#from the law offices of wolf and gay
cryptotheism · 1 year
A Review of The Way Of The Shadow Wolves: The Deep State And The Hijacking Of America by Steven Segal
Alleged rapist and human trafficker, cop groupie, washed-up action movie star, and personal friend to Vladimir Putin, the paradox of Steven Segal is how he manages to stick around despite being –by damn near every account– a universally unpleasant vacuum of charisma. I could go on, but I feel that no introduction of Steven would be complete without the tale of the headlock. Legends tell of Steven’s conflict with legendary martial artist and hollywood stunt coordinator “Judo” Gene Lebell. Allegedly, the two fell into an argument on the set of the film Out For Justice. The crux being Steven’s claim that he was “immune” to being choked unconscious. Allegedly, LeBell called his bluff, and put the actor in a headlock. A headlock that resulted in Steven losing consciousness, and control of his bowels. Steven denies the story. He also wrote a book.
The book is garbage, but garbage in a way that can be easily overstated. I wanted to take a page from other reviewers of this book, and call the text what it is; a fever dream of exhausting mediocrity, swaddled in delusions of grandeur. I wanted to whale on it. I wanted to denounce it like some ridiculous fire-and-brimstone preacher of internet literary criticism. But this does not capture the core, the essence of Way of the Shadow Wolves. There is a paradox at the heart of this text, a contradiction that even now I struggle to describe. Because despite everything, despite the balls-to-the-walls premise, the disastrous prose, and the buckwild plot, this book is deeply and powerfully boring. To call it a fever dream is to imply that it might be exciting. 
Some books are bad in a way that must be experienced firsthand. This is not one of those books. In a way, I feel that you’ve already read this book. You know Steven Segal. You met him in elementary school, when he told you he has “every black belt.” You met him in college when you tricked him into smoking a bag of oregano. You met him at your most recent family gathering, where you were trapped in an awkward one-sided conversation about “those people.” The bad-ness of Steven’s work is deeply familiar. 
We have our boots. We have our waders. We have our shovels. But, before we wade into the shit, there is one more thing we need to get out of the way: The Shadow Wolves are real. In 1972 the United States government agreed to the Tohono O'odham Nation’s demand that border enforcement agents patrolling their land have at least one quarter native ancestry. The result being the specialized unit of Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers known as The Shadow Wolves. In the 2020 Sonic the Hedgehog film, Dr. Eggman states that they are who trained him in the art of tracking. 
Let us cook Way of the Shadow Wolves from scratch. Think of every dogshit C-list action movie you’ve ever seen. Ideally, you want the trash cuts of post-9/11 hysteria marbled with ex-cia heroes and vaguely arab villains. Drop it all into a stockpot. Next, roughly dice some comic books and kung-fu movies, the more racist the better. Now add some datura, it doesn't matter if it's edible or not, because you saw a native American in a movie make something like that once and you’re totally 1/64th Cherokee. Add a whole can of Qanon and a whole can of racism. Boil until you have pacing thicker than mud. 
Way of the Shadow Wolves is a police procedural meets a spy thriller, a fast-paced action drama about elite agents on the fringes of the law who have the huge sweaty meaty balls to do what needs to be done for our country. It is Steven's attempt at the action schlock he embodies as an actor. Our hero is John Gode: Shadow Wolf. Reservation-born native American tracker, ICE agent, and Kung-Fu master. I believe he might have been described at one point. If he was, I do not care. Steven does not care. It does not matter. John Gode is Steven, and he’s the most badass dude to ever not be gay. He is: Special Agent Shaman Cop. He’s gonna beat up the deep state. That’s all you need to really need to know. In fact, it is shocking just how little you need to know about this book. 
We begin in a movie theater, where our protagonist is alone, watching the end credits of a movie about the atrocious treatment of native Americans on behalf of the united states government. When the film finally ends, John says to himself “It’s about time.” He gets up to leave. The chapter immediately ends. My compliments to the chef. A delightfully bland apéritif of a character introduction. Steven uses the essential point of first contact with our protagonist to tell us vital information like “He doesn’t like it when movies are long.” or maybe “He didn’t like this movie about the trail of tears.” It is unclear. To quote English-Albanian philosopher Dua Lipa, “Go girl, give us nothing.”
I have been dancing around the quality of the writing. It seems impossible to approach without the footing of a new paragraph, an opponent that requires full-focus, an all-out assault. It is nigh-incomprehensible. I hate comparing bad writing to drugs. It feels too easy. But there is a specific air to Way of the Shadow Wolves. There is a distinct cadence, simultaneously manic and lethargic, that comes from attempting to write while day drunk on over-prescribed amphetamines. And make no mistake, if Steven was not entranced by the muse of Too Many Uppers And Downers At The Same Time, if he wrote this thing stone sober, that is worse. Small quotes will not do the writing style justice, you must see for yourself how sentences flow into each other:
“The desperado’s mind went back in time to a small town in Mexico twelve years before, where he first met his two cohorts when they were thrown together by a tragic set of circumstances. Their parents had been gunned down by a cartel who was at war with a competing cartel for control of the area, which was a pathway to the American border near Nogales, Arizona. All three had been shepherded to a local mission where they were being cared for by the Franciscans, who were becoming overwhelmed by the growing number of children left homeless due to the rampant killings by the warring cartels . . .”
Labyrinthine. A paragraph structure that would feel more at home with Calvino, or Garcia Marquez at his most experimental, though stripped of its deft control and musicality. Segal will regularly change temporal perspective in the middle of sentences. A single run-on sentence will begin in the past, have a middle clause in the present, and then return to the past by the end. There is a downright massive cast of characters for a 200 page book. Damn near every chapter introduces three or four more names, and we are lucky if Steven describes them before discarding them entirely. This book is a slog. I find myself losing patience with Steven. 
Some time has passed since I began writing this review. Originally, my approach was surgical disassembly. I was going to go over the plot, summarize its anatomy, pick apart its flaws with surgical precision. But the more I cut, the more I felt as if I was the butt of a joke. I was performing an autopsy on a clown, pulling sheets of colorful rope from its gut, and the cadaver was laughing at me. 
There is a moment, about halfway through. A woman approaches John at a bar. An assassin, who later attacks John in the parking lot with karate. A furious series of crescent kicks, effortlessly blocked by John Gode, who punches her in the ribs and knocks her to the ground. Realizing that her martial arts are defeated, she draws her gun, but John Gode is too fast. He fires his own weapon before she can get the shot off, killing her instantly. “Her round went upward toward the sky as she fell backward with eyes wide open, seeing nothing.”
This scene stuck with me. It illustrates one of the critical flaws at the heart of Way of the Shadow Wolves. Nothing hurts John. Nothing even gets close. He does not struggle. He does not sweat. He does not bleed. Steven clearly intends this scene to be badass, a moment where his self-insert hero defeats a dangerous enemy without trying. This book is an action movie, but John’s untouchability makes every action scene read as a moment of profound and boring cruelty. This was not a contest of master martial artists. This was an adult kicking a child in the throat.
I find myself losing patience with Steven. I am running out of humorous ways to describe this vapid tripe. This is, in my mind, the greatest condemnation of bad writing. There is no hell lower than being boring to mock. I see myself as a sort of sommelier of the awkward and disastrous. I will be the first to tell you “Wait! Don’t throw that out! There are things to be learned!” But Steven repeatedly proves himself to be a sort of Alchemist of Shit, capable of transmuting theoretically interesting bullshit into just fucking nothing. If this book deserves credit for anything, it is its miraculous ability to squander its own premise. 
Why write this? Any of this? Steven clearly does not read. Or, if he does, he seems to subsist entirely on a diet of comic books about monkeys that do kung-fu. Why write this? At some level it all comes down to “because Steven wanted to” right? 
But I cannot shake the feeling. To call this book masturbatory is to imply that Steven might have enjoyed it. There is a desperation to the power fantasy here. To be feared by men, desired by women, revered by all, yaddah yaddah yaddah, all the same trite excretions of blunt masculinity. But there is something else. Steven wants the same thing that every conspiracy theorist wants; a simple world. A world he can understand. Steven is exhausted, overwhelmed with a world he feels he can neither effect nor understand. I am exhausted. 
I fear my earlier allusions to expressionist novels may have been more spot on than I imagined. Way of the Shadow Wolves has a plot in the sense that Sunny-D contains fruit juice. Its presence is a formality, a ceremonial hat worn for tax purposes. The plot is there, but it is unimportant. This is not a text that can be debated with. Because within the world of the text, politics is not complex. It is not actually a web of interconnected groups, each with their own interests, rivalries, alliances, and historical contexts. Behind all of it is two things: Good guys, and bad guys. The good guys are all working together, and the bad guys are all working together. 
I find myself losing patience with Steven. I fear my earlier allusions to expressionist novels may have been more spot on than I imagined. Way of the Shadow Wolves has a plot.
John Gode finds a human tooth in the desert. It belongs to a body, a body of a woman described in lurid detail. Nearby, he meets a young native American man, a man who calls himself Sweet Tooth. The body is missing teeth, missing hands, missing feet. A trademark cartel killing. A young native American man. “I’m gonna be like, your assistant right?” A buddy cop dynamic. Meeting the task force. Tailing an ICE van full of cartel soldiers. A hostage situation. A shootout in the desert. Far away, faceless men in suits with masonic ranks plan a mass killing. Some sounded like they had Arabic accents. Freemasonry. Interrogation with a snake. The corpse was a woman. The woman was a reporter. She had the evidence on a flash drive, evidence that proved the existence of the deep state. What if its all connected? A sex scene, or almost a sex scene. A sex scene interrupted. A shootout in the desert. Kung Fu assassins at a bar. A cartel defector. A shootout in the desert. What if its all connected. They’re working with the Jihadists. The USA is already “half latino.” The government is paying the cartels to ship Jihadists north across the border. They’re well-trained and well armed. You can’t trust anyone. A terrorist defector who hears the voice of the prophet. The ghost of John’s grandfather. The sun sets over the Sonora. A shootout in the desert. They kidnapped John’s mother. Bring them the flash drive. They’re planning to bomb the casino. A shootout in the desert. The police chief was a traitor. The Catholics are in on it. Its all connected. A shootout in the desert. Assault by night. Rescuing the hostage. A knife dipped in pigs blood. A pit of vipers in the sonora. 
Steven ends a chapter with the line. “They had functioned like a well-oiled machine that had just saved two innocent lives. All lives matter. Do they not?” 
I am tired. I find myself at a neighborhood block party, trapped in a conversation I’ve had a thousand times. This time the man on the other end is a sweaty divorcee in range glasses who looks like a sunburned thumb. Last week, it was a woman with a necklace of crystals and blonde hair bleached blonder. “Haha yeah” I say, looking down at my phone. “Burgers look good this year huh?”
Thank you to my Patreon supporters who made this review possible.
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godisshook · 1 year
A Ride to Remember
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I had known Liam since high school, he was one of the smartest in our grade, but he barely talked to anyone. I considered him a friend, and would work with him whenever I could. Knowing this I should probably introduce myself, my name is Adama Traore, son of two loving immigrant parents, and luckily, very gay. Later during freshman year, I got a boyfriend, I still remember him fondly as my first kiss, and my first heartbreak. When we broke up junior year, I went into a complete spiral, going to gay bars and hooking up with any guy I could find, neglecting my whole life because of a breakup. I barely spoke to Liam that year, I had heard he got a girlfriend in sophomore year, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. When college applications came around I applied to everywhere I could, just to see who would let me in. I knew that Liam was dead-set on going to Pell College, one of the most selective schools in the country. I applied to Pell too, and when decisions came out, I checked it last. It felt like slow motion when I saw in big letters:
I was officially a Dire Wolf (the Pell mascot, it’s lame, I know). I saw on the big board in the front office all the other major acceptances. Liam had a couple, but one stood out, a big wolf paw with his name in it, he got in too. I wasn’t shocked, but this most certainly meant we were going to the same college. While this would be the start to a great conversation, it simply never happened, we had just grown too distant.
Senior year came and went with me seeing little of Liam, and now it was summer break. I was college prepping and my mom was sobbing as she took me shopping for essentials each and every day. One day, I went onto our schools acceptance page on Instagram, and the latest post had a familiar person, at least, a familiar name.
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@lgporter876 Hey guys, my name is Liam Porter and I am going to be a freshman at Pell in 2023, i wanna get to know ppl so leave ur snaps in the comments.
He was completely different. The shy sweet guy that I knew from high school had changed entirely. I didnt care though, he was doing his own thing and I was doing mine. I posted a few days after him, and I become flooded with dm’s of sorority girls asking me to be their gay best friend, truly something out of a nightmare if you ask me.
The day before classes, all of my things were moved into my dorm and I met my roommates. Kyle was your average nerd, he had brown curly hair and freckles, and wore glasses with wide rims. Next was Jamie, he was quiet, but stood at 6’2 and was here on a basketball scholarship. I immediately started chatting him up, and tried to see if he could be a potential fling. Finally was Eric. Eric was lanky but wasn’t entirely introverted like Kyle, hanging out with people and even becoming a good friend of mine on campus.
One of the buses drop off a load of students to the dorms, and a familiar face comes out of it with bags in hand:
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My mom had barely seen Liam since freshman year, and never caught on that it was him, but I most definitely did. He walks to one of the dorms further down from mine, “There goes my chance to chat with him in the hallways.” I think to myself. I was a Literature major, and from what I knew Liam wanted to study Mechanical Engineering, so there was little chance we would ever see each other in the same class.
I go to my first class of the day: “History of Pre-Columbian Writing and Forms” taught by a frazzled professor who looks no younger than 76 named Dr. Fredericks. He was an awesome teacher, and I actually paid attention in class. Afterward I head to my Civics and Common Law class, it was rather empty, except for Liam. He was sitting in the 5th row, and as I open the door he glances back and meets my eye. I sit in the 7th row, open my computer, and start snooping. Lo and behold, this very class was an optional GenEd for Mechanical Engineering, and Liam chose it. I quickly leave class, and rush to my dorm.
A few weeks pass and my minifridge is empty. After eating the dining hall food for practically a month straight I was tired, so I drove to the gas station near our school to get some snacks and microwave meals. In the far back of the gas station I spot a group of frat bros, from the letters I could make out they were in Delta Zeta Kappa, known as one of the most toxic on campus. Laughing right with them is no other than Liam himself.
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“You should’ve fucked her!” one of the bros near him says before patting Liam’s back. I try to quickly pick my stuff up and leave, but one of the other brothers whistles at me. It was Tyler Felton, a guy who I drunkenly hooked up with at one of his frat’s parties. Tyler calls me over and introduces me to each of the other brothers, and they start chuckling and jabbing Tyler in the arm, clearly he’s already talked about me to them. When I shake hands with Liam, it’s bare sly even a touch before he already has his hands pulled away.
Leaving the gas station was rather embarrassing, simply because I could imagine what they would talk about once I left. But Liam, he confused me. I didn’t think we were on bad terms, but by that handshake it seems we were.
I go back to my room and go straight to his instagram to figure out what’s going on. He still follows me, and it’s clear he unfollowed people from high school, so if he hated me why in the world did he still follow me?
I look at his recent posts and my eye catches to one of them:
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He had clearly been going to the gym, and even though he might be a jerk now, he’s fucking HOT. I pull down my pants and start masturbating, thinking about feeling those muscles of his and fantasizing about how big his cock must be. I close my eyes and start imagining it, and the thought of it makes me end up getting cum all over my phone, and I immediately start wiping it away with tissues, feeling ashamed that I just came to a picture of a guy who is most definitely straight. After my little session on his insta, I study for my pre-calculus exam, and slowly drift to sleep over my notes. My alarm jolts me awake, as drool is all over my notes from my sudden study sesh coma. I rustle them together into my backpack and head to class for the day. Liam is there (as always) and we don’t speak at all during or after class (as always). As we’re packing up Dr. Stevens, the professor for the Civics course, announces we have a group project, but he’s already picked the partners.
As he rattles off last name pairings, I have yet to hear mine or Liam’s, until-“Mr. Traore, Mr. Porter, you two will be paired for this assignment.” My heart sinks to the very bottom of my chest. The guy who I now have nothing in common with, paired up for a 3-week assignment, nothing could be worse. “I can just handle it and you can get credit.” Liam says as he passes by me to leave class. Before he could fully pass, I grab his arm. He jerks back and stares at me. I glare back, “I will do my part too, I don’t know about you, but I care about this work.” Liam keeps my gaze and smirks. He easily releases his arm from my grasp, and walks away.
I don’t hear from him for a while, but he gets to work on our shared document, as do I. I suddenly get a DM on insta, while I expected it to be Liam, it was Tyler, sending me a flyer to his frat’s Halloween party. While Liam was most definitely going to be there, I just wanted a chance to dress all skimpy, so I accepted the invite.
After getting my sluttiest Daphne costume, i head down with Tyler, who decided to pick me up, and match with me as Fred (against my will mind you). My car had broken down, and I was simply far too broke to get it fixed now. We get to the party and it’s already insane, people are outside, beer pong tables set up everywhere, and girls grinding on all the brothers on the dance floor. I see nothing of Liam, but decide that’s a good thing.
The party goes much as I would have expected, with Tyler finding every way to stay near me, and me trying my very best to escape him when I can. I catch a glance of Liam while I walk for my 9th bathroom break to get away from Tyler. As I walk out, he’s near the door, and pushes me back in. “I want us to talk again.” he says, and before I can even get a word out, he leaves, never to be seen again.
Two days later I get a snap notification from none other than the man himself:
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Using a shirtless gym selfie to get back into my good graces is a bold choice, considering i’m “talking to” one of his frat brothers, but I assume it’s all platonic, and send a photo of me studying for my literature exam in my bed back. After snapping back and forth for a few days I assume that will be all there is, and accepted that at least he was talking to me about our project. After checking the project the day before it’s due I see an announcement.
Dr. Stevens was giving us an extension to find the stuff we needed, and I quickly text Liam to go pick up some poster board as my car is still very much broken. He chats back “come with me.” Confusion swept my face as getting poster board definitely wasn’t a two person job, but he quickly chatted again, “we can work on it together at my place.” Seeing this as a chance to actually reconnect, I say yes, and he comes to pick me up.
I start taking hits of my dab pen in the car, knowing that high me would actually be able to get some work done. As we pull into a residential area, he stops and pulls to the sidewalk. I ask him, “Why in god’s name did you stop here??? The store isn’t for a few more miles.” “I have been waiting for this my whole life.” he replies. Thinking i’m about to get axe murdered by my old friend I try to get out, but the doors are locked. He then says, “I never knew how I felt about you until I saw you with that fucker Tyler, the dude doesn’t deserve a pet rock, much less you.” The sudden romantic shift of his words gives me whiplash, but at least he’s not trying to kill me? As he says this, he puts a hand on my thigh. Even though I had ended my villain era, a little hookup between old friends was just what the doctor ordered.
I get in the base of the seat under him and pull his pants down very slowly. His hard dick pops up out of his underwear, and he glances down at me as I start to suck. He groans loudly and grabs the handle at the top, looking at me straight in the eyes the whole time.
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As I continue doing down on him, he says, “I knew this would be the best.” If the rumors were true, he had fucked nearly half the freshman girls, and somehow i’m the best? I smile and keep going until he stops me. With his massive arms he pulls my head up and says, “It’s not over yet.” He pulls his shirt over his head, revealing that hard body and, as he starts the car he says, “Keep sucking.”
On the road in the rain, I keep looking up at this old friend of mine, wondering if i had missed a signal, and as I keep going, he starts to push my head down on his massive cock, and then let’s put a loan moan, as he cums all in my mouth. I swallow it down and look up at him, still listening to his music and focusing on the road.
While still below him, we come to a stop. He unbuckles and gets out, only in his boxers. I shimmy up and stumble out, clearly not at a Walmart or any place we could get poster for that matter. “It’s my cousins place, he’s not home so he lets me stay.” Liam says as if reading my mind. It’s clear what he wants, and I get ready for it.
After getting in he immediately starts kissing me, Unbuttoning my shirt, and pulling down my pants until i’m much like him, only far less muscly and way shorter. He pins me against the wall and starts kissing my nipples, saying, “Do you like that?” as he goes on and on. Eventually he takes me upstairs, and as I do I see him pull his boxers down. He tells me, “Get on the bed.” and I comply.
