#jimon fics
constantfluxx · 3 months
Interstellar, Ch 16: Everglow
"I think it’ll be safer to set up one of our holding cells for the test. We minimize the risk to Mundanes, and if anything goes wrong that has us opening up a demon portal or something it’ll be in a controlled area flanked by plenty of Shadowhunters to deal with it.” Izzy snickered. “Guess my brother’s on board after all!” She gave him a playful pat of his shoulder on her way towards the main elevators. “I’ll go get a cell set up for the test. Text you when I’m done?” “Likewise,” he replied with a nod, moving to one of the armament panels lining the Institute’s control room. As he retrieved a bow and fresh quiver of arrows, he grumbled, “Let’s go catch us a Ravener.” “‘Catch’?” Alec’s eyes widened. Alarmed, he swirled around to intersect what he knew would be an at-best awkward situation— —but the other Izzy already had her bracer leveled between his mother’s eyes, lips pursed so tightly they’d nearly turned white. Beside her, Magnus’ arm mirrored hers, though his sported a split hand to expose an embedded blaster humming with swelling energy. An intense, yellow glow consumed his eyes, though it remained clear they focused upon a small, blue dot the other Izzy’s bracer projected upon Maryse’s brow. “Isabelle?” Maryse was murmuring, hands raised and anxious gaze fixated upon the bizarre and unsettling version of Magnus staring her down. “What’s going on?!”
Read the rest on AO3.
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darcyolsson · 10 months
when youve got a drawing in your head and the actual drawing turns out as good as the idea...... better than sex and alcohol and every drug on the planet combined
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malecdiscordserver · 1 year
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Welcome to the Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023: Presented by the Malec Discord Server ➰
Sign ups are NOW OPEN!
Writer: https://forms.gle/cwSbK9CBRxjmqATH6 Beta: https://forms.gle/8FV58WYhEUXBJA1t8 Artist: https://forms.gle/KdVyuLaPEWyDCVxC7
What’s a Mini Bang? The Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023 is a collaborative fandom event that combines writer and artist talents! Writers create never before seen stories, betas test their editing skills, and artists choose a story that inspires them to create! Not only is this a great chance to create something new for the fandom, but it also gives an opportunity to work with new people and make new fandom friends through the Malec Discord Server.
Who can participate? In order to participate in this Mini Bang, you must be a member of the Malec Discord Server. This is a requirement as, instead of emailed check ins, all Mini Bang announcements will be made in the server.
You must be at least 16 years old to join the server and participate in this bang. You must be over 18 years old to create/read explicit works.
What is the schedule? The schedule as it currently stands is below. This schedule is subject to change depending on the situation. You will be notified of any changes once you sign up.
February 25: Writer, beta and artist sign-ups begin March 26: Writer and beta sign-ups closed March 29: Brief summaries from writers for beta claims April 2: Beta claims May 10: Writer and beta check-in 1 May 10: Summaries due from writers for artist claims May 10: Artist sign-ups close May 13: Art claims May 15: Last day of art claims June 11: Artist check-in 1 July 17: All check-in 2 August 21: Final drafts and art due August 27: Posting begins
Join the Malec Discord Server or check out our Tumblr for more information!
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takaraphoenix · 9 months
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moonlightperseus · 2 months
my god is this unfinished fic i wrote when i was fourteen actually... good?
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bookishjules · 5 months
tumblr caught on to the fact that i have seen/made every sizzy post since returning to tumblr like 2.5 years ago and has started showing me posts from the tag (which i ofc follow) from my hiatus and most of me is grateful but also.. some of these takes man..
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mangoob · 2 years
I wrote my first Jimon fic if anyone is interested 👉👈 Also I'm a little rusty in the writing world so I hope it's decent enough
read on AO3 or down below the cut!
Strumming Heartstrings
rating: teen, word count: 3,529.
Pairings: Jace/Simon
No content warnings, just some fluff and some first kisses!
While waiting for his friends to return to the institute, Simon decides to have some me time with his guitar in the library. Little does he know, Jace had heard him from afar and is quite interested in his music.
After a whirlwind of interactions, far from their norm, Jace and Simon find themselves playing their instruments together, getting along, and somethings else that tops it all.
Jace was wandering through the long corridors of the institutes, no real direction in mind. It was a slow day today, no one was around and there wasn’t much for him to do. Jace had been feeling awfully tired lately and Alec could feel it. So Jace stayed put for the day, whether it was of his own volition or not. In the meantime Izzy and Clary had decided to take the reins on patrolling and Alec was, once again, off somewhere with Magnus. Not that Jace was complaining. He loved his parabatai, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t mind an occasional evening without his judgmental stare. Unless it was directed towards Simon, that was always popcorn worthy. ‘ Simon! Where was he anyway?’ Jace thought to himself. 
He’d almost forgotten about the little bloodsucker. Simon came by the institute early that same evening to visit Clary and discuss a few things with Magnus, but now that Jace thought about it, he never saw him leave. Just as he began to wonder about the vampire‘s whereabouts he heard the faint sound of a guitar coming from the library. ‘ That must be him.’ Jace thought, as he picked up his pace to the library to investigate. As he neared the entrance the music grew much louder, and Jace wondered, with a slight annoyance, why Simon would be listening to his music so loudly, until he heard a voice accompanying it. 
Was that Simon singing? 
