#dark Raiden x reader
3d-wifey · 11 months
This is such a niche ask, but I saw that you do Mortal Kombat. Can I ask for some flirty intro dialogue? You know like the conversation the characters have b4 the fight? But like with a Goddess!reader who's basically Hecate? like a Nyx/Hecate fusion if that makes sense. Oh and can you do what some of her taunts would be? I feel like those and her fatalities would be illusion and tarot based :)))
Flirty Intro Dialogue
Pairings: Johnny Cage x Reader; Noob Saibot x Reader; Erron Black x Reader; Dark Raiden x Reader; Cassie Cage x Reader; Shang Tsung x Reader
A/N: (Back to using gifs for headcanons). This is just for the MK 11 timeline. Once MK 1 comes out, I'll do new ones. Had to do a little research fan fiction-wise for this one, but I got a good amount out (plus some taunts the reader would say during the fight). I put a lot of thought into the reader's backstory in the MK universe, even though it'll never be used lol. Please, feel free to request more of these characters or some intros for different characters. Maybe even request a one-shot? Who knows ;)
Behind the Scenes: You know how when Erron Black shows up in the intro, he's looking at a Wanted poster of his opponent? I feel like Goddess!reader has something like that where she's looking at a tarot card that's different for each character before it disappears into mist. Another opening is the reader strutting in shapeshifted into her opponent, before turning back. Her friendship fatality has her stirring a comically large witch's caldron and Noob Saibot pops out in a cloud of mist.
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You: Jonathan Carlton
Johnny Cage: Sexy witch goddess.
You: I…Hmm.
You: I can feel the magic coursing through your veins. You are one of my Night children, Jonathan.
Johnny Cage: You don’t mean that literally, right? Because it would suck to have the hots for my mom.
You: (sighs)  And what a waste.
Johnny Cage: Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming.
You: Do you dream of me often, Mortal?
Johnny Cage: Ohho, absolutely.
Johnny Cage: Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming.
You: (sighs) How many times must you make that joke?
Johnny Cage: You know you love it!
Johnny Cage: So…what are my chances of getting you into my next movie?
You: I’ve told you. I have no desire to appear on your “big screen”.
Johnny Cage: I was thinking we’d make a different kind of movie.
Johnny Cage: Goddess of dreams, huh? Can I call you Sandman?
You: You may call me whatever you please, dear mortal.
Johnny Cage: Oh, you do not wanna give me that kind of power.
Johnny Cage: Heard you and Shinnok had a thing.
You: A…thing?
Johnny Cage: You two boned! Get it? Cuz he’s a skeleton.
Johnny Cage: Tarot, huh? Card tricks are cool and all, but do you got any other witchy gimmicks?
You: I'm particularly fond of palm reading.
Johnny Cage: ...So what I'm hearing is, you're good with your hands?
Johnny Cage: You, Fujin, and Raiden go way back, huh?
You: Since the dawn of time.
Johnny Cage: (grimace) Yeesh, they've been friend zoned that long?
Johnny Cage: Not so fast, Hermonie.
You: Must you always spout such inane drivel?
Johnny Cage: Someone's been using their word-a-day calendar!
Johnny Cage: I've never met a non-evil Eldar God.
You: Evil is quite subjective.
Johnny Cage: I'll remember that next time I'm kicking one's ass.
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Noob Saibot: My Goddess.
You: Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot: The shadows cling to your presence. 
Noob Saibot: Many have wanted me to yield to their command.
You: Oh?
Noob Saibot: Only you have succeeded, My Goddess.
You: You are not touched by the Night, dear Bi-Han. You are shrouded in it.
Noob Saibot: What better way to show that I belong to you?
You: It certainly seems that way, doesn’t it?
Noob Saibot: The shadows whisper your name.
You: (smiles) What do they say about me?
Noob Saibot: That your beauty is combated by no other. They speak only the truth for their Goddess.
You: You have been a steadfast worshiper, Bi-Han. How shall I reward your loyalty?
Noob Saibot: I only ask for one thing: to be your consort.
You: Hmm. That could be arranged.
Noob Saibot: I do not want you to be upset with me, but I will not take back what I said.
You: Your brother cares for you, Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot: Yet, here we are.
You: Why must we fight?
Noob Saibot: I wish to prove to you my might, My Goddess.
You: Oh, dear wraith. For you, my love is freely given. You have already earned it.
Noob Saibot: You're different than the other Eldar Gods. You...care.
You: Do you think me weak?
Noob Saibot: Never.
You: Care to spar?
Noob Saibot: I'd be honored.
You: Then don't take it personally when I beat you.
Noob Saibot: The shadows crave your touch.
You: Only the shadows?
Noob Saibot: I'll always long for you, My Goddess.
You: Do you fear me, dear Bi-Han?
Noob Saibot: I respect you.
You: (sigh) That wasn't a no.
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Erron Black: You've got quite the pretty penny on your head.
You: Are you here to kill me then, Erron Black?
Erron Black: With a face like that, I wouldn’t dream of it.
Erron Black: You got any love spells up your sleeve, witchy? I swear ’m good for it.
You: Love is not something to take lightly. Who do you have in mind?
Erron Black: (smirks)  Look in a mirror, darlin’. 
Erron Black: You the Goddess of lust, by any chance?
You: That is not a purpose I was created to serve.
Erron Black: Pity. You’d certainly suit it.
Erron Black: You had something to ask me, beautiful?
You: Yes. What is “reverse cowgirl”?
Erron Black: (smirks) How ‘bout I show you the ins and outs after this?
Erron Black: ’M not usually one for marriage, darlin’.
You: Neither am I.
Erron Black: I don’t have to be the only one, as long as I’m your favorite.
Erron Black: You ever find out why Shinnok offed you?
You: I believe he wanted to turn me into his revenant bride. He became rather desperate after I declined his proposal.
Erron Black: (chuckle) Well, I guess I can’t blame the guy.
Erron Black: Why don’t you take a peek into ol’ Erron’s dreams? Swear you won’t be disappointed.
You: I’ve seen your dreams. I must say, you give me very generous proportions.
Erron Black: Then you must know I’m a very generous lover.
Erron Black: I've struck gold
You: How so?
Erron Black: Well, you're here, ain'tcha?
Erron Black: You cast a spell on me, Goddess?
You: I have not, Erron Black.
Erron Black: Do you want to?
Erron Black: How 'bout you and I see where the night takes us?
You: Do you think you can keep up?
Erron Black: Trust me. I may be fast on the quick draw, but I don't shoot quick.
Erron Black: You've got the magic touch.
You: A good deal of my powers flow through my hands.
Erron Black: I want 'em on me.
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You: I’ve heard of how you…disposed of Shinnok.
Dark Raiden: After what he did to you, after how I mourned, I would behead him a hundred times over.
You: It isn’t judgment you sense in my voice. I would have killed him myself if you hadn’t beat me to it.
You: Do you still desire me, even as you are now?
Dark Raiden: If you need to ask, then I have failed to show you my devotion.
You: Hmph.
Dark Raiden: Will you abandon me too, my love?
You: It is not in my nature.
Dark Raiden: They do not deserve your blessings.
Dark Raiden: How have you…How are you here?
You: I sensed my presence was needed and returned to my corporal form just in time to be put in Kronika's void.
Dark Raiden: You could not sense how much I needed you, how much I mourned?
You: We are in such uncertain times, my vision is clouded.
Dark Raiden: I’m sorry for the part I play in your duress, my love.
You: You are only doing your duty. It’s how you’re going about it that leaves me weary.
Dark Raiden: How can you find such beauty in their shortcomings?
You: The Night welcomes all into her shadowed embrace.
Dark Raiden: You are wasted on them!
Dark Raiden: I was so lost without your guidance.
You: When I died?
Dark Raiden: When you were taken from me!
Dark Radien: How did Shinnok do it?
You: He lied to me and attacked me when I let my guard down.
Dark Raiden: (growls) If I could, I would bring him back to enact justice upon him once more.
You: I have but one wish.
Dark Raiden: Anything.
You: I wish for you to come back to me.
You: Is it true? What you've done?
Dark Radien: It was the only way.
You: You have lost yourself.
You: We've never fought before, have we?
Dark Radien: We never needed to for me to know you're the stronger between us.
You: Flattery will not save you.
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Cassie Cage: You know, I think I’m finally understanding why Raiden lost his marbles.
You: How so?
Cassie Cage: I think I’d lose my shit too if someone like you was taken from me.
Cassie Cage: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
You: I’m…afraid I do not understand.
Cassie Cage: Oh, you have got to let me take you on a movie date.
Cassie Cage: Who’s your favorite: Fujin or Raiden? Come on. You can tell me.
You: I’m a Goddess. Why would I limit myself to one lover?
Cassie Cage: You dirty girl.
Cassie Cage: What are you the Goddess of again?
You: (hesitates) …It would be easier to list what I am not the Goddess of.
Cassie Cage: (whistles) And I thought my parents expected a lot of me.
Cassie Cage: Come on, just one kiss!
You: I am older than you could possibly imagine.
Cassie Cage: An older woman. What’s not to love?
Cassie Cage: I heard you died. So, how are you standing here in all your godly beauty?
You: I have much power over death and the comings and goings of the Underworld. My soul simply dispersed there.
Cassie Cage: Yep. That’ll do it.
Cassie Cage: So…You didn’t happen to see that one dream, did you?
You: I’ve seen all your dreams, Cassandra. And I’m flattered.
Cassie Cage: (clears throat) …Right.
Cassie Cage: It’s a full moon
You: She calls to me and all who feel her light.
Cassie Cage:…You’re not gonna turn into a werewolf, are you?
Cassie Cage: You gonna turn me into a frog, Goddess?
You: It’s a possibility.
Cassie Cage: (shrugs) As long as you change me back with a kiss.
Cassie Cage: Heard you hung out with Jacqui.
You: Yes, though she didn’t mention you at all.
Cassie Cage: She is the worst wing woman.
You: You’ve come to my crossroads. Do you need my guidance?
Cassie Cage: Just wondering if you could teach me a trick or two.
You: So it’s my protection you seek.
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Shang Tsung: Your beauty entices me
You: My power entices you.
Shang Tsung: Two things can be true at once.
Shang Tsung: Soon, you shall be my bride.
You: You cannot tie down a Goddess; you cannot tie down the Night.
Shang Tsung: I can try.
Shang Tsung: Do my powers impress you, Goddess of magic?
You: They certainly intrigue me, Sorcerer.
Shang Tsung: Allow me to give you a closer look.
Shang Tsung: Every time I invoke my magic, I do so in your name.
You: Your loyalty changes with the moon’s phases.
Shang Tsung: I devote myself to you, my Goddess.
Shang Tsung: I want something more valuable than your soul.
You: Such as?
Shang Tsung: Your love.
Shang Tsung: You forgave Shinnok, but not I?
You: I did not forgive him. He killed me when I refused to be his bride.
Shang Tsung: I will succeed where he has failed.
Shang Tsung: I kneel at your altar, my Goddess.
You: You needn’t prostrate yourself before me.
Shang Tsung: It is never a hardship to be on my knees for you.
You: Do you fear me?
Shang Tsung: I’d be a fool not to.
You: Then why challenge me?
Shang Tsung: You have the godly brothers on quite a tight leash.
You: I demand no loyalty from them.
Shang Tsung: It’s doubtful that they stray far from you.
You: Kronika spared me in hopes of using my powers. When I refused, she cast me into the void.
Shang Tsung: We have been similarly wronged by her.
You: That is why we must aid Luai Kang in defeating her.
Shang Tsung: You are the last Eldar God.
You: Yes. And I shall help Luai Kang in his creation of the new timeline.
Shang Tsung: Then this will be goodbye for now.
You: The Wheel of Fortune comes for us all. You: Your future is uncertain. You: You cannot hide from the Night’s embrace. You: Knell in repentance. You: Your path ends here. You: You are lost. You: It is simply an illusion. You: You challenge an Eldar God? You: Will you make an offering? You: You are forgiven. You: I will lead your spirit through the gates of the Netherrealm. You: You shall not pass. You: Are you seeing double? You: Allow me to guide you.
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yanderestarangel · 2 months
Could I request a Dark Raiden with a FTM reader with breeding and possessive sex?
TW ┆degradation, sexual punishment, porn plot, ftm reader, afab anatomy, breedkink, possessive sex, jealousy, objectification, pain kink.
