#if you send me any screenshot i can tell u where its from
sorrelpaws · 2 years
my guy are you okay you have been replying to every rick and morty screens tweet with the name of the episode. don’t get me wrong it’s very funny but also why
im autistic
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insertdisc5 · 1 year
Devlog #13: Achievements and Q&A (one more time)
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Hello everyone! Welcome to this month’s devlog!
If you just stumbled upon this, I am Adrienne, also known as insertdisc5! I’m the developer, writer, artist, main programmer, etc of the game. The game being In Stars and Time, a timeloop RPG, which is also the next and final game in the START AGAIN series, following START AGAIN: a prologue (available here!).  You can find out more about In Stars and Time here!!! 
LET’S GET TO IT. This month has Steam achievements news, and a third round of Q&As!
I’m very happy to announce… THAT STEAM ACHIEVEMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPLEMENTED!!! That’s right, the true Gamers(™) among you will get to have fun trying to 100% the game. 
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But let me tell you, trying to make steam achievements work for RPGmaker was hell. I must’ve spent 3 months trying to make the (admittedly, somewhat easy) code work. Most plugins for it just use the magic sentence “refer to [someone’s plugin] for instructions on how to do it”, and guess what? SOMEONE’S PLUGIN ISN’T ONLINE ANYMORE. So I had to figure out how to make it work with the few crumbs I found on forums. And I still couldn’t make it work!!!
Thankfully, In Stars and Time’s programmer extraordinaire Isabella Ava took one look at it and figured it out instantly. And I tried it out. And it worked. And I yelled very loudly. Thanks Isabella for saving me again!!!
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(pictured above: ISAT’s testing room, and steam achievements unlocking for the first time. Yes I took a screenshot and I was so happy the screenshot is a little cropped. Adds to the experience)
There’s currently 40ish achievements that can be unlocked in In Stars and Time, I hope you will have fun getting them all!!!
Overall, development is going well, from QA to localization to porting, and many things are in the works! Like, MANY things. I hope I get to share more with everyone soon because I am so excited for everyone to see what’s in store!!! Thank you for your patience!!! 
…What? That’s it for this month? Well, no. Once again, it’s Q&A time! I asked the lovely people in In Stars And Time’s discord to send me some questions! So let’s get going! (Side note, you should join the discord channel teehee) ((Everyone is anonymous this time because it’s discord. Discord names are a very private thing.))
What's everyone's favorite food/animal/both? Which character do you like or relate to the most?
I answered food some time ago, so you get favorite animals! Siffrin likes cats because of course. Isabeau might actually prefers cats over dogs but its a close one. Mirabelle is a dog person. Odile is cats all the way. Bonnie is right in the middle. Wait, that’s just cats and dogs!!!!!!
As for which character I relate to the most: Siffrin :) Closely followed by Odile!
does anyone in the main cast know magic tricks/sleight of hand stuff? if so, what kind of tricks do they do? where did they learn them?
Siffrin for sure knows some coin tricks and maybe some sleight of hand, which they’d probably learn while traveling… Being a traveler means you gotta know some of those right??? It’s part of the mystique???
I also think Mirabelle and Isabeau would know some basic sleight of hand as well, just because I can easily imagine the House of Change having this as a class… 
How do you write the name of the island east of Vaugarde? The map from devlog #10 makes it seem like it's M Wudu? (Similarly, how do you pronounce it?)
Mwudu! And as for pronunciation, hm… Maybe with a soft oo sound for the U letters in there? I wonder… (<- never pronounces things out loud)
Q: Does Odile have a massive collection of books back home? Are there certain books that she took with her on her travels, or had to leave behind? Same for Mira, if she has any books outside of her collection in the House.
I actually don’t imagine Odile having a massive collection of books, just because I imagine Ka Bue as having libraries that are easy to access… Like she definitely owns books, but not a massive collection or anything. She brought the one book with her (her weapon!) but it’s more of a notebook than a book. But also if you ask me in a month I might go "she obviously has 300 books at home"
As for Mirabelle, her room is her home, so she doesn’t have anywhere else to put her books!
are there any deaths that are random chance? if so how would that be programmed?
also. what ARE the gang's favorite books
No, not really! Mostly because it would be very fun from a story perspective, but hellish from a gameplay perspective. Dying for reasons that are just Numbers Said So and this can happen at any time is not very fun as a player! What about my sense of control!!! So, when you die in ISAT, you will know why. HOWEVER, a bunch of events are random chance <3
And Mirabelle’s favorite book is a book series called The Cursing of Château Castle. I’m freestyling for the rest of these: Isabeau would say it's some book like “How To Get Bigger Muscles For Dummies'', somehow I’m certain Siffrin’s favorite book is a memoir of some kind or a poetry book, and Bonnie’s favorite book is the current most popular comic book for kids in Vaugarde. Odile’s is a secret <3
Q: Are there any bugs you've made into features?
alternative Q: What do the characters think about freeze tag?
YES!!!!! YOUR QUESTION IS SO GOOD IM MAD I CAN’T SPECIFY HOW… PLEASE ASK ME AGAIN WHEN THE GAME COMES OUT <3 Without giving away too much, there’s a couple events in the game that are here because of a bug that I thought added a lot to the atmosphere <3
Most of the gang are adults so they do not think about children’s games. However I imagine that for most kids in Vaugarde, freeze tag is the new fun game to play. Maybe they’d call it King instead. Who’s the King? Don’t get tagged by the King or you’re gonna be frozen!!! (Bonnie doesn’t want to play tag anymore.)
what & when was your first exposure where you went: "time to make a game"? im just wondering what got you started 
would there be an official subreddit for the isat community? i dont really use reddit much anymore but its something that croessed my mind a while back and by that i mean would there be official support for it or would it just be supported by fans? 
whats your favorite track from the prologue? 
A lot of things made me start making the prologue and then ISAT, but really: boredom from the pandemic teehee.
A subreddit… That’s a neat idea!!! If enough people are into it, that’s definitely something we’d consider, so if you want that you should make some noise :3
As for tracks, I genuinely think every single track Studio Thumpy Puppy has made is a 10/10, but the King’s battle theme holds a special spot in my heart… And Long Journey too ;w; And that’s not counting the tracks from ISAT which are just All Bangers All The Time (pst go get the prologue’s soundtrack here)
1. What’s something about working on the game or the prologue that was more difficult than you thought it would be? 
The… scope… I truly intended to have both the prologue and ISAT to be very short experiences, and they became way bigger than I envisioned! I did know they were going to be bigger than I thought, but They Sure Are Bigger Than I Thought. For example, I intended the prologue to be a 30mn experience… And it ended up being a couple hours long teehee
with a scale from 1 to 10 how much will the poor guy suffer in the game
Aiming for 11 baby
You got to the bottom of this devlog! Have a Silly Little Picture, which I sent as payment to everyone on discord who sent in a question
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That’s all I have to say for today! Let me know if you have any questions, or if there’s any aspect of the game development struggle you’d like me to talk about! See you next time!!!
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mesanthropi · 6 months
hihihi moots as svt memes go!
i feel like i know you from somewhere, anon 👁️👁️ but i have a shit ton of those so LET'S GO. I'M DOING THIS FOR ALL MY MUTUALS (memes under the readmore)
@wheeboo still can't believe we're moots. anyway, i literally just clicked on this one solely for the captions, but i guess i just gravitated to seungkwan naturally. we're all shocked by capitalism, but ate rani would be the most shocked by it. (she'd hate gas prices here in the ph)
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@weird-bookworm these are all gonna be gose pictures, huh? /j this was literally her with me earlier this afternoon. like i was all "should i let the intrusive thoughts win", she came into the replies, then on discord HAHAHAHAH im so sorry you have to deal with my nonsense, but i am stuck with you like oxygen to blood cells.
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@3ninth ok not a kpop mutual, but i don't have many mutuals so ya'll are here now no matter what fandom you come from 👉👉 homie is my fellow discord mod. miss her sm fr, hopefully she's back when the owner pops back in from school activities!! if you see this, paula, hope ur having a great time. if not, tell us who we need to beat up
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@fairyhaos ATE YENAAAA <33 ok so as an alternative, there's [this], but! primarily, she's giving. this specific mingyu pic. this was defo them during the shua dating rumors and i don't blame her, BUT ALSO. I FEEL LIKE THIS IS ALSO A THING WHENEVER AN ILLEGAL REQ POPS INTO THE ASK BOX. WHEN ARE WE GETTINBG AN UPDATE ON THE COUNT /JJJ
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@kyeomyun she's the homie frfr actually. jadaders would tbh go "that's unfortunate" with the biggest smile on her face if there's any minor inconvenience that happens to either you or her. it's either in a way where girlie is fr amused by your misfortune, or this is a call for help. she's going thru it @ school so hopefully she gets a break soon ^^
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@i-luvsang just for you, i'm getting an atz meme (and also bc its their 5th debut anniv <3). feel like marimoon would get the nearest stuffed animal in a shop, call for me, and do this with the blankest face they can manage. i'd lose my mind ofc i laugh at everything but especially shit like this. it's deadpan humor, i swear
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@hannyoontify KIKIEEEEEEE <333 DO YOU LOVE ME /LYR /J anyway, kie!! my homie kie, we miss you here at residencia misantropia. moving on, we have this lovely jeonghan screenshot from a knowing bros episode. feel like this is their mood sometimes. hopefully you're taking care of yourself, man! when you come back, we're here with open arms fr ong!!
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@joshuahonggf JIAAAA we don't talk much but i adore her sm. [img text's rough tr: i know you're getting nervous about tomorrow, sis] we'd probably be the type of homies who'd spam e/o on discord about a project we're grouped up in. or an exam. or a performance, one or the other. but we end up doing great anyway B))) we're cool like that
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@haowrld HI PRE 👉👉👉 abnother filo buddy of mine hehehe. wishing u luck on ur fic btw! i assign to you this woozi screenshot. because sometimes, we get those moments of having zero thoughts in our head. this is also at every writer ever, we're good at imnagining shit but actually writing it is either the hardest thing ever or it comes naturally. goodluckies!!
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@wqnwoos HANA WHO CAME BACK BECAUSE ANON CALLED THEM POOKIE 👉👉👉 /jjj but seriously, hana was one of the ppl i first followed after i discovered svt fics on tumblr. she's one of the firsy writer si followed!! but considerinh the fact that she used my iwn salt shaker threat against me, this is what they'd send me i think. idk. its lke 1:21 am im getting sillier with these
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@mach1nat1on YOU. ASSHOLE. TRAUMATIZER. IMN GIVING YOU THIS BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT I FEEL SOMETIMES WHENEVER YOU DO SOME SHIY IN THE PRIVATE SERVER. YOU HURT MY BBGS YOU HURT ME!! DID YOU KNOW THAT!?!?!??! NOW YOU'RE JUST SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW 🗣️🗣️ but i also love u dw i forgive u everytime and i support your righst and your wromgs. just know that we are forever in a love/hate relationship
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@lumasahina im gonna sc this and send this to our priv server but!! hey dude <3 traumatizer numero uno right beside mac and holls. this is you wnheever i manage to put lore into my silly little writings and my silly little characters. and for the record, just so you know, i feel the same way sometimes. i love how you do lore tho! it's always so well-done n they flow well hehe
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@holland (not @ing for other reasons) my HOMIE OF ALL HOPMIES, MY POOKIECAKES MY POOKUMS SNOOKUMS <3 sorry abt that those were rge demons. the voices. anyway! here's your assigned meme. skz just for you. i'd take pics of you like this. those 0.5 angles on iphone, then use them as reaction pics or emojis in our server. but i would also cherish these pictures bc they're you and you r my resident "across the world homie for years". stay safe, drink water, and i hope to finish ur req soon aughhhh
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holy shit its like 1:53am now wtf
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wiseatom · 1 year
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
ALMOST FORGOT 2 DO THIS LITERALLY RUNNING AND SHAKING AND SWEATING!!! i am putting this under a read more so that i don’t clog the dash but you can catch me in 4k for the second time tonight below the cut:
yes i just rambled abt some of these people. no i do not care. starting with people i have probably interacted with enough to be weird about:
@bylertruther - HI DENISE IT’S ME AGAIN. denise bylertruther my one true love…my first mutual fr fr….ii have screenshots of every nice thing you’ve ever said to me (real) (not clickbait). i hope tht i am in top fans on your blog bc if i am not that is a crime but i’ll do better denise i swear i will. grabs you by the shoulders and shakes you so gently I AM OBSESSED W YOU U HAVE NO IDEA. every take is so true and real and i am constantly in awe like damn ok maybe i should be watching this show like denise bylertruther is. The strongest byler soldier imo and simultaneously every single person on the frontline for will byers. i know they said no new charas in s5 but i think they should really and truly reconsider that stance just so that they can write you into the show bc 1. you deserve it n 2. i want to see mike wheeler bark at u for daring 2 talk 2 will. ty for being correct always and so funny. i am biting you every day and reiterating that every fic i write is actually for you, the Original wiseatom stan,
@andiwriteordie - i say this with all the love and affection and positive connotation in the world, but andi, you are THE most insane person i have ever met, and i am obsessed with you. you are such a pleasure to talk to and bounce ideas off of and just be absolutely batshit insane with, and you are?? crazy talented?? literally SO creative, and your willpower is so admirable 2 me. the amount of fics you churn out is impressive on its own, but the fact that every single one of them is so beautifully written and makes me cry?? even when it’s fluff??? you are also, of course, one of the first fic authors i read for byler - i remember reading the let’s hear it for the boys series on lunch breaks at work over the summer and just like. being obsessed with the way you wrote them and how real it felt, like i was reading from the show. i have done jumping jacks reading your fics. it’s embarrassing. i will continue to do jumping jacks reading your fics. it will continue to be embarrassing. anyway the point is i cherish you and your fics and our friendship so much! punting you into the sun bc i cannot bear to look at you anymore!
@astrobei - suniiii suni suni SUNNNNIIIII. my orange creamsicle my taco bell cheesy roll up my bread puddinggggg. i don’t think i hav ever connected w a person as quickly as we have connected. like wtf we are just. the same person in different fonts n it’s cruel tht we live 3000 miles away bc i just want to wrap you up in my bindle n carry you every where i go. my real n true little sister. thank you for having an aneurysm every time i send u a snippet and for telling me tht i am funny because i need the attention. with that said i would also like to say that i have an aneurysm any time i read ANYTHING you write and you are also SO funny. ty for pioneering cringefail losercore byler and just like. breathing so much life n love into your fics. every single one is just a little love letter to stranger things n i am so thankful for the ones i’ve read and can’t wait to catch up and then immediately go on a 35 mile drive abt it.
@bookinit02 - i would like to state, on the record, that before i knew haven bookinit, i read baby we’re perfect and had such a breakdown over it that i literally blacked it out in my mind. like, i was reading it in line at the starbucks at work, and i was crying in the starbucks at work, in front of guests, n then i went back to my office w my little coffee and cried some more and ERASED IT FROM MY MIND. imagine my surprise when i put two and two together that sweet ball of sunshine haven is the author of the fic tht FUCKED ME UP SO BAD. i reread it the other day n sobbed like a little baby. but haven genuinely you are so talented and your fics feel so Easy, like they just are so in character and feel so Right. i can’t wait until you are a published author one day so that i can build a house out of copies of your book. you deserve the WORLD and i will not stop until it is urs.
