#wall of text yes yes ik my apologies
genshins1mpact · 2 years
me thinking my 3-4 4☆ 10 pull was great luck and then seeing these triple 5☆ pulls on twt was is def a humbling experience lmfaaaooo but I'll still take it bc it could've just been the bells and eye of perceptions and mandatory pity 💀 which im pretty sure some were anyway rip
nilou came home around soft pity and i managed to get 1 of the new 4☆ weapons (got the catalyst but rly wanted just 1 copy of the sword,,, praydge) didn't manage to gif it this time bc i wasn't playing on mobile this time, will just have to send myself the screenshots later ig
managed to get nilou to about lvl 70 but her talents are all over the place,, im always outta fungi drops istg ;^; either bc of the different drops thanks to electro or bc EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING ELSE NEEDS FUNGI DROPS 😭 especially tighnari omfgrhdy it was such a pain when i got him and him bow,,,, same enemies but diff mats from it 🥴
*cool idea in theory bc of all the sumeru/dendro reactions.... but diff drops being reliant on one enemy kinda blows in practice. farming was already annoying enough bro 😞
oh and speaking of tighnari, i finally got him to lvl 10 friendship last night! 🥰❤️ collei isn't too far behind, prob gonna aim for cyno & nilou now that they're on the friendship exp team. ended up getting a collei con while going for nilou so thanks to the 2 free copies she's almost c6 now yay! also, very very excited for nahida & layla (presumably) next patch! they both look very cool, can't wait 🙌🏻 💕 not usually fond of the shortest tier charas bc my tall ass prefers to stay tall /j i don't prefer aiming at that level,,, but ah well, archon team incoming! prob won't work well but excited nonetheless! lol
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
i love your posts 😩😩 can u do a part 2 of the icks (srry if my english is bad)
SYNPOSIS: icks again
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, chigiri, kunigami, naruhaya, niko, rin, imamura, nanase, ryusei, tabito, yuki, eita, hiori
WARNINGS: swearing, also all in good fun, nothing is meant to be taken seriously!!!
A/N: these are always so fun to write LOL. keeping men humble is my favorite thing to do. also don't worry anon, your english was perfectly fine!!! no need to apologize <3 thank u for liking my work :,) also yes this is also me clearing my drafts
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isagi: when you came to one of his games for the first time, isagi told you “you’re my lucky charm!” and then he lost LMFAOOO. then isagi proceeded to tell you, “it was your fault, you made me nervous!” like bro what?! were you on the field with him?! once someone tried to dap isagi up but isagi shook their hand instead and it haunts him to this day 😭 thinks he's immune to being ashy so he doesn't use lotion, but you could literally light a match on that boy's legs.
bachira: has no sense of boundaries, uses the bathroom while you’re in the shower LIKE CAN YOU WAIT? drools when he sleeps (isn't this canon idk). genuine flat earther. has not read a book for outside of school since like he was 12. not technically an ick but i just know he used to steal from the book fair 💀
kunigami: i feel like he’s a momma’s boy and not in the good way idk that’s just the vibe i get 😭 is a ginger. glares at you in class if he hears you trying to cheat. always has chapped lips.
chigiri: one of those people who plans to come to school mad and then one of his friends makes him laugh. does not like children at all. the type to glare at babies in public 💀 also canon that he has mood swings, so take that as you will.
imamura: sends you shit like “listened to lil uzi vs the world today… i remember when it was you and me against the world. i was scott and i should’ve made you my ramona 😕 you don’t have to respond. i hope you’re doing good. tell your mom i said hi.” (i came up with that on the spot i’m a genius). says stuff like “but you’re too pretty too be depressed lol what?” and he's dead serious too 💀 snapchat is his main form of communication but he gets annoyed when you start saving the chats. what are you hiding HMMM 🧐
naruhaya: enters instagram giveaways BYE. stop tagging me in mr.beast’s posts, you are not getting that tesla. chews gum really loud. acts up when there’s a sub for some reason. has a playlist of tiktok songs. still has snapchat streaks and sends everyone in his friends list “new streaks🤪?” NO WE ARE GROWN 😒 wipes his hands on the decorative towels. follows those drama pages for his school 😭
nagi: is genuinely surprised when he finds girls that listen to artists like mf doom, kanye, cudi, and etc. says “you’re a little different from everyone ik lol,” he’s so embarrassing PLEASE. says “damn, that’s tough,” when people vent to him 😐 doesn’t have a backpack just a drawstring with like one pencil and a bunch of papers. canon that he thinks taking baths is “troublesome,” so do what you want with that information 🤗
raichi: one of those mfs that says “sheesh,” “caught you in 4k,” and “sus,” all the time because of tiktok SHUT HIM UP PLEASEEE. once tried to shoot a piece of paper across the room, said "kobe!" and everything and then missed. his teacher made him pick it up and throw away the paper while everyone in the class stared at him in silence. puts his back against the wall and slides down dramatically as he cries when he’s “heartbroken” 💀 smells so strongly of axe 😭
rin: thinks astrology is stupid. calls girls "females," (not in a misogynistic way, it’s just how he talks but still DKOSKDSOK). takes forever to text back. only writes in blue or black pen. also refuses to give you one if you need it because "you should have been prepared" 😑 every so often, rin will bring up how “emotionless” he is. go to therapy rin, please 🙏 knows how inflation works #nerd inflate my nuts
reo: does that stupid shit on instagram where he’s like “posting in 20 minutes” on his story. no one gives a fuck reo 😐 (that’s a lie many people do give a fuck that he posts but IT’S JUST STUPID). uses this 🥺 emoji all the time and he’s so serious with it, too. fell for a girl during hot girl summer after he insisted that he wouldn't catch feelings. his iphone does that annoying shit where it flashes whenever he gets a notification. also sucks literal ass at tipping BOOOOOOO!
niko: one of those smart people who always falls for deez nuts jokes LMAO. it’s ‘cause it’s not his sense of humor so he doesn’t expect it, but you would think niko would learn after the first ten times. refuses to consume media that isn’t objectively of "good quality." good luck trying to have a movie night with him. refuses to share his homework with other people. has one of those phone cases that open and close like a book 😭😭
nanase: takes gen z discourse seriously. would definitely get scammed LMAOO. flexes he’s friends with upperclassmen all the time like anyone cares. would say he loves you in the talking stage. listens to today's top hits on spotify. seriously keeps up with tiktok drama.
hiori: gets sick really easily in the winter and so he always has like a little bit of snot in his nose during then. drinks REALLY loudly, like slurping noises and everything. sometimes he'll like, repeat jokes 'cause he thinks no one heard them and that's why no one laughed but it's actually because the joke itself wasn't funny 😭
ryusei: thinks calling you bad at imessage games counts as flirting. tried to make his own nickname, but absolutely NO ONE called him it LMFAOO 💀💀 was the absolute worst person to be around when “i like your cut g,” was popular 😭 is so annoying to have in class when he has an away game. “yeah, i’m not gonna do my work, i’m about to leave soon, so it doesn’t matter,” whole time it's only third period 💀
yukimiya: idk he gives me fake nice vibes sometimes 😭 like he indirects people on his finsta and when the person it’s about asks if it’s about them, he’s like “noooo lol dw its not u😂" even though it’s so obvious it is 💀 has so many of the “bff 🤩” “this isn't the caption i picked☹️” comments on his instagram from girls. i feel like if he wasn't a model and all, he'd be the type to put his snap in his instagram bio 😭
tabito: argues with teachers. deletes dms when girls don't respond back LMFAOOO💀 babe we already saw the notification, you're not slick. his favorite movie is the godfather. has a “saturdays are for the boys” flag. one of those mfs that’s always talking about how much they like milfs shaddup!!!! and they’re not even milfs half the time, it’s just some woman in her late twenties 😐
otoya: ghosts people all the time by "accident." you can decide if this an ick or not but, he really likes drain gang. considers himself to be a drainer 😭 refuses to watch “mainstream” anime but when you ask what his favorite is he says, “evangelion, idk if u’ll know it though" 😐
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
i can already tell off the bad grayson would be so protective of his s/o. even his friends tbh. like just imagine a boy bothering you and he comes to the rescue
Ugh yes. Ik some girls are against the idea of a man protecting them or whatever but I think it’s nice to have a guy that will watch out for you over some creeps.
Maybe one day you’re at a mall — you, Ethan, and Grayson — and you decide to leave the two of them at the Apple store in favor of meeting up with them at lulu lemon whenever they get finished there.
You approach the athletic store, which is moderately busy at most, and greet the two guys standing at the front with a friendly smile.
Immediately, the fit, sandy-haired one makes the step towards you in that typical, over-hyped salesman fashion.
“Hi there! Can I help you find anything?”
This guy is only a little taller than yourself, but combined with the fact that he’s stepped a couple inches too close for your comfort, and the way his blue eyes dart across your body, you immediately get hit by a sense of intimidation that you’re not used to. You don’t feel threatened, but it’s still not a pleasant sensation to be bombarded like that.
“Ah,” you take a casual step back, trying to make it look natural, as if you’re just searching the store with your gaze, “I’m just looking for now. Thanks, though.”
“No prob,” he replies with what is clearly supposed to be a charming smile. “I’m Jackson. Come holler at me if you need anything at all.”
Jackson actually holds out his hand, and before you can analyze how fucking weird that is, you take it in your own. Your cold hand feels even icier despite the heat coming from his.
“I like your outfit, by the way,” he winks, and you wiggle your hand from his grip at once as you glance down at what you’re wearing. Shorts from this very store, a wakeheart hoodie you stole from Grayson, and Nike flip flops. You couldn’t look more basic and inconspicuous if you tried, really. “Those shorts are on the back wall.”
“Uh, thanks,” you say, and finally walk away from Jackson as quickly as possible.
Now that you’ve escaped, you remember you really did have a question about finding some leggings, but Jackson had thrown you off so much that the thought had completely left your mind until now. You search the store for a female associate, and upon finding them all busy, settle for searching through some gym tops.
“You still doing okay, babe?”
Not even ten minutes later, you look up casually from where you’re flicking through hangers trying to find your size, thinking maybe whoever just said that was talking to someone else — because there’s no way some random dude just called you ‘babe’, right?
Wrong. Jackson is standing a couple feet away, twirling his lanyard around his fingers in a way that directly reminds you of the douchebag football players in high school that would stand in the hallway of the fieldhouse and cat-call the female athletes coming in and out of their respective locker rooms.
You fight back the urge to scrunch up your nose in disgust, and give him a tight smile that will hopefully convey your disinterest. “Yeah. Thanks.”
Jackson winks again and gives you a thumbs up as he walks back to his post at the front of the store. You roll your eyes at his tapered back, and brush his behavior off as just typical asshole antics.
With the store becoming more crowded, you’ve still yet to find an open sales girl whose attention hasn’t been swooped away by another customer, so you meander into the men’s section. Grayson needed some new shorts himself, and you’re always happy to shop for him.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see a head approaching that’s starting to look familiar.
Go away go away go away...
“Wrong section, beautiful,” Jackson laughs, leaning against a clothes rack, taking no care in the slightest to hide the way his eyes rake up your entire form from head to toe.
You cringe, both from his words and his gaze. Your phone buzzes in your hand, and you take a moment to ignore Jackson and answer the text from Gray.
