There are several indicators. For example, previously the player could see the average story score. Any high indicators have a positive effect.
Why did you decide to introduce this function:
Answer -First: at the request of the audience and the desire to support the story. Secondly, this function is also interesting to me because it allows, in some cases, to give the player the opportunity to independently evaluate the content after receiving it, avoiding increasing the starting cost of completing the chapter. Psi is present in every chapter in order to look at statistics and dynamics. It is not correct to evaluate based on one or two updates. And also that when replaying the system is preserved. When two, then three chapters are released, chaos will appear.
Question: Lord, you are probably very tired (Get more rest.... Just working on vacation... It’s hard!
Answer- Otherwise there will be few chapters. I don't like it when a story comes out slowly, I try to avoid it if possible.
Question: Do you like to spend time with friends?
Answer- Sometimes.
Question: Please tell me, are you not too verbose in life?
Answer- That's right, not too much. However, from the outside it is clearer. Ask Amy, Dmitry, for example, we talked on the phone more than once.
Jester -(I don't envy Amy and Dmitry, I don't envy Amy and Dmitry, I don't... I envy Amy and Dmitry).
Source: Alexander D aka the Jester
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kittyit · 1 year
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READING ROUNDUP 2022: nonfiction edition ending nurse-to-nurse hostility: why nurses eat their young and each other by kathleen bartholomew (gr) incredibly practical and compassionate approach to horizontal hostility in the field of nursing. if you’re in healthcare, please check it out! the author comes and helps hospitals. she is dedicated to improving quality of life for nurses
nightwork: sexuality, pleasure, and corporate masculinity in a tokyo hostess club by anne allison (gr) really approachable and informative exploration of host clubs and their cultural role at the time of its writing (80s). learned a lot VERY quickly. also very interested if anyone has scholarly recs for the host industry 90s, 00s, 10s b/c it’s clearly changed a LOT.
under the banner of heaven: a story of violent faith by jon krakauer (gr) excellent comprehensive crash course to mormon doctrine & mormon fundamentalism. kind of shocked and horrified they made a miniseries of the book...?
my guantanamo diary the detainees and the stories they told me by rukhsana mahvish khan (gr) the oddly chipper tone of this book dealing with an extremely important and serious subject matter is hard to describe. worth a read!
the premonition: a pandemic story by michael lewis (gr) pretty cool there's a bunch of eccentric moral extremist pandemic fan scientists and civic servants out their busting their asses. thanks guys
sex science self: a social history of estrogen, testosterone, and identity by bob ostertag (gr) excellent entry point for pro-gay criticisms of transitional medicine. very far-reaching. hidden gem by a gay scholar!
toms and dees: transgender identity and female same-sex relationships in thailand by meghan j. sinnott (gr) we are everywhere :) lesbians are like watch this. 
we both laughed in pleasure: the selected diaries of lou sullivan (gr) the og heterosexual autoandrophile. cannot overstate the shock value. you really can’t miss it.
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littlequeen7 · 8 months
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Whoops, I stumbled back into my old hyperfixation! Finished these in the last few days and devoured the History of Science Crash Courses playlist while doing it. Embroidery is perfect for stimming.
First ones are my pride mushrooms with the nonbinary and pansexual flag colors. I had made my siblings their own pride mushrooms last year so I finally decided to make my own.
The second one I made for my mom!
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knickynoo · 1 year
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s01ep06 "Go Fly a Kite" Review and Commentary
Link to previous episodes HERE
You know, I'm really having a blast writing up these posts. A big thank you to those of you who are reading these. Glad you're enjoying them.
In this episode: Electricity ceases to exist because Verne thinks he's adopted. Also, Marty is the Smart One for 2 and a half seconds.
We get a fun little surprise in this episode, which starts with a clip from the first BTTF film! It's a quick one, but we get to see the lightning striking the clock tower and Marty traveling back to 1985. Prior to this, we haven't gotten any footage from the movies woven into the episodes, so that's neat. Of course, its inclusion is due to electricity playing a big role in today's episode.
