#Anyways I love this man and I have rewatched this fight so many times because of the symbolism behind it
ayuventi · 9 months
Okay, so another deep dive into symbolism in relation to that one scene with Law vs Big Mom (Wano arc spoilers)
I have honestly loved this bit of the fight against Big Mom and the absolute symbolism we get just from the color choices alone
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Sure, we can argue that it's just a cool monochromatic theme going on with a color pop. But considering that at that moment in the fight, he was literally fighting for his life for a payoff with Kid's combined attack, it's VERY much the callback for Law when he was fighting for his life as a child. The fact that they not only decided to use a monochromatic palate, but also make Law's hair WHITE is such A MAJOR thing when you consider that one of the late stage symptoms with White Lead Disease was the hair turning white. But what really really gets me about this scene, is that you have this part that's in full color when Big Mom asks if he's dead and Lands a major punch on him. Also interesting (and perhaps a small bit of a reach) is that Big Mom's hair is pretty much made of flames at this point in the fight.
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And then you get this cut which looks like blood falling on a mostly white background, which ofc is symbolic of where Corazon died and also can be meant to for the blood spilled in the White Town of Flevance. What’s also interesting to note is that the smaller splotches of blood look very similar to the splotches on Law’s hat when he was younger, which I don’t think they would have made this choice if it wasn’t meant to be a parallel. Also upon closer examination, there is a shape of a heart that is made both with the larger pools of blood, and the negative space, if you really take a moment to look.
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I think it's also important to note that the shot with the sword is also in monochromatic colors as the K-Room is in black and white rather than the usual blue, and the magma is the same red/pink as his tattoos and hat spots. He was enduring all of Big Mom's punches to stay alive long enough to ensure he could carry out his goal, much as Corazon did.
And when he calls for Kidd, and he says "Don't make me repeat myself, Trafalgar! Don't tell me what to do!"
You get Law's smiling blood stained face that looks like Corazon's face paint extending from the corner of his mouth.
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And then of course his crew is threatened with giving up their lives to Big Mom and he tells them that they should be the ones getting away
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Then in order to save their lives (and Kid's crew along with everyone else in earshot) He uses the Re-Room
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What else I find even more meaningful is that the bubble in which Cora-san enables Calm is always shown in purple too.
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Obviously the purple enveloping Law when he uses Re-Room was also due in part to Kid's Damned Punk, but it's too coincidental not to have not noticed
Anyways, thanks for coming to another one of my Ted Talks!
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chaoticladyfire · 1 year
Things I screamed about in ATSV (spoilers)
-Got to rewatch the film so I’m just going to add the colours changing to warmer tones when Gwen hugs her father. Not even ten minutes in and I was already crying.
-Realised that we missed the Gwen-Vulture fight BUT got to see Jessica Drew enter the scene like a bad ass in her bad ass bike and hearing the audience collectively say ‘me too’ when Gwen asked if Jessica could adopt her. 
-Screaming OSCAR ISAAC when Miguel spoke
-Lyla. Just Lyla.
- ‘Do you say anything other than no?’ ‘No-YES!’ more of miguel and jessica pls
-The Spot’s introduction. I didn’t see any promotional stuff, teasers or even trailers before watching this film so I had no idea who or what the The Spot was which was great because he really went from villain of the week to villain of the movie. And they clearly had a great time choreographing the fight scenes with him
-Miles’ heating up the beef patty while the spot and the convenience store man argue
-Miles patting the spot’s with a ‘good cow’ text
-Gwen and Miles both having to deepen their voices to avoid being recognised by their respective cop dads
-Miles saying that he can get two cakes when the counsellor says you can’t have your cake and eat it too and then bringing two cakes for his father’s party and neither of them saying what he wanted to convey. 
-Rio and Jeff scolding an annoyed miles but instantly smiling when a relative hugs them what an universal experience 
-Gwen teasing Miles for drawing her in his notebook almost obsessively but also breaking the biggest rule to spend time with him knowing the consequences. 
-As they went to talk, my friend leaned over and said ‘yeah I bet they will talk’ and when they only talked he groaned very loudly at which point I had to remind him Miles was only 15 
-Watching Jeff talk to Spiderman about his son not knowing his son is spiderman
-The DJ increasing the volume when Miles’ parents started scolding him in the middle of the party (the real mvp of the movie actually) 
-JK Simmons cameo that no one seems to be talking about??? Embarrassingly enough I had to literally scream into my friend’s ear for most of the people to realise it was indeed JK Simmons
-Just the entire Mumbattan scene. It was so exciting to see my city be represented like that, still a bit cliched in my opinion but not like Slumdog so obviously they have updated their views. Everything from the traffic gag to Pav’s rant about chai tea had the theatre howling. Also the detail of the thought boxes (?) and sounds being written in Hindi 
-My friend and I are huge fans of the UK punk scene (her for the ideologies and myself for the music and fashion) so Hobie was a dream come true. He was already super cool with his guitar and mohawk costume but when he revealed his face it was just so amazing
-Gayatri is every indian’s dream girl with her modern shirt-flannel and jeans combo mixed with bangles and piercings I really wish we get to see more of her in the next movie. Anyway there was a lot of wolf-whistling and hooting for her and Pav
-Also Pavitr literally means pure I don’t know if they did that on purpose or not but I love it
-His pet name being Pav cured my soul
-’This is the most emotional I have seen him’ and Captain Singh has no emotions at all
-I want to see how they came up with so many spider designs because each was so unique and immediately endearing. My friend who is also a big dinosaur fan screamed DINOSAUR 
-Kind of obsessed with how detailed Ben Reilly’s arms are they did not need to go that hard with it
-Tom Holland’s Spider-Man being referred to as ‘the little nerd’ by Miguel
-When everyone was making puns about the Spot my friend leaned over and said ‘i wonder which hole the spot prefers’ it is a miracle we are still friends actually
-The Donald Grover cameo!!!
-Peter B Parker having a cute little baby with the love of his life is what he deserves
-Miguel O Hara is one step away from becoming a Batman-Spiderman 
-Hobie’s admiration for Mayday being the avatar of chaos Spider-baby
-I think they saw the appreciation for the art style in the previous film and then trebled it for this film and I cannot thank them enough for it
-Peter complaining about how Miguel breaks the Spiderman tradition of being funny and witty and Miguel being the first anomaly 
-Every scene with the Spot is very unnerving because as I said, you watch him transform from this joker to a literal void of vengeance and it is every bit of terrifying
-Miguel is a man suffering from the destruction of an entire universe because of his selfish actions and forcing that anomaly narrative on a fifteen year old boy who became a spiderman on accident and doesn’t want his father to die because of that. Unlike the Spot, who isn’t even human anymore, Miguel is drowning in grief and guilt and trying to ignore it by holding the weight of the spider-verse on his shoulder. I hated him so much for making a boy go through that but then I just couldn’t in the end. 
-Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire cameo!!! Hopefully we’ll get a fun Tom Holland one too in the next movie.
-’Let me guess, he died?’ being a therapist for Spider Men must be a fairly boring job after a few patients.
-I just loved the absolute of wrongness of the scene where Miles returns ‘home’. The rain and darkness. I didn’t really think about Rio asking Miles what happened to his hair because I thought she was referring to the rain (although of course she wouldn’t ask him why his hair was wet when it was obviously raining outside) but realised something was wrong when he didn’t know about comic con but she did because in the first film there’s a joke about Peter B Parker explaining the concept to Miles. 
- This movie is not good for my father related issues
-The glaring neon welcome sign when the gang end up in Earth 42
-How did Uncle Aaron get even scarier? 
-Miles being the Prowler is honestly a great twist I saw it coming but still felt the shock of the reveal
-Prowler Miles having an accented voice meaning his father probably died when he was young and he only had his mom growing up
-Can’t wait for the original spider team to return for the third film seeing as they brought back Spider-Man Noir and Spider Ham and Peni Parker
-Screaming WHAT when the ‘to be continued’ appeared because that cliffhanger is absolutely destructive. All that adrenaline and excitement just popped. I’m still oscillating between being impressed and being disappointed. 
I probably skipped over a lot of other scenes because these were the most memorable and I only watched the film once (unfortunate) but I can’t wait for the movie to hit streaming services and watch it again and again for all the other details I missed. Ill probably keep adding things as I remember
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jnnul · 1 year
things he reminds me of (nct dream)
a/n: i know i was supposed to post this on friday oops 😭 i just...have so many thoughts when it comes to love and these boys are some of my greatest muses
genre: fluff/slice-of-life maybe, just love, different types of love, young dumb broke kids in love, LOVE, idk did i say they’re in love yet, tw: mentions of kissing & hickeys lol
word count: 1.4k (idk either man)
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gif credits: @jsuh​
that moment when you realize how much someone truly loves you
guitars that have so many stickers, you can barely see the wood
buying a new fuzzy blanket
the little scratch of stubble when you kiss
laughing when his glasses poke you in the forehead
falling asleep with your legs on top of his on the couch
massaging his head when he’s had a long day
oversized sweatshirts to avoid the paparazzi when he’s coming over
long facetime calls even though it’s three in the morning in his time
voice messages instead of texts bc he wants to hear your voice
hearing your voice in a song
turning your little doodles into the cover of his next solo
whispers about the future that dissolve into the hot summer sky as he looks at you with eyes filled with hope
musky cologne that reminds you of the forest after it rains
the color gray
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gif credits: @faerenjun​
never letting you open the door yourself
succulents for every anniversary until you have a forest in the living room
brushing his lips over your forehead before he leaves for work
having a faceless picture of you and him as his background
buying you a necklace with his initials and a matching bracelet with yours
always, always, always feeding you because he’s scared you won’t eat if he’s not there
teaching you mandarin and kissing you every time you get a word right
filming a ‘day in my life’ vlog every couple weeks that you rewatch on your anniversary to see how you’ve grown
sunset lamps that don’t work the way he thought they would
painting together in absolute silence
having a french window with billowing curtains and a bench that the two of you sit on
adopting a dog together only to find out that the dog is a demon
fighting for the remote but he lets you win every time
rubbing your shoulders when you’re stressed
forgetting why you were so stressed when you look at him working so serenely
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gif credits: @seomarkno​
the thunder that rolls in ten seconds after lightning that shakes the high-rise apartment
quiet cups of coffee as the two of you wait for the rest of the world to wake up
words of endearment that are saved only for the most intimate moments
the wracking shoulders when he tries not to cry because he doesn’t want to burden you
the soft comfort in sleeping in his arms
the feeling of all of his worry melting away when you reach for him, even in your sleep, and look for his love
the color red that stains your white dress when you and jeno get wine drunk
waiting for the other to come home to them
home-cooked meals that are a little too hot so he has to blow on it
fights that turn into whispered i love you’s because he can’t stay away from you for too long
listening to the same song, even when you’re hundreds of miles apart
opening all the jars for you, even if you say you can do it yourself
watching a show together and hoping for different pairings
mature conversations about investing in the future
meeting his family a little too quickly - but it’s okay bc they love you
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gif credits: @huangrenjuns​
quirked eyebrows as you vehemently counter his argument about ice cream
making you sit on his lap as he games until ungodly hours to feel your warmth
kissing the nape of his neck bc you love the way he melts in your arms
dropping the cake on his birthday, only for him to eat it anyway so you wouldn’t feel bad
secret getaway trips that you have to beg and plead the company for
telling him how much you love him and seeing his eyes well up
feeling his heart swell with pride when you come home with a new accomplishment
only saying i love you when he really means it - but he says it every morning
gently explaining to you why you should love yourself the way he loves you
green accents everywhere bc you think it’s vibrant 
calling him a loser affectionately
looking at him like he put the stars in the sky
the deep rumble of his chest when you’re curled into him
the way he hums when he thinks you’re not listening but you are
being able to calm you down within 30 seconds no matter what
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gif credits: @jaemtens​ (thank u for doing the lord’s work)
letting him play with your hair until it looks ridiculous
making peach cobbler but you accidentally added too much sugar
waking him up with a mug of fresh coffee and so much affection
letting him pull you into a dark corner to press a soft kiss to your lips
him tugging a blanket over you as you fall asleep waiting for him
carrying you from the kitchen counter to the sofa, insisting that he was going to cook for you tonight
letting him buy you pink accessories bc he says you look soft
getting the silent treatment from him when he’s mad but he can never stay mad for too long
promising him that you’re never going to leave him when he’s scared about your relationship getting discovered
surprising him backstage at an overseas concert
seeing his eyes light up when you walk into the room, no matter how long it’s been since you started dating
feeling the hard planes under his shirt when you bandage his back after a long dance practice
texting you at insane hours to sneak over to his place and order takeout
frowning when he sees you wear revealing clothes only to say, “you wear whatever you want, baby. i can fight.”
