#does 100 gecs have a fandom ??
strawbrygashez · 1 month
Modern AU Zero Day HCs
•Andre would have the invader zim/JTHM type of autism while Cal would have the SpongeBob type autism. You can’t tell me Cal wouldn’t have SpongeBob merch if he grew up with the show.
•Both of them would love all the iconic weird old YouTube videos like Who wants to gnaw on human bones, I feel fantastic, Salad Fingers, There is nothing, Obey the walrus, Username 666, and treatsforbeasts videos. They reference them all the time in public. They are like the kids at school who are talking and laughing really loudly over weird inside/fandom jokes.
•Cal WOULD HAVE been scene or emo. He constantly would wear neon colors and tons of accessories. He’d have some dyed raccoon tail patterns in his hair too. Maybe he’d have a could piercings too.
Andre would dress the same as he does in the movie but a little more grungy & he allows Cal to paint his nails every now and then. He also wears a lot of bracelets and rings.
•Cal would be pretty popular on TikTok bc of his vibes and style. He mostly posts videos showing off his outfits and of him and Andre going on about their day.
Andre probably wouldn’t post on there but does leave comments on Cals videos and troll comments on videos of people he doesn’t like.
•Andre is constantly going on about how not woke he is and saying “haha I shouldn’t make that joke in 2024 😏😏😏” to Cal when literally no one said anything.
•Andre loves reddit.
•Andre is a online gamer and he really shouldn’t be because how bad of a loser he is. Like it’s the ‘picking up the keyboard to smash it into the monitor’ type of rage. He screams a lot into the microphone too. Cal has to drag him away from his computer half the time.
•They ‘act gay’ with each other and make gay jokes a LOT at school. Like Andre will come up to Cal in front of other people and be like “Cmon! It’s not gay to kiss the homie 😚 I’m wearing socks” but will get actually offended somehow when people ask if they are together. While Cal is open about his sexuality :)
•They would have went to prom together! Rachel kinda third wheels though and it obviously annoys the shit out of Andre. He keeps dragging Cal deeper and deeper into the crowd so she can’t find them.
•Cal would love hyperpop, nightcore, and breakcore. Andre barely gets it but will tag along to a 100 Gecs show if Cal really wants to go.
Andre is a big fan of SoundCloud rap and horrorcore.
•Cal would like anime. Andre also doesn’t get this and will pick up some anime girl figure in Cals room and say “What the hell is this girly shit?” before Cal fusses at him to put it back down.
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🔥🔥🔥 abt beavising butthead...share as many hot takes as you want i'd looooove to hear your thoughts and feelings :3
OH BOY OH BOY *cracks knuckles*
Obsession with which character has the "highest moral ground" is tired and unnecessary. Especially for a program like Beavis and Butt-Head. I've noticed a lot in cartoon fandoms there seems to be a focus some people have on which character is "evil and bad" and which is "pure and good". I don't know where this concern stems from, but it doesn't interest or make sense to me. Real people, and therefore fictional characters, are more complex than that. The fact that this argument surrounds young/child characters is even weirder for me, because I find that age is rife with bad behavior. Back to Beavis and Butt-Head though, while I do think a lot of fans are unfairly harsh in their perspective of him. I don't think Beavis is "morally higher" by any standard. They are both horrible teenage boys that find beating the shit out of each other entertaining because there is nothing else to do.
(speaking about the original series here, since I haven't completed the 2011 and 2022 revival yet) While I think the writing got way better and funnier in the later seasons, I kind of miss the "natural edginess" of the earlier "crude era". It has this messiness that I find super endearing. I can really see how the show got popular with teenagers/young adults back in the day since it really did feel like the script was written by some degenerate boys rather than adults trying to figure out how high schoolers act. There is a lot of horrible topics in the earlier season related to intoxication, animal abuse, and general illegal activity. A lot of it is 100% shock value. I'm glad it moved away from that, but also I admire the...grungey realism, I guess.
