#limited edition knives
jaywade · 2 months
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marsprincess889 · 2 months
Basic themes of nakshatras
May edit this later, this is as far as I understand and have observed them, and I think it's pretty nice to see them simply.
Newness, freshness, the unmanifest, speed, energy, vitality, instinct, healing, fast healing, unlimited energy, self-expression, selfishness, blocking outside noise, trusting yourself, self-empowerment, unfiltered actions.
Things that remind me of Ashwini: bees, the sun, horses, two white horses, golden deserts, horses gallopping, honey, long hair flying in the wind, apples.
Love, death, sex, the female, the feminine, limitations, the material, fate, destiny, coming into the body, struggling against limitations, struggling against fate, mind trapped in its own hell because of the inevitable, dealing with the harshness of life, harshness of mothers and mother nature, the hierarchy, privileges and deprivations, desire, going after your true desire, the immortality of the soul, adapting to changes, passion, tragic love, bravery, facing the truth, choicelessness, nessecity, revenge, violence, gatekeeping, reduction, denial of access, conquering your fate, everlasting beauty.
Things that remind me of Bharani: hot pink and black, darkness, roses, the yoni, gateways, keyholes, caverns, boats, rivers, the damsel in distress, fantasy, high fantasy.
Adam, the main character, naming things, language, rationality, precision, sharpness, criticism, the poet, the "it" person, simplicity, cleanliness, expressing oneself, selectivity, the heat, the knowledge, the light, masculine ideals, stoicism.
Things that remind me of Krittika: knives, razors, lighers, sparks, fire, hearth, cooking.
Eve, sugar babies, growth, receptivity, enjoyment, pleasure, unrefined, doted on, subconcious, absorbtion, sharing, union, creation, the youngest daughter, naivete, feeling no shame.
Things that remind me of Rohini: sugar, stickiness, sweetness, heaviness, red, pink, flowers, the A.I(lol).
Distraction, realization, fickleness, adventure, running away, chasing, the hunt, excitement, softness, pleasure, altering conciousness, magic substances(iykwim), curiosity, fulfillment, insatiability, teasing.
Things that remind me of Mrigashira: silver threads, deer, green forests, green and blue, running in the woods, alcohol, the moon, Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
Disillusion, crying, lamenting, awareness of others, awarness of other's expectations, hyper-awarness of everything, intellect, the rational mind, pressures from society, rebelling against society, anxiety.
Things that remind me of Ardra: tears, water, storms, technology, teenage angst, emo culture, the rain, sad songs, dogs.
Mercy, forgiveness, permission, freedom, flying, expansion, gentleness, regrowing, realigning, returning, home, unconditional love and nurture, celebration, peace, peacefulness, centering oneself, sunlight, warmth, fostering, taking care, being taken care of, luck, unlimited fertile space, shelter, genuine kindness, believing in humanity again, cycles, patterns, seeing the cycles and the patterns, predicting future, openness, second (and third, fouth...) chances, a comeback.
Things that remind me of Punarvasu: staying at home, pets, plants, cats, gentle rain, a bow and arrows, a target.
Asceticism, routines, self-restraint, servitude, control, self-control, working, working on yourself, patience, simplicity, striving for perfection, nurturing, nourishment, quiet ambition, symmetry.
Things that remind me of Pushya: milk, milkmaids, country life, milking, symmetry, goats, sheep, agriculture.
Manipulation, abuse, poison, emotional abuse, blackmail, resorting to everything for safety, protection, pent up energy, the nervous system, purity, water, sensitivity, cleanliness, energetic build-up, tension, restraint, preservation, self-preservation, virginity, feminine tactics, being "mean" for protection, lying for safety, sensuality, mother issues, agitation.
Things that remind me of Ashlesha: the color white, transparent things, cats, poisoning, snow white, Sofia Coppola films, teenage girlhood, ties, strings, knots, snakes.
Royalty, power, ancestry, family trees, history, the past, regality, honoring the past, honoring the elders, honoring the authority, religion, traditions, customs, confidence, ego.
Things that remind me of Magha: crowns, thrones, churches, goth culture, the smoke, big hair(like the lion's mane).
Purva Phalguni:
Pleasure, enjoyment, being spoiled as the feminine, loving to spoil as the masculine, procreation, sex, leisure, art, holidays, parties, exclusivity, pride, charisma, sexual dispersion, love as a method of self-expression, admiration, directness, active pursuit of your passions, indulgence.
Things that remind me of Purva Phalguni: fruits, eating fruits topless, rose gold color, the "rizz"(lol), the phallus, dramaticism.
Uttara Phalguni:
Favors from friends, family and partners, contracts, beneficial agreements, the perfect wife, likeability, popularity, friendliness, appearing cool, stoicism, beneficial arrangements, gaining power through partnerships, self-expression through relationships.
Things that remind me of Uttara Phalguni: the "chads", simplicity, genuine friends, loyal companions, the perfect male stereotype, the "rich heiress running away" trope.
The earth, the veiled feminine, manipulation, denial of access, materialism, cheating, everyday matters, empowerment of women, deception, skill, seeking knowledge, wanting to be in control, activism, street-smarts, manipulation of masses.
Things that remind me of Hasta: the hand, Goddess Persephone, skilled hands, thieves, easy money, fairies, witches, scammers.
Crafting, building, perspective, truth, law, gems, sacrifice for your craft, vanity, stereotypes, aesthetics, the truth in stereotypes, building based on the law and the truth, the surface of things, the appearance of things, the substance reflected in the vessel, gossip, cliques.
Things that remind me of Chitra: the god Hephestos, martian gods in general, jewelry, fashion, make-up, drama, pettiness, the coquette aesthetic, pranksters, Olivia Rodrigo(ig).
Space, the cosmos, shifting realities, love, rebellion, alternate realities, possibilities, seeing beauty in everything, inspiration, art, the cosmic egg, creation of the world, creation of worlds, microcosm and macrocosm, freedom through love.
Things that remind me of Swati: video games, the wind, plants beggining to sprout, the sword, technology.
The lightning, snapping, splitting, joining opposites, compromise, marriage, repressed anger, repressed aggression, alter egos, passion, enthusiasm, standing up for yourself and others, repression and then expression, energy, love and hate.
Things that remind me of Vishakha: lighning bolts, Zeus, Thor and other lighning gods, superhero "Shazam", celebrations.
Friendship, devotion, depth, loyalty, unconditional loyalty, bonds, the occult, sex with love, numbers, gatherings, friend groups, groups, gentleness, humbleness, discipline, seriousness, organizing society, social groups.
Things that remind me of Anuradha: the color burgundy, dim lights, bunnies, "Sex Education" (tv show), sci-fi (for some reason), "The Vampire Diaries" (and very similar teen shows), frat boys, cheerleaders.
The battlefield, war, hunger, thirst, insatiability, conquering, the underdog, street-smarts, competition, strategy, extreme independence, mind games, the art of war, survival, ruling, rising above, self-reliance, wisdom, becoming the authority, the eldest, dryness, trust issues, enemies, destroying enemies, outsmarting all enemies.
Things that remind me of Jyeshta: grandmothers, owls, eagles, dry places, flags, marching, chess.
Horror, the abnormal, the truth, the core, the center, the absorbing darkness, the black hole, the roots, violence against falsehoods, seeking the truth, seeking the cause, seeking roots, uprooting, chaos, from chaos to order, the unchanging truth, taming beasts, holding to your truth.
Things that remind me of Mula: "Phanton of the Opera", "Twilight", final girls, horror movies, dark murky green, the wilderness.
Purva Ashadha:
Art, beauty, alliances, artistry, ideals, fighting for the ideal, discrimination, exclusivity, philosophies about beauty and art, passion for love and art, attachments, secrecy, luxury, vitality, vigor, going for victory.
Things that remind me of Purva Ashadha: the sea, seafoam, goddess Aphrodite, seashells, mermaids, sirens, fans (the ones you hold in your hand lol), Arwen from LotR.
Uttara Ashadha:
Victory, loneliness, individuality, government, empowerment, independence, being looked up to, composed self-expression, ease, simplicity but regality, confidence, self-assuredness, melancholy and hardships of aloneness but contentment, stoicism, invincibility, unapologetic behavior.
Things that remind me of Uttara Ashadha: earnest people, goddess Nike, mint color for some reason.
Connecting everything, secret knowledge, interest in everything, reading between the lines, subconcious access, extreme sensitivity, holding the humanity together, secret agencies, percieving what others can't percieve, saving humanity, navigating, receptivity, mysticism.
Things that remind me of Shravana: Superman, Geralt of Rivia, Aragorn, King arthur, pathways, footprints, ear, color blue, spies, astrology, outcasts, fringe societies.
Celebration, celebrities, fame, visibility, aggression, agitation, action, bringing people together, idols, propaganda, wealth from fame, that which attracts attention, public image, benefits and downsides of fame, openness and flashiness, branding.
Things that remind me of Dhanishta: supermodels, Princess Diana, dancing, rhythmic drums.
