#even if obi-wan refuses to admit he helped them with it
antianakin · 5 months
An AU where Obi-Wan and Satine are somehow forced into an arranged marriage post-Civil War, like Satine can't become Duchess if she's not married because she's a woman or she's too young, or maybe she decides to join the Republic post-Civil War in order to give herself legitimacy as a leader and gain herself enough followers to effectively force a peace without causing another civil war, but the Republic is reluctant to let them in and Satine discovers a workaround where if she marries a Republic citizen or something as a world leader she can use that to gain entry into the Republic. She asks Obi-Wan to help her out and he leaves the Order for her because she has literally no other options available and this will hopefully bring peace to Mandalore and allow Satine the chance to change things for the better, even though it means he loses EVERYTHING and has to give up who he is, his family, his friends, his home, etc.
And the marriage goes terribly because Satine and Obi-Wan's "tension" or whatever was basically just a trauma bond combined with teenage hormones and while he respects her ambitions, she never truly understands what he's given up for her and she doesn't entirely respect the Jedi culture sometimes and so Obi-Wan is absolutely miserable among the Mandalorians. None of them accept him, hardly any of them even LIKE him, he doesn't have any real power politically because Satine is too worried about people thinking she's letting an outsider rule through her and wanting to establish herself as a competent leader on her own, and Mandalorian culture is just so vastly different from the Jedi. There's a lot he DOES like about it, obviously, every culture has its own beauty to it, but it's not HIS culture and there's a lot about it that goes vastly against what the Jedi believe in and teach that makes it really uncomfortable for him sometimes. Satine and Obi-Wan just end up in screaming arguments all the time and can barely stand each other just a few years into the marriage, but they can't get a divorce because Satine doesn't want to admit to that kind of weakness or mistake or seem like someone who just made a political marriage for her own agenda (even though that's effectively exactly what she did, as Obi-Wan points out).
There's other tensions that come up, as well, like the problem of heirs. Obi-Wan and Satine DO try, but it never seems to actually work, and Satine's worry that she'll have made all of these changes to make Mandalore peaceful only for it to fall into civil war again upon her death if she doesn't have an heir means that she keeps trying to insist on more attempts and getting upset with Obi-Wan when it inevitably doesn't work. They end up in separate bedrooms because of this, despite the gossip this inevitably creates about their relationship fracturing. Eventually, Bo-Katan shows up with the baby she had but refuses to keep and asks Satine to raise in her place, and Satine agrees so long as Bo-Katan allows Satine to name the baby her heir. Bo-Katan agrees, and Satine stops trying to create an heir of her own in favor of raising Korkie as her heir.
Obi-Wan also keeps trying to find work-arounds to Satine's reluctance to let him help her politically. He accepts that she doesn't want him in the room when she's holding council and he can't be ON the council, but even when he suggests something as simple as just discussing things together in the privacy of their own bedroom so he can try to help carry the burden with her, but Satine refuses to do even that much just in case people start suspecting that she's taking advice from him and assume he is ruling through her. Obi-Wan ends up entirely cut off from all political work and decisions, Satine never tells him anything about what's going on at all and never wants his advice on how to lead Mandalore. She barely even allows him near Korkie to make sure no one ever questions Korkie's right to succeed her or his ability to lead Mandalore.
Obi-Wan attempts to stay in contact with some of the Jedi, but they're often busy and can't respond very quickly, if they respond at all, so those relationships start to fade. Only Qui-Gon keeps up any kind of regular communication and even that is still relatively sporadic depending on how his missions go. He tries to cling to the Jedi teachings he remembers as best he can rather than assimilating into Mandalorian culture, something that further alienates him from the Mandalorian people. Satine had given him formal clothing to wear and had told him that, as her spouse, he had to present himself a certain way, which meant he could not continue to wear Jedi or Jedi-style clothing. But he continues to meditate as best he can, at least once a day, reciting the meditation mantra he was taught as a child to ensure he never forgets it: there is no emotion, there is peace.
Satine hates that he seems generally uninterested in most Mandalorian customs, even though he knows them and has studied them as best he can. She sees his continued interest in practicing Jedi culture as a rejection of Mandalorian culture and doesn't really understand Obi-Wan when he says that they often feel diametrically opposed. He cannot do both, and she's asked him to give up enough of his Jedi heritage as it is, it feels cruel to ask him to give up what little is left to him for her own comfort. Satine points out that he wasn't BORN a Jedi, so it shouldn't really matter to let go of it. Obi-Wan doesn't speak to her for weeks after that, and while she does apologize for having hurt him, she still doesn't entirely understand, and Obi-Wan isn't interested in explaining anymore, something that just makes her angry all over again and the two of them have to agree to simply never discuss the topic again.
Obviously all of this creates irreparable damage to their relationship. Satine's youth when she took over Mandalore caused her to focus exclusively on what she believed needed to be done to solidify her position so she could do waht was best for her people, regardless of what that meant for Obi-Wan. She doesn't INTEND to hurt him and abandon him, but she married him for political reasons even if she had feelings for him. Obi-Wan's desire to replace the purpose he'd had as a Jedi with some kind of purpose on Mandalore causes him to push Satine to give things in their relationship that she's unwilling to give, and her refusal to meet him halfway and his alienation from her life creates resentment in him. Even as they grow older and Satine could theoretically try to rectify some of these mistakes and allow him to help her more politically, there is a rift between them that neither one knows how to cross. So they don't; Satine continues to put all of her focus on politics and Obi-Wan keeps his distance. They just continue to grow further and further apart without any way to free themselves from the black hole that is their marriage.
The one time they manage to get along is when Obi-Wan gets word that Qui-Gon died on Naboo. Satine finds him in his room after he didn't show up for something and he's practically catatonic on the floor, the room in a state of disarray. She sits down next to him and just offers him her silent presence until eventually he reaches over to hold her hand and she grasps it back. The two of them sit on that floor for the entire night until she has to leave to go to a meeting in the morning. They never discuss it.
And then TCW comes around and we're just assuming canon went mostly as per usual somehow and so the war still starts and the Jedi are leading the clone army and Death Watch has been building over on Concordia and Ferus Olin shows up on Mandalore to figure out what's going on. Ferus tries to speak to Obi-Wan because he'd heard a lot about Obi-Wan from Siri even though they'd obviously never had a chance to meet and Siri had mostly fallen out of contact with Obi-Wan by the time she took on Ferus, but he has very little time to do much more than tell Obi-Wan who he is and pass on the news that Siri had died recently during the war.
Then Satine goes to speak to Coruscant to convince them that she's NOT the one sending people to attack supply ships and she ends up bringing Obi-Wan with her. Obi-Wan isn't allowed to take part in the political dinner she has with Ferus and the other senators, so he wanders and ends up meeting Ferus's men, including Waxer, Boil, and Cody. Cody is initially more stiff and formal given Obi-Wan's assumed political position as Satine's spouse, but he warms up to Obi-Wan eventually, especially when Obi-Wan is able to sense the spider droids in the cargo area and proves himself a decent shot. Obi-Wan asks for stories of Ferus because he was fairly certain he wouldn't get a chance to really get to know him on this trip, but he'd been close with Ferus's old master and wanted to get to know the student Siri had trained in the only way available to him. Waxer and Boil are more than happy to tell him what stories they know and even Cody joins in eventually. A few other troopers switch out with Waxer and Boil later and Obi-Wan is able to get even more stories. This is the closest Obi-Wan has felt to a group of people in almost 20 years and he feels practically giddy about it.
When they arrive on Coruscant, Obi-Wan is told to stay in the apartments they're given, but when things go sideways for Satine, she has no one else she can call for help that she trusts except Obi-Wan, so he still comes in to help her with the assassins and manages to make his way into the Senate building to pass over the evidence she'd acquired to Padme, someone Satine believed to be trustworthy. It works, and Satine is able to be "neutral" in the war without having to leave the Republic. Before they leave, though, Satine tries to insist that Obi-Wan should go visit the Jedi Temple, try to see if any of his friends are currently there, just experience being there again, but he refuses. When she tries to push the issue, Obi-Wan snaps at her to drop it and insists that they just leave immediately. She does, and they leave without Obi-Wan being able to get anyone's contact information.
However, Satine is different after this. This was perhaps the first time in almost two decades that the two of them had actually worked TOGETHER on something and it reminded her of how they had used to be. It reminds her of the person Obi-Wan used to be, and the person he was supposed to become, the person he'd chosen to give up for her and her goals for Mandalore. And she hates the person she sees now, this defeated, jaded man she's helped create. So she goes back to him when they arrive on Mandalore and tries to talk to him again about why he didn't want to visit the Jedi Temple. Obi-Wan isn't receptive initially, asking her why she cares and rolling his eyes at her when she claims that she cares because she cares about him. But eventually, her gentle nudging gets him to admit that it would've hurt more than he could bear to walk in his home again knowing he couldn't stay. And it would've been too painful to see his people caught in a war that was killing them, to know just how many of his friends were now dead, and be unable to do anything to help them. It felt almost like it would've been insulting for him to have done so. Satine tells him that she doesn't quite understand, obviously, she'll likely never entirely understand how he feels, but she knows now that she doesn't NEED to understand. She just needs to accept how he feels and be there for him. She asks if there's anything she can do to help, and Obi-Wan is silent for a moment, almost stunned by this changed version of his wife, before telling her that there's nothing she can do to help him with this, but he'll let her know if that changes.
Their relationship doesn't really MEND afterwards, but it becomes less actively hostile. Satine tells him about her day sometimes, including the political things she gets involved in. She asks him questions about his time as a Jedi and listens when he chooses to say something (and when he tells her he'd rather not discuss it). They occasionally take meals together now, although they're often awkward and uncomfortable. Satine starts very VERY quietly looking into the option of a divorce. She doesn't say anything to Obi-Wan in case she can't follow through on it, but she at least wants to know her options.
When Padme shows up, she invites Obi-Wan to dine with them and when they go visit the children's hospital. When the council meets, she invites both Padme AND Obi-Wan, and it's the first time Obi-Wan ever sits in on a meeting with the council. Padme still asks to speak, but Obi-Wan tries to stay as unobtrusive as possible. Even during the rest of Satine's hunt for the perpetrator of the poisoned drinks, he keeps to himself. Right up until she starts threatening the innocent dock worker if he doesn't blow up the warehouse. He steps in and defends the dock worker's insistence that the warehouse could have evidence in it that could actually lead them to who allowed this to happen and while he understands her anger at the situation, making a statement isn't worth losing valuable time and information. Satine almost snaps back at him before his words sink in and she recognizes them to be true and she allows the warehouse to stay, but orders that it be quarantined and blocked off from the public.
Satine still wants to call for Jedi assistance in looking into the issue and Quinlan Vos is sent to help her. Obi-Wan remembers him from before he left, they'd been friends and he remembers being attracted to Quinlan and thinking Quinlan might have similar feelings back, but neither had acted on it and they hadn't quite known each other well enough to keep in contact after he married Satine. Much to Obi-Wan's surprise, he's no less attracted to Quinlan now than he was as a teenager, but it's not something he can actually act on and Quinlan is here to do a job anyway. But Quinlan remembers Obi-Wan, too, and takes the opportunity to get to know him again. His laid-back attitude and sarcastic quips start pulling Obi-Wan out of his shell a little. Satine takes a step back on this one and allows Obi-Wan to be her primary "ambassador" between the government and the Jedi representative, which allows Obi-Wan to get out and do something more productive to actually help Mandalore finally and gives him more time to bond with Quinlan. They discover the Prime Minister's secret black market dealings. Because they're still within the Republic, their supply of goods isn't actually THAT impacted, Almec is just a greedy asshole.
When Quinlan leaves, he insists on leaving his contact information with Obi-Wan and while he does warn that, due to the nature of his work, he likely won't be able to immediately respond very often, he'll make sure to always respond once he's in a position to do so and Obi-Wan should feel free to just keep sending/leaving messages for him. Obi-Wan says he'll think about it, but he sends his first message the next day. The contact is still pretty sporadic, Quinlan sometimes doesn't respond for a week or two at a time, but true to his word, he DOES always respond eventually and always seems happy to have received Obi-Wan's communications.
And then Maul invades Mandalore with Death Watch. Obi-Wan tries to speak up again when Satine says the people have made their choice, he tries to convince her that this fight is hardly over and if she was able to bring together all of the warring clans and force them into a 20-year-peace, she can fight this and keep Death Watch from outplaying her. She points out that Death Watch is armed while most of her guards were killed when the criminals attacked, but she agrees to at least TRY to negotiate and win back the hearts and minds of the people. When she and Obi-Wan show up to negotiate, Pre Viszla isn't there, Maul is, and he immediately kills her. Obi-Wan is barely able to escape because his use of the Force to hold Maul back shocks him enough to give Obi-Wan an opening and Bo-Katan shows up at the last second and gets him to a ship.
Obi-Wan is devastated by the events, obviously, he never wanted Satine DEAD or Mandalore run by a Sith and they'd just started to fix things between them, but a guilty part of him is also relieved because he's finally free. He goes to Coruscant to request asylum from the Republic and and he ends up staying within the Jedi Temple in order to receive their protection. The Jedi set Obi-Wan up with a mind healer to help him through not just the trauma of Death Watch and Maul's attack on Mandalore, but the impact of the entire last few decades since he left the Order. Obi-Wan immediately sheds his formal Mandalorian clothing and starts wearing Jedi robes again, he spends a lot of time reading in the Archives and meditating in the gardens and just wandering around the Temple and sort-of soaking up the serenity that still exists there despite the war and its effect on the Jedi. It's painful to know how many of his old friends and mentors are already lost, still, but there are still many left alive and the Temple still stands. It's still a bastion of hope. Instead of the painful visit he anticipated the last time he was on Coruscant, he can feel himself beginning to heal the moment he steps foot back in the Temple.
He speaks to Yoda quite a lot and while Yoda does ask if Obi-Wan has considered rejoining the Order, Obi-Wan isn't really sure. He'd obviously be a particularly unorthodox case since he'd need to finish (restart really) his training at a very old age and his old Master is long dead. Yoda tells him that Obi-Wan definitely isn't ready yet, he needs to heal a little more, but he hasn't lost as much of his training as he thinks he has, and after the war, they'll need more good Jedi to help replenish their numbers. Yoda promises to take him on as his last student if he does choose to come back, but also promises him that none of them will think any less of him if he decides it's no longer the right path for him to walk. Obi-Wan agrees to think on it.
Eventually, Obi-Wan meets Quinlan again and the attraction they'd once had for each other as teenagers rekindles and combines with the friendship they'd begun developing the last time they met. Obi-Wan is uncertain about having sex given that his only experiences with it have been the disastrous attempts at creating an heir with Satine that were so emotionally draining and so damaging to their relationship, but Quinlan takes it slow and makes sure they both have a good time and doesn't just walk away afterwards, but stays until the morning. They spend time training together, with Obi-Wan trying to remember what he'd been taught before and Quinlan giving him pointers and offering to spar whenever he's up to it.
One day, Obi-Wan is wandering the halls, just looking at the artwork on the walls of the Temple, when he hears someone address him as "Your Grace" and he turns to see Cody standing nearby. Obi-Wan is exceedingly happy to have confirmation that Cody has survived the intervening time since they'd last seen each other and offers to show Cody around the Temple a little (Cody's been given a tour before, but he opts not to tell Obi-Wan that, besides it's a big place and he'll probably have different places to show Cody than Ferus had). They end up spending all day together at the Temple and agree to meet up again before Cody has to leave. This time, Obi-Wan makes sure to get Cody's contact information before he goes and they continue to keep in contact with each other as often as they can.
Bo-Katan eventually shows up at the Temple and demands that he help her fix and restore Mandalore after Maul and Death Watch's takeover because he may have been an outsider, but he was married to Satine for two decades, he has a responsibility to Mandalore, etc etc. And he refuses. He gave his entire life to Mandalore, he gave up everything to try to help Satine fix Mandalore and look where it led. Satine is dead now, he won't make the same mistake twice. If Bo-Katan wants to try to fix what she broke on her home planet, she can go through the proper channels and ask the Republic Senate for assistance. He owes Mandalore nothing. Bo-Katan asks if he ever even loved Satine at all. He looks her dead in the eye and says, "Did you?" Bo-Katan leaves.
Maybe at one point, he ends up running into Anakin in the Temple, like maybe Anakin sits at Obi-Wan's table for a meal or something and he's clearly agitated, so Obi-Wan tries to be polite and ask if he's okay and because Obi-Wan is a complete stranger, Anakin sort-of snaps and tells Obi-Wan things he likely shouldn't. He's probably sleep deprived and caught up in his head and barely thinking about the ramifications of what he's doing, he's just upset and needs to talk to SOMEONE. Maybe he's had an argument with Padme or thinks she's cheating on him or something to that effect, so he can't talk to Padme and he hasn't been able to make it to Palpatine yet, so he's stuck at the Temple and Obi-Wan kind-of just ends up caught in the crossfire, for better or worse, and figures out not only that Anakin is married to a sitting senator (from a planet that doesn't allow their senators to be married no less), but that he did SOME kind of horrible thing not too long ago that his secret wife is aware of and that definitely breaks the Jedi code. Obi-Wan does his best to navigate the minefield that is this conversation before Anakin just sort-of wanders off and then immediately decides to report what he's learned to the Council.
The Council calls Anakin in and interrogates him about this and they speak to Padme to try to get to the bottom of it. Both of them deny it, but it turns out that the Jedi interrogating Anakin and Padme about it spurs one of Padme's handmaidens into finally bringing the evidence she's been collecting to the attention of the Naboo government. She has evidence of Padme being secretly married to a Jedi, evidence that Padme has used her relationship with Anakin to ensure he prioritizes Naboo, evidence that Padme has ditched her responsibilities as a senator to spend time with Anakin. And while Padme had no issue lying to the Jedi Council, especially when all they had was hearsay from one witness, she can't lie to her own government when it's her own handmaiden who is presenting all of this evidence against her. She HAS to confess and her confession inevitably brings down Anakin, too.
The Council offer Anakin the opportunity to make a different choice, to terminate his marriage with Padme and re-commit to the Order. He'd have to be removed from his position as a General in the GAR and grounded to the Temple to speak to a mind healer until the Council decided his commitment was genuine. Anakin initially refuses, but when he tries to go back to Padme, she turns him away. She chose to admit to having covered up Anakin's massacre of the Tuskens as well and that admission turned the accusations from something fairly simple to something much more heinous. Neither Naboo nor the Republic care about the Tuskens, but they do care about one of the Jedi charged with protecting them having massacred a village down to the last child and a sitting senator not reporting him for it. Palpatine has already laid the groundwork for the people of the galaxy to fear the Jedi, so this new information about Anakin is seen as proof that the Jedi could turn on anybody if sufficiently pushed. Padme is going to face serious consequences for covering it up, but the Queen steps in and promises Padme her protection if she agrees to terminate the relationship and promise she'll never see Anakin again. Padme agrees.
