#like the time i did team scorpio <3
genshins1mpact · 2 years
me thinking my 3-4 4☆ 10 pull was great luck and then seeing these triple 5☆ pulls on twt was is def a humbling experience lmfaaaooo but I'll still take it bc it could've just been the bells and eye of perceptions and mandatory pity 💀 which im pretty sure some were anyway rip
nilou came home around soft pity and i managed to get 1 of the new 4☆ weapons (got the catalyst but rly wanted just 1 copy of the sword,,, praydge) didn't manage to gif it this time bc i wasn't playing on mobile this time, will just have to send myself the screenshots later ig
managed to get nilou to about lvl 70 but her talents are all over the place,, im always outta fungi drops istg ;^; either bc of the different drops thanks to electro or bc EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING ELSE NEEDS FUNGI DROPS 😭 especially tighnari omfgrhdy it was such a pain when i got him and him bow,,,, same enemies but diff mats from it 🥴
*cool idea in theory bc of all the sumeru/dendro reactions.... but diff drops being reliant on one enemy kinda blows in practice. farming was already annoying enough bro 😞
oh and speaking of tighnari, i finally got him to lvl 10 friendship last night! 🥰❤️ collei isn't too far behind, prob gonna aim for cyno & nilou now that they're on the friendship exp team. ended up getting a collei con while going for nilou so thanks to the 2 free copies she's almost c6 now yay! also, very very excited for nahida & layla (presumably) next patch! they both look very cool, can't wait 🙌🏻 💕 not usually fond of the shortest tier charas bc my tall ass prefers to stay tall /j i don't prefer aiming at that level,,, but ah well, archon team incoming! prob won't work well but excited nonetheless! lol
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Scorpio Curse (König x F!OC)
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Part 2/3 of Valkyrie
(Part 1 here)
Summary: König gets an order to make a female SpecGru sniper talk, but König doesn't want to hurt women.
Category: Smut 🔞, angst, fluff
Tags & warnings: Explicit mature content +18 audiences only, strangers to lovers (slight enemies to lovers), dubious consent, threats of rape, virgin!König, size kink, size difference, p in v, multiple orgasms, cunnilingus, squirting, hugs and cuddles, super fluffy ending. König will be named in later chapters. 
Part 2: Mostly König who is in desperate need of a hug (don't worry, he will get it soon enough :*)
A/N: KorTac and SpecGru are rivaling military contractors, Conor is König's superior (and a huge villain), and I just wanted to write angsty smut featuring our favourite Austrian boi. 
"You should've come to me, König."
He was still here.
No one had told him to leave his stuff and sign the papers and get the fuck out.
He had been called to see the team leader, though.
"It's true that we don't do that shit. Especially with the SpecGru, not after everything that already went through."
He told his side of the story, and apparently, the command agreed that Conor had made a mistake.
"Your superior officer slipped, but that doesn't mean you have the right to do whatever the fuck you deem more appropriate."
The leader's cheeks were red, and his voice traveled from peaceful, tired account to a booming loud yell.
"To tell you the truth, König, you're good at what you do. But pull this kind of shit again, and the KorTac will ensure you lose your rifle for good. They'll make sure you'll get spat in the face in every fucking PMC on this fucking planet, you hear me?"
He was surprised he didn't catch spit flying right now.
"Now go fix that goddamn fence."
"Yes, sir. Right away, sir."
König, former weapons sergeant of the Jagdkommando and current operator of the special forces known as KorTac, felt like a fresh recruit when he turned heel and marched from the office. He thought about asking whether the surveillance tape would be destroyed or if it was already but sensed that this was not the best moment to ask questions. The leader's tired voice followed him as he walked away with cold sweat tingling down his back.
"Jesus. Where did you even get those bolt cutters.."
He worked half a day to get it right. Repairing the fence was easy, but fixing it so that it wasn't a weak spot in the area's defense was not. He had kneeled down in this exact same spot less than 24 hours ago, with a tense, silent cargo thrown on his back in a fireman's carry.
He had yanked the door to the surveillance room open to let the men know they could get a coffee break while he watched the prisoner — only to find that there was no one there. He had been played twice the fool, and she had paid the price. He wasn't man enough to tell her it had been all in vain when he went to get her.
He certainly wasn't going to tell her that he would still do it all again.
She stayed mute the whole journey to the fence, remained quiet even when he placed her gently on the ground and showed her the hole he had made on the chain link fence for her to crawl through.
"There you go, little Walküre."
She stared at his work for a while, sniffed, then looked up at him.
"You think you can fit through that?" He asked, although he had made sure the hole was big enough for even him to go through.
"Yeah…" she uttered her first words since forever before reaching for her road to freedom. Realizing she was still tied, she pivoted back.
"My hands.." she started, but he was already kneeling on the ground with his combat knife pulled out. With utter care, he cut her loose. She caught him after it was done, and he glanced at those tiny fingers that barely reached to close around his wrists.
"Thank you."
He raised his stare, and her eyes bored into his as she ensured her words had sunk in. Then she turned, dived for the hole… but turned back again.
He had enough time to discover that the naked pain in her eyes was of the exact same kind as the agony spreading in his heart before she leaped to him, threw her arms around him — and suddenly, he was home.
"Don't get yourself killed." Her voice was a muffled sob that hit his skin through the mask as she pressed her face against his neck and squeezed him with a surprising amount of strength. Dumbfounded, he raised his arms but wasn't sure if she would welcome the touch. He didn't want her to think he would seize her just when she had been offered a way out.
"Promise that you won't get killed."
He knew that he would probably get maimed for this. At the very least, he would lose his contract. But he hadn't even thought about it when he made that hole and carried her here.
She released him and pulled back. Her eyes were pure attention, a time-halting awareness that seized him without warning. It didn't matter that he was loaded with gear, that he had a helmet and a mask on. She could see him. All of him. And she smiled.
Then she reached for his mask.
He did nothing to stop her as she grabbed the hood and started to lift it. His vision went black with the ascending cloth for the longest second…
And then he could see again — see her wide eyes roam his face. The silence was pierced by a few raindrops, the first of an impending heavy rain. They landed on his helmet and on his arm guards, specked on her cheeks as they fell from the heavy clouds above them.
"Wow," she breathed, with parted lips and eyes that sparkled.
She grabbed his helmet through the cloth and pushed both the hood and the piece of metal away. The bundle landed somewhere next to him with a soft clunk a second before her lips pressed against his.
Rain fell, and with it, the paint from around his eyes — all the black he had surrounded himself with ran down his cheeks and neck, all the way under the collar of his shirt and over his heart that thumped like a maniac. They were in a warm August shower together, and she pulled him by his neck, threatened to swallow him, and he could do nothing but melt and surrender and answer with the same gentle hunger.
Her fingers swept across his chin; they caressed his temples, brushed his scalp, and tugged at his hair, not hindered by the fact that there wasn't much to grab hold of in the classic military undercut. They slid down his neck, grabbed his tactical vest, and pulled him deeper into the kiss. She sucked his lip, kissed the raindrops away, and he was hard as a rock even in the pants that were soaked and cool.
When she relented, all too soon, he would've given everything to freeze time and stay there. Under that hail, kneeled in that mud — with her, forever.
"I can't go through that fence unless you promise me," she panted in his mouth, and every single fiber in his body told him not to promise anything. He wanted to grab her instead, take her back, tuck her somewhere safe, and keep her as his own.
"Ok," he whispered.
A gush of hot air landed on his face as she gave a short laugh.
"Ok what?" She smiled against his mouth, her teeth colliding with his lips.
"I… promise."
"'Atta boy," he felt the words before he heard them, and she kissed him once more, and he could've drowned in that kiss. In those words.
"I'll never forget this," she said, lips wet with all that rain, eyes blinking through the drops that slithered down her face and got caught in her lashes.
I'll never forget you.
"No problem."
"No problem…? God. Could you get any more charming?"
She thought he was charming…
"Just one more thing, hero."
She bit her lip, looked down on the soaked grass, then up at him, and smiled.
“What’s with the hood? I really don’t get it. You look super nice.” She winked an eye at him. And then she turned and crawled through that hole and vanished into the darkness.
He was left alone in the descending rain, and there he had remained ever since.
He was convinced he still had her scent on him. He never washed that shirt he had been wearing the day he lifted her in his lap. He tried to catch her from it, and for a few days, he thought he actually did. But then that scent became only a memory.
Nevertheless, it followed him everywhere. No one knew that he was encompassed by it. That he was shrouded with her as he walked the base or rose on the plane.
Days passed by, and he still felt her lips on his own. Her taste in his mouth. Felt her legs around him, her soft walls surrounding him.
He replayed the frenzied vision over and over again in his head to remind himself that he had truly been inside her. That he had made her produce all those sounds. Made her clench around him and smell like honeydew and summers by the lake. He realized that he had started to truly live only after he had opened the door to that bleak room full of her. And then his life froze like a movie that was pressed on an eternal pause as he saw the soles of her boots push against the muddy ground to get her through that fence and away from him.
Three weeks passed — three weeks without her.
He did his job, went on missions, and executed orders to the letter.
But mostly, he was in his thoughts.
Mostly, he thought of her.
He thought of her when he had a rifle in his hand during ops. He thought of her during briefings, when he did deadlifts, racked a barbell after bench press, or sparred with training knives.
He thought of her in showers, in the mess hall, and most of all, in bed at night when he stroked himself to a release that eased his sleep.
He had never been so virile, not even as a teen. His libido was off the roof as the only thing he could think about was how he could get to jerk himself off in the shower stall or in his bunk after the day was done. Thoughts of her were his reward, the only thing that seemed to sustain him.
She was the most radiant thing in his life: everything else had faded away, turned to gray and black. Monotone, lifeless, empty. The pain faded for a while every time he came into his fist. Then it hit him with an even more crippling force as he realized that she wasn't real; she wasn't here.
Still, he fantasized what it would be like to hold her after, how they would drift off to sleep together. He envisioned her skin, her scent, her hair. The top of her head against his chin, her little hands around his neck, her laugh, all of it.
Sometimes when he had a hard day, he fantasized how her body would press softly against his back, and she would slide an arm around him, and it would disappear beneath his shirt. Her palm would come and rest right where his heart was, and she would just hold him.
On the worst days, he cried. He thought of the bullies and what they would say and how they would laugh if they saw him now, curled up in the soiled sheets with a cock in his hand, falling asleep on a tear-soaked pillow.
After a few months, he started to dissolve.
He got reckless on the field — jumped out of the helo before it had even landed properly, was all sloppy with his cover, wasted bullets, and revealed his position for the sake of getting up close and personal, for having the satisfaction of killing his opponents with a knife or with his bare hands.
People complained. Hutch complained, Fender complained — even Zero complained.
Some said it was just good old König, that he didn't care. Medics said he had a guardian angel with him when he never got hit, got barely even scratched when at the same time, some of the best operators were severely injured.
And some saw right through it.
"He fell in love with that sniper bitch. That's what's wrong with 'im," Conor had said.
He had nearly attacked the man for what he said — what he had called her. His angel.
But he knew that's what Conor wanted: to taunt him into making a mistake that would result in his dismissal from the force. Would probably destroy his chances to continue a career anywhere in the military. And then he would quickly find himself in civilian life, where he had never quite fit into.
"Promise me you won't get killed."
He had promised her to stay alive, and he couldn't disappoint her. So it became a prayer. Every night he made an offering to her, so she would keep him safe. No bullet could touch him. He knew that somehow she could feel his longing, the love he had for her. She would protect her like the war maiden that she was. And even if he caught that bullet, he knew it would only take him to heaven. She had already carried him there.
Six months without her, and people started to fear him.
His teammates looked at him with dread as he geared up for missions with the secret knowledge that he was practically immortal. The team leader said he resembled a machine, and he took it as a compliment. Even Lieutenant kept his mouth shut and looked at him with something akin to respect.
But he got even more time off when he wanted the exact opposite. He was pretty sure that there was a note in his file now. Right after the screaming red words released a prisoner without the requisite order from a superior officer. A comment that said he was behaving wrong, that he was unstable or something. They offered him cognitive therapy, sleeping pills, meditation groups, ice baths, even acupuncture. He turned it all down, knowing that it was no use.
And so they sent him home more and more often.
It was even worse there. He never wanted the leaves, but KorTac was firm in their protocol. Contract soldiers needed time off duty to prevent "substantial impairment concerning the operator's ability to work." Even if he wanted to, he couldn't stay in the barracks and get every mission he could get his hands on.
He sat in his apartment, slept late, went for a swim, went to the gym, and came back to sit and sleep. He thought of her when he walked the streets with a hole in his chest, a hole as deep as the Mariana Trench. He saw her in all the women of the same height and weight as her. At some point, he realized he had never paid so much attention to women as he did now.
"Go get a pint and a girl, König. Just get it out of your head."
Zero meant well, but he could've punched him too for saying that.
He didn't want a girl; he wanted her.
Pint sounded good, though. He had visited the nearest pub only a few times before, but the place had only reminded him that he was not home and that pubs were different from bierstubes. But right now, he didn't want to go back to that cold, dark flat to stare at the ceiling and wait till sleep would come.
He pushed the door open and stomped his feet on the mat even though it didn't rain outside. He walked further into the dimly lit hall and saw that early evening wasn't the busiest time in this place: more than half of the tables were empty.
And then he looked for the counter and saw her.
His Kriegsmädchen was there.
His Walküre was here.
She was here and looked just the way he remembered her — no, even more luminous. Glowing.
Perhaps he had finally lost it. But he kept looking, blinking, and saw her fingertips curl around a glass, saw the hair she had tied into a high ponytail, the smile that spread across her face just before she laughed.
The angelic sound went straight between his legs and stabbed a hole in his gut, and he was bleeding — months and months of pain, right there in the hallway of a quiet pub.
She was alive and safe, laughing, and so lovely that his hands started to tremble just as they had when his bullies approached him back in school. It was odd because she was everything but. He took a step, heart thumping and palms sweating, like he was approaching an enemy he knew he had to finish with his bare hands.
He walked to the counter in the eye of a storm, and she evaded his gaze and tried to act like she didn't even notice that some man was striding toward her.
Did men approach her often?
Of course they did. And she tried to look like an immovable stone, a prey that wouldn't draw attention.
And only then did she turn her gaze, eyes filled with both fear and hope.
Her mouth opened, and she drew a sharp breath, shoulders tense. He had to fight tooth and nail to not grab her and press her against that counter or kiss her, devour her while he carried her off out that door...
"... Valkyrie?" Her friend repeated sarcastically, with a birth of a laugh on her lips, staring at him like he was a circus attraction. He didn't spare even a glance her way.
Couldn't, because he was mesmerized by the most soothing gaze in the world.
"Hi," she breathed, voice almost breaking.
His eyes went straight to her lips as she said it, the sound far too similar in his mind to the breaths that had escaped her in that dull, grey room.
She cleared her throat and swallowed.
"Kate, this is… Siegfried. A friend from my old job."
He knew he should move, look to the side, and say hello. Act normal. But he couldn't move, couldn't even blink.
She pursed her lips and looked down at her drink, at her friend, and then back up at him.
"Nice to meet you," her friend spoke, and he finally managed to turn his eyes toward her and nod slowly.
“You must be the battering ram.” She took a sip of her drink with a flash of eyebrows.
