#kim jiwon fanfic
praeluxius · 23 days
part 5 of folie à deux. masterlist
male reader x rei and liz of IVE (ft. sakura, wonyoung, yujin, etc.)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
words: 12.2k
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rendezvous - a meeting at an agreed time and place
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Gaeul pulls up her underwear then turns to the other two girls and asks, "is Rei running late?"
"She's probably humping another stranger." Wonyoung retorts, laughing a little under her breath, hiding her smile from Gaeul by turning toward the mirror. She picks up the red lipstick laid out on the vanity table and brushes it across her plump lips.
"She's not coming here," Yujin explains. "She's going to the party with Liz."
"And we're okay with that?" Wonyoung raises an eyebrow and looks at Yujin through the mirror.
"Don't worry, I already added Liz to the list to make up for it."
"Really? Just like that?" Gaeul is quick to speak with a little worry in her voice.
"Really," Yujin smirks. "Also, I think Rei is giving up on the whole fucking strangers thing. She had another disappointment today."
"Oh right. That explains it." Wonyoung places the lipstick down and picks up the earrings laid out in front of her. "She did ask me if she could borrow our friend for a night and get some good dick."
"She did?" Yujin's interest seems peaked by the comment, as she casts her gaze out and off into the distance.
"Yes," Wonyoung punctuates her statement with a firm nod. "Wouldn't surprise me if she already hopped on that this afternoon."
"I was with him this afternoon, Wony, so..." Yujin trails off.
"Did he rush off?" Gaeul asks and Yujin frowns slightly at the thought of you dumping her to go fuck her friend. "At least he's in safer hands with Rei instead of that slut from the bar," Gaeul utters her words through an aggravated grumble as she sits in her chair, leaning in toward her mirror to finish the final touches to her makeup.
"Slut?" Yujin asks, picking up a bra from her dresser. She pulls the straps over her bare shoulders, slips her arms through, and clasps it behind her back.
"Minju Minju? Kim Minju?" The half-naked Yujin looks at Wonyoung for confirmation.
"Yes," Wonyoung says as elegantly as ever, standing tall and turning away from the mirror. "Now, will one of you help me into this dress?"
"Wait." Yujin raises a hand. "He was at a bar with Minju? Drinking? When?"
"Yesterday," Gaeul says as she stands up and collects Wonyoung's dress and carries it over to the naked and waiting woman.
Wonyoung is waiting with her hands on her bare hips. Her slender body is smooth and exposed. She is a thing of perfect symmetry with her flat stomach and small but perky breasts. "Yeah, and they were doing a lot more than drinking."
"Wonyoung," Yujin steps toward her, one hand on her elbow and the other softly clenched by her chest. "What are you saying?"
"Let's just say..." Gaeul pauses to let Wonyoung step into her dress and then she drags it up and lets her slide her arms into it. "A lot of bars smell. But most of them aren't locked when they should be open and don't smell of sex when they finally let you in."
Wonyoung settles into her dress, and Gaeul fits it tightly to her frame. Wonyoung lifts her hair up and lets it fall over her shoulders. "You should hurry up if you want to make the most of him, Yujin, before everyone you know has used him, and you'll be the last." Wonyoung looks at Gaeul who's still touching the dress up behind her. "Well, almost the last."
"Who says I want to..."
"Please Yujin." Wonyoung interrupts. "I'm sure the teasing is fun and all, but trust me, nothing compares to a good, proper fucking." Wonyoung stretches her arm to the dresser to pick up her necklace which's expensive enough to put a pair of twins through university three times over. Wonyoung places it against her neck, holding the ends out for Gaeul. She bunches her hair up again for Gaeul to clasp it. "Am I right, Gaeul?"
Gaeul keeps silent while she works. Fastening the hook and letting it drop along the nape of Wonyoung's pale white neck and hang just over her collarbones.
"I have plenty of time," Yujin says. "We're keeping him around, aren't we?" She flips her head as she runs her hand through her hair. She slips a finger beneath one of the bra's straps and adjusts its position on her shoulder. 
"Well, that is the plan." Wonyoung nods after letting her hair fall again. “He doesn’t have much choice now.”
"Oh, he will have a choice,” Yujin speaks through a smirk. “But the result will be the same."
"I like things dirty. Natural. That’s just me."
That's her response to you asking exactly how she lives in the hellhole you just left. An answer as serious as you will ever get from Minju.
There's an awkward couple of seconds where you check to see the driver's reaction and you lock eyes through his rear view. The narrow cut of his face doesn't give you the full expression and you can't tell if he's disturbed or impressed. After a moment it passes and you focus back on the girl to your side.
"Where do you even eat?" you ask.
"Take-out, duh." You both share a look and Minju is smiling with her eyes. "I just put it on my lap when I sit down."
"But where do you sit? The ground?"
"Preferably on your co—"
"Hey, we're close now." You cut her off before she makes it even more uncomfortable for the driver.
"Swing a right here," Minju calls out to him. He shoots another look back in the mirror, this time his furrowed brows show his annoyance. "And pull up on the left."
Minju telling the guy how to do his job is actually a very Minju thing to do. As unappreciated as it may be.
You check your watch. Fifteen minutes late. Great. Hopefully, you can slip in and the girls won't notice. You could play it off cool, say you've been there all along and they must have missed you. You would have to slip away from Minju though, she would give the game away.
Maybe she reads your face, or the silence might have been a clue. Minju taps your shoulder and tells you not to worry. Stop caring about what others think and just walk in like you own the place.
You step out first and rush around to get to Minju's door. She scoffs as you open it. "And they say chivalry is dead." Her words come paired with a grin. You offer your hand to hers which she takes and uses to help pull her up. She straightens herself out, and checks to see that her skirt is all aligned before looking up at you.
You close the door and the driver is quick to pull away. "Hey, Minju, maybe you can go in first and then I will—"
"Shh." She locks her arm around yours at the elbow. "Stop. Just walk."
She pulls, tugging you alongside her, you adjust your footing to walk alongside, arm in arm, as she guides you up the stairs to the man at the door. Minju rests her head on your shoulder. You don't ask, don't protest. You can feel how easy it is, with her walking at your side, and so you say nothing. Just like she wants.
The six-foot-four bouldering giant is the first to speak, "Minju. Haven't seen you here for a while. Welcome back." His wide face, chiselled with age and experience, splits in a welcoming grin.
Minju softly bows her head and you follow her lead. "Been busy," is the reply she gives.
The security gives one single nod and replies, "As they say, a busy person doesn't have time to be unhappy." He grins even wider this time.
Minju ignores the impromptu attempt at philosophy and you both pass by into the house. The place is huge; of course it is—it's a mansion in the hills. But even from the outside, you couldn't have expected this.
Straight ahead is a huge, curved stairwell. On either side of you, it opens into a series of corridors already full of a smattering of guests. Music pours from off to the left. The unmistakable rhythm of that one K-pop song you heard all last week but still don't know the name of. People are sitting around, lounges filled with men in the latest fashion and women dressed to perfection. Most if not all with drinks in hand.
"Let's get us a drink." Minju pulls gently on your arm. "I'm thinking tequila."
There's not much else you can do right now. Your hope of making a low-key appearance, blending in with the crowd and slipping through unnoticed, is completely lost now as Minju takes a long, slow and deliberate approach through the place. She keeps your arm linked with hers, and as she saunters, her stride is swayed.
You feel the call to arms. You straighten your back, broaden your shoulders and strut like you belong. A few heads turn. Probably more for her than you, but the confidence still builds. There's not a single person in sight you think who could question whether you belong or not. The trick, you realise, is not to doubt yourself. Just walk in like you own the place. Minju’s words echo in your mind.
Two girls catch your gaze from the corner of your eye. They have their hands by their mouth, sharing unheard whispers while looking in your direction as you walk by. It takes a few moments, to narrow them down and figure it out. It's the two girls who fought outside school the other day, clearly having settled their differences.
You both enter the kitchen to find a young woman wrestling a bottle of champagne. Rei struggles over and over until it eventually pops, much to her delight. She lets out a loud squeal of surprise and looks over at two of her companions who took a step back when it popped.
Rei's friend stands just behind her, stifling an unheard giggle. She takes the bottle from Rei's hands and begins to pour. Golden bubbles into a set of four flutes.
That's when Rei finally notices you. She screams some incoherent words and throws her arms around you, almost knocking you off balance to the floor and taking Minju with you. The girl is already drunk.
"Oh my god! Come, come, uncle, meet my friends."
"Uncle?" Minju remarks.
"Don’t ask," you whisper from the corner of your mouth before Rei pulls the pair of you along.
"This is Liz." She points to the lady with the silver-purple hair, holding the bottle of champagne. She wears a thin black lace choker on her neck above the low cut of her top. As well as a pair of black leather trousers that run into her heeled boots. Rei throws her arms around Liz's waist. "Hey Liz, did I tell you about my new sexy uncle who saves me like a knight?"
Her question meets a look of confusion and a narrow-eyed glance at you. The girl smiles at you, in a forced what-the-fuck-is-happening kind of way. She says something to Rei that you can't quite make out over the sounds of conversation around you.
One of the other girls picks up her glass before introducing herself. "Sakura." She holds out an elegant hand. A pretty girl with delicate features, a flawless complexion, and pink waves that flow over her shoulders. You reach out and take her hand. "Welcome to my house. I don't believe we have met." Her accent is lyrical and pronounced, with the right amount of cute.
You introduce yourself and barely finish doing so before Minju takes over. "Long time no see. Both of you. Come here Nako, Kkura." Minju breaks her lock with your arm to go embrace the two girls. She hugs the girls with affection. No love lost between them.
She's asking them a series of the usual questions. How's life? How are you doing? What happened to the person with the name you don't recognise? Have they moved to Australia? They did? How many months ago?
Then Sakura turns her attention to you.
"It is good you have a new friend." She tells Minju. "Did you meet him at a shoot?"
You think that's a compliment, at least.
Rei laughs before Minju corrects Sakura, "he's in my class, Kkura. He isn't a model." Rei tells her, still laughing. "I see what you're saying though, it's the eyes. Put him on an ad and I'm buying."
"I like his cheekbones," Kkura responds.
"I'm right here, ladies." They're talking like you're not in the room and your face is starting to burn.
"Sorry." Kkura's voice is sugary sweet. Her smile and coy gaze even more so. "Enjoy your night. I have more guests to greet." Sakura spins and struts away with Nako in tow, before stopping beside two men that seem a little lost.
"Come." Rei tugs your arm, almost spilling her drink on you. "What are you two drinking?" she asks, not waiting for a response.
"I'll just have a beer—"
"Tequila." Minju doesn't miss a beat.
"I don't think there's tequila..." Rei steps toward the liquor bottles and Liz silently follows.
"Ugh." Minju doesn't try to hide her disdain. "The champagne then." She looks over and picks up two full champagne flutes from the table.
"Did you two get a card yet?" Rei asks.
"Card?" you ask back.
"No, we haven't," Minju says before turning to you and handing you a glass. "Didn't anyone tell you? That's the rule tonight. Everyone has to take a card with a challenge that they have to complete, with evidence or a witness. Anyone who fails to do it by eleven has to do a forfeit."
"Does everyone know what's on the cards or what the forfeit is?"
"Nope," she winks, before downing her glass of champagne. "That's the fun. So what did you girls get?"
"Mine was easy," Rei says. "All I had to do was kiss a guy wearing white. Did that as soon as I came in." Rei points off into a distance somewhere. You can't make out where the finger ends its aim.
"And you, Liz?" you ask, and she avoids any eye contact with you.
"She might have to forfeit." Rei laughs. "Tell them what you got." She pats her friend on the back.
"Um, I— I have to... finger a woman..." She just about squeezes the words from her lips before she quickly takes a drink. Hiding her burning face behind a hand.
Minju's eyes open wide and you hear Rei giggle into her drink. "Have you ever?" you ask, and there's no need for her to answer you. The look of anxiety and panic on her face tells you everything.
"I offered to help," says Rei. "You know, as a friend. Still stands by the way."
"Thanks..." Liz forces the response through her covered mouth.
"What other stuff is in there?" you ask, pondering the possibilities.
"Liz probably got one of the hardest." Rei shrugs. "Some of them are just about drinking or other stupid dares."
"Or she got the best one," Minju comments. "We better get ours." Minju slides her arm around yours again.
Rei leans into you before you leave, whispering, "If it's a tough one, I can help." Then she slips away and Minju pulls on your arm.
"Thanks, girls, see you soon."
The rest of the crowd fills the rooms you walk through. People are already on the dance floor, holding their drinks as they bounce, or holding onto other people as the rhythm guides their bodies together.
In the next room, there are two tables, each with a person behind and people crowding at each of them. "So these are the cards, right? I hope I get an easy one..."
"I hope you get a tough one. What if you have to suck a cock?" Minju asks.
"Then I take a forfeit."
"Okay but what if the forfeit is that you have to suck two cocks?" She jokes and laughs.
"Alright. I'm going first."
You're just about to follow her in when you hear your name called from behind. You know the voice without looking back, a smooth melody in song and one that tenses your body up. As Minju walks away, Yujin walks toward you.
You turn and there she is. Wow. It's only been a few hours since you saw her last, and yet, like every other time you see her, she blows you away. The red dress is, honestly, amazing. Fitting tightly at the waist, flattering her shape and highlighting those hips. As ever, she gave the outfit her own personal flair, wearing it a little different than when she tried it on earlier, with one strap off the shoulder now. The thing about Yujin is that, sure, someone could wear the same clothes as her, but they could never wear them like she does.
She has changed her hair too, pinning part of it up behind a piece of jewelled decoration. And then there's that smile. Perfect, dazzling. Full lips curled slightly at the sides, pearlescent teeth peeking through. The sparkling glint of her deep eyes looking up at yours.
She sees through the silence. "What's wrong? What are you staring at?" Her little giggle comes with a poke to the centre of your chest. It brings your focus back to reality. "Don't I look okay?"
"Yeah— of course— Yujin—" You say her name as if she isn't the absolute centre of your attention. She giggles a second time and draws a circle in the centre of your chest with her forefinger, tracing it and smiling as you struggle for words.
"What, do I have lipstick on my teeth or something?" She brings a manicured fingertip across her grin and you shake your head in return.
"Not that I can see," you answer.
"Then what are you staring at? See something you want?" She's teasing you but you manage to stumble through the answer.
"You look..." It doesn't matter what words you try and find. She does that half-lidded, cocking her head thing to the side and you're lost again. Lost to her, hypnotised by her. It's embarrassing.
The giggle grows into a laugh, her shoulders shrugging with amusement as she closes her eyes for a second, shaking her head softly. She places her hand on your collar, smoothing over the edge of your blazer and then adjusting it over your shoulders. "You dressed up well. Not used to seeing you in something so smart." She runs her hands down the front of your blazer, pressing it against your body to straighten it. "You look good," Yujin says with a final, gentle pat at the centre of your chest.
"I need to take a card." You brush over the compliment—you’ve never really been that good at taking them.