Jace turned the corner and peered into the entrance. Jace’s eyes widened with surprise and curiosity. Simon wasn’t listening to music, he was playing it! Jace had heard of Simon being in a band in passing, but he never actually heard him sing. And by the angel, he had to admit, it was better than he expected. Not that he necessarily expected it to be bad . As much as he found Simon to be annoying at times, he didn’t really hate the guy, at least not nowadays. And he certainly wouldn’t denounce a fellow musician if they didn’t deserve it. While Jace was caught up in his own thoughts, ears flooded with Simon’s beautiful playing, the song came to a comfortable close. Jace snapped back to reality and decided to speak up about his presence, Simon still not noticing anyone was watching him. 
“Not bad, fangs.” Jace called out. 
“Wh- ah! Uh yeah, th-thanks?” Simon stuttered in response, shocked and a little horrified. 
“How long have you been standing there??”
“Oh don’t get your panties in a bunch Lewis, I didn’t hear your whole ballad.” Jace replied smugly, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.
Of course it had to be Jace that walked in on him practicing as he waited for Clary to get back. Sure, Simon was playing in the middle of the library, and sure he could’ve gone back to his apartment, but staying at the institute was far more convenient than making the trek back. Not to mention he already brought his things with him since he was with his bandmates right before heading to here. Jeez, this was bad, Simon just knew Jace wouldn’t let him live it down. He was definitely going to make fun of him! At least that’s what Simon’s racing mind thought before Jace spoke up again. 
“You should play another. I wouldn’t mind hearing a complete song. It does get quite boring wandering the halls.” 
Simon stared blankly at him for a moment trying to wrap his head around what he just heard. Did Jace really like what he had listened to? If Simon could still blush, he would’ve at that thought, much to his own surprise. It’s not like what Jace enjoyed mattered to him, he knew neither of them really wanted anything to do with each other. At least he had thought that up until now, and for some odd reason Simon felt a slight flutter in his heart at the thought of Jace liking what he played. Simon finally broke out of his own whirling emotions to break the far too long silence. “Um, y-yeah. I guess I can do that.” Simon croaked out, still not entirely sure what else he wanted to say to Jace. But before he could let the situation get any more awkward Simon let himself simply comply with Jace’s request. He might as well. He hoisted up his guitar and readied himself to play. 
As soon as Simon began to strum his guitar all his stirring thoughts drifted away. Although Simon played onstage without a hitch, music was quite personal for him. He always drifted into his own world when he played, melting in with the notes, lyrics flowing out as if they were a natural part of him. It was a special connection, which is why Simon found it so odd he was now sharing that with the man he had been convinced was his sworn enemy on the best of days. But onward he played. 
Jace made his way into the library towards Simon, as he continued to serenade the room. As Jace meandered forward he kept his eyes on Simon. He watched closely as he plucked at the guitar strings and kept a perfect steady beat. Eventually Jace found himself sitting on the plush chair beside where Simon was standing. Jace made himself comfortable and remained silent as he listened to Simon sing. Simon harmonized gently with the chords of his guitar as Jace sat and listened, Simon becoming slightly flustered whenever he looked back at Jace’s intent, yet soft gaze. 
Simon struggled slightly to continue his song as he fought off his own confusion at the feeling that was nipping at him, something he couldn’t, or wouldn’t, place. Something about Jace staring at him so gently made him feel off. Why was he feeling like this? Maybe it was having a one person audience? Playing for a smaller group could be much more personal and nerve wracking than a whole venue. At least for some musicians, but not really for Simon. That couldn’t be it. Maybe it was the fact that Jace never interacted with him much in such a calm manner and it just took him off guard, certainly that was it. It definitely couldn’t have been how Simon noticed the cute little dimples that flanked Jace’s content smile. Or the pretty way Jace’s hair fell over his face when it was unstyled, and he was more relaxed. Simon would be lying if he said that he had thought Jace wasn’t good looking when they first met. Maybe in a far far away universe he’d even date a guy that looked the part, but his negative feelings towards Jace far outweighed anything looks could do for the blonde. I mean they hated each other… right? 
However, that may have been just something the two boys had been telling themselves. Perhaps just to keep a sense of normalcy. Things certainly did shift after Jace let Simon feed off him, whether or not they changed their behavior. Jace did risk his life to save Simon’s after all, of course things had changed. No matter how much they fought or how many times Jace told himself otherwise, maybe Jace had started to care, just a tiny bit, for the idiot vampire. But not in a warlock's lifetime would Jace admit that.
Simon noticed his tone waver a bit as he got caught up in thought about whether Jace truly hated him or not, and quickly pulled himself out. He knew he was coming out of his performer state of mind. Jace had noticed it too, with a slight amusement, but made no comment. He was far too busy admiring the musician in front of him. Jace never thought such a dork could write a decent song, but whether Jace wanted to admit it or not, it was more than decent. Jace enjoyed the influence of sweet indie pop that saturated Simon’s song. He liked the gentle and seamless progression of his chords and riffs. He most certainly enjoyed that he could hear a bit of Simon in the way he played guitar, it was his own unique flare. It wasn’t like anything Jace often heard. And Simon’s voice, well it fit perfectly with the song, like it was made only to be sung by him and no one else. Jace had to confess, he was impressed. Impressed by the annoying little geek named Simon. He also had to admit he wasn’t mad about it, he was actually quite enjoying spending more tranquil time with Simon. This was becoming quite the interesting evening. Jace gazed up at Simon’s lips, following the lyrics with his eyes as he sang. He began to zone out slightly with the soft music filling his ears and his eyes locked on Simon.
Simon and his suddenly rather attractive lips…
Jace’s eyes widened and he blushed a rosey pink at his own intrusive thought, catching himself still staring at Simon’s mouth. Jace’s eyes darted away as he pushed aside his thought. Surely Jace never felt attracted to Simon before.  
