#healthcare delivery
indizombie · 2 years
Health economist Rijo M John pointed out that PPP can become unfavourable for ordinary patients, especially if the “private” dominates the “public.” “The government should promote the PPP model of healthcare delivery only after ensuring sufficient tertiary care facilities in the public sector itself,” John said. He added that when there is already a lack of sufficient tertiary care facilities at the district level, adopting the PPP model for existing hospitals might result in more profiteering by the private sector, with the inevitable increased out-of-pocket expenditure for the general public.
Sumi Sukanya Dutta, ‘Privatisation of district hospitals: Wheels set in motion in 5 states’, Moneycontrol
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harmeet-saggi · 6 months
What Is Value-based Care?
Value-based care is a payment system that incentivizes quality and cost outcomes, rather than merely rewarding procedures or volume of care. Value-based care emphasizes patient health outcomes over speed and quantity of services, with incentives to improve both the value and the economics of healthcare delivery.
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wellhealthhub · 9 months
Decoding the Dropship Agent Meaning: A Comprehensive Guide
Unlock the complexities behind the term ‘dropship agent’ with our comprehensive guide. Dive into the roles, responsibilities, and value these agents bring to your dropshipping business. Introduction to Dropshipping Definition of Dropshipping Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases…
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Me and my friends have a monthly game night, where we play a game or competition, and the loser has to make a donation to a charity of the winners choosing. Next month is gonna be racing Go-Karts, and I've got this in the bag. Are there any TB related charities you would recommend I send my friends to?
YES. The folks leading the charge at expanding treatment access are:
The Stop TB Partnership
Partners in Health
The Treatment Action Group (which was founded by ACT UP but has now expanded to seek better treatment for people living with TB as well as HIV).
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cooki3face · 6 months
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We need to talk about healthcare and financial crises. There are a lot of us who wholeheartedly believe that there are cures to everything but that our illness is a form of profit for our country, especially within the United States. Just like the fact that instead of having fruit and vegetables and herbs be readily available and accessible for us, we’ve got to go buy them and as inflation increases, the price tags on healthier food choices increases. In the United States, you can get fined for not having insurance, but when you do have insurance you have to pay a fee to have it, large chunks of our pay checks are eaten up and taken from us as well as tax dollars. We not only have issues in the health care system regarding racial bias and discrimination but we also have a problem with the maternal mortality rate, especially in women of color, and especially in regards to black women.
We know who is most likely to get sickle cell anemia and who is most affected by it, and we know who is going to have a hard time affording a 2.2 million cure for sickle cell anemia. We know a large quantity of individuals with chronic illnesses or life threatening illnesses that require intensive medical care and medication are people or color or minorities. We know that people of color and minorities have historically been and systematically been financially unstable, have been paid more, or have been offered the lowest standard of care and resources. Why are we creating cures and services that we know a large percentage of our population cannot afford or does not have access to? And now, we have a case where even a larger percentage of our population cannot afford healthcare and services due to the economic state of our country.
We’re continuing to have children, especially as women, when we need to advocate for better healthcare and support. Women worldwide need to start setting better requirements for when they’re going to have children and how. As someone whose been interested in midwifery for years and has been reading up on midwifery and birthing practices and what is absolutely necessary and essential in order to give a woman a chance at having a smooth, healthy, and safe pregnancy. Vast majority of women who are having children don’t realize that today’s practices for birthing children or preparing you for labor and delivery are less than the bare minimum. Women need access to good food and need to be able to eat well and have a nutritionally balanced diet, women need to be able to participate in physical activity and exercise throughout their pregnancy (yoga, Pilates, walking, etc.) and especially with trained professionals and staff who are educated on what type of physical exercise would best benefit a woman throughout her pregnancy and what will ultimately help her out when it’s time to deliver, they need access to good environments and practices that are created to benefit them and make their experiences easier, safer, and more comfortable. And they absolutely do not need to be required to pay an arm and a leg in hospital fees to have a child in the United States.
We need better health care that better accommodates women in the process of conceiving, women going through their pregnancy, women who are laboring and delivering, and women who are still alive during post partum healing. All these things should be requirements. All of these things should be covered by insurance. The issue is so large that women are having to travel outside of the United States to give birth to their babies and come back so that they could have better care and a better recovery and overall survival rate. It’s expensive to hire a midwife, let alone a dula for spiritual guidance and support. All women should have access to midwives and dulas and there needs to be more women in the birthing industry. We know that traditional midwifery practices and practices that were created to better aid women and were more effective and atomically accurate have been let go of or replaced.
