#how fucking dare you bring rumi into this
yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
Hello can I request a Keigo best jeanist and mirkos react to Seeing their S/o getting Brutally killed in front of them? (Seperately)
Yandere Hawks and Mirko reacting to their darlings death
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Warnings: violence, killing, mental issues, and a lot of angst; hint a suicide.
A/N: Hi, I don't write Best Jeanist so I decided just to write these two characters.
Sorry if this is short, I was hurried!! :((. Thank you for requesting, stay well.
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Hawks / Keigo Takamki:
His body shook with anger and denial.
Anything in his way feels his wrath. His wings shoot out, killing and smashing anything in his way as he jumped onto the villain. Brutely punching them until their face as unrecognizable, his fists and body splattered with red and bruised.
He didn't want to believe you were gone, even though he woke up to you never there — always flying around, almost searching for you, yet, nothing came.
Endeavor, of course, saw the change and showed a rare chance of compassion; a hand on his shoulder for support. But, it was pushed off; his face stoned cold, and his eye's colored black.
Keigo hits rock bottom — after everything, right when he had you and got a true meaning of happiness. He lost you, a true dove that belonged.
He completely changed. He didn't do his smirk, or show off his wings, but rather hid them whenever he was in public. Nor did he sleep, barely getting a few hours, only waking up with dreams of your laughter, smile, and touch; oh God your touch.
Suddenly, the television announced that Hawks was missing, expressing that he wasn't seen.
He was lost. He was missing, rather flew somewhere very high, only bringing your favorite blanket, some clothes, and a flower that you always adored.
The apartment was trashed. His feathers are sprawled everywhere, and trash added into the corner as everything is where you had left it; untouched.
Nobody knows where — or when he'll be back. But, the last thing that is seen by him was, on the fridge a sticky note dated: "Tomorrow, at 8pm."
— "I'm so sorry – why couldn't I save you?"
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Mirko / Rumi Usagiyama:
Rage and confusion consume her.
Immediately, she looks at the villain with a look of wrath; tears swelling in the corner of her eyes as she felt her adrenaline course through her body.
Rumi attacks the villain, throwing them around before beating them to a pulp; punching, choking, and hurting them till her hands were covered in thick blood.
She kept screaming "why?" And "how fucking dare you."
When the police show up, ask questions and take her to the hospital for a check-up... she's numb.
She doesn't believe it at first, she tries her hardest to say strong. She does. The only feeling of guilt and anger fills her heart.
When the funeral comes, she's reassuring everyone — but herself. She's letting your friends lean on her, cry on her shoulder as her eyes stunk from crying the night before.
When she comes back home, she breaks down. Sliding against the wall as she breaks everything; punching the wall, pulling at her ears and hair.
She keeps your favorite flowers around the house; decorated in vases with items stilled around the home. She never moves them, but rather admires them with tears rolling down her cheeks.
For the next few days, Rumi stays quiet. She stays in bed, and looks outside while the birds chirped and imaging your voice; touch; that sweet addictive scent of yours.
Slowly, everything loses its motivation for her. She won't bring herself to work, let alone eat, drink, or sleep. Just lay there, in the bed rethinking it.
The memory constantly repeats each minute of her time — your screams, your face, your blood. Everything.
— "It should've been me... why wasn't it me."
My masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
Content belongs to ©️ yandere-kokeshi only.
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inhumanescreeching · 3 years
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lowqual screencap for lowqual writing✌🏽(2)
bnha manga spoilers: chapter 290 and onwards
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i just finished catching up w the manga. let me cope in peace. yes this includes touya, i just couldn't find a panel with all four of them like this
update: i procrastinated on posting this so here we are now
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The Todoroki siblings
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headcanons with the todoroki siblings if they just... grew up different. happy. if todoroki enji had just... done better
in this setting: enji does not pursue all-might's rank, and so touya grows up free from the burdens that burnt him
that being said, shoto still gets his scar though it's because of a genuine accident. rei distanced herself from her children because of this
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relationship(s): todoroki touya & todoroki fuyumi & todoroki natsuo & todoroki shoto. todoroki enji & todoroki rei
tags: fix-it. canon divergence. family bonding. domestic. siblings. fluff
type: headcanons
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- ill start with giving rei and enji a reconciliation arc. flowers, dinner dates, and dancing that the four todoroki siblings absolutely did NOT plan
- touya grows up to become the serious, dependable older brother. fuyumi opens up to him about everything, natsuo is more at ease around him, and shoto looks up to him because he's always been there to help
- shoto proposes a game night, mainly because he's done it with his friends and had a fun time. monopoly was sibling betrayal wrapped up in flashfire capitalism, uno ended with five unofficial rules added and abided (because natsuo's a sore loser sometimes), and card games came and went with a dare worse than the last. at the end of the night, fuyumi suggested they watch a movie instead
- touya is a UA graduate (and before you ask, why yes- he and hawks are batch mates)
- fuyumi is the type of driver to go at half the speed limit on roads, to combat natsuo's road rage and touya's heartstopping speed. she's also the only one with a license
- natsuo used to be in a band, he was the drummer. the three always went to their shows whenever they could, screaming from the crowd and holding up placards with embarrassing photos of him. he still has some polaroids that he keeps in his bedside drawer, the four of them backstage after a performance
- when shoto comes to the staggering realization that he might not be straight, he blurts it out over the dinner table. it ends with his older siblings saying "same". enji is both amused and confused. rei knew all along
- during midoriya and bakugo's visit, touya gets absolutely swept by midoriya ("how did my little brother become friends with such a boy-") while fuyumi and natsuo get dragged into the kitchen by bakugo ("it'll be my pleasure to teach you a few of my recipes, bakugo-kun") ("you asking for a fight, spikey? bring it, loser has to wash the dishes")
- touya owns a tall, wooden wardrobe he got from rei about a decade ago that he still uses, and the doors (both inside and out) are littered with drawings from his younger siblings
- rei taught fuyumi how to do simple braids when she was small. when she grew older and learned more complex styles, she'd always ask for her mother's help. it became a refreshing way to destress for her
- the siblings ALWAYS band together when one of them goes through a bad day, or goes through the aftermath of one. that means help with chores, work, clearing out their depression room, etc.