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"Are you really such a pathetic boy that you don't learn your place?" Raiden's words sent shocks down your spine, making you moan softly as he pulled your hair and made you look at him ── his red eyes burned into your being as you felt the anger in his tone of voice... You really had crossed the line that time, no excuse would be good enough to free you from his wrath.
"Sitting on my own brother's lap... Fujin was practically devouring you with his eyes and you loved that attention, didn't you? Are you such a needy slut?" He hissed again as his large hands went around your neck and threw you onto the soft mattress, cushioning the brute impact.
You saw the god of thunder advance against you quickly and kiss you with carelessness and brutality, his hot tongue fought and dominated yours for control; his right hand came across the fabric of your shorts and ripped it, exposing your already wet pussy to him ── a strong slap was felt by you when he hit the soft flesh of your cunt and left it red, a sign of dominance and anger... That was just the beginning.
"Open those legs for me like the cheap whore you are, boy, I'm really going to teach you how to be a good boy today... I'm sick of your brattiness." With a swift motion, he drove into you, consuming every inch of your tight hole in one powerful stroke. You gasped, eyes widening in surprise at the intensity of his invasion. The god of thunder began to fuck you roughly, his shaft sliding in and out of your warm depths, claiming your body as his own again.
"Take it, boy. Take every inch of my cock and remember who owns this pretty little body of yours," he demanded, the intensity of his penetration sent waves of pleasure and pain coursing through your entire being making you shed fat tears down your cheeks and cling to his larger body in an attempt to keep a grip on yourself, in vain obviously, the cork in your stomach threatening to burst at any moment in time to the rhythm of your older lover's rough thrusts.
"That's what dumb, pretty boys like you deserve... I'm going to breed your little pussy... You're going to be filled with my seed and carry my children, aren't you? You can do this for me, can't you? He growled as his hips were slamming violently against your body, you were in a submissive position and all you could do was enjoy and respond to his commands like the good boy you were ─ moaning his name and opening your legs even more to expose your sore hole, his fingers came across your clitoris and small rays came out of the tips of his fingers leaving your clit more sore and overstimulated while the sadistic smile spread across Raiden's face at that moment.
"Oh... What a cute little cock you have here, dumb boy, do you want to cum already... I haven't even filled your pussy yet, baby boy." He teased you while he was referring to your sore and swollen clit, massaging your sensitive spot while his dick directly hit your cervix, making you milk his cock and tremble, your ears went deaf from the intensity of the orgasm and your muscles tensed ─ and even with the overwhelming sensations you felt the hot and sticky sensation of Raiden's cum filling your wet hole, making you whimper even more.
He practically filled you to the brim, making your stomach bulge slightly as he pulled out of you and watched your pussy spill his semen out, smiling satisfied.
"We're not done here, boy... You're not leaving this room until you become the adorable father of my children, right?
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dontbesoweirdkira · 22 days
“Did you sleep well? Don’t lie to me, I watched you.”
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¡Yandere!Dark Raiden mk11
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy. I’m sorry I haven’t ever written Raiden and so if it’s a little off…no it isn’t. Lollll I’m going to replay mk11 so I can get more into his character. But there’s a serious lack of mk11 Raiden fics??? Like what is going awn??? Y’all don’t like granddaddy??
Warnings: Yandere/Toxic themes, mentions of kidnapping, violence, threats, sleep watching…
Requests: open 24/7
Raiden isn't someone who finds himself resting much of his own. There’s too many things that he has to attend to and so much of his time would be wasted if he slept most nights.
Besides who would watch over earthrealm and you if he was fast asleep…
Actually he just prefers to watch over you at night. Someone else can handle the latter but..you are far too precious for him to not protect.
Usually he’ll wait a few hours or so after you’ve finally dozed off. Giving you plenty of time to drift into a deep slumber so you cannot be disturbed by him, creeping into your bedroom.
It’s fairly enjoyable for Raiden to watch you rest. You are a very delightful sleeper. You don’t often move around or snore much. When you do make noise it is usually a sweet mummer or giggle.
It’s a huge contrast to during the day when you would be by his side. You were a very timid person and rather fidgety. Raiden understands just how intimidating he can be, but he had hoped you’d come around to it. That you’d understand his demeanor wasn’t personal against you.
He craves your affection and he’s seen how you truly are with others. He doesn’t mind your real personality, any more than the next man would. So if you’re worried he may think lowly of you for being energetic, he won’t. On top of that, he just doesn’t know how to be more inviting.
He absolutely despised how comfortable you were with other people compared to him. You’re not even this shy with his brother, Fujin.
Eventually Raiden had enough of it and decided to forcefully make you comfortable with him. No longer are you allowed out of his home or to socialize outside of him.
(Yeah that made you waaayy more comfortable 🙄)
He now has you all to himself and no one else has the right to your smile anymore.
Unfortunately though the only times you smile at now is when you are fast asleep, dreaming up your own perfect world.
Raiden didn’t mind this too much, it was enough for him just to watch over you. A little while longer and he’s sure you’ll get used to him.
The only thing that could make this any better is if he had the ability to see into your dreams.
What exactly were you dreaming of? Him? Tonight you seemed to smile more than usual, so delusionally he figured it had to be about him. Or maybe you’re thinking of the children you’ll have with the thunder lord.
He almost chuckled to himself as he proudly pondered the idea of the two of you teaching your children how to safely wield their powers. How cute it would be when they'd play tricks on you, of course he’d scold them but it would be kind of cute…
Before he could go any further into thought, your beautiful voice broke the silence—
“Heh…I wish we could have fun like this all the time..”
Could you read his mind? Were you dreaming about what he was thinking of?
The lord, becoming increasingly more intrigued by your dream, leaned in closer. Hoping for you to speak once more..hoping that it was true.
It would be just the confirmation he needed. You dreamt about a life with him, which means all of this was the right choice. You’re finally coming around sooner than he’d previously thought.
What did you just say..?
Is that why you’re so happy tonight? It’s because of that imbecile??
Hearing you flirtatiously coo the other man’s name ‘Johnny’ was like poison to Raiden’s ears. Something sinister entered his body and before he knew it a fierce thunderstorm of emotions began to brew deep in his veins. Electric red currents started circulating his body as he stood up and towered over you. He tightened his balled fists until his knuckles grew pale white. With a tense jaw and a scowl that omitted a pure crimson color, he remained still. Not wanting to act out just yet in the height of his anger.
As much as Raiden was furious, he was also a devastated lover. You’ve betrayed him. He’s given you so much of himself only for another to occupy your mind…do you know just how much he’s put aside for you?? He’d risk all of earthrealm if it meant an eternity with you.
How DARE you…you will be punished for this. There was no way that Raiden would ever let these trifling feelings go without such.
And for that Johnny…..”Cage volume iii” isn’t going to be coming out anytime soon…
It was as if you could suddenly sense the shift of energy in the room. The warm, cheeky smile ran cold and a bolt of terror struck your core.
Tossing and turning, trying to get away from the darkness that started to overwhelm the dream, you cried out.
“….j-johnny…please help me. He’s going to find me and take me away. Please- that monster is going to get me—”
Jolting up in a cold sweat, your heart sank deeper into your chest after you noticed the narrow, crimson eyes above you.
Frantically you began to speak..
“R-Raiden?! What are—-“
“Did you sleep well? Don’t you even think about lying to me, I watched you.”
Raiden’s voice is as low as it was venomously commanding.
A beat, which felt like years, passed as you mustered up an answer to him. You were currently still too tired and distraught to even know what exactly pissed off Raiden.
“…I-I’m sorry Lord Raiden but I don’t really know what’s going on—“
“BE SILENT, Y/N!.” Raiden’s voice boomed throughout the entire tower, followed by a rumbling of thunder from outside.
From what was just a minute ago, a nice cool night turned into a heavy thunderstorm with heavy winds.
“You think of me as some kind of monster?!…” Raiden scoffed, his once balled fist turned into a sharp point of the finger.
“I understand that your feeble, human mind cannot even comprehend all of the things that I’ve been protecting you from…all of the devotion I’ve dedicated to you. But for you to blatantly disrespect your master is something I never expected from you.”
“ You’ve committed such disgusting sins….you need to be cleansed.”
“Wha- Raiden? I-I don’t understand. What did I do?.” Your eyes began to swell with tears and your voice became an unsteady mess
Raiden sneered down at you.
“Hmhp. Your pleas will not save you, my love. When I’m done with you, Johnny’s name will be scrapped from your memory and you will learn how to become properly devoted to me….and only ME.”
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berryliciousjam · 1 year
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Shoutout to @the-axe-lass for inspiring me to do this(and cheering me up with said imagines lmao)
🥰🤭😇😎🥶Aesthetic Warning🤪🥺🥰🤭🤑
I made these to cheer myself up. I guess I am doing okay but I am still on a short hiatus lol. Anyways please enjoy *explodes*
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starsurface · 2 months
Hello!! I was wondering if I could request headcanons (or fic? Of your choice really! I dont know if you do fics and I wouldn't want to push you!) of MK11 Dark Radien in babyspace?
I know you've gotten lots of requests concerning him but I love your Lord Radien works sm! Importantly I hope you're taking breaks eating plenty, and drinking lots of water! Thank you for all the works you've done they've been so lovely to read! - @counting-sheeps-n-bunnies 🐑
Hi!! I do do Fics, but they have to be specifically requested!! If you ask for Fic or Hc, I might do a Fic sometimes, but Hcs are just easier in general to do. But I still to fics!!! <3
WARNING: A lot of the Hcs have Yandere/Controling Themes!!! There’s talk of Forced/Very Pushy Encouraged Regressing!!
There is NO hitting, or kidnapping, or anything of the sort!!! Just ‘overprotectiveness’ to the point it can be seen as Controlling!!!
Also Dark Lord Raiden might be a bit out of character because he's similar to Lord Raiden . . . but not exactly as sane as Lord Raiden? Pookie here just needs a bottle and therapy, fr.
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Dark Lord Raiden w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
⛈️ Dark Lord Raiden is . . . something :D
⛈️ ^ Not saying this in a bad way, but maybe not in the 100% most positive tone either (still love my Pookie though)
⛈️ He’s over-possessive of the people he loves, especially his baby
⛈️ He’s lost so much, most to his own actions, so the idea of losing someone so close to him? His friend/partner? Or his baby? He couldn’t bare the idea. He won’t bare the idea.
⛈��� He has a nasty habit of overbabying you, making you feel small when you should be big
⛈️ How? Easy, he’ll just do things for you!!
⛈️ Why would you need to tie your shoes? Raiden can do it for you
⛈️ He’ll put his hand on your shoulder, guiding you through things you might be able to do completely fine normally
⛈️ Getting colorful designed bandaids even when your big and insist that a normal bandaid would work too
⛈️ Normal Lord Raiden has an accident of looming over people, but most times doesn’t notice it
⛈️ But Dark Lord Raiden? He’s constantly looming over you, sometimes accident, other times to make sure your okay
⛈️ He’s very tall, and it’s easy to feel tiny around him (it’s almost like that’s what he wants . . .)
⛈️ In fact, that is what he wants!! You can’t get too hurt when your small!! Babies really shouldn’t be training or doing dangerous big kid things, and get to stay right next to Dada! Dada can easily protect you! He’ll make sure you don’t get hurt! <3
⛈️ While I’ve described Dark Lord Raiden as overprotective and . . . a bit insane - He does love you with his heart soul and body
⛈️ I mean, of course he loves you!! Your his good friend/partner, and at times he’s sweet little baby, how could he not precious you?
⛈️ Other than all ^ That stuff, he’s quite similar to his old self
⛈️ He’s a little more loose on certain rules, as long as it makes his baby happy
⛈️ More candy after dinner? Normal Lord Raiden would set his foot down, but anything to make Dark Raiden’s baby smile
⛈️ However, he’s more stricter on ‘dangerous’ rules, like going near outlets or certain objects in the kitchen (he’ll watch you like a hawk in the kitchen)
⛈️ But all punishments (like timeout or the stairs) have been moved off the table!!! He could never make you cry or hurt you
⛈️ One thing that might make you cry or trigger your regression sometimes is that when Raiden gets angry, loud scary thunderstrikes will be heard outside
⛈️ They’re rarely directed towards you, but he’ll make sure that your okay and he didn’t scare you too badly
⛈️ It takes a lot of conversation to let him ‘allow’ you to be more independent while small
⛈️ No one is good enough to watch you, not in his eyes
⛈️ But he’ll allow playdates and supervised babysitting!! His Brother is his main go-to for these things, but the Earthrealmers will do fine as well
⛈️ His favorite little activity with you is storytime
⛈️ He gets to have you in his arms, most likely bottle/sippy feeding you, reading a nice little story that he knows you love
⛈️ ^ It also counts as cuddle time!! :D (He’ll get another actual cuddle time later though)
⛈️ As established Dark Lord Raiden (Lord Raiden in general) is very tall!! This also means he’s super strong, as the Protector of Earthrealm
⛈️ Which means he’ll have no trouble carrying you everywhere!! <3
⛈️ Your too small to walk, and crawling might hurt your little knees!! We can’t have that happen, now can we?
