#diseases and ailments
cooki3face · 5 months
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We need to talk about healthcare and financial crises. There are a lot of us who wholeheartedly believe that there are cures to everything but that our illness is a form of profit for our country, especially within the United States. Just like the fact that instead of having fruit and vegetables and herbs be readily available and accessible for us, we’ve got to go buy them and as inflation increases, the price tags on healthier food choices increases. In the United States, you can get fined for not having insurance, but when you do have insurance you have to pay a fee to have it, large chunks of our pay checks are eaten up and taken from us as well as tax dollars. We not only have issues in the health care system regarding racial bias and discrimination but we also have a problem with the maternal mortality rate, especially in women of color, and especially in regards to black women.
We know who is most likely to get sickle cell anemia and who is most affected by it, and we know who is going to have a hard time affording a 2.2 million cure for sickle cell anemia. We know a large quantity of individuals with chronic illnesses or life threatening illnesses that require intensive medical care and medication are people or color or minorities. We know that people of color and minorities have historically been and systematically been financially unstable, have been paid more, or have been offered the lowest standard of care and resources. Why are we creating cures and services that we know a large percentage of our population cannot afford or does not have access to? And now, we have a case where even a larger percentage of our population cannot afford healthcare and services due to the economic state of our country.
We’re continuing to have children, especially as women, when we need to advocate for better healthcare and support. Women worldwide need to start setting better requirements for when they’re going to have children and how. As someone whose been interested in midwifery for years and has been reading up on midwifery and birthing practices and what is absolutely necessary and essential in order to give a woman a chance at having a smooth, healthy, and safe pregnancy. Vast majority of women who are having children don’t realize that today’s practices for birthing children or preparing you for labor and delivery are less than the bare minimum. Women need access to good food and need to be able to eat well and have a nutritionally balanced diet, women need to be able to participate in physical activity and exercise throughout their pregnancy (yoga, Pilates, walking, etc.) and especially with trained professionals and staff who are educated on what type of physical exercise would best benefit a woman throughout her pregnancy and what will ultimately help her out when it’s time to deliver, they need access to good environments and practices that are created to benefit them and make their experiences easier, safer, and more comfortable. And they absolutely do not need to be required to pay an arm and a leg in hospital fees to have a child in the United States.
We need better health care that better accommodates women in the process of conceiving, women going through their pregnancy, women who are laboring and delivering, and women who are still alive during post partum healing. All these things should be requirements. All of these things should be covered by insurance. The issue is so large that women are having to travel outside of the United States to give birth to their babies and come back so that they could have better care and a better recovery and overall survival rate. It’s expensive to hire a midwife, let alone a dula for spiritual guidance and support. All women should have access to midwives and dulas and there needs to be more women in the birthing industry. We know that traditional midwifery practices and practices that were created to better aid women and were more effective and atomically accurate have been let go of or replaced.
Children are expensive, motherhood is expensive, and at this current moment we have mothers who are going through their pregnancies and post partum without proper resources and care and we have children coming into this world constantly and repeatedly to environments, parents, circumstances, etc. that aren’t financially, emotionally, or physically fit or stable to give them good lives. We need to stop having children at such a rate whilst we shift our focus to advocating for better health care and support for our women. Having a child is a privilege, some people may not agree, but just because we love them does not mean that we should all be having them because at this time we do not have the proper resources to bring them into this world correctly or provide for them.
There’s a lot going on here and a lot we need to advocate for. And those who are chronically ill or have been intense physical ailments and pregnant women who are giving birth to babies are just the tip of the iceberg. This isn’t even including the chronically mentally ill or those with developmental disabilities whose families have to pay thousands of dollars just to get them what they need. Since we’re changing the world and there is a shift happening, it’s time we start having the right conversations at the right time. There’s no time to change the world like today.
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wisdomfish · 8 months
Most people think that hell is the place where God tortures those for not following him. A better picture is that hell is a place of self-torment. They aren’t there to be tortured for their sins. They are there because they refused healing for their ailment and now they live in self-torment.
Jeffery Curtis Poor
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Ailment: space pixel dungeon
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warpfactor9 · 5 months
how am i supposed to be normal about star trek when [cunty spock voice] why THANK you, CAPTAIN mccoy.