@smoosnoom - mooooooOOOON my petri dish pal my eggo waffle supreme thing tht el eats i am biting u so hard. i kno that u know this already but you are literally so talented. lightning struck my house and also me when you hit post on i’m tearing you asunder and neither of us have been the same since. you just have such a distinct prose tht is so poetic and crafted so beautifully and uniquely and i am absolutely in awe every time i read it. u are also just so interesting to talk to like the way your brain works is so fun and cool and i lov being silly with you! i am tying you to a rocket w bert n ernie plushes n sending you to the Actual moon bc u belong up there w the stars (bert n ernie are for company so u don’t get sad and they have walkies in them so we can communicate from space which i think is cool). brb buying sidewalk chalk n transcribing all of ur fics in my driveway
@byeler - irene i know we have interacted a handful of times so you can block me after this if you want <3 but i just wanted to say that your fics were The first i Ever read for byler and i was just. completely shook. i have been reading fanfiction for over a decade and have read fic for ~30 fandoms so i have Been around the block before and there’s this feeling when you find an author that is just. Checking Every Box and you are It, irene. i remember i had to pace myself w the fics you had bc i didn’t want to run out bc it would devastate me. i already said this to you but i can’t wait to read heavy hopes when i am not dying/afraid of plagiarizing before i finish cmbcyb. also every time we have interacted has been an absolute delight, even when it has been bitching abt twitter lol. i think you are so great and i am Going to absorb your ao3 account into my skin. no there is nothing you can do about it. deal!
@miwism - MAL MALMAMALAMAMAAMLAMAMALAMLAMAL. i am going to ask you a question n i want it answered fr i expect a 20 page paper on my desk by monday: who gave you the RIGHT. you are a triple threat in my mind w fic and art n edits and being the funniest fucking person on this godforsaken site. you make me laugh SO MUCH while also making me completely in awe tht a person who is so cool and fun decides to kick it w us Losers. if i were to write you an actual report card i would give you straight As across the board: A+ fic, A+ art, A+ edits, A+ humor, A+ theories, A+ shitposts. comments: a pleasure to have in class. i would literally die for you. i’m serious. i will buy the headstone rn don’t think i won’t. i’ll fax u the receipt. ok great.
@mlchaelwheeler - SARAH. listen i kNOW we don’t talk that much but also i think we have interacted enough on the dash for me to be weird n say that you are That Mutual to Me. like i remember when you followed me i was internally scrambling like ok boys we gotta clean this place up gotta make things nice and pretty for sarah mlchaelwheeler. your analysis is SO GOOD and i aspire to have a brain as big as yours. you are such a delight and positive presence on my dash and when you’re online i’m like ok cool sarah is here everything is going to be excellent. i also want u to know that i think of you every time i watch rink o mania sad wilted will trailing behind mike bc of your icon. Your Impact, Sarah Mlchaelwheeler (ALSO UR URL WTF. ICONIC)
segwaying to people who i think are So Cool and i am Very Normal about:
@finalgirlbyers - sierra u are so funny to me it’s insane, and also, Always Correct. sometimes u post things n i’m like damn i didn’t think tht three minutes ago but sierra finalgirlbyers said it so it must be tru. i am drinking whatever koolaid u are serving, i am part of the hive mind, i would join a cult if u asked, etc, etc. every day i say thank god sierra is fighting the good fight n not a diseased m*lvn!
@elekinetic - ella u are so cool to me fr fr. i need to sit down and just devour your script tag and blow up your notifications bc every single one i’ve read hITS SO HARD. u literally never miss and i want you in the writer’s room sooooo fucking bad SOOOO BAD. more than anyone else. i also just rly appreciate the perspective tht u bring with your education and knowledge of tv and film. it’s so cool and always really appreciated!!
@heroesbyler - stav i think you are so cool and also correct literally all of the time. another one where i’m like oh stav said it guess it simply must be true! just every single post hits and i think tht you are so fun to have on my dash. tht is all. also i am biting you.
@miwiluvr - MOUMO U ARE SO COOL N TALENTED N EVERY TIME U REBLOG ONE OF MY FICS I LITERALLY DIE. if i never am able to post again it’s miwiluvr’s fault everyone…but fr ur art is so soft and just gorgeous and natural looking and i want to eat it with my mouth. thank u.
@nnilkyway - speaking of art i want to eat w my mouth - yvie omfg. you are literally so talented n when i followed you n you immediately followed back i had 2 sit down on the floor of the stranger things experience in los angeles california n that just felt so fitting somehow. ty for providing me w the mitski bangers i needed. also we are best friends in my head sry but it’s true so ur just going to have to deal with that.
@modsisawesome - more art i want to eat w my MOUTH. WTF. expect me to blow up ur notifs in a few days or weeks or whenever i have time i can’t make promises BUT EXPECT IT WHEN U DON’T EXPECT IT BECAUSE. UR ART IS SO SOFT AND REAL AND FUN AND I AM OBSESSED W IT AND U. i kno i declared us best friends n then fell off the face of the earth but tht is still true. bother me any day of the week i will respond probably tht same day of the week bc i think u are so cool.
@light-lanterne - angel you are so cool and i am so in awe of u every day. first of all your graphics are absolutely beautiful and please direct anyone who says otherwise directly to my askbox bc i will tear them a new one. second of all i think you are The biggest supporter of the byler fic writers and i am just so thankful for that and so appreciative of what you do. i am going to fight for my life to carve out time in the new year to read your fics they are at the Top of my list bc i want to show you just as much love and support as you have shown us!! thank you!!!
@new-ronantics - eevie i have such a crush on your art it is insane. everything you put out just has so much life and fluidity and looks so natural and i know how hard it is to achieve tht so i am just in awe of your talent. also your url is top tier and you are so so funny and every time you are online i am saying THANK GOD EEVIE IS HERE!!!!
@messrsbyler - nic i want to get to kno you better bc i have seen tht u are evil and dark minded and i am also evil and dark minded so i think we would get along so well. let me know when u want to be evil and dark minded bc i am always free to be evil and dark minded. thanks .
ok i have the memory of a goldfish and i am also so tired and also should really honestly truly be writing fic BUT i am so sorry if i forgot abt anyone!! if i did it’s probably just bc i am Afraid of u or we are so new mutuals. pls everyone bother me in the new year and then i will spend all year writing novels abt u for december 31 2023. ok goodbye <3
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unclegrimsley · 1 year
do u really think someone is a freak for not keeping their toothbrush in their room or were ya joshin
yes and they should also be crucified. well since you're asking politely like a normal person instead of telling me to commit suicide among other things, it was in fact an off handed jokey comment, i do think it's weird and nasty to keep your toothbrush that you rub the inside of your mouth with in the bathroom that you and any housemates you might have shit in but i understand that cultural differences and different living situations exist and it's ultimately none of my business where strangers on the internet keep their toothbrush, i do not think you are a "legit freak" for keepin it in your bathroom, that's called hyperbole and its often used in a humorous manner.
having said that, here's my reason for thinking that keeping your toothbrush in your own room is a better option since clearly i have to justify my nonchalant opinion to the toothbrush court lest i be sent hateful messages from the socially inept weirdos on the internets:
keeping it in the bathroom exposes it to fecal matter & co if you and or your housemates dont close the lid when flushing the toilet
you might trust your housemates to not use your toothbrush or fuck with it on purpose but if they accidentally knock it onto the floor or something do you think theyre gonna tell you or clean it before putting it back or are they just gonna put it back and pretend that nothing happened while you unknowingly brush your teeth with floorbrush
if you're in a hurry or something and need to brush your teeth while someone else is using the bathroom, if you keep it in your room you can just take it and brush your teeth in the kitchen sink or another bathroom if your house has more than one, while if you keep it in the bathroom it'll just be held hostage in there until the other person is done
and like i said maybe it's a cultural difference since most people i know in real life keep their brush in their own room, but all things considered i think it makes much more sense to keep it in your room since there are no pros to keeping it in the bathroom as far as i can tell. but if you still choose to keep it in the bathroom then it's none of my business and i'm not gonna send you any weird or violent messages because of it. in the end it was just a joking comment on a funny post that someone screenshoted and posted out of context and no one knows how to be normal on this site so lol .
once again thank you for being civilized👍
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transmeowsculine · 2 years
Hello hello hello and welcome to:
Nep’s Downloading Homestuck Walk through!!!
im on desktop and i dont know how to make colored text on desktop so just pretend thats a rainbow!
also going to at @ @ghostdragoncookie  because they needed help but feel free to use this whoever u are!
(also dropping the typing quirk for clarity cause maybe people want to download homestuck but dont have nepeta puns dictionary bookmarked for easy access)
OKAY SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO: the ramblings of a teenage boy who just woke up from a three hour nap and also knows like 4 things about computers but just used brute force to get his way through it
Step one:
go here https://bambosh.github.io/unofficial-homestuck-collection/
Step two:
press Download and then download the file that corresponds to your operating system, i have windows so screenshots that will be included will be for windows. but i will learn how to use linux or mac if needed i am a servant to the people! and the people must read homestuck!
also make sure to put it in a place you can find easy that will be important later
Step three:
Downlaod the asset pack. Now this is the hard part, imo, because they say all asset packs are the same but not all work with all the computers. “but nep, that doesnt make any sense! why dont they just tell you what asset packs work for what computers?” and to that i say: thats the joy of homestuck! nothing works, about three things make sense, and we all just guess until it works out. so if your asking what asset pack to download, just start at the top and work your way down ig i dunno man thats what i did.
Step four:
Assuming you magically picked the right asset pack (and if you didnt dw there will be a trouble shooting thing at the bottom of this) you will go into your files and find homestuck!
Step five:
Unzip your files. How I understand for macs if you click on a file it automatically unzips itself. (why does it do that apple? whats the fuckin purpose?) I dont know for linux but once again if asked i will learn. and for windows theres a nifty button to press pictured below.
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Step six:
so now you will go into actual homestuck and open it! process pictured below!!
first you want to make sure ur asset pack and hs are in the same place, that is just for ease of finding things later
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next you will go into homestuck and click this button
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that will open homestuck!!! from there, i cant use anymore screenshots sadly because i already have everything installed. but it will ask you to tell it where the asset pack it. it is rather self explanatory and just make sure that the file you give is the actual asset pack and not a file with the asset pack in it
so basically as soon as you open this
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you get this
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after that you get this page
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and congratulations you can now read homestuck!!!
Trouble shooting:
“I still cant open homestuck/my asset pack wont unzip/homestuck cant see the asset pack”
sadly i believe you have downloaded the wrong asset pack. as i said before its really hard to know what one to choose. just delete it and pick another one then try again.
“i have no idea where i downloaded the asset pack and/or homestuck to so now i cant open homestuck/cant tell it where the asset pack is”
alright so in windows at least you can search your files. just search homestuck or asset pack and you should be able to find it. move it to a place you will be able to find again (i have a folder for all my video games and homestuck is there) and get started!
if you have anymore questions reply to this post or send me an ask/shoot me a dm! i am always happy to help i like doing stuff like this!
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wonder egg ended and I’m disappointed <3
shit where do I even begin okey:
I’m not gonna bother taking screenshots i’m too mad and i want to rant. *i ended up too frustrated and took screenshots*
a.. goddamn.. recap.. AGAIN.. they literally have a recap in the original run what is this mess of a studio and not even 10 mins they did a whole 25 mins recap.. my blood is boiling.. next and well most importantly the art is really bad and i get oh we shouldnt be so pissed at artists for the time frame but my god they had 3 months and the ep was literally 20 mins (cuz of the 25 mins RECAP) so what excuse? the backgrounds are mostly stupid no art just colors, and if u look more critically they have too many scenes from the back or far away.. there are bits with a weird place where neiru and ai stand? frill was literally added there for no reason? and even when they viewed neirus dream it was literally just a voice over 😭😭 we didnt EVEN GET TO SEE HER SISTER😭😭 im ah…… when ai threw the phone it was Literally Black Outside my god thats shit and the movement was shit. the last last like 5 mins were fine but honestly in comparison to what i know they can do (ep11 with frill) its just underwhelming to say the least. idk just watch it and tell me this isnt stupid and disrespectful. sheesh.
seriously seriously look wtf is this?????
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WHAT IS THAT??? so bland and feels so not in touch with what the series is so far art wise.. eh
I dont mind the way neiru is an AI and I mean she alluded to this since long, however I guess there was a real neiru at one point??? how does she have a sister and the fact that we got ZERO explanation about that? also she isnt the type to just get up and leave did she trade herself/her life? wtf happened idk im way too confused.. like did frill take her? and we still didn’t get ANYTHING about how frill can even manipulate any of this no explanation about dot and hyphen nothing it literally answered nothing just made us weirded out by the friends suddenly deciding they arent that much of friends afterall!!
but what actually pisses me off is ai refusing the call.. You Want Me To Believe that????? IT MAKES NO SENSE completely out of character. ah yes the girl who she has been calling foe about a million times she Refuses her Call because?? she’s an AI? since when is ai that shallow? and rika’s reaction too? like that’s it? and she never even went back to neirus house? wtf its a complete and utter mess. ai just got her whole character arc demolished right in front of us. the stupidness of the ending that she transferred schools? for what? how did the friend with blonde hair travel through parallel worlds? neiru got her sister back but not her? they literally dropped story points from before…
we never got to see how rika and momoe got over their intense fears? they just did? had to? IDK ITS Shit and im beyond mad they did them dirty.. they were barely even mentioned and sidelined completely to fit this weird conflict about neiru that no one asked for.. literally the last of rika we see is her crying saying she’ll die of pain FROM THE BACK..
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we dont see how they deal with their friends that they sacrificed so much for no longer knowing them.. we barely see any pain at all about that even and it gets also pushed to the side. even if lets say neirus story is worth exploring just explore it dont vaguely mention it and give no explanation and NO EVEN VISUALS for it but the shitty empty abstract place like wtf.. idk im sad yall
lastly they brushed the mf teacher to the SIDE like literally acting like he was nothing.. the whole story point of him was weird and unfitting honestly but i was fine with it because well they are kids and he is a bit weird but the dude didn’t exactly Do Something.. but alsooososososso the reveal of the Big Big Question right? the one of why did koito kill herself? and we get this stupid 2 seconds lines from the teacher saying she slipped and fell.. she.. slipped.. and fell.. and that she was threatening him which okey okey but.. she slipped.. let that sink in
final thoughts:
I feel robbed seriously.. wonder egg meant so much to me and I could see the potential it had so many right elements and seriously could’ve been great. exploring girlhood, pain, sewerside, relationships, friendships, love, unrequited love, gender issues, and much much much more. making such lovable characters then smashing them on the ground. idk what went on inside the damn studio im going to look now but i am gonna learn japanese just to send them a bullying letter for this. i appreciate all those that worked truly but i still think this is not the best that they can do im sure of it.
Thank you for reading I would rant more but this has gotten too long :D byee
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ghosttotheparty · 3 years
while the world ends around us (make believe with me)
8. Oh, it’s like I’m looking down from the ceiling above AO3
“I just don’t see why I can’t call her or something,” Lucas says dryly, mixing the sugar into his coffee.