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As i’m under him on the bed, he starts shoving his dick in my ass, pounding and pounding my tight ass and grunting all while doing it. He flexes his muscles in a mirror right next to the bed, which is the only way i can even notice what he’s doing as he’s giving me the best backshots of my life. He tells me to get up and wrap my legs around his, with his cock still in me i maneuver around and do it, and he asks, “Is that better?” After nodding he says, “Good boy.” and I look down, completely falling for him. As he pounds me again, I feel up and down his hard body, and he keeps fucking me ruthlessly.
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After pounding my ass until it goes from a dark brown to a purplish tinge, Liam says, “I’ve had a crush on you since forever, but I never knew what to say, and by the time I could you had a boyfriend. I was always looking for a chance but I thought it would never happen, so I worked to be the guy you would want, and I just hope I fucking am.” How had I been so naïve??? He wanted to be with me since freshman year and I was the one to friendzone him. Letting this words sit with me for a while I caress his face and say, “You have always been the guy I wanted, I was just too blind to see.”
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He smirks and starts fucking like never before, he takes my hips and moves it towards and away from his cock, grunting each time his cock goes all the way in me. In this moment I don’t see anything else but him, and as he cums in me I pull his body towards me, pulling him into me, and embracing him as our warm sweaty bodies touch. After that we end up continuing for five more rounds, each getting more and more passionate. After that whenever we would see each other after class,we would go into the supply closet and fuck again. I felt like a ball of hormones but it felt good with him.
Finally at present day, with us having been dating for three years, it seems like all of this could’ve been missed if anything had gone wrong. Every moment with him is truly memorable, and even though I never would’ve saw myself with the quiet nerd turned frat guy, I guess that’s what happened. I thank the universe each and every day for that fateful car ride, and as i get ready to graduate, I start thinking that Porter sounds like a perfect last name for me.
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rhysiana · 2 years
A thing I’ve been meaning to make a post about for a while now, to add context to Old Fashion Cupcake that some people might be lacking re: the boss always organizing match-making mixers:
This is actually transcription of a scene from e12 of Kinou Nani Tabeta? (What Did You Eat Yesterday?), which I ended up watching at around the same time, from the first time Kenji meets Shiro’s parents. Shiro and his mother have gone to the kitchen, so Shiro’s father has offered to show Kenji Shiro’s old yearbooks as something to talk about.
Kenji: What was Shiro-san like as a boy?
Shiro’s father: Well, let’s see. He was always studying for sure. Hisae was pleased, but I was secretly worried.
Kenji: Why?
Father: He was a teenager! Surely he should have had other interests, but all he did was study.
Kenji: Um, father-in-law.
Father: Hm?
Kenji: I think Shiro-san already knew he was gay—[intentional change to more formal register] knew he was homosexual in his late teens. I also knew it by then. I wanted to become a hairdresser because all it takes is skill. It was a time when office workers could even be set up for marriage by their boss.
Father: Ah. Your boss would become a family friend. And it could affect your promotions.
Kenji: If you’re a skilled lawyer, you can make it even as a lone wolf. Perhaps that is why Shiro-san made it his mission to become a lawyer.
Father: Oh…
Nozue constantly refusing to attend the mixers is in line with my previous thoughts on him rebelling against a life he doesn’t want by just refusing to participate in it, but also can be seen as a sign he isn’t as completely unaware of his own desires as he appears, given the context above. (Of course, he’s also basically cut himself off from his ability to desire things in an effort to establish a life for himself within the confines of society that is... fine. Livable. Fortunately Togawa is there to help him finally start questioning which of those norms are worth acknowledging or tossing.)
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First Steps
by the Doctor of Inhumane Letters
Chapter 1
Thursday. Red day.
The red box in the breakroom fridge already lay ransacked, and Friday’s clear box was still at home. This week Ashlee was trying baked chicken thighs. Half a dozen chicken thighs were about ten bucks. One she ate Sunday night, to make sure her recipe worked, then packed up five copies for the week. Today, though, might be a two-lunch day. The call with mom had interrupted breakfast.
“ Hey honey, I just wanted to say hi.”
“Hi, mom. I’m just getting ready for work.”
“What’s on the menu today? Did you get those chicken recipes I sent you?”
“Yeah, they’re great. I’m trying one every day.” Technically true. Trying one. Every day. But it made mom happy to hear, even if it did elicit two minutes of food reviews. Ashlee watched the seconds march past on her watch.
“What are you doing at work today?”
“Oh, we have two bids due today for the Interior Department. We’re just finishing them up.” That was what Stetson Logistics’ Deputy Chief Counsel was up to today -- renewing a 90-day contract for stationery at a Bureau of Land Reclamation division. Mom always liked to hear the full name of the Cabinet office, the same way Deputy Chief Counsel sounded like a good job for a University of VIrginia law grad. More so, at least, than one of two lawyers churning out boilerplate for paper and toner to feed the Federal machine.
8:05:30, 8:05:31, 8:05:32 … flashing remonstrations growing ever more urgent. She couldn’t concentrate on leaving with mom on the phone. 10 minute walk to the train station. The timetables scrolled through Ashlee’s mind. The burbling stream of mom’s chatter was incrementally sweeping away breakfast options. There’s still time to buy a sandwich and coffee. Flash, flash, chatter, still time if there was no line and she ran. She was counting down to grab and go coffee when it came.
“So, any news on the marriage front? Have you met anyone special yet?"
Ashlee tensed up. She knew this question was coming. "Uh, no, Mom, not yet," she said, trying to sound casual. At least this signaled the imminent end of the conversation.
"Well, you know, dear, you're not getting any younger.”
“Thanks mom. Neither are you!” Like the preamble on one of Stetson’s contracts, this little back and forth almost always passed between them. The call had wound down and Ashlee had left with time for coffee, and a roll if the line was short.
It was never short. Coffee had clawed at her empty stomach. She'd wolfed down lunch in the breakroom before ten, and her crossed eyes struggled for a foothold on the bid she was reviewing. If she hurried, she could get out for her actual break. She was leaning back rubbing her eyes when Sarah crossed over from Admin.
“Hey, Ash!”
“Just 15 more minutes, Sarah. I’m making myself finish this before lunch.”
Sarah dismissed this with a wave of her hand. “Every secretary at BLR has the flu. If we sent it today, It would just sit in the inbox and we’d never see it again. This is just a social call”
“Well let me finish so it can sit in yours.” This sneaked out with more acid than she intended. Ever since college, Sarah had been able to carve out chat time.
“Screw you, Ash!” laughed Sarah. “What’s eating you?”
“Mom again,” Ashlee sighed. “She hosed my morning.”
“Did the ‘M’ word come up again?” asked Sarah, coming right to the point.
“Of course.”
Sarah smiled evilly. “Just tell her you’re gay. That would put a stop to it.”
Ashlee grimaced. The vision of that conversation played on fast-forward behind her eyes. “If I tried it, she would dig in. When she found out I wasn’t joking, she’d rip me a new one, then she’d never talk to me again.”
The smile grew eviller. “Sounds like it would solve all your problems, then.” Ashlee opened her mouth to snap back, but Sarah filled the space: “Let's get out of here. Nothing’s going on.”
"Are you serious? It's almost … Jesus, it's 12:45 already! God, I'm starving!"
"I'm getting my purse. Come on, girl!"
Ashlee finished the bid. It actually only took ten minutes, and five of those were accompanied by Sarah staring out the window and swinging her purse in a meaningful manner. It was a clear, bright day in Washington, and if work was coming to a standstill at Stetson, Sarah's impatience was understandable. All things considered, Ashlee could just about justify a late lunch.
The elevator carried them down the three floors to where it disgorged the pair onto H Street. Sarah strode purposefully up the sidewalk, half a step ahead of Ashlee. She and Sarah knew that Ashlee had a hard time saying no to Sarah, and they had agreed years ago that Sarah would limit how many times she dragged Ashlee somewhere. Consequently, when it happened, Sarah was serious about it.
Sarah followed her phone into a hole-in-the-wall Greek place, with Ashlee still trailing a close third. A tall, slim, dark girl waved them to a table. Ashlee’s finger trickled down the menu till it found moussaka. She pointedly laid the menu down, folded her hands over it, crossed her legs, sat up straight and fixed Sarah with a stare.
Rather, she tried to. Sarah’s right hand was languidly holding her menu, while her left hung by the pinky nail from her teeth. Her eyes were scanning the middle distance over Ashlee’s left shoulder. Oh, no, thought Ashlee, she’s planning something.
Ashlee guessed right. Apropos of nothing in particular, Sarah, asked, “You wanna get laid?”
Briefly taken aback, Ashlee rallied. “With you? No way!”
No reaction. Still chewing her pinky, Sarah inclined her head forward slowly, eyes still tracking something behind Ashlee.
Risking a glance, Ashlee saw the waitress. She was bussing tables, but she took a moment to smile back and gesture “one minute”. “Sarah!” hissed Ashley. “Are you crazy? Is that why we’re here?”
“Yeah.” Her hands dropped and she leaned in. “That girl is a catch. Sweet as soda pop, tall, skinny, pretty, and one thousand percent gay, I'm sure. I almost wanna fuck her myself.” She thumbed her phone, and a moment later Ashlee’s buzzed. “When she comes over here, you are going to say that.”
Ashlee read the text. “No goddamn way!” But she knew it was hopeless. She had followed Sarah’s smirk to dozens of clubs, camping trips, and a host of other places she hardly ever regretted. Sarah’s ideas usually turned out mostly fine, even though this one might be a little rich for her blood. Sarah leaned back, and the smirk was there again, declaring her triumph.
Only seconds remained to prepare. If she was going to do this, she had to go in full throttle. The girl came up. The nametag read “Felicity”. Ashlee mustered up all the charm she could and smiled at her.
"Hi, um Felicity, I'm Ashlee. Can I ask you a question?" she said, trying to sound as casual as possible. She avoided the glare she knew was coming from Sarah.
Felicity looked at Ashlee with a curious expression. "Sure, what's up?"
"I was just wondering if you could recommend something on the menu. I'm in the mood for something light and refreshing, something I can really get my tongue around .”
Time froze. Sarah was quivering with anticipation. Felicity’s tan face was brightening in a blush. Ashlee had never prayed so hard for death.
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bllsbailey · 5 months
Harvard, MIT, Penn Presidents to Testify on Campus Antisemitism
The presidents of Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the University of Pennsylvania are set to testify before Congress on Dec. 5, addressing the pressing issue of antisemitism on college campuses.
The House Committee on Education and the Workforce will host the hearing, as announced on Tuesday, shedding light on the rise of antisemitic incidents on campuses across the nation. Chair Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., expressed concern about the apparent inaction of college administrators in the face of escalating rhetoric.
"Over the past several weeks, we've seen countless examples of antisemitic demonstrators on college campuses," Foxx said. "Meanwhile, college administrators have largely stood by, allowing horrific rhetoric to fester and grow."
The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has heightened accusations of antisemitism and Islamophobic rhetoric on college campuses. University leaders have faced criticism from various quarters, including students, alumni, faculty, and donors, for their responses to the conflict.
The Biden administration has initiated civil rights investigations into multiple universities, probing allegations of antisemitism or Islamophobia since the start of the conflict. Despite separate pledges from the universities to combat antisemitism, discriminatory acts and violence persist.
Foxx emphasized the responsibility of college and university presidents to ensure a "safe learning environment" and called for decisive action against antisemitism. The hearing, titled "Holding Campus Leaders Accountable and Confronting Antisemitism," will feature testimonies from Dr. Claudine Gay (Harvard), Liz Magill (University of Pennsylvania), and Dr. Sally Kornbluth (MIT).
During a prior House hearing, Republicans scrutinized campus diversity, equity, and inclusion offices, accusing them of purportedly neglecting support for Jewish students following the Middle East conflict.
The Department of Education launched a groundbreaking investigation into seven schools, including Cornell University, Columbia, and Penn, responding to complaints of antisemitism and Islamophobia, CNN reported.
Some donors, expressing dissatisfaction with the universities' handling of alleged antisemitic acts, have threatened to withhold financial support.
Private-equity billionaire Marc Rowan has spearheaded a campaign to remove Magill as the president of Penn, gaining support from notable alumni such as "Law & Order" creator Dick Wolf and former U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman. Hedge fund manager Leon Cooperman criticized students protesting against Israel, stating, "These kids in college have s**t for brains."
Israel's Minister of Economy and Industry, Nir Barkat, warned American universities of a "heavy price" if they fail to combat antisemitism.
In response to criticism, some universities, including Columbia and the University of Pennsylvania, have unveiled new measures to counter antisemitism.
Recently, Columbia announced the formation of a task force on antisemitism, describing it as an "ancient, but terribly resilient, form of hatred."
The University of Pennsylvania unveiled an antisemitism-fighting plan after hateful messages appeared on campus. Magill condemned antisemitic messages displayed on Penn's campus, labeling such actions as "cowardice."
Jim Thomas | [email protected]
Jim Thomas is a writer based in Indiana. He holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science, a law degree from U.I.C. Law School, and has practiced law for more than 20 years.
© 2023 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
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keyofjetwolf · 2 years
A wild and lovely Doc appears in the desk pics!
I agree with half of this!
As you can see, she's thoroughly enjoying today's content, as selected by you, her loving audience!
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unveiled-if · 3 years
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— How far would you go to keep the world unchanged?
                                                                  Demo (dashingdon, obsolete) / Pinterest
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Voit City is a city that never sleeps. The Veil ebbs and flows along the busy metropolitan streets, enveloping its more unnatural citizens in its warm embrace, hiding them from the eyes of humans. They do not know; The woman buying flowers from a ghost; the man giving out salon pamphlets to a werewolf, the two women gushing over a harpy toddler in their mother's arms. The city could never know that the supernatural — as they would call you — walk among them.
It’s just another day for you, a glorified paper pusher with a job to do. Register new Veiled into the system, and enforce the Laws of the Veil, inspect any discrepancies. It’s mind-numbing, and a Fae like you could do much better, but you’re stuck here.
Until the fateful day when the Veil falls cold, and it feels like death’s icy grasp. The warmth disappears, as does the safety you’ve known for all your life. An idyllic life comes to an end, and somewhere from the depths of the outside world, a shrill howl echoes with the promise of death and destruction.
For once in its existence, the city falls silent.
And everybody knows, that this is just the beginning of the end.
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Play as male, female, or non-binary; Gay, straight, lesbian, bi/pansexual, with aromantic and/or asexual routes available.
Find out who — or what — is destroying the Veil, and hold the fate of the world in your hands.
Use your innate Fae abilities, focus on more traditional human tactics, or strike a balance between the two to keep the world from falling into despair. Or watch the Veil getting torn to shreds, if you dare.
Meet a vast amount of Veiled, ranging from vampire waiters to flower shop owning ghosts, and harpy office workers, only to name a few. Witness the horrors of a life without the Veil, where those with little control revert to their folklore origins, and turn feral.
Meet, befriend, or romance up to five different Veiled that you’re bound to bump into during your investigative journey to restore the Veil. See their struggles, and help them through their fear. Or leave them to the hypothetical wolves.
Enjoy a spaced-out customization of your character. Choose anything from their favorite drink, to their preferred mode of transport, to their feelings on the Veil.  
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— BEAU SULLIVAN | Werewolf
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Locked outside alone with the fear of losing control
I fear I may disappear again
Heavy is the crown placed on an unwilling alpha's head. The loss of Beau's father ushered the eldest Sullivan son on the proverbial throne, and the man — despite the corny jokes and dismissal of stress — Holds the weight of the world on his shoulders. Navigating the hierarchy of the pack is a lesson learned, and to outsiders it might seem like he is the brother his pack deserves, if not the leader they need. Laughter and sarcasm hides shaky hands and an aggravated wolf, but no pain shall ever leave the privacy of his mind.
[M, 34, green eyes, dark brown hair, olive skin. 6'4, athletic build, stubble.]
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— DIAO LI "LYDIA" | Werewolf
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Anger and hatred is inside my head
All because of you, mother, for you
Lydia is a fearsome sight to those who don't know her. Callous, world-weary eyes hold the intensity of the most fearsome storms, as does the smile she rarely cracks for those deserving of it. Unshakeable, Lydia is as fierce as she is loyal, her words carrying weight no matter what she speaks. But there is anger in the depths of her eyes, a rage carefully contained. Quick to lash out with claw, fang, and tongue, Lydia is someone who has seen battle, and will never hesitate to face more to keep those she loves safe, no matter what the cost.
[F, 27, brown eyes, black hair, tawny skin. 6'1, muscular build, numerous scars.]
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— GRÍMR "GRIM" | Vampire
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I have seen the world end
Loss of the soul is the legacy of this land
Ancient even by vampire standards, Grim has witnessed the rise and fall of numerous leaders, and fought countless wars for nearly a millennium. Facing life without an honorable death, he has accumulated a vast knowledge of the world around him while carefully guarding his heart, no emotion betraying the pain and loss he must have witnessed during his 988-year long life. Given wide berth by every known Veiled in Voit City, Grim is rarely seen within the city limits and keeps himself to the surrounding forests where he feels most at home.
[M, 988, light blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin. 5'8, average body leaning to a dad bod, full beard.]
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— ADIV | Nephilim
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Picture a wicked angel in chains
They had a legend to their name
An angel's face can be deceptive. Armed with an inherited hatred towards humans and other Veiled besides his brethren, Adiv is a troublesome man to get along with. The descendant of Raphael, a poison tongue contradicts itself with healing hands. A man with such hatred towards humankind shouldn't be a sight in a hospital, but even the most ingrained resentment can be hidden behind a mask of professionalism. As the only nephilim in Voit City, Adiv must hold the mantle of messenger for the angels, while biting back the loathing they keep teaching him with each passing comment.
[M/NB, late 20's or early 30's, black hair, golden eyes (brown contacts), golden brown skin. 6'0, lean build, clean shaven.]
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Like a one woman army down for peace and love
For all the ways we can be free
Few are the Fae of her kind, and Moira knows she's far from home. A banshee's life is considered the most sorrowful of the fae, their emotions constantly stained by Death lingering in the trees. For Moira, death has become a friend, and a confidant, but still her soul yearned to leave her village and settle in Voit City. The Veil softens the anguish of those around her, and now her empathy is turned to the children in her care, and the fellow banshees seeking refuge within the city. Occasionally absentminded, it's not uncommon to spot her in her own world, eyes focused on nothing at all. The death whispers, and someone must keep them company.
[F, 27, light green eyes, red hair, pale skin. 5'2, average body leaning on the plump side, heavily freckled.]
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
I have to ask: What is your modern AU Headcanons For the primarchs. You know where everything Is NORMAL.
That is... SO MUCH
Okay, just. Lemme get the basic ones down
BIG E: The emperor did *not* have 18-21 iligitimate kids. Instead, he own a huge appartment building downtown,and the way he choose his tenant is... Mysterious. The bros are all neighbor and more or less hate each others. There are monthly building hang out, and somehow they are all forced to participate. Currently happening in like... Random Ass Town, USA.
Roboute: His dad is a senator, his mom run a charity. He could ABSOLUTELY get a better appartment... But he love the location, and he does enjoy the weird insane vibes of everyone else. Will help Big E organise the community activities. Work as a lawyer specialised in taxation law, because he's a NERD.
Leman: Always seem to get a job and be fired two weeks later. Somehow always have money. Has TWO GIANT FUCKING DOG BRO ARE THOSE WOLFS in his 1 bedroom appartment. They are suspiciously well behaved. Will open the door fully naked. A lot of people miss identifie his runic tattoo and assume it's some white power bullshit, and he correct this by breaking their jaw.
Lion: He's european. No one is sure wich part of europe exactly, but bets are on Austria or France. The kind of man who probably relate to the Sigma Male meme. At least this time he's a bit more out of the closet... Use grindr like a pro, and def met Leman on it. Work as a Manager in an Office. Where? How? Whom? No one fucking know.
Mortarion: work as a lab tech, mostly taking care of the test animals. A TON of chronic health issues. Him home is filled with plants, vivarium and paludarium. Very quiet, he gets quite fussy about noise level. Was probably born in a cult and ran away at like. 16. Pescatarian. Wants to be more friendly but has no idea how.
