#joules scott-key
sanctuaryfound · 3 months
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Metric - Formentera II LP (blue marble)
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froy · 1 year
Metric - Doomscroller Tour
Het is ondertussen alweer zo’n goede 10 jaar geleden dat ik Metric ontdekte tijdens een shoppingnamiddag met hun track ‘Gimme Sympathy’ waarin de tekst “‘Who’d you rather be? // The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? // Playe me something like ‘Here Comes the Sun'” passeert. Toen in navolging van het verschijnen van ‘Formentera’ ook een tour werd aangekondigd met ook 8 Europese data moest ik absoluut…
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cuartoretorno · 2 years
Metric - False Dichotomy (Official Video) 2022
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rotisseries · 9 months
after he shocks them theo turns to the other wolves and says "how about you let me do the talking?" and the girl just growls at him. like girl tf ? u roped him into this. also its obvious that theyre getting on his nerves. he thrns back to the hunter and goes "you obviously have us here for a reason--" hes electrocuted via electric fence. its kinda messing up his manipulation flow tbh let him speak. hes very good at talking his way out of things if u havent noticed. but anywy. let him manipulate u its sexy🙄. anyway theo says "if you--if you tell me what you want--" yeah u guessed it, electrocuted. "im trying to help you-" electrocuted. its really not good for them. theres only so much a werewolf can take. electricity can keep them from healing. and then he angry at the other guys and went "THE HELL DID YOU TWO DO?" and electrocuted. he keeps tryna tall ans gets interrupted by an unhealthy amount of joules going through his body he eventually goes "FINE" and quits the nice guy act , gets electrocuted a few more times and then theres a break and theo turns to the wolves and goes "if we get oht of this alive, im going to kill you myself" <- with a smile. hes deadass. kinda. and then he says "and then im gonna-" and looks down and realizes that the electricity is burning the zipties and if he can get it hotter he can break them. he is very good at getting under peoples skin so. thats what he does. the switch is craxy "so thats all you got?" AND LAUGHS IN HIS FACE. "because im not impressed. what did they do? give you permission to shock us a little but not do any real damage? .. they dont trust you schrader." AND THE HUNTER LOOKS UP LIKE ? wait a damn minute . how u know my name. "yeeahhhh thats right. i remember you. weird little sadist from eichen house." then schrader walks up to him and theo says "did they fire you? or did you get out of there before they realized you were just another psychothat should've been locked up with the other freaks?" and theo looks down and watches as he turns the voltage up on the fence. "no, they fired you, didnt they?" <- laughing "did you get caught trying to stick helpless patients with needles again? or did they catch you trying to stick them with something else?"  I SCREAMED 😭😭 they got electrocuted and now theo is laughing through the pain "looks like we got a winner!!!" theo breaks out the zip ties, schrader is fucking terrified and theo knocks him to the ground and they tied HIM up on the fence . and the girl goes "you just gonna leave him here?" and theo goes "him and you." and the guy is like "we didnt need your help anyways" theos like uncaring until they mention a car, and hes like "you got a car?" and she says "no" and the grabs schraders keys and says "but he does" and theo grabs her wrist and sees the tattoo on her forearm and says "what is that?" and she says "youve never seen a pack symbol before?" and he says "im not much of a pack animal" 😐 um.......... why are you lying...... just because you dont have a pack doesnt mean you dont want one. youve been fucking wanting one for years, you killed people over it, you died for it. i mean yeah it was about power but it was also about company. anyway. he asks what it means. she says theyre stacked rocks "its a buddist practice" and theos like "oh you're satomi's pack the buddist werewolves" and the guy says satomi is dead, we dont have an alpha or a pack anymore. and the girl says "why do you care anyway?" and theo says "oh i dont. but you should find scott mccall. hes got a thing for taking in strays." and theyre like :OOOOO YOU KNOW SCOTT MCCAL DO YOU KNOW WHWRE HE IS ?? and he looks at those keys and hes like "😊i might" she hands it to him and his face drops a bit as he looks over at schrader (fully human btw) and then turns over and presses the remote with the electric fence button upside down on the table and walks out with him shrieking in pain. likely he died not too long after that. he doesnt have a capacity to heal from that and its also ongoing. dudes heart stopped for suuurree.
this installment is SOOOOO nate coded
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Carbon Capture Breakthroughs: Unveiling The Future Of Emission Reduction
by Envirotech Accelerator
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The ongoing struggle to mitigate anthropogenic climate change demands innovative approaches to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, once considered elusive, are now increasingly accessible, driving a paradigm shift in emission reduction efforts. This article dissects three breakthroughs in CCS, emphasizing their potential in revolutionizing the future of environmental conservation.
