#“you love them? they made you bleed!”
blondwhowrites · 2 days
first request ever on my new account i have always loved your writing on my old page and i was wondering if you could do something about how the group treats bunny princess when she’s on her period?
xoxo- anonymous frog
Trying out a new format I hope you guys like it <3
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Its complete and utter chaos. 
First of all, the boys have no idea how the female body works. I mean, they know what a period is in theory, but it's not like Hogwarts had a sex education class. The only thing really they know is how to put their dick into someone's vagina and make them cum so hard they see stars. The fact that it bleeds for a whole entire week every single month scares the living fuck out of them, and it gets even worse when you and Pansy inform them about cramps. 
Draco, of course, calls your bluff and tries to go on about the 'it can't hurt that bad' rant, and that only ends up with you tearing into Draco and completely bruising his already fragile ego. 
With the new information, the boys are left reeling. How have they not known this? It now made sense why you and Pansy were completely miserable during it. It sounded like torture. 
In that moment, with their wide-eyed innocence of the horrors of the woman's body, they all make a pact. Seeing as how you and Pansy got so miserable during it, they would help and make it easier for you two. 
Well, if they could figure out what to do that is..
"What in the bloody hell is a tampon?"
"It's like this cotton thing you stick up your vagina and it soaks up the blood so you don't have to wear pads all day," you answered nonchalantly, your eyes staring down at your book as you skimmed through the pages, completely unaware of the horrified stares being sent your way from the boys. 
Theo gaped down at you. How could you be so nonchalant about this? That sounded horrible. "I- I'm sorry..what? How can you just be so okay with that?" You simply shrugged in response and continued reading.
"So it's like cockwarming?"
You sighed, and set your book down beside you staring at Enzo with a blank, tired, expression.
"Yes, Enzo, it's like cockwarming...."
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scar-lie · 2 days
No One's Savior [Natasha]
Summary : Life is cruel, God gives you the life you wonder if you deserve, a life were you have no one and have to stand up by your own feet
Pairing : Natasha Romanoff x Fem ! Reader
Warning : Being tortured, blood, death, crying
World Count : 2,777
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
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"Please, Nat, let's go play around,” you beg her while following her down the stairs. Their mom adopted you a year ago, seeing you in the street trying to make amends to feed yourself and survive another day in the street.
“Your mom said we could play or bike around, please? ”You give her puppy eyes that you know she can't say no to.
"Fine, fine,” she groans, but you jump on happiness and quickly drag her to the garage to get yours and her bike around the neighborhood.
You smile while biking side by side; you never imagine your life will be like this. I mean, you grow up on the street with no one, stealing people’s food, money, clothes, or anything else you can use to exchange for some money.
You were 6 years old when you learned how to steal things, but when you reach the age of 9, you steal something from Melina, but she catches you. She's hesitant at first to get you arrested or put you in the system, but you beg her to let you go, and that's when she decided to adopt you right there and then, and now it's been a year since that day.
Sure, you try to run away after a few days of staying with them, but after a few days away from them, you realize that it's much better to live with them and their strict rules, and you push yourself to adapt to their lifestyle. 
At first, Melina's daughters disagree, but with the command of their father, they don't have a choice but to accept it, so they try to get to know you until they accept you and become friends with them.
Even though Melina didn't get the papers for you to be their legal daughter by law, they still treat you like family, and you're happy to be a part of their family.
But Yelena’s sister, Natalia, is the one who makes you stay with them; she's kind, caring, and looking out for you, even if she tries to hide it.
She also catches your eyes, which makes you want to look at those emerald eyes forever. It's mesmerizing you where you sometimes zone out.
But the happy life quickly washed away when Melina and Alexei took the three of you to the Red Room. You thought it would be fine, but once they took you away, you knew that the happy life you had was now over.
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“I don't want to be here, Nat,” you whisper, whimpering in the middle of the night, where only you and Nat are awake. Yelena, beside your bed, is sound asleep.
“It's ok, shh,” Nat whispers to you and reaches out to touch your face and wipe your tears. She wants to hug you and cradle you, but the handcuffs on her right hand are preventing her from doing it.
“We will get out, I promise. I’ll get you out of here. Now stop crying,” she whispered, and you nodded and made yourself comfortable.
“Promise? ”She nodded, smiling at you while she squeezed your hand.
“I promise,” she whispers, then kisses the back of your hand.
You sigh in relief, finding a safe place and comfort in the Red Room after everything you've been through for over 9 years. She still provides you comfort and a safe place, and you already fall for her, and so does she. Even though she won't admit it, she still loves you deep inside.
As long as she's here with you, you'll be okay at the end of the day. Even if your foot will bleed again from ballet, you killed someone, or they give you a punishment, you know you will be okay, and you've been holding on to Nat’s promise over the years that someday you three will be free.
But again, you should have learned the first time that not everything will stay the way it is and that promises—as someone says—are meant to be broken, and they are right.
Promise really meant to be broken, like how Natalia broke hers, how she just left you behind those bars, locked up, begging her to let you come with her.
"Natalia, please don't…don't leave me here.” You begged her when she turned around to leave this place and start her new life.
"Nat, please, I don't want to be here anymore. Please let me come with you, please.” You cry out for her, so she turns around again and puts her hands on your cheeks while she tries not to cry like you, and she smiles at you.
“I’ll come back for you, I promise... I will be back, ok? ”She whispered, swallowing the lump in her throat.
“No, no, please, Nat.” You grip her wrist, not letting her go, but she forces herself to get her wrist back and turns around.
“NAT NO…PLEASE….YOU PROMISED…NATALIA,” you scream, bagging the metal bars and watching her walk away from your sight until she's gone, so you drop on your knees and cry to yourself.
You just wish that you didn't make a little mistake on your ballet so you wouldn't be here in this cell alone, that maybe you're now with Natasha getting out of here.
But you still hold on to another promise, the promise she didn't—again—fulfill, and you're so stupid to believe that she will come back for you.
If you have a thought past in the RedRoom, now your life in there is hell. Since Natalia escaped, they put more security, they doubled the training, and you—your life has become hell.
Why? Since she escaped, you've become the target of everyone. When you were sleeping, they tried to suffocate you. Since the handcuffs are now gone, they can do whatever they want.
They even beat you up, and for the high staff of the Red Room, gosh, they also give you a hard time. They believe that you know the whereabouts of Natalia, so they tortured you.
Drown you, beat you up, hand you up with your hands tied up on your back, and do everything they can to break you, but since you didn't say anything, they turned you into one of the greatest black widows on your program.
And since then, you hate Natalia; you blame her for everything that had happened to you, so you become, though, a cold-hearted person and a killer machine. Dreykov wants
“Uhuh…you're ready! ”He smirked, standing on his chair behind his long table, where you were standing in front of him, emotionless. 
“You've become the greatest widow I can imagine! ”He then lights up his tobacco and goes around his table and to your back, whispering in your ear.
“One of my pride and joy,” he giggled to himself, then went in front of you and sat on his table. 
“What do you think about a mission—a highly top mission, huh? ”He then took a folder, looking inside to see if it's the file he's talking about.
“I’m gladly accepting whatever mission needs to be done, sir,” you said in monotone, so he gave you the folder, and you took it.
“That's what I wanted about you; no second guessing,” he says, smirking and urging you to open up and take a look at the mission he's given you.
When you read what it is, your heart stops for a few seconds, a feeling you didn't know you would be feeling again, but thanks to the training you had, you cover it up pretty well, and then you close the folder and look at Dreykov.
“I will not let you down, sir.” 
“That's what I wanted to do here; no, go and prepare.” With that, you get out of his office and go get the things you need for the mission, to kill Natalia.
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“Update to everybody? ”Steve said on the coms while he brought down four guards of the Red Room.
“Clint, east wing”
“Tony, east sky.”
“Thor, at the Helipad.”
“Lower ground in the north, Wanda.”
“Top south, Clint.”
Everybody took their update, but Nat and Steve's hearing nothing makes him worried about the redhead—not that he didn't trust her and her abilities, but still, that's his teammates in the field, fighting. 
“Nat, update? ”He reminded her, and after a few minutes, she replied.
"Underground.” Then Steve nodded to himself and went back to fighting the enemy.
“Augh! ”Natasha then coughs up the dust when she tries to open the locked gate of one of the cells in the underground. 
“I think there's no one here,” she mumbles to herself, and when she turns around and walks a few steps to go back up, there's a sound, coming to the end of the hallway, a cough. It's not audible since she's far from the source, but she's a spy, and her senses are highly activated every time.
So she quickly took her gun out, pointed to the hallway in case someone suddenly jumped on her, and slowly and carefully walked towards the sound.
Then she pointed her gun inside when she finally got to the last cell at the end of the hallway, seeing a woman tied up in the chair, blood and deep, superficial wounds littering all over her body.
She quickly put her gun down and slowly but surely walked closer, but once she's close enough to see her body up close, she freezes, seeing the birthmark on her shoulder. 
“Y/N? ”You then scoff, recognizing her voice—the same voice you've despise the most, the same voice you wanted to get revenge on.
"Natalia,” you look up at her eyes—the same eyes you've adored for years, the same eyes that gave you comfort and a safe place before, but now? Now all you see and feel is her broken promises and the betrayal she has done.
When you look into those eyes for the past few months, all you see is you being tortured over and over again. You wanted her to feel the same way you felt.
You wanted to kill her with your bare hands, but every time you tried to, she dodged it. She always fought back. She will always be greater than you.
That's why you're here now, bleeding to death because you can't kill her, so Dreykov chooses to slowly kill you, making sure to make you feel how unworthy and a failure you are that you couldn't kill the black widow herself.
“What are you waiting for, huh? ...You can now kill me,” you snarl at her. Your left eye is blurry because of the swelling and bruise, and your eyes are bleeding, making it harder to open your eye.
“No, don't say that…” Natasha quickly put her gun to her holster and kneeled in front of you, inspecting every inch of your body, making her shudder in horror.
“What have they done to you? ”She looks up at your eyes; her eyes are glistening with tears, not wanting to cry in front of you, but once you see the pity in her eyes, you scoff.
“Don’t act like you don't like what you're seeing.” You then cough up blood, making you feel even weaker than before.
“Wh-what? What are you talking about? ”She's worried that seeing coughing up blood makes her blood run cold.
“It breaks me seeing you like this,” she then proceeds to untie you while, deep inside her, she's panicking.
“You don't have to pretend like you fucking care! ”You weakly growl, getting angry at the moment.
“I do, I do care, my love, I do,” she firmly said, looking up at you. Her eyes say it all, and now tears run down her cheek, but you don't have anything in you to believe her, maybe because you already learned your lesson and don't want to be fooled once again.
“Really? Then why did you leave me here? Huh? ”Natasha, swallow the lump on her throat and go back, untying you to avoid the question.
“Why didn't you come back like you promised? ”And since your body weight is all forward, Natasha caught you when your limp body got freed from the restraint.
“I waited for you, like a fucking dog waiting for their master to come back! You betrayed me! ”She then put you down, taking you on her lap.
“And don't you fucking dare call me'my love'? I’m not the same person you once knew! ”You spat; you wanted to push her or get out of her arm—the same arms that calm you down—but now it feels like burning.
“Shhh…. You'll be OK. I promise. I’m here now…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She sniffs and wipes away her tears while she caresses your cheek, and then again you cough more blood.
“No, you're not fucking sorry, and we both know your promise meant nothing! If it's not, you should have gotten me out of here the first time, like you promised! ”She hugged you while tears streamed down her face.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Y/N, I’m sorry,” she keeps chanting while your breathing is shallow and you're slowly losing consciousness, and Natasha notices it.
“No, Y/N, don't close your eyes... Please...” She quickly taps her intercoms to send someone to her.
“Wanda, Tony, Steve, anybody, I need back up ASAP.” She then keeps tapping your cheeks to keep you awake.
“Hang on, my love... You're going to be okay; just keep your eyes open, please. I'm not going to leave you. Again, just please...keep your eyes open,” she whispered, beg caressing your cheek like she did before.
“You know that I fucking hate you?”She gasped, hearing it from your own mouth.
“I fucking want to hurt you…..I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me. I want to make you feel what they have done to me! ”You look up at her eyes, tears streaming down both sides of your faces.
“Because you fucking left me here alone! ....I begged you…I called out for you. I even waited for you to come back…but you never came…you didn't fulfill your promises. Instead, you turned your back on me. You left and left me here alone, suffering.” You put your hand on top of her cheek and squeezed it the best you could.
“I was scared, Natalia. I’m scared, and you're not there anymore…I’m always scared” You put all of your strength on your hand to take her hand, move it to your lips, kiss her palm, and put it back on your cheek, squeezing it.
“I know… I know, and I’m sorry, my love….I’m sorry I left you behind….I’m sorry. I didn't mean to leave you, I didn't mean to.” She cries out, and you smile at her, a genuine smile you never did for over a year, but Natasha quickly panics when you close your eyes and your hand drops.
“No…no no no…please dekta…open your eyes…please I’m begging you…open your eyes” she tried…she tried to wake you up but you didn't show any sign of waking up, and now every second the warmth of your body is fading and thinking of them makes her wanna die too, instead she hugged and rocked you back and forth while she cried, savoring the warmth of your body that she knows she'll never feel again.
“I’m so sorry, my love,” she whispers, putting her cheek on yours, and that's when Wanda barges into the room, worried.
“Nat? ”Wanda stopped on her track, hearing and seeing Nat cry.
“What happened? ”She slowly walks towards her and keeps a distance to give Natasha some space.
It broke Wanda seeing her like this; she knows her as a tough, wise, and smart woman who never shows any weaknesses or lowers her ground, but now that Wanda sees her at her lowest, it breaks her.
“She's gone,” Natasha chokes at her own words. It hurts to admit it and get it out of her own mouth that you're gone. She knows she has to accept it whether she likes it or not
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A.N : guys I made a video of this one shot, anyone wants to see it?
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enhypencores · 3 days
Bleed Me Dry Pt II
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Lee Heeseung X Y/N
Genre: Yandere Romance/ Thriller/ Stalker
Prompt: "If I carve you into my blood, will you believe my love?"
Word Count: 11K+
WARNING⚠️: Explicit content, profanity, sexual harassment, heated make outs, female stereotyping, use of a derogatory word, violence, lots of blood, aggression, toxic masculinity, yandere, manipulation, mentions of self exit, drugs, unhealthy relationships and mental health issues. Y/N described with long hair and brown eyes.
Cameos: Jake, Jay, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Yeji, Karina, Jaemin and Jisung
A/N: Please read the warnings carefully before proceeding. There's heavy discussions and complex character dynamics. None of it is healthy. This is a work of fiction, please read it as such. If I missed out any, lemme know.
PS: I’d love to hear your feedback <3
Heeseung had gathered some crucial knowledge from a heavily drunk Jake.
“Intelligent and tall. She’s got a thing for them… She had this crush on a dude in the first semester. Told her he was a jerk, didn’t listen, and you know… he broke her heart. His name? Think it was park jeong guk? jeong woo? I don’t know… It was just some guy. She’s stupid…”
He had wanted to punch that knowing look off Jake’s face as he insulted you, but Heeseung tried swallowing down the surging fury.
Because, indeed, you were so stupid. Why had you allowed some loser into your life? When Heeseung gets you, he will make sure to treasure every part of you. He wouldn’t need anyone else. He would use his every breath to cherish you, only you.
Despite the hostility he felt upon hearing of your previous crush, the good news was that Heeseung unintentionally matched the description. He had never been so grateful for his genes until this moment; traits he once considered useless suddenly becoming his most prized.
Heeseung bore a good height, and his mind was like a computer program. At just ten years old, his father had assumed he’d discover the cure for cancer—yet to come true, but everyone in college believed if anyone could do it, it was Lee Heeseung.
A special one, born to lead, a saviour, they claimed. But Heeseung never wanted to be his father’s golden child. He didn’t want to contribute to society or garner the world’s praise. He barely had friends—except for Kim Sunoo, Heeseung’s childhood partner in crime.
To the world, Heeseung was an overachiever, but he knew his excellence was merely a distraction from his twisted mind. His father was the first to notice the disconnect.
Heeseung chose medicine on a whim, a flick of a coin—heads or tails. The boredom in his life drove him to try everything: paragliding, boxing, swimming, drugs and unrestrained, animalistic sex. He had lived countless lives in two decades.
Early teenage years, his father took it upon himself to train his son, instilling social norms and enforcing strict rules as he tried moulding Heeseung into someone 'normal.' Like a dog on a leash, he made Heeseung more human while maintaining a safe distance to avoid getting scratched. Heeseung understood this from the moment he gained consciousness: his father was scared of him. Terrified.
He never discovered what exactly made his father lock his door every night, but whatever it was, it confirmed a small suspicion: Heeseung was unlovable.
It wasn’t anything detrimental really, because Heeseung never felt the need to seek love. Even in psychological terms, a human's absolute necessities were food, shelter, sex, and safety. When he could survive on the bare minimum, why should he look for something as wasteful as love? He'd rather spend time gaming and pretending to outshine the world’s brilliant minds.
Now, Heeseung was tired of the boredom. So tired that he thought to end it. How long could one treck through an aimless journey?
The realisation that he could cease to exist and no one would know his whereabouts made him feel somewhat better. The taste of death brought him immense curiosity. Would he turn to dust and ashes? Would he be forgotten in memories?
He didn’t think anyone would remember him. To his father, he was a trophy; to his friends, a competition; and to outsiders, a freak. His loss would merely be a statistic: a decline in Korea’s population digits, a decrease in the number of distinction holders in the country, and one less student in Seoul University’s register.
That’s what he thought.
Until he came across you.
You, with your brown eyes, small frame, your liveliness and your beauty.
It was a rainy day in Seoul when he was walking past the bus stand after wrecking his father’s beloved car in a deliberate crash. Unfortunately, he made it out unscathed, only injuring the vehicle. Maybe Heeseung had been born with a shit ton of luck, destined to waste it away.
Regardless, thanks to that golden tub of luck, he was able to land his gaze on you. Heeseung unintentionally remembered countless formulae and research, but the one thing he intended to remember—fucking forced himself to perfectly encode in his memory—was the way you looked that day.
Brown hair slightly wet, sticking to your jawline, knitted brows, and wide eyes staring up at the sky in vengeful retaliation. Heeseung stopped in his tracks.