A lot of older fans complain about Beavis and Butt-Head reacting to clips of TV shows in the 2011 season and Youtube videos in the 2022 revival. I personally love it. I think they should react to everything possible. Some of their best lines come from their impressions of this stuff. I don't care if it is just being used as a way to "promote" that content. The music video reactions are doing the same thing. It is all promotion. Just very creative and based on hating which is inherently more entertaining. On that note, I've also seen the complaint by OG fans going around about how Beavis and Butt-Head feel like they aren't "metal-heads" anymore? Or it is just not as overt in their characters anymore since they don't react to metal music as much as they did in the original run. Personally, I...don't think they are any less metal-heads now than they were before. Maybe they aren't exclusively defined by it like they were in the first episodes. I think the question of "why is there less metal music in the show" has more to do with music culture when the show airs than it does with the actual writing. Which is kind of interesting. Generally, metal and rock doesn't make up popular music spheres the same way it did in the 80s and 90s. There is still rock music, but I don't find a lot of popular stuff being extremely "heavy" starting around the mid 2000s when the 2011 series was airing. If you'll allow me to get deep for a sec. The choices of what Beavis and Butt-Head react to during the show's entire run is a pretty interesting picture of popular US culture, actually. Anyway...I do think they could hit a bit heavier and varied in their music choices in the new season. Have them listen to hyperpop or something. I think they would love 100 gecs.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
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[Image Description: A discord screenshot of a conversation between five fictional characters, created with the bot Tupperbox. The characters are Jack Townsend, Jerry Pascal, Antonio Vargas, Rosa Vasquez, and Amelia O’Brien from Tales From the Gas Station. The conversation reads as follows:
Jack: Why does Spencer want me dead? Wrong answers only.
Jerry: He doesn’t know how to flirt with you so you have to die.”
Antonio: He hates twinks.
Rosa: Maybe because you don’t like 100 gecs?
Amelia: He’s pissy because you stabbed him once.
Jack: I said wrong answers, guys.
/ End ID.]
hello tales from the gas station fandom, i bring my bad jokes
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bakuninbeats · 3 months
I don't think we need government
This has become the motto of one of my favorite fandoms in recent years, and though I do not condone their favorite band's privileging of their top 2 percent, I gotta admit that these hyper-active little weirdos have my whole heart and truly give me hope for a better (or at least more interesting) future.
I am, of course, talking about the iconic hyperpop duo 100 gecs who, whilst not exactly quoting Kropotkin themselves, they have managed to garner quite the anarchic following. From their wild fashion, to their acceptance of all stripes of people, to their propensity to truly go hog-wild in the pit, I am proud to say that I am definitely a fan of the band's following. However, how did this band garner a fanbase with such a non-chalant distaste towards the state? Let's find that out by reviewing 100 gecs' 2023 single 'Dumbest Girl Alive'.
Overall, the production is great. The song starts off with a nice, simple acoustic guitar riff which is only a teaser for when the same riff starts blasting on the electric quitar with the distortion turned up to the max. As the track progresses, this phrase is repeated in chiptune, and then a cleaner guitar tone, before thrusting the listener back into the crunchy, wailing wall of distortion.. This is then followed by the verse where frontwoman Laura Les raps over an aggressive trap beat, filled with sound effects, glitches, and other fun variations.
This lyrics seem to mostly be about Laura's own stupidity which is already quite relatable, but trust me, if you're trans (and have time to look through the Genius annotations) these lyrics hit very differently. From making implicit references to estrogen, to comparing herself to Frankenstein to saying that she is both smarter than she looks and somehow also the dumbest girl in existence (perhaps implying that she thinks she looks like a man, because men are quite stupid). In short, she does a great job of portraying many of the insecurities and the self-hatred that come with the trans experience™ and it is therefore no surprise that the band has managed to attract such a large queer following.