Complexities, seeing everything, lurking in shadows, holding the knowledge, secrets, secrecy, hiding, technology, innovation, being ahead of your time, advising but manipulating, society, the collective, trends, the conciousness of masses.
Things that remind me of Shatabhisha: midnight sky, stars, the seas, water reservoirs, the circle, the all-seeing eye of Sauron(lol), Lord of the Rings, rings, the movie "Stardust" (the book too).
Purva Bhadrapada:
Notoriety, expansion, uncontrolled expansion, persmissiveness, growth to ruin unless restrained, fighting for your soul, the scapegoat, going against society, getting tested, the point of no return.
Things that remind me of Purva Bhadrapada: gangs, famous criminals, laziness, femme fatales, the grotesque, deserts, werewolves, the black sheep.
Uttara Bhadrapada:
Finding grace, hardships, working, inner strength, steeliness, resilience, patience, restraint, contol, self-restraint and self-control, bravery, honesty, stubbornness, fighting for your truth, perfect control, freedom through limitations, seeking a permanent foundation built on truth, working for the foundation, long-term goals, innocence, purity of soul, stillness, refinement.
Things that remind me of Uttara Bhadrapada: butterflies, clouds, baby blue color, Cinderella, warriors, knights, ice, coldness, queens, ice-queen, dragons, water dragons, deep waters, deep sea and its creatures.
Ultimate freedom, creativity, wisdom, gentleness, compassion, guiding, herding, fun, laughter, mischief, lightnness, ease, finding peace, reaching the end, enjoying what you have, contentment, nurturing, open-mindedness, conclusions, gratefulness, freedom and free will, having choices, diversity, finding the truth, true wealth.
Things that remind me of Revati: shepherds, everything easy and light, the tricksters, the fool, jokes, Loki, The Joker, fish, comedy, the movie "A Fish Called Wanda", caring for everyone and everything.
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yzrysiyzrysi · 1 year
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The Young Knives - Barbarians LP
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3027960 · 6 months
gay lil blurb about valeria
you moved to las almas, temporarily at least. as a graduate student studying the differences between greek and mayan city-state politics for your dissertation, travel to mexico was necessary. as a poor student, staying in a town run by the cartel meant a cheap apartment for at least the year you would be there.
but las almas was cute. colorful. not unlike that time you visited the cuban parts of miami. the people, at least those who weren't armed to the teeth with semi-automatic rifles and knives, were generally nice. your spanish was passable, for as long as you'd been studying the mayans. your k'iche was better, but you doubted it be very useful. maybe.
you'd been there a few months, mostly holed up in your studio apartment, making do with packaged tortas from the corner store and boxed mexican juices. and coffee. lots of coffee. the cafe down the street had a wonderful dark roast shipped weekly from guatemala and you had brought your aeropress with you from the US.
it's not like you were avoiding going out. it's just, well, you had a lot of work. writing. researching. editing.
and, honestly, you were worried. a fat girl, all alone, in an unfamiliar town run by the cartel? probably not the best idea to wander out by yourself.
but tonight...tonight you were going out.
there was a small bar down at the end of your street, run by a seemingly friendly older couple whom you'd passed on the way to the corner store. they spoke english, so you were hoping you might convince them to put an american football game on the television. it was a thursday and football season, after all.
you were going for casual, but cute, dressed in a short-sleeved crop top and long pleated skirt, with sturdy boots on your feet. even in mexico, december was a bit chilly, so you brought a chunky sweater just in case.
the bar wasn't crowded, just a few cartel members hanging around with their guns strapped to their back, and a few local men out for drinks after work.
you slipped onto one of the barstools and ordered yourself a beer, a safe choice with your limited knowledge of alcoholic drinks in spanish.
american football didn't make it out here apparently, but you were content to watch the soccer playing on tv. apparently, december was soccer season too. you cheered when others cheered, booed when others booed, and generally felt the tension in your shoulders gradually disappear as you relaxed under the influence of the alcohol.
so, it definitely startled you when you felt a presence settle next to you at the bar. you turned, slightly surprised, your beer bottle halfway to your lips.
and the woman next to you...god.
she was beautiful. thick brows. full lips. strong nose. tan skin.
you felt yourself blush under her attention.
oh, she was saying something to you.
you shook yourself, giving her a dumb stare. she chuckled.
"where are you from? i haven't seen you before?"
even her voice was pretty, accented and strong.
"i..uh..i'm from the US. i'm here to study the mayans."
"the mayans, huh? smart girl"
you blushed harder under her attention, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. you noticed you had turned your stool towards her, as she leaned her elbow on the bar, face resting on her palm. she smiled as she noticed your unabashed attention.
"what is your name, bonita?"
you gave her your name, fiddling with the lip of your beer bottle, eyes gazing away from her intense attention.
"maybe i could take you on a walk sometime? explore las almas?"
you stuttered over your breath, blinking rapidly at her. it felt like the heat of her stare could singe your cheeks. her attention was addictive, like the cigarette habit you'd been trying to kick for years.
you heard yourself agree. enthusiastically, actually. in your head you were screaming at yourself. don't seem so desperate!
you agreed to exchange numbers, handing over your busted iphone with spiderweb cracks littering the edges. listen, your grad school stipend didn't allow for many indulgences.
she handed your phone back, her fingers lingering over your palm. they felt calloused, hardened from use. the polar opposite of your soft, round palm, used to typing and turning pages in books.
she left shortly after, leaving you reeling for the rest of the night.
you climbed into your shitty twin bed, feeling the heat of her stare heating you from the inside.
before you fell asleep to the sound of the coyotes howling outside your window, you felt and heard your phone buzz on the small bedside table.
you turned to look at your phone:
mi niña, it was lovely to meet you tonight - valeria xx
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hey-august · 6 months
[Headcanons] Buggy reacting to you getting piercings
Description: How Buggy reacts to you getting pierced in general and how he reacts to specific types of piercings.
Warnings: Probably NSFW? Mention of genital piercings, but nothing explicit. GN!reader. (Edit: Replaced language that wasn't gender neutral that I missed when first posting - so sorry!!)
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The guy has a few piercings of his own, so he’s supportive of any that you want to get!
Buggy would accompany you to the appointment. He’ll act like it was a last minute decision and he’s only going because you seem too nervous to go alone.
“Look at you, you’re shaking in fear.” “I’m not shaking…and I’m not afraid!” “You’re delirious, I should probably go with you.”
Disconnects his hand so you can squeeze it. Buggy’s not squeamish by any means, but knows better than to get in the way.
He’ll talk the whole time, wanting to keep you distracted. He’ll be quiet if you asked, but not for long.
Tongue piercing(s)
Buggy is pleasantly surprised that you’re getting a tongue piercing. Something about a sorta-hidden piercing really suits you.
Stands behind the piercer so he can make faces at you. He’ll wink and waggle his eyebrows when you stick out your tongue. He’ll also make fun of the face you're making by sticking out his own tongue in an obscene way. You’re glad the piercer can’t see and end up having to look away so you don’t laugh.
Since kissing is off-limits for a few weeks (along with other kinds of oral fun), Buggy decides to get his tongue pierced also. He startles the piercer by popping out his tongue after it’s pierced and acting like the piercer did something wrong.
Nipple piercing(s)
Gives you one of his billowy button down pirate shirts to wear to the appointment. 
He adores how the piercings look and how they enhance your chest (which he already loved enormously).
You picked barbells with spiked ends which kind of remind Buggy of his throwing knives. Which is exactly why you picked that jewelry to start with.
Since these have a pretty long healing period, Buggy also lets you raid his personal closet and the costume closet for loose clothing to wear during the healing period. If you don’t find anything suitable or run out of options, he will bend over backwards to get* you more clothes or find a personal seamstress for you.
*Whether he’ll buy or steal the clothing is unknown.
Genital piercing(s)
Buggy is extra comforting because he also has a genital piercing (maybe more than one…)
Also goes out of his way to make sure you have access to comfortable clothes - baggy pants, skirts, dresses, etc. He even offers you his favorite red and white striped boxers. Definitely not because he loves seeing you wear those, no matter what.
Is extra scrutinizing of the piercing studio and the piercer even though you did all the research already.
If you get woozy after it happens, Buggy will comfort you and tell you that you’re so strong. He’ll wait patiently until you feel better.
If you pass out, Buggy would yell at the piercer at first. Thankfully Buggy’s reputation precedes him and the piercer doesn’t take any shit, so he lets Buggy express his misdirected fear before telling him to knock it off.
Ear piercing(s)
Maybe it’s because you’re getting an ear piercing, but this guy could not stop talking the entire time.
He tells you stories about how the crew on the ship he grew up on would pierce their ears with fishing hooks and thread. Buggy offers to take over and pierce you himself. Even though it was a joke, the piercer feels compelled to remind you both about how unhygienic that would be. The response takes Buggy down a notch and he grumbles for a few minutes before moving on to another anecdote.
Since these piercings can have a long healing period, he says you can sleep on him and rest your head on his shoulder. It’s a kind but empty gesture because Buggy moves too much in his sleep for that to work. Still, you won’t turn away a chance to fall asleep while cuddling.
