#how you've grown
srftoy · 1 year
Song of the Day
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whollyjoly · 2 months
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you know i dreamed about you / for twenty-nine years before i saw you - slow show. the national
4x05 Buck Begins II 7x05 You Don't Know Me
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spongebob-connoisseur · 6 months
Knowing that the Spongebob crew doesn't know what to do with Sandy because they find her unfunny hence why she's been used less and less throughout the seasons.
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sunflowerwizard · 4 months
Dragon Age discourse nose dived off a steep hill so Baldur's Gate 3 discourse could walk up the hill, loudly declare they're better, then tumble down the exact same way.
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Still thinking about being childhood friends with Ajax and knowing him after he gained Foul Legacy
Like just sitting in his room, curled up under blankets and watching the snow fall as Foul Legacy chitters and chirps at you, hands gently holding ur face.
Foul Legacy getting sad cause as Ajax gets older n taller so does Legacy, but that means he can’t really fit in your lap anymore :(( Him trying to clamber into your lap like a big dog and he just ends up laying on you, like a big ol weighted blanket
houhh my boy, i wannaa hold his face [📺]
*slaps post* this right here is my favorite thing ever, in the history of forever
see, you're used to Snezhnaya's weather; you've lived there all your life, it's basically inevitable. but that doesn't mean that you LIKE Snezhnaya's weather- in fact, you hate it. the frigid air brings sickness no matter what time of the year, the ice makes everything slippery, and the few times it does warm up the roads are always full of slush. the only saving grace is that the snow is pretty, you just prefer watching it from inside, a sentiment which Foul Legacy shares with you. Ajax used to like dragging you outside for ice fishing on such days, but now it seems that he's more than content to let his Abyssal half take the reins, and Legacy has firmly decided that there's no better place to be than next to you, preferably with several blankets and some hot chocolate
when the time comes that Foul Legacy can't fit on your lap anymore (for the record, Ajax can't either- he can lift you up now though!!) you propose a new idea- blanket forts!! you're very good at making them and it also means that there'll be enough space for both of you. you build them near the window so you can watch the snowflakes flutter to the ground, Legacy's chin on your shoulder and arms wrapped around your waist as he purrs. he and Ajax only feel truly at peace in your presence, although it becomes more melancholic when Ajax is shipped away to the Fatui, waking up cold in the middle of the night and missing your comforting hugs... hopefully you'll be able to forgive him for leaving you behind, though he's not sure that Legacy will ever forgive himself
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thephooka · 10 months
How we got here from there
Or, the long journey of a longform long-running webcomic about a long man with long wings.
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In the spirit of @feathernotes and @phantomarine who have been talking about just starting your webcomic and not worrying about being "ready", I was inspired to do a post about White Noise's origin! I'm a little limited by the fact that I either left behind or destroyed a lot of the art I have from prior to 2009, so you'll have to take my word for it.
Cringe Truth below the cut!
The Cringe Truth of White Noise is that it has its roots in a Pokemon x Yu Yu Hakusho x self-insert(s) roleplay thread I used to do with an internet friend I made on Neopets guild forums way back in 2002-ish. We would come home from school every day and RP over AIM, and then when we had to get offline, whoever left first would email the other one, and we would continue via email until we were back on AIM at the same time.
Liya was my self insert.
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This isn't even remotely the earliest art of her, it's just the earliest I have on hand. I was drawing her for almost a decade by the time I drew this one. Imagine the earlier drawings as being like I traced over Sailor Moon characters that I printed out from deviantART and gave them a brown ponytail.
The funny thing is Liya really hasn't changed much from her original form! I also had loose brown curls that I kept in a ponytail 24/7 to the point that it showed when I had it down (which is why her hair is 'dented' like that). I did it because I was trans and didn't know it; she does it because she hasn't realized she can just cut it off and be butch yet.
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Other characters that date back from this time period: Yoshi (originally an InuYasha/Rurouni Kenshin pastiche), Hawk (I don't remember when he got wings but they were white at first), Numair (named after the Tamora Pierce character and filling a Koenma kind of role), Helly (sort of--I had an elf character named Kamui who had the same temperament, and he was eventually transmuted into Helly) and...Kurogane.
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I've never named Kurogane but he appears in the background of the comic a few times, as my own personal inside joke.
Vlad came along somewhere between this RP period and planning the comic, but I can't remember when or why. I don't have drawings from that time (~2004?) but he was the first character I drew when I got a tablet for the first time.
Everyone else came along later when I started actually planning out the comic.
All this said: the reason I started White Noise as a weekly webcomic is because I wanted to learn to draw better.
At the time I was in college majoring in animation, but I didn't feel like I was learning very much at all (the program was badly structured; I had more art history classes than anything else. It was a mess.) I was also working nights in order to feed myself, and so had a lot of downtime. I had this story rattling around in my head from my RP days, so I figured, why not just give it a go?
For posterity here's a photo of a chapter 1 panel in progress, back in 2011 with my typical college diet in the bg:
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(Chapter 1 was originally pencil on paper, scanned in and colored in PS. I later re-drew it to make it fully digital to match with the rest of the comic.)