Just left Apple, be there in a few💕
You glance up and see Jackson still standing there, watching you with an amused little smirk. You wonder if he thinks you’re being coy, or shy, or if he’s caught on to how uncomfortable you are and is reveling in it the way some ass hats like him do.
Hurry pls. This guy won’t leave me alone.
Jackson looks at you expectantly when you press the button to lock your phone screen. You’re done being nice by now, and you snatch up Grayson’s size in a pair of light blue, 5-inch shorts that will look fantastic on him.
“They’re for my boyfriend,” you state clearly, flatly. “And it’s 2020, I can wear whatever the hell I want, even if they weren’t for him.”
You start to try to go past him without another word, but he throws his hands up apologetically. “Damn, okay, I totally feel you, my bad babe. Are you sure there’s nothing else I can help you find?”
You look around, but there are no other workers in sight, and you figure you might as well just ask the question so that you can get the hell out of here.
“Fine, yeah, do you carry longer inseams or talls of leggings in store?”
Jackson smiles brightly, evidently thrilled that you took him up on his offer, and snaps into a finger-gun gesture. “I do,” he says, shifting next to you so you’re standing side-by-side. “I assumed you’d need that with those great legs. Let’s go here...”
And then, this man has the audacity to put his hand on the small of your back, trying to guide you between racks of shirts.
That’s the last straw for you. Just as you wheel around to grab his forearm and push him off of you, a deep, familiar, voice echoes in the little corner of the store you’re all in.
“Excuse me?”
Your eyes see heavily tattooed legs first, then the baby pink shorts you love so much, a hard stomach and broad chest clung to tightly by a white shirt, and finally a bearded, hard-set jaw you’d recognize anywhere.
“Hi, baby,” you sigh out in relief, stepping into his side and wrapping your arms around his trim middle.
You step on your toes and kiss his chin sweetly, your heart settling back in your chest from where it has dropped to the pit of yours stomach only a moment ago. Grayson’s thick arm curls around your shoulders and pulls you closer to him, his eyes stone cold and unwavering on Jackson, who looks rightfully terrified suddenly.
“Are you the guy my girl’s telling me keeps harassing her?” Grayson asks sternly, his Jersey coming out thick and making him even more intimidating.
“I — uh, I wasn’t —“
“Shut up,” Grayson interrupts Jackson’s stuttering. “If I didn’t believe in karma, I’d go find your manager right now and make sure your ass was fired before we leave this place. Don’t fuckin follow girls around, or put your hands on them, especially mine. Got it, asshole?”
Jackson swallows thickly and nods. “I’m sorry.”
“Tell that to her, not me,” Grayson says, motioning towards you with his head.
Jackson looks at you and repeats the apology, and you nod. “Go do your actual job, please.”
“Wait,” Grayson says, taking the clothes out of your hands and shoving them roughly into Jackson’s. “We won’t be buying these today. Goodbye.”
The two of you watch Jackson shrink away, and you release your hold on Grayson to cup his stubbles cheeks as he makes sure the other man is as far away from you two as possible.
“You good?” you check, feeling the rapid pulse under his chin and the muscled tick of his jaw beneath your hands.
Grayson takes a deep breath, then cups your hands with his as he leans down and captures your lips with a surprising softness and restraint.
“Yeah,” he answers when he pulls back, swiping a shiny little bead of saliva from your lower lip. “Come on, lets get out of here. E is in Joyrich.”
“That was kinda hot, you know,” you say once you’re walking down the open corridor hand-in-hand, fingers interlaced tightly by Grayson. “I should make you jealous more often. In a more consensual, less creepy way than that, though.”
Grayson grunts a little and releases your hand in favor of wrapping his arm around your shoulders once again, and yours snakes behind his back.
“Please don’t, I don’t think I could take it. I feel like I need to take a shit, punch a wall, and fuck you senseless all at the same time right now.”
You burst out laughing, and your fingers dip just below the waistband of his shorts and boxers teasingly. “Let’s find Ethan and go home then, and you can do all of those things.”
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leemaht · 4 years
haikyuu!! headcanons
boyfriend scenarios
akaashi, terushima, bokuto as boyfriend
warnings: none
pairings: akaashi x reader, terushima x fem!reader, bokuto x reader
surprisingly he was the one who confessed to you
would make friends with you first before asking you out because he would only date someone he entirely trusts
he texted you to come to your door at 10 pm on a school day
seriously lucky that you parents weren’t home
and you came outside and he held you the most emotional speech about how he fell in love with you and how he is sorry to ruin you friendship and all and you were in tears already, ready to run and hug him
and ended it with ‘and i know that you don’t feel the same about me but i just wanted this off my chest.’ and he deadass turned around and went away
you were so confused that you stood there for about 5 minutes 
the next day at school you caught him before practice, pulled him close to you by his tie and kissed him in front of the whole team
i know it’s hard to imagine but he blushed so bad
and then you just walked away (out of revenge)
but you didn’t come far as he chased after you and kissed you again on the hallway before embracing you, resting his head on your shoulder
he was so happy to have his feelings returned by the person he loves
akaashi is a sneaky bi-... boy
likes to hug you from behind and rest his head on you
he doesn’t like to show it but he gets jealous pretty easy
after you two got together you joined the vbc as manager to spend more time with akaashi since had to practice pretty often, and so you became friends with bokuto and the rest of the team pretty fast
bokuto is totally the type who just randomly picks you up and konoha will jokingly use bad pick up lines on you which will end up in akaashi aggressively starring them down
would not hesitate to get physical if you looked uncomfortable
you two have bake- and study-dates
he helps you with math and you help him with y/f/s
you both prefer to stay inside more than going out
his parents love you and always invite you over to have dinner with them, telling you what a nice person you are and how much more often their son smiles because of you
flirty flirted his way into your heart
you were in the girls volleyball team of jozenji as a libero
and he fell in love at first sight
met as the coach organised mixed training and you looked so good while keeping the ball in game
instantly asked for your number after practice 
and you were like ‘sure. oh you are the captain of the boys team right? your back attack was amazing.’
terushima.exe stopped working
he does hit on girls sometimes but he has never met anyone who not only reacted but complimented him at the same time. from that moment on he was like: ‘her. i want her.’
he saved your number under ‘hotness’ and called you back while you were still in sight what made you laugh
and you picked up making eye contact
‘hello? :)’
‘do you want to go out sometimes?’
‘saturday, 6 pm,[address]. you better be on time.’
you know he was the one who asked in the first place but
terushima.exe shut down
he was on time and you went to the movies and grabbed something to eat for which he paid
straight up kissed you at your front door and asked you to be his girlfriend
you go on dates very frequently
as long as your schedules work out you go to every of his matches and vice versa
makes you wear his club jersey so that everyone could see you are taken even when he was not around
very jealous. a guy only has to do as much as looking at you and you already feel terushima’s tongue piercing in your mouth
you sometimes play volleyball in your backyard as a date
when he wins he braggs about how cool your boyfriend is but when he loses he pretends to lose on purpose
didn’t realize that he fell for you first
you were friends first because you were the manager of the team and seriously radiated bokuto-energy
you were always energized and happy, helping everyone and being adored by everyone
bokuto would be 1000 times more motivated with you around (notes taken by akaashi who used that information in matches sometimes)
like seriously everybody with eyes would notice that bokuto had a crush on you. he would get cheery with you around and go emo when you were absent. he gave you little piggyback rides and in general talked about you 24/7
‘look akaasi the funny meme y/n sent me yesterday!’
‘very funny bokuto-san’
the only ones not knowing about the situation were you and bokuto
he couldn’t tell he had feelings for you as more as a friend until...
at one practice konoha and washio cornered you
not on purpose though but asked you something club related. you were leaning on the wall and they were so close talking down to you. you were too nice to say you felt uncomfortable but you looked like it.
and bokuto saw that and became super duper hyper mad
‘HEY HEY HEY. DON’T YOU SEE THAT THEY ARE FEELING UNCOMFORTABLE? back off alright?’ and he stomped over to you gripping your arm and dragging you out the door.
washio and konoha were really shocked by the sudden outburst of their captain. like the rest of the team. 
you were really grateful but also embarrassed because bokuto had caused such a ruckus 
‘hey bokuto? thank you.’
‘ah ha. it was nothing really.’
‘yeah but why did you lash out at them like that?’
‘yeah why did i do that...’
and his face lit up as he realized. he turned around,ran back as fast as lightning, screaming ‘AKAASHIIIII’ leaving you standing there confused
he confessed to you days later with about 5 boxes of chocolates and 20 red roses
and was the happiest little owl when you said yes,dropping all the flowers and chocolate in the process of hugging you
you two love to go on dates in the park and on walks late at night
once you two were on a walk and it started raining and bokuto felt so bad because he was  the one suggesting it. both of you were wet to the bones 
you looked so beautiful with your hair all wet and wearing his coat that he just kissed you. that was your first kiss. in the rain, cold sitting at a bus station. and he apologized instantly because he wasn’t sure if you wanted it
you shut him up with another kiss. boy blushed so hard
lots of pda. bokuto is very touchy to begin with but as you encouraged it he literally always had at least one hand at you
he gets jealous pretty easy but doesn’t realize it. he really gets aggressive
‘akaashi he is flirting with my precious y/n. let me AT HIM!!’
and after that he goes emo mode and before you know it akaashi or you have to comfort him
‘look bokuto-san that only shows how great your girl-/boyfriend is and how much they love you when had so many options and chose you.’
and then one kiss of you and everything is forgotten
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bxthharmon · 4 years
Ivy, Chapter 1 ~ Inhale, In Hell There’s Heaven
Words: 2219
Series Warnings: Underage drinking / Smoking weed / violence / abusive relationships / toxic friendships and relationships
Pt Warnings: drinking / smoking weed / a fight
Series Summary: She’s been faking her whole life, and he makes her realise she doesn’t have to
Pt Summary: A party leads to a reunion
Pairings: Pope Heyward x reader, Rafe Cameron x reader
A/N: okay sorry for dipping but im returning with the first chapter from my new series (yes ik the gif is from euphoria but i love it)
prologue in masterlist
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She meets Sarah at eight, outside the gas station in Figure 8. She is leaning against the cool glass, wearing a bikini and booty shorts and smoking a blunt with a half empty bottle of Smirnoff in her free hand. She is met by Sarah’s disapproving gaze, and sulkily puts the sweet scented blunt out, mumbling about needing some kind of pregame to make it through the party. They link arms, walking in silence through the unlit suburbs, houses too big for their own good. 
They hear the party before they see it. 
From around a corner, they can hear the deep bass and the loud chatter of drunk teenagers. Sarah, innocent and apprehensive, lets her friend walk ahead, watching as the girl high fives and fist bumps almost everyone, calling out greetings to those she can’t reach, and answering random quick fire questions as she wanders down the front lawn. If Sarah was popular, Y/N was famous. On an island where everyone knew everyone, Y/N was the centre of everyone’s attention - the combination of being an experienced partier and high achiever found the respect of adults and classmates alike. She was the queen of the island, with a hold over the youth that couldn’t be rivalled.
The front door, open already, allows them into a thicker atmosphere, the reception hall opening up, on one side, the living room acts as a dance floor, thriving and jumbling with dancers. On the other side, the kitchen acts as a buffet of expensive spirits and party food. Past the stairs, the dining room is full of more dancers, but also more smokers, more drugs, the air at the back of the house thick with smoke. The large French doors of the dining room open into a huge garden, teenagers in the pool, around the pool, away from the pool.