"Better hurry up before they're all gone, you don't want to have to do the forfeit. Once you get one, make sure you find me." She pokes her finger into your chest. "It's important, okay?" She bats her eyelashes at you. You promise you'll be there, you're sure of it, and then with a final smile, she leaves and heads towards a different room, slipping into the crowds.
The whole exchange is over far too quickly. The phantom touch of Yujin's fingers lingers on your chest, even as she disappears. You would stand, spellbound forevermore, a statue set upon the tiles, if it wasn't for the fact you look a complete fool standing and staring into nothing.
You turn to the tables and can't spot Minju in the crowd. You spend some time waiting, working your way forward as people collect their cards until you're at the front. A woman holds out a deck of face-down cards and you draw one from it, slip it into your pocket and quickly move on.
"You look lost. Like a lamb." The unmistakable sound of Wonyoung's voice rings out. "I'm surprised you even showed up. Last I heard you were crying into a whiskey." Her laugh has the venom of a snake, with an even worse bite. Her purple dress hugs her slender frame. It clings to the sharp contours of her shoulders. An expensive jewelled necklace rests in the centre of her bare upper chest.
"I wasn't crying..." You deny the accusation.
Wonyoung presses her hands to your shoulders, forcing you into place as she meets your eyes. "Wasn’t sure if you would show your face tonight. Don’t worry, no one knows what happened, and I can keep it that way." There's something about Wonyoung that always feels intimidating, especially now, with how her eyes seem to trap you and the way her voice plays out so assured, full of certainty and purpose. "But it’s a good thing you’re here. I need you."
"What do you mean?" It's been barely a minute and she's already asking things of you. She just brushes over the storm she caused and the damage she could have done to your life.
Wonyoung leans close and moves her lips to your ear. "You know that idiot boyfriend of mine? Well, I need him to catch us."
"You're joking, right?" you ask, and then after a brief moment of silence her message sinks in and you realise she isn't joking. "Haven’t we done enough damage?"
"I’m already solving your school issue, so the least you can do is help me out." She dismisses your problems as always. "Right now I need you to focus and help me make him break up with me." Wonyoung strokes your cheek. "Does that sound doable?"
You bite down into your lip, trying to contain your emotions and to keep your annoyance from bubbling to the surface.
"Great thanks. I will find you when I need you." With a cruel and patronising tap to your head, Wonyoung smiles smugly.
"I didn't even agree."
"You never said no to fucking me before. And it's not like Minju's pussy even comes close to mine."
She flashes a dark grin at you before disappearing through the crowds. Fuck you do have a type of girl, and fuck does Wonyoung and her attitude get under your skin. In some sick and twisted way, it still turns you on. Fuck.
It's probably about time to get away. To leave the party and this fucked up life. Anyone with a little bit of sense would. In the end, you just settle for going to the bathroom.
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For five minutes you have been waiting and the line hasn't budged. Too many people waiting to use a single bathroom.
"You're Minju's date right?" You turn to find the pink-haired girl from earlier standing beside you. The one who owns this place. Her thin lips curve to a gentle, elegant smile that cuts across her pale complexion. You realise now, stood beside her, how dainty she is. Her petite frame matches her cute voice. "Are you waiting in line?"
"Yeah, I—" you reply, not fully sure where the question is leading but her widening smile interrupts you.
"Follow me." She starts walking, expecting you to not question her command. You walk behind her, her slim frame adorned elegantly in light fabric. Pink waves flow over her bare, exposed shoulder. Her heels strike the floor with a rhythm of confidence. She glides gracefully with poise and intent. Her every step is punctuated with a swagger you cannot match.
With her hair bobbing softly, she calls out your name. "Up here. Then the third door on the right. My close friends are allowed upstairs. And you, I guess."
"Oh. Thank you."
She says nothing else, just gliding away and leaving you at the base of the stairs.
After a quick climb you find the door she described. It's unassuming, a standard wooden door that looks identical to all the others. You put a hand to the cold metal and push. A coolness greets your fingers as the gap opens and you let yourself inside.
The bathroom is pristine. Immaculate. Spacious. Porcelain and polished. Glass and stainless steel. There's the familiar hum of a ventilation unit set into the ceiling, the fans circling in constant rotation. To the back, a large double shower, framed by the marble walls and lit by the mood-setting hue of soft lights.
Finally, a room in this place that, to your relief, is empty.
When you've finished up you head to the sink and wash. You lean over it to study yourself in the mirror, one last touch up of your hair and a pull to straighten out the creases of your clothes.
Then the door crashes open.
Rei stumbles in with all the poise of a newborn calf. "Hey, sexy uncle. Didn't know you were in here. How is my aunt?" She laughs in a raspy slur. "What were you doing? Oh." Her finger taps against her bottom lip, trying her best to appear conspiratorial.
"Nothing, I—"
Rei continues. "Playing with yourself?" She points to the zipper you forgot to close. "Hope you think about me."
You give your answer and say, "actually, I was just doing normal toilet stuff. Nothing weird."
"Boring." She declares, slamming the door behind her. Rei ignores you as she walks over to the toilet, slipping her hand under her dress and pulling down her underwear. You're immediately heading to the door, giving her the privacy she didn't even bother to ask for. "Where are you going uncle?"
"Back to the party." You're just about to turn the doorknob when her voice hits you in the back.
"Don't go. Don't leave me all alone."
You sigh, slouching your shoulders and loosening your grip on the door. "Only if you agree to stop calling me uncle."
"Okay, okay. Promise,” she says and then she mumbles something, laughing as she does. Eventually, she speaks loud enough to hear. "Stop staring at the door. You can look at me."
You turn to find her sitting there. A small pair of panties by her ankles. A smile on her face. Her smooth thighs jutted out from the bottom of her dress, bare down to her heels.
"Thanks again," Rei says. "You saved me today."
"Happy to help." You walk towards the sink and mirror again, unsure what to do with yourself.
Luckily, Rei refuses silence. "What's going on with you and Minju?" Unluckily, she's chosen the worst topic of conversation.
"We just met. We're friends I guess."
"Just buddies," she says playfully. "Fuck buddies."
"Do you only ever think about sex?" You ask, turning away and towards your reflection. Your question is answered only with the sound of her flushing the toilet.
There's the briefest moment of silence that follows until you can hear her steps on the tiles. She walks to your side, washing her hands and staring at you in the reflection. "I do actually. Especially when I was supposed to cum five hours ago and still haven't had the chance to finish myself off."
This girl is unfiltered. It's commendable that she is so true to her desires. So bold and honest in the face of the fear of judgment.
"Or maybe it's when I'm in the same room as an incredibly hot guy and my panties are still on the floor." There's a lustful rasp to her voice now. You turn to look at her, at the full, sparkling light in her eye, and you let your gaze wander lower. You stray to her shoulder, where her dress hangs loose. The dress clung across her frame, covering her bust but leaving enough for your imagination to formulate the shape of them beneath.
"Rei..." You draw her name out to a few syllables and with it a few extra moments for your thoughts to come together. "What are you thinking?"
"What is your thing?" Her question catches you off guard. "What do you like?" Rei brings her thumb to her lips, pushing it into her mouth and sucking gently. "Do you really like getting your cock sucked? What do you want?"
Her fingers stroke your chin. Soft pads massage and caress with a teasing, tantalising touch. Her face gets closer, inch by inch, and you can smell the sweet scent of her perfume. You can hear her ragged breath as she loses control. And your heart, beating like a drum inside your chest.
"I owe you one. And I'm ready to do anything." She says it with such unashamed candour and it sets your cheeks aflame.
"Do you do this for everyone who is nice to you?" you whisper.
She shakes her head, "only the really fucking hot ones."
You're close. Your breathing is shallow. Every part of you tells you it's a bad idea, but that's what is so enticing. That's why your cock is pulsing. She reaches forward and rubs her palm gently up and down over the bulge.
She gives you a gentle wink. "Tell me what you want. What's your favourite part of me? And don't give me something sappy like my humour. Think with your cock." As she says the words she squeezes her grip on it. Her fingers slowly closing, holding and massaging. Her lips are soft, slightly parted. That adorable face. Sparkling eyes. And the taste of the words that lingers on your lips.
"You have great legs." You indulge her in an answer.
"See, now was that so hard?" She buries her hand into your trousers through the open zipper. "So what will it be? My thighs? Knees? My feet? I usually don't like when people see my feet but if you're that desperate to cum on them. They're all yours."
You drop a hand down by her side and reach to grab her leg by the thigh. "You have great thighs."
You swear the excitement on her face could light up the city. "There we go. Tell me what you want to do." She pushes her hand around in your trousers, fishing out your cock.
You lean into her ear. "I want you to wrap those beautiful thighs around my cock." You can't believe the words you're saying to her. Neither can she. The sound of her shallow breath is ragged as she runs it through her mind. She nods.
"Then I will."
Rei gently strokes you to life, massaging you until the blood begins to rush. Soon enough, you are ready, hard and hungry. Your pulse quickens with every gentle rub of her hand. You slip a hand around the back of her neck. "Not a word to anyone." Your words make her giggle and she responds with a breathless shush.
You turn her to the sink, putting her between you and it and she releases your cock. Rei spits in her hand while you're hiking her dress up over her bare ass and then she reaches behind her to cover your cock in her saliva. With one hand you guide your cock and she gasps with excitement as you rest your length between her legs, pressing and grinding.
Rei looks at you through the mirror and smirks as she pressed her legs together, closing your slick cock between her thighs. "Use me. I want to see you enjoy this."
Your arms wrap her torso. You grab a firm breast through her clothes as your other arm wraps her. Pull her closer to you. Your mouth against her ear, feeling the warmth of her, breathing in the soft scents from her perfumes, you inhale it all.
Your mouth parts and you groan with the growing sensation building inside you. Her legs squeeze tightly around you as you slip back and forth between them. The way they hold you is incredible, snug and slick. Her skin smooth and grasping.
Rei reaches between her legs, putting her delicate touch on the tip of your cock poking between her legs. Her fingers pull at you, directing your cock higher between her thighs. Before long, you feel her folds envelop the tip. As wet as ever. Rei squeezes and grinds, pushing your tip against her clit.
"I want it all," she hisses through her teeth. You grip her flesh, holding her on the edge of what she craves. Slipping between her thick thighs over and over again, refusing to drive into her cunt.
You pull at her nipples through her dress. Tease. Bite her ear. Kiss her shoulder. Run your nose up her neck. Inhale her perfume. And the most torturous thing to ever do to Rei:
Slow down.
Your thrusts between her legs become measured. Deliberate. Long, hard and powerful motions, dragging over her slit. She whimpers, "why are you making me wait?"
In the mirror her features flush, eyes clench closed and lips tremble. A flush of red flows through her skin. Her breath quickens, rasping between every uttered plea. Your dick is throbbing. Your senses electrifying. Every part of you tenses with the burning urge. Every cell and sinew wants to drive into that incredible cunt but the drumroll is exquisite.
"Do it," Rei begs. The anticipation becoming a torrent for her, as much as your own, the joy of desire and the torment of denial.
"When I'm ready," is all the answer she will get from you.
"Please. I have needed a good cock all day." Her words fill the cool room. They bounce from the hard white surfaces. Dancing to the hum of the ventilation.
"This is you saying thank you, isn't it?" you growl into her ear. "My choice. I want your tits first."
Her lips utter the words 'whatever you want, yes' a few times over. Each utterance pleading, begging; each one filled with desire. Desperate to ease the tension inside, she quickly reaches up her back and unzips her dress for you. She peels it open to reveal her bare back and the strap of her bra.
You work at her bra while she slips out of her dress. It's all so rushed. Almost clumsy. Everything is loose now, and she shakes it all off, kicking it all to the side and turning to you, completely naked. "Fuck, you're hot," you say before realising. The words slip from you, unplanned, raw, genuine.
"I know." Rei grins and then she cups her tits, two perfect handfuls. "So you like these, huh?"
You nod.
She squeezes them, flesh spilling between spread fingers. "And if I give you them, then will you fuck me?"
She pouts those soft lips that drive you wild. She arches her back and presents them for you, waiting, hands by her side. Eager. The invitation is unmistakable. You bend her backwards against the sink, arching her lower back over the marble top and then pressing your body against her. "Yes."
You lower your head and smile at her, her stiff nipple right by your lips. You blow a warm, heavy stream of air over it and she giggles softly. You don't just take her offered tits. Not yet. Instead, you kiss between them, wrapping your tongue to lick up her torso, upwards toward her collarbones. You nibble the protrusion gently with your teeth. Her breaths become short sharp puffs as her body tenses with each graze.
You run your tongue back down again, towards a nipple. You take it into your mouth, licking and then biting. Slowly pulling at her nipple with your teeth, stretching and toying, listening for her moaning, soft and suppressed, with a rising note of pleasure.
She pats at the back of your head and squirms at each pinch of your teeth. You switch nipples, wetting it in your mouth and sucking at it, allowing it to release with a popping sound, and then giving it a quick bite.
Your hands begin to travel across Rei's body—traversing and wandering in their exploration of her skin. Grabbing and feeling, always squeezing her softness with lust in one moment and adoration the next.
"Can't wait any longer,” she says in frustrated impatience. Rei strokes the back of your head, raking her nails against your scalp. She leans back, supporting herself on one arm and pushing her chest out towards your face. She closes her eyes and hums.
You think that Rei enjoys a little more biting than is conventional. Enjoying a small amount of pain with her pleasure, you know it when she moans loudly every time your teeth tug at her sensitive flesh. Her hands pull at the base of your skull and grasp at your hair. Her body moves beneath you, desperate to find any sort of friction between her legs. You can see the pleasure and pain in her expressions alternating between one another. Rei moans your name out. A hushed whisper, begging you to fuck her. To put her out of her misery.
"Patience," you tell her. The single word causing so much frustration.
She groans through gritted teeth before buckling under your teasing. Rei mutters, "Just fuck me with your big fucking cock already." Her hands desperately pull you from her chest, but you refuse. She continues her pleas; begging you to stop being so cruel; to take mercy on her; that her aching cunt can't wait another second.
She's reaching for your trousers now, unfastening them and pushing them away from your hips so they fall to your ankles.
"On your knees first." 
Rei's eyes go wide at your demands.
She pouts, but the blush on her cheeks is unmistakably eager. She falls from the sink onto her knees. Rei has that look in her eyes, an appetite, and it shows as clear as day. You're holding her by the hand and pulling her as you find a seat on the side of the bath.
Rei crawls over, a naughty grin plastered across her face. She presses her palms onto your knees and parts your legs for her to take her place between them. As soon as she has a close-up of the prize, she all but licks her lips with excitement, grasping a hold of it tightly. "Oh god, it's so big," Rei's eyes light up in delight as she feels the thickness and weight. "Fuck me. Why did you keep this big, beautiful cock from me until now?"
Her fingers run up and down over it gently—just soft grazes against your skin. Soothing. Tender. When her tongue first touches the underside of your head, it sends shivers through you. Rei drags it up, sliding and caressing, all the while keeping eye contact with her fluttering, batting gaze. Then she runs the very tip across her plump, kissable lips, leaving behind a wet line before diving forward and wrapping her mouth around you.