Anakin goes back to the Jedi before Palpatine can get to him and agrees to their terms. The relationship is over with Padme, he'll accept the demotion and the mind healing sessions in order to remain a Jedi because it's all he has left. Palpatine can't really speak to him because Anakin's basically under seclusion in the Temple. He's not really speaking to anybody. He does ultimately figure out that it was Obi-Wan who snitched to the Council about him and hates Obi-Wan for it and never wants to speak to him again. Obi-Wan has no problems with that, but he hopes Anakin figures out how to get better, that much anger can't be good for anyone. Ultimately, the mind healing starts to work. Anakin starts being just a little more mindful and starts accepting certain things about Palpatine so that when the Council offers him a job speaking to Palpatine and basically spying on him for the Council, he accepts in order to earn back their trust. Palpatine still tries to manipulate him, pulls out every trick in the book, but this time, Anakin has just enough of a buffer to keep from falling right back into Palpatine's orbit. He figures out Palpatine's a Sith, informs the Council, and ends up invited along when they go to arrest him. Palpatine doesn't survive.
And after that, it's just a matter of everyone settling into a happy fix-it AU. Anakin leaves the Jedi on amicable terms and goes off to do whatever, who cares. Padme stays on Naboo to reconnect with her family. The war ends, the Separatists probably have to realize how little of their government actually functioned and maybe gain a few clues about the atrocities done in their name. Some of them ultimately rejoin the Republic in the wake of these revelations, others refuse and try to continue their own government together, but this time they're actually able to make a treaty with the Republic. The clones are able to stand up for themselves and refuse to continue to be an army for a Republic no longer at war and the Senate votes to demilitarize. The Jedi's work doesn't end with the war, peacekeeping involves a lot more than just fighting after all and this is the part of the job all of them have been hoping to make it back to.
Obi-Wan decides to take Yoda up on his offer and rejoins the Jedi Order as Yoda's last Padawan to finish the journey he started so long ago.
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gffa · 1 year
what do you think would have happened if the jedi had found out anakin was married pre-rots? would he be forced to leave/choose one over the other? are there any circumstances, even one where he was a completely different person, under which anakin would be able to marry padme and remain a member of the order, and if so, what would the consequences of that be (i.e. what would it look like)?
It's such an interesting question because we really know so little about the Jedi worldbuilding, the only two things I can really even think of that talk about it are : - Padme’s incredibly off-hand mention of how Anakin would be expelled if the Jedi found out about their baby.  What’s the context of this, where did she learn this?  Is Anakin the one who told her?  Because I have some Doubts about Anakin’s reliability on these things, considering that he also has shown an unwillingness to accept Jedi philosophy, according to Lucas.  Anakin, who thinks the Council hate him, may be thinking in extremes and wouldn’t even consider that they’d try working with him. - George Lucas gave a talk at Celebration one year and the subject of Jedi giving up marriage was talked about, where it ties into their willingness to be selfless, to be willing to give up everything (because life is impermanent and transient) when the time comes.  They love people, but they cannot hold onto them--and I think the way he’s framing it is that marriage should be selfish, if you’re going to make that commitment. But he doesn’t say anything about Jedi being expelled for it, just that it’s something they give up.  And given how we see Anakin actually breaking a ton of rules or getting into trouble in TCW and never, not once getting in any significant trouble for it, I think the Jedi would very much be willing to sit down and talk about this. For me, I think, yes, he would be asked to choose and, if he refused to, that’s a huge sign that he’s unwilling to follow the Jedi way of selflessness and a willingness to accept their duty to the galaxy, rather than personal concerns, that he could very well get someone killed because, in a crucial moment, he would choose his own feelings over his duty.  The only other time Anakin is threatened with expulsion is in exactly that kind of context--when he was willing to put his fear for Padme above his duty to help end the war before it even started, when he was willing to jump out of that plane on Geonosis rather than go face Dooku, it showed that he was tempted to put all those lives at risk for his own feelings.  Even Obi-Wan points out:  What would Padme do?  She would do her duty, Anakin grudgingly admits.  Because, in Star Wars, that duty is important.  Because, in Star Wars, that’s how the narrative of the story works.  That’s the themes we’re working with here. Is there any universe in which he could remain married and stay a Jedi?  I did once read a fic where Anakin was given the option to remain a Jedi, but he would never achieve the rank of Master, he would never be promoted beyond Knight, and iirc that he would never be given certain types of missions and I liked that fic a lot, it really worked for me.  I think he’d have to be willing to accept that and I’m not sure if he would, but without Palpatine’s influence, in a universe where Anakin was allowed to actually spiritually grow without Palpatine constantly urging him to give in to his worst impulses, he might not like it when he first agrees to it, but I could see him growing to find peace with it. But I can also see a world where, because Anakin is Anakin, he’ll never be able to find balance between these two marriages of his, one to Padme and one to the Jedi, that it only feeds his fears and his greed for the galaxy to bend to his will. But I like the idea that the Jedi love Anakin enough that they would be willing to find a compromise, one that keeps him from getting people hurt because he can’t achieve the balance necessary for the responsibility they’re given, but that he can remain a Jedi and maybe teach saber classes or engineering classes or something.  Jedi love teaching and while I don’t think Anakin has the patience for the toddlers of the creche, I can see him having a good time with a bunch of little gear-heads who love getting their faces stuck inside a droid just as much as he does.
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Ani and the Corrie Guard Jedi snippets.
Since Anakin can't really be on the field and they can't recall one of their top generals, Anakin ends up being placed with one of the initiate groups.
Which, after a bit of a rocky start results in Anakin getting a squad of tiny chaotic Jedi Younglings to hang out with.
The council won't admit it, but none of them have any clue about what to do with young Anakin, he's now even more of a force Anomaly so they really need to keep an eye on him, but also there's a war going on and they need to focus on that, so they're just kind of waiting for thr force to give them an answer while low key stressing as this tiny child causes chaos.
Mace refuses to even be around him because the boy is a walking explosion of shatter points and he gets a headache just thinking about the kid.
Obi-wan and Anakin are both off planet when Babykin Arrives, so they find out over holo call.
Obi-wan really wishes he could take Anakin with him, but he's also well aware he can't have a young padawan on the front lines. He does visit whenever he's in the temple though, because he secretly misses the early years of the boys Padawanship.
Ahsoka meets Anakin entirely by accident when she gets recruited to help with lightsaber lessons, she thinks that Baby Sky Guy is the cutest, but it's also a little strange because the idea that this kid is her master is really weird. What's weirder is that the two get on like a house on fire.
Adult Anakin makes it his life goal to avoid himself as much as possible, he's not entirely sure why, but there's something about coming face to face with his child self that makes him feel weird and he doesn't like it.
He won't admit that he's a little scared of facing himself and what his younger self would think of him.
Tiny Anakin also has confusing feelings about his adult self, mostly because of the fact that he's got this huge reputation and tiny Anakin has no idea how he's supposed to live up to himself.
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mydarllinglover · 1 month
Stars Collided || Twelve
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The two had returned in the early hours of the next day.
Lovisa hadn’t done anything but sit around and wait for them, she couldn’t even sleep, and refused, where Beru had offered her a bed.
The Princess’s chest ached, as she watched Anakin carry his mothers body, towards the farm, and without saying anything to his new family, he continued, into their home.
"Snips." Lovisa looked at her friend, who seemed deeply troubled, she was breathing heavy too, and her hands slightly shook. "What happened?"
"Lovey." Ahsoka grabbed hold of her wrist, and pulled her away from the three, so that they could talk in private.
"What happened back there?" Lovisa asked, once again, now that they were alone.
"Vis, it was horrible, no child should have to see their parent like that, like she was. She was still alive, when we got there, but, oh, god, it was bad, so, so bad, she had been suffering for so long, tied up to some rack. Then she… she died in his arms."
"Fuck." The princess cursed, completely taken back, as she clutched her chest.
"That's not all, after she died, something in him just sort of snapped, I couldn't break him out of it, I couldn't, I tried, Lovey, but I failed."
"What? What did he do?" Lovisa asked, growing even more worried.
"You should ask him, yourself, I can't repeat it." Ahsoka then walked away from her, shaking her head.
They had held a small funeral for Shmi Skywalker, Anakin had been the one to dig his mothers grave, and bury her beneath.
Lovisa and Ahsoka had stood by the side, as her family surrounded her.
"You were the love of my life." Cliegg spoke. "Kind, gentle, and generous, to anyone who needed it, no matter what situation was going on in your own life, you taught me to be a better person, and my biggest regret is not having enough time with you."
Anakin had requested some time alone with his mother, and they had all granted it to him.
But eventually, Lovisa had decided she’d given him enough space, and it was time to get answers.
She had found him in one of the farms workshops, he was stood at a work bench, messing around with some parts, fixing them, she realised.
"Life seems so much more simple, when you're fixing things." He said, his voice came out harsh, as he held back all his emotions, his throat was dry, as well, from the desert sand.
"Anakin..." Lovisa started. "What happened back there?"
Anakin kept his head down, as he continued to work on some sort of charm.
"Ani" She sighed, taking a step closer to him. "Whatever it was, Ahsoka seemed really troubled by it. Whatever happened, you can tell me. Please, please tell me."
Her heart beat loudly, as she waited for a reply, she slightly chewed on her lip.
"I told her not to come, but she didn't listen."
"I asked her to go with you." Lovisa replied.
"You shouldn't have done that." He glared at the girl.
"I just want to understand." She laid a hand on his shoulder.
He took a deep breath, before seeming to change his mind about calming down, turning on her, sharply.
"I killed them." He snapped at her. "I killed them all. Not just the men, but the women, and the children, too, I slaughtered them!" His voice rose, as did his anger, at the memory of last night. "They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals, every single one of them. I hate them!"
Lovisa gasped at what he had admitted, what he confessed to her.
"They tortured her, for a month, she suffered and I couldn't help her, they wouldn't let me go to her! They're jealous of me, the council and Obi-Wan, they're jealous of me, and they're holding me back, I could have prevented it, but they wouldn't allow it, made out that I was the weak one, but If I had done something, she'd still be alive. I'm stronger and more powerful, than them, and they can't stand it."
Lovisa had nothing to say to him, she couldn't offer anything, she stared at him in pure shock.
"She's dead, my mother is dead, and I didn't help her." His anger had changed into sadness, as tears pulled from his eyes. "She's gone, she's gone forever, and I'm never going to see her again." He wept.
In his anger, Anakin had stepped closer to the girl, and now, as he allowed his grief to consume him, he fell into her arms, dropping his head onto her shoulder, as he continued to cry for his mother.
Lovisa wrapped her arms around him, offering him comfort that he soar out from her.
Her fingers tangled in his hair, as she soothingly played with it.
"It's okay." She whispered to him. "It's okay, she's at peace now, she's not suffering anymore, it's okay."
Anakin hadn’t been able to pull himself together, for some time, and Lovisa had held him, her fingers rubbing his scalp, as she rubbed his back, saying soothing things, into his ear, until eventually he rose to his full height, and was able to carry on with life, as if any of it hadn’t happened.
The three had decided that they would need to return back to Naboo, and to the Lake district, seemingly as their chapter had been wrapped up here, and there was still a threat looming over the princess's head.
Lovisa sat between her two friends, no one would say anything, but the tension was thick.
"We need to stop, for the night." Ahsoka decided, suppressing a yawn.
"No, we'll keep going." Anakin refused, as he fought to keep his eyes open.
"We haven't slept in almost four days, Skywalker, you've drifted asleep enough times to know we should stop, and Lovisa can barely keep her head up."
"She's fine, she can sleep if she wants to." Anakin rolled his eyes, as he kept the arm that the girl was currently leaning on, still.
"We're stopping." Ahsoka pushed.
"It's more important that we get back."
"We're stopping?" Lovisa shot up, seeming alert, at the prospect of sleeping in an actual bed.
"Look, there's an Inn, over there, at least until sunrise, we all could use it, even the pups."
"Yes, we'll stay at the Inn, for the remaining of the night, it will do us all some good." Lovisa decided.
"Vis-" Anakin went to refuse, but when he looked at her, he knew he couldn't. "Fine, but as soon as the sun is up, we're gone."
Upon seeing the three teenagers, the innkeeper, a plump elderly woman, had given them two bedrooms, one for the boy, and one for the two girls, as she had told them that it was improper for the three of them to share, and so they had no choice but to accept the keys, as they hid their puppies under their cloaks.
"Did you talk to Skywalker?" Ahsoka had asked, as the two laid in bed, together, facing one another.
"I did." Lovisa admitted.
"He told me what happened." She sighed.
"What, and that's all you have to say about it?"
"What else am I supposed to say, Snips?"
"Lovey, he killed an whole village of people, I watched him do it, there were innocent people there."
"You didn't seem to have a problem with it, when he dealt with those men in the forest."
"Because it was a completely different situation. They were trying to kidnap you, and they weren't children."
"They killed his mother, kept her alive enough to torture her, and then she died in his arms. And Cliegg said himself that they were barely human, but monsters."
"But the whole village? Not all of them could be."
"I trust Anakin, he did what he thought was right."
"He did it for revenge." Ahsoka cut her off.
"Were they really innocent if they were there, they would have just grown up to their surroundings, done it to others, others who are innocent, no one deserves to go through what Shmi did, it could happen to you, or me, or anyone. Anakin would never kill someone who didn't deserve it."
"He's a Jedi, Lovisa, it's against the code to kill an unarmed person."
"He will never do something like this, again, I promise you, Ahsoka, he's a good person. He's the chosen one."
"Look, I like him, Lovey, I do, but can we really trust him?"
"We can, he would never do anything to harm us, God picked him, for a reason, and he wouldn't make a mistake, like that. We have to keep this to ourselves, and pretend it never happened, he did the world an favour by getting rid of such evil creatures."
"You really believe that?"
"I do."
"Then I guess I can convince myself of that, too." Ahsoka looked down, as she chewed on her lip, deep in thought.
Lovisa sat up, lifting the duvet off of her.
"I should go check on him." She thought out loud.
Ahsoka didn't reply, instead, turning around on her other side, her back facing the princess.
Lovisa took this as a good response, to leave.
She stood in front of the door to his room, for the night, in just a pale blue silk night gown, thinking about what she was going to say to him.
She forced herself to knock on the wood, before thinking about it, and as she begun to regret her decision, and call herself all sorts of insults, it opened.
There he stood, he wasn't wearing an item of clothing on his top half, and was in his black trousers, like always.
Lovisa felt her cheeks grow red, as she pried her eyes off of his chest, and looked up at his face, his hair hung in front of his eyes, as he looked down at her, leaning his forearm on the door frame.
"Vis?" He asked.
She blinked. Twice.
"Anakin." She said, she couldn't think of anything else.
"What are you doing, here?" he studied her. “Awake.”
Lovisa swallowed, before taking a breath, then remembered why she did come here.
"I wanted to check up on you, make sure you're doing okay." She told him. "Are you doing okay?"
He looked past her, not having an answer.
"I am not sure." He replied, honestly.
"Would it help if I kept you company?" Lovisa found herself saying.
"You wanna come in?" He furrowed his brows.
"If you'll allow me."
He nodded, his eyes on the floor.
"I'd like that." Anakin looked at her, as his eyes swam with emotion.
She smiled at him, a kind, comforting smile.
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phoeebsbuffay · 1 year
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Imagine you are about to become a Master Jedi under the guidance of Master Kenobi… 😏
Warnings: smut, drama, sort of light reading.
Warnings 2: fluffy endings, alternative universe where the Siths have been defeated and Anakin hasn’t turned to the dark side.
Warnings 3: (loosely) based on “505” by Arctic Monkeys.
Recommendations: “505”, “Do I Wanna Know”, “Four Out Of Five”, “R U Mine” by Arctic Monkeys.
No minors.
Once Anakin Skywalker has been assigned a Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, though never truly stopping monitoring his activities, decides to carry on with other tasks to him delegated. Until Y/N appears. You are about to get your trials, but the Master who was once responsible for you was killed in battle. You are no more than twenty and five years of age—an average age to be elevated to the title of Master Jedi—but is there really a necessity to train you, prepare you for your trials?
Because he is doing this as a favor to Master Windu, who used to be very close to Master H/N, Obi-Wan sees no other choice but taking you under his wing.
Yet, he is somewhat disconcerted when his eyes spot you for the very first time—a sort of sentiment that strikes him that hasn’t effected him since when he first laid his eyes on Duchess Satine so many years ago—-; you are blessed with some sort of ethereal beauty: his blue eyes cannot divert from y/c skin, so soft and inviting to a gentle touch; your y/c hair which drops in long waves of curls that drop by your waist—impressive, Obi-Wan thought—, your curves that are so… He swallows hard, trying not to stare at how the bandage around your breasts seems to reinforce them or at your well shaped body.
Good grief, you are a well made woman. Obi-Wan tries to push away these unwelcoming thoughts, and it’s not very helpful that when you turn your face at him, sensing his presence, you greet him warmly. The spark in those y/c eyes and the smile that is pushed wide open by those rosy lips are enough to knock this man down.
Perhaps I’ve been far too lonely for my taste. Perhaps I am projecting my aching heart, having missed Satine for a while, towards Y/N. She does not deserve that. Besides, may I remind myself that Jedis must not form any sort of attachment?
He clears his throat when approaching you. You watch him with interest. Unbeknownst to Obi-Wan, the same impressions that crossed his mind make home in your mind. You judge him to be the handsomest man your eyes laid on: in fact, you always believed to have gone insufferable towards your youth and young adult phase where most of your colleagues developed sentiments for someone or went to some houses of pleasure to put out the needs of the flesh.
Ironically, it is a Jedi Master who weakens your knees and messes with your reason. You thought nothing would tempt you to break this rule often professed as difficult by many of your colleagues. Although most would pass through the challenges of the heart rather easily, they still suffered the process of having feelings and broken hearts.
You thought invincible to it, indeed. You even laughed away when a friend of yours told you the following:
“One day, you will be tempted, Y/N. Laugh as you wish now, but the worst temptation is not of the kind that slaves the flesh, but the soul. And when this day comes, you’ll pay with your laughters.”
Perhaps your friend H/N is right. But your pride refuses to admit it. Yet, your eyes linger at his red hair, his beard, his lips… His well build muscles underneath the leather brown-ish robes somehow give you an unknown friction never before felt in your legs. However, what does knock you down is how his blue eyes find the path to reach your soul.
“Miss Y/N”, he greets you warmly. “I am Obi-Wan Kenobi. I trust Master Windu told you about our encounter? My condolences for the loss of Master H/N. Must be difficult for you, specially concerning your current situation.”