Nose piercing(s)
Buggy is supportive but is in a weird mood until you get the piercing, which you expected. He doesn’t understand why you would do something that would draw attention to your nose.
Afterwards, he’s in awe of how the jewelry enhances your natural looks. Even though it draws attention, it looks great.
When you use the mirror to see how things look, you notice your nose is turning red from the irritation. You make an off-hand comment about how you two match. Behind the scowl on his face, Buggy absolutely melts. He wishes he could have some of the confidence you have.
Other piercings (facial, oral, belly button, dermal, etc)
Buggy is your number one cheerleader no matter what piercing you get. He’ll talk you up beforehand, telling  you what a great idea it is and how flashy you’ll look.
He’ll tell you how the oral / facial piercing(s) suit your smile, especially when the jewelry catches the light and shines.
He finds the belly button piercing so enchanting. The way he looks at it before raking his eyes over your whole body got you blushing hard.
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A/N: If you want to get a piercing, please go to a certified piercer and research the location beforehand. Don't use fishing line or whatever. Be safe! ♡
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amuseoffyre · 9 months
Back on my thinkie horse about the significance of The Little Mermaid within the context of Our Flag Means Death.
TLM has always been a queer story from its very creation. Hans Christian Andersen reportedly wrote it as a kind of love letter to the man he had fallen in love with, but who had went on to marry a woman. Literary critics have suggested the story was a queer allegory all along, a metaphor for queer love in a time when it could not be spoken aloud, and where people had to be silent and watch the people they love marry elsewhere.
Giving this mermaid's story to Ed has been there all along because here he is, putting himself out there, dancing on the proverbial knives for Stede, only to be left behind by the rich boy who goes back to his comphet life.
But this is where the rebirth of TLM comes in: the Disney edition is layered with even more queer allegory. Howard Ashman took the story and made it about more than just the Prince. Here's a story of a character who doesn't fit in the world she was born into, who yearns for something her society considers taboo and dangerous, something out of her reach. She's warned away from that world, told they're a threat and a danger, but she's drawn to them anyway.
This has strong flavours of Ed's entire journey, his yearning to be more than what he had been told both by his mum and the world that they live in. "We're not those kind of people". It doesn't stop him holding on to that scrap of silk, of wanting more, of wanting affection and love and softness and all the things he was told he couldn't have.
There's also this gorgeous essay about the queerness of TLM, especially focused on the inspiration for Ursula, the drag queen Divine, and what it means to have this blatantly queer-coded character standing in opposition to the world Ariel is restricted by.
It also makes a point about the queer act of resistance, of bodily and emotional autonomy and the right to be who you are, regardless of the limitations society tries to constrict you with.
Ed is in his TLM phase proper now. He reverted back to Kraken mode, the extreme version of his piratey self, as a defence mechanism but change is on the horizon. And it's not just because Stede is doing Prince Eric's "I lost her once, I'm not losing her again" thing. It's Ed's journey this time and Stede may be part of it, but he is not the whole of it.
Ed's an A-grade mess right now, but he is still Ed and Blackbeard and all of those other things. He's just lost and hurting and needs time to figure things out.
I also don't doubt he has a hidden little stash where he keeps his precious soft things and dinglehoppers because that's what we do. We package our queerness and softness and tuck it away somewhere safe where no one can find it until we can risk a look at it again. But our mermaid is going to figure things out and work out who he is and who he wants to be and I cannot wait.
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tavyliasin · 5 months
A gift, from Tavylia and the Dear Abdirak fans who made this happen, and of course the star of the show himself~
Hello darlings, dear ones, and sinners all~ This cameo is our gift, for all of us who know pain a little too intimately. Written and joint funded by Abdirak fans and Lia, to provide some measure of comfort. Please, enjoy, know you are heard, you are loved, and you are never alone when enduring the most intense of Loviatar's affections. (And all my gratitude to Declan for making this so very swiftly right before going offline for his holiday)
--- The script, including content there was no space for, and some more notes from Lia, will follow after the cut~ This one is clean, no NSFW content, so feel free to proceed at your leisure. For those new here, please be aware that the majority of my content is around NSFW writing with a few art shares and essays on fandom things. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay even if you're only here for this one video.
About The Script
Even with the additional payment, the maximum character limit in a request is 650. My original draft? 1117. We got out the knives, we cut it up, we boiled it down to the most pertinent line, and still had to defenestrate some of the punctuation. Far be it from me to ever know the meaning of brevity, loves, simply not in my extensive vocabulary. I also cannot thank Declan enough for the stunning performance, both in the game and in the cameo, and for giving us a character who we can relate to and adore in so many unexpected ways.
The Script We Sent
[greeting] Loviatar Maiden of Pain felt the echo of your pain singing through infinite realities. In her mercy, she has allowed us to speak. Agony is a cloak that you wear, armour you cannot remove, it is as bound to you as the guilt you feel for its very presence. I might envy you, but you did not choose this path. Your penitence is unnecessary. Let go, dear one, do not punish yourself further. The ebb and flow of exquisite torment, the rise & fall of the tides, you need not try so hard to swim. Breathe. Whether it is of the flesh or mind, your devotions have been heard. [reminder to share burdens/rely on each other/not alone/anything else]
The Original Draft Script
Greetings, Dear Ones, beloved of Loviatar - perhaps too beloved, in your case… Your pain sang through the fabric of the planes of infinite realities, catching and pulling at the Weave like a loose thread. My Goddess, the Maiden of Pain, she felt your echo through her web. Through her mercy, she has allowed me to speak with you. Agony is a cloak that you wear, an armour you cannot remove, it is as bound to you as the guilt you feel for its very presence. I might envy you…but you did not choose this path. Your penitence is not necessary. Let it go, dear one, do not punish yourself further. The ebb and flow of exquisite torment, the rise and fall of the tides, you need not try so hard to swim through them all. Breathe, keep your head above the water. Whether it is of the flesh or of the mind, your devotions have been heard by our most beloved Maiden of Pain. You endure it well, and you are not alone. There are other voices that sing her melody, listen for them, share your burdens and know you are all very dearly loved by the most gracious Loviatar. Even if her affections are a little excessive…
Lia's Notes And Thanks
First of all, a HUGE thank you to the dear ones who helped this happen, with encouragement, editing advice, and throwing some pennies in the pot to cover the cost I couldn't do alone. I shan't name names but you are already well aware of the endless affection I hold for you all. For everyone else, I really do hope this brings you some measure of comfort. It's important to recognise how much we tend to give of ourselves even when we suffer most, and how harsh we can be towards ourselves too.
You are not a burden, having needs is normal and natural, the people who matter most should be there to support you just as you would wish to be there to support them were your roles reversed.
We can rely on each other to a degree, even if it is just to listen, to say "I understand, it's alright to feel all of the things you are feeling. You do not have to be strong, you do not have to wear that mask of endurance with me." So do let go of that guilt, dear one, it does not serve you. If you would like to read more of a discussion on chronic pain, Abdirak, fandom, please see the main essay on the topic (click here) though be aware there is discussion of the more spicy topic of how pleasure and pain can be entwined, even for those of us who feel too much pain in our every day.
Tavylia's Offer
I'm going to round this one off with a simple offer to you all. Should you wish for words of comfort from a beloved character (probably BG3 but if I know the character well enough I can try others), send them to my ask box, or on Discord/Twitter/Anything on my Carrd. This is what I have worked on before, mostly SFW (only some light suggestive moments) as the focus is on comfort to the reader.
Abdirak - Migraine Comfort Yurgir - Migraine Comfort Tav - General Comfort, with Audio Multi-Character Comfort Drabbles (Including Abdirak)
If my little words can bring you any measure of comfort or relief, you need only ask.
Farewell for now, Dear Ones, darlings, loves, Pain Pals, - all of you. Please take care of yourselves - hydrate, nourish, and for the sake of the gods please allow yourself some rest and be kind to yourself for a change. And I do mean all of you. No exceptions, now. Love yourself with grace and forgiveness, care for yourself as if you were the most precious friend you have ever made. I hope to see you all very soon~
May Loviatar's blessings be more merciful. ~ Lia
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greetingfromthedead · 1 month
Plantheat (Knives x F!Reader)
Plot: Knives calls on you, a scientist whose interests in him are beyond just scientific, to him with the offer to help him get rid of his undesired affliction plaguing him once a year. Ensues a power play and a lot of rutting.
Series: None (oneshot)
Pairing: Knives x F!Reader
Raiting: NSFW!! 18+!! R!! Explicit!! Minors DNI
Tags: no use of y/n, plantheat, rutting, pwp, smut, light BDSM, dom Knives, cum kink ig, vaginal fingering, blowjob, p in v sex, copious amount of cum, rough sex, aphrodisiac, some spanking, attempted brat taming, orgasm denial, orgasm control, orgasm delay, multiple orgasms, monster sex, feathered Knives
Word count: 5.8k
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Author's Note: I swear, next time I get such dirty thoughts, I'll just go take a cold shower. This had to be heavily edited. And again... If you know me, no you don't.