Angron: He's a physiotherapist. He WILL make you cry, but by the gods you will be better after a few weeks. Volunteer at a few places. Do a lot of meditations and yoga, wich he learned in anger management place. Came from a horribly abusive home, and was in locked down youth center from 12 to 18. Very happy to be out of the system and has some STRONG opinion on over-sentencing. Rocking some badass dreads. Brazilian.
Magnus: Egyptian, vegetarian, and somehow still in college. Doctoral candidate and no one can clearly figure out what he actually do. It's something about the perception of human consciousness throu history. He has SUCH long red braids, no one believe that they are natural. Has a lot of weird new ages beleive and will try to make you come with him to his Reiki class.
Ferrus: He's Lakota and an industrial engineer. He does traditional metal artwork in his spare time. Incredibly in love with his husband, he "convinced" big E to let him fuse teo of the appartment together so that Fulgrim could build "the perfect work room". Has heavily tattooed forearms.
Fulgrim: He's chinese, and albino, and so god damn gay. Work as an interior designer, but actually build a lot of his design element himself, he's That Good. Dress like he stole a broadway closet and murdered a few ostrich on top. Genderfluid af, rock a cheongsams like no one else. Met Ferrus and informed him that they would get married like. 15 minutes in.
Alpharius/Omegon: The twins that live together. Some beleive that there us only one of them. Leman swore they are triplet. They are never seen together. They both work from home, and get WAY too much food delivery. Most of their job is running semi-legal crypto bullshit and nft trading scam. Talk 90% of the time in memes. Still not over vines.
Sanguinius: Syrian refuge. He doesn't want to talk about it. Currently work at an animal rescue, wich does wonder for his PTSD. Met Horus the first day he turned up in america, and the dude literally gave him an appartment. It took some time for him to trust again, but now he's hapillly in a relationship with Horus, and they live LITERALLY across the corridor from each others.
Horus: Eastern european, maybe Croatian.... And possibly run the local mafia. Has WAY too much money. He would be scary, if he wasen't so damn friendly with everyone and such a fool for Sanguinius. Kind of an asshole, but like, in a lovable way??? May or may not be the son of the landlord. Like to joke that he has a hitman on speed dial.
Konrad: He just... Showed up one day. Used to be homeless, and no one know exactly since when he was in the street. It took some time and a lot of effort from everyone, but he was able to enrol in school to get SOME diploma, and seem hyper focused on criminal justice. Talk to himself a lot. Will someone appear in other people home uninvited like he was always supposed to be there. Somehow, speak russian.
Corvus: Computer enginering goth trans woman who never leave her home. Yes, she has cat paw tigh high socks. And a crow Fursona. No, you will never see either. Somehow always have the best weed. Was raised on a commune by hippies, and she still call her parents often. She hate going outside and socialising, but she still has too.
Rogal: The handyman of the place. Everything get fixed in a timely manner, but he WILL tell you EXACTLY what you did to break the thing. Went to school with Perturabo to be a civil engineer, but found out that fixing buildings is more fun. Wear exactly the same outfit everyday, and eat the same breakfast, and in general has the strictest routine. Of swedish decent.
Lorgar: Algerian berber, and raised muslim (most specifically Ibadi faith). Currently doing high level theological study, and try REALLY hard to not be preachy about his religion. His home is the most transformed one, stepping inside transport you fully in Ghardaia. His door is often open, as he beleive in being welcoming and helping all. Often have late night study sessions with Magnus, with mint tea and good shisha.
Jaghatai: Mechanic at a local garage, specialise in bikes and muscles cars. Has the most BEAUTIFUL vintage chopper. First generation immigrant, he was legit born in central mongolia. He firmly believe that most of his neighbor are underfed, and as such, keep bringing large traditional homemade meals. Fulgrim love them.
Vulkan: Rwandais! And a machinist!! He send a lot of his money back home to his family. Loud, social, and so damn charming. He miss his large extended family, and he ends up socialising with the others most night. His appartment has rooftop access, and he spend a crazy amount of time up there. Grill the best barbecue. Always complain that its too cold.
Perturabo: Australian. Went to the same class the dorn, and he's SO MAD that the fucker had the GALE to get better grade but choose to become a HANDYMAN?!? work way too hard at a job he hate, and watch too much shitty reality tv to forget his pain. He's terrible at interacting with others, and usually come up as a rude asshole.
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wlwsims4 · 3 years
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The Berry Sweet Sapphics Legacy (SIMS 3)
This is for all my yearning sapphics who wanna play a colorful little legacy that is so sacchartine, it rots your teeth. Can also be played as mlm, although, well, look at my URL. The rules will be written with a wlw romance in mind. You need Generations, University, Seasons, Supernatural, World Adventures and Ambitions! Tag with #BSS, or @ me in your intro post so I can eyeball your gameplay! <3
General Rules: - Money cheats are allowed, just don’t overdo it, it tends to rob the fun from the game - Live anywhere, unless otherwise specified - Each generation has one or more traits that I will give you, the rest is up to you. - Your Wife’s career is up to you unless otherwise specified - You don’t have to play berry, you can just have the generational color as a general vibe - Cheating to have same sex pregnancy is ok, as well as adoption! - Roll a 6-sided die each generation to see how many kids you’ll have - You don’t have to max careers, but it’s a nice bonus if you do!
Generation 1: Nerdbians (Mint) “In a world full of people, only some want to fly. Ain’t that crazy?” (Think up Anger - Mutiny) Trait(s): Green Thumb, Genius Career: Scientist Goals: - Meet your wife in Uni, have her be in the Nerd social group - Max Logic, Gardening and Science - Have your wife work as a freelance Inventor once graduated Bonus Goal: - Have your wife build a Simbot and treat them like your own child! That simbot will count toward your offspring roll (+1 if you rolled a 1)
Generation 2: Be gay, do crime (Yellow) “Trust, my love, I’ll keep you safe from the wolves” (Boy Epic - Trust) Trait(s): Kleptomaniac, Rebellious Career: Criminal Goals: - Meet your wife at work! Pretend it’s a fire-forged romance, during a heist or something - Max Charisma and Street Art skills! - Be enemies with a Law Enforcement Sim Bonus Goal: - Befriend a Burglar that tried to rob you!
Generation 3: Happily Ever After (Cotton Candy) “I just wanna tell you that you’re really pretty, girl. I just wanna know if you will let me be your world?” (Hayley Kiyoko - Pretty Girl) Trait(s): Hopeless Romantic Career: Education Goals: - Meet your wife as a teenager and attend prom with her! - Max Charisma and Writing - Adopt a Dog! - If your Offspring roll is 3 or less, add one! Bonus Goal: - Go on a date or family outing to the seasonal festival every weekend!
Generation 4: Puppy Love (Purple) “Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are looking good. You’re everything Big Bad Wolf could want” (Amanda Seyfried - Little Red Riding Hood) Trait(s): Friendly, Daredevil Career: Collecting/Consignment Goals: - Meet your wife during a Full Moon and have her be a Werewolf! - Max Painting and Schulpting! - Adopt two Dogs and max Hunting on one of them! Your Wife needs a hunting buddy - If your Offspring roll is 3 or less, add one! - Pass Lycanthropy to your heir! Bonus Goal: - Max out your Wife’s Werewolf-ism and her Fitness!
Generation 5: You’re Magical (Midnight Blue) “Guide me to your shores, leave my ruins behind, show me the way to light” (Darkseed - Follow me) Trait(s): Animal Lover, Dog Person (haha get it?) Career: Gardener Goals: - Meet your wife at the Alchemy Store, and have her be a witch! - Max Fitness and Handiness! - Adopt a Cat this time! Your Wife needs her witchy familiar! - Have at least one minor pet! - Turn your heir into a witch! - If your offspring roll is 3 or less, regardless of your way of having kids, adopt a little girl in addition! Bonus Goal: - Be BFFs with your Wife’s cat!
Generation 6: Thirsty for Love (Red) “Fluttering lashes, red lips and pearly white teeth” (The Correspondents - Fear & Delight) Trait(s): Charismatic, Great Kisser Career: Alchemist Goals: - Meet your wife at a Club, have her be a Vampire! - Max Alchemy and Nectar Making! - Take your Honeymoon in France, and max out your Visa! - Be the only one your wife feeds from! - Do NOT Turn your heir, but all your spares! Bonus Goal: - Finish the French Relics Collection! Generation 7: You’re my “normal” (light blue) “Lay your head down on my shoulder, human anything but free” (Behind the Scenes - Human) Trait(s): Brooding, Proper, Shy Career: Journalist Goals: - Meet your wife at a park! - Max Fishing and Writing! - Adopt a Horse! It’s time to get ridin’ - Go on a date with your Wife once per week! - Buy a second property and build a cute little cabin there to get away from all the trouble every so often! Bonus Goal: - Have your Wife Max Riding and let her participate in races!
Generation 8: Young Love is sweet as can be (Green) “Follow me down to the river, drink while the water clean” (The Pretty Reckless - Follow me down) Trait(s): Workaholic, Easily Impressed Career: Business Goals: - Meet your wife as a child, and be on max relationship with her until the day you die - Max Cooking and Logic! - Never retire - Visit every destination world at least once. Your job pays well, yo - Make the child that has the most combined skill points once they turn into a teen your heir! - Buy out at least four businesses! Bonus Goal: - Have your wife be self employed, following her dreams while your work your office job Generation 9: My beating Heart (Black & White) “From the Darkness rises a Succubus, from the earthen rust” (Ghost BC - Ghuleh) Trait(s): Supernatural Fan, Bookworm Career: Fortune Teller Goals: - Meet your wife furing a full moon - When she’s a Zombie attacking your house! - Max Charisma and Mixology - Move to Moonlight Falls if you don’t already live there - Buy the Witches’ Brew Elixir fro the Consignment Store as soon as youre able and become a witch! - Have your wife be bitten/Turned into a Zombie each full moon. It’s her “time of the month”, I guess Bonus Goal: - Max your Witch skill and raise an undead arms, spearheaded by your wife!
Generation 10: Out of the Dark (Orange) “You know how it is, when you’re just waiting on that bad, bad moon to rise” (Hollywood Undead - Bad Moon) Trait(s): Brave, Active Career: Ghost Hunter Goals: - Meet your wife on the job, after saving her from a spooky invasion! - Max Guitar and Photography! - Max out your Visa for Egypt, time to beat up some Mummies! - Move out of Moonlight Falls once you become an Adult (Not YA!) - Don’t befriend any Supernaturals, you’ve had enough of that in your childhood Bonus Goal: - Cure one of each Supernatural Type and/or cure every Zombie you encounter during full moons!
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softbuckismykink · 4 years
Charlie Team
Aside from soft!Buck, SEAL!Buck is also my kink so have this developing AU series in my head. No guarantee that I’ll ever post a completed fic but I have these list of characters from other fandoms who I casted for Charlie Team (Buck’s SEAL Team)  that I’d like to share. Please note though that except Steve McGarrett, none of the other characters are SEALs in their respective canon.  Also as I’ve learned from watching H50, SEALs have crazy nicknames. Buck’s is ‘Mayhem’ and his “twin” is called ‘Mischief’... 
Disclaimer: None of the images are mine. I just found them on google. Also none of the characters are mine. 
Fandoms: 9-1-1, 9-1-1: Lone Star, Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy, Hawaii Five-0, S.W.A.T., Supernatural, Teen Wolf
Also if I ever wrote this pairings would be Buddie, McDanno, Garvez, Stiles/Jackson/Lydia, Dean/Benny and Nico/Levi.
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LCDR Steve 'Smooth Dog' McGarrett (Alex O’Laughlin) - CO of Charlie Team. After the team disbanded in 2017, he relocated to Hawaii and joined the Five-O task force as a military consultant. Mayhem(Buck) and Mischief(Stiles) would at times jokingly call him Dad, the others call him Commander or McGarrett. Buck and Stiles would periodically visit him in Hawaii. He is married to Detective Danny Williams and lives in a oceanfront property with his husband and stepdaughter, Grace. 
Call Sign: Chaos
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Master Chief Daniel 'Hondo' Harrelson, Jr. (Sheemar Moore) Leader of Charlie Team. After the team disbanded, he went back home to LA and joined a SWAT team, and later becoming a team lead for a SWAT team with the rank of Sergeant. Upon learning that Mayhem is also in LA he tried recruiting him to join SWAT but Buck always dreamed to be a firefighter so he joined LAFD instead. In the series I’m developing in my head, Hondo is the brother Buck often turns to because he is the closest. He acts like a big brother to Buck and feels like he is responsible for keeping him safe. 
Call Sign: Charlie One (SEAL); 20-David (SWAT)
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Senior Chief Luke ‘Cool Hand’ Alvez (Adam Rodriguez) - Point Man; Sniper Two; Cool Hand is because he is an expert at poker, and very good at bluffing. He is married to a Tech Analyst in the FBI. After putting in his twenty years in the Navy, he joined the FBI fugitive task force before joining the BAU. He was the only one married in the team while they were in the service. He is married to Penelope Garcia-Alvez (circa CM s8 after Garcia broke up with Kevin) it was  2012 when Mischief and Mayhem got the team so wasted. He woke up married to her but they got deployed 18 hours after. He told Penelope that they'd get divorced when he get back but they never got around to signing the papers over the year. Then he showed up as the new member of the BAU. Being in the FBI, Luke is to Stiles like Hondo is to Buck. Luke looks out for Stiles since they work on the same agency.
Call sign: Charlie Two; Sierra Two (when acting as a sniper)
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SWO1 Dean 'Huntsman' Winchester (Jensen Ackles) - Team Assaulter. He is   the weapons, vehicles, and close combat expert.  He likes pies and driving. He is fluent in Latin and Greek not that they have much use for it. Surprisingly despite having flown numerous time on cargo planes and having to HALO or HAHO into enemy territory countless of times, Dean is still a nervous flier but only when flying comercial airlines. That’s why the only time he went to Hawaii to visit their CO he has to catch a ride on military transport. After the team disbanded, he became a College Professor of Folklore at a liberal arts college in Kansas. He lives in a Bunker that his grandfather owns. Lives mostly off grid. He initially joined the Military to take care of his little brother, Sam. He supported Sam through College and Law School, now Sam is working as a prosecutor in the DA’s office in LA. He has a steady relationship with a cop, Detective Benny Lafitte.   
Call Sign - Charlie Three 
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LT Nico 'Lt Nightingale' Kim (Alex Landi) - Team Medic, but is an actual doctor. Nightingale is a light jab at him being an overqualified medic. He is also the Team’s tech expert. He often jokes around that just because he’s Asian doesn’t mean he has to also be the resident tech specialist. He often tells the team that being incharge of the team going home in one piece is a big enough of a conttribution he shouldn’t be expected to do anything else (he doesn’t  mean it of  course, he  just likes to grumble).  Sometimes he’d channel Doctor McCoy of Star Trek and say “Damnit, I’m a doctor not a xxx!” He is an Ortho surgeon and openly gay currently in a relationship with another doctor, Levi Schmitt.
Call Sign: Charlie Four 
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SWO1 Paul 'Gumshoe' Strickland (Brian Micheal Smith) - Team's resident Detective and a history expert. He is the expert on silent breech and acts as Medic Two. He is also the handler of military K9 Gumdrop. After the team disbanded he joined the Chicago FD and later transferred to Austin at Station 126. He is FtM transgender (I know, there’s a trans ban in the actual military but not in my fictional universe), he found real brotherhood with Charlie because they care about him and not his assigned gender at birth. 
Call Sign: Charlie Five 
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SWO2 Mieczysław 'Stiles' 'Mischief' Stilinski (Dylan O’Brien) - Chemist, Bomb and explosive breech expert. Also some kind of magic, which is a very secret hush-hush thing that only the team knows about. He also functions as a medic at times and often uses healing runes to assist Nico.  After getting discharged he joins Luke at the FBI fugitive task force but when Luke transferred to BAU he transferred newly reformed IRT  (International Response Team).  He is in a throuple with Lydia Martin, who is mathemathics professor at  Georgetown, and Jackson Whittemore, a California congressman. They all lived together in DC.  
Call Sign: Charlie Six
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SWO2 Evan 'Buck' 'Mayhem' Buckley (Oliver Stark) - Sniper One, team's resident expert long distace shooter. He is also the team’s radio communications expert, and is fluent in nine languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Pashto, Tagalog,  Korean, Italian, and Mende) and conversant in five other (Urdu, Hausa, Mandarin, Russian, and German) languages. He was honorably discharged after serving his eight-year contract on May 2017.  He attended the LAFD fire academy soon after and joined 118 Decemeber 2017.   
Call Sign: Charlie Seven (SEAL); Sierra One (Call Sign when acting as a sniper); 28-David (SWAT)
***Stiles and Buck are Charlie Team’s bisaster twins, Mischief and Mayhem. They are called twins because they joined the team at exactly the same time. 
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secretsantasides · 4 years
Gift #14: Colorblind
Gift for @forestwulf​
Prompt: Intrulogical Soulmate AU.
        Logan massaged his temples as the nightclub music pounded in his ears, “I don’t know why you insist on coming here.”
        “It’s twinks drink free night,” Patton said, sipping his appletini.
        “You stopped being a twink ten years ago,” Logan muttered.
        Patton sighed, “I’m going to ignore that because you’re my brother and I love you. Speaking of love-”
        “Don’t,” Logan said. “Not this again.”
        “Listen to me,” Patton said. “I’m worried about you, Logan. I know you’re a little robot and you don’t need romance in your life or any friends but-”
        “I have friends,” Logan said.
        “But,” Patton said. “You’re thirty years old and it’s starting to make mom sad on the holidays. When I met Ethan, it wasn’t sitting around at home and moping. I mean how long has it been since you were touched by another human being?”
        “Soulmates,” Logan sighed. “Don’t start, Pat. I’ll gouge my eye out with this tiny umbrella.”
         Patton rolled his eyes, “Logan it’s not just nonsense; it’s science! Just because you think you’re some kind of lone wolf doesn’t mean you don’t have a soulmate. Your eyes wouldn’t be grey if you weren’t still waiting for your person. So you can deny it all you want. It won’t change the fact that they’re waiting.”
         “I don’t have time for a soulmate, Pat. You and Ethan just work better; you have time to be in love and he’s patient enough to deal with… you.”
         Patton faked an offended gasp, “Just for that I’m not getting you a free drink next round! But you’re right, Ethan is perfect. However-”
         “There is no however.”
         ”However,” Patton continued. “It doesn’t mean that there isn’t someone out there who’s just as patient with your bullshit as Ethan is with mine. Now look you made me swear. I hope you’re happy.”
         “I think the three appletinis made you swear,” Logan said. “Don’t you have work tomorrow?”
         “Actually I’m going out of town in two days with the girls so they gave me time off.”
         “Out of town? That’s this week?” Logan asked.
         Patton finished his drink, “I love how much you listen when I talk. The pandas are being moved to the zoo in Atlanta so their enclosure can be remodeled and we’re hoping to get some breeding done while we’re out there. That’s why I told you that you have to take mom to the optometrist on Monday. If you forget that, Logan-”
         “Right right,” Logan said. “No I’ll remember it’s… it’s in my phone.” He looked at his empty glass of whiskey but pushed it aside, deciding he’d better stay sober, “So what’s Ethan thinking about this longterm separation?”
         Patton snorted, “One of his retics laid a ton of eggs and she bit his face when he was pulling the clutch. Now he’s walking around like Crocodile Dundee. Plus the whole clutch is viable so we’re looking at a lot of new snakes to add to the national program. He’s in talks with a zoo in Taiwan too about some bloodline trades. It’s really annoying sometimes. He gets dozens of babies a season and I’m lucky if I’ll see more than two or three in my career.”
         “Well you chose the pandas,” Logan said.
         “I’ll have you know the pandas chose me,” Patton said. “You want another drink?”
         “Nah, I’ll drive you home,” Logan said. “Go flirt with the bartender and see if he’ll pretend to think you’re young some more.”
         Patton laughed as he slid out of his seat, walking over to the bar. On the dancefloor Logan saw a small group of students, a few of which he recognized—one in particular a large pain in his ass. Remus Prince, Quarterback of the university football team and well-known idiot. Logan wished Remus was the typical jock idiot, uncaring and arrogant, one he could easily fail without a second thought, but Remus was bound and determined to make up for his own shortcomings with hard work and extra credit. It meant that half of Logan’s office hours were spent patiently explaining things to Remus again and again, and accepting an outlandish amount of extra credit work.
