#it's very cheap it's $3 or less if you can't afford the $3
deadtower · 10 months
This thirty-page guide is specifically written to help you navigate the world of working-class jobs. In it, I break down what to put in your resume (even if you have no experience at all!), how to dress for the interview, how to play the very confusing and nonsensical world of the working-class interview, and what happens after you drag yourself out of the crucible of the interview on your hands and knees.
It's helpful! It's for those of us who want to know how to get hired for something as menial as a food runner! It's not that long, so you don't need to carve out several hours to in-depth research! It's got jokes — and Brian David Gilbert references!
Please reblog to help reach as many people as possible, because sometimes we all need a little help adulting, and I'm here to share what I know with you, no judgment.
(If you want to make sure I am not forced to be victim to website fees, you can always just send me $3 on Ca$h@pp/V3nm0 (deadtower) or P@yp@l (paypal.me/deadtower) and email me at [email protected] with your username/when you sent the money, and I can send you the PDF that way! Also, if you can't afford it, no worries! Just shoot me an email and I'll send it to you discounted to as low as $1, or for free, depending on your financial situation. I want everyone to have access to the resources they deserve. <3)
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jbankai89 · 4 months
I don't love doing this, but here we go again:
My name is James. I'm queer and on disability, and due to a plethora of issues (IBS, GERD, and Post-Cholecystectomy Syndrome) my diet is both very limited and very expensive.
In the last months, I'd been getting the hang of affording everything on my own thanks in large part to my Etsy shop, but since Christmas ended, my sales have taken a significant nosedive, to the point where I can't even afford toilet paper, much less food.
Most of the quick, cheap foods at the disposal of others I cannot digest, (such as like ramen or mac and cheese) and eating it regardless leads to excruciating abdominal pain, and other symptoms you probably don't want to hear about. I can't even eat a single piece of fresh garlic without it leading to terrible pain.
As such, my "safe" foods don't come cheap, and I desperately need help making it to February. Any little bit helps, and if you can't donate, please share! I can't share this on Facebook, as certain family members harass me for "shaming" the family because they find it embarrassing that I have to ask for money.
Thank you so much, everyone <3
If you'd rather buy from my etsy shop instead of donating, you can find my shop here
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tewz · 8 months
I think it's such a shame that no one can get mental help in Upper Michigan, USA. I had to take "getting help" into my own hands and read into psychiatry/different therapies and teach myself how to be less depressed/anxious on my own because my survival instinct kicked in and I can't just go without help. I literally had to help myself as a last resort. It was really difficult but I somehow pulled through. I'm still not able to function like a proper adult (can't work or drive), but I'm no longer s**c*dal and planning my own death like I did between the ages of 14-28. My 30's have actually been great so far. I have a lot less episodes and they are shorter and less intense. I haven't self-harmed in about 5 years or so too. Some people can't conquer such a thing though, and I am really concerned for several of my friends. You wouldn't believe the amount of people who live in my area who come to me crying about how they can't take it anymore. A couple of them jumped through hoops to get online therapy (tele-health, but it's very pricey and inconvenient). It's pretty much all of my friends at this point. Like my advice and compassion can only do so much and it doesn't ever seem to help them. It's become a little tiring in a way.
Same with getting a dentist with cheap insurance. The greedy conservatives (which is 2/3 of the population here) won't allow it. We all have to travel downstate or to Wisconsin to get basic work done (it takes 3.5 hours of driving to get downstate and 2.5 hours to get anywhere good in Wisconsin + no one drives or can afford cars anymore so we're all doomed). I'm gonna have to start getting to the abscess stage again to have to energy/drive to seek another dentist willing to help and that is not fair. I shouldn't have to look like I do hard drugs just because no one will fix my teeth + depression never helped with that equation either.
Everyone's life up here is a disaster. I live in a corner of the world that is sickeningly resource-less. The nearest psychiatric hospital is 1.5 hours away and doesn't usually accept people unless they've committed a crime or something drastic. The 2nd closest one is a double drive down to Wisconsin, unless you have Michigan-only insurance, then you're driving 6 hours downstate.
Another thing that drives me up the wall is the lack of basic ANYTHING. My friend from New York wants to come visit, but there's little to no AirBnB's up here unless you find a cabin in the woods with no phone/internet service, T-Mobile doesn't reach up here, no Uber drivers of any kind (2 expensive taxi companies that are overbooked all the time is the only way to get anywhere), no basic stores to find anything you're looking for so we all have to order stuff off the internet, no records stores in the entire U.P. except for a couple run-down multi-media stores that have maybe a bin or two of 60's country and Christmas music on vinyl, etc, etc. Also, my town has always been living about 10-15 years in the past. You can't find online reviews or even websites for most stores because the boomers and bootlicking assholes around here don't know what the fuck computers are. And if there's a fashion trend that I find on the internet (like crop tops of example), they won't hit our stores until 5 years later when the trend slows down. The end. Rant over. I don't wanna upset myself but like... lol...
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starrose17 · 7 months
Ohhh I have such a big life decision to make and I just can't decide.
Some of you may remember I did a post about walking out of my job back in August after having a breakdown, well I did go back but working 4 rather than 5 days a week.
Mentally it's been great so far makes a big difference, but of course money wise it's a problem. Had to cancel subscriptions to stuff and find much cheaper deals for insurance, internet, phone etc etc etc, and although it is manageable i basically have no extra money for anything. No takeaways, no games, nothing that I enjoy.
I keep umming and ahhing about moving house again. Lived near London all my life then moved to Scotland for 3 years now I'm down in the westcoast but i hate where I live it's a dump full of morons and it makes me hate humanity more than i already do. And I hate it alot.
Working with the public for 11 years makes you very very bitter towards people because you only see the worst side of them and you are not allowed to react just smile and wave smile and wave and I don't like how angry it's made me as a person. I genuinely hate every person I see. Just strangers in the street, anyone, it's why I don't go anywhere I have zero social life cos I can't stand being around people.