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You wonder what he could want from you. While working on different projects with the Sinners, you had close contact with Millions Knives, but you were just a lackey under Conrad's supervision. You barely ever talked to the Independent Plant outside your work; you only ever stole glances at the handsome man, your interest going beyond the scientific. But still, he acted like you weren't there at all. So what is going on now?
The request you received has brought you to a part of the Plant carrier you haven't been to before. To your limited knowledge, there should be some living quarters here, but as you cautiously explore, you realize that this area seems completely abandoned. Not a single living soul has crossed your path; the corridor is empty, with only your footsteps echoing off the metal walls. You double-check the room number next to the sliding door and confirm that this is indeed the place. An unassuming entryway far away from the commonly used areas.
"Come in," a familiar, cold voice calls from within before you even have a chance to knock.
You hesitate for a moment before pushing the button that would open the door. The room beyond is dimly lit but much larger than you expected. You step inside and scan over it quickly. It must have been a common area a long time ago for crew to sit together or used as a workroom, but now it is furnished as a living space. It has a table with chairs, a bed, and a vanity with a mirror hanging over it. It's not much, but it could be considered luxurious by many standards, especially if you take into account the quality and materials of the things in the room.
"You called for me, Master Knives?" you state as your eyes stop on who is probably the most dangerous man on the planet. The door closes behind you, leaving you completely alone with him and with no quick escape route.
"I did." He says as he starts coming closer. "You're an ambitious woman, and you have proven yourself both dependable and capable. How would you like a project of your own?"
"And what would that be?" you ask without hesitation as he stops in front of you. A strong, sweet smell stings your nose with every breath. It makes your stomach tingle.
"You see, once a year I am plagued by a very undesirable condition. I need to have something done about it. A cure if you will." His face is still stoic and unreadable.
His words remind you of a rumor you heard a while ago but paid no mind to. You look closer at his face in the dim light and realize he is paler than usual, and a shine appears on his skin. Your first instinct would be to guess that he has a fever, but the sickeningly sweet smell causing your belly to tighten hints at something else. Your eyes trail down his body to his crotch, where you notice a bulge that's usually not so prominently there.
"Master Knives, I'm a scientist, not a common whore. What are you asking of me?" You try to remain calm and steady, not letting on the desires building inside you. But the heat between your legs is undeniable.
"I am asking for the quickest fix to my predicament that you can offer." He leans closer, his fingertips tracing your jawline.
You turn your head, facing away from him, before you speak. "There's a pleasure district deep within the bowels of this city. I'm sure you will find a quick fix there. If you wanted me to create a cure, you should have given me more time. But as it stands, there's nothing I can do for you now."
"Isn't there? I didn't ask for a common whore. I asked for a brilliant scientist. One who has been keeping a very close eye on me for a while." His last words are accompanied by a slightly amused chuckle. "Aren't you curious?"
You look back at his face; your head is still mostly turned away. It is true that if the rumors of Plants being in heat are true, you are more than fascinated by that phenomenon. But even without him asking such lewdity from you, it would be a lie to say that you haven't imagined him naked before. The arousal in you makes it hard to think clearly, but you keep your guard forcefully up as you turn towards him again and lean closer.
"Scientifically speaking, I am."
"Of course. Nothing more to it." Knives says, his breath carrying more of the sweet scent to you, making your pussy clamp on nothing. His face is so close to yours, and his fingers are still touching your jaw. He is disarming in his beauty, and you lean closer, your lips parting, expecting him to meet you halfway. But he pulls back suddenly, a devilish smile playing on his lips.
"If that's how it's going to be, then I am leaving!" You sound more agitated than you intended as you try to step away from him. Knives grabs the small of your back and pulls you flush against him. Your arms are squeezed between your chests as you lean away.
"You will need to beg me for that kiss," he says with absolute neutrality and coldness on his face. You push against his chest, feeling your heart race faster.
"I don't beg!" You say angrily, and you see the hand that had traced down your neck go to his face. He traces his thumb over his mouth, only to then touch it to your lower lip. The dampness of his touch is barely there as you let your tongue swipe over where his thumb had been. The same sweetness strikes your senses, and you realize it's a powerful aphrodisiac. Even that little bit sends a shiver down your spine and makes your body ache for more. You want to feel his touch all over you. What would his kiss do to you?
His eyes darken with desire as he sees the realization on your face. You can't help but lean in closer, craving the inevitable rush of pleasure that awaits, but his face goes past yours. His lips find your neck, leaving toothy kisses behind, almost like threatening to rip your throat out or wanting to eat you alive. You shudder with a mixture of lust and excitement at his touch, his body pressing against yours.
You want to hold on to your pride and walk away, ignoring his dirty request, but his touch is too intoxicating, drawing you in further. Is it the desire you felt for him long before, or is it just the pheromones in the air? The answer is buried somewhere in the depths of your conflicted head. There is the curiosity too. This kind of opportunity does not present itself to everybody and every time. If he has you make a cure, then this might be your only chance to study it this closely. Your mind is so filled with thoughts and desires, you don't even fully realize how his hands run over your body, one gripping your ass tightly, the other pulling you closer, his mouth still firmly on your skin. It's your body that reacts, entangling your fingers in his hair and digging your nails into his shoulderblade as you let out a moan.
This man is wicked; you should walk away while you still can, but his touch is so delicious, and the bulge pressing against your leg promises a pleasure you can't resist. You know you should be cautious, but the temptation is too strong to ignore. You feel his fingers creep between your legs, pressing into the soft fabric of your pants. You want his lips on yours, his breath mingling with yours. You know it's wrong, but you can't help but give in to the desire. You don't resist in any way as he turns you around, his muscular arms wrapping around your torso, his lips touching behind your ear.
"Beg." Knives says quietly as his hand trails down, pressing into the supple flesh of your pussy through the fabrics. You feel the slick between your folds, and you're sure he can feel the wetness too.
"I have no reason to beg," you reply breathlessly, trying to keep your wits about you. It's not about denying him anymore; you're past the point of no return. Now you just want to keep some of your dignity about you while making as many observations for your research as possible. But the fog creeping into your head makes it hard. You take his hand from your bits and pull up the tunic with the other to slide his fingers into your underwear. A tremor of pleasure runs through you as he accepts your invitation. His body shifts slightly as he goes further down, his long fingers exploring your sopping lips with a slow and deliberate touch. He plays you like a virtuoso, his fingers circling your clit with just the right amount of pressure. You're in heaven as you lean backwards into him. He continues to tease and pleasure you, his free hand firmly kneading your breast. You feel his cock digging into you as you press further back, your hips involuntarily twitching at the sensation of his fingers. Your eyes roll back into your head as you are about to lose yourself in your ecstasy, but suddenly his fingers are gone. Instead, both of his hands grab your hips as he pushes you forward.
"What the?!" you studder out in your irritation as he makes you walk to the vanity. Your cunt aches with the denied orgasm and leaves you out of breath and desparate for the release.
His hands move to take the edge of your tunic and the longer sleeved shirt underneath; you don't fight him as he pulls them over your head, leaving you with your underwear. His fingers trace the outline of your body as he looks at your reflection in the mirror. You can feel his gaze burning into your skin as his fingers reach your pants. His hands push them down with your panties in tow, revealing your bare skin. You shiver, not because of the cold but because of the intense desire coursing through your body. Your inner thighs are wet, and you step out of the clothes, pushing off your shoes as you do so.
"Get on the bench and spread your legs," he commands, his voice low and husky.
You couldn't help but obey him, putting one knee after the other on the cushion and parting your legs as he instructed. You lean your elbows on the vanity before you and look into the mirror to see him step just a bit to the side of you. His hand glides up your thigh, teasingly close to where you need him most. Your breath is shaky as you anticipate his next move. His eyes stay on yours as his hand glides over your pussy, fingers running through the slick and sending a jolt of electricity through your entire body. His touch is like fire, igniting a passion that consumes you completely. He teases with a gentle touch alone before delving deeper, his fingers circling your entrance. You arch your back, yearning for more.
"Beg. I know you want more. I can feel it. You're dripping."
"Go to hell." You say accompanied by a moan as he brushes through your pussy again.
"I'm already there." Knives replies and plunges a finger inside you. It is quickly followed by another as he begins to move them in and out, fulfilling your desire for more. His other hand slaps you hard on the ass, causing you to cry out in pleasure. His hooked fingers tease every sensitive spot inside you, bringing you closer to the brink of ecstasy you were denied before.
"Do you think I am stupid?" you manage to formulate between your heavy breaths.
"Not at all." His one hand continues to pump into you while the other presses on your lower back, making you stick your ass up more. "In fact, I think quite the opposite."
"Then why do you think I don't realize what you're doing?" You struggle to keep your eyes open to look at his reflection while he keeps you on the edge. "You're smitten with me. That's why you called for me, and now you tell yourself you need to play this game of power to keep up appearances. You want me to beg for it because you don't want to admit that you desire me, a mere human. Admit it."
