#dawn elementary au
treasure-goblin · 3 months
Lu Elementary School Au
The Zeldas
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10 years old (4th grade)
Friends with Wars and Lullaby
She does well academically and is the captain of her soccer team
Protects Wars from Cia the best She can
Loves wind
Takes fencing outside of school
10 years old (4th grade)
Besties with Sky
Crochets and knits things for her friends
She had a mediator type personality, but plenty of spunk to go with it
Will throw hands if necessary
Looks suspiciously like Headmistress Hylia
9 years old (4th grade)
Very prim and proper
Academic rivals with Wars and just plain rivals with Time
Got moved up a class
Socially stunted in a teachers pet way, not people pleaser way like Wars
8 years old (3rd grade)
Very stern and stoic
Has met Midna as well, but doesn't know Twilight knows her
Occasionally will play wolves with Twi and the others
But prefers to read or write during recess
Hates Dink with a passion (they all do she just hates him the most vocally)
8 years old (2nd grade)
No one knows if Legend and Fable just look like each other by pure coincidence or not
Impa is her legal guardian
Hilda and Zelda used to not get along, but they tolerate each other now
She's a generally sweet kid, but can be very passive-aggressive when she wants to he
8 years old (2nd grade)
Super crafty like four
Loves to make little air-dry clay
She makes little pipe cleaner minish for four, and he makes her rainbow pictures in return
Dot was Four's first friend in school
6 years old (1st grade)
Dawn's twin
Sweet but quiet, sleepy personality
Was separated from Dawn for a time.
Into “cute” fantasy stuff like fairies, mermaids, unicorns and such
Slow to anger, but scary when mad
6 years old (1st grade)
Aurora's twin
A lot louder than her twin, lots of energy
Into the “darker” side of fantasy, like trolls, gnomes, and eldritch abominations
Likes to chase butterflies with Aurora
Close friend of Hyrule
6 years old (1st grade)
Super smart
Wild accidentally cut her hair, and she was mad at him for a while
Flora loves to info dump, and Wild is often her most willing participant
She wants to be a researcher like her mother
She loves frogs
5 years old (Kindergarten)
Obsessed with pirates
Gets in trouble more often than wind does
Almost got expelled for beating up one of Wind's bullies
She gave wind his sword as a birthday gift
She really admires Artemis
Divider by @/cafekitsune
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kyeomofhearts · 3 months
Back For More | J.WW
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+ summary: while adjusting to your new life in college, you couldn't help but attract the attention of wonwoo, someone who you happen to have a history with.
+ pairing: badboy!wonwoo x fem!reader
+ word count: 2.7k
+ content: badboy!wonwoo, college au, mature language, flirting (wonwoo is a menace), jealousy. [pls let me know if i missed anything!]
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
[ᝰ.ᐟ] i hope you guys enjoy this! it's most likely going to be a two-parter so definitely let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! i would greatly appreciate it if you guys reblogged (maybe with comments too ^^) since i thrive on your guys' validation :)
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You were tired, very tired.
Granted, this was your own doing. Maybe if you hadn't pushed your responsibilities to the side last night you wouldn't have had to wake up so early to study for an exam, but what's done is done. This whole college thing was not going so well, to say the least. Sure, it's only the beginning of the second semester, but you already feel exhausted by all of your class workloads.
Just ten more minutes of this boring lecture and you could finally go home and crawl into bed. But… that's only if you avoid him today. Which now that you’re thinking about it, you hope he isn’t waiting for you outside, again. That would be the last thing you needed today.
With that being said, things have felt a little weird if you were being honest. Of course, this was your first year of university, so things were bound to feel new and different. But there was something, or rather someone that was making you feel strange.
Around two weeks ago you noticed that Wonwoo, an old classmate of yours, had recently started to become a bit friendly towards you. While that normally wouldn’t be considered weird, you couldn’t help but feel skeptical about his intentions. You knew the kind of people he surrounded himself with, and especially the girls he would go after; which was the exact opposite of you. So what exactly did he want from you?
What also makes this situation more odd is that you’ve basically known Wonwoo for your whole life. Of course, you don’t actually know him, you just happened to go to the same elementary, middle, and high school (which is insane if you think about it). Acquaintance is a perfect word to describe your relationship with him, nothing more nothing less. So yeah… it’s a little weird when the guy you have been around for (almost) your whole life is suddenly trying to befriend you, there definitely had to be something wrong with him.
All you knew about Wonwoo was that he was on the more reserved and quiet side; mainly keeping to himself most of the time. His group of friends was quite the opposite of him, which always made you wonder how he even became friends with them in the first place.
Seeing how the lecture was ending soon, you started to pack your stuff; you were more than ready to dash straight out of the classroom. Having finished all of your assignments for today, you had nothing left to worry about. So once the professor had made her goodbyes, you made a straight beeline to the door, nothing was going to hold you back from your long-awaited nap. Your pace was brisk, attempting to avoid the backed-up main exit, you decided to go to the opposite door. The walk back to your apartment wasn’t too bad either, most of the time you saw it as a way to daydream and listen to music. So while you scrolled through your various playlists, you happened to miss the (very obvious) figure following you.
Wonwoo called out your name a few times until it finally dawned on him that you had your headphones on. He took a few long strides to catch up to you; he was very adamant on getting your attention this morning. With ease, he quickly plucked your headphones off of your head.
“What are we listening to today?” He said while adjusting the headphones on his head. It took you a second to fully process what he was doing. You knew he was doing it to provoke you, but you were determined to not let that happen today. So to his surprise, you simply kept walking. You figured that he would continue with his antics if you gave him the reaction that he wanted so you did the opposite, you ignored him.
What shocked him the most was seeing you pull out an old pair of earbuds and plugging them into your phone. He was dumbfounded to say the least, how were you so prepared and why were you ignoring him?
And again, he quickly caught up with a few simple steps. He took your headphones off of his head and tapped them against your shoulder.
With a tired sigh, you turned around to face him but couldn’t help but admire his face. You really didn't want to lose that ‘expressionless’ look you were going for (to help you ignore him of course), but that small smile of his was enough to crack you down. It's like he knew that it was your one weakness when it came to him. This was the most annoying part of it all. Anytime he smiled or looked at you, a tiny part inside you secretly liked it, making you crave his attention at times.
Objectively speaking, Wonwoo was very handsome. That was something you could never deny, you would even go as far as to say that he was your type but you didn't particularly like the people he called his ‘friends’ so you were stuck in a weird limbo.
“Is there something on my face, birdy?”
You scoffed at the nickname. “I told you not to call me that.”
Wonwoo’s eyes were looking straight into yours, a smirk slowly creeping up to his lips. It didn't help that he was looking really good today either, his messy hair combined with the whole biker fit did wonders for your eyes. He was about to say something before you heard your ringtone go off, evidently cutting him off.
It was Hyunwoo. That's odd... you finished your shared project with him rather early, what could he be calling you about? Either way, you answered the random call in front of a rather annoyed Wonwoo.
"Heyyy yn, I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch later today?" You couldn't help but feel your eyes widen at his sudden question. Since when did he want to hang out with you? Last time you checked he had a plethora of girls that he was talking to... maybe he was interested in you? No, you shouldn't get too ahead of yourself...
"Um... let me check if I have anything to do first. Can I call you back?" You knew that you sounded nervous but how else were you supposed to feel when the cute guy from your physics class was literally asking you to eat lunch with him?
As soon as you ended the call, you felt Wonwoo's arm snake its way down to your waist. You couldn’t help but yelp at the sudden intimate contact. Chuckling at your reaction, he leaned down, closer to your ear. “Who was that?”
"No one." You stated simply, it wasn't his business anyway.
"Hm, okay," Wonwoo rested his head on your shoulder, continuing to speak lowly in your ear. "I'll remember that birdy."
Before you could even come up with something to counter him, he decided to speak up once again.
"Well, I do have something rather important to tell you." His voice was so calm and soothing, you could honestly listen to it for hours on end if you had the chance.
"What is it?" You hoped he couldn't sense your rather, embarrassing, curiosity.
"Heard you used to have a little crush on me," his voice was evidently smug, knowing that this would surely get a rise out of you.
Which it did.
Your face burned at the memories of when you used to have a crush on Wonwoo. But, that had to be in fourth grade… so how could he have known about that? Nonetheless, you scoffed at his statement, not wanting to know that you were a little embarrassed by the sudden reminder.
“Key word, had,” you rolled your eyes at him. This did make you curious though, who could have possibly told him that? So you asked him exactly that.
“How do you even know about that?” His smile never faltered even as you lightly pushed his hand away from your waist. If anything, this made him want to touch you even more.
“I have my ways,” he stated simply. Of course, he does. You hated when he would shrug things off, now this was going to bother you for the entire week!
One thing about Wonwoo was that he has always been curious about you, this interest stemming back all the way to your elementary days. This curiosity eventually intensified in junior year of high school when you began to show your blatant distaste towards him. He just had to get to know you.
He looked down at you, his face was unreadable like always. You never knew what was going on in that mind of his.
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your actual friends?" Sometimes you couldn't help but blurt out your thoughts to him even if they sounded a bit rude. His face faltered for a split second, probably caught off guard by the random question. Shoot, you really didn’t mean to say that out loud. Although, it looks like Wonwoo didn’t take any offense to your sudden question. If anything, it made him... smile?
“I am hanging out with my friend,” he stopped you to face him, “which is you.” You rolled your eyes at him. That had to be the corniest thing he has ever said to you if you were being honest. You just hated that giddy feeling he would give you any time he said something remotely cheesy.
"Ugh, you're so dumb," you groaned while checking the time on your phone. It was getting close to noon and you hadn't responded to Hyunwoo's question from earlier. Maybe it was best if you didn't go... who knows what he wanted from you. If you were being completely honest, you didn't know if you had it in you to see other people at the moment, aside from Wonwoo of course.
"Have somewhere to be?" Wonwoo asked, a hint of concern peeking through his voice.
"No, thank god, but I do have a scheduled nap to get to so if you don't mind-" you were cut off by the sound of an engine revving, making your body jump at the unexpected noise. You turned to see where the source of the commotion was coming from but then realized it was coming from a group of bikers nearby; most likely Wonwoo's friends.
Or so you thought?
Wonwoo didn't seem too pleased with the group that was getting closer to where the two of you were. On the contrary, Wonwoo looked pissed. His jaw was visibly clenched, the gentle grip he had on your waist tightened, and his eyes lost that playful spark he had earlier. You couldn't help but feel guilty for thinking about how hot Wonwoo looked when he was angry. Of course, you would never want to be on the receiving end of his anger but seeing it on the sidelines was quite... interesting.
Wait. This might actually be serious, so it's best if you leave before anything crazy happens.
"I think I'm going to head out now..." you said quietly as you tried to slip away from Wonwoo's (awfully) strong grasp.
He turned to look at you, his eyes softening once they landed on your figure. Why did they have to come and bother him at this exact moment? He knew that whatever was going to happen was not going to be pretty, but he found himself reluctant to let you go.
Before truly letting you go, he quietly asked, "Are you sure? I can take you home if you want me to." As soft as his voice was, he still managed to sound composed which was comforting considering the situation.
You nodded in response, "I don't live that far from here so it's fine, thank you for the offer though." You managed to flash him a small, awkward smile before turning away from him and heading toward the direction of your apartment. You didn't know what exactly was going on between those guys and Wonwoo but it for sure wasn't friendly. Although it wasn't exactly your issue, you couldn't help but feel worried about Wonwoo, even if he was a pain in the ass sometimes.
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Much to your dismay, that scheduled nap never came your way that day.
You blame Wonwoo, how were you supposed to sleep peacefully knowing he was probably getting jumped? Okay, you might be jumping to conclusions but what else were you supposed to think about when he was visibly angry at the mere sight of those guys?
Realistically speaking, it's only been two days since that whole incident happened. Granted, you haven't seen Wonwoo since then but that could mean a lot of things.
While you were in line to get a smoothie from one of the pop-up shops near the campus, you felt a sudden tap on your shoulder.
"Did my little birdy miss me?" You felt Wonwoo say right next to your ear, his breath fanning across your earlobe. It sent a wave of tingles down your spine, making you shudder in turn. Though you weren't a fan of his spontaneous appearance.
"God, you need to stop doing that! I almost slapped you I swear-" You stopped mid-way once you turned around and saw his face. He had a few cuts on his lips and eyebrows and one big bruise across his cheek. Those guys really did a number on him.
Your eyebrows furrowed in concern, "are you okay?"
He tried to wave it off but you could tell he was bothered by your question, "It's fine, really, don't worry about it." Was he insane? How were you not going to worry when he was visibly injured?
"Were these from the guys on Tuesday?" You couldn't help but ask, where else would he get these cuts and bruises if it didn't come from them?
His demeanor immediately switched and he pushed himself away from you.
"It's none of your business so stay out of it."
"Okay." That was the only thing you said before grabbing your smoothie from the worker and quickly walking away from the shop. If he wanted to be like that then so be it. You most definitely were not going to wait for him to 'open up' by all means, he could throw himself a pity party for all you care.
