#just saw a lot of interesting comments like this
Tagging @aitathrowaway1234 to know when it gets posted
AITA for trying to set a friend up with her crush (and having it backfire horrendously)?
I (F28) am married with my wonderful husband Lucas (M31) for eight years now and I'm convinced he is my soulmate. I am as in love with him as I was all those years ago and I'm convinced I'm the luckiest woman on Earth for having him in my life. Yes, I'm cheesy like that.
Thing is, because I'm so happy with Lucas, I want to see all of my friends equally happy and in love, so I have a tendency to play matchmaker sometimes (only with their permission, of course). A lot of these friends are in happy relationships with the people I set them up to, so I can say confidently I'm good at matchmaking.
Recently my friend Darcy (F32) commented on how she had this huge crush in one of my husband's friends, Peter (M30). I got super excited because Darcy went through a bad divorce around 5 years ago and she haven't expressed an interest in anyone since then. Since Peter always seemed to be a cool guy, I asked her if she wanted my help to get closer to him. She said yes.
For context, Lucas was never a fan of me playing matchmaking for people, mostly because he thought I could get in trouble for it. He knows it's something I like to do, though, so he never tried to make me stop it, he just always made it clear he wants no involvement in this. Since I knew I would have no help from him, I started to invite Peter myself to hangouts with me, Lucas and Darcy, and I would go out of my way to talk to him and compliment Darcy in our conversations, saying how amazing she was and listing her qualities etc. In our hangouts, Darcy and Peter would talk nonstop and, in my head, my little matchmaking plan was going smoothly.
Until this one night last week when we went out for a bar. Lucas had a long day at work and was feeling really sore (he has a bunch of disabilities that make him stay most of his time on a wheelchair and also make him feel a lot of pain), so he decided to stay at home, but encouraged me to go out with Darcy and Peter as planned. I didn't want to leave him alone, so it was then that I had an idea: I would go out with them, stay half an hour and leave, saying Lucas wasn't feeling great and I didn't want to leave him alone, which wasn't even an excuse. So I could go home and cuddle with my husband on the couch watching some Netflix while Darcy and Peter would be out just the two of them for the first time. Perfect plan, right?
So I went out with them and, around ten minutes after we arrived at the bar, Darcy went to the bathroom and that's when things started to get weird.
Peter was very straightfoward; he said he knew what I was doing and that I was very smart to keep inviting Darcy to have an excuse to be around him, and now that Lucas finally wasn't with us we could "get rid" of Darcy somehow and go somewhere more private. I was so shocked that I started to laugh and I think he saw this as an encouragement, because suddenly his hand was on my thigh and he was way into my personal space. I pushed him off, kind of screamed "What the fuck?!", got up and left. I was in my car on the way home when I remembered of Darcy. I don't know why she left my mind like that, I guess I was too shocked to think of anything else at the moment, but when I parked at home my phone was full of texts from her, asking what was going on and why everyone had left. I just texted her an apology and promised I would explain everything to her on the following day, because I wasn't in the right headspace at the moment.
When I went home Lucas asked me what was wrong and that was enough for me to start to cry. I told him everything and he just held me and comforted me, he didn't really say anything because he knew I just needed him to be there for me at that moment, I guess. On the following day, thought, we talked a lot about what happened and I could see he was really upset about Peter. He reassured me I didn't do anything wrong, though, but he confessed he didn't like my matchmaking habits because he knew this could happen and he didn't want to see me hurt like this.
After that, I texted both Peter and Darcy. To Peter I simply said I never had any kind of interest in him, that I was simply trying to help a friend out because I thought he was a good person but that was clearly not the case. I also told him to stay away from me and my husband and blocked him. To Darcy, I just told her what happened and apologized. She never answered me, so I guess she blames me.
Lucas keeps insisting this wasn't my fault, but I can't help but think that, if I didn't got involved, this would never have happened, and maybe I should stop meddling in other people's love lives, even if they want me to do it.
So, AITA for trying to help a friend out?
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aihoshiino · 2 days
chapter 148 thoughts!
