#i’m guessing this is the silly podcast you’ve been listening too?
princepestilence · 2 years
NYR: May in review.
Post-May horoscope: “You gotta walk in rooms like God sent you”
Okay, hands down favourite month this year so far. I’m the happiest I’ve been in... a while? ever? I’m very very happy. And relieved, my god. It’s been a stressful year but I choose to believe this is the light at the end of the tunnel, infinite and forever. Throughout May, I’ve:
handed in my resignation! After much, much deliberating, and stressing, and wondering if I was doing the right thing by me or just making a stupid choice that would backfire even worse somehow, I handed in my resignation for my current job, and I experienced immense relief. I am thrilled that these events are very soon Not My Problem, and I am excited to never be involved in corporate conference management again. That’s not to say the experience was unequivocally bad (it wasn’t), or that there won’t be things I’ll miss (there might be), but it was deeply not the right fit for me and I was going fully insane really fast. 
got an amazing new job! I start literally the day after I end at my current position, because they’re just that keen. I’m still processing the fact that this is my life, because this job ticks literally every box I had on my wishlist, which I didn’t actually think was, like, possible. Once again it feels as though someone is pulling the strings of fate in my favour, and I don’t know why. 
support feature at the slam! I didn’t win first place last slam, so it shouldn’t have been me, but since the winner had to drop out kind of last minute I got to substitute in instead. It was really fun and I’m proud of myself. It’s one of those times where you have kind of an out-of-body experience, and witness how much you’ve grown and changed. A yardstick moment. When I discovered the slam like five years ago, I would never ever have thought I’d be support feature. It’s really nice. 
nearly hit my step count goal. Weather hasn’t been on my side for months so it’s been nice to get out more. However, even weather can’t stop me now, because I’ve:
joined the gym! I’ve wanted to for ages but with work up in the air for the last few months it hasn’t been the right time. Now definitely is, though, and I’m excited to head over a few evenings a week to exercise more and listen to my podcasts since I will no longer be catching trains for hours a day in the near future. 
got a new government. I am but one of millions involved in the process, but it’s such an immense relief and source of joy. After nine consecutive years of smug religious rich boys club bullshit conservative politics “fuck the lot of yez” non-leadership, it was so satisfying to witness, as the journalist commentators called it, a “bloodbath” at the election. It’s just too bad it wasn’t literal, but it’s not too late and if we’re lucky the shame might yet kill them--at least those still able to feel it. 
attended the AGM for the first time. Really not a big deal but I guess it’s a rite of passage. I’ll see how the next few months play out and then I might put my hand up for an executive position, since they’re kind of in need of one (or several) at the moment. 
celebrated some friends. It’s been a big month for creative friends. One of my friend’s had her debut novel released yesterday, and a few days before another friend launched her published chapbook (technically it was already launched, but the plague meant she wasn’t able to have a party about it). These have nothing to do with me but it makes my heart happy to see people I care about flourishing and recognised for their talents. 
made a dreams and desires list. I guess you could call it a wishlist, but I like calling it my dreams and desires. It is fully just a collection of lists detailing the things my goblin heart covets and longs for, but as silly as it is it feels nice to like, honour that I want things and that I am allowed to have things that are nice, and update it as I want new things or get the things I want. To be fair, it’s still pretty humble all things considered. A lot of books. Various enamel pins. A new pair of boots. So on. Not anything more extravagant than bits and pieces, but I might also make a daydream list about how I would like to decorate my ideal apartment. Just for fun. 
In June, I will:
start my new job! I’m anxious because that’s the disposition I’m burdened with, but also very excited. 
finish my old job! I’m kind of mentally checked out already because the last six months sort of ran me into the ground even before I handed in my notice, but for my workwife’s sake I have been still doing some things leading up to the official handover. 
celebrate like... a lot of different things? Because of the plague and also the exhaustion of living etc. etc., we’ve put off actually doing anything ~fancy nice~ for several events and we probably should make time to do something. There’s Clair’s new job, and promotion (kind of?), and my new job (now my old job), and me resigning from my job, and getting my new cooler job, and our fourth anniversary back in March (oops), and her birthday (oops), and probably other stuff. I feel like if I don’t make this a resolution, it’s going to keep getting put off. 
writers festival. Not really a big deal and I’m only helping out for some of it, but I’m excited. I think it’s going to be really fun, and also paves the way for more excellent events like this in the future. I’m still very keen on the idea of a fantasy/spec. fic. writing festival. We need it. 
go to the gym a few times a week. Not totally sure what the schedule will be, but I’d like to aim for about three times a week, which I think is doable. I’ll say step count folds into this as well, since I would still like to hit that 5k a day average. 
go to the zoo! Also a cat cafe, but on a different day. It’s going to be such a good weekend. 
watch all of Prehistoric Planet. Probably several times. I really want to settle in and do the whole thing and just haven’t had a good chance, so I’ve blocked off a whole day for that (June 13th, mark your calendars) and I’m going to go fully mental. 
exciting new tabletop game~ The funding campaign begins this month (June 22nd, mark your calendars) and I am going to be intolerable, because my friends made it/are working on it (and also I’m the editor). Hope you’re ready for me to be super annoying for like three weeks straight. 
new poem at the slam. I’ve started a new one over the last couple of days that I think is going to fuck, so getting that finished and ready to go is the poetry goal for the month. 
do some art? I didn’t get around to it last month but I thought about it a lot. 
think about routine. I don’t want to set anything down yet until I experience the new job and get a feel for it, but I’m really craving routine and I think now is a great opportunity to lean into that properly. I think it’ll do a lot for me to have a more liveable structure in my life instead of the clinging on that I’ve been doing.
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phemiec · 4 years
I don’t wanna be too evasive and feel free not to answer this ! But you and shauna have such a good relationship and it makes me feel like love might be actually real. How do u do it ?
Not sure how to answer this without being cliched or annoying but i’ll give it a shot? i have a relationship advice tag too that i’ll put this in, but most of my posts in there are from like 6 years ago when Shauna and I had only been together 2-3 years, so they’re a little more honeymoon-phasey I guess
A big part of it is luck in finding a person who wants the same thing from a relationship that you do, Who’s willing to work at it with you and meet you halfway.
Big obvious thing is, communication, don’t bottle things up, don’t go to bed angry, don’t fight an argument over subtext in your head. This is especially important if you/your partner have anxiety or other mental health issues. If concerns or problems or doubts or any bad feeling come up, talk them out right away. Listen to what your partner is actually saying, not what you think they might be subtextually implying. And when you are discussing your feelings with them be as honest and transparent as possible. A relationship without trust and honesty cannot last.
Check in with your partner, ask for help when you need it and offer it in turn. In a long term partnership especially when you live together, there will develop a balance of responsibility and caretaking, and ideally, always try to be contributing to that balance more than you’re taking from it. Justin McElroy said in one of his podcasts once that in a marriage the effort into the relationship should be 60/40 with both people trying to be the 60 and expecting their partner to be the forty and I really agree with that.
Of course we can’t always be at our best, but in times when we have no energy, or are in a bad space, it’s especially important to be as loving, patient, and appreciative as we can with our partners who are there with us through the hard times. If you want to say “thank you”, don’t say “i’m sorry”. When we feel like burdens it’s sometimes tempting to take out our own self hatred and frustration on the people who love us, fight this impulse. Let your partner know how much you appreciate the effort they put into your relationship and gracefully accept their love, absorb it and feel it and let it uplift you in the hard times. I promise, the opportunity for you to return that effort for them in their dark times will also arise. 
On top of all that heavy stuff of effort and communication etc. Don’t underestimate the powerful tool that is humor and silliness! Keeping playfulness alive in your interactions esp with a romantic partner is, I think, just as vital as communication. When things get really dark in life, shared humor and levity can be a lighthouse! Don’t take yourselves, each other or even your relationship too seriously. Be goofy and dorky with each other, play and laugh and do things to make the other person smile. Playfulness and curiosity is also, I think, vital to keeping a romantic/sexual spark alive in a relationship, if that’s something that’s important to you. Be curious and excited to keep learning new things about your partner, when you’ve been with someone a long time you can start assuming you know everything about that person, which of course isn’t true, we’re all always learning and growing and changing. Give your partner room to change and grow, and give yourself that permission too, and then have fun reintroducing yourselves! :p
Anyway yeah.... that’s what I’ve got!
Communicate openly and honestly, show appreciation, let yourselves grow and change. Be kind, generous, playful, curious, trusting and vulnerable with each other. The rest is up to fate and finding a person willing to do those things equally for you.
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scuttling · 3 years
First Dates
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 6,151 Tags: SFW, First dates, Making out, Phone calls, Running, Yoga, Fluff Summary: After California, Aaron and Sophie go on three perfectly imperfect dates. Collection: Sophie Cortes timeline, 1 year-1 year 3 Months at the BAU (See Masterlist for reading order) Link to A03 or read below! “Jet sweet jet,” Prentiss says as they board the plane after California, and Aaron seconds it; the good thing is it’s only Friday afternoon, so at least they get a head start to the weekend, barring another emergency case—not that he doesn’t have piles of work to do, as usual, but it pleases him to think he might get the chance to see Sophie at some point, in an unofficial capacity.
“You know, 14 is when we start to make our own musical choices. Our cognitive development evolves at that age and we start to form our own cultural identity,” he hears Reid say as he sinks down into his seat, headphones hanging around his neck. He and Sophie must be having a conversation about music, because she nods easily.
“That makes sense, actually,” she says, taking the chair across from him. “I remember being obsessed with Bon Jovi around that age, and I was definitely making decisions with my pants.”
Well that’s an interesting piece of information for her to divulge. Reid blushes a little, and pulls on his headphones. Sophie pops in one earbud, looks up at Aaron, smiles, then looks down at her phone and starts typing.
SC: What?
AH: What, what? he replies.
SC: You’re staring.
AH: Maybe I just think you’re worth staring at.
He feels cheesy for saying it, but she grins.
SC: Sure, okay.
SC: Are you going to do work?
AH: You know me.
SC: That’s a yes.
SC: In case I don’t get to talk to you… will you call me tonight?
AH: Absolutely.
She tucks away her phone, succumbs to her—podcast, he guesses by the slight look of concentration on her face—and he works on his paperwork in relative silence, with the ghost of a smile on his face.
“So what are you up to? What do you do when you get home from traveling?” he asks over the phone that night, after they’ve made a little small talk.
“Well, I put a record on—it’s low, so you probably can’t hear it. Bob Dylan.” She’s right, he can’t hear it, but knowing what she chose makes him smile.
“Bob Dylan, Bon Jovi… Your taste in music isn’t what I would have expected.”
“I’ve always been a little behind the times when it comes to music. I like to be able to rely on my faithful favorites.” She pauses, taking a drink maybe, and he can hear kitchen sounds in the background. “I took a nice, hot bath, opened a bottle of wine. I usually make some kind of comfort food, if I have time to stop at the market.” It’s only 8, so that, along with the kitchen sounds, has him betting she’s whipping something up for herself.
“Mmm, what’s on the menu?”
“It’s a dish my papa always used to make when we were sick. It doesn’t sound great—fagioli su pane tostato, which means beans on toast. It’s white beans cooked in this olive oil broth and then served on sourdough toast rubbed with garlic. It tastes so much better than it sounds.”
“It sounds good when you say it in Italian. Maybe we could make it together, some night.” He hopes he’s not imagining the smile in her voice when she replies.
“I’d like that a lot. So what do you do to unwind after traveling?”
“I have a beer, take a long, hot shower—I have a great shower. Sometimes I freeze meals and I’ll warm something up if I feel like it, but tonight it’s Indian takeout.” He takes a sip of said beer, sprawls out further on the couch.
“Oh, what did you get? Indian food is great, I love chana masala on a comfort food day.”
“Ah, I got butter chicken and samosas. My usual; very unoriginal.”
“Can’t go wrong with a samosa though, yum. What else do you like to do to relax? No offense, but you always seem just as stressed on Mondays as you do on Fridays.” He chuckles at that, can see how that would be true.
“Well I have work to do tonight, but on our free weekends I go for a run in the park instead of my neighborhood, or very rarely, I get to play golf.”
“Hmm, you play golf?” Her tone of voice is low, but light, and he struggles to figure out her intent behind that.
“I can’t tell if you’re teasing me…”
“Not teasing, I’m intrigued. I’ve never been golfing or even watched golf before. Mostly I’m trying to visualize you in the little golf outfit, though.” He’s grinning his face off, he’s sure, but he can’t help it; it feels good to flirt with her, to be flirted with by her, openly now. “I run too, or I like kickboxing, Pilates. I don’t always have time to get to the gym anymore, so I do home workouts when I can. Yoga every day.” So, he knows she does yoga, is always packing her yoga blanket when they travel for cases, but left to sit and imagine it for a moment… how she looked on vacation, tiny outfit, bendy body...
“Talk about something to visualize,” he adds, very boldly, he thinks, and she hums down the line. He hopes his flirting affects her the way hers affects him.
“Yeah, we were doing so good there for a minute and now I can’t think of anything but you in a polo and khakis. Must be the wine.”
“Is that something you find sexy? A polo and khakis? That’s practically church attire.”
“Where you’re concerned, there’s not much I don’t find sexy.” He chuckles, runs his hand through his hair—he knows he looks alright, isn’t un attractive or anything, but sexy? She might be overselling it a little bit.  “I should probably rein that in. Sorry.”
“No, it’s… I like that you feel that way.” He wants to say, ‘if you find me even one tenth as sexy as I find you, it would be a miracle’, but his self-esteem isn’t quite that low. And his doorbell rings. “My delivery is here, muting you for a second.”
“Should I let you go?” she asks when he returns. He can hear the sound of her spoon clinking against her bowl, assumes she’s getting ready to eat, too.
“No. I mean, if you don’t mind, I’d like to listen to you talk some more.”
“Okay. What do you want to hear about?”
“I’d like to hear more about your band in Chicago. Did you write music?”
“One of the guys in my band wrote the music, I just sang it; didn’t have much to say.”
“I find that hard to believe,” he says honestly, because she is always thoughtful and insightful, so smart.
“Well the Sophie you know now is much more open, if you can imagine that. I used to be very closed off. The team helps; hard to be closed off when you’re around someone 24/7.”
“I’m glad you feel that the BAU has been good for you; you’ve been very good for us. And you said you sing at your friend’s bar sometimes? I might have to crash one of these nights so I can see you in action.” She laughs, a little self conscious.
“It's really nothing. Just a good way to blow off some steam. So how about you? Are you musically inclined or anything?”
“I can play the guitar.” Her spoon clinks against her bowl in the background again, and she swallows a bite.
“Hold on. You play guitar? This is important information.” He chuckles.
“How so?”
“Because it’s hot.”
“Maybe I should amend that: I could play the guitar. I haven’t in probably… five years? So I may be completely horrible.”
“Nope, doesn’t matter. If you still own a guitar, you can keep the hotness.”
They both eat, chatting in between bites, and they’ve been on the phone for two hours when she starts yawning. He suddenly has a brilliant idea.
“Do you want to meet up and go for a run tomorrow morning?”
“Yeah, I would really like that,” she says, sounding a little more awake. “Is it a date? Or just two people hanging out that want to see each other naked?” He laughs out loud.
“You want to see me naked? I thought you wanted to see me in khakis.”
“Yes, I want to see you naked; I thought that much was clear when I tried undressing you the other day. I want to see both.”
“It’s a date, then. If you want it to be. I was still working on a plan...”
“No plan necessary. I’m easy to please: I just want to see you, in running clothes or golf clothes or no clothes.”
“I’ll text you the address. Meet me there at 7?”
“It’s a date.” The next morning, he is sitting in his car at the park, and he looks up from his phone to see Sophie walking toward him, impossibly beautiful for 7 AM. Her hair is pulled back in a thick, wavy ponytail, face clear of makeup and looking radiant, softly smiling, and he swears his heart skips a beat.
Isn’t it a little too soon for beat skipping? This is only their first date, after all.
“Good morning,” she says, leaning in his window. She looks around the parking lot, which is fairly secluded at this time of the morning. “How are you?”
“A little tired, but good,” he replies and her smile grows brighter. “You?”
“I’m good. Probably shouldn’t have kept you up so late talking. You need your beauty sleep.” She reaches out to brush a hand over the hair at his temple, and he closes his eyes for a moment, content.
“Well you obviously don’t. How do you look like that at 7 AM?”
“This?” she asks, gesturing to her face and body, as if he needed a reason to look. She is fit and perky in black leggings and a University of Chicago t-shirt, and he mentally hopes that she’s not faster than him, or her ass is going to be very distracting. “Just rolled out of bed and came down. Nothing special about this.”
“I beg to differ.” She leans back in, arms crossed casually, smiles again.
“Well you’re sweet. Hey, have you ever run into someone from work here?” He scans the lot as if her question caused one of their coworkers to materialize out of thin air, then realizes he’s being silly.
“No, I haven’t so far. Why do you ask?” Ducking her head, she looks a little shy, though the corners of her lips are turned up.
“I was just wondering if I’ll get to kiss you today.”
There goes his heart, skipping beats again.
He leans forward, a hand on her cheek, and presses his mouth to hers, slow and soft. He’d almost forgotten how nice it is to kiss someone who likes you—the shared breath, the soft smack of lips, the reluctance to break the kiss—and he touches her chin as they separate. When she opens her eyes, they look dreamy, and he preens a little at causing that reaction.
“Okay, yeah. That’s nice.” He huffs a laugh and she steps away from the car, giving him space to exit. “Ready to run?”
“Was kind of hoping to kiss some more,” he teases, but he climbs out of the car and locks up.
They keep pace together well, chatting easily about their plans for the day, and Sophie points out every dog they pass, which is so endearing his face almost hurts from smiling.
“What is it?” she asks as he shakes his head, laughs, when they pass a corgi puppy that is, admittedly, adorable.
“You’re cute, that’s all. It’s nice to see joy on your face when our lives are usually surrounded by darkness.”
“Thanks. It’s nice to see it on yours, too.” She reaches out to touch his cheek, and he presses against it.
As far as dates go, this one is off to a beautiful start.
“That was fun. I enjoyed spending the morning with you,” she says as they walk back to their cars. He is a little winded, and she isn’t. It’s not entirely fair.
“I agree, it was fun. It’s nice to have a running partner.”
“Is that all I am?” she asks with an innocent expression, and he shakes his head.
“Absolutely not.” He leans in for a quick, sweet kiss that feels as natural as the slower, more passionate kisses they’ve shared, and they both pull back smiling. “Are you hungry?”
“We just ran 4 miles, I’m starving. What do you have in mind?”
“There’s a very casual diner around the corner that makes great breakfast; I’m sure they won’t mind all your sweat,” he teases, gesturing to her shirt.  He’s sweatier by far, which makes it so funny, and she laughs.
“Rude, but I’m in. Lead the way.”
The diner is a favorite of his, somewhere he goes every Saturday he runs in the park. He’s a very habit-driven person, and it wouldn’t feel right to leave without stopping by; that he gets to bring Sophie is just the icing on the cake.
“Do you usually get the same thing when you come here, or are you adventurous?” she asks, looking over the menu.
“I am not adventurous. I get a western omelette with mushrooms, potatoes on the side, almost religiously.” She smiles at him over the menu, and he wonders if she likes that quality, or if he’s one wrong comment away from being seen as an old man and not ‘boyfriend material’. He wonders if he’ll ever stop feeling self conscious about his age, where she’s concerned.
“When I find something I like I am also not adventurous. I stick with what I know.”
“Hi there. You have a friend today, Mr. Hotchner.” He smiles at the voice of his favorite waitress, though he wishes she wouldn’t have made him sound like he’s friendless any other time. She stands between his chair and Sophie’s, grinning.
“Yes Julia, this is Miss Cortes.” Sophie reaches out her hand with a warm smile.
“Sophie, if you like. Nice to meet you, Julia. This guy comes here a lot, huh?”
“Oh yes, he’s one of my favorite regulars: Kind, patient, and easy to please.”
“Great qualities in a man,” Sophie jokes, and he’s never heard Julia laugh so hard. She tends to have that effect on people, he thinks. “I feel special, then, being invited to your spot,” she says, looking over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I'm fairly certain you’re the first person he’s ever brought, so you must be special, hon.” Julia gives her a wink, and he’d be embarrassed but… she’s right. And he didn’t invite her here lightly. Sharing this place means something to him. “So I know your fella wants the western with mushrooms, potatoes on the side, OJ with his coffee. How about you, sweetie?”
“Oh, um,” Sophie begins, and it looks like she’s blushing at the whole ‘fella’ thing. It’s too cute. “Mixed grill please, with cheddar, and I’ll have orange juice too. Thank you.”
When Julia walks away, Sophie crosses her arms on the table, looks at him.
“What is it?”
“Nothing. I’m just… enjoying myself. Being with you.” She reaches out a hand, and he takes it, smiling softly. They don’t move until Julia comes back with their plates and they need to make room.
“This has been the most fun date I’ve ever been on. I don’t want it to end,” she says as they walk back to the parking lot, bellies full of food.
“But I know inviting you back to my place wouldn’t be a great idea yet. Well, it would be a great idea, but I know that taking it slow is important. And I can’t promise I wouldn’t get handsy again.”
“Taking it slow is important,” he agrees, and he leans down to kiss her, warm, lingering, “but maybe we could get handsy after our second date.”
“Mmm. I’m content with just kissing if you keep kissing me like that. Touching will just be a bonus.” They kiss more, easy, casual kisses that make them both smile. “So you want to go on another date with me?” she asks as they approach her car.
“Absolutely. I really like you.” He takes her hands in his, squeezes them. “Like you said before, I think it was something I’ve been trying not to feel for a while.”
“I think there’s a lot you try not to feel. I’m glad you’re willing to give me a chance.” They kiss again, and it feels like goodbye. “Are you sure you can’t go to the farmers’ market with me?” He’d love to, but he has to do some extra work to make up for last night and this morning.
“Yeah, I wish I could. Next week, for sure.”
“Okay, that sounds good. I’ll let you go—for the record, I don’t want to,” she says, and she takes a step back, so their arms are stretched further.
“Neither do I. I’ll call you later,” he promises, and he drops her hands, walks away.
When he looks back, she’s looking at him too, soft, and she waves goodbye.
He’s officially a goner.
“Did you have a good time at the farmers’ market?” he asks later, when they speak on the phone that evening.
“Oh yeah, great haul. I just hope I get to eat it all before we inevitably get called to leave town. I should freeze stuff like you. There was music, too, and so many dogs. How was your day?”
“It was good, productive.” She chuckles softly.
“Sounds like a blast.”
“I had my fun with you, this morning. And now.”
“Aw. That makes me happy. I had fun too. And I love talking on the phone with you. It’s my favorite part of the day.” He can hear the water running in the background. “What are you doing now?”
“Are you sure you want to hear? It’s very sexy.” She hums, thoughtful.
“Then yes, absolutely I want to hear.”
“I’m folding laundry.”
“I know you said that as a joke, but I can find a way to make it arousing. It’s a gift I have, apparently, where you’re concerned.” It’s his turn to hum down the line.
“Really? Tell me more.”
“Hmm. Well, I’m thinking of your arms flexing as you fold. Thick, careful fingers. The look on your face when you concentrate. Then, of course, it’s your clothes, so I’ll think of you putting them on… taking them off. See? Laundry is now sexy. It’s a talent.”
“That is impressive. What are you doing?”
“I’m prepping my fruit and veggies for the week. I got some flowers, so I’ll put them in a vase. Then maybe watch a movie.”
“Okay, that just sounds sweet.”
“Well I am sweet, Mr. Hotchner,” she says innocently, and he grins.
“Of course you are. What movie?”
“I think Bringing Up Baby. It always makes me laugh.”
“That’s Cary Grant, right?”
“Yes, I love Cary Grant—so tall, dark, handsome… I guess I have a type.”
They discuss movies some more, their favorite classics, her favorite actors. The night is winding down, though, and he has more work to do.
“Are you going to run tomorrow?” he asks when it’s clear the conversation will be ending soon.
“I think you wore me out today, so probably just some yoga in the park. You could come with me; have you ever done yoga?”
“No, but I’d be happy to try. What time?”
“Let’s say 8? I’ll send you the address to the park I like, and then I can treat you to breakfast at my spot.”
“Oh, so it’s a date, then,” he says, leading, and she laughs softly.