He had never seen an angel angry.
You dialled a number on your mobile and spoke calmly into your phone.
“The bus is running late. Pick me up.” He remembered a sulking pout on your lips.
“It’s raining! I don’t even have an umbrella. You want me to walk?” He remembered incredulous horror written across your features, lips frowning at the caller’s words.
“Fine... Please! There, I said it, now come quick.” He remembered you rolling your eyes, biting your lip and clenching your bag’s strap tighter.
The phone call ended, and you folded your arms over your chest, letting the damp material cling to your bust, detailing the line of your bra as you tapped your foot on the drenched footpath, staring ahead in longing.
That day, an inactive section of his brain burst out with life, that’s all he could theorise. He wanted to devour you, grope your drenched body, kiss your red mouth, force his fingers into your most sensitive tissues and consume your cries.
He wanted to destroy the person on that call with you, bury them within the earth’s deepest pits so they’d never return to you. He wanted the earth to swallow you and him together, so he could hide you away and savour this moment. He wanted to be the only existence to remember you, here, standing at the bus stop, waiting for a ride home.
Why were you here alone anyway? Who was coming?
Heeseung wanted to shadow you from the rain. If he was a part of your life, he’d chase away all the buses—let alone make you wait for one to pick you up. He would stand drenched in the rain if it meant your ass would only meet the covers of his seat.
A booming motion of the car made your eyes light up. Heeseung’s chest knotted up, a foreign emotion bubbling in his throat as a blonde braked his car before you. You hurried to climb into the passenger’s seat, and then he drove away. Just like that.
He hadn’t hurt someone so far in this life, but the urge to drive a car into the blonde grew tenaciously strong. He had never felt such hatred and venom consume his being. The thought of you getting into that car, going away to share a life Heeseung wasn’t a part of left a gnawing anger in his chest.
His heart which hadn’t felt something in so long suddenly felt alive, riveting with twisted emotions. Heeseung didn’t want to live, but suddenly he didn’t want to die either. He didn’t wish to be remembered, but suddenly he wanted at least one person to remember.
That day he came to a staggering conclusion: Heeseung was unfit to be loved, but he wasn’t unfit to love.
Peak hours on a Monday afternoon started early. Waitresses ambled from one table to another, carrying orders as the room bustled with young college students, conversing and gossiping while awaiting their snacks. The rich essence of chocolate and coffee beans filled the air, stirring hunger among individuals working alone with their noses in laptops and textbooks.
Heeseung’s lips curved in a knowing smile: if you were here, you’d be one of those unaccompanied goody two shoes, sipping on a chocolate milkshake, jotting things down in your notebook. He pictured your brows scrunched as you wrapped your beautiful lips around the straw, gulping long sips and pulling away with a content smile.
“Baby, can’t we go somewhere more private?”
His jaw tightened, aggravated at the shrill interruption. He feigned a smile, his gaze falling back on the red-haired bimbo who stared at him like he was the answer to her every prayer.
Heeseung grabbed a fork, scooping up a bite of strawberry cheesecake before filling his mouth. His stomach fluttered as he revelled in the sweet texture. Ever since stealing those kisses, he couldn’t stop craving sweet treats. He even bought some candies on his way home that morning, already feeling the withdrawals kicking in.
“But how’ll we do this—in private?”
The girl stared in confusion before she was yanked into his embrace, his warm lips slamming into hers, kissing her aggressively, the sweet creaminess from the cake transferring into her mouth. She moaned, licking his lips incessantly, begging for entrance, but Heeseung dismissed her attempts, his brows furrowed in annoyance.
Nervously, the red-haired girl slid her chair closer, biting her lip as she observed the underwhelmed expression on his face.
“What’s wrong? Are you mad at me?” She sulked, sucking at her teeth, staring up with concern.
Heeseung shook his head and pulled her into his lap. “Did you do something to make me mad?” He mumbled, rubbing his nose down her neck, peppering small kisses to distract her from his response.
“Ah—n-no! I didn’t,” she gasped, her concern melting away already, her head tilting back as Heeseung planted kisses down her collarbone.
“Shouldn’t you be at uni right now?” He abruptly changed the topic, portraying the perfectly caring boyfriend who gave a shit about her life.
“Yeah, but I’ll ask a friend for the class notes,” she mustered up, her breath laborious as Heeseung ran his hand down her thigh, his kisses growing feistier against her exposed neck.
“Hm, are you that smart?” He pressed on, his patience running out. “Thought I’d fucked you dumb already,” he whispered repulsive words, his hand covering her thighs as the girl tightened in his hold, her lips pressed together to silence any sound, cautious of their surroundings.
Heeseung’s gaze changed, a menacing darkness flashing through. “Smart bitches,” he began, his words blunt and aggressive. “Fucking hate them. Running their big mouths all the damn time,” he declared, his bitter tone making her knees quiver in arousal.
“Tell me, baby, you’re not one of those, are you?” He urged.
One way to access a woman’s weaknesses was to put her up against another.
The girl whose name he had forgotten the second she uttered it, shook her head with desperation. Had he asked her to admit to murder, she would have agreed.
“No!” She yelped, alarmed at his lack of interest. “I’m so dumb. Barely passing this degree,” she confessed, her voice cracking as she spread her knees for his attention.
“Hm—really?” He mocked, and she nodded, her body pleading for his approval. “But your course is so tough. You must be so smart.” Heeseung’s tone dripped with sarcasm, his frown hinting at his displeasure.
The girl choked; her breaths alarmingly rapid as Heeseung’s fingers trailed closer to her clothed centre. “But not me—there’s some smart girls in my class. I—I’m not like them, Hee,” she rambled, her eyes screwing shut.
“Smart girls like—yourself?” He threw the bait, challenging her, and she immediately shook her head, her body jolting as Heeseung flicked his fingers against her centre.
“Not me—not me. This other girl—Ah!” She bit her tongue, her body trembling as Heeseung drew faint circles against her clit. “There’s—Y/N!”
“She’s like the smartest—oh!”
Heeseung halted his movement, his teeth gritting in frustration, anger bubbling up his throat as the girl kept moaning into her words, prolonging this ordeal. He hadn’t spent the last three days coercing a second-year pharmacology student from your college to serenade and romance. He wanted information.
The girl’s arched frame twisted at the sudden lack of touch, her wet gaze darting to Heeseung’s in urgency.
“Speak,” he commanded bluntly, his usual sugar-coated tone gone along with his smile.
The girl’s expression faltered, her blood turning cold. “Uh—there’s this girl—she’s really smart, always acing her exams,” she responded reluctantly, her insecure gaze attempting to read his intentions.
Heeseung’s hand slid back down to her leaking centre, his movement more vigorous as he wrapped his lips on her earlobe. “You’re so hot like this—like a dumb bitch for me,” he drawled, sucking her sensitive flesh.
His sudden shift in demeanour seemed like a hallucination, his voice now intentionally low and sultry. “You wouldn’t want to be like Y/N, hm? You’re my good girl.”
The girl was a goner. Her head dropped back onto his shoulder, her eyes shut, and her body trembling from his touch, his previous indifference a distant memory.
“Yeah—I am—so—so dumb for you,” she babbled nonsensically. Heeseung’s flicks quickened.
“That bitch—she’s so smart and talks too much, probably why no one likes her. Such a loser— I don’t know why Park Jongseong’s crazy for her.”
Heeseung’s arm faltered, his body freezing.
The girl, lost in the throes of her arousal, ignored it, urgently pressing her hand down to maintain the pressure. “She’s so full of herself. Bet she’s as virgin as a nun—but maybe—she finally let poor Jongseong have a go, who kno—Ah!”
Heeseung yanked her hair back, his clenched fist tightening and ripping a few strands. His gaze was predatory, chest heaving as he stared down at the horrified girl.
“I’ll rip that tongue out, sweetheart,” he hissed, his venomous tone cutting through and gripping her heart with horror.
The sickening words replayed like a broken record. A searing sting flared inside his chest, his jaw tightening as he thought of that name: Park Jongseong.
Of course, it was the guy from the photos—it fit him perfectly. His arrogant, self-righteous demeanour, that overly exaggerated smile on his face as he held you. It had to be him.
The imagery the stupid girl on his lap painted, her words dripping with malice for his Y/N; everything began to suffocate his lungs.
Heeseung stared down, his hand still gripping her locks as she looked at him with disbelief.
As he released his grip, she winced, her eyes wet with tears.
Heeseung wrapped an arm around her waist like a shackle, holding her captive as he leaned forward and picked up the steaming hot coffee she had ordered. She flinched as he pushed the cup to her lips.
The girl stared at him like he had grown two heads.
“It’s too hot—”
“Leave one sip behind, and you’ll wish you had listened.”
Her heart raced, body turning cold. Heeseung’s chilling gaze and crooked smile were laced with demonic intent, making her stomach churn. She had never felt her organs shrivel with just the sight of a man’s empty gaze.
She realised at that very moment. She had to obey or else… she didn’t even want to consider what could happen.
She took the heated cup, gulping down her spit to ease the pressure in her throat.
Then she clung to the cup and downed the entire thing. The first rush of liquid scalded the roof of her mouth. Burns trailed down her tongue, to her throat, buzzing all the way into her stomach. Bloody broils flared up, her muscles jolting in agony as pain overwhelmed her cognition. With an excruciating sob, she dropped the empty cup, shattering it on the ground as she tried screaming for help. 
The busy café didn’t seem to notice anything but the shatter, rolling their eyes at the couple’s antics before continuing with their own endeavours.
Heeseung patted her head, smiling in satisfaction. “That’s my good girl.” 
The sobbing girl tore herself from his lap. Standing on quivering limbs, she scrambled to grab her purse and dashed towards the exit.
To Heeseung’s delight, the red-haired bimbo wasn’t so useless after all. He now had a name: Park Jongseong.
Grabbing his phone, Heeseung dialled a number.
“Sim, for your birthday, let’s plan something crazy.”
The homeroom buzzed with chatter as students scattered to join their friends at the end of the lecture. While most were preparing to head home, you had to stay back for the weekly council meeting. With your head slack on the table, you shut your eyes and let out an irked groan, wishing you could abandon all your duties and just scramble home.
“Y/N, just resign already. You’re too exhausted,” Yeji, your best friend, called out, rolling her eyes as she zipped up her tote bag.
You groaned again, slamming your head against the table. “You have no idea how badly I want to take your stupid advice,” you whined, rubbing your temples in pain.
Yeji, her pink hair perfectly styled, retouched her lip gloss and eyed your sulking frame. “You take on too much for no reason,” she sighed, finishing her touch-up and patting your head.
“Can’t you loosen up? Look at me, we have finals coming up, and I’m off clubbing with Jaemin,” she gloated, her smile widening at the thought of her boyfriend.
Getting into the world’s best university on an eighty per cent scholarship was tough, but no one prepared you for the strenuous part: upholding those perks. Paired with a demanding course load, extracurriculars and volunteer work felt like a constant nuisance.
“I wish…” you muttered.
Knowing her best friend’s upright nature, Yeji shook her head in defeat.
“Besides that, I’ll be having fun soon,” you iterated, and Yeji instantly grew alert, her eyes wide with anticipation.
“You’re getting a boyfriend?” She gasped, grabbing your shoulders to turn you towards her in excitement. 
“No!” You dismissed, and Yeji’s excitement died as soon as it began, releasing your shoulders in frustration.
“At this point, I strongly believe you wish to die a virgin,” she remarked, running her fingers through her dark strands, her gaze cold. “You even rejected Jongseong,” Yeji huffed.
You winced.
It had been three months since you had been hit by a truck of feelings from the raven-haired boy. Three months of discomfort and pain.
You were introduced to your senior, Park Jongseong, as a good friend of Na Jaemin. The two friend groups had merged, and soon the initial trio—Yeji, Ji-min, and you—grew an acquaintanceship with their group: Jay, Jaemin, and Jisung.
Since you had been to an all-girls school, the first few months of interactions were painstakingly awkward. You felt like an outsider even in a room full of familiar people.
You envied your best friends Yeji and Ji-min for their effortless socialisation skills. Whilst they enjoyed trips and study sessions with the guys, you drew a line, only speaking when spoken to.
In the first year, you were constantly running away from this new world of discomfort. Jay, however, refused to draw a barrier. Like the definition of a headstrong man, he never gave up. Gestures like stopping you in the hallways to talk about his hobbies and inviting you to all his parties showed you that Jay was making a real effort at friendship.
All of it came tumbling down when he confessed to you. The friendship you treasured faded, and you both became strangers again.
“Don’t bring him up,” you gritted, your heart plummeting as you remembered all the distant memories.
You recalled that nightmarish day. You might take this to your grave but Park Jongseong was your first crush. You secretly liked him throughout the farce of friendship.
He held your bag after class, joined extracurriculars like the music society and learned amazing guitar skills. He took you shopping to destress after you failed your lab assessment and played silly nursery rhymes on his guitar to make you laugh. Everything was special until the last day of the second semester.
Jay had asked you to a movie, and as always, you assumed he meant everyone in the friend group, so you called Yeji and Ji-min along.
The moment he saw you walk in with the girls, his expression fell with dismay. Instead of speaking to you about it, he handed the popcorn to your friends and left.
You followed him instantly, but maybe you shouldn’t have.
“Jay!” You chased after him, your heels thudding against the pavement, confusion painted on your features.
He paused in his tracks and turned, his eyes darkening.
“What’s wrong?”
Instead of responding, Jay’s gaze narrowed, a strained chuckle leaving his mouth. “Don’t act dumb now,” he rasped, his voice bitter.
You opened your mouth to question him, but he suddenly stepped close, his towering frame making your insides queasy.
“It’s always the same with you. How long will you pretend?” Jay’s voice trembled with accusation.
“Do you not see me? Chasing after you like a fucking loser. I’ve spent months trying to figure you out. Stop this game of hide and seek!” He roared, tightening his hold on your shoulders as he stared down at you like a wounded wolf.
You felt so wronged and hurt, your throat clogging up with emotions.
Because Jay was right. You were playing dumb, looking past his feelings, ignoring your own to hide away. Your insecurities and fear of disappointment were louder than his words, ringing in your head like tinnitus.
Because you had always assumed someone as rich and well-put-together as Park Jongseong didn’t need to like a mediocre girl on a scholarship.
You felt that breaking his heart might save his friendship, might save you from the pain of losing his love. So you wanted to sever all chances before you even tasted his love.
“What’re you talking about?”
“Tell me, Y/N. Have you ever once liked me?” He questioned, his gaze softening as he held your face in his hands, his pupils trembling with need.
His arms dropped, his gaze dull and empty as he stared into your tearful eyes.
“We’re good friends, Jay. Look, we don’t have to rush into anything—”
You felt chills run down your spine as he cut off your words, his tone sharp and damaging.
“Delete my number. Don’t ever come see me.”
“And if I ever accidentally find my way back to you, slap me awake like this again.”
He tore his arm from your grip and you two never spoke again.
And then a week later, he started dating your friend Ji-min.
“Y/N!” You snapped out of your thoughts, head swirling with flashbacks as Yeji shouted for your attention. “What fun were you referring to?” She shifted closer, curiosity written across her features.
You smiled, flicking her forehead away.
“Jake suddenly wants a big birthday bash for his twenty-second,” you told her, thinking back to this morning when he was talking over the phone with his friends, inviting them to his party.
Seeing you pass by, he called you back, his face glowing with excitement as he ended the call.
“Invite all your friends and their mamas— it’s my 22nd!” He roared, and you imagined he’d burst into a Taylor Swift, ‘22’, any minute now.
“Jake? He usually calls them juvenile,” Yeji giggled, thinking back to the time she had a fat crush on your brother and how she stuck to him like a leech until he shooed her off.
You nodded, rolling your eyes at your brother’s weird mood swings. “He wants to hold a grand party. You’re invited, I guess,” you waved her off, and Yeji laughed, her eyes twinkling in joy.
“Of course, I’ll be coming with my boo,” she winked. “Is it at the house?” Yeji asked, twirling her strands excitedly.
You shook your head, tidying your desk and packing up. “He’s planning it with his friend, Heeseung.”
Yeji gasped at the name as if it had evoked a cocktail party effect, her eyes wide as she held onto your shoulders. “That friend you had a wet dream of?”
Your jaw dropped, eyes wide in fear, darting across the hall to make sure no one heard her. “Shut up!” You yelled, your cheeks flushed red, the memory of your filthy mind fuelling your embarrassment.
Yeji laughed, a playful glint flashing in her hazel eyes. “What, did I lie?” She crudely announced, and you felt helpless, unable to feign innocence. 
The night had left you shaken up. The truth was, you had never felt this affected by a hallucination— imagination, whatever it was, it blurred the lines between reality and fiction. You imagined Heeseung fondling your breasts, kissing your lips. All of it was a newfound hunger.
You scrambled to call Yeji soon after to regain some composure. After a long discussion, her diagnosis was a ‘severe case of ovulation’, and she prescribed, ‘getting dicked down asap’.
After that night, you kept wishing for more hallucinations, but your brain refused to cooperate. You had to rely on a picture you had stolen from Jake’s phone of Heeseung in a black button-down with his legs spread apart on the couch, his lap seeming so inviting that your abdomen clenched with need.
Maybe, you were ovulating. But why was it so intense?
“You know, maybe you should shoot your shot with him,” Yeji suggested, patting your shoulder as she stood alert, waving at the man standing in the doorway.
“My ride’s here, bye girly!” Yeji waved, setting her already perfect hair for the nth time before skipping to the smiling blonde, his gaze practically shooting hearts at your friend. Jaemin grabbed her hand, and they scattered off.
You sighed.
Lee Heeseung, what are you doing to me?
Booming music drowned out any chance of conversation. Guests sprawled in like ants to a sugar cube. Faces glowed with joy, arms carried gifts, and gazes sparkled with anticipation as they searched for the man of honour.
But it wasn't the birthday boy they sought. It was Lee Heeseung, the man who had invited the entire university to his farmhouse. It was a privilege, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
During his four years at the university, he hadn’t spared anyone a glance—let alone befriended anyone. When news circulated of Sim Jaeyun’s birthday invite at Heeseung’s, everyone jumped at the chance.
Girls skipped lessons to find the perfect dress, while guys ransacked their wardrobes for branded watches. Curiosity grew almost sleep-depriving. Who was this friend that Heeseung, the man who never let anyone into his circle, deemed worthy of a lavish party? For weeks, the university buzzed with gossip and excitement leading up to this day.