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ybcpatrick · 1 year
fallen victim 2 the ailments . again.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
cw: talks of illness, needle mention/getting a shot
Bakugou loves you in your entirety. Loves your smart mouth and your little grins and fluttering lashes whenever you’re begging him for something. Swears to whoever would listen that he’d do anything for you.
Even when that includes taking care of you when your sickness becomes too great. When your body is too heavy to let you sit up on your own. Dabs a cold rag against your forehead when you break out in sweats from your low, holds a cup of orange juice to your lips (hand squeezed himself when you told him you hated how sour the processed ones tasted), unwraps your candy wrappers when your hands shake too much. He dotes over you the whole time, asks if you’re okay but only reply with a nod when you have a mouthful of candy, let’s you lay all over him when technically you’re in range again but your physicality hasn’t yet caught up.
And when you’re high, he doesn’t berate you. Doesn’t guilt trip you for eating a little more than expected, taking a little less insulin that you had calculated. He only kisses your forehead, brings you water bottle after water bottle when you go through them, doesn’t complain when he has to keep pausing the tv for your bathroom breaks.
Bakugou loves you in your entirety, with every ounce of his being. Never faults you when you’re moody, only asks in the most gentle tone if you’ve checked your numbers lately, and doesn’t hold it against you when you confess that that’s the root of your attitude right now.
He gives you your shots and draws a little pinprick of blood from your fingers, even though it terrifies him to do so. He’d hate to fuck up, but your belly has gotten so sore from the overuse of the area. Stands above you on the side of the bed, bent at the waist, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth, eyebrows downturned in concentration the whole time. He talks the step aloud of giving you a shot in your thigh, over wipes the area with alcohol, holds the fat there tightly until you giggle that he can relax a little. You have to remind him not to hold his breath when the needle slides in smoothly, and that he doesn’t have to kiss the area every time he finishes.
Bakugou rubs the knots out in the puffy areas, the lumps hiding underneath your skin. Gets a warm washcloth and soothes it over your skin when it gets sensitive to the touch. Doesn’t let you hide them when you undress, only kisses and kisses until the ache is somehow gentler on your muscles.
And on the days where you struggle, Bakugou is always there, a pillar for you to lean on. When the insurance is doing stupid shit with life threatening medicine, he’s there handling everything when your frustration takes over. When the media or fans make offensive stereotypes or comments or even ‘jokes’, he doesn’t hesitate to educate them, put them in their place, make them apologize even when he knows it’s hit something vulnerable in you. He fills you up on carbs before you go out drinking, and puffs his chest out when he gives you your shot in front of your friends with a little more confidence.
He annoys you though, with your CGM. He’ll send Kirishima or Mina over to your place when he gets a notification that you’re either high or low. Sends you a text that you’re rapidly dropping and better be stuffing some skittles in your mouth right now.
Bakugou loves you, and never in spite of your illness. He loves you, with your illness, with your lumps, with your mood swings and sensitivity when things just won’t go right today. He loves you, with everything that makes him whole, he loves you.
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owlbelly · 4 months
medical whining
endoscopy done, i now have bruises on both arms (rough IV placement, too-small pressure cuff which literally popped off lmfao fuck you nurse, you could have put it on my forearm the first time) & bad swelling from a tear inside my lower lip (the bite guard i guess??? this happened before but not nearly this bad) &...a 99% sure diagnosis of celiac disease, which is. something.
honestly i'm kind of relieved to know what i need to do but also i am uh. upset too? currently trying to figure out how much gluten i can actually safely have b/c my GI doc told me that as an asymptomatic person (as in my ONLY physical response appears to be villous atrophy) i can probably get away with like once a month gluten without serious long-term problems! & there appear to be studies backing that up, but everyone on the internet is like "OMG NO you can NEVER EAT A SPECK OF GLUTEN AGAIN or you'll get CANCER FOR SURE & any doctor who tells you otherwise is lying" so yeah. idk. ARFID + dairy free + 100% strict gluten free is too fucking much y'all i need to be able to occasionally compromise so that i can like. travel ever? fuck this.
also i am both hormonal & definitely emotionally/physically crashing from stimulant withdrawal now (no prescription in sight!) & only just got back to my house after a weird few days of being away that included some par-for-the-course medical mistreatment so i might be taking this harder. i've been GF/DF for a full year so i know i CAN just keep doing it. but it sucks. i did have a real bagel yesterday as a reward for the whole ordeal & it was so good. gonna get Indian takeout soon & eat a fucking samosa, then i guess i'll try to hold off on anything else for a while & see how i do.
