#i miss methan
superconductivebean · 11 months
haven't been on YT for a while. can't say it did me horrible job of missing out on things although just now it suggested, i wasn't there for disturban history's new vids.
or for the wicked case studies.
or for the history of deceases.
or for netstalkings aka In Today's Trending On Internet
eeeeeh i dont really want to delve back unless 4hr long documentary about whatever else victorians did horrifyingly unsafe and dangerous in utmost fascinatingly wicked ways.
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teratocrat · 4 months
i really missed my calling as a space rts basic mining unit
lasers.... masers.... spasers.... anything you want stimulated by the emission of radiation, i'm your girl
the olivine's connected to the, kamacite, the kamacite's connected to the, taenite, the taenite's connected to the, olivine, pallasite pallasite pallasite
no yeah i know they say diamonds are a girl's best friend, but have you seen the moissanites they're synthesizing these days?
methane, carbon dioxide, sooty fuckin' water ice.... swore i wouldn't waste my time on volatiles anymore, metallics are where the money's at
sigh... 'nother day cutting rocks down to size...
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thefirstknife · 1 year
*Looks at Titan from the Dreadnaught* I miss my Methane soup worm.
Same. I hope Titan creatures and Sloane are doing okay out there. I believe in them.
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Ginormica farting by Carafalsa: honestly noticed that this methane masterpiece of fart almost vanished and I didn't want the world to be missing a fantastic piece of Susan Murphy farting!
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1americanconservative · 3 months
JOHN CLAUSER, 2022 PHYSICS NOBEL PRIZE WINNER: "I can very confidently assert, there is NO climate emergency." “As much as it may upset many people, my message is the planet is NOT in peril. … atmospheric CO2 and methane have negligible effect on the climate. The policies government have been implementing are total unnecessary and should be eliminated. So far, [we] have totally misidentified what is the dominant process in controlling the climate, and all of the various models are based on incomplete and incorrect physics. The dominant process, is “the cloud-sunlight-reflexivity thermostat mechanism. Clouds are all bright white, and they reflected 90% of the sunlight back into space making them the most crucial yet most overlooked aspect of the climate system. Two-thirds of the Earth are ocean. The Pacific Ocean alone is half the Earth. The average cloud cover for the Earth is 67%; about 50% over land and 75% over oceans. I claim that the above conspicuous properties of clouds are the missing part of the puzzle. I can very confidently assert, there is no climate emergency."
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tanadrin · 10 months
Sogant Raha is gorgeous. Do you have any recommended resources for worldbuilders who might want to do something similar?
no, because i did sogant raha all wrong.
it started as a Generic (albeit extremely low-magic) Fantasyland setting for a conlang when I was a teenager, which gradually accreted details at the edges until it was a whole world. but i didn't know what i was doing when it came to conlanging or worldbuilding, and as i got older and read more about historical linguistics, and history in general, i became dissatisfied with it and rebuilt it from the ground up a few times.
sometimes when you build a setting from the bottom up like that you miss the consequences of major decisions. when i started trying to map the whole planet for the first time, years ago, i realized i had put the Lende Empire on the wrong coast--for it to have a big forest to the east rather than be a massive desert, it needed to be upwind of the mountains, i.e., on their eastern side. so i had to either flip all the maps, on paper and in my head, or make the rotation of the planet retrograde. i opted for the second one, because reorienting my mental map of the Lende Empire would have been terribly confusing.
another example: i didn't realize how dramatic the consequences for the climate for having a low axial tilt would be until roughly, uh, yesterday. i just wanted to rough out some climate details and maybe calculate day lengths at different latitudes and seasons, and it wasn't until i started googling around to find formulas for average daily and annual insolation at different points on Earth that i realized low axial tilt produces a markedly different polar environment than what we're used to. the result is certainly more interesting, but it means there's some notes i have that are now just, well, wrong.
if you are starting a project like this as a big worldbuilding project, and you know a little bit about climate and astronomy and stuff, i think working top-down can save you from a lot of errors like this. damon wayans' worlds on Planetocopia are like this: but then, he seems to typically start with one High-Concept Worldbuilding Idea, and then see what the results are. i just had stories i wanted to write, that turned out to be connected, and gradually built the world up from them.