A soft 'fuck' escapes you at the warmth of her mouth engulfing you. She smiles, pulling away and then admiring your cock with her teeth biting the flesh of her bottom lip. Rei kisses her way down the bottom of your shaft before just staring at it again. "It's so perfect. Your cock is literally a fucking work of art."
"It's going to look even better pressed between those beautiful tits," you reply to her compliment.
She takes the hint and pushes her tits towards it. "My tits love your cock already." Rei presses your cock against her nipple and pushes, teasing. "But not as much as my pussy will."
"Rei." Her eyes are lost in their new interest. You run a hand over the side of her face. The soft skin of her cheek. Pushing her hair behind an ear. Touching her lips gently with your thumb. "Will you put those amazing tits to good use? For me?" You ask as you push your thumb into her mouth, which makes her look up at you and she accepts it.
She nods her agreement.
"Good girl, Rei," you reply. Your voice is calm, smooth, and silky. The reaction you receive is everything you could hope for. Her pupils widen, her ears redden, and her face flushes. The combination of praise, and a dominant tone and touch, seems to really make her glow.
Rei obliges to the command.
Wet with her saliva, Rei's breasts wrap around your aching cock with ease. Her skin is soft and velvety. Flesh mouldable and forgiving. So warm. So smooth. Perfect.
Once your cock is settled between the swell of her breasts, Rei rocks her chest against it. A steady movement up and down; the sensual rubbing of flesh. Rei looks up at you, the hunger written plain to read across her face as she slides her tits against you. Her fingers intertwine across her tits, holding them together. She moans gently against your thumb as your cock continues to protrude from her cleavage over and over. The sounds reverberate inside her warm, wet mouth, stimulating as they tickle against your skin.
The ache inside you, the tense of muscle and flexed sinews—it builds. Pools and twists and heats in the centre of your body. Rei moans again. She talks through it too. The thumb pressing inside her mouth inhibits it only slightly. "I need it in my pussy. I would even take it in my ass right now. I need you."
Truth is, you need to fuck her just as badly now, too. "Stand." Immediately, Rei's shoulders drop as she pulls her breasts away and follows your order. "Bend over the sink."
"Finally." She's grinning when she moves. Placing her feet wide and leaning on the marble of the sink. You follow her every step.
You run a hand down her leg, gripping behind the knee and hooking it into the air, planting her leg onto the surface. She's open and so very willing. You draw your cock against her a final time, watch her contorted face in the mirror, and then slide into her.
Her eyes flash open and her jaw drops agape. A breathless silence. Now a burst of laughter broken by gasps for air. She grins and giggles and moans as you pound into her from behind. Her small hands claw against the sink, scrambling for something to hold to stabilise herself and support against the onslaught.
A hand on her hip to keep her in place, you reach the other to her neck. You grab and pull, rearing her back. Draw her flush with your body. Her soft skin against your chest. Her long hair is on your shoulder. She laughs again as you do it, sweet pleasured giggles that just don't stop.
"Harder, harder." She strains the words through the squeezing of her throat.
"Like it rough?" you spit into her ear and her lips turn in a grin.
"Like it rough." Her voice a coarse mess. Saliva runs from the corner of her mouth, tinted pink by her lipstick.
You slide your grip up from her neck, fingers along her jaw, thumb and finger pressed into her cheeks. "Fuck. You were right. Pussy so good I can see why guys struggle with you." You pull her head backwards and grind deeper into her. Tight and wet. Her cunt hugs so perfectly around your length that you worry she won't let you out.
"Wony was right. Best. Fuck. Ever." Every single thrust draws the words out into a pathetic moan, and then she laughs again and she strains to force more words. "Gonna cum."
You slip your hand back down to her throat and she grabs at your wrist, not to resist your grip or pull you free, only to reassure and to let you know what she wants. You grip and squeeze.
"Cum for me you pretty slut." Your voice is husky as your will consumes you. Her cries fill the bathroom, her ecstatic bliss heard a thousand times over as she feels her ecstasy roll through.
There is no gentle passing through her orgasm. You care not for how it plays. You don't ride the waves and slow your pace to accommodate it. Her cum spills warm around your cock. Slippery juices seep to her thighs and drip onto the floor as you keep up the relentless pace of your hips, each drive forward, piercing. Her body held against the marble, with her waist pressed against the edge. Her hands are frantic. Scrambling once more for support as you tear her apart with fervour.
"Rei?” The door opens. “Everything okay? Oh, fuck." 
Liz stands in the doorway, stunned and staring. She's about to turn away and run out of the room but before she can step away, Rei speaks through her pleasure.
"Liz. Fuck." The words spill from her breathless mouth. Liz turns back to see the girl cumming again. You can see the astonishment in her gaze, unable to look away, drawn to the display of ecstasy. This time you slow and your hand slips away from her throat.
Rei squirms against the marble counter. The second wave crests and passes and this time her mind does clear. Your cock slows to a stop in her. Rei whips her head around to look at Liz.
"What the fuck?" Liz takes a step back, halfway out of the room, the door almost closing.
"Wait! Come here,” Rei calls out and Liz steps forward again. "Close the door. Quick."
Liz moves toward you and closes the door behind her. She presses herself back against it, watching in amazement as you freeze, still buried in her best friend. You were so blinded by fucking Rei that you didn't even consider stopping, but as rationality takes back over and the situation takes shape in your mind, you suddenly feel trapped under Liz's gaze. You dare not to look in her direction.
For all your tension, Rei is a complete contrast. Relaxed. The utter ease with which she just smiles, looks Liz directly in the eye and says the most casual, inappropriate things. "I'm more than okay. How are you?"
"I—" the question catches her off guard and she stammers an awkward, jolted sentence. Her eyes move to the space between you and Rei where you're still connected. She opens her mouth as if to speak but no words come out. She stutters another broken attempt. Liz eventually shakes her head and replies, "good. Not good. I mean okay. Well, good, but not because—"
She's stumbling over her words until Rei stops her. "Think we have a bit longer in us." She looks over her shoulder to you. "Not gonna cum yet, are you?"
"No," you reply. Entirely confused and a little uncomfortable—not sure exactly what is happening right now. You look back at Liz and she's staring right at you. Wide eyes, open mouth. It's not quite fear you're seeing in them, not disgust either. A cocktail of emotions playing on her face that you wish you could unpick.
"Want to join?" Rei asks. The question hangs in the air. Her tone is light and playful as if it's the most normal question in the world. She can't possibly mean that. She has to be joking. A jest for entertainment and Liz's amusement.
"Isn't this Wonyoung's...?" Liz leaves her question incomplete, letting Rei finish the thought.
"I already asked her. He's fair game." She did? When was this? Does that mean Rei planned to fuck you all along? The confusion only worsens the more you think. Your brain hurts trying to make sense of this. The absolute weirdness of it. And despite it, or rather, because of it, you find this whole thing so much... hotter.
Liz pushes herself off the door and says, "we did talk about it that one time..." She takes a step forward and then continues, "how we wanted to share a guy. But him? Here? Now?"
Liz takes another step forward and you take a tentative step back, slipping out from inside Rei and standing exposed. She gives an offended little groan of displeasure and then slips her leg down from the sink and turns to face you. Suddenly you're feeling lonely and exposed with the two girls staring at you.
"Yeah. Why not?" Rei asks Liz so casually. So blasé. Like she was suggesting what to eat for dinner and not asking Liz to join in a threesome. "And it's not like he would mind. Look how hard he is." Liz stares at the state of your cock. Twitching in the air. Lubricated with Rei.
Liz drags her eyes back to your face and asks you, "do you want me?"
As if you could ever say no. To those large round eyes. To her delicate mouth. The slender body beneath the cocktail dress. To those hips that sway as she continues to walk until she's standing next to Rei.
Rei reaches behind Liz, holding her by the ass and pushing her the final step toward you. Liz instinctively reaches, taking gentle hold of your wet cock. She's standing so close that her tits just graze against your chest. You look down slightly at the woman who's looking back up at you.
Rei asks you now, "do you want us?"
You stay paused for a moment, glancing at Rei for half a second before returning to Liz's stare. You nod gently then lean in to kiss her. The moment your mouths touch your hands begin roaming, one groping for a breast and the other to her lower back, holding her in close. Her tongue presses into you with the urgency you need and she holds you tight by the back of your neck.
You forget about Rei for a moment, giving everything to Liz. Stifling moans of your excitement into her mouth. Your hands feel over her, exploring her from hips to chest to waist—everywhere—before sliding her zipper down over her back and stopping just short of her ass.
Liz stops to catch her breath and it's the moment Rei waited for. One girl at your mouth and one at your neck, the kiss a wet mass of three people fighting with tongues and lips. A hand, presumably Liz's, strokes you gently and with a rhythm. Another on your lower back and another helping you push away Liz's dress. Rei's teeth pinch your neck and a familiar laugh rings out.
"So fucking hot," she whispers in your ear before she bites at your lobe.
Liz's dress falls free from her body, piling by her feet. You pull back for a moment. A moment to drink this beauty in. To see her stunning figure. Standing before you in heels, breasts jutted, is the image of perfection. Rei moves behind her, unclasping her bra and it joins her dress on the floor, revealing perky breasts that yearn for your touch.
Your mouth attacks her and her hands are clutching at you, gripping your head, neck, arms, anything she can as you suck a nipple into your mouth. Your hands explore over her skin. Trailing every part, learning her curves, the contours. The way they flow and mould and ripple.
"Don't hog the good parts," Rei hisses in your ear, breaking the trance Liz's tits had you caught under. Your hand and hers fight for the right to touch Liz. All while her eyes roll back from the bliss of being touched so hungrily.
Rei runs a delicate hand between Liz's legs and she tenses for a moment, sucking in a gasp. Her mouth contorts. Another gasp as Rei continues to brush over the fabric nestled between her thighs.
"Tell him what you want, Liz."
She stammers, gasping again before replying, "Want to ride. Ride his cock." She has barely taken her hand off it this whole time she was being undressed and now she rubs it a little faster. Squeezing a little tighter.
Things start to move in a bit of a blur, unsure of whose hands are on whom or whose mouth and body are pressed against yours as all three of you shuffle towards one side of the room. Somewhere through it, Rei took the lead and made sure you found yourself sitting on the lid of the toilet. Liz's underwear have long since been discarded and she's found herself perched on your thigh.
Liz wraps her arms around your neck as she straddles your leg. She's wrapping her body around you. Grinding against you. Making desperate sounds. Reaching with her mouth to find yours and planting her kisses.
Rei sits on you too, having helped off whatever remained of your clothes. She grinds too, using your other thigh. Rubbing her wet pussy on your leg, while the fingers of one hand comb and massage over your hair while her other trails her nails lightly over your skin. Her lips are soft against your shoulder. The smell of sex fills your nose. You breathe it in, finding yourself wanting.
Rei is so very dangerous to your senses. The softness of her touches. The sensual, raspy tones of her whisper in your ear. How your cock pulses with every plea.
"Keep your dick ready. We will put it to such good use." The first of many dirty promises and sweet nothing Rei whispers as the minutes draw past. She grows ever more erratic. And in contrast, Liz is controlled and measured, fucking her cunt against your leg with focused intent.
They writhe and roll their hips with the urgency of their heat. Wet, pink, and needy cunts, gliding over your skin. Desperate for friction.
"Oh Liz!" Rei moans.
"Ah! Fuck! Don't—”
Liz moves. Unsure, jolting, wracked and robbed of rhythm. It's in those moments Rei leans in for a kiss. Both girls writhe with pleasure, hands to breasts and mouths joined. It's at once an incredible sight. Incredibly erotic and exotic. The display of sensuous want. Skin aflame. Dew of their heat collected.
"Please fuck him," Rei breathes her demands through ragged and frantic breaths. Rei stands and guides, drawing Liz towards your cock, impatient and urgent, with a vice-like grip on her arm. "He is so good," she says through laboured breaths and wet pants.
With Rei's guidance, your dick finds its place between the folds. Wet and silky. Plush and sticky. The undersides of her soft, jiggling thighs press against you as she climbs to mount. So wonderfully slow the descent down your shaft.
It's with an agonisingly measured motion she takes your cock, inch by inch. She swallows every fraction. An exquisite glide. Feeling the undulating pattern of her depths as they shift and cling. Her lips drawn in a tight, silent circle. Her eyes clench shut as she lets out a long and strained exhale. Her back arches slightly, almost reaching the limits, taking you to the hilt.
"Oh Rei, fuck," she whispers, before opening her eyes and meeting yours. Lustful gazes meet for a long second and she leans forward. She keeps you there, lodged and tight for a moment longer. Holding onto it, and you. "Need a minute," she tells you through her laboured breathing.
The beat of your hearts collide in the tense moments as you wait. She is poised to make the most of the moment. Liz begins so slowly. Tentative. The slightest of rocks, cautious and experimental, to ensure herself and you of her control. With each subtle and calculated motion, the sweet clench of her tight insides squeeze.
Her forehead rests against yours as she looks down, fully in focus with the rise and fall.
"She's so good. Tell her," Rei purrs her words as she leans into her friend. "How nice does she feel?" Rei's kissing at Liz's neck between her words. Nipping at the skin while you can feel every shallow gasp Liz makes. The way she inhales each time with a deeper and harsher breath when Rei nips just so.
You barely manage to find your words, but you tell her. Whispering sweet compliments on how nice her pussy feels around your cock. You don't stop there, appreciating parts of her body as you touch them. Running your hands over her hips has you telling her how wonderful she feels under your fingertips, gripping her ass and holding tight to tell her how perfect she is. Her moans and groans fill your ears with music of lust and desire.
Rei's hands travel the expanse of Liz's body as she keeps nipping at her neck. She takes her nipples between her thumb and finger. Squeezes and twists. "So beautiful. He is so turned on by you." Her words encourage and drive Liz as she rides with greater pace and intensity. As the tempo rises, Rei grows impatient with her own needs. "Liz..." she whispers, "give me your hand."
Keeping one on your knee, Liz surrenders the other to Rei. Rei draws her friend in between her legs, "touch me while you ride, please, Liz."
"I don't know how." Her hips rise and fall, still working herself onto your dick. The words of a girl unsure.
Rei puts Liz's hand on her cunt and presses her fingers to the mound. "Yes, you do, just do it how you like it."
"Here," you say, moving your hand between Rei's legs, you guide Liz's fingers and show her how to stroke her friend, "press your fingers here. Move them in a circle. Small but quick circles."
"Mm, Liz, oh—" Rei moans through her strained attempt at words.
“And I think Rei likes it when—
“Ah! Yes!”
Liz puts so much focus on her friend that she struggles to keep riding, as much as her body craves it. She struggles for a while, riding your cock and rubbing Rei's clit. Soon her focus falters, and her pace decreases, losing rhythm as she struggles between the two.
"More Liz, more," Rei pleads.