The end of your speech is nearly swallowed up by another moan, as Knives never stopped fingering your cunt, masterfully keeping you on the edge of bliss where you want nothing more than release. You are desparate for him; you want him all over your body; you want to unwrap that cock of his and feel him inside you until you both explode in ecstasy. Is that your desire or the pheromones? You still don't quite know, but the sweet smell is maddening as the coil within you tightens further.
"Almost." Knives speaks calmly as his free hand pulls on your hair. "I want you to want it."
He pulls his fingers from you, leaving you whimpering in frustration as he releases you. You ache for more, desperate for release. You're about to finish the job yourself when you fully realize what he meant. He gave you a small taste of the aphrodisiac; any more of it will turn your brain into a horny mush. But that sounds great right about now.
You look into his eyes a moment longer, feeling your juices drip down your thighs. You can't help but smile mischievously as you teasingly step off the stool and turn to face Knives. You can't quite read his expression, but now you can see the sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead, and he looks worse than before. He is in heat, yet he teases you with nothing in return. You step closer to him.
"You really should be the one begging me." You grab his face and pull him towards yourself, taking him in a moment of surprise. You kiss him, tasting the sweetness on his lips. It quickly turns deeper and more desperate as you both lose yourselves in the heat of the moment. You want more of the sweetness, and he wants more of you.
You need him. You need him to fuck the life out of you. You need him to fill you to the brim. That's all that's left in your head. Please him. Make him happy; make him come again and again. Be his plaything, anything he desires. To be used by him is your purpose, and you crave it more than anything else in the world.
His lips rip from yours and whisper into your ear, "Go play by yourself for a moment, but don't you dare come. Be a good girl."
"Yes, Master Knives." You moan softly into his ear as you step backwards to sit on the stool, leaning your back against the edge of the vanity as you teasingly run your hands over your legs before spreading them apart, revealing your core for him to marvel at. The room is silent except for the sound of your heavy breathing and your fingers stroking your pussy, occasionally giving it little wet slaps. Your head lulls back as you moan at your own touch, the pleasure building with each movement as he has already made you overly sensitive. You can feel yourself on the brink of an intense orgasm, but deny it to yourself, as Knives requested. You need to hold off until he gives it to you, and you would do anything to make him happy.
The air is filled with your moans and the intense, sweet smell of Plant pheromones. The desire for the fingers in your cunt to be his cock instead is unbearable. You arch your back, widening the gap between your knees further. If he doesn't make a move soon, you might just have to take matters into your own hands. Your voice gets whinier and more pleading as you edge yourself, finally having to take your hand away and grip the edge of the stool so you wouldn't come.
"Master Knives," you plead with your head still rolled back. That's when you hear steps. You look to see him in all his glory before you. His wide shoulders and broad chest, his pale skin tight over his toned muscles, and the cock of a god erect right in front of you.
Your hand reaches out to touch him, to stroke the legth of him, but he grabs your wrist instead, pulling you up to your feet and, from there, into his arms like it were nothing. His embrace is firm as he holds you off the ground, one arm under your back, the other holding your thighs. You take the opportunity to grab his face and kiss him again, your tongues sweeping against each other, spreading the sweet taste. You feel his fingers digging into your flesh as he turns and walks forward, not breaking away from you. The world around you fades away as you are consumed by the intensity of the moment. His movements are a lot rougher as he kicks away a chair before putting you on the table. You're on your side, facing away from him, but as you try to adjust, his large hand presses into your hip. You prop yourself up on your elbow to look at him. You lick your lips for the remnants of his saliva as he hungrily measures your body. His eyes are full of desire, and as his fingers grip your hip tighter, he takes his cock to gide it through your wet folds. He picks up some of the slick and smears it together with his pre-cum on himself with slow jerking motions. The anticipation of what's to come is almost intolerable, and you bite down on your lip. He slides the tip between your lips, causing you to gasp with pleasure. You're so wet, he simply slides into you with ease as you stretch to his girth. You're overwhelmed with a mixture of pleasure and pain, feeling completely consumed by him. His expression is almost animalistic as he grabs your hip with both hands and pulls you into him with every rough thrust, causing you to quake in ecstasy. He is unable to hold back anymore while surrounded by your tight cunt. The pace of his slamming into you is relentless. You moan loudly with pleasure and pain as he ruts into you with wild abandon, completely consumed by the pleasure. Your body trembles with each powerful thrust as the intense sensation of friction threatens to bring tears to your eyes.
Knives's moans and groans are music to your ears; he shakes your whole body and the table with it as his cock moves in and out of you. You're so wet from your arousal, each thrust makes a sopping slap against your skin. He lays into you, balls deep, and the denied orgasms combine into one with his motions. Your voice goes higher, moans escaping you with every breath as he pushes you over the edge of climax. You can feel the tension building inside you until, finally, the coil snaps and you explode with pleasure. You are left panting as he keeps the same rhythmic pace, prolonging the euphoria. Your walls clamp down around him like a pulse, and it makes him bare his teeth. His pace hastens further, and it completely breaks the coil within you. You moan out together as another orgasm washes over you before you could even come down from the first. Your pussy brings him momentary bliss as he busts inside you, filling you with warm seed. He looks so desparate as he pumps into you a few more times. He grabs your face with one of his hands, like wanting to pull you closer, but that's not an option in your current position without folding you unnaturally. You place your hand on his arm, feeling a strange prickling under your touch as you stroke upward to take his wrist and adjust his hand so you could suck on his finger that still tastes of you. You moan as you move your lips up and down his finger. The satisfaction has disappeared again. You want more. More of him all over you, more pleasure for him. The aphrodisiac drives you crazy; you crave its taste in your mouth. You can't resist the desire to have him inside you.
He pulls out of you, still as hard as before, and you spill over. He takes his hand from your grip and pushes you further onto the table before pulling you onto your back. You're surprised by his rough handling of your body, but ultimately feel excitement to be used. He pulls your shoulders to the edge of the table so you are left looking up at him, but only as long as you keep your neck stiff as your head hangs off the edge. A wicked grip appears on your face as you realize his intentions.
You let your head fall back and tangle over the edge. One of his hands grabs hold of your head, supporting the weight and making it easier on your neck. Or perhaps he did it to keep you in place. You aren't sure, and you don't care as your hand reaches over to grab his cock. You squeeze him, feeling the heat and hardness in your palm, and it sends another wave of pleasure through your body, your pussy clenching tight, some more of his cum spilling out.
You jerk him a few times before being unable to resist and taking him into your mouth. It tastes sweet like his kiss, and you enjoy the feeling of him throbbing against your tongue as you struggle to take him deeper. Your jaw hurts to open so wide, and tears spill into your eyes as he pushes further into your throat. You feel a mix of pleasure and discomfort as he thrusts deeper, your gag reflex kicking in, but you push through it, wanting to please him. The sounds of his moans and heavy breathing only fuel your desire to continue. You lift your lower body up to make the angle easier on him as he slowly thrusts into you as far as he can. His hand pushes aside your bra to squeeze your breasts, which bounce with each of his shallow strokes. Your body quivers with pleasure, happy to serve him even as the moans occasionally turn into wimpers. You can feel his impatience through his fingers, which put more pressure on your hair and flesh. He pulls away, strands of saliva connecting your mouth to his cock before the release of pressure makes you cough. As his hands let go of you, the panic within you raises. Quickly, you turn to be on your hands and knees and crawl closer.
"Master, I will do better. Let me do better." You plead as you look into his irritated face, the aphrodisiac coursing through your blood. "I promise I will try harder. I will suck you dry if you let me try again. Please let me; I beg of you."
"Get up," he says shortly, and you take it as a sign of hope, quickly getting your feet on the floor again and going closer to him. "I need your cunt to satisfy me."
"Yes! Master Knives, anything! As long as I can be of use to you, I will do whatever you command; just bless me with your seed, please." You are nearly breathless as you reach out your hand to run over his body. He is sweaty, and his skin feels strange—not at all smooth, but rough and bumpy.
"Stop wasting my time." He says it in a low voice. It's not the conserved and cold voice that could speak of violence like others talk about the weather. He sounds on edge, with no guard beside his words themselves to speak of. It moves through your body like the growl of a stray dog.
You pull your hand away from him, eyes scanning over the room, and go to the bed while pulling off your bra, leaving you naked as you stand by the bedpost, fingers running over the ribs of it. He is dissatisfied with you. This is unacceptable. You take a wide stance a few steps from the post and lean forward, holding on to the furniture as your ass sticks out.
"Then punish me or take what you want. Fuck me or snap my neck, Master Knives. Whatever pleases you." You tremble as you wait for his response, hoping he would choose pleasure over death but not minding either if it means he is satisfied.
"To think you made this worse," his low voice says as you hear him approach. You feel a sharp pain as his hand slaps your ass and then again, making you whimper and grab the bedpost tighter. Expecting more rough spanks, you brace yourself for what's to come, but instead feel his length rub between your legs, savoring the wetness before he enters you. His large hands grab your hips tightly as he pulls you closer, driving himself deeper inside you.