in some respects, this means as a world, Sogant Raha is not particularly exotic. the stories i wanted to tell are stories about humans, in societies not too dissimilar from ours, so the world is not too dissimilar. if i had known at 15 or w/e everything i know now (and had access to similar resources), i might have intentionally complicated certain parameters more, so that i could play with the results. but the stories are what has kept me coming back to this world year after year--and while an ice planet of methane breathers would be more interesting from a high-level view, i don't know what being a methane-breathing being on an ice plant is like, and i don't think it would have had the same perennial narrative appeal that has kept me interested all these years.
i guess my actual advice would be some or all of the following: be omnivorous in your interests. the fun thing about conworlding is that literally every domain of human knowledge is relevant to it. be willing to make weird choices, and equally willing to force yourself to justify them. sometimes you make an artistic choice, and you come back to it a little while later and go "what the fuck was i thinking?" you're tempted to erase it. but figuring out how to make that choice work often produces a much more interesting result. pay attention to what projection you're drawing your map in. try not to think in standard fantasy archetypes. no matter how original your spin on the ISO Standard Fantasy Races, they're still ISO Standard Fantasy Races. full blown conlangs are optional, but constructing even simple naming languages can make worlds feel much richer. don't use apostrophes in the names of things unless that apostrophe actually has a phonetic effect on the pronunciation. read a lot of history. real-world history is bigger and weirder and more interesting than you can possibly imagine. it's good fodder for worldbuilding.
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weaselle · 10 days
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i miss this. I've just been in such a non-creative rut for the last few years. But i'm just starting to break out of it lately. Even started a bone sculpting project a few weeks ago (processing the bones is talking several weeks as it turns out)
Anyway i saw a post on here yesterday that got me briefly interested in my old video game idea and the artist who posted it just agreed to let me commission them to do concept art for it and i'm getting pretty excited about it!
So it's time to go back through and reconnect with Starsys 9 my dream video game project.
It combines a mix of genres, so players can be like, a cyborg human piloting a robot mech, or an alien beast creature, or an elven vampire necromancer, etc.... playing these diverse characters in a MOBA ARPG with FPS and RTS elements.
(please excuse my "drawings", you can see why i'm excited to commission someone for some better concept art)
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there are 3 factions: Cyberians, the Sporeborn, and Dimenkind
Cyberians - humanoid cyborgs that often pilot robot mech suits
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Sporeborn - Different alien species (many insectoid) all unified through infection by a sapient fungus
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Dimens or Dimenkind - fantasy/horror genre characters like dwarves and werewolves that are pulled from other dimensions by godlike cthulhuic trans-dimensional beings (hence the name Dimens, from the word dimension, but also like demons)
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each faction requires some but not all of the resources available on the planet, (water, organic hydrocarbons, minerals/metal, sulfur, methane) and they fight for access to, or control of, these resources. Resources typically need to be harvested and processed, and each faction has special installations/work units to do this.
Each faction has access to specific types of damage, with some overlap. Each faction tends to have weakness to certain damage types and resistance to certain damage types. Cyberians do: kinetic(bullets)/explosive/physical (melee)/electric/laser Sporeborn do: plasma/physical (melee)/chemical/biological Dimenkind do: physical (melee)/elemental/magic damage/curse damage (debuffs)
The total effect of resource needs, damage weaknesses, damage resistance, and damage capabilities results in a sort of nesting doll system of rock/paper/scissors relationships
Each faction maintains a control zone, in which their dominant resources are provided to player characters for free in AOE dispersal fields.
Cyberians use relay beacons to broadcast resources as particle beams made of individual atoms to be reconstructed into materials. Sporeborn use spore piles to waft clouds of spores that provide sporeborn characters with resources, and Dimens use altars that generate large circles of magic energy.
Another key feature of the game is team-leading. Each player has a certain number of points to spend on npc supports that are assigned to them. There are three size classes of support, each size class costs a different number of points, so a player can choose how to spend their support points to have a whole bunch of small supports, or one of each size, or one big one and a few small ones etc. Some skill tree options increase the number of points available to spend on supports.