‘And there’s no way in Raizel’s name I would ever be!’ Jace thought to himself.
‘Not that bloodsucking dork.’ He thought, defensively.
Sure, Jace didn’t hate the guy, hell, maybe a small part of him had a tolerance for him, but he certainly didn’t think he liked him. But something about this moment was just different from normal, and not just because they weren’t bickering at each other. The way Simon effortlessly performed a seamless waterfall of beautiful notes and the moonrise coming through the window began to trace Simon in a dazzling silver glow. It was just…different. Simon was different. And Jace wasn’t willing to admit that maybe his feelings were becoming a little different too. 
Simon’s song finally came to close and Simon let his guitar rest at his stomach, hanging onto the neck strap thrown around his shoulder. “That was beautiful, Simon.” Jace said with a smile. “Thanks. Never thought that’d come from you.” Simon almost whispered, and with a slight laugh in his voice. He was still in shock at the whole situation that had unfolded. Especially at receiving a compliment from Jace that wasn’t backhanded, or at least made in a snarky tone. Jace piped up. “Well life is full of surprises isn’t it?” Jace stated in his usual cocky tone. “Hey, I have an idea.” he continued, lifting himself out of the chair. Simon looked at him questioningly as he watched Jace make his way across the room. “Oh really? That’s never good.” Simon teased. Jace let out a small chuckle, much to Simon’s surprise, and delight. “Quiet, my ideas are excellent! At least… 90% of the time.” Jace joked back with a smile. Simon certainly wasn’t used to that tone. Jace strolled across the room until he eventually reached the piano placed by the right window of the library, in clear view of the entryway. Jace took a seat on the oak bench and readied himself to play. “Are you serious? Are you trying to say you want to play with me?” Simon asked and huffed out a weak laugh, more out of shock than amusement. “Well, what could be the harm in giving it a go? C’mon fangs, you’re used to playing alongside other people, and it’ll give me something to do.” Jace replied.
’ He was really serious wasn’t he?’ Simon thought. This night was getting more interesting by the minute. “You’re telling me Jace ‘screw you  vampire’ Wayland wants to play with me? Who are you and what have you done with the real Jace?” Simon said, a slight smile could be heard in his tone. “Hey, I haven’t said ‘screw you’ in at least 3 weeks, shark teeth.” Jace said with a chuckle. Jace then smiled, “C’mon, I’d like to try not playing in solitude for once and you seem qualified for the role, surprisingly. Throw a few chords my way, you dork.” Simon felt his heart flutter once again, but he didn’t push it away this time. He couldn’t believe it, him and Jace were… getting along? They were teasing and chatting like regular people? Surely this was a dream. But hey, it wasn’t a bad one. Maybe Jace wasn’t really half bad. Simon surely was more open to the possibility now. “Well this is the most interesting night I’ve had in a while. Why not?” Simon sighed and smiled. He began to strum a few melodic chords and Jace followed his lead, gently pressing on the piano’s keys. 
It wasn’t as hard to play along with Jace as he thought it would be. Despite there being no real written song and no rehearsal at all, the flow of the music seemed to come naturally to them. Simon would strum a collection of bright, steel strings and Jace would follow him up with a soothing symphony of piano keys. They felt intertwined in that moment, like no matter what they played, the other would always be the puzzle piece that completed the chorale. It felt for a while that this moment was only for them to indulge in and they both felt a small hint of butterflies at the experience. 
Jace had set out for this moment to finally try and bring a semblance of peace between him and Simon, not really much more. He didn’t ask for more. Simon agreed to this moment hoping, just maybe, Jace and him could be acquaintances, maybe even friends if he was lucky. He wouldn’t mind getting to know Jace beyond whatever bickering they engaged in, he wouldn’t mind if the bickering lessened. He hoped it might. But both of the boys felt a lot more than what they’d set out for in that moment. The mystical starlight peaking through the window, the gentle click the piano keys made when pressed, the beautiful mahogany room filled with nothing but the warm sounds of a soothing composition; entirely coming from each musician’s hearts and equally personal to each. It was all a bit too perfect, and each felt a pull at their heart strings, just as melodic and pleasurable as the plucked strings on Simon’s guitar. It felt like the most vulnerable moment they had ever shared, even more than when Jace saved Simon’s life, somehow. Something was just so much more about this moment. They struggled with it for a slight moment, but they both knew it. They knew the unmistakable feeling of love was floating in the air alongside the tune of instruments. It wasn’t what either was expecting, but somehow it felt comfortable, not outlandish or repulsive like they thought it would be. Both began to wonder if this feeling had been sequestered in the back of their minds for much longer than just this moment. 
“That was really good.” Simon started with a mild grin, their musical improvisation coming to an ending they both silently agreed on. “Yeah, not bad, Simon.” Jace replied, a soft twinkle is his mismatched eyes. Simon’s grin widened slightly when Jace said his name, his real name, not one of his thousand nicknames Simon was convinced Jace spent every night coming up with. Simon walked a few paces over to the piano and rested a hand on the stained oak. “You know, if you ever got the feeling, I bet we could incorporate a piano into the band.” Simon inquired, a bit jokingly. “Oh really? That’s quite the proposal, fangs. I could consider it, though I haven’t been known to be the type for warming up a crowd.” Jace laughed with a playful grin. ”We should do this again. I didn’t mind it.” Jace said softly, a slight shyness to his voice, contrasting with his previously confident tone. “Yeah, I guess I didn’t mind it either.” Simon replied sweetly. Jace scooted over on the bench and gestured for Simon to sit next to him, a slight blush to his cheeks. Simon lifted his neck strap over his head and placed the guitar down, leaning it against the piano. He adjusted himself and sat down beside Jace, his stomach filling with butterflies and feeling a bit confused as to why Jace wanted Simon to sit with him. Jace then warmly said, “Let me show you something.” and took Simon’s hand. 