“We’ve talked about this,” his dad huffs from behind him, where he’s sitting at the table. “She needs space to recover.”
Lucas lifts the spoon and looks at the sugar, sparkling in the spoon, and drops it back in the mug, stirring more aggressively.
“Yeah, but she has space,” he says without turning to look at him. “I think she could heal a little better if she had support.”
“She has support.”
“She has doctors and pills,” Lucas says. “Which helps, but having her son support her would help too.”
“You can write her a letter,” he says dismissively.
Lucas tosses the spoon into the sink loudly.
“Why would I write her a letter like it’s the fucking nineteenth century,” he says “when I can Skype her or something?” He turns to lean against the counter, but his father is still looking at his laptop in front of him, doing fucking whatever. “Her doctor told me I can schedule a call and—”
Lucas grips the countertop behind him, until his nails are digging into it, until it feels like it might crack and crumble. He takes a sharp inhale before speaking.
“She won’t even get a letter for a while, I wanna have an actual conversation with her.”
“I said no.”
“You’re not even listening—”
“I don’t need to listen. I gave you an answer.”
Lucas stares at the back of his head, his heart pounding, livid at his insouciance, at how he just doesn’t care.
“I…” Lucas starts, shaking his head. “I just think if we actually talked about it, you could see what I mean.”
“Lucas…” his father huffs, like he’s the exasperated one. “I don’t have time for this right now.”
“I tried talking to you about it last night— I need your permission to call her,” he says adamantly.
“You’re not getting it,” he says calmly. “Give her space .”
“Lucas, drop it,” he snaps finally, turning to look over his shoulder. He looks angry, and a part of Lucas feels gratified. Fucking finally he looks, even if just a fraction, as angry as Lucas feels. (Another part of him is startled. Every time he gets angry, it’s this quick, this sudden. It’s always sharp anger, preceded by silence, by indifference, until he snaps.) “You’re not getting permission. You can write her a letter.”
Lucas states back, relaxing his face. A part of him wants to give his father the same treatment, the same unreasonable coolness, the dryness. A part of him wants to walk out, and leave him angry.
He doesn’t.
“Would you even send it if I wrote one?” he asks calmly.
His father is quiet, still staring with furrowed brows.
“God, you really just don’t like her,” Lucas says. “You just don’t want me to talk to her.”
“You don’t need to.”
“She’s my mother,” he says, leaning forward, losing some of the stoicism he’s trying to maintain.
“And I’m your father.”
“You didn’t raise me,” Lucas snaps. “And I’m fucking glad you didn’t,” he mutters as he walks out of the room, leaving his father sputtering some nonsense, bullshit that Lucas doesn’t even bother acknowledging.
He shuts him up by slamming his bedroom door (or maybe he just can’t hear him anymore), and he stands there for a few seconds, just shaking, just trembling, just trying and trying and trying to take a deep breath, but it doesn’t work, and he explodes.
He swipes his hand across the top of one of the cardboard boxes (the goddamn cardboard boxes), snatching a sketchbook and flinging it behind himself, throwing it into the door.
His eyes squeeze shut and he falls to his knees as the sketchbook hits the door loudly, splitting open, and the papers fly in the air, falling around him. He hears the pages hit the ground, soft scrapes against the uneven wood that sound like the screeches of metal on the inside of Lucas’s skull.
He whimpers, his eyes squeezing shut tighter and tighter until it hurts as he presses his hands over his ears, drowning out the sound of his father tossing silverware into the drawer, the loud, shrill clattering, the drawer slamming shut like it’s in competition with Lucas’s bedroom door. Lucas’s head dips lower until his forehead presses into the floor, gritting his teeth against the whimpers that escape him as his father begins to shout at him through the doors, through the walls.
Lucas doesn’t realise he’s speaking out loud, softly murmuring the words to the floor, until he finally does shut up, until the apartment lays deathly silent, as if in apocalypse. Lucas opens his eyes and stops whispering, staring at the floor. It’s so close that it’s blurry, swirls of dusty brown and age. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the edge of a sheet of paper that floated down next to him.
He looks at the drawing, slowly, tentatively moving his hands away from his ears as he lifts his head. His eyes focus on the sketch.
He almost wants to look away from it, almost wants to crawl closer to it and snatch it from the ground in a tight fist, almost wants to crumple it and tear it up until it’s dust.
Instead he stares at it, only breaking eye contact with it when he startled, jumping and wincing as the front door slams shut in the dead silence of the apartment. It echoes through Lucas’s head as he deflates, sighing and collapsing onto the floor.
He moans softly, pressing his forehead against the grainy wood, lifting his arms to press them to his chest, feeling it rise and fall as he sighs heavily.
Piece of shit.
He ends up climbing into bed, tugging the blanket over his head and blocking out the sunlight. It still comes through the blanket, pressing against his eyelids in faint shades of red and purple.
He pulls it down when his phone vibrates, and he looks at it dejectedly, his eyes hooded as the screen lights up and it buzzes against the floor. When he lifts his head he can read Jens’s name on the screen, but he lets his head fall and he rolls away before he can read what Jens is saying.
He stares at the blank wall, biting his trembling lip when his phone buzzes again.
And again.
And again.
- - -
Lucas only comes out from under the blanket when he can’t stay still any more, when he gets tired of bouncing his foot against his mattress and tapping his fingertips against the floor with his hand hanging off the side of his bed just to hear the noise.
His father still hasn’t returned, (Lucas wonders briefly where he is, where he could be. Out drinking? With friends? Lucas would be surprised if he has any.) but Lucas still walks as lightly as possible to the kitchen, carefully stepping over the creaky floorboards in the hallway like his dad is going to come out of nowhere.
He opens the fridge (to stare for a while before shutting it and leaving it like he usually does), but stops when he sees his forgotten coffee.
The mug is cold to the touch so he pours it into a bigger glass with some ice and sticks a straw in it, taking a sip and wincing at its bitterness (though he doesn’t bother finding more sugar) as he goes back to his room.
He kicks some paper out of the way when he enters his room, navigating it in the sudden dimness he hadn’t noticed until now. There’s light coming through the blinds, casting pale stripes across the floor, and they shift like illusions as the papers slide across the floor.
He doesn’t bother trying to pick them up. He barely spares them a glance. He knows them well. He could redraw them in his sleep.
They’re all people. Some of the pages are covered with messy pencil sketches of Kes and Jayden and Isa and Noah, smudged and blended under Lucas’s hand. He never fixed them, or tried to avoid the smudges. None of the drawings felt like real drawings, like actual portraits he wanted to put effort into. They just made him feel better. Some of them are random people from the internet, photos he’s screenshotted from Pinterest, because he likes the slope of their noses and the angle of their eyes.
And then there’s Jens.
Lucas is embarrassed, if he’s honest. He’d never show them to anyone. He barely even looks at them himself, except the few times he gets stuck, looking at it like Jens is right in front of him, even though he’s only ever seen him in Instagram photos and over Facetime and Skype.
Some of his drawings even capture the graininess of the photos, the blur of his screen as Jens grins at him. (Somehow the drawings give Lucas the same swoop in his stomach and flutter in his chest.)
Lucas sets his coffee on the ground next to his mattress before grabbing the drawings off the ground, quickly, rushed, his cheeks burning even though he’s completely alone. He stuffs them into a box, ignoring the way they bunch and wrinkle and fold so they fit before he slams it shut, pressing the worn and papered tape over the seam harshly so it stays closed.
He grabs his phone from the ground before flipping onto his bed, huffing and leaning against the wall before picking up the coffee and taking a few gulps to nurse his headache. (Though the caffeine probably won’t help much in the long run.)
He scrolls through his notifications as he sips the coffee.
Jens hey do you wanna zoom with the guys?? lucas???? l u c a s lu :(((
Moyo bro you there?? we miss you 💔
Robbe hey we’re video chatting if you want to join! :)
Aaron lucas lucas lucas lucas lucas lucas lucas
Jens is everything okay? call me when you want
The final message was sent a while after the others, and Lucas’s chest tightens.
He takes one last gulp of coffee before he sets the cup down (the ice cubes were watering it down anyway) and slides back so his head is propped up against his tower of pillows, and he calls him.
He answers quickly, before Lucas’s head is even settled.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Lucas says lightly, and even his expression softens. “‘S fine.”
Jens is quiet for a second before he says, “You don’t wanna talk about it?”
Lucas really can’t tell if it’s a question or not. Either way, his face falls and he squeezes his eyes shut as he inhales deeply. Jens can see right through him.
“Not really,” he says quietly.
“That’s okay,” Jens says softly. “Would you rather talk about how Nick is definitely in love with Gatby?”
Lucas startles and scoffs before a giggle is ripped right out of his chest.
“You don’t see it? It’s so obvious!”
“I mean— I’m not arguing with you, I just…” He closes his eyes again, grinning at the ceiling. “Do you have textual evidence?” he asks, annunciating and imitating Ms Peeters.
“Uh, the book?” Jens says sassily, and Lucas almost giggles again. He can just imagine the furrow of Jens’s eyebrows and jut of his chin. “He follows Gatsby everywhere, he’s all he thinks about!”
I’d follow you anywhere.
“He’s the narrator,” Lucas says, ignoring the thought.
“Okay, and why do you think— What’s his name? Fitz— Fitzgerald?”
“Why do you think Fitzgerald chose to make Nick the narrator instead of choosing to use third person narration?”
Lucas pauses, processing his question.
“What, are you my final?”
A laugh bursts out of Jens.
“I don’t know,” Lucas sighs. “Why do you think?”
“Uh…” Jens sighs thoughtfully and there’s a rustle of fabric. Lucas wonders if he’s laying down too. “I think he just thought the gays needed a win.”
Lucas laughs loudly, rolling onto his side and shaking head, his eyes squeezing shut under his smile.
“I don’t think people were that invested in us back then,” he says as he settles.
And then he freezes, his eyes flying open.
He didn’t mean to let out so soon.
He’d been thinking about it, how to go about telling Jens that he’s embarrassingly gay without scaring him off. (Though he also reminded himself that Jens’s best friend is gay. Though, he also reminded himself, Robbe’s known Jens a lot longer than he has.)
He stayed up last night with it on his mind, whether it’s worth it or not, telling Jens he’s gay, and risk Jens thinking he likes him. (He wouldn’t be wrong, of course. That’s another thing that kept Lucas up: the way the mere thought of him, or his voice, makes Lucas’s heart flutter, makes his breath shorten, the way the fucking thought of seeing him in person makes Lucas gasp in excitement. He has it bad.)
“Maybe not, but you don’t think Fitzgerald was a little gay?” Jens says, paying no mind, and Lucas’s eyes open to the stack of boxes in front of him.
“What?” he says, laughing.
“You don’t think so?”
“He had a wife.”
“Oh, did he?”
“Yeah, her name was Zelda.”
“That’s a dope name. Okay, whatever, he had a wife. Sure. He still could have been a little gay.”
“I guess?”
“No straight person speaks that poetically.”
Lucas snorts, rolling over more until he’s almost laying on his stomach. He rests his chin on her forearm, holding his phone to his ear as he looks outside, seeing the city between the blinds.
“Then that would prove that Nick is gay, not Gatsby.”
“I never said Gatsby was gay,” Jens says, followed by another rustling sound and a soft huff of breath, like he’s mirroring Lucas. “Just the author. And Nick.”
“So it’s about unrequited romance?” Lucas says, his chest tightening slightly. He takes a deep breath as quietly as he can, feeling suddenly like his lungs won’t fill quite right.
“Yeah, I guess,” Jens says softly. “He’s watching Gatsby fall in love with Daisy, that’s heartbreaking.”
Lucas swallows.
“Gatsby was already in love with Daisy.”
“Right.” Jens takes a breath and Lucas closes his eyes for a second. He wonders what it would be like to fall asleep like this, with his phone pressed to his ear, with Jens’s voice whispering to him. “Nick was falling in love with Gatsby, and watching Gatsby be in love with someone else. Is that worse?”
Lucas thinks for a second, about the day, the second he realised his crush on Kes.
He was sitting across the table from him at a cafe, and Kes had kicked him in the shin by accident before looking under the table and kicking him again. Lucas had laughed and tried to kick him back but missed, kicking the table so hard it jostled, and Kes burst with laughter as Lucas hissed “Shit!” and grabbed the edge of the table to steady it.
Lucas had listened to Kes laugh. And looked at the way Kes was looking at him, his eyes bright with amusement. He’d even dropped his phone to laugh before setting his forehead on the table when Lucas shushed him, seeing a woman at another table turn to look.
And he remembers watching Kes fall for Isa.
Watching kiss her and pull her close when all Lucas wanted to hold his hand.
“I think it might be.”
Jens hums thoughtfully.
“We could write an essay about that.”
“Oh,” Lucas says, blinking. “We could.”
“Ms Peeters would definitely like it. She likes in-depth analyses. Even if they make no sense.”
Lucas chuckles, trying to forget about Kes.
It’s not hard to forget right now.
Not with Jens’s voice in his ear.
“We still have to finish reading it,” Lucas says.
“Of course.” Jens sighs. “I can see why you like it so much.”
They’re quiet for a second, and Lucas looks out the window. It’s dark now, and there are still bright windows scattered around the city. The street lamp across the street from his building flickers. Lucas wonders if stars flicker before they go out too.
“Lu?” Jens says softly, and Lucas closes his eyes. No one ever called him that before Jens. (No one does now either. He wonders if anyone else will. He hopes not.)
“Are you better now?”
“Yeah,” he says after a pause. “I am, actually.” You have that effect on me, he doesn’t add.
“Do you wanna talk about it now?”
Lucas smiles softly. It doesn’t feel like Jens is just curious. Like if Lucas were to say no, Jens would just say that’s okay.
Which gives him more bravery.
“It’s just…” he starts, huffing softly. “My dad. I’m so sick of him.”
Jens hums quietly.
Lucas squeezes his eyes shut and his lip quivers.
“I just—” he chokes. “I’m so fucking tired of this place.”
“Which place?”
“Just— I don’t know,” he says before burying his face in his arm. “This city, this apartment.” He lifts his head. “Mainly this apartment. All these fucking boxes.”
“When we— When we can meet up,” Jens stammers out, “I’ll take you places.” He sounds so sincere, so desperate, that Lucas’s heart squeezes. He shuts his eyes, hanging onto every word. “Wherever you want. Wherever we can go. I’ll leave Lotte with my dad, and we can stay out as long as you need to.”
Lucas muffles a sob into his arm, clutching the phone like a lifeline.
“And until then we can call whenever you want, and we can call my friends—” He cuts off. “Oh!”
Lucas rubs his face on his sleeve, letting out a breath.
“Yeah, uhm…”
Lucas can sense his hesitation, and smiles.
“Tell me.”
“My friends and I were gonna have another call, I thought you’d like to join?” He pauses again. “The guys, but also some others.”
“Will they like me?” Lucas asks, only half joking. His voice is small.
“Of course.”
“I don’t know yet, probably Friday? But they talked about Thursday, I’ll text you when we figure it out.”
“And you can call or text any of them whenever, if you need a distraction or…”
“Jens?” Lucas whispers after a quiet second.
Lucas shuts his eyes again.
“Thank you.”
