#i wanted to put finn in this too but i CANNOT figure out how to draw him for the life of me
finn-writes-stuff · 2 months
Hello! Can you write for Gale, Astarion and Halsin's reaction to tav wearing the wavemothers robe? Nsfw please😳
An Intricate Jewel
Tales tell of a most wondrous fish, scales resplendent, an intricate jewel that shone beneath the sea. When it died, the Wavemother gifted its hide as a robe to her most devoted follower - and demanded she drown the sailors that killed her gem-bright fish. - Item Description
Halsin, Gale & Astarion x Reader
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Format: Headcanons
Gender Neutral Reader
I haven't actually gotten to this robe in my own playthrough yet, but I've seen plenty of it online lmao. This one isn't fully nsfw but it's spicy. -Finn
"Oh. You look stunning, my heart."
He is openly admiring you any chance he gets. It is shameless because why would he be ashamed of looking at you? Of admiring all of nature's bounty before him.
He's handsy if you allow it, holding onto your hips where the slits of the dress show off your skin. Pressing kisses to the back of your neck just over the collar. Halsin always loves getting to see more of your skin, and this dress is certainly showing it off.
In general, he is a big believer in wearing whatever you want and enjoying it. He's hardly going to get jealous about others getting to admire you, so long as he's allowed to look as much as he pleases as well.
Even better, when you still have water clinging too you after being healed, dripping down your skin and making the dress cling even tighter.
You'll have him pressed up to your back to murmur in your ear about what he would like to do to you the moment you can both slip away.
And once you get the chance, he'll be between your thighs with the skirt pushed up around your hips. And you'll get to see just how long he can gold off before tearing the dress off of you completely.
"Oh! Yes, well, um, you look lovely! That sure does, well, show off your figure. Hmm. Yes."
This man is bright red and cannot look away from you. Yes, he can be blatant in his own flirting, but you make his brain shut down sometimes. And in this dress? Oh Gods
He is trying so incredibly hard to be a gentleman. He is NOT staring at your legs or the cut out in the back of the dress or how much it reveals of your chest or the way it clings to you as close as he wants to be. He is definitely not thinking about any of that. He missed his spell for unrelated reasons.
Show off in front of him, put yourself in his line of sight constantly. He will be going insane trying to stay polite and focused. And it's always a fun game to see if you can make him trail off in the middle of a monologue about magic.
Gale will spend an entire day suffering and watching you and trying not to say anything about it, but the moment the party breaks camp, he is dragging you into his tent to show you just how much he likes this dress on you.
You've left him so pent up after the whole day. He can't get enough of you, touching and grabbing and kissing you like you're the air he needs to survive.
The dress stays on until he's made sure you are both fully sated for the night. And he swears that if you wear it again he won't be so patient.
And if he's going to make a promise like that, he shouldn't be surprised when you wear it the next day.
"Ohoho, please do say you're all dressed up for me, love."
He thinks this is delightful and would do the same thing if he could find something flattering enough.
Trying to tease him with it? No, that's his game. He's teasing you by letting his hands just barely touch you, appearing behind you to whisper in your ear about how delectable you look. Then slipping away before you can say anything back.
If he's noticing anyone else paying you too much attention, he'll make fun of them for it, but he's also likely to stick closer to your side, his arm around your waist. Showing the world that you're his.
He's the least worked up about the dress, but he likes it when you still stay by his side regardless of how much attention it gets you. He's just as much yours as you are his, and he'll be more than willing to reward you for being such a sweet thing all day.
He wants to see the way the fabric presses into your skin when you arch your back and let him sink his teeth into your neck.
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the0retically · 1 month
The Suckening #10: The Midnight Circle:
Holy shit y’all, what an episode
- These intros are so good
- MUSIC! Cannot wait for this to be released I love it so much
- Also the description? ��The Kindred hit the books” noooo they’re so stupid :(
- The dancing imagery is so cool also the voice overlay? Love it
- ….shit Arthur wants to sacrifice more than the boys
- Oh emizel just chugged it
- Emizel is stardust???
- God shilo is the only one that’s like “hey wait let me wait a second”
- Emizel appearing in the sky like Mufasa??
- “Thanks guys I know the ending is a bit avant garde” CHARLIE PLEASE
- Emizel is gonna miss Theo’s birthday nooooo
- “I fear for this one” “we all do” “I don’t” :(( emizel
- ADHD EMIZEL!!!! “You don’t need it now, you’re a vampire. Just focus” ARTHUR PLEASE “I’m very out of touch”
- Love the similarities of this library and Finn’s library
- GUN BOOK!!!!! Nice!!!
- Love how Shilo started as normal but the other two just did bits so bizly decided he was going to as well
- :( this conversation over trust is really interesting
- Lol love Charlie dying in the background at emizel asking if Arthur saw the Eiffel Tower while Shilo is berating him
- Oh shilo that was Interesting
- Arthur vs the twins is so interesting I like this conversation, it’s been needed
- :( “you see that in me?” ARTHUR NO SHILO ISNT LIKE EDWARD
- God Grizz is phenomenal, he is so good at this, this monologue is phenomenal
- The funky music coming back in after that argument oh my god
- …….Shilo’s old room :(
- “And you brood for a week” ARTHUR OH MY GOD
- Emizel coming from the top rope!!
- God the fact that Arthur’s younger siblings were twins and he has to be with shilo and emizel constantly has to be Gutting him
- :( shilo crying and hugging Arthur after he told them his past :((
- They’re understanding each other more!!
- “Oh really? I need help” ARTHUR OH MY GOD?
- “For what it’s worth I miss being human.” “Me too.” “I hate having to eat every night.” “Did you not have to eat as a human?” Started as so sad but then turned to the bit, love them
- “My idea is a haunted house and the information jumps out at you!” -Condi
Charlie proceeds to lose it “that’s crazy, that’s nuts, what the fuck??”
- Brother bonding time let’s go??
- Oh?? Theo’s here??
- Aww they’re tutoring emizel
- Charlie is so done lol love this
- Love how crazy condi’s ideas have been
- IT WAS THE SHADE FROM DAY ONE!!!! Yes!!!! Emizel has proven himself
- Oh Arthur is losing dominate,,,,interesting
- 16 moon points oh my god
- Oh god “in due time the moon beast will walk among us” Charlie please
- Nice Arthur love the black flame tattoos
- “Maybe you needed to get the shit beaten out of you” oh my god??
- Oh god emizel is alone and Condi is alone…….please be able to ask your question, very like the unseen one with these questions I like it
- “If I gave up one of my lives would that work” uh???? Emizel oh no
- “I don’t want to hurt pepper” “where do you think the nine lives are coming from” “I know but this is putting her in the bowl I don’t like that” :((
- WHY WAS EMIZEL THE ACCOUNTANT AT SCHOOL?????? Oh he’s forgetting about finance and the memory of his father,,,,,,,,oh god??
- ….makes sense that he loses a humanity for that
- God the editing for the questions being asked is so cool and these questions and answers are so cool
- :( the Queen wanted him safe
- Purple figure?? But younger??
- Arthur time
- ………Arthur giving up points in humanity
- …sacrifice his relationship with magnus maybe? Oh god
- Oh god “grizzly there’s never been an ugly Grizzly character before. You give up being a hot vampire?” HED BE BROKE AND UGLY OH GOD GRIZZ NO
- ……….I’m so—oh he looked like his father and doesn’t anymore :(
- :( Arthur there’s no cure
- “Oh that’s a good one! You mother fucker!!” YEAH ARTHUR GET THE INFORMATION
- the music is so good cannot wait for the soundtrack
- Love the twins bickering while Arthur is panicking and breaking down a bit
- :(((((( Grizz isn’t playing a hot character anymore this is so—
- Love how it’s Gryffon’s voice now
- …..shilo what?? You’re giving up your sight?????? BRO WHAT?
- Bizly’s voice acting pop off bro but oh my god, he didn’t have to rip his own eye out??
- “Now I get a prize?” SHILO PLEASE??
- I cannot believe he actually just gave one of his eyes
- …….the eye only gave him one question
- “You see your mother again” “….mama” SHILO PLEASE IM GONNA CRY
- Oh hi Siri!! HA PLEASE HE WAS SO IMMERSED “god fucking damn it” oh my god that was perfect
- I’m so curious about this purple figure
- Phone alarm?? It’s 1:15?? Why does bizly have a daily 1:15 alarm??? What??
- “Don’t suck me into the mouth” NOOOOO AWFUL
- ……why is Charlie giving edward a sad backstory
- Ok no this isn’t a sad backstory but oh my god what happened to him????
- Uhhhhhh how did Edward see Shilo?
- “Stop looking at me, I’ll kill you.” ARTHUR PLEASE
- “I don’t think I’ll be spying anything with my little eye.” SHILO PLEASE
- “He’s ugly as hell he needs a robe” PLEASE
- “Someone’s gotta be the comedic relief these two are so serious all the time” EMIZEL
- Peppers name being Salem is so cute and she’s there!!
- “Soda was my dad” HUH?
- Emizel explaining his answers is so funny to me because it’s just batshit
- …………..is Dracula the twins actual dad? Is Jeffrey just a stand in?
- :( god poor Arthur
- Pleaseeeeee this conversation is killing me “Dracula was 2 million years old so you’ll grow into it” PLEASE IM CRYING THATS INSANE
- OH MY GOD????
- ……why are they suggesting Arthur goes to the Weylins to “fix his face”
- …….Grefgore has been alone for a month oh no!
- :(((((((((( void is hesitant at first with Arthur :(
- Emizel fumbled on stealth oh my god
- What?? Edward has a sister??
- …..broadcasting what Edward?
- He’s wearing a Walmart shirt?????
- I love shilo and Grefgore friendship :(((
- “Pretty plain looking girl” CHARLIE DONT BE MEAN TO HAZEL
- Please the conversation about Grefgore and hazel is so so funny
- A requirement to have a twi-phone??
- Hazel please why are you like this
- Love that they just really really want it to be Taylor Launter’s house
- Love how defeated Charlie is about making Taylor Launter canon
- I’m like trying not to cry from laughter
- “I look at him with my eye hole throbbing” bizly you could’ve said Anything different
- “Am I awake is this a dream dream dream dream dream dream dream” CHARLIE PLEASE
- “Is he a freak or is he actually a werewolf?” I DONT KNOW EITHER
- Charlie cannot resist playing dogs
- Love that it’s Taylor Launter and Edward Twilight not Robert Pattinson
- Please roll well please let Taylor help
- OH MY GOD??? love how tired Taylor is about werewolf Taylor
- “We need Keanu”
- This is absolutely crazy I love this oh my god??
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romanceandshenanigans · 9 months
Writer Q&A Game
Thanks to @clairelsonao3 for tagging me!
1. What motivates you to write?
I'm not exactly sure tbh. It almost feels like a compulsion. There are days where I simply do not feel good in my body if I haven't written anything. Then there are others where I can't bring myself to write because I'm too tired or too distracted from life. Honestly the second I get a clear head and enough time to myself, I'll start writing.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This isn't from my WIP, but from a fanfic I wrote a while ago. I want to try to find a way to incorporate it into something. Not sure where though.
“I know this seems like it’s coming out of nowhere,” he said, “but promise it’s not. I’ve had a long time to think about it.  A few years, actually. I guess, I just didn’t realize how deep I was in it until about five minutes ago.”
She kept silent, but the simple fact she hadn’t told him to get out gave him the confidence to keep going. . 
“I meant it when I said I’m crazy about you. I like that you take your sugar with a drop of coffee.  I like how you sing to yourself when you’re happy.  I like that you never seem to get cold.  I like that you never lose your head under fire, but still need me to get rid of spiders. I like that you can laugh at yourself.  I like that you can laugh at me. Hell, I like that you’re perfectly willing to slap my face if the situation calls for it.
I like so many things about you Liz, and that’s just the stuff I found out on accident.  I can only imagine the stuff I’d learn if I started loving you on purpose."
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
I really do enjoy writing Finn. The boy just makes my smile.
Close second is another OC which I wrote for fanfic who I want to save and put someplace else, Lucy. She's my softest girl who has a lot of love to give. Might figure out a way to put her in this regency setting somewhere, but who knows.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The first draft spree. The moment when you get an idea and you have write it down as quickly as possible. It's rough and definitely will need some editing, but that rush cannot be topped. It just feels satisfying to exorcise even the smallest of scenes out of my body.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Dialogue, hands down. It's at least the part I've gotten the most compliments on.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I've only just started to dip my toe in, but I really do love answering asks. I like seeing other writer's process and knowing I'm not alone. It's just fun!
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I've been using Scrivener and it's really helped me keep everything organized. I have a very conspiracy board way of drafting, so having all my random snippets in one place really helps.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
Not sure world building is my strong suit for this current WIP. I suppose I'm enjoying expanding the world of the theatre, but I admittedly need to do more research.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Write anyway. It doesn't have to be the scene that's giving you trouble. It doesn't even have to be for the piece you're trying to focus on, just don't get out of the habit of writing. Once you lose that momentum, it takes a long time to get it back.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
Gotta give a shout out to @clairelsonao3 for being so welcoming in my introduction to the writeblr community. And @janec23, for being one of the few specifically romance writers to reach out.
But I really can't begin to thank all the people who have followed me from my fanfic blog over to this one. It really means so much to know people are interested in reading anything I put out there.
@flapjacques, @jo-harrington, @can-of-pringles, @handahbear, @auroramagpie, @justanothersadperson93, @sad-cat-hours, @ghostface001, @theowlwhocameback, @mattmurdocksscars, @roruna, @everything-intertwined, @sweetjedi, @arcanerazil, @vibratingbonesbis, @delirious0pandemonium, @llovelykenobi, @geek-girl7, @mixedupanddown
Know that I love and appreciate you all.
I'm also going to leave this an OPEN tag to anyone who wants to do this, and especially invite everyone who I have tagged above. (and
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turbobyakuren · 6 months
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@cerastes this is putting me on the spot here because there’s so many i love so i’ll rank them by combining the two factors together (there are gunplas that i love solely because they look good and others i love solely for the build experience ndfsqfdsq)
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3. HG Qubeley Revive. Unorthodox, weird, strange. Comes with so many runners and overall surprisingly amazing build experience and AMAZING shelf presence. I loved it so much that i kept it on my desk for weeks before putting it with the others. It Qubeley’s design is simply amazing and i love how the build reflects the uniqueness of it. I love that they went the extra miles to make the details color separated and not stickers (the only stickers iirc are the ones on the bottom of the shoulder pads). I bought it before i watched Zeta Gundam because it was the last one of the store and after i finished Zeta Gundam i threw myself into it and it is an amazing experience. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a change of pace because i just lOVE unique designs in gunplas
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2. HG Darilbalde. I would easily put every Witch From Mercury line kits there because they are fucking INSANE, all of them. Aerial is insane, Michaelis is a real beauty, demi barding is quite literally incredible and while i love Calibarn and Schwarzette’s designs, i have yet to build them so i cannot tell you fully. And while i’m not too big on Zowort’s design, it is the most buttery-smooth gunpla i ever built (and i would recommend it to anyone who wants to get into gunpla with a kit that is not difficult to build). Darilbalde gets the top spot of the list because it’s really THE gunpla ever. It has great build experience with interesting engineering and easy-to-apply decals, iIt has sick colors, you can do SO MUCH with its gimmicks (especially the flying hands and shields), it comes with a melee weapon THAT SPLITS IN HALF and has overall amazing shelf presence. I thnik it’s a must-have and easily one of the most iconic mobile suits out there. He is at the center of my WFM display (which isn’t intentional) and ihe very much deserves being there.
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1. RG Nu Gundam. I had a beef with RG because i literally got the worst possible RG. This reconciled me with it. RG inner frames have gotten crazy ever since Tallgeese, but this takes the cake. This takes SO MUCH the cake. Fun fact, after i finished building it, i kept playing with the articulations and made him do poses for a little while because it was THAT good. Absolutely unhinged. Building experience was great, design is absolutely GORGEOUS and the sheer size of it compared to most gunpla + the finn funnels gives it amazing shelf presence. The only downside is that i haven’t figured out a way to make the fin funnels fly. i’d love to know how to do it without resorting to buying a specific kit. Anyways, I love this guy so much.
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TURN A GUNDAM. Turn A Gundam.
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lokiwhitewolf · 6 months
Red Hot Winter- Chapter 19
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Chapter 19- "Roll like Thunder"
"Who's Kaleb?" Asked Elena. She and Elijah had taken Davina to have lunch before the young witch continued her studies with Bonnie that day. "Bonnie tells me he's been crashing your lessons from time to time."
