#like the place you wait to board? im confused
the-kipsabian · 9 months
now i have to figure out this new check-in system tho
this wasnt here last year hmm
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songbirdseung · 2 months
you again? / park jongseong
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synopsis: fate loves bringing you and jay together, specifically in an airport with same flights and destinations.
pairing: idol!jay x non-idol!yn
first encounter / 8 years old
"honey, help your dad with the bags." it was that time again, your biannual family trip. Summer was here and it was time to unwind and relax.
you hopped out of the car holding your little black cat plushie and ran to the carts near the airport entrance then brought it back to your father. "thank you sweetie" he pats your head and starts unloading the trunk.
as you went through the airport check in, security, and duty free you greeted everyone with a wave and hello, your mom holding your free hand with a smile on her face as she looked at you. "you little sunshine, you really like making friends?" she asked as you reached your gate; you nod enthusiastically.
your eyes still scan the airport with the same glimmer of curiosity and excitement, even if you've been to that airport more than your little fingers could count. you take in the summer decorations and in the midst of that, your eyes land on a boy who you think is the same age as you. taking in his features and glance down at your cat plushie, picking it up so it could be at the same level as the boy's face. you smile and see a resemblance. "mommy, look that boy looks like my kitty cat." she agrees and teases you about your little crush. "i didn't say that" you whine and pout. "oh yeah, if you don't have a crush on him, go talk to him" she chuckles and nudges her husband as they both watch you walk over to the boy.
"hi, im yn. what's your name?" you say as you sit next to him. he pays you no attention as he continues to play with his nintendo ds. his dad notices your presence and gives you a warm smile, he then removes the gadget out of his son's hands. before he could say anything, his dad points in your direction. finally, his eyes meet yours. "she asked you for your name, son" poor boy is so confused and wonders how long you have been sitting next to him. "im..jay"
second encounter / 9 years old
here you were again, at the airport getting ready to go. you were sitting at the airport's many food courts with your parents when you saw him again. even your own parents were shocked when they realized you still remember the boy you met last year, a boy you only talked to for 25 minutes. placing your hot chocolate which would now be forgotten as you ran 4 tables down to where he was.
"jay? my black cat jay? that's you right?" you were met with another warm smile from his parents and a confused stare from jay. "i met you last year and you probably don't remember me but that doesn't matter, it's nice to see you again. you ramble and tug at his long sleeve in excitement. his dad offers you a chair and helps you get up. "i'm sorry about her" your mom says from behind you. only to be reassured that it was fine and they love the interactions.
after jay's parents offered your parents to sit with them and let the two children have fun. (more like you bothering jay for the time being). there was a good 30 minutes that went by when the airport was announcing your flight was boarding. you all bid your goodbyes and as you were leaving, you noticed a plushie next to jay, it was your black cat plush you gave him last year.
third encounter / 9 years old
it wasn't a long wait to see him again, because in a few months. you met him again. this time, he wasn't so reluctant to see or talk to you. this time, he was actually having a great time playing games with you. so much fun that his parents were filming the two of you so later on the plane his parents would tease him and say he has a crush on you. oh, and your parents would do the same.
"isn't it funny how we only see each other at the airport and never anywhere else?"
"yeah, but we meet every year, so i'm not worried to not see you and having fun"
you two innocent souls did not know what would be happening next.
fourth encounter / 18 years old
you sighed for the nth time because you were sitting in the same uncomfortable airport benches. your friend decided it was better to arrive at the airport 4 hours earlier than boarding time. your apartment in seoul was only 20 minutes away from the airport, but for some reason you were here at the airport earlier than you wanted.
to kill time, you were walking around the airport's duty free. distracting yourself from the excruciating time wait. while you were doing so, you noticed a bunch of cameras when you reached back to your gate. you said whatever and walked past to explore the airport you have already been in.
"why can't we go back to our gate, we are definitely not going to have any seats left" your best friend whined as she tried to drag you back to the gate. "who else is going to arrive when our flight is in 3 hours?"
after a few minutes of bickering, you decided to sit down and give your legs and feet a break from all that walking. going back to the gate, you scanned the camera crew and what they were filming, you took notice of seven good looking guys, assuming they were actors or singers. you shrugged and minded your own business and sat back in the seat you and your best friend sat earlier.
putting your headphones on and opening your laptop to watch a movie to kill time. what you failed to notice was one of those seven boys looking at you. jay, noticed you ever since you walked past them the first time. in his eyes and mind, you looked very familiar, despite not seeing each other in 9 years, he remembered you.
debating whether or not to approach you or not, was it okay? did you even remember him. it has been 9 years and you both grown up so much. shortly after, you sensed a person sitting next to you. typically, your younger self would have greeted them but now that you were a young adult, you realized and found out that not all people are nice. so, you sat there in silence, still scrolling on your phone with your headphones in. only for that peace and serenity to be taken away from you when the person next to you took one of your headphones off. "you're not even going to say hi?" it was jay, your black cat.
fifth encounter / 20 years old
today was a little weird. you always found it easy to get through the airport with no problems. but today, you had time to find parking, to get through a crowd that usually was never there. upon reaching the entrance, you noticed so many girls holding up their phones and waiting on someone. you shrug your shoulders, thinking it's just another celebrity going overseas for a work schedule.
either way, you got to your gate and sat at the waiting area near your gate. sipping on your coffee as you replied back to the "safe travels" text you got from your family and friends. as you were watching tiktoks, you stumbled upon a video of jay and his group. it's been two years since the last time you saw him and both of you didn't even think of getting each other's numbers or social medias. but then again you did not want to distract him or get him in trouble if ever.
for some reason, you kind of wished that fate would bring you together again, since it loves to only let you meet him in the airport. so, you were looking out for him.
right on cue, he walks through the airport with his crew. then something hits you, what if you see him and he sees you then he doesn't remember you because he does meet to many people a day and what if you wave at him and thinks you're a fan? so many what if fill you mind that when he finally sees you, you're not looking.
but luckily, you again, have the same flight to germany. he splits from the group and decides to sit next to you despite the manager calling out to him. "you look like you're deep in thought yn" you whip your head, and he chuckles at your shocked expression. "oh, c'mon we always meet at the airport, why you still shocked i'm here?" you nudge him in the shoulder and explain your side.
it felt nice talking to jay, even though you two were both yappers, your dynamic somehow fit together like pieces of a puzzle. "do you still have that cat i gave you when we were 8?"
"you shouldn't be worried of me not remembering you, because that plushie sleeps next to me on my bed."
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marleemutt · 6 months
TLDR: im a black trans artist who can use some help right now following the sudden passing of my only sister - her doberman is now the responsibility of my parents and we can use help for his food, supplements, toys etc.
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Kofi (help me send Chewy orders to my parent's house)
Wishlist (literally send him things like toys, treats, etc.)
⬇️ more info ⬇️
hey guys
some of you might be aware of this already, but early October, my eldest sibling & only sister suddenly passed away due to a seizure, she had been dealing with epilepsy her whole life.
this has been incredibly difficult for me, and my family. her passing was incredibly sudden, she was only 30.
for the past month or so ive been struggling to find any motivation to draw, and barely able to work.
she was the incredibly devoted owner of a doberman named Remi(Ramsey). Me and my sister traveled 4 hours to pick him up three years ago. He's a goofball who tears up socks and needs constant supervision. My parents love him, but I can tell he is a lot of work for two people who have fulltime jobs and have lived long lives.
I'm going to try to help them take care of him as much as possible, I feel that it's the least we can do to honor my sister's memory, since she loved him so deeply.
My sister always wanted a doberman, for years she would watch videos about dobermans and talk about them to anyone who would listen.
Remi wasn't easy to raise - I shared a room with my sister when she got him in 2020, she still worked a 9-5, five days a week, so I was his nanny for most of his difficult childhood. I was his chew toy for the first year of his life about - but that only made him bond closer to me. If he wasn't following my sister, I was choice #2. Dobermans are "velcro dogs", they were bred to guard their owners, and because of this, they are fiercely loyal. I've been moved out of my parent's place for going on 3 years, and my sister had just moved with Remi out a few months prior to her passing.
A week before my sister's sudden passing, we had to board Remi at my dog daycare job while my family and I took a trip out of state. When dropping him off, although he was happy to see me again for the first time in months, the moment my sister turned her back to him he began to panic. He got through the boarding all right but my coworkers told me he would cry and wait by the door for me or her. When my sister picked him up, they said he jumped all 80+lbs into her arms.
Since my sister's passing, Remi has been directionless. He's with my family, people he trusts, but he's bored, confused, and heartbroken. My sister would often take him to the dog park, social events, on runs, etc. but my parent's can't do that in their age. If my apartment allowed large dogs, I would take him, but I can't, and I see him maybe twice a month if possible.
Ramsey's Christmas List
I made a christmas list for him of things that might help my parents better take care of him. We're trying different food brands out because he struggles with frequent stomach issues, and we can't seem to figure out what food my sister was feeding him. This list is by no means a necessity for him, but I tried to add things to help with his boredom and keep him stimulated when my parents can't give him all their attention.
i do want to state that my family is capable of providing him with the essentials to live, we arent irresponsible. i would just like to help my parents out since a 3 year old 80-90lb doberman is a lot of work to be suddenly placed on them soley. And I worry for his health and well-being sometimes - Remi has a tendency to eat/tear random objects when he's bored.
please consider donating whatever you can. Everything goes directly to him.
thank you for taking the time to read this, and possibly reblog if possible. ❤️
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st5rni · 5 months
matthew sturniolo fan fiction
WARNINGS : smut, angst if you squint, ex to lovers
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after a long night of playing board games with the triplets in their living room, everyone begins to get bored and pack it all up.
"i'll sleep on the couch," you say, not wanting to intrude on any of their rooms. it's been a while since you've seen all three of them, especially after you and matt broke up, so everything seems to be a bit hesitant.
chris puts his arm around your shoulder, "nah thats fine, sleep in the guest bedroom upstairs. we usually have madi or nate stay in there when they come over, so you can temporarily take their place." he insists, giving you his best smile despite being half asleep.
"okay, that works." you agree, standing up and yawning, "which way is it?" trying to remember which floor the guest bedroom is on.
"its the room next to mine." matt says, "you remember, right? you went in the guest bedroom once while trying to find your way to my room when we first moved here." he laughs a bit as he says this, reflecting on that time. back when you two were still together.
you stare at him for a moment before answering, "yeah, um, i remember." you say awkwardly, tucking your hair behind your hair and tying it up so your hands have something to do besides pick at your hangnails. the whole room is quiet now, the tension being very clear to all four of you.
matt fiddles with his rings, "uh, okay goodnight." he says before speed walking away to his room as quickly as he could.
"you two make things so awkward." nick says bluntly while he puts up the uno cards, "like why are you both still like this? just get back together." nick suggests with a snark, chris nodding in agreement.
you feel a blush grow on your cheeks, not sure if from embarrassment or not, "you think he'd want to? i don't know i just felt like he was over it by now. i fucked our relationship up." you admit, trying to sound casual about it, and not as desperate for him as you actually are.
"do i think?" nick laughs, "he wears the horse necklace you bought him almost everyday, even in videos. he still has photos of you two on his desk. he's more in love with you than he was before the breakup, i think." he says with a shrug, lowering his voice a bit so matt doesnt overhear
chris jumps in, "i mean.. why did you two break up, anyways? he never wanted to talk about it." his words had hesitance to them, like he was scared it'd break you if he asked.
"i broke up with him because of the distance, but now i-" you pause your words, wondering if you should tell them now, "i.. i was planning on waiting to tell you guys this but, um, im moving to LA. we have a deposit on a house and everything."
"NO WAY??" chris practically screams before running to give you a hug that even nick joins, "that's great!! why do you seem so like, upset about it?" chris questions, genuinely confused on why you didn't even smile when telling them the news.
you put your face in your hands, "it's embarrassing. i can't even tell you guys- just.. it's stupid." you try and stray away from the LA conversation, not wanting to admit you moved here primarily to try and get closer with matt again, "do you think he'd want to ever.. get back together? or, like, at least talk about it?"
"i mean, i think so?" nick says, some doubt in his words, "i dont know about getting back together, it.. hit him pretty hard." he admits, crossing his arms as he says that, knowing he shouldn't be telling you what he is.
you nod, words not able to form properly anymore, "okay.. uh, goodnight guys." you decided it was best to end the conversation here before you cried in front of them. something you'd never hear the end of. giving them a weak smile, you walk to the guest bedroom you'd be sleeping in.
while you go up there stairs, you reconsider the conversation with nick.
maybe there's just the slightest chance he would ever want you back. but honestly? it was likely the opposite. after you'd hurt him so badly, it only makes sense for him to hate you. you don't even blame him, either.
that thought hurt more than anything, and you needed an answer to whether it was true or not.
you look at the two doors in front of you, knowing one is matts room and the other is the guest bedroom. you could drop everything now, leave matt alone, and completely remove him from your life.
..but you love him too much to not have that closure. you need a final answer.
slowly, you open up his door and peak through the sliver of it, looking in his room.
there matt was.
he was on his bed, shirtless and sweating. his eyes were shut and he was practically panting as he was jerking himself into his own hand.
"fuck, fuck- fuck." you hear him muttering under his breath, and with just your luck, you lean on the door, causing it to accidentally open more than you meant to, causing him to look up and see you staring at him, "FUCK!" he yells, before covering himself with his blanket.
"SORRY— IM SORRY!" you yell back, slamming the door closed immediately after. "shit." you whisper to yourself, recollecting what just happened.
just seeing that. fuck, you had forgotten how much he turns you on.
a couple minutes pass by, matt opens the door, his face flushed and hair messy, still not entirely calmed down yet. he runs a hand through his hair and clears his throat. "um, sorry. whats up?" he tries to ignore the awkward situation lingering in both of their minds.
you clear your throat, and start fidgeting with your fingers, "can we- um, can we talk?" you ask, also still trying to recover. that was not something you'd just forget about. ever. "please?"
"what?" he stutters, "i mean, sure. yeah, come in." he clears the door so you can walk in his room, "its kind of messy, sorry."
you look around matts room, noticing how things were different, but still familiar, "you rearranged things." you state, mainly talking to yourself, still observing.
suddenly you remember what nick said, and look towards his desk and see the photos of you two framed sitting there, exactly where they had always been.
"so.." matt starts, "what'd you want to talk about?" he asks, once again fiddling with his rings.
"oh," you had almost forgot, "i just.. fuck this is gonna sound stupid. um. matt, do you— um... i should have thought about this before i came here." you blush, now embarrassing yourself.
he tries to give you a smile, but fails, "its okay. you can sit down if you want." he offers, sitting down on his bed to try and make you more comfortable towards the idea.
you look at him, and just admire him. how could someone be this sweet? "thank you." you say, accepting the offer while you sit down next to matt. probably closer than you should, "matt do you hate me?" you spit out, trying to get it out of the way.
"what?" he asks softly, almost like the question offended him. "thats a joke, y/n." he scoffs.
"im serious!" you insist, looking directly at him, "i know what i did was fucking horrible, and unfair, and selfish. and i never should have done it but—"
matt interrupts you, standing up, "Y/N what are you talking about? you broke up with me. if anyone hates anyone, its you who hates me." he thinks for a second, "i wish i hated you." he says in a quiet voice, but it had some harshness to it.
"matt, no!" you immediately refute, standing up as well, "i care about you— i promise i care. its all ive been thinking about for months. i mean, fuck, i miss you matt. im still in love with you. i never stopped."
"thats not fair and you know it, y/n." matt turns his face from you, "i have been waiting that maybe there was a chance we could ever try again and as soon as im coming to terms that it wont happen you pull this shit. im not going to do this again knowing it'll have the same result of you thriving in boston with all your friends completely forgetting about me while im here still wearing the stupid fucking necklace you got me on our first date." his voice was shaky, everything he was holding back this whole time had exploded at once.
you feel a salty tear run down your face despite your efforts to stop them, "please, just— this is different. it's different this time i promise." you beg, trying to get words out but hardly being able to, "just, hear me out and it can be your decision on what we-"
matt turns to you again, "i said no y/n." he hesitates when he sees your tears, his expression softening a bit, "you— you were right. it'll never work with you in boston."
"im moving to LA." you blurt out, and that's all you say for a second. a lot of emotions flash on matts face at those words, but you cant make out any of them. you take a deep breath, "i missed you, and boston wasnt taking me anywhere for my future. i..." you think for a moment. "i see you in my future."
matt stares at you, not reacting in any visible way at this point. you start panicking when he still doesn't say anything.
"but, if you dont want that that's okay too— ill stay away, or like— i can go back to boston, i just have a deposit on the house its no big—" your sentence gets cut off by matt walking towards you, grabbing you by the waist, and pulling you in for a kiss.
as your lips connect, he moves one hand to your face. his touch is loving, forgiving. just how you'd remembered it. you didnt kiss him back at first due to the initial shock. he pulls away, "stay." is all he and mumbles before kissing you again.
this time you immediately kiss back, wrapping your arms around his neck just like you used to. his body pressed against yours. its everything is just how it was, but somehow even better. the emotions are strong, enveloping both of you.
his lips move against yours as he moves his hands down to your hips, making your stomach tie in knots and your face warm. suddenly you're acutely aware of every action, every sensation, every thought, every feeling. its all heightened as you realize the situation you're in
the kiss comes to an end, and you stare at him, unable to suppress the smile from your face, "so.. you do still love me?"
matt cant help but laugh, causing you to join him, putting your face against his chest, "y/n, i just went on a whole rant about how i love you. then i kissed you. i think you can put two and two together."
"yeah, well... i miss hearing it." you pull your face from his chest so you can see him again, looking into his light blue eyes, then his whole face. you missed this so much.
"in that case," he kisses your head, "i love you, y/n. so much." his thumb gently caresses the areas of your cheeks that are tear-stained. "and to make it official, can i be your boyfriend again?" he asks, his voice genuine and sensitive. you know he's wanted to say that for so long, and so have you.
you bring him in for a hug this time, "i love you more, matt. and yes, you can." you say, taking in everything as you do.
you finally had matt again after all this time, and this time you weren't letting go. not again.
"matt," you softly say to get his attention, and lift your head up to kiss him again, he immediately kisses back, and picks you up as he does.
you wrap your legs around him, not removing yourself from the kiss. he sits on the bed with you in his lap.
the kiss is passionate, and slowly getting more heated as both of you are overcame with each other. you're pressing down on him, softly grinding against his crotch. it was already hard considering you interrupted him just a few minutes before. the atmosphere of the room changes, its sudden, both of you knowing where this was leading and neither wanting to change it.
he grabs your hips and pulls you down on him harder, your touch to him becoming even more intimate now. he's breath is heavy while you focus on making him feel as good as possible, missing being like this with him. missing seeing him like this.
as things were heating up, he brings the kiss a short stop, "y/n, are you sure you want to go farther with this? i was already kind of.. you know, when you came to talk to me. we just got back together, i dont want you to rush into this if you'll regret it." he checks, not wanting to ruin things because of one stupid choice.
as obvious as it was that you wanted this, it still meant a lot he had asked you. you almost forgot how caring hes always been with you, "i want you, matt. i promise. i want you in every way." as soon as you say this, as if a switch was turned on, he dips his head down and starts kissing at your exposed neck, making a small gasp escape your lips.
hes making sure he leaves marks, biting and sucking in every place, not hurting you, but instead making you more and more needy. you bring your hands up to his hair and run your fingers through it, still as soft as its always been.
"y/n, y'know what i was thinking of earlier?" he asks you as he moves his kisses up to your jaw, blissfully taking in every little noise you would make.
"n-no." you stutter out, trying to focus on his words when all your brain could linger on was the thought of him being inside of you, "tell me?"
you feel his lips curl into a smile, "i was thinking of you. of us. just being like this, your mouth on me again. me inside of you again." he mumbles, just loud enough to where you can hear it, his breath hot against you're skin.
you bite your lip softly, "i remember." your voice is soft, thinking about touching him like that again, "can i.." you trail off your words, getting off his lap to sit on your knees in front of him, and you softly touch his sweatpants waistband.
he lifts his hips up for a moment to help you pull off his pants and boxers easier as he takes off his own shirt.
you stare at his length in front of you, hard with pre cum leaking at the tip. you look up at him staring at you, waiting to see what you do next.
you move one hand to wrap around his base, he shudders at the sudden feeling despite as gentle as you were.
remembering what he likes, you rub your finger against his tip teasingly, just touching it enough to make it somewhat of a tickling, pleasurable sensation.
you look up at him, lust hazy in your eyes before looking back down and licking the tip, swirling your tongue as agonizingly slow as you could .
"fuck, y/n." he hissed, the desperation clear in his voice. he moves one hand to your hair, keeping the other still on the bed as he throws his head back.
after a bit more teasing, you finally put your whole mouth around his tip, and slowly bring your head down.
matts breaths are fast paced and rigid, keeping his hand in your hair as he tightens his grip subconsciously, his mind fuzzy from the slow pace.
you bring your head back up his length, bobbing it up and down. you use your hands to reach any place your mouth cant, swirling your tongue against his base and getting where you knew all his sensitive spots were.
he's letting out soft moans, trying to stay quiet so no one would hear him. he watches you intensely, admiring the sight, "you're so fucking pretty Y/N." he breathes out, slightly bucking his hips into your mouth, loving the feeling of you on him.
you continue like this for a little bit more, enjoying making him feel this way. not too much time passes before he gently pulls you off of him right as he's getting close, "not yet." he mutters, taking deep breaths as he comes down from a high.
you stand up and he pulls you back into his lap, but this time he grabs your waist tightly and flips your positions, pinning you down to the bed.
matt reaches for the hem of your tank top, looking at you, his eyes half lidded, wanting permission to take it off of you.
in response, you lift your back and help him pull it off you. you're about to unhook your bra as well before matt moves your hands out of the way and does it effortlessly.
"its still your favorite?" he asks, motioning towards the bra. its lacy pink one. it was really cute and surprisingly comfortable at the same time.
and you knew it always made you irresistible to matt.
"i only wear it when i see you." you admit breathlessly, before fully taking it off and throwing it off to the side, it now laying on his floor.
he lightly caresses your body, dragging his hands up from your torso to your breasts, feeling every curve you had, "just like i remember." he whispers, before leaning to shower your entire upper body in kisses. "my beautiful girl."
matt continues to kiss down until he gets to your shorts, and he softly pulls both your shorts and panties down, cherishing every bit of you being revealed.
once he takes off those last bits of your clothes, he admires you while he rubs the inside of your thigh, "i missed you, Y/N. not just like this, i missed every moment of you. so much." he says as he takes off his rings, putting them on the bedside table. "i missed being inside you, too."
your face turns red, eyes glued on his hands now, curious on his next actions, "matt-" he interrupts you by spitting on his fingers and bringing them down to rub your clit. "fuck!" you gasp, the sudden feeling shocking you.
matt continues to rub in small circles, your back arching as he does so, "have you been with anyone else?" he asks, kissing your stomach as he speaks, unable to keep himself off you.
"no." you tell him honestly through pants.
matt hums softly, and slowly brings his finger down your hole, before putting it inside you easily from how wet you were, looking at your reaction as he does so, "so tight..." he whispers. "does this hurt? when was the last time you-"
"i dont." you interrupt him, knowing what he's going to ask, "i mean i like, i do stuff.. i just— i only let you do it."
matt smiles against your chest, "ill take care of you baby." he says gently, coming up to kiss your jawline and softly biting as he does so. you feel him curl his finger inside of you, "can i add another one?"
you hesitantly nod, not able to get any words out. the first finger was just starting to feel good as he continued to move it inside of you, he brings his other hand down to rub your clit more as well, making you twitch from the overstimulation.
"use your words," he orders, his voice soft but eyes full of hunger. "i wanna hear you." he brings another finger to your entrance, teasing you by just putting the fingertip in.
you shut your eyes, "please, matt. please put another finger in." you beg, opening your legs more to urge him to do it faster.
"perfect." he says, before putting another finger in, this one more of a struggle, "is that good for you?" he asks, knowing its been a while and not wanting to rush you.
