#he tried to go to abbys but she wouldn't let him in
grimbeak · 10 months
carlos coming home and overhearing cecil talking with esteban as cecils making spaghetti or whatever and estebans like "papa why are you mad at daddy :((((" and cecil turns and glares straight at carlos and is like "because daddy is a liar :)))" and carlos eats dinner soso fast and then hides at nilanjanas for the rest of the day
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begginmonty · 7 months
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(move spoilers i guess if you havent seen it?? blood mentions)
instead of vanessa, you're the one at the end of afton's knife. you had watched as afton had gone to go attack mike and abby, you quickly remembered vanessa had given you her gun, so you shot. twice. and he turned to you, giving mike and abby a second to run or hide. afton had an evil grin on his face as he strode towards you, too quick for you to react, and pulled you in almost for like a hug. his knife plunging into your stomach, a pained gasp leaving your lips. your mouth wavered open, gripping the knife in your abdomen with trembling hands, tears in your eyes. afton looked you right in the eye, evil, pure evil.
you didn't remember too much. abby had alerted mike to what was happening, and mike looked over at you, creating an image that would permanently be etched into his brain. you looked so scared and so in pain, the blood dripping through your fingers was something he'd never forget. vanessa had managed to distract her dad just enough for abby to do her drawings and for the animatronics to turn against their captor. "y/n!" mike had yelled, running over to you, where you still stood shocked, unsure what do to. you moved your hand and the knife fell out. your breathing quickened, and you began to cry silently. you remembered looking at mike who's arms were around you as you nearly fell, a look of fear upon his features, unsure what to do to help. you passed out in mikes arms a few seconds later, both of you on the ground. "y/n? y/n??? no no no no, y/n" he had never panicked so much in his life, holding your head, "come on come on come on, please, y/n, y/n"
it took almost a week for you to wake up. but mike and abby visited you everyday, vanessa did too. drawings from abby covered the hospital bedside table, they were all drawings of you being a hero or you, her and mike altogether holding hands. mike had told you that he loved you for the first time, sitting next to you on a plastic chair, holding your hand, brushing the hair out of your face, as you were unconscious.
mike was away when he got the call you had woken up, he risked all the speeding tickets for you. despite everything you had endured, you still had a smile on your face when you saw a tired mike entering the room. he sat down next to you, and held your hand in an instant.
"the nurse told me you slept here a lot" and he blushed a little. he tried to apologise and you wouldn't let him, it wasn't his fault. you could see tears well in his eyes, you knew he was beating himself up. and the two of you sat and talked for a long time, and you stroked his face with your finger, happy to see him. he wiped the stray tear rolling from your eyes, moving your arms too much hurt you a lot and all you wanted to do was hug mike.
you were in the hospital for nearly a good month basically. mike made sure to come and see you everyday, you told him he didn't have to but he still did. abby visited a lot of the times too, sitting next to you on the bed, reading the cards she'd wrote you and she explained all her drawings to you. mike would stay with you until he was kicked out due to visiting hours over but you had a nice nurse who would accidentally forget mike was in the room and let him stay longer.
you were finally given the all clear. mike was helping you pack your stuff in the hospital room. "do you want to move in with me and abby?" it took you by surprise. the bright smile on your face answered his question.
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pursuedbyamemoryy · 7 months
⊹ ࣪ ˖ sunshine and syrupy kisses 🥞
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about : mornings w mike!!!
author’s note : he’s so boyfriend!! oh to spend a quiet, comfortable morning with him and abby 😞😞
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mornings with mike can go a couple different ways:
1. being woken up by quiet knocks on mike’s bedroom door and realizing that oh shit. abby’s going to be late for school.
mike’s alarm clock had gone off not once, but about three times by now. you both acknowledged it and chose to ignore it, turning back to cuddle up with each other in the warmth of each other’s bodies and mike’s sheets. it was well past dawn and you both had lives to live, jobs to work, but neither of you cared at that moment.
however many minutes later there was a soft series of knocks at the bedroom door. “mike? are you awake?” a soft voice asks.
“i’m awake. give me a minute” mike groans, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he turns to look at his alarm clock, which reads 8:56 am.
once he realizes that abby was in fact late for school he scrambled out of bed, kicking the sheets to the side and scaring the shit out of you in the process.
“babe? what’s wrong?” you asked sleepily as you watched your boyfriend frantically pull on clothes. his hair was disheveled, his soft curls just about falling in front of his eyes. sleep was prominent on his features as he tried to hurry out the door.
“we overslept, abby’s gonna be late for school” he said as he patted his jacket pocket, searching for his keys.
you turned to look at the alarm clock, having the same realization that he did just moments before.
2. waking up in each other’s arms, a slow and quiet start to your day. the sun streaming through the gap in the curtains as you blink the sleep away from your eyes.
you blinked slowly as the sun shone in your eyes. mike stirred gently next to you, wrapping his arms around you. it was early enough that abby wouldn't be awake, so you and mike had some time to yourselves.
"morning baby" mike muttered, his voice thick and husky with sleep. he gave you a lazy smile and pulled you closer to him.
"good morning" you said back quietly, snuggling against him. you lay your head in the crook of his neck, breathing him in.
the atmosphere was quiet and calm, the faint sounds of birds came from outside your shared bedroom window. you felt safe and comfortable in his arms, you never wanted to leave. thankfully, it was a weekend, which meant abby would usually sleep in and you could stay in bed with mike for longer.
"any plans for today?" you ask, your voice muffled as you spoke against his skin.
"nope. you?" he said sleepily.
"nope. let's just stay here all day, yeah?". he hums in response, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
3. waking up to an empty bed, the smell of breakfast wafting in the air
when you woke up mike wasn’t in bed with you. the sunlight was streaming through the gap in the curtains and the sheets were only warm on your side of the bed. you stirred, forcing yourself to wake up even more to scan your surroundings to find any trace of your boyfriend.
as you rubbed the remaining traces of sleep from your eyes you got a whiff of something delicious coming through the crack in the bedroom door, which made you smile faintly.
you slipped out of bed, pulling on a pair of mike’s sweatpants that were laying on the floor before making your way towards the kitchen. the smell of bacon and pancakes only got stronger as you continued down the hall.
as you reached the kitchen you saw mike at the stove, waiting for the pancakes to cook before he flipped them. he wasn’t much of a cook when you first started dating, but recently he’s been trying to make different things for abby, as well as for you. he wasn’t the greatest at first, but he’s been improving. ( just don’t mention the meatloaf incident, he still gets embarrassed about that. )
abby’s sitting at the kitchen table, scribbling away with her crayons as usual. she notices you before mike does, and calls out to you with a small wave. “hi!!”
“good morning abby” you say as you walk over to the kitchen table to see what she’s working on. it was yet another drawing of you, mike, and abby all together. “looks good as always. keep up the good work.” you smile, ruffling her hair slightly before walking over to mike.
“good morning handsome.” he was wearing an old t-shirt of his and a pair of sweatpants. his hair was still slightly messy, and for once he didn’t look totally exhausted. his eyes had been on you from the moment abby greeted you, a small smile on his lips as he admired you.
“good morning.” he leaned in for a quick kiss, smiling into it as he pressed his lips to yours. his eyes flicked between your face and the rest of your body, and his smile grew bigger once he saw that you were wearing some of his clothes.
"breakfast smells good." you say, leaning into his side as he goes to wrap his arm around your waist. "they're not burnt this time" you tease.
"hey, i tried!" he laughed, reaching for the spatula to flip the pancakes. you could hear abby giggling at the table behind you guys as you bantered. "these look better don't they? i've gotten better"
"you have, they look delicious" you reached into the cabinet and grabbed three plates. mike started piling pancakes and bacon on each one. you moved to placed a plate on the table in front of abby, before going back next to mike.
you poured some syrup over your plate and then grabbed your fork, taking a bite of your pancake. you hummed in approval.
"these are delicious. thanks mike" you smiled.
"glad i didn't burn them this time." he smiled, leaning in to kiss you again. your lips were sticky with maple syrup, and he tasted like coffee.
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milk-breadx · 7 months
with a ring pop, i'll get down on one knee - m. s.
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mike schmidt x gn!reader
Fluff! ??? to Fiancés?!
A late night trip and you three stop by a convenience store. Abby finally gives you two the push you needed.
word count: 1,440 words
warnings: movie spoilers?
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"Okay, okay, okay. 80's or 50's?"
"Really? These are the best options?"
"We've been here for a while, I think we've exhausted all other interesting options." You reach for another bottle of soda, opening it and letting the fizz settle down before taking a sip. "Now, pick,"
The two of you were perched on top of the trunk of his car. Very late at night, the nearest landmark being a nearby convenience store where you bought some chips and drinks to enjoy while you wait 'till you both weren't feeling droopy to continue your road trip. Abby, sound asleep at the back seat, who said she wanted to "stay up with you guys", was very eager to go on this trip. Especially since she rarely gets to go out with you and her big brother. Poor thing fell asleep and you didn't have the heart to wake her, so Mike stayed to watch her while you went to purchase some refreshments. Now, at the back of his car, you two talked nonsense for what felt like forever.
"Uhh, the latter." He takes a chip from the bag and eats it, all the while your eyebrows furrow at his answer. 
"Really?" The tone was laced with disbelief and you eagerly wait for his defense.
"What? You'd rather pick the 80's?"
"Uh, yeah? against the 50's who wouldn't?" You playfully nudge him on the shoulder, unknowingly bringing up his memories from his last job as a night guard at the pizza place. Your eyes widened when the realization hit you. "...Oh."
"Idiot." Mike flicks your forehead and you raise your palm to cover it after he does. You remembered that morning at the hospital when you received his call and rushed there only to find him injured, officer Vanessa unconscious, and Abby scared to leave his side. You could've sworn you almost passed out after hearing what happened a few hours before.
Ghost children possessing robot animals? Murderer who wears a yellow bunny suit? It all sounded funny but the serious looks in their eyes and their very REAL injuries made you believe them. Since then, you've been more active in helping them out. Whether it be moving in with them to help with the bills and keeping Abby company while Mike's out to look for a job or planning something for the three of you to enjoy, all to get them to recover and forget the whole ordeal about the pizzeria.
So now, 7 months after the incident, Mike got a job, and you both saved up some money to go on a trip for the weekend.
"I didn't realize! Sorry!" You sheepishly replied and Mike gave a small laugh. That moment made you pause for a bit. Mike had no time to relax for a long time, so it was refreshing to see him smile and laugh.
"When do you think we should get going? It's probably midnight by now and I am dying to sleep. Y'know? While you drive us the rest of the way there." He says and you playfully rolled your eyes at him.
"Hey! You said you were gonna stay up with me like I stayed up when you drove!" Mike shakes head and continues eating his chips. 
"No, no, I don't remember making that kind of agreement." A playful smirk starts making its way to his face. "I do recall you insisting to stay awake with me even though I said you should go to sleep," This little-
"Yeah! Because we're traveling at night, can't have us end up in a ditch somewhere?!"
The car door opens and shuts. Turning around, you see Abby rubbing her eyes as she makes her way towards both of you. Mike calls out to her and helps her sit in between the two of you.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" Her droopy eyes turn to you and then to Mike.
"You looked like you were deeply asleep. Sorry, did we wake you?" Grabbing a cold bottle of water, bought specifically for Abby, you tried opening it. Noticing this, Mike grabs the bottle and opens it before handing it to his sister. You whispered "I loosened it for you" to him before Abby speaks again.
"No. But are we there yet?"
"Not yet. We stopped here because we were getting sleepy and wanted to rest for a bit before we go." You handed her the plastic bag that had 2 bags of chips left for her to pick. "You excited to be there already?"
She picks one from the bag and opens it, grabbing a chip and eating it. "Yeah. Can we go on more trips soon?"
You and Mike share a look, unsure how to respond, so he answers for you. "We'll see, Abs,"
She doesn't respond to that. Instead, she asks you another question. "Are you going to keep staying with us? I like when you're around."
