#i know it won't do anything but honestly just fuck them they're not getting more of my money after the shit they pulled
anirudhpisharody · 1 month
#alright these tags are super embarrassing but i needed to rant publicly so uh. you can read this but please don't perceive me too much#it is so fucking exhausting having nobody to share my life with#i have literally zero friends at this point bc ever since my grandpa died i've pretty much stopped trying to keep in touch with my hometown#friends and i cut off my 'friend' group that were racist assholes who treated me like a doormat back in october and haven't really made any#close friends at college since. and i just fucking hate that this is the same way i've felt for so many fucking years like you'd think it#would be bearable at this point and i'd be used to being alone and for a while i honestly was but it just hit me tonight how fucking lonely#i am and how tomorrow i have to keep on just doing the shit i have to do in life without anyone to talk to and share it with#other than my mom who's been pissing me off lately so i've been pushing her away too!#it's so tiring to have to go out and do things and have responsibilities everyday and not being able to share that with anyone idk it makes#it feel almost like i'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders which is SO dramatic i know#like today i wanted to talk about the stupid false alarm gas leak thing with my sort of friends in this club i'm in but i didn't get to talk#to anyone at the meeting bc everyone was just talking amongst themselves in their little groups of best friends and it just reminded me that#i don't have that and i've never fucking had that i've only ever pretended i had that#it's like all these years i've been pretending to be a person that has friends and knows how to live life normally but i never have#more than anything i just miss my friends from home bc they're the closest i've ever felt to having friends that are like family but. i#don't know how to talk to them anymore. i didn't tell any of them when my grandpa died and i think they just assumed that i've moved on so#they've probably moved on and i already know that they have their own lives and friends at their schools that are a lot more full than mine#wanna know the worst part about all of this? i just had therapy and basically told her everything's fine#and i won't meet with her again until 3 weeks from now so literally the only person i can talk to about this right now is my mom#which i am absolutely not gonna do bc she's gonna get so scared and worried for me and i can't have that rn#anyways yeah. this isn't even that big of a deal like i haven't had friends for at least the past 6 months it's not like anything's changed#i just feel extra sad about it right now. i need a distraction stat gonna go watch watch some tv goodnight#shut up hanna
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infinityinakiss · 1 year
warrior nun has been cancelled.
i've known for a couple hours now and i know i need to address it somehow, but i've failed to put my feelings into words. part of me always knew this would happen, but another part saw the reviews, the art, the fics and the edits and thought "maybe we stand a chance".
i'm just so angry because i've watched this fandom pour their heart and their soul into saving warrior nun, bringing attention to a show that netflix was already hellbent on burying. you have all fought so hard for this show and it hurts to see that it has all been for nothing. time and time again, we've proven how much we wanted this show, and yet they still ignore us. netflix does not deserve warrior nun and it definitely does not deserve this fandom.
i find myself grieving the show and all the possibilities we'll never get to see. we'll never get to see their ending in the same way we witnessed their beginning and after a month full of hoping, that reality hit me like a ton of bricks. but even though i know i'll never have this show as it was again, i know there is an incredibly creative fandom that will keep these characters alive and will give them ending they deserve.
thank you. thank you for fighting for this show. you are all so amazing, and you deserve better than what those shitwads did. this is one of the most wonderful fandoms i've been a part of and i can't wait to read the story you write for them.
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scare-ard--sleigh · 1 year
one thing i do high key hate about editing the prom dress articles is seeing how people just say things about body image and ~finding the right dress to flatter your figure~ so carelessly. like i know our duty is to the client and i know the client had a lot of that rhetoric on their site, but we were hired specifically to update that copy and i just. idk! i think we also have a duty to not feed into the same ideas that nerf self esteem and worsen eating disorders!
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il-miele-che-scrive · 4 months
Go for his brother part 2
Part 1 here
Part 3 here
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↳username2 wdym bro wtf Arthur is just getting his karma, he CHEATED on Y/n with her best friend
↳username2 and Y/n only got with his brother after the breakup
username3 It's so crazy to me how not long ago Y/n was with Arthur at Charles' race and we could see them all lovey dovey and now she's with Charles 💀
username4 I hope they actually like each other and it's not just something Y/n schemed to get back at Arthur
↳username5 And even if it is, so what? Both Leclercs deserve this if she's doing it for the sake of revenge
username4 What did Charles ever do to you 😭 he's a literal pookie
username6 I am BEGGING to find out Arthur's reaction
username7 I wanna see this on Drive To Survive lmao
↳username8 The most interesting thing in the whole season lol
username9 Exactly! Men driving in circles? Nah, fuck that, give me family drama
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yourusername The Art & The Artist
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charles_leclerc I took way more than these 2 pictures, should post them all
↳yourusername some would get me banned🤭
username1 MY OH MY
username2 What did she say 😐
username3 I'm jealous but haven't decided if I want him or her
username4 Arthur better not read this comment section (I hope he will)
francisca.cgomes Thanks for blessing my eyes 🫶
↳yourusername You're welcome bestie🫶
username4 it's so nice to see Y/n found a friend who won't steal her bf
username5 You can't be sure, it's Charles Leclerc we're talking about. You think he wouldn't go for his best friends' girlfriend who is now his own girlfriends' best friend after pulling what he's just pulled?
username4 ngl girl I got lost in whatever you're saying
yoursister In your iconic girl era ❤️
↳yourusername I slayed didn't I 💅
username6 Honestly guys I believe it's not just a revenge scheme
↳username5 What makes you think that?
username6 Given these pictures and the pictures from the gossip page they look pretty much happy to me, too happy for it to be fake
username5 Whatever you say, we'll see. They have to get tired of pretending one day
exbestfriend Glowing ✨🩷
↳yourusername 😐
↳francisca.cgomes 😐
↳yoursister 😐
↳charles_leclerc 😐
↳pierregasly 😐
↳georgerussell63 😐
↳carmenmmundt 😐
↳alex_albon 😐
↳lilymhe 😐
↳username8 I can't stop imagining them having a gc and she sent a screenshot of her ex best friend's comment like "you know what to do, guys" 🤣
username9 I just know Arthur is screaming crying throwing up because LOOK AT WHAT HE LOST
username10 Lol who's next? Toto Wolff?
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arthur_leclerc My favorite love story is ours ❤️
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exbestfriend So happy we found each other ❤️❤️
username1 💀
username2 Alright they both have the audacity
username3 your love story is cheating on Y/n lmao
username4 Imagine they have a kid one day who'll ask mom dad how did you meet lol
↳username3 I'd be EMBARRASSED
username5 They deserve each other tbh
username6 Hey but... What if this pic and Y/n's pics were taken on the same day...
↳username7 wdym
username6 Arthur wanted to keep and eye on his ex and his brother from afar 😭
username7 it's terrible but possibly true lmao
exbestfriend I'm so sick of people judging us
↳username2 That's what you deserve, the both of you
↳username4 when actions have consequences:😮
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yourusername Back at the paddock ❤️
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username1 At least she didn't downgrade right?
yoursister You guys look so good together
↳yourusername Thank you 🫶 ily
↳charles_leclerc Yes we do 😊
↳username2 Y/s/n never commented anything like this when Y/n used to post with Arthur😭
lilymhe It was nice catching up with you when the boys were playing
↳yourusername maybe next time you and Alex could come over so the boys can play some video games together
username3 Pls they're just two single mothers bonding over their toddlers being besties😭
↳username5 You crazy? Ofc he wouldn't have come, he's too scared of confrontation
username4 Okay but then what if one day Y/n and Charles get married? Will Arthur just skip his brother's wedding?
username5 I think some time will pass before Charles decides to settle down. And not with Y/n, that's for sure
username6 Why not? Y/n makes a much better couple with Charles than she did with Arthur
username5 Charles would never take her seriously lol she dated his brother, Charles is just having fun with her while letting her have her moment
arthur_leclerc Are you wearing the dress you wore on our first date?
↳username2 SHE'S WHAT?????
↳username3 wtf are u doing here
↳yourusername Maybe...
username4 Mother keeps slaying 😭👏
username7 I aspire to be like Y/n fr
alex_albon Lily said we should have a double date
↳yourusername Let's do it then @/lilymhe @/charles_leclerc when and where
arthur_leclerc I just wonder when will you get bored of this
↳yourusername Bored of what exactly? Going to races? You know I've always enjoyed looking at cars go vroooom
arthur_leclerc You know what I mean
arthur_leclerc Of pretending to like Charles just to prove me some delusional point
yourusername You really think I'd waste my energy on that? It's a funny coincidence indeed, but I do like him actually
arthur_leclerc Mhm sure I give you maybe 6 months more, can't keep pretending forever
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charles_leclerc A family gathering & the morning after
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pierregasly Now that's something none of us expected
↳username2 bro speaking facts
username3 They said fuck you Arthur you'll get a proof we're not pretending😭
username4 Well at least the family already knew her
↳username5 Pascale liked Y/n so much she said girl you have my blessing no matter which one u marry
username3 Guys do you think Arthur was there? You know, it's a family gathering, so he had to be there, right?
alex_albon Charles settling down wasn't on my bingo card this year
↳lilymhe Neither was it on mine but I love it
francisca.cgomes Girl you realize there's no going back now? 😂
↳yourusername I hope so😜🫶
arthur_leclerc I still can't believe how disrespectful you both are
↳charles_leclerc Look who's speaking of being disrespectful
↳yourusername stfu arthur maman literally had to kick you out of the party
username3 The way it used to be "Thurthur" and now it's "stfu arthur" 😶
username2 at least the "maman" is the same right
username5 I feel like Pascale likes Y/n more than she likes Arthur
↳username8 That's crazy, imagine how's the wedding gonna look like
carlossainz55 Getting engaged after a few weeks? Is she pregnant?😂
↳username9 Not funny
username10 Chill that's just millennial humour from back when pregnancy outside marriage was a disgrace
↳charles_leclerc We've known each other long enough to make this decision 🫢
carlossainz55 Valid point
arthur_leclerc But for majority of this time she was my girlfriend
charles_leclerc On which you cheated
arthur_leclerc @/yourusername did you use me just to get to Charles? Was it your plan from the beginning?