This duo represents freedom in its purest form through their frenzied exploration of production, voice, genre and gender. What this particular song demonstrates is that, above all, this band has a true sense of honesty, authenticity, and a willingness to acknowledge their own struggles which may be one of the most vital forms of praxis in the path to emancipation. Sometimes, simply making people gain awareness of your pain is enough to make this world a little better, especially if is all you are capable of. Not only because it can possibly garner sympathy from those who might have otherwise ignored you, but also because it makes people who share your struggles feel like they're a little less alone.
Link to song:
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twosides--samecoin · 1 year
happy april fools 2023 everyone the joke is i'm a companion react blog for this one post
I wrote this last july at 2:30 in the morning and scheduled it
companions and songs/albums they like fight me
old longboi; O the year was Seventeen Seventy-Eight - breathes in deep - HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOOOOOOOOOOW,
ada: deacon played kraftwerk once and codsworth and ada just fucking ascended
hancock; brockhampton saturation I and saturation III, 100 gecs, ODB, capone-n-noreaga
deacon; every sophie song ever produced, listens to windowlicker - aphex twin for hours on repeat. fave bad lou reed album is ecstasy because he'd take a 19 min guitar jam consisting of like 12 notes and fuzz called Like A Possum over all of lulu. his actual fave lou reed work is berlin
cait; say anything fan and that's between her and god, no one knows she knows every word to Is A Real Boy. She likes in Defence of the Genre but concedes where the album is messy and generally prefers the S/T say anything record. got fanfic brain about being in the band laden with awkward crush/work romance tropes when she dreamed away her real life as a kid. she doesn't daydream those stories anymore but, sometimes, when she's absolutely safe and no one is around to break her thinking.. late at night when everything and everyone is asleep, she still goes there to escape
rj maccready: 36 chambers, GZA Liquid Swords, ghostface killah fishscale BECAUSE WU TANG IS FOR THE CHILDREN, joyce manor, nirvana, code orange,
codsworth; he does like when deacon gets up to turn on the radio and put in one of his holotapes. deacon says "it's beep boop time" and he gets excited.
dogmeat; breakfast in america - supertramp
strong; its just mamamoo
piper; she's more like an og 2NE1 person, like she's the fan who yells about being a fan before CL's solo career but when she does it's the moment she reveals to absolutely everyone that she's massively into kpop when she was going to take it to her grave. she's absolutely one of those I WAS INTO KPOP BEFORE BTS eyeroll types but she knows to keep that to herself. it's her toxic fandom trait and she's had many come to jesus moments about it
preston; he'll stick with billie holiday what kind of band name is 100 gecs
curie; likes the "break necks I'm the chiropractor" line from boogie when hancock plays brockhampton, feels seen. since her personality was based on a prewar french woman, she listens to serge gainsbourg and wonders what france was like; what her life would be if she could have explored it. what was france? these things she mused late at night at her clinic office. literally cries to edith piaf because its like she's singing for curie and no one else in the room
nick valentine: ditto preston who starts a song with 'hey you little piss baby', this is why I never visit goodneighbour-
x86; music is just there if it's there as an element in the room. I'M SORRY I GOT NOTHIN
porter gage; listens to straight edge like minor threat and have heart but is nnnnnot sober (I'm projecting)
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simpingforford · 3 years
Hand Crushed By a Mallet by 100 Gecs and How it is actually about Gravity Falls
Welcome to the long waited 100 gecs song analisis ! Sorry for the wait, I’m  just going to dive right into it. (The text is referring to the image right below it)
!! Most of the info I’m using is from the episodes ‘A Tale of Two Stans’ and ‘the Last Mabelcorn’. If I use any sources other than Gravity Falls they will be linked.
The first verse could be a reference to Stan’s line after Ford disappeared into the portal; ‘I just got him back! I can't lose him again!’ He was desperate for someone who cares about him, and he was immediately grateful for Ford for inviting him up to Oregon, at least he was before the fight.