"Wait-" He tried reaching for your arm but you were too quick for him. Your steps were swift, helping you create a reasonable distance between you and Wonwoo. He called out your name a few times before giving up, he didn't want to gather any unwanted attention from the people nearby. Reaching your pace, Wonwoo was finally close enough to grab your wrist and make you look at him.
"Are you seriously ignoring me?" His voice was a bit jagged, no doubt coming from the unexpected cardio you made him do to catch up to you.
Unfortunately for him, you were petty. "You said it wasn't my business, so please do not talk to me because I really do not care." You brushed past him once again this time making sure he could not grab your arms or wrists.
He exhaled in annoyance, "Look I'm sorry-" Wonwoo was mid-apology before being abruptly cut off by the voice of a guy yelling your name out loud.
Speaking of the devil, what immaculate timing.
"Hey yn! Did you still want to get food after class?" Hyunwoo jogged to where you were standing but saw how Wonwoo was still trying to talk to you.
"Sorry, were you busy with him?"
You instantly responded to Hyunwoo, "No, he was just asking for directions, but yeah I'm down for food." Like before, you made your way towards Hyunwoo, making sure to bump into Wonwoo. He couldn't help but stay frozen in place as he watched you walk to class with some random guy, jealousy slowly invading his mind.
Directions? Did she really...?
As much as Wonwoo wanted to be mad at you, he really had no one to blame but himself. The whole situation with his old group of 'friends' was really getting to him so once you popped that question it just seemed to send him over the edge. He just didn't know how far you would go to express your annoyance towards him. Now all he had to do was find a way to properly apologize to you before that Hyunwoo guy got to you first.
The only thing stopping him? He didn't have your number or any of your socials...
Part Two: Coming soon...
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magicalcelestialgem · 3 months
The Smiling Critters - CatNap Headcanons & AU info
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Heyyy! I have drawn CatNap in my style/AU! I suck at poses still. And following below is some CatNap headcanons/AU info.
A little info before looking at the headcanon and AU info below:
The Smiling Critters are young adults in the AU (currently unnamed). This is CatNap as a young adult (20 years old). Art of him in his younger years will appear later in the future.
The AU will be focused primarily in the cartoon universe, with a few elements from the game.
Because the AU is still in the works, some of these planned infos/headcanons will change.
There will be ships involved, especially CatNap x DogDay.
And that’s it for now! Next would be our favorite sun dog!
Toon/Cardboard CatNap Headcanons (Game)
Headcanon Voice: Benjamin Diskin
Sounds like: Jack from Beastars, Haida from Aggretsuko
Headcanon cardboard cutout lines:
Hey, there! My name is CatNap! Have you been getting enough rest?
Oh. You haven’t? Well, sleep is very important for you!
I can help you go to sleep.
I can even you make your dreams come true!
All you have to do… is follow him…
*soft exhale*
🌙 AU Info 🌙
CatNap and DogDay lived pretty far away from each other when they were young.
CatNap is the quiet and reserved type and rarely talks. But when someone asks or tells him to talk, he talks. He talks a little more when DogDay is with him. He is only more talkative when he’s alone. Example:
🌸 CraftyCorn 🌸: Hey, CatNap! What do you think of my lavender painting?
🌙 CatNap 🌙: *thumbs up* Good.
☀️ DogDay ☀️: Hey, CatNap! How are you doing?
🌙 CatNap 🌙: *tiredly, but still smiling* I’m doing alright, DogDay? And you?
CatNap was DogDay’s very first friend. They met in elementary school. CatNap was a loner and many kids did not want to hang out with him because he was “too creepy.” DogDay was the one who insisted that he will be CatNap’s first friend. Ever since then, the dog and cat have been inseparable.
CatNap and DogDay kept in touch when they were in high school. Unfortunately, the two were in separate high schools, but they never stopped talking to each other. It’s mostly through letters as they did not have phones at the time. 
CatNap slowly began to develop feelings for DogDay throughout his high school years. He gave the dog small hints and signs, but DogDay was so oblivious and dense.
CatNap left with DogDay to their new homes because not only did DogDay request he come with him, but CatNap also felt like he was ready to move out and be on his own. Not to mention weird dreams he had of a voice telling him to go with DogDay.
When DogDay and CatNap went to the mysterious land, they found their new homes. And their new pendents.
After he walked into the mysterious land, CatNap was secretly happy that his new house and DogDay’s new house are close to each other. And also the fact that his house is a cat tree and he is allowed to scratch on it.
Ever since he moved into his new house, he spent most of the day, sleeping in his new comfortable bed.
Every time CatNap visits each one of his friends’ homes and sees where they sleep, he feels tempted to save up all of his money and buy every single one of them a comfortable bed or something that can be like a bed.
CatNap, just like what his bio says, enjoys watching his friends sleep. He makes sure everyone has a good night’s rest. That includes making sure they have a nightmare-free sleep, and as he stays up, he keeps watch over his friends. Protecting them through the night. And when dawn breaks, he turns in for the day.
He loves to knead DogDay’s belly. His fur is so soft and smells of vanilla, he cannot resist making biscuits.
CatNap acts like a cat a lot. He even loafs, sleeps in such strange (yet cute) positions, and even has cat body language (slow blinking at DogDay, tail up to show he’s happy/friendly, dilating white pupils once he spots a perfect target to pounce on). And he can land on his feet.
CatNap likes to sit and sleep in boxes, sit in anything he can fit in, and pretty much sit where he wants. Why? Because he wants to and it’s comfortable.
He even said one time, “If I fits, I sits.”
One time, Bobby BearHug just hugged DogDay while CatNap was nearby. After Bobby let him go and left, CatNap just quietly went to DogDay and rubbed himself against the dog’s side like how a cat rubs itself on things, mixing his lavender scent into DogDay’s vanilla scent.
Add onto the fact that CatNap can smell who hugged/touched who. PickyPiggy is a bit of a tough one since she eats many different foods, even peppermint candies and vanilla dessert. 
Ever since CatNap walked into the land that will soon become his new home and neighborhood, he has been given two breath abilities. One is lavender, but the red gas came as a last resort if someone keeps staying up late, but it also comes out if he has ill intent, negative emotions, or is under stress. Following that is magical powers, since he was chosen to represent the Moon and all of its aspects (Night, Sleep, Dreams, and Darkness).
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taevbears · 19 days
Magic Shop - 13
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Every coin has two sides
⤑ pairing: OT7 x witch!reader, Namjoon focused ⤑ genre: magic au, romance, angst, hurt/comfort, found family, domestic/slice of life, action/adventure ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 10.3k ⤑ warnings: descriptive violence, body horror, near-death of a main character, prejudice and oppression of mages, heavy angst. ⤑ note: lol bc last week, i had already written out the entire chapter and just meant to edit and post it last weekend. but then another idea struck me while i was at work, and even tho i meant to just change ONE scene, it started leading to a completely different ending. so lol here i am, one week later, after rewriting half this chapter 💀 this chapter is also heavily inspired by "A Village Under Siege" and "The Attack at Nightfall" quests in Dragon Age: Origins + the world of necromancer bells from the "Old Kingdom Series" by Garth Nix
Chapters: Series Masterlist | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
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From the distance, an old windmill is spotted over a hill. Its turbines spin slowly with the breeze, and the weathered bricks keep it standing tall after all these years. The distinct landmark signifies one thing.
Hawthorn Village. You’re finally here.
And it’s just as Namjoon remembers it.
Nostalgia hits him as you all cross the bridge that leads into the village. Thatched roofs and walls made of stone and wood. A large well near the center of the square where he used to make wishes upon as a kid. The elementary school he went to, the old church that his parents religiously attended, and the farmlands with livestock and crop mazes.
Much to his dismay, the aftereffects of the nightly terrors have taken its toll on his beloved hometown.
People are trying their best to get through another day, distributing produce to feed the hungry and burning the dead. A blacksmith with tired eyes insistently pounds iron with a hammer to make new weapons that will give them a better chance against the enemies. A militiaman tries to keep up morale, although most of the remaining men are just farmers and workers – none of them trained to fight. Survivors step out of the infirmary tents, wrapped in bandages but still in pain. A small child cries, looking for their parents.
Doom hangs in the air. Haunted and defeated are the faces of Hawthorn’s residents, as the looming threat of another unsettling fight is set before them.
“What’s happened here?” Seokjin asks one of the villagers.
A middle-aged man’s light up when he sees your group. “I haven’t seen you folks before. Have you come to help us? Did our notices finally reach someone?”
It isn’t long until the group is ushered to the local church. Gathered by the altar is the mayor of the village. Dark circles are under his eyes from sleepless nights, but he looks at you all with hope as the villager announces you’re all from a guild. Then, he explains to your party their dire situation.
Decomposing corpses return to life at night with the hunger for flesh, and they have been attacking this small village for the past few nights. From dusk until dawn, these attacks on Hawthorn are relentless. Each night, they come in greater numbers. Due to the necromancer and dark magic being involved, no one has been responding to their urgent calls for help. The local hunters have been summoned to the capital, and guilds often overlook their tiny settlement when they pass by.
All of Hawthorn fears that tonight will be the worst attack yet.
“You’re our only hope,” the mayor pleads. “Hawthorn won’t stand a chance otherwise.”
The Oathkeepers look at Seokjin, but his eyes are on Namjoon. He feels the rest of you looking at him too. As if it’s up to him to decide whether his hometown is worth saving, or if the quest at hand is deemed too dangerous to assist. Allowing him to back out now before they’re obligated to see things through, no matter what the risk.
“Of course we’ll help,” Namjoon decides without hesitation. “Tell us what you need.”
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Tonight, things look pretty grim.
Morale within the village is at its lowest. After multiple perilous nights of terror and gruesome deaths, the ones still alive are worried they’ll be next. That nothing will remain of their beloved Hawthorn once the sun goes down.
“Someone has to know something about the necromancer. We have to find out who is terrorizing the village and what their motive is,” Namjoon concludes as you all gather outside the church to debrief. “We also need to help the residents prepare for tonight’s battle: teach them how to properly hold weapons, encourage every able-body to help with the fight, and inspire them to defend the land and their community.”
“Leave the villagers to us,” Seokjin offers, gesturing at himself and the members of his guild. “We’ll do our best to get everyone ready before sundown. You just focus on finding that necromancer.”
“Taehyung and I are going to look at their resources,” Hoseok informs, surveying the infirmary tents. “I might be able to make something for the injured.”
“We’ll check on the blacksmith,” Yoongi says, putting a hand on your shoulder. “He was in rough shape when we passed by. Half of the villagers aren’t wearing proper armor and are carrying broken weapons. Repairs need to be done if they want to stand a fighting chance.”
“Taverns are a great source of information,” Jackson mentions as he eyes the local pub. A smile touches his lips as he wonders out loud, “Maybe I can even convince the owner to give out free shots of courage to the fighters.”
“Then Jungkook and I will talk to the farmers,” Namjoon decides as he looks at his familiar, who nods his head in agreement. “The notice mentions that they’re the ones who suspect dark magic is at hand. Maybe one of them saw something that can give us a clue to where our necromancer is.”
With a solid plan set, the party breaks off to their assigned tasks.
Tonight still looks grim, but there’s hope.
With success, they might be able to turn everything around before nightfall.
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“Any luck?” you ask when you see Namjoon and Jungkook circling back to the village square after a while.
“Not really,” Namjoon mulls with a sigh.
“They said the horde comes from all around the village. One night, they’re skeletons from the village’s graveyard. Another night, they’ve come from the nearby lake or from the thickets of the woods,” Jungkook explains with a frown. Whoever they talk to seems to have different descriptions of the undead creatures. “Most of the villagers are too busy trying to stay alive to keep track of what’s been causing the dead to rise.”
“They did confirm one thing, though,” Namjoon adds before he throws a glance at his familiar. “They heard the sound of bells.”
“Bells?” you echo, looking between them.
“It’s how the necromancers summon the dead,” Jungkook simply explains. “Without them, they’re just like any other mage.”
“Good to know,” you mutter, shivering at the thought of hearing strange bells in the middle of the night. At least, if nothing else, you’ll be able to take away their advantage.
Still, a mage that has the skills to control the dead must be incredibly powerful.
“How is everything here?” Namjoon asks as he looks around.
“Good. Jin is a natural at raising morale,” you reply, looking over to where a small crowd chants Seokjin’s name. The others in his guild have been teaching them how to use their weapons, and although they’re still clearly unskilled, their progress is still quite an improvement from before.
“Hoseok-hyung looks like he has things under control in the infirmary,” Jungkook points out. The nurses and patients around him are in awe at the simple potions he had given them, claiming that he must be a miracle doctor. They also look smitten over Taehyung, who’s soothing voice calms and comforts the bedridden a bit.
“Yoongi-hyung, too,” Namjoon notes when he looks at your familiar, sitting over an anvil and helping the blacksmith craft weapons of steel. With assistance, it seems like the blacksmith will be able to get repairs done in time after all.
Shouts and cheers from the tavern show that Jackson, somehow, persuaded the bartender to give out free ale to the villagers. Although tipsy, their spirits are high, and they seem eager to fight after a round of complimentary drinks.