he can’t fight but he tries to seem tough for you anyway bc that’s what he thinks you want. you don’t. all you want is him.
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gif credits: @jjsungie​
oversized jerseys which all say ‘curry’ on them somewhere
buying him presents only to find out that he already has it
seeing him cry when you tell him about your deep and personal secrets bc he’s never felt so much pain for someone else before
convincing you to get matching tattoos but both of you pussy out
renting out an entire arcade to go on a date
not letting him rent out an entire arcade bc wtf who does that chenle
always celebrating your anniversaries in a lowkey, private, and humble way
going 50/50 on everything in the relationship even if chenle would rather die than make you pay
playing rock, paper, scissors to decide how to split the chores. for. everything.
playing cards against humanity except the two of you are just looking for the craziest combinations
brightly colored scrunchies for his hair, not yours
stealing the blankets bc you run cold and he runs hot
wearing sweatshirts to colleges that neither of you attend
sober advice bc he doesn’t understand why you get stressed sometimes
knowing that you compliment each other, rather than complete each other
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gif credits: @leemarkies​ 
thinking he’s rizzing you up but it just looks rlly silly
asking you what-if questions at ungodly hours and then leaving you on read
do not disturb until he dies. and then he comes back with a pinterest reaction meme.
feeling frustrated when he can’t tell you how much he really loves you
getting confused between love, lust, and like but knowing that he feels so incredibly safe and warm with you
fighting his instincts to run every time he realizes how down bad he is for you
having to physically drag him out of the dance studio bc he’s going to collapse from exhaustion
not letting anyone but you touch him when he’s sick
telling you abt his dreams to become a big star
rambling about his theories abt humanity and the universe for h o u r s
not realizing that his sweatshirts are disappearing until you wear them around him
nearly having a heart attack the first time you give him a hickey (and then asking for three more)
the purple light glinting in his eyes as he rewatches his stages for mistakes
gently coaxing him to be a little less perfectionist
splitting a pizza with you and thinking it to be peak romance bc it is to you and him
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sharkfinn · 6 months
Hey, you said that you came up with the Little Brother au before you started Tumblr, right?
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So, since I haven't been following you for that long, or at least, I think so, what was your inspiration for making this au? When did you exactly come up with the idea? Do you have any original title names?
Also, a silly question: What are all the fandoms you are currently in? Just in case your pinned post is outdated :]
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oh man. hmm
i got into tmnt 4th april 2021, because i wanted to rewatch 2012, only remembered some of it from when i was little, then deciding yup i want to look at everything tmnt. then i got hyperfixated
he started out as a really ambiguous any iteration oc, around the time i was reading the northampton arc of idw, (late juneish 2021?) was when i first drew him, all it was was just hehe silly green masked ninja turtle in sophie campbells idw artstyle
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(i love sophie campbells art its so good)
then i drew him in the 2012 series, and he became more of his own character. in my old idea for 2012 he was significantly moody and overconfident, had his own abandoned area in the subway tunnels for spraypainting, was good buddies with raph but really didnt like leo at all. also had a scar on his shell, for some reason?? i wont say why but he can super easily be slapped into another iteration and i love that
it was only when i watched rise and tried to imagine him in their universe too that i went hold on- we got a whole potential story here. little brother was a placeholder title really, but i couldnt think of anything better soo. little brother.
the vine flesh concept was an absolutely random idea at first that was way too cool to drop.
i did have this whole really cool arc planned where eventually draxum did get tricked into allying with the foot, theyd protect five whod help fight the mad dogs for the kuroi yoroi shards, ("looking for this?") and hed also be able to sabotage the armour in some way.
but. i couldnt have this in because 1. distract way too much from the story i want to tell. 2. having shredder appear in the comic would ask for an entire shredder arc and respectfully no thanks lol.
just imagine five is in s2 trust me hes there hes awesome (oh and you know how in canon, shredder needed to take power from draxum, and it looked like he took the vines power from him? uhuh. and you know how five also has it? but instead its the only thing keeping him stuck together? uhuh. anyways!)
ohh!! cool oc trivia- his weapon was kinda undecided between tonfa (before i watched rise) or two scythes i referenced it in page 20 :D !!
his weapon would still be scythes i think, if he wasnt using the vines as his weapon
and no i try to keep my master post updated all the time, theres HEAPS more stuff i like, just complicated to think what to put on there? for example i looove how to train your dragon, but havent seen much of it past rewatching the 3 movies, thats nothing compared to rewatching all of adventure time 5 times. i dunno!
the way my interests work is that theres a selection of 1-3 that my brain focuses on, but it doesnt make any of the others less or i stopped liking them at all or anything. i have so many interests help me
right NOW im really hyperfixated on danny phantom and tf2!!
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dorizardthewizard · 5 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 13-15
Episode 13:
Funny how the Pirates, who have the most motivation to find the contact, are the ones supporting an immediate evacuation whereas Brim Simbra is going for the “no need to panic people” route
Brim Simbra: He's right. Especially since many people will leave Paradisia right after the final anyway. The evacuation has to take place calmly.
Well fuck all the retail workers and support staff on Paradisia then. You guys are at more risk because we'll only announce a proper evacuation once all the visitors are gone <3
Again they missed their chance to have D'jok and Sinedd taunt each other at the start of the match, their roasts used to be hilarious
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The way Mei is just watching them with her hands crossed sfdjhds girl, be ready!
Man I complain about Sinedd but D'jok's behaviour is annoying me more
Lol why did they just let the cat walk in, didn't they know about the incident at the start of the season?
Damn they really joker-ified Harris
Brim Simbra this wouldn't be a problem if you'd just ordered an evacuation
Luur came to watch the match in his football kit I guess
Damn, Galactik Football tournament finals can never go on without a disaster huh?
Why does it look like everyone has left the stadium already (that is a FUCK ton of people by the way, SEVERE danger of fatal crowd crushes. Which wouldn't be happening if you pre-emptively evacuated everyone, BRIM SIMBRA) but D'jok, Mei and Sinedd are still taking their time getting off the pitch?
I find it a bit hard to believe that D'jok's so far gone he'll literally just stand there as the stadium falls apart around him. In season 2 it was because he was in shock at least, and anyway this is all kind of a re-hash of the end of season 2 but worse
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This is so funny they're just standing there 😭 Unbothered
I do love Sinedd saving D'jok and that his excuse is that he can't fight him if he's dead dsfjkdf it's hilarious
Seeing the flux effect on the 2D animation is so uncanny!
They seemed to be able to switch to using the flux for different purposes pretty quickly, like in football it mostly just gives them more power/speed/agility but they immediately have no problem channeling the Breath outwards and shooting it at stuff
It's a huge moment though, seeing them use the flux outside of football. If there were more seasons it could have been cool to see this as a can of worms opening and a debate around the potential loosening of the rules, with a balance between the benefits flux can bring vs the dangers
Sinedd you dumbass they would have left already, that's how evacuations work. Although I see him being too scared of losing them again to think rationally
TRAIN BRAWL! TRAIN BRAWL! Spider-man 2 eat your heart out
RIP Harvey, a real legend. And flux war veteran!
Of course she's a serpent lady
ooo look you can see the space jump gates! Cool little bit of background lore on how travel works in this universe
Where tf is Sinedd
Ahh Phoenix is going down with the ship, pretty cool moment
Episode 14:
Aww Thran and Ahito holding hands 😭😭
MARK JUST... DANGLING MICRO-ICE BY THE LEG?? It's kind of cute he's comforting him in his own way, although Micro-Ice's very valid reaction to all this is still played for laughs lmao
Ok so how sentient ARE the robots in this show? Sidney is obviously very sad about Harvey being gone, and we've seen the Technodroids have normal conversations before. But everyone's reaction whenever Sidney gets sad is just 😬😬😬 awkward LOL. Are robots like second class citizens in this universe? No one believes their emotions are as real as humans? But are they?? So many questions
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Artegor coming over to help Aarch with unpacking sdhsdfjj and blaming himself for encouraging them to go to Paradisia 😭 Their hug 😭😭 Going feral over them
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Wuh... in the middle of a good natured conversation he just,, throws the trophy? Why? It's so random 😂😂
So did Aarch and Artegor actually resolve their dispute, as dumb as it was? Oh it was just thrown in to have drama for a couple of episodes and now suddenly they're good? Ok sure
Aw Norata seems so much happier now, look at him excitedly showing off rare flowers
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So these kids just.... use the flux? And NO ONE has noticed this yet? It's just... they were notified IMMEDIATELY that Rocket had used the flux to save Tia, how is this continuous use going undetected? I guess we already had that question considering Tia already knew how to use the flux in season 1, but with her you could at least make soooome sort of assumption of her being sheltered somehow as a daughter of diplomats. Maybe the flux society only noticed Rocket's flux use so quickly because they always make sure to track GF players really closely, but still if these kids are just chilling using it all the time, on GENESIS, it looks like the flux society are worryingly shit at their job lol
But that's the thing, season 3 introduces SO many crazy new concepts – new tournament, mixed flux teams, players moving to other teams, using flux outside of football, characters moving to different roles to shake up the status quo... so much interesting stuff but the execution just flubs it, especially with the character development.
Damn Tia's got gymnastics skills!
Oh so the last time we saw Sinedd, he was running back into a collapsing stadium to find his parents and we had no idea if he'd made it or not, and now the next time we see him he's just chilling walking with his team? I don't know much about direction in shows like this but I feel like we should have had a scene where he reunites with Mei at least before this??