⛈️ Of course he’ll let you run around for playtime, especially for bigger regressors
⛈️ But where’s a better, and safer, place than Dada’s arms?
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I do have a lot of requests, but I do enjoy doing them. I'll make sure to take care of myself, promise!!
And I'm so glad that you enjoy my work!! <3
Fun Fact: I did not care about lord Raiden when I first made my blog!! Shocking, because he's quickly became a favorite of mine!! I really like him now. <3
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yns-world · 2 years
heyyy I just saw ur post and so I was wondering if you could do MK Intros for Fujin, Nightwolf, Kuai Liang, and Kung Lao ? thx for all the hard work 💗🙏
Hey!!! Thank you so much for this request <3 you didn’t specify what kind of genre you were looking for (light-hearted, angst, etc) so I just went with the flow. I also got some inspiration from @azul-marie and her wonderful mk post about intros with a goddess reader and I loved it!!
This is a concept I’ve been meaning to try, I hope y’all like it <3
MK Character Intros
Various x Dark!Goddess!Reader
Characters: Fujin, Nightwolf, Kuai Liang, and Kung Lao + Bonus character at the end ;)
Context: The characters knew Y/N before she became the dark version of herself, it’s a similar concept to Dark Raiden. Y/N had a past relationship with each of the characters.
Part 2
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Fujin: “What happened to you?” A pained expression flickered across his face as he readied his sword.
Y/N: “What needed to happen.”
Fujin: “Greed is a want, never a need.”
Fujin: “What happened to you?”
Y/N: “I’m surprised you noticed.”
Fujin: “Of course I did, you were my world.”
Y/N: “I wasn’t. Your world was Earthrealm.”
Fujin: “Come back to us, we can help you.”
Y/N: She scoffs, rolling her eyes. “And get locked in an inescapable cage? I’ll pass, thanks.”
Fujin: He says nothing, Y/N’s words hurt him too much to speak.
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Nightwolf: “You are going down a wrong path, Y/N.”
Y/N: “You dare defy a GOD?”
Nightwolf: “No god would commit such cruelties.”
Nightwolf: “You are going down a wrong path, Y/N.”
Y/N: “It’s Lady Y/N to you.”
Nightwolf: “I don’t remember you having an ego.”
Nightwolf: “Where’s my Y/N?” He spit the words out, anger filling his eyes.
Y/N: “I’m right here, sweetheart.” A chuckle left her lips as she watched Nightwolf’s scowl deepen.
Nightwolf: “You’re merely a vessel she left behind.”
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Y/N: She walks into the arena with her head held high, an intimidation tactic. “On your knees.”
Kuai: “I will not bow to you.”
Y/N: “Then do not expect mercy."
Y/N: “On your knees.”
Kuai: “I will not bow to you.”
Y/N: “That’s not what you said last night.”
Kuai: “You’ve become cold and brash.”
Y/N: “We’re more similar than you think.”
Kuai: “We are nothing alike.”
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Kung Lao: “I happened to overhear your conversation with Sub-Zero, is your offer still on the table?” A smirk was plastered on his face as he spoke.
Y/N: “I’m looking for humble worshippers, not those who will use my name in vain.”
Kung Lao: “Then I’ll just keep screaming your name until you hear me.”
Y/N: “You’d be a useful ally.”
Kung Lao: “I’m done being a wingman.”
Y/N: “That’s not what it looks like to me.”
Y/N: “You’d be a useful ally.”
Kung Lao: “Little ol’ Lao working alongside a goddess? It would be my honor.”
Y/N: “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
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Bonus character!
Dark Raiden: “Look at what you’ve become.”
Y/N: “The same can be said for yourself.”
Dark Raiden: “Hmph.”
Y/N: “Still lurking in the dark, are we?”
Dark Raiden: “For as long as you are.”
Y/N: “Oh honey, I am the night.”
Y/N: “When are you going to stop lying to yourself? When did you ever protect Earthrealm?”
Dark Raiden: “Even gods make mistakes.”
Y/N: “Not me. Never me.”
And that wraps up my first mk request <33 this was so much fun to write and I hope I’ll write more intros in the future :) requests are currently open so feel free to hmu! lmk if y’all want a part 2 to this :D
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vyglitchcraft · 11 months
Normal Raiden is stiff AF in sex, like he can barely kiss either. He makes Fujin look like a whore.
BUT DARK RAIDEN? He would grab your jaw and force you to look at him while he pounds you so hard your legs won't work for a whole week
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
Hi I would like to say that I just love your headcanons I literally spent hours on your posts, I would like to know if I could do a Headcanon with Fujin, Raiden and Dark Raiden reacting to your S/O giving up on them after they said they didn't want anything to do with them (it wasn't quite what they wanted to say, they were just scared because of the earth plane) and seeing your S/O smiling at someone else, sorry for my english and if it got confused, thanks in advance <3
thank you so much, nonny! this is a little confusing but i think i know what you mean
MK Lads x S/O Who Leaves Them
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Alexa, play 'You give love a bad name' by Bon Jovi
Fujin is crushed! He knew that staying in Earthrealm stressed you out, but thought he would have more time to figure things out with you
When you tell him that you're done with him, his whole world stops for a moment. But because he loves you, he lets you go
He had no intention of running into you ever again, he know it will only cause him pain. He accidentally sees you in Outworld, smiling at what must be your new partner, and his heart breaks all over again
In order to distract himself, he keeps busy with other tasks, and maybe he'll find new love, but he'll never really forget you
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When you told Raiden to choose between you or Earthrealm, he feels sick
Raiden loves you and wants to stay with you, but he is in no position to give up on Earthrealm, which he is sworn to protect
When you say that you're done with him, he lets you walk away. Perhaps this is the price he pays for Earthrealm, he thinks to himself
If he notices you smiling at someone else, he'll force his bitterness down, and won't say anything. He knows that the safety of Earthrealm is worth abandoning true love
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Raiden has lost so much already, and now even you will abandon him?
With Shinnok's amulet, he is stronger than ever, yet you would forsake him and his devotion because you don't like Earthrealm? Raiden is furious, when you tell him that you're done with him, you are met with angry screams and a violent lightning storm
If you refuse to come back to Earthrealm, then Raiden will bring Earthrealm to you. He will begin an aggressive campaign to subject all other realms to the superiority of himself and Earthrealm
At this point, nothing can be done to placate the darkness inside his heart, if he sees you smile at someone else, that person will be killed. He considers it your punishment for being stupid enough to reject his love
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tinandabin · 2 years
Sagau but the reader is the ACTUAL creator. Part 2
ok so, I mean that in most sagau fics the reader gets ise-kaied into sagau and gets blamed as the imposter creator (?) when they are the creator because golden blood shit syxbsuzn the thing is, you've been the real creator since start, no ise-kais or whatever.
You were casually sitting in one of the flower fields, fingers flipping through some scrolls as the sun shined and brushed your soft skin. The birds were chirping and the wind was calm, a sign of harmony and peace.
You smiled, glad to know that Teyvat is the best as it can be. Twirling a sweet flower in one of yours hands, you continued to read the ancient scrolls.
Before you knew it, the sun was clouded and the winds picked up the pace, the birds and animals all scurrying off. For the first time in a while, Teyvat, no, the Archons did something against the Creator's wish.
"Filthy impostor! You dare take our creator's face and try to fool us?" Morax spat out at the poor girl, trembling with fear and anxiety. She didn't do anything. She's innocent. Why must she be killed for having been born like this?
Morax pointed out his polearm at the girl's throat while the bystanders watched. 'They are watching.' The girl thought. 'Why isn't anyone helping me? What did I do?'
Morax's amber eyes glared at her as soon enough, the rest of the Archons were present.
"Stupid girl, you made a mistake by stumbling upon here." Barbatos mockingly said, slightly pitying the girl because he too is nothing but an imposter. The thought made him want to perhaps, perhaps help the girl out. But oh, what if she is actually impersonating the creator to try and get something? The thought echoed in his mind and he decided for her fate to be sealed.
The winds picked up their pace.
Ei's bright purple eyes strikingly glared at the girl, "You dare to have the same face as our creator," She said with venom lacing her tone.( what eh fuck am I doing )
Thunder struck one of the trees.
As Morax went to strike down the head of the impostor with his polearm, one final thing happened.
The ground started rumbling.
"You dare try and behead one of the innocent?" Your voice spoke out amidst the tense atmosphere.
And there you were, the All-Creator in all their glory.
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iliketangerines · 3 months
Can I ask for Dark Raiden with an IT specialist reader,who is just like a soft,kind mortal compare to Dark Raiden.Like a scary wolf/innocent cat dynamic.Have a good day!
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docile as a lamb
a/n: love me a good dark raiden, and i tried dark raiden but i don't think it got across very well lol. thank you all for 300 followers! this is truly a momentous occasion for me. i also have no idea what IT specialists do, so you're gonna have to bear with me here.
pairing: dark!lord raiden x gn!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), wet dreams of blow jobs, thigh fucking, nipple play, electrostim, size kink
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Raiden had to see you when he accidentally fried the tablet after gripping onto it too tightly and sending red shocks of lightning through the device
you had taken the tablet from his hands and quickly replaced the tablet while explaining something about the properties of electricity
but all Raiden can focus on is the soft curve of your lips as you explain to him softly and gently to just handle the device with a bit more care
you smile sweetly up at him, and he’s reminded why he fights for Earthrealm
since then, Raiden sees you everywhere, in the dining hall, in the meeting rooms, in the training fields, and you’re always there
you laugh alongside your friends in the dining hall, sweet laughter making Raiden’s mind swim
you tinker with the devices in the meeting rooms, making sure everything is set up properly, and you look determined and beautiful while setting up the deices
in the training field, you’re off to the side and cheering on Sonya as she spars with the others and makes sure that they’re up to standard
you bring sweet treats out of your own paycheck, and one time you have even given Raiden a donut for him, telling him that he should try it
he wasn’t one for sugary treats, he wanted something else sweet, but he eats the donut and finds pleasure in it because you had given it to him
sometimes, he finds you in the med bay with the initiates when you have an off day, and you talk to a specific soldier in the med bay who’s been stuck in a coma for a few years
his feelings grow within him, and he knows you would be just so sweet and compliant underneath his fingertips
but he cannot have you, you’re too sweet, too innocent for him, and so he travels to the other worlds and destroys his enemies viscerally, releasing his frustrations on them and burning them into husks of themselves
he wants to hold you in his arms and kiss you, wants to massage your plush thighs underneath his fingers and listen to you squeak as he shocks you with electricity
he befriends you, and he follows you around the base when he doesn’t have anything better to do, trailing behind you and shooting glares at anyone who looks more than two seconds in your direction
he’s a looming shadow as you go through your day, traveling between the different rooms as you fix different tablets, sometimes going to the weapons room and trying to figure out what’s wrong with the programming
one day, you had dressed in something a little tighter, something that accentuated your thighs and your hips
Raiden had wanted to clamp his hands on every soldier who dared to look at you with nothing but lust and send his lightning through them until they burned from the inside out
but, he too, couldn't contain his lustful thoughts, and later that night he imagined fucking into your plush thighs
he thinks your hips would fit perfectly in his hands, and that bruises the shape of his fingerprints would decorate you so prettily
he wants to tear your clothes off and lavish your skin with kisses
he wants to suck hickeys into your neck to show everyone else that you’re his, and he wants to hear your little moans and whimpers of pleasure
he thinks that your chest would be plush underneath his hand, and he can imagine the taste of your skin in his mouth as he sucks and flicks your nipple with his tongue
Raiden groans as he imagines the sight of his cock buried deep inside of you, a slight bulge in your stomach as he fucks into you
you would sound so sweet and pretty begging for him to fuck you faster, that he’s too big and that you can’t take it, and Raiden would make sure that you take all of him
tears would be streaming down your cheeks as he fucks into you and digs his fingers into your hips and your waist
he wants to tie you up so that you can’t escape him, and you’re forced to take the pleasure that he gives you
he wants to send little shocks through your body and listen to you yelp and beg him to touch you
Raiden bites his lip and cums into his hand as he imagines filling you with his seed and watching it seep down your legs
or maybe he’ll plug you up and make you walk around base with his cum inside of you so that you’re always reminded that you’re his
the next day is a sweltering heat, and you wear nothing but a thin tank top slightly soaked in sweat and some shorts that can barely contain your ass
luckily, you’re in your office all day, typing away on the computer, and Raiden stays with you the entire day
he glares at everyone who walks by your cubicle, and red electricity crackles between his fingers as a warning as you blabber and complain about the bugs in the code
he can only stare as sweat drips down from your neck into the cleavage of your chest
he can see your nipples through the thin tank top, and he wants to bend you over the desk and fuck you
Raiden takes off his hat to rest in his lap to hide the tent in his pants
he has to concentrate on the sound of clicking to try and calm down, and you stand up and stretch, hands reaching out to the ceiling
Raiden nearly drools at the sight of stomach slightly spilling over your shorts as your tank top rides up
you walk over to the dining room, and Raiden trails behind you
you grab a popsicle from the freezer, greeting the chef with a cheerful hello, before heading back to your cubicle
you suck and lick at the sweet treat, lips reddening with the cherry flavoring, and Raiden’s mind spins with the image of you sucking on his cock instead
how pretty you’d be on your knees, how your lips would stretch around his dick, how you would whine and moan as you touch yourself
you ask Raiden what’s wrong, that he’s been silent for too long
Raiden says he must consult the elder gods on something he remembered and stands up out of his chair and summons a flash of red lightning to bring him back to his bedroom
you don’t see him for the rest of the day
he’s too busy imagining you on your knees and worshiping his body
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neosero · 7 months
[ 01:15pm ]
and sometimes you have to remind yourself they’re gods
p.ii | fontaine version
word count | 7.5k total
noteworthy warnings | gn!reader; excessive use of the word ‘you’ sorry lol; rushed fiction; dark themes [ ? ]; violent/gory descriptions [ ? ] ( venti ); false descriptions of the archon war, implied kidnapping ( zhongli ); false post-cataclysm descriptions; inazuma spoilers for new players ( ei ); implied sag!au ( nahida ); version 3.2 spoilers and beyond ( special mention o.o );
if you find any of these warnings uncomfortable scroll away. viewer discretion is advised.
