#emmi writes
justawhimm · 1 year
you’re real
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fandom: cyb//erp//unk 2077 summary: becoming a father never felt like his sort of thing. he'd never planned it, initially. so when ke//rry eur//ody//ne unexpectedly ends up pregnant late into samurai's run, he does just about everything to ignore the fact that the baby even exists. needless to say, that doesn't go amazingly for long. this series explores the births of his four children and some moments of his parenting style toward each of them.
chapters: 1/8
content warnings: transmasculine pregnancy, graphic depiction of childbirth mention of drug use, mentions of alcohol use, mention of smoking, mild mistreatment of a pregnant person, initial resentment toward unborn child
notes: So, I found out recently that Kerry has other kids. They're apparently marked as noncanon nowadays, but oh well! I love the idea of Kerry having much more of a clear, full, lived life. Especially given his rockerboy lifestyle, I think that likely involved multiple kids and multiple marriages. We won't get into all of that, because this is kinda just a kink account, but I'll at least get into all of this with Kerry's four kids. :) I started this particular chapter a while ago, but finally finished it for the sake of @monsterexer​‘s Mayternity bingo series. Ayyy finally posting content!
Current Year: Early 2007 Kerry's Age: 19
cross posted on ao3
Crop tops had become his top of choice of late. At this point, who the fuck cared? Kerry stopped denying and hiding shit a while ago. A thing of the past. And he wished people would stop asking about it. It wasn't that big of a fuckin' deal.
Maybe he'd just wanted some damn privacy for once.
But, now every night they were on full display. The little virus growing within his gut was a secret to no one, least of all his bandmates. (Now, anyway.)
Kerry felt prying eyes staring at him again as he rested his hand against the uncomfortable curve. Either Denny or Nance 'cause of their worry, or Henry 'cause of his terror. He was jittery and jumpy with practically every move he made now. Y'know, as if he was just gonna pop and the whole thing would be over in an instant. It was kind of true, he guessed. While not at his due date, he was within the range where it wouldn't have been weird if he dropped now.
Johnny was the only one who didn't have his eyes on him. Kerry was pretty sure the whole thing freaked him out a little. Yeah, yeah. Join the fuckin' club, choom. Kerry knew it was probably a good mix of things. Not telling him 'til the screamsheets knew, for one. That was a big one, given that they fucking lived together. He was also pretty convinced Johnny had touched his stomach at one point while he slept and the trojan gave him a little spook. He definitely didn't like making eye contact with it anymore, anyway. Whatever the reason, Johnny ignored the situation as much as he could. And when he did acknowledge it, he was just being an ass about it. God, fuckin' get over it already. Not like it was goin' anywhere at this point.
Looking up, Kerry finally saw that stoic look of concern in Nancy's eyes.
"Keep feelin' yourself up," she gave a half-assed attempt at keeping the mood light, crouching down beside Kerry and offering him a slight smile. Kerry appreciated it anyway, "How're you getting by tonight?"
Removing his hand from his rounded gut, Kerry shrugged listlessly. He'd been so lost in his own thoughts that he hadn't noticed until then that the green room was empty, save for them. How long had it been like that? He rested his back against the sofa he'd been sitting on. This fuckin' thing was so low. His stomach had dropped at least a couple weeks ago, and it'd only been getting worse since then. He had no choice but to keep his legs slightly spread to accommodate the trojan inside.
"Just as low as last night. Back aches somethin' fierce, but that's nothin' new."
"Sure you'll get through the gig?"
"If I could manage it last night, I can manage it tonight. I thought they were seriously gonna bust out last night." A false alarm happened not long before the show was supposed to end. False contractions, probably brought on by the stress he'd been putting his body under to keep performing while he was like this. They had three more gigs to get through and then he could purge this virus from his system.
"And you're feeling better than you did then?" Nancy asked, looking for proper verbal confirmation that he was okay to do this, and not just some vague notion.
"Yeah. Definitely." Absolutely fucking not. Kerry felt sick to his stomach, but he'd performed under worse conditions. Besides, he thought he was looking pretty damn good today. Why deprive their fans from seeing him? Especially if he was just gonna get bitched at for bailing on the gig when he wasn't even in labor. God, this whole thing was such a pain in his ass…
"Great!" Nancy patted his back for emphasis. "We're on in 30," she informed him.
"Where're the others?"
"Smoking outside."
Oh for fuck sakes… Guess it was important, but it was still annoying as hell. Kerry had been itching for a cigarette for ages, and them smoking in the same room as him had been driving him mad with the cravings. Needless to say, that'd had to stop.
"Help me up, would ya?" He requested, grumbling to himself. This was getting so damn old… She took hold of his arm, while his free hand would support his back. Using his legs and her strength, he'd get to his feet and immediately feel the weight of what was growing as it was shifting into his pelvis. If he was seriously gonna have to deal with this shit for 3 more weeks, he was gonna lose his mind.
With a small, weak smile and a nod of thanks, Kerry stepped (Yes, stepped! The next person he'd hear telling him he was "waddling" was getting a punch in the family jewels.) toward the mirror. Had to gussy himself up. Always had to do it himself, even when it led to his back aching all the worse because he preferred to do his makeup while standing instead of sitting.
Unpacking his small makeup pouch, he'd pull out his eyeliner, eyeshadow palette, and brushes. Brown eyes connected with the large curve of his stomach, cringing slightly when he'd witness and feel the slight movement from beneath stretched skin. Definitely running out of room… Then again, he'd been convinced of that for weeks now, that he couldn't possibly get any bigger. And yet here he was.
While his expression did relax as he started making himself up, his neutral expression of concentration contorted into a small scowl as he felt another sharp pain travel through the small of his back. His hand wouldn't tremble though. He kept applying, and just ignored it. The fuck was anyone gonna do, after all? Not like he could pop something for it. He'd already gotten the riot act about that, and really? He should be praised. Dropping smoking, drinking, and pills all at once? He should get a fucking award for that. All for this virus. …Fuck, they were getting low.
Kerry's gaze averted from himself in the mirror and back toward the door when the rest of his bandmates returned, reeking of smoke. The smell was a relief, honestly. It gave him a bit of something, at least. Looking in the mirror again, he'd finish off his eyeshadow and start on the eyeliner. Shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot, he'd keep much of his focus on what he was doing.
"Not gonna have a repeat of last night, right?" Henry was the first to speak up, striding over to his side.
"Don't got a clue what you're talkin' about," Kerry responded with a distinctly facetious tone, not breaking eye contact with the mirror or closing his mouth as he ran the thin brush tip over his waterline.
"Good. Drink your water like a–"
Kerry paused to let out a pained groan and placed a hand on his stomach, causing Henry to instantaneously take a giant step back with a jolt. His eyes were wide with fright. The others had similar reactions. Nancy's first instinct was to join him at his side instead, while Denny's eyes went wide with surprise and a slight bit of panic. Johnny's expression was almost unreadable with his aviators covering his eyes, the only thing noticeable was his slightly agape mouth. Laughter bubbled out of Kerry no more than a moment later, using the mirror to look around at everyone and their faces.
"Jumpy bunch, aren't ya? Just scarin' 'im, I'm fine," he assured. A quiet collective sigh of relief came over all of them, though Nancy would be the one to send him an unimpressed stare through the mirror.
"Not funny, Ker'."
"Sorry Mother Nance. Promise not t'do it again," Kerry half-heartedly assured as he would go back to lining his eyes.
Things went back to normal. Their usual arguing, primping, and drinking. There were at least a couple of more sharp pains from his back, making the weight in his pelvis even more distracting. It didn't feel like it was going anywhere to him, though. It just felt like the pain in his back made the weight in his pelvis feel worse than it really was. It made sense to him, so nothing to get worked up about. With his makeup done, Kerry gave himself a chance to sit down in front of the mirror to rest his legs.
"5 minutes!" Someone from outside of their room announced. Denny and Henry began to stand, since they were ready and didn't exactly make the same cocky entrances as their two frontmen. Nancy would follow not long after, leaving Johnny and Kerry to compose themselves enough to get up and get on stage.
Kerry was almost certain Johnny was high on something. What, he wasn't sure. They didn't use in front of him anymore, or as much as Nancy could control that.
"You look miserable," Johnny would fill the silence, picking himself up and finally approaching the mirror to toss his hair around a bit.
"Happens when you can barely sleep."
"Yeah, heard you keep gettin' up last night."
"Thing was punching my bladder like a speed bag. Nearly pissed myself twice."
"So that was what that was," Johnny grinned slightly, looking over toward him, "Had no idea what ta think when I heard you running around sayin' "Oh fuck, oh fuck" over and over. Thought I'd have to call Nance."
"Nope. Just nearly made a disgusting mess." Another ache in his back. God, this was such a fuckin' pain. He grit his teeth and would breathe through his nose, putting his hand to his back once again. This show was definitely gonna be rough. "...Help me up, would ya?" Kerry watched him contemplate it.
"Yeah. Alright. Better help you up now so you can make it to the stage before we head back to the hotel tonight." Johnny stood there patiently as Kerry carefully turned in his seat, then offered his metal arm out to him. Kerry rolled his eyes at him all the while.
"Har-fuckin'-har. Even funnier the 50th time you've said it. Shut the fuck up, Johnny." Begrudgingly, he'd take hold of Johnny's arm. Abruptly, he was yanked up to his feet, causing Kerry to wince with the pain that came with it. Arm almost pulled outta socket, his stomach lurching forward… Definitely hadn't been pleasant.
"Ouch. Should a future daddy really be talking like that?"
"Not in the mood right now, man. Let's just fuckin' go." The pain evened out and he could let out a breath, absently stroking the curve of his belly. Glancing back up at him, he was relieved when Johnny let go of him without a word. Nothing else snarky to say, he guessed. Asshole.
He would follow Johnny out of the green room, intent on keeping up his pace so he wouldn't have anything else to bitch about.
It all started off great. Stepping onto the stage, everything was pushed to the back of his mind. None of it mattered. The bickering, the rumors, the worries– fuck it all. None of it held any weight on his mind. He was just there to play, to sing. They weren't going to have a repeat of last night. His waves and big smile told the crowd that. And if he'd been able to see them past the blinding lights, then clearly he would've seen that they knew it was going to be different.
His axe had been passed off to him on his way onto the stage. The strap seemed like it'd have to get looser and looser with each performance. Even then, he was still able to play. He wouldn't miss a note, even as that strange, sharp pain struck him again halfway through "Five Rings." It almost felt like the pain itself was making the trojan press down, further into his– nah. Didn't matter. Don't fuck up a single note, a single cue. He sang, played through it all.
With the end of the second song, he almost felt relief. A moment to breathe, and Johnny was taking the time to address the crowd. Good… good. He kept his hands on his axe to keep them away from his stomach, other than the occasional hand being brought up to wipe sweat from his brow. He was already feeling the heat of the stage lights. He could usually handle it well. It wasn't like poor Nance, after all. Head to toe in black, just absorbing all of that heat. She was a fuckin' trooper. No wonder why she went through so much water while they played.
"...and let's all welcome back Kerry Eurodyne after last night's dramatic performance!"
Forced out of his thoughts, Kerry immediately gritted his teeth and sent Johnny a glare. Oh, this fucking dickwad. It took genuine effort to get himself to speak through the pain. No one would ever be able to say he wasn't a damn good performer after all of this shit.
"Yeah, sorry 'bout that." He spoke into the mic with a level of feigned amusement to his voice. "Kid thought it'd be a hilarious prank ta make me think they were comin', so…" Kerry shrugged his shoulders, unable to really think past that. The pain was too distracting. Johnny started speaking again, but Kerry wasn't absorbing any of it. Shit, it was really turning into something wasn't it? This wasn't like last night. It felt worse. But fuck that. He wasn't gonna get laughed at. Kerry wasn't gonna turn into another fucking spectacle. He wanted eyes on him, but not for this.
It was fine. Just make it through a couple of hours and then he could promptly get bitched out by their manager again.
It would only get worse from there, but playing was so much easier than speaking tonight. Singing backup was fine so long as the pain wasn't peaking. His mind felt like mush in the moments following the contractions ending, though. It was becoming more and more difficult with time to pretend that he was okay. For now, though, he thought he was managing it… fine.
Fuck, what next? "Seven Virtues?" "Blistering Love?" He looked to Johnny for that cue for the start of the next song. Hearing the first note gave him everything he needed to know. All right. The money maker. "Blistering Love" was loud, full of power, one of their most popular singles for a reason. He'd also been playing it since he was 15, so it was way too easy to just shut his brain off and play it without a thought in his head. …Ah, fuck, speaking of head.
There was no way the trojan's head could be any fucking lower. It felt like it was practically right between his legs, like if he spread them any wider (impossible, because of the leather pants he wore) that it would just fall straight out of him. Thankfully, he knew far better than that. It just wasn't gonna happen.
What would happen, however, was a want to push.
But that wasn't possible. It couldn't be.
His facade would finally break, and Kerry's eyes would momentarily widen with terror. He knew some fans must've seen him, but no one in the band did, nor did anyone off to the side. No, this wasn't happening. There was no fucking way, right? His water hadn't even broken. It couldn't be… If his water hadn't broken yet, then it wasn't coming yet.
Yeah. Yeah!
He was okay. Calm the fuck down, Eurodyne and plaaaaay–ooooo, fuck, it hurt! Oh, fuck, yeah that– that was getting to the unbearable levels of hurting now. He'd been so locked in his own head that he hadn't felt the full pain surging through his back and gut through the last few songs. How the hell had it gotten so out of hand so damn quickly?! This was supposed to take for fucking ever. He was supposed to be in some pristine hospital paid for the suits, complaining to Nancy when the thing just wouldn't come out of him. This was so completely and entirely not that.
Oh god, what the fuck was he supposed to– low, low, low, low!
Kerry gave a short push to test the waters, squatting just slightly where he was standing. It looked more like he was trying to give his legs a chance to bend after having his knees locked for too long, especially as he was trying his hardest to avoid making a face with the effort. And god he hated that it felt good. Well, maybe not good. "Right" felt a bit more appropriate. Oh, this was fucking bad. Shit, how many songs did they have left? Too many. Way too fucking many.
He couldn't do this. No, oh fuck no. This "trojan" was about to make its grand entrance into Troy soon if he wasn't careful. He didn't have a clue how none of the others hadn't noticed by now. Had he just been flawless with everything he'd played so far? He'd get a big head about that later, but right now he was far more occupied by another big head. If he was doing amazingly well for apparently how far into labor he was in, he was pretty damn sure that he was about to ruin that streak of brilliance.
. . . Okay. Contraction passed.
He could do this. He could do this! With the dulling of the pain, his confidence resurged. Kerry straightened himself up and phoned in a big grin right on cue. This song was ending, and Johnny was queuing up for the next. Next should've been "No Man Anymore," from what he could remember. With the hand signal Johnny gave, though, and the abrupt beginning, this was definitely not that. Why the fuck were the playing "Archangel?" That wasn't supposed to be played 'til the last tour date! What the fuck was he doing? Looking to Denny from where he stood, she looked just as confused as him, but kept up her drumming like a pro.
So, what more could he do but to act on cue? With the end of the first set of lyrics, Kerry played the riff. His favorite from any of their songs thus far. All eyes were on him now, and he couldn't fuck this up. He played it up as best as he could in his condition, arching his back and gyrating slightly to the beat of Henry's bass. An instant regret as the pressure was really getting to the point of intolerable, even between contractions. This thing was on its way out. Impatient little asshole.
The next contraction came before the song could end, and oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck he had to push. He had to. There was no denying it. This thing wanted out whether he liked it or not. His grin had long since gone, having dissolved into to a look that he hoped could be read as passionate concentration, or something akin to that. With Johnny's loud vocals and guitar taking center stage, he'd squat down slightly like before. Kerry backed off from the mic, but would still try to keep himself from grunting with the aggressive shove of a push he gave. C'mon, kid… fuckin' work with me here!
Then came a burn and that wide eyed look returned, this time bringing along an aggressive feeling like he was going to be sick. Oh, no. No-no-no-no-no-no! This wasn't happening! He pushed again, this time involuntarily. He was squatting more. Someone had to have noticed by now right? Please. Please– someone help h–
It felt like something exploded inside of him, and all at once everything was disgustingly wet. It wasn't like in the movies, where a wet spot just appeared and a puddle was clearly beneath him. Oh, no. These leather pants made it feel so much more disgusting. Soaking the inside and dripping down through each pant leg. His socks, his shoes: they weren't drenched immediately. It felt way too slow, feeling it as it seeped down further. Two small individual puddles pooled beneath him, as well, soon meeting each other to create one larger one. Kerry wouldn't even notice that "Archangel" had ended until he heard some of the gasps of the closest fans that noticed what happened.
He was suddenly all too aware of the sets of eyes that were on him, even without being able to see them all. Fuck, this was gonna be all over the screamsheets. No one was ever gonna let him live this down. Letting go of his guitar, he'd instead reach out to grip at the mic stand, as though it might be able to help him stay on his feet. Peering up slightly, he'd first be able to see that infuriatingly unreadable expression from Johnny. Not even an agape mouth this go around. With his eyes covered by those stupid fucking aviators, he looked downright unimpressed with what was happening. He was gonna kick this motherfucker's ass, whether he was pushing a human being out of him or not!
"C'mon Ker'," Denny's familiar, gentle voice was suddenly in his ear. It was similar to last night, where she, too, had been the closest to him and first to join his side. Except this time, he was quick to shake his head and turn the microphone away from his face. No, oh god no, he was not going to be making the entire venue aware of this!
"Can't move," he whimpered, "it's coming. 'M not fuckin' around, Den, it's comin'." With a hand on Denny now, a far more stable support, he'd squat down further and bear down once again. Denny's dark brown eyes would widen with her own panic, turning back toward Nancy. She'd been on her way over as well, with Henry practically frozen in terror back at his spot on the stage. Denny gestured for Nancy to hurry the fuck up, since she absolutely knew nothing about any of this shit.
Quickening her pace across the stage, Nancy trotted over and got to Kerry's other side. She worriedly took hold of his arm, looking him over.
"C'mon, Ker'," Nancy echoed, then gently began to urge him toward offstage.
"He said–"
"Nance, it's comin' outta me! Like, it's–" Before any further words could come out of his mouth, Kerry was frantically pushing again. Teeth grit and a groan of effort escaping him, her own bright red eye would widen with the realization. Oh, for fuck sakes! "–just get my pants off. It's got nowhere t' gooooooo with these things!" The burn was getting worse. Oh god, it was actually coming out. It was for real sticking out of him, what the fuck was he supposed to do?!
"I am not taking off your pants in front of–"
"Well I can't fucking move Nancy!"
"Johnny!" Nancy looked back toward where Johnny was still standing there, having made no move at all to do a damn thing. But, fuck. If Nance was calling him over, he knew he was gonna get a whole fucking earful of bitching if he didn't come over. And so Johnny begrudgingly sauntered over to approach Kerry at the front, moving the mic stand off to the side completely.
Kerry still couldn't see this fucker's eyes. Not like he gave a damn in that moment, not when he was once again bracing himself on his bandmates and pushing hard to try to get this thing out of him. Its head had almost nowhere to go. With him in a thong and tight ass pants, it was bound to hit the limit soon. And soon it was, as he felt resistance with the end of that push.
"Johnny, pull him off the stage. We're not doing this here."
"No! Nance, please!" Kerry was panicking, begging. "Its head is almost out, I swear t'fuckin' god. I need to–" Johnny pushed Nancy out of the way slightly, and suddenly Johnny's hands were on him. Arms hooking underneath his own, Johnny would start to drag Kerry off the stage. That was where the production staff started to scramble, trying to either get out of the way or figure out what they were going to do. They were all completely useless to Kerry.