“I’ll help Yoongi-hyung,” Jungkook states, interested in what they’re doing. He approaches the blacksmith, who seems elated to have additional assistance.
“We should probably check on Jackson. Maybe he’s heard something,” you suggest, turning toward the tavern. But Namjoon grabs your hand and pulls you back.
“Actually,” he starts, suddenly a little nervous. He takes a deep breath before he tells you, “There’s something I need to do first. Before it’s too late.”
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At age thirteen, Namjoon awakened the power of magic. The feeling of bestowment is like fire. The initial spark of energy courses through his veins and spreads within him. Mesmerizing, alluring, and dangerous. No matter how much he reads and tries to understand his abilities, there’s always something new to learn, to incantate, and to master through his connection to the Veil.
Magic is both a blessing and a curse. Two sides of the same coin.
At first, Namjoon hated what he was. He hated that he became a mage.
Every night, when he was locked away in Alterwood Keep or WIndshire Tower, he questioned what he had done to be damned with such misfortune.
Magic is what burned his family’s home to the ground. Magic is what got him taken away from his parents, his friends, and his village – everything he knew. Magic is what lured the hunters into killing Ignis, turned Adriel into a beast, and shunned him from his home for so long.
The same home he stands before now.
“This is it,” Namjoon tells you, looking at an ordinary-looking house.
It’s been rebuilt over the years. Shabby, but somewhat similar to what it used to be. The curtains are identical to the ones his mother had put on the windows, down to the same shade of color. The front has pots of flowers that she liked to grow, and as the weather warmed, she’d smile as they began to bloom. Inside, Namjoon is certain he’d find a small collection of books his father would’ve read, and upon his favorite chair, he used to emphasize the importance of education and the pursuit of knowledge.
Your fingers thread through his. “Are you ready?”
He looks at you and nods his head.
At age nineteen, shortly after he was transferred to Blackstone Castle, he finally started to see magic as a positive force in his life.
Magic is what brought you all together, intertwining your fates with each other like red strings of soulmates. Magic is what makes the ordinary, unassuming shop at New Haven come to life and keep you all safe and happy. Magic is what brings him back to where it all started, with you by his side.
Years have passed since that fateful day he was taken from his parents. He’s started to accept that magic is a part of him. For all its wickedness and destruction, and all its serenity and wonder. Two sides of the same coin.
He just hopes, as he raises his hand to knock on the door, his parents will accept him as well. Magic and all.
The door swings open. An older woman stands on the other side. “Yes, can I help you?”
There’s a polite but cautious smile on her face, and deep dimples on her cheeks that match Namjoon’s. The resemblance between them is unmistakable.
“Hi Mother,” Namjoon greets her with his own nervous, dimpled smile. His hand squeezes yours for assurance. “It’s me. Your son.”
Confusion turns to recognition, which turns from surprise to disbelief. You watch as the woman looks at Namjoon like he’s a ghost.
“Y-You. You shouldn’t be here,” she stutters, lip trembling as her eyes water. Her hand is pressed to her heart as she steps away from the door. 
An older man notices his wife’s distress and comes to the door as well. He puts an arm around her and frowns at you two, not seeming to recognize the young man who has his height and strong build. “Who are you? What do you want?”
“Father, it’s me,” Namjoon tries to say, but his voice is small. He’s starting to think that this is a bad idea. “Kim Namjoon. I’m your son.”
Like the woman, the man is initially shocked by the news. But then, his eyes narrow at Namjoon angrily. “What are the likes of you doing here, boy? Don’t we have enough to deal with?”
Namjoon visibly stiffens at the harshness in his father’s voice. “I’m here on a quest. I’ve come to learn that our village is under attack.”
“My village doesn’t need your help!” his father yells, spit flying as he holds his wife protectively. “Magic is what got us into this mess! Magic will make things worse!”
“Let’s get out of here,” you quietly urge, frowning at their hostility.
This is like his nightmares. Their looks of hatred and disdain burn under his skin, searing themselves into his memories. It’s hard for him to breathe, it’s hard for him to think. Suddenly, he feels so small. Like he’s a child again, standing before the fires that destroyed his home and took everything from him.
“Get away from him if you know what’s good for you, little girl,” the man warns, finally noticing that you’re there. “He’s something Wicked. His magic put us all in danger and ruined our lives!”
“I’m sorry,” Namjoon chokes out. The words that he wanted to tell his parents after all these years. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Get out! Do not come here again!” his father interrupts as his mother bursts into tears, burying her face into her husband’s shoulder. He grabs whatever is closest to him and waves it in a threatening manner. “Get away from our house before you destroy it!”
Namjoon obliges, stepping away from the door. He looks deeply hurt as he tries again. “But Father—”
“Do not call me that!” he barks as he gives him one more hateful glare. “We don’t have a son. Not anymore.”
Then, he slams the door shut.
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“That went well,” Namjoon comments, sarcasm thick in his voice. He sits on a broken crate in the alleyway the two of you end up in and sighs. “I feel like an idiot.”
Part of him had known that, maybe, his parents weren't going to give him the warmest welcome. Part of him even thought that, perhaps, his parents wouldn’t recognize him.
Still, it hurts.
It hurts that he had expected otherwise. That he had hoped his parents would listen to him and forgive him. That they’d come to accept him.
But they’ve made it more than clear that Hawthorn Village and the house he grew up in is no longer his home. And that the parents who raised him are no longer his family.
Namjoon always knew this scenario could’ve been a possibility. And yet, he foolishly wanted to be wrong.
“Joon…” Your voice calls out from behind him, but you seem at a loss of words.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he apologizes, feeling incredibly dejected as he keeps his back to you. “I shouldn’t have bothered. I should’ve known it’d be a waste of time.”
And it hurts. It hurts so badly.
Knowing that all his efforts to return home — and all the punishments he took for running away — were fruitless. That no matter how hard he tries to be good and understand his magic, nothing will change.
In the end, Ignis really died for nothing. And that’s probably what hurts the most.
Namjoon half-expects you to scold him for dragging you along. For you to comment how you knew this was a bad idea, and that you both have other important things to worry about right now.
Instead, you approach him and gently wrap your arms around his neck. Your body is pressed against his back, hugging him from behind. Neither of you speak as he stiffens under your touch. But he places his hand over your arm in a wordless request to stay.
And you do. You stay with him, kissing his tear-stained cheeks and wishing you could do more to comfort him.
But to Namjoon, this is enough. Being with you is more than enough.
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When the sun goes down, the dead awakens.
Villagers of Hawthorn scramble indoors, locking themselves inside and barricading the doors and windows. The church bells are quiet, not to be rung until morning light. Everywhere is an eerie silence, and those left to fend off the inevitable enemies swallow their fears as they train their eyes on the horizon.
There, a green fog mixes with the misty air, and the putrid stench of rotting flesh slowly advances toward them. Death is coming, and with it, alarming numbers of the undead.
“All right, everyone!” the mayor begins, taking command of the last line of defense. The odds are heavily against them, but he has to keep up what little morale they still have left. “We’ve driven off this evil before. We can do it again for one more night. We fight, or we die trying!”
With that said, the villagers charge in. Battle cries ring out as they use their pitchforks, shovels, and scythes to attack the incoming herd.
But they only get so close before the fear sets in.
Death looks them in the eye. Corpses with lifeless, glowing eyes, flesh rotten and decayed, and bones visible as they unhinge their jaws and let out an unsettling groan.
Some of them flee the opposite direction, running away from their foes. Some stand frozen, panic seizing them in place. Some, unable to stand the horrid smell, drop their weapons and retch out their stomach’s contents.
The villagers don’t stand a chance.
Then, they begin to hear it.
In the dark, rural farmlands, the sonorous sound of bells toll. Yet, when their eyes gaze to the local church, the large brass on the tower is completely still. If it’s not from the church, where are the bells coming from?
A scream pierces the air. The mayor turns to see a woman swinging an axe around violently. Her eyes are wide with terror, fixed on something before her, but there isn’t anyone around her. She continues to scream at something to get away from her as she slashes the air.
Two friends suddenly turn on each other. The two men have been buddies for years, and it’s like they don’t recognize their friend. They have that same, wild look in their eyes as they grab each other and raise their weapons.
The mayor’s heart hammers in his chest as they turn against each other, mistaking alley for enemy. “Men, what are you doing? Stop it!”
But it’s too late.
Blood splatters. Followed by cries of agony.
Horrified, the mayor gets away before they try to hurt him as well. As he runs, he grabs a woman’s shoulders and tries to warn her not to listen to the bells. But when she turns to face him, her face is completely disfigured. The flesh looks like it’s melting off her skin, bone and muscle peeking as she smiles wickedly.
“What’s wrong, mayor?” the woman asks, but her voice sounds off. Another voice is layered over hers – deep and raspy, almost demonic – that clearly isn’t her own.
The mayor lets her go and shrinks back in fear. As he looks around, he sees that the undead have somehow surrounded him. They stand there and watch him with their lifeless eyes. Their rotting flesh. Pitchforks, shovels, and scythes in hand.
Mysterious bells continue to echo, drowning out his screams.
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“Do you hear that?” Hoseok asks from beside you. The two of you are stationed a little away from the village, near a part of the woods that locals claim was one of the spots the dead have risen from. It’s foggy and creepy, and you’ve been eyeing the thicket and expect a horde of undead to stumble from beyond the trees.
But it’s been dead quiet.
Even as you hold your breath and stand perfectly still, you can’t hear anything.
“What is it?” you ask, your voice a whisper.
Hoseok glances over at you with a frown. “I hear the ringing of bells.”
The sound of footsteps crunching on leaves and twigs catch your attention. Seokjin calls out to you and Hoseok as he and Namjoon appear from the fog. “We need to regroup. Something is happening at the village.”
“What do you mean? Are they under attack?”
Neither of them answer you. The concern on both their faces only makes you worry more as you and Hoseok follow them toward the old windmill where the rest of your party is waiting. It’s a little closer to the heart of the village, and you can hear some commotion going on, like the villagers are in the throes of battle.
You spot Taehyung in his raven form, flying from the direction of the village and landing before you and Hoseok. When he transforms into his human form, he reports, “The recently deceased have risen, but they’re not the biggest problem.”
“Then who are they fighting?” Namjoon asks, eyebrows furrowing together.
Taehyung leans against Hoseok for support, bringing his palm against his forehead like he has a migraine. “They’re fighting each other.”
Silence follows the unsettling news.
Seokjin is the first to break it. “What the hell is going on?”
As if to answer him, you all hear it too.
The haunting, sonorous sound of bells in a nearby distance.
Hearing them sends a chill up your spine. And knowing that they’re beckoning death makes them even more terrifying.
“We need to get the bells,” Jungkook reminds you, turning away from the village to look you in the eye. “It’s the only way we can stop their madness.”
“We’ll have to be quick,” Namjoon agrees. “Or Hawthorn won’t make it to sunrise.”
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There are seven necromantic bells. Each is more difficult to wield properly as their size and power increases. And, without proper care, the bells have a negative effect on the ringer that could backfire to certain death.
As you and the others approach the village, you hear the chime of the first bell.
It’s been a long day. Traveling the long roads to the village by carriage and on foot. Helping the residents prepare for the gruesome attacks tonight. Getting ready to face a powerful mage hiding somewhere nearby.
Sleep. The first bell sings. And you’re hit with a wave of drowsiness.
Yoongi catches you before you collapse on the ground. His eyes are tired, as if he hadn’t slept for days. In a slurred mumble, he commands, “Stay with me.”
The others aren’t faring any better. Long yawns and slow steps plague your group. Some of them look like they’re about to slump over and fall unconscious. You and the other mages ignore the lull of the bell and stay awake and alert. With tired eyes, you try to scan for the source of the sound and see a shadow slip into a building.
“There,” you point out, readying your wand. You follow after it with half your party close behind you. Seokjin stays behind with his guild, promising to catch up. Jungkook looks lethargic as he kicks open the entrance a few times before nearly tumbling inside.
A home abandoned is what you’re met with. The people living here seem to be gone, hurriedly leaving in the middle of making dinner. Flies swarm the rotting food, but it doesn’t look like anything else has been touched.
“Be careful,” Jackson warns, going further into the house. He uses his wand as a light, cautiously going from room to room to make sure the coast is clear.
It looks empty. But you know it isn’t.
You feel someone watching you all from the shadows.
When you turn to face the main room, your eyes widen when the figure emerges. Shrouded in tattered robes and carrying a bandolier of old bells is the necromancer. Deathly pale as a ghost, thin and bony like a skeleton, and decayed like the very creatures they summon. 
The necromancer — a truly Wicked creature — isn’t human at all. It’s a phantom.
It towers over you, face covered in darkness. In its hand is the second bell, which rings and beckons the dead with every step it takes toward you.
A burst of flames comes from your wand, aiming right at the necromancer’s face. Fire catches on its robes, but the necromancer seems unphased. Even as it’s burning alive.
Behind you, wooden boards split and break, and arms of the dead reach through the window to grab you. A startled scream escapes your lips when something does.
