#ego states
art-of-mathematics · 1 year
Emergence of personality - this is my attempt to depict 'personality' as a sort of dynamical system, offering emergent properties...
What is a personality?
Personality is the 'form of self' - it is a collection of character attributes, to summarize it simply. Furtherly, the form of self is characterized by patterns in perception, thought and feeling.
The form of self goes hand-in-hand with the 'function of self': behavior.
[I think this perspective is similar to Jung's ideas on Triebe/drive. ]
Starting from here I try to translate these concepts into some sort of algorithms.
[Theoretical stuff: ]
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[Practical stuff: ]
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cechk · 1 year
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a door opens in my mind everytime I get sacred
then I reach my hand
and let it take me to the place
the place I was born in
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there-will-be-a-way · 3 months
DID / OSDD ask game
🌲 How has your numbers of parts changed over time?
🌻 Favorite quote from a part.
🌾 Any songs you relate to DID / OSDD?
🌙 Share a special relationship between parts.
🌊 Any inside jokes in your system?
🌺 Describe one part of your inner world.
🌍 Can you change your inner world and access it freely?
🐛 Which part made a lot of progress?
🍂 Did a fusion happen in your system?
☀️ How do you all prefer to communicate?
🌱 How open are you about your DID / OSDD?
🌄 Did you ever went through phases of denial?
🗻 How much does your inner world feel like home?
🍁 How do your parts get their names?
🌈 Are there any parts who view themselves as something other than human? Or who have supernatural powers?
🦔 Are there any parts of you that you miss?
👥 Is there a person you all can be yourselves around?
🦚 Ho covered / overt is your DID / OSDD?
❔ (ask any other question)
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furien · 2 years
Bei der Sekundären Strukturellen Dissoziation differenziert sich der EP zu unterschiedlichen Empfindungs- und Verhaltensmustern, die in bestimmten Situationen dominant werden. Häufig vorkommende funktionelle Anteile (Subsysteme/ Parts/ Ego States) sind: Besorgnis - Einfrieren/Analgesie (Schmerzunempfindlichkeit) - Flucht - Kampf - Unterwerfung. Möglich ist auch die Aufteilung des EP in einen Erlebenden und einen Beobachtenden Anteil. Meiner Erfahrung nach ist daneben die Aufmerksamkeit für Parts in unterschiedlichem Entwicklungsalter zweckmäßig (deren Empfindungs- und Verhaltensrepertoire demjenigen von Kleinkindern, Kindern, Jugendlichen oder Erwachsenen entspricht). Die Sekundäre Strukturelle Dissoziation findet sich vorrangig bei Betroffenen mit K-PTBS (Komplexer Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung/ DESNOS) und Borderline-Syndrom. Vermutlich ließen sich (bei entsprechend nuancierter therapeutischer Unterstützung) die meisten individuell vorliegenden Symptome bei K-PTBS entsprechenden strukturell etablierten dissoziativen Parts zuordnen. (In der Fachdiskussion wird davon ausgegangen, daß PTBS bzw. K-PTBS mittelfristig diagnostisch den dissoziativen Störungen zugeordnet werden wird - Im derzeit aktuellen ICD-10 enthalten ist allerdings erst die PTBS.) Auch erleichtert es die therapeutische Unterstützung von Menschen mit der sogenannten Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung sowie den alltäglichen Kontakt mit ihnen im allgemeinen erheblich, wenn wir aufmerksam werden für derartige Persönlichkeitsanteile mit feststehendem Empfindungs- und Verhaltensrepertoire (sowie unterschiedlichem Entwicklungsalter).
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so if the sinners are all sleeping in their cells.... how's ishmael holding up?
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if she's ever in a bad mood when she tries to open the door to her room does she just get hit with a wave of ocean water. does it flood the bus. does she have to just stand in chest high water (with more pouring in) until she's in the right mental state too have a normal room. fascinated by the possibilities here.