THE ANEMO ARCHON Lord Barbatos | wc. 1.5k+
Venti had always been known to chug down one too many kegs of wine when given the chance.
Although he slurs about the price going to his tab, it is always you who has to fix up every mess. Whether it be ending fist fights, pleading with angry bartenders or paying half his tabs in compensation, the guy really knows how to ruin someone’s night.
“It wasn’t my fault this time.” Venti’s whining starts right off the bat, not caring that you have barely made it any distance from the bar. It's clear with the way he stumbles that he has long since past his limit. Your arm securely holds him by the shoulder opposite of you, an attempt to steady his wobbly footing although the sigh from his lips tells you he believes the touch is something else. 
“I don’t need your excuses, Barbatos.” Your words are hushed but still harsh. His body deflates at the sound of his name used in such a tone, however he still refuses to relent.
“I promise you it wasn’t me who started it. The guy was…mouthing about everyone in there; he started saying nasty stuff about Brook’s drinks, called my music terrible and he then started…” saying things about you.
Well the guy attempted to until Venti stood from his stool, the force of the movement - or so he explained - must have tipped the drink over and spilled all over the poor guy’s clothes. Of course he got angry, who wouldn’t but when he started shouting about payment that’s when things took a turn. When Venti declined and left to grab another bottle the guy rushed him. It wasn’t his fault the guy was so drunk he missed the swing and stumbled off so badly he tripped and broke his nose. But it wasn’t like you were gonna believe a word coming from his mouth, he’s played the intoxicated card too much for it to have just been an accident this time around.
“I know you pushed him.” He opens his mouth to retort, “I know you pushed him because candles just don’t blow out within a closed bar with no windows, Barbatos. I know you pushed him because that man explained it felt like he was being shoved into the ground when he fell, Barbatos. I know you pushed him because this has been the same story with you for the last three weeks! By the gods, what has gotten into you?”
You’ve both gotten far enough from Springvale to talk freely, but hearing your voice carry in the winds of the quiet forest hurts a lot more than being scolded in front of the dozen or so citizens. You come across an abandoned supply wagon and take this as a moment to stop. By helping Venti up the back of the wagon to sit on its edge, you take the time to look him over. It is always surprising how he comes back unscathed from every encounter; not a single hair out of place, nor smudge of cheap alcohol anywhere on his clothes or lingering scent of said alcohol anywhere in the air - only noticeable when close enough to his lips. Venti sways in his seat, head hung low like a child who's been told off by their parents and sometimes it feels like just that. You sigh.
“I’m not upset with you.” The change in your tone makes his head raise and a noticeable color return to his face.
Yeah, just like a child.
“I just wish you’d fix whatever you have going on with you right now. I have a lot on my plate as is with the Knights of Favonius and getting everything I can with that Snezhnayain diplomat. I had to leave a meeting that could have been a pivotal breakthrough with them today because of you!”
You don’t see it with how you fix the legs of your armored plating, but Venti rolls his eyes. He knows about the plans of the Cryo Archon. He knows a lot more than what he lets on to the traveler or anyone else who inquiries about the matter; there's a reason he normally steers clear of the Adventures Guild’s Katherine. Still the more he relays the information to you, warnings upon warnings of caution, you don’t listen. It is demeaning knowing what little trust you have for your own god, let alone having to continue this conversation every night.
“...and you might not take this seriously, Venti, but it's really disappointing.”
“You're more disappointed that I ruined date night.” Venti had tried to hold it in, he really did but hearing you praise that woman Signora over giving praise to your own archon would make any one of Celestia’s chosen snap. He stands then, the most sober movement he has had all night and you scoff.
“Oh may Celestia take me now! This again? For the last and final time I am simply working with the women. It’s my job and whatever I do shouldn’t matter to you.”
“And why is that?” 
“Because you are a god!” The winds pick up, there is a clear green gleam in his eyes you’ve never seen before. “People offer prayers to you daily. They work and celebrate all in your name. You used to split mountains, Barbatos…What I do should be insignificant to the eyes of someone like you: our supposedly high and mighty deity.”
“It's high time you act like it.”
There is a heavy thudding in the distance, you turn around missing the clear shake in Venti’s hands. The wind rages on stirring the clouds above but you don’t care as you catch sight of a Mitachurl barreling in your direction. Clearly your shouting stirred it somehow and with how fast it's charging there is no room to run.
You draw your sword and stand in front of Venti as protection, “Damn. We’ll continue this later.” He’s gone quiet and when you dare to look away from the charging beast to see your archon, your skin runs cold. He’s bleeding in his right hand, fist balled so tight he shakes as he breaks skin and it runs down to evaporate before it hits the ground. His lyre rests in his left but it's different; the strings, once a vibrant glow of green, run a deep dark red almost the same color as the blood on his skin.
“Vent-” you begin to call out but the words are cut off by the heavy shout before you. You turn your neck quickly to see the Mitachurl with its ax raised high, about to strike. When had it gotten so close? You brace yourself ready to hold off the blunt force as best you can, turning again to shout for Venti to move.
But he strums his first note.
This sound is far different then what you’re used to. What was once a gentle, harmonic strumming of a lyre blessed in the winds, now feels dissonant. The sound is a deep vibration one that could only be described when hitting the wrong keys at the end of a piano in quick concession. A sound you feel breach into the roots of your lungs and pry out all the air you have stored.
You can’t breathe.
The sword falls from your hands as you frantically clutch your chest. Your legs wobble and your head is hammering, the need to breath is overwhelming but with every harsh breath you take in it all seems to be sucked out.
“You want a god. I’ll show you god.”
Barbatos strums his second note. 
This sound has a higher pitch, the noise most quickly catches you as that of a violin when you bring it’s bow down with a little too much pressure against the wrong chord. There’s a force to this note, one you must assume was the same the guy at the bar felt as you are shoved into the wagon. The force of the blow leaves you more winded then you were before. All your strength feels drained from your body and your knees give out. There is no time to recover though…
Not when Lord Barbatos pulls at his third and final string.
You don’t register this one, the ringing in your ears and overall loss of oxygen leaving you closer and closer to the brink of unconsciousness. Even so you watch him toy with the string. The wind has picked up and now you notice the Mitachurl raised in the air, it struggles with its head thrashing about. Venti turns to you, a smile crazed and eyes dim.
Then he lets the string go.
It's hard to watch. Wind isn’t a visible thing, but in this very moment you pinpoint just where the breeze shifts and changes as it tears through the beast limb from limb. Arms and legs twist and bend, its chest constricts slowly and its head rotates like an owl with a chorus of loud cracks of bones; if it wasn’t for how close you feel to the brink of death yourself you know the sounds of the snapping and screams would have killed you alone. Barbatos stares still. 
It doesn’t last long, the sheer horror of it all ends quickly as the Mitachurl is compressed into the origin of the tornado it's caught in until it blows in a rain of blood. The loss of oxygen finally gets to you as your eyes drift but not before seeing the finale of your oh so mighty deity. 
He stands unmoving as the blood pours down in a shower along his face, eyes now closed, “disappointed in your god now?”
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THE GEO ARCHON Rex Lapis | wc. 1.6k+
Six-thousand years ago, the start of the Archon War.
A long and painful four-thousand years of battle over a couple seats at the throne that was already predetermined. Four-thousand years wasted away killing friends and family and loved ones for power they themselves now wish to throw away. A lot of gods didn’t want to be a part of this…holy massacre - or whatever these scholars wish to paint it as - and you were one of them. You were given many names for your time: Theia, Anthos, Gia. The only thing that remains certain within all books of history is your ability to create elemental stones.
Ascension silver, within today’s terms, was a skill none could manage; for being a god who could bond to a multitude of elements at once was beyond even the original seven of Celestia. The gems you produced offered various needs opposed to the power of visions; pyro silver for warmth, hydro silver to be shattered and give rain, geo crystals for fortitude in times of terrible weather, dendro crystals to fertilize plants, cryo silver to cool in the warmer weathers and electro silver to strengthen weapons for combat. It all could be found in the midst of your domain.
Your domain resided in the Huaguang Stone Forest, within the underbelly of Mt. Aocang. It was just a large hollowed cave filled with crystals and home to a small community of humans. They traded off the crystals you produced, for food and supplies, holding festivals and village gatherings under your name. When they needed protection, your crystal walls provided and the Vishaps, organic creatures of your creation, helped protect those from outside.
All was good, all was at peace. 
Until six-thousand years ago, the start of the Archon War.
Tremors grew in both number and extremity over time. Your people starved and scared as trade drew to a halt and more and more outsiders flocked for your domain for protection. The energy of fellow gods and people you once thought would grow old together die out like the stars one by one. However, within your domain all was good, all was at peace, all was protected.
Or so you thought until you met Rex Lapis, the self proclaimed God of Geo, four-thousand years ago during the Archon War.
He requests your assistance, he speaks of monsters and demons emerging from the earth of Guili Plains and that without you they would consume the earth and all within it. You were hesitant to believe him, not when he stormed in covered in the blood of gods and an army of yaksha armed tooth and nail to your fortress of peace. When you speak of the wellbeing of your people he promises to ensure their safety with a few of his yaksha, but when you question him further its General Musatas who warns you to watch your tongue when speaking to one of the chosen seven. Thinking back about it now that should have been the first sign of danger; putting your trust in a god fighting to be apart of the corrupt Celestia. But your people needed more help than what you could provide alone, and you still young and naive wanted to believe that the word of the god of gods was absolute.
So you leave and for a thousand years you fight for a cause you thought to be pointless. You watch gods die, your crystal shields only doing so much in the onslaught of war. Whenever you came close to being wounded it was Morax who protected you from harm time and time again. Taking the blunt force of claws and the heavy pummeling from Osial, all to keep you from harm's way. You had thought it was admirable…if only that same persistence was there for Guizhong.
When she perished on the battlefield you all were pushed back. In a last stand against the enemy you took hold at Mt. Tianheng, and it was there we prospered. Rex Lapis’ sheer power and battle strategy in command of the adeptus and five general yaksha pushed through for the victory and settlement of Liyue. It was then the god of contracts requested a binding: all remaining adeptus would stand to protect Liyue if danger ever stirred once again.
