#destiel focus group
castielslostwings · 10 months
A Eulogy and Obituary for Dagny Ayn September 13, 1978 -- February 2023.
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I am devastated beyond words to share that the wonderful Dagny Ayn (who you may know as daynz or meta_castiel on twitter) is no longer with us. Her sudden passing is a shock and the urge to speculate on details is understandable, but I hope we can focus on her light instead, because Dagny doesn't deserve to have her life defined by how it ended. Dagny did not receive the recognition of her life and memorialization of her existence that she deserved out in the real world, so I thought to give it to her here, as well as create a place for those of us who loved her to come together and grieve, to share about her memory as we should.
Dagny was here. Please read and celebrate her life with me.
To do it online seems right. I truly believe Dagny would approve. The online Supernatural fandom (and especially the Destiel-friendly spaces), served as her community, her chosen family. Like so many of us, fandom was her life vest, her social circle, her escape from the harshness of the non-virtual world, and the source of most joy in her life. To anyone who knew her, it was no secret as to how much Dagny loved this little corner of the internet.
On a personal note, Dagny was one of the first people I connected with after joining the fandom, and we immediately bonded over our mutual love for Buffy and Supernatural. Especially Willow/Tara, Misha Collins, Castiel, and Destiel. We shared many similar life struggles, from past trauma and complex parental relationships to mental health and disability challenges to a lack of IRL support and chronic loneliness.
The friend group I shared with her and @coinofstone was one of the safest places I have ever known. Talking to Dagny never failed to leave me feeling heard and understood. I hope I was able to do the same for her.
Dagny was strong. Despite the many obstacles life constantly hurled in her direction, she was always looking forward and moving towards the future. She saw the best in people, even those who failed her, those who didn't deserve her grace and forgiveness. She loved her mother more than anything in the world, and Chelsea, her cat, a very close second.
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(she would definitely want me to show you Chelsea!) When Dagny's mother and main support system passed unexpectedly in recent years, Dagny was handed a new armful of struggles and asked to face an uncertain future without the person she loved most and with barely enough resources to survive. She was uprooted from her home and moved clear across the country, losing so much in the process and dropped in a precarious situation. Despite all of that, she had big goals for herself. She was working hard to build the life she wanted despite a major lack of family & IRL support as well as her own demons.
Dagny was amazing at appreciating the simplest things. A free coffee at Tim's, some stickers in the mail, or a small windfall that allowed her to purchase a meal kit from the grocery store would brighten her entire week and she would gush about how happy she was for days. When she first moved cities after losing her mom, she talked about how thrilled she felt to have big windows and a view of the city, as she'd lived in a basement walkout for years. Her enthusiasm for those things, even in the face of great struggle, was always humbling and contagious.
Dagny was easy to love.
As for fandom, Dagny especially loved Misha, Castiel, and Destiel, and did so fiercely. She read tens of thousands of words of fanfic every day, frequently messaging me from the bus to complain about rowdy passengers "interrupting her gay porn". One time, she lost her phone and worried to me (from her laptop) about losing her entire collection of fanart, 100+ AO3 tabs, and the SPN-related photos she had saved, unconcerned about the actual phone and her ability to contact IRLs.
With what little extra money Dagny had (and how infrequently she could be convinced to treat herself), she enjoyed collecting fandom merch, especially items made by her favorite fan artists. She ALWAYS had a Destiel case from redbubble on her phone! Her Ace pin from Stands was a treasured item.
Dagny greatly admired Misha's missions and charity work very much, following GISH closely and always striving to share and his boost campaigns and those of other cast members. She would often express that she wished she could do or donate more, even while she struggled to provide bare essentials for herself. Dagny was selfless like that.
As full as her phone was with saved memes, cast photos, Castiel/Destiel art, and fanfic links, it was equally brimming with people who loved Dagny herself. She often expressed how happy and connected seeing notifications on her social posts made her feel, how loved she felt by her friends and fellow shippers.
Discovering the Ace spectrum through fandom empowered Dagny to feel confident in expressing her identity, allowing her to name and define a feeling and concept she could never quantify before. She felt very strongly about wearing her Ace pride on her sleeve. We spoke many times about the power of fandom and online community to turn shame and confusion into confidence and love, and Dagny truly embraced that concept. She was a wonderful role model for embracing your true self.
