wwerhea · 10 months
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nerdnag · 11 months
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The Church of Seiros as Cards Against Humanity (sfw)
Black Eagles | Blue Lions | Golden Deer | Ashen Wolves | Church of Seiros | TWSITD
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laulink · 1 year
Something that I don't often see in the "was Edelgard's war necessary" discourse is the interdependence between the Church and the nobility. The question is always framed such as "are Edelgard's reforms worth starting a war over" or "is the net result of the war positive or negative" or "did she need to invade the Kingdom and Alliance to do her thing or was she just a cold-hearted, power-hungry tyrant" and the arguments given for or against either side of the conflict very rarely includes this simple fact :
No reform is possible in Fodlan because the Church and nobility feed off of each other.
It doesn't matter whether or not the specific reforms Edelgard wants to implement deserve thousands of people to die for them (if such a thing is even objectively quantifiable) ; it doesn't matter what the "net result" of the war is (if you can even make an objective measure on that) ; it doesn't matter whether or not having the Kingdom and Alliance under her authority was necessary to make the reforms she wanted ; absolutely no reform, whatsoever, in any territory, could have been achieved and lasted with the Church still standing. Why ?
Because the Church and the nobility enforce each other's "divine right to rule" and neither wants to lose their power.
Rhea wants to keep Fodlan in stasis until she brings Sothis back. She's done that for a thousand years and will keep doing it for as long as she needs to. How did she do it ? By making the powerful (the Crest-bearing descendants of the Ten Elites) dependant on her. She made their strength (their Crest) dependant on properly following and supporting her Church, instilling in Fodlan's societies the belief that a family won't produce Crest-bearing heirs any longer if they oppose the Goddess. The Crests are therefore both a mark of the Goddess' favour, granting nobles their "divine right to rule", and a pair of shackles binding them to the Church. If the Church falls and the commoners don't believe in the Goddess any longer, they also won't believe in the nobles' divine right to rule anymore and will rebel against the caste system. Therefore, the nobles need to enforce belief in the Goddess by showing how devoted they are, as Ferdinand and Lorenz explain is their noble duty to guide the commoners on the path of the faithful, and by giving the Church money to keep its influence and prestige ; otherwise, the nobility itself will be at risk.
But the reverse is, therefore, also true : if the nobility were to fall or stop supporting the Church (the one Rhea leads, mind you), it would lose power, influence and the money necessary to maintain its presence throughout the continent. The Church needs to make sure that the nobility system either stays the same or at least still relies on the belief in the Goddess. Any reform that abolishes the nobility, title inheritance or Crest supremacy is bound to be an absolute nightmare for the Church. Sounds familiar ?
Three Hopes touches onto this by showing us Rhea's attempts at killing the Bishop of the newly restored Southern Church. She doesn't try to get him killed because Edelgard was the one to choose him, she tries to kill him because this Southern Church represents a threat for the Central Church she leads, and she doesn't accept that.
How is the Southern Church a threat ? Two possible, non-exclusive ways :
The Southern Church's teachings are in opposition to the Central Church's teachings : we don't know exactly what those teachings are, but if the Southern Church's teachings imply that the Central Church's ones are fake, it would put their legitimacy into question. Which brings us to the second point :
The Southern Church is trying to become more prominent than the Central one : the Southern Church was dismantled about 200 years before the start of the game for being "dissident" and is now being revived with Edelgard's support. It doesn't even matter what it teaches the people : it fills a gap in the Imperial citizens' lives. By doing so, and by being morally, publicly and financially supported by the new Emperor, it earns the support of the faithful of the Empire and takes it away from the Central Church, in part at least.
So, because Rhea doesn't accept power being taken away from her, she attacks and tries to kill the "rebellion" in the egg, the same way she did with the "dissidents" of the Western Church in Houses, where she sent her students to execute and capture the priests, then executed the survivors without a trial. Sending an assassin against a bishop is clearly not something she would hesitate to do.
But, in this example, the Church was the one "under attack". You might wonder how Rhea would have reacted if Edelgard hadn't restored the Southern Church or started the war and had simply reformed the Empire without bothering anyone else, right ? Well, the answer is : basically the same thing.