- natsuo likes to travel. he does right after graduating with his bachelor's. he's never really gone for long, and he always brings back gifts. touya will never admit to missing him, but fuyumi teases him sometimes when she spots a souvenir from one of natsuo's old trips
- they've gone camping before. it was bad. so bad. hard lessons were learned like never disturb a beehive and jumping into a body of water was not, in fact, an efficient way to lose a group of wasps like how cartoons always show
- roadtrips also go bad if they're stuck with one room. space assignment was fine, the brothers prioritize fuyumi getting to sleep on a bed and they can all just share the floor. no, it's the bathroom that's the problem (i will not elaborate, if u have siblings yk)
- new years are fun. touya and shoto make the fireworks and it's always a contest. fuyumi and natsuo handle the food ofc, no way were the other two getting near the kitchen. touya and shoto handle decor, the karaoke, and sometimes even the guests, if one dares to show up
- having a significant other as a todoroki also meant subsequent mental torture for whoever victim they choose to court. fuyumi was still a little bitter about the time she brought home rumi and her brothers absolutely crushed her
- expect a lot of inside jokes, as most siblings have. it can be as crappy as a pun made three years ago that keeps coming back or maybe it's a stupidly funny accent of one word. you never know
- also there's this sort of sibling telepathy that works only on the most random time. spend a long enough time with someone under the same roof and you'll start syncing up words, or thoughts, or vocabulary. imo it's def natsuo and fuyumi
- late night talks are inconsistent and so fucking random. maybe shoto couldn't sleep so he goes downstairs to get water, and boom touya and natsuo are on the couch questioning why they exist. it stems to fuyumi waking up to argue with the nihilistic direction they were heading
- the three are always there for shoto in u.a. events. after-parties are chaotic for shoto when your older siblings graduated from the same school, and have lingering footprints and achievements
- just todoroki siblings & a non traumatized bond with one another
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apollocomplexx · 4 years
Okay, guys, so hear me out. Feel free to add on to this if you guys want.
But an actual full-length character study of Dabi and Hawks? But like, in an AU where there's no quirks. Dabi, a tattoo artist(i know, so original 🙄) and a burn victim, Hawks. Hawks, who was once a pro athlete who had gotten into an accident ends up having a burn scar smeared right across the side of his face. His backstory is basically similar to his own, but he actually suffered the neglect from his family. So he's got mad mommy and daddy issues. And so, when he was recruited as an athlete(im not sure what sport), he had a full-ride scholarship. He was always a successful person in school and tried to be perfect.
So, he emailed became one of the best AND youngest pro athletes. But, of course, he got caught in a bad accident and he was hospitalized for awhile. Hawks- now Keigo -doesn't have the physical capability to be how he used to. The fastest man alive now barely able to run at a normal speed of the average person. Physical therapy is a bitch.
Because of all his money in reserve, he goes to a therapist. She expresses to him that he seems to have a self-conscious issue with himself. Keigo agrees. Not because he's acknowledging the situation, but because he hates how far he's fallen. He's not the same person he used to be. This prompts the therapist to ask, "Who were you, Keigo?" It throws him for a loop because he can't find himself to be able to scrap up any ideas or proof he actually was a person with a personality.
So, the session ends and he can't stop thinking about it. His best friend, Rumi, encourages him that night whilst eating a a giant bowl full of takeout Ramen that he should, "Try something new! Stop bitching around and wallowing around in your own shit. Life ain't shit. It ain't gonna tell you to get off your ass. You gotta do something." He takes this advice.