Y/N leads the way to the kitchen, grabbing two solo cups from one of the red towers, and mixing herself a drink with concerning dexterity. For the first time since they entered the house, she turns to Sarah. Through the hum of the bass and loud shouts, Sarah understands that her friend is asking what she would like to drink. “Surprise me!” She shouts, and the girl in front of her shrugs, a small laugh playing at her features as she grabs a few bottles, some of them alcoholic, some of them not, and concocts a drink. Her hair flashes with the lights, neon pink eyeliner and glitter shining as she moves around, picking up bottles and stirring. After a minute, maybe two, the girl passes a drink back, an excited smile in her cerulean eyes as she bites her lip and gages her friend's reaction. Sarah takes a sip from the red cup, swirling the drink around in her mouth. She can taste the sweet citrus of orange and mango, and the masked tang of the spirits. Her friend shouts a warning, saying she’ll drink it like it’s juice, not vodka, so will definitely be wasted by the night’s denouement.
Sarah feels a sweaty palm grab hers, tanned hands connecting, and then the pair are off again, wriggling their way through the throng of bodies, moving to the beat. Sarah is hardly aware of their path - always ready to follow the girl blindly - until she finds herself outside, in the warm air of the late spring evening, bodies spreading out. Beyond the pool, teenagers stand in groups, some passing bottles or spliffs, some empty handed. Greetings are called out, most aimed for her counterpart, but a few called to her. Eventually, she is pulled to a halt. Kelce and Topper stand before her. Her boyfriend kisses her, and she smiles at the familiarity of the touch, tuning into the conversation, the clear night air allowing the ability to hear.
The talking is about parents - complaining, probably. Kelce is laughing at something Fallon is saying, and Topper is chuckling too. The conversation flows for a few minutes, each person taking intermittent sips from their respective cup. Sarah is talking to Topper, and when she looks up again, her friend is gone.
Y/N shimmies her way through the crowd, her cup dangling delicately from her blue-painted fingertips above her head as she works her way towards one of the dance floors - whichever one has a better atmosphere - she hasn’t decided yet.
She passes on the first, finding herself dancing in the suffocatingly crowded living room. After a while, when her drink is finished and her cup has been knocked away, her thirst gets the better of her, and once again she struggles against the tides of people, trying to get to the drinks. She works her cocktail magic, only drawing her attention away from her contriving at the sound of shouting. The kitchen thins out, and she sees the shapes of two men struggling against each other outside, hazardously close to the pool.
Curious, she joins the flow of people, working her way to the front of the forming circle, winking to Sarah, on the other side. She is surrounded by phone screens, each fixated on the brawl before them, following each punch, each kick.
The two offenders, one of them being the Cameron boy, the other blond and scruffy, seem dead set on causing damage. Before it gets exciting though, two more bodies join the violent fiasco, one of them being Kelce, the other a Pogue - recognisable as John B Routledge. 
The crunch and smack of each punch is painful to listen to, let alone tiresome. It’s the same shit every party - someone crashes, and everyone’s mad about it. Rolling her eyes, she sips her drink. She realises that she does know the blondie - he mows her lawn every Tuesday. She almost laughs at the thought, but withholds her self-inflicted humour. 
The fight fizzles out, the audience bored and the performers tired. One of the Kooks - he best friend's brother - is surfacing from the pool. She turns to leave, the entertainment of the night having ended quickly, but is stopped by the clammy hand of her friend.
“Does that happen at all parties?” Sarah asks.
For someone known for being an extrovert, she’s extremely inexperienced when it comes to parties. “Sure.” Fallon shrugs, already bored with the prospect of a fight. “Come dance with me.”
After another hour of dancing and drinking, she checks her phone. Her eyes scan over threatening texts from her parents, and countless missed calls.
Fuck them. The epiphany arises, and as if it’s genius, she agrees to her undisclosed plan. Wanting to take action quickly, she leaves whatever boring conversation she’s been dragged into and swipes a bottle of overly expensive whiskey and stumbles upstairs, opening each door cautiously, and slurring an apology at each yell until she finds the bathroom. She locks the door and sits down in the bath, drinking straight from the bottle as she ponders her own life.
She swings her legs up, worn nikes resting on the tiled wall as she drops her back, lying down so that she is nestled into the bath, her falling over her face in the cramped space. She discards the emptied bottle carelessly, enjoying the clunk that sounds as the glass hits the bathmat. 
She doesn’t know how long she lies there, turning every detail of her life so far over in her head, but when she wrestles her way out of the bath, the music is still in full flow. She fumbles to unlock the door, opening it into the face of a boy she hasn’t seen in years. “Pope?” She laughs, and he shakes his head despairingly, “Popey!”
“Oh my God, Y/N.” He frowns, not returning your drunken sentiment, “How much have you had?”
She groans, mumbling about his buzzkill tendencies as she almost falls down the stairs, rejoining the lively crowd of teenagers. She stumbles to the door, falling out into the fresh air as she checks her phone again, seeing that it’s almost half past one. She tries to gather her bearings, to work out which way leads home, but her inebriated state fights against it. Mumbling incoherent strings of words - barely able to be described as sentences - she realises that she only lives three streets over. In which direction, she is still uncertain.
“Need help?” The voice sounds behind her, and she spins clumsily, a pair of hands steadying her as she blinks dumbly at the offending face. The same face as earlier - Pope Heyward’s. Oh, so he thinks he’s so cool. Recognition dawns on her.
“Nope!” she hiccups. “Your friend fought Rafe.”
“Yeah.” he chuckles, letting go of her slowly, making sure she won’t fall. She blinks again, gazing at his face with utmost curiosity.
“He deserved it.” she decides, “He gets cocky.”
“That he does.” she tilts backwards again, and grabs her hands, pulling her back up gently, a familiar amused smirk forming as he glances down.
“I don’t think he’s a bad person though.” 
The boy in front of her raises his eyebrows, doubt adorning his features. “Debatable. Need help getting home?”
She ponders on it for a second, “As long as you don’t kidnap me.” she shrugs, “But he’s not.”
“Isn’t he?” the boy challenges, letting her walk ahead, swerving around with her arms out as she’s a child playing airplanes.
“Nope.” she bubbles, “None of these people are. I mean sure,” she spins around, sparing a look at the large house either side of her, “they’re backstabbing, fake, plastic assholes, but they’re not inherently bad.” He laughs, and she drapes a tanned arm over his shoulder. “Why’re you doing this?”
“You were wasted, I want to make sure you get home safely.” he explains, and she stumbles forwards, her arm sliding from its place on his shoulders.
“Popey, Popey, Popey.” she giggles, the thought of your childhood friend making you smile, forgetting for a moment that his shoulder was the one brushing against hers. “You used to be so carefree.” Pope nods slowly, your proclamation making sense in his head as he remembered the days before college applications and 4.0 GPAs. “So did I.” she murmurs.
“You seem pretty carefree now.” he scoffs, and she cackles.
“My darling,” she turns abruptly, forcing him to stop as you stroke his cheek mockingly, the sweet smell of alcohol and weed filling his lungs at the close proximity. “I’m a good actor.”
He scoffs again, “You’ve got everything, Princess.”
“In material terms, maybe.” she shrugs, rubbing her eyes so that colourful phosphenes imprint themselves in her vision. “But I’m trapped.”
She stops again on the street corner, and he faces her, unimpressed with her sentiment. “A caged linnet bird, are we?”
She rolls her eyes. “I’m perfect.” she shrugs, and this time he rolls his eyes. “No seriously, I’ve got a 3.9 GPA, I study in the week, but look at me, a party girl. I’m a good friend, I’m dutiful and classy and I laugh at the right times and make the right jokes. I pull off being a preppy good girl and a party girl. But I’m so fucking bored. I want to feel free. I want to feel like I’m invincible, like my parent’s expectations and college plans and shitty friends can go fuck themselves because I’ll be free.”
There’s a glint of confusion in his eyes as he stares at her, watching the light in her eyes renew itself, even the idea of being rid of those metaphorical constraints giving the girl a happier aura. “What about all those times you ran away from home?” she turns to him, a smile on her lips as she cups his cheeks, drunkenly condescending.
She sighs. “I spent a few days high off my ass - it was hardly an escape. I wanna find a way to feel like all the pressures of this island are gone without actually having to leave.” He nods slowly, knowing the feeling, and she smiles, the embarrassment of the outburst plaguing her mind, retrospect sobering her up slightly. The girl steps away from him, “Shit,” she mutters, “I said nothing.”
She turns away, rushing towards the front door, now in sight. “Y/N, wait!”
Pausing, her shoulders drop as she faces the boy again. “Hang out with me, at least once - take a break.”
A frown pulls at her brows, mockery filling her eyes, “You?”
“Yeah, just trust me, okay? I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”
She bites her lip, skepticism adorning her features as she turns the offer over in her head. “10 o’clock - don’t be late.”
She steps backwards, out of reach, and for a second she finds herself wondering what would have happened if she hadn’t pushed the boy away. There’s a moment of silence, and even in her inebriated state she can tell that he’s noticed that she’s changed since their last conversation. In a weird, untimely realisation, she realises that she is not herself, and she hasn’t been for years now. 
Confronted with her thoughts, and this boy, she steps away again, turning away and walking towards her house not daring to look back until her door is unlocked. She knows what she’ll see, it will be just like last time. Still, she has to prepare herself for the observation.
He’s gone.
Permanent Tags: @eternalangst @ultranikilove @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @yxseminx 
OBX Tags: @annmariek8 @cheshirecat107 
Ivy Tags: @outrebanx​ @ad-infinitums​ @bricksatanakinswindow​
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
Fratboy lucas😳👀 yes 🅱️lease oml
AN•I made it a bit angsty, a bit fluffy👼🏻☁️ also this is long ahha, Ik it’s not like, FRATBOY fratboy, but I actually quite like it! lemme know what u think! Also this means I get to make a wayv masterlist eye-
This party was sweltering hot and you were not having a good time. First off, your dorm mate -Elise- left you almost immediately to go talk to a boy from this frat named Johnny, and second, you knew literally nobody else here, as far as you could see.
It wasn’t your fault, though. I mean, sure, you barely left your room unless it was to go to the canteen, your classes, the library, or to the silent films they showed at the theatre every Friday night, along with your two friends Mark and Renjun (who were both from this very frat, yet you couldn’t find either). And yeah, maybe you didn’t talk to people unless you were apologizing for bumping into them, or texting them about a group project. And okay yes, it took Elise two weeks to hear more than three words out of your mouth at a time.
But, honestly, it wasn’t your fault.
You got into this school on a scholarship, and you’d be dammed if you lost it because you stopped focusing on your grades. Elise had to beg -and bribe- you to come to this NCT frat party with her, yet she leaves you five minutes in.
Fuck this, I’m going home. You thought to yourself as you hastily made your way to the door. You had texted your two friends to see where they were, yet neither answered; or even read them, for that matter. As you rounded into the hallway leading to the door, you halted with wide eyes. This seemed like an episode of wipeout to you. The floor was covered in an unknown, slippery substance, and the hallway definitely had way too many people in it for it to NOT be a health code violation. You tried mapping out the cleanest and fastest way to the door, but came up short - besides one.
Okay, you technically lied when you said you didn’t talk to anyone for fun.
Because how could you not talk to Wong Lucas when he was the most beautiful person you’ve ever met?
