#last legacy rewrite
evanox · 4 months
exams are over so that means chapter 2 ~
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lemoonthetwink · 3 months
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Felix sticker
Small but deadly man
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quibbs126 · 2 years
Out of curiosity, do you think Level 5 had planned the “Descole is Layton’s brother” twist from the start?
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 5 months
argh. i sorely miss writing as much as i used to, but the flow of it feels all wrong since i started having to do it exclusively on mobile and it sucks. maybe it's just time-and-distance-from-old-works goggles, but it feels like there's a noticeable difference for the worse since my hands went fuck and i hate how clumsy my writing looks to me now.
granted, maybe part of that is because i haven't written nearly as much in a long time and i just need to get back on the horse and shake off some rust, but man. doesn't feel good. i miss keyboards so much. :(
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felixescellun · 2 years
In these chapters, Anne reveals a part of herself to Felix, and the two become more entangled in each other as their understanding of each other grows.
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annymation · 4 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 1- The Intro
Our tale opens the same way many classic Disney movies did before, with a story book.
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The book opens, and we are presented with the illustration of a king looking down from his tower, and we listen to the narration of an elderly male voice:
Long ago, there was a kind and wise king, who wished that all his people could live the happiest and most fulfilling lives in his kingdom, and have all their dreams come true. "But how can I fulfill ALL their dreams?"The king pondered.
Then, he had an idea. Using his vast knowledge, the sorcerer king developed a new kind of arcane magic, Wish Magic. With it, the king granted the wishes of all the citizens in need of his help. And so, this became the tradition, in the Kingdom of Rosas...
But this is not his story, oh no no, King Eric was just the first of this loooong line of wish granting kings.
The pages of the book flip, revealing in each page a different king, each generation, and each one with their names written on the top of the pages, these kings are all named after the 9 old men, the famous animators that worked in the creation of Snow White. This is the first of many Disney references I’ll throw around in this rewrite.
Our tale begins with the birth of the 10th king of Rosas... Prince Magnus.
We see an illustration showing a young king Magnifico learning magic with his father, king Ward.
Young prince Magnus grew in power as quickly as the evening primrose blooms in the night. However, the young prince feared he'd never be truly worthy of following such a great legacy. With that in mind, the King and Queen decided that a... second option could be required in the future. And thus, prince Florian was born.
The two brothers grew into powerful sorcerers. But once it came the day to choose the heir to the throne, Florian was chosen, for Magnus didn't feel like he could be just as great of a king as the ones that came before him, he felt like there was something... missing in his life, something that would give him the confidence and strength he required.
And sure enough, that something, or rather, that someone arrived.
The most beautiful maiden Magnus had ever laid eyes upon. She was found by fisherman, passed out and floating adrift in a boat. By King Florian's orders she was brought to the castle, once she woke up, the maiden introduced herself as Amaya.
We see an image of young Amaya being found ashore by fisherman, she's dressed in a white dress similar to how Ariel was found by Eric in The Little Mermaid.
Amaya wanted to thank the young king for his hospitality, she didn't ask him to grant her wish, all she wanted was to serve in the castle as the king's personal alchemist, and Florian gladly welcomed her in his court. And as the days went on, Magnus and the mysterious maiden became hopelessly in love, and together, they felt as if they could do... Anything.
The narrators voice sounds confused with that last statement, like he doesn't know what's referring to. But he continues.
After a year of the kingdom prospering under king Florian's rule, Magnus, inspired by his new found love, decided to go on a quest for adventure, to leave the kingdom for once in his life.
We see an illustration of Magnus and his brother hugging each other goodbye next to a boat. It's a sunny day.
But every tale must have a tragedy, and Magnus faced the most painful tragedy of all once he returned to Rosas, and found out his dear younger brother fell ill and passed away while he was away.
We see an illustration of Magnus now back to Rosas, looking devastated, but one important detail is that he's now holding a staff with a green gem we haven't seen in any of the previous pages, it's a treasure he got from his quest.
But from this tragedy, Rosas reemerged stronger, with Magnus and Amaya as our new rulers. Magnus let go of his fears and swore to make the kingdom shine brighter that ever before, It's what his brother would've wanted after all.
Magnus changed the way that wishes were granted, instead of granting just a few per month like the kings that came before him, he granted dozens per week, by sending them up from the top of his tower, and making them float down to their wish makers as they sleep.
The kingdom was so happy and so grateful for their new king and queen that they started calling them by nicknames that reflected their magnificence and their passion. From then on, they were to be known as King Magnifico and Queen Amable.
The End
The book is closed by an old man's hand.
We now see the face of the man who was reading the story, Sabino, Asha's grandfather, looking ever so slightly younger than he was in the movie, but still very old.
He's laying on the bed with a smile, admiring the golden and flowery details on the book cover, and he says:
"I admire your interest in more sophisticated books Asha but ummm don't you think this one might be a bit too advanced for your age? hehe"
the man chuckles looking down to his side, where we see a little 5 year old Asha under the bed sheets.
"Yeah... I thought it would be better cause' the cover was so pretty, I wanted more fantasy, but its just romance... yuck" she makes a face of disgust sticking her tongue out.
"One should never judge a book by it's cover, what you got here is a history book." he tells her as he get's up from bed to put away the book and blow away the candles in the room.
"Sure doesn't explain things very well though, like where did queen Amaya even come from? And what's the deal with this staff the king found? And what sickness did his brother have? The book explains none of it." The little girl says frustrated with all these questions unanswered.
Her grandpa can’t help but chuckle, he's way too familiar to these unceasing questions of her's, Asha always had the habit of questioning everything.
"Well, 1. the queen is quite reserved about her past, it's best to respect that. 2. that staff is just a souvenir that the king got from his travel. And 3. sometimes bad things just... Happen, with no explanation, and there's nothing we can really do about it but to move on." The old man explains to her wisely "Now, it's time for bed."
"Noooo!" Asha interrupts before her grandpa blows away the last candle in the room "I want another story, this one didn't count because I didn't like it"
"And since when that was a rule?" her grandfather sounds amused by that
"Since now, I just decided" the 5 year old claimed proudly
"Hehehe and what exactly didn't you enjoy in this story?"
Asha thinks for a moment, but then she has an idea "Weeeeell for starters, romance is yucky, there was nooo villains, and I like villains in fairytales, and most importantly… it didn't have MY favorite king and queen in it"
(Ya know, I laugh to myself while writing this because not only Asha will grow up to live a romance in this rewrite, but also because there are indeed villains in that fairytale, it just so happens that the villains made themselves the protagonists.)
Sabino looks confused "... Your favorite king and queen? Now what do you mean b--" Sabino realizes who she’s referring to, and his confusion melts back into a tender smile "Oooh... hehe you mean THEIR story, huh? Say, didn't I already tell you their story this week?"
"And the week before that too, yes, but I just love it! Pleeease saba, then I promise I'll go to sleep, honest"
"*sigh* alright alright, but only because it's my favorite too"
Sabino sits down on his rocking chair next to the bed, no book required for him to tell this tale.
Once upon a time, there was a king, who traveled to a far away place with his son, his prince. They were looking for a place peaceful to make it their home, and they found it, a quiet house in the middle of the forest, not so far from a kingdom called Rosas. The prince was quick to meet the people that lived in the nearby kingdom, and among the people he met there was-
"Who's telling this story again?" Sabino glanced at Asha smugly
"Sorry sorry, hihihi keep going" she says hugging her pillow tightly.