"yes. yeah, thank you. fuck." you reassure, gripping the bedsheet to steady yourself. it wasnt a lot, but it was the most you've had in a while. not to mention its matt.
he chuckles softly against your skin, and brings his head up to kiss you. he moves the hand rubbing your clitoris to grab both of your wrists and pin them above your head. there wasn't too much force, but his grip was just tight enough, "why are you thanking me? it should be the other way around."
he spreads his fingers inside of you, trying to get you ready for whats to come. after the stinging pain was gone, it felt blissful. matts always been good with his fingers, but you forgot how good.
after a while, he had added another finger, prepping and teasing you by dragging it out for as long as he could make you last.
you had begun to grind yourself down on his fingers, trying to get them to go even further inside you, "matt. please, im ready. please. i need you so badly." you plead, your legs twitching from his touch.
"alright, since you've been so patient." he complies, slowly removing his fingers from you, making you shiver from the empty feeling, and letting your wrists go. he brings himself forwards, and you subconsciously wrap your legs around his waist. "let me know when you're ready."
you exhale shakily, feeling matt rub against your entrance. whether he's just trying to get ready, or if hes purposely teasing you, it makes your stomach heat up in that familiar way.
you look at him after a moment, and see the desire as he stares back at you, "im ready." you say, bringing your hands up to wrap around his neck.
at that very same time, he slowly pushes inside you, causing you to let out a sharp gasp, "fuck..." you hiss in pain, closing your eyes.
"it's okay, im going slow. im almost fully in. just let me know when you're ready for me to move, baby." he comforts, running a hand through your hair, the other one gripping your waist.
you eventually feel him come to a stop after what feels like forever, knowing that means he's finally in, "im sorry. im almost ready, shit." you're trying to stop yourself from showing it hurts, knowing its going to feel amazing after a second. remembering how amazing he feels.
he shakes his head immediately, knowing how long it's been for you, "no, dont apologize. take your time." he inhales slowly, "y/n, you feel so fucking good already." he shuts his eyes now too, your walls tightening more around him the longer he stays still inside you.
"okay. okay." you speak up after a few silent moments, "move, please. im ready." you whimper, moving your hands to grab his shoulders, tightening your grip on him to prepare yourself.
matt nods, and slowly pulls himself back and forward again. it stings, but already hurts less than you thought it would.
"faster." you let out in a breathy sigh, looking directly at him now that you're more used comfortable towards the feeling.
"wont fight you on that one, baby." he huffs out, increasing his pace gradually so it's not too much at once for you.
now you have yourself arching your back as he thrusts into you rapidly. he's being gentle, but it's just enough so you can feel his passion. you can feel how badly he wants you.
he's letting out breathy moans, and is leaning into you while continuing at his pace, not taking even the slightest break.
your legs and hips are shaking, bucking up for as much friction as you can get during this, the pleasure building more and more.
you can hear his pants next to your ear, he leans in to kiss you despite not being properly able to. the kiss is sloppy, but heated. there's so much love behind it, and you know you can both feel it, "fuck y/n. you're so perfect, such a good girl. ive wanted this for so long baby, you have no idea." his words are broken apart as he ruts against you.
"im close." you say, his words bringing you to the brink of an orgasm, already still recovering from that high from earlier you know you wont last long, "can i cum, please?"
matt inhales sharply, bringing his hand to your neck and squeezes softly subconsciously. matt slowly nods, "yes. fuck, yes."
with matts permission, you let out a moan saying matts name, slightly hoarse from the grip he has on your neck. you feel yourself grow warmer than before as you release, biting your bottom lip, trying to keep a little bit of dignity for yourself.
"fuck." matt sighs out. "me, too. im- fuck, i have to-" he quickly pulls out and releases all over your stomach and breasts, his mouth open as whimpers fall out of it.
"fuck. sorry." he apologizes, leaning over to grab a towel.
he quickly wipes his cum off you, and throws the towel in a bin of other dirty clothes, "do you need to take a shower or anything?" he asks, clearly still out of breath.
thats an obvious no since you can hardly talk, let alone stand up for that long, "no its okay." you respond as you scoot up, patting a spot on the bed, "just stay here with me. or, i— i can leave if you want me too—" you panic, not knowing if he wanted you to leave or not. you didn't want to have the wrong idea and invade in matts privacy.
"no, y/n." he laughs softly, "stay, please. just give me one second, okay? ill be right back." matt grabs some underwear and sweatpants and throws them on before kissing your forehead and leaving the room.
a few minutes pass by, and he comes back holding a plate of some of your favorite snacks and two bottles of water. "i know its late, so you probably don't want anything to eat right now, but at least drink some water for me if you can." he hands you the water and puts the snacks down on top of the drawers next to you, "do you want some clothes to sleep in? a sweater? you're cold, arent you?"
you just stare at him admiringly for a beat, wondering how you got so lucky as to have this wonderful man back in your life, "dont stress, matt. you dont need to do all of this. can you just hand me my underwear and maybe a jacket or something?" you request, a smile on your face. you missed this feeling so much.
"yeah, totally. here," matt grabs your underwear and a random ransom hoodie he has and hands them to you. you quickly put them on, and matt crawls in bed with you, "come here." he whispers softly, wrapping his arm around you and running his fingers up and down your arm, "i missed you."
a gentle smile forms on your lips as you lean into his touch. "i missed you, too."
matts silent again, lost in thought, "why dont you just stay here? i mean, it might be too soon but— it'd save money for you and plus you'd be here most of the time anyways. plus, i could see you more."
your face is immediately covered in a blush at the implication. its a risky idea, but hes right. it'd make more sense, after all you were going to be here more than your own house anyways, "you know what? i dont think thats a bad idea. if it means i get to live like this everyday, im definitely down." you snicker while leaning more into matts chest, "but the issue is i signed to live there for at least 6 months already."
"that's okay," matt assures you. "as long as you're nearby, you know?"
you nod, leaning in to kiss him softly. his hand gives your waist a gentle squeeze before chuckling softly.
"round two?"
hope u enjoy!! part 2 is in the making
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torukmaktoskxawng · 4 months
tsamsiyu ta'em - returning to your roots
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Masterlist - part fifteen
Summary: Spider's decision leads to a brother and a sister's worst argument yet. Some things come to a head.
Pairing: Ronal/Tonowari/Original Female Character
Tag: #tsamsiyu ta'em fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: 20k+ (I am so sorry 🙏)
Overall warnings: mentions of torture, trauma/ptsd, vomit, slight body horror, canon-compliant, mature language, slow burn, polyamory, found family, cool aunt agenda, rushed, time skips, fluff, angst, major character death, child endangerment, etc.
Taglist (bold indicates "could not tag"): @motheroffae @undeniableadrenaline @mooniequeen @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @heart-an0n @amiets2 @slutforsmut4ever @yeosxxx​ @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @sucker4angstt @inolaphoenix @ilovechickenwings @tojisleftarm @andyfromku @ivysully @lightandshadow31 @jamie-poopoo @brittney69
A/N: Here it is... the ultimate Spider appreciation chapter. I couldn't afford to split this chapter into two parts like I did last time... so if you think some things aren't rendering on Tumblr, please please please click the link to the ao3 version. Enjoy!
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Kayla would be the first to admit that she wasn't good at making her kelku feel like a home. Still a soldier at heart, she retained the mindset to keep her quarters clean, organized, and empty of any clutter. The only thing she owned was the weapons with the safety on, cleaned, and tucked away from sight, along with the little necessities she first packed for her trip to the reef, such as the hammocks that are always packed away every morning after a night of rest. As for Spider, all he had was the breathing mask on his face, the loincloth he wore, and the few packages of human rations Kayla and Jake had found for him in a drifting harpoon boat after their battle with the Sky People. 
So, needless to say, the marui pod Kayla was so graciously given by the clan leaders of the Metkayina looked more like what the Sky People would call a bachelor pad back home. At least, that's what first came to mind when Kayla took one look at her new home and decided something needed to change. She had a new place of residence and she even had a teenager living under her roof, a teenager who barely had anything growing up that he could proudly call his. Kayla decided that she needed to make this place look and feel more like a safe space Spider could come to when he needed to get away from the world, which is how Spider found her hours later.
"What's that supposed to be?"
Kayla looked up to spot the teenager in the entryway, staring oddly behind his mask at the object she was trying to put on the far opposite wall of the pod. She looked between him and the large branch which she had spent dedicated time to cutting and molding into a flat surface, before her ears lowered in embarrassment, "Uh... a bookshelf?"
Setting the long wooden board down on the ground for Spider to get a better look, Kayla huffed in exertion and decided she would have to find an easier way to hang up the makeshift piece of furniture she had created. 
Spider's expression only grew more confused as he looked at the warped plank of wood before stating the obvious, "You don't own any books."
"Yeah..." Defeat was already evident in her voice, already aware she had spent hours of wasted time on this project but had stubbornly hoped it would pull through. She stared longingly at the wood piece, ears still drooping with shame, "But I was hoping that putting other stuff on it would liven the place up. I guess it's not as homey looking without any books."
"Wait, what?" He cranes his neck up to look at her, puzzled as he crosses his arms over his chest, the knife cut barely even a scar now, "What are you trying to make it look like?"
"Nothing," she mumbled, now staring down at the makeshift shelf as if it had offended her. She was mentally kicking at it and herself for not succeeding in one stupid little piece of home decor. Realizing that Spider was still oddly watching whatever was happening to her face as she had these thoughts, she decided to straighten her back and head toward the exit, motioning the kid to follow her.
"You know what? You and I are always out of the house anyway. It doesn't need to be fancy. Let's go. I'm thinking of taking you kids out exploring."
Spider takes a moment to watch her leave before glancing back at the 'shelf.' Squinting his eyes, he shrugs and turns to follow her outside, "Cool, sounds like fun."
Kayla brought Spider to Jake first and asked about taking the kids out into the jungle, expressing how she wanted to show them the waterfall she had previously mentioned to her brother. Before he could reply, Jake was interrupted by Tsireya, who just so happened to be stopping by to see Lo'ak and Kiri. The reef girl expressed her excitement and claimed she knew the spot Kayla had mentioned and how she would love to go with. Of course, Kayla wasn't about to say no to sweet Tsireya, and that made Jake cave in and agree to let his children go with them. 
He watched the group leave with a small smile before getting back to work on strengthening a newly woven sheath for his hunting knife. He wasn't left alone for long as Neytiri had come home from a morning hunting trip she flew around the island. 
She had been silent at first, before looking around and asked, "Ma Jake. Where are the children?"
"They're exploring out in the jungle with Kayla," immediately, he felt the tension in the air, peering up to spot his mate looking fearful, her eyes glossed over in a way that made his gut hurt with guilt. He realized he should've waited until she got home to discuss whether or not she would be okay with letting their children venture out after everything they've been through, but he was hoping this would be a good step forward for all of them.
"They'll be fine, baby," he encouraged softly, "It's just like what we do on date night. It's not like I left them alone."
"I do not like the idea of them being so far away from the village."
"I promise it will be no different than when Kayla watches them at home. She's bringing them to a well-known spot to take a load off and have fun. Tsireya mentioned that she knew the place so it's not like anyone would get lost. They're in good hands."
Neytiri sucks in and lets out a shaking breath but eventually closed her eyes and nodded once in solemn agreement. Jake wanted to feel relief that she wasn't up in arms about this, but he couldn't find it within himself to feel that way. He knew exactly where she was coming from, where her thought process was. He couldn't blame her for being worried, the two of them both thinking the same thing as heavy, grieving silence filled the air. Jake immediately reached out to grasp Neytiri's hand and she clutched tightly onto him.
"Jake-- Devil Dog, do you copy? Jake?"
The sound of the long-range radio abruptly breaking the silence brings both Jake and Neytiri's ears and tails to perk up in alertness, and their eyes immediately harden to ones resembling warriors. Recognizing the voice patching through, Jake reaches for the radio and presses the device close to his lips,
"Dirty Falcon, I read you. What's going on, Norm?"
"Jake, we have a situation."
It ended up feeling like a school field trip as Kayla found herself with not only Spider and her nieces and nephew, but the other reef children they claimed as their friends. Once Tsireya had been invited, so were Ao'nung and Rotxo, making Kayla the single chaperone of six Na'vi children and one human.
At first, everyone could tell both the suspicious and curious nature the two reef boys felt upon being officially introduced to Spider, but at least they were civil, and they even looked surprised when Spider greeted them in perfect, proper Na'vi. It also helped that both Tsireya and Kiri were adamant about making Ao'nung and Rotxo converse with Spider, determined to make them all friends. 
Rotxo didn't appear to mind Spider at all, being the more curious one and asking the human teenager obnoxious questions that got Spider to laugh. Ao'nung, however, was a different story. He kept his distance and ignored Spider entirely, only nodding once in greeting the human boy and sticking close to the other kids he knew better. Even though the chief's son wasn't hostile toward Spider, Kayla still kept a close eye on him anyway. Tsireya and Kiri were good mediators of the group and took the lead as they traveled further and further into the jungle. Tuk was a breath of fresh air for everyone, constantly laughing and running circles around the group with excitement as they ventured further toward the center of the island, ready for a new change in scenery. 
It was Lo'ak who appeared to be the most estranged out of all of them. He had been quiet the whole way to the waterfall and only spoke when spoken to, faintly smiling whenever it was Tsireya who addressed him. However, Lo'ak was acting more closed off than usual and strayed away from the group as they walked. Kayla made sure to keep an eye on her nephew as well, knowing that his situation at home wasn't the most ideal. Lo'ak was purposely spending time out of his family's marui as of late, either seeking Spider out and hiding away in Kayla's hut with his childhood friend, or he tried blending in with the reef children and was constantly hunting or helping out with chores around the village. He was practically doing anything to keep him away from his family and especially his father, only returning to the Sully marui to sleep and eat.
Kayla noticed how Jake didn't address this as a problem, which is why she was keeping an eye on her nephew. Even though Jake claims to finally See Lo'ak, he is still treating his son much like before. If Kayla was anyone else, she'd leave it the hell alone, but she wasn't. And if she needed to be harsher to her brother about it, then by Eywa, she was gonna do it. She'd do anything for these kids, and that even surprised her to admit that.
It was easy for her to reach out to the children. Her nieces and nephews gave their hugs and trust to her willingly, without trepidation, almost immediately upon meeting her for the first time. Maybe because of that, it was easier for Kayla to accept their hugs and trust when she confidently knew they thrive on receiving touch as well as giving it. Even children who weren't as familiar with her, like the reef children, gravitated toward Kayla, either because she was unique-looking as an avatar, or she was just more laid-back and unserious compared to most adults they knew. For Spider, it was a healthy mixture of both.
For adult humans and Na'vi, it's different. Mature and aware of how the world works, Kayla would rather try to shield the children from the horror of life for just a little while longer if no other adult was going to do it. 
The waterfall was tall and led down into a quiet, beautiful lagoon. Animals scattered from their water hole when the Na'vi children appeared, and Tuk laughed as they ran away. Immediately, the reef children encouraged the others about what to do by shoving one another to get to the water first, jumping high, and splashing into the lagoon. Spider and the Sully kids laughed and soon followed, even climbing up to the very top of the waterfall to jump down from once Kayla was confident that the water was deep enough to do so. 
Kayla watched the kids play in the water while also exploring the waterfall herself, venturing into and standing in the small alcove hidden behind it. Curious, she whoops and lets her voice echo off the walls of the small cave, and the sound rang in her ears. She smiled as an idea struck her, heading back out of the alcove and rejoining the children. None of them appeared to notice anything until she approached them, first going to Little Tuk and pointing out the waterfall.
"Go behind there and scream and laugh as loud as you can. Come back and see if your sister heard you or not."
Tuk giggled excitedly at what she assumed was a game her aunt had in mind and ran toward the waterfall. The teenagers look between Kayla and Tuk curiously but don't mention anything as they watch the youngest child of their group disappear behind the waterfall. It took a few minutes, but Tuk reemerged, out of breath and grinning as she skipped over to her sister, "Kiri! Kiri! Did you hear me?" 
"No, I didn't," Kiri smiled encouragingly at her sister before taking a glance at her aunt.
Kayla smiles, tilting her head toward the waterfall, "You next, Kiri."
"Yes! You next!" Tuk drags Kiri out of the water by the hand, "I'll come with you! Let's try to scream as loud as we can, and if anyone out here can hear us, then we win!"
The Sully girls go behind the waterfall while the rest of the teenagers stare questionably at Kayla. She only shrugs, flashing a smile of understanding at each of them, "You kids have been through a lot lately... I thought maybe you'd like a place to scream out your frustrations without anyone hearing you. Only if you want, but I think you need to let some things out."
When Kiri and Tuk return, the other teenagers glance at each other with knowing expressions. Spider whispered Kayla's intentions to Kiri when she still looked confused, and in response, a grateful look took over Kiri's face as she nodded at her aunt.
Tuk was none the wiser as she ran up to Kayla, "I wanna do it again!"
"Go ahead, sweetheart."
"Will you come with me, Auntie?"
"Of course."
After that, one by one, each of the teenagers decided to slip away while the others were playing in the lagoon to have a few minutes alone behind the waterfall. When each of them returned, they appeared relaxed, lighter than before, and acting their age. Kayla internally pats herself on the back, calling it a success, especially when Ao'nung had loosened up and shared a short conversation with Spider.
If anyone noticed Lo'ak's eyes were puffy and red when he returned from behind the waterfall, they didn't mention it. They only smiled because he was smiling again.
They must have been there for hours, but eventually, Kayla called it a day and everyone was much too tired to argue. On the way back as they trekked through the jungle, Spider kept close to Kayla's side, instinctively keeping a watchful eye out as they walked through the trees, in case something decided to try and grab at the weakest link in the group which at the moment was Kayla with a sleeping Tuk on her back, making her slower than the teenagers. Something caught his eye while they walked, and it was Kayla's songcord swinging in the wind from side to side each time her leg moved forward. He noticed the cord was longer than he had last seen it, the end now sporting a wooden bead and a shell soon after.
"That's new," he simply states. 
Her ear flicks in his direction, and he watches as she looks down to see what he is referring to. Sunlight was right above her, casting a shadow over her face, but even Spider could catch a sudden shift in her expression. If he had blinked, he would have missed the shift. It was there one moment and gone the next, but he noticed a smile on her face, full of fondness, before she shook herself out of it relaxed her expression, and replied, "Yes."
The shift was all he needed to know, "Who gave it to you?"
She squinted her eyes curiously as she looked down at him, "What made you think it was given to me?"
"Answering a question with a question. Isn't that what you soldiers call 'deflecting?'" He smirked.
He didn't expect her to laugh, but he felt secretly pleased with himself when she did, "Touché, kiddo."
As they reach the village, the reef kids realize what time it is and decide to depart, needing to return home to their families. Kayla and the Sully children thanked them for their company and the fun day before waving them off and returning to their own marui.
Only, it wasn't much of a warm welcome. Upon entering the home, Kayla immediately noticed Neytiri's absence... and the murder set in Jake's eyes.
He huddled near the radio, waiting for the rest of his family to return home as he tried to figure out how he was going to break the news to them. In the meantime, Jake had sent Neytiri away to let out her rage and grief. He knew it wouldn't have been a good idea if she had stayed for this conversation. When Kayla and the children entered the kelku, Jake's murderous gaze immediately greeted Kayla. She froze when she was the first target of that glare, and once the teenagers saw Jake, they froze in the doorway as well, immediately scared with their backs straight.
Kayla kept still as she watched Jake's eyes. She only relaxed a little as she came to the conclusion that Jake's anger wasn't directed at anyone in particular, but he looked vengeful and was aging beyond his years. He looked like a broken man, a father who lost it all. He looked so grim with his eyes nearly staring up at Kayla through his forehead. She knew that whatever happened... it wasn't good.
She sets down Tuk and quietly asks Kiri to take her. She walks up to Jake and keeps her voice down in case he wants this kept between them, "What's wrong?"
His eyes flicked to the kids standing around behind his sister, all of them looking confused and worried other than the bleary-eyed Tuk. He glances back at Kayla and deeply sighs through his nose before deciding to keep his voice at a normal, steady tone. He thought the kids deserved to know, too, 
"Norm just called. They intercepted some RDA radio chatter. Quaritch is alive."
No one dared bat an eye as the news sank in, frozen in place and staring at Jake as if he had murdered a puppy right in front of their eyes. The air turned rigid and eery all around Kayla, the air sucked out from her lungs as though a bucket of ice water ran down her back. She swallowed thickly, trying to react as neutrally as possible... hoping that out of all the times Jake could possibly read her like an open book, this wasn't one of those times. 
Kiri's voice was the first thing that rang out, "Spider?"
Kayla's spell is broken and she immediately unfreezes, whipping around in search of the human boy in question. She finds him instantly as he reacts fast to Kiri's question, pulling away from the group and backing up toward the door. Spider looked frightened and ashamed, his breath irregular as he took one hand and grabbed the opposite elbow, eyes wildly flicking between everyone in the room, Kiri, Lo'ak, and Jake most of all. He looked cornered, despite the doorway now being directly behind as he would not stop backing away. He looked absolutely horrified, and the guilt only ate him alive when his two best friends stared at him with worry and confusion, unaware of the damage he had done.
"I-- I'm sorry."
Jake's eyebrows furrow and his tail twitched, "What--"
"It's not your fault. Spider," Kayla consciously places herself between Jake and Spider, finally finding her voice in the growing tension of the room. Spider turned his body and gazed to the doorway, ready to bolt as Kayla found herself raising her voice, "Look at me--"
The order makes his back stiffen and Kayla internally lashes at herself for ordering him around so formally like a soldier when that wasn't her intention. Slowly, however, Spider finally peered back up at her, and she tried to soften her gaze and voice, "Don't." 
Jake finally rose to his feet, his presence right behind his sister and making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, "Kayla, what are you-?"
"It's my fault."
All eyes return to Spider, and he forces himself to stay still, the smallest one in the room. He keeps his eyes on Jake, trying to relay what he is trying to explain with just one look. Jake analyzed him, eyes slowly squinting in confusion until Spider could see something click behind those dull, yellow eyes. He saw the denial set in first, then the bargaining, then the anger... and then it stayed that way. Jake's eyes begin to harden, and Kayla is suddenly very aware of the raging volcano slowly starting to brew behind her but she refuses to look back. Goosebumps ran down her back and every instinct told her to run, but she kept her feet planted and her eyes on Spider, trying to talk him down from his ledge with just one look.
Lo'ak is the first to ask. He wasn't known for being observant, but as Tsireya had claimed, he was a quick learner. Lo'ak looked between his father and his friend and realized that something had happened. Something unforgivable. Despite possibly already knowing what it was, Lo'ak had to ask... in case he was wrong, "Spider... what did you do?"
Kayla felt a large hand completely envelope around the circumference of her arm and she winced when that hand gripped on tightly and spun her around. She bites back the yelp that nearly escaped her lips as she's being stared down by the enraged Toruk Makto.
"You knew?" Jake accused in a low, deep voice.
She couldn't help it. Her eyes widen in fear, for once, of her brother. As much as she wanted to lie to prevent him from glaring at her like that... she couldn't afford for that rage to turn onto Spider. She rolls her lips, her voice raspy and betraying her bravery, "I... Yes, I knew."
Something snaps in place inside Jake's eyes, a harsh growl eliciting from the back of his throat, "Come here." 
His grip only tightened further around Kayla's arm as he dragged her out of the marui, away from the children who now shook in fear of their father and for their aunt. Kayla wished she hadn't just been paraded around in front of them like that... secretly afraid as though she had angered her own father.
He pulls her out and harshly shoves her in front of him to confront her. Kayla immediately tries to bargain and plead her case before he could get any bright ideas, "But-- you don't understand--"
"Yeah? Enlighten me then," he snarled.
"You can't just ask a kid to leave his own father to die-!"
"You're not his mother, Kayla!" Jake finally roared, the volcano bubbling over.
"I don't care!" Kayla roared back as her fear gave way to anger. Suddenly the volcano was met with an unforgivable tsunami, "He's just a kid! All of them are just kids! You can't expect them to fall in line and be your perfect little soldiers for a war that YOU started!"
Jake seethed and pushed back, "He's old enough to know that he's responsible for his actions."
"Maybe, but even grown-ass adults refuse to admit their faults, present company included," the intended lashing hit dead-on, earning Kayla a wince from her brother. She didn't want to claim that victory over him, however, as the tightening viper in her chest began to unravel, "You say I'm not Spider's mom, and you're right. But you're not his father. Hell, you barely even father your own kids, so why should you father a kid who's not even related to you?"