There are more troubles when his family ends up contacting him and asking for a stipend on money. You know, to support their "retirement". Keigo, who still has a soft spot and moral compass, reluctantly gives them money. Hie agency had given him a large severance pay when the doctors confirmed to the team and league that he wouldn't be able to play anymore.
Without even contacting Rumi, Keigo decides to do one of the worst(but possibly best decision in his entire life) impulsive things in the textbook. Angrily get a tattoo, that's what he's gonna do. So, he goes to this stupid little tattoo parlor. Isn't the best, the employees are apparently a bit crazy(especially the 18-year-old blonde desk worker, jfc). But he likes the vibe. This is the perfect place to ruin his life. Yes. It's called The League of Villains. Pretty edgy, right? Right, that's the point.
And so he already planned the appointment last night when he was kinda drunk. You know, putting himself in a stupor with deliciously fancy brandy and possible soda in the mix? It was strong. But he was so for this qt the moment. Of course, he was nervous as he got pointed to the closest room. The door was ajar and he could hear some edgy pop punk music he could imagine some teenager in their emo-phase would listen to after their breakup with their first boyfriend they had for like 4 days. So, he opens the door to see this mop of black hair, and instantly, the long overcoat with staples jumps out at him. Oh God, is this guy a teenager stuck in his emo phase?
Said-guy looks up and he has these gorgeous flaming blue eyes that looks like he could drown in and be burnt in at the same time. There were so many piercings on his face, and he looked intense with tattoos. The more he stared. He noticed the leathery burnt flesh underneath the intricately done patchwork of an elaborate tattoo. They were plentiful of electric blue flowers that matched his scorching eyes, monochrome smoke with pairing wild flames that looked something out of a folklore book. It was just utterly magnetic and magical and--
And the tattoo artist glances up at Keigo with this knowing smirk. And wow, he's hot AND pretty. How dare he? His own burn scar visible on his face makes him look so wretched. How can he pull that off so well? And so, that's how Keigo got a Hawks tattoo on the side of his neck. He wasn't that dedicated to get one over his scar like this guy here. Soon enough, he learned that his name is Dabi, he's been a tattoo artist for about three to four years. Before that, he was a starved artist who took like, a couple of years in philosophy(maybe he could be an art student with an associate's???). He blatantly made flirty comments toward Keigo and wow. If he wasn't gay before, he is now.
The two share contact information, they talk, and Keigo genuinely gets 10x better with his mental health. Apparently Dabi had no fucking clue that he was a pro athlete because all he watches are stupid documentaries and terrible reality shows. And maybe some ghibli films, because he's a man of flavor.
Dabi starts to learn a lot about Keigo but Keigo never learns a lot from Dabi. Eventually they start hanging out. This evolves into intense flirting. And then this turns into hook-ups. All Keigo knows is that apparently he's a good lay, Dabi's tongue is very hot for no reason(like temperature don't kill me lmao), and he might have severe commitment issues because he only deems them as friends. Now, Hawks normally wouldn't care. But Dabi then starts to invite him out after he confides in him about his therapy session.
So, they start going on not-dates. To coffee shops, to bakeries, McDonald's at 3am after a quick fuck, and even more stuff that he knows would be deemed as dates but they just aren't. The tattoo artist claims he doesn't care, but it's so evident that he does.
And he doesn't realize Dabi has as many problems as he does when he thinks about the entire situation. He has feelings for the man, and it's apparent that the other wants no strings attached. So, he brings it up after they have an "intimate" moment. Keigo looks over at the raven, and he sees him staring at him with this placid look on his face. And then he swears he sees tears welling up in his eyes. Then there's a slow meld of pink appearing on his face, up on the healthy portion of his skin. Before he knows it, Dabi just fucking up and leaves without much of a word and Keigo just feels-- he feels like shit.
And that's where I stop because I've been typing on my phone for 30 minutes and I'll keep going on. What do you guys thinks lmao
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 4 years
Prompt 2- Ghosts.
It’s something Shouto and Izuku both like to do. Go and visit schools and talk to aspiring heros. They frequently end up visiting the same schools with how closely they are ranked to each other, most of the time they ask each other out to a meal afterwards as well.They’ve grown surprisingly close, especially for two people who frequently switch places as the #1 hero. Not that either of them care about rankings, they just don’t have it in them to be competitive over it. Instead focusing on uplifting and supporting each other.
They’ve just introduced themselves to the class and explained using the kid friendliest  terms they can, what it is that ranked Hero’s do. Now it’s time for questions and before he even speaks Izuku can guess that the child with the talons on his fingers and a pair of dark muddy red wings on his back is going to ask about if they know Takoyami. If Darkshadow is as scary as she seems to be when attacking villains. There is another kid hovering more on the outside of the group of kids that also seems to have a question. 