What we know of Edelgard's reforms is that they are meant to end the caste system, let anyone reach a position of power, oust the people who are not competent enough to handle them and deny the very idea that birth determines someone's right to rule over a region or a whole nation. Those are all ideas that the Central Church has spent the last millenia denying and fighting against so the nobles would stay dependant on them ; if Edelgard's reforms were to be implemented, and moreso if they were to be successful, therefore proving that Crests and the ability to rule are not related, the Central Church's teachings would be proved wrong and the people of Fodlan, Kingdom and Alliance included, would rebel and stop supporting the Church and nobility. Rhea would lose her power and Fodlan would evolve, one way or another, outside of her control. She would do anything to avoid that, including sending her knights to support the rebellious nobles (like the ones we see in Hopes) who are bound to fight against Edelgard's tyranny to preserve peace and order in Fodlan, even if it means fighting against the Imperial army until they can march on Enbarr and behead the mad tyrant... which is roughly what happens in SS where the Black Eagles form a rebellion and ally with the Church's forces to fight against Edelgard and ultimately defeat her in order to keep the status quo. Yes, they fought this war because they thought Edelgard was in the wrong and needed to be stopped, but the result is the exact same.
(if you want to get into real world parallels, the Catholic Church was in much the same position of power as the Central Church for a good millenia (the xenophobia and the way it wormed itself into being central in every government by saying the King ruled out of God's will and had to be a good Christian if they wanted to keep their throne is especially similar), but then Martin Luther called it out on its corruption and started the Protestant Church (Southern Church, in Fodlan's case), leading to a long religious and physical conflict where the Catholic Church tried to eradicate the dissidents, with fire among other things)
So, what do we deduce from all this ? Three things :
The Church and nobility feed off of each other to maintain their own power ; if one were to disappear or stop working the way it did in the past, the other would collapse.
Rhea is more than ready to do what it takes to preserve her power and influence over Fodlan because it allows her to keep it in stasis and she believes that is what she should do until her mother comes back from the dead.
Edelgard's reforms would put a dent in Rhea's power, war or no war, which would result in Rhea trying to get her killed so she could put a good, obedient noble on the throne in order to restore the Central Church's power and maintain the nobility's standing in the Empire/Fodlan.
So, in conclusion : no significant change to the system can be made and kept in place for more than a few years, a decade at most, without national level of armed conflict at the very least because the Church and nobility will ally and fight tooth and nail to preserve their power. Taking apart the nobility cannot be done without destroying the Central Church at the same time, for one will always try to save/bring back the other to justify its own power. If Edelgard hadn't started the war, Rhea would have ; if Edelgard hadn't invaded and conquered the Kingdom and Alliance, their nobility would have attacked her in order to avoid her reforms giving ideas to their own population, or the population would have rebelled and started a bloody civil war in order to win their freedom, which would have likely caused more casualties, especially civil ones and children, than a fight between two actual armies.
There would have been war anyway. There would have been thousands of deaths anyway. Edelgard did what she did in order to gain the advantage by attacking first, improve her odds and shape the conflict in a way that would cause the least civilian casualties. We can still debate whether or not she was right or wrong, whether or not there was a better way to achieve her goals and save more lives, but the fact remains that while she did start the war, if she had not, someone else would have in order to stop her reforms. There was no peaceful way to change the whole system. As always, when you want to take power away from a group of people, you have to fight for it, and they will fight back.
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broncoburro · 7 days
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Two of Vestur's future rulers have a fine conversation about teapots. (Colored by @lsdoiphin, of course.) There's an understandable expectation for the heirs of Vestur to bond. It's just... difficult when one of them is like 10 years younger than the rest. But as far as the situation of "grown man forced to awkwardly hang out with random child" could go, Duchess Rhea and Prince Oscar get along pretty well.
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mirkokosmos · 7 months
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by Mirko Lalit Egger
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deathbirby · 1 month
I don't think FEH will ever do it but I think a Rhea and Grima harmonic duo would be fascinating, one watched humans murder her whole race mother included, and make weapons OUT OF THEIR BONES and yet due to her mother's love of humanity she didn't murder them all in retaliation; instead she cherished them, watched them grow and even helped out when she could. Meanwhile Grima gets betrayed once (or maybe a couple of times we don't have much on him) and decides all of humanity has to burn, wipe them all out. What happens to Rhea and all she has to do to keep herself and her kind protected in a way gives evidence to his viewpoint about humanity but she does the total opposite of what he does for being slighted. I don't know if he'd think she's pathetic for it or be impressed with it all but I don't know it's just very interesting to think about! Sadly harmonics are never that deep BUT THEY COULD BE
Grima gets slighted once for an unknown reason. It could be something minor for all we know. And what does he do in response? DOWN WITH HUMANITY! DEATH TO EVERYTHING!