Dagny had many hopes for a bright future. She was trying to find a job and gain more financial independence, and she had a whole plan to do so. She was smart and motivated. She was also haunted and wrestled constantly with demons that just wouldn't let her go.
We talked frequently about finally meeting at an SPN convention, once she was able. One of Dagny's dreams was to have a photo op with Misha as Castiel, and we spent many nights planning excitedly for a theoretical day that we hoped would come. Since then, she fell in love with Heartstopper and dipped into other fandoms and was living her best online life. Dagny had so much room in her heart.
So many things, not the least of which were time and borders, kept us from ever meeting in person, but our friendship was no less real for those barriers.
To Dagny: family doesn't end in blood. Jen and I both love you and choose you back. We know you were here. You made an impact and we'll never forget you. This wasn't supposed to be the end of the road, but you taught me that sometimes life has other plans and there's nothing to do but roll with them.
Until we meet again, my friend. thank you for being you.
If you would like to do something to honor Dagny, her life, and her passions, she would want you to donate to The Castiel Project. It's particularly fitting, as besides being a beloved project to her, Dagny also deserved a happy ending that just wasn't in the cards.
Please feel free to leave your memories and/or love for Dagny here.
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okay say queerbaiting or milkvan endgame all you want but i have yet to see any plausible heterosexual explanation for the following
- the airport hug
he was happy to hug will in season 3 and happy to hug lucas in season 4. when the entirety of the show has made it clear that mike and will share the more profound bond (destiel iykyk) out of the party it makes no sense for him to not want to hug him- unless it’s because of his queer realisations atm
- ‘we’re friends, WE’RE FRIENDS’
um it is simply not plausible that mike clocked wills feelings enough to say this yet didn’t pick up what he was putting down in the van speech. bffr mike was absolutely on the defensive here, mans was trying to convince himself
- mike looking at eddie
you’re telling me you watched the scene in episode one where eddie has his ‘if you’re inTo baNd’ speech and still think mike isn’t a homo? he has a lil fanboy crush on eddie and none shall convince me otherwise
- mikes reaction to el kissing him and i love you too
there is no heterosexual reason for him to look so taken aback and distressed after her kiss and her saying she loves him too. the music and els face all suggest a beautiful moment of love but mikes face looks shocked completely contrasting this. esp contrasted against his face at ‘what if you wanna join another party’ and considering his face when he hugs karen at the end of s3. up till then he had made no effort to try and rekindle their relationship but still wanted to see her and talk to her while she was away. ur gonna look at me and ur gonna tell me that i’m wrong
- ‘i care for you so much’
yes i understand that some people have trouble saying i love you- as we see with nancy and steve. bUt the way this is framed in this scene makes it feel queer. he is deflecting he says he cares for her but can’t say he loves her. this is why i’m a gay mike truther this feels like he’s trying so hard to be someone he’s not but he’s reached his limit. he can’t truly say he loves her until under so much duress and pressure. even when he first said ily in season 3 was just a slip up and significance was only given to the words through everyone else’s reactions, not mikes own reaction.
- ‘mrs byers has this new job, mikes always complaining about it’
im sure i butchered this quote but we KNOW him and el only talked on walkies because she couldn’t talk on the phone for dead of the government figuring out she was alive. this line proves mike called plenty and he can only have been calling to talk to will. while yes it is feasible that he was calling as friends, why wouldn’t he say something? leaving this revelation until the last season makes it significant, and therefore makes it romantic and queer.
- shared looks
do i even need to explain. their looks are just fucking gay. especially that one in season 3 where wills like he’s here and mike just keeps staring at him for a good while
- the emphasis on lucas and mikes friendship
they make clear in season 1 that lucas is mikes best friend by mikes convo with dustin. and in season three their status as best friends is made clear because they relate and complain to each other all the time. then WHY throughout the WHOLE show is mike and wills bond given the most focus??? season 1 will is mikes motivation, season 2 he is his priority, season 3 they have an important arc and season 4 they have ups and downs but ultimately their relationship is regarded as most important- they are the only two from the original party who have consistently been paired together. dustin and lucas were both in the hawkins crew but were always in separate groups. there is no heterosexual reason to make clear who mikes best friend js then spend 4 seasons focused on his relationship with will.