You compose yourself, praying the Maker not to make yourself a fool—it’s too early to pay for the sin you’ve committed to your friends, to suffer the consequences of your pride, for which you are not ready.
“Master Kenobi”. You bow your head out of respect. “Your condolences are warm-felt and most appreciated, thank you. Indeed, Master Windu thought prudent that I should get my preparation for such an expected moment under a wise Master such as yourself. It is an honor to me, sir.”
The older man, experienced in countless battles and known for his tact in diplomacy, smiles at you. You already know that a path of suffering is on your way, since how a man such as Obi-Wan Kenobi would ever look at an inexperience woman as yourself? The mere thought would make you blush had you not been mindful that this man is capable of reading minds.
“Oh please”, he chuckles. “I am unworthy of such adjectives, Miss Y/N. I too was once like you, a Jedi in preparation to become a Master. Soon, a seat at the council will be yours to take.”
Somehow this perception had never been taken in consideration until now. Yet, you are careful in keeping your emotions in check.
“I only pray to get more experiences in field, sir, before being worthy of such a seat.”
Obi-Wan seems to admire this humility trait you display naturally. If only Anakin had this same thought… Again, the Jedi smiles at you.
“Well, not everything about Jedis concerns the battlefield, miss Y/N. Whilst today we are remembering some of the martial arts that are most important to defend ourselves from the enemy out there, it must not be forgotten that diplomacy is as important to use as any light saber.”
You nod attentively. There is a moment where his eyes capture something in yours, though—what is it, he is afraid to say. Obi-Wan clears his throat, diverting from the temptation of the flesh his heart seems to incline.
“Get your saber. Show me what you have, miss Y/N.”
You nod your head. Concentrated, you refuse to give ears to that of yourself who wishes to show off your abilities. You want to prove your worth. Master H/N never managed to wipe out this insecurity of yours, but here you are… Nearly close to be overshadowed by it.
Nonetheless, Obi-Wan looks at you rather surprised. He did indeed underestimate you initially, an error he now does tries to placate. You put your best at show, and it is only once he manages to defeat you.
“Well done, Miss Y/N”, Obi-Wan claps at you before helping you to stand. “You were well taught by Master H/N. He would be proud.”
Your emotions betray your balance as you blush and look momentarily down at your feet before flashing a smile to Obi-Wan.
“Thank you, Master Kenobi. You will find in me a student who tries her best in doing her assignments.”
Obi-Wan smiles back at you.
“A trait I wish my former Padawan had cared to develop, I’m afraid. Well, I don’t think we are having many difficulties from now on, Y/N. Though I should warn you I am not making things easy for you.”
You chuckle in response before flashing him a smirk:
“I am not expecting otherwise, Master.”
Something about this response pleases him more than a Master normally would…
As each day that passes one less gets to your trials, Obi-Wan keeps his promises and you find yourself involved in complicated missions and harder trainings to the point you end your days exhausted.
“You are doing surprisingly well”, he tells you once you finish your presentation concerning the genealogy of diplomacy in different aspects of Jedi history, dominating every point he asks you. This is far worse than trying to block his blows when in field. “I think it is fair to say we are closer to end the practice before your trials.”
“Closer to end?”, you scoff at him. “Master, I thought you’d give me a break after this presentation!”
He smiles at your protests.
“You are excelling yourself, Y/N, but this does not mean you ought to relax. Not yet. What we will do next is diminish considerable your exercises. Besides, you will have this weekend off.”
You sigh heavily. You could easily drop in bed right now. Obi-Wan approaches, placing a hand over your shoulder, aware of your exhaustion.
“I mean every word I said, Y/N.”
“I thought you are no man to give some compliments”, you tease him in return.
“You are just too tense to see that I am not that serious a man I am”, he chuckles.
By saying so, he asks you if you’d like some massage and as you say you do, you realize that was something you shouldn’t have done. At the mere touch of his masculine hands full of callous against your soft skin, you start to feel a heat rising in between your legs that you are sure it is not the result of trains.
To worse matters, this simple gesture seems to bond one’s thoughts to another. Obi-Wan is surprised to find you reciprocate his attraction to you. Maybe something more is developing, seeing an attachment is ready to give fruits.
He should have removed his hands, but his mind starts to wonder what would be like to remove every tension from your body. Would you give in to his touch? How would you react if he massaged your nipples, twirling each one under his fingers?
The mere idea starts to give him a boner. Obi-Wan comes to realize that to be close to you is a dangerous thing to do. Hence why he abruptly interrupts it and gives you a lame excuse before leaving you out there, confused and upset for his sudden depart.
You decide that whatever impressions you have of your Master are the result of any admiration a Padawan would have for their superiors. Though you are no longer a Padawan, you feel as if you are once the days of your trials get closer.
Despite seeing how tense you are, Obi-Wan not only attempts to sooth your fears but also gets harder on you to the point you will leave little doubt about going excellent in the exams.
Though unbeknownst to you, one day Anakin Skywalker is watching your physical practices and he says:
“You never did get this hard on me, Master”, he remarks in a tone Obi-Wan cannot identify. “Why are you different with her? I don’t think Master H/N would follow these tactics and…”
“It’s for her best, Anakin. She has some struggles that she must overcome.”
Ahsoka smirks, understanding before her Master what has been implied. Hence why she remarks:
“Struggles with what exactly? The feelings she might harbor for you?”
She earns looks from both men, Anakin looking rather amused and Obi-Wan not so.
“Ahsoka Tano, that is not what I’ve meant by any chance.”
She tries not to burst into giggles and Obi-Wan sighs heavily, deciding to excuse her youth for such an improper observation.
“Or maybe is it you who hopes to find flaws in Y/N in order to defeat the admiration you’ve nurtured?” Anakin softens then: “It’s been a while since Satine, Master. The war is over, it’s more than time that you…”
Obi-Wan sighs exasperatedly.
“I was not expecting you to speak nonsenses, Anakin. You, above all, should be with familiar the fact that…”
“Jedis must not form attachments”, meddles Ahsoka, completing his sentence. “And yet, look at whom you are talking to, Master. Don’t you know Padmé is pregnant for the third time?”
Obi-Wan blushes as his own reasoning is played against him. But it gives the perfect opportunity to change topics, much to Anakin’s dismay.
In the meantime, once you defeat the droids, you take a break at the white room, trying to catch your breath. It has been an exhausting week, which sucked out your energy to the core, but you've managed relatively well.
You remember your friends praising you for achieving what only Anakin Skywalker had managed to: accomplish the hard work Obi-Wan Kenobi tends to give when he has Padawans under his guidance---which only occurred with the now Master Skywalker.
"He has quite a reputation", you were told by your fellow Jedi H/N. "And I see you are doing well."
Despite the univiting affection that has been growing for the man you aim to please--a feeling you are on the way to repress, or trying to--your attempts in staying humble sometimes do not succeed.
“Why, It’s what we do”, so was your answer. “I don’t see me doing otherwise.”
Often you jest about it, getting others to laugh at your confidences, however in reality, far from the eyes of the public, you find hard to suppress the attachment you develop for him.
So all you do is avoid his presence whenever you can. At least when trainings end. But this behavior has been noticed by Obi-Wan. He is well aware of your attempts to wipe out the unwelcoming attachment you feel for him—something he has been trying to do himself—but he does not wish this unspoken tension to change the dynamics of your relationship.
So perhaps if you both come to terms to it, all will end well. Or so he thinks.
“Y/N Y/LN.”, he meets you in the corridors. It’s a Saturday, a day he usually leaves it to your rest. “My dear, may I have a word with you later today at about 6 o’clock at the masters’s quarters?”
He knows you would find an excuse, but knowing you usually take Saturday to rest, you have thus no commitment that could impede you two to meet. By confronting you in public, Obi-Wan knows you would hardly refuse. And he is right in his assumptions, though no one but him notices the pink that colors your cheeks.
“I… Of course, Master Obi-Wan. I’ll be right there.” You sound rather shyly, which by your friends who are nearby interpret it as a sign of respect.
He side smirks at you, telling you he is looking forward to talk to you. But as you two depart, his blue eyes follow your moves. That day, your hair is tied in a pony tail and you dress your usually Jedi robes. To his surprise, you are the quietest of your small group of friends. He then realizes that he wishes to know you more, a thought he is quickly to dismiss.
When you show up at the time you and Obi-Wan agreed to—or rather, he decided—, you find yourself nervous. Dressing more informally, you let your y/c hair loose as you fake a confidence that is normally attributed to you. If only people knew that is how you mask your insecurities.
But as you lift your hand to knock on the door, it is as if Obi-Wan is already expecting you. He opens it and greets you with delight in his eyes and a smile that melts you.
“Miss Y/N. Please come in.”
You barely notice how that room is private and rarely used. All you care about is the smile on that man’s face that rises to his blue eyes.
“Master”, you smile back. “What is the occasion of our meeting? I believed you promised to let me rest this weekend.”
Obi-Wan chuckles as he offers you a seat. Once you do, he starts preparing tea. It is only then he answers you:
“This is not about any training, my dear. In all honesty, I’ve been preoccupied with you. I never thought to get to know you properly.” He makes a pause before adding: “I didn’t ask how you dealt with Master H/N’s demise nor how was your training. I disrespected your grief. I wanted to amend this mistake of mine.”
You are surprised by his small speech, clearly not expecting these words, yet at the same time admiring his maturity. You offer him a smile as he serves you tea with cookies. Once he takes a seat opposite to yours, you say:
“I don’t think there is anything to apologize for, Master. Though I do appreciate your concern for me, I didn’t expect it was your obligation to get to know me at all. I was never your Padawan, for a start.”
“Nonetheless, as your new Master I believe to be most appropriate to hear what you have to say.” He hesitates for a moment. “This is a mistake I do not wish to commit again.”
And this is how it begins. In between smiles, you tell him about your journey as a Padawan to Master H/N, how he found you at planet Y/C and how he was much a father to you. You also told him about your favourite books, the tricks you used at some missions you’ve been assigned to.
Obi-Wan, on his turn, tells you his links to Master Qui-Gon Jinn, his scare memories concerning his family. Before you both know, the tea reunion is far lighter than you thought you’d be.
It is late night when three cups of tea had been drank and you think prudent to go back to your quarters. As you stand, so does Obi-Wan. But something seems changed when both of you lock gazes.
“I believe by now we can address one another by each other’s names, Y/N.”
You smile widely at him, a view he is mostly pleased to see. Whatever reservations you might have had with each other seem to dissipate. As you stand by the door, he takes your hand almost unconsciously.
To feel his mere touch incurs in diving into a magnetic field, resulting in waves of heat that could set both of you into an explosion. But both of you pretend nothing has happened…
“I believe we do, Obi-Wan. Thank you for the day, it’s been most pleasant.”
“Indeed it has, Y/N”. He makes a pause, rubbing your wrist with his thumb. “Are you feeling more comfortable now?”
“Well I’ve never been uncomfortable around you, Obi-Wan. Far from it.” You side smirk at him. “Though I appreciate your kindness. You are a good man. My master would be very thankful to know I have been entrusted to your guidance.”
One long glance. You might give more than you want to and Obi-Wan knows it. It is as if you are both mesmerized with each other, but one noise coming from the corridors breaks the spell and you are disappointed when he lets go of your hand.
You finally become a Jedi Master. After years working hard to accomplish a goal that has been set up to achieve from the days Master H/N spotted the Force in you, after a turbulent period you were forced to go through, especially at the demise of the one you looked at as a father, after a hard-work training under the guidance of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi… You succeed in it.
“Congratulations, Master Y/N Y/LN. To achieve the higher ground you did. Though much to learn you had, never ending a path knowledge is”, says Master Yoda.
You bend the knee and bow your head in a sign of humility. The ceremony of your rise as Jedi Master carries on with a small speech by Master Windu, a man who you manage to surprise.
“One must admit”, the Jedi smiles, “that I’ve never had any doubt you would succeed, Master Y/LN. You are dedicated and hard-working, qualities very praised by your former Master H/N and your current Master Kenobi.”
Your heart carefully races when your eyes spot the figure of Obi-Wan as he stays beside Master Windu, echoing his speech when adding a few words of his own.
Barely perceptible to those present, however, is the growing affection one feels for the other. One look is enough to defeat the pride that has been shielding each other’s heart…
Obi-Wan is patient, though. As the feast ends that late evening, he excuses himself earlier than it’s closing in order to go after you, seeing that you retired earlier.
You look fabulous with your long hair loose like a y/c waterfall of locks. In addition to this unique wild beauty that is so characteristically yours, you dress a purple gown that shows some cleavage as well as your shoulders. It is enough to tempt this man.
That evening you both exchanged very few words since each group, so different in many aspects, reclaimed your attentions. But you are not too social, so you invented something to be dismissed earlier. And so did he.
You are barely making to your quarters when you hear steps. To your surprise, it’s him. And he can hear no only the beatings of your heart but the chaos of your thoughts.
“Please, it’s Obi-Wan”, he cuts you gently. “There is something I need to tell you that is giving me agony. In fact, if you may, let me clear these things that have been torturing our thoughts. May I?”
You blink, hesitate at first. Fearful that he might have discovered your sentiments, you realize there is little you can do but to acknowledge at long last what you perceive as a lost battle. Yet you are surprised when he takes your face with his hands and presses a soft, but urgent kiss against your lips.
“Oh”, you sigh. When he parts it, he is searching for your eyes, some part of him fearful you might’ve changed your mind. “Obi… I thought…”
“I know. I’ve always known.” Obi-Wan rests his head against yours, eyes closing. You can feel his struggle, so you decide to release the pressure that’s been on his shoulders.
And just like that you pursuit his lips. Shushing every protest that might come from either part, your tongues pair in a sweet melody, though the urgency in the kiss eventually releases the suppression that has only suffocated this far what one feels for the other.
“I am tired of taking it easy”, he admits under his breath as he pins you against the wall. “I’ve been doing so for a little while. Oh, what kind of beast have you turned me into?”
You giggle at his words.
“Hold on just for a while”, you ask in a whisper before leading him to your quarters. “Yet, I must know…”
Obi-Wan is as red as you. When both stare into each other’s eyes, tension remains. But he is patient.
“Yes, dear heart? What is it you fear?” He shortens the distance and takes hold of your face again, delicately so as if you are a fragile thing. “I can read your insecurities. But please tell me what can I do to ease them.”
“I love you”, you don’t think twice. “Damned I am for laughing away my friends for ever falling in love. But I remain loving you, my Master, my mentor. Despite the many rules I would gladly break to be with you, despite how easy I confess with my tongue and body that I am too busy being yours to fall with someone else or to crawl away from you, offering thus my devotion. I need to know if this flows both ways, if you… if you are mine as much as I am yours.”
You explode it, you know. You never before felt so open and fragile, so easily read. All your shields are down and you feel so…unprotected. Yet, Obi-Wan smiles at you, calm and tranquil where you are a puddle of mess.
“I love you. You brought me back to life, Y/N, where I thought it to be impossible. It’s been too long and I fear I would not be the right one for you, being rather old to you.” He pauses as if by putting this out of a fact you would contest and change your mind.
Seeing that you stand where you are, his hands now slide to your waist as you wrap yours around his neck.
“I am yours”, he brushes his lips against yours and his fingers dig into your sides in a possessive manner that makes you smile. “Do you understand? I am yours in many inexplicable and unprofessed ways. Let me show you better with actions…”
He kisses you again. This time it’s slow, better coordinated and with no rush. His body makes it easy for you to trust blindly. This kiss wipes away your fears.
It is only then you feel comfortable in pushing your limits. Because Obi-Wan feels the heat warming your body, he does not shy away in giving to your silent pleas.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”, he asks you softly, looking into your eyes for consent.
“Yes”, you whisper hotly. “I’ve never been so sure before as I am now.”
And that is how it starts…
“In my imagination, when I go back…”
Obi-Wan barely breathes out as your hands promptly tie his hands. Your eyes are transfixed in his closed eyes and his barely open mouth. You smirk slyly as your fingers gently pump his erect member in that same rhythm he taught you that night.
“Yes, love?”, you encourage him to speak his thoughts, though you are aware of how indecent these might be.
Your husband has only recently returned after a long journey and it is only fair that as his wife you greet him properly. So here you are, poorly dressed, spoiling him as you prepare to get to your knees.
“You are a temptation, dear heart”, he arches his back, groaning in evident pleasure. “Don’t make me say these words.”
“Tell me darling…” you ask him softly as you finally take him with your tongue. “I beg you.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes go wide at you.
“M-Maker, I…” He gasps, throughly enjoying your other…abilities, all of which he takes a secretive pride for teaching you. “You are so good in this, my love.”
But before he is about to reach his climax, he lifts you and leads you to bed. His eyes are burning with desire, especially when undressing you at long last.
“I miss you”, he whispers against your lips.
“I miss you, husband.”
And just like that he lies you down in bed and as you tangle him in your legs, the night compensates all the waiting one feels for the other…
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stardust-kenobi · 2 years
Part Six
Part five
Obi Wan Kenobi x F!Reader
Summary: You and Obi Wan’s new friends bring you to safety on Jabiim, but are faced with a challenge that leaves them stranded with you, causing tensions to run high
Warnings: Jealous Obi Wan, smut, angst?
Word count: 5.6k
A/N: So sorry for how long this took me to write! Thank you all for being patient <3. I have forgotten many details of Fallen Order so if anything is a little off, please forgive me, it’s been over a year since I played it.
Side note: if you are unfamiliar with Cal Kestis, the only details you need to know is that he was 12 at the time of order 66 (now 22) and was Jaro Tapal’s padawan. Cere and Greez are essentially his found family.
Gif cred: @mcgregor
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Absolute peace and focus overcame you. The wind swept your hair from your shoulder, sending a chill across your neck. The force was guiding you through your meditation, and you took in every essence of self reflection that it allowed.
The distant roar of speeders and transports barely reached you now in your subconscious. Your balcony in the temple was quiet enough, even with the commotion of a city planet. It was a small balcony, but it was all yours. Alone.
Or so you thought.
A disruption sucked your focus away from your inner thoughts and demanded your attention behind you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you”
“Master Kenobi” You affirmed as your heart skipped a beat. It had been weeks since you’d had time with him outside of your training. You weren’t expecting him to visit you in your personal quarters.
“What a terrible mentor I am to be interrupting your meditation”
“No it’s okay, really. I was nearly done anyways”
“May I sit?” He gestured toward the ground
You nodded. He sat next to you. Not too close. Not too far away.
“I’m sorry for my distance lately. I’m sure you still understand why” Obi Wan muttered, addressing the elephant in the room.
“I do” You looked away.
“It’s for the best” He said, using a tone that implied he was trying to convince himself of that as well.