You’re pulled tightly to Namjoon’s chest as he leads you away from the doors and windows. He keeps a wand pointed at the necromancer as he holds you protectively. From your peripheral vision, you see Jackson, Hoseok, and the familiars trying to keep the horde out.
Distracted, you don’t notice the necromancer tucking the second bell away and taking out the third one from the pouch. With two hands, it rings the bell – up, down, left right – each toll causing different sounds from one bell, but they make a dancing tune that compels your legs to move on its own.
“Namjoon!” you gasp, trying to hold onto him. Mechanically, one foot marches over the other. Against your will, you leave his side. Neither Namjoon nor the other boys could stop you as their own feet seem planted in place, unable to move.
By its command, you spin around and start to slowly head straight toward the window, into the reaching arms of the undead. The boys call out to you, and you try to resist the magic. Every fiber of your being tries to hold you back from being torn apart by their greedy hands and mouths.
But your body won’t listen. You continue to march forward.
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With all his willpower, Namjoon leans as far as he can and reaches toward you. His fingers grasp the back of your clothes and he yanks you backwards. You stumble a bit, but you reach back and cling onto him, anchoring yourself as he pulls you closer.
“I got you, baby,” he assures you, wrapping both of his arms around you.
Relief washes over your face, even as your legs continue to move on its own, you and Namjoon hold onto each other. With the wand still in your hand, you manage to point it at the necromancer and cast a spell of frost, just as it takes out two more bells.
The necromancer freezes. Icicles form around it for a few seconds before it shakes it away. Namjoon’s eyes widen when he realizes something.
Magic is very effective against the necromancer.
Just as he realizes this, the phantom necromancer starts to rapidly swing the bell in its left hand.
Whispers from beyond the grave seem to float around the room with the fourth bell, disembodied and ambiguous. The voices are in every direction, layered with the quick and steady rings. And Namjoon swears one of the voices is calling out to him.
His eyes look for who is calling him, and his gaze turns toward the crowd of undead by the window. Then, his eyes widen when he hears the chime of the fifth bell.
One of the skeletal remains starts to look familiar to him. The clothes are tattered and weathered, but the scraps of what’s left are the same from that day, slightly charged from when the hunters burned him. Flesh and muscle start to form around the skeleton, bringing back the teenage boy Namjoon once left behind.
Ignis, alive and well, is among the horde. His first friend since he’s become a mage.
“Namjoon,” Ignis calls out to him again. His voice is echoing and weak, but it’s still very much the same as he remembers.
Hoseok, and Jackson are looking in the same direction, stunned. Namjoon would’ve thought they’re also seeing Ignis until he hears the names they call out.
A sense of confusion draws Namjoon out of the spell. He doesn’t see Adriel or Mina in the crowd, but he sees Ignis. Are you two seeing someone different?
Taehyung grabs both Hoseok and Jackson before they could step closer to the window. “Don’t. You’ll get hurt.”
Yoongi and Jungkook block the window as well, trying to keep you and Namjoon safe. He doesn’t realize it, but Namjoon’s grip loosens around you from the shock. The spell from the third bell still lingers, causing you to move away from him again, but Yoongi easily catches you this time.
“Is that—?” you begin to ask, but Yoongi shakes his head.
“It’s a trick,” he says as he tightens his hold around you. “Whoever you see isn’t there.”
Namjoon’s heart drops a little when he realizes the fourth and fifth bell must’ve brought back memories of a deceased loved one. An old friend to each of you that had passed on. Their voices. Their likeness.
“Hyung, you have to get the bells, Quickly,” Jungkook reminds him as he glares at the phantom necromancer. “Before it uses the seventh one. That’ll cause death to everyone who hears it.”
That means there’s only two more bells left, and the last one is deadly. If there’s a chance to stop the necromancer, it has to be now.
The necromancer tries another combination. It exchanges the fourth and fifth bell for the second and sixth ones. With the second, it’s able to summon the dead, beckoning them to come to it from beyond the grave. And with the sixth, it has complete control over them, binding them to its will. Within its shrouded face, its eyes begin to glow an eerie yellow the moment it wields the sixth bell.
Namjoon casts a bolt of lightning from his wand, but the necromancer vanishes before it hits. The bells ring somewhere that he can’t pinpoint, and he sees you and the others regain control of your bodies and try to look for the necromancer all over again.
“It couldn’t have gone far,” Namjoon reasons, scanning around. All of you are on high alert, wands ready to strike the moment the phantom necromancer appears.
Then, he hears the sound of wood breaking. More reinforcements join the previous herd and start to come inside. Namjoon completely loses sight of you and the others, using gusts of wind to blow the undead back and knocking them against walls and furniture. He calls out to you, but the disembodied groans, the stench of rotting flesh, and the sight of disfigured creatures keeps him from looking for you.
One of the creatures he comes to face is Ignis. Or at least, what looks like him.
“Stop. I don’t want to hurt you,” Namjoon says, pointing his wand at him. It feels like his Harrowing all over again. Being forced to face his biggest regret.
Ignis has his wand pointed at him as well. It’s a broken stick. The old, dirty clothes that he wears barely covers his chest and waist, but there’s a deep wound where the hunters have stabbed him through the heart. There are burn marks from when they had set him on fire.
Namjoon feels a burst of hot air as a fireball flies past him. He counters it with a water spell, dousing the flames before it hits him. The two elements collide as steam fills the room, causing Namjoon to lose sight of his old friend.
Sparks of lightning flash to his right, and he barely dodges an electrifying bolt. The attack hits a picture frame behind him, and the glass shatters as it falls on the floor. Wind sweeps up the broken glass and hurls it toward him, and Namjoon levitates the broken boards in front of him and uses them as a shield to protect himself.
Spells after spells become a dance between offensive and defensive attacks between Namjoon and Ignis. He can feel himself getting tired. The overuse of magic is causing his hands to blacken. He’s breathing heavier, and pain shoots from his arm when it got hit with a critical ice attack.
But Ignis is slowing down too. He’s proven to be an incredibly difficult opponent. But like Namjoon, Ignis is panting for breath and from the tips of his fingers down to his wrist is inky black of magic overuse. The wound on his chest expanded, bleeding heavily, yet he still stands. Stubbornly, he continues to point his wand at Namjoon, still wanting to fight.
However, Namjoon knows he needs to end it now.
While in battle, it seems like the others have taken care of the undead herd, but the necromancer’s whereabouts are still unknown. He can hear them shouting at him, but he doesn’t know what they’re saying. All he can focus on is the opponent before him.
Needing to end the fight, Namjoon tries a new spell.
Keeping his eye on Ignis, he slowly crouches and puts his hand on the ground. The earth moves beneath his fingertips, and covering the house are thick vines. They come from one side of the house, through the window, reaching across the floor and ceiling, and finally snagging Ignis. He seems surprised when they wrap around his wrist and disarms his wand, and around his ankles to immobilize him. 
The surprise turns to worry when one of the vines wraps around his neck.
Then, they begin to tighten.
Namjoon tries not to react as he watches his old friend die by his hand once again. He feels the sting of tears threaten his eyes as the wand falls on the ground and Ignis begins to choke.
As much as Namjoon wishes he could go back in time and undo his old friend’s death, as much as he’d like to think this is the real Ignis and not some undead creature wearing his skin, he knows his friend is long gone.
He points his wand at Ignis, the tip of it heating with a fire spell.
But before it’s cast, Namjoon is knocked to the ground. As he comes to his senses, he realizes three horrifying things.
First, the phantom necromancer had been there the whole time. It’s been ringing the bells, conducting them like a puppeteer. And Namjoon is its puppet with strings.
Second, it isn’t just Namjoon that was being controlled by the bells. His party has been immobilized, forced to watch as Namjoon fights Ignis. But Jackson – who was standing closest to the phantom – manages to break from the spellbound restraints, covering his ears to block the sound. Out of willpower and determination, he puts one foot over the other to sneak up on the necromancer. Until, finally, he yanks the hoister of bells before the necromancer has a chance to grab the seventh and deadliest one.
Third, the moment that the necromancer is no longer in control, Yoongi lunges at Namjoon with his hand curled into a fist. Jungkook manages to grab Yoongi’s waist, but they both topple over and knock into Namjoon. The three of them are on the ground, and Namjoon realizes that Hoseok and Taehyung are yelling at him too, but their voices are where Ignis is.
Or what he thought was Ignis.
It isn’t an undead creature caught in the vines of his spell.
It’s you. This whole time, it’s been you.
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“Let her go, Namjoon!” Hoseok screams, trying to yank the vines away from you. Every time he pulls one away, another takes its place. They start to tangle around him and Taehyung as well. He can feel it grabbing his ankles and see it wrap around Taehyung’s hand as he tugs on the one around your neck.
Fuck, he doesn’t even know if you’re even breathing. Your body looks lifeless as they continue to constrict your chest and your neck.
Taehyung curses and tries to shake off the vine that’s spreading up his arm and toward his neck. Hoseok’s mind is spinning, wanting to use a fire attack to burn the vines, but afraid that it’ll hurt you and Taehyung. And Namjoon is still dazed from the effects of the bells.
Seokjin finally catches up after helping the surviving villagers. His eyes widen when he sees what’s happening and immediately rushes to you with his sword at hand.
“Hyung!” Taehyung exclaims as Seokjin carefully cuts the vines to free the three of you. Hoseok immediately catches you, and to his relief, you’re still alive. You’re still breathing, but barely.
“Is she okay?” Seokjin asks, his hand still around his sword. The Oathkeepers have jumped into battle with Jackson, trying to take the necromancer down with standard magic spells now that the bells are not with it.
“She’ll be fine,” Hoseok says as he sees Yoongi rush toward you. He hands you off to him. “Watch over her, hyung. We have to help Jackson.”
Yoongi merely nods. His hands are trembling a little as he holds you in his arms, taking you somewhere safe from the fight.
Namjoon finally snaps out of it when he sees Yoongi passing by. He catches a glimpse of you too, but Jungkook shakes his shoulder and urges, “Hyung, come on, let’s go. They need us.”
Slowly, Namjoon stands and his eyes narrow at the necromancer. The spells are aggressive as it targets Jackson, trying to get its bells back. The Oathkeepers surround him, protecting him as they use their weapons against the powerful mage.
“Push it toward the vines,” Namjoon instructs, and they do. Each swing of an attack that the Oathkeepers land, and each spell cast from Hoseok and Jackson causes the necromancer to step closer and closer to the vines where you were.
One of the vines manages to snag the necromancer’s ankle. Another starts to wrap around its arm. Everyone watches as a being associated with death struggles to free itself from the plants that are full of life. But that only tangles it up even more, constricting it until it can’t move at all.
Then, Namjoon stands before the necromancer. He still has a bit of magic in him, and with it, he unleashes a small fire. Just like he had accidentally casted all those years ago, when he first awakened his power.
This time, it’s with purpose as the flames engulf and destroy everything before him.
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There’s an unnerving feeling that settles throughout the remains of Hawthorn Village.
All night, the Oathkeepers gathered everyone they could find and brought them to the church. They figured it would be easier to protect everyone if they’re all in one place.
Priestess and the faithful Devoted clasps their hands so tightly in prayer, their knuckles turn white. Mothers hold their young children close, comforting them as best as they can. Men guarding the inside of the chapel anxiously pace with their hands hovering over their weapons, anticipating that they’d be the last line of defense if your party fails to stop the necromancer.
It’s been a long night.
The fighting and shouting beyond the church door lasts for hours.
But beyond the horizon, there’s a silver lining of hope. Dawn breaks, and a new day begins. As the sun rises, so does their salvation.
Word spreads of what you and the others have done. How you all saved the village. How Namjoon defeated the awful creature that’s been terrorizing them.
“Didn’t you have a son named Namjoon?” one of the villagers asks, but Namjoon’s father shakes his head and denies it. There’s a frown on the old man’s face as others have gathered to talk about the news.
It’s finally over. Their village is saved. They’ve survived those perilous nights. And it’s all thanks to the guild that came to help them.
Stepping outside, the morning light greets them. Fighters return to embrace their loved ones after the long battle. Children cheer with joy for their heroes, and tears are shed from relief between reunited families and partners.
Among the fighters, there’s Namjoon and his group.
One of the boys – the one with a slender build and a sharp face – has you on his back. The others are worn and exhausted, but seem okay from the distance as they help support each other back to the village. And Namjoon, with two of his comrades holding him up, keeps trying to disregard his own injuries as he worries about yours.
The concern on his face, the remorse and sorrow in his expression – it’s just like when he was a kid on that fateful day.
“How do you reckon they did it?” another villager asks him, looking at the direction that Namjoon’s father is staring at. It would be easy to reveal the truth. That Wicked mages are among them, and the entire village would be full of distrust and anger toward them.
“Who knows?” the old man says instead, and turns away from the group with a frown.
Magic may have gotten them in this mess, but in an ironic twist of fate, magic is what saved them.
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For the first time in days, Hawthorn Village is promised a good night.
