#it'll be hard not to take Ace everywhere
shiyorin · 8 months
Mournival but they are your college roommate
No one asked it but I need to share that :v
Ezekyle Abaddon
Comes to school with a huge duffel bag and toolbox. When you ask what's in it, he just smiles and says "tools." You don't ask anymore.
Always blasting really aggressive rap/metal music super loud. His top jam is "Back in Black" by AC/DC on repeat.
Leaves his dirty laundry everywhere but his bed is always perfectly made with tight hospital corners.
You're pretty sure you saw him behind the wheel of a rusty black van late at night, but the school won't investigate strange disappearances.
Loves party games but is way too competitive. No one wants to play Mario Kart with him anymore after "the incident".
Constantly gets in fights at parties but never seems to get in trouble. Cops take one look at him and just shake their heads like "not dealing with this tonight".
Always standing shirtless in the room doing calisthenics. Claims he's cultivating mass but you think he's just trying to intimidate the RA.
Somehow accumulated the world's biggest knife collection despite the no weapons policy. Admin turns a blind eye for fear of their safety.
Tries to get you to join his intramural flag football team, the "Black Crusaders". They go way too hard and half the other teams have dropped out.
Somehow has a 4.0 GPA while seeming preoccupied with "more important things." Howwww.
Tarik Torgaddon
Brings way too much beer to your first Friday night dorm party. Claims "Bro always shares his drinks!"
Leaves practical jokes everywhere - who put googly eyes on the toothbrushes?!
Always trying to get you to join the campus meme lodge with him. "Come on, it'll be fun! We just post poorly photoshopped history professors, I swear."
Never cleans the mini-fridge. Wonders why mystery science experiments started growing in there.
Burns popcorn at 3am trying to make "late night snacks." Fires the fire alarm and you both get written up.
Steals your lounging spot in the common room to "hold court" and tell loud stories to anyone who will listen.
Hogs the bathroom for hours getting ready to "go out in style" on the weekends. Comes back drenched and you don't wanna know from what.
Leaves you in charge of the dorm when he goes home for breaks. Comes back to three keggers you "somehow forgot" to tell him about.
Somehow always tests positive for COVID right before big exams. You're 95% sure he's faking to get out of studying.
He's a really fun dude and always has your back. Gonna miss this guy after graduation!
Garviel Loken
He wakes up at 6am every morning to do pushups and calisthenics in your room.
Never seen him drink or party. That one time you tried to get him to come to a frat party he responded with "Nah bro I gotta hit the hay early, lifting at 6 am."
Tries to get you to join the campus military re-enactment club. Insists you could benefit from "some discipline and camaraderie".
Cooking? You thought you were the one making ramen but he shows up with a whole homecooked meal like beef wellington from scratch. "My friend Tarik taught me."
That one time the fire alarm went off at 3am? He carried you and your mini fridge down the stairs in one go."
Always does his dishes immediately after using them. Not one speck of food left. The clean freak we all need but don't deserve.
Super into his classes, always studying. You often find him making color-coded notecards at 3am under his desk lamp.
Somehow still finds time to join every club and sport. Is president of the book club, captain of the ultimate frisbee team, volunteers at the animal shelter on weekends.
Has a strict 9pm lights out bedtime. You've tried stay up late to play game but he just throws a pillow at you look and says "some of us have 6ams."
Somehow always has cute girls knocking on your door asking "is Garrie there?". The chad energy is real.
Horus Aximand
The second you meet him you're like "Woah this dude looks EXACTLY like the frat bro president."
Helps you move in but 'accidentally' gets protective plating mixed in with your clothes and snacks. Whoops!
Forms LARP club which is really just him and 3 (actually 4) other guys who are all as intense as he is.
Constantly blasting Sabaton songs from his speaker. Claims it's for "battle prepping" but we all know he just loves some power metal.
Bonding over late night games of Smash Bros while deep in the existential crisis of your freshman year.
Always wears matching sweatsuits with "Little Horus" embroidered on the chest. Claims it's his sport team uniform but you've never seen him play any sports.
Making you try all the experimental protein shakes he conjures up in the mini fridge. You're scared but don't want to hurt his feelings. So many regrets.
Finding mysterious used bandages around the room. He swears they're from "glorious battles" but they're really just from the intramural dodgeball games.
That one time the fire alarm went off and he tried to purge it with a flamer.
Always "forgetting" he can lift a textbook one-handed and showing off to the swole bros.
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Dogfighting football.
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"Dogfighting football. Defense and offense at the same time. The ami is to stpp the other team from scoring, and if they score, you do ten pushups. Team A- Coyote, Y/N, Rooster, Bob and Fanboy. Team B- Phoenix, Payback, Hangman, Harvard and myself. Let the games begin."
Explained Maverick standing next to Hondo, with a whistel in his hand. Today they had decided that they wanted to take a break from running the same drills and actually teach these pilots how to be a team.
Y/N, Rooster, Coyote, Bob and Fanboy all went towards their goal. They were all hardened up when Rooster started speaking.