Stopping far offstage, Johnny would stand him up again before starting to pull his guitar up from around him. It was handed off to a stagehand, while Denny and Nancy both were crowding him again. Henry had followed the rest of his bandmates offstage, but was staying a good distance away. He still wanted absolutely nothing to do with that. Behind everything else, Kerry could still hear the chattering of the concert attendees. None of that mattered, though. Absolutely none of it. What really did was just getting this kid out of him.
Standing up normally again, Kerry would begin his struggle in getting his pants down. They were wet, disgusting, and restrictive. Nancy was finally helping, taking charge of unbutton and unzipping the leather pants and shimmying them down his hips and thighs to the best of her ability. With the state of things, she knew better than to think they'd be able to get them down too far. Instead, she just focused on getting them down enough.
Getting them down to his thighs, Nancy still couldn't quite see the extent of everything. The offstage area wasn't exactly brightly lit, with nothing really being easy to see in this dim light. After she'd pull down Kerry's thong, however, she cautiously felt for a sign of something and oh god did she find it.
"I need a light. Someone– a light, before he–" Kerry would groan before she could finish her request. He was finally able to spread his legs some. God, this thing had really just been trying to come out in the most cramped place ever. With the spread of his legs came the feeling of the head slipping down further. So when he pushed, that would give it the shove it needed to come to a full crown. That sharp burn had Kerry gasping, then hunching over and groaning more before Denny would try to urge him to stand up straighter.
With Nancy on catching duty, Denny holding him up, and Henry being utterly fucking useless, that would leave Johnny to be the one to try to find a light.
"A light!" He'd yell from behind Kerry, probably at one of the stagehands. Someone shut the curtain that led to the offstage, while someone finally turned on a light. Coupled with that, Kerry would hear the familiar click of a flashlight.
"There we go… Kerry, you're almost there. Head's almost out. Are you still having a contraction?" Nancy looked up at him, but he could only barely see her past his stomach. He'd try to answer her question, only for it to come out as a pained groan as his body would involuntarily push for him. Nancy said something else, but none of those words would ever make it to Kerry's ears.
The pain was so much louder than everything else, like a siren blaring in his ears telling him to end this. He could barely even hear his own pained moans anymore. Dull nails would involuntarily dig into Denny's wrist. He would have to apologize to her for it later, but for now it would fall away from his mind as quickly as it registered.
The burning finally stopped all at once, eyes going wide and wondering if it was over. His thighs were wet all over again, while he heard more fluids splashed to the ground.
"Head's out."
"Breathe, Kerry. It's almost over. . . . No cord, so you can keep on pushing when you need to."
"Are you all just gonna stand there and watch?! Someone call a fuckin' ambulance!" Denny's own mother henning made Kerry grin slightly. Denny and Nance were so fuckin' good to him… Kerry panted out softly, resting his head against Denny's shoulder and closing his eyes briefly. A very short rest before his body reignited its urge to get this thing out of him.
Feeling one of the shoulders making its way out of him was probably even weirder than feeling the head coming. Second only to the feeling of the baby rotating to get itself out.
"That's it Ker'. You've got this." He heard from Nancy.
"I know it hurts, Ker'. Almost done. Just a couple more." He heard from Denny.
"This is takin' forever…" Johnny sounded almost worried. Like the amount of time it was taking was somehow indicative of how well it was going. Nobody tell him how some people spent literal hours pushing their babies out.
Kerry groaned once again with the peak of his current contraction. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck, this was it!
"It's– Nance– it's!! It's out, it's fucking out!"
"I know, Ker'. I–" Another gush, followed by silence. There was relief. Kerry panted softly, eyes opening fully. A bit of sweat was burning his right eye, but he didn't give a fuck about that right now. No more than a moment later, Kerry heard a tiny cry. Panic really started swirl around them now. Not the band, no. Each one of them was stunned into silence, while the stagehands and general people amongst the production were trying to figure out just what the fuck they were supposed to do. None of them were even a blip on Kerry's radar right now.
Nancy scooted back slightly, lifting the newborn up so the parties involved could see.
She was small, with black hair like Kerry's. Apparently having not inherited his mouth or lungs, because her cry was quiet. Like the saddest thing had just happened to her and she needed an immense amount of love and comfort to assure her that everything was going to be okay.
"Holy shit," Kerry breathed, looking down at the blood covered babe.
That was his. That was the little… the little asshole that had made his life so much more difficult the last several months. Looking down at her, it was feeling difficult to shove that anger onto her like he had before. How could he? She was so little.
He knew he was going to get bitched at to hell and back for all of that, but whatever. That was a future Kerry problem. All he could do for now was just reach out and take his baby from Nancy, unable to pry his eyes from her.
"Hey… hey, I know... I know."
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court-of-starss · 5 months
Comfort of Family
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Summary: Your cycle leaves you pining for your mate.
Warnings: Periods, a whole bunch of fluff, Rhys being the best older brother ever.
a/n: Honestly I just wanted an excuse to write Rhys as an older brother. Enjoy my migraine induced drabble!
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Feyre had never seen Rhys look as nervous as he did now, standing in front of the wooden door of his little sister. He was tense as he lifted his hand to knock, hesitating as he took in a nervous breath.
“I think you’re being a bit dramatic.” Feyre mumbled, raising a hand to gently rub his tense back, biting her lip to hide her amusement as he shot her an accusatory look over his shoulder.
“You don’t understand, she’s not my little star during her cycle” His voice trailed into a whisper, “she’s a chocolate hoarding dragon.” Feyre couldn’t hold back her laugh at his dramatics, so scared of his closest family member, his baby sister.
“I assume she’s going to be even worse as you’ve sent her mate off to gods know where.” Feyre giggled, hiding her smile behind her hand when Rhys narrowed his eyes at her and huffed. He took a deep breath before turning back around and finally raising his hand to gently knock on the door, turning the doorknob and entering at the soft ‘come in’ that emerged from the room.
The curtains were drawn, leaving the room in darkness hiding the mass under the heavy black sheets of the bed. Feyre rolled her eyes at Rhys’ hesitation to enter, giving him a gentle shove forward before closing the door behind him, leaving him to face his sister alone.
‘Traitor.’ He shot down the bond, his lips curving up slightly at her soft laugh that he felt through his chest. He cautiously approached the bed, eyebrows crunching together at the small sniffle that leaked from her. He felt guilt swarm him at her pain, her cycles much more painful than the ordinary fae.
“You better have chocolate Rhys.” You growled, your eyes peaking out from under the blankets to glare at your older brother who was now crouching down in front of you. He looked so much like your mother like this, his eyes soft as he examined the scrunch of your brows. He raised his hand, revealing a pouch from your favorite sweet shop in town. He grinned and set them on the night stand, next to your mates’ dagger, the one he always left by your side.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, cringing when another wave of pain travelled through you, your back and abdomen cramping painfully. Rhys frowned and gentle wiped the sweat from your brow, cupping your cheek softly as his talons slipped into your mind to ease some of the pain coursing through you.
“I’m still mad at you, for sending him away.” He sighed and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, making himself comfortable, ignoring your glare as he rested his head on your mates pillow.
“It was urgent and I assure you he will be back soon little star.” He had a teasing grin on his face as he bumped your foot with his. “Besides I’m sure he’ll give me enough of a beating when he gets home.” He snickered, he never turned down an opportunity to roll around the training mat with the shadowsinger.
A soft sniffle left you as you rested your temple on his shoulder, taking a few deep breaths. His scent easing your mind slightly, knowing you were safe with your best friend by your side. You could never truly be mad at your brother, a fact he knew and took advantage of often. While most compared him to your father, you always saw your mother in him. In his gentle eyes, in his caring actions, in his selfless actions, in his court.
“I miss him.” You mumbled, tears dripping down your cheeks as Rhys rested his cheek against your hair, humming softly.
“What can I do?” He asked gently, his heart aching at your pain and tears. A sight that he couldn’t stand.
“I just want Azriel.” You sniffled, wiping your cheek on his shirt, not even feeling guilty at the damp spot on his shirt. He sighed and sat up, pulling your head onto his lap as he ran his fingers through your hair soothingly. Humming softly as your eyelids started to droop.
“He’ll be home soon I promise little star.” Rhys said softly, his words sending you into a blissful sleep full of shadows and gleaming hazel eyes full of love and laughter.
You grumbled when you felt something caressing your cheek, a soft cool touch that drew you from the sweet dream you were having of your other half. You peeled your eyes open, blinking a few times to clear the fog of sleep. Your gaze snapped to a soft hazel gaze, kneeling next to the bed with a gentle smile was your mate. Your Azriel.
Your lip wobbled as you processed that he was here, your hand lifting from the blankets to hold the back of his caressing your cheek.
“Hey baby.” He mumbled, his eyes tracking the fresh tears now gathering in your waterline.
“Az.” You whined, tugging his hand. He complied, sliding under the blankets and huffing a laugh when you immediately curled into his body, leg draping over his hips as his arm slid over your shoulders to tug you into chest. You buried your face into his neck, taking long breaths of his scent, the smell of home. His palm slid down until it pressed against your lower back, the spot he knew always gave you the worst pains.
“Never leave me again.” You mumbled into his throat, smiling when he made a noise of agreement, the sound rumbling down to his chest. His other hand lifting to stroke through your hair, his nose pressed into your temple taking deep breaths of his beloved mate.
It could have been hours, perhaps days that you spent in this position with him, your body finally fully relaxed. But alas the moment was ruined, by your traitorous stomach letting out a deep grumble of protest. Az let out a puffed laugh, pressing a soft kiss to your hair before sliding you up onto his chest and rising from the bed.
You grumbled unhappily at the loss of the soft sheets and buried your head in his neck as he carried you out into the dining room, full of your loud and nosy family. Nose scrunching at Rhys and Mor loudly arguing over whom had the better hair in the family, you scoffed softly knowing it was neither of them.
“Oh, Az what do I have to do to get you to carry me around like that?” Cassian drawled, waving you off when you raised your head to snarl at him. You glared at his cheeky smile, softening slightly when he winked at you.
“For the last time Cassian, you are not my type.” Azriel groaned in fake annoyance, his lips tipping up slightly. You giggled when Cas held his hand to his heart and groaned dramatically, his own mate rolling her eyes, shooting you a soft smile before turning back to her conversation with Feyre.
Your heart warmed at the picture of your family, all cozied up on the comfy couches in front of the roaring fireplace, laughter ringing through the room as each member of your family relaxed with each other. A sight you had thought wouldn’t ever happen again 50 years ago, the joy and care radiating from everyone in the room was enough to tip your lips up, your pain from your cycle almost completely forgotten as your mate tipped his back with a roaring laugh as his brother continued his teasing.
Your eyes met Rhys’ as he smiled at you, his arm wrapped around his mate as she laughed at something Nesta was explaining, probably an embarrassing fact about poor Cassian. You smiled back, your eyes filling with happy tears as you finally witnessed the love and happiness on his face, after a long life of suffering, the pair of you were finally happy.
I love you Rhys.
I love you too, little star.
Azriel carried you into the kitchen, setting you on the counter as he turned to rifle through the cupboards, he always made you food when you were on your cycle, knowing you loved his cooking.
You sent a pulse of love down the golden string attaching your souls together, smiling widely when he shot a cheeky wink over his shoulder at you.
With the laughter flowing into the room from your family, and the sound of Azriel humming softly to himself as he started cooking, you felt your body relax. You had faced darkness head on and you knew at this moment that you would face it again if it meant that this life was waiting for you at the end.
“What do you mean Helion is hotter than me?! That is bullshit!” Cassian exclaimed from the other room, causing a loud laugh to leave your lips as your mate turned to grin at you, his own laugh leaving him as his eyes twinkled.
Watching you giggle and turn to shout back at Cassian, Azriel knew he would face death itself to keep the glittering smile on your face for eternity.
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grind-pantera · 11 days
Noa x human reader maybe reader is telling him about human customs
The slow burn queen reTURNS!!!!!
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Title: Customary. Rating: K. ( Super fluffy, we love. ) Words: 4.2K+ Pairing: Implied ! Noa x Human!Reader. Summary: Noa finds the concept of kissing interesting, he knew about it, has received his fair share from primarily his mother, forehead kisses here and there, scattered like leaves in his memory, but it was never the preferred way to show affection. ** Does contain mild spoilers for Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes ** PART TWO: Gone Hunting. PART THREE: Wounded Pride.PART FOUR: Head First. PART FIVE: A Sense of Belonging.
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Noa, in his time knowing you, figured that pressing for explanations left him without them. Or at least, the imposing questions startled enough that you didn't quite know how to answer. Explaining to him that kissing was indeed a way to show affection, but it also had a deeper meaning, at least to you, proved a difficult task. He’s curious about it, you could tell as he was rocking back and forth in some anticipation of your words, but in his nature, he stayed quiet and looked at you, observing your expression and your demeanor.
Drawing your bottom lip in, you chewed it in thought before releasing it, completely oblivious to Noa’s eyes watching the movement with some sort of amusement. Why Echo does that, he did not understand. He chose not to, but would remain curious and accepting if you chose to ever explain it to him. He reached up and pressed the back of his right pointer finger to his lip, savoring the sensation for a few fleeting moments before dropping the hand again as you finally found your voice, “It’s… It’s a way to uh… I don’t really know how to…”
The change in your face as you trail off trying to explain, Noa looked at the crease between your eyebrows and mimicked the expression momentarily to remind himself that it was your inquiring face. He’d seen it so frequently lately, almost taking a sickening solace in it because it meant you would talk to him, it meant you would pay attention to him. Something in the pit of his stomach, as unsettling as it was, yearned to have you by him, scent, physically, mentally. Physical… Noa muttered inside of his head and let his green gaze fall to your lap, more or less to study your hands that collapsed there.
The fidgeting of your fingers was evident, twisting and picking at your fingernails. For a split second the Ape wanted nothing more than to grab them in some feeble attempt to keep you calm and focused but he refrained. Inappropriate behavior with an Echo, he was screaming at himself and raised his hand to touch the band on his arm; a habit he found himself doing now when he needed to be grounded. The blue feathers tickled him and he closed his eyes for a split second. A reminder of who he was and who you were in comparison. Next on the list of ailments were the hard swallows and your inability to look straight at him. That he did not understand. Why not look at him? Perhaps, looking at him would help you answer! Noa would encourage answers occasionally when you were in the mood, but never forced them.
He, for a moment in time, could almost feel your heart beating, or at least, he could hear it and the pace sped up. It was a strange sensation. Whilst he knew that time didn't speed or slow down, it felt like both were happening simultaneously. Like, he had climbed to the highest point possible and intentionally let go. That feeling where you’re caught in the air. Did your heart speed up? Noa tilted his head as you came to glance over his shoulder at the tall trees that happily boarded the village, any attempt at words now ceasing as you didn't know how to explain to him what a kiss meant to you. Maybe, he mis-heard.
“It’s romantic.” Finally setting on a word, you shifted on the log you had grown to enjoy from hours of talking to Noa. It was a term sometimes forgotten, especially in the state of the world. Humans who had the ability to breed successfully often did so out of necessity, never love or romantic intentions. You thought about that. Your parents did just that, you were a product of need, not love. In fact, thinking kisses were a romantic notion has always been brushed aside, many telling you it was merely a fever dream, an unrealistic goal and you needed to get your head of the clouds to focus on the bigger picture. Humans are denoted down to mating for need, not for want, pleasure and surely not for romantic gain.
“An expression of… love.” You went on to say, preoccupying your hands by picking at the log you were sitting on. A piece of wood splintered off and a deep part of you wanted to shove it between your skin just to get yourself out of the situation. Out of having to explain. Words escaped you again when he looked at you. Swimming in green eyes for a second, you swallowed hard and forced your eyes to look elsewhere, knowing that Noa was able to inadvertently get you this… Worked up with just a look was uneasy at times, especially when the two of you were alone. Oftentimes, at least since Noa found you, he left you feeling something inexplicable. Something almost, dare you say, primal. The want to touch him, the want for his attention. No, you whispered inside of your head, it was beyond that, but it was not possible for it to ever become a reality. It… was…You were shameful to admit what it was. The thoughts racked in your mind like a vicious attack. Not even wanting anymore, it felt like a need that was drawing the two of you together like magnets. Need to be near, need to hear him, need to smell him, to… Indulge in him.
Love itself was an understanding between the two of you, it was often brought up here and there when discussing bonds, usually between families. You had gotten quite a bit out of him regarding, especially when you were introduced to both Soona and Anaya. The three shared an intensely deep bond, reminiscent of love between siblings, including pestering, annoyance, admiration and teasing. When you explained that to Noa, he concluded that your comparison was very much on the nose.
He very seldom touched based on his parents; a very obvious fresh wound he never wanted to delve into and you never had it in yourself to ever ask flat out. He explained before many times what had happened, but only because you would get a part of the story before he trailed off to say something that would throw the conversation to the side. You’d ask again a few days later getting another slice of the story and through that you put your pieces together. His father was gone… Their village burned… Many lost, but many found. They returned, rebuilding now. His mother, still here and you had the privilege of meeting once, and through their time restructuring their clan, they mourned. A custom deeply ingrained in the Apes which you had no idea about until he explained in simple terms.
-- -- --
‘Missing him’, he signed to you the day you asked about his father, about the relationship. Perhaps, a form of escapism. You never knew your father as well as you wanted. ‘Many days I spend thinking how it would be different if I were stronger, more able to save…’
“You did the best you could have, Noa.” You whispered to him out of empathy. It was evident in your voice, and Noa found it impeccably interesting just how easy it was to read humans. Their faces and their voices gave away so much of their inner thoughts, and it was truly no different with you. Though, there was something about you, off putting at times, that Noa couldn’t quite pinpoint. He shook it aside often as he figured maybe you were reserved and didn't want to talk, only letting it bother him in the late nights when he found it difficult to sleep, when he was fidgeting with something to fix. You were not telling him something, there was an obvious secret.
Obvious secret that came to fruition when he recognized you cared for him beyond that of any other social relationship he had. That was this moment when it got quiet between the two of you. No words, not even a sound coming from either of you as Noa peered into your eyes, his next string of signs coming off pseudo aggressive, but his intention was to impress. He would do this with a female ape he had piqued interest in. Boast of your accomplishments. Show you are the best or the best and are able to provide comfort and security. He indirectly did this towards you, ‘I am strong now,’ His signing was slow, languid as you were still learning. You found it endearing he was able to accommodate.
‘I understand…. Things I did not. Understand more now… About…’ He gestured at you instead of signing the word for ‘Echo’. He meant it as a personal statement, but your name was left out of it to keep some sort of distance. ‘I learn more because I have you.’
He saw a small smile creep on your lips, just enough to tease him with the image of a full grin. A full expression of glee. But, it was short lived as you wrapped your arms around yourself protectively and let your eyes fall to the side, “Thanks for giving me a second chance.”
Duel meaning with that, Noa huffed to himself. He had saved you once, shortly after returning home to rebuild. You were battered, bloodied and begged. Apes from the other Valley must have gotten their hands on you, having often used Echo’s to hunt for sport and leisure. At least, that is what he figured and he never pushed you to detail the events that lead you to the Eagle Clan. It took you a long time to warm up to him, to any of the Apes, but once you did, your value skyrocketed when Noa realized the potential he had to learn about Echo’s, about their habits and culture and how it may have differed from his own. He saved you both physically and then mentally by keeping these conversations going. You knew their purpose, he explained it in quite some detail. He was taking it upon himself to learn the ways of Echo’s as that is what Caesar intended. Raka intended. Maybe even what Noa now truly intended, no longer subsiding and explaining to himself that it would benefit the clan as a whole. As long as you selfishly benefited him, Noa was satisfied.