"I met him when I was grabbing some herbs in the city's garden. He approached me, told me he was a witch, and said only a witch would know which herbs to collect." Davina replied.
"There's more to it, isn't there?" Asked Elena.
"It seems like he knows a lot more than Bonnie sometimes as if he…" She didn't have a chance to finish. Kaleb approaches their table, taking a seat next to Davina.
"Davina, so good to see you! That must be Elena." He said. "Davina told me a lot about you like you were the older sister she never had." Elena smiled at the compliment. "And you are…?"
"Elijah Mikaeleson." Replied Elijah, extending his hand. The moment Kaleb touched his hand Elijah knew. Kaleb was his brother, Kol Mikaelson. "Elena, why don't you take Davina home? Me and Kaleb need to have a little chat." He said, letting go of Kaleb's hand and looking at Elena. The vampire nodded. Kissing him briefly, she took Davina by the hand back home, though the witch didn't know why.
"I suppose Mother put you up to this, brother." Said Elijah.
"Well, Mother did tell me to follow Davina around, she never said anything about flirting with her." Said Kol, smirking.
"Elena is going to kill you again the moment she finds out about you, and I might be joining her this time."
"Oh, but Mother will put me in another body! Honestly how many times can a Petrova doppelganger kill me anyway?"
"You get any closer to her, and I'll rip your heart out!"
"Brother, I don't intend on doing anything against Elena, or Caroline for that matter."
"Then what are you doing here?"
"According to our Mother, our Father might be coming back into our lives soon. The witches have been talking to her, and his soul's already got a footing here. It's only a matter of time before he takes back his body, but you and I both know Niklaus fears him the most, especially now since he's got a part of himself all the way across the pond."
"What does Mother want?"
"I don't care what Mother wants. I want to talk to Niklaus."
"You want to switch alliances?"
"I figured our brother could use all the help that he can get."
"I cannot promise you that you'll leave the compound alive."
"Well, I'll take those chances over siding with Mother and Finn any day."
"Why are you doing this?" When Kol didn't answer, Elijah knew. "It's Davina, you're in love with her. You know she'll protect Elena, that's why you're switching sides."
"The details don't matter. Take me to Niklaus."
Elijah stood up from the table and walked his brother back to the compound. Entering his house, they both went to Klaus's study, finding the hybrid very nervous, looking at the box he got the previous night.
"Elijah, didn't I tell you I had important plans for today, and none of them includes Davina's study buddy?" Said Klaus.
"It's very nice to see you too, brother!" Said Kol.
"Brother? What do you mean?" Asked Klaus.
"Niklaus, it appears that Finn was not the only one Mother brought back from the dead. She brought Kol back as well." Replied Elijah.The blonde puts the box inside his back pocket and walks up to his brother.
"I can hear his heartbeat, and he is not on vervain." Says Klaus, after smelling him. Deciding to compel him, Klaus continues. "Tell me your real name."
"Kol Mikaelson." Replies Kol.
"Oh bloody hell!" Exclaims Klaus, throwing his hands up in the air. "Maybe I should call Elena and tell her to finish the job she and her brother started in Mystic Falls."
"Brother, I assure you I am not here to cause any trouble." Says Kol. "I swear on my life."
Klaus looks at Elijah, still distrusting of Kol.
"It's true, brother." Confirms Elijah. "Tell him what you told me Kol."
"Mother says that our Father is coming back. He's already got a footing in our world and it's only a matter of time before he comes back here."
"Kol…" Warns Elijah.
"And she knows where you're keeping your daughter."
"Elijah, this was supposed to be a good day." Says Klaus, visibly angry. "I have a very important thing to do later, and none of this news is particularly pleasant."
"Kol wants to join us." Says Elijah. "He wants to switch sides. He is a witch now brother, and I know we've got two of the greatest witches known with us, but with Father coming back and Mother knowing what she knows, we need all the help we can get."
"Do you trust him? I'm sure your lovely Elena doesn't, since he did try to kill her brother."
"Are you two really talking about me as if I'm not here?" Asked Kol. "I know a lot of witchcraft, Niklaus. I can help you."
"Why do you want to join us?" Asked Klaus. Elijah smiled.
"Go ahead Kol, you tell him." Said Elijah.
"Mother told me to keep an eye on Davina because she was on your side, but I never expected to fall in love with her. I can't keep helping Mother and Finn and ending up hurting her, or someone she cares about. She'd never forgive me." Replied Kol.
"What do you think she'll say when she finds out you're not Kaleb?" Asked Klaus.
"She might say she never wants to see me again, but I know her better. She loves me just as much." Answered Kol.
"You're free to join us, Kol." Said Klaus. "As long as you tell her the truth. And if she doesn't want you after that… I believe Elena will take care of that." He said smiling.
Kol smiled and left the study to find Davina.
"What important thing do you have to do today, Niklaus?" Asked Elijah, as soon as Kol was out of the room.
"It doesn't concern you brother." Replied Klaus. "Now leave, please. I need to continue my preparations."
Elijah smiled as if he already knew and left his brother alone, going to find Elena.
Later that night Klaus took Caroline out. He had specifically asked her to put on a dress he got her recently: a white lace dress and the way it shimmered in the light made him fall in love with her even more. It was absolutely stunning; the skirt was light and airy with small details that brought it to life. The waistline was decorated with delicate blossom-like embroidery and lace. The sleeves were long and elegant, and the neckline was just as intricate. The dress was the perfect balance between simplicity and beauty - it was absolutely made for Caroline.
They went to a garden in the city, that somehow Klaus had made empty at that time, and he had also ordered food for them from the restaurant he had taken her to when she first arrived in the city and he had convinced her to stay.
"You look magnificent tonight my love." He said when they sat next to each other in the blanket after they had eaten.
"You don't look so bad yourself, you know." She said, smiling. "Thank you for the dress, Klaus. I loved it."
"I knew it was made for you when I saw it, you deserved it." He said, kissing her neck. "Caroline I'm sorry."
"Sorry about what?" She asked, suddenly worried.
"I promised you I'd take you to see the world once you came to me, and I haven't done that. I didn't keep my promise. Instead, I put you in the middle of a war."
"Klaus, do I seriously need to remind you we are both vampires? Well I mean you're half vampire." They both laughed. "And we have eternity to see the world. I knew you had enemies, Klaus. But that never stopped me from wanting you."
"I love you so much, Caroline." He said.
Klaus's eyes sparkled in the moonlight as he pulled Caroline closer, pressing her body against him. He ran his hands softly through her hair as he looked deep into her eyes, his heart pounding in anticipation. He finally laid his lips against her own, feeling a wave of relief as he kissed her passionately. His embrace was tender yet firm as if to show his love and admiration for the woman before him.
Caroline responded eagerly, her lips meeting his with the same urgency and passion. Their kiss was passionate yet gentle, each move highlighting their connection and understanding for one another. Klaus and Caroline stayed in each other's embrace for what seemed like an eternity, neither one of them wanting to let go of the moment.
Reluctantly, Klaus separated himself from her, hearing her whining.
"Trust me, love, there is nothing I want to do more than to kiss you but I need to do something first." He said, standing up and bringing her with him.
Taking her by hand, he led her to the garden's fountain, which was also empty of tourists, but she wasn't complaining though she knew he probably compelled the security guards to not let anyone in at this time.
He turned to her, and all she could see in his eyes was love, pure love. It was the same look he had when he talked to Hope through the phone, or when he declared his love for her over the time they were together.
"Love, I never expected to fall in love, much less when I was looking to break the course my mother had put on me. When I saw you in the run-down small-town bar, I knew you were my queen. I also knew I needed to let you come to me by yourself. I might've been the villain in a lot of people's stories my love, but I wasn't going to be the one in yours. I've shown kindness to someone who never deserved it because of you, Caroline. You make me want to do better, to be a better person, a better father to my daughter. I loved you in silence for such a long time love, and I've waited for you, however long it took. It was never about taking you, it was about loving you, giving you the love you deserve." He got down on one knee, revealing a ring. The band of the ring is a precious mix of silver and gold, creating a rich and unique tone. In the center of the band is a deep and dazzling amber stone that seemed to have a soul of its own, meant to symbolize the love between the two of them. The amber stones' warm, honey-colored tones were mesmerizing and completely captivated Caroline. Inside the ring it was written "ᛗᛁ ᛚᛟᚢᛖ. ᚲᛚᚨᚢᛊ" which meant "My love. Klaus"
"Caroline Forbes, would you give me the extraordinary honor to marry me?" He asked, looking deep into her eyes, which were filled with tears.
"Yes!" She exclaimed, smiling. "Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" Klaus smiled, and he slipped the ring on her hand. It looked perfect.
He got up and held her, taking a spin with her in his arms, hearing her laugh. He always wanted to hear this sound.
"I love you so much, Caroline." He said, holding her face.
"I love you too, Niklaus Mikaelson." She said. "Always and Forever."
His heart was about to burst out of his chest with the happiness he felt at the moment the words left her mouth.
Without a word, Klaus pulled Caroline close and sealed their vows with a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her passionately. She felt so overwhelmed with emotion as this moment felt so surreal. They had gone through so much, and standing there amid all their love, she couldn't help but feel more than grateful. It was an intense, magical moment that left them both in tears, but these were tears of joy and excitement that symbolized a new beginning for them both. Now, they were ready to start a new life together and leave the past behind. As they stepped away from their kiss, Caroline looked up into Klaus' eyes with joy and love that he had never seen before. They were ready to embark on a new adventure, and the future looked brighter than ever, even though a thunderstorm was closing in.
They got back to the compound a few hours later, where Klaus listened attentively to Caroline's plans for their wedding, telling him she wanted to get married in Mystic Falls to which he agreed. He would do anything for her.
They agreed to break the news to everyone the next day, since everyone seemed to be asleep already, and Caroline wanted to tell her friends at the same time.
As they were getting ready to go to bed, Klaus realized something was bothering her.
"What is it, my love?" He asked, bringing her closer to him.
"There is something you should know Klaus." She said.
"You can tell me, my love, we're gonna be married." He said, smiling, managing to make her smile too, but it quickly faded.
"When Stefan got back to Mystic Falls, Damon came back too and I was jealous of Elena being with Stefan so I decided to try my luck with Damon." Klaus didn't interrupt her, he knew there was more. "Damon, he… He would drink from me and he would… he sexually assaulted me Klaus, and he compelled me to forget. It wasn't until I was turned that I remembered."
Klaus held her close to him, with his arms on her waist. She held him back and clutched to him with all her strength and might.
"I'm so sorry you went through that, my love." He said. "I could never do that to you, and I never did that to anyone before. I could never take what wasn't mine. I'm so sick that people like this exist. I promise you, Caroline, that I'll never let you go through something like that. Never, I would rather die."
He lay down and let her cry for the version of her that was attacked years prior, and kissed her tears away. At the same time, he knew what he had to do as soon as he arrived back in Mystic Falls.
Find Damon Salvatore, and make him pay for what he had done to Klaus Mikaelson's Queen.
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paintingformike · 1 year
I've considered the van scene and Finn actually knowing if Byler is endgame, because you cannot direct someone to act like that without putting it out there. I also considered he is way too clever, he already figured it out himself, probably. At this point, i want to believe at least 4 people in the cast know if Byler is endgame; Finn, Noah, Millie (because even if the staff didn't tell her, Noah did - he has to tell someone if he knows) and David. Because David just knows stuff.
yeah im sure finn already knows about byler endgame! technically he has to have been informed about the internal conflicts/feelings his character experiences so that he’ll know how to portray it accordingly. at first i was uncertain about anyone else in the cast knowing about it, but tbh i feel like it might even be possible most of the main cast already knows. the way they acted after watching the monologue was veryyy suspicious (giggling when finn was asked about mike and el’s future, like they were all in on a secret), and there’s certain byler scenes in the show where i feel like were impossible to have gotten away with without the anyone in the cast putting two and two together?
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one example is this scene. in the part where millie was shown to be drawing the stick figures her drawing looks smaller, but when they cut to another shot of the stick figures the drawing looks completely different, meaning they redrew this scene several times just to make sure they line up perfectly with finn and noah’s figures. like...theres no way no one else found this suspicious while they were shooting it? 😭 also the final scene, like surely someone mustve questioned why mike and will were being paired up like the other couples...anyways i do agree that finn, noah, millie and david are the most likely to already know about byler endgame bc the first three are part of the love triangle while david just...knows everything lmfao
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dumbangrypuppet · 7 months
I need to build more on Kake. Like. Yeah I have his backstory kinda vaguely done, and sorta how he acts, but I wanna go deeper.
I have vague ideas for each of the things i'm listing and I'll get into those later but for now I'm listing them
I need to figure out what sort of job he'd have. Where does he live. What does the house look like. Does he "work from home" in a sort of way like Simon? How did they meet?
Well. Here's my thoughts:
For a job...?
Kake is an artist. Ranging from Ceramics, to canvas, just about anything. Like. He's a strange little man whose only memories the past thousand years were dreams, and now he's been awake for 12 years, maybe he'd make some amazing or unsettling art. Plus he has six arms, you cannot tell me that wouldn't be useful for painting or sculpting. I can't count the amount of times I'd be in the middle of sculpting something and wishing I had more hands. Or trying to paint something and wishing the same thing.
I feel like he'd like more hands on work. And the relaxing kind. He could sit for hours and just sculpt. He loves it. If you tried to take him to do something that requires more heavy lifting or physical work, he'd probably get exhausted quickly. He works at a desk or sitting most of the time, he doesn't do a lot of cardio.
Where he lives/what does his house look like/does he work from home...?
Well. Sorta. Yeah.
I've always kind of liked to design buildings in my head, but if I try to put it on paper it doesn't look right. I like to think he'd have a large house. One he lives in alone, but is filled with paintings and art he's made over the years, and he does have spare rooms for people to stay in if they want to come over, he just... doesn't have many friends. (Literally only knows Finn and Simon. Finn is always adventuring, and he's too shy to ask Simon if he wants to hang out because he thinks he'd bother him)
I think Kake would live in some sort of building that doubles as his house and his studio. It's always clean, despite having art projects all over. He thinks he's too messy, really it's all just clutter. He struggles with trying to get his art pieces sold (specifically ones he just does on a whim). Not because they don't look good, but because sometimes the feelings he had when painting them are so personal, and it feels like he would lose a piece of himself if it was gone. Hes already lost so much of himself and who he used to be, what if it happens again?
(I'm pretty sure he would figure out during his 12 years of consciousness that his "memories" were actually just dreams and he didn't know any of the people he was talking about. That they probably weren't even real in the first place. Could you imagine how sad that is?? To realize that every memory you had wasn't real? Just dreams you had while asleep for 1000 years, and you have no idea who you used to be?? Anyway.)
This one's a bit off topic from the thought it's for, but I feel like Kake's hands would be super soft. This is because he does take good care of himself, and when working with clay, your hands will dry out if you don't take care of them after. Lots of lotion. He hates when his hands feel rough, they easily catch on certain fabrics and such. (Kake is autistic because I'm autistic and I can't make a neurotypical OC even if I wanted to) so thus, Kake would have a variety of lotions kept in the bathroom, they all smell nice. He likes nice smells.
Any furniture or carpet or blankets and clothes he has are sensory friendly. If you have a specific fabric that makes your skin itch when you touch it, you'll never find it at Kake's. Because again, since his house doubles as his studio, the whole thing is about being able to focus more on your work and interests when you're in a safe and comfortable environment.
That being said, there have been times where he accidentally spills paint on his favorite fuzzy slippers and he cries about it.
How did they meet?
I feel like Finn accidentally came across Kake on an adventure. I mean. Like. Kake was sleeping in a cave for 1000 years dude. Probably didn't look so good. Finn probably helped Kake adjust to society for the most part. The people didn't surprise him at all and neither did the world. (Again, Kake has been dreaming for 1000 years. Probably thought of some weird stuff) first couple years into consciousness, Kake would drink at the candy tavern, and mourn his "lost love" (Morgause from the tales of King Arthur.)
Here's where we go into the first meeting between him and Simon.
Simon is initially interested in Kake because "woah, a dude from before even my time? I wonder what he knows about!" Cause he's a nerdy antiquarian. They drink together and converse, and Simon pieces together that Kake might be a little crazy, or just drunk. Because Kake spews nonsense that has nothing to do with history, it sounds like a dream.
They start as acquaintances from there, then eventually make it to friendship. Through the years, Simon helps Kake realize "oh shit, my life as I knew it's not real? Well, I'm not gonna cry about it, I'm gonna make art instead!" (And then proceeds to channel every single sad feeling and thought into his art)
Since we don't really get any idea where Simon's GOLB idol comes from, and assuming how it breaks in the intro and the show, my brain wants me to think it's ceramic. And with that thought!!! I'm taking!!! Creative liberties!! For my own selfish gains!!
