#fully upset ngl
corvophobia · 2 months
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goodbye to my friends of 12 years :(
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hausofmamadas · 7 months
| To live and leave fast |
Pairing: Andrea Nuñez x Horacio Carrillo
For @narcosfandomdiscord NarcOctober - Day 16 (+ a bit of Day 15 tbh)
Prompt: Day of Surprises (+ a smidge of Day of Absolute Filth) - create a fanwork that focuses on dreams (+ a smidge of character's moral corruption)
Word count: ≈ 2.3K
TWs: Canon-consistent violence, Real Big Sad, angst with some smoochin'
What was he doing here? He couldn’t answer her. The blankness of before was all he could conjure up and that vast emptiness set him on the edge of panic. okay sjsjs the way I told myself that I was gonna stop at 800 words and it becamekfjs this. So again, imsorryforeverything but uhh yea, I barely proofread this so the Spanish is prolly rough and so is everything else but hey! We can just blame it on it’s all a dream, right ….? Right??? Anyway, enjoy some shockingly non-antagonistic and sometimes tender back-and-forth btwn these two and probably the most ooc Carrillo to ever exist bc I’ve never written for him before. Idk why I’m so obsessed with this crackship but I am and it is what it is
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Her voice rang out, “So, tell me. How long do you really think you can go on like this?” almost in time with the flashing red light that cut through the half-broken blinds, filling the dank, dingy room.
Carrillo tried sitting forward from where he must’ve fallen asleep slumped against something, presumably the wall of someone’s living room. No, not someone’s living room. No one’s living room. Because the place was a mess, covered in old takeout wrappers from Tijuana’s finest dining establishments, broken glass, cobwebs, and dust that would’ve been more befitting of an ancient tomb than this place. The smell of vodka or maybe rubbing alcohol burned his nose but he couldn’t pinpoint where it might’ve been coming from.
Was he even still in Tijuana? Huh. Well, that would have to wait till later. Anyway, he didn’t need to know what city he was in to know he was in an abandoned safe house. Which narco faction it belonged to didn’t make a difference. This one had to have been empty for at least a month, probably more, judging by the disarray. That and the insect activity. From Escobar to El Señor de los Cielos, the pace of the narco-lifestyle only lent itself to living and leaving fast, and whatever got left behind was usually beside the point.
Okay, but how’d he get here.
Maybe if he asked her, she’d stop looking right through him from where she stood across the room, arms crossed, leaning back against a mostly empty bookshelf that housed a few old books, some technical manual for car engines, and what looked like some old issues of Penthouse or some other stag magazine. High brow reading. He wondered if sicarios knew how much of a cliche they all were. Just once he’d like to meet one who enjoyed basketweaving, or birdwatching, or who was sentimental about their girlfriend. Anything that broke type. Then again, when it came to breaking type, he wasn’t in the best position to judge.
“Ay, por favooor, cabrón.” Startled, he jerked forward at the sound of her voice. “Remember when I told you that you were straight out of Central Casting for a war movie?” Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, she scoffed, “Who are you to talk about breaking type, hombre?”
What the hell. How’d she– He didn’t– Or, had he— Was he talking out loud this whole time?
He sat up straighter and a pain lit up his right side, going from dull to blinding. Hands already at the damp spot on his shirt, trying not to scream, he could tell the wound there was bleeding more now from the pressure of sitting up. Wait no, that was good. Actually, he could use that. Inhaling with the strength of his whole body, he pressed his fingers down, jamming them into the wound, and let the pain accumulate in his chest and ribcage, then exhaled, hoping his breath would send the sensation up further to his face, his forehead, activate the muscles there to share the load of his heavy eyelids.
He didn’t think he was talking out loud, but then, he must’ve been since she’d answered. That meant something, he knew. He couldn’t focus though. Why couldn’t he focus? What’d it mean? Oh right, blood loss. It was worse than he realized. But why wasn’t she helping him? No matter how furious she was with him, that wouldn’t have been like her, standing there while he bled out.
“Ay pinshe Carrillo, no seas mamón. I was helping but you fought me the minute I started trying to clean the thing. And then,” brows knit in his favorite it-is-what-it-is position, she pointed to a puddle by his feet, “you knocked the bottle out of my hands,” then shrugged, looking around the room absently. “And vodka was the only thing I could find in this place that even comes close to sanitary. So, I had to wait for you calm down or pass out before I could do anything.”
He had no memory of that. In fact, he had no memory of anything before that dingy little room. Which was weird. He’d been hit in the head enough times that lapses in memory weren’t an altogether foreign experience, but usually he could remember something from before. Sometimes it might be hours before whatever disaster, but he at least remembered. Now, it was just blank. It occurred to him that he might be–
“–and you might be in shock,” she finished aloud.
Jesus, was he saying everything he was thinking? He watched her and waited, seeing if she’d answer more questions in his head.
That light outside kept flashing, bathing the room in a deep shade of red that danced off the broken glass, creating macabre shadows that skittered up the walls, across the floor, the ceiling. Through the blinds too, it cast alternating stripes of red and black on her face. It would’ve been beautiful if it wasn’t so sinister-looking. Well no, it made her more stunning, in a haunting, alien way, even though she looked how she usually did: hair messily pulled back, a few strands hanging in her face, wearing a tank-top and that button-up he’d found at the Salvation Army in San Ysidro. He couldn’t focus. That’s right, he’d gone to drop off some old dining chairs he had no use for, caught it out of the corner of his eye hanging with the rest of the men’s button-ups. And instantly thought of her. Why couldn’t he focus. The pain finally reached his eyes.
Again, she answered his thoughts. “Well, as much as I wanted to fight you for fighting me,” she looked down, pinching the collar of the shirt and wiggling it back and forth like a dollar bill, “I didn’t get far enough in the process of dressing your wound to ruin it. And it is one of my favorites. I have to give it to you, tigre. Your attention to detail is the stuff of legend, and they were not wrong.”
At that, he smiled tiredly. She rocked forward, kicking off the bookshelf, and strode over to him, bits of glass crunching under the gummy, rubber souls of her boots. Doc Martens. So practical. They really were, the two of them, the same sometimes.
“Andrea,” her name came out in a whisper and a wince as he clutched at his side. He looked down in a daze that no matter how many times he blinked, how wide he forced his eyes open, he couldn’t shake. “How’d th– what happened? What are you doing here? How’d you– ,” he grunted, shifting his weight to his good side, “mm– get here?”
“Te he seguido, obvio.”
What? She follo– he hadn’t even briefed anyone on the raid at Agua Caliente until right before. Trujillo would never. Walt? No, after the debacle in Juarez, he was too wrapped up needing this win to jeopardize it by talking to a reporter. Even one as dogged and persistent as Andrea. And yes, she was resourceful. But resourceful, not psychic.
It felt like a lifetime of sitting there trying put it all together and he didn’t remember when she’d started making her way towards him, but she was already kneeling next to him now, slowly removing his hands from his side. Her eyes and forehead pinched in such a way that would’ve amplified his concern if he weren’t so out of it.
Her fingers felt cold around his neck. “Árre, we need to get this off,” she said, unbuttoning the collar of his uniform.
He was alarmed when his hands brushed hers and he saw they were covered in some dark substance. Oh, blood. Strange, it looked pitch black in this light. Andrea continued working her way down, pulling each button gingerly, so as not to hurt him more. The closer she got to his stomach, the more her hands began to resemble his, covered in black.
“Dale, mija. ¿Me vas a explicar lo que haces aquí ya o qué?”
He wanted to rub his thumb across her lip as it curled up in a smug smile. “Why? Should I not be here? You want me to leave? Sure,” she craned her neck around, and called out into the empty room, “I’ll just be on my way then and let someone in this massive crowd of eager, good samaritans help you.”
He chuckled thinly. When she faced back to him, she began untucking his shirt as delicately as possible. It hurt like a sonofabitch but it was going to hurt no matter what they did, so he softened the corners of his eyes, trying not to make her feel bad.
She continued. “The better question I think is, what are you doing here?”
Once he was free from his dress shirt, she grabbed both sides of the hole in the white shirt underneath and tore it wider to get a better look at the wound. Blood leaked out in streams down his stomach to his waist. It appeared to be a large gash from some kind of shrapnel. Much too jagged for a knife. The harsh sound of air through her teeth was a good indicator of what kind of shape he was in.