"Yes! Thank you!" You moan in pleasure, feeling every inch of him filling you up. His pace quickens, with each thrust sending waves of pleasure through your body. You can't help but arch your back, meeting his movements with equal intensity, lost in the ecstasy of the moment. Your hands grip the post as you surrender to the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body. The room fills with the sounds of your shared passion, creating a symphony of desire that echoes off the walls. His grunts still sound impatient as he ruts into you again, your walls clamping down on him with each thrust.
You rock on your feet while he pulls you roughly into himself time and time again. Holding on to the bedpost is the only thing keeping you in place; otherwise, his thrusts might just throw you off balance onto the floor. You try to keep up with his pace, feeling the intensity building inside you with each movement. He slams into you with all his length, and you can't help but moan in pleasure and pain as he grinds into the end of your well. His hands grip your hips tightly, guiding you to meet his movements with equal force. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, heightening the raw passion between you both. The fog clouding your senses gets thicker until there is nothing left of you but your pussy that he ruts into, an electric tingling feeling creeping up your guts. He releases before you, and your sense of self only slips further out of reach. The feeling of having him come into you again fills you with bliss, even without reaching your climax.
He does not slow down, continuing to push deeper and harder. His primal desire drives him to take you to the edge of pleasure, his movements becoming more urgent and intense. The overwhelming sensation of being completely consumed by him leaves you breathless and craving more. You reach one hand down your body to your pussy, feeling the mix of your juices and his cum under your palm. It drips down your thighs and over to your stomach. You close your eyes and let out a satisfied moan, feeling completely lost in the moment as your fingers rub your clit. His powerful thrusts hit all the right spots while you touch yourself, sending waves of ecstasy through your body. The intense pleasure builds and builds until you can't hold back any longer, finally succumbing to a mind-blowing orgasm. The pulsing walls of your cunt send him over the edge again, and you feel a wave of ecstasy wash over you, leading you both into a state of pure euphoria. The connection between your bodies intensifies, leaving you both lost in the moment of raw passion and desire.
You have to grab hold of the bedpost again as his movements become even more intense, bouncing your whole body with each thrust. Your breath hitches in your throat, and the feeling of ecstasy overwhelms you completely as the bliss of his releases and your own orgasms mix into an intoxicating cocktail of pleasure that leaves you breathless. The intensity of the moment lingers as his primal groans fill the room, echoing in your ears and sending shivers down your spine. Your legs shake as he does not stop. Your body quivers in ecstasy, moans turning into wimpers as the overwhelming feelings of pleasure and arousal turn into torture. Tears well in your eyes as he shows no sign of mercy. You look down to your feet to see the creamy puddle on the floor, more liquid dripping down with each of his thrusts.
Somewhere in a far corner of your mind there is the fleeting thought of needing to pay attention and take notes for your research, but those are quickly erased as your whole belly tingles. He has pumped you so full that it feels like you might burst. Your mind is too foggy to tell if he is chased by one orgasm after the other or if he has gone past that need and is able to bust just with each thrust of his relentless hips.
"Master Knives, please!" You beg, your voice coming out in a hoarse whisper as he pounds into you with an intensity that threatens to break you in two. Instead of a reply, he hits you with a quick, sharp slap on your ass. "Master, I can't take it anymore! Please! I'll burst!"
The whimpers in your throat cut off any other words as another intense orgasm washes over your being, your overstimulated body pulsing with pleasure and the need to escape the pressure building within. Unable to wait for his mercy, you lean forward, pulling away from him until his cock is no longer inside you. With a yelp of pleasure, you hear his cum splatter on the ground as it escapes you in bursts. You sigh in relief; the tension is finally released, but the low noise, sounding like a growl behind you, snaps you out of the bliss, and you turn around quickly. A monstrosity stands there, staring at you with hungry eyes. It takes a moment to realize the figure is your master; his chest and shoulders are covered in small feathers, and from his back stretch out large wings. From a quick glance, there seem to be at least two pairs of feathery extremities, but your attention is drawn back to his face, where his lips bare his teeth, the fangs glistening in the dim light of the room. His skin is even paler and sweatier than before.
For a moment, pure fear grasps your heart, and you nearly slip as you back away, quickly hitting the bed. You stumble and fall on the mattress, eyes wide with terror, as you push yourself further onto it to get away. The fear is quickly dulled by fascination and desire as your mind settles. Knives steps closer, his knees leaning on the bed, as he looks like a feral beast hunting his prey. The large wings brush against the bedposts as he leans closer. Instinct forces you to maneuver further away, but as you're ready to push away with your feet, his long fingers capture your ankles to yank you closer. He lunges forward with the same motion, and you find yourself pinned underneath his massive figure. His hot breath on your face fills your nose with the sweet smell that makes your head spin with desire. Your legs spread to either side of him as you feel his weight pressing down on you. Knives's lips crash on yours, sweeping you away into a world of passion and ecstasy again. His tongue swipes through your mouth, and you revel in the sweetness of the aphrodisiac. Your bodies are entangled in a tango of lust as you feel him adjust to press his cock back into you. The pleasure intensifies, sending you spiraling into a whirlwind of desire. One of his hands cups your cheek, the tips of his fingers digging into your temple as his lips dance with yours. His other hand traces up your side as his hips rock against yours, creating a rhythm that matches the pounding of your heart. Your arms wrap around him, and your hands feel the roughness of his skin where the soft feathers grow out. You close your eyes, lost in the intoxicating sensation of his touch, and your hands find their way up his back, feeling the tension in his muscles as he thrusts into you. You finally grab the bases of his wings, gripping tightly as you ride the euphoric wave of pleasure and moan into his open mouth.
The frantic beast lets out a primal growl, his movements becoming more urgent and desperate as he loses himself in the heat of the moment. The connection between you two intensifies, sending shivers down your spine as you both reach the peak of ecstasy together. It's like you're constantly on edge of release with him, the aphrodisiac in control of every nerve in your body. You never want this feeling to end.
You release one hand to try and push yourself up, and to your surprise, Knives complies. His lips leave yours as he sits up more, pulling you with him until you're straddling his hips, never breaking eye contact while your bodies remain connected by his cock in you. He moves his hands down to grip your hips firmly, guiding your movements as you ride him. His hands slamming you down harder onto him, the intensity of the pleasure building with each thrust. The feral look in his eyes dissipates, replaced by a different wildness, showing how much he is enjoying the moment. Your hands are propped on his shoulders, digging into the layer of feathers that cover his skin. His hungry mouth finds your neck again, and you can't help but moan as your head rolls back. Your breath hitches in your throat as he continues to ravage you with his passion.
You take him to a world of relief in many ways, in many positions, letting him rut out his frustrations and needs into you even as all you manage in your exhaustion is to lay beneath him and let him have his way with you. He leaves your body aching and spent, with a lingering yearning you know nobody but him can satisfy.
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Did you like this? Go check out my MASTERLIST (most of my other stuff is a lot more tame, except for the Vash Plantheat oneshot) and drop a follow for any and all future projects!
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jehilew · 5 months
Ship Ask Game: Sahejul edition
Who would ask “would you still love me if I was a worm?” and how would the other(s) respond?
Julia: Would you still love me if I was a worm?
Sahed: Why a worm?
Julia: I—what? Does it matter?? Why not a worm?
Sahed: What if you were a dragon instead? I mean, I could probably figure out a way to change you into one with a shapeshifting seal—
Julia: …but I said worm. You wouldn’t love me if I was a worm?
Sahed: I didn’t say that. But think big, Julia; they’re kinda the same thing, only the dragons have wings, and legs, and fire, yeah? Teeth, too. Great for chewing food.
Julia: *narrows eyes* Fine. I’ll be a dragon instead. And then I’ll eat you with my great chewing teeth.
Sahed: I mean, I’d eat me, too, were I you. I know I’d eat you—
Julia: BUT WOULD YOU IF I WAS A GODDAMN WORM?? BECAUSE THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT HERE—you know what, I quit. I’m going back to my quarters—
Sahed: *laughing softly, grabbing her back and holding tight* Nooooooo such a cute little worm! Staaaaaaaaaay. *kisses top of head* Mine. My Juliworm—
Julia: STOPPPPP!!! I can’t stand you, you said—!
Sahed: *louder, talking over her* THE MOST FEROCIOUS JULIWORM, did he, the great Sahed, manage to capture again, and bring to his lair, where he gobbled her up *playful bite in her neck*—
Julia: *squirming* I’m serious, stop it, that tickles—
Sahed: —I SAID…where he gobbled her up alllllllll the way down *bites again* and when she DEMANDED to know if he loved her, he said “OF COURSE, JULIWORM, I LOVE ONLY THE WORM I EAT, AND I EAT YOU ALL THE TIME—
Julia: *grabs his face and shuts him up with kiss* You know, you really could have just said ‘yes’.
Who comes up with the best date night ideas?