New chapter! New arc! New - Osh no Beach Episode?! Uh - sure, fuck it! Why not!
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Completely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 5
It felt weirdly jarring to realize it was late summer in series for some reason lol… I think it's a combo of it still being pretty chilly here in the UK and me just having entirely lost track of the passage of time while we were in Movie Arc Purgatory.
I actually don't have a ton to say about this chapter as it's kind of just an echo of what we got with 138; a little breather beat between emotional upheavals that sets up the oncoming drama at the end. I definitely think it does so less gracefully than 138 and I ultimately enjoyed it less. That's not to say it's a bad chapter and watching everyone have goofy fun in the sun was cute - it just didn't quite Hit in the way I was itching for, especially after last chapter was… well, the way it was. There's some stuff I have to complain about which I think will make this post read as more negative than it maybe is, but it's one of those chapters where the good stuff doesn't really warrant a lot of comment other than 'i liked it'.
On that note, things I liked: everyone hanging out was really cute! I was honestly hoping we'd get more interactions like this during the Movie Arc with everyone scrunched together onto a single project but I'm happy to see it now.
Gotanda being being Dads With Cats this chapter was also really cute. It's a throwaway line but that little lore crumb of him having been looking forward to starting a family at some point is… honestly really sad and interesting? I think it adds a lot to the way he takes to Aqua and looks out for Kana, on top of the way he throws himself into his art.
frill taking a big ass break between projects is really good, too. i hope she has a very good time doing absolutely nothing.
that said. the fact that the only time we've gotten an acknowledgement of ruby and taiki's sibling relationship in the manga after like 80+ chapters is him making a comment about her tits makes me want to put aka akasaka through a pasta maker.
but no, for real. joking aside. Taiki and Aqua's relationship and Taiki going from being standoffish to accepting Aqua as his younger brother is one of the more understandably sweet relationship arcs in the series and it feels like a waste that we didn't get anything similar for him and Ruby. In general, Ruby is starting to feel very isolated from the rest of the cast which I'm not a fan of.
frill's full body wetsuit was a god tier joke though i gotta admit
Kana hyping herself up to flirt so overtly with Aqua was… funny, if a bit weird, especially given the note the chapter ends on. But Akane going right in and getting all over her thighs. holy shit, girl.
tsukuyomi at the beach what will she do
Akane's chat with Aqua also made my ears perk up in the way it continues a theme established by 143, of Aqua being challenged on his dedication to his self destruction by the people around him. Ruby and Kana were able to poke and prod at the issue but Akane, having the full picture as she does, is able to more directly shake Aqua and point out what he has to lose. In trying to self destruct, he will only end up destroying the thing he's trying to protect.
Also worth pointing out; Aqua is back to double black hoshigans as of this chapter which seems to line up with my thoughts on them representing his wavering dedication to his revenge play.
And then Kana….. whooooooooooo boy.
Like I said earlier, this ending feels super jarring off the back of both the last AQKN interaction and Kana's attempted flirting in this very chapter. As part of her overall arc, I think it makes sense but within the scope of this chapter it's too abrupt and lacks any real trigger. I can assume she saw AQAK talking to each other and made some assumptions but we don't actually see it. As it's presented in the comic, Akane basically walked up to her and triggered a cutscene lol
It is interesting to me that we're getting this overt push towards romantic resolution happening now given that… well, I'm not keeping that 'chapters since 143' count going just for goofs. I'm honestly torn between frustrated and darky amused at how much of a nothingburger 143 has turned out to be in the long run given that its only persistent status quo change (Aqua's white hoshigan) has fallen back by the wayside again. Neither Ruby or Aqua are acting like anything at all has happened. Literally right now it feels like you could skip 141-143 completely and not miss anything. It's baffling and it really does feel like that kiss was used as cynical reaction bait. Ruby's feelings are being treated with little to no respect and I'm honestly tired of it.