Heeseung’s gaze was fixed on the main entrance, his lips pressed into a thin line. He remained unmoving as over-enthusiastic people rushed to greet him.
He knew the world like the back of his hand. They hated him and despised his arrogance, yet they flocked to him like moths to a flame. All he had to do was give them a chance, let down his guard and the world would surrender in his palms. But it didn’t matter.
As long as he had your attention, the world could be his.
Jake appeared out of nowhere, his arm settling on Heeseung’s shoulder, smiling as his soccer mates walked in.
“You’re ignoring the entire hall,” Jake muttered, his grip tightening on Heeseung’s shoulder to warn him.
Heeseung glanced at the clock for the nth time, his fingers tapping impatiently against his glass. He barely acknowledged the birthday boy's attempt at conversation, his irritation mounting as the clock ticked on without your presence.
“Where is she?” He questioned.
“She had a presentation to finish up,” Jake said, rolling his eyes. “She’ll be here with Yeji and Jaemin soon.”
Jake wasn’t stupid. He had once believed he was special to Heeseung. The notorious case of Heeseung’s egocentrism was a popular topic in the university’s hallways. Even his soccer buddies claimed Heeseung was a nutcase with extreme intelligence.
When Heeseung approached the basketball team and defeated Jake, the established ace of Seoul University, Jake developed a sense of respect and admiration for him. Despite everyone’s claims, Jake realized Heeseung’s issue wasn’t indifference or social deficiencies.
Everyone was infatuated, enthralled, and unequivocally aware of Heeseung’s gift; he commanded attention because he was extraordinary. The problem was that Heeseung didn’t care about them, and when people realized this, their fantasy shattered, leaving them scraping for bits of attention and bitter envy.
Jake knew Heeseung kept him around for a reason, but despite his awareness, Jake was willing to be a pawn if it meant catching Heeseung’s attention.
“Jakey Jakey— it’s your birthday!” Jake looked away, finding his best friend, Park Sunghoon, on the other end of the hall with a gift bag. Jake’s smile grew, and he signalled to Heeseung that he was heading over. Heeseung nodded, and Jake scurried off.
Heeseung averted his gaze, staring back at the main entrance. The delay grew unbearable, and he considered heading out to the parking lot when suddenly he spotted Jaemin and Yeji walking inside.
He stood alert, his gaze tensely fixed on the door.
He held his breath as you walked into his line of sight. His body felt the shift, breath quickening. His fists tightened, and his gaze traced your body with unfiltered haste. 
Fuck, that black body-con dress, outlining your curves, hugging your body like a second skin. His grip on the glass tightened. The dress revealed your defined collarbones, and the slit from the knee paired with black-heeled boots showcased your smooth, honeyed legs. Your hair was curled slightly, silky strands falling in waves against your cheeks, reaching your elbows.
Heeseung’s head throbbed as he tried to decipher his feelings. Seeing you walk inside with that dress made something rise in his throat, and it wasn’t from the alcohol. It was worse, mentally and physically damaging.
How fucking demeaning. He was a man who never felt the burn of envy, but a fucking dress had him feeling so weak—so horribly jealous.
He wished he could tear it off and burn it to ashes like the scorching flames in his own blood. He had planned this moment all morning, intending to walk up to you with a smile, but now he found it difficult to breathe, let alone move.
However, the world doesn’t stop. Even if he couldn’t move, you very much could.
Your stray gaze finally landed on the familiar figure, and you walked up to him. You still weren’t mentally prepared to face the man you had been dreaming of for the past few weeks, but you found it unkind to ignore him when he had planned this lavish party.
You smiled, holding out a small gift bag.
“As far as I recall, it’s not my birthday,” Heeseung finally found his voice, his cheeky comment making you narrow your eyes.
“It’s basic etiquette to bring something when you visit someone,” you replied a hint of playfulness in your tone. You caught sight of the gift display in the backdrop where innumerable presents were mounted on the table. “I’ll take it there,” you politely acknowledged.
You were ready to walk off, but Heeseung pulled you back, instantly grabbing the present. Taken aback, you opened your mouth to question him, but he ignored your curious gaze.
Everyone stealing reserved glances at the duo paused, their eyes wide, jaws dropped in amusement. Like a boy opening his Christmas gifts, Heeseung rushed to untie the ribbon and tear through the wrapping paper.
“Heeseung, it’s not that great…” your panicked voice cut through, cautious of everyone’s expectant gaze on your gift. The plea went right through him, and he finally discovered a small clear bottle.
You brought him cologne.
You had racked your brain for days on what to bring him, and you had decided upon a blackberry cologne. The succulent scent carried a sinful aura, an intimidating and enigmatic aroma that perfectly captured Lee Heeseung.
Heeseung ran his thumb over the label. Then he unscrewed the top and sprayed it on his wrist. As he brought it to his nose, his heart felt fuller than before.
He imagined you walking into a Jo Malone store, attentively trying numerous scents until the abundant smells overstimulated your senses as you thought of him. How long did you spend deciding on the perfect one? How long did he manage to fill up your head?
“It’s just a small gift,” you mumbled, analysing his features.
“It’s perfect.” He said it with so much sincerity, you had no choice but to believe him.
“Where’s my gift?” Jake appeared with some of his rowdy friends from the sports club, his arm linked with the ice skater, Park Sunghoon. He pouted dramatically, his bottom lip sticking out. You rolled your eyes at his antics.
“Last I checked, you asked me to buy you a Nintendo Switch as an early birthday present,” you replied. Jake gave you a mock glare. “That was ages ago,” he huffed.
Before you could retort, you caught Yeji's eyes from across the room. She stood by the bar, urgently motioning for you to come over. The alarmed look on her face made you excuse yourself from the guys as you hurried to her.
Yeji grabbed your arm with an intense grip, struggling to catch her breath as a crazed laugh bubbled up her throat.
“You’re kidding,” she gasped. “You were talking about Lee Heeseung!” She roared with laughter, her expression priceless as she turned to you.
You stared at her, confused. “What?”
“Y/N!” She shook you slightly, her wide eyes trembling with excitement. “You don’t know him? He’s popular across the entire district!”
Seeing your blank expression, Yeji took it upon herself to fill you in. She pulled out her phone and showed you Seoul University's popular forum dedicated to Heeseung. As she clicked through the links, you realised the man was practically the definition of perfection.
His father owned a large-scale pharmaceutical corporation, and Heeseung was the sole heir. Despite this parental security, he was at the top of his classes, captain of the basketball team, head of the arts and music society, and president of student affairs. By his second semester, he had already secured an internship at HYBE, a massive healthcare conglomerate—separate from his father’s influence. He was so incredibly intelligent that the college even commemorated his achievements with dedicated newsletter columns and interview sessions.
As you absorbed this overwhelming information, Yeji’s tone flattened, her lips pressing into a thin line. “But, Y/N, he’s known as a player,” she reluctantly added. “Apparently, there hasn’t been a girl he hasn’t had.”
You stared silently at the soles of your boots.
Of course, he was a player. Anyone would drop to their knees for a chance to be with him. You had read somewhere that gravitational pull was the strongest in a black hole, but science hadn’t investigated the world’s pull towards Heeseung. You had only met him a couple of days ago, yet he had already made you feel so unbearably enraptured.
Ruminating over Yeji’s words, you were speechless at your own disappointment. How could he affect you so terribly?
“But—he’s never had anything serious,” Yeji tried to console you, squeezing your shoulder.
Throat tightening, you attempted a smile.
“Who invited them?” Yeji's gasp broke through your thoughts, her mouth hanging open, eyes bulging in shock as she stared behind you.
You shifted, turning to see what had her so stunned.
Your jaw dropped.
In walked a couple, hand in hand, wearing complimentary outfits. A couple you hadn’t spoken to in ages, a couple that haunted your sleepless nights: Park Jongseong and Yu Ji-min.
Your frantic gaze searched for Jake, conflicting emotions swirling across your face as you tried to make sense of your surroundings. Your older brother stood inattentive, engrossed in a conversation with Sunghoon as Jay approached him, wearing a broad smile. You watched them exchange a quick handshake, Jake accepting a large gift box.
“Why would Jake invite him?” Yeji huffed.
You didn’t know—but a gut feeling told you this was meant to happen.
The familiar gaze met yours. He was now heading to the leather couch beside his girlfriend, his eyes trained on you. You offered him a tight smile, your insides trembling in growing anxiety.
Jay was stern, his gaze cold and disdainful. Whilst maintaining eye contact, he pulled his girlfriend to sit on his lap, his grip tight on Ji-min’s waist as she whispered something into his ear. 
Your smile dropped at his immaturity.
You had lost both your friends, Jay and Ji-min, because of your mistakes. You had avoided them like the plague, and something deep within you suggested that the mysterious rumours circulating around the university weren’t just random gossip; they were spread by someone you had once considered as close as Yeji.
Something more sinister gnawed at your insides. 
Amidst the chaos, you felt someone’s piercing gaze on you. Like a magnet, you found him. Under the blue strobe light, Heeseung stood leaning against the bar’s counter, flanked by a few girls, with his eyes fixed on you, watching like a hawk.
Though he was a stranger—a complete nobody in your world—you still felt he was reading you like an open book. Anxiety washed over you, your throat drying up under his intense scrutiny. If your life was split into meaningful chapters, Heeseung knew it by heart, his gaze uncomfortably invasive, expectant as if judging your next move.
A waiter zooming by caught your attention, and you pounced on the opportunity. Fingers trembling, you grabbed a glass of champagne and downed it in one go, the liquor leaving a bitter burn in your throat.
“Y/N, you don’t hold your liquor well,” Yeji frowned. One drink never hurt anyone, and besides, this was a party—everyone was soon going to lose their marbles.
You turned away, grabbing another drink from a passing waiter.
“Y/N, stop!” Yeji warned. You smiled tightly, ready to throw more alcohol into your system.
In a flash, Heeseung, who had been a good fifty people away, stood towering over you. He snatched the glass from your grasp and chugged it down. You watched in disbelief as he slammed the empty glass on a passing waiter’s tray, his gaze darkening as he stared at you. Yeji took it as her cue to scram, rushing to accompany her boyfriend on the dance floor.
Your stomach clenched with want. Even simply dressed in a black t-shirt and leather jeans, his expression sour, his appeal was uncanny. He made you forget the elephant in the room.
“So— he bothers you that much?” Heeseung spat, his voice low and venomous.
He had planned to watch from the sidelines. Jongseong’s name was enough for Heeseung to find sources and sniff out your past link. He was told you had rejected the boy, but that didn’t match Jake’s description of your first crush.
It didn’t take long for Heeseung to realise that you really did like Jongseong, your affection reflected in that picture you still chose to keep. The reason you had declined his proposal wasn’t a mystery either. You feared ruining a chance at friendship, and that conclusion made Heeseung sleepless.
Heeseung had orchestrated this party and invited Jongseong, just to watch your heartbreak. He wanted to dwell in the forlorn misery in your gaze, relish in the fury and hatred fuelling your agonised expression. He wanted you to shatter so that you were left with no choice but to find him. So that he could collect those shards and piece you together. For himself.
Yet here you stood, bothered and apologetic. There wasn’t one bad bone inside you, your heart pure like the sunshine that streaks through his curtains every morning.
“How do you know about Jay?” You curiously pointed out, folding your arms and gazing up at the man.
Heeseung flinched at the nickname. Tightening his fists, he responded with gritted teeth. He didn’t need to lie for this.
One word and your face crumbled, your finger pointing at the blonde who laughed beside his friends. “Why can’t that idiot keep his mouth shut?” You complained, glaring daggers. You couldn’t believe your brother blurted out your business to Heeseung.
“Do you still want him?”
Say it.
Say it, and he’ll burn this place down, along with Park Jongseong, leaving you with nothing—not even a corpse to mourn—just a speck of remains and dirt.
“I don’t.”
His eyes shifted back to their brown.
“I just wish I hadn’t lost my friends.” You glanced down at your shoes, face shrouded in despair as you reminisced the past.
Heeseung watched the sorrow flicker in your deprived eyes.
This was simpler than he had imagined.
“Let’s get the party started!” Jake yelled at the top of his lungs, carrying a huge celebratory bottle of champagne as everyone huddled around him.
Yeji appeared by your side, dragging you towards the crowd where Jake prepared to unseal the wine, like a cake-cutting ceremony. From your peripheral vision, you noticed Heeseung walk up beside you—until everyone, including Jake, roared for him to come forward.
You watched Heeseung shake his head dismissively, but Jake’s adamant smile made him falter. For the first time, you saw a crack in Heeseung’s stern façade, a genuine sense of joy flashing through his expression.
You watched with intrigue as he stepped up, and Jake finally celebrated his twenty second. Everyone cheered as Jake popped the cork and showered Heeseung and Sunghoon with the essence.
Yeji over-excitedly gasped. During her overjoyed dance, she accidentally slipped forward, toppling her glass of wine onto your dress’s front. You quickly wiped at it, but the liquid soaked into the flimsy fabric with ease.
“Shit— sorry boo,” she cried over the music. You shook your head, dismissing her concern.
“I’m heading to the washroom,” you muttered. She nodded, unsure of your words, as the loud roaring and music drowned everything.
You slipped away from the chaos, excusing your way through until you managed to escape to the other end of the hall. You followed the dim hallway, the raucousness dissolving, as you searched for the nearest bathroom. You found a door at the far end with a staircase to your right and sped towards it.
“Long time.”
You turned, instantly freezing up.
Jay stood at the other end, speaking with his familiar calculated baritone. He stepped forward, watching your shocked expression morph into disappointment.
“Oh, seems like you’re not too happy to see me here,” he claimed, now standing a mere step away, his tone dripping with malice. “Is the princess running away again?” The darkness returned, his jaw clenched.
You gulped, standing upright. “I don’t have anything to say to you,” you told him, turning away.
A bitter chuckle escaped his chest. “Of course, you don’t,” he spat. “Now that you’ve found a man, you don’t have much to say,” he claimed, running his fingers through his dark strands, his gaze menacing.
Your throat burned with hostility. “You’re ridiculous,” you huffed. “Following a girl when you’ve already got a girlfriend—seems like I dodged a bullet.” You uttered the words, disturbed by his arrogant nonchalance, and instantly the atmosphere grew with heightening tension.
Your cruel words seemed to inflict some damage as Jay’s body trembled, his fists tightening in aggravation.
Because you were right. He knew it.
As you stepped away, all common sense evaded him. He grabbed your wrist and slammed you to the wall, a gasp wrenching out of your chest as he hovered above, his hands gripping your waist with an iron grip.
“I never needed you,” he whispered, his eyes wide and pained as you attempted to free yourself, but Jay’s grip on your waist only tightened. “I’ve just liked the chase. You were so full of yourself—so pathetic. Nothing about you ever made me feel something—anything—”
A bloodcurdling scream wrenched out of your throat as a shattering sound reverberated within your frame. Your eyes bulged out, heart trashing and body quivering in horror. One second Jay was standing, staring at you like a madman, and the next, he was knocked to the ground, blood splattering against your cheeks, staining your dress and skin scarlet.
Breathe. Take a deep breath. Breathe.
You plummeted to the floor, your knees giving out as Jay’s forehead and neck covered in red pooled on the ground. You internally prepared yourself as you looked up, staring at the perpetrator.
A dull void of a gaze, Heeseung’s hand was wrapped around a half-shattered bottle with its sharpened edges dripping Jay’s blood. Your insides clenched in horror.
Heeseung stepped closer as Jay’s limp frame scrambled to sit up, his gaze chasing the danger, his grip on his head loosening as he spotted the man.
“You—you fucking lunatic—what the fuck is wrong with—”
Jay’s yelps fell on deaf ears as Heeseung discarded the bottle and plummeted to the floor before you, his pupils drained of colour and hands trembling as he caressed your cheeks. His thumb rubbed at the splashes of blood, eyes wide with terror—a terror you had never seen. More than his own actions, his line of concern was the beads of red staining your complexion.
“Hee…” you tried to speak, your throat dry and lips quivering.
“It’s okay—you’re okay,” his voice trembled as he consoled himself, more than anyone, his gaze frantically running over your body.
What you didn’t realise was Jay reaching out to grab the loitering bottle. Heeseung’s warm gaze and words were so captivating, pulling you away from the unfolding catastrophe. Suddenly, the fantasy shattered. Jay smashed the bottle against the back of Heeseung’s head.
You screamed, your body jerking alert as you pulled Heeseung into your arms, sobbing aloud. Jay stood on trembling legs, glaring at Heeseung with a poisonous look before limping away. You tightened your hold on Heeseung, your body shaking despite his grievous injury. The attack was strong enough to lash out blood but not wilful enough to break the bottle like Heeseung had done.
You tried to pull away to check his wound, but Heeseung pulled you back into his chest, his arms wrapping around you protectively.
Fuck. He could die right now and he’d be happy. Over the fucking moon. He almost wanted to thank that low-life for brusing him because it worked in his favour.
You gazed upon him with sympathetic attention, like you were gazing upon a wounded puppy. You were finally in his arms, letting him envelop you. He inhaled the scent of vanilla and fresh peaches, his hold on your frame tightening with desperation.
He wanted to consume you.
“Heeseung, let me see your wound,” you softly cried into his shoulder, unable to breathe at the intensity of his clutch.
“It’s not deep—nothing compared to what that moron will take home,” Heeseung arrogantly claimed. His prideful tone made your insides hurl; it reminded you of the initiation. Heeseung had started it all; he had slammed a glass bottle into Jay’s head.
You pushed him back, your gaze stern as you met his aggravated one. “Why?” You cried hysterically, recalling the insanity of the previous moment. “How could you—”
Heeseung’s expression grew colder than ice. “I’ll break every bone he used to touch you,” he declared, the honesty in his tone sending chills down your spine. 
“You literally almost murdered him!” You screeched.
Heeseung cracked a deluded smile. “He’ll wish I had.”
You felt speechless. Utterly stunned into silence. What did that mean? You wanted to assume that his fury made him speak nonsense, that he didn’t mean a word. However, when you stared into Heeseung’s gaze, your stomach turned at the resolute darkness, his words horrifyingly blunt and absurd.
You were about to call him out when you noticed trail of blood slither down the side of his face. You gasped. "You need to get to a hospital,” you urged.