I have a hell of alot of pent up anger, but the problem is I cannot find another job out of the hotel sector I already work in cos you need "experience" and the only experience i have is as a receptionist. Any Office skills were lost 20 years ago, so no one even looks at my CV.
So, if I'm stuck in the job I have, then at least I could make where I live better so I don't feel so angry, hence the indecision about moving.
Because where to move.
I could move further south west, to a lovely town on the beach, great beach walks in the warm, BUT, expensive housing, so difficult to find the kind of house with a large garden that I want.
Alternatively, I could move back up North again, either to the mountains in Scotland or North East England where there is another beach type town, though colder of course, but it will get snow, which I absolutely love. Same with the place in the mountains that I'm thinking of, and the houses are SO cheap up there I could almost buy two of them for the price I'd sell my current house for, so it'd be alot easier to get the type of house and garden I want. But it is very far away from my mum, who is getting on in years and what if she needs help when she gets older I don't want to abandon her.
All 3 of these places have a brand of my hotel there so I could just transfer, so no worries about not having a job to go into, but I just can't decide what to do.
Do I stay and try and make it work on 4 days? Do I move? If so where? More money if moved up North and will have snow, and a train line direct to London, but far away from mum. Or down further south, less money and less travel options, but beautiful warm beach to live on.
I just don't know what to do. I tried to look up therapy to deal with my hatred, but ironically I can't afford it, which made me even more angry.
Why can't I just move to a little village in the middle of no where and not have to work at all, just live off vegetables grown in my garden and somehow get free electricity and internet, that'd be great.
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I don't love doing this, but here we go again:
My name is James. I'm queer and on disability, and due to a plethora of issues (IBS, GERD, and Post-Cholecystectomy Syndrome) my diet is both very limited and very expensive.
In the last months, I'd been getting the hang of affording everything on my own thanks in large part to my Etsy shop, but since Christmas ended, my sales have taken a significant nosedive, to the point where I can't even afford toilet paper, much less food.
Most of the quick, cheap foods at the disposal of others I cannot digest, (such as like ramen or mac and cheese) and eating it regardless leads to excruciating abdominal pain, and other symptoms you probably don't want to hear about. I can't even eat a single piece of fresh garlic without it leading to terrible pain.
As such, my "safe" foods don't come cheap, and I desperately need help making it through February. Any little bit helps, and if you can't donate, please share! I can't share this on my main Facebook, as certain family members harass me for "shaming" the family because they find it embarrassing that I have to ask for money.
Thank you so much, everyone <3
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Permanent removal of hair (experiment)
Alrighty. So, you want to permanently remove hair on your face (or elsewhere I guess) but can't afford/otherwise can't do electrolysis? Well, here's my experiment with this. If anyone wants to attempt it with me, I'd be very happy, but note that there are risks and it also may not work quite as well as you want.
First: If you have a needle, a battery (or better yet, a variable power supply), you can literally just do electrolysis on yourself just like they do commercially. You take the power source (ideally 4.5 volts, but absolutely no higher than 5 and 3 works okay) put the negative side or a wire attached to that side (the anode) somewhere around 3 inches away from where you're planning on doing the electrolysis. You then take the positive side, attach it to a (obviously it needs to be metal) needle. The thinner the better so that it can fit in the follicles better with less stabbing through skin. You carefully put the needle into the follicle and avoid stabbing yourself. If working with 3 volts, leave the needle in for 5-10 seconds or until the pain gets bad. If working with 5 volts, no more than 5 seconds. You just do this to all the hair follicles and then pluck them out. I'd say it barely hurts but I have a relatively high pain tolerance. Having done this to myself, I can guarantee that this works for permanent hair removal but you'll need to do it multiple times for complete success.
Second: (the possibly new method) You'll need baking soda (I used the cheap cleaning grade), boric acid, a power supply (either variable power supply or two 9 volt batteries), a small piece of cloth, two wires, a jar, and tweezers. I'm not positive that the boric acid or baking soda are necessary, you may be able to just use salt or baking soda on their own (but I can't vouch for them as I have not tried). Basically, you dissolve the boric acid and baking soda in water such that the baking soda is saturated (there is still some at the bottom which can't dissolve), then you soak the small cloth in it, wipe the area with the problem hairs with the cloth, re-soak the cloth, lightly squeeze the cloth so that it isn't dripping, wrap the cloth around a section of one of the wires, attach the cloth wire to the positive and the normal wire to the negative, hold the negative in 1 hand and with the other you carefully move the electrified cloth over the hairs. This should preferentially kill the hair follicles as the sodium hydroxide formed at the cathode will attack both the skin and the hair, but if the solution is placed on the face before the electrolysis, the solution will fill up the follicles, allowing for electricity to pass through them. And since the follicles allow for easier transport of electrons than through the skin, most of the electrolysis should be occurring in the follicles. Now, naturally electrolyzing a sodium salt on your face (especially at the 18-21 volts that seems to work best with this) has risks, like chemical burns and dehydrating the skin. In my case at least, I did not notice any negative effects other than dry skin. As of a week after attempting this, there's no regrowth, but that's also kinda expected since plucked hairs don't usually regrow that fast. One very good sign, however, is that the hairs that got electrolyzed were extremely easy to pluck out relative to the ones that weren't. So, even if this process is not a permanent removal technique, it makes plucking hair way easier and less painful. In 8-10 weeks I'll be able to say definitively how well this works. In case it's not obvious, don't do this if you have a pacemaker just in case. Also, a warning: I attempted this while having a septum piercing. Accidentally touching that metal ring with 20 volts was kinda crazy. My vision flashed white and I was left with a headache for the next 8 hours. I'm honestly still mildly concerned about it, but we're probably okay now.
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captains-pet-rat · 11 months
[Dancing Rasta X OC]
Because of her busy schedule, Haera relies on her group members when it comes to cooking. From interviews to back to back practice sessions, she'd come home with barely enough time to eat. However, now that she's on a break, her husband-to-be, Rasta, offers to teach her the basics of cooking and nutrition.