↳yourusername Sure because I have nothing else to do lmao
↳yourusername We've talked about it yesterday arthur, don't start again
arthur_leclerc I just still can't believe Charles would do something like that to me
yourusername And half a year ago I believed you wouldn't have ever cheated on me
charles_leclerc I said it yesterday and I'll say it again, Arthur I will always love you as a brother, but you messed up big time, you can't be mad at us
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stillfrownyclownlol · 5 months
Gonna throw up If I can't talk about them-
Bunch of Aiden analysis under the cut because he's just SO OBSESSED CODED AND NOBODY TALKS ABOUT IT 😭 (I will be very weird about it)
The way it's so doomed from the start. He's already so fascinated by her. It's in the little jump he does when she sits in front of him, like a secret they're both in on, like her sitting in front of him is some obscure way of her inviting him into a conversation.
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Why is he like this (not positive but not negative either)
He has such a cocktail of personality traits and, most certainly, mental disorders, and his own history that makes it so, when he's in love, that it WILL blow up in his face.
The fact that he's been homeschooled for his entire life- he has no idea. HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW. He doesnt realize that its not normal. of course he doesn't :( His parents obviously leave him alone for long stretches of time and he doesn't seem to mind this. He hasn't had the chance to develop his social skills at all-
It's why he's so, let's be real, creepy. Ash makes it very clear she's not interested and he just keeps worming his way into her life. He plots so that she'll go on the field trip, he follows her around, he goes to her fucking house on the first day. LIKE, HELLO? RED FLAG?
He's having evil thoughts here I swear 💀
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And already so quickly after meeting her he makes Ash his priority. He asks to sit next to her, he engages and makes an effort to talk to her. Tries to joke around with her. Gives her a nickname. Touches her. He's so touchy.
And defends her!!! When Tyler gets pissed at Ash, he honestly goes off on him even tho he KNOWS Ash can defend herself- and he's so...dark about it. There's a threat hidden behind his words. He's MAD here, right? Tell me I'm not crazy, please-
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He also very clearly has violence on the forefront of his mind 💀 He's the first one to actively attack the phantoms; not to defend himself, not to defend somebody else (well, he pulls Ash out of the way), but for fun. And he's disappointed when they don't scream. He's sadistic, he likes causing pain, it's something he relishes in.
I mean look at how he smiles!!! None of the other kids have such an...active ENJOYMENT in fighting the phantoms, but for Aiden, it's almost like he finds relief in it, some way to vent out his frustrations. He's eager for a fight, for a thrill.
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That's how Aiden sustains himself, he pretty much operates under "I'm here for a good time, not a long time." Everything he does gives him a boost of adrenaline, no matter the consequences. He got into a fight? Eh, who cares about all the bruises, at least it got his blood rushing. Broke a bone while doing parkour or smth? Whatever, the way his stomach dropped when he was falling as totally worth it.
It's a very dangerous mentality to live with, obviously. He's an adrenaline junkie. He's an addict. More than anything else, Aiden wants something that makes him feel alive.
And what makes you feel more alive than love?
Like not to minimise or anything but he's known her for like. 2-3 months- and he's already SO scared of losing her. Like I just don't think he would have had this type of reaction with anybody else besides Ben. He would have absolutely lost his shit if Ash 'died'.
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He's a straight up love junkie. He's obsessive. Nothing beats the high love can give you. It overrules everything else. If Ash (or whoever he's interested in) feels bad because of smth, he's done with it.
He LIKED dying. He LIKED the adrenaline rush. But he won't do it again. Not because he had some realization that he didn't want to die, that he still wanted to live and do things, but because Ash was upset. Because this, this rush of care from her part, the way she was so scared of him dying that she was shaking, nothing could fill the hole in his heart better than that. And now that he has a taste for it, he won't let go easy. He will keep on living- if it means Ash will be by his side.
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Which is a very dangerous position to put her in. Ash already feels responsible for her friends, and she doesn't even know that Aiden has "put" his life in her hands, not that it's her responsibility, because it isn't, but she will certainly feel responsible if Aiden does something FOR her.
Like He's so fucking obsessed and he doesn't even realize it- like look at how he sees her 😭 THE HEAVENLY GLOOOOOOW, LIKE SHES AN ANGEL AND HE THINKS SHE CAN SAVE HIM. BABY SHE CANT, YOU HAVE TO SAVE YOURSELF.
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He could spiral so fucking bad. He could do some absolutely heinous things. Because he just doesn't know. He doesn't know how to love truly, yet. For him love really is that rush of adrenaline, the knife carving out his heart, he could be putty in her hands, or her executioner. This love that can be so obsessive, that he NEEDS it to function, like its water, like its the air he breathes. Its a compulsion, a fixation, a longing that burrows into your very soul. Ash doesn't even know what she's getting herself into-
Godddddd, it makes me so sick/ pos, it's SO FUCKING INTERESTINGGGGGG. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
I literally cannot function around this drawing 🫠
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The. The hand. That way he's grabbing her. He's pulling her back. Towards HIM. like "this is mine. And I'm not sharing." And that little fucking look in his eyes, he just looks SO fucking pleased with himself. And Ash looks so...resigned. they're so doomed-coded, i love them so bad.
I don't know how I was supposed to NOT make a killer au, when he's just...like that around her.
Love is a wonderful thing. But love is also cruel, it is vicious, it is possessive and obsessive, and it will leave carnage in its wake.
Romantic love is an obsession. It possesses you. You lose your sense of self. You cannot stop thinking about another human being. -Helen Fisher
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ilycosy · 5 months
why is the thought of luke stealing your underwear and keeping them in his cargo pants so hot to me??? i……
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it's so hot bc it's totally real n possible ,,, he wld definitely steal anything of yours that he can grab w/o anyone noticing !!
lukes the type of guy that def ends up getting caught eventually tho .. maybe on purpose
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luke castellan has always been the golden boy of camp— never mean nor out of place, just the right amount of confident and talkative. perfect in every sense, with his pretty face and natural hermes boy charm.
which is why he finds it so hot, the actual scandal of it all fueled his fucked up sense of self even more. he knows it's weird to do, but he chalks it up to his father as another thing he can hate him for. besides, who expects a hermes child not to steal?
at first it starts off simple, just little things of yours that you won't miss. pencils and random things you fiddled with for a week before forgetting about it, then it turned into shirts. the shirts served a double purpose really, slipping them over his pillow so he can cling to and pretend like you're together— and then the more obvious answer.
he honestly hadn't thought about stealing your panties until he saw the opportunity— well, maybe he did, but he didn't actually expect himself to do it. until he did. it was like he was on autopilot, grabbing something from your cabin for another person when he saw your bunk. the small laundry basket caught his eye, he knew that he had to have it.
he barely looked at them before they were in his hands, he only paused for a moment to feel the intricate lace before stuffing them in his pockets. he puts them in the pocket closet to him for easy reach, the fabric lump isn't even visible with how the pants are designed and he's never been more thankful for cargo pants until now.
throughout the day he can't help but feel them to make sure they're real every chance he gets, hands in his pockets idly while he's talking to people— even you. pretending like he doesn't know everything about what you're saying, he smiles and nods, occasionally rubbing the fabric and fighting back the blood rushing down his body.
but back to what i was saying abt him getting caught (on purpose)
luke has always been sneaky, you've known this ever since you started dating him. he's always planning and learning certain things about you that makes you wonder if he's stalking you (he is but shh pretend u don't know), but you just brush it off as him being a good bf and a hermes child.
which is why you almost second guess your eyes when you spot a pair of panties tucked under lukes pillow— at first you thought the worst, but when you got closer you felt your stomach drop and churn when you saw it was an old pair of yours. half in disgust, but also there was a deep coil of desire in you.
you don't mention it for a while, at first he just thinks that you didn't see it the first time— so he keeps leaving them under his pillow still.
he couldn't be so wrong. when he finally has a moment away from the prying eyes of young campers and the annoyance of the other counselors, he takes you to the cabin. pushing you down against the bed completely forgetting that he planted them under the pillow.
he's leaving wet open-mouthed kisses down your neck onto your chest when you reach up to grab them, hooking your finger around the thin waistband— you hold them up smugly like a trophy. "you still haven't hid them?"
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gotham-daydreams · 8 months
i just had a thought
you know what would really fuck up the batfam in the "not tonight" series imagine the reader instead of leaving gets kidnnaped and when the batfam saves them reader breaks down into crying in relief because they genuenly believed the batfam would not bother to save them
Imagine the absolute horror the batman would feel
I know its a little farfetched but i live for the angst
No, no! I love that idea!!! And it isn't all that farfetched seeing as the reader is a well known musician on some level, and even if that wasn't the case- they're still the kid of Bruce Wayne. Which, honestly, is enough motivation for someone to kidnap them, I'd say. Especially if the reasoning is for money, revenge/jealousy, or both honestly.
Besides all that, though- oh my god that would be awful! I love it!
Because imagine things from the reader's perspective (which, there is implied violence inflicted on the reader, mentions a blood, and a gun is pointed towards them. So, if it isn't your cup of tea then that's fine!):
Your 'family' that barely acknowledges you enough as it is, and the only guy who ever seems to notice that you're around is the single butler that basically takes care of everyone and everything in the manor. Now, you're kidnapped because of your relation/connection to the family, and have no hope to do anything besides just pray.
