#did you like this scene in wano i made it up
jakkenpoy · 18 days
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redriotinggg · 5 months
I need anyone who genuinely dislikes Usopp to take a long look in the mirror because yeah, he can be a bit annoying at times but he is honestly a good and interesting character!!
He is just as loyal as any other member of the crew and fights the strongest when he’s fighting on someone else’s behalf. (See: him fighting for Sanji in Skypeia, fighting for Robin at Eneis Lobby, fighting for Luffy in Dressrosa, fighting for Tama and Nami in Wano.) He is a major player in so many of the battles in the series that it baffles me that people can think of him as an unimportant member of the crew.
And Usopp is a fucking genius??? Hello???? He’s able to make weapons powerful enough to create storms and tornadoes. He is canonically a jack-of-all trades that supports the crew in their daily lives and in battle. The Going Merry only lasted as long as she did because Usopp was around to care for her. He was the only one to see her Klabauterman!! Usopp is not only creative and fun but is able to bring those creations to life, whether it be his drawings or his gadgets, and I think that’s so beautiful. I miss pre-TS because of all his inventions we got to see.
Let’s not forget that Usopp is so, so kind!! He made friends with the kids in his village and told stories to Kaya to help her feel better when she was ill. He fought to protect her and Syrup Village from Kuro. Personally, I will never get over filler ep on Fireworks Island (ep. 134) where he cheered up Kodoma and encouraged her to continue her pyrotechnics, assuring that her parents were proud of her. Knowing he also lost his parents at a young age makes the scene hit that much harder. (And again, he showed his genius by figuring out a way to launch the firework that killed Kodoma’s parents!!) It may not be canon to the manga but but I think that episode is super accurate to his character.
What I think makes him the most interesting is that we see his flaws and mistakes more than any of the other Straw Hats. We see his insecurities in Water 7 and his fear in Dressrosa. But we also see him growing and learning and being encouraged by his crewmates. Aside from Robin, I think Usopp has changed and grown the most out of the Straw Hats. With his goal to become a brave warrior of the sea he has so much potential for even more growth!!
Like I said earlier, some people think Usopp is annoying which he can be sometimes, but that’s also because he’s literally comic relief. And he does so well at it bc he’s actually so damn funny?? He makes me laugh out loud all the time. One Piece wouldn’t be even half as funny without Usopp.
I also appreciate that as an individual he has so many moments with the other Straw Hats. There are a lot of relationships that don’t get explored as much as we’d like, but I think we get to see Usopp’s friendships with the crew pretty often. He fights for Luffy, plays around with Chopper, teases Zoro, is teased by Robin, gossips with Nami, hangs around Sanji, and his whole relationship with Franky has so many layers to it.
Aaahh, I have so many hopes for Usopp in the series that I pray will be fulfilled!! I want him to have a badass arc in Elbaf full of character growth. I want to see him develop and continue to use his Haki (which he gained when trying to save Luffy are you KIDDING me). I want his reunion with Yasopp to be emotional and bittersweet. If he could personally beat Yasopp in a fight I would ascend to the heavens.
Usopp is such an important, complex, and interesting character and I absolutely hate to see him reduced to being a gag character or the weakest member of the Straw Hats. He may not be a monster but he is amazing and I love him.
TLDR; if you disrespect Usopp I wish you a very Die.
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wigglesdtuff · 7 months
Hi sorry for sending another ask but I found out I'm super close to the TimeSkip (from one Robin lover to the other robin lover) and I seriously (i did theres no hiding it) wanted to burst into tears when I saw robin (and ussop- he made me upset to) please tell me how to get used to it or if I'll get used to it :,(
Oh you have come to the right place for I dearly love her timeskip design. It was admittedly jarring in the anime (the style shift alone is jarring. The manga eases you in more as the style is still consistent) and it did take me a little while to get used to her new design, but the more I thought about it and the more we see her interact it settled in and made me fall even further in love tbh. A lot of it comes from the skin color (for everyone really), the colors the anime veers toward and the lighting for a big stretch is just. Not great. The skin color has been discussed ad nauseum at this point, so I'm not touching on that. You can see where I stand on that with the way I color her. NOW. I will ramble. I will try not to spoil.
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The big thing is her lack of bangs. Bangs are so cute we love her old look, no one is saying they don't. However. To me it is a really great bit of visual storytelling. She is quite literally healing from her past. Her face is softer, less harsh, and she isn't trying to cover anything up anymore. She's no longer wearing the same hairstyle she did since she was frozen at 8 years old. She's let it grow out! Quite literally she is a new person since Luffy saved her life.
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Fishman Island alone shows just how comfortable she is. Robin is often shown in the background in a lot of panels or scenes just smiling with a 💬 because she's just. Content and enjoying observing the Straw Hats after those two years apart.
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Her hair is so cute to me because it's actually slightly different each arc post TS, as if she's purposefully trying out new styles. Nami does this too, and to me it really helps cement that time is passing and they're not just wearing the same outfit day in and day out.
The biggest thing to me is her willingness to openly emote. It is very VERY clear that she is being influenced by the rest of the crew, and it's very endearing. She has always been silly, but she's had to lock that part of her away because she's been isolated and hunted like a dog. She's safe now and she knows it! In short, Post Timeskip Robin is this poor 30 year old finally getting to be herself, and besides just being gorgeous, I think that freedom to be what she wants instead of masking or hiding is beautiful!
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In summary: Yes it's an adjustment and no it's not for everyone, and admittedly the anime style (from Fishman Island up until Wano) gets pretty bad especially with women, HOWEVER, it's good visual storytelling to show just how much Luffy has actually changed her life for the better.
I'll reblog with some more photos I'm only allowed 10.
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
Oh I love the warlord!Sanji au it feels so chaotic with that kid! must have been some childhood huh
gosh what if sanji doesnt actually tell the crew abt his weirdass family even after meeting again? maybe he and his parents decided that keeping distance would be best cause now nearly all of the shichibukai are wanted criminals and it would be dangerous to have Sanji's identity knwn to the govt. how would the straw hats even find out here? it ought to be really funny but i cant think of smthing proerly dramatic enough
I think what's funnier is if no one in the government knows that black leg is Sanji who grew up in the Warlord meetings. And then when it all goes down in Marineford? Wondering why the fuck the almost all the Shichibukai have turned around to help Strawhat after not hearing the yelling. Just watching all the warlords leave after Redhair shows up.
And then in Dressrosa Doffy calls the others, in a similar vein of Alabasta and is like "our child is dumb and I'm slicing them up." And Jinbei is like "They've declared war on Big Mom."
So many groans and Boa screaming about them being dumb! Then Sanji's new poster comes out and Doffy after the ship wreck makes it to the crossguild and is like "MEN OUR CHILD!" And even Boa is there and Buggy is cowering in fear.
"Yes, we are aware, Doffy. Pity about the photo but at least it's not that awful drawing anymore." Mihawk sighs.
"Did we ever figure out who their birth family is?" Boa asks.
"No, I have Daz and several others working on it now." Crocodile answers.
"I'm sorry who is your kid?" Buggy asks meekly.
"Black Leg Sanji." The Warlords answer in unison.
"Jinbei said he's joining the crew though." Mihawk mutters.
"I can't believe he gets to join the crew." Boa whines.
"You're a queen and your obsession with our child's captain is weird." Doffy scolds.
"You know you've made a mistake if Doffy is telling you that, Boa." Mihawk says. Buggy just keeps whipping 'what the fuck' to himself over and over again. No one pays him any mind as they just keep working.
Luffy probably forgot all about it and Sanji doesn't mention it. Zoro never found out because when Perona was patching up Zoro and the green haired man falls asleep he's like "So we can't tell him" and Perona is like "No shit Sherlock"
Sanji and Jinbei don't make a scene in Fishman Island and no one acts like Sanji spent a lot of time there. Sanji fully expected to get sliced by Doffy.