You remember the day you two met like it was yesterday, and not your freshman year, almost two years ago.
It was almost 12 am, and the library would be closing any second. You boringly walked up and down the aisles, dangling your workers card lanyard to the rhythm of your footsteps. You hated working the night shift at the library, but were just thankful that you had gotten a job right off then bat, anyway, so you barely complained (key word: barely).
The bookshelf hallways were - as usual for this time - empty. As you almost always did (because you were lazy), when you got to the very last shelf, you didn’t even bother to check it, just doing a small turn and continuing the way you came - until you heard the familiar sound of what sounded like a book falling on the floor. Working in a library, you were used to the sound of books being dropped on accident; so much to the point that you didn’t even flinch anymore. But this time, you were quite scared. You considered taking the trek up to the front desk where your much larger coworker, Jaehyun, would have been able to check whatever the sound was. However, you didn’t want to seem helpless, you’re an adult, for Pete’s sake.
So you took the closest weapon you saw - a book on the shelf next to you - and slowly walked where you heard the sound. Rounding the bookshelf, you expected to see a scary, old man with a black trench-coat and a hook hand (in a college library, sure).
What you saw, instead, was a TALL boy with honey colored hair and a purple hoodie standing against the bookshelf with his eyes closed and his head rested against the shelf. A deep sigh suddenly came from him, and when he opened his eyes and moved to reach and grab the book that he undoubtedly dropped, he almost yelled at your sheepish figure and wide eyes staring at him, near the corner.
With his eyes opened, and his head rested normal on his shoulders, you could get a good look at him, and saw that you knew exactly who he was. Wong Lucas; on the football team, if you’re not mistaken. A new member of the NCT frat, along with your new friend Renjun from your physics class, and his best friend, Mark. Extremely popular, especially for a freshman. You were for sure intimidated by him now; not because he was a bigger human than you, but because he was looking at you with a gaze of anger.
Wait what did I do?
“Listen, can you all stop? I just want to study, and I already have to come in at late times to be alone. There’s 100s of boys on this campus, leave me alone, please.” You didn’t really know what to say, but you were definitely annoyed, and also humored.
He really thought you were one of his stalkers.
“Um. I work here. Just coming by to say we’re closing in 5 minutes. If you could get what you needed and come check out, or get it tomorrow. Thank you!” You walked away, but you didn’t miss the rose color that slowly painted his face.
He came up to the register not even three minutes later, a poetry book called “The Worlds Wife” slipped between his fingers, a book you actually had your own copy of. You said nothing while checking him out, just smiled at him while handing the book to him. You expected him to leave right after, but he scratched his neck while staring at his feet, apologizing for what he said and asking if you wanted to stop by the 7-11, or have him walk you home - the rose color on his cheeks still prominent.
Your new roommates words repeated in your ears -“you need to get out”- like a mantra as you uncharacteristically accepted his offer (Jaehyun - who was standing to the side, finishing up closing the computer system - was so shocked he had his mouth open like a fish).
You agreed to get slushies from your local 7-11, and you both sat on the curb, laughing about anything and everything for what seemed like hours - and it was. You were pleasantly surprised to see that he was actually such a good person, with kind values and hilarious jokes. He walked you to your dorm, and kissed your cheek as a goodnight, after getting your number, and watched you walk into your dorm before leaving himself.
After that moment, it was midnight date adventures and movie nights (that usually turned into more), for the next year. He had asked you to be his girlfriend two dates after that first night, and kissed you two after that one. You loved him, and wanted to show everyone; wanted to hold his hand while walking across campus, go on coffee dates between classes, and tell everyone that Wong Lucas was yours.
Lucas did not.
He loved you, and did want to do those things with you, but he said it was because of who he was. He had girls asking him out 24/7, and they were easily jealous. If they caught wind that you two were dating, he feared that they would rip you to shreds. You loved that he cared for you, that he wanted to protect you, but it hurt that he kept you hidden from the people in his life. I mean, not even Renjun or Mark - who were in his frat - knew you two had been dating for a year.
When you had told him you were going to his frats party, he was immediately turned off to the idea. He didn’t want to worry about you, because he wouldn’t be able to be around you. You were so mad, so fed up, that it resulted in probably the worst fight of your relationship.
“Why?” You didn’t want to yell. You didn’t want your RA to come knocking and see Lucas, because god forbid anyone know you two even knew each other.
“You know why, y/n! No one knows we’re together!” You can tell he didn’t want to yell, either - most likely for the same reason. That assumption from you just made your blood boil even more.
“Yeah, why! Why can’t we tell anyone, xuxi? We’re almost juniors in college! We’re not kids anymore, this secret dating thing is bullshit!”
“Because I don’t want you getting hurt, y/n!”
“No, just admit what it’s really about. Admit that you don’t want to be seen with me, a nerd, a loser-“
“Yeah! Is that what you want to hear, y/n? Yes, it’s because you’re a loser, you’re lame, you only have two friends and don’t talk to anyone else. Why must I always be the social one? Why can’t you just go socialize with people, huh? Why couldn’t I have a girlfriend cooler than you, better, more like me?! Yes, I’m embarrassed by you! you satisfied, y/n?” He just about yelled, and you were waiting for the pounding from your RA, or a grouchy neighbor, that never came.
Lucas didn’t say anything, just stared at the ground. When you let out a mumbled, “you should go,” he didn’t hesitate to push past you and slam your door in his way out, making you flinch.
You feared you two might break up from this one, and it seemed he felt the same as he pulled the girl leaning on him - from his spot on the wall - closer, and whispered something in her ear that made her laugh.
He had a beer in his one hand, so you knew he was most likely drunk.
And you were right, he was drunk. By the time he got back to his frat house, he had finally calmed down enough from your fight to rationally think about it, and he immediately wanted to run to his car and drive straight back to you. He felt terrible for saying the things he did amidst his anger. Yet, when he was about to leave, he was roped into the party prep committee, and couldn’t leave. I mean, what could he say?
My girlfriend needs me? No, they wouldn’t believe he has a girlfriend - he didn’t come off as the type, and they would assume he just didn’t want to help. He should have told them, like you wanted so long ago.
So when he hadn’t been given an opportunity to text or call you, he figured that it might be for the best, and you needed time to cool off. And he definitely needed a drink after the lecture he got by his fellow brothers about how he never gets laid at parties, and nows’ the moment. When he was drunkenly shoved into the arms of Soojin - a member of a sorority on campus, and the girl who goes around constantly claiming that she will one day have Lucas (you hated her, she did not know you existed) - he just accepted it, because maybe it would get his brothers off his back, maybe it would get soojin off his back, and it’s not like you’d know. You weren’t there, right? You wouldn’t have come after that fight, right?
Wrong, definitely wrong. Wrong when he looked up from his gaze on Soojin, because he had smelt your delicious and amazing perfume that he loved so much. Wrong when he locked eyes with your own teary ones, trying to scoot past their bodies morphed together, while mumbling an almost incoherent “excuse me” that no one but someone looking would have seen. Wrong when you broke free from the tight space, and speed out of the house, and he didn’t even move, just stood there staring at your retreating figure while Soojin laughed about something that happened, not even knowing what just went down. Wrong when he never went after you, and never called or texted you for a week. Wrong, all wrong.
That week was hell for both you and Lucas.
No one new you too were even dating, so when Renjun and Mark came over because you hadn’t been answering their texts, only to find you burrito wrapped in a blanket with an absurd amount of mac-n-cheese, they assumed you failed a test or something and gave you WRONG words of encouragement (they tried). When Lucas was doing terribly at practice, and was acting completely out of it, nobody asked if he was having relationship troubles. They did ask if he was having girl problems, and when he was about to say yes, his teammates went into a ramble about how taxing a bad one night stand can be on a person. Lucas chose to stay quiet.
He felt like a wimp.
Was he really that much of a loser that he didn’t even try to get you back? Did he even deserve you at all?
However, one night - exactly a week later - Lucas grew a pair (fallopian tubes, of course. Men are whimps and women are TOUGH so from here on out when I say grow a pair, I mean grow a pair of Fallopian tubes) and mapped out the perfect plan to get you back.
Two days later, you were walking through the quad with your head down, on your way to the library, when you smelt a heavy aroma of flowers. When you looked up, you couldn’t believe what you saw.
The whole quad, almost every square inch, was filled with yellow and white daisies.
Yellow and white, your favorite colors. Daisies, your favorite flower.
When you looked around for some source, you locked eyes with a boy who was already looking right at you.
He was wearing a blue tux, and was standing in the center of the daisies with one single rose in his hand. When you slowly approached him and got close enough, he took your hand in his, gave you the rose to hold in your other.
“I know I’m just some lame frat boy. I know I’m a complete loser that thinks a good time is listening to trash music while getting drunk and high, and I don’t deserve someone as amazing as you. I mean, Look at you, and this is you on a regular day.” He was referring to what you were wearing. You had your hair softly curled, and was sporting a yellow, mid-thigh length dress with flowers on it and pure white vans with with yellow, banana socks. You thought you looked basic, but you had to agree that you fit in to the scenery. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said the things I did, and I shouldn’t have made you keep our relationship a secret. You’re a grown woman, and can handle yourself. I love you so much, and I don’t want to lose you. Please, forgive me.” After a few seconds of your silence, a familiar voice came from your left, and when you turned around, you saw a crowd of people had gathered, and Renjun and Mark stood at the front, with mark filming, and renjun shouting,
“KISS HIM!” You chuckled at your best friends words, and when you turned back to a hopeful looking Lucas, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and pulled him into a fairy tale kiss, standing in that daisy field.
The ending is out of character and weird, I know, but I was thinking of Bigfish when I wrote it 😳👉👈 anyway I hope you enjoyed it!👼🏻☁️
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fencesandfrogs · 3 years
“i love you”: ambiguity in media
spoilers for she-ra. the entire show. especially the last season. but if you don’t care i’ve also added context. so it’s not mandatory watching.
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spacer gif for spoilers. also cause its cute.
okay so i’m still thinking about the scene where glimmer says, “i love you,” and bow kisses her on the temple, and it’s just the cutest thing and my heart says “squee”.
i wrote something about gay media & the necessary differences in gay tales and ATM it has not been posted bc i routinely shuffle my queue but the basic thesis of it is: gay romance stories are inherently different from straight ones, because it is impossible to separate them from homophobia. and i kind of ran into a wall writing it because homophobia is really hard to ignore on earth because its omnipresent and it dramatically affects gay youth growing up.
and then i watched she-ra, which has lesbians*, in case you didn’t know, and also basically zero homophobia.
*also gays, but the titular character is a lesbian, so.
which damn, was very refreshing. like. yeah. sign me up for that.
so. adora and catra are adorable lesbians w/ shared traumatic experiences and their character arcs are interesting and wonderful and there’s a lot of great analysis of that already and here’s one that sums it up better than i ever could: 
love that. they’re adorable. i love them.
bow & glimmer are also best friends who get together at the end of the show & have a lot of parallels to catra and adora minus the trauma and also including crushing weights of responsibility.
uhh so catra & glimmer both make a mistake at one point during the show that basically irreparably wrecks the world and requires sacrifice of life to solve. adora is the intended sacrifice each time but this isn’t about adora, i just want to give context for this.
so catra has the explanation of trauma and the scared behaviors of a traumatized teen. like. she makes mistakes for an understandable reason. again. not about her. just giving context.
glimmer on the other hand basically throws a fit that her friends have other friends. i mean. glimmer has problems but her mistakes are not like, “you know if you were raised in a loving home this prob wouldn’t have happened” because she was raised in a loving home. it’s more like “you know if you didn’t become queen at age, like, 17, this probably wouldn’t have happened.”