‘Ape and Echo…” He told you with a sharp intake of breath, moving just an inch towards you to captivate your gaze once again. ‘Human.’ He didn't correct himself and you knew what he meant by the word ‘Echo’, it was a courtesy now for him to call you what you would call yourself. A human… (Name). Noa didn't dare delve into that sort of familiarity yet and instead he loosely let his eyes fall into yours, defenseless in appearance and he could see your chest rising and falling out of the bottom of his vision. Echo’s were prone to nerves, often manifesting in heavy breathing, sweating and occasionally aggressiveness though Noa had yet to see that with you.
It was a quick analysis you did with him so near to your face. The creases between the bridge of his brows, the tiredness that leaked from under his eyes, his lips partially opened to display his canines. Not actively doing anything to be intimidating, he just naturally was. There was a gruff nature to his appearance, one that was slightly mysterious but oddly inviting, you wanted to run your fingertips up the broad plain between his eyes into what appeared to be coarse fur. Just to know what it felt like, just to say he allowed you to do that. Breathing in, Noa could see your rib cage expanding and then sinking back in. You were thinking. At least, so he thought. This was the closest he’s been to you, and while your scent was evident whenever you were around, it was almost overbearing now. Intoxicating and smothering. Noa would let you drown him if you pleased.
He clarified what he meant, ‘Side by side? Possible?’ Letting your breath go, Noa turned around and paced to his right. There was no reason to be so close, he figured. No reason at all.
‘Maybe.’ Was the garnered response he got from you when he peered over his shoulder, now longing to hear your voice as you had signed your answer.
-- -- --
Now, the word… Romantic… This was the first time Noa heard of this word. He understood now that it was a branch of love, but how far down did it go? Paternal? Maternal? Mates? Friends and acquaintances? No, no he thought to himself and shuffled to his feet. He took pace to the right and lightly placed his hand on his horse. Love between himself and his horse? They snorted in response, Noa dropping down to all fours and crawling to you.
You had watched his movements. He was contemplating and processing; something the two of you found yourselves doing the more frequent these conversations were. His deal was to pace, usually to the right of him. It shocked you that he had moved so fast towards you, it would only take you spreading your legs ever so slightly to allow him between them. To allow him to be as close to you as possible. But, you kept your knees together, keeping him at a distance. He sat back in front of you on his legs, eyes flicking between yours, reading the minute details on your face.
“Love between?” He signed that ever so slightly, grunting with the movement. It was fast, but you understood it enough to contemplate an answer. And there was only one, and you had hoped with it would come the end of the conversation.
It was now Noa’s turn to crease his eyebrows, this time out of bitter confusion. Romance and romantic endeavors were not completely lost, now that he understood what it fully meant. As opposed to Apes before the Rise, they now had the social ability for monogamous and romantic relationships. Noa knew of nothing else in his clan. You may love and like whomever you choose, a mate for life, though of course there was the occasional talk of who would be best suited for another. Marriage was an enlightened way of living, or so Noa heard from many around him. He felt destined at times, but never found anything beyond that.
Were… you implying based on your inability to say’ romantic’ off the bat, that Apes were not capable? Apes did not understand? That is where the question and tone that left Noa came from, purely from offense and defense at the same time, “Eagle Clan…” He paused to collect his thoughts to make sure you understood what he was saying and to change your conception. Your human ignorance. You couldn’t be blamed but it was still a frustration. “Do you not think we have?”
“I---” Feeling like a child being scorned for doing something wrong, you dipped your head and looked at your fingers again. Noa was stiff next to you, shoulder blades turned in ever so gently. It wasn’t apparent from a distance, but surely this close to him, you could see the change of his stance. It left you almost breathless but you shook it aside and muttered shamefully, “You do.”
“Many generations,” Noa stood up and you found your eyes following him. His hips hit your eye line first, they were right in front of you. Narrow, but muscular. Good for climbing. His chest, broad and strong, but you suspected that as he had gotten older, it became increasingly so, to the point where you just wanted to brush your fingers against him to see how the muscles would react under your touch. Your eyes lingered for a few seconds longer on his scar, encasing his right pectoral. Then his face. He didn't appear mad, angry, which is often why he would stand up. To avoid, distract, not answer. This was different though, the way he held himself up. You couldn’t pinpoint the sensation but it left you nearly dizzy looking into his eyes, foreloned like you ate a forged mushroom that wasn’t what it appeared to be.
“My clan has been through many generations, and I have known nothing other than… Than…”
“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to offend---”
“Not offended,” Noa grumbled, touching his hand to the side of his head. His grasp was open, hand resting in a ‘C’ position as he did so, repeating the movement a few times to emphasize to you what he was thinking, “Confused why you think Apes do not understand.”
“I-I…” You struggled for some answer. You only made the assumption up based on what you were told by other humans. But, Noa questioned everything you knew. Noa himself made you question everything you knew. “I’m sorry.”
“Echo’s apologize for such useless things.,” He turned his back towards you and shuffled to the right, towards his horse but then passed it. Towards the embankment of a small stream he often visited as a child when he was in trouble. He smiled fondly at those memories. “You did not know, how would you? You are not Ape.”
Noa knew you would follow him down to the water. You were faster this time than you usually were, Noa’s ears picking up on the sound of you immediately standing up, some twigs falling under your feet and crunching from the pressure as you made haste. He was amused ever so slightly by that, the urgency he put you in. More intriguing though, was the question that spilled from your lips.
“Have you ever felt it?”
He feigned ignorance to that and questioned back, “Felt?”
“Romantic love.”
Contemplation. Noa dipped his left fingertips into the stream and let the water trail between his open digits. It felt good, relaxing and calming though inside, he felt anything but. How would he know what it felt like? Would it… Make him feel different? Put him in a stupor like he found himself with you more often than the last few meetings? Would it make him feel feral? The disgusting feeling he had deep in the pit of his stomach to smash in the face of anyone who got too near to you, especially a male. The lingering on his palms of his fingers digging tightly into his already hard skin when you got too close to him. Would it make him… Lose control? Bite your arm, bite the space between your shoulder blades, grab your hair and pull you to him, make you his in the only way that was fathomable to him during those late nights when he couldn't find sleep.
Or… Was it that sensation he got when you were looking at him, making the unsafe assumption that he would not notice? Not knowing that you were stretching out towards him silently? Ah yes, that was often his favorite thing to catch you doing. He’d preen himself at the thought when he was alone, but now he was thinking it right in front of you, your arm briefly rubbing against his own as you crouched to be next to the water with him, eyes following the movement of his hand as he dipped it further into the water.. He needed to answer before you asked again, a tendency you did when you knew he had an answer stashed away somewhere.
“I do not know.”
Fair, you thought to yourself and mimed his behavior. Your right hand dipped into the water, encasing the entire thing and cutting off right at your wrist. It was shallow, not quite a river, but with time, it surely would forge its way. You had no idea how it must have felt to them, the bonds you had with Humans were all beneficial by circumstance. Artificial at times, never natural. Apes, even now as they were before, were incredibly social. You envied that they stayed that way, you yearned to have something similar. Humans were hostile, especially towards other humans they saw as threats and you only had a place if you could help or advance in any way. Closing your eyes, you hand moved from side to side, feeling small pebbles right beneath your fingertips.
Brushing your thumb accidentally against Noa’s, you were afraid to even look at him through your peripheral. Mustering enough to do just that, your eyes slipped open and you were relieved to see that he hadn’t noticed. Or at least, he didn't react. Maybe you got lucky and he thought it was the rushing water. You stiffened regardless but didn't push your hand back or move away. Instead, you steadfastly stayed put and swirled your left hand back towards him.
“Have you,” He started, softer than he meant, knowing what just happened under the water. He reached his thumb out once more just to see. “Have you felt?”
Noa moved this time, shuffling on his feet to get into a more comfortable position. His hand paced towards yours. You knew and your heart skipped a beat. Noa was mildly passive at times, shy and reserved on the surface but passive to serve his curiosity. He’d rather sit and observe and only take action when it was needed. Was he taking action? You were unsure but may as well try… That was a lame excuse but you found yourself repeating it over and over. Following suit, you reached your thumb out. Brush. That was definitely a pebble. It was too sharp to be anything else. Brush again. Oh, a stick, you clenched your jaw. One more… One more…
One more…. “Yes.”
Thumb caressing Noa’s, you had a hard time figuring out how it felt as the motion was submerged. It was rough, sure. Calloused most likely from years upon years of climbing and holding onto rougher surfaces. Hot, especially against the cold water that flowed now around the embraced fingers. He wasn’t necessarily reciprocating, but he wasn’t pulling away either. A good sign, you soothed yourself and boldly let your pointer finger find his. Now, your hands were in the form of a triangle and Noa finally responded. You felt his pointer curl slightly, tracing the smoothness that was your skin, down, down to the palm. Nonsensically, he traced a shape there.
“How.. did it feel?”
“It feels… Confusing.”
Noa nodded at this and shut his eyes pensively, his finger still pressing into your open palm. You could so easily close it though and grasp him. How that would be perceived, you had no idea but it was at least a thought.
“Confused.” He repeated to you, only using the past tense of your adjective. Introspectively, you wondered if Noa caught the fact that you used it in the present tense but his reaction told you he didn't. “I have not seen any Echo confused. Usually, know-it-alls.”
That made you laugh audibly. Noa glanced at you in that moment, taking in the nature of your face. The lines of your smile, curl of your lips, the sun basking your skin, cheeks ever so slightly red. It was a mental picture he’d like to keep forever. He beamed at that, that he was able to garner that sort of reaction from you. He hooted out his own laughter, feeling your fingers leave his as you pulled your hand out of the water. Patting it against your thigh, water droplets seeped into your skin there and Noa felt… Envious of them for getting to peer into you deeper.
“We usually are.” You admitted without hesitation, grasping your thigh with vigor. “But… Not with this.” Noa could have sworn he saw you vaguely gesture between himself and you, but it must have been in his head as you were quick to stand next to him. You simply pushed on your thigh as leverage to get up, Echo’s has terrible balance when compared to Apes. He made up the other movements. Yes, yes, he chirped to himself. Made up.
‘Why?’ He signed silently, knowing you caught him asking that without fully looking at him. He pestered you at the beginning with a lot of ‘why’ because you were explaining human things that he didn't understand.
“I don’t… Fully understand it.” It took only a blink for Noa to stand, his hand now dripping water from the tips of his elongated fingers.
‘Thought you did,’ This time around, he used both hands to sign. ‘If you feel it, how do you not understand?’
That was a good question you found yourself longing for an answer to and you wished you could give him that answer. You tried to come to one rationally. Maybe, what you were feeling now, letting your eyes trail up Noa’s body only to rest back on his unwavering glance, was just passing and fleeting. A crush of sorts. But, often with you, those sorted themselves out. You didn't want the attachments, knowing what the world was like. You didn't want the burden of someone else to worry about when you exerted so much energy worrying about yourself and your safety.
But with Noa, especially these last few months of building a relationship outside of just Ape and Echo, his own words mind you, it was… Different. Your eyes scanned crowds to find him, your ears knew the sound of not only his voice, but his huffs and grunts, the snort that fell from his lips when he laughed, the gait of his walk. Steady and sure of himself. You enjoyed soothing afternoons in the sun with Soona and Anaya as Noa went off on a small tangent, explaining how he was going to fix something in the village to improve their lives. The excitement he had when he got on all fours to move quickly when he saw something he wanted, something he wanted to accomplish… You sunk into his eyes, almost the color of the tree leaves in the early spring.
“Love doesn’t need to be understood,” Whispering that to him, you looked over his shoulder that was eye level to you as you were both standing and tried to find the most elegant way to put your thoughts into words. Elegance though, to Noa, did not matter. You could be blunt and brash and he would still listen all the same, “Love just needs to be embraced.”
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magicxc · 3 months
Safe Word
Pairings: Survey Corps x Reader - how they react to the safe word being called
Word Count: 2967
Warnings: cuteness overload
A/N: This is how I think our bois would react to the safe word being used. Everyone is respectful and fluffy in this so enjoy and tell me what ya think!!
If you’re up to it, check out my headcannon with aot x safeword ignored. Its as it sounds - a darker version of this, so do proceed with caution.
Safe word - sparrow
Eren  - Maybe it was the emotional toll of the day or the sensitivity right before the start of your period, but you just couldn’t keep up. Normally when Eren got a little rough with you it was an enjoyable experience but today just seemed rather, off. Legs curled around his waist as he steadily drove into you left you with nowhere to go; taking everything he was giving your body. And suddenly it became too much to handle, the pressure of it yielding more discomfort than pleasure. You tried to hold on, for him, but the tears that pricked at your eyes had Eren slowing down before your words did.
“Sp- sparrow,” you heaved, the waterworks now in full effect. Halting completely Eren pulled out of you, thumbs wiping away at your cheeks as he bombarded you with questions. 
Apologising for something he didn’t yet understand, he engulfed you in a bear hug until you were ready to express yourself; slowly rocking you both back and forth as he kissed along your temple. After explaining to him how you felt overwhelmed with everything, he’d made you promise to always tell him when you weren't feeling like yourself, especially if it was at the expense of his pleasure. Nodding in agreement, you’d watch as he left to get you a bottle of ice cold water; cuddling you to a peaceful sleep once you’d both settled down.
Levi - being humanity’s strongest soldier meant that Levi had to be extra careful when it came to everyday people. Certain things like a friendly game of arm wrestling or even cracking eggs for breakfast had to be approached cautiously. And while you did allow him to let loose in the bedroom, even that he conducted to a certain extent; always holding your safety in high regard. However, his idea of taking it easy and your idea of taking it easy were vastly different and while you two were still trying to gauge his strength in the early stages of your relationship, there was a safe word put in place.
“Sparrow,” you’d weakly cried out, eyelids heavy and limbs flaccid from the sixth round you and Levi had found yourselves in. While the sex was great and the orgasms mind numbing, six rounds on your poor body was beginning to take its toll. You’d felt weak and the heated feeling building in your belly to signal yet another explosive finish was borderline sweltering. No longer did those black dots that danced around your vision feel fun and soon the empty contents of your stomach threatened to rise. It was like a HIIT workout for a beginner but without the prep. 
Sweat prickled at your forehead and body moist enough to stick to the sheets you were all too eager to tap out, revealing to Levi just how wrecked you were beginning to feel.
After hearing the safe word he stopped immediately, eyes bulging out of his sockets at the idea that he’d hurt you beyond repair. He tended to be a bit drastic in thought when it came to you, but that didn't stop the apologies that tumbled from his lips. Levi would go on to make you a cup of green tea to calm down your symptoms and would keep you up in conversation until the sun rose; much like a mother making her child sing in the bathtub to ensure their safety while she left the room for a towel. How your quiet boyfriend managed to talk you into the wee hours of the morning surely surprised you, but you’d gladly indulge at the efforts he’d go through to make sure that you were okay.
Erwin - Erwin was a generous lover, sometimes too generous as his tongue worked wonders on your clit. Tongue flat against the nub, he’d let enough drool gather at the tip to rub around the bud as effortlessly as possible. Coupled with the two finger combo he’d drive into your pussy had you seeing literal stars. Erwin had come to learn that not only did this garner powerful orgasms for you, but it also garnered quick ones. It was something about his skilled body that would have you unraveling in three minutes flat. And much like the Commander of the Scouts appreciated when his planning yielded successful results on the field, so did the Commander in the bedroom appreciate when his woman yielded successful results from his ministrations; so much so that he’d barely hear the word leave your mouth.
Stopping, he’d uttered “what?”
“I said sparrow,” you panted.
“Baby, I- I’m so sorry,” he apologised.
Thankful for the break, all you could manage was to catch your breath before Erwin began interrogating you with questions of how you felt, where’d it hurt, when did it become too much, what do you need, why didn’t you stop him sooner, etc.
You literally had to shut him up with a finger to his lips, clarifying to Erwin that while it was more pressure than pain, you were fine now. Did it stop him from hurling ten more questions your way? No! And while you were initially annoyed, you were appreciative that he’d cared so much that he was willing to nail down the exact line of no return so he’d know never to cross it again. 
Connie - “thwack” was the loud echo of your skin crackling against Connie’s palm. Bent over his knee, he found himself ‘punishing’ you for whatever roleplay you guys were currently in the middle of. Eight spanks in and the fiery ache to your ass cheek had you quickly forgetting exactly what scenario you two were acting out. All you could think of was how soon you wanted it to end. 
Apparently you’d stop counting which meant that Connie had to start from the top and maybe it was the soreness of your ass, but his hits seemed to rain down even harder on your puffy skin - no doubt leaving behind a handprint. And by the third count you were effectively tapping out, croaking out your safe word before his hand could connect again.
“Sparrow, sparrow, sparrow.”
Hand halted high in the air, Connie quickly turned you over and wrapped you in his arms, begging for your forgiveness. The pleading never ceased and when you were finally able to gather your thoughts, all you wanted was to call it a night.
You’d forgiven him rather quickly especially considering you both were trying something new. But after he’d rub your skin down in aloe vera gel, you two discussed the idea of a middle word, much the same as a yellow traffic light signals that a car should slow down, this middle word would signal that whatever act is being done should continue with caution.
Plopping down next to you, Connie had showered you with kisses, apologies, and now snacks; even managing to slide in a joke or two. While this was an uncomfortable experience for you both, his love language was definitely laughter, trying his best to keep the atmosphere light but also working towards making sure that something like this never happens again.
Jean - While you and Jean tried to keep sex relatively fresh, nothing could ever really beat the classics - good ole fashion head. It was fun and oftentimes turned you on just as much. Face lodged between his thighs, the floor beneath you was a slobbering combination of your spit and Jean’s fluids. 
His hand guided you on the exact pace he wanted you to go, muttering out instructions of how you should please him in the process. The better it felt, the more aggressive he tended to get, hands cradled around your neck as he bobbed you along his shaft.The words you attempted to say came out mumbled and instead sent vibrations to all the right places; and what he thought was you amplifying the experience only made him thrust his hips toward your face more forcefully. Spit bubbling out the corners of your mouth and tears streaming down your face, Jean couldn’t have felt more turned at the sight, his brows crinkling to confusion once your fists began to beat against his thighs.
Halting his movements, he helps you up to which you breathlessly utter your safe word - “sparrow.”
Jean’s face instantly fell and regret filled him to the brim at the idea that he’d been so caught up in his own pleasure that he didn’t realise just how uncomfortable things were getting for you. 
Of course you knew Jean would never hurt you on purpose but you couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated with him. Opting to talk about it some more in the morning when you’d be more emotionally settled, you watched as Jean ran a bath for you; delicately washing the stress from your body and carefully preparing you both for bed. In between it all, he’d profusely apologised, promising to be more attentive the next time you found yourselves sexually active.
By the end of the night, you were pretty much over the incident and insisted on being the big spoon to Jean to allow him a bit of vulnerability in a moment that no doubt left him feeling distraught. 
Onyankopon - It was safe to say that Ony was above average. While sex with him was definitely mind blowing, it had its moments of discomfort and today seemed to be one of them. Fresh from date night, you guys burst through the front door, lips glued to the other as fingertips slid along heated skin. Clothes were stripped and scattered throughout the room, with your foot slamming the door close behind you. 
Soon enough, you’d both ended up on the couch with you atop Ony, riding him into oblivion. And boy was he excited to help you, thick hands tightly secured around your waist as he grinded you into his hips; a nice rhythm that was slowly picking up in pace. His deep thrusts only added to the sensation, dick at the tip of your cervix, as you tried to ride yourself into creating more moisture for the friction.