I think Simon commissioned Kake to make him the GOLB idol. (Kake would have done it for free he's gay, but Simon insisted he pay Kake for his time)
Anyway!!! Here's all my thoughts for now!!
This little bug man and the sad little antiquarian are helping me through my struggles.
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weird thought but what about a fic where O'knutzy pranks the team and pretend to break up for like a week or two no pressure
yessss could you imagine wjdjsjjq
this is written more like a long headcanon sorry <3
cw: cursing, pranks
okay so the cubs were laying in bed one night
finn and leo are watching spy kids their hands laced together between them
logan is overthinking (it's been a long day he's tired) his head is in leo's lap, finn's free hand weaving carefully through his curls
"what would happen if we broke up?"
"we wouldn't."
"but what if we did."
"how would we tell the team?"
"who do you think would be the most upset?"
and thus the games began.
immediately knew something was wrong when the boys walked in separately
he gives logan until the end of practice to talk to him before he brings anything up
when practice is over logan comes up to him and asks if he could go home with pascal
"of course mon fils, anytime"
silent car ride
finally gets home and dumo is like alright sit we need to talk
logan is excited to see how this goes and puts on his best truly heartbroken face (it wasn't that hard to do once he imagined this was for real)
it all stayed when remus asked the cubs to come have dinner with him and sirius in their gc (the one with coops and o'knutzy that is definately overactive)
no one answers except leo who simply put 'no sorry'
immediately remus and sirius are worried and remus sends a text to finn before he calls leo while sirius texts logan to see what's going on
logan answers with a simple 'i don't want to talk about it'
leo pulls out all the stops and when he picks up it sounds like he's SOBBING
(his boys were kicked out of the room for the call because they were being too loud laughing their asses off)
remus is Concerned.
there's a long phone call and honestly a sleepless night in the coops household
remus simply cannot believe it and sirius is very concerned about logan's radio silence
finn had texted with them for a little bit but refused to call or see them (he knew he wouldn't be able to keep up the act)
it was tense the next day at practice the cubs were avoiding each other at all costs and everyone in the locker room had noticed
winter pulled leo to the side to talk almost immediately and remus was glad leo had people to talk to
quite honestly he was most worried about logan so was sirius
sirius stuck close to logan all practice in case he wanted to talk at any point
absolutely NO ONE missed when logan left with dumo and leo left with winter
finn sulked to his car by himself, everyone was too shocked to really say anything
there were a lot of texts that went unanswered
(but none of them were between the cubs who were finding this way too amusing)
let me make this clear: no one was taking sides
sure there were certain people comforting specific cubs (dumo & sirius were comforting logan, remus and winter took leo, and a joint effort between talker and alex had finn covered)
the SCHEMING that took place between the team to get the boys to talk to each other
because no fucking way was this the end of o'knutzy
absolutely not
they schemed and schemed but they couldn't get the boys in the same place (little did they know it was because the cubs were deciding who would go and who would make an excuse)
it was really rather amusing to watch the team scramble but eventually they had to give it up because arthur gave them a big speech about how team drama will eventually lead to the team falling apart
when he walked out after the speech all eyes went to them and logan gave a dramatic sigh
before he simply plopped himself into finn's lap who hid his face in leo's side when leo came to stand next to him
there's absolute silence as everyone figures it out
talker is the first to say anything
"that's all it fucking took? after all our plans we just needed a speech?"
winter, who was sitting next to him, slapping him gently
"you idiot, they were pranking us."
"oh. OH."
everyone starts talking at once and the cubs just sat back and laughed
they definately got them good
(this was kind of everywhere sorry <3)
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alaffy · 2 years
Dickenson, Season 2
Now, this is more like it. I don’t know if they got new writers or just had a better idea of what they wanted to do with the show, but I enjoyed this season much more then the first one.  
And it shows that Finn Jones can act.  I kid. Look, I’ve only seen the first season of Iron Fist, but I’ve always felt….well, an actor cannot act what a writer cannot write.  And with that first season of Iron Fist it always felt that the reason why Danny didn’t know who he was/what his goal was is because the writers didn’t either and so the character never really was anything more then a way to keep the story going.   Anyway, getting back on topic.
I really did like Finn is this.  I think he did a good job of pulling off this quasi-villain kind of character. I mean, he’s absolutely the antagonist. He’s amoral and has too much of an ego. And needs to learn the difference between feminism and misogynism.  However, when reading the synopsis for the episodes, I figured that he was trying to get Emily to turn over her poems so he could put his name on them and call them his own (I mean, that would make him a villain in my book).  But there was never a moment where that ever came into play. Bowles was taking credit for “discovering her” and that everyone would have ignored her if not for him publishing her (which, fuck off man).  However, he never acts as though the talent isn’t hers; he doesn’t take credit for the writing of poems.  So it does seem like he does have some morals, just not enough.
Moving on.  I’m happy to say that most of the characters that I didn’t like last season, I did begin to like this season (they felt more well-rounded).  Well, except for George and that’s just because he really wasn’t in this season. Also, I think Lavinia is my favorite character at this point.
I liked how, with the two newspapers, we really get to see the divide in society.  I mean, Bowles paper…he talks about how he’s shaping the news and whatnot, but is he?  I mean, it’s great that he’s publishing poets, but when it comes to actual news.... when it comes to a paper that makes a difference…well, that’s Henry’s paper.  And Henry’s paper, there is no “appeasing the masses” because we don’t want to “loose demographics;” there’s just plain hard truth.  Of course, because this is how the world works, in the end Bowles is clearly going to profit by covering the war and Henry looses everything by standing up for what’s right.
So, the nobody was actually a somebody and that Emily has seen the upcoming war.  I wasn’t too surprised to learn that this was someone who would die in the future, but I was surprised they actually named him.
As for Sue this season….and, well, the love tria..squa…uh, whatever shape this is?  I’m not surprised that Sue’s marriage is already on the rocks.  Of course, it’s not just because Sue loves Emily and not Austin.  I feel as though, by the end of last season, Sue seemed to be content with marrying Austin because she was with child.  Loosing that child and keeping it from everybody, it was clear that she was trying to fill a void inside of her while simultaneously pushing everyone out.  She pushed Emily towards Bowles in order not to feel (that was made very clear in the last episode).  But it seemed like she was doing this to Austin as well….like she’s very demanding in what she wants and she clearly had an affair and didn’t care if Austin knew; but at the same time, it’s also clear that she’s uneasy when Austin seems to be pulling away from her.  And it’s obvious she’s come to a decision about her feelings for Emily; but when it comes to her marriage with Austin….she makes mention that Austin shouldn’t let anyone forget she’s married to him and she’s clearly bothered by his response, but maybe that response freed her?  Maybe she feels like she can go to Emily now, even though she married to Austin (as the marriage is clearly in name only at this point).  But, again, she still is married to Emily’s bother; there’s no way this is going to be good.  Also, what happens when she discovers Emily accidentally told Austin about the baby?  
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websitewizard2005 · 3 years
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i think season 1 is my favorite season of glee purely because everyone is PEAK awkward teenager
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dameronology · 2 years
if ur looking for writing ideas… from the list u reblogged how about "It's kinda hot when you're frustrated” w/ Poe ??? no pressure tho <3
absolutely my darling i hope u enjoy
The heat of Ajan Kloss was, for the most-part, pretty unbearable.
It did have its moments, though.
Like right now, for example; the midday sun was hanging high in the sky, casting a suffocating warmth across the airstrip. It was quite possibly the worst time of day for Poe Dameron to decide to start repairing his X-Wing, but as it usually went, there wasn't a single thing in the galaxy that could stop him from doing whatever the fuck he wanted. You'd been concerned for your boyfriend's well-being at first, but then he'd started to undress and suddenly, the thought left your mind.
Okay, so it wasn't undressing undressing but hell, you weren't complaining. Poe had started the day with his famous orange jumpsuit -- it was now tied around his waist, torso now only covered by a white vest. It was stained with engine oil from an hour's work, but that wasn't where you were looking. Rather, you had your sights set on his arms, and the way they flexed underneath the jet. His hair was curlier than usual too from the humidity, pushed back off his forehead.
Now would have been a really good time for a cold shower.
"Jesus FUCKING-"
"- Poe!" you tossed aside your magazine, hopping off the wing of your own jet and crossing the runway to him. "You're gonna hurt yourself if you keep trying to lift that damn engine."
"I have to get it done today," the pilot grunted, words slightly muffled by the spanner in his mouth. "Finn said he'd help me but he fell asleep."
"So you figured you'd just try to do it yourself?"
"Time is of the essence, my love," he murmured. His brown eyes flickered back to the engine, so you put your hands on his shoulders and tried to pull him back.
"Let the boy sleep for a few hours and then ask for his help, yeah?" you forced him to face you. "You'll put your own back out otherwise. You're not as young as you used to be."
Poe thinned his eyes at you. "You're mean."
"And you're a dumbass," you winked. "You're also kinda hot when you're frustrated, but I cannot sit here and watch you hurt yourself."
"So what do you propose we do?"
"I say we go back to our quarters and sleep off this afternoon heat," you ran a hand down his arm. "And then this evening when it's cool, I'll come and help you and Finn fix this engine so it's done even quicker. How's that sound?"
He smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips. "Sounds like a dream."
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Everytime We Kiss
Hey hey everyone! Here’s the first social media fic with O’Knutzy! It was a lot of fun to write and it’s an idea I’ve been sitting on for a while, because I wanted them to be part of it. Hope you enjoy! Sweater Weather/ O’Knutzy credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Hey, Lions, welcome back to Lion Pride! I’m your host, Dorcas Meadowes.” She smiled at the camera. “We’re here today with James and Lily Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Leo Knut, Finn O’Hara, and Logan Tremblay to do a series of challenges. That’s a lot of names.”
“I’m surprised you managed that in one breath,” Leo laughed.
“Leo, Logan, and Finn, this is your first time in one of our couples videos. Do you have any thoughts about that?”
“I’ve heard they’re terrifying,” Finn said. “But everyone seemed to have fun, so I’m kind of excited.”
“You’ve got nothing to worry about.” Dorcas winked at the camera and Logan raised his eyebrows.
“What was that look for? Should we be afraid?”
“Nah.” Another wink. “Anyway, let’s get started! We talked about this before we started filming, but just to clarify: you’re all cool with kissing each other and making physical contact?”
Lily snorted. “As long as I don’t have to make out with anyone, sure.”
James pouted his lower lip. “Anyone?”
“Not on camera, lover boy.”
“That’s fair.”
The camera cut to a title screen and words curled across the screen. Challenge Number One: Identify Your Partner By Touching Their Face
Lily sat on a couch, blindfolded, while James, Sirius, and Leo sat in chairs across from her. Sirius scooted forward and carefully took her hands, placing them on his face. She felt along his chin, nose, and forehead before pausing at his cheekbones. “Is this Sirius?” she asked with a grin. “I think this is Sirius.”
“You only have to identify James,” Dorcas said off-camera.
“This definitely isn’t James, but I’m ninety percent sure this is Cap. His cheekbones could cut glass.” The boys switched seats and James took Sirius’ place. Lily hummed when she touched his temples. “This might be him. Did you take his glasses off?”
“Bummer, he looks cute with them.” James struggled to keep down a smile and Lily ran her thumbs down his cheeks. “Oh, I feel dimples! I think I found him.”
“You have one more to try.”
Leo swapped places with James and Lily started to laugh as soon as she felt his jaw. “Aw, baby face! This isn’t James. I’m going to go with Leo, since he’s got those cute little cheeks. Wait, wait.” She ran her thumbs down his nose and nodded. “This is Leo Knut. Button nose rookie. Number two was Jamie, though.”
“Alright, take your blindfold off.”
“Hell yeah!” She high-fived James when she removed the fabric. “Knew it.”
“New rule: you can’t smile while someone is touching your face,” Dorcas said.
The next person on the couch was Sirius, and he looked incredibly nervous beneath his blindfold. “Re, if I fail miserably at this, please know that I’m sorry.”
Remus was the first in line and had to cover his mouth to stop laughing before putting Sirius’ hands on his face.
“I don’t have to guess everyone, right?”
“Correct. Lily was just being an overachiever.”
“Hmmm.” He traced Remus’ cheeks and Remus closed his eyes with a slight smile. “This might be him, honestly. Long eyelashes. Un moment.” Sirius trailed his fingers along Remus’ lips. “I think this is Re? His upper lip is rounder at the top, and I can feel the tilt right here.” He touched the edge of his mouth and Remus’ eyes crinkled at the corners.
“Next person,” Dorcas said.
Lily took Remus’ place and Sirius immediately grinned. “This is Lily.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I can do this!” He lightly pinched her cheeks and gave them a squish. “She likes to make fun of Leo for having a baby face, but Harry has the exact same cheeks.”
“Alright, final person.”
“Oh, this is a tough one.” Sirius bit his lip as he felt along Finn’s face. “The jawline is like Re’s and his nose is really straight. Mon dieu, it’s either the first one or this one.”
“Do you want to try the first one again?”
“Sure.” Remus slid to the front and guided Sirius’ hands up. “Why did I do this to myself? Okay, the last one had a longer face, but the lip thing is really throwing me off. Is this—is this Finn?”
“I can’t tell you,” Dorcas said.
Sirius paused, then blew out a long breath. “I think the third one is Remus.”
“You can take your blindfold off now.”
“Fuck,” Sirius muttered as he looked at the people on the couch. “I should have gone with my gut!”
“I’m surprised you got us mixed up,” Finn said, scooting over next to Remus. “We don’t look alike.”
“It’s the jawline!” They both turned to look at Dorcas with equally disbelieving looks.
Leo was the last one with the blindfold; next to him, four people sat in the chairs instead of the previous three.
“Okay, Leo, you’ve got an extra challenge. You have to pick both your boys out of the group of four.”
“I think I’m going to be good at this,” he said as James lifted his hands, and stuck his tongue between his teeth in concentration. “This person has broken their nose a lot and their chin is too square for either of them.”
Remus took James’ place and Leo laughed.
“Oh, fuck, this is hard! Cap, I’m sorry for making fun of you. This is either Loops or Finn and I genuinely cannot tell.”
Finn widened his eyes at the camera and Dorcas stifled a snicker. “Third person, go ahead.”
“Okay, I can feel a pointier chin…” Finn’s shoulders relaxed as Leo ran a finger down his nose and over his lips. “This is Harzy.”
Logan was next. “One more, Knut.”
“Alright, I got this.” Leo shook his hands out and felt for Logan’s face, then skimmed them along his forehead. He hesitated, and a slow smile spread across his face. “Hang on. Hang on, I think I’ve got this.” He felt along Logan’s nose and nodded. “Yep. This is Lo.”
“How do you know?” Dorcas asked.
“He’s got a little bump on the bridge of his nose, and I know that because I opened a door into his face two days ago on accident.”
Finn had to press his face into James’ shirt to muffle his laughter. “Okay, you can take the blindfold off now,” Dorcas said.
“Yes!” Leo whooped when he saw the group, not even bothering to take the blindfold off all the way. “I knew I’d be good at this.”
“Peanut, I need you to do something for me.” Finn and Remus both moved their chairs so they were next to each other. “Take a good, long look, okay? Cap, you should get over here as well.”
“Fuck off, Harzy,” Sirius grumbled off-screen.
“Are you sure, baby? It might be a good idea,” Remus said with mock-sincerity.
The camera quickly cut to a title screen. Challenge Number 2: Identify Your Partner By Holding Their Hand
James was the first one up, this time. A long black curtain with a hole cut in the middle hung between his chair and Logan’s. “Do I just reach through?” he asked.
“Yep,” Dorcas answered.
He reached through and fumbled for a moment before Logan laced their fingers together. “Hmm. I don’t think this is Lily because her hands are smaller and softer.”
Logan let go of his hand and stood up so Lily could sit down.
James lit up. “This might be her! We aren’t allowed to wear our rings for the challenges, but this person has smaller hands for sure.”
“Last one.”
James nearly smacked Remus in the arm trying to grab his hand; Remus took his wrist and carefully placed it in the proper spot. “Slender fingers, but the passive-aggressive guidance is throwing me off. I’m gonna go with number two.”
“Alright, look around the corner,” Dorcas said.
He beamed when he saw the line of people. “I got it right! Fuck yeah!”
“Way to go, sweets,” Lily laughed, pecking his cheek.