Children are expensive, motherhood is expensive, and at this current moment we have mothers who are going through their pregnancies and post partum without proper resources and care and we have children coming into this world constantly and repeatedly to environments, parents, circumstances, etc. that aren’t financially, emotionally, or physically fit or stable to give them good lives. We need to stop having children at such a rate whilst we shift our focus to advocating for better health care and support for our women. Having a child is a privilege, some people may not agree, but just because we love them does not mean that we should all be having them because at this time we do not have the proper resources to bring them into this world correctly or provide for them.
There’s a lot going on here and a lot we need to advocate for. And those who are chronically ill or have been intense physical ailments and pregnant women who are giving birth to babies are just the tip of the iceberg. This isn’t even including the chronically mentally ill or those with developmental disabilities whose families have to pay thousands of dollars just to get them what they need. Since we’re changing the world and there is a shift happening, it’s time we start having the right conversations at the right time. There’s no time to change the world like today.
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sadbeautifutragic · 6 months
the kate cox abortion case in texas is making my blood boil. the fetus will likely die and she could lose her uterus thus preventing her from having more children but pro-life monsters like paxton want to threaten her physicians
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health-2point · 1 month
ProNail Complex: A Look at the Nail Care Supplement.
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ProNail Complex is a dietary supplement marketed towards improving overall nail health. It promises to address common nail concerns like weakness, brittleness, and discoloration.
What Does ProNail Complex Offer?
The product highlights its ability to strengthen nails, promote healthy growth, and improve appearance. Additionally, some sources claim it can benefit foot health by targeting toenail fungus and keeping skin hydrated.
How Does ProNail Complex Work?
The information available about the formula is limited. It appears to be a liquid solution, possibly containing ingredients like flaxseed oil, aloe vera, and essential oils. However, there's a lack of transparency regarding the full list of ingredients and their dosages.
Effectiveness and Credibility
There's limited scientific evidence to support the claims made by ProNail Complex. While some user reviews boast positive experiences, others report minimal to no improvement. Additionally, the manufacturer's website and marketing materials lack transparency about ingredients and clinical trials.
Before You Buy ProNail Complex
If you're considering ProNail Complex, it's wise to consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional. They can advise on the best course of action for your specific nail concerns. Additionally, researching alternative nail care solutions and established topical treatments for fungal infections might be helpful.
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chu-diaries · 8 days
100 days of mental healthcare: day 24/100
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I can’t believe it’s been already a month since my birthday! I’m so happy I’m taking better care of myself, but it’s also very sad that I haven’t done that in the last 29 years.
Today I woke up early, had breakfast and cleaned my house. I worked until 7 pm and ordered a burger because I was hungry and tired (also, I ate really well this week and I deserve a break from cooking my own food sometimes). I ate it watching one of my favorite Ghibli movies: Kiki’s Delivery Service 🥰
🥀: day 25/29
💧: 🚫
🏃🏻‍♀️: 🚫
🧘🏻‍♀️: 5 min of conscious breathing
📺: Kiki’s delivery service
📚: hp and the order of the phoenix
🎮: 🚫
🛑: 6h pick-free
💊: all vitamins were taken
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switchcase · 1 year
Anyway I talked to my Dr about surgery again since she suggested it last time and she gave me lots of information and the apparently Various reasons and health risks that insurance would definitely cover it for me.
Downside she is Very Pregante and so is her other colleague that does that surgery, so I either have to schedule the surgery before mid-July (and feel very bad for making a very pregnant lady do surgery on her feet for however many hours it is) or wait til after October. Which I wouldn't mind because I could blink and it would be October but if I wait til after October I'll have to deal with having to work around being on immunosuppressants (which are currently still being argued about between insurance and drs and the low cost whatever program) for obvious reasons but also because I can't just go on and off them whenever the hell I want. That and fall tends to be a trauma time so that combined with surgery pain would probably not be the best combination. And instead of feeling bad about making a pregnant lady do surgery it would be feeling bad about a freshly unpregnant lady doing all that standing.