"Alright, choose a person, stay on them. Don't let them get the ball, and if they do, kill them if that means we'll win."
"Wait a minute, who made you team captain?" Ouestioned Y/N.
"I did." Replied Rooster.
"Um... I think everyone knows I'm the captain." Scoffed Y/N.
"On the job, yes. But here I'm the captain." Answred Rooster.
"Cause I'm the oldest." Replied Rooster.
"That's not fair, you're the oldest everywhere." She scoffed again.
"He's got a point. He is the eldest and you're the leader everywhere, let him have this." Coyote said , as Y/N glared at him. "Ma'am."
"Fine." She huffed. "But if we lose, it'll be your head."
"Oh I won't lose, I'm the champion remember." Rooster said.
"Were. I beat you, five times." Y/N answred.
"What?" Questioned Fanboy.
"Oh I've know little Y/N/N here since she was a baby. I've beaten her may tune in the tradition end of summer games, this won't ne that hard." Rooster explained.
"Won't be hard for me." Y/N corrected Rooster. "Can't say the same about you gentlemen."
"We'll see, Y/N/N, We'll see." Rooster said.
"Alright I'm taking Payback, I know his moves. It help." Fanboy said as they were about to start.
"I'm taking Harvard." Coyote claimed.
"I'll take Phoenix then." Said Bob, quietly.
"Rock, paper scissors who'll take Maverick." Rooster quickly said.
"Fine." They played their little game, and Y/N won, making Rooster get Maverick leaving the one and only Hangman for the captain. Grumbling she got in position and the game started.
The whistle went off and everyone started running towards their target. The ball was in Rooster's hand, Maverick right on him. Rooster knew there was no way they would win if Maverick was on his, so he passed the ball to Y/N. She caught it easily and started running. But I couldn't get away so easily.
Right when she was about to do a touch down, Jake came from behind her, tackling he to the ground face first, making her give up the ball. All the while, Maverick scored a touchdown, giving a point tk the other team.
"Sorry ma'am." Jake said as she turned around with him still on her. "All's fair in football."
"Oh this isn't just football, Lieutenant." Groaned Y/N, pushing him off of her and getting up. "Thus is a war."
The play started again and this time Y/N made sure to be careful around Hangman, not letting him get the upper hand. The balls were passed again, one landing in Y/N's hand and the other in Paybacks hand, making Fanboy tackle him. Hangman was occupied looking at that seen as Y/N took the opportunity and ran for her life scoring a touchdown.
"That's how you score suckers." She shouted, high-fiveing Rooater, making Jake laugh at her actions.
She had never seen him smile like that, she had never seen him smile at all. She had always seen him with his stupid smirk. But now he was actually smiling from his heart, melting hers.
The game went on for a few more hours. Maverick had left after falling hard on his back, saying he had hurt himself, but everyone knew he was going to talk to Penny. The balls were generally in Hangmn and Aces hands, as they had a bet on who would score the most touchdowns, and their teammates were determined to make theirs win.
On one touchdown scored by Jake, he threw the ball making Coyote and Fanboy also fall down dramatically. The most unexpected touchdown was scored by Bob, catching Phoenix off gard. He himself was very surprised as the guys lifted him up and started chatting 'Bob' repeatedly.
The day went on and the team got closer, learning how to act like one. They had forgotten about the pushups and about the score, all they cared about was each other.
"Gotra say Cap, you are quite the player." Hangman said as they were ending the night with drinks on the beach.
"Can't say the same about you lieutenant." Y/N said, as her eyes roamed down to his chest. "Yoh suck."
"Hey." He said snapping his fingers. "My eyes are up here."
"I know. I just like wahts down there better." Flirted Y/N.
"I'm more than just a peice of eye candy you know."
"Are you though?" Y/N said giggling, making him laugh and say
"Come home with me."
"Come home with me Cap, please. I've wanted this for so long, and I now you don't sleep with students or people you work with. But just give me a chance. We don't have to have sex, I just want you all to myself. Just you and me, just the two of us."
Y/N sat there for a few seconds, going over what she had heard. He had never been so vulnerable or open with a woman before, he'd never had to beg to get then in bed either, but this one was different for him. He was ready beg for an eternity if that could get him just a kiss. And right now, he was ready to beg more, but she cut him off before he could do so with a-
@4margaritasalex @futurecorps3 @thisisgracetrying @clairejpg @fangirlinc @thespeeder @ashewontcare @jonginvlog @igotmajordaddyissues @herladyshipxx @m3laniehearts @exo-wayv @mayafatimakhan @starkleila @itscheybaby @spookycupcakepirate @dcamelia @americaarse @paulina1998 @lgg5989 @datingbtr @thatchickwiththecamera @luckyladycreator2 @kanevill @dempy @saramaple @hockeyboysarehot @redhoodedtoad @nobody7102 @icemanslove @blake-tc-fan @alexwinchester23 @unstablecaffeinatedmind @mslizziesblog
A/N: Funny how one scene of 5 minutes has a full chapter, let alone many fics dedicated to it. Honestly I love it. Now big question, do you guys want me to write a chapter about the night at his house a smut or go on to write the saddest chapter ever?? Please answer. Love ya!!!!!