Depends. Are we talking reasonable or unreasonable date night ideas? Because I feel like they’re both romantics at heart, but Sahed would have great ideas that were very spontaneous and not thought out at all (these might go swimmingly or flop tbh), and then he would have ‘great’ ideas, and they just…well, Julia will never be bored with him, I’ll just say that. Julia, on the other hand, she would put full care and effort into planning something, and it would go smoothly. Either way, those two have fun and complement each other well.
Who’s better at carnival games?
Oh, Julia. Girl has freakishly good aim, we’ve seen what she can do with knives. In a sneakier sort of way (okay, stealing), Sahed. I feel like he could make a great thief if he set his mind to it.
Who drags the other(s) onto a rollercoaster?
Sahed. Definitely. Without doubt.
Who does the most chores?
Toss-up. I hc that both do chores about equally. The big difference is, Julia just isn’t all that messy to begin with. Sahed…he gets messy. Quickly. But he’s not a complete animal, he will clean up after himself.
Who gets drunk the quickest?
I feel they’re both lightweights tbh. Sahed just doesn’t strike me as a drinker, anyway, and I just feel it in my heart that he can’t hold his booze well when he does partake. But Julia probably; I doubt she’s so much as sniffed a drink her whole life before the circus. She doesn’t know her limits.
Who watches the most reality tv?
Julia. She could watch it all day long. Sahed is probably the type that has the tv on all day, but he’s mindlessly hearing it while doing other shit.
Who insists their way is better even though it’s objectively the worst way?
Ooh, they’re both ridiculous. Okay, so probably Sahed. Because we historically, canonically have him thinking he has great ideas, and they’re…just not. But the guy is charismatic, charming, and hot as hell, so he cons people into getting into stupid plans with him. Julia isn’t any of those things other than being just as cute and pretty as can be, but Jesus, she’s stubborn, and she’ll argue and yell and holler about it forever.
Who believes in ghosts?
Both of them do. Hell, they have been ghosts before. They’re both dead. He sees spirits all the time with his third eye.
Who texts the most memes to the other(s)?
Sahed. All. Day. Long.
Who makes the most typos/autocorrect mistakes?
Sahed. He gets in a hurry or is distracted by something, and will leave out a word/group of words kind of important to the sentence, and not realize it before hitting send (he never reads his message before sending).
Who’s a more nervous flyer?
Initially? Julia. She’s never done it before, and things perceived as risky scare her. But after her first flight? She’s fine. Loves the view. Sahed, meanwhile, hates turbulence. He’s already uncomfortable on a plane, as he can’t stretch out his legs and he’s all cramped up, and turbulence makes it worse. He gets cranky and grips the armrests with every bit of turbulence. Julia just pats his hand, gives him a Benadryl, and tells him it’s nap time.
If they have matching pfps, are they cute, funny, weird, etc?
Oh, they're cute/funny/flirty, definitely. 
Who’s better at writing professional emails?
Oof. They’re both good at it. Difference is, Sahed most of the time doesn’t give a fuck, and won’t bother with emails. Julia will take her time and carefully proof her email before hitting send to ensure that it conveys the right tone, verbiage, and succinctness.
Who steals the other(s)’ food?
Sahed, because he’s an ass. To be fair, he does offer his food to Julia, and wouldn’t be irritated if she sampled off his plate, but she never does. She ordered what she ordered, and that’s what she wanted, so leave her plate alone!
Who’s more willing to commit murder for the other(s)?
Oh, I think they’re equal there. I mean, Julia tried to kill Tonny out of necessity for her own life as well as Kamille’s. I’m not convinced she didn’t have Sahed in mind too when she did it. And we already know through implied admission that Sahed has killed someone before, and he’d literally offered to kill Tonny for her so that she wouldn’t have to. So…yeah. Equal.
Their child is chanting “McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!”, who says they have food at home, joins the chant, or buys a single black coffee and leaves?
Sahed says they have food at home. Julia joins the chant—she wasn’t allowed to eat out ever in Kalgratt. Sahed would buy the coffee and leave just to be a butthole, but I feel like he wouldn’t do that unless it was a tease, and he was going to let the wife and kid ‘talk him into going back’ or whatever.
Who uses more slang?
I feel like Sahed just by default. He’s been listening to people coming and going to shows over and over and over again over the decades, so he’s heard more.
Who uses emoticons?
Sahed. Julia is very straight to the point with texts. Plus, I feel like she would just call anyway. She likes the sound of his voice 🥰
Who would absolutely slay at the met gala?
Julia. She’s got Kamille helping her out and sewing her clothes. As for Sahed…we all saw what Kamille did to him. 🤣
Technically, this was supposed to be a post and wait on people to ask, but I'm not built for waiting, so here you are with answers nobody asked for. Enjoy!
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and for a moment all was soft and quiet
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(Close-ups and a thumbnail sketch and a process pic)
Wanted to sketch and paint something of what I imagine a pocket dimension Hypno can access through his hat and jacket looks like
This is where he keeps his rabbits and doves in my headcanon :]
Drew some New Zealand plants including: pōhutukawa trees, a kauri tree, and rārahu (ferns). There’s also bioluminescent mushrooms (not based on a specific species).
There’s stars reflected in the water but not in the sky. The water doesn’t always reflect what is visible. It can reflect the past or inner realities or illusions. Might want to play around with that idea if I draw this place again.
(Keep reading for some ramblings about Hypno’s powers)
some headcanons, mostly about Hypno's powers
-- Hypno can use his mystic powers to recreate any magic trick from his old routines. Basically anything he could do with magic tricks (that he still remembers how to do), he can now do for real and sometimes at a grander scale. (For example: he could make small animals and objects disappear into his hats, now he can make people and buildings disappear into his hats and they would end up in his pocket dimension.) He could also add more to his repertoire if he learns how to do the magic trick practically first.
Judging by what I’ve seen in the show and what he says he can do, Hypno can: summon doves, rabbits, razor rings, wands that turn into knives?, and cards; transform physical objects into flowers; make objects and people disappear into his hats; presumably saw people in half and put them back together again; hypnotize people to follow a command; and teleport (going to headcanon that it’s just for short distances though.)
--It would be fun to add: never-ending rainbow handkerchiefs and maybe coins from behind people’s ears, and some more card tricks like cards going through things (also I really like Ollie’s idea that he uses cards as shields!) Maybe he can make people and objects float and predict what people write down or draw in a specific notebook too.
--The words he uses aren’t magic (except for when he had Houdini’s journals that is), they just help him focus and are a habit. Of course it’s for show too.
--The fashion montage illusion seems like something different than his usual powers. My headcanon is that it was the result of a spell he found instructions for (among mystic objects from the store Warren got that crystal from), and he created it using some water from the pocket dimension. However, after using the spell, and after the whole Battle Nexus New York happened, he returned to the pocket dimensions to find one of the islands (not one pictured above) was charred and damaged. He assumed that taking something from the pocket dimension to use in the spell had caused the destruction and decides to not try that again. He decides to stick with the abilities that come naturally to his mystic power. (I’m going with the idea that casting spells/manipulating magic comes with some kind of terrible cost or danger in the ROTTMNT universe. For example, Draxum’s spell taking them into Splinter’s mind was potentially dangerous.)
[I wanted to think about the limits to Hypno’s powers (since he really does seem to be potentially overpowered) so that's part of why I'm coming up with the headcanons that he has to know how to do the trick practically, and that he won't create a spell like the fashion montage illusion again (with him not wanting to risk damaging the pocket dimension again.) Of course, in the show what seems to keep him from being too overpowered and too much of a threat to the turtles is that he often gets his magic turned against him and isn't as malicious and focused as some of the other villains.]
Edit: (wanted to add another thought) I’m not sure who came up with this, but I’ve heard a theory that part of the reason why Mikey is so powerful with his mystic abilities is because he is open with his emotions. Mystic powers do seem to be connected to emotions in the show. What if that’s part of the reason Hypno is so powerful too? He does seem to be pretty open with his emotions (thinks back to when I was looking through screen shots to redraw, such a wide range of expressions: rage and terror and confusion and grief and guilt and joy etc. I mean what happened in Warren and Hypno Sitting in a Tree would be an emotional roller coaster for sure.)