Cyberian supports are droids and bots, Sporeborn supports are spore-infected alien animals, and Dimen supports are goblins and zombies and trolls and things.
personal npc supports can be given complex commands using a communication wheel. Leveling up increases the number and complexity of these commands
Each faction's control zone also has unassigned npc supports wandering around doing control zone maintenance and upgrade tasks. Players can temporarily command a couple of these unassigned npcs, as players raise their rank they increase the number of npcs they can claim in this way. These npcs can only be given a small number of very basic commands. However, they can be put under the control of the players personal supports, assigned to perform the same behaviors as that support unit, who can then be given the more complex commands. In this way groups of unassigned npc supports can be deployed by player characters to perform complex maneuvers as a unit.
Additionally, each faction has a technique for taking over command of enemy npcs. Dimens can raise dead npcs, Cyberians can hijack npcs trekie-borg style, and Sporeborn can infect npcs with their fungal spores
There is a lot more (character class breakdowns, huge portions of additional gameplay mechanics like how the RTS elements work, i even wrote a short story as a kind of trailer to introduce the game and showcase a sort of vibe for it) but this post is long enough already
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omg-physics · 10 months
Worm Bin Tutorial
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Disclaimer: the information I’m giving is based on my own personal experience and research. Some of the things that work for me may not work in a different setup. If you’re interested in learning more, I’d highly recommend the book “Worms Eat My Garbage” by Mary Appelhof.
Why have a worm bin?
It’s a great way to dispose of organic matter while minimizing methane emissions! Landfills aren’t set up for aerobic decomposition, so food scraps in landfills often give off a ton of methane emissions when decomposing, which is a pretty potent greenhouse gas! Also, worm castings are an excellent fertilizer/mulch/soil amendment.
A worm bin is super low-maintenance once you figure out what you are doing. It doesn’t smell bad and can be kept indoors—I keep mine by my desk in the winter! And I think it’s pretty fun. Also, your trash won’t smell as bad when it isn’t full of rotting food!
Making the Worm Bin
Really what you need here are two containers. One of them you put a bunch of holes in, and that sits inside the other container. The holes are important because they allow for drainage of water (which is then caught by the external container) and diffusion of oxygen. I used some kitty litter buckets for this, and they work great! The lid is really useful.
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Pro-tip: you don’t need a drill to make the holes. If you have a knife or razor blade, you can press it into the plastic and rotate it, which makes nice, round holes.
The bin with holes in it sits inside the other bin, but there should be space for water drainage/collection and air permeation.
The worms you want in general are “red wrigglers” or Eisenia fetida. These are sometimes sold as bait worms, but in my experience the “red worms” are actually European Nightcrawlers (labeled “ENC”). Those can also work, but they prefer different conditions from red wigglers (I believe they live deeper in the soil) so they might not be as successful. You also need a lot of worms to start out with, like a pound of worms. I had the best success going to a local vermiculture business and getting a pound of mixed worms (red wigglers, European night crawlers, and Indian blues). I think the mix is useful since having a couple different species makes the bin more resilient.
Note: buying local is really beneficial here. When worms are sold online and shipped, the sellers “dehydrate” them a bit to help lower weight and prevent overheating. The worms will be perfectly healthy after you give them moist bedding again, but you’re going to miss out on bacteria and other beneficial critters that could come with the worms if they are fresh.
Setting up the Bin
An important thing I have learned from experience: you can’t just put food and worms in a bin and expect things to work. You also need bedding. Bedding is filler material, like newspaper or coconut coir. I mostly use newspaper I buy from a local vermiculture business. I tried ripping my own paper and once it got wet it turned into a solid layer, whereas the pre-ripped newspaper I buy has a fluffy consistency.
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I’ve also tried using peat moss as bedding, but that didn’t work so well—I got a huge spike in the more population (maybe from acidic conditions?). Peat moss also isn’t great for the environment in general.