Remus grinned at him. “Sorry for being passive-aggressive.”
“Are you kidding? That was a huge help.” James gave him a side hug and the video cut to Remus behind the curtain while three new people sat down on the other side.
He reached over and took Sirius’ hand, tilting his head to the side. “This might be Sirius…hmm. This is difficult. It’s definitely warm enough, but the calluses are pretty common among the team. I can’t use both hands, right?”
“Bummer. The angle isn’t quite right for it to be like we’re walking.” Finn replaced Sirius, who looked mildly affronted. “This isn’t him.”
“Are you sure?”
Remus narrowed his eyes playfully at Dorcas. “Yes, I’m sure. Their hand is cold and way smaller.”
He flexed his fingers as Leo sat down. “Last one.”
As soon as their hands touched, Remus brightened. “This is Sirius!”
“Is that your final answer?” Dorcas asked. Sirius hid his face in the crook of his elbow as Leo’s shoulders began to shake with laughter.
“Yeah, no doubt.” Remus’ face fell and he sighed when he looked around the corner. “Fuck. Well, I guess that explains why I couldn’t figure out who the first person was.”
Sirius put Leo’s palm next to his. “If you can’t tell the difference, I need to hold your hand more.”
“Oh no, what a tragedy,” Remus said sarcastically, linking their hands with a smile. “Such a terrible punishment.”
Logan shook his arms out as he sat down in the chair. “I’m going to do so well with this.”
“Why’s that?” Dorcas sounded amused.
“I have two boyfriends, so someone is constantly holding my hand.” He looked quite smug about that particular fact.
“Yeah, but you have double the number of people to find.”
His smirk dimmed a bit. “True. Nah, I’ve still got this.”
There was a long pause after he reached through the slot and took Sirius’ hand.
“I may have made a mistake.” He closed his eyes and felt along Sirius’ knuckles. “This could be Leo? Maybe? His hand is really warm, but I’m not going to fuck this up like Loops did.”
Behind the curtain, Sirius’ face went pink with suppressed laughter. “Next person?” Dorcas suggested.
“Oui.” Logan bit his lip as Leo linked their hands. “Is this not the same person?”
“Well, fuck. Can we come back to them?” He wiggled his fingers until Lily sat down and laced them together. “This isn’t either of them. It’s Lily, I think, since she has the smallest hands and I don’t feel any calluses.”
Finn sat down next and Logan paused before smiling to himself. “I think this is Finn. Wait—” He flipped his hand over and ran his thumb along the outside of Finn’s palm. “Yeah, this is Harzy. Can I try the second person again?”
“Sure thing.”
“And that’s Leo.” He gave Leo’s hand a squeeze and Lily covered her mouth with her hands, giving the camera a soft look.
“Alright, you can check now.”
“Ha! I knew I would get it!” Logan hugged both his boys and received two kisses on the head. “We’re going to wipe the floor with these guys, mes amours.”
“Square up, Tremzy,” Sirius scoffed, ruffling his hair as he walked past.
The next title card popped up: Challenge Number Three: Identify Your Partner By Hugging Them
Finn was the first one blindfolded this time and bounced slightly on his toes as the others lined up. Remus stepped to the front and took his hands, placing them carefully around his waist before moving in for a hug. “You’re too tall to be Logan and too short to be Leo, but this is very nice,” Finn muttered. Logan slid over next, grinning from ear to ear. “This is Lo.”
“How do you know?”
“Am I allowed to feel his ass?” Finn teased, making the rest of the group and the camera crew laugh. “No, it’s the shoulders and the height. Also, he put his hands between my shoulder blades.”
“Is that a thing you guys do?” Dorcas asked as Sirius walked forward.
“It’s just a Lo thing—” Finn cut off with a gasp as his arms wrapped around Sirius. “Cap cuddles!”
Finn nuzzled his face into Sirius’ shirt. “Cap cuddles. I got banned from them because I fell asleep on him and drooled, which was an accident, but they’re the best.”
“You have one more person.”
“Unless Leo shrank four inches, I know it’s him.” Sirius had to practically pry Finn’s arms off him, resulting in an impressive pout that disappeared as soon as Leo took his place. “Yep, this is the one and only Nutter Butter.”
“You can take the blindfold off now.”
Finn leaned up for a short kiss halfway through pushing it off his head, which Leo happily obliged. Lily was next—she looked incredibly excited as she tied the blindfold over her eyes. “I love getting hugs from my boys,” she said as Finn walked over. “This might be James, actually. Dorcas, are you trying to throw me off by putting him first?”
“Can’t tell you, love.”
“Hmm. Can I try the next person?” Finn stepped aside and Sirius took his place; Lily sank into it with a happy hum. “This is Cap, but I might stay here for a bit and take a nap.”
“I don’t think that’s allowed,” Dorcas laughed. “Last one, go ahead.”
Lily ran her hands along James’ back for a moment before smiling. “I’m pretty sure this is the hubs. The first person was just a little too lanky.”
“Good guess,” James said, kissing her nose as she untied the blindfold.
“I’m not lanky,” Finn protested. “I’m buff and cool.”
Sirius looked far less nervous than before despite the blindfold, standing with his hands in his pockets as the next three people walked in. “Sirius, you seem more confident,” Dorcas remarked.
“I’m going to get this one,” he said with a shrug. “It’s easy.”
“We’ll see about that. First person, you’re up.”
Leo rested his chin on Sirius’ shoulder as they hugged, closing his eyes with a smile. “Aw, rookie.” Sirius pulled back and felt for his cheek, giving it a light pinch. “It’s so fun hugging someone my size.”
“Hey, Pots,” Sirius laughed and gave James a squeeze around the ribs. “Shit, dude, it’s been too long since I hugged you.”
“Are you sure those two were Pots and Leo?” Dorcas asked.
“Yep.” Sirius rocked back on his heels as James rejoined the line. “Leo’s the only one who’s my height, and Pots is my best friend. I know how they hug.”
“Alright, third person can step forward.”
Remus slid against him like a puzzle piece, tucking his face against Sirius’ chest. “There you are,” he said with a soft smile.
“You can take the blindfold off and check,” Dorcas said after a moment.
Neither of them moved; Sirius rested his chin on top of Remus’ head and pulled him closer. “Okay.”
The next title card popped up with lipstick kiss emojis. Challenge Number Four: Identify Your Partner By Kissing Them
“This is the final challenge,” Dorcas warned. “And just to be clear: you’re all okay with kissing each other?”
James snorted. “We all shower in the same room, like, six days a week and I’ve kissed all of them on the cheek about a million times.”
“Sure, why not?” She shrugged. “It helps that three out of five are gay, though, and the sixth is my husband.”
“Fair point. Alright, Knutty, you get to go first.”
The camera cut for a moment; when it returned, Leo was blindfolded on the same couch as the first challenge, with four people in the chairs. “Okay, I’m ready,” he said. Logan leaned forward and kissed him slowly. “I hope that was one of my boys, because that was good. It’s surprisingly hard to tell, though.”
The chairs squeaked as James took Logan’s place and gave Leo a chaste peck on the lips.
“Well, that’s Pots,” Leo said with a laugh. “Sorry, man, but that was the most bro kiss I’ve ever had.”
James seemed torn between offense and amusement as he switched spots with Remus, who kissed Leo gently.
Leo licked his lips and paused. “…that was one of them. Is it okay if I ask for another one to make sure?” Remus raised his eyebrows at Finn and Logan, who nodded, before leaning back in. “Yeah, I’m gonna say that’s Lo. He’s being so gentle, though, which is new.”
Remus fist bumped Logan as he swapped with Finn, who tilted Leo’s chin up before lip-locking.
“Hiya, Harz, how’s it going?” Leo smiled and kissed him again.
“Are those your final answers?” Dorcas asked.
“Yep. Three and four for sure.” His eyes went wide when he saw the lineup. “Oh my god.”
“I’m so flattered,” Remus said, unable to keep down his laughter anymore.
“I kissed you twice?”
“You did, and it was very nice.”
“So, I need to kiss you more,” Logan said drily. “Because apparently I’m not memorable enough. Fuck’s sake, Peanut!”
“At least I got James and Finn.” Leo ran a hand through his hair.
James was the next one in the chair—once again, he seemed conflicted. “You’re still good, Pots?” Dorcas checked.
“Yep. I have total confidence in my ability to find my wife, but I’ve never actually kissed a guy.”
“Yes, you have,” Leo said off-screen.
James paused. “Good point. Alright, let’s do this.” He scooted forward a bit and Logan took a deep breath before pressing their lips together. There was a beat of quiet when they separated before James started nodding. “Okay. Okay, that was actually pretty nice. Not Lily, but not bad.”
Sirius shook his shoulders out before giving him a quick kiss.
“Was that—that wasn’t Lily.” James bit his lip. “Do it again, I want to make sure.”
Sirius rolled his eyes, but obliged.
“Nope, not Lily. Who the fuck was that?” he muttered as Lily sat down in the chair. She kissed him easily, barely able to keep a smile off her face. James hummed as she pulled away. “Hey, gorgeous.”
“Be sure you’re talking to your wife,” Dorcas reminded him.
“That’s my Lily.” He took his blindfold off and raised his eyebrows. “Cap, you have the softest fucking lips, what the hell?”
“Thank you,” Sirius laughed, reaching over for a high-five as Remus whooped off-camera. “It’s a talent.”
Remus sighed as he tied the blindfold over his eyes. “Why do I have to go last, again?”
“Because that’s the way the cookie crumbles,” Dorcas said. “Pucker up, Loops.”
He cleared his throat and turned to face the chairs, tilting his chin forward; Finn leaned in and pressed a light kiss to his lower lip. “Hmm. Not bad. A solid seven out of ten.”
“Are you rating them?”
“I have to go last, Dorcas.” He pouted slightly and she laughed.
“Go for it. This is what we call workable content.”
Lily’s kiss was brief, but sweet. “Aw, that was Lily, wasn’t it?” he asked affectionately. “She’s wearing lip gloss and it’s kinda sticky.”
“Lily!” Dorcas sounded shocked.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to!” She nudged Remus’ knee with her own. “Rate my kisses, you judgy nerd.”
“I’m not judgy!” he protested. “But just for that, you get a three out of ten.”
“That was the best kiss of your goddamn life and you’re giving it a three?”
He snorted. “Best kiss? Best kiss? You’re cute and I adore you, but no.”
She scoffed and headed to the back of the group, but she was smiling. A grin tugged at the edge of Sirius’ mouth as he leaned in, kissing him slow and deep. Remus’ eyebrows rose as they separated, and he ran a thumb over his lower lip. “Well, that was Sirius. Twelve out of ten.”
“How do you know?”
“Because he bit me,” Remus laughed.
Sirius grinned at the camera, smug as the cat that got the canary. Remus pulled the blindfold off and tipped Sirius’ jaw back over with his index finger for another quick kiss.
“So, Cubs, this was your first video with us,” Dorcas said once all seven of them were sitting down. “Thoughts?”
“That was so much fun.” Logan draped his arm over Finn’s shoulder. “Chaotic, but fun.”
“Yeah, I don’t know what these idiots were groaning about,” Leo teased, bumping Sirius with his elbow.
“Did you get glitter poured on you? Yeah, I thought not.”
“You two were dripping in it for days,” Finn snickered. “It was all over the locker room.”
“Thanks for joining us today,” Sirius interrupted with a fake smile at the camera as he dragged Finn into a light headlock. “Make sure to like and subscribe!”
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queenshelby · 3 years
Accidents Happen (Just Friends Part 8) - Cillian Murphy Imagine
Featuring: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: SMUT
Words: 3337
Tag List (Cillian Murphy):
@lilymurphy03  @deefigs @theflamecrystal   @desperate-and-broken  @weepingstudentfishhorse   @livinginfantaxy  @rosey1981  @atomicsoulcollecto  @peakyboyslover  @nerdy4itall  @elenavampire21  @hanster1998  @mariapaiva13  @fairypitou  @harry-is-my-sunflower  @zozeebo  @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa  @littlewierdalien  @sad-huffle-nerd  @theflamecrystal   @peakymalfoyscullymulder  @themissthang  @0ghostwriter0  @stylescanbeatmyback  @1-800-peakyblinders​ @datewithgianni  @momoneymolife  @ntmynouis
Cannot Tag (please check your settings):
@l0tsofpennies @margoo0 @trolleydolly @avonlady1985 @chrisevanshoeee  @daydreamingnymph  @fookingshelby  
Note: This is fictional and doesn’t include reference to Cillian’s real children and wife.
Dublin to Birmingham
Just six weeks ago you and Max moved in with Cillian and things couldn’t have gotten much better between you.
Whilst you both took this step out of convenience and fairly early on in your somewhat fresh relationship, you were both happy and comfortable with your decision.
Max loved having Cillian’s children around and Cillian was slowly becoming like a father to Max, something he had never experienced before. He treated Max the same way he treated his own children and, sometimes, you wondered how you got so lucky. Even you and Cillian’s ex-wife had managed to build a reasonable relationship and, when Cillian wasn’t able, you would sometimes drive to her house to pick up his two sons. The age gap between you and Cillian didn’t bother her once she learned how you interacted with the children and once she met your son Max.
As far as your relationship with Cillian was concerned, you loved having each other’s company on a day-to-day basis. You often cooked together, took long warm baths together and played board games with the kids. But, most of all, you loved spending nights together in the same bed. It was not only romantic but comforting for you to have the man you loved by your side every night until quite recently.
Unfortunately, just as you settled into your new home, Cillian had to travel to England to begin filming the next season of Peaky Blinders.
This meant that you were going to be on your own for three weeks with Max before you would see him again in Birmingham, which is where your parents lived.
Whilst filming didn’t actually take place in Birmingham, Cillian was meeting you and Max there over the long weekend to finally meet your parents. It was your father’s birthday and, unfortunately, he wasn’t too fond of your relationship with Cillian.
Initially, you didn’t share much with your family other than the fact that you were living with Cillian and that he shared care for his two children with his ex. Furthermore, your parents had a problem with the age gap between you and Cillian after your father asked how old he was.
Your parents considered that age and the fact that you had three children between you might become an issue if you wanted more children of your own. You knew that Cillian didn’t want any more children and at this point, neither did you. Things were perfect the way they were and you hoped that your parents would accept your relationship once they saw how happy Cillian made you.
But, little did you know that, your parents would give him a much harder time than necessary when they first meet him.
On the Friday evening, when you arrived in Liverpool with Max, you were excited to see your parents. But, you were even more excited to see Cillian who you were meeting at the airport.
You had hired a car to drive to your parents’ house together. That way, you could drive back to Liverpool on the Monday with Cillian for another few quite days between you while your grandmother had planned to take Max back to Dublin.
In her opinion, you and Cillian were in need of some time together without kids. Unlike your parents, she adored Cillian and supported your relationship.
As you and Max got out of the plane and entered the terminal, you could see Cillian waiting for you from far away. He couldn’t be missed wearing the Thomas Shelby haircut and, unfortunately for you, other people recognised him as well.
But, he didn’t seem bothered by the fact that people were starring at him and took you into his arms before giving you a kiss as soon as you and Max approached.
He then proceeded to give Max a hug before offering you help with your bags.
‘Nice haircut’ you chuckled as you ran your hand over the back of his head.
‘Funny’ he smirked as he took your bag and walked with you and Max to the car.
You knew that he hated getting his hair cut with this style and couldn’t help but tease him.
‘I just love that I will get to meet your entire family while having this ridiculous haircut’ Cillian chuckled.
‘Trust me, at least three of my cousins get their hair cut the same way. You won’t be noticed as the odd one out’ you laughed.
‘Great, if I put on the accent, no doubt I will blend right in, eh?’ Cillian chuckled.
‘Well, you can stay in character over the weekend if you want’ you laughed before giving him another kiss as you arrived at the car.
‘You know, I really missed you’ you said with a warm smile as you sat down in the driver seat.
‘You are driving, are you?’ Cillian smiled before telling you that he missed you also and giving you another even longer kiss than before.
‘Yikes, can you stop this’ Max said with some embarrassment. He had gotten to the age where he thought that kissing was disgusting and girls were silly.
After you both chuckled about Max’s comment, you were on your way to Birmingham.
While you were driving, Cillian exclaimed that he was nervous about meeting your parents after they were already disapproving of your relationship.
What he also didn’t know that you never mentioned to your family what he was doing for a living. Unless your grandmother told them, they might be lightly surprised. But, the topic had never come up after, every time you and your father talked about your relationship, you ended up hanging up on him when he started to argue with you.
Nonetheless, you reassured Cillian that your parents will come around once they met him and see how happy you are together.