Obviously we're going to be getting some future resolution eventually because any Aqua-related romantic resolution is going to end up dragging Ruby into things but man. The fact that THIS is how Akasaka is choosing to drag it out is just insane to me. What was even the point of that kiss if it was going to have literally no impact on either character or the status quo whatsoever?
As for what this means for relationships… who even knows at this point. If you put a gun to my head and forced me to make a call, I'd say that in a romance manga, this would make me very confident in a Kana endgame. 'Girl tries to selflessly give up her love' is a pretty huge 'winning' flag in these kinds of situations. But Oshi no Ko is not strictly a romance manga and there's so much other relationship baggage floating around, who even knows what this is all going to mean. You could tell me this is the flag for an Aqua/Minami endgame or something and I wouldn't be surprised at this point.
At least we'll find out next week, assuming Akasaka doesn't offscreen the rest of this talk lol
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jq37 · 2 days
I just randomly thought about Mazey saying the Rat Grinders "famously" hate the Bad Kids. What does that look like do you think.
Like is it just Kipperlilly constantly complaining about Riz having an unfair advantage or have they ALL at some point, complained about them? (Or like everyone except Maryann probably). Did this predate them becoming rage people?
I have many questions
This is just such a hard question to answer because the Bad Kids just Did Not Engage with this plot as much as they could have which means we don't know anything for certain except that KP has hated Riz from the jump.
The way Mazey said it it sounds like it's a group hatred that's existed since at least Sophomore Year. And evidence that it's a full group hate could be that Ruben sneered when he saw Fig in bard class and Oisin specifically used a spell slot to Sending Adaine the snarky, "not a very good oracle" comment. But how much of that is longstanding and how much of that is new/rage induced?
And KP is the party leader and face so it's very possible that her opinion is the de facto party line and/or that she got them to hate in solidarity the way that you end up hating all your friends enemies more out of friendship than anything else.
I think it's totally plausible that there's a party of kids who absolutely hate them and have publicly hated them for a year now and the Bad Kids are like, "Whomst?" because they're pretty insular and they have bigger fish to fry than the opinions of haters. Like when Kalina--emissary of the Nightmare King--hates you, you don't have a lot of time to notice what Kipperlilly Copperkettle's opinion of you is. And we know canonically Adaine didn't recognize Oisin despite them having class together--but again she's had a busy two years. That checks out.
Anyway, this is a long way to say that you're right. Brennan can play this a bunch of different ways and I'm interested to see where he lands.
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mazzystar24 · 4 hours
One thing that I dont understand is why everyone quickly forgetting about Oliver's comments that he wants bucktommy to follow Tarlos history
Or Tim saying that he wants to write a romcom with this relationship
Also, Kenneth saying that Buck finally found love or JLH wants scenes with Tommy in the season 8
Like, I think there is a strong chance of Lou to be in season 8
Hi anon!
I’m assuming you’re asking why people aren’t more convinced of bucktommy endgame and are still shipping buddie, I’m taking this at face value with no malice behind it but I will say if your intention was to kinda discourage buddie shippers or whatever by asking this then that’s a bit impolite because I’ve been very vocal on my blog about not icking other people’s yums or put a damper on anyone’s enjoyment of a ship or fandom
Now assuming you meant this genuinely and giving you the benefit of the doubt-
About the tarlos thing I genuinely don’t think I saw that (if you can send it I’d actually wanna read it) but there was sm press around the bi buck canon ep that I think maybe it just slipped my memory if it was around that time, even saying that if he did say something about that that could still mean a lot of things, like Ive personally not watched lone star (except a few eps here and there) and only have a vague understanding of tarlos but it could be talking about wanting a dynamic similar or something like that
Like let’s not forget Oliver also spoke multiple times how his ideal for this storyline is for bucktommy to break up and remain friends and for tommy to still be this guide to buck as he goes through his self discovery
And Tim saying he wants the relationship to be a romcom can just mean what he also said about wanting buck off the hamster wheel and sort of wanting his queer arc to be lighthearted and fun, like the relationship being a romcom doesn’t necessarily mean endgame to me for me it just communicates tone, like he doesn’t want them to struggle or kinda be put through too much angst and he wants it all to be light and carefree and a good experience for buck, which even as a buddie shipper I genuinely agree with so much because every relationship with buck has ended very badly and he’s just constantly getting hurt and I feel like he needs to have a good relationship and he needs that end to be amicable and have that be a good and healthy dynamic
Again Tim also said multiple things about them being a brief relationship, called them a fling and to not expect wedding bells, etc
Kenneth is not a writer or part of the ship so his opinion is interesting to see but doesn’t really hold much bearing on whether I think buck and Tommy are endgame
I do agree that it seems like Lou/tommy will be in s8 and I actually wanna see how it unfolds and also I feel like with so many bigger storylines it makes sense to keep the relationship going until s8 when you can actually get to see their relationship and also if/when they break up give it the time it needs to have actually made this a relationship rather than like a two episode/ date arc, you know what I mean? (idk if I’m being clear with what I mean)
Thanks for the ask anon!
