#critical role campaign 2 kin
findinyourkin · 8 months
MollyMauk Tealeaf here, looking for any of the Mighty Nein (Yes, that includes Caduceus.) I’m from Critical Role Campaign 2.
You can reach me at @cringeeuphoria. 17 and up only please.
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findthebae · 2 years
Hello! I am a Jester Lavorre and Caleb Widogast fictionkin from Critical Role campaign 2 looking for other Critical Role campaign 2 characters! I’m a minor, so I’d prefer people 14-16 ^^ I’ll be a lil flexible though. :3 ty! Interact with the post and I’ll follow you and we can chat if you’d like >o<
! ! !
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
dream about walking through the streets of emon
A/N: this is an old blurb originally posted back at the beginning of June
Warnings: Spencer Reid x reader, critter!Spencer, critical role spoilers (all campaigns), kith and kin spoilers, established relationship, this is literally just Spencer rambling till you fall asleep
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Curling up with your head in his lap, you felt his fingers start to weave through your hair. A few minutes ago, you’d asked him what he had done the night before. If Morgan had been here, he would have called that question a grave mistake, but you would never call getting to hear your love infodump a mistake. It was one of the great pleasures in your life. 
You were well aware of the fact that last night was a Thursday, so you knew exactly what you’d signed up for. He always, if his work schedule allowed it, did the same thing on Thursday nights. 
“And so then, they got this letter from none other than Vex’ahlia! And of course, they made Laura read it out loud,” even though you weren’t looking at him anymore, you could still hear in his voice just how hard he was smiling, “and it was so comforting to hear her again. It was like when Allura and Kima got involved in campaign 2, I honestly almost cried, not because it was sad, I just miss and love them so much!”
Softly running his short fingernails over your scalp, “and of course that moment also made me think of when I read kith and kin last winter, or I listened to the audiobook version, which also is reading, it doesn’t matter how you get the story, just that you get it. Anyways, that audiobook had their voices reading it! The right ones! It wasn’t just Liam and Laura reading, it was the twins!”
Letting out a warm yawn, you let your eyes fall shut, “and the story itself had no business being that good, and not just because it’s a part of a world I hold near and dear to my heart, but just the book itself was so good. And you know, in that, we finally got the backstory of Simon, Vax’ildan’s belt? We found out pretty quickly that it took place in a time he didn’t have it yet, and when we did see it, it was on a man named Thorn, so we automatically know that he must be someone important to the story because he had the serpent belt, he had Simon! So then, this whole big tragic romance ensues, and he ends up getting the belt.”
He then hop-skipped around, explaining random things and somehow ended up trying to explain something called the calamity. As his enthusiastic voice slowly faded away, you had a feeling that his bedtime story would end up making you dream about walking through the streets of Emon, hand in hand, with him as your guide. 
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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gobliiine · 1 year
my roommate just started campaign 2 yesterday
they told me they refuse to kin a critical role character
while making a dick out of kinetic sand
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
watching critical role campaign 2 like
im kin with the sad and traumatized bisexual wizard, arent i
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jellyfishdooter · 1 year
For the soft person asks: 2, 10, 27
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
I have a couple!
The Secret World of Arrietty, Coraline, Lord of the Rings (Fellowship)
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
(An excuse to infodump? Dont mind if I do-) Ive been really into different physical art projects lately- Ive picked up cross stitching and acrylic painting, but Im really excited for the sewing projects I have planned!
Im working on one today- its going to be a pair of puffy clown pants. The base fabric is a blue cotton with absolutely TINY rainbow fish covering the whole pattern like you spilled a jar of sprinkles on it. But Im going to be getting some white (not silk but I forget the word for the stuff) to make spots (embroidered to look like moon jelly tops) on the left leg, and a more 3D pillow bell and ruffles/lace for tentacles to make a larger jellyfish flowing down the right leg. Im of the standard of "full assing it" so I might also do some light beading to give everything a subtle sparkle. Depending on how much fabric I have left over, I want to make a matching mask and lil vest. I just wanna be a silly lil guy, yaknow?
The second sewing project is more of an on-going WIP, Im trying to make a wizard's robe entirely out of patchwork/ quilting from scratch. Ive been trying to collect as many different blue fabrics I can, but the pattern calls for about 10 YARDS of fabric, so Im gonna be hoarding like a dragon for a while 😅 (and thats not even talking about the stars, the hat, and all the numerous pockets I want to add inside lol)
Oh and Im finishing up making a Long Furby lmao
27. which character would you like to be?
Uuuuhhhh I have no idea. If youre askin for my kin list Im sorry I dont really relate to many characters in fiction so. But who would I WANT to be...