- framing
there is no heterosexual reason to frame him in a closet at the milkvan season 3 kiss. there is no heterosexual reason to put a one way sign pointing to his closet. there is no heterosexual reason to pair him and will in the closing shot alongside two other endgame couples. need i say more.
- blue and yellow
obviously this colour symbolism is undeniable at this point. whether or not ppl believe it symbolises their relationship or just their characters, it’s clear that will is yellow and mike is blue. there’s a reason we barely see green clothing or lighting. there’s a reason mikes bouquet to el had purple (her colour) but too much yellow (will). there’s a reason their flannels always have hints of the other persons colour.
- will as mikes priority
instead of coming crawling back to el for forgiveness in s3 he goes to will. he says his life started when he found el (a lie like the rest of that speech) yet when will went missing he only cared about him. all of season 2 showed that he loves will so much he wouldn’t leave his side ever.
i have many other opinions about why milkvan endgame would completely undermine so many messages of the show but yeah i’ll stop for now
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lol-jackles · 7 months
I know this has been around for a while (Destiel Market Research), but how many levels of BS do you think this is?
Also, do hellers not realize that if "market research" actually happened, and destiel didn’t, that means most people actually didn’t want to see it on screen. This is not winning, no matter what way you look at it.
That's a lot of words to say nothing. It was not a "Destiel Market Research", it was a heller trying to influence the direction of the focus group. The "crypt scene"? Was she talking about "Goodbye Strangers"? That was 2013. She said the market research took place in December 2016, during season 12 when Misha's contract was going to expire after the season wrap up and he took a demotion in season 13 when Alexander Calvert was hired as a regular.
You're correct, the OP was promoting hard the biDean/Destiel fanfiction and none of it took. If anything, it would further convince WB not to renew Misha's regular status and demote him to guest/recurring status while focusing on launching Kathryn Newton's Wayward Sisters spinoff in season 13.
CW knew a Castiel-led spinoff would not work and the real Market Research proved that. During the 2013 TCA event, when asked about making a spinoff centered on Castiel, Pedowitz turned down the idea and indirectly said that Cas was not a rich enough character, unlike the Vampire Diaries characters that could carry spinoffs. Reminder, the "crypt scene" in season 8 took place in 2013 and Marketing Enterprise stopped surveying Misha's popularity status after 2013 because it was too far below the threshold. Pedowitz and WB knew the results from Marketing Enterprise and why they were okay with decreasing scenes between Dean and Cas by 50% every season from 9 to 12 via Jensen's request.
Thank you Destiel shippers for tracking Dean & Cas scenes on youtube and posting the results:
season 8 - Dean & Cas had 23 scenes = 46 minutes total
season 9 -  Dean & Cas had 17 scenes = 24 minutes total
season 10 -  Dean & Cas had 8 scenes = 8 minutes total
season 11- Dean & Cas had 4 scenes = 5 minutes total 
In season 12 the OP claimed she was part of the lol Destiel market research. Sure Jan. Remember kids, Destiel shippers/hellers are the flat earthers of the SPN fandom.
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gingerfale · 25 days
Fuck it, I haven't posted anything in too long, have a snippet of my Destiel camping fic coming out this summer!
Castiel is a little miffed that he's learning the proper way to steer from the front of the canoe on his third day on the water, but he's mollified by the fact that Dean has decided the best way to teach him is by correcting his form manually.
He's not interested, Castiel chants internally as Dean stands beside him and positions his hands on the paddle. The rest of the group is down on the rocky shore, readying the canoes to go so they can catch the morning release at the dam.
"Alright, you're not going to change hands while you paddle in the rapids. Cuts down on the chance of you losing your paddle. If you do, just grab the spare from the bottom of the canoe."
Dean smiles as he gets Castiel to hold the paddle out to his side. Right hand on the top to direct the motion, and left hand on the shaft (don't think about shafts) to do the heavy pulling. Dean continues as he guides Castiel's hands as he paddles the air.
"Alright, so to turn left you're going to want to lean out over the left side, but keep your center of gravity in the canoe, and you're going to turn the flat of the paddle broadside with the canoe and pull in as hard as you can. Like you want to slap the side of the canoe with the flat of the paddle, but don't actually do that."
Castiel mimes the motion. Pull in to his side with the flat of the paddle. Easy enough. Dean nods approvingly, continuing. "To turn right you're going to reach over to the other side. It's going to feel weird."
