#im insanely into mbti/enneagram/typings
non-bread · 1 year
rhythm games, anime, genshin, ao3, shoujo/josei, all the diff kinds of sports series, shounen manga, otome games, manhwa, manhua, kdramas, and now even kpop. ive conquered all of the loser cringefail genres
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rainbowmewz · 18 days
oomf ur into enneagram stuff right? i have a question, what type would gotham ed specifically fall under? i dont know much about the enneagram but i kindaaaa dont feel like gotham ed is a enneagram five, i cant explain it well but his actions are mopre focused on convincing himself and others hes smart instead of a genuine presuit of knowledge. even if you separate ed and riddler as characters riddler has done the same, there's no logical reasoning for him to think he actually loves Lee but he does convince himself that to feel more smart and not admit she did a mindtrick, same with doing all that for oswald after he saved him too. am i going insane for thinking of them being more likely to be ones or something?????? idk i know most good riddlers are enneagram fives and this is probably from bad bad bad writing but it keeps happening to his character to the point where its kinda ???? to ignore these traits of his, idk ive only gotten into enneagrams recently let me know what you think dawg thats why im asking you
AAA this ask feels so EXCITING to answer! i will preface this by saying 1) i don't know much about enneagram as i do with mbti, but i'll try my best and 2) my basis for this choice was greatly inspired by this comment on gotham ed's personality database page
while 1 is an interesting interpretation, i don't think i can see 1 for either ed or riddler. i personally see ed as a 6, while i see riddler as an 8, 6w7 and 8w7 in specific. i'll be focusing mostly on ed instead of riddler here though
the main defense mechanism for a 6 is projection of feelings, often leading to confusing themselves and their relationships in the process. while 6s aren't devoid of a stable identity, they tend to latch onto others interpretations of them as a means for security. i feel like these character traits of projection are a big part of ed's character. that's how he got caught by jim in season 2 even. the 6s general nature of seeking security fits well into ed's characterization of just wanting a normal stereotypical life with kristen
i see riddler as an 8 because of the 8s desire for control and not being controlled by others. 8s are extremely focused on not showing weakness and vulnerability
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plasmasimagination · 6 months
hiya there!! congrats on 300 followers ^^ i hope hearing the news made your day and that you’ll have many more amazing milestones like this one,, oh! and when you read this, please have a drink of water — take care of yourself, ok? 🤍
for the matchup event, i’d like a matchup for the honkai star rail and genshin impact guys please!
i’m an enfp 4w3 and i’m currently a sciences student at school! deep down my passion is in voice acting, but i can’t pursue it for the time being because of my studies piling up xd
still, i have big dreams of landing character roles that people can relate to and potentially singing, voicing commercials or audiobooks!
in a perfect world, my dream future would be to devote the rest of my life to creating art that’s from my heart and that will move others!
i’m in a leadership role at school because i like to be of service to others in the greatest way possible. i didn’t get enough votes to be president, but i was voted to be secretary, so i take note of everyone’s ideas and also our final decisions at meetings!
i prefer to compile people’s ideas and try to make them all come true in some way than to lead people towards a singular cause. in that respect, i don’t always enjoy leading people or competition.
im also super into psychology and typology (mbti, enneagram) and can usually tell who’s what personality type after getting to know them a little~
while i’m ambiverted, i’m definitely a little more extroverted than introverted (the latter probably stems from fluctuating confidence). but anyways, i have a couple friends — and i get along best with the people who are intuitive types (mbti with the N).
i’m pretty distracted at times. i don’t always remember or hear things people say, which i’m hoping to improve on. in general, i like finding improvements to myself!
as for looove,, i’m pretty dreamy and romantic, but i’m not actively searching for love just yet. there’s so many things i wanna do with my life before truly settling down, but i won’t refuse getting to know “the one” if i meet them along the way.
my type is someone introverted/ambiverted. i’d really like a partner who has a different side to them when we’re alone~ — like shy guys in public who are dominant in private (*blushes*), or charismatic guys in public who need cuddles and a safe space in private. (i don’t mind it if they don’t fit this criteria! i’ll do all i can to give my partner a safe space regardless ^^)
i hope this wasn’t too long and that it all helps! have a lovely day! 🥰
HAII SWEETHEARTTTT oh my god now that I put it that way i seriously can't comprehend how big it is, and actually were on 352 by now like isn't that insane?? It's genuinely so crazy to me how plp actually enjoy my content like-....