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incoming college freshman advice !
Go to class, even if you don't feel like it. This isn't high school anymore where you can drop a class anytime you want.
Don't commit to 8am classes or you'll regret it. It's a waste of time, energy, and you'll have a hard time learning when there are loads of tasks and you have to get up in the morning and run to uni.
Invest in good quality school supplies, even if it costs more than usual. You will spend more buying poor quality things each time it breaks frequently. To find good quality things that you can use for several months or so.
You go to class for attendance and ask questions to your classmates, and go home to study basically everything. Most of the time this is actually what happens. You teach yourself and put all your effort for your own good.
Stay organized and disciplined. Have fun but be serious in studying. Make organized schedules, comply with your tasks right away, ready a syllabus for advanced studying, and have as much sleep as possible. Even if you fail it at times, organizing and discipline will still become a habit.
Connections. Make friends or acquaintances. Networking is very important in college. These are the people who you ask after lectures for other concerns, the people you help and would help you, and the people you study with. Talk to everyone, from your seatmate to your professors, about anything that would help you go on in college. You don't have to be an extrovert, just communicate. However, NEVER JOIN FRATERNITIES, it's useless.
Analyze everyone first before choosing a friend group. If you join a friend circle and they turn out to be 🚩, leave right away or cut them off. They will push you down in college. Join friend groups that don't exhaust or drain you, choose the ones that make your quality of life better. DO NOT TRY TO FIT IN, just be yourself and you'll find your people.
Stand up to bullies. Yes, bullies still exist in college. They, apparently, exist everywhere at any point in life. But unless you want your 4 or more years of college in hell, do not let them disrespect you. If you can fight, fight them to leave you alone. If you can't, find someone who will.
Enjoy your youth. Go to parties, drink, have fun, and all that. But do not be addicted to the point that you prioritize your vices over studying. Sometimes, partying can help you de-stress.
Approach your professors. Ask questions and raise concerns if you have. We have professors that only showed up to class when we approached them, despite not being present for several weeks already. Seek advice if you also need it, but understand that they, too, are busy so weigh their schedules too.
Join organizations, and clubs, and be a student leader if you have the time for it. It's beneficial for your experience as you'll need it for the industry. Plus, you'll meet other seniors that would give you advice and maybe even help you in your subjects.
If you don't have to work, don't. Enjoy your college years and you'll find yourself more focused on it. You can improve much faster.
Be serious on day one and it'll be smooth sailing from there. Do not tell yourself "I will just do great next sem/year/term" repeatedly, start doing great the first day you enter there but do not overdo it. Freshman year will AFFECT your whole college GPA/GWA so take it seriously. Ace your freshman and sophomore year so you'll have a strong foundation for when you take harder classes that will kick your ass later.
Do not tolerate your classmates, profs, or anyone's bad behaviors. They will do it until the end of time if they're not stopped now.
Save money. You'll need it. You will have college classmates who spend a lot because they have a lot of money or are just undisciplined, big spenders. Stay away from them. Have fun but be wary of your money. You don't wanna go broke.
Assess your degree during your freshman year. If you don't like it, save yourself by dropping or shifting majors. It'll be harder to stop when you decided you don't like what you're doing in your senior years.
Before deciding anything from then on, think about it carefully. Always ask yourself if you're sure multiple times. Calmness and wise decision makings are necessary for college. Impulsiveness will lead you nowhere.
Study and think of your possible future career(s) and salaries since day 1 of your freshman year. As you progress, it may change. But it's great to think about your future the moment you enter college.
Get free scholarships when you need them. College will need a lot of financial assistance.
Drop a class when you are loaded already. There are classes that won't be that necessary for your major. If you're not sure, go ask your school counselors for advice.
Find support. From your college friends, your old friends, your professors, family, organizations, pets, and people who you can trust that will help and support your progress. College is a draining point of life for students, that's why help (and asking for it) is necessary.
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nightgeist · 1 year
Okay one of my mutuals (hi @sle3pykaynn :D) responded to my post about wanting to talk about my all time favorite characters saying i should, so i decided to!!
I won't explain all of them because it would be a lot lol. But, my overall list of longterm favorite characters is Triffany from Bugsnax, Snorpy from Bugsnax, Grovyle from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers Of Sky, Alfred from Doll Eye, Bobby Fulbright from Ace Attorney, Simon Blackquill from Ace Attorney, Shadow from Sonic, Dib Membrane from Invader Zim, Blackstar from Warriors, Gary from Club Penguin, Rookie from Club Penguin, and Ford Pines from Gravity Falls! I have lots of other favorite characters, but this list is the one that stick with me more than any others, and most of them have been my favorites for many years!