“Yes, it’s a date. I have a mat you can use, so just bring yourself and some water and I’ll take care of the rest.” “So this is called Cat Pose - just think Halloween cartoon cat,” Sophie explains the following morning, from her hands and knees, rounding her back so she looks just like the image she mentioned. “When you alternate with Cow Pose, it’s the best stretch, like waking up late on a Sunday morning and stretching in the sun coming through the curtains.”
It’s a great thought, makes him imagine Sophie sprawled across his bed, brown skin, dark hair, soft lips, smooth legs…
“Aaron?” He blinks at the sound of his name, turns to face her, and she’s smiling softly. “Thought I lost you for a sec. Next is Downward Facing Dog, so straighten your knees and send your butt up to the sky.” He watches as she does it, legs looking long and lean and strong, and he tries to replicate it as best as he can. “You’re doing really good for a beginner. This pose in particular usually sucks for a while.” She comes out of her pose, stands in front of him and presses her hands to his back. “Flat back, if you can, or bend your knees a little; I’m not trying to get sexy, I swear.” He laughs indulgently, and she steps back onto her mat with a grin.
They shift into some standing poses after a moment, Sophie checking in on him with a soft expression, and he is feeling it in his muscles by the time they drop into Plank.
“Almost done. Is it harder than you thought?” she asks, looking absolutely effortless as she supports herself on her hands, and he has to huff a laugh.
“It is, actually,” he admits, his arms quaking a bit. “People who do yoga have my utmost respect.” She lifts one arm, wraps it around her back, and she’s got to be just showing off now. She’s barely sweating.
“Yeah it takes more strength than people usually think. It’s not just all about being bendy and zen. Lower down slowly, no belly flop. Then turn onto your back, arms and legs out—this is the best part.” She closes her eyes, sighs deeply, and he can see how this would be her favorite. His entire body is sore, and before today he would have considered himself in good shape.
They rest and breathe, and when she finally sits up for a swig of water, he does the same. “You thought I wore you out yesterday? I won’t have trouble sleeping for a week,” he teases, and she bites her lip, smiles.
“Good. Maybe I can talk you into this more often. It’s fun.” He nods, panting a little from guzzling his water.
“Fun for you to make an old man suffer, that is.” She swats at his arm, and she stands, offering him a hand and helping him to his feet; they roll up the mats, take them back to her car, and head down the block to her café of choice.
It’s definitely a little more upscale than his diner, but still comfortable—they aren’t out of place in their activewear, and the woman seating them greets Sophie by name.
“So they can absolutely make you a western omelette,” Sophie says when they open their menus, “but if you trust me, I can make a suggestion.”
“I’ll take your suggestion. Let’s see how well you know me,” he offers as a challenge, and she smiles, something adorable that scrunches her nose.
“Oh, it’s a deal. You’ll love your breakfast so much you’ll weep, Aaron, I promise you.” She scans the menu again, and by the time the server comes around to take their orders, she confidently names dishes he didn’t even bother to look at. He wants to be surprised.
She gets a breakfast quesadilla for herself, which he steals a bite of, and the dish she ordered for him is a mess of potatoes and ham and eggs and cheese and veggies that he polishes off so quickly it’s almost embarrassing.
Then there are carrot cake pancakes to share, so sweet they’re almost dessert, and when she offers him the last piece she presents it on her fork, looks him over seriously when he leans in and takes the bite. It’s been all fun and easy laughter all morning, but he’s suddenly warm in a way that has nothing to do with the exercise and everything to do with the company, and he thinks she feels it too.
She pays, tips very well, and they hold hands when they walk back to the park; she leans in, presses her nose to his shoulder, and sighs when they’re about halfway there.
“I could get used to this,” she murmurs, and he looks down into her warm brown eyes and nods his agreement.
“So could I. Maybe we could make it a thing,” he offers, and her returning smile is brilliant.
“Yeah, I would like that.” They get to her car, and he crowds her up against it, kisses her deeply; she licks her bottom lip when they pull apart, and it’s gorgeous, feels a little indulgent for the park.
“As much as I’ve enjoyed our dates this weekend, I would like to take you somewhere in the evening, this week, if we can.” He knows it’s old fashioned, but he wants her to know he’s serious about them, and he feels like drinks or dinner set the tone he’s looking for. She nods her head.
“Sure, okay. Just tell me when and where and I’ll be there.” They kiss again, a little sweeter, this time, since there are families present, and when he steps away from her, she looks a little dazed. “Just remember, you promised me handsy, and if you keep kissing me like that, I’m going to deliver.” He smirks a bit.
“Message received.” His next kiss is just a light, barely there brush of lips, and she smiles when it breaks. “Call me later, if you want. I’ll just be doing work.”
“Okay. Thanks for doing yoga with me,” she murmurs, and he touches her chin.
“Thanks for breakfast. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” she repeats, and she turns around to open her car door, forgets that it’s locked. She bows her head like she’s embarrassed, but he can only laugh. She is so god damn adorable. They see each other again on Tuesday night.
AH: Done kind of early today. Was thinking about going to get a drink.
SC: A drink sounds nice. Do you want company?
AH: When it’s you? Always.
AH: Can we go to your friend's bar?
SC: Of course. There’s open mic tonight, if that’s what you’re getting at.
AH: That’s what I’m getting at.
SC: 717 Carson St, 7:30? - it looks shady, but it’s not, I promise.
AH: A glowing review.
SC: 😋
“You look so good,” is the first thing out of her mouth when he approaches her table, and it makes him laugh, duck his head. She is always so quick to dish out compliments, and while he’s not used to thinking of himself as attractive, hasn’t had a reason to in a while, it does make him feel good.
“Uh, thank you,” he says, trying not to be awkward about it. “You look beautiful, as always.” She does, too, so gorgeous in a tight white sweater and tighter back jeans—she’s too gorgeous for him by far, but he’s certainly not complaining.
“Thank you,” she murmurs, and she stretches up on her toes to kiss him softly on the mouth; he thinks the chances of anyone they know coming to this shady looking bar called Lloyd’s, unprompted, are pretty slim to none, so he encourages her kisses. “Mmm. Do you want to come up to the bar with me? My friend Ben is working, I wanted to introduce you to him.”
“Sure, of course.” She takes his hand, and they each order a beer, and he is introduced to Ben, the bartender, Monty, the guitar player, and Racquel, the manager, all of whom are very kind and appear pleased to meet him; apparently, Sophie has mentioned him once or twice. It’s so endearing.
They sit down, talk a little, order another round of beers, and when it’s Sophie’s turn to sing, she sighs lightly, shoots him a shy smile.
“Alright, here goes nothing,” she says, pressing her lips to his, and she heads up to the stage.
“Give it up for Lloyd’s favorite rock balladeer, Sophie Cortes!” That seems, to Aaron, much more official than just blowing off some steam, and he’s prepared to find out that she severely underestimated her talent; what he’s not prepared for, however, is how incredibly beautiful she looks and sounds when she sings a slow, romantic Bon Jovi song, earning applause from a group of regulars who are clearly familiar with her singing.
She waves at them, blushing a little, and when she comes back to him, he pulls her close for a tender kiss.
“You are amazing. What are you doing at the FBI? You should be selling out stadiums, or something.” She laughs.
“I don’t know about that, Aaron, but thank you. It’s something I love to do, but it’s not a career.” They sit, but he scoots his chair closer to her than before. “You know how it is when you’re a kid; people tell you you can be anything you want to be when you grow up, and then you grow up, and things change. But I’ll always have Lloyd’s, so… it works.” He takes her face in his hands and kisses her again; her fingers brush over the back of this head, and she hums against his lips.
“Can’t believe I’m dating someone who’s practically famous,” he teases when they separate, and she rolls her eyes, blushes.
“Enough, or I’ll make Monty give you his guitar so we can see what you can do.”
“Okay, point taken,” he says, holding up his hands in surrender, and they laugh and talk for a while, until they both remember it’s a work night and they need to head out.
“Where did you park? I’ll walk you to your car,” he says, hand on her back, and she gestures down the street.
“I’m only two blocks away, I walked.” She must see surprise and discomfort in his eyes, because she takes his other hand. “If anyone tries to mess with me, you know they’ll regret it. I'll be fine.”
“I know, but still. I’d feel better if you let me drive you.”
“Well, I’ll never turn you down,” she says sweetly, pulling him down for a kiss, and he gets her into the car, closes the door for her. In a couple of minutes, they are parked in front of her large brown stone building, and they both unbuckle their seat belts, turn to face each other.
“I like Lloyd’s,” he tells her while they sit companionably; it’s clear neither is ready for the night to end. “Everyone is so nice; it definitely feels like a place you’d go.
“Thank you, I think,” she says with a playful smile. He smiles too, feeling great after such a good date, and he leans over for a kiss. Sophie lengthens it, brushing fingers through his hair, and her eyes have that dreamy quality again when they break apart. “Mmm. Can I come over there?” She sets a hand gently on his thigh, and he nods, pushes back his seat to give her more room.
She settles comfortably in his lap, hands on his shoulders, and he brings her to him for a long, steamy kiss. They make out for several minutes, get handsy, as she mentioned before, before she pulls back with a soft sigh. “Can I tell you something?” she asks, pressing her forehead against his.
“Anything. Always.”
“I’ve thought about this—making out in your car—quite a few times. The first time was the night we went out for my birthday.”
“I really enjoyed myself that night.”
“Me too. I was so happy you came out, and stayed out. And when I told you I loved you, there was so much left unsaid… I hoped you knew.” He smooths his hand over her cheek, his thumb over her bottom lip, and she shivers. “Then you took me home, and you helped me with my shoes, and when you kissed me on my head, I thought: maybe, just maybe, he feels the same way I do. And then we never mentioned it, and nothing ever happened, so I thought maybe I was imagining everything.”
“You weren’t imagining anything. I felt it too.”
“Good,” she murmurs, taking his face in her hands, and they kiss hot, slow. “I think you’re so incredible.”
“I think you’re incredible, too.” He smooths his hands up her back, pressing her closer, and she rolls her hips slowly against him, earning a groan. “Sophie,” he sighs, clutching her. She feels so good, smells so good, it’s almost intoxicating.
“I know,” she breathes, and she looks up at him, eyes serious, chest heaving. “Do you want to come up with me?” He is about to answer with an emphatic yes when someone knocks hard on the window; Sophie starts, bumps her head, and he rubs it with his hand, rolls down the window.
It’s a police officer, because of course it is, and they both wince. He is young, a little cocky, Aaron can tell just by looking at him. Great.
“Good evening. I’d ask what you folks are doing out here, but I think it’s a bit obvious,” he drawls, looking slowly over Sophie’s body where she sits in his lap. “Hiding from your wife, or…?”
“No, sir, we are not,” she answers, clearly a little perturbed but keeping her cool. “We were just about to go inside.”
“That’s good; we like to discourage lewd behavior on our streets, which I’m sure you can understand.” Aaron bristles at that himself.
“Lewd behavior? With all due respect, we were only kissing, and we were about to go inside, like she said. Are you going to attempt to cite us for this?” The officer looks them over thoughtfully, takes out his flashlight.
“Let’s start with some identification.” Sophie sighs, makes to climb off his lap, but he stops her with a hand on her hip.
The situation is uncomfortable enough, but if she vacates his lap… it will only become more awkward for everyone. She presses her lips together like she’s trying not to laugh, slides her driver’s license out of her pocket and hands it to the officer.
“Can she get in the glove box for mine?” he asks, trying to remain respectful even though he instantly hates this man. He nods, and Sophie reaches over, opens the glove box, and pulls out his FBI credentials. She flips it open in front of his flashlight, and he blanches, steps back.
“Oh, I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t—I wasn’t.” He looks up, nervous. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your evening, sir.”
“You were just doing your job,” Aaron says gently, despite the fact that this is just, so embarrassing. “Are we going to be cited?” To his credit, the kid looks like he’s going to wet his pants. It’s a little funny.
“No, sir, of course not. I—thank you for your cooperation. You two enjoy the rest of your night.” He all but runs back to his squad car, and when he drives away, Aaron and Sophie both burst out laughing.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” she says through fits of giggles, and she leans against him for a hug. “This has to be the worst date you’ve ever been on, right?” He exhales, shakes his head in amusement.
“No. I’d take what just happened a thousand times over if I could relive the rest of tonight.” Her face softens, and she presses her lips softly against his, squeezes his shoulder.
“You are some type of man,” she says when she pulls back, and she looks him over like she wants to devour him. His lap situation had subsided, but apparently not for long. “I think we should probably just call it a night, don’t you?” she asks gently. “I’m thinking we should take that unmistakable sign for what it is.” He nods, because even though the prospect of going upstairs is a very sweet one, the decision may have been a little premature.
“I agree; but just know, more than anything, that I don’t want this evening to end.”
“I know, me neither. But we do have work in the morning; you can call me tomorrow night, though, if you want. I would really like that.”
“It’s a date,” he teases, and they kiss softly a couple of times before she slides back into the passenger’s seat, heads out the door.
He exhales deeply when she’s out of his sight.
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floralguccistyles · 3 years
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nine: aliens, bigfoot, and nerds, oh my!
“Have you been eating, sweetheart? You’ve lost at least ten pounds since the last time I’ve seen you.”
My father rolled his eyes from over my mother’s shoulder as she pulled me into a big hug. Every time I saw my mother, she mentioned how skinny I was getting even though I was sure I had gained about five pounds since the last time I’d seen her. It was usually an excuse to come into my flat and make us a giant dinner, which I would never complain about. Her arms squeezed my shoulders as she released me, pulling back so she could look at my face.
“Pretty as ever, sweetheart.” 
“Eva, can I please hug our daughter hello now?”
I laughed as my mother made a big deal of moving out of the way so my father could hug me. His embrace was familiar, his arms the ones I ran to when the bullying in secondary school got too bad to handle on my own. He had wiped my tears away and said “you’re one of a kind, mija, and they’re jealous of that.” 
“Was the drive okay?” I asked them, pulling away from my father after he planted a quick kiss on my hairline. Their suitcases (the ones they had owned when they came to England) were decorated with vibrant stickers from Cuba. They were worn now, scratched at the corners, but their color had miraculously remained. 
“It was wonderful. It’s been so long since we’ve been to London, and now look at us! We’re here to celebrate our daughter’s book!”
Inviting them to the book release party had been a last minute decision, but I found myself happy that I had. Though I knew they were proud of me, I also knew that they didn’t really understand a lot of the fandom stuff I had discussed in several chapters. They would read it to support me, of that I was sure, but I was uncertain about if they’d actually enjoy it. 
“You probably won’t understand a lot of it, Mum.”
“You don’t know that. Your father and I have been watching that Doctor show...what’s it called, Roberto?”
“I don’t know, Eva. I fall asleep when it’s on.”
“It’s called Doctor Who, Mum,” I snorted out, biting back a bigger laugh. 
“Whatever it’s called, we’ve been watching it. And we were alive when Star Wars came out, you know. I was there for the Darth Vader reveal and everything. Mamá took me to the theater and got me an extra large popcorn.”
I liked hearing little stories like that. It was almost too easy to picture my mum, sitting there in a little theater in Cuba when the true identity of Darth Vader was revealed. My grandmother had probably grasped her chest with her hand and shouted “¡Dios mío!” at the top of her lungs. If I eventually travelled to Cuba, if the movie theater was still there, I decided I would visit it.
The three of us piled into the Uber I had called for us, which wasn’t hard because their suitcases were so small. On the way to my flat, my parents regaled stories about their drive to London and how she was upset my dad wouldn’t let her listen to Dua Lipa on the radio because “that Dua Lipa girl was very talented, Petra.” We made it back to my flat with only three arguments broken out between them.
“You guys are staying in my room and I’m camping out on the couch,” I informed them, helping my mum to carry her suitcase in. “Sorry it’s so cramped. It’s perfect for me, but unfortunately having guests is a little difficult.”
“We could have stayed in a hotel, baby,” My father commented.
“I’m not going to make my parents pay for a hotel room. I can sleep on the couch for one night and survive, Dad.” They had been to my flat before, but I still showed them where the extra towels and soap was in the bathroom. “The party’s at seven tonight, and dinner will be served. I’ve got to go a little earlier, but I’m just a text away if you need anything.”
“My baby,” my mum said, her eyes glistening, “we are so proud of you!”
I found myself enveloped in another tight hug, this time joined by my father. The lump in my throat grew when I thought of their praise. Too often, I had taken their support for granted. “I love you both.”
“We love you, mija.”
A sudden knock on my door had us pulling apart. “Were you expecting anyone, baby?” my mum asked, going to the front foyer and looking out the foggy windows. “It’s a boy, Roberto!”
I moved around my frozen parents to answer the door, swinging it open and greeting Harry Styles’s smiling face with a blank look. I had no idea what Harry was doing here, but he really had very impeccable timing. 
And by impeccable, I meant shit. 
“Morning! I was thinking about grabbing something to eat at a little bistro around here and thought I’d come by and see what you were up to today. Wanna join?”
Speech wouldn’t come. I felt the stares of my parents behind me, still hidden from Harry’s view, and how they would squeal and gush when they found out I was on somewhat good terms with Harry Styles, something they’d been trying to get me to do for years. “Harry—”
“Harry?” My mum’s voice asked loudly from where she was standing. She marched up behind me and swung the door open a little wider so he could clearly see her. “Oh my goodness! Harry Styles! Petra, it’s Harry Styles!”
“I know who he is, Mum,” I whispered in an embarrassed voice.
“Last time I saw you, you were about four feet tall,” My mother cooed, stepping forward. Before Harry could react, she had him in a tight hug, wrapping her arms around his body. “Petra didn’t tell me you were friends again!”
I bit down the urge to argue that we were never friends, but my mother wouldn’t listen. She never had when it had come to my bullies at school. “Just give them a chance to change, Petra,” she had told me when I would bury my face in her shoulder and cry that I didn’t want to go to school.
“Hi, Mrs. Gallego. I didn’t know you guys were coming to town. Sorry for intruding on family day. I was just coming down to this part of town to grab some lunch and wanted to see if Petra could come. No worries, though. I don’t want to take away—”
“Nonsense!” My father cut in, reaching out his hand for Harry to shake. “Nice to see you again, Harry. Feel free to take Petra to lunch. We’re probably going to nap a little before her release party tonight. The drive was long.”
“Release party?” Harry asked, glancing back and forth between my parents and me.
I awkwardly scratched the side of my head. “My, er, book is being released tonight.” 
“What? Petra, that’s amazing!” His smile seemed genuine enough, but all I wanted was to shut the door and rewind the last five minutes. I never would have answered the door in front of my parents if I had known it was going to be Harry on the other side. “If you, um, want to go...it can be a celebratory lunch. And obviously you all are invited, Mr. and Mrs. Gallego.”
“Oh, Harry, we’d love to come, wouldn’t we, Petra?”
My eyes moved between Harry’s cautiously hopeful face and my parents, who were already grabbing my mum’s purse and getting ready to leave. In their eyes, I had already agreed. “Sure,” I said uncomfortably. “That’s fine. Let me just call an Uber for us and we’ll follow behind you.”
“Oh, don’t be silly, Petra. We can call an Uber and you can go with Harry.”
There was no arguing with Eva Gallego when she set her mind to something, so I just nodded. “Okay. Er...I guess that settles that.”
We awkwardly stood around in my foyer until my mum cleared her throat. “Petra, darling, aren’t you going to invite Harry in while we wait for our ride?”
“Right. Come on in, Harry.”
His gaze locked on mine, expression questioning. I knew he felt the tension that was creeping up inside me with having him in the same room as my parents, but I didn’t want to get into it. Not when I knew it would ruin my night. The morning had already started off with self-destructive behavior as I looked back at some of the tweets about my day out with Harry from February. I had never been as aware of my appearance as I was in that moment, scrolling through absolute strangers saying the worst things. I had an extra appointment with Doctor Thorne this week to make up for it.
“How long have you and Petra been hanging out again?” My mum asked as we all sat in my living room. 
“A couple of months. She contacted me in January about being on the show. It was an amazing experience.”
“I just love listening to Petra’s podcast,” my father said happily, reaching over and patting my knee. “I have no clue what she’s talking about half the time, but she sounds damn smart saying it.”
“She’s incredibly smart,” Harry agreed, and I ignored the urge to bang my head on the coffee table. I didn’t want him agreeing with my parents about my intelligence. We weren’t really that good of friends, if I even considered us friends yet. I had admitted to myself that Harry had definitely changed for the better, but that didn’t mean the past hurt went away.
“I almost forgot, mija! Your grandma sent you Materva. She said you wrote her an email about it.”
Normally, I would be jumping for joy. The first and only time my grandmother had visited from Cuba, she had brought Materva with her and it had become my favorite drink. With Harry here, however, I felt uncomfortable and self-conscious. I squirmed a little in my seat.
“That was nice of her. I’ll email her and tell her thank you. Want me to put it in the fridge?”
My father went off to my room to grab the Materva and Harry raised a quizzical eyebrow. “What is Moterva?”
“Materva,” my mum corrected with a smile. “It’s a soda.”
“And it’s delicious. Remind Petra to let you try some later,” my father said, returning with a set of six cans. “She sent us more, but we’re selfish and kept the rest of it at home for us.”
He stocked them in my fridge and pulled out his phone when he heard the small chime. “Our Uber is here. We’ll see you two at the restaurant.”
I made sure they made it into their car okay before I hesitantly pulled open the door of Harry’s. We both got ourselves situated, clicking our seatbelts into place. 
He didn’t start the car.
“I didn’t know your parents would be here,” he said, offering me an apologetic smile. “I could tell it...it made you uncomfortable.”
“I’m just not used to this.” I gestured back and forth between us with my hand. “And my parents...they mean well, but when I was in secondary school and coming home to them crying, they told me to try and make friends with you guys. They didn’t really understand how hard that would have been. They think I should let bygones be bygones and I want to...but I don’t know if I can just yet.”
“I completely understand.” He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. “Can I ask you something a little personal?”
“I don’t know if I’ll answer.” Honesty seemed to be the best approach with Harry.
“Why do you seem so embarrassed when your Cuban heritage is mentioned around me? When your dad brought out the soda, it looks like you were going to stab yourself with a fork.”
Go back to where you came from, Gallego. Nathan Penrose’s voice filtered through my thoughts. To them, I wasn’t English enough for England. But it was almost worse to feel that I wasn’t Cuban enough for Cuba.
“It’s about what that prick Nathan said when we were younger, right?” he asked softly, his fingers tightening around the steering wheel remembering it. “I so wish I would have punched him in the face.”
“It’s not just Nathan. That’s a big part of it, but it’s not just you I feel uncomfortable talking about it with.”
“Okay. You don’t have to talk about it, but...just know you can, if you ever want to. I’m serious about trying to be friends, Petra.”
The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, with some pop song playing lowly over the speakers. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, per se, but it made me wriggle around in my seat and wish I was sitting at the restaurant already. I wasn’t used to silences with Harry not trying to fill the space with his random thoughts. I appreciated that he was letting me just sit and absorb the moments, but it was also unnerving.
We pulled up to the little bistro right after my parents, who had already decided to get a table for us. Harry walked around to the other side of his car and opened the door for me, holding out his hand to help me out. My parents waved us over from their table outside, pulling out our chairs. I was seated between Harry and my mum, across from my father. It meant that I caught the sly looks they gave me whenever Harry was engrossed with his menu.
“What’s good here, Harry?” My mum asked after a couple moments of looking.
“I like their vegan buffalo wings and macaroni.”
“You’re vegan?” I asked in surprise, raising a brow at him.
“No, but I eat plant based meat when I can. And most places make their vegan wings with cauliflower, which hurts my stomach. This place makes them with mushrooms.”
“Petra loves mushrooms. You should try them, sweetheart.”
I set my menu down without really looking at it. “I’m getting a bagel and their cucumber and edamame salad.” Since both of my parents loved cucumbers, I knew I would be sharing at least a few bites with them. It was normal for us to sample each other’s meals. “What are you getting, Mum?”
“Maybe the chicken breast and mashed potato lunch special. Your father, predictable as ever, is getting a burger.”
My dad shrugged. “Don’t fix what isn’t broken.”
The waitress eyed Harry a little longer than necessary when she came to take our orders, but eventually left. I could tell he would be getting asked to take a picture before he left, despite how unprofessional that was. Then I thought about if it had been Hayden Christensen if I had been the waitress and understood what the fuss was about. 