"Of course. I'll be here until Mike kicks me out." She chuckles at your response before turning to Mike. "You're not gonna kick them out, are you?"
"We'll see, Abs."
You playfully glare at him and he shrugs. 
"Why don't you two just get married?"
Abby continues to eat, unaware how her question sounded to the both of you, but aware of your unique kind of friendship where borderline lovers was the most appropriate thing to actually call what you and Mike had. The fumble of words from you two comes quick but Abby doesn't take back her suggestion.
"You two have known each other for years and we've been living together for months now. I know you two have arguments sometimes, but you always work it out." She whispers the last part but the both of you hear it clear as day. "Plus you said you like each other-"
Two voices yelled out, "Abby!" You and Mike look at each other, the realization setting in that she's right. When you two looked away, silence ensued. Mike was the first to speak. "Maybe...maybe marriage... is too..."
Abby's smile grows but she's tired of waiting for the two of you awkwardly fumble your words and just wants the two of you to get together. Yes, she's noticed the way you take care of her and Mike and how Mike takes care of you. How the house has been much livelier with you around and how well the three of you have been since living under the same roof.
Mike's also noticed how much better the two of them have been since you've gotten closer to them. He can't deny he's embarrassed but also flustered when the parents of Abby's classmates mistaken the both of you as her parents--A story for another time. He's open to the idea. Looking back to the times you two stayed up to watch some popular sitcom that was playing on the TV or messing up a new dish you three wanted to try, Mike really felt at ease those days. And the fact that Abby loves you too is an added bonus.
"Just propose already! You can get married years from now, just ask them already!" Abby grabs his shirt and you laugh as you see her futile attempt to shake him. 
Mike sees you and realizes he loves you. He cherishes you and wants nothing more than to see you smile and laugh over and over again. To be part of your life for the rest of his.
"Okay, okay, Abby stop." He grabs a hold of her hands before looking at you. "Will you-"
"You already don't have a ring, at least get down on one knee!" You laugh again at Abby.
Mike sighs and is ready to get up and down on the ground when he quickly runs to the convenience store. You and Abby share a look of confusion until he returns, unwrapping something in his hands. You couldn't see what it is until he got down on one knee and presented it to you.
He says your name softly and you get down from the trunk in front of him, smiling at the ring pop he's proposing with. "Will you marry me?"
You nod, giving him a small yes and let him put the ring pop on your ring finger. Too excited, Abby gets down and hugs you both so hard, you three almost topple over. But none of you cared. Abby was happy to see you and her big brother finally get together. Mike, relieved you said yes and was willing to be with him. You, happy to have these two brighten up your life.
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I swear I was gonna finish that ushijima fanfic first but plans have changed and I have a new husband(a whole series was planned out in my delulu head)-
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foxcantswim · 7 months
i’ve just been thinking about this scenario…
maybe where instead of vanessa reader steps in and takes the stab?
you can put where they get into a coma or they die..
thank u !!
also i love ur work.
FNAF Movie / / Vanessa x F!Reader [Not Your Fault]
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(gif by me)
It was supposed to be Vanessa getting stabbed by Afton. Not you... (aka you stop Afton from hurting Vanessa, but it backfires on you in the process) Content: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-relationship, one-sided love confession(?) Warnings: Blood, Stabbing(Reader), Trauma ig??? WC: 1,038 (sorry it's so short! maybe a part 2? not sure yet!)
Thank you anon <3 Love you~ Hope this is okay! (Left it slightly open ended to keep you on your toes)
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Vanessa stepped forwards, reaching to grab her father's arm. Your heart raced as you watched the interaction between the two, you noticed how Afton's hand was shaking as it tightened around the handle of the knife. His arm reared back, ready to attack. That's when you quickly reached to grab his arm, pulling him away from the blonde.
Your breath caught in your throat as the sharp hot pain rushed through your entire body. You glanced down to see the knife firmly embedded into your stomach, Afton's hand firmly gripping the handle of the blade. His other hand harshly gripped your shoulder, his glare was cold as he stared into your eyes.
"Y/N..." Vanessa's voice was barely even a whisper, tears flooding her eyes as she couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. Her father was about to hurt her, and you had taken the blow instead. Her whole body shook in fear and worry.
You expected to hit the cold hard floor, but a warmth soon surrounded you. Vanessa helped you to the floor, with you in her lap. She looked up briefly towards her father who had no emotion on his face, his eyes drifted towards the blood covered blade in his hand. He then turned to face towards Abby and the animatronics.
"H-Hey, hey," her voice was shaky as she looked over your whole body with panic, "Keep those eyes open for me, okay?"
She wasted no time in taking her sweater off, quickly pressing it down onto the wound. You tried to reach towards it as the pain increased, but your arm simply fell back weakly. You felt your breathing become shallow, you tried your hardest to keep your eyes open but they refused - flickering closed every so often.
"Y/N, please," Vanessa said, trying to hold back her sobs as she pressed harshly onto your wound to try and stop the bleeding the best she could. She did whatever she could to wrap the sweater around you and tighten it, "Why did you do that?!" she exclaimed, her hand coming up to hold your face. She didn't blame you, no. She blamed herself for getting you into this, "I'm so sorry, baby, I'm sorry," she choked on a sob as she leaned down to rest her forehead against yours.
You wanted to open your mouth to tell her it's not her fault, but of course your body refused. You felt your fingers go cold as you did your best to lean into Vanessa more, searching for any bit of warmth from her.
"I've got you," she promised, still shaking as she held you.
That's when William's voice pierced her ears, "Vanessa!" he exclaimed, "Get these stupid things away from me. NOW."
That's when Vanessa realised what was happening. Abby was glaring at her father as the animatronics walked towards him. They were finally seeing him for who he really was.
"Vanessa," his voice was strong, "You will listen to me."
Tears flowed down her cheeks as she looked at him, his gaze was cold. She gulped harshly before simply closing her eyes and turning her head away. Her name left his mouth once again, but she didn't react.
He had intended on her hurting Abby. He had intended on hurting his own daughter, too. And he had actually hurt you. There was no way she was listening to him anymore. She wouldn't let him hurt anyone ever again. He was a monster. But he was still her father, and she couldn't stop herself from loving him. She refused to look at the gruesome fate he was about to receive. She kept on telling herself that it was for the best.
Her eyes finally opened to look back down at you. That was when she realised that your eyes were finally closed, your body limp against hers.
She hugged your body close, tears staining your shirt as she buried her face into your neck, "Come on, Y/N. I love you. Come on. W-We haven't had enough time together," she couldn't stop herself from pressing a kiss to your forehead. Her heart hammered in her chest at the fear of losing you.
She had known you for quite a while now, when you had started to work the night shift almost a year ago. Truthfully, she didn't like you when she first met you. She thought you were just trouble. But after a few weeks she had fallen for you, hard. The two of you weren't really sure what you two were relationship wise. Sure you had kissed a couple times and been extremely intimate, but there were never any labels or confessions of love or anything like that.
Vanessa already started to have so many regrets as she held you as tightly as she could.
Eventually, the animatronics had dragged her father away. The room around her started to crumble and shatter, lights falling from the the ceiling. She was about to sit here with you until the very end, she couldn't leave you and her body refused to move on its own. That was when Mike appeared by her side, helping her up with you in the process. He quickly offered to carry you in his arms, Vanessa could hardly see through the tears in her eyes as she helped him walk. Abby was quickly on their heels.
Everyone made their way out of the pizzeria, moving as quickly as they could into the parking lot.
Mike and Vanessa put you into the back of Vanessa's patrol car. She climbed into the backseat, Abby sat in the passenger seat in silence. Mike quickly got into the driver's seat and started up the car.
"Mike-" Vanessa said, her voice getting cut off by her own sob. She continued to hold you close in the confined space of the back of the car.
"It will be okay," he reassured, his own voice slightly shaky, "She's breathing, Vanessa. She'll be fine."
He didn't trust his own words. But all they could do was be hopeful.
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She had a shirt on under that sweater you freaks ;)
Taglist: @marvelwomen-simp ; @emiliaisdead
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keerysfreckles · 7 months
safe haven - mike schmidt
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pairing: mike schmidt x f!reader
summary: mike schmidt's next door neighbor seems on edge when she knocks on his front door. the reason being remains unknown, until mike orders a pizza and lets the scared girl stay the night.
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, mentions of an abusive and toxic relationship, slight cursing
michael schmidt wasn't used to any of his neighbors knocking on his door. the only interactions being simple waves while getting the mail, or nods of their heads when they drive by.
mike instantly recognized his next door neighbor as he opens the front door. he's seen her plenty of times before, but the two haven't spoken to each other.
he notices her shaken up appearance, as her loose t-shirt hangs off one shoulder, and the grey sweatpants on her hips are barely tied. her hair is down, but the baby hairs by her forehead are erratically skewed.
mike's simple gretting takes the girl out of her trance. she kept looking between mike and her own front door. she fiddled with her hands before responding.
"yes, hi, uh- look i know we've never really talked before, but can i please stay here for an hour? two at most," y/n pleads, her eyes never faltering from her front door, with worry filling her pupils.
mike nods, before opening his door so y/n can walk inside, "are you alright?"
y/n's fast to shake her head, "no, um- no not really."
mike doesn't think he's ever seen her like this. "do you want something to drink? or a snack or something?"
"just water, please," y/n shuffles awkwardly by the kitchen counter, as she watches mike grab a glass and fill it was tap water.
y/n's grateful once the cool liquid flows down her throat. all of the screaming she had just done really did some damage on her throat.
mike couldn't help but notice the small bruises covering her wrists, and the giant red mark on her neck as she tilted her head back to drink the water.
"do you want to talk about anything? you seem on edge," mike offers, as he leads the two to the living room. he sits on the couch, and y/n sits down beside him.
just as y/n opens her mouth to respond, abby comes running down the hallway, a notebook in one hand and colored pencils in the other.
"who are you?"
abby's bluntness throws y/n off gaurd, causing her to laugh. she can't even remember the last time she laughed.
"abbs, this is our neighbor, y/n. she's gonna hang out here for a bit," mike tells abby, watching as she sits at the coffee table in front of the couch.
mike and y/n both turn their attention to the tv, which is playing reruns of a sitcom. they both felt it wasn't the most appropriate time to talk about y/n's situation while abby was in the room.
"what are those marks on your wrist from?" abby suddenly asks, catching both adults off gaurd.
"oh, uh, they're from bracelets i had on earlier. guess they were too tight." mike took notice of the way y/n's voice shook at the end of her response.
"hey abby, why don't you go back to your room and draw something for y/n. yeah?" mike offers his sister, who nods in return, before she walks down the hallway back to her room.
"you don't have to talk about anything by the way. i'm not gonna force you," mike spoke softly, not wanting to scare y/n more than she already was.
y/n's knee started to shake and her voice wavered as she responded, "my boyfriend- well ex-boyfriend now uh- he got too much. everything was fine until last month when he started to get aggressive."
mike's eyes slightly widened.
"at first it was only verbally. but when i came home last week, he hit me because i stayed late at work. i tried to tell him why, but he just wouldn't listen," y/n's eyes started to water as she remembers the events that took place.
"today was just so bad. i had to get out of there before he did anything worse," y/n finally looks up at mike, and sees nothing but sincerity in his eyes. her heart slightly sped up at the fact someone was actually listening to her.
"so you came here to get away from him?" mike concluded, causing y/n to nod.
"you can stay here as long as you need to okay?"
y/n nodded once more, thankful for mike's proposal. however a harsh knock on the front door caused her head to turn quickly, and michael stood from the couch. "probably just some solicitors. i'll get them to leave."
y/n stayed on the couch while mike opened the door. his heartrate picked up once he was met with a taller man, with a scruffy beard and dark curly hair. he seemed to have a glint of hatred in his eyes, and mike could only guess this was the person y/n was hiding from.
"can i help you?"