The Moment of Truth
After an almost 2 hour drive you finally arrived at your parent’s house.
‘Hi darling, how are you?’ your mum said as she hugged both you and Max at the same time before introducing herself to Cillian.
‘You must be Cillian. It’s nice to meet you’ your mum said as she shook Cillian’s hand.
‘Likewise, Mrs Y/LN’ Cillian responded with a warm smile just as your father walked through the hallway and greeted you and Max.
‘I am Y/N’s father’ he said somewhat sternly before shaking Cillian’s hand.
‘Cillian, nice to meet you’ Cillian said politely.
‘I figured. Now come on in’ your father said as it was rather cold.
Your mother was quick to disappear with Max and you quickly instructed her to give him too many lollies before dinner.
‘He looks somewhat familiar’ your father exclaimed to you while Cillian closed the car just as your youngest brother came walking through the hallway to approach you.
He immediately noticed Cillian and looked at him with some surprise.
‘No fucking way’ Brendan said all of a sudden while his eyes widened, causing him to receive a nudge from your father.
‘Language Son’ your father said firmly, causing Cillian to chuckle before he introduced himself.
‘I know man. Me and my friends love Peaky Blinders’ your brother said before introducing himself to Cillian.
Your father looked at your brother with some confusion until it clicked and he realised that Cillian was, in fact, part of the TV show he had been watching occasionally with your brother.
Your sister soon approached you as well and greeted you with a hug. She also introduced herself to Cillian. You had spoken with her about in him on several occasions previously and there was no surprise. Nonetheless, her first question was whether Cillian could introduce her to Finn Cole, causing Cillian to laugh.
After some introductions and small talk, your father showed you to your respective rooms and it became evident to you that he had arranged for you to share a room with Max while he had allocated a separate room to Cillian.
‘Dad, that’s a joke, right? You do realise we live together?’ you asked, while Cillian remained quiet about the situation.
‘And yet you aren’t married, so you will not be staying in the same bedroom at my house’ your father said, causing you to take a deep breath.
‘We should have booked a bloody hotel, that’s ridiculous’ you said.
‘Fine by me’ your father said before walking off.
‘Y/N, it’s two nights and Max hasn’t seen his grandparents for a while. We should stay for him, yeah?’ Cillian said quietly and you nodded reluctantly. As usual, Cillian was comforting and loving despite your father’s dislike for him.
‘I am so sorry Cilly, I don’t know what his problem is’ you said.
‘It’s alright Y/N. He is just being protective of you and that’s a good thing. I am sure he will come around’ Cillian said as he took you into his arms.
‘I know. It’s just that I am 25 years old and cannot sleep in the same bedroom as my boyfriend. It’s so ridiculous’ you said somewhat upset. After all, you wanted to be with Cillian desperately, share a bed together and possibly have some intimacy.  
‘I know’ Cillian chuckled before giving you a gentle kiss.
‘I cannot wait another two nights to be with you. It’s been three weeks since we slept together last and the Skype thing is really not the same’ you said suggestively as you ran your hand over his crotch hoping that no would walk through the hallway and catch you.
‘Y/N, stop. I don’t think your father would appreciate it if he saw us like this’ Cillian chuckled trying to push your hand away.
‘I tell you what, I will come to your room after everyone goes to sleep. Just for a bit’ you smirked trying to reach inside his pants, causing Cillian to get fidgety and laugh at the same time.
‘That’s a bad idea Y/N’ Cillian chuckled.
‘Why is that?’ you asked before telling Cillian that you have needs.
‘Firstly, this is your parents’ house and I do not want to disrespect their wishes. Secondly, you aren’t exactly quiet when we have sex and, thirdly, you told me on the way here that you forgot your pill the last couple of days when you stayed with your grandmother in Galway’ Cillian said.
‘Well, you will just have to pull out in time’ you winked, knowing very well that he had exceptional self-control after you found yourself in the same situation the previous months when you forgot to take it. After that, it had gotten to the point where Cillian reminded you to take it as you weren’t exactly consistent and somewhat forgetful, which also made you schedule a doctor’s appointment in two weeks to discuss other options in so far as contraception was concerned.
Just as your quick conversation with Cillian was nearing the end, your mother called out to you both to tell you that dinner was ready.
‘Coming’ you yelled out as you removed your hand from the inside of Cillian’s pants.
‘Thanks…gotta hide that now’ Cillian chuckled as he rearranged his pants so that his erection would be hidden beneath the large jumper he was wearing.
You giggled and both made your way to the dining room.
Dinner Interrogations
During dinner, your father managed to step out of line completely when he asked Cillian whether he always dated women much younger than him.
Luckily, Cillian remained polite and answered his question regardless of its inappropriateness.
‘No. In fact, I was reluctant about the age difference between us at first’ Cillian exclaimed.
‘Well, I was just asking since, with many actors, that’s the norm, dating women half their age’ your father said.
‘It is?’ Cillian asked surprised, causing you to laugh but your father didn’t appreciate the sarcasm.
The conversation soon escalated and Cillian excused himself and offered you to put Max to bed so that you can catch up with your sister and mother.
It was obvious to you that your father and Cillian didn’t see eye to eye and Cillian tried best to remain calm and keep the peace for your sake.
He joined you and your family again after putting Max to bed and, by that time, your father had received a lecture from your mother and was up to his second glass of wine. Things went much more smoothly thereafter and your parents also excused themselves at 9pm to go to bed.
Cillian went on to have a shower before giving you kiss and returning to the room that was assigned to him. He knew you would join him shortly. After all, he knew you well and he found it rather difficult to deny you especially when you were aching for him. You were a rather sexual person and demanding when it came to intimacy. 
And just like this, after you had a shower and checked on Max, you sneaked into his room wearing nothing but your panties.
Cillian was lying in bed with a novel, wearing his Calvin Klein briefs and reading glasses. The beside table lamp was dimming the room nicely and his muscular chest was highlighted by the shimmering light.
‘Good Evening Professor’ you giggled as you immediately jumped on top of him. You loved when he was wearing his reading glasses.
Cillian put his book aside and pulled you close for passionate kiss before taking off his glasses.
‘I love you, you know that?’ he said quietly and you nodded in response.
‘I love you too Cillian’ you said before kissing him again passionately before lifting up your hips to take off your panties.
There wasn’t much time for foreplay and you certainly didn’t need any. After three weeks, you were desperate for him and he was desperate for you.
You quickly threw the blanket to the ground and helped him out of his briefs before pushing him backwards so that he would lie flat on the mattress.
You climbed on top of him before you kissed again, fast, desperate and passionately.
‘Don’t forget to pull out’ you smirked just before your body began to slowly lower itself onto his Cillian’s lap, the head of his cock pushing against your opening.
He was hard, harder than he had been in a while. It was obvious to you how much he simply wanted to be inside of you.
The lips of your mound were slick, covered by your juices and the precum that had pooled at the tip of his cock.
As you moved your body further down, he penetrated you without resistance, relishing the wet, soft and warm grip of your opening.
You were just as tight as he remembered and a soft growl fell from his lips. Your walls contracted around him as he entered you inch by inch. It almost felt like a vice-grip, and the fact that he didn't immediately cum right there after three weeks of abstinence was a miracle.
You also couldn't believe how good it felt, after three weeks. You needed this desperately and you no longer cared about the fact that your parents were staying in the next room.
‘Hmm, I missed this’ you moaned quietly as more and more of his cock filled you.
Finally, your shapely ass rested on his legs, the entirety of Cillian’s cock throbbing inside you.
‘I missed this too babe’ Cillian whispered as you leaned in and kissed him deeply, pressing your small perky breasts against his chest.
You raised yourself slightly before lowering yourself back onto his hard member.
Cillian kept both hands on your hips, guiding you as you rhythmically bounced on his lap.
You felt yourself getting lost in all of this and your moans soon became uncontrolled, causing Cillian to gently place his hand over your mouth for a few seconds to muffle the sounds you were making.
‘You need to be quiet’ he instructed as the feeling of him being inside of you was almost dizzying.
You tried the best you could to remain quiet, but your efforts were futile as your humping grew erratic while you nuzzled your face into Cillian’s neck.
Cillian wrapped his arms around you and started to both lift you and thrust up, taking control of your movements.
His cock was slamming into you now, the sound of your ass cheeks being clapped competing with the squeaking of the bed.
Neither of you cared any longer as you got lost in each other. Surely, your family was fast asleep by now.
‘Cillian, fuck’ you whispered in between laboured moans as you moved in sync with each other and the head of his cock hit your cervix over and over again. His length filled you perfectly and it felt as though he was all the way inside your stomach.
As you rode him for what felt like an eternity, you could soon begin to feel your orgasm approach hard and fast and, whilst you usually tried to draw it out, you didn’t that night.
You came hard and forcefully, your body shaking as you did everything in your power not to scream and moan.
As your orgasm washed over you, Cillian once again covered your mouth to stop you from screaming out involuntarily. Usually, you were loud in the bedroom, so loud that you had recently been questioned by one of the children as to whether something was wrong.
Cillian made you feel so good that you lost control and his hand muffled the screams that escaped you as your walls contracted around him, squeezing his hard cock tightly as you orgasmed.
The sound of your panting and contraction of your tight walls around his cock pushed Cillian close to the edge as well. In fact, he was dangerously close.
While you rode out your orgasm, his was approaching, fast and hard and his cock started to pulse inside you.
‘Y/N stop’ Cillian said quietly as he held still, trying to reduce the pleasure you were giving him. But, you were in a trance, still consumed by your orgasm after three weeks of abstinence, and continued to move up and down on top of him.
‘Y/N, you need to stop… Fuck’ Cillian panted in between involuntary groans as he could feel himself throbbing inside of you rapidly. He could not hold back any longer.
You finally realised what was happening when you felt his hands grip your waist, trying to move you off him and asking you to stop once again.
‘Fuck Y/N’ Cillian moaned as you quickly moved your body upwards, allowing him to pull out of you and, just in that moment, he came hard and fast.
You tried your best to quickly collect his hot and sweet seed with your mouth as you had planned. After all, this was something you enjoyed doing a lot. But, your efforts were partially futile and you would certainly have to find a way to discreetly wash the sheets tomorrow without your parents noticing. There was a lot, defiantly more than usual.
‘Close call’ you giggled after swallowing what you had collected and licking your lips suggestively before lying down next to Cillian.
‘Too fucking close Y/N’ Cillian said, still panting. ‘You won’t be going on top the next time you want me to pull out’ he said.
‘I am sorry. I just totally lost control’ you said as you curled up against Cillian’s chest.
‘I could tell. I hope your parents didn’t hear you’ he said with a slight chuckle before kissing you gently.
That night, you really wanted to stay with him, but you knew that you couldn’t and, after another few minutes of kisses and cuddles, you returned to your room quietly.
When you returned to your room you decided to change into your comfortable snoopy pyjamas which your mum had given you. They weren’t exactly sexy, but warm.
But, just as you stepped out of your black lace panties, you noticed a small amount of shimmery white liquid on the inside of them.
Hoping that it wasn’t what you thought it was, you ran your finger through your wet slit in anguish and observed a little more of it.
Perhaps the close call was too close after all.
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sk8 headcanons because i am Bored
autistic langa likes frozen fruit a lot—strawberries are his favorite—because he likes the cool texture
reki has lip freckles that really stand out after he’s been in the sun a lot ! there’s like four or five of them :)
just thinking about “all those friday nights / under the lights / under the bleachers together / you and i were meant to be something more than a faded memory / till you and i / something divided us” but matchablossom,,,
“but i’ve already lost it once / what i already won / i’ve lost too much now to care / but i know that something’s still there” ,,, matchablossom,,, ahhhhh
miya and shadow being besties,,, shadow being miya’s parental figure and miya being his adopted nb child,,,
shadow being the first person miya comes out as nonbinary to,,,
adam going to jail,,,
reki having a stuffed animal collection and letting miya name some and then realizing that miya never had a stuffed animal growing up so reki gives miya one of his older ones that he loved as a child and then buys them a new one too… and miya asks reki to name it for them because sentiments,,,
after seeing the girl he had a crush on kiss someone else, shadow takes out his feelings on the only thing he knows how to—skating at s but he’s not in a good mind and he feels sick because he thought he thought he thought he had a chance and he doesn’t pay close enough attention and gets hurt and miya calls him an idiot and patches him up and shadow feels like a kid again but it’s kind of nice to have someone else actually help with his wounds instead of just attempting to wash them and then cover them with makeup by himself,,,
joe and shadow bonding over hating the feeling of loneliness so they make up for it the only way they know how which is being loud and being extra because they don’t feel as lonely if they’re loud
reki, miya, and cherry = adhd club
cherry and reki drawing together… and reki teaching cherry how to be more loose and carefree when he draws and cherry teaching reki how to add more structure to his art,,,
langa stealing and wearing reki’s headbands,,,
langa with glasses
reki’s sisters doing cherry and joe’s hair,,, or even reki, langa, and miya doing their hair and shadow just watches and takes pictures and reki puts cherry’s hair in fishtails because he had practice with his sisters and cherry secretly likes it (and so does joe) and miya and langa just. completely messing up joe’s hair and putting hair clips in it and langa attempts a ponytail kind of like how cherry does his hair at s (and no cherry did Not find it very attractive shut up)
shadow being a scrapbooker and having like ten scrapbooks from his life,,,
shadow not being as good of an artist as cherry or reki but he does it because he enjoys it and when cherry and reki find out they invite him to draw with them
the crew / sk8 fam all going to shadow’s house and doing a couple scrapbook pages together and it’s a mess but it’s them and it’s one of shadow’s favorite pages because he’s never scrapbooked with anyone before
langa is just naturally beautiful and photogenic so the art squad always asks him to model for them if they want to draw people
joe has depression because i want him to
and shadow has anxiety
because i do Not want any of them to be neurotypical
yeah so joe has depression, shadow has anxiety, cherry has add and anxiety, miya had adhd and separation anxiety, langa is autistic, reki has tourette’s and adhd and depression ✌🏻
when miya gets old enough, shadow gets them a part time job at the flower shop
miya likes a lot of pillows
langa sleeps with no pillows (unless reki is partially his pillow)
thinking about after reki’s second beef with adam,,, joe after he tells adam off and they’re away from the crowd, he passes out because let’s be real—there is absolutely no way he didn’t get injured and the worse one is probably a broken nose and a huge gash at the back of his head with like skin peeling and stuff like need stitches so the gang all goes to cherry’s and they help patch reki up
somewhere in that time the love hotel gets brought up and by extension getting hit by the car and getting beat up and joe and shadow are on the verge of slamming their heads against the wall at reki’s nonchalantness
and reki’s p injured so he’s laying in the couch with his head resting in langa’s lap,,,
joe tells everyone embarrassing cherry stories from school like all the time (but joe was a foolish child so cherry gets revenge)
miya likes crime documentaries
joe unironically watched supernatural and that’s part of the reason why he and cherry broke up
(maybe joe just thought dean was attractive—sue him!)