         And—even more annoyingly—through it all Remus was cheerful, friendly and actually interested in what Logan had to say. Worse still, Remus was a senior, only four years younger than Logan who was the baby of the science department and didn’t he just hate that little nickname? Remus was like a peer, but worse, a jock, the kind of person that would have made Logan’s life miserable if they’d ever walked the same halls together as students. The revelation that Remus was gay was… interesting? No, not interesting. He’s a student and you don’t care. Logan rubbed his eyes and sighed, jumping when Patton returned with two appletinis. He sat down and stared at his brother matter-of-factly, “Guess how much these cost me?”
         Logan raised an eyebrow and couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at his lips, “How are we related?”
          Patton was a lot heavier than he looked when he needed to be carried, and Logan struggled up the stairs to the door of the apartment, knocking on the door. It was a cute place, all brick and right on the street, divided in half horizontally to make a duplex, but it was roomy and it was nice for two people on zookeeper salary; it was inexpensive—for Florida. Ethan opened the door and Logan gasped, “Ethan, your face!”
         Ethan did smile, and there was more than a little pride in it, “Don’t worry. She hit above and below my eye but the doc said to keep a full dressing on it at night so I don’t rub anything off. He cool?”
         “Vodka drunk,” Logan said, hauling Patton inside and laying him on the couch. “Not too bad but I told him I’d stay sober and I think he needed to drink off some stress.”
         “The move, yeah,” Ethan said, following Logan back to the door. “And my face. He’s not really loving how many times I take the bandage off to show people but it’s my first big tag! You wanna see the pictures from the ER?”
         “Gosh I’d love to but I have class in the morning so-”
         “Ethan!” Patton called from the livingroom, “Come sex me up, Mr. Snake Whisperer!”
         “Good luck with that,” Logan said. “Tell him to call me when he’s less obnoxious.”
         “Will do,” Ethan said. “Bye Logan.”
         Logan snorted when Patton called again and started down the stairs, “Good luck!”
                   Logan looked at himself in the mirror after taking out his contacts and smiled at his grey eyes; grey was distinguished, and he didn’t mind having a constant reminder—for himself and others—that he was beyond all of this soulmate nonsense. He was a lone wolf, just like Patton said, and his true love was forensic anthropology—or biology, as he was currently teaching. His application was top in line for the anthropology department, however, and he had consulted a time or two on actual cases. So, despite Patton’s—and his mother’s—insistence that his life was somehow incomplete, Logan couldn’t be happier. He turned off the bathroom light and crawled into bed, thinking back over his tasks for the day, all of which he’d completed before he ever set foot inside the gay bar with his brother. It was the same way he lulled himself to sleep every night, assured of all of his accomplishments, large and small, and how every day was a blank slate.
         Sleep came quick for him, thanks to the single glass of whiskey and the exhaustion of dealing with his drunk brother—and his sober brother-in-law. His dreams were blurry and immemorable until suddenly his vision was filled with green. There were calloused hands on his skin, warm lips on his cheek and breath in his ear, and he was held against a solid body with a grip that was surprisingly strong. He closed his eyes and still all he could see was green.
         Logan gasped and sat up, checking the clock and scowling; it was still the middle of the night and he was baffled by the strange dream and irredeemably hard. He sighed heavily and climbed out of bed, heading back into the bathroom and turning the shower to cold, stripping off his pajamas. Who the hell did he know that was associated with green, anyway? He didn’t even like the color green, his favorite color was indigo, far from the blinding lime he’d been accosted with in his dream. Any thoughts of the dream went screaming from his mind when he stepped into the water; his chest tightened and he exhaled involuntarily, “F-fuck!”
He tightened his hands into fists and endured the water, somehow preferring cold-induced heart palpitations to ward off an unwanted erection than perhaps the more obvious—and less miserable—solution. It was easier to be stubborn and miserable than to admit—and revel in—the fact that something had gotten him going, and that it had to be the dream. Whiskey wasn’t exactly known for facilitating physical arousal, and he’d barely had enough to taste in the first place.
                           “Morning!” Remus announced as he knocked on the open office door.
         “Good morning,” Logan said, “Come in, Mr. Prince.” He cleared away the end of his desk where Remus usually worked and stacked up the papers elsewhere. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
         Remus laughed, his cheeks a bit pink; Logan wondered if he was getting a cold—and how much that would panic the other professors about the state of the football team. He took a sip of his coffee as he sat down. Remus scratched the back of his neck, “Well I have the three essays to turn in, and I did the makeup dissection test with Professor Picane’s Zoological Anatomy class… the uh… feral pig?”
         “Fetal pig,” Logan said, putting his coffee cup aside. “He sent your scores up to me. Good work. You got everything right except for the microscope work. We’re still struggling with cellular identification. I spoke with Emile and he said you actually seemed to have issues where things were similarly colored, so I took the liberty of emailing you some color-blind tests. I’m also inviting you to come in during my freshman course tomorrow. I use different dyes in my slides and I think you’ll benefit from it.”
         “Great!” Remus said. “You really go above and beyond to help me, Professor Heart. I um… well, thank you so much.”
         Logan crossed his legs, leaning back in his chair, “You know, Remus, I think you’ve got a lot of potential, and I think you’ve been pushed through classes due to your athletic prowess—to your detriment. I really want to help you understand that you’re not lacking in intelligence, you understand. You’ve got the answers, we’ve just had to learn how to get to them, right?”
         “Right,” Remus said, ducking his head shyly. “You’re always right.”
         “Now, with these three essays and with you making up the microscope work tomorrow, there’s no need for anymore extra credit work. You’ve got this, Mr. Prince. All you have to do is attend all of the lectures and you’ll be on track for a strong grade in this class. Do you feel like you need any more help?”
         Remus hesitated, “I  mean… you’ve done so much. I know you’ve basically changed my life, and how I feel about science—school in general! I um… I guess if I need anything I’ll just schedule a day before finals. If you think I can do it, I think I can do it.”
         Logan smiled, “Very good, Remus. You’ve got this.”
         Remus set the three essays down on the empty part of the desk and looked over them, “I can’t believe this is it, you know? I’m going to graduate in less than a month.”
         “Another year on the books,” Logan said. “Wait until you’re my age.”
         “You’re not old,” Remus said. “You’re still in your twenties too. Oh!” He picked up his backpack and dug through it, pulling out a small cardboard box. He set it on the desk. “I know your real interest is anthropology, like the cop kind, and I um… well, my dad works in the big museum uptown. They got a few of these and they gave my dad two of them.”
         Logan took the box and opened it, raising an eyebrow as he took out a human skull, obviously prepared and preserved professionally. “This is a nicely intact specimen. You’re certain this is alright?”
         “Yeah my dad said he’d rather it go to somebody who wants it than just gather dust in our basement or the museum’s basement. Oh they said it had uh… crouton disease?”
         “Crouzon Disease,” Logan said, standing up. “Hyperostosis Frontalis Interna, very interesting. Thank you Remus this is incredibly thoughtful.”
         Remus watched Logan put the skull in a central place on his shelf of books and specimens; it looked good, but Remus wasn’t really paying attention to the skull, especially when Logan turned and gave him a smile, extending his hand. Remus jumped up and shook it eagerly, “Thank you again, professor. You’re my hero. You’re especially my parents’ hero.”
         Logan chuckled, and the touch was mildly electric, probably static, but it made Logan shiver, “You’re the hero, Mr. Prince. Remember that, hard work got you this far, and it’ll take you wherever you want to go.”
         Remus nodded, slowly releasing Logan’s hand and stepping back to grab his backpack. “Well, see you in class tomorrow! Eight, right?”
         “Right,” Logan said. “And don’t forget the possibility of a pop quiz tomorrow in your actual class.”
         “Possibility,” Remus chuckled. “Good one, Professor Heart. See you then.”
         Logan watched him go and sighed, turning to admire the skull, a warmth blooming in his chest he’d never really felt before. It really was a nice skull, he supposed.
          Logan drove home with that feeling intact, almost floating into the elevator and riding it up to his floor. After making it down the hallway, and the obligatory avoidance of his neighbor’s eyes, he stepped into his apartment and locked the door behind him. He felt bone-deep exhausted—probably from the dream-cursed night before—and he went straight to the bathroom to take out his contacts. Once his contacts were safely back in their saline baths, he brushed his teeth, grabbing his glasses off of the vanity and putting them on. He admired his eyes—his green eyes. Logan gasped and squeezed his eyes closed, opening them again, still green. He took off his glasses, and his reflection was blurry, but clearly green eyes stared back at him. The warmth in his chest suddenly became a sharp icicle, and he realized. Green, Remus Prince. “Fuck!” Logan shouted, turning off the light and rushing out to his bedroom. He sat on the bed and pulled his cellphone out of his pocket, dialing his brother.
         The phone rang several times, and went to voicemail; Logan swore again and dialed the home phone, “Come on Pat come on.”
         “Hey Logan! What’s up?”
         “Ethan? Oh, is Pat… oh shit.”
         “Alabama,” Ethan said. “Yeah. You ok?”
         “No, not at all… oh god. Can we talk? Like do you have time?” Logan stood up, pacing around the bed. “I have… an awkward situation.”
         “You? I don’t believe it.”
         Logan sighed and Ethan laughed, “I’d like to be serious with you for a moment.”
         “Of course,” Ethan said. “Go ahead.”
         “When you realized you were Patton’s soulmate, was there a feeling?”
         “Hm,” Ethan said. “Actually, yes. I thought I had heartburn, actually. Just like this warmth in my chest? It sounds a bit stereotypical but yeah. I felt warm. That night when I was washing my face I realized my eyes had changed. You doing a study?”
         “Um… no,” Logan admitted. “My eyes are green.”
         “Oh! Oh my god! Did you tell your mom?”
         “Please, Ethan. I have only told you.”
         “Do you know who it is?” Ethan asked. “Any clue?”
         “One of my students,” Logan said. “The… football player.”
         “Oh yeah I remember Patton mentioning him, the stupid one right?”
         Logan bristled, “He isn’t stupid. He’s…” He sighed, rubbing his temple, “Well, thank you Ethan. You’ve answered my question.”
         “Text Pat,” Ethan said. “He’ll lose his shit.”
         “Goodnight, Ethan,” Logan said.
         Logan hung up and set his phone on the nightstand before undressing, pulling on a pair of pajama pants and climbing into bed. He turned off the lamp and pulled the blanket over his head, willing himself to sink into the earth.
          The following morning’s class was a blur of barely-controlled panic and dread, but luckily Remus barely even spared him a glance, intent on taking and passing his cellular identification exam. Logan pretended to grade papers when Remus came up to his desk, and his heart surged like it had, warming to Remus like a rock in the sun, “See you in class.”
         Logan gave a noncommittal sound, and Remus left the classroom, allowing Logan to finally breathe. Ignoring this wasn’t going to be easy, and Logan was already getting frantic texts from his brother demanding an explanation. Logan briefly wondered how hard it would be to vanish without changing universities. The worst part, without question, was how badly he wanted Remus to touch him, even just a brush of his hand. His body was like a magnet and his hands were shaking even though their closeness had been brief. At least his upcoming class was taking a pop quiz, and they were to clear out as soon as answers were submitted.  
          Logan remained more or less glued to the desk during the hour between classes, grading the microscope work—Remus hadn’t missed a single slide, so Picane’s catch on the colorblindness had been spot on. Logan had felt a stab of jealousy, absurd as it was, that he hadn’t realized it sooner, first, because Remus was his soulmate—his.
         “Mine,” Logan muttered to himself, then his face heated up when he realized what he’d said, and he looked down to realize he’d written it on Remus’ exam answers. Quickly scratching it out he pushed the test aside and lowered his face to the desk. “What a nightmare.”
         “What’s a nightmare, Mr. Heart?”
         Logan looked up to see his first student sliding into her desk, and he forced a chuckle, “The state of the economy in nineteenth century Luxembourg.” He stood up and began writing on the board.
         “Will that be on the final?” another student asked. The classroom had started filling up.
         “Not unless I’ve ever written it on this board,” Logan said. “We start final prep next week, don’t forget.”
         He finished filling out the board as the rest of his students filed in, and once his watch beeped cheerily that class had started, he heard a voice pick up behind him, the same girl from before, “Is that your favorite tie, Mr. Heart? You wear it a lot.”
         “It’s my favorite color,” Logan said without turning around. “As charming as the distraction is, I haven’t forgotten the pop quiz.” He turned around and Remus was staring at him, mouth open in shock. On either side of him, his linebacker buddies were looking at one another, and Logan realized his mistake in revealing his favorite color—because he knew better than anyone what color Remus’ eyes must be now. Wincing, he adjusted his glasses, “Alright, please take out a clean sheet of paper and answer the questions I’ve written on the board. When you’re finished please leave them up here and you may go.”
         Logan sat at his desk and pretended to be working, jumping when the first student turned in their quiz, but calmed and kept his eyes down as the steady stream of quizzes landed on his desk. He was starting to feel safe when most of his students had gone, and he made the mistake of looking up when a loud pair of sneakers stopped at his desk. The room was empty, and Remus Prince was standing at his desk, quiz in his hand. He set it down with the others and shoved his hands in his pockets, “Your eyes are green. I never noticed.”
         Logan paled and stared up at Remus, “I um… it’s recent.”
         Remus nodded, “Me too, indigo, right? It’s a weird blue for eyes. My brother said they look like Liz Taylor whoever that is.”
         Logan let out a nervous little laugh, looking down at the paper he’d been doodling on only to realize he’d been writing the word mine over and over, “Yeah. She had um… dark eyes. So I suppose you’ve met your soulmate then, congratulations, Mr. Prince.”
         Remus looked around and then back at Logan, “You’re going to pretend it isn’t you?”
         Logan was feeling very much like a deer in the headlights, but at the same time heat was playing in his chest. He pushed his chair back and stood up, tensing when Remus reached to grab his wrist, “I’m not-” Logan tried to pull away but Remus shook his head, “I’m not pretending anything I… damn it. Damn it I’m afraid, ok? You’re a student!”
         “Not for long! Like two weeks from now I’m taking the final, and unless I stop showing up entirely, there’s no way I’m failing. I did the math which I know will impress you because I’m such an idiot.”
         “Mr. Prince,” Logan said, then sighed. “Remus… is this even something you want? A relationship dictated by some… some system we don’t even understand? By colors and chance and… what, fate? You want to let the universe stick you with someone… someone like me?”
         Remus laughed and released Logan, covering his face with his hands, “You don’t fucking get it, do you? You really don’t.”
         Logan wrapped his arms around himself, blushing and adjusting his glasses, “Don’t get what?”
         “I have wanted you since before I started in this class!” Remus said. “My brother, the attention whore? He had me come here last semester to pick up a paper for him, remember? If it was just fate shoving us together it would have happened then… but it didn’t. I thought you were hot, so I signed up for your class because I figured I’d cheat my way through and have a hot prof to stare at right?”
         “Just let me finish,” Remus said. “When I came in here and sat down at that desk and I listened to you read the syllabus… and all of your weird bone jokes and that thing about the swamp mummy?”
         “Bog bodies, the Tollund Man, yes,” Logan said. “You remember that?”
         “Yeah because you cared, like you actually cared about it. You’re not just here because you couldn’t get a career and you’re not just here to waste time. You really care about what you’re teaching us, and I know you’re trying to switch departments but whatever, you know what I mean… there’s a lot of passion there and it made me give a shit. It took me forty-five minutes to fall in love with your stupid class, and maybe two or three classes to fall in love with you… but still it didn’t happen. Because it didn’t happen until you fell in love with me.”
         Logan was silent as he stared at Remus, his mouth hanging open; he took a sharp breath, shoving his hands in his pockets, “Jesus.”
         “Well? Am I right?” Remus said, tears welling up in his eyes. “It’s the mustache right? My friends told me that’s the reason you didn’t tell me. Because you hate it. I don’t even care. I’ll shave it off, ok? I don’t care if it’s good luck I-”
         Logan crossed the short distance between them and kissed Remus, cutting him off. Remus grabbed Logan’s collar and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Logan’s mind spun, and his knees went weak. Remus had no trouble holding him up, and when they finally broke the kiss, Logan smiled sheepishly. “I don’t hate the mustache, as much as I wish I did. I really don’t.”
         Remus buried his face against Logan’s shoulder and laughed, “Great because I really need to keep it if I’m going to get drafted. Three of the NFL scouts commented on it.”
         “Yes I’m sure you’ll bring back the seventies mustache. Your parents will be ecstatic.”
         “Yeah… so um… are we dating?”
         “No,” Logan said, then off Remus’ look he hurried to elaborate. “Not until you pass this class of your own merit. Like you said, it’s no big deal and then, the second your final grade is logged in the university database… we can date.”
         Remus smiled, smoothing down Logan’s shirt as he stepped back, “Right, cool um… hey I should probably go then, right? Got studying to do. Bye teach.”
         “Mr. Prince,” Logan said, sinking back down into his seat once Remus was gone.
         It was going to be a long couple of weeks.
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting To: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Season 2 Episode 7)
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Episode Title: Benson and the Beast
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to handle spoilers.
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1. The past few episodes have been starting out with flashbacks huh? Well, this episode is no exception; We travel back one year into the past and we see Benson climbing down into a deep den with baby Dave in his backpack. He’s there because he wants to get his cassette player back from two giant bat mutes. However, they catch him red-handed and tell Benson they need the player to build an alien communicator to reach out to the aliens. 
2. Baby Dave then molts rapidly across one entire cycle and stops at his toddler stage. This makes the bats think that he’s an alien. Why are they so sure that he is though? Lol. So afterwards, Benson and Dave were able to escape with his cassette player. 
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3. We are now in present times and it picks up where things left off last episode; Full Mega Jaguar Kipo is chasing after Scarlemagne who has her mother, Song aka the Mega Monkey under his mind control. One of the Nobles tries to shoot Kipo with an arrow but he gets taken down by the three scientists with a paralyzing dart. 
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4. Kipo goes on to attack them and Dr. Emilia retaliates by shooting the darts at her. Luckily, she’s stopped by Wolf and Benson then tries to calm Kipo down and remind her who she is by showing her, her family photo. However, Zane points his arrow at Kipo, which startles her and accidentally bumps Benson to the ground in the process. He tries again one more time and Kipo manages to turn back into a human. Wow, that sure was suspenseful!
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5. The scientists immediately recognize she’s Lio and Song’s child (I think) and they try to act like they know nothing about her parents. I think they are gonna try to kidnap Kipo themselves to experiment on her. They claim to be part of the human resistance that’s against Scarlemagne and they plan to wait till the Noble whom they just took out snaps out of his mind control state in order to extract information about Scarlemagne’s plans. 
6. It looks like Benson has dislocated his shoulder; Poor thing! Dr. Emilia tries to trick them into following them back to their headquarters but Wolf is highly suspicious of them. We also know that the scientists were actually looking for Kipo for 13 years! Okay, so they definitely know she’s Lio and Oak’s daughter. Also, they secretly plan to use Kipo as their weapon and dispose of her afterwards. Yikes! That’s evil! Anyways, despite still having reservations about them, Kipo and the others agree to follow them because they really need for Benson to get medical help. 
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7. Another flashback!; This time, we go back to the time when Song decided to stay back to answer the knock on her and Lio’s apartment door. As I’ve predicted, the same scientists were the ones behind the door. Song opens it and Dr. Emilia immediately calls her out for lying to them about being able to isolate the mutagen. 
8. If I’m not wrong. there’s two sides here. The first side, which Song and Lio belong to are the ones who want humans and mutes to live in harmony with one another and that’s by genetically modifying humans to become half-mutes in order to survive on the surface world. And as for the other side, which the scientists belong to, they just want to take mutes down and turn them back into animals so that humans can go back to being the dominant race again. 
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9. Dr. Emilia tells Song that she’s going to find Kipo and take her away; Song tries to resist them but accidentally falls off the balcony. Luckily, she transforms into the Mega Monkey just in time. That was a cool scene I must say. 
10. Back at the scientists’ HQ, Dr. Emilia is able to fix Benson’s dislocated shoulder. She then gives them a tour of their offices and we see more scientists busy working on plans to rescue the mind-controlled humans in Aurum and they have a tunnel that can take them there. We also get introduced to some of the things they’ve created to use against the mutes like a pheromone proof room and their Sonic Emitter, which emits sound waves that can only bother mutes. 