Alright so, shrapnel. But he couldn’t remember an explosion and there was no evidence of one having happened there in the room. What was he doing here? He couldn’t answer her. The blankness of before was all he could conjure up and that vast emptiness set him on the edge of panic.
He’d been doing a passable job not reacting too viscerally with his face, but when she started rifling through his pockets on either side, he grimaced, growling, “Ay, Andrea! Qué coño estás haciendo, porfavor.”
Paying him no mind, she held out her hand like a surgeon waiting for a scalpel. “Knife.”
He jutted his chin toward his feet. Spotting the shiny silver clip, she grabbed the knife from his boot, flicked it out, and made an incision in the hem of his uniform shirt. Catching the free section in her teeth, she tore down the length of the initial incision, and started packing the vodka-soaked gauze that she’d managed to hold onto after his freakout onto the wound and tying it with the strips of cloth cut from the shirt. When she pulled hard, securing the final knot, he nearly keeled over.
“Aycarajoperdónperdónperdóname,” she said, catching him by the shoulders.
She stayed there, acting as his scaffolding until the pain subsided. He lifted his chin to rest his forehead against hers and catch his breath. Just in her wanting to help him, the assurance of her fingertips against his shoulders, he felt her helping him. He couldn’t remember a time he was so grateful for another human being. Grateful in the way only she could make him feel. 
Speaking half to her and half to the ground, he tried putting the pieces together, “I don’t know what I’m doing here. For some reason–“ but lost the words when he’d barely gotten started.
“I don’t know. It’s– I have this strange– I have a feeling we’ve always been here. And will … always be here.”
Andrea nodded, eyes closed, like she knew exactly what he was talking about. It might feel like a trap if they didn’t have each other. She was always more than enough.
After a beat of silence, she pulled back and looked at him sadly, like she knew something he didn’t. Which was odd given what she asked next. “Horacio, por favor, necesito saberlo. Why? Why did you do it?”
Why’d he do it? Why’d he do, what?
“I know it’s in there, I know you remember. You have to, or you’ll never make it out of here.”
He shook his head, squinting his eyes, confused and cranky like a kid prematurely woken up from a nap. “Make it out? I’m not gonna make it out. Not unless you help me. Look at–“ he motioned to his side, “Ni siquiera puedo andar, mija.”
“Yes, you can,” she insisted calmly, her eyes full of an inexplicable mix of hope and resignation.
What did she know that he didn’t?
“I don’t know anything you don’t know. You just don’t want to know it. But you have to try, tigre. Eso es la única manera de vengarte a él. No more cutting corners. No more deals with the devil. Eres mejor que eso, ya lo sabes.”
The devil. The devil. The flashing red light. Deals. Deals with the devil.
Ah. Calderoni. That. That fucking deal.
His own C.I.s in exchange for Calderoni’s intel on Agua Caliente, el Hipódromo, Carlos Hank Gonzalez. A bigger fish than the Arellanos. Even though he knew exactly what the family would do to the informants. They’d have to stop building bridges in Mexico to hang people from. He showed up in Tijuana to clean up Rebollo’s mess and gone ahead and made his own.
Still, she was never part of the deal. But he could guess how that happened. In some boardroom meeting he conveniently wasn’t present for, somehow “journalist” and “informant” got conflated. They were wise not to include him. Not only would he not have agreed, he would’ve ensured not a single one of them made it out of there on two feet and breathing.
So, is this what it’s like watching the boulder come crashing down the mountain for the hundredth? Thousandth? Millionth time?
Carrillo’s face fell with understanding. “But I can’t lose you.”
“Sí, pero lo tienes que hacer. You have work to do. Because I love you. And you love me. And you owe me. And,” she rolled her tongue along the inside of her cheek, and then flashed a dangerous smile, “I want you to burn the whole motherfucking thing to the ground.”
Then, cradling the back of his neck with both hands, she leaned in, lips christening him on the forehead, each of his eyelids, the tip of his nose, coming to a close at his own. There was a finality to the kiss that made him dig in deeper as if he could hold her here without lifting a finger, an urgency she returned so fiercely, when they broke away both their lips were swollen and flushed. Not without passion, but it wasn’t carnal so much as the pure desperation of goodbye.
“Going after those pinshe shingamadres is the least you can do.” He hadn’t even registered tears at his eyes until she brushed one with her thumb that had escaped down onto his cheekbone and mused, “After all, you are the reason I’m dead.”
Slapped with a blast of air, his whole body jolted back to life, as he came to in a cold sweat, ceiling fan taunting him from above while he gasped for air and shivered against the damp sheets. He was so used to waking up violently like this, it didn’t even scare him anymore. Confused him a little, maybe. But reassurance was quick to follow and his breathing slowed as he relaxed, because ah, yes, he knew how to deal with the nightmares now.
Like clockwork, he reached for his life preserver, turning and throwing his arm over to the other side of the bed, expecting to feel the warmth of her back, her shoulders, hear her steady breathing next to him. But his hand sailed straight through empty air and landed on the cold, vacant spot of the mattress instead.
He almost doubled over. Pain unlike anything.
Worse than when Trujillo first delivered the news to him in his office. Much worse. The perpetual renewal of shock that this was real and the place in that dingy room in his head was not, only sharpened the blow each time. But he deserved to be wounded and wounded like this over and over again. After all, he was responsible, she was right about that.
She wasn’t here to help him with the nightmares anymore. Now, she only lived in his.
taglist: @narcosfandomdiscord @ashlingnarcos @drabbles-mc @narcolini
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juneviews · 1 year
I’m SORRY but seeing the cherry magic movie pull out a 2014 phunnoh from lovesick style of fake kiss IN 2022 HAD ME DEAD, like be fucking for real lmaooooooo 💀💀💀
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uraniumglassgirl · 11 months
i swapped my pharmacy btw bc. walgreens doesnt supply adderall and before i did i called my local pharmacy to be like “do you guys supply adderall im asking because i am going to send an adderall prescription to you” and they were like yea we do. and so i swapped my prescription. and i called today and they were like . yea we get our shipments on wednesday... and idek if we’d get your prescription then. and its like. im walking into this pharmacy and killing myself on the counter
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dfnkt · 1 year
Honest to god I miss ~2013 msparp sometimes when people were complete freakozoids as a rule. People were weird IC and OOC. Every John on the website blushed, stuttered, typed with ~ :B and there was no such thing as in character in general pretty much because 99.7% or greater of the population just sucked at roleplay and some of the ettiquite was still evolving.
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starry-nights-garden · 5 months
Ateez Reaction ✧ When they weren't your first bias
✧ Ateez all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: fluff, humor ✧ warnings: none
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the nr 1 overly attached jealous bf in front of atiny so obviously he has to play his part when he finds out that you originally biased Seonghwa
makes you wish he had never found out tbh jdbdjxjjd
but you just can't deny it when he finds your old stash of Seonghwa photocards
"I'm not upset, it's fine. People's tastes can change." - says that while sounding VERY upset
will leave it at that for now but will get a giggle out of reminding you of this in the most unexpected moments
gives you a gift that you don't react to super enthusiastically: "Well, it doesn’t have Seonghwa’s face on it, so I get that you don't like it."
you don't hug him back once because you're distracted by something else: "Well, I'm not Seonghwa, so I get it."
you don’t pick up his call because you weren’t looking at your phone: “You’d have picked up if it was Seonghwa, right?”
will he ever stop? nobody knows
at this point you can’t even tell whether he’s just messing with you or if he’s actually still petty about it kasdjöfklas
his pride is definitely hurt when one day you mention to him that you used to be a Yeosang stan
“What do you mean? Like… I wasn’t your first bias?”
you try to brush it off by telling him people’s tastes change, it’s really not that deep
well, it is that deep to him kasdljföas
“Like… you liked someone else before me? It wasn’t love at first sight??”
turns out he always thought he was your first bias and now you just shattered his entire worldview ksdjfkal
needs to know exactly why you liked him, in as much detail as possible, so he can do better!!
thinks this is some kind of competition, even though your little celebrity crush on Yeosang is long over ksadjflkas
actually it’s quite charming and definitely entertaining to see him making such an effort, so you decide to watch for a while before starting another attempt at reassuring him that he’s just perfect the way he is in your eyes, and he can stop comparing himself with his team member now :’)
deliberately startles you by sneaking up to you from behind when he catches you watching a Mingi fancam
“Oh? What’s that?”
softly laughs at you when you instinctively hide your phone screen jasklfjösadk
but then you also scold him for surprising you like that
he’s quick to apologize and sits down next to you, already having figured out what’s going on
“Was your first bias Mingi?” - you can’t but admit to it
but Yunho just acknowledges it with a nod - he knows you like him best now and he doesn’t mind that you used to like someone else
“So your type are tall guys?” he questions and then laughs about it
yeah, this one’s just completely chill about it, really he sees no reason why he would be upset about something like this
barely even reacts when you tell him that your first bias was Jongho
"Ah." - simply shrugs it off??
so you go on with your conversation which eventually drifts off to a different topic
you're thankful that he doesn't really mind or seem jealous
you'd go as far as to say you're glad you have such a mature boyfriend!!