After the clip, we go to Real Doc in his lab, who continues to barely blink during these segments. If you've been keeping up with these posts, you're aware of my concern for Animated Series Real Doc. He's like Movie Doc but turned up 5 or 6 extra notches. There is a frantic, crazed air about him that isn't present in Movie Doc. A tangible sense of "some sort of fuse has blown in this man's brain" that I can't quite put my finger on, but it is there. Animated Series Real Doc is bananas.
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I think—I think that Doc needs to go on a vacation. A nice, calm, relaxing vacation to a tropical island where he can sit on the beach and listen to seagulls and waves crashing. He needs to de-stress.
Real Doc tells us about Benjamin Franklin inventing the lightning rod, and how he was actually present on the night Franklin did his kite experiment. This brings us into the cartoon portion of the episode.
Jules and Verne are playing some sort of high-tech board game, complete with little holograph versions of themselves traveling around the board. Jules wins, and we see a tally chart indicating he's won the game 35 times, while Verne has won only once. When Verne asks how Jules always manages to win, Jules replies, "Face it, Verne, you lack the basic intellectual skills one would naturally expect in a member of the Brown lineage." He goes on to say that Verne isn't good at science and that he doesn't resemble their mother or father. While he's piling on all these insults, Verne is hitting a punching bag that has a picture of Jules drawn on it.
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Jules says the logical conclusion is that Verne is adopted. Clara calls the boys to come eat then, to which Jules turns to his brother and says, "Ah, that would be my biological mother. Would you care to join my family for dinner?" He is being terrible. Poor Vernie.
Jules goes on to point out that there's a mysterious lack of baby pictures of Verne. "For all we know, you might even be a Tannen," he says, which makes Verne storm out of the treehouse in his little motorized car.
Meanwhile, Doc is in his lab putting the finishing touches on a new invention. It's a contraption that's powered by a mini flux capacitor and allows him to take a photograph of any person throughout history just by inputting a few pieces of information. ??? I don't. I don't really understand how this would work or what the point is, but ok, Doc. Also, Einstein is wearing those gloves that give him human hands again.
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I find this to be unsettling and unnecessary.
Doc is just about to test the device (having decided to take a picture of Benjamin Franklin) when Verne comes flying into the room, demanding to know if he's a Tannen or not. When he mentions not having any baby pictures, Doc then goes to type Verne's name and birthdate onto the screen but is interrupted by an alarm that signals it's time for dinner. (I like the idea of Clara activating a big blinking light and a siren to signal Doc to COME EAT. That sounds like something that would happen.)
Left alone in the lab, Verne sits on the device's keypad and activates it. Because Doc had previously typed in "Ben Franklin" and then followed it with Verne's name, the device combines the two pieces of information and prints out a photo of the two of them. The result is a picture of Benjamin Franklin holding Verne as a baby. Naturally, Verne assumes this means that Ben Franklin is his real father.
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We briefly visit the Brown kitchen then, where Clara is serving dinner. She stops Doc before he can reach for the food, and is like, "Aren't we forgetting something?" (she wants him to wash his hands) and I must include Doc's full response because it is. Something.
"Yes, yes. I should launder the epidermal surface of my upper forelimbs' terminal components, utilizing a perfumed block of rendered animal fat." That is TWENTY-TWO words just to say, "Right, I should wash my hands." Doc is so extra.
Verne steals the DeLorean and travels to 1752 to meet his "real dad", and he manages to interrupt Ben Franklin's kite experiment. This then causes all lights and forms of electricity to go out in the present day since Franklin never made his discovery. Marty soon arrives at the Brown residence, having concluded that every single light going out in town must be Doc's fault somehow. Very good conclusion, Marty.
The family gets a video message from Verne—Doc has begun to convert some of the house to run on steam, which is how the video goes through—where he says goodbye to them and that he's off to be with his real father. Jules admits that he's to blame for putting the idea in Verne's head, and we learn Jules's full name as Clara angrily says it: Jules Eratosthenes Brown.