There's different reasons why they stick with me which is what i wanted to infodump about, so I'll split it up by fandom to keep it less jumbled since a few repeat
Bugsnax: Triffany is my favorite from the whole game, which kinda surprised me at first because I'm usually more a fan of the aloof-like characters, but i quickly realized why. I'm super into abandoned places and the dark story behind them, like so into it that it's weird to others, and when i saw how Triffany is so into the ruins of Snaktooth and the dark history on the island, i just... Clicked with her. I relate to her a lot and I love her so much. As for Snorpy, i tend to really love sciencey characters, and he's an inventor. I relate to his anxiousness a lot, and i just love his relationship with Chandlo. He was an instant "that's it, that's my boy" kinda character for me XD
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: I first played PMD: EOS when i was 10 years old, i got to rent it for free from family video because of A's on my report card, it was a thing the store did every year. Good times, i miss family video. Anyways, the game really makes you get attached to Grovyle, i could explain how but that'd take forever, and he becomes like a best friend in a way. Until he sacrifices himself and you and your partner never see him again. I cried SO FUCKING HARD as a little kid, and it still makes me cry when i replay the game XD. But i finally got around to the special episode with him when i was 16, and it made me love his character even more. Nintendo wrote his character out beautifully and it'll forever be my favorite game ever
Doll Eye: Doll Eye is a game by my favorite artist Twisted_Doctor, and I've been a huge fan of his since 2016. Back then, his universe went by a different name, Re-Nightmare. I love all his characters now and back then, but I've always really loved Alfred. 2017 was my worst, darkest times and some of Alfred's issues were similar to mine so i grew attached to him, and his design both now and before is awesome.
Ace attorney: I've explained this one on my page before so I'll keep it short and avoid any spoilers for Dual Destinies! I adore the silly relationship these two have and i like to ignore the very end of the game. Their banter is funny, and I have lots of headcanons for them. They're the main thing that makes me return to ace attorney tbh
Sonic: i was a huge Sonic kid. Like, my sister, cousin and I would pretend to be sonic underground characters in my grandma's backyard when we were little, i was always Manic, my cousin was Sonic and my sister was Sonia lmao. All these years, Shadow has remained my favorite due to how he acts and his story. Can you tell I was an emo kid? XD
Invader Zim: Dib is probably my #1 favorite character of all time. I literally grew up on invader zim and still love it to this day (i have IZ pins on my bag i take everywhere, Gir fingerless gloves, Gir socks and a dib figure on my desk lol). It shaped a lot of my interests and personality growing up, like a lot. Dib has always been my favorite, i love his personality and role in the show, as well as his rivalry with Zim. The movie expanded upon how he feels toward his dad and showed him feeling sympathy for Zim too, which was awesome. I also had a crush on him when i was like... 9 😳
Warriors: I think it's pretty damn obvious i was a warrior cats kid just by looking at my page. Warriors introduced me to so much of what I'm into now, and i was obsessed with the series big time for years. Blackstar was always my favorite because i liked his personality and how he redeemed himself after what he did during Tigerstar's leadership. Fun fact, the first fic i ever posted online was a cringey poorly written blackstar x reader fanfic i wrote when i was 10, and it is still out there online today which is... Yuck XD
Club penguin: I've already explained why i love club penguin so much here, but it was a massive part of my childhood. Rookie was my favorite as a kid because i loved his goofy character and really wanted to be his friend if he were real. Over the years I've come to really love Gary as well because science characters again, but also because of how nice he is to your character during the EPF mission things and his lore during operation blackout. I want to slap his bald head <3 /ref
And lastly, Gravity Falls: i was a huge GF fan when it was still releasing new episodes, and i fell DEEP into the rabbit hole of theories based on the new ciphers and whatnot. I was one of the people who hardcore believed in Stanley having a twin, but overtime began to deny it since it took so long, so when Ford was revealed i absolutely lost my shit, it was a huge deal for child me. Not only that but he's a badass old man, i love him
Just felt like rambling about my favorite characters of all time lol! I tried to keep it short but it's still pretty long. I'm not crazy fixated on any of them rn, when I'm hyperfixated i can go on and on for an unholy amount of time, but i think these are some good small summaries about them :)
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acespec-ed · 2 years
Good day and hello.
So first of all - thank you for running this blog. Thanks to you I came to terms with my sexual identity and deepened a knowledge about ace and aro culture.
Second part is actually not that merry - I have a little problem when it comes to my romantic attraction. I always wanted to be in romantic reliationship, I always wanted to feel romantic love and I was always deep inside envy and sad that others find their partners so easily and I can’t even immediately make bonds with mine own friends, but as I started meeting with more people more of them were saying how much they love me after 2-3 months and I was always honest with them. I was telling them ”Hey, listen fella - I’m ace and need some time to feel it”. Responces were mixed but I learnt how to deal with them. The problem is that after some time I realised that no matter the time I just can’t feel it. I can’t feel something I’ve been craving for such a long time. I have no idea what kind of romantic attraction it is but it hurts deeply. I want to be in love, I want to experience love, I want to love back person who loves me, but further I go into this forest I more realise that maybe I’ll never feel it and that parts of myself which are responsible for romance are way to detached to ever find a middle ground.