Little a/n - also I'm so impressed by your like life and how put together you are like idk it just so cool to hear about your life and shi, keep doing you babe I'm your biggest supporter and hope to see you as a voice actor one day (。˃ ᵕ ˂ *) ウン
Anyyyways... Time for your matchup woooo~👻
Your matchups are....
Maybe not exactly the thing you're looking for, but surely worth a shot?
Partner that takes charge x partner that follows the other around like a puppy
Xiao isn't fond of making decisions, so he'll leave it up to you, but he will help in making the decision become reality if needed
He's also very passively supporting you. He understands that you wish to focus on your career and live life before settling down, and he's never gonna hold you down from it, he's gonna get out of your way in case you want to go out with friends or like clubs or traveling, though do reassure him sometimes otherwise he'll be very distant
Also generally it will take him a while to warm up to your but after that he'll follow you around and always be near you.
He considers you very intelligent and reliable, which makes him like you a lot more in a way, he enjoys the secure feeling you give off
Think of it as having a black cat pet, it always lingers around you but doesn't interact much, yet it still loves you. And in those rare moments it comes to cuddle with you it's like a blessing by the archons themselves
I don't know I just feel like after that deep matchup W xiao, that you deserve someone to actually love you properly
Busy busy man gepard who still finds time to spend with his sweetheart
He's the type of person who's forced to lead in a lot of situations, around you he enjoys letting you take over and he can just sit back and help you out without the hard decision making
He's very sweet but very professional in real life as we know because of status
But inside he's a big big softie
Random but I like to imagine he would write you little letters, sometimes just to tell you to stay safe and stuff but sometimes actual love letters where he expresses how much he loves you
But don't be fooled, at times he can also take the charge in things, so it's like getting the best of both worlds
He understands what it's like to want to focus on yourself and your future, so he's gonna step back if you need him to, he can wait months, years, however long you need to let him love you╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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blueopinions49 · 10 months
Typology Changes
Hello guys im done with the MBTI  series of Healthy/Unhealthy and im gonna start with the enneagram one soon. I have certain charcaters enneatype I am considering changing and I wanted to hear your opinions on the matter. 
Magneto 1w9 sx/so to 6w5 so/sx
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-Ok so I used to think Magneto was an SX1 based on his desire for justice and a safe heaven for mutants however I think as time has gone on I think SO6 fits him better. His desire build and create community seems to fit more with his overall characterization and desire. He doesn't strike me as a competency type too tbh. I actually think reactive Erik makes more sense overall. Even in all of his adaptations we do see him being reactive person over a person who values a strict set of standards. Also even with the counter type of SX1 I don't think it would make sense for him being that reactive. Concluding Magneto Creation of Structures, Reactive+Super Ego, Social Type (makes more sense tbh)> Moral Purity, Competency and Sexual Type. 
Percy Jackson 7w6 so/sx to 8w7 so/sx
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-This one is a bit of an odd one cuz im still not sure of Percy’s enneagram fully I think SO7 suits him very well however I can def see the SO8 argument. Ive seen allot of people type him as an SO2 and honestly thats just insane imo. Other than being a positive type he doesnt fit any of other aspect of the E2. I would've gone with SO9 first but...Anyway I've been seeing this typing coming up allot on PBD and honestly there could be some truth to it?. Percy being a gut type makes more sense to me than being either a mind or heart type. Personally reactive+assertive makes allot of sense for Percy. However I don't know how to feel about rejection type Percy. Tbh I don't know how feel about this in general so please share your thoughts. 