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gender-trash · 1 year
not to be a simp for capitalism on main but concierge medical care actually kicks ass. i pay $200 a year and i NEVER have to call them on the phone. i can request refills on my meds from the app (!) at midnight when i realize i ran out of adhd meds. not only is the website Actually Good, there's a built-in to-do list with a little red dot that goes away when i've done everything. they dont book the doctors back to back so i generally have chill visits with a 5 minute wait time. it would be great if all healthcare experiences were like this, but in the meantime at least there is one medical (my beloved)
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womenhealthguide · 5 months
Bump Bliss: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy Serenity
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Welcome to the ultimate guide on achieving pregnancy serenity – Bump Bliss. In this blog post, we'll delve into the key aspects of maintaining a peaceful and joyous pregnancy journey. Whether you're a first-time mom or adding to your growing family, Bump Bliss is here to empower you with knowledge, support, and tranquility. At the core of Bump Bliss is the belief that pregnancy is not just a physical process but a holistic journey. We emphasize the importance of nurturing your physical and mental well-being to ensure a serene experience from conception to delivery.
Navigating Physical Well-being
1. Nutrition Matters: Ensuring a well-balanced diet is crucial during pregnancy. Focus on nutrient-rich foods, incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
2. Safe Exercise: Consult with your healthcare provider to establish a safe exercise routine. Gentle activities like walking and prenatal yoga can boost your energy and promote a healthy pregnancy.
3. Essential Prenatal Vitamins: Discuss with your doctor the essential vitamins needed during pregnancy. Proper supplementation contributes to your overall well-being and supports your baby's development.
Maintaining Mental Health
Mindfulness Techniques: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Deep breathing exercises and meditation can help manage stress and promote emotional balance.
Stress-Relief Strategies: Identify stress triggers and implement strategies to alleviate them. Surround yourself with positivity, engage in hobbies, and seek support from loved ones.
Building a Support System: Connect with other expectant mothers through local groups or online communities. Sharing experiences and advice can be immensely reassuring and comforting.
Navigating the Challenges
1. Physical Well-being: Learn about proper nutrition, safe exercises, and essential prenatal vitamins. Our expert advice ensures a healthy pregnancy for both you and your baby.
2. Mental Health: Discover mindfulness techniques, stress-relief strategies, and tips for maintaining emotional balance throughout your pregnancy.
3. Building a Support System: Bump Bliss emphasizes the importance of a strong support system. Connect with other expecting mothers, share experiences, and create lasting bonds.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Can I exercise during pregnancy?
A1: Absolutely! With your doctor's approval, engaging in gentle exercises like walking and prenatal yoga is beneficial for both you and your baby.
Q2: How do I manage pregnancy-related stress?
A2: Practice mindfulness, indulge in activities you enjoy, and consider seeking professional support if needed. A calm mind contributes to a healthy pregnancy.
Q3: What should I include in my prenatal diet?
A3: Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Your healthcare provider can provide personalized recommendations based on your needs.
Embrace the journey of pregnancy with confidence and serenity. Bump Bliss is more than a guide; it's your companion, offering valuable insights and support. Feel free to share this blog on social media platforms and help spread the wisdom of Bump Bliss.
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life-of-eris · 9 months
I just did some quick math and the motherfuckers I work for pay me literally exactly enough so that I don't qualify for medicaid. Bastards.
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wellhealthhub · 9 months
How Does Dropshipping Returns Work Across Different Companies
Get a comprehensive understanding of dropshipping returns and refunds and discover strategies to streamline the process, depending on the company you’re working with. Table of Contents Introduction to Dropshipping Returns Understanding the Causes of Dropshipping Returns Crafting an Effective Return Policy Streamlining the Returns Process Handling Refund Requests Coordinating Returns with…
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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If this was America I’d really be fking legging it faster than all these fools combined
In THIS economy??? Just fking murder me instead you freak
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slutweed · 1 year
i have 2 and a half hours left of my shift today and I already want to call for tomorrow. not off until Tuesday I'm so checked out. i just want to lounge around like the mammal I am. Fuck production idccccc about selling clothes to people. we have a surplus, just pass them around.
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avetalive · 1 year
Understanding the Impact of Medical Coding on Healthcare Delivery
Medical coding is a vital aspect of the healthcare industry, helping to ensure that medical procedures and services are correctly billed and reimbursed. In New York, USA, Avetalive is a leading provider of medical coding services, offering comprehensive solutions to healthcare providers across the state. Read Complete article via visit our link!
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