You were eager to have sex with Ony and you still wanted to, but sometimes it took a little more work to get you as ready as he was. Even though you were turned on, your body needed more time to catch up with your mind. And try as you might, you had to call it quits for now.
“Ohhh my gosh, Ony!! Sparrow, please sparrow,” you’d chanted.
Carefully dislodging himself from you, Ony carefully sat you on the chair, tucking loose strands of hair behind your ear before landing a soothing kiss to your forehead. 
“I’m so sorry pretty,” he lamented.
He’d thank you for speaking up and went on to inspect your body for any bruising. This wasn’t the first time you and Ony had gotten caught up in the moment and it surely wasn’t the first time your body was slower to catch up to his; but it would be the first time you’d felt all too tender to proceed.
You were still ready to go, but you definitely needed a little more prep and after confirming that you were okay to continue, Ony insisted on adding to the moisture with his rigid tongue - ensuring that you’d come at least twice before entering you again. He’d even let you ride him, after much convincing, and was hell bent on taking things slow tonight and for the next several days to come.
Reiner - Maybe his boss had pissed him off. Or maybe there was a discrepancy with one of his coworkers. Hell, maybe he’d woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but for whatever the reason Reiner was not giving you any moment's reprieve. If the head board that viciously slammed against the wall wasn’t indication enough, your sore pussy surely was. 
Not that it happened often, but you didn't mind when Reiner lost himself inside you. In fact, you’d insisted on it; insisted that he mold your body to his will all in the name of relieving his frustrations. But today felt different, felt unfamiliar. You watched as his lips came together to let out grunt after grunt - looking on as his eyes stared straight through you, dark and obscure. You’d even noticed the way he handled your body so carelessly, tossing you around as if you were a rag doll. 
And you’d begun to feel exploited. Like a stranger using your body to get himself off and the lump that bloomed in your throat had made the safe word almost impossible to say; but somehow you’d managed, and thankfully he’d heard. 
“SPARROW,” you’d yelped.
Reiner’s thrusting had slowed to a complete stop, confusion etched into his every feature; and finally you’d begun to see cracks of your boyfriend, almost as if his spell of anger was lifted.
He’d been mortified when you explained to him how you felt, dropping to his knees as he clung onto your torso in a fit of apologies. He stayed like that for a few minutes and when you both came to, you assured him that you’d be fine and encouraged him instead to talk to you before he decided to use your body as a sole source of relief. 
Reiner agreed, but things between you sort of fizzled out over the weeks to come. It felt like he was walking on eggshells when it came to you in conversation and physical touch alike; gently kissing you or even hugging you, almost like he was afraid that you’d break at the slightest pressure. No matter your efforts to assure Reiner that you were fine, you decided to let it run its course.
And over time, he’d learn to do a lot of self work and reflection in terms of getting to the root of his problems all the while being more open in discussing his true feelings and thoughts with you. You were overjoyed that he was finally taking the necessary steps toward improving his mental health. And when he finally felt comfortable enough to effectively communicate with you, to have sex with you, and to even get rough with you, well, it was divine.
Armin - Nipple play was Armins latest obsession. He’d gotten into it after a sexy session between you two and what started out as initial embarrassment turned into full fledged enjoyment. So much so that he’d encourage you to get in on the action as well. 
Although nipples were an erogenous zone for everyone, you couldn’t help but feel that yours were a little more delicate; or at the very least Armin had a higher tolerance for pain. Clamps latched onto each nipple, Armins hand was firmly wrapped around your throat as he drove into you again and again. There would be the occasional tugging of the clamps and what started out as hypersensitivity very quickly turned painful.
You’d tried to utter the safe word, but with Armin’s hand around your neck, the best you could do was mouth it and fortunately for you he was an attentive enough lover to catch it. Unwrapping his hand, you murmured the word once more for good measure.
Still inside of you, he’d come to a standstill, peering beneath wet eyelashes in what you could only describe as panic. Fat teardrops hit your cheeks from above as he works to unlatch the clamps and pulls out of you entirely; the apologies never ceasing.
Seeing Armin so riled up had gotten you equally as emotional and before you knew it tears were sliding down your cheeks as well, arms flying around his neck as you held him close. The night grows quiet save for your hearts that beat against the others chest and when enough time passes by, you both decide to get some sleep, still wrapped tightly in each other's arms, choosing to discuss it in the morning.
Floch - Floch had turned you all the way out. You’d become perfect in every way for him and that included sexual. Ass hiked into the air, you bounced into the mattress each time he drove into you. And it’d felt great, it always did. But somehow you just couldn’t get into the groove of things this go round. To put it simply, you weren’t in the mood and it wasn’t until he was balls deep did you realise. Were you turned on? Yes. Was your body responsive to his? Absolutely. But your mind wasn’t in it and you’d wanted this session to end just as quickly as it started. No matter how far along you and Floch got into sex, let alone penetrative sex it was always crystal clear between you two that consent could be revoked at any time; and you decided to do just that.
“Sparrow,” was the safe word you so tiredly whispered.
Immediately Floch stopped thrusting, removing himself from you as he kissed up to your spine until he’d reached your neck, sorry on the tip of his tongue in between each peck. He’d carefully flipped you over and proceeded to shower your face in butterfly kisses, apologies continuing to spill from his mouth until you were able to speak. 
Worn out, you’d go on to tell him how you felt and he’d mildly chastised you for even letting it get this far. After all, he is a grown man and would never put his pleasure before your well being. Softly smiling, you thanked him and leaned in for an open mouth kiss.
To seal the deal, Floch went on to massage your entire body down with your favorite oils until your light snores lured him into his own slumber; eager to get a full night's rest so he could treat you to your favorite breakfast in the morning.
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teenytinyapprentice · 5 months
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dorky teenagers
i just think all their teen designs are so so cute hehe... maybe in another life they were all highschool bffs <3
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emmyspov · 1 year
Four times he wasn't sure + 1 time he was (Aragorn x Reader)
author's note: ahh, this is finally done! i started it last year but then uni and work got in the way so it took me until now to finish it. i'm super excited about this honestly, and i hope some of you will feel just as happy reading it. if enough people are interested, i have thought about writing a part two already, like "four times reader wasn't sure + 1 time they were" - what do you think? as always, i tried to keep reader's looks etc. really vague, if there is something you think can be adjusted to make it even more inclusive, please let me know!
warnings: english isn't my first language, mentions of blood, war, death, canon lotr fights, let me know if i forgot something :)
word count: 2.4 k (I think that's the longest fic i've written!)
gif by @dunderklumpen
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The first time
"What were you thinking, Strider?", you hissed as the man sat down next to you at the campfire.
"Going out there all by yourself, with no backup. What if a herd of orcs had found you, huh? What then?"
Aragorn could tell you were mad.
"You could have been killed!"
He wasn't even sure if that alone was enough to describe the intense emotions you were displaying right now.
"Darling, I-"
You cut him off. "I don't want to hear it, Aragron. This was dangerous. Something bad could have happened to you."
He hated this. He hated how your voice wavered, either with anger or fear or both. He wanted to see that pretty smile back on your face.
"I can take care of myself."
You took a deep breath. You knew he was right. After all, he was a Ranger from the north who's been riding through the wild all by himself for years, keeping others and himself safe.
Aragorn could tell that something had changed in your demeanor. The wild gesturing of your hands slowed down and your eyes had softened again.
"I know you can", you started as you fumbled around with your hands. "But... What I've been trying to say is that I worry. All the time, about everyone and everything. And when I realised that you were the only one gone from the group and out there without anyone who could help you in case of an attack, something inside me flipped. My worry for you was clouding any rational judgement."
You fell silent for a moment.
"You have the weight of the world on your shoulders, Aragorn. I'm sorry I raised my voice at you. I am just asking, begging you, please don't shut me out. Let me help you carry this weight. You don't have to be the lone ranger any longer. Allow me to take care of you. Let me in."
The crownless king was, quite literally, speechless. Your words had knocked the air out of his lungs.
Would your reaction have been the same if had been Legolas or Boromir who strayed away from the group? He wasn't sure. But then again, it didn't really matter. You cared about him. So much that you became sick with worry when the possibility of something bad happening to him arose.
The thought alone brought a smile to his face, making the skin crinkle around his eyes.
You would never get enough of that sight.
"I promise, I will try my very best to do exactly that", Aragon answered before he paused, thinking about whether he should make you an offer or not. He decided to take the risk. "Maybe, next time, you could accompany me."
Your eyes lit up and he knew he made the right decision. "I would love to."
His chest felt light.
The second time
You've always been someone who gave people their privacy. After all, you didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable around you, but the way you saw Aragorn struggle right this moment made you second guess that decision.
He could feel your eyes on him. He knew you were watching him and yet, he didn't want to take the first step. He hated to be a burden which was exactly the reason why he wasn't going to ask you for help.
Maybe Legolas would assist him with applying the ointment on his back, or maybe- his train of thoughts came to a halt.
He promised you.
He promised he'd do his best to let you in, let you take care of him.
Instead of calling out your name, his eyes locked with yours and he silently pleaded you'd understand.
You did. Of course you did.
With just a few steps, you were standing next to the man, resulting in him letting out a sigh of relief.
His hair was wet from bathing in the lake closeby and the dirt that was usually decorating his face had also been washed away.
"Do you need any help?"
He's sure that he never heard a voice as sweet as yours, basically dripping with kindness.
He nodded. "If you don't mind."
A smile graced your features. "Not when it comes to you, my king."
You took the small container from Aragon's hand which was filled with ointment, made by Elrond to help heal wounds and relieve some pain.
You gestured for the ranger to sit down in front of you and he dropped to his knees without hesitation, his bare back to you.
You scooped up a bit of the tincture. "I apologise for my cold hands", you whispered before gently applying it to the ranger's skin.
He shuddered as soon as your fingers touched him and he tried to convince himself the goosebumps that arose on his skin were caused by the cold, not you.
You could feel Aragorn melt into your touch. His breath evened out and for a second, you even thought he had fallen asleep which was, truly, the only reason you started to trace over some old scars on his back, careful not to cause the ranger any pain.
"They don't hurt", he suddenly spoke and you flinched.
"I- My apologies, I didn’t... think, know- I-" You let out a huff of embarrassment, causing the crownless king to chuckle slightly.
A peaceful silence fell over you while you continued to rub the balm into Aragorn's shoulders and down his back, making sure to not only treat his more recent wounds.
"Where did you get this one", you carefully asked as you caressed a scar on his upper back.
And so, the ranger started to tell you the first story of many about life in the wilderness while you took care of him.
Both of you pretended not to notice when your lips brushed his skin every time he finished an anecdote of his life.
Even if that had been his last evening in middle earth, Aragorn would have been content. He got to spend it with you.
The third time
He didn't know how you did it. How you, despite of all the running, fighting and extreme weather conditions, managed to look absolutely breathtaking.
It was unfair, really.
Not that something as simple as one's looks impressed Aragorn, no.
It was just you he liked to look at because all he could think about were your beautiful brain and warm heart whenever his eyes fell on you.
It was his turn to stay up and keep watch of the fellowship's campsite, making sure they'd get through the night without an incident.
It was a calm night, there was no danger to be seen and although the crownless king stayed alert of their surroundings, he couldn't help but let his eyes drift to you every once in a while.
He was glad you were finally getting some well deserved rest after everything that has happened so far.
As if you could feel somebody watching you, you woke up. Keeping still, you checked the area around you without a single turn of your head.
Aragorn was keeping the night watch and you immediately felt a wave of calm wash over you. If he was sitting around so comfortably, you knew you could feel safe.
But then again, you also felt sorry for the ranger. Although he was running from his destiny, he had made it his mission to keep the whole fellowship safe and alive which was quite the heavy burden to carry.
You could see it, too. His tired eyes or the way at least one part of his body was always tense, ready to fight.
You let out a soft sigh and got up from your sleeping mat, quietly walking over to the man as you tried not to disturb the others.
"Y/N", he spoke softly, "Go back to sleep. You will need the rest."
Instead of answering, you plopped down next to him, his arm brushing yours.
"I can't lay down, pretending not to see you doubt yourself, even at night when everyone else entrusts you with everything they have. You think too much, Aragorn. Let that head of yours come to a rest."
Maybe it was the intimacy of the dark, but when you gestured for him to lay his head in your lap, he didn't fight it. Not for too long, anyway. There was some hesitation, but you looked too warm and too comfortable for him to miss out on this opportunity.
A sigh of relief left his lips as his head made contact with your thighs, the rest of his body turning into a ball.
A rare moment of vulnerability.
You were fighting your own urges for a while before finally letting your heart take over and bringing your fingers up to his head.
Carefully, you started to brush through the ranger's dark curls, removing any small knots along the way.
After a moment of fear that you might have overstepped his boundaries, your heart immediately felt lighter when you noticed him practically melting into your touch while he let out a relaxed groan.
"Does that feel good?"
Aragorn hummed and you smiled to yourself, deciding to go all in.
Your hands moved up his head, gently scratching his scalp for quite some time before massaging his temples.
You've never seen the ranger so blissed out.
Aragorn, on the other hand, couldn't remember the last time he felt so at peace. Your hands were like heaven in his hair and he wondered how they would feel holding his own hands in times of difficulty or against his cheeks while leaning in for a kiss.
He let himself indulge in those fantasies, not putting an end to them, despite the fact you weren't his.
When all this was over, he decided, he would ask you to stay with him.
The fourth time
The next time, there wasn't even hesitation. When you reunited with the man after the battle of Helm's Deep and saw him covered in blood - which wasn't his own, he assured you - you immediately pulled him aside, your hands cupping his face.
"Aragorn", you breathed and leaned your forehead against his.
"It is not over yet, Y/N", he replied as he took your hands, gently squeezing them.
"I feared for that, but let us celebrate this win. For now, let us take pride in the fact that evil did not win. There is still hope."
He grinned. "You are using my words against me, my darling."
"Someone has to", you mused, "otherwise you will never realise the power behind your words. And now sit down and let me clean your face before the blood dries completely."
He followed your instructions without any complaints.
You grabbed a bowl of water and a clean enough cloth and kneeled down in front of the king.
If it had been anyone else, you might have felt vulnerable or disrespected, but not in this situation.
You dipped the piece of fabric into the warm water before bringing it up to the king's face, gently wiping the blood off of his cheek.
His eyes were fixed on you. He wasn't sure how anyone could look so beautiful while being so focused. The urge to ease the tension between your eyebrows bubbled up in his chest and he desperately wanted to kiss that exact spot. But he couldn't. You weren't his and he still wasn't sure if you wanted to be.
Your voice interrupted his train of thoughts.
"Stop me if this is inappropriate, my king", you murmured after you had stood up and were now mere inches away from his face, brushing his hair back to clean his forehead.
He gulped, trying to ignore how nice you smelt, even during times of war and blood and how the use of his title didn't make him uncomfortable when you said it.
"No, this is nice", Aragorn finally replied and mentally scolded himself for sounding so unsure.
When you were done cleaning his face, you put the bowl down and turned back around to him.
"I can get you some more water if you wish to remove the blood from your chest."
He didn't want you to leave, but it would be selfish to ask you to stay when there were others who might need your assistance, so he shook his head.
"I am well enough, thank you for your help."
You tilted your head, eyes locking with his.
"You are too stubborn for your own good", you sighed. "Go and prepare what you have to, let us help the others, but tonight", you pointed at his chest, "tonight, we'll take a look at your torso."
Aragorn tried to surpress his smirk, failing miserably. "Yes, your majesty."
You rolled your eyes, a fond smile on your lips.
The fight was over.
Aragorn wasn't sure how to feel when all he's ever really known was blood and war and his own swords clashing against the enemys' weapons.
But it was over.
The ring had been destroyed and by some miracle, most of the good ones had made it out alive, you included.
His heart felt suddenly very heavy as his eyes landed on your form, not knowing how you envisioned your future now that the quest had been completed.
Your eyes found his and without thinking, you ran over to the king, throwing your arms around his neck.
"We won, Aragorn", you whispered into his ear and hugged the man even tighter.
It was hard to ignore the happiness bubbling up in his chest as he felt your body against his and the joy in your voice in his ears.
"My darling", he whispered and your heart skipped a beat, "stay with me. Stay by my side and let us, together, create a world of peace for the people now and the generations that will follow."
You stared at him, not believing your own ears.
Aragorn understood your silence as reluctance and took a step back.
"It seems I have misunderstood the situation when I believed you wanted to be mine as well, I apologise for the-"
Your lips crashed against his.
"No, my king." You let out a breath of relief. "It was me who did not believe your heart could want me in that way. For as long as you want me, you will have me. I'm eternally yours."
This time it was Aragorn who pressed his lips against yours, making you lose your mind with a single gesture.
"Aye, took the lad long enough to make his move", Gimli said and looked up at the elf who eyed his new-found friend.
"I told you though. They would end up together eventually."
Just like destiny intended.
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sketchydesign78 · 26 days
Could you draw Ellie?
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I could! I also felt like adding a little bit of a story to the doodle, if that's alright ^^
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jostystyles · 10 months
i can still see it all | qh
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a/n: this is my entry for @wyattjohnston summer fic exchange! @wildrangers this is for you love! i hope you love it <3 im so sorry it took me forever, i had covid and other life happenings that set me back. i picked daylight from the list of songs you gave me, and this was born. enjoy love 🩵
They say when you love someone, you’ll know. There will be a moment of realization, a sort of ‘ah’ moment. Quinn has never really had that. Sure, he’s dated girls and thrown out the L word a few times, but he wasn’t really sure he meant it. Obviously, he loves his mom, dad, and brothers. Love, to him, was all black and white. It was all good or all bad. But sometimes, when you’ve been asleep so long in a 20 year dark night, the scream of color can come along and change your life for the better. (Y/N) came into his life in the most obscure way possible. He met her at the bar 5 minutes after he was dumped by his ex. After she laughed in his face and told him she was, she bought him a drink. After that, he doesn’t know when or even how it happened. Suddenly she was in his life everyday, and his friends became hers. Jack and Luke took to her instantly, and his mom liked having another girl to talk to. The one thing he did know was that he fell in love with her. He was starting to understand that love wasn’t quite black and white, but it could be golden. She was his muse, the one thing that kept him going when he felt like stopping. Even if she didn’t know it.
Quinn was always working. It was no surprise, being an NHL star. Between games, practice, charity events, and just existing. It was exhausting sometimes. He loved it, and wouldn’t change it for the world, but sometimes he just needed a break. When summer first hit and he was still in Vancouver, sometimes he wouldn’t leave his apartment for days. He had to take a break, just to recharge his social battery. (Y/N) knew this. Which is why she came over to make sure he made an effort to eat and have some sort of human interaction.
Unlocking the door with bags in hand, (Y/N) stumbled into his apartment. Brock was away on vacation, so Quinn graciously offered to watch Milo and Coolie for a few days. She heard little footsteps running towards her and looked down to see a dog wagging its tail and smiling up at her. “Oh Milo,” She sighed. “What are we going to do with him?” She finished, glancing around the apartment. It was messy, she wouldn't lie. Quinn was a messy person even if he didn't seem like it. Figuring he was napping as he didn’t answer her texts, she began to clean up his kitchen a bit. As she scrubbed the counters of the residue from last night’s dinner, she glanced at the wall of photos diagonal to her point of view. The first one that caught her eye was a family photo from Quinn’s draft day, his crooked smile reflected on the faces of his family members as they surrounded him in his newly adorned Canucks jersey. To the right of that one, was one she took of him, Brock, and Petey at a family skate event a few years back. The last one to catch her eye was her favorite. It was of her and Quinn, taken last summer at the lake in Michigan. She was on his back, both their faces flushed with sun and noses scrunched up in laughter. To an outsider, they could easily be mistaken for a couple.