And once again you were a fool to trust the words of the god of gods. 
For the others were allowed to roam as they pleased until called upon and you were to remain within Liyue Harbor forever at the side of your god Rex Lapis. He claimed it was for protection, your powers being the strongest he’s seen for a lifetime, however you could only recall being of no help to protect the ones you hold dear on the battle field. 
You fight, complain and wrestle against his iron grip but the contract holds still. As the Harbor prospered and grew over the years, it left you with the stronger desire to see your people once again. A request with the yaksha would fall on deaf ears as they were still to handle the aftermath within the Plains, but when talk of corruption and madness spread among the masses you had feared the worst. Against your better judgment you left, you thought the wellbeing of your people is more important than the loyalty you have in some god.
When you return to the Stone Forest, you’re enveloped with a sense of home. You spot Cloud Retainer at the top of the peak, but she is gone before you can offer a wave. When you finally reach the door to your domain your heart drops. The Geovishaps who stand guard are nowhere to be found and the energy of your barrier left so long ago has run dry. Even with the clear signs, you still push forward and believe in the word of Morax.
Still so young and naive.
The domain is bathed in dried blood. There are bodies upon bodies of your people scattered along the floor, their blood painted over your crystals and the bodies of yakshas having killed everyone else looked to have turned against each other. Tears of pure silver fall from your eyes as you make way through your temple, a last ditch effort for hope of any survival…for anything.
Everything lays in shambles - crystal decoration of your own design shattered across the floor, Vishaps of all ages lifeless and unmoving just like the images of the gods all those years ago. What breaks you is what sits at your throne: the remaining villagers all curled together encased in a crystal prison. It was a skill you taught your strongest Vishaps just before your departure, never considering that they would need to use it you had no way of reversing its effects. You fall into a sob, pillars of crystals sprouting just where your tears meet the bloody ground. All hope is lost from you until you feel the looming presence of Rex Lapis.
At first, you're overjoyed.
He could somehow fix this. Given his ability to cleanse gods and shape islands with minimal effort, this could be done by the snap of a finger. You stand with some difficulty, the gems having crystalized at the bottom hem of your garments almost keeping you weighted to the floor as a warning. You pay no mind.
Then, all at once, you’re afraid.
When you reach him, smiling and happy for once to be in his presence, the weight around you feels heavy. The glare of Rex Lapis is stone cold, gold irises like slits of the dragon you witnessed decapitate so many of your old friends. The general Alatus to his left stands armed and ready, and to his right Cloud Retainer - one normally so proud and boastful, hangs her head low behind the god before her. 
“You left.” His voice is calm, a stark contrast to the way he is looking at you. Glaring at you like the enemy. “Well yes.” You begin, a stutter to your voice, “the war has long since reached its close…and with n-no more danger I thought it would be alright to-”
“Danger is always upon us. You went against our agreement.” There's a bass in his voice that rocks a tremor through your body as well as the cave you reside in, its strength leaves Alatus to stumble his footing and Cloud Retainer to dip her gaze that much lower. You, however press on, “I had no plans to be gone long a-and with no word from my home I feared the worst. So I had to-”
His hand envelops your throat in an instant. Rough, scaled fingers grip tightly around you and when you make an effort to speak he squeezes harder. “You had to remain within the harbor. We had an agreement. You swore an oath to me, an oath that was never to be broken.” Frantic fingers grip at his hand, you try to pry him off of you but your body feels like it's being pulled by an unknown force that leaves you weak and him unmoving. He watches you struggle, and somehow in those eyes you see him pleased with the way you whither in his grasp.
“Should I take care of them, Master?” General Alatus’ mask envelopes his face, karmic energy flowing from his body. You shutter as his blade is brought to your sides. Rex Lapis turns his head swiftly, the first he’s looked away from you since he’s got here, and glares harder. In seconds the general is brought to the floor in a shout of pain. In the position he kneels, Alatus clutches the floor in a grip so tight you’d think he was trying to push against the heavy pull of the world’s gravity. “You will hold your tongue until I see fit for your suggestions, General.”
Alatus nods as best he can, body struggling just as much as yours to try and fight against the power of the god of geo. The glow of his scales dims, and the yaksha begins to breathe as he stands on wobbly legs. It is then the archon drops you. You swallow oxygen in desperately and cough it back out heavily as you gaze up at the man before you. When he reaches for you again, you scurry away but not far enough. This time he grasps your arm dragging you away breathless and reaching for what’s left of your home.
He scoffs at your sorry state, “your offense to me isn’t great, but you still will be punished for your disobedience.” You’re helpless to it all, too weak to challenge one of the chosen seven of Celestia. He snaps his fingers and just like all those years ago he takes you from your home.
Back then it was for a cause, an unspoken oath you had no idea would chain you to a man you don’t believe in; but now it's as a prisoner, a powerless god who watches their domain crumble right before your eyes.
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THE ELECTRO ARCHON Raiden Shogun | wc. 1.1k+
“Leave us.”
For a moment, you think she sounds disappointed. The guards release you from your binds and you're quick to snatch your wrists away to rub the tender skin. They give stiff bows and with stiff, sharp pointed turns make way for the doors of the Shogunate’s chambers. When they leave the room, Baal and the kitsune Saiguu emerge from the panels behind the back of the throne. Baal is as calm as ever; she sits eyes closed, knees folded below her and her wagasa twirling in her slender fingers as if pondering something. Saiguu seems more openly displeased; her tail rests rigid behind her when she sits beside her own Shogun, she looks concerned as she scans your body and you notice she has left her cigarette holder behind.
You are in real trouble now.
Beelzebul had descended her throne before the guards even walked through the door. She paces in between you and her sister, her strides come to match the tempo of the thunder that increases in volume over the heavy rain from the outside world. When a particularly loud clash resonates through the skies, Baal stops her twirling. “Ei, you’re beginning to cause a stir amongst the people.”
She stops her pacing and so too does the thunder if only for a little. Beelzebul looks you over and it seems that fans her flame even more when her eyes rack over your body. Her gaze doesn’t match that of Saiguu’s though. “You’re wounded.” She finally speaks, it's more at you than to you. The wound is nothing serious, a small scratch to the arm that has left your garments a little bloody but it's really nothing that won't heal by the morning. She moves quickly for bandages, trying and failing to distract herself from imploding, but when she gets close with the adhesive you dodge around her touch.
The first clash of lightning strikes the seas.
Beelzebul sighs and stands, you watch the bandage begin to buzz and spark in her grasp. “Bleed out for all I care.” In an instant, the cloth blows and dissolves in a small show of flames. You flinch.
“Ei-” Baal begins again, her hair glows at the tips and you know she is fighting to calm the storm of emotion that continues to rage outside.
“What did you hope to gain by seeing her again at such a time? We are in the middle of a war of gods and you see it fit to chase a traitor.” 
“Chiyo is no traitor!” You don’t mean to yell, but the way she spits the word ‘traitor’ has your blood boiling. Baal makes no effort to calm you down. “She had been trapped inside the belly of that beast for so long; months fighting her way from the inside out. That could turn anyone to madness…and when she finally emerges scared and confused you try to kill her.”
“She’s become crazed with madness. Something in that beast left with her and a blight like that can’t be cleansed. Saiguu knew the moment she saw her.” You break your gaze to look at the goddess.
Saiguu nods at you even without looking your way, “Not even a cleansing from the Sacred Sakura would have helped. Even being that close I could tell that blight ran deeper than her soul. I’m so sorry.”
You shake your head vigorously. There had to be something you could do, even if that meant caging her within the temple for an eternity anything would have been better than more death. “There was something we could have done. I know it. Rukkhadevata would know something; she knows everything. Let me go to Sumera and-”
A dry chuckle bursts from Beelzebul, “It seems you might have been tainted by whatever she had. If you think you are in the right to start making requests now I can assure you it won’t happen. Have you forgotten the current situation: we are at war, not just us but all the gods. You were only lucky enough to get to the forests before I had to save you from that beast.” The air around you feels static. The hairs on your body raise and the wound on your arm feels like it’s being pinched every so often. “Why are you so adamant on leaving my protection?”
“Protection?! Your protection! You keep me imprisoned. I cannot see anyone but who you allow me too. I am followed constantly and whenever I so much as breathe in the direction of the outside world I’m dragged away. You keep me here shielded like some precious doll while everyone else fights.” Baal’s gaze meets yours behind her sister almost there to push you on. “I am a soldier to this nation before anything else and would rather take my chance out there than to live knowing I sat sheltered and protected like a coward with you here.”
Ei’s stunned. A storm ripples through her gaze and for a second you think those purple hues of clouds show shines of rain. 
Instead lightning clashes before you.
The blunt end of her blade is brought to the heart of your chest in a flash. The feeling of its energy pulsing so close makes the tales of its power in battle sound underplaying, stray bolts of lightning bounce off it and reach in to rub under your clothed skin. You jolt. Saiguu makes an effort to stand but Makato raises her hand to halt her advance.
“If you wish to die so eagerly, I will strike you down here myself.”
It's clear she means it; having already slain and severely injured two of her closest friends there would be no hesitation if you had to be next. Makoto finally decides it's time to intervene, her fingers curl along her sister’s shoulder and although Ei doesn’t break away the energy pressing into your chest does decline in pressure if only for a second. “Pain doesn’t last an eternity.”
They don’t even look at each other when she speaks, she just holds her there. You think it has to be something only they could feel as twin gods and hope Makoto wins the internal battle. The sword dissolves in her grasp and you let go of the breath you had thought to be your last. “You're both hurting and you might fight it but it's for the same reason. Chiyo was dear to all of us, so were Sasayori and the others but we cannot let their deaths bring about our own. What would they have fought for? Have died for?” Ei brushes the hand from her shoulder and walks towards the balcony in long strides. 
Makoto does nothing to stop her, choosing it best to let her storm settle on its own then to try and guide its course. She does turn to you, pleading you to understand — her sister only cares for the best of you. You don’t respond, staying glued to the floor while your mind tries to catch up to your heart. Ei pushes into the storm outside that leaves the doors rattling and a chill to the room. Tearing your gaze from the ground you look to your god, she now stands on the ledge head turned up towards the heavy rainfall. She looks almost strangely content with the chaos outside, you could still make out the rotting corpse of the great serpent in the distance. There is a pain bubbling from your gut as your heart still hammers in your chest. Is this the weight you must bear under the care of a god?
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THE DENDRO ARHCON Lesser Lord Kusanali | wc. 1.5k+
“Tell me: what do you think shapes a dream?”
You should have known something was wrong the moment Nahida had requested to see you personally. This wouldn’t be the first time one of the archons has requested something like this from you, however Nahida’s tone of voice somehow puts you on edge. The way it echoes in the hollow room she had led you in racks a chill down your spine.
“A dream is made solely by your emotions.” You recall this from your psychology class, the professor was so invested in the topic it was kinda hard to forget. “Whatever fuels that of your wishes, memories and abstract thoughts all tie into what can shape a dream when you fall asleep.” You’ve recited that line so many times before that final exam and still remember being so pissed it was never even mentioned within the test. “However, the worries that rest in the back of your mind might also shift the course of a dream as well.”
“Hmm. I had never thought of it that way.” Nahida curls her hand under her chin thinking, “would that be the same case for a nightmare?” 
“I would assume so…yes.” There is a piece you’re missing in the puzzle of questions. Her curiosity is hiding something else, something that you can’t picture right out but you do feel it with every passing second. “But why would someone try to sleep with negative emotions moving through their head?”
If it weren’t for the fact that you knew this is a virtual world you would have been fooled to see Nahida as the child that she is. Her small frame looks up at you expectantly; being the only person in her world to ever know more than that of her vast case of knowledge, she treats you much more like a new toy to play around with than as the high god everyone else believes you to be. 
That in and of itself is both a blessing and a curse.
“Sometimes it can’t be helped.” You try to not think about it but you tell yourself this everyday now. “It’s something we can’t fight…the negative emotions, they are always with us because we never know what the future will hold.” 
“It's all a random chance of time. One day, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a terrible storm, you could walk straight into dog poop with brand new shoes or you could even walk into a meeting with all your clothes inside out…One day you could lose a loved one, you could walk into a store and see your house in flames on the news, you could even-”
“Be trapped with no way home.” Your eyes widen. Nahida’s head is tilted ever so slightly, eyes squinted and you realize she is studying your reaction, “y-yeah you could.”