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knives-n-dom · 1 year
Read before interacting:
Backup is @guns-n-d0m, all my posts here are for adults. Everything I post here is strictly fantasy based around my hard kinks, I don’t condone any of this outside of roleplay between consenting adults. Furthermore this blog is 18+, which should be self explanatory but that means NO MINORS
I’m straight, anyone’s welcome to read my blog obviously but keep in mind I probably won’t interact with you if I’m not into you
Update: since reading is hard, I check my notifications quite often. If you’re underaged and you follow me, you’re getting blocked. Save both of us the time
My kinks include, but aren’t limited to: CNC, BDSM, somnophilia, dacrophilia, breeding, pet play, watersports, fauxcest, knife play, gun play, sadism, degradation, public sex, wardrobe control, ageplay, DDLG, kidnapping, toys and improvised toys
Other interests include whiskey, cigars, lifting, guitar, fragrances, firearms and knives (obviously,) professional soccer, and obsessively tracking my protein intake
My DMs are open, but they may not stay that way, and you can always leave an ask. Enjoy your stay
Edit 6/27: attaching my BDSM test results just so y’all can see some of the basics (yes I’m into brats, no I’m not a switch)
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homicidal-slvt · 2 months
2 Truths 1 Lie {Fun Facts About Me Edition}
No pressure tags: @sarraa-26 @ghostslillady @a-world-with0ut-dr34ms @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @kneelingshadowsalome @fcthots @ghosts-goldendoodle @sofasoap @brewed-pangolin @deadbranch @sky-is-the-limit @shadofireshinobi @scar-crossedlvrs @saturncodedstarlette @macravishedbymactavish @cordeliawhohung @shotmrmiller @mjrkime @devcica
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wonderinc-sonic · 6 months
Today's news from Mobius:
@SylvanianDrama's Season Finale
The TikTok account @sylvaniandrama was deleted today, after it was revealed that it is run by Cream the Rabbit. Fans mourn the shocking cancellation, which came at a time when the Soap Opera-esque stillframe story was about to reveal the twist killer of Mrs Panda.
It was at breakfast time this morning, when a MISS VANILLA RABBIT (34, Rabbit) accepted the post as usual, when she became suspicious of a package sent to her daughter specifically. Despite the protestation of her sweet daughter, CREAM (6, Flying Rabbit), she opened the package and found, to her horror, a tiny plastic bag of flour labelled 'coak', a miniature model gun, and the rare collectable Penny Peacock of the Sylvanian Families Limited Edition series - and the beans were spilled.
@sylvaniandrama is a popular account on the video sharing platform Tiktok, posting stories made with children's toys covering such shocking topics as: Substance Abuse, Mariticide, Bullying and Gun Violence. More alarming still, it is known for it's remarkably candid dialogue with these dark storylines. Fans have latched onto this form of speech in particular, and this account is credited with the rise in the use of 'perf 💅'.
Cream, who has always been a remarkably good girl according to her friends and preschool teacher, started the account last year, receiving few views at first from only her peers. However, she discovered her flare for the melodramatic with her first viral video in which a girl stalking her crush ends in them both falling off a cliff. 'Climbing Rose' reached 4M views in just a week, and soared her account to stardom, where she has been chasing ever greater heights of tragedy ever since.
If fans are disturbed by the reveal - which came in the form of a 30 second apology video from Cream, recorded by Vanilla - that feeling was dwarfed by their outrage at the series' cancellation.
"Can you pls ground her after she tells us what happened?" - @Storm-ontheboat comments, and a reply from @Cuboid-boi concurrs: "please - i bet my wages on the elephant"
When asked for comment, Vanilla had this to say:
"Excuse me, but who are you? How do you know our address? Kindly leave."
She later confirmed through the letterbox that all the models used on the show will be donated to the local orphanage, except for those that had knives permanantly attached to their hands or backs. The true volume of the collection is unknown, but it is likely that due to their added fame this will cause a spike in market value for the toys, and warnings not to buy products claiming to be Official SylvanianDrama Models.
We weren't allowed to speak with Cream, however we hope that she continues her creative passions in other mediums with her mother's permission, and eagerly await her first Telenovela.
If you know anything about who sent the damning delivery, please reach out to us, and we will put you in contact with Vanilla.
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wraithsoutlaws · 11 months
Then & Now the (x: perfect drug) edition:
Inspired by the fandom to look back and celebrate the boys' journey as well as my own in terms of vp.
March 2021, ps4.
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I never created Dagger with the intention to ship him with anyone, but by the time I got here on his file it felt strangely natural. He was still a very fresh oc but things began to click immediately and genuinely felt like it was meant to be. The development of him as a character began to happen side by side with this silly little ship and both ended up becoming really personal and special to me.
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It's hard getting decent shots on ps4 with anyone. It's especially hard when it's a minor npc with extremely limited screen time available! You have no idea how many times I went back and played these two quests trying to get something interesting. Honestly I'm really grateful for my time on ps4 not only because it helps me appreciate what I can do now a little more, but I think a lot of my growth happened here, stretching the limited resources I had available.
July 2021, ps4
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Learning how to work within the confines of totally vanilla photomode, getting creative with base game poses and skipping time to find the best natural light, etc. I'm still proud of these pictures, they capture an intimacy that I think is really special, and at the time were some of my favorites I'd ever taken, and even now I can note the growth between these and the first ones I'd taken.
April 2022, laptop
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The first pictures taken on my laptop and my first time posing them with AMM/setting up a scene. I might like to retake these some day. I'm more critical of them than I am of my ps4 pics tbh but they're still an important part of my journey. Over time I noticed red lighting had become my comfort zone, or more specifically, a crutch! So I've tried really hard since then to improve on that and push myself in different directions.
February 2023
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It took me almost a year to feel comfortable enough with posing to attempt some goddam kisses. I'm still not very good at these but at least I improved in other ways. Honestly, I struggle with these two at times because they aren't your typical outwardly loving, cute couple, and I'm usually very strict with myself to keep them as in character as I can. That can make it hard to think of couples poses/ideas, both cute and spicy, but. they can be lovebirds as a treat.
May 2023
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Only recently have I begun to feel a strong sense of style in my own work. Playing with lighting and scenes, and trying to jam as much personality as I can into these slice of life pictures is really important to me and is one of my favorite parts of doing this. They can be sweet together but it's important you see the other side of that (the blood, the knives, drugs, etc. Also Dagger resting his ashtray on Dum Dum is one of my personal favorite quirks). I really try to put a lot of their life into pictures like this. I want to convey all the parts of who they are together, even if nobody else notices.
June/July 2023
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Its pretty hard to articulate how important these two have become for me over the last couple years. I've been playing this game since release and haven't had this sort of steady inspiration or creativity for years. Even on the bad days, just thinking about them is enough to get me through as silly as it sounds. I've grown so much not only in VP but my own art (something I had all but entirely abandoned until I picked up this game). They've provided an outlet I've been searching for for a very long time, and I'm really grateful for that. It's kinda wild looking back at where it started, and seeing how far it's come. Sometimes I still struggle with my perception/the worth of my work but I can't deny the happiness its brought me either.
Including a couple other character ship pics under the cut c:
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I'm always a little insecure about my ship pics specifically, I'm very bad at comparing myself with others! But I put a lot of love into these and I can see the improvement when I look at them over time. Regardless of anything, they were all made with lots of love and I hope that comes across.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Spoke Art has released Knives Out 24x36 screen prints by Dakota Randall. The regular edition is limited to 100 and costs $75, while the gold foil variant is limited to 50 and costs $100.
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batmannotes · 11 months
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The Dark Knight Trilogy - 1/6th scale The Joker Figure
Coming soon from Hot Toys
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Heath Ledger’s version of the Joker in The Dark Knight is a remarkable performance that still gets recognized today as one of the best depiction of the character outside of the DC comic book. Despite on his limited screen time, the Joker steals the show by his menacing presence over the movie. He’s the agent of chaos, the unstoppable force to Batman’s immovable object.
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Commemorating the 15th anniversary of The Dark Knight movie and Heath Ledger’s critically acclaimed performance, Hot Toys is bringing a more delicate and storytelling figure of Heath Ledger’s Joker to demonstrate our top-of-class crafting techniques. Presenting Hot Toys’ Artisan Edition of The Joker in 1/6th scale collectible figure from DX Series. This is an Exclusive release available with limited quantity of 4,000 pieces only in selected markets.
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This time we have worked closely with Derek Kwok (Hong Kong Film Director), a Christopher Nolan fanatic himself, who spent over a decade to refine his passionate The Dark Knight Joker’s costume in 1/6th scale, as a hobby. Hot Toys is honored to create a custom-tailored costume based on The Joker’s signature purple coat outfit in Nolan’s The Dark Knight with Director Kwok’s involvement. From the choice of material to the cuts and layer arrangements, Derek showed his professionalism and expressed great passion, combining Hot Toys’ workmanship to give the real fabric costume the highest level of screen accuracy.
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Our brand new Joker figure is faithfully crafted based on Heath Ledger’s stunning portrayal of The Joker in The Dark Knight. Features a newly developed head sculpt with separate eyeball rolling system, and its pupil diameter only up to 4.5mm produced by numerous layers of painting. His phenomenal make-up accented by the red grin, and two styles of mouth piece including a gesturing tongue for different expressions.
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Hot Toys has expanded its leading-edge expertise, introducing a superior level of craftsman work goes into the wool hair implants which recreated Joker’s green coiffed hairstyle with added volume and curls at the strands to reflect his maniacal nature.
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The Joker’s real fabric costume including his purple topcoat, blazer, vest, dress shirt, pants, socks, are all recreated with fine texture and accurate patterns. Most importantly, we have introduced a form fitting body unique to this figure, reflecting his actual physique yet giving great articulations under a layered costume.
His chaotic look completed with detailed weapons and accessories such as guns, grenades, knives, playing cards, bank note and a LED lighted diorama base with the famous bat symbol. It’s a base with two lighting modes for alternate display.
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