‘Quirkless and angry. Not a big fan of heroes. Don’t worry about him.’ the teacher on duty had warned them when they walked in today. Izuku was expecting him to pipe up at some point as well. He was fairly open now about how he had grown up as quirkless and the discrimination people without ‘the right quirk’ could face.
“Did Hawks really have an anthropomorphic quirk?” The kid with bird features piped up quietly and asked. The teacher jerks upright from where they have been grading papers at their desk. Obviously not having expected them to bring up the dead Hero. Not with the way his name had been dragged through the mud for years. It was only a couple months ago that Takoyami had finally managed to clear his mentor's name. Muttering that he didn’t give a damn how Keigo felt about it, Takoyami wanted it cleared. He frequently brought up the fact that his mentor’s spirit hung around, although he wasn’t watching over Tako and darkshadow, Keigo only visiting occasionally rather than following him around. Showing up to mess with his apartment or office but that's it.
“Yes he did. He had a Raptor quirk he hid for many years as a top hero.” Izuku waved the teacher off. He had no problem answering the questions. He knew enough through Takoyami anyways. 
“Well shit. Look at that Dabi. I preferred the term mutant but hey, at least people can know now.” Keigo spoke to his spirit companion. There was no more shame attached to his quirk anymore.
“I didn’t personally know him but my friend Takoyami studied underneath him as a student. From what he told me Hawks was very proud of his quirk and loved flying more than anything else.” The only thing Hawks liked more was his job as a Hero. Having died in the line of duty and lived every moment as a Hero.
“I’m glad this kid at least knows that one of us made it to the top. Even if i was hiding it the entire time. Wonder if i had shown people if i still would have been as popular.” he murmured out loud. Dabi seemed to be doing his best to ignore him today, that was okay. Sometimes Dabi was just like that. “Mutant and proud.” he chuckled at the old movie line. 
“You hated your quirk. Hated your talons and your feet. Don’t bullshit the guy who walked in on you cutting them off more than once.” Dabi scowled at him. Hawks rarely left his side. He didn’t shoo him away anymore either, talking to Keigo was better than talking to no one. Keigo smirked and shrugged at him, unbothered by his rude behavior or on calling Keigo out on the lie.
“Takoyami is always willing to answer questions or emails about him.” He smiled gently at the kid who was staring at him like he’d handed her the world.
“Forget the pigeon Nami. He was a traitor no matter what way you look at it.” The student they had been ‘warned’ about spoke up finally. “Todoroki, were you really related to the Villain Dabi?” his narrowed eye’s bore into Shouto in a challenge. Daring him to deny something he already knew was true. It’s not like Shouto hid his relationship to his older brother, no matter what Dabi had done in his life.
“What the fuck kid! You don’t just ask someone that for fucks sake.” Dabi choked on air he didn’t need to breathe. A reaction he still had to shocking information.
“He was right about the traitor bit though.” Keigo patted Dabi on the back.
“We were both doing our job. Get the fuck over it. Also told you i wasn’t the only one to call you a pigeon.” He drawled and patted Keigo’s hand away from him.
“I was a Traitor to both, although they don’t know that. I betrayed the hero’s by fucking you and i betrayed you by doing my job.” He shrugged, his name belonged in the mud no matter what his student had to say about it. No one had been right in those years, not Keigo, not the commision and not Shigaraki. There had been a few months though where he had genuinely wanted to join the Villains, not that anyone else ever needed to know that.
“I’m so so sorry.” The teacher hopped up, walking towards her problematic student. Probably to set him outside class if Izuku was guessing, it reminded him a bit of Kacchan. Kacchan had gotten in trouble a lot as kids for speaking his mind, still did. Izuku made sure to send Katsuki’s press team gift baskets every year for the hard work they did for him.
“It’s no problem I assure you.” Shouto shook his head when she went to grab the student to lead him out of class. “He can stay, it’s just a question after all. Yes Dabi was my older brother. I didn’t know until shortly after his final battle with Hawks but yes I’m related to a Villain. He was a vanguard in the organization of the League of Villains and Shigaraki’s best friend.”
“You don’t have to do that Sho.I don’t care what people think of me. Confirming your relation to a Villain every time you're asked cannot be good for your career.” Dabi groaned out and put his face in his hands.
“I don’t think he really cares, gotta admire that.” Keigo floated himself so he was lounging midair, arms folded behind his head and legs loosely crossed. Picture of relaxation, Dabi still had no idea why Keigo hadn’t moved on already. Takoyami was a hero and Keigo rarely visited him, confident he was fine. Rumi got visited when he checked on Fuyumi but not often enough for her to be what was keeping Keigo in the land of the living as a spirit with him.
“We don’t really need to talk about that group or about shimura tenko.” The teacher in charge insisted but sat down when Shouto refused to back down.
“Shut the fuck up you bitch.” Dabi hissed and the room temperature would have risen slightly if Shouto hadn’t cooled it in his own anger.