"you haven't seen y/n around, have you? she ran out a bit ago," the man explained, seeming way too calm about the situation.
mike shakes his head, "nope, haven't seen her today."
y/n's heart races as she listened to their conversation from the living room. she can't help but worry he's going to come inside and take her back to the toxic home she just came from.
y/n picks her head up at the loud noise, and stands up abruptly from the couch once she sees mike stumble back from her ex-boyfriend pushing the door open.
"you bitch!" he screams, instantly grabbing y/n's wrist, making her yelp out in pain. "i told you not to leave! and you come over here to whore around with him?"
*brad let go," the only three words y/n manages to get out, as she's more focused on planting her feet to try and make her unmovable.
brad only pulls on y/n's wrist harder, and slaps her cheek with his empty hand. y/n cups her cheek in shock, as brad pulls her out of the house and into mike's front yard.
mike follows the two, and jogs over to brad and pushes his chest, causing him to let go of y/n.
"y/n get back inside, lock the door," mike orders. y/n's quick to run back inside as she watches mike tell brad off through the window.
a few minutes pass and mike knocks on the front door. y/n of course lets him inside his home, and as soon as he closes and locks the door y/n wraps her arms around his waist.
mike's shortly taken aback before he holds onto the poor girl. he hears her start to cry, as her body starts to shake. mike holds y/n's head to his chest and he gently sways the two side to side.
"you're okay. you're safe here," mike whispers against the top of y/n's head. "do you want to stay for dinner?" he offers, of course wanting to do nothing but cheer the girl up.
y/n pulls back from the hug and wipes her tears, before nodding her head.
mike's quick to dial the local pizza shop as y/n sits back down on the couch, her hand immediately goes to her wrist and looks at the new bruise already starting to form.
mike walks down the hallway to abby's room, for two reasons. he first asks if she heard any of the yelling, to which she responded no since she had her radio playing. and secondly he asked if she wanted to join him and y/n in the living room and have pizza soon.
y/n watched as both mike and abby walked out of the hallway. mike sat beside y/n on the couch and abby sat at the coffee table again, as she continued to work on her drawing for y/n.
"are you cold?" mike asks y/n, seeing the goosebumps covering her arms. she simply nods, and mike leans forward and removes the dark grey hoodie he was wearing. y/n couldn't help but look to his stomach as the movement of him taking the hoodie off cause his shirt underneath to lift. he smiled as he handed her the article of clothing, and couldn't help but feel his heart warm at the sight of his hoodie covering y/n's torso.
a half hour passes, and mike seems to notice how a weight has lifted off y/n's shoulders. y/n and abby have been in a deep conversation about cartoon characters. the conversation however is cut short when the doorbell rings, making y/n jump from her spot on the couch.
mike reaches forward and places his hand over her knee, causing her to look at him. "it's okay, it's just the pizza."
the reassurance calms y/n down, and mike walks to the door. he pays the pizza delivery boy and places the greasy pizza box on the coffee table. he's quick to get paper plates for the three of the them before he sits back down besides y/n.
the trio enjoy their meal together, and abby starts asking y/n questions. like where she's from, where she goes to school, what her favorite color is, and a plethora of other random questions.
after the three finish dinner, mike and y/n are captived by a movie that was now playing on tv. abby was busy adding the finishing touches to her picture for y/n, and was excited to give it to her.
y/n looks down and sees abby handing her a colorful piece of paper, "is this for me?" abby nods.
y/n looks over the paper, seeing three people resembling mike, abby and herself. the figures seem to be outside as they're together in a grassy area with flowers surrounding them.
"i love it abby," y/n smiles, "i'll keep it forever."
two hours pass, and after another movie plays, abby had fallen asleep with her head on her notebook, her right hand still gripping a red colored pencil. mike only laughs, before he shakes abby's shoulder to wake her up.
"i'll be right back," he states. y/n nods as she watches mike lead abby to her bedroom to put her to bed. y/n looks at the clock placed on the wall and sees its nearing eleven pm.
y/n leans her head back on the couch, and can't help but let her eyes close, as sleep takes over.
mike whistles while walking back into the living room, after saying goodnight to abby. his whistling is cut short when he looks at the sleeping girl on his couch. he chuckles at her positon. she's now in a curled ball, as her arms are crossed over her chest.
mike turns off the tv, and grabs the blanket draped over the arm of the chair from across the room. he places the material over y/n, before leaning down and kissing the girl's forehead. he wanted to make sure she knew she was always safe in his home.
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d3arapril · 5 months
Back to december: The reader broke up with Abby but realizes she made a mistake and wants her back, so she tries to make it up to her with a grand gesture and a sincere meaningful apology.
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breaking up with abby wasn't necessarily something that you wanted- hell, you didn't want it at all.
you stand before her door, room 203. with one hand behind your back, you rock back on your heels. you find yourself questioning if were you really about to do this, was it even going to work?
without another moment of hesitation, your knuckles are rapping against her door and you feel the bile rising in your throat. swallow, you tell yourself. breathe.
5 weeks earlier
"she's slowing you down," isaac had told you, unforgiving as ever. "she's a distraction."
tears spilt over your bottom lashes and stained your cheeks, but he remained still, unmoved. "this ends now. i need you focused."
you didn't bother arguing, keeping your arms crossed tightly against your chest. you nodded curtly, lips pressed together in a tight line in a feeble attempt to stop the emotions bubbling in your throat, the tightening, the clenching, the need to scream and fight for the girl you loved.
being isaac's best soldier and dating his other best soldier came with consequences, you both knew this, but you didn't expect this to be one of them. sure, when you were patrolling together you'd steal a kiss when the coast was clear and sure, abby almost got taken down by a stalker in an adult store when you were both rummaging for something to make your evenings together a little more exciting but you made a great team- you were the sharpshooter and abby was the unmovable object.
sure, you both got distracted sometimes but you always made it back alive. clearly, this wasn't enough for isaac. you had to obey, you had to do what's best for the wlf.
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"we need to take a break." you mumbled, the weight of the words sitting heavily in the air as you watched abby freeze in front of the sink in your room, hand stilling over the faucet and water pouring over her water bottle.
her head jerked in your direction, "what?"
your hands were itching for a distraction, shaking fingers wringing at your sleeves. "a break, abby. we can't be together. not now, anyway..."
abandoning her water bottle, she turned on her heels to face you. her cheeks were flushed, eyes narrowing and you could tell she was s trying to figure out if you're joking.
"a break?" she questioned, disbelief in her tone. you nodded, head tipping back in hopes of concealing the tears that were threatening to spill out. "he- i think that we need to focus. isaac wants us on the island, we can't risk it."
her eyebrow raised at your slip up, a scoff leaving her lips. "are you seriously letting him make these decisions for you, make this choice for you? throw away what we have because of some stupid fucking island?" she crossed the distance between the both of you, clammy hands gripping at your shoulders. she wanted to shake you, shake some sense into your brain.
"it's for the best, abby..." you hoped she couldn't hear the regret in your voice as it wobbled. "it's temporary, i swear when this is all over we'll-"
"don't-" she cut you off, voice bouncing off the walls in your small room for one.
"don't think you can walk in and out of my life because you're too fucking scared to stand up to him." she shoved you back slightly, stepping away from you and you still felt her heavy hands resting on your shoulders, the weight on your shoulders that never left.
a tear ran down her cheek and you fought against every inch of your brain telling you to step forward, reach out and brush it away. place a kiss to the tip of her nose and reassure her that everything was going to be okay.
"i love you, but i can't wait for you knowing you wouldn't fight for us. you've made your choice." she felt defeated, shoulders dropping and hands hanging heavy at her sides.
and with that she turned her back and left your room, left you with a heavy heart and a sense of regret that only continued to eat you up from the inside.
you've made your choice.
the days blended into nights after that evening, you barely slept, barely ate. you trained until you could barely stand and switched your schedule so you wouldn't have to bump into abby in the gym or the showers.
you'd make brief eye contact with isaac every so often around the grounds and he'd nod at you, sometimes even offer you an apple or an orange. "for your hard work," he'd say, pressing his fruit of choice into your palm and leisurely strolling off with a pat on your back.
you let the fruit rot away next to abby's bottle beside your sink, still full from when she left. a reminder of what you'd let yourself lose.
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her door creaks after your second attempt at knocking, still on its latch and her head peeks through the gap. the first thing you notice is how tired she looks.
you briefly wonder if you look just as haggard as her and the way her eyes widen after she gives you a brief up-and-down confirms that. isaac had been putting you all through hell, to say the least. plus, sleeping with a broken heart wasn't exactly easy.
"what do you want? make it quick."
"um," you hesitate, you want to drop to your knees and beg for her to take you back. press your forehead to the ground before her and pray that she forgives you. instead, you bring your hand from behind your back and press the very sorry looking bunch of flowers through the gap between her door and it's frame. you'd begged leah to find some for you when she went out last week and you had only just managed to keep them alive whilst you plucked up the courage to speak to abby.
"theseareforyou" the words tumble off of your tongue before you can even process it and much to your surprise her hand sneaks through the gap and she takes them from you. the door shuts ajar and then reopens all the way and she steps to the side, gesturing for you to enter.
you're nervous as you walk in. you briefly scan her room and nothing's changed, manny still has his dvd's scattered everywhere and abby's section of the room is still fairly tidy. you're glad she's still her usual self.
you turn to look at her and watch her place the flowers on the kitchen counter, her eyes lingering on the dying petals before she takes a deep breath. "has isaac told you to come here?"
a frown finds your face as you shake your head, shoulders dropping in shame at the mention of his name, the reason you were in this position.
"no, i... i wanted to apologise," you're wringing at those damn sleeves again, strings fraying as you pull and pull. "why would he tell me that?"
abby gestures to her bed behind you with a nod of her head and you're craning your neck around to see what she's referring to.
it's her bag, fully packed.
your head spins back around and she's moved now, leaning against the kitchen counter with a hand on her hip. "i'm going."
"you're going?" you echo her, frown deepening. "going where?"
she sighs, and the sound of it wobbles slightly as it leaves her chest. you wonder if she's still her usual self after all.
"i'm going," a calloused hand comes up to rub at her face, exasperated. "i'm fucking leaving. santa barbara, maybe? i don't know."
your brain is running at 110 miles per hour, the script you'd recited several times before leaving your room earlier melting through the creases of your brain as you take in what she's said.
"when?" is all you can muster, that awful feeling in your throat making itself known again.
her eyes meet yours and she feels her chest grow tighter as she realises the weight of her decision. "i'm leaving with owen in," she looks up to the clock above her door. "around five minutes, actually..."
you feel your eye twitch at the mere mention of his name name, owen. fucking owen. abby's ex, the guy who broke her heart and left it for you to fix. just for you to go ahead and break it again.
"why're you leaving with him?"
"why not?" she shrugs, brushing past you to jog down the small set of stairs leading to her area of the room. she ducks down, reaching to grab her bag off her neatly made bed. "there's nothing here for me anymore, i'm not interested in this damn island isaac is so obsessed with and i don't exactly have anybody to fight for anymore."
her words hang heavy in the air and you want to scream at her, grab her shoulders and shake her just as she wanted to do to you and tell her that you love her, you're an idiot and you're sorry.
but you don't. you don't fight for her, much like you didn't fight for her 5 weeks ago.
you just stand there and stare down at her in utter disbelief as she tightens the straps of her bag and stares back at you.
"thanks for the flowers," she says under her breath and with that, she walks towards the door opposite her bed and twists the handle. without looking back, she leaves.
she made her choice.
authors note: ahhh thank you for this request anon! you have awoken my brain and i thank you for that <3 sorry there wasnt much of a grand gesture, i just wanted reader to lose and be miserable :/
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lizzyk137 · 3 months
A Night of Brownies and Wine- Agent Gibbs Fanfic (Gibbs X Reader)
Summary: When your brain overthinks, Gibbs tells you his feelings. Warnings: Angst, fluff, really light mention of sexual activity, overthinking
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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"Gibbs! Gibbs! Gibbs!" Abby screamed out as she hurriedly made her way towards his desk.
"What, Abs?" He looked up over his glasses that was perched on his nose.