Simon’s heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. He couldn’t quite fathom how he got here or how quickly he felt feelings for Jace, or at least recognized something that may have been building inside him. Simon didn’t try to wrap his head around it for long though as he watched Jace place his hand on the keys of the piano, gesturing for his other hand afterwards. Simon pivoted himself a bit and gave over his left hand swiftly as Jace grasped it and guided it over a set of keys. Suddenly, Jace began to press the keys while keeping Simon’s hands underneath his. He gently guided Simon’s hands to play a simple melody along the piano. Jace moved closer as he reached for a lower section of the piano. Their shoulders touched and Jace pressed up against him, still guiding his hands. Jace seemed focused on the piano keys but Simon’s senses could feel Jace’s heart beating, and it was fast. As they ended on a delightful sounding major chord, Jace let go of Simon’s hands, a small disappointment creeping into Simon when he did. “Look at how talented you are! Who needs me to join the band, I think you got it covered, fangs.” Jace brightly chuckled, still shoulder to shoulder with Simon. Simon let a small laugh escape him and couldn’t help but indulge in this moment. He’d never really seen this side of Jace, at least, certainly not with him. He was pleasant and soft, he could hardly believe this was the same guy who killed demons and brooded through the hallways almost every time he passed him. 
“Y'know, I never properly thanked you for what you did for me. I should’ve. I don’t think I would’ve been too happy if I never got to do this with you. You’re not so bad.” Simon said, a bit nervously. Jace’s eyes got a bit glossy at the memory. Simon didn’t say, but he knew what he was talking about. He appreciated Simon’s courtesy of being vague. “You’re not too bad yourself, needle teeth… Or, Simon, I should say. I don’t think I ever properly told you that.” Jace replied with a charming smile and a whisper of a laugh. Simon glanced at Jace’s beautiful eyes, admiring the way the moonlight hit them, making them look like silvery koi ponds filled with life. Jace locked eyes with Simon’s deep brown irises, then darted his gaze at Simon’s lips. Before either of them could really comprehend it, they had leaned in to steal a kiss from one another. Their lips pressed softly before deepening into a gentle, romantic kiss. Simon’s hand moved to cup Jace’s jaw as Jace’s hands moved as well, one lovingly placed around Simon’s neck and one intertwining with Simon’s free hand. They remained in the kiss for a while, not wanting the feeling to end, and only pulling away for Jace to breathe. They pressed their foreheads together, smiling, not letting go of each other.
Simon stuttered "Wow, um… I-"
“Funny.” Jace cut him off.
“Huh?” Simon question his response. 
”I always thought the fangs might get in the way.” 
Simon pulled back a bit and laughed at Jace’s remark, “You’re awful, yknow that?” 
“Very aware.” Jace smiled and pulled him in for another kiss. The moonlight casted across the room, the silence felt comfortable as they indulged in a honeyed kiss. All the while this precious moment unfolded, a trio of quietly snickering shadowhunters and a very smug warlock watched through the entryway. 
“I knew it.” Magnus proclaimed, Alec chuckling in agreement. “Yknow this means I won the bet, don’t you Clary?” Izzy questioned, very self-satisfied. “Oh yeah, yeah.” Clary responded, pretending to be annoyed, but she was far too caught up in seeing her best friend kiss his enemy to care. Although the group tried to remain quiet, Jace and Simon caught wind of the sound of whispers coming from the entryway and flicked their heads to the doorway in an alarmed response. “Hey, how long have you been there?!” Jace yelled at the doorway, incredibly flushed. The gang quickly rushed out of their positions at the moment Jace caught them, giggling all the way through the halls. “Hey wait!-“ Jace tried to call after them, but to no avail. “Oh boy…” Simon said with a sigh as he plopped his head on Jace’s shoulder. 
Jace hummed a quiet chuckle and wrapped his arm around Simon, pulling him closer. Although they thought about chasing after the small troop that rudely interrupted them, they sat there and embraced each other instead. Neither could be bothered to figure out right now how the hell they were going to explain all this. They both knew they’d rather let the others stir than let go of their new love.
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xnicowritesx · 1 year
Truth or Dare
Fandom(s): The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types
Relationship(s): Simon Lewis/Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis/Alec Lightwood, Simon Lewis/Jace Wayland, Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland
Archive Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Series: Nico's Multiamory March 2023
Summary: Jace, Alec, and Simon have a sleepover together, despite the fact that they all live in the same Institute.