"Soooo, what do you already know, man?" Rasta asked, curious to know, hoping to see where they can start from what she might know.
"I'm really spoilt honestly. Frying an egg is okay, but I'm terrible at flipping them. Most of the times they end up scrambled so I don't have to worry about the yolk leaking. I can cook rice, but only with a rice cooker" She replied.
"I'm guessing you were taught the 'finger measure' method huh?" Rasta asked, knowing that Asians don't really get fancy with measuring water when it comes to cooking rice. All they need are thier knuckles.
"Haha, Bingo!" Haera let out an awkward laugh. The fact Rasta knew about the finger measuring method excited her. She continued " I can also make basic broths with veggies and meat to which I sometimes use to cook flavour my rice with.."
" Broths can be turned into really good soups too mon! Kinda gives me an idea actually~ How about starting off simple, rice, a nice warm soup and for veggies we can have em fresh, like a salad~" Rasta's suggestion was quite beginner friendly, as it wouldn't require too much work neither would it cram HaeRas mind with confusion.
"Hey love, whatever you suggest, I'll gladly follow. I dont the house burning down over a plate of veggies and a bowl of soup" Haera said shyly, as she's excited about what's to happen next. She's always wanted to cook a yummy meal for Rasta when he's coming home drained after a long day at training. Now's an opportunity to expand her knowledge about what Rasta enjoys food wise so far.
Rasta pulled out a chunk of thawed meat and some veggies from the fridge as Haera got the appropriate kitchen appliances. Together they assembled a salad with simple ingredients like lettuce, spinach, baby tomato's and shredded carrot.
Haera knew her way around Rasta's rice cooker from her years of fumbling with different cheap rice cookers her family could afford at local night markets. Very gently, Haera washed the rice in hopes it wouldn't break. She repeatedly washed and drained the rice for at least three times till the water around the rice got less cloudier after each wash. She drained the water and left the rice there as they got ready to boil up some soup.
Firstly, the pot was heated and sesame oil was added. Then, they added pieces of somewhat evenly chopped up meat into the pot with a bit of cooking sauce. Finally, water and a bit of beef stock was added. They left the soup to simmer as they set up the table. They used most of the soup to cook thier rice in hopes it would flavour it up. Whatever was leftover in the pot seemed to be more than enough to fill both of them.
As they brought the food to the table, Haera smiled. She was amazed at fast yet fragrant the food turned out. Rasta on the other hand looked at his wife-to-be, proud of what she's accomplished.
"Smells good! Can't wait to dig in...." Rasta exclaimed~
They spent their next few hours talking around the dinner table, about their hopes and dreams and about how they're excited for their next chapter together. Today was about how little things can lead to moments of happiness. Working together to get something done lead to their relationship getting stronger, and it's these little things that bring back the best memories they'll be laughing at when they're both old and grey <3
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kanekero · 8 months
I think the biggest lie we're told for home repair/renovation is that DIY stuff is cheaper. To some extent? Yeah it is. To recaulk a shower, I would have to pay someone $65-$300 USD. They get it done very quickly and you move on with your life. The cost for me going out to buy supplies is relatively cheap! You have the caulk gun, the silicone, a scraper, and the tool to smooth the bead of silicone. Altogether the cost is like $20-$30 and can be reused! So what's the downside?
The downside is the sheer amount of labor you have to put in for stuff like this. That guy you decided not to hire would have taken 30 minutes tops. Instead, now you have to learn how the tools work, watch youtube videos, hand scrape everything yourself because your cheap tools are shit, and then cleanup everything. All of that? 3-5 hours if you're lucky.
That's a lot of time! Especially in a day in age where time is so precious to us because of how little time we actually have. Finding time in your day to work in three hours of labor sucks! Especially when you have a never ending list of things to do, errands to run, rooms to clean, etc. its expensive not in cost, but in labor.
But what else are we to do? We can't afford the handyman to come. We're already living paycheck to paycheck and can barely afford the supplies as it is. We can't just let it go; the caulking is literally growing mold and at some point is going to be a detriment to our health. So we take our already tired bodies to the hardware store, spend what little money we have, and painstakingly fix the issues of the previous homeowner over and over again. Today is the shower, tomorrow is installing a backsplash that doesn't retain water in the kitchen, the next day is fixing pieces of furniture that have long been broken, and then fixing the gigantic gap in the door that's letting hot air in and so on and so forth.
There's no real point to this besides venting my frustrations. Just idk with everything we should be making more money and working less. But god forbid people make a living wage and have free time.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
Oooh 27-30 for the AO3 wrapped if I can be greedy :3
Haha, of course! It seems only fitting, for how much I ramble in your answers anyway. xD
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Sometimes nothing because music can be just as inspiring as distracting. In the reverse though, I tend to write moments or scenes; I seem to have abandoned the planning and patience required for multi-chaptered works when I was younger and had less responsibility, lol. And also before I went through several years of forum-based rping and became very used to collaborative character development and short works.
I otherwise also have a habit of just looping one song for the entirety of a writing period. Ironically, I worked on this Ziost piece for Savosta and Rhystyl with a combination of Disturbia by Rhianna and Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas absolutely stuck in my head. NEITHER of which match the vibes of Ziost or that piece AT ALL, but I could NOT purge those songs and eventually I just caved. And also the doc in my GoogleDocs is literally titled "disturbia looping in my head" because this one was a gut-punch to write and a meme-y title was my coping mechanism, lmao.
My 3 most defined SWTOR characters (Tyr, of course; Savosta, my Chiss SW; and Lensan, my BH) also all have their own playlists, which is another thing I haven't successfully done in EONS, so I will sometimes shuffle their whole playlists while writing for them, or loop specific songs relevant to whatever piece I'm writing. (They also usually accompany me to work or campus because blorbo thoughts are always the answer.)