You don’t even realize it but your voice waivers, “What is?”
Nahida looks away from you to her holo-screen behind her. With delicate fingers she swipes through files and documents you can’t catch sight of until her little fingers stop on one. You can make out the screen and it looks like a video. She taps it.
A screen materializes before you and the video plays. Image looks like the holding cells of the Knights of Favonius headquarters, but the person within the cell looks like no character you have seen in game at all. It isn’t like you remember every npc within this world, however, each character has similar features that make it obvious in telling who is who. Could this be a new character? There is no knowledge of them in recent patch notes.
Nahida’s voice startles you. 
“Oh…you must be curious? This is user 804897112. Although the name he chose at the start was Starlord, his real name is Chris.”
“It took him four weeks before he slipped up. They hadn’t noticed him as the Creator of that server yet but when he went around sprouting drunk nonsense about the Archon War at Angel Share things took a turn.” You haven’t been watching the screen, too caught up on understanding what Nahida had just said but the scream catches you off guard.
That person. That real life person, Chris, is chained and on his knees before Jean, Rosaria, Kaeya, Diluc and Venti. Kaeya’s sword is jabbed into Chris’ shoulder, Rosaria looks to be trying to get him to cough up any information he knows but you can’t hear anything. Did Nahida only want you to hear that screams? There is a troubled look on Jean’s face like she’s reluctant to continue this, but Venti says something that rouses everyone in the room and pales Chris’ skin. He’s crying now, snotty and nasty as Diluc beelines to him with his heavy blade.
Diluc’s greatsword raises and you gasped in horror as its brought down on Chris’ head. Out of sheer fear you clutch your own neck. Blood seeps out in a sparkle of gold and they all stand as stunned as you, the poor boy’s head tumbling over in the pool of it blood. The video ends there.
It’s hard to breathe and you're given no time to recover yourself as another plays. “This is user 119876532, Diana. She asked questions about Scaramouche’s true origins to the Shogunate. Knowledge no one should possess and again before the establishment of her identity as Creator.” This one carries no build and is from a farther angle atop a tree, like from the perch in the eyes of a bird, but it's all so vividly clear. The girl is tied to her knees before the shogun, spilling out words too quickly for you read and understand. There is no need to though, Ei is as calm as ever. She listen to Diana’s rambling, and for a second you think she might believe whatever she’s saying. Five seconds later, you watch Diana die in the same flash of lightning as La Signora.
You can’t stand now, legs given out in the horror of it all. The videos continue like this until you can’t bear to look at the screen anymore.
User 908765342 crushed by meteorite hurled by Zhongli. User 743828950 — Sam, found dismembered by a pack of hilichurls. Robert gets mauled by a geovishap. Lee can’t take it anymore and…
“Why?” The tears fall from your eyes in heavy waves. “Why show me all this? Why tell me about all these people? I don’t-”
It all connects in seconds: they found out about you.
You move to stand hurriedly and make a beeline for the exit but your feet stay planted to the floor with the sight before you. The Doctor stands grinning from ear to ear. He clasps his hands together with a sigh of glee. “You ask why and it’s simple: you survived.”
He’s on you in an instant, tightly holding your wrists in his hands and preventing your escape no matter how hard you thrash. He breathes into your neck harshly and you sob. He whispers breathlessly into your ear how he has never been this fascinated, this drawn to a specimen before and promises to be gentle in your dissection. Nahida watches you with wide interested eyes as you struggle in hope of saving yourself. You cry out to them, to your guards, to Lumine or Dehya or Thoma. To anyone who would hear you even though no one can. But still…
You scream.
Cyno breaks down your door, his gaze looking over the room hastily to find the culprit to dare stir the peaceful slumber of the Creator.
It was a dream? It was a dream and yet your wrists burn, the images of all those people looked so real.
Was this a sign? Would that happen to you if any of them ever found out? Have they already started to suspect something? What if you don’t ever get out of here? What if-
“Your grace?” Cyno’s hand brings you back to reality, hard. His fingers feel almost frozen over against the skin of shoulder and you flinch away in such a haste it brings crease to his brows. You almost question why he runs so cold but with him looking at you with so much concern you don’t think it's him that is the problem. “Do I need to go get Tighnari? I will only be a couple hours but I could stop by our Archons domain just so-”
“No!” Your voice is filled with fright, but it’s obvious that the sheer volume of your scream is what stuns him the most. You can feel the sweat run down your temple and the pound of your heart so aggressively in your ears. It takes you far too long to compose yourself but you are grateful that Cyno listens and just stands by your side.
“There is no need for all of that. I’m just a little shaken.” He doesn’t seem to take your word for it but when you explain that it was only a dream and not some illness that caused this he is partially relieved. “The doctor won’t be needed for this and it isn’t like this is something of his expertise.” 
Cyno offers a quick nod before he settles in a chair at your desk. He shuffles closer to your bedside with a cross to his arms and a tense raise of his shoulders. You can’t blame him for staying alert; dreams are a new phenomenon within Sumeru and with the few months you have known him, you know Cyno doesn’t do well with handling business he cannot comprehend for himself.
It takes too long for you to finally get calm within the safety of your own bed, but it does help that Cyno — as loyal to you as he once was to the akademiya — stays by your side the whole night. 
It gets hard trying to keep your mind from blurring the line between your life outside and the one within this game. Watching Cyno sleep next to you, the steady rise and fall of his chest is far too detailed for your sensitive mind to keep considering these people aren’t real people. A Sumeru rose, a gift handed to you by a child of the city, loses a petal and you watch the leaf fall then blow in a spark of pixels. You’ve been here too long. 
You need to get out . . . and soon.
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You should have known this could have been another one of the Doctor’s tricks.
You are privy to his experiments and know just about everything there is to know about his latest desires as a man of knowledge…but it seems you have gotten too relaxed within his presence to suspect that you were the next pawn to be sacrificed within this long orchestrated game.
Being left to go through with the final reports on the Balladeer’s status without his supervision should have been the first and only sign needed to show you something else was at play here. The Doctor was always to see everything himself, deeming everyone else — even you — inferior to his intellect and prone to time consuming slip ups. Why you would ever trust an order like this for its face value you will never know. But now you can tell it was a mistake.
The laboratory has been cleared on the orders of the Doctor, and yet you feel like you have been being watched ever since you have entered the building.
Since you entered Sumeru for the matter.
Pushing away the chills, you check the sixth harbinger’s vitals. Everything looks to be in order but that is to be as expected; the Doctor had said this could be close to being his greatest creation and that would obviously show in his work. You hum triumphantly and quickly move on to the next task. The body of the Prodigal is kept in a separate room, with how massive the final product came to be it was bound to happen. It is still mesmerizing to know how much raw power is stored within a gnosis on its own. Crazy how an item so small is able to create mass destruction in the world.
Everything seems in perfect shape when you finally reach the test sight. The distant hum of the overhanging lights do little to add any glory to the giant machine before you. Even without eyes its looming figure looks down upon you as if it can tell the significant power difference between you two. Dottore had told you it was nonsense; the Balladeer would be in a state of hypostasis until his body finally converges with the power of the electro gnosis. He couldn’t possibly be able to tell a slime from a hilichurl let alone know when anyone enters the room. 
You find it — much like everything else that comes with interacting with the Doctor —  demeaning. He undermines everyone and if it weren’t for his rank you'd have thought he was just too full of himself. His genius could be on a par with the dendro archon but that's something you’ll never admit even to the nicest of his segments. 
Data shows that Scaramouche is still stable. The gnosis too somehow remains with a constant flow of energy as it diverts power to the main systems. It still eludes you how someone like Scaramouche can handle power as strong as this for as long as he has. Though you do not know the criteria of the ranking amongst harbingers, his order in the hierarchy holds true.
So caught up in your own thoughts you hadn’t even noticed how close you had gotten to the body. If that presence was intimidating at a distance it pales in comparison to being up close. It towers above like the clock-house in Snezhnaya, arms and hands long and big enough to crush you whole. You shake your head from the thought. 
Your hand reaches to touch the machine. The metal is cold to the touch but there is a sensation of static that travels along your arm the longer you linger there. By the time you move your hand away ready to depart to report back to Dottore, a sudden shock sparks from your hand. You pull it back with a wince. This must be an unforeseen side effect to the gnosis. 
All at once your head throbs with white noise. It starts off faint but then rises to ring above all else. At first you believe it to be a faulty pipeline and look around for any signs of damage but yet again you see the perfectly unharmed lab. The sound is overwhelming and you can feel something pressing into the back of your mind. Memories not of your own flash before your eyes.
The sensations are too much to bear and you collapse when it's all too much at once. The moment you come too it feels different. The buzzing in your arm has spread throughout your body, and the noise that filled your mind is now gone, replaced by knowledge that leaves you weighted to the ground trying to understand it all.
The Balladeer…Scaramouche is…
“Was a puppet.” The voice is familiar and you cannot believe that its real. “A puppet that now wields a greater power than that of the god who chose to abandon him all those years ago.” He has ascended and so soon. Dottore’s notes were foolproof, everything down to the last decimal was precise so how could his hypothesis be false?
Scaramouche offers a snarl, and it's only now that you can register that he is inside your head with his reply, “because Dottore is a buffoon. He will always underestimate someone who he believes he could outsmart at any game, under any circumstance and do so without question. It’s that pride that will be his undoing in due time.” He walks around you, there are long pauses between every sentence and he speaks as if you will be overwhelmed by him just looking in your direction. You don’t know why you feel so grateful for it.
“Enough about him though.” He stops to kneel down to where you lay on the ground. His hand ever so delicately lifts your chin to meet his gaze and he gives you opportunity to look away. You don’t. “Let me see into you.”
Words filter through your head without him even needing to open his mouth. You’ve been connected to him by the soul, a pact between your compatible life force and his new godly abilities that were enforced the moment you touched him through the machine. You’ve been chosen as his first and whatever that entitles you don’t know but you do feel the tears roll down your eyes. Your mind cannot decipher if they are tears of joy or resentment of this new god.
Why are you calling him that?
Scaramouche wipes them away with a wicked smile. “No need for sorrow my chosen. For as your new god I will craft a world for you that leaves no room for those emotions to ever cross your features again. The Everlasting God of Arcane Wisdom will pave a way for your salvation and my glory to rise. So long as you put your faith in me and me alone.”
His hands fall from your face as he stands, but they still remain outstretched to you. The invitation hangs in the air and yet his smile never waivers like he knows what you will choose him over anything else. Like you will choose him over life itself. 
And for a moment you think you will.
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a/n: this is very dark of me and really shouldn’t be my comeback post but rewatching nahida’s introduction really had me in the mood to bring our archons back into the light. also yes i am formally back to writing so do expect more posts soon to come.
p/s: furina version will be up as soon as i catch up enough with her character.
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valyrra · 5 months
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Me irl
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yanderestarangel · 2 months
ʚɞ getting caught by lord raiden while you touch yourself pathetically.
TW: degradation, ftm reader, afab anatomy, v!sex, overstimulation, blowjob, praise, age gap, orgasm denial, porn plot, dom!raiden, dirty talk, size kink, ( Lord Raiden is canonically 6'5" )
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You would be whimpering and covered in sweat, your breasts had hard nipples from the growing excitement as the vibrator met your sore and swollen clit from the hours on end you spent trying to achieve a blissful orgasm ─ unfortunately without success.
Lord Raiden, your mentor quickly entered your room just to say good night and remind you of your commitments the next day as a fighter for Eathrealm, but was greeted with that scene worthy of old paintings... You were totally open and desperate, more beautiful than never practically begging for an orgasm.
His mouth went dry after centuries he felt something fill his chest and his pants, he knew it was wrong to act on his desires but it was a delicious shock for him to discover that his "innocent" boy wasn't so innocent after all.
"So this is what you've been doing this whole time, boy..." His voice reverberated like thunder through the room but you were too drunk with pleasure and frustration to care about his scolding or lectures at that moment ─ With a deep exhale, he reached out a hand towards the pulsating machine, offering to help you reach climax before continuing the conversation.