“Rude.” Keigo glared and the papers on her desk ruffled slightly.
No one seemed to notice the ghostly activity happening in the classroom.
“He prefers to be called Shigaraki, with no family last name. My brother also preferred to be remembered as Dabi. I respect both those decisions regardless of their life choices.” He spoke quietly, he always did, but his point was made and the teacher sighed before turning back to her paper grading.
“I love your brother. Seriously, fantastic kid.” Keigo relaxed again. This time sitting cross legged and letting himself float in random directions.
“She has a point about not talking about us. We did our part, I’m surprised the kid wants to know about me at all.” Dabi reached out and flipped Keigo rightside up before bringing him down to sit next to him.
“You all are welcome to ask any questions you have. We will do our best to answer them, and if either of us don’t know we might know someone who does or someone we can send you to for more information.” Izuku sat down cross legged on the floor. The chair was making him feel like he was separated from the kids anyways. “I know a lot about previous hero’s. I used to keep a notebook before I got my quirk and study them in hope of one day being able to do what they did.”
“Thats Creepy.” Dabi snarked at him, but it wasn’t as harsh as it had once been.
“Understandable though. Can’t believe greenbean was quirkless for so long, He makes a great Hero.”
“I’ve seen it. He kept doing it all the way up until he became a pro and didn’t have the time to anymore. Including one on my father.” Shouto sat down beside him, amused and bumped shoulders with him. “We had great fun burning that notebook actually.” he gave a small smirk. The teacher narrowed her eyes at the action and Shouto got the air to him, his face never changed but Izuku just knew he was going to get them both in trouble. 
Dabi narrowed his eyes at the friendly action. “Great job burning the crap but I think that’s close enough you two.”
“Oh my god Dabi, you are not doing this today.” Keigo grumbled.
“You’re free to leave, go fix whatever is keeping you here you dumb fucking pigeon and stop following me around.”
Well, Aizawa sensei called their class his problem children for a reason, he thought as he readied himself to be used as a prop for whatever mischief Shouto had in mind. Just because they were pro-heroes and adults now didn’t mean they had to stop having fun.
“Would you all like to hear a story actually? It has to deal with both Hawks and Dabi.” He smirked wide and Izuku felt a shiver go down his spine. Whatever this was it was going to be good.
“Sho, Sho what the hell are you doing. I don't like the sound of that.” Dabi had a faint note of panic in his voice.
“Yeahhhh, me neither. We don’t really have any good stories, Dabs.” Keigo commented. He took his gloves off and let them disappear, picking at his talons.
“Are you going to tell us about their final fight? I heard that a lot of top hero’s today had been there.” A kid closer to the front piped up as the quirkless student carefully moved closer to the rest of his classmates and both pro’s.
“I can’t do this.” Keigo suddenly announced and ‘stood’ up.
“I’ll see you later then I guess. Don’t get what the big deal is, we fucking fought all the time dumbass.” Dabi waved him off.
“Eventually, their lives weren’t all fighting you know. They were people too, Dabi and Hawks actually met several times before their final battle.” 
“Wait, what? Dabi whats he talking about?” Keigo hovered, literally as he tried to decide whether to go check on his intern or stay here.
“Fuck if i know, Kid makes shit up all the goddam time.”
“Because Hawks was a spy right?” the kid who had asked about Dabi before questioned while glancing at his teacher nervously.
“He was a spy for the Hero’s! Fumikage got his name cleared officially months ago Ryoko!!” The bird quirk kid snapped at her classmate, wings raised and bristling.
“I do not get her fucking deal with that.” Keigo threw his hands up helplessly.
“Kei, she cares because everyone thought you betrayed the Heroes for Years.” Dabi grabbed one of his hands, careful of his talons even though they couldn’t cut him anymore. Habit he guessed.
“I did. It dosen’t fucking matter for fucks sake. I betrayed the Heroes and then I betrayed the Villains and then I betrayed you and then I died. I was a liar and a traitor to everyone the whole time, asshole.” Keigo’s wings fluttered in agitation. He hated when people tried to make him sound better than he’s been.
“Sit down you dumb bird, you did the right thing and thats what matters to them.” He stared at the wings, wanting to brush his fingers through them and straighten them out.
“You're right, he was a spy for the Hero’s. Dabi however, was also a spy. But for the League of Villains.” Shouto smirked when he saw both kids' heads whip around and stare at him. Ryoko got up and moved to the front of his class that was huddled on the floor in front of the two Heroes. His classmates made space easily but didn’t move any closer to him once he sat down, continuing to give him space.
“What, do you know,” Ryoko growled frustrated with not being able to figure out how to ask his question.
“He did it all for his family right? You’re family, because of enji and how he had treated you?” Nami asked. Ryoko stared at her shocked but she didn’t glance at him. Staring straight at Shouto instead.
“Did you?” Keigo asked him curiously. Dabi shrugged lightly in response and shushed him. Wanting to focus on the present, he had but he’s also done it for himself.