You take hold of Liz's hips, your fingers digging deep into the flesh of her ass. You drive up into her and a whine escapes her lips. You take over and she pushes her fingers deeper inside Rei just as she wanted, pulling her closer and burying herself into her cunt. Rei melts into Liz as your cock pounds into her.
Rei puts an arm over your shoulder and holds onto you, clawing into your neck and holding you firm. "Ah. Liz... yes." You can tell it won't take Rei long like this. You've noticed how easy it seems to be to make her cum, so this should be no challenge even for Liz.
Surprisingly, without warning, Liz is the first to crumble. Without ceremony. Just a sudden gasping stammer that rattles in her chest. Every sound she makes is a whining, babbling, and messy blend of lust and carnal release. The two collapse against each other as you fuck Liz through her orgasm.
Rei lets out a frustrated groan as Liz struggles to keep fingering her through her tremors. "My clit. Please," she cries. "Here, Liz, here." Her voice is desperate and urgent, trying to guide Liz's finger back where she needed her. "No, no, don't stop." Rei's voice breaks again, desperate and waning.
Liz is limp, unresponsive, and falling into your arms. Totally consumed. Struggling to fight as her whole body seizes with euphoria. You wrap your hands around her body, shifting positions and sliding out of her, leaving her trembling on the toilet. Her body still wracking and twitching and jerking, whimpering and sobbing in post-orgasm bliss.
Rei is agitated. "Need your cock. Want it. Bad. So bad." She throws herself against your body, hands running all over until one grips your cock, still wet with Liz. Your cock twitches. "Need this cock. Fuck. This is making me so hot."
Never have you seen such hunger and need. Lust so dire and reckless. Rei has an inexhaustible libido—an insatiable appetite for sex. You are barely out of Liz's snatch and yet already Rei's is gushing for you. And who are you to deny such a good pussy another fucking?
You bend Rei over towards the hazy Liz. Rei's arms reach over her shoulders onto the wall and her legs spread apart over Liz's knees. You lean behind, ready to enter. Liz's hands brace her waist.
Rei looks at you over her shoulder with her devilish, sadistic smile. "Take me, stretch my fucking cunt. My pussy needs you." Her vulgar demands sound so good, with erotic venom in her words, and you're in her again.
"Yeah, yes. Finally..." Rei coos, as if you deprived her, waiting so patiently for Liz to finish. She pushes her ass back, swallowing you deeper. You run your hands over her skin; her perfect curves. "Mm... yes, finally! Like the first time."
You pound her with a vigour—merciless and rapid thrusts of your hips that drive her into Liz. For someone so small and seemingly delicate she is full of stamina and power, eager to meet every thrust. Your hips clap against her ass and her tongue falls out. A visage of mindless and unrepentant ecstasy. A cathartic euphoria. As your body collides, Rei is bent lower over the resting Liz.
She leads with her tongue, into Liz's mouth, the two girls sharing sloppy, messy, passionate kiss accompanied by stifled moans and Rei's signature giggle of pleasure.
Rei rises from the kiss to pant a sharp breath, but she quickly descends once more, licking up her neck and then sucking the lobe of her ear. While she's busy feasting on the side of Liz's neck, you lean further forward, both pushing in and down on Rei, but also to get your own fix of the girl beneath.
She's dazed and happy. Arms loosely over Rei, she looks up at you. Smiling. The sparkle still twinkling in her eyes. Blanketing and enshrouded with lust. "Feels good," she says weakly.
"For such a long time I've wondered if Liz tasted as good as her body looks," Rei teases Liz, giggling to herself as she playfully bites her neck.
Liz's cheeks flush an embarrassed shade. She replies through a gasped laugh, "you're always talking, saying stuff, teasing all the time." Liz fights through the nerves to manage to say, "you shouldn't..."
"But have you thought of us actually doing it?" You can feel the wickedness from her, her words are as playful as they are inciting and before Liz can give a reply, Rei is dragging her hand between Liz's legs.
She reacts with a spasm that shoots through her, her muscles tensing as if the faintest of touches sent an electric shock through her. Even the light, innocent touch of Rei's fingers has her rolling and squirming under you both as if she is having her every nerve picked apart. "No. Maybe. Once... Oh, fuck, Rei."
Liz buries into the crook of Rei's neck, as best she can anyway, as Rei still jolts back and forth from the pounding you're giving her. Rei just laughs. "Good answer."
You're still rutting into her from behind, and she is growing shaky, her own ability to support herself failing, struggling to remain upright, pushing down onto Liz. Rei's cumming again. Squeezing tighter around you, fighting harder for every bit of motion between your bodies.
Rei pulls her hand back from Liz to push you out and catch her breath, and she falls fully over Liz, causing her to slouch further in her seat and straddle her.
You pull out from Rei, still without release, and instinctively drop to one knee, pulling Liz's leg up to your waist and moving to slide into her again, even if Rei is kind of in the way.
So Liz lies back flat against the seat of the toilet, a panting Rei mounted over her, and you between her legs—sliding your length into her cunt.
"Why," Rei starts, interrupted by her short gasp. "Did I have to have such hot friends?" You grab Rei's ass and use it as an anchor as you drive into Liz. "I'm so jealous of you getting to fuck us all."
"Shouldn't be," you say between heavy breathing—the effort starting to wear. "This whole thing is a mess. All you girls.”
"You're killing me here," she giggles. "If I had a big, thick cock, I can't think of a better way to use it than that." Rei keeps giggling. Loving this whole thing. She is a ball of boundless energy and as you pound into Liz, she just can't resist touching. She cups Liz's breast in her hand and rolls her nipple between her thumb and finger. "I would love Liz here to cum around my cock."
"You're insane," Liz moans out. Her voice shaking; ruined by the joy you're pumping into her. Her eyes flutter, drifting in and out of bliss.
"I'm insane? You're the one getting pounded by a stranger while your best friend humps your body and plays with your tits." She's absolutely crass with her words and her actions. Durty. Obscene. She continues her verbal assault on a gasping and stunned Liz. "How long have you dreamed about a good, thick cock, fucking you stupid? How many times have you had to finger yourself while watching those amateur porn videos or reading those filthy stories online?"
Liz can barely speak to argue back.
"You girls could always... use a... strap-on." You tell them as your breath gets caught in your chest, you feel it coming. That tingling. A rolling rumble. You're already struggling, feeling the effects of the marathon. But your comment makes them both giggle.
Rei leans down and presses her mouth into Liz's neck. "We could..." Rei is growling now.
Liz is cumming again. Her insides constrict, and her body seizes. The ripples and clenches of her orgasmic vice are too much. You fall over her and press your forehead into Rei's back. Gasping. Panting for air. You're so close it hurts.
So you pull out, reluctantly, freeing your throbbing cock from her hold and standing. A whimpering gasp leaves her lips as her body still shakes.
Rei climbs down from Liz, kneeling in front of you. "A strap-on isn't the same as the real thing." She takes hold of your cock in her delicate touch. So softly, she whispers her words. So gently, they hang in the air with the melodious sound of her voice, sweet like honey and dripping from her lips. "Will you do a dirty girl a favour and paint her pretty face?"
The sight is beyond stunning—an angel on her knees. She rests the tip of your cock against her pursed lips and slowly jerks you. Her glimmering eyes looking up at you in expectant admiration. Her other hand squeezes her breast. She does this all with the utmost confidence that she is going to get exactly what she wants. You nod to her. Yes.
Liz slides from the seat, joining Rei on the floor, on her knees. Rei's hand continue while she shares a smile and a whisper with Liz, words of encouragement that prompt Liz to move in on you. She works her mouth against your balls, planting kisses and stealing licks. 
Both girls savour the taste of your cock while they play with it. They continue until their saliva soaks your length. Your shaft glistening and dripping in their lubricant as their tongues dance along your cock.
It doesn't take you much longer until the two girls are cheek-to-cheek and gazing up into your eyes with the soft strokes of their hands. "Cum for us. Cum. Paint our faces, cover us. Cum. Do it." They beg you.
And then, release.
Hot cum pumps from the tip, erupting in thick strands. The first on Rei—a long thick rope onto her forehead, down the bridge of her nose and across her cheek. She remains remarkably poised, relishing the feeling. Then onto Liz, you catch her with a lot too, just like you did Rei and she flinches. Some into her open and ready mouth. Some on her lip and rolling down her chin. She tries to take her mouth to your cock, but Rei leans in the way and wrestles control and instead, another two shots—one splatters across Rei's lips and the next into her mouth.
Rei pulls you into her and sucks, then rolls her tongue around you. Jerking the final drops and draining you empty. When your hips cease to jolt, Rei swallows. Her mouth and face—messy. Glistening. Still smiling as she looks up at you with glee in her eyes.
Liz's slouches back, propped against the toilet. Her hand plays between her legs. Thrusting her fingers with a fast, firm pace. Chasing a climax she can only finish herself. A sight that steals your attention. The glorious scene of Liz masturbating is utterly hypnotic, the music of her moans in harmony, the euphoria consuming and overwhelming and a rarity you savour.
Another drop hangs from Rei's chin. You bring your cock and tilt it—dragging the rope of cum along Rei's lip. Into her mouth. A quiet moan as she cleans you—the feeling of a dull vibration. With a final suck, she frees you and you almost stumble over, collapsing. You catch the counter, barely.
Rei turns back to her friend and pushes in—meeting mouths. Her lips kiss the taste into Liz. Taking it off her lips and drawing it into her mouth. Her tongue snakes around Liz's before the two girls join in an intense and passionate kiss. Your cum traded between the pair—back and forth. Wet and lewd. Sloppy sounds that have you mesmerised.
Liz swallows as best she can before her strained voice breaks the trance. “This is the best. It will never be topped.” Her dainty fingers still playing with her clit as she continues to savour the experience.
"Until next weekend maybe," Rei interjects. "The three of us could make a whole night of it. Though that might ruin all other sex for us forever." Rei rises to stand, glancing herself in the mirror and reaching a finger up, drawing circles over her cheek to collect a fresh trail of your cum, pressing it to the roof of her mouth and rolling it over her tongue.
It's Liz who finds a smile first, her own soft little giggle followed by a splutter and a cough. It gets you all the same, laughing, the absurdity of this whole scenario dawning on you.
"Think you could handle us for a whole night?" Rei asks you as she stands beside you, looking into the mirror as she pulls more trails of cum into her mouth. Liz stays kneeling on the floor, and she suddenly looks so shy again. Sinking into herself, as if the flush of the lust has washed her clean.
You give a quick chuckle, "maybe not... But I would enjoy every second of trying."
"Guess it is time we all get out," Rei suggests. She looks over her shoulder and says, "and, hey Liz. You're welcome."
"Your card. You fingered me. So you passed the challenge."
Now fully dressed and looking almost like you did when you first walked in, if just a little scruffier, you leave the girls in the bathroom. You doubt anyone who sees you cares, though. The music too loud, the drink too abundant and the dancing too distracting. So no one notices when you re-join the crowds and pass through the hallways looking for someone—anyone.
You still haven't seen Minju since she disappeared at the card stand, nor Wonyoung or Yujin since they walked off into the crowd. As for Gaeul, the one person who is supposed to stop you from doing stupid things, well you haven't seen her yet at all. Maybe that's why you've fucked three girls already today, Gaeul needs to put you under 24/7 watch.
"Finally found you, bro," a voice calls from your left—right on cue.
You spin, and sure enough, it's Gaeul, standing at the corner of the hallway, arms crossed and leaning against the wall with disappointment drawn over her face. She's wearing some of the highest platformed heels you've ever seen, so she almost looks tall. The dress helps too. It's long and sleek from her shoulders down to her knees. Tight to her skin and shimmering under artificial light. An array of gold sparkles and reflective surfaces, bouncing colour everywhere.
"Gaeul, hey."
"You really shouldn't have brought her, you know that?" You had hoped to have spoke to Gaeul before she saw that Minju is here, but that was never going to happen when you're busy fucking her friends. At least she doesn't know about that—yet.
Her question is rhetorical—you know that—but you shrug and answer anyway, "she insisted."
"Oh, really?" Gaeul snaps and then guides you down the hall. Right now, she doesn't sound like the girl you know. She's agitated and annoyed and you're not actually sure if it's at you or someone else. "Sometimes I wonder what goes through your mind. I don't know if it's stubbornness or stupidity bro, but are you trying to get on their bad side?"
"Is it really that bad?"
"I just don't understand you at the minute. I'm trying to help you but I don't know how when I don't know what you want. Is it Wonyoung? Yujin? This Minju person?"
or Rei? Liz, maybe?
"Gaeul. I don't know."
She stops and turns to you, holding onto your arm. "That's the problem, bro. You know I want the best for you, but if you don't know, then neither do I."
"I can't do this now."
"Fine. Enjoy the party, just do me a favour and don't fuck anyone tonight will you?"
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imnameimswrld · 1 month
ⵌ ׄ ۪ 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ⁰⁰ ׄ ⑅ TW ‌˖ ֺ ᰮ
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—  DESCRIPTION   ੭ just some fluff of toto forever adoring y/n and has been saving her a seat for years.
—  PAIRING   ੭ toto wolff x platonic!reader.
—  FILE   ੭ social media au (request)
—  WARNINGS   ੭ none.
—  FACE CLAIM   ੭ liz of IVE.
❪ main masterlist | f1 masterlist | toto wolff masterlist ❫
━━━━━━━━━━❪ 🖤 ❫━━━━━━━━━━
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📍Shanghai, China
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liked by zhouguanyu24, georgerussell63, and 988 243 others
ynusername (late) Shanghai dump ! Thanks again Zhou for showing me around 😊
(晚)上海垃圾场!再次感谢周兄带我参观 😊
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user1 ya'll, in here chinese trans she called zhou "big brother zhou" 😭😭, that's so cute
user2 if it was anyone else, toto would have never let them post that picture of him 💀
↳ ynusername 😛
zhouguanyu24 always a pleasure y/n ! and btw, ur chinese is getting much better !
↳ ynusername well, I do have the best teacher :) [ liked by zhouguanyu24 ]
↳ mercedesamgf1 she's off limits guanyu.
↳ user3 you can't tell me this ain't toto talking 😭
↳ zhouguanyu24 I...
↳ mercedesamgf1 don't need her coming back home reeking of sauber. back. off.
↳ ynusername 😦 (the woman was too stunned to speak)
user4 poor zhou was just tryna be nice and toto just had to go all papa bear on him
ynusername added to their story ! • 1hr
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seen by lewishamilton, georgerussell63, and 977 243 others
user1 replied to your story !
girl, u underestimate ur power 💀
🎧 That's My Girl – Fifth Harmony
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liked by georgerussell63, mickshumacher, and 1 232 334 others
mercedesamgf1 our silver arrow princess 🫂.
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user1 how much ya'll wanna bet that toto posted this ?