“And explain what?” He scoffed with a playful smile.
You felt bewildered. Of course, you didn't care at the moment! As long as he got treated, you didn't care what lie he spat out.
You glared at him. “You need to get it checked out, Heeseung,” you muttered with concern, noticing the blood kept gushing in thicker streams.
Wordlessly, Heeseung grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers, and nodded as he pulled you to stand. You sighed in relief, grateful that he was finally listening. His grip never faltering on your hand, you both turned towards the venue.
Heeseung suddenly pulled you back, ignoring your confusion, instead climbing up the staircase. “What’re you doing?” You groaned, attempting to retract, but Heeseung just kept walking.
Upstairs, the living room was carpeted with posh couches and chairs. You passed by expensive paintings hung up on the wall as Heeseung took you inside a dark room, stalking through blindly until he pushed at another door.
Lights flickering on, you surveyed the unfamiliar surroundings. Heeseung had brought you to a bathroom. You glanced at him in confusion as he shut the door and turned towards you.
“Heeseung, what’re you doing?”
“You said I need to get my injury checked out,” he responded, leaning down and grabbing a first aid kit from the cubby hole. “I’m doing it,” he flashed you a clever smile, his eyes shining with amusement.
Even if you were about to throw a tantrum, you couldn’t anymore. Heeseung’s words, his eyes, his smile, everything was enough for you to sit still and obey. You watched as he stepped towards the large mirror. He casually tilted his head to inspect the wound.
Expressionless, he opened up the first aid kit, grabbing a transparent bottle and cotton pads like a professional, as if he had already addressed such wounds in the past. With practised nonchalance, he soaked the cotton pad with the liquid and pressed it into the wound.
You winced, instinctively jumping forward to grab the bottle from his hand.
“Who deals with a wound like that!” You screeched hysterically.
Heeseung turned, his brows raised, lips pressed in confusion. You put forward your palm, glaring at him. He surveyed your stern expression and, to your surprise, gave in easily, handing you the stained cotton ball without putting up a fight. You had imagined he would claim he knew more—but Heeseung just stared at you passively. You gulped, edging forward.
You knew the wound was deeply ingrained on the right side of his head, but reaching it was an issue. You were a good half a person shorter than him, his towering frame allowing you to reach only his chest. Standing on your tiptoes, you could only make it to his collarbone. You tried pushing up to reach the mark, but it remained physically impossible.
You noticed the amusement sparking in his expression, his lips curving into a gentle smile. “What’s so funny?” You gruffly questioned, and his smile only grew more.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up, setting you on the cold basin. He turned, towering between your parted legs.
You quickly recovered, ignoring the butterflies fluttering in your chest or the heat stirring from where he had just touched you. You reached up. The angle allowed you to address the wound better.
Thankfully, there was a single cut, slashing down to the nape. You held the cotton against the cut, letting it absorb the blood, and then gently swirled it across.
Heeseung’s breathing suddenly grew heavy, and you flinched, quickly scanning his face for hints of pain. “Is it too bad?” You muttered, your eyes wide and voice reluctantly soft.
He nodded. It was painful, so unbearably agonising like he was thrown into a fuming furnace, burning and dying, then reincarnating and burning every breath he spent in your vicinity.
His fists tightened, his gaze tracing your attentive expression, your lips puckered in deep concentration, hands so gentle, like a mother’s touch—or what Heeseung assumed must’ve been had he ever felt one. The past month he only dreamed of this moment—to have you before him, launched between his legs, attending only to him.
You cleaned up his wound with precision. He had practice, but your touch was magical—a healing balm of its own.
“Have you done this for anyone else?” His question came out gruffer than expected, his stomach twisting as he imagined you perched on a sink like this for someone else.
You finished cleaning up, moving to grab the bandage. “Of course not,” you huffed, peeling the bandaid from the wrapper.
“I just know I’m not supposed to stab wounds like that,” you sarcastically claimed, reminded of him jabbing his head. “You’re the future doctor… you should know this,” you leaned to the side, pressing the band-aid into his scalp.
“They teach us how to treat,” he stated. “Whatever gets the job done,” he shrugged.
You couldn’t help but grimace at his words.
“If you don’t treat with the element of pain in mind, you’ll hurt yourself more.”
Heeseung's throat was suddenly tighter than normal.
You wiped your hands with a tissue. Shifting closer, you inspected Heeseung’s injury one more time. You were about to get off the sink when you noticed glimmering bits of glass nestled in his hair. Impulsively, you reached out, flicking the strands.
“Oh—!” You jerked away, your finger cut by an unseen sharp edge that pierced the flesh.
Before the blood even oozed out, Heeseung sprang forward, grabbing your wrist, his gaze wide with horror as he impulsively pulled your finger into his mouth.
An astonished gasp escaped your chest.
Wide-eyed, you watched Heeseung suck around your finger.
At the first drop of your blood against his tongue, Heeseung’s eyes screwed shut, his body heating up, the metallic taste mixed with your skin’s sweetness creating a delicious buzz within his taste buds. Maybe if he drank enough, you'd really become a part of his being; if he fused your blood with his, you'd somehow become his.
He lapped at the drop incessantly, his hand reaching to lock your wrist in place as he covered your finger with saliva.
There was a shift in the air. You felt it in your bones.
As he looked up, meeting your eyes while simultaneously drenching your finger inside his mouth, your body began to heat up. A burn ignited at the centre of your legs, your imagination running wild, your limbs quivering.
Time became meaningless as he revelled in the euphoric bliss. When he noticed you weren’t pulling away or flinching, his muscles clenched with want. Instead, your cheeks were redd, eyes fluttering in bashfulness. Warmth in his blood shot lower, pooling within his sensitive region.
A thrum vibrated his own being as Heeseung popped another finger into his mouth, his sucking growing intense, lascivious, and hungrier. Your body jolted as his slick enveloped your digits, his tongue tirelessly flicking and tasting.
You wanted to intervene and stop this madness, but suddenly you couldn’t find your voice. Your throat refused to cooperate, and your lips denied any help.
His gaze was trained on your expressions, every blink, every gasp. He wanted to memorise the way your cheeks blushed scarlet and mouth opened in silent gasps. You were so beautiful, so perfect, so his.
“Hee—” you managed to choke out.
Heeseung’s hardness jerked in his pants, his body shaking with want. You had just attempted to say his name.
Suddenly, he pulled his mouth away and yanked you to the floor. You fell against his chest, your feet staggering on the marble floor, a stunned gasp escaping your mouth. He didn’t let you process it, his moves sharp and abrupt.
Your jaw dropped as you felt the tent of arousal straining against your abdomen. Your underwear was drenched, muscles taut as the reality dawned upon you. Lee Heeseung wanted you.
“Feel that—fuck—do you feel it?” He rasped against your ear, his hardened tone and body making you forget any coherent response, your body tensing up in his embrace. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful—stunning—so breathtaking. You make me—” His voice cracked as he felt nestled his nose against your neck, sniffing like a dog.
“Make you…” you pleaded for him to continue, craving his validation.
“Make me pathetic—so damn pathetic,” he blurted, his mind elsewhere as he sucked onto your earlobe.
His kisses ran down your neck, and he urgently flicked the hair away to feast. He pressed his lips gently, wanting to savour every moment and worship every inch, but within the first contact, his patience was out the window. He pushed his throbbing body into yours, knocking you against the sink as his mouth opened wide, biting into your flesh.
His mind fell numb as your taste and scent drove him to the brink of euphoria. He found it strange how you turned him into a quivering virgin mess with just this.
Your gasps reverberated in the bathroom walls, your frame quivering.
His touch was desperate, persistent like he was holding onto you for dear life. Fingers interlocked in your strands, body shaking with restrain as his mouth devoured your neck, you felt lost in a sea of pure bliss. You hadn’t had many sexual experiences in your life, but whatever make out sessions you had shared with boys in first year didn’t live up to this feeling, this hunger— from him.
Every hair on his body stood alert. Your sounds were so pretty just like your body. He knew he couldn’t live without absolutely breaking your resilience. He had to tear through your exterior and drag out the vulnerable girl who moves to his rhythm, sings to his beat and responds to his call.
“Heeseung—Ah!” Your body tensed, his name falling from your mouth as his kisses grew frantic, prolonged. You were so flustered that you felt the world knock off its axis. You urgently held onto his tense shoulders, hoping you wouldn't fall over with the intensity of his want.
Had it been any other girl in his arms, anyone, he’d have thrown her on the floor and fulfilled his depraved desires. He’d have coerced her lust, used and abused her body like a mere object for his release. He wanted to do the same to you like he’d envisioned every night.
But you weren’t any girl. You weren't a momentary escape. For the first time in his life, he wanted it both: lust and love. He wanted to ruin you for everyone— not just physically but emotionally. He wanted your body and your soul.
And you were the sole reason he unwillingly held back, restrained his desire to rip you apart.
Breathless and flustered, you struggled to gather your thoughts. Your body was begging for him, but you couldn’t look past the reality.
This was Lee Heeseung, the hottest playboy, the genius, the most eligible bachelor in Korea—and most importantly, your brother’s best friend. You were calling his name so embarrassingly, and you were certain going all the way, he’d have nothing to do with you after tonight. He was like a forbidden fruit, so effortlessly desirable but never yours.
He will never be yours.
Your eyes burned with tears. You had managed to like him so much, and tonight it would crumble apart. Just the way you had ended up running from Jay, you should run from Heeseung before he takes your heart with him.
Determined, you pushed against him. The sudden move knocked him away, his reddened face twisting in confusion and frustration at the distance.
You quickly stumbled to the sink, splashing cold water on your face. Your complexion as red as a cherry, eyes shining, indicating hints of your previous bliss; Heeseung had littered red and purple marks all over your neck, his saliva still warming your flesh.
Behind you, Heeseung appeared, wrapping his arms around your waist. His eyes locked onto your reflection, his gaze darkening as it traced the curve of your neck. The heat between you intensified, his desire becoming evident as he pressed his aching body into yours. His eyes fluttered shut, savouring the sensation of your soft curves against him.
Embarrassingly, your abdomen clenched again.
“T—this is wrong. Stop,” you babbled, pushing him away, your dejected tone falling on deaf ears as he pressed into you again. “Heeseung—” You turned, using all your force to push him away. He looked up, his eyes clearly unfocused.
The bathroom was getting stuffy now. His unnerving gaze made it hard to breathe. You stepped away, yanking the bathroom door open and rushing out into the bleak room, your breathing unnecessarily heavy. Your body was aching with arousal, wanting to go back into his arms and give yourself up.
Heeseung shot out, grabbing your waist and jerking you into his hold, his heavy breaths lingering against your earlobe. You tried pulling away when suddenly he whipped you around.
With darkness blinding your vision, you couldn’t evade him as he yanked you into his chest and slammed his lips into yours.
The taste of cherries overwhelmed your senses, your body liquifying as he immediately plunged his tongue into your mouth, tasting you.
Every instant in his life had brought him to this moment. He knew it when he kissed your mouth, licked your tongue, traced your gums—he knew you were meant for him. Your beauty was his to ruin. Your taste was his to devour. Your love was his to take.
A strange sensation flared up in his chest, spreading to his heart. For the first time, all his medical knowledge felt useless—he didn’t even feel human because even they could identify sensations.
Heeseung cupped your jaw, his lips trembling as he took in all your taste had to offer. His teeth clashed with yours, and his saliva dripped down your chin, his tongue rolling against yours as he poured an overwhelming flood of unnamed emotions into you.
His erection pressed against your lower stomach as he kissed you breathlessly. Suddenly, he was tearing at his buttons, desperate to feel your skin against his.
His kiss felt urgent, charged with arousal. You felt like you would blow into tattered pieces with the intensity of his touch, his deprivation and lust. Your fingers ran through his tousled strands, clenching for semblance of control as he sucked the soul out of you.
Your lungs flared up in discomfort due to the limited oxygen supply. You gasped, pushing at his shoulders with all your strength. Heeseung’s grip didn’t falter. Your gasps grew more strained and alarming. Only when you felt tears blurring your vision did Heeseung relent.
Both of you panted like dogs, heaving breaths echoing through the room.
“Stop it!” You screamed, pushing him away as you blindly searched for the exit. 
Yellow lights flickered on, the sudden burst blinding you momentarily. Heeseung stood like a barrier blocking the door, his advantage clear as he seemed to have the room mapped out in his head.
Pupils blown out, he panted, his gaze clouded with the need to ravage and devour you whole. His undone button-down hung the shoulders, revealing honey toned chest and tense abs, descending lower into his pants. Your mouth dried up, but you forced yourself to remain unfeeling.
You voiced out, “Let me go—”
“Why?” He asked gruffly. His eyes locked onto your trembling orbs, his brows arching in frustration.
“I can’t have you?” He whispered.
His words were laced with provocation. He hadn’t felt such an urgency to ruin someone, ever. He ached to feel your skin against his. He was hurting to fill you. If you wanted, he would plummet to his knees, stick out his tongue and shamelessly beg, plead. 
You looked at him with indifference. “You’re my brother’s—”
“So what?” He barked, his abrupt interruption making your breath stutter.
He stepped closer until he had you pressed against the wall, his arms on either side, locking you in place. You hadn’t expected him to be this eager. Why did he care? A man like Heeseung could get any woman on earth. One look and they’d drop their panties to the floor. Your glare grew more acrimonious at the realisation.
You pushed at his chest, your fingers grazing his warm skin, lighting up fireworks in your system. “I refuse to be your one-night fantasy, Heeseung,” you stuttered, unshed tears slipping out.
The fury in his gaze collapsed, his lips parting in stunned horror.
This was your chance…to run free, to protect whatever’s left of your heart. Hastily, you dashed to the door, your grip pulling at the handle when suddenly Heeseung was behind you, enveloping your waist.
You screamed and struggled, your feet kicking the air as he carried you away and tossed you onto the bed. You fought against his manhandling, punching and pushing against him, but he just stared at you like you were a weak feline lashing out.
He let you burst out until your energy had depleted and you fell limp.
“You’re fucking joking,” he laughed, disbelief coursing through his frame. “One night fantasy?” He spat, his fists tightening at the audacity of your words.
You stared back, matching his intensity. “Isn’t it famously known?" You huffed. “You don’t touch a woman you’ve had once,” you snarled, your tone dripping with hostility.
That sent him spiralling. “I don’t,” he declared. He watched the spark in your eyes die down, tears running down your cheeks. You attempted to get up, but Heeseung dropped to his knees, his hands scrambling to cup your face.
His heart pounded so hard, that he felt its drumming within his entire being. “You’re not any woman,” his voice cracked, his throat tightening as he kissed your tears one by one. “You’re mine."
He hadn’t said anything more honest in his entire life.
Yet, you looked at him the same—awfully sceptical, disbelieving. He had attempted to pour out his heart, claim you as his, but you gazed at him like he was a liar, a deceiver. Heeseung dropped his arms, anger surging within his blood.
“You don’t believe me,” he declared, his tone laced with bitter sarcasm.
You wanted to so badly—but you had no reason to. Why would he fall for you?
You watched as Heeseung’s gaze frantically scoured the room.
Something ominous was happening. You felt your stomach twist. You called his name, but he turned away, dashing towards the study table. You stared in confusion as he grabbed his car key. 
Without any warning, Heeseung struck the sharp edge into his chest, stabbing himself in his sternum. A scream lurched out your throat, your breath stuttering as you attempted to get to him. He forced the key inside, tearing through the flesh in a line. Blood gushed through the wound, but Heeseung’s concentration remained firm.
“What the fuck— stop-stop!” You screeched, finally getting a hold of his arm.
He didn’t stop, still working on creating the art piece he wanted you to see. You felt lightheaded as you fought against his determined actions. Unable to knock him back into reality, you decided to fling at the key, letting it slip from his grasp.
Horror ceased your chest. The scarred flesh formed a letter— your initial. You gazed up at him, your throat constricting as a soul-stirring chill escalated down your spine.
“If I carve you in my blood, will you believe me?” A pained gaze, a torn heart, a horrifying smile.
Your limbs trembled.
You glanced at the wound, lips parting in silent horror.
This was absurd— absolute madness. You couldn’t wrap your head around it, but you knew it was awfully dangerous like playing with fire or chasing a lion into its den. You should be scared— fearing for your life. You should escape right now when you have the chance. You should run and never look back.
There are many shoulds' you encounter in life, but none of them hold any value when something as desirable holds you by the throat. Someone as irresistibly horrifying as Lee Heeseung. Whatever you did next, you knew your fate was sealed. Even if you ran, you couldn't outrun him-- and somewhere in the pool of longing in your depraved heart, you didn't want to. You didn't want to find a way out.
You leaned down and wrapped your lips around his honey peck, swirling your tongue and licking the scarlet oozing from his self-inflicted wound, surprising yourself as you swallowed it down. 
Life and death stood at a standstill. Had you pushed him away, he’d still have ruined you, broken your soul to pieces and killed himself over hurting you. But you chose to acknowledge, indulge in his pained longing, accepting it like a lover's call, making him want to live more— chase more— love more. 
Vision glazed, heart thundering against his chest, he wrapped you in a breathless embrace.
Amid the chaos, a strained voice invaded the room. “Hee— fuck, we’ve got a problem.” 
Your head shot towards the door, eyes wide with fear. 
Your brother was at the door.
A rampant knock. “Hee— you in there?” Jake's voice spilt into the heated room, your body freezing. Heeseung didn't even spare the door a glance as he pressed himself within your body.
“They’ve come looking for drugs— I don’t know who’s called but the police are searching the place.”
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets, jaw-dropping in horror.
Drugs? Police? 
Instead of concern or a slight hint of fear, Heeseung’s grip tightened on your wrists, and he attacked your lips, invading your mouth. You gasped, caught off guard, your jaw opening in a silent gasp. He swallowed your protests, his hands releasing your wrists to grope your butt-cheeks as he hoisted you up in his arms while sucking on your bottom lip. 
“Bro— are you seriously fucking someone right now?” Jake’s incredulous tone made you want to dig a hole and bury yourself inside.
Heeseung’s grip on your buttocks tightened, his groans purposefully filling the room like a silent message for Jake. His knees gave out, knocking you down, your body crashing into the bed as he vigorously unbuckled his jeans. His warm tongue feasted through your mouth, swallowing your complaints, his head lolling into your shoulders as he pressed wet, hasty bites down your neck. 