- - -
There aren’t many other people Lucas talks to from school. He exchanges messages with Mohamed from literature for a little bit, but the conversation doesn’t really go anywhere. The only other message he gets is from a girl, Élina, who he doesn’t recognise, but most of her posts were photographed at school. (Lucas wandered around the campus after arriving in Antwerp, just to see. There was no one there, save for an older woman who looked at Lucas disdainfully.)
Her message, heyyyyy youre new right?, makes Lucas cringe, reading it in the same voice as the girls that used to approach him at parties. The girls that he would flirt back with, doing everything in his power to ignore the uncomfortable churn in his stomach, the twisting of his nerves as the girls reached out and pushed his curls back or brushed their fingertips over his jaw and freckles. It made him so viscerally uncomfortable that for a while he wondered if he could be attracted to anyone at all. He even did research, finding out about the spectrums of asexuality and aromanticism, trying to find what fit, but nothing ever did. It was then that he decided he should probably experiment, and eventually he realised he doesn’t mind hands touching his hair and face softly or eyes looking at him like that when it’s another boy.
He still pretended, though. Even when his phone had the notifications set to not appear on his screen, notifications from pretty boys and their photos and slick words, he would press girls against walls and listen to their giggles and whispers, ignoring the ugly thoughts he couldn’t stop thinking.
He’s tired of pretending.
So when Élina sends him a message one night as he waits for Jens to get Lotte to sleep, a message that reads sooo do you have a girlfriend 👀, he sets his jaw and takes a deep breath before responding.
élina i’m gay
She responds with the laughing emoji, and he waits as she types, until lol no worries appears, followed by lucky boys ;).
He exhales and responds with a smiley face.
- - -
“Hey,” Lucas says softly when Moyo appears on his screen.
“Hey,” he says back, whispering. “Why are we quiet?”
Lucas chuckles, wrinkling his nose at him.
“My dad’s in the living room,” he explains. “You don’t have to be quiet. I have headphones.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Where is everyone?”
“They’re coming,” Moyo says, checking his phone. “How’ve you been?”
Lucas hesitates, wondering if he should tell him anything he’s told Jens. But he doesn’t want to fuck up the mood before the party’s even started.
“Fine,” he says. “I’ve been doing homework and stuff.”
“Copying Jens’s maths.”
“As you should.”
“Oh my god!” Lucas says, setting his laptop on his bed as he remembers suddenly.
“You good?”
“Yeah, I just…” He pauses as he reaches to grab his sketchbook from the ground next to him. “I had something for you, I just remembered.” He sits back to see Moyo’s eyebrows raised.
“For me?”
“Something to show you, yeah.” He grabs his phone. “I’ll text you a picture, hold on.”
He waits as it sends, awkwardly tilting his head back and forth until Moyo lets out an Oh!
“Holy— Oh my god!” His voice has risen several octaves, and Lucas giggles, his eyes squinting under his grin. “That’s me!”
“You actually— Oh my god.” Moyo pulls his phone close to his face, hiding himself from Lucas as he looks at the photo of the sketch more intently.
“I said you have a nice face.”
“Lucaaaassss,” Moyo whines, and Lucas giggles again, leaning down and resting his chin on his hands happily. “This is so cool.”
Lucas is relieved, if he’s honest. He’d done the drawing late last night, looking back and forth between his sketchbook and a photo from Moyo’s Instagram.
“You like it?”
Moyo lets out an indignant noise, looking at Lucas with wide eyes.
“I fucking love it, bro.”
Moyo’s box shifts as Lucas grins at him, and Jens appears next to him.
“Hey,” Jens says brightly as Lucas’s eyes move to him. “What’s up?”
“Can I show him, Luc?” Moyo asks excitedly, and it takes Lucas a second to rip his eyes away from Jens’s pixelated face to answer, “Yeah, course.”
“I’ll text it.”
“What’s going on?” Jens asks, confused, and a little thrill goes through Lucas at the sight of his wrinkled brow.
“Lucas drew me!”
Jens’s eyebrows raise and he grins.
Lucas’s face burns when Jens receives the photo, when Jens exclaims that it’s so fucking good, man, when Jens looks up at him through the camera, and Lucas can feel his eyes on him, his delight.
“You wanted to draw someone and you chose Moyo?” Jens asks, grinning as Moyo lets out an offended “Hey!”
Lucas’s face burns again, and he hopes Jens (and Moyo, he supposes) can’t see his cheeks bloom. He shrugs, forcing a grin.
“I said he has a nice face.”
As Moyo playfully shoos at him, saying “Oh, stop it,” and looking back at the drawing, Jens’s eyebrows quirk up and his eyes widen as he leans forward slightly.
Oh no.
Lucas glances at Moyo, who is still looking down, and then back at Jens, shaking his head. Jens’s brows raise more and he starts to smile, starts to beam, amusement in his eyes.
No, Lucas mouths, shaking his head harder, but before they can continue their silent conversation, the boxes shift again and a girl’s voice says, “What’s up, fuckers?”
“Luca,” Moyo says indignantly, as Jens laughs. It takes Lucas a second to look away from Jens to the girl, who has her hand clapped over her mouth.
“I don’t know you,” she says, dropping it and leaning close. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine,” he assures her. “We’re basically already friends.”
“I’m Luca,” she says, holding a hand out to the camera.
He copies her and they shake, both laughing lightly.
“Where is everyone?” Luca asks.
“They’ll be here soon,” Jens says.
It takes a little while for them all to arrive.
Zoë comes in next (she smiles when Lucas compliments her hair), followed by Aaron and Amber who, Lucas has to agree with Aaron, is very pretty. Not Lucas’s type (obviously), but pretty nonetheless. Robbe and Sander arrive next, almost simultaneously, and after an onslaught of teasing from Moyo and Luca, Jens interrupts to tell Lucas to show Sander his art.
“Uhhh…” Lucas grabs at his phone before looking up again. “Moyo.”
“On it,” Moyo says sharply, looking away and lifting his phone.
Lucas flushes under Sander’s praise.
Yasmina joins next, already smiling as she appears on Lucas’s screen. She’s wearing a yellow hijab, and the brightness of her smile with the soft fabric makes Lucas think of the sun. (He tells her, exclaiming “You look like sunshine!” to which she responds with a squeal and a bright, flushed, broad smile.)
Jana appears last.
She’s smiling when she appears too, but it’s a smaller smile, almost sad.
“Hey,” Zoë says when Jana’s arrival interrupts conversation. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” Jana says dismissively. “Where’s the new kid? I gotta find you.” Her eyes scan her screen and Lucas waves his hand. “Ah!”
“Lucas,” he says, pressing his hand to his chest.
“Jana,” she says with a smile.
She’s sweet. Her laugh is nice.
Lucas knows he doesn’t really have a reason to not like her. But he can’t seem to help it as he listens to her tease Jens, to Jens tease her. As he watches Jens’s eyes while Jana speaks, as he watches Jana’s eyes as Jens speaks. There’s nothing for him really to go on, nothing really to suggest anything between them except Lucas’s overthinking.
He can’t stop overthinking.
He can’t even tell if Jens’s eyes are really softening when Jana speaks or if it’s just Lucas’s mind telling him they are, or if Jens is really saying Jana in a certain way.
(He can’t really tell if Jana is Daisy or not.)
It’s dark when everyone leaves. Dark dark. In everyone’s room, except Amber, who leaves all her lights on, including a lamp next to her. Zoë leaves first, because We have school tomorrow!, followed by Robbe because he’s actively falling asleep.
Jana leaves last, still chatting with Jens, who involves Lucas for his input. It’s sweet, especially as Lucas just… sits there, listening and watching.
He still gives her a friendly bye-bye wave when she leaves. It’s not her fault he’s the way he is. And she really is nice.
“So,” Jens says firmly when it’s just them, rocking forward and making the same face he did earlier, when Moyo wasn’t looking.
“No,” Lucas answers, already shaking his head.
“You don’t know what I’m gonna say!” Jens exclaims, delighted. His voice is hushed, and he’s wearing headphones (he’d gotten them out about halfway through the call), looking awfully lovely.
“I know exactly what you’re going to say, and the answer is no.”
“No what?”
“No,” Lucas insists, not really wanting to say it. “I don’t have a crush on Moyo.”
“Are you sure?”
Jens makes a face full of doubt, complete with raised eyebrows and a downward tilted chin.
“I don’t.”
“You said he has a nice face,” Jens teases.
“He does,” Lucas insists. “But so does… Yasmina. That doesn’t mean I have a crush on her.”
“…Okay, fair.”
Lucas doesn’t tell him about the drawings.
The ones stuffed into the boxes in his room, hidden away where he doesn’t have to see them, the ones of photos from Jens’s Instagram, the ones of subtle screenshots Lucas takes during their Facetime calls, the ones of Jens focussing on his maths homework while Lucas pretends to pay attention. He doesn’t think he’ll ever tell him about them. He doesn’t know what he’ll do with them.
“What did you think of the girls?” Jens asks, setting his chin on her forearm. He’s laying on his stomach, and Lucas wants to memorise the image: Jens looking up at him with sleep in his eyes, looking awfully precious.
“They’re really nice,” Lucas says honestly. He almost mirrors him, but instead he moves onto his side, resting his legs around the laptop and laying on his head on a curled arm. “Amber makes me think of someone I know in Utrecht.”
“Is she also a human strawberry?”
Lucas blinks.
“Actually, yeah. That’s…”
“I’m a genius,” Jens sighs, and Lucas makes a face.
“Fuck you,” Jens laughs, his eyes squinting, and then closing completely as he yawns into his arm.
“You should sleep.”
“You should sleep,” Jens retorts, laying his head down and looking at Lucas. His eyelids are low. Lucas’s heart skips a beat. “I don’t wanna go to bed,” Jens complains, oblivious to Lucas’s internal crisis of the admiration of sleepy Jens.
“We have school tomorrow,” he points out.
“You’re worth it,” Jens mumbles.
And Lucas fucking f a l l s .
“Cheesy bitch,” he says, ignoring his heart’s free-fall, and Jens giggles. It’s a sleepy laugh, raw and unfiltered, and Lucas smiles at it.
“Jens?” Lucas asks softly after a minute, and Jens’s eyes flutter open. Maybe he was asleep. But he smiles when his eyes settle on Lucas.
“Did you mean it? That you… That you’ll take me around when we can meet up?”
Jens’s brows furrow for a second and he lifts his head.
“Yeah, of course.” He sets his chin on his arm. “I’ll take you wherever. We’ll have to stay distanced for a while but…” He shrugs. “I’ll keep you out of your apartment.”
Lucas nuzzles into his arm and Jens lays his head down again, still looking at him.
“You don’t think it’ll be awkward?” Lucas says. “Last time I met up with someone from the internet it was super awkward.”
He doesn’t mention that he’d met the boy on a dating app, and that they’d hooked up and left.
“I won’t let it be,” Jens says, shrugging his shoulders. “I’ll let my full extrovert personality come out.” He sighs. “You can be awkward if you want. I won’t.”
“Okay,” Lucas whispers. He’s not sure if Jens hears.
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rainplaysswtor · 3 years
SWTOR: New player help: Contending with bugs
It's not a bug, it's a feature! It's working as intended! As you play SWTOR, you will notice that...things don't always go as expected. Here are some helpful tips for new players (and more long term players too) to try to help handle some of the most common bugs you will find in the game. 
First thing: report the bugs you encounter. If nobody knows something's going wrong, it can't be fixed. 
Everyone including free to play players can now use the in-game bug reporting system. How? 
1. Go into your chat box (usually at the upper left of your screen and type /bug)
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2. This should open a window that will allow you to type a short description of the bug you are seeing. Describe the bug. Make sure you mention 1) exactly what you were doing and 2) what was not working. For example: 
"During the introduction scene for the flashpoint "This is Way Too Long," the character "I Don't Like You" does not have a head." 
3. Press ' submit.' 
Keep in mind that you will not get a response or any direct help from a bug report. This is to let the developers know what is not working in the game, so they can hopefully fix it. 
2. Wait a little while after there's a new patch or game update
When there's a new game update or patch (you will know because you have new files that will automatically download when you launch the game), don't jump right into the new content with your favorite best character. Wait. It's hard, I know, but wait. The general trend over the past few years has been that new patches and updates always have bugs, and sometimes they're doozies. 
It helps to have a "me first" character or two - perhaps a clone of your main - to wade into new content on the first day or week if you really want to see it. That way you can see the new content without being completely angry that it's messed something up for your characters or isn't running quite right. 
3. Keep an eye on the Bug Reports section of SWTOR.com and the SWTOR Twitter account. 
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Even if you are not a subscriber you can still read the Bug Reports forum (I would not recommend the rest of the forums, though). There's usually a running list of known bugs for each patch listed at the top of the page. Also keep an eye on the SWTOR Twitter account. You can read it without being a registered Twitter user, and it will let you know when the game is going down for maintenance or an update. 
4. If you are facing a bug that is making it impossible to complete a quest you need for story progression, you can reach out to SWTOR customer service for assistance. If you are a subscriber, press the little gears icon at the top of your screen, choose "customer service" and then "request help." If you are not subscriber, you can reach support at [email protected]
1. Help! My abilities bar got unlocked and I cannot get it to lock again!
When this happens, all your abilities will 'float' or move from their placements, which understandably makes it hard to fight. How to get around this: 
1. When you are NOT IN COMBAT, press CTRL+U. All of your abilities bars/maps/etc. will vanish. Don't panic. This is the way. 
2. Press CTRL+U again. Everything should come back. It may take a moment. Wait. 
2. Oh no! My character's stuck in a rock!
Or on a cliff, or under a box, or up a tree. We've all been there. Go to your chat box (upper left, usually).
1. Write /stuck in the chat. This will either move your character to a place where they aren't stuck, or it will kill them and put them back at the nearest medical base. 
2. What's that? Stuck isn't working, or you just used it and it needs to cool down? You can try using Quick Travel to travel to a nearby medical base. 
3. Still nothing? Try porting to a stronghold, your ship or the Fleet. 
4. Try logging out and logging back in. 
3. What? I can't click the blue thing. 
This bug has shown up all over the place, where an objective will be lit blue, but unclickable. I've found a few places where nothing I do makes this work. 
1. Try changing instances. 
2. Try logging out and back in. 
4. This is a great cut scene...why is it freezing?!
Several years ago this bug was so severe in the Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent stories that only customer service could resolve it. It seems better now, but here are some ideas. 
1. ESC out of the scene. Now try to start the scene again by clicking on the NPC /objective/whatever is the scene starter. 
2. Can you guess? Log out and back in. 
3. Close the game and try re-launching. 
4. Try lowering your graphics settings in the game. Don't know why this works, but it did sometimes. 
5. My character is frozen in a weird pose. 
Just laugh at it, take a screenshot and share it with your friends so they can laugh. Typically this will not affect actual combat and will go away on its own eventually. 
6. I want to romance Lana Beniko, Koth Vortena or Theron Shan in KOTFE...but I've heard things about the romance vanishing. 