Idk what would be funnier if WCI happens as canon or if the other four warlords meet up with Jinbei and the rescue team. More likely it's the first. Wano is canon I feel like.
And then Kizaru sees Sanji on egg head and is like "Sanji? What the fuck? You're Blackleg Vinsmoke?" And Sanji just diable jambe's him when he's distracted.
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opbackgrounds · 4 months
What exactly had Oda 'not known to self-edit'? Cause I someone who DID drop the series during Punk Hazard, but binged is right before the you-know-what-reveal - it reads great at onces, though I can see why weekly readers suffer. I can't think of a single thing that's doesn't look like setup for later - so I'm curious, what's so unnecessary for you?
There are too many characters, mostly. There didn't need to be 9 samurai. There didn't need to be 7 Vegapunks. There didn't need to be 11 Supernovas. For every character Oda introduces, he must find a place for them, and this is both One Piece's blessing and its curse. It makes the world feel full and lived in, where no matter where you look there are other characters who could be the protagonists of their own story, but is also how you get Raizo spending 25 chapters fighting the long earlobe guy in what's ultimately a meaningless fight no one cares about. Oda himself acknowledged this when he (semi) lightheartedly said he wished he'd made fewer warlords, because then he wouldn't have to write stories for 7 different characters. It's a compounding problem that gets worse as the series gets longer, and Oda is forced to juggle more and more balls with varying success.
And even if that were not the case, there's a lot more fluff than the old days. I pointed this out during Water 7, but if you want an example of a tight arc look there. The gags and little character moments that are essential to the series are all there, but they're purposeful to the plot. There's not an ounce of fat in the whole arc, and it's largely regarded as one of the best in the series.
Compare that to Wano when you have entire chapters dedicated to the little fox spirit or Franky running around the city looking for blueprints to the mansion. They're fine in isolation, heart warming and funny respectively, but it's a lot of wasted pages for not a lot of purpose. A few such scenes sprinkled in sparingly can add flavor to the story, but too many grind the feeling of progress to a halt, and take away time from things that are more important to the plot and/or themes. Like, did you know Tama was a Kozuki? Putting that information in the manga itself would have done a lot to clear up the thematic confusion caused by Hiyori's speech at the end of the arc. But there was too much fluff and too many unimportant characters getting page time that that bit of info is regulated to an SBS where many fans will never see it.
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
You know, I was thinking a bit about the monster trio and how they all respect food a lot. And it got me thinking about their respective reasons to.
Sanji started resoecting it after being stranded and starving for 6 months, he knew how it felt to be hungry and he doesn't want anyone else to feel like this again. You also got the fact that he is a cook so of course he respects food.
Zoro I am not really sure since I don't remember any specific incident in his life, but its probably due to the strict discipline and culture he was raised in. After all he got raised with Wano costums and Wano is inspired by east asia, mainly Japan. And I might get it wrong but there is some kind of occurence where its rude to not finish your food, and its considered preciois.
Luffy has his whole thing that he just loves to eat and its mostly a gag but I dug in more deeply and...
Did Garp use to fucking starve that child?
I mean, its mostly an assumption, but when Luffy first went to Dadan's place to live she only gave him a bowl of rice and a cup of water and told him he had to work for his food. She excpected him to cry but he just went "Ok. Better than my grandad treats me".
Did Garp just fed Luffy if he completed his trainings (that involved him doing near death experience as a <7 years old CHILD) and/or only made him eat what he hunted? Is that what it is? This whole gag, of Luffy being a glutton, cherishing every piece if food he eats DEFEATING THE WORLD'S STRONGEST CREATURE, FOR A BOWL OF RICE comes from the fact that, as a child, food was quite literally just a rewards, and to him food = freedom, and he loves freedom?
Garp, I swear to Nika-
I've always loved the way OP treats food. Not gonna go full analysis on that because I'm pretty sure one already exists, but Oda keeps wanting to put food/eating in a good light. Food means life and happiness and whenever there's an important scene going on, somebody's eating. It's beautiful. It's surprisingly one of the main traits of Luffy's character. I find it beautiful how the manga keeps showing that food brings happiness and fulfillment. That everybody deserves to eat and that it could never be a bad thing.
We know already why Sanji respects food so much so there's no need to explain it. But you know. Starvation? The way his mom kept hyping up his passion for cooking? His whole character revolves around food and how nobody deserves to starve. Eating shouldn't be a privilege but most of the time it is and people should be thankful they're able to enjoy their delicious meals. So he doesn't waste food because he sees it as a life and happiness source that not most people have access to and it shouldn't be wasted.
Zoro's views are really respectful when it comes to everything. Traditions and rules? Zoro respects that. He's the one who knows the most about pirate language and tradition, so of course he's gonna respect Sanji's views on food. But it isn't just because of that because he already respected food way before joining the crew. It comes from his views on life. Food is necessary for people to live and he respects death a lot (ever since what happened to Kuina) and mortality is something real and present to him constantly. He respects food the way he respects death and life and mortality.
And Luffy... I'd say yes, perhaps it does have something to do with how Garp raised him. It makes sense although I've never actually thought about it that way. But it does look like he has always had to fight for food. But he doesn't only see food as something to fight for because Makino also prepared meals for him. I think the whole point about Luffy and food is freedom (I mean, obviously. God of the Sun and Freedom. We know how it goes). Eating is something necessary to live, but Luffy doesn't see it as a threat. It isn't "Eat or Die" for him. For him, he chooses to eat because food is good for his body and it's delicious, and eating out of pleasure and not just hunger is also part of his character. He's a man who's always starving but for more experiences and tastes and freedom, and he takes food without hesitating once because you shouldn't apologize never, ever for eating.
While Sanji sees food as something he can do for others (he's always starving and making food for everybody else because he's selfless like that and the show wants you to see it), Zoro respects food the same way he respects mortality because it's something necessary to live, and Luffy loves food because it's... Because it's just good, you know? Maybe it isn't that deep. Maybe he eats because he wants to and that's okay. He unapologetically eats and he's selfish about it and that's how it should be.
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cozage · 1 year
Hi!! Can I request how they would behave with a shy s/o that didn't confess yet because of that and doesn't plan to do? They'll need to find out.
For Beckman, Lucci and Crocodile (If you can't do some of them it's fine!)
Thank you!! I love how you portrait OP boys!!
A/N: I can indulge you with Beckman, anon, but I have failed miserably in trying to connect with Lucci and Crocodile. Forgive me!!! Also I need to note that I am only at Wano Country arc. I know all these men show up briefly after Wano but I’m not there yet so maybe I’ll be able to revisit this with a more accurate description after I get caught up on the manga?
Characters: gn reader x Beckman
Cw:  bar scene, alcohol mention, little bit of angst
Total word count: 2k
A Life of Adventure
The Red-haired pirates had been coming to the bar you had worked at for about a month now, and every time Benn Beckman walked in through that door, your heart fluttered a bit. He sauntered over to the seat directly in front of you and sat down.
“The usual?” You asked, already pulling out a glass and filling it with top shelf whiskey. 
“You know me so well, and we’ve only just met.” He smirked at you from across the bar. “Are you stalking me?”
It was the same banter you two exchanged every night, and every night it made you blush. The pirates sat scattered throughout the bar, but Beckman always sat in front of wherever you were making drinks.  
You all had become quite close with each other in that time. Your eight-hour shifts ended frequently with you and Beckman strolling around the town, stargazing or night fishing. He always had some new adventure to show you, and you never wanted to turn him down. You had to admit, the pirate life seemed nice; you understood why he was a part of it. He managed to find and show you parts of the island you didn’t even know existed, even after living here for your entire life. You couldn’t wait to see what adventure he’d take you on today, tomorrow, and every other day they were here to shake up your life in your tiny island town.