↳ georgerussell63 he did indeed, and I totally saw him smiling like a fool doing it too
↳ lewishamilton and I thought I had toto wrapped around my finger, but bro praises the ground she walks on practically
↳ mickshumacher the girl gives the word "princess" a whole new meaning
↳ user2 help not the merc boys exposing toto 😭
ynusername merc 4 ever 💋 [ liked by mercedesamgf1 ]
user3 toto is literally yn's dad. prove me wrong- oh wait, u can't.
user4 so no one's gonna talk about the song choice ?? okay 😭
━━━━━━━━━━❪ 🖤 ❫━━━━━━━━━━
anon: Silver Arrow Princess, please 🥺 ! Toto Wolff looks like he would be more like girl-dad instead of boss.
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ttyeoll · 28 days
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‘ㅅ’ liz pack !  ♡   ㅤ ‹ credits are optional  ‹ like and/or reblog if you save
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slytherinshua · 2 months
   nomad masterlist ⟡₊ ⊹
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⋆˙⟡ = author's pick !
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sangha soft thought 1 (req) ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 550.
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california love
genre: fluff. | wc: 663.
in the zone ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 514.
late night kisses (req) ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 806.
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pearls (req)
genre: fluff. | wc: 709.
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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9 notes · View notes
n0madsbase · 1 month
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ɴᴏᴍᴀᴅ ᴀꜱ ʙꜰ ᴛᴇxᴛꜱ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
warnings ⚠︎: suggestive (a lil 4 sangha), called a 🐶 in junho’s
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 DOY
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ᯓ★ ONE
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6 notes · View notes
karinaswifee · 3 months
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shykpop · 2 years
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Ive icons
Like or reblog, if save/use
Credits always welcome
Ask is open
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zdraviismisl · 1 year
Момент из 23-ей главы фф «Твой сон был красочным?»
A moment from the 23rd chapter of ff "Was your dream colorful?"
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⎡-Кейл? - та красивая, словно известная в до-апокалиптичном прошлом актриса, незнакомка повернулась к нему и, приблизившись, наклонилась.
Кто такой Кейл? Почему она обращается к нему?
Он опустил взгляд, хотя это даже не требовалось - на лицо падали красные длинные нити волос, что доказывали чужеродность тела. Но взгляд на туловище и руки дал понять, что он правда стал ребёнком.⎦
⎡- Cale? - that beautiful, like a famous actress in the pre-apocalyptic past, the stranger turned to him and, approaching, bent down.
Who is Cale? Why is she addressing him?
He lowered his gaze, although it was not even necessary - long red strands of hair fell on his face, which proved the alienness of the body. But a glance at the torso and arms made it clear that he really became a child. ⎦
Фф (RUS(original)):
ficbook - https://ficbook.net/readfic/11925176
Ff (EN)
ao3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/41679672
wattpad - https://www.wattpad.com/story/321625122
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xnerbby · 2 years
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━ you weren't mine to lose
🗒: agosto chegou e com ele a vontade de fazer uma capa inspirada na música da taylor que deu origem à esse mês! queria ter feito logo no dia 1°, mas ainda bem que não fiz já que essas fotos lindas da rei e da liz foram postadas hoje.
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chrisbangsbf · 1 year
inflate my ego
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Pairing: Bobby/Jisung
Rating: Explicit 18+
Word Count: 2.6k
Tags and Warnings: Kingdom inspired, studio sex, idol/fan even though they're both idols, anal sex
Jisung cannot fucking believe that this is happening.
He's looked up to Bobby ever since he was a trainee. And now Bobby's mouth is working its way up his jaw.
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coffetier · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀꒰ ㅤ김 지원 — Liz icons𓈒
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⸺ créditos são obrigatórios, dê like ou reblog caso pegue!
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lelecoresworld · 2 years
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ゲ! ⸃⸃ ive 𝑨𝑭𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑳𝑰𝑲𝑬 icons!¡
♡ 𓂃 se pegar curta/reblog! créditos não são obrigatórios.
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j-a-nuary · 2 years
Date Roulette: Taeyang
Intro Week Start Seungri Week Start Daesung Week Start Previous Next
CW: not overtly explicit smut, but it's there.
Luckily, it didn’t take much to convince Chul that I absolutely did not want his behind the scenes information. Just the fact that the information existed in the first place was already more than I wanted to deal with.
I had heard my phone go off a few times as I tried to sleep, but I had made the conscious decision to ignore it at the time.
But here, in the car, stuck in morning traffic, I had nothing better to do.
From: Zico I think this is what the kids call "later"
From: Zico Okay maybe you're asleep but I'm still going to expect an explanation tomorrow.
I rolled my eyes and decided to come back to that later.
From: Hugeboy Why did Zico just text me "your crush is weird, just find a normal girl"?
From: Hugeboy Oh. He's drunk.
From: Hugeboy Good morning! Good luck with filming today!
Time to return to the other chat, it seemed.
To: Zico Yesterday, I was annoyed with you (a little bit) because of the whole dancers talk to dancers thing
To: Zico You seemed to be crossing some kind of boundary, but I let it go because you appeared to have some sort of good intention
To: Zico This morning however…
To: Zico I'm just plain annoyed with you because you're impatient and immature.
An alert popped up on my screen. I tapped it open.
From: Hugeboy If you're trying to yell at Zico, he's still asleep.
To: Hugeboy I assume he went to yours after drinking?
To: Hugeboy Also, good morning.
From: Hugeboy Yes. He's going to be out for a while.
From: Hugeboy What were you texting him?
To: Hugeboy I just don't like what he texted you that.
To: Hugeboy I'm not weird.
To: Hugeboy I just forgot to text him back
To: Hugeboy He's weird for getting so upset about it
From: Hugeboy Ah, that makes me happy
To: Hugeboy Why ?
From: Hugeboy Because… it's like…
From: Hugeboy You want me to keep liking you
I stared at the message as the car continued its slow trundle through the city. I felt like I should say something, but what?
To: Hugeboy I just don’t like that Zico feels like I owe him something.
From: Hugeboy (¬‿¬ ) whatever you say
I clicked my screen off and crossed my arms, staring out at the slightly gray morning.
“What was all that?”
I glanced at Taeyang, but after catching the little red light of a camera strapped onto the dashboard I just shook my head.
Taeyang gave a snort of a laugh, shaking his head in turn.
“Okay. Just remember that if you’re going to be talking about anything relevant, you need to come over here so we can catch it,” Chul reminded me.
“I know, I know,” I re-tucked my shirt into the billowy pants that wardrobe had given me. “So diligent.”
“I just want to be sure that you know that we will not be able to hear you unless you come over here,” he was nodding a little too much, and his eyes were exaggeratedly wide.
“I am aware, Chul,” I smiled, “thank you for looking out after me.”
He gave me a small smile and nodded.
“My first time being basically off mic and I have nothing to talk about to take advantage of it,” I stretched next to Taeyang.
“Yeah, it’s kind of wasted on me, huh?”
“Basically,” I nodded towards the small group of assorted staff that he had told me contained his girlfriend, “which one is her?”
“Blue headband.”
“Ah,” I watched her for a moment before continuing, “if you think it would help, you can tell her that she’s more my type than you are.”
“What?” Taeyang looked shocked.
“What?” I shrugged, “she’s way better looking than you.”
“Are you…” he looked uncomfortable, “interested in women?”
“Isn’t everyone?”
I wished I hadn’t said anything. The vibes were off. The amount of reshooting we had to do was completely out of hand.
Or maybe all shoots were like this? It seemed excessive to me though.
When we broke for a late breakfast, Taeyang quickly disappeared. I noticed that Ms. Blue Headband also was nowhere to be seen.
I made my way to a nearby cafe on my own. I was still mic-free, a fact that I hadn’t really thought about until a body hit the chair across from me.
I had pulled a hoodie over the costume when I left. The hood itself was oversized, which I was grateful for as I had been able to pull it up and slightly over my face.
Did I care who it was? I mulled over the question for a moment, still staring directly into my slightly chipped mug of tea.
“Ah, excuse me?” a familiar voice flagged down a waiter, “can I get an americano?”
I looked up from my admittedly extremely slouched position to meet Mino’s gaze.
What a pleasant surprise.
“What are you doing here?”
“What are you talking about?” he shrugged, “I come here all the time.”
He crossed his arms and looked around the restaurant casually before shooting me a sly smile.
“What?” I sat up straighter, “how am I a stalker? I just came here because it had the highest ratings on naver.”
Mino leaned forward, still smiling.
“You don’t remember, do you?”
“Remember what?”
“Ah, really?” He leaned back, gripping the edge of the seat to counterbalance himself.
“What?” I pressed him.
“We first met here,” he nodded towards a booth, “over there.”
I looked around, taking in the restaurant fully for the first time since I had arrived.
“That’s right,” I muttered, “how did I not know that?”
“You’ve met a lot of people - thank you,” he interrupted himself as the waiter returned with his coffee, “and you’ve been to a lot of places recently.”
He paused to sip the drink before finishing, “I’ll try not to take it too personally.”
I just nodded and leaned back in my own chair.
We sat in silence for a while. Mino had a small laptop with him, which he had set up and was tapping at as he sipped at his cup. His knee bounced underneath the table, slightly shaking his entire body with the movement.
For my part, I simply scrolled on my phone. I was on my old twitter account. It was the one I used primarily to keep in contact with my English speaking friends, with a slight sprinkle of Spanish every now and again.
Art post. Fan post. Video games. Video games. Video games. Photo of luggage being packed, captioned “countdown initiated”. Art post. Video games.
For a few minutes I was completely able to forget about the show, the boys, the house, and somehow even the slight problem that was the man sitting across from me. And just how angry Jiyong would get if he knew that this was happening.
“I like this.”
I looked up at Mino. He had his chin on one hand, intently focused on the screen in front of him. At some point he had put on some glasses, but I hadn’t noticed.
He glanced at me, and smiled.
“I like this,” he turned his eyes back to the screen, “sitting with you here.”
I blinked at him a few times, before turning my own attention back to my phone.
“Me too.”
We returned to our silent parallel existence until an alarm went off on my phone.
“Break’s over,” I sighed standing up. I started rifling through my bag, looking for my card to go pay at the counter.
“Just go,” Mino waved me off, “I’ll pay.”
“Are you sure?” I lifted my hand, card now between my fingers, “I’ve got it right here.”
“Go,” Mino nodded.
I must have been wearing one of my doubtful looks, because he repeated himself emphatically as my phone started ringing.
“Go,” he insisted, “let me take care of it.”
“Okay,” I sighed, hefting my bag over my shoulder, “I’ll pay you back next time,” I was now headed towards the door, raising the now answered phone as I left, "I promise."
"Where are you? We need to work," an annoyed Taeyang complained through the phone as Mino laughed and waved me off.
"I'm like two minutes away, the cafe on the corner."
"Alright, well, hurry up."
"Ayyyyyy, the star is here!"
For once, Bobby wasn't immediately on my nerves.
Though that may have had something to do with the woman standing next to him.
Soo-ah excitedly waved as I pulled off the hoodie and let the makeup artist touch me up.
I waved as much as I could without making things harder for the woman dabbing a sponge over my cheeks. Once I was finally given the go-ahead, I practically ran over to her.
"What are you doing here?"
"I told Jiwon-ah that I'm a big fan of the new female dancer at YG and he brought me to watch," Soo-ah broke into laughter at her own joke, giddily grasping my hands in hers.
I shot Bobby a thumbs up, applauding his move. He blushed slightly, but didn't say anything.
"But look at you! This is amazing," she still held my hands as she looked around.
There was a shout for Taeyang and I to get back on the set.
"I have to go, are you staying?"
"Yes," she nodded emphatically, "as long as I'm allowed."
I gave her a quick pat on her head. It was a habit that had started as a joke when she joined my Kung Fu class, but was not just a natural thing at times.
"Good, I'll be back."
“No good!” called the camera operator/director, “Luna?”
“Sorry, sorry,” I called back.
“You’ve got to hit the mark,” was the only response to my placation. “Back in starting positions.”
For what felt like the hundredth time, Taeyang and I returned to our spots while the crew reset the scenery.
“No good!"
“I am going to kill myself if I don’t get this right,” I groaned at Taeyang.
"What is going on you guys?" The director walked onto the set and approached us both, "Luna, what's with the hesitation?"
"Sorry," I shook my head, "I just have to focus."
"Yeah, also…," he turned towards Taeyang  now, "go talk to wardrobe, your shirt got ripped somehow."
"What?" he pulled the hem of his shirt out slightly to take a look.
"On the back, here," the director indicated to his left side.
While waiting for Taeyang to get his shirt stitched, I was dallying in one of the darker corners of the studio space with Soo-ah.
“I think it looked fine. I don’t know why they kept stopping it,” she observed.
“He’s not getting low enough,” I explained, “if he stays that high up, I can’t use his body to roll.”
“Can’t you just flip?” She pointed out.
“What? Front flip? He would be in the way,” I shook my head, “we’d both just end up getting hurt.”
“No,” she protested, “that backwards one that you spent ages trying to teach to Woohyung.”
I stared at her. How had I not considered that?
“The springy one?” I flipped my wrist slightly, mimicking the motion.
“Yeah! Since you burst upwards at the start, he doesn’t have to go as low.”
I approached Taeyang. He raised a hand and shook his head.
“I know,” he started with a sigh, “I ju-”
“I don’t care,” I waved his words away, “you don’t have to change anything. Soo-ah came up with a way to fix it.”
“Just keep doing what you’re doing. And keep going, even if they call for us to stop, okay?” I waited for him to nod, “I just want to get one full go-through before we decide if we want to keep it or not.”
The jump went well. It took two additional shots to get something I thought was good enough, since the crew hadn’t been expecting it, but Taeyang was skeptical. In my opinion, it was much better than the original choreography. Plus it eliminated the need for Taeyang and I to get body-to-body with each other, which I suspected that his girlfriend also appreciated.
The director was delighted with what he called the “new highlight”, but explained that I had just guaranteed that we would need to stay and film either until very late tonight, or come back tomorrow.
“I thought we were filming tomorrow again anyway?” 
“Well, we booked the space just in case,” Taeyang explained, “but it wasn’t exactly necessary.”
“That’s right, but if we make changes like this,” the director shrugged, “it naturally takes longer.”
“Right,” I nodded, “that makes sense. I think I’d prefer to split it, if that’s not a problem.”
“No problem, let’s work until…” Taeyang trailed off, looking at the director for input.
“Ah, it’s,” the director checked his watch, “okay it’s 3pm now…” he tilted his head. I could almost see the mental calculations going on in his head.
“Let’s go until 6pm? Then I can get today’s footage to the editing team, and they’ll tell us what we need for tomorrow.”
“Okay, uh, just give me one second.”
I jogged over to where Bobby and Soo-ah were sitting and talking.
“Hey, we’re going for another three hours. You don’t have to hang around this whole time if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t mind,” Bobby shrugged, “but I am hearing some very concerning stuff from Soo-ah.”
I blinked, fast and repeatedly. I couldn’t really think of what Soo-ah may have been telling him.
“Don’t make it sound like that,” Soo-ah pouted, “I was just talking about you and Minjung’s festival demonstrations.”