Forgive me for sudden change of tone but I had to vent a little and in the same time hope that maybe, just maybe you will help me a bit in finally understanding what kind of punishment it is for me. I know I shouldn’t reffer to this that way but it truly hurts, the realisation that you can’t love back even if it would be your dream come true to hold hands with someone and say true ”I love you”.
Even if you can’t answer thank you for even reading that. You are amazing and great person!
You're welcome and thank you! 💚💜
I wish I knew an easy way to fix the problem. But I think this might be one of those things that takes time. It's a lot of internalized aphobia to overcome. I can sit here and tell you that you don't need romance to live a happy and fulfilled life. That romantic attraction isn't all it's cracked up to be. That you're not being punished for anything. But you probably already know that. You've got to reprogram your brain into believing it. It'll help to spend time in ace and aro spaces. If you can come across any aros pass child-bearing age, you could see how they navigated their lives being aro. I have two aunts who never had partners or children, and they seem happy enough living alone. They have pets and hobbies that seem to keep them fulfilled. There's other things in life than romance. It's just that romance is practically everywhere, that it's hard to see things otherwise.
Come to think of it, it might help to take a break from all things romance. It's probably making you feel worse about yourself. But again, romance is impossible to avoid. Not even children's shows are safe.
You can also try coming up with good things about not being in a relationship, and focus on those whenever the bad thoughts happen. For one, you don't have to worry about any relationship drama. You don't have to worry about what would happen if your long-term partner had to move far away. Whether you'd have to uproot your life to move with them, or break up with them after many years together, or go long distance which just sucks. You don't have to stress out over weddings or marriage. You don't have to worry about getting divorced, which can be even more stressful than getting married! You can do whatever you want to do, without taking a partner into consideration. Because once you're in a long-term relationship, especially marriage, just about every decision you make needs to have that person in mind. From where you're going to live to Friday night plans. You can decorate your room however you want. You don't have to wake up in the middle of the night all cold because your partner accidentally hogged all the blankets in their sleep. No dealing with snoring. There's lots of stuff. Being single has perks.
Hopefully some of this helped. Good luck. 💚💜
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
*I groan and bury my face in my hands*
I know it's stupid but every time I get behind the wheel I think I'm gonna crash and so I have yet to take the driving test even though I got my learners permit..
Ill just, idk, walk everywhere for the rest of my life, I have legs, it'll be great..
*worse groaning*
aw fuck who am I kidding I can't keep putting off life skills... or can I-
Ace: nope
He makes sure to pop the “p” on that word to lol
Ace: you’ll never be truly dependent unless you swallow your nerves and learn. Driving is like every skill, it’s hard at first unless you practice
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reginrokkr · 5 years
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Again (like in many other times, truly), this shows how Ace gives so much thought to everything, even to what technically he shouldn’t/people don’t/he knows Arecia would scold him if she were to know about this. I should check what he said before that but if it’s what I think it is which is a line of the song he’s used to sing (which he does frequently as idly dialogue):
Walk on wandering souls For your respite we pray Let our humble song clear your hearts of dismay, Rekindle the flame in your souls and set you free So walk on and become the light that guides the way.
Then, this would match perfectly with a headcanon I have for the Type-Next verse in which Ace sings for those who perished so they might be able to find some rest.
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lisamanga3 · 2 years
Part 3 of my one piece fanfiction Otherside.
Wattpad : LisaManga3.
Part 1 and 2 on my profile !
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Part 3 : Other Side
Ace... He is...
Completely drunk.
He tells me crazy things, looking indignant, bottle in hand.
"Do you realize? I mean... water, we have it everywhere, so why do we pay for it? It's still crazy, isn't it!"
And then suddenly, he collapses to the ground.
"You fell asleep ?"
I sigh, a slight smile stretching across my lips.
As I place a blanket over his body, I notice his wide-eyed eyes.
His skin is smooth, pale and surprisingly cold, like snow.
He turns around, to lie on his back and stares at the ceiling.
I sit cross-legged on the ground, next to him.
"Why am I so weak, with you?"
I sigh.
He pursues :
"I'm going to tell you a story, Marco."
He looks up at me.
"It was before I arrived in the new world. I had my crew, but that day, things weren't going well. I wanted to drink, alone..."
I walked into a slightly hidden bar, in a small alley.
I took a high chair, twelve glasses of dry whiskey.
Everything was clear in my head.
And then this man approached me.
He started talking to me, but I wasn't really listening to him.
"You have a hell of a descent"
I think that's what he told me.
I didn't care.
Of course, I had seen him slip that thing into my glass.
But, as I said, I didn't care.
No matter what was going to happen, that day, I no longer wanted to fight for my life.
It didn't matter.
It still doesn't really...
I wanted to die.
The guy, after I collapsed, took me upstairs to the bar, and he started touching me.
Lying on this bed, I couldn't move.
Alcohol and this drug had a funny effect on me.