Her chunky heeled shoes came to a halt by his desk. "Have you seen Y/N?"
He took off his glasses. "No, why?"
"She was supposed to meet me and McGee tonight for our weekly gaming night, but she never showed up and we can't trace her phone so I thought I'd find you because you might know where she was." Abby said all in one breath.
"I haven't seen her all day. I'll let you know if I find her." He gave a small smile to Abby as he collected his items, giving her a small kiss on the cheek and headed towards the elevators.
He made his way to his truck and headed home. He knew where you were, he could easily read you and could always find your location depending on your mood. And today he knew exactly where he could find you.
He opened the front door and headed for the kitchen; a chocolate mess was the only thing that was left to show you were there. He headed for the basement door, where the quiet sound of pop music made its way to his ears.
Heading down the steps he found you in one of his oversized NCIS shirts, no pants wearing your fluffy slippers as you swayed to a K-pop ballad, a brownie in one hand and a bottle of rose in the other. Gibbs leaned against the railing as he watched you, a smirk spreading across his lips while he watched your hips sway back and forth.
"You know you have your own place to do this in." He called out, watching you jump slightly before turning around to face him.
"Yeah, but my house doesn't have a boat in it. Plus, I know you love my brownies amongst other things." You winked as Gibbs walked over to you, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
"What's wrong?" Gibbs took off his long coat and draped it over your shoulders, his warmth enveloping you.
You shook your head, setting down your brownie and bottle of wine on a random small table around Gibbs' boat. "Nothing is wrong. It's just my brain being silly."
Gibbs' hands grabbed your hips and backed you up, your butt lightly bumping into the boat behind you. One hand cupped the side of your face, his fingers tangling into your hair, the other hand still on your hip. "Y/N, your brain is not silly. Tell me."
You looked away and blew out a breath. "Just this undercover op has my brain overthinking."
"About what?"
"About us!" You could feel the tears prickling your eyes, threatening to overflow, but you wouldn't let them.
"What about us?"
"That all we are is just work." Your voice was barely a whisper, because you didn't have the heart to admit what you had with Gibbs louder.
You knew work was always going to be the number one priority for him, the constant in his life. You were just something new that was stumbled upon, not something to be around long term. The whole agency knew you two were an item, so any undercover ops or improv on the job always had you two as a couple, but those moments were sweeter, and more love filled than the times you were alone together. It felt like all you were ever going to be was simply just a cover, no matter how hard you tried not to admit it. You knew the truth.
Gibbs didn't love you. Not like you loved him. He may love you in the same way he loved Abby or Ziva except with extra perks, but that was it. He never asked to see you, never asked you out on dates, never had been over to your place, drove in your car, asked about your family, hell, he never even asked about you. And you finally admitted it to yourself.
So, you decided to drown your sorrows in many bottles of wine and brownies.
And there he was, Gibbs, this amazing man who never really talked but always seemed to know what to do, and he was standing in front of you with his hands gently cradling your body, his eyes fill with confusion and worry as he looked at you.
Gibbs opened his mouth then closed it and thought for a second before asking, "What does right now count as?"
"I don't mean right now," you sighed the continued, "I mean the rest of the time. It's always work, never just us."
"I-I don't know what to say." Gibbs stuttered as he watched the woman he loves start to crumble in front of him. Her eyes were watery, but she wasn't letting the tears fall down, and he wasn't sure he wanted to see her cry. He'd never seen her cry in all the years he's known her. Not when she broke any of her bones, not when she was slammed into a concrete wall and hit her head, not when she lost her grandma. She had held herself together, at least in front of him.
"You never say anything!" Your voice raised, and you turned your back on him, tears slowly rolling down your face.
Gibbs hands slid back down when she turned away from him. What could he do? She was upset and he understood why. He didn't do enough. Wasn't what she needed.
He had always been about work since Kelly and Shannon passed away and nothing had changed over the years with his ex-wives or his past relationships. He didn't think anything of it. Nothing he did was any different than what he has done and now that she said something out loud, he realized that all those past relationships had never worked out because of what he was doing. He was doing absolutely nothing.
His thoughts were interrupted when a sob escaped from the woman in front of him.
"Y/N..." His voice cracked; he couldn't help feeling his heart shatter when that sob reached his ears. He brought his body closer to yours, his arms circling your body. "I- I know I'm not good enough for you. I don't put much effort into anything but work, but I do love you. I'm not good with words." He stopped for a second and rested his forehead against the back of your head. "I don't want to see you cry. I understand if you don't stay but I don't want to lose you."
The pain in his voice was front and center and you couldn't hear anything else but that. You turned around in his arms and sighed before nuzzling your head into his chest.
"Words aren't enough, Jethro."
"I know. I can't promise I'll be a changed man right off, but I'll try my hardest to be better."
"All I ask for is to be more present in this relationship. To have it not be all about work." Your voice muffled as you spoke into his chest.
"Well, we both have tomorrow night off. Why don't we go to that little Italian place that you were telling Tony about?"
"How did you know that?"
"I may not say much but I listen, especially when it comes to you."
You giggled; face still pressed into his chest. "Really?"
"Really." He kissed the top of your head and squished you tighter to him. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too." You looked up at him with a smile. "So, I made some brownies, do you want some?"
"You sure as hell know I want some." He smirked before picking you up, a giggling scream coming out of your throat, as he headed up stairs to the bedroom.
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buddiefix · 4 months
Fake Dating/Didn't Know They Were Dating Fic's (Part 1)
The following are some buddie fanfiction involving fake dating, or the characters realizing they've been partners all along.
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What If I Fall In Love Backwards? by RedRidingStiles 
9-1-1 (TV)  
"I feel like we should go save him," Chimney said as he and Hen loaded their drunk and injured patient into the back of the ambulance (day drinking and balconies do not mix), nodding his head towards the small swarm of college girls surrounding a highly uncomfortable Buck. "And by we I mean you, Eddie." "Yeah I got this," Eddie reassured, cupping one hand around his mouth before shouting, "Hey Buckley!" "What's up, Hot Stuff?" Buck called back, his eyes holding crystal blue relief as they met Eddie's across the lawn. Eddie tried to bite back his amused smile but didn't succeed when his next words had Buck grinning like a complete fool. "You. Me. Tonight. Wear something pretty." "Edmundo Diaz, are you trying to ask me out on a date?"
five Times Buck and Eddie saved each other by pretending to be together and the one time Christopher helps
Language: English Words: 9,879 Chapters: 1/1
baby, say you'll always keep me by hattalove
9-1-1 (TV)  
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and the darkness behind his eyelids takes on a white edge. “Be good. Nice to be married,” he yanks on Buck’s t-shirt, “best friend.” Finally, Buck takes a breath that sounds off somehow, but he laughs too, and that sounds normal, Eddie thinks. A normal laugh. “Sure, Eds,” he says, and there’s his hand in Eddie’s hair again, a puff of breath on the crown of Eddie’s head like Buck leaned in to press a kiss there and then stopped, but why would he stop—“I’ll marry you if you remind me tomorrow.”
The one in which joking about being married to your best friend is all fun and games, right up until you realize that you're not laughing.
Language: English Words: 8,251 Chapters: 1/1
I Hate Accidents (Except When We Went From Friends to This) by morganofthefairies 
9-1-1 (TV)  
“You should just move in,” Eddie said one night.  They were already laying in bed, Buck’s face half-buried in his pillow. “Where would I sleep, Eddie,” Buck deadpanned, sleep heavy in his voice. “Here,” Eddie said, not entirely sure how Buck missed that part.  “The same place you’ve been sleeping.” Bobby raised an eyebrow when Buck updated his address on all of the necessary paperwork, but Eddie wasn’t entirely sure what the big deal was.
The story of how Buck and Eddie went about their relationship in entirely the wrong order.
Language: English Words: 7,206 Chapters: 1/1
we could follow the sparks, i’ll drive by markofalover
9-1-1 (TV)  
“Oh! You must be Mr. Diaz!” someone says from behind him, and Buck spins around clumsily, all long legs, to find a woman with a Miss Perez tag stuck to her blouse. She’s smiling politely, white teeth against red lips, and it takes just a second too long to process what she says.
everyone thinks Buck is the other Mr. Diaz.
Language: English Words: 6,539 Chapters: 1/1
i'd never let you fall and break your heart by autistic_nightfury
9-1-1 (TV)  
Four times Buck and Eddie pretended to be in a relationship so people wouldn't bother them, and the one time they actually were together.
Language: English Words: 5,808 Chapters: 1/1
Say Cheese by S_lycopersicum
9-1-1 (TV)  
"Um... anything left to get?" "Snacks for that girl who has diabetes. Amy, Audrey, uh..." "Abby." "Pfff... I'd remember if she was called Abby," Buck half-heard Eddie say, but his focus was on the other end of the grocery store aisle, where at 11pm at night his ex-girlfriend Abby Clark was carefully assessing two different brands of provolone.
Language: English Words: 4,927 Chapters: 1/1
of bake sales and overdue realizations by brewrosemilk
9-1-1 (TV)  
Eddie doesn’t notice it until it becomes a thing that happens even when it’s just him and Buck, without Chris anywhere near them - but even then, he doesn’t find it strange, or give it much thought. Buck is the one who starts ending their phone calls with a quick ‘love you’ but it doesn't take long before Eddie does the same, often beating him to it. It’s never a big deal - most of the time it’s something along the lines of;
‘Hey, can you grab some milk on your way over? We’re out.’ ‘Yeah, yeah, I got it.’ ‘Great, love you.’ ‘Love you.’
Before long, they’re even doing it in texts.
Language: English Words: 4,823 Chapters: 1/1
the secrets we keep (the ones that spill out) by sparegarbage
9-1-1 (TV)  
The 118 is a close-knit family. It’s not surprising given how much time they spend together: endless hours at the firehouse, barbecues on the weekends, the occasional night at the bar. They’re a family, yes... but Buck and Eddie don’t have to tell them everything. They’re allowed their secrets, really, and it’s not… weird. Really, it’s not. It’s just that sometimes the 118 asks too many questions, and sometimes there’s just no good (or clear or logical) way to explain. Exhibit A: How Buck ended up in Eddie’s bed during a sleepover (and how he’s been sleeping there most nights since).
Buck and Eddie comfort each other with cuddles, hugs, and kisses (platonically—or so they think).
Language: English Words: 4,624 Chapters: 1/1
With(out) A First Date by firstdegreefangirl
9-1-1 (TV)  
Buck and Eddie become boyfriends. Six months later, they start dating.
Language: English Words: 10,282 Chapters: 13/13
it's always been you by coupe_de_foudre
9-1-1 (TV)  
“What do I normally get from there?” Eddie asks him, chin settled back onto his shoulder. “The kung pao chicken.” he answers almost instantaneously, having all of Eddie’s usual take-out orders memorised by now. It comes in handy for when they need to get food in quick whilst navigating work and Christopher. It’s not weird. He, unfortunately, misses the odd look that Maddie sends him. As well as the way that Hen hides a snicker behind a cough.
Language: English Words: 8,700 Chapters: 6/6
(Friendly reminder I do not own any of the works listed in this post, and all can be located on archiveofoureown.org)
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Imagine Abby confessing her love for you
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You knew you were goner the first time you laid eyes on Abby Anderson. She was tough, guarded, emotionless, and serious about completing the task. Whatever it was Isaac put her charge of no matter the objective that was always her main focus. Despite her tough exterior and her knack for pushing people away whenever they tried to befriend her. Almost like it was her secret superpower or something.
You managed to worm your way into her heart with the resilience of a bear trying to protect its cubs, and the patience of a scorpion waiting for its poison to spread before moving in for the kill on its prey. If someone asked Abby how you were the one who got through to her first.
She didn't have an honest answer for them herself for she never understood how you did what you did. All she knew was once she let you in. There was no getting rid of you even if she wanted to. Abby found herself relying on someone else to keep her. Other than the need for revenge going for the first time since her dad's death. She'd do anything for you. There was nothing in the world you couldn't ask her to do that wouldn't be an automatic yes.