The mayor and the surviving villagers hold a small ceremony to honor the deceased and to hail your party as heroes. It will take time for their tiny village to recover. Even with the threat of the necromancer gone, there’s still fear of the night and what it could behold. But the mayor is confident that they can rebuild.
You’re then taken to Hawthorn’s inn to recover. Luckily, no one else is severely injured, but you and Namjoon have the worst of it.
Hours pass, and you’ve yet to open your eyes.
“It’s not your fault,” Hoseok reminds him, wrapping a cloth bandage around Namjoon’s arm. “That necromancer made you guys attack each other.”
It doesn’t make Namjoon feel any better.
“I nearly killed her,” he laments. At Blackstone Castle, Hoseok once swore that if Namjoon ever hurts you, he’d kill him. Truly, this warrants his friends to turn against him like others have done before.
But somehow, they don’t.
Hoseok finishes up and examines his work. “To be fair, she did a number on you too.”
Namjoon is told to rest, but he can’t bring himself to let his guard down. He keeps thinking there must be a catch. That, perhaps, the others are still angry with him and are starting to resent him.
“Namjoon-ah, come eat,” Seokjin calls out for him, gesturing for the mage to sit at the table. He serves him a bowl of stew the innkeeper made. “Be careful. It’s still hot.”
“Hyung, are you healing okay?” Jungkook asks again – probably for the fourth time that hour alone. He frowns at the bandages Hoseok put on him, and there’s genuine concern in his big, doe-shaped eyes. “If you need anything, let me know. Got it?”
“Be careful, hyung. You don’t want to hurt yourself again,” Taehyung scolds when Namjoon nearly bumps into something. It’s the closest any of them have been stern with him all day, yet Taehyung frets over him like he does with you and the others.
Even Yoongi strikes up a casual conversation with him, flipping through a book of Devoted scriptures he’s found. “What is this garbage they’ve been teaching you?”
Namjoon frowns. “Hyung, what are you doing?”
“There’s nothing else to read,” he states with a scowl.
“I mean, why aren’t you angry at me?” Namjoon asks, his heart still full of guilt. You mean so much to all of them, and what he did is unforgivable.
“You didn’t mean to hurt her,” Yoongi simply replies.
“But I did it,” Namjoon protests, feeling a bit frustrated. He doesn’t get it. “Why are you all so nice to me after what I’ve done? Why don’t you hate me?”
Isn’t this how it always goes? Why is it so different this time?
“You’re family to us, Namjoon,” Yoongi tells him. “We could never hate you.”
Namjoon wants to believe that, but he doesn’t feel like he deserves to. Not after what he did to you.
Whenever he feels overwhelmed and stressed, Namjoon likes to run to clear his mind. Usually, it’s along the river near New Haven, where he can relax beneath the shade of a tree he liked afterwards. But as he lets his feet take him somewhere, he finds himself by the Hawthorn Lake.
Most of the villagers have gathered here as the late afternoon sun colors the skies with reds and oranges of twilight. To honor and mourn the lives that were lost the past few nights, they’ve decided to hold a small ceremony for them. And standing a short distance from them is a familiar face.
“Where’ve you been?” Namjoon asks, walking up to him.
Jackson is quiet as he watches them. The villagers pray and hug each other, and some sing hymns and play instruments by the shore. Paper lanterns are lit and sent off into the water, representing both hope and remembrance, as well as grief and loss. With the setting sun hitting the water’s surface, it matches the small flames being carried across the lake.
It’s a beautiful ceremony.
“I wish we could’ve done something like this,” Jackson quietly confides without looking at Namjoon. “For Adriel, Mina, and everyone else we lost at Blackstone.”
“We still can,” Namjoon tells him, facing the lake as well. It might be difficult now, but maybe when things settle down with the hunters, they could go back to the lake by the castle and hold a memorial for them one day.
Silence passes as the sun continues to sink. For once, it’s a peaceful evening. And the somber songs start to turn to ones of celebration as a relief washes over them. Tonight, they no longer need to fear the dark.
“You know, I wanted to take up this mission so I could bring them back,” Jackson confesses. “Adriel sacrificed himself to give us our freedom. I’ve been trying to enjoy the gift he gave us, but it isn’t fair that he’s dead while I get to live outside the prison he desperately wanted to escape from.”
Namjoon frowns. “Necromancy is dark magic, Jackson. What if it backfired?”
“I didn’t care. I would’ve used whatever they had to bring them back: bells, tomes, ritual circles,” Jackson lists as he looks at the stash of bells he’s been carrying with him. “Whatever it took. Wouldn’t you want to do the same for that old friend you told us about? The one you saw during the fight?”
Immediately, Namjoon thinks of how the bells convinced him that his old friend had come back. How it took his shape and form, and how it used his voice.
“If I did, he wouldn’t have been the same.” He’d probably be no different from any of the other undead they saw last night. A shell of a human with its spirit gone. A mere illusion of what he once was.
“I probably wouldn’t have been the same either. Had I tried, I would’ve lost a sense of who I am and become a monster like that necromancer phantom,” Jackson concludes with a frown. “That thing we fought… it wasn’t human. It was truly Wicked.”
“Yeah,” Namjoon agrees. The necromancer felt like it had lost its humanity a very long time ago, and now just wanders into towns and villages to torment and cause chaos.
“Here.” Jackson holds out the bells to Namjoon. “Make sure to destroy them.”
Namjoon takes it, and he can feel the weight of its power in his hand. “What’s your plan now?”
“Don’t know yet. But I’ll figure it out,” Jackson replies with a small shrug. “I might stay here for a bit and help them rebuild. The guys at the pub really liked me.” 
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You’re not sure how long you’ve been asleep.
For a while, you drift in and out of consciousness. You feel the warmth of Hoseok’s healing magic before he applies an ointment to your wound. You hear the sweet tune of Jungkook’s song as he sings to you. You feel Taehyung brush the hair away from your face and press his lips against your knuckles. You hear Seokjin bargain with you – a kiss from your handsomest boyfriend if you open your eyes. When you do, you see Yoongi sleeping on a chair nearby, and you’re certain he hasn’t left your side since you were brought here.
But you don’t see or hear from Namjoon. You force yourself to sit up as the memories of last night come back to you.
In all the years you’ve known Namjoon, he’s always been a strong person. He has thick skin and a level head, and is eloquent and witty with his words. He shoulders a lot of the hard work so you and the others don’t have to. Whenever you need advice, comfort, or someone to rely on, he’s always the first person that comes to mind.
But Namjoon is also human. He can’t always be strong.
And while the details of the fight are still a bit foggy to you, there’s one thing that haunts your mind. The absolute horror on his face when Namjoon finally realizes it’s you he was attacking.
Yoongi stirs when he senses you’re awake. “Where are you going?”
Caught halfway to the door, you stop mid-step and ask, “Yoongi, have you seen—”
Just then, the door opens. Jungkook blinks in surprise when he sees you out of bed. “Oh? You’re awake?”
The others start to crowd in when they hear you’re up. You’re met with relieved sighs, lingering touches, and questions about how you’re feeling from all of them. But as you look around, you notice someone is missing.
“Where’s Namjoon?”
The boys look at each other, exchanging glances as if they don’t know what to tell you. Then, Jungkook speaks up. “He went to get some fresh air. He feels really bad about what happened.”
“I should talk to him,” you decide, determined to find him. You want to look for him anyway. “Do you know where he went?”
Soon, all of you are outside the inn. It’s incredibly empty by the square, and you learn that it’s because most of the villagers have gathered by the nearby lake. From what you’ve heard, it seems Jackson and Namjoon heeded over there as well.
“You’re the girl that was with that boy, aren’t you?”
For a second, you almost didn’t realize someone was talking to you. Then, you turn to see a familiar face. A woman that looked at you with terror and coldly slammed her door at your face yesterday. Namjoon’s mother.
“I am,” you answer, honest but a bit guarded. Now that you have a good look at her, you can see how much Namjoon takes after her appearance. He has the same high cheekbones, the same shape of her eyes, and the same deep dimples in his smile. She stares at you as well, but she doesn’t say a word. Self-conscious, you ask, “Is… Is something wrong?”
She blinks and shakes her head. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to stare.”
You don’t sense any hostility from her this time. Rather, you feel like she’s genuinely curious about you. Perhaps, after the battle and hearing people talk, she had a change of heart about her son.
“That’s all right. I must look terrible.” 
You laugh awkwardly, trying to dust off any dirt from your clothes and fix your hair. Magic helps make you look presentable enough to go out, but you’re still exhausted from fighting all night. Your spells are still weak from overuse, your current clothes are battle-worn, and you’re in a dire need of a bath.
“Actually, you’re quite beautiful,” she quietly admits, and you’re taken aback by the compliment. She looks away from you. There’s a sadness in her eyes as she asks, “How do you know him?”
She doesn’t need to name him for you to know who she’s talking about.
“We’re…” Friends? Lovers? Housemates? Family? “Together. He’s my partner.”
She still doesn’t look at you, but you can see the frown form upon her lips. “And you know what he is?”
“That he’s a mage? Of course I do.”
“And that doesn’t bother you?”
You blink at her, confused. “Why would it bother me?”
Her gaze lifts to meet yours, and she stares at you for a long time. It begins to occur to you that, although she knows that Namjoon is a mage, she doesn’t know that you’re one as well. To her, it seems outlandish that a human would willingly love a mage.
“He’s a monster. At least, I believed so,” she finally tells you. “I blamed him for ruining our lives. Don’t you know how shameful it is to have a child cursed with magic? The whole village shunned us for years.”
“Perhaps that’s a problem with your village’s beliefs and not your son,” you retort with a scowl. “His affinity to magic isn’t the only thing that defines him. He’s a good man with a kind heart, and while he’s many things, a monster is far from it.”
Remorse flickers on her face. “Forgive me. It seems you care an awful lot about him.”
“Of course I do,” you tell her so earnestly. “Whether he’s a mage or not, he’s still Namjoon. And I love him.”
Again, his mother stares in silence. She seems baffled, and, perhaps, a bit guilty. For a moment, she hesitates, and just when you’re about to walk away, she asks, “And… is he happy?”
You glance back at his mother. “You can always ask him yourself.”
“No, no. It’s too late for that now. It’s better that he doesn’t know I talked to you,” she backtracks, but there’s a small hint of relief to know what’s become of her son after all these years. “Thank you for indulging an old, shameful woman. I���m glad that he has someone like you who loves him for all he is.”
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Night has fallen over the village of Hawthorn. But for once, it’s met with laughter and festivities of celebration. Jackson spots his new friends from the pub and introduces them to him. A guy named Mark invites them both for a drink and to hang out as the lantern ceremony continues.
The moon shines brightly as its light reflects against the lake’s surface, and the glow from paper lanterns being carried across the water is a breathtaking sight.
But despite all the people and festivities around, all you see is him.
Namjoon leaves Jackson and the others and sprints toward you, but stops himself before he gets too close. His hand reaches out to touch you out of habit, but he holds it back. He swallows the fear and hesitation building within him before he plasters a nervous smile. “Hey, baby.”
You look him over, not saying anything at first. Your eyes seem fixed on the bandages he has around his arm. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
His smile fades. A short chuckle of disbelief escapes his lips. “How is that the first thing you ask me when I’m the one that hurt you?”
“You didn’t know.”
“I could’ve killed you!” His voice raises, causing a couple passing by to look at you two. He steps a little closer and frowns. “I’m sorry, baby. I swore to myself that I’d always protect you, and I put you in danger. I don’t ever want to put you in that situation again.”
“So, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.”
You seem to know where this is going. He could see the shakiness in your breath and the way your eyes water. “Namjoon, stop…”
“I think it’s better that I stay here at Hawthorn.”
This decision didn’t come easy. But after hearing that Jackson planned to stick around, he figured he’d stay with him. Help the villagers rebuild. Reconnect with old friends and maybe even his parents. Make this place feel like home again.
It seems like a reasonable idea, but the hardest part is leaving you, the family you brought together, and the shop that became your home. As Namjoon stands before you, he knows he doesn’t deserve any of them. Not you, not the others, not the shop.
“You don’t mean that.” You’re crying now, and even as you wipe your tears, you can’t bring yourself to stop.
In all the years Namjoon has known you, you’ve always been a strong person. You carry an admirable confidence when it comes to your magic. You’re as kind as you are protective of the people you care about. You’re capable of handling yourself when faced with difficult situations.
Before he realizes it, he reaches out to you again. His hand cups your face and his thumb gently strokes your cheek, wiping your tears away. “I’m so scared of hurting you again.”
“And I’m scared to lose you.”
But you’re also human. There are times when you’re not always strong.
It dawns on him that you, like him, are terrified that your magic has hurt him. That you think the reason he wants to stay at Hawthorn is because you attacked him.
“You’ll never lose me,” Namjoon promises. Because he knows, even if you’re far apart, he’ll always think about you. In his dreams, in his thoughts. You’ve already claimed every part of him like a fire. “I love you.”
“Then don’t stay here,” you tell him. “Come home. With me.”
And it strikes Namjoon that this is what he’s been searching for his whole life. All the times he’s tried to return to his family, and all his efforts to understand his magic were to get what you’ve given him all along. Acceptance, trust, love. 