lol wait what if cherry sued adam to pay for reki’s medical bills since they inevitably had to take him to the hospital
cherry constantly tells joe that he will sue him
joe may unironically watched spn, but cherry unironically watched glee
langa wrote destiel fanfiction once upon a time
langa wrote cas bakes dean a pie--
miya is carla’s favorite (after cherry)
cherry and langa with weighted blankets also
sometimes reki steals langa’s but only if he stays the night or langa brings it over and usually if he “steals” it, it’s them sharing it or reki needs the comfort of the weight if he’s not having a good time mentally lol
joe with depression,,, i just think about that a lot sometimes,,, sometimes cooking feels meaningless and, like langa, he only feels something when he skates but it’s only this temporary feeling of joy and life,,,
and shadow with anxiety,,, over-compensating his anxiety by being shadow at night and being over the top and sometimes mean because internalized ableism,,, and if he pretends he doesn’t have anxiety then maybe he won’t feel it late at night or when everything seems to go wrong during a shift at work and he keeps dropping flowers because his hands are shaking and girls don’t like guys with anxiety, right ??? so shadow thinks that he CAN’T have anxiety :/// poor dude
miya with separation anxiety pushing people away before they get attached because if they push them away before they become friends, then they wouldn’t be able to leave them,,,
langa always bouncing his foot in class and all the time because it’s his main form of stimming (look at that boy and try to tell me he doesn’t bounce his legs like there’s no tomorrow i dare you) and sometimes it makes his legs sore and cherry and joe once recommended using a heating pad if it got really sore and langa does sometimes and it makes him happy
reki with ts having anxiety when he has to speak in front of the class / do presentations because he’s hyper-aware of his tics,,, so he always meets langa’s eyes and watches langa the whole time and langa sometimes mimes taking deep breaths which really helps but honestly just seeing langa makes reki feel like he can do anything (because he would do anything for langa)
cherry doodling to stim as a child and always getting in trouble for it because teachers used to like get pissed when students doodled (or maybe they still do and it’s just always been pissy teachers and not specifically teachers when our parents were kids) and eventually cherry got fed up with getting points docked for doodling so he started writing lists and stuff and been realized he had impeccable handwriting (also joe let cherry doodle on his hand during classes they had together so cherry wouldn’t get in trouble)
cherry once had a dream that he was rachel berry and joe was finn uhh *insert last name here* from glee and joe had a beautiful voice when they sang duets in his dream so he managed to convince joe to sing in reality and turns out joe cannot sing and cherry’s glee dreams were never the same (look i am tired lol)
joe likes being the strong one in the group and he enjoys being able to mess around / show off by just casually picking people up (he also does it as an expression of love because they’re basically hugs depending on how he holds you) and one day cherry is like… done with it ??? and just strolls up to joe and just throws him over his shoulder or something and joe combusts because he did Not know cherry can do that and no his face isn’t red shut up he doesn’t find this attractive what’re you talking about
miya wants a sword and keeps trying to convince everyone to get them one for their birthday but no one will agree because ‘they’ll hurt themselves and everyone else it does not matter that all your favorite characters have swords that does not mean You should have one’
langa is the kind of person that puts peanut butter on a cheeseburger
reki’s love language is a mix of gift giving and acts of service, but he tends to lean more towards giving gifts. his receiving love language is words of affirmation but he does Not know that yet (langa does—hence his constant “you’re amazing, reki”—and eventually so does the rest of their gang lol)
shadow likes theatre
miya has internet friends,,, so does cherry,,,
joe posts those affirmations on his story all the time
reki’s texts are sometime hard to read because a) his hands get injured a lot and b) tourette’s but langa (and soon the others) learn how to read reki texts
langa sleeps with a fan on for white noise
shadow was worried (and feeling a little left out but if he doesn’t acknowledge it, then that emotion is not real… that’s how that works, right???) since he was in the hospital when reki skated against adam the second time, so when they all went back to cherry’s to tend to reki’s numerous wounds and also celebrate friendship, miya kept shadow on a face time call the entire evening
langa has an android phone
reki is super comfortable with periods because he lives with five girls—he also usually has a couple of pads and tampons on him at all times because he’s the older sibling lol
langa wears socks with sandals,,, so does shadow,,,
shadow’s feet get cold easily so he wears fluffy socks a lot
cherry keeps his fingernails at the perfect length to dramatically tap them against the table (also to freak people out by doing that)
miya is Not a morning person
miya also likes having the windows to shadow’s car rolled up because their hair gets in their face otherwise but shadow likes them down so it’s this constant struggle
i still stand by cherry suing ad*m and using the money he won to pay for reki’s medical bills (… and shadow’s… and langa’s if he needs any)
i just feel like many people have reason to sue ad*m
ponytail langa rights
joe had really bad acne as a child and teen and cherry helped him feel less self-conscious about it and helped him embrace having acne and that’s one reason why he exposes so much skin as joe because it’s a reminder of personal growth <3
also joe has acne scars on his chin and cheeks
joe has cherry’s calligraphy all over his walls
ik i already said so in reki with ts headcanons but he doodles pictures for everyone in the sk8 fam and they all keep each and every one and shadow even puts them in his scrapbook
let langa punch adam 2k21
let reki punch adam 2k21
actually they All deserve to punch adam 2k21
miya’s favorite movie is coraline
langa can’t snap his fingers
joe and cherry always argue over whether even numbers or odd numbers are best
miya does esports
joe was in marching band and was in drumline
cherry stays up late to look at the stars and he had those plastic stars taped to his ceiling as a child
reki eats tomatoes like apples and it makes joe want to cry
okay if the atla & and the sk8 characters became internet friends… these are who i think they’d be internet friends with…
cherry: katara
joe: suki
langa: sokka
miya: aang
reki: zuko
shadow: toph
note: suki, joe, miya, and aang are all actually besties. aang is the kind of person that would usually annoy miya but they just can’t dislike aang no matter how much he may want to and they somehow find themselves attached
but suki and miya would also get along really well because I know they would and aang and joe would just have fun and like it’s what they deserve so they are interchangeable / all besties
also sk8 characters if they were benders...
cherry: fire or waterbender,,, cannot decide
joe: earthbender
langa: waterbender
miya: firebender
reki: resident nonbender
shadow: earthbender
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gleefrankenfic · 3 years
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(missed an earlier chapter? prefer to read it on Ao3? click here.)
Chapter 5 by @justgleekout
The ground quakes again, but fainter this time. The noise seems farther away than before as well. As if it had traveled over them, looking for a new target. “Oh my god, Kurt!” Blaine shouts as he throws himself to the ground at the edge of the hole. He looks back at Sam and shouts, “Sam, we have to help him!” Desperate for a reaction, he calls out to the seemingly lifeless figure at the bottom of the hole, “Kurt!” Blaine’s voice is shaking as he cries out. He crawls closer and leans over the edge of the hole, but Sam grabs him by the shoulder.
“Dude! You are not getting into that hole! What if you can’t get out again?” Sam peers over the edge. The hole is deep. Deep enough that Sam doubts he could reach the ground from down there “We need to go back and ask for help. Find Sue and the others and make sure the kids are okay”
“You cannot possibly be suggesting we leave him here?” Blaine’s eyes are wide as he looks at his friend. “He could be dead, Sam!”
“We can’t carry him out with just the two of us!” Sam looks at Blaine whose eyes are desperate and pleading. “Fuck. Okay… ehm...” Sam spins around shining his flashlight at the trees as if trying to find a solution in them. “Okay. Then… you stay here and I’m gonna find help. We should not be too far from the camp grounds. Just- just stay here and please, for the love of god, don’t get into that hole!” he says and starts walking in the general direction of the campsite. Or what he hopes is the direction of the campsite, the trees don’t look familiar anymore. He swallows.
“Please hurry,” Blaine begs after him. And then Sam is off, leaving Blaine alone with an unconscious Kurt.
Sam almost starts crying with relief when he finally reaches the edge of the forest and sees Kurt and Finn’s cabin. In front of the cabin are Puck, Mike, Rachel, Mercedes, Tina, and Quinn. Sam breaks out into a run and bolts towards them.
“Dude, what took you guys so long!” Puck calls at him when he notices Sam.
Sam dubbles over when he reaches his friends, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. He looks up at Puck, tears in his eyes.
Puck frowns at him. “Wait…” He looks behind Sam and notices that he is alone. “Where’re Finn, Kurt, and Blaine?”
“Finn’s gone.” Sam chokes out, “Kurt- Kurt is… he wasn’t moving a-and I- Blaine is with him. Kurt was so pale, and I needed to get help and-”
The sound echoes over the campsite again. 
Rachel shrieks. “What the hell is happening?” she cries. 
“What do you mean Kurt wasn’t moving??” Quinn asks Sam, trying to stay on topic and keep her fear at bay.
Sam looks up at her with a defeated expression and shakes his head. 
“Sam, what happened?” Mercedes asks and walks over to him, laying a kind, reassuring hand on his shoulder.
Sam takes a deep breath and starts to explain what happened.
After he finishes, everyone is quiet and exchanges worried looks. 
Tina is the one to break the silence; “What are we gonna do?” she says in a small voice. 
Blaine is laying on his back at the edge of the pit. He doesn’t know how long he has been laying there, waiting for Sam to get back with help, but it feels like hours. When Sam had first left, Blaine had continued to look for his flashlight. He eventually found it, but alas, broken. Now, he finds himself staring up at the night sky. This is not how he pictured the night to go. After they had put the kids to bed, he was supposed to ask Kurt if he wanted to watch the meteor shower with him the next day. After Kurt had said yes, Blaine was supposed to tell Kurt how he felt, Kurt was supposed to look at him with adoring eyes and tell him he felt the same way, and then they would kiss. Instead, Blaine is lying in the dirt, alone in the forest, freezing cold in his tank top, next to an unconscious Kurt who may or may not be dead for fucks sake. He sees a falling star and he squeezes his eyes shut. A tear rolls down his cheek. “Kurt,” Blaine whispers, “I know you probably can’t hear me, but I still want you to know…” He takes a deep breath before he sighs out, “...that I like you.” He swallows. “I feel so stupid now. I should’ve told you sooner. I- I like you so much, Kurt. I like your kind smile, I like your beautiful blue eyes, I like your witty sense of humor, I like your hair, and your butt.” Blaine chokes out a laugh despite himself. The whole situation feels crazy. “Please, just… be okay,”
Then, a soft groan emerges from the hole.
Blaine’s eyes shoot open. “Kurt!” He scrambles up as quickly as he can and looks down over the edge. In the pale moonlight, he sees Kurt move his head ever so slightly.
Kurt opens his eyes for a second before dropping his eyelids again. “hngg, b- blai n e.” His voice is barely audible.  
“I’m here, Kurt! Don’t move!” Blaine says. “Help is on the way!”
“Blaine… it hurts,” Kurt cries softly.
“Keep talking to me.” Blaine looks around hurriedly wishing for Sam to just get back already. “Where does it hurt?”
“Everywhere,” Kurt whines. His face is screwed with pain. “Blaine, I- I can’t move.”
Blaine shoots a hopeless look at the sky. Fuck. He then throws all caution to the wind and proceeds to make his way down the steep side of the pit. “Hold on, I’m coming down.”
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Shut Up and Drive
Part 3 of We Dance Together Now
An O’Knutzy au where Leo and Logan are still playing for the Lions, but Finn is a musician they met by chance on a roadie to Montreal.
Here are the first few parts!
Part 1 - Jingle Bell Rock
Part 2 - This City
I hope you like it!!! :):)
Also, this is getting kind of crazy long, so I’m going to stick it up on AO3 too :)
These beautiful characters and their world belong to the incredible @lumosinlove
Finn was standing at his bathroom sink, brushing his teeth, when he heard his phone buzz in the other room. He wandered out to look for it, toothbrush hanging from his mouth. When it wasn’t immediately visible, he just shrugged and headed back to the bathroom. It was probably just his mom. She texted to say goodnight sometimes, which was adorable but didn’t require an urgent response.
But then the phone went off a second time while he was rinsing his mouth, and a third while he was pulling on his sleep pants. Definitely not his mom. Curious now, he grabbed his book off the nightstand and headed off in search of the mysterious messages. He padded out to the living room, spotting the phone on the couch and flopping down next to it just as a fourth notification went off. He scooped it up and swiped open his messages. He was surprised to see Logan’s contact come up. He figured they would be busy tonight after their game.
Logan: Finn!
Logan: FINN!
Logan: We won!
Finn smiled at Logan’s excitement. He had actually seen the alert for the team’s win flash across his phone a few hours earlier. He’d set up notifications for Lions game results a few weeks ago, after an embarrassing evening of asking them how the game went, not knowing they had lost. He would only make that mistake once.
             Finn: I saw. Congrats! 😊
Logan’s response was immediate.
             Logan: You’re alive! Come celebrate with us.
Finn’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. That was unexpected. He knew that after winning games they usually went out with the guys from their team. That’s why he had gotten ready for an early night.
             Finn: Aren’t you out with the team?
Logan: Yes! Leo says to tell you they’re cool if you join us. They want to see you again. They remember you from Montreal.  
Finn chewed his lip, looking longingly between his book and the phone in his hand. Usually he would love to see them - the trio had become nearly inseparable over the past month - but he had been looking forward to reading tonight. He hadn’t had much opportunity since school had started back up. Plus, he had to be up early tomorrow.
             Finn: Ordinarily I would be all over that. But I’m almost in bed
             Logan: Your bed will still be there in a few hours!
             Finn: But it looks so comfy right now.  
             Logan: Pleeeeaaase? Dancing isn’t fun without you any more
Finn melted a little at that one, his conviction starting to waver even as he texted back.
Finn: I don’t give in to peer pressure!
He watched the screen, waiting for an answer, when a message from Leo popped up at the top. A picture. He swiped it open, curious, and his jaw dropped.
It was a picture of Logan, taken from close up. His head was tilted, his messy curls falling over one eye, and he was pouting, his lower lip jutting out just slightly. He was looking directly into the camera, and his eyes… Finn took one look at the wide, green, puppy dog gaze, and knew he had just been made a liar. There was absolutely no way he was not going to do whatever Logan asked if this was how he asked it. He stood up and sent one final text.
             Finn: Where are you?
Two hours later Finn was in the middle of a dance floor, sweat dripping in his eyes as he leaned over to put his hands on his knees, trying to stop laughing long enough to catch his breath.
His efforts were futile, as Logan chose that moment to expand on his interpretation of the Toosie Slide dance, one that had been getting more and more extravagant every time they heard the song at a club. As he slid dramatically across the floor, he almost knocked over a poor, unsuspecting woman. He hadn’t actually crashed into her, but it was close enough to scare her into turning toward him with a very angry look and Finn cackled as he watched Logan’s face turn from mischief to horror, nearly knocking her over a second time as he rushed to apologize. His amusement was short-lived, however, as the woman gave Logan a once-over and did a complete 180, from angry to impossibly seductive, in less than the time it took her to introduce herself. Finn looked to Leo, hoping for a distraction, only to find him in a similar position with the first woman’s friend.
Finn stood up, laughter draining quickly from his system as his smile turned wry. This was a familiar scene. Girls were not shy with Leo and Logan. And it’s not like he could blame them- he was painfully aware of how beautiful they both were. He just didn’t usually let himself get caught having to watch it. He had quickly learned to spot the girls coming before they did, to extract himself from the situation before he had to watch it unfold. This was the first time since that first night at the Burrow that he’d been caught off guard. And it was… painful. So much for keeping your feelings in check, I guess, he thought drily.
He waited for a moment, until Leo and Logan were both fully distracted, and took the opportunity to sneak away quietly, back to the table where he had been introduced to the team earlier. He slid into the seat he had previously abandoned, next to Kasey Winter, and shot him a quick smile when he welcomed him back. He pretended to be interested in the conversation he was having with Sirius Black, across from him, but his mind was elsewhere, and he jumped when a voice sounded in his ear.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He recognized Leo’s teasing voice and a small smile crept onto his face. “We lost you out there. Logan thought you might be getting a drink.”
Finn turned to look at him, taking in his dance-flushed cheeks and bright, dimpled smile. One thing he had learned after spending enough time with him, was that a genuine Leo Knut smile could light up a room. Usually that smile caused a warm glow in Finn’s chest, but right now all he could picture was the woman from the dance floor being on the receiving end of it.
Finn shook his head. “Nope, just needed a quick break.”
Leo’s brow furrowed at that, and his head tilted as he looked at Finn, assessing. His eyes flickered between Finn’s, and across his face, radiating kindness. His expression softened and he reached up to place a gentle hand on Finn’s shoulder. “Hey, are you ok?”
“Ya, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” Finn tried to paste on his biggest smile, but he could tell Leo wasn’t fully convinced.
“Are you sure? You know you can talk to me, right? I –“
Whatever Leo was going to say was cut off by Logan returning to the table, loudly. Finn took a second to thank whatever divine intervention had prevented him from having to come up with an excuse for his moping, before turning his attention to what appeared to be a very passionate argument between Logan and Thomas Walker.
“I’m just saying Talkie, that can’t possibly be true.”
“Logan. Explain to me why it cannot be true.”
“No! You explain to me why it can be true!”
Finn caught on to what Logan was doing. He had seen him try it before, on Leo, and on himself a few times as well. But it had never worked.
“It was on the Discovery Channel Tremz! Why would they lie?”
“I’m not saying they’re lying, I’m just saying you haven’t convinced me that they’re telling the truth.”
Thomas’ jaw dropped at that one, disbelief on his face. “Logan, I-, what?? That’s- this is ridiculous! Aardvarks exist! Fucking Google them!”
Logan just shook his head cheerfully, popping a cheese fry into his mouth. “Nah.”
Finn couldn’t help but laugh at Thomas’ exasperated face as he stood from the table. “I’m going to the washroom. I can’t handle you right now.” He gave Logan a playful shove in the back of the head as he walked behind him.
Logan just laughed into his drink, looking smug.
“So,” Finn picked up his own drink, “is antagonizing your friends on purpose a personal hobby?”
“No.” “Yes.”
Logan and Leo spoke over one another.
Finn looked between them, amused, as Logan pretended to be offended.