(side note, i don’t know how old the characters in she-ra are. i read them as 15-17 in the beginning of the series and 18-20 by the end, and i’m just not really sure. because you know, cartoons & child soldiers do not accurate age placing make. catra and adora’s arc speaks to me ages 15-18ish because that is when i had a similar arc.
according to the wiki adora starts around 17 and ends around 20. which is w/in my own estimations i’m just commenting.)
right so glimmer apologizes to bow and is all “look you don’t have to forgive me, i don’t have a right to that, but i’m not going to stop trying to earn your forgiveness,” and bow, well, he says “okay”
and. you know. i feel that.
(more side notes: i, age 17ish, broke up w my boyfriend. for reasons. we got back together. for other reasons. repairing the bond of trust is hard. because i was not secure that he loved me, and he was not secure that i wouldn’t leave if something went wrong. so you know. i feel glimmer, here.
yes, she made a mistake and no, she does not have a right to forgiveness. but she’s also a kid, who has had one friend for her entire life, and is only just beginning to learn how to share friends, and she thinks she lost him, and that desperation and rejection is painful. she was lashing out, and she never intended this to happen.)
so glimmer & bow throughout the show have romantic tension, but in a soft way. in a, bow goes to a ball with someone else and glimmer gets jealous but it’s also directly stated she’s jealous because she’s sharing her friend way.
plus there’s a scene that definitely has some strong glimmer x adora vibes is what i’m saying
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it’s not this specific scene but idk what to search for to find it & i’m not fighting w tumblr to include external images again i’ve been hurt before.
so when glimmer says, “i love you,” my heart pounds in a new way, because what does she mean by that? does she love him?
and at some point in this adora has a fantasy future where bow and glimmer are together & it’s adorable but i’m mentioning to explicitly say that it’s not relevant because bow and glimmer r def not together before this moment.
anyway bow kisses glimmer on the forehead and my heart go “thumpthumpthumpthumpthump” real real fast and it’s cute and i text my boyfriend a bunch of hearts because that’s what i do when i see cute couples i’m a soft gay nerd.
and the thing is? i’m also thinking, “wow there is so much ambiguity” there.
and then. i realized. this is why gay romance is fundamentally different. because american culture is not very touch-y, especially across gendered lines.
& i have a very physically affectionate family. i will cuddle the homies. i will kiss them on the temple. (ok i won’t do that bc my boyfriend would not like that n i respect that it’s legit i kiss him on the temple instead. mb i’ll write about boundaries in relationships where people have different understandings of physical affection.) so like? did not occur to me before to discuss this.
but there’s a huge ambiguity in gay romance. it’s hard to write gay romance that’s explicitly gay (especially wlw since men r less affectionate & more stereotyped in media imo and that’s another discussion but there’s a reason i’m focusing on catra and adora in she-ra’s gay relationships) without slapping a huge “THEY’RE LESBIANS, HAROLD” on it, so like.
yeah. it does get a label.
& i mean. she-ra is the big gay. it could have gone hard queer baiting, but even if that was a possibility, adora and catra are too hard-coded to Love Love each other. they have a best friends to rivals (to enemies) to lovers thing going on, it’s hard to miss. there is no doubt in my mind what catra means when she tells adora she loves her.
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this is from before the confession and just. look at them. they are gay.
& meanwhile glimmer and bow have the soft affection, the feelings which could be read either way.
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objectively the same hold, but he’s saving her life. catra leaps into adora’s arms, bow catches her. (after he just caught her before:
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& it does not escape my attention that bow was the one who caught her from the void of space, not the stronger & arguably better adora/she-ra.
okay so bow & glimmer = adorable, and i’m v happy they got together. but it was an interesting application of tropes in that i don’t think you could tell this romance in a very different context. it just. it doesn’t work right. 
i think glimmer & bow end up a will they/won’t they couple in a different context. and that works, yeah, but that’s the point. gay tropes r just...different.
and it’s really hard to switch them because you kind of need a fantasy world where physical affection is much more common and we don’t have the baggage of gender in friendships.
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just for fun, here’s one last couple. mermista and seahawk. i’m not gonna spend a long time on them i just wanted to say maybe i’m gay but it took me until season five to realize they’re together and i think they’ve been together the whole show. 
& i think that’s because she-ra does a really good job at depicting the post-homophobia, post-sexism universe. (sexism plays a big part in all this ik i didn’t talk about it but some other time)
so you get the opportunity to have these fantastic stories of relationships through new lenses. & i appreciate that. i appreciate getting to have a “he’s my friend” (i love him) “he’s mine” character moment with a new kind of angst. (glimmer: the gay, who loves her best friend but also loves her best friend, vs glimmer: the hypothetical straight, who loves her best friend, and her best friend loves her. the difference is subtle but it’s there.)
anyway yeah a lot of words. forehead kisses kill me because i have a weak, gay, heart. uhhhh media & tropes & telling explicitly gay romances requires us to be able to shake around what role friendship plays in the relationship arc, and something we’re not entirely up for yet, as a culture.
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i leave u with this bc no one has made a gif of their actual kiss
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ladyblastexecution · 4 years
☽Cold City☾ |Todoroki Shouto|
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A/N: Man... i don’t know how i feel about this one.
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The clock flashed three a.m, and you were sitting in the balcony of your apartment once more with a cigarette burning in between your fingers.
The hot smoke entering your lungs was the only thing combatting the chilling air that started to appear in the city. Summer was walking away, and the cold was bothering you once more.
Your phone was once again turned off, forgotten on top of the lonely chair next to you. What was the point of having it turned on? There was no one to apologize for not responding, anyway.
The bright lights of the streetlamps took a toll on your tired eyes, and you wondered how everyone lived their life, if someone was feeling the same heaviness in their chest caused by the loneliness that haunted you. You were used to it already, your heart and stomach constantly coiled tight, as if someone was squeezing them in a fist.
The whole day you spent it on bed, doing nothing more than to watch sappy tv that promoted an idealized version of loneliness that you could not relate to, because, yes, your days were spent alone, but it wasn’t because of a mean girl pushing you to the sidelines, or a traumatic experience that changed your ways.
The reality was fairly more simple and unamusing
Ever since graduating the U.A and joining an agency where no one you knew worked, and you found yourself drifting apart from your friends more and more. Your texts were ignored because they were busy saving the city, just like yourself, and there was no free time to hang out like you used to when you shared a dorm.
A year later, you were a loner. No more close friends or family. The only thing that kept you company was the cloud of smoke exiting your mouth drag after drag of your cigarette. The nicotine entering your veins gave you the solace you so desperately needed, warming up your insides in a similar way a hug from a loved one would do.
Sighing, you threw the butt of your cigarette into the ashtray and leaned on the railing, allowing for the wind to brush your face and erupt goose bumps in your flesh. Tank top and shorts were not the ideal outfit to wear on those ocasions.
Glancing back at your bed, you pondered on forcing yourself to sleep. There was no use in staying there, exposed to the cold, imagining someone was coming to pick you up and you were just waiting for them to arrive. There was no one to do so.
Why your brain kept torturing you with those scenarios that would never happen? It was a mystery to you. The sweet oblivion of a dream might be just what you needed.
you could almost feel the softness of the sheets and the warmth caress your skin, but a panicked scream on the street made you jump, startled.
Looking to your right you saw a woman struggling to keep her hold on her purse while a thief was pulling with all his might on it a block away from your building
Without thinking, you jumped from the balcony, climbing down from the third floor with the dexterity of a pro hero and ran to where the assault was taking place. You felt needles on the skin of your bare foot as the freezing pavement made contact with it, but the adrenalin rush coursing through your veins helped you focused, as well as the cries of help of the girl that was now being dragged to the floor, trying to break her hold on her possessions.
The back of the thief was to you. And without thinking too much about the possibility of a gun or knife you threw your body, flooring him with a force that reverberated on your bones. A cry of pain came from him as you pinned his wrist behind his back and tried to avoid his claws. Apparently his quirk resembled a tiger, with fangs and claws and night vision.
Your grip was steel hard as you trapped his body against a wall, hating his trashing around.
“Stay still tough guy.” You warned, flashing your quirk to intimidate him. You looked back to the girl and noticed her torn appearance. Scratches were all over her face and a nasty cut was on her cheek. She trembled like a leaf and tears and makeup were dripping down her face. “Don't worry honey... You're okay now.” You assured, tightening your grip out of anger, earning a hiss from the scum on your hands.
She nodded her head and hugged herself for some sort of comfort. You took in how thick her coat was and the fluffy scarf she wore, making you realize that the wind was merciless on your skin, the cold making your lips tremble and your fingers numb from the pressure and the temperature.
“I- I'm going to call the police if you can restrain him...?” She offered.
“Yeah, that's a good idea.” You sent her a curt nod and a small smile.
She dialeld and as the first ring sounded, a slide of ice came down from your left, lowering the temperature. You didn't even need to look far to know who it was, and your pulse fluttered. Todoroki Shoto was to the rescue, only a little too late.
You both were classmates, and even if you were not best frieds, you were on good terms, an acquaintance of some sort. You admired him for his strenght and resiliend, and even if he oly spoke a few words to you, you apreciated the stokic teen you shared classes with. You hadn't seen him for over a year, since after graduating, you both were busy with your new jobs and different locations. You even had a small crush on him for a while, but after noticing how impossible it was for him to see you in another way than a classmate, that small infatuation died down.
But now that you saw him again, ice particles shining around him as the wind blew the hair out of his face, you felt your heart pang with something that resembled that old feeling. You felt like you were fifteen again, fangirling all over his gorgeous face and shiny hair.
He skidded to where you were and landed right in front of you, taking in the scene in front of him.
You were pinning a guy to the wall dressed in a thin tank top and short shorts, barefoot and with messy hair. He couldn't fight the confused glance he had on his face, head slightly tilted to the side as he tried to figure out how in the two minutes it took him to get there you reduced a guy in that.
“(Y/N)?” He asked, “Why are you so lightly dress when it's this cold outside?” His question was dumb, but the cute way he uttered it made you want to squeal. An involuntary shudder traveld your body as you sent a sarcastic smile his way.
“Well, Shoto” You said his Hero name and hoped it didn't sound too awkward since you never called him anything besides the usual Todoroki-kun “The agency changed my attire to hopefully get more popularity.” You joked, but judging by lack of smile or laughter, it was safe to say he didn't get it.
“I Never thought you'd agreed to be an R- rated hero like midnight, but you still look good...”  He said taking you by surprise.
A blush rose to your face, making you forget momentarily how cold it actually was. He didn't seem to notice the small compliment, and you felt dumb for letting something so tiny fluster you..
In your moment of distraction, the robber twisted away from you and slash at your arm. Sharp blazing pain throbbed, and your torn skin screamed. A sting of curses flew from your lips and in a heartbeat Todoroki grabbed your bare shoulder and pulled you protectively to his side, sending a blast of ice to your attacker, encasing him in an coldshell.
Your back was pressed to his left side and the heat from his body seeped into your cold one, soothing you locked muscles and taking your mind away from the injury. You looked up at him and the air was almost knocked out of you. He looked fraigthening with fire burning in his eyes and a murderous scowl on his face, eyebrows pulled together and white teeths showing.