"Don't you start--"
"You're a good dad to your daughters. Fine. I'll give you that. But you're too hard on Lo'ak, now more than ever. He just lost his brother for fuck's sake, Jake. You of all people know what that feels like!" She screeched.
"Lo'ak is the older brother now. He needs to learn to be responsible for his sisters."
"Oh, like how you were such a great, responsible brother after Tommy died?"
Even Jake's anger gave way to a slight feeling of discomfort and maybe even fear as Kayla suddenly began to laugh in such an unhinged manner, the maniacal grin she gave him sent chills down his spine, "Really? We're adding lying to the list now? Did you treat Lo'ak like a failure because he's reckless or because he's just like you? 'Cause, that's what I see. He's just like you, Jake, and that terrifies you because you know he'll screw up again and again. Just like you."
She took a step forward and Jake took a step back. He wished he hadn't, as his fear only made Kayla smile more, "So tell him that. Tell him the truth. Tell him how Tommy was the golden son, not you. You were never the golden son, not even when you became a marine and lost your legs for your dedicated service. Tell him how you were always the disappointment. Tell him how low you got in life when your brother was murdered and how you abandoned your sister when things got too hard."
Jake tried to regain the upper hand, needing to get this conversation back on track, "This isn't about me or Lo'ak. This is about Spider--"
"I wasn't finished," his jaw clamps shut when his sister's eyes bore into his, the viper in her chest now baring its venomous fangs, "You left me to die on that god-awful planet. From my experience, I know that Lo'ak and Spider would never even think of doing that to someone, let alone their own sisters. I believe Spider saved his father for the sake of being kind, compassionate, and merciful—three traits I doubt he inherited from the sperm donor. Spider is no savage. His doesn't kill as needlessly as you once did."
"He spared a monster's life--"
"Can you blame him? After what Neytiri had recently put that kid through?" Jake's ears lowered at the mention of his wife, and while Kayla wanted to be proud of her brother for always wanting to defend the woman he loved, she couldn't abide by that. She continued before Jake could even try, "Quaritch tried to save Spider from your wife. Can you honestly blame a child for saving the life of someone who was actually looking out for them for once in their young life? Yes, Spider may be young but he's also good. He wouldn't just let someone die, no matter how terrible and not if he could help it. That wouldn't make him any better than Quaritch."
"Kayla, I don't think you're hearing what I'm trying to say. Spider saved the man who promised he'd come after me and kill my whole family if I didn't kill him!"
Kayla's physical fangs made an appearance as she placed the blame entirely on a third party, "Then maybe you should've done a better job at killing him! I was there, Jake! I heard him loud and clear."
She finally closed the distance, prodding an angry finger into the center of Jake's chest as she seethes out, "You don't get to tell me how to parent. You don't even know how to parent, so you don't get to tell me when and where I can protect Spider. You can't even protect him from your own wife, so why should I trust that you have his best interest at heart?"
Moving around him, she definitely shoulder checks him on the way back into the marui, unaware of the wince that briefly succumbed his face, but he didn't react apart from that. He didn't even turn around. He only listened to the sound of her stomping feet, growing further and further away from him.
Kayla was on a mission as she sped back to the marui, only stopping her charge when Spider cut off her path, the human teen storming away as both Kiri and Lo'ak were seen exiting the kelku to chase after him, "Spider, wait!"
Kayla panics a little inside when Spider doesn't even react to his friends calling out for him. She reached out and gently grabbed his shoulder before he escaped too far, "Heyheyhey-- Spider? What's wrong--"
"Just leave me alone!" He screams and Kayla's instant reaction is to let go of his shoulder as if she had injured him. She took a step back like she had been shocked, frozen as she caught a glimpse of his face through his breathing mask, seeing the obvious red cheeks and angry tears uncontrollably slipping down his young face. 
Kayla tried her best to relax, regain her patience, and hide her anger toward her brother so Spider wouldn't misunderstand. Breathing deeply, in and out, she tried to speak in her best, soothing voice, "... Okay."
At first, Spider looked shocked before it immediately melts into anger and frustration, his teeth seething out his aggravation as he glared at her, "Shit-- Why do you have to be so understanding?!"
"I just-- I want to help you, kiddo--"
"Just leave me alone! Please!"
He had raced off without ever giving himself the satisfaction of seeing Kayla's expression crumble into defeat. Kiri approached her aunt at this moment, briefly grabbing her hand as she moved to follow her oldest friend, "I got this, Auntie. Spider, wait!"
Kiri continues to chase after the human teen, while Kayla helplessly watches them both eventually disappear into the center of the village, beyond her sight. 
Spider wasn't expecting Kiri to continue following him. He thought he'd lose her in the village, but by the time he reached the edge of the jungle and moved further in, he knew his attempt to escape detection was futile. Eventually, he caves in and waits for his friend to catch up, all the while he tries to calm down, his conflicted emotions fueling his panicked, harsh breathing.
"Please, Kiri, just go--"
"Sucks for you, Monkey Boy, 'cause I'm not going anywhere," Kiri immediately starts off when she finally caught up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "We just got you back--"
Spider huffs in disinterest, "After how long? Weeks? Months? Why couldn't-- Why didn't--"
Kiri could see Spider struggle with his next words. She could tell how angry, betrayed, and confused he was trying to express, and eventually, she figured out what he was trying to say and managed to voice his questions for him, "Why did we run instead of going to look for you?"
He didn't say anything, just trying to catch his breath. His silence was answering enough for the Na'vi girl as she continued, "I wanted to. Badly. But Dad believed you would be safer as long as you were away from us. And if we left, you would be even safer."
"That's bullshit." He glowered, still seething behind his mask.
Kiri's ears lower, a sentiment she felt in regard to Spider's statement. She had once thought the same when her father relayed that same excuse to her when he first told her that it was impossible to save Spider and that they were leaving the Omatikaya.  
She nods in agreement, "... Only a little. Dad thought that if we took off, then you couldn't tell the Sky People where we were."
The betrayal wins over control of Spider's expression, staring up at her with such pain and disbelief, "I would never--"
"I know. I know," she was quick to reassure while taking another step closer. She managed to pull him further toward her until her arms were fully wrapped around him, her chin resting on the top of his head. She lowered her voice to something soft and soothing, "I wish we tried harder, Spider. I really do, and I'm so sorry."
She moves her hand up to gently grasp the back of his head, "But Kayla didn't give up. No, she stayed in the forest and kept looking for you, even after we had left for the ocean. She was so determined to find you, especially after she earned her ikran. Dad said that she even wanted to go after you, alone, when they heard you were sited at reef villages in the south."
Silence followed and if he currently wasn't standing stone-stiff in her arms, Kiri would've thought he had fallen asleep. The sounds of the flora and fauna around them were calming all of Kiri's senses, and she tried to bleed that feeling into Spider, gently tightening her grip around him.
Finally, Spider caves in, his shoulders slouching in defeat until he finally allows himself to lean into his best friend's embrace. His thoughts sounded far away as he spoke, "I... I wish she found me sooner."
The words haunt Kiri, her mind trying to wrap around everything that those words could possibly mean. She squeezes him a little tighter as she mumbles into his hair, "Spider... what did they do to you?"
Silence filled the air once more until he managed to settle on one word, "Nothing."
Kiri pulled away and Spider winced thinking he had upset her. But she doesn't move very far, only so that she can meet his eyes, her hands resting on both of his shoulders, "War orphans stick together, remember? You're my brother, Spider. You may not be able to see it, but I wholeheartedly believe that. You can tell me no living being will ever know."
He wanted to tell her everything. So badly it almost felt like it could burst out of his chest at any moment. He wanted to share certain parts he initially left out when he tried catching her and Lo'ak up on everything he had seen while captured. He wanted to explain why he has nightmares, and why he's afraid of waking up in a cold, sterile room. He wanted to tell Kiri that he saved Quaritch for more than just pity or kindness. How the man, no matter how terrible, saved Spider's life more than once, or at least saved the boy from unimaginable pain and torture.
The thought of those white lab coats immediately sends Spider's mind into a spiral. That awful, bright, and blinding machine, spinning rapidly around his head, his eyes forced open to watch as he began to feel the blood drip down his nose... his memories forcefully being ripped away from him...
The only thing that stops his nightmares from continuing is the thought of Quaritch, the man who stopped that machine from eating away at the boy's mind.
Spider wanted to tell Kiri everything... but the fear of her not being able to understand was much stronger, "I... I can't... I'm sorry."
She squeezed his shoulders reassuringly, "Don't be."
"No, Kiri--" He corrected himself, letting out a shaking breath, "I'm sorry for letting Quaritch go. Neteyam-- Quaritch-- He held a knife to your throat."
"And my mother held a knife to yours. We're even."
It was meant to be a joke, but it quickly fell flat on her tongue once his posture changed right before the last of the sentence even left her lips. He bristled like a scared cat, eyes hard with a flat tone of voice that made Kiri instantly regret her words, "That's not funny."
"You're right. I'm sorry..."
He pulled away despite the hurt expression on her face. He pointedly avoids looking her in the eyes, "I think I need some space... please..."
"Okay. Just... whatever you decide to do, at least tell us first... Please?"
"Yeah... okay..."
Surprisingly, Spider finds himself alone for the first time in who knows how long, sitting comfortably up on a large branch while watching day turn into night over the entire island. He's met with the familiar silence he often found himself in back at home in the Hallelujah Mountains, but lately, he hadn't been familiar with the concept. It was likely that the last time he was by himself was when he found Quaritch at the bottom of the ocean and lifted him up to the surface. Ever since then, he was always in the company of someone else, either Kayla or the Sullys.
He wasn't sure if he liked it or not, if he was being honest with himself. He wasn't sure if it was because of his time spent with the Recoms, but it almost felt as though everyone in this village was keeping a close eye on him, even the Sullys, people he knew he used to trust with every fiber of his being... but now that trust has been questioned. 
He wasn't blind. He noticed how on edge Kayla always appeared when he and Neytiri were in the same room. 
He didn't want to believe he was a hostage, especially not with his childhood friends and companions... but it honestly didn't feel that different compared to when he was with the Deja Blue Squad. Spider didn't want to make a comparison, but much like the Sullys, Quaritch never let him out of his sight.
So, he took this breath of freedom to his full advantage, climbing from tree to tree, swinging from branch to branch until his arms and legs ached. He felt alive again, even laughing to himself. When he finally sat down to watch darkness slowly encompass the island and the bioluminescence come to life, he was able to finally breathe his own air, even if it was only through his mask. A moment of freedom, to be himself without walking on eggshells around everyone he was with. Then again, he knows it's not real freedom knowing that no matter where he went, he was stuck on this island with the Sullys, and maybe they knew that, too, which is why they're letting him believe he's alone, even if only for the night.
The paranoia was going to eat him alive, he was sure of it. The fact that he could no longer blindly trust the family he's always desperately wanted to be a part of was killing him. And now that they knew he spared Quaritch's life... he felt as though he could never let his guard down around them ever again. 
Apart from Kayla. Spider felt safe enough around her to believe she'd understand, and she did. She didn't fault him for his choice when he initially told her. Kayla was the only one who didn't truly understand the full extent of Spider's parentage, even though she had been told, but since she wasn't ever hurt by Quaritch the way everyone else who lived on Pandora before her was, she didn't have that pain that kept her from fully accepting Spider. 
Not that it was any excuse to neglect a child for the sins of their father. Spider knew that. He knew it was wrong, the way he had been treated, but up until recently, he couldn't fault anyone for it... or maybe he just never let himself believe he could on the off chance everyone would fully accept him one day. 
Hearing Kiri talk about how Kayla never gave up on him, how she searched for him relentlessly even when she had no reason to, made Spider feel both relieved and guilty. Relieved that there was at least someone out there who pitied him enough to know that he didn't deserve this and needed to be rescued, but guilty that she had to be the one to do so. She wasn't family to him. She had no ties to Spider and no reason to care for his safety and well-being, but she did, nevertheless. He wasn't sure how to feel about an adult who didn't have any familial relations to him all of a sudden give a damn about him, mainly because he didn't want it to be out of pity. 
Kayla clearly wasn't his mother. Spider had a picture of his mother taped to the ceiling above his bunk when he was living with his foster family for years. He knew his mother's face and he knew her name. Kayla wasn't Paz Socorro, back from the dead. 
... But he would be lying to himself if he didn't think about it. He had wondered a time or two if Paz were alive, would she be like Kayla? Worse? Better? He didn't know when he started comparing his mother to Kayla, but once he realized that he was, he was ashamed of himself and forced himself to stop. Spider didn't have a mother anymore. He wished he did, and that's why he knew he was allowing Kayla to look out for him a little too much.
In the eyes of the Na'vi, he could be considered an adult... but he wasn't Na'vi, as much as it pained him to admit it. He was human, and from what he's learned, kids his age barely had to worry about anything past schoolwork and who was going to take them to prom... whatever that was. He heard Kayla mention a prom once but wasn't fully listening. Whatever it was, it made Norm and Jake laugh, reminiscing their old human lives back on Earth for a little bit.
Kayla was a firm reminder that Spider was a human child and should be able to act as such. She's been trying to drill that into all their heads, adults and children alike. She wasn't exactly hiding it as she continued to berate how Jake parents his children and how he makes them grow up too quickly. Spider admired her for that... but almost despised it whenever she came to his defense because he knew he didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve to be treated or coddled like a kid... not after what he did.
He didn't deserve to be loved and cared for.
He sucked in a sharp breath, horrified by his own thoughts. Suddenly he was too scared to be left alone, and so he raced through the jungle and back to the direction of the village. 
It was late, so he thought if he snuck into Kayla's kelku, she would be asleep and he wouldn't have to try and explain himself. The thought of her catching him after he snuck out was both terrifying and... strangely domestic. He actually felt himself smile at the idea of Kayla berating and lecturing him for sneaking out and not coming back until the late hours of the night.
But that didn't happen. Instead, when Spider walked into the marui he'd been calling home for a little while now, Kayla was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed. To ignore his conflicted emotions, he took the time to fish out his rations when his stomach rumbled in protest. He takes a deep breath as he switches his breathing mask out for the cannula nose tubes that are always stashed inside the exo-pack for emergencies, slowly breathing back out and in through his nose once he feels the familiar tickling feeling of oxygen run through his nostrils. 
He eats his dinner in silence, looking around the marui to find that Kayla's failed project of a "bookshelf" is still lying there, looking pathetic. His chewing slowed as he remembered how embarrassed and frustrated she looked when she wasn't able to make this pod feel "homey." He had been confused by her attempt to make this place feel more comfortable and home-like, and now, after everything Kiri told him, Spider wondered if Kayla was trying to do all this for him? For his sake?
It was suddenly hard to swallow his food and Spider relinquished the idea of eating, setting his rations aside and brushing his hands together. Something settles in his mind, determined and unrelenting. He forced himself not to overthink as he marched over to the sad excuse for a plank of wood and lifted it up, inspecting it. No, he wasn't known for putting together furniture that didn't come with instructions, but he wasn't thinking about it anyway. He was pretty sure the shelf was a lost cause and he could show Kayla how to properly decorate a Na'vi home tomorrow. But for now, he fetched his knife and began to carve out a small shape into the wood.
He had been crouched over his small project when Kayla had finally returned home, exhausted and after nearly spending all night worrying herself sick over the kid she placed in her care. She stopped in the entryway, however, when she recognized the small human painted in blue stripes, casually working on something in his hands whilst he rested on the heels of his feet, as if he had never left. Spider looked up at her entrance, and when Kayla peered down, she noticed his knife in one hand and a small, rounded bead in the other.
Sighing in relief, she stepped forward and knelt beside the teen, reaching out to gently hold the back of his head but stopped once she reminded herself not to do so. She pulled her hand back and Spider watched her carefully, trying not to appear cautious or worse, appear as though he wanted Kayla to reach out and comfort him.
"Spider..." She eyes him down with a careful inspection until she's satisfied that he's not physically hurt, "Are you okay?"
He nodded because he wasn't sure if he'd be able to lie properly if he spoke up.
Kayla relents after that, leaning back and breathing out another sigh. He goes back to work on his bead once he realizes she won't be asking any further questions. She watched him work instead, now curious once he successfully finished the bead and was now moving on to adding it to a familiar piece he kept on his loincloth.
"Is that your songcord?" She asked.
Spider nodded again, "Yeah."
"It's beautiful. What's the significance behind the new one?" She indicated to the new bead.
Spider paused, trying to figure out how to answer without actually giving it away. He briefly found himself glancing back over at the bookshelf he left in the corner of the room, the one Kayla had tried to make with her bare hands, the one she was trying to use to make Spider feel more at home, the one that now had a chuck missing because Spider wanted to commemorate it onto his songcord. Finally, he answered what he knew would be vague, but it was still the truth, 
He bowed his head in shame, following up with a soft mutter under his voice, "I'm sorry."
With his songcord forgotten, she somehow knew he was talking about the events that transpired today and she immediately reassured him, "You have nothing to be sorry for, Spider."
"Yes, I do. I was such a jerk. Like you said-- you're only trying to help me. But I keep getting you in trouble with Jake--"
"Nope," she immediately shut that thought process down, anger blooming inside her, but not because of the teenager in front of her. She made sure her reassurance was heard loud and clear, firm and confident, "You're not. What Jake and I have going on has absolutely nothing to do with you, kid."
He carefully peered up at her, "... Family differences?"
She snorts dryly, "That's putting it lightly."
"Still. It's a little annoying that you won't accept an apology from me. You're a bit too understanding."
Kayla smirked, "Tough."
"I'm almost convinced I could get away with murder in front of you."
"I mean-- If it's necessary..." he's startled into laughing and Kayla smiles at the sight. She finally gains the courage to reach over and pat his knee, "I'm only human. To be human is to be flawed."
His laughter dies down, but the humor remains. He flashes a fox-like grin, his voice teasing, "Sucks for you humans, doesn't it?"
Kayla laughed through her nose as she feigned a stern, motherlike voice, "Okay, smartass, go to your room."
"This is my room!"
Kayla wasn't sure if Neytiri had been told that Spider saved Quaritch, but just in case, Kayla made sure that Spider was nowhere near the Na'vi woman and none the wiser so he could enjoy a good fishing lesson with the Sully kids and Tsireya.
Well, the Sully kids minus Lo'ak. Jake decided it would be a good idea for his son to join the adults in this discussion, much to Kayla's distaste. She wasn't sure if Jake was just being petty and rubbing it in her face, or if he genuinely believed that Lo'ak was grown up now and needed to be a part of this instead of being outside and hanging around other Na'vi his age. 
Nevertheless, as Kayla stands near Lo'ak in their family marui, Neytiri tries discussing what measures they'll need to take to send Spider home and Jake silently listens. Kayla made the smart choice to keep Spider away from the kelku today as Neytiri was nearly ready to go out on a tirade... hence why Kayla stood close to the door. Neytiri wanted to scream and curse when she initially discovered who was responsible for Quaritch's life, and then she proceeded to ramble about sending Spider back to the Forest, whether to leave him with the Omatikaya or have the Sky People deal with him.  Whichever option they choose, Neytiri follows up with the comment that Spider couldn't stay here anyway because he will run out of much-needed resources soon.
While Kayla knows that Neytiri is just trying to get rid of him, the Na'vi woman makes an excellent point. Spider needs human food, medicine, and of course other supplies such as spare masks, none of which are provided here and are limited to what she had stashed away in her own marui.
"What if they capture Spider again?" Jake tried to reason with his wife, though it wasn't for the same reason as Kayla, which angered his sister, "Now that he's been to this village, he'll know where to lead the Sky People for the next assault because they're not going to stop just because we took out the Recoms."
Kayla snarled, her arms tightening around her chest as she glared at Jake, "Spider didn't give away the Omatikaya and he's not going to give away the Metkayina."
"Of course, he would!" Neytiri hissed back, pointing an accusatory finger at Kayla before Jake could retaliate, "He's the reason my son was--"
"No, Mom. It was me," all eyes turned to Lo'ak and the poor boy looked as though he was holding back tears. His voice shook as he forced himself to continue, "I convinced Neteyam to stay and help me save Spider. If... If Neteyam didn't come with me, it would've been me instead. I had the gun. It should've been me."
Kayla carefully turned back to catch Jake and Neytiri's reaction, and she was not disappointed. Both of Lo'ak's parents appeared horrified, staring down at their son as if he said the most horrific thing imaginable. 
Lo'ak lowered his gaze, not wanting to read into what their expressions meant, whether his parents were horrified that he got his brother killed or if they were horrified that he would blame himself and wish the roles were reversed. Either way, he couldn't stand being in that room for a second longer, sheepishly tilting his head toward the exit as he peered up at Kayla, "Auntie... can I talk with you outside for a minute?"
She nods and doesn't spare a second glance at Jake and Neytiri as she follows her nephew out of the marui. She thought they were just going to step right outside the home, but didn't question it when Lo'ak decided to lead her further away.
Once they were walking along the beach, Kayla decided to be the first to address why he brought her here, "What's up, kiddo?"
"I... wanted to thank you for what you said to my dad yesterday. You stood up for me."
Kayla stopped in her tracks, dread prickling down her body, "You heard that?"
Lo'ak weakly chuckles, "You weren't exactly quiet. I didn't mean to snoop, I swear."
She paused to think about this before realization hit her, remembering how Spider stormed out the second she returned from her argument with Jake, "Was Spider listening, too?"
The Na'vi teen's ears lowered as shame crossed his features, nodding with hesitancy, "Spider... he was pissed at me."
"Because I wasn't angry at him."
Even that statement shocked her, tilting her head down to him, "You're not?"
"No, I..." Lo'ak exhaled slowly, guilt wracking through his mind while forcing himself to speak, "I want to hate him... I want to be angry at him for letting that monster live."
"But you're not."
"No. I'm not."
"I don't know," when she appeared unimpressed by that answer, he simply shook his head, "I'm serious. I don't."
She watches her nephew for a moment, his mannerisms as he looks down at his feet to hide away from the world. Slowly, she opened her mouth, "I might know. Because you already lost one brother and you can't afford to lose another."
Lo'ak's head shoots up in her direction, yellow eyes wide with eyebrows scrunching together. Kayla watched as his face began to crumble and shatter before she took a step forward and gathered the boy in her arms, shushing him softly as Lo'ak's body was wracked with soft, silent sobs.
He held on tightly to her, his voice so quiet and small, "I want to wake up, Auntie. This all feels like a bad dream; something I can't wake from. It hurts all the time and it won't stop. It should've been me... I wanted it to be me..."
"Lo'ak-- hey... hey. No," she softly comforts, her heart breaking at the state of her nephew, scared of what he was saying about himself but trying to be supportive, "Don't say that. You don't mean it."
"But I do! I convinced him to come with me to save Spider! He would still be here if it weren't for me!"
"Do you regret it?"
His cries stutter for a moment, shocked by the question as he tilts his head up, "What?"
"Do you regret saving Spider?"
She pushes back the stray braids he kept on one side of his head, "Even though he saved the man who was behind your brother's death?"
"I don't get it. Why are you trying to make me angry?"
"I'm not, I swear," she shook her head as her eyes started to warm and blur, the sight of her nephew so broken and grieving was a harsh reminder of the other nephew she lost, "I'm just saying... if you don't regret it, then I'd say it was worth it, and I'm sure Neteyam would, too. The fact that you would rather trade places with Neteyam than regret saving Spider tells me you don't blame Spider for what happened."
Her words both shattered and mended his heart, his cries slowing down with silent tears still running down his face. He squeezed her waist before letting go, stepping back to wipe his eyes, his breathing still shaking as he nodded, "Spider's my brother, too."
Kayla smiled gently even as her own tears slipped down her cheeks undetected, "Do you think Neteyam felt the same?"
"I think so. I just... wish nothing happened the way it did. One of the last things I said to 'Teyam before everything went to shit was how determined I was to save Payakan because he's my brother. Neteyam probably hated me for that..."
"He didn't. I'm sure of it."
Lo'ak huffed quietly, taking one hand and clasping it over his opposite elbow, "You don't understand..."
"How come?"
"Because you've never lost a brother."
Kayla's eyes widen, feeling as though she had just been slapped in the face, "Lo'ak... has your father never told you anything about your Uncle Tom?"