Unless of course you asked to be honest about her feelings for you. Because the second the two of you returned from scouting the outpost. You cornered her in the locker rooms knowing she would be in there to take a nice long, and hot shower. It was pretty late so no one else was present. You figured that would make it slightly easier to coax the truth out of her. Instead Abby gave you the run around insisting that yes while you were an important person in her life, and she indeed love you (like a friend) making sure to put an extra emphasis on the word friend. She wasn't harboring any feelings for you, or anyone else.
Abby then went on to make some stupid joke about her last relationship, and just how incompatible she was with anyone. You weren't buying it for one second, but nonetheless you still let it go. Knowing better than anyone if you pushed her too hard she'd shut down for a while.
But apparently that one push was enough because the next day Isaac asked you to report to him. He proceeded to tell you that for the next month or so. He was reassigning you to strictly supply runs only, and if you weren't need there. You were to report for dog duty every morning which included in helping training the dogs, cleaning up their kennels, and grooming them. No more field missions for you with reason being you showed reckless behavior on your last mission. That could've resulted in the death of either you, or you and your team.
"You got potential to be one of my best soldiers in the future y/n. I'll be damned if I lose you in the field because you want to be a show-off playing hero." Isaac scolded you with a grunt placing Abby's mission report on his desk.
Arguing with him wasn't going to change a thing. You might've been with the WLF longer, but Abby had way more experience in the field. Her history with the Fireflies and dedication to training moved her up the ranks faster than any other solider. She hardly ever went on a mission where she actually had to answer to someone else. So whatever she told Isaac was final.
The role change took place nearly two weeks ago, and you still hadn't adjusted in the change of pace. Plus the lack of action not to mention despite how pissed off you were with her. You missed Abby Anderson terribly. The two of you only saw each other in passing, and each time Abby avoided eye contact. Right now the supply run you were on took you a few miles away from main base. Abby had just returned from a pretty nasty confrontation with the Scars, and was resting up in the infirmary. You wouldn't be surprised if she had something to do with you being sent on a four-day run.
"Ahhh I don't see how these guys do this all day." You complained pushing the door to the lobby of the abandoned hotel open with your back. The room covered from top to bottom with containers filled with any items that were preserved and still of good use. With a grunt you heaved the large box in your arms up to stack it on top of more boxes. The pile held up not swaying the slightest bit.
You let out a sigh of relief leaning back on a heavier and stronger stack of containers. The person in charge would've made you clean it up alone if it fell. "This is literally the definition of grunt work."
"Wow its good to know how you really feel about us, and our contribution to the WLF's survival." A familiar voice chimed in only a few feet away.
You let out a surprise yelp looking up to see Nora positioned right in front of you. Her arms crossed over her chest, a single eyebrow quirked upward with a playful smile on her face. "How long have you been there?"
"Considering I'm in charge of taking inventory all day. What's in the box you brought in?" She asked her tone becoming a bit more strict for the moment.
"A bunch random clothes" You told her unsure of why it was important.
"They actually go over there." She pointed to the far left side of the lobby chuckling. At the way you groaned pushing off the containers. "Calm down I'll have some of the guys move it later."
You relaxed again shooting her a fake angry smile.
"So what did you do to get on Isaac's bad side. The only time he puts field operatives on supply runs is when we're navigating dangerous territory. And the only time he turns you guys into suppliers is when he wants to punish you." Isaac knew the change in pace of the work drew field operatives crazy.
"Its more like what I did to piss off Abby." You said unable to hide the irritation in your voice.
Nora's eyes widened a bit at your answer before her face scrunched up in confusion. "But you and Abby are like this" she stated holding up a hand with one finger crossed over the other.
"Yeah we were until I tried to make confess her feelings for me" You told her with a shrug. If Abby was going to lie about it why should you keep it a secret.
"Oh no you gotta start from the beginning girl" Nora demanded shaking her head. Not giving you a chance to protest she hoisted herself up onto a container adjacent to you.
You chuckled at her eagerness to hear some gossip, but knew nothing more exciting was going to happen. So you would indulge in it this once even though it was never your thing. Plus Nora and Abby were close enough the girl was in the inner circle. No easy feat to accomplish with Abby.
"We went on a scouting mission a few weeks ago, and got ambushed by a herd of infected. Abby got cornered and ran out of bullets, so I came to her rescue doing something that was kinda stupid." You admitted a bit guilty knowing Abby wasn't completely lying about the reckless behavior thing. "But it worked and I saved her life only I guess she thought I died in the process. Abby started freaking out and when after I reassured her I was fine. She went on to say I couldn't do stuff like because she cared about me too much, and stopped short of dropping the "L" word."
Nora held onto every single word that left your mouth following the story with genuine interest. When you to the end immediately she shook her head hoping down from her seat. "Nope we can't have this I'm going to help you get your girl."
Your eyes lit up with curiosity. "How?
"Oh don't worry I'll think of something" she replied already rubbing her chin.
You still wanted more insight which led to your next question. "Why?"
Nora turned back around and walked over to rest both of her hands on either of your shoulders. "Because you're my girl and Abby is my girl I want both of you to be happy. Plus I've been rooting for y'all since day one when the two of you met."
"And" you pressed her further sensing an ulterior motive.
"I got a running bet with Owen, Manny, and Mel about when the two of you are going to finally get together." she finally admitted with a sheepish smile. "Don't be mad."
I'm not but Mel." You laughed a little bit thrown back by the timid doctor being in on it.
"I betted it would be sooner than later, but Mel thought the opposite while Owen and Manny opted for it being never."
You wanted to disappointed in Owen but with the way Abby reacted to everything that happened. It made sense and Manny was her roommate, so he probably did have some type of insight on her unknown to you.
"So what do you get if you win? Money isn't exactly worth anything."
Nora just gave you a quick wink and motioned for you to follow her.
Three Days Later
Isaac didn't have any more assignments for suppliers, and your assistance with the dogs wasn't required. So you readied yourself to enjoy a rare free day or two, but a solider came banging on your door the morning. After you had just returned from your supply run with Nora to let you know the man wanted to see you in his office.
You dragged yourself out of bed with a sleepy groan cursing the entire world. What could Isaac possibly want now? He literally told you last night today was yours. A five minute shower and ten minutes spent going through your closest trying to determine what to wear, and a quick stop to the mess hall for breakfast. You finally arrived at his door giving it a gentle knock.
"Its y/n"
"Come in" replied his gruff voice.
You opened the door to the sight of Isaac sitting behind his desk with his hands folded together in resting atop it. Abby sat in chair on the right side with both of knees maintaining a steady bouncing pace. The second your foot stepped into the office she launched to her feet. Already red in the face jabbing a anger finger at you.
"What is she doing here?"
"Sit back down Abby" Isaac commanded rather than answer her question.
"But-" she started to protest until he fixed her with his steely gaze, and she finally listened. Plopping back down into the chair propping her elbow up on the arm, and placing her chin in her awaiting hand. Abby grumbled complaints under her breath while you took the chair beside her holding back an amused smile.
"Owen and Manny are both out of commission for the next few days, and you need a partner for your scouting mission today." Isaac said laying both of his hands flat on the desk.
"Are they okay?" You asked a bit concerned.
He nodded. "Mel said it was some type of stomach bug possibly caused by. A bad batch of fish from last night's dinner, but we're keeping them in a restricted area to be sure."
Your mind wandered back to your conservation with Nora just a day ago, and you knew without a doubt this was her doing. You fought off the urge to grin again.
"I don't need a partner Isaac I can handle this by myself." Abby argued throwing you a side glance trying to hide the guilt in them.
"After what happened on your last mission I won't risk it. The infected could be anywhere in this point, and you never know when a horde is going to show up. Plus those Scars are getting more bolder with each attack. Y/N compliments your skillset nicely, and has enough experience."
"But she's reckless-"
"And I trust you to maintain control over this mission, and put her in place if the need arises. Are you telling me you can't handle it?" Isaac narrowed his eyes at Abby almost daring her to continue questioning his decision.
"No sir I can handle it" Abby answered dropping her head with a look of despair.
The scouting mission was a simple one. Located about three miles from the main WLF base was a small cabin near a set of watchtowers. A group of soldiers stumbled upon it on they're way back, but didn't feel comfortable scoping it out. They were injured, malnourished, and sleep deprived after spending days hiding out in Scar infested territory trying not to be discovered.
It was close enough to base Isaac was sure none of the Scars were stupid enough to get this close. And if there were a few hanging out about you and Abby were more than capable of taking them out. He did order to bring one back for interrogation if the two of you found any.
The cabin was located in wooded area where the trees grew too great heights, and the bushes were dense. Abby walked ahead of you hacking any blocking vegetation away with her machete. She did it in such an aggressive way you were pretty sure this was her stress reliever. Anything would do rather than actually getting it off her chest through conservation. You followed behind her maintaining a comfortable distance. It went like this a solid hour or so into the trail before finally you couldn't take the silence anymore.
"Are you going to ignore me the whole time Abby?" You asked her.
"That depends what do you want to talk about?" she shot back not even bothering to pause to look back at you.
"I don't know how about the fact you lied to Isaac and got me put on supply duty."
Now she stopped whirling around to face you her face shrouded in disbelief at your words. "I didn't lie your actions were reckless on that mission." She raised the machete pointing at you, but then realized it and slid into the waistband of her pants.
"Yeah but that's not why you reported me is it? You accused closing the distance between you two.
"Why else would I report you y/n?"
If she was going to continue to play dumb then you were happy to bring up the elephant in the room again. "To get me away from you for a few days, so you could bury those feelings so deep inside of you again. You'd forget they were ever even there."
A red tint coated her cheeks as her eyes averted the contact from yours now. Instead she turned her gaze to the ground below swallowing a lump in her throat. "We should keep moving."
Not bothering to wait for your reply Abby turned back around and continued on the path to the cabin. You let out a sigh of exasperation running a hand down your face. Of course it wasn't going to be that easy to make her confess. You were going to play the danger card again.
The opportunity to do it without putting your life in any real danger presented itself. A whole hour later after the two of you finished hiking your way through all the deep bush. The trail cleared up a bit more till eventually one of the watchtowers came into view, and the closer you two got to it. The more realized getting to the cabin wasn't going to be easy as the group made it out to be.
The sound of rushing water filled the air when you and Abby got within ten feet of the tower. And the source of noise revealed itself once you reached the tower to it sitting on the edge of a ravine. Abby extended her arm out in front you. When both of you reached the edge of the grassy terrain that led down into a wide and deep ditch. That was filled up with water probably from the few storms to hit the area in the past few days.
You leaned over to try and determine just how deep it went wondering. If it was possible to walk across, but the bottom wasn't visible. The current was too strong to just outright risk it, and you didn't see a bridge or anything that could be used as one.
"We gotta find another way across" Abby said coming to the same conclusion. "Let's keep following the path farther down maybe the water level gets lower." She pulled out the map to look over for a possible better destination, so caught up with it. Abby missed the way your eyes lit with mischief when you looked upward. The two watchtowers were connected to one other by a decent size beam.
By the time Abby finished going over the map you were taking your first step onto the beam.
"Alright there actually might be a road..." Her voice trailed off when she discovered you were no longer beside or in front of her.
"Y/N" she called out your name her head swiveling in every direction in frantic search for you. Had the Scars managed to ambush and nab you with her so close? The thought terrified her so much she was five seconds away from working herself into hyperventilating just like last time. "Y/N" Abby cried out desperately again.
"Up here Abbs calm down" you shouted from your position standing on top of the beam. About thirty feet up in the air balancing on the metal surface with ease.
She followed the sound of your voice, and sighed with relief at the sight you. Bracing a hand to her chest she calmed her panicked breathing. It took a minute to get it back to normal then she glared up at you. "What the hell are you doing up there? Come down now."
"No we can cross this way" You argued with a tiny smirk.
"Y/N I'm not playing with you get down from there" Abby ordered again. Her voice more firm this time but you saw how nervous she was getting.