Another knock. 
“Fuck— Heeseung get out here! They’ve arrested Jongseong.”
You gasped.
What the fuck?
Heeseung paused.
Through glazed vision, he stared down at you. His lips slowly formed a smile that made every hair on your body rise.
Kim Sunoo had really come through, orchestrating a flawless drug raid, planting the evidence in Jongseong's bags and vanishing without a trace. Jay would waste away five years in prison for drug possession— barely enough to atone for the pain he gave you, hopefully enough to erase the longing that fucker held for you. Heeseung knew he owed his partner in crime a bottle of Soju next time Sunoo visited their shared farmhouse.
“Heeseung, we should—”
Heeseung licked your mouth, holding your trembling body in place, his fingers desperately tugging at your straps. Despite your persistence, he didn’t care for anything at the moment. Someone could tell him that the entire house was on fire or that the universe had collided into a meteor, crumbling to bits and pieces, and he’d still ignore it all.
For now, he will spend every second making you his—until his love is conveyed through his hunger, until his touch leaves scars and burns on your soul, until you love him enough to bleed him dry.
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rosedere · 2 days
The Pearl Brooch
(Yan Sea god! Azul Ashengrotto x Afab sacrifice reader)
Cw: Yandere, (actually this story is pretty tame tbh)
“Do you think your roommate is going to get the pearl brooch this year?” 
You stopped walking on the walking trail that led towards the end of the craggy coastline that protected your village. You didn't really know this girl, only that they’d occasionally talk to you once in a while in passing from school, and in cases like this, just randomly running into them on your walking trail.
However, it didn't mean you liked running into them.
”Probably,” you scoffed, kicking a stray rock on the path.
”She does have all the qualities the Great Sea witch wants in his Pearl brides,” you shrugged.
The girl ran a few fingers in her teal strands, combing the black streak, attempting to put her hair in a half-ponytail, half-down hairstyle.
”I would argue he doesn't,” she hummed.
You looked over at her to read her expression; she was merely looking up at the bright, sunny sky above the two of you, enjoying the clear weather that had been a welcomed surprise after the tsunamis that plagued your small village around this time of the summer.
”Okay, I'll bite; you wanna tell me who you think is going to get it this year?” You scrunched your face in annoyance.
”Not her, that's for sure,” your strange friend quickly responded.
”Come on, tell me! Let’s make a wager. I need some money and entertainment since I’ve aged out of the brooch ceremony.” You held your hands in a fist in determination, stopping in front of your strange, tall acquaintance.
She finally stopped walking beside you, smiling towards you with a glint of sincerity. Pausing in your movements, you made eye contact with her mismatched eyes.
”Im afraid to say so in case you let it get to your head,” she shrugged, “and this year is supposed to be a special year anyhow, why ruin the surprise, especially since my accuracy is always certain”.
Confused more than ever, you furrowed your brow.
”So you're saying Alaina isn't the pearl bride this year?” You scratched your head.
”That's a very bold claim to make,” you thoughtfully added.
Your friend only nodded, still walking close to you.
“Is it maybe one of the girls from the inner village—I heard our village leader's daughter has potential to be a bride” 
only silence from your teal-haired friend as she kept smiling to herself, it almost annoyed you, seeming like she wasn't listening to a word you said.
”Okay, what if it's the fisherman’s daughter! She’s got the prettiest eyes; they remind me of a babydoll!” You confidently said.
Your friend only kept walking straight, most likely ignoring your guesses.
getting annoyed at this point, whoever it might be, you decided to have a little fun with your answer.
”Oh well, guess Im going to be the pearl brooch holder,” you laughed to yourself, “I do love the ocean, so I doubt hed need to grab me from the ceremony,” you continued teasing.
Only your friend beside you stopped walking at your answer, only looking down at the rocky and gravel path you were on.
”Oops, sorry if my answer offended you." You apologized, “Im sure you are probably pretty enough to be given—“
You looked to your side in confusion, only seeing her with a small, coy smile on her lips.
”Just be looking out,” she mumbled.
The sea witch is always watching.
The next morning, you awoke not expecting much; it was a weekend, meaning you were free to go back down to the ocean down the slope where you lived.
Only as you unceremoniously stepped out the door to your small home did you feel a sharp cut straight through your bare foot.
Recoiling and grabbing your foot to make sure it wasn't bleeding was when you looked down to find the source of the cut now stinging harshly on the bottom of your foot.
You assumed at first it was one of the shells you had left a few days ago on your doorstep, only to discover that you had forgotten it when you went back inside the other day just now.
But when you picked it up to give the intricate bundle of shells a closer look, you realized it couldn't have been any shell you'd found—the way the shells were fused together created a small ornamental piece that was most likely not formed naturally.
Turning it around to look at the back made a soft jingling from where the porous shells were tied using some kind of plant you had never seen. 
But your eyes widen when they saw the small, intricate pearls tied around the shells at the bottom, creating an iridescent shine that would catch in the sun.
just like the rumored brooch would.
quickly dropping the brooch on the doorstep you looked around, You knew no one would have seen what had occurred how far you lived off the grid, but the fear of accidentally being seen and being jailed for touching the mythical brooch was not in your plans today.
You stared in awe at the brooch for a while after settling down, no one had ever seen it before unless you were the recipient. 
Limping on your way, you looked at the entrance besides the side of your connecting house. Maybe the pelican got confused and delivered it to your entrance, thinking your house was your roommate.
Your heart, which was wildly beating before now was calming down.
That's it; the pelican delivered the brooch to the wrong door.
It wouldn't be a crime to deliver it to its rightful owner now.
Bending over, you scooped the brooch up carefully, holding it in your cupped hands. Hobbling down the rocky bank around your yard, you made it to the other entrance where your roommate lived, the lively garden she had blooming to life as you passed by the different vegetation she had.
dropping it as carefully as you could on the stone entryway, you left it in the middle of her doorstep.
Without hesitation or another word, you left, going back to your journey to the sea below.
It was around the early evening when you went back home to make dinner that you saw the crowds around your house.
your roommate in the middle of the immense crowd, earring the brooch on her wrist as she showed all of the gawking women and children around her.
”I knew she’d be the last bride of the sea witch.”
”The sea witch must really love her if he added that many pearls to it.”
”Of course he’d pick a young maiden, it means we’ll have a fertile crop season this year.” 
You felt your heart sink a little. Despite not having any interest in being a bride, it still hurt to know you weren't as beautiful to be picked to be the protector of the village.
But despite your dull heartache, you gave congratulations to your roommate before you went inside to make your dinner.
Going about your evening, you went back out to the slope with your dinner in the hopes you could find some rare shells to sell in town.
Little did you notice the mismatched eyes blending in with the throngs of people watching you walk away towards the path to the coastline.
But nevertheless, you went through the various masses of rock and trees walking below to the different sandbanks that were revealed by the low tide. You went about your usual walk, starting from the cliffs all the way down the peninsula in search of shells.
letting your toes be soaked in the crystal blue water, you let the sea foam gather around as you sifted through the sand in search of anything new.
It was only then that you noticed that beyond the receding water was something further out in the rocky seabed besides you. At first, you could only see the darkness like a shadow in the water; small specks of luminescence filled the spot that was catching your attention.
You walked over the squishy sand in pursuit of whatever was in the water, hoping it wouldn't move.
As you approached the dark spot, it slowly began to rise from the water, eyes of a clear glacier looked back at you in the water.
After a few footsteps too close, his silted eyes focused on you, almost as if he were trying to recognize you.
The shadow in the water began to grow, making the everclear water seem inky with a different bloom of obsidans.
You backed up.
It only crept closer to you.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you ran carefully, dodging the rocky sands in the water and making it to shore.
Not daring to turn back, you climbed a lone stone wall to get to the top of the cliff.
When it felt like you were safe from whatever that thing was in the water, you turned back to the sandbar. It was not as if you could tell, however, if the creature was still in the rocky shoals. After a few hyperventilated breaths, you made the agonizing walk back through the crowded forest leading to your safe haven.
As the day approached for the pearl bride to be received at the festival the village threw, you were reminded of the ceremony every time you stepped out.
Either finding shipwrecked treasure or different pearls and sea glass where you had previously found the pearl brooch from a few weeks ago.
repeating the process with a dull heartache, you would grab them and return them to your roommate's doorstep before going out to fulfill your job.
After all, you were hoping the masses attending the festival would bring new revenue to you since almost everyone from the island and a few from beyond would come just to see the venus be given away.
And today you will be reminded of the event when you watched the townspeople take her away, decorated in frills and lace with adorning pearls, looking like a Venus in a shell.
You were about to walk out early in the morning to avoid the throngs of people at your roommate's door until she called out for you to be one of the few that would escort her to the ceremonial grounds. 
The sudden attention from several men and women made you agree, as you took a spot behind her besides a few of the other people holding her dress and veil.
Quietly following behind the crowd as they sang praises and songs in case the Benevolent Sea Witch could hear them as they got their bride ready.
For living in the town your whole life, though youd never witnessed one of these ceremonies, only ever being occupied looking at the different vendors and stalls of food that would come from all over the island to celebrate the Sea Witch.
As you all approached the harbor, walking down the steep and uneven cliffside you had both lived on for several years unbothered, you could begin to see the many people line the streets eagerly waiting to see a glimpse of the Venus bride, She walked with a slow gait, letting the dress pool around her slim figure, shining like fish scales with every step she took on the sandstone road leading to the harbor's mouth.
You felt bad not being able to see the importance of this festival as the people around you did, but most of your thoughts were revolving around how fast you could make it back home with the few shells you had collected for the week to try to peddle off after the bride would be received.
Suddenly, you felt yourself go off balance. Looking around your surroundings, everyone around you also followed your lead. 
The ground was shaking.
The witch was arising from the depths.
Everyone began to enthusiastically pick up the pace, holding the bride's clothes to make sure she wouldn't get dirty before meeting her betrothed.
Approaching the harbor's mouth, you could see even more people gathered there around the harbor ropes, eager to get a glimpse of the water and the bride.
Looking in the crowd, you saw your friend, her mismatched eyes accidentally meeting yours.
Your breath hitched when you saw beside her—well, what seemed to be her, the same teal hair and the same dark black stripe in her hair, They both looked at you in silent interest as you and the precession walked past her.
Deciding it wasn't worth it to think too much about it, you began to focus on the seascape before you. The aftershocks meant the sea witch was finally arising from the depths.
“She’s ready,” a villager from the front said.
You all, in unison, let go of her clothing, stopping a few meters away from the decorated area where the ceremony would take place. You could see her walk slowly and elegantly towards the ceremonial ground as you all stood in awe, watching for her to take her place.
Looking up at the sky, you noticed the clear and sunny sky seemed to waver a bit—not exactly cloudy and stormy, but the sky was turning a light gray.
A rumble shook you once again, causing you to fight to stay upright as a mass of darkness began to form in the crystal waters ahead of you.
“He’s here!”
“The Benevolent Sea Witch”
A few people began to run to the waterfront and bow in respect.
You stayed with a few other spectators, watching the bride eagerly fix her hair in anticipation.
The first thing you saw was that the dark, meaty tentacle rose from the water.
Then it was followed by six more monstrous-sized tentacles.
It was when he rose that you felt yourself gasp.
The monstrous entity looked around the crowds of people praising him.
But the sea witch did not say a word, only scanning the crowd before resting his eye on the ceremonial grounds in front of him.
A noise was made that sounded like gargling or clicking—you weren't entirely sure—before he crawled closer to the harbor, opening ever so slowly.
Your eye was caught by the huge nauctulus shell around his neck, which was shining gold.
It reminded you of the few shells you found littered around your doorstep.
His many tentacles eventually came into clearer view as he began to lift the two that you presumed acted as his second pair of arms began to slither on the sandstone towards the shell.
“My highness”
The tentacles stopped slithering.
“Im afraid your people have tried to deceive you, my highness.”
You felt someone grab both of your arms from behind. 
Wildly trying to flail out of the grasp, you soon felt them tugging you towards the monstrous being looking down straight at you.
Or who was behind you.
Your weird friend was walking before the monstrous being, who was staring with icy-slit hues.
“Your endless sea is right here.”
You flinched as they threw you down on the ground, only a few meters in front of the huge tentacles.
Too scared to look up, you only looked besides you to see your friend and her double beside and behind you. Your roommate was confused as she stood with the veil and brooch on her intricate dress.
A loud rumble resounded above you; the sky was not a dark and angry one; rain seemed imminent.
“You dare lie to me.”
A powerful timbre spoke from what seemed to be everywhere.
A tentacle began to rise and violently swipe at the harbor ropes where everyone was gathered, many people being violently tossed in either direction, some hitting into buildings while a mass of unlucky ones were thrown into the deep frigid harbor below.
“She had the brooch of our almighty.”
“The gifts were laid on their doorstep.”
“Please have mercy on our mistake.”
You were still trying to absorb the scene laid out for you in front of the harbor opening, but you failed to notice the large tentacle start to slither and writhe towards where you were being held against your will.
The cold, suctioned tentacle began to wrap around your waist, attaching to your skin.
It twitched around you before it grasped hard around your waist, causing you to yell.
“This is my bride,” the voice boomed once more.
You felt yourself being lifted from the ground, everyone around you shrinking into colorful dots as your familiar land became distant.
Little did you know this was the last time you’d seen the village you lived your whole life in.
Waves of torrential size rose from the now-dark and raging waters before they swallowed everything and everyone you knew.
Watching the punishment of a divine being was the worst thing to have witnessed.
And it was your last memory before you were engulfed in your beloved sea, and your life before being crowned the benevolent sea witch's wife and Queen of the depths.
Note: oh man the temptation to make this an actual fic fic haha.
also forgot but requested on Ao3 by a guest <3
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s-rosie · 2 days
Plz can u make Avery’s hc ? Thaaaaaaankkkssss
AHAHAHA MY FIRST ASKKKK!!! sry it took me so long to get to, im really busy but im so happy to make this. i hope you like it😊
Avery is a really good painter and painted a mural on the wall of her future baby’s nursery
avery has low iron and is dizzy all of the time (im projecting)
ave loves kids and whenever she meets kids that are fans, she gives them gifts and makes sure to give extra attention to them
she has a collection of snuggies because she is always cold (low iron)
she is a huge disney fan and sometimes dresses up as her favorite characters to heal her inner child
ever since she got a better group of people to surround herself with, she cries more often because she feels safe around them
even tho it she lived in a shitty town, she sometimes gets homesick for Connecticut and visits
she has a stuffed animal collection
her guard is always up, so if someone even comes up from behind her (not even trying to scare her), she will scream and possibly hit them (on accident, its just her reflexes)
when reading texts, she has the wildest expressions and everyone finds it hilarious
she has watched all of those shitty short movies (think “fated to be- my forbidden alpha”) and sometimes nash will watch with her
ave started taking ballet classes and she is surprisingly good, considering how clumsy she is
avery is obsessed with making those tiktok transition videos (like when they snap and they are dressed)
she says the most out of pocket things sometimes and the others religiously quote them (xander even got some of them made on t-shirts)
she can drop it down low, but only does it on special occasions
ave can pole dance (not in a dirty way) and only max knows she can (when she does in front of max, max throws cash at her, so ave stopped doing it in front of max)
she is an excessive nail biter and will not stop even if her nails are bleeding (and if there are no nails left to bite, she will bite the skin around her nail and cuticle) (im projecting again)
ave loves strawberries and all strawberry things, jamie got her a strawberry cardigan, and she wore it all spring
she is allergic to metal and has to put a clear coating over jewelry so she can wear it
avery is insecure about her looks because of haters, but she decided that she would document her insecurities and imperfections so little girls that look up to her would be confident in themselves and see that you can be beautiful and confident no matter what you look like
ave learned sign language so she could talk to fans (especially kids) with hearing loss
she owns many pairs of expensive pajamas, but only wears an old, beat up pair from before she got rich, or jameson’s pajamas
she has a media trained smile, but when she gets really happy, she smiles so big her eyes close and everyone finds it adorable
avery goes on rants sometimes about how surreal being rich and famous is
when she meets famous people, she acts normal then calls max and just rants about how star-struck she is about meeting them
these are the hcs!!! i hope you like them💖 please give me more requests anout ehat to make next. tysmmm
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simplydannie · 11 hours
Previous The Escape
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Inspired and and written for @meadow-hearthfire. Based on their ask: Can you imagine Bruce's reaction to seeing Floyd with an unconscious Veneer when he and his brothers found them? Can you imagine Bruce's thought process throughout the past two days Veneer was unconscious? Can you imagine the conversations Bruce has with Floyd about V&V in those two days?
Floyd is found next to an unconscious Veneer who has just been shot…all his brothers don’t understand why he cares so much about the kid, on why he bothers in trying to save him at. The only one to see the truth behind Floyd’s eyes, is Bruce.
“We’re almost to Mount Rageous!” John Dory exclaimed as they neared the city. From afar, the lights of the city emerged through the clouds.
“A little over the top isn’t it?” Branch asked as the lights came more into view.
“Rageons tend to be over the top.”
“How will we know where they are?” Clay asked trying to peak through the windows, “The place is huge compared to us! We’re like ants in a cornfield compared to that place.”
“Good old Rhonda has the scent! That letter that was left to me has the scent of the two Rageons we’re trying to find. We find them. We find Floyd.” JD smirked proudly.
Suddenly, Rhonda halted, the Trolls were confused at her sudden maneuver, “Hey, what gives!” Branch said loudly.
“She’s… picking up something I think… Rhonda?” JD grew curious, but she remained completely still. She made a noise and bolted the opposite direction.
“Rhonda no! To Mount Rageous! Rhonda!”
But nothing stopped her. She had picked up a scent, it was the scent JD had showed her before, she knew it was. Rhonda ran quicker and quicker…. Suddenly she came to halt and settled down.
One by one, the Trolls unmounted the armadillo bus. JD went around and looked at Rhonda straight in the eyes. “What gives girl? Mount Rageous remember? Velvet and Veneer?”
“John look!” Clay motioned. The Trolls looked around to find themselves surrounded by mist. Trees were overhead. The mist slowly evaporated to show a clearing that lead to a river bank…there! That’s when they saw a motionless figure…. It looked like…
“It’s a Troll!” Poppy exclaimed as she got closer. The others followed her lead. Growing closer and closer, the little figure became clearer… the small Troll kneeled next to a larger body, his hands folded over his knees, a sad look in his eyes.