“We’re leaving tomorrow morning,” Beckman said, breaking your thoughts.
“Leaving?” His words shocked you, and the glass in your hand dropped to the ground, shattering on impact. You stared at him with your mouth open, trying to process his words.
He just nodded, swirling the whiskey in his cup and then downing it all in one swig. He slid it back across the bar to you, and you reached out to grab it before it fell to the floor with the other glass. 
You quickly filled his glass and set it back down in front of him, and then excused yourself to search for a broom.
As soon as you got to the back room, you could feel the tears starting to form in your eyes, and you blinked them away, fanning your eyes to keep them dry. You took a few deep breaths, trying to steady yourself, and then grabbed a broom and went to clean up the mess. 
You weren’t delusional. You knew pirates didn’t stay in one place forever. Being a pirate meant that they were free to go wherever they chose, and Beckman probably wouldn’t even remember your name in three months. They’d move on to another island and he would find another bartender to be friendly with, just like he had with you, and just like he probably had hundreds of times before. 
“Y/N?” It was Beckman, and he was peering over the counter to find you. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah Beck, I’m fine. Just a bit clumsy.” You swept up the glass quickly and stood to face him, trying to push down your sadness. 
He smiled at you, and you thought for a second you saw some sadness in his eyes, but then he laughed. Whatever emotion you thought you had seen was gone now, most likely a manifestation of your own feelings.
“Think you can get off early tonight? I have a little adventure I want to take you on.”
You wanted to go; you really did. But the bar was packed tonight, and you couldn’t leave your coworkers short staffed. Plus, a small part of you knew if you went, his absence tomorrow would only hurt more.
You shook your head. “Sorry, not tonight. We’re already short-staffed as it is.”
“Not even for my last night?” You tried not to flinch at his words. His eyes watched you carefully, watching you while he took a sip of the whiskey in front of him.
You hesitated, looking around again. The bar was lively now, but it might calm down as the night went on. “Ask me in a few hours, mmkay?”
“It’s been a few hours,” the voice sang from your favorite seat in the bar, and you glanced over at the man you had slowly fallen for over the past few weeks as he spoke.
You had to admit, you were a little angry he had given you such short notice on his departure. If you had known it would be his last night, you would’ve taken off, maybe you would’ve been bold and asked him on a date. Something. Anything. You wanted to spend the whole evening with him, hopping fences and jumping streams to find the best view on the island like you had been the past few nights. You wanted one last adventure with him before he left.
But tonight was too busy for even a casual conversation with him. You zipped around the bar, pouring drinks and serving food to patrons who never stopped drinking and eating. You coworkers had tried to pick up a few of your tables when they realized your situation, but it still wasn’t enough for you to take a seat and talk with Beckman, let alone leave the building with him.
You gave him a regretful look and a sad smile and shook your head at him. “Sorry, Beck. We’re just too busy tonight.”
He nodded and turned his gaze down to his drink. He’d wait as long as he needed to have one last fleeting moment with you.
Beckman had met many people in his travels with the Red-Haired Pirates, and he had flirted with just about every single one of them. But you were different. You made him want to stay, or at least take you with him.
A strong arm wrapped around his neck, and his captain leaned into him “So, what are you going to do?”
Beckman sighed. “I’m sticking around for a bit longer, but you guys go ahead. I’ll be there tomorrow at first light.”
Shanks laughed loudly, his voice echoing around the bar. Beckman’s eyes glanced to you, but you were preoccupied with another customer.
“That’s not what I mean, Beckman. I mean what are you going to do about that?” Shank’s eyes slid over to you as well, and Beckman felt his stomach knot a little.
“What about it?”
“Don’t worry, I give you my blessing, you know.” Beckman could see Shank’s eyes still on you, and he was grinning mischievously, as if the captain knew something he didn’t.
Beckman was getting irritated by his captain’s riddle. “Give your blessing on what?”
“Whatever you want to do.”
“Ask them to join. Or offer to stay. Whichever you want.”
Beckman’s face must’ve been a sight to behold, because Shanks began laughing again. This time, you glanced over to see what the ruckus was, and caught Beckman’s eye. You smiled and gave a small wave, and his face began to feel warm again.
“Come on, Beckman,” Shanks voice was now low in his ear as they both watched you. “I can tell you’re head over heels for that one. And Y/N is head over heels for you too. So just ask them to join us. Or stay here.”
Shanks sighed, pulling away from his first mate. “I’d prefer the first one, personally. I’d love to have another crew member, and I definitely don’t want to lose you. But the decision is yours.” And with those final words, the red-haired captain left Beckman alone with his thoughts and the opportunity to keep you close to him for a while longer.
He stayed until the bar closed down, and then waited outside for you while you cleaned up.
“Go! We’ll be fine!” Your coworkers called, pushing you out the door. There was still a lot of closing tasks to do, but they were insistent they didn’t need your help. So you gathered your things, and took a deep breath before you opened the door into the cool night.
He was there, leaning against the side of the building, waiting for you like he promised. When he heard the door open, his head tilted up, and that smile you had grown so familiar with appeared on his face.
“I hate that your last night on the island was spent waiting for me to get off,” you apologize to him, but he waves it off.  
“It’s no big deal. Come on, I’ve got a place to show you.”
You follow him through back streets and into the forest. You all don’t speak; you preferred the silence of the night while you all moved silently through the trees. After a few minutes of walking, you arrived at a small clearing. There was a lake on the far side, and the stars shone brilliantly overhead.
You had been here before, the two of you had found it on one of the first nights you had gone out exploring, but you hadn’t stopped long to enjoy it. Now though, you’re realizing you passed up an amazing view in search of a better one.
The two of you sat by the lake, and you listen to his stories of his adventures on the Grand Line. You tell him stories too, about your quiet and relatively uneventful life on the island. It’s amazing how you both can exist in the same part of the world and have such different experiences. You envied him, and you wondered if he envied you in any way.
“Are you happy here?” Beckman asks, and the question takes you by surprise. You turn to look at him, but he’s staring at the small fish that are swimming lazily at the lake’s edge.
“As happy as I can be.” That answer feels right to you. It’s not exactly the truth, but it’s not a lie either.
Beckman nods, and it’s silent for a while. You can see the night sky begin to lighten, and you realize the sun is starting to rise.
His voice comes again just as the sun starts to peek over the horizon. “Could you be happier? If you were somewhere else?”
Now is the time for you to tell him. All of the alarms are going off inside your head. Confess to him. Admit how much you long for an adventure. Tell him how exciting your life has been these past few weeks, how you desperately don’t want this to end. Beg him to stay, or ask him to take you with him.
But you can’t bring those words to form in your mouth. “Probably.” You curse yourself for such a simple and vague answer.
You risk a glance over at him, and you can see he’s still focused on the sunrise. Ships always leave at first light. He’s going to be late back to his crew, but he doesn’t appear to be concerned.
“Do you want to come with us?”
“Yes.” The words are out of your mouth before you even realize what he’s asking.
“Really?” He asks, not sure if he heard you correctly. He looks over at you, shocked by your immediate answer, and you blush deeply.
“Yes! Yes, Benn Beckman! Take me with you!”
His lips spread into a grin, and he stands quickly. His hand reaches down to take yours, and as you stand, he doesn’t let go. He pulls you along, back through the woods, through the town, and to the docks, never letting go of your hand until you reach the Red-Hair’s ship.
“Shall we?” He gestures to the plank that leads up to the deck, looking only at you. “Adventure awaits.”
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kookie-doughs · 10 months
Again And Again
Portgas D Ace X Reader
-Amatsuki Y/N decided to stay in the future without her sister upon meeting a friend’s son.