“Oh! Um,” I shrugged, “yeah. That’s fine. But listen, I gotta go back. If you guys leave just text me, okay?”
“What do you want to do for dinner?” Taeyang asked from the other side of the wardrobe area.
Several racks of clothes, and about three portable canvas “walls” separated us. However, I thought I could tell that he wasn’t really interested.
“I’m actually getting dinner with Soo-ah,” I called back across the room, “you can come if you want.”
“Ah, I’ll just go ahead. Have fun.”
I heard a door open and close. I suspected that I was now alone in the room.
Half-dressed, I sat down and pulled out my phone.
From: Sooooo-AH! We’re heading out to dinner. You’re as amazing as always!
I smiled at the message. How I had ever been lucky enough to become friends with Soo-ah, I didn’t know.
To: Sooooo-AH! Have fun! I was so happy you came today!
I switched to another waiting message.
From: Zico Okay so I understand I need to apologize
From: Zico I was in a mood last night
From: Zico and I took it out on you
From: Zico which was not fair
From: Zico I’m sorry
I didn’t know what to say to that. I started typing, but decided the energy wasn’t worth it right now. While I was tapping the backspace, another message alert popped up.
From: Hugeboy Are you done? I just saw Taeyang leave.
To: Hugeboy Are you stalking me?
From: Hugeboy I was dropping off something for Seunghoon. I just passed Taeyang in the hallway.
To: Hugeboy Suspicious
To: Hugeboy Yeah, we’re done.
From: Hugeboy Hmm… this doesn’t help my case, but where are you? Did you leave already?
I considered the message. Would it be too much to meet him here? On the other hand, wouldn’t it just be a coincidence?
To: Hugeboy To be honest, I’m being lazy in wardrobe 4
To: Hugeboy I sat down and now I don’t want to get up again
From: Hugeboy Number 4?? I’m not too far from there |ω・)ノ
To: Hugeboy Ah, I guess I have an excuse to just sit for a little while longer then.
He didn’t text back. I supposed he had other things to focus on at the moment.
I stretched backwards, cracking my back against the chair before hauling myself upwards, back to where my remaining normal clothes were sitting on a shelf.
As I picked up my shirt, a business card fluttered onto the floor. I bent to pick it up, curious as to who it could be from.
“Hello?” Mino’s voice echoed through the room.
Spurred into action by no longer being alone, I shoved the card into my pocket and started tugging my shirt on.
“Over here,” I called out.
Mino rounded the corner of the green canvas divider as I was tugging my shirt down over my stomach. His eyes dropped to my waist, then flew upwards as he turned slightly away from me.
“You really were being lazy,” he mumbled.
“You can’t be embarrassed by some stomach skin,” I laughed, “I’ve seen your backup dancers’ outfits.”
“That’s different,” he glanced at me, confirming that I was decent before he turned to face me again.
“Ah, can I say this?” he mumbled in a tone that seemed to be flirtatious.
“Say what?”
“Maybe I should have been faster,” he smiled, eyes flitting briefly down my body before refocusing on my face.
“Yah, be careful,” I scolded him slightly.
“Right, right,” he nodded, then jerked his head towards the exit, “should we go?”
“Sure thing,” I swung my bag over my shoulder, “where to?”
“I know I’ve asked this about six times in the last ten minutes but…” I trailed off.
“And I’ll say the same thing,” Mino patted my leg before returning his hand to the shifter of his car, “it’s fine.”
We stopped at a red light, I pulled the hood of my sweatshirt closer around my face.
Mino’s hand rested on my knee again, this time squeezing reassuringly.
“If you don’t want to come to my house, we can go someplace else.”
“No, it’s fine,” I sighed, “I just… you know I can probably beat you in a fight, right?”
“I have no intention of testing that,” Mino said, once again returning his hand to the shifter as the light turned green.
“Not even for self-preservation,” he craned his neck to check all angles before pulling across three lanes of traffic in a left turn, “I’m not that type.”
I wasn’t sure exactly how to respond to that, so I lifted my phone to distract me. A new message was waiting for me.
From: Llyong Boho Let’s get dinner.
I squinted at the message. I was once again going to have to lie.
I considered asking Bobby and Soo-ah to cover for me, but that felt like it could fall apart pretty easily.
To: Llyong Boho I actually decided to get dinner on my own.
To: Llyong Boho Just taking a minute to myself, you know?
I stared at the screen for a few minutes. I had long ago turned my read receipts off, so I was completely in the dark about what was happening unless the bubbles popped up.
They did not.
I tucked my phone away.
“You okay?” Mino asked.
“Yeah, just,” I sighed, “Jiyong.”
“You seem calmer than usual,” I was sitting in Mino’s kitchen, a wonderfully friendly cat curled up in my lap. Mino was sitting across from me, now empty take-away dishes between us on the table.
“Do I? Maybe it’s just because it’s my house,” Mino shrugged.
“I don’t mean that. I mean…” I took a second to work out what I was trying to say, “like you’re not worried? You’re usually kind of anxious when I see you.”
“Ah,” Mino leaned forward, resting his head on his hand, “I decided to not worry about the show, or Jiyong, or anything like that.”
“Really? It’s that simple?”
Mino nodded, “I figure that as long as you and I are still talking, texting, whatever…” he leaned back again, “that should be enough, right?”
He really did seem relaxed. However, his nerves were betrayed by the way he was staring into space and idly spinning a ring on one of his fingers.
I couldn’t help it.
“Ah, I suppose that’s the first step,” I stood up, much to Jhonny’s annoyance, and started cleaning up the containers on the table, “right?”
Mino looked up at me, cocking his head. The ring stopped.
“First step for what?”
“For you to move on,” I teased him.
“Yah,” he stood up and took the containers out of my hands, dropping them on the counter before turning back to me. He gave me a serious look as he took my hand and pulled me towards him.
“I just don’t want to be another source of stress.”
“I was teasing you,” I explained.
“I know,” he had leaned against the counter, pulling me to lean against his body, “but I know you make jokes as a way to say serious things.”
“How do you know that?” I asked him.
“I pay attention is all. So,” Mino swayed his arms slightly, gently wiggling me back and forth, “are you worried that I’ll stop liking you?”
“Not really.”
His eyebrows dipped slightly.
I lifted my heels slightly, reaching up to quickly kiss his cheek.
“Yah,” he was beginning to blush as I pulled back, “you’re going to make me nervous again.”
I grinned, then leaned up again. This time I pressed my lips to his.
Mino hummed, squeezing me against him a little tighter.
I let myself enjoy it for a moment before pulling back.
“I should head back soon,” I dropped my head onto his chest, “I feel like a child out after curfew.”
“I’ll drop you off,” Mino offered.
“No,” I groaned, trying to take a step back, “I should take the train. I said that I was on my own.”
“At least let me get you a taxi,” Mino held fast around my waist, leaning forward and kissing my forehead. “You know you can’t really take public transport anymore, right?”
“Ah, right, I’m famous by association. But that’s okay, I can pay for it. Besides, you covered my coffee this morning.”
“Just let me get it,” he pressed, “I like doing things for you.”
“I’m home,” I called out as I kicked off my shoes in the entryway.
A flat “good to see you,” echoed from somewhere inside the house. I couldn’t quite tell who had said it, but it felt nice to hear all the same.
I turned into the living room to see Daesung watching some drama. He glanced up as I entered.
“How was your solo dinner?”
“Good,” I fell onto the sofa next to him, letting my legs hang over the side, “what are you watching?”
He clicked a button on the remote to display the show information and read aloud the name of some program that I wasn’t familiar with.
“Any good?”
“Eh,” he shrugged, “how was filming?”
“Busy but also, not? Is that how it usually is?”
“It’s usually even worse,” he explained, “but we’re used to it.”
“Fair…” I stared at the television, not really absorbing anything happening on the screen. After a moment, I realized something.
“Where are the others?”
“I think Jiyong is sulking, Taeyang isn’t back yet, and I don’t know about the other two.”
I sighed, letting my head drop against Daesung’s shoulder.
“Should I go see him?”
Daesung stretched his arm out and readjusted in his seat. I let my head slide down to rest on his leg.
“It’s not your responsibility,” he almost hummed the words as he started running his fingers through my hair, “he’s not a child.”
I nodded, letting my eyes close.
“I feel responsible though.”
“Stop. You needed time to yourself, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
I groaned as his fingernails skimmed my scalp.
“You’re going to put me to sleep,” I whined.
“You deserve to rest.”
“Come on,” it was definitely one of the guys talking, though they were speaking so softly, and I was so tired, that I couldn’t quite place who it was.
I grumbled as I felt arms slide under my shoulders and knees.
“But I’m sleeping.”
I felt like my eyes were stuck together. Or maybe I just didn’t want to open them anyway.
“Just come this way a little bit.”
I leaned towards the voice.
“Good girl, ready now?”
I nodded. Beginning to recognize the whisper, I wound one of my hands into his shirt for more security.
My body lifted slowly. I groaned again, involuntarily, annoyed by the cooler air hitting the freshly exposed bits of my arms and legs.
The chest bounced with a laugh.
I was still a little disoriented, not quite able to mentally follow the path that I was being carried along.
“Ah, can you open her door?”
“Sure,” that one was definitely Taeyang.
My body turned, I imagined to get through the doorway without bumping my head on the door frame.
“Okay,” I felt a knee under me as he knelt on my mattress to get me situated, “here you are.”
I groaned and refused to loosen my fingers from the shirt that my face was resting on.
There was a silent laugh. I only knew about it from the tell-tale jump on the chest.
“You have to let go,” it wasn’t a demand or admonishment.
I groaned more adamantly, gripping the cloth even tighter.
A heavy sigh, followed by “ah, fine.”
I loosened my grip slightly, allowing him to adjust his position enough that I was left with my head resting against his chest.
I wound my legs between his, noticing that they were thinner than I had expected.
“Are you always this affectionate when you’re tired?”
I shrugged.
“You weren’t like this at all during my week.’
“I had some fresh, uh…” I thought back to the Weekly Idol interview trying to remember the word I had learned, “trauma?”
“That’s true,” his fingers were back in my hair.
We lay there in a drowsy silence for a while before I spoke up again.
“Ah, you’re still awake? I was just thinking it might be safe for me to leave.”
I tightened my legs around one of his. His chest bounced again with a quiet laugh.
“What’s up?”
“Would you say yes if I chose you?”
My ear vibrated slightly as he hummed before answering.
“What do you think?”
“I can’t tell. You treat me well, but I think you probably treat everyone well.”
“Mm-hmm,” he hummed in agreement.
I loosened myself up from his body a little bit so that I could lean on my elbow to look at him.
“I think you flirt with me, but again…”
I paused. He had lifted a hand to brush my hair out of my face, intently watching me as I spoke. Seeing him pay such close attention, it made my heart ache somehow.
“But…?” He prompted me to continue.
“It seems like just part of your personality.”
“Even when I’m out of character?”
I groaned, letting my head fall back onto his chest.
“Can’t you just tell me yes or no?”
“I could, but I don’t want to influence you.”
“I’m asking though,” I wriggled my legs in annoyance, “I want to know.”
Was that true though? If I wanted to know, I now realized that I could probably just ask Chul. It would doubtless be the easier way to find things out. So why was I bothering with this back and forth?
Besides the fact that it was a little fun, that is.
“Come here,” Daesung moved under me. I sat up, only to have him put a hand on my arm. He slid back, sitting at an angle against the headboard and pillows, and gestured for me to come towards him again.
I tilted my head. Did I want to choose Daesung? This entire time I had been thinking of him as potentially a good hook-up, but nothing more intimate than that.
Which, maybe, was exactly what I needed. Something to flush my system of all my built up hormones and mixed feelings.
“Dae,” I shuffled to kneel next to him.
“Forget the show choice for a second.”
“Okay,” he nodded slowly, eyes narrowing slightly.
“What about just right now?”
“What about it?”
“If I asked you to sleep here tonight, would you say yes?”
Daesung blinked a few times.
I waited, kneeling on my hands to stop myself from fidgeting.
Finally, Daesung tilted his head and chuckled again.
“Are you asking me to?”
I shrugged, “just answer the question.”
He paused again, this time washing his eyes over me. I realized that he was trying to figure out how serious I was.
You and me both, my dude.
“Come here,” he said softly.
I leaned forward slightly.
“No,” he shook his head, then patted a hand against his thigh, “come here.”
I freed my hands from under my knees, supporting myself as I leaned over him.
“Sit down,” another pat on his thigh.
Well, if he insisted.
I straddled his lap and sat up straight. I kept my eyes on him. The corner of his lip slid up slightly.
“So, if I asked you to stay here tonight…?” I left the sentence unfinished.
“I’ll stay as long as you'd like me to, pet.”
My phone chimed.
Daesung grabbed my wrist when I reached for it, pulling my hand to press against his chest.
“It can wait,” he groaned.
“If it’s Jiyong, his next step is knocking on my door,” I explained, “and while we may be able to keep quiet, there are levels to that sort of thing.”
“Ugh, fine,” he let go of my wrist, instead grabbing my thighs to keep me from getting off of him.
From: Llyong Boho Are you back yet?
I sighed.
“What does he want?” Daesung asked.
“Probably this,” I snorted, glancing down to where Daesung was firmly inside me.
Daesung laughed, “you’re not wrong.”
To: Llyong Boho Yes. I’m hanging out with Daesung.
To: Llyong Boho Whatever it is, can it wait until tomorrow?
I leaned over and placed my phone back onto my bedside table.
“All good?”
“I think so,” I leaned down, quickly pressing my lips against his.
“Fuck,” he groaned at the motion, “this is not how I saw my night ending.”
“Me neither,” I sat back up and rocked against him slightly.
Daesung laughed again, then pressed his head back into the pillow with a sigh.
“Okay, okay okay… okay…”
“Okay?” I teased him.
“I have to… come here pet,” he grabbed both of my wrists, pulling me back down against his chest.
“I can’t take this much more,” his hands found my hair and he pulled me against his lips again.
“My turn,” he looked directly into my eyes, “okay?”
He wrapped an arm around my waist. Lifting and rolling, he pulled me into position on the bed and quickly situated himself as well.
“Wait,” he grabbed one of the pillows and lightly tapped my thigh, “lift up for me pet.”
I lifted my hips and he put the pillow under them.
Just a few seconds later, he was leaning down and just barely tracing his teeth against the skin of my breast.
“God damn it, this is going to be embarrassing.”
“Hmm?” I gripped his hair, pulling him up my body so that I could taste his neck.
“I am not going to last much longer,” he groaned, “you feel so good on me pet.”
“That’s fine,” I reassured him, “we’re kind of already pushing our luck on privacy here.”
Daesung looked like he was about to melt into my mattress.
“Okay, so I know what I said,” I rolled onto my side to look at him, “but I don’t think you should actually sleep here.”
I started tracing invisible lines along his chest.
“Of course,” he nodded, “just let me,” he waved a hand, “you know.”
“You should at least get dressed,” I prodded him, “just in case.”