OH. ALSO. My obsession I need to beam into everyone’s head is the last like 24 hours of my life I have been CONSUMED by The Unforgiven by Metallica as an agent song. I am rotating Tyr so intently in my head. Will I manage to do anything about it? Stay tuned!
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
inflection point was my first foray into writing and publishing for SWTOR and it remains really close to my heart for... reasons I'm pretty certain I've already mentioned for it earlier in the year, but a quick recap: I do really enjoy how I established Tyr in this one. Most of his minor mannerisms that have become essential to my picture of him made it into this fic and I think this is maybe one of my best representations of his relationship with Theron in one piece. They banter here, but they also are bone-cuttingly honest with one another - something I think is still way more difficult for Tyr than he even realizes. I apparently still can't write in chronological order ever because it's the first piece I published and it's the most recent as far as chronological story events are concerned, but, hey, I wrote it semi-shortly after actually finishing all the story content with him, so... that's my defense, lol.
take me gets an honorable mention as the other one near and dear to my heart as another one of those wrenchingly honest and intimate moments they share. I really like the unscripted aspect of both this one and inflection point. A lot of my other works have been focused around certain game moments and it sometimes feels like a bit of a cheap slip to work that way, but I end up writing them anyway because it's what my characters saw in that moment, even if it's mostly familiar to reference in game - and they're often really important distinguishments to keep track of in my head, at least, and writing them out in full just hits way harder than adding another bullet point to the Lore Doc. xD
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Okay, I'm gonna be greedy and give you a few, I think. I'll put a cut here for them.
“Do you regret it, Tyr..?” he asked quietly.
The Commander and ex-Cipher was silent for another long moment. “No.” Tyr rolled his jaw before he finally looked back at his lover. “May I speak frankly with you, Major..?”
He’d lowered his voice, reverted once more to the comforting distance of professionalism afforded by their titles. It’d helped Quinn find his footing in the Alliance - something grounding and familiar and unchanging, unlike so much else in the last several years.
“Always, Commander.”
Tyr watched him a second longer, as if to consider whether or not he was truly prepared - or willing - to step off the ledge. “I’d burn the Empire down to the foundations, Quinn. All of it. Not for the Alliance, not for the Republic… Just… me.” He closed his eyes and released a breath measured and slow - not quite a sigh so much as… acceptance. Resignation, maybe.
Okay, so it's primarily the bold section that keeps me up at night, BUT. Uhhh, brief context, this is from a WIP that I... may or may not finish, I have two versions of this actually - one is this one, where I was exploring the idea of Tyr x Theron x Malavai that is... theoretically established after Iokath. In my head. I have barely written anything tangible about it, but I thought about it for like 3 months at one point before I finally got fed up enough with myself to write when the sirens call our names just to justify Tyr recruiting Quinn to the Alliance when he sided with the Republic on Iokath. Because it was one instance where "you should provide context" won out over the gremlin urge to write 3 pretty boys with complex loyalty issues kissing each other about it.
The other version I set him against Vector as his long-time confidant, but I have already derailed SO far, so, ANYWAY.
The reason this one hits me so hard is because Tyr carries this burn inside of him for years before he can do anything tangible about it. The constant mask of survival suffocates this from really bubbling up prior to the threat of the Eternal Empire. He doesn't see a tangible way out of the Empire when he is still Legate and the half-homeless Cipher Nine following the disbandment of Imperial Intelligence. He's drifting. He hates where he is, but he doesn't run. Where would he even go? What would he do?
I've developed bones to pick with myself for leaving him in command of something like the Alliance because it is against his every instinct to be that known, but it is where the game has him currently and it is the foundation upon which he found the personal agency to really let his dissent flourish and I can't really take that from him. To finally have the power to strike back against the people and the entity that spent years rigging him up like a marionette... He wants that, even though he knows - sort of subconsciously - that it's a path of self-destruction. It's my latest obsession with him, tbh. In between research assignments last week, the idea that he doesn't know how self-destructive he really is, but has these kind of ideas running silently through his head anyway hit me like a semi-truck and hasn't let me rest since.
“But you must see… Whatever resistance we hope to achieve, whatever war we hurtle towards… The galaxy needs you, Rhyst. This ship, this alliance are merely tools, but you were my example. My beacon.”
“If you cannot forgive me, I will understand,” he said. “But this war - Zakuul, Arcann, the Throne… Whatever lies Valkorian tries to weave for us, you must see it all for the mere crucible that it is! Promise me, Rhystyl! If you will allow me at your side to guard against his influence, I will not leave you. This, I swear to you on my life.”
Also this. Bc ngl, I started writing this whole thing specifically for this line. For this moment. (And also the crucible line came to me one night right before bed as I was playing the mental blorbo movies, as you do, and I just. I Needed It to happen.) Aafafuughghghghghg, this is the peak of the transformation from Savosta being distanced with Rhystyl and with everyone else - his transformation from the weapon he was made into as Baras's apprentice and Emperor's Wrath to actively fighting for himself and what he believes in. When I write one, the other is usually involved, and Rhystyl is sort of positioned to be the "main character" as far as the hero of the galaxy-centric thought might be, but I think what it really is, to me at least, is a series of how Savosta sees him. Ideally, I'll one day have a whole fic series chronicling their journey from tepid allies on Ilum to co-Commanders of the Alliance, but it'll still take me a boatload of time to write that much. So, it's really about Savosta, for me. I started him out to have a really DS Sith (and maybe for the DS 5 chievo, okay, I don't usually play such hardcore dark siders), but then... I got really attached. >.> And I decided I loved him and I was rooting for him to get better and actually break his chains.