Chapter 1: Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep
The Oro Jackson, with its grand sails, docks at the port of Wano. The crew members, including the you and your brother-in-law, Oden, stand on the deck, your faces filled with melancholy. The golden rays of the setting sun cast a bittersweet glow on the scene.
You look down to your leg and there held on, was Buggy who was practically sobbing and Shanks who looked at you sadly.
"Hey I'm also leaving, why do you two only care about Y/N?" Oden sighed.
You were the only woman on board, it made sense they'd get attached to you. You were the crew's princess after all.
And to be fair... it wasn't just the two kids who held onto you.
"Roger get off her." Rayleigh sighed as he pulled his captain away.
"This crew has been my family, and I'm grateful for every moment we spent together... I'm going to miss you all." You say with your voice trembling.
"Y/N DON'T FORGET US! ALWAYS PAY US A VISIT OKAY?! NO MATTER WHAT TIME IT IS!!" Roger says as he struggles from his first-mate's hold.
"Take care of yourself... We'll miss you so much." Shanks says and lets go of your leg and pulls the sobbing Buggy with him.
"We'll see each other again, I promise! This isn't going to be the last!" Oden cheers.
"Thank you for everything. We won't forget any of you. I promise to see you again!!" You smiled.
As you and Oden descend the gangplank and step onto the solid ground of Wano, you turn to face your cherished family for the last time. The crew members line the deck, waving and calling out their farewells, their voices filled with emotion.
"Goodbye, everyone! Thank you for making this journey unforgettable." You yell at them waving.
"Farewell, my friends. We'll always cherish the memories we made together." Oden says with tears and a smile.
The ship slowly sails away, and the distance between the crew and you and Oden grows. The crew members stand united, watching their friends depart, hearts heavy with both sadness and pride for the incredible adventures that they had gone through together.
"I miss my Toki so much, come on!" Oden yells as he grabs you and carries you like one of his bags.
Something you've gotten used to over the years of being with him.
"Y/N!" Your sister greets you as soon as you arrive.
Her husband falls as you have won her attention first.
You hug your sister, "Oh how I've missed you."
Two children, came rushing in the room to hug their father. After Toki gave Oden a kiss she pulls you aside to catch up.
"Toki, Oden was looking forward to you." You laughed.
"He can wait, we have a lot of time." She rolled her eyes, "So? Catch me up! Tell me everything."
Toki, was the dearest person to you. You could tell she also holds you close to her 3rd only to her children.
You two are peas of the same pod after all, twins with similar yet opposite power.
"I had thought you would've ended up with Roger." Your sister chuckled as you tell her your story.
"Oh god no. Rayleigh was definitely more of my type. But alas, I couldn't get attracted to them."
"You are a liar. I know you and your type is definitely Roger."
"Whatever! Go spend time with your husband!" You rolled your eyes causing her to laugh.
News from outside Wano travel a whole lot slower. The news was year ago, why have you only gotten it now?
Amigasa Village, here you were the last place you saw your dear former captain.
"Y/N?" Oden came to you, Toki following after him.
"I heard Roger died a year ago." You smile sadly at the couple.
"Oh did he?" Oden sat beside you.
"Yeah, paper says Marines got him. They executed him after he went on about One Piece." You laughed.
"That's bull." Oden laughed with you. "Marines trying to look good."
You sat in silence as you stare at the waters, Remembering the ship that had left you here not long ago.
"I wonder how the others are..."
"Well considering the news was a year ago. They probably don't think much of it."
"I want to see..."
"See what?"
"Hey Toki," you turn to your sister. "Can you take me to the future?"
The couple froze.
"I can't let you go alone."
"We can't do anything with how things are right now. I want to see how it is in the future."
"I said I refuse to let you go off alone." Toki reiterates.
"I can always come back."
"Y/N there's a reason you haven't gone back and fixed Wano. You can't simply go back to past and future like that." Oden reminds you.
"I can come back after a year. It's not that long."
"What if you get in trouble to whenever I send you?"
"Toki, I sailed with Roger Pirates for years and trained with Oden. I'll handle myself fine."
"What do you even want to see? Why do you have to leave?" Oden sighed
"I want to see the world."
"Y/N... What if the future isn't something you like?" Toki says sadly.
"I'll wait till I can come back. A year wait shouldn't be too bad."
"A lot can happen in a year." Oden replies.
"I'll go back anyway. Somehow, I'll find a way. I'll get back to you."
"The future isn't even great."
"How would you know? Toki, please. I want to see outside of Wano."
"Promise you'll come back..."
You smile at your sister. "i swear."
A light envelops you.
"I'll see you in a year."
"Ill see you in 19 years." You smiled.
And then, there you were.
In a beach. You were luckily familiar with the place. It hasn't changed. You smile.
You would've thought your sister or your nephew or niece would be here to greet you.
You make your way to the village. There you saw children running around with men who didn't seem to be citizens of Wano.
The village looked poor, it surprised you how much life it had despite it.
"Who are you?" You hear a voice behind you. "You're not someone from this village."
The man wore a mask over his eyes. He is a muscular man with spiky long light blue hair, and wears a very long opened coat which stretches down to his knees and leaves his chest exposed.
You looked at him confused. He was most definitely a pirate. But what was a pirate doing here?
Pulling out your Katana on your hip you point it at the man.
"Do you serve Kaido?" You glared.
People gathered and gasped. The citizens tried to get help. The man was unarmed after all.
"I don't." The man says nonchalantly.
You were about to hide your sword when you felt a presence that was coming behind you.
You envelop your sword with haki and slashed at the direction of the attacker, you didn't put much power into the attack as you didn't want to be hostile to someone who isn't an enemy.
The flame that was coming to you was cut and it turned into a man. His arm had been cut.
"I do not wish to fight!" You clear it up before he attacks once again. Putting your sword away to prove it.
The man in the form of flame materializes. You froze when he looked at you.
A familiar feeling swells in your chest. They shared almost no striking similarities aside from their jet-black hair and the intense darkness of their eyes. But you felt something the man before exuded an air of charisma and determination, possessing an unwavering spirit that drew others to them like a magnetic force. Just as the man you followed before.
It was something you had always admired on your former captain. You looked at the man in front of you awestruck.
"Who the hell are you?" the man gritted his teeth, angered at the fact you pointed your sword at his friend.
But you were too engrossed in your thoughts to pay mind to his question.
This seemed to be destiny was it not? In your despair of losing Roger, you travel in time only to be in the arms of you assume to be his son.
You smile as your tears formed. You had promised to meet him again after all. It wasn't like you can meet him again. You were in wano during the incidents.
"I asked you something." The man calls for your attention again.
Your tears slowly dripped and your smile grew wider, "I'm Y/N."
The man shocked by your tears, came over to you, "I-If you're not an enemy I'm not going to fight you! Don't cry!"
You laughed causing your tears to fall more. "To think you'd be the one here. Maybe you are the future I'm meant to get to."
The man blinks confused, "I-Is that a romantic u-uh I-I..."
Placing a hand on his head to pet him, "You never gave me your name."
"Ace?" He says confused.
Your heartache swelled, yearning to tell Ace about your shared past, about the legendary crew you held dear. But the weight of time and the knowledge that your stories belonged to a bygone era held you back. Instead, you could only stand there, filled with a profound sense of loss and nostalgia.
The encounter with Ace had awakened a longing for the past, but it also reminded you of the joy in forging new connections and embracing the adventures that awaited them in this new era.
He is not Roger. You couldn't wait to get to know Ace.