“So, Harry,” my mum said after a long sip of her lemonade, which I knew meant she was going to ask a lot of questions, “what have you been doing now that you’re solo? I ran into your Mum when she was visiting home for a couple of weeks and she showed me one of your music videos. You’re very talented!”
I’d never seen Harry Styles blush, but I noticed a faint twinge of pink on his cheeks. “Thank you, Mrs. Gallego. I’m writing some more music right now, but I’m not sure when the next album will be out.”
“We just love listening to your first album. We listen to your group stuff too,” Mum commented, tapping her nails on her wrist. “Petra has a wonderful singing voice, did you know?”
Before Harry could question the statement, my father and I both snorted. “No, she doesn’t, Eva. No offense, mija.”
“None taken. I sound like a dying animal. Mum, I hate to tell you this, but the last time I sang, you were very intoxicated and would have thought our next door neighbor’s cat was Shakira.”
“Petra’s good at other things, though. She’s awesome on Alien Crossing. And I’m sure her book is going to be fantastic,” Harry supplied helpfully. 
“Has she invited you to the party tonight? I know her other friends are coming. Jeremiah, Veronica, and Melody?”
I shifted in my seat. Harry looked pained, like he didn’t want to say anything that would hurt my mum’s feelings. I hadn’t invited him to the book release party because this book was mine, something untainted by the memories of secondary school. Talking about my nerd stuff on AC was one thing, but publishing them on paper was another. “Mum…” I trailed off.
“He could come with us! Are you going to buy a copy of the book, Harry?” 
“Mum, he’s not going to buy—”
“Yeah, actually. I preordered it on my phone. And I was going to buy a hard copy, as well.”
Harry’s words had my mouth closing in surprise. I blinked over at him, at his secretive little smile when he raised his soda up to his lips and took a sip. “You preordered it?” I whispered, my throat thick with some emotion I couldn’t identify. “You’re not gonna understand it all.”
“Well, I’ll understand the Lord of the Rings bits now. And anything unfamiliar I come across, I’ll just make a note to watch or read it.”
This action felt more significant than anything that had happened in our hesitant friendship thus far. Even though he had introduced me to John Williams and had brought me a plant, this was the thing that felt essential. I felt like the Grinch in that moment, my heart growing a size bigger and allowing room for hesitant optimism to sink in. Maybe Harry Styles and I actually could be friends. 
Which was why when my mum suggested him coming another time, I shyly looked over at him and said, “Of course you can come if you’d like. I’ll text you the details.”
My publisher had rented out the Aldgate Library at my college for the release.
It felt weird stepping back into the library, stumbling a little in my black heels when I accidentally grazed a rock on the sidewalk right outside. The last time I had been here, I had my hair in a messy ponytail and was in tears at midnight trying to study for my last finals of my university career. Now, I was publishing a book. It felt surreal.
I smoothed down the skirt of my red dress, trying my best not to chew on my lip. Veronica had meticulously spread some kind of red lip stain on it that was supposed to be long lasting, but I didn’t trust it’s longevity against my teeth nervously biting at it. Plus, I knew pictures would be taken tonight and the last thing I needed was to have lipstick on my teeth. 
“Petra!” My publisher said, walking out of Aldgate in a tailored suit. She was also wearing a little badge that had “Aimee Metcalfe, Dorrance Publishing” printed right underneath a fantastic photo of her. I found myself jealous. My ID photos never came out that great. “What’re you doing standing outside? Come in, you numpty!”
I gave Aimee a quick salute and followed her inside, trying to keep up with her. As familiar as she was walking in heels, it was a new skill set to me entirely. She led me through the front of Aldgate and back into one of the large common area study rooms, which had been transformed for the launch. There was a giant banner hung up on the far left side, with #Aliens #Bigfoot #Nerds printed over it in sparkling letters. In front of the banner was a table decorated with cupcakes and cake pops, each the same color blue as my book cover, which featured a picture of myself that I hated but Aimee had insisted the readers would love. Jeremiah and Zach were shoving their faces with one of the cake pops, while Veronica looked on in disgust. Bailey was chatting with Melody by the photo booth that Aimee had suggested, which when printed, would frame the pictures in the same hashtags the banner provided.
My parents were crying in the corner of the room.
I went to them first, holding out my arms. My mum immediately let out a wail, pulling me into an embrace. “This is supposed to be a happy day, Mum.”
“Oh, I’m so happy for you, sweetheart. You have worked so hard. And you look beautiful.” She pulled back to examine my dress and makeup, pressing her hand to her mouth when she did. “Such a beautiful young woman, inside and out. Oh, how did we get so lucky, Roberto?”
My dad smiled at me. “Proud doesn’t even cover it, mija. Your mum has demanded she be first in the book signing line.”
“Oh, I did not, Roberto!”
“Petra,” Aimee said, interrupting our conversation. She introduced herself to my parents and then led me over to the podium. “You’re going to do the reading, and then Terri and I put together a fun little trivia game about some of the fandoms in the book. Whoever wins that will get a free signed copy. Afterwards, you’re on book signing duty. We’ve got about twelve hundred Sharpies lined up for you. Questions?”
My head was spinning with all the information, but I found myself growing excited. This was something I had put blood, sweat, and tears into. And I was finally getting to share it with the people who meant the most to me. “None so far. I’ll flag you down if any come up.”
“Good. Oh,” she said, reaching into her bag, “keep this close. This is your best friend when you’re up there reading and when you’re signing books.”
She handed me a water bottle with room temperature water, which was apparently better for the vocal cords. Then she was pushing me towards the podium and I hid the water bottle on the hidden shelf on my side. My book was sitting there, my own face staring back at me.
When I looked into the sea of people, I saw my friends giving me encouraging looks and my parents crying happily, my mother now with a tissue from the dessert bar that she pressed underneath her eyes every five seconds. The rest of the people in the room were people who were avid listeners of AC, the ones who sent in messages for me to read. I noticed Daisy Callahan sitting at one of the tables, shooting looks over to Jeremiah and smiling like a smitten school girl. I made a mental note to ask Jeremiah if they were officially together after the reading.
And then, there was Harry Styles.
It looked like he had just come in, dressed in a nice suit in a dark red color. I was so used to seeing him in bright neons when he was dressed up that the muted burgundy almost faded into the background. However, he was still Harry Styles and it was hard for Harry to do anything but stand out. He was fidgeting with his suit jacket, messing around with the collar of it before he looked up and caught my eye.
I wondered what he saw, looking at me standing up on the podium. I knew what my friends and family saw; they saw me finally getting one of my big wishes to come true. But what did Harry Styles, who already got his dream, see? 
I didn’t have time to think about it, because Aimee was gesturing for me to start the reading. She was helping usher people to their seats, and I felt the weight of more than just Harry’s eyes on me.
“Good evening everyone,” I said into the small microphone attached in front of me. “Thank you all for coming. This is the culmination of blood, sweat, tears, and other bodily substances I won’t mention. I can’t wait to share it with you. This reading comes from chapter seven, in which I discuss why Game of Thrones actually became so popular and how I think the last season is going to go, amongst other things.”
Jeremiah let out an embarrassing whooping sound and I rolled my eyes. 
Then, I read.
If I had expected to be embarrassed standing there in front of a crowd, reading the words I had written, I was wrong. Instead of feeling down, like I had so many times before when I discussed the things I loved, I felt powerful. Because yeah, Nathan Penrose could be a racist asshole all he wanted, and his friends could drop all my books in the puddle. But I had done it. I had written my book, I had a kickass podcast that introduced me to my best friends, and I was filled with an uncharacteristic pride.
So I went along with it. It’s what Doctor Thorne would have wanted. But more importantly, it was what I wanted.
Aimee had been a lifesaver with the water, as I found myself finishing up my excerpt and drinking nearly all of it during the applause. “Thank you,” I said after I had capped the bottle and set it back where I had it hidden. “Thank you to Aimee Metcalfe, my knight in shining armor through this process. Thank you to Terri Patterson, who spent night and day editing. Thank you to everyone at Dorrance Publishing who put up with trying to get copyright issues taken care of because I wrote about some of the biggest money shark companies in here,” I paused for the light laughter that trickled through the room. “But most importantly, thank you to my friends and family and everyone who supported me through this. It means the world. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.”
There was a small table with stacks and stacks of my book. I didn’t think I’d ever seen that many pictures of me in one place before, including my parents’ house. Aimee started up the trivia game, and I heard the first question asked about what the aliens that destroyed New York in the first Avengers movie was called while I took my seat at the table.
“The book is awesome.” I heard from my left. I turned, seeing Harry standing beside the table, leaning against a pillar. “I could tell you love it when you were reading.”
“It’s a little overwhelming to see it all finished,” I said, awkwardly gesturing to the pile of books in front of me. 
“Would you ever want to write fiction?”
I shrugged. “I’m not sure. For now, no. I might change my mind later.” He nodded, fixing his suit jacket again like he had been earlier. “I didn’t expect you to come,” I said after a few moments.
His eyes crinkled and his head tilted to the side, like he was confused. “Why? You invited me and this is important to you. I wouldn’t miss it.”
“It wasn’t hard...with the paps or anything?”
His jaw set and told me everything I needed to know. “I’ve got someone on security here tonight, just in case. I’m not gonna let anything ruin your big night, including paps. There was someone who recognized my car, but I don’t think anyone else is coming.” He unclenched his jaw and looked down at me. A softer look took over his face. “You look gorgeous. That color reminds me of the dress you wore to prom.”
I blinked. “You didn’t talk to me at prom.”
In fact, I had spent most of prom standing in the corner, nursing the lemonade I had gotten myself. Nathan Penrose had spiked it, but not before I had gotten myself a cup. I had saved up all my money for the pretty red spaghetti strap dress, but looking back it was a useless purchase. I didn’t have fun and was home drinking tea and watching Legally Blonde by midnight.
Harry gave me a small smile. “No, but I saw you. I remembered thinking you looked so beautiful and how I was an idiot for how I’d treated you.”
“You did not,” I argued, rolling my eyes at his statement. “You were thinking of your audition and what song you were going to sing. I wasn’t even a blip on your radar.”
He shrugged, bringing his own water up to his lips. “Think what you think. Doesn’t change the fact you looked gorgeous— then and now.”
I fiddled with one of the books in front of me. I didn’t know how to take his compliment. It was something I’d always been bad at, but especially when it came to Harry. Part of me wanted so badly to believe he was telling the truth; he had seen me at prom and thought I looked pretty and was looking at me now and seeing the same thing. The other part of me was hardened and cold, telling myself not to fall for it.
In the end I just decided to ignore his comment. If I didn’t acknowledge it, then I didn’t have to dissect my feelings on it.
“I’ve got to take off. I’m sorry I can’t stay long. I’m flying out to Los Angeles tonight for some meetings. But I wanted to be here.” He held up one of my books and set it in front of me. “Last time I asked, you said you wouldn’t sign it.”
“Wipe that cheeky grin off your face. Of course I’ll sign it.” He slipped a fifty pound note onto the table (more than double what he actually had to pay for the book) and opened up the title page.
The blank page stared at me. There were so many things I could write. Aimee advised me just to sign my name, but that felt too impersonal for Harry. Uncapping the pen, I held down the page with my other hand to keep it steady.
Live long and prosper, my young padawan.
Petra Gallego
He grinned when I handed it back to him. “I’m reading this on my flight to LA.”
“Might put you to sleep.”
“I don’t think it could,” he argued, tucking it under his arm. “Think I could...um...text you while I’m there?”
“I can’t control what you do or don’t do, Harry.”
“Yeah, but I wanted to give you the choice.”
The choice to talk to him. It was something I didn’t have in secondary school, but I realized a small part of me acknowledged that it was something I didn’t have now, either. There was something in me that wanted to see where this friendship with Harry went and if we could make it work.
“Yeah, Harry. You can text me when you’re in LA.”
Which was how I woke up the next morning, with a message reading: Made it to LA. Didn’t stop reading once. And despite what you may think, I didn’t fall asleep either.
A/N: Here is the next installment of AC! I hope you guys liked reading as much as I loved writing. I’m just so happy for Petra!
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sixqueendom · 4 years
New Fanfic: If Only You Would Listen, Chapter 1
So, after having a few requests to, I’ve decided to post my new fic on here as well as AO3. If you would prefer to read on AO3, I have included the link below! No real warnings for this one. Just the usual angst I'm sure you've grown accustomed to with my fics if you’ve read any of my previous work!
A huge thank you to Phoebe (@theatergirl06), Lilac (@timetoriseabove) and Blue (@pen-and-a-microphone) for beta-reading this fic! You guys are the best!
AO3 Link
Kitty decided she had had enough.  Everything was becoming overwhelming. The home she shared with the five other Queens suddenly felt overbearing and overly dominated by the others, so much so that she felt like she didn’t belong there anymore. Like she was an outcast. Sidelined. She didn’t feel like a priority to any of them, more a burden. An afterthought.
The truth was, Kitty was fed up with being mollycoddled by Jane. She was fed up of being treated like she was a child. But most of all, she was fed up of walking into a room, only for the lively chatter to descend into quietness, the other women refraining from talking openly for fear the topic might upset or offend her. They’d never told her that, but she knew. She was, after all, the vulnerable one in their eyes. The liability.
She appreciated Jane’s love and care towards her, she really did. It was nice to finally feel like someone genuinely cared about her, after a childhood with inattentive parents and ultimately being raised by her father’s negligent stepmother, the Dowager Duchess. For once, she felt wanted and loved. But as much as she appreciated it, Jane’s motherly care was smothering. Suffocating. Jane had always had a desperate longing to be a mother, having been robbed of the chance with her own son. So, naturally, with Kitty being the youngest, she projected all that energy onto her. But for Kitty, it was all too much. She didn’t feel she had any real independence. 
Eventually, she started to realise she was being excluded from conversations.
She’d accepted it at first. Perhaps she didn’t want to hear it. The conversations would just stir up old memories and rip off the superficial plaster she’d put on those wounds. That was, until she realised she was slowly losing her voice within the group, her right to speak for herself. Instead, the Queens were doing it on her behalf, assuming they knew what was best. Assuming they knew what she would say.
Last week, the Queens had all been invited to a podcast interview with an up and coming theatre critic, who had recently seen the show. The critic had analysed and dissected each of their individual songs and probed them for more details. When it came to Kitty’s song, she immediately saw the concerned faces of the others, like they anticipated a breakdown. Much to her annoyance, Anne butted in halfway through her response to a question. After that, Kitty noticed the subtle actions of the others: the critic saw it as casual banter, but it was really just a cover-up for the tougher questions regarding her past, an effort to keep things light-hearted in an attempt to stop it being so upsetting. What they didn’t realise was that Kitty had recounted her previous life so many times that, although still arguably painful to recall, it didn’t provoke the heightened emotions the Queens were probably expecting. She was tougher than that. Yet, by the end of the interview, Kitty felt like she hadn’t really contributed anything. 
A couple of nights later, there was a small incident at stage door when Kitty was approached by two young girls. As she happily signed their programmes, one of the girls piped up excitedly.
“I can’t wait to hear your next interview on Saturday! I’m going to send a question in for you to answer!”
Kitty frowned, but quickly concealed her confusion with a laugh. “Yeah, you should totally do that! I’ll try my best to answer as many as i can!”
On the Tube home, Kitty queried the conversation. “What’s this about an interview this weekend?”
Anne gasped. “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! We’ve got an interview with a theatre magazine on Saturday. They are also hosting a little Q&A session with the fans. Should be fun.”
Kitty leant back in her seat, going quiet. When were they actually going to tell her if she hadn’t prompted?
The next evening, when Kitty came downstairs to find the Queens huddled around the kitchen, seemingly in a deep conversation without her, it was the final straw. Right on cue, as soon as she walked in, the mood immediately changed and, like a flick of a switch, a hush fell over the room as the discussion dropped away. It always felt like she was disrupting them. Like she was gatecrashing a party. Uninvited and unwanted.
Kitty glanced from one Queen to another. 
“What are you all talking about?” It was an innocuous enough question. She kept her voice light, casual. There was no need at this point to get tense and uptight. 
Anna, in one corner, gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “Nothing important. Just about that silly interview we have tomorrow.”
The interview with the magazine. The interview that she was also involved in.
Kitty blinked. “What about it?”
She caught Cathy giving a nervous glance across the room to Anna, her hands firmly cupped around her coffee mug as she leant against the kitchen counter. Kitty could sense the atmosphere in the room growing tense. After all, they weren’t stupid. They could tell where this was heading. 
Anne gave a shrug. “Just about what kind of questions we think they’ll ask. Just...boring stuff really.”
Here we go. Trying to assure her she wasn’t missing out on anything. That it wasn’t important enough for her voice to be included.
“It didn’t sound boring,” Kitty leant against the doorframe. “Sounds like a good idea, actually. Always best to be prepared for whatever they throw our way.” She was still maintaining her casual tone, but she could feel her patience being tested.
Jane, as always, was the first to get flustered, sensing that things were starting to head south and wanting to avoid confrontation. “Look,” she held up her hands. “Why don’t we just talk about this later when-”
“When what?” Kitty snapped. “When I’m back upstairs in my bedroom? When I’m out of earshot and can’t hear what you’re really talking about?”
Jane blinked. She didn’t know how to respond. Catherine bowed her head, staring at the lines of her hands. Across the table, Anne visibly squirmed in discomfort.
Kitty smirked. She’d caught them red-handed and now they didn’t know what to say. There was nowhere to hide. She raised an eyebrow expectantly, looking around the room for a response.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Have I made things a bit uncomfortable?”
This tense confrontation had come as a surprise for them. Out of them all, Kitty was largely overlooked, usually the quietest and the most reserved of the group. Sweet in nature and often quick to comply, she was the last one they’d expect to be interrogated by. But it was becoming clear that she was on the offence. Quite frankly, Kitty had reached the end of her tether. She wouldn’t tolerate being made to feel like a child, like an inconvenience, any longer. Whether it was the Queens’ intention or not, it still hurt. She still felt like she didn’t matter, that her words were worthless.
Finally, Cathy took a deep breath. “What is this all about, Kit?” Her words sounded so feeble. She wasn’t stupid - she knew exactly what was going on here - but she felt the need to break the awkward silence.
Her attempt only made Kitty scoff. “You all know exactly what this is about. I’m sick of this!” She yelled, her voice increasing in volume.
Jane bit her lip, the harsh tone of Kitty’s voice packing a sting that she really wasn’t accustomed to. Not from her sweet Kitty. She was trying to hold back tears, startled by this sudden outburst and hostility. Realising her discomfort, Catherine squeezed her hand under the table.
“Do I really not matter?” Kitty lowered her voice again, trying to keep composed. “Because sometimes I wonder if you’d all be better off without me!”
Anne looked up at that comment, hurt and panic in her eyes. “That’s not true! Of course you matter! Of course we want you here!”
“Then why don’t you ever include me?!” she cried, unable to conceal her trembling voice, despite her resolve not to cry. Crying would prove to them that she was volatile. It would justify their actions. “Why am I always the one treated like a child and left out of everything?”
“Kit, we’re not doing this to hurt you. We’re doing this to protect you and to stop you getting upset-” Anna started. 
“See, that’s just it, isn’t it? You all treat me like I’m some kind of porcelain doll that might fall and break. Don’t think I don’t notice you acting like you’re walking on eggshells when I’m around and pandering to my wishes like I’m a kid! I hate it!” Her frustration mounting, Kitty slammed her hand against the doorframe, making Jane visibly jump.
Catherine, remaining as composed as ever, thought quickly, trying to desperately diffuse the situation before it got the chance to escalate any further. “Kitty, why don’t you sit down and we can talk about this rationally?”
The suggestion only made Kitty laugh. “Oh, so now you want me to sit down and talk?”
She shook her head. “I’m sick and tired of being made to feel insignificant. Like I don’t matter. Because isn’t that what you say in the show? I think she’s the least relevant Katherine.” She changed her tone, trying to mimic the other Queens. ‘Oh, we can’t talk about that in front of Katherine, it’ll only make her upset’ Well, guess what? I want you to stop invalidating my opinions and my words, just because the topic of discussion might hurt me!”
“Kit, you know we don’t really mean that when we say that line in the show!” Cathy insisted.
“Well, it certainly feels like it!”
“We didn’t realise you felt like this…” Anna mumbled.
“Because you never thought to ask!” erupted Kitty, exasperated. “You were all so busy trying to keep me sheltered away that you never once thought to ask! You don’t want my opinion on anything! Precious little Katherine can’t think for herself and make her own choices and decisions! Why don’t you let me make up my own mind on whether a topic is too sensitive or not? I can always walk away, can’t I?”
“Like that other night at stage door. I was made to look so stupid because I was oblivious! I can’t believe a fan knew before I did! So, when were you all going to decide to tell me about the interview, hm? If it wasn’t for that girl mentioning it, I’d probably still be in the dark!”
“That was my fault!” Anne admitted, putting her hands up in surrender. “I genuinely forgot to tell you! Anna even mentioned it in the morning and I still forgot. I’m sorry.”
This admission from Anne seemed to soften Kitty slightly, her shoulders relaxing. It put the tiniest doubt in her head: maybe she was overthinking this all? Seeing Kitty relax a little and contemplate what Anne had said, Jane took the opportunity to try and reason with her and further dampen her anger. “Look, maybe you’re right. We’ve been unfair not including you. But none of us have done this to intentionally hurt you, love. You must know that. Neither do any of us see you less of an adult-”
“But Jane, you make me feel like a kid all the time! The constant prompting of what time I’ll be home when I go out, the constant fussing, it’s just too much! I’m constantly made to feel like I am incapable of doing anything for myself. I’m just as capable of being independent as Anne is, and you certainly don’t hover over her shoulder all the time!”
“I just like to make sure you’re okay…” Jane’s voice had gone quiet, almost a whisper.
“Well, you know what, Jane? It’s suffocating! You need to face up to the fact that trying to mother me isn’t going to bring back Edward!”
The words cut through Jane like a knife right to the heart. The others watched as the woman crumpled in front of them, before fleeing upstairs to the confines of her bedroom. Catherine  pushed her chair back and marched up to Kitty like a protective lioness, pinning her against the fridge.
“That is quite enough! Jane has done nothing but show you love and care, which is much more than any of your true family did for you. And this is how you repay her? You don’t deserve it. If you want to stop being treated like a child, you need to buck up your ideas and try and show some respect and gratitude. You should be ashamed of yourself, Katherine.” At that, she stormed off to console her friend.
Although Kitty had to admit that she’d regretted the words as soon as they’d come out of her mouth, she was determined to stand her ground. If she crumbled now, this whole confrontation was pointless. She looked to the three remaining Queens. 
After a long pause, Anna approached her, her jaw clenched, stone-faced. “You know, maybe you’re right, Kitty. Maybe we would be better off without you.” She grabbed her jacket from the back of a kitchen chair and stormed out of the house, slamming the front door behind her. Anne and Cathy flinched.
Having long abandoned her mug of coffee, Cathy folded her arms. “If you wanted to be treated more like an adult, perhaps you should have thought about approaching this like one. We could have had a civilised talk, instead of this mess.” With a disappointed shake of her head, she too strode out. As she passed the table to leave, she cast an apologetic look to Anne.
Now, it was just the two of them. The two cousins. Sitting there at the table, Anne was bewildered. She hadn’t expected such an outburst, especially not from Kitty. She’d never thought her capable of causing so much upset, to get so angry. She suddenly felt like she’d lost a good friend. As quiet once again fell over the room, Anne wondered if she’d ever really known Kitty at all.
She was also consumed with guilt. They were so close, and yet, she hadn’t realised that what they’d been doing had proved so hurtful to her own cousin. What’s more, Kitty had never confided in her. There had never been any hint that she was feeling this way.
“Why didn’t you say something?” Anne mumbled, finally lifting her head to look at her cousin in disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell me you felt like this?” 
Kitty turned her face away. She was just so disappointed in them all. She felt utterly let down by the very people she trusted the most. 
“Anna didn’t mean what she said…” Anne made a pitiful attempt to show Kitty she was on her side. “She just upset-”
Tears pricking at her eyes, Kitty clenched her fists. But all the fight had gone out of her.
“Well, now you all know how I feel.”