Leo just looked at Logan, eyebrows raised and a corner of his mouth pulled up affectionately. “Getting people worked up is Logan’s favourite game, but he’ll pretend he doesn’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kasey, overhearing, leaned back over to Finn. “We’ve all just learned to ignore it. Talkie’s the only one he can still get to.”
Finn chuckled at that. “You know aggravating people on purpose isn’t very nice, right?” He cocked his head at Logan.
Logan just smiled innocently. “I have no idea what you mean.”
Leo gestured pointedly toward him.  “See?”
Just then, there was a flurry of movement from the other end of the table as people started getting ready to go. As the three of them stood together to join them, Finn was reminded of something.
“Hey, before I forget, you guys have tomorrow off right?”
Leo nodded, shoving his arms through his jacket sleeves. “Ya, we do. What are we doing?”
Finn loved that it had become natural for them to just assume they would be doing something together on a day off. He started walking backward toward the door of the bar and grinned at the other two as they followed.
“We, my friends, are going on an adventure. Dress for being outside, and be ready at 9am sharp.”
At exactly 9 o’clock the next morning, Finn watched as Logan yanked open the door to his car and flopped into the front seat. His hair tousled, eyes bleary, he leaned back against the headrest with a groan. “Whyyy are we awake right now Finn?” His voice was still raspy from sleep. “Early bird gets the worm!” Finn chirped back at him with a smile. He gave a noncommittal grunt, but perked up as Finn passed him a coffee.
He took a sip, eyes closed. “Mmmmm. Ok you’re forgiven.”
“You’re welcome. Are you awake now? I need you to tell me how to get to Leo’s place.”
Finn had picked up the two of them from Logan’s place a few times over the past couple of weeks, swinging by on his way home from campus and driving them to his place to play video games or to Sid’s for dinner. He knew Leo didn’t live at Dumo’s too, but he had never actually picked him up from his own house.
“Why didn’t you pick him up first?” Grumbled Logan, his eyes still half closed as he tried to stifle a yawn.
“I picked you up first because I know where you live, and you know where Leo lives. It’s called logic. Now give me directions, Sir Yawns-a-Lot. We have places to be!”
“Mmm.” Logan grunted back in his still sleep-rasped voice. “I actually don’t remember where he’s staying right now, let me give him a call.”
Finn furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “What? Where he’s staying right now? Does he not always stay in the same place?”
But Logan waved him off as Leo picked up the phone, and Finn was left to wonder impatiently for the short duration of the call.
“Ok, he’s downtown. At the Hogwarts Hotel, right across from the arena. It’s like 5 minutes from here. You know it?”
“Yeees…” Finn dragged the word out, still trying to piece this together. “… can I ask why he’s at a hotel?”
It was Logan’s turn to look confused. “He’s always at a hotel? He’s a rookie, that’s usually what happens.”
Finn was caught off guard. “Seriously? Like for the whole year? Did you do that too?”
“Ya, I guess for the whole year. And no, I didn’t do it. I got really lucky the year I came, Dumo had an open room. He invited me to billet and I’ve just never left. They’re like a second family to me now.” He paused, running his finger around the lid of his coffee cup.
“I feel really bad for Leo though. It was hard enough coming here when I had Dumo’s family to rely on, I don’t know how he’s doing it.” He shook his head, looking up at Finn. “He tries to pretend it doesn’t bother him, bouncing around between hotel rooms, but you can tell he’s homesick sometimes, you know? I try and drag him over here to crash on my floor when he looks really down, but it’s still just another strange place for the night.”
Finn nodded. He knew how hard it had been for him moving to Gryffindor- the loneliness he had felt, exhausted from working hard all day and dreading coming home to an empty apartment. He had spent many sleepless nights talking himself out of dropping out and moving back home to his parents, his brother. June. It was during that time he had written This City, the song he had played at the Burrow the first time Leo and Logan came to see him play.
He thought about how Leo had responded to his explanation that the song had been about moving to Gryffindor. It wasn’t a happy song. Finn didn’t like that Leo could relate to it.
He put the car in drive, mulling an idea around in his brain as he headed to Gryffindor Hotel.
Leo sat in the middle of the backseat of Finn’s car, watching the roads they passed and trying to discern where exactly they were headed. So far all he could tell was that whatever they were doing, they weren’t doing it in downtown Gryffindor. He didn’t like not knowing things, it made him feel on edge. He sighed, deciding to try one more time. “Finn. We’ve been driving for fifteen minutes. Are you going to tell us where we’re going yet?”
“Actually, yes!”
Well, that was pleasantly unexpected. Finn had been denying Logan an answer since before Leo had even gotten in the car.
“Just one second…”
Leo watched from the backseat as Finn checked his blind spot, merged off of the entrance ramp, and…
Leo looked outside the window. They were on a freeway. Was Finn… excited about the freeway?
He shared a glance with Logan, who looked equally confused.
“Finn,” Logan started slowly, “what do you mean ‘ta-da’? Is this where we are going? The freeway? You said to bring clothes for outside. We can’t go outside when there are cars driving by at 80 miles per hour.”
Finn was unphased. “The freeway is our gateway to adventure, boys.” He explained cheerfully. “Everyone knows a road trip doesn’t begin until you get onto a highway.”
“We’re going on a road trip?” Leo’s interest was piqued. “A road trip to where?”
“I’m glad you asked!”
“We’ve asked ten times and you ignored us. NOW you’re glad?” asked Logan incredulously.
“Yes,” Finn explained patiently, “because I couldn’t tell you before. Not until the road trip started. Remember the rules of the list?”
“We decided that was bullshit!”
“You decided it was bullshit. I never agreed.”
Logan opened his mouth to retort, and Leo decided it was time to interject. “The road trip started now. Can you please tell us?”
He watched Finn’s smile through the rear-view mirror. Leo rarely had the opportunity to observe Finn like this, without him noticing, and he was trying not to make it obvious that he was taking advantage. But they were headed East, and the morning sun that came through the windshield was drawing out these tiny gold flecks in his wide brown eyes, and Leo couldn’t look away. He was just thinking that he wanted to see those flecks up close when Finn suddenly met his gaze in the mirror. He jerked his eyes away immediately, cursing himself as his heart skipped a beat. Then he realized that just made him look even more guilty, so he looked back up and raised his eyebrows at Finn, pretending that he had just been looking at him to hear his answer.
Finn held out for a dramatic pause before responding smugly. “I have found us the perfect adventure.”
Logan groaned, and Finn glanced over at him, sticking out his tongue. Leo noticed his cheeks had a flush that matched his own. He must have realized Leo was staring. Fuck.
The smug look fell away when he spoke again, and he sounded almost nervous. “So, there’s this town called Ilvermorny, over on the coast. I heard about it a while ago from a customer at the Burrow, apparently people love to go there because it’s super beautiful and you can walk around and explore the whole place in a day.”
Logan looked over at him, interested. “Sounds cool.”
Finn looked relieved for a second, and then an excited grin took back over. “I’m glad you think so. But that’s not the best part.” He wiggled his eyebrows excitedly. “I have received some excellent intel, that not only is this place all picturesque and shit, but, Leo…” he waited for Leo to meet his eyes in the mirror again. “They also have THE best authentic Cajun food this side of Louisiana.”
Leo felt his jaw drop, and he couldn’t stop the huge smile that he felt stretching across his face. He’s been so homesick for the food his mom made for him back in New Orleans. He leaned forward between the front seats. “Are you serious? Finn. Are you for real?”
Finn just laughed, eyes on the road.
“Logan!” Leo turned to Logan, who had one corner of his mouth quirked up into an amused smile as he watched Leo’s excited reaction.  “If this is real- and I swear to god Finn this better be real or I might actually cry- I can finally introduce you to food from home.”
He flopped back into his seat, his mouth already watering at the thought of real, authentic Cajun food. “Not having a kitchen has been absolutely killing me in Gryffindor. I miss the food from home so much.”
Logan turned back to look at him, surprised. “Really? You’ve never mentioned that you like to cook.”
Leo groaned, his eyes closing. “I love to cook. I never mention it because it just makes me sad. But nothing can make me sad right now if you’ve just put shrimp étouffée on the table.”
“I have no idea what you just said, but I’m glad you’re happy.”
He heard the amusement in Finn’s voice and cracked an eye to see him flickering his eyes between the road and the mirror. “Best. Surprise. Ever.”
Finn looked so pleased, it made Leo’s heart swell.
“Now can you please talk about something else to distract me from the fact that I have to wait hours to get to this place?”
“Yes!” Logan jumped in quickly. “We can talk about what the hell this road trip playlist is.”
Finn startled, glancing over at Logan. “What do you mean?”
“What are we listening to??”
Finn looked scandalized. “It’s the Eagles, Logan.”
“The Eagles?! What are you, 60 years old?”  
“They’re iconic!”
“They’re old. Now give me the phone cable.”
Logan didn’t wait for Finn’s response before unceremoniously yanking the cord out of Finn’s phone and plugging in his own, scrolling through his music library.
Finn wasn’t done defending his choices. “Being old doesn’t make you less iconic! Plus, I like the way they write. And so do like, a hundred million other people! We can’t all be wrong!”
Logan finally stopped scrolling and interrupted the incensed redhead. “Hey, Finn?”
Finn glanced over one more time. “What?”
Logan just grinned, and pressed play. The opening notes of Rihanna’s ‘Shut Up and Drive’ filled the car and Leo just smiled and shook his head as Finn’s offended spluttering was drowned out by the sound of electric guitar and Logan’s self-satisfied cackle.
When the boys arrived in Ilvermorny, it was only 11am. Finn had packed them a big breakfast for the car and they still weren’t hungry enough for a full lunch, so they decided to grab a quick snack for now and leave the restaurant for dinner. There was a bakery across the street from the Information Center they had parked beside, and as Logan headed in to get their order, Leo stood outside with Finn and looked around. Finn had been right, this was a super quaint little town, all brightly coloured shop fronts and cute wooden sidewalks. He winced as a cool wind blew by, regretting that he had chosen to wear a snapback instead of a beanie. He still wasn’t used to the winter weather here.
“Hey, trade me.”
He turned to see Finn tugging off his beanie and gave him a questioning look. “Sorry, what?”
“You’re cold already, it’s just going to get worse over the day. Give me your hat and you can have this one.”
Leo was caught off guard. “Oh, my god, Finn. No. I was the idiot who didn’t bring a proper hat. I’m not going to make you freeze your ears for my mistake.”
Finn just reached up and plucked Leo’s snapback off his head, dropping it onto his own before using both hands to pull his beanie down low over Leo’s curls. Leo immediately felt the warmth, both of the wool over his ears, and of the blush moving up his cheeks to reach the place where his skin tingled from the brush of Finn’s fingers.  
Finn’s wide eyes were kind as he smiled up at Leo. “I have a hood,” he said, voice soft, “you don’t. I’ll just pull mine up if I get cold.”
“Thank you.” Leo swallowed, trying and failing to pull his gaze from where it was locked onto Finn’s. Those damn gold flecks were still there. The pull he had felt since the day he had met him had never been stronger, and he felt himself start to move closer when the chime of the bakery door startled both of them.
He spun around, cursing himself internally. Stupid, stupid. Get it together. He’s not into you. You can’t be into him.
A gust of warm air blew over him as Logan stepped out with an armful of drinks and baked goods.
“Hey guys, sorry that took a minute, they were out of chocolate croissants, so I had to get something different.” His voice trailed off as he spotted Leo’s snapback over Finn’s red locks, and his gaze shot up to where Finn’s beanie was now snug over Leo’s ears.
A strange look crossed over his face, so quickly that Leo almost thought he imagined it. But it was gone before he could figure it out, replaced by a happy smile as he handed out coffees and they set to walking.
The three of them spent the afternoon checking out every recommendation from a guide-book Leo had snagged from the Information Center.  
They toured what was apparently one of the oldest functioning lighthouses in America, tried (and failed) to spot whales from coin operated binoculars on the winter-emptied fishing pier, and stopped to watch a local artist creating beautiful framed scenes out of ocean glass she collected herself from her front yard. Finn bought one of her pieces. “A memory!” He told Leo and Logan.
They meandered down the entire length of the boardwalk, perusing heated stalls selling local goods and goading one another into walking down to the icy shore to test the temperature of the calm ocean water. When they stuck their hands in, it was so cold that it burned. When they finally needed to warm up, they had gone back into the little town to wander in and out of the local shops, talking and joking with the owners and with one another.
When they walked out of their final store, a chocolate shop that Logan in particular had been itching to check out, the sun was just disappearing behind the cliffs overlooking the town. They must have been in there for a while. Longer than Finn had thought, for sure.
Finn stood next to Leo, who was checking out the guidebook again, and watched Logan walk out of the shop after them, a bag of carefully selected chocolates held in his hand. He took a few steps away from the building and stopped, closing his eyes and tilting his head back to pull in a deep breath of seaside air. Finn watched as he breathed out, relaxed. It was something he did often, just taking a moment to take in the fresh air after a long time inside. Finn had noticed him doing the first time they had met, back in Montreal, and it had become engrained in his mind as something quintessentially Logan.
Finn’s stomach gave a loud grumble then, and he pulled his attention from Logan to nudge Leo. “Hey. It’s getting late, no? Do you guys want to get dinner now?”
“I’ve been waiting all day for you to say that!” Leo joked. Logan came back over to join them, and Leo passed him the guidebook as he stretched his arms above his head.
“And Logan can double check, but I actually think we’ve checked off everything in that book now, so the timing is perfect.” He dropped his arms. “Let’s head over?”
Finn led the way through the cheerful streets, scanning storefront signs until he saw the one they were looking for. Feeling dramatic, he grabbed the door handle and pulled it open, bowing deeply to Leo. “After you, my Louisian Lord.” He frowned at the way the word sounded and looked up to Leo for help. “Louisianian? Louisianan?... Orleanian??”
Leo just looked at him. “You’re ridiculous.”
Finn stood and shrugged. “Maybe. But you still have to go in first. Lo and I don’t know shit about Cajun food. You need to make us look cultured.”
Leo let out a snort at that, but led them into the restaurant anyway, looking around happily as they were led to a table.
The moment they had menus in their hands, Leo immediately took to describing every dish with an over-the-top enthusiasm his composed self rarely showed, and Finn gave up reading his own menu in favour of leaning back and listening to his version of the dishes instead.
A few minutes later, Logan joined suit, closing his menu with a shake of his head.
“Nut, they should hire you to rewrite these descriptions. You make me want to eat everything.”
Leo’s eyes shined. “We should! Let’s just order a bunch of things and share them. There are so many things you need to try.”
Finn shrugged amenably. “Works for me. Will you order? I wanna go wash my hands.” He stood as Leo nodded, eyes still glued to the menu. “Get something with sausage, ok?”
Alone in the washroom, Finn sighed happily as he let the warm water run over his chilled fingers, looking up at his own reflection in the mirror and smiling dopily as he thought about how well his planned day had gone. His eyes moved up to lock on to where he was still wearing Leo’s snapback, and his smile dimmed a bit as he flashed back to the moment he had had with him this morning.
Despite having told himself regularly for the past month that he needed to keep his feelings in check, not let his heart get too attached, this was now the second day in a row that he had let himself get caught with his guard down. Somehow he was getting worse at it, instead of better.
He had a tendency to get lost in the bubble he shared with Leo and Logan whenever they were together, forgetting to remember that for them, it was different. That for them, he was just a friend. And he had still been feeling a little exposed after last night’s crushing reminder of that when he had, without thinking, pulled his own beanie over Leo’s ears that morning. Then Leo’s eyes had locked onto his with that look, that indecipherable look, and he hadn’t been able to dredge up the willpower to turn away. Or, you know. Breathe.
But, he thought to himself, smile returning, Leo hadn’t seemed to notice anything off, or if he had, he had let it go, and the rest of their day had been incredible. Only with Leo and Logan could a winter day in a beach town, of all places, be this much fun. He’d never had this kind of a friendship with anyone before. He dried his hands, wondering vaguely if this was what the characters in Friends felt like with each other. He figured if it was, then Leo and Logan must be his Ross and Chandler.
And he knew he would fight anyone, even his own heart, to ensure they could remain that way.
When Finn came back to the table Leo was just finishing up their order. As the waitress walked away, he relaxed happily back into is seat, the warm light of the restaurant lanterns caught his hair in a way that made it glow like spun gold. His eyes were shining as he looked up at Finn, his smile bright and content.
“Alright, Finn?”
“So alright. And so ready to eat.”
Logan snorted at that. “Nut just ordered half the restaurant, so I hope you’re serious about that.”
“Don’t be dramatic.” Leo rolled his eyes. “I ordered a completely reasonable amount of food.”