Korra 8w7 sx/so to 8w7 so/sx 
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-This one has more to do with subtypes so Idk how to feel about SX8 Korra anymore tbh. I think her desires fall more on the SO type. However the SO8 is interested in a sort of liberation of others and idk how to feel about that in general however this is simply a definition. I actually think SO8 might make more sense. 
Belle 4w5 sp/so to 9w1 sp/so
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-I don't think E4 in general suits Belle anymore I don't see her craving authenticity and depth also being an image type? I don't think it makes sense even with the SP4 being a counter type of 4 they are still a 4 so. I think SP9 makes a bit more sense her to me. The SP9 is more firm in their desire and doesn't mind stating what they want. 
Kathyrn meteruil  3w2 so/sx to 3w2 sx/so
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-Tbh her being an SO3 isn't that bad imo however why not SX3? her desires form start to finish in the film are all interpersonal and social. Plus I don't think an SO3 would mind blending into an establishment (EX-Patrick Bateman and Margaery Tyrell). And her desire for status isnt really what drives for her but her relationship to others is. I think 3w2 sx/so might actually make more sense for her. 
Claire Redfield 9w1 so/sx to 2w1 so/sp
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-Idk how to feel about this one yet I think SO9 is the best fit for her currently however SO2 Claire has been on my mind for a while now. I agree that she is a positive type however why not super ego? isn't she always looking for what's best for others? sure. However for me this starts to break down when we look at the general structure of E2. I don't see how her core desire is to be loved through service. Im not sure tbh however id love to hear your guys thoughts on these.
-Well thats all for now. If you guys have any thoughts on these please let me know also I think ill be taking a 2-3 week break to get ready for classes to start again ill try and have E1 healthy/unhealthy by late August or early September. 
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wndaswife · 1 year
ok im back again, yes, i do have a pdb account, that I only use when i want to know the mbti of certain character from a tv show, but anyways, it is krusna, just krusna.
About intps, i believe there's two types, the calm one and the chaotic one, I've met so many types of introverts, but I always see them in one of those two categories.
ALSO, I JUST DID ALL THE TYPOLOGY TEST YOU HAVE IN YOUR POST BECAUSE I ONLY KNEW ABT MBTI AND THE ENNEAGRAM XwX AND its 4 am so here it is: intp, 5w6, RLUEI, 594, ILI, sp/sx/so, levf, mel-phleg. that's all, i think, If I don't reply again, I'm dead or asleep.
-ooxxooXoXXx, K.
do u wanna add each other!! I DID FIND U ACTUALLY okay i added u my name is tsuba!
that’s true, there’s a rly funny person on instagram that posted ab that recently, here i’ll link the post they’re super funny i love their account
oh god that is rly one of the most amazing things anyone has ever done because of me 😭😭 U R INSANE FOR THAT I LOVE YOU
it is also 4am here!!
that’s such a W typology.. here i will try and analyze it a little as a gift
you are definitely an intp, your results are pretty consistent with that!! from what i know at least 💀 there are some aspects in your typology that kind of makes u seem like a pretty serious person THO i would say that it’s mostly external just because many of your expressions and thoughts are internal. which means that u are never not thinking about something, you have a rly active mind. i would think that you might be an approachable person just because of how laidback u are, tho maybe there is a bit of a problem with your outward expressions making it seem like you don’t want to talk with anyone which may or be not be true at the time. as a friend you are very open with your thoughts, possibly rambling very often and surprisingly pretty idealistic, which could mean u have many opinions or you fantasize a lot, or both. you may have a habit of internalizing feelings or issues because of how active your mind is but also because of your tritype and how social is your weakest stack.