... until you're about to walk away to go do something else and you hear him mutter something under his breath
"I'm much better than him anyway."
so you turn around and say "what" and he's fully ready to explain lol
"Well, first of all I'm more handsome than him. I'm also much nicer to you. Also I personally think I'm a better dancer."
gives you a full list of reasons why he’s better than him that sounds a little too much like he had prepared it in advance jcjdjxjx
“Wow, Y/N, I expected better from you!!”
ngl you’re scared to death when you hear him yelling that from the other room, but once you find him holding up all your Wooyoung merch the tension leaves your body at once
obviously the first thing that comes to mind is asking him whether he’s jealous that you used to bias his best friend aksdjflkas
“I mean- You never even told me about this!!”
you try to calm him down by telling him it was just a phase, San is now your nr 1, etcetc, but he just won’t let it be
“No, I mean… how can you keep these when you’re dating me now…” his voice just gets smaller and smaller sakdfjlas
poor bby is actually upset about this, so you resort to the only thing you can imagine would work to calm him down
you take the merch away from him and give him a big hug, letting him rest his head against your shoulder
he pouts at you and makes you kiss him as reassurance, because he is obviously jealous, but also he would never admit that out loud laskdjfka
tries to act like nothing happened after getting all the cuddles he needs to feel better about it lol
it’s when you’re cleaning your apartment together that you stumble upon all of your Yunho merch and you immediately feel guilty about keeping it a secret from him
you figured he might be hurt over it, and though you were looking for a good time to tell him about it, that moment just never came
“Ah, right… I used to be Yunho biased actually…” you briefly explain and try to laugh it off
“Yeah, I knew about that.” - his unbothered reaction catches you off guard, so you ask if he’s not upset
“Why would I be upset? He’s my bias too!” 
ends up looking through your collection with you and you swear he has heart eyes a few too many times aksdfjökas
so all’s well that ends well, right? wrong.
because several days later he will wake you up in the middle of the night and confess that maybe he is a little jealous after all…
needs you to reassure him that you’re nothing more than Yunho’s fan, and Mingi is the one you love the most now!!
"What do you mean, you liked Hongjoong??"
you can tell it never even crossed this guy's mind that you could've ever biased someone other than him lol
when it eventually finished sinking in and he stops perplexedly staring at you he just??? pats you on the back??
"Aaaaa, you did well choosing me over him!"
pats your head now??
"I'm actually much better than that guy, you know!!"
gives you a full on speech about how awesome he is and explains to you in detail how basically you'd be doomed if you dated Hongjoong lol
"I mean, he's a great guy! Don't get me wrong! But taking care of you? I mean, come on. You know you can always rely on me, but him??"
expects you to praise him and tell him he's right at the end of it
WILL complain if you don't do that, and the only way to console him is you stroking his ego a bit and lots of kisses :')
when one day you casually mention to him that you used to bias San, you can literally see his brain trying to process that fact
starts sulking???
acts like he's super upset and lowkey complains while just pouting about it
you know he's acting but what you don't know is whether he's just acting or if he's also a little upset (he's VERY upset)
he's also so so embarrassed that he's this upset about something so stupid, so obviously he has to do his utmost to confuse you so you wouldn’t notice his inner turmoil djbdbd
he'll eventually get over it, but the initial shock runs deep lol
will definitely tease you about it at some point or use it as a way to win an argument jdbdhhd
"Oh, would you have been upset about that if it was San too?"
and well, now you're angry, so he's quick to make it clear that he was just joking and will definitely make it up to you with a kiss
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amuseoffyre · 8 months
OKay. So. Thoughts. Please excuse meandering. It's 7am and my brain is not yet fully operational.
Point the oneth: S1 has set up precedents of wounds getting infected, causing delirium and resulting in amputation (whether by colleagues or self-inflicted) in episode 6. It has also set in place characters in fevered deliriums seeing flashes of people/places that upset them - Stede seeing Mary with the letter, his father laughing at him with the murdergoose and a hostile Alma in episode 4.
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Point the twoth: Last we saw Izzy, he had his foot mutilated. This is not a man who would ask for help when injured, so I bet he doesn't do anything about the infection until it's too late because….
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Point the threeth: By the time we see Stede's training montage with him, Izzy has a wooden leg. In the scene with him and Stede fighting on the beach, he has both feet.
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Point the fourth: Bearded Stede is an idealised pirate: he's dressed like a showy pirate would be. He has leather trousers. He has a beard. He's masculine and holding his own in the fight on the beach.
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Point the fiveth: Bearded Stede has Izzy's sword.
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Point the sixth: We've seen that framing and expression before on Stede's face on only one single occasion.
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So my theory, as loosely mentioned yesterday, is now elaborated upon.
I'm now absolutely convinced that the bearded Stede, the dashing romantic hero-looking bugger, is all Izzy's heightened fever dream while he's delirious and infected.
He's reliving the moment that turned his life upside down: the day he ran into the man who "bested him at swordplay" and who his boss found "fascinating". He's disarmed, his sword is in the hands of the man who turned his life upside down when he "done something to my boss's brain".
And ngl, I am giddy with excitement that if this is Izzy's fever-dream, he's the one butching Stede up. Like sir, contain your fever-addled ravings! Some might even call them thirsty. If his fever dream involves Stede slashing his shirt to ribbons I will punch the air in glee.
And then, he goes to train said fellow and feels the need to slap him on the arse during said training.
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sh0tanzz · 3 months
wonbin as your boyfriend based on astrology !
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of suggestive innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
Pisces Sun : Honestly I knew from the jump when I first started to stan Riize that Wonbin would be a water sign 😭, people claim that pisces men are toxic+manipulative etc. However EVERY sign is capable of toxicity/negative behaviors so I will not feed into those stereotypes. As a boyfriend he'd be pretty shy in the beginning, before you two even dated he would probably stalk your socials and eavesdrop in your convos to gather info before even actually talking to you. He's be pretty...delusional LMAO ! especially with his venus in pisces, you could post a song on your notes and he'll think to himself... "she wants me.." yet wont text you until his confidence was high enough. Ngl he might be slightly flakey, he'd take a min to respond at times and might not be super precise when planning things out for the two of you.
Libra Moon: This makes me feel like he'd be pretty considerate and would thoroughly think out the pros and cons before doing anything just to avoid upsetting you and to ensure your comfort. He could be very observant on the reciprocity of the relationship so if he feels like things aren't even or fair he might retaliate, for example if he feels like you're distancing himself he might take a step back as well. Also do NOT make him question your feelings for him because he will FLEEE THE COUNTRY libra moons take their love and kindness seriously and will feel upset and even embarrassed when taken for granted .
Aquarius Mercury: This placement makes me giggle knowing he couldn't keep up with the whole "cold mysterious guy" persona SM tried giving him 😭. He'd be goofy especially in private and would use his wit to flirt. Would most definitely mess with you and rile you up just for jokes. In a recent vid I've seen he said he'd play/joke around since he's relatively shy to break the ice and it seems super true to me. Would also use music to communicate or send you songs pretty frequently.