Absolute horrors aside, probably either Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Arcives, or Caleb Widowgast from Critical Role, Campaign 2
Lack of any horrors, Jester Lavore (CR,C2), Tsukimi Kurashita from Princess Jellyfish, or Cel Sidebottom from Rusty Quill Gaming
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whattheabcxyz · 9 months
Japan releases Fukushima wastewater into ocean, prompting criticism & seafood bans
Prigozhin dead in plane crash... as are another 9 people who were also on board with him - Still don't believe Putin is a murderer?! Bottomline is, don't cross Putin or you're dead! & it's particularly heinous that he took the lives of several other innocents alongside Prigozhin's!!! 😣
Person pictured sitting on top of aircon compressor on 21st floor during thunderstorm
George Goh announces charity sale for campaign items
Yesterday's bomb threats deemed likely a hoax
Tan See Leng says support scheme for retrenched workers will be tied to training & career counselling
Presidential candidates reminded not to mislead public on president’s role after Tan Kin Lian’s script edit remarks - so when he does it it's ok but when others do it they're immediately slapped with a POFMA?! 😒
Elections department apologises after 9,822 Tanjong Pagar GRC voters get 2 poll cards due to printer error - no one here can do anything right 😑
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^ 10 suspects in money laundering case may be part of bigger syndicate
Maid jailed for stealing more than $160K from employer's 94-year-old father
India makes historic landing near Moon’s south pole - 2nd attempt; 1st attempt in 2019 failed due to a tech glitch
IT manager & public servant become 1st Singaporean women to summit world’s 2 highest peaks
Singapore: Skating, surfing, skiing & snowboarding to be available in Orchard Road from end-Oct
Singapore: School bus fares set to rise again next year - MOE allows increase so companies can cover costs
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yarnpenguin · 1 year
[Review] The Mighty Nein: The Nine Eyes of Lucien
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Critical Role: The Mighty Nein—The Nine Eyes of Lucien by Madeleine Roux My rating: 4 of 5 stars [note before starting: I'm reviewing only the hardcover version of the book and have not yet listened to the audio version] I really enjoyed this. I loved the voice that Roux gave to Lucien, and to Molly--Mollymauk Tealeaf captured my heart very quickly in his brief time that he was with Critical Role's Mighty Nein. The mystery around this character is explored here, going all the way back to childhood, and the people he gathered around him. That easy charisma of his is delightfully dangerous. There's an adventure happening throughout this book, but the adventures and mysteries felt secondary to character. I'm very much a character-driven reader (or watcher, or player), so I'm prepared to forgive anything for engaging, charismatic characters--especially engaging, charismatic characters who like each other. Or, even better, love each other. If you've never seen Critical Role, character is really important. Sure, they're playing a TTRPG, a game, and there's mysteries, adventures, combat, puzzles, etc. But what shines through is the characters, and their relationships, and the sense of family that they build. While exploring Lucien's story--and backstory--Roux deftly shows us a character who builds families, who pulls people into his orbit, who loves fiercely and feels rejection and heartbreak fiercely. As the story goes on, we also get to see the pain that Lucien inflicts on those he loves and those who love him as he tries, very hard, to reach for more; always more; who wants to build something where he can't feel pain and heartbreak anymore. If you're looking for grand, sweeping epic fantasy, you're not exactly going to find it here. Not that there aren't multiple, fascinating locations; taverns; battle; magic; maybe even a large, flying lizard--it's that that's all background noise for a story about people. You spend all of your time in Lucien's head, and what he's thinking and feeling are the things that matter way more than what he's doing. A masterful and deft touch of the writing here, though, is that there is nothing that Lucien ever does that doesn't directly follow on from his thoughts and feelings. If you've never seen Critical Role's Mighty Nein campaign (aka, Campaign 2), the back end of the story may not have the emotional weight and resonance for you that it might for someone who has. If you have not seen the final story arc of Campaign 2, this will spoil the the heck out of it. I think that Kith and Kin before this is probably more accessible all the way to the end as a relatively standalone fantasy story (once again, character-driven) than The Nine Eyes of Lucien is. So, I'd hesitate to give TNEoE a full, ringing endorsement to everybody who likes character-driven fantasy, but if you like Critical Role, get it. Read it. Go on. Go. Why are you still here? Go on now. View all my reviews
yes I'm way too chickenshit to actually tag this with "Critical Role"
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kincalling · 5 years
im jester lavorre from critical role!!! im looking for the mighty 9 + calianna. we can talk memories or just be friends, either way i dont mind! please be 18+ and like or reblog and ill message you in a flash!
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maluspumilaa · 3 years
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they are Walking
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thealyssa4life · 3 years
Caleb here (kin)! If you kin/fictive/DA anyone from campaign 2, please DM me. We'll compare memories after that. I am 18, and I am alright with interacting with you as long as you are legal age to have an account. (13+)
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skaterfc · 4 years
c2e107 stonks
starting with the obvious, beauyasha stonks are just so high!!! beau called yasha her girlfriend!!! im so exited yall!!! jester and aratagan friendship stonks are up!! i love their dynamic, idk if thats a hot take but i do really like artagan.
vilya stonks are up!!! guys that ending was so good i am just like, i teared up. keyleth!!! she met her mom again!!!! the only emotion im feeling is just the cat yelling picture. jester stonks are up as they have been all of the rumblecusp arc. veth stonks are also up with her conversation with vilya. molly stonks are up!!! they have realized the connection!! or at least parts of it. if this is how and why they go rez molly that would be fucking hilarious, since he has no idea either and also hes level 5. also seeing tal trying to play molly again would be great.
Also moon theory stonks are up
v fun episode overall, dicks and dinos and travlercon is finally, officially, next episode! im exited guys!
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brainr0t · 4 years
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Oh to be held in a loving embrace by a dirty wizard.
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Opening an invitation to bully me <3 Do your worst
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Rebirth of Mollymauk
Thought I’d kick off my new art-blog with some Mollymauk! Last nights episode killed me.
Kofi -- Redbubble
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I got into critical role
And after campaign 1, Keyleth became a very high kin
Then I listened to campaign 3 and Laudna was like hey bitch I'm also a high kin of yours
So by this point I'm seeing the pattern of kinning Marisha Ray characters
So I went into campaign 2 expecting to kin Beau
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