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11. However, the sonic waves unknowingly wakes up the two mute bats. Are these bats supposed to be good or bad? We discover later on that the mind-controlled human they managed to capture is actually Troy’s dad, Roberto! Finally! After 6 episodes, we get a mention of Troy again. I miss him. And so does Benson hehe. Lol, look at Dr. Emilia’s face in this picture. 
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12. Dr. Emilia now wants to train Kipo to control her powers and Benson wants to come along since she needs her anchor. Before leaving, he asks Wolf if she could make him look good in front of Troy’s dad. LOL! He still gotta impress his boo’s dad even during a time of crisis. Well, he still has a date set with Troy after all! I hope we get to see this date by the end of the season!
13. During the training, Kipo is finding it difficult to go back into her full jaguar form again. By the way, Dr. Emilia is INTENSE! Benson tries to talk to Kipo to figure out where her head’s at and Kipo tells him she’s afraid of hurting him or anyone again. Well, that’s a valid fear to have.
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14. Meanwhile, Wolf is re-telling the story about how Benson and Troy had set up their date to Dave. Suddenly, Roberto wakes up and Wolf explains to him what happened, including letting him know that Troy is safe with the Timbercats, thanks to Benson. Roberts asks them who these people are to which they explain everything to the best of their ability lol.
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15. I appreciate Dave for trying to talk Benson up to Roberto lol. I mean, that’s gonna be his future father-in-law. Zane and Greta discover that Roberto is awake and asks him to explain Scarlemagne’s plan during his future coronation; He reveals that Scarlemagne plans to gather all the humans in the arena to mind-control them. Benson, Kipo and Dr. Emilia joins them and Roberto tells Benson he’s impressed with the heroic things he didn’t do, thanks to Dave. 
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16. Suddenly, the mute bats barge into the building and fortunately, they’re not evil/mind-controlled but they are really obsessed in trying to find that “alien communicator” they so desperately want. They (Geli and Jibralta) start rummaging through the place and attacking whomever in standing in their way. Kipo tries to stop them with her two jaguar arms but it’s not enough. 
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17. Because Benson recognizes these two, he tries to lure them to him by telling them that the sonic emitter is the communicator. However, they think he is an alien whisperer and they grab hold of him and take him away. Aww, Dave is upset that Benson’s gone. Finally, Kipo is able to trigger her transformation into her full Jaguar form. 
18. The crazy bats take him to their den and ask Benson to use the “communicator” to make contact with the aliens. Kipo, the full jaguar then jumps into the burrow and starts to chase the bats. Wow and she’s giving them a beating for sure lol. As Kipo is about to attack them some more, Benson manages to calm her down by showing the family photo to her again. Phew! I’m glad that she’s able to transform back again because you know how some shows will try to make it more dramatic by not allowing its characters to do something for some random reason. 
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19. But they still have to deal with Geli and Jibralta and it turns out, Kipo is able to transform back into a jaguar again without any problems, in order to scare them. Wow, I’m impressed; She’s getting good at this. Afterwards, Benson gets on top of Kipo and they head off. 
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20. They reunite with the others and Kipo impressively turns back into her human form once again. She’s happy that she’s able to now control her powers and she’s confident in taking down Scarlemagne without hurting the humans. However, Dr. Emilia wants Kipo to use her powers to specifically take down the Mega Monkey. But Kipo doesn’t say anything. Why can’t she tell them that the monkey is her mom? It’s not like Kipo was given the impression that the scientists already knew of her or her family. 
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21. Awkward moment alert! Roberto tells Benson that he should date Wolf because she’s been saying nice things about Benson to him. LOL! His plan backfired. Benson decides to tell the truth and Roberto immediately gets the hint and it seems like he would be happy for his son, Troy to be with Benson. Phew! For a minute there, I thought Roberto would be that homophobic parent we all hate tbh. But considering the fact that the show’s setting takes place very much in the distant future, I’d like to think that gay relationships would be much more normalized by then. 
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22. Kipo is facing a dilemma because she might have to fight her own mom, who is mind-controlled. Benson, yet again, comes up with a plan to get Kipo and Roberto to sneak out in the middle of the night and Roberto navigating through the tunnels to get Kipo to reach the place where her mom is being kept. She goes up to the surface to immediately find her mom who is asleep but it looks like she’s tied to a giant tree? 
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23. OMG look at that face; I just want to cry. Song wakes up and they share an emotional reunion. However, Kipo gets grabbed by a flamingo and is dropped onto an empty clearing in the forest.
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24. She is then greeted by Scarlemagne and her mind-controlled father. So she has no other choice but to hold herself back from attacking. The episode then ends here. 
25. That’s the end of my review of episode 7. Thank you guys so much for having read my review/reaction. I really appreciate your support. Please check out my review of episode 8 for when it will be out tomorrow. Till then, bye!
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thebloodychampion · 3 years
Mass Effect Muses Master Post
With Mass Effect Legendary Edition right around the corner (okay until May) but still, here are my active and inactive Mass Effect Muses from this blog:
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Name: Irius Sparatus Trope: Deadpan Snarker Age: 42 (in 2186) Race: Turian Height: 6′8″ Occupation: Turian Councilor Sexuality: Bisexual Face Claim (Human): Jeffrey Dean Morgan Voice Claim: Alastair Duncan
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Name: Karnesh Trope: Information Broker Age: 624 (in 2186) Race: Krogan Height: 7′5″ Occupation: Shadow Broker Agent/Assassin/Debt Collector Class: Inflitrator Sexuality: Demisexual Face Claim: Hugh Laurie Voice Claim: Rory McCann
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Name: Clavius Tarxis/Irelius Draxas Trope: The Oathbreaker Age: 51 Race: Turian Height: 7′2″ Occupation: Councilor’s Bodyguard, Ex-Blue Suns Lieutenant Class: Soldier/Vanguard (in rare occasions) Sexuality: Homosexual Face Claim: Benedict Cumberbatch Voice Claim. Kristofer Hivju
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Name: Renius Sparatus Trope: Old Soldier Age: 73 Race: Turian Height: 6′7″ Occupation: General of the Blackwatch Class: Ghost Infiltrator Sexuality: Heterosexual Face Claim: Donal Logue Voice Claim: Charles Dance
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Name: Torana Sparatus Trope: Sassy Black Woman Age: 30 (in 2186) Race: Turian Height: 6′0″ Occupation: C-Sec Officer Class: Soldier Sexuality: Bisexual Face Claim: Aja Naomi King Voice Claim: Claudia Black
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Name: Jurdon Madadh Trope: Badass Grandpa Age: 1383 (in 2186) Race: Krogan Height: 8′3″ Occupation: Sometimes Mercenary; otherwise Freelancer Class: Krogan Battlemaster Sexuality: Heterosexual Face Claim: Travis Fimmel Voice Claim: Steven Hartley
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Name: Ganar Drealav Trope: Big Bad Age: 810 (in 2186) Race: Krogan Height: 7′10″ Occupation: Blood Pack Leader Class: Krogan Warlord Sexuality: Asexual Face Claim: Rory McCann Voice Claim: Ellen McLain (Info Drone), Anthony Skordi (If he ever talks)
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Name. Raik Cagar Trope: Super Doc Age: 400 (in 2186) Race: Krogan Height: 7′2″ Occupation: Doctor Class: Medic Sexuality: Homosexual (does sleep with men as part of breeding rites) Face Claim: Lupita Nygono Voice Claim: Denise Gough
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Name: Haral Nyras Trope: Retired Badass Age: 78 (in 2186) Race: Turian Height: 6′9″ Occupation: Retired General/Navigator of the Blackwatch Class: Soldier Sexuality: Heterosexual Face Claim: Andrew Lincoln Voice Claim: Anthony Howell
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Name: Oswin Shepard Trope: Loyal To The Position Age: 32 (in 2186) Race: Human Height: 5′3″ Occupation: Commander of the Normandy, First Human Spectre Class:  Engineer Sexuality: Pansexual Face Claim: Chyler Leigh Voice Claim: Jennifer Hale
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Name: Noah Shepard Trope: Papa Wolf Age: 32 (in 2186) Race: Human Height: 6′7″ Occupation: Commander of the Normandy, First Human Spectre Class: Soldier Sexuality: Bisexual Face Claim: Karl Urban Voice Claim: Mark Meer
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Name: Maron Hinom Trope: The Cynic Age: 35 (in 2186) Race: Salarian Height: 5′5″ Occupation: Ex-STG, Fugitive Class: Engineer Sexuality: Asexual Face Claim: Iwan Rheon (disguised)/Phoebe Tonkin Voice Claim: Antonia Bernath
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Name: Shaela’Riel Vas Tonbay Trope: The Engineer Age: 26 (in 2186) Race: Quarian Height: 5′6″ Occupation: Navigator Class: Engineer Sexuality: Bisexual Face Claim: Ksenia Solo Voice Claim: Eve Myles
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Name: Lorik Qui’in Trope: Pretty Boy Age: 58 (in 2186) Race: Turian Height: 6′7″ Occupation: Administrator of Port Hanshan on Noveria, Former Synthetic Insights Manager Class: Civilian Sexuality: Heterosexual Face Claim: David Guintoli Voice Claim: Peter Jessop
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Name: Marius Nyras Trope: Identity Amnesia Age: 74 (in 2186) Race: Turian Height: 6′9″ Occupation: Accountant, Former Shuttle Repair Man, Shuttle Pilot Class: Civilian Sexuality: Homosexual Face Claim: J.R. Bourne Voice Claim: Craig Sechler
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Name: Andrew Ryder Trope: Hope Bringer Age: 23 (in 2186), 22 (in 2185 launch of the Hyperion) Race: Human Height: 5′9″ Occupation: Pathfinder Class: Adept Sexuality: Pansexual Face Claim: Dominic Sherwood Voice Claim: Tom Taylorson
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Name: Tayus Draxas Trope: Not Good With People Age: 41 (in 2186) Race: Turian Height: 6′8″ Occupation: Mercenary Class: Soldier Sexuality:Homosexual Face Claim: Jude Law Voice Claim: Michael Maloney
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Name: Tachyus Nyras (He doesn’t have markings yet.) Trope: Overshadowed By Awesome Age: 21 Race: Turian Height: 6′9″ Occupation: None Class: Civilian Sexuality: Pansexual Face Claim: Torrance Coombs Voice Claim: Paul Thornley
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Name: Macen Barro Trope: Badass Gay Age: 62 (in 2186), 61 (in 2185 at launch of the Turian Arc Natanus) Race: Turian Height: 7′1″ Occupation: Former Blackwatch Engineer, Turian Pathfinder Class: Engineer Sexuality: Homosexual Face Claim: Richard Armitage Voice Claim: Daniel Riordan (until I find his original voice actor)
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(Yaora doesn’t have her own unique face yet)
Name: Yaora V’Loar Trope: The Muse Age: 302 (in 2186) Race: Asari Height: 5′3″ Occupation: Consort Worker Class: Civilian Sexuality: Pansexual Face Claim: Astrid Berges Frisbey Voice Claim: Moira Quirk
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Name: SAM (Simulated Adaptive Matrix) Trope: Benevolent A.I. Age: None (created before 2185) Race: Artificial Intelligence Height: 5′10″ (in his human body) Occupation: A.I. in Ryder’s head Class: Everything Sexuality: Demisexual (in his human body) Face Claim: Will Tudor Voice Claim: Alexia Traverse-Healy
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Name: Yandra Nyras Trope: Proper Lady Age: 21 (in 2186) Race: Turian Height: 6′9″ Occupation: Embassy Worker Class: Civilian Sexuality: Heterosexual Face Claim: Alexandra Daddario Voice Claim: Elle Newlands
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Name: Quentius Zuris Trope: Bizarre Alien Biology Age: 50 (in 2186) Race: Turian Height: 7′0″ Occupation: Mediator of the Blackwatch Class: Soldier Sexuality: Asexual Face Claim: Hugh Dancy Voice Claim: Steve Pirot
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Name: Urdnot Wreav Trope: Even Evil Has Standards Age: 1300 (in 2186) Race: Krogan Height: 7′10″ Occupation: Krogan Leader (if Wrex is dead) / Mercenary Class: Krogan Warlord Sexuality: Heterosexual Face Claim: Joe Manganiello Voice Claim: Jim Cummings
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Name: Adrien Victus Trope: Unexpected Succesor Age: 67 (in 2186) Race: Turian Height: 7′0″ Occupation: Turian Primarch Class: Soldier Sexuality: Bisexual Face Claim: Hugh Jackman Voice Claim: Daniel Riordan
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Name: Sidoria Arterius Trope: Big Screw Up Family Age: 29 (in 2186) Race: Turian Height: 6′7″ Occupation: Consort Worker Class: Civilian Sexuality: Bisexual Face Claim: Saoirse Ronan Voice Claim: Brianna White 
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hms-chill · 4 years
RWRB Chapter 15
Hi y’all! I’m going through Casey McQuiston’s Red, White & Royal Blue and defining/explaining references! Feel free to follow along, or block the tag #rwrbStudyGuide if you’re not interested!
Kensington gardens* (386): The park behind Kensington palace.
Hampton Court Palace (386): A London palace that is made up of both domestic Tutor and foreign Baroque styles.
Hyde Park (386): A large park in London.
Harrods (387): A fancy department store in London.
Long Water (388): A recreational lake in Kensington gardens.
Cullen skink (388): A thick Scottish soup made of smoked haddock, potatoes, and onions.
Maiden voyage (389): A ship’s maiden voyage is its first time out of port; as a term a maiden voyage is the start of something big.
Wellington boots (391): Any type of rubber boots.
Poison oak (392): A weed that grows in the woods and can cause a rash.
Swan song (393): A last effort or performance given before retirement
Punt so hard (393): Punt is a football term, but in this case, it means to play it safe rather than taking a risk for a potentially much larger payoff. 
Rebecca Traister (396): An American writer known for her feminist, political work.
Roxane Gay (396): An American writer and professor whose work deals with race, feminism, and sexuality.
Captain America-esque (396): A superhero who, even before becoming a superhero, picked street fights with “bullies” and pretty much anyone he sees taking advantage of someone else.
Hello! US (398): A celebrity/royal news magazine.
Linoleum floor (399): Linoleum is an inexpensive, hardy flooring option common in community centers, schools, and other high-traffic areas that are generally unconcerned with looking nice.
Blue (400): the color associated with the Democratic (liberal) party.
Zilker Park (400): The most popular park in Austin, the hub for many recreational activities and the start of popular hiking and biking trails.
VRA in ‘65 (401): The Voting Rights Act of 1965, which prohibits racial discrimination in voting.
Palmer Event Center (401): A large event center in central Austin.
Girl-next-door (401): A term for a girl who is idolized as sweet; one you grew up near and maybe had a crush on.
Dallas to Austin (402): While it takes ~30 minutes to fly from Dallas to Austin, it takes ~2 hours and 30 minutes to drive.
Protestant God (403): The Republican party is often associated with steadfast Christianity, despite actively doing things that the Bible condemns.
Super Bowl (404): The biggest football game of the year.
Obama v. McCain (404): The 2008 presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain, when Democrat Barack Obama became the first African American president of the US.
Letterman jacket (405): A letterman jacket is awarded to a high school athlete who has made varsity or been on a team for a certain amount of time.
APUSH (405): Advanced placement US history, a US history course taken for college credit while in high school.
Anderson Cooper (406): Openly gay journalist and TV anchor for CNN.
CNN (406): The Cable News Network, a liberal leaning news station.
1976 Jimmy Carter (406): Jimmy Carter was the American president from 1977-1981. He pardoned Vietnam War draft dodgers on his second day in office, and he is the only US president to have lived in subsidized housing before taking office. His lower class farming background meant that many saw him as a man of the people.
Gerald Ford (406): Following Nixon’s Watergate scandal and resignation (to prevent impeachment), Gerald Ford was sworn in as president. He was president from 1974-1977 and is the only person to serve as both president and vice president without being voted in.
Yellow rose of Texas (407): “The Yellow Rose of Texas” is a song from 1850 singing the praises of a beautiful biracial woman. (listen here)
Wolf Biltzer (408): An American journalist who has been an anchor for CNN since 1990 and is their lead political reporter.
West Side Bastardos (408): Los Angeles Westside is (generally speaking) a younger, well-educated neighborhood (more stats here). “Bastardos” is Spanish for “bastards”.
Gloria Estefan (408): A Cuban-American singer/songwriter who has work in both Spanish and English. (listen here and here)
Whiskey-warm drawl (409): When you drink whiskey, it’s a warm sensation that starts in the back of your throat, then goes down to warm you up from the inside. Whiskey is also commonly associated with Texas/the Wild West.
Canvassed (410): Canvassing is when you go door-to-door encouraging people to vote for a certain candidate.
Hunger Games cannon (410): In The Hunger Games, a canon goes off and an announcement appears in the sky when an contestant has been killed.
Backyard shooting range (411): American gun law is... deeply broken, and Florida in particular is known for being a bit wild.
Mijo (411): A Spanish term of endearment that literally translates to “My son”.
Mafioso (413): A member of the mafia.
Brownstone (414): A type of townhouse common in New York City that can cost up to four million dollars.
Concession call (414): A call from a political candidate admitting that they’ve lost a race.
Oil paintings (415): Every American president has an official portrait of them, traditionally an oil painting.
Library of Congress (415): The research library that officially serves congress and is the de facto national library of the US. 
Dried flowers from a homecoming corsage (416): When a girl is asked to her high school homecoming, the asker will typically buy her a corsage, a small bouquet worn around the wrist. 
Cordless phone (416): Probably a home phone (did other people grow up with those? Pre-cell phones), which would be used by everyone in the house.
Rec center tutoring (416): Tutoring younger kids is a common volunteer project for high schoolers, and the fact that it’s at a community recreation center means that it is probably offered for free.
Barton Creek Greenbelt (416): A long, thin park that runs through southwest Austin.
Cold-brews (416): A type of iced coffee that has become especially popular in the past few years.
Lavaca (417): A street in central Austin that runs past the Texas State Capital Building.
“Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now” (417): A song about how a couple is going to make it through anything together and nothing is going to stop them from achieving their goals. (listen here)
Everything’s bigger, after all (417): A reference to the saying that everything’s bigger in texas.
Old West Austin (417): A very well-off, historic district in Austin, TX.
Westover (417): A road in Old West Austin, presumably the one Alex’s family used to live on.
*Fun fact, J.M. Barrie wrote Peter Pan here! Another fun fact, Barrie was asexual!
And that’s a wrap! We did it! If there’s anything I missed or that you’d like more on, please let me know! And if you’d like to/are able, please consider buying me a ko-fi? I know not everyone can, and that’s fine, but these things take a lot of time/work and I’d really appreciate it!
Chapter 1 // Chapter 14
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keyofjetwolf · 2 years
I'm allowed to think you're a dumb cunt while loving you. You're MY dumb cunt.
@docholligay, proving once again that friendship is magic.
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antifaintl · 5 years
2019: A Timeline of Fascist And  Extreme Right Violence
(CONTENT WARNING FOR EXTREME RACIST LANGUAGE, VIOLENCE) In keeping with our 2017 & 2018 lists of fascist and extreme right violence, we thought it smart to continue this year.  The date of each incident noted and other details will yield the original media source(s) with some web searching.  We will be updating this on the regular, so check back once in a while.  Here’s hoping we have a much smaller and less-lethal list this year! January 2019: LGBTQ+ activists in Russia have reported to media outlets that 40 people have been detained by authorities in Chechnya and at least two have been tortured to death. January 1, 2019:  A 50-year-old man intentionally drives his Mercedes into a crowd of asylum seekers in Bottrop, Germany, after trying twice earlier to run over pedestrians.  When arrested, the assailant made several anti-foreigner and racist remarks to police. Eight people are injured in his attacks. January 1, 2019: 52-year-old José David Muñoz Vargas is attacked by a group of men in Porvenir, Chile after they discover he is gay.  The men forcing him into scalding hot water, causing severe burns.  Vargas is hospitalized in critical conditions for days as a result of his injuries. January 1, 2019: A 24-year-old man is attacked by men he is sharing a ride with in a vehicle when they overhear him speaking on the phone to his partner and realize he is gay.  He is driven to a rural area near Valparaiso, Chile, where the men burn him with lit cigarettes, stomp on his genitals, and attempt to smash his head in with a large rock.  The man passes out and is left for dead, only regaining consciousness the following day.