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tangent101 · 2 days
Thoughts on Dariax and Deni$e reuniting
I just had an interesting thought after someone commented on Matt's suggestion that Deni$e was a bit toxic... and that's that I think both characters have grown a bit since then.
First, there's Deni$e. She's been tracking down Dariax for a while, was getting close (she thinks), got whisked away to the ass-end of nowhere, and then she got to meet several people, including one who was friends with Dariax. And they went on some crazy ass adventure and part of that was one of their companions being murderous and crazy and hiding it well... and then when she returned to reach Dariax she missed him again.
In fact, she's been just shy of him for the past two weeks - 14 days to be specific. And in the last day or two? Dariax got to watch his friends break apart. He lost Opal, after trying so hard to save her. Another friend left with Cyrus' soul (whose body he saw lying there while Dorian flew away, forced by Opal's magic which tugged his own path as well). A third stayed with Opal. He and Dorian then traveled to Zephrah... and then he was abandoned again. This time by Dorian.
Deni$e scares Dariax. But what scares him more... is being alone. The fact that Deni$e tracked him down, did so for weeks... I think that is going to mean something to him. He fled from her. He was scared of what was there, he felt like he was being bulldozered along or the like, and then when everyone else abandoned him and he was feeling like he was driving everyone else away?
This dwarven lady finds him. She wants to be with him. Yes, she's angry and she's probably going to slug Dariax... but then she's going to kiss him and just... be "we're traveling together from now on. And if you run again? I'll find you again. Because we belong together." Translation: I want to be with you.
It's the end of the world as we know it. But the man who doesn't want to be alone... is going to be found by someone he abandoned, and she wants to be with him. How do you think that's going to make him feel? That maybe, just maybe... it's not him who's to blame? That he doesn't drive his friends away? That it was just... fate?
I think the two of them are going to do a lot of growing together, and a bit of healing as well. And I think it'll do them both good. Whether they stay together or eventually break up? Who knows? But in the short term, Deni$e finding Dariax will do him a world of good.
At least, that's my thought on it.
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falmerbrook · 4 months
Peryite is such an underrated daedric prince to me, conceptually. His sphere of influence has so much potential to explore. Like, disease and the natural order together? The way his followers see disease as a blessing? I love the implications there alone. He's the weakest prince, but his sphere has the potential to be so subtly destructive. One of his symbols, skeevers, represents that so well. The series has been kinda meh at exploring the princes philosophically but I feel like they are right on the cusp of something interesting with him, but since he isn't as flashy or obviously "bad" (or sexy) as the other ones he keeps getting put on the backburner. Gimme an interesting Peryite storyline pretty please. Explore things a little
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i can't believe there's still people out there who genuinely think Ochako would "kill Toga on sight" at this point
like, okay, there's the anime-only people who aren't aware of manga developments or are actively avoiding spoilers, and of course there's all the people who clearly stopped giving a shit ages ago (yet somehow still feel completely secure making blanket declarations about a franchise they no longer keep up with???)
but even then, and even if you're not a shipper or just don't like the characters-- how can anyone have ever believed that makes any sense ever? like we're not even talking self-defense apparently? just "on sight"? who do you think Ochako is, the Punisher in pink?