It doesn't feel right, crossing his left arm across with the paddle. It's not possible to paddle properly this way, and he jerks his sore shoulder as he tries.
"Easy sunshine. You're not trying to propel the canoe forward, the current'll do that for you. You're just going to guide the bow." Dean moves to stand behind Castiel, his arms sliding around him. They're warm, with sun browned skin dotted with freckles. Castiel tightens his grip on the shaft (goddammit) of the paddle to keep him from pulling Dean's arms closer, getting him flush against him, and investigating his skin with a closer eye. Dean doesn't notice this, placing his hands over Castiel's and guiding him gently, fanning the paddle in towards where the front of the canoe will be.
"Think of it as pulling the water towards the bow." Dean says, low into his ear. Castiel copies the motion. "There you go." Dean's breath is warm on his neck and Castiel forgets how to paddle again, his hands floundering. He chances a glance at the other campers getting ready on the other side of camp. Sam is demonstrating for Rowena, Eileen, Donna, and a perpetually distracted Gabriel with his own paddle, while Jody and Bobby chat casually with their backs to them. Rufus reclines in the back of his canoe with his arms crossed and cap pulled low over his eyes.
Only Castiel is getting the hands on treatment. He'd appreciate it more if he knew if this is the best way to learn or if it was reserved only for the most hopeless cases.
He focuses on the motion, trying to make sure he understands enough of the mechanics of what Dean is teaching him that they won't get swamped in the rapids. They move together. Warm skin on warm skin. A mosquito lands on his wrist and he ignores it, too determined to keep Dean's hands on his. Dean notices though, and he makes a soft grunt of disapproval, and slides his thumb down across Castiel's skin to dislodge it. Doesn't swat it flat and smear it, just nudges it away. He rubs the spot it had bitten down, presses the pad of his thumb down just hard enough that when he adjusts the grip back to focus on paddling that the white imprint of his finger ghosts Castiel's skin for a moment before blood rushes back in and it fades away.
Castiel carefully steels his expression before looking up to meet Dean's gaze. Up close he can see where Dean's long lashes have been clumped together by a sleepy hand. There are even smaller freckles on the soft skin under Dean's eyes and hidden in the stubble around his lips, which are a very pleasing color this close up.
"How dangerous is this exactly?" Castiel asks.
Dean's tongue quickly wets those lips and he clears his throat, Adam apple bobbing slightly before answering. "Every couple of years we have somebody dump in the rapids, it's possible to get hurt bad but just remember to point your feet downriver if you fall in, and don't fight the current."
"Don't fight the current?" Castiel asks, eyes still on Dean's mouth.
"Nah, you're gonna end up where the river wants you. Getting swept away is scary, but you have more control than you think," Dean shifted on his feet, "you know, uh, swimming and all that."
Castiel looks up to meet Dean's eyes, unsurprised to find he's being watched. He wonders if Dean minds how close they're standing, with Dean's arms still around him.
"I'm an excellent swimmer." Castiel says in a low but steady voice. Dean huffs out a laugh that may just be a deep breath, finally pulling away. He shakes his hands out like they've gone numb.
"I bet you are, Rainman."
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bitterhotmess · 3 months
why i think sam is good for destiel
... and why this trio works so well
I usually tend to read fics where Sam is in the story, and i finally understand why.
I think Sam balances out the group. Dean is very temperamental but playful, while Sam is a little more sympathetic and cool headed at the same time. Cas is unique since he can be considered innocent because he lacks a lot of our cultural references and social cues, but he is still this very powerful being that is objectively stronger than them.
Cas softens Dean's hard edges and can follow Sam's rambling, Sam is patient with both of them, and Dean brings levity. They all bring something to the table and even tho I'm sure Cas and Dean can handle a story with just the two of them, i don't know if you have noticed, but they always end up fighting and they're both pretty stubborn so it takes a lot of time and mutual effort to talk things through.
I believe that when is just Sam and Dean, Dean tends to focus his worry on Sam but when Cas is in the picture he can look over Dean which is very important since Dean isn't used to relying on anyone but Sam and even then he will still put Sam first when it comes down to it. This is why we miss Cas so much when he's not in an episode; because when he's around, Dean is so much easier to deal with and seems much more vulnerable (and because he's very lovable).
