frasesenespa-ol · 2 years
Qué suerte ha tenido la gente que se ha cruzado en mi camino... siempre preocupándome por ellos, porque no les falte de nada, a pesar de que me falte a mí misma
Cartas desde el Maltrato --Roberto Martínez Guzmán
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skrimbloz · 10 days
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*sapphics your bruise* :] 🧡💙
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pikafaawork · 6 months
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latinotiktok · 7 months
mi mamá fue a hacer el súper y le vendieron una bolsa de empanadas argentinas (estamos en México) muy deliciosas, gracias Argentina 🙏
desde que las boludas de las argentinas y las pendejas de las mexicanas se pelean en twitter por TAYLOR SWIFT medio que había perdido la esperanza en la solidaridad mexargentina.....pero ahora ha sido revitalizada. Te quiero mucho, anon, espero que disfrutes tus empanadas hoy y siempre
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sunshinetrinket · 1 month
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@apollosunn hehe i finished it!!! huge fan of this guy
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r-u-living · 21 days
Does anyone want a story cause I haven't gotten any requests and I really need to write something or my spleen will run away 😒
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mystic-myrtille · 2 months
What did you think of Jagged Rock being revealed to be Luka's father?
Oh I have a lot of thoughts on that. As most things in the show, the execution is shit but the general idea is cool.
I mean, a plot line where the guy with daddy issues finds out that his deadbeat father, who left his mother behind with not one but two little kids and never even trying to reach out to them, is in reality his number one idol with whom he had interacted in the past.
That is fucking juicy.
There is so much potential for angst there. They could've explored Luka's trauma and the effects it has on his life, how he reacts to this reveal and ultimately how he tries to deal with it. Would he act out and cry over how shitty Jagged is?Would he let his friends and family comfort him? Or does he try to keep things to himself to not burden anyone? Does Jagged feel regret? Will he try to redeem himself? How do they move forward? Would Luka want to keep in contact with the man who abandoned his family? How would that affect Jagged's relationship with the rest of the cast? What if, for example, Luka doesn't want contact but Juleka does? The family dynamic is super messy and there's a ton of stuff you can do with that, develop characters further and have them grow.
And canon... yeah. The reveal is shoehorned into the Luka//nette breakup episode. It's not the main plot, not even a b-plot, it's just like a fun fact thrown in to justify Luka's reaction to Marinette keeping secrets.
Jagged then waits before the boat and just goes "Hey we can make dope music together:)" and Luka just fucking forgives him. Instantly. No questions asked. After Jagged has the audacity to say him leaving his family inspired some banger songs, one of which is Luka's favorite. After Luka yells at him with so much hurt in his voice why he abandoned him.
And then the show sets Jagged up as so great and cool that he came back to his family and stepped up as a loving dad who made amends with his ex gf (with whom he randomly flirted pre reveal but then had a bad relationship with her??) in order to have a happy family, completely ignoring that he only did all of that when he was specifically called out for being a deadbeat. Like had Luka not been akumatized into Truth, Jagged wouldn't have come back into their lives.
This whole thing ruined canon Jagged and are pretty clear indicators that the writers don't care about writing complex characters with complex feelings. It's all shook value and plot device.
But if the writers really didn't want Luka and Jagged to have a bad relationship, they could've just left it at "Jagged and Anarka were in a band once". Jagged learns that his old band mate has kids who are into music and have a band, so he decides to invite them to his studio, show them some cool stuff on the guitar, become their mentor. He doesn't have to be their bio dad to take care of them and love them. Of course, the show could've dropped some ambiguous hints that he might be, but then never confirm it because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Or if they confirm it, it's also a surprise to Jagged, so he wasn't there as a dad because he didn't even know he was one and now everybody adjusts their life according to this new revelation.
And I like those wholesome plots. I love fanworks about Couffaine family shenanigans, they're chaotic and awesome<3
So yeah, in conclusion, everyone involved deserved better.
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eebie · 10 months
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eltrolodecadadia · 7 days
Quien crees que de los 2 ganaría una pelea a muerte con cuchillo?
Entre nosotres dos?? Mmmm mirá en este momento justo estoy yendo a clases de pelea con armas de corte lo que incluye cuchillos así que point for me, pero no es como que me esté saliendo muy bien así que point against me.
De vos no tengo suficiente info para evaluar qué tantas chances tenés de ganarme, qué tanta experiencia tenés? Fuerza? Coordinación? Violencia contenida? No hay datos suficientes para una respuesta significativa.
La única manera de averiguarlo es juntarnos y arreglarlo a cuchillazos :3
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Ojalá nunca te falte quien piense en ti
Hay una frase que dice: "Ojala nunca te falte alguien que te diga avísame cuando llegues a casa".
Yo agrego:
Ojalá nunca te falte un abrazo de esos que vencen cualquier invierno, ni te falte la mano tendida cuando has caído o el brazo que te sostenga cuando tropiezas
Ojala nunca te falte quien te diga: "aquí estoy, puedes contar conmigo", o esa amiga que te llame a la madrugada porque escucho tu mensaje diciendo que no te sentías bien.
Ojala nunca te falte alguien que te diga: "cuídate", alguien que crea que si tu no estás...falta algo, que la vida no está completa sin ti.
Ojala nunca te falte un te quiero sincero, un deseo que seas feliz, ojala nunca te falten sueños ni nuevos comienzos.
Ojala nunca te falte alguien que te diga: "no llores porque lloro contigo", que te diga que todo estará bien, que te recuerde que nunca una noche ha vencido un amanecer.
Ojala nunca te falte alguien que te diga que te abrigues que afuera... la realidad a veces es demasiado fría y te puedes congelar.
Ojalá nunca te falte quien piense en ti, ni quien espere tu regreso.
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sunray-sunray · 2 months
Gretchen's reaction, when the actual Lestat visited her in the jungle, as he promised and as she told him to...I have no words.
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aneverydaything · 11 months
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Day 1850, 17 July 2023
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dudethatkicksass · 8 months
The only time I've ever had a South Park adjacent dream is when I was stuck in a facility with a bunch of other people, and we were about to be tested on and it basically was a body horror type dream. It was scary until I fucking saw the main 4, more specifically Stan at some point, and I vividly remember being like
"Are you fucking serious? This is how I realize this shit isn't real?"
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bloody-bread · 1 year
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Lucien my Beloved
Let's ignore color diff pls-
Nothing to say, he's my muscle practice always and I love him <3
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yongsaengz · 6 months
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saeng durante el capítulo ocho: sneaky devil.
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ifindus · 11 months
har ikke innsett før nå egentlig at kaptein sabeltanns stil er en mix av fransk Rokokko blandet med uuuhh goth???
Satt å tenkte på akkurat det samme mens jeg tegna han??? Han er så EKSTRA - elsker det!! Å tegne Kaptein Sabeltann har gjort alt for mye med meg 😭 Har hørt igjennom alle sangene og lydbøkene på spotify, sett alle sangnumra på youtube, hentet ned mine gamle Kaptein Sabeltann bøker fra stabburet, lest så godt som alle Kaptein Sabeltann/Langemann ficsa på AO3 ÓG har bestilt 3 Kaptein Sabeltann filmer fra Platekompaniet - og nå gjør jeg meg klar til å se alle forestillingene + serien på NRK??? 😭😭 Er faktisk ødelagt. Dette har jeg holdt på med de siste tre dagene. Har sett igjennom Kaptein Sabeltann memes på tiktok til og med... Hvorfor er han så ikonisk?? Og hvorfor er Langemann såååå gay for ham?? 🥺
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