January 1, 2019:  Terrorists detonate a small bomb at the front door of the home of a Moroccan family in Mariglianella, Italy. January 1, 2019: A man approaches two racialized women in Macerata, Italy, calls them “niggers” and throws a lit firecracker at their heads, then seig heils them and walks off.  50-60 people witness the assault but none intervene. January 1, 2019: Arsonists in Hebsack, Germany set fire to the home of a refugee family, who had received death threats in the past.  Three family members are treated for smoke inhalation.  
January 1, 2019: Arsonists set fire to a refugee shelter in Weimar, Germany while 120 people were sleeping inside.  The fire destroys one wing of the building but fortunately no one is injured or killed.
January 1, 2019: At the end of New Year’s Eve two friends walking home in Lyon, France see a group of around 15 people attacking a man lying on the ground. When they rushed to help the man the group turned on them, yelling racist insults and punching and kicking them, after which the attackers ran away. Some of the attackers were recognized by the victims as members of a local far-right group.
January 2, 2019:  Arsonists set fire to a trailer housing migrants in Lonato del Garda, Italy.  When one of the occupants exits the front door to escape the fire, assailants shoot him with a rifle, seriously injuring him.  The man undergoes life-saving surgery.
January 2, 2019:  In Torino, Italy, a dozen people attack a man in the building he lives in, beating him while shouting homophobic epithets at him.  The man suffers several facial contusions and a nose broken so badly that it requires surgery to repair.  
January 3, 2019:  A 36-year-old man is racially abused by a stranger in Berlin, Germany, and then punched and kicked by the man, who then flees.  The injured man is treated in hospital.
January 5, 2019: A racialized homeless man taking shelter under a Christmas tree in the town center of Caserta, Italy is attacked, leaving him lying in a pool of his own blood when found.  He is rushed to hospital with numerous injuries. January 6, 2019: 26-year-old Buckey Wolfe, a member of the Seattle branch of the fascist street gangs Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer, murders his own brother by stabbing him in the head with a 3-foot-long sword. January 6, 2019: Dana Martin, a 31-year-old racialized trans woman, is found shot to death in a ditch in Montgomery, Alabama.
January 6, 2019:  Two Eritrean men in Hettstedt, Germany are confronted by a 36-year-old man shouting racist insults at them, who then chased them down the street and punched both of them.  
January 7, 2019: 21-year-old Houston resident Albert Gallegos, who has a documented history of randomly assaulting black people, approaches a 92-year-old man waiting for a bus and beats him unconscious.  Police charge Gallegos with a hate crime.  
January 10, 2019:  A black man asks for and receives directions from a resident of Andria, Italy.  A third man approaches the two, abuses them with racial taunts and insults, and assaults them.  The two men run away separately from the attack, who follows the man that gave directions to his home and kicks through the locked door before police intervene. January 10, 2019:  A 47-Brazilian woman attempting to order a pizza is interrupted by a patron of the Mereto di Tomba, Italy pizzeria, who complains loudly that she is not speaking the regional Italian dialect.  Shouting “here we are in Friuli and we must speak Friulian by law!” he follows the woman outside and attacks her, breaking her nose and fracturing other facial bones before the woman’s son intervenes.  
January 11, 2019:  The “National Socialist Offensive” calls in bomb threats across Germany, forcing the closure of court houses throughout the country.
January 12, 2019: A Jewish man walking past a Crown Heights laundromat is confronted by a group of teenagers, who challenge him to a fight, punch him in the face, and knock him to the ground.  The man is hospitalized with minor injuries to his face and head. January 12, 2019:  A Jewish man at the Nikolassee S-bahn station in Berlin, Germany is insulted by a man there, who then attempts to hit him in the head with a rock. January 13, 2019: During a charity event, Pawel Adamowicz - Gdansk, Poland’s left-leaning mayor and a frequent target of the far-right, is stabbed to death by a 27-year-old ex-con with a history of violence who claimed to be a political opponent.   January 13, 2019:  Two people on a motor scooter pull up to a Senegalese street vendor in Pisa, Italy, and throw bleach in his face, causing burns to his eyes that put him in the hospital.
January 13, 2019: A Syrian refugee in Stralsund, Germany is injured in an assault by three men, who berate him with Islamophobic and racial slurs as they beat him.
January 14, 2019: 24-year-old Andrew Ramsey is asked to leave a Salem, OR. convenience store after causing a disturbance.  He returns minutes later to assault the Sikh store manager by throwing his shoe at him, knocking him to the ground, and attempting to steal his turban.  Ramsey tells arresting officers that he took those actions to disrespect the store manager because  “he was Hindu and prays to Vishnu the catfish god.“
January 15, 2019:  34-year-old Arthur Martunovich walks into a Brooklyn Chinese restaurant, produces a hammer, and attacks Asian restaurant staff with it while allowing non-Asian staff to pass by unarmed.  Three Asian staff members are bludgeoned to death.  Martunovich told police he was inspired to commit the triple homicide by "a movie about Chinese men mistreating women.” January 16, 2019:  A Jewish man walking down the street is punched in the chest by a passerby in a completely unprovoked assault caught on video.  
January 16, 2019:  German police raid twelve apartments in eight states belonging to members of the National Socialist Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Deutschland, seizing over 100 weapons.
January 17, 2019:  Transgender woman & reality TV star Tia Latham is pursued by two man brandishing metal poles, who attempt to attack her.  She manages to get into her house and lock herself in, leaving the pair to smash up her car while yelling homophobic/transphobic slurs at her.  
January 18, 2019:  A Bangladeshi immigrant riding his bicycle in via Fanneli, Italy is shoved off his bike by two people on a motor scooter, causing him to smash his head on the pavement.
January 19, 2019: Two gay men leaving an Austin, TX gay club are accosted by a man yelling homophobic slurs at them.  While distracted, four other men attack the couple, beating both of them unconscious and leaving one seriously injured.  
January 19, 2019: While transporting buffalo to market, 24-year-old Naushad Muhammad is pulled over in the village of  Bhalaut, India, where local residents pull him from his vehicle, accuse him of “cow smuggling,” tie him to a pole and beat him for two hours.  When police eventually arrive, they arrest Muhammad and leave him chained to a bed post in the police station over night without any medical treatment for his injuries.  
January 19, 2019: Around 15 members of the Identitäre Bewegung, armed with pepper spray, attack the opening of a left-wing social center, injuring several attendees.  Police detain several of the attackers. January 20, 2019: Fascist Golden Dawn members attack journalists covering their rally in Athens, beating them with clubs and stealing their cameras and equipment.  Three journalists are injured, one badly enough to require hospitalization.
January 20, 2019: A 14-year-old girl observing a march by extreme right-wing bigots in Roßlau, Germany is attacked by the marchers for “looking left-wing,” sustaining injuries to her ribs and head.  
January 20, 2019: Two well-known, armed neo-nazis in Saalfeld, Germany ambush an antifascist, beating him until they are chased off by passerby.  The antifascist is seriously injured.   Both attackers are arrested and charged with weapons violations.
January 21, 2019: Florida resident Mark Bartlett reacts to a group of young black men staging a “bikes up guns down” protest in Miami by screaming racial epithets at them and then pulling out a pistol and threatening to shoot them. January 22, 2019: Police arrest four men in Greece, New York for a terror plot against the small Muslim community of Islamberg, NY.  Investigators seize 23 rifles and shotguns as well as three IEDs. January 23, 2019: 21-year-old Zephen Xaver walks into a bank in Sebring, Florida wearing a bulletproof vest, produces a handgun, and executes five women in the bank for no apparent reason, before surrendering to authorities.  Xaver’s facebook page shows that he was a fan and supporter of Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos.
January 23, 2019: Police discover a potentially-lethal pipe bomb decorated with nazi symbols on a school route in Raken, Germany.
January 24, 2019:  While waiting to use the changing station in the washroom of an Edmonton, Canada Costco, an Indigenous woman holding her baby is assaulted by a woman leaving the washroom, who rams her elbow into the Indigenous woman’s side and shoving both her and her baby against the stall of the bathroom.  As she fled the scene, the attacker made mocking sounds and gestures pertaining to Indigenous people, called her a “dirty Indian,” and called a black woman who attempted to intervene a “nigger” several times. January 25, 2019:  The spokesman of the Anti-Fascist United Front (FUA) was ambushed in Braga by three Neonazis, with two attempts to run him over with their car, followed by a pursuit on foot.  He escapes uninjured.
January 26, 2019: A group of armed Israeli settlers march on the Palestinian village of Al-Mughayyir, firing tear gas followed by live bullets at the villagers there.  Eleven Palestinians are wounded in the attack and one, Hamdy Na’asan, is shot dead as he attemps to pick up a wounded villager from the ground.
January 26, 2019: A 31-year-old woman is approached at a subway station in Berlin by a stranger, who screams xenophobic slurs at her before attacking her with a blunt object.  The woman manages to fend off the attack but injures her thumb during the struggle.  
January 26, 2019: A mob in Trepuzzi, Italy arrive at the home of 22-year-old Sierra Leone migrant Alhaji Turay.  They smash their way through the front door and corner Turay in his home, calling him a “dirty nigger” and telling him to “go home!”  When Turay attempts to escape by climbing out of a window, one of the racist attackers smashes a chair across his back.  Turay manages to flee but sustaining injuries bad enough to require three weeks to heal.  This is the second time in less than a year that Turay has been attacked; in October he and other migrant were attacked by baseball-bat-wielding racists.  
January 28, 2019: Right-wing extremist, Islamophobe, and “Yellow Vests Canada” member Tony Green is arrested after pointing a loaded pistol at an off-duty RCMP officer in Campbell River, BC, Canada.  Police then spend four days searching Green’s property, recovering explosives, homemade silencers, prohibited high-capacity magazines, and over 100 firearms, including a machine gun, zip guns, and firearms with their serial numbers removed.
January 29, 2019:  Three students in Gela, Italy are charged with assaulting a classmate from Senegal, leaving him seriously injured.  They are further charged with extortion and stalking due to their continued harassment of the classmate.
January 30, 2019: Three men assault two Hasidic Jewish men in two separate attacks just fifteen minutes apart in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.  One of the Hasidic men is hospitalized with his injuries.
January 30, 2019: A 70-year-old Muslim woman selling food from a makeshift stall is attacked by eight members of the Hindu extremist Bajrang Dal gang.  They throw hot curry in the woman’s face, scalding her, before setting her food stall on fire.
January 31, 2019:  Ossuele Gnegne, a 28-year-old immigrant from Ivory Coast is riding is bicycle to work in Arzano, Italy when a car deliberately runs into him, knocking him to the pavement.  Several men, armed with iron bars and bats, exit the vehicle and beat Gnegne as he lays on the ground.  Gnegne’s arm is badly broken and he suffers other injuries as well.
January 31, 2019: Camila, a trans woman who had recently been deported from the United States to El Salvador, is admitted to a San Salvador-area hospital with multiple serious injuries stemming from an attack.  She dies in hospital three days later.   January 31, 2019: Two people beat a refugee in a park in Plattling, Germany, leaving him injured and lying on the ground as they flee.
February 2019: FBI arrest 20-year-old college dropout and Atomwaffen Division member Benjamin Bogard after being tipped off to a number of videos posted by Bogard advocating for white supreamacy, discussing how to obtain bomb-making materials, and talking about his desire to murder racialized people.  FBI agents testify in court that they believe Bogard could be the country’s next mass shooter or bomber and reveal that they also uncovered child pornography on Bogard’s cell phone.   February 2019: An Italian of Brazilian descent and his girlfriend at accosted by four teeangers in Reggio Calabria, Italy, who shout racist slurs that the couple before assaulting the man and stealing his phone.  The couple take refuge in a pharmacy but their four attackers wait outside, shouting racial abuse until police arrive and arrest them.
February 2, 2019: A 27-year-old man and his 54-year-old father confront two Afghan refugees at an S-bahn station in Berlin, insulting and beating them.  
February 4, 2019:  A 25-year-old man of Indian descent is waiting for a tram in Dresden, Germany when another man pops out of a door, shouts at him and punches him in the face before fleeing.
February 4, 2019: Two Indian men are harassed and racially abused on a bus in Gdansk, Poland. When they leave the bus, one of them is punched in the back of his head. 
February 5, 2019:  As a 19-year-old Gambian man walks out of his workplace in Syracuse, Italy, a man waving a knife confronts him, calling him a “black bastard,” threatening to kill him and then chasing him.  Police intervene before the attacker can make good on his threat. February 6, 2019: An 18-year-old woman on her way to work in Corsenza, Italy witnesses two men beating a migrant in the street.  When she attempts to intervene, the two men turn on her and assault her.  
February 6, 2019: Two Cuban women on a bus in Brescia, Italy are racially abused by another woman, who then assaults them and tries to steal one of their purses before bystanders intervene.  Both Cuban women sustain injuries in the attack.
February 6, 2019: An 18-year-old German in Mühlhausen, Germany racially insults a 19-year-old refugee from Syria and then tries to stab him with a jackknife. The refugee is able to parry the attack and take the knife from the attacker. February 7, 2019: Two Indonesian students in Canberra, Australia are waiting for a bus when two people began harassing them for their dress and headscarves.  The two students attempt to ignore the harassers, who escalate to punching the women in the head before running off.
February 7, 2019: A 26-year-old German attacked an asylum-seeker from Iran on the street in Zittau, Germany. First, he is said to have insulted the injured racially. Then he hit him with a bottle on the back of the head, splitting his head open.
February 7, 2019: A woman from Dominica is riding the escalator in a Rome, Italy subway station when two men yell racial slurs at her.  When she reacts, they punch her repeatedly in her face.  One man is charged while the woman is treated in hospital for her injuries. February 8, 2019: Ndudzu Prosper, a 26-year-old  Zimbabwean studying in Annaba, Algeria is confronted by three men who attack him with clubs and knives, stabbing him to death.  The assailants denied the police theory that they were attempting to rob Prosper, telling the police they were calling him racist names before they attacked him.  
February 8, 2019: A trans woman named Lolita is hacked to death in a machete attack in El Salvador.  
February 9, 2019: Assil Belalta, a 21-year-old medical student in Algiers, Algeria, is found stabbed to death in his dorm room.  His killers left behind a homophobic message scrawled on the wall of Belaita’s room in his own blood.
February 9, 2019: A man in Berlin approaches two Syrian girls (15 and 16 years old) while they were talking to each other. The stranger racially abuses the girls, then punches both of them several times in the face before fleeing.  The two girls suffered facial injuries.
February 10, 2019: Galia Petkova, a gay woman in Sofia, Bulgaria, is walking through the city when a man begins following her, before punching her in the face and warning her not to be seen in public again.  Petkova loses two of her teeth in the homophobic attack.  
February 10, 2019:  Mattia Casciani, defender with the Italian football team Borznese, violently attacks an opposing player and then his own team mate with punches, kicks, and a litany of racist slurs at the end of the match with Real San Prospero.
February 10, 2019: Three men are attacked by a group of five bigots as they exit a gay bar in Bordeaux, France. One of the men suffers serious facial injuries and has to be treated in the hospital.
February 13, 2019: John Crain walks into a Marysville, CA. 7-11 and throws hot coffee in the face of the Sikh store clerk.  Upon arrest, Crain tells police he did it because he “hates Muslims.”  
February 14, 2019:  After enduring weeks of racist abuse by her neighbors, a mixed-race Italian woman is punched and kicked as her neighbor yells racist slurs at her and tells her to “go back to her country.”  
February 15, 2019: Two assailants smash out the plate glass window of a Brooklyn synagogue while 15 people were inside.
February 15, 2019: A 49-year-old white supremacist and Coast Guard lieutenant Christopher Paul Hasson is arrested in his Silver Spring, MD. home on guns and drugs charges.  Police recover 15 firearms, over 1000 rounds of ammunition, steroids, human growth hormone, and a “hit list” containing the names of prominent Democrat politicians and journalists from CNN and MSNBC.  Prosecutors have also obtained emails Hasson wrote to neo-nazi groups and allege that Hasson was using the manifesto of Norwegian white supremacist terrorist Anders Breivik as a model for his own plans.
February 16, 2019:  A group of men in downtown Salt Lake City are approached by a man berating them with homophobic slurs.  When one of the group begins recording the man on his phone, the man punches him in the head.
February 16, 2019:  33-year-old Dustin Passarelli escalates a Carmel, IN. traffic disagreement with four foreign-born American citizens by shouting xenophobic and Islamophobic slurs at them.  When Passarelli draws a pistol, one of the four, 33-year-old Mustafa Ayoubi, begins running.  Passarelli shoots Ayoubi in the back several times, killing him.    
February 18, 2019: Five drunk Polish men in Stoke-On-Trent, UK were arrested after attacking a Muslim security guard and two others, kicking and punching them while yelling that the Polish would remove Muslims from the country. February 18, 2019: Four young men in Wolow, Poland beat up an Egyptian man who was walking home after work, because of his nationality and skin color, injuring the man’s arm and knee.
February 19, 2019: Maajid Nawaz, who has publicly defended white supremacists,  is called a “fucking Paki” while outside London’s Soho Theatre and punched in the face by an unknown assailant, who runs away after the attack.
February 20, 2019: A 47-year old Ivorian woman who has been living in Italy for 30 years is attacked by a group of men and women in the city of Bari, who yell racist insults at her while she is walking home from work in the afternoon on a busy street, then begin punching and kicking her.  None of the bystanders come to the victim’s aid. February 20, 2019:  Fascist activists of the youth group of CasaPound, Blocco Studentesco, were leafleting at Benedetto Da Norcia high school in Rome, Italy. When a student folded the leaflet to put it in his pocket the fascists thought he was ripping it up and beat him to the ground, also attacking the girl he was with.
February 20, 2019:  A 12-year-old Egyptian boy is physically attacked in the streets of Portuense, Rome, Italy.
February 21, 2019:  A 29-year-old man screams racial slurs at an 11-year-old Roma boy on a subway in Rome, Italy before stabbing him in the head.  
February 23, 2019:  At a hockey game in Saint-Jerome, Canada between the Jonquiere Marquis and the St. Jerome Petroliers du Nord, Marquis player Jonathan-Ismael Diaby was targeted by racist opposing fans, who taunted him and his family and forced them to leave the game early. When Diaby, who is black, was sent to the penalty box in the first period, the so-called ‘fans’ began shouting racist insults. They also harassed Diaby’s family, with several people crowding around them, pushing and hitting his father and pouring beer on his girlfriend.
February 23, 2019: 22-year-old Antonio Valdez randomly attacks a 67-year-old Korean man in Santa Rosa, CA.  While assaulting and robbing him, Valdez demands that the man tell him his citizenship.  Valdez faces hate crime charges.
February 23, 2019: A middle-aged couple follow a Muslim woman into a Kettering, OH. grocery store, screaming ethnic and racial slurs at her.  The woman tries to ignore them and while she is reaching for a gallon of milk, the man in the couple shoves her into the display. March 2, 2019: Four gay men are injured in three separate mob beatings that take place during and around Sydney’s LGBTQ+ Mardi Gras parade & events.
March 2, 2019: A 60-year old women and Thai immigrant tending bar in Pordenone, Italy is assaulted by a male customer, yelling things like “Salvini is right” and “Go back to your own country.”
March 2, 2019: A group of eight neo-nazis in Leipzig, Germany harass a 22-year old African man on a tram, and attack him as he leaves, leaving him badly injured.
March 2, 2019: Neo- nazis of the Identitäre Bewegung assault two young women and a man in front of their Halle, Germany headquarters, beating them and attacking them with pepper spray.  All three were hospitalized as a result of their injuries.
March 3, 2019:  A 65-year-old Jewish woman is returning to her home in Bamberg, Germany when someone comes up from behind her and douses her with acid, seriously burning her.
March 6, 2019: Members of the extreme right Vishwa Hindu Dal group attack two Kashmiri dried fruit sellers, beating them with clubs.
March 7, 2019: Nine fascists in Ferrol, Italy attack three friends who are walking home after recognizing them as leftist activists. A 40-year old ends up in hospital with a fractured skull.
March 8-9, 2019: A 37-year-old woman goes on a spree of pepper spray attacks, exclusively targeting white pedestrians and using racist language in at least two of the attacks.  At least eight people are injured in the attacks.  NYPD file hate crime charges against the assailant.