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @nykie-love-anime
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lawbin-archive · 2 months
Lawbin Dressrosa Analysis 2 - Save me save you
When I was coming up a title for this, I thought of the song - "Save me save you" by WJSN, because Robin saved Law in this arc lol So I went to search up the lyrics and actually it fits my delulu so well. If you're curious you can search the whole lyrics, here are a few lines:
"I will protect you so you don't get hurt I can tell even with small gestures All the painful memories deep in your heart is no more I'll wrap you in my arms, now tell me"
highlighted in purple are my delulu~
Again, don't read if you don't like Lawbin. Includes lots of bias.
Chapter 731 ~ 773: Defeat Doflamingo with you
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Robin changed her mind after hearing the story of Dressrosa. Instead of destroying the factory only, they decided to take down Doflamingo together. Everyone changed their mind after seeing the country's situation and at the end, their goal aligned including Law and Robin. Robin actually changed a lot after time skip. After joining straw hats, she's finally showing her empathy side and feelings instead of hiding it.
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Baby 5 & Law and Luffy & Robin gave me so much siblings vibes here!! It's like Baby 5 hitting his older brother, got scared and seek her another brother for protection. And Luffy is like the younger brother trying to complain everything to his older sister and seeking agreement from her haha He also did the same when the beginning of the arc where he argued with Momo that he can fly, but Robin said "he doesn't have wings though". So cute!! It would be such cute scenes if it's not happening during a disaster.
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I actually think Robin is trying to confirm Law's whereabouts here. Because she already knew Zoro and Luffy are there, except them, there are Viola and Riku there. Robin haven't met Viola and her father yet so she probably not asking about them. And she knew Franky is at the toys house, Kinemon was with them before, so in my opinion, I think Robin is asking about Law. And it makes sense because she separated with him at Greenbit and probably worry about his situation after hearing he got beat by Doflamingo.
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Law gave me so much Alabasta or Eneis Lobby Robin vibes here (how many times I have said that lol) To me, It's not like they don't care about other people lives, some of their actions are telling the opposite, it's like they have so much burden on themselves that they don't even have time or strength to care about others. As I mentioned above, Robin starting show her emotions now because she didn't need to pretend tough to avoid getting hurt anymore. I actually hope one day we can see Law showing the real him too. I would say he is much relax after this arc and in Wano but I feel like he is still putting a lot of responsibilities and burden to himself :(
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Look at this!! Robin has Law's den den mushi contact here!!! (they all probably have to connect each other haha) But this proves that it wouldn't be unreasonable if we see Robin and Law contacting each other after Wano because she has the contact *smirk*
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Ooo the Eneis Lobby vibe, Robin trying to help Law unlock his cuff just like the crew trying to do the same when she was in Eneis Lobby *sob* And I think because she couldn't help him much at Green Bit, so she's trying to help more here. I think other straw hats probably won't care as much if they were in her situation, so he's lucky that Robin is the one helping him here haha
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The third time Robin use wings in front of Law!!! So elegant and beautiful!! ><
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She's like I'll protect you guys just go. This women is just so hot. And I think she really treated Law like a friend here because she brought the key to Law even though there were lots of obstacles, she protected him in order for them to defeat Doflamingo, she worried about him 1/3 of the arc. She really treat him differently than the last arc and I think maybe how Law acted during Punk Hazard and Green Bit made her changed her view on him? And if I think about would other straw hat (except Luffy) do the same? I really doubt they would. And would Robin do the same if it's another non-straw hat? She probably would (for example Kinemon) but I doubt if she will be that worried and react the same for Law.
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Every time I read this made me feel sad, Law literally plan his whole life to defeat him and he is finally free after defeating Doflamingo, but the time he's being free is so little. literally only a month? and in this month, he still need to worry about defeating a yonko. And Oda decided to make that worse after....sigh. I also saw a tweet that Law probably has survival guilt after all the things happened in his life. But because of this, I think he might have a character development like Robin soon. (If Oda has mercy)
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Again, Robin mentioned about the key which means delivering the key (releasing Law) is important to her or she always keep that in mind. If you think about it, Robin really talked like she thank you Rebecca for doing a favour for her friend.
Chapter 779 ~ 783: Save you
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Robin is worrying about Law again. But also, if I put all my bias away, it might be also because they are in an alliance so it's natural that she is worrying about him. But if I think it in my delulu, She cares a lot about him!! Even in Wano, I rarely see Robin worrying a non-straw hat (a guy) that much.
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Seriously, after she saw Luffy and Doflamingo jump out, the first thing she saw is how bad Law is. I wouldn't believe if you told me they weren't more than ally because of how worried she is.
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Finally, we have arrived one of the lawbin's famous scenes. Robin saved him and caught him using Spider Net and according to Internet, the only two times she used spider net to save or catch someone are for Zoro and Law. And she treated him so genteelly!! I also have read a fic* that said this probably the moment when Law felt he's treated like a human. During the arc, he has been fighting, calculating, and trying his best to defeat Doflamingo. He acted very rationally through out the arc. But in this moment, he felt warm, he is protected and he can be passed out without worrying about his safety which happens really rare for him :'( *Here is the fic I'm mentioned!! It's one of the favorite lawbin fics. Take my Heart & Please Don’t Break It by CericeBelle
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Robin is willing to risk her body to save Law *sob* Especially when she was already hurt when she was protecting Rebecca *sob* I always wonder if Law knew he was saved by Robin here. He probably knew? Even though he passed out, I think he won't lost all his consciousness and can feel he is saved by another person. And when he was awake later, he probably knew Robin saved him because she was right beside him. And kudos to cabbage-kun, he was so nice to Robin and carried Law T-T I think he might told Law about what happen when he passed out in the next chapter because they were alone on the platform.
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I just noticed this, in the left panel, did robin just hold Law without using her ability? this girl is so strong and she's still protecting him!!
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So Law did tell Robin and Cabbage-kun his real goal (to strike down Doflamingo) In straw hats, only Luffy and Robin knew what his true intention is. (Sanji also guessed) I don't think they both will mind about it though because they already aiming to defeat Doflamingo before. To be honest, if Law know Luffy better in Punk Hazard, he will know Luffy or probably the whole straw hats can help him to defeat Doflamingo even without alliance. But with his personality, he probably won't say a word about what happen between him and Doflamingo. And I feel like only Luffy and Robin can make Law become more vulnerable or more willing to express his true self.
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And here :( Law ready to sacrifice himself to archive his goal just like what Robin did in Eneis Lobby...so I think Robin knew exactly how Law felt here. But Robin's character developed a lot!!! Now she doesn't even think to sacrifice herself and trying to let Law feel more ease. I feel like she's trying to save him out the situation where she was. It's like when Usopp told Robin to trust Luffy q-q but you know they were both stubborn in their own ways...
Chapter 798 ~ 800: Live freely
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These two scenes...don't tell me Oda didn't do it on purpose, I really think he's trying to imply Law is going through what Robin did. And Law after 13 years, he is finally living freely. Robin is a little bit lucky than Law, she found strong friends that can rely on and encountered a group of people (revolutionary army) that provide support to her and she can trusted with. That's why she changed so much 2 years later. And I seriously hope Law can also have the support he needed as well :(
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Ah - the beginning of seeking "The will of D". He wants to know why Corazon saved him when he said he is a D. And Sengoku said Corazon didn't know anything about D, he saved you just because he loved you. *sob* I can understand why some people ship Law & Corazon because it's just pure love, but I see them more like father & son love just like what Sengoku did to Corazon. I think during Dressrosa -> Wano, Law is trying to ask himself what he really want to do after achieving his previous goal and probably what happened in Zou made him more curious about the D.
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Yes this is the end of Dressrosa! It's funny Oda try to slip lawbin similarities even in the same page lol see how Law looked everyone in the banquet and how Robin did the same after (top left panel). Oda what are you planning for both of them!!! >< It's not just them having similar dream, right???