"But this is so much faster than walking like another three miles for a road that might destroyed. Plus that's farther than Isaac wanted us to go." You pointed out.
"I don't care I'm in charge and I said no. Now. Get. Down. Here." Abby pointed at you then the ground on her last two words.
"Fine I'll come down" You agreed. "But first I want to hear you say it." You added it as she relaxed again.
Your request made her quirked an eyebrow. "Say what?"
You shook your head. "No more games Abby finish what you were going to say to me. On our last mission before you stopped yourself I won't come down till you do."
Abby grabbed two fistfuls of her hair holding back a frustrated scream. It was a miracle she didn't unravel the braid. "Oh for crying out loud y/n let it go. I wasn't going to say anything besides what I actually said." Now please get down here before you fall and drown or something." Abby pleaded with wide and desperate eyes.
You dropped into a crouch swaying a bit but righting yourself immediately. A small cry exited Abby's mouths as she followed your every move in fear. "What would you do if I fell in? Would you try to save me?" You asked her softly.
"I'd do anything for you" she whispered so low you barely heard her. "Because we're friends and that's what friends do for each other." It was half a lie, and both of you knew it. You were too close to give up now. So you added more pressure by standing upright and turning to walk further away to the middle of the beam. "I thought it was because I was one of the best."
"You are y/n but you're my friend too. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting for the past couple of weeks. Is that what you wanted to hear? I'm sorry okay."
Close but not close enough.
"What exactly am I the best at Abby?"
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What?" she replied.
"You said I was one of the best but at what. It can't be fighting because that title goes to you easily. I mean not even our toughest guys can take you in a sparring match." You brought up your hand placing one finger down. "I know its not sharpshooting I mean I got I'm one hell of a shot, but so is Owen." Another finger brought down as you focused you on Abby again.
She dropped her head staring at the ground with her fists clenched at her sides. Her entire body was trembling with anger, or maybe the overwhelming emotion she kept trying to suppress.
"I guess it could be tracking I am really good at that" You said pausing.
"You're the best tracker we got, and I know that for a fact I'd be dead. If it wasn't for your tracking skills back when we got trapped in that cave during the blizzard." Abby said loud enough for you to hear her.
The memory came back to you in an instant. Almost two years ago the two of you had to seek refuge in a random cave while patrolling the area of a nearby hotel. The suppliers were searching it top to bottom for any resources. Back then the harsh winters had depleted many of your medical supplies, and other items. The area had an infected problem, so a small team of soldiers went along for protection.
You and Abby ended up wandering a little too far while following a stray runner to a small nest. No more than ten of them which was easy enough as long as you used stealth rather than bullets. Then the storm picked up making it all but imposing to find the way back. You were a survivalist before joining up with the WLF. Your father raised you in the wilderness teaching you every skill you would need to conquer it. When the world fell apart you were a little more than ready, and you put all that knowledge to use in an effort to keep yourself and Abby alive.
"I never seen someone fight so hard to live in a world that's just easier to die in." Abby went on looking up at you now. "It wouldn't have been fast but better than being tuned right? I was ready to accept defeat but you were there going out in storm risking your life for mine. Each time returning with food, or wood for the fire. You built a wooden door to keep out some of the cold, and no matter how bad things got during those five days. You never lost hope, or that cheerful attitude of yours."
The fear in her eyes dissolved to be replaced with adoration and the look warmed your entire body. "You never run out of it you know. It doesn't matter how bleak the situation is. And before I met you y/n I lost all that after my dad died. I lost all hope for a better world I didn't believe there was a single thing worth fighting for anymore. Owen was the only reason I kept going, but we fell apart so it wasn't the same. Then you made me see again just how beautiful the world can be. Because if my love for you isn't the most beautiful feeling I don't know what is. There I said it I fucking love you alright, and my biggest fear in this world is losing the person I love the most again. So please come down."
The speech that led to her confession caught you off guard hitting you like a ton of bricks. Her words tugged on all your heartstrings till they came loose, and tears of happiness clouded your vision. "Damn it Abby I love you would've done just fine." You said with a teary chuckle wiping your eyes on your shirt. One of your feet lost its footing and you stumbled before finding the beam again.
"Y/N come on" Abby shouted holding out her arms as if she could catch you. If you did indeed fall from that angle. "I want kiss you so hurry up alright."
The statement made you perk up a bit as the mischief came back sparkling in your eyes. "I don't know you made me work for that confession. You should have to work for our first kiss."
Her expression darkened but she smirked daring you to try her. "Y/N don't do this."
You smirked back while walking across the rest of the beam holding her eyes for the entire duration. She watched you disappear into the other tower in amusement and slight annoyance. Not wasting another second Abby bounded to the tower and climbed the ladder as fast as she could. Slowing down at the beam to take a deep breath, and doing her best not to look down. She took the first step placing one foot in front of another. Till she reached the other end your playful laughter filling her ears as you slid down the ladder. After making sure she made it across without falling, and you hit the ground running straight for the cabin.
Abby went down the ladder halfway before taking a huge leap. She didn't bother stopping to right herself giving chase almost immediately. Even with your head she started catching up to you in just a matter of seconds.
"Abby I get the bonus points for helping you face your fear right." You called out pushing your legs to go faster.
"Not a chance" Abby yelled back matching your pace.
Her arms wrapped around your waist from behind and you were yanked backwards off your feet. You let out a shriek of laughter when her fingers dug into your sides. "Abbs no" You laughed trying to break free of her grip.
Abby secured your back to her chest with a single muscular arm while her other hand continued to wreck havoc. She tickled you into you were breathless and in tears, and before you had recover. Abby turned you around in arms and pressed her lips to yours. Any breath you managed to get back into your lungs vanished again. As your eyes closed and your body melted in her arms. Lucky for you Abby kept you upright with her arms constricted around your middle.
You had dreamed of this moment more than a hundred times. Each time wondering if the real thing would live up to your fantasy. Of course the real Abby surpassed all expectations, and your questions of rather or not she knew how to kiss went out the window. Her lips moved slowly against yours in such a way. It was like she was guiding on exactly what to do, and you followed her lead eventually your hands found their place in her hair. You tugged her a bit closer and she moaned into your mouth pulling away for a fraction of a second. Before deepening the kiss swinging your body around to push you up against a tree.
The bark bit into your skin but the only thing you could focus on right then was. How your body lit up with a want no a need for Abby. It wasn't enough your toes were curling from the passion she kissed you with. You shoved against her shoulder, and Abby pulled away immediately eyes filled with concern. "Did I hurt you?"
"No but the cabin."
She scoffed. "We got plenty of time."
You flicked her forehead causing her to yelp in pain and pull back again. "What?" she whimpered eyes zeroing in on your swollen lips.
"I bet its a lot more comfortable in there way more appropriate for making out" You told her.
"That would be inappropriate behavior" Abby started nuzzling your neck. Her lips drifted to your ear "good thing I'm in charge huh." You squealed in surprise as she lifted you in arms bridal style, and began to carry you to the cabin.
Where the two of you would stay for a few more days, and long nights. Consequences be damned this time.
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otdiaftg · 3 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Fourteen
Day: Saturday, March 9th / 10th* Time: 3:50 PM EST
Abby had kept her distance long enough, it seems. She comes around the bed, wide-eyed and frantic, but only makes it to the corner before Andrew realizes her intentions. He catches hold of Nathaniel to turn his face forward again and shoots Abby a look so vicious she stops in her tracks. "Get away from us," Andrew says. "Andrew," Abby says, quiet and careful. "He's hurt. Let me see him." "If you make me repeat myself you will not live to regret it." Nathaniel has never heard that murderous tone from him. It makes his hair stand on end but somehow eases some of the lava in his chest. It is Nathaniel's fault Andrew's self-control is in shreds, but it is also for his sake. Andrew's bottomless rage will never hurt Nathaniel, and that makes all the difference in the world. Nathaniel gives Andrew's hair a cautious tug. Andrew resists the first two attempts but finally lets Nathaniel drag his attention back where it needs to be. "Abby, I just got out of the hospital," Nathaniel says without looking away from Andrew. "I'm as good as I can be right now." "Neil," Abby tries. "Please," Nathaniel stresses. He doesn't hear her step back but he knows she does by the way Andrew's death grip on his skull relaxes. Nathaniel keeps one hand buried in Andrew's hair but finally lowers the other. In quiet German he says, "Did they tell you who I am?" "They didn't have to. I choked the answers out of Kevin on the way here." Andrew ignores the way Nathaniel gapes at him and says, "Guess you weren't an orphan after all. Where is your father now?" "My uncle executed him," Nathaniel says, wondering. He crosses a precarious line and presses two fingers to Andrew's chest over his heart. The memory chills him to the bone, and he can't suppress all of a shudder. "I spent my whole life wishing he would die, but I thought he never would. I thought he was invincible. I can't believe it was that easy." "Was it easy?" Andrew asks. "Kevin told us who he worked for." Nathaniel doesn't think either agent can understand them, but names are hard to disguise in any language. He is glad Andrew is smart enough to not say the Moriyamas' name aloud. "My uncle said he was going to them to try and negotiate a ceasefire. I don't know if he's strong enough to bargain with them, but I'd like to think he wouldn't have risked it without real ground to stand on. Promise me no one's told the FBI about them." "No one's said a word to them since they said we couldn't see you."
Art used with permission by lnmei. Thank you @lnmei!
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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mivivienda · 4 days
— mike schmidt x teacher.reader
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𝐧.       there will be kissing, so watch out for that. enjoy!
𐙚       what happens when mike gains a little crush on abby's teacher?
𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠.       'baby i'm yours' by arctic monkeys
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🍎 — at first, he passes it off as nothing.
🍎 — those butterflies he feels when he goes to pick abby up from school and notices you? he's probably just hungry.
🍎 — the way he can't keep his eyes off of you? he was just zoning out.
🍎 — when he stutters and can't seem to hold a conversation with you for long because of embarrassment? he's like that with everyone.
🍎 — it's only when abby points out the fact he turns as red as the apple you have on your desk when he approaches you that he accepts his crush.
🍎 — he did worry for quite a long time. you were abby's teacher, for sake! wouldn't it be odd for her brother to be dating her teacher?
🍎 — what if you two broke up? it would be awkward to pick her up from school.
🍎 — he overthinks the whole thing each time he drives to pick her up.
🍎 — the thoughts only get worse when he actually has to go up to you, and notices you watching abby draw whilst complimenting her work.
🍎 — the sight just makes his heart spark more than bonnie did that one night.
🍎 — he shakes your hand and asks how abby did that day as the girl packs up all her things, and he can't help but zone out once you start talking about how well she's been doing.
🍎 — you always had adoring things to say about abby, like how she's your favorite student and intelligent, and mike loved to hear that.
🍎 — he just can't help the way your eyes brighten and your smile widens when you do talk about abby. the sight is too sweet for him, so he zones out and imagines seeing that every time he wakes up.
🍎 — this man desperately wants to hug you and never let go.
🍎 — interactions like these go on for a while, and the only person who's getting irritated is abby.
🍎 — she tries to talk about how amazing you are and how she loved you dearly, but mike would only hum before rushing her off to get into the car for school.
🍎 — so, as all kids do, she took matters into her own little artist hands.
        "so, abby is telling me you'd both like to have me over for dinner tonight?"
        "is that alright with you? it's okay if not!"
🍎 — so many emotions passed through him at that moment.
🍎 — a small glare was shot at abby as the girl clung to your side, grinning as she told you about how much she'd love you over for dinner.
🍎 — with the way you smiled back at abby, he couldn't help but agree that they'd want you over for dinner.
🍎 — abby would get a long lecture on the way home and whilst he was attempting to figure something out for dinner, but she didn't care. she was just happy you were coming over.
🍎 — mike would clean the whole house while getting abby to help.
🍎 — by the time you arrived, the whole house was spotless while the smell of food roamed the air.
🍎 — the food would probably be something like takeout, possibly a pizza depending on what you eat, but as long as it's cheap, he got it.