“I know” You said, turning your attention back to him. The sun lit his face perfectly on this balcony. Stars, you could stare at him for ages. He stared back, allowing his eyes to dart back and forth between your pupils and your lips. Subtly was usually not something he struggled with, but maybe he wasn’t trying to be subtle.
“Although I…” He broke the silence.
“I don’t know if it’s doing much good” He admitted.
“What do you mean?”
You knew exactly what he meant. The lack of contact outside of your training did nothing but further fuel your imaginative thoughts about him. You assumed he was struggling in the same way.
He shook his head, wishing he hadn’t even said that.
“Never mind” He smiled.
“It’s not helping me much either” You confessed, refusing to look away from him or get shy now.
He raised his eyebrows, “I see”.
“Has this ever happened before?” You pondered. Surely there’s been some instance of this happening in all the history of the Jedi.
“Well, I certainly don’t have distracting thoughts about Anakin” Obi Wan
“I meant to anyone else, silly”
“I know, I’m only teasing” He laughed, “Yes, it has. I was only 15, right after I began training with Qui Gon. I wasn’t able to be told any details but I heard whispers of a Jedi Master and his Padawan running off together”
“Master Windu, um, he caught them together”
“Caught them doing what?”
“Exactly what you think they were doing”
Your eyes grew wide, “Oh”
Obi Wan cleared his throat, “Yes. Which is why he was careful to warn me when he noticed our attachment”
“Makes sense” You chuckled.
“Many speculated it was only lust between those two, but I could tell…it was love” He thought back to the couple who chose their attachment over the ways of being a Jedi. You pondered that for a moment, wondering how deep a connection must be to overrule everything you've ever known.
He stared off for a while, the memory of them replaying in his head. You wondered if he weighed the consequence of running off with you, and if his feelings were deeper than lust as well. You shook that idea away immediately.
“I don’t want to be the reason you struggle to succeed” He muttered. This seemed to come out of nowhere, but perhaps there was a connection.
“You are the reason I will succeed” You contested firmly.
“I hope that will remain true” He smiled at you.
The gentle breeze continued to brush the wild strands of hair off your cheeks.
"I am worried about Anakin" Obi Wan muttered.
"How so?"
"He's..." Obi Wan began, "He is losing his way"
The tone in his voice was broken. There was struggle within him, you could sense it and see it in his eyes.
"He is distracted. Ahsoka has noticed, too" You agreed.
"Anakin is far more than distracted" Obi Wan murmured.
"I think Padme is proof of that" You mumbled.
"You believe it, too?"
"She’s carrying his child. It may not be obvious to everyone but...a woman can tell when another woman is in love" You sighed.
"This is my fault" He shook his head.
"No, it's not, Master Kenobi" You quickly shot back,"No one, not even the galaxy's strongest Jedi, can stand in the way of love" You declared. He stared at you, thinking carefully about his next words.
"I suppose you're right" Obi Wan concurred, stroking his beard.
"You cannot blame yourself for any of Anakin's decisions. He is lucky to have your guidance. I am lucky to have your guidance"
Only a smile was offered in response, but you were glad to know you said that with confidence.
“I’ve received word that General Grevious is on Utapau. I’ll be leaving soon” He changed the subject, but you anticipated that this was likely what he came to tell you in the first place.
“I’ll come with you” You insisted.
“No, my dear, I can’t have you with me. Not against him” He said, placing a hand atop yours, sending electricity through your veins at the sudden contact.
“You can’t prepare me to be a Jedi knight if you don’t even let me in on the action” You teased.
“I can’t prepare you to do anything if you get yourself killed” He shot back.
“That’s fair” You conceded.
“I will see you soon, my young Padawan” Obi Wan spoke softly, looking at you with adoration.
You turned to listen only to his receding footsteps, longing for more time with him, more conversation, and more exchanged glances.
“And just in case I haven’t told you in a while” He spoke softly, turning to you again. You turned around to meet his gaze.
“I’m proud of you, Y/N”
Your heart melted at his praise. It was no surprise that he was proud of you, but, to hear him say it meant everything to you.
As you watched him walk away from you, a sinking feeling of dread settled into your chest. You couldn’t explain why, and you thought maybe you just didn’t want him to go.
Little did you know, it was the last time you’d see your Master before everything fell apart.
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“So where are we taking this hunk of metal?” Greez called from the pilot seat.
“Tatooine?” You ignorantly suggested.
“We can’t go to Tatooine. That’s the first place they’ll look for us” Obi Wan whispered in frustration.
“Coruscant?” Greez, the pilot, haphazardly suggested.
“Greez” Cal scolded him. The elephant in the room stated that was a terrible idea.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding” Greez threw his hands up.
“What about Jabiim?” Cal spoke up.
“Will they take kindly to us bringing the Empire's most wanted Jedi?” Cere pondered.
“I don't want to put innocent people at risk” You muttered, your nerves on edge.
“You’re not. These people on Jabiim help Jedi” Cere comforted you.
“Usually not the ones that Darth Vader himself is personally looking for, but who knows” Cal remarked.
“We will take you to a safe space but that’s as far as we’ll go. You two are being hunted, and I can’t risk that putting us in danger on this ship” Cere remarked. You understood, no matter how it may have sounded.
“We are grateful for any help” Obi Wan flashed a quick smile.
Cere nodded, still amazed to be in Obi Wan’s presence. She never really knew him before, but everyone knew of Obi Wan in some way. He was one of the greatest Jedi of our time.
The trip was long, several days would pass before you reached your destination, but it provided you the time to recollect yourselves after what had just taken place. Jabiim was located in the outer rim, and considering the dire need to travel in stealth, it took even longer than normal. To fill the empty void of nothing but time, you and Obi Wan visited with Cal and Cere, getting to know them better and looking back on a time you could all relate to. It was painful but necessary to discuss. Greez joined the conversation here and there when he wasn’t attending to piloting the ship.
You wanted to be alone with Obi Wan to ask him about Anakin. The shock of this revelation was continuing to sink in achingly slow, and you imagined it was tearing him apart, too. Everything happened so fast on Batuu, he hadn’t had the chance to talk about it, let alone process it. There was a lingering pain in his expression that no smile or laugh could’ve concealed.
“And Master Tapal, he’s—” Obi Wan inquired, unable to finish his own sentence because he assumed the answer. He knew Master Tapal, not well, but they were acquainted.
“Gone...died in my arms” Cal said coldly, “I barely made it out alive” He hung his head, making it clear that ten years couldn’t heal the wound that losing his master had inflicted.
“I am so sorry” Obi Wan whispered sorrowfully.
“I’m glad you two were able to find each other again. You’re lucky” Cal smiled, studying your every movement. It was noticeable, though, that he looked at you more often than Obi Wan, seemingly almost watching you at times.
There were shared glances at each other between you and Obi Wan, trying to hide the tension and hopefully discreet affection for one another. You were sure that neither Cere or Cal noticed this, and you weren’t going to address it.
“It was lucky. I didn’t believe my eyes when I saw him” You noted.
“Nor did I” Obi Wan smiled, placing a hand on your knee, and immediately regretting it. Subtly and slowly, he pulled away, hoping that Cere and Cal were none the wiser to this physical contact.
Cere told you both the heartbreaking story of losing her Padawan to the dark side, just to watch her perish at the hands of Darth Vader. You couldn’t imagine her anguish, but you could sense the pain that afflicted Obi Wan as she spoke of Vader’s actions. Your new discovery of Anakin’s identity would not be shared with anyone anytime soon for this very reason. Taking risks played a huge role in your life now, but potentially enraging those who are providing you refuge would be unwise.
Obi Wan had stepped away with Cere to the cockpit, leaving you and Cal alone on the seating area.
"Is this your droid?" You smiled, watching the BD unit cozy up onto his shoulder like a Loth cat.
"Yep. This is BD-1"
The droid voiced a series of beeps you didn't quite understand but you nodded anyways.
"You know it's nice finding another Jedi my age"
"Yeah?" You smiled in agreement.
"Yeah, its...refreshing"
"I could say the same"
The conversation was pleasant. You talked about how you’d both survived through the years, and the struggle of living with such crippling survivors guilt. You couldn’t fathom the pain he felt watching his Master die and making the decision to escape and keep pushing forward.
Cal was kind and empathetic. Before the purge, you would’ve viewed him as much younger than you. He was a child and you weren’t. But here you both were, full grown adults living in a galaxy where your life is at risk everyday. There was an automatic bond there, and you deeply enjoyed your conversation with him.
It did not go unnoticed that his eyes carried a deeper feeling than just listening. You sensed something from him. An unfamiliar feeling. Maybe he felt a connection to you that was out of his control. Perhaps it was attraction. You brushed it off, considering you wouldn’t be around him much longer.
The force was an odd and complicated thing…you were slowly accepting it’s influence again, and to differentiate your feelings and senses with that of a normal human and one that is force sensitive was proving to be a challenge once more.
You put away that confusion for now. You didn’t know where Cal’s feelings were. You were unsure if he felt anything for you beyond a quickly developed friendship.
Over the next day and a half, you got to know him a little more and learned about his countless adventures in the past. He had never ending stories to tell, and you were on the edge of your seat for every single tale.
Truly, it was nice to make these new friends. You never allowed yourself to get attached before you found Obi Wan, but you found that easier to do now.
Jabiim was a planet you’d not even heard of before. Cere explained to you both that it was part of something called The Path, operated by people that helped hide Jedi and other force sensitive individuals. On Jabiim, these at risk people could be assigned new identities and receive the shelter they sought. This was off the radar, far into the outer rim. The empire didn’t know about it at all, at least...not yet.
Cere said they’d helped stow away Jedi before, but with you and Obi Wan being Darth Vader’s prime target, this was a lot to ask from them. The crew, of course, didn’t know why he was Vader’s target, and thankfully they didn’t ask.
The Mantis made its descent, revealing a giant rock structure as you pushed down through the clouds. An opening atop the rocks twisted open, allowing you to land safely.
A sea of friendly, yet curious faces approached the ship as the ramp opened. You and Obi Wan found yourself to be timid in the direct attention of all these new people.
Standing back from Cere and Cal, who were obviously accustomed to the company of this community, your ears picked up every piece of their conversation.
"Cere" The soft spoken man said. He was probably your age, human, tan skin and very short black hair, similar to that of Cere's appearance.
"Hello, Roken"
"Is that who I think it is?" Roken gestured to where we stood. He seemed cautious and possibly weary.
"It is. Listen I know this could compromise everything but I-"
"Who is the girl?" He interrupted her.
"His Padawan. Was...his Padawan" Cere said, emphasizing the past tense.
Your mind was stuck on how she said that. There was a possibility she knew, but you couldn’t worry about that right now.
“Are they being tracked?” Roken inquired.
“Roken. I wouldn’t bring them here if they were. You know that”
He shook his head, “Can never be too careful"
“Can you take them?”
Roken looked at our stressed faces, feeling sympathy and compassion that outweighed his fear of being compromised.
"We can take you, but only for a little while" Roken blurted.
"Thank you" You spoke up before Obi Wan could.
"You'll need separate rooms, right?"
"Oh, yes, please" Obi Wan answered, quick to pick up on the urgency to remain discreet for now.
"Cere!" Greez called from the top of the ramp.
"We got a problem"
Turns out there was a malfunction in the main panel of the Mantis, making it impossible to launch it until the board had been fixed. It was technical talk, something you never understood, as you never learned to be a pilot. But what you gathered was simple: the Mantis crew couldn't leave tonight.
"We're short on staterooms. Two of you will have to share" Roken seemed apologetic.
The Mantis crew shot each other displeased looks, hinting that they did not, under any circumstances, want to share a room.
"We will. Its fine" You spoke up, feeling Obi Wan's eyes glued to you immediately, along with Cal's from across the room.
"Follow me, please"
The journey through the extensive corridors was riddled with surprised glances and wonder. Obi Wan was recognizable. A fact that kept him in danger constantly. Many of these people working the base were familiar with him, and were shocked to see him here. Many considered Obi Wan to have died, others accurately speculated he was alive and hiding.
The room was adequate. A stark contrast to the resort you’d stayed in the last couple of nights, but you were endlessly grateful for any help at all. There was a small bed, one that you two will probably have to get very close to one another to be able to fit, but that wasn’t a problem at all.
The door shut quietly behind you, leaving you both alone for the first time since you faced almost certain death. A small lamp barely lit the room, illuminating the bed and one small table.
Obi Wan battled with a flood of emotions, and to pinpoint what he was thinking of in that moment would’ve been impossible.
He rested his head in his palm, sighing loudly, trying to collect himself again.
You hesitated to ask, because in light of recent events, you knew what was wrong. Instead, you rubbed your hand on his back before laying your head against him.
It was a conversation to be had another time. He needed to process the revelation that Anakin still lived. Gods...you needed to process that, too.
“I don't…” Obi Wan trailed off, suddenly deciding to speak.
You turned your face up to him, “What?”
“I don't like the way Cal looks at you” He said it quickly, spitting it out so he could get it over with. He looked down at you now.
That’s what he was thinking about?
“Obi Wan, please” You sighed. You felt defensive but you’d done nothing to provoke Cal, this wasn’t your fault but you still felt like you may be to blame for his attention.
“It’s obvious…and I can sense his curiosity about us” Obi Wan noted, "but the way he looks at you...the way he talks to you"
Walking toward him, you gently wrapped your arms onto his shoulders, “You’ve got nothing to worry about. All I want is you”
“I know, darling, I’m sorry. I never thought myself to be the jealous type”
“Oh, right, like you don’t remember peeling me off of Rex that night at 79s? You acted like you only were protecting me but I saw the way you looked at Rex. You could’ve killed him for the way he touched me” You giggled.
“Stars, I’d forgotten about that” He was taken aback, simultaneously holding a look of grief at the mention of Rex.
“I never have forgotten. It was hot…the way you didn’t want any other man to have me”
“Really.” You purred.
Obi Wan swallowed hard, his need for you suddenly overwhelming him, “I want to do very bad things to you right now, my love” He breathed.
“What’s stopping you?”
“Well, for one, the crew on the other side of this door who were kind enough to provide us shelter”
“That’s a good point. You know there’s no way I can be quiet” You conceded.
“You can’t be loud if my hand is over your mouth, now can you?” Obi Wan whispered, pulling your hair behind your ear.
You shook your head and swallowed in anxious anticipation.
His hand slipped between the supple surface of your lower belly and the band that held your pants up, and ventured down to the heat he was seeking.
You sucked in a sharp breath, a moan threatening to strangle you, but Obi Wan’s hand slapped firmly against your mouth, muffling any precious sound that may escape you. It was torture for him. He loved the delicate noises you made. Noises he pulled from you. But he had to deny himself of that now.
“You’ll not make one noise, no matter how good my fingers make you feel” Obi Wan commanded, his voice now rough with desire.
You nodded.
His fingers trailed through your wetness and he groaned softly as he felt you, his lips pressed flush against your cheek. The tips of his fingers pressed against your clit, sending a jolt through your bones.
“Let’s lay you down, yeah?” He whispered, ripping away his touch suddenly.
Obi Wan laid your back flat against the small bed and positioned himself above you. Swiftly he pulled your pants down and off your body before returning his palm to your mouth and his still wet fingers back to your pulsing ache.
Gods, he looked so dominant above you like this. You couldn’t help but feel your skin light on fire with arousal.
His gaze followed his hand, observing the way the dim light revealed the dampness seeping onto your inner thighs. Snapping his attention back to you, he plunged his middle finger inside. You arched your back up into him from this sensation of having him, any part of him, against your walls.
At a steady and consistent pace, Obi Wan began pumping his finger in and out, following the patterns of your breathing, reacting to every way your body received this pleasure. He added another finger, providing a wonderfully full feeling into your lower belly.
Your whimpering was no match for the pressure applied to your lips. The muffled sounds were only loud enough for Obi Wan to hear. Only for him. And the thought of that, just the thought…drove him wild.
His digits fucked you faster now, the sound of your slickness loudly filling the compressed space with every thrust. With his face hovering very close to yours, he watched how your brows pressed together, almost as if you were in pain, but he knew better. You were close. And as your muscles contracted around him, he felt your release creeping closer.
“I hope he senses what I’m doing to you” Obi Wan whispered, his fingers slowing their pace. He used his fingers now without speed but with a perfect curl. He brushed against your sweetest spot with every stroke. He was expressing his jealousy with dominance, but you didn’t mind one bit.
“I could always sense when you ached for me, he can feel it too”
You knew this to be true. If a force sensitive individual felt a lust toward another, it was an unspoken concept that you could sense when they were aroused. Meaning that, more than likely, Cere wouldn’t notice, but Cal would.
You’d thought you felt it from Obi Wan all those years ago, a flutter or a tingle from the force when you were near him, but you convinced yourself you were mistaken. Knowing what you know now, it really was his lust that you felt.
Cal wasn’t your type, but you wouldn’t deny how attractive he was. This trip was long, and his lingering glances did not go unnoticed.
“That way, it is in no way unclear…that you are mine” His voice sent shivers down your spine and guided you closer to your release.
Stars circled your vision as you spilled over the edge and floated in euphoria. You gripped his wrist that covered your mouth and squeezed hard, directing your expressions of pleasure somewhere besides your mouth. Every extra
“There you go, darling, doing so good for me” He encouraged you, ravishing in the sight of your writhing body.
You floated softly back down from your orgasm, eyelids falling heavy as you looked up at him.
His face looked frantic as he quickly gripped your hand, bringing it below his belt and into his pants. The stiffness met your hand firmly, and you began to stroke him, picking up the hint that he was close to his orgasm just from fingering you.
“Please” He begged, needing the sensation of your hand so desperately, and you wouldn’t dare delay.
It was only four rhythmic strokes before he fell weak, his cock twitched within your grasp, and his release coated your hand and wrist. He suppressed his moans as best as he could, but he trembled against your touch while he rode his high, dropping his head to yours, hovering his lips above yours.
“I’m sorry, darling” He panted shamefully.
Brows furrowing in confusion, you were hurt that he was ashamed of how quickly he got off.
“I didn’t think that would happen so fast” He sighed, leaning back to sit next to you on the small bed.
“I really like that…that I made you cum and I hardly touched you” You noted, sitting up to meet his eyes.
“You were just…just feeling that you were so wet, darling, and so breathtaking” He swallowed, sweat beaming upon his skin.
Your cunt throbbed, begging for more of him…but you’d have to wait. He was so aroused by pleasuring you that it took nothing more than a few strokes to send him over the edge. It was so intoxicating to feel you like that, he truly couldn’t help himself.
And just the thought of that, fuck, it was so hot.
You understood why he was ashamed, but you couldn’t even express how it made your heart flutter with desire for him even more than before…if that was even possible.
“I love you” You said warmly.
“I love you, Y/N”
Making sure to redress yourself without evidence of ever being undressed, you exited your room to find water and hoped that you wouldn’t bump into anyone considering how late it is and how rosy your cheeks were. The silence was loud, but comforting, almost like a roar of nothingness.