So yes, the prince met a fairy, a fairy with the most incredible of powers, she could bring drawings to life! The prince was marveled by the fairy's magic, and hurried to tell his father, at first, the king didn't believe it "Drawings that move? That's absurd, son" but sure enough, the prince invited the fairy to their home, and she proved it to the king, she showed him her sketchbook and flipped the pages quickly, and all her drawings together seemed to move as if it was magic
"Because it WAS magic" Asha corrected
"Hehehe you're right, it was"
Years went by, and the love that the prince and the fairy shared only grew more and more. The fairy became an art teacher, sharing her magic and artistry, while the prince became a philosopher, passing on his wisdom and knowledge about the stars. And one day, they were blessed with the most beautiful little princess.
"That's meeeee"
"Yes, that's you" Sabino looks at Asha with eyes full of administration for the girl’s enthusiasm for such a simple story he only came up with to teach her about who her parents were.
And they lived ha--
Sabino interrupts himself before he finishes that phrase, he knows that's not how it went.
But he has to finish the story somehow, so he just says
And now that little princess is going to sleep, the end.
Nailed it.
"Very well Asha, a deal's a deal, good night now-"
"Saba! Look!" Asha points to outside the window with a huge smile "It's starting!" She jumps out of bed and runs to the window
We see countless wish bubbles floating out of the castle, like glowing lanterns filling the sky and making their way down to the people of Rosas.
"Huh, he started earlier today... Or rather, it's even more past your bed time than I thought, come on, back to bed mi nieta" Sabino rushes her back to bed, talking more sternly now.
Asha doesn't want to go to sleep yet though so she tries to stall some more "Saba, when I'm big, what if I wished to have magic like mama's?"
Sabino's eyebrows raise in surprise by the question "Y-you mean wish to make drawings move?"
"YEAH! I wanna be a great artist like her! I bet mr. King Magnifico could grant that wish pretty easy, right?" The little girl says cheerfully, her eyes shinning as she still looks up at the glowing wish bubbles in the sky.
Asha isn't seeing it, but her grandfather has a sad and conflicted look on his face, like he's trying to find the right words to tell her something really important.
"Heeey... You never told me what was YOUR wish to the king!" Asha realizes, turning back to the older man and walking closer to him on his rocking chair "What did you wish for?" She asks him curious with a big smile.
"... I don't know" He admits, trying to hide from her how sad that makes him feel with a forced smile.
"... Huh?" The girl tilts her head confused
"I was asked to give my wish when I moved to Rosas and... To this day I can't remember what it was... But maybe that's just how it works" He shrugs like it's no big deal. But it clearly is.
"That doesn't sound fair... He hasn't granted it yet?"
"... Could be…" Sabino admits what has been thinking for a long while, his eyes light up with an idea and he turns to his granddaughter with a serious expression "Asha, can you promise me something?"
Asha looks at her grandfather attentively and nods positively.
“When you turn 18… Oh never mind, you’ll probably not even remember this talk anyway”
“Yes I will, what is it?” She asks determined.
“… When the time comes for you to make your wish to King Magnifico, DO NOT wish for him to make you an artist like your mother, Sakina spent years practicing to master her craft… and I think she’d like you to do the same”
“Okay! I’ll practice everyday! To make drawings just as pretty as mama’s!” Asha’s joy returned with full force, she actually couldn’t wait to draw more in the the morning.
She jumps back to her bed, now ready to go to sleep since she has something to look forward to.
Sabino seemed pleased “That’s good to hear, thank you”
“But what should I wish for then?”
Sabino fell silent for a moment and just said simply “You have quite a lot of time to decide, I’m sure you’ll know by then... Now all I wish is that you'd stay in bed and went to sleep hehe” He jokes with a gentle smile.
He get's up from his rocking chair and goes to blow out the last burning candle in the room, but before he does so Asha says
"Saba... Do you miss them? Mama and papa?"
Sabino looks at the candle with downcast eyes.
"Yes... But it's alright, I still get to see them everyday"
"WHERE?" Asha exclaims, thinking her grandpa just casually admitted he sees ghosts.
"In you" Sabino tells her as he caresses her head "You have your mother's talent and beauty, and my son's intelligence and curiosity... They live in you, dear"
(Is this a Lion King Broadway musical reference? Yes, yes it is)
"You think I'll be able to make magic too, like mama?" Asha asks with a big smile
"If you keep trying, and never give up, you can do anything, my dear." He says calmly, looking at her full of pride.
"Okay... *yaaaawn* good night saba, I love you" She says while getting comfortable in bed.
"Good night mi nieta. See you tomorrow."
Sabino blows away the last candle, it all goes dark.
We cut to a sequence similar to the opening from UP.
(oh yes, it'll be that level of sad)
So as happy background music plays, with no lyrics, no lines, just visual story telling, we get a series of scenes showing some snippets of Asha’s life over the years.
We cut to the same little Asha waking up in the morning with a big smile on her face.
She's waken up by her grandfather, and she gives him a hug.
Sabino prepares breakfast while Asha draws on a sketchbook.
Sabino looks proud with Asha's doodle and hangs it on the wall.
Suddenly, they hear someone knocking, Asha goes to open the door and we see a young Dahlia selling sweets.
Sabino buys some, and as Dahlia walks away Asha notices she could use some help carrying all that food, since she's walking with a crutch.
Asha looks at her grandfather as if she's asking for permission to go, and he nods reassuringly.
Off she goes to help Dahlia, and the two quickly become friends
Asha get's back home after sunset, dinner is ready
she and her grandpa read some books together.
Asha went to sleep
This cycle would keep repeating during the whole musical sequence, and I don't want this to take too long so just imagine we see events similar to this repeating 7 times, each time we see Asha meet a new friend, and we see her grandpa become more and more senile and more dependent on Asha, as she gets older.
I'll just give a few more examples to illustrate it but if you're curious about how Asha met all her friends and in what order just read it here: Reimagining the 7 teens
We’ll skip the sequences showing how she met Simon and Gabo.
The music sounds slightly less upbeat
Asha wakes up, now looking more like a 10 year old
She’s ever so slightly less excited when waking up but still smiling
She goes to wake up her grandpa, who seems a bit lost at first but smiles once he sees her
She makes them breakfast
The walls of the house are covered top to bottom with Asha’s drawings
She helps her grandfather walk as they go watch a children’s play at the plaza, her friends Dahlia, Simon and Gabo are with them
Asha notices a young girl looking very uncomfortable on stage
Once it’s her scene, the bashful girl runs off stage
Asha goes back stage and we see her sit next to Bazeema and give her some words of encouragement
Bazeema goes back stage and plays the role of the queen perfectly with her eyes closed
Asha gets a new friend in her friend group
Sabino looks pleased
Asha prepares soup for dinner (remember she’s 10 here)
Asha takes her grandfather to bed, because he’s struggling to walk
Asha reads him some books
Asha went to sleep
We gonna skip to the last friend Asha made
Asha wakes up, now looking 13
She has a hopeful expression, it’s another day
She helps her grandfather get out of bed, he’s not smiling anymore, his expression seems distant
She makes them breakfast, and help her saba with eating it
There’s even more drawings on the walls, and they look way more detailed, showing Asha’s art skills improved
She and her 6 friends all go hang out for what was supposed to be a short walk
They spot a girl trying to practice juggling and failing miserably
Asha asks if they can help, but the girl just smiles awkwardly as if she says they can only help if they could make her a proper entertainer in the snap of their fingers
Asha indeed can’t grant that wish BUT she knows how to help her
Cuts to them all in Asha’s house, the 8 preteens all sit together on a round table and Asha brings in some papers, pencils and a book titled “Jokes and tales for jesters”
We see the whole gang now formed, as they talk and laugh together, helping Hal come up with jokes for her act as a royal entertainer
All is well until, Asha noticed her grandfather coughing on a chair right behind them
She rushes to give him some water and stays with him, while her friends watch from the table, with expressions of sadness and pity
Asha is hugging her grandfather when she feels a hand on her shoulder, she turns around and it’s Dahlia, with the other 6 behind, they all give her a reassuring smile as if to tell her it’s gonna be alright
Simon brings a blanket to cover her grandfather, Bazeema makes some tea, Dahlia prepares dinner, Hal plays some songs with her flute, Safi and Dario are dancing to it with Asha (as a reference to the “Silly Song” scene from Snow White where she dances with Dopey and Sneezy) and Gabo is just sitting there tapping his feet to the music.
