#i dunno am i a little insane?? maybe.
valentinesparda · 1 month
Hey Valentine!! Been thinking about DMC lately and was wondering if you could tell me some stuff about your DMC s/i? :0 perhaps what their relationship with Vergil is like? -[Wayfinderships]
@wayfinderships OH BOY OH BOY IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT DMC RECENTLY TOO !!!! i miss my half demon husband. it sure has been a whole hot minute since I talked about gabriel in general, and it sure has just hit me that you and most of my current mutuals completely missed my dmc era, so!!
gabriel is my self insert, and they are a collector of demonic goods, a purveyor of powerful artefacts, and they meet vergil shortly before dmc3 is taking place, mostly because their paths cross through happenstance and they offer up information for him. they're around the same age as the twins at this point during the timeline, the two of them are kind of friends and kind of bickering back and forth, and eventually when Vergil Goes To Hell, they kind of dig themself into a hole of work since they're the apprentice to the actual collector they have been working for
um to make a long story short these are bullet points:
find a particular artefact associated to a general of hell named haures, who has his own little plans and manages to take possession of gabriel gradually over time, for the most part they function like they green goblin talking to his own mask
haures corrupts them and essentially demonizes them so they functionally stop aging / age so slowly that it isn't really noticeable
they are also hearing from haures about mundus and sparda and are doing their own little research, maybe in hopes of coming across that one weird white haired dude they met before
their research brings them to fortuna when nero is a little kid !! will expand upon that when i get back around to dmc4
they cross paths with dante a lot!! and he is their friend somewhat
the whole time they're doing all of this they are like actively dying from haures and have to stay in tip-top shape otherwise he will actually kill them!! but no one else can communicate with haures so he's just kind of their intrusive thoughts
badabadaba dmc5 rolls around and v shows up and suddenly it's like they're 20 again and experiencing feelings
anyways gabriel's relationship with vergil was initially a little fling for the short time that they knew each other when they were younger, and tidbits of that are echoed in meeting v. like gabriel wouldn't admit to it and they think they're doing such a good job of hiding it but everyone they know can SEE how they act
and then suddenly vergil is back!! and they are a dam in the process of breaking!! the two of them proceed to bicker like an old married couple and most of vergil's time spent as v winds up being mental anguish and maturity and confronting his own human emotions, so even though they are continuing on that leftover thread from when they were younger and they didn't spend very much time together, it's like they've known eachother forever. like they do care about eachother, clearly, but they're overall very sweet in their own ways and completely awkward in navigating their relationship and feelings. because they are eachothers first love or something. yucky. I'm not approaching the lady in red topic right now because if I do then I have to do mental gymnastics but it's fine, we'll just loophole it
anyways blah blah gabriel and vergil are like. aggressively embarrassed in how they interact with each other, because they're kind of too similar that it's funny, but they do genuinely like eachother. maybe it's just because they were each other's only friend when they were in their teens and were both being manipulated for someone else's gain lol. and after vergil's stay in hell and subsequent Speedrun of the human existence he calms down a little and lets himself learn to love, not just romantically but like, familially. he gets to learn about the people that he left behind again and the one he's never met before (his son), and that is just. so important to me
so gabriel is kind of the only person initially rooting for him, even if they would rather swallow glass than be vulnerable, but they can also have vergil help them control their corruption and possibly use haures to their advantage because i had it set up where he was yeah, a dumbass trying to usurp the throne, but I wanted to plan a whole plot surrounding him and maybe lore connecting him to sparda, specifically
I know i joke about them bickering and being unable to function as real people but i have a very special place in my heart for vergil, not just favourite character wise but also self ship wise. im personally very hardheaded and dragging my real feelings out of me is like literally pulling teeth, so I've hidden a lot of my affections behind jokes and that kind of is also reflected in how I talk about vergil. but i did eventually open up about it and that's where the handfasting ceremony came from. i finally just accepted that i loved him as a character and ive been trying to unlearn my bad behaviors and learn that it's okay to be vulnerable, and not to hold everything in all the time
i like. rambled but its to avoid having to voice how their relationship is in full detail, so all i really have to say is that it's complicated but also plainly simple how they work together, how they love. they do deeply care about the other, and while it takes some time to let the initial feelings go unsaid, they are at their center both very lonely people who have put their trust into someone that they can see themselves in, who know how the other one feels and expresses feelings, with the addition of v functioning as an a-ha moment for vergil while gabriel has had 30 years to think on the guy they first loved - and proceeded to immediately fall back in love with upon seeing again
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
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kirbytober 2023 21 + 26 : fav characters + ship [ prev || next ]
putting this at the top because it's extremely important but i received a message implying that some folks headcanon these two as drastically different ages. you may headcanon whatever you like of course, but in my work i firmly think that they're both full adults who are at least 25+. this is abundantly clear in my work. i'm not interested in headcanoning any of them as literal children and i would never touch that shit. dni if you think that sort of ship would actually be okay. don't be a freak. thanks.
very typical to take your favs and then also shove them together but isn't that the point. anyway i have literally never seen anybody else ship them (if you're out there... hello... 😭) despite them both being very main characters and i don't know why?? they could be so cute i think...
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they are both industrious adventurers, prolific hard-workers (team task doers), and a little cheekily competitive!
i think that bandee is no stranger to a wide variety of close and intense relationships; he's beloved by many and loves them all equally but distinctly in turn. magolor on the other hand has been sooo isolated and lonely for such a long-ass time, he barely knows how to be friends let alone really care for someone. bandee is smart enough to be suitably wary but kind enough to give him a chance despite that, which i think would knock him off his non-existent feet instantly. in reply, magolor could give him something unique by loving and prioritising him utterly singularly, in a way bandee wouldn't even have realised he was missing
in awtdy (pictured in the sketch page; if you see a tattered looking magolor in my art it's probably this au) in particular they are both thrown into the angst soup together and come out insanely trauma bonded at the hip. their friendship/relationship is central to the plotline; together they're working on a solution to the timeline anomaly, while also hiding that they even really know each other the whole time
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esshades · 4 months
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I finally finished my watchthrough of the 2 MDZS shows and here are my thoughts from my notes
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thepinkseashell · 1 year
sorry for getting sentimental already but. i will carry this album with me. i will listen to this album at 30 and i will feel like i am 20 again and maybe my life will be better and maybe it will be worse but fall out boy will be there. like they have been there for the last decade. like they will be there for the next one. this album will mean something to me for a very long time i think
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msgexymunson · 5 months
Description: Your best friend Eddie starts to look very appealing to you, but if you suggest a dynamic change, will he go for it?
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI, AFAB reader, weed smoking, virgin Eddie x virgin reader, grinding, fingering, fem oral receiving.
A/N: I just wanted to write a little goofy, not so confident Eddie and this poured out of my brain hole. Enjoy! Reblogs and comments keep me alive so please for the love of all that is smutty reblog if you enjoy it! 
5k words
“All I'm saying is…” you take a big pull of the joint Eddie wiggles at you, his rough fingers brushing your lips. Your voice comes out croaky as hell when you speak, holding the smoke in, “...you can't do the voice.” 
The film plays quietly in the background as you both hang out on his couch, paying little attention to it. 
Eddie scoffs at you, taking the smoke back, and takes a big lug of it himself, hand coming to rest on your bare ankle that was thrown casually over his lap. 
“What you trying to say? You know I can do voices. I could totally do Vader.” 
Giggling, you wiggle your feet as he lightly drags his fingers over them. 
“Don't do that, you know it tickles!” 
Holding his hands up and away from you, you almost miss the contact. Which was insane. This is Eddie, for fucks sake. Your best friend. The asshole who made you nearly piss your pants in seventh grade from tickling too hard, who does stupid shit to get you to smile when you're sad. 
Recently though, the little lingering touches he gives you make your toes curl. Those glances that last a little too long for best friends, the drag of his hand on your back when you move through a crowd. It was crazy, but a part of you couldn't help but think he was feeling the same way. It wasn't like you were in love with the guy, at least not like that. He was almost family. Which made the feelings that you were having sinful in a way that made your thighs clench. 
The flirting didn't help. Eddie flirted as naturally as breathing. He was just so goddamn charming; he had chemistry with everyone. Which made it even more awkward. What if your salacious thoughts weren't reciprocated? Maybe it was just your raging hormones and you needed to keep them in check before you lose your best friend. 
“You're wrong you know.” 
Eddie's words bring you out of the daze you've been falling into; you blink at him, confused. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, and flashes you a smirk that does nothing to quench the fire inside, right when his large hands move to your waist and tickle you relentlessly. You're gasping giggles as he pins your hands over your head, full weight pressing into you. Somehow, he's got his narrow hips in between your thighs, which is definitely not helping the situation. 
“I can totally do the voice, see?” He drops it two octaves, letting a deep bass voice flow out of him, “Luke, I am your father.” 
Fuck, that shouldn't turn you on, but it did. That, and his forced proximity has you feeling uncomfortably wet. It's embarrassingly seeping into your panties; so much so that you cringe at your body's betrayal. 
He's just so damn close. So close, that you see something fluttering behind those brandy wine eyes of his. Or, was it merely your imagination?
Only one way to find out. 
Biting your lip, you flutter your eyelashes softly and speak in the sexiest voice you can.
“Does that mean I should call you Daddy?” 
Eddie's mouth drops open in a perfect O, eyebrows knitted. 
“You can't- you just- fuck!” 
He clambers off of you in an attempt to put some space between you, crossing his legs on the couch. Eddie looks flustered, cheeks burning red as he looks at you like you just grew an extra head. 
“I can't what, Eddie? Can't tease you like you tease me?” 
“Huh? I don't tease you! When did I-” 
“Oh, pinning me down don't count, huh?” 
Crossing your arms over your chest, you watch as he blows air out, grabbing a cushion and ramming it in his lap. 
“I didn't mean it like that, it's just, I dunno.” 
Looking down at his hands, he fiddles with his rings. The sheepishness he's showing is adorable, and so unlike him that it stops you in your tracks. Maybe you should just go easy on him, just a little. 
“Don't worry about it Eds, I'm just fucking around.” 
There's a bit of tension released from his shoulders, but he's still not looking at you. 
Fuck, you need another smoke. 
“You want me to roll?” 
“Hell no, I've seen you roll.” 
Scrunching your nose in fake anger, he laughs at you. 
“Look like a little chipmunk when you do that.” 
“All I hear is that you think I'm adorable.” You giggle as he mockingly rolls his eyes. 
“OK, you roll, I'll grab some sodas.” 
Getting up, you smooth your skirt down and walk over to the fridge. The cans are on the lower shelf, so you bend to grab two, making a mental note to tell Eddie to buy some more. 
When you look back, Eddie's slid to the floor, rolling paraphernalia spread out in front of him. It would be a normal scene, if he didn't still have the cushion wedged in his lap and his face wasn't glowing redder than your underwear. 
Underwear… underwear that he might have seen, since you just bent over. And the only reason why he'd keep that cushion in his lap is if he… 
Wordlessly, you put the soda next to his elbow and scoot up on the couch, entirely unsure about what you're supposed to do in a situation like this. The furthest you've ever gone is some over the clothes stuff. 
Plus, this is Eddie. Your stupid, asshole, mean, tormenting, breathtakingly gorgeous best friend. You curse, wriggling a little in your seat. Your panties are so damp they're practically glued to your privates, a heat emanating from you that's making your insides burn. 
Eddie holds the joint to you, perfectly rolled and more surprisingly, unlit.
“Eddie, you always take the first toke. Rollers rights, remember?” 
He shrugs and passes it anyway, giving you the lighter too, as he lifts himself onto the couch with both hands, letting his cushion shield drop briefly. Long enough to see the tightness in the crotch of his pants. 
Now the feel of your slick is dampening your thighs. Pushing them together as tight as you can, willing the feeling to dissipate, you light it with trembling hands. One puff, two puffs, pass. As his fingers graze yours, he looks at you appraisingly.
“You alright there sweetheart? Not comfy?” 
Nothings gonna happen if you just sit here and whine like a bitch in your head. Take the leap. 
“It's a little, er, embarrassing.” 
Knees squeezing together so hard it's bordering on painful, you look up at him through your lashes. Eddie's eyes are wide and warm, a light smile wrinkling them at the corners softly. 
“It's only me, come on. You can tell me anything.”
Huffing and wriggling some more, you watch him inhale smoke, and blow it out, a slight pout to his mouth that makes you want to pepper it with soft kisses. Then hard kisses. Then, other stuff. Fuck. 
“It's not- we don't, talk about this kinda stuff. I don't wanna… cross a line, you know?”
“Hey, it's alright.” His thick fingers shakily touch your knee, thumb rubbing back and forth. You're not sure if it calms you or makes you worse. It could be both. 