Maybe you have tried to escape before a few times at this point, but the punishment for such attempts have now gotten to the point where if you try again and fail, you'd surely die. Maybe you've also been trying so hard to escape yourself because you're just that certain and sure that the Batfam won't save you. Since, up until this point, anything dealing with or connecting back to you in some way has been ignored or dismissed one way or another. Why would something like a kidnapping be any different? Especially when they also haven't noticed other events where you have gotten hurt before.
Right from the gate, you're already thinking that the Batfam won't save you. Not that they can't, but just like with everything else- something will come up and steal away their attention, and you'll be left by yourself, and to defend yourself as always. That's what always seems to happen, and so why would now be different? In your mind, it wouldn't. So that's why when your attempts to escape fail, and the punishments not only get worse, but begin to pile up and reach a point where you think you're going to die- the situation quickly becomes much scarier.
You don't hope that Batman will suddenly show up, and instead pray that your best friend will notice your missing somehow. You don't think that Nightwing, Red Robin, Spoiler, or Orphan will suddenly swoop in and save the day, but instead try and hope that your producer/boss notices that you haven't replied to his calls or texts and contacts someone. You don't even consider that Red Hood or Robin will come barreling in and quickly deal with your kidnappers before rescuing you — instead all of your thoughts are filled with silent whispers and desperate pleas that someone- anyone you know will notice that you're gone, or that something is wrong, and will contact somebody. With that 'somebody' being the police or anyone of help, but not the Batfam.
Maybe a small thought does slip by, but you can only internally laugh at yourself because you either think that you've already lost enough blood to actually try and believe that lie, or your just growing that desperate to have a little hope. To have something to cling onto in this moment, that you chose the one thing that you're so convinced will never be given to you. A thought that only further cements itself in your mind the more time passes. With hours turning into days, and days to weeks.
Perhaps that's why you try to escape again. Deciding that you had better odds of succeeding despite your injuries, than the Batfam ever coming to save you. Let alone even thinking about it, or even realizing that you were gone in the first place. Taking that risk of getting caught again, and potentially getting killed this time, because no matter how hopeless or unlikely it seems for you to escape and make it out- those chances will always be higher than any single person from the Batfam showing up, and even attempting to save you. Even on accident, or on a whim- that possibility is so unlikely in your mind, that it's basically nothing more than a made up scenario or daydream to you. It's not an 'if' or 'when', but a flat out 'won't'.
Maybe that's why when you fail you get so scared, but can't help but feel like this was inevitable somehow. Of course, you don't want to die- but you had tried your best. You fought until the very end, and it almost feels a little too fitting that things ended up this way. With your efforts ending in vain, and you having nothing to show for it. With your attempts futile, and almost seeming idiotic from an outsider's point of view, and maybe it was.
You never stood a chance. You were doomed for failure. Not even all the training and experience you had could save you- and only now could you see how truly worthless all your efforts had been. With a gun pointed to your head, and your own blood providing the only warmth you've felt in days.
There's an odd sense of comfort and familiarity in the chill that shoots down your spine, and the cold gaze that one of your kidnappers give you. They're carelessness and disregard for your health reminding you of something, with their rough attacks and harsh punches bringing back times where you really did need the Batfam, only for no one to show up. Your call dying down as fast as it had risen that day, and one you never even bothered to make again.
So maybe that was why you were so surprised when help arrived, and even more so when you saw who exactly it was.
Before you could even fully register anything, you began to cry. A wide smile full of disbelief grows on your face, and more tears begin to fall as the smallest of laughs escape you. 'Unbelievable' is the first word that comes to mind when describing what you felt, and thought when you saw Batman drop down from the ceiling and deal with the guy who was about to kill you, and heard some commotion just down the hall.
At first, your convinced it's all some silly dream, and that maybe during your final moments- your mind decided to give you something nice to send you off. Almost like a warm parting gift to distract you from the hopelessness, and reality of the situation. Though it's only when pain shoots through your entire body when you move a certain way, that the thought of all of this being some made up hallucination or delusion vanishes, and you can't help but cry harder.
You don't know if it's a good or bad thing that after all this time- the one time they actually notice that you're gone, is when you not only get kidnapped, but can't escape by yourself. That the one time they acknowledge you, you're almost dead, bleeding out, and the most messy and vulnerable you've ever been.
Maybe life really did have some grudge against you to go to such lengths to fuck you over, but right now you're too relieved to be saved to care at the moment.
Yet, to say the Batfam feels awful on a totally new level, is an understatement. They understand feeling relieved, but to this extent? It's like you never expected them to come and save you at all... and that little thought seems to be true when one of them tries to help you out, and you're still laughing weakly as you continue to cry. Asking through a broken, wavering voice if all of this is real, and isn't some fucked up hallucination your having to make passing on easier. That they really showed up, and as a last ditch effort to not make your death anymore painful then it has to be- this isn't just some... dream, to make you feel like you were actually cared for in your final moments.
It breaks their hearts, a lot.
Especially when you repeat questions, as if trying to really make sure that they're there, that they're real, and aren't just some figment of your imagination. That they actually came to save you, and weren't off saving Gotham or the world itself instead. Constantly trying to be sure, as if the moment you weren't- then you'd be convinced that you were slowly dying all alone, with no hope of help coming — not even thinking that the Batfam would come — and just have to sit with that fact as you take your final breaths.
The pain you feel is almost equal to their's, and what really worries and scares most of them is how sure and certain you are that they wouldn't show up. That either the thought would never cross their minds, or that something else would come up and they'd leave you for dead, or that they just wouldn't notice that you were kidnapped at all.
Which, said fright and worry is only amplified when you have to keep asking "Are you really here? Are you sure?" And the like, and they have to keep finding ways to prove to you that yes, they are here. They're helping you, and they're not leaving- they actually managed to save you, and that you're going be okay now. That they aren't going away, and are very, very real.
Each little, broken laugh chips away at the pieces of their hearts, and your own disbelief that they can't seem to get rid of no matter what they do or say, is just a punch to the gut. You didn't just think that they wouldn't show up, but were fully convinced that they wouldn't even bother with it. That own realization just... hurts more than anything.
Had they really been that awful to you? Had they really caused you so much pain and hurt that you'd not only think of such a thing, but fully believe it? They didn't remember doing anything in particular that would cause you to think that way... but maybe that wasn't the problem. It wasn't what they did to you, but rather what they didn't do, and that's when the pieces finally begin to click.
Of course some don't want to believe it, similar to how some of them in "Not Here" express a brief moment of denial and disbelief themself, but they don't get to experience such a luxury anymore. Not with you here- bleeding, hurt, and crying from both relief and disbelief, because you couldn't believe that they actually showed up.
Even when they do quickly take you to a hospital and get you treated, that image of you is still ingrained into their minds. They can't forget it- how you looked at them and spoke, and just how you treated the whole situation because of how convinced you were.
From here they'll try to rebuild what they can, and all definitely be 100% more protective then they've ever been. The moment you're able to come home (which, you ARE coming home. No if's or but's. You don't get a chance this time.), they're doing everything in their power to not only 'fix' everything, but make sure that you are safe at all possible moments of the day.
It's safe to say that the whole experience traumatized the whole family to a certain degree. Not only with you being kidnapped- but you trying to escape multiple times and almost dying, because you were so convinced that no one would show up to help. (Which, while it was also because you can genuinely handle yourself and did believe you could escape on your own, the Batfam doesn't entirely believe that (and you almost dying doesn't help with that) so they chalk it up to you being desperate, because you 'knew' that no one was coming to save you. Which also may or may not make certain people worse in the process.) So they're already leaning pretty heavy on the yandere tendencies. Which most likely develop over the time you're in the hospital, and into your first week or so staying in the Manor.
Which does lead us to your little addition:
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Which, you are very correct!!!
Our boy Jason, put in very simple terms, doesn't take the situation well. At all.
Seeing you bloodied, bruised, abused, malnourished, and on the brink of death no less- definitely doesn't help with his reaction at all.
Don't get me wrong! All of them react pretty negatively to the situation, and many of them have very strong reactions- Jason in particular just has the worst and strongest one. :]
The moment he sees you, he's immediately reminded of his death. The urge to comfort you is strong, but he just doesn't know what to do- and so he ends up not doing anything until you're in the hospital. Which, leading up to that point, he's checking your pulse as often as he can.
He knows what it's like to be hopeless, and feel that helpless- but to know that you experienced that? To know that you almost died like he did? It ruins him. It fucks him up more than anything else.
From the way you looked at the Batfam- the way you looked at him, and just how utterly relieved you were, despite drowning in your own disbelief- it haunts him. The state they found you in messed him up enough, but all of your questions, and just how you were even trying to reassure yourself that them showing up and saving you was real, fucked him up big time.
Before he knows it, he's hunting down the people who kidnapped you, and wiping out whatever is left of their bloodlines. Not sparing a single person, as they didn't spare you- with their generations leading to your kidnappers being born.
He's making their final moments just as painful as yours would've been. Their agony almost matching his, as he couldn't forget the night they saved you. He refused to. That moment forever engraved into his mind, reminding him of what also was if they were a second too late, and how it made him realize just how much he's fucked up along with everyone else.
While Jason can't exactly just waltz into the Hospital to visit you, since he is still considered dead and everything, he sneaks into your room instead. Trying to give what comfort he can in his own silent, but close way. Holding your hand with a gentleness even foreign to himself, and saying how he's sorry and that he'll make it up to you. Promising every night that he'll make those that made you suffer pay with their lives, and then some. Saying how he won't leave your side ever again, only to be gone by the morning.