Kitty whirled around and sought the refuge of her bedroom, throwing herself onto her bed as the sobs overcame her. Suddenly, all the fire in her belly was extinguished, replaced by a hollow emptiness. Now she realised the enormity of what she’d done, the potential consequences of her actions. Things had spiraled out of control, her words had become ammunition created by her pent-up frustration. She had just been so desperate for change. How long was she expected to tolerate it all? She feared if she’d waited much longer, her voice would be silenced altogether. She might as well just walk out the door. Now, consumed with the horrible dark thoughts that shrouded her as she cried into her pillow, she started to take the thought seriously. She didn’t fit here and the Queens now despised her. Seeing the disgust in Aragon’s face and Anna’s clear contempt said it all. Maybe she needed to prove it to herself, not them. To prove that she was capable of looking after herself, like she insisted? Being independent. 
She lifted herself from the bed, grabbed her rucksack from the wardrobe and blindly stuffed some clothes in, her vision still blurry with tears. She checked the contents of her purse: her bank card and £60 - it would be enough for now. As she fumbled for some essential items she thought she’d need, her hand fell on a polaroid photo - a black and white picture, taken of them all on stage after their first performance together. They all looked so happy, so united. Now, she’d ruined all of that. Yet, something made her take it with her, slipping it into the zip pocket of her bag. Just because they hated her, it didn’t mean she wouldn’t miss them. Lastly, she picked up her phone, staring at the lockscreen photo of her and Anne for a second before putting it back onto her bedside table. She didn’t really have a use for it now. 
You know, maybe you’re right, Kitty. Maybe we would be better off without you. 
After all, she was of course, the least relevant Katherine. They wouldn’t want to talk to her now.
At that, she tiptoed downstairs. She was relieved to see the kitchen was empty. Helping herself to a few biscuits, pieces of fruit, and granola bars, she took one last look as she slipped out of the back door.
And, just like that, Kitty disappeared into the night.
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adrenaline-roulette · 4 years
I say no
Pairing: Josh Washington x Reader Warnings: Language, minor angst Word Count: 3K+ Catch up on Chapter One here!
Chapter Two
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Not a single person bats an eye at the two of you as you stroll out of the school. No students racing to tell a teacher that you were leaving, and no teachers questioning you as to where you were going. It was easy, almost too easy. At your old school, even before the incident occurred, you were watched like a hawk, unable to make any moves out of the ordinary without someone asking what the hell you were doing.   Walking with Josh though, people parted like the red sea as you approached, almost as if no one wanted to be in the same vicinity as him.   You were aware that something with Josh’s family had occurred in recent months, the exact details of what exactly, you were fuzzy on.  Though hearing Josh mention that he had ‘Special Privileges’, only added to your overall curiosity over what you had dubbed the, Washington Mystery.
For a solid ten minutes, Josh kept his arm wrapped around your shoulder, either for your comfort or his, at this point you couldn’t quite tell. All you knew, was that the moment he slipped his arm away, you instantly felt cold. “Ladies first.” He grins, bowing low and gesturing one arm towards the forest green jeep you now stood beside.
You blink in surprise, cocking your head to one side as you take in the dirty car. It had a few scratches along the sides, and the tyres were covered in mud from the recent rain. Aside from that, the car itself was in excellent condition, and almost seemed too nice to be sitting in the student parking lot. “Is this your car, or are we about to become felons?” You smirk, turning your full attention to the man beside you.
“Hey, you’re already a felon. If anything, I should be worried about you corrupting me, not the other way round!” He’s laughing, and you find yourself chuckling along with him too. For the first time, finding humour in the awful events which had lead you here.
“Just don’t follow me to the science labs, and we should be good.” You tease, nudging your shoulder against his playfully. It was odd, you had gone from crying over people bringing up your past only a few minutes ago, and now you were laughing about it. Perhaps it was because somehow, you just knew that Josh understood what you were going through?
The rattling of keys pulls you out of your thoughts, blinking twice you focus back on Josh who was now dangling a set of car keys in front of you. “Don’t stress, it’s my car.” He grins, twirling the keyring around his index finger three times, before clasping his fingers around the keys, and pinning them to his palm.
Reaching out, you grab the door handle and tug it open, climbing up and into the Jeep and settling into the black leather passenger seat. Josh darts around to the opposite side, slamming the door behind him, as he twists the key in the ignition. “Damn, this shit is fancy.” You breathe lowly, running your hand along the dashboard. Josh chuckles beside you, putting the car in reverse, and getting you both out of the parking lot. “What’s so funny?”
He shakes his head, short curls bouncing gently against his forehead. “You!” He grins, locking his green eyes on you for a moment, before returning his attention to the road ahead. “I’d almost think you’ve never seen a Jeep before.”
You roll your eyes, turning to look out of the window, watching the unfamiliar scenery pass you by. “That’s not true. I’ve seen plenty of Jeeps before. I’m just not used to seeing one in student parking is all.” You shrug.
“Nah, that’s fair. The only reason I have it, is so I can drive off road when heading to the family lodge.” Josh flicks on the indicator, and makes a left turn, taking you away from the main road, and into an area you don’t recognise.
“Oh la-di-da, the family lodge eh?” You giggle, rolling your head to the side to look at him now, a bemused expression on his lips too.
“Ha, yeah. Washington Lodge, up on Blackwood Mountain.”
You stare at him blankly, eyes blinking slowly as you wait for an explanation which never comes. You’ve been in town for nearly a month, and this was the first you were hearing about the Washington Lodge and Blackwood Mountain. “Am I supposed to know where that is?” You finally ask, once you realise Josh isn’t going to provide any more information unprompted.
“Sorry, I forget you’re new here. Everyone else knows the area, hell most people have been to the Lodge as it is. Or at least, most of Hannah and Beth’s classmates.” He sighs, a frown creasing his brows tightly, just as his knuckles grip the steering wheel more firmly.
“Hey, sorry I didn’t mean to pry. Uh, where are we go-” You begin, hoping to change the subject before you can say anything else which may upset Josh.
“No, it’s fine. Um, Blackwood Mountain is about two hours from here. My family built a lodge up there a few years ago, and there’s a small cabin too. We used to have end of year parties there, and just parties to celebrate everything we could. One year Sam hosted a Halloween party, now that was fun.”
You watch as Josh’s grip relaxes slightly, though he keeps both hands planted firmly on the wheel, and shows no signs of letting go. “That sounds great!” You offer with likely an over exaggerated smile.
He nods slowly. “Yeah, it was. Not sure when we’ll be able to go back, or if I even want to.”
You want to ask further questions, but bite your tongue from doing so. You had heard enough of the rumours circling school, to know better than press for answers you’re not entirely sure you want. The silence which fills the Jeep is both uncomfortable, yet welcoming at the same time, both you and Josh seemingly lost in your own thoughts for the time being. Leaning forwards, you fiddle with the dials on the stereo, pressing buttons at random until music flows through the speakers. “Let’s see what Mr Josh Washington listens to shall we?” You smirk, turning the dial up, so the volume increases. What plays, leaves you utterly surprised.
“The disappearance of Kate Lane has haunted her home town for over twenty years now. Her family are desperate for answers, and to find out who has their daughter. But so far, police have been unable to find any trace of the missing twenty year old….”
Leaping forwards, you turn the volume dial down, pupils blown wide as you turn to stare at Josh, who has returned to gripping the steering wheel for dear life. “You listen to unsolved cases podcasts?”
Josh’s lips are drawn into a straight, thin line, as his eyes stare unblinking ahead at the road. The dense forest which you had been driving through, was now slowly making way for streetlights, and residential areas. “Yeah, I do.” He mutters quietly, almost more to himself than to you.
“Why though?”
“I have my reasons Y/N.” And with that, it’s clear as day that the conversation is over. You reach forwards and turn the stereo off, finding yourself liking the silence far more than talks of missing women.
Josh gnaws on his lower lip as he drives through town, frowning in deep concentration, almost as if he were trying to convince himself not to do what he was planning. Finally, he pulls off the main road, driving directly into a McDonalds drive thru. “Do you want anything?’
Your eyebrows disappear into your hairline in surprise, blinking rapidly at Josh. This was hardly what you were expecting out of your afternoon, that was for sure. “I, uh – I don’t have any cash on me?” You stammer out quietly.
“I didn’t ask if you had cash. I asked if you wanted anything, silly.” He’s chuckling  now, all signs of anger and frustration he displayed before, melting away like ice over flame.
“Um, sure I guess. Large fries please?”
“Easy done.” He drives further through, stopping to place his order before proceeding to the cashier and collection points. “Here ya go.” He offers, once he’s holding the greasy brown paper bag, the smell of deep-fried everything leaving the air in the car smelling stale.
“Thank you. I owe you one.” You smile, pulling your fries out of the bag, and cradling them in your lap protectively.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. Think of it as bribery, yeah?”
You pause, fry poised halfway to your mouth, and watching Josh from the corner of your eyes. “Bribery for what exactly?”
“There’s something I need you to do for me.” He begins, driving back the way you came. “And you seem like the kind of person who wants justice, and demands to know the truth… Am I right?”
You breathe in deeply, thinking back to the accident you had caused in the science labs. Everyone was so quick to point their fingers at you, shoving all the blame to you, though not once did they ask to hear your side of the story! “You’re right.”
He nods, smiling to himself in an almost wicked manner. “I thought so. Y/N, you and I are going to get along very well I think.”
You munch down on the fry you had held for the past few minutes now, frowning slightly at how cold it had grown out of the bag. “Let’s hope you’re right. I need more than one friend here.”
“And so far, who would you consider to be your one friend?”
You shrug lightly, popping another fry past your lips. “I suppose Sam. At least, I think she’s a friend?”
Josh nods again, pulling off the main road and travelling along a dirt path towards the forest. “Perfect, that’s exactly what we need.”
You frown deeply, eyes locking on the side of Josh’s face now. “What are you talking about? And where are you taking me?”  Panic is beginning to settle in, as you find yourself being driven further and further away from any signs of people.
“Don’t worry! We just need to go somewhere to talk. Somewhere we don’t run the risk of anyone hearing us.”
You roll your eyes, huffing out a deep sigh. “You could’ve told me that. I would’ve invited you over to my place. No one is going to be home for hours.”
“Oh, well yeah… I didn’t know that. Now I look like a creep.” Josh half smirks, though shows no signs of changing his selected course.
There’s nothing left for you to do, but sit back and relax, watching out of the window as you pass by the dense covering of trees. You can’t help but wonder how often Josh comes out here, if this was a familiar area to him. He seemed to know the path you were driving well, though you suppose it could be coincidence.   Finally, Josh pulls the car over in a clearing within the forest. It was a small, intimate area, which would probably make a nice setting for a camping trip with friends, if it weren’t still so close to town. “Here we are…”
You suck in your bottom lip, gnawing on it slightly between your teeth. He had promised he wasn’t going to hurt you, but something about this situation just felt off. Just as Josh exits the Jeep, you do the same, closing the door behind you firmly. The locks click shut, and you move around to the front of the car to meet Josh, who was plucking a fry from the paper bag. “This is what I like to call, my plotting spot.” He begins, gesturing for you to follow him further into the clearing.
“And what exactly do you plot out here?” You follow closely behind him, kicking small stones and twigs out of your path with your toe.
He shrugs, before sitting down heavily on a fallen tree trunk, resting the greasy takeout bag between his feet on the forest floor. “I want to say revenge - But I’m not entirely sure if that’s the right word for it? Maybe it’s justice I’m looking for? Or the truth?”
His words draw you towards him, the edge of pain to his voice sending a pang of sympathy through your heart. “Justice for who?” You ask quietly, stepping closer until you too are sat on the tree trunk.
“My sisters, Hannah and Beth.”                                                                            
This was your chance, to ask the questions which had been burning on your tongue, from your first media lesson when you had heard your classmates mention those names! “What happened to them? Why do you need justice?”
Josh sucks in a deep breath, tilting his head down until his eyes are focused solely on his feet. “During winter break, something happened to them at the lodge. An- and they’ve been missing ever since.”
You know there’s more to this story, there has to be! Why else would Josh be so intent on finding out the truth. There’s something he’s not telling you, that’s for damned sure. “Something, or someone?” You pry, hoping that perhaps this was the lead you needed for him to tell you more.
At this, Josh laughs. It’s not a full laugh, nor one that resounds from deep within. If anything, it’s a hollow sound, though you suppose that it’s better than nothing. “You’re very quick to catch on, aren’t you? Beth would’ve loved you if she had gotten the chance to meet you!”
Turning on the tree trunk, you sit sideways so you can look at Josh fully now. Even if he won’t tear his gaze away from his boots, the least you can do is give him your undivided attention. “The way you talk about her and Hannah - I assume the worst happened?”
Josh nods in affirmation, before turning to meet your gaze, unshed tears swimming in his pale green eyes. “The police searched everywhere. They were at the lodge for weeks, no one could come in or go out. They searched, and searched, and searched… But there was nothing to be found.” He takes a deep breath in, reaching up and scrubbing his fists down his cheeks roughly. “They’re still calling it a disappearance, as if one day my sisters might suddenly just pop up in the middle of, I don’t know, fucking Brooklyn or some shit. But they’re not going to… I know that. Somehow, I know they’re not here anymore. You know? I can just feel it…”
You reach a hand out towards Josh, resting it against his thigh gently, hoping that even just the slightest touch may be enough to remind him you were here. “Do you know who hurt them?”
He turns to face away from you once again, staring dead ahead at a small bird which leapt experimentally from tree branch, to branch. “I have my theories, let’s just leave it at that for now.”
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips, as you turn your gaze to the same bird that Josh had found. “Who was up at the lodge with you?” You whisper, both to not spook Josh nor the bird.
“Me, Hannah, Beth, Sam, Mike, Emily, Jess, Ashley, Matt and Chris.”
Sighing sharply, you try your luck with another question, hoping it won’t be taking things too far. “What happened? As in, what do you know happened. Not what any of them have said… I want your side of the story.”
Josh looks at you again, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Are you always this inquisitive?”
“Pretty much, yes.”
“I don’t really remember much, which is part of the problem. Chris and I, we – we were passed out in the kitchen when things went down. I vaguely recall Beth trying to shake me awake, but I was too out of it.” Pain flashes through his eyes, and his irises grow dark at the memory of that evening. “All night we had been having a fun time, just being typical stupid kids, enjoying a break from school, and the freedom of having no parents around. I remember Mike being almost overly friendly towards Hannah all evening. And not just in the class president sort of way. He was wrapping his arm around he shoulders when we were sitting around talking. But Hannah, she was playing along, she had her arm around his waist.” He pauses, brows scrunching up in thought as he struggled to recall the events correctly. “It was so weird though, while they kept doing that, Emily was right here, watching all of it go down, but she never said anything! Which is so unlike Em, she’ll cause a scene whenever possible! Instead, she just kept giggling with Jess.”
You pause, taking in his words, until they slowly begin to make sense to you. Were Jess and Emily plotting something against Hannah? Is that what happened here? You know how bitchy girls can be, but what on Earth had they done which had resulted in both Hannah and Beth going missing? “Do you remember anything much after that?” You press on, hoping maybe he did. Though you were sure he had gone through all of this multiple times with the police, you weren’t going to dig up anything new.
Josh shakes his head no, rubbing one hand through his dark curls and tugging at the roots, almost as if he believed if he pulled hard enough, more answers would spring forth. “No, I don’t. All I remember was betting Chris that I could drink more than him…. Next thing I knew, I was being woken up by the police with my parents crying behind them.”
“Fucking hell. Josh, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” You whisper, pushing yourself closer to his side, where you wrap your arms around his shoulders. It’s an entirely one sided hug, but you pray that it helps him, even just a little bit. “What can I do to help? I want to help! I want to find out exactly what happened, and I want to help you get justice for Hannah and Beth.”
Finally, he turns to look down at you, wrapping one arm around your lower back, and pulling you tightly against him. “Thank you. I hoped you would.” He breathes deeply, the warm air tickling the tip of your ear.
“What do you need me to do?”
“You need to find out the truth. You’re already making friends with Sam. I need you to keep going. She knows more than she’s letting on, I just know it. The others won’t tell you anything. But Sam, she’ll spill anything if you’re on her good side, and ask her the right way.”
“Are you sure you want to know the truth Josh?”
“Yes. More than anything.”
Taglist: @viinchester​ @littlegangrel​ If you would like to be added, let me know!
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blu-joons · 4 years
You Have A Secret Podcast Together ~ Jeon Jungkook
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“Are you ready to get started?”
You slipped your headphones on, placing your mug of tea in front of you, switching your phone to silent. Opposite you, Jungkook sat, an excitable smile on his face as he pressed record, clapping his hands for the edit.
“Welcome back to the not so secret podcast, Y/N and I are here again to talk about your problems,” Jungkook spoke, adjusting his microphone a little to pick up more of the sound.
For a short while, the two of you had recorded your own podcast during your spare time. As best friends, it was something that brought the two of you together and gave Jungkook a little escape from everything else that was playing on his mind.
Whilst you kept your name, he remained anonymous, if no one knew it was him, you could grow a smaller audience, keeping your podcast as secret as you’d hoped.
You’d spend hours talking about any topics that were sent into the podcast, from relationships, to lifestyle, even a rogue request on how to cook the perfect ramen, you’d sit, and you’d laugh about several different things.
“This is a good one Y/N, Mila asks how to find the right guy, what are the signs to look for? You’re good at this sort of stuff.”
You shot him a glare from across the table, clearing your throat to address the question. Smartly, Jungkook placed his feet on the desk, crossing his arms across his chest knowing you’d be talking for a while.
“First of all, find someone who is humble,” you teased, “the last thing you want to find is someone with a big ego. Find someone who will make time for you and dedicate themselves to you, know you’re worth and when you’re being treated well.”
You went on for some time with your tricks, mocking Jungkook with each one. He’d complained to you numerous times about single life, about his ambitions to find that special someone. You knew the reasons why however, hoping he’d pick up a few tips from you.
“My last bit of advice would be to just find someone who loves you for you, wouldn’t you agree Kook?”
Across the room, he was almost fast asleep in his chair, knowing how much it would annoy you. You coughed loudly, as he jumped, nodding his head.
“You’d agree, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes. Of course,” he mumbled unconvincingly. You shook your head, poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue out of frustration. He chuckled, sitting himself back up, taking a sip of his coffee to wake himself back up.
“I think that’s one of the reasons why we’re best friends, because Jungkook never listens to a word I said, something a boyfriend should always do,” you joked, getting in the last laugh.
He shook his head, knowing he had to behave on the podcast, biting his tongue with a grimace on his face which only made you giggle more.
Little did the two of you know, across the corridor, six boys hovered around the laptop of their leader, listening to the recording of your podcast, searching for it online, beginning their journey through the twenty episodes you’d recorded so far.
Jin sighed first, throwing his head back. “I always thought I was his best friends.” Before he even finished speaking, he was chuckling to himself, whilst the others all stood, shaking their heads at him.
They all knew you were Jungkook’s best friend, they loved having him around, and seeing him have something other than the band to focus on was only ever going to be a good thing for him.
“How come we never knew this about the two of them? It really is a secret podcast,” Jimin chuckled.
“I’ve always wondered where they’ve been sneaking off to, but I guess this explains a lot,” Taehyung added.
Part of the reason the podcast was secret because Jungkook was fearful of what his bandmates might think. He loved them, and he loved writing with them, but he loved time with you too.
“We need to talk to them about this,” Hoseok spoke, “keep an ear out for when they finish, and we’ll go in and ask them about it.”
They all listened through the walls at your laughs and stories, until Jungkook finally brought the podcast to a close.
“We’ll see you guys at the same time next week, until then, this has been the not so secret podcast.”
The two of you quickly slapped your headphones on the desk, turning the recorder off, slumping back in your chairs. It was always fun recording it but knowing the daunting prospect of the edit came after was never quite as enjoyable.
Before you had a chance to catch your breath, there were several loud knocks at the door. As you turned around to see who it was, you were met with six pairs of eyes staring in at you both. You waved them in, knowing by the smug looks on their faces that they’d heard everything.
“So, this is where you guys sneak off to,” Yoongi commented, admiring the studio you’d created. “I’m jealous.”
You turned to Jungkook who had an angered expression on his face, knowing they’d been listening and discovered the podcast hurt him greatly.
“We’ve been listening to a view of your episodes, it’s really good,” Namjoon spoke, with a bit more maturity than the other boys who simply wanted to tease the maknae.
You could tell just by looking at his face he was annoyed, this was his private space, it was his private space with you, but now it was nothing but another room where he couldn’t find time to do his own thing.
“If you’ve come in here to have a joke at our expense then can you just leave, please. This is something I really enjoy doing with Y/N, and I’m not going to have you all come in and mock us. I really like podcasting, regardless of what you all think.”
They all quickly calmed down hearing the tone in his voice, finding individual spaces around the studio to sit down, including Taehyung perching on the arm of your chair.
“We’re just confused why you’d want to keep it a secret from us, you know that we always support you in everything you do,” he spoke.
Jungkook looked to you, but you knew exactly who Taehyung was addressing, and so did he. “I just didn’t want you to joke about it, or think it was silly. It’s nice to be able to take some time and spend time with Y/N doing something we both enjoy.”
“And we all support you,” Hobi interjected, “we’re always supporting you, the both of you.”
You smiled across at the grinning boy, thankful that Jungkook had such incredible friends that rallied around him. They knew how to press his buttons, but they also cared for him immensely, and that was what mattered the most to you.
“Can we be special guests one day?” Jin asked, sitting beside Jungkook, “seeing as we’re your best friends too, we deserve a big shout out too.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, “you’re never going to let this best friend thing go, are you?”
“Absolutely not, I hate having to share you with Y/N.”
“Y/N will always be my best friend, podcast or not, nothing can change that.”
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sugarchains · 4 years
Title: 12 Months 
Chapters: 1/1
Pairing: Kepcobi
Rating: Explicit!
Notes: HI HELLO My friend made me listen to this podcast and it killed me very slowly and very publicly for weeks. Also when I’m obsessed with a thing, I either cosplay it or write fanfic of it. Have a fanfic. Also I fudged timelines because I love Maxwell and I need her present always. 
There are numerous ways that he has fucked Daniel Jacobi within the past year. Fucked up, fucked over, mind fucked-he’s been fucking Jacobi since they first met. 
It starts with what could be called a mind fuck because, let’s be real. Daniel’s not stupid. Impulsive, brash, and every bit as loud as his job requires him to be. But he lets himself be eased into it- blows up an office for an appraising look the first month, demolishes a city block for a wink and a smile month two, murders for a hand cupping the back of his neck and good boy stated fondly into the air around them. 
SI-5 training was different than other set ups. They’re not military and they’re not Black Ops technically- nor are they spies. Also technically, they’re all three and it’s better to not ask questions and just do as you’re told.  (Rule number 3).
They need to be ready for anything, and that’s the excuse Kepler gives when he calls Jacobi in to spar, just the two of them. He wipes the floor with him, more than once. It’s 4 months since he picked Daniel up at the bar and in this month he lets Warren press him hard, throw him harder into the mats.
The fifth month, Warren fucks him over lets Daniel get shot and it runs like this: He took a risk and it backfired and he didn’t even realize it until almost too late.
The rest of the fifth month is eventful, from an objective perspective. 
(“Promise me you won’t fall in love with him.”
”Promise me, Daniel. You know how you are.“
"I have no idea what you could be hinting at.”
“Needy, desperate for approval, hanging on his every word like a-”
“OK, ok! …I promise." 
"You promise what?”
“Are you really gonna make me say this?”
“I’m going to record you so I can play it back when you make a bad decision later on." 
"Fucking….I promise not to fall in love with the Major. Happy?”
“Yeah. I don’t believe you, by the way.”
“That’s fair." 
Warren watches this scene play out from afar, watches Alana curl up on a hospital bed next to Daniel (Maxwell and Jacobi, he reminds himself-there’s no reason to get so comfortable when it’s only been five months and even less for Ala-Maxwell. No reason to be so comfortable right now either) from a small screen on a tablet in Cutter’s office. Internally, he’s a combination of swirling emotions, but externally? Perfect mask of the perfect soldier.
"Well! Serious stuff there; wouldn’t you agree, Warren?”
“….Yes sir.”
“Do you have any ideas about ~who~ they could be talking about? Hmm?”
“As far as I know, sir…they don’t work for anyone else." 
"And Warren,” Cutter states, taking the momentary pause to use his thumb and forefinger to gently force eye contact between the two of them. “Do you make a habit of falling in love with your employees?”
“…..No sir.”
“Excellent! Keep it that way. I know you can and will do everything in your power to stop something silly from happening." 
"Of course, sir." 