There are two general ways the romances in KOTFE get borked:
1. A patch happens before the romance is locked in (chapter 9) and all the player's flirts from chapters 3-8 are reset. The game thus forgets you were trying to romance Lana and you don't get the romance dialogue option in chapter 9. I've also heard of Koth and Theron romances vanishing, but not as often. The solution is to NOT play through chapters 3-9 of KOTFE when there's a patch happening. My general tactic is to play those chapters straight through, and not stop until I get to chapter 10, to make sure the romance is locked and won't be interrupted by a patch.
2. The player misunderstands the really poorly framed dialogue wheel in chapter 9. There's a moment, pictured below, where the camera faces Theron Shan, and there are choices that say "I need to see one of you" and "I need to see one of you" [flirt]. IT IS NOT JUST REFERRING TO THERON. If you are flirting with Lana or Koth and want to lock in their romance, DO NOT CLICK ON THE FIRST CHOICE (which is helpfully lit up here for your reference). YOU NEED TO CHOOSE THE [FLIRT] HERE, as well as the [flirt] in the conversation when you are alone with your companion of choice.  
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When your actions or conversation choice will start or end a romance, from KOTFE onward, you will receive a pop up warning that looks something like this. 
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Caption: This choice will begin a romance with Lana Beniko. Are you sure you wish to proceed? CONTINUE - CANCEL Once you have this scene, MAKE SURE you finish chapter 9 entirely so your choices don't get wiped out in a future patch!
7. My companion is stuck in place and won't move. 
There you go, charging into the fray...there's your companion, lingering awkwardly at the threshold and not participating. Oops. You can usually wake them up by sending them away and then bringing them back. Easy ways to do this include: 
1) Send them to sell junk (press N. Go to your companion who is with you. Press the little icon near their name to get them to sell the junk. Depending on the legacy perks you have purchased they will be gone for between 5 and 30 seconds)
2) Summon another companion, any of them, and then summon back the one you want. 
3) It didn't work? Sometimes companions do seem to go on strike and you will probably just want to summon another to continue playing. This is a good reason to remember to have more than one companion at high influence, if you can, so you can switch as needed. 
8. My companion keeps falling over. 
Sternly tell your companion it's not time for a nap. Kidding. They really don't care. Any time is nap time. The steps in #7 should work to wake them up again. 
9. I'm trying to loot something and it's telling me "out of range." 
First, are you sure it's your loot and not some other player's? If it's yours, you can sometimes pick it up by walking away and then returning. Other times, look for someone else nearby to loot. I've on occasion found things unlootable, which is frustrating. 
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literallywhyistaken · 3 years
When Remus Lupin walked into his classroom, he immediately knew that they would not get that much work done today.
Well first of the entire class had broken up into friendship groups and were all talking around a phone, and, Remus knew exactly why.
Dammit, Sirus.
He had specifically told him to wait until the year 10s hade done their exam. Though to be fair he had been waiting to release that video for a while now.
Given the fact that there was still 5 minutes until the start of class, Remus walked over to his desk and started to prepare his lesson for the day. He was just about done when his phone buzzed.
Pads💗💗💗 - heeey babe sorry about releasing the video early. I just felt like I couldn't wait any more u know?
- how are the students?
- are you mad?
- oh god you haven't replied you are so mad at me
- I'm sorryyyy
Remus silently chuckled at the sight of his clingy overthinking adorable boyfriend freaking out even though he sent all of those texts in a span of 10 seconds.
Sirius had released a video 5 hours earlier, titled coming out. In just 1 hour it had gotten over 5 thousand views. When Remus had woken up, (obviously since Padfoot was not next to him,) he had come out and seen him pacing around nervously in the lounge room. Sirius had been worried that everything was going to backfire, and as soon as he had seen Remus he immediately burst into a rather large and repetitive rant, that was only silenced when Remus had wrapped his arms around him.
After he had calmed down, Remus told him off for posting it earlier than they agreed, as multiple students in his history class he knew were definitely in love with his boyfriend. At times it was really disturbing, (like when Sirius posts a shirtless pic on Instagram, and they are usually taken by Remus.) but most of the girls, have learnt to keep it on the down-low. And he had not wanted Sirius to post before the test in one of his classes.
Remus took his phone in two hands and replied,
Moony💗🌑💗 - don't worry I'm not mad.
- maybe a little grumpy but not mad.
Pads💗💗💗 - got it I will have chocolate when you get home.
- how are the kids?
Moony💗🌑💗 - distracted. I think I'm going to have to postpone the test.
Just as Remus press send, a shrill bell ripped through the air, making everyone jump out of their skins. Whereas Remus just stayed still and texted goodbye to Sirius. After both going to school and teaching here, you get used to it.
"Ok class, I want phones away and everything off your desks except for a pen or pencil." Remus walked up and down the rows, handing out test sheets.
When he got to the back of the last row, he stood behind one specific student. Mindy Mor. She was currently giggling at her phone like a lovesick teenage girl. When Remus looked over her shoulder to see what she was looking at, he inwardly cringed. Mindy had screenshotted all of the shirtless pictures from Sirius Instagram and was currently zooming in on Remus's boyfriend's abs. Even though he would never admit it, he didn't blame her. He was very lucky.
"Phone Mindy," Remus demanded. He took her phone, and ignoring her grumbling, and placed a test in front of her.
"You can have this back at the end of the day."
For the rest of the week, Remus kept hearing ridiculous rumours about the one and only, Sirus Black.
The day of the test Remus had come home to a ridiculously happy Sirius, as the majority of his subscribers had accepted him and even asked if he was dating anyone. And of course, he slipped up and said that yes indeed he dating someone, but did not give way who.
Since then Remus has heard nothing but rumours about who he could be dating. Some of them were quite funny actually. Such as Sirus dating fellow marauder, James Potter. (Remus had almost snorted at that one.)
When he informed James and Sirius about it, it sparked a long debate between the two on whether James could indeed 'score' Sirius. (Remus had to eventually drag Sirius out so that Harry could be put to bed and everyone could have dinner.)
However, it did have some downsides. Somehow, someone had found out that Sirius used to go to this school and that one of the teachers, Minerva McGonagall had taught him. Then that leads to them finding out that James, Sirus, Remus and Peter had all been best friends when they were at school. However, Remus managed to dodge the questions, by insisting that they were no longer in contact.
("no Mindy I cannot give you Sirus Blacks number so you can confess your undying love. I said no Mindy.")
Then Sirus released a new video titled: MARAUDERS BACK TOGETHER AGAIN
In it, it just had Sirius, James, and Peter catching and pretending that they hadn't seen each other since high school.
"Hey Moony why arent you going to be in the video again?" James questioned as Sirius set up the camera. James and Peter had gotten here an hour early accidentally. Now while Sirius was setting up, they were all sitting in the lounge room and the kitchen talking. Remus was sitting on the counter facing James, who was on the floor playing with Harry and Peter who was curled up in an armchair.
"If I'm in the video then I will get pestered with questions from my students," Remus answered. "And like half of the girls in 3 of my classes are absolutely in love with my boyfriend!" he said gesturing to Sirius.
James smirked, as Sirius turned around and walked into the kitchen.
"You jealous Moony?" James teased, resulting in a very colourful hand gesture thrown his way.
"Aww don't worry Re. I'm not going anywhere." Sirius said from behind Remus, pecking him on his temple.
"Oh come on guys get a room. Harry's here for god's sake!"
The next day, Remus woke up with Sirius's arms wrapped around his waist. It appeared that they had both slept through the alarm due to them.........not getting much sleep.
In result to the extra sleep the couple had earned, Remus missed the first 5 minutes of his first lesson. And so he had to be dropped off, by Sirius.
Now it is a well-known fact that Sirius Black drives a Porsche 550 Spyder. Whatever that is. And of course all the students in the school new that Sirius rode that exact car, so that was a little bit of a problem when they rode up into the car park, and there were still kids in the playground.
Sirius, knowing his boyfriends need for privacy, was wearing a cap to cover his head.
However, being a Black comes with a flair for the dramatic. So before Remus had the chance to jump out of the car, Sirius grabbed his shoulder and pulled him in for a kiss. It was short but sweet.
When Sirius pulled away, he nodded towards the school building and said,
"You'd better get going. Love you!"
Remus smiled as he climbed out of the car.
"Love you too."
Remus thought everything was ok. He had listened to all the conversations shooting around his classroom before the first break, and there was nothing about him.
When he went to enter the teacher's lounge, he was suddenly stopped right outside the door by two girls from the school newspaper.
"Hello, ladies... can I help you with something?" Remus asked hesitantly.
"Sir, you were late for school, yes?" One of them asked, who Remus remembered as Evie.
"Only five minutes," Remus replied.
"And you were dropped off by your boyfriend, right?" Evie pressed
"May I ask where this is going?" Remus said tying to cover up the fact that his heart had started to beat faster and his palms had started to sweat.
"Well the car that you drove here in is a Porsche 550 Spyder, and it is a well-known fact that you both knew Sirius Black and that Sirius Black drives a Porsche 550 Spyder. So I just wanted to ask Mr Lupin, are you dating Sirius Black?"
Remus hesitated.
"No. And I would appreciate it if you didn't ask me again."
For the next two weeks, Remus kept getting asked question after question after question.
"Are you dating Sirius Black?"
"Do you still talk to Sirius Black?"
"Can you help me meet Sirius Black?"
And to make matters worse, one specifically creepy student had made an announcement at the start of one of his classes saying that even though their teacher had denied that he was dating Sirius, he had made a fanfiction about the two of them and posted it on Wattpad.
Remus had looked at it, and it already had 100K views.
Remus was tired. He was getting questioned every day at work, and all over social media. Everyone had noticed, and he knew that Sirius was worried, but he hadn't said anything yet.
It was Friday, two days before Sirus and Remus's 6th anniversary. Every year they do something big, whether it is with other people or together. Normally, Remus gets more excited as the day gets closer. However, now he was either stressing out about going back to school or staring into space. And Sirius was getting really worried.
Remus was sitting on the dining room table with both hands wrapped around a mug. Its winter at the moment so Remus has his usual. Earl Grey.
When Sirius gets home from James and Lily's house it Godric Hollow, he walks inside the apartment and sees him sitting there staring off into space. He immediately knows what he has to do. (Well not immediately, but if you ask he will just deny it.) Sirius dumps his bag on the kitchen counter and walks over and sits next to him.
Remus's head shoots up and he blinks a couple of times like he's coming out of a daze.
"Ok, what's wrong. And don't say nothing, you know that I know when your lying.
Remus sighed and looked back down at the table.
"It's just that I'm getting constantly questioned at work, I mean even my colleagues, other teachers are asking me now!! Its just....a lot."
Sirius sighed. He hated seeing the love of his life so upset and being helpless.
He opened his mouth as so try and say something comforting when Remus blurted out,
"I want to tell people. And no not our friends, I am aware that they already know, I meant all your subscribes."
Sirius's mouth fell open. He had approached Remus on the topic of telling people multiple times both before and after he had come out to people on youtube. And every time Remus had turned him down.
A huge grin spread over Sirius's face and he slipped down on to the floor and crouched in front of Remus's chair.
"Really? You actually want your students to know? Are you sure?"
"I mean I think so. I don't think I could hold it any much longer anyway." Remus replied a sheepish grin growing on his face.
Sirius couldn't stop the smile growing bigger on his face matching Remus.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Then Sirius closed the gap between them and the world around them fell quiet.
Sirius placed the camera on the cupboard in front of their bed and turned the camera on. He then turned around and moved all the photos of him and Remus out of the way.
"Hey Siri, you want some coffee?" Remus yelled from the kitchen.
"Yeah, I'd love some thanks, babe!" Sirius replied.
Sirius finished setting up the room and then started to walk out into the lounge room. After Remus had agreed to tell Sirius's fans that they were dating, they had both stayed up half the night trying to plan the perfect revel video. And then when they were getting ready for bed, Sirius had thought of the perfect idea.
Sirius was going to do a live QandA session. Even though Remus was convinced, that someone would ask whether they were dating, Sirius had insisted on a backup plan. So if no one asked 2 minutes into the live, then James, who would also be there, ("Why would you want to be there James??" "Because of the drama Moony. Why else??") would create a fake fan account and ask the question.
Sirius had thought about doing it the day after their anniversary, (as he knows how much of a romantic his boyfriend is.) but Remus wanted to do it on their anniversary.
I mean what would be more romantic than confessing your love for each other in front of thousands of people? And while most likely being recorded?
Sirius walked into the kitchen just as Remus was putting their tea and coffee down on the bench.
Sirius smiled as Remus put both milk and sugar into his coffee, (because you cannot convince me that no matter how hard he tries to be a badass that he is really a softie) and slid the mug across the bench.
Remus then turned back around smirking at him, walking towards the fridge for the milk."What's the time? When do you have to start the live?" Remus asked innocently pouring milk into his mug.
"Ummm" Sirius replied quickly checking his watch for the time." it's 3:28. I need to start the live at 3:30 and I should be out here at least by 4:00." He said as he glanced up at his boyfriend raising his coffee to his mouth to take a sip.
Remus stared at him blankly while Sirius glanced around the room wondering why Remus was looking at him like that. (he usually looked at him another way)
"It's 3:30!!! Get in there!! I'll start cooking and, I promise to attempt to not burn the kitchen down. I remember what happened last time." He added as Sirius opened his mouth to interject.
Sirius closed his mouth and smiled, nodding and turning back around to run into the pair's bedroom.
"Hey! I think you forgot something!" Remus cried out as soon he had left the room.
At the sound of his voice, Sirius poked his head back into the doorway with a curious expression on his face.
Keeping that expression on his face, he crept forward towards a visibly confused Remus. Then, he crept up next to him and pecked a kiss on his temple. And then, promptly, ran away.
Remus stood frozen for about 2 seconds before yelling back,
"No! Your coffee!"
"Merlin. No respect." He muttered.
Sirius plunked himself down on the end of the couple's bed, leaning forward and switching the camera on.
He waited for a few seconds, letting people on first before saying,
"Hey, guys welcome to my live QandA and before anyone asks, no Prongs is not here today. He has decided to be a little shit and hang out with his kid. You guys remember Harry."
Sirius smiled at the thought of Harry, (and of course, insulting James.
He peered at the screen and smirked when he saw a comment from the man in question expressing his outrage for the name-calling.
Smiling he sat back again and spoke,
"Ok so I'm going to let you guys into the live one at a time to ask one question, (it's on Instagram) so start requesting!"
Sirius had had about 25 questions before he got to the one he was looking for. And he had been asked some odd questions to. One girl who came on the live was wearing such revelling clothes that she basically had a bikini on. And it gets worse.
Her question was whether or not he could take his shirt off. As soon as she had finished speaking, Padfoot heard a loud indignant and outraged cry coming from the kitchen. He turned his head towards the sound chuckling at Moonys antics.
He was still smiling as he turned back around, but it vanished as soon as he saw the screen again. Immediately, like a reflex, he leaned forward and kicked her off the live. He could sense Remus's sigh of relief.
He then proceeded to make a speech about not doing that. Around 10 minutes after that a girl with glasses and a notepad came on who Sirius vaguely recognised as Evie from Hogwarts.
"Hi there kiddo, what's your question," Sirius asked almost dreading what was coming up.
"Hi Mr Black I was just wondering-"
"Oh no. No Mr, please. Makes me feel old. Just call me Sirius." He insisted holding a hand up to the camera.
"Oh ok." She replied looking a little bit surprised.