“Fine. Just, don't look at me when I tell you this, ‘kay?” 
There's a little laugh from him, then he rests his head on the back of the couch, eyes staring resolutely to the ceiling. 
“Alright weirdo I'm not looking. Shoot.” 
Tightening your knuckles, your face creases with the effort as you let fly the words that may well end your friendship. 
“I'm uncomfortable, I'm just- fuck, I'm really wet, OK?”
Of all the things you could say, you know Eddie was not expecting you to say that. Especially when he blushes profusely and his grip tightens hard on the cushion in his lap. True to his word, his gaze is directed firmly on the ceiling. 
“That's really-” His voice is broken; squeaky and boyish. He coughs and it comes out much lower, almost comically so. “That's, er, interesting.” 
You can't help it. A crazy laugh shoots out of your throat. An insane laugh. A mental institution laugh. It seems fitting for the situation. Here you are, on Eddie fucking Munson’s couch, telling him how wet you are? You've finally lost it. 
He laughs with you, helping to diffuse some of the awkward energy filling the room.
“Sorry Eddie. It just feels a bit, surreal, you know?” 
Eddie risks a look at you when he hands the joint back. You both stare at each other, each wishing to read the other's mind. 
Remember who you're talking to. This is Eddie. You can talk to him about anything. 
“Listen, Eddie, this is way out of fucking left field but I'm gonna say it. Have you like, done stuff, before?” 
Taking the biggest inhale you can risk without swallowing the roach, you pass the smoke back. There's a very slight shake to Eddie's hand. For some reason it gives you a bit more confidence. His voice wobbles more dramatically than you've ever heard.
“You mean like, sexual, stuff?” 
He finishes the smoke and stubs it out, glancing at you. There's a heat in his eyes that you're not used to seeing. 
“Y-yeah, I mean, honest truth? I've only done over the clothes stuff. Nothing more than that. And you?” 
Eddie coughs, puffing his chest out a little in full man-mode.
“I mean, yeah sure, a bit more than that, you know.” 
You do know. You know by the way he worded that, he's at least not gotten past third base. 
“You're a virgin too then.” 
“Hey!” He huffs, turning to you, “I'm like, way less of a virgin than you are!” 
You laugh loudly, knocking his arm with your fist. 
“Doesn't make you less of a virgin, you idiot.” 
He laughs, shaking his head. 
“Suppose you're right. Some hook-ups ‘round the back of The Hideout don't count for much.”
Reaching for his hand, you brush his knuckles with tentative fingers. 
“Eddie, what I'm trying to say is, well maybe- we could help each other out? I'm a bit… frustrated, and so are you. You know?” 
He squirms a little, recoiling from your touch. 
“What makes you think I'm frustrated?” 
“Eddie, I'm not a fucking idiot. I know why you're grabbing that cushion.” 
He laughs, his special fake laugh he reserves for awkward occasions. That is, until you grab the cushion from his lap and throw it across the room.
He's hard, almost painfully so. It's pressing against his zipper in such a way that you know it must be uncomfortable. You take in a harsh breath as you look at his face. So many emotions seem to be fighting for dominance. Clear arousal, some confusion, a little bit of pity, maybe? Which is the last thing you want to see.
Maybe you were wrong.
“I'm saying that we can help each other. I'm attracted to you. I'm not declaring my love for you or anything. It's not like, some crazy confession. I'm just saying we could… relieve each other.”
“Oh.” His whole demeanour has shifted at your words, “so you don't like, love me, or anything?” 
“Eddie, you are so fucking stupid. Of course I love you, you're my best friend. Just not like that. I mean, I kinda want you to… touch me places, don't mean I want your hand in marriage!” 
His chuckle rings against the tinny walls of the trailer. Then, he looks at you, really looks at you. Biting his lip, he walks his hands toward you, stopping just shy of your constricted knees. 
“Glad you said that. I didn't know how to say that I kinda… well, that I like you, that way, but not like… man, you said it better.” 
And just like that, your Eddie was back. It wasn't weird, far from it. After the way you'd been acting around each other for years, it just made sense. 
You both smile at each other. A genuine, familiar smile. One that hurts your cheeks, that makes your chest fill with warmth. 
“I know this is like, super weird, but it might help, you know?” 
Eddie crawls further towards you, palms splayed on your knees. The simple touch has you quivering. 
“What if it's too weird? I don't want this to ruin our friendship.” 
You smile softly, and unclench your thighs slightly, knees spreading. Enough to make his eyes dart down to your core and back up, laced with want. 
“Tell you what Eds. Kiss me.” 
“And how is that gonna help?”
You laugh, beckoning him forwards. As if on a string, he leans toward you, his rough hands grazing the tops of your thighs. You try to disguise the gasp it elicits from you, but it doesn't seem necessary. Eddie's breathing hard, hard enough to hide any impromptu noises from you. 
“Just kiss me Eddie. If it's weird and gross, we'll laugh about it. If it's, erm, better than that… well, then we can maybe take it a little further.”
Eddie leans in more, hovering over you as your head rests naturally into the armrest. But he stops, inches from your face, hesitating. 
“I don't- shit, I don't know what to do!” 
Laughing loud, you reach out and twirl a section of his hair in your soft hands, adding definition to a curl. 
“Just, use a move on me. You know? Like I'm one of those girls at The Hideout. Come on.” 
He laughs, knuckles dragging over your cheek. 
“That's… this isn't the same. You're not like that ” 
“Fine, just- come on to me. Hit me with your best shot. Just, I dunno, just-”
The rest of your sentence dies on your tongue as he cradles your jaw and presses his full lips softly to yours. You don't know what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn't this. He holds your face almost delicately, tongue lapping gently at your lip until you allow him to slip it inside. 
It's a slow, deliberate thing, as if he's mapping out your mouth in case you never agree to do this again. Not that that's a danger to you. His tongue is burning hot; a slippery warm need, igniting the fire that was already smouldering within you. 
His form relaxes slightly, allowing his weight to drop. His chest falls onto yours, no doubt telling him of the heaving gasps you're taking. You couldn't find it in you to mind, not whilst he's prising your legs open with one knee, his thigh pressing against just where you need it most. 
A moan races out of your mouth and into his, muffled into his chasing tongue. The warmth between your legs is just getting worse, stoked by the pressure of his searching knee. Suddenly there's tension exactly where you need it, the coarse denim of his thigh rubbing hard against your throbbing nub. 
“Eddie, fuck!”
He smiles into your mouth as he pushes his leg harder, groans overtaking his mouth as you use it to chase your pleasure. 
His perfect mouth traces down your jaw, nipping and sucking at your flesh. His thick tongue lathing over your taut muscles, your tiny fingers grasping onto his arms almost pathetically. 
When he breaks away to look at you, eyes searching for doubts, you can't help but think how beautiful he looks. His hair's a little messier than usual, cheeks flushed pink, and those full lips look even plumper than before. 
“Sorry, should have checked in. Was that, alright? Not too weird?” 
You try to slow your breathing, but it's no use. It usually takes you a while to get there on your own, but you were so close to coming on Eddie's leg after a couple of minutes of making out it was almost shameful. 
“I'll say, jeez. I nearly- er, got carried away.” 
“Really?” Eddie's eyes seem to brighten as the corners of his mouth twitch up into a cheeky grin. 
“Don't let that get to your head! I'm just really… needy right now.” 
“Fuck,” he replies, adjusting his bulge, “right, carried away, you say?”
Before you can process what he's said he leaps up, grabs you by the waist and throws you over his shoulder. Your giggling squeals echo through the trailer, ringing out like the peals of a bell as he barges into his room and throws you on the bed. Laughing and red faced, with your skirt rucked up around your hips and your arms flung above your head, you notice Eddie's gaze shamelessly skimming to your panties. 
Shaking out of his bare faced revelry he jumps onto the bed next to you, eager as a kid at Christmas. He's on his side, a large hand roaming over your stomach, across your waist, down to your hips and skimming just under your thin sweater. 
“You want me to take this off?” You ask, tugging at the hem. 
“Oh, er- yeah, I-I mean if you- do you want to take it off?” 
Eddie bumbles through his words as you giggle at him, his usual confident demeanour evaporated at the thought of your body. 
“Eddie you dingus, you've literally seen me in my underwear before!” 
“Well, yeah… but that was before you, er, filled out.” 
It was a long time ago. A hot Summer spent running around the trailer park hitting each other with water balloons. You'd almost forgotten how far back it was.
“You don't have to be scared of my boobs ya know.” 
Eddie scoffs, hitting you playfully with a flick of his finger on the tip of your nose. You grab it, trying to bite it but he's pulling it away and you follow. It turns into yet another wrestling match as laughter rings from the pair of you. He tries to hold his hand up high but then you straddle him. 
Suddenly, his arm goes limp and you pull the offending digit into your mouth triumphantly, nibbling softly. It's then you realise you're straddling his stomach and he's completely lost, staring at the way your skirt is wrinkled. 
Play fight discarded, you shimmy down his body and revel in the little shaking breath Eddie makes as you sit gently on his crotch, the hardened bulge pressing into your clothed heat. 
“Fuck, you're so warm.” 
You blush as his fingers dig into your hips as if afraid you'll disappear. 
“You can feel that, through your jeans?” 
He chuckles low in his throat and the sound travels straight to your tummy, letting loose a cascade of butterflies. 
“Feel it? It's like a freaking furnace. Bet it'll feel amazing inside you.” 
It's just Eddie, running his mouth; in fact it seems he didn't mean to say that out loud judging by the look on his face. He always has an issue separating outside thoughts and inside thoughts. It was so casually spoken though, you don't think he realised just how dirty it sounded. 
Your fingers smooth up his stomach, feeling the muscles tense under the contact, pulling his shirt up with them. 
“Really hot when you say stuff like that.” 
You're embarrassed admitting it, but you're so turned on that he needs to know how much his words affect you. Mostly so he'll keep using them.
You're dragging nails over his abdomen, tugging his t-shirt higher and higher. He doesn't seem to mind, firm hands pulling your hips slowly back and forth. So you take a shot, and yank it up high. He gets the message, lifting his arms over his head so you can fling it off and away. 
There's no subtlety to the way he pulls at your top, sitting up to wrench it off you. He's panting, eyes raking over your red cotton bra as if you were in the finest lingerie. Then your lips crash together, desperately exploring each other's mouths, teeth clashing in urgency. You collapse on top of him as he holds your hip with one hand, guiding you over his hardness as the other palms your breast over your bra. 
That feeling is back, the burning tingling mass of arousal clutching your insides, growing and growing quicker than ever. You rut against him, each pass sending a zip of sensation all the way from your clit to the tips of your toes. 
Moaning in his mouth, you break away and he nips at your neck, rough fingers snaking into your bra to clumsily rub your nipple. You cling to his waist tightly as the feeling mounts, and mounts, and finally- 
“Eddie! Oh- oh fuckin’ hell!” 
It happens. The thing that had never happened to you outside of your own late night desperate fumblings. It flows like liquid fire through your veins, buzzing across your skin in a wild burning sensation that takes you utterly by surprise. Your sounds are feral; incoherent and needy, as your thighs grasp him firmly as if in fear of him moving away. 
After a loaded silence, whilst you both breathe, and breathe, you finally unclasp your legs around him, falling to the side in an ungainly heap of arms and legs.  
“Well. Holy fucking shit.” you laugh nervously, legs shaking with the after effects.
“So, not too weird?” He smiles, taking the opportunity to get on top of you, arms either side of your head. 
“It's a little weird. Only ever, you know, came, on my own, so yeah.” 
“Yeah?” The cocky look is back, a hand trailing down your shoulder to rest on your breast. 
“Can I take this off, please?” 
You smile and lift your back up so he can slide his hand behind you, fumbling around to try and get the clasp, swearing under his breath. 
“I don't know, can you?” You question, stifling giggles. 
“You could just help me, you know, you-you devil woman- Oh wait I did it!” 
The clasp springs free and Eddie's proud smile nearly splits his face apart as he eagerly pulls down the straps. 
“You're such a goofball.”
“You've got amazing tits, Jesus Christ.” 
Heat flushes your chest and before you can retort he's kneeling between your legs, hot mouth sucking roughly on a nipple. Words fail you, your body the only thing talking as you arch your back and push toward his greedy lips. Letting go with a loud pop, he sucks a hickey right in the middle of your sternum, running his thumb over the wet mark after. 
“I wanna go down on you.” He blurts it out, spill words tugging out of his lips before he can stop them. 
“You wanna what?” You respond, dazed as he looks up at you, eyes full of fire. 
“I wanna use my mouth on you. Down here.” 
He drags his fingers low, pressing one just to the top of your mound. 
“You really want to?” As far as you're aware, that's not a thing guys tend to want to do. At least that's what you've heard. Eddie seems to be an exception. 