No, I didn't want that to happen.
I was weak that day.
I didn't have the strength to fight for myself.
I told him :
"Stop, I'm not in the mood"
He laughed.
"I'm not asking your opinion, Snow White..."
And then it happened.
I had terrible pain.
Nothing can ever erase this moment.
The incense vapors rose to my head.
I couldn't say anything else.
I couldn't move, or speak
There was just this terrifying pain.
And burned this incense, my stomach, my brain, my will to live.
I am what I run from...
"After that, can you still say things like, "you are you", Marco?"
He closes his eyes.
I jerk my head up at him.
"It's sad. What happened to you, Ace, it's sad."
He takes my hand.
"It will never happen again, I promise you...I will protect you."
He takes me in his arms.
I will not say another word.
I'm just inhaling hus scent, head resting against his chest.
"It'll be OK ?"
I shake my head.
"I'm really ashamed..."
Marco is way too nice.
I take advantage of this kindness, I'm horrible.
He straightens me up, as if I were a little Chinese doll, lifeless.
"You are not alone."
I fall backwards.
Once again...
And when I wake up, I realize that this time, I didn't see anything.
There was not this thick darkness.
Just a... restful sleep.
Marco is with me. He sleeps leaning on the leg of his desk, sitting cross-legged, my head on his knees.
The ground is hard, but I feel good.
Maybe the otherside is gone.
I feel relieved of a weight.
I won't have to watch this execution, on the floating scaffold, of my motherfucker father.
I won't have to see those white flowers turn red when my mother's dead body falls.
I won't have to see those huge veins open and that blood pour out those strange walls.
And... I won't have to watch Luffy cry all the tears in his body in that tree house when Sabo dies.
Yes, I am relieved of a heavy weight.
I see again those magnificent eyes opening above me, like a soft cloud revealing a black sun.
In his broken voice he whispers to me:
"Are you awake?"
He rubs his eyes and glances at the clock on his bedside table.
"It's four in the morning, we should go to bed..."
Marco runs a hand through my hair.
I'm shivering.
"You have a real smile..."
I feel myself blushing, suddenly, when he passes his hand over my cheek.
And then he lowers his head, bringing our two faces together.
Our lips are only a few centimeters apart.
"Marco... You're drunk.
_Not as much as you."
They brush against each other, I feel a shiver run through my body.
My heart beats so fast.
Does his beat for me too?
The metronome accelerates, the rain falls on my dislocated brain, the fire seizes my chapped lips, the iron cage of my soul opens then.
I close my eyes.
We are kissing.
Fireworks explode into thousands of stars in my belly, while the rhythm of the metronome only increases.  This sweet carnal melody sounds silently.  Hammers beat the strings of my brain in rhythm, and a cacophonous symphony saws through my head.  Dissonant harmony...
"You... You kissed me..."
He raises his hands abruptly.
"S-sorry! I... I must have had too much to drink, I'm doing... Whatever...
_You love Me ?"
It's probably the first time I've seen Marco blush.
"Hey... Actually... I..."
He closes his eyes.
Then empty-handed:
"Yes I love you..."
I put my hands around his neck, still lying on the ground, my head on his knees, and I pull his face to mine, gently.
We are kissing.
Passionately, wildly.
A lightning bolt crosses my whole body.
He lifts my tired body onto the bed, and covers my mouth with soft kisses.
And those kisses are like a white swan's feather gently falling on the water surface of a lake.
His lips slide down my neck, I moan.
"You will never be alone again, Ace."
Those eyes...
"You'll never have those kinds of nightmares again, that other side will disappear, because I'll be there to help you."
Are like...
"I promise, I will never leave you."
A driving rain.
"I love you."
His eyes are a door to another world.
A better dream.
A better otherside.
"I love you too."
You are my beautiful dream.
You are my perfect world.
You are my true otherside...
My true other side...
Epilogue 🍋 :
His breath on my neck, his hand in my hair...
Everything is fine.
We have been together for two months now.
I haven't had a nightmare on that otherside.
He helped me forget what happened at the bar that day and completely unblocked me.
I am madly in love.
I took my life back.
My little brother went to sea recently, he got his first bounty last night.
I can't wait to see him again.
I feel good.
My lover's voice pulls me from my luminous thoughts.
"What's that beautiful smile?"
He kisses me.
I answer :
"I'm fine, that's all"
His eyes, deep and cold, look into mine.
His words, his heart, his body, his soul...
He gave me everything.
Suddenly he presses his lips to my neck.
I let a sigh escape the barrier of my lips, as I run my hands through his golden hair.
He lays me down on the bed and stands over my shaking body.
After speaking with him about what happened on the Grand Line and my sexual reluctance, Marco was very understanding and gentle.
His eyes overflow with desire.
A cascade of kisses falls heavily on my bare chest, cold.
The rain falls on my chapped lips.
Let me dream of a world without humanity, so that no one else will ever dance on your body...
This new otherside, I want to build it with you.