He brings what he can as well. Even if it isn't as showy or extravagant as any of the things that Bruce, Damian, Dick and so on are getting you, or as pretty and lively as the flowers that are placed by your bedside. It's just his own little way of trying to make it up to you.
The small, little gifts he gives you are indeed little, and he doesn't give much since he doesn't think that your forgiveness or love can be bought. But he still tries to give something. So he'll give things that can be as little as hair ties or bracelets, to earrings (that totally aren't matching) and a little music box that reminded him of the melodies you've made thus far. It's all just another way of saying that he cares about you, and not only wants to build your relationship but be connected to you somehow.
The earrings, even if you don't wear them but just have them, make him feel closer to you then he can. He hopes that in some little way, that whenever you wind and let that music box play its tune, that you are reminded of him or think of him in some way. That when you wear or even look at the few ties and bracelets he's given you, he comes to mind in some small way, and manages to bring the smallest of smiles on your face.
Jason doesn't yearn to be remembered or seen fondly, but he would like to and deeply appreciate it. Since when he looks at his earnings, he's reminded of you, and the pair he managed to give you. Leaving him unable to fight back the smile that grows on his face.
For the most part, he just generally tries to be more present, hardly leaving you alone unless he has to, and spending every moment he can by your side. Moments that begin to last longer once he finishes his buisness with your kidnappers, and their families. He doesn't push too hard or is super in your face and constantly invading your personal space. He just exists in your presence, and as long as you're around he's got no complaints.
Though he does get extremely protective and possessive. Especially if your sleeping or something, and someone walks in. God have mercy if they need to wake you up, and dare to try without saying anything to Jason first.
Which- all of this boils down to you getting scary dog privileges every night, which turns into an almost 24/7 type of deal when you get discharged from the hospital.
Sorry if this is a little all over the place. I wrote it all in one go for the most part and haven't really looked it over, so there's probably some mistakes I didn't catch and missed 😅
Still, I hope that's alright, and as you can see- i really enjoy this idea :]
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luveline · 8 months
i see ur thinking abt the marauders and i was just thinking abt them too!! i just saw a thread on twt abt how much men hate their girlfriends but wont break up with them (😖😖) and couldn't stop thinking abt how james would be so BAFFLED reading it!! would you be able to write something for that? its perfectly fine if not!! ily <33
I luv you! I'm not sure what thread you mean but I made a guess, sorry if it's not right ♡ fem, 1k
modern au. cw mention of toxic/hurtful relationships
"What is that?" James asks, pushing the sheets back as he climbs in beside you. His bowl of cereal is heaping, upwards of ten weetabix doused in milk, sugar, raspberries, blueberries, and a generous squeeze of honey.
"What?" you ask, showing him your phone screen. 
James leans over you to scroll back up. "Men who hate their girlfriends?" 
"Oh, it's like, people posting their screenshots, I think." You click on the tweet he'd been pointing at and show him the replies underneath. "It's just boys who act like they don't love their partners but won't break up with them either, there's loads on there." 
"What?" he asks, holding his bowl in one hand. "Can I?" You give him your phone happily, watching as he reads through some of the examples, screenshots from different websites and forums. "'Recently had to tell a friend's bird that he was calling her all sorts of names. I'm loyal to my friends, but you could hear the hatred in his voice sometimes. She left him two days later and he was surprised, for some reason.'"
James' eyebrows pinch. He continues, "'Am I in the wrong for asking my husband to stay awake with me during my early morning labour? He keeps bringing it up.'" James shows you your phone screen. "Like, he's mad she didn't let him sleep through the birth of their child?" 
"You know, there was a video on there a few weeks ago where a girl had put together a compilation of her boyfriend play fighting with her, and each video got nastier and nastier." You reach for the spoon to his bowl to start chopping up the weetabix the way he likes. "He was kicking her legs from under her and she was laughing it off. Once or twice, I'd think it was funny, but he wasn't even laughing himself." 
"Why the fuck?" James asks. 
"I don't know. Can I have a raspberry?" 
"They're in there for you to steal…" James watches you chew. You try not to pay too much attention to his staring, plopping your phone down in the sheets between your legs. "Why are these boys getting with women they don't like?" 
"I don't know, Jamie," you tell him honestly, wading through his bowl for another raspberry. "I think they get comfortable." 
He accepts the spoon back from you and you slouch down the fabric headboard together. James eats his weetabix slowly, the TV sending a light blue light into your otherwise dark room. "It's a bit late for supper," you murmur. "Were you hungry?" 
James puts his bowl on the nightstand. Coils of curls brush your forehead as he leans down, one big hand on the back of your neck and the other stretched across the shoulder furthest away from him, holding you in place as he kisses the top of your head. It's a weighty kiss, full of love. "I love you. Don't ever let anyone treat you like those boys on your phone, yeah?" 
You hum lightly. "That's what boys are like." 
"I know. I'm just begging you not to let people do that to you." He rubs your shoulder roughly, a massaging that hurts in the good way. "You know, if you can. I get that it's not their choice." 
"Yeah. I think people want so badly to be loved that they'll take the pretend kind. I was lucky to find you before you found someone else. You always make me happy." 
"This is what I mean," he whines, resting his cheek on your forehead. You sigh happily at his touch, more than ready for a night of his arms around you, a heavy leg thrown over your hips to lock you in. "You think you're lucky because of those dickheads." 
"No, it doesn't have anything to do with them. Just you." 
James sits up to turn your face to his. "Love you," he says, kissing you quickly. 
"Love you too. Don't stress about the phone, babe, you're not the audience they're looking for." 
James hears your teasing tone toward the end, poking your side. "What's that for?" 
"Nothing, just, you tried to follow me into the bathroom last night even when I told you I wasn't showering. If you're that eager to sit with me while I pee, I doubt you'll be the kind of guy who ends up on that forum." 
"It wasn't about the peeing, stop trying to shame me," he grumbles, again pulling you in for a hug, "it was separation anxiety. I miss you."
"I get why these women end up like that, though," you say quietly. "I get why they stay. If you started shoving me for a laugh or whatever, I'd think about this, because you love me. Does that make sense? I'm so happy right now that I wouldn't want to believe that you didn't love me anymore." 
"I know. It's fucking sad. I can't believe they do shit like that, it's pure selfishness." James settles back in his pillow. "I wouldn't ever do that shit to you. I know everyone says that, but I have to say it anyway." 
"I know, Jamie. Don't worry. I'm not worried about it, only talking." 
You offer him your hand. James takes it, rubs the back of it, brings it to his lips for a barely felt kiss. "Is there anything happy on that app?" he asks. 
"Uh, I saw a video of a baby girl who only stops crying when her cat comes to check on her. Or a pregnancy reveal where the boyfriend starts crying and begging her to get married." 
James rests his face on your shoulder, snuffling into your skin contentedly, "Ah, so my future. Put it on, angel." 
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jadeslashes · 2 years
꩜﹒being stalked by them ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
includes: patrick bateman, charles lee ray, tiffany valentine, jason voorhees, michael myers, pinhead, jennifer check, freddy krueger, jackson rippner, stu macher, billy loomis.
warnings: includes nsfw, if you don’t like it, don’t read it. minors please dni.
tw: stalking, nsfw references, mention of dead animals [in jason voorhees’ section].
he's incredibly calm, collected and calculated about it
honestly most of the time you'd just think when you cross paths with him that he's just Some Attractive Guy
and any time he makes a comment about how you look, or even says something that you think he shouldn't know about you, you pass it off as just him being observant and charming
wouldn't be shocked if he had a couple pages of notes about you
and if you ever got a little too close to finding out what he was actually doing, he'd know to lay off a little (and if anything, insult you like he tends to do to throw you off the scent a bit)
every time he's watching you he's thinking about all the things he wants to do to you, he'd get lost in his own thoughts staring at you until you moved out of his sight
by the time he asks you to go on a formal date with him, you can tell he's a little strange, but you don't know how long he's been planning this exact date with you or how much he knows about you
he would be horribly possessive over you, anyone who comes too close has pretty much unknowingly held a gun to their own head
he's ruthless about it too, he doesn't care who they are or how close you were with them, they're getting killed off as soon as possible because his goal is for you to have no one but him to rely on
he'd be doing everything he possibly could to get you in a weakened mental state, so that you'd be more malleable and easier to manipulate
and if he can't be your one and only, he's just going to have to kill you too ig
to be fair, she didn't expect herself to become infatuated with you
she hardly even realized how obsessed she'd become before she was already trying to figure out how to make you hers <3
however unlike most, she wouldn't stalk you before trying to talk to you and flirting with you
you'd be going on dates, spending time with her and getting to know her
and all the while she'd be collecting information, never wanting to be away from you because she's just that into you
he's the stalker you should be terrified for your life over, and he's not subtle
you won't know who he is, but you'll know that there's something wrong, someone watching you, someone playing these fucked up games with you
he'd leave dead animals in your yard from time to time, and do a lot of things to mess with your head, create anxiety until your every move is filled with complete dread of what you might find next or what might happen if you leave your house
and he's not stalking you with the intent of charming you and dating you, he's stalking you with the intent of taking you, eventually he just wouldn't be able to help himself, he'd need to have you <3
he's your very typical, almost basic stalker
the hiding in the shadows type who's always watching you from their hiding spot unseen
is he watching you because he's planning to harm you or because he wants to learn about and observe you, maybe even protect you? who knows <3
he knows your schedule and knows where you'll be at any given point in the day pretty much all the time
he'd leave things for you in places where he knows you'll find them, he'll take things like your jewelry, books, or clothes and leave them somewhere else
i could see him having a small notebook full of notes about you scribbled in his messy handwriting too <3
i don't know if he'd ever make himself known to you, but he might eventually leave a trace, a hint of himself behind to give you a glimpse of who he is
⛓﹒PINHEAD ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
the moment you open the lament configuration, there's no getting rid of them
they can appear at will where they want to, and they'll use this to their advantage
no one escapes the cenobites, and you're certainly no exception <3
while the cenobites' main goal is usually to defile and tear apart people's souls, that's not quite pinhead's goal with you
they'd want to keep you around longer, make this torture last
and considering they are completely neutral and never have feelings of any kind towards their victims, you should feel pretty special for the hold you've managed to have on pinhead
you'd never be able to sleep knowing what you might wake up to in your room
and obviously you'd never be able to tell anyone, who's going to believe you when you tell them a cenobite is stalking you and trying to torture you for their own enjoyment? good luck trying to explain what a cenobite even is without sounding completely insane
there's absolutely no getting out of it, you're stuck playing this cat and mouse game with pinhead until they decide your time is up
you would have absolutely no idea, i mean who would ever believe that jennifer check of all people was a stalker?