The bedding is important because worms shouldn’t eat too much food or too much of their own poop (castings) as both are bad for them. Bedding should be topped off when possible. When you add food to the bin, use a shovel to bury it in the bedding. This helps things rot properly, prevents mold and bad smells, and keeps away critters like fruit flies.
Other Critters
Your worm bin can and should have other critters in it! Some in my bin include mites and springtails, who both help the worms break down organic matter. However, there should be a balance between other critters and the worms. If something appears to be taking over, you might have a problem. I’ve also had fruit flies in my bin—this didn’t end up being a huge problem as long as I only opened the lid of the bin outdoors.
Worm Bin Maintenance
Once you get going, the worm bin doesn’t require much maintenance. I keep a freezer bag in my freezer and fill it up with food scraps, and once it seems the worms are mostly finished with the last feeding, I’ll thaw the bag and feed them again. (Freezing is helpful because it’s a convenient way to preserve the scraps, but it also helps to kickstart breaking down, since freezing damages things.) Be careful not to over-feed the worms, as this can lead to a sour bin and/or string-of-pearls (which is a pretty disturbing worm ailment).
Also be careful of what you feed the worms. You can look up lists of dos and donts online, but in general, stick to plant matter, and don’t feed them aromatic herbs or citrus. Also make sure to feed the worms plenty of crushed eggshells, as this provides grit and halos to regulate the pH of the worm bin.
The worms should be kept in a location with temperatures that are comfortable to humans. They don’t do well if conditions are too cold or too warm.
Make sure to dump out any water that accumulates and add bedding when it’s needed. I use this to water plants, and I haven’t had any negative effects, but some people will say you shouldn’t do that.
Once the bin starts to get full, you can remove worm castings. There are fancy ways to do this, but I just dig through the bin and scoop out any areas that are nearly all worm castings and then remove any worms/eggs that are in the castings by hand. The castings can be mixed in with potting soil or used on top like a mulch. (Although be careful: Ive heard worms are an invasive species in some areas so check before you potentially introduce them to the ground.)
So that’s it! If you want more information, I encourage you to do your own research. Although try to seek out multiple sources—not all the information out on the internet (or even in books) has been properly vetted. I can also try my best to answer questions based on my own experience, but I’m still relatively new at this.
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thefangirlthatwaited · 2 months
Encounter (Chapter 129) - A Destiny 2 Story
Crow x Guardian
The warm water from my shower was in sharp contrast to the methane sea. I wanted to stay in the warm water but remembered the warm bed waiting for me instead. Turning the water off, I stepped out and dried myself off before stepping back into the dark bedroom. I nearly screamed when all I saw were Crow’s amber eyes staring out from the darkness. I clutched my chest and tried to catch my breath as Crow softly chuckled.
“Are you? You don’t sound very apologetic.”
“I am. Really.”
“I heard you in the shower and was waiting for you to come out.” 
I crossed my arms. “I don’t believe you.” I teased.
“Ruby,” Stell laughed. 
I chuckled in response. “I believe you, Crow.”
“Good. Now, come over here and lay down with me. I’ve missed you.”
I changed into my pjs and jumped into his waiting arms. “I’ve missed you too. Sorry, I woke you up.”
Crow started tracing patterns on my arm. “I’m happy you did. Even if I’m half awake, having you in my arms is everything.”
“Being in your arms after my last mission is everything I need.”
“I’d ask about it, but I can feel the exhaustion washing off you in waves.”
“I am tired.”
“We can talk about it in the morning. I’ll have to make a meeting with Zavala at some point, too.”
“That’s a morning problem. Now close your eyes and know you’re with your favourite person.”
“Okay,” I yawned and cuddled into his chest as he continued to rub my arm.
Full Chapter on Ao3
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1000bodies-piled-up · 2 years
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My Chemical Romance and “kisses”
lyrics and titles under the cut
-Drowning Lessons
A kiss goodbye, your twisted shell
As rice grains and roses fall at your feet
Let's say goodbye the hundredth time
And then tomorrow, we'll do it again
-Give 'Em Hell, Kid 
What'd you call me?
Well, there's no way I'm kissing that guy!