“FLOYD!!” Branch ran straight for his brother. Floyd turned around to find himself being engulfed in an embrace by each of his brothers. “Floyd oh my gosh! You’re out! You’re free!” Branch held him tighter. Floyd let the sadness melt away for a moment as he let Branches love just engulf him, one by one he felt their love…. His family was back again… they were alive, they were safe.
“You guys are alive… you’re okay… I went back and… everyone was gone.” Floyd cried.
“We’re here, bro. We’re good. And we’re together again. Let’s go! Let’s go now! We’re to close to Rageous for your own good.” JD pulled Floyd’s arm, but he hesitated, he stalled.
“No! No I can’t! I can’t leave him.” Floyd said pulling away. He walked over to a bigger figure laying on the ground. The Trolls hadn’t noticed, they thought it was just something there… not an actual person. The rest of the Trolls got closer.
“Oh my gosh.” Poppy gasped, “It’s… it’s a Rageon.”
“Not just any, I know that stringy hair. That’s Veneer. Floyd how’d you escape him.” Bruce said.
“I didn’t. We escaped together. He’s hurt, he’s hurt bad.” Floyd walked up to the boys chest… there was blood… “I tried to cover it with what I could, but he’s still bleeding out. He’ll die.” Floyd jumped down attempting to pull on the boys sleeve causing him to move a little. “Please, what can we do? I need to save him.”
All the Trolls looked to Floyd in confusion. Why would he want to save him? This was his captor, the one who imprisoned him and had been torturing him. Why?… All but Bruce thought that. Bruce automatically knew the tone of voice Floyd carried, the hurt in it… this was much more.
“….Hustle Time.” Bruce said. The Trolls looked at him.
“What?” Branch was the first to ask.
“You guys said the Bergens are our friends now right? Hustle time to them. Bring them here. They have something big enough to carry a Rageon.” Bruce stated.
“Really?” Floyd asked with a glint of hope in his eyes.
“You’re seriously thinking of helping him?” Clays voice sounded. “Isn’t he like the bad guy in this story?”
“No! No he’s not. Trust me. I’ll explain everything, just please help me save him….. please.” There was a desperation in Floyd’s voice.
“I’ll help you!” Poppy exclaimed.
Bruce crossed his arms and nodded, “I second that.” He turned to face the rest of his brothers. JD let out a long sigh.
“Rhonda girl get over here. Let’s see if we can move this big guy away from the water bank first.”
Between them and Rhonda, the Trolls pulled Veneer as far off the river bank as they could, as deep into the brushes that his weight allowed him. He was loosing blood quickly, they thought he couldn’t get any paler, but he was, everything about him began to loose color.
JD, Clay, and Poppy went off with Rhonda to find the Bergens…all they could hope is that they wouldn’t be too late.
Bruce and Branch remained with Floyd. The little Troll never left the Rageons side. His brothers marveled how attentive he was, he was trying to sooth him, trying to wake him up.
“I don’t get it.” Branch said.
“I think I do.” Bruce responded. He saw the hopelessness in his brother’s eyes as he sat there by Veneers side. Bruce had so much to say and so much to ask, but he knew right now wasn’t the time. “We need to be here for him Branch. I’m sure he’ll explain everything one day, but right now, let’s just be here for him.”
Hours upon hours passed. The Trolls did everything they could to keep Veneer from bleeding out of his wound. The boys breathing began to grow staggered, and Floyd began to grow more hopeless.
“No. No. No. No. I can’t loose him! I can’t. Is there anything else we can do?” Floyd said.
“We’re doing our best. We have to wait for the others to come back.” Branch reassured.
Floyd threw his hands in the air, “We’ve waited to long! Look at him!”
“Floyd. Freaking out is not going to help him. We have to be calm, for him.” Bruce said. This seemed to calm Floyd down a bit, but he was growing weary… Veneer was so close to death….
That’s when they heard the sound.
Looking up they saw a vehicle approach. At first they were hesitant, but then they a familiar face popped out.
“He’s taller than we expected! Hopefully he fits in the back.” King Gristle stated.
Floyd never left Veneers bedside. He remained by the drawer staring down at the boy. Bruce walked in and saw everything. Floyd had not left his bedside since they arrived. There were times where he asked JD to take him back, something about seeing if she followed, he assumed he was talking about the kids sister. Bruce hopped up and sat next to Floyd.
“You doing okay, little bro?”
Floyd shook his head and remained silent.
“They say he’s stable. He’s going to make it Floyd.”
“He’s not waking up.”
“He will. He will.”
“Floyd I…”
“When is he going to wake up Bruce!! When! You don’t understand, you don’t.” Floyd buried his face in his hands.
“I think I understand a little more than you know. I know that look. I have it when my kids are hurting.” Bruce said. Floyd looked at him, confusion on his face.
“What? Kids? Bruce, he’s not my…”
“But you see him that way, don’t you? Something happened back at Rageous. You wouldn’t just protect or feel this way about anyone who’s held you captive.” Bruce told him.
Floyd fell silent. He stared at Veneer… they patched him up, gave him liquids, now it was just a waiting game. If Floyd hadn’t tried to abandon them, leave them like he would’ve, then maybe this would have never happened…. The twins would have never have to spend those months of torment under that vile woman, “I promise I wouldn’t leave them… and I almost did… I blamed them for something they knew nothing about…I told them that they weren’t my….family.”
“Keep going.” Bruce said.
“…. After leaving, I tried coming back, but everyone was gone. I found my way into Rageous, well, Under Rageous. I was caught, but then…they let me go, they saved me. It’s rough down there…so I stayed with them, hoping one day I could find a way out and bring them with me. We…. We…”
“Became family.” Bruce finished. Floyd looked at his brother, then at Veneer.
“We did…. And I messed that up.”
The brothers stayed a moment in silence before Bruce decided to speak, “I’ve seen you passionate bro, but never like this. These guys are 100x your size, yet you don’t see that, you see the kid in them still. The way you were looking at him at the river bank, here in the hospital… the same love I look at my own kids with.” Floyd opened his mouth to protest, “Don’t deny it. In your own way, you’ve adopted these two as your own…. It may take awhile for the others to understand, but I’ll help you with that. As a father, we want to guide are kids in the right direction. Sometimes that won’t happen, sometimes they’ll mess up…. But as a parent, we got to be there for them when they do. Fatherhood ain’t easy, bro, but it’s a beautiful journey.”
Floyd stared at Bruce, then turned his gaze towards Veneer… Bruce was right. Unknowingly he had began to see these two as his own. Maybe that’s why he got so hurt and upset when he found out what the Mistress was doing. He had felt betrayed… but in the long run, Floyd was the one to betray them. Now here he sat, waiting for Veneer to wake up… hoping Velvet would’ve followed…
“What do I do now?” Floyd asked.
“Learn and wait. This kid will wake up… and the girl will make it out. We’ll find a way to help her, I promise you. Besides, if she had you in her life, then that means she’s a fighter. One thing at a time, little bro.”
Floyd wipes the tears that had unknowingly been falling. But for the first time, he wasn’t crying because he was sad…. He was crying because for the first time since all this happened..Floyd had hope.
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(Sorry if this is too weird for you. You can just ignore it if you like.)
So...what's it like to drink the Ghoul's piss? I'm wondering about taste, smell, temperature, and side-effects.
(*Homelander voice* Go ahead...let's light this candle, huh??)
Friend, when I said this blog is kink-friendly and I don't judge, I meant that this blog is kink-friendly and I don't judge. I've yet to get a single ask/question/request that's made me uncomfortable, or even made me look at it funny, and this certainly isn't the point where I'm gonna start. With that said...
The taste? Oh babe, lemme tell you, it's not good. Don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone in the Fallout universe would have inoffensive-tasting piss (chronic dehydration is too widespread and frankly these people have fucked-up diets, plus constant radiation exposure for most of them). But I fully believe that ghoul metabolic processes are streamlined to utilize any beneficial resources with maximum efficiency (chiefly, calories and water; this would fall in line with characters like The Ghoul being put into situations where they survive for years and years with no food or water). To be blunt, I don't think his kidneys are producing a ton of urine, save for the bare minimum of biological waste that comes from them simply operating.
Long story short, I think the man maybe pisses once every few days if he's had enough water, and it would be dark and STRONG, both in smell and taste.
I also have a headcanon that ghouls run noticeably hotter than regular humans due to the sheer amount of energy that gamma radiation produces. The radiation alone may not produce much measurable physical heat, but I think a human body plied with it down to the cell level would basically work as a space heater. I don't think most ghouls worry about thermoregulation in the heat.
You know what that means, though? Incredibly hot piss. Like, steaming hot even when it's not cold outside. Hot enough to make you gasp when it hits your skin, startling without actually burning you.
In terms of side-effects from contact or ingesting, I'm envisioning the same sort of deal as with ghoul cum (which I elaborated on in an almost-equally unhinged post here); it's incredibly radioactive and will make you very ill if you fuck around too much. Getting a little on you probably wouldn't be any worse than trudging through your average puddle of nuclear waste, but if you're intending to have it inside you in any way, especially swallowing it, you need to be careful. Prep with Rad-X (which reduces the amount of radiation that "sticks" to you, up to a certain point), finish up with Radaway (which removes already-accumulated radiation) if you're determined to be a piss queen or a ghoul cum dumpster. No judgement! I just want to make sure you know you're in for some pretty severe nausea, open sores/burns (especially in your mouth), bleeding from the nose, and bruising if you're not careful. We love nasty fun around here, but we also love safety.
Also, you didn't ask about this, but based on what you DID ask, I'll assume you'd also be interested in knowing what his reaction to you bringing up such things would be.
And honestly? I think you'd get essentially the same reaction from Prewar!Coop and The Ghoul.
I think he'd be hesitant. Not because he finds it too gross or off-putting or anything, but he'd worry that it'll be disrespectful to you in a way that he, as a man, shouldn't engage in (moreso Prewar!Coop), and because he's worried it could be harmful to you (moreso The Ghoul). Don't get me wrong; I think he'd certainly be intrigued, and I think you being both bold and vulnerable enough to ask for such a thing would make his head spin in the best possible way. What a display of trust! As I've said before, I think this man had (and has) lots of weird kinks himself, he just hasn't had the opportunities to explore them that he needs. Many of those kinks he doesn't even realize he has.
But even though you can see that intrigue in his pretty eyes, see the forming bulge in his pants, you may have to be persistent if you really wanna try it out. He's very firm about not doing anything that'll really harm you, and he isn't initially convinced this won't.
If I'm quite honest? Prewar!Cooper would be even more turned on by it than The Ghoul once he came around to the idea. I think it would arouse him so much to see his favorite pretty little plaything so enamored with him that they'll do anything to please him, for him to make them feel good, including debase themselves completely. I think that you being so into him that you want him to piss on you, in you, would both stroke his ego and feed his most primal, possessive urges.
Best bet to get him started? Hop in the shower with him, get him all worked up as per usual, and then drop to your knees and start blowing him. Once you get him worked up enough that he could very nearly cum, pull back and keep stroking him slowly while you beg for it. Provided you've timed things right, there's no way he'd be able to say no...just give him a second. It's difficult to piss with a massive, throbbing erection. Maybe if you played with the head (with your tongue) while he tried, that would help. Who says you have to pull away when he finally starts if you don't want to?
Hope you're ready for an engagement ring after that.
The Ghoul mostly finds appeal in how filthy it is, in seeing this clean, gorgeous young thing having to dirty themselves to survive. Eventually, fully embracing the filth because they're part of the Wasteland now, coming to enjoy filth to some degree. I think that aspect of it would really get him going. Remember that scene where he watches Lucy drink the contaminated water that ultimately makes her sick? I saw a post on here when I first started the blog (I can't find it now!) about him offering Lucy an alternative to that when she was begging for some of his water...it really awakened something in me. Enough said.
I think he'd enjoy it as much as you, when it came down to it, but I think he would also make you beg for it, loudly and fervently, every single time you want it. From the very first time, it's gonna rile him up like no other that his pristine little companion is begging him to dirty them in such a disgusting way. I don't think he'd be too keen on letting you swallow it, honestly, much like I don't think he'd be too keen on letting you swallow his cum because of the radiation. But I think if you ask pretty enough, nasty enough, he'd be more than happy to piss on you or in your other holes. Only if he knows you're set up with plenty of Radaway, though.
People don't really get "engaged", or even married anymore, per se, but if you think you're getting away from this man after you let him do that to you, you're sorely mistaken.
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argisthebulwark · 13 hours
I'd Die A Drunk, I'd Die For You
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summary: Lucky you, you're his emergency contact! Unlucky for you, there's been an emergency. gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used. feat: Farkas, Brynjolf, Balimund, Vilkas, Cicero warnings: explicit depictions of blood & injury, alcohol consumption masterlist
You are absolutely fucking terrified when the guards knock on your door. Sunrise is only a few hours off yet you'd hardly slept, putting off rest until you got a handle of your work. Recruitment requests, work orders, summons from the Jarl, orders for new bedding and maintenance for the hall... sleep simply doesn't fit into your schedule. Everything else falls away when you hear that Farkas is hurt. The guard has hardly finished speaking before you're rushing out the door, snatching a coat over your pajamas and slippers falling off your chilly feet when you hustle through Whiterun. Your mind conjures up awful scenarios that turn your stomach while you're tripping up all those damned steps. Bursting into Jorrvaskr hardly draws any attention. Companions and priests scurry around where Farkas is laid out across the grand table, bloodied linens clutched to his wounds while Vilkas barks orders. Your heart sinks when Farkas spots you, eyes unfocused but grinning. Bandaged fingers beckon you closer and you shuffle toward him, sinking to your knees. "What did you do?" Fat tears roll down your cheeks when you comb through the mess of his hair. Farkas' hand rests on your shoulder, eyes fluttering closed when he sucks in a sharp breath. "Made it home. Just like I promised." He smiles again, trying to cover up the pain with humor. "Don't tell Vilkas you're my emergency contact - 'fraid he'd lecture us both." "You were supposed to come back in one piece." You swipe at the blood drying on his cheek, desperate for a sense of normalcy. The fact that you could be losing him chokes out all rational thought. "Tried my best." He pants, face flushed as Athis mumbles about a dislocated shoulder. "Don't worry - it's not that bad, I'll be fixed up in no time." "You're bleeding all over the table." "Not the first time." His laugh is rough but offers you a touch of comfort. "Probably not the last time, either."
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Something has gone terribly wrong. A pair of guards knocking your door down sent your heart at a dangerous pace - they're at your home. You've been so careful to ensure that nothing ties your personal life to the Guild - had someone been caught? None of the recruits knew your real name and no one in your inner circle would ever rat you out. Their mention of Brynjolf's name wrenches you out of that spiral. You're nodding along to whatever they're saying, allowing them to escort you through Riften. Your skin feels too tight when you descend into the city's jail, too many eyes on you for comfort. They still haven't explained what the hell he did but if they know his real name it must be serious. Slumped against the stiff cot, Brynjolf grins up at you. His eyes shamelessly take in the mess of your crooked tunic and mismatched boots, cheeks flushed and looking far too relaxed for a man in a cell. He gazes at you, clearly ignoring the bloodied state of his knuckles. "Care to explain why the guards darkened my doorstep?" You seethe, paying no mind to his damned dimples. Now is not the time to let him distract you. "Ah, sorry love - put you down as my emergency call. Just in case they found me floatin' down the river." "And your hands?" "Heard some cunt talkin' about you in a less than savory way." He sighs, examining the clearly broken hand. You ignore the way your heart melts a bit. My hero." You deadpan, glad to see the guard fumbling through his keys. Brynjolf lurches forward, arm already around your shoulders before the guard's even finished opening his cell. "Knew I could count on you." You smell the alcohol on his breath when he leans closer, steadying himself on your shoulder. "You are going to pay me back for this." "Anythin' you want. Name it and 'ts yours."
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Mouth agape and blinking far too much, you try to process the question. Of course you know Balimund - why the hell is a nervous acolyte asking you this in the dead of night? They urge you toward the Temple of Mara, quite tight lipped and only telling you to hurry. You stumble up the steps, knees weak when you see him - the shirt is ripped away from his torso, injured arm laid out and surrounded by priests. The yellowish glow of healing magicka emits from their cupped hands but you see it; red, angry burns climbing up toward his shoulder and blood drying on the shreds of his tunic. His eyes are squeezed shut as their hands ghost over his injuries, paying close attention to each wound. Acolytes flutter around offering aid, one dabbing sweat from Balimund's forehead while the other pours fresh water into a basin. "Oh, honey -" "It's fine." He grunts, eyes squeezed shut. You drag a chair near him, wishing so badly that you could take away the pain. "What happened? Why didn't you wake me?" "Didn't want to worry you." His good hand clutches yours, allowing you to hold it to your chest. "Tried to add more fire salts to the forge, guess I went a bit too fast." He winces, fingers tense around yours. "Glad you're here, though." You do what you can, keeping his attention away from the healers fretting over his arm. You swipe at the soot on his face and press kisses to his unharmed fingers, doing all that you can to keep his spirits up.
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When the guards on your porch asked after your ex, you were petrified that Vilkas had been hurt. He must have come back bloodied from some mission, confused when they led you straight past the temple. The relief of him not being injured only lasts a moment before reality sinks in - something else is wrong. You gut continues to sink when you follow them past the steps of Jorrvaskr, hands shaking at your sides as an endless stream of questions bombard your mind. You haven't spoken for a few weeks, taking some time away from the Companions after the break up - how much trouble could they have caused in that amount of time? Vilkas had never been reckless with anyone else's life but you'd gotten sick of watching him risk his own. All thoughts cease when you see him. Dark eyes stare up at you, bruises blossoming over his cheek. His hair has grown longer than he likes and blood dries on his split lip. Despite all the issues you've had, the fights and distance that wrecked your relationship, your heart still flips when he smirks at you. "You look awful." You lie, ignoring those sharp teeth his grin exposes. It's terribly difficult to avoid the memory of how they feel on your skin. "Did you get in a fight?" "You look nice." He counters, seemingly unbothered. "Is that my shirt?" "Shut up or I will let you rot in here." You will not admit that it is absolutely his shirt you'd been sleeping in.