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fic masterpost
figured I should probably make one of these | she_who_reads on AO3 | no permanent MCD or unhappy endings | no smut | all posted to AO3, some also on Tumblr | putting it under the cut because this got LONG
Consul Alec Lightwood (soon to be Lightwood-Bane) Malec | G, no warnings | One-shot | Missing scene from QoAaD in which Alec tells Magnus that he was elected Consul | AO3
bargaining (for you) Malec | G, tw amnesia | ch 8/8 | Alec makes a different deal with Asmodeus. Angst follows. | AO3 | Series (extras) | Tumblr
Whumptober 2021 (Series on AO3)
together Malec | G, tw canon-typical violence | ch 5/5 | Alec has been kidnapped. We're not sure by whom, though… | AO3
hunger Malec | G, no warnings | one-shot | Magnus is magically exhausted for the first time since the Owl incident. It brings back bad memories. | AO3
an eye for an eye (a son for a son) Malec | G, tw minor self-harm & vampirism | ch 4/4 | An alternate universe in which Imogen Herondale demanded justice for the death of her son when the Circle fell, and the Lightwoods didn't get off so scot-free | AO3
hope (and the lack of it) Malec | G, tw magical illness | one-shot | missing scenes from QoAaD when Magnus is sick with the blight | AO3
flightless angel Malec | G, tw violence, blood | two-shot | Canon divergence from CoHF in which Shadowhunters have wings, Raphael lives, and a different deal is made to escape Edom | AO3
by proxy Malec | G, tw canon-typical violence, torture | two-shot | Magnus’s voice was hoarse from screaming, and his wrists chafed from the magic-suppressing cuffs on his wrists, but he was otherwise unharmed. He wished he wasn’t: if he had been the one getting beat up, his husband wouldn’t be. | AO3
don't you die on me Malec | G, tw canon-typical violence, presumed character death | two-shot | And then, to Alec’s horror, the Alliance rune on his wrist flickered, and he looked to Magnus just in time to see him fall. | AO3
bleeding through the bandages Malec | G, tw canon-typical violence, blood & injury | one-shot | Magnus is stabbed with a seraph blade fighting Circle members. | AO3
immortality (and what a certain Shadowhunter will do to get it) Malec | G, tw blood | one-shot | Alec figures out how to become immortal. This is how it happens. | AO3
escape (getting home) Malec | T, tw implied/referenced torture | two-shot | Alec is kidnapped by Circle members. He escapes. | AO3
adrift Malec | G, tw dehydration | ch 3/3 | In a few days, Alec would be dead. His head ached dully, his mouth felt dry. He tried to stand up, and his head spun for a few moments before he steadied. He wished he could see Magnus one last time. | AO3
self-sacrifice Malec | G, tw self-sacrifice, suicide for saving others purposes (no MCD) | one-shot | that scene from Sherlock BBC (s4e3) where Sherlock has to choose between killing John and killing Mycroft, except with Shadowhunters | AO3
learning to love Malec | G, tw implied/referenced & internalised homophobia & aphobia | one-shot | Alec was sixteen when he realized that he was asexual. A story of self-discovery, of coming out (the first time, and then again, and again), and of acceptance. | AO3 | Tumblr
libertate bellantis Malec | T, tw canon-typical violence, implied/referenced torture | ch 17/17 | They met in a coffee shop. Alec, a member of the Resistance, Commander and Acting Head of New York. Magnus, known to the Shadowhunters only as Bane, one of the most powerful warlocks in the world. Both think the other is mundane. (Both are wrong.) Both will find out the truth. Plus, Valentine has been leading a worldwide Clave-sanctioned genocide of the Downworld for the last twenty-five years, and now Alec and Magnus have to work together to stop him... | AO3 | Series (sequel and extras)
Unforeseen (series) Malec | T, tw canon-typical violence | 3 works | Alec has magic, Malec are very soft, and there are shenanigans. | Series on AO3 | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Deruned Malec | G, tw derunement | one-shot | An alternate universe in which Alec didn't marry Lydia, but he didn't kiss Magnus at the wedding, either. There are more consequences than you might think. | Inspired by Universes of You by giidas | AO3
Febuwhump 2022 (Series on AO3 | Tumblr Masterpost)
Choices and Self-Sacrificial Tendencies Malec | G, tw demonic possession | two-shot | Magnus is possessed. Alec doesn't want to hurt him. | AO3 | Tum/blr
dreaming of you Malec | G, tw minor mention of blood | two-shot | Magnus knows he’ll never have a soulmate — he’s the son of a Prince of Hell, after all. Alec has been dreaming of his soulmate for as long as he can remember. | AO3 | Tumblr
Chronic Pain Malec | G, tw chronic pain | one-shot | Alec has chronic pain. Magnus finds out, and does what he can to help. | AO3 | Tumblr
bone deep Malec | G, tw unconsciousness, hypothermia, delirium | two-shot | Magnus’s skin was cold to the touch. | AO3 | Tum/blr
home Malec | G, tw illness, mention of death | one-shot | An unknown disease sweeps across the Shadow World. | AO3 | Tumblr
hidden scars Malec | G, tw scars, discussion of past injury | one-shot | After a fight, Magnus can’t keep up the glamour that usually covers his old scars. Feels and hurt/comfort follow. | AO3 | Tumblr
magic (is more than the caster) Malec | G, tw human experimentation | two-shot | Malec get captured, Valentine is an evil maniac, Magnus is a BAMF, and his magic loves Alec almost as much as he does. | AO3 | Tum/blr
Belief Malec | G, tw canon-typical violence, body-swap | one-shot | Alec knew two things: he couldn’t risk letting Valentine free, and he couldn’t risk letting Magnus die. (2x12 canon divergence.) | AO3 | Tumblr
growing pains Malec | G, tw descriptions of pain, mention of suicide | one-shot | Alec is poisoned at a Clave function. Magnus makes the antidote in time, but everything is not over yet. | AO3 | Tumblr
with great power Malec | G, tw earthquake | one-shot | There’s a lot of responsibility associated with great power. Magnus has the opportunity to stop a tsunami. | AO3 | Tumblr
burning bright Malec | G, tw canon-typical violence, blood | one-shot | Trapped under a magic-suppressing ward without access to weapons, Magnus uses an ability Alec didn’t know he had. | AO3 | Tumblr