As she finished cleaning up, (Y/N) began to walk down the hallway, dog in tow and a bag of takeout in her hands. “Knock knock, I’m coming in whether you like it or not.” She exclaimed in a sing-song tone once she reached his room. She couldn’t see it, but Quinn smiled. He loved the sound of her voice.
“I knew you’d show up sooner or later.” He answered, standing up from his bed and grabbing a shirt from the floor.
“Well, I have to make sure you keep yourself alive, don’t I?” (Y/N) giggled. She looked as beautiful as she always did, her sweater falling off her shoulders and her ripped jean shorts hugging her curves in just the right way. Two long french braids fell just past her shoulders. Her tan sandals scraped gently across the floor. She didn't like to wear heels. “They make me feel like a skyscraper Quinn, I’m too damn tall for them.” She always says. Quinn didn't realize he was staring until she finally said something.
“Earth to Quinton. Hello?” She called to him, waving her hands in front of his face. “I’m sorry what, I keep getting lost in you.” Did I just say that out loud? Shit. He thought to himself.
“What?” (Y/N) replied, blushing.
“Nothing. Just forget I said anything.” Quinn said, rushing out of the room into the kitchen.
“Wait! Don’t lie to me Quinn, what did you mean when you said that?” she said, following him.
She wasn’t sure of what she heard when he said it. It gave her a sense of false hope when he said it. Sometimes she wanted to scream out how much she loved him, but was afraid he didn’t feel the way she did. This was one of those times where she thought it to be true that maybe, just maybe, he loved her back. If she was honest, she loved him from the moment she met him. He was an idiot, but a lovable one. She never understood how anyone could stand to break his heart, even on the night they first met. Love, to her, was something that she once believed to be burning red. It ignites a fire in your heart, body, and soul, and burns for that one person. When she met Quinn, she wanted him to be that person more than anything. As they grew closer, she realized he was. But the love she held for him wasn’t the one she always dreamed of. It was different. It shone a bright golden hue, and encapsulated everything about him. (Y/N) was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of Quinn’s voice.
“Can we please just forget that I said anything, (Y/N), please?” Quinn said, turning around to look at her. He began to walk away when she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her. Looking up at him, she said softly, “I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking. You look at me like I’m the only other person on this earth. Don’t you realize that I look at you the same way too?” Quinn was processing what she just said to him, his heart beating a mile a minute. He glanced at their hands intertwined at the side. Neither of them let go. Finally he gained the courage to say something back.
Looking into her eyes, he confessed to her. “I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death. No, scratch that, I know I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you ever since the day I met you. I don’t want to look at anything else now that I saw you.” She didn’t say anything back. She wrapped her free hand around his neck and pulled his face down to her height and kissed him. It was exactly the way they both pictured it would be like. They kissed lasted for what seemed like an eternity, until they finally broke apart.
Their heads were pressed against each other, just looking into each other's eyes. (Y/N) was the first one to speak. “I’m yours.” That was all she needed to say for Quinn to know that she loved him too. And while he was sure of it, there was a part of him that hesitated.
“Are you sure about this? Like, are you sure about me?” He wondered aloud.
(Y/N) stared at him, confused. “I just confessed my love for you in the cheesiest and most embarrassing way possible and you’re asking me if I’m sure? Quinn, I know you’re not that dumb.”
Quinn laughed. “No, it’s just like, I know you love me. And I love you too, but like, I don’t want to fuck this up. I’m not really good at this kind of stuff” he confessed, not making eye contact with her out of embarrassment.
(Y/N) put her finger under his chin and pushed it up. “Hey, look at me. It’s me you’re talking to. You don’t have to try with me. Just being the way you are is enough. Love is weird. But the best part is when you get to love your best friend. And that’s us. You’ve just got to step into the daylight, you know? Let it all go. We can figure the rest out on our own. Just let it go.”
Quinn kissed her again. As he was getting older, he wanted to be defined by the things he loved. And he loved (Y/N). She’s his daylight, afterall.
tagging: @2manytabsopen @lam-ila @laurenairay @comphy-and-cozy @comphyjost @smileysvech @tinyhockey @prettytoxicrevolver @hotanddistraught
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justawhimm · 1 year
you’re real
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fandom: cyb//erp//unk 2077  
summary: scheduling stuff with a new baby in tow was never ideal, so kerry hoped he could get in and out with this meeting being forced on him. nothing was ever that simple with his babies, though.
chapters: 5/8
content warnings:   strange power dynamics, poor understanding of what producers do, transmasculine pregnancy, graphic depiction of childbirth, clothing birth, the objectification of public figures
notes: Well, I guess I won't be getting all of these out before the end of May. Oh, well. That means I'll probably be taking my time with the last 3 chapters, rather than rushing them out. Thank you for understanding. :) Also, I'll be proofreading this in the near future. Don't worry about word/spelling/grammar mistakes. I'll take care of it soon.
Current Year: 2063 Kerry's Age: 74 (almost 75)
cross posted on ao3
Despite what the screamsheets would like to tell you, Kerry's third child was actually planned. Though he was genuinely surprised it could happen, too. With tech being as it was, he guessed it actually wasn't too much of a stretch. 
Louise hadn't been able to keep a pregnancy to term, so Kerry thought he'd give it a shot. The fact that it took was the exact opposite of what he'd expected. Hell, he was just about 75 years old! Nearly 75 and having a baby… though, he didn't look it. That was something he prided himself on, just about as much as he had in his early years. He barely looked 40, hot as hell, and he knew it, why not flaunt it? 
By the time he was getting to the end of his pregnancy, he was beyond sick of it. While his first two pregnancies never made it to their 40th weeks, this one was very different. Not only had he made it to his 40th week, but he'd made it far past it. Now nearing his 42nd week, he was feeling nothing but resentment toward the fact that he'd willingly agreed to this. The baby would be worth it, but he just wanted to be pissed for a while. He was allowed to have that, at least, right? 
Nope. Apparently not.
"He's not going." Kerry could hear Louise from where he was lounging by the pool. Turning his head, he'd spot her with her back turned toward him and arms already crossed. He wanted to be happily distracted by how amazing her body was, but- fuck, he was too damn tired to get excited about any of that right now. Not for a lack of trying. He'd make sure she knew how hot she was soon, though. Whenever this baby came, he'd actually be able to have some rest. Kerry was brought back to the conversation she was having when she spoke again.
"Kerry is still pregnant, Sarge." Oh, fuck. Great. Fucking adored to hear that his manager was calling for him right now. Impatient as they were, he guessed. "He shouldn't be traveling right now, even if it's "just" to go in for a meeting. If you're so bothered, you should come here."
"You tell 'im, babe," Kerry encouraged half-heartedly, grinning to himself. He felt an ache in his back, nothing unusual. There were so many of those damn things at that point. His old bones were not made to be carrying a baby, especially this long. 
"Wha– No! You can't do that. He's not breaching contract. This is just–"
"What?" Kerry began to sit up after hearing that. That fucker better not be playing that game with him. "Lulu, don't worry yourself with him. Transfer the call ta me. I'll take care of it." He could. He had to. He wasn't about to let Louise start stressing herself out on his behalf.
"Ker…" She would finally turn herself toward him, her own concerned expression clear on her face. Louise really was beautiful. One of the most stunning women he'd had the pleasure of knowing, and the fact that she gave him the time of day always made him so damn giddy. What he felt with her felt so incredibly different than everything else he'd had with anyone else. "Baby, I can handle it," she would try to assure.
"I know you can, but you don't have to. Lemme handle that asshole."
She looked unsure, but would sigh out in defeat.
"Alright. Transferring you over to Kerry, Sarge." With that, she would take her spot in the lounge chair beside Kerry. They wanted to be able to just relax in the time they had left before the baby came. They didn't need Sergeant Joseph Edens making this more stressful and causing more issues for them. 
The call appeared within his bright blue kiroshis, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes before answering it. He got a good look at his manager, looking about as smarmy as ever. He wasn't a bad guy, really. He was just annoying beyond belief, and had a tendency to get Kerry roped into shit he never asked for nor approved of. He was great in other areas, but goddamn he was horrible in others.
"Kerry!" Sarge's expression lit up over the holo. "You're looking well. Could use to lose a bit of that baby weight–" Laughter bubbled out of his mouth, but Kerry wasn't really putting up with it right now. Especially not when he'd heard what Louise had mentioned.
"Cut it, man. What's this about breachin' contract?"
"I thought you would've had the baby by now, Kerry."
"...And that's relevant how?"
"So I'd scheduled a meeting between us and a few of the producers for the next album. They wanted to discuss some things, as well as when we might be able to schedule the next tour."
"...Ok, that's not a prob. We could set up a holo call, 'r a video call 'r whatever th–"
"Unfortunately not." That made Kerry's expression finally fall, eyes narrowing slightly at the image of his manager. 
"Why not?"
"I told them you'd be there in person. They don't want to feel like they're second banana to everything else."
"Sarge, I'm about to have a fuckin' kid. Did you tell them that? I know suits are shits, but surely they'd-"
"Oh, no no no… I told 'em already, Kerry, but they told me we'd be breaching contract if we don't adhere to what they want." This sounded like such shit. Either the suits were pulling some bullshit, or Sarge was misunderstanding. Honestly, both were entirely possible. "It'd just be far easier if you came out here. We'll even send an AV out to get you."
Oh, for fuck sakes. Placing a hand on his stomach, he'd roll his eyes. He glanced over toward Louise, who appeared to be giving him her own look of worry. A look telling him not to let Sarge get his way, but… fuck, Kerry really just didn't give a fuck.
"When is it?"
"Tomorrow morning. 9:30 am."
He was about to get what he wanted. Fuck. Even if something did happen, after all, at least he'd be closer to the hospital. So, what was the harm in it, really? 
"Alright, fine. Can't say I'll look great, though. Got practically no clothes ready to go runnin' around in." Sarge let out a hearty chuckle, shaking his head. 
"Don't you worry about that! So long as you're there and you're wearing something appropriate, I do not think they'll mind. Thank you. Thank you, Kerry. I'm so sorry about this. With Kelvy and Derr–"
"Right! Right, my mistake. I apologize. With your first two pregnancies, they came so early… I would've thought it was ok to schedule this meeting for now. I would've…"
"Yeah, I get it. Just send the AV tomorrow, and be prepared to call someone in case the kid decides to drop while we're there."
Another laugh.
"Of course, of course! I'll see you tomorrow then!" 
Kerry hung up a moment later, the blue glowing of his kiroshis fading and his attention fully going to Louise.
"You're going," she said, exasperated.
"Kerry, this baby has made you such a pushover," she sighed, swinging her legs over the side of her lounge chair, then reaching over to gently grab her husband's face. She leaned in to press kisses to his cheek and head. 
"Not the baby so much as the fact that I'm tired as fuck, Lou. Not in the mood to argue." He'd let her keep showering him in affection, keeping both of his hands rested against the massive swell of his stomach. This was gonna be so damn uncomfortable. He was gonna hang this over Sarge's head for a while. Maybe it would keep that gonk from doing more stupid shit in the future. That was probably way too damn optimistic, though.
"I know, Ker. …What'd Sarge say to get you so snippy with him, though?"
Kerry was quiet for a minute, pulling away slightly from Louise's touch. He was just too achy to be forced to lean toward her like that any longer.
"...He was about to mention her. 'Bout how my other pregnancies were shorter. Y'know. … I just didn't wanna hear her name."
"Oh," Louise's tone softened. She placed a soft hand against her husband's shoulder, "do you want to talk about it?" Kerry shook his head.
"Maybe after the baby comes, but right now? Waterworks're bound to let loose. I'll be alright." He looked toward her with a warm smile. "But thanks, babe."
"Of course."
Over the hours since the call, he'd notice the cramps getting a bit worse. He wasn't stupid. He knew what they had to have been, but he also didn't want to have to go through the motions of everything. Telling Louise, having her insist he not go, and then get into even more shit with Sarge and whichever producers he was probably pissing off just by being pregnant at all.
It had to be done, and if it was gonna take hours for this baby to get here, then he'd rather still get this shit over with and be able to meet Lou at the hospital. 
Getting himself into a suit of all things for this felt like a fucking joke. But he'd try. Like he'd warned, he wasn't gonna look astounding. He'd still look like a 10/10, but maybe… a shaky 10/10. A bad night, no makeup, not even any concealer type of 10/10. Kerry showered, he got his hair washed for the first time in almost a week. That had to count for something! They should've been praising him up the ass just for making any sort of effort while he was this damn pregnant.
He was practically falling asleep while standing up as Louise was helping him get dressed. Buttoning up the shirt had quickly been thrown out the window. What would be bad about an open shirt, open suit jacket look, after all? It gave the entire world a good look at the newly acquired stretch marks across his belly. 
Unlike the last two times, he'd started getting the marks around his 5th month. Not quite as much elasticity and quick recovery to his skin as when he was younger, apparently. It sure as hell didn't help than he was carrying a whole 5 weeks longer than he had last time, too. They were probably the only thing he was mildly annoyed by with all of this, too. Maybe he'd get another skin rejuvenation after the baby came so he wouldn't have to worry too much about them. 
"They won't fit."
The words brought Kerry out of him spacing out, both of his hands pressed against his back as he felt the sharp pains in his back. Fuck, he hated standing for so long of late. Looking down, he'd see Louise looking up at him.
"What doesn't fit?"
"Your pants."
"What? Seriously?" He knew he'd gotten a bit more of an ass from the pregnancy weight, but they were the same cut as his usual pair. 
"Baby's dropped a bit more. They're getting ready to come and see us," Louise told him, placing a warm, gentle hand against the curve of her husband's stomach. Kerry let out a groan of irritation. He already felt a few tears trying to form in frustration, though he was trying his hardest to keep them at bay. Eyes looking to the ceiling and trying to blink them away, it wasn't helping much.
"Fucking perfect…"
"It's ok, Ker… How 'bout I find one of my hair ties? My sister had to do the same thing while she was pregnant with the twins. It's nothing to be ashamed of." With another soft sniffle, Kerry would begrudgingly nod his head.
"Alright. Do whatcha need to." Kerry offered out his arm to Louise as a support to help her stand back up, watching as she'd start going through her things to find one of her hair ties. It wouldn't take her long to find a black one, then went back over toward Kerry. Kneeling back down, she got to work on securing them. At least they'd be able to stay in place, without the worry of them becoming loose on him. Due to their snug fit on Kerry's thighs, after all, she doubted they'd really be able to just fall with ease.
Standing back up with Kerry's help again, Louise would take in the sight of her husband. And as much as she wanted to praise him, to tell him how good he looked… he looked a little unkempt.
Not totally, of course. He looked showered, washed, great. But he also looked tired, uncomfortable, and like he wasn't particularly happy with what he was wearing. Not to mention the sweat beading at his forehead. 
"You look tired."
"Damn, babe. Ya got me," Kerry chuckled softly, taking slow steps toward the bed so he could sit himself down. Next were the socks and shoes. 
"I hope you don't end up sweating too much, Ker. I know you'll be annoyed with it if it keeps up for too long." Handing the shoe horn to Kerry, she'd let him take care of that. A bit of independence he could manage without getting too exerted. In the meantime, Louise got a tissue and began to dab at his sweat brow. "Stood too long?"
"Yeah," he lied. His contractions were noticeable by this point. Prominent. Annoying, but not unbearable. This was only gonna be a couple of hours, though. Once they were done, Kerry would just have Sarge take him over to the hospital. Worst comes to worst, he might just need Trauma Team to come get him. For once, he was actually going to make it to a damn hospital to have this kid, whether he liked it or not. "He said the whole thing starts at 9:30. Got a clue what time it is?"
"A quarter past 8. The AV should be here soon, right?"
"Should be. Fuckin' better be, 'cause I'm not puttin' up with the AV rushin' around while I'm like this just so it can get to the place on time. Especially since I'll probably need a damn toilet break halfway through." With an AV the ride wouldn't be that bad, but that didn't mean he wanted it going around as fast as possible to make the trip a short one.
"Do you want something to eat while you wait, then?"
"...Do we still have some pandesal still in the freezer?"
"We do. Do you want some with cheese or jam?"
"Maybe… cheese today." Louise pressed a kiss to the apple of Kerry's cheek.
"You go take up a spot outside to wait while it's still cool out. I'll be out in a few minutes," she assured, earning herself a nod in response. 
"Headin' out now to sit by the helipad, then. Meet ya out there." He could drag a chair over by it at the very least. The trek down the steps and out to the yard to get it wasn't a fun one, but it was cooler out. Maybe that would help with his sweating and keep him from looking like too much of a mess before the AV showed up. 
He'd pause in his attempt to drag a chair over toward the helipad, feeling another contraction hitting him. Fuck, they were getting there. Only about 7 minutes between each of them by this point. If they were going any way like his last two had, he was hoping this labor would be his longest yet. He had to keep telling himself that, so he wouldn't freak himself out, and in turn freak Louise out.
He could do this. He could do this.
Settling down in his seat once he was pleased with the spot he chose, he looked across the greenery of the outside of his mansion. Beautiful as always. He was looking forward to this being a place where their kid could play. …Well, once they fixed up all the cliff points anyway. Or, hell, maybe they could just get somewhere else. A place that was better with kids than NC. It had done nothing but destroy his families beforehand, so maybe… yeah. 
Moving after the baby got a little older sounded like a good idea. Maybe he could even kick this shit for good, too.
Kerry jumped when he felt a slight tap on his shoulder, immediately looking over with wide eyes to find Louise. Of course. It was always going to be Louise. Just a bit on edge with everything going on, or something…
"Sorry," she cooed softly, "I didn't mean to scare ya. I got a couple for you." She offered out a couple of paper towels folded into one, with two warm pandesal with cheese in the middle of them. Kerry took the paper towel and immediately took a bite out of one of them, nodding his head.
"Fa–" Kerry cut himself out with how his words came out, quickly chewing more and swallowing the bite back. "Thank you, Lulu. Pull up a seat. Sit with me while we wait."
"I'd love to, but I can't. I'm actually gonna go meet a friend for a little bit while you're busy. I'll be there if you need me. Just wanna take a little bit of me time before the baby comes."
"Oh, no, of course. Have fun, Lou." Thank God. Thank all the gods known to religion. If Louise had taken up the offer, there was no way he'd be able to hide his labor for long. Getting this done now instead of scheduling it around having a baby to feed felt like its own special kind of hell. "Gotcha on speed dial in case the kid decides it's time ta drop, and with us probably havin' ta to this all in Corpo Plaza, I'll be close ta the hospital. I'll be all good."
"You're sure?"
"Definitely sure. You've been so damn helpful, stayin' up with me as much as you can when I can't sleep… Have some fun before we're definitely in Mom and Dad land."
"Ok. Just please call me if it happens." Louise knelt down and kissed Kerry's lips with a gentleness, caressing his jaw. Letting their lips part, Kerry nodded his head once.
"I will. Don't worry. We'll be fine. Have fun with Trina."
"I didn't say it was Trina," Louise hummed, standing up again.
"You're not whining about who it is yet, so it's gotta be Trina. I'd be surprised if it wasn't Trina."
"...Ya got me. It's Trina," she giggled to herself, approaching her car and unlocking it.
"Tell Trina I said hi. Have fun."
"I will. I love you."
"Love you too."
He'd keep an eye out, watching the car leave the parking space and drive out from within the gated area they lived. Great. Now just to survive the next few hours of Sarge, the producers, and their bullshit.
"Your contractions appear to be considered close enough to be admitted into hospital. Would you like me to reroute toward Night City Medical Center?"
"Fuck off Delamain." 
"Understood, sir. My apologies."