You arched your back in surprise when he pressed the vibrator against your swollen clit, making you moan loudly and look at the older man's face. You saw him grunt just seeing your pleasure, his dick pulsed violently in his clothes making the ancient warrior "Take me in your mouth. Show me what you can do, boy." Raiden urged, feeling his shaft twitch as you wrapped your lips around him. The sensation was overwhelming, sending bolts of electricity coursing through his veins
"Now, tell me - Do you want me to make you cum?" He asked softly, thrusting slowly into your accepting mouth while the vibrator continued its relentless assault on your swollen clithe pulled his erect cock free from his robes, presenting it to you. The god of thunder groaned deeply as you sucked his cock, the sensation of your warm mouth engulfing him sending electric shocks throughout his body. At the same time, he removed the vibrator from your clitoris and slid two fingers into your soaking wet pussy, marveling at how tight and responsive you were each twitch and pulse told him that you were ready for more.
"Dear gods, you're so responsive my dear one" He praised, thrusting his digits deeper inside you while you hungrily swallowed him whole ─ your tongue swirled around the base of his shaft, eliciting another shiver from him ─ his grip on your hair to pull slightly, demanding more intensity from your blowjob. Your nose rubbed against the coarse hairs surrounding his groin area, and he couldn't resist grinding against your cheek. His fingers moved faster inside you, matching the rhythm of your bobbing head. Soon enough, he felt the familiar tension building up in his balls nearing release, However, he didn't want to cum yet something more primitive and animalistic was calling him to finish inside your hole, giving you the best orgasm you could have in your life and marking you as his.
"Such a dirty, needy thing- Such a naughty boy... Playing with toys and begging for my dick. What would your fellow warriors say if they knew?" Raiden mocked cruelly between his teeth, smacking your ass playfully before beginning a steady rhythm. Each thrust felt ripples of pleasure radiating throughout your body, mingling with the lingering aftershocks of the vibrator that had already been discarded somewhere around the room.
"Your pussy is perfect for me, you're such a beautiful man, you know? You can handle all of me even though you're a little thing. So tight, so wet... Fuck-" He grab onto his hips to control the tempo. "Desperate for cock, aren't you?" Raiden sneered, squeezing your breasts roughly as he slowed his thrusts. He leaned down, whispering filthy words into your ear; "A boy who craves a man's touch, willing to beg like this. Such a submissive creature under me... It's almost laughable." His laughter echoed in the room, mixed with your whimpers and moans. He gripped your nipples harshly, twisting them gently before releasing them abruptly.
"But I can't deny how exquisite you look right now, taking every inch of my length without complaint." Lord Raiden soon raising one hand to trace circles around your clit. A single touch sent shockwaves through your body, threatening to push you over the edge. "So petite, yet still able to take every inch of me." Raiden marveled, adjusting your legs onto his shoulders. The height difference struck him hard but it wasn't unwelcome. His erection throbbed painfully begging for release ─ "Good boy, I'll breed you, little one. Fill you up with my seed until you can't remember a life without it."
At the sight of your orgasm, the god of thunder couldn't hold back any longer. His thrusts grew violent, each one driving deeper into your pussy. Your milky walls clamped onto him, pleading for more as he neared his own climax. Watching his thick cock disappear into your reddened entrance sent chills down his spine ── emptying himself into you entirely. His white eyes closed momentarily, heavenly bliss washing over him. When they opened again, he looked down at your reddened pussy with satisfaction.
"My pretty boy... Such a slut for me..." He smiled warmly, appreciating the sight of his cum dripping from between your thighs; your chest rose and fell rapidly as you caught your breath, while he took his thick dick out of your cunt leaving you dripping with his seed.
"Get dressed, pup. Let's return to reality."
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
MK Villains meeting/hearing about their (and your) child - PART 2
Erron Black, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Kano, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn edition! (Part 1)
This time, we’ll be featuring…
Shinnok, Dark Raiden, Noob / Bi Han (he wasn’t very good), Scorpion, Reptile!
Enjoy ;) @kryptofancientdreams
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Shinnok: My child, where had you gone?
Child: My brothers and I have a plan to defeat you.
Shinnok: Then, I suppose they will have to go through with it without you.
Raiden: You fall from the light, sister.
Child: We are the children of Shinnok- you are just as horrible as I.
Raiden: You’re speaking just like him.
You: You promised our child the Netherrealm, then go missing.
Shinnok: A couple of inconveniences got in the way.
You: That human actor? Are you the same husband as before?
Child: I’ll kill Quan Chi myself if you can’t.
Shinnok: He is much stronger than yourself. Just wait until I win it over for you.
Child: *Pout* why! I can defeat you, so why let do it?
You: You need to talk to your son.
Kronika: Why so?
You: He fails to give [child] the gift of the Netherrealm.
Shinnok: Have you met your [sister/brother]?
Raiden: She is no sister of mine.
Shinnok: You may ignore the truth, but you know your place.
Child: You can't hide from fate.
Shinnok: My fate is not to die at the end of a worthless human's blade.
Child: A demi-god. And Cage proves humans aren't so wortthless.
Child: Brother! He escaped!
Raiden: Do you think yourself powerful enough to defeat him?
Child: Perhaps... If you can prove it.
Johnny Cage: Your daddy ever tell you about me?
Child: I tell him about you, actually, Ninja Mime.
Johnny Cage: Then be ready to tell him about this, got it?
Raiden: How does a human betray her realm?
You: If my child can have a father, that's how.
Raiden: A kind sentiment, with horrible reasoning.
Fujin: I had no idea we had a sister.
Raiden: If the reader has a thing for Shang Tsung and would like to see our sister...
Fujin: The author has a story for that? Can I check it out here?
Fujin: I won't call you mother.
You: I don't expect you to. You're a grown ma- God.
Fujin: Just making sure you're fine with that.
You: Give [child] back!
Raiden: I will not let you or Shinnok destroy my [sister/brother].
You: You fool! This is why Shinnok hates you!
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Dark Raiden
You: Are you even going to be there for [child]?
Raiden: [She/he] can live without me. But [she/he] cannot live without Earthrealm.
You: I won't let you leave so easily this time!
Fujin: Where is your father?
You: I won't let you find him.
Fujin: The darkness grows over you too. I'm sorry, niece.
Revenant Lui Kang: I can never kill Raiden, but I make him live his life in misery.
You: He is finished with your whines, champion.
Revenant Lui Kang: And soon, I'll be finished with you.
Raiden: Where is [she/he]
Revenant Lui Kang: You took away my life, Raiden. Now I took away yours.
Raiden: And I will finish with this life of yours!
Child: Not. Another. Step.
Raiden: You dare cross me?
Child: You killed them, father. You are not deserving of the name, "Protector."
You: Your father's angry at you.
Child: You two have lost yourself in darkness. I trust you mi longer.
You: You forget: I'm not as merciful as him.
Cassie: so, you're dad's a god? Must be nice.
You: 'Til he becomes a dark God. Then it kinda sucks.
Cassie: Eh, my dad sees you as a daughter anyways. That's a plus.
Raiden: I never could have imagined it end this way.
Child: Father, you misunderstand!
Raiden: You helped a Reventant. You betray your realm!
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Noob Saibot / Bi Han (seperate)
Noob: I am not your father.
Child: You may be dead, but you are still my father!
Noob: Bi Han is dead. You are just another orphan.
Child: Saibot is not as fun to play with. He's just a shadow.
Noob: I cannot always be with you, child.
Child: Then why did you ever hsve me?
Kuai Liang: My [niece/nephew]. You have my mother's eyes.
Child: I am not your niece. I was born to Noob, not Bi Han.
Kuai Liang: He is my brother and life, and in death.
You: You left me to raise a child on my lonesome.
Noob: I did what I must to protect [her/him].
You: You'd protect [child] better dead then alive.
Hanzo: It was a mistake. I was blinded by my rage.
Child: I actually came to thank you. I want to learn what you did.
Hanzo: How I killed your father? It went something like this...
Bi Han: I love you.
You: You have yet to prove it. Spend time with [child] if so.
Bi Han: That will have to wait until later, unless you can bring me home yourself.
Frost: I thought your dad said women weren't allowed to be heirs.
Child: No, no. He said bitches aren't allowed to be heirs.
Frost: Your family blood are all assholes.
Kuai Liang: I told you, we cannot waste anymore time.
You: If I can beat you, then I can take down my father!
Kuai Liang: Yes, but you can never bring him back.
Kuai Liang: So you finally settled down.
Bi Han: Correct, brother.
Kuai Liang: Let us see how prepared you are to raise a child, then.
Bi Han: Our daughter does not enjoy watching us fight.
You: You seem to forget; You are the leader, but I am the First Lady.
Bi Han: ...She will have the might of her mother.
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Child: I understand. I will never mean enough to you.
Scorpion: I love you the same as my son. Never doubt that.
Child: Then why do you care for them more than me?
Quan Chi: It would be a shame for it to happen again, yes?
Scorpion: [Child] and Y/N are under my permanently protection.
Quan Chi: Protection... only worked so much, didn't it?
Raiden: You look just like your father.
Son: I am more hellbent than him.
Raiden: Then you can never be saved.
You: Who will it be, your dead family or your new one?
Scorpion: My dear wife, I am sorry. But I cannot let go.
You: I see. Then I suppose you won't be needing us anymore.
Johnny: I saw this chick on my way here. Literally, smokin' hot.
Scorpion: *angrly grips chain* It was you who harassed my daughter?
Johnny: *clicks tongue* Yup. Not good on my part.
Child: I wish I could've killed Hemuri and my brother myself.
Scorpion: He is no brother of yours any longer!
Child: Good. Then if I could kill him, it would be far less meaningless.
Scorpion: You took my child away!
You: Why would you care! We're meaningless compared to your dead family!
Scorpion: Bring [him/her] back!
Quan Chi: I thought I killed you a long time ago.
Child: That was my brother. I had come to avenge my father's clan.
Quan Chi: Then suffer the same fate.
Kuai Liang: Scorpion found love once more.
You: *smiles* He did. Although, he cannot look past what you had done.
Kaui Liang: That was neither I or my brother. Send the message.
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Cassie: So, what's your favorite bug to eat?
Child: Ew, bugs are my father's thing. I prefer the flesh of chickens.
Cassie: Huh. Gotta say, not what I expected.
Erron Black: *Whistles* Ain't you one fine specimen.
Daughter: Half Saurian, half [human/edenian/whatever]. *wink*
Erron Black: That so? Wanna come "put venom in my veins" girlie?
Takeda: I think I've seen this somewhere.
Child: Avatar? I get that a lot.
Takeda: Maybe... or furry conventions.
— (Enter Alice Cooper)
Johnny: I wanna kiss you but your lips are-
You: -venomous poisonnnn.
Johnny: Yeah, how do you kiss that guy anyways and not melt?
Syzoth: *"My child" in Saurian*
Child: *"Father" in Saurian*
Syzoth: *:)*
Shang Tsung: I thought Reptile to be the last of his species.
Child: That was before he had me to a [human/edenian/whatever].
Shang Tsung: I must expirement with such a cross breed.
Jaque: I know Tiana had to kiss the frog to turn him human, but to have a child with the frog?
You: There's more than meets the eye, my dearest.
Jaque: Don't talk that close to me. Don't know where that mouth has been.
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shallyouobeyme · 8 months
Platonic!Yandere Wanderer x Reader (GN)
Summary: It wasn't just his mother who betrayed him fairly early on in his life, it was also his sibling - the only person he had been close to at that point in his life. At least that was what he thought. But once he had changed into the wanderer, some new information came to the light...
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Probably not canon compliant with Wanderer's backstory since I don't have his character (sadly), Lumine is the Traveller in this one, kidnapping, dark content, obsession, kind of dying (but like not really), I do not condone this - this is all fantasy
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As the story is told the archon of Inazuma, Goddess of Eternity, created a puppet which later became the feared Fatui Scaramouche - but that story isn't quite complete. One fateful fact that the story omitted was that the 'betrayed' puppet wasn't the Raiden's first attempt. Before him, she had breathed life into her very first puppet, a prototype of sorts, which had many faults from which the archon learnt. With the knowledge gained from them, she successfully created the wanderer and later the puppet she still uses to this day.
After his creation, the wanderer was left in the care of his predecessor as the archon attended to her duties and the two grew close due to their shared nature. In fact, the wanded soon realized that his sibling - as humans would probably call them - meant more to him than anything else in the world and he looked forward to spending eternity together with them and their mother. But Destiny had something else planned for him.