“I don’t know why Dabi did what he did. I never got the chance to ask him. I’ve thought for a long time though that was part of it. Dabi ran away when I was very young and I don’t have very many memories of him. I can tell you that he was very protective of us, and didn’t like Heroes. Didn’t trust any of them but two.” Shouto shrugged, his face casually kind for the kids but his shoulders tensed slightly. Izuku held his hand out for Shouto to latch onto. Talking about Dabi was hard for him, his family in general was harder. He still had questions for Dabi, and probably would since he always declined Takoyami’s offer to interpret or ask Dabi’s spirit for him.
“Fuck Heroes. I didn’t fucking trust any of them.” Dabi muttered.
“Trusted me, at least enough to fuck.” Keigo commented and laughed when Dabi tried to smack him.
“Wanted to get some before I kicked the bucket, that's all.”
“He trusted a Hero? After everything he went through?” Ryoko found his voice again but sounded betrayed. For whatever reason it seemed like he admired who Dabi had been, and while Izuku hated what he had done to his class. Hated what Dabi had done to Katsuki and Hated that he had hurt so many people, he could still understand why.
“He trusted two Heroes. He trusted my teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Who you all know as Eraserhead. Aizawa was an underground Hero, who he trusted after he attacked my class in my first year of heroics schooling. Aizawa wasted no time defending us and put us as his first priority. That had been enough for Dabi to send him an envelope of evidence against our father before his final fight with Hawks.” Shouto squeezed Izuku’s hand hard and Izuku ignored the feeling of his bones creaking in protest. 
Although he didn’t constantly break his fingers or any other bones when he fought now he would always have damage in his hands. The pain wasn’t more than breaking them though so he let Shouto grip as tightly as he needed to, just lightly squeezing back to offer him comfort.
“I did not trust this pigeon. Aizawa was just the obvious choice, his husband has a fucking radio show and he was willing to do what it took thats it.” Dabi snarked and poked at Shouto who didn’t even notice. “Stop fucking death gripping that green idiots hand Sho.”
“It’s alright Dabi. Izuku isn’t that bad and they can hold hands if they want.” Keigo rolled his eyes at the overprotective behavior.
“We want to remind you guys that you can always find a Hero or an adult to talk to if you need help. Even against a top Hero like enji had been. It took time but enji was cleared of his title post mortem and had all his arrests re-examined. Somebody will believe you.” Izuku spoke up, making sure his voice carried the confidence he felt in his friends and fellow pro’s. Dabi hadn’t had options, his class was doing their best to change that for future generations. Setting up shelters, public emails and numbers, questioning police and public hero commision members. It wasn’t enough but it was a start.
“You said two, who was the other Hero?” Another kid piped up, the class was hanging on every word and the teacher in charge was getting a little agitated, sensing that something was going on and it wasn’t something she was going to like.
“The other Hero was someone who had infiltrated his organization, a group he was close to and thought of as a second family. One he had found after years of being homeless and on his own, I’m happy he found that. I’m glad that he wasn’t alone, even if the people he found were Villains.”
“They didn’t replace you guys, I just, I needed to,” Dabi whispered. Keigo lightly smacked his shoulder.
“Didn’t you hear? He’s glad you found people. I don’t think he felt replaced.” he waved his hand in the direction of Shouto.
“He trusted Hawks? But wasn’t Hawks sent to spy on them?” Nami asked, wringing her hands as she did. “ Did Dabi know Hawks was like me? Did he trust him anyways?”
“He did.” Izuku spoke up, giving Shouto a chance to brace himself for the next parts. This wasn’t his story, wasn’t Shouto’s either but he didn’t know enough to know how to tell it the way Shouto needed it to be told. “Hawks hid his full quirk from the media at the insistence of the press, because of society as a whole at the time, but Dabi did know and he did trust him despite everything telling him not too.”
“ Again I did not trust Hawks.” Dabi insisted despite knowing neither of them could hear him.
“Why did he trust Hawks then?” Ryoko spoke up, him and Nami seemed to be close, asking questions for each other when they were too shy to.
“Because they were dating. Hawks and Dabi were actually in love.” He smirked when the teacher in charge squeaked in outrage. Izuku merely smiled at her and she backed down. Reminded that these were two top Pro-Heroes and that she was not allowed to really stop them from telling a harmless story or humanizing Dabi.
“Oh my god, Shouto! No! Stop!” Dabi buried his face in his hands. What the hell was Shouto thinking?
“What we weren’t in love?” keigo cackled loudly.
“We weren’t dating bastard.” Dabi hissed at him in response.
“Hawks had appeared one night when he was recruiting new members, back when the League was a bunch of mistreated adults and not the staggering numbers they grew to later. He approached Dabi and convinced him that he wanted to join.” Shouto started gesturing with his hands as he spoke, entering true story teller mode.