🍎 — abby probably asked you what your favorite food was so she could help mike get it for you.
🍎 — bonus impression points.
🍎 — mike would be in a more formal shirt as he let you inside, and right as you walked through the door, abby would rush up to you and hug you.
🍎 — as you all ate at the table, you would listen to abby talk about whatever it is she wanted to. even if it was the silliest things, you'd always remark and ask questions just so she'd be happy.
🍎 — mike had never seen her talk this much in her life, so he couldn't help but smile a bit every time abby laughed at a joke you'd make.
🍎 — eventually, she'd go off to bed while you helped mike with the dishes.
🍎 — he would say things like how you didn't have to do this, or that you didn't have to come over if you were busy, but you seemed so relaxed about it. you told him you wanted to help, and that you wanted to come over.
        "i know i don't have to help, but i want to."
        "and why do you want to help?"
        "because i care about you."
🍎 — that made his heart stop right then and there.
🍎 — you cared about him? he understood if you cared about abby, but why him out of all people?
🍎 — a small smile would creep onto his face as he would let out a low sigh, putting up the final plate before putting a hand on your cheek.
🍎 — he froze for a minute as he realized what he just did, but the worry vanished when you moved your head so his lips would meet yours.
🍎 — the kiss would last a bit before you softly laughed, commenting about how his hands were still wet from washing the dishes.
🍎 — the both of you would only laugh more as he dipped his hands in the soapy water and gently grabbed your face with it, you retaliating and doing the same.
🍎 — by the end of the water fight, you both sat there as you leaned against the counter, mike having a hand on your hip as he rested his forehead against yours.
🍎 — you would've stayed like that for a bit longer if it wasn't for the fact screams erupted from the end of the hallway about how you both finally got together.
🍎 — abby hurriedly hid back into her room as soon as mike started running down the hallway to get her.
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𐙚       requests are open !
reblogs + hearts + comments are appreciated, but i thank you for taking the time to read my works as well!
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obsessedvibee · 1 year
Tickle Fight
Pairing: Austin Butler x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Smut, …lots of detailed smut
Summary: Reader and Austin have a 4 year old daughter which makes it difficult to find time for intimacy. One morning they both take advantage of her sleeping in, but she ends up walking in on them.
Authors note: family/dad! Austin does something to me what can I say. Something about him living a domestic life.
"Baby?" Austin murmured in my ear.
"Hmm?" I hummed with my eyes still shut, basking in the quietness of the early morning. It was one of the rare times where neither of us had to get up for work. And when our 4 year old daughter didn't wake up before us.
"Baby," he slipped his arm over my own that was resting against my stomach, gently pulling me closer into his warmth. A soft rut of his hips made me aware of where he wanted things to go. "It would be a shame to let this precious time go to waste." Goosebumps raised on my skin when his stubble brushed my neck as he murmured the words into my ear. "Hm? What do ya think?"
I turned my head to capture the side of his mouth as an answer. He chuckled, his warm breath caressing my face, before pulling away, giving me room to roll over.
He watched while I situated myself to snuggle my way into the crook between his body and the mattress. He leaned down to press another kiss to my forehead as his hand slipped into the curve of my waist, his thumb rubbing back and forth. "We gotta be quick before Abby wakes up," I reminded.
He hummed in response gently pressing his soft lips to mine. My own lips parted enveloping his bottom lip as he worked at my top. Our mouths met over and over, every kiss growing in intensity. I slipped my tongue in his mouth meeting his own. In retaliation his hand that was resting on my waist pulled away to rest lightly on my mound. I giggled into his mouth and he paused unable to stop the smile pulling at his lips.
He quickly shut me up when his fingers gently started to play. The tips of his fingers traced the edge of my lips, testing to see how wet I had become causing me to inhale sharply. "We gotta get you ready, baby."
My heart warmed at his attentiveness, always making sure I was more than ready for him. With a few failed tries of placing his fingers in the right spot over the hood of my clit I reached down to guide his fingers. He gently began to rub, earning a quiet moan of appreciation beginning my journey to ecstasy.
"God you sound beautiful," he began slowing his hand. "I can't believe you're mine."
He pulled his hand away from me causing my eyes to open to see him enveloping his middle finger in his mouth coating it with his saliva. My toes curled and I tilted my hips forward searching for his hand. His blue eyes broke from mine, noticing the movement. "Look at you," he smiled, "You want me that bad, huh?" He locked eyes with me again as he placed the pad of his now wet finger on my clit again and quickly started rubbing. It was faster this time, making my eyes fall shut. I was so far gone for this man. I felt his beard on my breast before his tongue licked a wide swipe over my nipple making me gasp.
"You should let me fuck your tits one day,” he muttered against me.
The words weren't even that erotic but the image it created in my mind rocketed me forward getting me so much closer to my climax. "Oh fuck," I groaned, "you'd like that wouldn't you?" I tried to retaliate. I was almost embarrassed at how quick he had me teetering at the edge.
"It seems you do more than me."
He slipped his fingers down lower over my folds to my entrance pushing his middle finger in to part them collecting the new warm arousal to spread back over my clit.
"So fucking warm," he mused. "Think you're ready for my fingers?"
I opened my eyes again helplessly nodding. I was ready for anything he wanted to give me.
He grinned gently pressing his middle finger searching for my small opening, both of us moaning once his finger pushed in. He slowly began pistoning his finger into me, his palm meeting my mound at every stroke bumping my clit. He worked his way moving faster with every push. The squelching was his undoing. "Fuck that's so hot," he gritted out. To my dismay, he pulled out again, "open your eyes for me, baby."
His finger glistened with my arousal, and before I could react he took his finger and traced my other neglected nipple, spreading the arousal over the areola. "Aus," I whined. He smiled refusing to break eye contact as he leaned down and enveloped my now coated nipple with his mouth, gently sucking and using his tongue to play the with my hardened nipple. The sudden realization hit me that he was using the same tactic he uses for when his mouth is between my legs. Like my nipple was my clit. Pleasure jolted through my chest making me arch my back, pushing my chest into him. There had to be a direct connection between my nipple and my groin because before I could even warn him I felt the orgasmic contractions take over and the pleasure erupted spreading through the rest of my limbs. My hands gripped his wrist, squeezing for dear life. I was frozen in the height of my climax every muscle tense holding me arched into him, my jaw slack but not a sound could be heard. Finally the orgasmic grip that was on me let go and I crashed back to the mattress below gasping with a moan completely breathless. My body involuntarily twitched with the aftershocks and my chest heaved. I cracked my eyes to look at him.
"Holy fuck."
My grip loosened on his wrist freeing him. "I can't- that was-" he shook his head. "That was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen."
I smiled continuing to lay limp. My pussy was still contracting, trying to milk the seed out of a cock that wasn't there.
"Give me your hand," I reached out for him. He let me guide his fingers to my folds, easily pushing his two middle fingers into me.
"Feel that?"
I don't think he knew whether I was referring to how wet I was or the contractions but either way he didn't say anything. He just let his hand be, watching the area around his fingers glisten and twitch.
"It's all for you baby."
He glanced up almost in awe. That boyish look was in his eyes as if he was seeing a naked girl for the first time. I gently pulled his fingers out guiding his hand back to my own mouth. His eyes darkened as I opened my mouth letting his thick fingers in, licking and sucking the arousal off of him. A soft whimper escaped his throat, as I let him out. His warm blues were glossy, hooded with unbridled want and need.
He just gave me an earth shattering orgasm, and I'd be damned if I didn't give the same to him.
I pushed myself up to a sitting position about to make a beeline for his groin when I finally noticed it. He was already well underway. He started while he had me distracted. The waistband of his pajama bottoms were pushed down just under his balls as his hand worked his length. A soft grunt left his lips as his thumb swiped at the tip spreading the precome that was starting to leak.
My pussy contracted, my arousal spiking at the sight of him masturbating. I bit my lip afraid if I spoke I'd break the spell to watch how his hand expertly pleasured himself. I wondered how often he couldn't help but succumb to the ache between his legs when I couldn't be there to help him.
He made his way between my legs, pushing them open and back towards my chest spreading me open. He grasped his cock running it through my folds once before pressing it down to find my entrance. The head quickly found my opening and he gently pushed his way inside with a heavy grunt as he bottomed out. He stayed buried as deep as he could go, "god, I can still feel you pulsing."
I grinned letting my eyes fall shut with my head thrown back on the pillow letting myself just feel us being so intimately connected. I purposely clenched down, gripping his cock even more snugly making his mouth fall open with a curse. "You like that, huh?" I taunted.
"Baby, don't," he huffed squeezing his eyes shut.
My ego swelled, and his plea only drove me deeper to get him to come faster.
But there was something so hot seeing him struggle to hold himself back from finishing.
I relaxed my walls and gave him a moment to regain a bit of control over himself.
A heavy sigh left him as he ran a hand through his blonde hair, his eyes watching me. I smiled mischievously reaching up to thumb at his hard nipple before reaching up to the back of his neck pulling him down to me for a heated kiss. His tongue eagerly licked into my mouth exploring, coaxing a soft moan from me.
He gently began to rock his hips, his length sliding deliciously against my walls. I reached down placing my fingers just under where he was entering me, feeling his stiff length wet from my own arousal, sliding back and forth.
A sharp inhale came from him, "are you-?" He looked down between our bodies finding my hand feeling him. "Fuck, what are you-?"
I giggled pulling my hand away to settle on my clit to work myself up with him. I turned my head over to check the time.
Abby was usually up at 7.
But I was already so close, I just had to get him to finish fast. "Give it to me baby," I said low into his ear. At the same time I clenched down on him as he was about to pull back out making a sound come out of him that I know he’d be embarrassed of. "Fucking hell," he gripped the sheets in his hands trying to stave off but he was quickly losing the battle. I abandoned my clit reaching down to gently massage his balls that were tightly pulled up to his body as they were getting ready to empty themselves. I gave them a light squeeze and that did it. I felt him harden even further before a cross between a growl and a roar came out of his throat, and at the same time our bedroom door pushed open. "Daddy!” Abby's voice cried out excitedly seeing his form roused from sleep.
His face contorted into confused pleasure and pain as his cock started pulsing, emptying his seed into me. His eyes were locked into me begging me wordlessly and helplessly to cover for him. His mouth was sealed into a thin line struggling to keep his pleasured sounds from escaping, his nostrils flared with the desperate breaths his lungs craved.
"Baby, daddy will meet you in the living room! He's helping mama with something right now."
Her innocent eyes tried to make sense of why he was on top of me. I could see her wheels turning, full of curiosity. My heart was now pounding for other reasons as I continued to feel the warmth of his seed spreading in me.
"Why is daddy tickling you under the blanket?"
My face flushed, I almost felt like we were teenagers again and his parents walked in on us. Thank god we at least had a sheet draped up to his waist.
"Living room, baby girl, this is grown up time," I said more sternly.
She sighed and stomped away clearly irritated she was being sent away.
As soon as her steps faded away, Austin heaved for breath, slowly pulling out of me with a filthy wet suck as he parted from my soaked cunt making me shudder, goosebumps spreading across my skin. He collapsed next to me his chest heaving, a soft moan leaving with every exhale. I reached over running my hands over his damp chest making him flinch.
"Aus, it's okay, she's long gone now."
He shook his head still refusing to open his eyes. "I feel like a pedophile."
He opened his eyes shame written all over his face. "I just came to the sound of my four year old daughters voice."
I glanced down at his slowly softening cock resting on his thigh, occasionally giving a weak twitch as his body continued to come down from his high.
“For all she knows, we were just cuddling.” I reached over to the nightstand grabbing a few tissues for myself before standing. “And for the record you were already there before she barged in.”
A weak smile came over his face breaking the spell as he tucked himself back into his pants with a small hiss, clearly sensitive from being so fresh after an orgasm. “Remind me to buy a lock for our door.” He grumbled before walking out to meet Abby in the living room.