Actually come to think of it, D'jok ends up on the Snow Kids' ship during the evacuation and we never get to see their reaction to him! Of course at first they all just want to survive and are obviously worried about him, but what about after? Was it awkward? Did they talk? TELL ME
Sinedd is a dick cutting Mei off like that but kind of sweet to see him refer to the Shadows as family
Wait have D'jok and Sonny interacted since Sonny got healed? I feel like we're sorely missing some father and son interactions here, and D'jok has been really needing it! And where's Maya in all this??
Mei is right to question the “parents” with how sketchy they're acting, but it's tough. Sinedd's finally got that part of himself back and there's no way he'll consider the idea of losing it again.
New flux society guy agreeing to move the date of the GFC, ooooor you could try and catch this guy? Useless mfers
Episode 15:
Show really doesn't give us any detail on how someone actually masters another flux. Like how does it work?
Oh Mei's getting sick now from the Smog, but how did Sinedd get over it? He did have symptoms of Smog poisoning in season 2 but I don't remember him ever getting cured like Artegor did? Aarch had to quit the Shadows because it had gone too far, is it actually something you can just overcome? Is it different for everyone? Is it down to overusing it? So many questions!
I like that Mei was just like. NOPE this is hurting me, even if I liked you I ain't staying! As she should.
Ooo Yuki's mastering the Elektras' flux!
Wait so everyone thinks team Paradisia are actually from the planet? Which iirc only became habitable not that long ago? I'm confused on the origins of these girls, how are they cyborgs? Do they have any lives and family outside of the team Lord Phoenix assembled? I mean they're not androids? I feel like since they're closely connected to a main character, they should have gotten some more backstory.
Oh so D'jok left team Paradisia already? Why exactly? He seemed all about winning with them. We don't even get a scene of him leaving them and their reaction??
What?? D'jok's just decided to do coaching all of a sudden? Because of one little encounter with kids playing football?? He was obsessed with winning tournaments like 5 minutes ago how did this change come about??? Like. I can SEE the vision and D'jok becoming a mentor figure is a fun idea but... we need to see the steps of getting there!
That Lightnings girl is so cute though
Mei says she only left temporarily but um... sis that was not the impression we got lol you disappeared abruptly and sent everyone heartfelt farewell messages
English dub goofs up again: D'jok says he'll never go back to the Snow Kids after what THEY did, but then goes on about how HE messed up and they'll never take him back. And again, what made him realise he was behaving poorly? You can't just set up a character's development, then suddenly show them once they've reached a conclusion. Was is the near-death experience? The fact Mei still wanted to help him despite how he'd acted? His loneliness finally catching up to him? I WANT ANSWERS
Mei: Don't you want to play for the cup? D'jok: We've done it, Mei. We've won twice! What's the point?
OK this is super interesting, I'm gonna link @millimononym 's post here about D'jok's potential arc (hope that's ok!) because I think it fits really well with this. For a guy obsessed with destiny, hitting his peak early could really mess with him. You could have such an interesting arc about this and accepting that life goes on and that our lives don't have to be defined by reaching some greater goal or purpose. It's about doing it with your friends and, if the show delved a little bit more in the whole post-flux war climate, it's also about being a symbol of hope for a planet that basically suffered the apocalypse. People joke about how the Snow Kids won three times in a row straight away, instead of doing the anime lose -> train to get better -> win scenario, but you could actually address this and use it to the story's advantage!
Aww Lun-Zia can't do it :( I can't remember what happens but it would be cool if she actually couldn't master the Breath, sometimes no matter how hard you try things just don't go the way you want
Wait so um... is no one questioning how the Paradisia girls still have their flux even though the planet is dead? And what are the girls even doing right now? They have no home and no Lord Phoenix, who took care of everything for them. And where did Nina-8 come from??
The Elektra's support of Yuki is so cute. Also kind of interesting lore that their planet is far from the other planets, and hence its residents find it very hard to connect to the flux, so much so it was assumed they didn't have one. A cool explanation for why the team hasn't shown up yet!
Oh she's been selected by the Wambas!! Of course they would want her on their team after seeing her play at Paradisia. Well that wrapped up nicely! Still, this confirms she was just some rando on the beach. And what was she up to before the tournament anyway? I wish we got to know more about her
Mark immediately has a crush on Nina-8 but somehow not Nikki-4 who looks just like her? XD
I don't mind Yuki staying with the Elektras actually, its the Elektra's first GFC and I can see her wanting to go further with them. And sometimes that's just life! Going on new adventures
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jinxquickfoot · 7 months
I have finished rewatching Civil War.
This isn't exactly a movie I go back and watch for fun, which is why I put it off for so long on my Marvel rewatch, but it was actually so refreshing to be reminded of "Oh yeah, this is the fandom I love." With Phase 4-5 feeling so disjointed I forgot how wonderful it was to see not only so many heroes on screen, but also all of them living distinct lives and having reasons and motives to be there, which is why I love writing in the post-Civil War era so so much.
Anyway, here are some aspects of Civil War I feel like the fandom has forgotten about (myself included):
The big one is that this movie really isn't all just Steve trying to rescue Bucky. I understand why we latched onto that, and that's definitely a huge motive for Steve. BUT - the core plot point of this movie is that Steve thinks Zemo is trying to activate an entire deadly team of Winter Soldiers, he thinks the Accords are going to stop Tony & co from helping, so he assembles every non-Accords Avenger he can find to go stop Zemo and the super-soldiers.
Even the airport fight is mostly about this. The other members of Team Cap give themselves up because they think the world is in danger and they don't trust the Accords to allow the Avengers to help stop it in time. So they put their faith in Steve instead.
Tony and Natasha recruit everyone they can to try and bring Steve in because the alternative Ross proposes to them is a squad that will shoot on sight, and straight out says they will kill Steve if he 'provokes' them (which of course Steve will, he's Steve). T'Challa is there for revenge but the other Team Iron Man members are there, including Tony, to prevent bloodshed.
Natasha and T'Challa have a full-on friendship arc in this movie
Tony's instructions to Peter at the airport were to "keep your distance and web them up", Peter was never actually meant to get involved in any fighting
Tony is fully under the belief at the airport that Bucky committed the UN bombing and murdered people, he hasn't been given any reason to think otherwise (Steve and Sam know it wasn't Bucky at this point so the audience does too, but Tony doesn't).
While Tony doesn't listen to Steve at the airport, he immediately realizes he was wrong when the psychiatrist Zemo killed is found. When FRIDAY tells him Bucky was innocent of the bombing, he admits he was wrong and tries to give that info to Ross, only for Ross to do nothing. Which is when Tony goes to Siberia, as a friend, with the intent to help Steve stop the super-soldiers
For all the reasons Tony proposes for the Accords, he breaks them the second they become inconvenient to him helping a friend/saving the world (when he still thinks the super-soldiers are a real threat)
During that last fight, Bucky is desperately trying to just run and Steve is trying to help him, they only properly start to fight Tony after Tony pretty much destroys Bucky's escape route and locks them in with him. Both Bucky and Steve's objectives are to take out the suit, not kill Tony, and they both target the arc reactor.
The "locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't" line from Steve's voiceover is place right over Ross calling Tony for urgent assistance with Steve breaking into the Raft. This is almost definitely meant to be interpreted as Tony knowing what is happening at the Raft and choosing to let Steve break their friends out
Final thought:
11 Please bring back Marvel properties that feel grounded, don't feel the need to tell a million jokes a minute, and are happy to bring in big characters for just a few scenes to make the world feel real and lived in
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hikennosabo · 10 months
trimax vol 10 random thoughts (ch 1-4)
usually my method for writing these posts is to read the volume in full, then read it again while writing out my thoughts. sometimes i have to read a volume more than just twice. i don't want to read this one again... mom come pick me up i'm scared
also it's finally gotten to the point that i have to split this post up into multiple parts... lol
why is nightow recycling chapter titles. or is this a translation thing? we already had chapters titled 'wolfwood' (vol2ch4) and 'death omen' (vol6ch4)... heck, the first 'wolfwood'-titled chapter is DIRECTLY REFERENCED in this very volume... anyway.
chapter 1:
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this chapter cover FUCKS... it's just the punishers because this is all razlo is... a weapon. to chapel, anyway.
the bullet holes in ww's back... they've healed by now i think, but still, it's so visceral...
i don't know what to say about wolfwood's faith in vash that hasn't already been said. just. fuck, man.
can chapel die please please please please please youre nothing
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razlo getting in between chapel and wolfwood is... interesting. even if he just wants to prolong ww's suffering... i don't know. it's not like razlo cares about wolfwood, but, hmmm, i don't know. just something i wanted to point out i guess.
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...remind me to count how many vials wolfwood drinks when i rewatch stampede.
razlo's expressions while chapel is talking about how ww needs to die NOW while shooting him and stabbing him with the gun... hmmm... he's thinking...
chapter 2:
i like seeing razlo being pensive.
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the way chapel has his talons in razlo... razlo is so loyal to him because he literally shot himself to beg for razlo's life, but this line of thinking tells me there's also lowkey fear there. the level of obsessiveness for which he injured himself so badly is the same one that makes him want to hurt wolfwood so much and razlo knows it. this is how far chapel is willing to go...
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razlo... :( all he ever wanted was to be needed. and chapel fully took advantage of that.
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ww is trembling here. is this him trying to physically resist chapel pushing his head back or is he trembling out of fear...
chapel is the evilest motherfucker in this whole fucking manga. seriously, fuck this guy.
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melanie's words to wolfwood... despite it being a scolding, they're clearly coming from a place of love, not fear or anger. i think other people have already said everything that i could say about this. so instead i'm going to talk about razlo some more, since nightow made it a point to show us that he's listening to this.
i wonder what he's thinking... this chapter opened with him thinking about what happens to those who "betray" chapel... and he's observing this interaction, of a mother, a guardian, not reacting with anger, but with love, to seeing what's become of wolfwood. such a far cry from chapel's unbridled rage. melanie took care of razlo, too, technically. so i wonder if this is another... i don't know how to put it... another way that razlo's belief in chapel is being chipped away at.
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and wolfwood thinks of vash, and once again, vash appears. like he's answering his prayer again.
i said this last volume, but i love seeing vash use his feathers to protect. and use his powers willingly. of course i worry about him when he does it, but it's just such a powerful character moment every time. because it's for wolfwood.
chapter 3:
wolfwood reaffirms his feelings about vash - absolute faith, someone he believes in and considers a friend - but doesn't understand why vash would come for him. i'm feeling some type of way. it's mutual, you fucking idiot!!!
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razlo's smile is cute...
he's just excited to fight who he deems a worthy opponent... i wish the situation wasn't so dire...
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^ how it feels to read trigun maximum (eating glass)
also, i need to share that when i watched stampede for the first time, this is what i said, copypasted directly from the group chat:
"as if the giant cross he carries isnt enough of a death flag on its own, the glass vials he's drinking are like. major flying high death flags."
i was thinking along the lines of "a character taking mysterious medicine is a death flag," but little did i know that the vials would literally be his cause of death. i was closer to the truth than i thought.
someone in the tag said something about ww going "catholic beast mode" and truly this is it. chapel was REALLY sent flying... fuck you fuck you fuck you you deserved that. i do feel a bit bad for razlo though.