As you turned the corner, the soft light of the common area reflected atop Cal’s red hair, his back turned to you as he sat at a small table. The calmed thumping in your chest grew faster suddenly. Both startled and nervous, you kept your composure. As arousing as Obi Wan’s jealousy was, you felt guilty looking Cal in the face at this moment.
“Can’t sleep?” You breathed out. Walking past him to where the drinks and refreshments were stored.
“No, not really” He said, his tone flat.
“Me either” you lied.
Bringing the cup of water to your lips, you sat across from him, clearing your throat to cover the awkwardness of silence, “We are very grateful for your help, Cal”
He smiled warmly at you, but there was a shift of disappointment in his expression.
“You were his…Padawan, right?” He changed the topic, turning his gaze to the cup he held in his hand.
“Yeah, why?” You said curiously and hesitantly.
“No reason”
His room was right next to yours. He had to have at least heard something, or as Obi Wan had hoped, and deep down you did too, he sensed your arousal. And considering you were sharing a room with Obi Wan, there was not much else that could’ve explained it.
“I know that you heard or— sensed it” You blurted out. Now or never. Put it out in the open, you guessed.
He looked up at you, and it wasn’t hate, no, it was pain in his face “I…did”
“Sorry about that” You responded, feeling even more guilty now.
Gods, you thought, why are my feelings so conflicting right now?
Cal was quiet for a moment before a small chuckle left his lips, but he wasn’t laughing, “How can he take advantage of his Padawan like that?”
“Excuse me?” You nervously laughed.
Cal shook his head in frustration, “Never mind”.
“It wasn’t happening back then. When we found each other we just-”
“It’s still wrong. He’s meant to guide you and be your mentor. You admired him because of the role he played in your life and now he’s used that to get you in bed with him”
The way in which he spoke those words sounded as though he scripted this out himself for the next time he saw you. It just happened to be 10 minutes after Obi Wan pleasured you that he encountered you.
Anger took over your conflicting emotion, “Stop. You don’t know me, and you don’t know him”
“You’re right. The Obi Wan Kenobi I heard stories of would’ve never fucked his Padawan” Cal spat the harsh words at you, standing to his feet suddenly.
How could he say that? He was so out of line. It was not his business.
“And why do you care?” You scoffed.
He sarcastically laughed. “I don’t”
“Clearly you do”
"I don't think it would matter to you if I did care"
“Cal” Cere called sternly from the doorway
Cal glanced at you with disdain once more, clenching his jaw in annoyance before storming out of the room, shoving Cere out of the way in the process.
Tears pooled in your eyes as your head dropped to the floor.
“I am sorry about him”
“You must think the same thing” You muttered, swallowing your tears.
“I don’t” Cere began “I may not agree with it, but things are different now. Cal of all people should know that. I think it bothers him because-”
“Because?” You pondered, hoping her answer wouldn't be what you suspected.
“He’s jealous” She stated blankly.
“I see the way he looks at you, Y/N. You two haven’t been with us very long but Cal tends to grow fond of people very quickly” Cere noted. This must've happened before, you thought, and you wondered where that girl was now.
You did not know what to say, “Oh”
“Just ignore him” She consoled, placing her hand on your shoulder, “I could tell there was something more between you two almost instantly”
You swallowed hard. Seriously? You tried so hard to hide it.
“That obvious, huh?”
“No, it’s really not. Its easy for me to pick up on those sort of things" She admitted.
"I see"
"Love who you love, Y/N. Don't let anyone's judgment stand in your way" She reassured you softly, "We are all just trying to survive, and how you choose to do that, is not my business"
“Thanks, Cere” You smiled warmly at her, “And thanks again, for you know, helping us”
“Of course. Get some rest” She said softly before turning the corner, leaving you alone to your rampant, racing thoughts.
That silent roaring suffocated you now, stripping away the comfort it brought you just moments ago. You liked Cal...as a friend. It hurt you that he was so angry about your relationship. You had spent most of the past day or so on the Mantis getting to know him, but this reaction was drastically out of character from what you knew of him.
A couple of days is not long enough to really know someone, no matter how quickly you felt that a bond had formed.
You allowed the silence to overwhelm you as you sat alone in the common area but finally mustered the courage to return to Obi Wan, feeling desperate for his comfort once more.
"You were right" You groaned, closing the door behind you.
"About what?"
"Cal" Your voice broke, betraying your attempt to keep your composure.
Obi Wan shot to his feet as he heard you grow sorrowful, rushing to wrap his arms around you, "Y/N, what did he say to you?"
"He was angry. Said that what we were doing was wrong and that you were taking advantage of me"
Obi Wan's grasp tensed around you, his anger becoming evident and his blood beginning to boil. He pulled away from you to walk out the door but you yanked his wrist away from his pursuit.
"Don't. Please"
The clenching of his jaw exhibited his restraint for your benefit.
"Lets just sleep. We are both so tired” You noted. After sleeping on the floor of the ship the past two nights, you were both exhausted.
Obi Wan did not say much more after that. He was trying to calm himself as best he knew how…within his own head.
As you laid together, snuggled close as you imagined you'd have to, you looked up to him, admiring his presence and trying to push away any negative thoughts for now. That was a spiral you would not welcome into your mind.
Just rest, you thought, you're safe now.
The watch you wore indicated that it was morning, although without it, you would've had no idea. This entire base was built into the rock structure, the only place that light was accessible was through the port you arrived at. You crawled out of the bed, your ears suddenly fixating on a foreign sound.
You rubbed your eyes, forcing yourself to awaken to full attention.
What was that sound?
It was a faint beeping, small and unurgent. You looked around the practically empty room, and finally traced the sound to your bag resting in the corner.
You stopped in your tracks as fear overcame you. There was nothing in that bag, to your knowledge, that needed to make any sort of sound like that.
Breathing deep to calm your fear, you reached for the bag and opened it slowly, before frantically digging through every compartment.
As your eyes fixed onto a flashing red device no bigger than a coin, you had to remind yourself to keep breathing. The room shrunk and your blood ran cold. It seemed inexplicable. Who put this here? How could the Empire have tracked you?
Before you were able to comprehend it any further, a sudden, eerie alarm began blasting through the base, jolting Obi Wan out of his sleep.
They found you.
The Empire found you.
And they’ve just arrived.
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A/N: I noticed some canon-inconsistencies in my details about when Obi Wan started his training. I could’ve sworn he started his training as a teenager?? But apparently not so in my version of things let’s pretend he didn’t start his training until he was like 15. Anyways this chapter is a little unrealistic and self indulgent but I hope you all enjoyed <3
Tagged:@simplysolo@captaincarmel164@hotchslatte@marygoddessofmischief @notmyideia @meshlasolus@ceruleanrainblues @shylittlefoxx @infinity-witch @star-whores-a-new-hoe @howellatme,@superavengerpotter, @multi-fandom-s, @generalkenobi-4-senate, @sebschicken, @hypnoash, @modernmythic, @bellarkeselection, @molieux, @siidereeus, @morganas-pendragons, @scoobywoos, @ivycoveredstone, @djarinvibe @alorika @theonethatlikeskpop, @lalalalemonade11, @ella-error505, @hofficoffi, @tamtam-go92, @mclemontine, @vibeyhatdawg, @hugmekenobi, @sofiaconlaz, @dont-feel-so-good-peter, @grazieschillivera, @impala1967666 , @punkrogers-jerkbarnes @myswficlist @megan-mars, @radspencerreid @emmamikaelson95 @punkpirate82 @friskynotebook @mandowhatnow @sherrybirkingirl @the-blueatlas @starlightelegy
I reached my number limit with tags but I will figure it out if I need to add anyone else :) let me know if I missed someone!
Part Seven
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merrysithmas · 2 years
"i am what you made me"
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just really thinking about Vader's "I am what you made me" line
it's so interesting bc it's not only a personal attack meant to hurt Obi-wan regarding his deformation, but it's also, from Anakin/Vader's POV a genuine truth and actually a sympathetic statement.
Anakin was taken by Qui-gon at age 9 and molded and morphed into the image of Jedi, despite circumstances which would prohibit any other child from joining the Order.
He was too old to start to train - the way the Order was run in the days of the Republic it was imperative children were taken at a young age so as not to long for their birth families (as per The Jedi Path). Many in the galaxy criticized this and thought of it as barbaric, but it was still so. Anakin would never fit in at the Temple and was immediately a permanent outsider (something he came to see as an advantage, whereas the Council felt otherwise).
he was instructed in the Jedi path by a new Knight who was shockingly inexperienced and still a Padawan when Qui-gon died. Under the duress of wanting to train Anakin, Qui-gon admitted -with defeat- to the Countil in TPM that there was "nothing left" that he could teach Obi-wan, but that Obi-wan was still ignorant & arrogant of the Living Force (which is why he remained a padawan so long). If not for the immediacy of needing to train Anakin, he never would have offered Obi-wan to the trials.
This right out of the gate aligned Anakin and Obi-wan more as competitive equals grappling with situations foreign to them, rather than a customary teacher-student dynamic. They had a very unusual brotherly dynamic from the start in which they were also painfully familiar with one another's faults and shortcomings.
The Council allowed this. Knowing their individual situations, knowing Anakin's disadvantage in the way of their Order, knowing his extreme attachment to his mother (who they refused to help and expected him to forget), knowing Obi-wan's grief - they allowed it. They allowed it out of fear of the Chosen One, and less out of respect and admiration and a sense of kindness (as Qui-gon felt, the person who personally knew child!Anakin and felt him to be unique and endearing).
When Vader says "what you made me" he is also commenting on what he sees as the ineptitude of the Jedi Order - the abandonment he felt from them, the disregard, the betrayal. All feelings which can be justified from his POV in canon by the Jedi ignoring his unique circumstances in favor of following dogma.
They were terrified of the Chosen One and what his powers would surmount to without proper training -- but ultimately they did not give him proper training anyway, because they were too attached to their system.
Vader is what the Jedi Order "made", he is not just a Sith, but a fallen Jedi, a lost son, an abandoned child who was never given the kind of compassion he badly needed by those who promised to train and protect him given his unique circumstances. this encouraged him to act out and seek solace elsewhere when he, expectedly, couldn't control his power (or emotions) in the way they saw as proper.
it's a big dig at the entire Order and although the Jedi did immense good, they were also an institution, and they had failings, some of which certainly contributed to Vader. Vader is uniquely positioned to see this, and to have a sense of empathy for other fallen Jedi - who he learned about as a Padawan at the Temple, those cast as evil & damned.
He must have wondered further into it - (as he often scribbled into the margins of The Path), why did they fall? did anyone reach out? did they even see it happening? did their entire lives really just amount to frightening stories to tell children? or did they have their own stories to tell?
I am what you made me - is a statement of fact from Vader's POV. He is angry & feels righteous in his anger. He is saying, the Jedi have helped many but those it leaves behind are damned as spectres of pain and suffering... and I, above all, will haunt you.
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All paths lead here. Part 3
Master list.
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"Milady, the modeste is here to fit you for your gala dress." Your handmaid Mila announced. You had been dreading the Gala for weeks. The Chancellor's idea, to show solidarity with the smaller nations of the republic. He would be in attendance along with fifty other senators. Luckily, your old friend Padme would be one of them and had made the journey three days early.
"Thank you Mila, you may send her in." You say.
"Oh it is exciting, there hasn't been a good party for some time." Padme leaned back in her chair sipping at the tea in her hands. There had been tension between she and the Jedi when she first arrived. An atmosphere you could have sliced through. Anakin had become distant, refusing to even eat dinner with you.
"What happened? I thought they were helping you?" You ask. Of course you knew how Anakin had lost his arm and the fight on Geonosis.
"Anakin and I have known each other since I was queen. We had a difference in opinions. We both have our duties and I refused anything more."
You understood by the way her fingers fidgeted with the porcelain cup that it had been a matter of emotions.
"I imagine it was difficult." You say standing on the pedestal the modeste had brought in. The new gown was trapped over your body.
"Don't get me wrong, I love Anakin, but not in the way he hoped I did. I feel for him, how you might feel for a brother or dearest friend."
You nod.
"I can see how easily it would be to become fond of him, and Obi-Wan." You give her a sad smile.
"Which will you have beside you tomorrow?" Padme asks.
"Obi-Wan is very observant and works well with the staff, I want him working in the room. I'll have Anakin beside me." You quietly admit to yourself that you wanted him close by you. Wanted to keep him from her, from any person who may look at him with lustful eyes.
"That's a good idea. Anakin is good at reading ill intent."
With the dress perfected you bid the modeste farewell and climb back into your simple day clothes. The day draws on peacefully with your friend. The two of you take a swim in the lake by your palace. You slow your speed to match hers and enjoy the time to be yourself and young. At twenty one years old you felt too often that you had to be old.
On a balcony Anakin watched you both. His eyes moved between the two of you, unsure who enjoyed watching the most. Padme was of course the angel that haunted his dreams, yet, you. The way you moved so effortlessly through the water, the way your skin shone below the afternoon sun like a crystal. He was reminded of his trip to Florium to find his kyber crystal. The way it glowed and called to him. He felt the same tingle in the force whenever you smiled at him.
"We will not need to be here much longer, Anakin." Obi-Wan announced behind him. "The military here is doing extremely well, and the staff are loyal. Senator y/n will be well protected and we can return to our actual jobs."
Anakin dropped his shoulders, "yes master."
"You'll be glad, we are both being given our own commands. A garrison of clone troopers each." The elder handed the younger a datapad.
"I am not a fan of the party idea." He grumbled.
"Neither am I, but it is nice to see Padme again so soon." Obi-Wan grinned. Anakin did not.
"At least you get to do something. Y/n wants me to just stand behind her all night." He huffed, folding his arms over his chest.
"She feels safe with you, Anakin. It is a great compliment." Obi-Wan grin, raising his eyebrows momentarily. Anakin rolled his eyes and laughed at his master.
"Cultivate the friendship, it may lead to many things in the future."
"I know Master."
"The Chancellor will be arriving any moment. Would you meet him? I will gather the ladies." Obi-Wan stood from his chair, moving toward the edge of the balcony. For a moment he simply watched you and Padme swimming. He wandered how it would feel to be so free, to play as they did. Jedi children rarely have time to simply play.
"Master Kenobi, have you come to join us?" You ask playfully. Obi-Wan grinned.
"The Chancellor will be arriving within the hour, I need you both to come and prepare." He spoke with authority but you had a different idea.
"Come play with us for a moment, you look too warm in all those robes. Doesn't he Padme?" You giggle. Padme laughs.
"Oh Master Kenobi is far too business to have a swim." She smiles.
Obi-Wan crouches down closer to the water, holding his hand out toward Padme. You glance at her before lowering yourself completely under the water. Your body moves as if it is meant to be there and you position yourself below the Jedi master. Using the power of your legs against the water you push upward, grabbed Obi-Wan's hand and pulled him. He whips away from you and pushes himself back to the surface. Laughing along with you and Padme. He shook his head as water sprayed off at you.
"Maybe the Jedi should have tomorrow night off and come to the gala for fun." You lift yourself easily out of the water, feeling the cool grass below you. Padme and Obi-Wan copy your movements.
"Perhaps another time, when the threat is less, my lady." He held his hand out to you, helping you to your feet.
By the time you had both dressed in more.formal outfits and Obi-Wan had changed into dry robes, the Chancellor's ship had already landed. You ran into the hangar skidding up behind Anakin, holding his arm. Instinctively he flexes and holds onto you, keeping you from falling down.
"Thank you." You whisper to him.
The Chancellor walked down the landing ramp and you stepped forward.
"We are honoured, Chancellor." You say as Palpatine takes your hands In his own.
"I am overjoyed to be here for such a joyous occasion. The attempts on your life have been a great fear for us all. I am pleased to see you have the very finest of the Jedi order here with you." He nods to Obi-Wan and Anakin before moving over to Padme. The pair shared a familiar greeting due to both being from Naboo.
This began your evening. An elegant formal meal, with stale conversation with the older man. At times you were able to drift into your imagination whilst Padme and Palpatine discussed their home planet. Your eyes would slide to Anakin standing by the door. You wondered what he would do if you'd pulled him into the water and not his Master. Would he choose to swim with you? Perhaps you'd ask before he leaves. Wait, is he looking back at you? His eyes are so blue. Can he hear what you're thinking? You could think of something naughty. Him coming to your room late at night, sliding below your sheets, his chest bare.
You see a drop of sweat drip down his temple as his eyes narrow on you.
"Y/n? Did you hear me?" Padme's voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Sorry, I was -"
"We were just wondering if the Senator of Bilado will be attending?" Padme repeats her question.
"Oh, um…I believe an invite went out to him."
"Good, good." Palpatine took a sip from his wine glass, "Marques is a handsome young man is he not? And still unwed."
"I suppose." You look down at your plate.
Anakin looks at you, feeling the change in your demeanour.
"I am sorry, um, chancellor I am very pleased to have you here this evening but if you don't mind, I…I-"
"Senator y/n needs to attend a meeting, last minute security preparations for tomorrow." Anakin steps in. Palpatine nods in your direction and agrees that he and Padme would be just fine.
Anakin has to rush to keep up with you and you don't stop walking until you are in your room.
"What happened?" He asked you, closing the door.
"Nothing, it's fine. I'm fine." You lie, "thank you for your help." Your breath comes out jagged. Anakin searches your face before pulling you into a hug. His chest is hard against your face and grounds you somewhat as your breathing slows.
"You'll be with me tomorrow won't you?" You ask.
"Of course my lady. If you at any point need me to end a conversation, tap your right shoulder. It may be hard for me to read your emotions in the crowd." One of his hands is holding the bottom of your neck. "You should get some rest."
Your mind flashes back to your previous thoughts at dinner and you feel Anakin stiffen.
"You shouldn't think like that." There is a pain in his voice you can't determine.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." You pull away from him, folding your arms around yourself.
"It's against the Jedi code, I couldn't-" he cut himself off with a sigh.
"It's okay, I know. I was being childish at dinner, and this was a um, I'm sorry. I think I should go to sleep." You turn away from him, trying to hide your embarrassment. Anakin said nothing more, simply turned and left the room. He walked confused by his own feelings, unsure of where he was heading until he arrived. The pavilion was quiet except for one person. Padme sat beside a small fire.
"Good evening." She started to smile at him but it faltered when she saw the frown on his own face. "What is it?"
Anakin dropped into the chair opposite her and rubbed his face with his hand.
"I'm confused." He admitted. "I told you not too long ago that I ached for you, that it was torture to be close to you and I meant every word."
"Anakin," he stopped her.