-Gif of Frank kissing Gerards cheek from the I’m Not Okay (I Promise) music video
-To The End 
Lost in coma and covered in cake
Increase the medication, share the vows at the wake
Kiss the bride
-You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison 
Too much, too late, or just not enough of this
Pain in my heart for your dying wish
I'll kiss your lips again
-Thank You For The Venom
Black is the kiss, the touch of a serpent son 
-Cemetery Drive
I miss you, I miss you, so far
And the collision of your kiss that made it so hard
When will I miss you? When will I miss you so far?
And the collision of your kiss that made it so hard
-Gif of the demolition lovers kissing and becoming covered in blood
-The End
So gather 'round, piggies, and kiss this goodbye
I'd encourage your smiles, I'll expect you won't cry!
-The Sharpest Lives
I've really been on a bender and it shows
So, why don't you blow me a kiss, before she goes?
Give me a shot to remember
And you can take all the pain away from me
Your kiss and I will surrender
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead
And bury me in all my favorite colors
My sisters and my brothers, still, I will not kiss you
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
-Gif of Black Parade era Gerard blowing a kiss to the crowd
And through it all, how could you cry for me? 'Cause I don't feel
Bad about it, so shut your eyes, kiss me goodbye
And sleep, just sleep
The hardest part is letting go of your dreams
-Na Na Na
Remember when you were a mad man
Thought you was Batman
And hit the party with a gas can?
Kiss me, you animal!
Blow a kiss at the methane skies
See the rust through your playground eyes
We're all in love tonight (All in love tonight)
-Gif of Danger Days era Gerard kissing a fan
-Kiss The Ring
And let the suits watch each other kill one another
It doesn't matter if the words don't mean a thing
You gotta kiss that ring
-Burn Bright
Did you take it? Kissed all the boys in your city lights
Did you make it? Left all the stars in your city nights
She said, "Come on, come on, kiss my battery
Come on, come on, I'll be your android girl"
She said, "Come on, come on, kiss my battery
Come on, come on and fuck this whole wide world"
-Sister To Sleep
And one last night I'll kiss your lips again 
-Stay (Untitled)
And could you make me kiss you?
When we decimate the stars?
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the-goldendragon · 3 months
What's your favorite planet from Destiny? (Could be from 1 or 2 and also could be vaulted content, I'm just curious.)
A hard question because Destiny's art team goes hard on their environments, and it's simply hard to choose one but! I think that Nessus holds some primal sway over me because of the geometrical straight surfaces paired with the colorful overgrowth as I'm a sucker for nature overtaking spaces, merging with the unnatural, etc (the Black Garden aesthetics are sooooo !!!). That being said it was a fight between Venus and Titan as well. I miss Titan a lot because it played into this derelict feeling of secrets beneath the waves and I miss falling into the methane sea because of a miscalculated jump (also Arcology my love....).
If we're not talking planets per se then Dreaming City and Hive throne worlds are SUCH VIBES..........
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lenbryant · 7 months
The Orion Nebula Is Full of Impossible Enigmas That Come in Pairs (NYTimes)
In new, high-resolution imagery of the star-forming region, scientists spotted worlds that defied explanation, naming them Jupiter Mass Binary Objects.
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An infrared composite image of the inner Orion Nebula and Trapezium Cluster captured by the James Webb Space Telescope.NASA, ESA, CSA/Mark McCaughrean & Sam Pearson
We have discovered a lot in this universe. Planets that orbit stars at right angles. Forbidden worlds that have cheated death. Space explosions that defy explanation.
Yet the cosmos continues to surprise us.
The latest spectacle, observed by the James Webb Space Telescope, is an agglomeration of nearly 150 free-floating objects amid the Orion Nebula, not far in mass from Jupiter. Dozens of these worlds are even orbiting each other. The scientists who discovered them have called them Jupiter Mass Binary Objects, or JuMBOs, and the reason for their appearance is a complete mystery.
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The Orion Nebula is a region of star formation 1,350 light-years from Earth, located in the belt of the northern hemisphere constellation of Orion. It has long been studied by astronomers, but the scientists involved in the new Webb telescope study of the area, also released on Monday, say the new images are “by far” the best views yet.