but little does anyone know, she stalks you extensively, she's literally obsessed with you
she knows all of your socials and lurks them often, knows your schedule, knows what car you drive, knows who all of your friends are
if she found out you were going to a party this saturday, you bet your ass she'd be there. if she heard you were going to the mall with your friends right this second, she'd drop everything and make annita go to the mall with her so she could try to find you
she's much smoother about it than most because she's not the silently stare at you type, she'll come up and talk to you outright
so when she starts to flirt with you and asks you to do things with her, you think she just likes you, you don't ever question for a minute how she knows so much about you or why she already knows where your house is or anything like that
also honestly? her jealousy is insane, the urge to get rid of anyone that got too close to you would be strong to the point she might not even be able to control it
obviously he shows up in your dreams constantly
however unlike with his other victims, his goal isn't necessarily to kill you
whenever he chases you in your dreams he taunts you with fear tactics and tricks
occasionally you'd wake up with little scratches from his blades, which would almost be his way of claiming you, letting you know that he's there, that he's real
and the fact that no one would believe you about your dream demon hurting you in the waking, physical world? that makes it even better for him, he loves to see how he's driving you insane
he'd appear in your dreams every night to the point that it'd become more comforting to you than nightmarish, maybe even eventually you'd stop running away from him
and by then, if you ever didn't dream about him it'd be discomforting, it'd almost upset you
which wasn't even his goal, but he's definitely very happy with the outcome
even the little scratches would start to be a comfort to you, because it means that he's there
you probably vaguely know him actually
not super well, to you he's just a guy you pass when you walk around the park like you usually do on fridays, or the guy you see sometimes at the one grocery store you always go to
you've had conversations in passing with him, and you'd never have a clue how much he knows about you or how many times he's watched you unseen
he picks up on every little detail, things you might not even notice about yourself
and when he finally starts really talking to you, using his charm and flirting a little, you're absolutely astonished at how well you and him seem to click
and you have no clue that it's only because he's stalked you for god knows how long <3
he probably isn't very sly about it, i think you'd catch onto it pretty quickly
but just because he isn't slick doesn't mean it doesn't freak you out
whenever you go to school you're worried about seeing him, and somehow he always seems to be way closer to you than he should be
and he's such a starer, you could catch him staring and he wouldn't even stop or try to look away
and the worst part is that no matter how creeped out you get, no matter how many too-strange-to-be-a-coincidence things happen, no one believes you when you try to tell them
that's because he's just such a loud, charismatic guy that everyone seems to enjoy
and because of that, you're pretty much trapped
it all starts with those taunting, random phone calls
they'd start out few and far between
you'd just get a random phone call one night, have a very short, strange conversation with whoever was on the other line, then hang up and that'd be the end of it
until it happened again, and it was the same voice as the last time
each conversation, things would get more and more personal
and when you finally decided to hang up, not put up with this stranger's bullshit games anymore, that's when things would get real
that's when the phone calls would turn into him describing your clothing, the room you're in, and each move you make
he'd have you in total fear, under his complete control <3
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exploring panic!'s a fever you can't sweat out/live in denver boxset
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a couple of years ago, i managed to snag this for $150, which is still crazy to me, and it's definitely my favorite thing i've ever owned. i feel like i haven't seen many people detailing the contents of it, and since it's such a cool relic, i wanted to share this beauty with everyone.
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it comes with the live in denver dvd (left) and a fever you can't sweat out cd (right). the cover art and discs are SO fucking pretty and cool i'm so obsessed with them. i love how it really feeds into that 20s/30s theme they had going on this era.
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then it has these 4 photo cards which are all such beautiful photos. the first one especially is one of my all time favorite panic photos. the b&w filter also fits this era so well.
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this is a phenakistiscope. you stand in front of a mirror and spin it around while looking through the cracks so it looks like the girl is dancing (instructions are included on the back).
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this is a tour program for the live in denver tour. it includes all the tour dates, as well as a guide to their discography. including pictures of the inside would exceed my image limit, so if anyone wants a post detailing this item, i'd be more than happy to post that!
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self explanatory but it's a mask reminiscent of the but it's better if you do music video.
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there's this SUPER cool poster that i'd love to hang up on my wall but i'm too scared to in case it ruins it. i'm actually so obsessed with this thing.
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this is something else i can't include detailed pictures of due to the image limit, but honestly there isn't a lot of lore or super interesting stuff inside of it. however, i'd still be happy to detail it more in another post.
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there's this GORGEOUS notebook that i'm also too scared to actually do anything with. it is actually quite a thick notebook. i looove the detail of the "PANIC!" barely visible in the middle of the pages.
now onto my absolute favorite part of this thing:
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these cards for each song on fever are SO fucking cool and i love them so much. they're printed on really nice material too; they don't feel cheap and have this grainy feel to them too (idk how else to describe it) and it works so well. luckily i'm able to post individual pictures of each one.
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so the back of all of them have the lyrics printed like that but i won't be able to post pictures of that for each one.
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they just all encapsulate the theme of each song perfectly while also fitting so well with the aesthetic that they had this era. like my jaw dropped when i saw these for the first time. (side note: i'm not sure why they numbered intermission as number 12 when it should be 8 based on the album. i also don't know why they skipped introduction since they included intermission).
all in all, this is the coolest piece of merch a band has ever put out imo. like no one is doing it like this anymore. i'd been yearning for it since i was 14 so i'm so glad i was able to find it as such a steal of a price. i'll never shut up about owning it and if you're able to get your hands on it i cannot recommend it enough.
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mvnsvn6 · 8 months
Have a mini fic about Steve annotating books and Eddie finding it really hot🖤
So obviously, Eddie's a bookworm. Before he had any friends, he spent the better parts of his childhood at Hawkins Library after school and Hawkins Middle's library during any recesses and lunches. He constantly read books, this was before Wayne got him a guitar and before he got into dnd, and being a bookworm tremendously helped him fuel both of those hobbies later on. But before then? The library was like a second home to him. 
And so, recently founding out that Steve reads, like a lot, is something of a revalation. It's not that Eddie thinks the guy is stupid, but he figured the guy spent time doing other productive hobbies at home. But the guy reads, and as previously mentioned, Eddie considers himself a literature connoisseur of sorts. Writing book reports and essays were one of the few things he actually excelled at in high school. 
So anyway, he found out that Steve is a book nerd by finding one of Steve's books open on his bed. Not really the strangest thing that Eddie's come across in Steve's room if he's being honest, and not the biggest indicator of nerdiness, until he focuses his attention and acknowledges the bright colors sprawled across the pages. 
A burst of rainbow colors underlining what Eddie guesses are his favorite parts of the story or important stuff he wanted to remember. And obviously, Eddie has to ask him about it. and Steve explains to him that he has a whole color key and it's made up of romantic lines that make him feel warm, sad stuff that makes him tear up, stuff that is word for word undoubtedly Steve Harrington sprawled on a page. Steve won't tell him which color is which, too embarrassed by it, but he lets Eddie read through them, and then he stares at Steve in unyeilding fondness. 
The look reflected on Steve's is not the same, mostly anxiety and insecurity, which Eddie immediately wants to soothe. It's so so sweet he thinks but Eddie's mouth translates the words into, "That's so fucking hot." Which, shit man, it is but he hadn't meant to say it out loud. 
"Shut up, dude, don't make fun of me right now." 
And listen, books are everything to him, this is no joking matter. They inspire his own stories, whether through a dnd campaign or writing song lyrics. It's honestly probably the most attractive thing a person could do in Eddie's opinion, he didn't know how hot until right about now, but he'll die on this hill. Annotating your books is hot. 
"Listen to me when I say this Steve, while that is the nerdiest thing I've ever heard and I'm, ya know, me. It's also about the most attractive thing that's come out of that pretty mouth of yours, like ever."
And Steve folds his arms across his fucking beautifully sculpted chest and narrows his eyes just slightly, raising a judgemental eyebrow at him. 
"You're being serious."
Oh he's never been more serious about anything in his life. 
"Uh...yeah? Yes. Oh my god."
Yeah, real eloquent Edward. 
Whatever, his heart is pounding profuesely against his rib cage because holy shit Steve is a book nerd and Eddie wants to kiss him fucking yesterday. So he gets on all fours on Steve's bed to lean forward and basically attacks his mouth before he can even think about it. 
And when he pulls back, Steve's pupils are blown wide and his breath has picked up pace, and Steve keeps bouncing between looking at Eddie's eyes and his lips. 
"You just kissed me."
It comes out disbelieving. 
"Yeah and with your permission I'd like to continue, like stat, immediately, now."
"You're insane."