"No, I understand why you…Padme at dinner, y/n was," he took a breath, "she was thinking about me and her, but then when you asked about the Senator from Balado her signature changed. It was like fear, pure fear. It was such a conflict to how y/n has been this whole time." His eyes had glued themselves to the flames.
"Y/n is a very strong woman. She has no family left. Marques, we all thought they were heading for marriage. Both planets' monarchies had given blessings and celebrations were arranged but then she stopped it all. No reasons for it. She would not even tell me why." She studies her friend's face. "Anakin, if he is here tomorrow y/n will need you. She'll need us both."
(All feedback welcome)
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tereox · 1 year
Dance Drabble #3
Summary: After an exhausting mandatory gala, Cody and Obi-Wan relax at home.
Notes: Mando'a translations at the end.
Cody sat down on Obi-Wan's couch. He popped the two uppermost buttons of his dress uniform and just sighed, letting his head fall back against the comfortable couch cushions.
"It wasn't that bad, love." Obi-Wan chuckled, flicking on the lights as he stepped into the living area.
Cody didn't answer, simply pulling the stupid hat he'd been required to wear down to cover his face.
The couch dipped next to him, but Cody wouldn't budge. Not that bad his shebs.
"It was that bad." Cody grumbled into his hat. "Senators suck, and I didn't even get to dance with you."
A hand gently caressed his cheek and he lowered the hat, glancing over at Obi-Wan.
"Darling, did you have a bad time at the gala because you couldn't dance with me?"
Cody's cheeks heated up. "Precisely." He swallowed and looked down. "You looked stunning on that dance floor. And I wanted to be there with you."
Obi-Wan was silent and Cody risked a glance at him. It was rare to see his cyare so red. It looked really good with the outfit he was wearing.
"We could…" Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "We could dance here. Now." He gestured at his quarters.
Cody followed the motion. If they put away the caf table..
"I'd really like that." He admitted quietly.
Obi-Wan stood up hastily and held out his hand for Cody to take. And who would he be to refuse? A fool, probably.
Their hands clasped together and Cody smiled as he let Obi-Wan pull him up.
"We should probably put the caf table away." He murmured as he tucked himself against Obi-Wan's chest.
He was treated to a frankly frivolous use of the Force, as Obi-Wan simply floated the offending piece of furniture to the kitchen.
Cody chuckled, wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan's shoulders and gazing up at him. "I could have helped."
Obi-Wan hummed, tugging him a little closer. "I know that, but you don't have to."
Soft music started playing, betraying yet another Force usage the more stuck up Jedi Masters wouldn't approve of. Cody laughed and buried his face in the crook of Obi-Wan's neck, leaving a kiss there.
Obi-Wan huffed out a chuckle. "Are we dancing, sunshine? Or hugging?"
"Both." Cody murmured, spinning them in a slow circle to prove his point. He hummed as a thought came to him and straightened up a little to look up at Obi-Wan. "Cyare, what's the Mando'a word for dancing?"
Obi-Wan was silent for a moment, guiding them across the newly empty living space. "I believe it's redalur."
"Redalur." Cody murmured, shifting upwards to press a kiss to Obi-Wan's cheek. "I like it."
Mando'a: shebs - ass cyare - beloved redalur - to dance
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agirlunderarock · 1 year
Story Summary: sith!Obi-Wan au, in which Sas was able to fly Padme to safety and deliver her children but at the cost of losing the man she loved. Five years have gone by since the fall of Republic, since the fall of the Jedi Order, since Sas said goodbye to the man she loves. Since then Emperor Palpatine has brought in new enforcers; Lord Vader his right hand, and Grand Admiral Abusivus a man Sas refuses to admit bares any resemblance to Obi-Wan Kenobi even when he stands right in front of her.
Pairings: Obi-Wan X Sas Vom (OC)
Chapter 2: Another Happy Reunion
Chapter Summary: 19BBY Anakin and Obi-Wan have just rescued the chancellor from the clutches of General Grievous. Not everyone is as pleased as they should be with the results.
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Warnings: N/A
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“Another happy landing,” Obi-Wan laughed with relief as he slumped back in his chair. He closed his eyes for a moment, his heart pounding in his ears, head pounding still from his fight with Count Dooku, but he was alive, and Anakin’s laughter was the final reminder that the end to the war would be just around the corner. He didn’t move for a long moment despite the smoke and electrical sizzles jumping around the room. Crash aside, he was honestly still feeling disoriented after gaining consciousness in the elevator shaft. He just needed to close his eyes for five seconds. That was all he needed.
“Come on Old Man, you can’t be that tired already. You were knocked out half the time,” Anakin chided and nudged his boot against Obi-Wans leg.
He raised a brow without opening his eyes. “I could have a serious brain injury Anakin, and here you are kicking me.”
“Thats how I can tell you’re fine.” Anakin held out his hand and helped Obi-Wan to his feet before turning and guiding the chancellor toward one of the somewhat intact port views. Already a small open aired transport manned by the  Coruscant guard hovered just outside waiting to carry them down to solid ground and safety. Obi-Wan and Anakin’s lightsabers made quick work of cutting through the bridge’s view ports, and soon enough the two jedi and the Chancellor were looking up at the burning spacecraft as it sent large dark plumes of smoke into the Coruscant sky. Aside from the general exorbitant amounts of pollution filling the already hazy atmosphere, Obi-Wan couldn’t quite shake the nagging feeling that kept tugging at the back of his mind, that he had missed something.
Granted he did miss Anakin apparently killing Count Dooku, the one lead the Jedi had on figuring out the true identity of Lord Sideous, but somehow he didn’t feel surprised by that. He absolutely felt a mix of emotions thinking about that duel and what transpired, but surprise wasn’t exactly one of the emotions he felt. At least not in the sense that the duel came to those extremes. 
He willed the thought away. He couldn’t continue to dwell on what should have happened, or what he could have prevented if he had not been incapacitated. He told himself it was just his worry about Ahsoka on Mandalore, that he would need to contact her soon. He still couldn’t pin down his thoughts or emotions on that issue either. He knew that Rex, Pyrrha and Bo Katan were with her, but that did little to assure him of any kind of victory against Maul. Again he pushed the thought away. It was out of his hands for the time being. All he could do was petition the council to intervene again now that the Chancellor was back on Coruscant.
“Maybe you hit your head harder than I thought,” Anakin’s voice pierced his thoughts briefly.
Obi-Wan took a deep breath through his nose, and tried not to choke on the awful smell of burning oil and steel before letting it out. “What makes you say that?” he asked, finally facing his friend with a raised brow.
“I don’t know you’ve got that kind of weird spacy look.”
“I assure you I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Just make sure you get your head checked-” Anakin paused mid sentence and a small fighter craft came barreling down toward the surface. If Obi-Wan hadn’t known any better he almost would have thought it was going to crash right into the landing pad.
“What is this about?” The Chancellor said stepping between the two jedi as their own craft finally reached the landing pad.
Obi-Wan’s brows furrowed as Anakin nudged him with his elbow before following the politician. He knew what his former apprentice was getting at, he just wished he wouldn’t be so open about his attempts to tease him. He put the thought aside for a moment. He couldn’t deny the anxious flutter in his stomach as the two person fighter craft touched down a little ways away. He couldn’t deny that he was happy to see the fighter and the two cabins open up from the top, the two women inside moving with just as much urgency as the Coruscant Guard trying to usher the Chancellor onto a transport back to the Senate Building.
In front of him, Anakin and Palpatine seemed to already be discussing the next steps to go after General Grievous, and though Obi-Wan was also eager to bring the war to an end, thinking about that so soon brought back the vague nagging in the back of his mind. He had to remind himself to take things one step at a time. He couldn’t let himself get caught up in those feelings. Then there was still the clean up after, reparations to be made, and the small matter of hopefully letting the senate re-elect a new Chancellor at last.
“Glad to see you’re both in one piece,” The dark haired human woman said. Jankari crossed her arms and though she did sound pleased to see them, Obi-Wan didn’t miss her complete disregard for the Chancellor. He understood she was still grieving the loss of ARC-Trooper Fives and from what he understood of the situation, she held the Chancellor personally responsible for what happened.
“Was there ever any doubt that we weren’t?” he said, unable to stop the grin forming on his face, as the green woman with Jankari barreled into Anakin for a hug.
Jankari raised a brow, keeping her arms tight around her chest, “Well considering how many pieces the ship was in, I’d say there was some reason to doubt.” She stepped aside as Sas let go of Anakin and eagerly jumped into Obi-Wan’s arms.
This was how their reunions went. Sas rarely greeted Obi-Wan first, he tried to only hold her for as long as what would be seen as appropriate. Though admittedly, he always held her for two heartbeats longer than he should and gave her a small squeeze before setting her back down on the ground. It didn’t matter if their current company, namely Jankari and Anakin, had some idea of what Obi-Wan’s relationship with Sas was, they continued to remain committed to their parts. Sas always being much more openly affectionate and Obi-Wan embracing it with a distant amusement.
This time however, was slightly different. Sas huffed in his ear as she squeezed him, and Obi-Wan did his best not to squirm as her breath tickled his skin. “Get out of here. Theres nothing more you can do?” She echoed his words from what felt like a lifetime ago when Anakin tried to get the buzz droids off him. ”Were you trying to give me a heart attack?" She pulled away abruptly an amused smile on her face, despite the waves of anxiety that poured off her in the force. “I have a bad feeling about this? Really? REALLY.” Sas had always been excellent at maintaining her physical composure. She often described her skill as an absolute necessity, and Obi-Wan, though he sometimes hated to admit it, found that it had been useful on several occasions, some of which had little to do with their roles in the GAR.
“Hey we’ve come out of worse things alright,” Anakin cut in as he, Jankari and the Chancellor turned to face Obi-Wan and Sas.
“Thats not the point-” Sas said, crossing her arms as she followed them to the shuttle.
“I think she means the comm silence after that comment had all of us worried,” Jankari cut in, her eyes darting between Sas and the Chancellor as he stepped aboard his shuttle.
Anakin followed after, not looking to see if Jankari or Sas was behind him. Already, the Chancellor had drawn the young Jedi Knight’s attention away again. Of course Obi-Wan wasn’t entirely surprised, as he was sure Anakin had plenty of questions as to how Grievous was able to get to the Chancellor so easily, and if he knew the fate of any of the other jedi who were sent to intervene. Shaak Ti hadn’t been on the ship, nor had there been any other signs of the Jedi sent to protect the Chancellor. Obi-Wan got the sinking feeling that there would not be much celebrating today in the temple.
“You’re really going to wait here?” Sas’ voice pulled Obi-Wan’s thoughts back to the surface. He had one foot already on the shuttle, but still he turned to her in confusion. Instead however, he found Jankari, standing a few feet away watching him warily. Well not really watching him but looking past him to where Palpatine had already sat himself in the shuttle.
“Yeah…someone has to to return the ship to the docks, and after your shaky landing its probably best I just fly the ship alone.” Ever since the incident with ARC trooper Fives, Jankari had a tendency to pull away any time she thought Palpatine would be around or involved in some way. He never discussed it with her, but Sas was deeply troubled when she found out about it. They had both been off-world when it happened, and yet again Sas had expressed feeling inadequate in maintaining her friendship with the hunter. Even now he could feel the uncertainty rolling off both women.
Sas didn’t press though. “Thank you Kari,” he heard her say as she followed him into the shuttle. 
Most of the flight to the Senate building passed in welcomed, though slightly uncharacteristic silence. Well, somewhat. Anakin and the Chancellor kept up their conversation as the former updated the other on news from the Outer Rim Sieges. That was only to be expected between the two of them. Obi-Wan wasn’t entirely sure when it happened, or how it started, but Anakin’s friendship with Palpatine unsettled him in ways he couldn’t quite explain. The Jedi Master had a tendency to boil it down to wishing that he could have had that same kind of communication with Anakin over the years. While they were no long master and apprentice, and Obi-Wan trusted no one more than he trusted Anakin, there was still a barrier between them, one that didn’t seem to exist between the young knight and the Chancellor. That shield kept Anakin from confiding in him about his relationship with Senator Amidala, and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but wonder if his friend had told Palpatine about that.
Sas shifted in the seat next to Obi-Wan. She was actually the one uncharacteristically quiet. It wasn’t so much that he was expecting her to mouth off to the Chancellor for likely forgoing some of his own security protocols, as she had done so in the past among other things, it was that she wouldn’t even look at him. He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised though. Four years of knowing Sas and Obi-Wan knew that there was a part of her that questioned whether or not it was actually in the Republic’s favor to rescue the Chancellor. If Obi-Wan were being honest, he was slowly beginning to wonder the same thing.
“Master Kenobi,” the Chancellor’s voice pulled him away from those thoughts. “How much longer do you think this war will wear on? Surely, not much longer with Count Dooku gone.”
Sas crossed her arms and shifted again next to Obi-Wan. Her back was slightly to him, and had they been alone, she likely would have leaned back against him. The end of the war wasn’t something they both really talked about, despite wanting nothing more. Well, at the very least, he knew Sas would always struggle to imagine the end of the war, and now that it seemed within their grasp, he couldn’t quite explain why his stomach churned the way it did. 
“I don’t think I’m at liberty to say Chancellor,” he started honestly. “I don’t imagine Grievous has the discipline to keep going on his own, nor the cooperation of other Sepratists Generals, however, how much longer the war lasts would depend almost entirely on how long it takes to catch him.” Just saying that out loud made Obi-Wan feel exhausted. Several times throughout the war he and the 212th had tried to capture the Cyborg and yet nearly every time he managed to find a way to escape. It was incredibly frustrating, but mostly exhausting. The only redeeming thought in it all was the possibility that he and Anakin had also given Grievous and the other Sepratists military leaders just as many headaches over the years.
“It shouldn’t be long,” Anakin followed up. “We’ll have that cyborg dealt with in no time.” There was a confidence in his voice that Obi-Wan always admired and appreciated when he himself was feeling less so, however he had to wonder if Anakin was really thinking through what could possibly follow after.
Again Sas shifted in her seat next to Obi-Wan, and while he and both Anakin were very aware that the green woman tended to move a lot  when seated in a regular chair, it didn’t escape either of their notice that it was after each time commented on the end of the war. He would need to discuss it with her later. For now he would just need to hope that the Chancellor would not question her behavior.
“Miss Vom, is there something else you wish to add? You’ve had just as much experience with General Grievous as Master Kenobi-”
“My opinion has little bearing on the results,” Sas answered curtly. 
“I would hardly say that,” Palpatine continued. “I doubt Master Kenobi would have kept you on his command team if your opinions had such little bearing.”
Obi-Wan felt the knot in his stomach tighten a bit at the comment. While everything the Chancellor said was absolutely true, Obi-Wan did value Sas’ input, something about the tone Palpatine used made his nerves crawl.The Chancellor’s words were just a little too close to the truth.
“No, no, no, you see, Master Kenobi and the other Jedi keep me around for what happens when this is all over,” Sas said curtly. Her ability to modulate her voice and features so that she still seemed calm, even playful, despite the frustration that rolled offer her was certainly a feat to behold. “You, Chancellor, have a massive mess to clean up politically when this is all over."
And there it was. Obi-Wan thought she had been doing well. At least this time she waited for him to ask for her comment. He wanted nothing more than to take her hand in his own, let her ground herself and let her know that he'd support whatever heated comment was about to fly from her lips. Instead, she sat up a little straighter meeting the Chancellor’s tired expression.
"Do I now?" Palpatine seemed amused.
"Sas, the Chancellor has been doing his best to keep the Republic in one piece," Anakin interjected. 
Obi-Wan had to resist the impulse to roll his eyes. This of course was more for Anakin’s sake than Palpatine’s, but he would leave the remarks to Sas and do damage control after.
"Chancellor, there will be systems on both sides in dire need of aid and supplies, former Sepratist systems that will need to be negotiated with. Winning the war is only one small part of this crisis, there are still the grievances on both sides to be addressed or else this would have all been for nothing."
Obi-Wan felt the corners of his lips pull up ever so slightly. In another life Sas might have made a good politician, or a very poor one who spoke too frankly.
"Sas, it sounds like you want to let these systems off without facing any consequences for their treason," Anakin said, cutting in before Palpatine could speak.
"The Republic failed them, so they left. If the Chancellor does not take the time to consider what changes they'd like to see then we're all for the worst. You might as well put the last of those emergency powers to good use before handing them back over to the Senate and they hold another election."
Obi-Wan wasn’t sure how to describe the shift that overtook the transport at Sas' words. Despite the afternoon sun beaming through the portholes, washing everything in warm golden light, a deep cold passed through him and seemingly drained the color from Sas’ face. He looked between her, Anakin and Palpatine. Despite her green complexion somehow looking faded, Sas kept her composure and sat firmly in her seat. The Chancellor kept a rather placid expression as he watched her with his hands in his lap, but Anakin’s brows furrowed darkly over his eyes.
 “All she means to say is that even once the war is over, there is still much to do and many relationships to mend,” he said, hoping to draw some of the attention away from her. “Just as during the war, she would like to continue her part to help the Republic work towards peace.” None of his companions seemed fully appeased by his statement, and the cold still lingered in his core. Obi-Wan didn’t like it, but it was something he would need to discuss with Anakin when they were alone. 
Thankfully, the shuttle arrived at the Senate Building before anything else could be said. Obi-Wan watched as the Chancellor swiftly stood up, and exited the ship without another word. Anakin gave Obi-Wan a brief look that the Jedi Master assumed to be talk some sense into her, before leading R2 out of the ship as well. Sas on the other hand stayed seated for just a moment before sprawling back on the seats with sigh. If Sas felt the cold lingering in her, she didn’t let on, in fact she didn't appear to be affected at all. Even as Obi-Wan watched Master Windu and Yoda greet the Chancellor he couldn’t quite shake the cold, and mind grew as hazy as Coruscant skyline.
Despite this feeling, Obi-Wan considered stepping out and greeting a few of the senators, namely Padmé and Bail, but thought better of it as he saw Anakin searching the crowd gathered. He himself quickly searched the crowd as Palpatine greeted them, but noticed several usual faces were missing.
“You’re not going to see your sister?” Obi-Wan called over his shoulder to Sas.
“I talked to her just before the battle. Crix went off world to go visit our mom and our cousins. She’s either coming back tonight or tomorrow morning.”
Obi-Wan gave a brief nod before realizing Anakin was looking back up at him expectantly. Even R2 had already rolled out to mingle with the crowd.
“Are you coming, Master?” Anakin said, and again Obi-Wan wondered if he should. Then again, it wasn’t necessary that he himself debrief the senate, the Chancellor could do that himself, and so could Anakin. They were conscious for more of the escapade anyway, and then there would need to be a Council briefing- Obi-Wan didn’t consider himself prideful but he would be lying if he said he didn’t mind having to explain the fiasco in the lift system more than once.