There's been a lot of talking about not waiting until you're 'ready' to start a webcomic, and I agree with that sentiment. Try framing it like this: making a comic every week for years and years will improve your art way more than any prep work you can do before starting the comic. It's like learning to swim. You can read about swimming all you want, but you're not going to really figure it out until you do it. If your early comics are bad, well, that's normal. It used to be an expected part of doing webcomics; I blame the shift into expecting webcomics to be polished from start to finish partly on commercialization in the space, but that's an angry rant for another time.
With this background, here's the collage I posted for WN's 10 year anniversary back in 2021:
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And now we're here.
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So do your webcomic. Put it on ComicFury or make a janky little site for it. Be okay with imperfect pages and be prepared to shout into the void for a while. Even if it's always a hobby, if it never makes you a dime or wins you any awards--that's fine! You'll be a lot happier if you learn not to worry about that stuff, and just make something that will help you grow and make you happy. We could do with a lot more work like that in the world imo.
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thebirdandhersong · 11 months
every time I start thinking negatively about physically aging I remind myself of the time I asked my mom if she would dye her hair like other Asian moms commonly do when their hair starts going grey/white and she just looked and me was like (I'm paraphrasing but this was the general feeling) No. I earned these. I'm keeping them
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parlerenfleurs · 9 months
So funny how, as long as you cook it, it's way less risky to eat the meat of an animal you don't know than any part of any plant you either don't know, think you sort of know, or confidently think you know when there is another one that really looks like it, but the thing is you've never looked at them that closely and rely on vibes but that's a mistake you can usually only make once, so now you're dead.
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beaudeanw · 1 year
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♪♪ He stokes the flames cause he is amused by the glow
She'd rather feel all of its warmth than watch the show ♪♪
City Grown Willow - Radio Company | Beau x Jenny | Big Sky 3x10
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papermonkeyism · 5 months
sorry for being active
logical... i think I'm annoying you too much /especially with my bad English/, and if you don't want to answer, that'll be fine ^^` in any case, thanks for your attention! i'm probably overthinking this, but...
the last question was, what is Crippled (and the others for that matter) afraid of? I understand that all the hounds lived in a pretty terrible place, but what about simple, almost human things like darkness and loneliness? Surama seems quite fearless to me, despite her dislike of the dark, unlike her brother (okay, he's just quite active), and Iacar is reliving the past. of course, they worry about each other, I think, but... hey, admit it, who is afraid of thunderstorms? :)
sorrysorrysorry ^^`
English isn't my first language either (terveisiä Suomesta). It's just that I'm wary.
I do not currently live in a creative enough environment nor life situation where I can reasonably sacrifice several days out of my week into such a demanding creative work, alone, without burning out.
And every time I so much as casually mention Wurr online, there's usually at least one person who'll come and let me know how tragic it is that I've "decided" to "abandon" my "great story and characters". (Or, in one case, how irrelevant and pathetic I am as a failure of a person. Fuck that one, though.)
Like, I had a bit of a nervous breakdown because of health and livelihood issues back in last spring that I'm still occasionally dealing with (one's systolic blood pressure is definetely not supposed to stay over 190 for long), and I just don't want to be dealing with the people sending me obituaries for my comic on top of that right now.
Like, maybe, maybe, if I one day move closer to Tampere to have my Brainstorm Buddy in my reach regularly again. I miss having creative company.
But right now? I'm just tired.
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molsno · 5 months
yknow, this past week has been a really hard and terrifying one after finding out I'm being laid off and having no details beyond that. combine that with a few other things and I've been extremely stressed and scared.
I haven't really done this in a long time, but it's making me think about the past year. 2023 has undoubtedly been the worst year of my life. in january I was a pathetic shut-in living in my mom's house who was too scared to even think about existing in society, so being told I had to move across the country alone for work was my worst nightmare. I had literally never done anything like that before - I'd never even had a real full time job before that. I couldn't stop breaking down and crying to everyone who would listen.
as soon as I left the airport after arriving here though I started to feel different. I felt like maybe I could do this after all. and I did! being forced to do things on my own with nobody to bail me out if I failed made me really take responsibility for myself! I started to feel like an adult for the first time! sure, I made some bad financial decisions due to my lack of experience, but I was able to make everything work out and acquire some stability.
it's kind of strange too how I mostly started off feeling very isolated and alienated even from my friends. sure, I had two girlfriends, and I had a few friends that I was pretty close with, but I was still very much fueled by my anxiety and trauma with regards to friendships. but over time I started to make new friends - in person even! and yes, I'm still just as awkward as ever, but I've had some really great times with them. I've even started to repair the bridge between my longtime friends and be more honest and trusting with them. I even rounded out the year with another girlfriend, much to my own surprise.
don't get me wrong, the trauma I've sustained this year has blown everything else in my past out of the water. but I've grown so much and it's really astounding when I think about how different I am now compared to how I was at the beginning of this year.