Finn smirked as a memory resurfaced. “Mmm. Completely reasonable in the way that Logan is a ‘completely reasonable player’?”
Logan gasped at that, looking offended. “Finn! Why do you remember that!”
Finn laughed openly as he dodged the sugar packet Logan threw at him. “How could I forget you beating up Leo on the streets of Montreal?”
Logan leaned back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest and a grumpy look on his face that only made Finn laugh more. “You still haven’t come to watch a game. You have no idea how totally reasonable I am.”
“Fair enough.” Finn acquiesced, still chuckling. He caught sight of a server walking toward them with a gigantic tray of food, and his eyes widened in alarm. “But if you and Leo have the same definition of reasonable, I’m thinking it’s going to be an interesting game.”
At that, Leo followed Finn’s gaze and let out a moan so obscene that Finn was sure he would be thinking about it for days. “Oh my god, you guys. Best. Day. Ever.”
Finn just grinned and prepared himself to feast.
Leo ordered too much food.
Despite joking about it while he ordered it, Logan had actually been surprised when their order was dropped at the table. Leo was usually so concerned about food waste, but there had hardly been room for their plates with everything the servers delivered. He knew they were definitely not going to be able to eat it all. He had almost teased him about it, but then Leo had taken his first bite of the jambalaya that he claimed to be ‘exactly like home’, and there was no way Logan was going to say anything that might take that look off of Leo’s face.
But now, after trying to eat as much of the excessive, and admittedly, phenomenal, food as he could, Logan was feeling very full, and very much less inclined to indulge Leo’s desires, which at the moment involved ‘sitting back and letting it digest’. Absolutely not. He needed to move.
It only took a few minutes of pleading to get them standing up, and Logan led them out of the restaurant and onto the street before flipping open the guidebook. “Ok, so Finn said there’s a lookout around here somewhere that we can walk up to. They don’t have it listed as a thing to do in here but I think this is a picture of it. It looks like it’s supposed to be more for watching the sunset, but I think it’ll still be cool to look down at the town, even though it’s already dark.”
Leo voiced his agreement from where he was leaning against the wall of the restaurant. “Let’s do it. Finn, do you know how to get to it?”
“Ummm,” Finn pulled out his phone. “I don’t remember exactly, but I know it’s a trail, not a road to get up there, and it starts closer to where we parked the car.”
“Ok cool,” Logan stomped his feet against the chillier evening air, “lets go to the car then, and we can pull up a map once we’re closer. We should start moving before we get cold.”
Leo pushed off the wall as Finn tucked his phone back into his pocket, and the three of them started moving back down the sidewalk- much more sluggish than they had been before dinner. They didn’t really fit three across, and Logan let Leo and Finn pull in front of him as they talked about the history of Cajun cooking. Logan wasn’t particularly interested in the topic—he couldn’t cook, like Leo could, and he wasn’t all that interested in history, like Finn was—so he let his mind wander as he fell into step behind them.
Seeing the two of them side by side reminded him of this morning, that weird moment outside of the bakery when he had felt, for a moment, as though he was interrupting something. Between them.
It was the way they had both looked vaguely flustered, Leo taking that step back, away from Finn, that had triggered his imagination. He had brushed it off almost immediately; he knew he was projecting, letting the old feelings for Leo that he had been pushing down for so long, and the new ones he was trying desperately to avoid for Finn, make him see things that weren’t there. They had clearly just switched hats, which explained it. It was ridiculous, really, and he knew that. But…
As he walked along behind the two other boys, Logan allowed himself to picture it, just for a moment. The idea of the two of them being together. He thought it would make him sad, but he was surprised to realize that it didn’t. That he liked imagining it.
At least, he liked it until he remembered that if the two of them had each other, there wouldn’t be a place for him anymore. The thought made his heart twist. Even though he knew he would never be able to have either one of them the way he really, truly wanted them, he loved having them like this. As friends.
It was funny, he thought to himself as he watched Leo and Finn chatting casually in front of him. He and Leo had gotten along well from the time they met, but they were definitely closer now. Something about Finn and his chaotic open-heartedness had made them more open too. And as a result, they had gotten closer not just with him, but with each other as well.  He would die before he would admit it, but he was glad Leo had dragged him up on that stage.
“Hello, earth to Tremzy?” Logan jolted himself out of his thoughts with a flush, realizing they had reached the car without him noticing.
“Sorry, I got distracted. What’s up?”
Finn was holding up his phone up with his usual cheerfulness, waiting for Logan to look at the map he had pulled up.
“Look, we found the trail head!”
He pointed off the side of the road, where they could just see the very top of a short sign sticking out of the snow. It was very clear that nobody else had gone up to the lookout that winter. The snow was deep and untouched.
“I’m thinking that maybe we could throw on our snow pants and give it a try? And if it turns out to be impossible, we’ll just turn around and roll back down.” Finn tilted his head at Logan and Leo, lips pulled up into an eager, hopeful smile. It was adorable. “What do you think?”
Logan couldn’t help but smile back. “Well, we brought snow pants, might as well get some good use out of them.”
Ten minutes later Finn could hear Logan cursing as he sank in the snow.
“Tabarnak! This is insane! Why am I in the front?? You both have longer legs than me, this snow is over my hips!” He complained.
“You’re Canadian, Tremz. I thought you would know how to handle snow.” Leo was focused on the ground in front of him, picking his way carefully through the trail Logan broke for them. “Plus,” he added thoughtfully, “this is the first time you’ve ever admitted to being short.”
Finn laughed as Logan whirled around with a glare, bending to grab a handful of snow. Leo ducked, laughing, as the snowball flew past his head.
“He’s got goalie reflexes Lo, you’re gonna have to do better than that!” Finn called up over the sounds of Leo’s bright laughter. Logan lifted a hand over his head to flip them off without turning around and they continued their trek up the hill.
By the time they reached the observation deck all three boys were panting.
“Oh my god, it’s hot.” Finn whined as he made his way over to the railing, pulling down his hood. He opened his mouth to say more, but his complaints stuck in his throat as the sight below them came into view.
“Whoa.” He breathed out the word.
He felt Leo and Logan lean against the railing next to him.
“It looks like a postcard.” Leo sounded as awed as Finn, and a quick glance at Logan showed he felt the same.
The town glowed softly below them, the warm light of the streetlamps sparkling prettily off the blanket of snow that covered every peaked roof. The lighthouse they had visited earlier that day was lit up, sending a beautiful reflection rippling through the waves of the never-ending blackness of the ocean in front of it. The moon was full, and the sky was clear, and Finn felt like they had just stepped into the fairy tale. He almost wanted to hold his breath.
The spell was broken when Leo took a step back from the railing to unwind his scarf. He looked apologetic as the other two turned to watch him. “I’m sorry guys, I’m just too hot.”
“You don’t have to apologize for being warm, Leo,” said Finn, smiling at him and taking the opportunity to look around the rest of the platform they stood on.
The observation deck was surrounded by the pristine sparkle of a fresh snowfall, and Finn suddenly had an idea. He trudged through the snow to the other side of the deck, hoisting himself up on to the railing as Logan and Leo looked on in confusion. “What are you doing?” Logan eyed him suspiciously. “I,” he grinned down at them, “am cooling off. And so are you. Come on!” He felt his smile widen as he watched the two boys look between him and the snow on the other side of the railing and connect the dots. To his surprise it was Leo who grinned and climbed up next to him first, looking back at Logan expectantly. “Absolutely not.” Logan shook his head from where he stood resolutely on the deck floor. “It’s gonna be cold.” “Come on Lo,” Finn pouted at him, “it’s not like we’re jumping in the ocean. It’s a snow pile. You have a winter clothes on. Get up here!” Leo joined in, eyes twinkling as he teased his stubborn teammate, “Come on Tremz. All your friends are about to jump off a cliff. Aren’t you gonna do it too?” Logan snorted. “The edge is on the other side of the deck. You’re going to jump ON to a cliff. And no. No, I’m not.”
“I remember saying something similarly ‘no’-like when I was being peer pressured into leaving my nice warm house yesterday.” Finn reminded him pointedly. “I’m sure you will recall how that worked out for me.” “I do.” Logan’s expression suddenly shifted into something more mischievous and his voice turned teasing. “And what made you give in, Finn?”
Finn felt his face go warm as Logan held his gaze. Was he…?
No. He was just trying to get him worked up. Leo had said Logan loved to push people’s buttons. Finn had seen Logan do it. But being on the receiving end of that look was sending a burning feeling straight down to Finn’s core, and he needed to change the subject before it became a much more noticeable problem. “I looked up the menu.” He blurted out. “They had cheese fries” Smooth. Idiot. Finn mentally facepalmed as he put on his best fake haughty expression and looked anywhere but at Logan for a moment as he reined himself in.
Thankfully, Leo came to the rescue, laughing at Finn before looking back at a now grumpy Logan, who was upset that his goading hadn’t worked. “Please Tremz?” He held out a hand, giving him a very exaggerated pout. “You know you want to jump with us.”
Logan looked back and forth between the two of them for a second before rolling his eyes and dropping his arms.
“Fine.” He sighed, resigned. “But if I get sick I’m telling coach both of you threw me in.”
Finn, calm now, beamed at Logan as he batted Leo’s hand away and climbed up on Finn’s other side. “That’s the spirit!”
“Shut up.”
But Finn could see the smile Logan was hiding now as he looked down at the untouched snow below them. “On the count of three?”
They looked between one another as Leo took the lead.
“One. Two. THREE!”
They jumped in sync, screeching as they cannonballed down into fluffy drifts.
Leo immediately scrambled to his feet, eyes sparkling with excitement as he looked down at Finn and Logan. “Again!”
Finn chuckled at that, rolling around to find his own leverage. “Alright then.”
The three boys spent the next hour of the evening concocting ever more complex dives into the deep snow. Finn was delighted to find that apparently when it came to snow, it was reasonable, level-headed Leo who was the instigator of the most ridiculous ideas. It was him who came up with the idea of catapulting one another off the railing, making a game of who could knock the snow from the highest branches.
After one final jump, which brought him absolutely nowhere near the record-holding branch, Finn let himself flop backward into the snow, tipping his head back and closing his eyes. “My entire body is exhausted.” He groaned. “How do you guys do this for a living?”
Leo and Logan joined him on the ground as Leo responded to him, amusement in his voice. “You really need to come and watch a game if you think this is what we do for a living.”
Finn just laughed. “I meant the exerting yourself part, not the jumping in the snow part. I’m not completely oblivious.”
“Mmhmm. Whatever you say, O’Hara.” Logan was smiling as he leaned back to join Finn looking up at the sky.
Leo laid down on Finn’s other side and the three of them stayed in comfortable silence for a few moments, catching their breath again.
Finn could see their faces in his periphery, the moonlight glowing on Logan’s tan skin, reflecting off of Leo’s golden curls. He felt peaceful, relaxed in their quiet company.
It was Leo who broke the silence, his quiet voice carrying through the late evening calm.
“I haven’t seen the stars like this since I was home.”
Logan leaned up on an elbow to look at him, on the other side of Finn. “Really?”
“Ya.” His voice was almost a whisper now, and Finn turned to look at him too, catching the wistful look in his eyes as he watched the sky. “You can see so many of them at home. I didn’t know I would miss them so much.”
“Knutty…” Logan made a move as though he wanted to reach out, but stopped himself, simply looking at Leo for a moment before lying back down instead. “I didn’t know.”
“I never told you.” Leo responded gently; his eyes still turned up.
Finn followed his gaze up to the glittering ceiling, so high above them. “I get why you would miss them. You never see anything like this in the cities. It’s beautiful.”
“It is.” He agreed, his smile sad.
But then his voice turned playful again, and he smirked as he sat up to look at Finn and Logan, flat on their backs next to him. “Too bad you have to freeze your ass off to see them here. Time to go!” He dug his hands down beside him, flicked handfuls of snow up at both of them, and was up and running to the car before either of them could register the shock of the cold sliding down their faces.
The drive back home that night was peaceful. Logan and Leo relaxed in their seats, listening to Finn singing quietly along to the radio as he drove. Logan had teased Finn for knowing all the lyrics to every song that came on (“it’s literally my job, Lo.”), but he had also been the one to ask him to keep singing as he dozed off against his window in the backseat. All three of them were pleasantly sleepy from the day spent out in the cold air.
When they arrived back in Gryffindor, Finn drove past downtown, where Leo’s hotel was, to drop off Logan first. When Logan questioned him about it, Finn simply replied, “You get picked up first, you get dropped off first. I don’t make the rules Lo, I just follow them.”
Logan seemed to be too tired to argue with that logic, so he just shrugged and carried on singing softly with Finn until they reached Dumo’s driveway.
“See you guys later.” He clapped their shoulders, looking tired but happy as he climbed out of the back seat. “Thanks for today, Finn. I had fun.”
“You’re welcome, Lo. Anytime.” Finn smiled at him.
“See you in the morning, Tremz.” Leo added, and the two of them watched as Logan walked up the front steps.
When Logan was safely inside, Finn started the short drive back to the hotel. Leo was still quiet, looking content with his head against the window, studying what little he could see of the stars now that they were back in the city.
Finn kept sneaking glances at him as he went over a plan in his head. He had a reason for dropping Logan off first- he wanted an opportunity to catch Leo alone. Had been waiting for it all day. But now that he had it, he was nervous, and before he knew it they were pulling up in front of the hotel.
“Thanks for today Finn, I had an incredible time.” Leo smiled sincerely at him and turned to open his door. Finn panicked then, not wanting him to leave, and practically screeched his name.
“Leo, wait!”
Leo jumped, eyes wide in confused surprise as he looked back at Finn.
Goddamn, those eyes. Finn had never seen eyes so blue. He had to look away to find his voice again.
“Uh. Sorry. I didn’t mean to yell that.”
“That’s fine, Harz. What’s up?”
Finn took a breath to steady himself and brought his gaze back up to meet Leo’s.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were living in hotels?”
Leo’s expression grew even more confused.
“I don’t know… I guess it never came up. It’s not a big deal, rookies do it all the time.”
Finn nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay…” Leo nodded too, waiting for Finn to speak again. When he didn’t, Leo turned to the door again. “Well, thanks again for today, I’ll –“
“You should come and live with me.” Finn blurted it out, and then held his breath as he waited to for a response. He hoped he hadn’t crossed a line. But it made him so sad to think of Leo, kind, sweet Leo, all alone in strange hotel rooms every night. Especially after tonight, after seeing how homesick he really was.
Leo’s eyebrows shot up, and he opened and closed his mouth several times before managing to stammer out, “I- what?”
Finn looked back down at the steering wheel, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. He spoke quickly, nervously. “Obviously you don’t have to do that. I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you or anything, that’s definitely not my intention, I just- I mean, I have the space, you know that… and just, the idea of you not having a place that you can call home right now…” He paused for a moment. “I don’t know. I don’t want you to have to experience that. Not when I can help.”
He kept his gaze focused on the steering wheel, the stitching of it suddenly very interesting.
“Finn,” said Leo softly. Finn swallowed once and forced himself to look back up at the younger boy. There was an odd look on his face. Finn hoped it wasn’t a bad sign. “Thank you, for offering.”
Finn nodded, swallowing again even though his mouth felt desert dry.
Leo looked out the window, up at the façade of the Hogwarts Hotel, thoughtful. Finn would have given anything at that moment to know what he was thinking. Leo and his stupid goalie face.
After a moment, he turned back to him. “Are you serious?”
Finn nodded quickly, his confidence starting to return when Leo didn’t laugh at him. “Of course. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. But I’m also serious when I say I won’t be offended if you’re not interested. I know sometimes people don’t like sharing a space.”
Leo let out a breath through his nose and chewed his lip as he considered Finn for a few more moments.
“I think I would like that.” He said, his features softening as he started to smile.
“Really?” Finn was pleasantly surprised. “You would?”
Leo laughed. “I would.”
“Sweet! Ok. Tell me which room you want and I’ll make sure it’s all cleared out for you. Whenever you want to come. You could literally come tomorrow. I have nothing scheduled in those rooms”
Leo leaned back against the seat, shaking his head fondly at Finn’s trademark earnestness. “I’m booked in here until the end of the week. I was supposed to move to another hotel on Friday. Is that too early?”
“No! That’s perfect.”
“Well. Alright then. I guess I’ll be there on Friday.”
“Cool.” They smiled at each other awkwardly for a second, and Leo burst into laughter.
“Okay, now its weird. Goodnight Finn.” He stepped out of the car.
“Goodnight, Leo.”
Finn couldn’t stop grinning the whole way home.
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