Rhea gets fucked over CONSTANTLY and in the WORST ways possible by humanity and what does she do? She loves them. She cherishes them. She wants to protect them and keep the peace.
They would clash. Absolutely. Grima is stubborn. His viewpoint wouldn't change. He might see Rhea as a potential ally. The blocks are there. All she would need are some very strong pushes.
Instead we get Edelgard and Altina in swimsuits. And even THEY could've had a deep conversation, but nooo.
Fuck. I might do something with this idea though. You have planted the brainworm in me, anon. I will never recover from this.
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randomnameless · 21 days
Something pretty interesting I missed in my earlier Supreme Bullshit reading.
When Supreme Leader is upset at Lonato, she wonders if going to help him would be feasible, which leads to this convo with Hubert :
You want to save the man, Your Majesty? If I may, we would march all that way for...what, exactly?
Hubert, imo, thinks Lonato as basically already done and dead, Supreme Leader earlier was pissed at Lonato not following their plans, he acted on personal enemity and will most likely have to fight both the KoS and the Kingdom so...
Imagine the consequences of leaving him to die.
Here we have an example of the Supreme Leader who made this route, so interesting : it's not Hubert who has all the dastardry in their duo, Supreme Leader too, participates.
When KT forgets that they gave her a sailor fuku to be "more free", they write her to be in a similar vein as the other red Emperors like Arvis, or, Gustadolph from TS.
It's not "we must save him" or "we can't let him die", but Supreme Leader directly evacuates all that pathos, and thinks, rationally, about the consequences of leaving Lonato reap what he sowed.
We need our vassals to believe the Empire will always come to their aid. Always.
It's PR!
Going to save Lonato is not about Lonato himself, she can't give a fig about the dude, but it's all about public relationships and keeping a façade for her war of conquest : her vassals need to believe the Empire will always come to their aid.
Whether they actually do, or not, is irrelevant - they need to believe Adrestia is "trustworthy enough" to come to their help when called.
And the sheer "we need them to believe" coming from Supreme Leader herself? It's really neat, she's lying/manipulating the events to build a perfect image for her vassals, or the ones who will become her vassals (by choice).
Compare this to the Kingdom/Church "we need to help the ones who need help!" and here, instead, we have "we need to make people believe we're going to help them".
Lonato doesn't act following the plan ? It doesn't matter, Supreme Leader will seize this new opportunity to advance her own goals : aka, making people believe the Empire is "trustworthy" and "reliable".
Good. Now make our plans known to the others. I'm counting on you, Hubert.
What plans? The "we must rescue Lonato because he is our ally" or the true "we must pretend to rescue Lonato to make other nobles join our cause and believe in us"?
And what is intereting is how this exchange, of course, only happens when she is alone with Hubert.
In the following event, where Barney is here and they talk about their powers :
Ah, you should see the look on your face! Did Hubert threaten you? Don't let it get to you. Yes, he's quite good at that kind of thing, but it comes from a place of caution.
Hm... Sure. It's Hubert's way of caring I guess.
But then comes the manifesto :
I want to transform the world into a place where no one has to feel trapped by where they came from.
What's that about the place they come from? Aren't we later in this route trashtalking Annette and the Kingdom peeps because they believe in outdated values like chivalry and sacrifices to protect their loved ones?
When I am done, it won't matter where you are born, whose blood you have, or what powers course through you—everyone will be treated as equals.
When she means equals, she means people will "believe" everyone will be treated as equals, just like Lonato was supposed to "believe" Adrestia was coming to back him up and not just, play minimal part to guarantee their PR but not much more?
That's what we're fighting for, and that is what this war is going to achieve.
But Hubert said this war is a war of conquest ?
So believe me when I say this—I don't care who you are.
And yet Barney is still a nobody commoner, even if pal with the Emperor, when Linhardt is a general?
I only care about what you have done and what you have yet to do.
And what Barney can do with that power you said you don't give a crap about right? But what if Barney's abilities are basically the result of their weird powers, can we still say their power/abilities are irrelevant ?
And, hm, maybe someone can translate this for me ?
人の力に拠る未来を創るため、 すべての犠牲を私は負って立つ!
She says this when she defeats 1k peons, and Googl'd it gives... "To create a future based on the power of people, I will bear all the sacrifices!" - so what this line about not giving figs about "what powers course through you everyone will be treated as an equal"? Could Amelie the lady from Mittelfrank who couldn't end up as a diva be treated like Leopold, or what?