He doesn’t immediately go and warn/remind them that they are being watched. What he does do is visit Jacobi in the hospital the next day (sans flowers), lets Maxwell guilt-glare him into leaving while Jacobi is still sleeping to go pick up flowers, visits again in the same day so that Maxwell can yell at him-
("We were here a week, Major!" 
"There were matters that needed to be attended to." 
"More important matters than Jacobi nearly dying?" 
"Calm down, Doctor. I never said that.”) 
-gives Jacobi the flowers and smiles back when Jacobi beams at him.
He also takes them out to eat when Jacobi’s healed, lets him pick the place, and waits until they’re all eating before he drops the surveillance bomb on them. Can tell from the way Maxwell won’t look at him and the way Jacobi is only looking at him that they know exactly what conversation was heard and how they feel about that he doesn’t know and he may have just found the one thing he can’t read his team on-) 
Six months in and the mind fucks turning into something beyond his carefully set up control. They had just completed a beautiful mission that had involved blowing up a building and a high speed chase. He could feel adrenaline still buzzing under his skin, and he can feel Daniel’s eyes on his arms on the wheel, so he presses harder on the gas to hear the breathless laugh from the passenger seat. The ride to the safe house is uneventful otherwise, but inside sees Daniel pushing him against the door and kissing him breathlessly. Warren can tell Daniel didn’t think this through clearly (of course he didn’t)-he clearly thought that it might get him punched in the face, or worse, get him a polite and distant reprimand, but at this point life is good and Warren is tired of denying himself so he. He kisses Daniel back, changes their positions against the door so Daniel is pressed up against it. They kiss until they’re both hard, until both their hands are pulling and pushing at each others’ shirts to get at skin and they’re pulling away to ask “Shower?” and “Please” respectively. 
Daniel lets himself be manhandled into a shower where the water runs hot pressure down his side as Warren presses him hard against the wall, tangles a hand in his hair to pull his head to the side, trails a line of biting kisses across his neck while his other hand is jacking them both off frantically. 
Warren swears he can hear Cutter’s “~stop something silly from happening~” playing in his head, warring with the way Daniel moans out please and oh fuck each time he twists his hand around just right, but he chooses to ignore it in favor of feeling the way Daniel’s nails drag lines down his back when he comes between them seconds before Warren.
He’s fucked.
The seventh month has Warren teaching Daniel the color system and they spend all the free time they have that month pushing their limits. Warren’s trying to be mindful of the limits but there’s only so much he can take of Daniel looking up at him, eyes wide and blurry with tears of frustration, mouth slick and bruised and begging, telling him please please green the color is green don’t stop again fuck, while he grips bruises into his thigh with one hand and fingers him deep, stretches him wide with the other. 
The eighth month reminds him that he’s not a romantic, except that he is. Because in the same month he’s discovering that Daniel likes to be choked when he’s sitting in Warren’s lap, grinding against his cock, he’s also lining up the missions for the upcoming months and taking care to avoid anything at the end of four months out from now. 
He purposely doesn’t think about the way Daniel smiles when he chokes him harder for digging his nails into Warren’s back.
The ninth month finds Warren fucking Daniel’s mouth in the office. He didn’t mean to, of course. But it had been weeks since they had last touched, the amount and intensity of the missions beginning to pile up as the trio’s notoriety grew. There were no machines who didn’t love Maxwell and Jacobi’s explosive version of delicate destruction left more than a few people in awe. And the fact that they would only listen and work for Kepler? Icing on the cake. 
But of course that doesn’t go unnoticed and of course Cutter calls Kepler and Jacobi into his office one day in early in the month. Jacobi has a terrible poker face when he’s expecting the bluff, but his ability to lie is almost catastrophic when he’s caught off guard. So that’s how he flushes pink when Cutter asks if he knows how to make something obvious, if he knows how to make something so people can see it from afar. 
“There’s up and coming companies, Daniel. We don’t want to let them get the idea into their heads that they can compete with Goddard, right?”
“Of course, sir." 
"So I need you to make it a statement. Let them know who runs this. Can you do that for me?" 
"Absolutely sir." 
"Good!” And he’s turning his attention to Kepler now. “What a good boy you’ve got there, Warren. I can see why one might do something silly." 
Kepler glances at Jacobi quickly, internally proud of the fact that Daniel didn’t have a reaction to that beyond his eyes widening. 
–It’s weeks later when Jacobi gets the bomb right, runs a test run of the bomb at a location that Cutter set up personally for this, a location that Kepler almost didn’t see if Cutter is to be believed. 
"He asked for you personally, Warren. Can you believe that? Seems I wasn’t enough company for him. Shame really." 
And internally, Kepler is smug as all fuck. Even though that means Jacobi showed his hand, even though that means whatever Cutter guessed about them is now solidified in his mind, it also means-something.
He’s not sure yet. 
"I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it, sir,” Kepler says mildly, gaze carefully directed outside the car they’re traveling in.
He’s fine when they pull up to the area where Jacobi has everything set up. He’s fine when Jacobi sets of a series of explosions, all triggering a bigger bomb down the line. He’s fine when Cutter congratulates Jacobi on a job well done, but it cuts out when Cutter plants a quick kiss to the side of Jacobi’s head in continued celebration. Cutter catches his eye and the intent is clear-
You can have your plaything, but whats yours is mine and I get what I want when I want. 
It’s a message he hears loud and clear, but it doesn’t mean Kepler won’t still claim what’s his. Which is how he ends up back in his office, one hand bracing himself against the door, while the other hand is cupping the back of Jacobi’s head so it doesn’t hit the door when he fucks his cock into Jacobi’ s mouth.  
Jacobi’s hands are behind his back, not tied just behind his back because he’s not allowed to touch right now he just has to take it as Warren fucks his cock deeper into his throat, take it as he presses deep enough to stop him from breathing oncetwice, before he’s pulling his cock out to slide across Daniel’s cheek. The hand against the door balls into a fist when Daniel runs his lips up the side of Warren’s cock, the fist in his hair tightens when he slides his lips over the head, and Daniel moans long and muffled when Warren starts fucking back into his mouth in earnest. 
He let’s himself get lost in the motions of fucking into Daniel’s mouth, lets himself get lost in watching the sight of his cock stretching Daniel’s lips before it becomes too much and he’s fucking forward onetwothree times and pulling back just enough that his cock slips out of Daniel’s mouth and he comes across his face. Pulse after pulse of come leaves him and arcs across Daniel’s cheeks and bruised lips, marking him as he pants openly on his knees.
Warren braces himself heavily against the door while he catches his breath, caging Daniel in, walling the world out, and maybe it’s a little symbolic but his thighs are still shaking too much to move and Daniel’s expression is too fucking open, he wouldn’t move even if he could walk. He takes the moment to slide his fingers across Daniel’s cheek, before pushing come covered fingers into Daniel’s mouth. They hold eye contact while he sucks them clean.
They’re fucked.
The next two months are filled with missions, surveillance, and destruction, so much to the point that before Kepler realizes it, he hasn’t touched Jacobi in nearly eight weeks. Ten months, eleven months fly by with minimal contact and even less down time and suddenly it’s been a year since Jacobi has started working for him. So when he gets a mission thrown at him to vet a candidate for Goddard that is due by Tuesday, the 24th, it’s all he can do to not punch his desk in frustration and throw the file back at Rachel. 
“Maybe you should take Jacobi with you on this one, Warren.”
“Excuse me?” 
“Oh, I just mean I mentioned this mission in passing to him earlier today and he looked ready to blow something up.”
“Ah. Well-”
“It could be because your one year anniversary is coming up, isn’t it?”
“Of him coming to work under you here? Surely you haven’t forgotten. He’s really worked up over it.” 
He didn’t forget, (of course he didn’t forget who does she take him for he’s been steady stockpiling fireworks both illegally and legally for the past two weeks) but he doesn’t want to give her the benefit of having something to tell him about his own employees, so he just stares blankly at her until she rolls her eyes in disgust and leaves. 
It ends up not being a big deal to accomplish surveillance on the prospect and return his findings before the 24th. He does it without the team, figuring there’s no reason to pull their efforts into this. Instead, he focuses on studiously ignoring the hints about the upcoming anniversary commemoration from Jacobi as he tells him about the “upcoming assignment” they have. 
In all honestly, it doesn’t occur to him that Daniel would be hurt by this. They’re special operatives for an agency that has their hands in everything. This isn’t the type of thing that should upset people like them. 
Still though, they’re fucked. He’s fucked. So when Daniel eloquently starts complaining about Warren ignoring the date, he realizes that oh.
Oh, they’re on the same page about this. Which is. 
That’s good. 
He forgot how stupidly easy it is to loose himself in Daniel, how quickly he gives into need and want, and he looses time somewhere between Daniel setting the first firework off with a brilliant smile and crowding him against the side of the truck with a hand on his throat and one tight on his hip.
Looking up at Jacobi while he’s riding him feels a little too intimate A Little Too Much like this is a love thing, A Little Too Much like they would already die for each other, so Warren buries his face in Daniel’s neck, works bruises into the skin there while Daniel’s fingers tangle in his hair.
He keeps his hands on Daniel’s hips, holding him steady while he leans back and he listens to the way Daniel’s breathing speeds up, listens to the way Warren falls from his lips- not desperate and needy, but wanting-
It’s on a particularly good stroke where Warren twists his hips when he’s in Daniel and he slips up, a desperate oh fuck Sir, falls from his lips. And.
And he has control over himself, he really does, but something about hearing Daniel say sir in that context has him moving quicker than he thought to pin Daniel underneath him and fuck into him hard. Daniel looks up at him in shock for a moment before melting into the motions, fucking himself back when Warren fucks himself in and he’s truly relieved that Daniel closed his eyes because his face is too open and too expressive to be getting fucked by his boss under some fireworks like it’s this big romantic fucking gesture-
He can feel his orgasm building in the base of his spine, feel the heat settling in the pit of his stomach, and he can tell Daniel is close too-from the nails that are digging into his shoulders, to the way that Daniel’s moans are turning into a louder, steady chant of fuckfuckfuck sir please sir please, to the tightening of his thighs around Warren’s waist. 
Warren is close, he’s so close, he feels like he’s fighting it off and loosing as he pulls one hand away from where he is gripping Daniel’s hip tight enough to bruise and moves it to press against Daniel’s throat. His whines choke off almost immediately and Daniel tenses up, eyes rolling back, his mouth, slick and red and bruised, falling open as he tries to gasp for air before Warren’s pulling his hand away, and Daniel comes gasping, stroking himself off to work the come out, grinding back against Warren as he fucks into him twothree more times before coming inside him. 
Warren knows they have to clean up and head out, there’s no way they actually get enough downtime to lay back and enjoy the afterglow-they may have certain immunities, but they are in public, they just set off a fuckload of explosives, and there’s only a matter of time before they have to report back. But for right now, he leans over Daniel (while he’s still in him, savoring the low moan he gives) and kisses him slow and deep, and acknowledges that this is absolutely fucked, but they’ll deal with it.
It’s what they do.
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Life Changes Part 5 || Paul Bissonnette
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Summary: It’s crazy how quickly your life can change...one minute you’re a struggling personal injury lawyer and the next you’re working for one of the hottest sports podcasts to supplement your income. A new job and the end of a long-term relationship was just the beginning for Leigh Thompson when it comes to life changes. Thankfully she has the one and only Paul Bissonnette at her side to help her handle them all. 
Authors Note: I have finally finished my rewrite!!! *Cue happy dance* While previous parts had an hundred words added here, four hundred added there....I basically doubled the length of what this was previously. You can expect multiple fluffy parts and as before I swear Paul will physically be in the next part. 
Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Warnings: none
Word Count: 4,541 (plus all the added image content)
“Will it be easy? Nope. Worth it? Absolutely.” 
The rest of my trip to Arizona was filled with more morning sickness, more tears, and more emotional uncertainty. I had tried sleeping in the guest bedroom again the night after ending up in Paul’s bed after finding out I was pregnant, but it only led to tossing and turning. Just like he’d noticed something was wrong with me being sick, Paul also noticed that I clearly hadn’t slept so after that he’d insisted that I stay in his bed with him so he could hold me, allowing me to actually feel calm enough for sleep to come. 
Though I had initially protested because I was worried it would cross the lines of friends and coworkers, he assured me that his intentions were purely platonic and that he just wanted me to get the sleep my body needed to function and to support the little one growing inside me. My agreement was tentative, but when his actions fully supported his words, I found myself eager to steal as much comfort from his presence and touch as I could. The fact that his body was warm and I had always run cold certainly didn’t hurt either.
I wasn’t ready for my week in Arizona with Paul to come to an end, but the morning of my flight arrived and I found myself reluctantly boarding the plane back east. Returning home meant losing Paul’s physical comfort and support but not once did I lose the emotional, and some days it felt like he was the only thing getting me through. There were nights where I couldn’t fall asleep if I didn’t have his voice speaking softly in my ear. Sometimes it was the podcast or his radio broadcast for Arizona but if I was lucky, he’d call and just talk to me about random things until I would drift off to sleep. While we had texted frequently before I went to Arizona, our conversations were now constant. He was always quick with a supportive pick-me-up or with a joke that never failed to make me smile. At a time where so much was change occurring in my life and my brain was struggling to adapt, he was a constant that steadied me and reminded me that I could handle everything that was coming my way. He had become an unexpected friend, but one that I desperately needed. 
Slowly over the next few weeks, I acclimated to the knowledge that I was expecting a child, that I was going to be a single mother, and I did my best to begin planning for the changes I would need to make. 
One of the first things I needed to do was to see an ob-gyn to make sure that everything was actually going okay with the pregnancy. An appointment soon after arriving home established that I was indeed pregnant, if there had been any doubt left, and I’d gotten to hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. 
It was no surprise that I’d cried hearing it and when I sent Paul the little audio clip during our text conversation after the appointment, his response was once again everything I didn’t know that I needed to hear. 
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The doctor had a rough guess of my due date based on my hormone levels and what I’d told her about the last time I’d had sex, but I was scheduled for an ultrasound mid-April in order to cement the timeframe for my pregnancy. I knew that I should tell my parents, that keeping this from them was probably a bad idea, but I convinced myself that it wouldn’t hurt to wait until I was certain I was out of the first trimester and that the baby was healthy. Considering that my mother and her cousin had both lost babies at the end of their pregnancies and that none of my mom’s successful pregnancies had been without some complication I felt justified in needing to keep this to myself until the risk of miscarriage decreased. I had shared my concerns with my doctor and with Paul and surprisingly he echoed my doctor’s statements that I was not my mother and that just because she had had complications didn’t mean that I would as well. 
Two weeks later, I had my first ultrasound and after leaving the doctor’s office I couldn’t stop staring at the photos. The doctor had assured me that the baby was perfectly healthy and its development was where it should be at 12 weeks along. Pure joy was the predominant emotion of the day and I couldn’t help but want to share that feeling with someone. Since Paul was the only person who knew about the baby aside from my doctor, I couldn’t help but take a picture of my sonogram and text it to him. 
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Since he was currently in Toronto and had gone to the Leafs game the night before, I wasn’t expecting a response right away. So when my phone rang only about fifteen minutes after I’d sent the photo and Paul’s picture lit up the screen I couldn’t help but smile. 
“Hey.” I murmured in greeting, setting aside the mail I’d grabbed when I’d gotten home so that I could go curl up on my couch to talk to him. Instead of the greeting I expected on the other end of the line, I instead heard a sharp intake of breath. 
“Wow…that’s…that’s the baby?” He inquired, his tone hinting at wonderment. 
“Yeah, Paul. That’s the little human who has been making me sick for the past month. Pretty cool huh…I can’t stop staring at it.” 
“Yeah..no. I can see why Leigh. So everything’s okay?” He didn’t say it but his tone implied that he knew that I had been worried about the baby’s health and though the doctor had said everything seemed fine weeks ago, visual confirmation was reassuring. 
“Perfect. The baby is healthy, right where they should be development wise. The doctor would like me to get my stress levels down but understands why they’ve been up. Otherwise, I’m healthy too. All is good.” 
“Good. I’m glad. Did you find out your due date?” There was really no way to describe how much I loved that Paul seemed interested in my pregnancy. We were just friends but there was no doubt in my mind that I could go to him about anything and he would listen with no judgment. 
“Yeah. November 5th. Right before the holidays.” It was crazy how fast things seemed to be moving and I was sure that that date would be here before I knew it. 
“That seems so far away but it’s really not.” Again it was like Paul could read my mind and I giggled softly, pressing a palm to my stomach. 
“I know.” Closing my eyes for a moment I yawned softly. “So you’ve been busy in Toronto. Having a good time?” 
Listening to Paul talk about his visit to his parents and his upcoming flight to Vancouver to close on a house made me smile, more occasional yawns escaping my mouth. 
“Hey… you sound tired. Why don’t you and the dustbunny go lay down for a nap?” It took my mind a moment to process that he had just nicknamed the baby and my face crinkled curiously. 
“Dustbunny?” I questioned softly. “Why is my baby a dustbunny Paul?” Teasing affection laced my voice as I waited for an explanation. Though I couldn’t see him, I felt like if I could he would certainly be running his fingers across his scalp with an  embarrassed expression on his face. 
“Are you really going to make me explain my nickname for your child?” He mumbled and I quickly nodded before it processed that he couldn’t see me either. 
“Yes. Yes, I am.” 
“Fine. I don’t know. A Duster…a duster is a guy that sits on the bench a lot collecting dust during games. Which I kind of was.” I could kind of see where he was going with this but kept quiet wanting to see what he’d say. “And you know...I kinda knew about the baby before anyone else so I’m a little attached okay, and so when I started thinking about what I wanted to call the baby that’s what popped into my head and I don’t know...I kinda like it.” 
The fact that he had actually thought about a nickname for the baby instead of just calling it an ‘it’ or ‘baby’ or something like ‘peanut’ made me smile and the fact that what he came up with was attached to him in a way made it even better. It was adorable. 
“That’s really cute. I suppose you can call the baby that and I’m okay with it.” My voice was moist, as it didn’t take too much to make me emotional these days. 
“I’m glad you approve.” He replied, slight sarcasm lingering in the words. “Now go take the dustbunny and lay down for a nap. Doctor says you’re stressing too much so go take it easy. Biz’s orders.” 
“Alright fine. I will. Once I stop staring at the pictures of the baby.” Again if I could see him he would totally be rolling his eyes at me and as I hung up, I couldn’t help but smile at the conversation we’d just had. 
“Guess you’ve got your first nickname little one. You’re a little dustbunny.” 
It was the Thursday before Mother’s Day weekend and I was driving back to my parents’ house because my middle sister was graduating high school on Saturday. Every mile driven was another mile closer to having to tell my parents that I was having a baby. I was already fifteen weeks pregnant and my bump was becoming more and more obvious every day. And now that I was out of the first trimester, my excuse for keeping the news a secret had disappeared. 
But knowing that I had to tell my family, and that it was time didn’t mean that I wasn’t freaking out. Part of me felt silly for being so nervous because yes I was single, but I had a graduate degree and two solid jobs; when my parents had me they had been half a decade younger, unmarried, and had just barely graduated with undergraduate degrees. I was in a much better position than they had been and yet I still worried about what they’d think about the fact that my baby’s father was never going to be in the picture. 
After stopping for lunch and gas, I climbed back into my car and just sat there trying to calm the nerves that were building inside me. Almost like he knew I needed him, my phone rang with Paul’s picture appearing and I answered softly, the hitch in my breath alerting him to my distress as always. There was something about hearing his voice that was immediately calming and I closed my eyes for a moment just listening to him telling me to breathe and counting softly until I was finally able to push away some of the anxiety that was creeping into my mind. Deciding that I was of sound enough mind to start driving again, I put Paul on speaker through my car’s sound system. 
“So hey…” Paul started, his tone changing a bit from consoling me to trying to provide a distraction so that I didn’t end up drowning in my own mind again. “I was bored on my flight to Vancouver yesterday and I ended up googling some stuff you’ll find pretty cool. Dustbunny is currently the size of a pear. That’s still pretty fucking tiny but I know he or she still has lots of time to keep growing.” I had an app on my phone that told me this kind of thing every week but his attempt at distraction was working and I was amused by the fact that he had researched this of all things on his flight yesterday. 
“Dustbunny also has see-through skin which is weird but awesome and it’s made even cooler by the fact that he or she finally has bones that are becoming hard and can be seen on xray.” The awe that laced Paul’s voice had my smile widening and I couldn’t help but think that even though my baby didn’t have a dad, they had an awesome Uncle Paul and that made him or her pretty lucky. 
“Also...dustbunny’s ears and eyes are finally almost where they should be on his or her head which is good because otherwise I’d have to beat up a bunch of kids for teasing them and I figure that’s probably frowned upon.” He was so matter of fact with the statement of protection that I felt a chuckle slipping from my throat and when he spoke again it was obvious he’d heard it and was now smiling. “And you haven’t mentioned feeling the baby yet, but I read that little dustbunny is moving around in there like crazy, kicking and moving his or her arms and legs, practicing so that he or she can become an awesome hockey player like their favorite uncle.” 
It was then that Paul transitioned from what he’d read about the baby’s development to all of the things he wanted to teach them when they finally arrived. The conversation between the two of us continued…well he did most of the talking and I mostly listened...until I was pulling off the exit ramp in my hometown. Paul must have realized I was almost home when I cracked the windows for a bit of fresh air now that I was on back roads because he stopped mid-sentence and spoke my name softly. 
“Hey...just so you know, it’s all gonna be fine. I know you’re nervous but your parents love you and they’re gonna have your back. Plus you’ve said you’re fairly sure your sisters are going to be excited so if nothing else, just focus on that.” He declared and I took a deep breath, nodding to myself. “And you know you can call me whenever. I’m just a few taps on a screen away.” 
Upon arriving home, my middle sister, Amanda, let me inside pulling me into a hug and we spent the rest of the afternoon talking about her plans now that she was finally done with her primary education. Shortly after, my baby sister Taylor, and mom arrived home and when I hugged the latter I prayed that she wouldn’t notice the baby bump sticking from my front. With so much to prepare before more family drove out tomorrow, the four of us set to work in the kitchen, preparing as much of the food for the weekend as we could ahead of time. 
As long as I kept myself busy, it was easy to pretend that I wasn’t about to drop a bombshell on my family. But eventually my dad arrived home from work and we sat down in the living room to eat dinner and watch whatever game show was on tv. I knew that I needed to eat but now that I had stopped moving my stomach was flopping back and forth with nerves. As they all wrapped up eating, I set my still half-full plate aside and bit my lip for a moment. 
“Can I talk to you guys about something for a minute?” I found that as soon as the words came out in a whisper that I had the full attention of everyone else in the room. With my mom looking to my dad to mute the TV, she murmured that of course I could and instantly all the feelings I had bottled up caused tears to prick at my eyes. 
“So um ...your first grandbaby slash niece or nephew is going to be here by Thanksgiving this year.” The silence was overwhelming and I found myself unable to meet the gaze of anyone in the room. 
“Are you pregnant?” It was Taylor that asked the million dollar question and when I simply nodded she squealed before dashing around the couch to hug me. Neither of my parents said a word for a long moment and I swallowed hard awaiting their reaction. 
“How?” The question that left my mom’s mouth wasn’t the most appropriate one because I knew that she obviously knew the answer to that, otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here. When further questions of ‘how far along I was’ and ‘where was the father’ came forth I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, one hand falling to my stomach. 
“I’m fifteen weeks...and he’s not in the picture.” Though my mother masked her anger well, I could tell that she was upset so after taking a sip of water to clear my throat I continued. “I...I didn’t know how to tell you. I….I didn’t take the news so well myself at first and by the time I adjusted I had myself so worked up over everything that I decided to wait until I was out of the first trimester before I told anyone.” By this point, Amanda had shifted across the couch and was rubbing my back gently as I attempted to explain myself.
“But the baby and I are healthy. And we’re gonna be okay. I just hope you guys can support me through this because I really need you.” Wrapped in the arms of both my sisters, I let myself cry for a moment. I had counted on them being the fastest to adapt because I was their big sister and not viewed in the same light as I was by my parents. “As for baby’s dad...I’ll be honest with you. The story the world is going to hear is that he was a one night stand and I don’t know who he is; because that’s just easier. The truth...the truth is that we were together for eight months before he broke up with me and I have no plans on telling him about the baby. I know you might think that’s wrong but shortly after he ended things I found out that he’d been cheating on his long-time girlfriend with me and that they’re now married. I am not putting my baby through the hassle of a split home and custody issues when I can do this by myself. He did nothing but lie to me and I don’t want my baby around him.” 