2023 was unbelievably difficult, but throughout it all, I've grown a lot, and I'm really happy about that. it wouldn't have been possible without all the people supporting me, of course, and I'm really grateful to everyone who's been a part of my life this year. I've been extremely scared and stressed about 2024. big changes are coming, and I'm almost certainly off to a terrible start. but unlike earlier this year, I feel like I'll be able to get through it. and if all goes well, I'll be much, MUCH better off this at time next year.
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suguwu · 2 months
still thinking about aventurine with a former casino dealer reader...
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ftdino · 1 year
i think it's a little odd that people of colour are consistently obligated to be patient and understanding when it comes to whitewashing. we are put in a position where we will be villainised if we don't react passively to this kind of harm. then, frequently, when we give people this patience and calmness while speaking to them, they don't take it seriously. they don't understand the extent to which it is harming us because we aren't allowed to show how much it affects us.
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dragneto · 9 months
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Title: cave-in Fandom: Dark (2017) Pairing(s): Jonas Kahnwald/Noah | Hanno Tauber Word Count: 10,168 Rating: Explicit Tags: Missing Scene, Developing Relationship, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Getting Together, Hand Jobs, Masturbation, Sex in a Cave
Summary: It felt as though Jonas had handed Noah a bag filled with miscellaneous puzzle pieces. He thought he could see the outline of it: Jonas, the hanging, Adam. Time, inevitability, devotion. Love.
read the fic on AO3
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bobafett · 2 months
stealing this because the boops made me realize how much i miss tag games.
How many works do you have on AO3? A grand total of 14. I am not a prolific writer.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 63,880. Please see above answer.
What fandoms do you write for? Batman and Star Wars. I have a little bit of Supernatural fic posted on an alt account, and I've been turning over an idea for an OW fic in my head for a while, but it takes me a long time to figure out how to write in a fandom in a way that still captures the "vibes" of the source material (which is always one of my goals). So I rarely branch out.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? New Cornerstone (suitless!Vader AU from a million years ago), Brothers in Arms (Jon starts to get an inkling that his best friend has perhaps not had a normal childhood), Setting the Bone (Selina Kyle: reluctant parental figure), In This Twilight (Damian and Jason brotherly bonding, first batfam fic I ever wrote), and Try to Sweep the Darkness Out (batfam Christmas special that I've almost orphaned 10 times because I hate the writing choices I made in it so much). None of the fics I'm actually proud of are on this list. Tragic.
Do you respond to comments? Irregularly and unpredictably! I will if I feel like I have something to say and it catches me in the right mood.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uh, that would be High Water Mark since it starts with a scene of Cody contemplating suicide and ends with the instant right before Order 66 kicks in.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Problem Solving since it's the only fic I've ever written where I was actually trying to be light hearted.
Do you get hate on fics? Never, thankfully.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? If I thought I could do it successfully, I would. But I'm not, so I don't.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Basically never. There is a Doctor Who/Sherlock fic buried on my old FF.net account. There's also a Super Smash Bros fic on there that I wrote in 2009, which I suppose also counts.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I can't imagine why anyone would.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, and I never would. I'm too much of a control freak about my writing. Writing, say, shared universe stuff might be fun, but actually co-authoring something would drive me nuts.
What’s your all time favorite ship? What a question. I come back to Jaime/Brienne a lot for reading, but I don't think I'd ever write it. I write a ton of BatCat, but rarely read it because I'm particular. I like Lois/Clark, but I almost never write OR read it. I'm honestly not very ship motivated. Most of the time I filter for a ship because I'm in the mood for its attendant tropes, and if the writing is good, you can sell me on just about anything.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Hmngh. New Cornerstone again. There's 20k of an expanded version of it on my hard drive that I haven't added to since probably 2017. There's something very fun about suitless!Vader as a character because he's such a sparking, destructive livewire of a person, but also I'm experienced enough now to realize how difficult doing justice to that premise is. Also, I'd have to rewatch TCW to get Ahsoka's voice down, and I just don't got time for that shit.
What are your writing strengths? Description and sense of place. Also pretty good at dialogue.
What are your writing weaknesses? Fucking. Long fic. Plot in general. I'm horrifically bad at it.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'm usually inclined to keep all my dialogue in English, but it would depend on the context and the effect I was going for.
First fandom you wrote for? Purposefully? Inuyasha. Without having any idea what fanfic was? I created an Artemis Fowl fairy OC and stuck her in Indiana Jones when I was 10 years old.
Favorite fic you’ve written? They Don't Sing Songs For Me. No contest. It's perfectly captures what I think is the ideal form of fanfic: two characters who have absolutely no business interacting with each other building a compelling relationship dynamic over the course of 9k words.
I will be tagging @panharmonium, @apostatefrog, @dead-ghost-walking, @ryehouses, @yellowocaballero, @lazuliquetzal. Also anyone else who wants to. I will bring back tag games by force of will, so help me God.
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humanbeanisnotamused · 11 months
not to gleepost in the year of our lord 2023 but sometimes i remember that one episode of glee where the plot was Marley getting suspended for refusing to wear a seashell bra on stage, and how marley's mama should have beat that man's ass seven ways to sunday
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