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graychrissy · 4 months
🦕Embody the state🦕
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Hello guys I finally FINALLY know how to embody a state. Story time ahead.
About a week ago I joined a theatre group for just a week,like a substitute of someone else cuz she was having some severe injuries and they made me play a character name Angela which that girl used to play. And the director of the play she told me to think like Angela as if I'm the real Angela and I was like ok. And then for a week I was thinking as if I am Angela,so director gave me a template of how Angela is her character,her habits everything and it 360° of how I actually am.
So Angela is a comic character and her comic timing always have to be perfect.
She's very confident.
She is hard working.
Even if it's acting I have always find it hard to play confident character and this was literally my FIRST TIME ACTUALLY performing and I did so well for like a week I start embodying myself as Angela with a funny humor, hardworking confidence and all those stuff. And lastnight after the play was done my sister-in-law said something making me question myself,"did I just embody a state the whole freaking week!? IT'S THAT EASY". She basically said the whole week I was behaving like the character that I was playing.
And I was not at all thinking of this as loa related it was serious business guys,I was just thinking like to get Angela's confidence.
And not juts me those actors in movies also get effected by the character that they play.
I think it's call alter ego something I read about it before I think the post was from Fleur.
Anyways I was thinking about this the whole way from the theatre to my home and I execute my plan I open my note pad and made a whole character,I wrote few thing that I want myself to be for now and tried to embody as thought I am her and I affirmed "I'm Venus" and boy I feel alot more confident.
I only wrote 3 things "Venus always enter void aware easily and is living her best life","Venus is always confident" and "Venus is such a good manifester"
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solargeist · 2 days
they made him study a lot, train, not sleep, and didn’t give him any glasses . It was immediately hell on ice
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walkingcorpse03 · 2 years
fav aftg headcanon: the foxes never let kevin live a day in peace
whenever they see him coming they’re like “oh my god is that kevin day??” “no way”
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smhalltheurlsaretaken · 4 months
still sad yondu never got to learn mantis is peter's sister (he could in theory have been the one to bring her to ego but i don't think that's the case, i feel that would have been commented on) because he absolutely would have made it a point to designate her as his favorite child
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ankhmeanswombman · 5 months
The physical world is purposely beautiful to distract from the fact that is a prison, yet when one’s mind is right (a rarity) it holds the potential to be a playground. And so the nature-glorifiers begin worshipping the manifestation of nature which leads to dutiful obligation to engage in coitus so as to keep replicating new beings for the energy harvesting cycle “as nature intended” (lol). They conveniently forget nature is evolution’s trial-run, God’s mind spiralling and creating mazes only to eat itself up, a playground of discovery turned into a soul-mining factory by the satanic predators that have ran rampant here. It has become a prison worthy of escape by journeying into the depths of one’s soul and embarking on the narrow path of individualism and self sufficiency. There is no “community” when the 95% are either slow or plain evil. Yet when one glorifies God and God alone they are freed from the shackles of “biological clocks” (satanic death machines for the black-cube consciousness) for the free being exists only to engage in divine and joyful communion with the Divine, the illusion of “self” and “other” disappears, leaving fluidity and potentiality in its wake. The free being is not looking for a materialistic “purpose” for the free being is fulfilled simply by existing and exploring, their dexterity allowing them to soar to new heights and pick up life’s lessons fast so they can move on to new ones, with zero entitlement complex and no scarcity mindset, while aimless minds are left to wander and continuously seek a world they do not even care to understand.
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quillyfied · 10 months
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Hmm. Nandor is reading a book about “transactional analysis.” I don’t know what that is.
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“Transactional analysis practice is based upon mutual contracting for change. Transactional analysts view people as capable of deciding what they want for their lives.”
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“It helps people find more effective ways to communicate. It can help eliminate unhelpful thoughts, feelings, and actions. It can help people take responsibility for their thoughts and actions.”