“I’ll get dressed when you do.”
“Fine then,” I stood up and almost immediately my knees buckled.
As if he had precognition, Daesung somehow was already sitting up to grab me and redirect my fall onto the bed.
“How did yo-”
“That usually happens,” he seemed a little embarrassed to say it.
“You slut,” I laughed.
“Excuse me?” Daesung feigned offense, “coming from you.”
I shrugged, then flopped down on the mattress.
“Dae-oppaa~” I whined.
“Yes, my pet?”
“Can you get my shorts for me?”
“Of course.”
We were both fully clothed, and just hanging out showing each other things we were finding on our phones when Jiyong texted me again.
From: Llyong Boho Does it have to wait?
I leaned over and showed the message to Daesung.
“Ah,” he sighed, “I suppose he wants his turn.”
“I didn’t mean like that,” he nudged me with his shoulder, “but he, you know, he likes you. He wants to spend time with you.”
I rolled onto my back and wriggled my way so that I was looking up into Daesung’s face.
“Do you not like me?”
“How can you even ask me that?” He leaned down and kissed me before continuing, “I’m just not possessive.”
“So nothing changes?”
“Not yet,” he smiled down at me, “not until you tell me that something has changed.”
“So you don’t get jealous?”
“I get insanely jealous," he traced a line under my chin with one finger as he spoke, "when it is appropriate to do so.”
“But…?” I urged him to continue.
“I know that we’re not dating. We haven’t made any promises to each other or anything like that. So,” he kissed me again, “there is nothing for me to be jealous about. Text Jiyong.”
I sat up and typed out a not exactly untruthful message.
To: Llyong Boho Yes. We're still hanging out.
I flashed the message to Daesung, who nodded, before I hit send.
“And you’re not going to say anything?”
“What would be the point of me saying something? Just to make people feel bad?”
“You can say Jiyong,” I teased.
Daesung rolled onto his side to fix me with an intense look.
“People,” he said again, emphasizing the plurality. “The only thing that I think will change is that now when I see you I’ll know all the hidden things you’ve done to your body.”
“Yah,” I warned him.
“I might flirt a little bit more,” he pushed himself to sit up, mirroring me, “now that I’m about… let’s say seventy percent sure that you like me a little bit.”
“Seventy? Isn’t that a little high?”
An expression that had just recently been shown to me for the first time flashed across his face.
“Kiss me, pet.”
I leaned forward and easily obliged.
I laughed, this time kissing his cheek.
My phone chimed.
“No no no no no,” he shook his head, “kiss me properly pet.”
I reached up with one hand and combed my fingers into his hair before kissing him again. When I pulled back, I tugged at his lip with my teeth.
“Eighty percent sure.”
“Anyway,” I rolled, both eyes and body, so that I could pick up the phone.
From: Llyong Boho I want to see you, if I can.
“I think he wants me to kick you out.”
“Fair enough,” Daesung hauled himself up from the bed, “it is a bit late for me to be in your room. Who knows what could happen.”
I tried to suppress a laugh.
“By the way,” he paused before opening the door, “yes.”
"I would say yes."
To: Llyong Boho Meet under the deck?
From: Llyong Boho Sure.
I slipped out of the sliding door. Relief washed over me to see that Jiyong was not already there.
I heard the soft whooshing creak of the door opening overhead, followed by slightly stilted footsteps crossing the deck and coming down the stairs.
I could smell him as he approached. The waft of the cigarette in his hand, mixed with cologne and alcohol.
His steps were steady though, so maybe I was wrong.
I thought back to the last time we had been down here. How I had kissed him and left.
I suddenly found the smell of alcohol appealing, in a “ just one shot to steel my nerves” sort of way.
Jiyong leaned against one of the posts, just watching me as he took a drag on his cigarette.
Fine then.
“What’s up?”
He sighed, a long cloud issuing from his lips.
“It’s stupid,” he shook his head, “I’m jealous.”
“What is it this time?” I settled back against the glass that led into my room.
“If you’re tired and need someone to lean on,” he stared at the ground, “I want you to lean on me. That’s what I said, right?”
He laughed, shaking his head again.
“Stupid, like I said,” he finally looked up and met my eye again, “come upstairs with me.”
My eyes narrowed, causing Jiyong to give that self-deprecating laugh again.
“Sorry, I’ve been thinking too much.”
“What about?”
He looked down again. I could see his Adam's apple bob in his throat before he looked back up at me.
“Do you have any feelings left for me?”
As intensely as he had been avoiding eye contact before, he was staring at me now.
I thought of the last month. The grocery shopping, cooking together, spending nights just enjoying having a body next to me in bed, secret kisses, arguments, clothing, warnings…
“I don’t know if I really did to begin with,” I admitted.
Jiyong’s eyes flicked between mine. His eyebrows dipped, and a wry smile tugged at his lips.
“Wh… sorry, what?”
“No, Ji…” I immediately regretted the words. Pushing off the glass, I stepped towards him.
“I don’t mean…” I sighed.
“Then what do you mean?” His voice was sharp, slightly higher than usual. He also stood upright from where he had been leaning.
“Because it sounds to me,” he stepped forward, invading my space enough to make me step back and bump against the glass again, “like what you mean is that I’m the only one who felt anything.”
“Jiyah… I’m,” I shook my head, “I’m not saying that. I just mean that we haven’t really had time to know each other.”
“Time to…?” He hung his head forward as he said it, then shook it again. Rising his eyes to meet mine again, he continued, “I have made time. I even…” he stopped himself. Running his hands through his hair a few times, he gathered himself.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” I insisted.
“No,” that laugh again, “it doesn’t. If you never had any feelings for me, none of this matters.”
“Jiyong,” I took his hand in mine, “listen to me.”
“What? What could you possi-”
I leaned forward and placed my lips on his. He pulled away almost immediately, but at least he was quiet now.
“I said to begin with.”
Jiyong breathed deeply a few times before saying anything else. I knew he would feel compelled to fill the silence, and I was glad to let him do it now that I had pointed out the distinction.
“And now?”
“Now?” I tilted my head, thinking of how to phrase how I felt, “there’s potential.”
“Potential?” He said it like he couldn’t believe I had the audacity.
“What the fuck do you want from me Jiyong? We barely know each other.”
“I don’t want anything from you,” he turned and leaned back against the glass next to me, “I just want you.”
“That’s everything, Ji.”
“Fine, then I want everything.”
We fell into silence, just standing side by side, feeling awful. I was tempted to ask him for a cigarette.
“Why do we keep having this conversation?” is what I asked instead.
“Because you are on my mind all the time,” Jiyong answered, “and I don’t know if I ever even cross yours.”
“Hmm,” I nodded, “you know, and man this is going to sound manipulative…”
Jiyong laughed, a real one this time.
“This whole jealous all the time thing is a pretty big red flag.”
“You’ve mentioned that. Actually,” Jiyong turned to look at my side profile, “you’re not the first woman to tell me that.”
“I need to sleep,” I sighed, “I have more dance filming tomorrow.”
“Come sleep with me.”
I turned my head to look at Jiyong. His eyes were trailing down my body, but lifted to meet mine. “Ji…”
“It was worth a try,” he shrugged.
Standing up straight, he stretched his arms and cracked his neck.
“Well, unless you have any other, um, interruptions to offer me, I guess I’ll head up.”
“Goodnight Jiyong.”
“Alright, alright,” he started towards the stairs, “at least I have potential, right?”
“Goodnight,” I carefully articulated the word.
Jiyong nodded one more time and climbed up the steps.
I checked my phone when I got back into my room.
From: D-Lite I heard some raised tones, are you okay? From: D-Lite He didn’t… figure it out, right? To: D-Lite It’s fine. He just wants everything
I laid on my bed. I could smell Daesung’s cologne on my sheets.
From: D-Lite He gets like that when he likes someone From: D-Lite But you’re okay? To: D-Lite Yes To: D-Lite I am more than okay, actually
I took a picture of my rumpled sheets and sent it to him.
To: D-Lite [image] From: D-Lite If you start flirting with me right now I will come back down there. From: D-Lite And I will make sure that you can not keep quiet this time.
My cheeks immediately heated to approximately the same temperature as the surface of the sun.
To: D-Lite Noted. I will not flirt with you. To: D-Lite Right now.
I quickly set my phone to airplane mode and set it on its charger. Better not to push my luck.
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h4njin · 2 years
Cozy - liz
[gender neutral]
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- I just wanted you to hold me.
Meeting friends at school was always something you liked. You were definitely no extrovert, but the feeling of having fun with friends was just something else; and if nothing else you were just pretty good at socializing.
But when you found out that your partner for the social sciences project (which, of course had to be worth 40% of your grade) was liz, the class’ resident smug loner with amazing grades, you were absolutely terrified. You and her go way back, when she stood still watching you get bullied in 6th grade. That was nearly 5 years ago. Ever since, though, you’ve always been terribly intimidated by her.
See, the worst part about all this was the fact that she was just… ethereal. Her beautiful blonde hair comes down to just about her chest, her eyes were like black holes that could suck you into them, just like any celestial object near a real one. The way her face would slightly scrunch when thinking- don’t get it all wrong. You definitely weren’t crushing on her. But given enough time, you probably could. With all that in mind- you weren’t looking forward to working with her. Who knows what she might do? She might beat you up for getting some parts wrong.
Going to the library used to be a fun pastime. Now you’re standing in fear and anticipation, waiting for liz to arrive as you pace back and forth. Instead of waiting any longer, you decided you might as well go look for some nooks to use as reference material.
Walking to the sociology isle, you look around, seeing if something could be useful. looking up at the higher shelves, you find something interesting. You walk up to it and pick it up. The title of the book read, ‘outliers’ by an author named Malcolm Gladwell. You sit down and open it, skimming through the pages.
“Outliers..? That’s… that’s a good one.” Surprised, you look up to find liz, standing there with all of her glory. The sunlight through the window shining a light on her incredible features.
“Oh, uh… hello. I didn’t notice you arrived. Uhm.. should we.. get started?” You say with a stutter. To your surprise, liz replies with a smile, seeing her dimples for the first time ever. it was a sight to see, alright. “Yes. Let’s.”
You stand up, seeing the height difference between you and liz. You thought it was somewhat charming, how tall she was. Either way, liz held the sleeve of your school uniform, pulling you to the tables where she had set up her laptop on. You were surprised aut how chill she was with all this.
“So, uh, I’m not the best at sociology, so.. would you mind starting it off?” Liz grinned at your words. “Of course. I’ll.. try to do most of the work, so you can just help me with the smaller things.” The way she was speaking to you in a manner you thought she was incapable of, somehow made your heart flutter.
“By the way.. uh.. we haven’t talked at all this semester, right? Or, ever, really.” You nervously tried to instigate a conversation with her. Liz took her eyes off her laptop, eyeing you. “Oh. That’s right. Sorry, I’m… not much of a speaker. Hehe,” she awkwardly smiled. Somehow you found it cute. ‘No, wait, really? After what happened in 6th grade?’ You thought to yourself. Managing to pull yourself together, you begin to reply.
“No, it was my fault. Sorry.. I just.. found you a bit intimidating, liz.”
To your surprise, she looked down with just a hint of sadness inside her orbs. “Yeah, I know. I.. get that a lot. I just… can’t really make friends. Every time I try to talk, something always goes wrong.” You began to feel bad for her. “Well,” you fake cough. “You’re talking with me right now. I’ll be your friend, then.”
Suddenly, her eyes widened and she gasped with a smile, once again exposing her perfect dimples. “Wait, really?! I… I thought you hated me!” You were shocked at how different she was from your image of her. “Of course I didn’t! I was just… nervous to talk to you, that’s.. all.” That was sort of a lie. You were trying to avoid her, back then. Liz then giggled for a few seconds before trying to compose herself.
but.. something you never expected happened. “Oh. God. Wow. I… I finally found a friend… mom…” suddenly… her eyes began to get wet, making your eyes widen. She then finally broke down in tears. “Liz! Are you.. okay…?” You began to see a small smile forming in her lips. “I’m… I’m sorry. It’s just.. you’re… you’re my first ever friend in so, so long. Ever since my mom moved to America, I’ve never really found the courage to look for a friend… but.. here you are.”
You began to feel a pang in your chest, making you frown. you stood up from your seat and walked over to hers. With a bit of unfounded confidence, you slowly reached out your arm to her head and patted it. “Liz, it’s okay. Everything’s okay now. I’ll.. I’ll be your friend.”
Liz chuckled at your words, wiping her tears. “You sound.. a lot like my mom.” You smile. “Thank you… I’ve been alone for so long. Let’s… let’s be friends.”
She took your hand off her head and held it tight. She looked into your eyes, smiling deeply- making you a bit shy. With her eyes wet with tears and her dimples peeking out, it made you shy all of a sudden. Though, you reply with a shy smile.
liz took a big breath, inhaling and exhaling. She seemed to be trying to compose herself. “Okay. Well.. we got a bit off track there.” She grinned. “we did, didn’t we?” You joke, making her happily laugh. “Then.. let’s.. get back on track, shouldn’t we, friend?” She smiles as she stares into your eyes.
“Of course, friend.”
- Baby, we could just get cozy.
Ever since that day at the library, you felt a lot more comfortable with liz. You noticed yourself looking at liz in class more- which would not go unnoticed by her. She would always look back at you, giving you her signature cute smile and a wave, which would never fail to make you a bit flustered.
One might even say you were getting fonder and fonder of her as the days pass by. But you didn’t mind any of that now, since you’re too busy worrying about the fact that you’re going to liz’s house for the project later today, after school ends.
Earlier, liz had decided that in order to become better friends, one must first visit the other’s house (you being the powerless friend who tags along with her shenanigans, could only say yes) although you question her logic, you didn’t mind. It’d be a fun experience. Except for the fact that you’re going to some girl’s house just a week after becoming friends. But everything’s gonna be fine, right?
The school bell rings, snapping you out of your thoughts. You glance at liz, only to see her already looking at you with a grin on her face. ‘We’re going now?’ You mouth at her, which she replies with a small nod. You sigh and get up from your seat.
Walking out of class, liz follows behind you as you both walk to the school gates.
“Is someone picking us up or.. do we have to walk?” You ask liz.
“Uhm.. my… um.. butler is coming. I think she’ll arrive in a bit.” Liz whispers.
“Butler?” You ask surprised.
“Yes. My butler. She’s nice, don’t worry.” Liz raises her hand, giving you a thumbs up. ’That’s adorable,’ you thought. You raise yours, giving her a pat on the head. “You’re so cute.” you mutter with a small grin. Liz could feel heat rising up to her cheeks. “S-stop that..”
Before you could reply, you saw a black car stop by the school gates. Shiny and new looking, you were surprised to see a nice car pull up to the school.
“That’s… our ride.” Liz explained. “Tell me again why I’ve never seen you in this?” You question her with a bit of disbelief. “Well.. I always wanted to make the first time a friend has ever visited my house.. just a bit more special,” She explains with a smile. “And you’re the first one.”