like i don't think i'm especially media literate myself, but-- how is it possible for people to be this bad at reading where a narrative is going?
because of course that's exactly what the Togachako plotline was leading up to, clearly the ultimate endpoint of developing Toga Himiko as a sympathetic villain important to Ochako's heroic actualization was a teenager unquestioningly enacting the extrajudicial murder of another teenager
that's exactly what MHA is all about, right? that's the sort of person Ochako is, the kind of hero that she wants to be? that's definitely good storytelling and not at all inane or grotesque? ugh
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prisonpodcast · 20 days
some ccs are just straight up nuts there’s no other explanation
#saw a comment on r/dwt2 and it made me look into the moonzy/draggie situation#this freak accused him of having ‘grooming tendencies’ when he was YOUNGER than her#he showed all their DMs and it was just reciprocated flirting ??#he was initiated more but it seemed reciprocal to me?#she just got mad at him bc he replied to one of her tweets where she was flirting with Karl with ‘ouch’#<- replied in DMs I mean#I guess bc she thought the flirting was a joke ??#how is this an ‘experience’ you need to speak up about im loosing my mind#‘guy flirted with me I flirted back but I wasn’t really interested pls show ur sympathies and like and subscribe🥺’#and in her statement she was talking about an anon who came out about their experiences prior#saying they had been groomed but draggie had fully debunked that years ago#so idk why she was bringing that up ??#and ofc you have aim.sey and max and sniff in the replies with their heart emojis#straight up nuts I’m losing brain cells here#btw she’s the one who said something about how a lot of ccs didn’t support her#including big ones from that ‘stupid mine.craft server’ (meaning dsmp obv)#just nuts straight up nuts#negativity#like I have to be missing something (and if I am pls tell me but I don’t think I am???)#because saying this cringe flirting with someone YOUNGER THAN YOUUU is ‘groomer tendencies’ is fucking nuts#it’s just what is with these people like what’s wrong with them#why does mildly uncomfortable experience = horrible predator we need to inform the public about bc they’re a danger to society#sorry I’m done I’m just actually upset lol
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madegeeky · 5 months
Epic Free Game (til 26 Dec 2023, 10am ct)
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Lost in transit while on a colonist ship bound for the edge of the galaxy, you awake decades later only to find yourself in the midst of a deep conspiracy threatening to destroy the colony. Explore the various planets and locations of Halcyon, including the mysterious Gorgon Asteroid and delightful distilleries of Eridanos. As you encounter various factions, all vying for power, the character you decide to become will determine how this player-driven story unfolds. (Includes all dlc.)
(Geeky note: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. This game isn't for everyone but considering that this is free, you should definitely grab it if you're interested. It's made by the people who did Fallout New Vegas (which was not Bethesda) and it's got a quirky sense of humor. While overall I think it's a great game, I think it's real strength is in the character-work for the npcs.)
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ngl the worst thing about the xenoblade fandom (which I think is the root cause of a lot of other issues) is that it’s mostly on twitter. I have to subject myself to twitter for any real consistent fan talk or content. legit there's always some new stupid topic of argument ive noticed in the past few weeks on there and its all very silly and frustrating and what im saying is everyone should move to Tumblr. please. for me. 