“More than anything.” He's brutally honest, eyes wide and begging. 
“I mean, if you want to, sure.” 
“OK, shit, just wait a sec.” 
Getting up so fast it must make his head spin, he unbuttons his jeans and wrestles them down his legs, tossing them away. The tent in his boxers makes your eyes widen.
Breathing a sigh of relief, he climbs back on the bed. 
“Sorry, just so fuckin’ hard it hurts.” 
Nothing can stop the whimper that shoots out of your mouth at his words. Again, he's just being honest, but he doesn't seem to understand how sexy it is. 
Moving to unzip your skirt, he bats your hand away to do it himself. Before he pulls it off, he looks at you nervously. 
“Just, let me know if you don't like something. Or if you do. I've er, I've not done this before so lower your expectations.” He laughs it out, embarrassment coating each word. 
“I thought you had a bunch of hook ups at The Hideout?” You tease, smirking at him. 
“Right, full disclosure, I've erm, used my fingers before, a few times. And once- once some girl tried to give me head and I busted in like three seconds, OK?” 
He grabs a bunch of his hair and hides behind it while you chuckle. 
“Eddie, it's fine, I'm glad you told me. It's just me. I'm not gonna judge you, you know that.” 
“Yeah, of course.” The breath he lets out is loud, tension melting from his body, and he bends to pull your skirt down and off. Your panties are next; they cling to your core so much it makes you cringe, but he doesn't seem to mind. 
“Can you, spread your legs a little sweetheart?” His voice is husky, eyes staring straight at your pussy. Feeling exposed, you do as he asks, fighting the urge to pull away from his gaze. 
“Look at you. Beautiful.” 
Smiling at his words, it turns into an open mouthed gasp as he strokes his fingers softly through your folds. 
“Fuck me, you're soaked.” 
Then his tongue is slipping across you, feeling tentatively as he keeps your legs wide with his rough palms. It's different; wet and messy, but it's incredible. The pleasure increases tenfold as his wandering mouth finds your clit. 
“Eddie, right there, right there!” 
He groans, pushing his face into you so hard you can feel the vibrations from the noise. He's moving his tongue up and around it, making an absolute mess of spit and slick over you. Suddenly he tries sucking and your back leaves the bed, hands coming to clutch at his hair. 
“Oh my God, do that again, please please, oh fuck!” 
He does it again, and again, smoothing each suckle with a flat lick from his tongue. Fingers graze your hole suddenly, making you jump. As you look down you see Eddie's entirely consumed by what he's doing, rutting himself into the mattress like an animal. One finger breaches you, feeling around, pumping slowly in and out. It's good, but it's not great. 
You feel ashamed even trying to guide him but you attempt to shake it off. 
“Hmm?” He looks up, an almost dazed expression in his eyes. 
“Can you- can you curl your finger upward?” 
“Like this?” 
Your reaction is instantaneous, hips rucking up to his touch. 
“Yeah? That good, sweetheart?” 
That smugness is back but it isn't in you to care. There's no words, just little whimpers and moans as you grab him by the hair and push his mouth back where you need it. 
When he adds another finger, you're gone. Your walls are clenching around him, sucking him in as the feeling of his thick digits stretching you fills your entire being. Dots dance in your vision as your whole body feels fuzzy, tingles whispering over your skin. You cry out as the feeling escalates, bubbling through you until you can't see, can't think, clawing at Eddie's head until you reach an impossible precipice. Then, it explodes, showering you in waves, over and over. 
“Oh my God that was amazing, fuck Eddie, you're incredible, I never came that hard in all my life, Jesus Christ!” 
You're babbling, you know, bubbles of platitudes popping out of your mouth in almost nonsensical sounds as your legs twitch like crazy. 
Eddie scoots up a little, face pressed into the plush of your stomach. He mumbles something incomprehensible. Leaning up on your elbows, you pull his hair a little making him look at you. 
“You alright there? What'd you say?” 
Eddie laughs, kissing your tummy, face flushed pink. 
“I said I fuckin’ came in my pants.” 
Then he hides again, as if your skin can cover his embarrassment. 
“Eddie, come here you dope.” 
He climbs up you, leaning on quivering arms. The front of his boxers pushes on your sticky core. 
“Don't worry about it, that's kinda hot.” 
“Yeah? You're hot. That was, wow. I think I found my favourite place.” 
You giggle, pressing kisses to his lips. There's still traces of you on him but you don't care. 
“Can you tell me what you said again?” He asks, grin fighting to envelop his whole face. 
“You know, how I'm the most incredible lover in existence.” Waggling his eyebrows at you, he strokes a wayward hair off of your sweaty forehead. 
“I did not say that!” 
“I'm paraphrasing, it was pretty close.” 
You hit him on the chest playfully and he falls to the side in a terrible act of mock pain. Crawling on top of him, you continue to smack him, fake punches thrown at his ribs. 
“OK, you win, I cannot best you!” 
Grabbing your hand, he kisses your knuckles and you melt against him, pressing soft kisses to his mouth. They turn harder, tongues massaging each other as he runs his hands down your back. 
You break away to plant a single kiss to the tip of his nose. 
“Maybe in a bit, you know, when you've… recovered…” 
Dragging your nails down his lean chest you look up at him, biting your lip. 
“We can… go all the way?” 
Eddie's face lights up. He grabs you and flings you down so he's on top, kissing your neck and jaw sloppily as you squeal at the sudden onslaught. 
“Yes, fuck yes, gimme like two minutes, five tops.” 
Taglist (if you want to be added please send me a PM so I don't lose the request, thank you)
@liminalpebble @eddies-puppet @rip-quizilla @micheledawn1975 @vanilla-demon @millercontracting @roanniom @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @mrsjellymunson @usedtobecooler @eddiesprincess86 @ali-r3n
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catboybrain · 2 years
guysdoyou ever . um . be an angel but then proceed to ruin everyones life you try to fix ! 😁
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izurou · 1 year
⋆ .˚ 𖤐 — ft. SHIDOU RYUSEI ⋮ contains: f!reader. penetrative sex. a creampie. choking. many pet names. cum eating if you squint maybe. his dialogue is .. anyways happy shidou day <3
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ryusei’s love for you is strange.
he expresses it in such a way that fools everyone else into thinking there’s no love there at all—just some psychotic, lust driven obsession.
sure—he’s overzealous with his public affections, and has a dangerous habit of flashing his canines at anyone who looks your way, but that’s love. he loves you.
he loves everything about you, everything you do.
you’re underneath him, with the cutest little pout sitting on your lips, and he loves it. your brows are knit together—pleasure dotting your features, and he loves it. you’re letting him bury his cock inside you, as deep as he wants, and he fucking loves it.
but then—he leans down to press a kiss to your mouth and, you turn your head to the side.
“oh? what’s with the attitude?” he sneers, craning his neck in an attempt to follow your gaze. “hmm, babydoll? where’re your manners?”
“dunno,” you mumble—lolling your head back into place as you continue avoiding his persistent pink stare. “ask your other girlfriend.”
he starts to laugh.
it’s deep at first—straight from his gut, but the sound changes as it travels further up his throat, morphing into something a little higher pitched and maniacal when he tilts his head towards the ceiling.
“yeah,” his chuckling continues as he playfully taps a finger against the tip of your nose. “keep talkin’ like that baby, and you’re gonna have me cummin’ in no time.”
oh how he loves this.
you being upset over a harmless little interaction he had with another girl—fucking perfect, maybe he’s rubbing off on you, or maybe you’re starting to love in the same way he does. the thought is just so exciting, he can’t help but jump the gun.
“you’re insane,” you mutter under your breath.
“am i?” he tilts his head to the side and grips your chin, squishing your cheeks together a little. “for you, i might be.”
you swat his hand away and prop yourself up on your elbows, narrowing your gaze onto his. there’s displeasure flooding your stare, but he still grins at you, ear to ear.
and then you say it—what he thinks has to be his favourite question ever.
“only for me?”
he fucks you like it, like he’s batshit crazy for you.
you wouldn’t be surprised if there was a band of stars circling the crown of your head right now, that’s how completely dumb you feel.
the skillful, pornstar roll of his hips is a monster in and of itself—but pair it with the hand decorating your throat, the unmistakable weight of fingertips pressing into your skin, and he’s another creature entirely—a true demon.
a slew of crescent moons wrap around his wrist, a cute little bracelet etched into his skin, courtesy of your nails. he doesn’t seem to notice his new jewelry though—too entranced by those fucked out sounds leaving your mouth.
“still mad, babydoll?” his pace falters briefly as he locks eyes with you—god, you’re just so gorgeous like this, he’s already filled you up half a dozen times inside his head.
every variation of the word yes sits in the back of your throat—and maybe, you could’ve gotten one of them out if it weren’t for his hand—filtering out anything and everything he doesn’t want to hear.
all you can do is nod your head, and even then, you can barely do that.
“hm? doesn’t feel like it,” he taunts, and you know what he means—the stickiness of your cunt, the way it’s coating his shaft in a glistening hot sheen of your arousal. “shh shh,” he cups his free hand over your mouth with a sadistic grin, and that’s when you hear it—a lewd squelch, over and over and over again. “doesn’t sound like it either, huh? pussy’s talkin’ to me, shit, think she loves me.”
a wave of heat floods your cheeks, and oh—how you wish he would just shut up. unfortunately, silence isn’t a concept he’s very familiar with.
“right, angel face?“ he grits his teeth and prods further, pressing kisses to your sweet spots with the thick head of his cock. “this pussy loves me.”
you screw your eyes shut and try to tune him out, knowing the mere sight of him above you, all wide eyed and pussy crazed, with a thin layer of sweat highlighting his chiseled features—is enough to tip you over the edge.
“fuck, c’mon, don’t do this to me sweetheart,” he feigns innocence, masking the subtle increase of pressure he puts on your throat with his honeyed words. “you’re breakin’ my heart here.”
shit, he really knows how to get you going.
he knows what buttons to press and which to steer clear from, and even then—he’ll rewire you to his liking and press them all regardless.
“r-ryu,” you choke out, struggling to remain in the present moment as your vision starts to blur—as the tight knot in your tummy threatens to unravel.
“oh yeah, right here baby, right here.” he purrs, coaxing what little focus you have left onto him. “cum with me, lemme feel that sweet cunt. it’s all mine, ain’t it?”
he loses you halfway through his sentence, but it’s fine—your body is about to give him the response he was looking for.
you don’t hold back—knowing how much he loves you like this, with your head thrown back and your hips stuttering towards him. you’re so upset, you think he’s crazy, and yet your cunt pulses on him in perfect time with the racing beat of your heart just beneath his fingertips.
he’s right there with you, moaning shamelessly as he blows a hot, sticky load between your folds—and fuck, it’s so much hotter when it’s real.
“shit, you’re somethin’ else,” he laughs breathily, enjoying the view of his sheathed cock twitching—shooting out whatever he has left.
and it physically pains him to have to pull out, but you look so pretty right now, so ruined—with your half lidded eyes and your wet lips, it’d be such a waste if he didn’t.
with a knee on either side of you and his cock in hand, he inches his way up your body—stopping only when he’s straddling your chest. he taps his tip against your lips, and being the perfect angel you are, you take him into your mouth.
“you taste yourself?” he bucks into your face a little, and you hum in response—forcing him to grab onto the headboard as the vibrations travel up his shaft.
“oh baby,” he sighs, “only you can cum on this cock.”
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
For the actor au how would Vox react if he knew why Y/N was so red and hitting Angel with the pillow
A/N: Featuring Alastor's wifey aka @a-hazbin-reader's OC, honestly I just didn't want to put another (Y/N) there- so for all you Alastor lovers- come and get your numnums XD also Vox is kind of a dumbass when it comes to romance, in the show he's an idiot because he can't emotion like bro doesn't know how to be treated decently- in this AU he's just really dense because he's actually pretty young and inexperienced compared to the rest of the gang. If you guys want me to expound on that go and drop me a request question for it! :D
Actor AU: Relationship Rambling 2
Vox: "Oh their blushing face and that? Most of it was actually just makeup and acting, sorry guys!"
Alastor: *Once again contemplating why he is good friends with Vox* "You're really dense you know that?"
Vox: "I've been told, but I knew about the script already so before you get any ideas-"
Alastor: "That's not what-" *Tired sigh* "My point is, (Y/N) likes you. As in really like-like you. I'm saying this outright because I know you're not gonna get it-"
Vox: "As friends. Right?"
Alastor: "...Vox I am this close to strangling you-"
Nix: "Hey there boys! Vox, Alastor, what- wait what's happening?"
Vox: "I'm confused."
Alastor: "He's blind."