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Stars in our universe form when giant clouds of dust and gas gradually coalesce under gravity. Eventually, regions of a cloud become so dense that they squeeze atoms of hydrogen together and kick-start nuclear fusion, forming the core of a star. In less dense areas, a more diminutive version of fusion — deuterium fusion — can occur in smaller objects. These are called brown dwarfs, or sometimes “failed stars.”
JuMBOs appear to be a smaller class of gaseous object. While brown dwarfs can grow to about 13 times the mass of Jupiter, the new objects can get as small as about half the planet’s mass, with temperatures of more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. They are separated by about 200 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun, orbiting each other on paths that take more than 20,000 years to complete.
Were they alone in space, they might be easier to explain. But their appearance in pairs, 42 of which are seen by the Webb telescope in the Orion Nebula, is baffling. According to existing scientific models, it should not be possible to form single objects so small directly from clouds of dust and gas, let alone in pairs, Dr. Pearson said. Even if they were ejected planets — violently kicked from young stars because of gravitational forces — it is similarly unclear why there would be so many couplets.
“It’s like kicking a cup of tea across a room and having all the tea land in the teacup,” Dr. Pearson said. “And then doing that 42 times.”
The discovery is “completely unexpected,” said Matthew Bate, a professor of theoretical astrophysics at the University of Exeter in England. Many stars, perhaps even all stars, including our sun, are born as pairs. But as binary objects decrease in mass, they become less common, as their weaker gravitational attraction makes them more easily torn apart. Yet the existence of JuMBOs “implies we may be missing something about how these very low mass objects form,” Dr. Bate said.
Dr. Pearson hopes to get to the bottom of the problem by using the Webb telescope to pick apart the light from the objects, revealing what their gaseous atmospheres are made of and perhaps how they formed. Currently, he said, he can only deduce evidence of methane and water on them.
Looking for JuMBOs in other star-forming regions could help, too.
“Orion is really massive and really dense,” Dr. Pearson said. “Do we find the same thing happens in a sparse region? That might give us a clue of what formation mechanism might be happening.”
Until that mystery is solved, humans can marvel at the Webb telescope’s valuable new vantage of the Orion Nebula.
“When I was a young student and we were just starting to use electronic sensors on telescopes, we often waited with great anticipation for each ‘YAMOO’ — Yet Another Map Of Orion — because of the remarkable and surprising details each new detector revealed,” said Heidi Hammel, a NASA interdisciplinary scientist for the telescope and vice president for science at the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy.
The Webb telescope, she said, just “delivered spectacularly on its YAMOO.”
-This universe is more bizarre than we can imagine.
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telestoapologist · 7 months
ok shader wishlist update
oh hell this got long.
sorted in alphabetical order, will place a checkmark by those i've managed to obtain in the future. i may be missing a few. will update as much as i'm able!!
also i know a lot of these probably aren't available anymore, but i'm holding out that one day all shaders will be obtainable aaa
3 connections
amaranth atrocity
anyone's game
argent champion
aquatic iridescence
avalon teal
benevolence of the nine
bold statement
calus's elite
calus's preferred
calus's selected
calus's treasured
cayde's duds
celestial ties
clouds at sea
cobalt clash
cognition of the nine
crimson passion
crimson valor
crucible alizarin
crucible aspirant
crucible carmine
crucible entrant
crucible lazurite
crucible peppermint
crucible prestige
crucible vermillion
cryptic legacy
darkwater froth
devil in the details
distant earth
divinity's caress
dreaming spectrum
echoed anger
emerald splash
endless glory
eventide cheer
fetid copper
first frost
flowers of io
gambit emerald
gambit jadestone
gift of the nine
glacial whisper
golden empire
gunmetal marigold
hearts of gold
horizon blush
iris gossamer
iron bone
iron lapis
iron mossbone
iron vendetta
lichen crown
magical transformation
metallic sunrise
metallic sunset
methane explorer
night's chill
noble rime
peat bog boogie
praetorian visage
principled porphyry
pyretic clash
roseate gleam
shared experience (it's kind of really ugly but i wanna try it!!)