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a LOT of people have already questioned/referenced the theory that vash can literally hear ww's thoughts, but honestly i think this one is just a case of vash knowing ww so well that he understands what ww wants without doing that.
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i actually do, truly, feel bad for razlo though. chapel was the closest thing he has to a father. thing is, chapel was just as abusive and controlling as livio's parents were. not in the exact same way, obviously, but abusive all the same. razlo has just... not been in a good situation. like, ever. he doesn't know anything else. he didn't see chapel's abuse for what it was.
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*head in hands* VASHWOOD.......
they're so fucking stupid. they understand each other so well and yet so little. they can fight back-to-back seamlessly but fall so short when it comes to words. i'm going to cry.
chapter 4:
vashwood banter is back, but oh look, more dread. i've talked before about chapters that use familiar setups/scenarios but have an air of dread over them. 'colorless expression' was one. 'bastards and the blues' was another. i think this scene also falls into that.
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what if i microwaved myself.
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no!!! no silly expression!!! not when my heart is so full of dread!!!!
vash thinking about his feelings for wolfwood. i can't even articulate anything. i just want to cry.
"i wanted to see tomorrow with him." I WANTED. TO. SEE. TOMORROW. WITH!!! HIM!!!! i feel like shinji on the chair.
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he can feel wolfwood's body dying. what if i ate rocks.
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the way he clings so hard. he doesn't want to let wolfwood go, literally and figuratively.
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the embrace. the hesitation. what if i ate glass.
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the apology...... ww knows he's dying and he knows that vash knows. in yet another "i know he knows i know" situation. their whole fucking relationship.
i can't read this chapter without crying, fuck.
even razlo is like, "i want to fight both of you!" but even if vash joined wolfwood against razlo now, it would be too late...
i have nothing coherent to say. this post has become a record of my vashwood-induced mental breakdown, sorry. and we're only halfway through the volume...
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kiaracarrera · 1 year
OBX Season 3 Ramblings and Thoughts: Part One:
So can we all collectively agree that Big John was kind of the worst and there was way too much screen time for him and not enough screen time of all the Pouges together? - I did love that the name ‘Big John’ actually fit though and not just in a sense of ‘big = dad’ because the height on Charles Halford alone was enough to make it seem like John B was actually a child and not a grown man playing a child.
I love this show with all my heart and soul but what makes it truely magic to me is the friendships and the togetherness and the found family elements. The lack of that this season really affected my personal viewing pleasure in a negative way.
As much as I loved seeing all the duo pairings this season I am so so annoyed that Kiara, Cleo, JJ and in particular Pope weren’t part of that finale El Dorado cave treasure hunt. I don’t even wanna talk about it because it makes me so annoyed. (I will totally talk about it with anyone that wants too though hahaha)
The emotional journey I went on with John B and Topper as individuals boy oh boy.
John B was my fave in season 1 and my least fave in season 2 and this season I both adored him and he irritated the absolute shit out me, overall I think as the leading character it’s hard not to root for John B but I think his storyline will be greatly improved having Big John out of the picture in Season 4.
Topper whyyyy. I actually fully stanned Topper for like 90% of this season and I have no shame in admitting it. He was ALWAYS down to help Sarah and in turn the Pouges and while some people may find his apprehension to break the law and get himself in near life or death situations frustrating, I personally found it relatable? I’d argue that the Pouges were worse to Topper than Topper was to the Pouges for most of this particular season and the way he was adamant he wasn’t going to get into a fight with John B at Mike and Anna’s anniversary party was hot idc what anyone has to say. Of course we can’t have nice things though so Topper had to fuck things up and burn shit to the ground - literally. Of all Topper’s questionably poor choices this one’s gotta be the one he can’t come back from. I think Austin North is superb as Topper but truthfully I would have payed good money to axe a quarter of the scenes he and Sarah shared and given them to Jiara instead.
Jiara season baby!! LOVED LOVED LOVED the build up of their story this season, it was expected but brilliant none the less. All the almost moments, the back and forth, the ‘I’m just a loser and you’ve got your whole future ahead of you’ angst of it all 😩. Then there’s the “Like I love you dude” - it wasn’t big or grand or showy but it was Kiara and it PERFECTION even if JJ’s reaction wasn’t what I personally would have wanted to see. THE KISSSSS. No words, other than I would have like JJ to be the one to say I love you first here but anyway let it be known that I’ve rewatched that scene too many times and ‘Hanging on the Telephone’ has been on repeat all day, thanks Soundcloud. Admittedly though the aftermath of the kiss was disappointing, with over an hour left of OBX we literally were given CRUMBS of them in that finale episode which was disappointing to say the least. I also have suspicions on where Jiara might be in season 4 with that time jump at the end of the season and the uh lack of interaction or affection between them but that’s a discussion for another day.
Speaking of the time jump - did it really need to be 18 months? Like 3 months great! 6 months fine, even like 8-9 months and I would have been like yeah okay 🤷🏽‍♀️ but 18 months!? A whole year and a half!? So much can happen in that time and that’s so much we’ve missed. Most notably the starting points of Jiara and Cleope!? What do you mean we don’t get to see where their relationship went after those monumental first kisses. I get a time jump because the actors are also aging up but 18 months just felt like too much. I’m interested to see what happens in season 4 at least.
In other shipper news Cleope - loved them. So sweet and Cleo is an absolute queen. Easily one of my favourite characters this season and I really enjoyed the journey her and Pope took and in particular Cleo’s relationship with The Hayward’s as a whole. What a beautiful addition to this show.
Did somebody say toxic? Oh wait it’s just John B and Sarah. I’m sorry, I know this is such a popular ship but I just absolutely cannot with them anymore. I have been so neutral on them over the past two seasons but between Sarah’s cheating and John B’s serious anger issues, at this point I surely can’t be the only one who thinks they both (John B in particular) need time to heal on their own before they come back together (and I mean like at least three quarters of a season broken up not just three episodes). I don’t know, obviously it’s been 18 months and they own a surf shop now and they’re both free of their bad dads so maybe things will be different in season 4 but I have VERY low exceptions.
Sarah’s understandably coping a bit of flack this season but I fall more neutral on my opinion on her this season. In season one she was my least favourite and in season two it was the opposite, this season my opinion on her falls somewhere in the middle. I did love that we got to see more of her friendships with the other Pouges outside of John B though! Another reason why I think it would be beneficial for her character to not be tied to John B’s permanently going forward. Sarah and Kiara’s friendship is always a highlight for me.
Putting this all the way down here at the bottom where people might not see because I’m low key ashamed… but RAFE 🤤 I’m sorrrry he’s just so freaking fine. Well at least until he opens his mouth or you know, moves 😅. I’ve seen a bit of a Rafe/Kiara rise with the new season releasing and look, I’m not judging because their shared scenes this season showed some major chemistry but in the name of all things good and well I’m going to stay strong and say our good sis Kiara deserves way better than to ever be pulled into any storyline that involves Rafe Cameron as a love interest. A friend? Maybe, potentially, I mean for someone who swore he was going to be coming for Kiara he did approximately nothing to fulfil that - which is exactly what good enemies to friends stories are made of, but as a romantic interest I’m going to pass thanks. I’ll stick to nurturing the potential that Jiara has.
Lastly bye bye Ward Cameron. It was fun knowing you truely! What a brilliant villain.
If I didn’t totally bore you and you made it this far please let me know what your fave and least fave moments of this season were and/or who your fave and least fave characters have been!! Would love to chat to you guys about this show 🥰🥰🥰
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Y'all I'm losing it
Oh my gosh I'm freaking out
I'm not okay
What the heck
(edit starts here)
Ope a guy with his hand
That's not good o.o
Not really matching your message sir xD
Oh goshh o.o 😳😬
Me when I saw the promo again a little while later: OH MY GOSH HOW DID I FORGET THAT BIT
Gosh. Wow
(end of edit)
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I'm not okay
I LOVED THIS EPISODE SO MUCH!!! OH MY GOSH. This is the anti feeling to last night when I watched tgd and the end killed me for an entirely different reason THE GAYS ARE WINNNINGGGGGG!!!! I'm not okay. Anyway IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! Genuinely though all the plots throughout were really good and there were a TON of good moments. Plus the crossover with The Bachelor was GREAT lol. I need to go back and watch those first two minutes but I will update the post slfjdfhs. Now, I'm going to make a quick celebration post and maybe rewatch that clip if possible, and then I'll be back because I can't possibly put off this review xD. Oh my gosh I'm having so many thoughts.
OKAY AAHHH HI ME FROM THE NEXT DAY I was literally freaking out so much (and still am) that I couldn't do it and I kept procrastinating and then I fell asleep lol xD. I have continued to procrastinate (and I had things to do) but!! Here I am :)).
First though, I'm going to go back to the promo bit and add the second half because apparently I completely forgot about it, and I have since watched it a couple of times xD.
Okay!! Now, let's talk about some other bits of the episode xdd.
The Bachelor crossover was so fun!!! I've never seen The Bachelor lol but it was a great story, great call xD. And everyone freaking out SLFKGHDKS!! Maddie and Josh fighting over the call to Chimney giving them spoilers to Eddie siccing the girls on Buck to Bobby and Hen going 👁️👄👁️. And that poor girl xdd. Also the "Do I have to?" "I wouldn't" just killed me xDD. Glad she's okay though :)). Sucks she'll never have her chance lol. But hey, she got to talk to him :)!! Wild xD. Anyway, I think was a super fun thing to throw in there for the 100th episode :DD. It's also interesting to see a reality show crossover with a fiction show xD. Had a fun time with it!!
Maddie and Chim!! They were so funny at the beginning xD. Her sending the 118 was wild lol. Also I loved her face to him later when he was talking about how cool Tommy was right after Buck was complaining about him (😏😏) xDD. They're idiots your honor lol <33. Anyway, Chimney slayed on the calls today 🥰. Especially figuring out the head trauma for that poor woman! Nice job my guy :)). Also, I didn't notice it until I saw subtitles later but "I'm your basketball beard" AUGHWUOGIH!!!! XDD SLFJDGLKDS HE'S SO WILD FOR THAT O.O. Anyway he did genuinely slay, loved him supporting Buck lol :)). I'm sure there was some brother in law bonding in there xD. Maddie slayed on calls too!! I really loved her conversations with Buck though :D :)). The brunch one was sweet and kind of silly, plus the "Is it circled with a heart?" line was SO GOOD LOL SLFJDHS XDD. Idiot <33 (Buck more than anything but it's all affectionate I promise). Also I really loved Maddie's reaction to Buck talking about maybe accidentally purposefully injuring Eddie. It completely makes sense for her character and I'm really glad it was in there, it added some great depth <33. Though the storyline itself has depth!! Especially after the ending lol. Anyway, poor Maddie with her story about the Sarah's :(( xd. That sucks :'(. I do kind of know how it is (not quiiite as close) and it really can be awful xd. Dyeing your hair is a wild step xD. Plus SLFKGJDS "I would've changed both names" oh my gosh XDDD 💀. Also nice on her for calling Buck out for acting like a teenage girl lol. Anyway, love her, and Chimney <33.