Nix: "Oh is this about-" *Laughs*
Vox: *Just sheer confusion*
Alastor: "I am actually on the verge of making a canon character event and murdering this guy-"
Nix: "Here, here- let me try! Vox, you really like spending time with (Y/N) right?"
Vox: "Yes...? What's that got to do with anything? I spend time with everyone here."
Nix: "I meant in the way that you value their presence more?"
Vox: "A little bit? But (Y/N)'s my co-star in the drama we're filming- isn't that normal?"
Alastor: *Facepalms*
Nix: "Nevermind, do you want to kiss them more than the script dictates?"
Vox: "Kinda? I dunno."
Alastor: *Throws his hands up in exasperation* "VOX-"
Nix: *Holds a hand in front of Alastor to get him to shut up* "So if you had the chance would you kiss (Y/N) without needing a script?"
Vox: "Well, yeah. They're just really cool, kind, cute, plus the way they just handle themselves is so amazing- whether or not the cameras are rolling, not to mention that they're just- ohhh. Oh. I get it now."
Nix: *Smiles* "So? Why don't you go and tell them?"
Vox: "Nuh- I wouldn't dare."
Alastor: "I am going to go insane listening to you-"
Nix: "Vox, just go and tell (Y/N) how you feel! It'll go well, I promise!"
Vox: "... I'll... think about it." *Leaves*
Alastor: "Okay, HOW??? I've been trying to tell him the obvious for months now."
Nix: "Maybe let him figure it out instead of just telling him outright? You were just like him back then."
Alastor: *Pouts* "No I wasn't, I was at least aware of my feelings."
Nix: *Kisses his cheek* "Maybe you were, but that didn't make you any less of a mess hun."
Alastor: *Pulls Nix into a hug* "Maybe, but enough about Vox. I thought you were dating me?"
Nix: *Boops his nose* "You're a dork." *Laughs*
Alastor: *Chuckles* "I'm your dork darling, there's a difference."
Nix: *Leans on Alastor* "Maybe, but I don't see it."
(Y/N): *Walks in* "Hey have either of you seen-"
Nix: *Suddenly shoves Alastor off* "Vox? He just left!"
(Y/N): "Uhm... okay? Thanks!" *Leaves*
Alastor: *Sitting on the floor with his arms crossed* "That was cruel dear."
Nix: "Sorry, sorry. Force of habit."
Alastor: "Do we really have to continue doing this?"
Nix: "Look, I just- I don't really want to give everyone too many ideas. You already see what's going on with Vox and (Y/N)."
Alastor: "What if I said I didn't care?"
Nix: "Wait what-? Really?"
Alastor: "I don't mind it, I know I used to- but I don't really think so anymore. It's probably better than always being pushed away because someone else came into the room."
Nix: *Crouches down and hugs Alastor* "Okay, if you say so. Besides, I'm a little tired of hiding it too. Sometimes I just wanna cuddle and kiss after a long day of filming."
Alastor: *Hugs Nix back* "Yeah, so do I love. So do I."
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boydepartment · 1 year
Enhypen reaction when you take off your promise ring after an argument pls 🥰🥰
ON IT! TY FOR REQUESTING!!! i apologize that this is late i havent been feeling well but i am powering through :) MASTERLIST PART TWO
Enha Reaction- Promise Rings off
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Jungwon- When you guys usually fight it is normally about something small, like who left the fridge open a crack or who accidentally left food out from the night before. Not this time- Jungwon had been out late and hasn't been texting you to update you at all. His excuse was that Sunghoon had to borrow his power bank. You weren't buying it. "I just don't understand how you didn't even think to text me or i dunno use someone else's phone to text me? You've been doing this for the past two weeks!" Your voice was raised and Jungwon's eyebrow quirked up. "What? You think I'm cheating on you or something?" He let out a laugh of disbelief when you didn't answer him, "wow, you seriously think that?" At this point he started laughing. You were absolutely not having it. "Fine keep laughing." You took your promise ring off and slammed it on the table, then you walked out and slammed the door behind you. Jungwon eyed the table and felt his heart drop. Shit
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Heeseung- Arguments with Heeseung were not common a lot of the time. You were very easy going and he was very reasonable. Until it came to your relationship being public. "I don't understand why you don't want to go public, the company said it was okay." Heeseung said as you both lay on his bed. His voice was soft. "I am not comfortable with it, I saw how people get when anyone gets even remotely close to any of you." You mumbled and messed with his shirt buttons, it was a nervous habit. "Who cares what they think? I love you and I want to show it." Heeseung said, his tone shifting. Your brows furrowed and you sat up. "Heeseung, I don't want to have this conversation again." You were easy going but you were not one to be pushed around. "Are you ashamed of me or something?" He asked, your jaw fell. "Of course not why would you even think that?" He gave you a look and it stung, "you don't want people to know that we are together." At this point your demeaner fell, "Heeseung I don't want to get followed everywhere I go, I am not giving up my freedom in that sense." "Oh so dating me is giving up your freedom?" When he said that you got up, "maybe it is!" Heeseung got up after you and followed you into the kitchen. "You don't mean that." Heeseung said, you turned around and handed him your promise ring before walking out of his dorm. You did mean that and he was stupid enough to bring it to light.
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Jay- "Will you please just listen to me?" Jay pleaded, as he followed you around your apartment. You were being a little unreasonable you know, but what was sprung on you was insane. You SHOULD hear him out but you didn't want to. You have roots here and you were stubborn. "I am not moving just because you want me to." You said trying to distract yourself from this conversation. You had been with Jay since even before he debuted. Whenever they would have a concert in your area he would stay with you for the weekend. This time he wanted you to come back with him. "You'll have my parents and me around you- you said you wanted to be around me more, I'll take care of everything." Jay loved you more than anything and it hurt him everytime he had to leave you in the U.S. "I cant make myself depend on you." You said suddenly, you absolutely refused to let anyone have that much power over you. "What..?" Jay's voice broke. "I cant make myself depend on you for a home, food, a job, I cant give anyone that much power over my life you know this." You leaned against your counter and took a deep breath, "if you cant stand me not being around you and little trips arent cutting it then here." You took off your promise ring and handed it to him. "I am not ready to give my whole life up for someone."
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Jake- The dinner at Jake's parents house seemingly went well to him. But you saw the stares and you heard the whispers. To him it went well, to you it was an absolute disaster. They didn't like you very much and they thought you were holding him back. On the car ride to your apartment you were silent while Jake kept talking. "It went so well! Oh I cannot wait until Christmas and then we can have another dinner, it's going to be the absolute best. Don't even get me started on-" You guys pulled up to your apartment complex and he parked. "Jake-" "My mom makes the absolute best-" "Jake." He stopped talking and looked at you, almost immedietly his excited body language came to a stop, you were upset and he knew that. "Baby what's wrong?" "I-I cant go." You stopped looking at him and he grabbed your hand. "What why not? It's so much in the future I'd think you could get the day off right?" "Jake it's not that I just- I cant do this anymore I'm sorry." You quickly took off your promise ring and got out of the car. He was left in shock, watching you speed off and into the complex, when he looked down he saw the ring in the passengers seat and he felt his heart shatter. Jake didnt even know what just happened.
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Sunghoon- "Okay seriously? You had to say your ideal type was some other man? You could've easily said ANYTHING else." Sunghoon didn't get mad at you often, but this pressed his buttons. During an interview you got asked who your ideal type was and you said it was some guy from a j-rock group. He didn't even know the guy. "I couldnt say yo-" "Why not?" "Do you know how much of a scandal that would create? I am not putting that on either of us." You said calmly. Sunghoon looked at you and just sighed. At this point you got sort of angry. "You were the one who said you didn't want to go public, I wanted to months ago." "And put you at risk? No way." He said quickly. You stood up now in front of him, "you are so 50/50! You even said your ideal type was another idol!" "I am not and that was over 4 years ago! I am-" "Yes you are! Do you want people to know I'm yours or not?" When Sunghoon didn't say anything- you got nervous. "It's not that I don't want them to know its just- its- its complicated." Your brows furrowed, "fine." You took off your promise ring and handed it to him, "talk to me when it becomes LESS complicated." His jaw dropped and he just stood there. Unable to move as he kept looking down at the ring in his palm.
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Sunoo- You had been distant lately, in your defense you had school, a part-time job, and a lot of family stuff going on. You had no energy to do anything. While this was going on Sunoo felt insecure, he thought he did something. He thought you were with someone else. So when he randomly dropped by your abode one day it took you back. "What are you doing here?" You asked as he just waltzed in. "I wanted to stop by." He spoke in a matter of fact tone as he started looking in corners. "What are you looking for?" You asked, leaning against the doorframe, he was scoping your room. "Should I be looking for something? Or someone?" Sunoo said with a look on his face. "What are you talking about?" You already didn't feel well and you didn't want to deal with this at the moment. "Where is he Y/n?" Your brows furrowed and you sat on your bed, a headache already starting, "I don't know who you are talking abt Sunoo." "You've been distant." He said coldly. "SO you think I am cheating on you? Instead of checking in on me you think I'm cheating on you." You were upset now, upset that he didn't trust you, upset that it didn't seem like he cared enough to check in on you. "Should I not?" Sunoo was stubborn and mad and maybe you should have communicated with him better, however, you were still hurt really bad. "Sunoo I am not doing this right now." You took your ring off and set it on the beside table, "just go away." You laid down and didn't look at him. "Y/n...?" "I said go away!" You spoke louder. You didn't want to be around him, little did you know his eyes weren't even on you, they were on the ring shining on the table.
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Ni-ki- "Y/n I said leave me alone." Riki said, his voice cold. He just sat there facing his computer. "You wanted me to come over! And now you're just ignoring me!" You sat on one of the bunks, you just finished your homework and you wanted to be around your boyfriend but he was being moody. "Can you just leave? You're annoying me." Riki said as he typed away. Of course he didn't mean it, he had a bad day and he didn't know how to communicate that any noise right now bothered him. "You're being immature right now." You said and crossed your arms, you were pressing his buttons. "Oh I AM BEING IMMATURE?" Riki flipped his chair around and looked at you, "you're the one being stubborn and staying here while I am telling you to leave!" "You aren't communicating with me at all! And you're being really back and forth! I am not being immature I am trying to talk to you!" You were frustrated. "I don't want to talk!" He flipped back around and continued typing. You were mad and you looked down at the ring on your finger. You yanked it off and tossed it on him before leaving. Riki was about to turn around when he saw the ring on the floor. He sighed and hit his head on the desk. He fucked up.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
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"Are you excited?" Shannon's mom asked her.
Shannon rolled her eyes. "No.... Of course not."
"Don't lie now, let me see that cock, darling."
"Mom.... Come on."
"Don't whine, let me see what a little liar you're being."
"I can't help it...." she complained, spreading her legs. Her previously tiny, two-inch cock was now eight inches, rock hard, super swollen, pushing out her panties. "There. Happy?"
"Oh it's so gorgeous! Look at how big that thing's gotten. Have they started you on testosterone yet?"
"Mom! I'm not going on T....."
"Of course you will, darling. Trust me, you can't avoid it forever."
"You're probably right..... Fuckkkk..... I'm so hard....."
"So masturbate, darling. Your next shoot isn't for another hour, you'll be hard as can be by then. Trust me! I'm so happy you actually decided to do this! You look like you're having so much fun doing these shoots and videos. I've never seen you smile so much!"
"It's called acting, mom. Well, OK, it is fun doing porn. I'm really happy you and dad talked me into giving it a try, but all these expectations are such a hassle."
"Well, we saw those huge udders you started growing and thought you weren't really into the whole school thing anyway. Porn is a much better fit for a girl like you. And the market is soooo hot for trans girls right now!"
Shannon rubbed her uncomfortably big bulge, biting her lip. It felt divine to touch. "I'm lucky I started transitioning when I did. But.... it feels weird that I'm being asked to undo all of that. Like I'm sooo happy you guys got me into this industry, and I'm having a ton of fun, but going through guy puberty is really awkward. I'm already shaving like twice a day, and my voice is cracking during shoots."
"That's what consumers want, darling! Your agent said it, and all the directors and actresses, well, mostly now 'actors', I talked to said the same thing. Guys love seeing trans girls go through male puberty or completely detrans. I dunno, something about seeing a pretty girl with big tits having to become a guy, all the while trying and slowly failing to look like a girl, it gets them off."
"Ew, when you say it that way it sounds gross. But I guess it makes sense. I've only been off estrogen four months and my body is totally sprinting through male puberty like crazy! I feel so fucking horny all the time; I'm cumming insanely hard, too! I'm getting thick body hair already, even my boobs are getting hair on them..... It's so embarrassing, I can't believe guys like seeing this. Keeping up with shaving is almost impossible."