“Are you okay miss?” The girl you helped asked, getting a step closer, and just ike that the spell that  was upon todoroki broke.
As if noticing the position he was in, his warm hand gently grabbing your bare skin and you pressed tightly against him, he cleared his throat  and he let go, taking a step back, and watching carefully as she got over and examined your wound.
“Please, allow me to help you.” She said, searching for consent on your face, and when you were about to dismiss her concern, stating that you had worse before and that it was just a scratch, she hovered her hand above the gash. A blue light emitted from her fingers and you watched marvelled as the wound mended back together, as if there was nothing in the first place. The pain receded, and it left you startled. “I'm not as strong as recovery girl, but I Can manage minor cuts and bruises...” She said sheepishly.
“That's an awesome quirk to have, thank you so much!” You praised a small smile dancing on your lips.
You glanced back at Todoroki, only to notice him already looking at you, a soft smile on his lips, and the contrast from the previous expression he wore surprised you.
The faint sirens could be heard in the vecinity, and relief washed over you. In a few minutes you could be in the warmth of your home, snuggled on your bed, back to being a loner, and preparing for an early day of work with little to no sleep. You know, the usual.
As you waited for the police to arrive, you scooted closer to Todoroki, standing by his side and observing the girl calling her friends to pick her up. A wave of longing hit you on the chest, but you tried to forget it by starting up a conversation with Todoroki.
“So... It's good to see you, Shoto. It's been... What, Nine months?” You asked, with a light tone, that didn't match the feeling on your chest.
“Eleven actually...” He said, surprising you once again. You turned to him and he was piercing holes in the villains figure, whose lips had turned blue from the cold and his body thrashing to break free from his enclosure. “It was at the reunion Deku Organized  after we graduated, remember?  You had that black dress...” He trailed off turning to you, and when he noticed what slipped from his mouth, he adverted his gaze, scratching the place below his ear and coughing lightly.
“Yeah, I remember... How everybody doing?” You asked, sparing him the embarrasment, but you couldn't deny the weight on your shoulder lifted a bit.
“They're fine. We try to gather as much as we can. Deku and Ground Zero are getting along better, and Red Riot and me often work out together... What have you been doing? You kindoff disappear suddenly...”
“Oh! Um...” You hesitated, now it was your turn to be embarrased, how could you confess that your days were spent patrolling, and eating junk food on your couch, and smoking a worrying amount of the time? That wasn't something you were proud of. “I've been working a lot, and recently I moved to that building...” Your answer felt vague and you worried he might think you were avoiding him, wich you were, but it still made you fidget with your hands.
Looking down at your finger, you noticed how blush the tips looked, and when the wind picked up again, a shudder recorded you from head to toe once more. Now that you were reminded of how cold the weather was getting, you noticed the sharp stabs of cold on your feet. You had been jumping slightly from one to the other without noticing, trying to make the bite slightly better.
“It wasn't the smartest decision to change your suit to something lighter when the autumn is around the corner (Y/N)” He said, concern lacing his voice.
You laughed at how dense he was, and he frowned, getting closer.
“I was joking, Todoroki.” His eyebrows went up and a small 'oh' slipped past his lips  “I was awake and I heard her asking for help and ran here. “
“With no shoes on...”
“Yeah, with no shoes on” You laughed at how irrational you had been, and now you were trapped in the cold with no shoes on until the police go your statement.
Todoroki looked at you and with a straight face he grabbed your arm and pushed you flushed to his side again, not meeting your eyes as if it was the most normal thing to do. You noticed how he increased his body temperature a little more to warm you up faster.
“Your lips are blue, and you are shivering” He stated, looking to the police car turning the corner and tightening the arm that was circling your shoulders.
Your face was snuggled into the fabric of his suit and a hint of his cologne made it into your nose, taking you back to highschool when he would sit next to you and the breeze from the open window would carry his perfume. Your boy was warmer, whether it was from his quirk or your embarrassment it didn't matter.
None of you spoke and only when the slam of a car door and the voices of the police were heard you took a step back from him.
Two policemen were talking with the girl that made the call, and she was explaining what happened. When she got to the part when you showed up, the attention of the three went to you, and the policemen opened their eyes at how naked you were. One of them, the younger one that couldn't be too much older from the both of you, got closer, only two feet away from where you were standing.
“Damn miss...” His eyes wandered over you and you gave them a sheepish smirk while Todoroki kept quiet, staring at him. The guy shrugged off his jacked and hurriedly tried to place it around your shoulders. “Please take my...”
Todoroki's hand slapped the fabric away and silence fell. Everyone around was stunned at his action.
“That's very kind officer, but it's fine. I'm taking her home right now and I'm going to warm her up personally... I would hate for you to be cold and get sick.” With no time to respond you felt the floor underneath your feet disappear and Todoroki's arms lifted you up, carrying you bridal style as your mouth flopped around like a fish trying to articulate something.
“What was that?!” You asked in a hush tone when you were far enough to not be heard. “I could've just walk home, you didn't need to go nuts there for him offering me a jacket.
“You didn't know the guy, why would you accept his jacket?”
“Uh... Because it was freezing and I'm not really dress for it?” You countered.
“I can warm you up faster and more effectively,” He said again. Apparently he didn't realize how bad those words sounded together. “You can't trust someone just like that.”
“It's a police officer, Todoroki, I think we can trust them just fine”
He didn't respond after hat, but if you weren't as perceptive, you would0ve missed the way his fingers pressed harder on your thigh or the way his eye twitched with annoyance at you arguing with him about it.
Your apartment door came into view faster than what you expected, and you wished you lived far away to enjoy Todoroki's warmth a little bit longer.
He carefully put you down and stared at you, waiting for you to open the door, only to realize that with those pocketless shorts, there was no way you had your keys on you. You noticed this too and smiled reassuringly at him.
“I left my balcony open, I can climb the side of the building and get there in no time.” You smiled at him, but the doubt swam in his eyes.
“That sounds dangerous... You should lock your windows.” He said.
“I live in a third floor...?” the confusion laced on your voice, and his frown deepened.
“Villains can climb.” He said, face straight and serious tone, only for you to laugh.
“Good night, Todoroki...” You smiled at him “See you around”  You slapped his shoulder lightly and walked to the side of the building, expertly climbing the stairs, avoiding making too much noise to disturb the neighbours, and landed on your balcony without breaking a sweat.
You looked down one last time, only to notice Todoroki still standing there, looking at you with his arms crossed. You waved at him and he smiled, lifting his arm up in a small salute. He definitely had changed since the last time you saw him. He was a man now, completely rough, but his voice was still gentle, and his hand was soft.
As you turned on the shower to wash the grime that got stuck to your feet, you couldn't help but to think about the girl talking with her friends about what happened to her, and asking them to pick her up at the station. If you ever were on that situation, you had no one to call. And the realization of it sunk your heart like a rock on the sea.
There was not much you could o about it now, you didn't get along with anybody on the agency, and the ties with your classmates were far too severed. It was you against the world, and yourself had to be enough.
The next sunday you had off was spent exactly in the same way the previous one had. Phone off balcony and lit up cigarette between your fingers. The whole week you spend it staking your former friends Instagram and regretting you forgetfulness that pushed you away from them. Pictures of them eating pizza together and watching cheesy comedy movies from the early 2000s  made you wished you had something like that with someone, ideally with them, but the anxiousness you felt every time you opened up your chat with Deku, that you had left on read almost six months ago. What if he hated you for it? It was partly your fault, but you just had the tendency to shut yourself away from the world, you weren't consciously ignoring them.
Photos of Todoroki on sweat pants as he plays a videogame with Uraraka that  Deku posted to one of his stories made your stomach flutter, an awestruck expression on your face. Thankfully, your coworkers were having lunch togheter, and they left you alone to thirst without shame.
Getting up from one of the chair from your balcony to go and get a glass of soda from the kitchen, you heard the faint sound of raindrops hitting the pavement. A small drizzle was pouring, and the clouds turned everything darker. Thunder resonated in the distance and you sighed. Once the storm broke out on full blast, you wouldn't be able to sit on the balcony for much longer.
Glass in hand, you returned to your usual spot that overlooked the busy street below, and you saw everyone scattering around trying to take cover from the first storm that happened since the summer ended. You lighted up another cigarette and took a drag.
As your eyes travel from one person to the other, your attention was drawn to a couple walking in the street with no care in the world, as if the cold and the rain couldn't pop their bubble of happinnes. The people gave them odd looks for not having an umbrella, or raincoats, their clothes getting soaked, but they paid no mind, eyes trained on each other. 
 A fantasy in your mind started brewing.
What would it be if someone looked at you in that way? Like you were their ray of sunshine and when they were with you, a gloomy day couldn't turn your light off.
You imagined you were there, in your balcony, wearing a cute dress and your favorite shoes, with pretty makeup and your hair just the way you liked it. Counting down the seconds for him to arrive. The guy you loved and had a date with.
He would come, not caring about the threat of rain, and the knock on your door would send a wave of excitement through you, limbs buzzing with happiness, and you would open the door, and there he would be... Bi color hair wet and sticking to his forehead, hetorocromatic eyes gazing into your face as yours took in his damp, blue shirt that clung to his chest and the droplets glistening in his neck...
A heavy knock on your door ripped you from your daydream, and you cringed at how you pictured Todoroki. You were seriously starting to sound like a creep, more than a girl with a crush.
Sighing, you suffocated your cigarette and walked to the door, smoothing your hair down with your hands in case it was too frizzy from the humidity in the air.
The door swung open, and for a moment you though you were still dreaming, because right there, in the hallway, Todoroki was standing.
He was just as you imagined, but the only difference was that his shirt was white, and with the rain it was almost transparent. Words escaped you, and you just stood there, stunned into silence.
“Hi.” He stared, hands clenching by his side. “I would ask you to patrol with me today, because I enjoy your company, but since it's raining, they gave me the rest of the day off...” He trailed off, not knowing what to say.
“Oh... I woul've liked that. I always end up wasting my day off, so it would've been a nice change of routine... It's a shame really... Maybe next time?” You proposed, and Todoroki relaxed, hands going limp at his sides.
“Yeah, I would like that.”
Both of you stayed there, just looking at each other with gentle smiles and shiny eyes.
It took you a moment of that comfortable silence to notice he was still outside, wet and probably cold.
“Oh, god... Come in, Todoroki. Please don't mind the mess.”  You took a step aside, and he got inside, brushing your shoulder together. “The city is getting cold and I don't want you to get sick.”  
You walked him to the couch and took a sit beside him.
“it's fine... My quirk keeps me warm.” As if to prove his point, he rose his body temperature and a wave of steam rose from him, the water that clung to his body evaporating.
“Oh man, I'm so jealous... When the city gets cold, my fingers turn to icicles.” You presented both of your hands to his eye level. The tips of them were redder than the rest.
Todoroki looked at them and almost on instinct he gently grabbed them, his left one, trapping them in between his chest and palm
Warm tingles went up your arm, and you looked dumbfounded. He was so casual about it, his thumb casually caressing your knuckles, his eyes never once leaving your hands.
“Is that better?” He asked in a whisper.
“Y-yeah... Thank you.”
“Don't ask anyone else to help you warm you hands...”  He asked, almost timidly, and the meaning behind his words had your heart doing flips on your ribcage.
He needed no answer.