Hen and Ravi!! We didn't see much of either of them this episode but they were great :DD. Poor Ravi xD. Bro had no clue what was going on with anything ever lol. He didn't even know who Tommy was! After all the drama he caused!! Poor guy's out of the loop (well for the drama he would cause, is what I meant) lol. They both slayed this episode though :DD!! Hen was great on the house invasion call and the Bachelor call :)). Love them <333.
Bobby, Athena, and Harry!! AYYY Harry :DD!! Welcome back man 🥰. Seeing him greet Athena and Bobby was so nice :'D. It's nice to have him back :')). Sucks to have a change in actors (Marcanthonee will be missed!!) but I'm sure he's gonna be great :)). Elijah, I believe his name is? Welcome aboard dude :DD! Anyway, his return isn't under the best of circumstances o.o. Love Bobby knowing, or being suspicious yk, and called Michael (they are my besties your honor 🥰🥰, I love them <33). Also really glad he told Athena immediately and didn't turn to hide it or anything 😬 :)). Anyway, glad he was so supportive <33. That whole thing was wild though o.o 😬😬😳. It really sucks so much that that happened :((. Harry didn't deserve that, and he was totally valid in his anger and wanting to respond. I don't think he should've beaten the guy up, but I get it. It sucks that he was to be a representative but that's how it is :'((. Hopefully it'll change one day. Also his conversation with Athena about it all and whether she cares more about being a cop or his mom OOUFGH O.O. That bit hit HARD 😬😭. He did have a bit of a point, but I'm glad he apologized <33. And that Athena was more understanding the second time. On a lighter note, her waking up him by pouring a bucket of water on him was amazing LOL xD. Anyway, seeing his reaction to the video hurt so much :((( 😭😭😭💔. It really is awful to see yourself angry. I only tend it see it in writing and it still sucks and is hard xdd. But HALLELUJAH YAYY he's not being charged, at least with prison time that is :')). And he's sticking around :DD!! I'm sure it'll be difficult with Athena monitoring his community service and such but I think it'll be really fun storyline wise :)). Also Athena having to tell that mom that she shot her son 😭😭😭💔💔🥺🥺. That was so awful, I'm so sorry honey <33? And that poor lady 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔. Her acting was amazing <333. It's such an awful situation and I hope she manages to be as okay as she can be :'((. Pooe guy <33 he seemed great :'( :'). Anyway, love them all (the three I said lol) <33 🥰🥰.
It's time.
Well time to talk about the rest of it besides that one part of the ending lol.
Buck and Eddie, and Tommy!! BROOK this was so wild o.o xD. The jealousy was painful 😭, but I also kinda loved it, it was hilarious xD. It really sucks that Buck was feeling left out, and I do think they were kind of leaving him out, but I don't think it was at all intentional. Eddie invited him to basketball several times, and the other things were things he and Tommy already had plans for. He even seemed excited when he thought Buck was going to come to the fight with them (which that bit HURT by the way lol 💀)!! He did seem kinda shady asking Buck to watch Chris but I'm sure it was an accident xDD. He's just an idiot your honor lol <33. I do wish he was a little more obvious about not blaming Buck when he got injured, but like, he was in a whole lot of pain with a possibly broken ankle xD. It's understandable lol and I don't blame him. I also don't think Tommy was trying to exclude Buck! H was happy to see Buck throughout the episode, he gave him a tour, planned to give him flying lessons!! It was just a really unfortunate situation and Buck wasn't communicating (as he admitted at the end lol). Poor Buck though through all of it 😭😭💔🥺. I know it was kind of on him for not communicating but it just sucks being left out :((, I totally get it. You don't wanna say anything and be told you're overreacting or for people to think it's weird, and you don't wanna be possessive or anything, but it sucks and you miss them :((. I know how it feels xD xd. Still, I'm really glad he was getting aware of it, and he listened to the help from Maddie lol <3.
I think the conversation at the end was a really good way of wrapping it all up. Seeing everyone's side (Eddie's opinion given by Tommy but honestly he wasn't really as involved in the problem lol), and having everyone apologize. Also then them hyping each other up :')). I do find it interesting to see and outside perspective to the 118! We're so used to the family that is the 118 and the 126 that we don't really think about the fact that it's probably not like that for most people xdd. It wasn't even really like that when Tommy was there. And it makes sense for him to be jealous over it!! It's completely understandable and a really cool perspective to see :)). Although I will agree with Buck lol, he's pretty cool on his own lol.
Now, seeing as I was freaking out and forgot half the previous lines, I'm going to say what I thought/my reactions to a few specific lines and everything as it started to ramp up xD.
By the way, I have watched this scene (or at least parts of it) like. 20 times now. And some of it I'm still trying to remember as I freak out once again right now lol xD. So keep that in mind lol.
When they were talking about the mouths static was hilarious xD. In all fairness, it wasn't great lol.
And then the Muay Thai (I think that's how it's spelled?), the after flying lessons bit and "Not in the same day"??? AAAAHHHHHHHHH!! That's where I started to really get stressed and suspicious and in shock xDD. I was like um. what was that. XD.
And then. Buck admitting he was trying to get TOMMY'S attention o.o. I genuinely wasn't expecting it but looking back on the episode it all makes sense yk o.o. Honestly I don't think even Buck really realized that was it until during that conversation, especially given his tone shift. And the Tommy's face afterward 😭. Bro is surprised xD. And I'm going to be completely honest, I thought Buck was saying "I didn't mean my best friend" there and not "I did maim best friend" until like the tenth time I watched it o.o xDD. The first one was wild, a self denial of Buddie because he's oblivious xDD. The second one makes more sense but is equally as wild o.o lol. He's realizing that just before he says it xD. And maim is dramatic but he did injure Eddie 😬🥺. Anyway, the next bit.
You know.
The moment.
"My sister says there's better ways to get someone's atten-" AND HE K I S S E D HIM!!!!! WHEN. I. TELL. YOU. I. LOST. MY. MINDDDD!!!!
It was so wild oh my gosh. You can look at my liveblog for more freaking out about that xD (and probably later in this post lol. And also in anything I've reblogged about it xD). I can still barely believe it's real. That it happened xd. I realized a little while ago that I have no idea what I'd do if Buddie actually got together, and I felt some of that feeling here. We thought for SO LONG,l we wouldn't have it, had kind of lost hope, and then BOOM!!!! I know I had hope for this episode but it wasn't SERIOUS, not really!! Hope but "I expect it.not to happen, no matter how hard I hope xdd". And we may not have gotten Buddie BUT WE DID GET BISEXUAL BUCK!!!!!!! I'm genuinely still so happy about that oh my gosh. I meant to make a post earlier but I was grinning in the hallway at school xD.
OKAY I'm back for a third time lol, later in the day xD. Had a lot to do but now I'm here!
Anyway AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! I barely even registered the sus stuff they were saying beforehand because I was in such shock, and the same goes for afterwards xD. I was just SCREEEAMING!!
But!! Some of these being my thoughts having watched it 20 times, and some of them being what I thought at the time, THE MOUTH STATIC COMMENT 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥺 XD. Also we love Tommy asking if it was okay 🥺🥺🥺❤️🥰 :'). Anyway, it's the way Buck is just absolutely speechless. The only thing he has is the mouth static comment and that's it xD. All he had laid out lol. It's so cute to see him flustered and speechless :')). Also the fact that some of it comes from this revelation he just had (not just being a bi disaster, but discovering he's a bi disaster) is so good <333. And I just- YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! HE'S F R E E!!! AT 8 ON SATURDAY SURE BUT HE'S F R E E 😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥰🥰😎!!! ACCIDENTAL SUNGLASSES BUT WE'RE KEEPING IT. LIKE THE WAY HE SAID IT AUGOAUHUGIH HE. IS FREE!!
I'm so not okay over that <33
Anyway I love that Tommy does all the talking lol, he knows Buck can't and is short circuiting but he still has a conversation with him xD :).
I mean I know you all do but you know lol.
Also Tommy telling Buck to call Eddie xD. Yeeeah, honestly seems like a good time to call and talk to him if he's on pain pills lol. Buck might have trouble speaking though, given he's still having a queer crisis xD. Kinda crisis, kinda discovery. Skipped some of that stage lol.
Buck's final look of the episode just destroys me :')). He's so baffled and happy your honor <33.
Now here's someone I'll say that I've been thinking of about the whole thing. Buck's tone changed, his vibe changed, something in his eyes changed, during that scene. Around the flying lessons bit xD. You can tell. I think he felt it, he just wasn't exactly sure what it was. And whatever he thought it was was probably terrifying (assuming he guessed correctly or knew lol). I think, if Tommy hadn't done something, he would've just let it go, let the moment pass. And, especially if he's done the same thing before, I think he would've pushed it away enough that he stopped thinking about it. I don't know if he has ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. But it makes me think of a Buck who had Moments, who Wondered, and then dismissed them immediately because there was no way, he Couldn't. Or it was something he couldn't quite place. So he left it alone and forgot about it.
Idk. All I know is I don't think he would've made a move if Tommy hadn't lol, even if he was feeling the vibes xD.
Anyway, I've been genuinely so ill over all of this for literal days now. It's just past midnight on Friday for me lol. I'm just going so insane over it.
Today a question of the day in one of my classes was "What's a moment from tv/movies/musicals that impacted you?", you know something wild or epic or emotional or whatever, that impacted you. And, though it's far from the first time it's happened to me, I said this. Buck realizing he was bisexual. I don't think some people realize (though surely most of us on Tumblr do): This is a masculine, main character (honestly the main character) on an extremely popular mainstream television show, that after 7 seasons realized he was bisexual, and he's not a trope. It is profoundly impactful. Still definitely give credit where it's due to shows that have been doing it since the beginning (Lone Star, for example), but this is huge. They finally CAN do it. And I'm so happy for them, and proud of Buck :')).
Also quick note I just love how much Oliver is committed to and knows his character. The fact that he withdrew media wise because he agreed with us?? Wild. But he genuinely loves Buck so much, probably more than any of us, and he fights so hard to do him right <33. I'm so proud of, but more importantly, happy for him :')). He's been waiting so long for this and he totally deserves it, he absolutely slayed it <33. His acting was AMAZING, as always. I mean it's always great but this was just top both xD :'D. Anyway, thank you Oliver <3.
And thank you to everyone else on the show who worked to make this happen!!! And everyone in the fandom who fought for this!
I still genuinely can't believe it xd. It's just- amazing <3.
Also, quick think on Buddie: I do still want Buddie long-term. But I think Buck and Tommy could be cute, and no matter what I'm just excited to see where it goes for now :)). I actually kind of think it's better that Buck doesn't date Eddie first, for him and for us (a likelihood of them staying together). He needs to discover/explore/understand this new part of himself, and that might require branching out a bit :). Plus it's just good for him to get to be out there and live how he wants to, not worrying about endgame right now. I think Buddie will happen one day, but for now I am absolutely happy with this <333. I think it's gonna be great, and I am so excited :D.