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"We found your name written on this man's arm. He won't talk - can you please come with us?" Oh, you're in for trouble. If one of your assassins had been caught and isn't sticking to the script drilled into each of your skulls it must be dire. Tying your real name to it can only make the situation worse. Simmering in your anger you prepare to lecture whoever was dense enough to get caught. You freeze upon realizing where you are - you aren't staring into a jail cell. Flanked by two guards you're standing in the middle of the Jarl's longhouse, their healer intensely focused on your Keeper. "Cicero." You swoop down, all pretense forgotten when you press a nervous hand to his forehead. His eyes flutter behind closed lids, familiar clothing torn and stained. You can only pray that the blood isn't his. "What happened?" "We found him crawling back to town. He wasn't making any sense but it looks like he was attacked." The guard pipes up, your stomach dropping at the thought. He'd only been gone a few days but you recall his parting words - finally feeling confident enough to take a job on his own, promising you that he doesn't need you watching his every move. "My love." You murmur, kissing at his clammy forehead. You've never seen Cicero so quiet, even in sleep he mumbles. This just feels wrong.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 17 hours
When you and Lucci became a thing, everyone seemed surprised (especially Paulie, but he never made a move on you directly, so he just took the news).
Lucci didn't seem to be the kind of guy who could sweep a woman from her feet, not even someone like you. Usually, you were allowed to go to the galley-la company to bring Paulie his lunch, since he was always short on finances, and meeting the silent man was almost inevitable.
He had some kind of charm that dragged on himself. Maybe it was the misterious aura on him; maybe it was the fact that he was one of the most trusted men of the company, but you fell for his advances.
To your dismay. 
Red flags started to pop up as mushrooms; sometimes they were blatantly there, others were so subtle that you needed a double check to be sure that your mind wasn't playing truck on you.He showed his real voice to you without the help of Hattori, and it wasn't a pleasant memory at all.
He started to point up things that he didn't like, things that you needed to change. He forced you to stop going to work, promising that he would provide for you. You wondered if those funds were really from his Carpenter work.
He was jealous; he hated the idea of other men who could lay their finger on you. He knew he was the best option for you, but you fell for him so easily. Who knows how easily you could have fallen for someone else? So he told you to stop seeing any other possible suitor, and he stopped you on your daily visit to Galley-La.
You didn't want that; you vocalized how stupid and childish his orders were, and so he became more aggressive.
Your parents had hit you —not so much, just enough. His slaps and punches were made to hurt you.
He didn't hit you in the fog of some blind rage; he did it because he wanted to and because maybe he found some pleasure in it. He likes that no matter the situation, he has control over you and your life. 
Even at night, in the privacy of the bedroom, he couldn't bring anything but pain. It was like he never knew how to actually love, and you were on the receiving end of his cruelty.
At some point, maybe you even started to believe him.
You thought that, maybe, that was a punishment for something, maybe a sinnmadrbin to your precious life. You didn't know; you didn't want to know. At some point, accepting and following his instructions were the only ways to tolerate the pain.
That day you just needed a quick stop at the shop, a few minutes enough for him to not notice that you finished something in the fridge (it was milk?. Maybe...). No one needed to notice you; no one needed to even know that you were out alone in the street; no one needed to-
When you collided with Paulie, escaping again from some creditors, maybe you were trapped on your feet. Seeing you around was such a surprise for him!
Lucci told everyone that you were sick these days; others said that work was hard on you. Geez It seemed like you were trying to avoid everyone! But you shouldn't be around the city in bad health; you weren't a child anymore, and you needed rest.
But, for some reason, when he bunched a little on your shoulder, he noticed a small flinch, like you were in pain.He hated it, but he wanted, no need, to check your shoulder. What if you weren't in the worst condition that Lucci had told everyone?
He noticed a bruise... Three. ...Six. ...A few of them had the shape of a hand.
You weren't aware of what exactly happened. After Paulie had dragged you to his apartment, You can only guess at his behavior when he opened the door, all mash up, with a black eye and a bleeding nose.
"He won't bother you again. Stay as long as you want here." 
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dark-elf-writes · 12 hours
Izuku, strong not only in body but mind and soul as well, who makes his way through the Labyrinth practically leaking love everywhere he goes. Who catches the adoration of all the denizens of the Underground with no effort simply because he is him. Who smiles in delight at all the different tricks the Labyrinth has to offer even as his eyes are so sad
Is it really such a wonder that Jareth ended up just as entranced as his subjects
Izuku thought he had always been a shattered thing.
It had to be the reason so many people hated him, right? Had to be the reason he was born quirkless? He was broken toy to be cast aside the minute his usefulness had been completed.
And tossed aside he was. The depth he had had to dig to in order to defeat All for One, the breadth of One for All by the end, it had terrified even those closest to him. Well almost all of them. Eri, Hitoshi, and Aizawa had stood at his side, scarred and hurting as they were form their own losses.
It was actually from one of Eri’s books that he had gotten the idea from. A battered red bound thing that he had read to her time and time again because it was both of their favorite. He had clung to it on those nights when things seemed at their worst. Clung to it until in a fit of desperation he had spoken the words.
“I wish the goblins would take me away, right now.”
It was, apparently, the first time someone had ever wished themself away in the entire history of the Labyrinth. The king’s face was pinched, those littering eyes looking over Izuku as if trying to solve a puzzle.
“You will run for yourself,” He said at last, nodding as if he had made some royal decree. Which Izuku kind of supposed he had. “Thirteen hours to save yourself and if you do not succeed, you will be mine.”
Izuku wondered what would happen if he sat downs den just refused to run. Wondered if Hitoshi and Aizawa would ever forgive him for just giving up. Wondered if it was at all worth it. If he was worth it.
But he smiled at the Goblin King all the same. “Thank you.”
The king blinked. Slow. Almost alien. Izuku wondered if anyone had ever thanked him for everything he did. He doubted it. Change was an uncomfortable thing and often unappreciated. Izuku knew that well enough.
“Thirteen hours,” The king said again before he disappeared along with the hill they were standing on, leaving Izuku on the outskirts of the labyrinth.
Despite everything. Despite the pain and grief that had haunted them. Despite the shattered pieces of himself still leaving bleeding gouges on his soul, Izuku laughed full of delight and wonder.
“I wonder if he would tell me about the magic if I asked,” he murmured as he approached the unbroken wall of the Labyrinth.
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jrob64 · 1 day
A Love/Hate Relationship - a CS modern AU one-shot
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I wrote this story because I was in need of fluff, humor and hurt/comfort after the painful experience of losing two dogs in less than a year. Zeke, who was in my story Sowing Seeds of Trust, died of cancer last June. Two months later, we adopted Winston, who was the main character in Pet for Rent. Somehow, he swallowed part of a brush (while he wasn't at home) which perforated his intestines and caused internal bleeding. He died May 23. Writing my favorite trope for my favorite couple is therapeutic for me as I deal with my heartbreak.
Many thanks to @kmomof4 and @hookedmom.
Summary: Killian Jones' neighbor, Emma Swan, has hated him since the first day they met. When she finds out he came down with the flu and attempts to nurse him back to health, he's more than a little confused.
Rating: T
Words: 2582
Also posted to ffn and Ao3
Story is under the cut
Killian Jones buried his face in a pillow and pulled it up over his head in an attempt to stop the incessant pounding. After several painful moments, he realized the noise wasn’t in his head, but was coming from the front door of his apartment.
Groaning, he tossed back the covers and swung his legs over the side of the bed, sitting with his head in his hands for a short while. When he finally got to his feet, he swayed dizzily and stumbled into the door frame, leaning against it to try to regain his balance.
He eventually made his way across the living room, unlocked the deadbolt and threw the door open. “What?” he demanded loudly, regretting it immediately when a sharp pain shot behind his eyes. He squeezed them shut before even registering who was on the other side of the door.
“Jones, how many times do I have to tell you to…Wow! You look like hell.”
Killian cracked his eyes open enough to see his neighbor from across the hall, Emma Swan. Infuriating to the highest degree and just as beautiful, she was the last person he wanted to see while he was in his current state. The two of them had a love/hate relationship…minus the love.
They had gotten off on the wrong foot when he moved in a little over a year ago. Unaware that she was a police officer who worked the night shift, he woke her up shouting orders at the movers. Emma Swan was not a morning person, especially after working an eight hour shift on the streets of Boston, and she informed him of it in no uncertain terms.
After that day, every interaction between them was filled with tension and snarkiness. Killian wished they could go back to when they met and start over again, because he knew she was basing her hatred of him on that first impression. In all honesty, he was quite intrigued by the fierce blonde and would like to know if there was a sweet or funny side of her she kept hidden very deep inside. Very, very deep.
Now she was here, standing at his door, scrutinizing him like a bug squashed on the bottom of her shoe. “Hangover?” she smirked.
He sighed. “I have the flu, Swan. It’s been going around at the office and I wasn’t lucky enough to avoid it. Now, if you’re done yelling at me, is there something I can help you with? If not, I’d really like to go back to bed.”
She took a step forward and unexpectedly pressed her palm to his forehead, then both hands to his unshaven cheeks. “You’ve got a fever.”
“Usually accompanies the flu. Now if you’ll…”
“Do you have medicine?”
“No, I…”
“Have you eaten? Are you drinking plenty of fluids?”
“I haven’t…”
“How long have you had it? Have you seen a doctor?”
Killian rested his pounding head against the door. “Must you use your interrogation techniques on me? I haven’t committed a crime, you know.”
“I’m trying to help,” she said, clearly offended.
“I could use less help and more sleep,” he grumbled.
“Yes, good,” she said, pushing past him into his apartment. “Go back to bed and I’ll get you something to drink. Do you want water, juice or…”
“More questions, Swan? Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
“All you have to drink is water, Dr. Pepper Zero and beer?” she asked, peering into his refrigerator. Closing it, she straightened up and began opening cupboards. “Do you have tea bags? British people like to drink tea, don’t they?”
He knew it would hurt his head to roll his eyes, so he simply threw up his hands and trudged off to his bedroom. Behind him, he could hear Emma celebrating the fact that she’d located the tea bags.
He had just gotten back to sleep, when he was shaken awake. “What now?” he growled, flopping onto his back.
“I made some tea and found Advil in your medicine cabinet. You need to drink something and get these pills in you.”
He raised his head and blinked up at her blearily. “You went through my medicine cabinet?”
“Yeah. Did you know condoms have an expiration date? The ones you have in there expired almost two years ago. Better not use them, because they’re likely to break.”
“Ugh,” he groaned, letting his head drop back down on his pillow. “Please just let me die.”
“You aren’t gonna die from the flu, Jones.”
“I meant from embarrassment,” he muttered under his breath.
“Sit up,” she commanded, sliding her arm under his pillow and pushing until he did as he was told.
First, she handed him a bottle of water. After glaring at her for several seconds, he finally took it, then swiped the two pills she held in her other palm. He popped them into his mouth and downed them with the water.
“Happy now?” he asked.
“Deliriously,” she quipped. “Now drink your tea.”
He accepted the mug she offered him and held it to his lips. Cautiously taking a sip, he grimaced and spit it back into the cup. “Did you heat the water at all? It’s barely warm! And how bloody much sugar did you put in it?”
“Well, I didn’t want you to burn your mouth,” she explained haughtily. “And I put in the same amount of sugar as I put in my coffee. Four spoonfuls.”
“Four?” he questioned. “Are you trying to kill me, or just give me diabetes?”
“You’re not a very good patient, Jones. You could at least be grateful that I’m helping you.”
“If you recall, I didn’t ask for your help.”
She ignored him, fluffing his pillow and pushing at his chest to get him to lay back down. “I found a can of chicken noodle soup in your cupboard. I’m going to heat it up.”
“Don’t add any sugar to it,” he groused, as she walked out of the bedroom, taking the tepid cup of tea with her.
“I heard that,” she threw over her shoulder.
“Of course she heard that, but didn’t hear when I told her to leave me alone,” he mumbled into his pillow. He tossed and turned, knowing that if he went to sleep, the maddening woman would just wake him up again.
Sure enough, she was back at his bedside within ten minutes, carefully carrying a plate containing a steaming bowl of soup and a small stack of saltine crackers. He sat up before she could order him to, and took the plate from her.
“You didn’t add anything to this, did you?” he asked.
“Nope, I just heated it up,” she assured him.
He dipped the spoon into the soup, blew on it and put it in his mouth, then promptly choked and sputtered. “Bloody hell, Swan! Didn’t you add any water to this?”
“Why would I add water?” she asked, a confused frown forming on her face.
“Because Campbell’s soup is condensed. It’s too salty this way. Adding extra water dilutes it enough that it tastes like soup is supposed to taste, rather than tasting like…like the ocean. Haven’t you ever made soup from a can before?”
“Sure,” she said, crossing her arms across her chest petulantly. “I make Progresso soup all the time, but I never add water to it.”
“Progresso soup isn’t condensed. This is.” He took the stack of crackers, then thrust the plate back towards her. “I’ll just eat these, thanks very much. Now that you’ve tended to me, you can leave me in peace.”
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?” she asked.
Was that concern he saw on her face? Surely not. Emma Swan would never be concerned about him. It would be more realistic if she were to try to poison him. Perhaps he should have been more careful eating and drinking what she gave him.
Shaking his head slightly to try to clear those thoughts, he said gruffly, “Yes, I’m sure. It’s not like you really helped anyway.”
This time, he thought he saw a flash of hurt cross her face, before she turned and left the room. Soon he heard the front door close.
He couldn’t have really seen Emma Swan look concerned and hurt, could he? Great. Now he was going to have to add hallucinations to his list of symptoms.
He ate the crackers, then lay down and turned onto his side, tugging the blanket up around his shoulders. He was achy and feverish, but it was the guilt over how he treated his apparently well-meaning neighbor that kept him from falling asleep.
Three days later, after his fever had been broken for twenty-four hours, Killian went back to work. Upon returning home at the end of the day and getting his keys out to unlock his apartment, the door across the hall opened and Emma stepped out.
“Oh, hey Jones. Looks like you recovered, no thanks to me.”
Killian rubbed his finger behind his ear. “I owe you an apology, Swan. I was rude and should have never said what I did.”
She shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s no big deal. I guess I’ll never be a Florence Nightingale.” Turning on her heel, she muttered, “See ya around.”
“Swan…Emma, wait,” he called out, hurrying after her.
She turned around. “What?” she huffed.
“I, uh, I truly am sorry. It was very kind of you to try to help me, but…”
“But what?”
“But why did you do that? I mean, given the fact you hate me…”
“I don’t hate you,” she interrupted.
“Really? You could have fooled me.”
Emma stuck her hands in the back pockets of her jeans and looked down at the floor for several long moments. When she finally looked up, he was shocked to see the vulnerability on her face.
“Look… I’m not good with…people,” she said softly. “And I’m also not good at admitting when I’m wrong.”
She paused and he waited patiently, wondering where she was going with this.
“None of the people I know would be concerned enough to check on me if I called in sick to work. You’ve lived here long enough for me to realize that…that you don’t seem to have anyone like that, either. I never see anyone coming or going on a regular basis - besides the pizza delivery guy, but I don’t think he counts.”
Killian chuckled dryly. “You’re very observant, Swan.” He paused for a moment, debating whether he should open up to her as she was to him. “And you’re also correct,” he added finally. “I moved here from England when I was transferred for my job, and I don’t have any close friends yet.”
She nodded. “I figured it was something like that. The day you moved in, I was…well, to put it bluntly, I was a bitch. And, as I said, I’m not good at apologizing, so I just let things go on being…uncomfortable. When I saw that you were sick the other day, I thought it was my chance to make things better between us, but I screwed that up, too. I just…I guess I wanted to let you know that you didn’t have to be alone while you were suffering - that there was someone who cared. I…I’m sorry I made things worse.”
“You didn’t make things worse,” he assured her. “I appreciate the effort. Actually, if you think about it, it was really quite comical.”
She scoffed. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“And they do say laughter is the best medicine, so your failed attempts at helping are probably what cured me so quickly.”
Seeing the grin on his face, the corners of her own mouth turned up a bit. “You’re an idiot, Jones.”
He took a step closer. “How about if we start over, Emma? It would be nice to have a friend living across the hall.”
She eyed him, chewing her lip in contemplation. Then she held her hand out to him. “Hi, I’m Emma Swan. Welcome to the neighborhood.”
He reached forward to give her hand a firm shake. “Killian Jones. Pleasure to meet you, Miss Swan.”
She smiled and he was amazed at how it transformed her already lovely face. They stood awkwardly for several moments, until Killian said, “Well, I should let you go. Were you on your way to work?”
“Oh, uh, no. I was just going to get something to eat.”
He rubbed his hand along his jaw, dropping his eyes as he asked, “Would you, um…would you like some company?” Looking back up, he saw her eyes widen and hurried to add, “Just as a friend. As you well know, I don’t have much to eat in my apartment.”
She snorted out a laugh. “You still have more than I do at my place.” Turning away from him once again, she said, “If you’re sure, you’re welcome to join me. I was just gonna go to the diner around the corner. Tonight’s special is grilled cheese and onion rings.”
“Ah, greasy diner food,” he said, beginning to follow her. “You do know if you keep eating that stuff, your arteries are going to be filled with sludge.”
She chose to ignore him as she started down the stairs. “They have the best hot chocolate, too.”
“How much sugar do you add to it?” he grinned.
She glared at him over her shoulder. “No sugar, just cinnamon.”
“Cinnamon in hot chocolate? Sounds…interesting.”
She stopped on the landing and turned to look at him. “If you’re gonna make fun of my preferences for food and drink, you’re uninvited.”
Holding his hands up in mock surrender, he said, “I meant no offense, Swan. Perhaps I’ll even give your…unique concoction a try.”
That meal led to another, and many more. Soon they added regular coffee dates. Gradually, at Killian’s urging, Emma tried and eventually acquired a taste for black coffee, no sugar. Even more gradually, at Emma’s urging, Killian acquired a taste for greasy diner food.
Six weeks after Emma’s attempt to nurse Killian back to health, they went on their first official date. Killian was very happy to discover that Emma Swan did indeed have both a sweet and funny side. They realized they had many things in common, as they talked during their dinner at one of Boston’s most renowned restaurants, then walked along the waterfront.
At the conclusion of the date, they shared a kiss outside her apartment door, which opened both of their eyes to the fact that there was a significant spark of attraction between them. As they continued to date, the spark ignited into a blazing flame. (They made sure to replace the expired condoms in Killian’s medicine cabinet, once it was obvious they were going to put them to use.)