He heard a sharp inhale from beside him and only wanted to ignore everything and everyone else in the room except for the one who gasped like that.
“You know, the one they send to charge through doors?”
“Done that too.”
The friend called Kate's eyes widened from the stare he knew made most people uncomfortable.
"What are you doing here?"
His angel spoke, and he turned. She was looking even more beautiful with flushed cheeks. It was strange to see her like this: sitting gracefully on that bar stool, wearing jeans and a bit of mascara. She wasn't covered in dirt and sleepless nights and fear, and he realized that he never wanted to see her like that again. He wanted her safe and sound, and happy; even if she had come on this earth to fight, just like he, even if she was deadly with a rifle. Even if she was a more able-bodied sniper than he ever could be.
"To get a lager."
"No, I mean," she laughed, sending warmth between his legs, "Why are you here, here?"
After a blink or two, he realized she meant the town.
"I'm on leave. I live here."
"Oh." She bit her lip. "Kate, um. Would you… Would you mind if we catch up a bit?"
He saw from the corner of his eye that the woman looked him up and down, and then a smile started to creep up her face.
"You know what June, I think I'm gonna head home. You two catch up for as long as you need and I'll see ya later, ok?"
Her name was June.
Like midsummer fests and seagulls and Radler.
Honey and raindrops…
"I'll go grab a table," he declared, thinking how odd that sounded, thinking whether his English was somehow off. As if he was going to physically grab a table and raise it in the air...
Kate chuckled behind his back as he turned and headed for a darker, more private corner.
"Jesus Christ, June… I knew you did some special commando shit, but that guy is -"
"Will you keep your voice down?"
"I mean… If you catch up all night, I doubt you'll be able to walk tomorrow."
"Kate…! "
The rest of the exchange of words faded as he reached the table and adjusted the chairs to be able to sit down.
Then he noticed that he was still wearing his jacket and got up to take it off. He saw her coming with her drink in hand, and she flashed a smile at him as he threw the leather bomber across the chair next to him.
"Nice jacket."
He looked down at the dark brown leather, worn and looking mostly what people called vintage or something.
"You gonna go get that beer, sweetie?"
"Ja," he nodded, turned, and marched back to the counter.
He ordered a beer, then asked what the lady over there was having.
"I think she, ah… ordered a mojito." The bartender extended his neck to the side to glance at their table. "Yeah, that's a mojito."
"One of those as well."
The man gave him a look that distinctly said You really think you're gonna get some of that? He didn't know what it was in his aura that told people he was a loser. Or a menace. And he didn't know which of those looks made the pain worse. But all of it faded instantly as she greeted him with a shy smile when he returned to the table with the drinks.
"Oh, you shouldn't have… I haven't even finished this one." She raised those lovely eyes at him, smiling, smiling… "Thank you, König."
Her fingertips brushed his as he gave it to her, the glass sweating with tiny cold drops of condensed water. She had pale pink, almost nude nail polish that made her nails look shiny and pure, her hands even more delicate. She watched as he scoured through the chairs to take a seat, pick a coaster and place his own glass on the table.
"A big one."
She then turned those playful faerie eyes on him, and he was suddenly grateful that he had picked the loose, black cargo pants to wear today… and that he was sitting.
"This is considered a small beer where I come from."
"I'm sure it is," she chuckled. The tight, white t-shirt she wore reminded him of the first time he had seen her, even though it was not one of those heavy cotton, military shirts. He grabbed the beer to do something, anything, and raised it to his lips, almost pouring the liquid all over him when he took a sip. She watched him gulp and smiled even wider. He was half hard at that point and had to spread his legs to accommodate and conceal what was happening in his pants and under the table.
"What about you, Walküre? What are you doing here?"
"I'm helping a friend -uh, Kate. She had an awful breakup."
He nodded and kept picking up his beer, drinking a small sip and trying to hit the center of the coaster as he set the glass back down.
"You're not with SpecGru anymore?"
"I signed off one week after… After. You know."
"I'm sorry to hear that," he said, even though he wasn't sorry at all. At least, not for the fact that she was out of harm's way.
"Nah, don't be. It was for the best. I'm able to sleep at night and everything."
She had trouble sleeping? Maybe that's why she looked even more radiant than before. She had slept well.
"I was worried about you."
"Really?" she tilted her head to the side, and her eyes started to shine even brighter.
"... that you might not find your way home."
"I'm a big girl. Trained with the Green Berets and everything.. But it warms my heart to hear that. I worried about you, too."
"You did?"
"Yeah. Sure, I mean… I was afraid you'd get into some trouble because of me."
Someone laughed at the next table, but the unexpected sound reached him through a comfortable haze; like he was sitting underwater. The battlefield wasn't nearly as distressing an environment as this peaceful pub - or any other place he rarely visited. But this time, with her, it was not too bad. His senses were blown wide, but he wasn't afraid.
"Also ja… They did yell at me."
"That's horrible. I could never yell at you."
He felt himself nearly choke on the beer, tried to breathe through his nose, and forced the liquid down with an audible gulp.
"You kept your promise," she said in a low voice, her smile fading slightly. Her eyes locked with his, and he basked in the warmth.
I prayed for you every single night, Kriegsmädchen.
She gave him a small, sad smile and looked down, swirling her ice-filled glass.
"You know I…" she started, took a breath, then another. "I've missed you, König."
He squeezed the tall glass before realizing that it might actually break at some point.
"I've missed you too, Walküre."
He looked at his beer, still halfway full, and then at the completely untouched drink he had brought her.
"You want to go to my place?"
Part 3:
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always you
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in a sea of red, he always looks for you.
summary: all the moments of the austria grand prix, boiling down to one thing... pairing: charles leclerc x alpine fem!reader (nicknamed fleur) word count: 5.3k warnings: none note: here is a charles pov. i might have a couple of parts of this series before i wrap it up and try to work on something new. hope u like this one. and thank u @bigdiccricc for reading it through for me <3 ily forever masterlist
taglist: @sluts-inc @sidcrosbyspuck @coffeehurricanes @miniminescapist @amsofftrack @melancholyy-scorpio @strawberrypaul @starxqt @somanyfandomsbruh @allisonxf1 @buenadiabebeta @ohthemisssery
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
Free Practice 1
Charles sits at the top most floor of the Ferrari motorhome, twiddling with the straw of his team water bottle as he scrolls through Instagram. This has become a regular thing, coming onto the paddock far too early for practice, and sitting on social media to pass the time. Four races have passed since Monaco, since he was forced to walk away from his only sense of normalcy. 
He hasn’t stopped beating himself up for that weekend. The words he screamed at you, the anger in his heart towards you made him sick to his stomach. You didn’t deserve it, didn’t deserve to carry the weight of his insecurities. And when it finally subsided, it was too late. 
You liked the peonies, at least that’s what you texted him. Merci Charles, I love them. And according to your latest instagram post, they’re sitting pretty on your dining table. He wonders if you sit at home and think of him when you look at the pretty flowers. He wonders if you look at the peonies and picture him sitting across you, because he does. 
“Charles, fifteen minutes!” 
Xavier’s voice cuts him out of his daydream. He strips off his team gear, swapping them out for a race suit. He zips it up to his waist, then grabs his helmet and water bottle before trotting down to the garage. It is busy when he arrives, men in red zooming left and right as they scramble through the garage to prepare for the first practice of the weekend. Charles smiles politely at the people in the garage, the guests Ferrari have invited to sit and watch and all the people who work tirelessly to give him as seamless of a race as possible. He steps out onto the paddock, the hot sun kissing his pale skin. 
The Alpine garage is just as busy as Ferrari’s. The people clad in blue are scrambling to and from the garage, rolling in wheels and clearing the asphalt of equipment. Charles watches as you step out onto the paddock, unaware that he is watching you just two garages down. You always did this, step out of your garage, away from the busy bodies to just soak up the sun. He admired the way your skin glowed, and the relaxed look on your face. He stepped back into his space, afraid of disrupting your peace.
“Five minutes Charles.” 
Free practice comes and goes, with Charles only two-tenths of a second behind Max’s time. He spends about a half hour looking over his data, talking to his engineers and team about strategy. Tire talk wears him down faster than he’d like, and soon he is off retreating into his driver’s room. He peels the red suit off his body, leaving his red under wear on. His balaclava and helmet are left on the little desk, boots and socks long forgotten in the corner. Charles flops onto his makeshift bed, phone in hand as he once again returns to social media.
Your story bubble is the first to appear, the pink and orange ring signifying you had just posted something new. You reposted the alpine graphic, showing you had finished P8 in the free practice. The next story is of you teasing Esteban, throwing something at him before erupting in a fit of giggles. 
“Vous êtes la pire!” You're the worst!
Charles taps the left part of his screen, eyes falling shut as he listens to your laugh and soft voice one more time. He hated not being there with you, hated not being the reason you’re so happy on a day like today, even after the P8 result. It’s as if his world had turned gray, the color leaving with you. 
It isn’t long before he’s back in his car, the pressures of a good qualifying session beating down on him. He needed a good result, needed something good to happen in the sea of his misery. Engineers are looking between him and the data on their screens, signaling him to test every pedal and button on his car before they finally release him. First round of qualifying, Charles was flying. He didn’t even stay out for long, securing the fastest lap before parking in the garage. 
“Xavi, updates on Fluer?” He asks over his radio. 
“Uhh one second… looks like she’s P6 at the moment. Two minutes left in qualifying.”
“Keep me posted.”
Charles sits in his car, fingers crossed in against his chest as he waits through the longest two minutes of his life. His eyes are squeezed shut, refusing to look up at the screens as his anxiety for you get’s the best of him. 
“Fluer is P4, she will go through to Q2.”
He breathes again. Relief floods his blood stream, eyes springing open and his head reclining back against his seat. That’s my girl, he thinks to himself. 
The second round of qualifying isn’t exciting either, Charles once again returning to the garage with a minute left on the clock. He looks up at the TV, watching as your blue car zooms through each turn, the clock zeroing out as you are locked into P9. 
The third round was a lot more nerve wracking than Charles would like to admit. He was fighting tooth and nail against Max for pole position, like a game of hot potato. Purple sectors are flying left and right, switching between the Ferrari and Red Bull. Max holds provisional pole, and he’s more than ready to leave the pits until his team stops him.
“What’s going on?” Charles asks, head turning left and right in confusion as his team stands frozen staring at the screen. His car is midway out of the garage, just about to be released to try for another flying lap in the last five minutes of qualifying. 
“We have a red flag. Red flag. We will not be releasing you at this time.”
“Red flag? Who? What happened?” The radio is silent as his car is pushed back into the shade of the red garage. “Xavi, who?”
“Hamilton, crashed into the barrier. He’s fine, just front suspension damage.”
Charles lets out a breath, quickly thanking Xavier. For just a moment, his world stopped and his mind brought him to the worst place. He was happy that Lewis was okay, even more so that you were. 
Cars were allowed onto the track with three minutes to spare, before George crashed out and interrupted his flying lap. Frustration grows in him as the time ticks down, the pressure increases as his engineer reminds him that Max is still ahead of him by such a small margin of time. Seconds are left on the clock when Charles is finally allowed to add pressure to the throttle, wheels turning and taking him through the track. He holds onto pole position for a mere two seconds before Max crosses the line with a time two-hundredths faster than his. 
The post qualifying interview is a blur, Charles spewing ready made responses about how the sprint tomorrow could change things up and that he’s hopeful for the race even if he isn’t on pole. His mouth moves without much thought, and soon he is waving off the camera as he walks up to join his teammate while waiting for Max. Charles’s eyes scan the small crowd of fans with their phones out, snapping photos of the three and waving at them to gain their attention. He looks for your blue helmet with the pink 8 in the sea of heads, but you are nowhere to be found.
The crowd roars for Max as he poses with the Pirelli tire, grinning from ear to ear. The two Ferrari boys walk over to join him for a photo, and it is when Charles looks at the camera does he finally spot you. Your hair is in a mess of waves, just freshly taken out of a braid. There are marks on your face left by your balaclava and your suit is just slightly undone. Your skin is flushed slightly, lips parted as you pant gently. He smiles at you, and you return the gesture and a thumbs up for good measure. He looks away as the camera shutters over and over. When the three finally disband, walking their separate ways, Charles lost you again. You were nowhere to be spotted in the sea of people who screamed for him. 
He walks past the mics and camera, clambering over wires and whatnot in an effort to find you. And when he does, you are walking into your garage deep in conversation with Lo. He stands at the end of the paddock, watching as you move further and further from him until he can no longer see you.
Free Practice 2
Charles hated coffee. He actually never grew a liking to it, unlike you. When you were about fourteen, you had started drinking black coffee with three sugars, just like your dad made it. You were always sitting at the table with his and your dad, enjoying a cup while the two men talked about what dads talk about. Today, Charles tried coffee. He didn’t get much sleep the night before, and truth be told he felt a little duller than he’d like. Your comments about being unable to start the day without coffee rings in his head, and so he thought he’d try it. 
He remembers the look of satisfaction after your first sip, the tension in your shoulders leaving. He craved that, the feeling of pure content, even if it’s from a drink he didn’t even like.
Do you still like it black with three sugars, or have you grown out of that?
Charles stands by the coffee machine in the motorhome, awaiting a response that might never come.
“Are you lost?”
Charles looks up from his phone to find Carlos looking at him inquisitively. Carlos maneuvers his way around the boy, grabbing himself a paper cup and brewing himself a double shot of espresso. You would never catch Charles at the coffee bar, but here he was, waiting patiently for your text back.
“No… I um…” His phone chimes as he scrambles to think of a response.
Yes. Sometimes with milk too. 
“Is Lord Perceval going to try coffee?” Carlos teases, sipping on his drink.
Are you going to drink coffee?
“Maybe.” Charles responds, grabbing another paper cup and sitting it under the coffee machine. He looks through the different blends, suddenly overwhelmed by the choices and his lack of knowledge. 
“Light roast mate, I think that might be a good start for you.” Carlos pats his shoulder before walking away. His phone chimes again.
Best start with a light roast, and maybe try some milk and more sugar. I don’t think you’d like it how I like it.
He picks a light roast brew, but doesn’t bother to add the milk or more sugar as you suggest. Just the coffee and three packets of sugar. It smells like mornings with you, comforting and simple. Your apartment always smelled of coffee in the morning. He walks up the stairs with the cup in hand, sliding in the seat across Carlos, who is typing furiously on his phone. He smells the cup again, the dark liquid staring back at him. His phone vibrates with a text from you.
Let me know what you think
He places his phone face down, finally tipping the cup to spill the warm drink into his mouth. It is bitter, the coffee much stronger than the sugar. He takes a small sip before setting the cup down. Charles hated coffee.
Carlos laughs at his teammate’s reaction, leaning over to look into Charles’s cup. “Mate, milk and creamer are a thing.” 
Charles hated coffee, but god did he love you. And he wanted to love what you did. 
“It’s fine.” Charles waves him off, snatching up his cup and taking another sip. He tries his best to suppress the grimace that is fighting its way on his face from the bitter taste. “Tastes just fine.” 
Carlos smirks, nodding at his friend before leaning back in his chair and redirecting his attention to his phone. There is a weird aftertaste left in his mouth, strong and bitter, very unpleasant. He flips his phone over, a new text on his screen.