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Hi do u have advice for someone who’s darling is dating someone else. Not advice for how to get over them im not giving up but like how to make yourself more desirable. Like what did you do to get your darlings
long post incoming because i have gone insane about this so much (lol. WHO AM I!!!!!!!!!) let me drop some insane info on you. finally an excuse to get this out of my system BYEEE
warning. this is really fucking unhealthy. ahahahah. but this is yanblr after all soooo ^_^
you have to figure out what their type is first. it's not too hard to get this information out of them if you just talk enough but especiallyyyy if they're a romantic kind of person, just goad this information out of them.
you can usually also judge from their personality what their type would be. weak people want strong people strong people want weak people. if they're both then they'd usually want either/both. that's what it boils down to. and if you know anything about typology maybe try to figure out their enneagram type or mbti/socionics type if you don't know it already and try researching what they would like based off of that.
and also off the person they're dating. but i think that's kind of obvious. DON'T TRY TO LITERALLY BECOME THEM THOUGH it's way too obvious. you have to make something up yourself... it's an artform
it's pretty easy to act a certain way if you just get used to it. maybe try practicing with ai (can also make an ai version of the idealized version of yourself just to see how it acts or of your darling to experiment... of course not if you're weirded out by ai or anything!) or strangers orrrr something like that. write down the personality you want to have and figure out how it'd talk, how it'd think, force yourself to become it. if you catch yourself thinking/speaking/behaving the wrong way, replace that immediately with the correct version and convince yourself that it was just a glitch. you get used to it eventually.
train yourself to always think before everything you say or do. every morning and night remind yourself to think before you do anything. it'll get through to you eventually. you can try writing or saying to yourself like 15-20 times, "i will always act how i should" or something like that. just a mantra so you start thinking the right way.
appearance wise is the same process just physical. write down what you want/need to look like and go research what you can do for that. just drinking water and eating well (not too much, not too little; gain/lose weight if/as needed/desired, it's just calories in calories out, if you truly care enough and are obsessed enough, you can do anything) works pretty well for looking better. exercise is always good. don't hurt yourself more than you already will be. this isn't really healthy lmfao. don't think i need to go too in depth to it.
and the most effective thing is subliminals/manifestation lol. not too hard to find things for that. you can use that to make them love you back/get rid of a third party and/or to change yourself. ^_^
this is like... really fucking unhealthy though. if that's not totally obvious. sooooo. take this all with a fat tablespoon of salt so to speak or just don't do this because you'll probably go crazy! and it's very likely they may still not even like you anyway... ahahahahahah. 😵‍💫
...i am crazy. i could probably go on for like 10 pages to be honest. LMFAO i love changing myself 😍 i feel like using subliminals can kind of make it okay though... since you can just... manifest that there's no adverse effects. haha.
yeah i'm crazy. thanks for listening to my ted talk i need to delete this later
EDIT: FORGOT TO MENTION get into their interests however possible. there has to be something you'll like LOL
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danzinora-switch · 4 years
Typing the Turtles (ROTTMNT) Part 1 - Raphael
This started out as an investigation into the turtles’ insecurities, because one thing the show does so well is demonstrate that they are still teenagers. And being a teenager is a confusing experience - there’s angst, drama, exploring one’s identity, a lot of growth, and overall figuring out who you are. That’s a messy process, too! And we see this mess in our turtles: they mess up, they’re learning, they self-doubt, they have fears and insecurities, but they’re also discovering their strengths and how to overcome their inner obstacles.
So after thinking about all this way too long, here’s my psychological breakdown of each turtle (I’ll be referencing MBTI and the Enneagram, but will include links for more general information on those if you don’t know what I’m talking about).
Raph: ISFJ, 6w5
The Defender, The Loyalist, The Big Brother, did I mention The Defender?
Raph is always helping out the little guy, whether that little guy is Mikey, Donnie, Leo, April or someone else. In the first episode, Mystic Mayhem, Raph is the one who notices poor Mayhem alone and scared, and suggests they should help him. He just met the little furball, and even after Mayhem attacks his face he’s still ready to fight some dog-jogger Yokai to protect him. He’s there when April’s school is attacked by Hypno (Hypno! Part Deux) and when she just needs her fan fixed (Repairin’ the Baron). He’s also there for a myriad of underdogs, such as Guy Flambe (Pizza Puffs). Interestingly enough, that episode also indicates that Raph has taken to moonlighting as the hero Red Angel of Preventing Harm.