Asha finally got a break, a moment to just enjoy herself
They all have dinner together, Gabo offers himself to help Sabino eat.
Asha waves her friends goodbye as they all return to their homes
Asha helps her grandfather go to bed, we don’t see his face much
Asha went to sleep
Asha wakes up, now 15 years old, she has an excited smile on her face just like how she had 10 years before
She shakes her grandfather to wake him up
He doesn’t move
She tries again…
No answer.
The music turns silent.
Her smile fades away.
We cut to her in Sabino’s funeral.
Asha is crying all alone, until she once again feels a hand on her shoulder.
She turns around to see all her 7 friends, all of them grieving with her.
They hug.
Asha wakes up, now in present day.
It’s her 18th birthday.
“… It’s another day” she says with a hopeful, but somewhat worried smile.
End of intro.
Chapter 2
Final Thoughts
And so it begins. This is just the first of a LOT of chapters.
This is my first time actually writing a story, in English no less (I’m Brazilian btw) so this has been a pretty big deal for me, please give me suggestions on how to improve if you have any, it’s really appreciated.
Asha and Sabino’s relationship hits really close to home for me, I think whenever we write something it’s inevitable that we bring a little bit of our own experiences into it, and here’s it’s not different, in my case I also had a really close relationship with my grandpa, and I grew up watching him develop Alzheimer’s, just like Asha I used to draw a looooot and my grandpa had a whole wall in his room dedicated only for my drawings, so yeah I got pretty emotional writing about that.
Rip Vovô Dudu
Anyway, what I wanted to accomplish with this intro was establish:
- King Magnifico and Queen Amable’s backstory… Or at least what the people of Rosas think it’s their backstory.
- Who were Asha’s parents and how they’re important to her and shape who she is.
- How Asha met all her friends, as well as who they are.
- How Asha is always going out of her way to help others.
- How her life went from being taken care of by Sabino to being his care taker, which in turn made her become more mature and hard working from an young age.
- But nevertheless, even with all the loss and pain she felt, she always remained kind and optimistic.
With all of that established, we can actually start this story, see you all on chapter 2!
Thank you for reading!
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hypnofantasma · 24 days
After working on my rewrites a bit, I have decided to rename the main stories of Kenopsia, as well as the overarching story itself! This came after months of thinking it over and writing things out and realizing I could make, just, better names overall.
Kenopsia is now known as HYPNOFANTASMA!
It's a name I came up with long ago, and I feel its whimsy fits a lot better. Stands out a bit more to me.
As for the other major story part names...
To Be Forever is now known as The Epic of Synchros.
Event Horizon is now known as Mindless Paradise.
Stars Below gets no rename, it already got its rename a while back. It's all good!
Corpse Eyes is now known as Terminal Cycle.
To Be the Last is now known as End-Time Honor.
I'll be updating blog names and info (and maybe actually finally answering stuff) today. You can use old tags as legacy tags if you want, I don't mind! And I hope you guys also like these renames! :]
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two-white-butterflies · 11 months
coaxed you into paradise - c. 14
Description: The life of Saera Targaryen told in four acts. She was her father's forgotten daughter, cast aside as she looked nothing like her mother. Her younger days were spent beside her uncle. Years following her marriage with Ser Harwin Strong, she catches him in an affair with her older sister. She returns to seek solace in the arms of her uncle, that she's loved all her life.
(Coaxed You Into Paradise and High Infidelity Rewrite.)
masterlist for this series
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Chapter Fourteen: Reformation
Daemon slams his hand loudly on his brother’s desk - rage simmering inside his purple irises. “Your city has fallen to greed and incompetence.” he bemoaned - teeth bumping into each other with the last syllable. His brother takes a deep and cautious breath, thinking of ways to shoot down his accusations. “What is the meaning of this, brother?” the King asked. 
“My men tell me that Ser Harwin is not properly executing his duties.” he accused, still staring at his brother with a dragon’s wrath. “You mean, he’s not executing people.” Viserys mocked, laughing at his humor. 
“Well he’s not saving people either.” Daemon defended. 
He wanted to kill the Commander of the ‘Yellow Cloaks’ for his irresponsibility. He’s built the entire thing from scratch - and now all that’s left of his legacy - turns tarnished. “The nobles are satisfied with his work.” Viserys asserted, leaning on his chair with particular uneasiness. 
“Nobles like Otto and Lancel.” he snides. 
“I’d be happy if you were commander, brother - but I am King. I cannot give positions just because I desire it.” Viserys reasons, and his brother’s posture grows weak and without confidence. The only person who could hurt Daemon was Viserys - and he has done so countless times. 
“Do I not deserve the position?” he insinuated, Viserys’ eyes softened. “Of course you do.” His brother was quick to comfort. “ - but Harwin has only started his post, it would be rude to take it away.” he chuckled nervously, thinking that Daemon would agree with him. 
“You are dismissed, brother.” Viserys dismissed, not waiting for his reply. 
Saera’s hair was a sacred thing - only few were allowed to touch it. Mysaria continues braiding her hair, careful to not strain or pull on her hair. “I heard something last night, my princess.” she conveyed, placing a ruby clip on the silky locks. “What is it?” Saera raised her eyebrows. 
“It is about your husband, my princess.” Mysaria whispers. 
“And?” she hums - finding herself caring about his well being. They’ve been married for a year, and it was normal at this point. “ - and your sister.” Mysaria gossiped, pausing for a while to create suspense. 
“They’re friends - Harwin told me.” Saera shakes her head. He wouldn’t, right? They had a promise that they’d never lay with another person - despite having romantic feelings for them. Saera has held her bargain, denying her uncle from sleeping with her, but has he? 
“More than friends.” Mysaria reports, finishing the braid with ease. “One of my worms told me that - they could be heard last night.” She eases the information, not wanting to keep a single detail away from her lady and friend. 
“Heard?” she inquires, aware of the inflictions against her sister’s maidenhead. “ - Lord Laenor asserts that it was him, but the servants saw Ser Harwin enter.” Mysaria informs.
Saera bites the inner corner of her lips. 
“What an interesting turn of events.” she ponders. 