Pisces Venus : Siri play Dangerously in love 2 by Beyonce !! Venus in pisces can be soo sweet. He'd love you unconditionally and for your authentic true essence. He could be pretty clingy, tagging a long as much as he can and will want your attention and this paired with his Libra moon points towards him wanting to impress you/get praised. Once again would love to bond over music. The gifts he'd give you would be things that make you feel special and customized to the info he knows about you. He'd be literally stuck and severely down bad once he fully develops feelings. Would plan dates with an aesthetic touch and would want romantic moments between you two to have a "straight out of a movie" feel to it. He would also fall very hard very fast. He'd also want to have a sense and feeling of being "taken care of" since there's sm venus influence in his chart and a lack of domineering energy. Downside he can be too lost in the glitz and glamour of the relationship that he ends up not acknowledging or downplaying the problems in the relationship or even his own red flags.
Taurus Mars : He may not be super direct or would want to take certain things slow during the beginning of the relationship since Taurus values its boundaries as well as comfort and hates to be rushed. Before the relationship even begins he might be a bit hesitant to even approach or out his feelings unless he was 100% confident or sure. Taurus rules the neck, throat/vocal cords, and shoulders. Sssooo he may enjoy receiving neck kisses/hickies, kisses along his shoulder or even massages along his neck and shoulder line or would try to do that to you. Similar to Gemini mars he also may find your voice as a sensual turn on and very attractive and would try to hear it often.
Other Aspects:
Moon/Mercury trine: Would most definitely remember facts about yourself that you've told him especially those he deems important to you. He'd also remember the nostalgic moments between you two
Mercury/Neptune conjunct: Generally sensitive and it can show in how he communicates especially in high tension or stressful moments in the relationship
Mars/Uranus sextile: Random moments where he's very spontaneous and will require a lot of freedom and could feel suffocated within the relationship if not given time to himself
Potential Toxicity: (reminder that any/everyone is capable of being toxic and everyone has negative traits these could be POTENTIALLY true)
Venus/Pluto square: His feelings can become quite intense and he can become extremely possessive as well as SUPER jealous to the point his partner might feel constricted and like he's their shadow. Can also be super sensitive and take things that you might not find as deep very personal.
Hope you enjoyed, I might do Sungchan or Anton next :P
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Heyyyyy i think your writing has become my drυg so here I'm again with another request. So Minho comes back from the maze really stressed so female reader offers to give him a massage and it ends up spicy obviously. TYSMMM! :)
The Minho brain-rot continues. Let's goooooo.
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SUMMARY: See above. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas.
WARNINGS: Spicey content, inappropriate language, scenes straight out of the start of a porno ngl, but no explicit smut.
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You wait in front of the Doors, eagerly awaiting your best friend's return to the Glade.
This was your routine. Wake up, say bye to Minho, do your job, lunch, do your job, greet Minho, chill. Of course, Minho had to go to the Map room, but at this point, the Runners weren't fazed to find you in there with him.
From the outside, it probably seems strange to onlookers, but it's a perfectly normal relationship for the two of you.
When you first arrived, you were treated like a sideshow freak, and your forward and aggressive nature led to even more interest. It wasn't until Minho returned and acted like it was no big deal that you started to relax. He told everyone to get a grip and quit staring and it finally provided you with a much needed moment of peace.
You thanked him, and the pair of you started talking.
And you've been close ever since.
Though, you were starting to grow anxious. Where is he? He's already five minutes late and the other Runners have already returned.
This is weird.
Your excitement dwindles into anxiety as another few minutes pass, only for Minho to finally emerge from the last corner. He slows to a jog as he approaches, sweaty and tired, it's unusual for him to be this dishevelled upon his return.
What's even more unusual is that he completely blanks you, walking past without so much of a glance.
"Minho?" You jog slightly to catch up to his power walk.
"What?" He snaps, almost biting your head off with a single word.
"Shuckin' hell, what's up your ass today?" Minho freezes to snap his head towards you, but his expression melts when he sees that you're clearly upset just from the brief interaction alone.
Minho would be lying if he said he didn't have a soft spot for you. How could he not? You're the only girl in the Glade and maybe it would've been easier if they sent someone that, well, wasn't you. You're exactly Minho's type, easily matching his sarcasm and not taking his bullshit mood swings - not to mention you're gorgeous in his eyes.
"Sorry," he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, completely unfazed by the rumbling of the Doors shutting. "Just... had a klunky day, dude."
"Yeah, well that's not my fault, is it?" You cross your arms, tilting your head at an angle. You'd been waiting for him to return and this is how he treats you? Typical.
"Yeah, I know."
"Did something happen?" Your bitterness quickly turns into concern. It's rare for Minho to take his anger out on you, so you can tell something has seriously got under his skin today.
"Just... a lot of little things, and-" he sucks in a deep breath "-we've nearly fully explored the outer sections, and we still haven't found shit. It's just... yanno." You give Minho a sympathetic smile which he doesn't bother returning.
"You gotta learn to relax, man," he scoffs at this.
"That's easier said than done."
"Well..." you think for a second, trying to come up with a way to help, "I'm always here to talk to - and we could always go for a swim in the pond or just have a walk," you pause, trying to conjure up another option, "or I could give you a massage?"
Minho seems to spark up at this, though he just shakes his head, your attempts to lighten the mood already working.
"A massage?" Sarcasm drips from his voice as he raises his eyebrow, "Seriously?"
"Sure," you shrug, "why not? If it helps you to slim down for a little bit, then sure."
"Alright, then." He almost laughs at the absurdity, expecting you to tell him you're joking any second now.
"Okay, I'll meet you in your hut once you get back from the Map room," you flash him a smile before walking away.
"I'm gonna hit the showers, too, first," he shouts over to you, playfullness evident in his voice as he predicts you to turn around and tell him you're messing with him. But you give him a thumbs up, not even bothering to turn around.
You both seem to come to a realisation as the distance between you increases.
What the actual fuck just happened?
You were just spit-balling; throwing out ideas that could make Minho feel better. And now you've arranged to meet so you can rub your hands all over his body?
Despite your closeness, you've somehow managed to unintentionally take a step in a more... intimate direction.
Minho actually hasn't moved from where you left him as the cogs slowly start to turn in his head.
He thought you were joking. He agreed as a joke in response to your joke. And now it was actually happening. Or maybe this was still a joke? Maybe you're one-upping his joke?
His brain is fried.
You let yourself into his hut. How do you even do a massage? It's not like you've done this before, and if you have, you don't remember it.
Where do you put your hands? Do you make him lie down? Sit up? Should you ask him to take his shirt off?
Oh, Jesus.
You feel heated at the thought. Minho is attractive and well-built; easily the only guy you find yourself daydreaming about or staring at for a bit too long. And you actually enjoy being around him. You'd be lying to yourself if you said that you hadn't developed a crush on the boy. Which was something you forced yourself to ignore and push down.
Especially with Alby putting in a pretty strong "no touching" rule in place when it came to you. You didn't want to make things awkward or cause any potential problems for Minho.
This is a terrible example of your precautions.
Somehow, you both reach the same conclusion.
Let's just go with it. Let's see what happens.
Trust sexually frustrated teenagers to make bad choices- not one person is shocked.
Minho found himself eager, quickly getting through his work and attempting to use the cold shower to keep himself under control before making his way over to his hut. Curiosity driving him more than anything. What exactly were you planning to do?
You, however, have taken to pacing the room like a mad woman.
You're quick to compose yourself as the door opens, and Minho smirks at you, slipping into his own space. You are very visibly awkward and shuffling on your feet. Something Minho thinks is cute.
"Hi." You squeak out, your voice sounding like anything but your own.
"Hey," his hair is still slightly damp, making his normally spiked up quiff lie flatter. He quietly closes the door behind him. "So, how, uh, how we doin' this then?"
Minho's plan is to push you far enough that you crack and the joke ends. The problem with that plan is that this isn't a joke.
Sure, you might've said it with some underlying comedic tones, but the second Minho agreed, it kind of stopped being a joke to you. After all, you have this deep need to please Minho - something else you're never going to confess.
"Oh, well, I- I was thinking that, um- maybe-" you make eye contact with him, amusement swimming in his dark eyes, and you give up, letting out a sigh of defeat, "I don't know."
He laughs, dropping his head for a second before looking back up, "Look, you don't have to give me a massage. We can just chill and talk like we always do. It was a nice gesture and all, but I don't wanna make you uncomfortable-"
Yeah, okay, cool- it was a joke, right? You definitely don't seem to want to take this any further, which is proof enough to Minho.
"No," you say, a little too quickly, "I mean, I already said I would - you've had a shit day, and as your friend, it's my job to change that."