Kerry was relieved when Delamain shut their trap. Guess this was what he got for having a platinum membership with the damn taxi service. At least Delamain would know if things got to a point of no return, but they weren't saying that. What all could they check on for him? It was clear they could tell when he was having contractions, but apparently not much else. Well, they probably could if he probably plugged in his personal link. But, nope. None of that today. He didn't need Delamain knowing how much his cervix was dilating with a single scan. Just the thought of that sounded creepy as fuck.
"I've recalculated our estimated arrival time. We will now arrive at approximately 9:17 am."
If he didn't know any better, he would've thought this damn AI was picking a fight with him. Yes, he knows he took a while during their pit stop. So fucking sue him, he was just shy of being 42 weeks pregnant. He was gonna take a while to do anything, but especially undressing and redressing after going to the bathroom. Kerry just rolled his eyes and settled his back against his seat for the second time now.
"Got it. Let Sarge know I'll be arriving soon, then," Kerry sighed out in annoyance, somehow managing to keep his irritation mostly to himself. If anyone deserved to be the subject of his pregnancy fueled rage, it was Sarge. At least he'd react with a whole lot more than just an under concerned customer service voice.
"Of course. I'll see that a message is sent momentarily."
A few minutes later, Delamain would speak up again. Kerry struggled to pay attention, given he was in the throes of another contraction. 
"Mr. Sarge has been notified of your impending arrival. Would you like me to make him aware of your current condition?"
"No. It doesn't matter right now. I'll take care of it later, so don't worry your pretty little head about it, Del." 
"Whoa, you weren't kidding!" Sarge spoke with a friendly chuckle to his deep voice. "You most definitely look like you're about to pop, Kerry."
All eyes had been locked onto Kerry as he slowly waddled his way into the MSM building. He was early, but it looked like everyone had been just waiting around for him. Party can never start without him, he guessed…
He was quick to retract away from the hand that reached out toward his belly, holding it protectively. Kerry didn't mind people touching, but fuck he didn't need people feeling how hard his stomach was right now. Good this he was hardly wearing his shirt at all, else it would probably give away just how strong they were getting.
Sarge, apparently, didn't appear to mind too much. He just laughed again.
"Right, right! My apologies. I didn't like much when anyone touched my bump without asking either. Do remind me, though, what was this one going to be?" Kerry sighed with the question, shifting his weight from one foot to the next.
"We didn't find out. Decided on a surprise," he answered politely enough, "so Louise picked names for whatever they might be. Theodore for a boy, Kimberly for a girl."
"Oh-ho, how special! Awfully normal compared to your first twos' names."
"Louise chose 'em. Made 'er happy. I liked 'em, too, so here we are. Can– could we get settled down? I can't stand for very long with my back and legs being how they are," Kerry asked, a slight frantic refrain to his voice.
"Of course! Come, everyone's here, so we may as well start things out!"
Sarge led the six of them down the hall from the helipad entrance where they'd met Kerry. Sarge and the four producers, unsurprisingly, walked faster than him, leading to him straggling behind them. They couldn't pay him to try to speed walk with a head so deep into his pelvis. What a fucking bizarre feeling. He hadn't felt it in decades, and would probably never feel it again after this. 
They were definitely gonna be cutting this close. But, if he could perform half a concert up until he was practically giving birth, then he was pretty fuckin' sure he could just sit there and discuss his future album and tour while doing nothing but sitting down. He could do this.
It would take him a few seconds more for Kerry to get to the meeting room than the others. None of them really seemed too concerned about what was going on, or how he was acting. He didn't know whether he was annoyed by it or relieved. Clearly some of them knew what the fuck he was going through, but either didn't notice or give enough of a shit to say something. But then, thank god they weren't saying anything, because he wanted to get this over with.
"Let's make this quick," Kerry sighed, taking a spot at one of the seats at the right side of the table. He liked taking the head of the table, but fuck he needed more room to spread his legs. …Probably not a great sign. His stomach was just so damn big and the baby's head was so low that he couldn't help it. No matter what he did as of late, if he was sitting then his legs were usually spread.
"Yes, let's!" With Kerry forgoing the head of the table, Sarge would instead take up the mantle. "The new album, first of all. It's been a couple of years since the last… do you think you've made any strides in developing the new one, Kerry?"
"It's still in the beginning stages," he offered out honestly. "Can't rush this shit, man. Especially with the shit that's been goin' on." 
"Of course, of course."
"And ya know what happened last time you tried ta push me into forcin' out an album. If I get ratings on an album like that again, no one here is ever gonna hear the fuckin' end of it." One of the producers began to sit up in their seat. A typical suit, eyeing him like he was a slow computer that wasn't performing the way as advertised.
"When do ya think we could be seein' a new–"
These absolute fucknuts. Leaning back in his seat, Kerry scowled and grit his teeth as now another contraction was hitting him. Shit, these were getting close. But it was fine. He had more than enough time. Hell, his water hadn't even broken yet. They would be fine. 
What were they even arguing about now? Kerry was starting to lose his head about it all, honestly. He'd been sweating again for a while. Excused away by pregnancy again, but surely someone must've known by now, right? He didn't think he was selling being "alright" very well, especially with his expression contorting every three or so minutes now. 
"Can we take a break here? I really need ta head ta the restroom." Kerry spoke up finally after feeling that uncomfortable urge for a few minutes now.
"Ah, sure! Here, here; I'll help you up," one of the producers volunteered, reaching out one hand while the other was quick to hover around Kerry in case he ended up losing his balance. It was actually really helpful, thankfully, but left as nothing but a footnote because he needed to go.
The walk to the bathroom was horrible in its own right. Walking down a long hall and a whole set of office cubicles to boot. There were so many eyes on him, he was surprised he didn't see anyone snapping pics 'r something. On one hand, this was a record label. They always saw artists like him around. On the other, he was Kerry fucking Eurodyne. Heavily pregnant Kerry Eurodyne, at that. This wasn't something you saw every day, and Kerry knew that. 
But no one bothered him, and he managed to make it to the bathroom.
Another contraction came while he was in the bathroom, and was almost relieved when his water finally broke. The pressure had been brutal, and now he didn't have to worry about it bursting in front of everyone. 
…Fuck, though, he knew he had to say something now. None of his kids lasted long once his water had broken. He'd probably make it to the hospital, but Louise was gonna be so disappointed if she missed this.
Eurodyne SENT: 10:39 AM [my water broke] [call trauma team or an av plz]
sarge SENT: 10:39 AM [the meeting is almost done!] [is the baby coming now?]
Eurodyne SENT: 10:40 AM [no] [but they've never come long after this point] [i need to go]
sarge SENT: 10:40 AM [we'll be done in 30 mins top] [then i will call someone ok?]
Oh for fuck's sake.
He was still leaking fluid, and this asshole was gonna make him keep going. He couldn't fucking believe this. And yeah he could always call someone himself, but wouldn't that just be a pretty picture? Four damn producers having no idea where their client is because his stupid ass manager is insisting he's fine when Trauma Team is literally bowling through the entire building to get to him. 
Fuck it. He'd do it, but Sarge was gonna be one jobless mother fucker by the end of it.
Cleaning himself up and getting dressed through two uncushioned contractions felt like its own personal hell. Ok. He could do this. If he kept saying it, it had to happen. He could do this. He could do this. What else did they even really need from him? What more could they possibly need from him? This absolutely just could've been done over a video chat in a few weeks, and he was absolutely pissed about it.
He was pissed about it as he left the bathroom, and he was definitely pissed about it as he had to make the slow trek back toward the meeting room. It wouldn't take long at all for another contraction to hit, though. Grabbing onto a cubicle wall as it hit, he squeezed onto it as tightly as he could manage. The owner of the tiny area stood in alarm, where they were quickly face to face with Kerry Eurodyne.
"Mr. Eurodyne! Are… are you alright?" They asked. A smart ass remark sat at Kerry's lips, but couldn't get it out as he felt the overwhelming need to squat and bear down. With his body leaned over and his belly hanging low, he felt like he could hardly move an inch.
"S… Sarge– meetin' room…" Kerry grunted out, forcing himself to peel his fingers away from the cubicle wall and point down the hall. "Can't… move!" Yep, he was pushing. He wasn't even sure if he should be right now, but it felt like he had to. 
More of the suits working within that area began to flock toward them, either watching from afar or approaching to get a better look at what was even going on. 
"Mr. Eurodyne? Do you–"
"What can we do for you–"
"Tell us–"
A lot of voices started talking to him at once, and he just couldn't stand it. This was the worst possible situation. Holy shit. 
"Trauma! Team!" Kerry would yell through his grit teeth. Oh, fuck, he needed to get a hold of Louise. She needed to know what was going on, but he couldn't bear to move right now.
"SARGE!" Without much choice in the matter, he finally raised his voice. If this fucker didn't hear him at all? Oh, he was going to end this guy. He was already gonna fucking end him at this rate. 
Looking toward the right of him to see if there was any sign of his manager or producers coming out of the room, Kerry instead got a look at one of these lackey suits staring at him with glowing eyes. This gonk was recording him. He couldn't fucking believe this. How could this moment, this day, get any worse?!
It was the longest minute of his life, but the contraction passed. There wouldn't be long before another came, so he needed to do something fast. As much as he wanted this suit with the camera to fuck off, he knew it had to either be him or Sarge to call Louise. At the very least, he could try. Feeling around for his phone in his pocket, though, he would quickly find that it wasn't there.
He hadn't taken it out of his pocket, so then where could it be? The AV? 
Well, shit.
It somehow got worse.
"Trauma Team's on their way!" A disembodied voice spoke up. Finally, someone was doing something!
"SARGE!" He screamed a second time, and finally he noticed the horde of people encroaching on his space even more. There were so many people around him, chattering about and panicking that he could hardly hear himself think, much less process everything that was going on. He felt Sarge's hand press against his shoulder.
"I'm here, I'm here…" That deep voice was trying its hardest to sound soothing, as though he wasn't the son of a bitch that tried to get him to walk all the way back down to the meeting room again. But, he was the only person he knew right now. So, Kerry had no choice but to rely on him.
"Call–" Kerry grunted, feeling that pressure of his baby's head even without the contraction. "–Louise!" 
"Call Louise. Ok! I can do that. What am I telling her?" He was gonna kill him. Someone better hold him back after he was done having this baby, because he was going to kill him.
"Baby's coming. Goin' ta… ta the hospital…"
"Ok! Haha, how exciting!" Pulling his phone out, Sarge would step away from the crowd, leaving his client pretty much alone through this.
Looking around at the crowd he'd amassed, he looked toward the producers still awkwardly standing around him.
"Get– get… get 'em…" The pain was coming back. He needed to push. "Baby's comin'. Get these fuckin' suits away from me!" 
"Hey, back off!" One of the producers attempted. They were nowhere near in as much control as they were before. Nothing but pathetic, ordinary suits now too. 
Holding onto his stomach with one hand and the cubicle wall in the other, he would carefully begin to lower himself down to the floor. His legs were exhausted. All of him was, honestly. Maybe he could prolong this baby from coming if he just sat down. Maybe they'd at least wait until Trauma Team would get here. It couldn't take too long, right? Just breathe, Kerry. Breathe. Don't push. Breathe.
That was easy for a fuckin' labor coach to say! How the fuck was he supposed to just breathe to get rid of this damn urge? Kerry instead pressed a hand against his clothed groin. It was gross and damp from the still leaking amniotic fluid seeping through his underwear and pants, but he couldn't feel anything yet. Maybe just holding that there would help… Maybe he could just push a little and… hold her there? It was probably a fucked up thing to do. It wouldn't be for long, though, right?
Trauma Team would be here soon. 
Unlike everyone else around him, they'd help him soon. 
It was that thought that led him to allowing himself to bear down and push. Bringing his knees up about as much as they could without his arms helping them any, he spread his legs and bore down to push. Not with all of his might, but enough to satisfy that urge, that need. 
"Louise said she'll be on her way to the hospital, Kerry. No need ta worry about it!" Kerry could hear Sarge say, but he couldn't have cared less in that moment. Not when he could feel his baby starting to come down. 
C'mon, kid. Hold out a little while longer. Your mom wants to meet you first.
The pain subsided again, and it all came flooding back. The eyes, the people. A whole mass of people that didn't give a shit about him and that he, in turn, didn't give a single damn about. He was alone in this. Totally, abhorrently alone. With people recording, to just marveling at what the fuck was even going on right now. Crowding him. No one was helping him. Even his fucking manager had no will to just sit down beside him and comfort him some. Then again, part of this was his fucking fault in the first place.
Part? Oh, no. Most of this was his fault! 
Pushing again, he was surprised by how much work that push was already doing, getting them down to start spreading him wide. Shit, if he wasn't careful, he might just end up having them right in his damn pants again. Keeping his hand there, he wouldn't keep much pressure on the spot. So when he'd push again, he'd feel the head pushing outwards against his hand. It was the most bizarre feeling he'd ever felt, though it would quickly be overtaken by the sharp burn of the stretch. 
Letting go of the effort, though, the baby's head would recede back into him. 
Was everyone seriously still just doing nothing? Nothing but watching him do this? Grunting out in irritation, he rubbed his stomach like it would actually do anything to help.
"C'mon, kid… Work with me here," Kerry strained. "Your mom's gonna be upset is she– ooh… misses this… Ohhh, fuck this!" He wanted to have the will, the ability to refrain himself from pushing, but he just didn't. Everything in his body was telling him to get this baby out, while his mind even knew that trying to keep the baby inside wasn't going to do him or the baby any good.
Removing his hand, he'd instead just push with the contractions that kept coming while they waited.
More noise began to erupt from down the hall, where the helipad entrance had let him into the building just under two hours ago. That had to be them, right?
Definitely them. Thank god, 'cause he was pretty sure he was crowning. He was a little too afraid to touch down there to actually find out at this point, to know just how far he'd gone with all of this. 
The crowd was finally dispersing, and as he looked up, he'd see a group of four different medics with guns pointed at everyone but him. One placed a stretcher on the ground beside him.
"Get on the stretcher." One of them instructed.
"Can't. Mm… Head's– head's almost– ah, shit, here it comes!" The force was impossible to ignore. Before any of the medics could do anything about it, the lump that was already in Kerry's pants grew. More fluid seeped through his clothes, pooling on the floor below him. Some gagged, others gasped. One of the medics cursed. 
Two of them returned their guns to their holsters and were quick to approach Kerry's side. Both of them took care in helping Kerry onto the stretcher. The baby had little room at this point. If they were gonna come out any further, they'd basically have to divert straight down into his pant leg. And as much as he knew he was never gonna wear these pants again, he didn't really want that sensation in his memory.
"Going up," one of the medics warned, and suddenly he was in the air. It was an uncomfortable sensation, sitting up on a stretcher with a baby's head between his legs. Kerry had confidence in Trauma Team, though. They were fuckers in their own right sometimes, but far less than suits. They just needed to get him to the AV before they could help him deliver the rest of the baby. 
He caressed his baby's head through his pants, murmuring words of assurance under his breath.
The other two medics followed, walking backwards to ensure their guns still stayed toward the crowd that'd once surrounded him. Once outside, though, their pistols would go back in their holsters and they'd quicken the pace toward the AV.
"How far along are you?" One asked as the door to the AV closed behind them. Another medic was removing their uniform gloves and putting on sterile ones, while the two holding onto his stretcher secured it so it wouldn't be rocking about as the AV took off and began to fly away.
"A… a couple days– shit…"
"Don't push, Mr. Eurodyne. Please answer the question."
"A-Almost… almost 42 weeks."
"Safe to deliver, then. We're going to remove your pants, Mr. Eurodyne. Do you co–"
"Yes! Just get them off! Kid wants out!" He wanted to yell at one of them. He wanted someone to try to call Louise, but he wasn't sure that was possible at this point. Transferring the contact info took way too much mental concentration to do while his body was in so much pain. 
"To make this quick, we're going to cut them off."
"Good! Fuckin' good riddance," Kerry groaned, struggling in his attempts not to push. "Just fucking do it!"
The gloved medic was quick to cut up through his pant leg until they got to the top. Then came opening up the crotch area completely, and then cutting the underwear off. Finally, the baby didn't have any pressure against their head. Looking to the gloved medic, Kerry looked for some semblance of approval.
"Can I push? Fuckin' hell, I need to push…"
"No cord around the baby's neck. Lie down and push."
"You couldn't pay me ta lie down right now. Someone get the fuck behind me and brace me! Now!" 
"You need to lie down and–"
"I am Kerry fucking Eurodyne! Either help me get this kid out 'r I'm doin' it myself, and you fuckers are gonna–" Asserting authority like that wasn't really his schtick, in truth. …Well, not all the time. He was pretty damn sure it was warranted here, though! If he had to give birth here and not with his wife, then he was doing this his way. "Brace! Me!"
One of the medics reluctantly sat behind Kerry, keeping a hand up and against the wall to brace himself against it. 
"Ok Mr. Eurodyne, calm down and push." The last two medics in the back would be there to help him pull up and spread his legs. With that sufficient amount of room and with the support behind him, it wasn't difficult for Kerry to push down with all of his might to try to get this baby out. His hands gripped tightly to the side of the stretcher, to keep himself from accidentally scooting himself off of his spot.
He wouldn't be able to see anything as it happened. Between the efforts and his large stomach, it just wasn't happening. So all he could do was feel the sharp stings as his baby's body finally made its way out of him. One shoulder, then the other. And with one last push and about ten minutes left until they made it to the hospital, Theodore Nordin-Eurodyne was born.
Hearing the baby's sharp cry, Kerry's eyes opened and watched as the gloved medic picked his son up. Gunk and fluid was promptly suctioned out of his mouth, making his cry clearer. Already he could see, his boy had such dark hair. No surprise there, but it just felt so good to see. His boy. His first boy.
"Give him to me," Kerry begged softly.
"Just a moment," the medic spoke softly. A shiny material was being wrapped around the newborn. A means to keep him warm until they made it to the hospital. Kerry was pretty sure he'd seen something like that on TV at some point in his life. So, he allowed it. 
Finally, once he was covered, Kerry was given his third child. 
Louise was going to be heartbroken, and he already felt so sorry. But god, he was perfect. Poor kid was gonna be all over the screamsheets with him if that asshole posted that vid. He'd take care of it. Kerry would do anything and everything in his power to take care of his little boy.
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court-of-starss · 6 months
Stars of Heartbreak
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Pairing: Rhysand x reader
Summary: He was the stars, the twinkling lights that gave hope to the dreamers who spent their nights bewitched by the hope.
Warnings: just a whole lot of angst.
a/n: This is my first time posting my writing so hopefully it's not too disappointing lmaoo. Would also like to clarify that I am the biggest Feysand simp. Let me know what you think!
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He was the stars, the twinkling lights that gave hope to the dreamers who spent their nights bewitched by the hope. He was the cool soft caress of the night sky, soft touches and nights spent in soft embraces.
That’s where you were now, staring out into the night sky, standing atop the highest balcony in the Night court, his court. One he ruled with the curse breaker, the beautiful human now fae Archeron sister. Feyre wasn’t your enemy; she was the saving grace to all that knew her. She was noble, brave and beautiful. The things you weren’t. At least not anymore.
Not to Rhysand.
Not anymore.
He was not the male who promised you the very stars you were grieving too now. He was not the love that swept you in its warm embrace, nor was he the face that you woke up to every morning. Not since he had found the female that was his mate. Mate. It’s laughable now, you had always hoped, prayed, that it would snap between the two of you. Between every kiss, every smile, every soft touch. You had hoped and hoped until it had consumed you.
But you were not Feyre Archeron.
You were not the fearless human girl who freed him from the terror of Amarantha and her wicked court. You were not the newly made fae who showed him happiness again. You tried. Every nightmare, every terror induced moment after being freed you were by his side. Holding him, reminding him that he was home, safe finally. You were there to help him regain his control of himself, to regain control of his court.