“ That’s actually correct.” Keigo had a shit eating grin on his face, he was now having the time of his life as Dabi’s face grew more and more red. It was rivaling his hair at this point. Undyed in death.
“Yeah but I tried to set you on fire and you tried to skewer me.”
“Him and Dabi met up several times over the next few months, at first trying to spy on each other and then later as dates. Hawks insisted on paying for them and bringing Dabi food whenever they met up. Their meeting moved from alleyways to the beach and Hawks own personal apartment.” Shouto smiled at them. “ They were actually very in love, despite being on opposing sides. Dabi told Keigo who he had been before he ran away and Keigo ended up slipping up and telling him his name as well. Keigo even trusted Dabi enough to show him the parts of his quirk he had to hide from the rest of the world.”
“ we did not go on dates. I cannot even begin to find where to start with this! You had no fucking idea who I was, neither of cared when we were balls deep in each other. I saw your apartment only after I broke in and only knew about your quirk because of that. You were clipping your fucking talons down and there was blood all over the fucking bathroom. Kinda hard to miss. On top of walking in one night to see you chowing down on ground beef like it was something to hide.” Dabi complained, tearing apart the scenario Shouto was building.
“This is much better, I like this.” Keigo put his chin on his hand, still smiling.
“Wait, like what. What do you mean?” Nami questioned Shouto.
“Well, Keigo ate raw meat, like my friend Fumikage. He also had talons he hid underneath his gloves.” Shouto rambled off the stuff he remembered from Takoyami speaking with them about his internship and his mentor. “Dabi had a soft spot for kids, He was the one that tipped Hawks off about a group of yakuza holding a kid hostage. Helping the Heroes and trusting Hawks to do the right thing.”
“Dabi and Hawks were the reason Throwback got rescued?” Another kid asked excitedly, talking about Eri who had just recently gone through her first sports feastival.
“ lies all lies, i had no idea she was there.” Dabi continued to freak out beside Keigo.
“I mean, you did have a soft spot for kids. And if we had known we would have done something.” Keigo commented, shrugging.
“Yes. They were, on top of Izuku here and Mirio participating. Someone had to speak up and let them know first.” Izuku blushed when the rescue with Mirio was brought up. He had broken so many bones back then and if Eri hadn’t been there he wouldn’t have made it out of that fight.
“Let’s go back to Hawks and Dabi please.” Izuku muttered.
“Eventually the fight against enji, my father, came along. Dabi had told Keigo his old name but not what his family name was. No one knew until after that fight. Dabi took down enji, all by himself and got severely injured.” Shouto thankfully switched back to his story. “Hawks found him after the fight and because he loved him he took him home and patched him up. Hawks had greatly admired my father and had no idea what was going on but he prioritized his hurt boyfriend and took him home to heal and rest. He kept 24/7 watch over him for weeks until Dabi was strong enough to go back to the League.”
“Hey if we meet next life can I play nurse to you again? That actually sounds nice.”
“Shut up, act like you would do that. We had sex a couple times and that’s it. You wouldn't have gotten the time away from the commision anyways.”
Keigo lets the rebuke go, not bring up that wasn’t what he had been asking anyways. He hadn’t gotten the chance to check on Dabi, he’s been whisked away by League members and Keigo had stayed up all night staring at a contact phone and hoping it would light up with an unknown number.
“If Dabi loved Hawks so much, why did he go back to the League?” Nami frowned, she was probably realizing that most of Shouto’s story was fake.
“He had things to do kiddo, and i wouldn’t have kept him from that.” Keigo whispered. Dabi whipped his head around to stare at him but Keigo refused to meet his eyes.
“Dabi loved Hawks but the League was so important to him that he wouldn’t leave them without saying goodbye. Hawks too had people important to him on the Hero side. He had a best friend and a student he was trying to look after. So while they loved each other they had to compromise where they could.” Shouto had to pause for a second to think about that one. He had no idea if that’s really why Dabi had stuck with the League after enji’s death.
“Eventually they couldn’t stay away from each other anymore and the fighting between the Villain fighting for change and the Heros fighting to protect society came to a head. There was a big showdown. Hawks and Dabi faced off against each other and fought viciously. Or so it would look to everyone else. In actuality they were putting on a show to fool everyone.” Shouto smiled softly. Rewriting history in his head as he told this story. The teacher that was supposed to be in charge was furious at this point but her hands were tied. She wasn’t allowed to step in and say anything. “They faked their final fight and when the dust settled no one could find them.”
“Wait, he lived? And he’s somewhere with Hawks now?” Ryoko asked in shock. A small bit of hope creeping into his voice and expression.
“We’re fucking dead. We fought to the death and died in that fight.” Dabi flopped over so he was laying flat on the floor, exasperated. Well he had died in that fight. Hawks had shown up a few weeks later.
“Wait, Kei, did you die in our fight?” He poked at a ghostly wing and it smacked his hand at Keigo's request.