When he glanced back up and noticed you smile, any concern he had dissipated like smoke in the air. He scooted closer to you, pressing his left side to your right, and the heat transferred to the rest of your body.
The city was indeed getting colder, but having a Todoroki willing to be your personal furnace might be just what you needed to fight off the bothersome cold.
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magicalcreeks · 6 years
Happy Birthday, Stan
Summary: Kyle only wanted to throw Stan the perfect Birthday Party
Pairing: Style
It’s still Stan’s birthday here and since I can't draw I wanted to write a fic for his birthday with one of my favorite pairings. Enjoy!
Kyle was way over his head with an ambition greater than his ego. He, holding the title of Stan’s super best friend had to make sure his birthday went smoothly— and, with that same logic, it required Kyle to take full responsibility of the surprise party he wanted to throw him.
Premature chaos bubbles underneath of foundation of the Broflovski household, as the agenda Kyle set for the preparation of Stan’s surprise party went askew. He looked over the scene of Butters, Kenny, and Cartman sitting on the respective corners of the rectangular dining table with mounds of glitter glue and ribbon borrowed from Ike’s arts and crafts set resting on the floor, along with misshapen cutouts from their assortment of construction paper. Kyle’s red curls sprung over his eyes, they bounced along with his deep inhales. In the back of his mind, a feeling of leaving these idiots alone gnawed on him. Kyle placed two hands firmly on the wooden surface to see the progress being made between the three boys, again overhyping their artistic abilities since the art they created looked as if a dog chewed it, swallowed, and immediately spat it back up. The glue had already crusted along the edges of the paper, and the letters they cut out then pasted appeared lopsided. “What the hell is this?” Kyle demanded an explanation, noticing the time on the ticking clock hanging on his wall from the corner of his eye. This was no good. Cleanup wasn’t apart of the agenda. Stan was expected to arrive in less than two hours once he was done with therapy. Kyle knew his schedule like the back of his hand. Every week when Stan had his therapy session his father would pick him up and take him to Denny’s— for a painfully awkward conversation— then when his father dropped him off at his mothers house, Stan would text Kyle all about it until their conversation dissolved into them sending outdated memes to one another for the hell of it. Kyle has his hand balled into a tight fist on his side. He marched into the kitchen to grab the roll of paper towels and tossed it to Kenny in an aggressive pass, “clean this shit up, we have an hour until everyone arrives.” “Oh, Gee, how are we supposed to clean when we’re all sticky?” Said Butters, taking the towel sheet from Kenny’s hand and feeling it stick to his fingers. “Figure it out, Butters.” “Calm your Vagina.” Eric’s been snacking on the bag of cheesy puffs Kyle stocked on for this occasion. “Shut the fuck up, fatass,” he wrestled the bag out of Eric’s hands. It was upon retrieving it when he realized how empty the bag was, with his fingers clenching onto nothing but air and cheese dust. Really? Then he rolled his eyes, pressing down hard on the garbage pale to open the lid. He released the bag from his fingers and heard the plastic crinkle upon impact. “Um, about that,” Kenny pauses on his cleaning, unsure yet unnerved on what to say to Kyle in his current disposition. Instead, he reached into his raggedy bag and removed a stack of neatly, untouched, envelopes, “Eric never handed out the invitations.” “Kenny, you fucking sell out.” Eric hissed underneath his breath even though Kyle could hear him as plain a day. “And it’s not that I didn’t hand them out, no one wanted them. Apparently, we’re assholes but they’re all just pussies.” “Well, I don’t think you fellas are assholes.” Butters pepped up shyly, exchanging a smile with Kenny who, in the time they have been speaking, had moved over a little too close to him. “No one gives a shit, Butters, gosh.” Kyle rubbed soothing circles around his temples. Off of Stan’s own recommendation he had decided to practice with new ways to handle his anger— even though the steady foundation had boiled over with the immense fear of everything that could’ve gone wrong, going wrong, making Kyle the perfect candidate for bitching up a storm. For the sake of Stan’s birthday, he will try to work with whatever shit he had. “Okay, we have a little less than two hours to get this place cleaned up. Butters, do you know how to make a cake?” “Why sure, Tweek’s been showing me a bunch of new recipes—“ Kyle cut him off, “okay, okay,” next he turned to Kenny and Eric, “Kenny, you work with Butters because I don’t trust Cartman near the cake batter. Fatass, you’re with me. Help me set up the table.” Kenny did a soldiers salute and carried off into the kitchen to help Butters gather the ingredients required for making an edible cake. “Cartman, so help me if you keep fucking around-“ “Can you relax, Kyle? I’m not going to fuck up your chance with your puking boyfriend.” “W-What the hell are you talking about?” Kyle could not hide the red trailing across his pale, freckled covered cheeks. Boyfriend? Cartman being an asshole or not his comment shouldn’t have prompt such a reaction out of him. He was only doing this for his super best friend. Sure, sometimes Stan’s parents and his own joked about them being a little too close, but they were friends. Eric rolled his eyes, “you two are so fucking gay, even Cupid Me could see it.” “Cupid what?” A crash was heard in the kitchen followed by a series of apologies recognized to be Butters voice and Kenny’s string of reassurances. This party had officially downgraded to a complete clusterfuck. Kyle sighed. Perhaps he did bite off more than he could chew. ... “The cake looks great, Leo.” “Really? Do you think so?” Butters wiped his hand on his cheek, transferring a thin line of flour and chocolate icing onto his face. Kyle stood, amazed that they were actually able to produce something out of all of this. The cake looked amazing, with Stan’s name written on the top with bright red letters, “Yeah. Good job, Butters.” “Thanks, Kyle!” Kenny wrapped an arm around his shoulders, letting Kyle know of his cue. He checked his watch. Stan should be here soon. He stepped into the dining room to see the table had been completely transformed. It almost looked better than its original state, with the construction paper scraps thrown on the floor scavenged and made into a string decoration spelling out: Happy Birthday Stan. Eric secured the knot on the table’s leg. “I didn’t know you were artistic.” Eric stood up with an annoyed grunt. Of fucking course he was artistic. He just thought he would go the extra mile to appease Kyle’s man period. He grunted, then handed over the project they worked on prior— cleaned up and framed. “Don’t patronize me. I know Jews can’t do anything creative so...” he shrugged. Kyle was so happy with what he was seeing that he allowed himself to brush off Cartman’s anti-semitic remark. instead, he decided to keep it in mind in his vault of retorts for later. He felt the corners of his mouth twitch. They really pulled their shit together. The doorbell ringed. Kyle placed the frame back on the table and instructed them all to get into their places. Before he let Stan in he had to do something first. “Oh, hey, dude.” Stan was going to ring the bell again before the door opened. He offered a lopsided smile and stuffed his chilled hands in his pockets. It was so good to see Kyle after suffering through another lunch of his father pathetically ranting about not being able to move on. It didn’t help that he was drinking either. “Uh, you okay? Can I come in?” Kyle stepped out on the step Stan was standing on, leaving the front door cracked behind him and telling the others to stay quiet to that they wouldn’t ruin the surprise. “Happy Birthday, man.” Why did he feel so nervous? Kyle played with his fingers and various hangnails, his stomach twisting into a rather painful knot. Stan raised a brow then examined Kyle from head to toe to make sure he wasn’t suffering from any physical injuries. He couldn’t say much mentally. “Thanks. You know I don’t like to make a big deal about it...” Kyle nodded, “Yeah, of course, I know... how was your session?” He also knows how much Stan loathes anyone saying therapy aloud. It implied there was something wrong with him. Yes, while he was still figuring out ways to cope with his depression, the word made something within him stir. C’mon, spit it out Broflovski. Stan shrugged his shoulders and bounced on the balls of his feet, “it was fine, are you sure there’s nothing wrong? Are you getting the flu or something?” “No, I’m fine.” Kyle humored him with a light chuckle that eased the anxiety he felt. Looking at how far Stan has come he was proud to see someone he cared about healthy and happier than he had been before he started faking it. “Good. Because like, it can kill you. If there’s no quarantine can we head inside now?” Kyle stopped him again, receiving a strange look but saying nothing of it. He took in a big inhale of air, “Stan, I, um, I really like you. I like like you. I apologized before for not being there the way I should but being beside you know I’m proud to see your progress... I’m really fucking proud, dude. I don’t know if this is too gay or not but for your birthday I thought I would be the gift... I mean, if you feel the same way-“ A warmness pressed against Kyle’s lips, and before he had time to realize he was getting kissed, Stan had already pulled away. Stan had a smile matching the one he would give to Wendy when stricken with the love he thought he had for her. “I like like you too.” Said Stan, his red face matching the shade of Kyle's hair. He parted his lips to say something, until... The door opened, “Jesus fucking Christ, Kyle, can we get this over with already? Happy Birthday, Stan.” And Cartman went off, mumbling something about being friends with a bunch of homos. He left the door open enough that Stan could see Butters and Kenny waving at him, and the set up they had for him. “Yeah, of course, I know?” Stan imitated his voice. How he got so lucky to get decent friends and an amazing super best friend was beyond him. “Um, surprise?” Kyle rubbed the back of his neck. Hoping for another kiss. Stan leaned in for another kiss, “surprise!” Butters yelled, making the two boys flinch. Yeah, it was a surprise alright. Stan and Kyle fell into a fit of laughter. Happy Birthday, Stan.
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4myselfonly · 7 years
I tried to kill myself today
I tried to kill myself today. After I had been planning to do it for so long. After I had spent over a week making my notes to each individual person that meant so much to me. After I had promised to my friends that I wouldn't hurt myself. After secluding myself in effort to make it hurt less when I leave them forever. After I made this blog to outlet my depressing thoughts so I wouldn't have to bottle them up so hard. I tied the noose. I took the bottle of Advil. I even had a plastic bag if all else failed. I told my mom while she was talking to me about how bad my grades were. I took 5-7 pills I don't remember how many. I didn't tell her about how my noose failed. She called 911 immediately. The police, the paramedics came, Idk why but a fireman was there. I was on the couch and I couldn't stop crying. My hands and face were numb. I don't know why but they were tingling and I couldn't feel them that well. I was sobbing the whole time. I got in the ambulance and calmed down. My mom was next to me the whole time I'm the ambulance. My dad called and talked to me. He was crying. For the longest time Ive never thought he cared that much. I never thought about how he'd feel after I did it. If I succeeded, if I took enough pills, how would he feel? I'll never forget how much he made me realize today. We went to the hospital. My friends were calling me the whole time through the ambulance and going into the hospital. They were crying a lot. I apologized a lot. It was heartbreaking. I stayed in a room with my mom for a long time. We got food, I texted my friends, she talked to my dad, they ran tests. I had to drink a whole cup of this disgusting black charcoal drink and almost threw up. My mom had to go to the bathroom with me cuz I guess they thought I would try to kill myself again. They were right, I had more pills in my pocket, but I gave them to a nurse. We were in there for hours but got moved to a smaller, more private one for a social worker to talk to us. Then we moved to the psychiatric area. It was small, less colorful than the children's area. It looked like it was for crazy people. The mirror wasn't glass, the plugs were stuffed with plastic, the tv was flat into the wall, they gave me a gown and socks, and I couldn't leave the area. That's where a lady asked me about my issues and another lady was listening and writing things in a corner. They decided I needed to stay the night. My parents came back in and that when it really started getting emotional. My dad sat next to me and asked me what happened. He started crying and asked why I did it. Seeing my dad cry like this broke my heart into a million pieces. He's never been like this before. I've always been trying so hard not to disappoint him and when he told me how he really felt, I was just broken. All three of us were crying. What really hurt was when my dad told me that he was looking at me in a picture of me in my band uniform and thinking he was gonna lose that girl. I couldn't handle it. I realized so much. I got moved to a more comfortable room. It's colorful and warm. I have my own bathroom, to tvs, a mini fridge, and so much more. It's honestly lit. Who knew I just had to try to overdose to get 5 star treatment? (That was a joke. Yes, ik it wasn't funny.) I'm gonna talk to a professional in the morning. I only have 5 hours to sleep, but I'm used to that. I'm not gonna try to kill myself anymore. I'm not gonna harm myself anymore. I'm not gonna but the people I love through that fear anymore. I can't. I can't put myself through that hurt anymore. I'm going to stop using this blog. I feel like it's not helping me in my treatment. I'm gonna get a therapist. I'm gonna get better. I'm gonna be happier. For the sake of everyone around me. For my dad. I love you all, good night.