"So you should stop. Like you said, guys love seeing you girls having to go through this and lose all your feminine qualities. It is fun seeing you go from a confident, sexy, curvy girl to a weak, submissive, feminine boy."
"Mom!" Shannon coughed, her voice cracked. She subtly rolled her eyes and played with her cock through her panties. "I'm not becoming a boy...."
"You say that, but you sure are going to town on that thing."
Shannon blushed, giving up trying to hide it. She took out her cock, jerking off, her oversized breasts bouncing and jiggling with each pump. "OK, whatever. So I am going through male puberty. No more estrogen for me. But I'm not, like, going on T and steroids. Or getting my boobs removed. ..... Right?"
"Well, your agent and I have been discussing it, since your detransition is going so well."
Shannon pumped her cock harder. "B-But I'm not detransitioning, mom! I'm just going off my hrt to do porn cause that's what guys want out of trans girls. A bigger cock, the deeper voice, maybe some facial hair peeking through our concealer.... just cute stuff like that!"
"Boy, you sure are in denial, sweetie. You're already going through male puberty. Of course you're gonna go all the way for your porno career. Why wouldn't you?"
"All the way? What have you guys been talking about?"
"Well, see, your next scene is gonna start with you trying to work out in a gym. Some guys will see your bulge through your shorts and..... I wanted it to be a surprise, but you'll be getting your first shot of T! The actors are going to give you a big dose, possibly right into that growing cock of yours..... Then maybe a steroid shot....."
Shannon wanted to fake outrage, but instead found herself pumping way harder. "Mom....! I--I.....! FUCK! Oh! Mmmmmm......!" Shannon came, shooting ten loads of thick cum across the floor, trembling as she held her cock, which stiffened up again in seconds.
"My, my, look at all that stamina! Such a stud, my son is starting to become! Aren't you excited to finally be a boy?"
Shannon bit her lips, nodding, pumping her cock slowly.
"Good boy. You keep playing with yourself and take extra big shots of T, and all the steroids your agent wants, OK?"
"I will.... mom. I'll miss being a girl."
"I know you will, you were having so much fun being beautiful and having huge fat tits like that. But those will have to go, too, in good time. Such a pity, so many girls would kill to have breasts that big and sexy. But you're a boy, darling.... so they've got to go."
Shannon blushed again. "Mmmmm, please let me keep them a while longer? Men can make fun of them.... abuse them, I can do bdsm vids centered around my boy tits! Humiliating me for having ever grown such silly, girly things....."
"Oooo, I like that. OK, you get to keep them a little while longer. But don't get too cozy, dear. Lord knows I spoil you enough, just look at you! Trans girls are such little princesses..... It's about time I see how well you take a little punishment. And when I say those boobs are done getting pulverized, I'll finally pay to have them done away with, the silly things that they are....."
"Thank you, mom..... You know just how to make a boy like me happy...."
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forever-rogue · 8 months
Hi lovely, idk if you're still taking requests from Joel but in case you are, something with the prompt “If we’re both single next Halloween, you’re allowed to put a curse on me." perhaps?
Probably a little costume party in Jackson, whatever you want. Thank you <3
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AN | Okay, but this is sweet, Halloween-y goodness💕
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Mild Language
Word Count | 2.1k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
One Year Ago
You spotted him standing near the door, seemingly camped out near the punch bowl with a cup in hand and an unreadable expression. You turned to May and Daisy, excusing yourself as you made your way over to him.
At first Joel didn't even look your way, pointedly keeping his gaze away from you and everyone else. You definitely weren't having that.
"Joel Miller," your voice was honey sweet as you stopped in front of him, a soft smile on your face. He seemed to stiffen for a moment before allowing himself to look at you, "are you just going to stand here all night and scowl at everything?"
"I am not scowling," he huffed, waving a hand as if to prove his point. You rocked back and forth on your heels and looked at him expectantly, "and I haven't just been standing here."
"Hmm…" you helped yourself to a fresh cup of punch and sipped on it slowly, "kinda seems like what you've been doing, honey."
Honey. He could have died and gone to heaven from how sweet your voice sounded. And yet you had no clue as to the effect you had on him.
"I'm just…I didn't really want to be here," he allowed himself to meet your eyes and instead of finding any sort of judgment, he found nothing but curiosity, "but, ugh, I kinda felt forced to be here. So."
"So," you teased gently, "let me guess, Tommy and Ellie?"
"Naturally," he sighed lightly as you giggled softly. It really might have been his favorite sound in the world. It was ridiculous how addicted he was to everything you did, "I realize I'm a downer…I was just getting ready to leave."
"You're not a downer," you put your hand on his forearm and gave him a gentle squeeze, "parties aren't for everyone. Honestly, I don't like them most of the time either but it's my favorite holiday so I couldn't say no."
"Halloween is your favorite holiday?" He quirked a brow at that as you nodded eagerly, "tell me why I am not surprised in the slightest."
"It is very predictable, isn't it?" You gestured to your body - you had gone all out with your witch costume. You looked insanely good but somehow he doubted that you knew that - which was ludicrous by the way. He swallowed thickly as he tried to keep his mind from going directly into the gutter, "have I bewitched you?"
Joel couldn't hold back his snort of amusement as you beamed at him. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to think of a good comeback. Unfortunately he found none and ended up blurring out, "pretty! You look pretty."
"Oh," your entire face flushed with warmth as you bit your lip and looked away for a moment, "what are you supposed to be? Weird guy at a party?"
"Something like that," he was dressed in regular clothes. Just because Ellie made him come didn't mean he was going to dress up.
"Well, whatever you want to call it, you still look handsome," you weren't sure what possessed you to be so bold but you just had to throw it out, "you're a catch, Miller. Even if no one else sees it. Don't even know how you're still single."
"Alright, alright," his cheeks tinged a pretty shade of pink as you nudged him with your elbow, "you can calm down and don't need to flatter me."
"It's not flattery if it's true-"
"Well then, what's your excuse for still being single?"
"I dunno," you tapped your lip thoughtfully, confidence and excitement flooding your veins, "maybe the right one just hasn't shown up yet. Or they're...afraid. who knows."
"How about this little witch," he tapped the edge of your hat, "if we're both still single next Halloween, you can put a curse on me."
"Is that a promise?" You asked as he nodded. You held up your pinkie and gave him a thoughtful look, "better make it a pinkie promise so we know it's real."
"You've got yourself a deal," he hooked his finger around yours, the two of you grinning at each other like fools, "and we'll see what happened next Halloween."
"You're on, Miller. So on."
Next Halloween couldn't come fast enough.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Present Day
The past year has gone by in a blur. It was hard to believe that Halloween had already happened a year ago. It was even harder to believe that Joel was still single…to your knowledge anyway. You were going to be confirming that soon enough.
The two of you were good friends and often spent time together but the past few months had felt…different. You weren't sure quite how to put it into words but it was different - different but good. You thought he might have been flirting with you but it was hard to tell, Joel was a tough nut to crack after all, and you didn't want to be presumptuous either. Imagining how foolish you would have looked if you made a move on him and he didn't feel the same way was enough to put the idea out of your head. 
Instead you were set on enjoying his company and let things happen as happened. But then you remembered - it was Halloween. A whole year since you'd made your little bet with Joel. Which meant…something was going to change between the two of you. One way or another, you knew that something was going to happen.  
You were planning on going over to Joel's house to see what he was up to, but he definitely beat you to the punch. It came in the form of loud, rhythmic knocking on your front door. It was with a huff as you ran down the stairs, half in your costume. 
"Hello?" You were breathless when you answered the door, still deciding on if you were going to chastise whoever was it was or welcome them into your home.
"Hi," and there stood Joel Miller, smug little smile on his face and arms crossed over his chest. The man was dressed as a cowboy and for some reason that was doing something for you.
"Joel," his name was breathy off your lips as you tried not to stare at him too intently. You knew that man could read you like a book, "what are you doing here?"
"Came to see my favorite little witch," he looked you up and down, amused by your current state of dress - or lack thereof. Your entire face felt like it was on fire as you shifted to attempt to cover up your top half. You were only in a bra with a sheer layer on top, "wanted to see if you needed any help with anything."
"I, ugh, umm…sure?" You weren't sure what you needed help with but you definitely didn't want to let him leave. Not yet and not if he went somewhere else and other women got to oogle him. You stepped aside and motioned for him to come in, "I'm sure there's…something."
The man trailed after you, closing the door sharply as he leaned against it. You raised an eyebrow at him but he just continued his quiet and calm stare down. You swore that man could see right into your soul and knew all of your deepest and darkest secrets. You swallowed thickly as you waited with baited breath for what he had to say, "you remember last Halloween?"
"Of course I do," as if you could even forget that night, "what about it?"
"Aren't you going to ask me?"
"Ask what?"
"Don't play coy with me, sweetheart," ugh. Why did he have to sound like that when he called you such sweet things? It should have been illegal, "ask me."
"Are you, Joel Miller…single?" Your heart skipped a few beats as you waited for his response. You were almost positive you knew his answer but still - you could never be positive. He came a step closer and left a much smaller gap between the two of you. You could smell the hints of his soap and aftershave and it sent shivers down your spine.
"I am," he admitted softly, the corners of his mouth ticking up in a smile, "but I think that I don't want to be. So I guess depending on your next answer, mine might change."
Butterflies exploded in your tummy as you tried to read between the lines. Not that that was incredibly hard but you never knew.
"W-what is your next question?" Your voice sounded small as you found it hard to meet his pretty brown eyes. Joel reached over and gently put his finger under your chin and turned your face up to his. His touch was so tender that you almost melted, "Joel?"
"May I kiss you?"
Yeah…you'd been expecting that and not expecting it at all. You allowed yourself to meet his eyes, trying to make sure you'd heard him correctly. Judging from the look on his face, you'd definitely heard correctly. You nodded in response, not trusting your voice at all.
"Need to hear you say it, sweetheart…"
"Yes," you moved closer, "please kiss me."
It took Joel a moment to close the small space remaining between your bodies. One hand settled on your waist while the other cupped your cheek. He pulled you into him and then softly and slowly kissed you. 
It wasn't much at first, a gentle and tentative testing of the waters to make sure you were both on the same page. When you realized, in a moment of bliss, that you both desperately wanted this, you went all in. Kissing Joel felt like nothing you'd ever experienced before you and you couldn't help but want more, more, more. When Joel answered your call with just as much hunger and intensity, you knew this was it.
 Both of you refused to pull away until you were desperately in need of air. For two people that had just been incredibly bold, you were both looking at each other shyly. 
"Are you single?" He asked you in between a few more kisses, craving the touch and taste of your lips.
 "Mhmm," you hummed back contentedly, "but I don't wanna be."
"What do you want then, sweetheart?" He had to be doing this on purpose. But as much as you wanted to say it, he needed to hear it. Needed to know that he wasn't just crazy and imagining all the feelings that had been flowing between the two of you.
"You," you whispered against his lips, "I want you, Joel."
"You have me," he promised as you relaxed and let yourself melt into him completely, "have since I met you."
"Oh. Oh," your eyes grew wide as he took your face in his hands, thumb brushing over your cheek, "its been a long time."
"Yeah," he agreed, "it has been."
"I-I've liked you too," you admitted sheepishly, "for a long time. I've just never…none if you felt the same."
"And here I was thinking that I was being so obvious," he tutted softly, "I'll have to try and be more clear in my intentions. If you'll let me."
"Mhmm," every part of your body felt like it was on fire, "I'd like that."
"Good," he beamed at you before pressing kisses to your forehead, cheeks and stopping at your lips, "what do you say we go to that Halloween party tonight? Together?"
"I'd love to," you could barely contain your giggles as he scooped you up and started to carry you upstairs, "what are you doing?"
"Going to help you finish getting ready," he grinned at you, "among other things. Plus I'm the only one that gets to see you like this, yeah?"
"Yes," you were excited at the prospect of everything that was to come. Everything felt like it was starting to come up roses. Who would have thought that one silly little Halloween promise would have led to all of this? Best Halloween ever - well maybe with the exception of what to come tonight, "yes."
"Happy Halloween, sweetheart."
"Happy Halloween, Joel."
