#is this what the kids are doing nowadays?
askcometcare · 3 days
Does Ally feel sorry for betraying Sly’s trust all those years ago?
OOC: good question!
Yes, she does. I think I mentioned in a previous post that Ally was 11 and genuinely just being a stupid kid. Honestly, it wasn't even done maliciously, it was more a "hey I found this out what do you think" cuz she thought it was funny that kit didn't understand the potential consequences of. Another thing to note, kit didn't have feelings for Howie until she was over 12, so this wasn't a jealousy thing. I don't want anyone to assume or perceive Ally as some kind of heartless monster for making a mistake when she wasn't even a teenager yet. She was literally a child.
Nowadays, her clashing with Sly is because of Sly herself's hostility if anything. "Returning the negativity" if that makes sense. She thinks Sly doesn't carry fen's weight and doesn't understand fully just how affected Sly was by the falling out, similar to Howie. She feels bad about what happened but like...
I don't know if everyone realizes that the family doesn't actually know about Sly's depression. The only people who know are their parents because she refuses to talk about it to anyone. If the rest of the family was AWARE of Sly's mental health issues, she would not be treated as just some shut-in, poor hygiene, negative and complaining asshole who constantly yells at everybody. Because that's literally all they see of her.
I think people need to understand that there's a lot of nuance to this situation and nobody involved is a genuinely horrible person
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pseudophan · 14 hours
TW for discussion of homophobia.
Hi, Nora! In the spirit of pride month I want to tell the story about how becoming a demon phannie has deprogrammed my bigotry when I was a teen.
I grew up with homophobia being the norm amongst the kids. In my country it was quite precise though, a bit different from what Dan described in BIG. We didn't use "gay" as a synonym for "bad". Boys wouldn't be called gay for crying or liking theater or just being well-behaved. Not in my school at least.
No, there was a clear-cut definition that gays were only the boys who liked boys. But if you fit that definition, if someone knew you fit that definition, then god help you. You would be constantly mocked, bullied and beat up at school. The headmaster would call your parents and tell them to fix their broken little pervert. Your parents reaction could fall anywhere from a stern talk and calling you a disgrace to a beating and sending you to a military type boarding school. Treating a teen this way was perceived as completely normal. Nowadays the kids have thankfully become way more accepting despite our governments best efforts. But now you can also add a visit to the police station to the pile.
Sapphics just didn't exist, as always. That's why when I told my friends "I genuinely think boobs are more attractive than dicks - they are more esthetically pleasing to look at" the only reaction I got was confused laughter and strange looks. No, I did not realize what that said about me back then. It was just foreshadowing.
I remember my parents occasionally saying that it's a sickness and shouldn't be allowed to be demonstrated in any way. Peppering it with the usual "they can do whatever they want behind closed doors". And if people got beat up on the streets for being gay...well they just brought that on themselves by flaunting their sexuality, didn't they?
I lived with that worldview until I was 15 or 16.
Then I started finding out that some famous people were gay. But it only got me to the point of "I like his art, so I won't stop consuming it, despite him being gay". In my mind if you were gay and wanted people to tolerate your existence, you had to be talented in order to justify it. And have the decency to not act gay in public. Yeah, I know, bare with me.
When I found Dan's channel in 2015 I instantly fell in love with his videos. Soon I also started watching Phil and then the gaming channel.
My gaydar was non-existent at the time and, ironically, I was conditioned into thinking that gay people just like to announce that they're gay to everyone. So, since Dan and Phil never did, I just took their word for it. For almost a year I just enjoyed watching their content without a second thought.
Then one day I saw the compilations. The radio show clips. The old videos. That was all it took really. My brain couldn't compute, couldn't connect the "sick perversion" I heard so much about to what I was seeing on my screen. It wasn't unnatural, or disgusting or deliberately demonstrative.  It was fucking beautiful. They simply couldn't help being extremely adorable.
Starting from that day the thought "keep it to yourselves" never occurred to me. I just wanted to be a fly on the wall.
I never dared to write fanfiction or make compilations or, god forbid, directly ask one of them in a qna. I was happy to just lurk and snort that yaoi cocaine in silence.
In hindsight, Dan and Phil were the reason I didn't instantly hate myself after having the first crush on a girl and realizing I was bi in 2018.
Later I got into breadtube and realized just how insane and baseless all those conservative talking points were. But DnP were the sole reason I left that eco-chamber in the first place.
So thank you to Dan and Phil and thank you to all fellow demons 💜
fujoshi-ism saves lives is the thing
no but isn't it odd the way things work out.. the fact that dan and phil were able to help you like that is amazing, and also it's very funny that they did it through the power of rpf
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gallapple · 1 month
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Well, he did ask nicely Charlie.
(She told him no.)
Reference under the cut
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Damian isn’t happy about father’s rule not to hurt the gaggle of false kids he has acquired. How is he supposed to prove to him that he is the only one worthy of the title of heir now?
But fine. Most of them are stupid enough they’ll end up dead sooner or later. Damian just has to play the long game. Establish himself as the only constant.