"Yeah, but it's really not your job to make me feel better - I kinda thought you were j-" it had actually started to sink in now. The thought of you caressing him and trying to ease him with your hands suddenly felt very real.
"I want to make you feel good, Minho." That was the final straw. The words made his expression fall, and his heart rate pick up. The change of the word 'better' to 'good' catches him completely off-guard.
Good, huh? You want to make him feel good? How good, exactly? How would you-?
Shuck, Minho- stop.
His head flies through about a hundred different scenarios, none of which he'd ever say out loud. He clears his throat in a poor attempt to hide the room feeling very hot all of a sudden.
"Alright," watching him suddenly become tense gives you a weird confidence boost and a strange feeling of dominance takes the place of your awkward anxiety. Minho is just as, if not more, flustered than you. "Take your shirt off and have a seat."
You sit down on the edge of the bed with your legs open, leaning forward and patting the ground in front of you, sending a friendly smile his way. He looks at you, then at the bed, then back at you.
"Yeah, alright." He murmurs, deciding to just accept his fate. He's in too deep now. All he has to do is keep himself under control and let you be a good friend. That's not so hard, is it?
He turns around, facing away from you as he takes off his weird harness/backpack thing that he religiously wears. He fiddles with the buttons on his blue shirt, the fabric is faded and sun-kissed from being Minho's favourite item of clothing. It's also your favourite item of clothing on him.
You can't help but stare at him as he lets the un-buttoned shirt fall to the floor. His back is toned with prominent shoulder blades. He stretches, and you watch in awe as the muscles tense before he turns around.
You have to force yourself to not have any kind of physical reaction as you look at him. He looks like he's been carved out of stone. There's the odd scar littering his tanned skin - something you're actually shocked there's not more of. A few dark hairs dust across his lower stomach, and his V line is sharp and dangerously on display as he makes no effort to readjust his low-hanging pants. You're assuming that the shirt added some extra padding for his belt to hold onto.
Shit - it's making your mouth water.
Though you maintain composure and Minho clears his throat, "You want me to sit on the floor?"
"Mhm," you hum, taking another second to make sure your words don't fail you, "back towards me."
Minho scoffs. Some part of him is still trying to understand what's going on, and the other has completely given up. He wordlessly does as he's told, and you're baffled that he's being so obedient.
He grunts softly as he lowers himself, clearly still aching from the rough day he's had. He sits between your legs, his back pressed to the bed frame. It wasn't exactly an uncommon position for you both to take, especially when you're spending time in his hut and you decide to play with his hair.
Honestly, you still don't really know what you're doing, but when you put your hands around his tight shoulders, just at the base of his neck, and start kneading the muscles loose - you seem to be doing a good job.
Minho wasn't expecting much, but the second your hands touched his skin, he knew he was a goner. You seem to effortlessly find the tension in his back and shoulders, relieving him of the days events.
He doesn't know how, but everything you're doing is lowering his stress and causing adrenaline to course through him at the same time.
You take to working in methodical circles, occasionally changing your approach. When your thumbs gaze the back of Minho's neck, softer than before, barely ghosting over his skin, a soft smirk appears across your face. Goosebumps creep across his skin, his breathing hitches slightly, and he leans back, further into your touch.
His eyes are shut and despite this being to relax him, his fists are balled as he attempts to will his sexual frustrated body to calm down. You guys are friends - you're doing this to be nice because you care about him.
"Did you like that?" It comes out as barely audible, something that you mainly said to yourself. Your own mind is starting to become foggy with desire.
He hums in response.
"Yeah?" You push, now knowing he heard you.
He hums again, but with an added nod this time.
He's turning into putty in your hands. You repeat the simple gesture. This time, Minho releases a noise. It's more of a hum than a moan, but it's deeper than the noises he made in agreement.
"You sound really pretty," you coo. It's almost like you're not meaning to even say these things but it keeps coming out. It's almost second nature to praise him and push him to answer you. You didn't even really know there was this side to you.
Neither did Minho. Minho was also blissfully unaware that he was into praise, but now he has to shift slightly at your words as a tightness fills his pants.
Not ideal.
"Don't say that," he mumbles, sounding a lot less assured than he intended. His brain feels fuzzy, and his body is a lot warmer than before.
"Why not?" The coyness fades from your voice for a second, your question becoming more genuine. You don't want to make him uncomfortable, but you're getting some mixed signals here.
Minho doesn't respond. He's too drunk on the skin-to-skin contact. So, you push him further, "Minho? Why shouldn't I say that?"
"Because I want you bad enough, and this is just driving me mad." Your movements slow, Minho's barely coherent grumbling takes a second to sink in.
He's also too high on lust to process it straight away.
"What?" You can hear your pulse in your ears as Minho's eyes flicker open, his head is resting back - pretty much in front of your crotch. Your face quickly grows red and it clicks what just happened.
"Shit- sorry, I didn't-" his head shoots up, but he doesn't get up, just rubbing his face with his hands. "I knew this was a bad shucking idea. Listen, alright, I didn't mean it- well, I did mean it, but I wouldn't have ever said it. You were just- you're just so-"
Minho's stunned into silence as you lean forward, your lips connecting to his nape. Electricity jolts through him, and he physically flinches. A shakey breath escapes him.
He wants you?
He wants you.
He's just said it. Maybe it's the sexual tension in the air or the fact you've been crushing on him for so damn long - but you don't care anymore. So, you press another kiss to his neck.
He accepts the gesture, moving slightly to face more to you, giving you easy access to his jaw. You kiss up his neck, lightly nibbling his jaw, and he purrs against your touch when you take his ear lobe between your teeth.
"I want you, too," you whisper into his ear.
Minho struggles to believe the words he's hearing, so he turns to face you fully, moving his body to the side with his legs crossed still.
He looks up at you. Your bottom lip is caught between your teeth, the sudden eye contact making your confidence dwindle. Your pupils are blown wide, and you desperately want to squeeze your legs together, but Minho is, quite literally, in the way.
A few seconds pass whilst he just looks at you, seemingly weighing his options out.
"Shuck it," you barely have time to react once the words leave his mouth. He raises suddenly, turning his body fully towards you. He catches your face in his hand as his pushes forward, leaving you resting on your elbows as he hovers over you on the bed - taking the power from you in one swift motion.
Your noses brush against each other, and you jolt forward. The desperation and heat is starting to drive you insane and he's too close to not be doing anything.
But he pulls away.
Does he not want this after all? Have you almost ruined your friendship for nothing?
"I really like you, (Y/N), okay?" Minho's breathing is heavy. "But I don't wanna ruin our friendship- so if this is just dumb, teenage hormones to you... please just tell me, and we can stop this before we destroy everything."
His words are sincere, a tinge of pain creeping into his voice. Minho is used to taking risks, but this feels so current and scary. He's never put his heart on the line before, and it's a different kind of stress.
You take a second to think of the right words. There's so much you want to say, but there's also so much you want to do.
"It means everything to me," you lean further forward, "You mean everything to me."
Your foreheads bump and his lips ghost yours, making you whimper before he finally caves. Pushing his lips to yours, it's feverish and hot.
You follow his lead, feeling all the built-up tension and wants as he puts it into the kiss. Minho is basically on Cloud 9 - he's been dreaming of this for what feels like forever.
You flop backwards, letting Minho put more of his weight on you, resting himself between your legs. He basically growls into your mouth when you grind your hips against his, trying to get some kind of friction. You'd take anything to soothe the throbbing sensation pooling between your thighs.
His mouth dips down, kissing along your jawline, then down to your neck. His teeth graze the sensitive flesh, and he sucks down, causing you to claw at his back and let out a gasp.
He travels lower, hands under your shirt, and working their way up, brushing against your bra.
It's all moving very fast, and Minho is quickly becoming more needy, almost animalistic as he digs into your skin.
That's when the thought hits you.
"Minho, wait." He stops immediately, pulling away. Panic flashes across his face and concern washes through his body.
Shit, he hasn't done something wrong, has he?
"You okay?" He pushes off of you, standing up straight, making sure to give you any space you might need. "You want me to stop?"
"No," you confess, scooting back over to the edge of the bed and standing up yourself. Minho furrows his brows as you stand in front of him.