Sam is the mediator between the two and is less impulsive with his emotions (also, he makes me laugh, so 100 points for that alone).
They are pretty balanced as a trio, and i like that. Now, with Jack, things have a different approach since he's basically a kid and their dynamic is less friend group (you know what i mean) and more family, but he fits very well regardless.
So when Sam is in the story, even as a side character, it makes everything go smoother, and they aren't as angsty.
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hologramcowboy · 11 months
I’m not gonna lie, this fandom is absolutely draining but I do miss watching supernatural and because of the whole prequel debacle, coupled with toxic and delusional fans, I stopped watching it and can’t stand Jensen or Misha sometimes, but once I realized that they aren’t a reflection of their characters and Dean wouldn’t go behind Sam’s back and completely shit on TW and Jensen (I told myself I wouldn’t be petty in this post, but I couldn’t help it lol), I feel like I can pick supernatural back up again, but this time just stay away from the online fandom, or just interact with Jared fans, normal Jensen fans, and normal destiel fans, because even the last two actually understand what supernatural was about and aren’t toxic as fuck.
It's important to emphasize that ANY "faction" of fandom has extremely balanced, intelligent, loving people just as it has it's cray cray ones, anon. I know I am heavy on AA criticism but please know that when I reference hateful hellers or unbalanced Jensen stans, I am exclusively referring to those sad cases that propagate negativity and lack of balance. None of the SPN loving groups have only cray cray people but sometimes it can seem that way.
My advice to you is to detach as much as possible from the drama and to focus on creating a list of positive aspects about fandom, SPN and why you love watching it. What is the essence behind that show? Love. Unconditional love. Despite flaws, conflicts and high challenges, impossible challenges. How can you include more into your life? Because that's what's at the core of why you love the show.
You could even do an Emotional Diary and write "I love enjoying Supernatural because" and then let your pen flow, write without filter and if you feel yourself controlling your thoughts then start over. (This is an exercise actors use but it is very healing in real life too, you can use it to tap into your deeper feelings and bring forth unconscious patterns, key motivations, etc)
I love that you have already decided to connect with healthy people and have rich conversations, fandom is beautiful precisely because it gives you a chance to connect with likeminded individuals and share passions. Enjoy and thank you for the ask! 🧡
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wisefoxluminary · 9 months
Here are some fanfics I plan to write in the near future. My name is Canningroxy22 on Archive of Our Own.
The Mandalorian Barbie AU - Din Djarin lives in the covert where good things happen everyday. The warrior's life is all about tranquility and peace and their beskar are the only identities they cling onto. But one day, a crack in his armour begins to grow as he begins to feel that something isn't right, feelings of death and morality begin to fill Din's heart and his perfect facade is falling apart. So Din must journey beyond the covert to the wider galaxy to find himself among the stars. In his travels, Din meets Bo Katan Kryze and her ward Grogu. Bo is another Mandalorian who doesn't abide by the covert's rules. But Grogu is being pursued by Moff Gideon and his imperials so she is deemed a fugitive. Din joins forces with Bo to save the universe, trying to make an identity out of himself as he discovers that the galaxy isn't the brightest place he thought it would be. This fic will focus on Din x Bo and one-sided Din x Paz. Din is Barbie in this fic while Paz is Ken. Bo and Grogu serve the roles Gloria and Sasha do in the film.
Angel Mojo - This is a Supernatural fic. It takes place during season eight and follows Cas as he has been hunting with the boys for weeks. He is struggling to find purpose outside of his heavenly duties and he feels like he is pulling away from Dean as he doesn't feel he is good enough for him. So Cas discovers the patriarchy and how horses play a part in men finding success in life. For the first time, he feels respected, like he has a grand purpose beyond the dangerous lifestyle of hunting. He figures out a way to unite his angel brethren by using peaceful methods instead of war and they bow down at his side. He becomes their new god. Castiel takes over the men of letters' bunker and deems it as his "mojo dojo casa house". Dean and Sam discover that the angels have taken over the bunker as Castiel has developed a more debauche, governing personality. The angels take control of the world and make their own patriarchal system out of it, but it causes problems as heaven is no longer protected and demons are awakening from their slumber and endangering the world. To stop this, Dean and Sam must gather a ragtag group of allies to their side as they try to overthrow Cas and the angels while trying to save the world from impending doom. As you would have guessed, this fic is inspired by events in Barbie as Castiel reminds me so much of Ken and the journey he goes through in that film. It has got some fluff to it, but there is also angst with Destiel.