"N... No?"
She had never, not once, ever felt the kind of rage that just rolled in her gut, rumbling like a cornered animal. Kayla would later pat herself on the back for how quickly she had managed to shift her face into a clean slate before Lo'ak even noticed the shift in her eyes. Instead, she keeps her voice leveled, "You should ask him. Because I can tell you right now... he and I know exactly how you feel."
Either Lo'ak didn't catch onto what she was saying, or he was wise not to venture further into that viper nest. While his sobs had vanished, one stray tear still managed to slip past his detection, "Brothers forever. We should have been brothers forever..."
"Lo'ak, look at me," he does so, barely blinking when she reaches down to wipe away the tear. She managed a smile, one that showed her age as she expressed what she's known for a very long time, "The word 'forever' is not meant for people. People can't live forever. 'You know what does live forever? Memories. Stories. Songs. Those last forever, just as long as there's someone who will remember them. You and Neteyam will always be brothers, forever, even when you're no longer around, as long as there are still people here who remember you. Okay?"
The communal meal that night was lively and honestly, it was something the Sullys needed. For the time being, they kept the newest sign of danger to themselves and Kayla hoped that it wouldn't eventually bite them in the back. She knew eventually she and Jake would have to tell Ronal and Tonowari about Quartich-- then again, she could just have Jake do it. She technically didn't need to get herself involved as her brother could speak for all of them, but somehow, she had become the spokesperson between her brother's family and the clan leaders of the Metkayina. Kayla didn't volunteer or even detested it, but one day it just happened and she's been playing along ever since. So now that the responsibility fell onto her, she had been thinking of when would be a good time to speak to Ronal and Tonowari. 
Now would definitely not suffice as Kayla spots the clan leaders across the way, toward the head of the line of Na'vi eating amongst each other. Ronal and Tonowari were speaking to an elder, all serious and respectful, until Tsireya and Ao'nung joined them. Both leaders spot their children at the same time before gently dismissing the elder and moving to converse with their son and daughter, likely to hear about how their day went. Kayla watched openly, knowing that neither of the clan leaders could see her from her spot. It was a bit cowardly to watch them when she knew she wouldn't be caught, but she allowed herself to be selfish in this moment.
That is, until Jake interrupted her. He hadn't noticed what his sister was distracted by as he moved to sit beside her with his plate of food in hand. Once he's crouched next to her, the spell is broken and Kayla is suddenly aware of his presence and pointedly only staring down at her meal laid out in front of her. 
Jake takes a moment to settle in before speaking at a low level, "Whatever you said to Lo'ak... thank you. He looked more lively than before."
She hummed, unimpressed, "Believe me, he would've looked better if it was you."
"Yeah, well... according to you, I don't say the right things."
"As a brother, sure," she shrugged, uncaring and a bit too brutal with her words. She didn't have the energy to put a filter on it, "But you can't afford to be like that when you're a father. Unless you're trying to be like our old man."
"... That was low."
Her ears pinned back against her skull, pausing the small wooden cup of water she held to her lips before taking a sip and lowering it back down, "Yeah, I guess it was. You... never told your kids about Tommy."
Jake winced, and suddenly he was aware of the storm beginning to brew as if electricity was radiating off his sister's skin. He could feel the charge and resisted the urge to move away, "... No, I haven't."
"Are you going to now?" Her question wasn't curious or sarcastic. It was surprisingly calm, but perhaps that's what made it all the more terrifying, "They might open up to you if they knew you lost a brother once, too."
Jake found himself opening his mouth despite knowing it was a bad idea. Grace always did call him a jarhead for this, among other things, "I thought you'd be angry that I never talk about him."
"Oh, believe me, I'm furious," she eyed him up with malice in her eyes, a fire that couldn't be doused by any ocean as her own voice dropped low into something quiet yet venomous, "No one gets to defile my big brother's memory like that. No one. How would you feel if Lo'ak decided to never mention Neteyam again? How do you think his sisters would feel?"
Jake watched her face with what could be described as guilt, "You're right..."
And there they were again. At a stalemate. For a moment, things looked as though everything would get better between siblings. Now, it was back to square one. Kayla thought she could move on from what she felt regarding her brother, but when she's always so close to forgiving him, something always reels her back. Kayla was sure he was tired of this as much as she was, but neither one has been able to find equal footing, no matter how hard they tried to mend what's been broken.
Instead of trying to mend it even further, Kayla spoke as if she was resigned to it, "I'm sorry it's come to this."
He didn't need to ask. He knew what she meant, and he nodded in agreement, "Me, too. I was out of line the other day."
"You were scared. It's hard to blame you..." She shrugged, "Quaritch is still out there. He's your demon as much as Ardmore is mine."
Jake processed that for a moment, staring off into space before letting out a long sigh through his nose, "Well, the good news is we have the element of surprise. Quaritch doesn't know about you."
He didn't miss the way her tail rose to alertness or the way her ears suddenly moved to attention. She even looked guilty, eyebrows scrunched together as she cringed, trying to hide her face behind her drink as she spoke,
"Jake... Quaritch knew who I was."
He was just as alert now, "What?"
"On the ship, when we were fighting, he found out who I was."
She reached for her collar, gently grasping the chain around her neck before lifting it up into the air, letting her dog tags slip out from underneath her crop top. They glimmer faintly in the firelight as Jake reads her name from the tags loud and clear in his head. 
"You were wearing them?"
"Old habits die hard."
Jake couldn't argue with that. He knows he was just as guilty about old habits. His hand rose to rub his eyes when he felt the muscles in his brows twitch from stress, "... I guess we're all going to have to be careful then."
"That's an understatement."
Another nightmare. Another night of trying to convince himself he was safe. Spider doesn't like the fact that Kayla is always so willing to talk to him about it, even though he knows that she's just doing her best. He knows he'll eventually have to talk about it, but for now, he'll continue to wake from his nightmares and refuse to talk about them when Kayla asks about them at the moment. 
This particular night was bad, worse than the rest, and by morning, Spider was definitely short with his tone and his patience. He kept to himself, not willing to talk or indulge anyone by proxy. Kayla decided that further irritating him wouldn't be a good solution, so she offered to leave while he stayed in the marui, stewing with his ill temper.
Kiri must have tried to draw him out because a short while after trying to talk to Spider, she found her aunt in the shallow water of the reef and helped her with the net she was throwing out while she shared her concern, 
"He was tortured... wasn't he?"
Kayla glanced at Kiri out of the corner of her eye, wishing she could lie to her. The only reason she didn't was because Kiri already looked confident that she knew the answer. As young as she was, she had already been through so much-- she wasn't naive about the world, which hurt to admit.
Kayla returned to her task, taking a deep breath, "Yes, I'm pretty sure he was. But he hasn't said anything to me."
"Not to mention what my mom did to him..."
It honestly shocked Kayla that it took this long to have this conversation with Kiri. She had secretly dreaded this moment that would eventually have to happen with her niece, knowing that it would be hard to comfort her while also trying to explain her mother's actions as neutral as possible, despite her own opinion, "That woman who held a knife to Spider's throat... that wasn't your mother, sweetheart."
"You haven't spoken to her very much." Kiri simply states.
Kayla's lips drew a thin line, "No."
Not only that, but Kayla had been actively avoiding Neytiri, only tolerating the other woman's presence if she knew Spider would be forced into the same vicinity as her. Kayla knew it wasn't entirely Neytiri's fault and it wasn't fair to blame all of Spider's trauma on her, but it was easier.
Kiri accepted her aunt's short reply before quietly admitting out loud, "I was scared."
"Of your mom?"
"Yes, but mostly for Spider. For years, I tried to convince myself that my mom loved Spider in her own way, and I tried to convince Spider, too. But then she held a knife--" She winced, lightly hitting the palm of her hand against her forehead, "I feel so stupid--"
"You're not stupid, Kiri," Kayla quickly reached out to take her niece's hand, drawing it away from her face, "You're an optimist. That doesn't make you stupid. Listen. Your parents love you. They'll do anything for you."
"Yeah," the thought of all those dead bodies, the fire, the explosions, the sinking of the ship, and of course, the fear in Spider's eyes, "That's what scares me."
"It is a scary thought... but I understand how they feel. I mean-- I know I'd do anything for you kids now, as cheesy as it sounds."
"It's not cheesy," Kiri faintly smiles, "You're family, Auntie. We know you only want what's best for us."
"Yeah?" She huffs in amusement, "Someone should tell your father that."
"Would... Would you have done the same thing? If you were in my mother's place?"
Kayla peered up at the sky, a little thrown off by the question but wasn't at all surprised that Kiri was curious. She had never thought about it before if she was in her brother's position. If she was in Neytiri's position.
"I'm not sure I can imagine being in your mom's place, sweetheart. I can't imagine what it's like to lose a son. It's possible Neytiri wasn't entirely aware of her actions. Or she was. Who knows? I just know one thing. If it were me, Spider would've never been in harm's way to begin with, I promise you that."
Kiri tilts her head up and watches the sky with her aunt, not entirely at peace, but content, "I think I can live with that answer."
Another nightmare and Spider couldn't take it anymore. He needed to tell someone something, and if it wasn't about what he endured within Bridgehead, then it could at least be something useful. After all, while the Recoms were learning how to be a Na'vi from him, Spider had been learning a thing or two from the Sky People as well.
He searched and found Jake and Kayla on top of the large mangrove trees, attending to their ikran, not wanting their banshees to feel neglected and unloved while they lived their new lives on the water. Everyone with eyes can see that the older Sully siblings are at odd ends with each other, but that's nothing new to Spider and the family. It wasn't any different from when Kayla first arrived on Pandora, so... even though it wasn't anything new, it was a little concerning that she and Jake were still at odds with one another. Although, maybe they were trying to get past it as they tasked themselves with the ikran.
Kayla smiled to herself while running a single hand down Thena's snout before she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Looking up, her alertness melts into an open-minded smile once she realizes who it is, "Hey, Spider."
Jake looks up at Spider's name and nods in a short greeting before the boy steps closer, hesitant, "I... have to tell you guys something. I know why the Sky People are back. I know why they're here and I know what they're after."
Despite their disagreements, Jake and Kayla are still very much the first generation of Sullys on Pandora as they both turn to look at each other at the same time, then proceed to do the same as they look back at Spider.
"We already know they want to take this world as their own," Kayla replied.
Spider simply shook his head, "It's more than that."
Jake's eyebrows furrow, "They're not mining again?"
"No. Worse. They're hunting tulkun with a purpose. Not just to piss off the Na'vi. There's uh... a liquid substance found in the brain matter of tulkun called Amrita. Apparently, it completely stops human aging in its tracks."
"What?" Jake frowned. 
"It's worth millions of dollars. They told me that Amrita is what's paying for RDA's whole operation on Pandora. The military, the city, the labor force..."
Jake stares off at the distance, deep in thought with a grim expression on his face. Kayla doesn't appear phased by the news, unsurprised by the Sky People's motives. When Jake turns to her, she voices her resigned thoughts, "I told you. Earth was dying by the time I left. Things must have gotten even worse since then if they were getting this desperate."
Jake watches her carefully before nodding in agreement, "The olo'eyktan and the tsahik should know about this."
"I'll talk to them," Kayla volunteers before Jake could even move. She pulls away from her ikran and moves to the human boy, an arm out to guide him forward, "Spider."
The teen followed her lead without question, and Jake couldn't avoid the wary, cautious glances both his sister and the boy managed to glance back at him before they went back to the direction of the village. He's left alone to his thoughts and his attention-seeking ikran.
When they reach the chief's marui, Kayla insists on speaking her piece first, telling both Ronal and Tonowari about who Quaritch is and why he is dangerous being left alive, then she lets Spider talk as he explains why the Sky People were after the tulkun. Both clan leaders listen to both of them intently, and when Spider mentioned witnessing the death of a familiar tulkun and her calf, Ronal's hand instinctively rests on her pregnant belly, horror slowly dawning on her face.
"My Spirit Sister and her baby were murdered... for this?"
Spider's eyes widen, unaware that the tulkun he witnessed being butchered was actually the tsahik's Spirit Sister. Guilt rattles in his chest at the thought of Ronal's distress, unaware of Tonowari's large hand gently encompassing his small shoulder until the olo'eyktan spoke,
"You have done well to bring this to our attention, boy," Tonowari spoke gently, waiting until Spider peered up at him before he gracefully nodded once down at him, "Irayo."
Spider nodded back, unable to think of anything else to say other than an apology when he saw how broken the once stern tsahik looked, "I'm sorry I couldn't do more."
He says this while looking up at Ronal, whose ears pin back as she tries to contain her composure. She almost couldn't stand the pitied look the tawtute boy graced her and she had to look away. With whatever Ronal didn't say, Kayla made up for by placing her hand on Spider's other shoulder, opposite of Tonowari's,
"You did what you could, Spider," she gently consoled.
"She is right," Tonowari adds, much to Spider's surprise and Kayla's gratification, "You would have endangered yourself if you had tried putting a stop to the murder of Ro'a. You are small and have no weapons."
Spider didn't take the chief's observation of his size to heart, still caught up on the name Tonowari called the murdered tulkun. Spider didn't know her name, and somehow that made him feel worse. 
Kayla saw the look on his face and thought he was hung up on the idea of not having any weapons, "Something that I promise we will fix. Soon."
Spider simply nodded, still distracted by the memory Ro'a and her calf while absently muttering, "I miss my bow."
"We'll make a new one," Kayla squeezed his shoulder, "A better one, okay? Why don't you head back home? I'll meet you there."
He looks up at her, then Tonowari, then Ronal. He must have seen something curious as he tilted his head ever so slightly to one side. Spider looked as though he wanted to ask a question, but instead, he just nodded in agreement and moved out of Kayla and Tonowari's space, walking out of the marui while only occasionally looking back over his shoulder.
Kayla watched him leave, a little wary that she was sending him alone through the village until she couldn't see him anymore before turning back to the clan leaders. She doesn't appear phased about the fact that Ronal and Tonowari were already expectedly looking at her as she rolled her lips, 
"The other reef villages should be told the reason behind the tulkun hunting."
Tonowari bows his head once in solidarity, "I will send word."
Kayla nods and makes a step out of the pod, but she froze with one foot still in. Hesitant, she turns back to the pair, not making eye contact as she opens her mouth, "I need to bring Spider home soon. Back to the forest. He's defenseless and he needs supplies in order to survive on the reef... should he be allowed to stay here."
When she hesitantly glanced up through her eyelashes, she was met with an untelling expression on both of their faces. Ronal is the first to answer, taking a deep breath, "... Do you vouch for the boy?"
"I do."
They exchange a look that Kayla is too exhausted to decipher before Tonowari speaks as he turns back in her direction, "He's a good child. Loyal and brave. If he wants to stay here, he will need to learn our ways."
She feels a tightness in her muscles that she didn't know was there begin to deflate and relax, her lungs expanding more than usual. Her faint smile grew more, gratitude evident in her eyes, "Copy that."
Ronal purses her lips to refrain from smiling back, "Let me know when you intend to leave. I will be sure to provide any provisions you need."
"Thank you."
A few days flew by with not much to call home about. There was still a live mine of an aura around Neytiri, so everyone purposely kept Spider away from her. Instead, the Sully children would go to Kayla's marui to visit with him or to take him away for lessons or explorations. Spider was delighted to learn he would be taught more about the Metkayina's way of life after Kayla explained Tonowari and Ronal's acceptance of him. He didn't want to get his hopes up, knowing it sounded too good to be true, but he didn't want to let the clan leaders down, let alone Kayla, so he didn't say anything and eagerly followed Tsireya and the Sully children to any lessons they were just as eager to teach him.
Kayla tried her best not to chaperone these lessons, knowing that being a helicopter... guardian wasn't what Spider needed. So, she'd see him off every day to wherever his friends had planned for him and leave them to it, at least comforted by the fact that the Sully children wouldn't let anything happen to Spider, and Tsireya and the other reef children were starting to feel the same way.
That afternoon, she found herself running her thumb over her songcord, sitting down to finally come up with the lyrics to tell her life story. She struggled and didn't get very far by the time Tuk pranced up to her kelku.
"Hey, Auntie? Max is on the radio. He's asking for you."
Kayla smiles and gets up, placing a hand on her youngest niece's head, "Thank you, sweetness. Is your dad around?"
"He's out fishing with mom and the olo'eyktan."
"Alright. The other kids are just down the beach. Go on ahead and I'll see you later."
Tuk runs off excitedly while Kayla makes for the Sully marui. She finds herself alone when she gets there and she crouches down in front of the long-distance radio, pressing it to her lips, "This is Desert Fox, you have the green light."
"Hey, Kayla, it's Max."
"Hey, Max. Everything alright?"
"Everything's fine except for, uh... except for one thing. You haven't broken your link in a while and your body's vitals are... well, I don't feel comfortable with how low they are.  You need to come back, and I don't mean just breaking the link and waking up. I need you to bring the avatar back so I can get a proper assessment of both bodies."
She taps her finger against the talking piece as she chooses her words before responding, "Did Norm put you up to this? Normally, he's the one to call."
"Right now, Norm is... pissed off, to say the least. He figured I would have a more level head when talking to you."
"I understand," she sighs heavily, a headache already forming at the idea of having to face Norm's wrath, "I need to bring Spider back anyway. Tell Norm we'll be there tomorrow at about 1600."
"Copy that. Over and out."
When Tuk had mentioned Max's call to her father, Jake couldn't afford to wait to hear from Kayla about it and went looking for her, concern at the front of his mind. He finds her in her marui and stands in the doorway with hesitance when he notices the bags full of necessities on the floor in front of him. Kayla looked up as she was neatly placing Spider's rations in an easily accessible pouch, to which Jake's ears fell,
"Are you... packing?"
She nods, "Max had called while you were out. He says I've been away too long. I'll take Thena and fly back in the morning."
"Oh... are you sure that's a good idea?"
"I gotta go back. I shouldn't have stayed away from my human form for this long, you know that. I'll take Spider with me." 
When Jake flinches and looks as though he wants to argue she immediately adds, "He needs to recuperate and Norm and the others need to see him. They've been so worried, Jake. You need to share the boy with the people who actually raised him."
"No, it's fine. I understand that part. It's just... with Quaritch out there... and now that he knows who you are... it doesn't feel right. He'll have every reason to take both you and Spider."
"I can take care of Spider and myself. I've handled worse than Quaritch, and he wouldn't harm Spider. I'll bring him back, but for the time being, he needs to go home and I need to stretch my human legs."
"So you will come back?"
There's a hesitance in his voice, a small hopeful tone that makes Kayla look away out of awkwardness, "Jake..."
"Right," he corrects himself with a nod, "Don't talk about it."
"No. Do talk about it. But not to me," she managed a small glare in his direction, "I'll come back and I better hear that you and Lo'ak talked."
"About what exactly?"
"Jesus Christ-- Anything, Jake," she snarls out of frustration, staring up at the ceiling as if begging Eywa to clean her brother's ears, "Everything. And make sure he knows that he's not just a replacement."
His eyebrows furrow as a growing need to defend himself begins to form, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I mean... when exactly did you first start to See Lo'ak? Before or after his brother's death?" Jake's eyes slowly widened as his sister's words bore a hole in his chest. Kayla makes sure her disapproval shows as she continues, "He might not think your parenting is genuine at the moment because you're probably just nurturing Neteyam through him."
"Shit. Okay. I'll talk to him... Are we good?" He motions a finger between the two of them.
"We're getting there," she answered simply, not in the mood to open up another can of worms before she had to leave. She didn't want to say how long it might take for her to finally see eye-to-eye with Jake, but she wanted to. Not enjoying the silence that lingered after her short reply, she took a steady breath in and out of her nose, gaining the courage to look up at him, "Do you... want me to tell everyone about Neteyam?"
His eyes widen a fraction more before he averts his gaze, the broken expression almost unbearable for his sister to see as he stares off at the wall beside him, "If... If you could. I understand if you don't want to."
"It's fine. Leave it to me."
Thena wasn't overjoyed by all the weight she would have to carry over the ocean, and she showed her distaste by gently nibbling Kayla's shin as her rider was strapping the bags of supplies onto her back.
"Ah," Kayla hissed as she moves her leg out of her ikran's reach, batting her softly with the end of her tail, "Frickin' drama queen. You're going home so quit complaining."
The banshee squawked in retaliation, shaking her neck before huffing loudly through her nostrils as Kayla would say-- dramatically. The ikran was resting on the beach of the village with a small crowd of Metkayina standing around to see Kayla and Spider off, their friends and family included. 
Jake was on the other side of Thena, pulling and testing out the saddle, harness, and straps to ensure a safe flight, "Remember to take more frequent stops on the way back. She's not used to carrying so much for such a long distance."
"You got it."
"Still got your compass?"
"Check," she expresses as she indicates to the mentioned object, resting against her leg at the end of her songcord.
"Alright. Fly safe. Have Norm radio us when you get there."
He makes a step toward Kayla, then stops, his hands hesitating at his side before he just decides on firmly nodding. It almost looked as though he was going in to hug her, but decided against it when her shoulders hunched up at the idea. The siblings awkwardly stare at one another before Kayla walks around him and mutters, "See you later."
She moves to join Spider where he stands in the sand, his arms folded in front of him as he cautiously watches the Sully children out of the corner of his eye. Kayla peers over at her nieces and nephew, and can see how downtrodden they look, watching both her and Spider. 
She offers them an encouraging smile before standing before the human teen. Kayla pinches the bottom of Spider's mask where his chin would be, making him look up at her as she gently whispered, "Hey. We'll be coming back sooner than later. I promise it won't be long. So chin up and go tell them that you'll see them soon. You don't have to say goodbye."
Slowly, he nods and walks away, toward Lo'ak, Tuk, and Kiri. Kayla watched as the siblings all surrounded Spider in a warm, tight hug before she heard the sand moving behind her. Turning around, she was met with Ronal and Tonowari approaching her, and she courteously greeted them by pressing her fingers to her forehead and lowering her hand down in their direction.
Tonowari mimics the motion to her as well with his free hand, his other one gripping his tall harpoon. The olo'eyktan kept a straight face, though Kayla was getting better at reading his eyes, those light blue orbs with specks of green. While he appeared to stand tall and proud over his people, his eyes told a different story, at least to Kayla. She could see a small hesitance in his gaze, trying to remain strong as he solemnly addressed her,
"Safe travels, Makayla te Suli tsmuke te Toruk Makto. Your home here will anxiously await your return."
Kayla bows her head respectfully, forcing down any color threatening to spread up her face. Her eyes dart to the woman standing next to him, catching Ronal's green orbs with specks of gold. The tsahik kept her face firm and blank, though her eyes briefly glanced Kayla up and down in a way that sent the avatar woman down a tunnel of yearning. Ronal's gaze alone was almost enough for Kayla to change her mind and decide to stay on the island for another week.
She quickly regained her words when her mind stuttered, her lips feeling dry as she spoke quietly, "Thank you, ma olo'eyktan. Ma tsahik."
It took a lot of willpower not to step back as Ronal boldly stepped into Kayla's space, grasping the avatar woman's hand in both of her larger ones. Kayla retained eye contact with the tsahik, trying not to crumble under the heat radiating off of the other woman's body, or at the very least, try not to visibly show how both of the clan leaders' presence affected her. 
Ronal didn't even blink at this violation of unspoken space between them, lowering her voice for only Kayla to hear, "Eywa ngahu."
Kayla did her best to swallow her nerves and smiled ever so slightly once the words translated into her head. Almost regretfully, she finally steps away from Ronal, gently pulling her hand out of hers and swiftly turning her back to walk toward her ikran. Even as she walked away, Kayla could feel two pairs of eyes on her, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up, but in a more... exciting and promising way. Not like the discomfort she once felt when the clan leaders had first laid eyes on her.
Spider had already finished talking to the Sully children and patiently waited for Kayla beside Thena... but at a safe distance since the ikran was eyeing him a little funny. He wasn't entirely watching Kayla as she approached him, his eyes distractedly flicking between her and the clan leaders watching her depart. He doesn't say a word as Kayla encourages him to climb onto the banshee. He does so, while repeatedly looking back curiously at Ronal and Tonowari. Kayla followed him up onto her ikran's back as she reached her tswin out to form tsaheylu with her loyal steed. Kayla looks around the crowd one last time, from her brother and his family to the clan leaders who had accepted her into their village. She looked away and got comfortable on the saddle, making sure Spider was hanging onto Thena's neck from where he was situated in front of Kayla before ordering in her head for the ikran to take flight.