Gently, his hands caress my ribs, and a tsunami of sensations runs through my spine.
Unable to make a move, I abandon myself in this ocean of pleasures.
He takes off his shirt, slowly slides my pants, letting the sea crash on the white sand beach.
The veil extends over my whole being.
He unlocks his belt, puts it aside.
Then, suddenly, our union is complete, we form one body in a flood of sincere feelings.
Our hands tie together, the white sheet slips to the left side, and the knots in my stomach tighten.
The swell hits my pelvis with a force that I had never experienced before.
The compass is going crazy, I don't know where to turn.
I lost the north.
The ship suddenly disappears on the horizon, and I forget to keep watch on dry land.
The waves crash on my frozen skin.
His growls ring through my eardrums, like a siren song.  I moan.
Then, the boat hits a rock.
Three time.
I surrender.
The spray splashes us, exhausted, we run aground, one against the other.
The wind of his words blows in my neck:
"I love you...
"I love you too, Marco"
The cotton in my mouth and this blanket I'm wrapped in have never been softer.
Yes, I want to build a new otherside with you...
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darkarfs · 3 years
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Signing in with paper slips is weird, I've never done that before. 
I am comped for meals, which also has never been done before. (I got "free" meals at the OPH, which just meant I got $30 a paycheck taken out so I could eat.) It was REALLY delicious. The fries are hand-cut! I know because I cut them. 
It's odd. It's just trucking around, picking stuff up, taking it to the pre-wash sink, and then putting it in the dish machine. It's just constant movement, down the world's NARROWEST cooking line (honest to God, two people back to back cannot fit). I take out the trash twice a day. It's not NEARLY as hard as Pancake House work, but it DRAAAAAGs itself out...maybe I'm just looking for reasons to hate it, or maybe it'll get easier and go quicker once my feet don't feel like they're on fire and the older servers aren't talking about how they would never move to California because the "people are too weird." That HAS to be old white lady code, right? 
Every server is an old woman. Every cook is an alcoholic (the whites of their eyes are rheumy and pale yellow and they were REALLY excited to go to $2 shots of Jose Cuervo at whatever bar they were going to after work) and just kinda weird...I'm still feeling it out. I don't have to like the people, I just need a song or a joke to land, so far.
OH, and for sure what made it worse...2 hours before we closed, the power went out. Could not see, had to wash and sanitize and rinse, which the machine does for you anyway, typically, but I had to fill 3 sinks in the dark with no fans or AC, so 10 minutes in it looked like I was wearing a hat made of seaweed and I could taste my forehead. If I wasn't being trained by another person, I'd probably still be there. It was a nightmare. But I guess...it can only be UP from here, right?
Still feeling it out. My feet are RAW. I feel like someone's been flinging burning marbles at my soles. 
And I feel bad, because everywhere else is bursting into flames or melting or flooding and I'm just...acclimating to the work again. Dunno how to feel about it yet.
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housecatclawmarks · 7 years
(spoken) Whoa, Elle? What's up, Doc?
(spoken) Excuse me?
I put my faith in love
I followed where it led
(spoken) Love led you here?
To my personal circle of Hell
It has not worked out well
I wish that I were dead
Cause instead of a wedding in love
I'm flunking out of school
A total laughing stock
Someone he and his friends could just mock
So go on, here's my head
Just hand over the rock!
(spoken) Wait, go back!
(sung) You came out here to follow a man
Harvard law was just part of that plan
Man, what rich romantic planet are you from?
(spoken) Malibu?
Instead of lying outside by the pool
You stalk some guy to an ivy league school?
That's the weirdest reason I have--
(spoken) Oh, why'd you come?
(spoken) Okay
(sung) I grew up in the Roxbury slums
With my mom and a series of bums
Guys who showed me all the ways a man can fail
I got through law school by busting my ass
Worked two jobs in addition to class
So forgive me for not weeping at your tale
(spoken) Well excuse me,
just because you've got some kind of chip on your shoulder . . .
(spoken) You know what? You're right.
(sung) There's a chip on my shoulder
And it's big as a boulder
With the chance I've been given
I'm gonna be driven as hell
I'm so close I can taste it
So I'm not gonna waste it
Yeah, there's a chip on my shoulder
You might wanna get one as well
(spoken) I'm sorry, but that sounds highly negative. Wait!
Two jobs PLUS law school?! How do you do it?
Well, I don't go to parties a lot
Not good use of the time that I've got
Can't spend hours doing my hair and staying in shape
(spoken) I don't spend hours!
But I know it'll all be worthwhile
When I win my first lucrative trial
And buy my mom that great big house out on the cape!
(spoken) Oh, that's so sweet!
No! That's the chip on my shoulder
I hugged my mom and told her
With the chance I've been given
I'm gonna be driven as hell
Though I can't take the day off
I just think of the payoff
You need a chip on your shoulder
Little Miss Woods comma Elle
(spoken) I just need to prove to everyone that I'm serious!
(spoken) What you need is to get to work! Where are your law books?