shrouded stripes
small luminance
vizier regalia
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1americanconservative · 2 months
JOHN CLAUSER, 2022 PHYSICS NOBEL PRIZE WINNER: "I can very confidently assert, that there is NO climate emergency." “As much as it may upset many people, my message is the planet is NOT in peril. … atmospheric CO2 and methane have a negligible effect on the climate. The policies the government has been implementing are totally unnecessary and should be eliminated. So far, [we] have totally misidentified what is the dominant process in controlling the climate, and all of the various models are based on incomplete and incorrect physics. The dominant process is “the cloud-sunlight-reflexivity thermostat mechanism. Clouds are all bright white, and they reflect 90% of the sunlight back into space making them the most crucial yet most overlooked aspect of the climate system. Two-thirds of the Earth are ocean. The Pacific Ocean alone is half the Earth. The average cloud cover for the Earth is 67%; about 50% over land and 75% over oceans. I claim that the above conspicuous properties of clouds are the missing part of the puzzle. I can very confidently assert, there is no climate emergency." See slides from his talk on the thread below:
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The Steering Committee never gave a shit about talent from anyone, Ultimate or Reserve Course. You were just the treatment group for the IK Project.
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I can accept that, it’s just...
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Huh? Oh, hey!
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And after that, the core samples showed a higher concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane.
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Yes, I’d heard about that. It’s very concerning.
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There’s something similar regarding global forest covering. It’s growing thicker in some places, but still at levels too slowly to impact the climate.
Reporter: This certainly sounds like cause for concern. Do you two have ideas on how to fix it?
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Well, I am working on creating some new cultivars of soybeans and corn, which might be better suited as fuel.
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I’m planning on heading up to Greenland sometime this year to get a sense of the changes on the ice sheet.
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Uh-um, excuse me? I don’t mean to interrupt, but...
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Oh, hello, Chiaki-chan.
Reporter: Ah, good! Miss, it seems your mother has a lot of ideas regarding climate change. Would you care to comment?
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O-Oh, um...she’s not my mother.
Reporter: Oh? You two look very similar.
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It’s been said before, yes. But no, she’s a friend’s daughter.
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Was there something you needed?
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If it’s alright, can I talk to you about...some stuff?
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Ah, of course. Umm, Kashiki-san?
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It’s alright, I got it handled.
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Listen, lemme tell you the importance of deep core drilling, especially in areas near the poles.
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*With that, Hanami and Chiaki walk off to a secluded corner of the room*
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staydandy · 2 years
Arrow (2012) - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow. (IMDb)
Whumpee : Oliver Queen / Green Arrow played by Stephen Amell
Country : 🇺🇸 America
Note : This is a Partial List - I didn't list every bit of whump, just what caught my attention the most • The 8th and final season aired in 2020. • I haven't finished this show. I've watched 7 ½ seasons. • The episode list is formatted season-episode : 00-00
Episodes on List : 10 Total Seasons : 8 Total Episodes : 170
Partial List : I didn't list every bit of whump, just what caught my attention the most.
*Spoilers below*
01-09 : Oliver goes up against another archer, gets shot several times
01-12 : Dosed with Vertigo (a drug), collapses from the side effects
01-14 : Shot
01-19 : Captured & dosed with knock-off Vertigo
01-23 : Captured, escapes ... fights Dark Archer, then a bomb goes off in the city
02-08 : (near end) Drugged during a fight
02-09 : … continued from previous ep. ... The Team gets Barry (The Flash, from another show) to help figure out what Oliver was drugged with.. Oliver hallucinates from the cure
03-09 : (at end) Fights the head of League of Assassins, loses, gets stabbed & thrown off a cliff
04-10 : (in flashbacks / memories) Wounded, captured, & whipped
05-20 : Oliver & Felicity are trapped in the bunker. He tries to climb the elevator shaft to escape, is electrocuted & falls on a bolt ... a pipe is busted & the bunker is getting filled with methane, Oliver passes out
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