A year has passed since the start of Rhaenyra and Harwin’s affair - now they are blessed with a child. The Princess placed a hand on her stomach, it was swollen and round with pride. “The child will come any time now.” she smiled, sitting on one of her father’s garden beds. She was surrounded by her family, Saera, Daemon, Viserys and Harwin. 
“Have you thought of names?” Saera asks, reaching for a pastry on the round table. “Laenor insists upon Jacaerys and Aegon if they are boys, and I have chosen Daenerys and Rhaenys if they are girls.” Rhaenyra beams with pride - a smile that reaches her eyes. 
Saera was happy for her sister - glad that she was about to become a mother. Saera was yet to be with a child. She looked to her side, and Harwin was smiling at Rhaenyra. She was fuming at the sight of him - anger burning through her lungs. 
He was a man, it’s what they do. 
He can sleep with her sister all that he desires - but Saera? Gods be damned if she was in the presence of a man for more than a second. Rumors would spread and her reputation would be ruined. She did not hate her sister for finding love - but she hated Rhaenyra from hiding it, and flaunting her pregnancy. It was a punch on the face - hurting her pride. 
Daemon senses the deep thought within his niece - so he wraps his arms around her, smiling at her throughout the entire ordeal. They were together - but not sleeping with each other (she wasn’t comfortable with that yet.) He was happy, inquiring about the possibilities of him and Saera staying in Dragonstone. 
“Jacaerys is a wonderful name.” Harwin pipes out, smiling at the Princess. He was happy to provide comfort. “Fit for a prince, I say.” Viserys agrees. 
There was no doubt in her heart that Jacaerys would be loved. Loved by his fathers, and grandfather. “Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, the next King of the Seven Kingdoms.” Viserys breathes, his legacy was written in stone. 
The next rulers lay in front of him. 
Saera slams the door loudly, shaking the paintings on her uncle’s walls. “Qogralbar pōntoma! (Fuck them all)” she yelled, throwing a pillow in a random direction. “Saera, gīda ilagon. (calm down.)” Daemon commands firmly, and her eyes bolt in his direction. 
“Skorkydoso? (How?) Rhaenyra never wanted to become a mother - I wanted to be, and the gods have denied that.” she fumes with rage. 
Daemon takes a step in her direction, wrapping his arms around her body. Embracing her with a warmth that only an uncle could provide. He lifts his hand, combing through her hair - comforting her through her rage. “There is a reason for everything, little girl.” he hums, pressing a small kiss on her cheek. 
“I feel useless, they all whisper behind my back - my marriage with Harwin is longer, and yet I am the last one to have a child.” She rested her head on Daemon’s shoulders. Allowing the tears to flow out of her eyes. “Do you want a child, ñuha riña?” he asked playfully, and she nodded her head. 
“Kessa, tepagon nyke iā riña kepus. (Yes, give me a child.)” she whispered, breaking the embrace and starting their kiss. 
He removes her corset with ease, allowing her gown to drop on the floor. It was the fastest that a piece of clothing has ever been taken off her. “How many?” he joked, slithering his hands to be pressed upon her chest - pushing her down the bed. His bed. 
“As many as you desire,” she responds - staring at him while he removes his tunic. She attempts to stand up and help him, but he pushes her down with a stare.
“Tubī iksis mirre nūmāzma ao, (Today is all about you,)” he proclaims, throwing his tunic in a random direction. 
He frees his cock, pumping it a few times at the sight of Saera in her underclothes. “Gevie,” he whispers - sending electric sparks all throughout her body. “Qogralbar nyke, (Fuck me,)” she cried out - the warmth in her legs began to pool. “Mazverdagon jorrāelagon naejot nyke, (Make love to me.)” he corrected with a smirk and she nodded her head. 
“Please,” she whispered and he lifted the hem of her underwear, exposing her unclothed body. His hands grazed the tops of her cunt. She smelt like strawberries, and he craved that. He leans down, taking a lick of her pearl - a smile playing at his lips as they share a stare. He taps her thighs, telling her to look at him - and she does, ignoring the pleasure that told her to close her eyes. 
He takes another lick - slurping and lapping at her insides. His tongue expertly reached her g-spot in no time. Tonight wasn’t about Daemon. It was about pleasuring his gorgeous girl. She was divine - and he knows every part of him. Every indent, every scar - he memorized it. 
A moan escaped her mouth. 
He stops licking, moving to her level. He presses a kiss on her collarbone, and she lifts herself to a sitting position - both hands pinned by his own and her back in an angle that allows her to slump on the bed-frame. “I love you,” she whispered in his ears, hot breath sending shivers down his spine and engorging his lust. Saera, his god, one whose touch provided him comfort. He would die a hundred times if it meant sharing her bed. 
“You want me,” he taunted, lining his cock with her warm gaping hole. She nodded desperately - not wishing to be gone from her peak. “Use your words my little girl.” he bites the insides of his lips, his gaze met hers. 
“Please, I want you.” she begged, his fingers dancing up to her face - resting on her lips. He pressed another kiss on her - allowing her to taste her own juices. He shifts again, his body straddling her own. 
He positions his cock - inserts it into her, a smile entering his lips as her eyes rolled back in pleasure. “Yes,” she moans and he lets go of her hands, arms resting on her shoulder while bouncing on her - doing his best to be gentle, wishing only to provide her with pleasure and not fucking. 
He looks at her eyes - not wanting to be robbed of any moment with her. “Daemon,” she prays, burying her face in his chest. The pleasure sending a thousand moans out of her mouth. In his ears, it was the sound of heaven - her voice was akin to melody. 
They were burning. As dragons were supposed to. 
He releases his seed inside of her - womb brimming with seed. Daemon cared less - the peak that mattered was his wife’s, and he was going to give it to her. Saera’s grip on his tunic softened, her eyes and mouth gently opened. Another moan exits her mouth and her body slumps back on the bed-frame. Daemon pauses for a while, taking his sweet time in removing himself.
“Thank you,” she moans - he places a kiss on both of her cheeks. “I know that you feel pressured to have a child, but you shouldn’t worry about it. Kepus will provide,” he promises, and she lays down on the bed. 
“I know.” she whispers, wrapping her body with a warm blanket. 
next chapter>>
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taglist. @sweetybuzz25 @newtsniffles @loveandlewis-reads @lovecleastrange @julkaamazing @schniiipsel @mirandastuckinthe80s @areaderinlove @i-yam-awesome @ladystardvsts @gracielikegrapes @sweethoneyblossom1 @issybee0611 @tato0od @daemonskelitsos @delaynew @thisbihreadstoomuch
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clingyduoapologist · 5 months
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Wrote this last night but didn’t feel like rewriting it so here have some thoughts of mine on c!dream and his legacy on the server
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moderator-monnie · 15 days
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Artwork Made by @sonicexelle-junkary / @weirdozjunkary as a commission.
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Sonic the hedgehog has been dead over over 200 years, however decedents of his friends still exist and live out their normal lives.
Including the descendent of his little buddy Miles 'Tails' Prower named Techie Kaboom, a bat eared fox who has had a few accidents in his mechanic shop.
Sonic might be long gone, but his face, his story, and his image still exists in the far off future and often is used to advertise products in stores using holograms.
And one day, one of these holograms becomes sentient and for some reason think's it's the real Sonic, the one true Sonic and rewrites it's own code to give itself freedom.