And so the story continued, but it wasn't just his mother who betrayed him, no his sibling stood by her side when he was cast out, ignoring his pleas to come with him, to stay by his side. So all throughout his travels, through joining the Fatui, through trying to achieve Godhood, his anger at those he had considered family stayed constant. He had to admit to himself that somewhere very deep inside of him he still felt a longing to be by his sibling's side and even though he would never admit it, he knew that once he'd become the god he was always meant to be he would give them another chance. A chance to leave behind the woman who had created them to join him, to stand by his side as they were always meant to.
While during his time as a Fatui, the wanderer heard many things about Raiden through the many spies in Inazuma or just general news, he never heard any news about his sibling, not even from the most dedicated spies. And so their fate eluded him which was the reason that after his defeat by Lumine and Nahida, and after he changed into who he was now - the wanderer, looking for a new purpose - he was especially curious when Paimon started talking about Inazuma and local affairs.
Especially when you were mentioned. His sibling. The person who had not left his mind for the entire time he had been gone. And what he heard Paimon say changed everything for him.
"We met up with Ei recently - I hope you don't mind us talking about her, we know you're still bitter about that whole deal - and she brought one of her puppets along. They kind of reminded Paimon of you, they didn't look like the Shogun at all and they had their own personality, just like you. I think Ei said their name was Y/N-" Paimon rambled on, Lumine walking beside them, used to Paimon's constant chattering by now and not needing to pay much attention anymore. Usually at the first mention of his mother, Wanderer would have interrupted her snarkily to stop her talking, but at the slight chance of hearing news of you, he had to let her keep talking, "-They were really, really nice. They even told us about when they were made. Paimon wonders if that's similar to how you were made."
Paimon did not wait for him to respond, instead happily continuing talking the aspect of not being interrupted for once: "What did they say again? Oh, yes, they were also made to hold the Shogun's Gnosis, but they weren't strong enough, Ei said that she gave them consciousness so that they could help care for future Puppets. So they even took care of you, right?" Wanderer didn't bother replying, instead working through the fact he had just heard. His mother had given you consciousness? Somehow he had always assumed you were just like him, that you had gained consciousness when your mother had attempted to place her gnosis in you.
"Oh well, seems like they grew on the shogun because even after they made their successful puppet they kept them around. It's all the better for it though, knowing what would happen when Ei'd leave them behind," Paimon sighed and for the first time, Wanderer intercepted.
"What do you mean? What would happen?"
"You don't know?" Paimon looked at him surprised, she must've expected him to know all about your time before he was made, "Because Ei was the one who gave them life, she also became the source of their life, if they ever leave Ei's surroundings, they'll turn back into a puppet. At least that's what Y/N told us, but they're so nice, I don't think they'd lie."
That changed everything for the Wanderer. If what the little flying Imp was saying was true, then you had never betrayed him. You had no choice. You were bound to your mother, unable to leave even if you wanted to - which you must have. Suddenly his life had a new meaning. He'd free you, so that you'd finally be able to spend eternity by his side, under his protection. You'd finally be siblings again, just like you were always meant to.
Without giving any care for his companions, Wanderer took off in a different direction. More specifically, the direction of Sumeru's harbour. He'd do whatever he had to to get to you, to free you, to save you. He stole a boat - may or may not hurting the owner in the process - and made his way towards his old home, a place he had sworn only to return to once he had become a god, but now there were new priorities in place. He still knew many secret spots surrounding the Archon's home and luckily for him, given his mother's personality, not a lot had changed in the past years.
It was easy for him to secretly make his way into the chambers you and him had shared after your creation - it was only now that he realized that the reason you had shared was that Ei hadn't bothered to give you your own since you were already a failure in her eyes. And what a sight to behold he found there, you were sitting in the window nook you had already loved when he had still lived there, reading a book. You hadn't changed at all, time had not touched you.
As he stepped closer, a shadow was cast over you that made you look up. Your eyes widened, but he saw the happiness in them. Had you missed him as much as he had missed you?
"You're back!" you shouted happily as you jumped up and ran towards him, embracing him in a hug that he gladly reciprocated. Oh, how he'd missed that - but now he'd never have to go without this happiness again. But as quick as the happiness had set in, it diminished when you turned back and looked at him worriedly. "You-You can't be here, Mother will- She can't know you're here, you have to leave."
Anger built up in him - of course, even when he was here to save you, his mother had to make things difficult for him. But he wouldn't let her ruin this, not as long as he had to fight for you.
"She will never find out, we will leave right now and we'll be off this island before she'll be any wiser. Don't worry," he told you to calm you down as he took your hand in his and pulled you with him - he was always the stronger of you (for reasons that were now obvious) so even though you tried to get him to stop, he just pulled you harder.
"We? I can't leave Inazuma, I need to be close to Mother," you tried to reason with him, but he just shook his head and disagreed with you. "She only makes you believe that, you don't need her, I can be your new source of life, we only need each other."
"But that's not how this works-" you tried again, but then there were guards shouting and running after the two of you. But because of your resistance, you were slower than usual - if it kept on like that, they'd catch up to you and you knew that if they were to try to capture your brother, something horrible would happen - either to him or to them - and you couldn't allow that to happen. So, even though you knew that it would mean your end, you took up the pace and ran along with Wanderer.
The two of you quickly arrived at his boat and he hoisted you into it before using his vision to bring quite some distance between the boat and the shore. He didn't notice you sitting on the other side of the boat looking back at the island with a sad kind of desperation. You knew that your life would end any second now, but you didn't mind all that much, after all, you had already extended the span of life you should have had. And now your life would end protecting someone you love, so you could die without any regrets.
"Brother, I want you to know that what will happen now isn't your fault, nor is it Mothers. Please, just be free, live your life in peace, and be happy," you called out to him, causing him to turn to you in confusion. He wanted to ask what you meant, but before the word could leave his lips, your body fell limp. Quickly, he rushed towards you, hoping you had just fallen unconscious, but as he turned your body to lie in his lap, he realized that the worst had come to pass. What he turned wasn't his sibling, it was a puppet of wood and wires. Gone was the animation in your face or the faux skin on your body, instead it was all just wood and paint. A puppet.
As Inazuma disappeared behind the horizon, he found a new reason for his existence. You had asked him to be happy, but how could he ever be happy if you weren't by his side? He'd move Celestia and the abyss if he had to, would make deals with whatever creature was out there and willing to help, if all else failed he would even return to his mother - everything to bring you back...
A/N: Thank you for reading the eleventh entry into my Yandere Writetober - I hope you enjoyed and you may want to comment and reblog, who knows. Tomorrow's word is 'Spicey' so I hope I'll see you again in my notifications
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inactivewattpadauthor · 6 months
Dark Raiden x Reader (Angst)
⚠️A/n: CW, There is sexual assault in this one-shot.
Nothing too heavy, but read at your own will.
Pushing the faucet down, the kitchen became silent as the running water ended.
It's about time you did the dishes today. Now, all you had to do was wipe down the counter, and then you're done with cleaning the kitchen. Something you've been procrastinating to do the entire week.
Proceeding, using a wet sponge, you see and hear a flash in the hallway. You took a deep breath and continued wiping down the counter, hoping your night isn't about to be ruined.
You hear his loud footsteps travel down the hall to where you were. You didn't bother looking up as you saw him stand before you, observing you.
"What are you doing?" Is the first thing your supposed lover says to you.
"Hello, Raiden." You greeted, making sure you left the snarky tone in your voice. "I'm just cleaning up the kitchen."
Raiden scoffs at your greeting, his red eyes narrowing in judgment as he watches you scrub the counter.
"Don't you have better things to do?" His voice rings icy and distant, as if your presence has become a nuisance.
"I was supposed to do it a while ago, but I felt lazy." You shrugged off before looking at him. "Cage called me, by the way. How was your little attack on Netherrealm?"
Raiden began feeling defensive as he heard the patronizing tone in your voice. "What exactly did he tell you?"
"How you wanted Special Forces to just go and invade Netherrealm. How Sonya ended up dying during that reckless plan of yours."
You watch as a deep scowl forms on Raiden's face. His footsteps quickly bring him to stand directly in front of you, staring down at you from under the shadow of his hat.
"There was nothing reckless about my decision to assault the Netherrealm. Our enemy grows more powerful by the day, and the Elder Gods have gone silent. I had to act."
You didn't back down from him as he stood before you in an intimidating manner. "Look, I know Netherrealm is literal hell where all these demons and monsters rest, but it just feels wrong for YOU to make the first offense."
The Thunder God's face contorts with rage as your words sink in. "You have no idea what Netherrealm holds in store for Earthrealm. If I had just let the threat be, I may as well have just put the entire realm up for the taking."
His eyes lock on to you with a piercing gaze, his voice booming to match his furious demeanor. "I was right to act. You just haven't seen the things that I have."
Crossing your arms and focusing your e/c eyes away from him, you sighed. "Alright! I get it! Just.... The things you don't feel right about is just how it is..."
It takes every ounce of his restraint to not lash out at you, his hands clenching in a fist at his sides. "Do not speak to me about what is right or wrong." His voice is a booming thunder as he moves even closer to you, towering over the top of you. "Do not try to tell me what feels off."
You didn't dare break underneath him. "I wasn't! I was just stating how I felt! Don't tell me that's enough to upset you!"
"Of course it upsets me." He hisses out through angry breaths. "I should never have to hear your opinion on any decision that I make."
"Okay, you know what?" You push past him, not wanting to speak with him anymore. There was clearly no progress.
Raiden follows you to the hall before grabbing your wrist firmly to stop you. "Do not walk away from me! We are not finished talking!"
"I'm done talking with you for right now. You refuse to listen." You barked back, trying to tug away from him.
Growing more angry at your objection and lack of obedience to him, he shoved you against the wall, leaning over you. "I am doing what's best for Earthrealm! You will listen to me! I say we are not finished talking!"
Fear did start looming over you. "Raiden! Unhand me!" You still tried dismissing him, something he's growing more irritated with.
Raiden's grip tightens on your arm. "I will not." He growls out, his voice booming with power. "You will listen and act as I tell you, nothing less. Is that understood?"
"Raiden, please! Just-"
Your words were cut as Raiden forcefully pressed his lips to yours. How lost and confused you felt at his action. It would've just made more sense for him to electrocute you or something like that. Still, you couldn't believe he would do something like this to establish his dominance.
You turn your face away swiftly to attempt to tell him to stop, only for him to turn your chin back forward and forcefully kiss you more, shoving his tongue in your mouth.
Pushing him away was futile since he's seven feet, and you weren't even the average woman's height. But you did it anyway.
You were absolutely no match for his dominance until you felt it-
A huge hand going between your legs and fondling you roughly.
"RAIDEN!" You shouted, not knowing what to even think anymore of the situation.
After being shocked for a few seconds, your instinct reacted by delivering a firm slap to his face, making him stop.
The silence was loud as you two looked at each other with shock, but you were trying to recover your composure while your eyes looked up at him in fear and guilt.
Raiden steps back from you, allowing you to have your space. Although it was the correct response from him, you expected him to still strike back or belittle you.
Waiting for you to calm down more, he steps back forward to you, wanting to piece you back together after seemingly shattering you.
"Y/n," He begans with a much calm, yet still assertive voice, placing a hand on your cheek. "Don't be afraid of me."
"I," You had to gather your spilled thoughts. Removing his hand away, you continued your sentence.
"I miss the Raiden that wasn't corrupted. He'd never do such a thing like that to me!" Tears filled your eyes as you looked up at him with hurt and betrayal.
Raiden's cold heart felt a dagger as you rejected his attempted affection. Something you've been denied a lot ever since he became some colder Thunder God.
He bows to you apologetically. "I regret my actions. I truly do not ever wish to hurt someone as dear as you. I do not know what came over me."
It took him a minute to say what should be said. "I apologize."
You crossed your arms and looked away from him, still in tears. "You want my forgiveness? Then leave me alone."
The tall man stood for a moment before respecting your word for once and turning to leave out the front door.
You waited to hear the door close before sliding down the wall, curling up and letting out a full-on sob.
As you sit on the ground, tears welling up in your eyes, you try to make sense of what had just happened. Just a few minutes ago, Raiden had invaded your personal space and assaulted you on a whim.
As the tears continue to flow down your cheeks, you think about how Raiden had treated you before. He was always kind, gentle; nothing like this. His eyes were blue and filled with sincerity, and his presence was a source of comfort.
He was rather shy in the relationship at first, but you did well to get him out of his shell, especially after the many times the demigod would get very overwhelmed and then go consult with the Elder Gods.
You bury your face deeper into your hands, feeling hopeless and heartbroken as the emotions wash over you.
"Damn that stupid, fucking amulet."
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