One last scream:
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! It was sooo good, and not just The Moment. All the calls were cool and interesting, including the crossover, which was fun. Everyone's individual storylines were good, and even through a lot of silly moments, packed and stuffed with emotion :'). Plus all the little throwbacks to episode 1, and the series in general, were great and really awesome :'DD. Also, just thinking about the impact of the kiss being in the 100th episode <33. Wow. So insane (me) <33. Anyway, Buck and Tommy was wild but they were cute, I'm glad Buck and Eddie are doing better. I'm also glad everything got worked out between Athena and Harry <33. The situation sucks but I think we made the best out of it :')). I loved the Buck and Maddie interactions and moments this episode, they were great <33. I wish we got a few more team moments, or full family moments, for the 100th episode, but that's a small thing :) ❤️. I still THOROUGHLY enjoyed it and I thought it was just absolutely amazing.
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was super great. There were a bunch of fun storylines, which I don't want to forget about in light of the last scene. I'm so excited for the next episode! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 4: Buck, Bothered, and Bewildered
It was so amazing. I'm so excited but so nervous for the next episode! I'm sure it'll work out fine but it looks wild. I'll be back here next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 5: You Don't Know Me
See you next week!!
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titsgirlbuffy · 1 year
hey sorry if you've gotten a million alerts about me liking way too many of your posts!! i'm currently rewatching Buffy and Angel for the first time in over a decade (i first watched both shows between ages 10 and 13 so this has been an eye opening rewatch) and the hyperfixation has returned big time! I've been scouring the internet for meta and all of yours that i've read resonate with me a lot.
if you ever feel like writing them out (no pressure of course!) i'd love to read some more of your gay Wesley thoughts -- i've also always read him as gay, and i have such a strange time going into his tag on tumblr because soooo much of it is Wes/Lilah content. i'm particularly curious about your thoughts on how a gay reading of Wesley impacts his storylines with Lilah, Fred, and maybe Virginia. also sorry if all this is weird from a non-Buffy-blog stranger!!
Omg Thank You for sending this! It’s been sitting in my inbox for a while cause I needed to actually think about it in words rather than just. Autistic screeching. And also cause I wanted to see more of the Wesley/Lilah relationship to make sure my first thoughts weren’t totally baseless (if anything they’re being proven further). Just watched Apocalypse Now-ish so there’s probably later stuff I’d add in if I’d seen the whole show.
I’m really surprised by how many fans read him as straight (no offense but we have different eyes). Wesley’s coded as queer pretty often – part of it’s just the queer-coding of the Buffyverse supernatural in general (see This Old Gang of Mine for a questionable but really clear-cut example), but there’s also tons where it’s him specifically (in Sanctuary where the council’s kill squad call him out on his “perverted” relationship with Angel and also call him a ponce, Wesley stopping Angel in that same episode before the fight to make sure he knows he gave up a chance to go home and be accepted by his father and culture For Angel, multiple times in season one when outsiders assume he and Angel are together, that time Angel gets possessed by an old guy who assumes Wesley is his boyfriend and tries to let him down gently but freaks out when Wesley goes to touch him… etc etc etc). Plus the way he looked up to Angel in early seasons absolutely comes across as a crush, he and Gunn were So into each other but Wesley especially was repressed about it (running theme, man radiates internalised homophobia), and all his relationships with women… well, there’s Layers going on.
So his early relationship with Cordelia was the first time (if you don’t count just. Looking at him) I solidly thought Wesley must be gay, rather than any other label. To me that’s absolutely a comphet relationship on his part. The crucial parts of the Cordelia/Wesley relationship is that 1. He sees himself as “a bad, bad man” for wanting to pursue anything with Cordelia, and as such 2. She is completely unattainable, but 3. When it’s proven that she’s Not unobtainable actually, the relationship falls apart the instant they try to do anything about it. He’s attracted to Cordelia because it’s a safely straight crush where he’s not Allowed to actually follow through on anything (and panics the moment he does anyway), and to an extent because a relationship would give him a reason to stay in California.
I headcanon Wesley as actually working out that he’s gay between seasons 1 and 2 – purely because he’s the one who introduces the group to Caritas and was visiting it between seasons, which… do I need to explain why Caritas is a gay bar? Please feel to ask me to explain that if anyone doesn’t get it, but for now, trust me, as a frequenter of gay karaoke bars, Caritas is 100% a gay karaoke bar. This is also around the time he starts dressing differently, stops wearing multi-piece fully buttoned suits year round in California. He’s getting more comfortable being himself.
Which all makes his relationship with Virginia really interesting. They met when he was mimicking Angel’s Straight Man Persona (literally in the same episode where Angel was getting therapy and being told that his manly persona is an act and that it’s hurting him. Yeah), and I’m not totally sure if she was a beard or a purposefully chosen Public Relationship. She was a billionaire socialite – again, Wesley’s internalised homophobia is off the charts, and this is a relationship that got into the papers (and would definitely get back to his family, if they made any effort to look). Sidenote, I’m genuinely certain that he was just homeless until they got together. Wesley is established as Broke™, starts dating a billionaire, and suddenly has a large swank apartment? In LA? I am simply drawing connections. So yeah, while I’m undecided about how much Virginia knew this, their relationship reads as one based on public persona and just social climbing generally.
Fred’s the most complicated of his relationships with women. The rivalry with Gunn is probably a part of it, but actually I think a bigger part is Billy. As in, Billy, the guy who made any guy who touched him (or his blood, sorry Wes) become violently misogynistic. Side eyeing the writers for that one, but still, it Really fucked Wesley up. Fred was fine, she doesn’t blame him, but after the spell wore off Wesley literally hid in his room for a week then told her “I don’t know what kind of man I am anymore” then Cut His Hair Short Again. Some sort of closeness to Fred had been alluded to before this (protecting her in This Old Gang Of Mine despite her very much being able to protect herself, suddenly being given an interest in science despite being a linguist), but that was really the turning point for this being a textual Attraction. Even then, similar to the Cordelia thing, Wesley never makes a move (assuring everyone who asked that he would when he was ready. Okay), and when he talks about it, it’s an attraction to a Fred that literally doesn’t exist.
Fred doesn’t need anyone making a shovel talk on her behalf – she can and will just kill them herself (at the point I’m at, she and Gunn might break up because He killed someone when she’d wanted to do it on her own). There was a great moment when Lilah dressed up as “Fred”, complete with schoolgirl outfit and glasses, and the shot cut to Fred, hair down, glasses free, ready to hunt a ghost with Gunn. The irony is that the Fred who actually Does exist has way more in common with Wesley (it’s honestly just the gender that’s the issue here), but in a combo of self hatred and need to redeem himself post-Billy, Wesley’s created this sweet innocent young scientist who he needs to Protect™. Is that love? Well, he didn’t make a move when he thought it was.
I can see why people like his relationship with Lilah. They’re awful. Literally the first time they slept together it was because Wesley was So depressed and was hoping he wouldn’t regret it until the morning (didn’t work. Regretted it instantly). He doesn’t have a job, and Lilah’s trying to recruit him to W&H. I said, the second time we saw them on screen, that he was prostituting himself. I was joking! But uh. Canon jokes about how “giving” Lilah is. Expensive bribes (“gifts”, Lilah insists) Wesley could never afford. He makes a bet with her for ONE DOLLAR, loses, she MAKES HIM SIGN THE DOLLAR, and then LEAVES IT WITH HIM. They’re in bed for this. I just. I was joking. I wasn’t expecting an actual scene of them in bed with a dollar bill between them. What the fuck. Anyway, that aside, he really does just hate himself right now, tangibly depressed post-baby-theft, and Lilah is There. Caritas doesn’t exist any more and there’s no plausible deniability in a non-demon gay bar.
Thanks again for reading my stuff @lostupst8 <3 never apologise for spamming me, I crave attention
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
BNHA S2 EP24 - Katsuki Bakugou: Origin
Or final exam battle: Deku/Kacchan vs. All Might.
*takes a deep breath* I have SO many fucking emotions when it comes to this episode. Honestly, I'm trying hard not to cry like the emo bitch I am right now lol Fuck... Okay. 😑 This post is going to be fucking long and all over the place and I apologize in advance.
Let me actually begin with the ending of ep23 where we have both Deku & Kacchan's voicing the preview and that fucker talks over Deku and shit, yelling "PLUS ULTRAAAA" and you hear Deku little "Traaa?" at the end, hkdmqmmsd that's so fucking funny.
Now for the real shit. Man rewatching that fight after being caught up on both s6 and the scans? Yeah, my heart can't take that stuff...😫
All Might is our top bkdk shipper, man. Apart from Aizawa, he's probably the only other adult really seeing what the relationship between Izuku and Katsuki can truly become (gotta love Aizawa for being so observant and forcing them to team up btw). That fight against AM is truly the first big step in mending their broken relationship, eh.
(my mind's a fucking whirlwind and I'm trying hard to be coherent, bear with me)
I'm thinking of something as stupid as this but... look at the distance between them here - and compare it to how it's going to be after s6 and Kats' apology? That dude has grown so fucking much and it shows even in his placement next to Izuku lmao *damn*
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We start that ep with Kats' POV and all his anger and frustration towards Deku making progress right? He's set on winning that shit on his own, refusing to cooperate and telling Deku to not follow him (yeah my dude we know you'd die if the nerd didn't follow you anymore). All in all, it's a freaking bad start when facing All Might, we even have that scene where he's yelling at Deku and Deku is yelling back "STOP YELLING! It's because you do that we can never have a normal conversation!" and boy... 😫
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Since we all know Katsuki's an overthinker (how he's been bottling shit up after 'ending All Might's career?) and that he is obsessed with the nerd, he's probably been thinking about this too, "If I start yelling we won't be able to talk" so he actually starts the convo softly during Deku vs Kacchan part2, like hello?!
Ahem. Anyways, what's also interesting is that moment where they knock each other out because they aren't working together at all. Katsuki is only thinking of charging to AM to defeat him and win while Izuku is literally too intimidated by his idol and wants to run away. They don't even think about each other and what the other is planning to do, hence the clashing. It's so great to actually see this because it brings out their cooperation (later in the episode but also in the whole series) and how they're really a fucking 'wonder duo' when they do work together. Once the relationship is on the way to being mended and they start seeing each other as rivals (see movie 2 Heroes Rising for instance), we actually see how much they're in synch, they don't even have to fucking talk to one another to understand what the other is thinking or planning next and it's just so fucking amazing man... Like really, that connection they have on the battlefield is ridiculous.🧡���
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(sorry the fucking screen cap is hilarious lmao it's like they're lining up in the air to dance or something omfg I'm sorry rlekrjemzrmzer)
Moving on to when Deku is stuck under a fence cuz AM is an asshole djdmmds he literally just fucking broke Kats' ribs or something, the dude is puking, like what the hell...
Anyways we got Deku's flashbacks of their childhood and him fawning over Kacchan. "I always admired you for that [winning]" - and I don't know, but have you guys noticed how Izuku's memories are always about Kacchan and his admiration for him, like he'd be following him around spying on him, just watching him with stars in his eyes the whole fucking time - THIS is what's in Izuku's mind everytime he thinks of their childhood and at the opposite end what do we have? Katsuki hung on the damn river scene OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The contrasts is crazy and it holds so much meaning aaaah 😖🧡💚 I love Hori so much for this, man.