He sees someone like Rhystyl - a hero of his people - struggle and still get back up on his feet. Rhyst doesn't always have the answers and, despite their initial misgivings with one another, Rhyst doesn't turn away his partnership, either. He largely accepts that Savosta operates differently, that there's a struggle they share that Savosta isn't ready to confront in himself until several years into the conflict. Rhyst is a mirror, in a way, that Savosta uses to reflect on the differences in their choices and their relationships. Rhyst leans on his connections to bolster his strength where Savosta has always felt incredibly isolated and mistrustful, even with his own crew. He never had that kind of trust with anyone. Rhystyl is really the first person that meets him where he is - and Savosta doesn't think he realizes it. This is the moment he decides he needs to know it. This is the moment he is determined to be there for the man that has unwittingly showed him how he can be better, how he can help himself. He needs to show the same support he feels he's gotten from Rhystyl. And this is the moment they really become inseparable friends.
I'm a little low-key obsessed with a Sith character having the crashing, brutal realization that their power struggles are not, in fact, breaking free of chains, as their code posits, but trading one master for another in an endless struggle for power to oppress the losers, alright?
30. Biggest surprise writing this year?
Honestly? Just having as much fun as I have. Writing as much as I have. Tyr is my absolute blorbo wrapped (I think that's... obvious, lol) and it's honestly just been incredible to be this into an OC again. It feels like it's been too long since I've been so in love and engaged in the development of one of my characters.
I have absolutely enjoyed other OCs I've had in recent years, but I was kinda going off to a friend the other night trying to explain just why SWTOR scratches my itch about story-based gameplay and I boiled it down there to being able to reflect so many of my perceptions about my character in-game. My semi-recent within the last maybe two or three years love for BioWare titles - beginning with Dragon Age: Inquisition, then Mass Effect, and, ofc, now we're on SWTOR - was absolutely in part because of the depth of character interaction. Given a character creator and an engaging dialogue system that affected my relationships with the pixel npc blorbos and I was absolutely hooked.
I really can't explain why he's my obsession that's held on for this long. He's my poor little Rubix Cube, I want to snap him like a glowstick and shake him up and also show him to all my friends. There's also just a charm to SWTOR about being able to explore the aspects of the SW universe that the movies don't focus on - which is how I think I've, ironically, fallen far harder for my Impside characters... against all my expectations and plans. But there's just SO MUCH to explore in them and their complex relationships with their loyalties - often shifting over time, that I just. It ENGAGES ME VERY MUCH. And I love them a lot. Kissing them all on the forehead. Even Len, that absolute jackass.
Anyway, tangent survived successfully if you've made it this far, lol. It's tldr been just. a LOT of fun. I missed it. And it's been liberating to just... actually post it. I'd struggled quite a bit to write and definitely post things within the last several years, even for things I really loved, so to just give myself over to the joy of the process and the indulgence of creating for my own little blorbo has been extremely liberating and enjoyable.
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les-lazy-miserables · 8 months
Fried Veggies and Noodles (1.0)
Price per serving: around £2 Servings: 2-3 when very hungry, or 3-4
Beware: You will need a big pan or better: an actual wok.
This will work with any veggies that are frozen; I mostly use green veggies for this, especially "stalky" ones as they are cheap and come in large quantities.
Ingredients (in order of appearance in the recipe)
Main: Leek, you can also use white onions Peas (tin or frozen, I used frozen) Broccoli (frozen or fresh, I used fresh as it was on offer) Medium noodles (depends on what you like), you can also use rice as the idea is to have a mild wok dish Mushrooms
Little helpers: vegetable oil for frying garlic (fresh or granulated or powder) pepper
any kind of sauce that you like for wok dishes (optional) soy sauce (optional) vegetable stock (optional but I'd always add it. Live a little. (How sad is it that not having bland food is considered living a little when you live on a budget))
Cut all the vegetables. Do not care about what you have heard about how big the slices should be. This is your gig. Cook all the vegetables that are frozen. Consider cooking them a bit less since wok dishes taste best when the veg is more crunchy. Heat oil in pan/wok. Put leek/onions in pan/wok. (Add garlic.) optional Add broccoli and peas Add some water (optional: and vegetable stock.) Rather add your water bit by bit than at once. The goal is not to have your food swimming at the end. Add noodles and let them cook in the whole thing. Add some more garlic because why not. Add pepper optional: add sauce
You may wonder: How do you fry vegetables? - I put oil in a pan, heat the pan, cut the vegetables and throw them in one by one. When I see that they turn brown quite quickly, I turn down the flame.
Why not cook the noodles separately? Because that means more cleaning afterwards. Also I think the basic idea of a wok dish is cooking everything in one pot. Not entirely sure. Also the noodles absorb some of the flavour of the vegetables.
Yikes, there's water left! Cook a bit longer with a higher flame. Yes, the vegetables will be mushy. It's okay. You'll learn how much water is appropriate for this dish. Just use a bit less next time and add it bit by bit.
A tip for storing food: I don't like tupperware too much as I find it hard to keep my kitchen organised and there's always a lid going missing no matter HOW HARD YOU TRY. When I cook something in a big pot (like this dish), I wait for the pot to cool down, stick a big plate, and put it in the fridge. Use a deep plate so it closes of the pot.
I have two pots. It was something I had to buy and I had one for the longest time but realised it prolonged my cooking time (I had to first cook frozen goods, then pasta, or the other way around). So after some internal struggle I bought a second one. I still find storing cooked food directly in a pot a very helpful way to actually eat the prepared food (as you can't make new food without having to empty the pot first). Plus you can put one part of the annoying wash-up away for later, literally. Plus you won't have to buy tupperware (I never do, I try to use empty sturdy packaging from ice cream for example). If you do have tupperware already, do what you like.
This whole trick of course assumes you have enough room in your fridge but that was never a real problem for me.
Another tip to avoid having to buy tupperware: When I can't finish the portion I put on my plate, I stick a deep plate on top (the bottom faces away from the "serving plate" so you don't stain the second plate and save yourself some extra washing up).
Oh and for those wondering: I use the empty food packaging for storing cut vegetables.