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I think that the next verse is talking about Ford’s experience struggling with Bill after Fiddleford left him. Bill could only talk to him when he’s asleep, so he stopped sleeping altogether. According to Healthline, after 24 hours without sleep, paranoia kicks in, which is shown as Ford checking Stans pupils with a flashlight to make sure he’s not possessed by Bill and turning away the skeleton so it can’t listen to them talk. The screenshot of the ‘A Tale of Two Stans’ transcript is full of sleep deprivation symptoms if you look for them.
 Here’s a fun article on sleep deprivation, and if you find it as interesting as I do, I reccamend looking into the Russian Sleep Expirament. https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sleep/how-long-can-you-go-without-sleep
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The chorus is below. 
‘Take my hand, crush it up Spill the blood on the floor I ain't scared, think there's more What the fuck, make it stop Took too long, here right now’
I think those lines are talking about Ford realizing that Bill wasn’t actually his friend, and they were just using him for the portal. I do think its partly Ford’s fault for not thinking to ask where the portal goes until after he finished building it though. Definitely not a big brain move.
I don't want you to think I got bad intentions Never wanted you inside You made it your mission, yeah Didn't wanna hurt no one But you just went and made it fun, fun, fun, fun
Ford didn’t have bad intentions. Everything he was doing was for science and it was going wonderfully. He was living his lifelong dream, doing groundbreaking studies with his boyfriends labpartner and muse. The best years of his life were the years before everything went terribly wrong. ‘Your mission’ is talking about building the portal. I’m guessing Bill didn’t expect it to work. He said he chooses one ‘one brilliant mind a century to inspire’, and if he’s older than time like Ford said, then he could have been monitoring human evolution from the beginning. According to  https://www.oldest.org/culture/civilizations/#:~:text=Although%20the%20people%20who%20settled,group%20around%2050%2C000%20years%20ago. (I didn’t read the whole thing, just what came up on google, feel free to correct me), the oldest known civilization is Mesopotamia 75,000 years ago. One person every 100 years for 75,000 years is 750 people. 750 people whose lives were probably ruined by Bill. At this point its probably a game for Bill, and I think its safe to assume that Bill was also trying to open portals with other people in other dimensions, but that’s another discussion. 
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The next one is pretty obvious, ‘I hear you're lookin' for a way to fight the Corpus bride’ the Corpus Bride being Bill, the Pines are trying to fight him. ‘She's workin' in my mind’ Bill is in Ford’s mind, but this could be referring to Stan or Dipper too (who were both violated by Bill). 
‘And you're lookin' for a way to crush It's not enough You fucked up your last try (last try)’
^^ Dipper and Wendy hiding in the mall before fighting Bill or finding Mabel, thinking they didn’t have a chance.
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‘You were talkin' business Aiming with your weapon I was on your hit list I felt the compression‘
THis could literally be referring to the scene in Weirdmageddon 1 where Ford shoots Bill, but it could also be a metaphor for how Ford felt it he was overworking himself to build the portal.
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Diffinity from Bill’s perspective, could be at any point after Ford told them that the portal was a bad idea.
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I think this a metaphor meaning that Bill isn’t directly copying Ford, but he is following him around in his dreams, as shown in ‘the Last Mabelcorn’ in his dream before the intro. Bill was taunting Ford and reminding him that the rift will never be safe.
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Whew, that’s the whole song. Reblogs are appreciated as this took over two hours :)
Lyrics: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/100gecs/handcrushedbyamallet.html
Song: Hand Crushed by a Mallet by 100 Gecs (https://open.spotify.com/track/7CUkeiG7QtB7tPU9f8SANS?si=a54408aee3794c7f) 
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Very real picture of me making this ^^
Thank you so much for reading !! (4/5/21)
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centerxiaoting · 3 years
what did we do to deserve a b*s ship edit to money machine
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
Le pretty boy Juuzou. The character I'm sending.
Albino boy!