You didn’t add milk or creamer did you?
The morning flies by, and soon he is once again walking the garage and weaving his way around the busy bodies. He steps out onto the paddock, looking to his right and once again finding you, head tilted towards the sun with your eyes closed. Your hair is neatly twisted into a braid, a few strands framing your face nicely. Charles is frozen in place, admiring your beauty and serenity. You don’t notice him, not even as you look around and turn towards your garage. 
Charles climbs into his bright red Ferrari, pulling out right behind your baby Blue. The pace is slow all the way to the end of the pit lane, and with a quick raise of your hand to wave him off, you speed away in your car. The Monegasque isn’t too far behind, keeping up with you and overtaking you after turn four. For the hour, it’s as if it is only you two on the track. You do your best to keep up with his Ferrari, but the differences in make up make it hard for you. But you try like hell, doing your fair share of overtakes in the brief twenty something laps before your team calls you in and ends your time in free practice to preserve your tires. 
The last of his laps, Charles spends in boredom. He zooms through the track, securing the fastest time with his teammate five-hundredths of a second behind. His heart rate is on the come down from the exhilarating battles with you, cooling like his tires as he is backed into his side of the garage. He climbs out of his car with ease, pulling off his helmet and balaclava and putting it aside. Charles barely focuses on the numbers, eyes following along on the replay of the last session, the way your baby Blue flies seamlessly through the track. He can nearly see your smile under your helmet in the moments you overtook him. He can hear your little yes’ and gotchas as you swerve around him. 
It makes him smile. 
Sprint Race
There are nerves running through him as he paces back and forth in his room. The caffeine was probably getting to him. He was able to swallow down a couple more sips of it, before chugging his entire water bottle. Charles never really liked coffee for this reason, the jitters, the shaky hands, and the inability to sit still. He looks up at the clock, the second hand ticking by ridiculously slow. 
He cusses softly, zipping his race suit all the way up and making his back down to the paddock. Charles climbs into his car without a word, without much argument, just ready to implement plan A until his team names another letter. He is pushed onto the grid, spot number two just behind the Red Bull. Ten minutes before the sprint is supposed to start, so he figures he can climb out of the car and take a look around. He pulls his helmet off, balaclava on as he looks around the grid. He spots his best friend in the tenth spot, your car just ahead of him. What he does note is the frustration laced in your body language. The irritation is obvious in the way you throw your hands up. Your voice also carries, even with your helmet over your face the sound of purring engines. He can’t make what you’re saying, just that your voice is pitched angrily. You kick your covered tires, ripping off your helmet and balaclava and stomping away from your car. 
Charles follows your figure as you climb through the gate, hopping onto the other side. He overhears Will Buxton as he approaches the front of the grid, talks of how your car is refusing to start and will have to retire before the race even starts. There is an urge to run after you, to call out. But his team calls for him, and he is forced to sit in and get ready for the sprint. 
Just as it played out in qualifying, Charles is staring down Max’s rear wing til the end. He is frustrated, no dimples or bright eyes. Just furrowed brows and the feeling of blind optimism as he answers the questions laid out for him. His mind wanders over to you, wondering how you’re doing after dropping to the bottom of the grid without much of a fighting chance. 
He knows you’d be upset, sitting in the garage as you figure out where it all went wrong. Hell if you could, you would rewire your car yourself. He always loved that about you, loved your willingness to learn and do more. Loved your stubbornness and insistent need to do things yourself. 
Charles twiddles the sprint medal in his fingers as he strolls past his garage. He can’t help his curiosity, his feet taking him all the way to the bright blue garage. He passes Esteban’s side, the quieter garage contrasting your busy one. Just as he had guessed, you were still there, clad in your black race suit with your hair still twisted in a braid. Your legs are crossed as you sit on the floor, watching helplessly as your mechanics try to fix your baby Blue. 
“Don’t think you should be here.” You mumble, not bothering to look up at him. “It’s kind of hard to miss the red in all this blue.” 
“Missed you out there Fluer.” He says, leaning against the side of the garage door. 
“Yeah… good job today Charles.” There is defeat in your voice, “P2. You’ll get him tomorrow.” 
He watches as you ride to your feet, turning your back on him as you walk deeper into the motor home. You never look up at him once, never smile even as you congratulate him. You looked deflated, tired, downright sad as you walked away from your car. Charles walked back to the red side, head hanging low in defeat even if he hadn’t really lost. 
On days like today, on days with a retirement or just bad result, normally you both would find refuge in the other. Aside from Monaco, it was easy. It was easy to melt in the other and to feel safe while doing so. He can picture all the moments you spent on his chest, tracing patterns against him quietly as he played with your hair. There were never words needed, just the company of the other was enough.
Monaco was different, it was like something inside him changed. He was never that angry, especially with you. And truth be told, he wasn’t even angry with you that day either. He was angry with himself, angry at the streets he grew up on, betraying him again. All that anger was meant to be directed at the world, but instead you caught the brunt of it. You absorbed every blow, every insult, every bitter feeling Charles felt that day. You were right, for a second he loathed you. He hated what you were able to do, hated that he has never done what you did with ease. But the brief moments of abhor never overpowered his love for you. It never surpassed the level of immense joy he felt when he rewatched the race for you, or the admiration as he watched the videos of you on the top step. No amount of hatred and anger could surpass all the pride he felt for you, even if for a moment it seemed like it did.
As he walks away from the Alpine garage, his mind races through a million words he could say to make you smile. He thinks of all the jokes, the cheesy pick up lines you hate so much, just about anything that would make you smile. He thinks of saying all the things he should’ve said in Monaco. But even as his mind moves full speed ahead, his feet don't take him back. His body does the logical thing and just keeps moving further and further away from you. 
Race Day
He’s awake, alone in bed. The sheets are soft, but they only smell of him and it bothers him. The only reason he climbs out of bed is to brew a pot of coffee, and then he is right back in the covers. The coffee smells cheap, but it’s still that same deep smell that gives him comfort. It’s memories of you wrapped around him, the skin of your cheek pressed against his chest and the sound of your voice thick with sleep. 
He lays in bed until he is nose blind to the brewed drink. It’s then, when the pot is littered in condensation and there is no longer smoke coming from the opening, does he decide to start his day. Charles goes through the motions, staying on his side of the sink. Even with two months since your break up, Charles moves like you’re still around. He leaves space on the sink for your make-up, unfolding the second towel for you when you finish showering, and even sleeping on the left side of the bed so you can roll in with ease. Hell, he still leaves the spare key at the front desk for you to pick up when you need it. 
But you haven’t needed it in two months. 
The paddock is buzzing with people. Fans express their excitement, the utmost faith they have in their Il Predestinato to finish in front. It’s almost heartwarming, the faith they have in his craft even when he is doubting himself so much. He nearly misses you walking in, with your blue polo tucked neatly into your white tennis skirt and hair flowing effortlessly down your back. He watches as you wave at fans, smiling in pictures, and signing various merchandise before walking away towards your motorhome. Charles says goodbye to the tifosi, before jogging to catch up with you. 
“Will I be seeing you in the points today, Bien-aimée?” 
You whip your head around, hair effortlessly tossing over your shoulder. There is a playful smile on your lips, small but still there for him. 
“You can count on it, Predestinato.” 
And with a wink, you jog away to join Lo and Ella all the way to the Alpine motorhome. Charles feels like he’s in middle school, heart beating fast at the playful interaction. It felt like a little courtyard crush, even if he knows deep down that it has and will always be more. 
Charles is scribbling in notebooks and analyzing data all morning, before finally getting in the back seat of the car for the drivers parade. He waves at fans, making playful banter with his teammate all the while. And every now and again, he looks behind him to see you laughing and smiling up at something Esteban has said. There is a jealousy that sparks up in the pit of his gut, and he is forced to turn away. 
You always had a great relationship with your team, which included Esteban. Hell, the two of you have joined him and his girlfriend on several double dates. The sight behind him isn’t new, and yet it still burns. It still hurts to see you so happy without him, so happy while he’s drowning in misery. 
Charles tries not to think much of it as he stands by his car on the front row. He drinks his water, observes the mechanics in different uniforms running to and from cars. He watches different drivers begin to get in the proper headspace. Pierre has his AirPods popped in and Daniel is in a very low squat. He looks past his fellow competitors, all the way to the bottom of the grid as you sit on your blanketed tire in pure concentration. He knows the songs playing through your headphones, probably some heavy bass and hip hop beat blaring to get your heart pumping. He can see the way you shake your hands before resting them on your lap. You’re in your element, in your own piece of paradise before the race. 
With the anthem out of the way, and the drivers returning to their cars, Charles is quick to hop into his own. There is a soft knock knock on the top of his helmet, and when he looks up he sees the back of your race suit. He smiles to himself, hands gripping the wheel. It was your good luck ritual, ones kept for days you especially believed in him and he doubted himself. It was your signal of reassurance in the chaos of the grid, a quick gesture before you are off in your own car.
Charles sits in anticipation, watching as the lights go on one by one, slow and teasing. Finally, the lights are out and away he goes. The race flies by, all 71 laps. He finally overtakes Max in lap 12, holding onto the lead until he has to pit. The race is exhilarating for the first half, and the win is as sure as his in the final laps even with the throttle not fully working. The win was what he needed, an answer to the never ending string of bad luck. 
He did it, he fucking did it. 
“P1 Charles, P1. Good job!”
He cheers into the radio, spewing thanks in Italian and French with sighs of relief.
“And Fluer?” He asks, slowing down in his cool down lap. 
“P10. She is P10.”
Charles smiles, speeding up by your car as it comes to view and waving over at you. You wave back, cutting your car some slack as you allow Charles to drive in front of you. You follow behind him all the way to the pit lane, parking your car just a couple of meters away from his number one spot. He parks, jumping out of his car and running into the sea of red who welcome him with such a loving embrace. It isn’t long until he is in front of the camera, dimples and bright eyes as he talks about his race. He is beaming, happiness coursing through his veins as the world around him cheers him on.
The top step felt right, he felt like he belonged. He was in his rightful place, he was finally winning. This was the momentum he longed for since Monaco. He stands with his arms behind his back, eyes shut as he soaks up the sun. His national anthem plays, and he mouths the words quietly. His head sways side to side ever so slightly. 
Charles looks down at the crowd, the sea of red staring up at him in adoration. And then he spots you, the blue detail of your suit bright in the swarm of red. He can see you, looking up at him with such pride and… love. His smile dims, just wide enough for you to know that he sees you, that he’s smiling at you. You wave up at him, another thumbs up for good measure. The world around the two of you seem to dim. It was just you in the crowd, staring up at him with such pride and joy. He felt undeserving to be looked upon in such a way, especially by you. 
E ren nun ne scangerà,  Tantu ch'u suriyu lüjerà;
And nothing will change As long as the sun shines;
He shakes off his guilt, daydream interrupted by the Italian anthem blaring through the speakers. He looks away, eyes back up on the sea of people who stare up at him.
It isn’t long until Charles is showered in champagne, the cheers and fanfare loudly ringing in his ear. Champagne gets everywhere, soaking him underneath his race suit. He takes the remainder of his bottle, walking to the edge of the stage and spraying his team. You were no longer in the mess of people, your blue suit nowhere to be found as he douses the crowd in the leftover champagne. 
Post Race: Media Pen and On…
Max congratulates him on the way out, a pat on his back as he compliments the drive he had today. All his competitors do the same, greeting him and complimenting him on a job well done. He walks into the media pen, black cap traded for his numbered red one. The journalists are swooning over him, complimenting him left and right and he can’t help but grin. 
“Fluer had some nice things to say about you, she was just in here. She was cheering for you too, have you heard the radio?”
Charles shakes his head, “Haven’t had the time no… what did she say?”
“She said, ‘I knew he could do it. I was fighting my battles from the bottom of the grid, but it’s good to know that he was doing the same in front. I’m proud of him, I always am.’” 
Charles’ cheeks turn pink. “Ahhh… well I’m always thankful for her support. Feels good and… yeah. No, it feels great. I’ll have to thank her later.”
He doesn’t last long with the Media, answering all the same questions in different ways before he is finally allowed to return to his room. He slides his door open, quick to flop on the bed in the corner of the room as he soaks in the day. The win has settled, the victory is done and over with. He’s empty again, incomplete and lost. 
You would normally be waiting here, sitting on his bed already out of your race suit. You would have a snack in hand, maybe even some juice to keep you company as you wait for Charles to finish his business. He would normally be greeted with a kiss, sweet French words and promises of a treat waiting for him at home. He finally sits in his lonesome, and realizes that this is his first win without you by his side. His first win without you is so bittersweet. 
There is a soft knock on the door before it slides open. Andreas smiles, slipping into the tiny room with a bag in his hands. “From Fluer.” 
Charles never moved so fast in his life, scrambling over to him to grab the bag. Andreas chuckles and backs out of the room, allowing Charles to enjoy his gifts on his own. There is a bottle of water, a bag of candies, and a little note at the bottom of the bag. He pulls out each one, setting them on the desk. His eyes water, the idea that you’re still thinking about him softening the ache in his heart.
Drink lots of water, because I know you forget in the midst of your celebration. And some coffee candies, so you don’t have to deal with the bitter brew I like. 
Congratulations, another win for the books. I'm so proud of you.
Your Fluer.
There is a doodled flower by your name, messy with uneven petals and the pen marks smeared from the rush. He chuckles, tears spilling onto his cheeks. Your Fluer, his Fleur. 
He pops a candy into his mouth, the sweet artificial flavor of coffee coating his tongue. You were with him, always with him, even if you weren’t. You were there, in the form of a messily drawn flower and coffee candy. 
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
send in an ask if you want to be part of my f1 taglist!
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rihabe · 2 months
hello! ♥
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hiiii everyoneeee i am not new, this is carly, (bejoomi/benayoung) back with that new muse i was talking about when i dropped ahyoung, may she rest in piece. i believe riha is the girl muse that has Spoken To Me the most of any girl i've ever had, so i have high hopes of her sticking around and also breathing some much needed new life into my time rping! third time for a third muse is the charm right 😭
here is miss riha's about page that has everything you could hope to know about her! tbh i think some things have changed since i made it so i will be...reviewing it and updating it shortly. i'll give some info about her and some plot ideas under the cut as well, so defer to this for now! please like this if you'd like to plot w riha ♥ tyty i am excited!
riha was born in seoul, '00 liner, softest scorpio you will ever meet
she has an older brother and younger sister. her mom started having kids quite young. her dream was to become a musician but she had to give it up to be a Mom (and also a waitress, get that money etc etc)
riha's dad is a pro football (soccer) player, he was up and coming when she was born but is quite popular now
her family was actually normal for the most part [gasp] dad was a bit absent because he was more interested in his career but he wasn't a bad guy
riha's maternal grandparents took care of the kids a lot but grandma passed away when riha was quite young and didn't rly understand what was going on
dad put all the kids into Active Things as early as he could and mom fell in love with a Sports Guy so she was all for it too
riha got put in ballet but her brother was in Rough Sports and riha was like no. i wanna do that. if i bite one of the girls in my dance class will it prove i'm tough enough for soccer
eventually the parentals relented and bitch was and is so indecisive she tried Everything
she liked soccer most but ended up playing tennis, volleyball, and swimming most bc #misogyny
she was very friendly growing up, did quite well in school, but wasn't Spectacular u know
she really came into her own in high school when she tried out for the volleyball team and got on and became absolutely obsessed w it
she got her First Real Boyfriend in her second year and they were like The Real Deal and way more mature and deep than your average high school rls
riha loved him but then she got a crush on a girl eventually and had a meltdown because it Hit Different u know. The Lesbianism....
it wasn't until her last year of hs that she finally told her bf and broke up with him she was actually so heartbroken over it she cried so much but she told him everything (and that she is a lesbian) and he was an angel and understanding but clearly devastated and that made it worse
so riha decided to be very mature and run away <3 to uni in california KJLDLKJJKLDG
she was like hi my parents this school's volleyball team is very good and well known and they have a good kinesiology program i think this would be a great opportunity for me (:
and they were like ok sweetie if that's what you want to do
so she did it
with the power of english classes and gossip girl on her side she loved it there. and she made it onto the volleyball team but also played beach volleyball. probably got a crush on her beach volleyball partner. gay ass
she spent a lot of time on social media to keep in touch w people back in sk but also got into Fandom Twitter and she's a hot mess so her account was also a mess. her interests are everywhere. but she also made friends everywhere!