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lenore and the yellow wallpaper (a ramble)
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so this is all one entire big and large ramble session from me, so ignore if you want because this has no actual point, and i also haven't touched the yellow wallpaper since i handed it in with my coursework so i'm bound to get things wrong. this is no high-brow analysis, this is just be rambling. i've finally gotten the courage as well to go on the big scary tumblr and speak so be nice please :)
anyways, now we have that out of the way– i bring you my observation.
so i've been rereading nevermore (because i am deep in the trenches of my hyperfixation on it right now and have firmly planted myself there) and i noticed something in episode 21 that i remember noticing the first time.
just for a recap, episode 21 is when they're facing the dementophobia trial, and lenore has gotten herself sucked into a hallucination. through this, we (presumably along with her) are shown parts of her past, and the fallout of her brother dying. in a long scene, we basically see the attic which lenore is forced to 'rest' in.
sorry if this is like an obvious tell, but my little rat brain was vibrating out of my seat to say this.
well, first off, let me just give you a little summary of the yellow wallpaper. we have this nameless woman (who's married) who's also our narrator, her husband: john who's a doctor and we also have john's sister: jennie. jennie isn't too important in the summary but she exists and stuff and there's loads of journals out there probably that could tell you super interesting things about her role in the story.
anyways, i digress. the narrator has been diagnosed with slight nervous tendencies and is given the rest cure therapy as treatment. she ends up slowly going insane in the attic (?) which doubles as a nursery, and there's this fugly yellow wallpaper, which the narrator comments to be basically like a crime to art and to colour in general. anyways, the more she stares at this wallpaper and the longer she stays in the attic, she starts to see a woman behind the wallpaper– and the short story ends with her ripping the wallpaper off and freeing the woman but then also, the story ends essentially with her throwing herself out of the window of the attic and yeah, suicide. there's like allusions to the woman behind the wallpaper and her being one at the end, but WE AREN'T FOCUSSING ON THAT, i've rambled enough.
anyways, how does this all link to nevermore?
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idk, the act of ripping off the wallpaper just distinctly reminded me of the yellow wallpaper, and i have no idea if the creators drew inspo from the yellow wallpaper for this or if it was one of poe's works (i'm not heavily versed in all of his works, but i have a collection of his stuff i should probably sift through and read). but yeah, thought it was cute.
i know thematically they probably vary, but there is something to be said that both of them are in a situation where society wants so badly to silence them and punishes their defiance with the diagnosis 'madness'.
i dunno, just a nice little thought. there's also the whole rest cure therapy too, and the fact that they're both in the attics of their homes– and i presume lenore is in a secluded countryside place here like the narrator of the yellow wallpaper is. so, you know– other connections!
also, as a side note–
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this bad boy right here? ether? well some ether smells sweet, so i thought maybe (as a very dumb end to this ramble) that maybe, lenore associates the sweet smelling scent of what she used to be knocked out with to the sweet scent of flowers– i have no idea if that's why she hates flowers but i thought that was a fun little mention. food for thought, you know?
anyways, if you disagree that is totally ok, i truly don't know what i'm talking about half the time, but this has been bouncing on my tiny brain for the past few days and i decided i needed to let it out before i start plaguing the people i know in real life with my obsession. and also, friends, feel free to correct me if i'm disgustingly wrong on anything– i love to learn <3
and... yeah, that's all folks. gonna go rot now :)
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
Sard’ika Sessions
Session Two
Fanfiction 18+
Masterlist | Sard’ika Sessions Masterlist I Din Djarin/ The Mandalorian Masterlist
Summary: You still vividly recall your first session with your Mandalorian. His hands exploring your body and his beskar pleasuring you. New risks are taken before and during your session. Things are left unsaid.
Warnings: masturbation (female and male), sex toy use, semi-public sexual activity, HANDS, fingering, praise kink, Din being a soft dom menace at this point, money for sexual favors, sense deprivation (sight), scent kink, body worship, anal play, oral sex (male and female receiving), cum kink, angst (a little bit because I’m mean)
Notes: So basically, I turned the smut dial way up in this session. I actually planned to space it out, but decided not to because I too am a menace to my readers and myself. I hope everyone who reads enjoys and if not, eh…I dunno what to tell you because we’re only at session two. We’re going to further space buddies. 😎
Word Count: 3.8k (approx)
Space beta buddies special thanks: @i-own-loki , @megamindsecretlair and @theywhowriteandknowthings ❤️❤️❤️
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The day after the bounty hunter left, you received a black box delivered via courier. There was no name but instinct told you who it was from - The Mandalorian or Din as he told you to call him from now on. Making sure to drink water before opening it, good that you did, for it contained a card and tools that he wanted you to practice with. 
I’d like for you to resolve to use these items and learn more about your body. We will utilize them to assess your progress. 
Make sure to wear the emerald for me Mesh’la.
Inside the box was a glass bottle of viscous liquid, upon further inspection, it was lubricant. Next to the lube, a velvet purple bag contained three plugs - anal plugs, the small insert card explained with increasing sizes to prepare one’s ass for insertion of larger objects. You licked your lips at the thought of Din’s length inside of you, but any previous entry attempts to your back door had been met with minimal prep and pain. A small smile spread on your face at the thought Din displayed in his actions. There were some small metal items that looked like they had small metal balls attached to a paperclip except it looked closer to tweezers maybe? There was another card, explaining that they indeed were closer to tweezers and that they attached to your nipples. You figured out the items, it would be easier to start with the clamps first.
You stood naked in the refresher to get a better look at what you were doing with the things and at a few different angles. Your hunch was correct and getting them to stay on was a challenge in itself as they had a tendency to roll your nipple and pop off. Once sufficiently clamped, you found that the crisp metal reminded you of the Mandalorian’s beskar, Din’s beskar that you had rode to your climax the last time you saw him. The memory soon had you bent over the sink, hearing the small metal ball weights attached to the clamps clack against the sink as you stretched your hand to your wet lips. Calling his name, you wondered if this is what he saw when his visor was trained on you less than 24 hours ago. Your fingers were much too thin and short in comparison to his, not stretching you enough and too soft to have the same effect his did. You opted to pull on one of the nipple clamps, teasing your own breast and giving focus to your clit, making you crumple over your sink as your forehead touched the mirror, it felt similar to his helmet so you stayed in the position for a bit, letting the decreasing waves of pleasure run their course. 
The next day, after your shift at the bounty hunter’s guild, you decide to try out the anal plugs - starting with the smallest one, you weren’t completely insane. You showered and got in your bed after placing two towels on the bed just in case. Of what you weren’t sure, but you figured it was better safe than sorry. A small amount of the cold jelly was placed on the small plug as you bent forward and brought it behind you, slowly inserting it past your buttocks and into your anus. Despite the lube, there was still a burn from the stretch in muscle, but not as bad as you had imagined. You managed to keep it in for ten minutes before removing it, cleaning it and dressing to make yourself dinner. The subsequent days were spent getting more familiar with the equipment Din had sent. The day before he was due to return, you received a hologram from him, it instructed you to wear your clamps and whichever anal plug you were up to to work for him. It made you nervous, that somehow, someone would notice that you seemed a little excitable the following day, but for him you would. He did pay quite a handsome sum of credits and you wondered if the tools would come out of what he would pay this upcoming session.
The day was proceeding smoothly. Processing bounties and doling out credits as well as new jobs with pucks that came in from requestors. It was toward the end of your shift, things had slowed down and there had been no sign of his shining armor though the doors of the Guild. It was when you took a swing of your water, that you spotted him come through the double doors, his broad frame strode in slow motion toward you. Your back straightened, your bra rubbed against the clamps under your blouse and vest, the added pressure from your corrected posture made the second butt plug press a bit deeper into you, making a silent whimper as the Mandalorian sat across from you. 
“Afternoon. It’s good to see you.” You nodded and returned his greeting, barely able to keep your composure. His low register, even distorted by his helmet, was palpable and had your core aching. Standing to get his payment of credits and one small slab of beskar shifted the plug and had you take a deep breath as you gushed in your panties, wetting them.
“I'm glad to see you too. Here's your payment, I’ll be right back, Mando.” It pained you to call him by his title rather than his name, but you were aware his name should not be spoken outside of the two of you. Quickly you gave him his payment and returned to the back, where there was a spare office, you needed to take the pressure off your ass. It was too intense and his mere presence was overwhelming. Din found your behavior curious and wanted to know if his hunch was right, following you to the spare room. He closed the door and locked it. He could tell. You must have followed his instructions and not only used the items but were wearing them, had them inside of you. The bounty hunter licked his lips inside of his helmet, hungry for the results of your bodily studies. “Mando, you can’t be in here. I need a few minutes, please.” Your voice is small, another oddity. Din closed the gap, 
“Turn around Sard’ika. Show me your face.” You turned slowly and held onto the small desk that was in the room, otherwise you may fall. “Lovely girl, open your legs for me. I’ll ease your tension.” He watched as your eyes went wide, his bare hands were before you and reached down, gently raising your skirt and parting your thighs, he didn’t feel you try and close them and pressed forward, running a finger along your soaked panties before moving them to the side. “I’ve waited to touch you and feel your warm skin again. Especially here, it’s so hot. Will you continue to melt for me?” His visor met her eyes, you nodded and placed your hands on his shoulder pauldrons. Din’s middle finger slipped inside of your folds and held one of your knees up to spread your further, your soft whimpers slowly became moans as his speed increased. Fellow employees were shuffling up and down the hallway just beyond the door which pressed a sense of urgency into your hips. 
However, when you grind them onto Din’s finger, you found that he added another one, taking a yelp from you. Unable to keep yourself quiet, the warrior releases your knee and places his thumb in your mouth. “Use me Sard’ika. You want release don’t you?” His voice gives an air of amusement as your lips wrap around his thumb and roll your tongue around it, tasting salt and something you can’t place. With a few more pumps, your walls cave around his fingers, teeth dig into his knuckle before he’s able to pull it out. You hear him hiss, but he doesn’t say anything, letting you recover as he puts his gloves back on and hides the skin of his large hands from you again. 
“I’ll leave first and meet you at your place Sard’ika. Don’t take too long. We have much to do.” A soft open and close of the door makes you reconsider what this arrangement may be doing to your mental health, but the money and orgasms outweigh your concerns. Taking a little over five minutes to make sure you don’t look too dishshelved or blissed out, you exit the small back room and go to lock up your desk and complete the handoff to the on coming shift. Despite the anal plug, you hurry home to where the Mandalorian waits for you.
The bounty hunter realized that his actions could have had grave consequences today. He had sought you out because if activities were kept to your home it would be discrete. Your appearance today wasn’t much different from the many other times he had seen you, but those were before he had seen you in your bare form, writing from his touch and looking directly into your eyes. While he was away tracking his bounty, he had spent extra time on his cot and in the refresher recalling your first session together. When he saw you stand a wince, he knew then that you had done as he’d asked. Despite relieving himself of his baser thoughts about you twice before landing the RazorCrest, the area where his codpiece was, grew too small quickly. Din couldn’t just let you walk away in that state, he contemplated asking you to use your hand at the same time he would use his, but he enjoyed being in control and he wouldn’t be able to observe you if he was being pleasured as well. 
Once inside your home, you mention wanting to shower. Din rejects the idea. Assuming you are receptive, today’s plan will allow him to partake of your scent more than the faint fragrance left on this thigh guard that faded a few days after his session with you. He asks you to put on one of the green slips he requested and wait for him in your bedroom. He’ll be along in a few. To your surprise, you’d seen the beskar clad hunter carrying two black bags, he never mentioned what may be in them but you did as asked and went to just change into your slip, sitting on your bed. One of the bags Din set on your counter, the same place as he had placed the last bag of credits, this one was a bit heavier. The other bag he brought in with him and removed a blindfold he had tested on himself in the razor crest, making sure that no light would penetrate it. 
You didn’t know much about Mandalorian culture, but figured whatever was about to happen, he might be removing more of his armor and didn’t want you to see. Given they had a creed to uphold, it didn’t bother you much. You were to get on your knees on the bed and face toward your headboard. 
Din wrapped the blindfold around your eyes three times then tied it. “Sard’ika. Spread your legs but don’t get on your elbows yet.” You nodded as you felt the bed shift, his weight dipping the mattress behind you. His bare hands were present again, slipping the thin straps of your gown down, uncovering your breasts but not removing it fully. Calloused hands cupped the bottom of your breasts, supporting their weight. A small hum released from you followed by a hiss as his frigid beskar chestplate skims against your exposed back. His helmet pressed against your cheek, looking over your shoulder, admiring your pinched nipples. “Have you worn them all day mesh’la?” His deep voice resonates between your thighs, nodding, you place your hands over his ungloved ones, grateful to be touching any part of this man’s skin.
“I have Din. I was looking forward to seeing you today. I’m glad you weren’t delayed.” Your voice is coated with lust as he kneads your breasts, pressing the pads of his fingers into them. You almost missed it, but he called your name before pulling back to ask you to lean forward on your elbows. Once in position, his weight on the bed changes again and you feel the cool beskar slide between you. It feels like it may be his legs and feet, his forearms were large as well, but not as thick as his thighs. Some shuffling of fabric was heard and your hands around their way to his knees, but then slid up Din’s thighs as he pulled your hips toward him. “Din, what do you want me to do next?” You asked, the armor on his thighs was still present so he hadn’t removed it, what did he take off?