Namjoon nods his head, swallowing back his own tears. “Okay.”
“Okay,” you repeat, smiling with relief. And on that beautiful night, with the moon shining brightly and the paper lanterns glowing in the water, he kisses you.
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Hawthorn is just as Namjoon remembers it.
The small, farming village with a tight-knit community. Every morning, the villagers rise at the crack of dawn, tending to their animals and crops, fishing by the nearby lake, and selling their produce at the marketplace. His parents still live here, and so do many of his childhood friends and their families. And when he looks around, he sees the familiar buildings of the old windmill, the local church, and homes made of thatch roofs and mud and stone walls.
Even when he was forced away, he couldn’t imagine anywhere else could be his home.
Years later, after finally returning to the village, Namjoon realizes he couldn’t be any more wrong. He had once thought – while trapped in a tiny room in Alterwood Keep – if he ever made it back here, he’d never want to leave. That this place was his village. This place was and will always be his home.
“Ready?” Hoseok asks, looking at you, Namjoon, and Jackson. The three of you nod as all wands are drawn over the necromancer bells.
With the power of four mages, the powers are sealed away and their tempting call to beckon the dead is nearly silenced. They look like ordinary bells, but should anyone try to ring them now, it’d be muffled and mute. Its effect is significantly weak with the magical seal intact, and the bandolier of bells tucked away in Jungkook’s pack.
“Let’s get out of here,” Seokjin decides once the spell is done. His hand slips around your waist protectively, weary eyes double-checking that none of the villagers have seen you guys use magic.
“It was nice seeing you guys again, man,” Jackson says, hand clasping Hoseok before he pulls him into a quick hug. He does the same to Namjoon and adds, “I’m glad you changed your mind. It doesn’t feel right to separate you all for some reason.”
Namjoon smiles a little at that. “Feel free to stop by at the shop anytime, Jackson.”
“I’ll know where to find you.” There’s promise in his voice that he’ll keep in touch.
Your party heads out of the village, receiving final thanks from the mayor and some of the other villagers for your help. Namjoon pauses when he sees his parents among them. His father merely nods at him and says, “Take care of yourself, Namjoon.”
“Thanks. You too,” he replies, a bit stunned. His parents leave it at that, shuffling away as Hoseok calls for him not to fall behind, but for Namjoon, that is more than enough.
When he catches up to you, you’re at the bridge that enters the village. He pauses and takes one more look around at the old windmill, village, and the farmlands. It really hasn’t changed that much since he was a child.
But Hawthorn no longer feels like home to him.
“Ready?” you ask, offering your hand to hold.
Around you, the others state how they’re looking forward to going back to New Haven. Yoongi complains that he needs a bath and a long nap. Jungkook wrinkles his nose at his muddy pants and mutters how he’s eager to start his meticulous laundry routine. Hoseok and Taehyung invite the Oathkeepers for food and drinks at the shop once you’re all back, and Seokjin complains how he’ll end up doing the majority of cooking.
Namjoon smiles fondly as he watches you all. Then, he nods and takes your hand.
These days, home to him is a small, ordinary, and unassuming shop in a bustling trading town. It’s a building that’s much bigger and more extraordinary on the inside than it is on the outside, with a tavern, a parlor, a mysterious door by the entrance that fulfills a person’s greatest desires, and bedrooms on the upper-floor curated to their residents’ tastes and styles.
Lately, home is waking up to bread baking and coffee brewing when Seokjin and Hoseok wake up early to start the day. It’s afternoons when he’s reading a book and listening to Yoongi playing the piano in the parlor, or Taehyung and Jungkook giggling as they play games with each other. Home is evenings when Jimin stops by with a bouquet of flowers for you, and all eight of you are gathered together for dinner as the weariness of the day melts away in each other’s presence.
To him, home is picnics by the river with you, basking beneath the sunlight of a gorgeous day. Home is debating what fruit is the best at the marketplace, and ending up taking home both of your favorites anyway. It’s childishly teasing each other with pranks and mischievous spells, and then finding ways to be in each other’s arms by the end of the day.
Home is with you.
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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visceravalentines · 4 days
cold blue summer
a slasher movie AU for The Passenger (2023)
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Elliot Sheppard, a third-grade teacher at Central Elementary, abused children for many years before being exposed and taking his own life. Now, twenty years later, the school is being demolished, and something has awakened.... Strap in for the cruelest summer on record.
An homage to classic slasher movies with a summer romance flair.
Read the intro below and read the first chapter (and the rest as it updates this summer) on ao3! Mind the tags--suicide, implied/referenced child abuse, graphic depictions of violence.
School lets out early that year.  
The kids don’t question it, no matter how many times they catch the adults cutting conversations short when they walk in the room.  You don’t look too hard at a gift like that, four extra days of blue sky and no schedule.  
The school makes a statement that says everything and nothing, tries to keep the details vague, but word spreads anyway like kudzu.  The parents sit and fret, cancel camps, extend family vacations.  Stand in the hallways late at night and peer through cracked bedroom doors and swallow their dread down whole and kicking.  Read statistics.  Count their blessings.  
It’s a weird summer, gets off on a weird foot, like trying to hopscotch wrong-foot-forward.  
It’s early Monday morning, too early for teachers to arrive yet.  The schedule change allows extra time to tear down posters, enter the final few grades.  Nobody’s in a rush, though, to sit alone in the empty classrooms.  To sit in the silence of that building and let imagination run wild.  To be there, in the place where it happened.  In proximity to the unthinkable, guilty by association.  By ignorance.  By inaction.  
Elliot Sheppard has been missing for three days.  
The playground for the younger grades sits on the east side of the school at the base of the hill.  The kids call it the Little Toy, relative to the Big Toy, which is on the other side of the building and reserved for the older grades.  Weeds have already started their seasonal conquest, bursting up at the edge of the wood chips and in the shade of the slide.  The foursquare courts need repainting.  A kickball sits half-deflated in the grass at the bottom of the hill.  
The lonesome call of a mourning dove trembles over the dew.  The sun stretches its arms over the lowlands, rosy and resplendent.  In the pale dawn light, blood drips black onto the wood chips.  The gun sits mere inches from the thick-fingered hand that dropped it.  Very little of the man remains above the bridge of his nose, mouth rent asunder, a tooth fairy’s bounty.  Flies already swarm around the pale blue sinkholes of his eyes.  
He will be found in less than an hour by the secretary who bid him good morning every day since she started at Central.  The police will identify him immediately and do their damnedest to keep these details out of the media too, in the name of protecting privacy, protecting dignity.  In an effort to shelter the soft and innocent from the uglier parts of life.  
This time, at least, they might succeed.  
Three miles away and twenty years later, Benson Rousseau jolts awake with a scream in his throat.  
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robinsnest2111 · 1 month
ugh just thought about..... no workplace murder au, where Randy eventually invites Benson to spend a day at his place,
Randy's already warned him how overbearing and protective his mom is, how she kept referring to Benson coming over as a playdate, how that makes Randy's skin crawl. To prepare Benson for what he's about to experience when he does come over.
Benson cleans up really well, puts on his best clothes; his most charming expressions and sweet talk at the ready. He will get Mrs. Bradley's approval, no matter what.
He plays nice all day, buttering Randy's mom up, going the extra mile, all to secure his place in Randy's life. At Randy's side. It works like a charm.
After dropping off snacks and drinks in Randy's room, his mom leaves them alone for a while, Benson having already gained her trust he'll treat her boy all nice and sweet (which is only half true. He does want to be gentle with Randy. But he wants to do some less wholesome things to and with him as well. All in due time).
Benson grabs a cookie off the platter placed on Randy's dresser, takes a bite and silently studies the boy's room. All the pictures and posters, the art supplies, the model boats and ships on the shelves. He spots the small vinyl collection, immediately intrigued, wipes the cookie crumbs stuck to his fingers into his jeans, and proceeds to gingerly flip through them.
Randy sits on his bed while he watches Benson take in his room, as if he were studying paintings and sculptures at a museum, trying to find more clues on who Randy is as a person. It's a scary thought, but also exciting in a way. Letting someone in like this. Into his room, his sanctuary. Letting Benson study him so closely, trusting him with his belongings, his passions, all things he had hidden away from the world for so long.
Benson snaps Randy out of his thoughts by way of asking about his vinyls. Which one is his favourite record, favourite song? What drew him to the artists?
Benson joins Randy on his bed, sitting on the edge of the soft mattress. They spend some time talking about music, about the boats and ships, about the art supplies. Eventually Benson gets Randy to show him some of his sketches. They're no Mona Lisa, but they look like they hold a lot of meaning, a lot of emotion. Randy admits the therapist his mom took him to after an incident in elementary school recommended he pick up art as a form of stress relief, to cope with what happened and express himself. And he simply kept at it over the past 14 years.
On the most recent pages are sketches of Burgers Burgers Burgers. The interior, the counter, the displays, a table with the napkin dispensers, little snippets of his work days, no people in any of them. In the corner, in the background of one sketch though, there's a lone figure in their usual work uniform. Leaning against the wall, watching. Benson recognises himself, this must've been during the first weeks of Randy joining the Burgers Burgers Burgers team. He slowly looks up at Randy, seeing the dawning realisation on his boy's face. The slight blush of embarrassment rising to his cheeks.
Benson closes the sketchbook and puts it aside, slowly raising a hand to take hold of Randy's chin, turning his face just so. Benson looks at him, expression unreadable, eyes drifting down to his lips. He leans in to give Randy a short and sweet kiss. It's over in the blink of an eye, Randy turning an even deeper shade of red, still trying to not die of embarrassment over Benson discovering his fascination with him via his art. Judging by the kiss (HIS FIRST KISS!) Benson doesn't mind having caught Randy's attention so early into his career at that lousy little burger joint.
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thotpuppy · 3 months
Writing Patterns
Tagged by @eevylynn which also reminded me I FORGOT TO POST YESTERDAYS TRIREIGN CHAPTER soooo im pausing here to do that now adkgjakjdg by the time u read this post, the chapter will be posted
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
"As the sole heir to his father’s crown and, according to the court healer, a particularly fertile omega, Stiles had always known his hand would be given to a suitor not for love, but for political security." -Triskelion Reign, Sterek, Arranged Marriage AU
"The dedication of worship has always presented a unique appeal to Stiles." - Sweating Out Confessions, Sciles, Historical AU
" “I dunno man, that sounds like some real fairytale bullshit.” " - 'My Whole Life is a Reference to the 1995 Hit Movie Clueless and I Still Don't Know the Plot' by Fall Out Boy, Stackson, Idiots to Lovers
"A sharp ringing pulses through Stiles’ head as he blinks back to consciousness." - Under My Skin, Stackson, Hurt/Comfort
"Dawn arrives with the fading smoke of a hard fought battle drifting into the horizon, melding with the fog of new day sun burning away the dew of night." - Thirsty, Stiles/Scott/Derek, Vampire AU
"It’s not easy being a human member of a werewolf pack." - Want You to Want Me, Stanny, Danny Joins the Pack
"The stench of chlorine is still an unwelcome, stagnant presence in Jackson’s nose long after he’s shed the last of his scales and learned to embrace his inner wolf." - Gumusservi, Stackson, Jackson Stays AU
"The dull thwap of rubber hitting net is soft in the muggy twilight air." - Touché, Stackson, Summer Romance
" “Bobby said you didn’t turn in your latest paper on time.” " - Elementary, My Dear Sheriff, Shoach, Outsider (Stiles) POV
"Stiles has never been a particularly talented cook." - Get It While It's Hot, Stiles/Derek/Parrish, Anniversary Dinner
So... overall, what would I say about my writing patterns.
2/10 fics start with a line of dialogue 3/10-4/10 fics start with a general introspective note 3/10-4/10 fics start with an action.
Overall I'd say I think I have pretty good starting lines?? that's not rly a pattern though LOL Maybe my pattern is a preference towards a cold open? I'd consider both dialogue and action openers cold opens. 6/10 are very,, visually evocative? imo? Drop you in the middle of smth and give u the barest minimum info to figure out where u are.
I dunno. what do you guys think?
low pressure tagging: @wolfspurr @definitivelydrivel @okdeannawrites @whimsicalmeerkat @mirrorthoughts @lucky-bishop
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Could you tell us more about the Pokegirls Roommates AU? Why did each of the girls choose the majors they did? What's their life gonna be like after graduation?
Sure! So for like half the girls, what they choose as majors are legit careers and passions they want to look into, the other half choose just whatever just to have a degree in something
Leaf: (Music) So the reason why Leaf choose music was cause she's the defacto party gal. She's like to have fun and just go wild with her friends. She wants something just to have so that as a way just to "Flex" on people, but if she doesnt end up with a degree, she'd most likely flip off the teachers and still just preform small gigs on her own
Kris: (Health) For Kris, this was influenced by her depiction in the Adventures Manga were she was very atheltic out of the protags, so I made it so she's just someone who likes to be in her best shape. She's another example of, If she gets a degree she gets a degree but if she doesnt eh no harm no foul. She can prob still be a personal trainer on her own or just get a job at a gym to still keep fit.