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cryptid-cunt · 7 years
2. Whats goin on between you and the last person you kissed?Well last person i kissed was my friend on the cheeks so, shes my work wife
4.is your last name longer that 6 letters?Actually my last name is EXACTLY 6 letters
6.have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?Yup
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?Well we work together and we give cheek kisses when we leave shift so i think atm its like… 42? 42 cheek kisses :p
10. When is the last tine you saw your sister?I dont have a sister. I have a brother! And its been …. Like 2-3 years
12. Where did you sleep last night?My bed
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?Yup
16. Would you ratger it be sunny or rainy?Rainy
18. Are you wearing jeans, sweatpants, or pajama pants?NO PANTS BITCH
20. Does anyone like you?Probobly, probobly not, idfk. I think my current s/o likes me? Maybe?Oh and @ahtemish
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?No, shes straight as a fucking arrow, but im queer af so idc
24. Have you ever considerd getting a tattoo?I have many, many planned and my first will be in nov/dec. Depends on money
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?The sweetest bluenose pit. Grey fur, bug green eyes, and the cutest wagging tail, her owner runs my block with her every 3-5 days so i got to see her on my way back home from work. Her names bielzabubby.
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?Yup, i wanted him to shut the fuck up about asking me on a date so i kissed him and told him that was the first and last thing he’d ever get from me and he left me alone.
30. Do you like texting? I like using my fb messenger, but no nit via my phines actual texting.
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?Yup, i wanted a ceptum a while back but i not want my nips pierced instead
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means alot to you?I mean.. Im not a woman or a man. So.. Idk what my opposite is???? So i have many people who are important to me, men, women, and other*
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?Idk. Probobly complicated and shitty
38. When you say youre sorry do you mean it?80% of the time. The other 20% is me apologizing to customers and my multiple bosses for shit i dont give a fuck about.
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?Which one? I like a few people, if you mean love then thats a whole nother story, i love one person rn and what made me love him is the things we have in common and then a mystery cuz love kinda just… Happend.
42. What is wrong with you right now?Oh. Oh! My dude. My fucking dude!….. ALOT
44. Does anyone disgust you?Alot of celebrities, my father, racists, biggots, oh honey this list is fucking long ok??
46. Are you in a good mood right now?Sure, lets go with that
48. What colour shirt are you wearing?What shirt?
50. Anyone youre giving up on?MyselfIdk probobly
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldnt?YUP
54. Do you care if youre s/o drinks? No not really as long as they arent damaging themselves, like if you wanna drink cool but if youre gonna go off the damn rail imma smack the bottle outchya hand and tell ya to knock it the fuck off
56. Do you like to cuddle?Yes. YeS. YES.
58. Do you get along with girls?I mean, the ones ik yeah? Cis girls, trans girls, questioning girls, anyone who identifyes as a girl/woman i probs get along with as long as youre not a bigoted racist cuntbasket yo
60. What do you carry with you at all times?A small blowtorch
62. Do you think that hou can last in a relationship for over five months?I mean i fuckin hope so?? Its been 11 fucking months with my s/o
64.the person you like kisses you on the forhead, do you find this cute?Bitch GIB TO ME THEM FORHEAD KISSES
66. How old are the last 3 people you kissed?26, 20, and 18
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leapord print?Neither, theyre both fucking ugly unless theyre on said animals
70. Would you rather listen to luke bryan or lil wayn?Fuuuuuucking neither???
72. Whems the last time you had pizza from pizza hut?I dont remember, @ahtemish when the fuck did we last get dat cheesey stuffed crust??
74. What colour are the walls in your room?Idk like… Beige??
76. Do you watch PLL? Used to, stopped after it bored me
78. What are youre initials?TMH
80. Are you from the south?Nope
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?Naw me n her havent seen eachother since we were 7
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?Yes, cheerleading
86. Do you smoke?A variety
88. Is youre phone touchscreen?Yeah
90. Have you ever snuck outta your house?Oh fuck yeah alotta times my dude
92. Have you ever made out in a car?Bitch ive had sex in a cemetary, yes ive fucking made out in a car
94. Are you single or in a relationship?I am currently in a mono relationship
96. Whens the last time you saw fireworks?I cant remember
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?Yup!
100. Are you friends with people on fb that you actually hate?No i delete the ones i hate
102.name your favourite kesha song:I dont have one, i like her music, especially the new things, but i dont have a favourite
104.would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?No thats a bad fucking idea, for one thoes boots are for working and should always be worn with long pants/jeans to avoid leather chaifing, for two who the fuck exceot for fake ass “country” hoes wear cowboy boots with fuckin shorts! I only wore mine(when i had em) for working on my uncles ranch and my nanas ranch. And so did all the other people i saw w em on.
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kvtykat · 7 years
i'm just gonna be an asshole as per usual n say ya gotta do all of them 😊 love ya nerd 💕
1)  already answered
2) what’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?A grudge as far as I’m concerned
3) if your bf or gf was into drugs would you care?Tbh depends on the drugs. Weed nah but other stuff probably
4) is your last name longer than 6 letters?Exactly 6
5) was your last kiss drunk or sober?Sober
6) already answered
7) what does your last received text say?“K.”
8) how many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?Too fucking many
9) where was your last kiss at?Honestly I don’t remember
10) when was the last time you saw your sister?Last night
11) what do you drink in the morning?Protein smoothie, water, or tea
12) where did you sleep last night?In my bed
13) do you think relationships are hard?Sometimes. But its worth it with the right person
14) if you could go back and change something in the last 5 months would you?Yes.
15) you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed. Any problems?Yep
16) would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Don’t care as long ad its warm
17) do you know anyone with the sane middle name as you?Yeah its not that rare
18) are you wearing jeans, sweatpants, or pajama pants?Pajama pants
19) do you think you’ll be in a relationship 3 years from now?I have no idea
20) does anyone like you?Idk ..
21)have you ever kissed with a name that starts with an s?Don’t think so
22) is the last person you kissed gay?Yes
23) is there a person you CANNOT stand?Yes
24) have you ever considered getting a tattoo?Yes ik what I’m getting already
25) in the past week have you cried?Actually no
26) what breed was the last dog you saw?Pug
27) do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?Usually in
28) have you ever kissed a football player?Sadly yes
29) do you think you’re old?No
30) do you like texting?Yes
31) what type of day are you having?Idk we’ll see…
32) have you thought about getting your nose pierced?Yeah. probably won’t tho
33) do you prefer warm or cold weather?Warm
34) is there a person of the opposite sex that means a lot to you?Yes
35) would you prefer a relationship or a fling?Flings never ended well for me so relationship
36) are you a simple or complicated person?Idk. friends care to weigh in?
37) what song are you listening to?The sound by the 1975
38) when you say you’re sorry do you mean it?Okay this one is important to me. I hate that apologies have become this mindless thing that people do without thinking. to me saying sorry is an important thing. So yes I mean it.
39) is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?Yes
40) what made you start liking the person you like now?Tbh I’m not sure. being around her just feels natural and that’s a really nice feeling.
41) when did you last receive a text? Bout 10:30 last night
42) what’s wrong with you right now?There’s stuff in front of my seat in this car so there’s nowhere to put my feet
43) how well do you know the last female you texted?Well its my mom so…
44) does anyone disgust you?“no why do you ask Mr. president?”
45) would you date someone right now if they asked?Depends on the person
46) are you in a good mood rn?Neutral?
47) who was the last person you talked to in person? my mom
48) what color shirt are you wearing?Red
49) has someone recently told you something you don’t want to hear?Yeah I had to deal with customers last night
50) anyone you’re giving up on? Not that I haven’t already given up on
51) do you hate the person you fell hardest for?No
52) have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?Yes
53) do you like rain?Sometimes
54) do you care if your bf/gf drinks?Not really as long as it doesn’t become a problem
55) have you ever liked someone and never told them?Yes
56) do you like to cuddle?Yeah
57) are you shy?Sometimes but it doesn’t last long
58) do you get along with girls?Most of them
59) have you dated the person you texted last?No
60) what do you carry with you at all times?headphones and my phone
61) if you were paid $1 million to spend the night in a haunted house would you?Yes62) do you think you can last in a relationship for 5 months?Yes63) think back to October. Were you in a relationship?No64) the person you like kisses you on the forehead. Do you find it cute?Depends on circumstances but it usually makes me uncomfortable65) did anything “cute” happen in the last week?Yes66) how old are the last three people you kissed?I’m assuming non platonic? So 18, 17, 15    Note: I’m 17 also that last one was a while ago67) would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?Depends on the event68) which do you like better zebra or leopard print?Neither69) do you have stickers on your car?I do not have my own car and my parents do not allow stickers so no70) would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or lil Wayne?Neither but probs Lil Wayne71) blackberry, Android, iPhone?Android72) when’s the last time you had pizza from pizza hut?No idea and I’m okay keeping it that way73) do you like diet soda?I don’t drink much soda anymore but diet has never been my choice74) what color are the walls in your room?White75) are you 16 or older?Yes76) do you watch pretty little liars?No77) do you have a job?Yes78) what are your initials?KRB79) did you ever have braces?No I’m supposed to tho lol80) are you from the south?Nope81) what does your last status on Facebook say?I checked in to my kickboxing gym82) do you still talk to the first person you kissed?Fuck no83) are you closer to your mom or your dad?neither84) ever done gymnastics or cheerleading?Gymnastics when I was little85) what’s the last movie you saw in theaters?okay tbh I think it was Birth of a Nation86) do you smoke?No87) would you rather wear heels or flip flops?Probably flip flops88) is your phone touch screen?Yes89) do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?Straight90) have you ever snuck out of your house?I don’t think so91) would you rather swim in a river lake or pool?River probably92) ever made out in a car?Yes93) had sex in a car?No94) single or in a relationship?Single…95) what were you doing last night at midnight?Sleeping96) when’s the last time you saw fireworks?tbh I don’t remember97) do you like the camera on your phone?It could be better98) ever had a friend with benefits?Unfortunately yes99) ever passed out from drinking?No100) are you friends on Facebook with people you actually hate?Maybe. I deleted a bunch a while ago101) ever had a pregnancy scare?Nope. I’m gay.102) fav Kesha song?All of them103) any tan lines rn?Its literally freezing and there is hail falling from the sky. no tan lines.104) would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?Hell no
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