"Well my name is Evie Johnson, and I go to Hogwarts Secondary School. I believe that you went there as well. Oh no that's not my question"
She added as Sirius opened his mouth.
"And when you were there, according to my research, your group of friends was James Potter, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin. Now as I'm sure you know Mr Lupin is a teacher at Hogwarts, a history teacher and rumours have been flowing around the school-"
"You want to know if Remus and I are dating," Sirius smirked.
"Well yes," Evie said looking a bit disgruntled at being interrupted. A giddy feeling erupted in Sirius's stomach as he answered,
"Well how about I show you. Then you can decide for yourself."
Sirius got up and walked out to the kitchen grabbing the camera as he went.
"Ok, Evie I'm going to disconnect you from the live that was a lovely question, I was honestly hoping for it. Ok! guys, my boyfriend is in the kitchen attempting to make dinner, ("last time he tried he almost burned down the kitchen and he definitely destroyed his eyebrows.") and I or we, I guess, are going to surprise him."
This next bit is from a viewers perspective.
Sirius placed the camera in front of the T.V and stuck his thumbs up at the camera before standing up and rubbing his hands together.
Behind him was the kitchen where a man in his early 30s was cooking with his back to the camera.
Oliver looked at the screen, and read the comments as Sirius prepared to walk over to the mystery man who was supposedly his idols boyfriend.
- oh my god i'm so jealous I wonder who it is
- I bet 50 pounds that its Mr Lupin
Oliver of course had no idea who this Mr lupin was. He didn't go to Hogmarts Secondary School or whatever it was called. But he was still extremely curious to know.
The man turned around and walked to the front of the counter and turned to face the camera side-on, continuing to cook, seemingly not noticing Sirius and the camera.
As soon as the mystery man's face was revealed to the camera the live was flooded with comments such as:
They were basically all along those lines. The man continued to cook, somehow oblivious to the chaotic live over here.
Sirius walked up behind the man and wrapped his arms around his waist. Immediately the man smiled and leaned back into Sirius.
Oliver had to admit they were quite cute.
Then Sirius leaned forward a little bit more and whispered something in his ear. The man, (supposedly Remus Lupin,) smiled and leaned into him more.
To Oliver, it looked like they were really in love, and if that really is Remus Lupin, then they would have been in love for a long time.
He glanced back down at the comments and saw that the theme of them hadn't changed. People were still expressing their shock.
When he looked back up at the couple he saw Sirius laughed at something that his boyfriend had said.
Remus then turned around and wrapped his arms around Sirius's neck, and Sirius wrapped his arms around his waist.
Sirius closed the distance between them and kissed him softly as Remus melted into the kiss. Remus arms tightened around Padfoots neck, and Sirius smiled into the kiss.
The theme of the comments had changed into both awwwww and ewwwww apparently some of Mr Lupins students don't really want to see him making out with his boyfriend.
Suddenly the screen went black and the live ended.
Remus went back to work the next day feeling both nervous and excited. Excited, because for the first time since Sirius started his YouTube channel, he didn't have to hide who he was dating. (I mean he didn't usually tell them, but we all know Remus. He doesn't like lying.)
And nervous because, well I think that's obvious. He had gotten several emails from his students in multiple classes, plus they had also posted something to Google Classroom.
Remus had made sure to get to the school early to avoid any unwanted attention from students in the schoolyard. He walked straight through the school, into the classroom, only pausing to wave or say hello to specific teachers.
When he reached his room, he finished setting up the lesson and was writing the date on the board when a student came into the classroom. He didn't see who it was, they disappeared out of his view before he had a chance to see their face. He finished writing the date up and turned around saying
"Hello, welcome back. If you just take a seat the bell will be going soon-"
In front of his desk stood a stony-faced Mindy, with her posse behind her.
"Can I help you with something Ms More?"
"Yes, I believe you can sir." She replied. "Why didn't you tell us that you are dating Sirius Black??" She demanded, leaning slightly towards him accusatorially.
Remus raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"Well given the fact that is my personal business I really didn't see the need," Remus replied calmly as he sat down on his desk.
"But sir that's not fair. I mean we have a right to know and not find out on some live video-"
"And why is my life and who I'm dating any concern of yours?" Remus said fiercely, cutting her off and standing back up and placing his hands on the desk looking down at the teen.
Mindy immediately backed of a flash of regret shooting across her face.
"Oh no sir I didn't mean it like that-"
"Really Mindy. Then I wonder how you meant because I don't see how else that could be taken."
Before Mindy could open her mouth to defend her self, Remus snapped out:
"Enough. Thats detention. Go sit down."
When Mindy opened her mouth to complain, Remus held up his finger as if saying wait for it, then suddenly the ear-splitting bell reverberated through the walls and Mindy shut her mouth and sat down.
When he finally got his class to sit down and shut up, he started his lesson on the suffragette movement. (Because we all know that Remus is a massive feminist,) However halfway through, he noticed that the entire class was either talking or giggling at their computer screens. So, continuing to talk about the suffragettes, he walked up the side row, and stood behind one student who was staring at their laptop. Except they weren't staring at their laptop. they had their phone out, and were re-watching Sirius's live from Saturday.
Sighing, Remus leaned forward and snatched the phone out of the kids hands, saying on the way back to the front of the class,
"You can have this back later."
"Now," Remus announced as he leaned on the back of his desk facing the front of the class, "As it is very clear that none of you are focusing, you can all ask 15 questions."
No one moved, they just all stared at him blankly.
Remus sighed and then added, "personal questions allowed."
Exactly 15 hands shot up.
Surprised, Remus hesitated before choosing a girl in the second row named Jessie.
"Jessie." Remus said pointing at her to continue.
Putting her hand down she asked, "Sir, are you really dating Sirius Black?"
Remus breathed out a laugh, and replied with the words he never thought that he would say.
"Yes. I am."
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trutimeline · 3 years
idislikecispeople, The Most Infamous Dyscourse Blogger: Part 1.0, Rumors
idislikecispeople, also known as many names throughout her time on Tumblr (such as Adele, Kat, Mami, Samantha and Sayaka), was a former Tumblr blogger who became infamous for coining the term "tucute", among many other controversial things she has posted on her blogs. This was supposed to be one, very long masterpost about her, but Tumblr's post editor is a bitch and won't let me do that.
In this post, I'll be debunking or confirming rumors commonly spread about idislikecispeople. The rest of my posts about her will each be dedicated to a specific controversial belief she held or situations she got into. For simplicity's sake, I'll be referring to idislikecispeople as Kat for the rest of this post and future ones.
Kat Coined the Terms "Truscum" and "Tucute"
Verdict: Partially True
Kat coined the term tucute, but she did not coin the terms truscum or transmedicalist.
Here's a screenshot of Kat's original definition of a tucute:
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What is Tucute?
What does tucute mean?
Tucute is basically just the opposite of truscum, it’s a term and community for trans, nonbinary, and/or non-cis individuals created to separate anti-truscum from truscum and to serve as a safe place from truscum and from cis people, where they believe that being trans requires dysphoria, we do not,where they think that being trans is a medical condition, we do not,and where they deny numerous gender identities on the basis that it “discredits the trans community” we do not.
What are the prerequisites to be a part of the tucute community?
You have to be trans, nonbinary, and/or non-cis in general
You have to accept all pronouns and gender identities
You haveto believe that dysphoria is not necessary to be trans
You have to dislike truscum
You cannot side with truscum or believe in their ideology
You cannot misgender anyone no matter how mad they make you
You cannot be an ableist whatsoever
Did you invent the tucute community? Why?
I indeed did coin the tucute term and community and anyone who says otherwise are creeps who are trying to steal it from me and redefine it for their own nefarious doings. I started this community so anti-truscum could separate themselves from truscum and cis people who are a part of the truscum community, it serves as a safe space from both truscum and cis people.
I’m cis, can I be tucute if I believe in your movement and want to help?
No, you can’t be tucute if you’re cis, you can only be a tucute ally, and you need to be sure to never speak for or over a trans person.
I see a lot of tucuties being just as harmful as truscum, what will you do about it?
There isn’t much I can do to them other than ask them to stop aligning with the tucute community, and of course, that doesn’t mean they will. Also be noted that truscum and cis people will pretend to be tucute just to tarnish the name of the tucute community, so tread lightly, you might be talking to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Spread the word, use the tag #tucute and join the army today!
[A digital drawing of Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica in her magical girl form, with a banner underneath her reading "Tucute 4 U!"]
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Kat Was a Cisgender Woman Who Lied About Being a Transgender Woman
Verdict: False
This rumor primarily comes from a post on Kat's oldest known Tumblr blog, chromaghost, where she claims that she wasn't MTF and only tagged a selfie as such because she thought that transgender people were "cool".
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Anonymous asked: are you a mtf? i seen it tagged on one of your photos.
No lol. I wanted to post it to the tag because transgender people are cool :3
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However, Kat addressed this post and made it clear she very much was a transgender woman multiple times on her later blogs. This claim can also be confirmed with nude photos Kat posted online, which I don't feel comfortable spreading, so you'll just have to trust me on that one. I also don't feel comfortable directly encouraging you to go and dig up those nudes, as most of her nude photos were either taken when she was a minor, spread without her consent and/or were uploaded because people pressured her into posting nudes to "prove" she was a transgender woman.
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Anonymous asked: you bound with ace bandage in one of your selfies. i don't know what to think about you anymore. according to some people you're a 27 year old cis woman scamming us, but you say you're a 22 year old trans woman. i want to trust you but i don't know if i can. i'm sorry.
Rest assured I’m not 27 years old lol. What you’re referring to is a less than graceful ~art piece~ we did (”Playing a Boy” or something) on deviantART when we were 16/17 (?) and really ill-informed. I ask you to not take that as how I stand currently – as I have learned so much more since, and I have a penis and I was designated male at birth because of it (feel free to purchase a passcode to our nsfw blog to see for yourself). At the time we were developing breast tissue but still had to appear as a ‘boy.’ Don’t bind with Ace bandages, kids, it can damage your rib cage, something we didn’t know at the time.
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[A picture of two prescriptions, estradiol and spironolactone, both prescribed to Adele Sheffield.]
grandtran still gonna think I photoshopped it or what
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Anonymous asked: In other words, you aren't gonna cough up the pics because you know you can't fake that shit because you're actually cis. Cool. BTW why do you keep changing your story about the blog, and if the blog was run by you when you were in denial about being trans because of self hate, why were the pics tagged mtf and you were constantly saying trans people were cool?
Yeah I’m not gonna do something for y’all and get nothing in return except more doubt from you, you see how one sided that kind of request is? Also its technically considered sexual harassment, just because its on the internet, you’re a coward (whats your username btw?), and you think I’m cis and you want me to prove time and time again to you that I’m dmab doesn’t justify sexually soliciting someone when they’re not comfortable in being solicited – for free no less.
At first I genuinely had no memory of that blog, it was only active for all of 2 months and for some reason I moved onto a new email and new tumblr, and I haven’t the foggiest why. As for the whole “me claiming to not be ~mtf~” I don’t have any memories from that time, I can only assume it was a lot of dysphoria fueled self-hatred and wanting to be seen/pass as a cis girl lesbian.
If you’re really gonna solicit nudes from a trans woman (a second time) as they do sex work to try and stay on their feet without offering anything in return just so your transmisogynistic ass can get off to trying to tell me my dick is fake isn’t classy at all. I perish the thought of what you’re parents would think of this behavior from you. But yeah, feel free to send some money to my paypal so I can get the gender markers on my records changed because that’s gonna cost a lot apparently, and I’ll definitely send you the dick pics you want. :)
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[A picture of a a hospital bracelet on Kat's wrist. The patient's name is Adele Sheffield and her sex is labeled as "M".]
Kat Lied About Having Diabetes To Get Money From Tumblr Users
Verdict: False
This doesn't need much commentary from me, just view the screenshots below.
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To the people who keep harping on me buying a $15 video game for my mental health 7 MONTHS ago “with my donation money,” well, here you go, some proof, links and screenshots provided
So for everyone spreading misinformation about me spending $15 on a video game for my mental health, here’s a full list of reasons why there is no way, shape, or form I spent my paypal money on it:
Yes, I spent $15 of my own money after selling one of my possessions, not denying it:
[A screenshot of a Tumblr post by Kat where she shows off a copy of Fall Out: New Vegas, marked with a price of $14.99. The date of the post is marked as July 21, 2014 at 06:28.39 PM.]
Be sure to look at the date, July 21st, 2014 6:28 PM. Now lets look at my first donation post asking for help:
[A screenshot of a Tumblr post by Kat where she asks for donations to be able to afford insulin because she has no insurance. The date of the post is marked as July 20, 2014 at 08:14.00 PM.]
Hmm, one day before the purchase of said game, July 20th 2014 at 8:14 PM. Now, I’ve never heard of a video game store — much less a non-chain video game store accepting payment for video games in the form of virtual Amazon gift cards, have you? Oh, but you’re gonna say, “well you bought the game with your paypal donations anyway!” Well, here’s exhibit C:
[Another screenshot of a separate post made by Kat where she is also asking for donations to be able to afford insulin. The date of the post is marked as July 23, 2014 at 12:27.46 PM.]
Again, looking at the date of this posting which is the original donations post, you can see it was posted on July 23rd, 2014 at 12:27 PM, a full 2 days after I had bought the game. Now, if there’s no way for me to use Amazon gift cards for a real life video game store, then how can I go back in time a minimum of 2 full days to give past me $15 to buy said game, hm? This isn’t even accounting for the fact that I didn’t even have my own bank account associated with it until over a week later, and it surely doesn’t account for the fact that it takes up to 5 days to transfer from paypal to your bank account. All the dates are linked to the original unedited posts so you can see for yourself, and for added measure my first deposit was on August 14th, 2014:
[A screenshot of a deposit made by Kat. The date is marked as 08/14/14.]
Oh but yeah, anti-sjs, truscum, and the like took damniwishidthoughtofabettername’s postthey used to gaslight us with misinformation and you all bought it. Tell me how I could misuse donations that I could not use outside of Amazon and money I didn’t even start receiving until a full two days later, let alone the fact that there’s no way I could have transferred said money and used it two days prior as of the date of the paypal donations post.
I hope some of y’all could reblog this and get the word out, I’m sick and tired of people buying into that misinformation that person did solely to gaslight me as a means to try and disrupt my donations drive.
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[A selfie of Kat holding up a vial of Novolin to the camera.]
Hey anon, I don’t feel comfy giving you my receipts (because doxxing is a thing) but here you go, a selfie with my most recent insulin purchase. 👽
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Anonymous asked: Getting desperate for money again I see. How is your fake diabetes lately. I bet your blood sugar is like 800 this time and you're still able to be alive somehow.
You got me, I’m ~totally faking~
[A selfie of Kat. In the background several items used by diabetics are seen such as insulin syringes, glucose tablets, a blood sugar tester and test strips.]
[A picture that gives us a closer look at the background of the previous selfie.]
[A selfie of Kat holding up two vials, one of Lantus and the other of Humalog.]
Gee, must be one dedicated faker, right? To have hundreds of dollars of insulin equipment and insulin itself. Hmmm… Insulin syringes, glucose tablets, a blood sugar tester and test strips.. oh and insulin, hmmmm….