Doc laments that now Verne is lost in time with no way for them to know where he went, but Marty knows just what to do! He rewinds the video, enlarges the image, and zooms in to see the date and location programmed onto the time circuits. "Marty, you're a genius!" Doc exclaims, then grabbing Marty in a too-tight hug. (I am glad Marty's getting a moment to show his intelligence here because 1. he deserves some recognition and 2. he's been an utter bonehead thus far in this cartoon)
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Marty, desperately attempting to escape Doc's affection.
Marty, Doc, and Einie take off for 1752, where they proceed to chase Verne all around. Eventually, Verne comes across a large building that has a clock tower, and he decides climbing up to the top will be a good place to hide from his "fake dad" (aka Doc).
Upon reaching the top, Verne accidentally knocks over some building materials on the roof, sending lots of bricks and pieces of metal crashing to the ground. When Doc sees the crash and resulting pile of rubble, he fears that Verne has also fallen and is buried beneath it. He starts shouting for people nearby to help, but they don't seem particularly eager.
"Don't you get it?! This is my little boy I'm talking about!" Doc says to them. "My son! My own flesh and blood! He might be hurt!"
It's all very sweet, and the words of love even reach their way all the way up to Vernie, who is listening from a ladder.
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Listen. I have such a soft spot for Verne Brown. This cartoon overall is bonkers, but I really like his character a lot. He is so wildly different from the rest of the Brown family, but he and Doc have such a special bond that adds to this show. I love this scene and how he's instantly moved to tears at hearing how distraught Doc is.
Verne decides that anyone who loves him that much must be his real father, and he calls to Doc from the top of the clock tower. Unfortunately, he slips and ends up hanging off the building. Hmm...what other Brown has done this before?
Doc scrambles to the roof and takes Verne by the hand, but then Doc slips and they're both dangling from the clock. Marty and Einie arrive, and they come up with a plan to rescue Doc and Verne. I should clarify, actually, that it's Einstein who comes up with the plan. He barks, and Marty goes, "Great idea!" and runs to follow him. They fly the time train by just as Doc and Verne fall, catching them safely inside.
With that crisis averted, they now have to deal with the other one: Ben Franklin's lightning experiment being interrupted. Seeing as the sky is clear, they must "create" a storm of their own, which Doc does by creating a lot of smoke via the train, having Verne spray a hose out the window, simulating thunder by banging on a pot, and creating lighting with some sort of device that generates large amounts of static electricity. It makes Marty's hair look very silly.
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He has to crank the machine while holding onto Doc, who is dangling out of the train (Doc has to aim where the bolt of lightning will go). That's right. Marty is supporting all of Doc's weight just by holding him with one hand. More evidence for my "Marty has superhuman strength" theory.
The plan is executed successfully, and we return to 1991, where all the lights turn back on. Unfortunately, Clara had to break apart and burn every chair in order to run the stove while the guys were gone, so they're all reduced to sitting around and eating on the floor.
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We end the cartoon with this sweet family togetherness moment, and then we get back to Real Doc. *throws confetti*
The live-action segment begins with a lab full of Hawaiian shirts hanging on a clothesline because Doc evidently decided to do some laundry while the cartoon was happening, and he lost track of time. After getting himself back on track, he uses some socks to demonstrate static electricity. He's still not blinking.
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After Bill Nye shows us a do-at-home experiment using socks and balloons, we return to Doc, who gives us perhaps the best example of static electricity because his hair looks like THIS
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He goes on to tell us that he has to look his best for tonight because he's meeting Clara for dinner. Which is adorable. I love that they have special little date nights together. I wonder if Marty babysits Jules and Verne while Doc and Clara go out. I hope Doc didn't look in a mirror and met up with Clara at a nice restaurant looking like that.
Overall, I enjoyed this episode. It's definitely the most heartfelt one so far in the series, and I like that it really shows us a glimpse of what a loving, dedicated father Doc is. I do, however, feel like it's also the least funny episode so far—which makes sense given the plot, of course. But it didn't leave a lot of room for me to make funny commentary. :(
Join me next time as I skip episode 7 entirely and jump to 8 instead because episode 7 is so weird and bad that I don't want to put myself through having to write a post about it.
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