Finishing my spiel, I realized that my father was no longer in the room and I held my breath trying not to assume the worst from that fact. My mother was silent before eventually coming over, pulling me to my feet, and giving me a hug. 
“You’re gonna be a great mom sweetheart. I’ve never had any doubts about that.” That validation from her was exactly what I needed and I sunk into her embrace feeling more of the tension I’d been holding in leave. “I just wish you hadn’t waited so long to tell me...I hate that you’ve been dealing with this on your own for months.” After a moment, I pulled back just a bit and sighed. 
“I uh...technically there’s one person that knows besides my doctor. I was visiting one of my coworkers and he’s actually the one that figured out I was pregnant. So he knows and has talked me down from the ledge a few times, he’s been a really good friend.” Surprisingly, my mother seemed okay with that and just held me close for a few minutes, her fingers carding through my hair drawing most of the remaining tension from my body. Eventually though, Taylor spoke up again, her tone full of excitement. 
“Well..do you have any pictures of the baby?” She asked and I found myself laughing at her eagerness as I nodded. 
“Of course I do. I also have a recording of the baby’s heartbeat.” From the moment I played the audio for the first time and pulled up the set of ultrasound pictures on my phone I knew that at least most of my family was on my side. Showing off my growing baby bump and hearing their reactions as to how cute it was lifted my spirits even further. 
It wasn’t until I stepped into the kitchen a little while later to get more water that I truly got my father’s reaction. Part of me was surprised when he tapped my shoulder before wrapping me in another hug where he mumbled that he loves me and was there for whatever I needed. Overall, the conversation with my parents and sisters had gone for the most part how I’d expected and hoped that it would. Unsurprisingly, there was a bit of disappointment at the situation, but once everyone got past that initial reaction it was clear that I had their support and that this baby was going to be very loved. As I snuggled up on the sofa bed to sleep that night, I texted Paul just to let him know that everything was okay and to thank him for earlier. 
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The arrival of extended family for Amanda’s graduation made me nervous. It was another group of people I needed to tell that I was expecting and another group of people whose reactions I wasn’t certain of. Unsure of how to break the news and wanting the weekend to be about my sister, I kept quiet both Friday and Saturday, just enjoying the time I had with my family. 
On Sunday morning, my mom was hosting a big brunch for everyone to celebrate my sister’s graduation as well as Mother’s Day. Getting up early, I hopped in the shower before getting dressed in a pair of shorts and a flowy blouse which would once again hide my bump. My grandmother was already in the kitchen with my mom while Taylor and my dad set up the backyard so that there was room for people to sit. It wasn’t more than two minutes after I’d stepped into the kitchen offering to help that Amanda came into the room carrying a bouquet of flowers. 
The flowers took me by surprise because my mom already had the bouquet from my dad in a vase on the counter, so I wasn’t sure where these came from or who they were for. After all, the house was going to be full of women today who were moms and could be getting flowers delivered. Setting the flowers down, Amanda handed me the card that was inside them and seeing my name on the front of the envelope I opened it, slipping the card out. 
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Inside the card was a slip of paper which listed the flowers as anemones and explained that they represented anticipation and protection. 
Reading the card to myself twice I couldn’t help but start crying, the gesture meaning more than I could explain. The flowers were absolutely perfect and the fact that he sent something so fitting sent a chill down my spine. Amanda sent me a smile as I excused myself for a moment, needing to pull myself together. 
By the time I’d returned to the kitchen, card securely tucked into my pocket, more of my family had arrived and were chatting in the kitchen. Pouring myself a glass of orange juice I listened as my aunt commented on the flowers and how different and pretty they were to my mother, believing they had been sent for her. 
Quickly my mother pointed out her own mother’s day bouquet and my aunt then questioned whether they had been delivered for Amanda’s graduation. When my sister shook her head everyone looked around curiously and after a nod of encouragement from both my mom and sister I spoke up. 
“They were delivered for me.” I explained, a soft blush gracing my cheeks. “A friend sent them for Mother's Day,” I added, watching as everyone’s faces started to shift processing the implications of my words. 
“You’re pregnant?” It was a family friend who was like an aunt to me that asked the question, and the excitement in her tone forced a beaming smile onto my face. 
“Yeah. I’m pregnant.” I admitted causing the room to burst with a mixture of excitement, disbelief, and concern. Accepting some hugs I tried not to let my emotions become too much. Addressing the more reserved members of my family I spoke as confidently as I could manage. 
“This wasn’t planned and no the father isn’t in the picture. But that’s okay, I’ve made my peace with it and I know it won’t be easy, trust me it has been anything but so far, but I’m excited, I already love this baby so much.” 
After a moment, the rest of my family seemed to come to terms with the announcement and I was pulled into more hugs, causing me to tear up while laughing to myself softly. 
My grandmother was the first to ask if I had any pictures. Nodding, I smiled and opened my phone to show off my baby’s first ultrasound photos. Everyone wanted to know how far along I was and seemed shocked when I admitted that I was almost sixteen weeks along. 
After about fifteen minutes of baby talk, it was my cousin that moved the conversation back to the flowers in a way, asking about who had sent them. 
“Just a friend and one of the guys I work on the podcast with.” I stated softly. I knew that everyone would wonder how many people knew before they did and so I answered the question before it was asked. “He’s the only one besides the people in this house that knows. He was with me when I found out. Actually, he suspected that I was pregnant and insisted on taking me to the doctor. He’s kept me from losing my mind as I processed the news.” 
“And the card?” Laughing, I pulled the card from my pocket, reading it aloud. Everyone was impressed by the fact that he even put the effort in to pick out something beyond the standard carnation and when I explained what the flowers were supposed to mean they ‘awe’d’ commenting on how fitting that was. As expected the next question was about the term dustbunny and I shook my head declaring that there wasn’t really an explanation for it other than that it was hockey lingo that he’d adapted into a nickname for the baby. I mentioned that it was something I loved because it was different and personal and unique to my baby given to it by someone who had been in our corner from the start. 
Now that the news was out there, I couldn’t help but feel relieved that my baby was no longer a secret. It was the perfect way to spend my first Mother's Day and I couldn’t help but be grateful that Paul made it so easy to share the news by providing a natural transition into the subject. 
Somehow he made everything easier and I was so grateful to have him in my life. 
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ghosty-schnibibit · 4 years
multiple days early taz grad liveblog! ^u^
ngl this took me completely by surprise and i didn't end up listening to it until around ten o'clock, it’s a bit before one in the morning as i’m posting this lol. managed to avoid any spoilers tho!
how's everybody doing in quarantine? i've mainly been playing minecraft and doing relistens of various podcasts, and just generally staying home :P
anyways, on to the episode!
i was not expecting that intro holy shit, this is so meta
as much as i loved the sillier intro i missed the pretty music the last couple episodes, i’m glad trav’s found a way for us to have both 
"the offending skeletons" pfff
oh man this sounds so pretty, wow
griffin w h y
well that's terrifying
"your creepy panopticon continues to function" gary serves the eye
yeah who fucking died to make their room available 
awww, is fitzroy scared of ghosts?
does firbolg have ghost hunting abilities???
... that's probably just from the spectral cats tho right
"they're steps of the mind" travis what does that even mean
:o!!! fitzroy the cussing boy
um??? fitzroy wtf are you talking about
yay! crepes for my boy! :D
better than i could do lmao
oh great, more creepy buckminster time :|
... dang, that's an interesting choice. i'm trying to think in-character of what would lead fitz to not telling them, and i've come to four main possibilities: a) fitzroy doesn't trust anyone at the school, even his friends, b) fitzroy hasn't found a way to tell them w/o being in the presence of a gary, c) fitzroy is worried that if he tells anyone they might get disappeared like leon, or d) a combination of all of the above.
kumquat? oh it's those little orangey guys, okay, continuing argo's citrus fixation then lol
"my new hero" can't wait to see all the maplekeene fic that comes out of that line lmao
well fuck that's sad :(
aww firbolg my sweet baby
ilu firbolg :')
OH FUCK, did leon send the broach as a message?
i have never gone from laughing to worried so fast holy shit
... so he's not just mind-wiped, he's being actively controlled
good idea fitz, this is very smart
another moment reminding me of how much i love the firbolg's character and how the other boys interact with him 
yay! my favorite girl is back :D
my sweet boys, these are such bad puns, absolute morons the lot of you
argo my dipshit son ilu
she is a necromancer lol
oh fun! dad lich!
... i need art of rainer as a blupjeans baby stat
"he's not not dead!" i love this description
i cannot tell if that's a euphemism or if he's insinuating rainer is some kind of frankenstein
oh dang :O
fiztroy you absolute ding dong ilu
oh fun, new npc :D
go firbolg, nice
so leon actually managed to get through to the guild before higglemas did whatever he did to him, and hieronymus and higglemas appear to be on the same page vis-a-vis wanting to keep the guild out of the school... fuck
althea, good to know, i'm so bad at spelling, i was hearing it as alfia
yay! i missed the money zone :D
aww, thank you trav
wait is that the end? does taz just not have ad reads anymore???
hey what the fuck, i am worried for my boys trav you can't just drop that on me apropos of nothing
how trippy for the rest of the staff do you think it was that all of a sudden jackyl's creepy voice suddenly turned into a lilting brogue
argo my sweet boy
... is he going to- yep, he's telling him about the hot mint
argo my sweet boy you are a valued member of the group
"hot mint is nothing new" oh my darling
ilu jackyl
what do you mean not from a person? do they think fitzroy is somehow linked to the demons in the forest?
thank you for that trav i am bad at remembering scenery details
i get what jackyl's saying here but like... there are ways for argo to ask fitz about his magic without being suspicious. they're pretty okay friends at this point, i don't think it's too much of a stretch to bring up magic in conversation like “hey, i have magic from my parents, do you think your magic could have come from yours?”
argo that's kind of a hollow threat, i don't think you can leave, they'd probably kill you :/
ilu argo my sweet boy
yikes, goddamn, the bad roles are back for argo
what was the end of that line clint
NICE, good rolls are back :)
clint you absolute dipshit
it's not boring! i'm very proud of clint getting so many good rolls in a row!
i love this so much lol
ooooh, this is some pretty music
fitz is on supplemental levels of paranoia
i can get that rationale, he can't solve anything if he can't trust his own perceptions
so he's taking a crack at artificing, fun times
this is an extremely good interaction, i am loving this
what does your little high pitched HMMM mean fitzroy? what are you doing my dipshit son???
oh fun, drawf then i'm guessing
green and gold were my university colors trav don't do this to me
fitzroy sounds like me every time i fall down the rabbit hole of metalworking videos on youtube and think “i wanna make a sword!”
... huh. i have to go back and listen to ep. 7, but is crabtree part of the unbroken chain? i'd be more inclined to trust her if so, i don't know if fitz would be safe crafting a mind protecting charm with her if there's even the slightest possibility that she's in on whatever higglemas is doing
fitzroy my dipshit son, you are an absolute dummy, you are the worst
griffin you planned an entire campaign around magical items
i don't like the sound of that "oh!"
oh this has gone just about as bad as it could have gone
that is absolutely not going to happen
nice thinking griffin, holy cow
not a fan of the foreshadowing implications of that
precision is certainly something fitzroy doesn't have
yes thank you for not doing that griffin
this is probably a bad idea and i am worried for firbolg
"let the wiki show, your honor" i want to check the wiki now to see if anyone’s added that lol
jesus that's a creepy feeling
griffin you have no right to make me cry like this
justin you've murdered me
welp, this is extremely bad :|
what are you doing fitzroy, what is the end game here fitzroy
okay, okay that's a good idea but this music is very terrifying
maybe also talk about what's going on with buckminster please, i am so worried about leon
i am at odds with myself because i adore the friendship development that's going on here, but i'm also so worried for literally all of them and poor argo is being left out
oh nice, very excited to see how that goes next ep
thank you for lifting the mood some griffin lol
clint you've killed me
oh i am so looking forward to this conversation
so a lot went down this episode, huh? compared to how lighthearted and silly the last two episodes were we got a ton of plot development, and in retrospect i’m glad we had an emotional buffer before things got too hairy. i am very worried for my boys, i personally think travis is nailing the build-up of suspense and mistrust between characters while keeping the danger factor mysterious enough that there’s no obvious solution as to who’s right not to trust who. i can’t wait to head into the tag and see the kinds of theories people are coming up with because dang if i don’t have some thoughts.
see you guys whenever the next ep comes out i guess!
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King Falls AM - Episode Four: Wolves Gone Wild
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Summary: June 15, 2015 - With Sammy & Ben in contention over a forced apology regarding the Bass Tournament, a full moon causes all hell to break loose on the outskirts of King Falls.
[Podcast intro music]
[KFAM rock intro music]
Ben Top of the hour here on King Falls AM, that’s 660 on the AM dial. And we’re live here on this crisp, King Falls evening. It’s a full moon, and you know what that means, so be careful out there. It’s four AM, on the dot, and as per instructed by Merv, the station manager, who we will be—
Sammy [agitated] You’re really gonna play that.
Ben [sarcastically] Oh look who’s talking again, everybody! Sammy Stevens, ladies and gents.
Sammy Very funny, Ben. You know, we’ve played this apology enough. let’s just get back on track, how ‘bout it?
Ben Gotta do it.
[radio static as recording begins]
Sammy Hello, this is Sammy Stevens and I’m sitting here with Ben Arnold, your co-host of King Falls AM.
[record scratch]
Sammy No! We aren’t doing this, Ben.
Ben Sammy! I’m gonna have to file a report if we don’t play this apology at the top of every hour.
Sammy Write it up!
Ben I don’t want to!
Sammy Then don’t.
Ben Sammy— can we talk about this? Folks, uh, we’re just gonna take a quick break for—
Sammy No break, no apology, you wanna play that tape?
Ben No, but we have to!
Sammy Fine. You know what? We’ll do this one live, kids, and *angry laugh/huff* boy are you in for a treat.
Ben I don’t know, I—
Sammy [mildly outraged] So there’s a note, on the board, when we came in. We’re to record an apology to you, the dear listeners and residents of King Falls—
Ben Merv simply asked that we apologize for… creating a controversy at the 55th annual—
Sammy We talk about the news here. Relevant subjects that affect this town. What we don’t do- *angry laughing* What we would never do, is apologize for trying to cover a breaking news story! A dead body at a public event that King Falls AM is covering is News.
Ben Maybe Mayor Grisham went a little overboard kicking us out- I’m not saying he didn’t, but—
Sammy [outrage continues] If I owned this station! If I owned the station? I’d go after him. I mean, why isn’t Merv mad at Grisham. Why is this on us? [softer] Have you even met Merv, Ben?
Ben Yes— I mean… not in person, but— Look, we have a show to keep on track: in a few minutes we’ll be speaking with both of the winners of the 55th annual Bass Tournament—
Sammy How ‘bout this. How ‘bout we open up the phone lines and talk about how the good Mayor Grisham is strongarming the media—
Announcer This Sunday evening, at 7PM, we say goodbye to longtime host of King Falls Sewing Corner, Esther Rollens, the way she would’ve wanted us to.
Esther [old, wavering voice] Talkin’ about life, talkin’ about love, and crochetin’ a mean doily while we’re at it!
Announcer While we will all miss Esther’s sweet stitchery tips and needlepoint mastery, we’ll miss Esther even more.
Esther We’ll darn your socks, and maybe even darn your men to heck, while we’re at it.
Announcer We’ll reminisce and play clips from Sewing Corner’s illustrious twenty-four year run. As well as a live music tribute from Esther’s favourite band.
[heavy metal music] ♪WAKE UP. YOU’LL SEE.♪
Esther Ohh, I just love these boys! All possible states. [heavy metal music fades out] Always remember: bad times never last. But badasses certainly do! We’ll see you soon, King Falls!
Announcer Hopefully not too soon, Esther. 7PM, this Sunday. Help us say goodbye to King Falls’ most bitchin’ granny.
[heavy metal fades out]
Ben I didn’t cut you off, Sammy!
Sammy Real mature, Ben.
Ben You were looking right at me, I didn’t even touch the board! And you know Esther Rollens was slated for 4:32 AM! I’d never.
Sammy [sarcastically] Oh, oh, okay, it must’ve been General Abilene, right?
Ben You know he’s in Sweetzer Fore- Sheesh. Can’t you just take some calls? You’re killing me. Line 6!
Cecil Sheffield [Cecil’s voice is old and slurred] Benjamin Arnold! Mr. Sheffield here! Why’re you on- the radio?
Ben [muttered] Crap. Bass Tournament winners were scheduled for two minutes ago. I-I’m gonna call the other—
Sammy Oh! So we can talk about the tournament, we just can’t talk about the dead body.
Ben Sammy.
Sammy Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Cecil Sheffield to the show, uh, co-winner of the 55th annual King Falls Bass Tourney.
Ben It’s great to have you. Mr. Sheffield.
Cecil It’ss good to be taalkin’ to you fellas too! Benn, how’re yer grades holdin’ up this year?
Ben Uhh, I- *confused laugh* I- I graduated uh- already. Sev-several years ago—
Cecil No more late papers thiss semester, Mr. Arrnold.
Sammy Yeah, Ben! No more late papers!
Ben *deep breath* For those of you who don’t know: Mr. Sheffield was my history teacher at King Falls High School. [embarrassed and tense] Shouldn’t he be retired by now?
Cecil [singing] ♫Riiiiiising miidst the goooolden orrrange, graaandly iiin tooo th— bluuuee, reeeeeaches our dear aaaaalma maater—♫
Sammy *clapping sarcastically* There ya have it folks! Mr. Cecil Sheffield, winner of this year’s King Falls Idol.
Cecil Go Faaallls! I rreally lovve talkin’ t’ you guuys.
Ben [awkwardly] And we… love talking to you.
Sammy How ‘bout we talk about the big win at the tournament, huh? You split the grand prize, $500 and a bass boat, is that correct?
Cecil Ohh it was awwesome. Staandin’ up there at the podium with ma’ good friend Herrschel! I’m happy t’ shaare the prriize wi’ such a great man! I haven’ gotten a channce to uuse the new booat- uhh… yet—
Ben Aaand, we’ve got Herschel Baumgartner!
Sammy Sorry to cut you off, Cecil. Herschel, you’re live on King Fal-
Herschel [angry as always] You usurpin’, unsportsmanlike, son of a b[bleep]h filth! I know all you were colludin’ against me this year. It’s a conspiracy!
Sammy I’m sorry, what now, Mr. Baumgartner?
Herschel You know exactly what I’m talkin’ about, Big City.
Ben We actually don’t, Mr. Baumgartner.
Herschel Don’t mouth off to me, you conspirin’ little bag of d[bleep]ks!
Sammy Hey! Hey, hey, Herschel! No one is conspiring against anybody here! You should be happy right now, this is what, your fourth time winning the tournament? Granted, let’s be honest, a cadaver should probably give this one an asterisk.
Ben [eagerly] 1989,1992, and now back-to-back titles in 2014 and 2015. You’re the first ever to have four titles!
Herschel [hesitantly] W-wellll, when you put it like that, I guess. I never thought o’ it that way. I was just so red-faced about someone pokin’ a hole in the bottom of my boat right after I caught my last fish. Old Cecil wouldn’t’ve come close if some boobstain hadn’t’a messed with my damn boat!
Ben Kingsie got ya!
Herschel [mocking] It wasn’t Kingsie; that serpenty little b[bleep]h!
Cecil Iss that Herrschel? Hooww ya doin’ buddy? I’miss ya. Why dontcha answer when I calll?
Herschel [back to angry] Cecil! You cheatin’ dog pecker! I’d know-what-it was you who sunk my battleship! You couldn’t stand to have me win all by myself this year you limp-d[bleep]ked drunkard!
Ben Ooh-[worried]Haah! We’re gonna have to ask you. to watch your language. Mr. Baumgartner.
Herschel Now you listen here, you motherf[bleep]—
[dial tone]
Sammy Hello?
Ben Sorry Sammy. Merv’s already not happy, let’s not have the FCC[1]join him?
Sammy You know, you’re gettin’ real good with that dump button trigger finger tonight, Ben.
Ben I told you I didn’t dump you! Herschel, yes, but not you.
Sammy Y- *huff/laugh* You were so right about this full moon tonight, Ben.
Ben [mumbled] This is a nightmare.
Sammy [seriously] Hey. I’m sorry. Okay? I shouldn’t have gotten so fired up.
Ben You and Herschel both- You know how hard I work on this schedule? Don’t… puppy dog eye me, Sammy.
Sammy Hey, I’m just tryin’ to ice this apology cake, buddy.
Ben … 6:20, you buy me a stack of pancakes, at Rose’s Diner, and… we’ll call it even.
Sammy Sounds like a plan. So you’ve heard our story King Falls, now let’s hear—
Ben Good grief, we’ve got line 2, he’s in a panic.
Sammy Aren’t we all? You’re on the air with Sammy and Ben, what can we—
Line 2 [overly dramatic] No time for pleasantries- I need the law!
[small dogs barking in bg throughout call]
Ben Sir, uh, 911 is probably your best bet.
Sammy Or maybe tweet Troy and hashtag “KingFalls911�� [half-muttered] I dunno.
Line 2 You silly Sallys. I’ve already called, the deputy is on the way. But I’m havin’ a terrible night, and I don’t appreciate the two of you makin’ it worse!
Ben Wait, is this- Archie Simmons?
Archie [sing-song] The one and onlyy.
Ben Is there something wrong out at the Pomchi Palace?
Sammy Pomchi? What the hell is a “pomchi”?
Archie Oh my gawd, read a book Sammy.
Ben It’s a dog— breed, half pomeranian, half chihuahua.
Sammy Oh! So Archie’s a professional dog breeder.
Archie Best bitches in the tri-state area!
Ben [flatly] That’s their motto.
Archie [softly aside, cooing] That’s a good baby, Daddy loves you! What’s that? That angry, mean werewolf violated you? Don’t you worry, Daddy will make. him. pay.
Sammy Did he just say “werewolf?”
Archie You betchyer bottom dollar I did!
Sammy Ben, I- I can’t.
Ben T-tell us what’s going on, Archie.
Archie Well, I live offa Route-72, damn near out of town. It’s usually nice and quiet [muttering](except for those damn trashy rednecks in their trailer park every damn Saturday night!)
Ben Buuut, tonight, it’s not nice and quiet?
Archie Hell no! I woke up to the most godawful squawlin’. I mean it sounded like a freight train hit a barrel a’ screamin’ billygoats. Half a step below a damn eight f[bleep] bottle rocket.
Ben That is vivid!
Sammy [being a smart-aleck] Dare I say, was it a half-man, half-wolf?
Ben [unimpressed] Good job, Sammy.
Sammy [quietly] Please don’t encourage this.
Archie It was so terrible a noise, I thought I might’a dreamed it. But then I heard it again!
Sammy Go on.
Archie So I threw on my slippers, and I went runnin’ towards the back of the house— an’ I’m scared, because I just paid— well, I paid a bundle for a couple’a these new pomchi bitches? So I’m worried that maybe Rufus (that’s my labradoodle)—
Sammy Labradoodl—?
Ben [quickly] Labrador-poodle mix.
Archie Damnit, Google it fellas and keep up. I’m worried that Rufus is maybe snuck in the backyard and roughed up the new pomchis? So I rushed toward the back and Rufus is in the Florida Room— just a-growlin’ mind you— so it wasn’t him. So I burst open the back door, and what do I see??
Ben What-ahh… wh-wh-what did you see?
Archie [increasingly distressed I see a half-man, half-dog, bent over hunchin’ the hell out of my twenty-four-hundred-dollar Princess Von Barktooth!
Ben Not Princess Von Barktooth!
Sammy Okay, so you run outside in your slippers, and you see some skeezy pervert, and he’s got your dog—
Archie In the biblical sense! But the maaan was A. Werewolf.
Sammy Are we really talkin’ about wolf-man werewolves, here? *laughs* I’m sorry Ben—
Archie You shouldn’ be sorryin’ to Beeen! He’s not the one who’s been sodomized by a damn man-wolf! And now I gotta stay up all night watchin’ the princess and dealin’ with the law! Lord knows I’m worried that this leads to long term emotional distress, or, worse. [distraught] An’ we can just throw out winnin’ the Westminster trophy!![2] That was not in our five year plAN!!!
Ben I have to. What- Was the five year plan?