Supreme Leader's words being treated as gospel is always imo hilarious, because Supreme Leader has some instances where, when KT's not busy dressing her up with some "Scarlet Blaze Power! Make Up!", she plays the role Arvis already played before her, the dastardly red emperor who manipulates and seizes every opportunity to reach her goals.
In Tru Piss we got the Javelins - but in Nopes? We get those "heart to heart" moments with Hubert that lampshade even more how much of an unreliable narrator Supreme Leader is - she still maintains care to have a level of PR and only confides to trusted people (yay Hubert!) or, in FE16, when, curiously, she has her mask on (Flamey doesn't need PR).
That's why we still have so many pretzels over Rhea's fate in Tru Piss, yes, Supreme Leader claims she wants to spare her when she adresses her in Firdhiad, in front of her allies and the people she has to lie to about her War.
But when she was with Billy? Nah, she can safely tell them that path lead to the death of Rhea and her people, something she rejoices about in their S support.
Too bad Nopes doubled down on "Sailor Adrestia" instead of giving us more of that "Arvis with a skirt" they teased us with (seriously that power move of betraying Rhea in the third chapter was just, that awesome from her part).
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hyenafu · 10 months
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Slightly Damned 1097 Rhea wouldn't cheat at cards against her friends, would she? And surely not against an Angel, albeit a very annoying one? Nooo, of coooourse not.
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uss-feynman · 3 months
some of the crew for the uss feynman!
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in order from left/right & top/bottom:
commander/captain james k’wayyd (he/she)
- aenar-andorian. doesn’t have a traditional andorian name due to being raised on earth by a human-vulcan couple. struggled a lot with identity growing up away from andorian culture, but later in life left his first ship (USS cerritos) as a junior lieutenant to live on andoria for a few years before returning to starfleet to assist with conflict. was formerly navigation/command division before switching to sciences, combining his navigation skills with astronomy.
lieutenant commander dhy’la byre (she/her)
- bajoran. very much chill but serious about her work, doesn’t take lightly to messing around during work hours. she’s loud and can yap your ears off, but people tend to enjoy listening to her anyways.
ensign/junior lieutenant rhea m’ghon (she/her)
- orion-trill. likes to stick with herself. doesn’t like most people but still desperately wants everyone’s approval. doesn’t speak much about her home life. admires dhy’la from a distance.
chief medical officer isothaal “iso” ch’loya (they/them)
- aenar. tired disaster lesbian. always in some heartbreak or love triangle. midlife crisis all the time. everyone loves them and they love everyone. they are almost completely blind, only able to detect some light levels through their eyes.
ensign o’lynn maalh (he/they)
- vulcan-andorian. mostly nonverbal. botanist, spends basically all his time in the lab. feels like plants get him better than most people. despite this, shark tries desperately to be their best friend. he does have a soft spot for the andorian and lets her be “annoying”.
junior medical officer shark zh’kayo (any)
- andorian. super high energy all the time. most people can’t handle it, but she doesn’t mind. spends a lot of time with o’lynn and t’penne, although the three were closer before he got promoted.
ensign t’penne (she/they)
- vulcan. t’penne has an untraditional mindset regarding emotions and logic. still stoic and monotonous in her ways, she is much more expressive than vulcans typically are (which, albeit, isn’t much). she believes it’s illogical to repress emotion as far back as vulcans do, especially when it doesn’t cause any harm or disruptions in her life and work.
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antialiart · 19 hours
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Finished Kim Wexler.
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bejeweled-wahlberg · 17 days
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Varina belongs to @jokerislandgirl32
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commsroom · 9 months
Hello !! Do you have thoughts on Rhea :]
yes, i do!! with the caveat that we have such limited information on lovelace's crew, what we do have is almost entirely filtered through her perspective, and we kinda... know rhea the least. as much as i find eris a fascinating character too, i wish we'd heard more of rhea.
which is kind of the first thing: rhea is the only AI character in wolf 359 who doesn't have a voice. (we don't hear hyperion's voice, which is supposedly not integrated yet, but he's not even really treated like a character in the scene he's in. and that's a whole other thing.) for hera in particular, she feels a physical disconnect from the others, but the fact that wolf 359 is audio only makes her an equal presence from the perspective of the audience. (which carries over to the live show, where the other characters may not be able to see her, but the audience can, etc.) rhea's situation is kind of the opposite, where her words can be seen by the others, but the audience can only hear or infer her words via what the others read out loud or respond to.