And hands weave through curls and pull. 
Eddie tumbles foward, ending fully sprawled on top of Steve, and, jesus christ, body pressed impossibly close to his. 
And after they're romantic, read: nerdy horniness, little makeout session, he forces Steve to read the annotations himself, going through all the books that are important to Steve. He has to stop himself from moaning to really emphasize how hot he finds it, and to make Steve slightly embarrassed, but refrains. Just lets him continue. 
Eddie has never been so in love in his life.
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cupidscrule · 2 months
sooo if u could do bullysatosugu x fem!reader u would do me a biiiiiiggg favorrr and thak youuu
BULLY!Satosugu× afab!reader (no prns r used)
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WARNINGS - light bondage, mean Satoru and suguru, slight non con? Reader doesn't explicitly consent but it's Implied, au where suguru isn't a cult leader, p in v, forced blow job, marking, reader gags on their panties
1.2 k wrds
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You were their victim, all throughout highschool and now as a teacher. Still their victim, even though you three had grown up that didn't stop them, Satoru. Suguru.
Fucken assholes, calling you names, making fun of how you look, talked, anuthin' they could.
It was miserable, you couldn't do anything against them either way so it was pointless, the only reasonable person in your life was Shoko
"I swear I'm gonna kill them." You mutter to her dramatically falling back onto her bed, "I know they're annoying " she replies glam in over at you, she was the only person you could TALK to. At least she was always there as a buffer between you and the bastards, always let you rant and scream with her.
They never fucked around with Shoko though, no idea why they won't respect you but they will her.
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"I'm so tireddd" you groan leaning back in the empty classroom, your students were currently out on a mission, probobly not dead. Shoko was off doing god knows what and, well there was Gojo and Geto. Honestly it was a pretty good day, they weren't around you; they were doing their own thing. Meaning you get peace and quiet. Which is rare.
"Hey y/n! What's up" the way too familiar voice echos, sound of the creaking door opening. Standing in the doorway the men.
"The hell do you want" you murmmer looking over at them, eyes halflided looking both grosed out and annoyed. Typical reaction to seeing those dicks.
"You looked lonely, thought we'd stop by" suguru said causally, shrugging his shoulders.
"Whatever bullshit your up to, I don't care" you say plainly, to your dismay they don't leave though. Coming up closer to you, Satoru talking about random shit, suguru just looking over at you. You were leaning on one of the old desks, too tired to be bothered to get rid of the pests
Satoru coming up beside you pulling on your hair harshly, slightly whimper comes from your lips
"Oh fuck sugu~ hear that" the white haired one says smirking like a cunt
Pulling away from him, standing a few feet away from them. "Fucken' whore" he whispers small laugh coming from him
" 'toru aren't you being a bit mean to the poor thing?" Geto hums, hands in his pockets. Eyes lingering on the display infront of him
"Nah shes not crying it's fine!! Sugu don't be such a downer " Satoru says fake frown on his dumb little face. Looking back over at you his hand going to grab your face, only to be stopped by you slapping it away
"Don't touch me." You say short, teeth gritting
"Bitch oh you're gonna regret that" he glaring at you, roughly grabbing onto your shoulders pushing you firmly against the wall, his grip tight, nails digging into your soft skin though the fabric of your uniform
Before briefly releasing you, shoving you down. Honestly you're kinda shocked, shocked that he thinks he can just get away with this. But of course it doesn't even MATTTER suguru's standing beside the cunt. They both have a devilsh look on their eyes which made you shudder, brows furrowed at them
"Yknow I've- fuck always been more a dog person"
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Fucking humiliation is all you felt, they had you on your knees. Hands held behind your back, gagging on Satoru, even worse was your soaked panties, the fact you were getting off on this
Suguru sat on a chair behind you, holding your wrists firmly, while you were buried between satorus legs, his hand held on your hair gripping it and fucking your sore throat. Only sloppy moans came from you, tears in your eyes
"Shit you crying? What happened to tellin us to fuck off ?" Suguru laughs, using his free hand to rub the tears off your face.
"Mmf- don't even have a gag reflex you really are - fuck a slut huh?" Satoru says, forcing you to take his whole length, feeling his seed seep into your throat.
He pulls out, still semi hard dick in his hand "swallow." He said, watching you, a teary pretty little mess choke it down, face all red.
"Better listen hunny" suguru mutters patting the side of your cheek, you would almost think it was endearing if it wasn't for your situation.
No matter how much you tried you just couldn't make a coherent sentence, just babbles of cuss words.
"F-fuck y- you-"'
"Use your words" suguru says again in that sickly sweet tone
Satoru still up in front of you, looking down at you as if you're a bug.
"I h- hiccup hate- you. " Only words to come out of your mouth, wasn't really what they wanted to hear but it was something !
Suguru letting go of your wrists , releasing you, thighs were pressed together , dribbles of cum coming down from your chin with still teary eyes, awe it made satorus heart melt. For a moment he almost wanted to take away all the pain you were in, but then you wouldn't be crying so what's the fun in that?
"I'll take care of you hm? Alright hunny?" Suguru says, picking you up, bending your down, stomach down and ass up on the cold desk you were sitting on, you still had all your clothes on. Well despite your shirt being ever so slightly unbuttoned. Suguru with ease pulled down your sweats, your white lacey panties soaked, small giggle comes from Satoru after seein' that
"I was just jokin' damn, slutty one aren't ya?"
Suguru gently pulling them off, handing them to Satoru who proceeds to jam them in your mouth, making you taste your own filth, hearing suguru unbutton his pants, running his dick on your slit making muffled moans escape from you
Bullying his dick into your right hole, soft groans is all that's heard in the room, suguru has your legs resting on his hips while he digs into you.
Hands digging into your ass, earning small whines from you
His pace wasn't as bad at Satorus, still sore though. Till eventual you can feel him slowdown chasing his high, pulling close into you and cumming inside, hands still gripped onto your ass making small red marks.
"Cries too much" Satoru says pushing you over onto suguru
"Satoru, be nice they've been through enough ~"
"Mfm-sore- hurt" you whine snuggling closer to them
Huh, maybe they aren't so bad.
PT 2 CHAT?1!!1
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24hlevi · 7 months
Hey, I was wondering if you could write a reader x gen v, where the reader is the more dominant in the relationship if that's ok
Marie moreau, Jordan li, Emma meyer, Cate dunlap, Sam.
hello! i didn't know if you wanted sfw or nsfw type of stuff so i said fuck it and did both, hope that's alright! thank you for requesting 🫶
nsfw hcs & the others are below the cut
— shameless
gen v characters (marie, jordan, emma, cate, & sam) x gn!reader
summary: how it is being the dominant one in the relationship w/ gen v characters
warnings: language, nsfw, praise, riding, handjobs, lowkey brat-taming, edging, thigh riding, hair pulling, oral, exhibitionism(?)
minors do not interact
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Marie Moreau -
- marie would honestly be a little hesitant at first but opens up to it more after seeing that's just how you are and that it's both in a domestic way and a lustful way at the same time
- she tries to keep it pretty even, but is also a bit relieved when you take care of her, it's nice for her to not always have to be the one protecting herself but to have someone else there with her
- marie doesn't really like being pampered as much as the others, but will still accept the gestures and enjoy them
- when you two are alone she feels more comfortable with you being in control, and she just melts at the feeling you give her and she will give up, letting you do what you want
- the slightest touch from you is enough for marie to fold, and the way your hands roam her body with such delicacy and love just fills her body with an indescribable feeling she loves
- she loves when you eat her out, her hand in your hair pulling on it when you push your tongue inside and she can't control the noises that leave her mouth after that point
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Jordan Li -
- jordan, used to being preferred in their masc form, is one that is a little insecure about how dominant you are in the relationship, believing they should be the one to be that
- however, that quickly stops once they realize that they do enjoy you being the one in control, it makes them feel a little more at ease and without worry of needing to be something they aren't completely
- jordan is more soft in their masc form still, and when you two are alone they are all up on you, they just can't get enough of you and adore you so much
- they absolutely love when you're on top of them riding their cock or strap, whispering praises of how they're doing so well into their ear, the way your body is on full display for them makes them so weak
- they just wanna be praised by you constantly, being told how they make you feel so good, how much you love them and wouldn't leave them for anything, they love every second of it
- what they love the absolute most though is giving you oral, they could sit there for hours making you cum over and over again because if that's what you want, then they'll give it to you at their 100% very best
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Emma Meyer -
- girlie is literally the most pillow princess material out of the others like seriously so she won't be saying a damn complaint that you're the dominant one
- emma is hanging on your arm all day all night no matter if you're out with friends or alone, she's always latched onto you and isn't letting go anytime soon, either sitting on your lap or next to you with her head on your shoulder
- she's hardly the one to initiate anything between you two, letting you completely do everything, but she will tease you "unknowingly" until you do something
- she just loves the way you do everything for her, and will lay there and take everything you have to give her, loving the way she sounds and intertwining her fingers with yours
- since she's usually on your lap, she'll sometimes start moving around also "unknowingly" so that you'll stop her with one of your hands and trail your other hand down between her legs, telling her to be quiet if she doesn't want to be caught
- she wouldn't admit it, but the thought of possibly getting caught by others does excite her, and will love if you just pin her down to the wall and take her right there, but again, she wouldn't admit it, you'll have to just try and find out
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Cate Dunlap -
- generally speaking, cate prefers being the one in control of things and holding the reins, that being said, she doesn't mind you taking control, and won't be entirely against it, it just takes some time for her to adjust that she doesn't always have to be in control
- but once she's out of that 'i have to be in control' mindset it's a fun time with her entirely enjoying being pampered like a princess
- it's the light touches that you'll leave on her that she immediately can tell what you want, the way you're fingers slowly trail up and down her body, but one thing she loves is being the brat she secretly always was, looking up at you with those big eyes acting like she doesn't know what she's doing
- she just thinks it's fun being a brat and you always have the same reaction every time, and she loves how rough you get with her when she pushes the line a little too far and results in you fucking her harder than the last
- that being said, if you get tired of her bullshit and make her ride your thigh, she quickly falls apart and is begging for you to do something, anything, pulling on your hair in the process
- however she's gonna back talk a lot and purposely get you more irritated unless you gag her with something or fuck her so good all she can do is roll her eyes back and writhing around under you moaning more than talking
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Sam Riordan -
- sam is one that doesn't mind at all, he doesn't mind being pampered by you, and he sure as hell doesn't mind when you two are alone, he's wrapped around your finger
- he doesn't entirely understand romantic love between two people, but he quickly gets the gist once he notices how many different things he feels for you and what you do for him
- he was always pretty secretive about sex and would rather jack off alone in a bathroom than say something to you, but the first time you caught him and helped finish him off with your own hand instead of his, he wasn't secretive anymore, especially not with how loud he was moaning
- and from that point on he was not afraid to come to you when he needs it, he'll just wrap his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder and murmuring that he needs your help with something, and you gladly say yes every time
- sam is always good for you, he listens so well when you edge him to the point he's gonna cry if he doesn't cum soon, he always follows the rules you set because he knows how good he'll feel in the end, and the cute begging he gives when he's desperate is enough for you to give him what he wants
- let him fuck you and he's gonna fall apart almost instantly as soon as he feels you around him, he gets so whiny about wanting to feel good and make you feel good too, you still have complete control even if you're under him, and he always does what you tell him to
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natti-ice · 3 months
Tom Riddle NSFW Alphabet.