This is the arc that Law & Robin interacted the most. It makes sense because this arc is almost dedicated to Law and mainly focusing on him, so he must interacted with the straw hats a lot. But still I'm surprised how Law and Robin get so much closer in this arc. Because Law isn't really close to any straw hats except Luffy. (maybe he get closer to Sanji and Zoro in Wano, but I still think Robin is the second closet to him by seeing how they interacted) I wish Oda could shown more of their moments because they definitely interacted during Zou -> Wano and when they were preparing the fight in Wano, and all we got is only one scene (although I know it's one of the most important scenes)
Oh yes I was gonna say something about my perspective on other ships *again warning, just my personal opinion and please read this rationally* first of all, I think Cabbage-kun and Robin are so cute T-T I don't really ship them but I just think Cabbage caring about Robin is really nice of him. Especially when he gave his coat to her. second of all, I can also understand why lawlu is so huge because of their polar opposite personality and Law act really cute in front of him haha but I don't ship them because I see them more like best friends. (yes I can see Law is mad behind me saying they are not friends) finally, I noticed there are frobin moments here, like they were wearing couple shirt (actually it said Corrida and Luffy is wearing a tank top with a bull on it too) and one of the SBS was about franky sleeping on Robin's lap something like that. To be honest, when I saw it I also think oo did Oda trying to set them up?? but luffy was sleeping on Rebecca's lap later on too. And I wonder why - if Oda really trying make them as a couple, but he doesn't give them any interactions in the storyline at all? Like most of "romantic moments" was from colorspread (the last one is chapter 987 and after that that they rarely interact), other than that, they mostly interacted as normal crewmates, so I always wonder did Oda changed his mind in Wano... Again, I'm just analyzing the possibility...
I actually finished reading Zou and 1/5 Wano already, I just don't have time to write an analysis T^T I thought Zou might be an arc that I can write a short analysis but while I'm reading it, I actually have lots of thoughts in mind!! So I'll talk about it next post haha Again, thanks for reading it!!! Discussions or comments are always welcome :)
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moongothic · 4 months
Hi! Just found your blog and I'm having a blast reading through your Croc theories and analysis, they're great! I wanted to ask you what you make of Croc's last manga appearance (I think), where Buggy announces he wants to be Pirate King. Just before that Croc mentions they need power and influence to form their utopia. It bugs me. Operation Utopia was your typical bad guy plot, but now he's still going on about that? What's that about? What idea of utopia could Mihawk and Croc possibly share??
I mean the OG Operation Utopia was simply about creating a military nation powerful enough to oppose the World Government, Crocodile explained it during the Alabasta arc explicitly. And the reason he targetted Alabasta specifically was because he believed Pluton would be there which would make his military nation unstopable.
So it's not entirely shocking Crocodile still wants to create that military force, even if he's given up on the Ancient Weapon part.
What bothers me is:
Why did Crocodile wait two whole years until he made his first move at restarting his Utopia Plans?
Why does he want that military force to begin with?
Like the easy answer for 1) would be that Crocodile had to wait for his turn to become plot-relevant again and was simplying enjoying his vacation in the meantime. Like considdering the shit happening during Dressrosa, Whole Cake and Wano, having Crocodile start his BS early would've been a distraction storywise frankly and Oda had enough balls to juggle at once with those sagas. But also, it is odd Crocodile hasn't done ANYTHING ahead of time to start rebuilding a new military force, like. He had two whole years, what the fuck was he doing then? Why wait that long just to start??
And I can only assume... he was waiting? For something?
Let's think about what has changed in the world of OP between Dressrosa and now, like the big, key events that impact the whole world:
Luffy has not just returned to the pirating scene after two years but has caused a fuck ton of world-shaking chaos in the New World (becoming an Emperor being simply the latest big thing)
Reverie happened
The Revolutionaries attacked Marijoa for the first time
The Shichibukai System was demolished
And there's two things we can kind of take-away from these.
If Crocodad Real, Crocodile watching his son take the spotlight could've inspired the man to move; the WG would want to target his baby boy and thus becoming an intentional distraction could be his goal here. Alternatively, hearing that his ex Finally Did Something could've made Crocodile be like "fuck I'm not losing to Dragon" and inspired him to actually make a move himself.
OR. Perhaps the end of the Shichibukai System is what got Crocodile to actually make a move? Because there's two things; One, he was able to make a very powerful ally very fast when Mihawk became a target for the WG. It's possible Crocodile might've been waiting for an opportunity like that, to recruit someone reasonable, reliable and extremely capable to make his own future endevours easier. Two. Because Crocodile gave all his money to fucking Buggy, it's possible Croc could've been broke these past two years. But knowing Buggy's now lost his Shichibukai Rights, THAT may have been why Crocodile decided to go get his money back when he did. Because if/when Buggy decided to skedaddle and disappear into the wind, there'd be no way for him to get his money back anymore, right.
OR. It could be all of these things together. The planets aligned and Crocodile saw now was the time to make his move. Maybe. IDK.
And then we get to 2, Why Does He Want To Create That Military Nation To Begin With
And I have no idea
I mean there's the whole Romancing SaGa 2 thing, but while that would work as proof of Crocodile's motivations, it doesn't explain particularly why he wants to destroy the WG. Like not that you need a personal motivation considdering what the WG is like, but without the motivation it's hard to tell if it's for World Domination or something else.
Though if Crocodad Real then it'd sound very reasonable if he was very intentionally trying to fuck with the World Government to protect his son by
trying to put a target on his own back and act as a distraction
take down as many Marines as possible to dwindle down the enemy forces (making it harder for the WG to make moves on anyone)
lowkey assisting Dragon if he wanted to mayhaps attack Marijoa again if he's actually up to doing something now
just prepare for a war against the WG
Or any combo of the above.
Like. I dunno man Crocodad really would just explain so much
But it all remains to be seen
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stretchydyke · 5 months
so i've been listening to "Ship in a Bottle" by fin today and i have. sanji thoughts. this is The sanji song and i need to write it all out otherwise im going insane
(blanket spoiler for whole cake island + wano just for the last part of the lyrics analysis)
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first off this is sanji compartmentalizing all his trauma with his family + abuse and him coping with all this by being the Romantic Love Cook™ all the time and being the sweet, charming, smiling sweetie pie he usually is; also the entire sea/piracy/sailor metaphor going through the song is simply perfect, for obvious reasons. and also his dream of the all blue
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now this is whole cake island; the way sanji decides to face his family and his problems alone, without his nakama, and he leaves them all to protect them, "this is your own battle to win", even if it kills him to be separated from them and he has to fight off luffy to make him stay away
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the chorus!! i know the song probably intends "captain" to mean yourself/the same person singing the rest of the song, because there's the lyric "this is your ship and you're the captain", but when i heard it my mind immediately went to sanji and luffy obviously and ohhhh the sanlu feelings. the emotions. sanji feeling scared for himself, for his nakama, and he bottles up everything—but if he could just talk to luffy about it, have him by his side to fight just like nami and robin did for their own issues, he wouldnt feel like he was drowning so much. and he knows luffy would come help him in a heartbeat too, which makes it harder to push him away
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this. well. YOU KNOW WHICH SCENE THIS IS. the crying in the rain scene....... sanji crying in the rain is probably one of my favourite scenes of him but also one of the saddest of the entire anime, to me. destroys me just thinking about it. and sanji crying.... thats when everything cracks, when everything he's been keeping together just falls apart
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now this; this is wano sanji. getting lost in his brain (hell's memories) and running out of time (the germa process changing his body/making lose his humanity) and losing touch with all the things that made him feel sane (anything you could want to include; the all blue, women, his nakama, his humanity/empathy....) and here "captain" is more understood in the meaning of the song, as in sanji telling himself to make up his mind—as in, getting lost in himself or getting help (asking for help—robin) and fighting to keep his humanity and what makes him him
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ayuventi · 8 months
Okay, so another deep dive into symbolism in relation to that one scene with Law vs Big Mom (Wano arc spoilers)
I have honestly loved this bit of the fight against Big Mom and the absolute symbolism we get just from the color choices alone
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Sure, we can argue that it's just a cool monochromatic theme going on with a color pop. But considering that at that moment in the fight, he was literally fighting for his life for a payoff with Kid's combined attack, it's VERY much the callback for Law when he was fighting for his life as a child. The fact that they not only decided to use a monochromatic palate, but also make Law's hair WHITE is such A MAJOR thing when you consider that one of the late stage symptoms with White Lead Disease was the hair turning white. But what really really gets me about this scene, is that you have this part that's in full color when Big Mom asks if he's dead and Lands a major punch on him. Also interesting (and perhaps a small bit of a reach) is that Big Mom's hair is pretty much made of flames at this point in the fight.