The story behind this dish: My first day in Britain. I had my Excel spreadsheet ready for months, calculating my monthly budget so I could afford living in Britain and paying back my loan (a private one, which I used to pay for a postgraduate course as an international student). But this was all projections and planning. Now it was show time. My strategy for food and grocery shopping was to have several basic recipes that I could modify to take advantage of special offers. So far it has worked, and I am relatively happy with the result. I cooked in bulk so I would not have to worry about savoury food for the next few days. It was a bit on the bland side; I am considering investing in a sauce that I could stretch. Or just toss in a bit more garlic next time, or some nuts. We will see.
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
Watch "RPS 250cc Hawk Dirt Bike" on YouTube
This bike works pretty good it'll go about 4 hours and 80° heat you have to cool it off and about 3 hours and 90 to 100° heat and it's not recommended to ride around anything hotter without liquid cooling and you have to jack at the engine but they do sell kits and it's not a major concern even in Florida cuz people don't drive around for 3 hours if you did you'd be in Tallahassee. This bike gets people around it'll go 100 miles an hour easily withI 170 lb person on it it will also go very well with our son about 85 mph. It has very nice features it's newer it's the 22 but the seat is lower this suspension is still rocking and you can go on off-road with ease it handles on the road very well the tires are better than they used to be and the motor is much better and the transmission this bike is a superb motorcycle. It is the right price under $2,000. You can get parts locally is what he's trying to get me to tell you this place is out of Texas and most of them are some are Arizona is a few in Louisiana but if you mail an order it from Texas you get it one day and it's not that hard of a deal to get around for a day and people worry about it and it is a big business now the most parts that wear out you can find there and we mean rings and carburetors shocks sprockets chains engines there's only a few parts of your odd they're harder to get a filter compartments but you can get the filters all day and night so you have to understand if you can't find it there it's going to be online it might be another dealer or it could be aftermarket or if it's from China and it'll take a few days instead of one these things will sell like hot cakes now because people ask around. Our son and Ken are holding off because they're threatened so much but other people need these to transport themselves and our people would like to drive around on something okay people need transportation this is cheap economical reliable affordable transportation and you can evade people who are dangerous or mean and just go off the road you don't have to have words with them and most the time they leave you alone cuz you're already a mile away and it's good to know your area but really they are very versatile and I've never heard of someone not giving away on one. They have a lot of horsepower about 18 horsepower and 22 ft pounds of torque and yes that's as much as a YZ 125 two-stroke the YZ 125 four-stroke has about the same and talking about a similar League this is a 250 but they don't weigh that much they're light motor and yes you can buy a jacket and you take the top end off and you put it on and yes there's tons of people that work on these there's a few locally in Florida in their dealers and you can buy from a dealer here it's a wise thing to do but right now they're having trouble getting them here this will help get him here because he'll be calling like madness for parts if you need these we suggest you order it tonight in order several so you and your friends will have them they're wonderful bike this hawk is wonderful it is Hera's side, well okay that's TaoTao so it is our Sun's side and TaoTao has just as much horsepower it's a little less only like one or two and but it has the same amount of torque and that's what you really need in a bike like this because it's an Enduro her bike is is splendid but it's less expensive and he helped design this with his papa and it took off after Wentworth and you can check the dates it's amazing so please feel free to order them they come UPS okay in a box I just don't have Jason deliver it. Holy crap it came in text but okay and all the parts come UPS too her son worked on his bike he liked to but it's not everyone's cut out for it and that man was said the mental hospital couldn't think now he can work on almost every vehicle he has and they're very high tech so make no dismantle hospital stuff is for the birds
Thor Freya
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Grand Theft Auto V returns to the familiar city of Los Santos, but with all-new lead characters. Building on the gameplay of Grand Theft Auto: Episodes of Liberty City, GTA V offers up multiple playable characters, with three new protagonists to guide around the Lost Santos streets. First up is Michael, a retired bank robber who was living comfortably off his "earnings" following a deal with the FIB, but forced bank into the game after his wife gets a little to spend-happy. Then there's former military pilot Trevor, now a frequent drug user who does what he needs to scrape a living on the edge of society. Rounding up the trio is Franklin, a hustler who scams kids into buying cars they can't afford and then repossess them. Michael, Trevor and Franklin each have their own lives, stories and hobbies, but the paths of the three characters will cross throughout the game. You have the chance to switch between them at any off-mission point of the game – and even during the missions they take part in together to keep you close to the action at all times. A wealth of new missions await in Grand Theft Auto V, offering up a variety of mission styles for both individual and multiple participants. Unlike previous games in the series, complex finale-style missions are peppered throughout the characters' narratives, with heists providing a core part of the gameplay and a renewed focus on prepping for each crime. And missions get a little more tension, too, with the introduction of a score, another first for the GTA series. The Los Santos of Grand Theft Auto V is larger than ever before. Combining elements of Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption with classic GTA open-world gameplay, locations within the city and beyond are yours to explore and to make your playground. There's the beachfronts. View larger View larger View larger View larger Los Santos: A sprawling sun-soaked metropolis full of self-help gurus, starlets, and fading celebrities, once the envy of the Western world, now struggling to stay afloat in an era of economic uncertainty and cheap reality TV. Amidst the turmoil, three very different criminals plot their own chances of survival and success: Franklin, a former street gangster, now looking for real opportunities and serious money Michael, a professional ex-con whose retirement is a lot less rosy than he hoped it would be and Trevor, a violent maniac driven by the next big score. Running out of options, the crew risks everything in a series of daring and dangerous heists that could set them up for life. The biggest, most dynamic and most diverse open world ever created, Grand Theft Auto V blends storytelling and gameplay in new ways as players repeatedly jump in and out of the lives of the game's three lead characters, playing all sides of the game's interwoven story. All the classic hallmarks of the groundbreaking series return, including incredible attention to detail and Grand Theft Auto's darkly humorous take on modern culture, alongside a brand new and ambitious approach to open world multiplayer. Developed by series creators Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto V will be available worldwide for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Key Game Features: Los Santos and Blaine County The largest open world yet in a Grand Theft Auto title, spanning vastly diverse cultural and geographical areas - the entire world of Grand Theft Auto V is open from the very beginning of the game to explore. Visitors to the greater metropolis of Los Santos and the countryside of Blaine County will encounter faded celebrities, party people, hikers, bikers, and every other manner of colorful denizen. You'll be able to traverse everywhere from the tops of the mountains, through the streets of Los Santos and to the depths of the ocean floor. Michael, Franklin and Trevor Three playable protagonists - Michael, Franklin, and Trevor may live in different parts of town, have their own issues, attitudes, lifestyles, desires and goals - but they do know how to work together.