“Oh no I’m not brave enough for politics,” he answered with a grin, “I have to report to the Council.” At least his excuse was actually a practical one. He was only going to be polite in greeting Bail and Padmé, but truthfully if he could avoid it, Obi-Wan did not want to be swarmed by the senators. His head still hurt, and the thought of being trapped in the echo chambers of the senate building only made it worse. He’d leave the politicians to Anakin, “Besides, someone needs to be the poster boy.”
He could hear Sas let out a snort from behind him.
“Hold on. This whole operation was your idea.”
“Let’s not forget, Anakin, that you rescued me from the buzz droids-” Obi-Wan started.
“Saved, is a strong word,” came Sas’ voice again, but this time much closer. 
Obi-Wan tried to keep his thoughts focused as he felt her arms wrap around his waist. “And you killed Count Dooku, and you rescued the Chancellor carrying me unconscious on your back.”
“See you could have used ‘saved’ there instead.” Sas teased quietly, her breath ghosting across the back of his neck. He tried to let it just roll off of him, focus on what Anakin was saying, something about training. He let out a breath, but couldn’t fight the shiver that ran through him. Thankfully, the Holonet reporters were fixated on the Chancellor.
“Anakin, let’s be fair. Today you were the hero, and you deserve your glorious day with the politicians.”
“All right, but you owe me one, and not for saving your skin for the 10th time,” Anakin said, though Obi-Wan almost felt something like relief wash over the young jedi. He knew that, Padme might not have been in the crowd, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t waiting for Anakin. Clearly, he was hoping she was anyway.
“Ninth time. That business on Cato Neimoidia doesn’t- doesn’t count.”
“No it doesn’t, that was all Rouge and Jankari,” Sas chimed in loud enough this time for Anakin to hear.
“I’ll see you both after the briefing,” Anakin said with a wave of his hand before finally moving into the waiting crowd with a shake of his head. Almost immediately his friend was enveloped into the swarm of senators and reporters.
Obi-Wan watched for a moment before turning at the light brush of Sas’ lips over the back of his neck. As the steps folded back up, he let out a breath as he moved his hands over her arms around his waist still. “Patience, My Dear,” he said, lifting one of her hands to his lips. 
Slowly, her arms pulled away and he turned to see a mixture of emotions cross her face. They poured off her in waves; concern, confusion, worry, longing, happiness. It wasn’t often that she was speechless, especially when they were alone, but  her brows furrowed for a moment as she tried to search for the right words.
 Then there was the  little nagging feeling in the back of his mind. Obi-Wan had thought it would have cleared away with Anakin and Palpatine out of the transport, but still it hung like the thick mass of smoke still rising over the horizon where Anakin had crashed The Invisible Hand. He hardly imagined that it could be coming from Sas.
Taking a seat as the transport started to pull away from the landing platform, Obi-Wan gently guided Sas to sit next to him, one arm draped over her shoulders, the other hand still holding hers. He slowly wove his fingers with hers and leaned over to kiss the side of her head. “I’m sorry I scared you,” he mumbled against her hair. She smelled of metal, blaster fire and sweat still. As she leaned into him, it dawned on Obi-Wan how difficult this battle must have been for her. He was a Jedi Master trained to use the force to navigate intense situations like this battle, she didn’t have that ability, nor did the clones they served with. It was chaotic for him and Anakin, to say the very least. He could only imagine what the battle must have looked like to her. He wished he could promise that it wouldn't happen again, that he would not cause her to worry again, but that was impossible, even if Dooku was dead now. The cloud swirled in the back of his mind.
Just one more thing to add to his list of things to discuss with Anakin.
“Thats a pretty lousy apology, Pretty Boy,” Sas sighed and leaned into his hold. He could feel her shoulders rise and fall slowly as she took in a deep breath. In the reflection of the portviews, he could see the tired smile pulling on the corners of her lips. It was one he knew well. The smile she gave when she had so many thoughts clawing for attention in her head, and she was doing her best to ignore them all to be in the moment.
“Hmmm and how would you suggest I make it better?” He mumbled against her hair. Obi-Wan really didn’t have to ask what she meant by her comment. He knew what her answer would be, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to hear her say it. He nuzzled against her head, purposely freeing some loose strands of hair from her braid. 
“You can start by making sure your kisses reach their target.” Sas shifted next to him, swinging her legs up so that they were draped across his lap. 
“Well, you know there is a way that we can remedy that,” Obi-Wan chuckled as he sat up, moved his arm that was around her shoulder, more around her back and waist so that he could hold her closer in his lap.
“When you say things like that, it makes me think you’re not actually sorry.”
“You might possibly be correct about that.”
Sas narrowed her brown eyes at him. In the sunlight, he could see little green flecks in her eyes, shimmering like plants that grew under the water’s surface off the rocky coast on her own home planet. He wondered if she knew she carried that with her, that looking into her eyes was to see an entire world that she loved and lived for. He slowly untangled his fingers from hers, cupped her face and smiled as she leaned into his touch.
 For a brief moment, Obi-Wan held the entire galaxy in the palm of his hand. Attachment was against the Jedi Code,and of course he knew that was exactly what their relationship was, but there was some small comfort in knowing how fleeting this moment was, and that she cherished it just as much as he did. Perhaps it was sad, and said more about their outlook about the end of the war, that they only could only imagine holding onto each other so long as the galaxy was crumbling. 
He let out a breath and pressed another kiss to her forehead. They keep me around for what happens after. Sas’ words rang quietly in his ears. He felt his chest ache as he held her a little tighter to himself. She was absolutely right, that he would be requesting her assistance on missions to bring systems back into the Republic. The end of the war wasn’t truly the end. Their work never stopped. It didn’t matter what either of them did, their war, their fight never seemed to end. Another weight settled in his stomach.
"Where's your mind Obi-Wan?" Sas' voice pulled him back into the present. That was the only place he truly wanted to be.
"With my hero, my heart, my glowing star," he answered and smiled at the giggle she breathed out against his lips. He would happily drink in that sound for the rest of his life. Once this war was over, he planned to. 
Her hand moved up and through his hair, only to pull away quickly when he involuntarily flinched at her touch. The back of his head, and honestly his whole back were still pretty tender from his fight with Count Dooku. Again her brows knit together with worry. “I was going to say you must have hit your head a little hard in there-” she started. Usually she was so quick to have some kind of sassy quip, but the worry never left her eyes as she tried to lighten the mood. “I hate being right about these things.”
“An hour or two in a bacta tank should take care of it well enough. Besides, there are others who need it more.”
“You mean if I can actually get you to go back to the medbay,” Sas’ hand moved down to his shoulder, guiding him down so that his forehead could rest against her own.
“Well I do have a report to deliver.”
“So do I, and since Anakin left, I guess that makes it my job to escort you there.”
“Sas, you know as well as I do that many of our troops will need medical aid first. Another hour or two without attention will not bring me any harm.” Even as Obi-Wan said it, he felt something was off. Truthfully, it felt as if he wasn’t supposed to survive this mission at all. Only Anakin’s sheer force of will allowed Obi-Wan to return alive and well. 
“Yoda and Mace are getting briefed with the senators, why can't you just go get some bacta spray?" Sas had pulled her head away from him by this point, Obi-Wan still held her in his lap, but there was a wedge between them. He could feel it. He wanted to blame it on the cold that had gripped them both a few moments before. She sounded tired and frustrated. He wasn't helping in trying to make light of the situation he was in during the battle.
"If it will ease your mind, I will go to the medbay first," Obi-Wan said at last. He could let go of the situation, thank the force for letting him come out of it alive, but Sas couldn’t and it was much more difficult for her to move past it.
"Thank you, Obi-Wan," she started and looked away briefly. "I just… there was a lot at once- I thought I lost you.…”
Obi-Wan tilted his head and pressed a kiss to her forehead, just above her eyes. “I’m here now, and always will be.”
Sas made a noise in the back of her throat, something that sounded like it could have been a well, but he only let out a small huff out through his nose in answer. 
She really didn’t consider that he could choose her, that anyone could choose her to spend their life with. Obi-Wan didn’t want to say how accurate she had been in her statements to the Chancellor about the end of the war. While he knew part of the reason Sas didn’t like to talk about the end of the war was because it left them in a very uncertain relationship, he understood that it was only a very small part of it. Both of them were well aware that the end of the war wasn't actually the end of the war. Negotiations would need to be made, treaties signed, and reparations made on both sides. The Jedi would likely be called in to take care of these situations as well, and so Obi-Wan would be out planet hopping again. Sas however would return to a planet one step away from civil war. The end of the Clone Wars wasn’t the end of their war, and very few people would willingly step into that kind of life. Obi-Wan had decided however, that he would for her, even if neither of them lived long enough to see their efforts rewarded. 
He knew all these things and yet, Obi-Wan kept them all to himself. He told himself that it would be better this way. That should something happen to either of them, it would not feel like something was being taken from them. He told himself that he was protecting her, even if he wasn't so sure he believed that.
After a few moments in silence, Sas said, “I won’t ask you to promise not to do that again. I don’t think I would have survived this long if I thought that was a reasonable promise, but can you at least not…” she paused, her fingers thrumming on the back of his neck as she searched for the right word, “...give up so quickly?”
“Give up?”
“Go on, theres nothing more you can do, sounded an awful lot like giving up.”
Obi-Wan sat up a little then, realizing how grim it likely sounded from where she sat in the fight. Before answering he tightened his hold around her, and pulled her more into his lap. “What if instead, should anything dire happen again, I promise to do everything I can to come home, to come back to you.” 
"Thats a big promise Obi-Wan," Sas answered, her brows pulled together.
Even as he heard himself say the words, Obi-Wan knew it was a lot to promise. Well, it was a lot for him to promise. Sas' request was more of what anyone would expect of him. That he would do whatever he could to finish the mission. They often left their relationship out of such things, it was easier to separate their duties and their relationship. They both knew what choices would win in the end.
However as Obi-Wan found himself staring at the end of the war practically at his feet, he was surprised to feel so tired and drained. This war was never how he imagined serving as a Jedi, nor did he see this role ending soon. He could tell himself that it was just the bump on his head that made him feel sick, but if updates they'd sporadically received while in the Outer Rim were correct, then even once the war was over the Jedi would not be allowed to return to their status before the war. They were servants of the Force not glorified soldiers or guards, but that was exactly the role he'd played over the last three years. He could not keep going on that way.
"You've got that far away look again, Pretty Boy," Sas said softly. "You don't have to promise me that."
With a soft sigh, Obi-Wan pressed his forehead back against Sas'. He wanted to promise her that. He wished he could give her more, she deserved more. "Perhaps it is a bit dramatic," he answered with a small smile.
"Only slightly more dramatic than what I'm used to from you," she teased. "Just don't give up on yourself so easily."
"I won't," he promised, before gently tilting her chin up and capturing her lips in a kiss. And you don't give up on us, he found himself thinking as he cradled her against him. Her soft lips moved  hesitantly against his, like she was still thinking about his promise, or she was waiting for something to happen. After a few moments, she leaned into his touch and he could feel the tension melt away between them. He felt her flingers tug at his robes as she pulled herself closer to him. 
“I love you,” she mumbled against his lips, her hand sliding down over his back to wrap around his shoulder. Sas was always one to hold on tight, to hold on a little longer than she should, and Obi-Wan normally didn’t mind it, but something felt different this time. Something about the way her fingers clutched at his robe, like each brush of their lips could possibly be their last. It wasn’t until he felt the tear slip onto his palm against her cheek, that he fully understood what she was thinking at that moment. Of course He could feel her worry, her fear, and the longing that radiated from Sas, but the missing piece clicked into place finally. She had nearly lost him before, on plenty of missions, but this was the first time since Fives’ death that they had been separated on a mission, the first time he truly, nearly died since then. Of course she was thinking about what had happened to Jankari and Fives, what happened with Pyrrha and Rex after she followed his leads. Obi-Wan felt the chill lingering in the back of his mind seep into his chest. He was not meant to survive the Invisible Hand.
Promises to return home were just as dangerous as a loaded blaster. Making such a promise was simply daring someone to pull the trigger and rip them apart. The Jedi taught that anticipating the future too much could distract from things happening in the moment. Obi-Wan understood that, and found himself turning to that reminder  more frequently. However, Sas had seen too many future hopes collapse to ever feel comfortable thinking about it. She didn’t think or plan for her future because she was afraid to lose it. She was afraid to lose him.
Pulling away slightly, Obi-Wan once again pressed his lips to her forehead. “I love you too, Sas. I love you so much.” A small smile pulled at Obi-Wan’s lips as Sas nestled her head against his shoulder and neck. Holding Sas was like sitting in the warm glow of a campfire. Her spirit could melt the frost that settled in his chest. “I am sorry for worrying you, Darling,” he assured her. He didn’t promise her that he would always come back to her, instead he just held her tighter as the landing platform came into sight of the view port. 
For just a brief moment the shadow passed over his mind again. He would need to deliver his report among many other things that needed to be discussed with the Chancellor’s most recent proposal. However the weight on his chest lifted almost immediately when Sas shifted to look up at him again. No matter what, even if he galaxy was falling apart, she would stand with him through it all.
"One more kiss, before we go back to pretending," Sas said, pulling him for a kiss before the transport landed on the loading platform. She was more urgent and hungrier than their previous kiss, but he was more than eager to match her needs. He pulled away breathless and yet still felt like he broke the kiss too soon. She shifted off his lap and gave his hand a squeeze as the shuttle landed. Thankfully there weren’t nearly as many people on the landing deck of the Temple as there had been at the Senate building. No one was actually there to greet them, most were clones or Jedi hurrying by taking care of their own business. Despite being surrounded by his people, and so much of what normally made him feel safe and at ease in his life, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel the nagging in the back of his mind. Even as Sas walked him to the med bay, the distance between them seemed immeasurable. He couldn’t explain it, nor was he sure he really wanted to at that moment. Instead, as a medical droid took a scan of his head wound, Obi-Wan felt the warmth of Sas’ kiss on his lips, and the weight of the unspoken promise he intended to keep.
As always I hope you enjoyed, comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
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burnwater13 · 5 months
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Concept art by Christian Alzmann
Grogu hated missing people. He missed his friends from the Jedi Temple. He missed his masters as well. He even missed the librarian who pinched his cheeks. He missed Kelleran Beq. He missed Obi-Wan Kenobi. He missed Mace Windu. 
He’d missed those people for a very long time. They’d been gone for more than half his life in most cases. While he was hidden from the Empire and the Inquisitors and the Emperor himself, Grogu still managed to meet people who were kind and helpful and gone. He was at least as missing from their lives, if they still lived them, as they were from his. 
He wondered if they missed him too? Did they smile to themselves when they thought about washing his coverall, only to discover that he’s pockets were filled with snacks and little stones that he picked up to remember the people and places he visited? Did they laugh to themselves when they remembered the first time they saw him eat a critter whole? Did they cry when they thought he must have surely been captured and killed like so many other good people they knew?
He tried not to think about them at all because he really didn’t like going from smiling to laughing to crying. He knew that nothing he could do now would change anything that happened then and that just made him angry and then sad and then very, very quiet. When his dad gave him a strange look because he didn’t understand what Grogu was babbling about, some of the time it was because he was missing those old friends and he just had to run through all the emotions as quickly as he could or he’d just be hugging Din Djarin and weeping on his shoulder. Grogu didn’t want to do that more than once a day and he preferred that time was reserved for asking for more food or a toy…something that would make him happy, rather than sad. 
But today was different. Today was a day he couldn’t help but miss people. Today was the 563rd anniversary of the day first Kuiil and then IG-11 left them. Grogu counted everyday since they parted as an anniversary and that was also one of the many reasons he didn’t like missing people. He couldn’t not think of them every day. He couldn’t not hear their voices or see their actions. 
IG-11 had said and done so many things. It certainly helped that since IG-11 was a droid, it was capable of doing more things per second that a human or an Ugnaught or a Grogu. Offering them tea. Helping them pack up the Razor Crest. Improving the functionality of the carbonite chamber even if they never got a chance to use it. Pointing out that the blurrgs would travel better if they were frozen. Taking Kuiil’s refusal to do that in good humor. Helping them unpack the Razor Crest. Cleaning up after the blurrgs. It had all been memorable. 
Grogu was really glad that IG-11 had rescued him from those Imps on Nevarro. And although he hated to admit it to himself, he had approved of the way the former assassin droid had done it as well. IG had tried being polite and pointing out the issues that required resolution. The Imps couldn’t claim that they hadn’t been warned. They had been. And when they refused to back down and just hand Grogu over, well the re-programmed assassin droid did just what you might it expect it to do. 
And that apology. It was priceless. 
“That was unpleasant. I’m sorry you had to see that.” 
Grogu wasn’t sorry at all and he didn’t find it the least bit unpleasant. If he’d been able to kick sand at those two Imps or snap out a curse or to quote Ian, saying ‘Bet you didn’t see that coming’ and then laugh, he absolutely would have. 
He knew what those two Imps had done to Kuiil and what they had done to him and all IG-11 had done was show them that it wasn’t nice to hurt people. They just got a very first hand experience of why that wasn’t nice. Some people really needed percussive instruction. At least that’s what Cara Dune told him.
Sadly, recalling that Cara was off doing some sort of secret mission thing for the New Republic just gave Grogu another person to miss. It was different missing a person you knew would be okay no matter what versus missing people who were really gone. Grogu would take one over the other any day. He could always ask his dad, the Mandalorian, to send Cara a vid of them waving and wishing her well. 
He couldn’t do that with Kuiil and he couldn’t imagine what would have to happen for Din Djarin to find another IG unit and train it to be their companion. They’d probably have to travel to Mandalore and find a mythosaur and fight the Imps all over again. Grogu began to giggle. 
What were the odds of that happening? 
It would take an IG-11 to calculate them, giving Grogu another reason to miss him. Dank Farrik!
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antianakin · 2 months
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Personally I feel like Anakin crossed that line when he decided dictatorship was a good choice of government and massacred an entire village of Tuskens down to the last child. Anakin is unrepentant about BOTH of these things and so I find it hard to believe he can be "saved" at that point in any way that matters.
Star Wars is all about choices. Anakin is making some irrevocably bad ones by AOTC already, he's not a good PERSON truly in AOTC (I find it hard to believe that someone who is as racist, sexist, arrogant, and selfish as Anakin is in this film can truly be considered "good" still). But that doesn't mean he can't still make BETTER ones. He recognizes that he's made a bad choice regarding the Tuskens in the sense that he knows a good Jedi wouldn't have done it, so there's like... a GLIMMER of hope in that, the last vestiges of Anakin recognizing that he's making bad choices. And maybe if someone OTHER THAN PADME "THE ENABLER" AMIDALA had been there with him in the wake of the Tusken massacre, someone like Obi-Wan or another Jedi maybe, they'd have been able to grasp onto that glimmer and help him move back towards the path he can still see but is choosing to walk away from. But what he gets from Padme instead is an excuse. He KNOWS the Jedi would consider it a bad choice, but Padme, like Palpatine, tells him that what he's done is okay, that it's different because it's HIM, because Anakin is SPECIAL. "To be angry is to be human" gets translated in Anakin's head as "It was okay to kill the Tuskens because I was angry over what happened to my mother and this was a normal and natural reaction to have" which allows him to DISMISS what he knows the Jedi would've believed about it as unimportant.