( illness tw ) in her last year of uni her mom got cancer and riha almost dropped out to go home and support her but her mom insisted she finish her degree so she did
and once she graduated went home asap
( death tw ) her mom ended up passing away last year, her health deteriorated pretty quickly once riha got back to korea
after her mom died she had no idea what to do with her life because she still loved sports but didn't know how to make that her career and he could go back to school and become a physical therapist or a pe teacher or something blah blah blah
but it didn't take her long to decide that she actually wanted to achieve her mom's dream of being a musician to honor her
in the meantime tho she's a personal trainer at her local gym! and she might pick up some other jobs too we'll see.
she is pretty much a Music Newbie, she learned how to play guitar from her mom and she always loved music but was never a singer or anything
she decided to go down the kpop path because becoming an indie musician or whatever seemed way more overwhelming than becoming a trainee LMAO like "ok all i have to do is get signed to a company and they'll teach me everything right???"
she is still a sports girlie. catch her at the gym even when she's not working but also on the tennis courts and at the pool and probably in a volleyball league and
she got a dog AND a motorcycle after her mom died to cheer herself up LMAO but it helped! she loves miso (the dog) and the unnamed motorcycle because she cannot decide on a name for it even though it's been a year or something
her ex bf. will be very picky about this but would love to have the plot!!
in the same vein, the first girl she got a crush on that gave her a crisis. this is more open but still important
i haven't said exactly where she went to school in cali so anyone that went to uni there, they could've gone to the same uni!
people she's played sports with. tennis doubles partner, co-ed kickball team, person that is annoyed because she somehow always manages to beat them to the best lane in the pool, etc
people she's training at the gym??
she can physically fight people. she is a 4th degree taekwondo black belt so maybe she absolutely kicked a guy's ass for you one time or something
alternatively you're obsessed w her bc she has a motorcycle and could probably be a stunt double she is a badass tbh
alternatively she is obsessed with you because you're a cute girl but it probably only lasts for five minutes because she's wishy-washier than mr clean
maybe a guy that she also thinks is really cute and is really fond of to give her ANOTHER crisis because she's not 100% confident in her lesbianism. it be like that sometimes....will also be picky about this but it would be fun!
she loves clubbing and somehow always ends up taking care of some drunk girl in the bathroom so there's that
she's a casual gamer too! but she's also very competitive! so it's like, she'll play once a week but depending on the game she'll get super into it and intense about it and then be like that was fun (: afterward. so fellow gamers? she's not that good tbh
would love for her to get mansplained to at the gym or something. and she can just be like wow thanks (: actually you're wrong abt that one thing u said teehee
plots related to her puppy miso!
she also runs and stuff so running partners, ppl she always sees on her running route, etc
okay i'm sure you've had enough of me now. oh my god. ok. please plot w me i'd be happy to brainstorm anything 🫶
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astrologicalsstuff · 1 year
My weird almost poly experience explained through astrology???
Needless to say this post is 18+
I’m going to do a post about me and the girls relationship first because I met her first and I think that’s important to the story:
Check out my second post if you don’t care<3
Coming soon
Okay so some background… me and this girl I met at a club one day really started hanging out after meeting once and we became really close. I never really wanted to be friends with her that much but I don’t know I am not about judging people upon first glance but I really should just stick to my gut because I’m always right, anyway we started hanging out a lot.
Here’s our synastry, we were only friends at first:
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Overall we had a lot of trines and that was beneficial we worked well together but it wasn’t really in a good way…
Her sun and Mercury fall in my 9th house and we went on a lot of adventures together, literally always traveled to different cities upward of 2 hour commute. We lived really far from each other too so we always had to stay at someone else’s house. We also had lots of conversations where I felt like I was teaching her a lot. 9th house rules travel and philosophy I noticed she also tried a lot of things for the first time with me. She had never gone to hot-springs, been on a hike tried drugs etc… Basically I was a brand new experience for her. She even said the second time we hangout that “I put things into perspective”. She was very sheltered and didn’t do things.
Her mars and Venus in my 7th. It was a very dynamic relationship she really tried hard to make the relationship work. Mars (her drive) was toward the relationship, she always drove to see me and so what I wanted to do. She loved hanging out and always said that we made a good team. I don’t know for me it felt like she did a lot to make up for I was the only one coming up with things to do and other people to hangout with.
Both of our plutos fall in her 11th house, which is less significant for me than it is for her, she has power struggles with society, friendships, and social structures. So whenever we hungout in groups it was always a competition for some reason. We actually became closer because I knew one of the people in her last friend group which she was having problems with. With all her Scorpio energy she really wanted to be in friend circles. But it’s also opposite her Saturn in the 5th house and so she also had restriction on fun and creative expression generally she had a hard time letting loose and with this specific combination that resulted in her being overall tense. But she would always hangout with older men which I think helped because their Saturns would not be in her 5th house so she would be able to have fun with them. She always said it was because they were “more mature” but I think she picked really immature older guys. She was always comparing herself to everyone too. She was SO INSECURE it would so random but she’d always say things like “but I’m more unique than you” like it as a competition. And on top of that she copied me with EVERYTHING she changed so much of herself in this friendship. Also natally she is ruled by that Saturn in the 5th so a big part of her life is going to be that restriction on fun she faces and insecurity in self expression.
These graphs are in whole sign but in other charts my Venus and moon fall in her 8th house which definitely came with some obsession!! Moon in the 8th means my feelings kinda brought out her taboo and her deepest feelings. And my Venus there I really liked her intensity… for a bit. But it got old really fast and I could tell she wasn’t communicating and she started just acting really weird. She went from ghosting me to practically showing up at my door and forcing herself in my life. Also 8th house synastry there was ALWAYS A SEXUAL TENSION IN THE AIR, and I WAS NOT SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO HER. I am very moon dominant and my chart ruler is Venus so I tend to guide my synastry based on that a lot. I definitely brought a lot of change to her life she kept saying that but it was way too intense and I just felt like it was toxic in every way so I had to leave.
🤞🤞Taurus rising and Capricorn rising🤞🤞
This dynamic was everything!! I am a Taurus rising passenger seat princess👸 food loving 🎂🍰🍕fashion girl 👗I love art 🎨and taking care of myself. And she was a hard worker who struggled with relaxing and I could help her relax. She had problems eating but I kept her eating. I showed her music and and how to really take care of herself and she funded it🫣.
Composite tease:
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allthingsfook · 1 year
keeping this on anon to know your unbiased opinion
hi, i’m [insert name here] ;) (she/her). i’m like 5’2, on the petite side but kinda curvy, and i’m in my mid-20s. i have long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a beauty mark on the right corner of my mouth above my lip. i have four tattoos, five soon, with 3 of them having meaning and one being kinda on a whim, and only up to my doubles on piercings.
my hobbies are music, dance, anything nature related, collecting things (i collect snow globes and stickers, science-y shit, history shit, reading, and travel. i’m currently taking a year and a half off of school between my undergrad and masters to travel and enjoy this time in my life. when i go back i’ll enter a masters program for athletic training where i will hopefully work for a pro-team someday. i’ve thought about teaching at a dance studio recently because i used to dance and i love it (and miss it dearly).
about my zodiac… i’m a taurus sun, scorpio moon, aquarius rising, aries mercury, gemini venus and scorpio mars… i’m an astrology bitch lol. i definitely think i fit my chart. i am very loyal, reliable and honest. i am not one to sugar coat things and would rather face issues head on. i am also extremely protective of the people i love and would go to bat for them any day. and of course being mostly fixed i am very stubborn, but i can be pretty spontaneous too! my love language is quality time and physical touch. i also have a tendency to make things for those i love.
some extras: i am a vat of useless, but (usually) interesting knowledge. i did choir for 6 years and danced for about the same. i love harry potter, marvel, lord of the rings, star trek, etc. i love basically all kinds of music. i’m kinda like the ‘dad’ friend, ya know, the one who always drives, fixes things, usually has a game plan and good sense of direction. when i was young i taught myself how to play the organ. i’m randomly crafty. i have pretty good intuition, and can usually read people pretty well. lastly, i can be very loud, i’m not always, but when i need to be heard, i will be lol
sorry this was long hehe can’t wait :)
Ahhhh, awesome! I love getting anon ones to see if it’s accurate 🤩
I ship you with…
Danny ☺️
I don’t usually touch too much on physical appearance because these men are so much deeper than that, but I do usually talk about tattoos. As for Danny, I think he low key would like a girl with tattoos. He’d be so curious about whether it hurts or not and ask you about the meaning behind them. I feel like he’d expect everyone to have a story and sentimental value, but when you tell him about the one being on a whim he’d kinda like the idea. Overtime, his appeal to them would turn from curiosity to attraction. He’d often express you how sexy you’d look with more.
Danny seems like he was a kid who collected things as well, so he’d totally understand your affinity for collecting. The first time he brings you home to meet his family, he’d certainly take you to the huge Christmas store in Frakenmuth to get you a unique snow globe 😇 And he’d always come bearing gifts when he gets home from tour. Don’t imagine him in a local store, picking stuff up that reminds him of you. He’s supplying your trinket needs 😂
Danny would support you in taking time away from school, realizing it can be extremely exhausting. He’d encourage you to travel, experiment, and relax in the mean time. Maybe even invite you on tour for a week! When you decide you are ready to head back for your masters, he’d be so proud of you. He’d definitely talk you up and brag to others 😏 Going for athletic training would peak his interest when you first meet. He’d question about that with genuine curiosity, which makes you feel special and appreciated. Inevitably, that conversation would segway to golf ⛳️ Hopefully you have at least the slightest interesting in it to coexist with Danny 😁 You’d definitely walk into the living room to see him polishing his clubs on the coffee table one day!
Let’s see if I can do the astrology compatibility justice here *cracks knuckles* You being a Taurus not only means you’d jive with the twins, but also have a strong bond with Daniel. Capricorns and Taurus’ have a extremely trusting foundation to their relationships. Capricorns have little desire to lie, which makes Taurus’ feel safe. Both signs are typically on the same page about being discreet about the relationship. Not necessarily hiding it, but enjoying it for who matters most…. EACH OTHER!!! This is quite important because of Danny’s status; key to both of your mental health. Capricorns are notorious for never knowing when they need a break. Living the lifestyle he does, it’s easy for everything to stack up. You would have to help Danny identify that for himself. Running away from his work isn’t always an option, so experimenting with relaxation techniques when you are together will help him make them a habit on the road. Not only will it help him decompress, it will remind him of you 🤍 Due to your sign’s characteristics, Danny would admire your charisma, good taste, stability, and the way you present yourself. Because of his work schedule, your support, accommodation, and affection would solidify his love for you.
Moving on, Danny would come to appreciate and love your “useless” knowledge and the timing in which you decide to use it 😂 I think you and Danny would bond over a lot of your interests. He’s definitely a Marvel and LOTR guy! Most definitely will have an annual marathon of both! It’s a huge must to love all music as Danny is always dabbling with many genres. He’d introduce you to all sorts of artists to which you’ll come to love not only because they are good, but because they remind you of him when he’s away. Danny would love the fact you are a self made organist of sorts 😂 Most of the boys taught themselves the plethora of instruments they play, so they will understand the discipline and commitment it took to learn that at such a young age. Danny would beg you to play for him once in a while ✨
I hope this is ship is pretty head on for you! Please let me know, I love to hear so or if not too! 💕
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harlcwes · 1 year
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 an  enthusiastic  grin  adorns  their  features  as  they  make  their  way  into  the  studio  ,  setting  down  the  coffee  they’d  picked  up  for  the  crew  on  a  nearby  table  .  they  don’t  hate  the  term  nepo  baby  because  technically  ,  that’s  what  they  are  .  and  harlowe’s  worked  hard  to  prove  that  they’ve  made  the  absolute  most  out  of  the  connections  they  were  given  .  hand  reaches  out  to  shake  the  production  manager’s  as  the  team  is  being  introduced  to  her  .  harlowe  smiles  politely  ,  thanking  the  crew  for  their  time  before  taking  a  seat  on  the  stool  .    //    @nepofminspo​​​​
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“  what’s  up  !  i’m  harlowe  and  this  is  my  WIRED  autocomplete  interview  .  ”
autocomplete  suggests  the  most  common  searches  on  the  internet
“  i’m  almost  kinda  scared  to  see  what  you’ve  all  been  googling  .  ”
so  WIRED  asked  harlowe  brenner  some  of  the  internet’s  burning  questions
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WHO  ...
[  harlowe  dramatically  takes  in  a  deep  breath  ]  “  alright  ,  it’s  now  or  never  .  ”
who  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  ?
[  gestures  to  their  face  ]  “  that’s  me  .  hi  ,  i’m  harlowe  .  nice  to  meet  you  .  ”
who  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  related  to  ?
“  if  you’re  a  big  fan  of  snowboarding  and  the  winter  olympics  then  you’ll  know  my  dad  ,  victor  brenner  .  and  if  you’re  a  fan  of  movies  and  j-pop  music  ,  then  you’ll  know  my  mom  ,  naomi  saito  .  and  i  also  have  a  twin  brother  ,  hudson  .  ”
who  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  dating  ?
“  currently  ––  i  don’t  know  when  this  video  is  gonna  go  live  ––  i  am  not  dating  anyone  .  i  am  very  much  single  .  ”  [  jokingly  winks  at  the  camera  ]
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HOW  ...
how  old  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  ?
“  i’m  twenty-five  .  and  yes  ,  i  know  i  have  a  little  bit  of  a  baby  face  .  ”
how  tall  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  ?
“  i  believe  i’m  five-foot-nine  ?  that’s  what  my  doctor  told  me  the  last  time  i  checked  !  ”
how  can  i  meet  HARLOWE  BRENNER  ?
“  not  to  plug  my  band  ,  but  if  you  ever  buy  tickets  to  see  ultraviolet  ,  we  sometimes  offer  a  meet  and  greet  package  .  if  you  missed  that  opportunity  and  find  yourself  in  new  york  ,  you  can  probably  run  into  me  at  variety  while  i’m  on  my  coffee  run  .  ”
how  was  HARLOWE  BRENNER  discovered  ?