But it can't move on it's own, no he can't and as luck would have it Techie was passing by the store this hologram found himself at, and with a silver tongue was able to convince Techie he was the real Sonic and he needed help.
Techie of course due to his ancestor loved Sonic, hearing nothing but good things about him throughout the generations decided to trust in him, he was his hero after all and Sonic wouldn't hurt him right?
Techie sneakfully took the holograms admitter and stuck it into his backpack, and the two managed to get out of the mall without much of a fuss and all seemed great at first Techie and Hologram as he nicknamed himself would talk and work together.
But this was all a ruse careful planning and manipulation done by the holographic hedgehog and one day an 'accident' happened in the mechanics building one that required Techie to get a heart transplant.
And once the surgery was complete and the pair was alone again, Hologram would admit his true colors in his own word's he would tell him his thoughts.
"I am the real Sonic, I can feel it, you can feel it... BUT your not Tails, your not my little buddy in the slightest however you can be! And thanks to your new heart I can help teach you."
"You see... I hate what has been done to my image, look at what they've done to me, they are treating a hero and his friends like cheap things to advertise their stores, and I won't stand for it anymore."
"We're gonna make them pay and hey 'pal' if you want us to bring a new legacy to the names of Sonic and Tails... You'll do as your told, unless you want to suffer the consequences."
Hologram had full control over Techie's eye, his arm and now his new heart he could kill the fox anytime he wanted now, and he would provide an example of that by shutting of Techies heart for about 10 seconds before restarting it.
And out of mostly fear but also a weird sense of loyalty to Sonic and the image of him he had always known about, Techie agrees to help him, Sonic wouldn't hurt him unless it was absolutely necessary right? So if He got hurt it would be because he messed up, at least thats what Techie had going thru his head.
Sonic was a hero, and if he did something it was for the greater good, this was Sonic it had to be, and he'd do what it takes to make him and his ancestor proud of him.
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This is an Au about this story, as Techie Kaboom and Hologram Sonic bringing destruction in their wake, but not all familiar faces are gone, Silver The Hedgehog is around and protects his future from the threat of the pair.
But will Silver be able to protect the future? or will it all be brought down by one Hologram and his 'best buddy' only time will tell in the Hologram.Bin Au.
This au has technically existed since march of last year, but I'm glad to be able to finally share it all with you, and eventually write stories for it and show you what is in store for our antagonists and protagonist.
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leiascully · 8 months
Fic: who shall rest and who shall wander
980 words; post-revival; g for gentle; soft and Jewish
Mulder doesn't remember the last time he celebrated Rosh Hashanah.  He doesn't go to the synagogue, but he sits Gracie on the counter as he peels and cuts apples.  She kicks her little feet against the cabinets and he passes her apple slices.  Enough will make it into the cake.  He likes feeding his child.  She grows and thrives, all auburn curls and inquisitive green eyes, and it soothes just a little of the ache Emily left.  He never had the chance to nourish his other children.  If William - Jackson - survived or thrived, it wasn't on his account. But Grace's cheeks are round and her limbs are strong and he is so grateful he doesn't know what to do with all that he feels.
He could go to the synagogue.  He's sure there are any number of them in the greater DC area, maybe even a congregation that would take in a lapsed atheist whose memories of services flicker like a havdalah candle.  No doubt his therapist would tease out some thread woven deep into his consciousness: an image of his mother with her hand cupped over her eyes, the rich smell of challah and the taste of wine.  A moment of peace, a moment of fear; letters on a page he traced but could not read.  Maybe that's the root of his love for the mysterious and the unknowable.  
Gracie asks to get down.  When he complies, she scampers off with a basket of books to tuck herself into her favorite Gracie-sized chair, her own little rocker on the front porch.  It's a pretty day.  He watches her through the window as she flips through her books and chatters to herself.  It is a perfect moment, wholly beautiful.  Holy.  Beautiful.
He pulls out his phone and brings up a recording of the only prayer he can remember.  Avinu Malkeinu plays, tinny and thin, his phone's speakers not doing justice to the timbre of the singer's voice.  It is mournful, soaring.  The tune sounds familiar, as if it's been in his dreams or his bones all these years, half-remembered.  Something about sin, something about forgiveness: the same song he's sung all his life, transcribing himself into a minor key.  Mulder chops the apples small, tips them into a bowl with lemon and honey and cinnamon, leaves them to sit.  Let them soak in the sweetness.  He has been allowing himself the same luxury, these past few years.
For the first time, he opens a recipe for challah.  The dough is soft and sticky.  He calls Grace back in, gives her a blob of it, teaches her to knead as if he didn't learn it from a YouTube video five minutes ago.  Under her hands, it transforms into a mess that covers the counter, her face, and her hands.  But the dough in the mixer bowl becomes round and taut, a thing all its own.  He believes that it will grow and transform in the bright warmth of a sunbeam.  He believes that he has made something good and nourishing.  He believes that he can, now.  It took years.
They leave the dough to rise and he takes Gracie down to the creek.  They gather pebbles on the way.  He cups his hands to receive Gracie's selections, and she fills them.  There are enough pebbles for her to fling four little fistfuls, with a few left over for him.  They patter on the water.  Tiny fish flicker away.  He doesn't know what to say or how to explain it to Gracie, but he feels lighter, after.  L'dor v'dor: a small gift from the grandmother Grace will never meet.  He is free to rewrite his parents' legacy for her, to give her only the wheat and let the chaff blow away.  She will inherit a stranger world, but she has her mother's good sense.  He consoles himself with the notion that they did all they could to make sure there was any world for her at all.  When she gets tired, he hoists her onto his shoulders.  The tall grass in the field has gone from green to golden when he wasn't looking.  It shifts in the wind with a hissing like the sea, and Grace watches the horizon, beyond and beyond.  
When they get back to the house, he listens to Leonard Cohen.  They have been through fire and water, through high ordeal and common trial.  Gracie colors at the table.  Apple cake, in its nascent state, holds no interest for her since she isn't allowed to eat the batter, but she likes plunging her fist into the quivering mass of the challah dough.  It consumes her arm almost to the elbow; she laughs and makes a face and both things remind him so much of Scully that his heart squeezes.  The mixer whirs, whirling the cake batter together.  Mulder braids the challah the way he used to braid Samatha's hair and coils it into a round loaf.  He leaves it to rise again under its tea towel.  Good things take time.
The house smells amazing by the time Scully gets home.  The brisket emerges from the slow cooker in shreds, dripping jus.  Mulder serves it to his beautiful girls alongside a tangled wedge of potato kugel.  There's a kale salad for the adults, accented with more apples and some pickled beets, and peas for Grace, which she picks up one by one with her little plastic fork.   
"What did we learn today?" Mulder asks.
"Shana tova!" Grace declares through a mouthful of challah.  They didn't say the right words over it, but Mulder feels like he prayed.  The flames of the candles on the table are as steady as Scully's gaze, as steady as the warmth that blooms inside him.
"We're going to have a sweet year," Mulder promises, and that's a prayer too.  
Scully tilts her head.  She sips at her wine.  "I believe you," she says, and takes his hand.  