But you weren’t enough, perhaps you never were.
“You’re going to fall over the railing with all that thinking.” His voice always was a calm whisper, a soft caress of night that made all the hairs on your body stand at his command. Whether it was a whisper or a yell, it always has the same affect.
“Maybe.” You said softly to the night sky, the sight too beautiful to look away from. You didn’t want to turn and face him, to face those hypnotizing violet eyes that would always be able to see right through you. But he didn’t mind, he knew it was hard for you to adjust after centuries of whirlwind romance.
“I’ll catch you.” He muttered, soft steps stopping beside you to lean against the same railing. But he wasn’t looking at the night sky, he was reading your face. Noting the lack of sleep evident by the dark bags under your cold eyes.
Cold eyes that used to shine for him, that used to twinkle in amusement when Cassian would laugh at your dumb jokes, jokes that only the two of you understood. Eyes that used to scrunch in concentration when you would massage the cramps out of Azriels hands on the colder days. Eyes that used to scrunch in happiness when you would paint your nails with Mor, the colors different every week depending on the last place his cousin had returned from.
Eyes that used to be full of hope and love, now dull and cold like the rest of you. Because of him.
“I’ll always catch you.” He whispered, a pang going through his chest at the down turn of your lips.
“Rhys.” You warned, scrunching your eyebrows. His name was always your favorite word. You had said it in so many ways, but now it left a sour taste on your tongue.
“You’re killing me.” He moved, his arm gently brushing yours in a warm gentle touch. A touch you would have leaned in to, drawn to every part of him like a moth to a flame. But now? Now you took a step back, breaking your gaze from the stars above to the stars in his eyes.
“Don’t.” You warned again, your arms moving to wrap around yourself. To protect yourself from the broken shell of a heart in your chest that only ever beat for him.
Rhys took a step towards you again, halting in his spot when you took another away from him. He wished he could save you from the pain he had caused, save you from him. A gentle tug on the golden strand in his chest had him turning his gaze to his mate who was watching them from the couch where the rest of his family was. They were all laughing, drinking and soaking in the feel of each other after years of war.
Feyre’s worry radiated through the bond, worry for the female that had sacrificed her own heart for theirs. You watched them in their silent conversation, taking two more steps away from him.
“It’s okay Rhysand, your family is waiting for you.” You said softly, not turning to look into the warmth of the living room. Knowing that if you looked at the family that was once yours, that you would break completely.
Rhys’ gaze snapped back to yours, desperation leaking through the stars swirling in his violet eyes. He swallowed roughly and held out his hand. His hand was wobbling in way you hadn’t witnessed since he returned from the mountain he was held captive. Guilt shot through you, not wanting to cause him any distress, even now.  
“They’re your family too. I’m your family.” He begged, steadying his hand. You shook your head with a soft sad smile and took another step back towards the door behind you, the shadowsinger emerging from the shadows ready to help you depart. Violet eyes snapped to the steady Hazel ones of his brother, confusion and panic flooding him.
“No, you can’t leave.” He always was the smartest in the room, quick to put together the plans of others. And as he watched you accept the cloak from his brother, he felt the panic slid up his throat, felt it fill his eyes with tears he didn’t deserve to shed. Azriel took a step out of the shadows and cleared his throat, gently taking your arm to lead you to the railing once more, his body a strong wall of muscle between you and his brother.
“It’s her choice Rhys.” He said, his tone steady and strong. You were his sister, as much as Rhys was his brother. You slid the hood of the cloak over your head and leaned around Azriel to meet his Violet gaze once more, for the last time.
“I wish nothing but happiness for you Rhys. I will always love you, but that is the reason that I can’t stay here.” You said with a tear-filled smile, taking Azriels hand as he lifted you into his arms, his mighty wings spreading ready to leap into flight.
Rhys watched with tear-soaked cheeks as he watched you fly off into the horizon in his brothers’ arms, overwhelming heartbreak racing through him.
But nothing could prepare him for the sight of his brother returning empty handed, shooting him a pity filled look as he knelt down to hold his weeping brother. Your soft scent clinging to his shadows in a faint caress of what used to be.
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grind-pantera · 10 days
Noa x Human! Reader Imagines.
A/N : I am a beacon of sin. Likes and reblogs always appreciated. Thanks y'all!! I do have more Imagines if you guys are interested. Please, please let me know!!! Thanks again. Hope y'all enjoy. Fandom: ( Kingdom of the )Planet of the Apes. Pairing: Noa x Human! Reader. Rating: K. ( Fluffy again, some other mentions of Ape Aggression but nothing too bad/vivid. ) ** Does contain spoilers for Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.
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Noa unequivocally staring you down. -Ultimately, how the relationship really started. Noa was definitely a lot more subtle about it in the beginning - not sure how he truly felt about you, about… it. He would sit and pass time by watching, no no… Stalking your movements, how they might have varied from how he or any other Ape would move. The way your legs shaped when you walked, the way your hands grasped at things, the way your eyes laid bare everything he needed to know. Echo’s were so easy to read from expression alone and Noa yearned for that, metaphorically reaching his hands out in some feeble attempt that you would grab. He found himself occasionally mimicking your movements to himself when alone, laughing at how utterly awkward they felt to him. He’d shut his eyes then and think about it a bit more.
-He would intensely stare into your eyes whenever you talked one on one. He kept his gaze on you when around others, but not as intense as it was when he had you all to himself. Green, amber and gold speckled eyes followed the minute details of your face, almost down to the wrinkles around your eyes, only reserved when you blessed him with a smile. Rare, but he enjoyed it none-the-less. He sensed, after doing it a few times, that it made you nervous. Your heart raced - Noa swore he could feel it in his feet and something about that made him swell with pride. He’d boost his chest out, wanting to appear more suitable to you, more appealing, more… more… irresistible if you looked at him. But… Then, you would look away quickly, uttering something under your breath to take the attention away from the tension now obviously swirling around the two of you. Noa… He kept his eyes on you, regardless. Though, now it seemed you weren’t aware he was looking so closely.
-As time went on though, and he developed a more personal relationship with you, it… Changed. Noa couldn’t tell anyone why it did, why his eyes would pierce you so deeply, almost to the point where it felt like they were taking you down, further down than you had ever been and you were drowning in golden flecks surrounded by more shades of green than you could count. It left a burning sensation in the back of your mind, almost like bile. It was noticeable, even meters away from him but you buried it deep inside. Secretly, you liked it. Not-so-secretly, Noa knew that you did. He couldn’t explain why you were always in his line of vision, why he felt the need to make his gaze known to you, known to others… Known to others, he thought to himself. At least… Known to anyone he considered a threat. It just was what it was now.
-There were some shameful stares such as the absolute disintegration of another Ape when Noa caught the two of you together during communal dinner time. Mind you, it wasn’t just yourself and this Ape, named Ale, you were also with Anaya, Soona and Noa’s mother, Dar. But, Noa couldn’t separate that anymore. There was just you. He figured you’d be okay with his friends and mother, no one would bother you, you didn't need to be protected from them. But this familiarity with an Ape outside of his inner circle…? No, no. Noa didn't move from his ponderance, looking between you and this Ape on your left side. The fire roared in front of you, obscuring Noa from your view as you explained to Ale that humans often used utensils to eat if available. Noa saw you sign through the vivid orange fire, ‘Not messy.’
Ale shrugged his shoulders and held up a berry before popping it into his mouth, ‘Easier with hands.’
That made you laugh, but the lurch of Noa towards your new friend at your reaction was… Not as funny and it took Dar to finally get him to stop staring down one of his own, intimidatingly, refusing to break eye contact. Noa’s pupils were absolutely blown away, no trace of green or gold to be found. He was broad chested, and you took note that Noa was pushing himself up to appear bigger, more fierce.
Noa signed too fast for you to understand, too abrasive… Words split themselves here and there. ‘Mine’ you got that, ‘stop’ was another, ‘back off’ maybe… but your analysis was all in vain regardless. The gaze he was giving Ale said it all, at least, it did to you, and you wondered if his friends knew the look. Soona questioned Noa silently, but he didn't bother with an answer. Anaya looked between Noa, you and Dar. And based on Dar’s reaction to it, her ability to stop it, she’d seen it before. Maybe even had it happen with Koro when they were younger. You didn't want to ask, you didn't want to pry… But, you watched in baited silence as Noa stood down and huffed at you before pacing off to the right. He had no idea what came over him, but he did what he felt like he needed.
Noticing your scent. Noa was unsure of the feral feeling that the situation gave him when he noticed it beyond just the scent of an Echo. It was yours. He had to deal with Anaya every so often saying something sarcastically about it, about how different it was and that they’d be able to smell you at least a click away, but Noa always shrugged them off.
Pensively, Noa shut his eyes. He was steadily resting back on his feet, crouching and sitting comfortably on his bent legs. Hunching forward, he grasped the ground with his hands, tangling them into the grass below him. Anaya was right. Your smell was very different from the Apes he was often around. He could point out his mother, a few infants that were following her around, Soona… Drawing a deep breath in, he felt like he was suffocating and his ribcage was expanded as far out as it would go without causing intense discomfort.
There was something different. Something almost intoxicatingly sweet. Disgustingly, Noa thought to himself and let his eyes slide open. He looked down at his hands, having now ripped grass out of the Earth. It was like he had tasted the most delectable berry of all time and now he was lingering in the smell that was left behind on his fingertips. He wanted to grab you, hard. Grab you roughly and pull you against him, never let you go, let his strength come in handy in a way that was outside of climbing. He’d consume all of you if you would allow him, he’d do more than that in fact. He’d let himself sink into you both physically and mentally, throwing away caution. Teeth sinking into fragile skin, minds entangling in a brutal dance. Your sweat pouring into his mouth, escaping onto his taste buds. Thoughts now in his mind, messing Noa up. They weren’t just his anymore, they were also yours. He was morbidly curious just how sweet you must have tasted when the smell alone left him feeling the way he was. He was deathly ill wanting to know what you were thinking.
All things made him bare his teeth for a split second, canines glistening in the setting sunlight. Tossing the grass in his hands down on the ground aggressively, Noa sat up completely, almost barrel chested before throwing his body into gear as he finally moved to pace followed by a quick saunter. He needed to find out where your scent was coming from before he unraveled at the seams.
Hand holding. -Definitely a thing you tended to gravitate towards more than Noa. He often liked to keep his hands free to tinker around if needed or to fix something, it was after all, one of his most favorite things. He knew moments when you liked it, or rather… Needed it. Noa with you would do anything to cause him a surge of pride, and that included holding your hand.
-He was cautious about it at first, not sure how to react when he felt the side of your hand against his own. He had gruffed then, avoiding eye contact and you didn't try again.
-The second happenance was accidental. You had slipped on ice, Noa faster to react than you were and he was right in front of you before you had the chance to even brace your hands in preparation of falling. Swallowing softly at the sudden closeness of him, there was obvious heat that rose in you. “T-Thanks.”
Noa’s shoulders shifted as he helped you stand straight up again, your eyes coming to rest on his shoulders as Noa was just a touch taller than you were. Just a bit taller, but given circumstances, he was very strong. “Very… unbalanced.” He said to you in a deeper voice than he intended.
You nodded in agreement, looking down at your feet and then the trail that Noa wanted to take. It appeared icy regardless, and you were mentally preparing yourself to transverse. “Maybe we should have taken a horse.”
He sighed, the movement very apparent to your gaze as you looked over at him. Without a word, Noa held his right hand out. There was suddenly a lump in your throat. Was he…
“Take.” Noa uttered.
You hesitated, clenching your hands to the point where your fingers were slightly whitened.
“You don’t take, you end up on your---”
It was your turn to be faster than light, heart thundering in your chest wildly at the concept of what he was offering to you. You raised your right hand and grasped at his, almost clapping them together from the velocity you put forward. It was just a cupped hand holding, something you knew he would be semi-comfortable with as there was no strict intimacy. He rounded on his feet, much more balanced than you could ever be and began moving forward once again, careful of where he put his gait and hoped that you were smart enough to follow his exact footsteps. You let him move, your arm out-stretched awkwardly as you hadn’t moved in tandem with him. You needed to move, you mumbled inside of your head. You need to move.
You were frozen. And it only took Noa one more step before he tumbled down, ultimately being brought down by your inability to take any more action. You had pulled him down, by default. Your mouth flew open as he laid flat on his back, hands disconnecting at the fact that he had fallen. “Noa---”
He groaned finally, having taken a second to process what happened. “I gave you my hand to help you and you--”
“I’m so sorry.” There was a small touch of a laugh behind your words as Noa just… Rested. He didn't move aside from putting his hands on his chest, flat palmed almost like he was checking for any damage. The fall itself wasn’t bad, but there was ice speckled all over the ground and he couldn’t tell if he fell on any sharp objects. “Here.” You reciprocated the movement Noa had previously given, holding out your hand to help him up.
‘No.’ He signed at you, eyes squirting to gaze up at you due to the sun now angling right at the two of you.
He shut his eyes and raised his hand, to the left and then to the right as his fingers grazed yours ever so gently. He allowed you to cup his hand. Admittedly, you were unsure if you were able to lift him on your own, and he must have known that. He must have…
“Shit!” You yelled, being tugged down by Noa. It was obvious he didn't use all his strength to do so, just enough to get you on the ground right next to him. It wasn’t a hard fall like his either, you landed relatively gently next to him but still felt like the air had left your lungs, “Ow.”
“Ow.” He said as well, allowing a moment to look at you next to him. The way your hair splayed out on the icy rock, the slight blush of your face. Noa figured that was from the cold, you had no fur to keep you at least sheltered from the winter winds. The last thing to process for both of you were your hands, now deeply entangled within each other. You could feel the sensation of leather, that must have been how his skin really felt… It was enticing, and you wanted nothing more than to trace the palms of his hands with your delicate hands. There was fur encasing his knuckles, thicker this time of year than it was during the late spring and peak summer… Actually, Noa’s hand almost eclipsed yours completely but you weren’t going to complain as you let your eyes fall shut. You’d get up in a few minutes despite your mind telling you over and over to stay.
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so-mordor-itis · 11 months
No hate against Ada. She’s a baddie. But, imagine the reader being the biggest, most childish person ever when it comes to Leon’s relationship with her. Like, you intentionally putting yourself into danger if only to prove to yourself that you will never hold a place in Leon’s heart like she does. And when you’re dangling off a cliff or ledge, you’re still petty as Leon holds onto you for dear life, trying to pull you back up. Saying things like, “why don’t you go rescue her! I don’t need you!” And for once, you get to see Leon pissed yet petrified, because he doesn’t want to lose you.
The look he gives you is downright heartbreaking. It's a mix of anger, pure coal-stricken rage and bone chilling fear. You can feel your heart snap in two, and guilt begins to swallow you whole. You went too far, poked the wrong wound, rubbed so much salt it started bleeding again. You were so caught up in your own emotions, allowing your skin to practically turn green with envy. You ignored the possibility of him being damaged by this, of this destroying the thread of life you two created together.
You should've known better. Known he had made his choice, buried himself with it.
Leon knew Ada was hurt, knew she had been shot, her blood spilling on the ground beneath her. He knew that and still spun around to save you knowing you had conjured this situation yourself. You purposefully stood on a loose ledge, purposefully let yourself place weight on it.
He ran to you, choosing you. And what did you do in return?
Spit in his face.
He pulls you up, his strength never failing to amaze. His expression is still the same: red-hot yet tender with terror. Leon sighs, there's clear disappointment in his actions. The way his shoulders slump, the way he gnaws at his inner cheek.
"We'll talk about this later, okay?" He's trying to sound calm, trying to not allow himself to fall apart into a million pieces. The frustration pokes through, however, and you flinch a little as he pivots away from you.
As you stare at his back, watching the way his shoulders flex as he moves, you begin to wonder if you have cracked open something that could not be fixed.
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magicxc · 4 months
Rain Down On Me
Pairings: Survey Corps x Black!Reader - Where They Like To Cum
Word Count: 4407
Warnings: Just a whole lotta cum lol
A/N: Phew chile, not me dipping my toes in the anime water. It’s gonna be SO much fun! I can’t wait to explore different scenarios and play around with my favorite characters. That being said, expect a wide range of topics from the mundane to the sexy. And for my first piece I had to come out the gate SWINGING lol. So without further ado, enjoy:
Eren - inside. He only committed mass genocide to preserve his race. Might as well see if all his efforts proved futile. 
Lets face it, Eren is a rough lover. The only thing gentle about him are his deep green eyes, and even they can be intimidating. But it’s his sheer tenacity that makes him so intense; his need to get something right the first time, everytime, almost concerning. So it should really come as no surprise that he needs to get you pregnant.
Fierce thrusts against your pelvis has you mewling into the evening sky. Both hands locked in a vice grip atop your head, Eren uses his other arm to hook onto the back of your left thigh, wrapping it snugly around his waist. 
His key chain dangles above your face, swinging swiftly along to his movements. You’re captivated by the way it twirls in front of you, unaware that you could feel even more turned on than you already do; loud sloshing noises a clear sign of your growing arousal.
“You think you can cum again for me honey? Hmm, just once more to increase our chances.”
Beads of sweat line his forehead while Eren’s face twist in concentration.
Apparently conception works best when the woman is able to orgasm. But according to Eren’s logic, double the orgasms mean double the chances - his thumb mercilessly rubbing against your clit in hopes that she’ll rain down on him once more.
Small drops of sweat pool into your neckline, your body convulsing in sensitivity. But all that does is egg him on with Eren’s fingers circling quicker and his hips driving deeper. Your nails desperately scrape against his knuckles, thighs shaking around his body as you thrash through your release. Head thrown back, you howl into the night, breathlessly panting as tears stream down your face. His lips swallow your sweet sounds, spilling into you as he heavily groans into the kiss.
“Almost honey, I promise. But we can’t be sure if that one will take, so go ahead and turn over for me.” 
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Levi - inside your mouth; and you better swallow. Did we really expect anything less from mister clean his blade during battle? He hates mess and that applies to the bedroom as well, though he is willing to make exceptions from time to time. So if Levi can’t have your mouth, he will paint your body as a last resort.
Face smushed against his pelvis, his agarwood scented soap engulfs your nostrils, the fragrance deliciously spicy. Levi’s fingers are tangled deep into your locks, his hands guiding you on the exact pace he prefers. It’s nothing too hurried, his thrusting motions almost slothful. 
On the field, he’s humanity's strongest soldier. His swift moves and sharp senses are life saving but here, behind closed doors, Levi prefers to take his time with you. He wants to revel in every sensation, his cat-like instincts not missing a beat, from the way your hands grab onto his thighs for stability to the way that your eyelids flutter close when you really get into the moment. 
“Mhmm,” he groans. “Open wider for me angel.” 
Even now he’s not much of a talker, but he won’t hesitate to tell you exactly how he wants to be pleasured. Obliging to his request, you open your jaws as wide as they’ll go, savoring the taste of Levi as he continues to cram himself to the very back of your mouth. 
He’s a stark contrast from the stoic demeanor you’re used to seeing, watching as he falls apart from your expert tongue. You’ve never seen him so desperate, so starved as he loudly pants through his gratification, warm breath fanning past your face as his eyes never leave yours. Levi’s intense gaze fills you with a deep hunger to satisfy him, your pussy sopping at the idea of seeing him finish.
Damp hair sticking to his face, they bounce against his forehead with each jerking motion, his gruff temperament crumbling with every lick, twirl, and suction to his dick. Hands nestled on your jaw, you relish in the way his thumbs softly brush against your cheeks, watching as his thighs quiver and his lips tremble, tongue darting past his teeth to swipe over them. 