You stand on your tiptoes, pressing against his lips once more. He immediately melts, his hands going to slip to your waist but you grab him, taking him by surprise and spinning him around. You push him backwards, making him hit the mattress with a heavy thud.
"(Y/N)? What are you-?" You silence him with a kiss, using one arm to stabilise yourself as you hover over him, your free hand fiddling with his belt.
You pull on Minho's bottom lip with your teeth, watching his eyes roll back into his head as you palm at him through his underwear.
"I'm meant to be making you feel better," you talk into his skin as you start to kiss down his chest, "remember?"
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This ended up being slightly more steamy than intentioned, but tension is what I'm good at writing so tension you shall get.
Love y'all, hope you enjoy :))
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invidiia · 1 year
Heyy! Can you write for yandere fyodor< 3 ?
Have a great day!
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꒰ general yandere fyodor headcanons ꒱
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notes ; YES I CAN!! thank you for requesting, and have a good day, too! it would have been done sooner but i passed out on my keyboard LMAO ngl this is probably just a fic written how i'd write hcs instead of actual hcs, so lets just say i'm sharin my thoughts instead
warnings ; he seems nice at first but please take the warnings seriously, manipulation, stalking, starvation, murder, yandere themes, possessiveness, kidnapping, hurting your family, friends, probably the biggest red flag i write for, does fyodor himself need a warning
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⋆ this man is such a red flag but it's okay because most things are better in red
⋆ upon seeing you for the first time, you won't remember him for a while, having only seen his face once. weirdly, you don't seem to notice for the next two months that he happens to be in the same store as you, the same cafe you go to, the same library you borrow books from, your favorite restaurant, and so many other places you frequently visited. i mean, the city was super safe, why would you need to look behind you?
⋆ after about two months of stalking, he finally tapped your shoulder one day and started to make conversation of the book you had in your hand, a well recognized crime novel. fyodor made small-talk about the book to you, expressing his interest in literature and asking how far you were into the book.
⋆ i mean, who wouldn't immediately fall if some hot guy came up and talked to you about books you both liked? because i know i'd fall, first and harder.
⋆ after a bit more talking, he offered his phone number to you so he could text you all the recommendations he had, since he said he didn't have pen and paper on him at the moment. but of course, you didn't think there anything suspicious about such a person. after all, he seemed to like the same books you did, and there was a clear connection.
⋆ and every few days, it was another date at the library, catching up on books. only about half of these were planned, all the other times, he just happened to show up about 25 seconds after you walked through the door. every time, you both ended up staying at the library until it closed, talking about books and reading through some that you hadn't finished yet.
⋆ and he wants to know everything you think, every few sentences, the man stops reading to ask about your thoughts. no matter how different your views are, he finds your perspective interesting. afterwards, you ask him about his own opinion, and he gives it. to you, fyodor seems like one of the smartest men in the world.
⋆ he also recommended you some russian literature, some of his favorites. he met you at the library once more, after texting you that he had some books. walking up to you with a book in hand, you noticed the unfamiliar language on the cover.
"it's not a japanese novel, but i can help you translate it, yes? i think you'd enjoy it."
⋆ it was safe to say he was pretty in love. it was months since you started to hang out in the library, sometimes not even talking about books. he wasn't fully convinced you also loved him, but he was so kind to you, and you deeply appreciated it. why not give it a chance?
⋆ the man was unusually calm when you turned him down. you told him that you only viewed him as a friend, apologizing profusely for upsetting him, but fyodor only smiled and told you it was fine, bidding his goodbyes and walking back to who knows where.
⋆ it was a weird month after his confession, no library dates, you got fired from your job, and even some of your close family stopped speaking with you. it felt like almost no jobs could take you, every place you tried turned you down and shut the door in your face after ushering you out of the building. cafes you walked by looked at you and turned the sign in the door to the side with 'closed' in big, bold, red letters.
⋆ it felt like moving was the only option, so you started to plan your departure from your side of yokohama. the city was huge, surely everyone couldn't hate you! as you were moving boxes into your car, you were stopped by the familiar man, of course, you knew his presence.
"could i help you with those?"
⋆ his voice wasn't mocking, but it sure felt like he knew. after helping you, fyodor offered a place to stay. but,, dependency on someone else felt weird, and you already called the apartment complex, speaking about the vacant room. you politely declined the man's offer, saying you had your living situation already sorted out
⋆ man that didn't go over well with him, he asked if he could take you out to the cafe you always used to go to with him to talk about the novels you found interest in. since he was paying, why say no?
⋆ surprise surprise, when you weren't looking, he slipped something in your drink, and now you're locked in a dark room with a locked door and a note. it wasn't really readable though.. fyodor needed to practice writing in japanese.
⋆ every morning, afternoon, and evening, e came in with a plate of food. surprisingly, it was really good. sometimes, when he came in with more water for you to drink, he even gave you books to read while he was away, or busy sitting in front of multiple bright screens.
⋆ it was rare for him to let you anywhere outside that room, but eventually you gained some of his trust, and he allowed you to roam around the house, with close observation. he even blocked out the windows!
⋆ but even if you do get through the windows, it's a long fall to the pavement below. but it'd be worth a chance! if fyodor didn't have his eyes on you about 24/7.
⋆ you can TRY to escape, but he'll likely catch you. it's like he has eyes everywhere. when, not if, he catches you, no more food until the next day!
⋆ but i wouldn't try escaping immediately. a good way to escape from fyodor is to gain his trust slowly, so that he'll maybe let you go outside under his close supervision. even if you run off into a large crowd.. he'll probably still find you. and if he can't find you himself, you have his closest friend seeking you out as well! good luck, cause he's also dangerous!
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@kolyakisses // i drank soy sauce while writing this
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svnflower-writes · 5 months
Hey, if you are up to it can you write something with Nikolai Lantsov, where the main character is his first army general. and Maybe in a battle the mc got hurt very badly, And Nikolai is fully heart broken and panicked But still trying to play it cool so no one would realise he has feelings for her. So he goes to meet her late at night in her tent, just to check in, and you know make it a little hurt comfort fluff, or maybe add some angst, Up to you. I just need inspiration for a new before bed scenario/daydream
Nikolai Lantsov x fem!first army general!reader
Warnings: blood, injuries
thanks for the request!!
ok wait i’ve never written for the grishaverse so this may be terrible but we’ll see (also i wasn’t sure if you wanted him to be with the mc already or not but i made it an established relationship i hope that's okay xx) (I actually kind of hate this one ngl not my best work i'm so sorry but i hope its okay)
y/n isn’t used because i know a lot of people don’t like it, she/her pronouns used for reader
hurt/comfort + reader uses humour as a crutch A LOT + nikolai is very scared of being a disappointment :( 
Many of Nikolai’s army generals have been hurt, and it always upsets him. But right now? It’s taking every ounce of self control not to go find you and hold you in his arms—but that would be weird on many different levels, partly because no one in the first army—or the world, at that—knew anything about what was going on between the two of you. It was only the early stages of your relationship, you’d been officially dating for a month. Although Nikolai wanted to tell people, you did not out of fear that your fellow members of the first army would see you differently—and Nikolai was a respectful man, he would never push you into anything you weren’t ready for.
So, when he heard the news that you were hurt, he had only just managed to keep himself from asking an obscene amount of questions as to where you were and how long ago the injuries had taken place, keeping it to a simple: “please make sure she gets her injuries treated to as soon as possible.” 
Two hours after he had received the news, he sat in his tent, trying his hardest to get at least a little bit of sleep but failing miserably as he kept tossing and turning wondering if you were okay. He almost felt stupid, being so worried about you (he knew you were strong and you would get through this perfectly, and he had complete faith in you) but he really couldn’t help it. After another half an hour, he realised that he wasn’t going to get any sleep unless he knew you were okay. So, in the earliest hours of the morning, before the sun had even begun to bathe the army camp in warm light, he pulled himself out of bed. He hurriedly got changed and began his walk to your tent. 
He arrived at your tent and quietly asked, “it’s Nikolai, can I come in?”
There was a short moment of silence before you responded, “yeah, of course. Was wondering when you’d show up.”
Once he was inside the tent, he looked around. His eyes seemed to soften at the sight of you alive and well, and a small smile graced his lips. “I’m kind of surprised you’re still up, darling. You should be sleeping so that you heal faster.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “and yet, here you are. In my tent, keeping me awake.”