Feedback appreciated! Let me know what you think! Or feel free to send me a request 😊
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thornsinmycrown · 4 months
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warnings: [ MDNI +18 ] kidnapping, yandere, obsessive, isolating, stalking behavior, mention of sexual themes. word count: 731
summary: he just wants his little sister's babysitter to be safe.
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He totally has a "crush" on you, something innocent at first. It's undeniable to this point, Abby draws you with them and her friends, there's a big wall wrapped in her drawings like wallpaper, her big brother and yourself holding hands with cute little red hearts all around you.
He talks about you at dinner time, asking Abby how did you treat her and if you were nice for the day, he promised her that you will always stay with them, that he would find a way to make you stay forever.
You know he hasn't had an easy life, talking to you in confidence about Garrett and how he couldn't save him, the way he feels about failing his own family and you admire his compromise over Abby.
Sometimes he takes it to extremes, overprotecting her and doing what you and the little girl consider dismissing fun time.
At first it seemed to be something normal to you, she was the only of his family left, the constant reminder of how lonely and how lucky he was to still have a bond with his parents at the same time, but with time you grew tired of wiping Abby's tears that were actually cried over nothing.
The first time you two had the talk and spoke about it, he was in denial. Mike assured he wasn't controlling Abby's life, he was keeping her safe from the dangers of the world.
You try to remind him what is obvious, that she is a kid and kids need to play and make friends, have fun and enjoy childhood.
He immediately felt bad watching you yell at him to make him take in count the child's feelings, and that's when he realized how important you were — how much of his tiny family needed a mediator like you.
He resents —and admires— your humanity. He is aggressive, cunning, rough to any edge, and deep down he knows you are too, except you don't let that take away your compassion.
Mike yearns for every piece of you now, any kind of affection is well received, whether it is a simple greeting or a friendly waving hand, he even prepares himself to gently smile no matter how awkward it feels, your small confused nodding gesture gets him every time.
You don't judge his incapacity to retain any job and he feels maybe you're the only person in the world who actually understands his struggles — his failures.
When he starts working at Fazbear's he fears he could be loading you too much responsibility, working the night shift wasn't his ideal and, though you'd never let him down, he felt worried you two were going to be alone for so many hours.
The first three nights everything was alright, until the fourth happened.
Animatronics chasing down his little sister was the last straw, it made him snap inevitably, you and Abby weren't safe at all, any time you could be murdered by any of them and there wouldn't be a way to save you.
He fears losing you, what would he do without you?
You help him get rid of them for the little girl's sake, temporarily disabling the animatronics like Vanesa instructed, but you get hurt in the process.
The yellow bunny twists the knife inside you, you let him in order to protect Abby, and it doesn't cost you as much as it costs Mike.
The idea of your loss only fuels Mike's grief, it's like losing his family all over again, but this time will be different — this time he has the chance to change the ending.
You wake up in a hospital bed, your ribcage hurts and you have an injured leg, the first thing your eyes see are his, red puffy eyes full of pain.
A week passes so you can leave the hospital, and he has a room for you in the house.
You try to explain to him you have a place to live since you rent a shared room with another person, but he insists you're not safe there.
"What if he comes back and tries to hurt you again?" "What if this time he—?" He cannot even end the sentence, he can only imagine the worst.
You agree to stay for a couple of days while your injuries heal, yet the unsettling part is just about to begin for you.
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Author's note: I had in mind this headcanons since the first time I saw the movie and once I left the theater I started working on them but just release them now because I couldn't finish them in a way I like until today. I'll do a second part to this just because I think it has more potential to add to his character.
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Hurt and a Plan - FNAf 2023
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Mike Schmidt x fem!reader
warning : fluff, comfort, blood, kissing
Summary : When Mike comes home from work and is injured, he is glad that a his sister is already asleep and b his girlfriend is waiting for him and taking loving care of him.
Info : Long story short I needed some more Mike and some comfort so yeah here you have it. Have fun reading ;)
His work already sucked, his dreams were more disturbing than usual and to make matters worse, the cut on his cheek and arm was more painful than he wanted to admit.
The animatronics, the whole place his own mind it was time to go home and he was glad and grateful for the first time that his junk car started. ,,Just away and home," he mumbled as he closed the door behind him and got into his car, the engine started on this still dark morning and he disappeared down the road to the settlement.
Please let Abby sleep and don't leave her with cuddly toys, he hoped inwardly as he glanced at the little stuffed monkey that was still lying on the back seat after he had taken his sister away.
She had insisted and he was glad that he had locked the office otherwise he wouldn't know what he would have said to Steven if the game machines or the animatronics had broken.
But he trusted in his girlfriend, she was his blessing and his everything. An encounter at his last job they had both bumped into each other while watering the plants in one of the flower stores and had both had to squeeze into the staff room in front of the dryer to get reasonably presentable.
And then she gave me her jacket... she wanted me to keep it, he thought, looking at the jacket on the passenger seat. It was an encounter that led to a committed relationship. She had the way to his heart and he to hers.
He had his own family for the first time...sort of. The thought was still strange, but when he parked the car in front of the house and saw the light still on in the living room, he knew she was still alive.
She was waiting for him, his sweetie. Entering as quietly as possible, he found himself in the small living room and dining room. Two in one, clearly saving space the last thing they had.
But even though he sometimes felt ashamed of his house, his favorite was there to find him and reassure him that it was all right. ,,Good morning-oh my goodness darling, what's happened?" he heard his partner say excitedly and worriedly as she got up from the chair.
She had seen the blood seeping through his sweater and he was grateful that the TV was still on to drown out any conversation, the last thing he wanted was for Abby to wake up and get scared.
,,Nothing I mean I got stuck and fell...I'm fine" he tried to shrug it off already trying to push past her he could feel his fear of her rejection, his pain, his thoughts of her leaving him. It was bad, the whole day was a tragedy.
But before he could crawl into the bathroom, he felt her hand on his shoulder. She looked at him with a gentle look,
,,Mike, hey, what's going on? I-I know this isn't easy, Mike, but I'm okay? Let me help you," she said as she saw him avoid her gaze, afraid of what was to come, before she slowly pulled him towards the bedroom. She saw how he seemed to be praying inside that Abby wouldn't wake up.
Luckily for her, as far as she could see it was not a complete deep cut, so he must have escaped to avoid a deep cut. ,,This is going to hurt a little...tell me what happened if you want" she began and opened the suitcase, seeing him turn his gaze from the ground back up to her.
Saw that tears were still in his eyes but also deep gratitude for their love, their relationship together and everything. ,,I-I fell asleep... well nothing special... but then I don't know my brother he-" he interrupted himself to let out a pained groan as she disinfected the wound he held onto her lightly and the blanket probably suppressed a painful cry.
,,Shh it's okay take it easy it's over you're here you see" she said and gave him a soft kiss on the stinr knew he liked it he wanted such a kiss every morning he almost begged for it and they both started laughing just for a kiss but she gave it to him.
Just like he always gave her a double kiss on her cheek. It was a little ritual of love but now they seemed to need each other even more. He was always there for her when she came home for the short time of sharing they both enjoyed, he brought her food with Abby when she forgot hers like al to fot or she brought him pictures and coffee with Abby.
It was all so fitting until those dark moments of reality. She heard his whimpering a mix of his joy and pain as she took care of his wound again after the reassuring kiss.
It looked better after a few minutes, the cut would heal with further treatment and she closed the bandage around his arm before putting the materials away and coming back to him. ,,Thank you, I know, I know I'm not with me today, the dreams, the job, everything is difficult," he began, turning to her and taking her hand in his, the trembling seeming to ease as he touched her. It always reassured him when they were together again.
He slowly fell backwards onto the bed, pulling her with him, the sound penetrating the silence before she cuddled up to him, resting her head on his chest, his heartbeat calm and almost slow. The fright and pain still made it beat a little fast but not so alarmingly that he had a panic attack. However, there was no longer any reason for him to be safe and with his family for now.
He put his hand on hers and drew small circles again, ,,I know it's difficult Mike...but believe me I'll stay with you I won't leave you and do you want my honest opinion?" she asked looking at him and saw that he had closed his eyes probably happy about the calm after the storm. ,,Please," he mumbled, just letting her go, even though she knew he always wanted to hear the truth anyway.
They would make it, but they both knew inside that it wasn't possible here. ,,Let's get out of here, make another ship and me too and then just get away from all this," she said the words they both hadn't dared to say knowing what it meant. She saw him open his eyes again from the poster on his ceiling that he was holding on to and look at her.
She saw uncertainty and fear flash inside him again, his eyes reflecting the fear. ,,Away? Where to? We don't have a home, there's nothing left except my money-losing aunt," he countered, knowing that his aunt was the biggest and only problem in all of this.
His aunt didn't like her either, but that was mutual. None of them liked her. ,,I don't know, I mean we've been saving up a bit to go to another state or get out of here altogether," she went on, but continued to hold on to him, making it clear to him that no matter what he said, she wouldn't leave him. Silence fell between them and she feared he would pull away from the room.
But instead he gave her a kiss on the head. ,,A month...a month to work as much as we can and you can look for a new place together," he said, she seemed to be watching him think about where they could go, how they could build a new life and whether Abby would even go along with it.
,,I love you Mike no matter what we end up doing," she told him, hearing his ,,I love you even more" words back before she felt him kiss her and pull her a little closer. The pain of the wound, his dream and trauma over for now. Whatever they would both have in the end, they would stay together.
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stop-talking · 3 months
Sleepless Nights
Mike & Abby fluff; Abby's POV!
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500 words
Tags: sibling love, bonding, fluff, Mike & Abby, post-movie
Based loosely off a request from @futturmansgf for some Mike & Abby fluff <3
Abby wakes up to the sound of creaking floorboards once again.
Honestly, she has no idea how Mike thinks she doesn't hear him. He's been doing this more and more lately, getting up in the dead of night to pace around the house.
Is he having nightmares too? She can't imagine how he wouldn't, after the events that went down at Freddy's.
Abby tries to drown out the sound of his footsteps, closing her eyes and squeezing her stuffie a little tighter. Unfortunately, all she can think about is her brother.
His eyebags have become more prominent lately. He's always been tired, for as long as she could remember. But now, he's at a whole 'nother level.
She thinks back to yesterday, how he nearly fell asleep at the wheel while picking her up to school. And the day before that, when she caught him dozing off at the dinner table, cheek in his mashed potatoes.
Okay, that had actually been kind of funny. But this is serious. How could she help him? Every time she brings up anything related to sleep, he brushes her off. Says he's "just tired". Adults are such bad liars. Or at least, Mike is.
Abby tosses and turns in bed, made increasingly restless by the sound of her brother's footsteps in the hall. Ugh, if she wants to get some sleep, she's going to have to fix things herself, isn't she?
Huffing and throwing off the covers, she slides out of bed and makes her way out into the hall. Mike whips around at the sound of the door opening, but his face softens when he realizes it's just her. Who else would it be? He's so silly.
"Abs, what are you doing up?" He asks, hand nervously scratching at the back of his neck.
"Had a nightmare." Abby blinks up at her brother, giving him her best pitiful look. It's not hard to do, she really is tired.
Mike sighs and scoops her up into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around her protectively.
"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" She asks, tilting her head up to look into his eyes, cheek against his chest.
"Y-Yeah, sure." He stammers out a response, obviously surprised by the request. Abby doesn't blame him. She hasn't asked to sleep in his bed since she was... what, five? Six?
Still, he picks her up and carries her into his bedroom. Abby is perfectly capable of walking the ten or so steps to his bed, but she just lets it happen. Mike needs to think he's the one helping her, or else this isn't going to work.
"You need anything? Want me to grab one of your stuffed animals?" Mike asks, throwing his comforter over her.
"No, I'm fine." Abby wraps an arm around her brother as he crawls under the covers with her, lying her head on his shoulder.
Mike reaches over and starts to play with her hair. He hasn't done that in a looong time. She's missed it.
Abby just hums softly, letting Mike pretend he's doing her a favor. Well, maybe he is. Just a bit.
Eventually, his hand goes limp and he drifts off to sleep.
He's so lucky he has a little sister to take care of him.
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