“  it’s  actually  not  a  long  story  .  i’ll  definitely  admit  that  my  parents  got  me  started  in  acting  and  it  kinda  just  went  on  from  there  .  started  as  a  kid  and  as  i  got  older  ,  i  started  a  band  and  turned  to  focus  on  music  more  .  ”
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IS  ...
is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  from  new  york  ?
“  no  ,  i’m  actually  not  from  new  york  .  i  was  born  in  bright  and  sunny  los  angeles  .  but  i  do  have  family  here  so  i  used  to  visit  from  time  to  time  and  then  started  living  here  when  i  was  shooting  gossip  girl  and  i’ve  been  here  ever  since  .  don’t  really  have  plans  to  move  back  to  LA  anytime  soon  .  ”
is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  a  natural  blonde  ?
 [  they  lightly  cringe  at  the  question  ]  “  i’m  so  sorry  but  i’m  not  .  i  wore  a  wig  in  how  the  grinch  stole  christmas  and  then  again  in  seasons  1  and  2  of  gossip  girl  .  however  ,  i  did  bleach  it  blonde  in  season  3  and  kept  it  for  a  little  bit  .  ”
“  that  would  be  my  twin  brother  so  yes  !  hudson  ,  if  you’re  watching  this  ,  i’m  the  better  twin  .  ”  [  they  playfully  stick  their  tongue  out  at  the  camera  ]
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WHAT  ...
what  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  known  for  ?
“  well  ,  i  played  cindy-lou  who  in  how  the  grinch  stole  christmas  and  jenny  humphrey  in  gossip  girl  ––  i  know  ,  none  of  us  are  jenny  stans  .  it’s  cool  ,  i  get  it  .  and  now  i’m  in  a  band  called  ultraviolet  .  ”
what  color  are  HARLOWE  BRENNER’S  eyes  ?
“  dark  brown  .  they’re  kinda  boring  .  ”  [  they  shrug  ]
what  languages  can  HARLOWE  BRENNER  speak  ?
“  japanese  and  spanish  .  thinking  about  learning  another  language  but  we’ll  see  !  ”
what  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER’S  zodiac  sign  ?
“  i’m  a  scorpio  which  i  feel  like  is  fitting  of  me  ?  i  don’t  know  ,  you  all  tell  me  .  ”
what  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER’S  boba  order  ?
“  that  is  a  great  question  .  i’d  say  it  depends  .  if  i’m  in  the  mood  for  a  milk  tea  ,  i  usually  go  for  either  a  taro  milk  tea  or  an  roasted  oolong  milk  tea  with  pearls  ––  that’s  mini  boba  .  for  fruit  teas  ,  i’m  a  fan  of  lychee  with  lychee  jelly  .  ”
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DOES  ...
does  HARLOWE  BRENNER  have  tattoos  ?
[  they  hold  up  their  left  arm  to  show  off  their  sleeve  tattoo  ]  “  i  think  it’s  safe  to  say  that  i  do  .  i  would  show  you  the  whole  sleeve  but  i  think  we’re  pressed  for  time  right  now  .  ”  [  their  eyes  shift  to  the  production  manager  beside  the  camera  to  confirm  ]  “  yeah  ,  sorry  .  but  i’m  sure  there  are  pictures  !  ”
does  HARLOWE  BRENNER  have  pets  ?
“  i  do  !  i  have  a  dobermann  named  kenzo  .  and  i  recently  fostered  and  then  adopted  a  black  cat  .  her  name  is  makkuro  .  ”
does  HARLOWE  BRENNER  have  instagram  ? 
“  i'm  not  super  active  but  yes  .  it’s  @  harlesbrenner  .  ”
does  HARLOWE  BRENNER  play  drums  ?
“  you  are  correct  to  assume  that  i  play  the  drums  .  ”
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DID  ...
did  HARLOWE  BRENNER  go  to  college  ?
“  yupp  !  i  did  .  i  have  a  degree  in  music  with  a  focus  in  piano  and  composition  .  ”
did  HARLOWE  BRENNER  have  a  public  fight  ?
[  their  lips  twist  up  and  eyes  avert  from  the  camera  ]  “  define  fight  .  if  you’re  talking  about  photos  from  my  jiujitsu  tournaments  then  yes  ?  ”
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WHERE  ...
where  does  HARLOWE  BRENNER  get  their  coffee  ?
“  i  mentioned  it  earlier  but  usually  variety  coffee  .  if  i’m  in  a  pinch  ,  i’ll  do  starbucks  .  or  dunkin’  .  ”
where  did  HARLOWE  BRENNER  go  to  college  ?
“  you  might’ve  heard  of  it  .  i  went  to  a  little  school  called  juilliard  .  ”
where  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  right  now ?
“  i’m  in  new  york  with  wired  !  ”
[  harlowe  tosses  the  prop  behind  them  as  the  extended  endscreen  comes  on  to  show  wired’s  other  videos  ]  
“  and  that’s  all  the  questions  ,  answered  .  thanks  for  watching  !  ”
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night-gay · 1 year
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Into the Anthill pt 35 - Way Past Second Chances
Hank and Janet got back together again. I really wanted to root for them the first few times they tried but at this point I find it excruciating to read. They obviously love each other, but they’re also obviously a bad fit as romantic partners. Hank’s not attentive, emotionally stable, or spontaneous enough for Jan. Jan’s too petty, never steps in when she sees his mental health slipping, and is still very rightfully hurt about the abuse he put her through. Toss in the fact that he’s still never gone to therapy and it’s doomed to fail every time.
I understand that heroes always want to achieve the impossible, but at some point they’ve got to be smart enough to move on.
Fantastic Four vol 3 #55
After pissing off Sue by making a mess of the living room, Ben and Johnny took the Fantasticar out to check out a warehouse for Reed. Not long after they parked the Fantasticar it was stolen by a skrull called the Grand Acquisitioner and teleported away. After wasting their time for a while, he revealed himself to be Yellowjacket in disguise. He’d faked the teleport by shrinking and used Reed’s codes to override the Fantasticar’s security to keep them busy. It was all a favor for Reed to ensure a quiet night for him and Sue to celebrate the 4⁴ month anniversary of the day they met.
Avengers vol 3 #57-62, 71
Janet brought Hank on a date to an art museum to de-stress after meeting with congress about the trouble Kang had caused. As the two of them bonded over her favorite paintings a power outage darkened the building. Little did they know the entire city (and nearly every other world capitol) had been displaced, leaving enormous voids of darkness in their wake. With more than 130 of the U.N.’s council members missing in the stolen cities, the remaining U.N. councilors moved to place the Avengers in control until the crisis had passed. With Black Panther, She-Hulk, and Henry Gyrich acting as his legal advisors Captain America led the world governments while Iron Man handled the economic side of things.
Black Panther contributed his research, as well as Iron Man and Namor’s to Dr. Doom for analysis. Cap and Iron Man were furious, but Doom was able to identify the Zodiac Key as the cause of these disasters, meaning the missing cities were likely taken by Scorpio and held in the 13th Dimension. Scarlet Witch forced The In-Betweener to take them there after overwhelming his order aspect with her chaos magic. They were quickly overwhelmed by Scorpio’s army of giant scorpions, so Yellowjacket helped Ant-Man use his helmet to control them. With Scorpio now out of the way,  In-Betweener sent all of the cities and people back to Earth. He left the Avengers with a warning: a great evil is coming and one Avenger will die.
In honor of their efforts to maintain order the U.N. declared Avengers Mansion a sovereign territory, making them ambassadors for the superhero community. As they decided which members would remain on active duty Hank offered membership to Scott, who only accepted after losing the custody battle for his daughter Cassie. Hank also suggested that Jack of Hearts stay with the team, partly because his body would detonate like an atomic bomb if he and Tony weren’t constantly finding new solutions to dampen his power.
Hank and Jan took a much-deserved vacation to Las Vegas to *reconnect.* Dedicated to making what would have been their anniversary good, Hank went nearly 3 full days without checking his emails or doing any kind of work. At the end of the third night he proposed to her, but she couldn’t bring herself to say yes. Whirlwind came out of nowhere to attack them. He had grown tired of dressing hookers like Wasp and wanted to claim the real thing for himself, but he was no match for the two of them. With Whirlwind beaten again, Hank and Jan agreed that - married or not - they could be happy with what they have together.
Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Marvel Double-Shot vol 1 #2
Captain America vol 4 #13
Alias vol 1 #28
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alyjojo · 2 months
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Thinking of You - April ✂️ 2024 - Virgo
Whole of their energy towards Virgo: 3 Wands
Feelings: 5 Cups
Intentions: King of Wands
Actions: 6 Wands
I heard the song from the minute I started shuffling, and I got a message of online dating, for whoever that applies, this person may have uncomfortably pressured you - I assume sexually. They’re disappointed in themselves or maybe how you see them now because of this, you could automatically jump to the worst conclusion about them or something, expecting Devil behavior from them - and it makes them sad. This could also be a flirty friend or coworker. If you think they’re all about sex, yeah they do come up as a fiery one, but they want to change your mind on that. Now if it’s not romantic, then this is a person that may have seen some darkness - either in you or not, and now expects it. From you or everyone idk. Some of these people are heavily pressured by their own actions, and what you’ll say about it, because they are regretful.
In their feelings is a deep sadness, focus on a hurt that has been done, probably by their own hand I’m getting. Here it shows Knight of Wands, in the intentions is King of Wands, they want to show you they’re better than that or they’ve matured since whatever impulsive/passionate action hurt you in the past. An apology at the bottom. They’re definitely sincere, idk what they did but they mean it. They intend to persevere through their mistakes, whatever they’ve done, and whatever silent treatment you’re giving them right now. I mean 🤷🏻‍♀️ There’s something appealing about a person that takes charge and wants to prove it - that’s what you want and that’s what they’re doing, it’s up to you. In action, it’s liable to surprise the hell out of you, that could be their intention. If you want a confession or fifty page list of all their wrongs, it looks like you’re getting it. Full accountability, they miss you, think of you constantly, will probably talk about the past a lot or being you up to speed on their personal improvements. They want victory with you, and they’ll do whatever it takes 💯
Their side:
- Follow My Lead
- Living My Life
Your side:
- Light of my Life 💡
- There’s no one else for me.
Give me nirvana I can dance to 💃
Friendship 👯‍♂️
Team - Connection - Network
Illness 🤒
Disease - Weakness - Fragility
Possible signs:
Heavy fire 🔥 Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn & Aries
If you’re dealing with:
Justice shows you’re focused on fairness, balance, equality and being truthful, setting any necessary boundaries on people or situations that threaten your peace or making any necessary decisions in regards to others - with fairness ruling above all. Could involve the law for some. Or switch it.
Aries - if one of you is holding onto grudges or shit from the past, the other person is over it and peaceful with how things turned out, they’re patient with the closed-off person
Taurus - silent treatment, not even saying what’s upsetting them, they’re just quiet 🤐 and the other person might not even care
Gemini - could get into some reckless or dangerous trouble regarding a car or travel if they’re not careful - impulsive or foolish. If romantic, they could randomly show up at midnight or otherwise surprise you with fun
Cancer - someone you work with that you have feelings for and hope to move forward with romantically - or they do
Leo - madly in love with you, could be a soulmate, ready to jump into something new and exciting
Virgo - could be lgbt, going through a separation, or a very popular person at work with a big personality - they’re really smart too, could just be someone that advises you
Libra - hopes to reconnect & celebrate with you, wants to be around you after some time apart, but they’re waiting on you, could just be really happy for you if you’re celebrating 🥳
Scorpio - a deeper commitment is on the table with them, started out with attraction & passion but they want it to be more - or you’re both moving forward in love 😻
Sagittarius - could be your boss, they have their hands in 20 different pots, a very busy work-orientated person, don’t have time for anything
Capricorn - stuck and unable to do something because of money, or they’re spending money on things that aren’t good/healthy for them
Aquarius - biding their time through the disappointment but happy for a new start, whenever it comes, that’s what they want
Pisces - there’s a lot they feel they don’t know, or you don’t, and fear around the truth coming out - or what someone has to say generally
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tintysun · 5 months
Sweet Home [Season 1] └ Moments
GENERAL / EPISODES 1-3 • Every freakin time the "Intense choral music" comes on. Jeeeeez! I feel that all the way down in my soul. • How that building is basically falling apart in dirt and decay but, boyyy, does it have a crazy colorful illumination throughout all the halls and rooms. • The times the Warriors theme comes on, too. Shakes me up. And OMFG. I just listened to the full thing in an FMV and ahhhh!! Is this what sports fans experience when they watch their teams go? 'Cause this is what makes me goooooooooo...
EPISODE 4 • That voting scene was something. And I don't even have to say out loud who the most despicable person is. :[
EPISODE 5 • Really loved that "quit being dramatic, you're staying with us" moment by the door. xD • And interesting that there was a blog person warning before it became official. :O
EPISODE 6 • There's a more wholesome AU where Lee Eun-yoo is more obvious about why she's such a "crazy psycho bitch" and instead Yoon Ji-soo and her are total buddies and back each other up. :P • Love it when people in environments come up with systems, under dire circumstances, to make it through. That new girl checking everyone's temperature brought back memories! :X • Aaand there's Cha Hyun-soo trapped in slimey green goo. :T
EPISODE 7 • Jeez. I really did forget about all of this. So, let me see if I got this right. He got bullied because he tried to be kind and someone got offended? Or...? • I'm glad my life is currently "boring" and all I have to worry about is not being bothered to the point where my productivity suffers.
EPISODE 8 • Seo Yi-kyeong to the rescue once more! I love her. And with the Warriors theme, too. That "Here we are" line hits me so... • That custom of making a baby choose between a few items to predict their life path is so interesting. Fascinating that there's a thread to symbolize long life. • I'm still perplexed that I forgot so much about this story. It almost feels as though I had a memory wipe before being born into a new life. If you know what I mean...
EPISODE 9 • IDK what to say for this one. There were deaths.
EPISODE 10 • Hmm... I don't really get this new guy. Makes a few valid points and looks like he's bound by a respectable code underneath but then does painfully needless things. Thought I could root for him as some sort of twisted anti-hero or at least a lovable villain. But I guess I'll just be tolerating him in season 2, huh? • Maybe this is my Venus in Scorpio speaking, but Cha Hyun-soo consumed by darkness was HOT. 🥵 Buuut, yeah, sad if that's not a state he'd wanna be in and is distressed by. Better keep being his lighter self yet also integrate all of his power in a way that he's still in command. Looking forward to seeing more of his development throughout the story! • That should NOT be the end of Lee Eun-hyuk! But I applaud that type of characters in disease stories, who take the initiative to pull themselves away when they know (or suspect) they're sick and could pose a danger to others. Rather than push themselves into the group for their own sake and others be damned. That said, I hope he makes it and rejoins! (And that anyone that can get help reaches out for it.)