They became each other’s ‘person’ - someone to laugh with, cry with, share everything with, and nurse back to health when the need arose. By the following winter, when the flu made its way through Killian’s office once again, he had his own live-in nurse, whose skills were much improved from the previous year.
By that time, they still had a love/hate relationship…but now, it was minus the hate.
A couple of fun notes:
-Colin was drinking a Dr. Pepper Zero during the Meet & Greet I went to at GalaxyCon in Columbus last year.
-At another con several years ago, Jen admitted she never drank black coffee until Colin got her hooked on it. (No pun intended!)
Thank you for reading.
@qualitycoffeethings @grimmswan @cs-rylie @wyntereyez @kmomof4 @hookedmom @ultraluckycatnd @paradiselady19 @xarandomdreamx @motherkatereloyshipper @lfh1226-linda
@pawshapedheart @vampcoffeegyrl23 @tiganasummertree @bluewildcatfanatic @eleveneitherway @elfiola @kday426
@julieenchanted-swans @gingerchangeling @andiirivera @djlbg @jonesfandomfanatic @snowbellewells @anmylica @booksteaandtoomuchtv @cocohook38 @ilovemesomekillianjones
@zaharadessert @lyssapup27 @undercaffinatednightmare @winterbaby89 @jennjenn615 @xsajx @jackieorioncat @teamhook @soniccat @jarienn972 @softkilly @kymbersmith-90 @apiratewhopines
@hollyethecurious @laianely @resident-of-storybrooke @exhaustedpirate @caught-in-the-filter @stahlop @veryverynotgoodwrites @darkshadow7 @fleurdepetite @whimsicallyenchantedrose @earanemith @superchocovian @idristardis @captainswan-kellie @beckettj
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reineydraws · 2 days
Hey Reiney! i've been following your Renkaza comic for some time now and it's kind of gotten me into the ship. Would you happen to have any fic recs to get me started?
im so honoured my comic got u into the ship! (@sshcomic for those who don't know! 🫶) i love giving out fic recs omg thank u so much for asking!!!! i have 15 for ya haha.
i'll have specific recs under the cut, but first i wanna just say that anything by emilieee @e-milieeee ; dragonsandcryptids @lesbiansanemi ; and tippertupper are great places to start! they're amazing writers with a good body of work and i've definitely gone through a lot--if not all--of their renkaza stuff! please check them out!
word count is rounded to nearest thousand btw! :) smoke and mirrors + demon's choice are big inspirations for my comic, if ur coming from there!
i've also realized these can be pretty lengthy so if u want recs with shorter word counts just lmk and i'll comb through my bookmarks for <15k. but anyways!
Smoke and Mirrors by emilieee (272k)
canon happens in modern times au, where akaza ends up as kyo's apartment neighbour, tho kyo doesn't initially realize akaza's a demon. it's emotional! it's plotty! akaza mentions kokushibo made all the kizuki's fake id's and i still think that's hilarious! it's got one of my fave enemies to besties akaza & shinobu plots ever! please read this!!!
last sunrise by DragonsAndCryptids (182k)
akaza turns kyojuro by accident bc he bleeds too much into kyo's open wounds during the mugen train fight, and neither notice until it's too late. shinobu notices too and decides perhaps that this might be a prime research opportunity... uh-oh! the ethical quandries are good in this, and shinobu while flawed is very well-written. renkaza also end up with a soul bond. another emotional one but god is the journey amazing. tw for some torture scenes that could be graphic.
Small Fire of Winter Stars by phabulousphantom (66k)
modern au where akaza is a tattoo artist and kyo runs a teens program at the local community centre. it's one of my faves bc i just love stories about jaded people opening up and finding love and trust again, and this is exactly that. i also love the ensemble cast in it. the teenagers are adorable, especially inosuke who is a problem kid that finds something aspirational with akaza. thinking abt this fic is making me smile again!
Camp Kasugai by si1verbird77 (20k)
also modern au where renkaza are both counselors at a summer camp. kyo runs a percy jackson program, and he and akaza fall in love over the summer with the help of the deep trust that camp atmospheres usually end up fostering. kyo and sen, and akaza as well, also touch on the grief of losing parents, and the nature of camps as a place to grow into yourself and how time keeps moving. it's nice. i love this one a lot.
Inertia (series) by TipperTupper (23k)
akaza saves kyo from freezing to death, and kyo marvels at the compassion and humanity that akaza seems to hold in his muscle memory. ends up digging a little bit into akaza's trauma both as a human and as a demon controlled by muzan. sanemi gets a little mad about it in the third part and it's funny. overall vibe of the series is warm.
The Neverending Night by apodis (155k - incomplete)
when i say this fic rotates in my brain 24/7!!! akaza gets stuck in a time loop that resets every time kyo dies. it explores akaza's nature as someone who is willing to sacrifice everything for loved ones, and it's interesting bc at first kyo hates him, and then he starts to realize there's something wrong with akaza's memories bc of muzan, and he starts to really see how self-effacing akaza is. it's SO good, and the realizations both kyo and you as the reader have build and layer as the story progresses. akaza and kaname (kyo's crow) also build a friendship that is so important to me.
Demon's Choice by Celeste Gladnick (lairMorbidon) (69k - incomplete)
akaza defects early and joins tamayo, and so many more people are alive as a result. kyo in this one is interesting bc he's bigoted against demons thanks to his upbringing in a slayer family under abusive shinjuro, and refuses to see that akaza is anything other than dangerous, despite literally everyone else sticking up for him. extra fun bc he crushes on butterfly assistant hakuji without realizing that it's akaza in a human guise. akaza himself also has some deeply held trauma he doesnt quite realize he has.
what i wouldn't give by DragonsAndCryptids (59k)
senjuro becomes terminally ill and his end is fast-approaching. akaza, who's been bothering kyo on and off for two years since mugen train, hears about it and offers to help by turning sen into a demon. at first, kyo gives a hard no, but as his baby brother's illness progresses... well, anyone would get a little desperate, wouldn't they? love this bc one of my fave things abt renkaza is pushing kyo to his moral and ethical limit lol.
if you fly (say you won’t come back) by apodis (10k)
siren au! well, akaza's a siren, and kyo is the caretaker of a house that sees many different travelers. akaza's just the latest one. i love this one bc it's fantastical elements are wonderful, and it builds a very interesting world. as the reader, you have a lot of questions and it's an experience getting them answered. it's also prettily written. :)
Little Fighter Boy Comes Marching Home by VTheTrashKing (19k)
akaza gets de-aged by a demon's blood art, and kyo comes upon a little human boy with black hair and blue eyes, a chip on his shoulder and a very implicitly sad past, what with the criminal markings on his wrists and the way he insists he can take care of himself. another one of my fave renkaza things and kyo getting bowled over by hakuji's tragic story so i loved the way he puzzles it together in this one based on the little boy in front of him, and just finds one sad thing after another.
“Don’t die, Kyojuro” by Lenasaurous (24k)
akaza lets kyo live and often tells him not to die. kyo, who's life is often visited by death considering his occupation, begins to rely on akaza's immortality as a demon, and depend on his company as a constant--that is, until akaza passes out from not eating, and stays down for the count. uh-oh. (i also love this fic 'cuz there's this scene where akaza tries so hard to make kyo like him by giving him herbs and helpful plants, even tho kyo doesn't really want him around at that point, and it's so sweet and so sad. i wanna give him a hug!!!)
Memories behind broken glass by GammaRays (58k - incomplete)
this is the akaza whump fic of my dreams lol he gets captured and experimented on by shinobu (and it can be grisly so tw for that). kyo lured him into a trap to get him captured and ends up standing guard and starting to question his morals when it becomes clear that shinobu is being intentionally cruel. as the torture experiments go on, akaza also becomes so delirious that he begins to remember his human past. kyo loses it a little. it's good.
All the things a cup can hold by Liatheus (9k)
akaza takes shinjuro demon hunting lol. this is actually more of a shinjuro character study with side renkaza, but i love it specifically for a scene near the end where they all have tea, and ruka's empty place at the table feels obvious, and kyo and shinjuro are sort of crying about it. i also love that it explores the way shinjuro used to be a hashira, and how akaza investigates his strength in that sense. shinjuro's strength is an important aspect to kyojuro that doesn't often get delved into, and it makes sense to me that akaza sort of looks into it, as someone who loves kyo's strength.
Hello Again (the weight of memories welcome me home) by VTheTrashKing (15k)
this one's more artsy than anything but i love sci-fi as a genre so i'm reccing it lol i'm being self-indulgent. for whatever reason, throughout his life, akaza gets visited by various hashira. it's all very timey-wimey and the renkaza is more implied than anything, but there's this scene where akaza's being held trial at a hashira meeting, and then a future sanemi and future giyuu come out of nowhere to protect him and shock the living daylights out of their past selves, and it's so wild. i love it so much.
the milk incident by lattelesbean (4k)
this is just funny haha! short and fun read. modern soyama twins au where akaza's a café barista and accidentally puts his foot in his mouth in a very embarrassing way, bc he was too busy thirsting over kyo, his latest customer, to double-check what was about to come out of his mouth lol. i am still laughing.
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luvhockey111 · 2 days
based off of doomsday by lizzy mcalpine!
summary: Quinn Hughes and Elouise “ellie” were high school sweethearts. Everyone surrounding them were just waiting for the day that Quinn would pop the question. What happens when Quinn turns cold?
warnings: sad quinn, sad reader, kind of asshole quinn, angst a little bit
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Quinn and Ellie had been dating since their freshman year of high school, to be more specific November of 2013. They were so deeply in love, when quinn went to the University of Michigan, Ellie followed. When Quinn had to move to Vancouver, he bought an apartment for the two of them. There truly was no Quinn without Ellie and vice versa. They made their apartment a home, even buying a dog right before quarantine in March of 2020. Their relationship never once faltered. That is until Ellie got a job offer in Michigan in September of 2022. Ellie’s dream had always been to be a physical trainer for a sports team. While Quinn tried and tried for the Canucks to hire her, they just simply did not need another trainer. It never crossed Quinn’s mind that Ellie could possibly consider leaving Vancouver to work. I mean Vancouver had been their home for the past 5 years, Quinn had been her home for the past 9. Eloise had found out about this job last month, she had told quinn right when she found out, since that day he had been nothing but cold. A shell of the man she loved.
“El I just don’t understand why you would go and apply for this job in Michigan, do you not care about me?.” Quinn had never raised his voice at Ellie, not in all her years of knowing him. “Quinn this is my dream, you know that. I’ve followed you every step of the way since we went to college, I’ve been working towards this job since senior year of high school. I’m not going to let it get away.” Eloise could feel her body start to over heat, her eyes get watery and blurry and her throat starting to close. Why couldn’t Quinn understand? “I told you that you don’t have to work I can provide for you El” Quinn started yelling. “You’ve had no problem letting me take care of everything and pay for the past 5 years so what’s the problem now.” “Are you insinuating that I have been using you?” Ellie was furious now. How could Quinn, her perfect boyfriend who has never raised his voice or ever mistreated her say imply such a thing? “It’s not insinuating, if I am straight up saying it Eloise.” Quinn had completely run cold. “Okay, you know what quinn I’m booking my flight for tomorrow morning. I start next week. I thought my boyfriend would be happy I’m finally getting what I’ve been dreaming about, but I guess not.” Eloise already had started packing earlier that day while quinn was at training. “Eloise if you take this job we are over.” Quinn said with a shaky voice, tears brimming just above his waterline. “I guess we’re over than, I’ll get my stuff and go to a hotel tonight.” Eloise was trying her hardest to keep her composure. She knew it had to have been a heat of the moment thing, but even then, if he is that willing to throw 9 years down the drain over a little distance, maybe he wasn’t the one.
“Pull the plug in September I don't want to die in June I'd like to start planning my funeral I've got work to do
Pull the plug, make it painless I don't want a violent end Don't say that you'll always love me 'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again”
It was now December 23 2023
Ever since Eloise left that night she had not seen or spoken to Quinn. He had not reached out and neither had she. It would be a lie to say that she had not thought about texting him everyday. However, as far as she knows he is living his bachelor life up in Vancouver. She knew Quinn would be coming back home to Michigan for Christmas, as he did every year. Last Christmas Eloise had opted on buying herself and her mom a week long cruise over the time period she knew Quinn would be back in their hometown. This year was different, although she still did not want to see Quinn or speak with him, she had done a lot of self evaluation and decided that maybe it was for the best that the 2 split. I mean they had been together since freshman year of high school. She truly had not known herself without the presence of Quinn, and same goes for Quinn. It could possibly be right person wrong time or simply just someone who wasn’t meant to be. Eloise was currently shopping in her local Trader Joe’s when she had heard an all too familiar voice. Now it’s not the voice that she had heard everyday for 9 years but it was a voice she could pick out of a lineup for sure. It was the voice of the little brother she never had. “Yup, okay Jack I’ll get that fried rice you like. Oh my god leave me alone you’re such a child.” Luke groaned loudly, Eloise let out a quiet laugh at the sound of this conversation, knowing the antics of her old second family all too well. She was in the aisle next to luke and could still hear him loud and clear. All of a sudden the voice started sounding louder and closer. “Jack I swear if you tell mom I’ll…” Luke locked eyes with Ellie and looked as if he had just seen a ghost. “Uh yeah jack I’ll see you when I get home.” Right as he hung up on jack he ran to Ellie, engulfing her in a bear hug. Right as they connected Ellie could feel herself starting to get choked up and tears welling in her eyes. “Oh El I’m so sorry about everything, I’m sorry I didn’t reach out, I’m so sorry.” “It’s okay lu, I know how close you and Quinn are I didn’t expect you to. I did miss you a whole lot though.” Luke and Eloise had always been extremely close. She had known him since he was 10 and watched him grow up into an amazing hockey player and an even better person. She reminisced back to when she had first gotten her license and the first thing she did was drive Luke to hockey practice because Ellen and Jim were busy, and Quinn and Jack were out of town. He was like the brother she never had. Luke and Eloise had talked for about 5 more minutes before jack called complaining that he was out for too long and he had to eventually part ways from Ellie. After seeing Luke it made Eloise realize how much she had missed Quinn, but if it was that easy for him to walk out of her life and not reach out then it would be just as easy for him to ignore her, or to do it again. December 25, 2023
Christmas was always Eloises favorite holiday. Every year that she had been home for Christmas she would walk down a street in her town that was filled with lights and people after their Christmas dinners. This year had been no different. After her family dinner she had grabbed her coat and went to walk down the street. Now, every year she had done this walk with Quinn, this year it felt like a part of her had died on this walk. The part of her that enjoyed Christmas, or any holiday for that matter. She had realized on this walk she had become a shell of the person she once was. She had realized how pathetic she probably looked to an outsider. It was never about not knowing herself outside of being in a relationship with Quinn, it was the pride she took in it, how he made her a better person, he pushed her to chase after her dreams, he did all that he could to get her every resource possible so that she could follow her dreams. All in all she realized that she’s the villain in her own story. Yes, Quinn had blown up on her when he really had no right to, but she was the one who packed all of her stuff without telling him, she was the one who left their shared home of the past 5 years without a word, and she was the one who had blocked his phone number meaning to have unblocked it by the next morning. As Eloise realized she never unblocked his phone number she broke. What if he had tried reaching out to fix everything? What if he missed her as much as she missed him and she would never know? Quinn’s perspective:
A piece of Quinn had died a little bit with every text he had sent to Eloises phone number and every time it had shown up as not delivered. Quinn had been siliently dying inside due to his ego not wanting to tell anyone about the breakup, although everyone could tell something was wrong. He had kept up with her life ever since they split. He as well was a shell of a person ever since she had walked out that door. He texted her everyday multiple times without fail, he had called her at least once a day to hear her voice and laugh on the answering machine. He knew that Christmas was her favorite holiday and he knew she was in town because Luke had told him. So he had decided to text her to wish her a Merry Christmas.
“The death of me was so quiet No friends and family allowed Only my murderer, you And the priest who told you to go to hell And the funny thing is I would've married you If you'd have stuck around”
Eloise had felt her phone buzz in her pocket
Q💘: Merry Christmas El, I know today is your favorite. Remember our first Christmas together when you still had braces and a unibrow lol. You still were the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes on, well I mean you still are but you get the point. I know you won’t see this message and haven’t seen the other probably millions of texts I’ve sent, I still love you and will continue to love you for as long as I’m living but I think it’s doing me more harm then good. Until we (hopefully) meet again my Ellie girl.
“I had no choice in the matter Why would I? It's only the death of me”
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deathbirby · 2 months
I don't think FEH will ever do it but I think a Rhea and Grima harmonic duo would be fascinating, one watched humans murder her whole race mother included, and make weapons OUT OF THEIR BONES and yet due to her mother's love of humanity she didn't murder them all in retaliation; instead she cherished them, watched them grow and even helped out when she could. Meanwhile Grima gets betrayed once (or maybe a couple of times we don't have much on him) and decides all of humanity has to burn, wipe them all out. What happens to Rhea and all she has to do to keep herself and her kind protected in a way gives evidence to his viewpoint about humanity but she does the total opposite of what he does for being slighted. I don't know if he'd think she's pathetic for it or be impressed with it all but I don't know it's just very interesting to think about! Sadly harmonics are never that deep BUT THEY COULD BE
Grima gets slighted once for an unknown reason. It could be something minor for all we know. And what does he do in response? DOWN WITH HUMANITY! DEATH TO EVERYTHING!
Rhea gets fucked over CONSTANTLY and in the WORST ways possible by humanity and what does she do? She loves them. She cherishes them. She wants to protect them and keep the peace.
They would clash. Absolutely. Grima is stubborn. His viewpoint wouldn't change. He might see Rhea as a potential ally. The blocks are there. All she would need are some very strong pushes.
Instead we get Edelgard and Altina in swimsuits. And even THEY could've had a deep conversation, but nooo.
Fuck. I might do something with this idea though. You have planted the brainworm in me, anon. I will never recover from this.
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kindaorangey · 1 month
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jean should collect homoerotic codependent partners professionally
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laniidae-passerine · 7 months
I made my post about Dean Highbottom and then as I was writing my tags realised that his Hunger Games counterpart is Haymitch. and now my head is in my hands and I don’t think I’ll ever recover
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