Favorite thing about him: UNHINGED! A BASTARD! Everyone in this show has some spite or agenda. Not him tho. He just does fucked up shit to have a good time, legend
Least favorite thing about him: this isn’t him per say, but more the fandom. ITS HOW EVERYONE HAS A POORLY RESEARCHED DIAGNOSIS FOR HIM. Like jeebus people I’m just tryna find juuzou content that isn’t fetishizing or infantilizing mental illnesses or disorders. His character is amazing and gets reduced to… that. A lot.
BroTP: Juuzou and Mutsuki! They would set shit on fire together and they’re allowed to because they’re pretty
OTP: personally I hc him as aroace, but I can see him with Mutsuki romantically
Random headcanon: he goes places he’s not supposed to, he will just crawl through windows or climb fences whenever he feels like it. Shinohara has gotten multiple calls from police and security asking him to come collect his bastard
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think he want his nuts back and he doesn’t get why people think he should
Song I associate with them: Money Machine by 100 gecs
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heathneycanon · 3 years
C, O, R, and N
L HI!!!!!!
c - a ship you have liked and probably never will
ummmm hm. the obvious one is like. ryan/stephanie skdkskks no redeeming qualities imho. i don’t rly strongly dislike most ships. like, not a fan of noah/girls but i barely ever see that anymore bc all of my mutuals agree that noah is gay.
o - choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of?
i put my playlist on shuffle for this and uh. ringtone by 100 gecs. 100 percent cody.
r - a pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
this is the total drama fandom, every single ship has at least two fans. i will say tho, all my sadie ships are severely underrated except maybe sadie/katie and dundie which get a decent amount of attention. evadie and linsadie rights!!
n - name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom
hmmm okay. first off..... i will always wish for more heathney content. it’s my brand. aside from that... i love all the art and stories and stuff where the characters are just. friends. it makes me super happy hahah. and hm. more cursed content. like. i think we should be beating our record of cursed content every day.
thank you for the ask!! i hope you’ve been doing well :)
edit: wait hold the fuck up. u spelled out “corn”. why did u do that dklwkskdkd
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Shows Bonding - I had mild concerns in the first season that were absolutely addressed in the second. Overall, this was what I was looking for. I realized that I’ve been mostly doing cartoons for the past couple years, and it was nice to have some live action stuff that pulled off what it was going for with its characters as well as this one. 
Community - Going into this one not knowing if it’ll have the things I like or the things I dislike about Dan Harmon. Turns out it has both, but right now I’m mostly enjoying it for the same kinds of reasons people enjoy Friends or all those other shows that let lonely people vicariously feel that they have friends, or a community.  Ratched - What the heck was this? Somebody read and watched One Flew Over the Kuckoos Nest and thought “Nurse Ratched needs a spin-off seiries.” And then they actually clearly put a ton of effort into it? It kinda worked. I kind of wish I had known what to expect a little bit. Basically, what you should expect is kind of out there historical fiction that addresses things like coming to terms with your sexuality in the age of inhumane conversion therapy, mistreatment of the mentally ill, and also petty drama with the coersion and manipulation you might expect from a spy movie and a sitcom at the same time. It works if you’re ready for that.  Russian Doll - Bingeable. I wouldn’t watch a second season, but enjoyed it for what it was. I’ve been super into digging into characters lately, and this hit that spot. I found it by just searching for ‘sadcoms’ and this was exactly what I’d hope for.  After Life - Ricky Gervais. Very very Ricky Gervais. To the extent that the whole time I was kind of cringing hoping, but not confident, that some of his character’s flaws would be addressed by the end of the series. Most of them were, which I guess is fine. It kind of felt like watching someone figure out how to do something you consider simple. The character arc was a mediocre version of some stuff addressed in Bojack. If you really need more Bojack and can’t find anything good, go for it with this, but meh.  