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Raph at his Worst: What is Raph afraid of? Beyond Mrs. Cuddles. Raph is afraid of being alone. But he also feels strongly empathetic when others are alone: Mikey on a solo mission in Hot Soup: The Game, Mayhem in the pilot, Frankenfoot when he runs away.  But why? 
If we look through the lens of the Enneagram, Raph wants security and support. The system/structure he is most committed to is their inner circle of family/friends. So nothing must happen to those he loves!
Raph has also demonstrated Worst-Case Scenario thinking when he’s stressed. Alone for 5 minutes in Man vs Sewer? Expect the worst. In Nothing but Truffles, Mikey even flashes back to a Raph lecture about what to do in the event of a: shark attack, vampire attack, werewolf attack, and puppy attack.
That said, when someone does hurt someone he loves, or sufficiently threatens/scares him and/or his support system, all his disaster-planning goes out the window in an effort to SMASH IT LIKE A BOSS! (Counterphobic 6).
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He puts a lot of pressure on himself, but it’s not really about failing in big moments (as Leo describes it in Mystic Mayhem and Down with the Sickness, but that says more about Leo than Raph), but more about letting the others down. He needs to open the gateway to the Mystic City or else they’ll lose April forever. He needs to think of something to ask for in the Must Say Yes stage that will please all his brothers and not leave anyone out. And, in Insane in the Mama Train, Raph is the one most affected when Splinter says he’s disappointed. The others were willing to brush it off and apologize, but Raph is aware that they let Splinter down. It’s something worse, and he feels that hurt, deeply.
Raph is also sensitive enough that he sometimes takes things too personally. When Mikey and Donnie have a good idea in One Man’s Junk, he internalizes it as ‘Raph never has a good idea’. Mikey sorts that out the best: “We’re not saying you don’t have good ideas, Raph. We’re just saying we do, too.” It seems to snap him out of self-deprecating funk.
Average Raph: Raph wants to protect those he loves from physical threats, but also emotional ones. That’s why he’s so bad at handling interpersonal conflict. He can’t yell at Donnie in Donnie’s Gifts. He can’t yell at (Mike? Lou? Tony?) in the Pizza Pit because “it’ll destroy him”. He’s super conflict-averse when it comes to those he cares about. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings (ISFJ). Mostly this is a kind, caring, compassionate trait, but sometimes the situation needs Dr. Delicate Touch.
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He’s the supportive friend and brother. He’s always ready to help out, whether it’s fixing April’s fan (Repairin’ the Baron), rescuing Guy Flambe from Meatsweats (Pizza Puffs) or saving Mayhem from the mirror. He’s encouraging… but sometimes to the point of enabling. In Pizza Puffs he recognizes this the most and literally wrestles with himself over trying to let his brothers fix problems on their own without him there to protect them. Sometimes he can’t help but support his friends even when he doesn’t want to: when he’s volun-told by Mikey to help warm Draxum up to humans, he doesn’t ditch, and when April invokes the Birthday Card to help Warren Stone he honors it. He can be dedicated and loyal to a fault.
He can be a little short-sighted, at times. His team-building exercise in Stuck On You was meant to be a positive, brotherly, bonding experience, but suffered from serious drawbacks. His tenacity in smashing foes is admirable, but doesn’t always get the best results, something Donnie tries to get him to see and think through. But they’re also what makes him a force to be reckoned with. You do NOT mess with Raph’s inner circle and expect NOT to get smashed, hoss! And the fact that his brothers know that he has their backs like this is probably its own form of support and security.
Raph at his Best: He believes in the Mad Dogs the most, that they can be and are heroes. “We’re do-gooders! And what do do-gooders do? They do good! And they do good well.” (The Mutant Menace) His compassion and commitment to protecting the underdog keep the others on track and in line with their goals. He is the rock in the middle of the chaos.