Warnings: 18+ mdni, under the cut are NSFW headcanons
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Tom can be quite rough during sex, he has a lot of aggression that releases during sex so he makes sure you're okay afterward. He doesn't mean to hurt you. He cleans you up after making a mess, he leaves kisses on all the areas he was the roughest(your ass mostly, he's really into spanking). He isn't always the most affectionate person in public but behind closed doors, he'll hold you and ask if you're okay.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
He knows he is attractive and is very confident in himself. He has toned muscles but isn't bulky, he likes his forearms and his hands the most. He loves using his hands, he likes watching you squirm. He is definitely a tit man, but he adores your ass. A nonsexual part he loves is your neck, kissing and leaving hickeys are his foreplay.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Creampies. He loves finishing inside of you, it feels like he's marking his territory you're his. But he does switch it up sometimes, facials are also a favorite of his. He likes when you're on your knees in front of him, he likes feeling dominant.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Before you got together he used to watch you from afar, not on some Joe Goldberg shit though. He was very fascinated with you from the moment he saw you, he needed to know more about you. You aroused him just by breathing, he often thought about what it would be like to fuck you, all the things he would do to your body.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
Tom is quite experienced, he had many sexual encounters before meeting you but none of them had feelings involved. When you got together he had to learn how to incorporate intimacy during sex. He immediately knew all the right places to touch you, learning your body was the easiest thing to do.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He's more of a missionary man but where you have your ass hanging off the bed and he's fucking you while standing, it gives him more control. He likes watching the pleasure on your face, he loves turning you into a complete wreck. Also, he loves how your tits bounce when he thrusts inside of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Tom's a pretty serious person so he isn't very humorous but he will chuckle when you look pathetic under his touch.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He takes a lot of pride in his looks and hygiene, he keeps everything neatly trimmed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
At the beginning of the relationship, it was purely for sex. He wasn't too worried about romance he just wanted to get his rocks off. But as he started to fall for you he incorporated more romantic gestures. Like foreplay, going on dates, etc. In the moment he tries his best to make sure that you're enjoying yourself, he won't do anything you aren't comfortable with.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He has always been an active masturbater, even though he can have you whenever he wants he still masturbates. He thinks about all the times he's fucked you, all the places he's fucked you, the way you melt under him, just thinking about you makes him hard.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He has a few different kinks, he likes degradation, hair pulling, spanking, public sex, light bondage, and edging (he loves to hear you beg).
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Honestly, he'll fuck you anywhere and in front of everyone, he loves showing off what's his. Public bathrooms are always pretty accessible when you're feeling horny in public. At home, he likes taking you on the floor, the shower, the kitchen counter, and literally every room in the house.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You don't have to do much to arouse Tom, wearing a more revealing top can turn him on. Teasing him or making him upset makes him very horny, getting under his skin is the best way to get him into bed.
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
Tom is pretty open to most things but he really does like to stick to the normal things he likes. I don't think he would like being a sub though unless it was something you really wanted(plus I think he'd be afraid that he would like it.)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Tom doesn't mind blowjobs(he prefers you to deepthroat him) he loves to eat you out. He's very skilled with his tongue, he knows the right pressure to put on your clit, fingering is also a must, and he loves hearing you moan.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
When you both first start having sex it's pretty slow and gentle, he likes working you into it. As time goes on, he gets pretty fast and rough. Being rough is a big turn-on for him, throwing you around in the bed a little bit really pushes him to the edge.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He is always up for a quickie, especially since he knows how needy you can be. No matter if it's a quickie or not, you're having sex. Every. Day. He's also pretty busy sometimes so it helps him relieve stress.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As I said before, he's down to try anything that you want to do even though he likes to stick to what he knows he likes. Sometimes if he's feeling spontaneous he'll suggest you try something new.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
There's a two-round minimum every time you have sex. He can last up to 30 minutes a round, he's trained himself to last longer to please you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He definitely has a vibrator he uses on you when he really wants to see you get worked up. You know as soon as you see it, you're getting edged. Having control of your orgasm brings him pleasure.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
THE BIGGEST TEASE! Like I said he's really into edging/orgasm denial, making you beg for it by teasing your pussy with his dick, even in public he'll whisper in your ear the filthiest things and watch you try to stay calm.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
When he's fucking you he can be pretty loud, he moans when he's deep inside of you. He's a big dirty talker, he calls you all sorts of names like slut, whore, bunny, etc. Not everything he says is degrading though, he loves telling you how good you feel.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He's secretly always wanted to have a threesome but knows he would get too jealous and ruin it for you so he never says anything.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
He definitely has good length and girth, it's not too big to the point it hurts but it's big enough to stretch you out. For the rest of his body, he's very fit but not overly muscular. He's never really understood the desire to have big muscles.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
This man's sex drive is crazy. He doesn't really know how to deal with his emotions properly so it all goes into his sex drive.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Sex does relax him but unless you're fucking at night he won't fall asleep. After you two finish he'll cuddle with you until you fall asleep, sometimes it takes longer for him to go to sleep because he always has something on his mind.
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seangelfish · 9 months
hii 💕 i wanted to request hcs of mayoi, rinne and rei (separately obv), about them being all needy, clingy and annoying to their s/o hehe ^_^ (nsfw too pls, with afab they/them reader 🙏🙏)
A/N: Honestly, I had no idea how to even incorporate NSFW into this request because it just seems more of a fluffy than a sexy request lmao so please bare with me on this one. However, I actually enjoyed writing this, so I hope you enjoy reading! ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝♡ I need to fuck Rei.
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Featured characters: Mayoi Ayase, Rinne Amagi, Rei Sakuma ♡ Tags: Smut (NSFW), established relationships (separate), gn!AFAB reader (no mention of pronouns), unprotected sex, creampie, soft & vanilla sex, handjob, riding, missionary, oral (receiving and giving), bondage, headcanons but also written as a bullet point fic(?), not proofread! ♡ Word count: 1,988 ♡ Synopsis: HCs of how the three would act towards you in their 'time of need.'
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! NSFW below the cut. Please proceed with caution.
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After a while, when he's finally comfortable in the relationship where he can act clingy around you, he'll annoy you with his need for your affection and touch.
He'll never make a move on you first though. He doesn't want to 'damage' you, so he'll always wait on your initiative. He'll let you do anything to him, but he wouldn't dare do anything to harm you even if it's just sex.
He wants to hug you like he usually does, but this time, the feeling's a little different. He thinks that he'll lose your trust if he touches you when he's feeling aroused. So, if he's feeling needy for your touch, he'll stutter it out.
"(Y-Y/N)..." he whimpers. "P-Please touch me..."
The way he looks at you, begging you to touch him, turns you on. Since he has asked you so nicely, you have decided to fulfil his needs as you begin to rub his clothed cock.
He's a stuttering, whimpering mess. His face is flushed red as it already forms sweat. He continues to act needy, begging you to keep going.
"Wah... (Y/N)... t-touch me more... p-please..."
That's when you unbuckle his belt and slip his pants off. Being annoyingly needy has its consequences~
"Alright, this is what you asked for~" you sing. "Get ready."
Therefore, whenever he acts so desperate and needy for your attention, you tease him a bit. You don't give him what he wants as quickly as you should've, but he doesn't mind. He feels like he deserves it, that he should beg and wait for it. He doesn't mind if you stroke his cock ever so slowly, that you let go midway as he's about to come. As long as your hands are touching him, he's happy.
He knows you're not mean, that you just won't let him finish. So, he's patient, and he'll wait for the time you allow him to come.
He'll probably annoy you with words such as "Ah~ (Y/N)... p-please... please let me come..." and even cling onto your arm. However, you like this a little too much.
Him annoyingly begging for you to come? Music to your ears. You love your adorable, needy Mayoi, and you're going to let him come, alright.