The Mandalorian had planned on doing this much later down the line. However, he still recalled the fragrance on his beskar from last week, though it had faded, he wanted to become reacquainted with it. He blindfolded you and his head was behind you, maybe he should have bound your hands too, but he was too impatient. A trait he was noticing applied to you more and more. The pressure of his helmet exhaled as did he when he removed it, it was a large risk he was taking and in some circles a violation of The Creed, but his nostrils were met with the same tangy scent he had pleasured himself to before he slept. Din placed his helmet above his head on the bed, he wouldn’t be needing it for now.
“Nothing for right now. Just let me look at your weeping cunt again. You’ll feel when you should start. You’re a smart woman Sard’ika.” His hands took hold of your ass and squeezed, happy to see his fingers disappear into your ample flesh. Din licked his lips before pushing your ass forward a bit and had an idea. He reached toward your small ring of muscle and removed your anal plug, making a small pop. 
Inspecting your asshole, he was reasonably certain that you could try out the third plug size. He reached for it out of the bag and ran it along your wet slit, making you shiver. “I believe you’re ready for this. Let me know if you feel any pain though Mesh’la.” Pressing it in slowly, he was satisfied to see just the small loop sticking out as your ring of muscle spread. You groaned heavily and were surprised to find yourself pushing back toward the plug as he inserted it. His heavy hand slapped your ass while you wiggled it. A low rumble came from his chest in the form of laughter, you leaned forward to raise your ass into their air more, searching for more pressure, you found a velvet, throbbing length press against your chest and narrowly missed your nose. 
“I don’t feel any pain. I want to have you inside of me Din.” You sung, pressing your breasts together to capture his long member between your breasts, the cold metal of the nipple clamps you still had on jingled with your movements. Your hands were able to envelope the circumference of his member, the steel of the clamps grazed his hot skin and with the voice he released you realized he sounded different. Louder, closer and without the slight electronic click you’d hear sometime in between his words. Did he remove his helmet? Is that the reason you’re wearing the blindfold? His cock dripped precum onto your breasts making it easier for you to grind them against his length. 
“Dank farrik Sard’ika, excellent, keep going mesh’la.” Din clicked his tongue prior to his hawkish nose pressing against your clit, his plush lips touched your folds, drinking your nectar in. Tawdry damp noises were heard from you both, his tongue soon slipped inside of your core, exploring the tight cavern of muscle that longed to clench around anything. On the same token, you opened your mouth and let saliva drop onto your breasts and the thick length you were stimulating yourself with. With that complete, you lowered your head to flick your tongue along the bulbous head, breathing in his musk and sweat, your hips shifted forward a bit to allow you to reach him while still massaging his cock. 
Din moved his hands down to your thighs and forced your cunt into his face, he had no more need for air. He just needed to keep lapping your fluids, swallowing them to make himself full of you. If he was lucky, his beard that scratched your slick inner thighs would still be coated with you when he put his helmet back on and he would have your scent for much longer this time. Only the sounds of the two of you gorging yourselves on each other’s heat and muffled moans were heard for a period of time that neither of you were sure of.
Surprisingly, Din climaxed first, thick ropes coating the roof of your mouth and the back of your throat, his hips buckled and his cock slowly became soft between your breasts as you drank his cum, followed by laying your head on the chilled beskar of this thigh. Your hips were rolling onto his face as he continued to sip from your pussy, with a loud cry, you spilled over his mouth, face, chin and neck. Utterly exhausted, you focus on breathing and staying awake. You didn’t want to fall asleep before he left, you wanted to say goodbye, but your body resisted your intentions. 
The bounty hunter rolled you on your back and removed the nipple clamps and the anal plug, setting them on the towel on the floor. He sat up and cleaned himself up some, leaving most of the evidence of your climax on his face before putting his helmet back on. The Mandalorian then fixed  himself back into his flight suit before replacing his codpiece. He left his gloves for last, his fingers glided up your calves, thighs, doughy belly, breasts and rested on the sides of your cheeks. Removing the blindfold, he was craving the eye contact that you’d give him. Fluttering open, you did just that, reaching for his hands with your delicate fingers tracing the rough skin over his knuckles. “Is there any more you require of me Din?” your raspy voice questioned. Din heard himself hum as it echoed in his helmet, drunk on your scent. 
“No Sard’ika. You’ve given me much this session.” His hands briefly left your face to pull your slip back up and feed your arms through the straps, cupping your cum streaked breasts. You saw him hesitate. 
“It’s fine Din. Leave them, I can wash the slip later. I’d like to leave a piece of you for a little while after you leave. Ah…unless that’s not okay with you.” It hadn’t dawned on you to ask if he was alright with seeing evidence of his work on you. He shook his head and finished pulling the emerald slip over your breasts. “Um, is there anything you want to try or do for next time?” Clearing your throat, you weren’t sure if it was the last of his cum or your own spit that you needed to move. His thumb traced your bottom lip, pressing it. One of your hands touched his forearm guard, but he interlaced his fingers with yours.
“A piece is me is fine if that’s what you desire, mesh’la. I did bring two different dildos and more lube to use but you can use them for preparation.” Her hands are warm and he doesn’t want to leave. For the first time in a long time, since he had rescued his son, he wanted to leave his helmet off. Unsure if she would approve of his face, Din could fall back on the increased amount of credits he had brought with him this time, but it would lead him to despair if you didn’t like his features. His primary reason he’d like to leave his helmet off would be to have your soft hands touch his face and map it the same way he does yours. From your lips, his digits ran over your wide nose and full eyebrows. You had long coily hair that expanded with exertion and moisture, he would need to commit it all to memory. “I will be gone for a longer period of time - about two weeks. I plan to visit the little one and take care of a few jobs.”
The prospect of Din’s absence weighed heavily on your shoulders, before this started, these sessions. You’d only wonder if you’d be able to talk to him for the few minutes you could, giving him a bounty or paying him out after confirming the client’s stipulations were met. And sure, you’d wonder what he was up to but now things were much more murky between the two of you. “I understand. Stay safe Din.” You wanted to tell him to come back but he already said he was, your eyes closed embarrassed at your thought. Din pulls away from you and picked up the toys he had set on the towel, taking them into the refresher and cleaning them, putting them into the bag he had delivered previously. He then added the two dilios and the additional lube as well. With his gloves back on, he turned to face you, sitting up at the edge of the bed, you winced and leaned to the side, taking pressure off your ass. He had given it a new stretch today. “Din. I think - think we-” 
The cool beskar of his helmet touched your forehead and stopped you from speaking. His gloved hands held your face and trailed down to your shoulders. “Sard’ika please leave it for the next session. I understand.” The Mandalorian pulled away from you for the last time before he left. The bag on the counter was heavier than the last time. You stood up to follow his cape, his heavy steps leading to your front door. Din turned and took your hand in his once more before exiting into the dry night air. “There’s much to discuss and I would like to do so when I am able to think clearly.” Unsure of what he meant you nodded.
“You’re right. That would be best. Take care.” You squeezed his hand before letting go, softly ushering him out the doorway. His back was to you he started his long walk to his ship to leave again, closing your door you sat on your couch and wondered what you’d say the next time you see him.
Previous: Session One
Next: Session Three
Space buddy tag list: @rhoorl @for-a-longlongtime @trulybetty @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @maggiemayhemnj @missladym1981 @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @morallyinept @sherala007 @yorksgirl @beabliss @daddy-dins-girl @mandoisapunk @saturn-rings-writes @magpiepills @mrsmando @djarins-cyare @goodwithcheese @fhatbhabie @beefrobeefcal @sp00kymulderr @laurfilijames @legendary-pink-dot @undercoverpena @secretelephanttattoo @megamindsecretlair @alltheglitterandtheroar @gwendibleywrites @iamasaddie @perotovar @soapjay @joels-shitty-puns @linzels-blog @i-own-loki @dindjarindiaries @sin-djarin @djarinsimp @iamafadedmoon @drawingdroid
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sommerregenjuniluft · 5 months
something something day of the week snippet
helo tumblr *wrings hands* i've been a little mia recently especially in tag thingies because we've not been doing too hot mentally but alas here i am :p
@grimsneverendingfuneral tagged me (kissing u) in a mouthwatering rosekiller wip snippet and i saw saints' too so i thought i'd just keep the theme going so have some Ant Pile (btw i'm trying to finish this until my birthday so mid february! fingers crossed you get everything of this soon)
Evan hits him upside the head making Barty growl. “Well, bitch boy, maybe. Since it seems you like to do that so fucking much.” 
“Bitch boy.”
“You–” and then Barty’s upper lip pulls back and- oh, fuck no.
“Ay! Don’t fucking bite me again, B,” Evan rears his arm back and out of reach, “I swear to– get the fuck off.”
Barty snarls, teeth bared in a too wide smile, cheeks crinkling with stretched dimples. Evan is only mildly obsessed with them whenever they pop out.
That’s probably the reason Barty gets the opportunity to make a swift grab for his wrists and pin them over his head. They scramble against each other, trying to win the upper hand as their legs wriggle, slip, knees knocking, and then Barty is suddenly perched on his chest, straddling his torso and sinking his teeth into the soft underside of Evan’s forearm.
He cries out through clenched teeth, more startled than hurt, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t sting like a motherfucker as Barty’s jaw stays clamped shut around Evan’s flesh.
There’s a sucked in breath against Evan’s skin, sounding excited, and there must be some kind of blood flow interruption because his head gets a little dizzy then.
It draws a noise out of him, body involuntarily starting to squirm and eventually prompting Barty to let up.
The first thing Evan feels is relief which is promptly inundated. Another noise punching out of him, a pained hiss when the marked skin starts throbbing. 
Barty above him gives a pleased chuckle, then a wet slurping noise, collecting the spit back up into his mouth. 
Another throb, whole-body, and Evan groans.
Barty adjusts on top and leans down again.
Evan’s eyes fly open, frantically wiggling to get away but Barty’s grip is iron and then there’s something warm-wet. Pleasant.
Evan blinks and tips his head back, something lodging in his throat when he watches Barty lap over the teeth indents with his tongue. Warm and careful, a soothing gesture. 
He doesn’t slobber on it, rather alternating between long swipes with the flat of his tongue and little kitten licks. Until Barty makes a small sound and then his lips come down over the marred skin too.
Soft pressure, damp lips coming down randomly over and over again, here and there and over there, too.
A constant, recurring puff of breaths spilled over Evan’s sensitive skin, much too gentle in the face of the firm way Barty’s hand still holds him down by the wrists.
“B,” Evan chokes out when he feels some of the returning blood rushing south too.
His friend grunts, not really in acknowledgement but more in a dismissive let me cook here way and Evan bites down hard on his lower lip. That doesn’t help him suppress the startled moan though when Barty suddenly sucks the pulsing skin into his mouth.
Adam’s apple bobbing and holding the patch of skin in his mouth, cheeks hollowing and takes everything in Evan not to buck his hips when he feels himself twitch in his pants.
Evan’s voice is so husky he barely recognizes it himself when he strangles out, “Barty, you gotta let go.”
The skin pops out of his mouth with a wet smacking noise and Evan feels positively stupid as he watches Barty’s lips come down for one more gentle kiss like he just can’t help himself.
Barty sits back, still kind of looking at Evan like he wants to eat him, hands sliding off his wrists and Evan barely refrains from whimpering.
“Fuck, I hate you. You’re insane,” he pants, feeling where Barty is hard against his stomach, “Why was that hot?”
“Dunno,” Barty responds, eyes still glazed and staring down at Evan with something akin to awe. “Kinda wanna do that to your neck now.”
i have lost any concept of time and as mentioned been not too active so apologies if youve been tagged in one of these fairly recently lol <3 @stagpdf, @static-radio-ao3, @itsjaywalkers, @rottin6, @veryinnovative, @messrsage, @maliceofminds, @lemndrps, @214lilacsky, @regscupid, @xjustakay, @standardlovers and @kaleidoscopexsighs
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1-800-rh · 4 months
(Haven’t written in a few years so my writing skills have diminished over the years but promise to get back into it ! Also this is the first chapter to my book Insanity on wattpad . Enjoy <3 )
Rodrick Heffley X Fem!Reader
LIFE WASN'T PERFECT, Y/n definitely made it all feel better. Just a hug from her or a simple 'hello' was enough to make him flushed. He would deny it to anyone who asked but deep down he always did have a crush on Y/n . Their parents had lived next to one another since way before either teenager was born. It made the rough days easier for Rodrick as when he would argue with his parents, he'd climb Y/n's side of the house & up to her room.
"There's my Romeo." She would say . He would just roll his eyes & enter her room. She knew exactly what it meant when he'd climb through her window . Rodrick only did this when he didn't want the altercations to get physical. Tonight was a little more different. Y/n said her usual sentence as she pushed the window up, but this time Rodrick ignored her. She sucked on the inside of her cheek as she watched him throw himself on the purple bean bag directly from her bed.