His languid thrusting picks up in speed, fingers lightly squeezing your skin as you feel his warm release coat the walls of your mouth, your pace unfaltering as you make sure to swallow every drop. Dick slowly sliding past your lips, you watch in awe as the shiny coat glistens before you, thinking how soon enough there’ll be another coat to add to the sticky mess. 
“You always do so well for me angel,” he coos, the pads of his thumbs gently caressing the soft skin of your face.
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Erwin - on your tits. Though his steel blue eyes are one of his most striking features, they’re good for spotting more than just titans. He’s very much so a breast man at heart and finds them to be a woman's most prominent feature. With the pressures of the government and the stress of being a Commander, he needs something soft to lie on at night - for tranquil purposes of course.
Erwin is one of the most composed people; it's a necessity. It’s how he’s able to assess a situation and get his team to safety - allowing him to effectively delegate to his squad and ensure that the odds are in their favor during missions. But boy does he let loose around you. When the day is finished and his body is aching, he finds solace in you and your breasts. 
“Bbbrrrrrrr,” is the rumbling that sounds from your chest, Erwins face buried deep between your breasts as he rapidly shakes his head through the plump globes. 
“Are you done Commander?”
Trailing his head up to your neck his mouth lands to your sweet spot, sucking a hickey onto the skin. Moaning, you unclip the bra letting the girls fall freely.
“Baby, it’s Commander out there and daddy in here. You’re not gonna make me repeat myself right?” he cautioned.
You want to. You want to push his buttons and tip him over the edge oh so badly, but his day has been rough enough and you save your bratty behavior for another more lighthearted occasion.
“No sir,” you promised.
“Good,” he says, hands fondling your nipples. “Go ahead and throw the rest of your bras out baby cause I have all the support that you need.”
His head dives to your chest before you have the chance to respond, licking and nibbling against the surface. He gladly leaves bruised spots in their wake, deading the idea for you to wear any deep cut shirts in the days to come. 
“On your knees.”
Not that you need to be told twice, your limbs are hitting the ground before he can finish the sentence.
Standing tall above you, his icy stare bores deep into your brown orbs, pride heavy on his face at how well trained you are for him. Unzipping his pants, Erwin lets them fall, your hands reaching to his underwear to free his thick member.
“You gonna keep me waiting baby?”
You wouldn't dream of it.
Sliding his dick inside your mouth, he only intends for you to get it wet, your tongue lapping over his veiny shaft until enough spit has gathered. As inviting as your mouth is, Erwin considers it more as an appetizer, something light to hold him over until the main course.
“That’s enough, now hold up the girls for me.”
Breasts held together in your arms, you push them up and watch as Erwin slides his tip through the middle, a haughty groan slipping past his lips as he does so. He drives his dick upward, slowly at first and then sloppy soon after. Your spit combined with the lush feeling of your perky boobs is his perfect sensational cocktail, one that leaves him drunk on ecstasy and quick to bust.
“You look so fucking sexy right now,” Erwin whimpered. “Stick your tongue out for me, real wide just how I like it. 
Tongue hanging out your mouth, it occurs to you that you’d bark if he asked you to; without hesitation. Drool gathers at the tip of your tongue, gradually sliding down to your chest and adding to the slobbery mess down below. Erwin can move with ease and at this angle each time he drives his dick forward, it touches the warm tip of your tongue. Your position won’t allow for much more than that and so you stay put, allowing Erwin to destress through your body, listening intently as his light whines crescendo; his explosive finish splattering against your chest and chin.
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Connie - Anywhere! Mans is just happy to finish. Connie is far from preferential, so long as both he and his partner find pleasure. And while he’ll cum wherever you tell him, you two have found it more entertaining to see just where his sperm will land. The more ridiculous the better actually. 
A few weeks ago during sex, you had forgotten to take your birth control and in the knick of time Connie pulled out, spraying his seed directly into the sheets next to you. It was a close call, but who could blame him when you felt that good? You found yourselves in a similar situation yesterday and when he pulled out, his load shot across the room, painting the walls. Though it was pretty close in distance, it did pique his interest enough to see just how far his can spunk can land without something to hinder it - and that's how you found yourself in your current predicament, ankles propped next to your head. 
While Connie is a bit of a goofball, sex was where he seemed to shine the best; folding your body in ways you didn’t know it could bend. And you were grateful for the generous lover that he was, making sure that you always got yours. 
Hips meeting yours, Connie finds his face nestled between the junction of your neck, his soft grunting loud inside your ear. 
With Connie pinning your legs to the bed, he rests his full weight on your body, any chance for a break long gone as you cry out for a moment's relief; one Connie won’t give you unless you soak him completely. Arms as limp as your legs, all you can manage is to sink your nails into his chest, taking every forceful thrust he sends your way, the pressure too much to handle. Your poor pussy is puffy and swollen, yet furiously leaking at how good he works your body over. His uneven breathing harsh against your face, Connie litters it in butterfly kisses, proud of the peak you managed to reach.
“Nice one buttercup,” he compliments, rolling off of you to lie flat on his back; jerking himself to the finish line. 
You both watch in amusement as Connie shoots his load directly into the air, his hands continuing its ministrations until the task is complete. 
“That’s gotta be at least three feet.”
“Maybe, let's get a tape measurer and find out.”
“I need to practice my aim, whaddya say next time you hold your lips nice and wide for me and see if I can make a hole in one?
“You wanna try aiming inside my mouth?”
“Not those lips buttercup.”
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Jean - Face. He’s a cocky one, no pun intended. No matter what position he finds himself in during sex, he doesn’t miss the chance to pull out and paint your face; jokingly referring to himself as the next Hokusai on occasion. Jean loves knowing he’s the one doing this to you, a strong sense of power coursing through his veins at the sight of you dripping in his essence. 
As dirty as Jean likes to get you, he’s equally as excited to help clean you up; like a one stop shop sorta thing. And so showers have become a common place for you both to do the deed. Most times you find yourselves clean only to get dirty again and while it started off as a way to save the water bill, you’re sure all you’ve done is jack up the price. 
Hands pressed against the shower glass, it threatens to slip at your wobbly footing. The only real sense of security is Jeans hands wrapped securely around your waist. The steady rocking of his hips into your ass has your forehead planted against the glass, heavy breathing fogging it almost as much as the steam. 
Every so often, he’ll bear down his palm into your back to keep your arch as deep as he likes it. And while it isn't the most comfortable, his lengthy dick keeps you distracted, the delicious burn of the way he repeatedly rams his member into your dripping pussy. 
The steam obscures your view, but there's nothing you need to see anyway. The only thing your fucked out mind can manage to focus on is feeling and you do just that; relishing in the way Jeans calloused fingers tug on your damp skin again and again and again. 
You can’t help the wails that spill from your lips, crying aloud as your screams echo against the tiled walls. Jean never really gives you a break either, his ego on full display each time the force of hips pulls an even louder noise from your sweet lips.
How your feet haven't given out on you is miraculous, but it’s probably Jean holding you up until your body can milk him dry, his stamina coming to a relieving close. Pussy throbbing against him for the nth time that night, it’s become his personal little shower; your creamy finish dripping down his thick length. 
Pulling out of you, Jean spins you around, knees slapping against the wet floors, on autopilot, for his oncoming release. A few pumps of his hands and he shoots his load on your face, careful not to waste a drop. 
You don’t mind and lap up whatever drips down to your mouth for added effect, his legs quaking at the sight. 
“Keep that up and we’ll never make it out this shower, my love” he cautioned.
But the real intimacy is him helping you wash it off, every time. You aren’t allowed to touch your face and he’ll gladly sit there and towel wash it until you’re fresh and clean - peppering your cheeks in kisses with promises to paint it again.
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Onyankopon - An ass man, so he enjoys seeing your silky skin sparkling with him. Ony loves a woman on the thicker side of the spectrum, shit he’s got enough juice to pour. Thighs work just as great and he finds them equally as sexy so it’s anyone's guess where his cum will land next. 
The handprints left behind leave a red tint on your ass which makes it a touch more swollen, adding to the already thick asset he’s come to adore. Your thighs quake each time his heavy palm connects to your plush thighs and though your eyes brim over with unshed tears, so does your pussy brim over with never ending slick.  
Ony’s calloused digit drags itself inside your warm walls and you repeatedly clench around him in hopes that he’ll drag them in a little further.
“Didn’t I tell you to use your words pretty? Tell me what you want and watch me make it happen,” he assures.
“I want y-you,” you stammered. 
Even though Ony is easygoing and super chill, you always found yourself flustered when it came to him. And the bedroom was no exception. Oftentimes you got nervous and stuttered at the simplest command.
Thankfully he doesn’t withhold from you much longer and sinks himself to the hilt with delicious ease. You both pause for a minute, the sensation too much and not enough all at once. His dick jumps at your moist walls as your pussy throbs in an attempt to adjust to his sheer size.
Driving himself inside you, Ony builds a nice rhythm, his hips slapping against yours as he moves to the ripple of your skin. He can’t help himself and his palm rains down on your ass for the seventh time; the thunderous crack loudly echoing throughout the quiet morning.
You whine as the unshed tears spill over into the sheets. Fingernails tightly clutching the fabric, your mouth hangs open and the wails get an octave higher.
Hands delving into your skin, he uses it for support and plunges into you repeatedly; hoping that his body can get you to tell him what his words can’t.
“Right there Ony, ohhhh my, right there please.”
And right there he’d stay, grounding his foot into the mattress for better support to make sure that you found satisfaction and that it’d envelop your heated body in all the ways his busy hands couldn’t. 
He won't last long like this. He rarely does when you crawl out of your shell and get so vocal with him. That, coupled with the way your pretty body reacts to his sends Onyankapon over the edge each time. 
He feels your body squeeze him tighter, hear your moans grow louder, and watch the sheets get wetter. Knowing that you’ve climaxed allows him to follow suit, pulling out of your warm walls to spray your ass cheeks with his seed. Through gritted teeth and breathy moans, Ony jerks himself to completion, watching with hooded eyes as they trickle down to your thick thighs.
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Reiner - On your back, mostly because he LOVES doggy style. He absolutely refuses to cum in you, terrified of the fact that he could become a father. It’s almost like the Pavlov effect, his race to the finish line incomplete if he can’t finish on your back.
Reiner is a beefy guy and while he has no problem displaying his strength in the bedroom, your safety and comfort trumps all. In fact it’s you who has to initiate rough sex with him, agreeing upon a safe word that lets him know when he’s taken things too far. But it’s something about doggy style that lets him get as feral as he wants, all without hurting you in the process. Also, it gives him the perfect view: he can see your breasts slap against the bed with each thrust. 
“Squeeze em for me darling and twist each nipple until it gets too much.”
Renier didn’t come second in his overall scout training just because he was good at slicing titans. After all it was his strategic ability, amongst other things, to evaluate a situation for the long run all the while remaining collected. And it's safe to say, those qualities carried over into your sex life with Reiner expertly instructing you to touch and twist your body in the ways he know you love; which no doubt always led to your fireworks moment. 
Also, it gives him the perfect view: excitedly watching your pussy swallow him whole. Reiner was never one to explore kinks but he’s definitely discovered a few through you and size just so happens to be at the top of the list. Bodies pressed together, he’s entranced at the junction where you both meet, slowing down ever so slightly to take it all in. Eyes glossed over, he admires the way his dick is covered in your creamy goodness, your pussy molded to accept his impressive size as he pushes past your lips repeatedly - amazed each time he manages to fit the entirety of himself inside of you. 
While you relish the sweet sting at the way he pounds away at your cervix, you know crossing your legs in the days to come will become the ultimate challenge. 
“Ahhh fuck, you're in this for the long run, you know that right?” he pants. “You ain't going nowhere right? RIGHT?”
R-right Reiner, righ-”
Also, it gives him the perfect view: Reiner swells with pride when your tight asshole gladly accepts his thumb.
The first time he decided to jam his thumb down there wasn’t the most pleasant experience for you. But with lots of prep and planning, it’s come to be another erogenous zone, damn near a spot you can’t come without him using.
Thumb sitting to the hilt, he fiercely thrusts at both ends, his sausage-like fingers providing just enough size to topple you over. Teeth sinking into his lips until they bleed, it’s your release that sets off a chain reaction for Reiner with him pulling out of you to cover your back completely. 
Once everything calms down, he usually comes back with a warm towel to clean you up, thanking you with each drag of the cloth for sharing your body with him.
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Armin - on your tummy. He’s another one that's deathly afraid of knocking you up, but for completely different reasons; therefore he tends to be the responsible one in regard to protective sex. 
Legs intertwined with one another, you both lay on your sides as Armin gently rocks his hips into yours. Hands wrapped tightly around your waist, your fingers dig into his shoulders for support.
Eyes trained on your face, he’s come to know what each contortion means and exactly where he should place his attention next, angling his hips upward to kiss your g-spot just right. Eyebrows drawn together, it’s the crinkling of your nose that lets him know that he’s found it. His glare never leaves you, watching attentively to what your features tell him you’ll need next.
“My flower - that's what you are to me. Something that adds beauty to this gloomy world of ours,” he admits in between thrusts.
Head dipping low, he takes a nipple into his mouth, grazing it ever so gently across his teeth. Moans tumble past your mouth, gibberish not too far behind on just how perceptive Armin is with your body. He raises your thigh higher to get deeper, your hips greedily meeting his as you chase your second high of the night.
“Much like the thorn that protects the rose, harming only those who wish to steal its beauty, I’ll protect you from the sins of the world before I dare let it taint you sweetheart.”
Pulling out, Armin’s fist flies to his lengthy member, squeezing and tugging until your tummy is drenched in the aftermath of how good you made him feel. 
So sweet, he’d make your tooth rot. Armin is much the same behind closed doors as he is on the field - his heart on full display of his sleeve. He always makes sure to tell you just how much you mean to him and you eat that shit up every time. His soft voice coupled with the gentle way he handles your body has heat rising to the surface of your skin, unable to meet his eyes. 
But that’s okay. He has time and stamina, but most of all patience. And he’ll gladly make love to you until you build up the courage to talk him through his release or beg for a moment's relief; whichever comes first.
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Floch - in the ass. It's the place you save for someone really special, no? What better way to show your love to him than to let him fill your ass to the brim. After all it's the sacred hole you entrust to your partner and why are y’all even together if he can’t have you entirely? Prove your loyalty to him and see how he’ll worship your body in return. 
Face planted into the pillows and ass hiked high in the air, this position has become a salute of sorts. Much like the pledge Shinzou Wo Sasageyo, so do you promise to devote yourself to Floch. 
“It’s a mystical place that only the worthy should be allowed to enter,” he’d tell you. “Allow me the honor of experiencing you whole and see how I reward you in return,” he’d promise. 
You weren’t opposed to anal, but it did throw you for a loop the first time Floch suggested it. And while the thought did pique your interest on occasion, it’s Floch who’d convince you to go all in; and your body has been grateful ever since. 
Fingers vigorously rubbing against your clit, it helps add to the heated sensation deep in the pit of your belly. Your other hand gently pushes against Flochs stomach but all he does is lock your arm against your lower back as his dick drives into you with rigor.
“What you running for? The next time I find your hands anywhere but knuckle deep in that pussy, it’s gonna be a problem.”
One hand on your arm and the other curled tightly around your hair, Floch hones in on his point with harsh thrusts between each word, his pelvis knocking you off your knees and into the mattress. 
Even with his body pressed against yours, you don't make the mistake of stopping your ministrations, fingers intensely rubbing against your swollen nub. The feeling is otherworldly, but it doesn’t stop the pressure from being too much to handle as the build up rises almost uncomfortably.
Your thighs twitch and your eyes water; but it's all a boost to Flochs ego and so he thrusts deeper along your rigid walls, hoping to reach the spot that makes you go dizzy. Him knowing that he could get you to this level of pleasure only encourages him to continue on and that he does; instructing you to do the same.
Your brain eventually goes fuzzy, screaming as you squirt for what feels like a lifetime; drenching Floch and the sheets as soon as your body reaches its peak. Your climax sets Floch off on his own and he loudly groans as he shoots rope after rope of his thick cum into your ass.
Once done, it’s like a veil is lifted and he softens up almost instantly, delicately rubbing on your soft skin and cooing at how well you did for him. After removing himself, he goes into heavy aftercare - cleaning your body down, ice cold water on standby, and if you’re up for it, a few snacks before the eventual nap. He figured it’s the very least he could do after he’d wring out endless pleasure from your taut body.
“You did so good for daddy, sugar. Sleep tight so this gorgeous body can get the rest she needs.”
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loveandthings11 · 5 months
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Our golden trio of Emmy winners ❤️
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upsidedownwithsteve · 1 month
I think I FINALLY have some sort of idea/plot line for the hakwins chapter of LIL? a miracle, people cheered, the crowd roared, emmy fell to the floor
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Dacre Montgomery (‘Stranger Things’) on filming his Season 4 appearance from Australia: ‘I put everything into this moment’ [Exclusive Video Interview]
Sam Eckmann TV June 17, 2023 6:30AM
“I like to do a lot of character prep and development and sort of live in character,” explains Dacre Montgomery of his acting process. The breakout “Stranger Things” star made a surprise return to the hit Netflix series in Season 4 despite his character Billy being killed in the previous season. His appearance was brief, but it provided the actor with a unique filming opportunity and the chance to put a final touch on a role that means a great deal to him. “It’s a culmination of hundreds of hours of work and really living in character in many ways,” says Montgomery. Watch the exclusive video interview above.
The Duffer Brothers called Montgomery near the start of the global pandemic with the offer to return for some pivotal scenes with Max (Sadie Sink). “And then it became quite difficult to leave Australia,” says the actor, noting that he was stuck in his home country while the series was being filmed in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Montgomery recorded lines of dialogue for Sink to work with as she filmed in the U.S., but it became too difficult a prospect for him to join her. To his surprise, production agreed to shoot his material in Perth. “They decided to shoot the scenes in my hometown, but a sound stage of the size that they needed, with a blue screen stage, didn’t exist. So they built one just for the one scene in Western Australia, which was awesome,” he admits. The costumes, wigs, and prosthetics for Billy were flown in from across the globe, and the actor worked with a local Australian team to put it all together.
“But the strangest part of it all was I was on a blue stage,” he admits. He had a tiny earpiece playing Sink’s lines for him, but he otherwise only had a tennis ball to act opposite. The performer describes the process as “highly emotional work,” not only because of the content of the scenes, but because of his deep attachment to his character. So despite the strange circumstances, filming by himself while in and out of hotel quarantine, Montgomery “put everything into this moment.”
Because of his isolation in Oz, Montgomery reveals that he had “no real context obviously of what was happening in the rest of the season.” This includes the setup that the villain Vecna (Jamie Campbell Bower) produces an illusion of Billy as a representation of Max’s grief, and as a way to lure her into accepting death. But Montgomery had no designs on portraying a new version of the character. “I really just wanted to play Billy for Billy, and give the sort of authenticity of the character work in that space,” he explains, “There’s so much core memory there of Billy and who he is. So this sort of materialization of him, it was important for me to play the character properly rather than trying to be an offshoot.”
Viewers may also describe Billy as a villain, but Montgomery is drawn to the discovery of what lurks beneath the surface of this kind of figure. “There’s this sort of truth in a weird sick way in the mask,” he explains, “These antagonists, or perceived antagonists, are trying to cover up deep trauma. So obviously that they wear this mask that’s outwardly facing.” During his time on “Stranger Things,” he enjoyed exploring what made Billy put on his mask in order to humanize the character. Montgomery had to mine his own personal fears and demons in order to tap into this facet of Billy. That process is scary, but also cathartic. “I think working with Billy, there was three or four years, however long I was involved with the show, of catharsis,” states Montgomery.
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