Raph actually has good practical skills: he has the mission calendar that only he seems to consistently stick to, and clearly enough self-discipline to responsibly and reliably sleep with his retainer on every night (Flushed, But Not Forgotten)
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He also has the most grounded sense of duty. When they’re watching the skateboarding livestream in Gilbert’s Department store in The Longest Fight, Raph is the one who first investigates what sounds like a robbery, and is the one who cajoles his brothers into fighting the Foot. It’s a ‘look, guys, we have to do the right thing here and prevent them from stealing!’ moment. Pizza Puffs: look, guys, you’re going to have to learn to solve problems without me, it’s for your own good! (He knows that’s what needs to happen, even though he’s at war inside over it).
Raph says: what’s the responsible thing to do? And he’s trying to get his brothers to understand this as well (Pizza Puffs).
Raph Relationships:
Donnie: despite the lack of a full Donnie & Raph episode, they have a few surprising things in common. They each have an episode where they want their brothers to learn something. Donnie, in Mind Meld, wants his brothers to be smarter and plan ahead. Raph, in Pizza Puffs, wants his brothers to use some common sense and be a little more responsible. They both like finding solutions to problems, just one focuses on technical and one focuses on interpersonal problems. Mostly (for right now, though) Raph can be blunt with Donnie. He’ll slap the genius in the face with reality. “Donnie! The mech is REAL!” (The Purple Game). “Donnie, I know you know how to say it. We’re all on to you.” (Air Turtle). This is one turtle with whom he can put his foot down and say ‘hey! Back to Earth, now!’ (I can also see them collectively sharing facepalm moments in the future).
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Leo: there are times when Leo’s need to be the best and stand-out attitude clash with Raph’s focus on teamwork (Air Turtle, for example “take your win-at-all-costs attitude somewhere else, Leo, we need to work as a team!”) but they do get to a point where both of their strengths in the group strengthen each other, like how iron sharpens iron. Raph wants everyone to work together as a team, but Leo sees their individual strengths. Without that, we get Raph’s glueball disaster in Stuck On You, but together, we have their greatest moment in Many Unhappy Returns. Leo points out the parts each member have to play, and Raph puts it all together in one big plan to defeat the Shredder. “Trust me, bro.” “I do.” (I’m really excited to see where the show goes with this).
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Mikey: the main Mikey & Raph episode right now actually seems to be Repairin’ the Baron, and there’s an interesting clash going on here. Raph believes and supports his system, his family. Draxum has been the mortal enemy of the Mad Dogs and deserves to be smashed. However, Mikey is adopting him into the family. Raph is not immediately okay with this, he has a hard time trying to change his inner world. But he cares about Mikey. As he tells Draxum “I’m still trying to get used to this, but Mikey thinks you’re part of the family. And the number rule of the Mad Dogs is: you always take care of family!” They’re actually very complementary, as Mikey can step in in emotionally charged situations where Raph can’t, and how his adaptability gets through Raph’s need for stability. (It will be interesting to see what Raph does as Mikey grows up).
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Ultimately, I’m excited to see Raph grow as he figures out the best way to guide this team and save the world. Home is where the heart is, and he’s got a big enough heart to be the home for a lot of people.
So that’s my (unbelievably cut-down) analysis of Rottmnt Raph! I’m going to save the relationships with April and Splinter for later, since this is already too long. Here are the links to learn more about the ISFJ and counterphobic 6w5 if you’re interested:
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liv-laugh-die · 3 years
holy- 0-0
okay so um s1 ep 12 spoilers for bungo stray dogs below the cut
ofc he's a port mafia leader dude
but at least i got to see tachihara at the end of the episode
i dont talk about bsd much because im just getting into it but i love tachihara michizo like he's just- yes. no i dont support the whole killing thing but him? yes.