When he's on edge where he can't hold it in anymore, that's when you speed up your strokes. "Let out lots for me, darling~" you soothe. "Y-Yes, dear..." he breathes as the tip of his dick gushes out with handfuls of cum. It's a beautiful sight to see.
You clean him up with your mouth, licking his cum all up before kissing him roughly. "Like the way you taste?" you ask him, but he can only let out a whimper. You're definitely the dom in this relationship.
He's definitely exhausted, but it seems like he wants more by the way he has kept you in place. Well, you weren't complaining because you wanted to do him more too.
When you undress yourself, his face becomes even more red than it was earlier.
Yet he loves it when you stuff his dick into your pussy. He loves the tightness of it, how your walls cave in on him. You don't even let him touch you when you ride him either, but it's okay because he feels ecstatic. He feels so good that he's moaning even louder. He's also glad that you're enjoying yourself too. Your moans are cute and he wants to drown himself in the sound.
You make out with him as you grind on his cock. He enjoys the feeling so much that he's about to come again. He warns you and you force him not to come until you allow him to. He easily obeys even if it's hard to do so.
"Ahh~ (Y/N)... I can't hold it in a-any longer!" he wails. "P-Please... f-forgive me for asking too much of y-you...!"
When you finally let him come again, you continue with your act. Why not overstimulate him? He's been begging you for your touch, so why not give it all to him?
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Whenever Rinne's needy for your touch, he's really annoying about it. He clings to you, saying nothing but sweet, sexy things to you. Usually, you'd comply because seducing you usually works, but this time you were just too tired.
He's still trying though since he's already brick hard, but you just didn't want to have sex with him in that moment! You just wanted to doze off and take a nap, but he's so persistent.
"Please, my love?" he pleads as he nuzzles his nose in the crook of your neck whilst spooning you.
Of course, if you truly didn't want to do it, then he'll leave you alone, but he can tell by your body language that you did want to partake in it. After all, you've been rubbing your ass on his dick for a while now.
However, you were still kind of tired, so you had let him do everything this session as you rested your eyes for a bit.
He's usually not this needy, but it's a nice sight to see. He took his clothes off before stripping you down. Then he left trails of kisses from your neck to your chest, taking little nibbles at your breasts.
"Argh... I wanted you so bad, you don't understand," he says. "Today's been rough."
When he inserts his cock inside you, he lowers his body down so the two of you can hold each other. However, since you were dozing off to sleep, you're not exactly reciprocating his feelings. This makes him more annoyingly needy as he tries to wake you up, breathing into your mouth as he kisses you roughly.
"(Y/N)... please..." he whines. He usually doesn't whine like this, but it sounds nice. "I can't do this on my own... I want you to do it with me..."
Because he's being so cute, you end up following his needs. You wrap your legs around his back, returning all the kisses that he has given you. He thrusts into you slowly and the two of you moan into each other's mouths as you make out.
You try your hardest not to mention how cute he's being, though. Otherwise, he'd stop. You know how Rinne is.
He will keep moaning your name when he's in this state. "Ahhh~ Fuck... (Y/N)... You feel so good around my dick... Shit..." he groans into your ear. "Argh, (Y/N)... Fuck... Please don't go to sleep..."
Having him wrapped around your finger like this feels great. Maybe you should keep him going? Well, that is what you wanted him to do to begin with, but he's begging you. He doesn't usually do this. So, you WILL make the best of it.
As Rinne fucks you, you drift off into a light slumber. He's kind of upset that you're not paying attention to him anymore, but he'll make do. He'll fuck your body awake if he can, but knowing you, you'd probably sleep through it.
So as he speeds up his pace, trying to get off on you, he continues to whimper out your name. "Ahh... ahh... please... (Y/N)~" So annoying. You were trying to sleep for real this time. 'But fuck, it feels good,' you think.
He's been leaving you hickies everywhere too, trying to jerk you awake, but you don't let him win. You like the way he's moaning right now, so you're going to savour it.
When he comes inside you, he falls into your chest, breathless. "(Y/N)... you were so mean to me today..." he breathes. "Fuck..."
Needy Rinne is something you could get used to~
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Rei is constantly needy for your affection whatever it may be. He is the definition of clingy. When he is in need of your touch, he'll get on his knees and beg for it. He'll kiss the back of your hands, your palms – whatever you need him to kiss, he'll do it. He's so down bad for you, it's crazy.
But it's also so hot.
Because despite his clingy, needy days, you're the one who's usually pestering him to put his cock inside you. It's a nice change to see him beg for you now.
And you just love the way he begs.
However, even when he's the one who's begging you to touch him, to make him come, you're one to use this opportunity to have him eat you out instead.
"You'll get your reward once you do this for me~" you purr.
And because he's so desperate to have you suck on his cock or to have you ride him, he'll do whatever you want. He was already on his knees, so it was perfect. With your thighs spread apart, he digs in. Licking your pussy like a hungry dog, his dick was getting harder and harder by the second. Oh, he wanted you so bad. And the way you were moaning by the touch of his tongue? He wanted to hear you scream his name once his cock was shoved inside you.
"Ah~" you moan. "That's it... ah~ that feels so good~"
Once you came, he looked at you with puppy dog eyes, awaiting his turn. "(Y/N), please... please fuck me..."
"Since you've been such a good boy," you begin. "I'll do what you ask~"
The two of you like exploring different ways to pleasure the other, so this time, you had Rei tied up. Bound to a chair with ropes wrapped around his wrists behind his back, you slowly insert yourself down his shaft, causing a moan to escape his lips. He's excited at the predicament he's in. This is so alluring to him. Perhaps he should have you do this to him more...
With your arms looped around his neck, you start grinding on his cock. It's unfortunate that he can't touch you with his hands, so he'll use his mouth instead. Biting at your earlobe, Rei continues to groan at the pleasure you're giving him. He'll start begging for more. He'll beg you to ruin him, and that's something you can never say no to.
"Gyah~ ahh... (Y/N), my love, I... gah..." he chokes as he moans, saliva forming in his mouth. He looks so red right now, red as the tomato juice he usually drinks. He's sweating too, his hair a mess. It honestly turns you on a little bit more. "I want to touch you... please..." he begs.
"I'm sorry, dear, but you can't!" you chirp. "After all, I'm just giving you what you've asked for... my needy, little vampire boyfriend deserves this, does he not?"
His face is already red as it is, but he's flushed by this. His dick twitches and you can feel it inside you.
"You can't come yet," you order, your tone stern. You grip his fringe back to reveal his bare forehead. He likes this side of you since you're usually so sweet, and you still are as you give him a little kiss on his forehead. And now he wants you even more.
He tries to laugh, but the pleasure that you're giving him is so good that all he can let out are beautiful moans. "More..." he groans. "(Y/N), please... ahh~ make me produce lots of cum..." "Of course, my love, but you better not let it all out until I tell you to~"
And he obeys. He's a moaning mess, his body sweating, his hair tangled up. "Ahhh~ (Y/N)~ Fuck... ahh... you're making me feel so good, my love... But I can't keep it in any longer..."
You slow down, kissing his lips softly. "Then come, my love." As he comes inside you, he moans out your name, his body shaking all over. You could feel his seed fill you up. It makes you moan too, the way he fills you up is addicting.
Even when you pull yourself up from his dick, he keeps coming. His dick is still hard and it's still squirting out strings of thick cum. What a pretty sight, to see your beautiful, dark-haired boyfriend who's always composed be so pathetic. Although, he is already kind of pathetic sometimes.
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pineappleciders · 1 year
helloooo!! was wondering if you could do headcanons on what it would be like to be friends with the goths from south park. :) if you could that would be awesome thanksss! 💗☺️
INCLUDES: pete thelman, michael, henrietta biggle, and firkle smith
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they probably just saw you as another asshole conformist at first and just ignored you
as you start to get closer and bond with all of them more it's a bit confusing,,, you dress like a normie and look like one so why are you hanging out with them???
henrietta tells you that you have to dress goth if you wanna hang around them. she doesn't want to be seen with a conformist 🙄🙄
you hang out at henrietta's and she gives u a goth makeover while listening to goth music. she's converting you
when you show up at the bus stop the next day looking like edgar allen poe they just kinda check u out for a moment before giving an approving nod
despite your makeover, you still haven't really gotten into the whole death & despair thing and pete reminds u all the time to stop being such a 'goody-two-shoes', as he calls it.
"can i get an orange juice?"
"no, asshole, you have to get black coffee! god, do you know anything about goth culture??"
i can see u being firkle's babysitter and he like. threatens you to not tell ANY of the goth kids about it unless u want to die. ez blackmail
lots of nights where u all just sit on a hill and look out over stark's pond and smoke... if u won't smoke firkle and pete call you a pussy
when you hang out with any of the popular kids they get like. borderline upset and sigh and flip their hair and shit
"ugh, you're still hanging out with those guys? y'know, goths don't hang around popular greasy jocks. goths stick to their own. you wouldn't know."
they r jealous u have other friends but they're taking that to the grave
always dragging you into shit, especially if you're preppy or a straight-A student.
"i can't skip class! i have no absences, i can't stop now!"
"jesus fucking christ.."
they r kinda mean sometimes but it's tough love!!! the only one i could see really admitting he cares for u as a friend is pete, and that would be when you two are alone. if you told anyone he'd never talk to u again
u like to annoy michael as he's walking around or to class. like just follow him chatting about literally anything or poke him and watch him over his shoulder and he's going NUTS. it's so fun though
you, henrietta, and firkle dye your hair together in your teen years, like your favorite colors . michael thinks it's stupid and pete calls it gay (but secretly wants to too)
they'll never say it but it honestly makes them all really happy if they turn on gothic music and you start bobbing your head or say you like it. you might catch one of them smiling at you while you rock out but it quickly disappears
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