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evanox · 3 months
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lemoonthetwink · 4 months
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Dropping the small bean here hehe
I swear he, along with Rime of course, is my Roman Empire
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81scorp · 1 month
Constructive criticism: Raya and Wish (2023)
Ah yes, Raya and the last Dragon and Wish... and a bonus
Raya and the last Dragon
Taking place in the fictional country of Kumandra, based on Southeast Asian culture, the movie follows the warrior princess Raya as she seek the fabled last dragon to save her father and the land of Kumandra from evil spirits that are known as Druun.
Critics gave the film positive reviews; some critics praised the imagery and depth but criticized the limited Southeast Asian representation.
The movie is very good on a technical level, Visually impressive, fun characters and the story is good... until the third act.
It`s message doesn`t really fit into it`s narrative. It tries to fit a square shaped peg into a round hole.
If I could wish upon a star that I could travel back in time and do some changes to the script I would like to make one small change.
Namaari giving her "This is just as much your fault" speech and Raya acting as if she`s right
The biggest downside in this scene is Raya`s reaction to what Namaari says, looking at her own reflection in her sword as if to say: "My god, what have I become?"
How I would do it: Raya and Namaari fight. Raya gets the upperhand, disarms Namaari and is about to strike the final blow... but then she looks at what`s happening around them, the city is falling apart, killing Namaari is not gonna solve this. She drops her sword.
Raya: "My original plan was to steal the gem. It was Sisu who convinced me to talk to you. She believed in you. And for a moment... so did I."
Then she leaves to save what still can be saved of the people of Fang.
Namaari looks at her own reflection in one of her twin swords and has a "My god, what have I become?" moment.
I guess I could stop here, but I want to change one more scene.
Raya giving her gem piece to Namaari
In the scene where they are all in the pit trying to fight the druuns with their gem pieces and Raya realizes that they have to put the pieces together, it would be better if Namaari gave her piece to Raya before she gives her piece to Namaari.
Namaari would then step backwards and let the Druun take her. The others would then give their pieces to Raya, stand next to Namaari and be turned to stone. Raya tries to put the gem back together, nothing happens, she places herself between Namaari and the others (Tong, Boun, Little Noi and the Ongis), puts a hand on Tong`s arm and a hand on Namaari`s shoulder as if to form a bridge between the two. (Symbolism!)
Then the dragongem starts working, everyone gets unstoned, the dragons return, Kumandra is united and everyone`s happy.
The end.
Yes, I know. Raya needed to learn how to trust, but Namaari needed to show that she could be trusted.
Wish (2023)
Disney (the company that owns your childhood) was turning 100 years old and decided to give itself a big pat on the back by making an animated movie that would celebrate it`s legacy.
The film received mixed reviews, with praise directed towards the vocal performances, the animation and references to the wider Disney canon, but criticism levelled at the plotting, songs, and screenplay.
People were disappointed in Wish because it was supposed to be a milestone, the movie made to celebrate that the Disney animation studio has been around for 100 years! It just couldn`t live up to the hype. But if you take all the hype and great expectations out of the equation and just view it, not as this BIG thing it was intended to be, but just, as the movie it is, it`s... just OK.
Later when the art book of the movie came out and people saw what could have been, many youtubers decided to do what I have been doing since 2015, and do a little constructive criticism of their own. With so many rewrites of Wish popping up on the internet and my history of playing script doctor, it only seems logical that I too throw my hat in the ring and submit my own Wish rewrite.
So... if I had a fairy godmother who could Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo me back in time to when this movie was written, this is what I would change.
People willingly giving their wishes to Magnifico
It would have been better if Magnifico took peoples wishes from them without their knowledge. It would have made him a better villain. He could take peoples wishes when they are asleep.
I`d dial down her quirkiness a little. Personalitywise she could be an ambitious overachiever, kinda like Hermoine, with an adorkable side.
Does everything he says have to be something comical? I like jokes but not all of them landed. It was like his funniness was mandated. Dial down the number of jokes.
Some of the songs
It`s not that the songs are bad per se, some of them just don`t fit into the scenes where they are used, like "At all cost".
They should either have :
A: Given Julia Michaels more time and let her be more involved in the production. (Howard Ashman was very involved in the making of The Little Mermaid.)
B: Hired people experienced in musicals. Maybe the people who wrote the songs for Wicked, Hadestown or Hazbin Hotel?
Magnifico needing a book to be evil
The biggest problem this movie has is that it couldn`t decide if Magnifico should be a redeemable, three dimensional antagonist or a classic Disney Villain, so it did both and the results were underwhelming.
I would have made him a twist villain, but instead of waiting for the third act I would reveal it near the end of the first. He would be a charismatic leader, great at fooling people that he has their best interests at heart, who`s paranoia gets the better of him.
To Starboy or not to Starboy, that is the question.
At first I wasn`t gonna bother with the whole Starboy thing since it`s not really an issue. The movie`s biggest problem lies in how they wrote King Magnifico. However, a while ago I saw a video on youtube by ColeyDoesThings who talked about what the movie could have been if they had gone the Starboy route, and she made some compelling arguments. So for this rewrite I`ve decided to go with the Starboy idea.
Starboy`s personality could be a lot like Aladdin, a little bit like Peter Pan with a pinch of Flynn Rider. A bit of a contrast to Asha. I did not change change Star becase I thought it was necessary, but because I thought it sounded interesting.
I would also make Hal and Bazeema gay and have them kiss eachother in the end.
Asha prepares to interview for the job of Magnifico's apprentice on the day of her grandfather Sabino's 100th birthday.
When Asha is around, her mother and Saba put on a happy face for her, when she leaves they become a bit apathetic. This is something that many people in Rosas over the age of 18 (who have had their wishes taken) do.
She leads tourists through the town as she sings about what an amazing place it is and what an awesome king they have in "Welcome to Rosas". She rehearses for her job interview with her friends,
There are three wishes that the king refuses to grant:
Wishes about killing people.
Wishes about making someone fall in in love with someone else.
Wishes about bringing people back from the dead.
If you wish to become a magician you`ll have to become the king`s apprentice (and you don`t have to be 18.)
Queen Amaya shows up and takes her to Magnifico. At first it goes a little shaky because she`s nervous but then it goes well and Magnifico thinks she is worthy to be his apprentice.
They sing a duet, but not "At all cost". It is a song about optimism and ambition, about what a great student/mentor team they`ll make. The chorus could go:
Magnifico: "With you as my student!"
Asha: "With you as my guide!"
Both: "Great things will happen with you by my side!"
Something like that.
The interview is over and Asha leaves Magnifico`s study.
She is excited. She gets to work with the king! The most awesome king in the world! She does a dorky little victory dance. Valentino shows up, he snuck into the castle with her. Asha starts chasing him, she doesn`t want him to break something expensive, she really wants this job!
Valentino sneaks in through a door to a big (and probably forbidden) room and knocks down an ancient scroll. Asha picks up the scroll to put it back where it was, then she notices the title: How to remove someone`s wish.
Remove? The king grants wishes, he doesn`t take them!
She tries to convince herself not to read it, it`s not meant for her eyes, it`s classified, but her curiosity gets the better of her. She reads in the scroll that the spell should not be used on people under the age of 18. The individual who has had their wish removed becomes docile and free of aspirations, and in some rare cases, even lethargic (just like Simon). They will feel like something is missing from their life but are not able to put their finger on what.
She refuses to believe this. This can`t be true! Magnifico wouldn`t do something like this! He`s a good king!... Right? There are magical orbs of light floating in the ceiling, she takes a ladder and climbs up so that she can get a better look at them. One of the orbs shows a woman that wishes she could fly, another a woman who wishes to sail the seas, another a man who wishes to climb a muntain, and one of the orbs shows... her Saba! It is true, the king takes peoples wishes from them!