Gospels Malec | T, tw swearing, mention of kidnapping and torture | one-shot | Magnus Bane has been taken. Alec Lightwood is not merciful in his quest to take him back. (Conversations during the in-betweens and the after from Revelations by ClinicalChaos.) | AO3
let your voice be heard Malec | G, no warnings | one-shot | Shadowhunters don’t sing. aka five times Alec remembered that he wasn’t supposed to sing, and five times he knew he could (because this 5+1 idea is totally unbalanced and the characters deserve better). | AO3 | Tumblr
Shadowhunters Pride Bingo 2022 (Series on AO3 | Tumblr Masterpost)
of love & names Magnus-centric, Malec | G, tw transphobia | one-shot | The best thing that Asmodeus ever did for him, Magnus sometimes thought, was letting him choose his own name. Or: Magnus is trans, has friends, and (finally) feels accepted. | AO3 | Tumblr
U — Understanding [Shadowhunters Ace ABC] Alec-centric, Malec | G, tw internalised & institutionalised homophobia | one-shot | Isabelle realised that her brother was not straight when she was fifteen and he was sixteen. Or: Izzy loves her brother, but some wounds go deeper than she can fix. (Ft. gratuitous light/dark metaphors, sibling antics, and angst with a happy ending.) | AO3 | Tumblr
of colourful nails & the defeat of homophobes Malec | G, tw homophobia | one-shot | Magnus’ nails glowed with every colour of the rainbow. Or, Alec paints his nails and is politically savvy. | AO3 | Tumblr
N — Natural [Shadowhunters Ace ABC] Malec | G, tw internalized & external homophobia & aphobia | one-shot | Alec is ace and gay, Maryse is evil, Alec meets a certain Magnus Bane, and the road to self-acceptance is long and hard — but it's a bit easier when you have friends and family to support you. (Ft. pining idiots and Alec writing books.) | AO3 | Tumblr
sweeter than sugar Malec | G, tw minor mention of homophobia | one-shot | Pretty boy. Darling. Alexander. Sayang. Husband. Five times Magnus called Alec something that wasn't his name, and one time Alec returned the favour. | AO3 | Tumblr
G — Gaze [Shadowhunters Ace ABC] Magnus-centric, Malec | G, tw aphobia | one-shot | Magnus sometimes found the gazes of strangers unnerving. Or, Magnus is demisexual and sex-positive, people are not always understanding, Camille is a bitch, and Alec loves Magnus. | AO3 | Tumblr
pull me closer Jimon | G, tw mention of Jace's abusive childhood, panic attacks | one-shot | For most of Jace’s life, his assumption that he was straight went unchallenged. Jace is definitely not straight and in love with Clary. That doesn't change just because Simon's cute and funny and brave and— well, Jace is straight, so obviously he doesn't like Simon that way. (Right?) | AO3 | Tumblr
(beyond) this place of wrath and tears Malec | T, tw for mention (not graphic) of the following: biphobia, racism (anti-Downworlder and anti-POC), whatever it's called when people want men not to wear makeup, suicidal thoughts, and depression | one-shot | People tend to hate what they do not understand, and while Magnus can ignore most cruel words, he sometimes fears there might be a fragment of truth in them. Fortunately, he has Alec. | AO3 | Tumblr
Never Alone Malec | G, tw violence, reference to rape/non-con, and vampirism, all at canon levels | ch 21/21 | In a world where Shadowhunters’ dæmons never lose the ability to change shape, Clary spends her eighteenth birthday learning why Hunter can still shift. Or, a shameless fix-it featuring BAMF Magnus and Alec, logical problem-solving rather than the disaster that was Jace, Izzy, and Clary — and, of course, Malec falling in love (in a slightly less difficult situation). | AO3 | Tumblr
the implications of language Malec | G, tw minor reference to Magnus' mother's suicide | one-shot | Indonesian is Magnus' mother tongue — the language he slips into when he doesn't have the presence of mind for anything else. Alec wants to learn. | AO3 | Tumblr
bloody but unbowed Malec | G, tw implied/referenced torture, discrimination against Downworlders | one-shot | Twenty years ago, the Circle won. Six years ago, Alec Lightwood began freeing every Downworlder to enter the Institute’s cells. A week ago, he was caught. Nobody’s going to free him. | AO3 | Tumblr
Whumptober 2022 (Masterpost | Series on AO3)
Unscheduled Meetings Malec | G, tw canonical MCD for Thule Malec but not for other versions of Malec | one-shot | A (relatively) everyday trip to confront a warlock results in something decidedly not everyday. Who would’ve thought Alec’s magic held the key to unlocking the multiverse? | AO3 | Series on AO3 | Tumblr
Could Cry Power Malec | G, tw kidnapping | one-shot | People are disappearing from New York, and Alec has no idea why. What he finds out is worse than he’d expected. | AO3 | Tumblr
mothers & sons Malec | G, tw suicide attempt | one-shot | Maryse is evil and there are some particularly nasty spells hidden in the Institute’s archives. What follows will leave scars. | AO3 | Tumblr
of demons & protection spells Malec | G, tw canon-typical violence, self-harm | one-shot | Maryse Lightwood doesn't show up at Magnus' door, but instead helps Alec kill Jonathan. Magnus leaves New York, heartbroken, but refuses to join his father in Edom. Asmodeus isn't happy about that. | AO3 | Tumblr
(and if i couldn't walk) i'd crawl to you Malec | G, tw blood loss, canon-typical violence | one-shot | A routine patrol goes wrong, and Alec is left bleeding out in an alley. | AO3 | Tumblr
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tanneradell · 1 year
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crazychicke · 2 years
"I am also an athlete..." - Spencer James
the mac and cheese debacle aka 3x16
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malecdiscordserver · 1 year
Tumblr media
Welcome to the Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023: Presented by the Malec Discord Server ➰
What’s a Mini Bang? The Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023 is a collaborative fandom event that combines writer and artist talents! Writers create never before seen stories, betas test their editing skills, and artists choose a story that inspires them to create! Not only is this a great chance to create something new for the fandom, but it also gives an opportunity to work with new people and make new fandom friends through the Malec Discord Server.