i feel like he's the type to wear band tee crop tops, under his signature jacket ofc, and have a belly button piercing and wear those fishnet leggings that come above your belly button but then he stopped wearing them because his pet parrot or hamster gave him a look that made him feel insecure about it
i cant decide whether he has a pet parrot or hamster but im going back and forth between the two
stay tuned for more of my insane headcanons ig
okay but dude atsushi needs to stop being so caring i wouldve flipped lucy and her doll anne off and skipped away joyfully with junichiro, kenji, and naomi tbh
*remembers that atsushi and i share the same mbti and enneagram and that really i would do the same thing in that situation if faced with it somehow irl* anyways
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0tivez · 2 years
Ive never been the same since tbh 🥲 im forever paranoid now
Megumi would have the most confused expression ever. the visual representation of "huh??"
random hc that I just came up with: Megumi hair was literally a carbon copy of Toji's and the reason its all spiky now is bc gojo forced him to switch it up a bit; gojo can existence is a bit more peaceful since then. this is not canon compliant at all but idc let me leave in my fantasy world 😭
if it wasn't for the chokehold that Aki has me on- ill create a Facebook acc solely to respond to those stupid ass comments ffs
And I just finished reading the reze "arc" (dunno if you could call it an arc) and im so frustrated?? I think?? I dislike maxima and I love denji and FUCKING AKI IM GONNA- I love him, thats all im gonna say.
oh and im also skimming through jjk manga bc my friend is reading it as well (I actually think they already finished it??) and reading the word Shibuya just sends me into immediate panic lol
ofc Yuzuru has abs im gonna sob TT the core strength that man needs to do things on a ice must me insane.
you, talking about jjk: // me: 😍, your analyses (is that the plural??) are always on point and very satisfying to read LMFAO I hope that doesn't sound odd :,)
I agree that toji isn't as bad as people make him out to be as well! its funny bc my opinion about his character did a 180 quite literally. I used to think he was the worst.
Im glad to hear that your schedule is lighter now! I remember when I was in college (I dropped out bc of mental health reasons and now im figuring out what I truly wanna do) and the workload was absolutely insane. manifesting that you get awesome results 🕯
Also!! I finished writing and then editing my first fic!! it was a gojo angst LMFAO. I published it yesterday on a new blog! kinda like a fresh start :D im thinking of moving blogs as well; make the new one my main. I think making the navi was the hardest part of the whole blog creation tbh :p I wanted to share bc I'm excited and all!! 😅
and I know I already it but, welcome back!! thanks for taking the time to answer all my little asks as well, you didn't need to TT
I hope your week goes great! have a good one!! <3
-🥳 anon
i keep forgetting about many fights in shibuya, literally. i occasionally forget toji appeared in shibuya lmaoo my brain is protecting my mental health i guess
oof gojo teaching baby megumi how to style his hair in front of the mirror 🤧 he can't reach the mirror so gojo seats him on the counter 🥺
reze arc is bomb hehe. reze is best girl fr. i disliked her a lot at first but she's just so cool for me to hate her lmaoo. i've been meaning to reread csm cause i remember NOTHING but i don't know if i can handle everything just yet :') fun fact, i was planning to dress up as kobeni for a halloween party this year but had to go back home :') next year, hopefully! tho my main costume would be freddie mercury in i want to break free >:) i'm afraid no one would recognize my costume and i would be unmasked as a weeb and not the cool, cold blooded sexy bitch i am 😔
i swear to god aki is the sexiest man ever. the second he was introduced, i have created the holy trinity of cold blooded, black haired man.