The Knife's Bane of Bleeding Love - The Boys fanfic. Canon divergence from The Boys season three, Black Noir survives his presumed death and takes matters into his own hands - to end his pain by killing Soldier Boy. He kidnaps him instead of killing him and keeps him detained in his underground bunker where he and the reader have been hiding. Soldier Boy becomes a prisoner once again as Noir must overcome his demons in facing him. During this time, the reader is caught in a love triangle between Black Noir and Soldier Boy that threatens to tear her apart. Sequel to my Black Noir x reader fics.
Rebels Without a Cause - Instead of dying at the hands of exposed rebar, Dean wakes up in a purgatory where fictional characters who died an unnecessary death are kept as prisoners for the rest of eternity. They have separated from their respective franchises and placed together by the mysterious creator, where they have to fight to the death to escape. Dean must join forces with Steve Harrington from Stranger Things, Ken from the Barbie movie, Din Djarin from The Mandalorian and Black Noir from The Boys to survive as they most navigate through a cold, desolate world where everything wants to kill you as they must race to get back to their universes and reunite with their loved ones. What could possibly go wrong?
Which one are you most excited for?
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howldean · 6 months
can you explain the market research to me, I'm newish and don't know what it is (no pressure😁)
oh my fucking christ i could write an essay on it. two second version: market research is when shows and companies have people basically take a quiz or do a focus group on a topic. this is typically under some form of non-disclosure agreement as they’re trying to gauge interest in potential plotlines etc.
long story short, there is proof that the cw conducted market research (i think before s10 but i don’t remember off the top of my head) on whether or not destiel should go canon. so we could’ve had textual canonical destiel relationship. and yet. and yet
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oh god i just remembered when we found out that the cw did focus groups or market testing or whatever on making destiel canon and then decided it wasn't positive enough to go all the way 😩
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lykanyouko · 2 years
I heard Cas yelling "DEAN!! DEAN!!" in a dark forest, humid from the rain that just stopped moments before. On a hill, along with some teens Dean appeared and started to run also yelling "CAS!!" Relief in his voice, the fear and seriousness disappearing that instant.
I thought, damn I wish they could just hug and kiss right there, it's obvious they want. Cas was with another teen by his side. It's was obvious that the group had divided unwillingly.
It was Dean who ran toward Cas's arms and suddenly, so casually and naturally Dean kissed Cas, of course with the passion and intensity of being grateful after being scared and not knowing how and where he was moments before. He whispered "Are you alright, babe?"
And I was, OMG OMG AH!!!! The other teens also hugged his friend but the focus was on Dean and Cas still hugging and caressing each other. It was obvious that Cas still couldn't believe all the love Dean always liked to demonstrate him, but he was So happy and relieved he and the kids were safe. Dean on the other hand seemed finally free to be himself and show his emotions, the world didn't exist like before, Cas was his world and nothing else mattered.
Then a T-Rex roared and they went back to the woods and the camera showed us all the trees and how huge it was that place, the sky was dark with some clouds and stars. The credits appeared.
I wondered if dinosaurs existed in Supernatural and my memories said yes, but only since this season.
I woke up, in another dream. I told about this dream to a "friend" (we don't talk since 2017) and she didn't know who were those teens (they were the protagonist from Descendants) I explained then I talked about the Destiel kiss, but suddenly she was serious and told me that nobody must know about that, that if I tell about the dream I can't tell about the kiss. It was odd.
I woke up for real this time.
I LOVE to have vivid and realistic dreams, that moment it was SO real, the details of the trees, their voices, their wrinkles, EVERYTHING was So clear. Everything felt so organic, still the supernatural vibe, the soft music that intensifies the moment, not making it romantic or cheesy but just giving you that feeling of relief.
I felt robbed. Yes I know the T-rex and kind-of crossover was too unreal, but the Kiss was Real and AAAaArGhdfssfghbb
Anyway, I enjoyed this dream, and that "friend"? I don't trust her anyway.