She-Ra - Here’s the winner for things I’ve watched this past year. The plot does get convoluted, but I might do an actual video essay about its portrayal of a psudo-leftist utopia, although the political issues it addresses are very limited, since it obviously doesn’t really get into economics or anything like that. But heteronormativiy is out the window, body types are what they are and are portrayed as unquestionably lovable, acceptance is the default, while still refusing to tolerate intolerance and imperialism. It’s interesting to pair it with a series like Ratchet that addresses homophobia directly, but I don’t think it’s failure to recognize the challenges that these people have in the real world is a downside at all. It just exists to show what things would be like without any of that. The antagonist team is generally portrayed as imperialist, stuff you’d safely call evil, while still humanizing its individual members, often delving deep into the manipulation that led them to become a part of the Horde. Which of course gets back to character. Zuko tier stuff here. Not just with the obvious one. At first I kind of disliked the main characters arc, but watched a bunch of videos about it and actually kind of figured out that some of it is largely related to my own personal failures as a person in some of my ineffective attempts to avoid negative attributes. Anyway, there’s nothing I’ve watched that I’d recommend more highly than this in a long time.  Movies The Irishman - I didn’t finish this one. It had a pretentious feeling to it that made me feel like I should take the intellectual respnosibility for enjoying it myself or else risk admitting a failure of sophistocation. But it is way to telly over showy and I felt comfortable just not participating in that after the first hour went by without anything I’d clearly identify as the inciting incident.  Marriage Story - Watched this with Ivy on Valentines day. Wouldn’t recommend it in that context, but once again, dug into character. Made me freak out about custody, but I’m assuming it won’t have that effect on most people. People said the acting was good, and I completely see what they mean. If I hadn’t been occasionally paying attention and having that in mind, I’m not sure I would have noticed, but that did make it extremely engaging.  Room - I really enjoyed the structure of this one. It felt like halfway through it could have been the end and we would have successfully surpassed a hero’s journey or whatever, but that would have ignored the emotional consequences of the kind of issues that the story addressed, so it kept going, introduced a whole new set of characters an hour in, and I don’t think there would have been any other way it would have worked for me. Definitely something I’d recommend.  Music  Red Velvet - I’ve been listening to this alongside BTS and Black Pink in my dive into K-Pop. With prog and indie, you get CDs, download stuff, listen one way or another, you get your friends to listen to it, then you go to concerts to get closer to the music, witness the viruosity in the case of prog, or connect more humanly with indie. With ska and electronica, you have friends who vaguely like the genre, you go to concerts because they’ll be crazy and fun. But I’ve been kind of exploring how different musics interact with culture over the last few years. Classical, traditional Celtic, folk, and now K-Pop.  Y’all have seen the culture around K-Pop. People get deep into it in a different way. I can recognize Petrucci’s solo style, with the rapid picking in the middle register fast stuff, I know Mike Portnoy used a double pedal on a single bass drum in LTE but not DT, I’ve heard people talk about the different distortion pedals Steven Wilson uses, but when people get into Kpop, they know what year RM had different hair colors, what kind of family he comes from, they might have memorized a couple interviews with him, and it’s just taken a bit farther than boy band fandom was taken even in the 90s.  I definitely used to see all that as extremely shallow, believing that music should be about the music, but I don’t feel so fundamentalist with my approach to how music ‘should’ interact with culture these days, so I’m seeing if I can get into it. Of course I’m failing a little bit. I mention Red Velvet specifically here because that’s the band who’s music I’ve gotten into most. I just listen to it in the background. I don’t know the names. I’ve been trying with BTS a little bit, but it’s tough when I don’t emotionally connect with the band. I’m trying to see if Red Velvet’s breaking of that barrier with their mildly complex harmony, occasional counterpoint, and diverse instrumentation and style can kind of be a gateway into that culture and I can stop listen to BTS thinking “they have seven dudes, why don’t they utilize their potential for awesome vocal harmonies?" and start listening to it on its own merits.  100 gecs - Nice. It has a playful tone to it. I can imagine doing similar things if instead of having Garage Band, I had been given and taught to use some more intricate production software. Often it sounds like they do the kinds of things people do when they discover new instruments and want to try it out and push it to its limits with no hesitation that people trained might have with more critical ears, but then it’s refined a bit and comes across as authentic and energetic with just a bit of the punk spirit to it, but adjusted to the modern zeitgeist.  Other than that, music consumption hasn’t been as prominent in my life as it has and I’d like to get more of that going. I’ve been introducing kids to a variety of things, but that kind of gets me listening to stuff all over the place that I’m already very familiar with and have set associations with. 