Oh and because you didn’t learn from last time you don’t die instantly when your blood sugar goes over 600 lol, something anyone who studies endocrinology can tell you, and I would know, being a diabetic, having to be hospitalized numerous times for ketoacidosis where the blood sugar has been too high for too long. Things you clearly do not know and you’re just jumping on the disableist bandwagon. I have an idea of who you are anyway, just doing this for future reference.
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thedevilliers · 3 years
Hey, I've been reading your story for a while, and I'm enjoying it very much. Following the De Villiers has been so fun, and you've inspired me to create my own royal Simblr!
Can you maybe share some tips about what to do with your royals? I'll be posting my family within the next few weeks, and I have already planned out several engagements + events, including visits to parks/schools/hospitals, parties, and news surrounding a royal pregnancy. I've also planned out the first arc. I don't know what else to do, and I've barely started! If you have any tips related to the beginning of your Simblr that you didn't cover in your other post, I would so appreciate them. I want to get all this nailed down *before* posting, so my blog is the best that it can be.
Also, if you have any advice on how to make things as efficient as possible (especially regarding posing sims, editing/writing posts, etc.), I would love that! I want to cut down on time wasted wherever I can.
Thank you!! :-)
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 me?!!?!?! ME ??????? omg 🧍‍♀️ thank u for reading my story 🥺 and AAAAAAAAAAAA your own royal simblr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ill answer everythin under the cut !!!!! spoilers: it got long sorry
first of all, remember we ALL started somewhere. you can look at my first like... fifteen and even MORE posts and they are BAD. oh my gawd idk why i thought they were good, but hey! i learned things from them. you will more than likely change your mind about certain things from the beginning of your blog to who knows, four months from now. don’t focus and worry a lot on ‘perfection’ and setting up ‘high standards’ from the beginning. treat it like a learning curve! this is something we all do for fun, so don’t get stressed a lot on it. you can always change and adapt things and that’s no problem!
i love lists, so im gonna list a few things of advice/tips basing myself on what you said!!!
i personally don't do engagements anymore, so i can't really help you in this regard of even more activities you could do 🧍‍♀️ what i could recommend for people to get to know your characters' personalities and private lives and grow attached to them, add in BTS posts.
continuing on my BTS’ post thing, they are a GREAT way to show more than what the public sees for your royals. because from a press and public point of view, you don't really know 'what goes on behind closed doors'. they could be all happy in public, but in privatE??!??!!?!?
as i said in my starting out guide, i did have around ~15 drafts done before i started posting. just so i could not stress about “oh my god i dont have any posts for tomorrow”. a LOT of ppl do posts and queue them as they go, and they have MANY posts done and usually they start accumulating and they are MONTHS in advance compared to what they’re currently posting. if this method works for you, you can definitely use it!
please, please please read your dialogue OUT loud. is it possible to say a 2093023902 word sentence without a singular use of punctuation? do people in this age and era really talk this way? also please if possible use correct grammar. just a little pet peeve, it can take a reader out of the immersion your story gives them.
we all have our lil dialogue habits. mine is starting sentences with “oh” and the infamous dash “—”. others use ellipses. just make sure you aren’t overdoing it. for example, doing a sentence like “oh— there you are. i was uhm— looking for you. how—how are you? its—i mean where have you uhm— been? yes—ive—ive been fine. you? i mean— your mom” ....just no 😔 it doesnt read well at ALL
you can always do lil filler posts, dont tell anyone tell you otherwise. post a little simstagram post, a little family portrait, updated portraits post, family hanging out, kids hanging out, etc.
for posing sims, i do try and remember where MOST of my poses are in the ingame list. usually creators’ correctly naming the poses helps a lot. for example i need a Mel Bennet pose; hers are usually ALL in the same spot and have the same lil aqua bg so i can easily find them. sometimes, i dl pose packs VERY specifically for a certain scene. am i gonna use them again? no. so i open the .package file in sims4studio and rename them to “00 for emi scene [rest of the og name” so when i open my game, they are around the top of the list! no more scrolling and i easily know what i need it for.
dont be scared to plan things that are happening MONTHS from now or anything in detail. some ppl dont like planning things in detail, or even dont like planning things AT ALL or things that arent happening say, in over 2 weeks because idk, they get bored. i recommend at LEAST having a list of things that HAVE to happen so you have ‘goals’ and you slowly plan out how you’re gonna get there. at LEAST theres some level of planning there. if you’re posting and PLANNING as you go, there’s gonna be holes. and it’s gonna be obvious.
editing wise, i don’t do much. my reshade does most of the work, i just add in my psd, add text and done! this is easily the fastest thing you will ever do.
if you get inspired by someone else doing, idk, a certain layout for the portraits, them adding little things to their captions, a certain edit, etc. if you want to do something similar and you ARE very much aware you were inspired by them, credit them in the caption. i beg. its free, its the nice thing to do, bc if not its rude.
if you get inspired by a certain storyline someone else did and you notice yours is gonna be similar, go ahead and send them a message to let them know and if they have any tips or feel uncomfortable with you doing this. simply put, if you don’t, you’re gonna look bad. we are all bound to do same storylines, such as assassinations, shooty shooty’s, stalkers, first loves, accidental babies, etc. but what changes is how each person approaches it. no ones gonna do it the same way as you and others. if you CONSCIOUSLY start copying else, stop it. and you could even be unconsciously be inspired by someone else too. it happens! just make sure you are able to look at the bigger picture and realize “hey, i’m doing something wrong”
same thing with dialogue. you like a line someone else said in their story? don’t just... steal it and incorporate it into yours word BY WORD
OVERALL: you can be inspired. give credit where it’s due. and don’t copy because someone else is doing ‘something others like’ and you want others to like your story. no no no !
im adding this AFTER i posted it but, be yourself. in the way you interact with others and send questions, etc. don’t try and copy someone else’s personality because they are liked and essentially absorb them. be yourself and i’m sure a lot of ppl will like you the way you are : D
for my writing dialogue etc, this goes back to my point 8. i use milanote, its free and you get 200 free thingies to use, and i plan out how every single one of my posts is gonna go. so i just have to go ingame and i already know what im gonna do. no thoughts, just taking screenshots. for example, this is how a part of my part 2, chapter 3 posts layout looks like. every square is a post that has what is happening, who is in it, what is gonna be said very vaguely, etc:
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11. and the most important tip! don’t compare yourself to others. i did it at the beginning. i think we all did at one point. its not good for you at all. please always remember we all are here for share our lil stories with each other and it’s not easy get a following. you’ll get there and its gonna take time. be patient, be nice!!! and i cant wait to see your story!!!!!!!!!!
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muwur · 4 years
long distance headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for daichi, suga, hinata & tsukki
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.5k words
a/n: hello yall this is my first post! nobody asked, but i just started this haikyuu reader insert blog, feel free to check my page n see wazzap. also requests are open pls come fhorfjepfiwf;
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✧ after high school, he stayed in miyagi while you went to tokyo, about 5 hours away, for college
✧ texting or calling whenever u can!
✧ you be like “heyyy”
✧ then he clap back with a “go focus on your lecture”
✧ “im not in lectureee”
✧ “you gave me your schedule so i know you’re in the middle of class”
✧ “...”
✧ makes sure you’re awake on time for your classes and calls you if he thinks you’re oversleeping (and hes usually right, this man just KNOWS)
✧ “morning y/n, i think you need to get to class soon”
✧ “mmrghhhghhh” *checks time* “holy sHI-- i forgot to set my alarm. IMMA BE LATE. THANKS DAICHI I LOVE YOU ILL TALK TO YOU LATER BYE”
✧ definitely skips out on some nights out with his friends to video chat you. you catch up, talk about future plans, reminisce, complain about not being able to hug one another, etc. occasionally one of you falls asleep on call, particularly after a long day or week. if he sleeps, you make sure you screenshot his sleeping face and start a picture collection  
✧ you hit him up when you get drunk lMAO
✧ “daiichiii, i miss youuu, i needdd youuuu AND i needa peeee---” “hey daichi, this is y/n’s friend. y/n’s pretty out of it now but they’ll be okay! we’re heading back to our place right now” “im gonna pEE IN THIS CAR”
✧ daichi coordinates with your friends to make sure you arrive home safely, use the bathroom, and get tucked into bed. he thanks the universe you have good friends. if it weren’t for them he’d probs have a heart attacc. sends you cute, reassuring voice messages for you to wake up to the next morning with hangover tips he learned from suga
✧ always checks in with you throughout the day, every day. able to pick up on the slightest hints if you’re feeling unwell and calls you immediately to try to make you feel better
✧ makes plans to visit you! you get really excited to introduce him to your college friends (who, after meeting him, tell you not only is he a hottie but is such a kind guy, fosho a keeper. they also ask if he has any cute friends)
✧ either holding your hand or has an arm around you most of the time.
✧ you spend all day together outside and wandering the city, then spend the night back at your place (sorry roommate, but we’re gonna have to kick you out for a lil bit--)    
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✧ you finally secured a job! unfortunately, the company required you to work for a year at their main facility, which was a 4 hour drive away from miyagi
✧ if suga wasn’t needed in miyagi for his teaching job, he would’ve tried to come with you
✧ after unloading your things in your new apartment and before parting ways, suga was like
✧ “everything’s unloaded everything from the car?”
✧ “yes maam”
✧ “do you have enough snacks?”
✧ “we just went to the grocery hun”
✧ “did you bring enough underwear?”
✧ “gDI yEs I dID”
✧ “:c promise to call me often”
✧ “<3333 of course”</p>
✧ good morning texts before y’all leave for work! you send each other cute pictures when you’re getting ready for the day (suga with bedhead, brushing his teeth? suga with his tie half done?? sign me up)
✧ always texts you when something reminds him of you, usually sends a picture along with it
✧ “the store was having a special on oranges today! this one reminds me of you”
✧ “why”
✧ “it just looks so cute~”
✧ will immediately call you if you send him any sort of message that worries him
-“hello? y/n what’s wrong, why is there blood?? speak to me, you haven’t replied in 5 minutes”
✧ “ohhh my bad, i’m just cleaning up don’t worry! i didn’t explain, but the picture i sent you isn’t blood, it’s ketchup i spilled on myself lolol”
✧ poor man nearly fainted from worry
✧ would pay you a surprise visit, making sure to plan it carefully so he knew you weren’t busy with work or plans. brings you gifts of your favorite snacks and a scarf that matches one of his own for the upcoming winter
✧ plans out that weekend for y’all, mans did his research beforehand. together, you toured the city and the surrounding nature, took lots of selfies (and many candids of you), and taste tested lots of foods before returning to your apartment and collapsing into your bed with exhaustion
✧ but y’all not too tired for cuddling n a lil something else >.>
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✧ sure, being a couple hours away was hard for some... but y’all in different countries right now
✧ calls you immediately when there’s any inconvenience that occurs in his life, no matter how minor, thinking you’ll know how to fix it (or at least give him the reassurance he needs)
✧ “hey y/n...”
✧ “what’s wrong? you sound worried”
✧ “i broke my bike, what do i do”
✧ “you what? are you alright?? how? where are you? it’s midnight there, honey”
✧ “i was biking back to my apartment after staying late to practice! i didn’t wanna hit this turtle, so i swerved into a pole and now my bike’s wrecked :**”
✧ “ahh, are you okay?? you’re not hurt are you :(”
✧ “no, im okay... but im tired and i have two miles to go ;(((”
✧ “;( im sorry babe but you gotta walk home. we’ll get you a new bike. ill stay on the phone with you until you get back. tell me about your day <3″</p>
✧ talks about you all the time to his friends! introduces you through video chat to them! “look how pretty and cute y/n is!”
✧ together you work out your time differences and busy schedules so you can chat whenever possible
✧ he lets you know whenever he bought something for you, but never shows it to you because he’s excited to see your reaction in person when you reunite
✧ always asks you to send him pictures of yourself, he wants to see what you look like everyday he’s missing you in real life
✧ you surprise visit HIM. he’s so happy he could cry. shows you around every place he loves, shows you off to everyone he knows, holds your hand the entire time and never wants to let go, is practically glued to you not that you mind  
✧ you spend your last night together lying in the grass, hand in hand, looking at the stars and sharing sweet kisses  
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✧ y’all went to separate universities. while he stayed relatively close to miyagi, you went across the country to okinawa, which was about a 3 hour flight away
✧ he sees all the couples around campus n becomes lowkey bitter, texts you immediately about gross pda like hand holding that he secretly wishes he could do with you “these people in relationships are too happy, i didn’t ask to see them gawk at each other all day” “u just miss me lmao”
✧ once overheard a convo on a shuttle at school that went like :
✧ person 1: “ugh, he’s so cute”
✧ person 2: “why dont you go out with him??”
✧ person 1: “i dunno, his dorm’s down the street, i can’t really do long distance”
✧ nANI (by the way, this is a irl conversation my friend overheard, oml)
✧ tsukki nearly choked on his morning coffee
✧ bothers texts you in class bc he’s bored and in need of your attention
✧ “hey tsukki this prof’s lectures are rlly dense, i needa focus, ill text u after”
✧ “but arent i more interesting than rocks”
✧ “trust me, id even rather watch some dino documentaries with you than be here”
✧ *read*
✧ likes to chat with you most nights as he lies in bed before going to sleep, staring up at the dark ceiling and listening to your voice through his headphones. usually just talking about how your days went (as if you weren’t texting all day) or just casual talk and banter
✧ you remind him to make sure he’s taking care of himself and eating well
✧ “who are you? my mother?”
✧ “no but you’re about to be single”
✧ surprise visits you, tells you it was yamaguchi’s idea when it was really his own and yamaguchi was just teasing him about it  
✧ you show him around the city, sharing what you know about its rich history and culture. you visit most areas you both wanted to see before calling it a day
✧ your roommate conveniently spends that night over at their friend’s they just wanna give you alone time, which y’all very much needed. you make it a note to repay your roommate somehow.
✧ sweet lovin that he’s been missing, then some spooning as you sleep    
a/n: just wanna tackle these about 4 characters at a time but if u wanna see this headcanon w/ other characters feel free to hmu w/ an ask <3<b> also sorry if i text type a lot and that im inconsistent with my apostrophes, let me know if that’s something you want me to fix! 