"Was I interrupting anything?" She shook her head & eyed the open textbooks on her bed . "Nope. I was simply going over my notes, nothing important." He tapped his drumsticks against his thighs & let out an exasperated sigh. "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not."
She chuckled & took her spot on the bed again. "No , i'm being serious. It wasn't anything too important." Y/n closed her books & set them to the side - the floor side of her bed. "What happened tonight?" She let the question linger for a couple of minutes before regretting it as it just roamed in the air. "It was just a stupid argument about my bandmate , Bill. I swear it's like they don't ever listen or care what I have to say."
"Maybe it's in their best intentions that they don't li-"
"You sound just like Greg." He said. Y/n sunk in her spot , arms crossed on her chest. "If it's not Manny or Greg saying something they don't care. It's whatever. The moment my band makes its big break , i'm skipping town." He rested his chin on the palm of his hand as he eyed the girl across from him.
Maybe it was his teenage mentality that he thought that everything was shit or that life sucked . Maybe he was right & his parents only put on this facade to display to the rest of the world that they were the perfect all america family . Maybe it was the pathway he took that made his parents so disappointed that they rarely mind him any attention. But no one knew the reality , unless it was the Heffley's.
Y/n brought her knees to her chest , resting her head against them. "I'm sorry to hear that . Truly I am. Um...on the topic of your band , have you decided what songs you're gonna perform for the rock festival this year ?" She said.
"Bill & Drew were thinking we should perform Projectile Diarrhea Diper but I dunno. I think it's too soft for the festival." He finally stood up to stretch his legs , Y/n lifting her head up to watch him. "I think you guys will be amazing no matter the song. I'll make a sign that says 'I Heart Löded Diper' & scream at the top of my lungs when you guys are up."
Rodrick chuckled & began fiddling with the bracelets he wore. "Oh god ." He said. Y/n gave him a sly smile & jumped out of bed . Though he swore to kill anyone who hugged him, he only allowed her to do so . She didn't know it but she was his safety net & he felt as if he could count on Y/n no matter what.
"Do you wanna spend the night ?"
"Can I ? Do your pa-"
"They're out of town . They've been out of town for the past three weeks . Beats being alone in the house to be honest." She said. Y/n bent over to open the lowest drawer on her dresser , revealing to Rodrick all the clothes she had neatly folded for him from every time he spent the night.
As she was distracted, Rodrick couldn't help but stare at her ass ; he turned a beet red when she caught him staring but refused to say anything as she thought he was staring at something else. " You can help yourself to the 'Rodrick' drawer I keep for you. "
"Stalker much?"
"Fine by me, I'll more than gladly toss all your clothes you've left in MY room . More room for my actual clothes ." She batted her eye lashes in an egotistic fashion. Rodrick threw his arms in defeat - giving an obvious eye-roll - before pulling out his plaid pajamas & a random black shirt that once may have been a band tee but the words were barely visible.
She watched him fix up a little bed area on the side of her bed , though they had shared the bed multiple times, he felt comfortable sleeping on the floor . It was Rodrick after all, he could sleep anywhere regardless of the situation. "You know you could always just share the bed with me." She said . He shrugged & laid himself on the padded flooring, regretting it instantaneously & jumping in bed with Y/n .
The clock read 3:25 A.M. Rodrick had laid in bed for the past five hours , unable to fall asleep. Y/n laid next to him, dozing away. He sighed & got out of bed . Normally he could fall asleep within the moment his head hit the pillow , but the continuous flashbacks of the argument kept him up.
He walked over to the window , cracking it open halfway & sparked up his blunt. He leaned over the window sill & looked out into the early morning darkness. Y/n stirred in her sleep before slowly moving around . At times he thought about running away in the early hours of the day , but the thought of Y/n kept him from doing so. He couldn't imagine his life without her not by his side .
"Rodrick , I have had just enough of this little 'my bands gonna make it.' talk. It's not gonna happen. I want you to get your shit together & use your head for something good." Rodrick scowled & stared at his destroyed drum sets. Frank pushed past him & walked down the stairs. "I have let this charade go on far too long."
Rodrick tightened his fist before pursuing after his father. "Get my shit together, really ? How about you get your shit together." He yelled.
"For over a year now , mom has been the only one providing for us. Day in & day out. What do you do ? You just sit on your ass all day playing with your stupid military toys."
Frank was face to face with his eldest son . Susan only watching from across the room. "Greg has started selling his video games in order to try to help out because we're barely scraping by ."
"Rodrick, sweetie , I think that's enough. Frank , come on honey , just sit down for dinner with us." Susan pleaded. The younger boys only sat watching their eldest sibling & father going back & forth.
Frank scowled. "Listen here , I am your father. You respect me as such. " Rodrick glared at Frank & scuffed. "Well you're doing a shitty job at it ."
Everything happened to fast . Susan watched in horror as Frank back handed Rodrick , causing him to stumble back . "Rodrick !" Greg jumped out of his chair .
"Take Manny & go upstairs please." Susan muttered to Greg as she stood up & walked towards the fighting boys. Rodrick grabbed his father by the collar . " I SAID ENOUGH." Susan shouted.
Only it was a little late, Frank had managed to push Susan off himself & Rodrick . The grown woman was now on the floor . Rodrick watched at the scene in front of him & could only glare at Frank as he disappeared towards the set of stairs.
He helped his mother off the floor. "I'm sorry , mom." She gently squeezed his hand & hugged him. "It's fine sweetheart. Just go check on-" Her sentence was interrupted due to the commotion that was coming from Rodrick's room. They both ran & to their horror found his room completely destroyed.
His band posters were all ripped into pieces. His drums that had been destroyed were now in pieces, damaged beyond repair. His drumsticks were snapped in half . His bed sheets were now sprawled all over the floor right alongside his bed. His dresser had been tipped over & a majority of his clothes had been torn to shreds.
"I bought you all of this . Since I'm doing such a terrible job at being a dad , buy yourself all over your shit from scratch." He crossed his arms & stood in the middle of the room. Susan had her hand over her mouth , too stunned to speak.
"Go to hell." Rodrick muttered to Frank as he ran down the stairs . His mother kept calling after him saying that everything could be resolved but he continued ignoring her & made his way out the front door.
"Rodrick ?" He spun around to find the girl climbing out of bed & making her way towards him. He chuckled at the sight of her messy hair. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." She shrugged & reached for the lit blunt.
Y/n took a hit & sighed , the smoke releasing as she did so. "Couldn't sleep ?" She said . He shook his head. "Not really. I just had been tossing & turning. So I thought it was the perfect timing for a smoke." He took back the joint & took a hit as well , burning it out before storing it away.
"Can I ask you something ?"
"Yeah of course Rodrick."
"Do you think that in a different universe we have better families ? As in we don't get shitty lives ?" She stayed quiet & began shutting the window.
"I think we do ." Y/n walked back to her bed , reprising her spot from earlier. "I hope we do . Sometimes I feel like i'm going insane from living like this." Rodrick sighed in relief. He knew that no one would understand him like she did .
Now high & sleepy , he headed back to bed . "Goodnight Y/n."
" 'Night Rodrick."
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goron-king-darunia · 7 months
Eggtober Recap and Masterpost 2023
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Untitled Egg Poem Egg Yolk Splattered in a chipped bowl, Limitless potential Broken like the dawn.
Scared of wasted sunrise, Scared of loving white lies, Yearning, Wanting to breathe free.
Prison within a prison, Living without living, I am spinning, toiling, burning, Breaking, sifting, praying, learning, Nothing blooming Nothing growing Tears.
Crackling insanity, A song that boils within me A rhythm Setting me in stone.
And I'll claw in Like dandelions, Vines, like yeast and mold I'll make a mark one day, you'll see.
Rooted, I'll grow my thorns, It's not my fault for being born, Sorry if My laughter is too loud.
I'll make a reverie of mechanical monotony No more apologies Just me. Insects and wriggling larvae, Eggshell like lead paint chips, Star dust doesn't choose its shape.
Pigment from wilted roses, blood spilled by mistake, I refuse to ever break.
Not again.
Eggtober is over. We did it~ The poem doesn't really speak to a current state of mind. Just a pattern of maladaptive thinking I grew up having, being the weird kid. People like the rough edges a lot more when you grow up, I've found. Makes you interesting. Or maybe it's just easier to find your people when you're unapologetically strange online. And I like that Eggtober sort of embraces that. It's not a super serious Inktober challenge. Just a bunch of weird people drawing weird eggs. And I mean that in the best way. People expect there to be a "why" a lot. "Why eggs?" And sometimes there is a why. Sometimes I draw eggs to express something or to symbolize something. But sometimes there is no why. Sometimes it's just because an egg is easy or fun or comfortable. Sometimes an egg just feels right. Sometimes it's just to make something. Doesn't have to be poetic or meaningful. Sometimes you just draw an egg, and that's all it is. And I think a lot of discomfort around art is that everyone expects there to be a why, and if you don't have a why, then your art doesn't deserve to be seen. "Why do you like gorey stuff, kinky stuff, weird stuff? If you can't explain, I'm choosing to believe you're a freak and should be disallowed from creating." And I'm lucky, I think, to not be that popular. I don't get asked these sorts of things. But I see it happen to other people. And sometimes I get it. An answer to the why pacifies. I get uneasy with horror the same as everyone and I pacify it by reading the wiki and learning the secrets and understanding the why. But I think we need to get more comfy making up our own why, or get comfy with the knowledge that sometimes there isn't a why. Sometimes the little brain goblin decides there is no why. They just like the weird little eggs. And that's okay. And I think the reason we make up for other peoples' "why" should maybe stop being "because they're a weird little freak that likes degenerate things." Because yeah, maybe they are. But it's not a bad thing. And the world is a lot more interesting when we accept that we don't always know the why. And the why isn't always as simple as that.
I dunno. I'm rambling a bit. But I'm grateful to everyone that showed up and participated and shared and liked and just... enjoyed existing where the thing happening was lots of eggs and the "why" was just "why not?"
Hoping every one of you has a nice glass of your preferred warm beverage and stays nice and toasty for the rest of the year. (Shout out to the southern hemisphere folks if there are any. May you guys have an iced beverage of your choice and stay nice and cool for the rest of the year.)
Lots of thoughts about Eggtober 2023 and no good way to articulate them, but suffice it to say that having a loose amount of structure like this is very good on my garbage ADHD brain. If anything in the collage catches your fancy, here's the posts in order from the top left to the bottom right. May the rest of 2023 be sweet. I can't wait to see everyone again next year! And don't eat too much Halloween Candy at once, even if it is those yummy gummy fried egg candies.
Eggtober 2023 Posts in Order: (Unfortunately I didn't learn about the speedpaint feature until day 6 😢)
Eggtober 1st: Fried Egg on Green Eggtober 2nd: Lemon Fried Egg (Both Versions) Eggtober 3rd: Fried Egg Cake
Eggtober 4th: Poached Eggs and Asparagus Hollandaise Eggtober 5th: Sheet Pan Fried Eggs Eggtober 6th: Raw Egg (Both Versions)
Eggtober 7th: Painted Egg Eggtober 8th: Rice Crispy Eggs Eggtober 9th: Chocolate Souffle Eggtober 10th: Hot and Sour Soup
Eggtober 11th: Flan Eggtober 12th: Fried Eggs and Bacon Eggtober 13th: Ramen Eggs Eggtober 14th: Tiger Skin Egg
Eggtober 15th: Fried Egg with Berries Eggtober 16th: Cheesy Baked Cream Eggs Eggtober 17th: Mushroom Quiche Eggtober 18th: Cipriani Cake
Eggtober 19th: Pavlova with Strawberry Jam Eggtober 20th: Deviled Egg Eggtober 21st: Hard-boiled Egg and Mayo Eggtober 22nd: Scrambled Eggs with Cheese
Eggtober 23rd: Omurice Eggtober 24th: Shrimp Fried Rice Eggtober 25th: Uovo in Raviolo Eggtober 26th: Image of Fried Egg on Jack-o-lantern.
Eggtober 27th: Tea Egg Eggtober Eggtober 28th: Monster Eggs Eggtober 29th: Korean Egg Bread Eggtober 30th: Fried Egg on Magenta in the Stlye of @quezify
Eggtober 31st: Fried Egg on Burger Eggtober 31st Bonus: Egg Creature from SNOBBISM
Special thanks to my bae, @actualaster for the love and support, @hannikka for the encouraging words, @lady-quen for the ongoing collab, and @quezify for being the best host. Love you all! I am putting the King Sized Reese's and KitKat candy bars in your metaphorical Halloween bags.
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