They also each have their own unique skillsets to bring to the table when it's time to get the job done. Heists Petty crimes, hustling, and stealing cars can only get you so far in Los Santos. To score big, Michael, Franklin and Trevor will work together to pull off grand Heists - big, multi-part missions that require careful preparation, recruiting, and precise (and often explosive) execution. Cash is king in GTAV and while there will be plenty of ways to acquire and spend it - heists are the way to earn the big bucks. 'Recreational' ActivityThe open world of Grand Theft Auto V is not just massive in scale, but will offer more to get into than ever before. For recreation, play a bit of golf or tennis, zen out with some yoga or cycle through the countryside. For adrenaline heads, parachute over the city, or customize your Cheetah and take it to the streets to race suckers for money. Or earn cash the old fashioned way, by taking it - whether by ripping off liquor stores or by buying and taking over businesses that will earn you dividends. Even minding your own business having a stroll you may meet one of Los Santos' weirdos or starlets and find yourself off on a wild misadventure you never expected. Rated ‏ : ‎ Ages 18 and Over Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 17.91 x 14 x 2.01 cm; 120 Grams Release date ‏ : ‎ 18 November 2014 ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00L8XUDIC Item part number ‏ : ‎ GTA_5Premium Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ Austria Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Rockstar Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 120 g Item Dimensions LxWxH ‏ : ‎ 17.9 x 14 x 2 Centimeters The Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack - The Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack Is The Fastest Way For New GTA Online Players To Jumpstart Their Criminal Empires With The Most Exciting And Popular Content Plus $1,, Bonus Cash To Spend In GTA Online - All Content Valued At Over Gta$1,, If Purchased Separately Grand Theft Auto V - When A Young Street Hustler, A Retired Bank Robber And A Terrifying Psychopath Land Themselves In Trouble, They Must Pull Off A Series Of Dangerous Heists To Survive In A City In Which They Can Trust Nobody, Least Of All Each Other A Fleet Of Powerful Vehicles - Tear Through The Streets With A Range Of 1 High Performance Vehicles Including A Supercar, Motorcycles, The Weaponized Dune Fav, A Helicopter, A Rally Car And More. You’ll Also Get Properties Including A 1 Car Garage To Store Your Growing Fleet Weapons, Clothing & Tattoos - You’ll Also Get Access To The Compact Grenade Launcher, Marksman Rifle And Compact Rifle Along With Stunt Racing Outfits, Biker Tattoos And More [ad_2]
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disanddatmedia · 2 years
I'm going to fucking cry,
I have an condition, PMR is what I was told but I don't fit it exactly, and Im now in flare up #2 in this month of july, my employer is demanding a doctors note and my GP is SUPER busy, but I need to see him because he knows what these flares up are to me, he knows the history, and apparently other doctors at that office fuck me around, and if I don't get this note to stay home since I barely can stand and walk, I'm worried ill lose my shitty job, despite being the worst fucking job ive ever been at, I need it, because I've looked and theres nothing better that I can physically/qualified to do, and its sad because my current job gives out the absolute minimum compensation possible legally for a 40 hr week, i didn't even get a second fucking shirt until i was there for 1 year and 7 months, my grandfather dies? I get a max of 3 days off unpaid per year because thats the government minimum, no raises (even when i had every goddam right to ask and get one), no benefits, no fucking nothing, just minimum wage and a fuck you, and I cant find better. since the cost of gas and groceries went sky high ive been stuck at around 2000+ in visa debt (was ZERO before the price hike) because 90-97% of all that is from groceries, gas, medicine, important shit, and I have no way to pay it back, ive been spending as minimum as possible and putting as much as possible from my paycheck into it but it always goes back to 2000+, and I cant get a second job because Im already maxed out basically from my other job.
I was told by my doctor that I have to have less stress in my life ad maybe it will be less often that i get flare ups. HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO DO THAT! I kmow he means well and hes probably right but how the fuck am i suppose to do that? my biggest stresses are (in order): Financial, work/job, mental health. Im not able to get any fucking help with fucking any of it (even mental health, to see a psychologist, it be almost a year, when i asked if i could any sooner, i was told that it is usually 5 year wait)
And ill be honest, if i wasn't renting from my sister but instead a random fuck, i be homeless by now, my rent is cheap because theyre not looking to make money off of me and she cares bout me. but if i had a random? rent be higher and i wont be able to pay for it unless i literally straved.
there is no freedom in being poor, only pain, suffering, and hell.
I get told to get a better job, but fucking how? there is nothing.
i get told to get a second job, how? i can barely make it through the 8 hour shift 5 days a week.
i get told to go back to school, how? Im already in debt with the bank so they're not going to want to loan to me, also i cant even get my mental health controlled which includes learning disabilities, and then its also a matter of what i can actually get into because its been like 9 years since i was in school, i didn't do that well, and im not going to get accepted into anything unless it too is a job thats minimum wage
i get told to be smarter with money, I can't exactly do more than I already am, im doing everything i can to get out and its not happening anytime soon (also owe my father 2000, at least he understands my shit position)
go talk to a mental health worker? Im trying, i cant afford paid therapy and psychologist so i have to wait forever for one i can see for free
this is not living, this is not getting by, this is suffering, and this suffering is from higher ups in government and corporations, they do not care how im doing until i am camped outside there area, which it will be only to kick me out and destroy my shit
cons dont care, its always "get a better job, pull yourself up by the bootstraps" but their is no fucking bootstraps, and my body is getting more and more fucked to where if there was straps and if it was possible to do it in general, my body is too weak to do so
living and existence is suffering in hell with no way out
i hope to find an out but im very doubtful at this point that their will be
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Tips For Working With a Roofer
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Whether you are planning on putting on a brand-new roof covering or changing the existing one, employing a professional roofer is essential. Roof covering is the very first line of defense versus the components as well as it needs appropriate maintenance. Roofing is likewise one of the most expensive residence improvement projects, so you want to guarantee you employ a reliable professional. Listed here are a few suggestions to bear in mind when employing a roofing contractor. These tips will certainly additionally come in handy for other significant home renovation tasks, such as mounting a brand-new garage.