(spoken) Ummm . . . Well, I know they're here somewhere . . .
Ya know, this vanity's real picturesque
But it started its life as a desk
Clear it off, and find some room for books instead
(spoken) What are you doing?!
Can you live without this?
Can you live without that?
I don't know what this is
(spoken) It's for hair!
Wear a hat!
Spend some time improving what's inside your head!
Out, out, put it in storage, sell it on eBay, leave it behind
Out, out, what, are you angry?
Good, so get angry! You may find
The chip on your shoulder
(spoken) ARGH!
The room just got colder
(spoken) Hey!
But with the chance you've been given
Why are you not driven as hell?!
There's just no way around it
You gotta plow through til you've
(spoken) Found it!
Been reading it hard, I can tell . . .
Tis a gift to be simple
Tis a gift to be free
(spoken) Bye, Warner! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Say hi to your mom and dad for me! And Grandma Bootsie!
(spoken) Define malum prohibitum.
(spoken) Malum prohibitum is, ummm . . .
(spoken) An act prohibited--
(spoken) An act prohibited by law like jaywalking or chewing gum in Singapore.
(spoken) Therefore malum ensae?
(spoken) Is an action. That is evil in itself.
Assualt, murder, white shoes after labor day.
(spoken) Good. Where are you going?
(spoken) Home, of course! It's Thanksgiving break, remember?
(spoken) Interesting.
(spoken) What?
Well, I predict you will probably pass
(spoken) Yes!
In the bottom percent of your class
(spoken) What?
If you're going for mediocre, you've done great!
(spoken) That's not fair!
Look, they laughed at me like they're laughing at you
We can't win if we don't follow through!
Might I venture your vacation plans can wait?
(spoken) Why do you always have to be right?
Glo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ria! (Latin chanting)
(spoken) Bye, Warner! Merry Christmas! Enjoy Bayo!
(spoken) Ho-ho-ho!
(spoken) Emmett!
(spoken) For you! Not as good as going home for Christmas, but . . .
(spoken) You are too sweet.
(spoken) It's a real time saver. Shampoo and conditioner in one!
(spoken) Ah! (giggles) Thank you. You are so adorable to think of me.
(spoken) Elle, hey!
(spoken) Warner!
(spoken) Have you seen Vivienne? I've been looking for her everywhere!
(spoken) Yeah . . . I-I mean no.
(spoken) Great! We're gonna miss our flight!
(spoken)Um, Elle?
(sung)I don't know if you've noticed before
But each time Warner walks in the door
Your IQ goes down to 40, maybe less
(spoken) Huh?
Though it's hardly my business to say
Could it be the real thing in your way
Is the very guy you're trying to impress
Yes! I've been smiling and sweet and thoroughly beaten blowing my chance
Let's not chase him away
Let's face him and say
"Hey punk, let's dance!"
This chip on my shoulder
Makes me smarter and bolder
No more whining or blaming
I am reclaiming my pride
Grab that book and let's do this
Instead of doodling hearts all through this
Now there's a chip on my shoulder!
Let's see him knock it aside!
Ah-ah-ah-ah Daughter of Delta Nu
Show him that you're no fool
Daughter of Delta Nu
Go back to school with a big chip on your shoulder!
(spoken) Mr. Ladimer was clearly within his rights to ask for visitation.
Without his sperm, the child in question wouldn't exist!
(spoken) Now you're thinking like a lawyer!
Yes, Miss Woods.
(spoken) Mr. Huntington makes an excellent point,
but did the defendant keep a log of every sperm emission made throughout his life?
(spoken) Interesting. Why do you ask?
(spoken) Well, unless the defendant attempted to contact every sexual encounter
to find out if a child resulted from those unions,
he has no parental claim over this child whatsoever.
Why now? Why this sperm?
(spoken) I see your point.
(spoken) And by Mr. Huntington's standards,
all masturbatory emissions where the sperm was clearly not seeking an egg would
be called reckless abandonment.
(spoken) Miss Woods, you just won your case.
Ohmigod . . .
Wait, hold on, we just won the case!
Omigod . . .
Elle got all up in Warner's face
Omigod . . .
I am starting to like this place! Yes! Omigod!
(spoken) Miss Woods, excellent work today.
I assume you're applying for my internship. Do you have a resume?
(spoken) I am one step ahead of you.
Here you go, and thanks in advance for your consideration.
(spoken) Dear God, it's scented.
Three months ago, I would have recycled this. Make sure to put it on file.
Guess she got a chip on her shoulder
Maybe some wise man told her
With the chance we've been given
We gotta be driven as hell
She was something to see there
I'm just happy I could be there
First big test and she aced it
She's so close she can taste it
She got a chip on her shoulder
Guess you never can te-e-ell . . .
With little Miss Woods comma Elle!
Elle Woods
Woods comma Elle
Chip on her shoulder
Elle Woods
Woods comma Elle
Chip on her shoulder
No you never can tell
Elle Woods
Woods comma Elle
Chip on her shoulder
With little Miss Woods comma Elle
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