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And then you get this cut which looks like blood falling on a mostly white background, which ofc is symbolic of where Corazon died and also can be meant to for the blood spilled in the White Town of Flevance. What’s also interesting to note is that the smaller splotches of blood look very similar to the splotches on Law’s hat when he was younger, which I don’t think they would have made this choice if it wasn’t meant to be a parallel. Also upon closer examination, there is a shape of a heart that is made both with the larger pools of blood, and the negative space, if you really take a moment to look.
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I think it's also important to note that the shot with the sword is also in monochromatic colors as the K-Room is in black and white rather than the usual blue, and the magma is the same red/pink as his tattoos and hat spots. He was enduring all of Big Mom's punches to stay alive long enough to ensure he could carry out his goal, much as Corazon did.
And when he calls for Kidd, and he says "Don't make me repeat myself, Trafalgar! Don't tell me what to do!"
You get Law's smiling blood stained face that looks like Corazon's face paint extending from the corner of his mouth.
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And then of course his crew is threatened with giving up their lives to Big Mom and he tells them that they should be the ones getting away
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Then in order to save their lives (and Kid's crew along with everyone else in earshot) He uses the Re-Room
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What else I find even more meaningful is that the bubble in which Cora-san enables Calm is always shown in purple too.
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Obviously the purple enveloping Law when he uses Re-Room was also due in part to Kid's Damned Punk, but it's too coincidental not to have not noticed
Anyways, thanks for coming to another one of my Ted Talks!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 5 months
Keep it in Your Heart
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If we're doing another leg of this flashback, it's time to dust off a old concept that proved right with the last time we stepped away. We...might not be coming back to how this situation with Saturn gets resolved. We may come in directly on the resolution. There are a lot of ways that can go. But for the moment I just wanted to focus on a few things that are relevant. Starting with the chapter I borrowed a title from here, 603. Viz slightly changes it, but the noteworthy "heart" theme is part of the whole package, one you probably remember with this scene.
Of course it's relevant that Kuma asked for this final mission. This direction for the flashback has a high chance of us seeing an alternate view of the story we all know and love. Really, really would like to see this cover Kuma's POV on Thriller Bark. What I forgot until looking at this chapter again was how much the Straw Hats, particularly Franky, know about the cyborg project. Franky offering a dire warning that is quite pertinent; that Kuma is someone they're indebted to...but if they ever cross paths again he will be an emotionless weapon.
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There is no such thing as coincidence, only fate. That was how Van Augur put it. Remember, that was when the story was taking an odd moment between Luffy and Blackbeard and spelling out the thread that had been running since Drum. How a quirk of fate tied the brothers' story together. It's interesting to see it on display here leading into explaining just how Kuma protected the ship. Had a hand in setting the Straw Hats up to learn what they'd need to take on the New World.
I used that quote from Augur in one of our earliest Post-Wano Musings, titled Holding Pattern which covered Chapters 1062 & 1063. Looking back, man it's cool we're still looking at Bonney the same way and Drake has the same potential. I really dug up the coincidence thing because Law having boobies was so on point. 1063 was the first time I really started wondering if there might be a real reason to keep the hopium around because it was so weird then to cut away to Law like that. Egghead has gotten a lot longer than we imagined then but really leaned into those early threads we were looking at.
Those who have been following along would recall a while ago I stopped fully caring about this from the perspective of Kiku actually being #10 or not and more that using her as a guide was clearly paying off enough I'mma keep doing it until we get our answer. So then it's worth noting it may be no coincidence, but fate that made Kuma's decision to split the Straw Hats land them at the right time to stumble into the Akazaya's revenge plot. Though the length of their time apart is out of Kuma's paws even if he knew about it. That was just one thought looking back on 603 here.
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You even had Caribou stumble in at the end. Don't forget him. My hunch right now is if the Blackbeard ship is actually Moria & Perona then Caribou fits their aesthetic to a T. That's not a bad vehicle to show some of what happened during the skipped night in the lab. Reading that old review was a great reminder; some of the little oddities we noticed early did and continue to snowball.
As for Kuma? Who knows where the flashback goes from here. I'd love some deep Makino lore but they could just be ships passing in the night. Where Bonney's story runs parallel will also be telling. I'll dust off one classic though. The longer this flashback goes the better the odds we come back to the present in a weird fashion. I don't think this 1100 turn can be ended in just one followup chapter either. Gut says wait til the first one of a new year, those are always big too.
Hell...worth mentioning too. If this is our second segment like this in the arc, what does it mean if/when we break down into a third? Just saying, we already had the idea Egghead was the 4th more accurate part of Wano doing a Rashomon type thing. What if that story itself is a nested Rashomon narrative? I will make and send Oda an award for literary brilliance if he does that and it's really, really starting to feel like we might.
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baby-xemnas · 1 month
I didn't use to ship bepo x law... until I saw ur blog now, I'm obsessed. What made you ship them in the first place?
in the first place in the first place?
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☝️ this was said before i even shipped them full throttle, i always liked them because i did not like law at all - i was annoyed that he is so popular i was sick of seeing him i didnt care to learn anything about him because fans were annoying as shit. also post ts OP is bad and i dropped it after the reunion. still hold onto that opinion still wont watch DS/PH, im like whatever some guy everyone is googoo abt cuz hes hot whatever Yawn new fandom bicycle who fucking cares (i still hate that he is a fandom bicycle but i live with it, what can ya do)
having bepo (and being close to bepo so he takes naps on him and hugs him etc) was always law's only redeeming quality, good one oda
back then i wasnt furry enough (s/o beastars for changing that, til them i only dipped my toes carefully in furries) or open minded enough to ship them seriously + i had my hands full of making gin/sanji content and i rly only focus on one thing at a time
anyway since then a lot of time passed and then i saw A POST completely randomly that had a compilation of lawbepo moments and it had a 2 panels of the post onigashima hug i was like hello.... and then i saw screenshots from film RED and was like HELLO??? and then i looked them up and saw sulong bepo and was like HELLO???????????????? my sleeper agent ship??????? BEPO EPIC MOMENTS?????????????? so i came back skimmed thru wano watched the "stop acting cute!" scene and went fucking insane
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omegaworld · 1 year
Pirate Queen [Alpha Luffy x omega reader] - part 3 - extra
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 Important to understand the context
I have 50 followers now so I decided to make this extra one for you! I hope you like it! (^///^)
Part 1, Part 2 - Final, Part 3 - Extra
Word count: 1072
Spoiler for those who haven't finished the Wano arc yet
(After Luffy defeats Kaido and the Straw Hats leave Wano)
(What will happen is totally taken from my imagination and does not follow the manga)
After leaving Wano the Straw Hats decided to go to the island of the Kujas to offer them protection since Hancock was no longer a shichibukai. If it was before everyone was sure that Sanji would be delirious, but since Natsuko's arrival he remained serious and dedicated to the recovery of his omega.  