#siren says#the other root problem in the fandom is that as of 2 there's just a lot of fans who are clearly there for sexy anime lady reasons. and that#in turn bleeds into certain peoples perception of those characters as mostly sex symbols and attracts a lot of...certain kinds of#individuals. specifically ones who dont really understand what fandoms basic principals are. the amount of times ive seen someone going "um#but thats not canon or some comment along those lines is so stupidly high. and I thought it was just homophobia and certainly part of it is#but I also saw it on a fucking glimmer/nikol art??? like. neither of them have any other love interests and its a perfectly cute if cliche#pairing and you STILL have people being contrarian? I think a lot of these gamer bro types just dont understand basic fandom guidelines ngl#and idk I also feel kind of alienated from other queer fans bc I kind of like some of the ships most of them hate and I felt like if I ever#tried to reach out it would just be awkward idk. at least the people I see on tw who I think are very cool writers or artists or whatever#xenoblade really should be bigger on here Tumblr goes on and on about the romanticization of cannibalism and weird divine imagery#and machines that are also alive and maybe even angels and im like. BOY HOWDY DO I HAVE A SERIES FOR YOU#including saga and gears btw ESPECIALLY them actually. tumblr would love A's gender fuckery I just know it but A is stuck to mostly being#known by twitter a cruel fate for an enby if I ever saw one. free A :(((((#actually I just need to get a bunch of Aros into xenoblade they'd understand me then :3 understand me and my nontraditional relationship hcs#xenoblade#putting this in the main tags o7 pray for me
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running-in-the-dark · 4 months
lol I'm listening to music and I didn't know what I'm in the mood for so I just put my whole library on shuffle.
anyway a Sean Paul song came up and I'm just like. hm yes it sure is interesting to remember listening to this at like 13/14 and very seriously studying the lyrics and translating everything as a kid learning English :) and I would just sit there and tell all the adults around me all the interesting things I was learning :)
(it's also pretty funny that I've been building my music library since I was like. 12 or 13? whenever I got my first computer. back then it was just me ripping all my CDs because our internet was too slow for anything else. and they were all 128kbps mp3s because my hard drive was like 20GB 🤢 so the actual files have long been replaced. but still it's pretty funny sometimes)
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clownattack · 5 months
just saw some server screenies of one of the elitists mansplaining/completely talking out of their ass to me abt my own oc and like
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lmao again for a person who keeps talking abt reading comprehension they sure dont get their shit right lmao.
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infizero · 9 months
im now on ep 15 of death note and YAYYYY MISA IS HERE NOW. she is annoying but i love her, honestly due to the fact that im sure a lot of ppl hate her passionately. annoying female characters GET BEHIND ME. anyway its really funny to me how much light does not care about her and actively hates her
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widevibratobitch · 5 months
do i let feminism lose and spend all of my savings on a rhinoplasty or do i continue to just. live Like That lol
#kms idk what to do#it's doing research on best surgeons in your country hours while your friends with normal noses are sleeping#anyway it's been a great little vacation and i had a lot of fun but the absolute fucking dread whenever someone is taking a picture#and i cant control how it looks. is ruining all the fun.#i said fuck it once today and then saw that picture my friend took of me and wanted to yeet myself into traffic straight away#the worst thing is im obsessed with big unusual conventionally unattractive noses. i love them.#but mine is not this hot sexy aquiline kind. its just a huge round bulbous fucking potato in the middle of my face#its the kind of nose no one will ever find pretty or hot or even interesting. its just comical. it looks like a fake clown nose.#and while it is indeed very in character of me to have a fucking clown nose attached to my face 24/7 forever#its literally making me wanna wear a paper bag over my head#goddd idk. cause like. what if something goes wrong lol knowing my luck it definitely could#and then uhhhh idk i guess i really would just kms lol#funny thing - didn't even really notice it before uni. like i always knew there was something seriously fucking wrong with my face#but could never put a finger on what it is exactly#and then this uni friend made that one comment about my nose and suddenly everything clicked into place#you're absolutely right queen the fucking nose aka the CENTRAL thing on my face is the main culprit here lol#anyway not a day has gone by since then that i wouldnt look into the mirror and felt awful and pathetic about it <3#i am ready to go against all of my ideals and just do it. ill have no money left but maybe its worth it. to get a little peace of mind. idk.