By the time the island of Awa'atlu disappeared behind them, Kayla and Spider silently prepared for their long journey ahead. They had to find rock cliffs all throughout the flight so that Thena could rest, more times than when Kayla first flew her out over the ocean, but neither avatar nor human complained, taking the breaks to stretch their legs before they would eventually have to hop onto Thena's back once more.
It was getting dark by the time they began to glide over vast trees and floating mountains, but the world of Pandora was just as bright at night as it was during the day, if not more beautiful, so Thena had no problems as she flew up higher into the Hallelujah Mountains, already knowing her way home.
Even though the mountain appeared inconspicuous, Kayla knew they were at the right spot. She heard a horn blow before she even noticed a single Na'vi, but once the horn had sounded, a chorus of yips and cheers gave away the High Camp's position. A cave was spotted along with torches beginning to light up to beckon her in the right direction, so Kayla grasped Spider's shoulder and instructed Thena toward the cave where she had begun to make out shapes of Na'vi waving her in. 
Thena quickly lands the moment the landing zone is cleared, too tired to continue carrying all that weight for a second longer. Spider got off first before Kayla followed suit, breaking the tsaheylu and immediately tending to her ikran, running her hands up and down the beast's neck as thanks while supplying the banshee with plenty of raw meat. The floor of the cave felt cold and familiar beneath Kayla's feet as she looked around at yet another familiar growing crowd as they swarmed around her and Spider. The Omatikaya are all chatting around one another as they stare the two newcomers down, but they appear more relaxed and even happier to see them than ever before.
In the back of the crowd, Kayla caught an accent that wasn't Na'vi, "Look! It's Spider!"
And like dominos, other voices reacted as they drew closer, gently pushing the Na'vi out of the way to get to the human teenager who now perked up at the sound of familiar voices,
"You're okay!"
"Good to see you, kid!"
"We're so glad you're safe!"
The allied humans, scientists, military, and everyone in between, with smiling faces covered in breathing masks, surround Spider to inspect him and hug him. He faintly smiles at all the familiar faces, adults he had known his whole life, greeting him like he was visiting for the holidays, marveling at how much he's changed.
One of the humans broke away from the group when she spotted the familiar avatar woman beside Spider, a young woman with dark, curly hair as she waved up to the avatar in question, "Kayla!"
"Hey, Jocelyn," Kayla's smile widened into a genuine joy to see her friend, "How's everything?"
"Doing well. It's so good to see you!"
"Makayla Sully!"
"Shit," Kayla mutters when she hears that familiar voice behind her, sounding pissed off. She sheepishly spins around and smiles as if she had just been caught stealing from the cookie jar, "Hi, Norm."
"'Hi, Norm.'" The man in question scoffs mockingly in his avatar form. For someone so lanky and overall nice, Norm Spellman can come off as terrifying when he's pissed, yellow eyes narrowing onto Kayla, "'Hi, Norm?' What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Listen, Norm, before you chew me out..." Kayla cuts off the tirade he no doubt had for her, hand out to stop him while looking around, "There's something I need to do first."
Norm nearly opened his mouth to protest, but then he looked down at Spider and noticed a grave expression on the teenager's face. Spider's gaze meets Norm and shakes his head, all the while Kayla continues looking around the crowd until she finally spots who she is looking for.
Amidst the chaos of everyone greeting Kayla and Spider, she hadn't seen Mo'at approaching until now, and whatever expression Kayla had on her face made the older Na'vi woman very cautious upon walking up to Kayla.
"Ma tsahik," Kayla bowed her hand to her respectfully, despite the grave expression on her face. It felt wrong to call her that. It felt like she was disrespecting Ronal somehow by calling Mo'at that, despite everything the Omatikaya woman had done for her.
"What has happened, Makaylasully?" Mo'at doesn't bother greeting, not once she saw something terrible flash in Kayla's eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Mo'at... I wish I wasn't the one to tell you this."
Mo'at's cries of anguish could be heard all throughout camp, shaking the very foundation of their stronghold, and once word spread throughout the clan, more cries rang out, mourning over the loss of who was once their future olo'eyktan, who was still a child, echoing off the cave walls. 
The Omatikaya had all flown off to the Tree of Souls to mourn Neteyam, while Norm and the other humans attended to Spider and Kayla.
Along with the heaviness in her heart, Kayla felt almost ill when she opened her eyes and was met with the soft-glowing ceiling of her link gurney for the first time in-- god, how long did she stay in her avatar form? Weeks? Months? It's all beginning to bleed together for her now. She waited until the gurney's lid hissed and opened before she removed the censor cage keeping her body in place, taking her time sitting up. 
Which she immediately regrets as her arms threaten to give out when they push her torso up into a sitting position, cold and shaking. She wasn't able to restrain the weak groan she let out as her eyes strained and a headache formed right away, her vision dotted and dizzy. When looking down at her feet dangling off the side of the link bay, the woozy feeling in her stomach makes itself known, and suddenly her mouth begins to fill with saliva.
Kayla leans further over the side of the gurney and vomits all over the floor around her, continuously gagging until her stomach contents are emptied. She spits and gasps for air, now suddenly aware that someone is standing beside her, holding her hair out of her face-- when did her hair get so long?
"Dumbass," Norm mutters, now human and now keeping Kayla's hair up as she continues to dry heave. He's still pissed at her, but it's somehow lessened from both the news of Neteyam and the state Kayla was currently in. 
She had to agree with him when she felt her body begin to shake and a thin sheet of cold sweat started to form on her skin. Eventually, she's unable to vomit anything else out and just gasps for air, tears running down her face from how forceful that episode took over her body. 
It takes a few minutes, but once she's calm, Norm helps her stand on her own two feet. He hands her an oversized zip-up hoodie, and when she questionably looks at it, he explains, "You're a mess, Kayla. If you don't want to freak Spider out, you need to wear that."
Once she catches her reflection on a nearby surface, she finally understands why. She's horrified by what she sees.
For one, she wasn't ready to see a human female with pale skin, a pointed nose, and light eyes staring back at her, nor the lighter shade of hair compared to the dark, braided locks she had on her blue-skinned avatar. Her human hair was greasy, knotted, and had grown down her back, unlike the kept hair she used to have cut to her shoulders when she first arrived on Pandora. What was more terrifying with how much weight she had lost. Her pants were loose around her waist and her muscle shirt was now baggy, her arms definitely less toned than she remembered. While she had always been pale, she now looked too pale, almost sickly.
By the time she was able to process her appearance, Norm had cleaned up the mess. When he was done throwing away the soiled rags and washing his hands, Kayla finally snapped out of it and zipped the baggy hoodie up over her form, quickly brushing her hair out with her fingers and pinning it up in a tight ponytail. Once she's straightened herself out and is fine with walking on her weakened legs, Norm gives her a disappointed look but says nothing, leading her out of the lab and down the hallway. He stands off to the side of the small medical room the human rebels made as the doors slide open, letting Kayla in first before himself.
Spider and Max look up from whatever conversation is interrupted by Norm and Kayla's entrance. Spider was sitting up on the slab meant for "patients" while Max was asking him concerned questions, questions that Spider wasn't all too happy talking about and was remaining closed off for the time being. He was thankful he didn't have to wear a breathing mask at least.
"Hey, Max," Kayla croaked before quickly clearing her throat and smiling to mask the hoarse tone in her voice.
"Good to see you, Kayla," Max smiled warmly, though she didn't miss the way his eyes shined with concern behind his glasses. Her vitals must not be the only thing he's worried about now.
Kayla quickly looks away and expertly ignores the tension in the room as she approaches Spider, "Hey. How 'you doing?"
"Alright." He responded robotically, eyes squinting at her human form once more and a little cautious about what he saw. 
She remembers that he always preferred her avatar over her human form and huffs with amusement, shrugging in her baggy hoodie which made her look so small, "Yeah, I know. I look weird."
"You're not the weirdest-looking human I've met."
She snorts, "Charming."
"But you look different from usual," Spider's eyes scanned her face knowingly, "You look sick."
Guilt rumbles in her gut, realizing she couldn't exactly hide anything from Spider, the ever-observant kid. She feigns a smile of reassurance, "I just need a bit of sun. It's exhaustion from being stuck in that can for too long."
Norm scowled as he moved to join the group forming around Spider's spot on the cold slab. He wasn't impressed with Kayla trying to lie to the kid and playing off the fact that she was vomiting all her internal organs out mere moments ago, "That 'can' is the exact reason why you look miserable Kayla. That weeks-long stretch of neuro-link that you just pulled was stupid and unhealthy. You should've come back the second after you guys defeated the Sky People. I should've pulled your plug the second I realized you hadn't come back in weeks. You shouldn't be separate from your body for that long or you'll start to deteriorate in that gurney," he reaches out and shoves his pointer finger into her forehead to make sure she got the picture, "This body needs to eat, drink, and move just as much as your avatar or you'll eventually wither."
"Okay. I'm sorry," she bats his finger out of her face, sighing in defeat, "I promise I won't stay away that long again."
"Yeah, and just to make up for your stupidity, I recommend staying here for three weeks."
"What?" Spider exhales, eyes widening in distraught.
Kayla's eyebrows shoot up, "Three weeks?"
"Until the both of you are properly evaluated, rested, and healthy again, you're not going anywhere," Norm sternly ordered, glaring between the woman and teenager. Kayla seems to understand that this is the consequence of her actions and nods in hesitant agreement, while Spider, on the other hand, appears a little defiant. 
"But... I want to go back." Spider found himself saying, even shocking himself when he did so.
All eyes turn to him and Kayla is the first to open her mouth, eyes shining with sympathy, "Spider--"
"Hold on, you wanna go back to the reef?" Norm speaks up, his grim expression replaced with a surprised reaction as he stares owlishly at the boy, "Why would you? Jake and his family will come back in time, won't they?"
He turns his attention to Kayla, who shrugs, "As far as I know, they plan on staying in Awa'atlu."
"Do you?" He asked.
"But... Spider--" Norm cracks his neck from the number of times he's looked between Kayla and the teen in question, "You'll be the only human."
Kayla frowns at the implication that Spider would be alone, "I'll keep him safe."
"It's not about that, Kayla," Norm shook his head, "I trust you. We all trust you. It's just... the islands are hundreds of miles away and he's human. The seawater is low on the pH scale and can be acidic if a human is exposed for too long. He can get chemical burns."
Doubt clouds her eyes as she stops to think about this, realizing that she has never thought about it before. She cautiously peers over at the other scientist in the room, "... Max, is this true?"
Max was watching the interaction silently up until this point, and while he shared the same concerns as Norm, he was more optimistic in his explanation, "Only if the pH scale is super low and only if Spider doesn't immediately take precautions after getting out of the water. The Metkayina's tsahik likely has something to treat him with. It's also very likely that the kid is immune to most potentially dangerous Pandoran elements after the amount of exposure over the years. He's got tougher skin than even you do. He might be fine."
"He's still not immune to Pandoran air," Norm counteracts while sternly looking between the other two adults in the room, "He needs his oxygen mask on at all times and has to have several spares on hand should something happen, you know that. He can't eat Pandoran food, and he doesn't have a kuru. He's unable to connect to the land, water, and animals unless he's with a Na'vi at all times."
"And he will be," Kayla confidently replies.
"Does he want that?"
Kayla's eyes narrow back at Spellman, "Ask him yourself."
All eyes return to Spider, and while he doesn't like it when people talk about him as if he's not in the room, he hates when all the attention is turned onto him even more. He lowered his eyes to watch his lap as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world, all the while admitting under his breath, "I want to go back. Kiri, Lo'ak, and Tuk need me. And I need them. Kayla wants to go back, too. She wants to stay with her brother's family."
A thought crosses his mind and his lips turn up into a smirk. He raises his head and knowingly grins at the woman in question as he jokes, "It doesn't hurt that the olo'eyktan and the tsahik show an interest in her." 
The room deafens with silence, Kayla's jaw nearly falling to the floor in shock by Spider's boldness. Both Norm and Max glance between the two and each other, interest and surprise forming on both of their faces.
Max voices his interest with a faint, equally teasing smile as he glances over at the only woman in the room, "Oh, really?"
Kayla was trying to figure out when and where Spider made such an assumption, her eyes never leaving his until she realized he did this on purpose to get the attention off of him. Finally finding her words, she screwed up her face and playfully snarled at the teen, "Boy, shut up. That's not true."
"No?" Spider's grin only widens, "So gifting beads and shells for your songcord isn't a form of interest? Or taking you out on a date?"
"It wasn't a date. And I never said Ronal gave me that seashell."
The smugness practically radiated off of Spider as he raised a single, knowing eyebrow, "I never implied Ronal was the one who gave you the seashell."
Realizing she had been caught, she felt heat spreading over her face as she frowned, "Has anyone ever told you you're too smart for your own good?"
Spider laughed as Norm's eyes widened further, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find the right words to describe where his head was at. Instead, he shakes his finger at Kayla before looking back at the teen in front of him, "Okay, we're gonna put a lid on that conversation for just a minute. Spider, you're welcome to choose where you stay, but don't choose on anyone else's behalf but your own."
The amusement falls from Spider's face, looking away to avoid Norm and Max. He was glad he got a choice, but the fact that Norm appeared so hesitant made the teen feel a little angry and betrayed, remembering all the times he didn't have a choice and when he was captured, "Kayla kept looking for me. She actually tried. Where were you?"
Norm's face falls, "We did try, Spider. We really did."
"But we're just a small group of scientists," Max adds, his voice quiet and soothing.
At first, Kayla could tell that Spider didn't look all that convinced, so she came to her friends' aid, "It's true, kiddo. They tried to help me find you. Norm went out searching with me whenever he could after I earned Thena."
Only when he got Kayla's reassurance did Spider relent the anger and betrayal he felt, glancing between the two men he'd known all his life, "Okay, fine. But I know I'll be safe as long as Kayla is there. She's always had my back."
When he spared a glance over in her direction, Kayla looked surprised and touched, a smile threatening to take over her face as her eyes sparkled at him. Spider looked away, but internally he felt himself smile as well. 
A couple of days go by and Max and Jocelyn are tag-teaming to run as many tests as humanly possible to make sure Kayla, her avatar, and Spider are healthy and able to make the long journey back out over the ocean. 
Kayla got the diagnosis that she expected. Her human form was weak from the little use of movement, eating, and drinking. Norm was never going to let her live this down as he continued to berate her throughout the duration of her stay. She was given strict instructions to follow a proper diet and exercise, practically forbidden near a link bay until she regained a healthy weight. 
Spider, all things considered, is a picture of health. That is... until he mentioned the vivid nightmares he had been having during one of Max's assessments of him. When asked if he wanted Kayla in on this conversation, the teenager caved and accepted, realizing he would rather tell the woman who had his back than the scientists surrounding him. Kayla was summoned and Spider finally talked about the torture he went through at Bridgehead, mentioning the machine they forced him into called a NeuroSect scanner. He described what the scanner did to him, how it spun quickly around his head with blinding lights, making him dizzy and scared. It felt as though it was probing his mind, collecting brain data while Ardmore questioned him about Jake's location. He described how his head throbbed to the point his nose began to bleed, then Quaritch turned the machine off and Spider blacked out for a split second, his eyes having rolled to the back of his head.
Kayla kept her expression neutral, but on the inside, she felt as though she could scream at the top of her lungs, wanting nothing more than to stomp back into Bridgehead and throttle Ardmore until the bitch's own eyes rolled back and her nose bled. See how she liked it.  
But instead of giving in to her anger, Kayla gently thanked Spider for trusting her to know this, and he smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes as he sheepishly asked, "Just... don't ever tell Kiri, okay?"
After the vivid description of Spider's torture, Max confirmed that the nightmares were probably a lasting symptom of what his brain went through. Once Max had Spider confirm that he wasn't suffering from any more nosebleeds or migraines, Max was relieved as he stated that he should be fine. When Spider asked about the nightmares, Max assured him that with time, they'd go away, and that visibly got Spider to relax.
The conversation that Kayla was dreading had finally come up one night when Norm had her accompany him over to the edge of High Camp, overlooking the vast drop below them, accentuated by large waterfalls. With both of them wearing breathing masks and carrying lab equipment, Norm instructed her on how to take a sample off of a plant near the edge of the cliff, watching proudly as Kayla didn't even bat an eye as she crouched over the cliff, hovering over the plant in question. He remembered her first day at High Camp and how she was nervous to even be near the edge, knowing there was nothing below to catch her. 
As they worked, Norm nonchalantly asked, "So. Tonowari and Ronal have been giving you gifts, huh?"
Kayla groaned, lowering and shaking her head in defiance, "Spider is exaggerating. They brought me to the Spirit Tree so I could visit Neteyam and gave me a shell to add to my songcord."
"Kayla. That's no ordinary gift," Norm scoffed, amused at how naive she sounded, "Na'vi are gifted songcord beads or items when they succeed their Iknimaya or if another Na'vi was trying to court them, otherwise, they collect those items themselves or their parents do before they're old enough."
She stayed silent for a moment, continuing with her task of taking samples of the alien plant. She didn't dare look up to meet her friend's gaze as she finally spoke, "I'm trying not to think about it."
"Why? 'Cause it's too good to be true?"
"No, because I'm not-- I... I'm not..."
"If you're about to say 'not worthy', I'm going to dropkick you off this cliff." Norm threatened with a frown, arms crossed in front of him as he faintly glared down at her.
Kayla finally looked up then, a small smile visible on her lips as she tried not to laugh, "Threatening people is my love language, stay off my territory," she offhandedly commented before she looked out over the vast view of the forest below the floating mountains, her mind as far away as the ocean she couldn't even see but knows it's there, waiting for her, "Even if Ronal and Tonowari were interested, it's a bad idea. What would their people think of their leaders if they shacked up to someone like me? And it's not just their people. What about their kids? Ao'nung and Tsireya are around the same age as Kiri and Lo'ak, not to mention they have a baby sibling on the way. Norm, look at me, do I look like I know anything about children?"
He squints at her as if she grew a second head, "Is that a trick question?"
"Infants," she further reiterates, standing up to semi-meet his height, "Do I look like I know anything about infants? I was the baby of my own family. Even after my parents died, Tommy and Jake raised me. I have never learned how to be a caregiver."
"That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard."
She scoffed at how quick he was to reply, rolling her eyes, "Oh, and you hear a lot of dumb stuff in your profession?"
"Kayla, I was working alongside your brother years before you ever showed up. Your brother was the dumbest thing in the world next to the large group of scientists he surrounded himself with. Up until now, I thought he was gonna die still claiming that title."
She deadpanned at his teasing expression, "You really know how to make a girl feel special, don't you?"
"At least Jake wasn't afraid of getting with a Na'vi. What's stopping you from one-upping him and getting with two?" She snorts at the joke, looking away again as he continues, "And so what if they have kids? You're clearly great with children-- don't deny it," she clamps her mouth shut nearly a second after she opens it. 
Norm carried on, "It's not like every first-time parent goes in knowing exactly what they're doing. Who knows. You might have your own kid at this rate."
She squinted her eyes with suspicion as she slowly turned her head back in his direction, "If you're talking about Spider--"
"I'm not this time. I mean, obviously, Spider looks up to you as his guardian, but I was talking about you having your own rugrat with Tonowari and Ronal if you so wish."
Kayla's eyes briefly widen behind the glass of her mask before the shock quickly disappears. Norm felt his whole body grow cold when his friend reacted negatively to the statement, her eyes hardening to something grim and impassive as she crossed her arms and looked back out over the wide open sky,
"It's not possible."
Norm's concern was heard in his voice when she didn't look back at him, "Why not?"
"Because Ardmore made sure that was never a problem," Kayla robotically answered, having memorized what she had been told back at Bridgehead until it was engraved into her mind, "My avatar form was sterilized when they created her in a lab. Ardmore had always been thorough and checked off everything on her potential threat list and she made sure that this was one less thing to worry about."
She didn't see the way Norm's face dropped, eyes widening in horror as the news sunk in. He looked as though he had just been punched in the gut, watching Kayla as she already looked so... defeated, as she had already taken the time to accept this fact about herself. Norm was starting to wonder if she was ever going to tell anyone about this or if she was going to take it to her grave. Either way, he didn't want to squander the trust she had in him if he was truly the first one to know about her secret. He wanted to feel honored that she told him at all, but it didn't exactly feel like a secret worth being proud of.
"Oh. Oh, Kayla--"
"Don't," she sternly replied as she turned back to him with fire in her eyes, "Don't you dare pity me. I knew about it this whole time and I didn't care, so don't pity me when this was a choice that I made."
"Did you though? Did you make that choice or did Ardmore make it for you?" He was almost afraid to ask, but he had to know. 
"... At the time I didn't care. Kids weren't a priority for me. I came to Pandora to help Ardmore with her little experiment and in return, I could find Jake's remains to bring them back to Earth. That was it. I didn't want kids."
He caught onto her words and stated bluntly, "You keep using the past tense."
Kayla's eyes lower beneath her mask, "... I don't need a child."
"But you want one?"
"I already have one," she finally declares, now a small smile on her face when she comes to terms with it herself, "I have Spider. I have Lo'ak and the girls."
"... You can have Ao'nung and Tsireya, too. And someday, maybe even Ronal's baby."
She appeared to ponder this for a moment before sighing, "Nevertheless... I have more than enough. I have more family now than I thought I'd ever have back on Earth."
Three weeks went by a lot faster than both Kayla and Spider could anticipate, and once Max gave Kayla the all-clear to link back to her avatar, both she and the teen she was in charge of were starting to get excited to return to Awa'atlu. 
While she had been spending so much time on being healthy and gaining weight, Kayla felt as though she completely neglected some people around High Camp. Apart from Jocelyn, Kayla never got to catch up with Txe'la and Meui and how the three of them have been. Once back in her avatar, she didn't want to miss any more chances and took the two Na'vi men back out hunting like the good old days, and even managed to convince Tarsem to go with them when he was free from olo'eyktan duties. 
While hunting, the Omatikaya men were catching Kayla up to speed on recent events. Apparently, there's a resistance camp full of humans who had come to Pandora in the second wave of the Sky People invasion. There was an avatar and even Na'vi living among them, one of whom came to visit the Omatikaya. Tarsem spoke of a Na'vi who was originally born from the Sarentu clan, a clan known for their stories and democracy but had since been wiped out by the Sky People. However, a small handful of Sarentu survived and grew up, now fighting to protect Pandora from the same people who murdered their families. 
The Sarentu Tarsem spoke of sounded brave and determined to protect their home, jumping from clan to clan to ensure their alliance. The Sarentu's words moved Tarsem when he spoke to them, explaining to Kayla the importance of seeing a clan believed to be extinct suddenly return to bring the clans together. Kayla was amazed by the story, faintly thinking in the back of her mind how she would have to tell Jake about this.
Another individual Kayla felt as though she was neglecting was Mo'at. After everything the Omatikaya tsahik has done for her, Kayla wished she could somehow return the favor. She had started by mourning Neteyam with the older woman, knowing that the grief was fresh in Mo'at's mind and she shouldn't be left alone with it. Kayla did her best to tell Mo'at how everyone was back across the ocean and how they were thriving among the Metkayina. Once Mo'at was told how Neytiri was struggling, she stomped down her grief and got to work, half listening to Kayla's stories as she worked on her project.
Spider was waiting outside the lab for Kayla when she returned from visiting with the tsahik, the teen casually lying across one of its support beams as she approached, swinging one leg off the edge of it. He kept his face blank while staring down at the avatar form he was far more familiar with than the human one, 
"How's Mo'at?"
"A little better," Kayla sighed heavily, "Though she's been working tirelessly on a shawl for Neytiri so that I could bring it back to the island with me." 
"A mourning shawl?"
"Not exactly. She knows Neytiri already has one but she wanted something specifically for her daughter... a gift from one grieving mother to another." Kayla didn't miss the way Spider ducked his head at her words, avoiding eye contact, "What's wrong?"
Spider slowly sat up, watching his legs swing down over the side of the support beam as he hesitantly muttered, "I... I know I shouldn't... but I miss Neteyam."