May: (Drama) May is depicted as, while very ditzy and an airhead, is the most romantic of the group, is very emotional and is suppose to be a reference to Anime May who enjoys performing in Pokemon Contests. So May is one of the few actively does have a passion for her major and when after graduation, while most likely not a big hollywood star, would be doing lots of local plays and musicals.
Dawn: (Business) This Dawn is taking major points from Platinum of the Adventures Manga. Here, Dawn is the daughter of a large jewelry conglomerate so she's taking Business as a focus so that she may be able to take up the company her family has been maintaining. And this isn't like those kinds of having to live up to expectations, Dawn legit enjoys what she does and does find the value of maintaining a business. For the moment til she does become the next CEO, she'll most likely be a manager at a smaller side business or have a high level job in the company.
Lyra: (Teaching) Lyra is the most gentle of the group and the most patient with kids, so she wants to be able to be someone that kids can look up to so for her she wants to be become either a kindergarten or elementary teacher. That would be what she'd want to once she graduates.
Hilda: (Mechanics) Mechanics was the one I choose for Hilda because I wanted to enforce more on the "New Yorker" aspect of her since she is from Unova. She's a bike rider so she decided on something that gives her an excuse to just work on her bike and give it the maintenance she needs. If she graduates, she'd most likely go work at an auto shop and if she doesn't get a degree, she can still ride her bike and prob become like a courier rider.
Rosa: (Sociology) Rosa's always been an empathetic person and always a person willing to listen to people's problems and wants to be able to help. So she's pursuing sociology to become a counselor for people, help them out with any mental issues or are troubled.
Serena: (Fashion) Massive fashionista she is. Always have to be the most glamour gal in the room. Looking your best is her top priority. So she wants to be someone who makes outstanding dresses and clothes and have them up on the walkways. Though she prefers her designs to be on HER instead of just some random model.
Selene: (Art) Selene just has an extremely overactive imagination and growing up from Alola has many beautiful scenic shots that she loves recreating them. And she's also the person that if she gets a degree, cool, if not eh not gonna bother her, she's still just gonna draw and paint what she likes. Maybe some will like em and buy it from her, some wont and she's cool with that.
Gloria: (History) Literally chose it cause she knows Sonia was able to get her degree in it no time at all. So she thinks its easy and you just have to remember dates. She actually despises it alot and has no way to get out of it without having to spend alot of money and more time at school changing majors so she has to put up with it. Very unlikely she gets a degree but if she does, she's doing nothing with it. Probably go work a retail job or go work an intern with Sonia and Hop just to do something.
Juliana: (Library Science) Juliana is the very studious type and loves to learn about many types of trivia and cultures from anything. She chose this major so that she can become a librarian and always have many books to read and to help educate others on knowledge.
Hope this helps out answering your question!
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matsui-sinclair · 1 month
Rules: Answer and tag some people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
thanks for the tag @white-weasel!!
Favorite Color: orange!! but i do love a good pink or yellow
Last Song I Listened To: i'm not getting excited by the beths
Last Film I Watched: war for the planet of the apes lol i LOVE those movies and i'm cautiously optimistic for the new one so i rewatched the whole recent trilogy. i meant to watch just one a week but i got too excited after watching rise and just watched dawn and war the next day jkhdfghj
Currently Reading: born to run by bruce springsteen! i am a monstrously slow reader so i've been about halfway through it for like. 4 months now. and the other day my dad bought me deliver me from nowhere by warren zanes and i wanna read that too soooooo badly but i wanna read bruce's account of making the album first. but i haven't even gotten up to the part of the book abt nebraska yet i'm still at darkness on the edge of town 😭
Currently Craving: i really want some strawberry milk omg i just engulfed half a bag of salt and vinegar chips and whenever i have them at the movies i always eat them with strawberry milk but we don't have any at home. tragic
Currently Watching: not a lot honestly! i've been watching fantasy high s3 as it's been coming out, and recently binged abbott elementary s3 bc it STILL isn't out on aus disney+ and i couldn't be bothered to wait for the season to end so i just pirated it. other than that basically nothing i feel like i've been falling off tv in a major way over the past few years. all my time now is just spent playing bg3 lol
Coffee or Tea: neither. sorry
No pressure tagging: @parsnipjunction @louderthan-thedj @nibblyssacrifice and any one who wants to!! just tell em i tagged ya
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lemoncandybats33 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Velma: Jinkies guys we got our first mystery! Partly inspired by all the new 'scooby doo' (you know the one without scooby doo :/) show. 
It made me want to go back to one of my favorite shows and if I were to design them. In this au they'd solve mysteries for both humans and monster's (so we'd get to see the ghoul school kids back, and Dracula from Scooby Doo and the werewolf's curse). I think that would be a cool switch up. Shaggy Rodgers and Scooby Doo: Still the same iconic duo who run from monster's and search for food. He and Scooby met when they were kids over a sandwich and have been best friends ever sense. -Shaggy actually has a werewolf ancestor and they were the reason his family left the monster world. -It's also the reason he can eat so much. -Scooby is still the same, a good boy who can talk. He also tries to help Shaggy with his jobs that Shaggy uses to pay for all the food he eats. -Both love Scooby snacks. -Shaggy has one sister named Maggie but goes by Sugie. -Straight, and doesn't really know what to do in the terms of romance. Velma Dinkley: The brains of the group who rocks a dark academia look in my au with a skeleton hand hairpin. -Still as sarcastic as ever but more excited over mysteries and the unknown. -Bisexual in this au but isn't into romance. (before any one starts I've always seen Velma as Bi, and the jokes about her being to 'unfeminine' to be attracted to guys really turned me off. Especially when she had the most love interests in the movie's? Headcanon what you want  but in this au she's Bi) - Met the gang in elementary after Shaggy snuck Scooby into the school and she, Daphne and Fred agree'd to help Shaggy find him (there first mystery). - The middle child of six, with four older brothers Hugo Dinkley, Cheeves Dinkley, Quentin Dinkley and Rufus Dinkley and one younger sister Madelyn Dinkley. Which made her a bit competitive. -Didn't believe in monster's until they showed up on her door step. -Hex Girl fan/stan -Will be getting both human and monster love interests. Daphne Blake: The unofficial body guard of the group and informant. A sweet if not a bit airheaded popular girl with an edgy side.   -Actually knew Shaggy before the gang first met do to there parents (Shaggy's dad works for her dad). - Was known as damsel-Daphne, and Danger-prone-Daphne for a long time before she joined gymnastic's and martial arts to toughen up. -Attracts monster's. Doesn't know why. - Has four perfect older sister's (Daisy, Dawn, Delilah, Dorothy)which puts a lot of stress on her shoulder's, making Daphne the most rebellious. -Comes from a wealthy family but wants to make it on her own without there help. -Will definitely get tattoo's when she's older. -Straight ( I could never see her with a girl.  Including Velma) Fred Jones: The kind if not airheaded leader of the group. A survivalist nut/specialist who could survive in the darkest wood's on wit's alone but don't ask him to use technology. Still loves traps and usually comes up with the plans to catch the bad guys. -Moved to Coolsville just before meeting the gang. -Is an only child but his whole family are survivalist nuts as well. -Used to listen to an old radio show about a noir detective which sparked his love for mysteries. -Gay (I can see it and I've never shipped Daphne and Fred. Again I don't care if you disagree but this is my au)
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treasure-goblin · 3 months
I am tumblr jailed so I decided to ask you,
What's is the favorite matter (math, english, technology...) of all the Links ?
(Au questions)
Thank you for the ask!! I've answered one similar to it here, so I'll take this opportunity to talk about the Zeldas.
Artemis enjoys her sports the most. She competes in multiple times at a time but does fencing most often, and it's her favorite.
Sun enjoys art and art history the most because she loves to create things and experiment with new methods and mediums.
Lullaby prefers math. It's something where all the rules and formulas stay the same, no matter what the problem is. Although she greatly enjoys her piano lessons as well.
Dusk and Fable both enjoy reading, but Fable likes fantasy more, and Dusk typically picks out a history book of some kind. Historical fiction is her personal choice, but the two swap stories on occasion.
Dawn enjoys Hylian studies and takes other language classes as extracurriculars. Aurora enjoys writing and often brings short stories she wrote for their teacher.
Dot likes craft time, but also enjoys reading. Four keeps to himself often, so she enjoys those times to just exist near him. Someone once falsely assumed she has a crush on him because of this behavior, but it turned out that Dot just saw Four alone and didn't like that, so she changed it.
Flora loves the science experiments they do in class. She's often begging the teacher to let her help and for new things to try, so their class gets to do really cool science experiments because of her eagerness.
Tetra likes recess. Not because she's necessarily bad at school, but she just prefers her pirate time with Wind.
Again, thank you for the ask!! <3
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milfhandholder · 2 years
Black Butler actor AU part 2 bcs I forgot to add the season 2 gang
I shit you not, Alois and Sieglinde subscribe to each other on Ao3 (mutuals if you will) and they found out while going live on Instagram
Sieglinde: I remember reading about this fic from a mutual on Ao3, where this show is set in an AU about DnD or some shit and-
Alois: wait is the user *insert dumb fuck name*?
Sieglinde: yeah! How did you know??
Alois: girlie that's my account 😭😭
Sieglinde: HUH
Hannah is a model and holy shit she's so pretty irl you have no idea. So pretty that Mey Rin—bless her heart—accidentally bump into a wall on set when she first saw her. Luckily nothing broke, only her pride 💔
I am stuck between the triplets are actually triplets or it's just one actor running around playing 3 whole characters
Claude originally auditioned for the role of Bard but obviously he didn't get it. Later on, he was called again to play the spider demon
Claude is his character's number one hater
Claude: I hope he burns in hell- no, he should get paper cuts all over forever. Fuck that guy
Hannah: my brother in demoncraft, you are him
Undertaker reads the most explicit NSFW fic fans have written about their characters. He very much enjoys it and wants the cast to do a script reading bcs he thinks it'd be funny BUT he is too embarrassed to admit that he spends 3 hours late at night until the crack of dawn reading about idk Grell, Vincent, Will or Sebastian giving him the nastiest 'tango in bed' of the century
Undertaker: I've read fanfics of our characters actually. It's pretty good
Someone: really?? What were we doing in the fic?
While Lizzie and Ciel were going live on insta, Grell and Will just wrapped up filming the reaper ova so the children freaked out when short haired Grell suddenly entered the room. She insisted it was fine and even took Lizzie's phone to show everyone her cute hair, but then the comments started acting bitchless
Grell: damn I'm hot but why are you barking in the comments
Will: ma'am 😭
Hannah may be hot and all but outside of filmings, she is the BIGGEST nerd / weeb you've ever met. She is competing against Ran Mao for the title of 'biggest nerd in the cast'
Back in elementary school, Hannah and Claude got into a fistfight before Hannah moved schools for middle school
Claude: hey didn't you broke my nose back in elementary school?
Hannah: wait that was you??
Claude: YES GIRL
Hannah: I'M SORRY 😭😭😭
Hannah really thought Sebastian was dating Grell and blurted "your girlfriend is so pretty! ....why is she dating you?"
Sebastian: she's not my gf???
Hannah: oh thank God, she deserves better
Sebastian: BITCH 💔💔💔
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purplepurrgil · 2 years
Fuck it. Richie Gecko/Kate Fuller Fic Recs.
In honor of From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series being pulled from American Netflix, here's some of my favorite Richie/Kate fics. I have no excuse, take me to fiction crimes court. These are all on AO3, mind the tags listed there. I'll try to add additional content warnings where I can, but assume everything is baseline canon typical fuckedupness, which is very fucked up! Also there is multishipping in a lot of these. Unfortunately there are not any here that let Kisa get fully in on that multishipping potential so that's a bummer. Guess I'll have to write that myself because I see the vision in Kisa/Kate even if no one else does.
Also since in Season One Kate is seventeen and Richie is, at least according to the wiki, anywhere from twenty-two (unlikely) to twenty-seven (more likely) tack on Underage as an Archive Warning to basically all of these unless they are extremely AU. And not a single one of these in anywhere in the neighborhood of fluff, it's PWP and angst all the way down. Enjoy!
El Rey By The Dashboard Light by sharkygal (Rated: E, Words: 7,452, Chapters: 1/1) - Season One AU. What if Richie caught up with Kate after their kiss?
Myth Maker by grayglube, hasitsclaws (Rated: M, Words: 11,182, Chapters: 1/1) - Season One AU. Tanner sacrifices Kate in the labyrinth. Deliciously fucked up undead body horror ensues <3.
The Long Con Series by grayglube (Rated: E, Words: 12,165, Works: 2/2) - The Geckos are gods, Kate is kidnapped as a virgin sacrifice for Richie. Serious dubcon warning on this one
Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything by Gaya (Rated: T+, Words: 2329, Chapters: 2/2) - Character study-ish of Richie after Kate's "death" in the interim between seasons two and three. As someone who was sort of raised both Catholic (by family) and Baptist (spent a couple of deeply traumatizing years in an evangelical elementary school that was rightfully shut down, but that's a another really long story) this has a scene that really tracked with that extremely specific life experience so I have to give it a special shoutout.