rhea clearly cares about her fellow crewmates, and seems to get along with lambert in particular. lovelace's log: "and communications officer lambert is... communications officer lambert. so an enormous stick in the mud. [...] i heard that, rhea. you are expressly forbidden from telling him i said that." - a sentiment it's easy to imagine early minkowski expressing about eiffel and hera, for the opposite reason. in a more direct parallel, rhea reassures lambert that he "does a great job"; in bach to the future, hera tells eiffel he's "actually very good at his job." the difference in context highlights their priorities; eiffel and hera are having a heart to heart about worthiness, while rhea really is talking about lambert's job - work is important to him, and most people around him don't respect or appreciate his work. what we can infer about rhea is that she's... well, the kind of person who would be lambert's friend. straightforward, rule-following, and professional.
(even something like "see, rhea? i told you someone read [my reports to command]" indicates that they talk to each other a fair amount, but also serves as a mirror to eiffel's belief no one listens to his logs.)
maybe the most interesting thing to me about rhea is her defense of eris: "it's just the way they programmed her, back off." ... again, the complete opposite of how hera might respond. eiffel tries to "defend" her in a similar way in ep 7 - "you can't really hold that against her; it's just her programming" - and she finds it incredibly insulting. with all of that taken together, with how lovelace, lambert, and rhea are in many ways intentional opposites to minkowski, eiffel, and hera, it really makes me wonder how rhea identifies or perceives herself.
i think hera is functionally human, both in her singular, consistent image of herself, and in her role in the narrative. eris appears human to lovelace, but is clear that it's how she sees "a version of herself." whether that refers to that iteration of eris having multiple versions of herself, or if it refers to all of the iterations of her who exist: either way it's a reflection of the way eris exists, and her acceptance of that. by extension, the fact that we don't encounter rhea in any way other than beeping sounds and implied words on station monitors... kind of says something narratively, i think. going back to her lack of voice, even that level of distance and abstraction takes her further away from 'human' perceptions by the audience, while she's obviously still a full person with her own priorities, perspectives, and opinions. i think it's very interesting to consider she might prefer her state of (lack of physical) existence in a way hera clearly does not.
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anni1600 · 3 months
Happy belated Birthday @honey25 I hope you'll like my gift for you As per your request, a picture of my Rhea, your Yuna and @susboi318116 Senpai
The ultimate human gang of the devildom (only 1 1/2 are human)
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Speedpaint below
2min video
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lumeha · 7 months
The idea of the Apostles being human being who drank Nabatean blood and became near immortal - neat, canon as far as I know
The idea of the Apostles being human beings who drank Nabatean blood following the Zanado massacre and yet turned their back to Nemesis - very neat, do not know if canon, actually, because the game doesn't really delve into it
The idea of the Apostles being human beings who drank Nabatean blood following the Zanado massacre, turned their back to Nemesis and allied with Seiros, and are only alive a millenia down the line as immortals because she refused to sacrifice their lives in favour of Sothis' life - I AM FUCKING FERAL ?? I DO NOT CARE ABOUT IF IT IS CANON IT IS MAKING ME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FERAL
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emblemxeno · 1 year
I faintly remember from Three Hopes that Seteth was like “Rhea would you be prepared to hand off leadership of Fodlan to someone else” in a vague regard to Edelgard starting a war and Rhea was like “not willingly no” when that wholly contradicts the fact that Rhea was trying to revive Sothis solely to pass off the responsibility to the person she thought could handle it, and god, just example #129 of how dogshit that game is written 
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deathbirby · 4 months
Something I never see the El stan squad bring up is if it is somehow not that bad for genocide against the Nabateans to be carried out bc some of them did bad things to humans, then by that logic Rhea must be the actual nicest person in all of Fodlan’s history for choosing not to go scorched earth on every human being for *checks notes* killing nearly every single one of her people, mutilating their bodies and drinking their blood. It’s almost like it’s an admirable trait not to equate the actions of a group to the entirety of a race. Funny that
Right?? Rhea not going "fuck dem humans" and blasting Fodlan after getting genocided says a lot about her character. And we know she CAN wipe out life on Fodlan. SS's rampaging Immaculate One has Seteth worried that she will destroy Fodlan!
It's like they think the Nabateans are a hivemind that have the same goal; subjugating humanity. That's the ONLY way they can justify what happened in Zanado because we KNOW they were peaceful in Zanado and did fuck all.
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