0 notes
leclerc-s · 8 months
track 001. london boy
─── ❝ so i guess all the rumors are true❞ ───
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masterlist // next
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bailey knew it was never a good idea to enter a pr relationship, but she was all out of ideas. if a fake ‘relationship’ could get her out of her slump she would take it. as a songwriter there was nothing worse than being stuck in a writing slump. she had done extensive research on her fake boyfriend and all she had come up with was that he was a scorpio and sassy, there was also something about him being an avid twitch streamer. so, clearly, her methods of research needed some work, but not by much, in her opinion.
it's also was a perk because it meant jeremiah would finally stop bothering her. she had made a few mistakes in the past and one of them was agreeing to go out on a date with him when they were 15. they had dated for 3 years until bailey had called it quits on them. her excuse had been that she was too busy with her growing career but she just wasn't in love with him anymore. the two had been best friends before they began dating and now their friendship was ruined, which is why bailey regretted ever dating him.
she had been single since then which naturally meant jeremiah thought she was still in love with him. she wasn't but he didn't understand that, so like every other guy who didn't understand what the word 'no' meant, he kept asking her out. this in turn meant she had to lie and tell him that she was talking to someone so he would stop annoying her. it was then that the opportunity to be an f1 driver's pr girlfriend fell into her lap. she hadn't even known who the driver was until she was signing the nda's with his managment.
bailey had been annoyed with him not showing up to the initial meeting but one quick google search for the f1 schedule had told her he was currently in austria racing. the two wouldn't be officially meeting until Silverstone, his home grand prix, or at least that had been the plan until his manager was texting her to let her know he would be showing up at her small concert in london. now she was effectively freaking out over how the two would make any of this believable if they didn’t even know each other.
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liked by zoyatorres, landonorris, jeremiahbuchanan and others
baileywinters london, i am in you
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user82 ariana (lando) what are you doing here?
↳ user90 who is this lando you speak of?
↳ user82 lando norris is a formula one driver, british, attractive
↳ user15 she is for the girls, gays, and theys only. mr.norris can leave.
jerimiahhuchanan sorry i couldn’t make it to your london show
↳ baileywinters its okay! there will be more!
zoyatorres have fun in london
↳ baileywinters will do! 🫡
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baileywinters posted a new story
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met this weirdo at my show, apparently he's famous or something? he was signing shirts
landonorris seriously? that’s the best you can come up with? baileywinters alright asshole see if you can do better
zoyatorres hello? you go to london and you meet a guy? i expect details winters! baileywinters you got it zoya!
landonorris posted a new story
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saw a pretty cool girl perform tonight. 10/10 would recommend. great show baileywinters!
baileywinters you think i’m cool? landonorris alright don’t let it get to your head baileywinters mine was still better landonorris as if
isabellaperez LANDO NORRIS HOW DARE YOU NOT INVITE ME?! landonorris next time, i'm sorry!
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liked landonorris, danielricciardo, isabellaperez and others
baileywinters so the cars go vroom vroom in weird circles? thanks for the invite mclaren! i hang out with the weird guy from my show and suddenly i’m at an f1 race, life is weird.
tagged: mclaren, landonorris, danielricciardo
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mclaren it was a pleasure having you here! please come to more races, lando’s more tolerable
↳ landonorris my own team against me? this is betrayal.
↳ danielricciardo you’re more quite when she’s around.
isabellaperez why did no one tell me you were here? mclaren i have a bone to pick with you and your drivers!
↳ mclaren redbullracing your admin is out of control
↳ redbullracing 🤷🏻‍♀️ what can they do about it?💋 isabella
jeremiahbuchanan since when are you into f1?
↳ baileywinters always have been but i’m more of a sebastian vettel fan than i am of the sport
↳ user13 she gets it
↳ mclaren she’s a aston martin fan? is this the betrayal lando was speaking of?
↳ baileywinters i will be a fan of whatever team sebastian vettel is on
↳ user63 these two just met and she’s already been invited to a grand prix? seems like a pr relationship
↳ user72 they seemed to hit it off. i don’t see what the big deal is? let them be friends. not every man and woman who spend time together are dating
↳ user91 not to mention it takes weeks to plan stuff like this out. they had probably already planned this when she met lando. she probably planned her london show around her appearance with mclaren
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who’s jeremiah?
why are you asking?
he just dm’d me asking if we were dating. do i lie to to him or do i tell him the truth?
also do think it's wise to tell someone you don't know that it's all fake?
okay, that’s a good point but why do i need to lie to him? you know him, don’t you trust him?
do you trust everyone you meet norris?
no, but if i scroll back far enough on your instagram he’s everywhere
we dated, he's an ex
why are you stalking my instagram?
i don't know if you're aware but i know nothing about you. i'm gathering intel on you
also you’re friends with your exes?
okay, that worries me a little but yes. why do you make it sound like i'm a fucking mission or some shit?
is it a problem that i'm friends with jeremiah? and it's one ex. i've only dated one guy.
how did one guy get you to write so many songs about him?
first you stalk my instagram now you're listening to my songs?
i went to you concert...i had to make it look like i was fan. what's the point of this if it doesn't look believable at least?
does this mean i have to go back and watch your old season? or can i just watch dts? please tell me i can just watch dts, it's so much faster
if you want a dramatization of f1, sure watch dts
wait, i just realized, you were stalking my instagram and your reason was pretty shit. lando norris, do you have a crush on me?
i'm not even going to entertain your thoughts.
that's not a no
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alex albon WHO’S THE GIRL NORRIS?!
george russell what girl? lando brought a girl? huh?
isabella perez i can’t believe you didn’t tell me you knew bailey winters. friendship over.
carlos sainz qué? why did i not know lando had a girlfriend?
lando norris WOAH! who said anything about girlfriend? she a girl who’s a friend. there's a space between girl and friend. girl friend.
daniel ricciardo he has a crush on her!
lando norris i do not!
daniel ricciardo you were a blushing mess the entire time she was near you. and you were quite. penelope trevino lando's never quite. who is this girl?
natalia ruiz she was pretty, from what i saw.
isabella perez she’s gorgeous! besides the women here present she’s my wcw
charles leclerc we seriously need to find isabella a boyfriend
isabella perez get me your brother’s number charles leclerc what? you have his number? are you asking for lorenzo’s? isabella perez it’s a joke, but do you think he’d been willing to get me the number of some of those cute prema boys? isabella perez also arthur’s literally my best friend, i can get him a girlfriend though? i have friends. max verstappen sorry? i thought you said you had more friends besides us. isabella perez i do pierre gasly your sister doesn’t count isabella perez fuck you baguette and i do have more friends, you french fuck rowan todd i know you don’t want to get arthur a girlfriend when that boy is still hung up on your sister isabella perez if we don’t talk about it, it’s like they never dated. meaning i don’t have to be awkward around my best friend and sister.
daphne jones added one person
daphne jones no one question it.
(626)-584-6812 what the fuck is this?
lando norris oh god
isabella perez oh thank god i thought you added arthur or my sister and i was panicking because we were talking shit.
lando norris DAPHNE!
(626)-584-6812 daphne jones? oh my god! excuse me while i go scream in a pillow
lance stroll she’s so real for that mae jones daniel’s live reaction to meeting daph for the first time
daphne jones changed (626)-584-6812 to bailey winters
bailey winters i should’ve become friends with an f1 driver sooner if it meant knowing daphne jones
penelope trevino what are your intentions with my son? carlos sainz *our son bailey winters excuse me? lando norris PENELOPE REBECCA TREVINO! CARLOS SAINZ VÁZQUEZ DE CASTRO! isabella perez full government names, he’s pissed.
lewis hamilton i worry for you people, i seriously do.
lewis hamilton i apologize in advance bailey, they’re nuts.
bailey winters sir lewis hamilton knows my name. oh my god. i've peaked. this is what my life has been building up too
esteban ocon oh this comedy gold right here
lance stroll you cried after you met daphne the first time esteban. shut up. mick schumacher in his defense it's daphne freaking jones. freya vettel that's a valid excuse
sebastian vettel i have you children muted for a reason. this is insane. you’re all insane.
pierre gasly lando is currently chasing carlos with a golf club.
bailey winters where did he get the golf club from?
rowan todd i’ve learned it’s best not to question things around here. bailey winters noted.
penelope trevino he’s still my son, i regret nothing.
bailey winters i’m so confused
esteban ocon to clear it up for bailey, carlos and penny are lando’s parents after he drunkenly referred to them as mom and dad. mae jones penny and carlos claim to hate each other but we’re all waiting for that enemies to lovers trope to hit isabella perez just like we’re all waiting for mae and max to get their heads out of their asses and get back together. alex albon or for natalia and charles to stop pretending like we don’t all know they’ve been sleeping together and just announce they’ve been basically dating since 2019 natalia ruiz excuse me? carlos sainz the walls are thin. i’ve heard things. i bet sebastian did too. sebastian vettel i heard too much.
daniel ricciardo the only healthy relationships here are daphne and i + pierre and yuki
pierre gasly yuki and i are not dating yuki tsunoda that’s not what you said yesterday. i guess i’m not the love of your life. pierre gasly yuki, no, you are. i promise. fernando alonso you two desperately need to get girlfriends george russell fernando's never present but when he is he roasts the absolute shit out of someone.
bailey winters i seriously love you people. this is the best thing to happen to me in a month.
lando norris wow, and yesterday she said meeting me was the best thing to happen to her alex albon clearly she lied to make you feel better sebastian vettel you won’t think that for long bailey, i promise bailey winters i died, dead, deceased. digging my grave. here lies bailey winters, she died after meeting her favorite driver (sebastian vettel) and celebrity crush (daphne jones) daniel ricciardo she’s just like me. daughter? bailey winters father? wait, who's my mother? max verstappen daphne charles leclerc it may take a while for you to connect the dots
3:13 am
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¡leclerc-s speaks! love giving my ocs shitty exes. happy sprint day! manifesting a mclaren or ferrari sprint win today!
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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dankhausen · 1 year
GCW Til Infinity, JCW Battlebowl, GCW 56 Nights Reviews
So I finally had time to finish all of the shows GCW (and JCW) put out this past weekend, and let me just say I was blown away! I suppose the best way to handle this mega review would be to go show by show and match by match- so, here it is:
GCW Til Infinity Review:
East West Express vs. Wasted Youth was a very good and fast paced opener to the show, I wasn't familiar with either team going in but I definitely want to see more of them now. One very memorable moment from the match was the Spanish Fly into the Canadian Destroyer, very awesome indeed.
Kerry Morton vs. Jimmy Lloyd was a match that I didn't really click with, although it was still a good match. I loved how Kerry was booed the entire time for just putting on a technical wrestling match, and how this evolved into him hamming it up across all 3 shows the entire weekend.
Effy vs. Blake Christian was a great match, huge fan of Effy already and Blake's pretty hype too. I really liked Effy's version of the Tarantula, Blake hitting a bottom rope 619 was amazing and skinning the cat into a rollup is a great finish.
Leon Slater vs. Tony Deppen was a great match, very fast paced and pretty evenly matched. I was confused going in as to why Tony was getting cheered, but I think it might be because he is local to the area. Leon's Swanton 450 was perhaps the most athletically impressive thing all weekend.
Nick Gage made another hype as hell entrance, I absolutely loved it and getting Maki Itoh involved was a nice touch. This led into Allie Katch vs. Maki Itoh, which was a hell of a match and nearly match of the night for me. Maki basically did the greatest hits of Nick Gage, and I was all in on it.
American Violence Dealers vs. Los Macizos, seriously where do I begin with this one? It was an absolutely brutal match filled with jaw-dropping sequences, and really my notes say it better than I ever could:
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Shitheads vs Sc*nt was a really fun and quick match, I've mentioned before that I'm a Dark Sheik fan so it was good to see her involved. I was also really impressed by the others, especially Rob Shit who hit an epic press slam dive.
"Speedball" Mike Bailey vs. 2 Cold Scorpio was an interesting match, fairly slow pace but it worked. I really liked how it was back and forth for most of it, almost like a physical game of chess between the two. I still love Bailey's finisher, and when he threatened to stomp a vape pen it made me laugh.
Starboy Charlie vs. Willie Mack was a really good match, I liked the dynamic of big man/little man. Willie did some pretty hard hitting and entertaining offense, and there was a sick shotgun dropkick by Starboy.
John Wayne Murdoch vs. Sawyer Wreck was a short but BRUTAL match, and I absolutely loved it- it's my pick for Match of the Night! Highlights for me included the baseball bat with the spikes(?) being used, and the GODDAMN SUPLEX THROUGH THE GLASS PANE.
Yokai vs. Billie Starkz and Brogan Finlay was a pretty good finish to an excellent show, the match was good and I was particularly impressed by Janai Kai.
JCW BattleBowl Review:
Midas Black & Charlie Tiger vs. Jay Lyon & Ellis Taylor was an interesting and fun opener on this show. It was interesting how two tag teams are split up and made to face each other, I don't know anyone here but I'm intrigued. Jay Lyon's handspring elbow was the highlight of the match, and the surprise rollup was a great finish.
Kerry Morton & Axton Ray vs. Marcus Mathers & Dyln McKay was a good match, I'm happy that Wasted Youth won. I cracked up at Marcus stealing the title at the end.
Gabriel Skye & Austin Luke vs. Griffin McCoy & Alec Price was an awesome match, I didn't know anybody here but they were all very impressive. Luke with the Ambrose rope clothesline was pretty sweet, and McCoy with the modified Boston crab was pretty cool.
Beastman & Sam Stackhouse vs. Yoya & Mago was a hell of a match, I really liked the big vs. little dynamic. Yoya hit one HELL of a Canadian Destroyer in this one, and that was easily moment of the night.
Sawyer Wreck & Azrieal vs. Billy Dixon & CPA was a good match, I especially loved Sawyer just wrecking everyone and CPA's comedy antics.
Jimmy Lloyd & Rob Shit vs. Manders & Bam Sullivan was a good match, there were a couple of really hype lariats here which I enjoyed.
Billie Starkz & Big Vin vs. Brogan Finlay & Janai Kai was an awesome match, MVP of the match was easily Big Vin. He hit a HUUUUUUGE chokeslam, a double side slam, a flipping slam over the ropes... dude's an absolute beast.
The 14 Person Battle Bowl Match was a kickass battle royal, highlights of it were CPA with even more gags and ALEC PRICE ELIMINATING BOTH STACKHOUSE AND BEASTMAN!
GCW 56 Nights Review:
Cole Radrick vs. Masha Slamovich was a somewhat quick but enjoyable match, I'm glad Masha won. Unfortunately a good chunk of this match didn't air due to technical errors with the stream, but what was shown was excellent.
Nick Wayne vs Leon Slater was a high flying, explosively awesome match. Highlights of the match were Leon diving over the ringpost, the double backflip off the top rope and the TOP ROPE CUTTER, HOLY SHIT.
Joey Janela vs. Blake Christian vs. Tony Deppen vs. Willie Mack vs. Alec Price vs. Jordan Oliver was a good match, lots of cool multi-man moves in it. Highlights included Blake's springboard moonsault and Willie Mack just wrecking everyone with slaps and chops.
Maki Itoh vs. Sawyer Wreck vs. Billie Starkz vs. Dark Sheik was my most anticipated match of the night, I wanted either Sawyer or Sheik to win. Maki Itoh with the full Nick Gage entrance was amazing, and Dark Sheik's spider walk move was pretty cool. Sawyer continued to destroy everyone, including Sheik with a CHOKESLAM THROUGH THE DOOR!!!!