“Sure.” he muttered. He really didn’t want to talk about how he had died. “They got that i’m somewhere with you right at least.”
“Why won’t you tell me how you died? What’s the big secret, you’re so carefree about being dead so why won’t you tell me?” Dabi ran his hand over the wing, the feathers were just as soft as he remembered.
“It’s private, don’t worry about it Dabs.” Keigo muttered while leaning into Dabi’s preening.
“He did. Him and Hawks are now living retired from fighting on a remote island. Hawks flew them away after the fight and they’ve been laying low happily together.” Shouto finished the story up. “so you see Heroes and Villains are people too, they can even get along and fall in love.”
“Seriously love your brother, can you imagine us living on an island somewhere in domestic bliss?” he snickered and laid down half on top of Dabi who hadn’t bothered to get back up after dramatically laying down. “Wish I’d had time to get to know him better.”
“Wait did they get married?” A kid asked as they all filed back to their seats and Izuku and Shouto stood up, preparing to leave.
“Yes they did. They had a smaller wedding because they were still hiding of course but they broke Shigaraki out of prison and Hawks got Fumikage and Miruko over as well. Everyone was very happy for them and the wedding was in blue and gold colors. I’d never seen either one of them happier.” He brushed his clothes off and when he looked up he was smiling at the class. “I’m sorry but I believe our time is up today.”
“Congratulations, We apparently were just married by him. So he’s your brother now too.” Dabi gently shoved Keigo off him.
“Next life I’ll romance you properly and we can meet the family before death yeah?” Keigo snickered and sat up. “I’ll get down on one knee in a fancy restaurant and everything. I- i did love you. You know?”
“Ugh. Whatever you dumb pigeon. I love you too. It sucks that we're confessing as ghosts but whatever. I was just upset that he got so much shit wrong. Imagine me dealing with my scars and sand. Stupid shit gets everywhere.” Dabi trailed after Shouto and Izuku.
They exited the class room and Izuku reminded the teacher that she wasn’t to discriminate against quirks or lack of quirks in her classroom. He promised the students they would come back and joined Shouto outside, pulling his attention away from the sky he had been staring at.
“Are you okay? I know you have a hard time talking about it.” Izuku stuck his hands in his coat pockets awkwardly.
“I’m alright, It gets easier the more I do it. Could be worse,” He smirked at Izuku. “Could be asked if I was related to enji all the time, I’d rather talk about Dabi honestly” He snickered.
“Lunch and Drinks are on me this time.” Izuku laughed, pulling Shouto along after him and down the street to a bar they both enjoyed. The heavy air Shouto had around him dispersed finally. Dabi and Keigo silently following them, unseen and unheard but still there.
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We have been caught up in a very strange understanding that there is something other than who we are that we are destined to be. This reality is consistently reinforced by violence. We keep trying to get back to a garden we exiled ourselves from. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Be a holy roller for yourself. Be your own best lover. Learn the curves of your shadows and the bite of your teeth and the song in your soul. Unbind yourself. How can you be a better you if you’ve never met who you are with compassion and love? Not on some fluffy shit that’s perpetuated all over the place where folks cover up all of their self-loathing with a few memes of white girls dressed in fake indian headdresses and a rumi quote, or obscure their self-hatred under the guise of self-empowerment and politics.  I’m talking about opening the closet where you have stuffed the worst shit about who you are in and truly looking at it and loving yourself anyway in every fucking moment. I’m talking about lancing the wounds of all of the heartbreak you have endured festering under the surface and allowing the light of god to touch those places that you have hidden even from yourself. I’m talking about the worst shit that ever fucking happened to you and still daring to dream and hope and be and fucking thrive because of who you are and not in spite of it. I’m talking about feeling all of the hopelessness, the inadequacy, the fear, the unreadiness and fucking leaping into who you be anyway- not in a naive, eyes shut and lights off type of way, but in a full on, naked and eyes open ready to make love to the beast of you type of way. With your head and your heart and your hands and your work.  I’m talking about some fucking warrior ass boss ass shit. Loving yourself is a fierce and devotional practice. This world is tied up in the knots and lies of scarcity. Tied up in spasms of underservedness, of despair, of self-righteousness, of holding and hoarding the path to divine. Of not having enough,  of not doing enough, of not knowing enough, of never ever being enough. Of needing people to die more than we need people to live. This is a hexing that requires the liberation of each person on this earth- including you. This requires a radical commitment to unbinding your magic and loving yourself into reality. It requires a deep and everlasting intimacy with yourself and your universe. Underneath the lies of needing to be a better person, there you are. there you are bringing the light of god to the world. there you are making magic just by existing. there you are remembering yourself. there you are undoing knots of oppression and patterns of abuse and generational trauma. there you are bursting forth with the precious gift of you to the world. there you are.
Liberation Work: Loving Yourself into Reality | WITCH
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