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It looked like this, but the kiss was kind of fast because Dean was asking if he was alright and everything. Like they were married for a long time already, and Cas looked a little surprised still hehe
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eachainn · 8 days
Title: A. fragilis   Fandom: Supernatural Rating: E Pairing: Destiel Warnings: Major character death, animal death, graphic depictions of violence, mentions of cannibalism Author’s Note: I originally had another idea for the DeanCas Wild West Fest, but then I remembered that the Bone Wars took place during this time and I haven't seen a lot of media touch on the Bone Wars. Plus, after horses, dinosaurs are my jam. I will say upfront that I am totally messing with what we know about Allosaurus to make this story work, which includes assumptions on how they hunted and lived (solo or in groups) and anthropomorphizing them. I'm sorry, but not enough to change this. Title taken from an Allosaurus species, A. fragilis, which is the species of the skeleton first discovered by Othneil Charles Marsh. The last chapter will have further historical notes and where I deviated , because I do want to present facts about this time and this dinosaur, but also because I'm a nerd and love when historical fiction comes with those.
An explanation of the tags: -mentions of cannibalism: only in reference to dinosaurs. No humans are eating other humans in this fic. -reincarnation: more of a backdrop thing, not the main focus of the fic.
Thanks to hexentaenzerin for the beautiful art in this fic. You can check it out as individual pieces here. And to allthismusic for beta-ing the fic.
150 million years ago, an Allosaurus finds a stranger had wandered into his territory and he wants the intruder out. 1878, the middle of what will become known as the Bone Wars between O.C. Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope. Castiel Novak is transporting fossils from the latest dig in South Dakota back to Yale. He has to be careful, because there are people who work for Professor Cope who would gladly take the fossils off of his hands.
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castielsparkle · 8 months
rewatching jane the virgin s4e2 and i feel insane now because after their whole meta arc or whatever about trying to get rogelio's telenovela adapted into a The Cw show and all that shit about their Own Network that they wrote into the story followed up by the Make Your Own Choice Hashtag Freewill And Fuck Destiny Seriously wedding and NOW theyre doing a focus group all i can think about is the destiel market r
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Hello :)
25 and 28?
Hii, thank you for the ask 💕
So it took me a while to think abt 25 bc I'm rlly picky with fanfics, but I finally picked one. For the life of me I can't remember the name, but in early 2022 I found a destiel fic. Wasn't that much into spn by that time anymore, but it had a lot of good reviews, so I gave it a shot. It was abt Dean losing his sight due to a hunting accident, it was rather long, and it just had everything. Angst, fluff, drama, great smut nearing the ending chapters, and it was just so in character and beautifully written. I wish I could remember its name, will try to look for it in AO3
And the longest one was a walking dead fanfiction in fanfiction.net. I think its name was Things Fall Apart? I remember it had 'fall apart' in its title. It was a story abt an OC introduced on the first season, befriending the group, surviving the apocalypse and an eventual love interest for Daryl, though it wasn't the main focus.
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naruhearts · 3 years
So as mere speculation about why spn suddenly made an about-face with destiel after the research happened that ties in with an author whose books I find especially awful and talk about a lot on my blog: TPTB realized how many people know Dean is bi and that destiel is hugely popular and panicked that this character they considered straight and this couple they considered brotherly, not romantic, was seen as oterhwise. The author of the books I’m referring to had two male characters and two female characters who readers (arguably a much, much, much smaller portion than spn’s destiel shipping and Dean is bi-confirming fanbase) really shipped as m/m and f/f couples.
The author, upon realizing she had accidentally written two relationships that could be read as really fucking queer decided to go all-in with making it abundantly clear that these four characters were actually straight as the 1.9-mile-long structure nearby the Stanford Linear Accelerator (which is evidently the straightest object on earth) by shoehorning every character into a bland m/f relationship (and they’re not bi or pan m/f relationships, no, they are heterosexual as fuck). By the end, the two male characters, who had grown up together as best friends, one of whom sacrificed everything to protect the other and the other of whom stood up to his dad to protect the other, had, if I recall correctly, one scene together, their reunion scene. I didn’t have high hopes for its construction, but it was worse than I expected. The two female characters, one of whom changed her entire outlook on life after meeting the other and the other of whom realized she was more than her abusers had made her out to be and that there was so much more to be had from life than mere survival, had, I think, not one scene together by the end of the series. Both female characters have bland love interests (one female character ends up in this weird there-but-not romance with one of the aforementioned male characters, while the other male character winds up with a woman who exploited him when he was disabled and then healed him by tying his life to hers in some fucked suicide pact magic shit).