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We move to Izuku punching Kacchan in the face to save his ass and run away in an alley, literally hopping like a bunny (pyon pyon) and they have a sorta normal convo (yeah Kats is still yelling and exploding a wall but eh I call that progress). Then they face AM again and tadaaaaa we have another scene of Katsuki's crying face and WHY? Because he's fucking frustrated! When I tell you guys that dude only cries like this when he's frustrated and only in front of Deku and AM (for the record, that's up till he's accepting all of his feelings for Izu and Izu's love for him in the latest scans... *cries thinking of it*)
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I think that's also when he's slowly but surely starting to accept that yeah he's eventually going to have to cooperate with Deku, not just for this fight but in the future too. Right now it's still too raw, his inferiority complex is still too present and yeah... but we'll get there, won't we? 🧡
Anyways, Katsuki Bakugou's Physical strength appreciation moment because... Fuck, even Izuku is astonished by the weight and strength of that dude's gauntlet and Kacchan is moving around and blasting that shit like it's a piece of cake, like what?!?! 😲🔥 Hot.
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(our baby is so cute and hot with his bf's gauntlet I swear 💚)
Also this episode is literally the introduction of "Win to Save" vs "Save to Win" in a way, because it focuses on Katsuki's 'Origin'. Like I said, that episode is so fucking important for Deku vs Kacchan pt2 *sigh*
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Win to save 🧡
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Save to win 💚
There are still so many things I wanna say about this ep but damn it's already way too long as is it lmao Let me just end with how AM really doesn't give a shit about injuring his students hdmqmdlq the way he fucking pushed himself to Deku and broke his fucking back? Like damn man, any normal dude could have died of just that lol
All Might ending this post with this 👇🏼💚🧡
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Now let me go cry my heart out cuz this episode fucked me up
Bonus: I forgot to add my fav scene hdlkdezmdeoe "I'm gonna send you flying!"
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rimouskis · 1 month
in the last three-ish days I've seen three movies, two were very very good and one was underwhelming:
the element of magical realism truly elevated the film and I thought it was fabulously rendered... it occurred to me earlier today that they literally open with showing Lou being willing to get her hands dirty. like oh my gosh that is just good writing. ugh. love. Ed Harris was so damn good in this role and I thought kstew knocked it out of the park. she was still very much herself in this role (as I think she often is, lol) but it played to her strengths and she pulled out some GREAT humor in a dark script. that being said it's such a dark story that I don't know how rewatchable it is? Like I really appreciated it as an art piece about cycles of violence and if we can escape them, but it's definitely a viscerally upsetting film lol. alas I am a little baby about some things and that does include gore and violence, which this movie wielded well as a narrative tool. Also Katy O'Brien...... what a casting. Again, they chose the right people for this movie.
I think my favorite is ultimately love lies bleeding because I was so impressed by the story and the cinematography. (That shot they kept showing of the gym with the town in the background at night... it was like a painting. There was SUCH an excellent sense of Place kn this film, and i love a good sense of Place).
a VERY VERY close second (and I think the more rewatachable film, honestly) was monkey man. I just got out of the theater so I haven't gotten all my thoughts straight yet but whaaaaat a strong directorial debut from dev... he was wonderful in his role and I was stunned by all the gorgeous visuals. I would love to know more about how this is a commentary on the current politics in India (I've read a post or tweet here and there) so I'm going to go find some articles when I get home, but I definitely will be watching this again. I thought it could have used tighter and more directed editing or writing around the middle - as soon as kid got to the temple I think the plot became a little muddled as we got his full backstory, and I do think we could have gotten a tighter or more... explicit(?) recovery journey/Finding His Purpose moment. But I think the hijra of the temple were so charming and the cinematography so beautiful that I'm willing to forgive some clunky plotting and exposition, you know? no movie needs to be perfect to be VERY good.
also my GOD the fight scenes were so visceral. once again I am a huge baby and was flinching so many times during the movie lol but I was totally sucked into the action. I was slapping my hand over my mouth several times lol.
one more mention of the sheer beauty of this film... the hijras' skirts spinning in that second to last fight were sooooo lovely and just spoke to great art direction. Will definitely watch again, and can't wait to do so with more information about the inspiration/parallels being drawn here.
My loser of the movie marathon was challengers:/ which toooo be fair it was the movie I watched LEAST closely (I was watching it at home on my computer, mostly because I wanted to see the scene with the knee injury since I saw the animatronic/fake Zendaya body they made to shoot the scene).
anyways, I wasn't in love with the cinematography nor the plot. It just wasn't my speed, and while I think Zendaya can play a haughty mean woman very well, I was... not very captured by the twisted tale of these three characters. Wasn't for me, alas.
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weirdcat1213 · 9 months
volume 12 already? damn that went fast. just yesterday we were crying about vash drinking in a church
anyway :D volume 12 thoughts time
chap 1:
-chronicaaaaaaaaa :3
-these quiet panels are the fucking best/worst thing that have ever happened to me
-too many memories :c
-YES LINA IS THERE THANK GOD (at the same time this is heartbreaking as fuck)
-all the enemies after all the people he has ever loved/helped
-im gonna go cry now
-i wonder what "anti plant" entails...is it a special material?
-ok fine, chronica can call knives a terrorist. she gets a pass
-oh sweet geesus
-oohhhhhh.....ok fuck
-nothing can stop the hatred of this man. kinda admirable but as the song says "your misery and hate will kill us all"
chap 2:
-"corrosive thunder", love the title
-OH SHIT DOMINA NO, pls dont let him get to you
-the plants kinda look in pain there....
-for pain purposes, i choose to believe that when they resonate they hum like vash did in stampede
-aaand shes gone
-oh god, the end of evangelion flashbacks
-tbh everything in your ship just being consumed by someone else so quickly must be scary af. nothing belongs to them anymore and soon, chronica could even loose herself
chap 3:
-oh shit oh fuck oh shit
-oh shit not thors hammer
-omg look! the laws of physics!
-noooo :c we dont get to know domina too much but its still sad
-ohhhhhhh okok i get it
chap 4:
-childish is a good word for it cuz knives just doesnt want to accept hes wrong and scared
-is vash pausing cuz even though his plan was to kill knives hes kinda sad that knives wants to kill him? i may never know
-let him use his fucking gun ok? hes an expert. also i like to think he uses it to stay grounded. like to stay with the people hes fighting with. hes not superior or anything
chap 5:
-omg right it hated this. hes just a baby :c
-so vash left with a stranger? i forgot about that
-honey just be glad YOU ARE ALIVE
-BECAUSE HES VASH THE STAMPEDE- i should rewatch that episode huh
-tbh vash, you should have. then and now
-tbh i would also think thats enough to break the chain. hmm
-"stay with me" vash pls i cant jump into the void rn
-GEESUS CHRIST, the cleanest cut in the west
-also you think vash made that face cuz the last time he made someone bleed was rem-
-"we dont belong in the future of this planet" dont fucking say that
chap 6:
-actually wanting to humans to talk with plants is a great step for improving their relationship but sure knives, whatever
-ive said this before but as someone who was mocked by wanting context before judging people, vash is so...reassuring. like it wasnt wrong of me to want to know all the sides of one story. im glad
-also i completely forgot about that town and radiation. how tf radiation happens in that planet, what am i missing
-oh nvm, thanks nightow
-WHY IS IT THEN? HUH KNIVES?- oh shit what
-yknow what, ill give knives the fact that humans are ignorant and we are repeating history etc etc, but im done. finish him vash
-for some reason this reminds me to that scene with the soldiers in ep 12. my man really cant catch a break
-"you've been abandoned" maybe by some but not by everyone. and thats the whole point
-awww :c
chap 7:
-ofc the military would be like this
-i literally cant say whos bleeding
-ah fuck ok
-ugh no...pls dont tell me hes fucking bleeding through his eyes...pls dont (if i see stampede vash bleeding like that i will eat my pc piece by piece)
-chronica :c
-OMG YES, YES, IM SO HAPPY. quoting 98 "and i know in my heart he would have done the same"
-oh well thats not fair, hes too cool
-wait why is knives not wanting to kill vash bad?
chap 8:
-considering the blockers chronica has, entering a fused entity must be scary but also exciting
-ngl i dont get the spikes on the screen thing
-wait no i want to see whats happening with vash- and its livio time
-oh hes alive thank god (this is my 2nd read why am i surprised)
-i hate seeing his eyes like that if im being honest, its scary
-OH SHIT its my wife
chap 9:
-omg its the legato episode
-what is happening, what am i looking at
-oh oh shit
-what is happening?
-ok flashback time
-yeap. its that time. shit
-geesus fucking christ. tbh ofc legato would think knives is right. there was nothing to prove him wrong
-yeap. i would do the same actually. stomp on his head
-oh honey...honey thats gay-
-is that why he has short hair...cuz knives gave him a name AND A HAIR STYLE??
-damn son
-also i may be wrong but where do people get the idea he inserted metal in his own brain to have those powers?/gen
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Buffy Summers, Natasha Romanoff aaaand Elizabeth Swann for the character ask game 👀
you should've seen the way i just started grinning in class <3
Buffy Summers
How I feel about this character i love buffy so much. i've been stuck mid season 5 on my rewatch for ages because i don't want things to happen. it's rough out here
All the people I ship romantically with this character zero controversy here i think because it's angel, spike and faith
My non-romantic OTP for this character buffy and willow mean everything to me. but also giles!!! 😭
My unpopular opinion about this character idk if this is unpopular but i thought buffy forgetting everything after "i will remember you" was increddibly satisfying from a narrative perspective (even if it hurt like a bitch). also sarah michelle gellar is such an underrated actress.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. i wish we'd gotten more time/interactions of buffy with other slayers!!! introducing the concept of "there always needs to be a slayer" for a main character that dies in season one only to underutilize it should be criminal
Natasha Romanoff
How I feel about this character sometimes i forget how much i love nat and then i watch an instagram reel or something and i'm like HER
All the people I ship romantically with this character … see, no one actively. i see steve and nat in a sort of schrödinger's ship way where i both like them and don't like them at the same time. i'm very neutral about buckynat, but then i've never read many of the comics.
My non-romantic OTP for this character steve, yelena, clint. probably in that order.
My unpopular opinion about this character i liked the black widow movie!! a lot!! even if it came 5+ years too late!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GET NAT BACK OR AT LEAST AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF HER. WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE GET ALTERNATE GAMORA BUT NOT ALTERNATE NAT. i will never forgive endgame's sins
Elizabeth Swann
How I feel about this character honestly one of the reasons i'm bi probably. love of my life. made me consider pirate as a job prospect at eleven years old.