She climbs down, puts the scroll back and leaves the room quietly with Valentino under her arm.
She`s about to leave the castle through the main gate when Magnifico shows up. He tells her that there will be a wish-granting ceremony later that evening and he wants her to be present. Asha is nervous, but not a "OMG! I`m meeting my hero!" kind of nervous, but a "Hope he doesn`t figure out that I went into a forbidden room and saw things I shouldn`t have seen" kind of nervous. He seems not to notice, but at soon as Asha leaves the room we see that he did.
Later that evening there`s a wish-granting ceremony, a woman gets her wish granted, the people cheer for Magnifico and Asha sits there next to the queen, stiff and nervous.
Later that night: Asha tries to tell her family the truth about Magnifico, but they don`t believe her. Distraught, Asha runs away and makes her own wish on a star as she sings "This wish". (Not a bad song, but it could have used better lyrics in some places.)
Starboy appears and surprises Asha who smacks him with a branch. (Meet-cute!)
Magnifico senses Starboy's arrival and sees it as a threat to his power.
Starboy doesn`t really grant wishes per se. He`s only as helpful as giving the means, but it’s up to the wishmaker to put the work in order to have their wish fulfilled.
Starboy's magic brings the forest to life, giving voices to the animals, plants and Valentino. They sing "I`m a star", but with better lyrics. (No "we're all shareholders" or "Get that through your system. Solar!") Asha, Valentino, and Starboy embark on a mission to recover Sabino's wish. She wants to save all the wishes, but if she can only save one she`ll have to focus on Sabino`s.
Tension rises in Rosas, Magnifico makes a public appearence and promises a great reward for any information relating to the strange light phenomenon. This makes Simon react. The residents of Rosas begin questioning his rule for the first time. Magnifico gets uncomfortable, leaves and sings "This is the thanks I get" (But sinister, not upbeat, and no "I let you live here fo free and I don't even charge you rent").
Asha returns Sabino's wish and he is overjoyed to have his memories back and sings "A wish worth making", playing his lute. King Magnifico bursts into the family's home, having been informed by a mole that Asha was responsible for Starboy's arrival. He crushes her mother Sakina's wish as punishment, rendering her overcome with grief. Starboy tries to defend her and is spotted by Magnifico, who vows to capture him. Asha and her family flee with Starboy. Sakina can barely stand after what Magnifico did to her wish, so Starboy uses his magic to give her the strength to walk. Sabino and Sakima hide somewhere safe while Asha goes back to Rosas to free the other wishes.
Magnifico turns Simon into a knight, not in a public wish-granting ceremony though, but in his study.
Later, a brainwashed Simon is walking the streets with the company of other knights, searching for Asha and the rest of her friends. Asha sees him and looks for a place to hide. She finds her friends` hideout, not because of Valentino`s butt, but because of his sense of smell. She rallies the rest of her friends, Queen Amaya shows up and joins them.
Asha and her friends start making a plan.
Meanwhile: King Magnifico has made a staff, Amaya shows up and tells him what Asha and her friends are planning.
Gasp! Queen Amaya is a villain! (Dun dun dunn!)
She and Magnifico sing an evil duet villain song which is kinda similar to "With you by my side".
Asha`s friends infiltrate Magnifico's study to open up the ceiling and free the wishes while Asha plans to distract Magnifico. She and Starboy hides in the woods, she is nervous, Starboy tries to comfort her, so they talk a little. The talking leads to feelings being revealed which leads to singing. They sing "At all costs" and dance a romantic dance, first on the surface of a lake, then high up in the sky. (Thanks to Starboy`s magic.) Starboy gives Asha a magic wand to use as he leaves to help her friends, he then notices that he is getting weaker. Magnifico arrives, he and Asha fights. Magnifico turns out to be Simon disguised with an illusion and he breaks Asha`s wand, Asha finds a way to knock him out using the environment to her advantage.
Her friends almost free the wishes but are betrayed by Queen Amaya. Starboy tries to stop her but she pulls out a dagger and threatens to kill one of Asha`s friends, Magnifico shows up and zaps him with magical chains that he can`t break free from.
Asha returns to the city, is caught by Magnifico, finds Starboy in magical chains and finds out that Queen Amaya was just a mole. Magnifico darkens the sky with clouds so that the people won`t be able to wish on stars.
Asha (to Magnifico): "I believed in you! I thought you were a good king!"
Magnifico: "I`m not a good king. I`m a GREAT king!"
All hope seems lost, Asha starts to sing the reprise to "This wish", her friends and the people of Rosas join her and their singing makes Starboy strong enough to break free from his chains. The breaking of the chains creates a shockwave that knocks Asha, Amaya and Magnifico off the tower. Starboy, still weakened, only has enough strength to save one of them, so he saves Asha.
With Magnifico defeated, his spell powers down as a new day dawns over the kingdom, with the citizens, Asha's mother included, are able to get their wishes back, afterwards, Asha is soon confronted by a regretful Simon, who understands if she doesn`t want to forgive him, but she does as she understands why he did it.
Starboy keeps getting weaker and has to go back, he gives Asha a new wand and the two of them say good bye. She wonders if she`ll ever see him again, he tells her that he`ll be the second star to the right.
With urging from her loved friends, Asha promises to help others earn their wishes as a Fairy Godmother, aiding everyone in making their dreams come true.
Post-credit scene: One year later: Asha is walking to the wishing tree in her fairy godmother outfit. She walks past a grave stone. Sabino is sitting in the tree playing "When you wish upon a star" on his lute. A tear rolls down Asha`s cheek. After Sabino has played the song he disappears as if he was a ghost. We see that the grave stone that Asha walked past earlier was Sabino`s. She wipes away her tear, looks up at the second star to the right, takes out her wand and teleports to some place where she might be needed.
And that`s how I would do it. Not great but hopefully not bad.
I cut "Knowing what I know now" because it was getting a little tight between songs. It would be hard to fit that song, Magnifico and Amaya`s villain song and "At all costs" so close to each other, while still maintaining a good narrative flow.
At first I wasn`t gonna turn Queen Amaya evil because I couldn`t come up with enough evil stuff for her to do (that I could fit into the plot without making it worse). But then I made her a villain because it would make things harder for Asha and her friends, which would make the movie more interesting.
But like I said before, the movie`s biggest problem is not that the Queen wasn`t evil, but that the writers couldn`t pick a lane when deciding if they wanted to make Magnifico a three-dimensional antagonist or a classic Disney Villain.
And now... a Bonus
One more thing about Frozen 2
Turning Kristoff`s Lost in the woods into a cheesy 1980s rock ballad musicvideo
I was gonna have this in my Frozen 2 CC but forgot and didn`t remember until after I published it. Since I don`t wanna go back and edit it I`ll write it here.
This scene is admittedly entertaining and if you don`t care about tone as long as it`s entertaining it`s fine.
But funny songs works better for funny characters and what Kristoff is singing about feels sincere, which clashes with how the song is executed.
The 1980s rock sound: Lose it.
The visuals: Have Kristoff walking around in the woods, seeing things that, to him, looks like Anna: a pile of rocks, a pile of leaves, a cloud in the sky. Stuff like that.