okay hear me out. megumi, giyuu and aki ARE THE SAME EXACT CHARACTER. SAME. they even have the same fucking mbti and enneagram type ffs
if takahiro sakurai voices aki (which would be perfect, exactly how i imagined and also leaked as a possibility?) he will also add up to my holy trinity of men i simp for, that being geto, giyuu and aki lmaooooo im fucked 😫
sorry that came out of nowhere klmalwskmf i've been waiitng to tell someone this for ages now
(a little venty under the cut)
omg thank you 🥺🥺🥺 you're literally so sweet! i love splurging jjk bullshit out, having someone enjoy listening to them means the whole world to me, and i love you <3
toji appeared for like, 1% of the manga and became one of the best written characters imo. he's so complex, he's not good or bad. his character raises a very important question to me which seems to apply to jujutsu kaisen as a whole: what exactly is bad? can you really blame toji for the way he turned out to be? the things he did? there really is no winners in this manga, if the mc was switched, pretty sure our main cast would be the villains too
imagine a spin off from toji's pov 🤤
i especially love how toji fucked up the ENTIRE world for 3 million yen JKWNAWDSKJNASDW my man. the legend. i will DIE if gojo doesn't have a flashback of toji or smth like imagine. just imagine. him getting unboxed. he sees maki. he's like what the fuck?? and we see a panel of hidden inventory again. damn.
aah turns out it's not as light as i thought it would be lol
i can 100% understand dropping out for mental health reasons, especially now. i literally feel my mental health collapse physically. sadly, for my future, dropping out isn't really an option. i know that this feeling is temporary, i just feel angry you know? it's really just the tuesdays, i fucking hate tuesdays so much. i overslept TWICE today. TWICE. i hate tuesdays
workload really is awful! worst thing is, it's not the law part. i LOVE my law classes. i wish i could have fucking time to study for them. i mostly take non-law classes this semester and i swear to fucking god i'm not studying law, i'm studying whatever the fuck those classes are. i feel like i'm not learning anything from them, they're just bullshit. at least i hope they will be useful for when i start my interviews for internships. what do you have in mind for what you wanna do? how's the search going?
aah that's so exciting, congratulations! i would love to read it sometime, if you feel comfortable with sharing it of course :) i find organizing my blog so relaxing. just the sheer pleasure of organizing is so good, but tumblr is awful so i understand the struggle lol
aah thanks again! speaking with you relaxes me a lot :) i try to write back faster but i can't write on my phone TT
btw sorry for dumping everything all of the sudden lol this turned out very venty
have a good week babe 😽
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flagmeanew · 2 years
Hi, im the original person who requested the personality thing genders. Sorry if(?) I unnerved you. (???) /gen (question marks bc idk if thats what ur saying)
What do you mean by: So. An anon let me know about the personality tests given and I'm gonna have to put them on hold due to that fact and did start seeing some issues while researching since it fundamentally goes against what we believe in. While my curiosity is there, I don't think these genders will be made unless other personality tests given have been fundamentally made to not be used against minorities, like us.
Specifically the italics? Like hsjfjjdjd some people are weird about it + way too into it in a bad way and think its scientifically credible or whatever and think ur type = ur personality is set in stone when its not scientific its just a dumb silly 'theory' and being WAY too srs abt boxing personality in these few states and its rly bad (but i still personally like to use it to have some lvl of self awareness of my own traits?) (So that mightve been what you saw? idk tho but its really insane. i totally forgot how weird it is, i just look up ' mbti / enneagram analysis ' and go haha i do that and go from there , to stay away from weirdos ... But from what ur saying i feel like theres more thats going on that im unaware of so i wanted to ask, sry
♥ Anon. Hun. The reason I was upset (not at you) was because of MBTI and tests like it are used for eugenics, racism, classism, and other things like the sort essentially. I had to look up counterpoints against the tests and saw a lot more evidence against than for the tests. The other personality tests I'm referring to are ones yknow. Character quizzes, aesthetic quizzes. Those kinda tests cause they usually label them as such. (I REALLY recommend looking on your own and when you're able to. I don't exactly feel comfortable to share at this time since this stuff hit closer to home than I realised. So.) ♥
♥The anon that spoke to me, I accidentally deleted in attempts to clear out the original ask you sent me since I didn't want us to see notes about it any further. I had answered but. Yknow. I accidentally deleted it so how can I show you now. ♥
♥ but yeah. I really think that you should look it up and research it yourself. I bet even the community here would be willing to help you with that if you just ask! /gen /lh ♥
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