Her heart squeezed painfully at those words, sad to see this child so conflicted over the loss of someone so young, "Why shouldn't you miss him?"
"Because I don't deserve it, especially after I let the one responsible for his death get away."
"Spider, we've been over this--"
"I know. But-- still."
She sighed, looking around before deciding to pull herself up onto the beam and sitting down beside the teen, looking up at the cave's ceiling, "You know... for at least the first week without 'Teyam... I felt the same way."
Spider turned his head to look up at her, "Really? Why?"
"Because I wasn't his parent... or his sibling... I was the estranged aunt who only entered his life a year prior. I wasn't extremely close to him as maybe you and Lo'ak were... so I felt as though I didn't have the right to miss him."
Pain passes through Spider's face as he lowers his head again, "... Neteyam and I weren't close."
"I mean... when we were younger, sure, but we haven't been for a while. That's why I didn't feel as though I had the right to mourn him."
"Can I... ask why?" She questioned carefully.
"I want to say it was because he was starting to learn all the responsibilities of olo'eyktan, but I know I would be kidding myself. I think he started to distance himself because he wanted his parents to be proud of him."
Kayla caught the hidden meaning immediately, forcing down a wave of rage, "His mother, you mean."
"... Yes."
"I'm sorry, kiddo," she spoke softly, her hand rising to move a dread out of his face, but immediately placed her hand back down before she gave into that impulse, "If it's any consolation... I know he still cared about you."
She didn't miss the way his chin quivered underneath his mask, his eyes stubbornly staring dead ahead as his vision blurred, "It's not."
"I know."
Rations, masks, mouthwash...
Kayla was going over the list Max gave her several times over, making sure she had all of these essentials for Spider packed and strapped to Thena's back. There were human drinks, food, medicine, and so much more that even she guiltily forgot about. She was ashamed to think she was ready to let Spider stay in Awa'atlu when the kid actually needed a lot more than the bare essentials she managed to scrounge up for him.
Double-checking her harness and straps, Kayla gently places a hand over Thena's nose before stepping away, joining the crowd that wishes to see her and Spider off. Spider stood beside Max as Mo'at was handing him down some healing properties.
"Koaktutra," the tsahik placed a small wooden cup covered in a matching lid in Spider's hands.
Max noticed Kayla's confusion so he elaborates, "Goblin Thistle. Antibiotic balm."
Mo'at nodded to Max's explanation then handed another small mixture to Spider, "Pxorna'."
"Episoth," Max explained, "It's got amazing skin rejuvenation properties, and I think it'll help Spider when he goes into the water."
He takes the mixture from Spider and holds it up to the teenager's face, "As long as you remember to slather yourself in this stuff every night after a long day of swimming, it should help prevent skin cancer and chemical burns. These salves have proven to be safe for human use, I promise. If I happen to visit the island again and I don't see any changes to your skin, then maybe we'll be able to cut the episoth back to once a week and eventually even less so if your skin grows immunity to the pH levels. Until then, every night, bud. 'You got it?"
Spider huffs and rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I got it."
"Good. And just in case--" Max then holds up a remedy of his own, a small plastic yellow tube that makes Kayla snort with amusement at the sight of it. Sunscreen. 
Spider's upper lip twitched at the sight of the tube and half glared at Max, "Seriously?"
"Humor me."
Kayla laughs at their antics and takes the remedies from them, bringing the supplies over to Thena and safely packing them away in their bags. Mo'at takes a moment to place a gentle, withered hand on top of Spider's head and they both exchange a warm smile.
Norm, in his avatar, approached Kayla to help her out and hugged her when they were all set, "I am going to give you a week before I start calling and nagging at you to break your link again, got it?"
"Yeah, yeah," Kayla huffed as she pulled away, unaware of the knowing smile Norm bore as he looked between her and Spider, clearly thinking how similar they already were in words and mannerisms.
"And-- tell Jake everything's okay here. Tell him not to worry."
Kayla smiled then and nods, "Of course. I'll see you in a week."
She moves to say goodbye to Mo'at, the two women gripping each other's arms in departure as they silently speak to one another. Kayla then fistbumps Max and waves to everyone else before gently knocking her knuckle against the glass of Spider's mask, 
"You ready?"
"Yeah." Spider grins.
"Alright. Then let's go home."
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A/N: I… don't think I have anything to say. I mean, it's a lot all in one chapter so I'm sure there's plenty to say but I can't think of anything ;) stay tuned for more soon!
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A Day in the Life (Buggy the Clown x F!Reader)
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Summary: The days are never dull with a baby on board. Pairing: LA!Buggy the Clown x F!Reader Rating: 🌶 Explicit 🌶 Word Count: ~3.2k Warnings: Infants in very mild peril, cunnilingus, PiV sex A/N: daddy buggy my beloved
Keeda’s fussing before the sun’s even up. And then you start fussing as soon as Keeda starts fussing.
“Your kid’s awake,” you grumble into his back.
Buggy has no choice but to fuss back. “Before dawn, he’s your kid.” You nudge him with your foot. He huffs. “I’m comfy, bitch. Get 'im yourself.”
You do not appreciate how comfortable he is. You knee his ass with each word -- not hard enough to hurt, but enough to make your point. “You. Are. A. Chop Chop man.”
...Yeah, alright, that's fair. Detaching his head and arms, he floats himself over to the crib.
Any other child would be concerned if their father’s disembodied head hovered above them, but Keeda’s never known any different. His grumbles turn to happy babbles, his chubby little face lighting up like the moon.
“Mornin’, ya li’l rugrat,” he says with a smile. “Starting on your bullshit early today, huh?”
He slips his hands under the boy’s arms and lifts him up and over to the bed. He's getting heavier, maybe about as much as a decent-sized cannonball. Makes sense, given his parents’ heights. 
His parts rejoin the rest of him and he lays back down, placing the baby on his chest. He's still not too big for that, at least.
You roll over — more of an aggressive flop, really — and tuck yourself up under his arm. “Hey, bug.”
"Hi, dear," Buggy replies.
You rest your head on his shoulder as you lay your hand on your son's back, rubbing in small circles. Keeda lets out a happy coo, his little fingers curling as he reaches out to you.
You take his hand and stroke it with your thumb. "Back to sleep, sweet baby," you mumble, already halfway there. "Back to sleep..."
Buggy waits for your breathing to even out and for Keeda to go still before he lays his head against yours.
"Son of a bitch!"
Buggy watches as you pitch the jar of baby food and spoon over the deck railing. "First you wake me up, then you pee on me, and now you won't eat!” You jam your finger into Keeda's face. “Why are you being such a little fucker today?!"
The boy giggles, kicking his legs and smearing his breakfast around. He's got your laugh, but that little hater attitude couldn't have come from anybody but his father.
Buggy's just glad it's not his turn to feed him. "Food's supposed to go in his mouth, ya know."
You flip him off without even looking at him. Keeda waggles his fingers like he's trying to mimic you, but he doesn't quite have the motor control down yet.
“I'm gonna go get a new jar,” you grumble. “Make sure he doesn't spontaneously combust or some shit.”
You slink off without waiting for confirmation. Buggy's not worried. You'll cool off in no time. And he gets to watch your ass as you walk away.
He turns his full attention to Keeda. He picks the boy up into his arms. “You really wanna piss your mom off?” he asks. The boy babbles in what he decides is a yes. “Give her hair a yank. She spent all morning on it and it'll drive her nuts.”
He knows Keeda shouldn't be able to understand him, but there's a sparkle of recognition in those big dark eyes as he reaches a little hand out to touch the hair peeking out from under Buggy’s bandana.
He knows grabby fingers when he sees them. He angles his head away. This does not deter Keeda, but merely changes his target.
And now for the most confusing emotion he's ever had. There's the usual agitation that comes from someone noticing... it... but it's Keeda. He's never mocked it or thought it odd or asked questions. He just thinks his daddy's neat.
He can't help the slight smile as he lets Keeda touch his face.
Richie’s liked Keeda from day one. He’s always smelling him and headbutting him and gently pawing him. Mohji thinks it's because he's trying to scent-mark the kid.
“Should I do something?” Buggy asks quietly.
Mohji shrugs. “He's laughing, isn't he? Richie wouldn't hurt a fly.”
Keeda giggles as Richie presses his nose against his head, gently sniffing. Richie lets out a pleased chuffle as he rubs his whiskers along Keeda’s face.
Mohji crosses his arms. “He doesn't do that to me,” he mutters.
“I’ll dunk you in tuna oil, if you want,” Buggy says. “He'll be all over you.”
“I think I'll pass--” Disgust turns to horror as Mohji blanches. “Oh shit!” 
Buggy whirls around. Richie has Keeda in his mouth. Completely in his mouth. Richie is a big lion and Keeda is a small baby.
Panic grips him. He's never actually had to fight a lion before, but it looks like that's what he's gonna have to do. You're gonna kill him anyways, so might as well go out in style--
Richie deposits Keeda at Buggy’s feet. The boy looks no worse for wear, if not a little confused and covered in kitty drool. The overgrown house cat looks very pleased with himself for taking a few years off of Buggy’s life.
Buggy glowers at Mohji. Mohji avoids eye contact and tries to shrink into his hoodie.
Well, after that, baby needs a bath. Fortunately, the giant soup pot in the galley is the perfect size for a little guy like Keeda.
Buggy hums an aimless tune as he rubs the shampoo into Keeda's hair. It's dark and thick like yours -- not to mention long. Kid’s hair grows faster than the rest of him.
He scoops up a fingerful of bubbles, then gently boops Keeda's little nose. The boy’s face scrunches up, and he goes cross-eyed as he grumbles.
An intrusive thought takes root. He chuckles to himself as he smooths Keeda's hair upwards. “Look, babe. Mohawk.”
“Keep the suds out of his eyes,” you warn from the doorway. 
He rolls his eyes. “I'm not gonna let him drown, ya know. You don't have to hover.”
You smile that narrow little smile of yours. “I like watching my boys.”
Buggy's chest tightens. How can one expression, one quirk of your lips, one flash of teeth make his stomach backflip? His breath catch? His cheeks burn?
A splash of sudsy water rushes up to hit him in the face. Seems the kid’s discovered volume displacement. He regrets going with a full beat this morning. Between the splashed water and the heat in his cheeks, this makeup is gonna melt right off.
Dropping an ear in Keeda's crib while he napped was a brilliant idea. Amazing, even. Buggy can be off doing Hot Dad Shit but still come running at the first sign of trouble.
And then the baby found it and it became less of a good idea.
"C'mon, give it back." He reaches for the ear, but Keeda shifts just out of reach, clutching it to his chest. Given the boy's grip strength, he can't just yank it out of his hands without ripping cartilage.
Buggy hears Keeda's heartbeat thumping as he slumps against the edge of the crib. "What the hell could you possibly want with an ear?"
Keeda looks him dead in the eyes. Slowly, slowly, slowly, he brings the ear to his mouth.
Buggy has never moved faster in his life. He shoots his hand off and claps it over Keeda's mouth. You were right, he is being a little fucker today.
Keeda's muffled whines catch your attention, and you stick your head into the cabin. "Having trouble, Captain?" you ask with a smirk.
"Your son's being a dick."
The smirk grows into a smile. "He gets it from his father."
As Captain, sometimes one must spring into action and help secure a loose cannon threatening to smash the hull. For that reason, Buggy appreciates his crew’s tolerance of having a baby shoved into their arms at barely a moment’s notice. Alvida, especially. He’s never known her to like kids, let alone infants, but she seems to make an exception for little Keeda. Sometimes he thinks she makes up reasons just to hold him for a bit.
She's smiling a big, cheesy smile at him as he returns from his heroics. The kid gazes up at her with his enormous eyes, returning the grin. Alvida then sticks out her tongue. Keeda does the same. She blows a raspberry, and Keeda giggles.
“Having fun with Auntie ‘Vida?” he asks.
“Time of his life.” She makes an angry face. Keeda's mouth screws up into a grumpy frown. “It's crazy how much he looks like you. Especially considering he doesn't have your--”
Her mouth shuts so hard and so suddenly that her teeth click.
Buggy keeps his voice low and even. “Doesn't have my what?”
Alvida blinks. “Hair. I was gonna say hair.”
...you know what? Acceptable.
“Eh, I'm just glad he's got ten fingers and ten toes.” He ignores the relief on her face as he takes his boy back. “His mom’s prettier anyways.”
You don't need a detached ear to know when your son is crying. Somehow, you know. You can be down in the bilge and you'll hear his whining from the top deck.
"What's going on?" you ask as you come up on deck.
Buggy watches as Keeda flops over onto his belly, thrashing his limbs and wailing. "He's mad because I won't load him into the cannon."
Keeda pauses in his fit as sees you, then lets out a bwuuuuuuuh and continues. He looks very much like a fresh fish as he flails around.
You watch him for a moment, then look at Buggy. A silly little glint sparkles in your eyes, the one that you have when you get a bad idea. The same one he saw during that first kiss you shared together.
“He would fit in a Buggy Ball shell,” he says.
You stare at him a moment longer, then shake your head. “We shouldn't.” Keeda lets out a wail that makes you flinch. “But we could.”
After a few moments, the boy runs out of steam, lying there like a dead bird on a beach and whimpering pathetically.
Buggy scoops him into his arms and brushes the tears away. "Can't load ya up, li'l man, but wanna see it go..." He pops his hands off and splays his fingers in front of Keeda's face, popping them apart at the knuckles. "...ka-boom?"
Keeda's agitation melts away like an ice cube in Hell, replaced with wide-eyed wonder. You take him and sit on a crate, covering his ears. You give Buggy a nod.
He grins. He points at a pair of idling crewmen -- the artillery boys, fortunately. "Ready piece!" he barks. “And make it snappy! My kid’s in the audience!”
Buggy appreciates how they trip over themselves rushing to the cannon. He really is lucky that his crew likes his kid half as much as he does.  Even if they “kidnap” him sometimes and hide him in the crew quarters to dote on him and to stress his parents out.
In moments, the Buggy Ball is loaded, the powder set, and the artillerymen stand at attention, waiting to light the fuse.
He holds his fist up. "Aim!"
The cannon is already in place, but he pauses for dramatic effect. A quick glance at Keeda's wide eyes and your little smile confirms it's working. 
He gives you both a little wink  "Fire!"
With a bang and a whistle, the shell flies up into the air. A safe distance away, it explodes into a shower of smoky crimson streaks.
They reflect nicely in your smiling eyes as Keeda squeals in delight.
Buggy sticks his tongue out. "Blah."
Keeda sticks his tongue out. "Blelck."
He puffs his cheeks out. Keeda puffs his cheeks out. He puckers his lips. Keeda puckers his lips.
He opens his mouth. "Ah."
Keeda opens his mouth as wide as he can, showing off his little pink gums. "Ah!"
Buggy jams the spoon in there before Keeda can even react. Blinking in surprise, he swallows, even licking some stray banana mush from his lips.
You watch, slumped across the table with your chin in your hand. "How are you so good at that?"
"Clown to clown communication. Sounds like this." He puts the spoon down and, squishing Keeda's cheeks, affects a croaky voice. "’Feed me. Feed meeee.’"
Your laugh your lovely seagull laugh and his heart flutters like a hummingbird.
“Don’t wake him up,” you warn as you open the door to the main cabin.
"I know, I know." He separates himself at the waist. “Floating, see? Shock absorber.”
Keeda snuffles and twitches. You both freeze, praying that he doesn’t wake up. He does not, and you relax.
You side eye him as he crosses the room, not letting up until he lays the boy down into the crib. You slip Mr Toucan in next to Keeda and pull the blanket up around him.
"Sweet dreams, li’l bug," you say.
"I'm not going to bed yet." You glower at him and he grins. That's never going to get old.
You tiptoe out with him close behind. He leaves his ear on the table, just in case.
The door clicks shut, and you both let out your held breaths. You hold your fist out and he knocks his knuckles against yours.
“Good job this time, Dad,” you say.
“I can be subtle when I want to be.” He drapes his arm around your shoulders. "Y’know, I was thinking..."
The breeze tousles your glossy hair so artfully. "Was wondering where the smoke was coming from."
He pulls you in closer, his hand wandering to the top of your thigh. You've been bitching about baby weight, but to him? You've never looked better. "Was thinking... Wanna make another?"
You give him a smirk that makes his cock twitch. You cross your muscular arms and it turns into a pulse. "Weird way to ask to go bareback."
"No, I mean it,” he says. "He looks like you and I want one that looks like me. Balance it out."
You breathe in sharply. The mischief in your eyes fades, replaced with thoughtfulness. You duck out from under his arm to saunter away. “Sell me on it.”
He follows. “What's cuter than one Keeda? Two Keedas,” he says. “Especially if it's a girl. Built-in double act. And I've got the perfect name for a girl.”
He gives you a big stupid grin. “Buggetta.”
You stare at him a moment, then crack a smile and make that glorious, glorious snnnrk noise. “Absolutely not.”
“To the name or to another kid? Because I'm fine with Buggy Junior if it's a boy--”
“Over my dead body we name a kid that.”
"Alright. Fine." He grabs your hips and pushes you against the deck railing. "Guess I'll just fuck you 'til you're knocked up again anyways and we can improvise."
You suck in a breath. Your tongue darts out to lick your lips. He goes in for a kiss, but you duck beneath his arms.
“Catch me and you can do whatever you want with me,” you say before taking off.
He sprints after you.
He wanted to be romantic. He wanted to be cool and suave and sweet for you. You, light of his life and his hard-won prize. You, his partner in crime and mother of his child. You deserve nothing less than the sultriest, slowest, languidest of lovemaking, full of sweet nothings whispered breathlessly into your thighs.
Unfortunately, just looking at you makes his cock leak and if he doesn't strip you down and fill you up as soon as possible, he's gonna make a mess of his last clean pair of underwear.
So that's how you ended up pinned between him and a crate in the cargo hold, moaning like a bitch in heat as he ruts into you. He's lucky you like it like that.
“Harder!” you spit.
He grunts into your shoulder as he snaps his hips. His tongue is busy taste-testing that sweet sweet clit of yours.
You let out a long, guttural groan. “Less talking, more -- ah, ff--!”
He must have hit something nice, because your back arches and your pussy flutters around his cock, squeezing it tight and making him damn near black out.
He hates this stupid condom. Hates it, hates it, hates it. Hates how he can't feel your warmth, your slick, your soft, satin walls as they clench. Hates how he can't fill you up with his cum, painting those lovely walls a pearly, sticky white. Hates how he can't fuck another baby into you.
...unless. Unless he's lucky and it breaks. Or if it's just a piece of cheap shit not worth the paper box it came out of.
Oh yes. Oh, then he'd be lucky. Then he'd get what he wants. He'd get you pregnant. Again. You’d be all soft around the edges and glowing like a full, terracotta moon with hair as glossy as a fresh tube of lipstick.
His hips stutter. Yes yes yes yes yes--!
He grips your hips tight as he thrusts into you, not stopping until his balls are drained and his cock is limp. He flops against you, burying his face in your minty, citrusy, cinnamon-y hair.
“I love you,” he mumbles.
He can hear the smile in your voice. “Love you too, Bugs.”
Sad little whimpers in his ear distract him from his carousing with the crew. You're significantly more fucked up than he is and on round eight of a three-round game of cards, so he slips away without disturbing you.
Keeda is sleeping when he enters his cabin, but the little twitches and whimpers suggest it’s not a restful one.
He tickles the bottom of his foot -- his teeny tiny little foot -- and the boy wakes with a start. He starts to cry, only to falter as he sees his father, his lip quivering and his eyes watering. 
Buggy scoops the boy into his arms. “Shh,” he says. “Daddy's here. Don't worry.”
He strokes his fingers through the boy’s hair. Keeda coos like a dove, trying to burrow his face into his chest. Failing in that endeavor, he peers up at Buggy with those enormous eyes.
Somewhere, deep in his heart, Buggy knows that all the treasure in the world couldn't match the feeling of holding his son in his arms. And that all the praise and all the applause would be nothing compared to the way you smile at him like you have a secret to keep.
But why settle for just two people when he could have the adoration of them all?
He sits down on the bed, propped up against the headboard, cradling the boy close. “You're gonna be a prince someday,” he whispers. “A little pirate prince. Daddy’s gonna be king and they’re gonna love you as much as him.”
Keeda exhales heavily, letting out a soft peep as he goes limp. His eyes drift closed.
Buggy is suddenly very aware of how tired he is. He lays back into the pillows. “Go to sleep,” he murmurs. “Go to sleep...”
To the "Curious Courtship" Masterpost | To the Mastahpost | Tip Jar
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stardustloserdoll · 2 months
Hey babe, I heard you had no ideas for a Professor Turner so here’s one:
You’re struggling with writing an essay, maybe a particularly important one it doesn’t really matter. And you asked Alex to come and help you in the library. He shows up, you’re doing your best to focus on writing. But his voice is so low and he’s practically whispering in your ear. His hands look so pretty writing and marking your essay. Maybe, y’all get a little close… ykyk
Now, you could leave it there, but… smut is so much fun.
So now you’re struggling to stay quiet as Alex fingers you beneath the table. Whispering dirty things into your ear and telling you to stay quiet.
TBH+C Alex is the one who I imagine I would do this, this gif specially:
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Or like early Car:
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AAAAAH i love this. thank you so much!😭 he looks so fineeee in those gifs 🤭
also trying out a different pov d:
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essay help
female reader
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“i’ll see you all on monday. have a good weekend.” professor turner said, causing everyone to begin packing their things up quickly. as you began packing your things, you glanced over at him seeing he was erasing the board. slinging your backpack over your shoulder, you waited till everyone was out, finally approaching him.
“hello professor.” you smirked leaning on his desk. he turned around placing the eraser down “y/n.” he smiled placed his hands on his hips, looking down at her. “boring lecture as always.” he laughed packing up his things “you love them.” you rolled your eyes playfully. you sighing dramatically as you watched him pack. “something wrong?” he asked.
“yeah um. i was having trouble on the essay and i was wondering if you can help me with it?” he looked up raising his eyebrow “you? asking me for help? that’s rare, your essays are always well done.” you sat down in the seat in front of the desk. “well the one you assigned is confusing! you should’ve explained it better.” you pouted. “maybe if you weren’t eye fucking me the whole time you would’ve understood it better.” you scoffed mumbling a whatever. “can you just help me please?” he nodded his head “of course.”
“great, i’ll meet you at the library. thank you.” you said placing a kiss on his cheek walking out.
you sat there in the quiet library, the sound of keyboards clacking and the sound of pages quietly turning. you tapped your pencil against the desk, anxious eyes scanning the room until you saw him. he looked around the room until he spotted you sending a small wave your way.
“hey.” you smiled moving your things aside. “hey. sorry im late.” he said taking a seat next to you, placing his things down beside. “it’s okay. i haven’t wrote much anyways.” you said handing him a pen from your pouch. “how about we look at that essay of yours hm?” he said leaning in to examine the work, placing it in front of him to read.
“yeah. right, the essay.” you mumbled. as he read through the pages, you couldn’t help but stare at his hands. the way his veins would pop out whe he wrote something down, to the way he lifted his hand up to his lip as he read. you bit your lip, playing the the hem of your skirt. after some time went by he was finally done reading. “okay so far it’s good, just some little things to change.” he said placing the paper in front of you. he placed his arm around your chair getting closer.
“see that sentence. i think it could use a little more detail.” he spoke placing his finger on the paper, his warm breath ghosting over your ear. you swallowed nodding your head, erasing what you had previously. you swallowed, reading over his comment scribbling down some things. “how does this sound?” you asked turning your head slightly to look up into his eyes. his eyes lingered onto yours for a while until he looked down to read what you had, the scent of his cologne wafting into your face making you dizzy. “mmh perfect. how about we continue with the rest?”
as you both continued to look over the essay you, couldn’t focus. your eyes would stay stuck onto his hands, imagining what those fingers could do. you gripped onto your pencil tightly stopping your writing making alex notice. “something wrong y/n?” he asked. you shook your head bringing the pencil up to your lips, eyes still lingering on his hands as you clenched your thighs. you action not going unnoticed by him causing a smirk to form on his face. “what’s on your mind, you look a little red.” you shook your head seeing his hand moving to rest on your thigh. “did you want a break?” he asked. “i think you deserve one. you’ve been working so hard on that essay of yours.”
you watched as his hand slipped under your skirt, inching closer, stopping him. “alex..we can’t.” you whispered looking up at him with pleading eyes. he chuckled “i guess you’ll have to stay quiet then hm?” you bit your lip opening your legs slightly. “naughty girl.” he smirked resuming his motions, slipping a finger into your underwear to rub circles onto my clit. slowly pushing two fingers into you me, thrusting his fingers at a slow pace.
you moan softly, biting your lip, your eyes shutting close as he fucked you. “shh.” he whispered, slowly increasing his pace. you moved your hand to grip the seat, letting out a shaky breath clenching your thighs around his hand. he quickened his pace, making me loud moan a slip out, his hand coming to my mouth to silence me quickly. you muffled a sorry, causing him to drop his hand. “im close al.” “naughty girl, what’d i tell you.” he whispered keeping his pace up, making me shift in my seat.