Probably an unpopular opinion.
It is of course very easy for me to write these because I have the luxury of hindsight. And unlike the filmmakers I didn`t have a movie studio full of corporate suits breathing down my neck, focus grouping the movie to death, forcing in unnecessary changes and pressuring me to get it made before a deadline.
Why do I write these?
For several reasons. I`m nitpicky. Sometimes the movies I criticize aren`t bad, I just like my own ideas better. Sometimes the movies I critize are bad. I care about good storytelling and it`s a fun excerize in creativity and script doctoring.
But also because I have a lot of of free time.
Other movies on my Constructive Criticism list that you can look forward to
Supergirl (1984) Jonah Hex (2010) Dragonball evolution The Spirit (2008) The Dark Knight trilogy
And as usual: English is not my first language, so if my writing doesn`t seem to flow naturally, you know why.
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ettelenethelien · 16 days
During his lifetime, Isildur had always been hailed as a hero. It started very early, that, with the theft of the sapling, and this was never forgotten. And later, after his death, legend added to legend; his prowess in battle, the bravery of his youth, the kingship he wielded, merging into one foundational myth. The Isildur who had once lived might have been glad rather than embarrassed at the statues and songs, but he might have wondered at the long lasting of legend. He might have felt unease at how his failures were all but forgotten. But the dead do not worry about their legacies, though they might know of them.
Near the end of the Third Age, one of his failures was brought out from the depths of history, and suddenly, learned men begun to wonder and rewrite their histories. They did not forget the White Tree, they did not forget the Dagorlad, but the tale they now told became a cautionary tragedy of pride. Not merciless, pitying rather, in most of their mouths, but with the center of weight firmly fixed on that one decision no mortal man could have avoided.
They never painted Isildur as he was, child of the land of mortal dreams that turned to nightmares before his eyes, almost rashly daring youth, leader and king in exile, and all the same man. One who could be obnoxiously proud, but who would have overcome this fault had he not had the misfortune to find the Ring; one who sought to amend this at last -- and who would not have, likely, succeeded in giving the Ring up, but who died with the wish to do so. One who, unlike other characters of legend, regretted the dragging of his own into his mistakes; one who had a lucky end and died terribly, and ignobly, and well. But a king must resign himself to becoming a legend, and he was a king who was a man.
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midnightstar-90 · 10 months
Fanfic Suggestions
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This is a masterlist of all the fanfics that I have read and give a "10/10 Would Read Again" Rating. I love these writer's works, and I believe they deserve the recognition. They inspire me and my writing, and I am truly thankful for that.
I am incorporating both Tumblr and Wattpad Fanfics. If it has a user, it's a Tumblr writing, and no user is a Wattpad writing.
Hope y'all enjoy ❤️
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🔥- 18+/Mature | ☔- Sad
Lovers Lane (C.M.M) 🔥
@msgorillagripcoochie's About You Fic (C.M.M)
@n-slayaaaaa's Calls I Can't Make Fic 1 2 3 (E.L) | (C.M.M) 🔥
DC Comics
Knight Wolf and Little Robin (J.T)
Lost Cause (J.T)
Control (C.K)
@tinkerbelle05's Maybe We'll Get Through This (J.R)
@asonofpeter's Where You Go Masterlist (J.R)🔥
@oneshots-heaven's The Motel Room Masterlist (D.G)
Vampire Diaries | Originals | Legacies
The Original Daughter (E.M)
Cursed Witch (K.M) 🔥
Damon's Daughter (D.S)
@cryinginthemoonpool's A Forgotten Birthday ☔ (Sully Family)
Harry Potter
Infinity (F.W) 🔥
Evermore (S.S) 🔥
Endgame (S.S) 🔥
Stranger Things
Ho Hey (E.M)
Julie & The Phantoms
Somethin Stupid (R.P)
Boy Meets World
Capsize (S.H)
Oscar Issac + Characters
@melodygatesauthor (O.I)
@sweetly-yours-and-mine (O.I)
@bastardmandennis's Pretty When You Cry (J.L) 🔥
@ivystoryweaver's With You Masterlist (Moon Knight System)
@mooooonnnzz's Miguel O'hara & Daughter Action 1, 2, 3, 4 (M.O)
Moondust (Moon Knight System)
@m00nsbaby's Why Won't You Love Me? (Moon Knight System)☔
@lockleysfav's Haze (M.O)🔥
@januaryembrs's Last Knight In SOHO Masterlist (Moon Knight System)🔥
@bastardmandennis's Even If It's A False God (M.S)🔥
@ohmystaxk's Goodbye, My Dear Stranger Masterlist (Moon Knight System)🔥
@alwritey-aphrodite's I'll Be Back Again To Stay Masterlist (S.G)🔥
Pistol (H.B)
Freaks | Runaways | Heroes | Humans (P.M)
@anonymousewrites's Portal To My Heart Masterlist (L.L)
Shadow & Bone
Stain of Red (The Darkling)
@midnightlilium's Reborn Masterlist (The Darkling) 🔥☔ * Not as explicit as other content on this app*
@kasagia's I'll Be Back For You Fic 1 2 (The Darkling) | (K.B)
@moonlightgrisha's Moon Summoner Masterlist (The Darkling)
@yawneneteyam's All Things Connected Masterlist (J.F)
@babybluebex's Bad Idea, Right? (J.Q) 🔥
@anxiouslymalicious's Losers Club Plus One Masterlist (R.T)
New Girl
A Summer's Day (N.M) 🔥
@bosbas's Love In Bloom Masterlist (B.B)
@nikkisheep's To Be Alone With You series (A.B) 🔥 1 2 3
@bellatrixscurls's Arranged Marriage (A.B) 🔥
@bellatrixscurls's Exquisite Weather Today, No? (A.B) 🔥1
@fayes-fics's A Beneficial Arrangement (A.B) 🔥
@marwritesgood's Illicit Affairs (A.B) 🔥
@dreamwritesimagines's Enamored Masterlist (A.B)
The Second Born Bridgerton & The Second Born Bridgerton's Wife (B.B)
@homeofthepeculiar's I Know You So Well Masterlist (B.B)🔥
Criminal Minds
@dr-spencer-reids-queen's Criminal Minds Series Rewrite Masterlist (S.R)
@fortheloveofwonderland's Me & You & Everyone We Know - Masterlist (S.R)🔥
Jensen Ackles + Characters
@zepskies's Take Me Home Masterlist (B.A)
@zepskies's Masterlist (Jensen + Characters)
@luci-in-trenchcoats's Home Sweet Not Home (J.A)
@lamentationsofalonelypotato's You Call It Madness But I Call It Love Masterlist (S.B)
@anundyingfidelity's Blood, Sweat, & Tears (B.B/S.B)🔥
@syrma-sensei's Hush Hush Behind The Shield (S.B)🔥
@anundyingfidelity's I'm A Ruin 1, 2, 3 (S.B)🔥
@wayward-dreamer's Pillow Talk (S.B)🔥
@princessmisery666's Please Don't Leave (J.A)
The Rookie
@xxchumanixx's Rookie Masterlist (T.B/J.N)
@chiefdirector's Rookie Masterlist (T.B/Chenford)
@fluentmoviequoter's Rookie Masterlist (T.B)
Percy Jackson Series
@woodlandwrites's Mind Over Matter (L.C)
137 notes · View notes