Archie [soft and rushed] Princess Von Barktooth was supposed to fall in love with another purebred pomchi, who sweeps her off her feet, holds open all the doggy doors for her, shares all his treats. *giggles* [to the dog] Isn’t that right lil princess?
Sammy [derisively] This is just silly. I mean it was obviously just a creep with serious issues, not a mythical—
Archie Are you callin’ me a liar? I saw that abomination with my own two baby blues.
Ben S-Sammy likes to look at these paranormal events from all angles, Archie.
Archie Well the angle that I saw it at was a G-D crime against humanity and dogmanity alike! The beast man looked at me, evil in his eyes, and desire in his heart, tossed my princess like a ragdoll, howled at the moon like the wretched demon that he is and scampered off!!
Ben Ar-Archie have- have you had issues with the werewolves before?
Archie Oh-my-gosh, who hasn’t? Ol’ Dylan hillbilly Baxter used to pepper buckshot those chicken-thievin’ shapeshiftin’ sons-of-bitches!
Sammy Brass tacks[3] here; Is Princess Von Barktooth okay?
Archie Needless to saayy, we are more than a bit shaken by this turn of events.
Sammy Have you looked into silver bullets? eBay? Amazon Prime?
Archie You come out here the next full moon you sassy Sally and I’ll show you more werewolves than you can shake a d[bleep]k at… Aw, I just heard Deputy Troy pull up, I gotta go, boys. [click]
[dial tone]
Ben Th-thanks for letting all of us know that there’s been some activity on the wolf front, Archie.
Sam This is just too much. Look, stay safe, Archie, listening public. I’m not saying that there’s werewolves on the loose—
Ben There are.
Sammy *laugh/huff* Ben. Everyone stay safe. There’s definitely something in the air tonight.
Ben Oh no. Sammy *heavy breath* Can you take Line One?
Sammy Do I even want to ask?
Finn [panicked] Sammy?! Ben?! It’s bad! It’s real bad, y’ know?!
Sammy Are you alright, Finn?
Finn [still strained and panicked] I-I didn’t.. even see him comin’! Musta run head-long through the truck on my blind side!
Sammy Who did? What’s going on?
Ben Finn hit a dog, off Route 72.
Sammy You’re f[bleep]king kidding.
Finn [distraught, almost crying] This poor little guy! I feel so bad, y’know? [less scared, more nervous] Actually. He’s not that little.
Ben Finn, are you still in your truck?
Finn Oh yeah, but I stopped it when I hit the fella… I’ma shakin’ somethin’ awful here.
Sammy [“not” worried] I think you should start the truck up, and just keep on movin’.
Finn … I think he’s still alive! I’m goin’ out to do the right thing an’ check this out, Sammy.
Ben Sammy’s right. Keep—
Finn I’m outside the truck! Headin’ back towards the pooch!
Sammy Get back in the truck, Finn! [quietly aside] Uh, you know, because it could be a- a coyote or something, n-not a were- you know.
Finn Oh my. This poor fella don’t look too good. This looks— Whoa now!
Ben Move your maple lovin’ ass, Finn!
Finn It’s two-leg runnin’ at me boys! What the f[bleep]k!
Sammy Finn? Finn?!
[sounds of a struggle, garbled words, then howling]
[KFAM outro]
[1] FCC - The Federal Communications Commission is an independent agency of the United States government that regulates communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable across the United States.
[2] Westminster trophy - The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is an all-breed conformation show that has been hosted in New York City annually since 1877.
[3] Brass tacks - n. details of immediate practical importance —usually used in the phrase “get down to brass tacks”
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grimelords · 5 years
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The hits just don’t stop coming!
My May playlist is finished and it’s only almost one month late! Everything you want and nothing you don’t from Nicki Minaj, the band that did the OC theme song and Italian Adele. What more could you ask for! 
Listen here!
Curious - Amerie: Amerie, who sang the world's greatest song 1 Thing and unfortunately never had any other good songs, surprise released a 22 minute album called 4AM Mulholland and a companion EP that was 20 minutes long called After 4AM last year. I don't know why she didn't just release one normal length album but anyway, because she's Amerie people weren't exactly eagerly awaiting a surprise release album from her so it came and went pretty quickly. This song though is really very good and sets a really nice midnight smoky tone that the whole rest of the album/EP unfortunately fails to really live up to. I also found out in my research that Amerie is also apparently a semi-influential book vlogger 'BookTuber' and last year edited a book of YA short stories where other BookTubers 'reimagined fairy tales from the oft-misunderstood villains' points of view. She's got heaps going on.
Vipers Follow You - Amon Tobin: Amon Tobin has lost his damn mind yet again. His last album was 8 years ago and it sounded like a hardware test for a new kind of million dollar sound system. Every single type of sound and frequency was crammed into it and it felt like a sound sculture that could physically attack you rather than an album that you listened to for fun. Now his new album sounds like the direct opposite. There's no drums on it at all and it's all stripped back thick and smooth acoustic-modelled textures and it's very nice. This song is a good example of the album feel overall: not exactly ambient or laid-back, but definite night music from a guy who has gone all the way from chillout trip-hop to walls of hydraulic noise over his career and it's always such a thrill to hear people pushing forward in their sound 9 albums in.
Do The Panic - Phantom Planet: Phantom Planet who famously did the theme song for The OC have reformed and released their first new song in ten years. This isn't that song but there was a bunch of people in the comments on the Stereogum article about it saying they were and underrated band and their 2008 album Raise The Dead has bangers and guess what: they were right!
Roman Holiday - Nicki Minaj: Roman Holiday reentered the billboard charts last month because it became relevant again via people putting it in memes where they would play a sped up version of the song over sped up videos of.. anything really. It's not a very good meme but I thank god for it because otherwise I would never have learned that it's a very good song. I also think there's a very interesting lesson to be learned here about Nicki Minaj because she premiered this song at the 2012 Grammys before Roman Reloaded came out with an elaborate Exorcist routine and everyone hated this extremely weird song and extremely weird performance so it was scrapped as the first single and they put out Starships instead. Nicki Minaj seem to me like an artist that has always struggled to ride the line between pop marketability and doing their own unique thing in much the same way as Eminem, and just like Eminem she's eventually settled in to a very safe and marketable version of herself. Roman Holiday is a glimpse of the Nicki That Could Have been that just starts singing Come All Ye Faithful in the middle of a song and does the chorus in an extremely dodgy British accent. There's a good bit on the wiki for this song that quotes Jessica Hooper's Spin review that says "the pop tracks are a paying of the piper and the too-perfect, Dr. Luke-produced songs are her penance for sneaking deranged yodeling ode 'Roman Holiday' in there." More deranged yodelling odes please Nicki!
Cousins - Vampire Weekend: I've never gotten into Vampire Weekend for an unknown reason. I like every song I've heard of theirs I've just never properly sat down and listened to an album and appreciated it until Father Of The Bride this year. I have however always loved Cousins. It’s got a completely deranged riff, the drums sound like their going to catch fire and it ends with chiming bells. It’s completely off the rails and I think the video is one of my favourites ever for just simply matching the tone of the song and the performance.
Lost Your Number - Nu Shooz: On the episode of R U Talkin' R.E.M Re: Me? with Ezra Koenig they were talking about grunge and the early 90s and how music that had 'authenticity' suddently became so popular. Scott's reasoning was that by the late 80s pop music had become so incredibly vaccuous and bad that people were yearning for anything with meaning. He said 'pop was so bad, stuff like Nu Shooz' and I immediately remembered how fucking good Nu Shooz are and paused the podcast to listen to them instead. This is an absolutely great song because the lyrics never rise above linear storytelling. 'I lost your number' is not a metaphor for lost contact or leaving someone or anything like that. This whole song is about trying to call someone but you've lost the piece of paper that you wrote their phone number on. She even describes the paper like maybe you the listener have seen it around somewhere, I absolutey love it.
Paper Trail$ - Joey Bada$$: Joey Bada$$ is a goon but he has good songs sometimes. If he wasn't a famous rapper he would be working full time in reddit arguments where people rank members of the Wu-Tang Clan. He's one of these 'real hip hop' 'lyrical miracle' guys and he even goes so far as to rework C.R.E.A.M in this song to say cash RUINS everything around me :O but this beat is nice as hell and I woke up with the bit where says 'shit is really real out here' repeating in my head.
Julien - Carly Rae Jepsen: I'm really loving this new Carly Rae album. It's not as heavy on hits as Emotion obviously but it's more even overall and has a lot more to dig into I think. I just keep listening to it. This song especially is so nice because it's a great example of how you only need two chords to get something extremely funky going.
Rock Non Stop - Cassius: Cassius finally have another great song! The nearly two minute choral intro is such genius because of how suddenly and forcefully it drops you into the middle of the most boneheaded dance song I've heard in a long time. Two different silly voices going back and forth with each other saying 'rock non stop' and 'gimme the good time', who could ask for anything more?
Just as I was about to publish this I saw the news that Phillipe Zdar died which is so sad! Just as they started releasing fantastic new music! So now this song is tinged with that sort of sadness which is unfair because it’s such a fun and silly piece of music, it doesn’t deserve to hold that kind of weight.
DOLO 5 - Dolo Percussion: This Dolo Percussion album absolutely astounded me. No melody! Just drums! For an hour and a half! It's a complete world of its own and you can get totally lost in the depths of it. Every song has a completely unique palette and it never ever feels boring like percussion focused music sometimes can, it's constantly evolving in every track and never settles into anything for too long. Things just come and go so naturally it feels like actually trying to figure out the structure of these songs would be impossible. There's a few moments where there's a hint of a bassline or melody in a some of the later songs and it completely shakes you up, like seeing sunlight again after years of absolutely thriving in the dark.
Song About An Angel - Sunny Day Real Estate: The way he sings 'running behind' in this is maybe one of my favourite pieces of vocal performance ever. He just shouted himself apart. Also the Genius description of this song is one of the best emo sentences I’ve ever seen: "The song is believed to be a conversation between a guy and an angel (possibly a girl)."
This Life - Vampire Weekend: The R U Talkin' R.E.M. Re: Me? episode with Ezra really put this album into a lot more context for me, because he's talking about being influenced by The Grateful Dead - not musically exactly but in the mindset and the idea of being in a guitar band and making guitar music in 2019 which is an interesting thing to think about. Anyway this has such a Dead feel to it and I'm really interested to see what they do live because as I've heard they're really mixing up their reputation of being a band that sounds exactly like the album and really going for it instead and doing absolutely anything which is a lot more fun.
The Past Is A Grotesque Animal - of Montreal: I've been getting heavily into Hissing Fauna Are You The Destroyer? this month and it's just so incredible. This song especially as the centrepiece of this whole album is amazing. The mindset is so intriguing to me: absolutely going though it in the worst way possible, getting divorced and everything like that but also somehow managing to keep it twee. The sorts of things that influenced this album would turn any normal person to heavier or stranger music but somehow he manages to believe so hard in the power of twee indie pop that he pushed it to the limit and create a masterpiece.
The Cascades - Janice Scroggins: You know that tweet about riding the bus and looking out the window and pretending the music you're listening to is the soundtrack to the movie about you riding the bus? That's me except with Scott Joplin rags and pretending i'm in a silent film where I embarrass myself in front of a society lady.
The Governor - Nicolas Jaar: I think i’ve probably already had this song on a playlist like three times so I’m going to stop talking about it but here’s my favourite thing this time: It could have just ended and been fine but instead it goes to saxophone hell and that’s what makes this a 10/10 song.
The Less I Know The Better - Tame Impala: My peabrain moment this month was suddenly developing a huge obsession with this song for some reason. Have you guys heard of this band ‘Tame Impala’? I really feel like they might blow up! One of my favourite things about this song is that the top youtube comment for a long time was ‘this is like the cuck anthem’. They’re right!
New Town - Life Without Buildings: Life Without Buildings feels like indie rock from another dimension. This came out in 2000 and for some reason I can't reconcile that fact with how it sounds. It sounds like it should have come out at least 5 years later. I cannot imagine this style of vocal ever working so effectively but somehow it just does. I'm hanging on absolutely every word and feeling it so intensely when in reality she sounds like something went wrong with the recording. I just love it.
Bang Bang Bang - Mark Ronson And The Business Intl: This is a hugely underrated song and this era of Mark Ronson seems to have been totally forgotten which is unfortunate. This song, Bad Romance by Lady Gaga and OMG by Usher all came out around the same time in my memory and I remember feeling very optimistic for the direction pop seemed to be heading in. Bombastic and unique and unafraid to be structurally different but then it turned out it wasn’t really a trend at all, it was just three great songs. So who knows.
Back To The Trees - Adele H: I suddenly remembered this song I completely fell in love with last year and remembered as a moderate hit only to find that it has <1000 listens on spotify and 300 on youtube. Simply not good enough, please listen to this song! Support my friend and yours Adele H: ‘The Italian Adelian’
Out There - Studio: What’s so good about Studio is it’s technically an electronic duo but it has the feeling of a jam jam band. Their wiki article is obviously written by their management but it also describes them as an ‘afrobeat-dub-disco-indie-pop adventure’ which is very true. It’s an adventure! It just keeps moving on and on through fifty flavours of groove!
Shut Up Kiss Me - Angel Olsen: This really is maybe the best love song ever written! Because it's about standing firm and not giving up on love! Stop pretending I'm not there when it's clear I'm not going anywhere / If I'm out of sight then take another look around!
Through This Town - Mia Dyson: If you ever need an optimistic song to lay down on the floor to then here's one.
Cry Flames - Rustie: I'm on my usual shit about how good Glass Swords was and how that it's a tragedy that this never coalesced into a major movement like it should have. This is such a good sound that just kind of disappeared because vaporwave and everything overlapped with the boring parts of it and the anime chillout version became popular instead. Sad!
Real Truth (feat. Tkay Maidza) - J-E-T-S, Machinedrum and Jimmy Edgar: I love this beat so much. The sort of beat that sounds like it's playing out of a droid that got shot with a lazer and is malfunctioning.
Aute Cuture - Rosalia: me putting these lyrics through google translate: oh my god she’s right this IS on fire
Self-Immolate - King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard: King Gizz are a metal band now and they're writing the very best kind of metal songs - sci-fi about burning to death in the skies of Venus that's also a climate change parable.
Magic Arrow - Timber Timbre: Timber Timbre feel underrated to me. I never see anyone talking about them but they're one of the most consistently great bands around, I absolutely love them. There's so much space in this song, this whole style of minimal production is underutilised. It feels like if Wicked Game by Chris Isaak was about an 18th century cult leader instead which I think we can all agree is a much improved song.
Kim's Caravan - Courtney Barnett: I love this style of songwriting where you just sit on an extremely heavy bassline the whole time and have no chorus, which affords you the freedom to just get bigger and bigger and smaller as you wish. The Drones cover of River Of Tears works like this too and I think it's just masterful.
When The Movie's Over - Twin Shadow: My belief is Confess is front to back one of the greatest pop albums ever written. Please, please listen to it and be moved.
listen here
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You spoke so beautifully about Jon and Georgie earlier, but I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on Martin and Georgie friendship. Obviously them striking up a friendship while both watching over Jon during his coma. But also, imagine Georgie is the only person Martin talks to during his self imposed isolation. She's not involved, so he can talk to her. She's not afraid, so she doesn't want to stop talking to him. She worries about Jon, and he can tell her at least a little about how he's doing.
Mmmh, gosh. This is so hard, because while I love to gush about Jon and Georgie, and Jon and Martin, I feel like…. I’ve got a really hard time with Martin and Georgie? Probably because…deep down… i have to admit… that i’m Bad At MartinTM. He’s too good and complex for my poor mind. 
BUT. Here are a few thoughts anyway; I think Martin is painfully jealous of Georgie Barker for - the whole of season 3, really; but it’s not exactly in the same way he gets petty and protective of Jon like Basira and Melanie discuss in their office gossip; it’s more of a this woman is absurdely cool, and Jon live(d) with her, and he obviously loves her a lot and I am not cool like that, and could she TUNE IT DOWN A NOTCH PLEASE, some of us had still vague hope to ever get Jonathan Sims’ love and appreciation without being reminded of what people they might actually fall for and little chances they have considering it. 
Except, after everything - after the Unknowing, Jon is still in an hospital bed, dead-except-not, and Martin comes in feeling weak and numb and hopeful, still, he’s got to be hopeful, because Tim’s dead but Jon’s special, so Jon’s got to wake up - and there is Georgina Barker there, not even holding Jon’s hand, just, staring with such deep sadness, and Martin’s heart falls into his stomach somewhere and he starts to stammer weak apologies but Georgie looks up, stares at him for a moment and then she goes: “Oh. You’re Martin, right?”
And that small little sentence stops Martin to ever feel jealous of Georgie Barker ever again, even after the first emotional tearful night, or anything; because Georgie is like “I mean, there’s only one person Jon rarely shuts up about, so -” 
(Me: “i don’t know about Martin and Georgie” Me, several endless paragraphs later: ……um. Under the cut i guess.)
I don’t know how their friendship go though; I think it stands from the fact there the only two people who regularly come to see Jon; Martin can’t speak at all of his grief and his longing at work, and Georgie - Georgie loves Jon. She sees Jon like Martin does - yes, he can be an ass, but he’s also… there’s a kindness to him, such warmth and deep care, underneath the prickeness and stiffness, and Martin got a bit better, during season 3, understanding Jon’s jokes, and he’s so knowledgeable and he’s so bad at caring for himself, and when he likes you it feels like you’ve earnt something special and precious and - point is, it feels good, to talk to Georgie. 
And yes, first, their conversations are mostly about Jon; but Martin is very good at paying attention to people and small talk, so they start to stray to Georgie’s podcast, and her family, and her favourite foods (”hungarian food is great” says martin earnestly, and georgie goes “oh my god, of course i find the ideal man and he’s gay for my best friend” and martin blushes adorably and sputters and laughs). They most certainly bond over the Admiral. And Georgie is a good judge of character, too, and she’s got definite social skills; she gets Martin to open up a bit about his job, grumbling about his colleagues, admitting that it’s so hard to just - be hopeful when everybody else is always so - so ready to dive into unhealthy patterns without talking to each other. At some point, Martin makes an idle remark about his struggles with money when he was younger, with his mum, and Georgie goes ‘god, that’s a mood’ and opens up a bit with her own childhood and the lack of money. 
They also always sort of meet up at the hospital, at first, but one night a nurse comes to tell them it’s time to leave, and Georgie stares at Martin and she says: “wanna come eat at mine’s? it seems silly to just stop chatting, i’m having fun. and i’ve got good food at home, promise.” and Martin is so baffled but also so - pleased? and he goes “yeah. Yeah, that’d be nice, uh - thank you?” and eventually that becomes an habit, too; Martin coming to spend a few evenings at Georgie’s; he cooks sometimes (”god, i got better because - well, there were worms you see -”), and he and georgie even work together on a What The Ghost’s episode one day;
Those moments at Georgie’s they’re - they’re sort of the only good things going for Martin, at this point; back at the Institute, Melanie is constantly angry, and Basira is constantly away - even when she’s physically present - and the corridors seem filled with the ghosts of a grinning Sasha, a laughing Tim, and a pricky but amused Jon. Every day, Peter Lukas comes, sits on his desk like he belongs there, and chats for a bit; then his eyes get serious and he’ll always lean in and go: “Have you considered my offer, Martin?”
(Martin does not talk to Georgie about that)
Then the Flesh attacks, and Martin has to put a plan in action, he’s done waiting, he’s done running, he’s done - he’s done expecting Jon to wake up and make it all better. Jon is probably not going to wake up. It’s. He doesn’t think about that. It takes two weeks for Georgie to call and say “I haven’t seen you at the hospital in a while” in a careful, worried, stern voice. “I’m going to get very busy, Georgie, I’m - probably not going to have much time anymore to visit Jon.” he says, and his voice cracks a bit) (”Come by tonight,” she tells him. he looks at his hand, eyes blurry, and he doesn’t want to give up that, he doesn’t want to give up Georgie and her warm smiles and her cool stories and her underlying, deep understanding of what he feels but - “Maybe, maybe next week” he tells her weakly. “Sorry, Georgie”)
(Georgie doesn’t say how much that hurts, really. She likes Martin; she likes the way Martin is genuinely interested in her life, not just through Jon; she likes how Martin loves Jon; she likes Martin’s little jokes and his determination for things to get better, always) (she does tell Jon, softly: “well i hope you never have to live that. Easy to get attached to that boy, uh?” and jon, of course, doesn’t answer. she sighs and kisses his forehead and leaves, and mopes that night with the admiral. The next day, she thinks “no, i’m not falling into that pattern” and goes back to her life, and her other friends; She’s not as hopeful as Martin, but she’s definitely as stubborn)
(Martin calls though; he calls again, because he doesn’t know who to tell, when his mum dies) (he’s back at her place that night and he feels numb, and he doesn’t cry; he looks deathly pale, and Georgie helps him through the following days, and vaguely remembers helping Jon with his grandmother’s funeral, the way he hadn’t cried either, for a long time, just got very snippy and distant; god, it was towards the end of their relationship - she’d argued with him, at some point, that he needed to cry, and he’d said he didn’t NEED to do anything, and he was sorry if she didn’t like how he handled his grief - and she’d been like “i’m just worried about you jon” and jon’s shoulders had slumped and he’d gone “there’s no point to it”) 
(Martin doesn’t cry, he doesn’t, right until all those people talk about his mum and he realizes he doesn’t know the woman they speak of; he’ll never know this woman) (Georgie takes his hand when he starts weeping, and lets Martin’s distant family tell her that they’re really rather relieved, that Martin found ‘a nice girl’, that they thought - that Martin was, well, you know - because she wants to snap at them but it’s not drama that Martin needs right now, just comfort)
After that, Martin thinks he can’t let go of Georgie; she’s done too much for him, at this point? So, he tries to be as honest as he can; he tells her he’s got a plan, to protect the Archives (”it shouldn’t be your role” georgie tells him with a deep concerned frown, and Martin shrugs and says: “But Jon’s not here and - someone ought to. Someone ought to protect them. I - I’m not special, Georgie, but that’s - that’s something I can do, and I don’t want to be a coward.”)
He says “I can’t come by anymore” and “thank you” and, hopefully “we can still chat on the phone?” and Georgie says “… sure.”
And they do that! They keep chatting! when Martin starts to get wary of Peter listening in, he switches to texting only. 
then jon wakes up
and. ugh. Ugh. I’m sorry, I’m going to keep making this sad, but Georgie and Martin have their first argument; because Martin can’t be there for Jon right now, but it’s because he’s - he’s protecting him, saving him. He’d give ANYTHING to be able to be there for Jon. and Georgie could. Georgie has not made a supernatural deal with a dangerous man serving a Eldrich God, and Jon needs someone, and Georgie gets fed up; she’s been supporting Jon. She’s been supporting Martin; she’s supported them both through their idiotic decisions and Jon woke up, yes, but he’s fine and unblinking and his aura’s all - different and she can’t do this. She can’t. She can’t let herself be involved anymore, she’s tired and who can she talk to? Who’s supporting her? (”it’s admirable,” she says, sadly, to Martin, “how selfless you both are. It’s terrible too, you know? You could both have stood to be a little bit more selfish. Perhaps you could have both - I love you both, Martin, but I’m ready to be a little selfish now; I need to get out, because otherwise, I’m gonna drown with both of you.”) 
(”Georgie -” he begins and she sighs and says. “Goodbye, Martin. Take care. Text me, if you need to.” and she hangs up)
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secondscratch17 · 5 years
weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? All of them. I drink tea in coffee mugs and teacups. I love drinking wine. I like that I can recycle soda cans
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? chocolate
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? bubblegum if the flavor lasts long
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? the stereotypical quiet, obedient, smart, goody-two-shoes kid
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? somehow I like the aesthetic from soda bottles
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? hONESTLY I can dO ALL OF THE ABOVE in the span of days. Went to work one day wearing beach-y clothes for spirit day. Returned to pick up a friend to go see a metal concert in VERY metal concert attire. I own short, sweet summery floral dresses and gothic dresses, too
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuds, they allow me to be more mobile
8. movies or tv shows? movies
9. favorite smell in the summer? Fresh cut grass. The smell of the ocean. Churros at the fair
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Soccer, obvs. Somehow would always last until the end of the game in dodgeball tho because I was small and no one could hit me
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Cereal
12. name of your favorite playlist? Don’t have one. 
13. lanyard or key ring?  Key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Smarties!