“cum on my fingers sweet girl.” he praises giving you that final push. you let out a shaky breath as your orgasm washed over you, feeling alex slip his fingers out of you painfully slow making you shudder. “let’s finish that essay, when we do you’ll get rewarded.”
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vampsickle · 1 year
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mine. ☆ ( dmc5 ) dante
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☆ tags - literally 0 plot, rough sex, unprotected, dubcon ? i think? idk, spanking!!, dante’s a little bit mean<3 hes a jealous guy.. use of petnames, afab reader !
☆ wc - 1.4k
☆ a/n - im a sucker for jealous men i wont even lie👍👍 um. thats all i have to say.
☆ synopsis - all you wanted to do was have a peaceful chat with vergil, but dante doesn’t see it that way. he decides to teach you a ‘lesson’.
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Both you and Vergil shared a love for books and poetry. So it was no surprise that while Dante had been chatting away with Lady and Trish, you started up a conversation with Vergil over his taste in books and poetry. You didn’t like Vergil in that way. But it’s nice to get to know someone better and find a common interest, but unbeknownst to you— Dante had kept his eye on you the entire night, silently seething.
He’s always had issues with jealousy and has been rather possessive over you, but seeing you talking to his brother, smiling, even laughing, just pissed him off. Something inside of him was lit on fire. The glass of whiskey he held cracked, but no one noticed. You could hardly tell anything was wrong with the way he continued to smile and crack jokes. A part of Dante wanted you to notice him, to be with him, to hold his hand.
It was never your intention to make him jealous, in fact, you just wanted to enjoy your night.
Late into the night, everyone started to get ready to head home, Lady being the last one to leave. Vergil had left just before her, claiming he had ‘places to be’, but you doubted it. He wasn’t really a busy person, just.. A lonely person. Dante had thrown a magazine over his face, roughly throwing his feet up onto his desk, patiently waiting for Lady to leave.
“That was fun! Maybe we should invite them back again, it can be a monthly thing..”
Dante grunts in response, then he continues to sit there in silence, before blowing out a breath.
“What’s wrong with you?”
He doesn’t answer. You become increasingly annoyed, confused on what was wrong with him, but you ultimately drop it— Going to pick up all the glasses and dishes scattered around. It was instant, but you feel a wave of heat rush close to you, Dante’s hand holding your wrist. His grip is so tight that it starts to hurt, and you whine, attempting to pull away. He doesn’t have any of it, dragging you up to his bedroom, and pushing you back onto his bed, rather harshly.
“What— What the hell-?”
His arms are crossed over his chest, impatiently tapping one foot, blue eyes akin to glaciers boring into you. It’s like he wants you to apologize for doing something wrong. Your wrist still stings from his scathing grip, and you can’t bring yourself to look away from him, too nervous to try.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
Your eyebrows knit together in visible confusion, cocking your head to one side, and Dante sighs. Like he’s disappointed.
“Did’ja have fun talking to Vergil all night?”
“So that’s what this is about? Come on, Dante.. You aren’t a child. I can’t talk to someone? What.. Are you jealous?”
You almost laugh when you say it, but he doesn’t think it’s funny at all. It’s ridiculous, truly. But you don’t laugh, or smile, you attempt to remain neutral. You almost bring up the fact that he was chatting with Lady and Trish, but he steps closer to you, pulling you back up so he can take a seat on the edge of the bed.
Now you’re bent over his knees, face shoved into the soft sheets, as he squeezes your ass. You exhale rather shakily, staying still as a board, and Dante rubs your smooth flesh with his calloused hand.
“Don’t forget who you belong to.”
“What the hell are you-“
He doesn’t even let you finish your sentence before bringing his hand down onto the supple flesh, and it burns so fucking bad that it makes you cry. Your toes curl in response as you bite down on the velvety sheets, and Dante spanks you again. Even though he’s angry with you, you’re beginning to drip, your panties sticking to your wet heat. It’s humiliating that you’re getting off to this punishment.
“I’m sorry, I won’t talk to—“
Dante smacks your ass again, and you choke on a sob, tears spilling down your warm cheeks. There’s no remorse in his eyes. You’re trembling already, embarrassed at how easily you give into him, how you obey him like a dog would obey it’s master. The pads of his index and middle finger slowly rub your slippery folds through your panties, distracting you from the stinging, and your body begins to slowly relax. But he won’t let you relax, ripping off your panties, and plunging his fingers deep inside you.
You were already so wet that they slipped in so quickly, reaching so far inside you, and you cry out. Dante spanks you repeatedly while pumping his fingers, it makes your heart race, and head spin. He keeps it up, not caring that his palm is beginning to sting from spanking you so much, and your ass has gone completely numb. You beg for him to stop with the relentless assault, but your pleas fall on deaf ears, and you shut up and take it. It’s a punishment after all.
But he lets up, finally, and you gasp when he gently rubs your ass— it still feels so tender. He’s knuckle deep inside your pussy, ears perking up at the obscene squelching noises, and he’s gnawing on his bottom lip.
Before you can cum, he pulls out of you. You hadn’t even announced it and he just knew.
“Dante— Please, please,”
“Please what?”
“Just— Just, fuck me already, I’m sorry,”
You look up to him with tears in your eyes, and they blur your vision so you can’t exactly tell what facial expression he has on, but you hear the unbuckling of his belt. Dante throws the rest of his clothing onto the floor, and pulls your shirt and bra off. Well, he doesn’t exactly pull them off, more like rips them off. More ruined clothing— How tragic.
He moves you so you’re on your back, and Dante pushes your legs open, staring at the slick that runs from your pussy down past your other hole, his cock standing proud.
He’s moving your limbs around aggressively, shoving your legs up that your knees are almost touching your shoulders, and you mewl when you feel his cock rub against your swollen pussy. Even when he’s rough like this, it makes you feel wanted— Deep down, you like when he’s jealous, that even if other people flirt with him, his eyes are still always on you. Dante muffles your near scream when he slams inside you, keeping you in a mating press, his lips smashing against yours. More tears spill down your flushed cheeks, his cock head hitting your cervix, and you know it’s going to bruise. It should hurt, of course, but it feels so good.
“Dante—! It’s so— So good— Oh,”
You gasp, his large hands taking ahold of the back of your knees, pushing your legs back even further. It stings, the stretch, but you keep singing for him regardless. His pace is absolutely brutal, so rough, and even when he’s jackhammering into you— he still knows the spot he needs to hit to make you see stars.
His teeth brush against your shoulder, before digging in, drawing blood. That painful feeling blends together with the pleasure you’re feeling that you practically squirt around him, crying out his name, and he lets out an animalistic growl against the wound he left.
“You’re mine.”
“Yes-! Yes— I’m yours-“
That’s all he needed to hear from you, his thrusts becoming sloppy, but he pushes himself in as deep as he can go, moaning out against your neck as he cums inside you. It’s so fucking much that it’s leaking out of you, staining the sheets, and you’re both a mess. The both of you are panting, and it takes Dante a moment to regain his composure, slowly pulling out. But he makes sure to shove any stray cum back inside you, making you feel stuffed, and you whimper weakly.
“Good girl.. Damn… Took my load so well,”
You blush at his words, a surge of pride rushing through you, and Dante gently picks you up. You melt into his embrace, listening to the beat of his heart, pressing tender kisses to his chest.
“Wanna take a bath, princess?”
All you can do is nod in response, as your throat still stings, and Dante chuckles quietly. He knows he’ll have to make this up to you somehow.
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graciereyy · 5 months
The Siren And The Samurai Chapter 2
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*warning! This will have alot of possibly triggering stuff just like the actual show so be advised.*
A bell was intruding the sleep of everyone on board, everyone had their own complaints, grunts, and fuss about it. While she also had her complaints, Mizu was actually looking forward to finding out who that ‘siren’ person was. Maybe she could get important information out of them? But first she wanted to try the food, she summed up her amount of coins, occasionally stopping to glare at fowler. He opened his mouth to mock her but was cut off by an eye roll and a purposefully harsh exhale.
She locked eyes with him for a quick second then quickly sped up the stairs before he could say anything. When she stepped foot outside she was finally hit with the “totally sweet” smell of London. She scrunched her nose in disgust and tried to power through it best she could. “It smells atrocious out here…” that comment from her caught a laugh from the leading boater.
“Yeah, its London! Of course it smells like shit and smoke.” She didn’t know what else to say to that other then just stare at him. She just sighed and started walking away from the port.
Not too far away from the plaza place was a little string of shops and stalls, Mizu inspected each one and found the one she liked, But before she could do anything there was commotion at the plaza, and Mizu wasn’t going to forfeit this chance. She passed through the crowd progressing her way to the stage.
This time there were more people waiting for them than booing them than last night, and one thing Mizu noticed was that most of their fans were women while most of the people booing were men; A little strange.
Then ‘the siren’ appeared. Something was familiar about them.. then it clicked. It was her. It was the girl, the strange girl from last night. She looked so pleased with herself even though the townspeople didn’t like her much, Mizu had a sort of respect for her for that. When she started to sing it was so different then how others described english music, then she heard what the antis were saying about it..
‘Rebel music’ and ‘Siren hex ’ even ‘ Witch Trance’
Then the lyrics.. of the song, it was so familiar to her past.. literally described her. She sung it so beautifully and the emotion in it almost made her cry. She was so in awe by the song she blocked out everything else even unintentionally getting closer to the stage.
“Thats why i call her Little Miss Blue.” The girl sung out like a songbird. When the applause erupted she gave them all a curtsy and sweetly smiled at them. She was quick to get off stage and run off but Mizu was quick to go after her. The girl noticed Mizu quickly and fear settled in her. She turned corners sharp trying to escape her follower, that ended when she was backed up into a dead-end.
The girl scouted something to defend herself with but came up empty handed. “O-okay!” She stuttered out nervously. “What do you want.?! Whats your deal??”
“Im just curious. I have some questions.” Mizu told her.The girl tilted her head in confusion.
“Tell me…”
Mizu licked her lips. “Okay, about the song.” She stared at her and gestured for mizu to elaborate. “Whats it mean? Whats it about?” She sighed.
“Its about a bounty..” she sighed then she realized. “Oh wait its you..” That caught mizu off guard. “Your ‘Little Miss Blue.’” She smiled looking like she was about to cry.
“The songs about me?” The girl giggled.
“Sound familiar?” She said proudly.
“Okay, whats your name?”
“Gracie, Gracie rey.”
“Okay look we need to go talk somewhere more private, because i have more questions.”
“Thats fine i know where to go.”
“Wheres that?”
“My flat, you can stay if you want, don’t torture yourself in that boat and don’t waste your money” she laughed. Mizu sighed.
“Okay fine but you try anything im going to kill you.” She said.
“Understandable.” She said at the empty threat. Gracie guided her to the flat. Mizu slightly flinched seeing it, it was in rough..shape. But people didn’t like her and that’s all she had, hey atleast she had shelter. The inside actually looked better than the outside, it looked cozy and sweet. It was styled with cute decorations, matching Gracie’s aesthetic. She pat a chair for her to sit down then sat in the one across.
“Okay so, why are you called ‘the siren?’” Mizu asked, unintentionally causing the girl to slightly flinch in disbelief.
“Please don’t actually call me that, men call me that as an insult because they claim i try to lure them in.” She paused for a moment to take a breath and calm herself. “But thats the exact opposite of what im trying to do.”
“Then what are you trying to do?”
“Don’t laugh please” she breathed out.
“I wont, i swear.”
“People usually laugh in my face when i tell them this because they think im too sensitive and too weak to lead, but im trying to start a rebellion.”
“Get to know me more and i’ll trust you enough to tell you.” Mizu nodded in understanding then Gracie got up and fixed a decoration on the fireplace. “Ever since i was a kid i never understood people’s way of thinking..” her venting caught Mizu’s attention. She breathed deeply before continuing. “ When i was 13 i heard about you, a man came back from japan and was literally bragging to my family about a blue eyed mixed race adolescent in japan that they are looking for. Everyone was disgusted by the thought of you but i didn’t understand why. So i stood up for you, and boy.” Gracie chuckled but Mizu didn’t open her mouth yet. “Then they called me a rebel. A siren, a demon just like they thought you were but i know neither of us actually are, they just project their biggest fears onto us which is themselves. Your not an onryo, Mizu. I think your eyes are beautiful.” She wiped a stray tear of her cheek. Then headed for her room. Mizu was glad she finally had someone who actually cared for her and was on her side but she didn’t know what to say or do. She needed time, time to process everything, her emotions and Gracie’s thoughts.
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thegayeststarfish · 6 months
If you start writing fics, can I suggest writing some miss peregrine centric fics, either fluff or angst, as there is no way near enough of it
Teachers Pet
Alma Peregrine x Reader wlw
Warnings: Legal age gap, no others I think?
"Are you paying attention?" Miss Peregrine snaps, she's my history teacher. But the problem is, she's gorgeous and im gay.
"Yes ma'am. I'm paying attention." I respond, her green eyes boring me. Her black hair is in a bun, there's only a few bits of hair it from the wrong hair. Her hair amazes me, the way the bits of blue show in the sun.
After a few seconds she turns back to the board. We're currently learning about 1940. She's always so knowledgeable it's amazing. Her black button up, and skirt. I can't help zoning out into a daydream. Which I'm knocked out of by the bell.
"Miss y/n. Stay behind please." She sounds slightly frustrated, which is terrifying. "Yes ma'am." I still place everything into my bag so I'm ready to leave.
After the last student files out she focuses her attention on me. I'm still in my seat which makes her look taller than me, and oh lord. "Yes miss?" I ask uncertainly, I'm not sure why I'm here, well not a definite reason. "Because miss y/n. I want to talk about you paying attention more. You've been distracted off in la la land. And i need you to focus on class." Her voice sounds so h- professional. So i nod and look down. "I'll let you off this time, but I want your attention Monday, you hear me? Now go on" She finishes. "Yes ma'am."
I'm rushing down the halls, her class is the last of the day. So I go out looking for Jacob. Jacob is one of my best friends. Finally finding him I call out; "Jacob! Wait up!" I wave out to him and he looks over smiling. "Hey y/n, wanna come to my place this weekend?" He offers, he's my friend because he's the only person who's genuinely been my friend without trying to get in my pants. And so I agree.
One hour later
Knocking on his front door I readjust my bag on my shoulder. He offered to have a gaming sleepover. And of course I said hell yea. But when I tell you the last thing I expect happened, it did. And that's when my teacher, Miss Peregrine opened the door.
"Oh hi, Miss? Uhm, what are you doing here?" I'm nervous and it definitely showed on my face. "Because dear, I live here." Oh. Oh my lord. For one, she just called me dear. And two, I'm about to have a sleepover in my teacher crushes house. "Oh? I wonder why Jacob didn't mention you?" I laugh as if it's a light joke. "Well he mentioned you. Come in dear, he's upstairs in his room."
I've never gone up a set of stairs so fast. I burst into if room and in a panicked whisper ask; "Why the hell didn't you tell me Miss. Peregrine lives with you?!" He looks confused for a second before laughing. "I totally forgot that crush you have on-" He's suddenly cut off with a amused look on his face. "Crush on who?" I feel my stomach drop at the familiar voice. I still jump slightly in surprise. "Anyways, I need to talk to you Miss y/n."
I take a deep breath and turn to follow her. She walks at a reasonable pace while I follow. She finally turns into a random room and looks to me as I follow her in. She then closes and locks the door behind me. And to my surprise, she kisses me.
I'm so taken by surprise I stiffen. Her hands are on my face and her lips on my lips. And after a second, I melt into her. Her lips taste like coffee. And she smells like roses and the ocean. And when she pulls away I already miss her. "I've known you liked me since the beginning. You don't zone out dreamily staring at someone you hate." She whispers then kisses me again.
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suniix · 1 year
03 | miyamura x reader
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synopsis | with the first day of school comes new opportunities, new friends, and new memories! though with new memories some old ones may begin to resurface
word count | 2k+
note | this’ll be the last fast update in a LONG while since we’re caught up to my most recent ao3 chap. if you ever see me mess up the reader’s pronouns please let me know! im trying to keep this book as gender neutral as i can :’)
previous | mlist | next
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You stirred, turning over on your side to avoid the sun’s rays shining through your window. A few seconds later you shift again in an attempt to get comfortable and fall asleep. This happens again, again, and again.
Finally, you sit up angrily while blinking slowly, letting your eyes adjust to the brightness in your room. Turning to your right you find what caused a disturbance in your sleep; you had left your curtains open. You sighed, silently reminding yourself not to forget to shut the curtains anymore.
You slowly turn to your left to look at the clock hanging on your wall, only to become confused. According to your clock, the time was currently midnight, but the sun shining through your window begged to differ. Ah, I forgot to change the batteries.. You laid back down on your bed, reaching over to grab your phone and check the time.
“Eight am? Huh, I thought it was already noon..” You yawned and pulled your blanket over your body, slowly falling back into a peaceful slumber.
Suddenly, reality hit.
You flung your blanket off of you and jumped out of bed, scrambling to get changed into your school uniform. The sleepiness you felt earlier seemingly evaporated into thin air as you realized that today was the first day of school. You couldn’t believe such an important day completely slipped your mind.
After changing you rushed down the stairs to see your grandma placing your lunch down on the counter. Hearing your loud footsteps she turned to look at you and smiled, “I was just about to wake you up, did you sleep well?”
“No! I mean yes! But I think I’m going to be late!” You babbled, quickly stuffing your lunch into your backpack and thanking her for making it.
Your grandma watched as you ran to the front door in a panic trying to quickly slip on your shoes. She laughed, “Sweetie the school isn’t that far from here. You’re not late.”
It seemed as though her words went in through one ear and out the other because the moment you slipped on your shoes you shouted a quick ‘love you bye!’ and dashed out the door.
Your grandma shook her head and laughed. Your liveliness brought a warmth into her home that she hadn’t felt in awhile, and she gladly welcomed it.
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You were beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, your grandma was right.
After jogging for a bit you started to notice other students wearing the same uniform as you. Unlike you though, they were walking as if they had all the time in the world. You stopped jogging after you got weird stares.
You quickly reached the school and followed a group of girls inside the building. Once inside you saw many students crowding around a board looking for their classes. Among the horde of people you noticed a guy with long black hair and glasses. You stared for a moment. He looks cute.. you think, but quickly shake your head. First the guy from the bakery and now this stranger? I think I have a type..
You look away from the cute stranger, not wanting another repeat of what happened with the cute baker. You do the same as the other students and begin scanning the board for your name. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, you find your name. Y/N L/N.. class one! Hopefully someone will be nice enough to show me where that is..
“Oh, it’s you. Did you enjoy your coffee cake and cinnamon roll?”
Hearing the voice, you turn your head to look. There in front of you stood the cute boy you noticed earlier. Wait a second..
You give him a confused look before taking a cautious step back, “How did you know what I ate yesterday? Are you a stalker?”
He also takes a step back but fearfully shakes his head while raising his hands in defense. “N-No! You’ve got it all wrong! I was the one working at the register that day!”
Then it clicked. Now it made sense—the same long black hair, the same blue eyes, and the same gloomy attitude—that’s why you thought he was cute!
“Oh sorry! It’s just that you look so different outside of school I didn’t recognize you!”
He laughed. “Yea, I’ve been told.”
You laughed with him. “To answer your question, yes I did enjoy the coffee cake and cinnamon roll. To be honest, after eating them I almost went back to buy more because of how good they were..”
“You should have! Don’t be afraid to stop by for more. If you want, you can come over today and I’ll have something prepared for you.”
Your eyes lit up, how could he be so kind? “Yes please! I'll make sure to stop by today!” Now you couldn’t wait until the school day was over. You could already smell the warm scent of baked goods.
He nodded. “Alright, my name's Miyamura by the way.” He extended his hand to you.
You shook his hand enthusiastically, “Nice to meet you Miyamura! My name’s Y/N. I still can’t believe you also go to this school.” You laughed.
What the both of you didn’t notice was a brunette girl silently watching the whole interaction. She watched you two talk and laugh together as if you were old friends. Another girl walked up to her, her sleeve covering her mouth. “Hey Hori, who’s that talking to Miyamura?” The blonde girl asked her friend.
Hori shrugged her shoulders. “Don’t know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them before.”
Then again, Hori never acknowledged Miyamura before he showed up at her house, so maybe she has seen you before. She really didn’t know. I’ll ask Miyamura about it later.. she thought to herself. She turned to ask her purple haired friend what class he got put in when she noticed he had vanished from his previous spot. Where’d Tooru go? He was just here.. Hori’s eyes quickly scanned the area when she spotted him standing by Miyamura, using him as an armrest.
“Woa, what’s this? Is our Miyamura about to sneak off with someone?” Tooru smirked jokingly.
Miyamura was quick to shrug him off. “It’s not like that! I was just asking them what class they’re in..” Miyamura mumbled, not wanting to scare you off with Tooru’s unfunny joke.
Tooru’s eyes widened, a bit shocked that Miyamura would start a conversation with a random person. “Oh sweet, what class are you in?” He asked, looking at the board filled with names even though he didn’t know yours.
“I’m in class one!”
“Oh cool! That means you’re in the same class as us!” Tooru offered you a smile.
You smiled back; his happy attitude was rubbing off on you. You were glad that so far the day was going good. You had been nervous days leading up to this moment, but so far the people you’ve met have given you no reason to be nervous.
“Miyamura, Tooru, who are you guys talking to?”
Tooru and Miyamura look back and take a step to the side, revealing a beautiful girl with golden eyes and chestnut brown hair. Behind her stood a petite girl with light olive green hair. The brunette stared at you curiously before looking back to the boys, waiting for someone to answer.
“Oh! My name’s Y/N! I was just telling them what class I was in.” You explained shyly. Who would’ve thought talking to a pretty girl could be so intimidating.
Hori quirked a brow. “You guys all know each other?”
You all shake your heads. “I only know Miyamura.” You reply.
Miyamura nods in agreement. “Yea, we met..” He hesitated for a moment, “..a couple of days ago at my parent’s bakery. I was just asking them if they enjoyed the pastries.”
Hori seemingly let out a sigh of relief which went unnoticed by you, but not Miyamura. “Well it’s nice to meet you, my name’s Hori, this is Yuki, Tooru, and you’ve already met Miyamura.”
You bowed in greeting. “It’s nice to meet you all.”
They returned your gesture and you noticed Yuki staring at you curiously. “By any chance are you new here? I don’t remember seeing you around anywhere.”
You laughed nervously. “Yeah I am new here, was it that obvious?”
“Since they’re new, we should show them around! Right, Hori?” Tooru quickly turns his head to Hori, waiting for her approval.
Hori looked taken aback. “You don’t need my permission to do that. I don’t mind showing them around as long as we get to class on time.”
Tooru squealed happily and gently grabbed your shoulders, pushing you into the direction of a hallway. Yuki and Hori followed while Miyamura stayed behind, a mixture of sadness and confusion swirling around in his eyes at the familiar sight. It was only your first day and you had already made friends, just like you did years before. He didn’t know how to feel about seeing you after such a long time, especially now that it seems you don’t remember him the way he remembers you.
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The final bell rang, signaling an end to the school day at long last. You stretched in your chair, trying to loosen up the stiff muscles you’ve obtained from sitting for so long. The excitement of the day has worn off and now you feel exhausted. Standing up from your chair you stretch again, this time hearing a couple of joints pop. Once I get home, I’m taking a nap..
“Oh, you’re leaving too Y/N?”