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spacelesscowboy · 6 months
been thinking a lot about an unauthorised fan treatise (or, more specifically, about parasocial relationships, celebrity worship, invasive fans, etc etc) and bandom culture.
in the sense of trying to figure out what counts as “normal” fan behavior w/o it devolving into a parasocial relationship, or where the line is between having fun & making observations vs tinhatting & rpf (a lot of pete wentz’s songs in Infinity on High are direct quotes from LJ entries that in turn suggest being interested in mikey way vs. pete wentz & mikey way were in love with each other & had a nasty gay love summer fling & pete never got over it (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!!!!!!!))
like, is it not weird to post an upskirt picture of gerard way and say “i want to shove my face between her legs”? personally i see those posts and laugh, bc to me those extreme expressions of sexual desire all equate to someone just. being a really big gerard fan. they’re all hyperbole to me. but that’s me interpreting them, and might not actually be the posters intention. maybe they really do want to shove their face in her crotch. i don’t know them!
when does the line between harmless fun and extremely inappropriate invasive behavior begin?
#emyrs.txt#mcr#fob#auft#<- for organization purposes#does this make sense. NWNEND#i personally don’t even think rpf is that bad?? if i’m being honest. i think it’s inappropriate when you harass the person in question about#it.#like. using dnp as an example. obviously looking at their videos u could tell that there was Something there. pointing it out or speculating#about it doesn’t seem super weird to me? it’s when ppl are insistent about it. when they start tagging the ppl and tweeting and trying to#catch them off guard like. hey have u heard about ppl shipping u two. what do u think. is it true.#or when they start. analyzing screenshots and behavior that it’s like. truly. relax it’s not that deep. and even if it was. do u think they#would want u analyzing their every move and interaction. there’s a reason this is speculation. maybe they’re not together. maybe they’re not#ready to come out. maybe they just don’t want to subject their relationship to the internet.#idk. i’ve been thinking about this a lot. since i read auft. NWNDDNMF#and also just bc i got interested in mcr again so there’s a lot of posts that have me asking myself if the wording or content of it could#weird. (<- in the sense of. would i talk to a stranger like this. or speculate about someone i saw in the grocery store)#and also am just thinking about this bc there’s so much ‘candid’ content being uploaded everywhere. and people uploading street interviews#—which i’ll admit i like to watch sometimes—#& the comments are always ppl making the most bizarre speculations and coming to weird conclusions#so this has been on my mind a lot.#BWNENDNDND#idk. ig the answer to. ‘is this normal or weird’ depends on the person that you’re talking about.#ok. i’m tired of verbalizing my thoughts. bye :)
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
how to ruin jugdral characters and make them into shitty modern tropes: have two teenage girls cat fight over their romantic feelings for a grown ass man and make them aggressive rivals
#DCB Comments#we all knew they'd ruin jugdral as soon as they could but it still hurts to see#i knew they'd add in things that were never there and butcher the characters but... still painful#and ofc it's the females that suffer that treatment when they were actually good characters originally#but modern FE doesn't allow for that anymore alas. can't even say edelgard is free of it#bc she's obsessed and in love with byleth. not even a villain can escape that nonsense#fe12 is the last game i can think of that had decently written women (if boring but not... /this/)#and that was over a decade ago. siiiigh#like yeah lakche is in love with shanan but not as directly as this??? ever???#she's actually very reserved about it and doesn't behave like a banshee abt it lol#lakche was one of the better female characters overall and ofc since she's one of the most popular#IS uses her as much as possible and puts their little romantic modern spin on her#like they can generally write men just fine but when it comes to women i swear they think all women just#think about nothing but romance and will fight each other over it. worst part might be that i saw this exact issue coming#another reason why i don't want a remake of these games: supports possibly existing#and ruining characters more than they have been already /just from heroes/#i have a lot of feelings abt this lol i am watching my favorite game of many many years just be#basically ripped to shreds by modern fe bullshit. it's upsetting#and before anyone shouts ''kaga elitist!'' might i remind you that tellius did not have this problem either#hence modern fe and not post kaga fe. micaiah was arguably very bad with her romance for her ''he's my brother!'' love interest#but from memory she was the only rly bad example from tellius#and let's NOT forget that gaiden got a remake and what did they do?#created a brand new female character whose only purpose for existing was to be madly and obsessively in love with a man#like thanks i hate it IS get your nasty modern inability to write women out of jugdral bc i bite and munch#DCB Heroes Stuff
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