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themself · 3 years
final thoughts about 1984
i lied. this is final but its not about 1984, because it never was about 1984, it was never even about my post or the things i said. its about the version of me and my arguments that’s been constructed by other people, that they’ll continue to argue with.
the post has been circulated thousands of times, screenshoted to twitter to have hundreds of people dunk on me and call me stupid, say i don’t know how to read, etc. i got hate messages telling me to commit suicide and to detransition. it was funny at first. but i’m tired. i never wanna read the year 1984 again. ive started to doubt myself and wonder if there was a secret truth that all of these people had tapped into that i somehow missed and nobody has ever been explain to me, that nobody else has ever written about in all of the writing ive found on the book and everybody gets but me
first, i twote what i twote
i said what i said. could i have worded it better? YES. but i was making a kneejerk reaction to a poorly written post, that was worded in and simple way so i phrased it poorly.
i do think that reading about rape in a classroom is inappropriate and potentially traumatic to readers, i think that experiencing violent misogyny without a discussion is harmful. i dont actually care what orwells intentions were because i dont know them and neither do you. hes dead. his words still hurt people and thats not okay to expose people to without a discussion about it.
i also think that media analysis can be taught with any work. you can perform media analysis on the goddamn mcu and find something worthwhile there. i fundamentally think teachers meeting students where they’re at, validating their interests and teaching the same strategies learned for classics! despite reading lots of classic literature, i never learned how to perform actual proper media analysis until i was in college! my reads of classics were often dismissed by teachers, i was forced to memorize their analyses instead of being able to think critically about works on my own! meet students where they’re at! encourage passion! use it to help teach new techniques and help them engage in and love material!
you don't know me
you know, in the tons and tons of messages and random ass people coming into my DMs demanding a debate, i realized something. they’re not arguing with me. they’re arguing with the version of me that exists in their head. i remember in particular somebody came at me and said “why do you think there’s no merit in 1984 because of some bad things” and i replied that i never said that. they said my message wasn’t clear enough so of course everybody would assume that.
i wrote a two second response girl! i wasn’t trying to create an essay for people to respond against. but who i am doesn’t matter. it never really did. people have constructed me to be the type of person who exemplifies fandom and cancel culture or whatever coming for classic novels, who thinks that anything new and shiny with fandom is better, and that i don’t know how to read and think anything problematic or with hard topics is canceled and not worth any merit.
the truth is i haven’t read a fanfiction since i was 12 or engaged with a fandom since i was 17. my two favorite works of fiction are boogiepop and we know the devil, both of which deal with really heavy topics, have main characters who make bad sloppy choices and hurt people. neither of these works have big fandoms. i think fandom has merit, and i am interested in people who perform literary analysis on popular nerd culture texts. that’s not me, but i support peoples’ right to do that. but i like indie art! most of the media i consume is experimental indie videogames, and a lot of lgbtq independent projects.
again though, who i am doesn’t matter, because nobody here was ever arguing with me, they were arguing with an idea of me based on two sentences, a being constructed from those terms with other peoples assumptions plastered on. i’ve just become somebody to put that being on. that’s kind of how everybody talks to each other online, and i’ve come to recognize that now. hell, i’ve been the perpetrator of that stuff towards other people online too! thats why i don’t hang out online anymore, why i don’t read arguments anymore, and why i am trying not to let the nasty stuff people say to me bother me because it was never about me
can y’all leave me alone now?
even if 1984 was worth all this discussion,  i want to be able to turn anonymous messaging on again, i want to be able to have my DMs open without it being an invitation for people to accuse me of not knowing how to read. go bother somebody else with your time. you have the time to write to some random ass bitch over 1984? write letters to prisoners to help alleviate the trauma of the carceral system! go harass nazis on twitter if you want somebody to be mean to! instead of telling me to detransition, go cry about 14 year olds sending u anime jpegs or whatever the hell terfs do! i promise y’all it is NOT deep enough for you guys to be hounding me the way you do. your time is valuable! dont spend it bothering random bitches on tumblr!
if youre gonna bother me over some typo on this post consider that i don’t actually give a shit and you could be spendin the time having sex instead or doing something else that makes you happy. i’m not reading this post again and i’m not talking about this topic again. deuces
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saxxxology · 4 years
Cosmo Says - 2
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PAIRING: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader WARNINGS: smut: p/v sex, oral sex, some dom/sub themes, eventual threesome, exploration of kinks, and more NOTE: Do not save or repost my work without my consent. I don’t tag for spoilers, so feel free to message me with any questions you have. This work is 18+ only.
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Sam’s phone buzzes in his pocket. Tugging it free, he unlocks the screen and goes right to the chat string. There’s a new message from you. Odd, considering you hate texting and would rather call than send a—
> i’ve always thought about your cock ;) 
His blood turns hot. It’s been a while since he’d gotten a text like this, the last time he’d done this sort of thing, he’d been left hanging and given up. That was a while ago. 
In the four years you’ve been with them you’ve all seen each other in the near-nude quite a bit, after walking in on showers, clothing changes, sex, everything. He thinks ‘well, I've always thought about your tits’ as a silent reply, but changes it at the last minute.
< What about it?
Your little chat bubble pops up, wavering back and forth for several long seconds before a message finally pops up. 
> how it looks. how it feels.
He chuckles to himself, ignoring Dean’s nagging “what is it” and attempt to lean over and get a peek at whatever’s amused his little brother. Dean only earns himself a muttered “fuck off” as Sam taps on the keyboard.
< You’re telling me this just now? Why?
> cosmo said sexting is good ;)
Ahhh, yes, of course. You’ve been indulging in that damn magazine again. Might as well entertain while he’s into it.
< On the road. Want a pic later?
> yes, please :)
He smirks to himself as his dick gives an interested twitch. 
< Are you gonna treat me, too?
> if you’re good. drive safe. 
“What was that about?”
Sam turns his phone over. His cheeks are bright red, he’s sure of it. “What was what?”
“Somethin’ got you happy,” Dean makes a grab for the phone, somehow keeps the Impala straight on the road, and misses as Sam yanks his device out of his brother’s reach. 
“Fuck you,” he retorts, grinning despite himself. 
“Was it Y/N?”
Dean narrows his eyes. “She okay?”
“She’s fine.” Sam clears his throat and stares out the window, trying to will his dick to stand down. He’s seen your tits on several occasions, the most notable being when he’d walked in on you touching yourself under the covers, rolling a nipple between your fingers with a hand apparently between your legs. The memory always comes to him when he needs it, and it never fails to do its job. 
“Anything juicy?”
Sam’s throat goes dry. “What?”
“She got anything on the case,” Dean clarifies.
“Uh, no.” Sam makes a show of checking his phone again, as if you might have sent something relevant to their travels. “She, uh, just wanted to check in.”
Dean relents, but gives his brother a shifty look as they continue down the long, empty stretch of road. 
They pull into a motel just after six. Dean sticks around long enough to drop his stuff, use the bathroom, and takes off for the closest bar. Sam takes advantage of the fact that he’s alone to throw the lock on the door and stretch out on his bed, phone in hand. The lure of privacy finally overwhelms him, and he shoves his jeans down his thighs, gathering his cock in one hand as he shoots you a message.
< Hey
You reply within seconds. 
> what you got for me?
Sam grins and strokes himself firmly, getting himself hard and ready. 
< Gimmie a minute
> can’t get it up?
< Feel free to help.
> mmm i can wait ;)
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You’re relaxing in bed, phone in hand. Sam’s little chat bubble keeps popping up and dissapearing, and you can’t tell if he keeps fucking up the camera or not. 
> I’m sending this on Snapchat
You roll your eyes. Of course, he’s paranoid about Dean getting into his phone. 
< i’m waiting
After a good five minutes, a little yellow notification pops up on your screen. A thrill of excitement makes its way through your stomach, and you open the app and scroll to the fresh chat string.
Holy goddamn. 
He’s thick and long, flushed dark and glistening at the tip. Gripping himself at the base, held between his thumb and index finger. He’s shaved clean, or waxed, and you feel heat swirl between your legs at the thought of what he might feel like inside you. A quick screenshot lights up your screen, and you smile when Sam’s text comes through.
> Screenshot? Really?
You giggle, typing back. 
< i liked it. keep touching yourself.
> Wasn’t planning on stopping
< video?
> Hang on
You set your phone down to wait and quickly undress, getting comfortable on the bed as the anticipation builds. When another Snaptchat notification pops up, you slide a hand between your legs, teasing your clit as you open the video, volume on high. 
“Oh, fuck…” Sam’s breathy moan echoes through the receiver as the camera focuses on his cock. His hand’s moving steadily up and down, twisting around the head. You lose yourself in it, watching closely as his abs tighten, hips moving up so he can fuck up into his fist. 
The video only lasts a good fifteen seconds before it times out, and you let your head fall back onto the pillow as you try to process the heated glory of what you’ve witnessed. 
> Enjoy?
You raise your phone up to type a quick reply.
< yes - more?
> Define more.
< i want to see you cum
The next ten minutes are filled with the sound of Sam’s moaning on repeat in your head as you stroke and touch and rub yourself. You won’t cum quite yet—you’re just amping yourself up.
When your phone vibrates, you’re quick to snatch it up and scroll to the new message.
It’s almost a minute of Sam just panting and grunting, the phone angled down by his hip so you can see his cock aimed up towards his stomach. His fingers tighten, loosen, pumping up and down until he lets go with a strangled grunt and several drawn-out sighs as he spurts thick, white ropes of cum onto his abs. The video cuts off before he’s truly done, but you’re left satisfied as you shoot him a text with trembling fingers.
< messy boy ;)
> Haha. Can I see you now? Please?
Such a gentleman. 
< what do u want to see?
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Sam takes a hot minute to wipe himself clean before replying. He knows exactly what he wants to see. 
< How wet are you?
> really wet
< Show me.
 He sits back against the headboard, breath held as he waits. As soon as the little chat notification pops up, he opens the image and lets out a long, drawn-out moan at the sight of your middle finger, shiny with slick and nestled between the bare lips of your pussy. He’s so engrossed in the image that he forgets to snap a screenshot and asks for a second. 
You send it without question, this one where you’ve got two fingers pressed down over your clit and Sam can see the soft pink inside of your cunt, flushed and swollen and shiny…
< I want to be inside you so bad is all he can manage to text you as his cock gives a solid twitch. 
> mmm maybe when u get back…
Sam’s mouth waters at the thought, and he’s halfway through typing a reply when you send a follow up that makes his cock perk up in his boxers.
> i bet cumming on your dick would feel real good
Sam rubs a palm over his thigh—he can’t remember the last time he got hard twice in a row… 
< Are you touching yourself?
> yeah
< Show me.
He slides a hand inside his boxers, stroking slowly as he waits. 
It’s well worth it: your legs are spread wide, two fingers swirling on your clit. He can see your cunt squeezing around nothing, and debates if it’s worth asking you to use one of the toys he knows you have. 
< Good girl… make yourself cum for me.
The next video, like his, takes a while to come through. He continues to rub and stroke himself, more intent on alleviating the pressure between his legs rather than having another orgasm. He wonders how warm and tight you’d be on him—it’s been a while since he got his dick wet and he’d be lying if he said his jackoff sessions the last few weeks have totally not been drenched in thoughts of you riding him, grabbing at him and begging for him...
His phone buzzes, and he bites down on his lower lip as he opens the video. 
Fucking. Hell.
It’s two minutes of your hips rolling, thighs trembling, moans changing in pitch and intensity. Sam pinpoints the exact moment when your orgasm peaks: you let out a long, high-pitched cry of pleasure as your body convulses, and he can tell that you’re fighting to keep your legs spread long enough for your shaky video to capture the rest of it.
By the time the recording ends, Sam’s ready to bust hands-free. He pulls his hand from his cock and replies, breathing through his nose as he fights to keep some form of self-control. 
< Gorgeous. 
> next time i cum, i want you inside me.
Sam groans, shifting uncomfortably as he types a reply.
< We’ll be back by the end of the week. Think you can wait that long?
> yes
< I wanna taste you. 
> you can ;)
Sam licks his lower lip, desperate to find some relief. He needs a shower, anyway, he can take more time in there. 
< Gonna clean up and get to bed. You all good back there?
> got cosmo to hold me down until u get back. send me a pic in the morning?
< Of what?
> you know. goodnight.
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The rest of this work is available on Patreon for $3. Head on over and subscribe! If you want to be tagged, click here!
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FOREVER TAGS: @atc74​ @crashdevlin​ @defenderrosetyler​ @daughterofthenight117​ @emberocrpblog​ @emoryhemsworth​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​ @fangirl-and-medstudent-help​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @heartsaved​ @kittenofdoomage​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @lovelyrocker​ @lunarsaturn88​ @mariekoukie6661​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @neii3n​ @nellachain​ @percussiongirl2017​ @ssworldofsw​ @squirrel-moose-winchester​ @sea040561​ @sammysnaughtygirl​ @starsandasteroids​ @spnwoman​ @serpentbaby​ @thecleverdame​ @tumbler-tidbits​ @thelittleredwhocould​ @winecatsandpizza​ @zombiewerewolfqueen​ @85natalie​ @4won​
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piplupod · 3 years
i fully agree that calling the cops on queer people isn't a great thing to threaten, but also as a minor i get their overall point. i feel that there should be some separation between pride = kink and pride = safe space for all ages. there should be places where younger queer people can go and feel welcome. and it makes me feel v weird to see a bunch of adults yelling at a minor for being uncomfy with kink in public? even if there are historical reasons for its presence, ppl can still b uncomfy
(the post in question)
HIGHKEY GLAD U SENT AN ASK ABOUT THIS TBH, i wanted to talk abt it/expand on it but im terrified of doing so on the post even in the tags bc ppl on here are fucking insane and will screenshot and post stuff out of context and then all of a sudden u get anons telling you to kill urself or smth so UH. yea. anyways. thank u for sending this in bc i wanted to talk abt it but didn't know if i should or not!!! <3
so first off i want to say that i agree with you!!! initially when i saw the post i was like >:/ but then i thought abt it and was like "well,,, wait. dont fuckin call the cops on ppl at pride lol" and rbed it bc i agree w "DONT CALL THE POLICE ON SOMEONE AT PRIDE HOLY SHIT"
i would love if pride could be minor-friendly all the time and luckily it often is. i've gone back and forth on this issue of having kink in pride over the last few years and i'm still not fully settled in one direction or the other bc its a VERY complex issue!
there are historical reasons for sure (that to be totally honest i need to do more research on but ch'boys just trying to stay alive rn shdgfjkl), and there are other reasons for it. personally, i only really get uncomfortable with people wearing kink gear/displaying nudity bc i dont know what to expect from them bc thats not a social norm i encounter ever.
i think maybe where i stand with this issue for now is that it's not going away and it's a big part of pride's history and many activists who got our rights to be where they are now were sex- and kink-positive, often leather enthusiasts. i think that pride is a complex celebration that has sexuality as a big part of it so we shouldn't necessarily censor it entirely (but i absolutely don't want anyone doing any sexual acts at pride lmfao that shit is nasty and you would need EVERYONE'S consent to witness that shdsfjkl). but wearing leather gear and even pup-gear isn't really an issue for me? i know i'm an adult now, but even as a teen i was kind of like [shrug] it's part of sexuality and a big gay subculture and it's not going to stop anytime soon. i just look away if i need to.
i do think it can be uncomfortable for minors but no one is having full sex in public, they're just wearing some funky outfits. this also overlaps for me personally with the whole issue of nudity and the human body being shamed. i think general pride should be at most PG-13 and then anything past that needs to go into private places where minors can either choose not to go into or not be allowed into. but thats ultimately up to the organizers unfortunately!
i don't know. it's very complicated, but the reason why i reblogged that post specifically was because holy shit don't call the cops on anyone at pride, especially since these are LGBT ppl - a minority group, even if they're wearing harnesses or puppy hoods and leashes. sorry for the ramble, my brain is not working very well with words lately :/ i hope this kind of made sense!
TL;DR i only reblogged it bc of the message of "WTF DONT CALL COPS ON PPL AT PRIDE" and i am not really sure what i think about kink at general Pride, its a complex issue that I haven't done enough thinking and research on.
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