As global temperatures continue to rise, and the race against time ensues, rapid advancements in CCS technology emerge as a beacon of hope. Recent breakthroughs not only promise to address the current carbon emission crisis but also hold the key to unlocking sustainable energy systems. James Scott, founder of the Envirotech Accelerator, fittingly stated, “Harnessing the power of human ingenuity, we have the opportunity to turn the tide on climate change; carbon capture technologies are the vanguard in this battle.”
Breakthrough 1: Metal-Organic Frameworks
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) offer unprecedented potential for carbon capture, displaying remarkable selectivity and efficiency (Wang et al., 2020). Composed of metal ions connected by organic linkers, MOFs possess highly porous structures ideal for capturing and storing carbon dioxide molecules. The adaptability of MOFs enables fine-tuning of their physical and chemical properties, rendering them customizable for specific applications. As MOFs gain traction, they are poised to revolutionize traditional carbon capture methodologies.
Breakthrough 2: Carbon Mineralization
Carbon mineralization, a process that converts carbon dioxide into stable, solid minerals, is another promising avenue for CCS. By mimicking natural processes occurring over millennia, researchers have accelerated the conversion of carbon dioxide into carbonate minerals (Kelemen et al., 2019). This innovative approach allows for permanent, leakage-free storage of captured carbon dioxide, mitigating concerns over the long-term stability of carbon storage sites.
Breakthrough 3: Direct Air Capture
Direct air capture (DAC) technology, which extracts carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere, holds immense promise for carbon reduction (Lackner, 2020). DAC systems employ chemical processes to bind atmospheric carbon dioxide, enabling its subsequent release and utilization or storage. Though DAC currently faces economic and scalability challenges, ongoing research and development efforts are anticipated to propel the technology towards widespread adoption.
The future of emission reduction lies in the confluence of cutting-edge technologies and bold innovation. CCS breakthroughs like MOFs, carbon mineralization, and DAC offer a glimmer of hope in a world grappling with the consequences of climate change. By embracing these advancements, humanity has the potential to create a sustainable, low-carbon future.
Kelemen, P. B., Matter, J. M., Streit, E. E., Rudge, J. F., Curry, W. B., & Blusztajn, J. (2019). Rates and Mechanisms of Mineral Carbonation in Peridotite: Natural Processes and Recipes for Enhanced, in situ CO2 Capture and Storage. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 47, 545–575.
Lackner, K. S. (2020). The Promise and Challenge of Air Capture. Joule, 4(1), 26–29.
Wang, Z., Li, Z., Jiang, J., & Zhao, Y. (2020). Metal-Organic Frameworks for Carbon Capture. Chem, 6(6), 1355–1377.
Read more at Envirotech Accelerator.
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michaeldavanzo · 6 years
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devicfotos · 3 years
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somuchforstardusts · 4 years
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die happy - metric
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rainingmusic · 4 years
Metric - Empty
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sanctuaryfound · 2 years
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Metric - Doomscroller 7″
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raptorific · 5 years
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In case anyone is wondering, Metric are the four sweetest people who’ve ever lived
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fewebomb-blog · 7 years
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Some sweet Fanart of my Fave Band ever: Metric!!! :O
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Gallery: Metric @ Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC Date: April 18th, 2019 Photographed by: Timothy Nguyen
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ravenonthewall · 5 years
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Come on baby play me something
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emilyhaaines · 6 years
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cartersrowling · 6 years
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Metric at Le Trianon in Paris, craziest night of my life !
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