March 10, 2019: Four neo-nazis chase a 23-year-old gay man through the streets of Leon, Spain, beating him to the ground when they catch up to him and stabbing him repeatedly in the neck.  The man is rushed to hospital with serious injuries.
March 10, 2019: Police raid a militia meeting near Dorfmark, Germany, recovering a machine gun, a submachine gun, other weapons, and nazi artifacts.
March 11, 2019: Over a hundred racist youth in Urk, the Netherlands invade the home of a family of Moroccan background, looking to beat up their son. In the attack they also beat the mother and daughter of the family, all while chanting the name of Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders. March 13, 2019: A black man got into a tram in Ukkel, Belgium, when another man starts verbally harassing him, calling him a monkey and saying that he wants black people gone. When the victim confronted the man he was threatened, pushed and shoved by the racist, after which the tram driver helped the man to safety. March 13, 2019:  A white driver rams his car into Chuck Crockett's car on a North Portland, OR., then  jumps out and repeatedly calls Crockett a "nigger" and other racial slurs, threatens to attack him, and then drives away.  When Crockett reports the incident to police, several officers refuse to accept his report of a hate crime. March 15, 2019: 28-year-old Australian man and white supremacist Brenton Tarrant, armed with an assault rifle and shotgun decorated with neo-nazi symbols, opens fire on worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 50 people and injuring 19 others.  Tarrant, who live-streamed the mass murder, leaves behind a 74-page manifesto in which he describes the attack as a terrorist act against “mass migration,” designed to “incite violence” against Muslims.  
March 15, 2019: Three men drive by an east end London mosque shouting racist & Islamophobic abuse.  When some of the worshippers there respond, the men climb out of their car and attack the worshippers with a baton and a hammer.  One of the worshippers sustains a head injury in the attack.
March 15, 2019 A peaceful protest outside a meeting of Dutch fascist party FvD in Maastricht, the Netherlands, is attacked by a group of ten people. One protester is injured on his hand and a megaphone is smashed. The attack is quickly repelled, allowing the protest to continue. March 16, 2019:  50-year-old Vincent Fuller dons a mask and walks down the street in Surrey, UK swinging a baseball bat and a large knife, shouting “white supremacy,” “kill all Muslims,” and racial slurs.  He then stabs a 19-year-old man in a Tesco parking lot.  Fuller is charged with attempted murder and hate crimes.
March 16, 2019:  A hijab-wearing Muslim woman standing outside of her mother’s home in Brooklyn when a strange man rushes at her from across the street, attempts to trip her, then kicks her in her right leg before walking away. March 16, 2019: A mob of at least 20 people attack a van in Colombes, France occupied by two Roma, injuring both of them. March 17, 2019: Two days after the terrorist attack in Christchurch, NZ., a fourteen-year-old boy threatens a Victoria, Australia mosque online, claiming he will “be visting (sic) this mosque and kill as many invaders as i can in the time i get. I will then shoot myself in front of police.”  
March 17, 2019: A 16-year-old biracial boy is walking home from a Leesburg, FL. convenience store with his 12-year-old sister when they encounter two men who call them “niggers,” demand that they leave the area, and fire a gun at them.  James Robert Reidnauer and Brent Van Besien face charges from the incident.  Reidnauer was previously arrested in 2016 for the domestic abuse of a disabled adult.
March 17, 2019: The FBI arrests 22-year-old New York resident Thomas Alonzo Bolin for plotting a terrorist attack.  Bolin, a Greek immigrant who managed and was active on several white supremacist facebook groups, was plotting online with his cousin to commit a mass shooting of Muslims in Baltimore.  Bolin told FBI agents in an interview that he wanted Muslims out of the country because they were “contributing to a corruption of his culture.”  Agents seized a mask and shotgun from his rented room.
March 18, 2019: A man walking his dog in Berlin, Germany, insults two women for wearing headscarves.  When they respond he punches one of the women, who is pregnant, in the stomach. She had to be treated in the hospital for her injuries.
March 21, 2019:  55-year-old Patrick W. Carlineo, Jr. decides to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racism by calling the offices of Rep. Ilhan Omar to threaten to “put a bullet in her fucking skull” for being Muslim,  Carlineo is arrested for threatening to assault and kill Ilhan.
March 21, 2019: Austin Shuffield becomes involved in a Dallas, TX. parking dispute with L’Daijohnique Lee, a 24-year-old black woman.  Shuffield approaches Lee with a pistol in his hand, then calls her a “stupid nigger,” knocks her cell phone out of her hand and into the street, and punches her in the head several times until she is knocked out.
March 22, 2019:  Description: Two Muslim women in Ukkel, Belgium, were walking to their children’s school and crossing a crosswalk when a driver of a car refused to give them the right of way. He opened his window to yell that he’s a racist and hates women in headscarves, and then drove into one of the women, who had to be treated in the hospital for injuries to her leg.
March 23, 2019: During an unauthorised march of around a hundred fascists of Forza Nuova in Prato, Italy a group of fascists targeted a young man who was sitting on the fountain’s edge in the gardens and filming their passage with his mobile phone, by violently throwing him to the ground and hitting him with kicks and punches.
March 24, 2019: An arsonist sets fire to a mosque in Escondido, California, while seven people are inside, leaving a note behind referencing the mass murder/white supremacist terror attack at another mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand earlier in the month.  A month later it’s revealed that the culprit is 19-year-old John Earnest, after Earnest enters a San Diego synagogue with an AR-15 and shoots four worshippers, killing one.
March 24, 2019: A member of far-right group Soldiers of Odin attempts to assault Finnish Foreign Minister Timo Soini at a farmers market in Vantaa, Finland. The attacker is overpowered by security before he can hit Soini.
March 25, 2019: A mob of at least 50 people, armed with clubs and knives, descend on a Roma encampment in Bobigny, France, setting fire to several vans Roma people were living in.  Police arrest 20 of the mob. March 25, 2019: A violent mob chases a group of Roma through the streets of Clichy-sous-Bois, France, only stopping when the Roma take refuge from them in a supermarket.
March 27 - April 4, 2019: In the course of one week, three predominantly black churches in St. Landry Parish, LA. are completely destroyed in fires investigating authorities are calling “suspicious.”  Police arrest 21-year-old Holden Matthews, singer in a “black metal” band, self-professed worshipper of the white supremacist Asatru religious cult, and the son of a police deputy.  
March 29, 2019: A man wearing a MAGA hat and shouting homophobic abuse approaches a group of people outside of a roller rink hosting an LGBTQ+ event.  When one of the event-goers confronts him, the man produces a sword and slashes them, leaving his victim bleeding profusely as he runs away.
March 29, 2019: The offices and archives of the Highlander Research and Education Center in New Market Tennessee burn to the ground overnight in a mysterious fire.  A fascist symbol adopted by local members of the white supremacist Traditionalist Workers Party are found on-site.
March 30, 2019: A 25-year old Muslim woman is verbally abused by an elderly woman in Vienna, Austria, when the old woman spots her at a metro station. She spits at the victim and tells her the fascist party “FPÖ will get rid of all of you”. When the Muslim woman confronts her the old woman produces a sharp object and threatens to stab her.
March 30, 2019:  Three teenaged boys verbally abuse a transgender teenager in Essex, UK, before one of the boys produces a knife and slashes the transgender teen in the face, causing injuries severe enough to require hospitalization. March 30, 2019: 27-year-old trans woman Ashanti Carmon is shot dead in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
March 31, 2019: Racist & transphobic far-right gang “The Hiwaymen” arrive at the Arkansas state capitol and attack attendees at an event to mark the Trans Day of Visibility, punching and kicking them on the steps of the capitol building, injuring at least one person.
March 31, 2019: During a rally against Algeria’s then-President Abdelaziz Bouteflika in Paris, France, 31-year old transgender woman Julia was insulted with transphobic slurs and  attacked with punches and kicks by three men as she made her way through the crowd.
April 1, 2019: Jaswinder Singh, a Sikh cab driver  in New York City, is berated by a racist passenger mocking his race and religion who then pulls out a knife and slashes Singh’s throat, nearly killing him.
April 3, 2019:  Four members of fascist youth group Blocco Studentesco have been arrested for their attempt to poison a fifth member of the fascist group using Ricin in 2018 in Turin. Italy.
April 4, 2019: A 24-year-old man walking near Brooklyn’s Prospect Park is approached by another man yelling anti-gay slurs at him.  The first man is then punched before his assailant runs away.  
April 5, 2019: A man in Bourdon, France said he stabbed his neighbor because he “wanted to kill a Jew.” The 58-year-old victim was stabbed 15 times in his abdomen and face. He was injured in the liver and gallbladder and underwent surgery. He was saved by a friend who was with him at the time of the assault, and came between the victim and the attacker.
April 6, 2019: Emmit Davis, a transgender man in Colorado Springs, Co,, is sitting on the porch of his home with his partner when three men passing by jump over their fence and begin verbally abusing them with homophobic and racist slurs, then attack Davis, leaving him with facial injuries.
April 6, 2019: A drunk father and son walking their dog yelled insults and punched a 15-year old Muslim boy in Waddinxveen, Netherlands, who fled into the mosque. The drunk father followed him and angrily pounded on the door. Several men, including the elderly chairman of the mosque came outside trying to calm the man down, who yelled racist slurs at them before punching the elderly chairman in the face. Two more men were injured in the fight that followed.
April 7, 2019: After an event by far-right party AfD in Köln that was completely outnumbered by counter-protesters, a car carrying two people who were present at the AfD event deliberately drives into a group of counter-protesters on their way home at a stoplight, injuring one person who ended up on the hood of the car. The car then drove off. The injured victim had to be treated in hospital.
April 7, 2019: In Lipník nad Bečvou, Czech Republic, a brutal assault was committed against three Romani children by an adult man and woman yelling racist insults. The man is said to have punched the children in the chest and face, and eyewitnesses say he even kicked one child in the chest. A 14-year-old boy has been hospitalized with a bruised back and a concussion, while a girl has been hospitalized with an injured thoracic cavity and another 12-year-old girl has been hospitalized with a bruised spine and dislocated nose. Klára Bartošová, a relative of the assaulted boy, told news server Romea.cz that the man had attacked the children because, several days ago, his 16-year-old daughter had an argument with a Romani child. “Those were absolutely different children, though. He just came up and began beating any Romani child he could get his hands on,” she said.
April 8, 2019: An Israeli settler from the illegal settlement of Gush Etzion deliberately rams his car into a Palestinian teenager, critically injuring him before fleeing the scene.  
April 8, 2019:  Two men attack a Congolese man in Warsaw. They yell racist insults, punch and use pepper spray in the attack. Both men were arrested. One of the perpetrators turned out to have an earlier conviction for giving a fascist salute.
April 9, 2019: An anti-Romani mob attacked and destroyed homes of Romani people in Gabrovo, Bulgaria after a video was posted online of three Romani men fighting employees in a shop. The three men had been arrested and released after 24-hours by the police. This sparked anti-Romani protests by non-Romani residents. The protests then became a riot in which a large mob of non-Romani men vandalized the homes of Romani people, with Romani children still inside in some cases.
April 10 2019: A high school student at an East Brunswick, NJ school attacks a fellow student, who is Muslim, by spitting on her, ripping off her hijab, knocking her to the ground, climbing on top of her and punching her repeatedly in the face.  The attacker later brags about the attack on social media, peppering her post with Islamophobic slurs.
April 10, 2019: A university lecturer riding a tram in Warsaw, Poland overhears a fellow passenger speaking in Ukrainian on his cell phone.  The lecturer goes over to the man and assaults him.  
April 10, 2019: As she is leaving morning prayers at her Milwuakee, WI. mosque, a Muslim woman is assaulted by a stranger who tries to tear off her hijab.  When she resists, he throws her to the ground, beats and stabs her.  The woman is hospitalized because of her injuries.
April 11, 2019: Osher Band, a 15-year-old transgender girl from Ashkelon, Israel,  was hospitalized with a brain injury and organ damage after being attacked by a classmate. Osher hadn’t gone to school for more than six months.The incident that made Osher stop coming to school last summer occurred while she was sitting with some of her classmates. Two boys from her grade began taunting her. Then, “they threw chairs at me, and one of them said that if I stay here, he would stab me, and pulled out a pocketknife,” she said. Since then, she said she has been afraid to leave home. On Thursday April 11, she finally returned to school, but she said had an argument with another girl who chased her, knocked her head around and hit her until she managed to flee and call the police. April 12, 2019: After being involved in a minor traffic collision in Dallas, Texas, a transgender woman is confronting by a mob of people who stomp and beat her for several minutes while screaming transphobic slurs at her until she manages to escape them.  The woman is hospitalized for her injuries.
April 12, 2019: Two members of Italian fascist party CasaPound - one of whom is a Vitarbo city councillor, beat and rape another CasaPound member in a bar frequented by fascists, after telling her to come party with them and getting her drunk.  They videotape the rape on their cellphones.
April 13, 2019:  Landon McCaa and Tomas Sion Brown invite several people to their Wayne County, MS. home for a party, then suckerpunch and attack party guest Trevor Gray, breaking his jaw in two places as they yell homophobic slurs at him, after they mistakenly assumed he was gay.
April 13, 2019: A trans woman in Dallas, TX. is stabbed multiple times.  
April 16, 2019: After threatening to kill an interracial couple the week before and calling the woman in the couple a “nigger lover,” 50-year-old James Descant spots the couple walking to a Metairie, LA. convenience store and attempts to run them over in his pickup truck, seriously injuring the woman.
April 16, 2019:  Two young gay people are surrounded by six other young people after leaving a club: “They started slapping, punching and kicking”, says one of the two “first my friend, then me”. They use homophobic insults and threaten to come back and stab them if they tell anyone about the assault.
April 17, 2019: Arsonists set fire to Moscow’s  Torat Chaim yeshiva in Moscow just ahead of the Passover meal celebration after spray-painting swastikas on the building. There were about 60 students, rabbis and guests in the building at the time.
April 19, 2019: A child on San Vicente Blvd. in Los Angeles is attacked by a man shouting racial slurs at them while repeatedly kicking them. April 21, 2019: Eight coordinated suicide bombings, targeting Christian churches, hotels popular with foreigners, and a cinema, kill 253 people and injured a further 500.  The attacks are attributed to National Thowheeth Jama'ath, a fascist group with ties to Daesh/ISIS.  A further seven people are killed when the wives of one of the suspect detonates a bomb in her home as police are raiding it, killing herself, three police officers, and three of her sons.
April 21, 2019:  A 22-year old Czech politician was attacked by two men who used racist insults against him. He had to be treated in hospital for a large cut on his back.
April 22, 2019: As he was attempting to flag down a cab in Liverpool late at night, 32-year-old Jon McMahon is approached from behind by a group of people shouting homophobic slurs at him.  Before he can react, they attack him from behind, beating him unconscious and stealing his wallet.  
April 22, 2019:  Dr. Joanna Malinowska is attacked with pepper-spray by three masked men in Wroclaw, Poland after having given a feminist lecture.  The men refer to her as a leftist and make further threats as they attack her.
April 22, 2019:  A Muslim woman leaving a Wal-Mart in Milton, Ontario with her four-year-old and two-month-old daughters is approached in the parking lot by another woman who bumps the four-year-old and then immediately starts punching the mother in the face while she tried to shield her children from the attack.
April 23, 2019: 34-year-old war veteran Isaiah Peoples is on his way to deliver food to his Sunnyvale, CA. bible study group when we decides to ram his car into eight pedestrians crossing the street at a crosswalk.  Police quickly discover that Peoples, who kept repeating “thank you, Jesus!” immediately after the attack, chose to do so because he believed the pedestrians were Muslims.  Several of the victims were severely injured, including a 13-year-old girl who is in a coma.
April 23, 2019:  A masked man arrives at the North Austin Muslim Community Center in Austin TX and attempts to set it on fire.
April 25, 2019: Santi Leon Martinez, a 48-year-old registered Republican working at a Goodwill store in Denver, CO., confronts an anti-fascist who is removing neo-nazi Patriot Front stickers from a streetpole outside the store.  After a brief discussion during which Martinez states that “maybe some people deserve to be in concentration camps,” he produces a large folding knife and chases the anti-fascist down the street, stabbing him five times.  The anti-fascist nearly dies from blood loss.  
April 26, 2019: FBI arrests Army veteran Mark Steven Domingo for plotting to bomb a white supremacist rally in Huntington Beach, CA.  The FBI alleges that Domingo is a “violent jihadist” who has pledged allegiance to Daesh/ISIS and had previously considered attacking a synagogue.  
April 26, 2019: At a Cronulla, Australia rally for racist politician Fraser Anning, a 19-year-old Anning supporter threatens a TV journalist and then attacks her photographer when he intervenes.  
April 26, 2019: Gunmen on motorbikes attack a Protestant church in Djibo, Burkina Faso, killing six Christians.  
April 27, 2019: 19-year-old white supremacist John Earnest enters a San Diego synagogue and opens fire on worshippers, injuring three people and killing one.  After turning himself into police, Earnest also confesses to attempting to burn down a mosque in Escondid, CA. the month before.
April 27, 2019: Arsonists attempt to burn down the homes of two socialist politicians in Solothurn, Swizterland by starting fires in their mail boxes.
April 27, 2019: Cody Morse is standing outside of a Hattiesburg, MS. bar when two men run at him and begin punching him in the head - one while holding keys in his hand - and then assault and injure a woman who attempts to intervene.  Morse, who was left with multiple contusions and lacerations on his face, believes he was targeted because he is gay.  
April 27, 2019: A 23-year-old trans woman is followed out of a Denver, CO. bar by two men who start harassing her, then attack her, punching her several times in the face and breaking her jaw in three places and causing possible permanent nerve damage to the right side of her face.  
April 28, 2019: An arsonist attempts to burn down the African-American New Hope Baptist Church in St. Paul, MN.
April 30, 2019: 43-year-old Adelaide, Australia resident Aaron Ellis - a self-proclaimed Islamophobe and ultra-nationalist - is arrested after police raid his home and discover pipe bomb materials and homemade explosive chemicals in a fridge inside a shed.  
April 30, 2019: Two Christian extremists set up a booth and PA system in the heart of Toronto’s Gay Village and begin preaching homophobic hate speech & attempting to pass out anti-LGBTQ+ pamphlets.  As a crowd gathers and tensions escalate for over an hour until the religious extremists assault two people, bloodying one and injuring the other badly enough to require hospitalization.  
May 2019:  Five neonazis, including a police officer, are arrested in France for being in a terrorist cell, hoarding weapons and explosives and planning to attack Jewish or Muslim places of worship.  
May 1, 2019: Joey Gibson and about 15 far-right supporters arrive at a bar in Portland hosting a May Day event.  They proceed to pepper spray attendees, then challenge people to fight.  When bar patrons rally to defend themselves Ian Kramer, one of Gibson’s group, clubs a woman over the head with a baton, knocking her unconscious and fracturing her vertebrae before the group runs away.
May 1, 2019:  An Indian student studying in Rome was attacked by 5 or 6 young people while on his delivery job. They hit him with rocks and eggs while yelling racist insults.  The student is nearly blinded in one eye.
May 2, 2019: Stephen “Tommy Robinson” Yaxley-Lennon and his supporters attack a group of anti-fascist women on the streets of Warrington, UK, breaking one woman’s nose.
May 2, 2019: After harassing & threatening his transgender neighbor for months, a man in Campania, Italy attacks her with a cudgel spiked with rusty nails.
May 3, 2019: 52-year-old Johnny Juica-Pena starts an argument with a Muslim man on a commuter train in Morristown, New Jersey over a bathroom and escalates to punching the Muslim man in the face while yelling racist slurs at him.  Juica-Pena faces assault and hate crimes charges.  
May 4, 2019:  A 42-year-old Jewish man is walking down the street in Brookyn, NY when a group of men yelling antisemitic slurs rush at him.  The Jewish man is called a “fucking Jew” and punched in the face before the men run off.
May 5, 2019:  After decorating the outside of their Monroe, OH. home for the first night of Ramadan, the only Muslim family in an all-white neighborhood are cleaning up after breaking fast when someone fires a gun into their home.  One of the bullets narrowly misses one of the daughters of the family.
May 7, 2019: An orthodox Jewish man walking down the street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn is attacked from behind by a man that runs up behind him and punches him in the head before running off.    