The author didn’t want her characters to be perceived as queer, so she went above and beyond to drive home the point they absolutely, positively, manifestly, categorically, are straight and that there is no romance whatsoever to be found. To me, after reading that destiel research post and seeing how much the author of it talked about Dean being bi and destiel being real and both those things being hugely popular and loved and supported and hoped for, I think TPTB realized that Dean is being seen and written as bisexual and that destiel is being seen and written as canon (or at least headed that way) and, since they are either homophobic or bronlies themselves, or hell even scared of making the show as powerful and meaningful as it can possibly be for the queer community, they had to go above and beyond to make destiel absolutely not canon and Dean absolutely not bisexual, going so far as to all but literally gag him and queerbait and bury the gays. And it’s so goddamn disappointing, so much so that I am both not surprised at all and completely flabbergasted.
@spaceshipkat my friend, I don’t think I can add any more words to this spec. YES. Publishing it for all to see because yes, all of us who screamed that CW WERE HOMOPHOBIC COWARDS AND THEY GOT COLD FEET!!!!!!!!!!! were right, then.
Again, I feel so much worse than I felt since the finale, and that’s saying something.
White cishet capitalism was the victor.
I’m just weeping in anger, in heartbreak, in sheer crippling GRIEF, over everything Destiel themselves, Dean and Cas as individual characters, and this goddamn MAGNIFICENT Destiel fandom have built from the ground up for so many invaluable years and then LOST in the span of 45 minutes.
Reduced to rubble, shafting their legacy.
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goodluckdetective · 3 years
I can actually sorta explain why Supernatural ended like it did for those who don’t know much about the show. Because if you don’t know anything about the fan landscape, this writing choice seems extra buckwild and stupid.
It’s still buckwild and stupid but it’s not quite as out of nowhere.
So there are sorta two clusters of Supernatural fans. The one Tumblr is familiar with is very pro Destiel, pro extended cast, pro side characters, pro heaven and hell plot lines. Most of us are familiar with this side.
However, there is an ENTIRE different section of Supernatural fans that is VERY different. I don’t know how big this collective is, but these folks generally share one opinion: the show is best with just Sam and Dean. They tend to prefer seasons 1-3 as the golden era. They’re not anti supporting cast (though some def are you should see what some think about Castiel) but in their opinion the show is about Dean and Sam and only Dean and Sam. Everything else is extra.
That’s who the finale was catering to. I know this seems wild from a Tumblr POV but if you go to other SPN communities, a significant portion of fans ADORED this ending. While the GOT ending was universally panned by all, this is getting a split reaction. If you go to some review websites that lean towards a wider audience the review is split. See here:
Tumblr media
If you go to sites that review television for a general audience the comments are much more positive: lots of people loved this ending. Because this was an ending for them.
I bring all this up because it’s crucial context. Supernatural didn’t write a finale that pissed off and gave the finger to all their fans: it catered towards the more straight leaning classic one that the show outgrew over a decade ago. They had two bases to cater to, and they decided to only cater to one, not even trying to give both something. The queer audience is an after thought, just like Bobby’s comment that Cas is out of super hell off hand. The focus is on the group that insists this show is about brothers and brothers only.
And that’s a shame. Not a surprising shame, but a shame.
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witch-apologist · 2 years
I don't think anything will EVER be like Destiel ever again. 12 straight years of denying that there is anything romantic between Dean and Cas that episode airing and confirming Cas had feelings for Dean. The nail biting anticipation of the finale and how it would address that confession. Said confession never being addressed at all. The Spanish dub. The constant clamoring for other dubs. Rogue Translator. (Actually a creative decision made by dubbing team not a single translator getting a mistranslation through quality control) And then another year featuring the sheer amount of effort to say that there was never any talk about Dean returning feelings, there was no Destiel plans, maybe Cas' confession wasn't even romantic at all. And then for all of that to be shattered by the script releases. There was going to be a Dean love confession in season 8, there were so many times they considered making Destiel canon. Destiel focus groups (that were clearly misconducted) We were right, this entire time we've been right.
We are never gonna experience something like this ever again
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