The car windshield opens to reveal a smiling 40-something looking year old woman, which you presume was liz’s butler. “Dang,” you exclaim. “Your butler’s pretty cool,”
“I know right. Let’s go!” Liz grabs your arm, pulling you with her as she runs to the car, the door opening on its own. Liz enters the car, with you following shortly after. The trip to liz’s house wasn’t a quiet one like you had expected, liz’s (actually 67 year old) butler was a joy to be around.
As the car takes a left turn in the road, a mansion that was then superimposed by a legion of trees covering it reveals itself. “We’re here!” Liz remarks.
The car stops infant of the gate of the house, dropping you and liz off. She opens the gates with her face, signaling to you that the gates had Face ID thingamajigs installed on them, adding just a tiny bit to your disbelief. Liz opens the door to the actual mansion. “Come on in!”
The interior of the house looked and felt just as extravagant as the house looked from the outside- maybe even more so. But you shrugged all those thoughts off, as you and her were here just to work on the sociology project once more. “Liz, where should we do the project?”
“In my room, of course! Where else?”
“Oh, yeah, that’s obv- wait, what?!” You whisper-shouted at her, careful not to make too much noise in a home that’s not yours.
“Oh, come on! It’s no big deal. My room is nice!” She explains.
“No, I mean- you know what, never mind. Yeah, let’s.. go to your room.” You give up.
“Mm!” She hums in approval. She leads the way to her room, making her way up the stairs into the second floor, where her room is a sharp left next to the staircase. As she opens her room, you were greeted by a bedroom filled with pink themed items, which somehow added to liz’s charm even more. She walks in, encouraging you to walk in after her.
“Here. We can sit on the floor. I’ll just drag that little table over there.”
As you sit on the floor, you couldn’t help but notice how nice her room looked and felt. “Your room’s really pretty, liz,” you commented.
“Aww, thanks!”
“Just like the owner of it, in fact.” You continue, making liz giggle. She pulls out her laptop from her drawing, placing it on the table that she had pulled earlier. You open your backpack filled with sociology reference books, taking them out.
Liz eyes you with a determinate look. “Alright, let’s do this!” You could only smile at how cute her gesture of pumping her fist to the sky was.
After hours of cooperating and teamwork, you were exhausted. You could see liz was too, judging on how she was lying on the ground with a popsicle stick from her mini fridge. You sigh. “Should we stop for today? It’s getting dark anyway,” you check your phone, the clock reading 05:48.
“Hmm… no. you should stick around for a bit. Let’s have fun!” She turns on the TV in her room, which conveniently had a karaoke system jacked up to it, surprising you. “See, there’s this song I’ve been addicted to for a while now. It’s called.. rest. By Yerin Baek. It’s about being tired after a day of hard work. Just like us right now, right?” Liz excitedly explains. You could only make ‘ooh’ sounds, nodding.
Liz starts the song, which started off with a countdown to help the singers get ready. A handy function of the karaoke system, you thought.
“Ready?” Liz asks, which you reply with a small hum.
The song starts, with piano chords, with liz beginning to sing.
And to you, that moment was just.. something else. By the time you had realized this, liz had started singing with her angelic voice, accompanied with the simple instrumental of the song. The way her dimples showed as she sang made your heart go haywire. ‘Was she always this insanely pretty?’ You thought. But you knew the answer to that. It was, of course, yes.
Liz continued singing with her voice that felt like you were touching the clouds, with how soft it was. Liz then turns her head, looking at you while she continues her performance. Something about that moment… it made you feel happy. Sad. Nostalgic. Most of all… cozy. The combination of the setting sun’s blaze from the window lighting up liz’s face, along with her pretty face and voice.. it made your heart melt.
The song ends, with liz exhaling. You couldn’t help but clap, flustering liz. “Was.. was I really that good?” She asked shyly, a blush rising up to her cheeks. “That was amazing! Wow, I’m all refreshed now. That was great,” you compliment her, making her giggle. “Now, let’s sing together.” She declared. It took you a while before finding a song you could sing to, which liz thought was cute. You ended up singing tons of songs with her.
Without realizing it, it was pitch black outside. Liz was sitting right beside you, facing the TV, taking breaths of air. “That… was fun.” She manages to utter in between her breaths. “For sure,” you smile. You open your phone, only to find that it was 9 past 37 P.M., shocking you. You hadn’t realize it’d been that long since you came into liz’s house. “Liz, it’s pretty late now. What should I do?” You ask with a tiny amount of worry in your voice. “Oh! Uhm.. I’m sorry, I kept you for so long..” She replies sadly, making you chuckle. “It’s okay, liz.” You caress her hair, making her cheeks red.
Suddenly, thunder struck, making liz jump.
“So it rained…?” You frowned. It’ll be really hard to get home now.
“Umm.. you can.. stay here for the night if you want,” liz offered.
You sigh. You debated on just walking home with an umbrella, or with a bus, but with this type of visibility, those options could be dangerous. In the end you settled with staying at liz’s home for the night. “I think I might have to, liz.”
“Agh!” Thunder strikes again, making liz jump into your arms.
You laugh. “Besides, I think you might need company,” you joke, which liz replies with a pout. “Alright, I’ll tell my parents first. It’s the weekend tomorrow anyway.”
The rest of the night was spent with you and liz playing animal crossing on her switch, which she connected to her TV. With the rain still pouring hard, the thunder and lightning made liz occasionally jump, which made you laugh.
After a while, you yawned, signaling to liz that it was time for bed. She turned off the TV, and you decided to sleep on the couch in the corner of her room. Liz tucked herself into bed after doing her nightly routines.
Minutes pass with complete silence between you and liz, aside from the ‘good night’s from earlier. Suddenly, thunder strikes again, with liz making an indescribable sound, making you laugh a bit. “You okay, liz?” You whisper to her. “Yeah. Yeah. I’m… I’m fine.”
Once again, the sound of thunder echoes through the night sky, making liz shout. she sits up from her sleeping position. You wipe your eyes and yawn. With the lights in her room off, it was hard to make out what type of expression she was making.
“Hey, uh.. do you.. wanna.. sleep beside me.. maybe..?” Liz awkwardly asks with a smile. You sleepily walk away from the couch with liz’s bolster, approaching her bed. You quietly slip yourself beside her, with a small amount of distance between you and her.
Liz finally gained some peace of mind seeing you beside her.
She drops back into a sleeping position beside you, murmuring the words ‘thank you’.
You turn to her side in a face to face position, barely visible with darkness covering her and yet- she was still so beautiful with her eyes closed, making you smile a bit.
At that moment, she felt like home to you.
- Had enough of all the years I was spending with myself.
Recently, liz has been feeling… not herself. And even stranger, all of the things she’s been feeling lately have been connected to you.
Case in point: recently she’d always feel her face heat up every time you’d look at her in class with a smile. And it’s been happening a lot, to liz’s dismay. ‘I must be sick or something. It’ll probably go away in a while.’ She thought. Then she’d take a look at you focusing on your assignment again and she’d feel it all over again.
Or that time a few days ago when you picked her up for a piggyback ride to the bus stop. She couldn’t understand what she felt at the time, when she felt her cheeks burn up and her stomach start to ache a little. But somehow… she didn’t exactly hate it either.
She liked how you made her feel.
Today was the last day of you and liz working together for the sociology assignment, since you and her were almost finished. Liz decided to do the assignment at the school library again.
But liz- she felt strange about it. She felt like should be happy to get it over with. And yet… it was almost as if she felt sad about not being able to work with you anymore. No more important reason for you and her to meet up again everyday after school.
Brushing all that aside, she walks out of the class feeling determined to finally finish the most important assignment of the year. You follow behind liz, with your backpack sling on only one of your shoulders, her laptop with the whole assignment on it in your other hand.
It had been 2 weeks since you first became friends with liz, with every single day since then being full of your misadventures with her. Liz’s sudden entry into your life was a surprise, albeit a welcome one. You’ve had the time of your life doing this assignment with her. Now it was time to end it.
Arriving at the school library, you and liz sit down at one of the chairs in the corner of the room, near a big window, where the 3 p.m. sunlight passes through. You lay down her laptop on the table, and your backpack on the ground.
“Alright! Let’s finish this!’ You exclaim.
“..yeah.” liz timidly replies, which did not go unnoticed by you.
“Liz, something wrong? You’re a bit less enthusiastic today.”
“Well… it’s nothing really. Let’s just.. get on with it.”
You sensed something off about her demeanor today. “No, tell me what’s wrong first.”
Liz takes a deep, long sigh. “I mean.. we’re basically done with this assignment. After this is finished.. there’s no reason for us to hangout anymore.. right?” She didn’t realize it, but her lips were poking out in a pout, making you giggle.
“Ya- why are you laughing..” Her eyes begin to glimmer, tears threatening to fall, making you panic.
“Ah- no, no, no, no. liz, listen.. you know we can just hangout normally after this is done.. right? We can go to cafes, amusement parks, the mall.. there’s lots of places we can go to.” Liz’s ears begin to perk up like a kitty.
“We can.. do that?” Her cheeks sink in, revealing her deep dimples; one of your favorite things about her. You chuckle at how adorable she looked. “Of course we can. Now, do you wanna finish this?”
Liz couldn’t contain her happiness.
You and her spent several hours finishing off the project, her finalizing all the details and you typing all of the rest of the words in on her laptop. You shared your earphones with her the whole time, your phone playing your favorite playlist which she enjoyed as well.
“And.. that’s it. We’re done!” Liz submits the assignment on the google classroom. “Finally!” You stretch out your arms, sore from all the typing you did today. you lay your head down on the table, getting some rest.
“You’re not sleeping there, are you?” Liz asks with a laugh. “Nope. Just for a bit.” You turn your head to face liz, your head still stuck to the table.
You see liz looking at you with a smile, the sunset orange hue from the window hitting her skin, doing nothing but help her features look even more beautiful than it already did.
It made your cheeks heat up, with how picturesque this moment was. Like It was from a romantic high school movie. Well, if it was, you’d never want it to end.
“Something on my face?” Liz tilted her head to the side like a cat, curious.
“Yeah. Beauty.” Liz giggles cutely. “That was cheesy but I meant it.”
“Ah.. really?” Liz shyly smiles. she looks outside of the window seeing the city skyline outlined by the red glare of the sun, the sky a pretty mix of orange, purple and blue.
in liz’s mind.. it came up again. You. Her question that she’s been wondering for a while now. After some thought.. it seemed like she had found the answer.
Suddenly, she took a big breath.
“Hey, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course,” You answer. You see liz’s orbs wander all around the room, seemingly avoiding yours, making you a little curious.”
“Why… why do I feel.. so weird when I’m with you?” Her question confused you.
“What do you mean?” You reluctantly asked.
“I… don’t know. You just simply make me feel cozy. Whenever I’m with you it almost feels like my problems disappear and I’m always smiling. And my stomach hurts too.. my cheeks feel hot. I like how you make me feel.. and.. I just can’t explain it.”
You instantly sit up, your eyes widening with shock. “Liz.. do you know what that means…?”
Liz slowly nods her head, her cheeks burning crimson red. She pulls your hand into hers, intertwining her fingers with yours.
“I’ve thought about it for a while and I think I know the answer to that question.” Liz smiles, her expression a tiny bit melancholic. To you— that moment felt like it was misplaced from time itself; frozen.
“I… think I’ve fallen for you.”
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slytherinshua · 1 month
genre. fluff. warnings. possibly a tiny bit suggestive cause there's a lot of neck kisses. pairing. fiancé!one x fem!reader. wc. 709. request. requested by @eternalgyu: he would love for u to buy him necklaces like he looks so hawt... and he'd buy u ones aswell and this man would literally not leave ur neck alone starting kissing ur neck as he puts it on u... a/n. the jiwon necklace brainrot is so real chat like this man is always wearing like 5 necklaces HES SKDJKSD
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There weren't many constants in the world. The things that you were sure would never change were few and far between amidst the rapidly adapting world. But your fiancé always adorning a necklace to complete his outfit was one of those things that you could rely on no matter what. It didn't matter if he was dressing up or down; going on a date or staying in, he always had a necklace to decorate his neck.
You were obsessed with it. Obsessed with how inviting his neck looked, how his breath hitched when you placed kisses above the necklaces. You could rarely get him flustered, but when you kissed his neck was one sure exception. It drove him absolutely crazy. 
You bought him new necklaces whenever you saw one that you thought would look good on him, but recently he had gotten into the habit of buying you some as well. Once his collection had gotten big enough, you started to abandon your own necklaces and reach for his instead. You liked having something of his that you could wear since he had a limited amount of hoodies, and the way the pearly beads and fancy gemstones rested on the top of your sternum somehow looked better than your necklaces. 
You were getting ready for a date night in the bathroom, doing your hair carefully in front of the mirror. It had been a while since you were able to spend an entire night with Jiwon, and you were excited to have a chance to be in each other's company for hours. He had made dinner reservations and told you to look your best, but nothing else about the plans for tonight. You were sure he had something romantic planned, though. He always did. 
You did light makeup and picked out a strapless dress, since it was your dressiest option in your closet. You had just clipped up the first section of your hair when Jiwon poked his head through the doorway. You watched his eyes survey your frame— adoring the outfit and the makeup, but mostly just you.
“You look beautiful.” He commented, walking behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You looked at your reflection, smiling at how perfect Jiwon looked by your side. You suppose that it was one of the many reasons why you wanted to marry him. You couldn’t imagine yourself next to anyone else. 
You laced your fingers with his holding your waist, feeling the callouses and warmth of his fingertips against yours. As he closed his eyes and relaxed into you, the scent of your perfume reached his nose and filled all of his senses, intoxicating and dizzying. He straightened after a second, stopping himself from getting distracted by how pleasant you smelled and how pretty you looked. He had the entire night to enjoy your face.
“Your outfit is missing something.” He started, and reached behind his head to unclasp one of the pearl necklaces he was wearing. He slipped it off and wrapped it around your neck instead. His fingers were gentle on your skin, only feather light touches as he secured the necklace. 
Your eyes were trained on him in the mirror, watching silently as he adjusted the necklace and his lips drew closer to your neck. You tilted your head to give him more access, eyes falling close once you felt his soft lips on your skin. He didn’t stop with just one, his lips seeking out every inch of your neck, peppering sweet kisses all over. You would gladly let him continue for however long he wanted— hours, if he so pleased. But a glance at the clock told you that it was almost time for your dinner reservation, and you still hadn’t left the bathroom.
“Jiwon…” You warned, breathing out steadily before you got too distracted by his lips.
“They won’t mind if we’re 5 minutes late.” He whispered. Although you were sure that they would mind if you were 5 minutes late and would probably give your reservation to someone else, Jiwon’s lips pressing against your neck again made you helpless to any other protest. Your fiancé was determined to kiss you, and, after all, it was your fault for wearing a strapless.
↳ nomad taglist: @eternalgyu
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thecoreseven · 2 years
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७ iKON - Random
७ caso pegue, curta ou reblog/if you get it, like or reblog ♡ icons por @woojiniepk
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