After about a month of traveling they finally arrive at Amazon Lily and Y/n was eager to meet all the friends her alpha had made on the island. As soon as they disembark on the island Luffy is surrounded by a horde of women and Y/n laughs, there was no doubt that Luffy was adored.
'Luffyyyyyy!' a voice comes up and the crowd splits to let a woman through. Y/n tilts her head in confusion as the woman grabs Luffy burying him in her chest and starts pouring out loving names. She didn't like it, why was that omega so close to her Luffy?
Y/n follows with the crew while Luffy is led further ahead by the band of women, a few others stay behind and accompany them filling them with questions. In celebration of their arrival a large banquet has been prepared, Y/n tries to put aside that feeling, but every time he looks at Luffy that woman is touching him in some way. Couldn't she see that he was hers? Unfortunately the cape Luffy was wearing accidentally covered the mark and it was bothering her tremendously.
Brook and Franky's conversation finally distracts Y/n from the scene, but perhaps it would have been better if it hadn't. They both comment on how beautiful the pirate empress is and when she questions them they explain that she is considered a goddess, an omega who due to her akuma no mi was not affected by the alphas, the most beautiful woman in the world and that all men fall in love just by looking at her. Again that feeling inside her stirred, Luffy was a man Y/n think looking at him. Was he in love with her too?
Shaking her head Y/n stands up, she needed to get some air.
Sitting on one of the slopes tears streamed down her face without even really knowing why, she had never felt this way before. Not even when she didn't know him yet had she doubted that she wasn't good enough for her alpha or if he wanted her, but now... Hancock was pretty? The most beautiful? So did that mean Luffy thought she was prettier than her too?
But she was his mate, she should be the one he thought was prettier. They were marked. That meant he couldn't trade her for Hancock, right?
Luffy was enjoying himself at the banquet when suddenly he stops making Hancock question him, his nose twitches at the absence of Y/n's scent and looking around he realizes that she is not in sight. He gets up and stops Hancock from following him by saying he'll be right out.
He follows his mate's scent only to find her crying. Luffy's inner alpha panics as he runs to her 'Mega' he calls out fondly holding her cheeks gently with his hands and making her look at him 'Who did this?? I'm going to beat the crap out of them!!!'
Y/n cringes and Luffy realizes he spoke a little rudely. Taking a deep breath he pulls her onto his lap purring to calm her down as she clings to him and cries harder 'P-please' 'What mega?' the alpha asks worriedly 'Don't trade me for the world's most beautiful omega' 'Ehhh?' Luffy asks tilting his head extremely confused 'how can I trade you for yourself?'  
Blushing Y/n sniffles and wipes her tears 'It's not me. Everyone says Hancock is' 'I don't say that' Luffy says seriously and still very confused as he looks at the omega in his arms. Y/n laughs, for a moment she had almost forgotten that Luffy was just like that, always sincere, something she loved about him.
'Yeah right' she smiles and he returns the smile seeing her happy. The alpha holds her face wiping her tears away and kissing them before kissing her on the lips. Why was she so worried anyway? Luffy was her mate, the one who promised to love and care for her always and he always keeps his promises.
As they pull away from the kiss Y/n sighs hugging Luffy and burying her nose in his neck 'Sorry alpha, I guess that omega was just too close to what's mine' 'Hancock?' He asks and she nods still hiding in his neck 'But it's still yours' He laughs and she pulls away to nuzzle her nose against his 'Yeah right' Y/n pulls away looking a little at Luffy's hidden mark 'I guess she just couldn't see it'.
He is confused until he suddenly brings his hand to his neck and can feel the brand covered and frowns at not realizing that the brand he usually proudly displays was now covered. Stepping back a little he removes the cloak leaving the mark visible again 'Now everyone can see shishishishishi' S/n laughs with him before he stands up and places his hat on her head extending his hand to her 'Shall we go back?' She agrees and they both walk hand in hand back to the banquet.
This time Luffy didn't let go of her, he brought her to his seat and sat her between his legs filling her with treats and giving her a taste of everything he considered good, meaning all the food.
Nami who had seen Y/n leave smiled as she saw the scene, at least in one thing her captain was not such an idiot. On the other hand, Hancock almost had a fit when he saw Luffy enter with Y/n 'Luffy, honey, who is it?' 'This is Y/n my mate' Luffy announces proudly. The older woman notes the already healed bond marks on both their necks and the kujas had to hold the empress to keep her from falling n the ground.  
All the women perked up upon hearing that Luffy had a mate and buried us in questions very excited to meet her.
In the distance Hancock watched the scene with anger and childish tears in his eyes. Grandma Nyon sighs at the behavior of the current empress 'I warned you it would go wrong. You already knew you were not his mate.'
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idreaminmugiwara · 6 months
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Major Spoilers for Whole Cake Island Arc
Turn back if you haven't gotten into the 800s!!! I'm about to give a TED talk about episode 808, which is arguably one of the most emotional episodes of One Piece.
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I FINALLY have my computer back!! Which means I can finally get to the myriad of posts I've been wanting to make over the past few days. I've been able to go from Zou to the beginning of Wano in record time and I have SO MANY THOUGHTS.
Starting with this episode right here.
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I had heard some hype about Sanji v Luffy but until I actually watched the episode, I hadn't been terribly excited. I (like many others) have very complicated feelings about Sanji. I loved him before Thriller Bark, after which his predatory nature became impossible to overlook and made the majority of scenes with him uncomfortable to sit through. I've had relationships with guys that seemed amazing save for the fact that they refused to acknowledge and appreciate boundaries around women and femmes, and I've watched those guys get away with their bullshit over and over because no one takes it fucking seriously. Sanji can be borderline triggering for me with the kind of abuse history that I have. With that out of the way....
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Whole Cake Island Sanji feels almost like a different person than he did in Thriller Bark and Fishman Island. He ceases to be the token perv and becomes an extremely emotionally complex character in a way we haven't seen up until this point. Normally incredibly sarcastic and stoic in the face of drama and tension, he begins to crack at the seams. Being around his abusers brings out a side of him that I hadn't even imagined up until now. His fight with Luffy is EXTREMELY challenging to watch because this isn't about someone flexing their strength or winning a contest, it's about fucking trauma.
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It was difficult enough watching Luffy get the absolute shit kicked out of him by one of his dear friends. Then Sanji had to go and shatter Nami's heart. We've seen Nami (rightfully) slap the shit out of him before when he acts a fool towards women, but this literally hit different. The tears started falling for me after that "Sayonara." It felt so definite, so devastatingly conclusive. I don't think we've ever seen Nami angry like this before, not towards a crew member. As a viewer, I hadn't felt this uncomfortable since Luffy's falling out with Usopp.
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I could be wrong, but I think the only other time we've seen Sanji cry was when he was saying goodbye to Zeff at Baratie. One of the things I've always loved about One Piece is how little Oda holds back when it comes to allowing his characters to FEEL. Crying is normalized in this world, no matter what one's gender is. But Sanji is typically presented (much like Zoro) as the stoic butch, the cool as a cucumber James Bond type who doesn't seem nearly as affected as the rest of his compatriots by the crazy shit they go through. Seeing him break down as Luffy cried after him, reminding him of how much he cared about him and how he wouldn't give up on him was fucking powerful and gave Sanji some much needed development after over 800 episodes.
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Lastly, I just have to commend all the voice actors in this episode, particularly Hioraki Hirata and Mayumi Tanaka. The amount of nuance that went into these performances gives me goosebumps and cemented this as one of the most powerful episodes of One Piece for me. I wish this was the Sanji that could have stayed with us in Wano, but alas and alack. Watching this arc play out in Live Action is going to be absolutely insane.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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