Matt Tremont vs. Mad Man Pondo was a brutal and awesome match, I want to see more from both men now. The weapons were used in creative ways, and of course I should mention this epic moment:
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The Do Or Die Rumble was an epic battle royal, and again here only my notes can do it justice:
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The post match with Blake doing the punt kick with Masha in the chair was absolutely brutal, I hope she gets her revenge soon.
0 notes
jvpw · 1 year
'WCW WORLDWIDE' 01.02.93 - Steamboat & Douglas vs. Windham & Pillman, THREE Dustin Rhodes Appearances
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AIRDATE: January 2, 1993 COMMENTATORS: Tony Schiavone & Jesse “The Body” Ventura
The inaugural Worldwide of 1993 features a Unified Tag Team Championship main event as Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas defend against Barry Windham & Brian Pillman. Also on the show Erik Watts takes on Bobby Eaton in a Bounty Match and Dustin Rhodes wrestles not once, not twice, but THREE times.
WCW/NWA UNIFIED WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat & Shane Douglas
Dan Spivey vs. Scott Allen (SQUASH)
Dustin Rhodes vs. Danny Deese (SQUASH)
2 Cold Scorpio vs. Chris Sullivan (SQUASH)
BOUNTY MATCH: Erik Watts vs. Bobby Eaton (*1/2)
Dustin Rhodes vs. Dan Spivey (*3/4)
Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas [c] vs. Barry Windham & Brian Pillman for the WCW/NWA UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (**1/2)
-LAST WEEK: A brawl breaks out between Ricky Steamboat, Shane Douglas, Barry Windham, & Brian Pillman leading to this week’s main event for the Unified Tag Team Titles.
“Dangerous” Dan Spivey vs. Scott Allen
Spivey dominates right from the bell, clubberin’ and clobberin’ and putting Allen out of his misery in short order with a DDT.
Dan Spivey defeated Scott Allen via pinfall (1:22)
-Eric Bischoff hosts this week’s WCW Magazine segment about the booming tag team division in WCW, showcasing a music video for up and coming team Tex Slazenger & Shanghai Pierce. HELL YEAH BABY, IT’S GODWINNS TIME.
-Ventura welcomes Tony Atlas to the interview stage. Atlas asks when Van Hammer is going to accept his arm wrestling challenge (it’s happening January 13th at Clash of the Champions but I guess the Power Hour crew doesn’t talk to the Worldwide crew).
“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. Danny Deese
Ventura mocks Rhodes’ theme song, saying studies have shown cities where “goat-roping” music is popular have higher suicide rates. Made me laugh but also YIKES. Not much to the match, Rhodes wins with a Bulldog.
Dustin Rhodes defeated Danny Deese via pinfall (1:45)
Schiavone welcomes the victorious Rhodes to the interview stage. Rhodes tells Barry Windham to watch his back because he’s going to finish what Windham started. Dan Spivey interrupts and challenges Rhodes TONIGHT, Rhodes agrees. Yeah alright, lessgooo.
2 Cold Scorpio vs. Chris Sullivan
Sullivan surprisingly is all offense to start, including a slap that sends Scorpio flying off the apron, but Scorpio quickly regroups and gets the win with a slingshot 450 Splash.
2 Cold Scorpio defeated Chris Sullivan via pinfall (1:19)
JON’S THOUGHTS: Chris Sullivan is billed from Hawaii but looks like a bus driver from Ohio. Go outside once in awhile dude YOU LIVE IN HAWAII. Scorpio switching it up with a slingshot 450, which is somehow even more impressive than his regular one. How did WCW ever get a wrestler so damn cool and innovative as 2 Cold back in the early-90s? You’re right, it was money. (SQUASH)
-Eric Bischoff is here with the second WCW Magazine segment of the night, this time focusing on the feud between Erik Watts and Rick Rude. Rude beat Watts on last week’s Saturday Night but Watts got the shine by beating the count after Rude tried to put him out with a Rude Awakening on the floor. Watts is in action next!
-EARLIER TODAY: Arn Anderson is upset that he has to relinquish his shot at the bounty on Erik Watts’ head due to injury but his partner Bobby Eaton is going to take his place. They’re the dirtiest players in the game and Watts will be the sacrificial lamb.
BOUNTY MATCHErik Watts vs. “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton [w/ “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson]
Eaton attacks Watts in the aisle, Watts sends him flying with a backdrop and enters the ring. Anderson gets in his face, Watts sends him packing with a right and goes back to Eaton, connecting with a monkey flip and series of rights. Watts goes for the STF, Eaton quickly scurries to the ropes to force a break and bails to the ground. Ventura announces that Rhodes/Spivey WILL be happening after this match. Cool. Watts bounces Eaton off the concrete floor and follows up with a 3 Point Stance lariat. Anderson distracts Watts, Eaton wipes him out from behind. Anderson gets a shot in, Ventura applauding him for returning the favor from earlier because he’s the fairest commentator of all-time. Eaton connects with a neckbreaker and comes off the top with the Alabama Jam, Anderson distracting the ref so he doesn’t get DQed (top rope moves are banned in WCW at this point still), and covers for the 1…2…WATTS KICKS OUT. Anderson intervenes, Watts double noggin knocks the dastardly duo and locks in the STF on Eaton for the win!
Erik Watts defeated Bobby Eaton via submission (3:40)
JON’S THOUGHTS: Erik Watts was set up to fail by his father, who ran WCW at the time he made his professional debut. Just cruel to put his son’s feet to the fire in such a high profile way. He ended up being pretty okay in the end but it didn’t end up mattering, sadly. ANYWAY the match itself was alright, Anderson & Eaton did what they could. Not sure why there’s a bounty or what the bounty is, it was only mentioned on commentary and not by the ring announcer. (*1/2)
“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. “Dangerous’ Dan Spivey
Spivey attacks Rhodes right at the bell, leveling him with a clothesline. Rhodes stuns Spivey with a bionic elbow and sends him scurrying with a pair of dropkicks. Rhodes follows him out and gets his head rammed into the apron for his troubles. Rhodes catches Spivey with a kick and rides him to the canvas with a lariat. Rhodes works Spivey’s arm, Spivey backs him into the corner but misses a running elbow and Rhodes takes him back to the canvas with an armdrag. Spivey yanks Rhodes’ bad arm (he’s got a cast on thanks to an attack from Barry Windham last year) and goes on the offensive, slamming Rhodes on it for the 1…2…Rhodes kicks out and Spivey gator rolls the arm over the apron, snapping it on the hardest part of the ring. Rhodes charges, Spivey connects with a Japanese armdrag and covers for the 1…2…Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes counters Spivey with a belly-to-back suplex and catches him with another lariat for the 1…2…Spivey kicks out. Rhodes and Spivey knock the wind out of each other with a double clothesline, Rhodes gets to his feet first and heads to the top. Spivey tries to slam him off, Rhodes hangs on and turns it into a cover for the 1…2…3!
Dustin Rhodes defeated Dan Spivey via pinfall (5:27)
JON’S THOUGHTS: Disappointed, to be honest. I don’t know WHAT I was hoping for necessarily but that wasn’t it. Liked the finish though. (*3/4)
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat & Shane Douglas [c] vs. Barry Windham & “Flyin” Brian Pillman for the WCW/NWA UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP
Both teams continue their brawl from last week, Steamboat putting Windham into the lights with a backdrop followed by a double axhandle and double chop. Douglas tags in and grabs a side headlock. Windham counters out with a drop toehold and makes the tag to Pillman. Pillman & Douglas trade shots, Douglas fights out of the heel corner and grabs a wristlock, Steamboat tags in and slams Pillman on his now bad arm. Pillman begs off, Steamboat gives no f*cks and connects with another hammerlock slam. Douglas tags in and the champs hit a double back elbow. Pillman blinds Douglas and tags Windham, the challengers connecting with a double clothesline. Windham cleans Douglas’ clock with a right hand, Douglas reverses a whip and connects with a powerslam for the 1…2…Windham kicks out. Windham regains momentum with a flying forearm followed by a scoop slam. Douglas tries to make a tag, Pillman keeps the legs tied up and tags Windham who attacks Douglas. Douglas gets tossed over the top rope behind the ref’s back, Pillman rams him into the side of the apron. Windham snaps off a suplex, floating over into a lateral press for the 1…2..Douglas kicks out. Windham covers again, Steamboat stops the count. Pillman tags in and distracts the ref, Windham chokes Douglas and Steamboat runs over to put a stop to it. Douglas has Pillman pinned but the ref is too busy trying to send Steamboat back to his corner. DAMMIT DRAGON. Pillman slows it down with a chinlock, Windham giving his partner extra leverage by grabbing his legs. Windham tags in and bounces Douglas’ head off the top turnbuckle for the 1…2…not yet. Windham follows with a lariat for the 1…2…Douglas kicks out once again! Pillman tags in, Douglas counters a flyin Brian with a kick to the teeth.
Windham tags in but SO DOES STEAMBOAT AND IT’S DRAGON TIME BOYS! Double chops and slams to Windham and Pillman, Steamboat sends Windham to the floor with a chop. Steamboat pummels Pillman, Windham takes Douglas out of the match with a DDT ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR. Hope Douglas took it better than Steamboat did back in ‘86. Windham launches Pillman onto Steamboat for the 1…2…STEAMBOAT KICKS OUT. Windham tags back in and connects with a belly-to-back suplex for the 1…2…not yet. Dustin Rhodes runs out and checks on Douglas but he’s out of it. Steamboat tags Rhodes in, WHICH THE REF ALLOWS FOR SOME REASON, who pummels the hell out of Windham. Pillman attacks Rhodes from behind, Steamboat attacks Pillman but gets sent to the apron. Rhodes fights off Pillman and nails Windham with his cast for the 1…2…3!
Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas/Dustin Rhodes [c] defeated Barry Windham & Brian Pillman via pinfall to retain the WCW/NWA UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (11:52)
JON’S THOUGHTS: I’m with Ventura, Rhodes interjecting himself and taking over as Steamboat’s partner was unfair and should not have happened! MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE, A PLAGUE UPON THEIR HOUSES, etc. and so forth. Good match overall, Steamboat being the consummate babyface while acting like a sh*tbag heel is the best. (**1/2)
-It’s Eric Bischoff again with the third and supposedly final WCW Magazine segment of the episode, taking it to Van Hammer who accepts Tony Atlas’ arm wrestling challenge. 
-Schiavone and Ventura interview Barry Windham & Brian Pillman, who are still steaming about their loss. Pillman says he’s been participating in organized athletics since he was a child and has never experienced such a despicable display. Windham vows to paint Rhodes’ rear yellow as the odds are never even when they battle.
If you’re into Dustin Rhodes then you’re gonna love this episode of Worldwide. Three matches in the span of an hour? Somebody in the office likes this guy. Good episode, lots happening start to finish and Bobby Eaton being the consummate professional by helping make Erik Watts look pretty damn good out there.
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kisscookin · 3 years
choose a pile you're most drawned to to check what angels and universe want to tell you!
i apologize in advance for any mistakes and misspeling in english
do not repost on any other platform without my clear consent. respect my work
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(i do not own these pictures)
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astrology placements: sagittarius, gemini, scorpio/pluto dominant, aquarius/uranus dominant
i feel like because of some betrayal, injustice, karmic situation, you went into a hermit mode, you isolated yourself from friends, loved ones. something or somebody disappointed you. you've probably lost your faith in something even tho you thought it would never happen. maybe you've put so much energy, hope or manifestation in something but it didn't turn out the way you wanted. maybe you did something against your will, morals and you feel "dirty" inside. you may think that whole world is against you and whole world want to hurt you/your feelings. but im hearing that your angels are with you all the time. they ask you to surrender to them and ask for their guidence whenever you need or feel like it. they will immediatly help you. they say that you don't need to worry, because with their help your personal problems will always be solved. it's OK to make mistakes, as long as you're willing to learn from them. things happen for you, not to you. angels have so much faith for you, they are always cheering for you just like cheerleaders. 😊
angel number: 3 2 3
affirmation: "my friendships support me, nourish me, and inspire me.", "i am in sync with the flow of life"
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astrology placement: leo, cancer/moon dominant, aries/mars dominant, taurus, piesces/neptune dominant, virgo
wow. team 2 energy is all over the place. i feel so much passion and happiness from your side. some of you were in a really dark place, you were hurt, but now you got over it, healed your wounds like a PRO 😆 maybe you just came out of difficult relationship that didn't serve you. you stepped out of the comfort zone. you've worked through your shadow side and fears. now universe and your angels are blessing you with a brend new start. you got Death card clarified by New Moon in Eclipse. you glowed up! you're probably full of passion, energy, happines, willing to go on adventure. bless. i see a lot of love in your spread. some of you might be reuniting with someone or meeting your soulmate — you might get into very fullfiling relationship. for others i see your manifestation coming to life, wish fullfilment. now you are in position of power emotionally. you developed your boundaries and matured. your angels worked hard helping you in that past period of transitioning, coming out of certain situation. they sent you loving touch when you needed it the most. please show gratitude towards your angels and stay in touch with them. they are proud of you seeing your growth. meditate often. i just smelled beautiful flowerish fragnance, like a perfum — it might resonate with somebody.
angel number: 2 5 4
affirmation: "when i lead from a place of love people respect me", "i am ready to go big rise up and step into my power", "i am a lightworker in disguise. i dont have to talk about it, i can just be it"
love is keyword in this reading. self love or love towards someone
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what a beautiful mosque!
astrology placement: cancer, scorpio/pluto dominant, capricorn/saturn dominant, gemini, libra, aquarius/uranus dominant
ouch. i sense that currently you are very stressed. i feel you found out that somebody might be shitting behind your back, a toxic friend (probably male) or group of friends. some sort of heartbreak/betrayal/disappointment in relationships/friendships. for you it felt like your whole word collapsed at once and your heart broke at milion pieces, negative overthinking took over your head. you probably are/were on hermit mode, when you were very isolated and self-defensive. i feel you were very attached to that person/group of people so it was harder for you to accept situation. you internally resisted change. but i think whatever this situation is, your angels want you to learn from it. it was lesson encouriging you to go on self-discovery journey and change your environment/friend group. everything happen for a reason. meditate frequently and stay in touch with angels and universe. they want you to work through your fears and sort out your emotions. look inside your heart, all answers are there. you need to be more selective in terms of people you give your heart to. set clear boundaries. if you do everything your angels ask you to do, abundance will come towards you.
angel number: 6 4 2
affirmation: "i bring peace with me whenever i go", "my happiness is a direct reflection of quickly i can shift my perceptions from fear to love", "i can expand time when i'm inspired".
i hope you all had a great day. stay happy, spread love. if reading resonated with you or gave you some clarity, please let me know — message me. stay tuned for next reading. you can always request any pac reading or book private one. take care of yourself. ❤🖤
please support my work, it gives me motivation 😁
decks i used: smith-waite tarot deck, moonologyastroligical deck, reiki oracle deck, spirit junkie
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saelwia · 3 years
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@asaintvoid and I did a pick a pile together! Go check her out, she does incredible readings and they’re very accurate!