Who can participate? In order to participate in this Mini Bang, you must be a member of the Malec Discord Server. This is a requirement as, instead of emailed check ins, all Mini Bang announcements will be made in the server.
You must be at least 16 years old to join the server and participate in this bang. You must be over 18 years old to create/read explicit works.
What is the schedule?
The schedule as it currently stands is below. This schedule is subject to change depending on the situation. You will be notified of any changes once you sign up.
February 25: Writer, beta and artist sign-ups begin March 26: Writer and beta sign-ups closed March 29: Brief summaries from writers for beta claims April 2: Beta claims May 10: Writer and beta check-in 1 May 10: Summaries due from writers for artist claims May 10: Artist sign-ups close May 13: Art claims May 15: Last day of art claims June 11: Artist check-in 1 July 17: All check-in 2 August 21: Final drafts and art due August 27: Posting begins
Join the Malec Discord Server or check out our Tumblr for more information!
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stanleyvampire14 · 4 months
So I have seen on multiple different occasions that the ship name between Jack and Simon are ACTUALLY called Jimon not Jamon
Which is a shame because I think Jamon sounds better when you say it out sound but I digress
I just like the silly guys ^_^ also there’s this fanfic that I thought was Ralmon but it’s actually Jimon in disguise I think…Take a look for yourself if you’d like! I will say that there’s homophobia (what a surprise) and there’s some abuse from Simon’s step-father in this fic so if you can’t handle that, please don’t read it, and be safe!
If this person has an account on tumblr I’d be happy to mention/@ it ^_^
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andraedevane · 3 months
✨ Intro Post ✨
Hi everyone! I'm Andra Edevane, but you can call me Andrevane or Andy if you want. My pronouns are she/her. I'm pansexual. I don't care if a person is female, male or non-binary. As long as they can make me feel loved, their gender it's a secondary thing. I'm an adult, that's all you need to know about my age. So please, minors, don't talk to me in DMs. You can send me asks and interact with my posts, but that's all. I'm also open to roleplay if you want to! But again, not minors. And feel free to send me ask/DMs me for anything!
【 About me 】
🌸My irl friends: @mustangdemon, you're a great person who always seem to know how to cheer me up, so thank you for that @shoon200218-blog, I don't know how would be my life without you (probably very terrible), I love you 🩷 @sergio130posts, you are an awesome person and you deserve someone as good as you in your life
🌸My mutuals: @mustangdemon @shoon200218-blog @generalallxsanjishipper @destroya2005 @fancychaostraveller @zearay @rexnanorum @salsalada @inkfowl @arrhythmicdesires
🌸 Bilingual. I speak English and Spanish.
🌸 Writer (I finally have an AO3 aacount! :D. The username is the same as here btw)
🌸 Artist (I draw sometimes, but I don't know if it's good or bad)
🌸 Music: I like all type of music genders, except reggaeton and trap. My favourite music gender is definitely BSO music. And symphonic metal. Symphonic metal it's... so beautiful for me.
🌸 Hobbies: Write, draw, read, listen to music, watch TV shows and movies.
🌸 Favourite season: Winter.
🌸 Favourite singer/group: Hidden Citizens
🌸 Favourite songs: Breathe ❣ Fleurie | Umbrella ❣ J2 | This Is Our War ❣ Halocene | Silent Night ❣ Dreamcatcher | Zero Eclipse ❣ Hiroyuki Sawano | To Feel Alive ❣ Tiff Randol | La Vida es Una ❣ Karol G | Here To Stay ❣ Sofia Coll | Mystery of the Invisible ❣ Veridia | All About Us ❣ t.A.T.u | Invisible ❣ Zara Larsson
🌸 Fics I like: Mostly hurt/comfort, because why not? Is there something more beautiful than a person who comforts another person when they need a shoulder to cry on? Crack fics too, because we need to laugh more in this life and be more happy. Villain redemption, because I believe in the innate goodness in people and I think that's what would make a better world. So you can recommend me hurt/comfort, crack, or villain redemption fics if you want.
🌸Fics I don't like: Rape/Non-con fics because I don't feel comfortable with those kind of things. Fics with toxic relationships because what I want in a fic is a happy ending for all the characters, and if there's a toxic relationship that's definitely not a happy ending to me. And I don't like fics with gore neither. So fics with toxic relationships, rape/non-con, or/and gore are a no-no for me.