He grinned slightly, “just had to make sure you were okay.”
“Hmm, so you do this for every general who gets hurt? That must take you a lot of time—very thoughtful of you.” your teasing smirk made his heart leap slightly.
“Well, you are very hurt, sweetheart.” 
“Oh, speaking of me being very hurt, could you pass me that fresh bandage? And the tray next to it?”
He instantly grabbed the bandage and tray, “are you okay?” 
You nodded quickly, “yeah, some of the stitches broke just before you came in—I don’t want to wake up anyone so I figured I’d just do it myself.” 
Nikolai frowned, “absolutely not.”
You sighed, “you’re not letting me fix the stitches? Do you want me to bleed out?”
“I just don’t want you to have to do it yourself, you deserve to have someone tending to your wounds.”
You scoffed lightly, a playful grin painting your features. “So are you going to tend to my wounds, your highness?” 
You blinked quickly, doing a double take. “What?” 
He smirked, “I said yes.” 
“I thought you’d just get someone-”
“Absolutely not.” he repeated his earlier words, “I’m going to help my girlfriend heal as soon as you possibly can, and I will do whatever I can to help you.”
As he took care of your stitches, the two of you sat in a comfortable silence until he spoke up. 
“I was terrified when I heard that you were hurt.” 
You watched his face carefully as he continued to speak. 
“Couldn’t even sleep, I was so worried.” 
You gently took his hand in yours, pressing a soft kiss to it before laughing gently, “well, if you think you were scared, imagine how I must have felt.” 
Nikolai didn’t laugh with you, “that’s exactly what I was thinking. You were hurt and I wasn’t there for you when you got hurt and I should have been there and–” 
You shut him up with a quick kiss, “no, don’t say that. It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault. You couldn’t have known.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. Now focus on making sure I don’t bleed out, and then we can cuddle.”
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strwberri-milk · 10 months
How do you think reader and kaeya would end up having their first time
this is a little shorter bc i just focused on the how rather than the actual act mainly bc i have so much smut im kinda getting bored of writing it rn ngl so im gonna take my breaks/pace myself however i can /nm
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I think Kaeya is a romantic and this definitely applies to your first time. Regardless of if it's your first time ever or just with him, he's going to go all out to try and make sure it's enjoyable for you. In his mind, he was going to ask you after a great evening, really work up the tension to put you in the perfect mood to ask if you wanted to take the next step.
Most likely it happens after a really romantic date. He takes you out somewhere, and the two of you are heading back when he kisses you. As per usual, your kisses start to get more and more heated but this time rather than stopping Kaeya softly asks if you want to move forward.
To be blunt, it wasn't exactly the way he was planning for it to happen. Sure he's not upset about asking right now, but he wanted to do a few more things, really seal the deal. Instead, his feelings for you were just bursting forward so much that the words slipped through his lips faster than he could think.
You're sat on his lap, blinking slowly at the insinuation before his words fully set into your mind. You're a little hesitant, only because you didn't expect him to ask right now but the way he holds your waist and the earnest look in his eye makes you say yes.
Despite not being set up exactly how he wanted, Kaeya couldn't be happier waking up to the sight of you fast asleep in his arms, feeling even closer to you than he could have ever thought imaginable.
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konigsblog · 9 months
What about sweet!dadbod!price who is just retired and loves his life loving on his wife as they try for a baby 🥺
also i won't make headcannons for TOXIC!dadbod!price, but i will make sweet!dadbod!price instead, just not to mix the characters up and how i imagine them ! i can't really imagine him toxic!dadbod!price being sweet ngl;, tw; alcoholic mention
he'd saved up his money for retirement, settling down with you. price adored having you in his arms, or the way you clenched around his girth whenever he praised you - making you tremble and sigh, desperately trying to take him fully :(
but his cock is so meaty. the tip red and angry, veins dragging against your gummy walls, tightening around his size, pulsing. and you really really want a baby !! you wanna see him holding a little boy or girl, dwarfed by the size of his father.
price struggles with being an alcoholic, asking so nicely for another beer, getting sometimes frustrated when you refuse because he's had too many and your worried for him !! he'll lash out at you and yell, feeling guilty and apologising after he takes another beer, the stress of upsetting you sometimes overwhelming.
he'll crawl up beside you, whispering an apology and thrusting into your tight pussy, the sounds you make are erotic and needy, feeling so so good with him inside you !! “'m so sorry, baby.. shouldn't 'ave done tha'..” price groans out, fucking you slowly and sloppily, making out with you :((
spooning sex with sweet!dadbod!price :((((((
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signanothername · 7 months
Hi! I love your rescue bots art and I was wondering who your favorite bot was?
Hello!! Thank you sm! <333
Ngl the show’s characters are so amazing that it genuinely is hard to say for sure, but I’d say Heatwave!!
Prepare for a ramble >:)
I already have a soft spot for grumpy characters and he falls into that category, but i genuinely love how the writers balanced his character so well that you don’t hate him for his gruffness, he’s that trope of “asshole with a heart of gold™”
The thing is, Heatwave isn’t fully a jerk either, he respects authoritarian figures, gives people credit where it’s due and has a sporting spirit and you can tell he cares deeply about the people he loves, but loves to put on a front (especially when it comes to kids)
He does have a bit of an ego but he knows when to keep it in check (basically doesn’t let his ego get in the way of his rescue work or uses it as an excuse to hurt people’s feelings)
In fact i’d say outta the rescue bots he’s the one who has faith in his family the most when it comes to knowing they can handle themselves, he’s the only one who doesn’t think Dani’s test pilot work is a big deal and explicitly states she knows her job and can handle herself, not that the others’ worries are out of place, it’s just that, for someone like him who’s overprotective, it’s nice to see him have so much faith
We can also see how much of a worrier he is in the “changes” episode, he doesn’t wanna leave the team cause he’s worried about them (and to me, it seems as tho he really doesn’t wanna seperate from them) but i believe that worry is less about him believing they can’t take care of themselves and more tied to his overprotective nature, he was worried they’d get hurt and he wouldn’t be there to protect them
He takes his job seriously both as a rescue bot and as a leader and takes responsibility for any shortcomings or reckless behavior that could’ve endangered people and i actually respect that a lot, cause most hotheaded characters are written in a way that they always think they’re in the right, which Heatwave doesn’t, his character breaks away from that usual writing and you’re presented with a hothead who actually takes responsibility for his actions which is really refreshing to see
The only times we see Heatwave acting recklessly is when he’s sure no one would get hurt, so it’s really funny to see for a hothead like him, cause he actually stops and thinks twice most of the time
All that aside, I do love when he acts like a jerk at times, they’re usually comedy gold moments, that one scene of him making fun of Blades cause of the scoop claw and when Cody gets upset with him, Heatwave literally tells Boulder and Chase “you guys never know when to stop do you?” Like MY MAN THAT WAS MOSTLY ALL YOU DHHDGDGDHHD (we here at signanothername do not condone bullying, we do however find it hilarious /j)
His character contrasts so well with Kade’s too and the two’s relationship is honestly so amazing aaaahxhdhdh
But what i love the most is the fact you can clearly see he grows as the show goes on, most his moments of him being a jerk are at the beginning of the series, later down the line he’s a lot more considerate and gentle, still acts like a jerk sometimes (cause he’s HW come on) but it’s a lot less than when in the beginning of the series
Not only that but how homesick he is and how Earth and Griffin Rock grow on him overtime, he starts very (and I mean VERY) angry, very not on board with staying, hell, he wants to leave in the first episode, but it’s so nice to see his struggle with accepting earth as his new home, and while I wholeheartedly believe everyone struggled through the same thing, they were prepared to look for their peace in their new home, Heatwave wasn’t at peace and he was very vocal about it
That’s why, the episode “Space Bots” is one of my favorites in the entirety of the series, aside the fact it’s a fun and unique episode, it’s the episode Heatwave finally calls Earth “home” and ngl it actually made me tear up a bit
Just THIS SCENE MAN (I love Blades’ big smile at Heatwave at the end, Blades is so proud of HW chhcc)
Obviously to someone who never watched the show the scene seems mundane at best, but to someone very invested in the story and characters? (Cough me cough) it was such a heartwarming scene, Heatwave finally finding some internal peace and calling it home??? 10/10 crying and screaming