All the people I ship romantically with this character it's gotta be will turner. gotta be. as much as i love both norrington and jack as characters, nah. canon did right with that one
My non-romantic OTP for this character the dynamic she has with barbossa in at world's end is a delight to watch—as is the slightly awkward "we used to be engaged and because of me your life went to shit" situation with norrington in dead man's chest
My unpopular opinion about this character okay like this is me being nitpicky about realistic things in a fantasy action film but like. sword fighting is hard. as is firing a musket. why (apart from her short fumble with the decorative sword in the first movie) is she naturally good at all these things? we couldn't have gotten a side remark of her training between movies or something if we don't get to see it happen?? anyway this might be my love for training sequences speaking
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. never. do you hear me. never not in a million years would elizabeth swann, elected pirate king, stay on a goddamn island for ten years. are you goddamn insane?? no!!
give me a character;
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ryukang1995 · 4 months
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My top 10 unpopular opinions.
10. Sevendust is one of the best Metal bands I have listened to I genuinely love Sevendust, but while the band has many fans, some of us can agree that they don't quite get the recognition they deserve, and because of that, several have indeed labeled them as underrated.
They have a great unique sound that is very heavy yet melodic, and they're one of the few bands that haven't really changed their sound all too much, and yet they still come off as great and fresh...that's just me though.
9. Double Dragon (Neo Geo) is one of the most underrated fighting games I have ever played I love the Double Dragon games (most of them, anyways), and this gem for the Neo Geo is no exception.
It's loosely based on the Double Dragon movie (more on that later), and yet it actually does a great job at making the film universe seem very cool, especially as an alternate take on Double Dragon. Beyond that, it's a fun Street Fighter II-esque fighting game, which is ironic because it's published by SNK (Capcom's long-time rival behind The King of Fighters and Samurai Shodown among others).
Definitely a much better Double Dragon fighting game than Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls, and it helps that it was developed by Technos Japan aka the company behind the original Double Dragon arcade games.
8. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is overrated I used to like this movie, but upon rewatch and reflection? I realize just how cringe and obnoxious it was.
Every single character is unlikable, especially Scott Pilgrim himself, and I didn't find it all that funny. It does have a great visual style from Edgar Wright as well as some cute easter eggs for video game fans, but that's not enough to salvage it.
7. Pineapple on Pizza is fine While not my favorite topping of Pizza (I prefer Pepperoni and Meat Lovers), Pineapple Pizza is not as bad as some make it out to be, especially when compared to Anchovies.
6. The old Super Mario Bros., Double Dragon and Street Fighter movies are not the worst The first few live-action movies based on video games pre-Mortal Kombat (1995) get quite a horrible reputation among fans, but as a fan of the games they are based on, I can still watch them.
Yes, they are very loose takes on the classic games, which is largely one of the main reasons why fans hate them, and yes, they're not technically great movies either, but they can be very amusing, especially in that guilty pleasure/so bad it's good way.
I can still let them pass for at least trying to make video game adaptations work, especially since they were among the first examples of the concept. We did get better video game movies, especially the animated Mario and Street Fighter II movies, but believe it or not? We also got much worse examples (such as Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li and the adaptations directed by Uwe Boll).
5. I never got into the MCU's depiction of Spider-Man I love Spider-Man, especially the first two movies by Sam Raimi, but I never really got into later Spider-Man movies beyond them...well, except for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which is honestly the best Spidey flick since Spider-Man 2 (I have yet to see Across the Spider-Verse, but I have heard great things).
Tom Holland's version of Peter Parker did get a lot of praise, but I never really liked him all that much. To me, he was kind of a wuss. I recognize that he does mature by the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home, but while it was nice to see him with both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield on screen, I had already lost interest in the MCU by that time.
If you like the MCU Spider-Man movies? That's perfectly fine.
4. Street Fighter III and Mortal Kombat X are some of the most overrated fighting games ever Some will scream blasphemy since I am a massive fan of both Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, hence my nickname Ryu Kang, but I never got into these particular installments.
They were both aiming to be focused on the new generations of both franchises, similar to Tekken 3, which I felt did that concept much better. The two games get a lot of love, especially among tournament players, but they're not my cup of tea, and I do prefer other Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat games.
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) is one of the best incarnations of the TMNT franchise I love the TMNT franchise, whether it'd be the 80s cartoon, the first two live-action movies from the 90s, or some of the video games like the two arcade games by Konami and Shredder's Revenge.
While the 2003 cartoon has a fanbase, it's also one that tends to be pretty underrated, especially in later times. I love how it aims to be darker and mirror the original comic books while still working within the parameters of being a Saturday morning cartoon.
I also have a personal attachment to the cartoon as I used to watch it a lot around 2003-04. Plus, I will gladly take it over later incarnations of TMNT like the Michael Bay movies.
2. Batman Forever and Daredevil (2003) are pretty underrated comic book movies These two movies do get so much hatred, I feel. While neither of them are among the greatest superhero movies ever made, I genuinely feel there was a lot of effort put into them, especially considering that they were victims of heavy studio meddling.
The director's cut of Daredevil (2003) especially salvages that movie, and I would like to see the original cut that Joel Schumacher intended for Batman Forever if they ever plan on releasing it.
1. I prefer Sonya Blade with Liu Kang over her with Johnny Cage Some of you definitely saw this coming, especially if you follow my page, but yeah, I'm not very fond of the CageBlade pairing.
I have already written many times before why I feel this way, but in a nutshell...Johnny annoys Sonya so much, and she only warms up to him whenever she's put in danger and he comes in to save the day. Also, later MK games and movies did a poor job handling their dynamic.
While Liu Kang and Sonya never really hooked up in the canon, the interactions they do have really show that the two get along well, and I do feel the pairing has fan art and fanfic potential beyond what I normally do with them.
With that being said, I don't mind Liu Kang with Kitana either (though recent MK games and movies do a poor job handling them too), and I would be biased and harsh if I said that he deserves only one between Kitana and Sonya.
So yeah, those are my top 10 unpopular opinions. If you don't agree with any of these, it's all good. Let's be civil about it.
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comfortabletogether · 2 months
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hello again wanted to do a follow up to the last request specifically for kanade what if s/o was targeted as the motive and the goal was to kill him because how how much of a threat he was 😜
Thank you for requesting!! I love your prompts ughh. Anyways this was fun to write, and I had recently gotten very ill. So if I haven’t been posting it’s because of that. And it sucks, because I still have to go to school (high school is the worst.)
i just started my rewatch of DRA, so now my characters at least for DRA will get better.
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
🎵 You, Sora, Kokoro and Kanade were an unstoppable force. The four of you would bounce off each other in the trials, and although it was mostly you, Kanade and Kokoro giving Sora advice and pushing her reasoning along. It still worked great.
🎵 Kanade was with you when it had happened, the ringing body discovery announcement that had become all to familiar despite only being played once before. The two of you rushed to Kokoro’s dorm in fear of what had just happened.
🎵 There was already a murder in there surrounding the freezer over lifeless body of Kokoro Mitsume. And you swore that you could hear Kanade whisper underneath her breath.
The room was crisp, frost was starting to coat the furniture, and everyone seemed to be standing frozen over Kokoro Mitsume’s now dead corpse. 
The faint smell of metallic blood hovered in the air. Maybe it was because of the time to cope but now, seeing a corpse after almost ten days was terrifying.
“Ugh, and then there was three.” Kanade mumbled, and you swore that you heard something from her but she gave you her innocent look when she noticed your frightened gaze.
Breaking the silence of the ice cold room you spoke, a slight tremble in your voice; “What did you say, I’m sorry I didn’t hear you.” 
Kanade wrapped her arms around herself, many eyes turning to stare at the two of you.
“Oh, I just asked for your jacket.” Kanade responded innocently.
🎵 Throughout the investigation, Kanade would stay with you. And she would investigate the body for you as Yoruko would flip out at any man who came near Kokoro’s body. Understandably so, but Kanade was plotting just a little bit of revenge on Yoruko for daring to yell at you.
🎵 Maybe.. Yoruko could be the person she frames for the double murder…
🎵 That’s besides the point at the moment though, as she had to physically restrain you from attacking Syobai.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW WHO THE CULPRIT IS.” You screamed at Syobai, typically it took a lot to drive you far past your breaking point but in this high pressure situation and Syobai potentially putting all of your lives at risk withholding information.
“It means I know who the culprit is.” He shrugged, him acting all nonchalantly about all of your lives was starting to really  get on your nerves.
So obviously you did the most reasonable thing I person full of petty anger could, position yourself in a way that would definitely lead to a fight.
Kanade was talking with Hibiki, and Syobai looked slightly impressed? “Mr. S/O don’t you remember it’s against school rules for a student to lay a hand on another without murderous intent?”
Mikado’s annoying voice rang out into the room guarding Kanade’s attention who had just pulled you back and away from Syobai.
🎵 Despite that little hiccup the trial went fairly well. Kanade, you and Sora had solved the mystery with the help of Syobai. So maybe there was some hope left for you after all.
🎵 The sailing to the next island took a little while and in that time you liked to teach Kanade some more defense. As paranoia that you’d loose her was at an all time high. But when resting you liked to read to one another, with Hibiki sometimes tagging along.
🎵 But the night after arriving and exploring Satsuki Land, Mikado calls all of you down to a jade tiled room on the Monocruise.
“Monocrow, you may do the honors.” Mikado announced to the group with a tone of pride.
“Yes, Mr. Sannoji. So, we are pleased to announce a brand new motive for our killing school trip.” Monocrow announced in his typical handsome voice— or as handsome as a bird could get.
With his announcement you swore you could hear Yuki mumbled something about how why would we need a motive when the voids would kill anyways. But Sora quickly shut him down with a hand to his shoulder.
Kanade looked a little bit anxious herself as she hugged Hibiki who was the one who was really nervous in this situation. You wished that you could do something to help everyone.
“You can no longer kill just anyone, it now has to do our resident (martial artist) himself, Mr.S/O!” Monocrow announced, Mikado beside him looked full of energy. That bastard.
Looks from the others rang in a variety of different emotions. Mikado looked joyful, excited to get rid of you. Iroha looked at you in surprise, checking between both you and Mikado. Nikei looked at you with some sort of pity, same was true for Yuki, Sora and Yoruko. And Setsuka put her hand on your back telling it that it was going to be okay, Shinji saying similar things without the physical touch. Hibiki looked scared, you brought her sister so much peace, she was scared to see what would happen to loose you.
And Kanade? She was pissed.
🎵 Being fully aware of not being allowed to lay a hand on Mikado or Monocrow. She opted for lashing out. Kanade started screaming and demanding an answer of why from Mikado.
🎵 Soon she came to terms with the fact that she wouldn’t ever get what she wanted and turned to you and pulled you close. Shoving both Setsuka and Shinji, who were both trying to comfort you away. They couldn’t be trusted after all.
🎵 Kanade would immediately be with you every day, always staying by your side. Well at least for a day. She disappeared one morning before breakfast, before heading down to eat with you.
🎵 She was all over you that morning. Telling you how much she loved you. Like she finally came to terms with the fact that you were going to die, whether she tried to stop it or not. You had already accepted it too.
🎵 This time, she made sure to see Iroha drink the Americano. Then, Kanade would tell you about how Hibiki loved to swim, and she likes the feel of the water when she isn’t feeling well mentally. Kanade suggested that maybe it would help you too.
🎵 Then all she had to do was tell Hibiki to come down to the pool as well.
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