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dreamofstarlight · 11 months
I’m breaking my own rule but fuck it: there’s little to no proof that the JFK and Marilyn affair even happened, there is one (1) photo of them together and it’s just them talking back stage after the birthday concert. All the “proof” is just speculation and built from conspiracy theories
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alwayssacred2 · 2 years
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runscold-runsdeep · 9 months
I have a ghoul oc
I'm tempted to write a fic involving his hillbilly ass
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poligraf · 5 months
Music exalts each joy, allays each grief, Expels diseases, softens every pain, Subdues the rage of poison, and the plague.
— John Armstrong
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dawnedon · 1 year
Dawn has been diagnosed with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), however the cause of her BPPV has stumped every doctor she's visited. Normally, it's an issue with the inner ear, but both Dawn's vestibule and her semi-circular canals are totally fine.
They don't know what exactly has caused it, or if there's even a cure for her vertigo. They diagnosed it in the general BPPV umbrella, but her condition, while mirroring vertigo, may be an entirely new and rare thing. Physical therapy for vertigo (which involves tilting the head with simple, slow movements, moving particles from the semi-circular canals into the vestibule slowly) didn't work for her. The MRI they had her do also came back normal - there were no issues to be seen.
Dawn's experiences with this ailment are generally very intense, and have lasted anywhere as short as one minute, to as long as several hours. Her dizziness makes the world spin, Dawn losing all sense of direction and which way is the 'right' way to be situated. These bouts can make her fall over as she loses her sense of balance, everything is spinning around her, and she feels like she's falling. In some instances, such as if she's recently eaten, she'll get nauseous and even vomit if the spell lasts for too long.
All doctors have been able to do for her is prescribe her meclizine - medication that helps with motion sickness and nausea. While it isn't a cure by any means, it does help make some of her bouts a little less intense.
In reality, doctors aren't sure what her condition really is, as they have never seen this in a patient before. All Dawn knows is that it started after entering the Distortion World - as if the realm permanently hindered her balance at random times. She's not even sure if it's a disease herself or what is going on. As far as she knows, she's the only person in the world with this ailment, and doctors have been working to put an actual name to her condition.
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redd956 · 1 year
Worldbuilding questions to get the creative juices flowing 21
Theme: Sicknesses, viruses, & diseases
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How common/rare is the ailment? Is it currently spreading? What is an approximant amount of people/entities it effects? How does this size of the effect it’s reception?
How scared are people of the ailment? Are there any measures being taken? If so what? And are these measures effective or harmful?
What does the ailment do? Is it fatal? Is it temporary or permanent? Does it leave anything behind even if cured?
What is the basic knowledge known about the ailment? What is the unknown knowledge about it?
Does it affect certain demographics more than others? Does it even effect people? Is any demographic immune to it and why?
How does the ailment enter its host? How does cause sickness? What type of ailment is it? (genetic, bacteria, viruses, parasite, curse, whatever)
Can the affected built immunity? Is there a cure? Are cures even possible? If there is no cure are people working on it? If there is a cure how was it discovered, and is it effective?
What happens if the ailment is never treated? Does it naturally go away or get significantly worse?
What are the symptoms? Is there a contagious period? How is it spread?
This is another topic I suggest throwing in lots of rabbit holes and research, because there is a lot more to diseases, viruses, and sicknesses than what meets the eye in our own world. Also get super creative, literally as worldbuilders, sicknesses have no limits.
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ask-mr-brisk · 7 months
What's your opinion about Snufkin x Moomin shippers?
What's a snufkin?
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
indescribable emotion about ryans posture in this panel with his heels pulled up to the bench while hugging his knees
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then he gets a call back and pretends hes normal and unbothered and hadnt been sitting literally at the edge of his seat
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