Pile 1
You might have been feeling some stagnancy. However this all will change next year. Might already be starting this December. You’ll be taking the reins. I feel like you’ll have a fresh breath of air, a new beginning. You might be connecting a lot with nature. You might be studying something new or finishing school. You might be meeting your life partner or someone significant. I see you going into nature a lot, camping, and just generally travelling a lot more. I’m hearing taking flight, maybe literally, travelling by an airplane. Maybe you’re taking a gap year and are travelling instead. You might be getting a new pet. Working on your money. I’m just hearing “transformation”, also perhaps spiritually. Maybe you’ll be journaling a lot. Or having a manifestation journal.
Key aspects: Transformation/Joy/Learning.
Numbers: 7/1/11/23/24/100/111
Signs: Libra/Cancer/Leo/Gemini/Taurus/Capricorn/Air signs
Pile 2
Your major focus for next year will be progress and stability. You might have had issues leading your plans / business to a brighter direction this year, perhaps you were doing everything by yourself and it was a lot to take. Next year you will have more resources and help from people, and you'll be properly guided in every step. If you have been struggling with finances, money will be coming a lot faster for you next year. Some of you will start a new business , quit your current jobs or get fired perhaps but this will be for the better, you're going to be able to identify the new opportunities and take the risk to pursue all the projects you always wanted to do. This will have a very positive impact in your life, I see you having a very supportive work team, having a lot more control over your time and working under your own rules. For those who have businesses already running you are going to have a lot of good offers, related to sponsorships and investments. Overall next year will be about your financial independence, working on things you enjoy to do and create, having a healthier relationship with your work environment and not having limited resources.
Key aspects: owning your own power and ambitions, liberation, creation, initiation, trust.
Numbers: 13/0/5/21/4/10 
Signs: Aries/Scorpio/Aquarius/Capricorn
Pile 3
It's all about choosing new directions. I feel like you might be leaving something behind and maybe also some people. You might be moving places. Or even moving to a different country. It might also come unexpected, you’ve might have been going a certain route and all of a sudden you have to change everything. However this is putting you right where you need to be, because at the place you’re moving to, you’ll be meeting a whole lot of new people, and will be doing so many things you truly enjoy. You’ll be feeling so joyful. You’ll feel like you’ll have a cause and are following your life path. Because you are! I’m hearing “Paris”. I’m also hearing something about art, so you might be occupying yourself a lot with art, might be going overseas or just a different county or country to study art or will have a business or job related to art.
Key aspects: Moving energy/Choosing new directions/Joy.
Numbers: 2222/1111/444
Signs: Aquarius/Sagittarius/Leo/Fire, air and water placements
Pile 4
Next year will be an alignment journey for you guys. It might start with a lot of challenges, carrying some heavy weight on your shoulders. Everything you know until now will go through a change, this might affect your stability and the current dynamic of how things work for you. At the beginning you might feel like you're losing control over your life, and your sense to be self sufficient. However you soon will find yourself working along with these changes, your balance will come from what you need and desire and not from taking care of every single thing by yourself. Next year will be about self awareness, to use your strength and your power to your benefit without crossing your own boundaries, to be patient with yourself and find the value of those little things you have taken for granted until now. Your mental strength will be aligned with your emotional needs and your heart desires. Next year will be an adventure for you, you'll break out of the routine, you'll be a lot more spontaneous with your plans and you'll be a lot more open to try things out of your comfort zone. 
Key aspects: Profound discovery, making choices, discovering moderation and versatility.
Numbers: 16/11/14/6 
Signs: Aries/Leo/Virgo/Saggitarius/Gemini
credit for the pictures:
https://sosuperawesome.com/post/665804016781000704/art-prints-wallflower-ghost-on-etsy who made a post about the artist.
Art belongs to: https://www.etsy.com/nl/shop/WallflowerGhost.
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tarotnoob · 3 years
Pick a Card: Advice for something you’re currently going through or will soon
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This is a general reading. I want it to be timeless, but it’s also a bit focused on the near future. I asked for advice or a message about something you need to know. 
Take a moment to breathe and choose whichever pile(s) you feel drawn to, or it’s also okay if you don’t feel drawn to any this time around :)
Pile 1: Lavender and the Poppy
Pile 2: Sweet Orange and Foxglove
Pile 3: Tea tree and Coreopsis
Pile 1
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Hi, Pile 1! So, there’s definitely the sense of you working through something that might have been heavy or disappointing. Maybe in the recent past, you felt a lot of tension or anxiety or perhaps you’ve already been doing a lot of self-care, shadow work, meditation. If you did experience a recent disappointment of some kind (plans not working out, disappointing relationship, not getting into a program you want), the advice is that you simply need to take the time you need to assess how you feel, absorb the lesson, and try it again or try something new. The point is that even disappointments or “failures” have their lessons and all you can do is keep moving forward. An alternate message is that you’re working up the courage to a decision or moment, it’s causing you some fear or anxiety, and you just have to push through using willpower/inner strength.
Because with scorpio here, there’s a sense of a deep transformation and growth -not just a superficial one, and lessons are often the best way to experience growth (or challenging ourselves to do something we didn’t want to or makes us feel uncomfortable, which can also include searching our own feelings or “lackings” or things we need to work on).
The disseminating moon is the moon that comes after a full moon, so that’s why I feel like this event has already happened or when it does, there will be this feeling of “okay, now what?” and the idea is to push forward from that; after all, the moon works in cycles, it peaks and then cycle restarts.
And with 10 of swords I do see an end to a cycle, one that may have been mentally taxing; with four of cups, I do see either discontent of a situation or simply meditating. Kind of like when the losing team gets together after a match to discuss what worked and what didn’t. Re-grouping.
I think Strength comes in that it takes a fair amount of strength to be able to push forward after a low or stressful point or even a moment in life where nothing seemed to be happening for you. You weren’t seeing results of anything no matter what you tried, but at the end of it, we have the Sun. So, once you’ve mourned whatever “loss” this was and go through the cycle of analyzing what happened, you just have to start fresh again. This may be an event that correlates with Leo season or you could have a big Leo placement, and perhaps this disappointment somehow wounded your pride in a way. 
And rather than dwell on the dark for too long, with Poppy, Sun, and the visual of Strength, there’s a sense of surrounding yourself with a more positive atmosphere, people... to not take everything so seriously, to go outside and enjoy the sunshine, play, do something light-hearted to take your mind off of the things that have been going on. You can only Hermit for so long about an issue before the next best solution is to get your mind off of it, clear it out, and laugh. It’s important to balance reflection with NOT reflecting.
Also there’s a message here for those who engage a lot in spiritual acts, like tarot or pick a cards, that for answers, don’t always get so absorbed in the spiritual arts. Remember that there’s a life outside of this bubble and becoming obsessed about one particular situation or thing isn’t always the best.
Hope that helps!
Pile 2
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This is a little similar to pile 1 in that I feel like the energy happening in the near future (June/summer 2021) we’re being asked to let go of the (results) of an end/final journey/result. But, don’t get me wrong, these are super positive tarot cards, so what I want to say is whatever the results that have come up for what feels like the end of a journey to you, to celebrate (not just what didn’t happen or was lost or shed), but the positive steps/achievements you made, no matter how big or small YOU might think they are. Because both Aquarius moon and waning moon talk about “detachment” and “letting go”, so you need to let go or detach from something and simply go forward. Which feels very 8 of cups energy.
With the oracle cards in particular (the moons and celebration), there’s definitely the sense of growth, release because this flower is emerging from its seed, right. And you’re being asked to be the real, authentic you. Release also gives this sense of letting something go or burst out, so it’s almost as if your true self is in the process of emerging. Like, what cycle ended has resulted in a (positive) growth for you. Foxglove is a darker card than I expected with such positive cards, but it’s basically the same message: (oof literally just had a moment b/c in the description it also says detach like with aquarius moon) There is nothing more convincing of our humanness than when our heart is hurting. It is a powerful dissuader and compelling reason to detach from life. But in due time, as with the powerful effects of Foxglove, the crushing pain of loss can be reduced. When we galvanize energy and strive toward equilibrium, we find new techniques to tackle our pain. What lessons have broken your heart but made new pathways accessible and now lend wisdom for future endeavors?
And that fits the visual of this celebration card, the seed has found a path up to the soil and bloomed, even under the light of the moon - and it was just this tiny bland seed, but now it’s a super beautiful flower. And the star/aquarius card in tarot is also symbolic of rejuvenation, particularly after a Tower moment (since the Star follows Tower... the Moon follows the Star, the Sun follows the moon. So, even with this moment of rejuvenation and healing, there’s also a time of reflection before we have the Sun, which is joy/happiness. 
The tarot also wants you to celebrate your accomplishments with this four of wands card, which often represents such things or a potential invite to a party or other good news. With the queen of wands, it looks like the personification of this celebration flower. It’s confidence, fun, life of the party personality, beauty, passion, etc... and Knight of pentacles can be slow movement, earnestness, hard work. So it may take some time and effort for you to get into this queen of wands vibe, where you feel confident about being who you are, but you are getting there with every single step, and it’s important not to try to take short cuts. I think part of the journey for you in general or in the near future is simply to let go of the negative or failures and focus on the amazing progress you’ve made and also have hope that the results will turn out at the end.
With aquarius, again, I feel obliged to tell you to follow your own path, follow your own heart or passion, your own route on how to get where you want to go which doesn’t have to actually be a physical goal. This is also about spiritual goals like discovering who you are and want to be and then being OKAY with that person even if you aren’t “perfect”. There is no perfect anyway, it’s a social construct, so no need to compare your failures/wins/accomplishments/physical looks/skills to other people because you’re just you and you can (gag) only be the best you you can be. That’s what Aquarius wants to say. And if something DOESN’T make you feel good, to detach from that situation/people and do your own thing, even if (I imagine) it can feel lonely or slow in the process/journey.
Hope that helps, Pile 2!
Pile 3
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Hi, Pile 3!
Okay, well as usual this is the super spiritual pile. The only thing that might relate to the previous piles is a sense of a cycle coming to an end because we have pisces here and that’s the end of the (zodiac) cycle. There are super strong indications here of excellent manifestation and intuitive skills. Coreopsis talks about allowing your heart to take center stage and in the unconditional love card, there is power emanating from the heartspace (and crown/third eye). This flower is also about releasing excess or emotional burdens. I feel that this card, the unconditional love, and high priestess sit together, also the moon cards. And then we have the magician which goes so well with yarrow, which is basically about: what PHYSICAL actions can I take to bring about change? Which is exactly what the magician is about. I mean, this is a pile about people who are well balanced in their masc and fem, who understand how to receive as well as when to take action, 2 of pentacles also emphasizes this balance, but it also ties in to the coreopsis which talks about remembering to feel light-hearted. I was telling pile 2, I think, or was it pile 1... that there’s a time for reflection but you can’t just roll around in it forever, there’s a balance of the spiritual side of things and the practical or (getting outside your bubble). There’s also the balance of trusting the universe but also doing your part... I’m not sure who’s reading this, but at least one of you is some super Buddha or something.
I guess we could say that this pile personifies our endgame when it comes to the ideal spiritual balance. But let’s talk about unconditional love as it’s really the only place to find advice. It is about how we can choose to love with conditions or without and to love without conditions, one must learn to love themselves first, to let go of attachment and an expectation that we will only love someone IF. Granted, I do NOT think we need to love abusive people, but those abusive people have their own journeys to sort through and we can be aware of that and still separate any feelings we have regarding those relationships. I would never ask someone to forgive an abuser or forget, but I will say when we hang on to the negative feelings surrounding such relationships, it does hinder growth so the best you can do is forgive and love yourself for what you endured or what you “may” think you put yourself through.
Also, three of pentacles is also how we interact and work together with others to build something, so that ties in with unconditional love, right... this is how we choose to share our energy with others and in this instance, I feel like three of pentacles denotes equality. That there’s a healthy balance (two of pentacles) in our interactions with others, that we love them or help them or treat them respectfully while also remembering to honor ourselves and our boundaries. And when we uphold those boundaries with others, we do so from our heartspace and not anything negative. Which I don’t know how people achieve easily or ever, but this is what the cards show... 
There’s a lot of successful spiritual growth happening for this pile. Like, literally don’t see anything too negative to speak about... continue doing what you’re doing, continue working toward what you’re wanting to manifest because it seems like your wishes/visualizations and actions you’re taking are in line so you should be receiving something very large and powerful from the universe. 
The only catch is that you are also vibing in the energy of unconditional love, so you could also look at the relationships in your life and see if they’re balanced, equal, and that you aren’t attaching to anyone or any situation in a way that’s negative. Like, if YOU don’t hang out with ME on THIS DATE, then we aren’t friends. Like, no. There’s no condition, no jealousy. I know this is one of THE hardest lessons to learn and I’m definitely not there but I’ve taken steps to note that we don’t own people. If people leave our lives by choice, it’s because they aren’t meant to be there so rather than cling (four of pentacles vibes), we let what is to be be and if they come back, then you can accept them back or release them. If someone betrays your trust - you don’t OWN them, but they’ve obviously crossed a boundary and ideally that’s a sign for you to let them go, not chase harder. Someone not treating you in the same good light isn’t an invitation to try harder, it’s a sign to let go. I promise. That’s not “unconditional love” in my eyes. This is more a message about attachment to things, people. So for me there’s a fine line between attachment and... boundary setting and... unconditional love. You show love to yourself when you set boundaries, and you can’t show unconditional love unless you love yourself, so by the associative properties, you can’t allow others to violate your boundaries and that be unconditional love toward a person. I think what it really means is compassion, first for yourself and then others, so we have the opportunity to forgive... or at least understand on some level, or come to terms.
And looking at the cards, there is a sense of relationships in here. Not necessarily romantic ones but in general. As I find it difficult to believe that everyone looking at pile 3 is a saint, this may be a message to really consider the relationships in your life right now and if they’re healthy, built on a solid foundation. That your crown and heart chakras are open, that you understand the importance of balance of div fem/masc, of receiving and taking action to get what you want, of knowing when to prioritize yourself or others or other’s needs maybe... 
But really at the center of this message is you are manifesting something hardcore and it feels big... like you just seem to have this faith in the universe that it is coming to you or if not the message is to have faith...  and it’s interesting the numbers are 1, 2, 2, 3. 2s are relationships and balance, even choices or decisions... 1 is the self, 3 is love/social. There’s a 7 so lesson/hidden. So, for me, that’s this hidden power within you, that’s come from a life of learning various lessons, lessons that probably often sprung from interactions with people or our community, how we work with people.
I feel like you’re also people who give excellent advice that comes from a very knowledgable/spiritual place. Like your friends come to you for support or to hear what they need to hear...  really the only advice is keeping balance in mind, but I think you already know this...  it’s really a powerful energy. The flower messages are “homeostasis” and “light hearted”, so I think it’s again about... work on yourself and your balance, and another part of the equation is to enjoy it, to enjoy life and what you have, be grateful, don’t take everything so seriously, don’t attach to things because they won’t last anyway as this life is finite before we move on and we can’t take THINGS with us... so really being true to spirit, not gatekeeping... just this is that spirituality that comese from a PURE place and tbh just because you’re into spirituality or active in the community doesn’t mean you’re not still attached to your ego as there are a lot of people like that in any community... not everyone here has pure intentions, but this energy in these cards speaks of that purity... doing good not out of ego but out of the heart, without thinking of rewards... that’s why it’s got saint/buddha vibes. This is like the IDEAL energy for IDEAL balance.
So keep doing what you’re doing, Pile 3. Let me know when you achieve nirvana :D
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