So like. Anakin CAN be saved. That's always true. It just won't be by Padme, or Obi-Wan, or Ahsoka, or even Luke. Anakin HAS to be saved by his own choice. He can be saved because he can ALWAYS make better choices. That's the whole point of his choice in ROTJ. He's been Vader for over 20 years, he betrayed the Jedi, destroyed the galaxy, killed his own pregnant wife, upheld a fascist tyrant, allowed Alderaan to be blown up and forced Leia to watch, enslaved the clones, and chopped off his own son's hand. And he can STILL make a better choice. And that's just as true on Tatooine after the Tusken massacre and on Mustafar after Order 66 as it is on the Death Star over two decades later.
The problem is that Anakin, generally, doesn't WANT to be saved because that requires acknowledging he NEEDS SAVING TO BEGIN WITH, which requires acknowledging he's done something wrong. And Anakin is just incapable of actually being able to admit he's actually IN THE WRONG about anything and constantly finds ways to excuse the things he does and the way he feels in order to see himself as in the right and as the hero of the story because it's easier and less painful.
So when Padme and Palpatine offer him excuses and tell him he's special and it's the Jedi who are wrong, Anakin grabs onto those excuses with both hands and refuses to let them go. He uses them to paper over what he's done in his head so he never has to look at them again and if he does, that he can interpret them as his triumphs instead of his failures. On Mustafar, this becomes particularly obvious. He yells at Obi-Wan that he "turned Padme against him" despite that being an utterly ridiculous thing to think. He tells Obi-Wan that from his point of view, the Jedi are evil, because it's easier to excuse murdering them all if they're the villains. He claims he has brought "peace, freedom, security, and justice" to "his" new Empire, even though he has brought none of these things and the Empire is not his at all.
Anakin is the King of lying to himself about his own crimes because he refuses to do the work of acknowledging his own failures in order to do and be better. So he CAN save himself, but it will only happen when he is actually willing to take that first step. When Padme shows up on Mustafar, that isn't something he's willing to do. When Obi-Wan tries to talk to him on Mustafar, that isn't something he's willing to do. When he sees Ahsoka on Malachor, that isn't something he's willing to do. When Luke comes to Bespin, that isn't something he's willing to do. Anakin CANNOT and WILL NOT make a different choice until it benefits him to do so. And that's exactly what happens. He only is capable of making the selfless choice when he has no other option if he wants to save Luke.
So COULD Anakin be saved on Mustafar? Yeah, sure. He COULD save himself. He just won't. It's not a choice he's willing to make at this point in his life, so it isn't going to happen even though the choice is always available to him.
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gffa · 2 years
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There’s a storyline in the Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comics, which is basically about an ancient Sith Lord called Darth Momin who haunts a mask and has information Vader wants about how to rip open the Force itself, and eventually we learn that Momin’s backstory is that he froze an entire city on the brink of destruction, so that their fear and terror would be frozen along with them, his shrine to the dark side. The entire comic is an excellent read when you look at the whole of it, it’s about all these paths being put in front of Vader through various encounters.  In one issue, the Force puts a vision in his head where he could find Obi-Wan and beg him for help and Obi-Wan would lower his saber and listen to him.  Or he could have remained true to the light and fought back against the dark, like Jocasta Nu did.  Or he could have still fallen to the dark but found ways to still help the Rebellion further down the line, even if he was still doing terrible things, like Ferren Barr did.  He could have taken the Barash Vow and removed himself from the conflict if he needed to find himself again, like Kirik Infil’a did.  He could have walked away and started a family, like Eeth Koth did. It’s not just Darth Vader hunting down Jedi, it’s a story about him ruthlessly killing anything that suggests he could have chosen differently. Instead, in every instance, Vader rejects these possible paths and says the dark side is all there is.  Instead, he asks Sidious for a world of his own to build a castle on and he wants Mustafar.  He builds his shrine looking out over the point where he believes Padme died and Obi-Wan left him. He has done to himself what Darth Momin did to that city--he has trapped himself in a moment of terror and fear, holding himself in that moment forever, frozen in amber, never moving on from it.  Darth Vader is trapped in the past by his own making. Now along comes the Obi-Wan Kenobi show. Those flashbacks we see are just as much from Vader’s point of view, that in part it may well be his connection in the Force with Obi-Wan and how his former Master still sees him as Anakin that is influencing the way Vader sees himself in these flashbacks, the 40 year old version of himself that’s not burned but is still a Padawan, but I think it’s also on some level a way to show us that Vader himself is stuck in the past. The parallels to those Jedi and Force-sensitives trapped in the amber in Fortress Inquisitorius, which is Darth Vader’s project, on a planet in his system, those people forever trapped at the moment of their despair.  A gruesome shrine to the dark side, just as Momin’s shrine was.  Just as Darth Vader’s Minecraft Castle of Bullshit and Loneliness is. When we see Hayden Christensen’s 40 year old face, at first it was a little jarring because that’s not what he looked like back then!  But the more I think about it, the more this choice works for me, that letting his face be his face allows Hayden Christensen to actually act, it keeps it from the Uncanny Valley, and it does the perfect job of illustrating that Anakin Skywalker is 40 years old and still a Padawan learner, because he hasn’t moved on. He has frozen himself in the past and does everything he can to keep himself in that moment of despair and horror.  He plays at being stronger now, having broken free from the rules of the Jedi, but we see him for what he really is.  A sad man who refuses to move on, to let go of the fear and hate and rage, his need to prove himself and gain validation through others, who hasn’t truly learned to overcome his own weaknesses, to even admit that he has them. This is what the dark side does.  This is what Anakin Skywalker has chosen.  This is where Anakin Skywalker keeps himself prisoner to the the past and his own despair, agony, and fear.
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saltyladynightmare · 1 year
Business AU
Anakin has a problem. Time has started...moving weirdly. As in, if he isn’t doing something...productive and useful, it doesn’t move at all. He just spends a small eternity...doing nothing, until he does something. He may be going insane. (There are cons to having the Force as a parent, and when it thinks you aren’t doing enough, look out, because it has the ability to make you do it.)(Anakin will bring it balance if it has to crush him under responsibility to do it.)
Obi-Wan is both very good at winning Sabacc, very bad at throwing Sabacc, and much worse at understanding what people are willing to gamble in a game of cards. Also, the Force has a plan. This is how he won the entire ownership of an age old weapons company, an entire textile industry company (which was really several companies smushed together), and a company the boils down to being something like the Agricorps just minus the use of the Force, on top of what amounted to 37.8% of a tech company, anywhere from 32% to 84.9% of eight (8!) different ship making companies, and a small habitable moon. He had been there for three hours. He was just trying to have a good time!
By the time he leaves he still has all of those things, plus a few more since he suddenly couldn’t loose a single game.
Anakin, when he finally wiggles out of Obi-Wan why he’s low key panicking, immediately realizes that there will be a lot of work involved (datawork, sure, but work never the less), and talks Obi-Wan into signing him in as Co-CEO whatever so he could do the data work and have something to do. He did have to wait until Obi-Wan admitted to defeat in getting rid of the things (a full eight months. And Obi-Wan said he was stubborn)(the breaking point was when Obi-Wan realized he just kept getting more things when he tried. Every time, all the time.)
Anakin does all of the paperwork to get the three companies to merge (weapons, textile, and agriculture), he does more paperwork when he finds out that the factories of the textile company was an affront to humane work place laws. He does a lot more, but those are the big ones. It takes him a staggering three months. The employees are amazed (and terrified) by his prowess. They have no idea he is twelve going on thirteen. He needed to do a lot of research, and look up words. Good thing he had nothing but time.
Anakin ends up spending a lot less time with Palpatine when he comes calling because, excuse me sir, I am running a multi trillion credit company, with several billion employees, I don’t have time to spare, even for you. So Anakin is spared 99% of the direct manipulations. His and Obi-Wan’s missions get much much worse though. Anakin was kidnapped and sold back into slavery when he was 13, but Obi-Wan rescued him within a week and a half (Legal refused to let him get away with not doing his paperwork, Lady was being insistent (and helpful in tracking him down), and he had no idea how Anakin did it all, but Obi-Wan couldn’t do it alone, so he just grit his teeth through the not so subtle and entirely unJedi-like Council meetings, and told them he had a duty to his Padawan.)(Anakin was back on top of his paperwork in a week and a half. Obi-Wan...took longer.)
When Anakin is 14 when he realizes that he could have an AI with him in his time warp misery. A droid...without a body. Yes. Tech went as fast as he did so long as he was touching it. He couldn’t always be touching a droid, but his datapad was usually on hand.
The Lady comes online four months later. She is quickly integrated with all of Anakin’s devices, and shortly after that, Obi-Wan’s. Their productivity goes through the roof. Anakin has her installed as an experiment in one of the company sites. Then in another, and another. Then all of them when she helps them immensely. Harassment goes way down, and Corporate Espionage decreases by 89%. Things smooth out.
Mean while, Obi-Wan keeps getting companies dropped into his lap, one way or another, and he Doesn’t Like It. Anakin thinks it’s hilarious, but is secretly glad, because time is slowing even more, and he’s hit a stride where even missions don’t slow him down.
It is after Anakin is kidnapped, re-enslaved, and rescued, that he begins to...think about his dreams of freeing slaves from when he was younger. He starts a fledgling of an idea for a Nonprofit Charity that was meant to help people get back on their feet. He sends out feelers to see how the Freedom Trail he now realizes his mother was working with (when he was with her, he hadn’t put it together. Now, he can understand why, even if he didn’t like it very much) was doing. Some highly qualified sentients who happen to also be employees of his company go to Tatooine voluntarily in short order. They may or may not be in possession of 1 or 400 or so universal transmitters specifically designed to find and fry slave chips safely. A slave revolution follows. Strange that. There are rumors about a Jedi beheading Huts, but that can’t possibly be true.
Anakin’s Company (because it really was his, Obi-Wan has divorced himself from it as much as he can while Anakin is still a minor. The only reason he does any of the data work is because he know that if he doesn’t, Anakin will. While Anakin has told him about the time warp, Obi-Wan finds it hard to believe and acts accordingly.) sends aid in relief, with suggestions for what the newly freed people can do to make life more comfortable.
Shmi becomes Queen of Tatooine (with very little of her input, and a lot from the Force), which makes Anakin a Price by default. Obi-Wan finds this hilarious. Anakin only knows that this will bring more data work for him, he can feel it. He can also feel time slow even more. He very carefully doesn’t curse the Force. He can feel it’s glee. Lady is his favorite forever and ever. Anakin is still 15.
The nonprofit comes up. Anakin calls it the Shmi Charities, with a focus to settling those who’s lives have been thrown into upheaval due to unfortunate circumstances. It is unspoken that the ‘those’ are ex-slaves who need help getting on their feet. Their first aid is on Tatooine.
Tatooine ends up settling a very reasonable long term contract with Krayt Industries (Anakin’s Company) to build domes over their biggest cities to encourage water retention in return for the opportunity to build a glass factory on planet (this also opened job opportunities locally, as well as increased (strangely) tourist attractions when TI started building really cool things in the desert with molten glass while testing various new inventions. This is also around when Anakin begins working on designers for cybernetic limbs.
Anakin is 16. Obi-Wan (who has learned better) gets dragged into another gamble. He ends up in possession...of a lot of little things, off of which take a boat load of datawork thanks to how shady everything is. It almost goes unnoticed that he had also come into possession of three separate droid factories...that were producing the same type of droid.
They find the plot for the Separatists.
They spend the next two and a bit years hunting down as many of those factories as they can, then gaining them, before putting them in an endless series of shell companies...who were sympathizers with the Separatists’ cause. Even Palpatine can’t figure out that all of the companies belong to the same two people.
By the end of those years, they have, from what they can tell, about 80-84% of the factories under their control. The droids have been repurposed to be agricultural droids to work on the various agricultural moons and planets Obi-Wan has won in various games or had ‘gifted’ to him (no, seriously, it has happened more then once, Anakin still thinks it’s hilarious).
Then they find the clones.
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I honestly think some of you "pro-jedi" people just hate the star wars universe. Like I get where you are coming from, the pro-sith agenda was so sickening and so popular for so long, it feels good to put those people in their place. But the hard to swallow pill is the Jedi were about love. They loved the mandelorians, even when the mandelorians hated them. They loved the republic, even when the republic didn't understand them. They loved Anakin, his betrayal hurt! When you go out there tearing down all these cultures, and people in the effort to make the Jedi look better, you are showimg yourself to have more in common with the sith than the Jedi. And refusing to admit when mistakes were made (I am not talking about the so called baby stealing anyone with eyes or ears can see they didn't steal babies), doesn't help their cause. I get why you are tempted to act this way, there are a lot of people who try to use these mistakes as a reason to excuse the Jedi genocide, or say they deserve it, but refusing to see the mistakes the Jedi made during the clone wars is to refuse to see why so many Jedi were so adement they shouldn't be part of it, it is why you can't understand why so many refused to join the rebellion! The Jedi are individuals not a hive mind, they all had opinions on what it meant to be one with the force, and rarely was war part of it, but at the same time they were knights and warriors, and finding that balance is hard, Anakin was a great Jedi, he just lost his balance, but so did every other Jedi during the wars, that is the whole point of prequels everyone falls, that is what Obi-Wan's arc is about how to get back up after you fall, the only difference that sith lovers love to overlook, is that the Jedi (and Anakin) didn't just fall, THEY WERE PUSHED. This was a set up, the war was designed so they could not win, both literally figuratively. If they won, they would have lost so much of what made them Jedi, and if they lost (which they did) they would be decimated literally with not enough physical presence to truly act as Jedi and make much of a difference. Or at least that was Sidious's plan the Force had other plans and proved a faithful few could still serve it's needs, it didn't need numbers.
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fellthemarvelous · 1 year
Random thoughts about the Disaster Trio that doesn't really go anywhere but I'm talking about them anyway.
I think a lot about the way Anakin trained Ahsoka to be able to take on enemies bigger than her. He trained her to be a survivor too because he was a survivor as well. He always had trouble letting go though because he always feared loss. He had promised his mother he would return to Tatooine to free her, but he didn't get the chance until it was too late. He'd kept his promise that he would free her from the Tusken Raiders, but he had never anticipated that his mother would die in his arms and he blamed himself.
Anakin slaughtered every single one of the Tusken Raiders in that small village. He succumbed to the dark side and he was disappointed in himself. He was angry with himself. He was scared of himself and it's why he struggled with his attachments. He had failed the Jedi, but with Ahsoka he was determined not to fail her. He was able to bring her back from the dead with the life force of Daughter. He was able to do for her what he wasn't able to do for his own mother.
Anakin was selfless and loved so deeply, but his fear of loss caused him to struggle with knowing what the right choice was.
The saddest thing is that Anakin was so selfless and kind as a child. He wanted to help everyone. Palpatine groomed him for years and successfully turned him into the most feared being in the galaxy.
Anakin was the key to enslaving an entire galaxy. He was the strongest JediHe became a slave to Palpatine because of the influence Palpatine had over his entire life. Pretending to be a father figure. Praising Anakin in a way that caused Anakin to doubt the Jedi and steer him in the wrong direction.
Palpatine influenced him, and that moment in the office with Palpatine and Mace Windu was pivotal. It was a test that would either allow him to achieve the rank of Jedi Master or turn him to the dark side. It was his test and he failed. All he wanted was to be a Jedi Master. His visions of Padme dying was the catalyst for his final test as a Jedi. He could have become a Jedi master, but he chose to become a Sith apprentice instead when he helped Palpatine kill Mace Windu. (Side note: I like to tell myself that he actually survived because Samuel L Jackson is a badass motherfucker who is really good at getting his way and also thinks Mace Windu survived)
Not trusting in the Force is what caused him to be the reason Padme died. He failed. The worst thing that could happen happened and it was his fault. He caused the death of the Jedi Order. He caused the death of Padme. Obi-Wan had lost all faith in him and left him for dead.
And the Emperor shared the news of Padme's death with a smile on his face.
He failed and that's when he committed fully to the dark side. When he lost everything. Because Palpatine had lied to him his entire life. He knew this on some level, but he failed and he refused to actually admit it.
He took the pain of loss, the anger, the fear and the hate and projected his rage onto everyone as the Emperor's apprentice.
Anakin trained Ahsoka to be able to take on someone as strong as him. He didn't think it would actually be him, but he also didn't fully trust himself. He never knew where he fit. Obi-Wan was like a father to Anakin, but Obi-Wan considered Anakin a brother. Obi-Wan is only what, 16 years older than Anakin? Obi-Wan not only trained Anakin, but he raised Anakin. He loved Anakin unconditionally and allowed his feelings as family to cloud his judgment when it came to the trouble that Anakin was actually in. He refused to listen to Mace and Yoda when they voiced their concern because of his attachment to Anakin.
Anakin's belief that he failed Ahsoka when she left the Jedi Order caused him to fall even further. It wasn't Ahsoka's fault. He thought he had failed her, but it was the Order as a whole that did. He didn't fail Ahsoka, but he needed that time to reunite with her because of how much he was struggling with his conscience and he never got the opportunity to talk to her.
Anakin failed because of how much he doubted himself. How much he hated himself.
In the end, resurrecting her from the dead on Mortis is what made it impossible for him to kill her on Malachor. Morai had to save Ahsoka and the light of Daughter within her. Morai is the one who got Ezra to rescue Ahsoka just before Vader was actually able to kill her. The light is important.
Holdo and Leia are protecting the light in the sequels and it makes me wonder if Ahsoka sacrifices herself and entrusts Leia to keep the force and the Jedi alive by protecting the light. Anakin brought balance to the Force, but Ahsoka is the one who carries the light and life force of Daughter.
Anakin's sacrifice mirrored the way Son and Father died, and he did it to save the Jedi again. Anakin brought balance to the Force, but the Jedi had to remember who they were supposed to be, and they were not soldiers. They were peacekeepers.
Return of the Jedi had so many meanings. The Jedi and other Force-sensitive individuals were able to live freely without being hunted. Anakin's choice to save Luke saved the future of the Jedi, but more importantly, Anakin's choice to save his son is how Anakin the Jedi returned as well.
Star Wars makes me emotional lol.
I get too many feelings when it comes to the Disaster Trio. These are just theories so don't come at me with why I'm wrong if you don't like them.
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