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andymorin · 4 years
I'm trans! Gecs is sorta 'cringe' if not for how referencial it is. It sounds like late era panic at the disco or fallout boy to me, insanely sweet and over produced. The fandom (and the fact that there is a fandom) reflects that I think. It is Of the Net, In the Net, and For the Net. Not saying it doesn't have merit as a project but it definitly appeals more to hyper online folks and communties in a way that Uboa or DG do than say Octo Octa, Gavilan RR, or YYU. more music focused? less idolized
i mean yeah i guess it’s considered cringe bc it’s like the epitome of internet culture and people like their music to not reference memes at all i think maybe some of the backlash against 100 gecs is that it’s very much a product of its time and there is legitimate fear that it’s going to be dated in 5 years. which i sort of understand. but like a lot of ppl make fun of laura’s use of nightcore vocals when she does it bc shes dysphoric about her voice which, clowning on that is kinda cringe
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transseven · 4 years
rules: tag people you want to get to know better!!!
tagged by: @selkiefem
your name and what you would’ve named yourself: um am going by seven as of now and i named myself that
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): aries sun sagittarius moon libra rising
when did you join tumblr and why: 2013 or 2014 to blog about once upon a time/swanqueen
top 5 fandoms: star trek, star wars, the witcher, doom patrol and idk i dont rlly interact anymore but caos
top 5 favorite films: the tale, holy camp!, carol, unicorn store, maybe novitiate..
go to song when you want to feel something: ... 745 sticky (black dresses remix) - 100 gecs
what’s your religion or faith if you have one: uh i have my own spiritual views i kind of settled on on my own. i used to feel more strongly about them tho :/
a song that makes me feel seen: class of 2013 - mitski, but also a Lot of mitski songs. she is one of the only musicians who i really identify with the music of.
if i could have any career: something where i work in education / outdoors. i wish i could be a camp counselor year round. or maybe just working for an organization similar to my summer camp, which is for youth from lgbt families, communities, and identities.
do you have a type?: uhm. older women. tenderqueers with mullets. milfs. ppl who are unattainable. someones mom.
what does my heart/soul yearn for: someone really truly caring about me
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone: passionate, energetic, anxious, funny, scatterbrained
favorite subjects in school: social sciences
where does my soul feel most at home: sitting in majors hill park downtown ottawa on my picnic blanket with kenya
top 5 fictional characters: data, kathryn janeway, rita farr, geralt of rivia, mary wardwell
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: the last episode of star trek picard made sob disgustingly for most of the episode and then they slipped in canon wlw seven of nine at the end and i was freaking out for hours afterwards... also while watching s3 of caos. thats all i can think of
earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: earth
favorite kind of weather: a nice summer day that is like. room temperature and sunny. or a slightly chilly fall day.
top 3 characters you kin with: seven of nine, amilyn holdo, holtzmann
favorite medium of art: i like using graphite mostly :)
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert
favorite literary quote: august said wild geese by mary oliver now i feel like a copycat but 😐🧠 i have been thinking about it a lot recently. specifically"you do not have to be good. you do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. you only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. tell me about your despair, yours, and i will tell you mine."
some of your favorite books: this is how you lose the time war - amal el-mohtar and max gladstone, queens shadow/queens peril - ek johnston, the witcher series - andrzej sapkowski
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: to travel constantly would be nice. i haven't been enough places to know where id want to live really.