May 7, 2019:  The parents of a refugee family in Enschede, the Netherlands, are beaten with sticks in front of their children in their own home by a large group of racists.   May 10, 2019: 25-year-old Jimtarius Hampton enters a Southaven, MS. Waffle House and immediately begins an argument with a 22-year-old trans woman in the restaurant with her friends.  After enduring transphobic insults from Hampton, the woman tries to walk away from him.  Hampton draws a firearm and shoots the woman in both legs.
May 10, 2019: After a day at school, 22-year-old Fatoumata Camara boards a Bronx bus when about a dozen passengers begin taunting her with racial, sexist, and Islamophobic slurs.  When she exits the bus the group follows and attacks her, leaving her with a broken nose and head injuries before stealing her bag.  NYPD arrested three of the attackers but then released them and refused to investigate further until Camara obtained surveillance footage and released it to the media.  
May 11, 2019: A man steals a vehicle from a construction site in Edson, Canada, drives it through the town’s courthouse, and then gets out of the vehicle and spray-painted antisemitic graffiti inside of the courthouse.
May 11, 2019:  Mena Mangal, a journalist and women’s rights advocate, is shot dead in broad daylight in Kabul, Afghanistan, while she was on her way to work.   Just days before, Mangal had said she feared for her life after receiving threats.
May 12, 2019: Arsonists set fire to the Diyanet mosque in New Haven, CT., seriously damaging it.
May 12, 2019: A Vancouver man is approached by two other men who tackle him from behind and kicked him while calling him homophobic slurs.  
May 12, 2019: A black man having drinks with his white wife in a bar in Volusia County, FL. is approached by three white men, who make racist and insulting remarks towards him, racist and sexually-abusive remarks to his wife, then began calling him a “nigger” and his wife “a nigger lover,” then attack the man.  Warren “Randy” Stratton, Troy Noe, and Noe’s son have all been charged in the attack.
May 14, 2019:  The wife of the leader of Helsingborg, Sweden’s Jewish community is stabbed nine times in an anti-Semitic attack, severely wounding her.
May 15, 2019: A 22-year-old Muslim woman boarding a Montréal subway is approached by a man who hits her in the chest and attempts to rip her niqab off of her head before running away.
May 15, 2019: A Palestinian teenager is hospitalized after being attacked by a mob of Jewish teens chanting “Death to Arabs!”
May 16, 2019:  Arsonists set fire to two Jewish centers in Arlington, MA., which were also the homes of two rabbis and their families.
May 16, 2019: 52-year-old Nayeem Shah is driving cattle in his vehicle when he is intercepted by at least six people in Bhaderwah, India.  The mob shoots Shah dead and seriously wounds his passenger, Zahoor Ahmed.  
May 16, 2019:  Two AfD council candidates in Freiburg, Germany attack two cyclists with a metal pole and pepper spray after suspecting them of belonging to local anti-fascists. 
May 18, 2019: 23-year-old transgender woman Muhlaysia Booker, who was beaten in the street by a mob six weeks prior, is found shot to death on a Dallas road.  
May 18, 2019: A journalist covering a Blieburg, Austria memorial service commemorating the surrender of Croatian fascists in WW2 is attacked by the participants, who spit on him, punch him, and kick him.
May 19, 2019: 29-year-old Grady Wayne Wilkes - a former paratrooper who holds Islamophobic, extreme-right political views - greets police responding to a domestic disturbance call in an Auburn, AL. trailer park wearing body armor & camouflage & begins shooting at the police, killing one and wounding two others.
May 19, 2019: An arsonist attempts to set a synagogue in the Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago on fire by hurling three Molotov cocktails at the building.
May 19, 2019: Michelle “Tamika” Washington, a 40-year-old trans woman in Philadelphia, is shot dead.  Police charge 28-year-old Troy Bailey with the murder.
May 19, 2019: 27-year-old Brandyn Hernandez sends the Islamic Center of Greater Miami-Masjid Miami Gardens a series of threats of facebook, indicating that he intends to send the center on fire and “kill Muslims one by one.”  Police file hate crimes & other charges against Hernandez.
May 19, 2019: Twenty seig-heiling neonazis try to attack a cultural festival in Bautzen at least three times, but are chased away each time by festival goers. 
May 21, 2019:  Two drunk racists in Warsaw harass and try to pick a fight with a group of non-Polish people. When they try to attack they are knocked out by one of the victims, and his friends are nice enough to put the racists in the recovery position afterwards. 
May 22, 2019:  An 18-year-old Muslim woman walking down the street in Lincoln, NE. is accosted by two men, who make Islamophobic remarks to her before beating her to the ground and kicking her, leaving her with injuries to her leg, forearms, and face that are treated in hospital.
May 24, 2019: Six men in Seoni, India arm themselves with clubs and attack three Muslim teens, beating them mercilessly and forcing one of the teenagers to beat his girlfriend with a club.  The attackers film their assault and post it on social media.
May 24, 2019:  33-year-old Charles Patton, upon seeing a house in Soulard, MO. displaying a gay pride flag, runs up to the home screaming homophobic slurs before kicking in the front doors and telling the residents that he is “going to slit your throats!”
May 24, 2019:  Neonazis of Der III. Weg are in a van on their way to put up their racist posters when they recognize some antifascists standing in a crowd of people outside of a local pub in Fürth, Germnay. The nazis drive their van into the crowd, pepperspray them and threaten people.
May 24, 2019: Attackers throw a burning torch at the mobile home of a Roma family with the intention of burning it down while the family were sleeping inside of it, in Dellmensingen, Germany. 
May 25, 2019: Two gay men and a transgender woman are shot and killed in their east Detroit home; two others are injured in the attack. 18-year-old Devon Robinson is charged with the murders.
May 26, 2019: Mohammed Qasim is stopped in the street in Begusarai, India by a man and asked his name.  When he answers and the man realizes he is Muslim, he produces a gun and shoots Qasim, wounding him.  Qasim manages to escape with his assailant, Rajiv Yadav, is reloading his weapon.  The police take Qasim to the hospital for treatment but fail to arrest Yadav for the attack.
May 26, 2019:  A 25-year-old Muslim man returning home from his mosque is attacked by four men in Gurgaon, India.  They demand he take off his Muslim skull cap and demand he repeat Hindu chants.  When he refuses, they beat him with a baton.
May 25, 2019: Two gay men are threatened and insulted with homophobic slurs in Berlin by four men, one of whom throws cold tea on one of the victims and punching the other in the face.
May 27, 2019:  As he is walking home in Morgantown, WV., Jared Rote - a black, gay man and drag performer - is assaulted from behind by three attackers.  "This is what you get!“ they tell Rote as they punch and kick him.  Rote is hospitalized as a result of the injuries he sustains.
May 30, 2019:  An American-Palestinian student, visiting Poland to study the history of fascism in Poland in the second world war, is attacked by two men for his skin colour outside of his hotel in Wola, Poland.
May 31, 2019:  A 16-year old is stabbed in the neck by a stranger who was yelling islamophobic insults at him and a friend on a tram in Bremen, Germany. The attacker fled and the victim had to be taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
June 1, 2019:  The body of Chynal Lindsey, a 26-year-old black trans woman, is found at the bottom of a lake in Dallas, TX.  Lindsey’s body showed clear signs of a homicide.  
June 2, 2019: 27-year-old Griffin Murray attacks two men on a street in San Francisco while screaming homophobic slurs at them.
June 2, 2019: Hesse, Germany politician Walter Lübcke is found shot to death in his home.  Lübcke had received several death threats because of his stance in favor of immigrants.  Police arrest a 45-year-old extreme right wing activist for the murder, later revealing the man was previously convicted for attempting to bomb a refugee shelter and has ties to Combat 18.    
June 5, 2019: 18-year-old Jeremy Lloyd approaches a group of black teens in Hopkins Park in Dekalb, IL., calls them “niggers,” then stabs two of them.  Police charge him with hate crimes.
June 6, 2019: As he is walking to work in Decatur, GA., 28-year-old Ronald Peters is confronted by a gunman who calls Peters a homophobic slur before shooting him several times, then making off with his bag.  Peters dies o the scene.  Police are describing the murder as a hate crime.
June 6, 2019: 23-year-old trans woman Chanel Scurlock is found dead in a filed in Lumberton, NC. after police responded to reports of shots fired in the area.
June 6, 2019: A group of men confront a woman in the parking lot of a Janesville, WI. Wal-mart, yelling racial slurs.  When a bystander intervenes, one of the men - 20-year-old Anthony Kreyer - pulls a handgun and threatens both him and the woman.  
June 8, 2019: A theatre in Southampton cancelled performances of a play about an LGBT couple after two members of the cast were attacked in the street.They said two actors in the company were assaulted on their way to work. “The assailants verbally abused them and threw stones from their car window, one of which struck an actor in the face. They have sustained only minor injuries but are hugely shaken from this cowardly, homophobic hate crime”.  
June 9, 2019: A 22-year old man tries multiple times to drive his car into a group of people in front of a club in Niklasdorf, Austria, after having yelled that all foreigners should die. SOURCE: 
June 9, 2019: A rabbi in Rosario, Argentina, was attacked Sunday night by three men. The men shouted anti-Semitic epithets before removing the rabbi’s hat and trampling it on the ground, then beating the rabbi, who was walking alone. The attack was stopped when passersby intervened. 
June 10, 2019: Police arrest 23-year-old Ross Anthony Farca at his mother’s Concord, CA. home after Farca posted online threats to commit a mass murder at an area synagogue.  Police seized an assault rifle with 13 magazines, a three-foot sword, ammunition, and books about Hitler and nazis.  
June 11, 2019: 20-year-old Tyler Cruse arrives at the home of an elderly HIspanic man in Grand Island, NE. and tries to smash the door in.  When the man wakes up and goes around the house to ask what Cruse wants, Cruse brutally assaults him while yelling racial slurs and telling the man that he is not American and does not belong in America.
June 13, 2019: Anti-fascist Yannis Youlountas was hospitalised after he was attacked in Piraeus, Greece, by a group of ten Nazis because he was wearing a T-shirt of Free Social Space Favela.
June 14, 2019: Fort Myers, FL. police raid the home of 40-year-old Joshua John Leff after being tipped off that Leff had made multiple social media posts admonishing his followers to take up arms and murder gay people, Jews, and African-Americans.  Police seize handguns and ammunition and charge Leff with several offenses.  
June 15, 2019: Christian extremists and white supremacists confront attendees at a Pride event in a city park in Hamilton, Ontario, abusing them with homophobic slurs before attacking them, triggering a massive brawl as event attendees successfully defended themselves. June 15, 2019:  Seven LGBTQ+ teens leaving the Pride parade at Stoke-on-Trent, UK are pursued by a larger mob of about a dozen people shouting homophobic slurs.  The teens try to flee in a taxi, but the mob run after and catch up to the taxi, pull the doors open, and begin punching and kicking the passengers.  
June 15, 2019: A man parks his car in front of a Washington, DC community center for transgender people, pulls out a gun and threatened some of the transgender youths staying there. June 15, 2019: 46-year-old Darrell Lee Abbott interrupts a conversation between two strangers on an Iowa City street, telling one of the men "I'm a killer," "I'm gonna show you I'm a killer," and "I'll kill you nigger." He then walks home and retrieves a large metal pipe, telling his mother “I’m going to kill me a nigger” as he leaves, returning to the two men and beating one of them with the pipe.   
June 15, 2019: Two men in a white Lexus drive through a Brooklyn neighborhood.  When they an orthodox Jewish person walking down the street, the passenger gets out and knocks them to the ground before jumping in the car and driving away.  This pattern is repeated up to nine times that night.
June 16, 2019: A gay couple walking along Washington DC’s U-Street corridor are attacked by a mob of at least ten men, shouting homophobic slurs at them and beating them, injuring both men.  
June 17, 2019: 22-year-old Brian Clyde, who had previously posted on social media endorsing the “libertarian national socialist green party,” arrives in downtown Dallas wearing a mask & body armor and begins firing at people in a federal courthouse with an assault rifle before being shot and killed by Dallas police.  
June 17, 2019: A man yelling racial slurs at another man in Minneapolis, MN. pulls a knife and stabs his victim, seriously wounding him.  
June 18, 2019:  Michal Szewczuk, 19, from Leeds, and Oskar Dunn-Koczorowski, 18, from west London are sentenced for terrorism offenses after running an online propaganda campaign under the group name Sonnenkrieg Division to encourage others to commit violent hate crimes against “race traitors,” Jews, racialized people, women, and babies.  
June 18, 2019: 49-year-old Missouri resident Edward Terry is charged with making terrorist threats after emailing the Pride St. Louis organization and threatening to “come to pride fest with my guns to kill every gay person I can before I kill myself.”
June 19, 2019: A Christian church in Renton, WA. is bombed in the second attack in one week, after putting up a display in celebration of Pride month.  The culprits left a homophobic message spray-painted on the church.     June 19, 2019: After complaining to her son's school principal about him being racially taunts and told to "go back to Mexico" by other students at his Planfield, NJ school, 35-year-old mother Beronica Ruiz is attacked one of those students as she walks down the street with her two children.  She is beaten unconscious and hospitalized for two days. 
June 19, 2019: 59-year-old St. Paul, MN. resident Steven C. Parker walks out of a Walgreen’s yelling racist slurs at the manager after being accused of shoplifting, then returning with a second man and assaulting the manager.  Minutes later, Parker approaches a man sitting on some steps, demands to know if he is “from the USA,” asks him “what are you doing in my country?” and then punches him several times in the face, fracturing his face in several places.
June 19, 2019:  A 22-year old asylum seeker from Mauritania leaves his Penzlin, Germany home and is immediately insulted and threatened by two men because of his background, police said. According to the asylum seeker, he was told to go back to his country and called racial slurs. The man also told the police that the attackers threatened to kill him. When the victim ignored them, one of the racists tried to assault him. The victim defended himself by beating the man with his bike lock, after which he ran away and alerted the police. 
June 19, 2019:  A Jewish-American tourist in Berlin was attacked and injured in an anti-Semitic attack, Berlin police said Wednesday. Police said the tourist filed a complaint after three men split off from a group of 10 people and started harassing him and asked if he was Jewish. When he replied yes, the men attacked him. June 20, 2019: A Muslim schoolteacher traveling by train to Hooghly, India is confronted by a group of men in his train carriage who demand that he recite Hindu chants. When he refuses, they beat him and push him off of the moving train. The schoolteacher, Hafeez Mohd Sahrukh Haldar, escapes death but is injury in the attack & fall from the train.  June 22, 2019: Two men walking in Liverpool are approached by three teenagers who shout homophobic slurs at them before stabbing both of them.
June 22, 2019: Brandon Killian and Devan Johnson brutally beat a 36-year-old black man outside of a bar in Shawnee, OK., in what police are describing as a hate crime.  Their victim suffered brain damage and an injured eye socket as a result of the attack. 
June 26, 2019:  Three members of neonazi group Shieldwall are arrested after placing fake ad on Grindr and luring a gay man out to their rural Arkansas home where they assaulted him and vandalized his car. The 3 had planned to go to Knoxville Pride and were using this to warm up on beating up gay men.  June 27, 2019: When 25-year-old cab driver Faizal Usman Khan's taxi breaks down in Kharsawan, India, three men on a motor scooter come upon him and start abusing him with Islamophobic slurs and demand that he recite Hindu chants.  When he refuses, they drag him out of his vehicle and beat him unconscious. June 27, 2019: A hijab-wearing Muslim woman visiting an amusement park in Toronto is confronting by four people who tell her to tell her to “go back to her country” before punching and kicking her and tearing her hijab off.  
June 27, 2019: Two people, including the Imam, were wounded in front of the Pontanezen mosque in Brest, France, on Thursday after a man opened fire at the mosque. The shooter was later found dead, after having committed suicide. 
June 28, 2019:  After they ask him for a cigarette near his house in Vilnius, Lithuania, a group of youths starts homophobically insulting a gay man, who ignores them and leaves. When he later returns with a friend the youths insult and attack him. Police arrive but decide not to arrest any of the youths.  June 29, 2019: An “irate” Paula Custodio and an unnamed man approach two transgender women in Queens, NY. and attack both women with pepper spray, hospitalizing one of them.  
June 29, 2019: A 17-year-old was kicked, stamped on and punched with brass knuckles by ten thugs who had been shouting homophobic abuse at his friend in Rotherham, UK. 
June 29, 2019:  Maya, a 19-year-old transgender woman had left home and was living with friends in the city of Peshawar, Pakistan. Her family attempted to bring her home on Saturday. Maya’s friends, concerned for her safety, contacted the police. But the officers allowed family members to take Maya home to the city of Nowshera. Maya’s bullet-ridden body was discovered just hours later, on Saturday night, beside a river bank in Nowshera.  
June 30, 2019: After he sends threatening letters to property owners in his neighborhood threatening to shoot any visible minorities that move in, police raid the Sun Luis Obispo home of 62-year-old Richard Orcutt, seize three dozen firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition, and charge him with hate crimes.
July 1, 2019: Three fascists racially insult a black stranger who walked past them in Hannover, Germany, after which one of the men made his dog attack the man, who was bitten in the leg.
July 3, 2019: A 28-year-old man and woman aged 25, suspected of planning a terror attack on London Pride have been arrested by police in Luton, UK. They were planning a crude strike with a car and knives at the mass rally.
July 4, 2019:  17-year-old Elijah Al-Amin enters a Peoria, AZ. convenience store & is followed inside by 27-year-old Michael Paul Adams, who approaches the teen from behind, stabs him with a pocketknife and slits the boy’s throat.  Adams tells arresting officers he murdered the teen because he “felt threatened by the music” Al-Amin was playing in his car; that rap music makes him feel "unsafe;"  and that people who listen to rap music are a threat to him and the community.”
July 4, 2019: An 18-year-old woman isn "beaten black and blue" in a homophobic attack in a street in Hull, UK. The teenager was attacked by two women she thought were her friends. "Because she is gay they called her a 'f****** lesbian, you and your girlfriend are going to get it 10 times worse next time'. 
July 4, 2019:  40-year-old Santa Ana, CA. resident Joe Martin Rodirguez threatens his two gay roommates with a knife and a handgun after making homophobic remarks.
July 4, 2019: A Somali woman in a park in Spicer, MN. for Fourth of July celebrations is accosted by a man demanding she answer his questions about her religion and her hijab who then pepper sprays her and runs away.  Minutes later, the same individual pepper sprays a woman supervising a group of adult with developmental disabilities.  
July 5, 2019:  A group of fascists attacked visitors of a bar in Nantes, France with batons, pepper spray and a smoke bomb, looking for antifascists. Several people had to be treated because of the pepper spray. Eight fascists were arrested. 
July 6, 2019:  Demetris Nelson uses Grindr to meet up with two gay men in Detroit.  He shoots both of them,  killing 31-year-old Brian Anderson and critically wounding 26-year-old Malcolm Drake.  Nelson faces hate crime, murder, and attempted murder charges.
July 6, 2019: William Lamb is having drinks in a Hillsboro, ND. bar with his husband when a group of patrons harass them with homophobic slurs.  When Lamb steps outside of the bar to smoke, one of the homophobes follows him outside and beats him unconscious, shattering his ankle and breaking his nose and some of his teeth in the process.  Lamb has to undergo surgery to repair the damage done.  
July 6, 2019: 27-year-old Johnathan Hall is at a nightclub in Kamloops, Canada when two men confront him, calling him “nigger” and “darkie.”  When Hall’s friend attempts to defuse the situation, the two men attack, throwing Hall to the ground and kicking him repeatedly in his head.
July 7, 2019: A lesbian couple walking down the street in Long Island, NY are sexually harassed by a group of men, one of whom swiftly escalates the situation by assaulting one of the women, who is taken to hospital to be treated for the resulting injuries.      July 9, 2019: Self-proclaimed “white power skinhead” Justin Indiveri encounters a protest against ICE in downtown Portland, OR.  Indiveri confronts the protestors, pulls out a knife, and repeatedly threatens to stab them.  Indiveri has previous convictions for arson and domestic battery. 
July 18, 2019: A 62-year-old Hindu priest  iswalking near his temple in Queens, NY when a man approaches him from behind, screaming “this is my neighborhood!” and beats him, hospitalizing him. 
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