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? I remember re-reading Holes over and over just to make my book reports easier since I knew the boo so well. The Kite Runner was phenomenal and unforgettable
16. most comfortable position to sit in? idk?? I really can’t sit still in one position for too long
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? Currently my hiking/outdoorsy shoes. Also my black Nikes that I play pickup in and wear to the gym
18. ideal weather? Sunny and 65. Maybe one or two clouds. The tiniest of faint breezes to cool me down. 
19. sleeping position? Any I can get into and fall asleep in quickly
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Laptop. I can edit easier.
21. obsession from childhood? Probably any cheesy show on Animal Planet. The Most Extreme, Meerkat Manor, Big Cat Diary, etc
22. role model? I have a lot of different ones. Role models for athletics, role models for career and ambition choices, artistic role models...can’t pick just one
23. strange habits? Spelling words with the tips of my fingers
24. favorite crystal? Aquamarine
25. first song you remember hearing? how in the FUCK am I supposed to remember that. I do remember my parents playing The Beatles for me when I was a toddler
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Soccer! (futbol) 
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Sledding, making hot chocolate, or playing indoor soccer haha
28. five songs to describe you? Who I am Hates Who I’ve Been by Relient K, Proud by the Icarus Account, Land of the Dead by Voltaire, Always Leaving by Mayday Parade, Wavin’ Flag by K’naan
29. best way to bond with you? Listening to my favorite music with me or watching the US Women’s national soccer team with me
30. places that you find sacred? Belfast, Maine. Gold Camp Road. Newport Beach
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Tight jeans with holes in them, fishnets, and a crop top
32. top five favorite vines? Vines still exist?
33. most used phrase in your phone? “tbh”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? O O O O REILLYYYYYY’S autoparts
35. average time you fall asleep? around 9
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? I don’t remember
37. suitcase or duffel bag? suitcase
38. lemonade or tea? Is it warm outside? Lemonade. Is it cold outside? tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? PIE!
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Zombie hunting or my professor cutting lab a half an hour short to go look at some Cedar waxwings
41. last person you texted? I think it was Robert
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Pants pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Jean jacket
44. favorite scent for soap? Anything fruity
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy. It depends on how good the sci-fi movie is
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? as little as possible lmao
47. favorite type of cheese? Parmesan
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? A raspberry
49. what saying or quote do you live by? A great amount of good is always evened out by a great amount of bad
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Honestly Daniel knew how to make me laugh better than anyone. There are a couple of memories with him that I don’t remember entirely but I know that I ended up cry-laughing so hard that my head hurt. There was a time during my orientation camping trip when a bunch of us were playing ultimate Frisbee, and Jesse went to catch the frisbee in the most perfectly lateral horizontal position and the expression of focus just frozen on his face had me laughing so hard that I couldn’t see
51. current stresses? Sam. Jobs that I can apply for starting in May of 2020. Sam. STUDENT LOANS. Bills. Car payments. Wondering how fucked up my car has gotten since I’ve lived here on this ranch. Sam. 
52. favorite font? Anything that looks fancy and sarcastic
53. what is the current state of your hands? Need to be washed. 
54. what did you learn from your first job? The world is cruel and bad things happen without warning
55. favorite fairy tale? Uh....the Pied Piper?
56. favorite tradition? when my family visits for Christmas, eating lots of traditional Chinese food with them
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Heartbreak. Staggering rejection from the field I majored in. Probably a lot of body image struggles in there as well
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Writing, futbol, adaptability, flexibility. I think the last two are just traits but I don’t have a lot of talents I can invest in
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Let’s make like a baby and head out
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? No idea
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Though we are far apart, our spirits share the same earth and the same sky
62. seven characters you relate to? Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit, Data from The Goonies, Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, Eliza Thornberry from The Wild Thornberries, Raven from Teen Titans, Isaac from Teen Wolf
63. five songs that would play in your club? ANYTHING by Within Temptation. I wouldn’t be a good club owner. The catchy and pump-up songs from Hamilton.
64. favorite website from your childhood? Wasn’t allowed much computer time. I was allowed to visit educational sites and occasionally the Disney site
65. any permanent scars? some self-harm scars. Probably the one on my right leg that I got from CO parks and wildlife. I stepped on a barbed wire fence that had been plastered to the ground, but the metal sprang up when I stepped on it and ripped through my skin
66. favorite flower(s)? Plumerias
67. good luck charms? I’m not sure if I have any. 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? earthworm flavor from Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? uh...Something about not being able to spray silly string on Halloween in Hollywood
70. left or right handed? Right handed
71. least favorite pattern? wtf
72. worst subject? anything math related, I really struggled in GIS.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? I...have no idea
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 2. I’m a baby
75. when did you lose your first tooth? I was 6
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? chips and fries
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? a succulent
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? sushi from a grocery store, the quality can surprise you
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? Both are terrible
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? I hate bugs
82. pc or console? PC
83. writing or drawing? Writing, I’m terrible at drawing
84. podcasts or talk radio? Not into either
84. barbie or polly pocket? I had both
85. fairy tales or mythology? God!!!! Like hearing about both but mythology I guess
86. cookies or cupcakes? Cookies
87. your greatest fear? Being forgotten. I also have a terrible, horrible fear of drowning
88. your greatest wish? In the times I’ve struggled I often find myself wishing for peace. Not only for myself, but for others to easily feel peace with everyone else
89. who would you put before everyone else? Sierra
90. luckiest mistake? Mistake? There’s been lucky accidents but I don’t think any of my mistakes have been lucky
91. boxes or bags? It depends on what I’m packing and where I’m going
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight
93. nicknames? T, Tear, Tear-tear, T-Dog, Miss T..a few of my recent favorites from soccer: Ronaldinha and Thierry Chun
94. favorite season? Fall! Shit, especially in New England
95. favorite app on your phone? I don’t know
96. desktop background? A picture of a simple dock leading out to sea
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? My parents’ and brother’s
98. favorite historical era? Victorian era, for sure
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hockeytrashgoblin · 6 years
Guess the song bb
Okie dokie friendos. I have been gone for a while because health is important apparently?? Who woulda guessed it. Anyway I was sick and sad but nOW I’M BACK BBS. William Nylander doing the keke challenge or whatever the fuck it’s called. Also was inspired by Jenna and Julien podcast games sooooo here is the result. Hope you enjoy. Or don’t. Up to you really but I like the way it turned out so rad *Finger guns at you*
“Hey babe?” William asked coming into the room and sitting beside me on the counter where I was baking some peanut butter cookies.
“Can I ask you something? You can feel free to say no but it could be fun.”
“What is it Willy?” he had peaked my interest with this. You could never tell what he would ask, it was always a surprise.
“Weeeell you know the Leaf Nation website?”
“Yeah of course. What does that have to do with me though?”
“The producers thought it would be a fun idea to bring our girls for a show.”
“What kind of show?”
“Ours specifically would be a game seeing if I can guess your favourite songs. All of them would be games like that but ours is music because you like it a lot and honestly I think they think I’m going to be bad at it.” he said laughing at the end.
“I would love to do that baby, it sounds fun.”
“Okay good because I kinda already said we would do it.” he had a sheepish smile and I just hit his arm with a dish towel.
“You knew I’d say yes.” I stood in between his legs and hugged him. “I can never say no to you.”
“I know, it’s cute.” he said giving me a chaste kiss before jumping down from the counter. “Now you should maaaybe make a song list because we film this thing on Tuesday.”
“William! It’s Monday today!”
“Well I mean you’ve got all evening and tomorrow morning.”
“How long does this list have to be?”
“Probably about 50 songs roughly?”
“Oh my god..okay. I’ll do it after my cookies are done.”
The next day William woke me up much too early for my liking. To be fair I asked him to so I could make myself look presentable for this shoot. I was in the bathroom sitting on the floor curling my hair when he poked his head in, leaning on the door frame.
“Why are you doing all of this?”
“I don’t want to embarass you by looking like a bridge troll for all the fans.”
“You don’t ever look like a bridge troll. You’re beautiful always.”
“Shut up.” I said quietly rolling my eyes.
“It’s true babes. I’m going to make breakfast while you get ready.”
“Okay sounds good bean.” a little while after William left I had finally finished curling my hair. Or so I had thought. It had completely fallen straight again because I forgot to put hairspray in. I took a deep breath and put the curling iron down. I was really frustrated and pouty. It was still early, I could pout if I wanted to. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and shoved my face into Willy’s back making him laugh.
“Hi there.”
“Hi.” I said mumbling into his back.
“What’s the matter (Y/N)?”
“Look at my dumb hair.” he turned around to see the half straight hair and the hair that was currently straightening itself.
“Oh baby, you forgot to put in hairspray in between layers didn’t you?”
“Yeah.” I said pouting again.
“No need to pout darling.”
“I just want to look pretty and not embarrass you but nothing is working out this morning.”
“You don’t ever embarrass me. Never. You could go in a big sweater with the hood up and leggings and you’d still look beautiful.”
“I might just have to be cozy today..” he came over and grabbed my face with his hands.
“I love when you dress cozy. You always look so damn cute.” he gave me a little kiss and I smiled into it. “Now go get dressed while I finish your breakfast you cutiepie.”
“Okay.” I kissed him again and went upstairs to find my favourite leggings. I quickly found them and put them on. I then went through the closet to try to find a big sweater. Mine were all dirty so I took one of William’s Leafs long sleeve shirts. It was huge on me but it looked cute and I was cozy so I didn’t care much. I put on a beanie and ran back downstairs.
“Wooooooow! Cutest lady I’ve ever seen.”
“Noo be quiet.” I said covering my smile with my sweater paws making him smile wider as he brought the food to the table.
After breakfast we lounged around for a little bit before we started driving to the ACC. We got there about 30 minutes before we started shooting and just hung out again for a little while. I put lavs on me and William while we were just waiting around and got them synced to the camera. William and Kasperi were teasing me for knowing how to do it all, but the cameraman who was running late appreciated the heck out of me. A few minutes later I was sitting across a small table from William.
“Okay so Will, you’re going to introduce yourself and (y/n) and say what we’re doing in this video. (y/n) can jump in if she wants but we just want you guys to interact like you normally do.”
“Alright.” he said.
“No problem.” I said smiling to him. And then we were being counted in.
“Hi guys I’m William Nylander and this is my beautiful girl (y/f/n). We’re going to be playing a game today right babe?”
“Yeah! It’s a fun game where we find out just how much attention Willy pays to what’s going on around him. I’ve made a list of my favourite songs and he has to guess them from bits and pieces of the songs.”
“Okay but do I just have to get the song?”
“Nah boi, you need the artist too.”
“Are you actually joking?” he asked smile dropping.
“No bb. You gotta get them both.”
“Pfft that’s fine.”
“Yeah okay.” I said sarcastically rolling my eyes at him. I pulled my legs up on the chair and got ready to start the game. “Are you ready to start ya big baby?”
“I guuuess.” he said sighing.
“Okay. Just a heads up none of the artists repeat, and they’re songs I’ve liked since the 10th grade until last week.”
“I hate it here.”
“Loooove yooou.” I say blowing him a kiss.
“Alright whatever let’s just start this game.” he said laughing.
“Are you ready?”
“Um yeah I’m gonna crush it.”
“We’ll see I guess. Here’s the first song. If you don’t get it I’m going to be personally insulted.” I put on the part of Fergalicious when Fergie is doing her fast rap part. He listened carefully for a few seconds.
“That’s Fergalicious by Fergie. Predictable to say the least.”
“Yeah you got it!”
“You made me learn it so you wouldn’t have to sing all parts by yourself there was no way I wouldn’t have gotten that one.” he said laughing and smiling sweetly at you.
“Okay next song!” I put on dancing in the street by David Bowie and Mick Jagger. I stopped it after a few seconds. “Alright cutie, what’s the song?”
“That’s all I get?!”
“That’s plenty!”
“Oh god.” he said putting his face in his hands. “Um...is it..is it David Bowie?”
“He’s one of the people in it. Who’s the other and what’s the song?”
“I honestly have no clue (y/n).”
“Disappointing. Dancing in the streets by Mick Jagger and David Bowie.”
“Whatever, next.” he said brushing it off.
“Okay baby what’s this one?”
“Sos from mama mia. It’s Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan.” he said after the opening half a second of piano.
“I knew there would be a mama mia one on here. You’re obsessed.”
“Nooo I just love it. Anyway next song.” I put on a part of this song where there was no lyrics at all just instrumentals and William sighed.
“I know that’s Halsey but I don’t know which one.”
“Take a guess.”
“Which one is the strange one? Strange love?”
“Yes you go babe!”
“Yes! Alright let’s go.” he reached over for a high five and I hit his hand with me shirt covered hand making him giggle. “You’re so cute.”
“Shut uuuuup.” I played the next song and William just looked confused.
“I think this is beach boys. You like them a lot.”
“You’re right it is the beach boys but which one?” he looked more confused as he thought. “William Nylander you can’t be serious. Come on babe you have to know this..”
“Surfing USA?”
“Oh. My. God.” I said resting my hand over my eyes. “Willy. I first heard this song on baby muppets the day my brother was born.”
“OH! Kokomo!”
“Yes. You don’t get the point though. That was pitiful.”
“Boo you.” he said pouting and I stuck my tongue out putting on the next few songs. He had gotten 10 in a row wrong and he was getting annoyed and I was laughing so hard I was crying.
“Okay baby let me give you an easy one.”
“You said that about the last 3.” I put the song on and he listened carefully.
“Come on I’ve been listening to this song for like a week straight on repeat.”
“It’s do it with you but I don’t know his name..is it Andrew something?”
“Yeah it’s Andrew Hyatt. I’ll give you that one. Good job lemur.”
“Thank you lemur.”
“Here’s another easy one.”
“You literally got that song from me. Take it or leave it by great good fine ok.”
“You got it! I didn’t think you would since you didn’t get how I want ya and I got that from you too.”
“You be quiet little missy.” he said winking at me.
“Okay next.” I went to the song and pushed play. “If you don’t get this we’re getting a divorce.”
“We aren’t even married!” he said laughing super hard. The song started and he started singing along to the la’s in crocodile rock. I did too, but I had been singing along to all of them. “That’s the crocodile rock by Elton John.”
“Yeah bb!”
“Yay no divorce.”
“Silly Willy we aren’t even married. Dummy.” he laughed again and he cried a little from laughing so hard. “Okay next.”
“No fair. This isn’t even in English (y/n).”
“So what’s the name of the song?”
“I have absolutely no idea. I don’t understand one word of this to even guess.”
“Do you know who sings it?”
“I think Nicky Jam.”
“Yes! It’s X. Solarte’s walk up song.”
“Baseball?” I nodded smiling. “Classic. I’m not shocked about that at all honestly.”
“Here’s the next one.” I put it on and started dancing to it dramatically making William laugh.
“That’s Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. Baby’s favourite MJ song.”
“Truuuuue. Okay here try this one.”
“Okay this song is a lie. You absolutely do NOT beg for attention in small doses. You want to literally overdose on attention.”
“Um wow spilling the tea all over me. Rude.”
“It’s loverboy by you me at six.”
“Yes.” I said shortly putting on the next song.
“This is 100% loveshack.”
“Are you kidding? Are you actually dumb?”
“No come on this is definitely loveshack by the b-52’s.”
“It’s the B-52’s but it isn’t loveshack.” I said laughing really hard. “Holy shit I’m crying.”
“Okay then what song is it smarty pants?”
“Rock Lobster. It’s rock lobster.”
“Fake news.”
“You can’t just claim fake news on facts!” I said laughing harder.
“Rock lobsters are fake news.” I started hiccuping in my laughter and then he knew he messed up. “Oh shit she’s in a mood now. Should we stop filming until she calms down?” the crew shook their heads. William shrugged and turned back to me making me erupt into giggles again. After about 20 minutes of me annoying everyone on the set I finally got myself calmed down enough to continue.
“Um okay here’s the next one..” I said brushing tears out of my eyes. I pushed play and waited for Willy to guess it.
“Oooh that’s yeah by my man Usher.”
“Yup you got it.”
“I know my Usher.”
“I know you do hun.” I said with a small smile. “Here guess this one.”
“Oooooo it’s Brittany bitch! Toxic by Brittany Spears?”
“Yeah boi.” I said chuckling quietly. We went through quite a few more pretty quickly. William got a mix of right and wrong. “Okay last one Willy.”
“I’m so ready babe.”
“Saved the best for last.”
“Now I’m worried.” he said while I pushed play and bit my thumb with a big smile waiting for it. “Oh my god I hate you.” he said putting his head in his hands.
“Do you know it?”
“You’re a shit.” he said with a smile.
“Do you know it?”
“Yes I know it. Unfortunately.” I giggled a little bit. “It’s Mr. Flaming hot cheeto head. Lil Yachty. And by the complex words I’m going to guess it’s called Good day.”
“You’s right lemuuur!”
“Good now turn this off before everyone’s ears start bleeding.”
“Oh my god it happened one time William.” I said crossing my arms and standing up wakling over to him.
“One time too many.” he said pulling me to sit on one of his thighs.
“I stopped listening to it that loud and it never happened again. I already apologized to Kapi like 9 million times.”
“I know baby. I love you.”
“Love you.” I said putting my head on his shoulder.
“Okay guys this has been a lot of fun. I think (y/n) now knows that I do pay attention.”
“Like half attention.”
“Well how am I supposed to pay full attention to music when I want to pay full attention to you singing and dancing?”
“Oh my gooooood. William that’s so cute it’s gross.” I said giggling again.
“Okay well bye guys.”
“Bye thank you for having me.” I say smiling to the camera.
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slusheeduck · 6 years
Rule: Answer 11 questions and ask 11 more
@alreadyinmotion (I’M ONLY ANSWERING ONE SET)
Podcast/music you’re listening to right now? Well, RIGHT now I’m listening to “Celtic Music for Sleep,” but recently it’s been a lot of Elder Scrolls. For “Sonance” I listened to Mozart’s Klarinnettenkonzert and the MITJ soundtrack, including just Lisztomania (the theme version) for four hours straight.
You can have anything in the world to eat right now.  What is it? I just ate, so I’m not that hungry. But I guess I could go for some tonkatsu ramen.
Zodiac sign? Cancer.
What’s something you’re excited to do this week? GOING TO DISNEY TO TRY MY LUCK AT GETTING A MIGUEL MUG.
Favorite article of clothing? My oversized flannel shirts.
A food you want to try? Oden. God, I want to try oden so bad.
Favorite food when you’re sick? Plain noodles. Coincidentally also my favorite “It’s 3 am and I’m drunk and starving” food (if chips/fries are not an option.)
Favorite thing to do for others? Make them laugh.
Your best friend/sibling/S.O. wants to hang out! What do you do together? Best friend: Binge on anime. Sibling: Binge either Baking Championship or Real Housewives.
What’s something you’re proud of? Honest to god I am so proud of the fics I’ve put out for the Coco fandom. While I haven’t been ashamed of my fics, I’ve never been like HEY LOOK AT THIS I LIKE THIS THING I MADE before now.
What’s something you want to plug in and have people check out ;)  (Promote your OCs, AUs, webcomics, etc! Or your friends! BOAST, ALL YOU CREATIVE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE) Well, if you want an idea of what my original stuff is like, Wit reminded me today that I have my script Troubadour on my original works page. So, yanno, maybe check that out? I’m constantly ready to talk about “Hates Everything About Adventuring” Caena and Murder Goblin Edrys.
1. What part of a creative project excites you the most? Probably writing out intense emotional scenes--any scene where someone breaks down into tears or, more favorably, explodes in a rage that becomes tears is when I’m at my writing peak.
2. If you could teleport anywhere in the world RIGHT NOW but could only stay for 45 minutes where would it be and why? I think I’d go to Paris. I love Paris a lot, but the whole travel aspect is not great. So if I could just pop over and get some bread or whatever, that’d be super rad.
3. Favorite animal. WHY ARE YOU ASKING HARD QUESTIONS WIT. Let’s say a penguin. Because I would absolutely be a penguin if I could.
4. If you where a dog what breed would you be? I’ve actually been doing a lot of dog research lately for reasons, and I think I’d be a shiba inu.
5. Favorite trait you value in a friend. Not being socially draining. It’s kind of a weird trait that is entirely based on my own perception of the person, but as someone who’s almost cripplingly introverted, it’s so nice to find people I can spend time with and not feel like I need to hide for a week afterward. 
6. Favorite season? Moodwise: Fall. Weather-wise: Spring.
7. Coolest injury/scar story you have (if you want to tell it). I dislocated my knee because I got too excited about a boy and I sprained my wrist in show choir.
8. What color would you paint your bedroom if you could choose? Honestly? Like a nice warm brown, maybe with darker stripes.
9. Favorite TV show. Right now probably Mozart in the Jungle.
11.Superpower you would most want to have
Shapeshifting. I cannot express my frustration at having to look like the same person all the time.
If you could have any kind of pet with the means to care for it properly, what would it be? A lion. I freaking love lions.
Favorite time of day/night? There’s about five minutes when the sun’s setting, when it’s just dipped below the horizon, where the sky’s still lit but the trees and buildings look like black paper cutouts against it. That’s absolutely my favorite time of day.
Favorite color palette I’m a sucker for neutral, foresty shades. Greens are my fave.
Are you a swimmer or a sand-castle sculptor? I am a “Why did you want to come to the beach so bad, Slushee, you hate the beach and you know you hate the beach but you kept whining about how you wanted to ‘feel the ocean air’ and now you’re here and you hate it but you can’t go home yet because the drive would have been a waste so I guess we’re going to sit here and sulk for an hour”-er.
If you ever got to meet your hero(ine) what would you talk about? I’m terrible when I meet people I look up to, so I’d probably just stammer into silence and slam my head into a camera. That’s what I did when I met Lee Unkrich.
Clearance Aisle or Thrift Store? Both.
If you had enough money for the house if your dreams, where would you live and why? I’d live in a fancy loft in a hipster-y city. I’d love to check out Boston, but I don’t know if I’d want to live there. Paris is another good option, except that I’d have to speak French all the time. 
It’s raining like crazy outside. How does that affect your mood? TIME TO OPEN ALL THE WINDOWS AND LISTEN TO IRL RAINYMOOD.
Would you rather go on an adventure by yourself and make new friends on the way, or depart on an adventure with the friends you now have? I went on an adventure by myself, and it was a wonderful experience. I think I’d like to go on one of those again, but for now I’m very happy just staying home.
Favorite sound? Moving water. The sea, a river, the rain. So long as water’s moving I’m loving it.
Would you rather journey to the very bottom of the ocean or to outer space? Space is infinitely less scary than whatever’s going on with our oceans.
1. What do you wish more people knew about you? I wish more people knew how much I love pretty things. I’m a complete sucker for pretty things.
2. What place or thing in the world would you most like to see? Right now I really want to go to Japan. 
3. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? When I was REALLY little, I wanted to be a dentist. Then I became more sensible and wanted to be an actress.
4. What style of clothing do you think you look silly in? I look TERRIBLE in rompers. It’s a disgrace.
5. What would your alebrije be? (Yes, you can pick more than one!) My cat would absolutely be my alebrije, Pepita-style. Except grumpier and more demanding.
6. What movie are you most looking forward to this year? Uh...I honestly don’t know what movies are coming out. Wreck It Ralph 2 looks pretty interesting.
7. What is your favourite thing to cook? Onigiri’s pretty fun to make.
8. What is one skill you would like to learn? I really want to learn how to paint someday.
I do think Ella Enchanted is a must for most little girls, though. That���s where I learned that main character girls could be angry and feisty and sarcastic, and it’s been a huge influence on all my writing.
10. What is your Hogwarts house? SLYTHERIN.
11. If you could dress like/make a costume of any character, who would it be? Is it cheating if I’m already making an Hector costume for Halloween?
You get to visit any historical time period. Where do you go?
You’ve switched places with your most recent favorite character. How screwed are you and why?
Come up with a catchphrase. This isn’t a question it’s an order.
What’s your usual soundtrack while doing creative things (or do you work in silence?)
What’s something you consider a guilty pleasure?
Tell us about the last book/short story/fic you read.
Talk about an animal. Just like, any animal.
What’s your favorite part about the medium you work with (art, writing, music, chemicals, whatever)?
Beach or forest?
What’s a style you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t been able to get the nerve/money to go for?
What’s a lyric that gets stuck in your head easily?
JOINING THEM ARE @scribblrhob @lacendydreamer @seasidefanasties @humanityinahandbag @beckytailweaver @geod23 @white-throated-packrat
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