Of course, he still struggles, as we clearly see with the Allspark day episode in S3, he refuses to celebrate it cause he doesn’t see himself as part of the community yet, yes he accepted Earth as his new home but there’s still that dissonance between him and the people in Griffin Rock
So it’s genuinely interesting to see his journey towards finally feeling at peace and finding himself among the community he lives with
I love when the bots finally revealed themselves as aliens rather than robots in S4, Heatwave was very apprehensive about it, really scared to do so even when he’s grown fond of the community, so you can imagine my absolute joy at the absolute shock Heatwave displayed when the people of Griffin rock immediately accepted them and were very excited about it
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And much, much more I can talk about but we’d be here for days hdhxhdhhd
Anyway I’m done rambling have this Heatwave sketch <3
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lynnthefrenchtoast · 10 days
why lyney x aether just makes sense
no traveller ship has ever rlly worked to me (other than ayaka bc it was very heavily hinted in canon) UNTIL TODAY. HERE IS MY FORMAL DISSERTATION ON WHY LYNETHER WORKS
neither of them have pairs - genshin purposefully does this thing where they pair up characters (eg: chongyun & xingqiu, jean & lisa) which is why there are so many popular ships in the fandom. i think lyney's effective pair is meant to be lynette & aether doesnt have one bc hes meant to be a player-insert but that leaves SO MUCH ROOM bc when you think about it the closest thing lyney has to a love interest IS AETHER
siblings - both of them are elder brothers and both are TWINS . they also both have a youngest sibling figure (freminet and paimon; dont tell me paimon isnt a younger sister figure bc if u open a modern au ALMOST ALWAYS she is presented as "aether and lumines younger sister") their backstories are similar (losing their other half) so they canonically understand each other (There's nothing in the world I treasure more than my family, so I know what it must be like for you -Lyney, Friendship LV4) THIS LEADS INTO MY OTHER POINT
the "i see past your mask" trope - this is a very popular trope (and one that ngl kills me everytime i read it bc it preys on the human desire to be fully understood) BUT it was made for lyney . if youve watched ouran highschool host club HIKARU AND KAORUS "we are the only two who understand each other... until haruhi arrived" IS NOT DISSIMILAR TO WHAT COULD HAPPEN WITH LYNEY, LYNETTE AND AETHER . and lyney was BORN to fit this trope bc he already has the whole fake, charming, extrovert persona he puts on. ("Actually, the real me is nowhere near as outgoing or chatty as I appear. (...) I think people would feel sorry for the real me." -Lyney, friendship LV6)
narrative - a big thing about ships is they need to have a faucet for tension . like xingyun is extremely hinted in canon but its nowhere near as popular as kavetham and zhongchi. why? because theyre just childhood best friends. nothing interesting about it. zhongchi especially is hugely popular bc of the potential for reconciliation after the osial arc (zhongli's "im sorry for manipulating you. it wasnt all fake i swear" sorta thing) AND YK WHAT ELSE HAS THAT??? FURINA REVEALING LYNEY AS FATUI IN THE TRIAL "im sorry for lying about my identity. it wasnt all fake" the core that makes ships like satosugu and zhongchi tragic is the betrayal of trust, and, well... ("Nothing could make me happier than having your trust." -Lyney, Ascension 4)
binary opposition - why is satosugu so popular? probably because its the whole 'cruel murderer villain' vs 'strongest hero' trope and audienced like sun vs moon . okay . AETHER IS LITERALLY THE HONORARY KNIGHT OF MONDSTADT, HERO OF LIYUE, ENEMY OF ETERNITY, FIRST SAGE OF BUER and lyney is THE FUTURE SUCCESSOR TO THE HOUSE OF HEARTH . the villain of genshin impact (currently) is the fatui so you cant get better than this.
canon hints - even if ships would theoretically work well and have potential for tension, they need to be grounded in the source material. so does lynether have that?
"Hmm, your eyes are like topaz, precious, pure, and lovely. I like them! I've decided — I'm going to put on a show just for you."
"I thought it was the radiance of the sunlight on my skin that I felt — turns out it was your radiance all along!"
"I should probably emphasize again that I'm rarely so open with anyone — I guess it's because you're not just anyone."
"It seems we're both keenly interested in each other. Well, know that the honor is mine! Haha, relax. I couldn't ever tell lies to your mesmerizing eyes — not even if I tried!"
"Doing all this for me... Are you trying to steal this magician's heart, by any chance? Well, in that case, congratulations, my dear apprentice — or should I say, "companion." For you have succeeded!"
canonically, lyney gets upset when aether thinks abt other things when hes in fromt of him. HES LIKE A POUTING CHILD THAT GOES "pay attention to me!!!" LMFAOO
the rainbow rose, need i say more? lyney literally gets flustered when lynette brings it up too pfft
most of the stuff he says can be attributed to lyney just being a flirt but in cases like the rainbow rose scene where he literally does it BECAUSE HE KNOWS AETHER WOULDNT GET IT... there is no platonic explanation bc if there was, if it meant Friendly Love THEN THE DEVELOPERS WOULDNT HAVE ADDED THE NOTE ABOUT LYNETTE NEVER GETTING ONE considering shes the most important person to lyney...
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oddballwriter · 9 months
Hiii! Me and my friends just got sucked into the hyperfixation that is moon knight and it’s lovely boys. I was hoping you could write some head canons for an anxious reader X all of them or an autistic reader and all of them. I would really appreciate it! Ngl i need Steven to comfort me when I’m overwhelmed in a crowd bc of my autism. Thank you in advance! ❤️
Warnings: talks of reader being overstimulated and overwhelmed due to a situation. References to Marc's past. 
Author’s Snip: I sort of mixed both together. I don't know if this is good. I hope it is. I just felt like it would be nice to write about them helping reader through being overstimulated since I'm also autistic and have issues with getting overwhelmed in certain scenarios and situations.
Notes: To me, in my brain, I headcanon the boys are also autistic and are just the different archetypes and personalities amongst the community. No one come for me though, I just see a lot of myself in the boys individually as an autistic person. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven Grant
He perfectly understands, he has issues with larger crowds too if he's not ready to be thrown in that type of environment
Steven sometimes takes a moment to recognize signs that you're overstimulated by a situation or overwhelmed, but he doesn't take that long
He'll notice that something is up pretty quickly and ask "What's the matter?" to which it hits him the moment he's finished his sentence and says a little "Oh." and gets straight to calming you down or leading you away from where you are
I also have autism and when I experience anxiousness and overstimulation or overwhelmed I go nonverbal or have an issue speaking
If that happens with you Steven also understands and just gently moves you around to see which places get rid of what's causing you trouble
He'd never get annoyed by you for being either of those three things. He knows that being upset with you won't help you calm down at all. If anything it's just going to do the opposite
"Take as long as you need, love"
Steven's had his fair share of panic attacks and situations that rattled him, so he guides you through controlled breathing and rubbing your back if you're okay with being touched at that moment
Marc Spector
Marc isn't the best at handling or calming down an anxious or upset person
He's never been properly comforted before whenever he was upset the most he does is just drop whatever is happening and just ignoring it/sitting it out but not fully trying to relax, or he was upset so much that it made Steven or Jake front
Marc does do his best though
He knows what commonly helps but he's never actually had to stop and think of a way to stop it in greater detail
Marc understands that one thing that you should never do is get angry or annoyed with a person who's overwhelmed and upset because he knows what that's like and doesn't want to inflict that onto you
He finds a silent corner or space to sit at
"Let's just stay here for a minute or two. However, long you need."
Marc has you look at him and assures you "You're okay. You're fine. Just keep your eyes on me and breath."
Once you've calmed down he asks if you want to continue with what you were previously doing or head off and do something else
Jake Lockley
Jake can sense the slightest micro expression
So he knows right off the bat that a situation is making you overwhelmed or stressing you out
Which is great, but Jake is used to handling things with his fists or a weapon. So needless to say he needs to shift gears and get out of that instinct and bring you back down
I'm not saying he can't do that, I'm just saying that he needs to actually think for a moment
Similar to Steven, he leads you around to hopefully find a space that removes what's bothering you
He guides you through controlling your breathing and having you focus on something else
To which he watches you carefully till you've returned back to being calm and regulated
If you want, or need, to go back into that situation, and he's able to, Jake will hold your hand or have his hand somewhere on you to keep you grounded
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