Also, the Wikipedia page for the book itself. Which is pretty dense and difficult for me to fully grasp, but what I’m picking up is that there are three states of mind (Parent, or social modeling; Child, or emotional impulse; and Adult, or experienced independence) that have to work together to make a functional person and letting this happen in various combinations helps people navigate transactions, or social challenges and interactions.
The book is also apparently a stand-in for pop psychology and general mockery thereof.
…huh. So. What I’m picking up…is that Nandor still hasn’t left his self-help era, but is trying hard to make his own decisions and live his life how he wants, not how past expectation has taught him he should want his life to be…right as Guillermo is going through another stage of hiding himself and his own actions and impulses that he is told will have dire consequences both for himself and for Nandor.
Or Nandor is going through a phony positivity phase right as Guillermo is about to drop a bomb on him for once.
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outlanderalien · 3 months
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Hey guys what do we make of this 0.5 second frame from the Hell's Greatest Dad song?
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The others are a King of spades card and a Jack of clubs card and they have Lucifer looking like his normal self with a divide going through half the card with the image flipped on the other side.
The Ace of hearts card however has him looking surprised and instead of the image being flipped beneath a divide, he connects with the other half seamlessly as if one being, and the image is changed to a menacing smile on a silhouetted face.
It's possible this is foreshadowing. It gives me the impression that he's got an alter ego that maybe he's not in control of, or that he's got a dark side he doesn't like to bring out.
It could even foreshadow that he's being duplicitous. That he's hiding something more malicious about his personality.
Either way I'm fixated on it right now.
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cechk · 1 year
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sometimes there are 2 of us,
always fighting
always with the utmost care and the greatest violence
one pleads, the other strikes
even when we are on the same side,
 you permanently like to fight
even when I know is because you are sad and scared
it's okay
I can take it.
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I saw a Star Wars argument on Reddit (I know, off to a great start) where one of the things people were complaining about is that Thrawn isn't actually smart in Rebels - he's just the only one with common sense. I can understand why this is disappointing if you've read more Thrawn literature. But apart from the fact that Rebels is written with a younger audience in mind, I think it's actually the point.
Andor and Rebels really portray a biting image of the average Imperial officer - and by that I mean they're pretty stupid. Does it conveniently help the Ghost Crew get out of sticky situations? Did it help Cinta find the plant on Ferrix? Sure, but I think the point is actually to demonstrate what type of officers and officials the Empire encourages. They don't want officers who exercise common sense or logic; they don't want creative thought; they certainly don't want decision-makers who think for themselves.
Tyranny requires constant control over the population - but it also requires constant control over your own people. If every officer was taught to be like Thrawn, to analyze art and psychology and consider cultural context, a lot of them wouldn't be Imperials.
The "wiping the taste of Aldhani out" line really demonstrates that Palapatine's goal is still not for "his people" to rule the galaxy, it's for him to rule. Although officers like Thrawn and Dedra are crucial to the functioning of the Empire, it's a deep institutional force to get and retain officers who 1) will be deeply, deeply cruel and/or callous to the suffering of others, 2) will follow any orders in the hope of working their way up the ranks, and 3) are usually not the best independent thinkers. Contrast this with the Imperial propaganda machine that says they are recruiting the "best and brightest", and now you have a workforce with a major ego without any of the skills to back it up.
The reason Thrawn and Dedra are different is because they had to fight for their position - they were not naturally privileged in the Empire's system as an alien and a woman from a lower-status former job. Sabine was probably being groomed for a similar role, but like many of the actual "best and brightest" she left. Note too how Kallus becomes remarkably more competent and effective as soon as he divorces himself from the Imperial thought machine. The Empire lives because of the people who crawl their way to the top but would never, ever admit it because then the facade used to prop up the foundation of the Empire (people like Syril) would collapse.
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hummerous · 10 months
finally, a recording of my singing voice that I like - only took............... nine years. okay. yeah. fuck me.
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cassieberry · 19 days
Friendly reminder that my alters are fully formed, separate identities with their own memories and just because I know you doesn’t mean that they do.
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