But then father’s wayward son, Todd, comes home… and it’s so much worse than Damian expected.
He remembers this man. Remembers him from hushed whispers in the League, from mother’s creased eyebrow, and training halls drenched with blood.
And he’ll take one look at Damian and know. Know that he’s a threat to his position.
And the worst thing: Damian isn’t allowed to defend himself.
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abyssalzones · 7 months
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I get really nostalgic around the holidays and start listening to these guys again as background noise
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pinkheadshima · 5 months
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Ao no Exorcist Blu-Ray Limited Edition Illustrations for the new anime!
Of course they tempt me with the izumo, yukio, and shima one! like is Kato stalking me? Does she know how much i love this trio? and Of course the one with Rin?
The special edition illustration will be for those pre-ordered volumes!
Volume 1 will include the first illustration with rin, yukio, and izumo and will have the first episodes. Projected release date April 2024
Volume 2 will have yukio, shima and izumo with the second half. Projected release date May 2024
Also, y'all who follow me or have started follow me! Hi! and y'all can hate me! im sorry for my inactivity! I do miss y'all and nostalgia has brought me in the return of the anime! I will do my best to help bring the aoex hype!
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 months
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And now we're gotten to the point terf's are claiming now our choice of toys is biological based, aka somehow our hormones choose our toys I guess.
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sivavakkiyar · 10 months
also there’s this common misconception that reading is primarily about the book or the subject: this is incorrect. ‘Reading’ is an activity wherein you constantly evaluate your own self worth in increasingly cruel ways against some culturally sanctioned object that is better than you
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jekyll and hyde icons from the glass scientists :)
art and characters by the lovely @/arythusa !!
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sukugo · 2 months
This idea is eating my brain. Sukuna being a shameless insatiable freak towards Gojo and an in-denial thirsty freak towards Itadori.
He wants Gojo. He pursues him without relent. Sukuna wants to wreck the man and paint him red all over. He wants to taste his heart and know if he is as sweet as the desserts he gorges himself full with.
Sukuna wants to pry Gojo open and eat him out clean. He wants to climb over him and crawl inside of him. Their bodies becoming one and no one can ever tell where Sukuna start and Gojo ends anymore.
Sukuna desires that more than anything.
But he cannot understand why he sees himself doing it in the body of the brat that once caged him.
Instead of imagining his own four arms bringing Gojo towards his end begging and moaning for mercy he would never receive, Sukuna fancies it to be that of the annoying mouthy fool.
Clumsy hands and eager fingers. Unable to control the strength they possess that they break Gojo in. Cracking bones. Shattering spirits.
Gojo will be quivering. The brat will whimpering. Sukuna will be feasting.
The sweetness of their despair and richness of their blood sit heavy on his tongue. Salty tears spilling from confusion and frustration just makes his mouth water for more.
But what Sukuna craves more from their joining in his fantasy, was the forbidden taste of desire for the impossible and unthinkable - desecration of something sacred and twisting of kindness so profound.
Sukuna wants Gojo through the Brat. It is driving him insane.
it's a mix of his desire to break yuuji (derogatorily) and break satoru (affectionately) and it mixes up into this absolute mess of feelings for all of them involved and fuuuuuccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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muuuumin · 3 months
Jason having a really good relationship with the little kids in his neighborhood is so special. They will make sure he bandaid his scrapes but they strongly insist on the very cute pattern bandaids they have.
Tim: you got injured huh
Jason covered in Paw Patrol bandaids: yeah
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owcaunion · 1 year
my brother, whom I have a large age gap with and was born in the 2010s just described Phineas and Ferb as an old cartoon along with his classmates and friends and suddenly I feel so OLD
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Do you ever stop and think, whether Eve choked on the first piece of meat that She tasted? With a tongue accustomed to fresh, sweet fruit from the Garden, it must have been hard to accept Her fate.
How could the strange texture of warm flesh and the metallic flavour of the blood be reminiscent to the sharp bite of apples, or to the soft ripeness of a fig?
Do you ever wonder if She beat at Her breast, wailing in despair and terror as bile claws up Her throat? Did Her hand curl around Her swollen belly in a furtile attempt to keep away the night?
And when inevitably Her hair turns grey, crows-feet at the corner of Her eyes, smile lines etched deep, does She reach Her hand out to the heavens, bemoaning Her loss, yet smiling, smiling all the same? When Her hand finally slumps down, did it touch Adam's?
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Stop moralising people who don't like children. It's really not a big deal. I'm allowed to find kids annoying as fuck and to want to avoid them whenever I can
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ndostairlyrium · 3 months
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hysteriasgarden · 5 months
sometimes I feel guilty for disliking my parents, or moreso how they acted when I was a kid sometimes. because nowadays they're great. they're absolutely fine. so it would be ungrateful to say they're bad parents? they spoiled me as a kid if anything, they kept me safe and all that too.
but at the same time, them being good now doesn't change the fact that I needed them to be good when I was still growing. it helps nothing for them to be good parents now that I'm an adult and already fucked up from them. it changes nothing that they were slightly traumatizing when I was still developing and growing as a child
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