A different kind of undead by sassylorastyrell (Rated: T+, Words: 6,911, Chapters: 4/4) - Zombie apocalypse AU! Honestly mostly a jealous SethKate fic from Seth's perspective but that's what just does it for me I guess!
Kinesia by venus woman and giant saurian (grayglube) (Rated: M, Words: 1019, Chapters 1/1) - Kate gets a lap dance.
The World is a Snake Pit by venus woman and giant saurian (grayglube) (Rated: E, Words: 2238, Chapters 1/1) - set nebulously post season 3, now with joint murder and fingering.
Quarrel with the sky by grayglube (Rated: E, Words: 6379, Chapters 1/1) - Post Season 3, Kate/Seth/Richie in every possible combination. This is my headcanon end to the series. I also really love Scott in this and him being completely rightfully disgusted and annoyed with the Geckos at all times. Content warning for some references to anti-Asian racism (and in Seth's case outright racism) that is framed as bad and tracks with the canon portrayal of Scott's banter with the brothers but could still be upsetting to readers.
take your time with me to make you feel alive by meditationonbaaal (Rated: E, Words: 51,905, Chapters 8/?) - honestly so iconic of this author to drop this masterpiece, one other work in this fandom, and then thirteen Riverdale fics.
And You Were Still Hungry by grayglube (Rated: E, Words: 4081, Chapters: 1/1) - Post Season 3, Kate is not doing well. Richie tries to help. Does he? Up to you.
Final Liturgy by grayglube (Rated: E, Words: 7573, Chapters: 1/1) - Post Season 1 AU. Kate becomes the new Santanico but with a very Christian twist and it's the set up for more great problematic porn with religious overtones
Voodoo Cowboy (Bid My Blood redux) by larkingstock - RECENTLY UPDATED (Rated: E, Words: 28,592, Chapters: 6/?) - sex pollen oneshot redone into some multichapter wild Richie whump with hallucinations of every major character written very in character as they tell him whatever it takes sink him into even deeper angst. I love it.
Holy Diver by grayglube (Rated: E, Words: 9481, Chapters: 1/1)- gratuitous loss of virginity, god bless. bittersweet. More Seth, Richie, Kate in all possible combinations.
Kansas City Shuffle by grayglube, hasitsclaws (Rated: E, Words: 54.909, Chapters: 6/?) - Season 2 AU, Kate is turned into a culebra at the blood well. Body horror, murder, sex, all that good stuff.
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livviem-009 · 1 year
More Domestic AU for me because main au is hard to write.
-In this AU, they met each other when they were younger.
-Like I said in my earlier posts, Liam meets Sherly while trying to get a job to take care of Louis.
-It was a meet cute: Sherly didn't want to go to the store with Mycroft so he wandered off.
-Mycroft was obviously stressed about finding his little brother so he spent all day looking for him.
-Little Sherly meets Little Liam while he was plotting on how to get a job.
Sherlock: Hi Blondie! I never seen you before. What are you doing?
Liam: Getting a job.
Sherlock: Aren't you too young?
Liam: My little brother Louis needs help so I'm getting a job. Besides, I'm smart enough to handle myself.
Sherlock: I ran away from my big brother because he was boring... hey can I try something?
Liam, stops what he's doing: Okay?
Sherlock: I can deduct that you're not from around here.
Liam: Isn't that obvious?
Sherlock: Wait, I'm not done. You know the thing you're writing on the ground, those are Mycroft's level of maths.
Liam: Oh... I forgot that I was doing that.
Sherlock, catching on his lie: No you didn't. Let me continue, you're actually calculating the amount of money each job here has. But upon further inspection, you're total goal is equal to a visit to a heart doctor or heart sugery. I can say you really enjoys maths.
Liam: *surprised*
Sherlock: And with our town's orphanage announcing that there will be new arrivals. The full story is... You and your brother, Louis recently moved here. Louis has a heart problem and you as the older brother decided to take a job. But first you need to calculate the job's pay to effectively get enough money before your brother suffers any longer.
Liam: How do you know?
Sherlock: It's elementary, my dear.
Liam: Impressive, can I do the same for you?
Sherlock: Okay?
Liam: I do know for the fact that you play the violin, albeit not professionally. You're possibly receiving training to enhance your physical capabilities. And that stain on your shirt, baking soda so you probably have an interest in chemistry. And due to your cockney accent, I'd say you're from around here. Working class.
Sherlock: *about to interrupt him because he was shooketh*
Liam: You also seem to always wear it with pride. Possibly because of your mother's ancestry. Now, am I wrong or not.
Sherlock: That's amazing and I didn't even share that stuff about my mother. How do you know?
Liam being cute and smug: It's just like you said, it was elementary, my dear.
Sherlock, blushing and laughing: You really are an intruiging fellow! You need help with that? *pointing at the equation the ground* It's really impressive.
Liam: *blushing slightly* Thank you.
-They go trying each and every job to accumulate the ammount of money needed and succeeded because they combine their smarts.
-They finished before dawn and both were tired.
-Liam thanks Sherly and was almost about to leave but Sherly forgot to introduce himself to the boy or asked him his name.
Sherlock: Anyways, I never caught your name.
Liam: My name is [insert real name] but you can call me what you want.
Sherlock: Ok. Liam suits you better. My name is-
Mycroft: Sherlock Scott Holmes, you are in so much trouble.
Sherlock: That's my name, I gotta run.
-Mycroft catches Sherly and gives him a full-blown lecture on how he's in trouble.
-Sherlock was about to wave Liam goodbye but the nun from the orphanage they are currently staying came running towards them.
-Louis is having anither attack and he may not make it this time.
-The Holmes brother and Liam arrived at the orphanage and got him to a hospital.
-When the bill came up, Sherliam proudly got the money they'ce earned and basically saved Louis' life.
-After that, Mycroft permits Sherly to visit Liam whenever he's not doing his studies.
-Liam at this age was plotting how he can change the world and die but Sherly's presscence gave him meaning again and basically saved him from the final problem.
-Then they go to different schools, long distance relationship before Liam moves in with Sherly and John (he can help pay the bills).
-Louis is thankful to be saved but he still dislikes Sherly getting close to Liam.
-They still get married, Mycroft made sure they were allowed. Happy ending.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
AU where Izuku has the combined abilities of the Links from your Linked-verse.
What, all of them? (my linked verse as in pocket’s rackle? I’ll just do the triforce rackle and not the lightforce rackle, since he’s broken enough as is...)
1- Abilities, not items. Izuku could, in theory, draw the Master Sword. But he doesn’t have it, so he can’t use it. Same with retaining himself in magic masks, or conducting trains. He doesn’t have the items. No triforce for him.
2- Izuku can, on the other hand: dream of the future, the past, and elsewhere, hear the will of the gods and their vessels, speak with animals, speak with plants, see and speak with ghosts and spirits, transform into a bunny if its at night, transform into a spectral wolf at dusk and dawn, sing songs with magical properties, intuitively wield a sword, set anything he’s holding on fire, send out energy beams, call down lightning, form a shield over himself, jump really high, turn into a fairy, heal himself, make weapons out of anything, draw power out of money, have excellent balance when in a stack of humans, revive the dead with his blood, including himself, carry way more in a bag or pocket than should reasonably fit.... and more.
3- It’s a weird quirk. when Izuku was registered, it was seen as a sort of “Disney Princess” power, then got weirder, and re-registered to “Fairy Tale”. It makes no sense, and Izuku hasn’t even tried to update the registry again. He’s too busy trying to figure out his own quirk. It frustrates him that everyone else’s seems to follow rules and makes sense, while his just does whatever- then he feels bad for feeling frustrated, since it’s such a versatile quirk and his classmates are always talking about how jealous they are. (It makes him uncomfortable, and he goes even more into appreciating their quirks and applications. In this au, that’s seen and endearing and kind, if a bit extra. Not creepy or invasive or jealous...)
4- Speaking of jealous, that’s what Katsuki is. Izuku's quirk is just ridiculous, and even it's frustrating and not straightforward for heroics, there's no denying it's seen as a better quirk than Explosion by their peers. They don't not get along, but they kinda drift apart through elementary school. When katsuki's parents offer to move him to a better school come middle school, he doesn't have any weird ideas about main character origin stories to keep him from saying yes, and he moves schools. This further curbs his big fish little pond attitude earlier.
5- in a reversal, Izuku met Toshinori Yagi when he saved the man from a villain threat izuku wasn't even consciously aware of until he realized he was getting deja vu to a nightmare he'd had the night before, and that every part of him was whispering that it was very important to heal and protect Yagi, to be a hero
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limetimo · 9 months
RAB fics I read (Aug pt2)
Ice Ice Baby by Calypte ICE SCATER REGULUS also trans reg in poly ship with rosekiller AND james (who's with lily, multishippers be winning). Also the Blacks are divorced and reg grew up in France
Watch The Lights Go Wild by HuffleStar for xpandorasbox, definitelynotttheo, vianexa James/Regulus/Barty/Evan
New Beginnings by Azkaban_Jailbird jegulus, and they were roommates
honey honey by aeoneskova it'S about Marlene being a war survivor and Harry's elementary teacher and there's a really neat Regulus subplot (boy's dead) I fucken love it
Love Potion No. 9 by crackspines Regulus drinks alove potion and falls madly in love with James... or does he?
Werewolves of London by crackspines Regulus gets bitten under the Willow, jegulus
Mortal Once More by SheOfTheBookAndSong Regulus survives cave and goes to Dumbledore ect ect v nice
as if I've ever seen the stars align by Zazzander baby regulus is upsetti
the slow corruption and atonement of Regulus BlackLanguage: English Words: 110,036 Chapters: 32/? Comments: 32 Kudos: 89 Bookmarks: 13 Hits: 2,215Last visited: 13 Aug 2023 (Update available.) Visited 32 times
Declared False Start by Wanderingdonut I LOVE THIS SO MUCH regulus is crumbling under the weight of his parent's expectations/abuse and sirius reaches out a helping hand. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh this one hit so many good spots!!
A Snake in Wolf's Clothing by PortraitofEmpathy regulus gets chomped by moony
mess it up by regulushasanewmomitsme regulus and remus make out a lot but really it's about wolfstar being stupid
So Happy To Serve by KrisKikstorky Omega Regulus gets bonded to Alpha Voldemort. It's not a healthy relationship on so many levels but Regulus is determined to make it work and be happy! So Eager To Please by KrisKikstorky Regulus may be an Omega willingly and happily bonded to a genocidal evil overlord but he has RIGHTS and he will NOT have them abused. I fucking love them your honour
My Jamie by twisted_tales_told jegulus angst comfort
Vows Made Of Wine by twisted_tales_told jegulus if we were villains au
the wrong brother by ThesteralQueen regulus and remus fake date to get their crushes (james and sirius) jealous
A Passing Dream by Elfflame lily accidentally discovers remus/regulus is a thing, sad ending
We All Have Our Kinks and Limits and There Is Nothing to Be Ashamed Of, Right? by KrisKikstorky jegulus kinky times
A (somewhat unconventional) Black Family Getaway by Trex_patronus regulus and sirius, Azkaban escapees, are on a fieldtrip :D
starling by Zazzander baby regulus is not having a good time rn
the art of losing by pangaeaseas Regulus is Dealing with Sirius' ruanay-ness
but I am not resigned by pangaeaseas on the horcrux hunt, hermione encounters a ghost
For The Greater Good by Anna_Bell_Bri jegulily, jily survies halloween
All That Remains by CelesteMagnolia for Artemisia_Black_95, MerlinsSequinedHotPants regulus is a dumbass i want to beat him up in tesco parking lot
and I Looked Back on a Broken World by raziella harry and hermione time travel to marauders era
carpe diem by els31 :D :D modern muggle au jegulus doctor regulus
Twins Potter and The Goblet Of Fire by BeastlyRose023 regulus was reborn as harry's twin
Infested feast by Jsp_Jsp prank goes wrong, sad regulus, eating disorder
The Dawn of a Star by vini213 sirius and regulus scramble around to hide that regulus is trans from their parents
tides of the sun by kissyshima for sapphistic jegulus trans regulus
Swipe Left for Safety by Remy_Writes5 cute wolfstar, regulus is also there
From Fire to Fire by greyeyedmonster18 Sirius gets sorted to Slytherin to protect Regulus, took the mark, dropped out of hogwarts, spied, survived. Now he's back in London and Regulus signed him up for evening classes so that he can take his NEWTS. and the evening classes professor? No other than Remus Lupin!
ten reasons (to go to michigan) by greyeyedmonster18 writer remus meets artist sirius, Regulus is a good bro
Listening to your heartbeat (if only you knew how much I love it) by thestarsforus bartylus! also evan and regulus are vampires
L'Astre Noir by Calypte sirius wants to protect regulus, regulus can protect himself thank you very much, it'S fun
my pussy tastes like pepsi cola (my eyes are wide like cherry pies) by PsychiatristGirl underage animagus blackcest
Tiny Hands (or, Heg loo) by featherprongs jegulus raising harry
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