You turn and see Miyamura standing up from his chair and slipping his backpack on. You nod, doing the same as him. “Yea, I just wanna go home and sleep.”
“Since we’re both leaving I’ll walk you out.” Miyamura holds the door open for you and you thank him.
You turn to the lovely people you hope to soon call your friends and wave at them goodbye. The group happily returns your gesture, except for one. If you can recall correctly her name was Hori. Her smile didn’t quite reach your eyes and she seemed tired. You don’t judge her for it though, maybe she also felt the day was draining.
After the two of you leave, Hori remains looking at the door with a forlorn expression. Yuki notices and nudges her, silently asking her friend what was wrong.
“I know Miyamura said they just met, but.. I can’t help but worry..” Hori mumbled.
Yuki leaned on her hand, letting out a hum of understandment. Despite Hori not saying it out loud, it was obvious she was beginning to like Miyamura more than a friend. The two always hung out after school and Miyamura was glued to Hori’s side most of the school day. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Miyamura was probably just being polite since they were leaving at the same time.” Yuki tried to reassure her friend, but it seemed her words fell on deaf ears as Hori’s head fell hard on the table, startling a few people that remained in the class.
But he usually walks home with me.. Hori sighed. The way he looked at you was more than a stranger he just met. He looked at you like he was relieved to finally see you, as if he had been missing you for years. Hori wondered if you two were truly strangers.
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You walk out the school gate with Miyamura by your side. The sun was in the golden hour stage, giving everything its light touched a soft glowing look. Miyamura was no exception. The golden light made his black hair look almost brown and his long eyelashes made his blue eyes stand out. Somehow the lighting seemed to make him even more attractive.
“Is there something on my face?”
You jumped at the sound of his voice. Your face heated up once you realized you were caught staring, again. At this point he probably thinks I’m a weirdo.. you silently cry. “No! I was just.. admiring your lashes! They’re very long, I’m jealous!” You blurt out, hoping that he’d believe your half lie.
He coughed and quickly covered his mouth with his hand. When he didn’t stop coughing you began to pat his back, worried that he was actually choking. When he stopped coughing he cleared his throat. “T-Thank you, you’re actually not the first to tell me that.” He said softly, blush dusting his cheeks.
“Oh? Who else has told you?”
“It was Hori.”
Mm.. I’m guessing they’re close then? You thought to yourself, squinting to see his lashes. She must’ve gotten really close to his face in order to see, I wonder if they’re together.. You really hope that wasn’t the case or else walking with him alone would make you seem like you were trying to get in between them.
“Hori seemed really tired when we left. I hope she’s ok.”
Miyamura hesitated for a moment, thinking about what he should say. He had an idea as to why she seemed tired, but he also knew how secretive she was with her life outside of school, so he couldn’t go into too much detail. “She just has a lot on her plate. She helps the student council out even though she’s not a part of it.” He told you.
“Ah, I see.” You let out a sigh of relief. So she wasn’t upset about Miyamura walking home with me, she’s so kind for helping the student council..
The rest of the walk home was spent in a comfortable silence. Miyamura silently walked by your side while you curiously looked at everything around you. At some point you pass by a park. It looked relatively empty, excluding the small family of ducks that swam around in the small pond. You make a mental note to check it out later.
At some point the two of you come across a road that splits. Thinking that this is the end of your walk together, you turn to tell Miyamura goodbye, but he continues to walk. “Wait a minute,” You pause, “you live in that direction?”
“Mm? Oh yea, I live not too far from the bakery.”
You were a bit surprised, but didn’t let it show on your face. “Seriously? Me too! Your bakery is just a couple of blocks away from my house! And don’t you think that I forgot what you told me earlier! I’m still expecting that treat you promised!”
He laughed, “I haven’t forgotten either, don't worry. I’ll be stopping by my house first though so it might take awhile for it to be prepared.”
The rest of the walk home was spent chatting about the sweets he knew how to bake. You found out his mom actually owned the bakery and he planned on continuing to work there even after high school. You told him you’d be their number one customer.
The familiar building you’ve come to call home soon comes up in your view and you can’t help but smile, already imagining how comfortable your bed would feel surrounded by your soft blankets. You reach your house and stop along with Miyamura. You give a small wave, “Well, this is me. See you later!”
“Hold on, you live here?”
Confused, you nod. Miyamura is shocked for a moment, but a small smile begins to grow on his face. “I actually live in the apartment building right next to you.” He points to the building on the left side of your home.
You couldn’t believe it. First you see him at the bakery, next you see him at school and in the same class as you, and now you find out he’s your neighbor.
“Woa.. the world really is small..” You mumble.
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thank you for reading till the end! :D
taglist | @swtstrwbrri @aizawa-hatake
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simplydowntown · 2 years
hey! i saw that your requests are open so could you do headcanons for mike with an equally grumpy gf? basically black cat bf x black cat gf because as much as i love mike with a cheery, lovely golden retriever gf i need him with an angsty s/o (she/her pronouns pls)
ofc bby <3 thanks for the ask!!
-mike is… well, he’s angsty teenage mike
-pubescent mike, if you will. so he’s going all emo (take this lightly) and “shut up mom im cool this isnt a phase” w karen
-first day of highschool and he sees you, and it’s like his mind shattered. you looked so cool with your silver rings and eyeliner and cold glare, he wanted needed to be your friend. so he sat right next to you
-tbh you were a bit confused, cause why the hell was the random dude suddenly next to you despite his friend’s dustin? was that his name? pleas, but you just rolled your eyes and looked at the board, impatiently waiting for class to start.
-the first time you had a full blown conversation was when he came to class in his hellfire club shirt, which you thought looked neat
-“hey, weirdo, i like your shirt.” “cool, i like your rings.” “thanks, i got them at-“
-boom, suddenly you guys were with each other everywhere. lunch? eating together (with hellfire). free period? definitely studying at the back of the library, trying to avoid everybody.
-the first time you went to his house (“WE AREN’T DOING THAT, STOP BEING WEIRD MOM!!”), you were blown away when he opened his bedroom door and all you saw was nerd stuff. but you liked it, it was cute.
-tbh, he was the reason you had some friends, since everybody assumed you were an angry piece of shit, but he made people realize that both of you weren’t so bad.
-one day, you guys were at your house and you were showing him all your new stuff (you went shopping and were super excited to show your new graphic tees!), and he blurted out how much he liked you. it was kinda awkward 💀
-“oh, weirdo, look at th-“ “i have major feelings for you, y/n, you’re so pretty and cool and awesome and pretty and you like the same stuff as me and your style is great and you’re pretty-“
-shut him up with a kiss, to which he immediately responded to by grabbing your hips and pulling you closer.
-when you finally pulled away, the first thing you said was “you said pretty three times, dumbass”
-“i know.”
-yk how i said that you guys were basically attached at the hip? well now you’re surgically attached (/j)
-movie nights are every friday, and you always get to choose. what can i say? he has a soft spot for you
-now we can talk about you guys dating!!
-you two are always lurking around school, trying to find quiet places to make out talk
-whenever someone tries to flirt with one of you two (mostly you, you’re so fine), the other person is quick to shut it down with a glare
-“hey there, princess, how you been? i was wondering if may-“ “she’s taken.”
-pet names are so lovely <3 he calls you dumbass and you call him weirdo or nerd
-you guys would sit in back of class to avoid attention, but then do something stupid that has all the attention on you
-like, mike would be leaning his chair back to pass you a note and then fucking fall, and everybody turns to you.
-“care to read that, ms. l/n?” “no.” (psst! it said: dumbass, meet me at the back of school when the bell rings, i found a spot for us c;)
-basically, you guys are super cute and chill, and even though you think you’re being super lowkey abt it, everybody knows by now (they either caught you guys eating each other’s faces off or it slipped out)
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shygirl4991 · 4 months
Tumblr Sexyman Tornament
Summary: The crew receive  a letter from SMG3 to join a tournament that can change the boys into men, the great tumblr sexyman tournament. The crew must go through multiple challenges to win tumblrs votes. Who will be victorious in this grand tournament? 
A gift for @alianarepasa
Tags: humor,silly, adventure, tumblr sexyman,
Everyone at the castle was running around excited, a mail toad arrived giving everyone letters to some event. SMG4 opens the letter and scoffs  “Tumblr sexyman? This is 2024 who even cares about this stuff!” Bob rolls his eyes hearing SMG4 “THAT’S WHAT SOMEONE WHO ISN'T SEXY SAY!” 
Four put the letter away and was ready to toss it till he heard Boopkins speak up “Oh but SMG4 Don't you know the host for the event is last year's winner!” hearing this SMG4 looks at the host name and goes pale “What...SMG3 WON SEXYMAN!” jealousy started to build up at the thought the internet found SMG3 of all people sexy. He snaps his fingers and turns to his crew “What are waiting for we have a competition to get to!” Everyone cheered as they ran through the portal. SMG4 eyes go wide seeing so many familiar faces in the crowd, then his eyes settle on the host himself.  Ignoring his friends calling out to him he stomps up to the host “So you manage to win tumblr sexyman huh? Must have been because true sexyness wasnt around!” he smirks at Three making the man roll his eyes. The man turned to face four “Oh i didn't expect tumblr’s pathetic man to be showing up!” 
The tension rises as the others watch the pair bicker on the stage, Boopkins frowns “Why can't we just get along and have fun with this?” SMG3 and four get close their bodies almost pressed against each other as they smirk “Just you wait and see im taking your title, no one can beat my level of sexy,” SMG3 chuckles leaning forward at this rate any wrong step and the pair would end up kissing  “Then show me how sexy you can be, cause a loser like you don't know how to rizz anyone up.” Mario, seeing the tension between them steps forward, everyone gave him a confused look “HEY YOU TWO SHOULD KISS!!” 
Both mens faces go red at that moment realizing how gay they must have looked as they step away from each other, then in sync yell “SHUT IT YOU ASS!”  SMG3 takes a deep breath “Alright everyone! Let the games begin and SMG4 get off my stage!” he shoves Four off the stage making the man glare at him. SMG3 takes out a whiteboard and starts drawing on it, everyone watches excited for their first challenge. He points to the board and smiles “Okay everyone now that we have all invited accounted for let's begin! Your first challenge will be confidence, to be sexy you must be confident in all you do!
Everyone was taken by Ugandan knuckles to a personalized booth, each contestant had different prompts that will help them show their confidantes. SMG4 walked into the booth ready to show his stuff, looking around he noticed a computer with his youtube channel pulled up. He gets closer to the computer “My channel?” he hears a chuckle as the lights turn off, SMG4 jumps in fear “Uh hello? What's the challenge?” with a blink the lights turn back on. He looks down to notice he was now wearing a dress, then a camera comes out of the wall with a note “Well four, I'm sure your fans are excited for your new video!” 
Hearing this, four panics “What i'm not making a video in a dress!” Another note appears catching his attention giving him a warning if he doesn't he will be kicked out. He sighs looking at the camera “Hey everyone it's me…Princess SMG4…” he could feel himself cringing, he needed something to spark a fire. Remembering that his rival did these challenges with no issue he smiles at the camera placing his hands on his hips “And i'm about to show you some royal class memes!” After passing the challenge he was ready to get out of the dress “No no SMG4, real sexyman will finish the whole thing in a dress!” Hearing the smug tone in SMG3's voice  angered four as he stepped out of the booth. To his surprise half of the people that started are gone, he walks up to the crew that gives him different looks “Don't ask.”
Mario gives him a thumbs up “You make pretty bride!” he glares at Mario for his comment. Meggy giggles and pats his back “Hey it's not bad you have to wear a dress, i was in a battle with no splatgun!” Everyone talks about their first challenge, they all sounded intense so why was he making a youtube video in a dress. A bell rings catching the crews attention “The votes are coming in hot guys time for challenge two!  The internet is a sucker for bad boys, so your next challenge is to show how bad you all can be!” 
Everyone nods getting ready, SMG4 glares at Three “How am i supposed to do that in a dress?!”  Three laughs at the man “Not my problem! Alright viewers at home get ready to vote!” SMG4 walks up to the stage confusing three, suddenly four jumps three and they start fighting, knocking over the camera and ruining the set. Three gets up rubbing his head to notice he was now wearing the white dress they put on four “OI! GIVE ME BACK MY CLOTHES!” SMG4 running off in threes outfit sticks his tongue out as he attempts to catch up with the others. He was already falling behind as he watched the others rob banks and pirate movies, he looked around thinking how he can be a bad boy.  An idea comes to mind as he sneaks up to Mario, he just robbed a restaurant of all its spaghetti. He was laughing and not paying attention to the bag, SMG4 grabs the bag and starts running “IM SORRY!” 
Mario turns looking at his best friend in shock before getting angry and starts charging after the meme guardian. Four started screaming as he was being chased, he did his best to avoid the fat Italian as the votes started coming in. Three fixes his dress annoyed that it was dirty and smiles at the camera  “Times almost up everyone you have five more minutes to commit your crime!”  SMG4 slides in a small gap knowing that Mario wouldn't fit, he lets out a sigh of relief until he starts hearing singing. He starts to shake as he turns looking through the hole. That's when he saw Mario’s arm stretch towards arm. Panicked, he grabs a chair and starts to smack Mario’s arm away till the timer rings letting everyone know the challenge is done.
SMG4 fixes threes hat to make sure it doesn’t fall off his head, he drops the bag of food which Mario jumped the moment he saw it. SMG3 walks up to the final contestants “DUDE WHAT IS WITH THAT GAY AS DRESS?” SMG3 glares at him “Shut it bob, and I know lots of people love seeing someone as sexy as me rock a dress!”  Three glares at his partner before pointing the letter in his hands “Everyone has placed their votes, we know the winner!”
SMG4 eyes go wide surprised “what two challenges and that's it?!” Three scoffs at the comment “Sexyman isnt about skill its about being sexy to the viewers, we can have all the challenges wont change the mind of fans you of all people should know that idiot.” Four sighs looking down, SMG3 would know better than anyone about how fans can be given the creepy fan mail the man gets. The drum rolls and as three opens the letter “In fifth place Mario…which is surprising he ranked so high when he mostly ate paste,” he sighs as he changes the card to see the next person. 
“Fourth place is Toad! Many people watching loved how you hacked into SMG4 channel and posted that video of him in a dress!” SMG4 eyes go wide as he turns to Toad who was laughing, flipping him off, in a panic he takes out his phone and curses to himself. The internet graveyard has no internet beside the starbucks, he was going run to the cafe close by only to get grabbed by Three. “Third place, Meggy for her display of confidence in the badass showdown against the infestation of rat memes that i didn't want to deal with!” SMG4 struggles against Threes hold “Let go bitch i need to delete the video!!” ignoring his partner he flips to the next card his eyes going wide. Looking up he stares at Bob “Uh Bob..for his sick raps…and dad body? The fuck?” SMG4 stopped struggling to look at the card alongside Three. The card showed they recounted the votes multiple times to make sure it was correct. 
Now it was the time everyone was waiting for, SMG4 seeing how he was the only one, got excited. He expected to hear his name only to be surprised “It’s me again! Wow I'm shocked you guys find me so sexy you voted for me when i wasn't even a part of this!” Four grabs the note reading it “That's bullshit then what about me!?” SMG3 smirks “I did say your tumblr’s pathetic man congrats!” Four stares at three “What…WHAT DO YOU MEAN PATHETIC WHAT ABOUT ME IS!” The two start fighting as the crew congratulates each other for their placement. Then they turn to watch the pair fight, Bob decides to make it fun by starting bets as the men argue through the night. 
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majimanowhere · 2 years
It's me again! Thank you for answering to my recent ask!
I would like to request for headcanons for Nishiki, Kiryu and maybe even Ichiban if you write for him (all from yakuza) with a s/o who gifts them a plushie based off what their tattoos represent? Like..for Nishiki a koi, for Kiryu a dragon and for Ichiban a dragonfish (It sounds so cheesy omg)
If the request doesn't vibe with you you can skip it! Again, have a good day or night!
so uh.,,.it’s been several months since this request 😋 sorry for the long wait! i have no excuse i’m just lazy :P
irezumi inspired plushie hcs
okay so these are specifically for y0 nishiki, i feel like kiwami nishiki would just throw the stuffed animal away im sorry 💔
he is going to be so fucking annoying about it
and dramatic
you hand him the koi plushie and his entire face lights up like a little kid
he’s so happy and excited about this damn plushie and it’s so adorable
breaking news grown ass man in the mafia cries over stuffed animal
obv tells kiryu all about it
kiryu tries (keyword) to be a supportive kyodai but in all honesty he doesn’t really care and and if nishiki brings up the mention of that fucking plushie one more time he’s gonna
you hand him the dragon plush and he just kinda
stares at it
he looks very confused
i mean tbh idk what reaction you’d expect but it’s kinda embarrassing none the less
“um., thank you.”
but do not mistake his eccentricity for dislike
he’s a little confused but the spirit is there
he enjoys it very much actually! like way more than you’d think
while communication may not be his strong suit, you can tell his fondness of the stuffed animal by its prominent spot in his apartment/room (depending on when you’re imaging this taking place)
he regularly cleans the shelf the plushie is on making it a dust free display (i don’t think he’d sleep with it sorry </3)
if you tease him about it you might be able to get him to actually admit how much he likes the plushie
“i like it. it’s nice. i like to look at it.”
listen okay it may not be a lot, but it’s better than the initial reaction
he’s literally a child
🤩 emoji irl is the best way to describe his reaction
asks you everything about it like how you got it, where you found it, how much was it, how did you get it customized, etc.
he feels so special it’s actually precious
okay now HE would sleep with it
he’d get shit for it from the others too but he got no shame
if anything ever happened to that plush he would be absolutely DEVESTATED
like the entire party would have to be on board to take care of his depressed, soulless body
please buy him another one
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eneablack · 3 months
some things that are happening rn 🦈 (since i’m not posting anymore, just wanted to generally update again, and maybe you guys can suggest some topics that i can cover)
i still have to channel my subconscious, i wanted to ask them what are my blockages now but i procrastinate bc i have zero motivation, i really need something to make me wanna do it.
i think there’s a trickster impersonating my deities and that is taking my energy. i started having nightmares (which is unusual for me now), my tarot cards are very confusing and opposing each other and giving me lots of negative cards and usually the devil is always there, then i have this strange feeling that i am not talking to my deities, and i feel kind of drained and unmotivated. this started when duchess astarte (astaroth) reached out to me so i’m not sure what to think. i’ll have to banish it if it keeps going this way.
i always had this feeling that i have a curse on me because of so many reasons, then i looked on the internet what are the signs and i find myself in literally everything. so i did a reading and i got confirmation which was not surprising, apparently it was an ex friend of mine that did it intentionally but i have no idea who that is. i asked astarte if she could help me and she accepted so i did a spell to remove the curse and be protected, which i think will work soon, i feel like i just have to wait a bit.
my current dr is still marauders/hogwarts but i’m feeling really nostalgic of my avatar dr, that place felt like home like no other dr i shifted to. i will probably shift there in summer or even spring since those seasons reminds me so much of pandora. can’t wait :(
i’m still manifesting my ideal life. i made a vision board and a script with a list of things i want, and i’m trying to keep a wish fulfilled state. i’m still luckily in a “god” mentality such as that i know i’m the creator of this reality, so it’s pretty easy for me to ignore the 3d now. it’s just that sometimes i still feel somewhat anxious that “what if i won’t manifest this?” which is normal, but i try to keep the right mindset. plus all of my deities are really hyping me up telling me that if i really just persist this time i will totally manifest it all in no time, i’m basically already there, and they seem so sure about this and i am too ;)
IM GOING TO THAILAND IN FEBRUARY AAAAA, i’m so excited bro istg i really am looking forward to this. i’ll be staying for two weeks so for that period of time (9th feb to around the 23rd) i won’t post anything, but it’s not really sure i mean maybe if i have some news or new ideas and i have free time then i might post, who knows.
i think there’s definitely more to say but i don’t know what so i’ll stop here. have a good day :)
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Inspired by this video
IMAGINE, You and your friend are playing a game which whoever loses would have to propose to a stranger. Story made short-- you lose, your friend laugh his ass off in your misery. You are a person of your word so you went and grab the candy ring that your friend says is the ring for the proposal (still laughing like a lunatic) and went outside to look for the first stranger you see. (So you get this damn game over with.)
Strangely no one is around until you hear someone walking.
"hiiro you better look where you going--"
"it's ok aira--"
You want to kill yourself as you see the first person. A cute tall guy with red messy hair. You felt so bad and cringe to the max you felt you died and revive over and over again. Your mind work fast to think it a sentence as you felt your friend who's recording the whole thing from the window of his house (where you two played the silly game) laughing his off again. But since the other friends of this "hiiro" isn't near yet. This would be great!
"excuse me." You run toward the stranger. "Oh, hello there. What can i--" he stop from his jagging as he stared at you with a wide smile, you felt guilty to your bone. It's not like his going to believe this shit.
"I know it's odd but I have fallen in love with you at first sight. I thought the world was a dark place but your my light in this dark world the moment I see you turn from that corner.... Would you like to be my significant other? I know it's fast development but I can wait too... But I really love you... *Fake tears." You somehow says those with a straight and honest as you can be. You went on your knee to offer a ring, which is a candy ring to him. He look confuse as heck but since your giving him something he accept it. It's food give the dude a break. "Ah... Sure--" he was about to finish his reply but his friend who just walk out of the corner who saw the, sight scream. "Hiiro wait up ---KYAAA A PROPOSAL IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?!" and says some idol shit and bluh bluh you don't understand, probably hiiro think the same as you.
"NVM IM SORRY TO BOTHER YOUU." you quickly run away in embarrassment because someone else sees you did that. You went back to your friend who's haft dead from laughing already in the floor. You kicked his side which made him groan in pain but still laugh as a response.
"hiiro!! hiiro!!! who is that!!!???" Certain unit leader of alkaloids is being questioned while being shaken by aira Shiratori. They have return back to their dorm as aira need a private room to question this friend of his who have lucks in the world to rain upon him. He have a looks, the talent, the brain. Now a girl who probably his s/o behind their back propose to him in board daylight?!
"nom. Nom. Idk." Hiiro says as he noms the candy ring. He never eat sweets from the city before and it's a good kind too! "They said they "fall in love with me" and want me to be their "significant other" ." he casually says this which made the other two who was watching the scene on their own corner stared at hiiro. " What? Is there something wrong? Sorry I don't understand city people common sense." He added.
"oh my, hiiro is quite the charmer indeed to have those situations to happen to him." Mayoi quietly commented.
"so what's your reply." Tatsumi ask him. He think that it's probably those silly trend with kids those days.
"you don't accept right?" Aira start to shake Hiiro. He don't know if idols are allowed to date or be married in their agency so it's better be safe than being in the bottom of the food chain again.
"... What does that mean if I did?" He innocently ask
"hiiro it mean your going to have to marry them." Mayoi joked even through he knows it's probably a prank. "Significant other mean is asking you to be their wedded partner for life. Husband or legal lover... A partner to start a family..." He added which made things worse.
"oh! I see! I see!" Hiiro eyes suddenly have a determine look as he stood up ready to leave.
"wait wait where are you going!?" Aira and mayoi now worries as they forget hiiro have different common sense than others.
"to my brother!" He says with a determination.
" Ahmm I'm afraid to ask why already... Imsosorryimmadethesituationworse..." Mayoi suddenly went to his corner to grow mushrooms as an idea why hiiro would go to his delinquent of a brother after hearing what he said
"to tell him that I'll bring new addition to our family! Dad would be proud!" He sparkle and shined as he says those, which almost blind mayoi.
"HUUUH?????" Aira cannot believe this bitch. And hiiro is gone before he can argue that it's probably a prank or a joke.
Hiiro indeed told his older brother about the news, Rinne at first choke on his drink his drinking before he hold a laugh but cant bare to laugh at his cute little brother face as he show him the candy ring he already eaten as proof. His unit mate behind him is laughing silently at hiiro through which made rinne to shoot them a warning look. No one is allowed to laugh at his brother even through he act dumb.
He did what good older brother would say: you have to chase your run away s/o before their old pops die, to bring home!
Which made the already worse misunderstanding worse than it's already is. And that moment you sneeze on your part time job on a local podcast station. You college ask if your fine and you said yes. You don't realize your life won't be fine anymore since that very day.
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A/N am I high when I write this? Yes. Probably
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