【 My fandoms 】
⚡Harry Potter 🌌 Star Trek | Star Wars 🦸 Marvel | DC 🐺 Teen Wolf | Shadowhunters 🏥 Stranger Things 🐞 Miraculous Ladybug 🗡️ Trollhunters 👩 She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 🔥Avatar: The Last Airbender | Avatar: Legend of Korra 🦉 The Owl House 🛸Voltron: Legendary Defender
【 Ships I like 】 【 My OTP's 】
⚡Drarry | Jeverus | Jegulus | Snack | Wolfstar 🌌 Spirk | Kalluzeb | Skybridger | Skysolo | Kylux | Obimaul | Thranakin 🦸 Stony | Cherik | Spideyflash | Coldflash | Sladiver | Olivarry 🐺 Sterek | Sciles | Thiam | Briam | Allydia | Malydia | Malira | Malec | Clace | Jimon | Saphael | Clizzy 🏥 Steddie | Harringrove | Ronance | Byler | Elmax 🐞 Lukadrien | Kagaminette | Gabenath | Eminath | Gabenathilie | Movie Adrinette (don't talk to me about show Adrinette) 🗡️ Jeves | Hammerhunter | Jlaireby | Stelija | Stricklake | Stricklakerot | Strickrot 👩 Catradora | Glimbow | Entrapdak | Scorfuma | Glitra 🔥 Kataraang | Zutara | Zutaraang | Zukaang | Zukka | Jetko | Azutara | Makorra | Korrasami | Makorrasami 🦉 Lumity | Huntlow | Raeda | Veesha | Gustholomule | Guster 🛸 Klance | Lotura | Romura | Lancelot | Keitor | Jaith | Krolivan | Adashurtis
Yes, I rarely ship the canon couples. Why? Don't ask me that, I don't know why. I just can't avoid shipping non-canon couples. Maybe it's because all of the canon ships seem like the same to me and I'm tired of that. Or maybe it's because non-canon ships are more interesting to me and they could have an interesting story. Anyways, If you ship canon couples it's okay, but that's not for me.
【 DNI 】
♦️ LGBT+ phobes. I don't care if you are Homophobic, Biphobic, Acephobic or whatever you are, if you can't respect people for their sexual orientation, don't talk to me.
♦️ Transphobes. Everyone deserves to live a happy life. And if someone isn't living a happy life because society asigned them a wrong gender, they have the right to be their true self. If you don't support or accept that, block me or don't talk to me.
♦️ Xenophobes. Hating someone for not being of your country is dumb and it's wrong. So if you are like that, again, don't talk to me.
♦️ Racists. We're all humans, no matter the race. And if you can't respect people for being of another race, don't interact, thanks.
♦️ Sexists. Whether you are a misogynist or a misandrist, if you can't accept that no matter the gender we are all worthy of living in this world, don't talk to me.
♦️ Ableists. Despise or hate persons just for having a disability (If that term upsets some of you tell me) is something horrible and you shouldn't do that. So if you are an ableist, don't interact.
♦️ Radfems/TERF. You can support an ideology, but only as long as you aren't radical. So radfems, don't interact. And if you are a feminist that excludes trans-woman, don't do it neither.
♦️ Fascists. If you are antidemocratic, ultranationalist, right-wing or right-wing extremist, stay away from my blog. I don't want those people talking to me.
♦️ If you support censorship.
♦️ Zionists.
♦️ Islamophobes. If you hate a person just for being muslim, don't interact. Like I said before, I'm a respectful person and I only want to talk to respectful people who support human rights.
♦️ Killers, rapists, pedophiles, MAPs. I don't have to say why I don't want those people intecting, right?
【 Moral of this intro post 】
If you can't be able to admit that we're all humans and we're all worthy of live, and live without being harrassed or abused for our race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or another reason, block me.
If you are the opposite, if you are good and kind, if you are respectful, you support LGBT+, and you believe in the equality of all humans, no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or other things, you are totally welcome!
I think that's all! So byeee!,
Andy 💐
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blairwaldcrf · 7 months
20 questions game for fic writers
Tagged by @ssmtskw @vanderwoodlings & @terrainofheartfelt (i love you all!)
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
35 but I've orphaned a few. Probably not that much more than 45
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
173,549 (+ an orphaned fic that was 125k words itself)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
red white and royal blue, gossip girl, tvd (actively). dcu sometimes. formerly shadowhunters, the magicians, and roswell new mexico
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1st- it's a love story (baby just say yes) (firstprince / rwrb)
2nd- bring me your love tonight (firstprince / rwrb movie)
3rd- Bitter Banter (jimon / shadowhunters)
4th- Shut Up & Kiss (jimon / shadowhunters)
5th- Thank the Angel for Werewolves (jimon / shadowhunters)
5. Do you respond to comments?
of course????
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it's probably a tie between Every Lie You Tell (chate / gossip girl) and a general Titans fics There's No Wonder in Grief
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
so it's not published yet, but it's the ending for my wip Set it Up (dair / gossip girl)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
it's rare but yeah once or twice
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I mean yeah, but that's recent lol. Just mlm & ot3 stuff, nothing super kinky
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
so... technically, but they'll never see the light of day. the only one i really started was a tvd/shadowhunters one that I quickly decided was cringey
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!!! to Romanian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
a longgggg time ago, like I think it's on fanfiction.net long time ago
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
not gonna choose
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oh god. probably the magicians multichapter fic or shadowhunters multichapter
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean if the character canonically uses more than one native language it should be done BUT ONLY when not choosing mildly racist stereotypes with how/when you use it or with what you have the character say. also try and have a native speaker review it because Google is not one hundred percent effective
19. First fandom you ever wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
of my public facing ao3 fics probably The B Shouldn't Be Silenced simply because of how lovely and personal the comments were.
Otherwise it would be the book length fic I orphaned (i can no longer can stand the ship) mainly because I'm proud I finished a project that large, people translated it and made fanart, and it had the most comments I've ever received
tagging @purgeshubble @takaraphoenix @laufire @hydesjackiespuddinpop who I haven't seen be tagged and anyone else!
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xnicowritesx · 1 year
Anniversary Art
Fandom(s): The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types
Relationship(s): Clary Fray/Simon Lewis/Jace Wayland, Clary Fray/Simon Lewis, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis/Jace Wayland
Archive Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Series: Nico's Multiamory March 2023
Summary: Clary paints for their anniversary.
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