Experience is an additional element to think about when hiring a professional roofer. See to it you pick a salem roofing contractor who has actually been in the sector for years. In this manner, they have experienced various circumstances and understand which materials to make use of. Additionally, they are most likely to be able to prepare for troubles prior to they arise. If a specialist has a good performance history of pleased clients, it is likely they are trustworthy. In a similar way, if you are seeking a roofer with an excellent track record, attempt to avoid a professional roofer who does not give references. Be cautious of roofer that will certainly offer you cheap prices simply to get your company.
These business will discover ways to save money, also if it indicates sacrificing quality. They may fall short to install pipeline collars or flashing, or use less expensive labor. On top of that, they might overcharge you later, either through concealed fees or uncovering even more job to do. So, it is important to do your research and also discover the most effective professional roofer to provide you the best roofing at one of the most affordable cost. Constantly ensure to get a written quote from the service provider. By doing this, you will avoid paying too much upfront for an unsuitable work. Prior to hiring a roofer, ask him to give you with a written price quote, to make sure that you will recognize exactly how much it will certainly cost you.
Also, see to it you comprehend the payment terms as well as do not pay the sum total beforehand. Finally, make certain to ask about the insurance protection of the service provider. The ideal insurance protection will certainly secure both you and also the professional. A strong professional roofer should have at the very least two to three references that you can contact us to validate the quality of the work. After that, if you are unclear about the contractor's work, inquire about his history and the people working on the project. It is not enough to work with somebody who has never ever operated in this market before, as you don't know anything about them.
You can ask a professional roofer for their website or check their social media sites web pages. You must never employ the initial roofer that supplies you a price you can't afford. Request previous client recommendations. The majority of roofer are greater than satisfied to give you with the names and get in touch with details of 3 people that have actually lately employed them to complete a roofing job. Read their evaluations online, or call their previous clients if you can.
This will offer you a much better idea of whether the business's work is of a premium quality. And also do not forget to request the get in touch with details of at least 3 of their previous consumers. For more understanding of this article, visit this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roof.
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halcyondaysforyou · 2 years
4 Life Insurance Policies You Should Never Buy
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Despite the title of this post, I am a huge fan of life insurance. In fact, if it weren't for term life insurance, I never would have been able to go to college and have a career as a financial adviser. (My father compared term life vs whole life and bought a small term life policy two months before he passed away unexpectedly at age 44. That life insurance served as an important safety net for me and my siblings.)
Nobody knows when their number is up, of course. But regardless, there are two kinds of people who simply must own life insurance:
A. If you have a large enough estate to be subject to estate tax. (This doesn't affect many people.)
B. If other people would be financially devastated if you died prematurely.
While the first condition doesn't apply to many people, the second condition applies to most of us. If others rely on you, I strongly encourage you to buy term life to fulfill your responsibilities. Having said that, I want to point out that there are many other kinds of life insurance that you should never buy. Let's look at four that simply don't make sense.
1. Guaranteed issue. Guaranteed issue life insurance is peddled on late-night television. You've probably seen the ads. The major selling point is that if you apply, you can't be turned down. On the face of it, it might seem like a no-brainer. But there is actually far less to this policy than meets the eye.
First, if you do purchase such a life insurance policy and die within two years, most policies call for the company to simply return the premium you paid. That means if you are very ill and don't expect to live a long time, this might be just a waste of energy. Also, the death benefits are very low and the premiums are expensive.
If you absolutely need life insurance, can't get coverage elsewhere, and think you have a chance to live beyond the exclusion period (check with your carrier), you may have no choice but to purchase a guaranteed issue policy. But please check into other alternatives, like senior term life insurance first.
2. Life insurance for children. In general, life insurance for kids is a huge waste of money. That's because (thankfully) most children are born healthy and live a very long time. And since children don't have any income, you don't really have any reason to insure their lives, as cold as that may seem. Just because you don't buy insurance doesn't mean you don't love your children. It means you are smart enough to put that money to better use-like saving for a college education.
3. Travel/accident insurance. This coverage is very cheap for good reason. Most people arrive at their destinations safely, and very few get into terrible accidents. And what does it matter how you die, by the way? Why would your family need more life insurance just because you died in an accident rather than from an illness? I know this sounds crass, but this insurance makes no sense. Rather than throw your money away on these policies, have an extra-large, fresh-squeezed orange juice at the bar while you are waiting for your flight. You'll live longer.
4. Whole life/universal life. Life insurance is a tool, not an investment. With whole life/universal life insurance, you will pay a higher premium with the promise that the company will take those extra dollars and invest them for you. The problem is that this type of insurance is very expensive. The investments don't grow because the expenses eat up your interest.
In 29 years as a financial planner, I've yet to see whole life or universal life pay off for any client. Often, people have little to show for such policies other than the money they paid in. Whole life and universal life policies are the reasons why life insurance companies can afford big buildings and Super Bowl ads. The only time these policies make sense if you have an estate-tax problem but this is a subject beyond the scope of this post.
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Life insurance is a very important tool. When you use it for its intended purpose, it's great. That means you should look to term life to cover your family protection needs. Ignore the slick sales gimmicks of guaranteed life, life insurance or children, travel and accident insurance, and whole life/universal life.
Credits to: Neal Frankle
Date posted: July 13, 2012
Source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/4-life-insurance-policies-never-180314056.html
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