if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: for obvious reasons i don't rlly want to live in a different time period even though i think so many are cool. id probably just say the mid-late nineties. id go balls to the walls crazy seeing voyager/xena/b5/more as they came out on tv and i could probably see some cool concerts :)
if you could play any instrument masterfully what would it be?: BANJO
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you have a connection to?: um idrk abt this
lastly, favorite recent selfie in your camera roll: 
Tumblr media
i dont know who to tag 😬 mutuals if you feel motivated to do this tag me, id like to see :)
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wzly · 4 years
Wellesley College is Sleeping on 100 Gecs
By Tallulah Chen ‘23
         The decade’s coming to an end, and all that people seem to be talking about is the immense extent to which the internet affects our lives and media. Consider the scrolling that you do, the phone pickups, the goddamn serotonin hit when you stumble across just the right Tik-Tok, we’re just pushing the buttons in anticipation of instant- Instagrammable-gratification. Music is everywhere, packaged in second-long Tik-Toks, streamed through our bluetooth, devices, and oozing out of our “discover” playlists. Toppling through the Airpods, straight to the brain, like a Juul-pod rush, “Stupid horse, I just fell out of the porsche” a mere snippet from one of the most electrifying, transcendent pop releases this year, may just be the perfect score to any Sunday evening Tinder swipe through into the void, Instagram explore page scroll, or obsessive Twitter-feed refresh.
“Hey lil’ piss baby,” salutes the ear on “Money Machine” off of 100 Gecs debut album 100 Gecs. Just under twenty-five minutes, 100 Gecs stands out from anything else that I have listened to this past year. Every second holds so much information; each track, from the slicing planes and blaring metal breakdowns on “800db_cloud” to “ringtone”s  pop art-lovesick mania, shatter any notion of song structure and devolve into indeterminable sonic chaos. The album is held together by blips, beeps, trap beats, dubstep breakdowns, and PC-music approved aural rubberiness, yet any notion of genre is entirely dissolved.
Post-Internet, a term coined to describe the art of this decade that is made with full consciousness of the all-consuming nature of internet media, engagement, and digital landscapes. Evidently, for Post-Millenials/Gen-Z/Zoomers, the internet is not just a separate virtual realm, but rather a full extension of our creative, personal, and social selves. Seamlessly, our technology sits in our hands as a fifth appendage, assisting us in navigating the digital realm, our bodies, and identities. The illusion of ownership is facilitated by the immediacy of streaming, and we can nourish an insatiable appetite for the ironic, the absurd, and the sincere. So how does 100 Gecs fit into this? Whether it’s various PC music releases or Grimes’s Climate Change Lord Form, “Post Internet” music can sometimes feel unapproachable and absurdly abstract because it emphasizes the conceptual over history, context, identity, or a community (for further discussion, check out this essay: "against the post internet"). 
100 Gecs, poses a suggestion of sincerity and creation out of fandom. Listen to the album, and for a brief second, you may pick up on a) Warped Tour b) Skrillex c) The Tough Alliance; simply a plethora of musical references. For Dylan Brandy and Laura Les, who worked collaboratively on the album long-distance by sending demos back and forth to each other, what they were listening to as “kids” directly feeds into their creation. Instead of attempting to create transcendence with the post-Internet generation in mind, Brandy and Les are creating with immense sincerity and appreciation for the media (brought by the Internet) which they were fed. By no means is Gecs a medley, but rather stands alone as an impressively unique aural collage of bangers. In a streaming dance soundscape dominated by playlists designed to shower the listener in “chill lofi study tunes” and personalized “daily mixes 1, 2, 3, and 4, the 100 Gecs project is a chillingly refreshing piece of “post-Internet” art. It’s short, consumable, properly packaged, and an amalgamation of sounds analogous to the overstimulation which follows suite any act of scrolling or online engagement.
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